bindings index-ad
bindings index-ad
Binding Index This index should be used as a guide only. Some information derives from old records and has not been confirmed. Please note that some books are resticted, notably shelf marks with the prefix ‘Davis’ or ’Collins’. Last updated October 2014 by Philippa Marks. A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J |K|L|M|N|O |P|Q|R|S|T|U|V|W|X|Y |Z A Name A., A. Owner or Shelfmark Binder G18877 A., A. C64dd14, C46a12, C69dd12 A., E. Davis615 (item 317, c.1762, probably made in Liege, monogram 'EA' on a mantle under a prince's crown) A., H. B. Egerton MS1554 (initials tooled on German binding dated 1592, Hieremias Buroner of Augsburg) A., I. S. Egerton MS1178 (initials of Johannes Spon of Augsburg and date 1554 on 16th century German binding) A., K. see Katherine Adams A., P. R. G. 11715ee23 (initials ?silver tooled on upper cover, crest on lower cover)) A., W. S. C33c2 (W S A gold tooled on ?English/Scottish 16th century binding) Abbot, Kathy Taylor 22. Binder Abbot of Ettal Monastery see Placidus Seitz (arms on lower cover), Davis643 (emblem of Monastery of Ettal on upper cover) Abbot of Lambach see Amandus Schickmayer Abergavenny, Earl of, Nevill Aberystwyth County School Abich, of Besancon Owner Binder Binder C67e19 Collins 858 C152g1 (signed), C152g2 (signed) A Bon Droit G16111 (motto on bookplate with arms a chevron below, three leopards ?heads couped) Abraham C36d7, C24d7 (engraved on brass), C27d1, G7838 Abraham credidit Deo C68b7 Abrassart, Jules Owner C188a16 (contemporary Belgian gold tooled red morocco presentation binding for Jules Abrassart, dated 1892) Abrot Owner C57e10 (by Charles Lewis) Abry of Colmar Binder C155g3 (signed) Accolti, Cardinal Benedetto Owner Davis763, C47i14 Account book binding Add MS37268 (with Tudor roll and stamps), Add MS32103 (with Tudor roll and stamps) Acke, Richard, of Kortryk 12581t14 (Acke designed binding, 1926) Acquarius Binder Cup403n29 Acqui, see of? Add MS22,275 (arms of Acqui) Ad Altiora G15787 Adam Binder Adam, Robert C152g4 (signed) 687i17 (binding designed for George III with his arms), 45a7, 137h10 Adami Binder C68h18, C108f4m, C128e12/1-6, Davis240, Davis293-4, Add MS43694, Add MS71213-71217 Adami, Andre Owner Add MS34,055 (arms and initials, Adami was Master of Pontifical Chapel, 18th century) Adams Binder C188a157 (C19th brown calf, prize binding: Strat-U[pon]-A[von] Free Grammar School) C188a157 Adams, Franke Adams, James (fl 173850) C124b28, C152g4? Binder C188b78 pasteboard folder and stationer Adams, Katharine Binder C68h18 (signed in blind), C108f4, C128e12, Davis239 (item 234, c.1907, for Ann Thompson, 'A. T. from K. A.' lettered on spine, paste-down on lower cover signed K. A.), Davis240 (item 235, c.1912, signed K. A.), Davis293294 (item 236, dated 1947, signed K. A., said to be Katherine Adams's last completed work), the BL bindery hold Katherine Adams's tools, Department of Manuscripts hold Cockerell Archive which has correspondence between Adams and Cockerell (Add MS71213-71217), Add MS43694, Add MS71213?, Add MS71216 (signed) Adams, W. J., 59 Fleet Street, London Passport Agent Binder Adelaide, Madame de France, d. of Louis XV Add MS44,913BC (pocket book to hold passport stamped with the above name and address) C47b4, C47f6 Adlard, J. Binder C150a1 (signed) Adler, Rose Binder C129m13, C108eee16, Davis557 Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge Owner C29k5, C29k4 Ad usum Reginae (Charlotte, Queen of George III) G6327 Age quod Agis 459g10 (with squirrel crest of Henry Blundell) Aggredior fortis discrimia? grandia virtus C66h13 Agnesseau, Henri Francois d' (1668-1751) Owner ?C46a33, ?G14033, 673a20, 679b1, G17532, Egerton MS2211 Agnew, W & G., Arthur Square, Belfast Agostino, Ca[??]oni of Milan Binder Collins 272 Binder C52f2 Agut, J. B. Owner C68d12 Aichpichl, Johann Carl von Owner C129m2 (presentation binding blocked morocco, dated 1648) Aiguillon, Duchesse, L. F. de Brehan de Plelo Owner C69dd8 Aiken, Sydney, 22 Dunmore Spa, County Down Binder 1570/6328 Ainsi que tous meurent par Adam etc. C18c9 Aitken, C. J. Owner G11436 Aitken, J. F. Binder G11436 Aitken, T. Binder C25a9, C25c27, C37d26, C53a12, C55k5, C123a8, 4103aaa42 (name stamped on endpaper) Alba, Duke of Owner C65g13 Al-Bajasi, The Amir Aytmish Owner Davis701 Allix, Susan J Albermarle, Duke of Binder/ book artist Owner RF2014b32, RF2001a110, C188c32 C67f5, C67f9 Albert, Archduke of Austria Owner C68c14, C68a3 Albert III, Duke of Baravia Owner C47k12 Albert, Prince Owner C42g4 (monograms of Albert and Victoria) Albert de Luynes, J. B. d' Owner 245d37-39, 245e18, 245e19, 271c16 Albrizzi, Alessandro Owner C183b13 (arms on paste paper covers, initial W on lower cover) Alegria Binder C150f1 (signed), C152g5 (signed) Alexander I, Emperor of Russia Owner C72a15 (binding stamped with his name, commemorative of his visit to England in 1814) Alexander III, Abbas ?Crenufanensis Owner C69e13 Alexander VII, Pope Owner C108ppp1, C47k17, 12305f25 Alexaner VIII, Pope Owner see Ottoboni, Cardinal Alexandra, Queen Owner C109q8 (presentation binding to Queen Alexandra) Alexandre, Clement Alhaye, Aine printer, stationer of the University of Angers and ?binder, Davis365 Binder Allegria C155f1 (signed) 8155c19 Allen of Chichester Binder C188a195 Allen, B. W., of Wakefield Binder Collins 1 Allen, William, Cardinal Owner 3901g27 (arms of William Allen) Allo C44g11 (signed on inside front board) Allport, Margaret, now married and called Allport Costa C108y2 painted fore edge (under gilt) by Allport Almeida, Don Joao de Owner C68d18 Alsopp, F. F. & Co Binder Cup407c22 Altieri, Cardinal Owner see Clement X, Pope Alves, Jaime, M., Misericordia 114, Lisbon Alyn, William Binder Collins 943 Owner C108aaa3 (by Jean de Planche?) A Ma Vie G4400 (motto with arms of Brittany) Amer, Stephen, of Birkenhead American Bindings, Wooden Boards Binder C188a64 Ch770/56 (quarter sheep over wood with remains of grey paper), C131ff15, C104cc31 Amsterdam 199g6,7 (arms of Amsterdam on Dutch school prize, 1720), 57l20 (arms of Amsterdam on Dutch school prize, c.1669), Maps98d5, G8964 (arms), G8044 (arms), G8529 (arms), 88b3, 165l18, 165n3, 165n5, 53c5, 197a7, 199f8, C188a11 (arms of Amsterdam and other Dutch towns and provinces) Amsterdam Double Drawer Handle Bindery Binder 65a10 Amsterdam Elite Bindery Binder C143a6 Amsterdam Pentateuch Bindery Binder C127g7 Ancient House bindery, Ipswich Binder Collins 2 Anderson & Co Manchester Binder C188b56 Anderson & Ferrier Binder Collins 754 Andersson, N. Bernh., of Stockholm Binder C129mm6, KTC26b Andrews, of Durham Binder C110d9, G3506 Andrews, Frank F., of Putney Andrus, S. & Son, Hartford, USA Angel with scroll stamp, gold tooled on vellum Binder Collins 308 Angell, F. W., of Cursitor Street, Chancery Lane Publisher Collins 958 (and binder?) C38a61, C37e57, C108bb12, C65g17 (1622), ?C20f27 (Sir Julius Caesar's travelling library) Binder Collins 309 (three vols – so far only one has been unpacked - Oeuvres de Moliere vol 2 -and binding for this one is by Angell) D'Anglois, of Chartres Binder C150i1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) L'Anglois Binder C153h8 (signed), C153h7 (signed 'L'Anglois of Chartres') Angouleme, Duke of Anisson-Dupegron?, Directeur de l'Imprimerie Royale Louis-Antoine d'Artois, Duke of Angouleme, see Louis-Antoine Owner G9065 (arms) Annunciation panel Annaly, Lilah, Baroness C106e12 (16th century, German, upper cvoer), 3433de21 (16th century, German, lower cover), ?57b6 (16th century German), see also rubbings files Owner Tauch682-83, Tauch3269-70, Tauch3472-3, Tauch3632, Tauch3692-3, Tauch3338?, Tauch3551?, Tauch1263-4, Tauch2181?, Tauch4132, Tauch41834, Tauch4262, Tauch4408 (all bound by Birdsall & Son) Anne, Queen (reign 1702-1714) Owner C46e28, C65e15, C68b6, C108a8, 66h2?, C69d4?, C37l13 (?Mearne's successor), 223i4, 217e1, 225a14 (cypher), 59f2, 687l14, 522k21, 16a1 (Queen Anne's cypher), 43f27 (Queen Anne's cypher), 136g6-9 (cypher), 217e1-4, 59f2 (?Spaniel Binder), 687l14 (cypher, same decoration as 136g6-9), 223i4 (cypher), C188b6 (arms and decorated endpapers), 75i4 (arms and Anne's motto 'Semper eadem'), Davis151 (c.1707, London, arms of Queen Anne in the centre), Davis138 (c.1709, London, arms of Queen Anne in the centre) Anne Autriche, wife of Louis xiii Owner C68k1, G4254 (arms of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria), G6685 (initials of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria), G7075 (initials of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria) Anne Boleyn, Queen, 2nd wife of Henry VIII Owner C23a8* (contains facsimile of first titlepage (missing from C23a8) and all preliminary matter; according to a catalogue note, this copy formerly belonged to Anne Boleyn), C40e2 Anne of Denmark, wife of James I (b. 1574, d. 1619) Owner C66d5, C69d4, C77f15, C46e5, 532k21, C76h3, C128e10 (gold tooled arms on vellum), C128e11 (gold tooled arms on vellum), Davis692 (by Thomas Kniper), C77c10 Anne, wife of Protector Somerset Owner C46a7 (with crowned rose and A. S., white deerskin) Anthony, William Binder Davis304 (item 249, 1963) Antonelli, Leonard, Cardinal Owner C46e11 Anzeray Owner C67i6 (arms on covers), ?C68a23 Apollo & Pegasus see Grimaldi, G. B. Appleby, W., 3 Stall Street, Bath Binder Collins 3 Appleyard, A., printer and bookbinder in Cook Lane, Keighley? Binder YA1987a4654 APRES TRAVAIL REPOS C65a10 AQVEL CHE POR TA IL NO ME SOPRA LA SVA ?CO RON? A gold tooled on upper cover of C66e3; gold tooling on lower cover reads: ESSER IL GRAN DE CRISTI ANISSIMO RE DIFRA NCIA Archange, of Marseilles Binder Archbishop of Armagh C152g6 (signed) see Usher, James Archer, Sir Simon Owner C188b100 Archer & Sons, of Belfast Binder C154i1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Archers Royal Library, 19th c. Binder C188b38 (signed) ARDOREM EXTINCTA TESTANTUR VIVERE FLAMMA C33m1 (text and arms of Catherine de Medici) Arias, Hijas C96e4-6, C96e8 Arias, V. Binder Arles, city of, arms Arlington, Bennet, Earl of C63g42, C96e4-6 707b16, C65gg17 Owner C108bbb16 ARMA REDEMPTORIS MUNDI C47c2?, C65c10, C64c6 ARME POUR LE ROY C47f22 Armstrong, Margaret Designer Armstrong, T. Collins 970 C25b12, C156h10 (signed) Armytage, Sir George Owner Tauch3766-67 (bound by Birdsall) Arnaude Binder C152g7 (signed), C150f2 (attributed to Arnaude) Arnold, A., of Lille Binder C155f2 (signed) Artaud, of Lyons Binder C152g8 (signed) d'Artois, Louis-Antoine see Louis-Antoine Arhorton, Jn., of Liverpool Binder C129d9 Arundel, Earl of Owner C27f5 (badge), ?C54k1 (arms), C128f12 (CH ARVNDEL gold tooled on lower cover), C65f9 (signature), C23a12 (facsimile signature) Ashe, Catherine Owner C108bb5 Ashendene Press Asklund, Carl, C., Of Stockholm Asper, Freres see Florence Paget Binder Collins 893 Binder C51a4 Asses skin Aston, J. Astrakhan arms ?C40a44, ?C20a30 (book printed on asses skin) Binder C60l5 C64i1 Atelier Bindery Binder C34l23 Atkinson, I., of York Binder Music E864 Atkinson, J., of York Binder C154i2 (signed) Atkinson, Jeremiah, Old Nags Head, Leadenhall St, Nr. Aldgate Atkinson, Thomas, of Kendal Aubrey, of Salisbury Binder Collins 334 Binder Collins 5 Binder Tauch2742 (for Helen Matilda, Countess of Radnor, with binder's label), Tauch2126, Tauch2756a-57, Tauch2819-20, Tauch2971, Tauch2983, Tauch2991, Tauch2999, Tauch3003, Tauch3040, Tauch3065, Tauch3073, Tauch3074-75, Tauch3089-90, Tauch3165, Tauch3202, Tauch3283, Tauch3294-5, Tauch3309, Tauch3321, Tauch332223, Tauch3343, Tauch3348, Tauch3361, Tauch3368, Tauch337374 Auctorre, Pierre Binder Davis2 (item 2, c.1510) Audenet, Alphonse Owner C36e49, C39b14 (monogram), C40c49 (Koehler), C33e23, C46a12, C69dd12 Augsburg, arms of Davis689 (c.1505) Augsburg, woodcut wrappers IB6739 (dated 1494) Augouleme, Charles D'Orleans-Valais, Duc d' Owner C47i2, C47l10 (or C47e10), C68d10, C46a1 Augustins, College des, Antwerp Owner 1509/3195 (coat of arms gold tooled and legend S.P.Q.A. GYMNASY AVGVSTINIANEI MAEC. PERP.) Augustus III, King of Poland (reign 17341763) Owner ?84d7-10 (?monogram) Augustus I, Elector of Saxony Owner C46c19, C47k6 (Krause), C67c9, C68b12, G17245 Aulne, A. R. J. Turgot, Baron d' Owner C48c18 Aumont, Louis Maris, Duc d' Owner G16104 (arms) Aurifex, E. S. Binder C68i13, C69e21, Davis234, Davis269, Davis270 Aussour, Rene Binder C188a280 (signed) Austin, F. C. Binder C108e9, C108g14 Austin, F., of Faversham Binder Collins 8 (?) Austin, Steven, of Hertford Binder C188a73, Collins 6 (?), Collins 7 Austria, House of Or70a18 (arms of a prince of the House of Austria), 591k7-8, C7a19, C17a26 Austria-Hungary C47f1 (painted arms) Austria-Lothringen C48a13 (arms), C7a19 Austrian imperial arms C154f14 (arms stamped on covers, Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Avaux, Jean Antoine de Mesmes, Count d' C48a9 AVE MARIA GRACIA PLENA C19f13, C51b6 AVE REGINA CELOR AVE DNA ANGELOR C65d8 (with panel stamp of Virgin and Child) Avi, J. F. de Madrage, Comte d' Owner C46a33 Avintes, Counts of portugal Owner G14033 AVITS VIVET HONORE Avonde Stuart de Rothesay Binder C152g9 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Aylmer, Henry, Baron Owner 673i11 Azzolini, Cardinal Owner C47d3 Aylesford, Earl of B Name B (indicates ‘Burn’) Owner or Binder Binder Shelfmark Collins 397 B., A. Owner C65g15 B., A. Owner Davis73 (item 129, Oxford c.1679, foreedge painting with 'AB' and 'IF', binding by Roger Bartlett) B., A. Owner Davis105 (item 101, c.1660-1670, initials 'AB' in centre), see Roger Bartlett B., v. A. B., B. see for Ann Carrier Owner C51aa11 (tooled on 1577 New Testament), 473e13 (Bibliotheque Bignon) B., C. Owner 11388aa12 (16th century stamped calf), 1607/5997 (initials and IHS shield gold tooled on vellum wrapper, Antwerp, 1590) B., E. Owner C67g2, C66b20 B., E. Owner 1485m23 B., E. Owner Davis621 B., G. Owner Add MS17973 (initials and date 1561 on German panel binding) B., G. Binder see George Bermutz B., H. Binder Davis621 (item 330, dated 1540, Breslau, for Johann Hess, initials 'HB', Breslau watermark on endleaves, arms of Johann Hess and a smaller armorial stamp) B., H. C. Owner Egerton MS1210 (initials and date 1590 on 16th-century German binding) B., H. C. Add MS28688 B., I. Add MS18115 B., J. (John Baumgarten?) Binder 30b17, 1071b4 B., L. C. M. see Edwards (Davis211) B., L. 1071b4 B., L. P. Owner C129mm3 (date 1532 on covers) B., N. C128a19 (initials 'NB' gold tooled on vellum, 17th century English) B., S. Davis65 (item 79, initials 'SB' on gold tooled centrepieces, English, c. 1630) B., S. Davis105 B., S. S. Barnard, a binder, worked in collaboration with L. Hay-Cooper who executed the design and tooling, no example in BL but illustrated in The Studio 1914, special number, The art of the book B., E. P. V. Binder Cup504e32 (binder's stamp 'E.P.V.B.-11933') Baboulat, of Lyons Binder C152g10 (signed) Bacharach (for Henri Comte de Chambord) Davis553 Backere, Willem de, Antwerp, 16th century C183c9 (heads-in-medallion panel signed with initials 'WB') Backless binding C24c20 (for Edward VI), C108d35 (Richard Balley?), C52cc8 (for Francis Russell, Second Earl of Bedford) Backwell, [Matthew Price], 18 East Cliff and 25 Little Castle Sq., Brigthon Bacon, Nathaniall Binder Collins 9 C128a19 Baden, James von, Bishop IB37138 (arms quartered with diocese of Trier) Badoero family Add MS23,769 (arms on Italian 17thcentury binding) Bagguley, G. T., of Newcastle-underLyme Binder C69h9, C53a7, C108b4 Bagnols Owner C67k11 (arms), C68d7 Bagot, Anthony and daughter Mary see Edwards (Davis211) Bagot, Sir Charles 807e5, Tab614a Binder Collins 335, Collins 336, Collins 337, Collins 338, Collins 339, Collins 340, Collins 341, Collins 342, Collins 343, Collins 344, Collins 345, Collins 346 C151a5 (signed) Baily, E., of Cirencester Binder Collins 10 (?) Bailey & Co., R., of Wotton Binder Collins 11, Collins 12, C151a2 (signed) Bain, A. W., & Co., Ltd., London Binder Collins 347, Collins 348a, Collins 349, C188a166 Bagster, London Baily, E., of Calne Bakala, Ferd., of Vienna Baker & Son, [J.], Clifton C108h6, C119h2 Binder Balaz, Jozef Collins 13, Collins 14, Collins 15, Collins 16 C127g4 (designed by Jozef Balaz) Baldershain, Adolar Binder Davis620 (item 328, c.1535, Leipzig) Bale, John, Bishop of ?Ossary Owner C53gg3 Balfour & Smellie Binder worked for Edinburgh publishers Balfour & Smellie, Davis290 (item 284) Balley, Richard Binder C108d35, ?C65k13, 17h9, ?C65g19, Davis131 (item 141, c.1690, London, probably a pupil of Samuel Mearne, specialised in so-called backless bindings), Davis127-128 (item 134, 1680s, London, one small floral tool which seems indentical with a tool used by R. Balley) Banbury Charity School Binder Binder C188a207(1-2) Banks, Alexander, Jr., of Edinburgh Banquemare, N. de Binder C97g3, Collins 765, Collins 766, Collins 767 Owner G18121? (arms) Baptism of Christ panel Barba, Henri C106e12 (16th century, German, lower cover) Binder C155f3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Barbara, Saint, panel stamp C25f7 Barberini, Antonio, Cardinal Owner C46d23, C47c10, Add MS25310 (arms with cardinal's hat on 16th-century Italian MS) Barbarus, Hermolaus Owner C48f2 Barclay Binder C108cc7 Bardet & Boylan Binder C128e22, 11403a23 Barker, Charles F., 4 Selwyn Parade, Kew Rd., Richmond Barker, J., & Co., Kensington Barlow's Aesop Binder Binder Collins 19 Binder Collins 353, Collins 354 Binder C132i63, 671l6, 1Tab5, ?Davis123 (item 131, c.1680, London, possibly bound by Barlow's Aesop Binder) Barnes Binder C154i3 (signed) Barnes, W. A. Binder Collins 990 Barns, Roger, of Oxford Binder C188b33 Barnikel, J. L., of Haverfordwest Binder C151a4 (signed) Barrington Owner C68a25 (incorporates royal coat of arms, family married into Duke of Clarence's (1449-1478) line) Barratt, T[homas], of Oxford Binder Collins 18, C109a10, C154i5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151a7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151a5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151a6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Barratt, W. Binder C154i4 (signed, same as Barrat of Oxford?) Barritt, of London Binder Barrow, Sir John Owner C109aaa11, Collins 350, C188a163(1-3) , C188a295 C60i16 Barry, Madame du Owner G15332 (arms) Barthelemy, Magdeleine, wife of governor of Alencon) Owner C129m21 (1661) Bartlett, C.A. of Bath Binder C188b32 (with label) Barlett, Roger Binder C69ff9, C65f1, Davis73 (item 129, c.1679, Oxford, wreath containing initials 'IF' and 'AB' onf ore-edge), Roger Bartlett settled in Oxford after the Great Fire of London in 1666 Barnikel, [John Lewis], Pembroke Bartley, Glenn Binder Collins 864 Binder Barton, Henry, 70 Market Street Manchester Basilio, Perez Gallardo, of Mexico Binder 20th century, Iceman Cometh, 1982. Carole Holden purchased in 2004/05, not yet catalogued (May 2005) Collins 17 Binder C38c54 Baskerville, John C188b17 (English 18th century, with Baskerville type on lettering piece) Baskerville Binder Collins 20 Barrit(z?) & Co. Binder C188a163 Barritt & Co., London Binder Collins 350, ?Collins 351, ?Collins 352 Bateman, John Binder successor of MacDurnan Gospels Binder, see MacDurnan Gospels Binder Bateman, Visct. Owner G244 Bath and Wells, Bishop of Batten, London (Clapham) see James Montague Binder Baulart, of Paris, 19th century Collins 356, Collins 357 1701b1 (p. 40 has samples of printed decorated paper with ink MS notes on back 'Baulart, aine, Paris', paper designer?) Bauzonnet Binder C20d22, C29k24, C37e44, C38e15, C39e34, C41c8, C47d23, C47h10, C51e1, C57b22, C97a3, C97h9, C152g12 (signed), C150f3 (signed), 1477cc26 (plain but signed) Bauzonnet-Purgold Binder C108aa25 Bauzonnet, Trautz Binder IA27873, IB41522, C20a16, C20a17,18, C39e20, C57e38, C62a5, 11408aaa38, C20b15,IA27924, C20e1, C39d64, C39e8, C22a53, C40b24, C44a6, c47d23, C47h10, C29k24, C34g25, C48d1, C31h32, C47f5, C53d10, C107g6, C57a2, C57aa7, C57b1, C57c38, C57g35, C62a3, C62a5, C62b1, C62b3-5, C62b28, C63e2, C63f2, C66d8, C70a6 Bath, Order of 202d10 (arms of the Order of Bath, 1725) Bathelier Binder C152g11 (signed) Battei Binder C154g10 (signed) Batten Binder C151a8 (signed) Baucheron Owner ?C67b10 Baumgarten Binder C151a9 (signed, see also Baumgarten, John Ernst) Baumgarten, John Ernst Binder 30b17, Davis171 (item 184, c.1775, London, rococo, several tools in common with Baumgarten and also a considerable number of tools closely similar to but not identical with those used on bindings attributed to him) Baumgartner, Hieronymous Owner IA.7545 arms and letters of his name on upper cover of Ger pigskin binding. Baxter, [Hector], 49 Bartholomew Close, London Baxter, J., of Lewes Binder Collins 358 Binder C150a2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Baxter, Priest C70a1 Bayley, R. J., Old Town St., Plymouth Baynton Binder Collins 22 Binder 506d7 Bayntun of Bath Binder Beard, Frederick, Clerkenwell Beardsall, E., of Stamford C66f19, C186aa1, ?C97a14 (3 vols), C115m15 (4 vols), 685g5, C66f19, 506d7, 1481a7, 7907g19, Davis275 (item 239, c.1939-40, a Cosway binding (speciality of Sotheran's the bookseller), upper cover signed 'bound by Bayntun (Riviere), Bath, England'), Collins 21 (only one of the three volumes held together as Collins 21 bound by Bayntun, see also Sumfield & Day) Binder (?) Collins 359 Binder Beardsley, Aubrey Beare & Son of Penzance (publisher's binding designed by Beardsley) Binder Beaumont, Achille de Harlay, Comte de Beaumont, Christophe de, Archbishop of Paris 1746 C151a10 (signed) Collins 23 see Harlay Owner Beaumont, Francois, Vicomte de C186b15 see Villelume, Francois de Bearn, Comte de Brassac de G. A. de Galard Owner C67c8 Beaton, Archbishop of Glasgow Owner C46d9, C68e15 Beaufort Owner C130c7 Beauharnais, Eugene de, Viceroy of Italy Owner C129mm5 (Italy, 19th century, presentation binding embroiderred with blue silk) Beauvillers, Paul de, Duke of Saitn Aignan Owner C68a22, C47h7 Bechatz, Marie Owner C48f4 Beck, F., of Stockholm Owner RM21e34 (19th century, velvet, signed binding) Beckford 458b23 Bedford Bedford, F 11405aaa11, 11405aaa15, 11623bb2, 11623bb14, 11630bbb6, 012314ee8, 12301e31, Huth107 (signed), C17a18, 3936aa37, 3936bb12, 8022bb35, 8022bb44, 8022bb45, 8022bb53, 8022bb59, 8175aa54, 8175aa55, 8175aa73, 8175aa79, 8175aaa23, 8175aaa25, 8410b2, 9771bb10, 9771f14, IA52341, IB39618, IB41509, C17a17, C18c3, 672c4, C127a14, 3936a31, Binder C20e5, C25a12, C25a14, C25a16, C25a33, C25d11, C25d25, C25e22, C25f10, C25f13, C25e31, C27d10, C28h5, C28m13, C29c7, C32a13, C32c4, C32c7 ([1869], for H. Stevens), C21a1, C18d6, C21d4, C25f26?, Cup400h1, C32d42, C32h7, C32i1-12, C32i14-25, C33a40, C33b39, C33i3, C34a44, C34e36, C34f45, C34i19, C34k7, C34k40, C34k62, C34l2, C34l10, C35g17, C36c5, C36e14, C37c49, C37e14, C38b39, C38e22, C38e28, C38e36, C39a1, C39a2, C39a7, C39a61, C39a68, C39b37, C39b51, C39c26, C39c42, C39d18, C39d33, C39d43, C39d50, C39d56, C39d62, C39e3, C39e6, C39e9, C39e10, C39e35, C39e48, C40b10, C40c26, C40c33, C40c35, C40c57, C40d35, C40d48, C40e59-61, C42b11, C42b12, C43a27, C44b1, C48b1, C51a2 (FRS. Bedford), C52aa14, C52aa18, C52b13, C53bb18, C53c22, C53c25, C53gg27, C54a3, C54a4, C54b1, C54bb1, C54e14, C55a17, C55a18, C55b2, C55d9-10, C55k6, C56a4, C56b12, C56c6, C56d17, C56d26, C56d28, C56d30, C57a5, C57aa24, C57b9, C57b33, C57b44, C57b58, C57c2, C57c3, C57c30, C57e14, C58aa13, C58b35, C59b28, C59b29, C60o4, C62a22, C62aa18, ?C62b15, C62b18, C62b20, C65hh14, C69g8, C71a24, C71b32, C71bb3, C71c19, C72c4, C102b2, C107bb6, C108aa16, C110a1 (1859), C110a2 (1859), C110a31, C110d4, C111aa33, C111c10, C114a11, C117b29, C117b70, ?C118a13, C122a28, C122e14 (1850), C130a3, C132i5, C132i33, 8630f5, C154k10 (ornamented by Bedford), Add MS33,383 (signed) Bedford, Francis, London Bedford, Francis Russell, 2nd Earl of Binder Collins 360 Owner C52cc8 (backless binding), C67e6 (Duke of Bedford), C67e10 (Duke of Bedford) Bedford, Frs Binder C62a2, C62b15 Bedford and Clarke see Clarke and Bedford Behrends Binder C135c8 Bell, J., of Shrewsbury Binder C151a11 (signed) Bell, Matthew, Colley & Co, Cursitor Street, London Bell, Robert Anning, London Bellefroid, Micheline de Binder Collins 361 Binder C183a33 Bellendger, J., 8 Lower Lyon St., Southampton Bellew, G. of Dublin Binder Collins 24 Binder C151a12 (signed), Collins 273 (?) Belz-Niedree Binder C20e4 (tooled by Belz-Niedree), C20d26 (tooled by Beltz-Niedree), C20e10, C20e29 (for Baron de Seilliere), C20e31 (for Baron de Seilliere), C40g3 (for Biblio. de Mello), C47c1, C34b59 (for Biblio. de Mello), C52aa2 (for Biblio. de Mello), C20e31, C20d29, C57c10 (for Biblio. de Mello), C57c11 (for Biblio. de Mello), C37c54, C59d15, C108d12, C38d23, C42b1522, C57c44, C59d15, C62a24, C63d28, LR53e11 Bemrose of Derby Binder Collins 25, C188a139 Benavides Owner Add MS36,541 (Benavides arms appear on first and fourth quarterings of coat of arms on binding, second and third quarterings may be Castile) Benedict Binder G11530 (binder's label), G2755 (binder's label), G11592 (binder's label), C151a14 (signed), C151a13 (signed) Benedict, Pope XIII Owner C26m8 Binder (?) Collins 362 (Bell did the decorations and designed the binding) Benedict, Henry, Cardinal of York Owner C46b16, C65gg2 Benet, Paul Binder C109c18 Bennet, Earl of Tankerville Owner C67b23, C67e5, C68a2, 504g6 Benoit Le Court Owner Davis368, Davis332 Benz, Richard Owner C190b21 (Germany, 20th century) Beraudaine, of Avignon Binder C152h1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152g14 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Berbis, Claude Owner Davis359 Bercheve, Le Goux de la, Archbishop Owner C133a2 Berkley Owner C69bb14, C67g5 Be mind full IB55062 Bernard de Rieny, Gabriel Owner G8181 (arms) Bernasconi Binder IA39679 (signed) Bernis, Cardinal Owner C47f22 Bernutz, George Binder Davis628 (item 340, c.1570, Wittenberg, signed G.B.) Berresford Binder C156h11 (signed) Berunner Buchbinderei Binder KTC20b13 (signed) Berry, Duchesse de, Caroline de Bourbon Owner C47e1, C156k14 (arms) Berthelet, Roger Binder C65f1 Berthelet, Thomas NOT a Binder C18b10 (for Henry VIII), ?C20e15 (for Pickering), C27f14, C65g10 (for Edward VI), C66g2 (for Edward VI), ?8408ee4, ?C64a5, ?G7851, ?C18b10, ?G7851, ?1413e14, G7851 (for Edward VI) Berthold III, Abbott of Kremsmunster Owner C129c26 (arms on upper cover, gold tooled) Berthune, Philippe de Owner C47f24, ?C69d9 (or de la Vieuville) Bertie Owner C150e16 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Bertrand, A. Binder C42f2 Bertrand, Press of Livraria Bessel, Gottfried (also called Johann Franz) Abbot of Gottweig, Austria Best, Richard C109k5 Owner C188a208 348b2 Bethencourt, Galien de Owner C108e3 Bethune des Plancques, Jean- Owner C64cc6 Philippe de (dit Benoit) Bethune, Hippolyte de, Bishop of Verdun Owner G8865 (arms) Beton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow Owner C46d9, C68e15 Bewick engraving Beyaert-Defoort, of Bruges 11645bb14 Binder Bibliotheca Academ ?Franekeranpe Bibliotheca Bunaviana C68d6 Owner Biblioteca De Salva Bibliotheca Lamoniana C156h7 (signed) 296l13 (heraldic stamp and 'ex Bibliotheca Bunaviana') C31g15, C32e26, C54c6, C56d4, C57c37, C57h15, C62aa7, C62aa16, C62d3, C62f14, C62h5, C62i15, C63a2-8, C63a13, C63a14-17, C63a1931, C63a34, C63a1, C63a33, C63b1-2, C63b4-19, C63b21-26, C63b28-37, C63b41-43, C63b45-46, C63c21, C63c4, C63d5-7, C63d9-10, C63d11, C63d13-22, C63d1, C63f1, C63f4-9, C63f11-16, C63f24, C63f2, C63g1-2, C63g46, C63g9, C63g11-14, C63g1723, C63g25-26, C63g6, C63h1, C63h8, C63h19, C63l1-5, C63l7, C63l9, C96a7, C96b1 Owner Bibliotheque Bignon 48a19 (arms and cypher) 473e13 Bibliotheque de Mello Owner C38f36 (by Thibaron), C30h18, C40g3 (by Belz-Niedree), C31f4 (by Chambolle-Duru), C34b59 (by BelzNiedree), C53aa2 (by Belz-Niedree), C57aa4 (by Duru), C57c11 (by BelzNiedree), C62aa23 (by Thibaron) Bicknell, Jim Binder Cup408rrr10 Bickers & Son, Leicester Sq., London Bignon, Jerome Binder Collins 363 (?), Collins 364 (?), Collins 365, Collins 366 (?), Collins 367 (?), Collins 368, Collins 1033 C68b1 Bigot Binder C152h2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Bigot, Louis Owner C19a30 Bill, William (W. Owner see King Edward and Queen Mary Binder B.) Binders Billion, A. L., Marquis de Bonnelles Binda, of Milan Owner C69a16, C69d2 Binder C36c7, C41e28, C111c28 Bird, Jo Binder C188b49. Bird, John (of Covent Garden - the same as below?) Bird, J., 52 Hatton Garden, London Binder Birdsall & Son, of Northampton Binder RB23a12873 (ink stamp), Collins 371 (?), Collins 375, Collins 377, Collins 379 Collins 369, Collins 370 (?), Collins 372, Collins 373 (?), Collins 374, Collins 376, Collins 378, Collins 380, Collins 381, Collins 382, Collins 383, Collins 384 C38e29, C40g22, C53c5, C57e12, C111c18, C111e11, C132i52, 1570/1353, 11646b21, 11643bb42, 1509/4487 Birdsall of Northampton Binder C188a104 (20th c., vellum), Collins 26, Collins 32, Collins 33, Collins 35, Collins 36, Collins 37, Collins 1038 (?) Birdsall of Northampton & London Binder C72b7, C100e12, C102a12, C132i49, C132i56, 11642cc30 (W. Birdsall), RB23a543 (W. Birdsall) Binder Birdsall see Edward Sullivan, Davis270 (Birdsall forwarded this, Sullivan finished it) ‘Stronghold split case’ with padlock device used in Collins 31 – Collins notes this as “a Birdsall patent, licensed quite widely” Birdsall & Son of Northampton Binder also Collins 30 Collins 27, Collins 34 Birdsall of Northans Binder Collins 28, Collins 29 Birkett, Hugh Binder C188b26 Biron, Duc de Owner Davis477 Bisiaux Binder C37e41, C38b33, G2814, C30a26, C30e41, C152h3 (signed), C155f4 (signed), Davis570 (for Renouard) Bizeau, Louis Owner C68d12 Bjorkman, Sven Erland, of Stockholm Black, J., of Covent Garden Binder Collins 894 Binder C56d5, G6213 Black, James Binder C56d5, G6213 (signed) Blackhall, Alexr. Binder? Collins 972 Blackie & Son Binder Blacklaws, William, of Glasgow Binder Collins 768, Collins 769, Collins 770, Collins 771 C150a3 (signed) J. Blackman, 24 Weston Road, Southend Blaise Binder Collins 38 Bland (Isaac), 32 Cannon Street, Preston Bland, 27 Fishergate, Preston Binder C152h6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155f5 (signed), C152h5 (signed), C152h4 (signed) Collins 40 Binder Collins 39 Blavwert, I. C. Owner C64b16 (I. C. Blavwert and date 1673 gold tooled on lower cover. N. P. D. gold tooled on lower cover and ANNO) Blight W.S. of Bideford C188b58 Binder Blundell, Henry Owner 459a18, 459g10 Bocquet, P. F. Jean Owner C104d37 (arms gold tooled on white vellum) Bodoni, Officina Fec Boersch C100l8 Binder C150f6 (signed), C152h7 (signed) Bogetti Binder C152h8 (signed) Bogle, Angela Binder C188b10 (winner of National Student Bookbinding Competition 1989) Bohn, G. J. Binder C156h12 (attributed to Bohn) Bohn, J., of 31 Frith St, Soho, London Binder G3000, G2925, G1325, LR301e3 Boilet, of Bar-surAube Binder C152h9 (signed) Bois, Louis du, Marquis de Givry Owner C68d8, C30b2,3, C30g5, C30g1, C30g6, C30l12 Boldof, Lajos Binder C47l4 (1861), C128c2 Boleyn, Anne see Anne Boll Binder C41a29 Boll, Emil, Donaueschingen Bologna Shop, Second Binder Collins 827 Binder Davis843 Bon, L. G., Marquis de Sainte Hilaire Owner 179a3 (arms, c.1700) Bon Marche, Liverpool Bona, Joseph, of Rome Binder Collins 41 Binder C46l5 (1731) Bonaparte, Joseph Owner Davis705 (by Wilson | Nicols, see W. N.) Bonaparte, Louis Lucian Owner 3022h4, 3022e9, 3022h3, 3022k3, 3022k4, 3022g3, 3022e13, 3022b12, 3022b13, 3022b35, 3022b38, 3022b30, 3022b31, 3022b40, 3022a12, 3022b46, 3022a22 (these are stamps on BM bindings), 12954a17 Bone & Son, London Binder Bone [William] & Son., Fleet Street, London Bonelli, Cardinal Binder C30b39, C109b1, C109c1, C128f5, C129c3, C129c7, C134b18, C43g4, C59g1, 11899bb37, 7820f12, RB23a15512 (binder's ticket), RB23a12934 (binder's ticket), RB23a13796 (binder's ticket), 3455c41 (binder’s ticket) Collins 385, Collins 386, Collins Owner C47k8, C47k19 Bonellus, Michael, Cardinal Owner C66i13 Bonet, Paul (18891971) Binder C109c18, C129e10, C129e12, Davis415 387, Collins 388 Bonhomme of La Rochelle Binder C152h10 (signed) Bonnaud Binder C152h11 (signed) Bonnelles, Marquis of see Bullion, A. L. Bon Temps Viendra C67i12 Boom, I (Netherlands) Binder C188a202 Bookbinders Cooperative Society, London Binder 1578/8053, Collins 389 Book Case with stamp C65hh13 Booklovers Bindery of New York Binder C131f11 Booth Binder C151a15 (signed) Booth, J. Binder C150a4 (signed) Boothby, W., Sir Owner C67e12, C67h5 Borghese Bindery Binder C67k1, C47k17, MusicK9c10, Davis? Borghese, Scipio, Cardinal Owner C46e14, Davis822 Boscauven Owner C66f22 Bosquet, of Brussells Binder ?142c13 Bossuet Owner G1934 (arms) Boston Bookbinding Co., Boteller Binder Collins 973 Owner G646 (arms?) Bottier fils Binder C155f6 (signed) Bottier, Nestor Binder C155h16 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155h17 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Bouart, Pierre Owner? IA40820 (16c French) Boucard Binder C155f7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Boucherat, L. Owner C48b10 Boucher-Moreau Binder C152h13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152h12 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Boulleau Owner C108f7 Boullenger, of Versailles Binder C40a55, C152h15 (signed), C152h14 (signed) Bourbon Owner C71h4 Bourbon, Louis de Bourbon Conde Bourbon, Marie Louise de, Queen of Charles IV of Spain see Comte de Clemant? Owner C48c6 Bourchier, Rachel, Countess of Bath C67i12 Bouret, A., of Lisbon Binder C54f20 Bouillon, Duc de, Henri de la Tour Owner C47c17 Boule, Andre, of Paris panel stamps signed by Boule on: C67a1, ?C69c14, Davis319, L23f5 Boutigny Binder C155f8 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), ?Add MS38,858 (MS note says 'Reliure de Boutigny', but check) Bowdery & Kerby Binder C150a5 (signed) Boyer Binder C46b33 Boyer de Cremilles, L. H. Owner G15234 (arms) Boyenval Binder C152h16 Boyet Binder C7b4, C46b33, G4719, G6274 Boyle, Richard, Viscount Dungarvan G4771 (name) Boyse, Daniel, of Cambridge Binder Maps C3e8 (formerly C18e15), Davis180 (item 73, c.1620, Cambridge), Davis38 (item 74, c.1624, Cambridge), Davis181 (item 75, c.1629, Cambridge), Add MS42130 (Luttrell Psalter) Bozerian le Jeune Binder C39g4, C29k2, C34a21, C65bb7 (signed), C20d6 (signed), G2159, G8148-9 (signed), G8388 (signed), G8394 (signed), G8516 (signed), G8736-7 (signed), G9530 (signed), G9684 (signed), G9688 (signed), G9696 (signed), G9747 (signed), G10121 (signed), G10204 (signed), G10762 (signed), G11950 (signed), G12795-8 , IB47033 (signed on spine) Collins 909 (signed on spine) Bozerian Binder 8309aa18, G2392, C29k2, C34a21, C39g10, C26g9, C26g10, C156k2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C156k1 (signed), C156k3 (signed), C152i1 (signed), C152i2 (signed), G15229, G17324, IB41526 Bozerian Trautz Binder IB41943 (signed) Bradac, L., Czech Binder C188b1 Bradel Binder G9831 (binder's ticket), G10022 (binder's ticket), C152i3 (signed) Bradford, Earl of, Bridgman Owner C68d1 Bradley, Bejamin, of Boston Bradstreet Binder C183aa11, Collins 974 Binder C32g27 Brahe, Tycho Owner C61c6 Braithwaite, T. P., of Wakefield Brancas, Duc de, L. Binder Collins 42 Owner C6b4, G7828 (arms) L. Felicite Brancas, Duchesse de, Louise Diane Francoise de ClemantTallerande? Owner C67a23 Brand, L. Binder C107b36 Brand, W., of Geneva Binder C154h24 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Branden, Churfurst Owner C68f10 Brass, C. J., of Liverpool Binder C151a16 (signed) Brassac, Comte de, J. A. de Garlard Owner C68a11 Bray, Stanley Binder C188c27 (Omar III, jewelled binding, documentation and finishing tools) Breaute Binder C152i4 (signed) Brechin, J.B., 7 Castle Streeet, Dundee Breslau Binder Collins 772 Owner C66c19, Davis648 (item 365, 1775-76, probably made in Breslau) Bremer Binderei Binder C98e20 (F. Th. = Frieda Thiersch), C102g1, C102h2-5, C106k5 Bretault & Maillard Binder C142a16 Bretherton, [George] Binder Collins 43 Brewers, Leighton Binder C53bb12 Bridgman Owner C68d1 Bridgwater, Earl of Brienne, Lomenie de 1196c32, see also Egerton Owner Brienne, Samfin ... of C108d25, C25d1-6, C46d6, 91b27 see Samfin of... Brigandat Binder C34g26, 8562bbb13 (signed), C152i5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, author's presentation copy), C152i6 (signed), C150f4 (signed) Briggs, 27 Piccadilly Maker Collins 44 (Binder?) Brillac Owner ?C52b14 Brindley, John Binder ?C108m7, C108t1, C130e5-7, C46g7, C12e13, C150a6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), Davis144-146, ?2d9-10, ?2a14,15, 13b6, 19g1-6, 42i3, 47i12, 64i4,5, 139i8-10, ?172h1, ?195a20 Collins 390 Brinon, Jean Owner Davis350 (by Claude de Picques), G17242 (arms of J. Brinon de Villaines) Brissart Binder C155f9 (signed) Brissart-Carolet Binder C150f5 (signed) British Leather Federation, London Binder? Collins 1004 British Museum Bindery Binder C72a18 (1934), 177h1-6 and more Broadbere, Pembroke Sq., Bargate, Southampton Broadbere, 11 Hanover Buildings, Southampton Broca & Kaufmann Binder Collins 45, Collins 49, Collins 50 Binder Binder awaiting pressmark Collins 46, Collins 47, Collins 48, Collins 51 C115m29 (4 vols) BrocklehurstWhiston Brockman, James Binder Collins 762 Binder C188c13 (signed) Brockman, Stuart Binder C188a20 Brodersson, P., of Halmstad Brod, of Strasbourg Binder Collins 895 Binder C156k4 (signed) Broda, L. Binder C40b63, C58d28 Brooks, I. Binder C150a7 (signed) Broster, of Chester Binder C108c26 Brotherhood of the Holy Trinity at Viho, Lithuania Owner G19998 (emblem) Brotherton, John Binder C108d30 (binder's label) Brou, Denis Feydeau de Owner C66h4, G9429 (arms) Brown, Cecil Binder RB23b4498 Brown, Hannah Binder C188a156 (C21st English, onlaid yellow, prize winner DB 2008) Brown, J., of Penrith Binder C154i6 (signed) C188b77 Brown, J. G. Jun., of Leicester Binder C36c4 Browne, A. Binder? Collins 1003 Browne, William, of Bristol Binder C130a5 Broxton, J E Binder C188a204 (board with onlaid picture of Trollope) Bruant des Carrieres, Louis (1611-1689) Owner 30c6 (arms, he worked for Fouquet) Brudenell Owner C65c2 (crest) Brugalla, Emilio, Barcelona Brunck Binder Collins 945 Binder C154f2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Brupalle, E. Binder Davis662 Bruyere Binder C31h16, C58a17, C97a17 Buchelet, Charles Savalette, Seigneur de Buck, Thomas, of Cambridge see Savalette Binder C108a24, C46i17, C108bb15, 675d10, 234a51 (white vellum), ?C64a20, ?C64a15, ?C24b1, ?C18e15, ?C64a14 (white kid), ?C66d16 (white kid), C66c14, 234a51, ?C18e15 Buckingham House Bindery Binder ?C9a6, ?C9a9-11, ?C9a7, C9b12, C9d4, C10b2, C10c8, C10d13, C10d1, C10d68, C11a7, C11a11, C11a14, C11a17, C11d5, C11e3, C13b4, C13d1, C10d10, C14c4, C14d1, C14e2, C14e3, C15b6, C15b12, C15c9, C14e12, C14d12 Budden, of Cambridge Binder C128d3, Add MS34,210 (signed) Buffery, RS, 22 Mortimer St., W. Binder Collins 391 Bull & Son of Surbiton Bumpus Binder Collins 52 Binder Collins 392, ?Collins 393 Bunau, Henri, Comte de Owner 1088c14, 90g2 (c.1730) Bunetier Binder C152i7 (signed) Burgaud des Marets, J. Henri Owner books from his 'Bibliotheque patoise' purchased in 1873 and 1874, bound by Cape and Trautz-Bauzonnet etc. Burgess & Hunt, of Ramsgate Binder C150a8 (signed) Burges, W. Owner Add MS31,833 (W. Burges and MDCCCLXX on clasps of 19th-century English binding) Burgundy, Philip, Duke of Owner C64d10 Burkett, Hugh Binder C188b29 Burleigh, Lord Cecil Owner C31b28, C66b16, 155a4, C67d1, Or72b1 Burn Binder C109d3, C116b9, C116bb10, ?C116bb12, C116bb13-14, ?C116bb1519, C117aa4, C129b21, C129d3, C131b8, C131b9-10, C131b12, C109bb7, ?12806bb13, ?Cup400a33, RB23a16780, 12805h25 Burn & Co (also see below) Binder Burn, Thomas & Sons, 37 Kirby Street, London Binder Burnier Binder C28f18, C58e29, C108a35, C109aa1, C109aa9, C116b7, C117bb31, C188a85, Cup401d28, 12640o4, LR277a, 109aa1 (ticket), C109d3, ?7854r8, 12641h4, Collins 401, Collins 403, Collins 404, Collins 405 Collins 394, Collins 395, Collins 396, Collins 397 (?), Collins 398, Collins 399, Collins 400, Collins 402, Collins 406 C35c27 Burns, 17 Portman Street, Portman Square Binder RB 23a1594 (label) Burns Binder C154i7 (signed) Buroner, Hieremias see A H B Burrell, Sir Binder 191d9, G8279 Burrell, Sir W. Owner 51i7 (arms), 52n10, G8279 (arms) Bunan, Count Owner 1088c14 (coat of arms gold tooled on upper cover, 'ex bibliotheca Bunaviana' gold tooled on lower cover) Bushell Owner C66f24 Bush & Son, S., of Bromley [Kent] Binder Collins 53 Buss, George, 2 Dorrington St., Cold Bath Square Butcher, M., of Weymouth Bute, Earl of Binder Collins 407 Binder Collins 54 Owner C130c5 Butler Owner Add MS11,933 (gold tooled badge of Bibliotheca Butleriana added to 15thcentury Italian binding) Butler, G., Colonnade, Ryde Binder Collins 56 a and b (2 vols) Butler & Hollington Eastbourne Binder Collins 55 Buxheim IA12984 (bound by Jagd am Zaun, Kyriss 81), C188a106 (roll inscribed Buxheim) Byde, Edward Owner C64e11 Byng Owner C21a40 (1577), C39c39 Bysshe, Sir Edward Owner C68a24, C108c27, C108h11 C Name C. B. C. C., C. Owner or Shelfmark Binder G6328 Binder Cup580b44 (signed), RB23a32145. C., D. 51e4 (P W D C d c gold tooled on both covers, English 18th century?) C., E. See MacDurnan Gospels Binder C., G. F. 183d5 (G F C gold tooled on English 16th-century binding) C., G. Owner Egerton MS1044 (G. C. (Grace Carey?) on English 17th-century binding) C., H. C135d8 (Fortuna panel signed H C, German 16th century) C., I. C48a18 (initials gold tooled, English 1600-1650) C., I. C., L. H. Binder RB23a72 the initials IC are incorporated into the roll (blind tooled) L. Hay-Cooper who worked with the binder S. Barnard. L H C executed the design and tooling. No examples in BL but illustrated in The Studio 1914, special number the art of the book. C., M. See McColl, Elizabeth Mathieson C., M. C. See also Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode), 685a22 C., R. RB23a17197 (may be B G, French 16th century, with blind panels, one with shield signed with initials) C., R. RB23a11680 (gold tooled initials on 17th-century Scottish binding) Caesar, Sir Julius Cains, Anthony Binder C20f15-58 (Sir Julius Caesar's Travelling Library, restricted in 1991, joint on box lid weak. Individual books can be called up) C108eee4 Calcagnini, B., Bishop of ? Owner C68b13 Calder, [F. W.], 199 Oxford St., London Calder, R. (Falkirk) Binder Collins 409 (?) Binder 1568/8119 Calder, Scott Binder (?) Collins 408 Caldwell, [Matthew], of Dublin Calenberg, Henri Count Binder Collins 274 Owner C69aa4 Calico RB23a13008 (English type printed Calico) Callouet Binder C152i8 (signed) Calmette of Villeneuvesur-Lot Binder C152i9 Calonne, C. A. de Owner C44c9, 145c13 Cambaceres, Monseigneur L'ARchichancelier de l'empire See Cellier fils Cambaceres Owner C155i5 (dedication copy to Cambaceres with his arms, signed by Rondeau) Cambridge Bindings Binder C66d11, C66c10 (S. Nicholas and Annunciation), ?C66d20, ?C64d13 (S. Roche), C67d8, C65c17, C66f7, C66d12, C66c20, IA19046, see also names of individual binders, e.g. Lattice Binder Camp Binder Collins 410 Camp, A. & T. Campbell, Carolee RB23a15843 (binder's ink stamp) Binder C188b18 (signed brass and steel binding, US 20th century) Campbell, 36, Low Terrace, Leith Street, Edinburgh Binder Collins 753, Collins 773 Campbell, D., 17 Leith Street, Edinburgh Binder Collins 774 Campbell, Fiona Binder C108k1 (1959) Campling, C. A., Great Yarmouth Canillac Binder Collins 57 Owner C30f13 Canivari Binder C41e29 Canvas Bindings Ch780/123 (1782), RB23a26 (1794), Ch800/287 (1769), C108n22 (1771), C107bb81 (1809), C108n23 (18th century), C127a28 (1793), C135t18 (1791, stabbed), C142d28 (1788), C790/162 (1790), C107bb80 (1808), Cup408tt12, RB23a3001 (1778), RB23a3003 (1790), 1568/6841 (1779?), 1578/41 (18th century, stabbed), 1578/39 (1775, stabbed), 1578/3621 (1783), 1578/3737 (1775), 1578/3767 (1786), 1578/3963 (18th century), 1578/6559 (1791), Ch790/235 (J. Ash, Grammatical institutes, 1792), 1568/4048, 1568/3348, 1212e6, RB23a10114 (18th century English grammar), RB23a3001, RB23a6424, RB23a6742 Cape Binder C19a5, C20c12, C20e22, C35d11, C38h11 (for Simon Vostre?), C39a43, C40a48 (for Gomez de la Cortina), C48b17, C48c17 (for Gomez de la Cortina), C30d38, C31b27, C34a54, C34a37, C34i8, C57c33, C57d15, C62a8, C62b6, C71a25, C57c33, C62a8, C62b6, C125b27, C128e17, C38b17, C38i2, C39a27, C39b8, C39b64, C39b66, C39d7, C40b27, C40d56, C40e37, C41c20, C18a8, C29h10, C30c19 (Cape. Masson. De Bonnelle SRS), C31c42, C34a25, C34a37, C34a54, C34e43, C34a35, C34i3-6, C34i8-16, C37b31, C37l6, C38b6, C152i10 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152i11 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C38b6 (plain, gold tooled dentelle), IB1503, 1316d30, 11403a10, 11737b22 Capon, Lester Binder C188c28 (signed 2005) Caraccioli Owner C64c2, C65e18 Caracena, Marquis Owner C69ff7, C46i18, C57g20, C130c28 Carafa, Cardinal Owner C66c16, Davis721, C64cc13 Carbentus, W., of The Hague Binder 1578/8446 (7 vols for 1828, paper binder's label) Cardoza-James, bindery of San Francisco Binder HS74/26 (relief sculpture on the upper cover by Ron Dillow, The temple of Flora, 1984) Carew, Le Maire Owner C66h2, C68c5, C68c9 Carfrae, J., of Edinburgh Binder C151b1 (signed) Carlos III de Bourbon, King of Spain Owner C129h1 Carlos IV, King of Spain Owner C128e24 Carnan, London Binder Collins 411 (publishers’ binding) Carnarvon, Earl of, Robert Dormer Owner C66e17 (1621, impaling arms of Herbert), 3405c8 (1621) Carnarvon, Countess Mary Owner C67h12 Caroline of Ansbach, wife of George II Owner 238g15 (rebound in 1925), 287a13 (St Prot of Ireland), 269h32?, 95l6, 225c1, 76e15, 269h32, 238g41, 80f17 (cypher), 13b6 (by J. Brindley, with Caroline's arms painted on foreedge), 47i12 (by J. Brindley, with Caroline's arms painted on foreedge), 31e12 (by J. Brindley, with Caroline's arms painted on foreedge), 74k8 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 76e15 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 95l6,7 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 238g35 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 238g40 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 238g42 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 238g43 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 238g44 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 287a13 (with arms of George II as Prince of Wales), 43f16 (by J. Brindley, with Caroline's arms painted on fore-edge, cypher), 43i8, Cerv29 (Caroline Reine painted on fore-edge), 227d21 (cypher), 269i10 (cypher), 112e66 (with arms of George as Prince of Wales) C129m9II(gift of William Austin) Binder Davis609 (item 301, 16th century, a panel signed 'pe x c' (Pierre Caron or Pieter de Keysere) occurs with the St Caroline, Queen, wife of George IV Caron, Pierre, of Ghent Margaret panel) Carov, Marie Guilforde M. C23a7 Carpe Diem Add MS19,900 (motto surrounds arms, gold tooled English? 19th century) Carpenter Owner C68k7, C151b2 (signed W. Carpenter) Carpenter & Co Binder C150a9 (signed) Carr, Lady Ann Owner 87h6 Carre Binder C150f7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Carrier, Ann Owner Davis137 (item 156, 1704, engraved silver centrepieces with 'Ann Carrier' and engraved silver clasps with initials AVB) Carroll Binder Cc150f8 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, author's MS dedication to the Duc de Crassot on flyleaf), C152i13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152i12 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Carroll & Scott Binder C150f9 (signed) Carru, Joseph, of Turin Binder C183d8 (gold tooled with arms of Charles Albert King of Sardinia, House of Savoy) Carsi y Vidal See Vidal Carss of Glasgow Binder Carss & Co, of Glasgow Binder Cartault Binder C150f10 (signed) Carter Bros. of Brigthon Binder Collins 58, Collins 59, Collins 61 Carteret Owner C67f20, C67i7, ?C67f21, 56e4 Cartwright, Miss Owner C141cc16 (name tooled on upper cover) Cary, of Wakefield Binder Collins 60 Cary Owner ?C67b18 (Edwards of Halifax) Casanbon, Isaac Casimir, Sigmund, Graf zu Lynar C156 h13 (signed), C151 b4 (signed), Collins 775 11595a19, RB23 a1056, C151b5 (signed), 3015f12 (binder's label on flyleaf, but rebacked by BM in 1932), Collins 776 1068c8 Owner C109 bb19 (Casimir's arms on white vellum) Cassassus Binder C152k1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150f11 (signed), C152k2 (signed, Cassassus of Rouen) Cassier Binder C152k3 (signed) Castellan, Charles de Owner Davis524 Castro Add MS28,503 (arms of Castro, Colonna and toledo with ducal coronet, ?17th century) Cathedral Binding Binder Davis255 (item 285, c. 1835, Edinburgh or Glasgow, sold by James Brush at 10.50 ron[gate], Glasgow (ticket)), C155e4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, tooled in gold to a 'cathedral' pattern), Add MS28,786 (embossed), see also rubbings boxes Catherall & Nixon, Bangor Catherall, T., of Chester Binder Collins 865 Binder C151b6 (signed) Catherine of Aragon Owner C69e1, C35f8, C38f20 (arms), C40e1 (arms of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon) Catherine of Braganza, wife of Charles II Owner C108s4 Catherine Leczczinski, wife of Louis XV Owner C67c16 Catherine de Medici Owner C33m1 (presentation copy with painted arms on vellum), C24e6-8 (illus. Fletcher XXXII) Catherine Parr (sixth wife of Henry VIII) Owner C27e19 (embroidered, velvet with coat of arms) Caulet Owner C68e11 Caumartin, Le Fevre de Caumartin, Marquis de St Ange (1653-1720) Owner C46h9, C59fff2, C97aa8, C35h20, G7900 (arms) Caumont, Comte de, Soho, 39 Gerard Street Binder 279e27 (binder's ticket), C151b7 (signed), C151b8 (binder's ticket), C154i8 (signed), G17631 Cavenagh, Dublin Binder YA1996a21855 (binder's ticket) Cavenagh (Francis) of Wicklow Street, Dublin Cawder, Baron Binder Collins 276, Collins 277 Owner IB55062 Cawte, C., of Southampton Cawthorn, G. Binder Collins 62 Binder C150a10 (signed) Caxton Bindings IB55119, ?IA55122, IA55221, IB55146 (Liber Festivalis, 1483, calf), ?C35f19, IA55067, C23b, IB55142, IB37262, IA3941, IB55143, IB55146 Caxton Binder Binder IB55142 (c.1490), IB 3941, IB37262A, Davis84 (item 8, c.1507), see also Wynkyn de Worde Cecil See Burghley Cellier fils Binder C155f10 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, inscribed to 'Monseigneur l'Archichancelier de l'Empire, Cambaceres') Cemardelev Binder C40c61 Central School of Arts and Crafts Binder C188b27 Centre Rectangle Binder Binder C108 c22, C72e8 ('sombre'), C69h8, Davis122 (item 130, c.1679, London), C188a65, 79h1 Chadwick, Charles Owner See Edwards, Davis211 Chadwick, Lewis, of Mavesyn Ridware See Edwards, Davis211 Chain Mark IB40267 (hole on titlepage, repaired, which indicates part of chained library, ink MS note refers to monastic library in Germany) Chained Add MS30,057 (holes on lower cover traces of chained library?), 4605h4, 5051i? Challeston Owner C67d6 Chalut Binder C152K4 (signed) Chambers, Sir Robert (1737-1803), Owner C130b17 Chambolle - Duru Binder C20b12, C31b33 (1868), C31e32, C31e40, C31f4, C32a26, C32c14 (1863), C32m19 (1862), C20d20 (1865), C20e11, C20e14, C20e20, C20e27, C20e34, C20e6, C33a36, C33a41, C33h10 (1863), C34e41 (1863), C38b3, C38b15 (1863), C38c9 (1863), C39a17, C38b23, C39a19, C39a25, C39a47 (1863), C39a48 (1868), C39a62 (1862), C39c55, C39e47 (1874), C40b60 (1862), C42e19-20 (1869), C53aa5 (1868), C53aa23 (1862), C53c32, C55a1 (1869), C55c28, C57c12, C57c11 (1869), C57e11 (Marius Michel Doreur), C57g2 (Marius Michel Doreur), C57g3, C57g4, C58cc11 (1865), C59a38, C62b7, C62c31, C62i14, C71b10 (1863), C97a29, C97aa7, C97bb30, C107aa3, IB40165 (signed), IB41196 (signed), Davis586-587 Chamillart Owner C130c1 Chamois Leather C58d17 Champagny, Jean de Owner ?C130c1 Chanaleilles, Marquos de, Charles Francois Owner C48d9 Chandler, Margaret Binder C188b45 Chanvallon, Francois Harley, Archbishop of Paris Owner C47l2, C69d11 Chapel Royal 3433d7, C68b6 (Chapel Royal St James), C109f18 (bound for one of the Royal Chapes with arms of George IV), 3091aa4 (with cypher of George II, gold tooled), C183d19 (with cypher of George II and chapel), Davis147 (item 167, London, cypher of George II and 'Chapel Royal St James's') Chapman, Christopher Binder C110k4, IB20870, C2b5, C3a2, C14c13, C52g2, C6c6&7, C3c9, 60i2,3, 125d8, 61c14, 61c12, 138b1?, 198g11? Chapman, P. G., of Beckenham Binder Cup403p16 (text says 'Bound in full morocco leather by P. G. Chapman of Beckenham') Chapman & Wilson, 36 Coney St., York Chapple, C. Binder Collins 63 Binder G17721-3 Chapron Binder C152k5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Chapuis Binder C155f11 (signed) Chapuseau Owner C27e12 Charitas RB23a10513 (crowned emblem gold tooled on French ?17th-century binding, convent des Minimes Paris?) Charity School Binder Binder 291a28 (1670) , c67b26, c183a34 See also Banbury Charity Charles III, Cardinal de School Binder Owner C68b17, G6326 (arms and device) Charles I, Duke of Mantua Owner C47d5 Charles Prince of Wales, later Charles I Owner C46f1, C46i11, C27e11, C28a3, C83e1, C65l1, C82f8, C183a18, C19g20, C47i12, C48g7, C64f8, C66h7, C66g5, C83c10, 444i4, C21b8, C65l1, G7983 Bourbon Charles I (reign 16251649) C17a21, C17a25, C17b27, C18b15, C19g18, C19g19, C21d8, C21e11, C21e14, C22l32, ?C23e1, C24c4, C24d6, C24d11, C25i2, C28a3, C36l1, C37l9, C46a12, C46a34, C46b26, C46i1, C46k2, C47e3, C47k4, C47k11, C48a6, C48b7, C48l1, C61k5, C66f14, C67d3, C68c17, C77h11, C77i4, C78i3, C83d2, C108c31, 478i5, 486k9, 489i6, 490i6, 495k14, 520i22, 524l16, 527n5, 536l23, 570k9, 582k14, 582l14, 589i2, 589k14, 592i3, 592i16, 603k3, 605h9, 610e14, 3052cc9, G11415, G20090, Davis179 (Lord Herbert of Cherbury's binder for Charles I), Davis183 (item 86, c.1635, London, arms of Charles I in centre, dedicated to Charles I), for trade bindings on Eikon Basilike see Trade Bindings Charles II (reign 16491685) C13a17, C14e13 (Mearne), C19g16, C19g17, C20e21, C21d5 (Mearne), C22f16 (Mearne), C22f17 (Mearne), C22f18-19, C23e6-7 (Mearne), C24e13 (Mearne), C25i2, C32m5 (Mearne), C34g19 (Mearne), C35m5, C36l1, C39k4, C43i19, C46b7, C48c7 (Mearne), ?C64cc4, C64f2 (Mearne), C64f9, C65l14 (?Mearne), C66g1, C66i12, C67e9 (Queen's Binder D), C67e11, C67g8, C77d20, C79f15 (Mearne), C82a7 (Mearne), C83d2 (Mearne), C83e6 (Mearne), C83e18 (Mearne), C112a20, C109p22 (Mearne), C109f21 (Mearne), C109p22, C109q1 (Mearne), C120h6, C170c28 (Mearne), 1a4, 1b4, 6d19, 7f13 (Mearne), 7h3 (Mearne) 8b14, 8f14, 20e3, 58f22, 60h6, 62b14, 73l8, 74k11, 75h6, 77h10, 79h3, 79h22-23, 80h9, 80l3, 81a27, 81a36, 83l4, 90d18, 118b24, 128h10 (Queen's Binder A), 129a7, 192f1, 193e10, 193e11, 195f4, 195p4, 206f13, 208h4, 210d2, 215f1-5, 223a35, 288a5, 294k25 (Mearne), 444f2, 444i3, 467i67, 589c22, 610l14, 975c16, 1009h7, 1009h8, 1014d16, 1912b10 (Mearne), G4133, G17717, 1Tab16 (Queen's Binder A), Add MS6291, Egerton MS3375, 62b14, ?73l6 (Mearne), 73l7, 75h6, 87l3 (cypher), 88k2 (arms), 90d18 (cypher), 129a7 (arms), 192f1 (cypher), 200h10 (arms), 210d2 (cypher), 223a35 (cypher), 240a33 (cypher), 284a21, 288a5 (arms), Davis108 (item 105, c.1666, London, arms of King Charles II in centre), see also Samuel Mearne I, II, III and IV, G4133 (arms) Charles III of Spain (reign 1759-1788) Owner 144b4 (arms), G4286 (arms), G6574 (arms) Charles V, Emperor Owner C46a11, c46b21, C64aa3 (and John Frederic Duke of Saxony), Davis631 (panel of Charles V, lower cover panel of Johann Friedrich I, Elector of Saxony), Davis693 (item 347, painted portrait of Charles V) Charles VI, Emperor of Germany C47i1 Charles IX Owner C66b7 (bound by Claude de Picques), Music K1a4 (dedicated to Charles IX) Charles X, King of France Owner C154c17 (arms) Charles III, King of Naples Owner C67h11, Egerton 864 Charles Albert, King of Sardinia (Savoy dynasty) Owner C183d8 Charles D'Orleans C99k16 (arms on vellum but Dutch 20th-century binding) Charles de Valois Owner See Duc d'Angouleme Charles Emmanuel III, Duc de Savoie and King of Sardinia Owner C46b14?, 26e14,15 Charleston, Joan Charlotte of Mecklenburgh, wife of George III Binder Cup510dga16 (batik cloth covers, (Designer) bound by Hunter & Foulis) Owner 61g2 (also the King's arms), C46i1? (initials of Queen Charlotte?, may be cypher of Charles I), C45c16 ('Present of Princess Charlotte ... to Miss Jones', gold tooled calf), ?269h32 (arms), ?2a17 (by Edwards of Halifax, cypher), RB23a8077 (crowned C on cover, may represent Charlotte) Charon Binder C152k7 (signed), C152k6 (signed) Charpentier, H. Binder C155f14 (signed) Charron, Jean Jacques, Marquis of Menars Owner C67c5, C69ee8, C130b16, G4323 (arms) Charterhouse Library, St Alban Trier IB2137 (15th century, brown goat, blind tooled, with clasp) Chaklin Binder C65k14 Champley, George, New York Chandler, Margaret Binder Collins 975 (?) Binder C188b45 (signed) Chatelin, A., Soho Square Binder PC31f7 (signed) Chaulin Binder C150f12 (signed) Chaumonnot, of Gray (Franche Comte) Chaumont Binder Collins 910 Binder C152k8 (signed) Chaumont, A. Binder G17212 (binder's ticket) Chauncey, Charles Owner C12e17 Chauvet, of Jozon Chauvet Binder C155f13 Chemise Binder Cup407a89 (chemise binding on 17th-century binding, boards inserted into pockets), RB23a2930 (chemise binding on English late 18th-century binding, also with pockets, William Camden) Cherbury, Lord Herbert of Cherry, of Wellington See Herbert Binder Chesterfield, Fifth Earl of 1568/1082 See Philip Stanhope Chesworth, Frank Binder Collins 412 Chetwynd Owner 9150gg7, C67f11, C67i10 Chevalier, Nicolas Owner C30m6 Chezaud & Brauliet Binder C152k9 (signed) Chilliat Binder C150f13 (signed), C152k10 (signed), C150f14 (signed) Chinese Binding Binder G12186 (silk Chinese binding with ivory fastenings) Chintz C109aaa17 (covered in William Morris Chinz design, Honeysuckle large scale), Ashley3691 (same material and book) Chivers, Cedric, of Bath Binder C108bbb3, ?Cup500b44 (signed at Choiseul-Beaupre, C. L. Owner foot on upper cover, but Chivers doesn't usually sign like this), Collins 64, Collins 65, Collins 66 G2427 (arms) Choiseul - Stainville Owner C46c26 Cholmondeley, Charles, Earl Owner C67f21, C112c9 Chriatian V, King Owner C69f2 (Munich, 1795) Christian VI Owner 144g9 (which cyphers of Christian VI and Sophia Magdalena) Christian VII Owner 85h13 Christina, Queen of Sweden Owner C60e1, C66d10, ?C183c13, ?G6328, ?G6329 Christie & Coy, Caxton House, Newcastle on Tyne Chrystynen, Paul van Binder Collins 67 Owner C67b5 Churfurst, Carl Theodor, Pfalz-Baiern Owner C69f2 Churton, E. Binder (?) Collins 413 Cicyll, William Myldred Claessens, L. C65e19 (gold tooled on upper cover, English 16th century) Binder C32h6, C33d21, C36a31, C36bb2 (identical with C36a31), C38c35, C53a32, C53b2, C53h3 Clancarty, Earl of See: T. Hookham (C151e1) Clarendon, Second Duke of See: Queen's Binder A IV Clarenden Press of Oxford Binder C116h9 Clark and Westley's Binder C30a4, C30k2 Clark, W. Binder C21e15 Clarke, C. Binder C39d10, C39g8, C57l20 (signed) Clarke, E. Binder C39g8 Clarke, I., of Ruthin Binder Collins 866 Clarke, J. Binder C17g6, C70aa3, C132h7, C132h13, C132h40, G3992, C25e4, C37a33, C110b24, C132h8, C132h21, G5787 (1704), 1068b30, Huth124, G12107 (signed), G11930, C154i9 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), G5787 (signed), G7948 (signed), IB47060 (signed) retrospective blind tooled, Clarke, W. Binder C21e15 Clarke & Bedford Binder C45i6, C30a10, C62b16, C108c2, C108c1, C132h18, C132h28, C132h30, C132h46-48, G472, G1170, G1193, G1506, G2005, G2044, G2045, G2374, G2482, G3185, G3574, G3888, G3908, G3937, G4251, G4308, G4322, G4414, G4691, G5146, G5155, C21d15, C37c50, C40d11, C58f23, C62f15, C62h9, C65g5, C132h9, C132h17, C132h22, C132h27, C132h37, G6544, G953, G1063, G1197, G1248, G5810, G6000, G6001, G6002, G6544, G6559-6560, G6564-6565, G6567, G11527, C126a2, C126a3, 1375a2, 1361c2, G10225, G10958, G11272-11274, G11368, G11928 Clasps or traces of clasps on English Bindings 15th century: Davis81, Davis82, IB55125, IB55143, IA55598, IA55221, IB3615, 16th century: ?C53i14 (clasps intact), C36f15, IA47755, IB7480A, C65e2, C64cc5, C66d11, C64c6, C40e2, C186f9, C128f8, C108aa1, C69g1, C107e45, Davis11, C65b11 (clasps intact), Davis10, Davis1, 17th century: C40a44, C109r5, C108c31, C128b20, C142a5, C188c2, C58cc28 (clasps intact), C65a9 (clasps intact), C38b40 (clasps intact), C51aa11 (clasps intact), C27a24 (clasps intact), C48a18 (clasps intact), C65e11 (clasps intact), C65i10 (clasps intact), RB23a111 (clasps intact), C109r4 (clasps intact), C46c20 (clasps intact), C118bb10 (clasps intact), 16th century: Davis9, Davis6, Davis55, Davis56, Davis183 (clasps intact), Davis70 (clasps intact), Davis83, Davis84, Davis85 (clasps intact), Davis17 (clasps intact), 168i30 (clasps intact), C18b11 (clasps intact), 17th century: C65d5 (clasps intact), C108d14 (clasps intact), C128f7 (clasps intact), Davis115 (clasps intact), Davis105 (clasps intact), Davis98 (clasps intact), C108n7 (clasps intact), C69ee11 (silver clasps intact), 18th century: C128c8 (silver clasps), RB8a3 (?Irish, silver clasps) Clasps on German 15th-16th centuries: C64c13, C52g9, Bindings C52h6, C130bb2, C64e7, C64h3, C64d5, C54f1, C52h11, C54c4, C129k2, C54c14, C54c15, C65g18, C102k25, C52h3, C36c13, C17b9, C53h2, C31f6, C36c13, C52d13, C106e14 (traces), C52d3, C183cc2, C66k7, C29h6, C130bb1, C68b7, C65gg4, C65bb14, C52cc14, C64a9, C127bb12, C130b19, C135d8, C36c13 (traces), C65c19, 1509/2041, C46d18, C65c5, see separate sheet for incunabula Clasps on Italian Books 15th-17th centuries: IB21254a, IB22637, IB22639, IB 37287 (traces), Harl2912, Burn245, 15th and 16th centuries: Davis769 (traces), Davis773, Davis726, Davis728, Davis789 (traces), Davis746, Davis755 (traces), Davis866, 16th century: ?C52g4, C108a11, C53d19, C108g15, C28c3, C65bb5 (plaited), ?C47g18, ?C36b13, C52g4, C183a40, Davis855 (17th century), Davis834 (19th century, traces), Davis790, 16th century: C108a11 (shell shaped), C29h7, C53d19, C108g15, C27g6 (traces?), C48b23 Clasps on Netherlandish Bindings 15th and 16th centuries: C129k14, C64e5, C42a12, C64g5, C69ff17, C66g12, C51aa10 Clasps on Netherlandish Bindings - Flemish 17th and 19th centuries, Dutch 17th and 18th centuries Flemish 17th century: C67b5, C112aa21, 1570/745, Flemish 19th century: C108cc12, Dutch 17th century: C64b16, C66c6 (silver clasps), C65a23, C106e13, C127g25, Dutch 18th century: C46c27, C64d14, C66i4 (Missal, Antwerp 1749) Claudin (A) Bookseller refers to: David, Bauzonnet, Lortic, Cuzin, Chambolle Bookseller See Collins 911 (Collins notes in Particular Bindings) Letter of 12 lines from Claudin to Asbee on bookbinding and other Binders matters. Claudin may have been arranging the binding of Ashbee’s famous collection? Clay Ltd., Richard Binder Collins 68 Clay, Richard & Co. Ltd, of Suffolk Binder C103b28 Cleeve, Alexander Binder Davis78 (P1533, item 142, c.1690, London, signed on a leather strip above the turn-in of the lower cover 'CLEEVE FECIT', probably apprenticed to John Harding in 1678), 292a4 Cleveland, Catherine Lucy Wilhemina, Owner Tauch3173-74x (bound by Birdsall) Dutchess of Clement X (Altieri) Pope Owner C68c8, C68c13, C68d11 (as Cardinal Altieri), C109c16 (as Cardinal Altieri) Clement XI (Albani) Pope Owner C47b7, C47b11, C47c5, C47c12 (as Cardinal Albani), C47c19, ?C47e8, C47e9, C47e14, C47f4, C47f11, C47g16, C52c6, C54f3, C68a8, C68a8, C68a16 (as Cardinal Albani), C68d2, C69dd2, C128d6, C104d20 Clement XII Pope Owner C68d5 Egerton Ms 653 Clement XIII (Rezzoicico) Pope Owner C47g3, C27e18, C69h4 Clement XIV (Ganganelli) Pope Owner C69aa13 Clements, Jeff Binder C183aa16, C129i2, Davis302 (item 245, c.1957-58), C188c11 (signed), C188c16, Taylor 8., Collins 947 Clements Collection Clements, Newling & Co. Ltd., 96 Wood St., Cheapside, London Cleret MicA19956 (microfilm of Clements Collection) Binder Collins 414 Binder C152k11 (signed) Clinton Closs See Duke of Newcastle Binder Cloth, Early English C152l1 (signed) RBa21060 (Loggon, Colloquia, 1768), not like 19th-century publishers' cloth Cloutt, W[illiam] F., 30 Duke St., Bloomsbury, London Binder Collins 415 Clemont, Comte de, Louis de BourbonConde Owner C108s12 Clermont, Marie-Anne Owner C69b6 Club Bindery of New York Ashley1086 (frontispiece to vol. 8 of Abbey Catalogue) Clyde Binder C40d29, C150b8 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, crest of Charles Stanhope, Earl of Harrington, on covers) IA 24555 signed Clyde 9 Newman St. Clyde, (James) 9 Newman St Binder G6567 (signed), Collins 416 Coats & Son, J., Leeds Binder Collins 69 Cobb, J. Binder C150a11 (signed) Cobden-Sanderson, T J, established Doves Bindery in 1893 Binder C68h17, C68i1, C68i2 (RCS), C68i9, C68i10 (RCS), C68i11 (RCS), ?C68i12, C42l12 (Kelmscott Chaucer, signed, c.1899), C72a13 (Charles McLeish, designed by Cobden-Sanderson), C66g2 (C-S 1909, Doves), C68g8, C68i3, C68i4, C68i5, C68i6, C68i7, C68i8 (plus Doves), C99e12 (plus Doves), Ashley5170 (plus Doves), Davis271 (item 224, dated 1890, for Sir Frederick Leighton, signed and dated '18.C.S.90.'), Davis272 (item 225, designed by Cobden-Sanderson, dated 1896, made at the Doves Bindery, signed and dated '18 C-S 96')), Davis273 (item 226, designed by Cobden-Sanderson, dated 1899, made at the Doves Bindery, signed and dated 'The Doves Bindery 18 C-S 99')), Davis236 (item 227, designed by Cobden-Sanderson, dated 1901, made at the Doves Bindery, signed and dated 'The Doves Bindery 19 C-S 01') Cobden-Sanderson, pupil of Binder C188a116 (signed) Cobenzl, Count of Owner 158b1-18 (arms) Cobo, Tomas, Madrid 19th century Binder 1396h8, Davis661 (binder's label) Cochen, of Tours Binder Cb5c3 Cockam Lunikaa Binder Taylor 21. Cockerell Binder C188a133. Cockerell Archive complete bookbinding archive of Douglas and Sydney Cockerell, acquired by Department of Manuscripts in 1994, contact Michelle Brown Cockerell, Douglas C56k?, C56f5, C42a14, C58f13, C56i1?, C56f4, C69c6, C72c3 (and Son), C98gg22 (and Son), C108d7 (and Son), C130a19, C55c17, C68h14 (and Son), Voyn11, Voyn68, Voyn104, 010470e47, AddMs38,819 (signed, 1903), C59fff6 (1906, sealskin) 4705h22 paper relating that C183a22,typed C188a146, Douglas Cockerell used special C188a165,C188a167, C188a281 leather for the binding. (with Paulina Cockerell), C188a278 Cockerell, Patience Binder Cockerell, Sandy Binder (not signed), C188a290 (not signed), C188a282 (not signed), C188a279(not signed). C108y5, C183b7, C188a112 (signed) Cockram, Mark Binder C188c22, Taylor 16, Taylor 17. Cockram, Midori Kunikata Binder C188b21, Taylor21 Cockshaw, J. C. (?), Leicester Codrington, Edward Binder (?) Collins 70 Owner C45f17 Coene, J. Binder C110b22 (signed) Coesfeld, Augustinian convent 15c Germany, Marienbrink IB2176, IB2177, IB3006, IB4030 Coghill, Marmaduke Owner C108c24 Cohen, Claudia, of Easthampton, Mass. Binder Cup512 b150 (grey decorated paper sides) Coislin, Marquis de, P. A. du Cambout, b. Niedree Owner C48f16 Coislin de Cambout, P de, Bishop of Orleans Owner C46e19 Coke Owner C67g6, 3902aa39, C94a2, C94aa2, C132h36, C132h41, C132h45, ?C27 Colbert, J. B., Marquis de Seignelay Owner C22c13, C46b31, C48g4, C27m1, C62i18-19, C64i8, C65aa14, C67b8, C67f22, C68b10, C68f1, C68f4, C108k6, C129k8, 534k2 (Bibliotheca Colbertiana), C128f11, C67b8, 11e6, 48f5, 75a1, 2h3-10, 47g8, 230k10, 3h1-6, 199e2, G4218 (arms), G4615 (arms and initials), G5691 (arms and initials), G7697 (arms) Cole, William, [Allhalland St.], Bideford, [Devon] Coleman, Thomas, of London Colet, Mary Binder Collins 71 Binder Collins 417 Binder C27d15 Colhoun, James, Londonderry Collard of le Havre Binder Collins 278 Binder C152l2 (signed) College Binder = Joseph Leathley Binder C108dd7, Davis310 (item 257, c.1750, Dublin) College Royal de Henri IV Owner C150k7 (stamp) Collier, G., 19th century Binder 10210a13 (binder's ticket), C151b9 (signed), C150a12 (signed), 3022bb10 Collier, G[eorge] & Son, 72 Hatton Garden, London Binder Collins 418, Collins 420 [Joseph] Collier [snr] Binder Collins 419, Collins 421 Collin, W., of Berlin Binder C58c16, C58c18 (C58c15, C58c19, C58c20 are similar), C59 h5 Collings. E., age 13 yrs. Margaret Sewell School Binder Collins 74 Collinson Binder C108aa23 R. Collison, Mansfield Binder Collins 72 a and b Colonna Owner AddMS 28,503 (arms of Castro, Colonna and Toledo with ducal coronet, ?17th century) Colonna, Lorenzo Owner C47d20, C67c28 Coloured Paper, Books printed on C29c3, C29c10, C29d9, C29c4, G11094-11102, C29d10, C30c7, 7097c10, G10474, G11103, 28m16, C51a20, C67d14, G17923 Coltempo, Italy, 16th century Davis758 (legend and astrolabe tooled in gold) Colton & Jenkins Binder 1431f2 Colwell, S. Binder Collins 73 Combe Binder C129c14 C. Combe M. O. C23a1 ('C. Combe M. O.' stamped in blind on cover) Combe, C. Owner C25d7, C110d2-3 Comeleran Binder C152l3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Commins of Weymouth Binder RB23a17104 (binder's ticket on Salomon Gessner, The death of Abel, 1824) Commonwealth (Cromwell's England) Owner G5194 (arms) Company of Stationers Owner C72a3 Comte D'Artois, afterwards Charles X Owner C155g11 (arms) Comte de Chambord Henri (by Bacharach) Owner Davis553 Conde, Prince de Owner C48c11, C48g3 (Louis de Bourbon), G11013 (arms) Condie, David, of Worcester Binder Collins 75, C151b10 (signed) Condie, James, Paisley Confreres de la Morte, Penitant order founded by Henri III Binder Collins 777, Collins 778 Owner C129mm4 Constable Owner C39d27, ?G3630 (1633), ?C25c3, G3630 (arms), G5262 (arms) Contarini, Tomaso Owner AddMS25035 (16th century, Italian, on dogal commission) Conradus de Argentina IC19526 (German, 15th century) Consilio et animus C67a14, C67b16 Conway, Stephen Binder C188c18 (bound in 1998, English), Taylor 13, Taylor 15, Taylor 19 Cony, Henry Binder Davis82 (c.1493, London) Cook, L. Binder C150a13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Cook and Somerville, of New York Binder C183aa2 Cooke, G. Binder C151b12 (signed) Cooke, H. T., of Warwick Binder C151b11 (signed) Cooke, Oliver D., of Hartford C109 ff2 Cooper, Charles, 8 & 9 Coach Yard, Bull St., Birmingham Cooper's, of Croydon, 19th century Binder Collins 76 Binder RB31c24 (binder's ticket, gold and blind tooled sheep) Coote Owner C46g7 Coppinger, J. IB41370 Corberan, Simon Binder Davis519 (for Peiresc?) Cordaval, L., 17 Chandos Street, Covent Garden) Binder 2b2,3 (Oxford University arms), C150a14 (signed) Cordelle, lehanne Owner C129i4 (name stamped on upper cover) Corden, W., of Brentwood, 19th century Binder awaiting pressmark (binder's ticket) Cordray, Rouille du Owner C69dd9, C188b46. Cordue, W., 18th century, ?English Binder C188b46 (singed) Corfmat Binder C97b17, C152l5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152l4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150f17 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150f18 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155f12 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150f16 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150f15 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Cork, books bound in C190d9 (also printed on cork), c96e7 (also printed on cork, Spanish) Cork & Orrery, Earl of Owner C107bb68 Cornish brothers, Birmingham Binder C115m17, C115s9, C115tt5, C115tt23, Collins 77 (?) Cortes, Jesus Binder C180k10 (Madrid 1977, cloth and marbled endleaves) Cortezo, Daniel, publisher, Barcelona 19th century Cortina, J. Gomez de la YA1992b511 (10 red cloth publisher's bindings, covers, no texts) Owner C20b13, C38h8, C40a48 (Cape), C40b31 (Hardy), C44a12, C48c17, C48d15 (Duru), C48f6, C31h10, C57c34, C62f10, C62f20, C62f3, C62g6, C62h6, C63b38, C63g30, C63g36, C63i3, C63m2, C63m19, C111aa6, C128e17, C130a27 (Duru), Cup402 k11 Cor vnv via vna motto, see Lord Burleigh Coscia, Niccolo, Archbishop of Naples Owner 7g9-11 Cosmo III de Medici, Duke of Tuscany Owner C47c2 Coster, Germaine de & Helene Dumas Binder C108eee15 Costey Binder C150g1 Cosway Binding Cotton, Sir Robert Bruce Davis275 (signed Bayntun (Riviere) Bath), C108e17 Owner Cottonian Library 1079l11 see Southey, Robert Cotty, Demoiselles Binder C152l6 (signed), C152l7(1) (signed) Caubert, Bernard Owner C67h16 Couchman, Edward Binder C151b12 (signed) Courart, Valentin Owner C68e3 Courmont, H. de Binder C59d14 Courteval Binder G9758, C15218 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152i9 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150g2 (attributed to Courteval) Courtenvaux, Marquis de le Fellier Owner C67a6 Courtier Binder Collins 867 Courtier, [Charles], London Binder Collins 422, Collins 423, Collins 424, Collins 425, Collins 426, Collins 427 Coventry, Thomas, Earl of Owner C66f18 (Settle 1712) Coventry (the family) Owner C154b2 (arms) Coverly, Roger de Binder C38c52, C51aa6, C51b9, C52a10, C58g15, C108d11, C108gg15, C111aa25, C118b20, C132i25, C134d7, C38b30, C38c27, C38c37, C40c39, C41e23, C44c7, C51a7, C51g4, C53a42, C53h12, C54a11, C54a12, C57b52, C58bb11, C69dd6, C71a7, C116a56, C54e1, C59i12, C71e23, 816g36 (plain, fillet, signed, Ashbee note of binding 1897), C108gg15 (bound for Ashbee, vellum tooled and onlaid and doublures, price in Ashbee's hand on lower flyleaf £2.17.7, binding 1882), part of Ashbee bequest. See also contents of bindings cupboard in BEPC office. Cerv 112, 115, 316 all examples of marbled leather and signed. Covert, Sir Walter Owner 137f16 (arms) Cowards Trustees Owner 1568/4507 (gift of Cowards Trustees blind tooled on upper cover of Yourth's Monitor by John Guyse, London, 1747) Cowper, Earl Owner C64h7 Cox & Co., Sydney Binder Collins 1000 Cox of Chicago Binder C188a160 (C19th US gold tooled red goatskin) C188a160 Cox, William Binder C109r2 ('Wm Cox fecit' on fore-edge, rather faded, English 17th century) Cracherode, Clayton Mordaunt (1730-1799) Owner C19c33, C19c31 (also de Thou), C19d4 (H. Walther), C19d5 (R. Payne), C19e3 (R. Payne), C19f2 (?R. Payne), C48l2 (R. Payne), IB27657a, C19f26, ?C17c6, ?C21a18, ?687h6, ?685a22 (C.M.C.), ?681a20 (monogram and arms), C19f22, C20d9, C21a18, C21b4, C39a3, C29h9, C23a8, C29i1, C19d11 Cracorius, Georgius Owner C52k2 Craftsmen Bookbinders of Portland, Maine Binder Cup407ff18 Craig, Edward Gordon 10827de7 (publisher's binding of Ellen Terry's biography designed by her son, Edward Gordon Craig, late 19th century England) Craissati freres, Cairo Binder Collins 953 Cramoisy, Sebastian Owner Binder? G7840 (arms) Crane, W. J. Eden Crassol, Duc de Collins 1005 see Carroll Craven, E., of Keighley Craven Herald Works, The, Skipton Crawford, W. Binder Collins 79 Binder Collins 78 Binder C151b13 (signed) Crawford, of Edinburgh Binder C154i10 (signed) Cray, John Binder Collins 1037 Cremeaux, L. C. de, Marquis d'Entragues Owner G4488 (arms) Cremer, Henry Binder C9d4 Creswick. W Binder Collins 428, Collins 430 Creswick & Co., 12 Gt. Portland St., London Crocodile (skin binding) Binder Collins 429 Crombrugghe, Victor van Binder X800/4453 Davis598 (item 289, c.1506, Ghent) Cromwell, Oliver ("reigned" 1653-8) Owner 75h13 Crosilhes, of Montauban Binder C152l10 (signed) Cross, C., binder to the queen Cross, Thomas, 4 Bartlett’s Buildings, Holborn, London Crossley & Clarke, of Harrow Binder Collins 434 Binder Collins 431, Collins 432, Collins 433 Binder Collins 80 (?) Crowther & Goodman, 124 Fenchurch Street and Fen Court, London EC Crozak, L. A., Baron de Thiers Binder ?Collins 435 Owner G14972-3 (arms) Crucifer Binder Binder Davis83 (early 16th century, Crucifer Binder may have been, or been employed by, Richard Pynson), AddMS22573 (same tools) Cruickshank, C., of Liverpool Binder C108d24 Cruickshank, G. of Liverpool Binder C151b14 (signed) Culemberg 166n7 (arms of Culemberg on Dutch school prize, c.1745) Cumberland, John? Binder? Cunningham & Son, T[homas], Ashtonunder-Lyne Binder Cupid's Bow Binder Binder Currie, Miss C B Collins 436 (probably a remainder binding) Collins 81 C132i61 (for J. Grolier), Davis360, Davis402, Davis497-499 (for Marc Laurin) Fore Edge C55c37 (fore edge with number 64), Painter C108c17 (miniature on Cosway binding) Curtis, S. Binder Curtis, [William], [West St.], Alresford, [Hants] Curson, W. Binder RB23a9980 (binder's label, 19th century, English, cloth), RB23a17868 (ticket)., Collins 437, Collins 438 (?), Collins 1035 Collins 83 Binder Collins 82 Curzon Owner Binder IB10904 (arms) Cussons, David, Market Sq., Horncastle, Lincs Collins 84 Cut Leather and Vellum used on bindings MSSYT29, Davis808, C46f5, C24e7, C19c14, C19c13, C48a3, Music Hirsch I.256, also some incunables. Cut Leather, Oriental Influenced Filigree Davis808 (doublure), MSYates Thompson29 (Bologna, c.1500, The Ghislieri Hours, doublures, this may be tooling rather than cut leather, see Hobson, Humanists, p. 105) Cuyls Binder C155f15 (signed) Cuzin C57a13, C59d13, C59d16, Davis554 Czech bindings RB31c477, YF2004a9280 (20th c. textile binding), YF2004a9050 (20th c.), RB23c499, RF2004a35 (20th c.) Czeczot HS74/1048 (20th century, Polish, blocked in black with designs by Czeczot) D Name D., E. Owner or Shelfmark Binder See Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester D., F. C48f17 (initials gold tooled on English binding) D., H. C104d11 (panel of Fortuna signed H D, Germany, 16th century) D., H. F. C106e12 (initials blind tooled on Annunciation panel, ?Germany, 16th century) D., I. See L. D. D., K. See Kenelm Digby D., L. Davis100 (item 96, c.1647, embroidered with heart containing initials L D and I D) D., L Binder D., M. C188a286, C188a283 have initials LD on 19/20c French cuir repousse bindings. LD may stand for Louis Dezé. C65bb10 (on panel with arms of Henry VIII), see for Dature, Martin D., N. C39a52 D., P. Davis645 (item 362, dated 1736, upper cover has initials P D and date 1736) D., N. P. C64b16 (N P D gold tooled on upper cover and ANNO . I.C. BLAVWERT & 1673 gold tooled on lower cover, Dutch) D., R. C109d1 D., S. Cup410f667 (19th century, with signature D. S.) D., S. C108bb39 (initials gold tooled on English 1600-1650 binding) D., W. C72b1 (initials tooled on English 16001650 binding, Bible, London 1648) D., Wm. Binder Collins 976 Daele, Van den Owner C69b7 Daguesseau Owner L35/53 Dallas, Mrs Owner RB23a16806 (presentation copy bound by Gutch & Co., Southampton) Dandolo Owner Add MS16,996 (arms on 16th-century Italian binding) Dannebrog, Order of, Denmark 202g13 (c.1731) Dantec, A. Le, of Morlaix Binder C155h4 (signed) Darcy, J., of Dublin Binder Dare Quam Acciperre Darley, Lionel Dassel, Anna van Dated Bindings C127dd1,1568/1042 C48h12 (motto, ?with arms of Swinborne, Porta, Natural Magick, 1658) Binder ?Owner C108 x11 C106e12 (name blind tooled on upper cover, 1567 blind tooled on lower cover) 1509/2041 (1582 tooled on pigskin, German), C183aa10 ([15]90 tooled on calf, German), C131ff9 (1587 tooled on pigskin, German), C104d8(1-2) (1562 tooled on calf, German), C104d11 (1606 incorporated in coat of arms, German), C109bb19 (1676 incorporated in coat of arms of Sigmund Casimir, Count of Lynar), C129m2 (1648 presentation binding to Johann von Aichpichl), C129c26 (1759 incorporated in coat of arms of Berthold III, Abbot of Kremsmuenster, 1744 incorporated in coat of arms of Ritterakademie Kremsmuenster), C129f10 (1798 gold tooled on upper cover), C129i20 (1911 blind tooled on lower cover, 20th century, German), C106e12 (1567 blind tooled on Annunciation panel), C104f18 (1841 gold tooled on green onlay, Dutch), C65gg1 ANNO gold tooled on upper cover, 1663 on lower cover, Dutch), C64b16 (ANNO gold tooled on upper cover, 1673 on lower cover, Dutch), C48i8 (1605 gold tooled on lower cover), C35c19 (1559 gold tooled on ?upper cover), C24c20 (MDLII gold tooled on King Edward and Queen Mary Binder for Edward VI), C41b24 (1885 gold tooled on upper cover, 18th century, English), C143c2 (1791 gold tooled on lower cover of English prize binding), C128? (1604 stamped on English binding), C110e6 (Germany 1584), C188a35 (Germany 1572), C23a1 (1548, Daniel 1545), C23e10 (1568, Bible, Lyons, 1566), C24e25 (1552, Justinian, 1550), C68e15, C66b18 (1779, Common Prayer, Dublin, 1765), C67e1 (1603, Sa. Scholia, Lugd. 1603, Townley), G12228 (1591, Holy Bible, London 1588, arms of Sir C. Hatton), RB23a13884 (dated binder's ink stamp July 1835, Smith & Son, London) Dature, Martin (M D) Binder ?C40e36 (monogram), C67b19, ?C69a20 (bound by Dature), ?C69c15, C69d15, Davis18 (item 31, c.1540, London, both panels signed), Davis19 (item 32, c. 1547, London, both panels signed) Dauphin Binder C152i12 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152l11 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150g4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C152l13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) David C39c16, C48a8, C53aa6, C57b20, C63a32 David, A., of Lisbon Binder C129a24, C142a18 David, S. Binder Davis585 Davies, D., Carne (Carnau) Davies, D., of Cowbridge (more likely to be identified with D. Davies of Treboeth, then Clydach; also Colwinston) Davies, Nesta Binder Collins 869 Binder Collins 868 Binder C188b22 Davies, R., bookseller, stationer and bookbinder opposite Dee's Royal Hotel, Temple Row, Birmingham Binder C150a15 (signed), LR300bbb11 (ticket) Davies, H., of ? Kendal Binder Collins 85 Davis, D., of Cambridge Binder RB23a18356 (binder's ticket), C109aaa16 Davis, D[avid], of Cowbridge Binder Collins 86 Davison, [John], Jewin Crescent, London Binder Collins 439 Davison, [Mrs. Mary], Jewin Crescent, London Binder Collins 440 Dawson, Thomas Binder C65gg5, Davis75 (item 136, 1680s, Cambridge), Davis76 (item 137, c.1692, Cambridge) Dawson & Lewis, 5 Richmond Buildings, Soho Binder C59d26, Davis195 (item 212, c.1822, London, sold by Rodwell and Martin, 46 New Bond St (ticket)), C154i11 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, arms of Hon. William Ponsonby, afterwards Lord de Manley, on covers), C154i12 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151b17 (signed), C151b15 (signed), C151b16 (signed), C154i13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Day, Charles, Mount St., London Day, John Binder Collins 441 Binder ?C18b11, ?675f16, 3908b? Day & Son Binder C43g5 Dearden, W., of Nottingham Debonnelle, Massan Binder Collins 87 Binder C57c29 Debourdeaux, of Gambais Binder C153a1 (signed) De Courmont, H. De Coverley, London Deflinne, of Tournai Binder Binder C59d14 Collins 442 Binder C154g20 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Deforge, Isidore Binder C155g1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153a3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153a2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Delagoutt of Dijon Binder C150g5 (signed) Delamere, Lady Owner C183a34 Delanoe, Pere Binder Delarue, G. Binder C34h17, C39e15, C63b40, C107bb1, IB.26045 C151b18 (signed) De la Rue & Co., London Binder Delaunay, of Paris Binder Delive Paul Binder Taylor 10 Delhalle Binder C153a4 (signed) Delmas-Bilmar Binder C155g3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Delrieu, of Pav Binder C153a6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, author's presentation copy to the Duc de Nemours), C153a5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, author's presentation copy to the Duc de Nemours) Delsol Binder C155g4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Demon Binder Binder IB3600, IB22910 Denaix Binder C153a8 (signed) C65bb9, C108b20, C150a16, RM18a23 (Music MS, signed embossed plate), Collins 443, C188a297 (embossed), C188a296C155g2 (embossed), C188a288 C37h10, (Ramsden Collection of (embossed) signed bindings), C150g6 (signed) Denk See Huebel & Denk Denmark arms Davis692 Denner, G., of Sidmouth advert in Penn's Pharmacology, 1822, in Edinburgh University Library, see 'Henry Davis and other institions' file Denner, T & G of Sidmouth Binder C188a197 Dennis & Holloway, 82 Newborough St., Scarborough Dent, London Binder Collins 88 Binder Collins 89 (?) Depont Binder C153a7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Dering, Sir Ed. (1598-1644) Owner Edoardus Dering Miles et Baronettus C143c3, C46d24, G1572 (arms), G4633 (arms), T800 Owner Derome L'Aine, Jacques Antoine Binder 77b12,13 (French royal arms), 156a23 (French royal arms and ticket), 78b8, Davis487, G9204 ('dentelle a l'oiseau') Derome le Jeune, Nicolas Denis Binder C22f3 (ticket), C26m13, C42c9-12, C42d4, C56b1, C128e2, C19c24, C30c9, ?C6a2, Deschlein, F., Dukes Court, St Martins Lane Binder C11d6, IB19552, IB28021, 4016b34 (ticket), G8156 (ticket), G9448 (ticket), G9469-71 (ticket), G9829-30 (ticket), G11327 (ticket), G17680-87 (ticket), Davis546, Davis545, Davis563, Davis487490, ?Davis 541, ?Davis540, Davis486, Collins 912 (?) G4379 Descoubleau Owner C64f9 Desloge Binder C153a9 (signed) Desmaisons Binder C150g8 (signed), C150g7 (signed), C153a10 (signed) Desrez, A. Binder C153a11 (signed A. Desrez Editeur, Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Despierres Binder 1412b24 (brown calf, diced sides, gilt back and sides, signed) Desrvisseaux of Caen Binder C153a13 (signed), C153a12 (signed), C153a14 (signed) DEVS ALIT ME motto of Williams, Theodre Deus det nobis suam pacem, et post mortem vitam eternam amen motto, C65c1, C65aa13 (with arms and badges of Henry VIII) DEUS NOBIS PACE OTIA FECIT motto, Liverpool Devers, of Lyons Binder C153b2 (signed), C153b1 (attributed to Devers), Davis569, C153b3 (signed), C150g9 (signed) Devillers Binder C153b4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Devonshire, Duke of Cavendish Owner C132i10, C132i4, C132i4, C132i6-7, C132i11, C132i36, C132i38-48 (Roxburgh), C132i54, C132i59, C1b4, C1b3 Devotional Binder Binder C108d32, C69dd4, Davis71 (item 124, c.1675, London), Davis119 (item 125, c.1676, London), ?Davis121 (item 128, c.1678, possibly made in London by an imitator of the Devotional Binder) Dewar, James, of Perth Binder C150a17 (signed) Dewatines, of Lille Binder C155g5 (signed) Diane de Poitiers Owner Davis502 Diboll & Son, Howard St., Yarmouth Dickenson, of Cambridge Binder Collins 90 Binder C151c1 (signed) Elizabeth Dickinson's Binder Binder Davis74 (item 135, 1680s) Diderot, D. & d’Alembert, J. Didier Collins 1006 Binder C153b5 DIEU DEFENDE LE DROIT motto, Spencer-Churchill DIEU DEFEND LE DROIT motto, Earl of Sunderland Digby, Sir Kenelm Owner C66a5 (French, cypher and arms), C67e9 (cypher and arms), C67e17, C67i1 (cypher and arms), C46a30 (cypher and arms), C37b48 (cypher and arms), C65c22, G8331 (arms), G8329 Dillan Binder ?C67c1, ?Add MS12,062 Dillon Binder C151c2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Dillon, of Chelsea Binder C154i15 (signed) Dillow, Ron Binder HS74/26 (relief sculpture on upper cover) Dilworth, R., of Liverpool Binder C154i16 (signed) Disney, John Owner G506 (crest), G16100 (crest, initials, bookplate, gift of Thomas Hollis) Dobson, London Binder Collins 444, Collins 445, Collins 446 Dodd, George Binder? Collins 1007 Dode Binder C114a16 Dodge, I. & S., of Stockport Binder C151c3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Dodge, Samuel, of Stockport Binder C154i17 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Does, Ysbrant van der Owner C46i8 (name gold tooled on upper cover, 1605 gold tooled on lower cover, Dutch) Doll Binder C41a29, C155g6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153b7 (signed), C153b6 (signed) Doll, F., Paris Binder Collins 913 Dollard of Dublin Binder Collins 279 DOMINUS ILLUMINATIO MEA current motto of Oxford University, C7d12 Donatus, P. B. R. Binder Davis654 Dondey-Dupre Binder C153b9 (signed) Dorfner, Otto, of Weimar Binder C97e5 Dori, Alfonso, Binder Tauch2544 (ticket), Tauch 515-6, Book-Binder Borgoss. Apostoli, 14, Florence Dormael of Lille Tauch3951, Tauch 3951a, Collins 936 Binder Dormer, R. Collins 914 See Carnarvon, Earl of, C66e17 Dorset, Earl of Sackville Owner C48d18 Dory Binder C153b8 (signed) Dos-a-dos Douceur, Louis C65b8, C69bb19, C17b10, C144a1, ?C23e10 (for Queen Elizabeth I), C46a29, C65a22, C65i1, C65i2, C65i3, C65i7, G11669, C69bb19, C17b10 Binder Douglas, Duke of Queensberry C14b7, Davis543-544 See Queensberry Douglas, Kenth, of Inverness Binder RB23a16948 (pink ticket: Bound + sold by Kenth Douglas Inverness) Douglas & Foulis, of Edinburgh Binder C29f23 Douglas, William, Duke of Queensberry Owner G5313 (arms) Doves Bindery Binder C42l12 (1899), C66g2, C68g8, C68i3 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1913), C68i4 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1919), C68i5 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1915), C68i6 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1916), C68i7 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1921), C68i8 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1921), C68i15-17, C98a5, C99a3, C99g8, C99g24, C108d6 (Cobden-Sanderson, 1913), C108n5, see also Cobden- Sanderson: Davis271, Davis272, Davis236, some books bound in plain vellum and printed by the Doves Press are in B2 Strongroom and are not catalogued Dow (James) of Inverness Dow & Lester Binder Collins 91 Binder C99d37, Collins 447 Dowdeswell Owner C67f15 Downing, Wm M., of Belfast Binder YA1989a10464 Doyle, P. J., of Dublin Binder C151c4 (signed), ?Collins 280 Dragon Binder Binder C48i5 Drake, Driver & Leaver, Rosebery Av. & Warner St., London Drake, R. Ingalton [of Eton] Drechsler, Joseph, of Vienna Binder Collins 448 Binder Collins 92, Collins 93 Binder C156h4 (signed) Dreyfous, of London Binder C151c5 (folder in gold tooled red morocco, signed by Dreyfous of London, c.1840) D'Rozario, M., of Calcutta Binder C183d13 Druot Owner C46b11 Dryerre, D., of Luton Dublin Binder Collins 94 Dublin Castle Chapel 1770 Owner C66k4 Dubois-Delacre, fils, rue de l’ecole 34, Boulogne-surMer Duquesne of Ghent Binder Collins 915 Binder C150m14 (signed) Dubuisson, P. P. Binder Davis560, c130c1 (1761) Ducastin Binder C71b4, C131b21, Davis576 Ducay Binder C153b10 (signed) Ducrocq Binder C155g8 (signed) Dudley, Robert, Earl of Leicester Owner C18d5 (repaired by Tuckett), C19c23, C20a2, C46d14, C64b2, C64i6, C64b2, Add MS15091, Add MS611780, C183a25, Davis23 (item 41, c.1560, London, initials in centre), Davis89 (item 42, c.1577, London, by E. D. signed, also centre cartouche containing sunk medallion with badge of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester 'secret signature'), Davis24 (item 43, c.1580, London, dedication to R. D., initials R. D.) Dudley Binder Binder C108i11, C20a24, C19c23, C108cc26 (Seymour?) Dufey of Nancy Binder C150g10 (signed), C150g11 (signed) Duisberg, F. Binder Davis666 (item 314, c.1740, Amsterdam, underneath each centre piece is a scroll with Duisberg F) Davis316 (item 259, c.1765, Dublin), Davis298 (item 260, c.1782, Dublin), same binder but unknown, check also boxes of rubbings Dumas, Helene and Germaine de Coster Binder C108eee15 Dumergue Binder C153b11 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Dumond, Aine Binder C153b12 (signed) Dumont, of Brussells Binder C68k3, C150g12 (signed) Dun & Bradstreet Binder Duncombe, Sir Charles Cup408l13 (on the occasion of its 100th anniversay 1841-1941, publisher's binding, name on spine) See Elkanah Settle's binder Duncote Binder C39b25 Dundonald, Earl of Cochrane Owner C66f16 (1720) Dunford, G., Newport (IoW) Dungarvan, Viscount Binder Collins 95 Owner G4771 Dunn Binder C108pp4 Duodo, Pietro Owner C19a10-18 (arms and device), Davis450, C69bb18 Dupin, fils of Lyons Binder C153b13 (signed) Duplanil Binder C153b15 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153b14 (signed), C150g13 (signed), C150g14 (signed), C153b16 (signed) Du Quesne Binder 12316a34 Durand Binder C160g15 (signed) Durvand (Paris) Binder C194c67 Duras, Duc de, Durfort Owner C30a3, C27e16 (wife of Durfort) Durci, Bois Binder C30b2-3, C30g5, C30g1, C30l12 Durnford, G., Newport, IoW Binder Collins 95 Durollet, of Joinville Binder C153b17 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Duru, ?H. Binder C25l13, C27h9, C27m6 (1853), C29e8 (1850), C30c14 (1849), C30d40, C30e15, C30m9 (1845), C31a8 (1850), C31b34, C31b35 (1953), C31b36 (1859), C31f14 (1851), C32c13 (1850), C33a37, C33b42 (1861), C34m2 (1845), C36b33, C37b19, C38a34 (1855), C38b23 (1847), C39a64, C39a67 (1851), C39b61 (1853), C39b62 (1848), C39c47-54 (1852), C39d11 (1845), C39d15 (1845), C39d16 (1845), C39e23 (1845), C39i7 (1845), C34a24 (1851), C34a26 (1851), C34a30 (1850), C34a31 (1853), C34a33 (1850), C34a34 (1850), C34a36 (1853), C34a38 (1853), C34a40 (1853), C34a41 (1850), C34a42 (1850), C34a49 (1861), C34g29 (1845), C34i7 (1851), C34l19 (1848), C34l20 (1845), C34l21 (1845), C40b22 (1856), C40b43 (1858), C40b44 (1847), C40b45 (1854), C40c41, C40c58 (1851), C40c62 (1859), C41a26 (1850), C41k1 (1853), C46a20 (1849), C47b15 (1851), C47d1 (1844), C47h12 (1851), C48a16, C48d15 (1851), C57aa4 (1857), C57a4 (1847), C57a8 (1860), C62a17 (1849), C97aa12 (1848), C97g4 (1851), C107a13, C107c9 (1845), C37a34, C38a37, C57c17 (1852), C62a12 (1861), C96a8 (1852), C97a5 (1860), C97aa1, C108a10 (1850), C110g13, C112aa12 (1845), C130a27, IB42003 (signature and date). Durvand Binder C30b25, C130i6, 7808a100 Durville of Montpellier Binder C155g7 (signed), C150g16 (signed) Duseuil (?) Binder Davis532, Davis474 Dutch towns and provinces (arms on bindings) C188a11, C108bb7, Davis666 Dutch papers A collection of colour-printed and marbled papers used as covers for pamphlets in the 17th and 18th centuries, C133h7 Dutta, C. Binder RB23a12643 (MS. note: rebound by C. Dutta, Aug. 1985 Duval, Jean Binder C161d3 Dymoke C37b42 Dymott, Mary Binder C151c6 (attributed to Mary Dymott; Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Dymott, Richard Binder ?IB20487a (note inside says presented by Wheatley bound by D), Davis70 E Name E., M. Owner or Binder Binder V.D.M.I.AE. Eastwood, Hy., 40 St. James’ St. Burnley Ebeleben, Nikolaus von Ecce Ancilla Domini / Iat Midi Secundum Verbum Turum Shelfmark Davis15 (item 24, c.1530, signed: ME) See: Wolf Conrad Schwickart Binder Collins 96 (?) Owner Davis839, Davis796, see: Thomas Stelbogen (Davis691) C66c10, C64d11, C66d11, with panel stamps of the Annunciation and St Nicholas Eccles, S., 5 Diamond, Coleraine Echenbauer, Anton, of Vienna Binder Collins 281 Binder C156h5 (signed) Echter, Julius, Bishop of Wurz Owner C68a17, C69a14, C68e13 Eddowes, W. & J., of Shrewsbury Binder C154i18 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C188c15 (signed: J E) Edges, painted, decorated C23e11 (Bible 1543, Henry VIII), 7f13 (Common Prayer 1669, Charles II), 7h1 (Bible 1685, James II), 11g5 (Common Prayer 1681), C14e13 (Common Prayer 1662, Mearne), C108tt6 (Bible 1659, Mearne), C108tt7, 201h6,7 (Fox, Martyrs, 1641, Fletcher), C7d15-18, C65e9 (Bible 1669, Queen's Binder A), C65f1 (F. la Mothe le Vayer, Notina 1678, R. Bartlett), C108d35 (Common Prayer 1668, Balley), C108i14 (Charles I, Works 1662, J. Houlden), C109m45, C109r2 (flowers and inscription 'Wm Cox fecit', faded), C170c26, C170c28 (for Charles II), C183c14 (on English 17th-century binding), Davis70, Davis73 (Roger Bartlett), Davis77, Davis115, Davis136, Davis152, Davis185, Davis196, Davis210, Davis690 (item 332, fore-edge painted by Vecellio, South German, c.1547-50), C65e8 (view of Eton College, perhaps later), C65e7, 13b6 (Wollaston 1726), 31e12 (Pemberton 1728, for Brindley), 43f16 (R. Holland, for Brindley), 64i6 (Cavendish, for Brindley), 47i12 (Cheselden 1733, for Brindley), C108e15 (for Brindley), C108t1, 2a17 (Prayer Book 1760, Edwards of Halifax for Queen Charlotte), C151c9 (Edwards, edge added later), Davis210 (edge probably later), C150b15, C170g1, C188a38, C193a254, C65e7, C108d24 (double fore-edge painted c.1955), C129f12 (by M. Frost), C7d15 (Bible 1674, Queen's Binder A), C48g1 (Book of Common Prayer, 1670, Crucifixion), C108e15 (Actieri for Brindley), C108n7 (Bible 1657, Evans), C108y2 (fore-edge by Margaret Allport), C151c9 (Edwards with later edge), 13b6 (for Brindley), 2a17 (Edwards of Halifax), 64i6, ?210h5,7, Add MS15542 f136 (fore- edge painting of Hampstead and Highgate by Samuel Hieronymous Grim, 1793), C55c37 (by Mrs Currie), C65k13, Cerv29, IB10519 (on German incunable, not checked whether it's contemporary), C27e18 (Italian 18thcentury binding for Pope Clement XIII), C66a26 (German 17th century), C64cc13 (title on gilt fore-edge written in red), C193a254 (fore-edge painted under gilt, 19th century, ?Scotland), C66h11 (cross 'branded' into fore-edge of German 16th-century blind tooled pigskin binding) Edinburgh, coat of arms of the city of Edinburgh C65hh5 (motto: Nisi Dominus Frvstra), Davis244-245 (item 271, early 18th century), Davis246 (item 272, c.1715), Davis247 (item 273, c.1720), Davis248 (item 274, c.1720), Davis285-286 (item 275, c.1730), Davis287 (item 276, c.1734), Davis249 (item 277, c.1744), Davis288 (item 278, c.1760), Davis295297 (item 279, c.1764), Davis289 (item 280, c.1772), Davis253-254 (item 283, c.1791), Davis290 (item 284, c.1792), this binder seems to have specialised in thesis bindings and worked for Balfour and Smellie; see also: boxes of rubbings Edinburgh, University of 8365g10 (arms of the University of Edinburgh blocked in silver) Collins 763 (gilt stamp on spine) Edmond, J. & J. P., & Spark, 54 Queen St., Aberdeen Edmonds, 6 Commerical Place, Brixton Edmonds & Remnant, London (see also Remnant Edoardus Dering & Edmonds) Miles et Baronettus Binder Collins 779 Binder Collins 455 Binder Collins 449, Collins 450, Collins 453, Collins 454, C188a293 (embossed) Education Society's Press Bycullah Binder Edward VI King of England Owner G1572 Cup408a50 (printed label on lower cover pastedown: Bound at Education Society's Press Bycullah.), Collins 992, Collins 993 C17a19, C24c20 (backless binding), G7851, C17a31, C65g10, ?C37e23, C66b14, C46c28, C66g2, C45a13, C66g6, C46e7, C66h1, C46e13, C83i8, C48f3, Royal MS7DXX, Davis86 (item 35, c.1550, London, byt the Medallion Binder for Edward VI), G7851 (arms) Edwards of Halifax Binder C67b18, C48b22, C66c15, C151c9, C65e8 (fore-edge), 2a17, C154i20 (attributed to Edwards), C188a172 (with contemp Yorkshire ms note), 217i20, 217h15, C108e2, G18023, C108e1, C154i19, Davis210, Davis211, G18022-23, ?C69d1, ?C151c8, ?C29k5 (cloth), C151c8 (signed), C151c9 (attributed to Edwards), C170g1 (huge Bible with signed fore-edge lent by W. O. Farrer 1998, painted vellum), C170h1 (Book of Common Prayer lent by W. O. Farrer, painted vellum), C188a53 Edwards, Miss, Guild of Women Binders Binder C108b17 Eedy Binder C38c39 Egerton Owner crest only, Earl of Bridgewater, 8415a11, 1196c32, C65l10, C65a12, C108gg14, C57b36, see also: Maurice Egerton in Henry Davis Gift Egmont, Frederick Eisele, Adolf, Donaueschingen Eleanor, wife of Leopold I Emperor of Germany C188a15 (signed panel on lower cover, no book, just lower cover), ?C65aa12 (rose panel, ?Egmont) Binder Collins 828 Owner ?165m10 (Guigard I, p. 122), G17023 (arms) Elizabeth's translation of Catherine Parr's Prayers ... To Henry VIII, 1545 Royal MS7DX (embroidered binding) Elizabeth I, Queen of England Owner C18b11, C18c8, C20a21, C21e9 (embroidered, dedication copy), C23a9, C23e10, C24a22, C27g7, C30e1, C24b8 (embroidered), C39d44, C46c1, C47f15, C47i4, C64cc2, C64e3, C67f7, C78i4, C82a6, C82f11, C122f2, C132i59, 675f16, C18b7, C65aa15 (vellum), C65aa19 (vellum), C76a21 (vellum), C108c11 (vellum), C17a14 (embroidered, arms), C24e15-18 (embroidered, arms), 168i30, 675f16, Davis64 (item 77, c.1625, London), publisher's binding, centre block depicting Queen Elizabeth I), Davis 30 (item 58, c.1596, London, arms of Elizabeth I in centre of panel design), Davis397 (?for Queen Elizabeth I), see John de Planche Elizabeth I of Owner C133h4 Russia Elizabeth, wife of Frederick, Elector Palatine, Daughter of James I? Owner C67k18 Elizabeth Dickinson's Binder Binder C130a28 Elkins, V. Binder C150a18 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Ellis, George Agar Owner C108d20 Ellison, [Thomas Jones] Elliott, Thomas Binder Collins 457, C188a206 (fragile) Binder Harl MS2788, IB26132, C2a6, ?C35f9 (for Harley), ?C3c13 (for Harley), ?C3c16 (for Harley), ?C3c9 (for Harley), ?C14c13, 2e5, 36h19, 57d15, IB25996, IB28387, C37e6, Harl MS3976 (signed on spine), Harl MS2768, Harl MS2788 Eliot & Chapman Binder ?C11b13, ?226a1, ?C19g1, ?C43e14, ?C7c10, ?C61f13, ?570h19, ?674k2, ?682a3, ?C12h2, ?C14e1, ?C15d15, ?C21b4, ?G3591, ?61f13 (1744), ?682a3, ?C19g3, ?C7e13, ?Tab10vf?, ?C9a1, ?C11b9, ?C11b7, 43e14, 570l19, ?226a1, ?G5932 Emblematic Binder Binder C47k5 Emmett, J. T. Binder C109m25, C109m32 Embossed Bindings (of 19th century Cicero?) C1a27, C2a2, C5a2, C5a3, C5a4, C5a5, C5a6, C5a10, C2a22, C5a11, C5a13, C5a14, C5a22, C5a23, C5a34, C9a8, C9a13, C9a25, C9a30, C10c9, C10d6,7, C11a14, C11a15, C11a16, C11a17, ?C12b16, C13b4, C15e9, C14e12, C16d7, C16h12 Embroidered Bindings See separate lists Enamelled Binding C183c19 (Almanach 1793, Birmingham or Bilston work) Enders IA39673 (orange morocco, plain, gilt lines) Engel Binder c108i3, C109f6 (for Napolean I, Marie house), C155g9 (signed) Engel, [Jean], Paris Binder Collins 916, Collins 917 English, J., of Folkestone Binder Collins 97 Engraving C67b25 (?print from copper plate on calf) Entoir Binder C153c1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Entwisle, J[ohn] Eriber Binder Binder Erotic Bindings Collins 458 IB5532 PC16l2 (gold tooled orange morocco), PC16m12 (gold tooled white cloth), PC15d14 (?plastic & paper), PC13ee16 (paper, decorated), PC31e38 (paper), PC31f25 (gold blocked white vellum), PC26b35, PC30l2 (gold tooled silk), PC29a72 (silk and paper, picture), PC16l7 (gold tooled cloth), PC16l6 (gold tooled cloth) ESA London Binder Collins 456 (?) Esnaut Binder C153c2 (signed) Esselte, of Sweden Binder C128g5 Essex, Earl of Capell Owner C67i4 (imprint 1708) Essnau, papetier Music K10d8 (label on leather binding) Este Owner 142d10 (c.1661) Este, Ludorico, Cardinal Owner C47i9, C68c18 Este, Mary d', 2nd gd of James II Owner C28e7 (Waller, Poems 1668, bound by Queen's Binder A) Estrees, Duc Victor Marie Marchal of France Owner C68c6 Etherington, Don Owner C108ee1 Eton College C152c1 (arms, Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Ettal Monastery See Placidus Seitz Ettles & Young of Elgin Binder C150a19 (signed) Evans, of Croydon Binder C103g(1-5), C103g7, C103g8, C103g9 Evans, Henry Binder C108n7, C130bb17, C72c2 Evans, Herbert Norman Owner C69d12, 11626b29 Evans, J [oseph]. S.[tuart] Binder C108pp3 (for Roche), C151c10 (signed), C188c30 Evans Binder, Salop Binder C199b24 Evans & Short Binder Collins 870 Eve Bindery Binder Davis446 (by binder of Henri III) Eve, Claris Binder C19b8, ?C19b9, Davis510 Evelyn, John Owner Evershed, Mrs. 59 South Molton Street, London (Church and Secular Needlework) Binder C67g2, C69a10, C143f14, ?C129 d15 (with J. E.'s bookplate, but probably bound earlier), Evec15, ?Evea131 (no coat of arms, but probably bound for J. Collins 461 Everybody’s Books, 4 Denmark Street, Charing Cross Road, W.C.2 Ex Libris Binder Collins 459, Collins 460 Binder Collins 463 E.), Eveb7 (Settle). 236c25 Ewing Binder Eyre & Spottiswoode C151c11 (signed), 3185b3 (binder's ticket - M Ewing, Cumming J. Apocalyptic … 1849, London), Collins 462 (?) C61h8, Collins 464, Collins 465, Collins 466 F Name Fedorovna, Maris Owner or Shelfmark Binder see M. F. F., B. C118bb8 (gold tooled on English ?16thcentury binding) F., I. Davis73 (item 129, initials I F + A B on painted fore-edge of Bartlett binding) F., I. C36f14 (on English 16th-century binding, with a rowned Tudor rose) IOAF Egerton MS 1228 (initials and date 1602 on German binding), see Johann Orschinovsky a Furstenfeld F., M., Empress Maria Fedorovna Owner C156k18 (initials) Fairbairn & Armstrong Binder C33a51, G10018-20 Fakes Falconer, J., of Dublin Falconer, J., Sackville St., Dublin False Headbands C184b8 (fake Mudejar binding signed by Josefina Is. Diez Lassaletta on vellum paste-down), C184b9 (fake Mudejar binding), C109k19 (fake Grolier binding), C108x8 (fake Apollo & Pegasus Grimaldi binding), C109e53 (fake Italian 16th-century morocco binding with visconti arms gold tooled), C109k18 (Joni fake), X981/10985 (imitation, not fake 'Magnus' binding 1910), C66b2, C109eee9 ('Italian') Binder Collins 282 Binder Collins 283, Collins 284 885d13 (Germany, 17th century) Fargher and Lindner Binder 236k24 (ticket), G10482 (binder's label), C151c13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, with arms of Willam Wyndham Grenville, Baron Grenville, on both covers), C151c12 (signed, early 19th century) Farnese, Pierluigi Owner G4762 (Pegasus medallion in centre) Farnese, Ranuccis Owner Davis798 Farmer, J. Binder C68h10 Farndell, T. Haydh & Mozart Symphonies, watermarks, 1809,10,11; 1/4 calf, marbled boards, red label on upper cover, white ticket. Bound by T. Farndell, bookbinder to her R H Princess Charlotte of Wales Farrant & Frost, Merthyr & Aberdare Fauconnier Binder Collins 871 Binder C150g17 (signed) Faulkner, H., d. 1812 Binder C39d45, C34i17 (for Utterson), C57e7, C186bb15, C37f15, C53b33, G15225 (signed), G16507, G17786 (ticket: Bound by H. Faulkner, George Court, Adelphi) Faulkner, J. Binder C111aa18, C128a13 Fawn, J., & Son, Bristol Fazackerley, of Liverpool Binder Collins 98, Collins 99 Binder C68g9, C68i18, C108bbb17, C151d1 (signed) Fazakerley, of Manchester Binder Collins 100 Felbrigge Psalter Sloane 2400 (Department of Manuscripts, embroidered binding) Felix Binder C153c3 (signed) Fenno, J., of Colchester Binder Collins 101, RB23a688, C150b1(1) Fenwick, John Owner C48k11 Ferdinand I, King of the Two Sicilies Owner C154g13 (arms) Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany Owner C150m12 (arms) Ferdinand VI of Spain Owner C68h4 Ferdinand I, Duke of Parma Owner C68e6 Ferguson Owner C188a84 (arms of Ferguson added) Ferin, A. Owner C43b1 Fermor, Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Paufret C47d14, C68d8, Davis144-146, see also Shelburne, see also John Brindley (Davis) Fermor, Thomas, Earl of Paufret C58h1 Fernandes, Seraphim, of Lisbon Binder Cup408u50 (printed ticket: Seraphim Fernandes, L. de Pantodores e Encadernadores ... Lisbon) Fersil Porto? Field, John, 65 Regent Street, London Fiennes Binder Binder Cup408t29 (signed) Collins 467, Collins 468, Collins 469 Owner C66f23 Fikentscherdt C96b4 (brown morocco, blind tooled) Filareto Owner Davis797, Davis766 Filleul, WF, 39 Halkett Place, Jersey Findelstein Press von, Bavaria Binder Collins 900 Owner C47i11 Firmian, Leopold, Archbishop of Salzburg Owner C67e22 First Stadholder's Bindery (c 17221793) C115s24 Fisher, George, the Gregynog Press Bindery Binder Fisher, H. T. & Co., of Clapham Fisher, [Thomas] & Son, 2 Ivy Lane, London Binder Binder Collins 470 Fishtail Binder Binder IA47755, Add. MS34807, IA40179, IA40664, IA50025, IA40182, IA39134, IA3963 Five Star Shop, Padua, 15th century Binder IB20321 Flack, M Comte de Flandre C69ee13, C69g9 (with Blair HughesStanton), C99g41 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C99h26 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C99h28 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C100a3 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C100b9 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C100e21 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C100k27 (with R. Ashwin Maynard), C100c10, C100c19 (with Blair Hughes-Stanton), C102e16 (with Blair Hughes-Stanton), C102f11, C102g8, C102h11 (with William MacCance), C102l8, C102l19 (with Blair Hughes-Stanton), C108b3, C108f, C108g5 (with Blair Hughes-Stanton), C188b60 photograph album of his Collins 471 bindings Hirsch Library (H. Bishop - Comedy of Errors, 1/2 green roan, marbled paper sides, early 19th century) Owner C188a12 (presentation copy to the Comte de Flandre, 1849) Fleming, Abbot of the Abbey of St James the Greater at Regensburg Binder Fleming, Samuel, of Glasgow Fletcher, of Southampton C38a62 C114c61 Binder RB23a3361 (ticket), C151d2 (signed) Fletcher, John Binder 201h6,7, 195g2, C132i64, 62h2, 195g2,3, 201h65-7 (signed fore-edge) Fletcher & Tubbs, 49 Cross St., Manchester G. Fleubet de Naulac Binder Collins 103, Collins 104 Owner 1b6 Fleurian d'Armenonville, J. J. B. Owner C19a32 Folder C151c5 (gold tooled red morocco folder for documents signed by Drefous of London, c. 1840) Folkard, Henry Binder? Collins 1008 Folkes, Martin (1690-1754), library sold by auction in 1756 Owner C44c18, C7a1 (his device on spine) Folthorp of Brighton Binder C154k1 (signed) Forberg, Gregorius, of Nuremberg Owner Egerton MS1188 (initials on 16thcentury German binding, very faded) Forbes & Co., Fletcher, of Southampton Ford of Manchester Binder Collins 102 Ford, H. .J. Binder C109aaa12 Fore-edges, painted Owner See Edges, painted Forest Binder C153c4 (signed) Forest Owner C69bb7, C69bb9 Forey, Ch. Binder C153c5 (signed) Foscarini, (Marco?) Owner Forth, W., of Bridlington Binder C66a4, C68a4, C47d10, G8321 (made up arms used but binding not in same style as preceding so C24a38, C154k3 (Ramsden Collection of have signedcare) bindings), C154k2 (Ramsden G15038 (brown calf, blind tooled, 19thcentury binder or bookseller) Collection of signed bindings) Foucault, N. T. Owner C67c7 Fouche Binder C153c6 (signed) Foucon of Marseilles Binder C155g10 (signed) Foulis Press Bindery Binder Collins 780 Fountainbleau Binder Binder Davis331, Davis329, Davis328 Fountains Abbey Davis80 (late 12th/early 13th century) Fouquet, Nicholas Owner C46h7, C47a17, Davis523 Fournier Binder C150g18 (signed) Fournier C47b16 (red morocco, gilt back, lines on sides, arms of Madame Adelaide, daughter of Louis XV of France) Fox, Charles, 5 George Street, W1 Binder Cup402b20 (signed, gold tooled vellum) Collins 472, Collins 473, Collins 475 Fox, Charles, Manchester Sq., London Fox, C. of London Binder Collins 474, Collins 476 Binder RB23b1583 (signature unclear, plain 1/2 binding) Foyle, W. & G. Binder Collins 477 Frame Group for Robert Dudley Binder C183a25, C46d14, C64b2 Francis, [James], 2 Surreyfoot of Westminster Bridge Francois I of France Binder Collins 478 Owner Davis367, Davis388, G9052 (original panel laid on) Francois II of France Owner Davis423 (arms as Dauphin) Francis II, King of Naples Owner C64a17 Francis, E. C., of Bristol Binder C37b41, C37b51 (1831) Francois Binder C150h1 (signed) Franklin, Benjamin Owner C67f17, C186bb2 Franz (20th century, France) Binder Cup406g93 Franzese, Nicol Binder Davis835 (for Eurialo Silvestri) Fraser Binder C150b2 (signed) Fraser of Regent St., London Frezier Binder Collins 479 Binder C153c7 (signed) Frederick the Great, King of Prussia Owner C46b37, C66b3, C192a52 (monogram of Frederick I on upper cover, royal arms on lower cover) Frederick, Archduke of Austria Owner C65gg15 Frederick, Elector of Palatine Owner C47k18, C64h17 Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales (son of George II, father of George III) Owner 292i20, 43i3, 48a15, 51e4, 51e24, 61h14, C108m7, 42i3 (Brindley), 48a15, 61h1-4 (cypher), 76a1 (arms and monogram), 292i18-21 Freeling Owner C21a41 (crest), C39e67 (crest) Freeman, J. Binder C40c48 Freemasons 4784f21 (Anderson, New Book of Constituions … London, 1738, gold tooled marbled calf with red morocco label tooled: The Constitution book Cross-Key's Tavern Holbourn etc., 1739) French, Isabel W. de Owner C190e21 (19th-century Argentinian binding with the initials I. W. De F., author's ms notes inscribing book to her) French, J. H., of Accrington Frere of Rouen Binder Collins 105 Binder C153c8 (signed) Fresnoy, Heli Owner Davis462 Frey, R. W. & Veitch, F. P. Frichet Binder? Collins 1009 Binder C153c9 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Fridrich, Freiher for Herbestein? etc Owner Davis636, Friedrich Annette Binder C188c35 Fripp, Sarah Steuart Owner C55k1 Fritsch, Jacob of Wittenberg Binder RB23e23914 Fritzsche, Gustav, Germany Froissart Binder Collins 829 (see also Graff), Collins 830, Collins 831, Collins 832 Binder C150h2 (signed) Frost, Martin (foreedge painter) C129f12 Frye, Bartholomew Binder C188a9, C151d3, C151k4 (binder's ticket), C151k5 (binder's ticket), C154k5 (signed), C151d3 (signed), C154k4 (signed), C188c17 (3 vols, ticket and fore-edge paintings, Somerville bequest acquired 1999) Fugger Owner C68b4, C68h7 (Fugger-Kierchberg), C128a24 Fullarton, A. & Co., Edinburgh Binder Collins 781 Funazaki, Eri Binder C188b39 (signed, 2003), Taylor 5, Taylor 24. Furness Abbey C64h13 (views of Furness Abbey, painted pictures in centre panels of both covers, England 19th century) Furstemberg, Ferdinand, Bishop of Paderborn Owner 77h12 Fugger, Marc Owner Davis379 (by Claude de Picques) Furstenfeld, Johan Orchinovsky a Owner Egerton MS1228 (initials I O A F and date 1602 on German binding) G Name G., C. G., E. Owner or Shelfmark Binder Binder C188a35 (roll with these letters) C21a51 G., E Binder? G., G. G., H. G., B. W. On panel stampof Luther on music ms K.1.b.9 on panel stamps (Luther and Melanchthon, Maggs Catalogue 1287) Binder Davis675 (item 327, c.1530-39, Duelmen, initials H.G.) Davis81 (late 15th century, Cambridge) G., I. R. Binder? G., M. G., P. (Prince George) Davis611 (item 305, late 16th century, initials M.G. added to upper cover) Owner G., S. G., T. see for Joannes Reckins: Davis 631 217f24 (initials on A. Linde binding), 218d3 (initials on A. Linde binding) Davis7 (item 15, c.1520, probably London, signed S.G. (defaced)) Owner G., V. C23a26 (initials on embroidered velvet binding) C105e15 (roll with the initials V.G.) G., W & G., I. binder C53b22 (by the WG & IG Binder see Oldham EBSB pl x n20) Gaertner, Matthias Binder Davis680 (item 345, c.1580 Augsburg, attributed to Gaertner by Dr. I Schunke) Gale, H. Binder C150b3 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Gale & Polden, Brompton Works, Chatham Galette Binder Collins 107 Binder C39a63 Galignani, A. & W. Gallois, F. Publishers Collins 918 (and binders?) Binder C153c10 (signed) Galloway and Porter, Sidney Street, Cambridge Galwey & Co., Dublin Binder Collins 106 Binder C151d4 (signed) Ganard (Paris) Binder 11715a42 (signed but plain) Ganganelli family name of Pope Clement XIV Garda, Lorenzo, of Ivrea Gardner, Anthony Binder Collins 937 Binder Collins 108 Garnier Binder C153c11 (signed) Garrett, Frank Binder C128b4 (1916) Garrick, D. Owner rebound at BM c.1841, all with Garrick's arms: C28g5, C34a1-10, C34b1-21, C34b23-40, C34b42-58, C34c1-59, C34d157, C34e1-33, C34f1-3, C34f5-6, C34f8-11, C34i1, C34k2-5, C34k6, C34k11-12, C34k14-16, C34k19, C34k21-25, C34k2728, C34k30-31, C34k33, C34k35-36, C34k38-39, C34k41-42, C34k44-45, C34k47-48, C34k51-52, C34k55-56, C34k58-60, C34k63, C34l1, C34l3-4, C34l6-7, C34l9, C34m1, C134b12 (no arms, but name), C34c39, C34c41 Garzoni Family Owner ?C47d7 Gaskill of Philadelphia Binder C129k15 Gastiaux Binder C156k5 (signed) Gaubal Binder C153d1 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Gaudard of Dijon Binder C153d2 (signed), C153d3 (signed), C153h3 (signed), C153d4 (signed) Gaudreau Binder C153d7 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C153d6 (signed), C150h5 (signed), C150h4 (signed), C153d5 (signed) Gavere, Joris de Binder a panel signed by Joris de Gavere occurs with the St Margaret panel on Davis609 (item 301) Gaw, John, of Coleraine Gaw, Thomas of Coleraine Gay of Strasbourg Binder Collins 286 (?) Binder Collins 285 (?) Binder C153d8 (signed) Gellatly & White of Edinburgh Genet Binder Collins 812 Binder C153d9 (signed) Geometrical Compartment Binder Binder Davis133 (item 146, c.1700, London), Davis191 (item 147, c.1702, London), possibly c183c18, c108i12 and 88g19 George I (reign 1714-1727) Owner C108ee3, 66b22, ?11g2 (George I's arms, George III's arms added), 231i32, Stowe MS 249, 280b27 (arms as Elector of Hanover) George II (reign 1727-1760) C18e14 (arms of George II), C130d5, 84h9, 227b16, 228f2, 34d8, 278f31, 226a14, 238g40-45 (as Prince of Wales), ?238g15 (as Prince of Wales), 287a13 (as Prince of Wales), 7a15, 42g8, 65i5, 95l6 (plus wife's arms), 74k8 (plus wife's arms), 76e15 (plus wife's arms), 95l7 (plus wife's arms), 145b22 (plus wife's arms), 238g 35, 40, 42, 43, 44 (plus wife's arms), 287a13 (plus wife's arms), 13b6 (wife's arms painted on fore-edge), 7a15,16 (arms), 12a19 (arms), 292k18 (as Prince of Wales), 112e66 (as Prince of Wales) George III (reign 1760-1820) Owner C1a1, C1a3, C1a4, C1a14, C1a16, C1a25, C1a26, C1a27, C1b14, C1d1 (bound by Staggemeier and Welcher, London), C1d8, C1d60, C2a2, C2a22, C2b2, C2b17, C2c2, C2c8, C2d3, C2d4, C3a1, C3b14, C3e1, C3e5, C3e6, C3e7, C3e8, C3e10, C3e11, C4b8, C4c1-4, C5a2, C5a3, C5a4, C5a10, C5a11, C5a14, C5a22, C5a23, C5a34, C5d9, C5e18, C6b18, C6e5, ?C6e7, C6e8, C7c10, C7c11, C7e11, C9a6, C9a8, C9a13, C9a25, C9a30, C9a31, C9b2 (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C9d4, C9d6, C10b2, C10c8, C10c9, C10d1 (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C10d2, C10d3, C10d6 (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C10d8, C10d10 (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C10d13 (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C11a7, C11a14, C11a15, C11a16, C11a17, C11a25, C11b6, C11d1, C11d5 George IV (reign 1820-1830) Owner (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C11d7, C11d9, C11e3 (Buckingham Palace Bindery), C11e5, C11e9, C12b11, C12c9, C12c13, C12d4, C12e9, C12e17, C13b4, C13b11, C13d1, C14b14, C14c4, C14d12, C14e2, C14e12, C15b6, C15b12, C15c9, C16f7, C16h12, C22f6 (British Museum binding?), C38f40, C39i20, C39k5, C46a26, C46i1, C66k4, C121h1, C124h1 (gift of George III), C143b3 (silk embroidered), 42f1 (Hering with George III's arms), 51e24, 51i16 (as Prince of Wales), 64i8, 65e15, 61d9 (as Prince of Wales), 67h9, 68i5, 72h11, 84h9, 95l6, 168i1, 217b8 (as Prince of Wales?), 217f24 (as Prince of Wales), 218d3 (as Prince of Wales?), 226a14, 227b16, 228f2, 238g15 (includes the arms of Queen Caroline), 238g42 (includes the arms of Queen Caroline), 246k33 (as Prince of Wales), 278f31, 287a13 (includes the arms of Queen Caroline), 292i20 (as Prince of Wales), 48h8 (?German velvet with George III's arms), 57a1, 78b8, 165d7, 288d7 (arms), 292f5 (arms and monogram), Davis212 (item 188, c.1782, engraved with the cypher of George III), Davis299 (item 263, c.1786, Dublin, arms of George III in the centre, profile portraits of George III), C188b80 medallion portrait C11d9, ?58c14 (as Prince ofof George and also one of the prince of Wales. Wales),C188b80 medallion as Prince of Wales on binding. 220b10, 290b19 (as Prince of Wales), 290b20 (as Prince of Wales), C154g6 (monogram of George IV (presentation as King of C52cc19, C64i7, C109q5 Hanover) binding) George V (reign 1910-1936) Owner George, Prince of Denmark, husband of Queen Anne Owner 50b19 Gerhold, R., of Leipzig Binder C43g2, C43h16, Collins 833 a and b (2 vols), Collins 834 Gerlach, W., of Berlin Binder C106e3 Germain-Simier Binder C153e2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153e1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Gerrard, Paul Binder C27m8, C27m10, C30l7 Giampaolo, Riva LB31c3316 (Italian, cloth binding mounted with 2 engraved plates) Gibbons, T., of Bath Binder Collins 110 (?), 3405a5, C150b4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Gibson, W[illiam], A[inslie], of Berwick Gifford, A. Binder ?Collins 109 Gilchrist Binder C129a15 Ginain Binder C150h6 (signed), C153e5 (signed), C153e3 (signed), C153e4 (signed), C150h7 (signed), Davis551-552 Ginn, Flora Binder C188a32 Giolli, P. Binder C108e18 Girardet Binder C150h8 Girardot Binder C153e7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153e6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, signed Girardot of Troyes) Giroux Binder C153e8 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Gittins, Thomas, of Shrewsbury Binder C129b4 (c.1700?, ind.) Glanvill, G., 22 Frankfort Street Plymouth Glenday of Montrose, 19th c., Scottish Binder Collins 111 (also possible repairs? By Wm Skinner, 89 Fore Street, Saltash) Binder C188a101 (signed) Gloss (or Closs?) Binder C38c7, C97a21 Glynn, 36 Pall Mall Binder? G2754 Godefroy of Blois Binder C153e9 (signed) Garda, Lorenzo, of Ivrea Binder? Collins 937 C145e24, 1578/4208 (with bookplate inside), 1578/4207 (with bookplate inside) Garret, Godfrey, Cambridge stationer and bookbinder With GG and crowed rose-pomegranate, fleur-de-lys and castle, by Garret Godfrey; C65c17, C46d16 (c.1522), C67d8, Davis13 (item 21, c.1523), C47e2 Goepel, Erhard Binder? Collins 1010 Goldsmid, John Lewis Owner C47f3, C57e20, G2293 (crest), G8922 (crest and arms), G9883 (crest), G10086 (arms and devices) Golder of Reading Binder Gomez de la Cortina, J. Collins 112 See Cortina, J. Gomez de la Gonet, Jean de Binder C188a19 (signed) Gonnet Binder C153e10 (signed) Goodall & Suddick Ltd., Cookridge St., Leeds Goodwin of Tetbury Binder Collins 113 Binder 1568/5026 (1), C151d5 (signed) Goodrich, Thomas See King Edward & Queen Mary Binders II Gorinchem C107e48 (arms of Goringchem, SW Netherlands, gold tooled on vellum, Dutch 18th century) Gosden, T., 107 St Martin's Lane Binder C108b6, ?C108p1, C183c11, ?G2376, ?C48g12 (impressions from silvery buttons?), C151d7 (signed), Davis223 (item 204, c.1810, London, possibly made by Thomas Gosden, CCIW monogram), Davis262 (item 205, c.1823, London), C151d6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, with the bookplate of T. Gosden, impressions of silver buttons), C151d8 (signed) Gosden Binder C150b5 (attributed to Gosden, same as T. Gosden?) Gosden T., 18 Bedford Square, Covent Garden Binder Collins 480 Gosselin Binder Binder C153e11 (signed) Gotelee, H[enry], [Odiham, Hampshire] Gouda Collins 114 166n8 (arms of Gouda on Dutch school prize binding, c.1731) Gough (Henry) Binder Collins 481 Goux de la Berchere, Le, Archbishop of Narbonne Owner C133a2 Grabau Binder C100e18 Grace, De Bonne Graff, W.v.C C129 mm3 (1532, DE BONNE GRACE on covers) See Fritzsche Collins 829 Graffert, H., of Berlin Binder C38c33 Graham of Alnwick Binder Collins 116 Graham, Rigby Binder Collins 1011 Gramont, Duchesse de Choiseul Stainville Owner C67b11 Gramont, Duchesse, Beatrix de Choiseul Stainville Owner C30c4, C67c22 Grande Trappe, La Owner C69g7 Grant, George & Arthur, Upper Thames St., London EC Grant, R[obert] & Son, Edinburgh Granvelle Binder Collins 482 (?) Binder Collins 782 (?) Owner Davis801, Davis800, C48h10 (19th-century imitation of 16th-century binding with the arms of Cardinal Perrenot de Granvelle) Granville, George of Stafford Owner ?C53gg13, ?C53gg19, ?C53h27 Gras-Dorus Binder C153e12 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Gray, Lord Owner ?C108bb33 Gray, Edward W. Binder C128f9 Gray, John of Edinburgh Binder RB23a14796 (binder's ticket) Gray & Son, John P., of Cambridge Binder Collins 118, Collins 120, C100g46, C113a15, C108x10 Gray, Cambridge Binder Collins 115, Collins 117, Collins 119 Greene, James Binder Davis143 (item 154, c.1740, probably Oxford) Green, W. H. Binder C108aa29, C108aa30, C108bb31, C108dd22, C108k11 Greenhill, Elizabeth Binder C183aa5, C109 p15, Davis303 (item 247, c.1962, signed), Cup503m48 (signed) Greening, W., 183 Fleet Street Binder 12411f1 (ticket), Collins 483, Collins 484, Collins 1031 Greenwich Binder Binder C21b7 (for Henry VIII) Gregory XIII, Pope Owner 1568/6329 (arms gold tooled on covers) Gregory, of Bath Binder RB23a14316 (embossed stamp of Gregory, book dealer & bookbinder, Bath) Gregory & Taylor, of Liverpool Binder Collins 121 (?) Gregynog Press Bindery C69ee13 (George Fisher), C69g9 (Blair Hughes-Hanton; George Fisher), C98e29, C98f5, C98f14, C99d34 (George Fisher), C99e35, c99g41 (R. Ashwin Maynard, George Fisher), C98f8, C98h8, C99e37, C99e38, C99h26 (R Ashwin Maynard; George Fisher), C99h28 (R. Ashwin Maynard; George Fisher), C99h44 (Blair Hughes-Stanton), C100a3 (William MacCance; George Fisher), C100b9 (George Fisher; Blair Hughes-Stanton), C100c12 (George Fisher), C100e21 (R. Ashwin Maynard; George Fisher), C100e23, C100g30 (George Fisher), C100k16 (Horace W. Bray; George Fisher), C100k24 (George Fisher), C100k27 (George Fisher), C100l10 (George Fisher), C100l19 (Blair HughesStanton; George Fisher), C102a10 (George Fisher), C102e13 (Blair Hughes-Stanton; George Fisher), C102e16 (Blair HughesStanton; George Fisher), C102f11 (George Fisher), C102g8 (George Fisher), C102h11 (William MacCance; George Fisher), C102l4 (George Fisher), C102l8 (George Fisher), C102l19 (Blair Hughes-Stanton; George Fisher), C103b1 (George Fisher), C103h4, C108b3 (George Fisher), C108f1 (George Fisher), C108g5 (Blair HughesStanton; George Fisher), C108g7 (George Fisher), C108h3 (George Fisher), C108g2, C119a6, C126a25, C126a28, C127a16, C127a22, C127a27 Grenville, Thomas Owner C40d57, C24c4, C28e1, C33d17, C141bb25 Grenville, William Wyndham, Baron Grenville Owner See Fargner and Lindner (C151c13, Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), see also boxes of rubbings Gresswell, of Taunton Binder C151d9 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Gey, Jenni Binder C188b34 (binder), Taylor 1, Taylor 20. Grey, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Stamford Owner Add MS38,008 (arms gold tooled) Grierson Binder 21e1 (Irish Statutes, vols 1-8, Dublin 1765, red Morocco, fully gilt, coloured inlay on sides, all volumes have been rebacked, vols were printed by Boulter Grierson) Grierson, Boulter, of Dublin Binder Davis315 (item 261, c.1765, Dublin) Grieve, Andrew, of Edinburgh Binder C39d59, C108g24, C31b22, C40e47 Grigg, W. Binder C190a6 (with binder's label and advert and 1772 inscription) Grimaldi Binder Binder Davis847 (for Hannibale Minale), Davis846, Davis809-810 Grimaldi, Giovanni Battista Owner C69ee6, C108x8 (Apollo & Pegasus fake), 81i13, G10835, G4762 Grimaud Binder ?C63l6, C63a11 Grimani Owner 180h1, 2 (painted arms, c.1605) Grimes, of Cheltenham Grolier, Jean Binder Collins 122 Owner C19b4, C19b5, C19b6, C19b18, C19b19-26, 687c33, C19c4, ?C19c9, C24c5, C24c13 (early inscription 'Grolieri ac amicorum', NOT in Grolier's hand), C24c18, C24f15, C46i12, C46i14, C48b9, C27d2, C66d15, C132i61, C183a30, ?C129m11, C19f24, C24b23, C24c5, C24c6, C27d3, C57c25, C66d15, IC19693, 687e35, G8488, ?G9026, Grispigni, R., Capo Le Case, Rome Binder G9056, G9136, G9426, G9846, G10046, G16702, Davis374 (by Claude de Picques), Davis722, Davis788 Collins 935 Grolier's Last Binder Binder 687e34, C46c3, ?C48e22, C19f21 Grolier de Servieres, Antoine Owner Davis432, Davis389, Davis366, Davis325 Grosclaude, of Metz Binder C150h9 (signed), C153e13 (signed) Gruel, Leon but there were a whole family of them so some may relate to another member. Binder C32d20, C34a48, C47a9, C47a10, C47a11, C47a20, C120c4, Davis588, IC125, Tab8b7, Cup408w44, Eccles 28, IC.125 (signed) Gubbins, J. E. of Wellington St, Strand, ?bookseller G3945 Guedon Binder C153e15 (signed), C153e16 (signed), C153e14 (signed) Gueffier Binder C153f1 (signed) Guenegaud, H. de Owner C46f8 Guerin, F. B., Guernsey Guermantes, Prondre de Binder Collins 901 Owner C30a29, G6685 (arms superimposed over binding with initials of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria) [Casa] Guidi Arts and Crafts, Florence Guild of Women Binders Binder Collins 938, Collins 939 Binder C108b17, C108bbb8 Guillaume, J. J., of Pimlico Guillery, Marcantonio, of Rome Binder Collins 485 Binder G4762 (for Grimaldi), C37l4 (for Filareto) Guillot of Alencon Binder C153f2 (signed) Guiseppe (Legatoria Palazzo Guiseppe, Naples) Binder C112e12 Guizot Owner C152g12(1) (initials, 490) Gulstan Owner C7a12 Gulston, W. Owner G3293 (crest) Gustavus III, Owner C67e20 King of Sweden Gutch, G. & Co., of Southampton Binder RB23a16806 (ticket) Guy Brothers, Academy St., Cork Guyot Binder Collins 287 Binder c153f3 (signed) Guzman, Duke of Medina Towes Owner GVL_DG Binder C47b14, c129f18, 659a26, C47d16, C65d10, C66e18, C67c14, C68h4, C68h6, C69aa12, ?C115t13 (no coat of arms on binding but similar tooled motifs), C129f18, Cup410c5659a26, (dans l'Atelier Artisanal de la Nouvelle Libraire de France) Gwynn, Edward Owner C65g21, C65g23, C129i24 H Name H., A. Owner or Shelfmark Binder C64d11 (with Tudor rose and panel stamp of Annunciation and legend Ecce Ancillal Domini fiat michi/secundum/verbum tuum), C65hh17 (A. H. and Tudor rose), Davis4 (item 12, c.1515) H., F. Egerton MS1182 (initials on panel used on 1560 German binding) H., I. Cup407m47 (initials blind tooled on upper cover, 16th-century. Germany) H., S. G. Egerton MS1214 (initials and date 1591 on German binding) H., S. C66d1 (initials gold tooled on 1600-1650 English binding with initials PM) H., S. A. C36c15 (gold tooled on 18th-century Danish? binding) H Binder C109c6 h (Theodore Hapgood)? Binder ?Collins 490 Haarhaus, Tours, Mame Haarlem Binder Collins 919 Habenicht, August, of Vienna, 19th century Binder C43i14 (signed), C128e16 Haberly, Lloyd Binder C99c46 199c5 (Haarlem arms on school prize) Hacker, Walter, Leipzig 20th century Binder Cup408ww1 (signed on lower turn-in) Hagmayer, Johann Germany 15th century Hague, Louis IB8920 Binder Hague, The Collins 948 165m11 (vellum, arms of The Hague on school prize, c.1732.), C188a11 (lower cover panel arms of The Hague, c.1754) Hague, Belgium Binder C27h10, C108l2 (for Cardinal de Tournon) Haigh Binder C150b6 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Hains Binder C100a5 Hall, I. V., 83 High St., Maidstone Hallhead, William (?) Halle, F., of Leipzig Binder Collins 123 (?) Binder (?) Binder Collins 288 Haltby of Oxford Binder C107b11 Hamilton Owner C47i21 (Hamilton, Archbishop of St Andrews, Celsus De a. med.) Hamilton, Duke of Douglas Owner C151c9 (arms) Hammond Binder C39i9, C37d54, 5423e16, RM14c11 Hamondt,19th century, Dutch Binder Ch850/1 (signed at tail of spine, blocked cloth case) Hampstead Bindery C36f5 (signed) See B. P. A. Salroldelli Hanbury, [Henry] & Co. Hanbury & Simpson, Fleet Street Hance, P., 14 Upper Gloucester Place, King’s Road, Chelsea Hanway, Jonas (1712-1786) Binder Collins 487 Binder Collins 489 Binder Collins 486, Collins 488 (listed as P. Hance, 55 King’s Rd., Chelsea) Owner C108b15, 30f12, 188f7 (1783), 186a5 (c.1759), 288c29 (1757), 189c3 (c.1760), 186a15 (1757), 224g34 (1777), C69e2, 232b27 (c.1781), 533c13, 288c28 (1776), 11632h8, 291d50, Davis203 (item 176, c.1765, London, by Hanway's second binder), C188a128. Hapgood, Theodore (?) Binder Collins 490 Harborne? "Deus industriam Beat" Owner C66e1 (with arms of Harborne) Harcourt Bindery of Boston Mass. Binder Harding, John C120g3 See Alexander Cleeve Hardman, F. (Wallasay) Binder Cup510dal4, Cup510dal5 Hardy Binder C20b11, C31e34, C39d8, C36b31, C40a50, C38a29-31, C40b31, C38a36, C40l17, C38g12, C48b12, C38h16, C54g6, C39a45, C57b3, C39c65, C70a7, C97d13, C119h12, C155g11 (signed), PC30d12 (signed, according to Ashby this binding was done in 1875) Hardy Binder C192a41 (with stamp of Bibliotheque de Mello) Hardy, C. Binder C48b12, C31e34, C57b3, C70a7, C97d13, C40b31, C38a30 Hardy, G. Binder C119h12 Hardy-Mennil Binder Harlay, De, Comte de Beaumont Fr. (1639-1712) Owner C20d2, C31b31,C31f9 (with book plate of Edouard Pelay), C62a29, C38h18 (Marius Michel, Doreur), C39a16, C39b60, C48a14, C52f14, C57a17, IB39843, 11735aaa29 C68d4, C67d3 Harley, Robert Owner ?C3a2, C12e13, ?C1c12, C15c6 (given to James West by Harley), ?C1c14, ?C16i13, ?C2c9, C16i14, C3c13, C22b1, C3c16, C48d17, C3c9, ?C6c6-8, C67e8, ?C9a1, C67e18, ?C10d4, C67f10, C67i5, 883e30, G3694 (arms and name of) Harmsworth of Ryde Binder Collins 124, Collins 125 Harper & Brothers Binder C116e12 Harpsfield, Nicholas Owner C108c20 Harrer, Hans Owner Davis679 (item 344; after 1578 by Caspar Meuser, arms of Hans Harrer, and arms of his wife) Harrington, Earl of See Charles Stanhope Harris, H. Harris, R., Northamptom Harris, R.. T., 53 Longbrook Street Exeter Binder Binder C109a53 Collins 126 Binder Collins 127 Harrison, London Binder Collins 491 (?) Harrison of Belfast Binder C151d10 (signed) Harrison of London Binder? Collins 492 a and b Harrison & Sons, St. Martin’s Lane, London Harritt & Co. of London Binder Harrods Limited Binder Collins 494 Hart, A., of Braintree Binder Collins 128, Collins 129 Collins 493 C64cc15 (clasp signed Harrit & Co, London 19th-century binding) Hasert in the Buchbinderei von Heinrich Koch (Stuttgart) Binder Hatchards of London C129a8 C127d2, C128d11 (Bound by Morrell) Hatton, Christopher Owner C67g11, C67h3, C67i3, C108b12, C108c13, Davis101 (item 97; before 1648, arms, name and moto of Sir Christopher Hatton), G12228 (arms) Hattu, A., of Cambrai Binder C153f4 (signed) Hawes, J. B., of Binder C54bb7, Collins 130, Collins 132 Cambridge Hausen & Co., inh. J. H. Angermeyer, Leipzig Hawkins of Nash Court, Co. Kent Binder Hawkins, F. W. & Son, 10 Holloway Head, Birmingham Hayday, [James], see also below Binder Collins 131 Binder Hayday & Mansell Binder Collins 495, Collins 496, Collins 498, Collins 499, Collins 500, Collins 501, Collins 502, Collins 503 Collins 497 Hayday, of London Binder Collins 289 Hayday (from 1825- Hayday and Boyer) Binder C21a44, C21c45, C25a26, C25g12, C25a31, C25h5, C25b5, C25l6, C25b11, C25l7, C25b15, C25b32, C27b7, C25c10, C27m3-5, C25c17, C28l14, C25e8, C29f12, C29f14, C35a5, C29g1, C35b3, C30b10, C35b7, C30b11, C35b8, C30b12, C35b24, C34f24, C35c13, C34f31, C35c21, C34f39, C35d3, C35d10, C37c36, C35d17, C37c51, C35f13, C37h2, C35g13, C38b29, C35g14, C39c44, C36a7, C39e49, C36a28, C39e66, C37c5, C39f20, C39g31, C110f32, C40c20, C116h8, C41b11, C122b16, C41e9, C122c2, C55i5, C123b9, C103e22, C126b7, C108bb17, C129d4, C109b16, ?620i41, Huth39, G18575-9, 1019d34, 11422aaa30, 1458h1, Davis227-232 (item 222, stamp), C154k6 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C154k7 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), 11631e10 (signed, ink), 3225df3 C68a23 (signed) Collins 835 Add MS30,983 (arms) Haye, Gerard de la Hayes, W. of Oxford, 19th century 3936aa39 (signed) Hays, [Henry], of Derry Binder Collins 290 Hayward, C. I. Binder C118d34 Hayward, [Charles Thomas], 6 Burgate Lane, Canterbury Binder Collins 133 Hayward, W. D. of Croydon, 19th century YA1987a11197 Hearne Binder C154k8 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Hedberg, Gustaf of Stockholm Binder Cup408l20, C108l1, C188b2, C108ee7, IA6038 Hegan & McFerran, Fountain St., Belfast Heilman, Gerhard Binder (?) Collins 291 Heim, Koch, Stuttgart Binder Collins 836 Heldt, relieur Binder C183a20 Helen, Matilda, Countess of Radnor Owner Tauch2742 (see binder Aubrey) Hely’s Limited, Dublin Binder Collins 292 Helly & Sons Binder C72e4 Heming of ?Stourbridge, Worc. Henderson & Bisset Binder Collins 134 Binder CUP408zz35, Collins 783 Henington Binder C151d11 (signed) Henley, W of Gloucester Binder C188a201 (signed) Henri II, King of France (1547- Owner C46h11 (illus. in Fletcher), C29e3, Davis502?, Davis378 (by Claude de Picques), Designer Collins 896 ?Binding 1559) G6032 (arms, with badges and initials, Fletcher, pl. xxiii), C29k8 (?Fletcher, pl. xxiv) Henri III Owner C36g4 (arms), C46l2, C47a19, C29k3 (Louise de Lorraine (Henri II?), illus. in Fletcher), C66k2, G6455 (illus. in Fletcher) Henri IV, King of France Owner C20f11 (arms and cypher), Davis448 (cypher?), C46i1 Henri of Anjou Owner ?C46e23 Henriette Anne of England (daughter of Charles I, married Philippe, Duke of Orleans) Owner C46e23 (monogram), G12048 (monogram), C129m15 (1659, arms on binding) Henrison Owner C108dd11 Henry Davis Gift Henry VIII (reign 1509-1547; not including panel stamps featuring Henry's arms - see green box) Approximately 800 bindings in B2. Not yet completely catalogued and must be seen by appointment with bindings curator. North European bindings discussed and allocated Davis pressmarks in M M Foot's The Henry Davis Gift vol.2 on binding curator's shelves and in open access copy in RBRR. Owner Henry, Prince of Wales C18b10, C18c9 (initials of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn), C19e17, C21b7, C21f14, C23c3, C24a25, ?C46e25, C188c8 (Henry VIII's Library, Oldham roll), Royal MS 7DX (embroidered for Henry VIII and Katherine Parr), ?Harley 303, ?C65e1, C23e11 C20d3, C21b8, C22f8, C22f12, C22f13, C22f14, C22f15, C22f20, C24b7, C24b15, C32f28, C46e4, C46i10, C46l3, C47i12, C47i20, C47k3, C47l1, C48b3, C48b6, C48h2-3, C48k1, C62g9, C64aa4, ?C64c8, C64cc2-3, C64g6, ?C65bb9, C65c7, C65g9, C66a8-24, C66f11, C66g7, C66h14, C68g3, C69f4, C82a16, C97h1, C108c6, IB55315, Davis95 (item 64, c.1610, London; arms of Henry, Prince of Wales, in centre), 199f2, G6750 (initials), C188c31(1-2) Hepworth of Kidderminster Binder C122f15 Hepworth & Co., of Tunbridge Wells Herard Binder Collins 135 Binder C153f5 (signed) Herbert G5932 (crest wyvern with wings elevated vert, holding in the mouth a sinister hand coupled at the wrist gn., Fairbairn p. 271 70.3) Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury 17th century Owner C46g4, C46g5, see also Squirrel Binder: Davis178 (item 70, c.1633, London), Davis179 (item 71, c.1635, London; for Charles I, centre piece built up of small tools around arms of King Charles I), Davis184 (item 72, c.1639, London) Herbert, Lord, of Cherbury. Lord Herbert's Binder Binder C46g5, ?C109q10 (for William Laud), C18b18 Herbert, William (18th-century bibliographer) IC4508 (bookplate and WH's autograph), G19929 (bookplate and WH's autograph, dated 1772), ?G11584 (bookplate and autograph), ?G11589 (with WH's autograph) Herbert, Matheus Owner C48b19, Davis806 Herchens, F. & Son? of Utrecht Binder C37l3 Heredia Binder C154h7 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Hering Binder G6196 (ticket), G6479 (ticket), ?G7761 (imitation of Roger Payne), G7982 (ticket), ?G7991, G8051 (ticket), G8223 (ticket), G8459-60 (ticket), G7986 (ticket), G8650-1 (ticket), G8761-2 (ticket), G8833-36 (tickets in vols 1 and 3), ?G9003, G9314 (ticket), G9510-11 (ticket), G9518 (ticket), G10355 (ticket), G12754 (ticket), C154k11 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C150b11 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C150b10 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C151d13 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C151d14 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C151d12 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C154k12 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C150b7 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings, crest of Charles Stanhope, Earl of Harrington, on covers), C150b9 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings, crest of Charles Stanhope, Earl of Harrington, on covers), C154k11 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Hering, Charles Binder C17a11 (for Duke of Marlborough), C23a25, C109g1, C39c15 (and Muller, Fr.), C40b54, C45k11, C29c13, C31a42, C51a19, ?C56d911, C57b27, C57d4, C63d11 (for ???), ?C65d3, C69c3, C72a16, C108f16, C109g1, C128c15, G889, G890, G1338, G2011 Hering [Henry?] 9 Newman St., Hering, J. Binder (ticket), G2528, G2876, G2877, G3755, G3983-5 (3 vols), G4457, C125c15, ?C125aa16, 1578/8579 (Paris), C8e10, C29c13, C31a38, C32c19, C39g11-17, 20b10, 42f1, 53f18, 134c12, 13 (ticket), 216e1 (ticket), 675h5, 6, IC7847, C150b10 (signed), C151d13 (signed), C151a14 (signed), C154k10 (signed), C151d12 (signed), Davis219 (item 202, c.1805, London, ticket), Davis291-292 (item 203, c.1840, London, ticket 'bound by Hering, 9 Newman St.'), C154k9 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C150b11 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings), C194a395 (19th century, ticket 'bound by Hering, 9 Newman St.', Savile, John Lumley, 8th Earl of Scarborough, 1788-1856, Rufford Abbey Library bookplate), G7156?, G7986 (ticket), G7991?, G8479 (ticket), G10544 (ticket), G10451 (ticket) Collins 504 Binder C153g1 (signed) Hering & Muller Binder C153g2 (signed) Heritier Binder C155g12 (signed) Hermann of Vienna Binder C154f4 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings) Hersant Binder C153g3 (signed) Herzog, J. R. of Leipzig Binder Hess, Johann Owner C129g3, Tab687a1, Collins 837 (binder spelled Hertzog for this item), Collins 838, Collins 839 (?) See H. B. (Davis621) Hesse Cassel, Ernest Landgrave Owner C68a12 Hesselin, L. T. C. Owner C68b8 Hessen, Alexander von Owner C128b10-11 Hessian Cup408i18, Cup407r3 Hetherington, [R. W.], Uxbridge Binder Collins 136 Heuerlinck, Thilemann Owner Davis674 Heukelom, Jan Bertus Hewson, J. of Thetford, 19th century Designer Collins 949 (and binder?) Binder RB23a14741 (binder's ticket) Heyes & Jones, Liverpool Binder Collins 137 Heywarde, Sir Rowland See John de Planche, see Morocco Binder Hibernian Academy RB23a7763 (18th-century Irish binding with the stamp of the Hibernian Academy gold tooled on covers), C108bbb18 Hickman, Trevor Binder C188a150 Hickman Owner C188b30 (arms of Hickman on binding) Hicks, H., & Allen Binder C55h5 Hickson, Edmund (?), London Hiles, H[arriet], 1 Falcon Court, Fleet St., Swansea Hilliard, Nicholas Binder Collins 505 Binder Collins 872 ?C23e8 or C23e9 (portrait and arms of Elizabeth I, by Hilliard?) Hiltbrunner, 19th century Binder C188a72 Hiron, J. S., Deddington Hirou Binder Collins 138 a and b Binder C154d6 (signed) Hiscox Binder C98c14 (for Percy) C188b57 Hoare, Sir Richard Colt Owner Davis193 (see Roger Payne) Hobart, Henry Owner G14454 (initials on cover, name on flyleaf) Hobson, A. R. A. Binder? Collins 1013, Collins 1014 Hodgson of Liverpool Mr Hodgsons Academy, Leeds Binder Collins 139 Owner C143c2 (inscription gold tooled on upper cover, name of recipient, Mr I R Wardale of Whitby, tooled on lower, 1791 gold tooled on lower cover) Hodgsons of London Binder C111c2-4 Hogan, James, 49 Locust, corner of Second Street, St. Louis Binder Collins 977 Hogg, G[eorge] of Chatham Binder Collins 140 a and b (2 vols) Hogg, Isabella Davis720 (see Holloway) Hohenheim, Franziska von C104e25 (pastepaper, 1785, monogram on spine) Holborn, Ian B. Stoughton Designer Collins 784 Holder, C. of Leeds Binder Collins 141 Holl of Worcester Binder C150b12(1) (signed), RM21g23 (signed, gold tooled silk) Hollings Binder G2372 Hollis, Thomas Owner C48e6, C48e25, C66e4 (Matthewman), C66e9, C108bb4, C186bb30, C67f18, C69e2, C108g22, Davis163 (item 174, c.1761, London; by Matthewman), 696m16, 138e11 Holloway (Marseille. M., from 1854 at 25 Bedford St) Binder C40e70, C44d26, C56e6, C68h15, Davis720 (item 223, c.1862, London; for Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks, First Baron Tweedmouth, arms of Dudley C. M. impaling those of his wife Isabella Hogg, their monogram and motto on lower cover, signed M. M. Holloway, London), Music K7g1 (signed) horrible marbled leather Holmes, Charles Binder ?C108g12 (Charles Rickets HR), ?C108g13 (Charles Rickets HR) Holzer, U. of Boston, Mass. Binder TauchX1a (printed binder's label, decorated paper over boards) Hood Derek Binder C188a140. Hookham, T. Binder C42e9, C151e1 (Ramsden collection of signed bindings, with crest of Earl of Clancarty on lower cover) Hookham & Carpenter Binder C151e2 (signed) Hoole, John R. Binder Collins 978 Hoon, W. of Ashborne Binder C151e3 (signed) Horn, H., of Leipzig Horseshoes Binder Collins 840, Collins 841 Horton, Francis Owner K7i2(1-104) (Music Library, Settle binding) Houghton & Cunn Binder C108cc5 Houlden, John of Cambridge (active from 1631) Binder C108i14 Houlden, T., 3 Nicolson St., Edinburgh Binder Collins 785 44h27 (Saint Bel Lecture, on the elements of farriery 1793 book with accompanying plaster hoofs and brass shoes) House of Commons Library RB23c34 (17th-century Dutch binding with arms of House of Commons Library added) Horwood, 57 Holloway Rd., London Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton Binder Collins 506 Owner C33g1, C67d13 Howell, S. B., of Birmingham Hoym, Count Binder Collins 142 (?) Owner G1569 (arms), G2463 (arms), G4719 (arms), G6274 (arms), G6465 (arms and device), G8433 (arms), G8545 (arms), G9218 (arms) Hoyne, Comte d' Owner C46a31, C47a14, C69aa17, C7b4, C128c11, C34f50, C39c66, C2b3 Hoyte, F. S., printer, bookseller and stationer Binder RB23a1695 (Stationer Sidmouth, label) Hubel & Denck Binder C186a6, C129i22 (Leipzig), Collins 842 Huches & Kemp of Oxford Binder C58a19 Hudson & Kearns, Southwark St., London Huet, Petrus, Bishop of Avranches Binder Collins 507 Owner C64f6 Hughes, J., of Festiniog Binder Collins 874 Hughes of Pontypool Hughes-Stanton, Blair Binder Collins 873, Collins 875 Binder C69g9 (and George Fisher), C100l19 (and George Fisher), C102e16 (and George Fisher), C102l19 (and George Fisher), C108g5 (and George Fisher) Hulbert, C., of Shrewsbury Binder Collins 143 Hulin Binder C153g4 (signed) Human Skin Binding Humphries, Sidney None in BL, references in C J Davenport, The Book, 1907, p. 180, e.g. in Carnavalet Library, Paris (18th-century French), 2271b2, Gerald Donaldson, Books, Oxford, 1981, p. 19, e.g. in Exeter (19th-century English) Owner C43g1, C43h1 Hundert of Bordeaux Binder C153g5 (signed) Huntingdon, Earl of Hastings Owner C67g10, C67h8 Hungerford C108tt1 (Hungerford Library Monogram) Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller Binder C108ff1 Hunt, William, Tavern Street, Ipswich Hunt & Sons, of Birmingham Hunter, Dard Binder Collins 144 Binder Collins 145 Designer Collins 979 Hunter & Foulis of Edinburgh Binder Cup510dga16 (batik cloth, covers designed by Joan Charleston) Hunter, William & Sons Edinburgh Binder Collins 786, Collins 787 (Collins Particular Bindings notes this company’s link with D.A.F[oulis] see above? Huntsman Binder Binder C129mm2 (covering IB37895a) Hunzinger, A. of Berlin Binder C125b15 Hurault family Owner G17209 (arms and cypher of a member of the Hurault family, possibly Henri Hurault, Cte. de Chiverny?) Hussey see More, John Owner Hussey Mosaic Binder Binder C118d50 Hutchins (C. I.,) Binder See Collins 1015 – various documents (a-g) relating to Hutchins Hutchinson, Hugh of Durham Binder Add MS30944 Hyde & Crewe of Newcastle-underLyme Binder C150b13 (signed) Hyde, Henry Binder See Queen's Binder A IV Hynes, R., 7 Town Wall St., Dover Binder Collins 146 I Name Owner or Binder Shelfmark I., H. Binder Davis16 (item 26, c.1530; signed, possibly London) I., L. C128f4 (gold tooled on English16th-c. binding) I., L. R. N. G. B. RB23a11685 (gold tooled initials and arms on vellum, imprint: London, 1662) I. H. R. I. G. Binder Imperial Arms Imperiali, Cardinal, Joseph Renatus 'Impiger et Fidus' C153g6 (signed) See Lucas Weischner (Davis693) Owner C106f19 motto of Constable, G3630?, G5262? Ingalton of Eton Binder 'Ingenuas Suspicit Artes' C151e5 (signed), C151e4 (signed) motto of Charles Long, Baron Farnborough (c.1760-1838), trustee of BM, left money to augment Bridgwater fund, arms block used by BL bindery. Ingoldsby Owner C70d10 Ingram Binder C151e6(1) (signed) Initial Binder Binder C20a2 (for Robert Dudley), C82f11 (for Elizabeth I) Innocent XI, Pope (Odescalchi) Owner C67c20, C108h5, C128d4, C47f17 Innocent XII, Pope (Pignatelli) Owner C47b2, C47f9, C47l7 Innocent XV, Pope Owner Add MS (arms on 17th-c. Italian binding) Ireland, Henry, 23 Ferry-quay-st., Derry Binder Collins 293 (?) Irish University Press Bindery Binder See Desmond Smith Iulius, Christophorus Fabius Owner Davis629 (item 341, dated 1572) J Name Owner or Binder J., A. JNA Shelfmark See Arthur Johnson Binder? Collins 333 J., T. R. See Trevor Jones Jackson, J. (City road) 1568/8296 Jackson, James H., Perth Jackson, William, of Aberdeen Jagd am Zaun (Kyriss shop 81) Binder Collins 790 Collins 788, Collins 789 IA12984 James I (reign 16031625) Owner C18b13, C18c4, C18c11, C18c14, C18e15, C20d3, C21d9, C21d12, C21e13, C21f13, C22f4, C22f13, C22f14, C22f15, C23e1, C23e12, C24a27, C24b15, C24b23, C24b27, C24c3, C24d3, C24d10, C24d16, C24d5, C24f5-7, C24f12, C27a24, C29k16, C37l9, C38i1, C39d51, C40l3, C45h11, C45h12, C46e5, C46f6, C46g3, C46i13, C46l6, C47f2, C47f13, C47i11, C47k11, C47k21, C47l14, C47u1, C48e8, C48h2, C48h3, C48k4, C51h5, C53d15, C62g9, C64a1, C64aa1, C64cc1, C64d3, C64d12, C64dd1, C64g2, C64i3, C64q2, C65c4, C65i13, C66c12, C66g1, C67d4, C67e7, C73a17, C73a18, C73a19, C73b15, C73c1, C73c2, C73c3, C73e1, C73g5, C73e6, C73g5, C77e2, C78a1, C78d8, C80h9 (as James VI of Scotland), C82b12, C83k1, C183b4 (Stuart arms as for James I), Add MS 27, Roy MS 18bxx, 341d9, 438m7, 444l6, 473f9, 475f3, 476a21, 478c8, 478d3, 478g2-6, 480b?8, 480e7, 506h10, 521k7, 591g12, 596i6, 603k3, 609k10, 675e18, 690i10, 877h14, C122i1 (19th stamp) James II (reign 1685deposed 1688, died 1701) Owner C18e11 (monogram), C66f5 (as Duke of York), C67e7 (arms made up Antoine Ruette?), C67i8 (as Duke of York), C83a1 (blind tooled crown and initials, as on PP2465), C83a8 (J. R., crowned cypher), PP2465 (Almanachs 1687, crowned initials, gold tooled), 7h1 (for James II's own use, different cypher, Mearne), 11g5 (for James II's own use, different cypher, Mearne), C83d1 (James's cypher), Davis526, PP2465 (1687, cypher of James II, crowned JR enwreathed), PP2465 (127 (which year?), cypher of James II), see Samuel Mearne IV James VI of Scotland Owner Davis509 James, Earl of Murray Add MS 27,472 (16th c. Scottish binding, on upper cover: Erle James of Murray, on lower cover: to regent our soveran) James, Angela P. Binder C183b8, C188b12 (signed, onlaid binding, c.1980) Taylor 9, Taylor 23. James, Gilbert, London Binder Collins 508 Janet, L. Binder C150h10 (signed) Janet, fils Binder C153g8 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Janet, Louis Binder C108bb8, C153g7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Jarrolds of Norwich Binder Collins 147 Jarvis & Forster, Bangor Jean Theodore, Prince of Baravia, Bishop of Liege Binder Collins 876 Owner C66e15 Jeanes, E. (blib.) successor to Mr W. Strong, late Mr G. 1490c72 (19th c., L.Stuckley, A Gospel Glass) Dyer, bookseller and bookbinder opposite Guildhall, Exeter Jeffersons of Carlisle Binder 1578/6063 Jeffery, William, of Sherborne Jeffrey, [John], [Charlotte Street] Jenkins & Cecil Binder Collins 148 Binder Collins 509 Binder C39a20, C52a18, C56b10 Jennings, R. Binder C151e7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindigns), C151e8 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Jerningham Owner Add MS 61916 (crest, gold tooled on English ?18th c binding) Jerrard Binder C30l7 "Je suis loyal" EG3510 (motto around arms on binding by Leighton 19th c. English) Jesus Maria on blind roll Oldham EB5B In(2) 935, C69ff8 Jesuits College, Paris, Binder of the Binder Davis243 John IV, King of Portugal Owner C46e17 John Frederick, Duke of Brunswick Owner C68c7 John Frederick, Duke of Saxony Owner C64aa3 (Charles V) Johnson, A. Binder RB23b2443 (MS note says "Rebound by A. Johnson, 1986. The text is James Hamilton, Outlines of Midwifery 1826.") Johnson, Arthur Binder C108n11(4 small signed vols), Davis242 (item 248, dated 1962; signed and dated A J 1962) Johnson, Maurice Owner Davis157 (item 157, c.1751; B and by Christopher Norris) J. Johnson & Co., of Glasgow Binder C154k13 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Jones, E. of Llanerchymedd Binder C151e9 (signed) Jones, Herbert, Swansea Binder Collins 879, Collins 880 Jones, John, of Liverpool, 19th c. Binder C154k14 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), Add MS 50000 (signed inside upper cover) Jones, Peter, England 20th-21st c. Binder C188a33 (articulated wood), C188b23 (in wooden box) Jones, R. E., & Brothers, Conway Binder Collins 877, Collins 878 Jones, Simeon Glyn Binder C188b61. Jones, Trevor Binder Davis280 (item 240, dated 1956; signed and dated in manuscript 'T R J 56'), Davis301 (item 241, 1958; signed 'T R J'), Davis281 (item 242, dated 1958; signed and dated 'Trevor Jones 58') de Jonge (19th c.? Belgium) Owner Add MS25,057, Add MS25,052-3, Add MS25,061-2, Add MS25,066-69 Joni, Icilico Federico (19th c. Italy, made fakes) Binder C188c11 (fake wooden covers, gilt and painted), C188c12 Jorba, F. Binder smk? (on Spanish embossed binding, 19th c.) Joseph I Owner Davis642 (item 355, Vienna, c.1708; portrait of Joseph I and his arms; same binder on Davis637 (item 354)) Joseph II. Emperor of Germany Owner C46h5 Joublin Binder C153g9 (signed) Journeaux of Cork Binder Collins 294 Joyce, Carol Binder Cup410g631 (printed ticket) Jozon-Chauvet Binder C155f13 (signed) Judde, Nicolas Owner C46a15 Juhasz Binder ZA shelfmark (20th c. Hungarian binder; edition of Ship of fools bound by Juhasz; purchase by Bridget Guzner in 1999) Juul-Lassen of Denmark Binder 1568/9066?, Cup410aa6 K Name K., A. (King Edward & Queen Mary Binder) Owner or Shelfmark Binder Binder Davis21 (item 37), includes initials AK K., G. of Oxford K., H C143b4 (initials on blind roll), C143b7 (initials on blind roll; same as b4?), Davis20 (item 34; c.15501600, Oxford, signed G K) Binder? 3455ccc3 HK on Justice and Lucrece panels. L., K. (blind roll) C48g5, C130i14, C48k9, C35h5 (all with panel stamp of Henry VIIIs arms; Oldham's Sva(b)) K., M. B. 1509/2041 (tooled on upper cover; Germany, 16th c.) K., T. See Thomas Kruger K., T. V. Owner C188a35 (Germany, 16th c.) Kallenbach Binder C156k6 (signed), C156k7 (signed) Kalthoeber Binder C156h14 (attributed to Kalthoeber) Kalthoeber, Christian Samuel Binder C2a17, ?C7c11, C11e9, ?C17c4, C19e13, C27b38, C39h13, C48b14, C65g10, C66g10, ?C156h14, G688, G15727, G2316, G2620, G2941, G3104, G3786, G5224, C1c8, ?45a7, 56h5, 125g1 (with ticket), 144e13, ?188a14, 188b5 (with ticket), 190b5 (with ticket, c.1796), 238h16 (with ticket, c.1800), 289i20 (signed), 292d7 (signed), Davis194 (item 189; c.1782, London), 60e18 (same tools as Davis194), C151e10 (signed), G6695 (ticket), G7202? , IB47049 signature gold on blue, Music Hirsch I.644 (not signed poor condition), Collins 511, Collins 512, Collins 513, Collins 514 Cup408g6 Kampen prize binding (19th c., Dutch) Kangaroo skin C47i10 (The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay., London, 1789) Karadasius, Matheus Owner C20a14 Karslake, Constance Binder C188a159 (C19th brown gold, probably by Karslake), Kasparek, Zdenek (20th c., Czech) Binder 2 bindings acq by D Pavlik, to be catalogued. Kasparek, Zdenek (20th c., Czech) Binder Cup936/2167 (design incorporates a keyboard) Kaspers, Kornelius, of Dusseldorf Binder Collins 843 Kaufmann Binder C33a29 Kauffmann, J. (20th c., France) Binder YA1986b964 Kaunitz-Reitberg, Prinz von Davis617 (item 319, dated 1784, probably made in Brussels, arms of Prince von Kaunitz-Reitberg on upper cover), G11771 (arms) Kaye, William, 5 Blackett St., Newcastle Binder Collins 149 Kearney, Robert Owner C69d8 (and Francisco Nugent) Keatinge, Henry of United States Binder 4017a50 (marbled sheep with title label, signed (stamp) beneath imprint, on: J Muir, Examination, Baltimore 1797) Keene, Martin of Dublin Binder Kelliegram binding Kelly, J., 15 Gower Place, London Kelly (19th c.) C154k15 (Ramsden collection, signed) C108u26 signed (elaborately decorated doublure) pictorial style by Kelly & sons Binder Binder Kelly & Sons Collins 515, Collins 516, Collins 517, Collins 518 C151e11 (signed) C72e4 (signed) Kempson, W., of Chertsey Binder Collins 150 Kemsyn, J. Binder Davis50 (2) (c.1470, Canterbury, LD 14/2/94) Kent, Alfred & Son, Norwich Kent, H. W. Binder? ?Collins 323 Repairer? Seller? Binder? Collins 1016 Kenyon of Bolton Binder Collins 151 Kerk & Richardson, Glasgow Binder Collins 791 Kern & Mader, 7 Hunter St., Sydney Binder Collins 1001 Kermaire, Christine, of the Netherlands Binder Kern and Mader, 7 Hunter Street, Sydney Binder RF2000b59 (artists book, signed and dated 1994), RF.2003.a.261, RF.2006.b.40 Collins 1001 RF2013a147, RF2013a148, Kerr & Richardson Ltd of Glasgow (19th c.) Binder C131de18, 1578/6418, RB23a1023 Kersten, Georg Binder C188a92 Kersten, P. of Germany (20th c.) Binder C108e8, C183a4 (see also marbled papers in Olga Hirsch collection) Kerver, Jacques Owner C64c11 Keysere, Pieter de Binder see Jovis de Gavare, Davis609 Kher, Richard V. D. Owner Davis348 (by Wootton, present from Theodericus Thingen) Kieffer, Rene of Paris Binder C108gg2, C186b5, C183aa9, C188b4, C188b3 Kile, F. Binder C154k16 (signed), C150b14 (signed), C151e13 (signed), C151e12 (signed) Kings Binder S. C. Binder Davis416, Davis 417 King, Abraham Bradley Binder Davis317 (item 264; c.1792, Dublin, probably from workshop of A B King (King's stationer 1784-1801) King, Jessie M. Designer Collins 792 King, John, of Andover Binder Collins 153 (?) King, R., of Alton Binder Collins 152 King, Robert Binder C108i10, Davis217-218 (item 201; c.1805, Hythe (ticket)) King Edward & Queen Mary Binder (16th c. England) Binder C104dd25?, C24c20, C65gg6, C27e13, Davis58 (item 36; c.1550, London, For William Bill, initials W. B. in centre of panel), Davis21 (item 37; c.1552, London, motto in centre 'Si ders nobiscum quis cantra nos', monogram of Thomas Goodrich, initials A. K. added), Davis87 (item 38; c.1554, London, for Queen Mary, initials in centre) King Henry's Binder Binder C18c9 Kingsnorth, J. P. Owner C107bb81 (1809), C107bb80 (1808) Kingston, H. Binder C154k17 (signed) Kinnear Owner C21d18 (arms) Kirchner, Ernst Ludwig (20th c., Germany) Kirkpatrick, Andrew J. (19th c., England) C129i7 (Kirchner designed binding) Owner Kiselova, Jana C190aaa31 (bound by Riviere, signed) C125dd24 (designed binding?) Kisiel (19th c.) Binder C155g13 Kitcat, G. Binder C109a62 Kitcat, G & J., Ltd., London Klarner, Johann Binder Collins 519 Owner Egerton MS1182 (initials I K N on album owned by him, binding dated 1560) Kleinhans Binder C153g10 (signed) Klunder, Christian of Berlin (20th c.) Binder Cup409b15 Knecht, A. Binder C54c3 (signed, 19th c.) Knecht of Strasbourg Binder C150h11 (signed, same as A. Knecht?) Kniesbeck, Thomas von (16th c., Germany) C188a35 (TvK and MS note identifying him b.t. bg.) Knill? & Sons, Account Book Manufacturers, Reading Kniper, Thomas Binder Collins 154 Binder Davis692 (for Anne of Denmark) Knorr & Hirth or Nirth? of Munchen (20th c.) Binder Cup408rrr9 Koch, Heinrich of Stuttgart (Buchbinderei) Binder Koch, Oscar, Zwonitz Binder C129a8 (design Hasert), 11521aaa42 Collins 836 Collins 844 Koberger, of Nuremberg (d.1513) IB7413 (bound for Koberger's shop) Koch, Jeanette Binder Taylor 2, Taylor 7. Koehler of Paris (19th c.) Binder C40c49 (for Alphonse Audenet), C29d3, C30m11, C34g31, C59g2, C22a56, C29m10, C30e17, C38a32, C39d14, C39d17, C39e22, C39g2, C40a49, C40b23, C40b30, C54b10, C54bb10, C57c1, C59fff4, C97aa17 (signed), C125e11, IB39601, C34m14, 11474b29, G6775 (all signed) Koehler Binder C150h13 (signed), C153g11 (signed), C155g14 (signed), C150h12 (signed), C97aa17 (signed) Koeniger Binder C153g12 (signed) Kohn, Madeline (20th c.) Binder C72c5 (signed) Kostelezki Binder C153h1 (signed) Koudacheff, S. V. Prince Owner C108aa13 Krause Binder C47k6 (for Augustus I, Earl of Saxony) Krauss Binder C155g15 (signed) Krauss, G. F. of Vienna Binder C156k17 (signed), C156k16 (signed), C128h1 (ticket) Kremsmunster, Ritterakademie Owner C129c26 (arms gold tooled on lower cover) Kroese, J. G. Stenfert, Arnhem Kronheim Binder Collins 950 Binder C155a1 (signed), C155a2 (signed) Kruger, Thomas Binder Davis692 (item 342; c.1573, Wittenberg, signed T K, portrait dated 1563, arms of Denmark and Saxony painted on foreedge) Krumin of Boston Binder C122h6 Krupka, Atelier (Czech Republic) Binder RF2002c16, RF2002b59, RF2002a93, RF2002b58, RF2002a91, RF2002C15, RF2002B60 Kruseman, A C Binder C108u7, paper label on upper pastedown, maybe binder. L Name L., A. A. M. Owner or Shelfmark Binder see Amandus Schickmayer L., D. L.E.G.O. spa of Vicenza L., H. (Hans Lietz, late 16th, early 17th century, Augsburg?) L., H. C66f5 and C67i8 (monogram with Royal coronet; James, Duke of York see James II.) Binder Collins 940 L12e8 (roll with H L) see also Henry Yelverton; C25b20 (H L gold tooled on cover), C11a27 (H L tooled on upper cover, black calf, 16th century, English, Henry Yelverton), 61b21 (H L blind tooled on upper cover) Collins 664 L., J (John Leighton) For [Robert] Spencer and Son L., K. Binder Binder C48g5 (with panel stamp of Henry VIII's arms), C130i14 (Oldham's Sva(6)), C48k9 (Oldham's Sva(6)), C35h5 (Oldham's Sva(6)) L., L. (surmounted by Earl's coronet) Owner Music H385v, Music H385 w-aa, Music H401l L., L. (back to back, English tool (see also French version of monogram for King Louis) 62b11, 195c15, 225e13, 288b5 (spine, deteriorated), Davis316 (may alos be an Irish tool), if its 18 Fr, its likely to be Louis XV, Boulter Griesson's Binder uses a tool similar to this L., M. C183c8 (initials gold tooled on 17thcentury English binding) L., M. I. W. C110e6 (initials and date 1584 silver(?) tooled on vellum wrappers) L., R. (roll) C64f4 (eagle and R. L. on roll) La Bedoyere Owner G16850? (arms) Laballe, L., 27 Quai de l’Horloge, Paris Labreveux Binder Collins 921 Binder C155h1 (signed) Labunsky, Johannis also Lebunsky or Labovnsky Owner C66f9 Lacouture Binder C155h2 (signed) Lagny, Jeune Binder C153h2 (signed) Lagondie, Joseph, Comte de Binder C189d16 Laine Binder C153h3 (signed) Lake of Uxbridge Binder C151e14 (signed) Laker, W., West St., Horsham Binder Collins 155 Lakeride press of Chicago Binder C103k7 Lalande Binder C28l12, C150h14 (signed), C153h4 (signed) Lambert Binder C153h5 (signed) Lambert, A. Binder C153h6 (signed) Lambert, N. Owner 67i6 (arms) Lamport-Smith, L. Binder? Collins 1017 Lancashire, M. of Rochdale Binder C151f1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Landy, of Kilkenny Binder Collins 295 Lanfranconi Owner C67c27 Langdale, T. of Ripon Binder C154k18 (signed) Langwell, W. H. Binder Collins 520, Collins 521 Lanisignon, Owner C29m9 Guillaume de Lanne Binder C153h9 (signed) Larcher Owner C69a4 Larchier of Lyons Binder C153h10 (signed) Larcom, Thomas A. Owner C188a1 (presentation binding to Larcom) Lard-Esnault of Paris, Rue Peydeau Binder RM21e10 (embossed paper binder's ticket) Larkins, J. Binder C40k2, C135e5, Ch790/226, Collins 522 Larriviere Binder C155h3 (signed), C156k8 (signed) Laski, J. Owner Davis651 Lasserin, Judith Binder C130bb8 Last, Arthur Binder Davis282 (item 243; dated 1957) Lattice Binder of Cambridge Binder C129g8 (Gerson Johannis, Opera pt III, 1494), IB7480A (Homeliarius, Doctorum, 1494) Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury Owner C67f3, C109q10 (by Lord Herbert's Binder?) Lauderdale, Viscount Maitland Owner C67a14, C67b16 Laufberger, A., 743II, Prague Binder Collins 845 Lauffert, J. Binder G10912 (signed) Laurent, R. Binder C153h11 (signed) Laurier Annette Joyce Binder C118a168 Laurin, Marc Owner Davis685 (item 303; c.1566), Davis497499 Lauscelin, France 19th century 513e26 (signed) Laut Dog on "Laut" binding ? C64f4 Lauweryn, Marc see also Laurin, Marc Owner Davis352 (by Claude de Picques) Lavaux AD Binder C188b71(signed) Law, E. Owner C45g13 Law, Vera, 20th c., English Binder C188a94 Lawrence Asylum Press [bindary], Madras Binder Collins 994, Collins 995 Lawson, J., 66 Darlington St., Wigan Binder Collins 156 L.C.C. Central School of Arts & Crafts teacher P. McLeish Binder C98h3, C99h25 Lear, P. Binder (?) Binder Collins 793 (Lear probably responsible only for the lettering on the cover) see The College Binder, Collins 296 (?) Lebatteux of Le Mans Binder C153h12 (signed) Lebrun Binder C37c45, C37d34, C10i3 (signed & dated Leathley, Joseph 1839), C153i1 (signed), C150i2 (signed) Lecler Binder C150i4 (signed) Le Clerc de Lesseville Owner G1783 (arms), G2851 (arms), G4306 (arms), G7194 (arms) Lecrene of Caen Binder C153i2 (signed) Leczuiska, Marie (Queen of Louis XV) Owner C48c15 Ledergerber, [Johann] Binder (?) Binder Collins 846 Lefeaux, I. of Chichester Binder C155a3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Lefebvre Binder C22a37, C38b24, C39b9, C42g3, C129d16, C153i3 (signed), C150i8 (signed) Le Feuvre Binder C44e Le Fevre de la Faluere Owner G1175 (arms) Le Fuel Binder C108bbb15, C153i4 (signed), C183a42 Legnier, Pierre Philippe, Chancellor of France Owner C47k2, C67a21, C68a5 Lagrain, J. Antoine Binder Davis556 Legrain, Pierre Binder C108w8 Lehmann, Carl Jun. of Berlin Binder C130bb13 Lehrner of Vienna Binder C154f5 (signed) Leibnitz Binder C150i9 (signed) Leicester, Earl of see Robert Dudley Owner Leighton Binder C53bb12 Leighton, John Binder Collins 526 Leighton, Son, & Hodge, Shoe Lane, London Leighton Straker Bookbinding Co. Ltd., Standard Rd., Acton Lehrner, Jos. compegn of Vienna Binder Collins 524, Collins 527 Binder Collins 523, Collins 525, Collins 528, Collins 529 Binder C69g11 (signed) Leiden, First Dissertation Binder Binder C109m48 Ledoux C150i7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150i6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150i5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Leighton (To be checked) Binder Leighton see Leighton Son & Hodge Leighton, J. of Brewer Street Leighton, Frederick Snr. C188a26 C34c44, C37b54, C44d12-13, C53bb12, C53d16, C57i7, C108c34, IA8105, IA43022 Binder C141a14, 1578/4667, IB2384A (signed), Eg3510 (signed) see T J Cobden-Sanderson cont (Davis 271) Leighton, Son & Hodge Binder C109c2 (binder's ticket), C109d5 (binder's ticket), C109d6 (binder's ticket), C109d7 (binder's ticket), C109d9-10, C129b5, C129e1, C30a12, 7954aaa29 (binder's ticket), YA1996a18205 (Ouida Puck, 1874, binder's ticket), 12639bb8, KTC15a11, Tab1216a, C66i? Leighton, William Thomas Binder C66i13 Leighton-Straker Binder C99f38, C99f40-41, C109d18, Collins 525 Leisegang, Germany? Binder Collins 847 Leishman, T. Binder C155a4 (attributed to Leishman), C151f2 (signed) Lejard Binder C150i10 (signed) Lemaistre of Versailles Binder C153i5 (signed) Leimaitre of Nogent Binder C153i6 (signed) Lemieux, T. of Quebec Binder C109f3 Lemol C65h11 Lenoelaine Binder C155h5 (signed) Lenzi of Milan Binder G11376 (signed) Lesni, P. Binder G9873 (signed) Leo X, Medici, Pope Owner C42a3 Leo XI, Medici, Pope Owner C47g9 Leonard of Rugeley Binder C155a6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Leopold I Davis637 (item 354; c.1688, Vienna, portrait of Leopold I), Davis642 (item 355) Lepre of Nantes Binder C153k2 Leroux, Georges Binder C108w7 Leslie, J. Binder C35f5 Lesne Binder C155h7 (signed) Lesne, Fils Binder C155h6 (signed, dated 1823) Lestringant Binder C155h8 (signed) Letellier, C. U., Archbishop of Rheims Owner C47b10, C47c3-4, C47c7, C47d12 Le Tellier, J. C., Marquis de Courtenvany Owner G1483 (arms) Letellier, Michel, Chancelier of France Owner C47g12, C47h1 Leteurtre of Bologne Binder C153k5 (signed), C153k4 (signed) Levasseur & Co. Binder C97b13 Levett of Cambridge Binder C150b15 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Lefeuvre, C., Beresford St., Jersey Binder Collins 902, Collins 903 Leurei, Cap. Magg Binder Collins 941 Lewer, H. of Pimlico Binder C130a26 Lewis, C. C20a22, C25c12, C25c19, C25d9, C25g7, C27h13, C29g10, C29m2, C30b13, C20d10, C21a20, C21c2, C21d14, C23a17, C24c12, C21a58, C33a13, C35b17, C35c14, C35c24, C35i8, C35k6, C36h, C39b43, C39b65, C39c13, C39c56, C39d2, C39g9, C40a25, C41c7, C41c22, C45c4, C53c13, C54b25, C57a3, C57b47, C57e10, C57e12, C57e15, C58f13, C61b12, C62b24, C63b47, C63h13, C65f2, C67a24, C71a13, C71b24, C72c8 (1812), C71b25, C108a19-20, C108aa8, C108bbb2, C108f17, C110b11, C116bb11, C122bb11, C122d22, C132i7, C132i15, C132i66, C20b17, C20d12 (for Ternay-Companis), C1b4 (for the Duke of Devonshire), G1036, G1146, G1199, G1453, G1942?, G2359, G2371, G2410, G2454, G2457, G2916-7 (2 vols), G3241, G3685, G3780, G3797, G3912, G407124, G4418, G4957, G1349?, G4990, C20a22, C25c12, C25c19, G33-5 (3 vols), G476, G8730, 269c7, Huth46 (signed), Huth62 (signed), Huth90 (signed), G519?, G963?, G966 (signed), G746 (signed), G972 (signed), G1128 (signed), G1195 (signed), G1236, G1349?, G6212 (signed), G6442, G6563, G6566, G7037 (signed), G7175, G8016 (signed), G8253 (signed), G8254 (signed), G8316 (signed), G8514 (signed), G8730, G8731, G8974 (signed), G9351 (signed), G9358 (signed), G9362 (signed), G942 (signed), G9533 (signed), G9766 (signed), G9819 (signed), G9843 (signed), G9844 (signed), G9861 (signed), G9918 (signed), G9952 (signed), G10132 (signed), G10190 (signed), G10239 (signed), G10239 (signed), G10325 (signed), G10335 Lewis, William, 22 Duke St., Cardiff Lewis & Sons Binder (signed), G10440 (signed), G10464 (signed), G10477 (signed), G10524 (signed), G10634 (signed), G10745 (signed), G10811 (signed), G10947 (signed), G10967 (signed), G10970 (signed), G11012 (signed), G11042 (signed), G11064 (signed), G11173 (signed), G11184 (signed), G11185 (signed), G11254 (signed), G11281 (signed), G11285 (signed), G11286, G11289 (signed), G11352 (signed), G11358 (signed), G11360?, G11370 (signed), G11371 (signed), G11434 (signed), G11500 (signed), G11521?, G11631 (signed), G11675 (signed), G11690 (signed), G11708 (signed), G11750 (signed), G11833 (signed), G11845 (signed), G11896 (signed), G11978 (signed), G12076 (signed), G12143 (signed), G12169 (signed), G12196 (signed), C155a5(1) (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151f3 (signed), C151f4 (signed), G12215 (signed), G12726 (3 vols, signed), G15864 (signed), G15865 (signed), G17400 (signed), G17918 (signed), G18899 (signed), G5713 (signed), G6212 (signed), G6702 (signed), G6703?, G6971, G7025, G6988, G9153 Collins 881 Add Ms 11914 (for H Drury) Collins 531, Binder C111e16, Lewis & Sons (John), Gough Square, Fleet Street Binder Collins 530, Collins 532, Collins 1032 Leycester C188a113 (arms of Leycester), C188a114 (Leycester) Leyden 165n4 (arms of Leyden on vellum, c.1671) Libermann Binder C153k6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C156k9 (signed) Libreria Rosa, Bouret Y CIA Binder Cup407mm28 Lidstone of Plymouth Binder C150b16 (signed) Lierres, Etienne de C143b8 (Lierres designed binding and illustrated endleaves) Linan Cisneros, Melchier, Archbishop of Lina Owner C66g8 Lincolns Inn Fields Owner Cup408ss22 Lindau, Hayntzell de Owner C69c10 Linde, A. (Andreas) Binder 217f24 (1751), 218d3 (1751), Davis162 (item 173; London, c.1761) Lindenberg, A. F. Owner 1578/3938 (1777) Lindheim, Louisa, with pieces by Sophie Pullmann Lindner Binder Collins 847 Binder see Fargher and Lindner Lindsay, Jen Binder C183d14, C188c23, Taylor 4, Taylor 11. Linn, John, bookbinder at Locke's Head Newcastle Binder NTab2025/11(21) Lion of St Mark on Commissions of Doge of Venice Bindings Add MS31,157, Add MS26,067, Add MS15,127, Add MS23,769, Add MS16,996, Add MS18,066, Add MS17,348 Lion of St Mark, Ivory Carving on early binding Germany? Add MS23,931 Lionne Owner C68f7 Little Gidding Binder Add MSS34657/9, C23e4, C23e2, C23e3, C27d15, C188a14 (gold-tooled green goatskin) Positive microfilms c23e3 Mic A 20080, mic c23e3 MicA 20081, c23e4 Mic A 20082. Littlewood, J. of Rochdale Binder C156i1 (signed) Livraria Bertrand Press Bindery (Port) Binder C109k5 Llanlillo, J., Calle de las Delicias, Santiago de Chile Binder Collins 988 Lloyd, 36 Chandos Street, Strand, London Binder 1560/4650, Davis261 (item 211; c.1821, London, ticket) Lloyd & Son, Aberdare Binder Collins 883 Lloyd (of Lloyd & Wallis) Binder C31g2 (signed "Lloyd"), Huth83 (signed), C62d11 (signed), C71e20 (signed "FRS Lloyd), C114b17, C116b19 Lloyd see Lloyd & Wallis Binder C31f11, C31g2, C53gg32, C58i10, C62d11, C71d14, C71e20 (FRS Lloyd), C114b17, C116b19 Lloyd, E. and J. Mold Binder 3405bb7 (binder's ticket), Collins 882 Lloyd, Edmund Binder C151f5 (signed) Lloyd & Wallis Binder C53aa9, C53aa10, C53aa20 Lloyd, Wallis & Lloyd Binder C20c21, C53aa34, C53gg12, C54bb11, C55b12, C57b31-32, C62b11, C96b13, C107g7, IA40560 LCC Central School of Arts & Crafts Binder C98h3, TC4a17 (signed), C99k25 (binder's label), C108g1 Lobstein-Lavenchet Binder C103h24 Lock, Margaret Binder Cup410bb39 Lock, W. Binder C155a7 signed Locker, E. H. Owner C64dd8 Lockwood & Brainard Co Tauch328-329, Tauch381-382 b(2) Lodron, Antonius, Count Owner Davis630 (item 343; dated 1574, arms of Count Lodron on upper cover) Lokfali of Shiraz (?) Binder Davis653 Lombaerts Binder C45h4 Lomenie, Compte de Owner C46d6, C25d1 (L. H. Lomenie), G425 London County Council, Central School of Arts & Crafts see LCC Central School of Arts & Crafts Long of Taunton Binder 1502/356, C151f6 (signed J. Long of Taunton) Longepierres, Baron de Owner C19f3, Davis471, Davis472 Langueville, Viscount, Henry Yelverton Owner C11a27, C21a57, C67g12, C45b12, 502g5, 137f16, 4825c24, G2409, G3323, 1651/1132 Loraine of Newcastle Binder C151g1 (signed) Lorimer, William, Ltd., Glasgow Loring & Co., B., 120 & 122 State Street, Boston Binder Collins 794 Binder Collins 980 Lorraine-Armagnac Lorraine, Duke of, Charles Alexander 284c32, 33 (arms of Lorraine-Armagnac) Owner C67a4 Lortic see Lorticfreres, see Lortic-fils Binder C25b3, C25l15, C30a20, C30a21, C30a24, C30d37, C30i8, C31b29, C31b37, C20d23, C36d13, C35a22, C37b9, C37d57, C38b2, C38b11-12, C38b14, C38b25, C38b25, C38d18, C38f12, C38i9, C38i11, C39a65, C39a66, C39c67, C39d69, C39d67, C39d68, C39d71, C39f23, C39g1, C39g21, C39g22, C40b15, C40b18, C40b19, C40b28, C40b47, C40c42, C40d50, C45g1, C52b1, C53aa7, C53g7, C56b2, C57a14, C57a15, C57aa6, C57d18, C58cc20, C62a11, C62a13, C62a15, C62aa20, C62b19, C63h29, C71cc1, C97g1, C107a3, C107bb16, C69d18, C115s5, C125c2 C20d23, C40i28, C62aa20 (miortic), C62a13, IA40351, 11405aa10, 11474e38, PC27b8 (signed), PC30f6 (signed), PC30f7 (signed), PC30f8 (signed), PC30f10 (signed), PC30f11 (signed), PC30f12 (signed), PC30f13 (signed), PC30f14 (signed), PC30f15 (signed), PC30f16 (signed), PC30f17 (signed), PC30f18 (signed), PC30d1 (signed), PC30d3 (signed), Lortic Fils C40i63, C57aa6, C62aa21, IB21041 Lortic Freres Binder C53a28, C57k25, C57k26, C132i28 Loudoun, Earl of Owner C64f5 Louis XII bindery C19e17 (for Henry Viii), Davis362 Louis XIII Owner C24b11, C46e16, C46h2, C46l1, C47g15, C56f12, C65g2, C66a7, C67b4, C67h9, C108k8, G4254 (arms of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria), G6685 (initials of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria), G7075 (initials of Louis XIIII and Anne of Austria) Louis XIV Owner C46d22, C46f2, C46h8, C47c9, C47k10, C47h8, C48d8, C66c11, C66c8, C66c11, C66c8, C68f6, C69a1, C69c8, C69ee3, C69ee10, C128k4, C128k6, C128k5, C128h2, 6d10, 53i10 (arms and cypher), Davis411, Davis470, Davis469, G340 (arms), G1295 (arms of the Dauphin Louis), G10858 (arms and monogram) Louis XV Owner C38d21, C46b27, C46c11, C46d2 (Louis the Dauphin, Louis XV's son), C46h1, C47a23, C47b3, C47g5, C47k9, C65bb18, C68d20, C69dd1 (Louis XVI?), C72d4, C128k12, C128k13, Add MS61936, 1570/5984, C47d29, C47b4, G974 (arms) Louis, the Dauphin, son of Louis XV Owner C48f5, C48b13 (also has his wife's arms), C47h11, C69b11, C46d2 Louis XVI Owner C47a21, C47a18, C47c25, C128k14, C47d4 (also has his wife's arms), C46g8 (also has his wife's arms) Louis XVIII (17551824) Owner C97f6-22, C108k12, C130c1, C30d36 (also has his wife's arms), C68b19 (also has his wife's arms), C69g5 (also has his wife's arms), C69b10 (also has his wife's arms), C47h9 (also has his wife's arms), C47e19 (also has his wife's arms), C47d25 (also has his wife's arms), C154f12 (arms) Louis of Lorraine Owner C38d21, C46b27, C46c11, C46d2, C46h1, C47a23, C47b3, C476g5, C47k9, C65bb18, C68d20, C69dd1 (XVI?) Louis the Dauphin, Louis C1482V's Son), C72d4, C128k12, C128k13, Add MS 61936, 1570/5984 Louis of Lorraine Owner C24f9-10 Louis-Antoine d'Artois (b. 1775-d 1844), eldest son of Charles X and Duke of Angouleme and sometime Dauphin Owner C188a4, C150i10 (arms) c183f7 Louis Philippe Owner C153b9 (arms), C153e5 (monogram), C153g10 (initials) Louis Philippe Joseph, duc d'Orleans (17471793) Owner PC16e1 Arms and initials Lovejoy, John Binder Davis223 (item 207; c.1812, London), C155a8 (attributed to Lovejoy, Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Low, J., bookseller and bookbinder, No. 1 Gray's Inn Passage Bedford Road Binder 566f30 (label), C150b17 (signed) Low, J[oseph], 43 Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London Binder Collins 533, Collins 534, Collins 536 Low, S. Binder C151g2 (signed), Collins 535? Lowe, J., 14 Little Queen St., Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London Lubbock of Newcastle Binder Collins 537 (?) Binder C108s3, C151g3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155a9 (signed) Lubett, Denise Binder C129m12, C109q3? Lucy of Marlborough Binder C188a39 Ludovicus a Lilius Owner Davis429 Lunier-Belier of Tours Binder C153k8 (signed), C153k7 (signed) LuxembourgMontmorency, Duc de Owner C67a16, C68a10 LuxembourgMontmorency Duchesse de Boufflers Owner C67c12 Luynes Owner J B d'Albert de Luynes see Albert de Luynes Lycett, Edward Binder C108b10 (binder's ticket - Nelson Street, City Road), C151g4 (signed) Lyon, S. of Southampton Binder C151g5 (signed) M Name M., C. Owner or Shelfmark Binder G8552 (cypher) M, C M., D. 1487k3 (initials tooled on 16c roll featuring King David, St Peter etc) Binder C154g25 (signed) M., E. C118d27 (initials tooled on 16001650 English binding) M., E. C118d33 (initials tooled over two other tools on English 1600-50 binding) M., E.V. C106e15 (initials blind tooled on upper cover, lower cover dated 1566) M., F. Owner Davis838 M.G. de R.R. Binder Collins 213 M., L. C119dd1 (initials gold tooled on upper cover 17th century English binding) M., M. Davis98 (item 93; c.1640, London, initials M. M. in centre together with the royal arms) see the Sombre Binder I M., M. M. C131ff9 (tooled on upper cover, Germany 16th century) M., P. C65bb1 (initials gold tooled on English 1600-50 binding, initials T. V. also on binding), C66d1 (initials gold tooled on English 1600-50 binding, initials S. H. also on binding) M., R. O. Davis612 (item 308; dated 1630, possibly made in Holland, spine lettered 'ROM 1630') MacCance, William Binder C102h11 (+ George Fisher) MacCarthy Binder C13d3 MacCarthy-Reagh, Count Owner C38b10 (by Weir), C156i7 (by Weir), G9007 (by Weir) MacColl Mathieson, Elisabeth Binder C108d1(not signed but letter tipped in), Davis278 (item 231; dated 1903, for Cyrill Davenport, large cartonche with 'CD 1902', signed and dated MC 1903) MacDonald, W. of New York Binder C59g3 (signed), LR31c4 (rebacked by British Museum) MacDurnan Gospels Binder, Bateman bindery Binder Add MS36705, C80a20, C47l3, C132i59, C46i13, C183a18, Add MS19889, C46i10, C78i4, C18b13, G12228, C21b9, C46k4, C48k4, C46l3, C22f20, C48k1, C21e13, C78g1, C46i11, C80i5, C24c3, C46i13, C21d9, 87h6, 1214k6 (same centre piece as C21d9), C18b13, C78g1, C21e13, C48k1, C46i11, Davis26 (item 48; c.1567, London), Davis91 (item 49; c.1570, London), Davis27 (item 50; c.1571, London), Davis28 (item 51; c.1575, London), becomes John Bateman binder: Davis92, Davis93 (for Robert Sidney, Vicount Lisle) Macefield, J[ohn], 26 Myrtle St., Hoxton, London Binder Collins 540 Macfarlan, W. Owner C69aa15 Macnaughten Designer Collins 795 Mahomet, Janet C188a120. Binder McKelvie of Greenoch Binder C114b38, C130c4, C188b51 McKelve & Sons of Greenoch Binder C25e2 MacKenzie, J Binder C20d27, C25a11, C25b1, C25b9, C25b21, C25c14, C25d10, C25e24, C25e16, C27a19, C27a35, C27c4, C28g3, C30d16, C31d1, C32f1, C32f15, C40a26, C40d19, C51c2, C51d6, C53b13, C55d26, C57i3, C108gg17, C117bb23, C122bb4, C122c1, C122e4, C123b27, C123e25, C30h9 (+ Seton), C33e4, C32f16-18, C33a5, C33b22, C33d17, C33g5, C33g6, C34h9, C35h16, C37c24, C39b28, C39c34, C39c41, C39d55, C39e25?, C39e57, C39e61?, C51c2(signed) G4342, G5254, G1213, G1219, G1577, G2303, G3629, C66b8, C108gg17, C117bb23, C122bb4, C122c1, Binder C122e4, C123e25, C31d1, C20e33 (signed), Huth120 (signed), C66b8 (signed), G936 (signed), G1207 (signed), G1213 (signed), G1219 (signed), G1245 (signed), G1497 (signed), G1577 (signed), G5802 (signed), G5857 (signed), G5892 (signed), G6500 (signed) G6551-8 (signed), G6561 (signed on cover), G6568 (signed), G9912 (signed), G12078 (signed), G12194 (signed), 692a12 (signed), 982h20 (signed), 1199b1 (signed), 12935bb14 (signed), C150b18 (signed), C151g7 (signed), Add MS12,024, G7634, G5505 (signed), G5492 (signed), G5584 (signed), G5592 (signed), G5710 (signed), G5781 (signed), G5965 (signed), G6723 (signed), G6871 (signed), G6812 (signed), G7165 (signed), G8032, G9965 (signed), IB53207 (signed Mackenzie Bookbinder to the King). Collins 538, Collins 539 Binder Collins 297 Binder Collins 800 McKenzie of Dublin Binder C155a10 (signed), C151g6 (signed) MacKinlay, John Binder G8032, G11795-11811, G11958G11965, G11969-G11977 MacLehose of Glasgow, 19th c. Scottish Binder C188b37 (signed), Collins 796 a and b, Collins 797 MacLiesh, Archibald Binder C183aa12 McLeish, C&C Binder C72a5, C108k7, C125e7, Add MS54233 McLeish, Charles Binder C72a5 (signed), C72a13 (signed, + Cobden Sanderson), C108k7, C108pp1, IA11657 McManus, Blanche Designer Collins 982 MacMillan & Co Binder C60i5 McMasters, Rachel & Miller Hunt (RMcMM) Binder C108ff1 (1916) MacNair Binder G12850-8 (signed), C155a11 (signed) MacNiven & Wallace, of Edinburgh McNamee of Cambridge Binder Collins 798 Binder Tauch838-40, Tauch2818a (signed, plain binding) Mackenzie, J., 4 Crown St., Westminster Mackenzie, William, of Dublin McKelvie, J., Greenock McNeill of Ashby de la Zouch Binder C59f10, C150b19(1) (signed) McNish of Dalbeattie Binder C151g8 (signed) MacTaggart, James Binder C129a18? Mackey, T. B., 5 Bache’s Row, City Madan, William Binder Collins 541 Owner C65k12 Madonna, Maria & Nachfloger, Koberger Binder 11422k18 Madruzzo Owner C46a33 (arms) Magdalena, Sophia Owner 144g9 (with cyphers of Christian VI and Sophia Magdalena) Maggs, Bryan Binder C108w5 Magnant, Isabella Cup407g52 (red morocco label on paste down of P. Magnant, The French Scholar's Assistant, London, 1762; bound in gold tooled marbled calf) Magnier, Ch. Binder C129i1 Magnus, Albert, of Amsterdam Binder C65gg7, C23e13, C35l9, Davis717718 (item 309; c.1669, Amsterdam), X981/10985 (20th-century imitation of Magnus binding) Maher, C. W. of Dublin Binder C155a13 (signed) Mahomed, Janet Binder C188?, Collins 542 Magnus of Antwerp Binder C35l9, C65gg7? Mahieu, Thomas Owner C132h49, C46i3, C129k17, C19d12 (Tho Maioli et Amicor), C24c19 (Tho Maioli et Amicor), C27f9 (Tho Maioli et Amicor), C46i3 (Tho Maioli et Amicor), G9138 (Tho Maioli et Amicor), Davis403, Davis406, Davis408, Davis358, Davis504, Davis409-410, Davis384, C132h49 (gold tooled calf), G9138 (motto) de Mailly Owner C22d7? (arms) Mairet of Dijon Binder C153k10 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, Mairet's printed advertisement is inserted), C153k11 (signed), C153k12 (signed), C153k9 (signed), C154a4 (signed) Maisli's Aesop Binder Binder Davis407, Davis408 Maitland? Owner C67a14, C67b16 Maitre Doreur Binder C14c12 Malcorps, L. Binder C98f23 (signed), C99h30 (signed), C100c10 (signed), C183b14, C183aa1 Maioli see Mahieu Malik of Prague Malinfant, Jacques Cup410f1047 (signed) Owner C66d3, Davis357, Davis356, Davis397 Maltby of Oxford Binder Maltese Cross C95i9, C100g51, C100g52, C122b2324, C132g38, C132g53, C132g76, Collins 157, Collins 158, Collins 159 Italian armorial bindings with a maltese cross: C46d23, C67c20, C68e8, C47g3, C47b8, C18c2, C65d17, C68d2, C47f11, C47c19, C47c10, C47a16, C47i15, C65g13, C106f19, 80i14? Mame & Cie, Tours Binder C129i19 (1853, paper binding) Mame, A., of Tours Binder Manchester, Duke of Montagu Owner Davis581, Davis580, Davis579?, Davis578?, Davis577?, Collins 922 ?, Collins 923, Collins 924, Collins 925, Collins 926 (?), Collins 927 C67e4, C67h17 Mandelgreen, S. Binder Davis671 (item 315; c.1750-58, Middelburg, probably made by S. Mandelgreen) Mandre Owner C69a19 Mandy, Richard, of Calcutta Binder C151g9 (attributed to Richard Mandy) Manley, Lord de see Hon. William Ponsonby Mannock see Queens' Binder D Mansell Binder C54aa10, C115a3 (successor to Hayday), TC6a9 (signed by W. J. Mansell), Collins 543 Mansell (for Golden Cockerell Press) Binder Cup510af31 Mansell, [William], [Little Queen St.], London Mansfelt, The Count Binder Binder Collins 544 Binder Davis405 Mansfield, Edgar Binder C128f10, C130c6 Manson & Son of Edinburgh Binder C155a12 (signed) Mantua, Duke of Gouzaga Owner C66h6 Manufacture Generale des Apprentis Pauvres et Orphelins Binder C153k3 Marais, Godet, Archbishop Owner C69aa14 Marbled Sheep Binding 1578/7965 (1778) Marbling over Print Marchant, C. RB23a1178, 452b17, 1578/2954, 1578/6306, 1507/1548, 956h23, 460b16 Binder 30e8 (signed) Marchant Binder C153l1 (signed) Marefoschi, M., Cardinal Owner C67c21 Maria Augusta, wife of Carl Philipp von Sulzbach, Count Palatine Owner Ib214 (gold tooled arms) Maria Josepha of Saxony, second wife of Louis dauphin, son of Louis XV, and mother of Louis XVI Owner C47d15, C48c10 Maria Therese of Austria Owner Davis542 Marie Adelaide, daughter of Louis XV Owner C47b16, C47f6 Marie Anne Christine Victoire de Baviere, wife of Louis, dauphin son of Louis XV (16601690) Owner C48b13 Marie Anne Victori (Infanta of Spain) Owner Davis480 Marie Antoinette, wife of Louis XVI Owner C47d4 (includes arms of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI), C48g8 (includes arms of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI) Marie-Caroline, Duchess de Berry Owner C152i13 Marie Add MS31,392 (gold tooled on 16thcentury English binding, along with the name Philip) Marie Louise de Savoie, Comtesse de Provence (1753-1810), wife of Louis XVIII Owner C30d36 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII), C68b19 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII), C69g5 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII), C69b10 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII), C47h9 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII), C47e19 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII), C47d25 (also includes arms of Louis XVIII) Dudley Coutts Marjoribanks Binder see B. Holloway (Davis720) Marks, J. 59d10 Marlborough, Duke of Binder Owner Marot Rodde Binder C17a11 (by C. Hering), C21b41, 4499a17 on cover) C188b99(arms (signed). Marples, Elizabeth Binder C188b69 (signed and dated: Elizabeth Marples 1986) Marshal[l], James, of Stockton Marshall Marshall of Aylesbury Binder Collins 161 (?) Owner Binder C25c3? Collins 160 Marrow Binder RB23a16952 Marsden, W. A. Binder? Collins 1018 Martin Binder C153l2 (signed) Martin, C., 210 Consistollah, Calcutta Martin of Culcutta Binder Collins 996 Binder Collins 997 Martin, Pierre Lucien Binder C108eee18 (dated 1962), Davis414 Martin, T., printer and binder Binder 1578/4731, 1651/1217? (printed by T. Martin 1787) Martin, V. Binder C62aa9, C154e17 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, in the style of 'Vernis Martin', lacquered boards) Martin, W. M. Binder C123b13 Mary C64c1 (name gold tooled on English or French 16th-century binding?) Mary I (reigned 15531558) Owner C27e13 (by the King Edward & Queen Mary Binder), C64dd11, C66d17, C66f2, C24c15, C46c1, 690f13, C65gg6 (by the King Edward & Queen Mary Binder) see King Edward & Queen Mary Binders III Mary II, wife of William III Binder see William & Mary Mary, Queen, wife of George V Owner C109q5 (presentation binding) Mary of Modena (wife of James II) Mary, Queen of Scots C28e7 (Queen's Binder D?), C64dd11 Owner Masonic C15b11 C109b32 (symbols gold tooled on English 19th-century binding), C45c20 (on English 19th-century binding), C46h12 (on English 18thcentury binding), C155d5 (on English 18th-century binding), C190e12 (on English 18th-century binding), C190e13 (Masonic tooling added to English 18th-century binding), C65bb17 (Dutch 18th century), YA2000a20076 (English 19th century), Music Hirsch III.903 and 903a (both French 18c) Masquillier of Mons Binder C154g21 (signed) Masson-Debonnelle Binder C57c29 (signed), C97b8, C97d1, C128e4 Mathieu, Monique (20th c., France) Binder C188a93 Matteosian, H., American Han, Stamboul Matthaeus, Hieronymus Binder Collins 954 Owner C48k12, C66e9 Matthewman Binder C66e4, C66e9, C48e6?, C48e25?, C65c22 (contains signature of Thomas Hollis), C67f18, see also Davis collection for Thomas Hollis Matthews Binder Matthews, George, King (father) & Matthews, George, Mabbot (son) Possibly Paternoster Row? Also Home Terrace Hackney Wick, Middlesex Binders C38i26 (plain binding, 'Matthews' told tooled on turn in), C53k33 (ink stamp on fly-leaf, W. Matthews Binder), C68i16 (William F. Matthews, 18981977), C144d8 (William F. Matthews, 1898-1977), C188a2 (William F. Matthews, 1898-1977), C188a3 (William F. Matthews, 18981977), Collins 1019 Collins 162 Mauchline Ware Binding Binder Maudit Binder Collins 744, Collins 745, Collins 746, Collins 747, Collins 748, Collins 749, Collins 750, Collins 751, Collins 752 C155h9 (signed) Maugis, Philippus A. Owner Davis784 Maupeou Owner C69ee12 Mauri, C. of Milan Binder C39i18, C154g11(Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Maussion of Le Mans Binder C153l3 (attributed to Maussion of Le Mans) Mawson, Swan & Morgan, of Newcastle Binder? Collins 163 Maximilian I Owner Cup410c60(1) Maxwell, J., & Son, of Dumfries Maynard, A. Binder Collins 799 Binder C155h10 (signed), C155h11 (signed) Maynard, Ashwin R. Binder C99g41 Mazarin, Cardinal Owner C47e7, C68d9, C68d17, C68e3, 14k12, 74k12, G1950 (arms), G3569 (arms) Mazirot, Barbarat Owner C69a13 McMurray, William, Lillypot Lane, London EC Mearne, Charles (son of Samuel Mearne) Binder Collins 545 Binder Davis112 (item 111; c.1683, London) Mearne, Samuel Binder C14e13 (Charles II arms and cypher), C22f16 (Charles II's arms and cypher), C22f17, C20e22 (Charles II's arms and cypher), C21d5 (Charles II's arms and monogram), C23e6-7 (Charles II's arms and cypher), C24e13 (Charles II's arms and cypher), C48c7 (Charles II's arms and cypher), C25i2 (Charles II's arms and cypher), C83d2 (Charles I's and Charles II's arms), C64f2 (Charles II's cypher), C65e11, C74i5, C65e14 (for Charles II), C82a7 (for Charles II), C109f21 (for Charles II), C109q1 (for Charles II), C108a3 (probably Mearne), C34g19 (Charles II's cypher), C32m5 (Charles II), C65l14 (Charles II), C79f15 (Charles II), C82a7 (Charles II), C83d2 (Charles II), C83e6 (Charles II), C83e18 (Charles II), 7f13 (Charles II), 7h3 (Charles II), 294k25 (Charles II), 1912b10 (Charles II), 99l5 (Charles II), C170c28 (for Charles II), 7h3, 1b4 (Charles II), 294k25, 7h1 (James II), 11g5 (James II), 11g5 (James II), Add MS6294, Add MS6291, Egerton MS3375, C109p22 (Charles II), 73l6 (Charles II), 73l7, 83l3, 192f1 (Charles II's cypher), Davis196 (item 106; c.1666, London, cypher of King Charles II in centre), Davis185 (item 107; c.1666, London, cypher of King Charles II in centre), Davis109 (item 108; c.1670, London, cypher of King Charles II in centre), Davis110 (item 109; c.1670, London, cypher of Charles II and James II as Duke of York), Davis111 (item 110; c.1680, London) Mecklenburg, Ulrich von 4a11 (edges with painted arms of Ulrich von Mecklenburg) Medici, Carlo, Cardinal Owner C46f4, C47g13 Medallion Binder Binder Add MS35322-23 (c.1550 p.1252), Davis86 (item 35; c.1550, London, for Edward VI) Medici, Catherine de C24e8 (by Claude de Piques), C33m1 Medici, Francesco Maria di Toscana Owner C47e6, Add MS29,476 (arms) Medici, John Gaston de Owner C47b6 Medici, Leopoldo de Owner C47d27 Medici, Marie de (wife of Henry IV) Owner C22b12, C47k1, C68f8, C69dd10, Davis514 Medici, Popes Owner see under name of Pope, e.g. Leo XI Medina Torres, Duke de, Guzman Owner C47d16, C66e18, C67c14, C68h4, C68h6, C69aa12 Meink of Berlin Binder C129i21 Meiser, A. Meister, W. Davis686 (item 311; c.1730, Flemish, signed 'A Meiser') Binder Meliora Spero de Mello IB1388 (German incunable) motto of A. Gifford; see Gifford Owner C57a17 (Hardy-Mennil), C57c10 (Belz-Niedree), C57c18 (Thibaron), C57c36 (Niedree), C57e11 (by Chambolle-Duru), C57g35 (by Tranty-Bayonnet), C57g4 (by Chambolle-Duru), C63f3, C20c26, C97d13, C20b11, C38h16, C20d2, C62aa23, C57c36, c57c11, C38f36, C38h18, C20e34, C20e11, C57aa4, C192a41 (signed Hardy) Memard Binder C153l4 (signed) Menard, A. Binder C20d24 (signed A. Menard), C38c47 (signed), C62b21 (signed), C62d17 (signed), C63g13 (signed), C63g24 (signed), C150m16 (signed) Menars, Jean Jacques Charron, Marquis of Owner see Charron Mendoza Binder Davis730, Davis745, Davis763, Davis784 and C128b3? (imitators of Mendoza Binder) Mendoza Owner C28i3? Mense, Casper Binder Davis679 (probably for Hans Harrer) Mepham, Samuel, of Dorchester Merault Binder Collins 164 Owner C69ee7 Mercher Binder C183a35, Cup408u40 (wooden boards) Mercier, E. Binder Davis555 (for Henry Walters) Meriat Binder C153l5 (signed) Mertz, F. Binder C153l6 (signed) Meslant, France, early 19th century Binder C108c17, 958c6 (signed Rel p. Meslant), C150i11 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C153l7 (signed), C154a2 (signed), C150i12 (signed), C154a1 (signed), C154a1* (signed), C153l8 (signed) Mesmes, J. J. Owner C48e2 Mesuil Garnier, Morand du Owner C128a3 Mespelbrunn, Julius Echter, Bishop of Wurzburg Owner C69a14 Messier Binder C190e2, C154a3 (signed) Mestagh of Ghent Binder C154g22 (signed) Metropolitan Industrial Reformatory Binder C108bbb23 Meudon C66b6 and C65d18 (gold tooled on covers of library of Countess of Verrue (1670-1736)) Meulenhoff & Co of Amsterdam Tauch4085, Tauch4084, Tauch2492, Tauch1039 (binders' signatures printed on spine) Meunier, Ch. Binder C108l4 Meuser, Caspar Binder Davis679 (probably for Hans Harrer), see Harrer, Hans Meyer, C. Binder G2022, 7b19, 5e5,6, 83k15, 133e1 (binders' ticket), G19894 (signed), C155b1 (signed), C151g10 (signed), Egton MS677 (pink binders' ticket) Marius, Michel Doreur Binder C20e6 (also by Chambolle-Duru), C20e11, C20e14, C20e34, C57e11 (also by Chambolle-Duru), C57g3 (also by Chambolle-Duru) Marius, Michel Binder C59e17, Davis412, C108tt5 (signed Marius Michel et fils). Middelburg arms 1509/1789 (gold tooled on vellum, 1653), 1607/1569 (gold tooled on vellum, 18th century), 165l19 (school prize, c.1683) Middle Temple Owner 123f17 (arms) Middleton, Bernard Binder Mijjilee Press, Lancaster, USA Binder C128f2, C108d39, C160c17, Davis284 (item 250; signed and dated 'BM 1975', commissioned by Henry Davis, one copy for H. M. Nixon, one for British Library, part of gift), C188b43 (21st c.) C188b43, Images of Middleton’s work reproduced in Collins 1020 Cup401k14 Miller of Golden Square Binder C188a196 Miller, Fred Binder? ?Collins 1021 Miller, George of Bryn, Shropshire Binder Cup407e12 Miller, J. Binder C151g11 (signed) McMasters Miller, Rachel see Hunt, Rachel McMasters Miller Milne, A. Binder 1560/2490 Milne, A., of Forres Binder Collins 801 Milners' Binder C151g12 (vellum imitation of Edwards of Halifax, with binder's label), C151g12 (signed) Minale, Hannibale Miniature Books Owner Davis847 (by the Grimaldi Binder), Davis846 C18a3 (French, 19th century), 600i23(1-68) (in glass fronted box), CO a1-g11 (in buckram box), 528m23(1-104) (in wooden box), C17b10(1-61) (in small glass fronted box), C121eee3 and C121e3 (in buckram box; not to be issued withoug special permission), C106a24, C109a25(1-4) (with matchbox covers), C121e7, C106a28 (London, 1601, not to be issued without special permission), C180b12, C19a35, C121ee3, C111a5, C180a6, C121e6, C18a36, C18a43, C18a35, C18a30, C18a37, C18a38, C18a41, C111aa9 (with leather case), C121e2 (stored in glass fronted box), C121e (stored in glass fronted box), C121e1 (stored in glass fronted box), C121e8 (stored in glass fronted box), C121e4 (stored in glass fronted box), C121ee1 (stored in glass fronted box), C121ee5 (stored in glass fronted box), C121ee6 (stored in glass fronted box), C121ee4 (stored in glass fronted box) Minotto Family Owner Add MS15,127 (16th-century Italian binding) Mintorn, J[ohn], of Bristol Minus, Robert, Sir Binder Collins 165 Owner G19631 (arms?, signature on flyleaf) Miralles, H. Binder HS74/331 (La sagrada biblia, Barcelona, 1888) Miromenil, Hue de Owner C69b9 Owner C67i12 (ownership inscription on titlepage) Mitchell Binder C151g13 (signed) Mitchell, Robert, of Belfast Moiguon, Guillaume de la (1617-1677) Binder Collins 298 Owner C48h9, 10f8, Egerton MS627 Mole, Claude Owner G6323 (arms and initials) Mole, Mathieu (15841656) Owner C19a31, C67d18 Moncey, Therese Binder Davis413 Monnehay Binder C154a5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C154a6 (signed) Monnier Binder C72a9 (signed), Davis401 (attributed to Monnier), Davis559 Monniot Binder C156k10 (Ramsden Colection of signed bindings), C150i13 (signed) Missy, C. de Montague, James, Bishop of Bath and Wells (1568-1616) Owner Davis96 (item 66; c.1612, London, with arms of James Montague) Montagu, Richard Binder C108g22 (for Thomas Hollis), 77g11, G18520 Montausier, Charles, Duke of Owner C47b1, C68c16 Montgommery Owner C56k? Montmorency, C. F. C., Duc de Luxemboug Owner C64aa2 MontmorencyLuxembourg, Mari Sophie Colbert of Seignelay, Duchesse de Owner C69bb16 Moody, R. Binder C108g17 Moon, F. G. Binder 11643aa33 (binder's ticket, No. 20 Threadneedle St.) Moore, Edwin, of Cambridge 32b14, Davis159 (item 171; c.1760, Cambridge), Davis160-161 (item 172; c.1760, Cambridge) Moore, R. P. Binder C151g14 (signed) Mora More, John (d.1641) or Hussey Owner C68e8 Owner Moreau, J. Binder 539L3, 540e16, 540h18, 541h6, 783h7, 784d13. C64dd14 (signed) Morgan & Scott, London Morley of Ipswich Publishers Collins 510 (and binders?) Binder C151g15 Morely of Oxford Binder C99b30 (signed), C108cc13, Cup503cc19, C126a50 (signed), Tab1336b1 (signed) C188a164 Morley Bros. of Oxford Binder Collins 166 Morocco Binder Binder C170d1?, C24c14, C54f5, C128d12, C25h3, C20a24 Morrell of London Binder C20c16 (plain red morocco, signed), C55a24 (1/2 sprinkled calf, marbled boards, signed on flyleaf), C55c24 (signed flyleaf, plain calf), C57c51 (1/2 sprinkled calf, marbled boards, signed flyleaf), C108d27, C115pp8 (1/2 morocco, cloth boards, signed flyleaf), C118d113 (sprinkled calf, signed corner tools, signed flyleaf), C128d11, C132g35 (plain calf, signed corner tool, gold tooled turn in, signed flyleaf), C39d39 (signed), 1478dd16 , KTC40B3, Collins 546, Collins 547 Morris, Willaim C109c3 (binding designed by Morris), C42l12 (binding designed by Morris and bound at Doves Bindery, Kelmscott Chaucer), Add MS37832 (designed by Morris?), C109aaa17 (covered in William Morris chinz material), Ashley3691 (covered in William Morris chinz material) Morris, May 11622c15 (publisher's binding, designed by Morris) Morocco Binder Binder Davis60 (item 45; c.1565, London, centre cartouche, rampant lion) Morton, J., of Windsor Binder C143c6, C150c1 (signed), C151h1 (signed) Morton, W. K., Horncastle & Sleaford Binder Collins 167 Moseley, Benjamin Dr Owner see Payne, Roger (Davis192) Motet Binder C39e18, C150i14 (signed) Mother-of-pearl bindings Add MS23,970 (17th-century Italian binding), C65hh16 Mouillie Binder C150i15 (signed) Moule of Oxford Binder C155b2 Moxam, E. & Co Owner C126c10 Moya, D. Fran. Cabrera y Bovadilla, Marquis de Owner G11309 (arms) Mudie Binder Mullen of Dublin Binder C38e24, Collins 548, Collins 549, Collins 550 C155b5 (signed; same as George, Geo or T. Mullen?) Mullen, George Binder G6304 (ticket), G5152 (plain binding, 1/4 leather and red paper boards, with ticket), G5812 (signed, gold tooled), C47e23?, C150c2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151h2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151h3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151h4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151h5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155b3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155b4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155b5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155b6 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155b7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C156i2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), Davis312-313 (item 265; c.1816, Mullen, George, Jr. Binder Mullen, T. Dublin, 'Bound by Geo. Mullen Dublin' (ticket)), Davis314 (item 266; c.1816, Dublin, 'Bound by Geo. Mullen Dublin' (ticket)), G5812 (signed) Collins 299 (?) [for Trinity College Dublin], ?Collins 300 [for Trinity College Dublin], ?Collins 301 [also for Trinity College, Dublin] C150c3 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150c4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C155b7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, attributed to Mullen), C150c4 (signed), C150c3 (signed) Muller Binder C37e47, C44a1, C155h12, C155h15 (signed), C155h13 (attributed to Muller), C155h14 (attributed to Muller) Muller Binder C39c15 (also Hering) Munck, I. M. C127bb22 (signed, decorated endpapers), C129m10 (signed, decorated endpapers, no.23?, signature obscured) Murray Add MS27,472 (16th-century Scottish binding, on upper cover Erle James of Murray, on lower to Regent our Soveran) Murray, Frank of Derby Binder C131a4 Murray & Stewart of Paisley Binder C151h6 (signed) Murton, C. C24e20, C25d23, C25e15, C27b43, C28e15, C28e17, C29c2, C30d43, C21a59, C30m8, C32a11, C33b23, C34k8, C36b18, C37a38, C39b3, C39b35, C39e44, C40c60, c41e7, C45c2, C45c3, C51a6, C60l14, C65b15, C95a23, C17b10, C21a59, G2914-15 (2 vols), G1493 (signed), G11206 (signed), G11211, Huth55, C150c5 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151h7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C151h8 (signed), IB41612 (signed. Spine gold tooled). Music MS Book C150k3 (unused 6 stave music book in mid 19th-century blind blocked morocco binding, signed by Peyrol, c.1840) Musgrave Owner C40e57 (crest) Musto, Hieronymi de Owner Add MS41,153 (name gold tooled on cover of commission from Doge Pietro Lando, binding dated MDXXXXI) Mylrea (Isle of Man) Binder C188a127 N Name N., C. R. Owner or Shelfmark Binder EG1218 (initials and date 1592 on German binding) NI(2) Oldham EBSP C69ff8 (used with R05-6 panels, Ihesvsmaria) N., K. I. EG1182 (initials on 16th-century German binding, album owned by Johann Klarner dated 1560) N., M. C53i14 (MN tooled on 16th-century English binding) Naples, Archbishop of see Coscia, Niccolo Naples, royal arms 61d18 Napoleon I C48g10, 182e5, C1807, C109f6, C42g3, C108aa24 Narbonne, Archbishop of Owner see Le Goux de la Berchere Narracott of Torquay Binder Collins 168 ( ?) Nash, Paul C109p14 Nassau-Ulsingen Weilburg Owner C69a2 Nathan, Maude Binder Collins 169 National Library of Wales Binder C121c1 Natuhards Binder C117bb36 Naval Binder (English Restoration) Binder C183c6, Eg MS3342, C72b5 (sombre), Eg MS862, C72e6 (sombre), Davis70 (item 122; 1675, London), Davis124 (item 123; c.1682, London, C108n6 (imitator of Naval Binder) NE QUID NIMIS RB23b2406 (motto and arms gold-tooled, imprint: Geneva, 1778) Nec Prece nec Pretis Bateman, Viscount Neil of Glasgow Binder C54e8, C150c6 (signed) Neilson, J[ohn], 45 Candleriggs, Glasgow Binder Collins 802, Collins 803 (listed as at 6 Candleriggs for this item) Neisser, Hugo, Rosas 941, Santiago de Chile Nellis, J. H., Ferry Quay St, Derry Nelson, R., 48 Buchanan St., Glasgow Nemours, Duc de Binder Collins 989 Binder Collins 302 RB23b6446 (red leather, gt, paper laid on) Collins 804, Collins 805 Nercam of Bordeaux Binder Binder see B. Delrieu (C153a6, C153a5) C154a7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Nettleton, W. of Plymouth Binder C156i3 (signed) Neufrille, Charles de Owner Davis453 Neumann Binder C120b11 New, [Horatio] Binder Collins 551, Collins 552 Newcastle, Duke of (Henry Fiennes Clinton, Earl of Lincoln) Owner C108i7, LR293d35 Newman & Son of Dublin Binder 1570/6244 New South Wales Public Library (Government Printing Office Bindery) Binder C130c12-13 Niccolini (Itlay 17th century) Owner C129i12 (arms gold-tooled on upper and lower covers) Nilson/Nicols (see also Wilson) Binder Davis705 (for Joseph Bonaparte) Nicholas, Elizabeth Owner C69bb15 Nichols of Farnham Binder C151h9 (signed) Nicholson, J., of Cambridge Binder Collins 170 Niedree, E.? (see Belz-Niedree) Binder C30a23, C30d39, C34h41, C34h41*, C34m6, C36b23, C39g23, C40b26, C48d3, C48f16, C53c4, C57b11, C57c36 (for De Mello), C62b25, C107c17, C125a2, IA37863 (signed), C127a9 (signed), C62b25 (signed), 11735bbb5 (signed), 11737a19 (signed) Nisi Dominus Frustra C65hh5 (motto of city of Edinburgh and arms) Nivernois, Duc de Owner Nixon, H. M. Binder? Collins 1022 Niromenil, Chancelier de France Owner C47e22 Noble of Boston Binder 8610a17 (half-calf and paper boards, ticket), 1578/1924 (half-calf and paper boards, ticket) Noel Binder C150k1 (signed) Noir, Le of Lyon Binder C153k1 (signed), C153i7 (signed) Noli Altvm Sapere C47a2 bindings with trade stamp bearing this motto; late 15th-, early 16th-century English), C108b8, C108c21, 532g9, 294f29 Nompar de Caumont, H. J., Duke de La Force (17th century France) Owner 8050h1(1-4) (arms gold-tooled on covers) Norley of Oxford Binder C99b30 Norman, G[eorge], 6 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden Norman, W., bookbinder to Duke of Ormond Binder Collins 554, Collins 555, Collins 556 Binder C142a54 (A discourse of the phrrality of worlds. Dublin 1687, printed for William Norman Book-binder to this Grace the Duke of Ormond) Norman and Medcalf [Amelia] Norman and Duncan, 6 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden Norreys, Henry and Margeret Binder Collins 553 Binder Collins 557 Owner Davis31 (item 59; c.1598, upper cover has arms of Henry, Lord Norreys of Rycote, lower cover has arms of his wife Margeret, younger daughter of John, Lord Williams of Thame) Norreys, Margeret see also Henry and Margeret Norreys; and John, Lord Williams of Thame Norris, Christopher Binder Daris157 (item 169; c.1751, London, for Maurice Johnson) Norsdet, P. A. Bokbinder I Stockholm Binder Cup407c23 Norstedt, P. H. & Soners of Stockholm Binder C105f8 North Binder C188a88 Norton, J. of Bristol Binder C150c7 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Davis205 (not signed) Norvi[n]s, Jean (16th century, France) Binder Davis321, Davis322, C46h10, Davis323 (name appears on panel stamps) Norwich School C152d4 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, arms) Nostitz, Count of see Wenzel, Christoph Nottingham, Howard, Earl of Owner Noyon C33g1, C65c16 11312aaa10 (vellum, blind panel with arms) Nugent, Francisco Owner C69d8 (and Robert Kearney) Nuret, Ad. of Chateauroux Binder C155h18 (signed), C154a8 (signed) Nutt of Cambridge Binder Collins 171, Collins 172, C69dd7 (signed) Nutt Binder Collins 559 Nutt, W. Binder C37c3, RB23a15844 (binder's ink stamp, 19th century), Collins 558 Nutzbaum Binder C154a9 (signed) O Name O, C E M O, I Owner or Shelfmark Binder C115n10 (16th century, Italian CE MO) Owner 1477cc34 the letters I O tooled in blind on calf binding d'Oignies, Gilbert Bishop of Tournai Owner C108a22 The Old City Wall Bookbinding Works, Bath Binder Collins 174 (see also W Taylor & Son) Old Royal Library Catalogue in Manuscript Oldham, J. B. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh microfilm at MICa10504; another microfilm MICc488 reported missing in 1991; original at C120h6* Owner Binder Olivier Le Clerc de Lesseville C188a71 (17th-century English, calf) Collins 806 Cup410c321 Oliveres Binder C62c20 Olsen, Ole Binder C188b8 Oginski Binder C154a10 (signed) Ogle & Butler, of Eastbourne Old City Wall (Taylor, W. & Son) Omar III Binder Collins 173 Binder Collins 174 C170f10 (jewelled binding on indefinite loan, see Stanley Bray) Omnis Potestas A Deo C20a1 (gold tooled on both covers; E vi R book?) Operative Jewish Converts’ Institution, 58 Bodney Rd, London Orange Binder Orger & Meryon Binder C151h10 (signed) Oriel College Owner C155e5 (arms) Orleans, Charles Owner C99k16 Orleans, Francoise Marie de Baurbon Owner C48d4 d'Orleans, Gaston Jean brother of Louix XIII Owner C47i8, C66k1 d'Orleans, Louis Adelaide, Duchesse Owner C47f6, C47f7 Collins 560, Collins 561 (address listed as Palestine Place, Bethnal Green, London) Prince William-Frederick-George-Louis, see William d'Orleans, Louis Philippe, Duc Owner C69e15 d'Orleans, Philippe Egalite, Duc Owner C65f14, C68a6, C69e14 Charles d'OrleansValois Owner see Duc d'Angouleme Or Nue' C65h1? (technique in gold embroidery, silks wound round gold thread) Orrock of Edinburgh Binder C38c25 Orsini Owner Ory Binder Hirsch III.III6 crowned bear emblem on binding of Italian book of music, 1700s. May belong to Orsini family of Rome. C154a11 (signed) Osterlin, Anders, (metal binding Collins lists as manufactured by PLM AB Platmanufaktur) Otton, John, 10 Old Market Street, Bristol Binder Collins 897 Binder Collins 175, Collins 1036 Ottman Binder C154a12 (signed), C154a13 (signed) Ottoboni, Cardinal, later Pope Alexander III, 17th century, Italy Owner Add MS16150-3 (arms), Owen Binder Davis115 (item 115; c.1672, London) Oxford Bindery (Oxford Binding House, London) Binder C36b29 (signed), Collins 184 ‘Oxford Binding’ Binder Collins 176, Collins 177, Collins 178, Collins 179, Collins 180, Collins 181, Collins 182, Collins 183, Collins 185, Collins 186, Collins 187, Collins 188 C188a99 (late 16th c., see Pearson xxii, 57a), see also rubbings boxes Oxford University Owner C7d12, C21e5, 2b2, 2b3 (by L Cordeval), 2b4, 2b5, 37g16, 56h5, 65e14, 87g1, 193a10, G10062 (arms) Oxford University Press, Bibliotheksund Geschenkwerke in Leinen- und Ledereinbanden aus dem Oxforder Universitats-Verlag Binder Collins 1023 Oxford oval centrepiece P Name Owner or Shelfmark Binder P. Davis47 (item 89; c.1639, red label with initial P on second compartment), Davis169 (item 181; c.1780/last quarter of 18th century) P with coronet over it Duke of Portland; IB20840 (is this 40 or 90?), C67h11 (an 18th-century Italian binding) P., A. see binder Alice Pattinson P., B. Egerton MS1178 (initials on blind roll: Justice, Prudence etc.; German binding) P., B Owner? P., C. P., D. P., E. V. B. IB.214 Initials gold tooled on spine, stands for Bibl. Palatina (ie Palatine Library) G3272 (C. Powell) C65b13 (D gold tooled on upper cover, P gold tooled on lower cover on binding of The whole books of Davids Pslames, London 1612) Binder Cup504e32 (binder's stamp: E.P, V.B-11933) P., F. see binder Florence Paget P., G. 222a19 (G P panel of Trinity, c.1535) P., I. P., I. C128f7 (initials gold tooled on English 1600-50 binding), Davis600 (item 295; c.1530, Louvain initials I P connected by a lovers knot), Davis601 (item 302; c.1550, Louvain, four variants of spes panel, two signed I P, one with and one without word "charitas" and two signed I B, also one with and one without word "charitas". (Dr S Fogelmark of Lund University, Sweden in preparing a monograph on this subject.) Binder C188a78 (German pigskin binding on Sophokles, Plays, Frankfurt, 1567; with the coat of arms of Gorlitz signed I P on the upper cover and Melanchthon panel on the lower cover) P., N. 1213g18 P., T. C27g14 (initials blind stamped on English 16th-century binding) P., W. C67b20 (initials gold tooled on English 16thcentury binding), C66h2 (initials gold tooled on English 16th-century binding, not the same tools as above), 1578/3797 (W P blind tooled on both covers and ownership inscription inside dated 1669, 17th-century sheep binding) Padeloup Binder C128k12, Davis478, Davis479, Davis538, Davis533-535?, Davis532?, Davis474? Padeloup, A. M. Binder C48b8 Padeloup le Jeune of Paris Binder C128c11, C48d4 Paderborn, Bishop of see Ferdinand Furstenberg Paduan Basilisk Shop Binder IC29929 Page, E. T., Bridgwater Page, Thos, 172 North St., Brighton Paget Family (18th century England) Binder Collins 189 Binder Collins 190 (?) Owner 1578/4421, RB23a11246 (arms) Paget, Florence Binder Davis237 (item 232; dated 1906, 'A Shenderic Press'on upper cover, signed and dated F. P. 1906), Davis238 (item 233; dated 1906, 'A Shenderic Press'on upper cover, signed and dated F. P. 1906) Pagnant Binder C96c3, C97a10, C97bb29 Painter, J., of Wrexham Binder C151h11 (signed) Palmer, A., of Bromsgrove Palmer & Howe, of Manchester Pamfili Binder Collins 191, Collins 192 Binder Collins 193 Owner C69bb22 Pangiewicz, Piotr Binder Cup410g395 Pantagato, Ottavio Owner C19c19 (see T. Kimball Brooker article in Bk Coll 1997) Papillon de la Ferte, D. P. J. Owner C64cc8 Paquet of Lyons Binder C150k2 (signed) Parker, J., of Grantham Binder Collins 194 Parker, Matthew, Archbishop of Canterbury Owner C67d14, C24a27, Davis94 (item 55; 1643 London, decorated with tools from Matthew Parker's private bindery, see Lambeth Palace), G3423 Parker & Son, Ipswich Binder Collins 195 Parker & Son, 10 Holland St Kensington Parkins & Gotto, London Parliamentary Binder A Binder Collins 564 Binder Collins 562 (?), Collins 563 (?) Binder Davis305 (item 252; c.1745, Dublin) Parrot, Gray of Easthampton, US Binder Cup410c291 (Makomaki; semi limp vellum with gold blocked design on upper cover, signed colophon, catalogue says 1985) Parmer Baily, Thomas Owner C69dd7 Parson Binder C150c8 (signed) Pasert Br., Stuttgart Pastor Binder Collins 848 Binder C154h8 (Signed) Passevi, Cardinial Owner C108d37 Paskevich, Count of Erivan Paterson, Wm. & Son, 10 Cullum St., London Pattinson, Alice Paul, Edward, of Southampton see Archduke Karl of Austria Binder Collins 565 Binder C108e16, C143d2, Davis276 (item 229; signed and dated 'A P 1901') Binder Collins 196 Pawson & Nicholson, 139 South Seventh St., Philadelphia Pope Paul IV Binder Collins 983 Owner C64cc13 Pope Paul V (Borghese) Paulin Owner C66h3, C108k10, Davis876, K9c10 (music) Binder C155h19 (signed) Pawson & Nicholson 139 South Seventh Street, Philadelphia Binder Collins 983 Payne, Roger Binder ?C4g5, C8e4, ?C10c14, ?C10c18, C19c17, C19c33, C19d5, C19d16, C19e3 (with ms note from Payne), ?C19f2, ?C19f8, C21a47, C22a57, ?C22a51, C24b28, C47d14,C48l2, C37e13, C65c6, C66b1 (with Payne's bill), C69f1(with photocopy of ms note and Payne's bill), C69e6, C19d11, C129b14,C144k8 (with letter from Payne), 58n5, G7741, G7928/9, G8251, G8354, G8495/6, G8629, G8755, G11073, G11110, G11537, G1194, G17156, G10511, Davis207-209 (item 191; probably 1790's, London), Davis206 (item 192; probably 1790's, London), Davis192 (item 193; 1795, London, for Dr Benjamin Moseley), Davis193 (item 194; 1796, London, for Sir Richard Colt Hoare, crest included), IA24382, IB17246, IC7832 (rebacked), C19d11, C25c23?, C70c3? (with letter saying binding repaired and lettered by Payne), 671a16, 672h7, 674b28, 674f15, 678b17, 681c15, 682b15, 682b16, 683a1-10, 683c5, 683h17 (rebacked), 685a10-13, 685f1, 685f2, 685f3, 686i7, 687b2, G1457, G6753 Peacock & Mansfield Binder C151h12 (signed), Collins 566 Pearce, W. B. (actual binding by C. Iceton) Pearce, W., 3 Temple St., Bristol Pearson John Christian Binder Collins 1024 Binder Collins 197 Binder C188c34(signed) Peart, R. of Birmingham Binder C151h13 (signed) Peasant binding C188a111 Peck Owner C68k10 Pecking Crow Binder Binder Davis335, Davis334, Davis369, Davis333 Peiresc, Fabri? de Owner 199f11 (monogram of Peiresc, c.1625), Davis519 (by Simon Corberan), G6034 (cypher, small book stamp on titlepage), G8411 (cypher) Pelicier Binder G467-70 Pellot, Claude Owner G1777 (arms and bookplate) Pelton, Tunbridge Wells Binder Collins 198 Pender of Dublin Binder C121f1, Cup652a1 (9 vols, signed W. Pender) Penha Longa, Count of Owner C129i9, 1478dd18 Penna, Angelo C188c9 (designed box for Italian textured paper binding designed by Raymundo Sesma) Penny, Henry, (Henry Penny's metallic Memorandum Books) Add MS38,534 -38,535 Pepy's Binder Binder C69aa1 ('sombre' binding) Pepys, Samuel Owner Davis69 (item 104; c.1665, London) Pequignot of Besancon Binder C155h20 (signed) Percy, Earl of Owner C47f20, C33g27, C68a21, G7907, 61b21 Northumberland Percy, Henry, Ninth Earl of Northumberland Owner G7907 (badge), same as above? Owner C188a11, RB23a28628 (paper wrapper, no 408) C23a10 Period Binders of Bath Binder 1570/3820 (a rebind), Cup408tt31 Perkins Owner C71d4 Perreau Binder C154a14 (signed) Perrenot de Granvelle, Cardinal, Archbishop of Besancon Owner G9840 (arms) Perruche Binder C154a15 (signed) Perryman of Windsor Binder C188a38 (binder's ticket, fore-edge painting) Perdoux, 18th c, France Perefixe, Hardouin de, Archbishop of Paris Perspex Cup407r4 Perticaroli, A. of Rome Binder C188a10 (signed) Petau, Alexandre Owner 272k30 (monogram of Alexandre Petau; Olivier pl. 2290) Petau, P. Owner 136c9-11 (arms) Peterhouse Owner C155c11(arms) Petit, Auguste Binder C60l4 (dorure de Wamflug) Petit, R. Binder C31m8, C59aa1, C33a28, C35c1, C35i6, C35l2, C40d58, C71cc2, C113f2 Petit, Successeur de Simier Binder C30e14, C31h7, C57c28, C59aa1, C115m34, C130b1, C134b8, Davis584, 720b35, 11712aaa10 Petre, William Owner C67b20 Peyrol Peuser, J C150Kk3 (an unused six-stave music ms book in a mid-19th century blind blocked morocco binding, signed by Peyrol, c.1840) Binder Valery, Le retour de Hollande, Paris 1946 to be catalogued. Signed. Pfeiffer Binder C155h21 (signed) Pfaffstetter, G., Laudongasse 10, Vienna Pflug & Ebelen Binder Binder Collins 849 Binder C183a37, Davis795 Phe[..], T. [could be Phelp – certainly there is a Phelp in the area listed as ‘bookseller’ at the right time] 78 Fore Street, Dock [Plymouth] Phelypeaux Binder Collins 199 Owner C68e9, C68e2 Philanthropic Owner C151h14 (ticket) Manufactory, St. George's Fields Philip Add MS31,392 (gold tooled on 16th-century English binding, along with the name Marie) Philip, J. of Aberdeen Binder C188a69 (is this the John Philip Aberdeen, see C151h15?), C188a34, Collins 807 Philip, John of Aberdeen Binder C151h15(1) (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, attributed to John Philip) (Is this also J Philip, Aberdeen C188a34?), C188a69 Philip II of Spain Owner C48d6 Pickering, W. Owner C20e15, C47l17, C68f5, C108e10, Davis505 Philip IV of Spain Owner Egerton MS325 (17th-century arms on binding) Philip V of Spain Owner C66b5, C67c11 (Elizabeth Farnese, wife of Philip V), C47d24, C69dd3 Philippe William, Prince of Orange Owner C47f8 Phillipson & Golder of Chester Binder YA1998a3789 Photographs, Bindings with Photos C128k10 (has calotype Hill & Adamson, 1845, green goat, silver clasps) Piale, Maximiillen of Rome Binder C109aa29 Picken, William of Davenport Binder C155b8 Pickering, B. M. Binder C122g3, C150c9 (signed) Pickering, Sir William Owner Davis505 Picques, Claude de Binder Davis350, 108eee14 (attributed to Claude de Picques), C20c15, C66d3, C132i57, C20b20, C24e8, C46c14, C48c2, C19f20 (probably Claude de Picques) Pierced Vellum C46f5 (Flemish/Netherlandish, 16th century, is it pierced?, see also English) Pierson? ?C57e22 Pignatelli Owner G16867,8? Pikentscher, H. of Leipzig Binder C96b4 (1922) Pilgrim, Garrett (G. P.) Binder Davis10 (item 27; c.1535, Oxford, signed G.P. stationer and bookbinder, probably came from the Netherlands) Pillone Library Binder? Collins 1025 Pincott, W., Sydney Pindar, William Piper, John Binder Collins 1002 Pipping, B. Binder ?C108f10 Designer Collins 567 of Binding Binder C130bb19 Piques, Claude Binder C20b20, C24e8 (for Catherine de Medici), C46h11 (for Henry II), C46i12 (for Grolier), C27e14, C66b7 (for Charles IX), C66d15 (for Grolier), C132i57, ?C130e4, ?C183b9, C24c19, Davis385, Davis381-383, Davis396, Davis354-355, Davis353, Davis380, Davis394, Davis379, Davis352, Davis378, Davis351, Davis375-377, Davis374, Davis350, G10290 Pitfield Owner C66f21 Pitois, M. Owner 50c15 (M. Pitois gold tooled on upper and lower covers) Piton of Strasburg Binder C154a16 (signed) Pius IV (Medici), Pope Owner C29f6 Pius V, Pope Owner C46f3, C48g6, C69aa9, C42d3 Pius VI (Braschi), Pope Owner C47i7, C48k2, C64d6, C66f13, C67c3, C129i3, 753d14, G164 (arms), G3015 (arms), G8851 (arms) Placious, Abbot Owner Davis643 Planche, Jean de Binder C108aaa3, C23e10 (for Queen Elizabeth), C18c18 (for Queen Elizabeth), C18b11 (for Queen Elizabeth), 675f16, C108ff19, Davis25 (item 46; c.1567, London, centrecrowned rampant lion, possibly arms of Sir Rowland Heywarde), Davis90 (item 47; c.1575, London, medallion portrait of Queen Elizabeth and her initials on upper cover, lower cover Tudor royal arms) Plancques, Bethune de Owner see Bethune de Plancques Plant, [Robert Fisher], of Leicester Plantin Binder Collins 200 Binder C108bb38, C46a23, C47i4, Add MS23,895 Plaster of Paris Plymouth, Earls of see Bois Durci Owner Windsor; C67g1 Pocket Book Binding Poerier, A., Sieur Add MS41,952 (18th century, England), Add MS30,214 (18th century, England), Add MS30,219 (18th century, England), Add MS38,534-5 (19th century, England, Henry Penny), Add MS46,273 (18th century, England, with brass clasp) Owner G4260 (arms) D'Aufreville Poitiers, Diane de Owner Davis502 Polworth, John Binder (binder to George III), IB19543c? Pompadour, Madame de Owner C48c13, C48e11, C65b5, C65e17, G17368, 674k15, C47c23, G10129 Ponge Binder C154a17 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C154a18 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Ponsonby, William Hon. (afterwards Lord de Mamey) see B. Dawson & Lewes, C154i11, C154i13 (arms) Pontcarre, Camus de Owner C65d1 Poole & Boult of Chester Binder C151i1 (signed) Poole and Harding of Camawen Binder 108ff9, C151i2 (signed) Poole and Harding of Chester Binder 012612df9 (label in vol 1), RB23a12491 Portail, Antoine IV, Seigneur de Vavdrevil (16741736) Owner C29k7? Portbury, George of Exon/Exeter 18th century Binder C188a43 (binder's ticket) Porter, Mr Owner C133g9 Porter, R. H., London Binder Collins 568 Porter, W. of Yeovil Binder C183aa4 Porter, W. of Cheltenham Binder C150c10 (signed) Portugal, royal arms C183a27 (Portuguese royal arms stamped on covers), C61b1 (Portugese royal arms stamped on covers), C108dd10, C47e24, C67b2, C183C10, 124g9 Pot plant RB23a28330 (painting of pot plant on vellum wrappers) Potter, William & Co. of Carnarvon Binder C151i3 (signed) Potter & Sons of York Binder Collins 201 Poulet(t?), John Earl C51f6 (gold tooled monogram on binding) Poulton, Market Sq., Aylesbury Binder Collins 202 Pountney, Katherine Binder C108b9 Poutchartrain, Comte de, Phelypeaux, Chancelier of France Owner C67h1 Poutrel Binder C154a19 (signed) Powdered gold binding C188a98 (?19th c. French powdered gold binding also called saupoudrage) Powell, C. Owner G3272 (arms and initials) Powell, Roger Binder C108cc25, C108l5 (1952), C109k2 (1957) Power, Annie (Anastasia) Pralon of Dijon Binder C.143.d.2, Collins 203 (?) Binder C155i1 (signed) Pratt, W. Binder C17a3, C25m11, C27a21, C30d28, C32a36 (1868), C32b26, C32b27, C32b28 (1873), C32b35, C32b36, C32b37, C32b38, C32c10, C32c16 (1872), C32e10, C32e22 (1872), C2e23 (1872), C32e27 (1872), C32f29 (1883), C32g15, C32g26 (1875), C32i13 (1861), C32m16 (1861), C33e9, C34e40, C34g4, C33e35 (1876), C34i28, C35c3, C36bb4, C36c16 (1859), C36e16, C36f17, C37a30, C37b33-36 (1874), C37b52, C37c47 (1885), C37e34, C37e39 (1889), C37e40, C37f18, C37f26 (1889), C37h4, C37h6, C37h10 (for H. Stevens, 1886), C38a58 (for Ellis), C38b7 (1871), C38c19 (1883), C38c20 (1883), C38c21, C38c38 (for Ellis), C38e41, C38i14 (for H. Stevens, 1870), C38i15-17 (1870), C38l4 (1870), C39c17, C39c21, C39c33, C40d6, C39d5, C40d63, C41h1, C42b13, C52a16, C52aa12, C53a11, C53a25, C53aa13, C53c16, C53gg15, C53h14, C54b2, C54b3, C54c7, C55a14, C55a23, C55c6 (1882/3?), C55c32 (1883?), C55d7, C55h12, C57aa14, C57b40, C57c31, C57e5, C58a35, C59a10, C60f10, C63e15, C69e20, C71a35 (1886), C71b41, C71d33, C110a19 (1859), C110c2, C111aa4, C111aa32, C111f11 (1886), C114c60, C116a62, C117a66, C122a25 (1887), C122d16, C122d25, C123c7-8, C123c9, C123d3, C123d5, C124aaa14 (1886), C133b3, C17a3, C21d16 (for H. Stevens, 1887), C21d4 (1887), IA40066 (signed), IA42806 (signed), IA43896 (signed), HUTH110 (signed), HUTH121 (signed), HUTH130 (signed), 8175aa92 (for H. Stevens, 1859), 8175aa93 (for H. Stevens, 1861), 8175b27 (signed), 8176bb15 (for H. Stevens, 1884), 8405aa36 (signed), 11474e19 (signed), PC31f6 (signed) Preservado Add MS12,024 (motto on arms on 19thcentury English binding by J. Mackenzie) Prest, William Owner C122d22, G964 (crest), G1338 (crest) Prevost, Nicholas Owner C69a12 Price, J. of Bath Binder C155b9 (signed), C151i4 (signed) Price, J., 21 Chiswell St., London Price, J., of York Binder Collins 569 Binder Collins 204 Price, W. of Oswestry Binder C151i5 (signed) P[rideaux], S[arah] T[reverbian] (1853-1933) Binder C108a4, C108a5, C108a6, C108g4, C108g3, C143b9 Prince of Wales Owner C150b12(1) (device) Pritchard, John Bangor St., Carnarvon Pritchard, W. of Carnarvon Binder Collins 884 Binder C151i6 (signed) Prondre, Paulin de Guermantes (1650-1723) Owner C30a29 Provence, Marie Countesse de Savoie Owner C47e19, C47h9, C30d36, C68b19 Publishers' Bindings see Trade Bindings Purdy Binder C155b10 (signed) Purgold Binder C154b1 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C154a20 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150k4,5 (signed), C154b2 (Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Purgold Binder C40c65, C46e2 (signed), C108aa25 (Bauzonnet-Purgold), G10140 (signed), C155i2 (signed) Purgold, [L. G.], Rue de Savoye, Paris Binder Collins 928 Pye, Sybil (d. c. 1957) Binder C108bbb6, C108h4, Davis241 (item 237; dated 1916, dedicated to Sybil Pye, signed and dated 'MCM.SP. XVI'), Davis279 (item 238; dated 1926, signed and dated 'MCM.SP. XXVI'), Add MS 49598 (rebound in 1925 by Sybil Pye) Pye of Faringdon Owner C67b24 Q Name Quarr Abbey bindery Owner or Binder Binder Shelfmark Collins 205 Queens' Binder A Binder Davis197-198 (item 117, 1674, London, Cross of St George within the Garter at the centre), Davis117 (item 118, c.1675, London), Davis187-188 (item 119, c.1678, London), Davis189 (item 120, c.1686, London, crest of Henry Hyde, Second Earl of Claredon (1639-1709)), C7d15, 128h10, 1Tab16, 1Tab17, Stowe MS 562, 195f4, 212g6 Queens' Binder B Binder C184f18, C65e9, C183a29 Queens' Binder C Binder 6e3, 67e9, 50h12, 58f22, C28e7 Queens' Binder D Binder C28e7 (for Mary d'Este, Duchess of York, wife JZ), 67e9, 50h12, Davis113 (item 112, London, c.1670-85), Davis186 (item 113, c.1674, London arms of Mannock in centre) Queen Elizabeth of England Owner Davis397 Queensberry, William Douglas, Duke of Owner C67a19, ?G5313, G6533 (crest and initials) Quintanilla, Luis of Spain Binder C109k6 Quinton J & W of Norwich Binder RB23a15708 (binder's ticket) Quinton, George, 37 Pottergate Street, Norwich Binder Collins 206 R Name Owner or Shelfmark Binder R. R., C. Binder C106e12 (initials on blind roll of foliage and heads in medallions, Erasmus etc.) Davis103 (item 99; c.1649 London; crowned initials C. R. in centre), C46i1 (cypher; this may be Charles I or Charlotte, wife of George III; pink gold-tooled velvet) R., C.? 58d23 (on Hogrewe, Answeisung zu…, Hanover, 1785), crowned monogram R., E. Davis29 (item 56; c.1580-1600, possibly London; crowned falcon and initials E. R. does not denote royal ownership, several versions of this tool exist and one, not identical with that on Davis29, was used by Williamson of Eton), Davis34 (item 63; c.1603, London; embroidered with initials E R) RFL Binder? Collins 987 R., G. 3433de21 (on top left corner of panel of Fortuna) R., I. Davis9 (c.1525, London; signed I. R.; see John Reynes; see also Rychaert, Jan, Davis684) Radnor, Helen Matilda, Countess of Owner Salisbury, binder Ramage of London Binder C38c50, C53h13, C58c3, C71b39, C98g6, C104i1, C108s11, C118d98, C130b10, Huth59 (signed), Huth91 (signed), Huth101 (signed), Huth126 (signed), Huth127 (signed), Huth128 (signed), Huth131 (signed), Huth159 (signed), C150c11 (signed), Cup503p27 (signed; location not specified), Collins 573 [John] Ramage [& Co.,] Binder ?Collins 570, Collins 571, Collins 572, Collins 573 See Collins’ notes in ‘Particular Bindings’ on item 570 Ramage of Edinburgh Binder C111c5 Ramsden of Halifax arms as head of family, but without red baronet's badge, and inscutheon (?of pretence?) or, bend gules charged with 3 roses Ranzovius, Henricus (Governor of SleswickHolstein,16th century) Owner C183aa10 (1590 stamped on binding) Raparlier, P. R. Binder C107a14 Raspani of Ravenna Owner C65d17 Ratcliffe Owner ?C38c61 Ratcliffe of Faversham Binder C151i7 (signed) Ravescot, Ludovicus of Louvain (late 15th century) Binder IA 49142, IB3480, Davis716 (item 287; c.1493 Louvain), IC21425 Rawdon, Marmaduke (1610-1669) Reader of Cranbrook, Owner arms on 17c binding 577d25 (rebound, but binder's ticket probably S. Reader retained) Rebus Add MS17451 (features binding stamp with rebus of Abbot Richard Whiting of Glastonbury, 16th century) Reckius, Joannes Owner Davis631 (item 346; dated 1582, Wittenberg; upper cover portrait of Charles V; engraver's monogram M. V. above panel; initials I. R. G.; portrait of Johann Friedrich I, Elector of Saxony, same engraver) Redgrave, Frances Owner 1568/979 Redgrave, Gilbert Binder C183a23 Refsum, H.M., of Oslo Binder Collins 898, Collins 899 Reid, A., Sons & Co., Akenside Hill and 12 Collingwood St. Newcastle Binder Collins 207 Rehbein, Ernst of Darmstadt Binder C98c4 Relf Brothers Binder C188a147, Relfe Brothers, London Binder La Reliure d'Art du Centre de Limoges Binder Collins 574 (?), Collins 575 (?), Collins 576 (?), Collins 577 (?), Collins 578 (?), Collins 579 (?) Cup410b6 Remnant, F. of London Binder C129b19 (for S.P.C.K.), C151i8 (signed), Collins 580, Collins 581 Remnant & Edmonds of London Binder Remnant, F., 9 Lovell’s Court, Paternoster Row, London (the same as above?) Remnant & Sons (the same as above?) Remploy Ltd Binder C72e2, C109aa16, C109d13, C131d27, C131d8, C109b2, C109f2, C109f4, C134e24, C45d26, C113c8 (with ticket), 7560e67, RB23a12931 (with ticket), RB23a15511 (ticket says Edmonds & Remnant, London), C155b11 (signed), RB8a20 (stamped in the design), C193a39 (cathedral binding), Collins 451, Collins 452, Collins 587, Collins 588, Collins 589, Collins 590, Collins 591, Collins 592, Collins 593, 3051c8 Collins 582, Collins 583, Collins Cathedral binding (signed by), 584, Collins 585 C188b101 (embossed album) Binder Collins 586 Binder? Collins 1026 Renouard Owner Davis570 (by Bisiaux) Renwick, Wm., Jedburgh Binder Collins 808 Repos Binder C154b3 (signed) Reuter, Thomas, of Wittenberg Binder ?C188b35, C188a87 Revoli Owner G4484 (arms?) Reynard (fils) Binder C155i3 (part of Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings, 1837) Reymann of Wampflug Binder C116e15 Reynes, John Binder C65c10 (Oldham panels Rel 5, Redemptor mundi), C107e45 (Baptism and St George Panels BIB17 and ST9), C69b8 (Baptism and St George Panels BIB17 and ST9), C66d18 (Baptism and St George Panels BIB17 and ST9), C66d13 (Baptism and St George Panels BIB17 and ST9), C11c17 (Baptism and St George Panels BIB17 and ST9), C47g2 (Oldham panels HE21 and Rel 5), C36b15, C64cc5, C46c6, C64c6, C64cc5, IC7454 (Oldham plate XXVIII no 437, pineapple tool and PL LVI FF(I)956 Adam and Eve, St. Barbara roll), ?C65c10, ?G1216, Davis8 (item 16; c.1520, London), Davis9 (item 17; c.1525, London, signed I. R.), Davis11 (item 18, c.1535), Davis12 (item 19; c.1537) Reynie, Nicholas de la Owner C67b3 Riach, P. Binder C37a23, (1884) C38c18 (1883) C40b41 (1884), C55h17 (1884), C110f2-21 (1883), C110f23-28 (1883), C110f30-31 (1883), C110f34 (1883), 8175aaa1, 8176a51 Ribolet Binder C154b4 (signed) Richards Binder C108ff3, C108ff4 Richards, H. Binder C151i9 (signed) Richards, H., & Sons, Manchester Richardson, W., of Bristol Richardson and Handford, Derby Binder Collins 208 Binder Collins 209 Binder C183c1 Riche, Le Owner Davis512, c27i3 has Le Riche’s signature on title page Richeler C47d22 Richelieu, Duc de, L.T.A du Plessis de Wignerct Owner C67a7, C69a9, C69e5 Richelieu, Cardinal Owner C47g17, C70bb6, C67a7, C69a9 Richenbach Binder IC37042 (dated 1475, German pigskin), Add MS11958; Richenbach letters his name on the bindings in huge letters as part of the design Richetts, Charles Binder C108g11, ?C108g12 (+ Charles Holmes (HR)), ?C108g13, C109b5, C175n10 (white pigskin), C109c6, C99f27 (decorated paper designed by C. R.), Davis274 (see Riviere and Son cont (7)) Richmond, [George] & Son, 3 McLean’s Buildings, New St. Sq., London EC Binder Collins 594 Ridge, S of Grantham Binder IB21058 (signed) Ridge, S. & I. of Newmarket Binder C151i10 (signed) Rigby, London Binder Collins 595 Riget Binder C154b5 (signed) Rignac Owner C67c15 Riley, B., & Co., Huddersfield Riley, Charles Binder Collins 1027 Binder C34k18, C34k37, G2362, Davis177 (item 200; c.1801, London, ticket, bound by Riley) Riley, Dominic Binder C188b42 Ripamont, P. Binder Davis834 Ris, Jancon de Owner C69b1 Riss & Saucet of Moscow Binder C156h9 (signed) Ritchie, A., & Co., Edinburgh Binder Collins 809 Rivage Binder C150k6 (part of Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150k7 (signed), C155i4 (signed), ?C154b6 (signed) Riverside Press Bindery Binder C108eee3 Riviere, R. Binder C18b5, C21d3, C25g14, C18c6, C30d5, C30e21, C30e22, C30e23, C30e25, C30e26, C30e28, C30e31, C30e33, C30f5, C31a16, C31b12, C31b13, C31b17, C31c48, C31f1, C31g8, C31h43, C32d11, C32d12, C33a47, C33b56, C33b57, C33d14, C33d18, C34f28, C34l5, C34l22, C35a8, C35a11 (identical with C35a8), C35b5, C35b6 (identical binding not signed), C35d8, C36b25, C37a55, C38a20-23, C38a24, C38a49, C38c41, C38c59, C39a35, C39c58, C39f27, C39h8, C39k15, C40a18, C40l11-16, C41f8, C44h4, C45a21, C45a23, C45g20, C45k4, C52a23-24, C52aa13, C52f19, C53h20, C53c39, ?C55d11, C56b5, C56e1, C57a33, C57d10, C57g31, C57i34, C57i36, C58bb1, C59fff16, C59g29 (plain), C68g1, C71a15, C71b17, C71c25, C71f2, C71d7, C97c20, C111aa5, C111b12, ?C111c11, C111d8, C116b22, C122a24, C122g4, C123a2, C123a3, C123a4, C123c13, C123k2,C125a18, C126k6, C130a4, C21d3, C21d21, C39c58, C45c30, C31d24, C127a15, C31f1, C51c9, C22b21, C52a23-4, C52h13, C53aa30, ?C53aa36, C57a33, C57aa3, C57aa36, C37aa13, C57f3, C59b38, C60o14, C64dd15, ?C69a11, C107d9, C107d10, C108e17, C108h2, C108n2, C109aaa13, C111d14, C115tt21, C125c6, C130a4, Riviere & Son Binder C190aaa31, IB19591, IB52515, Huth40, Huth105, 527i35, 527i36, 595d38, 4866b43, 11375a9, Add MS17,013, Add MS17,009, Egerton MS2605, RB23b2409 (tree-calf, goldtooled spine, signed), C194a418 (gold tooled blue goat slipcase signed Riviere; publishers binding designed by Rossetti), Collins 601 C20b30, C45c30, C48f19, C51c9, C52aa17, C52b21, C52h13, C53a22, C53aa30, C21d21, C31d24, C31b12, C31b17, C38c59, C40f12, C53aa36, C53c39, C53h29, C53h33, C53h35, C53i20, C53k23, C54a10, C54aa16, C55a21, C55b10, C55c16, C55c37, C55d5, C56d32, C57a33, C57aa3, C57aa13, C57aa34, C57aa36, C57b39, C57c9, C57e55, C57f3, C57i34, C57i36, C57l18, C58aa10, C58b17, C58d9, C58e26, C59b38, C59c25, C59g29, C60i24, C60k1, C60o14, C61b19, C62a31, C62d6, C64dd15, C70a14, C70aa28, C71b15, C71c7, C71d31, C71ff2, C71ff3, C71h10, C95a1, C95a15, C95a20, C95aa2, C95aa3, C95aa4, C95aa13, C96g2, C97bb3, C97c20, C97g14, C97f6/33, C97f6/34, C97f6/66, C107d10, C108c17 ("Cosway" binding), C108e17, C108e19, ?C108g12, C108g13, C108h2, C108m2, C108n2, C109aaa13, C110a33, C111d14, C111e12, C115m5, C115m18 (4 vols), C115pp2, C115pp9, C115s16, C115tt2, C115tt13, C115tt14, C115tt19, C115tt21, C115tt25, C115tt31, C117bb35, C122a32, C122c20, C122d5, C122e7, C122e9, C123b14, C123b31, C125c6, C131b19, C131f1, IB52512, IA21400, Huth54, Huth68, Huth89, Huth106, Huth109, Huth116, Huth117, Huth119, Huth132, 3936aaa27, Davis274 (item 228; c.1897, designed by Charles Ricketts, made by Riviere & Son (stamp); Ricketts designed woodcuts and supervised printing as well as binding design), Cup408d39, Cup401c19, Cup403h39, Ashley85, Collins 597, Collins 598, Collins 599 C154b7 (signed, same as Riviere & Sons [514]?), Collins 596, Collins 600, Collins 602 Collins 603, Collins 604, Collins 605, Collins 606 (?) Riviere of London Binder Rivingtons London Binder Roach of Plymoth Binder C151k1 (signed) Roberts, I. of Chesterfield Binder Roberts, R. of Machynlleth Binder C151k2 (signed) Collins 210, Collins 211 C151k3 (signed) Robertson, J. of Canterbury Binder C151k4 (signed) Robinson, Ivor of Oxford Binder C108m6 (1960), C108w6 (1968) Robinson, J[ohn], of Whitehaven Binder Collins 212 Robinson & Ellis of Manchester, 19th century Binder C155b12 (part of the Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Robiquet of London Binder C108ppp4 (for H. Walpole) Robyns Binder C156h8 (signed) Roche, E., Rose Cottage, Chillenden, Canterbury (?) Rochechouart, L. de, Duc de Mortemart Binder (?) Collins 213: unclear who the binder is Owner G4315 (arms) Rock, W & H Binder C188a291 (embossed with embossed paper samples inside) Rockingham, Earl of Watson Owner C64a6 Rockliffe & Son of Liverpool Binder C155b13 (signed) Rodford of Hull Binder C150c12 (signed) Rodde see Marot Rodde Rodwell, I. Binder C21a19, C25g10, G1201, G1202, G10203 (ticket) Rodwell, J. Binder Roermond, Carthusian Owner G4078, G1237(check shelf mark), C151k5 (signed), C155b15 (signed J. Rodwell of Oxford (969)), C155b14 (signed) C51g6 (blind-tooled calf) Monastry at Roffet, E. Binder Rofrano, Marquis de Girolano Capece Owner Rogelio of Madrid Binder C119h1 Roham, J. de, Prince de Soubise Owner G4423 (devices) Rollin Owner C188a267 (?Rouen binding, early 19c bound for author’s husband) Davis386, Add Ms 24076, 10924, 24959, ms 272, Eg ms 2900, Add C155i5 Eg (signed) ms 35167, 15350, 6042, G4214 (arms of Rondini?) Romanesque bindings C19f24, Davis367 (for Francois I), Davis327 Rondeam Binder Rondini Owner Rood & Hunt Binder Binder Roos, Peter Owner Root Binder IB55317A (Oxford 1482), IA39102, IB.3027 C46e29 MS Egerton 2622 IA.39118 IA.39175 C37f34, C38a53, C40e81 (Root & Son), C118a15 (Root & Son), 1479bb15 (Root & Son) Roques, Alph., 64 New Bond St., London Rosa 19th century France Binder Collins 931 Binder C154b8 (part of Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C154b9 (signed), C156k11, C150k8 (signed) Rosenzweig, F., Beirut Binder Collins 955 Rosicrusii et Amicorum Binder C151f3 (on the cover of C. Lewis binding presented to T. F. Dibdin) Rospigliosi, Cardinal Owner C20d17, C67a20, C108h12, Davis824 Rospigliosi Bindery Binder C68d11, C67k1, C67a20, C128d4, C47l7, Davis853, Davis853 Ross, F Binder Collins 214 (a/b/c) Rossetti C194a418 (publishers binding designed by Rossetti, inside gold tooled blue goatskin slipcase signed Riviere) Rossum, A. van, Vijzelstraat No 23, 19th century Binder C188a13 (with binder's label and coat of arms of Prince William of Orange) Rotherhithe Shipwrights Company Owner 1560/4410 (1707) Rothesay, Lord Stuart de Owner C20c29, C46b19, C25e30, C32a15, C59ff25, C62c12, C62g7, C63e6, C63l12, C63l26, C33d22, C64cc1, C64dd6, C64dd9, C64f8, C65a24, C69a3, C69a15, C69b2-3, C69bb13, C69e17, C69e19, C69h3, C108aa4, C108aa22, C108ppp2, C133dd3, 10804a9; motto Avits vivet honore 1570/6197, C107bb57 Rottman, Markus, Buchbinderei Berlin Binder Cup410c61 Rouge, Guillaume le Owner Davis318 [or by?] Rouille Owner C69dd9 Rousselle, Emile Binder C62aa19, IB52818 (signed) Rousset, J. of Paris Binder ?C106c6 Rowbotham, J., 19 Newman Street, Oxford St., London Rowbotham, J., 70 Castle St. East, Oxford St., London (the same as above?) Rowe Binder Collins 607, Collins 608, Collins 609, Collins 610, Collins 613, Collins 614, Collins 617, Collins 618 Collins 611, Collins 612, Collins 615, Collins 616 Owner ?5f6 (arms), 5f7 (Rowe of Norton Place in Sussex) Rowledge, Tracey Binder C188b50 Rowley, G. Binder C188a258 Roxas, Diepo de Owner C64f2 Roxburgh, Duke of Owner C1b17, C2b13, C3a19, C5b10, C12e20, C20f7-10, C20b38, IA55267, C39d63, C39e19, C39e62, C40c2, C40c31, C40d38, C27c3, C30m7, C56d23, C57b41, C57e2, C67c2, C71ff4, C132i1-2, C132i35, C132i3846 (Duke of Devonshire), C30e62, G3562 (arms), G5527 (arms), G5999 (arms), G6272 (arms), G7061 (crest) Roy, William Z (Lancaster, PA, America) Binder RB23a328 Royal Bindery Binder C2d5, C2c2, C3e10, ?C4d1, C5e18 (George III's cypher), ?C5d9, C6e5-6, ?C6e7, C6e8, C11d6 (George III's arms), C21f14 (for Henry VIII) Royal Heads Binder (English Rrestoration) Binder Harl MS6346, C77i6 Royal Hospital of Seamen of Greenwich Owner C108e20 Rudolf II, Emperor of Germany Owner C68a3 Rubio, F. M. 20th century Spain Binder C109q4 Rue, de la & Co Binder C154i14 (part of Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings) Ruette, Antoine Binder C67e7 (for James II, made up arms?), Davis458 (for Louis XIV), ?Davis463, ?Davis464, ?Davis465 Ruette, Marce (15981644) Binder C183b3, C109e41 (attributed to Marce Ruette) Rullongee of Bombay Binder Collins 998 Binder Ruskin, John Owner ?C41d21 Russell Owner 109aa27 (1827) Russell, Alexander, of the Barbican Russell, A., 14 Bridgewater Square Russell of Chard 19th century Binder Collins 620, Collins 621 (?) Binder Collins 619 Binder 11529bb1 (binder's ticket plus 1841 catalogue for books sold by Russell of Chard, printed for Thomas Kelly) Russell of Guilford Binder C151k6 (signed, same as Russell?[511]) Russell & Spencer Binder Collins 622, Collins 623 Ruot & Son of London Binder C155tt8 Rutland, John Manners, Duke of Owner C66e7, C67d7 Ryckaert, Jan of Ghent Binder C66c9, Davis664 (item 291; c.1511, Ghent), Davis684 (item 292, c.1546, Ghent; initials I. R. connected by lovers knot), Add MS17,717, Add MS16952, C66c13 Rycote, Henry Norreys, Lord of Owner see Henry and Margeret Norreys Ryman, H. J., Ltd., London Binder Collins 624 S Name S Owner or Shelfmark Binder Binder S gold tooled with crown andlaurel leaves on an 18th-century English almanac MS?, C47d14 (William Pettey, Earl of Shelburne) S., C.C.A. Binder see binder Edwards, Davis211 S., P.A. Binder see binder P.A. Salvoldem S., H. Binder C68g4 (16th century, Germany) S., H. Binder C25c21 (initals gold tooled on English 16th-century binding) S., I. IB13806 (initials I.S. blind tooled on pigskin binding) S., J. Binder Davis672 (item 316, c.1756, probably made in Amsterdam, monograms 'J.S.' and 'J.A.S.' on inside of clasps) S., J. Binder C129f16 (20th century, Czech) S., J.A. Binder see J.S. (Davis672) S., N. Binder C66c10 (Annunciation, panel stamp with legend 'Ecce Ancilla Domini fiat michi secund/um verbum tuum' Erasmus with NS) S., P. Binder C48i3, C47k2, C19c1(prize bindings, initials goold tooled on bindings, monogram of College du Plessis- Sorbonne, 17th century, France) S., H.S. Binder 12923ee11 (pigskin, imprinted Paris 1566, signed 'SHS') S., D.M. Binder see Dorothy M Smith S., C.P. Binder see C Philip Smith S., T. Binder C27f8 (initals gold tooled on English 16th-century binding) S., W.H. Binder Add MS54236 (imitation 'gothic' binding on 20th-century ?English binding), Add MS54239 Sacheverell, Anne (of New Hall and Callow) Binder Davis211 (item 187, arms) Saint-Aignan, Duke of, Paul de BeauVilliers Owner C47h7, C68a22 St Leger, from the Library of Owner IB2955, IC891 (both have blind stamped bindings) St Victor lB21208 Sainte Hilaire, Marquis de Owner see Bon, L.G., Marquis de Sainte Hilaire Sainte Maune, Charles, Duc de Montausier Owner G2479 (arms) Saint-Victor, Paris Owner IA41891, IA40669 (arms of Abbey of St Victor, abbey suppressed in French Revolution, these are different stamps, 17th-century ?French bindings), IB21208 (France, 18th c., green vellum with arms of St Victor, Paris) Sale, Rachel Ward Binder Taylor 12 Salel Binder C154c1 (signed) Slater, J. (Dartmouth) Binder C109aaa12 Salvatella 19th century, Spain, Barcelona Binder HS74/340 (Dumas, La dama de las camelias) Salvioni Binder C154g12 (attributed to Salvioni) Salvoldelli, P.A. Binder Davis277 (item 230, Hampstead binding, 1902, signed 'The Hamp. Bindery'and 'PAS') Samblanx, Ch. de, 93 Rue Ducale, Bruxelles, 20th century Binder C184a20 (gold tooling on white vellum), IA39383 (signed) Samblanx Binder Hirsch I.171 (signed) fairly plain, &Weckesser Hirsch III.898 (signed) Samfin of Brienne Binder C150k9 (Ramsden collection, signed) Sams Binder C151k7 (signed) Sancha, G., Madrid, late 18th century Binder G18295-8, C154h9 (signed 'G. Sancha'), Davis660 Sanders of Oxford Binder C109d21 Sanderson, Cobden Binder see Cobden-Sanderson Sandys Owner C128f6 Sangorski & Sutcliffe Binder C53k15, C53k17, C53aa12, C54f6, C54g5, C55f4, C55e8, C57i15, C57i16, C68i21, C68i19, C98c12 (S&S), C98g9, C98gg4, C98gg26 (S&S), C98gg27, C98h34?, C98i14 (S&S), C99b38 (S&S), C99c48, C99c49 (S&S), C99d50 (S&S), C99d51 (S&S), C99d53, C99d54, C99f39, C99g44 (S&S), C99g46 (S&S), C99g47 (S&S), C99g48 (S&S), C99g49 (S&S), C99f51 (S&S), C99f53 (S&S), C99h32 (S&S), C99h34 (S&S), C99h35 (S&S), C99i28 (S&S), C99i31 (S&S)R, C99k27 (S&S), C99k28 (S&S), C100a7 (S&S), C100b6 (S&S), C100b7 (S&S), C100c17 (S&S), C100g42 (S&S), C100g50 (S&S), C100h26 (S&S)i, C100l17, C102a8 (S&S), C102a9 (S&S), C102a11 (S&S), C102a15 (S&S), C102e8, C102e14 (S&S), C102e20, C102g7 (S&S), C102h16 (S&S), C102l5 (S&S), C102l7 (S&S), C102l18 (S&S), C103a1 (S&S), C103b2 (S&S), C103b3 (S&S), C103b5 (S&S), C103b7 (S&S), C103b15 (S&S), C103c18, C103e3 (S&S), C103g11 (S&S), C103i2 (S&S), C103i4 (S&S), C103i7 (S&S), C103i8(S&S), C103i9 (S&S), C103i12 (S&S), C103i14 (S&S), C104c4 (S&S), C104f7 (S&S), C106a7, C107b23, C108i6 (S&S), C108i9 (S&S), C109p20, C110b18, C112d8, C118d24, C118g4 (1960), C119a7, C122b10, C123b17, C126a38, C127a17, C127a21, C130k4, C133g2, C183d4, C188b13 (signed but rather plain tan morocco), C193a148 (signed but rather plain), LR252d3, Cup407c24, Cup407c26, Collins 625, Collins 626, Collins 627 Sanudo Owner Add MS26067 (16th-century Italian binding commission from Doge) Sarazin Binder C154c2 (signed) Sauer, Lori Binder C188a188 (signed, 2001) Sauguin, Nicolas, de Livry, Bishop of Senlis Owner 11d8,9 (17th century), G4216 (arms) Saumarez Smith, Romilly Binder C188c14 (1995) Saupoudrage Powdered gold binding in French, see under ‘powdered’ Sauty, A. de, of London Binder C68g10, Ashley735 Savalette, Charles, Seigneur de Buchelet Owner C62a21? (17th or 18th century French) Savile, John Lumley, 8th Earl of Scarborough (17881856) Owner C194a395 (19th century, ticket 'bound by Hering, 9 Newman St.', Savile, John Lumley, 8th Earl of Scarborough, 1788-1856, Rufford Abbey Library bookplate) Savoie, Marie, Jos Louis de, Comtess de Provence Owner C47d25, C69b10, C69g5 Savoie, Duc de Ch. Evere III Owner C46b14, C46h6, C68h3 Savoie, Prince Eugene de, Francois de Carignan Owner C47e21 (Princes of the house of Bourton-Canti), C47i13 (Eugene Prince of Savoy), C69c1 (Eugene Prince of Savoy), C39i21, G8997 (arms) Savory, Cirencester Binder Collins 215 Saxony arms Owner see binder Thomas Krueger (Davis692) Say, William Binder C67d2 Sayer & Wilson Cambridge Binder Collins 216 Scales Binder Binder Davis51 (3, c.1475, London, LD 1412194) Schaefer 'R[elieur] de la Reine' Binder C155i6 (signed) Schambach, P. Binder Collins 850 Schauenburg Binder C150k10 Schavye [of Brussells] Binder IB48911 (signed on spine) Schickmayer Amandus, Abbot of Lambach Scholl Davis646 (item 363, c.1750 Viennese, initials 'A.A.M.L.' and arms of Schickmayer) Binder Cup500a19 (ink stamp) Schoots van Capelle, Jacob Cornelis Binder C191a60 (18th century) Schroedel of Paris Schulze Schulze, Otto & Co., Edinburgh Binder Binder Binder C188a162 (signed) C154f6 (signed) Collins 810 Schwickart, Wolf Conrad Binder Scotland Davis625 (item 339, dated 1562, Tuebingen Wuerttemberg, arms on lower cover with initials 'V.D.M.I. AE.' (verbum Domini manet in aeternum) C39d44 (arms of Scotland on upper cover, arms of Elizabeth I on lower cover) Scott of Carlisle Binder Scott of Edinburgh Binder Scott of Ferguson Binder Scott of Paris Binder C156k12 (signed), C154c3 (signed) (19th century) Scott, James of Edinburgh Binder C7d3, C108f5, C108g21, C150c14, Davis250 (item 281, c.1773, Edinburgh), Davis251-252 (item 282, c.1778, Edinburgh), C150c14 (Ramsden collection, signed) Scripps, J. Binder C108d26 Seacome, J. Binder Collins 218, C29e17, C150c16 (Ramsden collection, signed), C155b16 (Ramsden collection, signed), C150c17(1) (signed 'Seacome of Chester'), C188a45 C59fff6 (by Douglas Cockerell 1904), C108aaa1 (blank sealskin covered with silver pques designed by M Lilian Simpson), C47a18 Sealskin Sealskin fur Collins 217, 1465c1 signed. (Plm taken froold index), C151k9 signed C151k8 (signed, same as James Scott of Edinburgh?), Collins 811 (this item by an imitator of Scott), 61g13 and L40/48 same text both by C41f16 (Manufacturing Stationers William Scott Edinburgh) Cup410bb37 Searjeant, H., 159 Ladbroke Grove, London Binder Collins 628 (?) Searle (Printer, Bookseller, Binder) King St, Southmolton Binder RB 23a1060 (19th century) Searle, J. Binder C57e6, Searle, John Binder C188a102 (MS note: Bound by John Searle when apprenticed to John Wingrave, 1779, London) C188a102. Searle, J, 76 Lower Grosvenor Street, London Sedgley, Richard, d. 1719 Binder Collins 629 Binder 48g3, 48g1, C108k9, C64h12(1-9), Davis 199 (item 151; c.1701 Oxford) Sedgley, Thomas Binder Davis 152 (item 160; c.1760 Oxford), C27f10 (see Nixon, Five centuriess), C188a41 Sedlacek, Jiri (Czech, 20th century) Binder Cup936/2168 (signed) Seear (Secar), John, London Seguier, D., Bishop of Meany Binder Collins 630 (?) Owner G8907 (arms) Seguier, Pierre Owner G3320 (arms), G5173 (arms), G6405 (arms and initials) Segur, N. A. de Owner 95l3-5 Seitz, Placidus (Abbot of Benedictive Monastery of Ettal) Owner Davis643 (item 360, c.1710-30; Ettal arms of Seitz; upper cover has emblem of monastery of Ettal and arms of Abbot Placidus) Seilliere, Achille Baron de Owner C20d26, C20e4, C20e6, C20e11, C20e14, C20e34, C20e29 (by BelyNiedree), C20e31(by Bely-Niedree) Sellars, David G. Binder C183a32, C144k5, C188c19 (1995) Taylor 3, Taylor 6, Taylor 14, Taylor 18. Semet et Plumelle Binder X525/10403 Senlis, Bishop of Serre See N. Sauguin de Livry Binder Sesma, Raymundo C156k13 (signed) artist responsible for paper binding (contemporary Italian) C188c9 Setchel, H. and Sons Binder 190e1-3, C1812 (binder's label) Seth, Bert Binder C160e4 Seton, Robert of Edinburgh Binder C40e54, C60h4, 1570/5781, C151k10 (signed) Seton & Mackenzie Binder C30h9, Collins 813 Settle Binder C188b55. Settle, Elkanah (commissioned the bindings to cover his poetry books) Owner C67f12, C67f13, Add MS5716, C66f16 (1720), C66f8 (1707), C64h7 (1706; for Cowper), C66f18 (1712; for Coventry), Eve 67 (c.1705; for Evelyn), C143c5, K7i2 (1-104; music lib for Horton), 75h16 Settle's Binder, d. 1711 Binder Davis150 (item 153; c.1703; London for Sir Charles Duncombe; arms in centre) Seve, Antoine de Owner C130d7 Seymour, Michael Owner C66b18 Shalders of Holt Binder C151k11 (signed) Shalders of Yarmouth Binder C132h39 (signed) with coat of arms Sharpe & Kellet, 16 Old Hall St., Liverpool Sharpe & Kellet, Chapel St., Liverpool Binder Collins 219 Binder Collins 220 Shaw, [Charles Ambrose], 6 Featherstone Buildings, London WC Shaw, Christopher Binder Collins 631, Collins 632 Binder C188c35, C188b66 Shaw, George, 1 Peel St., Barnsley Binder Collins 221 Shearer, John of Stirling Binder C151k12 (signed), C151k13 (signed) Sheep's fleece wool Cup410c7 Shelburne, Earl of = William Petty, Earl of Sherburn, 1st Marquis of Lansdown C47d14 (cypher), C46a21 (cypher), C68d8 (cypher), C58h1, Davis144-146, see also Fermor Sheldon, Ralph Owner C67f6 (signed by Sheldon), C67f19, C67g3, C130bb10, C67e3 (bookplate), C66g14 (bookplate), C67f6 (bookplate), G570 (bookplate), 17th century, England Shepperson & Reynolds Binder C108g26-27 (label dated 1789 on spine) Sherman of New York Binder KTC31b15 (signed) Sherman, Stanley Binder YD2006a3998, YD2006a3998. Shipwrights Company, Rotherhithe Owner 1560/4410 (1707) Shirley, family of Staunton, Harrold Owner AddMS40,657 (arms), AddMS 40,661, 17th century, England Siberch, John of Cambridge Binder C66c20, C64d13, C53e3 Sic Donec Motto of Egerton, 1756-1829, Francis Henry 8th Earl of Bridgwater (trustee & benefactor to BM esp. MSS; left books and money to buy more books; arms block used by BL bindery) Sic itvr ad astra EG1228 (motto on religious badge, lower cover), 17th century German? Si Devs Nobiscum qvis contra Nos see King Edward and Queen Mary Binder Sidney, Philip, Sir Owner C100h15 Sidney, Robert, Sir Owner C64i6, Davis93 (item 53, c.1616, London; by John Bateman, successor of the MacDuman Gospels Binder; Order of the Garter in the centre) Sigismund Augustus, King of Poland Owner C46b35, C47e12 Silami Binder C108x9 Silas, Ellis Designer Collins 633 of the Binding C29k5 Binder Collins 946 Silk, book printed on Silva & Deschamps, Rua dos Bacalhodeiros 121, Lisbon Silver Bindings C65a15, C108aaa1(silver plaques on sealskin) Silver painted Silvestri, Eurialo C188a96 (17th c. gold tooled and silver painted German calf) Owner Davis835 (by Nicol Franzese) Simier Binder C37a32, C39b16, C42e4, C55h7, Simier, Relieur du Roi Binder C97bb2, C108aa4 (for Stuart de Rothesay), C108aa22 (for Stuart de Rothesay), C191a5 (signed on spine), 11375aaa14 (signed), C150k11(signed), C150k13, C156k14 (signed), C150k12 (signed), C154c4 (signed), C155i7 (signed), Davis575 (Alphonse Simier), Davis550 (Alphonse Simier) Collins 930 Simier, Fils Binder C154c5 Simier, Petit Successeur de Binder C130b1 Simms & Dynham of Manchester Binder C53a31 Simon, J. B. (Encadernador de Paris Porto) Binder C38g5 Simpson, M. L., Miss Binder C108aaa1 Simpson & Bevington, 121 Paternoster Square London Simpson, T. & Sons of Newcastle, 19th century Binder Collins 634a and b (2 vols) Binder YA1997a7763 (binder's ticket) Simson & Co. Ltd, Hertford Sissons Binder Collins 222 Binder RF1999c10 (binder's ticket) Wm Skinner, 89 Fore Street Saltash Slade, Felix Binder? Collins 111 (it is possible Skinner repaired the binding – see also Glanvill) bequest of 23 bindings, July 1868 (see donations register 1866-71) Slinn of Sheffield Binder C188a80, C188a88 Slipcase C142c13 (brown morocco slipcase, Dutch 19th century), 1568/8154 (paste paper slipcase, Dutch 19th century), C183d17 (morocco pull-off slipcase, Flemish, 18th century?), C66b15 (cloth slipcase, French, 19th century), C183a42 (cloth slipcase, French, 19th century), C109a29 (paper? slipcase, German almanac, 18th century), C129a9 (morocco slipcase, English 18th century) Small Carnation Binder Binder 150g16, C48h13, Davis72 (item 27, c.1676 London; initials W. W. added to third compartment) Smart, H., of Gloucester Binder Collins 223 Smeers (or is this Sneers?) Binder C38b20-22, C30a22 (signed), C38b21(signed), C38b22 (signed), Hirsch I.344 (signed) plainish Smith Binder C151i1(signed), Collins 636 Smith Bros., Ivy Lane Binder Collins 637, Collins 638 (?) Smith/Charles Smith N. B. Davis259 (item 208); it is not clear whether Charles Smith of 13 Church Street and C. Smith are the same binder Smith of Bedford Binder C108d21 Smith of Deptford Binder Collins 648 Smith & Son of London Binder RB23a13884 (ink stamp reads 'Smith & Son [London], July 1835') Smith of Long Acre Binder C150d2(1) (signed) Smith, C. Binder C20e7-8, C25e9, C32a6, C34h19, C35c22, C35e3 (identical with C35c22), C35g19, C35g20 (identical with C35g19), C35f15 (identical with C35g9), C35h17 (identical with C35g9), C21a23, C21a53, C39a4, C39b33, C39b39, C35e29, C39h11, C56b4, C57aa19 (for Ternaux), C59ff6, C111c13, C117b5, C117b13, C128e19, C21a23, C21a53, C32a6, C58aa9, C128e19, G4215, G2040, G2926, G1233 (signed), G6483 (signed), G6534 (signed), G6778 (signed), 139a12 (ticket), 140a19, 270h30, 272h27, G6896 (signed), G6900 (signed), G7542 (signed), G7574 (signed), G9553 (signed), G11598 (signed), 11632aa3 (signed), Davis259 (item 208, c.1816 London, stamp), C155b17 (signed), C150d1 (signed), C151k15 (signed), C151k16 (signed), G7219 (signed) Smith, C. of Bath Binder C155c1(signed, 1075), same as C. Smith Smith, Charles Binder Davis260 (item 209, c.1817 London, ticket, bound by C. Smith, 13 Church St., Soho) Smith, C. Philip Binder C108eee11(1-2) 2 vols, Odyssey), C188c1 (Macbeth, C170c33 (loan, Versallus 1934), Davis283 (item 246; plus embroidered silk by Dorothy M. Smith dated 1961; tum-ins signed and dated DMS; CPS 1961; Book of Dead), C108d40 (The Enneads), C108pp8 (Time), C108pp9 (The Sun) Smith, Dorothy M. see C. Philip Smith Smith, Desmond, of Irish University Press bindery Binder X421/7030 (press bindery; label on upper fly leaf with details) Smith, E. Binder C109d12 (blue cloth blocked in blind and gold; binder's label 5 Ivy Lane Paternoster Row), PP6670 (The Keepsake, 1847; red cloth with design signed E. Smith Binder Ivy Lane) Smith, J[oseph] Binder Smith, J. Binder Collins 635, Collins 639, Collins 642, Collins 647 (?), Collins 649 (Binder’s stamp date 1824) C109aa26 (1829) Smith, J. Binder C151i2 (signed) Smith, Joseph Owner C4d7, C19f11, C4g9 (bookplate British Consul at Venice), 62e12 J[oseph] Smith & Son, 15 Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close Binder Collins 640, Collins 641, Collins 643, Collins 644, Collins 645, Collins 646, Collins 650 (Binder’s stamp dated March 1836), Collins 651, Collins 652 see C. Philip Smith Smith, Philip Smith, Romilly Saumarez see Saumarez Smith, Romilly Smith, R. W. Binder C34h44 Smith, Sally Lou Binder C109q7, C129g7 Smith, Mrs Binder Jewel St, Aldersgate St.; Cup645e1(55) (text by William Weldon) Smith, Thomas Binder 5405aa8-11 Smith, William, 269 High St., Edinburgh Binder Collins 814 Smith, W. of Iron Bridge Binder C151l3, C151i4 (signed) Smith, W. H., of Cirencester Binder Collins 224 Smith & Son of London Binder C151k14 (signed) WHS[mith], Lancaster Binder C98k18, C99l17, C102e5, C102h7, C102l1, C102l16, C102h8, C116g9, C116g11, C116g13? C98a6, C98h32, C98h33, Collins 225, Collins 653, Collins 654, Collins 655, Collins 656, Collins 657, Collins 658, Collins 659, Collins 660 (?) Collins 226 Smyth Owner C69ff12 Smythe, Viscount Strangford Owner G10912 (arms) Snape, T & Co of Preston Sneers, L. Binder C.188b79 Binder C30a22 Snowden of Carlisle, H. K. Binder RB23b3445 (binder's ticket), 19th century Smith, W. H. & Son, London Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge Owner C129b19 (binder F. Remnant) Society of Writers to the Signet Owner C118b24 (arms gold tooled), C124b24 (arms gold tooled) Solomon, Saul, & Co., Cape Town Binder Collins 956 Sombre bindings C69aa1(1695), C72e8 (1679), C69aa2 (1667), C72b5 (1685), C69aa3 (1678), Davis116 (1673) Sombre Binder Binder Davis116 (item 116, dated 1673 London; initials MM in centre) Somers, Baron, Sumers-Cocks Owner C67e14, C67e16 Somerset, Anne, Duchess of Owner C46a7 Somerset, Charles Owner C67d16 (by Williamson), C128k3 Somerville and Ross Owner C95h1 (publisher's binding), C95d7 (publisher's binding), C95i1 (publisher's binding) Song, Haein Binder C188b70 (2008) Sotheran, H. & Co of London Binder C55c37, C57aa17, C57b24, C58e34, C68i21, C119d3 Soul, Eli, Tabernacle Walk, London Souriau Binder Collins 661 Binder C155i8 (signed) Sousmont, Marquis de Owner See Turgot, Michel-Etienne Southeby, Wilkinson & Hodge Collins 1028 Southey, Robert Owner C61b20 (from Southey's 'Cottonian' Library), C61b14 Souze, August Binder Collins 932 Sowler, T. of Manchester Binder C155b18 (signed), C150d3 (signed) Spada, Cardinal Bernardino Owner G748 (arms) Spada, Cardinal Fabritius Owner C129i5 (arms gold tooled on covers), 17th century Italy Spain Owner C154h23 (royal arms), C154h19 (royal arms) Spaniel Binder Binder 15a27 (William III's cypher), 5i1, 59f2 Spark of Exeter, William Binder C151i5 (signed) Sparway of Honiton Binder C150d4 (signed) Spem Fortuna Alit C21d18 (English 18th century, ornamental border roll binding) Binder Collins 662, Collins 665 Binder Collins 663, Collins 664 Owner C48a10 Spencer Owner C65l15, C69c7 Spencer, George, 2nd Earl Owner G406 (arms), G9277 (arms) Spencer-Churchill Owner C25h1, C67i9 Sperling, H., Leipzig Binder Collins 851 Spencer, [Robert], 14 Bridgewater Sq., London Spencer, [Robert] & Son, (for 664: see also L., J. [John Leighton]) Spencer, Earl Spicers & Detmold Ltd. Binder Cup410c7 Spiegel, L. Binder C107g5 Spierinck, Nicholas of Canbridge Binder C48g13, C66c10, C66d11, C66d12, C66f7, IB23533, C66f6?, 874h20, C108h8-9, Davis85 (item 29, possibly after 1536 Cambridge, signed N. S.) Spink & Thackray, Boar Lane, Leeds Spon, E. & F. N. of London Binder Collins 227, Collins 228 Binder RB23a17760 (binder's ticket on mottled green grained cloth, spine blocked in gilt; text dated 1775) Spon, Johannes of Augsburg Owner Egerton MS1178 (initials I. S. A. on German binding dated 1554) Spottiswoode & Co. Ltd Bookbinders Binder C188a138 (gold tooled vellum), Collins 666, Collins 667, C188a158 Spurway, [James], of Honiton Binder Collins 229 Squirrel Binder Binder Davis97 (c.1620 London); Squirrell Binder was probably the shop which workded for Lord Herbert of Cherbury; Harl MS5087 (see HDI p. 57), C40l3 (see HDI p. 57), C24c4 (see HDI p. 57), C47f13 (see HDI p. 57), C82c5 (see HDI), C77i5 (see HDI), C47K11 (see HDI), C47l11, C24b14 (blocked on silk), C29k16 (blocked on silk), C73g5 (standard royal library binding for James I), C78d8 (standardd royal library binding for James I), C79b18 (standard royal library binding for James I) Stabbed Vellum C109e54 (vellum MS used as cover and stabbed through side, 1623) Stacy, John of Norwich Binder C155b19 (part of Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150d5 (signed) Staddon, [John], 12 Bute St., Luton Stagg, M Binder Collins 230 (?) Staggemeier and Welcher of London Binder C108v25 (signed. with elaborate doublures). Stained vellum C1d1-2, C1d8, 2f5, 82l18, 148c1 G8047-50 (yellow binder's label), Davis173 (item 197; probably after 1799 London), Davis 202 (item 198; probably after 1799 London), C155c3 (signed; pink label), C156i4 (signed), C155c2 (attributed to Staggemeier and Welcher), C150k7 (signed), C180cc4 (signed; yellow label; presentation binding from Thomas Hope, Tab435a15 (with ticket) RB23a28487 (German 18th c. stained vellum, tooled in blind) Stainville - Choiseul Owner C46c26 Stamford, Earl of Grey Owner C68e4 Stanes of Chelmsford Binder C151i6 (part of Charles Ramsden Collection of signed bindings), C150d6 (signed) Stanhope, Charles Earl of Harrington Stanhope, Philip 5th See Hering (C150b7), see B. Clyde (C150b8), see Hering (C150b9) Owner C69c3 (by Hering), Davis201 (item Earl of Chesterfield 185; c.1776 London; arms of Stanhope) Stagg, Richard Binder C108u25 (signed) Starr, Ellen Binder 10826b16 Stassin et Xavier Libraires (Paris) Binder RB23a15661(binder's ticket) Stratford, [Thomas] [of Worcester] Binder Collins 234 Stebbing, Sylvia Binder C188a66 (signed 'ss 1900') Steedman, H., 44 George St., Edinburgh Steel Binder Collins 815 Binder C188a129. Steel, Mrs (Jane Steel, daughter of Robert Steel) Binder ?59c17, 167i15 Steel, Robert Binder apprenticed to Samuel Mearne; C109f12, ?C108aa12?, ?59c17, ?62h9, ?75i6 Steele, Robert Binder apprenticed to Samuel Mearne from 1668-1675; established by 1677 and last heard of in 1710; Davis148 (item 148; c.1700 London)Established by 1677 and last heard of in 1710 Stefano, Giuseppe Owner C68d15 Stelbogen, Thomas Binder Davis691 (item 335; 1559 Leipzig for Nikolans von Ebeleben) Stephenson, 12 Parliament Street Binder G17738 Stephenson, W. S. of Sligo Binder C155c5 (signed) Stetin, Dukes of Owner G8592 (arms) Stevens, David Kevin Binder C144e1 Stevens, Graham Binder C128h3 Stevens, H. Owner C21d16 (by W. Pratt), C21d4 (by W. Pratt), C37h10 (by W. Pratt), C37e39 (by W. Pratt), C32c7 (by F. Bedford), C32f29 (by W. Pratt), C32e20-24 (by W. Pratt), C32m16 (by W. Pratt), C71a35 (by W. Pratt) Stikeman (?) of New York Binder Tab741d1 (signed), Eccles 7 Stirling Maxwell, John Sir Owner C108bb22 Stirling , William Owner 1578/4667 Stoakley of Cambridge Binder Stopes, W. Binder C34h47, C123d18, Collins 231, Collins 232, Collins 233 C108b2 Storr, R. of Grantham Binder C151l7, C151l8 (signed) Stow, Elizabeth Owner Stoy, Georg, Christoph Binder G5972 (arms of London and initials of Elizabeth Stow) Collins 852 Stradel of Montavban Binder C154c6 (signed) Strafford, Countess of Owner C128c9 Strain, Wm., and Sons, of Belfast Binder Collins 303 Straker & Son of London Binder YA1998a3428 (ticket) Stratford Binder C129c18 Stratford, [Thomas], of Worcester Straten, Jan Joncheer van Binder Collins 234 C106e18 (arms of van Straten painted on endleaf) Straw Binding Strong, W. C188c4 (England 19th century) Binder C53k16, C151l9 (signed), C150d7 (signed) Structure C183a38 (wood boards, no covering material, sewing visible) Stuart, James C160ee2 (designed by James Stuart, 1762) Stuart, John (17131792), Third Earl of Bute Owner C69b3, 447h2 Stuart de Rothersay, Charles, Baron (17791845) Owner C97a7, C33d22, C64dd6, C32a15, C62c12, C57g22, C69a15, C69b2, C133dd3, C65a24, C63e6, C63l26, C64cc1, C69a3 Stuart de Rothesay Lord Owner Stuart, William (17981874) Owner 2 mottos: Nobilis ira; Avito viret honore; C107bb57, C25e30, C20c29, C63l12, C69e19, C69bb13, C64dd9, C113a18, C62g7, C53a8, C150l14 (arms), C154d5 (arms), C152l6 (arms), C152l7 (arms), C154e7 (arms), and many others Stubbs, Kathleen Binder C188b26, C188a81, C188a82, C188a86 (possibly by Kathleen Stubbs, C188b26 Stumme?, A. Binder Binder IB357 (signed) Sturge, E. Y., of Clevedon Sturt, J. Suarez Sub Libertate Quietem Collins 235 C44c6, C65b14, C54d2 (engraved books) Binder C150m18 (signed) 191d9, G8279 (motto of Burrell, Sir Bt) Sueur-Moussette of Montdidier Binder C155i9 Suffolk, Mary, Dutchess of Owner C46d8 Sullivan Edward, see E. S. Aurifex Davis 235 (item 267; 1924, acc to Thomas Lange, Huntington Library, not c.1890; binding finished by Sir Edward Sullivan), Davis234 (item 268; c.1890, cover signed 'E S Aurifex', finished by Edward Sullivan), Davis269 (item 269; c.1890, finished by Edward Sullivan, signed 'E S Aurifex', Davis270 (item 270; c.1910; info from Thomas Lange, Huntington Library), bound by Birdsall, signed 'E S Aurifex') Sully, Duke de Bethume Owner C64d7 Sultzbach, Marie Auguste de Owner C69d20, C67b7 Sumner, O. of York Binder C109k8, C151l10 (signed) Sumfield & Day, Station Street, Eastbourne Sunderland, Earl of Binder Collins 21 (only one of the three vols bound by this company – see also Bayntun of Bath for one other) C67i9 Owner Superabo Motto of Penha Longa, Count of Susse Binder C155i10 (attributed to Susse), C155i11 (signed), C150k14 (signed) Sussex, Earl of Ratcliffe Owner C67g4 Sustine et Abstine Add MS22,275 (cardinal's arms with motto, arms of Vander voost) Sutherland Binding C69h9 Binder Collins 984 Owner C64f10 Sutton, Thomas Owner C67b22 Svoboda, Jindrich Binder Cup410c138 (signed 1995), Cup410g583 (brown sheep with onlays, signed 1994), Cup410f1111 (vellum, signed 1995), Cup410f1112 (vellum onlays, signed 1993) Sutherland, J. & J., Brantford, Ontario Sutherland, Duke of Leveson-Gewer Svolinsky, K. Swane of Brighton Cup410f1155 (designed binding bound by A. Tvrdy) Binder Swastika Swinborne C109b30 RB8a136 (motif tooled in gold on upper and lower cover; text London 1670) Owner ?C48h12 Sydney, Robert Owner Davis93 (annotated, partially in the hand of Robert Sydney; compare with his hand in Add MS58435) Syle, [William], High Street, Barnstaple Binder Collins 236 Sykes, Mark Masterman Sir Owner C21e8, C30d26, G4918 (arms), G9153 (arms), G9547 (arms) Symington of York Binder 1578/6305 Szirmai, J. A. Binder C183b16, C188B59, C188b64, C188b63, C188b16, C188b65, c188a151 Binding Index T|U T Name Owner or Binder Shelfmark T. Davis597 (item 286 c1485; initial T) T., A. Tauch3522a(1) (half-bound brown goatskin signed 'AT 1902'; his note says 'bound by my wife Alfred C. Thomas') T., S. Davis677 (item 338; roll signed 'ST' and dated 1559) T., V. 128d15 (England 1650-1700, panel design) Talbot, Ladye Gartrvd Owner C143c10 ('Lady Gartrvd Talbot' gold tooled on upper and lower covers of 16th-century English binding) Talius, Chr. Fab. Owner Davis629 (by a pupil of Jacob Krause) Tankerville, Earl of Bennet Owner C67b23, C67e5 Tapin, Claudius Owner C46c17 Tate, J. of Belfast Binder C152a1 (signed) Tauchnitz Tauch4144d (with patterned fabric wrappers added); Tauch4174 (in decorated paper over boards); Tauch4161f (with decorated floral paper wrappers added); Tauch3986c(2) (vellum with red leather strips and string); Tauch3012 (fabric pink rosebuds on black) Taverner, John Binder ?C46d8 Taylor, Simon, Sir Owner C108i15 Taylor, E.A.W. of Bradford Binder C152a2 (signed) Taylor, Olwen Taylor, Thomas Taylor. W., & Son Bath Binder Binder Binder Collins 237 C102i1-2 Collins 174 (see also The Old City Wall) Taylor & Hessey Binder C152a4, C152a3 (signed) (19th century) Tchek & Roul Binder Binder Eccles 26 Le Tellier, C.M., Archbishop of Rheims Owner C47d12, C47c4, C47c7, C47c3, C47h1, C47g12, C47b10, C47h2 Tencin, Pierre Guerin Owner C68a9 Tepper, A., of Southampton Binder C42e1, C152a5 (Ramsden collection, signed) Ternaux Campans, Henry Owner C31e17, C32a6 (B.C. Smith, B. Valentin), C32a12, C32e25, C32f1113, C54bb2, C58a15, C58bb19, C58a10, C58e11, C58e4, C58e5, C62c18, C62d4, C63b47 (B.C. Lewis), C63c24, C63e22, C63h29, C63h18, C63k9, C63k17, C63l16, C66b8 (B. MacKenzie), C20b10, C125a1, C20b10, C20b17, C20d1, C20d10 (B.C. Lewis), C20e19, C57aa19 (B.C. Smith) Terrel, Francois Owner C47d18 Terry (Garnet) of Paternoster Row, St. Pauls, London ?Binder Collins 668 Tersil (Porto, Portugal) Binder Cup408t29 signed. Blocked in blind. Tegernsee Abbey, Bavaria Davis638 (item 352 second half of 17th century; probably made at Tegernsee), Collins 853 Terzulo, Papetier du roi Music gift binding K8i12 pub by Le Fuel with slip case Te Sola Ser Viro Fin Ch'Harovi Ta Gold tooled on upper cover of Italian 16th-century bindings C28a4, Davis754 (See Tamm Di Marinis vol. 11 2161) Tessier Binder C150k16 (signed), C150k15 (signed), C155i13 (signed) Tevens, H.J. Owner C38l4 (by W. Pratt) Thierry of Paris (successor to PetitSimier) Binder C53b14 (signed) Theodor, Johann, of Bavaria, Cardinal Archbishop of Freising Owner C47e5 Theron Binder C154c7 (signed) Thibaron Binder C20b2, C31f15, C32a33, C38f36, C39a57, C39c43, C39e32, C57aa27, C57c18, C20c26, C62aa23, IB41242 (signed) Thibaron-Echaubard Binder C40c55, C57a23 Thibaron-Joly Binder C38d29, C53b9, C55d4, C55h3, C59d21, C71e1, C59b37 Thierosn, Frieda Binder C103h5 (Germany) Thierri-Sr de PetitSimier Binder C53b14 Thiersch, Frieda (see Bremer Binderei) Binder C98e20 Thiery Binder C150k17 (signed) Thomas, F[rancis], of Truro Binder Collins 238 Thomas, James, of Haverfordwest Binder C150d8 (Ramsden collection, signed) Thomason, George Owner C183b3? Thomas, A. see T., A. Thompson, Ann see B. Katherine Adams, Davis239 Thompson Binder C20c28, C30e8, C31h38, C36a8, C38c15, C39f13, C39a13, C39a46, C39b23, C40a47, C40b16, C44c8, C52g3, C53b4, C54d3, C58cc16, C69dd12 (for Adolphe Audenet), C111aa21?, C125bb4, Huth61 (signed), IA22733 (signed), G8989 (signed), IB39390 (signed), 1474a1 (signed) Thompson, J. Binder C156i5 (signed) Thompson of Paris Binder C150k18 (signed) Thompson, Fils Binder C18a15 Thornton, Ann Binder C188b44 Thorpe Binder C35f3? De Thou, J.A. Owner C2a1, C17c7-12 (arms of J.A. de Thou and his 2nd wife Gasparde de la Chastre), C18b4, C19a8, C19a33, C19b10, C19b11, C19b12-16, C19c21, C19c25, 675f18, C19c2829, C19c30-31, C19d17-19, C19d21, C19e1,2, C19e12, C19f23, C19c26, C20b33, C20d12, C24e12, C39g20, C46b17, C46b23, C46b24, C46c6, C46c24, C46e21, C48c14, C48d7 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), C48d10, C64c14, C65a 18-19, C65d15, C65f12, C66c18, C66e12, C66h16, C67c23, C67e25, C68a19, C68e10, C68f9, C69aa16, C69c4, C69dd11, C69ee4, C72a17, C97a24, C107a5, C108a15, C108dd14, C108h1, C128c10, C128d13, C129k10, C130a21, C130b15, C130bb4, C119dd24, C129k10 (1600), Davis449, 180e1, 241l14, 825a35, 683f7 (contains Scaliger's autograph), IB27657a, G255, G544 (arms of J.A. de Thou and his 1st wife Marie Barbancon), G1148 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G1267 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G1371 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G1649 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre) , G1927 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G2236 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G3257 (arms of J.A. de Thou), G4208 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G4226 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G4440 (arms of J.A. de Thou), G4486 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G4741 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon; Duke of Sussex bookplate), G5361 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou), G5385 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou), G5384 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G5930 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G6025 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre, on lower cover his coat of arms as bachelor), G6235 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G6330 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G6384 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G6407 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou as bachelor), G6461 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G7101 (initials of J.A. de Thou), G7203 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G7456 (arms of J.A. de Thou), G7482 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G7901 (arms of J.A. de Thou), G7926 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G8144 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou), G8203 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G8250 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G8366 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou), G8425 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G8462 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G8649 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G8719 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou), G8822 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou and Marie Barbancon), G8850 (arms and initials of J.A. de Thou), G9180 (arms of J.A. de Thou and Gasparde de la Chastre), G10684 (arms of J.A. de Thou, the younger, 1) de Thou, 2) Picardet, 3) La Chastre, 4) Le Prevost) Thouvenin C25c15, C29f19, C33a33, C39a28, C39e13, C47h3, C68i20, C108bb28, C47e17, C18a30, C47e17, IB41106 (signed), G11303, C150l4?, C154c10 (signed), C150k20, C155i12, C150k19, C150k21, C154c8, C150l1 (signed), C154c9, Davis712-715, C150k20 (signed), C155i12 (attributed to), C150k19 (signed), C150k21 (signed), C154c8 (signed), C154c9 (signed) Thouvenin Jeune Binder RB23a20800 (signed foot of spine). Thraner Binder C150l2 (signed), C154c11 (signed Thraner of Strasbourg) Thurnam, Charles Binder Thurnan?, Charles Binder C45g17, RB23a12443, Collins 239, 3225df3 has his label as ‘binder and Collins 240 circulating library of Carlisle’ but the binding is signed by Mayday. Tiepolo Owner 126l6,7 Tillet, Titus of Cambridge The Times of India Exchange Press [bindery] Binder C128d8, C132i58 Binder Collins 999 Timm of Germany Binder C43l1-13 Tisserand, D.C. Owner 236a40 ('Ex Dono D. Claudii Tisserand 1654' on red morocco, French binding) Tobb, V. de Binder C115tt33 Tobias, Matthew, Archbishop of York NT 1580, Archbishops & Bishops Owner C64dd2 Toledo Add MS 28,503 (arms of Castro, Colonna and Toledo with ducal coronet 17c?) Tomes, [Alfred] Binder Collins 669 Tomson, Percy C. of St Neots Binder C152a6 (signed) Toorop, J. C109q6 (designed 20th-century Dutch publisher's binding) Tortoiseshell Bindings Davis672, C48a5 (18th-century German), C65h9 (19th-century French), C65h10, C65h11, C50*a10, C049a2, C049b6, C049b2?, C72b3 (18th-century Danish), 166d14 (17th-century Dutch with silver mounts), C109e49, C65h1? Tory, Geofroy (Paris, 16th c) Binder C47g20 Totham, W. of Colchester Binder C130d8 Totnes, Earl of, George Carew Owner C68c5, C68c9 Toucauld, N.J. Owner C7b8, C7b11 Toulouse, Comte de Owner C38g6 Toupriant Binder C154c12 (signed) Tourian Bros., Cairo Binder Collins 957 Tournadre Binder C155i14 (signed) Tournon, de, Cardinal Owner C108l2 (by Hagne) Tout, Sml Binder C58b10, C68h13, C72b6, C108n4, C40g12, C59b21, C59f2 Touzimsky of Prague Binder Collins 854 Towneley of Lancashire Owner C67e1 Towneley, Richard Owner C67f4 Townsend, W., 12 Surrey St., Sheffield Binder Collins 241 Townsend, [William], [Sheffield] Binder Collins 242 (?) Townsend & Son of Sheffield Binder Add MS 30,073, Eg MS 2582 (both 20th century, England), Collins 243 (?) Trade Bindings England Elizabeth I, 16th century C186aa2 (calf with gold blocked arms and 'E.R.'), C81b5 (calf with gold blocked arms) Trade Bindings England Falon Stamps, 16th century C27g9, C66d4, C67d16, ?G7817, C27g7 Trade Bindings C108b8, C108c21, 532g9, 294f29 England, Noli Altvm Sapere motto, 16th and 17th centuries Trade Bindings England, Portrait Stamps Elizabeth I, 16th century C67d15 Trade Bindings England, Tudor Rose, 16th century C82a13 (Tudor rose and scroll with Elizabeth on it), ?C24a27 (crowned rose), C55a6 (crowned rose), C111a27, C123a19 Trade Bindings England, Tudor Rose, 17th century C108f14 (crowned rose), C65hh17 (crowned rose and initials 'AH'), C67f2 (crowned rose), C67d10 (crowned rose), C108cc1 Trade Bindings England for Eikon Basilike, Portrait of Charles I, 17th century C118d43 (portrait and 'C.R.'), C118d86, C118d87, C118d36 Trade Bindings England for Eikon Basilike, CR, 17th century C118d4, C118d5, C11d18, C118d19 (late 17th, early 18th century), C118d30, C118d35, C118d40, C118d43, C118d44, C118d46, C118d47, C118d48, C118d49, C118d51, C118d52, C118d53, C118d56, C118d59, C118d67, C118d71, C118d83, C118d85, C118d88, C118d89, C118d92, C118d110, C118d119, C118d136, 599e11 Trade Bindings Romanisch/Swiss 885d8 (brown hide, Strada, Ianett, 1689) Trautz-Bauzonnet Binder C20a16-17, C20b15, C20e1, C22a53, C31b23, C31h20, C31h32, C32a29, C33l5, C34e42, C34g24, C34g25, C38a15, C38a26, C38b13, C38d22, C38f1, C38f9, C39a44, C39b30-31, C39c30, C39d64, C39e8, C39e17, C39e20, C39h12, C40a2, C40a3, C40b24, C44a6, C47f5, C48d1, C53d10, C54b13, C55a2, C56c5, C57a2, C57a10, C57aa7, C57aa47, C57b1, C57c38, C57g1 (signed), C57g35, C62a3, C62a5, C62b1, C62b3, C62b4, C62b5, C62b17, C62b28*, C63e2, C63f3, C66d8, C70a6, C97aa2, (Fratelli) Traversa, of Lugano Treacher, H. & C., Brighton Treble, I., of Pembroke and Tenby Binder C97aa5, C97b9, C97b21, C97bb27, C107b29, C107c13, C107g6, C121a10, IA27924, C47d23, C47h10, C29k24, ?C63f2, IB 41531 (signed), IB 41542 (signed), C127a10 (signed), 11403a19 (signed), Add MS 36,676 (signed), 886d2 (signed) Collins 942 Binder Collins 244, Collins 245 Binder C152a7 (signed) Tree vellum Cup402k27 Trevelyan Owner C65g4 Trickett, [George] and Son Binder Collins 670 Trinckvel Binder Cup408ss11, Cup408ss12 ('1926' tooled on spine, French) Trinity College Dublin Owner C108bb35, 1578/4540, C152f16 (arms), C152c6 (stamp) Tripier-Bradel Binder C154c13 (Ramsden collection, signed) Trivvltio Owner C72a11 Trotebas of Marseilles Binder C156k15 (signed) Truber Owner Davis677 Truclaine, D.C. Owner C64b3 Truscott, James & Son Ltd Contractors for Bookbinding for HM Gov. (Patent Office) 1651/2172 Collins 671 Tuck, S. of Frome Binder C188b68 (C19th blind and gold tooled blue calfskin with ticket of S. Tuck of Frome) Tuckett, [Charles], ‘Binder to the Queen’ Binder Collins 672 Tuckett, Charles, sr. (the same as below?) Binder Collins 673 Tuckett the Elder Binder C18e7, ?C22c16, C19e14, ?C20b19, ?C20b21 Tuckett Binder C17d1-11, C25g3, C27b44, C32d26, C33d25, C33e10, C34k29 (British Museum), C36a12, C36a13, C17e112, C21c42, C21e3, C24a14, C34c39, C34c41, C34k2, C34k4, C34k11, C34k12, C37a35, C37b32, C39a29, C39a38, C39a53, C39b18?, C39b19, C39b24, C39b36, C39c28, C39c29, C39c40, C39d31, C40a3, C40a6, C40a8, C40a10, C40a11, C40a13, C40a14, C40a15, C40a19, C40a22, C40a41, C40a43, C40c27, C40d4, C40d8, C40d24, C40d26, C40d33, C40d39, C40l5-6, C45d28, C51a3, C51b4, C117bb18, C17c14, C17d1-11, C17e1-12, C18b8, C18c7 (the tooling has been added to by Tuckett, badly repaired by Tuckett), C18d5, ?C20b28, C20d3 (for Henry Prince of Wales), C21b13, C27b44, ?C27i8, C34c39 (for Garrick), C34c41 (for Garrick), C21b22-30, C21b32-35, C21c42, C21e3, ?C21e16, C23e1 (renovated by Tuckett), C24e21-4 (destroyed), C37a35, C39a29, C39a38, ?C39b18, C39b19, C39c28-29, C39c40, C39d31, C40a3, C40a6, C40a8 Tuckett Jun., C. Binder Tuckett C132i4 IB10904 (signed), Huth31 (signed), Huth146 (signed) Tvrdy, A. Binder C410c300 (Bible. Bohemian translation, vol. 1 brown blindtooled pigskin, signed) Turgot, Michel-Etienne Marquis de Sousmont Owner C48c18 Turinetti, H.J.L. Owner C67b1 Turner, R. Binder C108h13, C108h14 Tvrdy, A. Binder Cup410f1155 (20th c. Czech, bound by A. Tvrdy after the design of K. Svolinsky) Tweedmouth, First Baron Tys, Jan see under B. Holloway, Davis720 Binder Davis607 (item 294, c.1530, possibly Malines, panel on this item occurs in combination with a tool that belonged to Tys, who worked in Malines c.1508-1537) U Name Ulloa Owner or Shelfmark Binder Binder C155i15 (signed; 18th century, Spain) Unrash, F. A., Johannesstr. 7, Dresden Upham & Beet Binder Collins 855 Binder C150d9(1) (attributed to Upham & Beet) Upham's Library, Bath Owner C155c4 (ticket) Urwick, Alison C188c14 (Urwick is a calligrapher) Usher, James, Archbishop of Armagh Owner C46d20, Davis67 (item 91, c.1639 possibly Dublin, arms of James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh in the centre) Utrecht Binder 166h3 (arms of Utrecht on Dutch school prize, c. 1673), C188b5 (18th-century prize binding), Davis683 (item 288, c.1500, possibly made at Utrecht) Utrecht Broedelet Bindery Binder C129m10, C188b5 (18th century) Utrecht Dissertation Bindery Binder C43d5 (18th century) Utterson, E.V. Owner C39c32, C39d65, C42b2, C34i17 (by H. Falkner), C57b26, C57c16, C69a17, C97g2 (by J. Wright) V Name Owner or Binder V., M. Shelfmark engraver; see for Joannes Reckins, Davis631 V., T. Binder C65bb1 (initials gold tooled on English 1600-50 binding; initials 'PM' also tooled on binding) Valencay, Estampes, Archbishop of Rheims Owner C63i6, C66f11, C67a17, C67e12 (as Bishop of Chartres), C67h2, C67h15, C69a18 Valentin, Epinal Binder C154c15 (Ramsden collection, signed) Valentin, F. Binder C58e5 (for Ternaux), C58e6 Valliere, La Owner 240a16 (La Valliere arms, 18th century) Valois, Marguerite de Owner C47k15 Vandendriessche, Lucien Vanette Binder C160e3 (Brugge) Binder C154c16 (Ramsden collection, signed), C150l3 (Ramsden collection, signed) van der Does, Ysbrant Owner see Does, Ysbrant van der Valentin, F. Binder C154h1 (signed, 19th century) Valentin Binder C154c14 (signed), C155i16 (signed) van der Voost Owner Add MS 22,275 (arms on 16thcentury binding) Vard Binder C150l4 (Ramsden collection, signed) Vaudreuil, Seigneur de Owner see Portail, Antoine IV Vastre, Simon Owner C38h11 (by Cape) Vaughan Owner C65k10 (crest of Vaughan on embroidered binding) Vecellio, Cesare Davis690 item 332, c. 1547-50, South German; fore-edge painted by Vecellio van de Velde, Henry C183b10 (designed and gold blocked by Henry van de Velde) Vellucent Binder Vellum wrappers Venables, Margaret, Hastings Venetian Apple C108bbb3 (signed by Cedric Chivers of Bath, England, 20th century) RB23a28330 (painting of pot plant on vellum wrappers) Binder Collins 246 Binder C66e13, C64b7, C69a7, C65f3, C66h9, C46b13, C47g18, 72k4, Davis764, 794, 799, 801, 800, 754, C20a14, C52f15) Venice - Emblem Lion of St Mark see Lion of St Mark Ventadour, Levis de, Archbishop of Bourges Owner C67a11-12 Vente Binder 84i7 and 84i8 (binder's ticket in vol. 1), 84i6?, 18th century, France) Vere, Charles de, 11th Duke of St Albans Owner Tauch4355/4359x (bound by Birdsall) Vergennes, Comte de Owner C67c6 (Charles Gravier) Verney Owner C130bb20 Vernier-Reitz of Nancy Binder C156h2 (signed) Veron, Rene Owner Binder C69d23 Vernhes, P., l’aine, 1 Rue du Vallat, Montpellier Vernis Martin C154e17 (Vernis Martin style) Vernunft en Vlyt Verqua Collins 933 C104f18 (gold tooled on onlay on upper cover Dutch 19th-century marbled calf binding; on lower cover onlay 9.M, 18-41, 15-D) Owner G955 (arms?) Verrue, Countess de Owner C65d18, C66a3, C66b6, C67a3, C108a21, Davis475-476 (Jeanne Baptiste d'Albert de Luynes, 1670- 1736) Verviers School Prize Binding C136ee14 (1736) Vester & Co., Jerusalem Binder? Collins 951 Vettori, Pietro Owner G1386 (arms), G8142 (arms) Veuve Dalandon of Bernay Binder C150g3 (signed) Viciot Binder C156h3 (signed), C150l5 (signed) Victoria, Queen (reign 1837-1901) Owner C108c29, C44h4 (Victoria and Albert, by Riviere), C134e43, C42q4 (embroidered silk), C110g69, 563f20?, C42g4 (Victoria and Albert) Vidal, Carsi y Binder C183b5, C154h6 (Ramsden collection, signed) Vieuville, La Owner 244i19 (arms of La Vieuville), initials v v ie w on spine of c129b23. Vieuville Owner C69d9 (or de Bethune?) Vignetten-Meister, Bologna Vilde, Fauconnet de Binder C188a167 Owner C69bb21 Villelume, Francois de (d. 1709) Owner 218b11 (arms gold tooled; Guigard v2, p. 468) Villeroy, Marquis de Owner C47d2 (Charles de Veufoille) Villette, Charles de Owner C67b28 Vincens of Toulouse Binder C154c17 (signed) Vincent, Augustine Owner C66g14, C67e3 Vincit Omnia Veritas C27f10 (tooled on, 18th century, England) Vireau des Epoisses, L. F. Owner G14023 (arms) Virey, C.E. Owner C46d7 Virgin and Child Binder Binder Add MS 60577 Virtue & Co., 294 City Rd., London Visconti, Cardinal Vitalianus Binder C61b27, Collins 674 Owner C186aa6 (arms gold tooled on vellum covers; 17th century Italy) Vivet Binder C154c18 (signed) Vogel Binder C108bb32, G10910 (signed), C154c19 (attributed to), C154c21 (signed), C154f8 (signed), C154c20 (signed) Vostre, Simon Binder C108d44 (atelier Simon Vostre?, 16th century, France) W Name W. W Owner or Shelfmark Binder Davis687 item 321 (late 15th century; initial 'W' in outer border of the panel design) Owner C128b23 w on spine really stands for VV ie La Vieuville, French early 18c W., B. C65aa1 (B. W. tooled on upper cover; 17th century) W, CCI monogram 'CCIW'; see binder Thomas Gosden, Davis223 W, EWD C106e15 (initials 'EWDW' blind tooled on upper cover; lower cover tooled 1566) W., I. Oxford binding, 17th century, blind roll (recent acquisition 3/97) W., P. 51e4 (P. W. DC & C gold tooled on both covers; 18th century, England) W., E. P. see binder E. P. Womersley W., N. Add MS 40,883 (initials 'NW' stamped on cover; MS note says book owned by Nehemiah Wallington, a Puritan; book has his signature) W., R. C109aaa7 (initials gold tooled on 16th-century English binding), Davis200, item 150 (c. 1701 London, initials 'RW' on spine) W., W. see Small Carnation Binder Wagner, Hans Binder C68b11 (1582; Lavingen) Waldegrave, Earl Owner C30c13 Wales, National Library C110a32, C121c1 Wagner Binder C154c22 (signed) Walker, [J.] & Son, of Plymouth Walker, W. Binder Collins 247, Collins 248, Collins 249 Binder C130c8 (Hammersmith) Walker, W. T. Binder C129m19, C129m20 Wallet Wallington, Nehemiah C143a9 (sheepskin wallet, French, 19th century?) Owner Add MS 40,883 (initials 'NW' stamped on cover; MS note says book owned by Nehemiah Wallington, a Puritan; book has his signature) Wallis, R. Binder C20c32, C52b5, C55l2, C70e19, C71cc19, C71e10, C117bb34, C125dd6, C127a12, 7917a48 (signed) Wallis (of Lloyd & Wallis) Binder C55l2 (signed 'Wallis') Wallworth Binder C52cc2 (London) Walmsley, H. Binder C152a8 (signed, late 18th century, Lancaster) Walmsley, J., 29 Church Street, Liverpool Binder C188a83 (ticket) Walpole, Horace Owner C40d62, C40c24, C65g20, C108ppp4 (by Robiquet), G5698 Walpole, Robert Owner 78i16 Walters Owner C66f8? Walters, C. Binder C133c3, Collins 986 Walters, Henry Owner Davis555 (B: E. Mercier) Walters, John, Port Hope, C.W. Walther Binder Collins 985 Binder C155c6 (attributed to; same as Walther, H.?) Walther, H. Binder C17c6?, C19d4, C19g9, 91g9 and 91g10 (label), 92g1 and 92g2 (signed), 189d8 (ticket), 679k6 (signed), G9739-42 (signed), G10430 (signed), G12115 (signed), Davis172, item 195 (1791, London, signed 'bound by H. Walther, 1791'), C155c7 (Ramsden collection, signed), C152a9 (signed) Wampflug/Reymann Binder C116e15 Ward Brothers, 40 Fountain St., Belfast, also named as Marcus Ward Ward, Marcus Binder Collins 304, Collins 305 Binder Wardale, I.R., Mr Owner C152a10 (Ramsden collection, signed), C152a11 (signed); Belfast C143c2 (awarded prize at Mr Hodgson's Academy, Leeds; name and date 1791 gold tooled on lower cover) Wardley of Guernsey Binder Collins 904 Wardley & Arnold of Guernsey Binder C150d10 (signed) Ware Warren & Sons, Winchester Davis56, item 30, c. 1540. Ware family arms added later Binder Collins 250 Warren (Old Bond Street?) Binder C150a11 (signed), C188a91 Waterford School Owner C104a23 Waterman, Fore Street, Devonport Binder Collins 251 Waterston, Geo & Sons, Edinburgh & London Binder Collins 816 Walters, P. Binder C128k2 Watkins (presumably the same as LM Watkins below) Binder Watkins, Gravel Lane (related to the above and below?) Watkins, LM, 47 St. John’s Sq., London Watkins Binder Collins 675, Collins 678, Collins 679, Collins 680, Collins 681,Collins 682, Collins 683,Collins 684, Collins 685, Collins 687, Collins 688, Collins 689, Collins 690, Collins 692, Collins 693, Collins 694, Collins 696 Collins 686, Collins 691 Binder Collins 676, Collins 677, Collins 695 Binder 1106b7 (label), C152a13 (Ramsden collection, signed); binder to British and Foreign Bible Society; 19th century, London Watkins, T. B. of Hereford Binder C152a12 (signed) Watkins & Son of Abergavenny Binder C150d17 (signed) Watson, E[dward], 239 Marylebone Rd., London Watson, Samuel Binder Collins 697, Collins 698 Owner C65b14, C65i8 Watt, James & Co., 22 Argyle St., Glasgow Webb, Sargent Binder Collins 817 Owner C142bb3 (name gold tooled on upper cover) Weale, W. H. James Collins 1029 Weber, J. Binder C109m47 (20th century?) Weemys & Co. Binder RB23a17061 (binder's stamp) Weidle Binder C154c23 (signed) Weir Binder C150d15, C150d16, C152b1, C152b2, C152b3, C155c8, C156i8 (plain red morocco; bound with Weir ink stamp on pastedown) Weir, Richard/David Binder C24a12, C24a28 (or Roger Payne?), C38b10 (for Count MacCarthyReagh), C152b3 (part of Ramsden collection, attributed to Weir), C156i7 (for Count MacCarthy-Reagh), C155c8 (attributed to Weir), G9007 (for Count McCarthy-Reagh) Weischner, Lucas (15501609) Binder Davis693 item 347 (c. 1592; Jena. Portrait of Charles V. imperial arms on lower cover) Weisse, Franz (Hamburg) Binder C129i20 (20th century, Germany) Welcher Binder C150a12 (signed) Welcher and L. Staggemeier Binder C1d8 Weldenstein, Cerno de Owner C65i15 (Joan Joseph) Wells, H. G. Wells & Grant Designer Collins 856 (?) Binder Collins 699 (?) Wendesley, R. Binder C109aaa7 (initials gold tooled on 16th-century English binding), Davis200, item 150 (c. 1701 London, initials 'RW' on spine) Went, Francis of Leominster Binder C150d13 (signed; 19th century) Wenzel, Christoph, Count von Nostitz (1643-1712) Werden Owner C129k12 (library binding and bookplate of Wenzel) IB3486 (Schunke/Schwenke II, p. 280 and p. 58 I-0), IB2955 and IC891 (both have internal evidence that they are from the library of St Leger, Werden) Werner, Arno of Pittsfield, Massachusetts Binder Cup410bb8 West Binder C129b11 (binder's label), C150d14 (signed, Ramsden collection, binder's label), 11646s19 (binder's stamp in blind on lower pastedown), C152a14 (signed), 19th century West, 13 High St., Maidenstone Binder Collins 252 (?) West, Benjamin, Clerkenwell Binder West, James Owner Collins 702, Collins 703, Collins 704, Collins 705, Collins 706, Collins 707, Collins 708, Collins 709 C37c53, C48a25, C11b8 (rebacked for James West) West, Ann F[rances], 52 Hatton Garden, London Binder Collins 701 West, John, 52 Hatton Garden, London Binder Collins 700 Westall, John, of Oxford, 16th century Binder C193c1 (blind tooled 'IW' roll), C188a77 Westerman, M. Binder C154g23 (19th century, Dutch) Western Mail [bindery], Cardiff Westley, F[rancis], Friar Street Binder Collins 885 Binder Westley, Josiah Binder RB23a16863 (binder's ticket), 19th century, England, Collins 711, Collins 716, Collins 717, Collins 718 Collins 714, Collins 719 Westley London Binder Collins 712, Collins 720 Westley & Clark, see also Westleys & Co. Binder C30a4, C30k2, RB23b2446 (binder's ticket), Collins 713 Westleys & Co. (London) Binder C40c43, C44c5, C44d7-8, C109c4, C109d8, C109d20, C117bb32, C132g1, Davis264-265, item 215 (c. 1835, London, signed 'Westley London'), 11650b56, C188a18 Westleys & Co. Binder Collins 710, Collins 721 Weston, S[amuel], 5 Orange Street, Red Lion Square Wheeler Binder Collins 715 Binder C36d6 Whitaker, John Binder C1a4?, C1c11?, C66c15 (1780) White (London) Binder C62a18, C152a15 (Ramsden collection, signed) White, [J.], 24 Pall Mall, London Binder Collins 722, Collins 723 Whitgift, John, Archbishop of Canterbury Owner C24a17, 569i8, 477e6 White, H. & Sons, of Carmathen White, R. & Sons of Carmarthen Binder Collins 886 Binder Collins 887 White, Samuel, of Armagh Binder C152a16 (signed), Collins 306, Collins 307 White & Pike, Birmingham Whiteley, W[illiam], Westbourne Grove, London Whithed, Constance Binder Collins 254 Binder Collins 724 Owner C142a5 ('Constance' tooled on upper cover, 'Whithed' on lower cover) Whiting, Richard, Abbot of Glastonbury (16th century) Owner Add MS 17451 (binding features his rebus) Whitmore, H., 109 Market St., Manchester Binder Collins 253 (?) Wickwar Binder C156i6 (signed) Wiener of Nancy Binder C154d1 (signed) Wiener Werkstaette Binder C109l34 (20th century, Austria) Wier Binder C152b1 (signed), C150d15 (signed), C150d16 (signed), C152b2 (signed), C156i8 (signed) Wier, Richard, see also Owner C37e13, C24b28 Weir Wighton, [William Alfred], Pimlico Wignall, Henry Clarence Binder Collins 725 Binder C188b25 Wilbee, W. J., of Harrow Wilkin & Young-Man of Norwich Binder ?Collins 257, ?Collins 258, ?Collins 259 C155c9 (signed) William III Owner 7f10 (arms), 10a19 (arms and cypher), 15a27, (William's cypher, by Spaniel Binder), 47g13 (arms), 53a18 (cypher), 75i6, 112e68 (cypher), 2c1, 143f23 (cypher), 218c20 (cypher), 220c16 (cypher), 223a31 (cypher), 224b34 (cypher), 230h26-32 (cypher), 232a35 (cypher), 232b37 (cypher), 232b38 (cypher), 238m40 (cypher), 288b2 (cypher), 288b25 (cypher), 296g29 (cypher), 302c1 (cypher), C70c27, C47a24, 17h9 (by Richard Balley) William III and Mary II, see also William III Owner C48l4, C108b27, 1tab55, 1tab77, 7tab78, 4a6, 6a11, 8f4, 31e7, 51a20, 64h5, 75b15 (plain and arms), 81h15, 93d14, 93d15, 170a13 (plain and arms), 224b34, 230h26-32 William III Binder Binder 154f9 William Frederick George Louis Prince of Orange (1792-1849) Owner C188a13 (arms, binder's label of van Rossum) William IV (reign 18301837) Owner C51f1 (as William Duke of Clarence), C21e15 William Prince of Orange Owner C46c13 William V Statthalter (?) Owner C48f18 Williams (Bristol) Binder C109c5 Williams, John, Bishop of Lincoln Owner C67i2 Binder Williams, John, Lord of Thame father of Margeret Norreys, see Henry and Margeret Norreys Williams, Theodore Owner C46e27, C48e23, C25c11, C25d20, C31e9, G3992, G7948, 622h7, G1598 (arms and initials), G1867 (arms), G2109 (arms and initials), G3992 (initials and crest), G11951-11956 Williams, William of Penniarth Uchaf Owner C40c66 Williamson of Eton Binder C67d16 (for Somerset), C128k3 (for Somerset), C27g7, 532g9 Williamson (Lincoln) Binder PP2468.0 (Renshaw's Pocket Diary and Almanac for 1877 and 1878) Williamston Owner C66f24 Willis, George Binder bookbinder Great Britain, Covent Garden, receipt in 4408d17 Willis & Sotheran (?) Binder C40k14 (?), C117aa5 (?) Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris Owner C152b11 (arms) Willoughby, Althea Binder Collins 726 Wills, A., 123-5 Church St., Croydon Binder Collins 260 Wilmot, C[harles] 11 St. James’s Street [Brighton] Wilson of Cambridge Binder Collins 255 Wilson, Nicols, see also Nicols Binder Davis705 (for Joseph Bonaparte) Wilson, J[ohn], 2 Francis St., Golden Sq. (vol 1) & 32 Gt. Pulteney St. Golden Sq. (vol 3) Wilson, John (Norwich) Binder Wilson, 10 Foley Place Binder RM21f10 (19th century, England) Wilson, 32 Great Pulteney St. Golden Sq. Binder 122i1 (label), C152b4 (signed) Wilson, Susan Spring Binder Cup510nah2 (orange perspex slipcase, orange and purple printed cloth binding, colophon 1976), C188b73 Wiltshire, W. R. Binder Cup408zz43 Windhag, Joachim, Baron von Owner 9305a7 Winstanley, A. (Salisbury) Binder C133h5 Winstanley, J. (81 Fountain St, Manchester) Binder C33d23, C37b30, C57c45, C108c14 (label), C155c10 (label, signed), Collins 261 Winter of Vienna Binder C154f9 (signed) Winterbottom Book Cloth Company Ltd. Wis Binder Wiseman of Cambridge Binder C152b5 (signed), C152b6 (signed), C152b7 (signed) Binder Collins 256 Collins 727 Binder bookbinder's advertisement slip, 1780? Collins 728, Collins 729 Binder C43i3, C99l8-9, C100m1, C103k8, C116g8 W. Witheys of Bridgwater Binder C152b8 (signed) Wodhull, Michael Owner C69d19, C150d15 (arms), 68b13 (Michael Woodhull:446), G652 (arms), G3305 (arms), G7767 (arms) Wolkenstein-Rodenegg Owner C46k5 Wolsey, Cardinal Owner C19e15 (arms of Cardinal Wolsey) Wolton Binder C24e19, C47f12 Wolton, Edward Owner C68b9 Womersley, E.P. Binder Davis300, item 244, dated 1957; signed 'EPW' Wood for wood boards American see American C108x7 (The pilgrim's progress, London 1881; with sides of oak taken bindings - wooden boards from Elstow Church), C129a19 ('made from the wood of Old-Galloak tree at Donne Castle'), 19th century, England Wood - boards American, see American bindings - wooden boards Wood Binder C27c37, C38d31, C54bb23, C57e44, C98c8, C100c11, C100l11, C100l14, C100l20, C102h8, C108cc6, C110b16 Wood, H. Binder Collins 731 Wood, H.T. Binder Woodburn, H. (112 St Martin's Lane) Binder C68h12, C99l13, C100c11, C102h8, C102l6, C108cc6, C100a6, Collins 730, Collins 732 G3508 (binder's ticket), G1514 (binder's ticket), G4976 (binder's ticket), 19th century, England Woodcut bindings C65g9 (Ferrara; woodcuts pasted over pasteboard to form a case) see Broxb. Woodward, James Binder C66k10 ('in Frederik Street in Christopher Churchyard bound this book' (stamp)) Woolfe Owner C66f17 Woolman of Stockton on Tees Woolstencroft Binder Collins 262 Binder C71e27, C152b9 (signed R Woolstencroft of Warrington; 19th century) Wootton of Cambridge Binder C155c11 (signed) Worrall of Birmingham Binder Worsfold Binder C106d4, Collins 265, Collins 266, Collins 267, Collins 268, Collins 269, Collins 270 C55h6, C108aa6, C135c1, Collins 733 Workshop for Cripples Binder Collins 263, Collins 264 Wotton Binder Binder Davis348, 349, 373, 372, 339, 393, 404, 392, 391, 390, 337, 338 Wotton, Thomas (15211587) Owner C24e25, C46d5, C67d11, C69d17, C170f2 (1552 binding), C170f4, C170f1, C170f3 (+ arms; C170f1-4: these loans have now been returned and are not in the BL, Feb. 1995), C23a1, C19g7, C47f12, C108d45, Davis22 (item 39, c. before 1553, probably London, arms of Thomas Wotton in centre), Davis340, 371, 370, 336 Woven binding C65h1 (England, 17th century, or possibly using 'Or nue' gold embroidery technique) Wrangham, Archdeacon 620i41 (arms; pm by Hayday) Wren Owner C60o14 Wren, John (Southwark) Binder 1578/6791 (included in subscription list of Th. Crosby, The arithmetician's guide) Wright Owner C68c15 Wright, J. Binder C22a54, C29f18, C32m1, C34g15, C39d6, C39d66, C39k2, C52b7, C53b34, C97g2, C108ff2, C111aa28, Huth103, Huth149, C152b10 (signed) (England, 19th century) [John] Wright of Noel Street Wubben & Co, Berlin Binder Collins 734 (2 vols) Binder Collins 857 Wuerttemberg arms C104d7 (1-2; arms on upper and lower cover, 16th century), C104d9 (arms on upper and lower cover, 16th century), C189c20 (1-2), Davis 625 (item 339, c. 1617, arms on lower cover) Wuerttemberg bindings Davis 677 (item 338, with date 1562), Davis 625 (item 339, with date 1652), Davis 628 (item 340, c. 1570) Wyly, J.C. of Reading Binder C152b11 (signed) Wyld (James) Binder? Collins 735a and b Wynants Binder C154d2 (signed) Wyndham Owner C67g7 Wynkyn de Worde Binder Davis52 (c. 1508; employer of Caxton Binder) Y Name "Yapp" edges Owner or Shelfmark Binder many examples (see rubbings book), e.g. Eg MS 1218 (Germany, 16th century, vellum), Eg MS1219 (16th century, vellum) C127g29 (England, 19th century, on cloth), only 19th century and after bindings with three overlapping edges can really be called "Yapp" Yeatman, T.C. Binder C108d2 Yelf, [W.], of Newport [IoW] Binder Collins 271 Yelverton, Henry Yerkes, C.T. C67g12, C21a51, C45b12, 502g5, C11a27, 137f16, 4825c24 (rebound, original covers, doublures), G2409 (rebound, initials preserved on pastedown), G3323 (initials), 1651/1132 (Viscount Longueville) Owner C130i9 York, Card. (Archbishops and Bishops) Owner C46b16 York, James, Duke of Owner C67i8 Young, John, of Armagh Binder C150d19 (signed) Ysabeau Binder C154d4 (signed), C154d3 (signed) Yseux Sr de Simier Binder C107bb96 (1839) Z Name Owner or Shelfmark Binder Zabern of Strasbourg Binder C156h6 (signed) Zaehnsdorf Binder Zezzio Binder Zini, Silvio Binder C25e14, C25e17, C25f2, C27h16, C31d25, C31d26, C36d10, C38c10, C30h14, C30h15, C38d28, C39d34, C40k6, C52h1, C53c2, C57a6, C57d1 (1897), C58bb13, C61e8, C63l25, C68g2, C68g7, C68h19 (1904), C68i17 (1932), C68k2, C69h10, C68i15, C69h11, C72a12, C95a9, C100l18, C103h10, C108b1, C108c3, C108i1, C108t2 (1862), C108t3, C111c12, C112b25, C122d7, C128h5, C130i9, C126a9, C131d1, C132g13, C132g26, C132g32, C132g34, C132g42, C132g46, C132g59, C132g67, C132g71, C129k4, IB41701 (signed), Huth115, Tab438a1, Tab1281a1, LR38a13, LR274b6, 1068d8, 1073i15, 7858cc20, 11409ee21, Davis266 (item 218, c. 1842-45, London Cathedral, ticket), Davis267 (item 219, dated 1895, London, turn-in of upper cover signed and dated 'bound by Zaehnsdorf 1895', turn-in of lower cover has Zaehnsdorf's binder's mark), Davis268 (item 220, c. 1896, London, signed and binder's mark), Davis234 (item 221, c. 1899, London, signed and binder's mark), C156i9 (signed, Zaehnsdorff 993), 733c3 (calf "pasta espanol"), images reproduced in Collins 1020 (see also Middleton, Bernard), Collins 736, Collins 737, Collins 738, Collins 739, Collins 740, Collins 741, C154d5 (signed) Collins 742, Collins 743 C52aa20 (binder's label, Florence (mod))
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