January 31, 2016 - St. Leo the Great Catholic Church | Fairfax, Virginia
ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA www.stleofairfax.com Dear Friends, As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, I would like to acknowledge the tremendous, devoon, energy, and sacrifice of our parents, teachers, staff, and students of St. Leo School. I thank as well the parishioners of St. Leo parish for their support of Catholic educaon and in a parcular way of our parish school. We are blessed to have a vibrant and excellent school as part of our parish. Catholic educaon is never an “add on” or a “drain” but is an essenal aspect of our fundamental mission. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: “The role of parents in educaon is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substute.’ The right and the duty of parents to educate their children are primordial and inalienable. Parents must regard their children as children of God and respect them as human persons. Showing themselves obedient to the will of the Father in heaven, they educate their children to fulfill God's law. Parents have the first responsibility for the educaon of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creang a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and disinterested service are the rule. The home is well suited for educaon in the virtues. This requires an apprenceship in selfdenial, sound judgment, and self-mastery the precondions of all true freedom. Parents should teach their children to subordinate the ‘material and insnctual dimensions to interior and spiritual ones.’ Parents have a grave responsibility to give good example to their children. …Parents should iniate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith of which they are the ‘first heralds’ for their children. They should associate them from their tenderest years with the life of the Church. A wholesome family life can foster interior disposions that are a genuine preparaon for a living faith and remain a January 31, 2016 support for it throughout one's life… Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocaon as children of God. The parish is the Eucharisc community and the heart of the liturgical life of Chrisan families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents.” The parish family of St. Leo is commi"ed to being faithful companions of our young people in their lifeme journey towards the Lord. In solidarity with parents we strive to assist in the task of helping our children to know and to love God and all His creaon and to be filled with a deep desire to always strive towards greater wisdom and understanding. In Christ, Rev. David A. Whitestone, Pastor Inviting all Men of the Diocese to the 2016 Men’s Conference March 5 All men of the Diocese are invited to the 6th annual diocesan Men’s Conference on March 5, entitled, “God the Father of Extravagant Mercy.” It will feature Damon Owens, Executive Director of the Theology of the Body Institute, Fr. David Pignato, Theology Professor at St. John Seminary, Boston, and Dr. Michael Horne, Director of Clinical Services for Catholic Charities. Breakfast, lunch, and Mass with Bishop Loverde included. Registration began Jan. 1. Please note the new conference location: All Saints Catholic Church, Manassas. For details or to register, visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/men All Women of the Diocese are invited to the 2016 Women’s Conference on March 12 All women of the Diocese are encouraged to attend the annual Women’s Conference at St. Joseph in Herndon on March 12 with Kathleen Beckman, Co-founder and President of the Foundation of Prayer for Priests and Sister Clare Hunter, Respect Life Director for the Dioceses of Arlington. The conference title is “God the Father of Extravagant Mercy.” It will begin with Mass celebrated by Bishop Loverde at 8:45 am. Confessions will be offered from 7:00—8:45 am. Online registration started January 1. No registration at the door. Visit www.arlingtondiocese.org/women for details. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME —Please remember in your prayers the repose of the souls of the faithful departed, especially Father Bill Mannion, uncle of Kerry Drummond. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday —We ask you to remember those in need of our daily prayers. BLESSING OF THROATS: Wednesday, February 3rd is the Feast of Saint Blaise. Blessing of Throats will take place after the 6:15 am and 9 am daily Masses on Wednesday, February 3. 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13; Mk 5:1-20 Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17; Mk 6:1-6 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12; Mk 6:7-13 Sir 47:2-11; Mk 6:14-29 1 Kgs 3:4-13; Mk 6:30-34 Is 6:1-2a, 3-8; 1 Cor 15:1-11 MASS INTENTIONS February 1 through February 7 BLESSING OF PARENTS NEXT SUNDAY, February 6 On the 1st Sunday of each month, Saint Leo parish offers a blessing for Expectant and Adopting Parents in support of life & family. The blessing will take place after the 9am Mass in the church. Parents in any stage of pregnancy or the adoption process are invited. THE 11 AM MASS NEXT SUNDAY, Feb.6th, will be for the souls of those parishioners, family members and friends who have died during the last month. If you would like to have someone remembered in the Prayers of the Faithful at this Mass, please call 703-273-5369. FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS: Next Saturday, Feb. 5, we will hold First Saturday devotions beginning with 9 am Mass, ending with Benediction. Come, pray for peace and an end to abortion. An Evening of Praise, Worship, & Adoration will be held Saturday, February 5th from 7-8:30 pm at Saint Leo in the Church. All are welcome for prayer, beautiful music, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, and Benediction. Silent Mini-Retreat/Evening of Recollection for Women at St. Leo Tuesday, Feb. 2nd, 7:30-9:30 pm sponsored by Opus Dei. All women welcome...bring a friend! Call Peg Hendrickson: 703-620-4945. The Extraordinary Form Traditional Latin Low Mass according to the 1962 Missal of Pope St. John XXIII will be celebrated at Saint Leo on Mon.: 6:15 9:00 Louis Rowlands Zachary Kuzo Tues.: 6:15 9:00 Special Intention Reynaldo Litan Wed.: 6:15 9:00 Gene Armstrong Kevin Krebsbach Thurs.: 6:15 9:00 Theodore Lombard Wanda Downey Fri.: 6:15 9:00 John Brosnan Louis Rowlands Sat.: 9:00 5:00 Respect Life Michael Ventola Sun.: 7:30 9:00 11:00 1:00 5:00 Jim Jackson Frank Talana deceased of the parish Pedro Reyes For The Parish In addition to the regular schedule of Masses, Mass has been offered for the following intentions: Special Intention, Special Intention, Carol and Frank Maingot, William Hamilton. BAPTISM CLASS IS MANDATORY at Saint Leo. The next class is Tuesday, February 9th at 7:30 pm in the St. Matthew room. Please call the rectory office (703-273-5369) to register. Thursdays, February 11, 18 and 25 at 7:00 pm All are welcome. Please join us. Low Gluten Hosts are available for those who need them. Please inform the sacristan before Mass begins. ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA www.stleofairfax.com A VOCATION VIEW “Before you were born, I consecrated you.” If you think that you may be set apart by the Lord to serve Him as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life, call Father J.D. Jaffe at 703-841-2514, or write: [email protected]. FRASSATI FAIRFAX Under the patronage of Bl. Giorgio Frassati, we are a community of young adults (20's-30's, singles & couples) striving to deepen our faith, serve the community, & evangelize the culture, while enjoying coffee & outdoors-y activities. Running Group will take a break during the winter months. We will start up again after Easter. Every Wednesday: Whiskey and Wisdom at Auld Shebeen, 6:30-7:30 pm. (begin the evening at 6:30 (discussion at 7pm). Looking ahead: We will have our spring planning session March 12th at the Mass & Coffee event. Bring your ideas (or email them if you can't attend) and we will come up with some great events for the spring and summer. If you would like to receive our newsletter with upcoming events, or be added to our Google Community Group, send an email to: [email protected] Saint Leo the Great Catholic School invites interested parents to visit the school and learn what makes us a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Applications for the current school year are available in the school office. You may stop by to pick one up during school hours, 8:00 am—3:00 pm or access forms on our website at: www.saintleothegreatschool.org/Admissions. Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are available in the school office. Join us for an Open House on any of the following dates: Jan. 31, 12:00 pm; Feb. 17, 10 am; March 16, 10 am; April 20, 10 am; May 11, 10 am or call the school office to make an appointment for a tour 703-273-1211, ext 645. In case of inclement weather please check the website or call the school office. Financial Aid packets available upon request. PLEASE NOTE: Saint Leo parishioners receive preferential status in Pre-School through eighth grade applications. In-parish families must be registered. January 31, 2016 ADULT FAITH FORMATION Faith & Food at P.J. Skidoos Please join us on Monday, February 1st at 7 pm, for an evening of fellowship and lively discussion over dinner (appetizers on us!). Father Workman from the Office of Canonical Affairs in the Tribunal will lead our discussion. Be sure to bring your friends! All ages are welcome! Contact Carolyn: [email protected], 703-273-7277. The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a process for bringing into the Catholic Church both those who have never been baptized & those who were baptized in a non-Catholic church. RCIA is also the way for adult Catholics who have never been confirmed to prepare for the final Sacrament of Initiation, Confirmation. Every September, a new RCIA process begins at St. Leo. We invite any adult who would like to join the Catholic Church, be confirmed, or who is simply interested in learning about the teachings and customs of Catholic Christianity to come and join us. While classes are part of the process, RCIA is more than a class; it is a gradual introduction to the customs, beliefs, practices, and devotions of Catholicism. There is no obligation, only an opportunity to learn! RCIA meets on Tuesdays, from 7:30-9 pm in the Guadalupe Room. Adult Confirmation Adults who wish to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation need to attend the RCIA classes on Tuesday evenings. Classes have begun and will continue through March, 2016. Adult Confirmation will take place at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington, on May 14 & 15, 2016. You Can Understand the Bible! If you want a better understanding of our faith, and a deeper relationship with God, then you should join us for A Quick Journey Through the Bible. The series began January 15 in the Saint John room, Parish Hall, and will continue for 8 weeks. Each session includes a half-hour video & a group discussion, and begins at 9:45 am. Please contact Gigi (Gisela) Trujillo: 703-298-0481 for further information. For more information about any of the above, please contact Carolyn at [email protected] or 703-273-5369. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Religious Education News There will be no Religious Education classes Sunday, February 14 or Monday, February 15 due to President’s Day weekend. Vacation Bible School 2016 will be held July 11-15. The first meeting for individuals interested in volunteering or learning about the program will be held on Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 pm in the Guadalupe Room. Many people are needed to make this event succeed, so please consider helping. All volunteers must be fully compliant with the requirements of the diocesan Office of Protection and Safety. Questions? Please call the Religious Education office 703273-4868 or email Sue Spitz at [email protected]. Religious Education Office: 703-273-4868 The story of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37) speaks in a special way to the Vincentian heart. Call 703/352-3509 to discover using your gift in one of our volunteer opportunities. 2016 BISHOP’S LENTEN APPEAL BEGINS! This month many of us will receive a mailing from Bishop Loverde regarding the 2016 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA). The theme for the 2016 BLA is “Go forth as heralds of God’s mercy.” After reflecting upon the many blessings that God has given you, please prayerfully consider making a pledge of support to this important appeal that funds many programs and ministries that serve the people in our diocese. Every pledge is an expression of God’s love and mercy! The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a blood drive on Sunday, February 22. The Children’s National Medical Center will be parking their blood mobile in the back parking lot near Providence Hall and accepting donors from 9:30AM2:30PM. Please email [email protected] to schedule a time to give. The children are counting on you! Father Diamond Council Events & Calendar Meetings – 2nd and 4th Tuesdays 8:00 PM Providence Hall 2/2 2/7 Officer’s and Committee Chairmen Meeting – 7:30 pm Providence Hall Scout Breakfast – Providence Gym – after 9:00 Mass ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Join the Knights – Contact Joe Gesker – 703-435-4811 HIGH SCHOOL: HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT TONIGHT!! Join us tonight, January 31. We will be talking about "That Time Joseph Lost Jesus." Meet for Mass at 5:00pm, followed by dinner, games, faith and fun from 6pm-8pm in the gym. Bring a friend! The 4th Annual Coffee House and Art Show is NEXT WEEK! Join us Sunday, February 7th for a talented evening of laughter, music and fun. The One Act Play, "This Is A Test!" will be premiering on our stage. Do you sing? Play an Instrument? Love to Paint or Draw? Sign up to parcipate at HSYN tonight!!! Girls CLC is this week! Monday, February 1, from 7:309pm. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect on scripture. Having tea pares and eang cupcakes are part of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact Laura Benne" at [email protected] Boys CLC is this week! Join us Wednesday, February 3 from 7:30-9pm. Each week we break open the Gospels and reflect on scripture. Playing ulmate frisbee, board games, or jamming out are part of the weekly fun! Interested? Contact Mike Paque"e at [email protected] WINTER RETREAT:"CHOSEN" February 19-21 at NorthBay Adventure Camp, Grades 9-12. Join us for the best weekend of your life! Hang out with 100 teens, eat great food, and encounter the Lord God like you never have before! Cost: $150. *If cost is an issue, please speak to Melissa as soon as possible. We never want money to be a reason why teens don't go. Parents: Consider sponsoring a teen to a&end, with either a par'al or full dona'on towards one retreat spot! Middle School Thursday Takeovers con9nue this week, February 4. We meet weekly from 3:30-5:00pm for snacks, games, and prayer! New folks always welcome! ATTENTION 6th-12th Graders: Do you need service hours? Join us for a special SERVICE PROJECT on FEBRUARY 13! 6th-12th grade students are invited to help us pack meals with SVDP for those in need. We will meet for 9am Mass, and then pack meals in the Guadalupe Room unl 12:30pm. In need of service hours? This counts! With the onset of winter, we would like to remind everyone that when it comes to Youth Ministry Events, we follow Fairfax County Public Schools. If they close schools due to weather, we will do the same! Questions? Email Melissa at [email protected] For information & forms, visit: www.stleosyouth.com ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA www.stleofairfax.com EnCourage is a Catholic support community for parents, family, and friends who want to reach out in truth and compassion to loved ones experiencing same-sex attractions. Standing by the true teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, EnCourage members support one another and their loved ones through discussion, prayer, and fellowship. EnCourage meets the first Monday of each month at St. Veronica Parish in the school building, room P205, at 7:30 pm. St. Veronica is located at 3460 Centreville Rd, Chantilly. For information, or to reach a priest who works with EnCourage, please email: [email protected]. Even if you are not comfortable with the idea of group meeting, priests working in this ministry will help you! Prime-Time Single Catholics PTSC is a club organized to serve the needs of single Catholics, age 40 and over, who are free to marry by Catholic standards. Share in Christian fellowship through our religious, social and recreational activities. For information, please visit our webpage at www.blessedsacramentcc.org/church/parishcommunity/prime-time-single-adults, or contact John McBride at (703) 820-9196 or [email protected] Save the Date: Live Jesus! 2016 Saturday morning, March 5, sponsored by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. Location: Our Lady of Good Counsel, Vienna Theme: "Opening the Door to the Joy of Mercy" January 31, 2016 CAR RAFFLE All Saints Church (Manassas) has again invited us to participate in their 5-car raffle. Prizes include five 2016 vehicles from Koons of Manassas (Honda Civic, Buick Verano, GMC Sierra Truck, Honda CRV Sport Utility and Honda Odyssey Van). One $5 ticket offers a chance to win all five vehicles plus $20,000 in cash prizes. We hope you will take the opportunity to participate in the raffle. Car raffle tickets will be mailed to each family. You should receive them soon! English Classes Available at St. Leo Catholic CharitiesHogar Immigrant Services offers English classes on Saturdays from 10am-12pm. Various class levels are available. The cost is $50 for 12 weeks of classes and includes the textbook. For more information call Hogar Immigrant Services: 571-208-1572. “Antes de que nacieras, te consagré”. Si piensas que puedes ser apartado por el Señor para servirle como sacerdote, diácono o en la vida consagrada, llama al Padre J.D. Jaffe (703) 841-2514, o escribele a: [email protected]. Horarios e Información Santas Misas: Español: Inglés: domingos a la 1:00 pm sábados–5 pm (Vigilia), domingos–7:30, 9, 11:00, 5pm Confesiones en español: Los domingos desde las 12:00pm a 12:50pm. Bautizos: Preparación- llamar a Carlos Cea: 703-8362139. RCIA Para Adultos: Domingos 11:00am-12:15pm, Salón Juan en el Centro Parroquial. Para información, llamar al Diácono José López, 703-222-7704. Matrimonio: Todo Católico que desee contraer matrimonio debe contactar la parroquia por lo menos seis meses antes del evento. Para mayor información comunicarse con Diacono Jose Lopez 703-222-7704. Catequesis Para Niños y Jóvenes: domingos 11– 12:30. Llamar a: 703-273-4868. Sacramentos para Estudiantes de Secundaria: llamar a la Oficina de Jovenes al teléfono 703-591-6089, ó email a [email protected] . Legion de Maria: sabado 5:00—6:30 pm ó domingo 11 am—12:30 pm. Información: Virginia Pierson —[email protected] Para información, llamar al Diacono José López 703-222-7704. Se ofrece clases de inglés en Iglesia San Leo Magno Caridades Católicas – Hogar Immigrant Services ofrece clases de inglés los sabados de 10:00 am-12:00 pm. Ofrecemos varios niveles de clases. El precio de las clases es $50 por las 12 semanas de clases e incluye el libro. Llame a 571-208-1572 para más información. Clases de Convalidaciones Empezamos una nueva serie de siete charlas para aquellas parejas que están conviviendo o sólo están casados por lo civil y que desean contraer matrimonio religioso católico. Comienza el sábado, 20 de febrero, 2016 a las 6:30 pm en el Centro Parroquial de San Leo, salón San Juan. El costo es de $25 por pareja. Para mayor información llamar a Amilcar y Kelly González 703-725-0122. Estudio Bíblico - Concordancia de la Biblia Todos los viernes de 7:15 a 8:45pm en el salon San Juan. Para mayor información llamar a Sandra Solares, 703-346-0409. Hora Santa: Jesus nos dijo ¿No puedes acompañarme por una hora? El grupo de oración de la parroquia los invita a una Hora de Adoración delante del Santísimo normalmente todos lo últimos sábados del més. La próxima será el 30 enero. Grupo de Oración Sábados 6-8:30pm, Salon de Nuestra Sra de La Guadalupe. Información: Jose Ferrufino: 703250-1343. FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. LEO THE GREAT CHURCH FAIRFAX, VIRGINIA www.stleofairfax.com January 31, 2016
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