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diyafa 2010 - Back to Home Page
Post Show Report diyafa 2010 9 – 11 NOV I DEC – Doha Exhibition Center The 5th International Hotel, Restaurant and Food Exhibition in Qatar Diyafa 2010... The Fifth edition of the International Hotel, Restaurant and Food Exhibition DIYAFA prides itself on demonstrating the best and latest of what is happening in the hospitality industry, both locally and on an international scale. Strategically set in one of the world’s fastest moving and most sturdy economies, DIYAFA has its stage set for those involved in the industry. International and local suppliers came together to ensure we satisfy the increasingly sophisticated requirements of Qatar’s hotels, restaurants and other hospitality organisations. With 2010 having experienced more interactive and visitor entertainment than ever before, Diyafa 2011 will be a monument event for key industry players. Post Show Report 2010 %UDQGV 'LUHFW([KLELWRUV 3DUWQHUV6XSSRUWHUV 7UDGH9LVLWRU%UHDNGRZQ 196 81 11 7RWDOQXPEHURISDUWLFLSDWLQJFRXQWULHV 10 0DLQ+DOOV 5,000 sqm Total number of visitors 4,203 )%WRWDO Directors of Operations 5HVWDXUDQW0DQDJHUV 2XWOHW0DQDJHUV 3XUFKDVLQJ0DQDJHUV &DWHULQJ0DQDJHUV &KHIV +RWHOLHUV *0·V ([HFXWLYH&RPPLWWHH0HPEHUV Executive Housekeepers General Hotel Representatives 'LSORPDWLF2IÀFLDOV 0HGLD3UHVV 0LVFHOODQHRXV 473 108 46 390 898 52 42 2,194 PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES AUSTRALIA CHINA &2/20%,$ FRANCE *(50$1< INDONESIA IRAN QATAR 6$8',$5$%,$ 81,7('$5$%(0,5$7(6 diyafa 2010 Summary The Opening Ceremony took place at 16:00 on the 7th November 2010 Diyafa 2010 was inaugurated by Sheikh Faysal Bin Qassim Al Thani and a lineup of key hoteliers from all around the country. diyafa 2010 Photo Summary diyafa 2010 Photo Summary diyafa 2010 6 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-XGJHV_Salon Culinaire Chef Zain Sindu :$&6FHUWLÀHG-XGJH 0HPEHURI(PLUDWHV &XOLQDU\*XLOG0HPEHU of the Saudi Arabian Chefs $VVRFLDWLRQ Chef Patrick Maurice Lannes &KHI'LUHFWRU0DLWUH Cuisinier de France, *URVYHQRU+RXVH/H 5R\DO0HULGLHQ%HDFK 5HVRUW6SD Chef Michael Miraton 0DVWHU&KHI0&) 0HPEHURI(XURSHDQ&RRNV 0HPEHURI:RUOG7RTXHV %ODQFKHV9LFH3UHVLGHQWRI &KHIV-XQLRU'HYHORSPHQW LQWKH8$(0HPEHURI Chaine des Rotisseurs 0DLWUH5RWLVVVHXU 0VHana El Hajj %RHFNHU·V3XEOLF+HDOWK Safety Regional Food Safety 0DQDJHU diyafa 2010 ,QWHUQDWLRQDO-XGJHV_Bar Tenders Academy trainers & judges Tom Dyer ,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RUOG&KDPSLRQ%DUWHQGHU 2IÀFLDO5%%$ 5HGEXOO%DUWHQGHUV$FDGHP\WUDLQHU Kiko ,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RUOG&KDPSLRQ%DUWHQGHU 2IÀFLDO5%%$ 5HGEXOO%DUWHQGHUV$FDGHP\WUDLQHU diyafa 2010 Diyafa’s Interactive Features &KHIV7DEOHZDVKRVWHGLQ+$%$126%DU ZKHUH([HFXWLYHFKHIVDWWHQGHGRQWKHth September 2010 INVITATION diyafa 2010 9 - 11 Novem ber - HANG UP ONS YOURAPR BOYS Doha Exhibit 7KHÀIWKHGLWL ion Centre RQRIWKH,QWH UQDWLRQDO+R and Food Ex WH HO5 hibition in Qa 5H HVVWWD DXU X DQW tar at the next Chef's Table Gathering \RXUSUHVHQFH35,&(/(66 Please RSVP Rabab Shad dad UDEDEVKD GGDG#LISTD WDUFRP diyafa 2010 Diyafa’s Interactive Features diyafa training 2010 DAY 1 DUHQHVV Z $ H Q LH J \ VHVVLRQV+ KRXUV DAY 2 $&&3 + R W V LW LV X T H 5 VHVVLRQV3UH KRXUV nducted by o c re e w s All training akhoul Ms. Hala M r tional Traine a rn te In g in ead %RHFNHU's L HU7UDLQLQJ DAY 3 F IÀ 2 H Q LH J RG+\ VHVVLRQ)R KRXUV HACCP & Hygiene Training Partners: %RHFNHU,QWHUQDWLRQDO4DWDU·VOHDGLQJSHVW FRQWURODQGIRRGVDIHW\PDQDJHPHQW %RHFNHUKHOGWZRWUDLQLQJVHVVLRQVGDLO\ throughout the exhibition diyafa 2010 Diyafa’s Interactive Features COCKTAIL TRAININGWK1RYHPEHU diyafa 2010 9 - 11 Novem ber - Doha Exhibit The fifth editi ion Centre on of the Inte rnational Ho and Food Ex tel, Restaura hibition in Qat nt ar INVITATION S E T T H BAR ON E FIRE In partnership with KIKO & TOM are BACK for a Bartenders tr unique academy aining Please RSVP Sa S rah Mroue h VDUDKPURX XHK#LISTDWD DUUF FRP SHAKE the bottle, WAKE the DRINK Bartenders only 6XSSRUWHGE\5('%8//4DWDU SCHEDULE &2&.7$,/7 5$,1,1* 9th Novembe r (Ritz-Carlton, Doha) 12:00- 15:00 )/$5,1*75 $,1,1* 09th and 11th November 17 :00 – 19:00 (Doha Exhibitio n Centre) /,9(02&.7 $,/%$5 7(1',1*&2 03(7,7,21 10th Novem ber 18:00 – 20 :00 (Doha Exhibitio n Centre) )/$5,1 *6+2:6 on the hour ever throughout th y hour e exhibition du ration 5693 Sarah M roueh Tel: +974 44 32 99 00 Email: sarah. mroueh@ifpqa Hosted at diyafa 2010 Diyafa’s Interactive Features BARTENDERS TRAINING ACADEMY 6XSSRUWHGE\5('%8//4DWDU FLARING TRAINING / MOCKTAIL COMPETITION 9th and 11th1RYHPEHU² 'RKD([KLELWLRQ&HQWUH FLARING SHOWS on the hour every hour throughout the exhibition duration diyafa 2010 'L\DID0HGLD&RYHUDJH diyafa 2010 'L\DID0HGLD&RYHUDJH diyafa 2010 'L\DID0HGLD&RYHUDJH diyafa 2010 'L\DID0HGLD&RYHUDJH diyafa 2010 'L\DID0HGLD&RYHUDJH diyafa 2010 Testimonials ’’Diyafa being the only trade show in qatar aimed exclusively at the hospitality industry offers our hotels a great opportunity to network with the industry leaders and contract future partners. The event provides a unique opportunity for our hotels to reinforce relationships with their existing suppliers and a chance to meet with new companies showcasing their products. All our hotels are involved in this year’s event in one way or another and we expect that 2010’s exhibition will be even more successful than the last four editions. JEAN PAUL DE BAOUER &(22)4$7$51$7,21$/+27(/641+ Ifp qatar as organizers of the event have proven to the hospitality industry that this is an event that should not be PLVVHGEULQJLQJWRJHWKHUKLJKSURÀOHORFDODQG international brands in one place’’ ¶·,UHDOO\DSSUHFLDWHWKLV\HDU7KLVLVWKHÀUVWWLPH,IHHO happy with an exhibition. t was really successful and hopefully next year I will do much more’’ NABIL ASKAR 2:1(5$6.$5,1'8675,$/ ’’Our partnership with Diyafa from last year extremely successful and opened really big doors for us in the food industry. We are now leaders in the food industry because of the help of Diyafa because it introduced XVWRDOOWKHELJQDPHVLQ4DWDU%LJQDPHVLQWHUPVRI who’s relevant in hotels and restaurants and people who are involved in these hospitality services who are caring to implement high standards of food safety in Qatar. ‘’We are a Dubai based company and are very happy to participate in Diyafa. Qatar is a great market and IFP has done a great job to promote hospitality business in Qatar. This is the third year we are here and we look forward to coming back next year’’ The team working on Diyafa are also exceptionally professional and we love working with them’’ CARLA GHALEB, MR. B.S VASUDEVA &28175<0$1$*(5 (9(567</(75$',1* ¶·7KHKRVSLWDOLW\ÀHOGLVRXUPDLQEXVLQHVVWDUJHW ,Q%RHFNHU4DWDUZHIRXQGWKDW'L\DIDZDVWKHEHVW place and best partner to work with. ¶·7KLVLVRXUÀUVW\HDUDW'L\DIDDQGZHVSRQVRUHGWKH show this year. We think its been great and really good. :H·YHKDGDJUHDWWLPHDQGZH·OOGHÀQLWHO\GRLWDJDLQ next year.’’ Last year Diyafa played a main role in leading the market in Qatar and that’s why every year we are investing more and more in the show. As you can see from this year, we have a big stand and next year we hope to have an even bigger one’’. JARED MCCULLACH 2:1(52)),1/$1'(17(57$,10(17 $1'*/2%$/'-·6 ANTOINE ABDEL SATER %2(&.(538%/,&+($/7+6$)(7< 5(*,21$/0$1$*(5 diyafa 2010 p 2IÀFLDO.LWFKHQ6SRQVRUV Askar Industrial 2IÀFLDO&DWHULQJ3DUWQHUVZDVUHSUHVHQWHGE\ Le Soleil Luxury Events Management 2IÀFLDO)ORULVWZDVUHSUHVHQWHGE\ The Garden Center 2IÀFLDO7UDLQLQJ3DUWQHUZDVUHSUHVHQWHG by BOECKER INTERNATIONAL 2IÀFLDO+RWHO3DUWQHUZDVUHSUHVHQWHGE\ THE RITZ-CARLTON DOHA 2IÀFLDO%DUWHQGHUV$FDGHP\3DUWQHUZDVUHSUHVHQWHG by RED BULL Qatar 2IÀFLDO$93DUWQHUV0&ZDVUHSUHVHQWHGE\ Global DJ’s 2IÀFLDO$93DUWQHUVZDVUHSUHVHQWHGE\ Finland Entertainment Sound & Vision Qatar Overall Design and Identity of Diyafa was created by NAYCOM Qatar 2IÀFLDO3KRWRJUDSKHUWKURXJKRXWZDVMr. Koteiba Fayyad
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