View - Urantia Book Historical Society
View - Urantia Book Historical Society
@ I.-RAI\ITA URANTIAFOUNDATION 533W DIVERSEY PARIOv/AY CHICAGO,lL 60514U,S.A, TELEPHONE: (773) 525-33t9Ft'x: (773) 575-7739 WEBSITE:httpi// I ruEWSTLASH October/I{ovember1998 Issue6 A monthly NewsButletinfrom (JrantiaFoundationto IUA Officers, Foundation O/fice Managers,CoordinatingCommitteemembers, FoundationRepresentatives, Translators, and other r eaders for thepurposeof disseminatingthis informationto readersin local areas. l*Tt'* 1444,e; o a a a a o a a o a a a a a Apologies ChristmasOpenHouseat 533 NovemberWeekendEvent for theUSA, 1999 NationalConference NevadaUrantia AssociationChartered - Lithuania New FoundationRepresentative Intemet Copyright ProtectionStrengthened Copyright Extension New ZipperBook ProductPrice Changes University Library Program PrisonBooks FamilyDay in L.A. New Booklets Apologles If you havebeenwonderingwhy you did not receiveaNewsflashforthe monthof September,it is becausewe were unableto produceone.Pleaseacceptour apologiesif you were waiting but we had staffshortages dueto vacationleave.We arealso combiningthis one to cover both October andNovemberaswe will havemorestaff shortagesduring December.We will do our bestto keepthis newslettermonthly but whenthe work piles up and our resources arelimitedwe will just do the bestwe can. This yearhasbeena busyandfruitful year for the Foundationandwe feel positive aboutthe future of the revelationthanksto - FPANCE- SpAtN oTHEROFFICES: AUSrReLte- eNCreN{- FTNLAND the efforts of all who havededicatedtheir time andenergiesto serve.We'd like to take this opportunrtyto sendyou our bestwishes for Christrnasandthe New Year and look forwardto continuingon togethernext year. Ghrl,stmas Open Ifouee at 566 Therewill be an openhouseatthe Foundationon December12,1998from 3:00to 8:00pm.The GreaterLakeMichigan UrantiaAssociationwill be assistingthe Foundationwith preparationsand decorating.A brief programwill be presentedby the First Societyof Chicago. All arewelcome. November TlleekendEvent For those of you who were unabe to attend the recent event here in Chicago over the weekend ofNovember 6-8, we will give you a preliminary report here. A comprehensive report to let you know the results of the workshops will be mailed as soon as it is complete. The weekend was a tremendous success with approximately 120 people in attendance. The purpose of the weekend was explained in the intoduction letter, a portion of which follows: Deu Friends, Welcome to Urwttia Foundation and thank youfor taking the time to come and participate in the planning sessionsfor the dissemination of the teachings of The Urotia Book Your presence is encouraging and greatly appreciated. The weelrend will consist of a combination of worlrshop sessionsand social time. The overall objective of the weekend is to explore together practical and ffictive wrys of doing that whichwe have been asked to do: spread the teachings of thefifth epochal revelation to all the peoples of the world. The early leaders were asked toform thousands of study groups to enlunce readers' understanding of the teachings. Tlrcywere asked to develop leaders and teachers who could assist sndents of the book in their study, as well as to takc the messageof the book to owfellow mortals. They were asked to translate the book into other langaages so that peoplefrom all cultures could hove the oplnrtunity to read the book in their native tongue. Traditionally Urantia Fowrdation and reader groups havefocwed a lot of their group efforts to achieve these ends- Events wer the past decade havefragmented the movementand stalled much of the work that needsto be done. The Trustees of Wantia Foundationfeel that it is time to heal the wowtdsfrom the past and to gather teams of committedmen andwomenwho are willing to work on programs and projects to ensure a safe and effective delivery of the fifih epochal revelation to the world. We hope theseworkshop sessionswill be the beginningof anew surge of teanmvorkand service... The weekendbegan on Friday evening with registration and social time at the Foundation.All of Saturday's activities were held atthe Dewes Mansion which is only one block from the Foundation and it accommodatedeveryone comfortably. Saturday morning began with an intoduction to the weekend by Richard Keeler and Tonia Baney, who introduced the new leather zipper book, followed by an inspiringkey notespeechby JeffreyWattles on the principlesandteachingsof The (JrantiaBookthatneedto be spreadto the world. The restof the daywas spentin workshops. Therewere five workshopsrunning simultaneouslyand everyoneattendedthree out of the five. The workshoPswere: LeadersandTeachersleadby Dorothy Elder andCarriePrentice,Study Groupslead by CarolynKendallandJanePloetz,Education leadby PatGoodsonand Betty Zehr, The Roleof ServiceGroupsleadby Lee ArmstrongandNancy Shaffer,and Translationsleadby SeppoKanerva" andMichael GerogesMichelson-Dupont, job Hanian.All the leadersdid a tremendous in preparingand presentingtheir workshops andvigor. with intelligententhusiasm Saturdayeveningbeganwith a socialon the first floor of the DewesMansion,then everyonewas usheredup to the third floor ballroomwherethe atmospherehad been tastefullypreparedfor remembranceand worshipbeforedinner.We weretreatedto a surpriseperformanceby Joel Barr5r,an Italianoperasingerwho broughtthe house downwith his soulful,heartrendering performance. After dinnertherewere presentationsby GeorgesMichelson-DupontGardJameson, andToniaBaney.Georgespresenteda wonderfrrlnew information brochureon the translationproject.The presentationswere followedby music,dancing,and general socializing. A displayof samplesof possiblenew book coverdesignsforThe Urantia Bookwete spreadaroundthe walls of the ballroom and peoplewereaskedto fill out a survey/ballot form expressingtheir three favorite choices. Everyonegatheredagainat the Foundation on Sundaymorningfor a continental breakfastandmore socializing.The atnospherewashigh spirited and peoplefelt thattheweekendwaswell spent.The leadersof theworkshopswill be analyzing theresultsof the discussionsand with thosewho volunteered communicating to participatein this work. Natlonal Conference for the UgA 1999 The SouthernKindred Spirits(SKS) will be producingnextyear'snationalconference April for the USA in Nashville,Tennessee, 29 throughMay 2,1999. The conference will takeplaceat the Scanitt-BennettCenter adjacentto VanderbiltUniversity. Registrationwill commencein the aftemoon,Thursday,April29. The teamis working diligently to producea conference commensuratewith the SKS' reputation for sponsoring conferences with great presentationsand in-depth research and study. Additional information and registrationforms will be mailed early January. We look forward to seeing you there. NevradaUrarrtla Assoclatlon Charbered. Catfilrclones On SundayOctober4, 1998the Nevada UrantiaAssociationbecamea reality. As "it onemembercommented, finallY happened!" Themeetingwasheld in BoulderCity. If onewere not awareof the contrasting spirit of the LasVegasstrip,you would neverguessits existencejust a few miles away. Gard and FlorenceJameson graciouslyopenedtheir spaciousand exquisitelydecoratedhome,overlooking LakeMead,for the occasion. an instantrecognitionof kindredspirits. TheNevadaUrantiaAssociationis bound togetherwith the commongoal of striving to do the Father'swill, disseminating the teachingsof The Urmttia Book, and focusingon service. Thetotal membershipis2l; 14regular and7 "Friendsof IUA" who havemetall the membershiprequirementswith the exceptionof readingThe Urortia Bookin its entirety.Officers are:PresidentMargaretCanpinar,Vice-President- Jan Bemard,and Secretary- ChuckFallon. Membersaremostly from Nevadawith two from the Arizona border. Therpis a beautifulblendof personalityanddiversity of background.The main ingredient permeatingthe day was love. Few of the peoplehad met previously,but therewas IVew Foundatlon Eepresentatlve - Llthtranfa Thanks to devoted readers who are spreading the information, interest in The Urnttia Book and the number of its readers have increased tangibly in Lithuania this year. Therefore we are pleased to announce that Algimantas Jokub6nas,from Lithuani4 hasjoined the corps of Urantia Foundation Representatives. This brings the number of Foundation Representativesto a total of ten. Urantia Foundation now has offrcial representation in Colombi4 Chile, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Estonia, Belgium, Norway, and Lithuania. Internet Copyrlght Protectlon Strengthened bill alsoaddresses to what extentlnternet' serviceproviderscanbe held liablefor copyright infringementfor actscommitted by their subscribers.Underthe legislation, the providersare not strictly liable, but they arerequiredto removeinfringingmaterialif the copyrightholder informs themthat a subscriberhaspostedit. LegislationpassedCongressandhasbeen sentfor Presidentialsignaturethat implementstwo treatiesadoptedin 1996by the UN World Intellectual Property Organization.The measurestrengthens protectionfor copyrightedworks transmitted on line while ensuringthe public still has accessto information on the Internet. The Copyrlght Extenglon The SonnyBono CopyrightExtensionAct, 5505,becamelaw last week.Copyrightsof thetype which subsistin TheUrmtia Book (a compositework) will now havea life of ninety-five(95) yearsfrom the dateof initial issuance.Sincethe copyrightof The UrantiaBookwasinitially secured in 1955, the initial copyrightwill now remainin effecttill2050. 4 New Zlpper Book S69.95 unttl December 5I, 1998 The Foundationis proud to announceits newestproduc! The Urantia Bookleathercd zipperedition.This book is smallenough andthin enoughto accommodatetravel and fits comfortablyinto an averagesize handbag.It comesin a choiceof two colors - royal blue or brown. A special intoductory price of $39.95is beingoffered until December31, 1998.After that it will be soldfor $49.95.Readerswho haveseenit considerit a "must have" for travel purposes. Produc't Prl.eeGb.anges Beginningin January1999,the pice of The (Jrantia Bookhardcover English edition to $34.95.In addition,the will be increased pric,eof The Urantia BookConcordance will be lowered from $65.00 to $34.95.Please call our office for more details. Unlverslt5r Llbrarlr Pro gra.m For many years the Foundation has sponsored a general Library Placement Program in which individual readers may request a free copy of The Urantia Book and The (Jrantia Book Concordorce to be placed in a library of their choice. A few years ago, Liz Engstrom undertook a leadership role in an exceedingly successful project ofplacing the book, at $5.00 per copy, in prison libraries within the United States. To date no one has targeted University libraries so we are presently seeking someone to assume leadership of this project to place the book in College and University Libraries around the world. If you or someone you know would be interested in this project pleaselet us know. PrC.sonBookg The programto providecopiesof The (JrantiaBookto individualprisonersfor a $5.00feehasbeentemporarilysuspended. of our damagedbooks,(the The exhaustion sourceof the prisonbooks)hascreatedthis situation.This, howeverhasnot affectedthe placementof booksin prisonlibraries. l'amrty DeJrln L.A (Editor'snote:We receivedthe following e-mailfrom DorothyElder andcouldnot resistpassingalongits to you.) delightfulmessage Wantto readsomethingthat'stotally good news? Wantto be refueledby the energyof the fruits of service?Want to hearaboutthe resultsof cooperativeeffortsof individuals who happily removedtheir organizational hatsandturned an idea into an inspiring Thenreadmy postabout experience? "FamilyDay in L.A." Families,friends,new readers,long-time readers,non readers,toddlers,teenagers, grandparents, singles,extendedfamilies,and neighborsjoinedhandsto experience, learn andcelebratethe universalityof family during a day-longprogramthis past weekendin Los Angeles. My friends, wordscannotdescribethe essenceof the experience. It was simplya perfectday.All the elementsrverethere:threeshort presentations, skits,music,postermaking, "family creatinga crestT-shirt", greatfood andfellowshipall blendedto honor, demonstrate,and makereal the final sentence of our wonderfulbook "Whenall is saidanddone,the Fatherideais still the highesthumanconceptof God."Grateful appreciationgoesto the teachersand leaders from SanFrancisco,Los Angeles,andSan Diego who cametogetherin the spirit of love and serviceto demonstratethe meaning of Family underthe loving watch careof the Fatherhood of God. Friends,the URANTIA BROTHERHOOD is out there,aliveandwell. Love, Dorothy New Booklets You will find enclosedtwo new booklets recently produced by the Foundation. The one titled "Introduction to The Urantia Book and Urantia Foundation" is a view-book that gives a brief overview of what The Urantia Book and Urantia Foundation is all about for the benefit of new readers who contact the Foundation.This booklet will be usedby the Reader Service Department as part of the information packet we send out to thousands of inquirers every year. lncreasingly, people are wanting more inforrration about the origrn and history of The Urqrtia Book and the Foundation, as well as what it is we stand for. This brochure is light and cost only .54c to produce. We hope this booklet will answer most initial questions. The secondbooklet is on "Planned Giving," which is an information piece about various ways people can gain tax benefits from donating funds and assetsto non-profit organizations.Again this piece is in responseto individuals' needsto plan their estates. Until now information sent to new readers has been scanty and did not say very much about who we are or what we do. 6