Genealogy Report for Ruth L. Yates March 2010
Genealogy Report for Ruth L. Yates March 2010
Genealogy Report for Ruth Yates Collier by Ronald E. Yates Report prepared in March 2010 Table of Contents Fan Chart of Ruth Loraine Yates for 6 generations 1 Family Group Record of Lee B. Collier-892 and Ruth Loraine Yates-891 2 Ancestors of Ruth Loraine Yates 3 Ahnentafel Chart for Ruth Loraine Yates 7 Modified Register for John Yates Sr. Index 21 111 26 Oct B: : 24 D ut n D: B: 17 ler n Ab 92 t1 86 5 Ma r B yA B o D: : 26 bi 19 A J Joh nR 19 h 186 52 b 19 ar : 1 776 84 0 ec D: 6 D 1957 1 e lan cC 860 Ma G e" ell "N 5 ill Ru B: 1 El i Do zabe th w B : ni ng D 1 B: Ab aid t 17 70 Joe Kin ph c Mary Hend e B: A rson bt 17 70 B: 1764 D: 1843 961 Al va B ab D: : 2 F et 1M e ry E liz B: 3 Gill D: 20 Jan 18 Feb 26 188 8 Tho m B: 17 De c D: 7 Jun 1794 1867 Thoma s Gill Ju 1874 14 B: 1 Oct D: D: 4 Loraine Y th 8 Feb 19 ate eree McCl a ily V Em B: 23 Oct 1894 ne J oh Y n y Lunsford Ya b re ay 1890 tes Au B: 17 M Jul 1 B: F. Sarah otts B: 26 ates D: 14 Dec 1 Jul 825 186 4 1 B: h M Ju n as B: M ry D: 11 Ju ay 7J l1 u l 79 18 8 80 Ma a Eliz rd la Gil n 1831 un y ar M ry 9 r e B ep 177 P 1803 5 Mar B: 1 Jul 1887 D: 14 James Yates p rci ss B u D: : 8 A s 18 u O e alin t Ed B: 179 D: Abt 1 6 865 Na s ate nY o 58 ns r 18 941 ep 1 1832 893 i ev t 1 2 B: 5 Sep D: A b B: 0 Fe 2 D: 18 8 55 Jos La eph B: 21 ndis Jun s D :6S e rg eo t G ran 776 7 G bt 1 183 L an 800 1 GrMay 1877 13 Mar B: : 3 D eth zab Eli berson 23 8 o R 5 Sep 1 906 Eli Ki zabe B: nca th D: 180 id an Gr ec 18407 D 8 19 g 18 B: 19 Au D: n B: 180 D: 13 Sep 5 1850 1 ct B: 1764 D: 1820/1840 " Nov B: 15 ef 1860 D: B s John S r. Yates in am n j so n 5 Be oberep 179 65 R S 18 William Landis s iss nd La 6 L. g 186 926 8 bt 18 30 FU D: A Sarah Yates 1799 S FU t-Un kno w B: A n/Unp bt 17 rove 6 B: Abt 1768 30 D: Abt 18 80 0 r. B: utle r A D: bt 17 Ab 55 t 18 35 Las Last-Unknown/Unproven ar y El iz ab D B: ix eth D : Ab t o n " P ol A b 17 ly t 1 61 hn Sr. John Yates B: B . Sr ge n or rso 0 be 176 Ro Abt Jo 64 B: 17 840 820/1 D: 1 A B: a lin d Vio ston n 0 Joh bt 176 Ge M William Landiss Ancestors of Ruth Loraine Yates S 30 1841 D: Family Group Record- 453 Page 1 of 1 Husband Lee B. Collier-892 Born 22 Apr 1912 Place Christened Place Died Place Buried Place Married Jun 1944 IL Place Husband's father Husband's mother Wife Ruth Loraine Yates-891 Born 18 Feb 1919 Place Christened Place Died Place Buried Place Wife's father Wife's mother Illinois Aubrey Lunsford Yates-526 MRIN: 317 Emily Veree McClane-527 Children 1 F Leigh Ann Collier-893 Born 2 Sep 1945 Place Christened Place Died Place Buried Place Spouse Married IN Henry Richard Oney-894 Abt 1972 Prepared by MRIN: 454 Place Address Ron Yates Phone ( ) Date prepared 04 Mar 2010 [email protected] Ancestors of Ruth Loraine Yates John Yates Sr. (b.1764-MD/VA/KY d.1820) Robert Yates (b.1783-Barren Co.,KY d.1853-Crawford Co.,IN) Esther Ada Yates (b.1785-Cecilton,Cecil Co,Maryland d.Aft 1860-Crawford Co.,IN) John Jr. Yates (b.Abt 1790-KY) Benjamin Yates (b.Abt 1792/1800-Barren Co.,KY d.1865-Crawford Co,IN) James Yates (b.1796-Barren Co.,KY d.Abt 1865-Crawford Co.,IN) Cassa Yates (b.Abt 1798-KY) Sarah Yates (b.1799-Kentucky d.Bef 1860-Crawford Co.,In) First-Unknown/Unproven Last-Unknown/Unproven (b.Abt 1768-VA/MD/NC d.Abt 1830-) John Yates (b.1825-Crawford Co,IN d.1864-Vinings,Cobb Co.,GA) Silas W. Yates (b.1827-Crawford Co.,IN d.1905-Wilmington,Will Co.,IL) Elias Yates (b.Abt 1829-Crawford Co.,Indiana d.1893-Oskaloosa,Mahaska Co.,IA) Catherine Yates (b.Abt 1834-Illinois d.1863-Orange Co,IN) Benjamin Yates (b.Abt 1837-Crawford Co.,IN) George W. Yates (b.1840-Crawford Co,IN d.1864-Annapolis,MD) John Butler Sr. (b.Abt 1755-Culpepper Co.,VA d.Abt 1835-Fairfield,Wayne Co.,Illinois) Elizabeth Butler (b.1778-VA d.1854-Benton Co.,IA) Anne Butler (b.Abt 1779) John O. Butler Jr. (b.Abt 1785-KY d.Abt 1841-Wayne Co.,Illinois) Jemimah Butler (b.Abt 1788-KY d.Abt 1839-Wayne,Illinois) Peter Butler (b.1789-Pulaski Co.,Kentucky d.1856-Monmouth,Polk Co.,Oregon) Mary Ann Butler (b.1792-Barren Co.,KY d.Abt 1865-Crawford Co,IN) Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Dixon (b.Abt 1761 d.Abt 1800) Samantha "Mattie" Yates (b.1848-Crawford Co.,In.) Benjamin F. Yates (b.1849-Crawford Co.,IN d.1851-Crawford Co.,IN) James Wilson Yates (b.1851-Crawford Co.,IN d.1903-Crawford Co.,IN) Thomas Jefferson Yates (b.1853-Crawford Co.,IN d.1921-West Salem,Edwards Co.,IL) Evaline Yates (b.1856-Crawford Co.,IN d.1864-Crawford Co.,IN) Emily Eva "Emmie" Yates (b.1858-Crawford Co.,IN d.1872-Crawford Co.,IN) John Robinson Yates (b.1858-Crawford Co.,IN d.1941-West Salem,Edwards Co.,IL) George Roberson Sr. (b.Abt 1760) Daniel Robert Roberson (b.Abt 1780-PA d.1822-Meade Co.,Ky) Stephen Roberson (b.Abt 1783-Prince George Co.,MD) Violetty (Letty) Roberson (b.Abt 1786-Prince George Co.,MD) Eleanor Roberson (b.Abt 1787-Prince George Co.,MD) George Roberson Jr. (b.1791-Prince George Co.,MD d.1853-Crawford Co.,In) Ancestors of Ruth Loraine Yates Elizabeth Ann Roberson (b.1793-Prince George Co.,MD) Benjamin Roberson (b.1795-Prince George Co.,MD d.1865-Crawford Co.,IN) Violinda Johnston (b.Abt 1760) John B. Roberson (b.1817-Kentucky d.1876-Crawford Co,IN) Greenberry Roberson (b.1820-Crawford Co.,In d.1877-Crawford Co.,In) Daughter Roberson (b.1821-Crawford Co.,In) Elizabeth Roberson (b.1823-Crawford Co.,IN d.1906-Crawford Co.,IN) Nancy Roberson (b.1827-Crawford Co.,In) Rachel Roberson (b.1829-Crawford Co.,In) Harvey Roberson (b.1844-Crawford Co.,In d.1854-Birdseye,Dubois Co. IN) Hester Roberson (b.1834-Crawford Co.,In) Sarah Roberson (b.1834-Crawford Co.,In d.Aft 1860-Crawford Co.,IN) Benjamin Roberson (b.1836-Crawford Co.,In) Linney S. Roberson (b.1839-Crawford Co.,In d.Abt 1878-Crawford Co,IN) Alcy A. Roberson (b.1841-Crawford Co.,In d.1915-Crawford Co.,In) John Yates Sr. (b.1764-MD/VA/KY d.1820) ** Printed on Page 3 ** Robert Yates (b.1783-Barren Co.,KY d.1853-Crawford Co.,IN) Esther Ada Yates (b.1785-Cecilton,Cecil Co,Maryland d.Aft 1860-Crawford Co.,IN) John Jr. Yates (b.Abt 1790-KY) Benjamin Yates (b.Abt 1792/1800-Barren Co.,KY d.1865-Crawford Co,IN) James Yates (b.1796-Barren Co.,KY d.Abt 1865-Crawford Co.,IN) Cassa Yates (b.Abt 1798-KY) Sarah Yates (b.1799-Kentucky d.Bef 1860-Crawford Co.,In) FU Last-Unknown/Unproven (b.Abt 1768-VA/MD/NC d.Abt 1830-) ** Printed on Page 3 ** Aubrey Lunsford Yates (b.1890-Grantsburg,Crawford Co. IN d.1961-West Salem,Edwards Co.,IL) Rev. Earl Ursel Yates (b.1891-Crawford Co.,IN d.1965-Calloway,Kentucky) Eva Irene Yates (b.1894-Edwards Co.,IL d.1982-Osceola,St. Joseph Co.,IN) Bessie Gertrude Yates (b.1896-Crawford Co,IN d.1982-Marion Co.,IN) Ruth Elcista Yates (b.1902-Crawford Co,IN d.1905-Crawford Co,IN) Orpha Inez Yates (b.1905-IL d.2000-Grand Ledge,Eaton Co.,MI) William Landiss (b.1764-Granville Co.,NC d.1843-Crawford Co,IN) Isaac Landiss (b.1788-NC) John Landiss (b.1799-NC d.1892-English. Crawford Co.,IN) William Landiss (b.1805-Granville Co.,North Carolina d.1850-Temple,Crawford,Indiana) David Landiss (b.Abt 1807-NC) Nancy Landiss (b.Abt 1808-NC) 4 04 Mar 2010 Ancestors of Ruth Loraine Yates Mary Landiss (b.Abt 1809-NC) Fanny Landiss (b.Abt 1810-NC) Mary Henderson (b.Abt 1770) Joseph Landiss (b.1832-Crawford Co.,IN d.1893-Crawford Co,IN) William Landiss (b.1832-Crawford Co,IN) Sarah Landiss (b.Abt 1833-Crawford Co,IN) Isaac Downing Landiss (b.Abt 1833-Crawford Co,IN) Melinda Landiss (b.Abt 1834-Crawford Co,IN) John Landiss (b.Abt 1837-Crawford Co,IN) Elizabeth Landiss (b.Abt 1840-Crawford Co,IN) Emaline Landiss (b.Abt 1843-Crawford Co,IN) Dorinda Landiss (b.Abt 1845-Crawford Co,IN) Janes J. Landiss (b.Abt 1848-Crawford Co,IN) Joeph Kincaid (b.Abt 1770-Crawford Co,IN) Jane Kincaid (b.1804-KY d.1884-IN) Elizabeth Kincaid (b.1808-Barren,Kentucky d.1855) Elizabeth Downing (b.1776-MD d.1840-IN) Sarah E. Landiss (b.1859 d.1859) Infant Landiss (b.1861 d.1862) Narcissus L. Landiss (b.1866-Crawford Co,IN d.1926-West Salem,Edwards Co.,IL) Elcista Lavena Landiss (b.1869-Crawford Co,IN d.1957-Princeton,Gibson Co,IN) Clementine Annebelle Landiss (b.1872-Indiana) George Grant (b.Abt 1776-Faquier Co.,VA d.1837-Harrison Co,IN) Levi Grant (b.1800-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1877-Crawford Co.,In) Daniel Grant (b.1801-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1880-Marion Co,IA) Mary E. Grant (b.1804-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1873-KS) Wilkinson Grant (b.1804-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1882-Henry Co.,IA) Elizabeth Grant (b.1805-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1850-Harrison Co,IN) Mahala Grant (b.1809-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1862-Harrison Co,IN) John Valentine Grant (b.1810-Bourbon Co.,Ky) Isabella Grant (b.1812-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1849-Harrison Co,IN) Mariah Grant (b.1814-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1853-Dubois Co,IN) Emily Grant (b.1816-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1867-Madison Co.,IA) Mary Berry (b.1779-Cove Hill,Canada d.1841-Harrison Co,IN) Andrew Potts Grant (b.Abt 1820-Crawford County,Indiana) Elijah Milton Grant (b.Abt 1823) 5 04 Mar 2010 Ancestors of Ruth Loraine Yates Lucy Ann Grant (b.Abt 1825) John Valentine Grant (b.1827-Harrison Co.,IN) David Daniel Grant (b.1832-Harrison Co.,IN d.1899-Crawford Co.,In) Sarah Ann Grant (b.1834-Crawford Co.,IN d.1920-Crawford Co,IN) Idelia Grant (b.Abt 1838) Joseph Berry Grant (b.Abt 1840) Edaline Grant (b.1840-Grantsburg,Crawford County,Indiana d.1887-Mentor,Dubois County,Indiana) Elizabeth Ann Grant (b.1844-Crawford Co,IN d.1914-Long Beach,Los Angeles Co.,CA) Levi L. Grant (b.Abt 1845) Sarah F. Potts (b.1803-Bourbon Co.,Ky d.1887-Crawford Co,IN) Dorothy Verell Yates (b.1917-West Salem,Edwards Co.,IL d.1995-Indianapolis,Marion Co.,IN) Ruth Loraine Yates (b.1919-Illinois) Harold Aubrey Yates (b.1921) Alvah McClane (b.1860-IL) Emily Veree McClane (b.1894-Illinois d.1957-West Salem,Edwards,Illinois) Glenn Edwin McClane (b.1897-IL d.1968-Henderson,Ky) Mildred K. McClane (b.Abt 1901-IL) Thomas Gill (b.1794-Godalming,Surrey,England d.1867-Edwards Co.,IL) Thomas Gill (b.1826-IL d.1888-Edwards Co.,IL) Mary May (b.1798-Whitley,Surrey,England d.1880-Edwards Co.,IL) Thomas Franklin Gill (b.1859-Edwards Co.,IL d.1940-Edwards Co.,IL) Mary Elizabeth "Nelle" Gill (b.1865-Edwards Co.,IL d.1952-Edinburgh,IN) Eliza Gillard (b.1831-Edwards Co.,IL d.1874-Edwards Co.,IL) 6 04 Mar 2010 Ahnentafel Chart for Ruth Loraine Yates First Generation 1. Ruth Loraine Yates was born on 18 Feb 1919 in Illinois. 1920 United States Federal Census Name: Ruth Yates Home in 1920: West Salem, Edwards, Illinois Age: 11 months Estimated Birth Year: abt 1919 Birthplace: Illinois Relation to Head of House: Daughter Father's Name: A L Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's Name: Emily Mother's Birth Place: Illinois Marital Status: Single Race: White Sex: Female A L Yates 29 Emily Yates 24 Dorothy Yates 2 10/12 Ruth Yates 11/12 Ruth married Lee B. Collier in Jun 1944. Lee was born on 22 Apr 1912 in IL. Second Generation 2. Aubrey Lunsford Yates was born on 17 May 1890 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co. IN. He died on 4 Jul 1961 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Aubrey married Emily Veree McClane on 4 Jun. 1920 United States Federal Census Name: A L Yates Home in 1920: West Salem, Edwards, Illinois Age: 29 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1891 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name: Emily Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's Birth Place: Indiana Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Rent Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes Aubrey L. Yates, 71, Dies Tuesday 4 Jul 1961, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL Aubrey L, Yates, 71, 2035 California Street, died at 2:05 o'clock Tuesday morning at the county hospital. He had been ill of leukemia two years and in serious condition six weeks. Funeral services will be at 1:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon at Barkes and Inlow funeral home, conducted by Dr. Merrill B. McFall and the Rev. Albert R. Ashley assisted by Dr. James L. Stoner. Burial will be at Moravian cemetery at West Salem, IL. where graveside rites will be held at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning. The casket is open at the funeral home. Mr. Yates' wife, Emily, died Oct 6, 1957. Survivors include a son, Harold Yates of Columbus; two daughters, .Mrs. Ruth Collier of Columbus and Mrs. Wolford Johnson of Bedford; a brother, the Rev. E.U. Yates of Lawrenceville; three sisters, Mrs. James Strine of Indianapolis, Mrs. Ben Brandt of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. Charles Blakney of Argos, five grandchildren and two great-grand children. He was the son of the late John and Narcissus Landiss Yates and was born May 17, 1890, in Crawford County, IN. He had resided in Columbus since 1942, was retired, and was a member of First Methodist church. since 1942, was retired, and was a member of First Methodist church. 3. Emily Veree McClane was born on 23 Oct 1894 in Illinois. She died on 6 Dec 1957 in West Salem, Edwards, Illinois. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. 1920 United States Federal Census <> about Emily Yates Name:Emily Yates Home in 1920:West Salem, Edwards, Illinois Age:24 years Estimated Birth Year:abt 1896 Birthplace:Illinois Relation to Head of House:Wife Spouse's Name:A L Father's Birth Place:Illinois Mother's Birth Place:Illinois Marital Status:Married Race:White Sex:Female Able to read:Yes Able to Write:Yes Third Generation 4. John Robinson "Happy" Yates was born on 26 Apr 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 19 Jun 1941 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. Happy married Narcissus L. Landiss on 27 Jan 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. 1860 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Age in 1860: 2 Birth Year: abt 1858 Birthplace: Indiana Home in 1860: Union, Crawford, Indiana Gender: Male Post Office: Grantsburg John Yates 37 Elizabeth Yates 35 Cynthia Yates 11 James W Yates 9 Thomas J Yates 7 Evaline Yates 5 John R Yates 2 Emily E Yates 2 MARRIAGES / J. R. Yates to Narcissa Landiss. New Albany Ledger. 2-21889. p 4, c 5. 1900 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Home in 1900: Union, Crawford, Indiana Age: 42 Birth Date: Apr 1858 Birthplace: Indiana Race: White Ethnicity: American Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Head Father's Birthplace: Indiana Mother's Birthplace: Indiana Spouse's Name: Narcissus L Marriage year: 1889 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 11 Residence : Union Township, Crawford, Indiana John R Yates 42 Narcissus L Yates 33 Aubrey L Yates 10 Earlie N Yates 7 Irene E Yates 4 Bessie G Yates 2 1910 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Age in 1910: 52 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's Birth Place: Indiana Spouse's Name: Narcissus Home in 1910: Bone Gap, Edwards, Illinois Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male John R Yates 8 04 Mar 2010 52 Narcissus Yates 42 Aubrey L Yates 20 Earl U Yates 18 Irene E Yates 15 Bessie G Yates 13 Orpha A Yates 4 1920 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Home in 1920: West Salem, Edwards, Illinois Age: 61 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name: Narcizas Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's Birth Place: Indiana Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Own Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes John R Yates 61 Narcizas Yates 53 Opha Yates 14 Biographical Sketch of John R. (Happy) Yates I was born April 26, 1858, near Grantsburg, Ind. in Crawford County. My birthplace was a log house on the brow of a hill. This was a very rough, heavily timbered country where some of the hollows were so deep and dark that the flash of a lightning bug could be seen at noon day. When Lincoln issued his call for men to defend the Union in 1861, my father answered and gave the last full measure of devotion for the cause, leaving a widow and six children, of whom I was the youngest and most frail. Those were hard years that tested the metal and courage of even children. There were few schools, but I managed to get sufficient education to enable me to read and write, and do a little figuring- about what the third grade will provide today. While but a lad, I moved to the little town of Grantsburg, which had a general store, copper shop, tan yard, saw mill and two open saloons. Early in my teens, I learned to drink and gamble, two of the worst habits any boy can acquire. There was little church influence. Both father and mother and their parents were Universalists. I went from bad to worse. While in a desperate state of mind and frightened at the dreadful outlook for the future, I heard a sermon which convicted me of my sins. I became a seeker, and but for the prayers and help of the friends of the church which I joined, I never could have held on. Old appetites and desires still clung to me, and many nights I wept and prayed for deliverance. During the "winter of 1901 a revival "vas held by a holiness evangelist, Miss Lula Rogers, who preached a new doctrine of "heartfelt" religion. The power of her preaching and the light of her countenance brought me to the alter as a seeker for a freedom and joy that I had never known. At the end of a perfect consecration, the Lord sanctified me 'wholly and the joy of the Lord came into my heart to abide. Shortly thereafter, the Lord guided us in the organization of a Holiness Band. They could pray more fire down from Heaven, and get more sinners saved and into the Kingdom than any other group of its size I ever saw. In 1926, the Heavenly Father saw fit to call home, the one who had stood by me in so many difficult trials, and without whose help, I could never have carried on. We were blessed with six children, all but one whom are still living. Since her going away, I have lived wherever there was a revival or camp meeting in progress. During this time, I have averaged more than three hundred services a year, most of 9 04 Mar 2010 which have been in Indiana and Illinois. But the Lord has permitted me to labor in Ohio, Michigan and New York also. Yours in Canaan, "Happy Yates" Summer 1940 5. Narcissus L. Landiss was born on 8 Aug 1866 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 18 Oct 1926 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. Ruth Yates Collier believes "Sindy" was a nickname; 11/15/2009 1900 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Home in 1900: Union, Crawford, Indiana Age: 42 Birth Date: Apr 1858 Birthplace: Indiana Race: White Ethnicity: American Gender: Male Relationship to Head of House: Head Father's Birthplace: Indiana Mother's Birthplace: Indiana Spouse's Name: Narcissus L Marriage year: 1889 Marital Status: Married Years Married: 11 Residence : Union Township, Crawford, Indiana John R Yates 42 Narcissus L Yates 33 Aubrey L Yates 10 Earlie N Yates 7 Irene E Yates 4 Bessie G Yates 2 1910 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Age in 1910: 52 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1858 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Head Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's Birth Place: Indiana Spouse's Name: Narcissus Home in 1910: Bone Gap, Edwards, Illinois Marital Status: Married Race: White Gender: Male John R Yates 52 Narcissus Yates 42 Aubrey L Yates 20 Earl U Yates 18 Irene E Yates 15 Bessie G Yates 13 Orpha A Yates 4 1920 United States Federal Census Name: John R Yates Home in 1920: West Salem, Edwards, Illinois Age: 61 years Estimated Birth Year: abt 1859 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of House: Head Spouse's Name: Narcizas Father's Birth Place: Indiana Mother's Birth Place: Indiana Marital Status: Married Race: White Sex: Male Home owned: Own Able to read: Yes Able to Write: Yes John R Yates 61 Narcizas Yates 53 Opha Yates 14 A GOOD WOMAN GONE. Narcissus Landiss, daughter of Joseph and Edline Landiss, was born Aug. 8, 1866, in Crawford County, Ind. She departed this life Oct. 18, 1926 at her home in West Salem, IL. at the age of 60 years, 2 months and 10 days. On January 27, 1888 she was united in marriage to John R. Yates, and to this union six children were horn, Aubrey L. Yates of Seymour, Ind.; Rev. Earl of Gillespie, IL. Mrs. Chas. Blakney of South Bend, Ind.; Mrs. James Strine and Mrs. Roy Gaddy of West Salem, IL. One daughter, Ruth, preceded her in death on Aug. 12, 1905. At an early age she united with the Presbyterian Church at Grantsburg, Ind., and at the time of her death was a Member of the M. E. church of West Salem, IL. Because of her failing condition of health she had been unable to attend church for several years. She awaits on the other shore the arrival of her husband, five living children, one sister, Mrs. Luther Benham, of Princeton, IN., besides a host of friends for her friends could be counted only by her 10 04 Mar 2010 acquaintances. One of her last wishes was to thank everyone for kindness shown her and for flowers sent during her last illness. The funeral services were held at the M. E. church Wednesday afternoon conducted by Rev. G. H. Billings, and burial was made on the Family lot of the Moravian cemetery. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our deepest thanks to the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy extended to us during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother.-John R. Yates and Family. 6. Alvah McClane was born in Jun 1860 in IL. Alvah married Mary Elizabeth "Nelle" Gill in 1894. 7. Mary Elizabeth "Nelle" Gill was born on 2 Feb 1865 in Edwards Co., IL. She died on 1 Mar 1952 in Edinburgh, IN. Counties Johnson, Bartholomew, Shelby Fourth Generation 8. John Yates was born on 26 Dec 1825 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 14 Jul 1864 in Vinings, Cobb Co., GA. He was buried in Marietta Georgia National Cemetery, Cobb Co., GA. John married Elizabeth Roberson "Bessie" on 8 Aug 1847 in Crawford Co, IN. 1850 United States Federal Census Name: John Yates Age: 24 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1826 Birth Place: Crawford Co Gender: Male Home in 1850: Union, Crawford, Indiana John Yates 24 Elizabeth Yates 27 Sumantha Yates 2 Benjamin F Yates 0 1860 United States Federal Census Name: John Yates Age in 1860: 37 Birth Year: abt 1823 Birthplace: Indiana Home in 1860: Union, Crawford, Indiana Gender: Male Post Office: Grantsburg John Yates 37 Elizabeth Yates 35 Cynthia Yates 11 James W Yates 9 Thomas J Yates 7 Evaline Yates 5 John R Yates 2 Emily E Yates 2 Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 Name: John Yates Spouse Name: Elizabeth Roberson Marriage Date: 8 Aug 1847 Marriage County: Crawford Book: Family History Library, Salt Lake City, UT OS Page: 1377775 U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles Name: John Yates Residence: Grantsburg, Indiana Enlistment Date: 29 Dec 1863 Rank at enlistment: Private State Served: Indiana Survived the War?: No Service Record: Enlisted in Company K, Indiana 38th Infantry Regiment on 29 Dec 1863. Mustered out on 14 Jul 1864. Sources: Report of the Adjutant General of the State of Indiana U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006 Name: John Yates Service Info.: PVT INFANTRY Death Date: 14 Jul 1864 Service Start Date: 30 Oct 1861 Interment Date: 14 Jul 1864 Cemetery: Marietta National Cemetery Address: 500 Washington Avenue Marietta , GA 30060 Buried At: Section F Site 4728 11 04 Mar 2010 Pvt. John Yates of Kilo Company, 38th Indiana Infantry Volunteers appears to be wearing what is called a 4-button sack coat, the typical navy blue jacket worn by enlisted men in the Union Army. The framing of the picture, with all the extras, clearly indicates that this print was made as a memorial for the man shown on it. This approximate (5x7 +/-), was known as a "cabinet card". It was probably prepared by the photographer from a "carte de viste" 2x3 that John had taken of himself. With close inspection it does appear that this man has a spot on the skin of his forehead, although with all the other blemishes and stains on the print, it is hard to be definitive. This photo was found by James R. Yates with other Yates family memorabilia, which just doubly reinforces our conclusion that this is indeed John Yates because of the inscription of his children's names on the back. John Yates' official military papers describe him as "a private serving with Company K of the 38th Indiana Infantry Volunteers. His description shows him as "Age 36 Yrs., Height 6 feet 0 inches, Complexion Fair, Eyes Dark Blue, Hair Dark Brown, Born Crawford Co., Indiana, Occupation Cooper (COOPER or CUPER - maker of barrels) & Merchant. (Another occupation Listed in other areas is Farmer) in the "special marks" section it is noted "dot in middle of forehead, extra nail in left big toe". 9. Elizabeth "Bessie" Roberson was born on 25 Sep 1823 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Sep 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Exact Grave Location: N38 17.238 W86 28.322 Father born in Maryland per census sheet; Mother born in Kentucky per census sheet 1850 United States Federal Census Name: Elizabeth Yates Age: 27 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1823 Birth Place: Crawford Co Gender: Female Home in 1850: Union, Crawford, Indiana John Yates 24 Elizabeth Yates 27 Sumantha Yates 2 Benjamin F Yates 0 1860 United States Federal Census Name: Elizabeth Yates Age in 1860: 35 Birth Year: abt 1825 Birthplace: Indiana Home in 1860: Union, Crawford, Indiana Gender: Female Post Office: Grantsburg John Yates 37 Elizabeth Yates 35 Cynthia Yates 11 James W Yates 9 Thomas J Yates 7 Evaline Yates 5 John R Yates 2 Emily E Yates 2 1880 United States Federal Census Name: Elizabeth Yates Home in 1880: Grantsburg, Crawford, Indiana Age: 58 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1822 Birthplace: Indiana Relation to Head of Household: Self (Head) Father's birthplace: Indiana Mother's birthplace: Indiana Occupation: Keeping House Marital Status: Widowed Race: White Gender: Female Cannot read/write: Elizabeth Yates 58 John Yates 21 1900 United States Federal Census Name: Elizabeth Yates Home in 1900: Sterling, Crawford, Indiana Age: 76 Birth Date: Sep 1823 Birthplace: Indiana Race: White Ethnicity: American Gender: Female Relationship to Head of House: Mother Father's Birthplace: Maryland Mother's 12 04 Mar 2010 Birthplace: Kentucky Mother: number of living children: 4 Mother: How many children: 5 Marital Status: Widowed Residence : Sterling Township (South Portion), Crawford, Indiana Thomas J Yates 46 Ella Yates 40 Millard Yates 21 John L Yates 17 Elizabeth Yates 76 Nov. 12, 1864 Declaration---Widow's Army Pension. This document was drawn up by J. M. Lemands, Circuit Clerk of Crawford County Indiana. It includes her name, age (41), that she was married to John Yates, that she was married to him on the 8th day of August, 1847 at home by John Seaton, a minister of the Gospel. It also lists her dependent children as: James Yates born Oct. 28th, 1857; Thomas J. Yates Nov. 28th, 1855; John R. Yates April 26th, 1858; Emily E. Yates April 26th, 1858; Also, it says she has appointed J. A. B. Crecelius as her attorney. She was unable to sign her name and so she has made "her mark", an "X" which was witnessed by a Tolbert T. Yates and Benjamin Yates. Tolbert (1814-1891) was likely a cousin to Elizabeth's John, while Benjamin (1800-1865) was likely an uncle of her husband John. June 8, 1866; Certified Copy of their Marriage License; This document was written by J. M. Lemands, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Crawford Co. in Leavenworth, In. It shows that their marriage license was issued on Aug. 6th, 1847 by Samuel Sands, then the Clerk of the Court, at Leavenworth, In. It further shows them married on Aug. 8th, 1847, two days after the license was issued. They were married by John Seaton, J.P. In the above mentioned "Declaration" document, J. M. Lemands describes John Seaton as a "minister of the gospel", probably was bi-vocational, both a J.P. and a Minister. It also shows their Certificate of Marriage filed in the Clerks office on Aug. 28th, 1847, just 20 days after their marriage. This document is completed in very bold and beautiful handwriting in the appropriate blanks certifying to all concerned the Legal marriage of John Yates to Elizabeth Roberson. John M.B. Scott and Mahala Yates signed as witness to one of Elizabeth's petitions. John M.B. Scott was married to one of Elizabeth's cousins, Fancis Roberson who is the daughter of George Roberson, b.1791. Mahala Yates I have deduced was Mahala May who was living near all the Yates and Roberson families between 1850 & 1860. One document certifies that Mahala was present at the birth of her children. Mahala also married John Winfield Yates who died while in service in 1862. Mahala later married Cyrus Benham. June 8, 1866 Certified Copy of their Marriage License. This document was written by J. M. Lemands, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Crawford County in Leavenworth, Indiana. It shows that their marriage license was issued on August 6th, 1847 by Samuel Sands, then the Clerk of the Court, at Leavenworth, In. It further shows them married on Aug. 8th, 1847, two days after the license was issued. They were married by John Seaton, J.P. In the above mentioned "Declaration" document, J. M. Lemands describes John Seaton as a "minister of the gospel", probably was bi-vocational, both a JP. and a Minister? It also shows their Certificate of Marriage filed in the Clerks office on Aug. 28th, 1847, just 20 days after their marriage. This document is completed in very bold and beautiful handwriting in the appropriate blanks certifying to all concerned the Legal marriage 13 04 Mar 2010 of John Yates to Elizabeth Roberson. 10. Joseph Landiss was born on 21 Jun 1832 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 6 Sep 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. Joseph married Edaline Grant on 25 Feb 1858 in Crawford County, Indiana. a twin brother of William Landiss. Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 Name: Edaline Grant Spouse Name: Joseph Landiss Marriage Date: 25 Feb 1858 Marriage County: Crawford Source Title 1: Crawford County Indiana Source Title 2: Marriages 1818 - 1880 Books A - D Source Title 3: Part I Grooms Part II Brides Compiled by Ruth M Sl Book: B OS Page: 317; married by by Reverend JMB Scott 1860 United States Federal Census Name: Joseph Landiss Age in 1860: 25 Birth Year: abt 1835 Birthplace: Indiana Home in 1860: Union, Crawford, Indiana Gender: Male Post Office: Grantsburg Joseph Landiss 25 Adaline Landiss 19 Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 Name: Elizabeth Ferguson Spouse Name: Joseph Landes Marriage Date: 26 Feb 1891 Marriage County: Orange Source Title 1: Orange County, Indiana Source Title 2: Index to Marriage Record 1826-1920 Inclusive Volum Source Title 3: Original Record Location County Clerk's Office Pao Book: C- 8 OS Page: 329 11. Edaline Grant was born on 19 Dec 1840 in Grantsburg, Crawford County, Indiana. She died on 19 Aug 1887 in Mentor, Dubois County, Indiana. Indiana Marriage Collection, 1800-1941 Name: Edaline Grant Spouse Name: Joseph Landiss Marriage Date: 25 Feb 1858 Marriage County: Crawford Source Title 1: Crawford County Indiana Source Title 2: Marriages 1818 - 1880 Books A - D Source Title 3: Part I Grooms Part II Brides Compiled by Ruth M Sl Book: B OS Page: 317 14. Thomas Gill was born on 3 Jan 1826 in IL. He died on 20 Feb 1888 in Edwards Co., IL. Thomas married Eliza Gillard. (Photo Source: bonegap1948added this on 28 May 2009; bonegap1948originally submitted this on 1 May 2009) 15. Eliza Gillard was born on 14 Jun 1831 in Edwards Co., IL. She died on 1 Oct 1874 in Edwards Co., IL. Fifth Generation 16. James Yates was born in 1796 in Barren Co., KY. He died about 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. James married Mary Ann Butler on 7 Jan 1819 in Crawford Co., IN. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Gender: male Spouse Name:Mary Ann Butler Spouse Birth Place: KY Spouse Birth Year: 1779 Marriage Year: 1811 Number Pages: 1 Butler, Mary Ann Irvin, William 03 Feb 1811 Kentucky Barren County 14 04 Mar 2010 U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: James Yates Gender: male Birth Year: 1796 Spouse Name: Mary Ervin Spouse Birth Place: SC Spouse Birth Year: 1792 Marriage Year: 1819 Marriage State: IN Number Pages: 1 1850 United States Federal Census Name: James Yates Age: 54 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1796 Birth Place: Kentucky Gender: Male Home in 1850: Union, Crawford, Indiana James Yates 54 Mary Yates 58 Catharine Yates 16 Benjamin Yates 13 George Yates 10 James Yates b.1796 was part of the general migration of the Yates family from Kentucky to Crawford County in the early 19th century. We have records that indicate that James married Mary Ann Butler b.1792. Mary was a widow who had previously married William Irvin when they resided in Barren County, Kentucky. James and Mary were married January 7, 1819 in Crawford County, Indiana. Our best judgment at this writing is that James and Marry produced six children: John b.1825, Silas b.1827, Elias b.1829, Catherine b.1834, Benjamin b1837 and George b.1840. Three brothers will migrate to Illinois perhaps drawn by the work in coal fields, land speculation or other interests. In 1860 we find Silas and his wife Jane, Elias and his wife Rachel and we find George who will marry Eliza Jane Rockwell living in Will County, Illinois. This migration is how we find three good Crawford County men residing in and serving in Illinois military units. George elected to serve in the 39th Illinois Infantry and Elias served in the 100th Illinois Infantry. George's widow Eliza Jane Rockwell would remarry after the war and have three children before she too dies young in 1870. George's brother Elias also received serious wounds in the Battle of Chickamauga September 19, 1864 and will be medical evacuated to Keokuk, Iowa. He survives the war and returns to Rachel in Wilmington. We lose track of him in a migration at a later date. George's other brother Silas W. Yates and Jane Wellman Yates live a long life in Wilmington. They are buried in Oakwood Cemetery in Wilmington, IL. George W. Yates is the 2G uncle to Ronald E. Yates and George W. Yates and Nidrah, Jack and Dale Roberson are 1st cousins 4 times removed. 17. Mary Ann Butler was born in 1792 in Barren Co., KY. She died about 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. Back of Marriage Bond of Mary Ann Butler and William Irvin shows consent of John Butler Sr, her father. Only date on the back is 1811. They were married 3 Feb 1811 by minister Jacob Lock who was minister of the Mt. Tabor Baptist Church about a half mile outside of Glasgow in Barren County, Kentucky. Marriage Bond of William Irvin and Mary Ann Butler, dau of John Butler, dated 2 Feb 1811, in Barren County, Kentucky. The marriage was performed 3 February 1811 by Jacob Lock, minister of Mt. Tabor Baptist Church which was located about a half a mile from Glasgow in Barren County. Jacob Lock was also a neighbor of the Butler family when they lived in Mercer County, Kentucky before coming to Barren. source: lavelda added this on 5 Jan 2010 15 04 Mar 2010 U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: Mary Ann Butler Gender: female Birth Place: KY Birth Year: 1779 Spouse Name: William Irvin Marriage Year: 1811 Number Pages: 1 James and Mary married 1/7/1819; my deduction here is that our Mary's maiden name was Butler and she first married William Irvin in 1811 when she was 19. For some reason the marriage terminated, either death or divorce and she married James later. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Name: William Irvin Gender: male Spouse Name: Mary Ann Butler Spouse Birth Place:KY Spouse Birth Year: 1779 Marriage Year: 1811 Number Pages:1 Butler, Mary Ann Irvin, William 03 Feb 1811 Kentucky Barren County 18. Benjamin Roberson was born on 26 Sep 1795 in Prince George Co., MD. He died on 24 Oct 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. Benjamin married Sarah Yates on 29 Sep 1816. 1850 United States Federal Census Name: Hester Roberson Age: 16 Estimated birth year: abt 1834 Birth Place: Crawford Co Gender: Female Home in 1850 (City,County,State): Union, Crawford, Indiana Benjamin Roberson 54 Sarah Roberson 50 Nancy Roberson 23 Rachel Roberson 21 Harvey Roberson 18 Hester Roberson 16 Benjamin Roberson 14 Sarah Roberson 14 Linna Roberson 12 Aley Roberson 10 John Westall 26 19. Sarah Yates was born on 15 Nov 1799 in Kentucky. She died before 1860 in Crawford Co., In. 20. William Landiss was born in 1805 in Granville Co., North Carolina. He died on 13 Sep 1850 in Temple, Crawford, Indiana from a victim of the cholera. William married Elizabeth Kincaid on 6 Apr 1827. Another son of William and Mary Henderson Landiss was born in Granville County, N. C. in 1805. He died at Temple, Indiana in 1850, a victim of the cholera. It is said that his death, the death of a daughter and the birth of his son all occurred on the same day between the hours of sunset and dark. He married Elizabeth Kincaid, whose mother was a Downing, daughter of John Kincaid and a sister of the Jane Kincaid that had married John Landiss. 21. Elizabeth Kincaid was born in 1808 in Barren, Kentucky. She died in 1855. 1850 United States Federal Census Name: Wm Landers Age: 46 Estimated Birth Year: abt 1804 Birth Place: North Carolina Gender: Male Home in 1850(City,County,State): Sterling, Crawford, Indiana Wm Landers 46 Elizabeth Landers 42 Sarah Landers 17 Wm Landers 15 Joseph Landers 15 John Landers 13 Elizabeth Landers 10 Emaline Landers 7 Dorinda Landers 5 Janes J Landers 2 1870 United States Federal Census Name: John Hooten Estimated Birth Year: abt 1861 Age in 1870: 9 Birthplace: Indiana Home in 1870: Sterling, Crawford, Indiana Race: White Gender: Male Thomas Hooten 47 Sarah Hooten 30 John Hooten 9 Elisabeth Landers 60 (mother is remarried to a Landers). 16 04 Mar 2010 22. Levi Grant was born on 13 May 1800 in Bourbon Co., Ky. He died on 3 Mar 1877 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. Levi married Sarah F. Potts on 14 Feb 1820 in Harrison Co., IN. 23. Sarah F. Potts was born on 15 Mar 1803 in Bourbon Co., Ky. She died on 14 Jul 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. 28. Thomas Gill was born on 17 Dec 1794 in Godalming, Surrey, England. He died on 7 Jun 1867 in Edwards Co., IL. Thomas married Mary May in 1823 in Edwards Co., IL. 29. Mary May was born on 11 Jul 1798 in Whitley, Surrey, England. She died on 7 Jul 1880 in Edwards Co., IL. (Photo Source: Mary May (1798-1880); bonegap1948added this on 28 May 2009; kllpdmoriginally submitted this to MAY AND GIVANS FAMILY TREE on 7 Apr 2009) Sixth Generation 32. John Yates Sr. was born in 1764 in MD/VA/KY. He died in 1820/1840. KY_IN Progenitor married First-Unknown/Unproven Last-Unknown/Unproven in 1782. Family Data Collection - Individual Records Name: John Yates Spouse:Mrs John Yates Parents: Benjamin Yates , Mrs Benjamin Yates Birth Place: of, KY Birth Date: 1764 Marriage Date: 1782 Note: Green County, KY was established in 1792-3 from Lincoln & Nelson Counties. In 1798-9, parts of Barren, Cumberland and Pulaski were established from Green Co., KY. In 1801-2, Adair was established from part of Green; and in 1804, Green Co., KY gained from Hardin Co., KY. In 1848, Taylor Co., KY was established from eastern Green Co., KY. 33. First-Unknown/Unproven Last-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1768 in VA/MD/NC. She died about 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. 34. John Butler Sr. was born about 1755 in Culpepper Co., VA. He died about 1835 in Fairfield, Wayne Co., Illinois. John married Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Dixon about 1777. 35. Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Dixon was born about 1761. She died about 1800. 36. George Roberson Sr. was born about 1760. George married Violinda Johnston on 2 Oct 1781 in Prince George Co. MD. Title of List: ROBERSON, GEORGE, All, 1755, United States, Maryland First Name: GEORGE Last Name: ROBERSON Event Type: All Year: 1755 Country: United States State: Maryland City: Language: English (ENG) Description: Dec. of GEORGE-- sons, George, Daniel and Benjamin. MD>KY>IN (Crawford Co.) Date Created: 17-FEB-2002 09:17 17 04 Mar 2010 Thomas Woolley b. ca 1785 (MD or VA) married Letty (Violetty) Robertson 4-9-1807, dau. of George Robertson, was married by rev. Joseph Ferguson. Bondsman James Watson certified that Letty was age 21. On 4-30-1807 James Watson married Eleanor Robertson in Washington Co. KY per marriage records. Was married by rev. Joseph Ferguson (Methodist minister). George Robertson gave permission for his daughter Eleanor Robertson to marry James Watson who was his step-son. (I have copies of original bonds James Watson and George Robertson signed names with an x but Thomas Woolley signed his name and he went along with the Robertson spelling. George Robinson married Teresy Watson 4-25-1805 in Nelson co. KY by rev. Joseph Ferguson and James Watson was bondsman. Stephen Robinson married Sally Watson on 9-22-1808 in Nelson co., both were over 21 per bondsman James Watson and they were married by Rev. Joseph Ferguson. George Robertson appears on the 1799 tax list with 50 acres on the Beechfork until 1805 when he was on the 1805 tax list of Nelson co. back in Washington Co. with 100 acres on the Beechfork in 1806. In 1803 Daniel Roberson appears on the Washington Co. KY. tax list with 50 acres on the Beechfork river and George Roberson also had 50 acres on the Beechfork. (note there were 2 others George Robertson's-a father and a son George Jr., on diff. watercourse) By 1806 Daniel Robeson is gone from Washington Co. and appears on the 1806 tax list of adjoining Hardin Co. KY. and his father (I believe this to be true) George Roberson has 100 acs. on Beechfork in 1806. By 1807 George is missing from Washington Co. tax list and appears on the 1807 tax list of Hardin Co. and Daniel, George and Stephen Robinson are on the 1810 census of Hardin Co. KY. The 1814 tax lists shows George Robinson with son George Robinson Jr., and by 1816 Benjamin Robinson joins the 2 George's. By 1818 George Roberson Sr. is gone. George, Daniel, and Benjamin are still there, and remain there until the 1820 tax list and census, then Daniel is gone and George Jr., and Ben there till 1823. They later appear in Crawford Co. IN but brother Stephen Roberson was on the 1820 census of Crawford Co. IN. I'm not sure what happened to George Robertson Sr. or when he died. Thomas Woolley that married Violetty had a brother Richard Bolton Woolley b. 1782 MD. who married Nancy Hughes 1805 in Nelson Co. was on the 1809 tax list of Hardin Co. and by 1830, was on the 1830 census of Crawford co. IN. near George Roberson Jr. and have a son. Thomas Jefferson Woolley marries in 1827 to Mary Robertson in Crawford Co. She may have been the youngest daughter of George Sr. or perhaps a daughter of Daniel Roberson as they had a son Daniel Woolley. 18 04 Mar 2010 George Sr. appears to be the same one that marries in Prince George Co. MD. King George parish records of 1689-1801 show that a George Robertson married Virlinda Johnston 2 October 1781. The parish register records 2 of their children- Benjamin Roberson b. Sept. 28, 1795 son of George and Violinder Roberson and Elizabeth Ann Roberson b. July 15. 1793, daughter of George and Verlinder Roberson. The following were in another district [orland tax vs. personal property?] 7 Apr William COMBS 2050 acres paid taxes on land for 1792,'93,'94 14 Apr Samuel COMBS 113 acres on Chaplin 23 Apr John COMBS 80 acres on Simpson Ck ,pd taxes for1792,'93,'94 25 Apr Nelson COMBS 100 acres on Simpson Ck, pd taxes for 1792,'93, '94 25 Apr Edward COMBS, Jr 100 acres on Simpson Ck, pd taxes for 1792, '93,'94 25 Apr David COMBS 87 acres on SimpsonCk , pd taxes 1792,'93,'94 John COMBS heirs by Geo ROBERTSON 200 acres in Hardin Co on Ruff (Rough Ck) Sinking Ck Notes: Based on the 1794 and 1796 lists, it appears that thesecond district may have been land taxes as versus personal property; i.e., John (Apr 23 both lists), Nelson and Edward (Apr 25 both lists) were probably one and the same. Who was John COMBS, deceased by 1795? Who was George ROBERTSON? Also note that David COMBS' acreage is now 87 acres rather than 88 (No land records collected as yet). 37. Violinda Johnston was born about 1760. 38. John Yates Sr. is printed as #32 on page 11. 39. First-Unknown/Unproven Last-Unknown/Unproven is printed as #33 on page 11. 40. William Landiss was born in 1764 in Granville Co., NC. He died in 1843 in Crawford Co, IN. William married Mary Henderson in 1786/1787. Sometime during the year 1811, it is believed, William Landiss, with his family, moved from Granville County, North Carolina to Bedford County, Tennessee, to the Landiss settlements on the Duck River. Five years later the family moved on into Indiana. John Landis of English, Indiana wrote: "In March, 1816, we, my father, a sister and myself, crossed the Ohio River into Indiana. In August of the same year all the rest of the family followed except one sister, who remained in Tennessee. We crossed the Ohio at Mauk's Ferry and settled in what is now Crawford County, about one quarter of a mile east of the Hazelwood Sulphur Springs and opposite the old burying ground, which was then in Orange County. At that time Orange, Perry and Harrison Counties cornered about a quarter of a mile east of the Sulphur Springs. The country was covered with a dense forest and there were only three families that composed the settlement." Rev. Wm. Landiss, Section 6 19 04 Mar 2010 41. Mary Henderson was born about 1770. Rev. Wm. Landiss, Section 6 42. Joeph Kincaid was born about 1770 in Crawford Co, IN. Joeph married Elizabeth Downing. John Kincaid lived up the Creek known as Little Blue. Robert Field was beyond him, and Obadiah Vaughn lived a half mile east of Field. The next settler to come in was Caleb Longest. He settled on what has since been known as the Longest farm, about one and one half miles east of English. Paoli was the county seat. Now Albany had but four houses, and Jeffersonville was the nearest place where one could get salt. Rev. Wm. Landiss, Section 6 43. Elizabeth Downing was born in 1776 in MD. She died in 1840 in IN. 44. George Grant was born about 1776 in Faquier Co., VA. He died on 20 Feb 1837 in Harrison Co, IN. George married Mary Berry on 21 Sep 1797 in Bourbon Co., Ky. 45. Mary Berry was born on 30 Sep 1779 in Cove Hill, Canada. She died in 1841 in Harrison Co, IN. 20 04 Mar 2010 Modified Register for John Yates Sr. First Generation 1. John Yates Sr. was born in 1764 in MD/VA/KY. He died in 1820/1840. KY_IN Progenitor married First-Unknown/Unproven Last-Unknown/Unproven in 1782. FirstUnknown/Unproven was born about 1768 in VA/MD/NC. She died about 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. + 2M i. Robert Yates was born in 1783. He died on 30 Sep 1853. + 3F ii. Esther Ada Yates was born in 1785. She died after 1860. + 4M iii. John Jr. Yates was born about 1790. 5M iv. Benjamin Yates was born about 1792/1800 in Barren Co., KY. He died on 24 Oct 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. 6M v. James Yates was born in 1796. He died about 1865. 7F vi. Cassa Yates was born about 1798 in KY. 8F vii. Sarah Yates was born on 15 Nov 1799. She died before 1860. + + Second Generation 2. Robert Yates (John) was born in 1783 in Barren Co., KY. He died on 30 Sep 1853 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Robert married Mary Ann Byers/ Byars, daughter of John Byars and Elizabeth Thomas, on 21 Apr 1808 in Barren Co., KY. Mary was born on 4 Dec 1782 in SC. She died on 5 Dec 1871 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 9M i. Robert Yates Jr. was born in 1808/1810 in Barren Co., KY. 10 F ii. Jane Yates was born about 1809. + 11 M iii. Silas White Yates was born about 1810. He died before 1880. + 12 F iv. Sarah Elizabeth Yates was born on 26 Sep 1812. 13 M v. John Yates was born in 1812 in Barren, KY. 14 M vi. Tolbert Thompson Yates was born on 2 Nov 1813. He died on 14 Mar 1891. + + 15 F vii. Ellen Nellie Yates was born in 1817. + 16 M viii. William Yates was born in Apr 1820. He died after 1900. + 17 F ix. Cassa Yates was born on 23 Jul 1821. She died on 22 May 1888. + 18 F x. Rachel Yates was born on 23 Feb 1823. She died on 23 Apr 1872. 3. Esther Ada Yates (John) was born in 1785 in Cecilton, Cecil Co, Maryland. She died after 1860 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Crawford Co., IN. Esther married Daniel Robert Roberson, son of George Roberson Sr. and Violinda Johnston, in 1803 in Green Co. KY. Daniel was born about 1780 in PA. He died in 1822 in Meade Co., Ky. He was buried in Mt. Hope Church Cemetery in Battletown, Meade Co. KY. They had the following children. 19 F i. Jane Roberson was born about 1797 in Hardin Co., KY. Jane married John Summers on 19 Oct 1816 in Hardin Co., KY. + 20 F ii. Mildred "Milly" Roberson was born on 30 Jan 1800. She died on 30 Nov 1873. + 21 M iii. James Roberson was born on 12 Oct 1803. He died on 13 Aug 1881. + 22 M iv. John "Jack" Roberson was born on 5 Feb 1805. He died on 11 Jan 1865. + 23 M v. Thomas Jefferson Roberson Sr. was born on 15 Jan 1807. He died on 14 Feb 1887. + 24 M vi. Stephen Roberson was born on 2 Feb 1809. He died on 15 Sep 1888. + 25 M vii. Daniel Roberson Jr. was born on 11 Jan 1813. He died on 22 Nov 1892. + 26 M viii. George William Roberson was born on 10 Dec 1815. He died on 14 Aug 1895. + 27 M ix. Elijah Roberson was born on 17 Apr 1817. He died on 14 Aug 1895. + 28 M x. Samuel Roberson was born on 22 Jun 1821. He died on 13 Mar 1902. 4. John Jr. Yates (John) was born about 1790 in KY. John married Polly Swift, daughter of Sarah Swift, on 28 Jan 1808 in Barren Co., KY. Polly was born about 1790 in Kentucky. They had the following children. + 29 M i. Daniel Yates was born in 1822. He died on 27 Nov 1879 from kidney diease. 6. James Yates (John) was born in 1796 in Barren Co., KY. He died about 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. James married Mary Ann Butler, daughter of John Butler Sr. and Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Dixon, on 7 Jan 1819 in Crawford Co., IN. Mary was born in 1792 in Barren Co., KY. She died about 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. + 30 M i. John Yates was born on 26 Dec 1825. He died on 14 Jul 1864. + 31 M ii. Silas W. Yates was born on 4 Nov 1827. He died on 5 Sep 1905. 22 04 Mar 2010 + 32 M iii. Elias Yates was born about 1829. He died on 30 Jun 1893. + 33 F iv. Catherine Yates was born about 1834. She died on 15 Sep 1863. 34 M v. Benjamin Yates was born about 1837 in Crawford Co., IN. 35 M vi. George W. Yates was born on 27 May 1840 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 26 Oct 1864 in Annapolis, MD. He was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Wilmington, Will Co., IL. George married Eliza Jane Rockwell, daughter of Stephen Rockwell and Mahala McClure, on 16 Jun 1863. Eliza was born about 1846 in VT. She died on 14 Aug 1870 in Will Co, Il. She was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Wilmington, Will Co., IL. 8. Sarah Yates (John) was born on 15 Nov 1799 in Kentucky. She died before 1860 in Crawford Co., In. Sarah married Benjamin Roberson, son of George Roberson Sr. and Violinda Johnston, on 29 Sep 1816. Benjamin was born on 26 Sep 1795 in Prince George Co., MD. He died on 24 Oct 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. + 36 M i. John B. Roberson was born on 20 Jun 1817. He died on 19 Feb 1876. 37 M ii. Greenberry Roberson was born on 11 Jan 1820 in Crawford Co., In. He died in 1877 in Crawford Co., In. Greenberry married Elizabeth Hoover on 5 Jul 1845 in Crawford Co. IN. Elizabeth was born about 1820. 38 F iii. Daughter Roberson was born on 14 Mar 1821 in Crawford Co., In. + 39 F iv. Elizabeth "Bessie" Roberson was born on 25 Sep 1823. She died on 5 Sep 1906. + 40 F v. Nancy Roberson was born on 22 Oct 1827. 41 F vi. Rachel Roberson was born in 1829 in Crawford Co., In. + 42 M vii. Harvey Roberson was born on 30 Jun 1844. He died on 20 Oct 1854. + 43 F viii. Hester Roberson was born in Apr 1834. 44 F ix. Sarah Roberson was born on 13 Aug 1834 in Crawford Co., In. She died after 1860 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. + 45 M x. Benjamin Roberson was born on 14 Mar 1836. + 46 F xi. Linney S. Roberson was born on 15 Jul 1839. She died about 1878. + 47 F xii. Alcy A. Roberson was born on 26 Dec 1841. She died on 26 Apr 1915. 23 04 Mar 2010 Third Generation 11. Silas White Yates (Robert, John) was born about 1810 in Barren Co., KY. He died before 1880. Silas married Lavina Bell, daughter of John W. Bell, on 10 Sep 1829 in Crawford Co., IN. Lavina was born in 1813 in Ohio. She died after 1880. They had the following children. + 48 M i. Albert Yates was born on 10 Jul 1830. He died on 11 Jan 1892. + 49 F ii. Sarah Elizabeth Yates was born in Apr 1832. + 50 F iii. Cassa Yates was born about 1834. She died in Btwn1910-1920. 51 M iv. John B. Yates was born in 1836 in Crawford Co, IN. John married Emma J. Whitehouse on 15 Jul 1862 in Daviess County, Indiana. Emma was born about 1842 in Indiana. 52 M v. Robert Yates was born in 1838 in Crawford Co., Indiana. 53 F vi. Imiri Yates was born in 1840. 54 F vii. Milvina Yates was born in 1844. 55 F viii. Mary Ann Yates was born in 1847 in Indiana. She died in 4 May 1909?. 56 F ix. Charity Yates was born in 1849. Charity married Albert H. Thomas on 17 Apr 1877. 12. Sarah Elizabeth Yates (Robert, John) was born on 26 Sep 1812 in KY. Sarah married Samuel W Bell on 21 Aug 1828 in Crawford Co., IN. Samuel was born on 28 Sep 1802 in KY. He died in 1884. They had the following children. + 57 F i. Margaret Jane Bell was born on 25 Dec 1834. She died on 4 Jul 1904. + 58 M ii. John Washington Bell was born on 10 May 1836. He died on 30 Jun 1916. 59 M iii. Robert M. Bell was born in 1839 in Crawford Co., Eastridge Crawford County Death Book. 60 M iv. Samuel H. Bell was born on 6 Nov 1841. He died on 28 Apr 1862. 61 F v. Mary Bell was born in 1842 in Crawford Co.. 62 F vi. Elizabeth Bell was born in 1844 in Crawford Co.. 63 F vii. Rachel Bell was born in 1846 in Crawford Co.. 64 F viii. Jane Bell was born in 1849 in Crawford Co.. + 24 04 Mar 2010 + 65 F ix. Sarah Bell was born on 7 Nov 1850 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 27 Nov 1850 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grant Roberson CemGrantsburg. 66 F x. Mary Ann Bell was born on 28 May 1828. She died on 28 Oct 1896. 14. Tolbert Thompson Yates (Robert, John) was born on 2 Nov 1813 in Barren Co., KY. He died on 14 Mar 1891 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Tolbert married Jenny Jane McCraney, daughter of John D. McCraney, on 5 Sep 1833 in Crawford Co., IN. Jenny was born on 29 Jan 1813 in NC. She died on 25 Feb 1907 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 67 M i. Tolbert Yates Jr. was born on 29 Jul 1834 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in WFT Est 1835-1924. Tolbert married Clara Boss. Clara was born about 1834. + 68 F ii. Mary Ann Yates was born on 29 Jul 1834. She died on 3 Mar 1907. + 69 F iii. Polly Ann Yates was born on 5 May 1835. She died on 4 May 1924. + 70 M iv. John Winfield Yates was born on 31 Jul 1835. He died on 14 Nov 1862. + 71 F v. Jane Yates was born in 1841. She died in WFT Est 1872-1935. + 72 F vi. Mariah Yates was born in 1843. She died in 1911. 73 M vii. Albert Emery Yates was born on 13 Feb 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 20 Jul 1851 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. + 74 F viii. Catherine "Kate" Yates was born in Jan 1849. + 75 F ix. Amanda Adeline "Addie" Yates was born on 15 Dec 1855. She died on 10 Jul 1915. 15. Ellen Nellie Yates (Robert, John) was born in 1817 in Crawford Co, IN. Ellen married Harrison Pittman on 9 Jul 1848 in Crawford Co., IN. Harrison was born on 15 Apr 1813 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 6 Aug 1879 in Orange Co, IN. They had the following children. 25 76 M i. James Pittman was born about 1852 in Indiana. 77 M ii. Charles Pittman was born about 1854 in Indiana. 78 F iii. Amanda E. Pittman was born about 1856 in Indiana. 04 Mar 2010 16. William Yates (Robert, John) was born in Apr 1820 in Crawford Co., IN. He died after 1900. William married Rachel Hughes, daughter of Edward Hughes "Ned" and Sarah Daggs, on 24 Dec 1840 in Crawford Co., IN. Rachel was born on 24 Dec 1822 in Harrison Co., IN. She died on 12 Sep 1903 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. + 79 F i. Mary Yates was born about 1850 in Crawford Co., IN. 80 F ii. Mahala "Mary" Yates was born in 1843. She died after 1920. 81 F iii. Nancy Yates was born in 1849 in Crawford Co., IN. 82 M iv. Millard Yates was born in 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. Millard married Nancy. Nancy was born about 1860 in Indiana. + 83 F v. Lydia Florence Yates was born in Jul 1862. 17. Cassa Yates (Robert, John) was born on 23 Jul 1821 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 22 May 1888 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Cassa married John Martin, son of John Martin and Jane Lowry, on 7 Sep 1837 in Crawford Co., IN. John was born on 6 Sep 1810 in Shelby Co., KY. He died on 23 Apr 1879 in Jefferson Co., Kentucky. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 84 F i. Mary Ann Martin was born on 17 Jul 1838. She died on 17 Aug 1908. + 85 F ii. Jane Martin was born on 1 Dec 1839. She died on 5 Jan 1916. + 86 F iii. Mariah Martin was born in 1842. She died in 1892. + 87 F iv. Alice Martin was born in Jul 1859. She died in 1953. 88 F v. Emily M. Martin was born in 1860 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 18. Rachel Yates (Robert, John) was born on 23 Feb 1823 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 23 Apr 1872 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Seaton Hill Cem, Crawford Co., IN. Rachel married James Armstrong Hughes, son of John Hughes and Mary Daggs, on 22 Apr 1847 in Crawford Co., IN. James was born on 18 May 1825 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 22 Jan 1896 in Dubois Co, IN. 26 04 Mar 2010 Rachel and James had the following children. 89 F i. Amanda "Wanda" Hughes was born in 1848 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 8 Jan 1938. Wanda married Elias Patrick. Elias was born on 25 Nov 1834. He died on 29 Jul 1912. 90 M ii. John E. Hughes was born in 1851 in Crawford Co, IN. 91 M iii. Robert Hughes was born in 1854 in Crawford Co, IN. 92 F iv. Althea E. Hughes was born in 1855 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 15 Mar 1899 in Floyd Co, IN. Althea married John O. Nash in 1873. John was born on 23 Nov 1840 in PA. He died on 18 Jul 1931 in Dubois Co, IN. 93 F v. Mary A. Hughes was born in 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. 20. Mildred "Milly" Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 30 Jan 1800 in Hardin, Meade County, Ky. She died on 30 Nov 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Mildred married Abraham Froman, son of Jacob Hite Froman and Margaret Dawson, on 23 Apr 1826. Abraham was born on 25 Jan 1796 in KY. He died on 25 Jan 1846 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. + 94 F i. Celia Froman was born in 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 15 May 1844 in Crawford Co., IN. 95 M ii. Victor Frank Froman was born in 1831. 96 F iii. Sarah Ann Froman was born about 1832. Sarah married Stephen Foster on 21 Oct 1846 in Crawford Co., IN. + 97 F iv. Mary Ann (Polly) Froman was born on 12 Mar 1834. She died on 11 Jul 1869. + 98 F v. Melina Evaline Froman was born in Mar 1836. She died on 18 Sep 1911. 99 M vi. John R. Froman was born on 15 Apr 1837 in Crawford Co., IN. 100 F vii. Esther Froman was born in 1838. 101 viii. B. E. Froman was born in 1841 in Crawford Co., IN. B. E. Froman died in Sep 1850 in Crawford Co., IN. 102 M ix. Edmond M. Froman was born in 1843. 21. James Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 12 Oct 1803 in Meade County, Ky. He died on 13 Aug 1881 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. James married Fannie Eliza Froman, daughter of Jacob Hite Froman and Margaret Dawson, on 11 Mar 1830 in Crawford County, Indiana. Fannie was born on 11 Aug 1811 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 1 Aug 1889 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 27 04 Mar 2010 James and Fannie had the following children. + 103 F i. Sarah Ann Roberson was born on 27 Dec 1830. She died on 11 Nov 1918. 104 F ii. Mary Jane Roberson was born on 20 Mar 1832 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 18 Mar 1899 in Crawford Co, IN. Mary married John M. Kincaid on 22 Jun 1873. John was born on 8 Oct 1819 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 19 Jul 1877 in Orange Co., IN. 105 F iii. Esther Roberson was born on 14 Jul 1834. She died in 1836. 106 M iv. Alexander Roberson was born on 13 Jan 1835. He died on 6 Feb 1838. + 107 F v. Nancy Roberson was born on 1 Nov 1836. + 108 M vi. Fielding Roberson was born on 21 May 1838. He died on 5 Sep 1924. 109 F vii. Harriet Roberson was born on 11 Jul 1839. She died on 20 Dec 1843. 110 M viii. Elijah J. Roberson was born on 12 Feb 1842. He died on 7 Mar 1908. + 111 M ix. James Washington Roberson was born on 21 Feb 1844 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 22 May 1862 in Shiloh, TN from Died serving in civil war. He was buried in Shiloh National Military Park, Site 2461, Shiloh, TN. James married Emily Elizabeth Roberson, daughter of John B. Roberson and Emily Roberson. Emily was born on 13 Apr 1855 in Crawford Co., In. 112 F x. Minerva Evaline Roberson was born on 10 Apr 1847 in Crawford Co, IN. Minerva married Edward Toney. Edward was born about 1847. + 113 F xi. Dorinda Roberson was born on 12 Mar 1851. She died on 12 May 1931. 114 F xii. Easter Hester Roberson was born on 6 Oct 1833 in Crawford, Indiana. She died on 14 Jul 1834 in Crawford, Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 22. John "Jack" Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 5 Feb 1805 in Brandenburg, Meade, KY. He died on 11 Jan 1865 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. John married Nancy W. Bell on 20 Dec 1827. Nancy was born on 10 Oct 1810 in KY. She died on 23 Oct 1896 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. They had the following children. 115 F i. Melvina Evangeline Roberson was born on 23 May 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 10 Dec 1917. Melvina married Samuel Everton on 18 Dec 1852 in Crawford Co., In. + 116 M ii. Samuel Roberson was born in Sep 1832. He died in Sep 1910. 117 F iii. Elizabeth Roberson was born on 26 Apr 1834 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in 29 Feb 1911. Elizabeth married Land. Land was born about 1834. Elizabeth also married George A. Engleman on 25 Apr 1860 in Crawford Co., IN. George died on 26 May 1904 in Mifflin, Crawford County, Indiana Per Eastbridge 28 04 Mar 2010 Death Book. + 118 F iv. Nancy Jane Roberson was born about 1837. 119 F v. Sarah Ann (Sallie) Roberson was born on 20 Aug 1840 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 24 Jan 1919 in Crawford Co., IN Per Eastridge County Death. Sarah married Francis Marion Hicks on 30 Apr 1857. Francis was born about 1837. + 120 F vi. Amanda Angeline Roberson was born on 19 Mar 1843. She died on 15 Mar 1920. + 121 M vii. William Bell Roberson was born on 13 May 1847. He died on 20 May 1916. + 122 M viii. Albert Roberson was born in 1848. 123 M ix. Benjamin Franklin (Shack) Roberson was born on 4 Mar 1849 in Crawford, IN. He died on 10 Oct 1917. He was buried in Mt. Carmel, IL ?. Benjamin married Minnie Alina Yates, daughter of Jane, in 1902 in Crawford Co., In. Minnie was born about 1873 in Paoli, Orange, Indiana ?. She was buried in Mt. Carmel, IL ?. 23. Thomas Jefferson Roberson Sr. (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 15 Jan 1807 in Brandenburg, Meade Co, Kentucky. He died on 14 Feb 1887 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. Thomas married Nancy M. Froman, daughter of Jacob Hite Froman and Margaret Dawson, on 21 Aug 1829 in Crawford Co, IN. Nancy was born on 17 Mar 1808 in Indiana Per Census. She died on 1 Oct 1894 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. + 124 M i. Benjamin M. Roberson was born on 6 Sep 1830. He died on 20 Nov 1891. 125 F ii. Mary Ann Roberson was born in 1835. She died on 15 Jul 1853. + 126 M iii. Abraham M. Roberson was born on 7 Dec 1837. He died on 1 Jun 1903. + 127 F iv. Hester G. Roberson was born on 19 Dec 1839. She died on 25 Jul 1908. 128 F v. Jane Roberson was born in 1841. + 129 F vi. Nancy Minerva Roberson was born in 1846. She died in 1867. + 130 F vii. Eliza Evelyn Roberson was born on 18 Apr 1843. She died on 8 Oct 1917. 131 F viii. Mildred Elizabeth Roberson was born in 1845. + 29 132 F ix. Cealy E. Roberson was born in 1847 in Indiana. She died in Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 133 M x. George W. Roberson was born on 5 May 1854 in Indiana Per Census. He died on 16 Jan 1873 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 134 M xi. Thomas Jefferson Roberson Jr. was born on 29 Jun 1854. He died on 13 Jul 1924. 04 Mar 2010 + 135 M xii. Elijah F. Roberson was born on 22 Jan 1833. He died on 6 Sep 1893. 24. Stephen Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 2 Feb 1809 in Meade Co., KY. He died on 15 Sep 1888 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Stephen married Sarah Ann Ruark on 13 Feb 1834 in Crawford Co., IN. Sarah was born on 22 Sep 1814 in KY. She died on 2 May 1895 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 136 F i. Mary Elizabeth Roberson was born on 5 Jan 1836. She died on 4 Jun 1892. + 137 M ii. Joseph Beckwith Roberson was born on 24 Jun 1837. He died on 11 Nov 1886. + 138 M iii. John Murray Roberson was born on 8 Apr 1838. He died on 5 May 1902. 139 M iv. Thomas Prater Roberson was born on 27 Dec 1839 in Per Military Records. He died on 4 Apr 1864 in Helena, AR. He was buried in Helena, AR. 140 F v. Martha Jane Roberson was born on 5 Feb 1843 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 26 Oct 1900 in Crawford Co., IN Per Eastridge County Death. She was buried in Riddle. Martha married Jeremira Goldman on 7 Nov 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. Jeremira was born about 1838. Martha also married Eli Sturgeon, son of George Sturgeon and Elizabeth Froman. Eli was born in 1846 in Possible Date From Eastridge Crawford County Death Book. He died on 23 Dec 1897 in Crawford Co., IN Possible Date From Eastridge Crawford County Death Book. + + 141 F vi. Julie Ann Roberson was born on 15 Jan 1845. She died on 9 Oct 1936. 142 M vii. Abraham F. Roberson was born on 29 Jun 1847 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 18 Dec 1869 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg. 143 F viii. Hester A. Roberson was born on 12 Dec 1848. She died on 18 Apr 1887. 144 F ix. Nancy Manerva Roberson was born on 7 Jun 1851 in Crawford, IN. Nancy married William Adkin on 19 Aug 1870 in Crawford Co., In. William was born about 1851. Nancy also married Gasway. Gasway was born about 1851. + 145 M x. James Morrison Roberson was born on 18 Apr 1853. He died on 17 Feb 1922 from complications of influenza. + 146 F xi. Sarah Baker Roberson was born on 31 Mar 1855. She died on 24 Feb 1942. 147 M xii. William Proctor Roberson was born on 8 Sep 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 12 Jul 1859 in Crawford Co., IN. 30 04 Mar 2010 25. Daniel Roberson Jr. (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 11 Jan 1813 in Meade Co., KY. He died on 22 Nov 1892 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Daniel married Eleanor "Nelly" Roberson, daughter of George Roberson Jr. and Frances Westfall, on 10 Nov 1833 in Crawford Co., IN. Eleanor was born on 6 Mar 1816 in KY. She died on 6 Nov 1866 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. 148 M i. Samuel C. Roberson was born on 7 Jul 1845 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 9 Mar 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. 149 M ii. William T. Roberson was born in 1849. William married Elizabeth Johnson on 27 Jul 1860 in Crawford Co., IN. Elizabeth was born about 1849. 150 M iii. Son Roberson was born before 1855. He died on 16 Apr 1855 in Crawford Co., IN. 26. George William Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 10 Dec 1815 in Meade Co., KY. He died on 14 Aug 1895 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg. George married Sarah A. Kintner, daughter of George Kinter and Susannah Lamb, on 6 Nov 1834 in Harrison Co., IN. Sarah was born on 11 Sep 1810 in Washington County, PA. She died on 28 Mar 1888 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grant Roberson CemGrantsburg. They had the following children. 151 M i. John Reisen Roberson was born in Aug 1835 in Indiana Per Census. He died on 26 May 1913 in Crawford Co., IN While Living at Poor Farm Per Records. John married Christa A. Crecelius on 20 Mar 1863 in Crawford Co., IN. Christa was born in Feb 1835. She died after 1913 in At Crawford Co. Poor Farm?. 152 M 31 ii. James Franklin Roberson was born on 9 Sep 1836 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 15 Dec 1862 in Crawford Co, IN from disease; Died In Civil War Service. He was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg. 04 Mar 2010 153 F iii. Margaret J. Roberson was born on 10 May 1838 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 24 Jun 1905 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Margaret married John W. Straughan on 31 Oct 1869 in Crawford Co., IN. John was born on 20 May 1848 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 154 M iv. Daniel M. Roberson was born on 18 May 1840 in Indiana. He died on 22 May 1864 in New Albany, Clark Co., Indiana. He was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg. 155 M v. William Tipton Roberson was born on 19 May 1840 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 12 Mar 1862 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg. + 156 M vi. George W. Roberson was born on 18 Jun 1842. He died on 11 Sep 1920. + 157 M vii. Henry Clay Roberson was born on 25 Jul 1844. He died on 23 Jul 1930. + 158 F viii. Sarepta Annie Roberson was born in Jul 1846. She died on 7 Jan 1921. + 159 M ix. Thomas Jefferson Roberson was born in Jun 1848. He died after 1920. + 160 M x. Adam Kintner Roberson was born on 2 Apr 1850. He died on 18 May 1924. + 161 M xi. Stephen Albert Roberson was born on 4 Aug 1854. He died on 4 Mar 1932. 27. Elijah Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 17 Apr 1817 in Meade Co, KY. He died on 14 Aug 1895 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Riddle Cemetery. Elijah married Mary Henderson (Polly) Landiss, daughter of John Landiss and Jane Kincaid, on 17 Mar 1842 in Crawford Co, IN. Mary was born on 26 Nov 1824 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 7 May 1909 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Riddle Cemetery. They had the following children. + 162 F i. Elizabeth Jane Roberson was born on 20 May 1844. She died on 3 Mar 1916. + 163 F ii. Celesta Arabelle Roberson was born in 1846. She died in 1929. 164 F iii. Susannah Roberson was born in 1849. She died in Died Young. 165 F iv. Celina E. Roberson was born in 1858. She died on 2 Mar 1906 in Mifflin, Crawford County, Indiana Per Eastbridge Death Book. Celina married Alfred Madison Gresham, son of Silas Gresham. Alfred was born about 1858. 166 F v. Sarah A. (Sallie) Roberson was born in 1860 in Crawford Co, IN. Sarah married James W. Temple on 5 May 1878. James was born in 1850 in possible Date From Eastridge Crawford County Death Book. He died on 6 May 32 04 Mar 2010 1917 in Possible Date From Eastridge Crawford County Death Book. He was buried in Temple Cemetery, Crawford County, IN. + 167 F vi. Rowena "Mary" Roberson was born about 1837. 168 M vii. Ruben P. M. Roberson was born in 1864. Ruben married Mettie Askins on 4 Oct 1891. + 169 M viii. Timothy Horance Maine Roberson was born in 1867. He died in 1952. 28. Samuel Roberson (Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 22 Jun 1821 in Meade County, Kentucky. He died on 13 Mar 1902 in Knox Co., In. Samuel married Ann Catherine Conrad on 11 Nov 1841 in Crawford County, , Indiana. Ann was born in 1824 in Harrison County, , Indiana. She died on 11 Aug 1864 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford, Indiana. They had the following children. 170 M i. Edward Roberson was born on 27 Jul 1840. He died on 5 Mar 1864. 171 F ii. Hesakiah Roberson was born in 1843 in Crawford County, , Indiana. 172 M iii. Harvey W. Roberson was born on 30 Jun 1844 in Crawford County, , Indiana. He died on 20 Oct 1854 in Crawford Co., In. 173 M iv. Edmond Roberson was born on 27 May 1846 in Crawford County, , Indiana>. He died on 5 May 1864. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. + 174 M v. John Manford Roberson was born about 8 Jan 1848. + 175 M vi. Alva Dora Roberson was born on 4 Sep 1850. He died on 19 Jul 1931. 176 F vii. Amelia B. Roberson was born in 1853 in , Crawford, Indiana. 177 F viii. Mary Belle Roberson was born about 1854 in Crawford Co, IN. 178 M ix. Albert S. Roberson was born on 20 Jan 1856 in Crawford Co., In. He died on 28 Jul 1863 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 179 M x. Infant Roberson was born in May 1860 in , Crawford, Indiana. Samuel also married Ruth Ann Scott, daughter of Wilson B. Scott and Dorinda Guy Sloan, on 8 Dec 1864 in Crawford Co, IN. Ruth was born in 1836 in Crawford Co, IN. 29. Daniel Yates (John Jr., John) was born in 1822 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 27 Nov 1879 in Petersburg, Pike Co, IN from kidney diease. Daniel married Nancy Roberson, daughter of Benjamin Roberson and Sarah Yates, on 23 Jul 1840 in Crawford Co., In. Nancy was born on 22 Oct 1827 in Crawford Co., In. They had the following children. 180 F 33 i. Elizabeth J. Yates was born about 1848 in Crawford Co., IN. 04 Mar 2010 + + 181 F ii. Sarah E. Yates was born in 1852 in Crawford Co., IN. 182 F iii. Ruthdia Yates was born in 1856. 183 M iv. James F. Yates was born in Mar 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. 184 M v. Benjamin Albert Yates was born on 6 Mar 1860. He died on 1 Jun 1940. 185 F vi. Sharlotte R. Yates was born in 1862 in Crawford Co., IN. 186 F vii. Malinda Yates was born in Oct 1864 in Crawford Co., IN. 187 F viii. Lillie T. Yates was born in 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. 30. John Yates (James, John) was born on 26 Dec 1825 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 14 Jul 1864 in Vinings, Cobb Co., GA. He was buried in Marietta Georgia National Cemetery, Cobb Co., GA. John married Elizabeth Roberson "Bessie", daughter of Benjamin Roberson and Sarah Yates, on 8 Aug 1847 in Crawford Co, IN. Bessie was born on 25 Sep 1823 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Sep 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 188 F i. Samantha "Mattie" Yates was born on 9 Jul 1848. 189 M ii. Benjamin F. Yates was born on 22 Nov 1849 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 14 Aug 1851 in Crawford Co., IN. + 190 M iii. James Wilson Yates was born on 28 Oct 1851. He died on 16 Sep 1903 from died with smallpox. + 191 M iv. Thomas Jefferson Yates was born on 28 Nov 1853. He died on 13 Feb 1921. 192 F v. Evaline Yates was born on 1 Jan 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 17 Jan 1864 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Lankford School Cem, Grantsburg, Crawford Co.. 193 F vi. Emily Eva "Emmie" Yates was born on 26 Apr 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 20 Oct 1872 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Lankford School Cem, Grantsburg, Crawford Co.. 194 M vii. John Robinson "Happy" Yates was born on 26 Apr 1858. He died on 19 Jun 1941. + 34 04 Mar 2010 31. Silas W. Yates (James, John) was born on 4 Nov 1827 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 5 Sep 1905 in Wilmington, Will Co., IL. He was buried in Oakwood Cem, Wilmington, Illinois. Silas married Jane Wellman, daughter of Joseph Wellman and Sarah Pittman, on 30 Mar 1851 in Orange Co., IN. Jane was born on 5 Mar 1834 in Orange Co, IN. She died on 4 May 1924 in Chicago, Cook Co., IL. She was buried in Oakwood Cem, Wilmington, , Illinois. They had the following children. 195 M i. Richmond A. Yates was born in 1852 in Indiana. + 196 M ii. Charles S. Yates was born in 1854. + 197 F iii. Sarah Ella Yates was born in 1858. She died on 8 Jun 1917. 198 F iv. Emma Jane Yates was born on 30 Nov 1861 in IL. She died on 10 Sep 1876 in Will Co, Il. She was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Wilmington, Will Co, Il. 32. Elias Yates (James, John) was born about 1829 in Crawford Co., Indiana. He died on 30 Jun 1893 in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., IA. He was buried in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., IA. Elias married Rachel Colvin, daughter of Louis Colvin and Susannah Ray, on 30 Aug 1849 in Crawford Co, IN. The marriage ended in divorce. Rachel was born about 1830 in Crawford Co, IN. She died about 1905 in Basket, Henderson Co., KY. They had the following children. + 199 M i. William Louis Yates was born in Oct 1854. He died on 8 Nov 1948. Elias also married Elvira Mace on 30 Dec 1855 in Wapello Co., IA. Elvira was born on 12 May 1822 in Ohio. She died on 8 May 1885 in Agency, Wapello Co., Iowa. She was buried in Agency Cemetery, Agency, Wapello Co., Iowa. They had the following children. 200 F ii. Elizabeth Yates was born about 1859 in IA. 201 M iii. Carl C. Yates was born on 20 Dec 1860 in IA. He died in Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., IA. He was buried in Forest Cemetery, Oskaloosa, Mahaska Co., IA. Elias also married Sarah E. Neil, daughter of Elizabeth J. Stanfield, on 1 Jun 1886 in Mahaska, Iowa. Sarah was born about 1852 in Greene County, Tennessee. She died on 23 Jun 1889 in Mahaska, Iowa. She was buried in White Oak Grove White Oak Mahaska. 33. Catherine Yates (James, John) was born about 1834 in Illinois. She died on 15 Sep 1863 in Orange Co, IN. Catherine married Sanford Bennett, son of William M. Bennett and Rebecca Pittman, on 16 Jul 35 04 Mar 2010 1854 in Orange Co., Indiana. Sanford was born on 30 Dec 1834 in KY. He died on 20 Jan 1863 in Pulaski Co., IL from Measles. He was buried in Mound City National Cemetery Pulaski Co., IL. They had the following children. + 202 F i. Melissa Jane Bennett was born about 1853. + 203 M ii. Charles H. Bennett was born in 1854. + 204 F iii. Mary Catherine Bennett was born about 1856. + 205 F iv. Rebecca "Becky" Bennett was born on 28 Oct 1858. She died on 5 Apr 1908. 36. John B. Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 20 Jun 1817 in Kentucky. He died on 19 Feb 1876 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. John married Emily Roberson. Emily was born on 11 Dec 1811 in Pennsylvania. She died on 22 Sep 1897 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. They had the following children. 206 M i. Riley Wilson Roberson was born about 1837 in Harrison Co, Indiana. 207 M ii. Oliver Wilson Roberson was born about 1839 in IL. 208 F iii. Sarah M. Roberson was born about 1842 in IL. 209 F iv. Arabell Roberson was born on 28 Nov 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 6 Jan 1864 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in GrantRoberson, Grantsburg, IN. 210 F v. Jane C. Roberson was born in 1848 in Crawford Co., In. + 211 F vi. Anna Bell Roberson was born on 12 Jan 1850. She died on 12 Jan 1875. + 212 M vii. Benjamin Edwin Roberson was born on 23 Apr 1854. He died in 1931. 213 F viii. Emily Elizabeth Roberson was born on 13 Apr 1855 in Crawford Co., In. Emily married James Washington Roberson, son of James Roberson and Fannie Eliza Froman. James was born on 21 Feb 1844 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 22 May 1862 in Shiloh, TN from Died serving in civil war. He was buried in Shiloh National Military Park, Site 2461, Shiloh, TN. 39. Elizabeth "Bessie" Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 25 Sep 1823 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Sep 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 36 04 Mar 2010 Bessie married John Yates, son of James Yates and Mary Ann Butler, on 8 Aug 1847 in Crawford Co, IN. John was born on 26 Dec 1825 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 14 Jul 1864 in Vinings, Cobb Co., GA. He was buried in Marietta Georgia National Cemetery, Cobb Co., GA. They had the following children. + 214 F i. Samantha "Mattie" Yates is printed as #188 on page 44. 215 M ii. Benjamin F. Yates is printed as #189 on page 14. + 216 M iii. James Wilson Yates is printed as #190 on page 45. + 217 M iv. Thomas Jefferson Yates is printed as #191 on page 45. 218 F v. Evaline Yates is printed as #192 on page 14. 219 F vi. Emily Eva "Emmie" Yates is printed as #193 on page 14. 220 M vii. John Robinson Yates is printed as #194 on page 46. + 40. Nancy Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 22 Oct 1827 in Crawford Co., In. Nancy married Daniel Yates, son of John Jr. Yates and Polly Swift, on 23 Jul 1840 in Crawford Co., In. Daniel was born in 1822 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 27 Nov 1879 in Petersburg, Pike Co, IN from kidney diease. They had the following children. + + 221 F i. Elizabeth J. Yates is printed as #180 on page 13. 222 F ii. Sarah E. Yates is printed as #181 on page 14. 223 F iii. Ruthdia Yates is printed as #182 on page 44. 224 M iv. James F. Yates is printed as #183 on page 14. 225 M v. Benjamin Albert Yates is printed as #184 on page 44. 226 F vi. Sharlotte R. Yates is printed as #185 on page 14. 227 F vii. Malinda Yates is printed as #186 on page 14. 228 F viii. Lillie T. Yates is printed as #187 on page 14. 42. Harvey Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 30 Jun 1844 in Crawford Co., In. He died on 20 Oct 1854 in Birdseye, Dubois Co. IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Harvey married Nancy K. Scott, daughter of Wilson B. Scott and Dorinda Guy Sloan, on 27 Nov 1851 in Crawford Co, IN. Nancy was born in Apr 1832 in Crawford Co, IN. She died after 1900. They had the following children. + 37 229 F i. Annie Elizabeth Roberson was born on 3 Jul 1858. She died on 7 Feb 1901. 230 F ii. Leda Roberson was born about 1866 in Indiana. 231 M iii. Oliver Roberson was born about 1868 in Indiana. 04 Mar 2010 232 M iv. Walter Roberson was born about 1871 in Indiana. 233 F v. Julia was born about 1872 in Indiana. Julia married Weedman. Weedman was born about 1872. 43. Hester Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born in Apr 1834 in Crawford Co., In. Hester married George William Summers, son of Jane Last-Unknown/Unproven, on 3 Dec 1854 in Crawford Co, IN. George was born in Nov 1833 in IL. They had the following children. 234 F i. Elizabeth Summers was born about 1854 in IN. 45. Benjamin Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 14 Mar 1836 in Crawford Co., In. Benjamin married Dorinda Nash on 20 Dec 1855. Dorinda was born about 1835 in Indiana. They had the following children. 235 M i. Winla Roberson was born about 1871 in Indiana. Winla married Ethal. Ethal was born about 1882 in IL. + 236 M ii. Bloomer J. Roberson was born about 1881. 46. Linney S. Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 15 Jul 1839 in Crawford Co., In. She died about 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. Linney married George W. Riggle, son of James R Riggle and Elizabeth Jenkins, on 14 Feb 1856 in Crawford Co, IN. George was born on 27 Feb 1834 in Clark Co., Indiana. He died on 17 Dec 1892 in Adyeville, Perry Co. IN. They had the following children. + 237 M i. James W. Riggle was born in Mar 1857. + 238 M ii. Charles E. Riggle was born about 1859. 239 F iii. Sarah E. Riggle was born about 1862 in Crawford Co, IN. 240 F iv. Hester Elzore Riggle was born on 1 Jan 1863. She died on 18 Aug 1955. 241 F v. Hester E. Riggle was born about 1865 in Indiana. 242 F vi. Alice B. Riggle was born about 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. 243 M vii. George W. Riggle Jr. was born about 1869 in Crawford Co, IN. 244 F viii. Eliza H. Riggle was born about 1872 in Crawford Co, IN. + + 245 M ix. John Luther Riggle was born on 5 Jul 1873. 246 M x. David Windfield Riggle was born on 15 May 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. David married Cora/Evva in 1900 in Perry Co., IN. Cora/Evva was born in Jan 1880 in Indiana. She died before 1920. 38 04 Mar 2010 47. Alcy A. Roberson (Sarah Yates, John) was born on 26 Dec 1841 in Crawford Co., In. She died on 26 Apr 1915 in Crawford Co., In. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Alcy married Wilson Windfield Scott, son of Wilson B. Scott and Dorinda Guy Sloan, on 22 Jun 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. Wilson was born in 1841 in Crawford, Indiana. He died in 1872 in Crawford, Indiana. They had the following children. 247 M i. John Scott was born about 1865. 248 M ii. William Scott was born about 1866 in Indiana. 249 F iii. Cora B. Scott was born about 1869 in Indiana. 250 F iv. Sarah Scott was born about 1871. Fourth Generation 48. Albert Yates (Silas White, Robert, John) was born on 10 Jul 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 11 Jan 1892 in Dubois Co., IN. He was buried in Shiloh, Dubois Co., IN. Albert married Susan L./E. Austin, daughter of Alfred Austin and Charity J. Riggle, on 28 Sep 1850 in Crawford Co., IN. Susan was born on 14 Aug 1836 in Kentucky. She died in WFT Est 1864-1929. She was buried in Shiloh, Dubois Co., IN. They had the following children. + 251 F i. Charity Yates was born in 1852. She died on 5 Apr 1951. 252 F ii. Levina J. Yates was born in 1850. She died in 1872. Levina married William M. Fritch on 14 Oct 1886 in Duboise Co, IN. William was born in WFT Est 1834-1866. He died in WFT Est 1891-1953. 253 F iii. Matilda "Maty" Yates was born about 1851 in Crawford Co, IN. Matilda married Oliver Tilman on 10 Dec 1886. Oliver was born in WFT Est 18411878. He died in WFT Est 1882-1956. 39 254 M iv. Theodore B. Yates was born in 1866. He died on 22 Apr 1944 in Otwell, IN. from heart attack. He was buried in Shiloh, Dubois Co., IN. 255 M v. Robert Yates was born on 12 Dec 1858 in Plainville, IN, Dubois Co., IN. He died on 22 Oct 1936 in Ireland, Dubois Co, IN from At home. He was buried in Shiloh Cemetery Ireland, Dubois Co, IN. 04 Mar 2010 Robert married Mary Emma Anderson on 28 Feb 1881 in Dubois Co., IN. Mary was born on 8 Jul 1859 in IN. She died on 9 Jan 1939 in Dubois Co, IN. She was buried in Shiloh Cemetery Ireland, Dubois Co, IN. + 256 M vi. John Henry Yates was born on 12 Jul 1861. He died on 10 Aug 1919. 49. Sarah Elizabeth Yates (Silas White, Robert, John) was born in Apr 1832 in Crawford Co, IN. Sarah married James Morgan McCraney, son of John D. McCraney, on 12 Dec 1850 in Crawford Co, IN. James was born in 1829 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1880. They had the following children. 257 F i. Lavina McCraney was born in 1852 in Crawford Co, IN. Lavina married George W McCain. George was born about 1852 in Crawford Co, IN. + 258 M ii. Silas Tolbert McCraney was born in 1857. 259 F iii. Mary Jane McCraney was born in 1860. She died in 1937. Mary married Isaac N Hays. Isaac was born in 1861. He died in 1936. + 260 F iv. Sarah Margaret "Maggie" McCraney was born in 1863. She died in 1884. 261 F v. Martha McCraney was born in 1865. Martha married Henry A Cook. Henry was born about 1865. + 262 M vi. James Winfield McCraney was born in 1865. He died in 1962. 50. Cassa Yates (Silas White, Robert, John) was born about 1834 in Indiana. She died in Btwn19101920. She was buried in Grant County, Indiana?. Cassa married Enoch M. Austin, son of Alfred Austin and Charity J. Riggle, on 9 Nov 1850 in By John Martin JP. Enoch was born about 1839 in Clark Co., Indiana. He died before 1910 in Indiana?. They had the following children. + + 263 F i. Grace Austin was born about 1876. 264 F ii. Mary Austin was born about 1853 in Indiana. 265 M iii. Albert Austin was born about 1855. 266 F iv. Martha Austin was born about 1857 in Indiana. 267 F v. Melvina Austin was born about 1860 in Indiana. 57. Margaret Jane Bell (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 25 Dec 1834 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 4 Jul 1904 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Denbo Cemetery, English, Crawford Co., IN. Margaret married Francis Marion Denbo, son of Joseph Clarence Denbo Sr. and Jane Lowry, on 6 Mar 1853 in Crawford Co, IL. Francis was born on 22 Dec 1829 in Harrison Co., IN. He died on 27 May 1894 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Denbo Cemetery, English, Crawford Co., IN. 40 04 Mar 2010 Margaret and Francis had the following children. + 268 F i. Mary Elizabeth Denbo was born on 17 Jan 1861. She died on 12 Oct 1931. 58. John Washington Bell (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 10 May 1836 in Leavenworth, Crawford County, Indiana. He died on 30 Jun 1916 in Crawford Co., Indiana. He was buried in Pleasant Ridge (Tick Ridge) Cemetery near English. John married Elizabeth Curl, daughter of Richard B. Curl and Mariah Stepro, on 10 May 1859 in Crawford County, Indiana. Elizabeth was born on 25 Dec 1839 in Mauckport, Harrison County, Indiana. She died on 11 May 1933 in Grantsburg, Crawford County, Indiana. She was buried in Pleasant Ridge (Tick Ridge) Cemetery near English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. + 269 F i. Elizabeth Jane Bell was born about 1859. She died on 18 Jun 1947. 270 F ii. Florence Bell was born about 1860 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died in WFT Est. 1861-1954. 271 F iii. Mary Alice Bell was born on 10 Jan 1862 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died on 24 Aug 1927 in Decker, Indiana. Mary married James Newton Hammond. James was born about 1862. + 272 M iv. Ulyses Morton Bell was born on 13 Mar 1866. He died in 1955. 60. Samuel H. Bell (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 6 Nov 1841 in Crawford, Crawford, Indiana. He died on 28 Apr 1862. Samuel married Amanda Angeline Roberson, daughter of John "Jack" Roberson and Nancy W. Bell, on 17 Feb 1859. Amanda was born on 19 Mar 1843 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 15 Mar 1920 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Bethany Union Cemetery, Eckerty, Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. 273 F i. Isabelle Bell was born about 1861. 274 F ii. Elizabeth Bell was born about 1862. 66. Mary Ann Bell (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 28 May 1828 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 28 Oct 1896 in Crawford Co, IN. Mary married William Lowery Denbo, son of Joseph Clarence Denbo Sr. and Jane Lowry, on 20 Feb 1848 in Crawford Co, IN. William was born on 4 Jan 1824 in Palmyra, Harrison, Indiana. He died on 15 Jan 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. + 275 F i. Marinda Ann Denbo was born on 22 Oct 1856. She died on 2 May 1939. 68. Mary Ann Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 29 Jul 1834 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 3 Mar 1907 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. 41 04 Mar 2010 Mary married Francis Whitcomb Breeden, son of James Breeden and Sarah "Sally" Hockman, on 20 Mar 1855 in Harrison Co., IN. Francis was born on 25 Oct 1827 in Indiana. He died on 17 Dec 1913 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. + 276 F i. Mary Polly "Sis" Breeden was born about 1858. She died before 1920. + 277 M ii. Tolbert T. Breeden was born on 14 Dec 1855. He died on 10 Feb 1914. 69. Polly Ann Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 5 May 1835 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 4 May 1924 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Polly married Joseph G. Benham, son of Marcus Benham and Eliza Hughes, on 24 Jul 1858 in Crawford Co, IN. Joseph was born on 17 Nov 1838 in Harrison Co., IN. He died on 6 Mar 1920 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 278 F i. Elizabeth Jane Benham was born on 21 Jul 1859. 279 M ii. John Winfield Benham was born on 31 Mar 1861 in Crawford Co, IN. John married Leona Adkins on 5 Mar 1883 in Crawford Co., IN. Leona was born about 1861 in IN. 280 M iii. Stuart Benham was born in 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. 281 M iv. Craig Benham was born about 1858 in Crawford Co, IN. He died before 1860 in Indiana. 70. John Winfield Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 31 Jul 1835 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 14 Nov 1862 in New Albany, Indiana. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. John married Mahala May, daughter of John Wesley May and Lavina Roberson, on 9 May 1861 in Crawford Co, IN. Mahala was born in Jan 1843 in Crawford Co, IN. She died after 1910. They had the following children. 282 F i. Lovina Yates was born in 1862 in Crawford Co, IN. Lovina married Bill Fitch. Bill was born about 1862 in IN. 71. Jane Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born in 1841 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in WFT Est 1872-1935. 42 04 Mar 2010 Jane married John W. May, son of John Wesley May and Lavina Roberson, on 14 Mar 1867. John was born in 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in WFT Est 1872-1933. They had the following children. + 283 M i. Walter May was born about 1866. + 284 M ii. Willie May was born about 1867. 72. Mariah Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born in 1843 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1911. Mariah married Daniel Harding "Colonel" on 1 Nov 1866. Colonel was born about 1838 in Indiana. He died in 1888 in Perry Co, IN. They had the following children. + 285 F i. Martha J. Harding was born in Oct 1867. + 286 F ii. Estella C. Harding was born in 1870. She died in 1951. Mariah also married William Cox. William was born about 1851 in Indiana. They had the following children. 287 M iii. Thomas Cox was born about 1870 in Indiana. + 288 F iv. Addie Cox was born about 1878. + 289 M v. Robert F. Cox was born about 1883. 290 M vi. Tolbert Cox was born about 1884 in Indiana. Tolbert married "Babe" Davis. "Babe" was born about 1884. 291 M vii. Wesley Cox was born about 1871. He died in Died Young. 292 F viii. Josephine Cox was born about 1872. Mariah also married Wesley W. Riley. Wesley was born on 23 Mar 1843. He died on 17 Aug 1907 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 293 M ix. William C. "Willie" Riley was born about 1884 in Indiana. He was adopted by his mother. 294 M x. Ed Riley was born about 1865 in IN. Ed married Lula Froman. Lula was born about 1865 in IN. 43 295 M xi. Wessy Riley was born about 1863 in IN. He died about 1863 in IN from Died Young. 296 F xii. Annie Riley was born about 1867. She died in Died Young. 04 Mar 2010 74. Catherine "Kate" Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born in Jan 1849 in Crawford Co, IN. Kate married Bryant Bird, son of Bryant Bird and Mary Polly Straughn, on 26 Nov 1874. Bryant was born about 1854 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. + 297 M i. Luther Bird was born in Nov 1875. He died in 1922. 298 F ii. Addie Bird was born about 1878 in Knox Co., In. Addie married Prater Harris. Prater was born about 1975. 299 F iii. Ada Bird was born about 1879 in Knox Co, IN. Ada married George Kelso. George was born about 1874. 300 M iv. Stewart W. Byrd was born in Jan 1882 in Knox Co., In. He died in 1977 in Knox Co, IN. He was buried in Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. Stewart married Abbigale M. Drapper about 1907 in IN. Abbigale was born in Nov 1878 in IN. She died in 1964 in Knox Co, IN. She was buried in Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. + 301 M v. James Craig Byrd was born on 1 Dec 1884. He died in 1962. 302 M vi. Douglas Newton Bird was born on 9 Nov 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 28 Nov 1928 in Outwood, Christian Co., KY. He was buried in Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. Douglas married Alice Grace McElroy on 8 Aug 1917 in Knox Co., In. Alice was born on 19 Mar 1888 in Scotland, Indiana. She died on 18 Dec 1978 in Wheatland, Indiana. She was buried in Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. 75. Amanda Adeline "Addie" Yates (Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 15 Dec 1855 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 10 Jul 1915 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Amanda married John W. Goldman, son of Martin Goldman and Sarah Ann "Sallie" Scott, on 28 Oct 1881 in Crawford Co., IN. John was born on 19 Oct 1857 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 8 Feb 1933 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. + 303 F i. Effie Jane Goldman was born on 12 Aug 1882. She died in 1963. + 304 M ii. Jesse Clois Goldman was born on 2 Feb 1889. He died on 2 Sep 1988. 80. Mahala "Mary" Yates (William, Robert, John) was born in 1843 in Crawford Co., IN. She died after 1920 in FL. Mary married Daniel O'Connell Duffin on 24 May 1866 in Crawford County Indiana. Daniel was born in Sep 1837 in Hamilton Co., OH. He died on 29 Jun 1917 in Gadsen Co., FL. 44 04 Mar 2010 Mary and Daniel had the following children. + + 305 F i. Rachael E. Duffin was born about 1866 in Crawford Co, IN. 306 M ii. Lorenze Millard Duffin was born on 12 Dec 1875 in Tell City, Indiana. He died on 23 Sep 1959 in Fort Smith, Arkansas. 307 M iii. Clarence R. Duffin was born in Feb 1879. 308 F iv. Ella Duffin was born about 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 21 Feb 1883 in Crawford Co, IN. 309 F v. Alice D. Duffin was born in Sep 1886. 83. Lydia Florence Yates (William, Robert, John) was born in Jul 1862 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in Lawrence Co., Indiana. Lydia married Dr. William Clements Butler. William was born in 1856 in IN. He died on 19 May 1933 in Lawrence Co., Indiana. They had the following children. 310 F i. Nellie R. Butler was born about 1885 in Indiana. 84. Mary Ann Martin (Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born on 17 Jul 1838 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 17 Aug 1908 in Paoli, Crawford Co., Indiana. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Mary married Isaac N. Taylor on 6 Aug 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. Isaac was born about 1835 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 7 Jul 1863 in Vicksburg, Mississippi. They had the following children. 311 F i. Mary F. Taylor was born about 1858 in IN. 312 F ii. Laura M. Taylor was born about 1859 in Crawford Co, IN. Laura married S. W. Newton on 23 Dec 1882 in Martin Co., IN. S. W. Newton was born about 1858 in TN. Mary also married James M. Watson on 28 Aug 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. James was born in Jul 1834 in OH. They had the following children. + 313 F iii. Edith Beatrice Watson was born on 17 Mar 1876. She died on 5 Nov 1930. 85. Jane Martin (Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born on 1 Dec 1839 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Jan 1916 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Jane married William M. Thompson on 30 Jun 1859 in Crawford Co., IN. William was born about 1840 in IN. Jane also married Houston Goldman, son of Andrew Goldman and Melinda Tadlock, on 3 Jun 1866 in Crawford Co., IN. Houston was born in Oct 1846 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 31 Jul 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Riddle Cemetery, Crawford Co., Indiana. 45 04 Mar 2010 Jane and Houston had the following children. + 314 M i. John Goldman was born on 17 Mar 1868. He died on 3 Jan 1911. Jane also married Nathan Wright, son of John Wright and Mary Polly Wray, on 3 Dec 1878 in Crawford Co., IN. Nathan was born on 1 Dec 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 3 Aug 1892 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Riddle Cemetery, Crawford Co., Indiana. They had the following children. 315 M ii. Christopher Columbus Wright was born in Oct 1879 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 3 Dec 1916 in Crawford Co., IN. 86. Mariah Martin (Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born in 1842 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in 1892 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Mariah married George W. Roberson, son of George William Roberson and Sarah A. Kintner, on 7 Nov 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. George was born on 18 Jun 1842 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 11 Sep 1920 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 316 F i. Daughter Roberson was born on 24 Jul 1866 in Crawford Co., IN. + 317 F ii. Cora Roberson was born on 5 Jun 1868. She died on 5 Oct 1967. + 318 F iii. Emma Roberson was born on 27 Oct 1870. She died on 7 Jul 1929. 319 M iv. Jesse Roberson was born about 1872. He died about 1873. 87. Alice Martin (Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born in Jul 1859 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in 1953 in Hutchinson, Reno Co., KS. Alice married Alexander M. Duffin. Alexander was born in Apr 1853 in OH. He died in 1936 in Hutchinson, Reno Co., KS. They had the following children. 320 F i. Nora Duffin was born on 6 Jun 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 2 Oct 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. 321 M ii. Owen Ridgely Duffin was born on 12 Mar 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 5 Feb 1998 in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., KS. 322 F iii. Fanny Duffin was born in Jun 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. 323 F iv. Lela Duffin was born in Oct 1886 in CO. She died in Mar 1983 in Boulder, Boulder Co., CO. 324 F v. Nellie O. Duffin was born on 9 Jul 1893 in KS. She died on 1 Jan 1979 in Santa Cruz, CA. Nellie married Leoti E. Edwards. Leoti was born about 1894 in KS. 325 F 46 vi. Hazel Duffin was born in Feb 1897 in KS. 04 Mar 2010 95. Victor Frank Froman (Mildred "Milly" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1831 in Indiana. Victor married Mary Plumer on 5 Jun 1851 in Crawford Co., IN. Mary was born in 1831 in Indiana. They had the following children. 326 F i. Mildred E. Froman was born in 1853 in Indiana. 97. Mary Ann (Polly) Froman (Mildred "Milly" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 12 Mar 1834 in Crawford County. She died on 11 Jul 1869 in Crawford County. Mary married George Henderson Miler, son of Thomas Myler and Mary Eliza Keysacker, on 26 Feb 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. George was born on 3 Mar 1834 in Leavenworth, Crawford County, Indiana. He died on 16 Aug 1864 in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. They had the following children. 327 F i. Palmyra Jane Miler was born about 1854 in Crawford Co, IN. Palmyra married Paul Reasor on 15 Nov 1877 in Crawford Co, IN. 328 F ii. Mary Mildred E. Miler was born about 1855 in Crawford Co, IN. Mary married Thomas A. McGuire. Thomas was born about 1855. 98. Melina Evaline Froman (Mildred "Milly" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Mar 1836. She died on 18 Sep 1911 in Pocahontas, Randolph, AR. Melina married William Latham Edrington on 11 Nov 1855 in Pike Co., IN. They had the following children. 329 M i. William Silas Edrington was born on 13 Mar 1859. He died on 26 Dec 1860. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 103. Sarah Ann Roberson (James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 27 Dec 1830. She died on 11 Nov 1918 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Sarah married George Washington Nash on 23 Mar 1848. George was born on 26 Feb 1826 in Tennessee. He died on 16 Jul 1893 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 330 F i. Mary Isabel Nash was born on 23 Mar 1849 in Crawford Co., In. She died on 5 Feb 1922 in Crawford Co., In. Mary married John Brown, son of William "Billy" III Brown and Lucy Ann Williams, on 20 Jul 1865 in Crawford Co., In. John was born on 1 Jan 1844 in Tennessee. He died on 13 Nov 1913 in Crawford Co. IN. He was buried in Riddle Cemetery, Crawford Co., Indiana. 47 331 M ii. James W. Nash was born about 1848. 332 F iii. Cynthia J. Nash was born about 1846. 04 Mar 2010 333 F iv. Nancy M. Nash was born about 1847. 334 F v. Sarah A. Nash was born about 1845. 107. Nancy Roberson (James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 1 Nov 1836 in Indiana. Nancy married Brazill Dotson on 7 Oct 1864 in Crawford Co., IN. Brazill was born about 1836 in Indiana. They had the following children. 335 M i. David O. Dotson was born about 1868 in Indiana. 336 F ii. Minnie B. Dotson was born about 1869 in Indiana. 337 M iii. Albert Dotson was born about 1878 in Indiana. 108. Fielding Roberson (James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 21 May 1838 in Crawford Co., In. He died on 5 Sep 1924 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. Fielding married Mary Ann Denbo on 28 Sep 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. Mary was born on 6 May 1857. She died on 26 Sep 1916 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. + 338 M i. Alva Thomas Roberson was born on 20 Sep 1874. He died on 13 Feb 1965. + 339 M ii. James Washington Roberson was born on 2 Feb 1876. He died on 9 Jul 1964. + 340 F iii. Lillie Jane Roberson was born on 14 Mar 1878. She died on 29 Jan 1906. 341 F iv. Fannie Lucinda Roberson was born on 11 Oct 1880 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 25 May 1905 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. 342 M v. Rev. Mann Woodfield Roberson was born on 14 Oct 1882. He died on 29 Jul 1969. 343 F vi. Grover Cleveland Roberson was born on 15 Sep 1884 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 3 Jul 1965 in Power, Cascade, Montana. + Grover married Frances Brown on 7 Jun 1932 in Great Falls, Cascade, Montana. + 344 M vii. Charles Edward Roberson was born on 11 Nov 1886. He died on 13 Sep 1981. + 345 M viii. William Fredrick Roberson was born on 27 Nov 1888. He died on 27 May 1970. + 346 F ix. Bertha Mable Roberson was born on 6 Nov 1890. She died on 17 Jul 1966. + 347 M x. Reuben Russell Roberson was born on 2 Mar 1893. He died on 2 May 1959. 348 M xi. George Hazelwood Roberson was born on 15 Sep 1894 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 3 Nov 1918 in Great Falls, Cascade, Montana. 48 04 Mar 2010 349 M xii. Irvin Ember Roberson was born on 15 Sep 1897 in Indiana Per Census. Irvin married Lottie Jamerson. Lottie was born about 1897. 110. Elijah J. Roberson (James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 12 Feb 1842 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 7 Mar 1908 in Great Bend, Barton Co., KS. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Elijah married Nancy L. Van Winkle on 12 Nov 1863 in Crawford Co., IN. Nancy was born on 14 Oct 1845 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 4 Jan 1870 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. + 350 F i. Mary Anna Bell Roberson was born on 18 Apr 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 17 Aug 1866 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 351 M ii. Edmond Kerr Roberson was born on 29 Jun 1867. He died on 9 Sep 1953. 352 F iii. Fannie A. Roberson was born about 1869 in Indiana. Elijah also married Sarah Emma Graves, daughter of Graves and Elizabeth LastUnknown/Unproven, on 30 Oct 1874 in Crawford Co, IN. Sarah was born on 10 Jul 1855 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 9 Apr 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 353 M iv. Issac A. Roberson was born on 23 Mar 1877 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 11 Aug 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. 354 F v. Ella E. Roberson was born on 21 Dec 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. Ella married First-Unknown/Unproven Hunt. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1878. + 355 M vi. Abraham Roberson was born on 18 Oct 1881. He died in 1959. 113. Dorinda Roberson (James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 12 Mar 1851 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 12 May 1931. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Dorinda married Thomas Levi Denbo on 10 Aug 1873 in ENGLISH, CRAWFORD Co., INDIANA. Thomas was born on 12 Jan 1852 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 6 Mar 1933 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 356 F 49 i. Mary M. Denbo was born on 12 Jul 1874 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 21 Oct 1875 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. 04 Mar 2010 357 M ii. Charles Denbo was born on 5 Jan 1877 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 28 Dec 1895 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. 358 F iii. Eliza Lucy Denbo was born in 1882 in Indiana. She died in 1928 in Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Eliza married Myers. Myers was born about 1882. + 359 M iv. Robert L. Denbo was born on 27 May 1885. He died on 30 May 1941. + 360 F v. Nannie J. Denbo was born in 1879. She died in 1964. 361 M vi. Claude Edwin Highfill was born on 4 Dec 1931 in Crawford County, Indiana. He died on 19 Apr 1991 in Crawford County, Indiana from Lung Cancer. He was buried in Mifflin Cemetery, Crawford County, Indiana. He was adopted. Claude married Evelyn Patton on 18 Feb 1953 in English, Crawford County, Indiana. Evelyn was born on 27 Feb 1935. She died on 29 Aug 1990 in Crawford County, Indiana. She was buried in Mifflin Cemetery, Crawford County, Indiana. 116. Samuel Roberson (John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Sep 1832. He died in Sep 1910. Samuel married Tresia Stepro Howard on 4 Feb 1852. Tresia was born in Sep 1832 in From Perry Co.. She died in Sep 1910. They had the following children. + 362 F i. Nancy J Roberson was born in 1853 in Indiana. 363 M ii. John Washington (Bud) Roberson was born on 17 Feb 1854. He died on 30 Jan 1924. 364 F iii. Mary E. Roberson was born in 1858 in Indiana Per Census. 118. Nancy Jane Roberson (John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born about 1837 in Crawford Co, IN. Nancy married William Henry Blevins, son of Samuel E. Blevins and Sarah Ann Taylor, on 6 Feb 1862 in Crawford Co, IN. William was born about 1837 in Meigs Co., TN. They had the following children. + 365 M i. William Henry Blevins was born on 18 Feb 1867. He died on 6 May 1954. 120. Amanda Angeline Roberson (John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 19 Mar 1843 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 15 Mar 1920 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Bethany Union Cemetery, Eckerty, Crawford Co, IN. Amanda married Samuel H. Bell, son of Samuel W Bell and Sarah Elizabeth Yates, on 17 Feb 1859. Samuel was born on 6 Nov 1841 in Crawford, Crawford, Indiana. He died on 28 Apr 1862. They had the following children. 366 F 50 i. Isabelle Bell is printed as #273 on page 21. 04 Mar 2010 367 F ii. Elizabeth Bell is printed as #274 on page 21. Amanda also married Jeremiah Walls. Jeremiah was born on 25 Feb 1829. He died on 13 Feb 1920. They had the following children. 368 F iii. Sarah Walls was born about 1847. 369 F iv. Martha Walls was born about 1848. 370 F v. Viola Walls was born about 1849. 371 M vi. John Wesley Walls was born about 1850. 372 M vii. Samuel Walls was born about 1851. 121. William Bell Roberson (John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 13 May 1847 in Crawford Co., Indiana Per Census. He died on 20 May 1916. William married Anna Matilda Hamilton on 8 Jun 1868 in Crawford Co., IN. Anna was born about 1848. William also married Mary Ann Seals on 28 Oct 1875 in Perry Co., IN. Mary was born about 1855. They had the following children. 373 F i. Mary Roberson was born in Feb 1882 in Indiana Per Census. 374 F ii. Minne Lou Roberson was born on 7 Feb 1886 in Indiana Per Census. She died in Dec 1952. She was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. 375 M iii. Charles F. Roberson was born in Nov 1887 in Indiana Per Census. He was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. 376 F iv. Lillie E. Roberson was born in Jun 1890 in Indiana Per Census. 377 F v. Gertie A. Roberson was born in Feb 1893 in Indiana Per Census. 378 F vi. Maggie M. Roberson was born in Mar 1895 in Indiana Per Census. She was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. 379 M vii. John H. Roberson was born in Aug 1898 in Indiana Per Census. He was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. 380 F viii. Ida Roberson was born about 1867. Ida married James Knight. James was born about 1867. + 381 M ix. Andrew Roberson died on 30 Apr 1947. William also married Polly Hollen. Polly was born about 1847. 122. Albert Roberson (John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1848 in Mifflin, Crawford, Indiana. Albert married Martha Judd, daughter of William Judd and Louisa, on 26 Apr 1871 in Crawford Co, IN. The marriage ended in divorce. Martha was born about 1855. 51 04 Mar 2010 Albert and Martha had the following children. 382 M i. Marion Roberson was born about 1872 in Crawford Co., IN. 383 F ii. Ida Roberson was born about 1878. 124. Benjamin M. Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 6 Sep 1830 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 20 Nov 1891 in Crawford Co., IN. Benjamin married Palmyra Elmira Miller on 6 Nov 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. Palmyra was born on 16 Apr 1835. She died on 21 Feb 1901 in Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. + 384 F i. Palmira J. Roberson was born about 1860 in Crawford Co, IN. 385 F ii. Mary I. Della Roberson was born in Nov 1861. 126. Abraham M. Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 7 Dec 1837 in Indiana Per Census. He died on 1 Jun 1903 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Abraham married Hester A. Myler. Hester was born on 18 Sep 1855. She died in 1950. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 386 M i. Charles W. Roberson was born on 25 Oct 1876 in Indiana. He died on 30 Oct 1933 in Seminole, Oklahoma. Charles married Maude Dehan. Maude was born about 1878 in Indiana. 387 M ii. Benjamin Thomas Roberson was born on 26 Nov 1878. He died on 4 Mar 1970. Benjamin married Myrtle Davis. Myrtle was born on 24 Sep 1890. She died on 4 Aug 1959. + 388 M iii. Mann B. Roberson was born about 1880 in Indiana. 389 F iv. Bessie E. Roberson was born on 25 Mar 1883. She died on 10 Jun 1980. 127. Hester G. Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 19 Dec 1839 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 25 Jul 1908 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg Crawford Co., IN. Hester married David Daniel Grant, son of Levi Grant and Sarah F. Potts, on 17 Jan 1856 in Crawford Co., In. David was born on 8 Jul 1832 in Harrison Co., IN. He died on 26 Nov 1899 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. 52 04 Mar 2010 390 F i. Elvira Grant was born on 3 Nov 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 19 Dec 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. 391 M ii. John A. Grant was born on 20 Mar 1862. He died on 17 Apr 1891 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. 392 F iii. Infant Grant was born on 27 Oct 1877 in Crawford Co., In. She died on 27 Oct 1877 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grant Roberson CemGrantsburg. 129. Nancy Minerva Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Nancy married William H. Myler, son of Thomas Myler and Mary Eliza Keysacker, on 23 Jan 1862 in Crawford County. William was born about 1842. They had the following children. 393 F i. Eliza Myler was born in 1863 in Indiana. 130. Eliza Evelyn Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 18 Apr 1843 in Indiana Per Census. She died on 8 Oct 1917. Eliza married John Debry Walls, son of Sanders Walls and Susannah Patton, on 21 Mar 1861 in Crawford Co., IN. John was born on 1 Nov 1838. He died on 18 Dec 1882. They had the following children. 394 M i. Elijah Roberson Walls was born on 8 Dec 1874 in Orange, Indiana. He died on 21 May 1944 in Orange, Indiana. Elijah married Viola B. McDonald on 20 Dec 1903. 134. Thomas Jefferson Roberson Jr. (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 29 Jun 1854 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 13 Jul 1924 in Halloran, Butler Co., MO. He was buried in Kearbey Cemetery Halloran, Butler Co., MO. Thomas married Mary Jane Benham, daughter of Marcus Benham and Eliza Hughes, on 9 Mar 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. Mary was born on 6 Mar 1852 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 1 Jul 1905 in Halloran, MO. They had the following children. 395 F 53 i. Lora Lee Roberson was born on 8 Jan 1874 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Nov 1939 in Halloran, Epps Twp, Butler Co, MO. She was buried in Kearbey Chapel Cemetery, Row D Grave 6 Scott Plot, Halloran Community, Epps Twp, 04 Mar 2010 Butler Co, MO. Lora married John Harvey Scott on 27 Nov 1890 in Leavenworth, Crawford Co, IN. John was born on 12 Aug 1864 in Leavenworth, Crawford Co, IN. He died on 13 Apr 1946 in Halloran, Epps Twp, Butler Co, MO. He was buried in Kearbey Chapel Cemetery, Row D Grave 5 Scott Plot, Halloran Community, Epps Twp, Butler Co, MO. + 396 F ii. Pearl Elvira Roberson was born on 13 Jan 1876. She died on 1 Oct 1938. 397 F iii. Minnie Belle Roberson was born on 31 Jan 1878. Minnie married James Berry on 28 Nov 1901 in Crawford Co., IN. 398 M iv. Charles Abram Roberson was born on 11 Sep 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. 399 F v. Etta Edith Roberson was born on 20 May 1880 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 25 Jul 1968 in CA. Etta married John Phil Kearbey on 25 Dec 1900 in Crawford Co., IN. John was born about 1880 in Crawford Co, IN. 400 F vi. Katherine M. (Katie) Roberson was born on 23 Mar 1884 in Crawford Co., IN. 401 F vii. Fannie Gertrude (Betty) Roberson was born on 1 Mar 1886 in Crawford Co., IN. Fannie married Arthur Holloway. Arthur was born about 1886. Fannie also married Frank. Frank was born about 1886. Fannie also married Will Heath. Will was born about 1886. 402 F viii. Iva Alice Roberson was born on 13 Jan 1888. Iva married Charles Riggens. Charles was born about 1888. 403 F ix. Mattie Mae Roberson was born on 28 Sep 1889 in Crawford Co., IN. 404 F x. Trinnie Roberson was born on 11 Nov 1891 in Crawford Co., IN. Trinnie married Gailbrieth. Gailbrieth was born about 1891. 135. Elijah F. Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 22 Jan 1833 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 6 Sep 1893 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Elijah married Sarah Ann Grant, daughter of Levi Grant and Sarah F. Potts, on 8 Mar 1853 in Crawford Co., In. Sarah was born on 18 Aug 1834 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 28 Dec 1920 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 54 405 F i. Hester E. Roberson was born on 14 Sep 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 26 Oct 1873 in Crawford Co, IN from typhoid fever. She was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. 406 F ii. Annie Roberson was born in 1859 in Indiana Per Census. 407 F iii. Lucy Idella Roberson was born on 10 Sep 1860 in Indiana Per Census. 04 Mar 2010 Lucy married Martin J. Miller on 16 May 1894 in Crawford Co., IN. + 408 F iv. Nancy Elvira Roberson was born on 23 Jul 1864. She died in 1947. + 409 M v. Sylvester Roberson was born on 3 Mar 1867. 410 F vi. Alice Annabelle Roberson was born on 7 Jun 1869 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Feb 1870 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grant Roberson Cem-Grantsburg. 411 F vii. Coda L. Roberson was born on 1 Oct 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Eckerty Cem., Eckerty, IN. Coda married Mack Newton on 5 Nov 1893 in Crawford Co., IN. 412 F viii. Eliza Evelyn Roberson was born on 27 Jan 1877 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 23 Apr 1956. Eliza married Joseph M. Speedy on 11 Jan 1895 in Crawford Co., IN. 136. Mary Elizabeth Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 5 Jan 1836 in Crawford Co., In. She died on 4 Jun 1892 in Crawford Co., In. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Mary married Joseph Kinkaid Landiss "Joel", son of John Landiss and Jane Kincaid, on 13 Oct 1852 in Crawford Co, IN. Joel was born on 20 Jun 1830 in Crawford Co., In. He died on 7 Jan 1914 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + + 413 F i. Sarah Jane Landiss was born on 5 Aug 1852. She died on 25 Dec 1939. 414 M ii. John Stephen Landiss was born on 7 Sep 1859. He died on 9 Mar 1860. 415 M iii. Charles Elsworth Landiss was born on 21 Jan 1862. He died on 18 Jan 1863. 416 iv. Infant Landiss was born on 8 Dec 1863. Infant died on 8 Dec 1863. 417 F v. Kansas Ann "Canny" Landiss was born on 20 May 1866. She died on 21 May 1938. 418 F vi. Methe Marcella Landiss was born in Oct 1867. She died on 17 Apr 1906. 419 F vii. Pamlora J. Landiss was born on 30 Sep 1869. She died on 16 Jul 1870 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 420 F viii. Mary Edith Landiss was born on 21 Feb 1872. She died on 27 Sep 1873. 421 F ix. Minnie Angeline Landiss was born on 17 Mar 1878. She died on 22 Nov 1957. Minnie married Longest. Longest was born about 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. 55 04 Mar 2010 137. Joseph Beckwith Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 24 Jun 1837 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 11 Nov 1886 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Leavenwoth, Crawford Co., IN. Joseph married Letitia Monzell Miller on 3 Dec 1863 in Crawford Co., IN. Letitia was born on 10 Nov 1845 in Baton Rouge, LA. She died on 27 Jul 1904 in Crawford, IN. She was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Leavenwoth, Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. 422 F i. Lillie D. Roberson was born in 1865. Lillie married Horace B. Gilmore. Horace was born about 1865. 423 F ii. Fannie B. Roberson was born in 1868. Fannie married Oliver N. Whitcomb in 1886. + 424 M iii. Arthur B Roberson was born in Sep 1872. + 425 M iv. Edward E. Roberson was born in May 1875. He died in 1916. 138. John Murray Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 8 Apr 1838 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 5 May 1902 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. John married Sarah Maranda Goldman on 3 Dec 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. Sarah was born on 4 May 1838 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 11 Aug 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 426 F i. Elizabeth Ann Roberson was born on 30 Nov 1859. She died on 27 Jun 1928. 427 M ii. Franklin Roberson was born in 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. 428 M iii. William Roberson was born in 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. + 429 F iv. Mary A. Roberson was born on 19 Aug 1862. She died on 10 Apr 1917. + 430 F v. Genattie "Nettie" Roberson was born in 1870. She died in 1957. + 431 M vi. Henry Claud "Boss" Roberson was born on 8 Sep 1876. He died in 1964. + 432 M vii. Elijah Roberson was born on 30 Aug 1885. He died on 9 Aug 1941 from Died of Typhoid Fever.. 141. Julie Ann Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 15 Jan 1845 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 9 Oct 1936 in Crawford Co., IN. Julie married William H. Scott, son of Ira Scott and Sariah Burke, on 3 Apr 1864 in Crawford Co, IN. William was born on 8 Jul 1842 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 8 Mar 1922 in Crawford Co, IN. 56 04 Mar 2010 Julie and William had the following children. + 433 F i. Rose A. Scott was born in 1867 in IN. She died in 1880 in IN. 434 F ii. Minnie Scott was born in 1868 in IN. She died in 1880 in IN. 435 M iii. Thomas Berkey Scott was born on 1 Feb 1870 in Crawford Co, IN. 436 F iv. Quienie I. Scott was born about 1872 in Crawford Co, IN. 437 F v. Sara Grace Scott was born in Jul 1874. 438 F vi. Emma N. Scott was born about 1876 in Crawford Co, IN. 439 F vii. Delta Sabra Scott was born on 18 Apr 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 19 Nov 1958. 440 M viii. Charles B. Scott was born in Apr 1880 in Crawford Co, IN. 441 F ix. Arthur F. Scott was born in Aug 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. 442 M x. Edward L. Scott was born in Aug 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. 443 M xi. Stephen I. Scott was born in Mar 1885 in Crawford Co, IN. 143. Hester A. Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 12 Dec 1848 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 18 Apr 1887 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Hester married Joseph Nelson Land, son of William A. Land and Catherine Ruth, on 10 Jan 1869 in Crawford Co, IN. Joseph was born on 7 Nov 1834 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 15 Feb 1919 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 444 M i. Charles Land was born about 1870 in Crawford Co, IN. 445 F ii. Lillie L. Land was born on 21 Feb 1870 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 3 Feb 1872 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 145. James Morrison Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 18 Apr 1853 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 17 Feb 1922 in Indianapolis, IN from complications of influenza. He was buried in City of Mitchell Cemetery, Mitchell, Lawrence Co., IN. James married Laura Weathers on 27 Mar 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. Laura was born about 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. She died after 1922 in Indianapolis, IN from complications of influenza. She was buried in City of Mitchell Cemetery, Mitchell, Indiana. They had the following children. 446 F i. Clara Roberson was born about 1874 in Crawford Co, IN. 447 F ii. Leora Roberson was born about 1876 in Crawford Co, IN. 448 M iii. Charles "Gasaway" Roberson was born in Sep 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in Orleans, Indiana. He was buried in Old Union United Methodist Church Cemetery, Orleans, Indiana. Charles married Zetta Evalou Fisher. Zetta was born about 1879. She was buried in 57 04 Mar 2010 Old Union United Methodist Church Cemetery, Orleans, Indiana. 449 F iv. Ethel B. Roberson was born in Apr 1880 in Crawford Co, IN. 450 F v. Flora Roberson was born about 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in Oct 1968 in Indianapolis, IN. 451 M vi. Grover C. Roberson was born on 11 Apr 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 8 Dec 1915 in Indianapolis, IN. 452 F vii. Eva Jane Roberson was born on 17 Aug 1892 in Crawford County, Indiana. She died on 10 Oct 1961 in Washington, Indiana. 453 F viii. Essa B. Roberson was born in Apr 1896 in Crawford Co, IN. 454 M ix. Archa E. Roberson was born in Mar 1900 in Crawford Co, IN. 146. Sarah Baker Roberson (Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 31 Mar 1855 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 24 Feb 1942. Sarah married William J. Harris on 5 Oct 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. William was born about 1853. They had the following children. 455 M i. William P. Harris was born in 1858. He died in 1859. 156. George W. Roberson (George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 18 Jun 1842 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 11 Sep 1920 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. George married Mariah Martin, daughter of John Martin and Cassa Yates, on 7 Nov 1865 in Crawford Co., IN. Mariah was born in 1842 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in 1892 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 456 F i. Daughter Roberson is printed as #316 on page 26. + 457 F ii. Cora Roberson is printed as #317 on page 59. + 458 F iii. Emma Roberson is printed as #318 on page 59. 459 M iv. Jesse Roberson is printed as #319 on page 26. 157. Henry Clay Roberson (George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 25 Jul 1844 in Crawford, IN. He died on 23 Jul 1930 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Henry married Sarah Jane Landiss, daughter of Joseph Kinkaid Landiss "Joel" and Mary Elizabeth Roberson, on 29 Nov 1869 in Crawford Co., IN. Sarah was born on 5 Aug 1852 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 25 Dec 1939 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 58 04 Mar 2010 Henry and Sarah had the following children. 460 M i. Charles S. Roberson was born on 23 Mar 1871. He died on 28 Nov 1945 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Charles married Eva Ferguson. Eva was born in 1876. She died in 1942 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 461 F ii. Sarah E. Roberson was born on 24 Feb 1873 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 7 Sep 1885 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery. 462 F iii. Grace Gertrude Roberson was born on 6 Jan 1876 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 17 Nov 1911 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Grace married William B. Bennett. William was born on 22 Aug 1875 in Indiana. He died on 5 Feb 1953 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. + 463 M iv. Alfred B. Roberson was born on 11 Jul 1878. He died on 26 Mar 1933. 464 F v. Bessie Blanche Roberson was born on 27 May 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 30 Jan 1926 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 465 F vi. Infant Roberson was born on 18 Nov 1885 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 20 Nov 1885 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 158. Sarepta Annie Roberson (George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Jul 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 7 Jan 1921 in Walnut Ridge, Lawrence, Arkansas. She was buried in Sanders Cemetery Randolph Co., AR. Sarepta married William Benjamin Sisson, son of John Crandall Sisson and Lydia Elizabeth Stevenson, on 25 Feb 1866 in Crawford Co., IN. William was born in Dec 1839 in Mt Pleasant, Switzerland, Indiana. He died in 1908 in Walnut Ridge, Lawrence, Arkansas. He was buried in Sanders Cemetery Randolph Co., AR. They had the following children. 59 04 Mar 2010 + 466 M i. Benjamin F. Sisson was born about 1868 in Crawford Co, IN. 467 M ii. Joseph Albert Sisson was born on 4 Sep 1869. He died on 3 Apr 1951. 468 M iii. John W. Sisson was born about 1872 in Crawford Co, IN. 469 M iv. Isaac N. Sisson was born in Apr 1873 in Crawford Co, IN. 470 F v. Sarah E. Sisson was born about 1875 in Crawford Co, IN. 471 F vi. Arminta A. Sisson was born about 1877 in Crawford Co, IN. 472 M vii. David H. Sisson was born about 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. 473 F viii. Margaret Jane Sisson was born in Jul 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. 159. Thomas Jefferson Roberson (George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Jun 1848 in Crawford Co, IN. He died after 1920. Thomas married Mary Polly Breeden "Sis", daughter of Francis Whitcomb Breeden and Mary Ann Yates, in 1880 in Crawford Co, IN. Sis was born about 1858 in Crawford Co, IN. She died before 1920. They had the following children. + 474 M i. Craig A. Roberson was born in Feb 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. 475 F ii. Hallie M. Roberson was born in Apr 1882. 476 F iii. Maude L. Roberson was born in May 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. 477 F iv. Orial Roberson was born in Mar 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. 478 M v. Earnest Owen Roberson was born on 14 Nov 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in Sep 1971 in OH. Earnest married Mae Herod "Minnie", daughter of Charles Herod. Minnie was born in Nov 1896 in Indiana. 160. Adam Kintner Roberson (George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 2 Apr 1850 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 18 May 1924 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Adam married Alice Goodman. Alice was born on 20 Nov 1864 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 11 Aug 1944 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 60 479 F i. Eunice Aldah Roberson was born on 4 Nov 1884. She died on 24 Jul 1970. 480 F ii. Edith E. Roberson was born in 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. 04 Mar 2010 161. Stephen Albert Roberson (George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 4 Aug 1854 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 4 Mar 1932 in Alford, IN. Stephen married Adeline Roberts "Addie", daughter of William Roberts and Catherine Hughes, on 10 Nov 1878 in Crawford Co., IN. Addie was born on 31 Mar 1859 in Clark Co., IN. She died on 31 Mar 1890 in Knox Co., IN. They had the following children. 481 F i. Alice Medora Roberson was born on 8 Jan 1880 in Dubois Co., IN. She died on 26 Mar 1965 in Alpine, TX. She was buried in Shamrock, Wheeler Co., TX. Alice married Thomas H. Byrd on 8 Feb 1900 in Pike Co, IN. Thomas was born in Jun 1874 in IN. Alice also married Vincent Warner Shoemaker on 1 Oct 1904 in Pike Co. IN. Vincent was born on 10 Mar 1880 in Hancock Co., OH. 482 M ii. Willard Miles Roberson was born on 26 Sep 1882 in IN. Willard married Gertrude M. Roll on 17 Dec 1910 in Clark Co., IN. Gertrude was born in 1874 in IN. 483 F iii. Ruby Ruth Roberson was born about 1883 in Crawford Co, IN. 484 F iv. Sarah Catherine "Kate" Roberson was born on 6 May 1884 in Birdseye, Indiana. She died in 1976 in Gibson Co., IN. Kate married Ralph Marco Onyett, son of Benjamin Eugene Onyett and Nancy Enbody, on 19 Sep 1901 in Alford, Indiana. Ralph was born on 5 Nov 1874 in Gibson Co Indiana. He died on 28 Apr 1961 in Oakland City Indiana. Stephen also married Nannie York on 25 Jan 1891 in Daviess Co., IN. Nannie was born in Jul 1868. They had the following children. + 485 F v. Mamie Zola Roberson was born on 31 Jul 1893. She died on 9 Dec 1986. 486 M vi. Stephen Dale Roberson was born on 26 Jan 1898 in Pike Co, IN. He died on 18 Sep 1937 in Pike Co, IN. Stephen married Addie E. Ficklin. Addie was born on 19 Feb 1904 in IN. She died on 21 Feb 1989 in Pike Co, IN. 487 M vii. William Andrew Roberson was born on 22 Oct 1899 in Pike Co, IN. He died on 30 Jul 1996 in WA. William married Clesta B. Last-Unknown/Unproven. Clesta was born about 1904 in IN. 162. Elizabeth Jane Roberson (Elijah Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 20 May 1844. She died on 3 Mar 1916 in Crawford Co., IN. 61 04 Mar 2010 Elizabeth married Martin Smith on 19 Nov 1867. They had the following children. 488 F i. Mary Smith was born in 1868. 489 M ii. William Smith was born in 1869. He died in 1937. 490 F iii. Emma Arabelle Smith was born on 8 Sep 1871. She died on 20 Oct 1939. 491 M iv. Joseph N. Smith was born in Apr 1872. He died on 14 Jul 1872. 492 F v. Lucy Smith was born in 1875. 493 F vi. Nettie Smith was born in 1878. 163. Celesta Arabelle Roberson (Elijah Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1929. Celesta married John A. Grant, son of Elijah Milton Grant and Sarah A. Straughan, on 9 Dec 1866. John was born on 10 Nov 1845 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 9 Feb 1892 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 494 M i. Elijah Grant was born in 1868. 495 M ii. William Grant was born in 1871. 496 M iii. Henry Grant was born on 31 Oct 1873. He died on 16 Sep 1936. 497 M iv. Albert Grant was born in 1878. 498 F v. Maudie J. Grant was born on 10 May 1880 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 19 Dec 1880 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 167. Rowena "Mary" Roberson (Elijah Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born about 1837 in Crawford Co, IN. Rowena married Jacob Land, son of John Land and Rachael Wilson, on 31 May 1885. Jacob was born about 1837. They had the following children. 499 M i. Clyde H. Land was born about 1885. Clyde married Unknown on 28 Aug 1916 in Gibson Co., IN. 169. Timothy Horance Maine Roberson (Elijah Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1952 in Crawford Co, IN. Timothy married Maggie L. Carnes, daughter of John Carnes and Eliza, on 11 Dec 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. Maggie was born on 26 Oct 1869. She died on 10 Oct 1935 in Curby, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. + 62 500 F i. Agnes Roberson was born about 1889. 501 M ii. Omer Levi Roberson was born about 1891 in Crawford Co., IN. 04 Mar 2010 Omer married Julie E.. Julie was born about 1895 in Indiana. 502 M iii. John Carnes Roberson was born on 20 Apr 1892. He died on 2 Jul 1938. John married Gladys L. Parker, daughter of Fred Parker. Gladys was born about 1892. 503 F iv. Ida Eudora Roberson was born on 25 Apr 1896 in Riddle, Crawford County, Indiana. She died in 1978. Ida married Elmer McClure. Elmer was born on 2 May 1892 in Crawford, Indiana. He died on 9 Aug 1964 in Tell City, Perry County, Indiana. 504 F v. Hazel Roberson was born on 6 Oct 1902 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 4 Feb 1903 in Crawford Co, IN. 505 M vi. Herman C. Roberson was born about 1902 in Crawford Co, IN. 506 M vii. Ralph Roberson was born about 1903. 174. John Manford Roberson (Samuel Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born about 8 Jan 1848 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Asbury Chapel Cemetery. John married Martha Ann Grant, daughter of Elijah Milton Grant and Sarah A. Straughan, on 10 Nov 1867 in Crawford County, , Indiana. Martha was born in 1853 in Dubois Co., IN. She died in 1890. They had the following children. 507 M i. John Roberson was born on 30 Jan 1869 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1937. 508 F ii. Alice Arrabell Roberson was born on 29 Mar 1871 in IN. She died in 1964. Alice married Charles Burkhardt, son of George Burkhardt and Mary, on 20 Oct 1897 in Daviess County, Indiana. Charles was born about 1876 in Indiana. 509 F iii. Sarah Roberson was born in 1873 in , , In. 510 F iv. Sally Lucinda Roberson was born on 26 Jan 1874 in Wheatland, Knox Co., IN. 511 M v. Charles A. Roberson was born in 1877 in IN. 512 M vi. William Kelly (Keller) Roberson was born in Jan 1880 in IN. He died in 1938 in Orange Co., CA. William married Tressie May Jones in 1918. Tressie was born about 1878 in Wheatland, Knox Co., In. + 513 M vii. George Clinton Roberson was born on 28 Oct 1882. He died on 3 Jun 1918. 514 M viii. Ottis Roberson was born in Sep 1885 in IN. 515 F ix. Josie Ann Roberson was born on 8 Jan 1890 in Bicknell, Knox Co., IN. John also married Alice Burkhart Johnson on 20 Jul 1902 in Daviess County, Indiana. Alice was born about 1848. 175. Alva Dora Roberson (Samuel Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 4 Sep 1850 in 63 04 Mar 2010 Crawford County, , Indiana. He died on 19 Jul 1931. Alva married Ezylphia Ellis. Ezylphia was born in 1853. She died in 1925. They had the following children. 516 M i. George Roberson was born on 17 Dec 1878. He died on 4 Nov 1902. 517 F ii. Cora Roberson was born on 25 Dec 1886. She died on 2 Nov 1889. 182. Ruthdia Yates (Daniel, John Jr., John) was born in 1856 in Crawford Co., IN. Ruthdia married Atwood. Atwood was born about 1860. He died before 1920. They had the following children. + 518 M i. Atwood was born about 1880. 184. Benjamin Albert Yates (Daniel, John Jr., John) was born on 6 Mar 1860 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 1 Jun 1940 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in EAST CEMETERY, Cape Sandy, Ohio Township, Crawford County, IN. Benjamin married Blondia Rails/Rayl. Blondia was born in 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 15 Oct 1910 in Ohio Township, Crawford County, IN. She was buried in East Cem. Crawford Co. IN, Cape Sandy. They had the following children. + 519 F i. Beatrice L. Yates was born in Feb 1895 in Crawford Co., IN. 520 M ii. Daniel Thomas Yates was born on 29 Sep 1896 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 3 Jan 1975 in Orange, California. 521 M iii. Stewart Delbert Yates was born about 1908. 522 F iv. Lena N. Yates was born in Aug 1899 in Crawford Co., IN. 188. Samantha "Mattie" Yates (John, James, John) was born on 9 Jul 1848 in Crawford Co., In.. Samantha married Tolbert McCraney, son of John D. McCraney, on 4 May 1865. Tolbert was born on 24 Jun 1834 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Flower Point Cemetery Alton, Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. + 523 F i. Mary E. "Lizzie" McCraney was born in Mar 1867. + 524 F ii. Lucilla "Lou" McCraney was born in Sep 1869. Samantha also married Sidney Ananias Brown, son of Joseph Brown and Mary Hughes, on 5 May 1875 in Martin Co., IN. Sidney was born in Oct 1853 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in Arkansas. They had the following children. + 64 525 M iii. Thomas Jefferson 'Jeff" Brown was born in Aug 1875 in Crawford Co, IN. 526 M iv. James Finley "Finn" Brown was born on 4 Sep 1877. He died on 3 Oct 1938. 04 Mar 2010 + 527 F v. Hattie Myrtle Brown was born on 31 Jul 1882. She died on 9 Feb 1939. 190. James Wilson Yates (John, James, John) was born on 28 Oct 1851 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 16 Sep 1903 in Crawford Co., IN from died with smallpox. He was buried on 16 Sep 1903 in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. James married Mary Ellen Ott, daughter of Greenberry Stewart Ott and Minerva Moser, on 1 Jan 1879 in Crawford Co., IN. Mary was born on 3 Mar 1859 in Spencer Twp, Harrison Co., IN. She died in 1939 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co. IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. + 528 M i. Arthur Lee Yates was born on 24 Apr 1881. He died on 1 Jul 1964. 529 F ii. Kate Ethel Yates was born on 27 Jul 1883 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died on 28 Jun 1969 in Indianapolis, IN. She was buried in Floral Park Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN "Garden Of The Wishing Well", # N 613. Kate married Walter Bandy. Walter was born in 1883. He died on 16 Apr 1958 in Indianapolis, IN. He was buried in Floral Park Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN "Garden Of The Wishing Well", # N 613. + 530 F iii. Lilly Ann Yates was born on 21 Aug 1885. She died on 11 May 1970. + 531 M iv. Harry Elmer Yates was born on 8 Jan 1888. He died on 5 May 1969. 532 F v. Nellie B. Yates was born on 16 Jan 1891 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died in 1903 in Crawford Co, IN from smallpox. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 533 F vi. Goldie L. Yates was born on 2 Feb 1894. She died on 23 Mar 1974. 534 F vii. Edna Adelina Yates was born on 24 Jan 1897 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 3 Nov 1915 in Crawford Co., IN from T.B.. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 535 F viii. Ruby Eva Yates was born on 24 Aug 1899. She died on 24 Dec 1986. + + 191. Thomas Jefferson Yates (John, James, John) was born on 28 Nov 1853 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 13 Feb 1921 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Thomas married Rozella Scott "Rosa", daughter of John M.B. Scott and Frances Roberson, on 11 Feb 1877 in Crawford Co., IN. Rosa was born about 1859 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 20 Feb 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Lankford School Cem, Grantsburg, Crawford Co.. 65 04 Mar 2010 Thomas and Rosa had the following children. + 536 M i. Millard Sanford Yates was born on 26 Mar 1879. He died on 19 Aug 1960. Thomas also married Elmira May "Ella", daughter of John Wesley May and Lavina Roberson, on 6 Nov 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. Ella was born in Sep 1859 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 22 Feb 1919 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. They had the following children. + 537 M ii. John Logan ""Lil John"" Yates was born on 18 Jul 1882. He died in 1964. 194. John Robinson "Happy" Yates (John, James, John) was born on 26 Apr 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 19 Jun 1941 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. Happy married Narcissus L. Landiss, daughter of Joseph Landiss and Edaline Grant, on 27 Jan 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. Narcissus was born on 8 Aug 1866 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 18 Oct 1926 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. They had the following children. + 538 M i. Aubrey Lunsford Yates was born on 17 May 1890. He died on 4 Jul 1961. + 539 M ii. Rev. Earl Ursel Yates was born on 12 Dec 1891. He died on 23 Jul 1965. + 540 F iii. Eva Irene Yates was born on 21 Oct 1894. She died on 7 Mar 1982. + 541 F iv. Bessie Gertrude Yates was born on 23 Sep 1896. She died on 16 Jul 1982. 542 F v. Ruth Elcista Yates was born on 3 Sep 1902 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 12 Aug 1905 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 543 F vi. Orpha Inez Yates was born on 9 Nov 1905 in IL. She died on 13 Jun 2000 in Grand Ledge, Eaton Co., MI. Orpha married Roy Gaddis. Roy was born about 1905. Orpha also married Benjamin J. Brandt. Benjamin was born on 9 Jan 1910 in IN. He died on 17 Mar 1977 in Garden City, Wayne Co., MI. 196. Charles S. Yates (Silas W., James, John) was born in 1854 in Indiana. Charles married Mary E. Crate on 27 Dec 1881. Mary was born about 1862 in Illinois. They had the following children. + 66 544 M i. Charles W. Yates was born about 1888 in Indiana. 545 F ii. Myrtle Yates was born about 1889. 546 M iii. George Wesley Yates was born on 26 Jan 1893 in Indiana. 04 Mar 2010 George married Loretta?. Loretta? was born about 1903. 197. Sarah Ella Yates (Silas W., James, John) was born in 1858 in Iowa. She died on 8 Jun 1917 in Charlevoix Co., MI. Sarah married Parker Elwood Faut, son of Johann Christian Faut and Dianah Jane Fishburn, on 1 Mar 1876 in Will Co., IL. Parker was born on 4 Feb 1858 in Will Co., IL. They had the following children. 547 M i. Eugene Aca Faut was born on 27 Feb 1877 in Will Co., IL. He died on 10 Apr 1946 in Will Co., IL. Eugene married Lillian Lock in 1902. Lillian was born in 1882. She died in 1955. 548 F ii. Mattie J. Faut was born about 1879 in Indiana. 199. William Louis Yates (Elias, James, John) was born in Oct 1854 in Cannelton, Perry Co, IN. He died on 8 Nov 1948 in Evansville, Indiana. He was buried in Alexander Elmwood Cemetery, Owensboro, Daviess Co., Kentucky. William married Annie E. Huffine, daughter of Robert Yates and Harriet T., on 24 Nov 1874 in Perry Co., IN. Annie was born on 26 May 1859 in Kentucky. She died on 16 Jun 1908 in Owensboro, Daviess Co., Kentucky. She was buried in Alexander Elmwood Cemetery, Owensboro, Daviess Co., Kentucky. They had the following children. + 549 M i. William F. Yates was born in May 1876. 550 M ii. Harry Yates was born in Jun 1888 in Indiana. He was adopted by his father. He was a biological child of his mother. William also married Martha. Martha was born about 1860 in Kentucky. 202. Melissa Jane Bennett (Catherine Yates, James, John) was born about 1853 in Orange Co, IN. Melissa married Lon Apple. Lon was born about 1853. They had the following children. 551 M i. Lawrence Apple was born about 1875 in Indiana. 203. Charles H. Bennett (Catherine Yates, James, John) was born in 1854 in Orange Co, IN. Charles married Elizabeth Cook in 1878. Elizabeth was born about 1845 in Indiana. They had the following children. 552 F i. Cleora E. Bennett was born about 1878 in Indiana. 553 F ii. Mary C. Bennett was born about 1879 in Indianapolis, IN. 554 F iii. Melissa Bennett was born about 1881 in Indiana. 204. Mary Catherine Bennett (Catherine Yates, James, John) was born about 1856. 67 04 Mar 2010 Mary married George Riggle. George was born about 1856. They had the following children. 555 M i. Edd Riggle was born about 1875 in Indiana. 556 F ii. Josephine Riggle was born about 1877 in Indiana. 205. Rebecca "Becky" Bennett (Catherine Yates, James, John) was born on 28 Oct 1858 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 5 Apr 1908 in Crawford Co, IN. Rebecca married Jesse Longest, son of Joseph Woodson Longest and Fannie S. Gregory, on 25 Jan 1877 in Crawford Co, IN. Jesse was born on 1 Sep 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1933 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. + 557 M i. Joseph Orvel Longest was born on 27 Oct 1877. He died on 19 Sep 1954. + 558 M ii. James Oliver Longest was born on 18 Nov 1879. He died on 11 Sep 1946. + 559 M iii. William R. Longest was born in Mar 1882. 560 M iv. Benton Charles Longest was born on 2 Oct 1884 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 17 May 1941 in Jefferson Co., KY. Benton married Dessie Newton. Dessie was born in 1889. She died in 1920. + + 561 F v. Fanning Emmilene ""Emmie"" Longest was born in Jun 1886. She died in 1963. 562 M vi. Larmon L. Longest was born on 11 Apr 1889 in Crawford Co, IN. 563 F vii. Helen M. Longest was born on 31 Dec 1890. 564 F viii. Minnie M. Longest was born in Sep 1891 in Crawford Co, IN. 565 F ix. Elma D. Longest was born in Mar 1895 in Crawford Co, IN. Elma married Roy Knight. Roy was born about 1895. 566 M x. Jesse Ferris Longest was born on 28 Aug 1904 in IN. He died in Dec 1955. Jesse married True N. Sturgeon. True was born on 17 May 1904 in Crawford Co, IN. 211. Anna Bell Roberson (John B. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born on 12 Jan 1850 in Crawford County, IN. She died on 12 Jan 1875 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. Anna married John M. Miller on 6 Jan 1867 in Crawford County Indiana. John was born in May 1846. He died in 1902. They had the following children. 567 F 68 i. Emily B. Miller was born on 21 Dec 1874 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 2 Apr 1875 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. 04 Mar 2010 212. Benjamin Edwin Roberson (John B. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born on 23 Apr 1854 in Crawford Co., IN. He died in 1931 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Benjamin married Martha Emaline Jones, daughter of James Donithon Jones and Elizabeth Van Winkle, on 25 Mar 1875 in Crawford Co., IN. Martha was born on 18 Jul 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1935 in Crawford Co., In. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. + 568 M i. Oscar LeRoy Roberson was born on 3 Jul 1895. He died in May 1969. 229. Annie Elizabeth Roberson (Harvey Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born on 3 Jul 1858 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 7 Feb 1901 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Annie married James Manford Henley on 2 Jan 1879 in Crawford Co., IN. James was born in Nov 1851 in Crawford Co., IN. He died in 1934 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 569 M i. Edgar F. Henley was born in Aug 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. 570 F ii. Barnice G. Henley was born in May 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. 236. Bloomer J. Roberson (Benjamin Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born about 1881 in Indiana. Bloomer married Mamie. Mamie was born about 1882 in Indiana. They had the following children. 571 F i. Hazel Roberson was born about 1908 in Indiana. 237. James W. Riggle (Linney S. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born in Mar 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. James married Margeret A. in 1882. Margeret was born in Feb 1864 in Indiana. They had the following children. 572 F i. Dora Riggle was born in Nov 1882 in Indiana. 573 F ii. Maud Riggle was born in May 1884 in Indiana. 574 F iii. Annie Riggle was born in Nov 1885 in Indiana. 575 F iv. Bessie Riggle was born in Mar 1887 in Indiana. 576 F v. Lola Riggle was born in Jul 1894 in Indiana. 238. Charles E. Riggle (Linney S. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born about 1859 in Crawford Co, IN. Charles married Pauline J. Miles on 13 Oct 1887 in Perry Co., IN. Pauline was born in May 1869 in Indiana. 69 04 Mar 2010 Charles and Pauline had the following children. 577 M i. Homer G. Riggle was born in Aug 1888 in Indiana. 578 F ii. Bessie J. Riggle was born in Jan 1890 in Indiana. 579 M iii. Claud Z. Riggle was born in Nov 1893 in Indiana. 580 F iv. Linnie P. Riggle was born in Sep 1896 in Indiana. 581 M v. Reuel E. Riggle was born about 1901 in Indiana. 582 M vi. Jesse M. Riggle was born about 1904 in Indiana. 583 F vii. Dessie Riggle was born about 1904 in Indiana. 584 M viii. Hatcil Riggle was born about 1910 in Indiana. 240. Hester Elzore Riggle (Linney S. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born on 1 Jan 1863 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 18 Aug 1955. Hester married Andrew Jackson Dixson in 1889. Andrew was born on 15 Mar 1830. He died on 14 Jun 1919. They had the following children. 585 F i. Bertha M. Dixson was born on 14 Jun 1887. She died on 4 Jul 1961. 586 F ii. Grace J. Dixson was born in Jan 1889 in IN. 587 F iii. Mary A. Dixson was born in Apr 1892 in IN. 588 M iv. Arthur N. Dixson was born in Jan 1896 in IN. 589 F v. Ada Dixson was born in Nov 1899 in IN. 245. John Luther Riggle (Linney S. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born on 5 Jul 1873 in Crawford Co, IN. John married Sallie. Sallie was born about 1889. They had the following children. 590 F i. Estell Riggle was born about 1906 in Indiana. 591 F ii. Hester Riggle was born about 1908 in Indiana. 592 F iii. Iretha/Raetha Riggle was born about 1910 in Indiana. Iretha/Raetha married Elton Daviess. Elton was born about 1906 in KY. 593 F iv. Johnnie May Riggle was born about 1915 in Indiana. Fifth Generation 251. Charity Yates (Albert, Silas White, Robert, John) was born in 1852. She died on 5 Apr 1951 in Huntingburg, IN. Charity married Eugene DeMotte on 4 May 1913 in Pike Co., IN. Eugene was born in WFT Est 1861-1893. He died in WFT Est 1918-1980. 70 04 Mar 2010 Charity and Eugene had the following children. 594 F i. Mildred DeMotte was born on 8 Mar 1914 in Indiana. She died in Otwell, Pike Co., IN. She was buried in New Lebanon Cemetery, Otwell, Pike Co., IN. 595 F ii. Marie DeMotte was born about 1915 in Indiana. Marie married Vaughn. Vaughn was born about 1915 in Indiana. 256. John Henry Yates (Albert, Silas White, Robert, John) was born on 12 Jul 1861 in Dubois Co., IN. He died on 10 Aug 1919 in Ashley Co., AR. He was buried in Snyder, Ashely Co., AR. John married Ida C. Rhodes, daughter of John Rhodes and Frances Last-Unknown/Unproven, on 27 Feb 1882 in Pike Co., IN. Ida was born on 30 Apr 1865 in IN. She died on 10 Oct 1938 in Kansas City Jackson Co., MO. She was buried in Snyder, Ashely Co., AR. They had the following children. 596 M i. Barney Yates was born on 21 Feb 1883 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 28 Mar 1953 in Selvin, Warrick Co, IN. He was buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Warrick Co, IN. Barney married Emma Elizabeth Weathers, daughter of Thomas Weathers and Emma Johnson, on 16 Dec 1905 in Jasper, Duboise Co, IN. Emma was born on 22 Jan 1887. She died on 25 Jan 1940 in Chrisney, IN from stroke. She was buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Warrick Co, IN. Barney also married Hazel Hale on 4 Jun 1941. Hazel was born about 1883. 597 F ii. Lula Yates was born on 9 Sep 1885 in Duboise Co, IN. She died on 9 Apr 1952. Lula married William Schuble in 1903. 598 F iii. Bulah Yates was born on 9 Sep 1885 in Duboise Co, IN. She died on 11 Apr 1962. Bulah married Doane Green on 31 Aug 1903. Doane was born about 1885. 599 M iv. Albert Yates was born on 1 Apr 1889. He died on 12 Oct 1918 in AR from Enfluenza. He was buried in Ashley Co, Arkansas. Albert married Effie Ragle in 1913. 600 F v. Grace Yates was born on 26 Nov 1891. She died on 30 Aug 1951 in Arkansas. She was buried in Mountain Home Cem, Lincoln Co AR. Grace married Willie Gus Rowell on 24 Dec 1914. Willie was born on 27 Jun 1892. He died on 12 Sep 1969 in AR. He was buried in Mountain Home Cem, Lincoln Co AR. 71 04 Mar 2010 601 F vi. Charity Melissa Yates was born on 26 Mar 1894 in Ireland, IN. She died on 15 Apr 1951 in Huntingburg, IN. She was buried in New Lebanon. Charity married Eugene Demotte on 4 May 1913 in Pike Co, IN. Eugene died in Mar 1968. 602 F vii. Eunice Yates was born on 19 Mar 1896. She died on 25 Sep 1971 in Arkansas. Eunice married Emmett G. Pamplin on 28 Nov 1916. 603 M viii. Virgil Yates was born on 6 Apr 1889. He died in Mobridge, SD. Virgil married Margaret Hayes on 14 Feb 1927. Margaret was born about 1889. 604 M ix. Earl Yates was born on 1 Apr 1901. He died in 1984 in Kansas City, MO. Earl married Mary Pamplin on 11 Jul 1931. 605 F x. Marie Yates was born on 7 Aug 1903. She died on 12 Sep 1962. Marie married Ralph Carlton Pounds on 3 Apr 1920. Ralph was born about 1897 in AR. 606 M xi. Lloyd Yates was born on 23 May 1908. He died on 4 Jun 1955 in Kansas City, MO. Lloyd married Martha Fausset in 1929. 258. Silas Tolbert McCraney (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Silas White, Robert, John) was born in 1857. Silas married Emma Retta Pernel. Emma was born about 1857. They had the following children. 607 M i. Charles McCraney was born about 1877. Charles married Eliza. Eliza was born about 1877. 608 F ii. Bessie V. McCraney was born about 1891. 609 M iii. Lawrence L. McCraney was born about 1895. 610 M iv. Hervey C. McCraney was born about 1902. 260. Sarah Margaret "Maggie" McCraney (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Silas White, Robert, John) was born in 1863. She died in 1884. Sarah married D Washington Postlethwait. D Washington Postlethwait was born in 1852. They had the following children. 611 M i. Silas Basil Postlethwait was born in 1879. He died in 1955. Silas married Martha Ellen "Mattie" Condra. Martha was born about 1879. 72 04 Mar 2010 612 M ii. Elwood Arthur Postlethwait was born in 1882. He died in 1971. Elwood married Marie G. Marie was born about 1882. 262. James Winfield McCraney (Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Silas White, Robert, John) was born in 1865 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1962. James married Katherine Schnarr. Katherine was born in 1871. She died in 1898. They had the following children. 613 F i. Dovie Ann McCraney was born in 1892 in Indiana. She died in 1980. Dovie married Elmer E Eifert. Elmer was born in 1884. He died in 1958. 614 M ii. Elza O McCraney was born in 1894. He died in 1933. Elza married Angela Rohlman. Angela was born about 1894. 615 M iii. Alvin R McCraney was born in 1898. Alvin married Savina Faris. Savina was born about 1898. 263. Grace Austin (Cassa Yates, Silas White, Robert, John) was born about 1876 in Indiana. Grace married Edgar W. Frazier, son of Elihu Frazier and Rachael A.. Edgar was born about 1878 in Indiana. He died in Nebraska?. They had the following children. 616 F i. Cleo C. Frazier was born about 1905 in Indiana. 617 M ii. Max A. Frazier was born about 1907 in Indiana. 618 M iii. Rex T. Frazier was born about 1909 in Indiana. 265. Albert Austin (Cassa Yates, Silas White, Robert, John) was born about 1855 in Indiana. Albert married Susan A.. Susan was born about 1859 in Indiana. They had the following children. 619 F i. Ethel Austin was born about 1879 in Indiana. 620 M ii. Alfred Austin was born about 1884 in Indiana. 621 M iii. Benjamine Austin was born about 1888 in Indiana. 622 M iv. Cecil Austin was born about 1896 in Indiana. 268. Mary Elizabeth Denbo (Margaret Jane Bell, Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 17 Jan 1861 in Indiana. She died on 12 Oct 1931 in Deming, New Mexico. Mary married Charles Samuel Shaffer. Charles was born about 1861 in Indiana. He died about 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. 623 M 73 i. Harold E. Shaffer was born about 1893 in Indiana. He died about 1963 in Deming, New Mexico. 04 Mar 2010 269. Elizabeth Jane Bell (John Washington Bell, Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born about 1859 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died on 18 Jun 1947 in Jonesboro, Grant County, Indiana. Elizabeth married Daniel Breckenridge Reasor. Daniel was born on 13 Sep 1856. He died on 25 Sep 1904. He was buried in Burial-West Fork, Crawford, Indiana. They had the following children. 624 M i. Edgar Webster Reasor was born about 1876. 272. Ulyses Morton Bell (John Washington Bell, Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 13 Mar 1866 in Crawford Co., Indiana. He died in 1955. Ulyses married Arzella (Alice) Sinclair, daughter of George Washington Sinclair and Mary Newkirk. Arzella was born about 1866. They had the following children. 625 F i. Myrtle Leah Bell was born about 1886. Myrtle married Noble. Noble was born about 1886. 275. Marinda Ann Denbo (Mary Ann Bell, Sarah Elizabeth Yates, Robert, John) was born on 22 Oct 1856 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 2 May 1939 in Mifflin, Crawford County, Indiana. Marinda married John F. Shafer. John was born about 1856 in Indiana. He died about 1904 in Mifflin, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 626 M i. Pearl Cleo Shafer was born on 5 Apr 1897 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 11 Nov 1993 in Crawford Co, IN. Pearl married Nora Elizabeth Laswell, daughter of Andrew Amos Laswell and Elizabeth Jane (Annie) Luff, on 19 Jul 1922 in Crawford Co, IN. The marriage ended in divorce. Nora was born on 5 May 1903 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 7 Sep 2003 in Jeffersonville, Clark Co., IN. She was buried in Bethany Union Cemetery, Eckerty, Crawford Co, IN. 276. Mary Polly "Sis" Breeden (Mary Ann Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born about 1858 in Crawford Co, IN. She died before 1920. Sis married Thomas Jefferson Roberson, son of George William Roberson and Sarah A. Kintner, in 1880 in Crawford Co, IN. Thomas was born in Jun 1848 in Crawford Co, IN. He died after 1920. They had the following children. 74 627 M i. Craig A. Roberson is printed as #474 on page 40. 628 F ii. Hallie M. Roberson is printed as #475 on page 74. 629 F iii. Maude L. Roberson is printed as #476 on page 40. 630 F iv. Orial Roberson is printed as #477 on page 40. 631 M v. Earnest Owen Roberson is printed as #478 on page 40. 04 Mar 2010 631 M v. Earnest Owen Roberson is printed as #478 on page 40. 277. Tolbert T. Breeden (Mary Ann Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 14 Dec 1855 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 10 Feb 1914 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Tolbert married Clora Boss. Clora was born on 27 Jun 1858. She died on 10 Feb 1913 in Indiana. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 632 F i. Dora Mae Breeden was born about 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. Dora married Edward Franklin Goldman "Eddie", son of William H. Goldman and Nancy E. Jones. Eddie was born about 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. 633 M ii. Charles Alfred Breeden was born on 6 Jun 1883 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 14 Jul 1947 in Jefferson Co., KY. Charles married Pearl May Armstrong, daughter of John R. Armstrong. Pearl was born about 1887. 278. Elizabeth Jane Benham (Polly Ann Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 21 Jul 1859 in Crawford Co., IN. Elizabeth married Dr. Frederick R. Gobble. Frederick was born about 1859. They had the following children. 634 F i. Effie Gobble was born about 1879. 635 M ii. Wheeler Gobble was born about 1880. 636 F iii. Novy Gobble was born about 1881. 283. Walter May (Jane Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born about 1866. Walter married Rebecca Goldman. Rebecca was born about 1866. They had the following children. 637 M i. Stanley May was born about 1886. 638 F ii. Sula May was born about 1887. 639 M iii. Kermit May was born about 1888. 284. Willie May (Jane Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born about 1867. Willie married Rosetta Button. Rosetta was born about 1867. They had the following children. 640 M i. Everett May was born about 1887. 285. Martha J. Harding (Mariah Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born in Oct 1867 in Indiana. Martha married Samuel H. Miller, son of George Benton Miller and Ruth Ann Scott, in 1878 in 75 04 Mar 2010 Crawford Co, IN. Samuel was born in Dec 1859 in Indiana. They had the following children. 641 F i. Ruthie L. Miller was born in Jan 1887 in Indiana. She died in 1914 in Indiana. Ruthie married Orville Goldman. Orville was born about 1887. 642 F ii. Ceile M. Miller was born in Oct 1889 in Indiana. 643 F iii. Etta M. Miller was born in Aug 1890 in Indiana. She died in Died Young. 644 M iv. Colonel H. Miller was born in May 1894 in Indiana. He died in Died Young. 645 M v. George W. Miller was born in Mar 1896 in Indiana. 646 F vi. Oda M. Miller was born in Mar 1898 in Indiana. 647 M vii. Tinsel T. Miller was born about 1903 in Indiana. 648 M viii. Noble J. Miller was born about 1907 in Indiana. 286. Estella C. Harding (Mariah Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born in 1870 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1951 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Estella married Ira M. Goldman, son of Martin Goldman and Sarah Ann "Sallie" Scott, in 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. Ira was born in 1861 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1948 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 649 F i. Francis Ann Goldman was born on 26 Aug 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Francis married Ollie Belcher. Ollie died in 1956 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. 650 M ii. Grady Melvin Goldman was born on 10 Oct 1896 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in Jul 1971 in Denver, Denver, Co. Grady married Helen Evelyn Rainey. Helen was born about 1896. 288. Addie Cox (Mariah Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born about 1878 in Indiana. Addie married Jesse Benham, son of David Stull Benham and Winifred Minerva Roberts. Jesse was born about 1878. They had the following children. 651 F i. Blanche Benham was born about 1898. 652 M ii. Noble Benham was born about 1899. 289. Robert F. Cox (Mariah Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born about 1883 in Indiana. Robert married Bertha M. Good. Bertha was born about 1889 in Indiana. 76 04 Mar 2010 Robert and Bertha had the following children. 653 F i. Bernice C. Cox was born about 1914 in Indiana. 654 M ii. Milburn Cox was born about 1922 in Indiana. 297. Luther Bird (Catherine Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born in Nov 1875 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1922. Luther married Lizzie Shouse in 1898 in IN. Lizzie was born in Jan 1878 in IN. They had the following children. 655 M i. Lowell E. Bird was born on 14 Oct 1899 in Knox Co., In. 656 M ii. Prentiss Bird was born about 1904 in Crawford Co, IN. 301. James Craig Byrd (Catherine Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 1 Dec 1884 in Knox Co., In. He died in 1962 in Knox Co, IN. He was buried in Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. James married Phobe Alta Williams. Phobe was born on 2 Feb 1885 in IN. She died in 1965 in Knox Co, IN. She was buried in Wheatland Cemetery Wheatland Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. They had the following children. 657 F i. Hazel M. Bird was born about 1906 in IN. 658 F ii. Nellie Bird was born about 1908 in IN. 303. Effie Jane Goldman (Amanda Adeline "Addie" Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 12 Aug 1882 in Crawford Co., IN. She died in 1963 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. Effie married Wattie Wright. Wattie was born about 1882. They had the following children. 659 M i. John W. Wright was born about 1902. 660 M ii. Martin Wright was born about 1902. 661 F iii. Dorothy Wright was born about 1902. 304. Jesse Clois Goldman (Amanda Adeline "Addie" Yates, Tolbert Thompson, Robert, John) was born on 2 Feb 1889 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 2 Sep 1988 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. Jesse married Sallie M. Wiseman, daughter of George E. Wiseman and Mary M., on 1 Nov 1908 in Crawford Co., IN. Sallie was born in Oct 1886 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1982 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 77 662 F i. Eulala Faye Goldman was born about 1909 in Crawford Co, IN. 663 F ii. Alice Mary Goldman was born about 1910 in Crawford Co, IN. 04 Mar 2010 664 M iii. John Edward Goldman was born on 31 Jan 1924 in Ridgefarm, Illinois. John married Zada Dicus on 23 Sep 1950. 307. Clarence R. Duffin (Mahala Yates, William, Robert, John) was born in Feb 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. Clarence married Frenttaess Last-Unknown/Unproven. Frenttaess was born about 1889 in GA. They had the following children. 665 M i. C. Rober Duffin was born about 1909 in FL. 309. Alice D. Duffin (Mahala Yates, William, Robert, John) was born in Sep 1886 in FL. Alice married Walthin Slaughter. Walthin was born in 1888 in FL. They had the following children. 666 F i. Marion Slaughter was born about 1911 in FL. 667 F ii. Gladys E. Slaughter was born about 1918 in FL. 313. Edith Beatrice Watson (Mary Ann Martin, Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born on 17 Mar 1876 in Harrison Co, Indiana. She died on 5 Nov 1930 in Pinellas Co., FL. Edith married Charles Derby Stinson on 21 Jul 1898 in Orange Co, IN. Charles was born on 22 Apr 1876 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 31 May 1949 in Pinellas Co., FL. They had the following children. 668 M i. Paul Watson Stinson was born on 26 Aug 1899 in Orange Co, IN. He died on 17 Nov 1955 in Pinellas Co., FL. 314. John Goldman (Jane Martin, Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born on 17 Mar 1868 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 3 Jan 1911 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in GrantRoberson, Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. John married Clementine Annebelle Landiss, daughter of Joseph Landiss and Edaline Grant, on 12 Feb 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. Clementine was born in May 1872 in Indiana. They had the following children. 669 F i. Blanche E. Goldman was born in Sep 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. Blanche married George E. Bruce. George was born in Feb 1893. 670 M ii. Owen L. Goldman was born about 1902 in Crawford Co, IN. Owen married Bessie Last-Unknown/Unproven about 1927. Bessie was born about 1909 in IL. 671 F 78 iii. Violet Goldman was born about 1907 in IN. 04 Mar 2010 317. Cora Roberson (Mariah Martin, Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born on 5 Jun 1868 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. She died on 5 Oct 1967 in New Goshen, Vigo Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Cora married Marcus Benham, son of Marcus Benham and Isabelle Patrick, on 18 Oct 1884 in KS. Marcus was born on 25 Feb 1861 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. He died on 10 Mar 1894 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 672 F i. Edith Learia Benham was born on 10 Jun 1889 in Hugoton, Stevens, KS. She died in WFT Est. 1918-1983. Edith married Jack Bundy on 25 Aug 1913 in Danville, Vermillion, IL. Jack was born on 3 Aug 1885 in IL. He died on 19 May 1940 in Vigo Co., IN. 673 M ii. Corbett Marcus Benham was born on 8 May 1892 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co. IN. He died on 7 Nov 1974 in Princeton, Gibson Co., IN. Corbett married Olin Farrell Bird, daughter of James W. Bird and Minerva Ann Dicus, on 2 Oct 1913 in Jeffersonville, Clark Co., IN. Olin was born on 22 Aug 1897 in English, Crawford Co., IN. She died on 10 Oct 1984 in Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL. 318. Emma Roberson (Mariah Martin, Cassa Yates, Robert, John) was born on 27 Oct 1870 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 7 Jul 1929 in Gibson Co., IN. Emma married Otis Wright in WFT Est. 1887-1916. Otis was born on 7 Aug 1874 in Beechwood, Crawford Co., IN. He died on 31 Mar 1933 in Gibson Co., IN. They had the following children. 674 M i. Atley C. Wright was born on 20 Sep 1895 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., IN. He died on 17 Mar 1986 in Princeton, Gibson Co., IN. Atley married Helen Pearl White in WFT Est. 1910-1936. Helen was born on 1 Jan 1893 in Montgomery Twp., Gibson Co., IN. She died on 12 Jun 1946 in Princeton, Gibson Co., IN. 338. Alva Thomas Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 20 Sep 1874 in English, Crawford Co, Indiana. He died on 13 Feb 1965 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Alva married Emma Woolems. Emma was born on 15 May 1878. She died on 2 Feb 1912 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 79 04 Mar 2010 675 M i. Fielding Emmet Roberson was born on 5 Aug 1900 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 5 Aug 1975 in Chula Vista, CA. He was buried in Cremated And Ashes Scattered At Sea. Fielding married Ruby Eva Yates, daughter of James Wilson Yates and Mary Ellen Ott, about 1935. Ruby was born on 24 Aug 1899 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 24 Dec 1986 in Chula Vista, CA. She was buried in Cremated And Ashes Scattered At Sea. 676 M ii. William T. Roberson was born about 1904 in Indiana. 677 F iii. Halcie Roberson was born about 1902 in Crawford Co, IN. Alva also married Carrie G.. Carrie was born in 1875 in Indiana. She died in 1965 in Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 678 M iv. Richard Roberson was born about 1916 in Indiana. 679 M v. Fred Roberson was born on 11 Sep 1916. He died on 4 Jan 1970. 339. James Washington Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 2 Feb 1876 in Crawford Co., In. He died on 9 Jul 1964 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. James married Mary Ann (Anna) Seaton, daughter of James Thomas Seaton and Rhoda Helen Baysinger, on 16 Aug 1899 in Crawford Co., IN. Mary was born on 11 Oct 1876 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 18 Dec 1945 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. 680 M i. Herman E. Roberson was born on 22 Aug 1899 in Crawford Co., In. He died on 8 Jul 1973 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in English, Crawford County, Indiana. Herman married Blanche Sarles. Blanche was born about 1899. Herman also married Rue Nash Cummins. Rue was born in 1902. 681 M ii. Hubert S. Roberson was born on 19 Aug 1901. He died on 6 Mar 1977. Hubert married Jo Stanford Clark. Jo died on 1 Jan 1974. 682 M iii. Clinton C. Roberson was born on 14 Nov 1903 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 8 May 1973 in Ohio. Clinton married Garland. Garland was born about 1903. 80 04 Mar 2010 683 M iv. Clayton J. Roberson was born on 4 May 1906 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 1 Jan 1961 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Clayton married Jessie Beatrice Austin, daughter of Alpheus Delbert Austin and Lethy B. "Orie or Ora" Miller. Jessie was born in 1909 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 684 F v. Helen Roberson was born on 21 Feb 1911 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 13 Dec 1977. Helen married Otto Spears. Otto was born about 1911. Helen also married William Hammond. William was born about 1911. 685 F vi. Eva Roberson was born on 24 Jan 1914. She died in Oct 1994. Eva married John P. Wilson. John was born about 1914. 686 M vii. Charles E. Roberson was born on 31 Jul 1922. Charles married Jeanette Cox. Jeanette was born about 1922. 340. Lillie Jane Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 14 Mar 1878 in Crawford Co., In Per Census. She died on 29 Jan 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. Lillie married Larmon Longest on 9 Apr 1905. Larmon was born in 1878. He died on 29 Jan 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. 687 F i. Fannie Longest was born about 1906. 342. Rev. Mann Woodfield Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 14 Oct 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 29 Jul 1969 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. Mann married Eunice Aldah Roberson, daughter of Adam Kintner Roberson and Alice Goodman, on 14 Sep 1903 in English, Crawford Co, Indiana. Eunice was born on 4 Nov 1884 in Princeton, Indiana. She died on 24 Jul 1970 in Paoli, Orange, Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. 688 M i. Ulrich Uel Roberson was born on 19 Apr 1904 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 15 Dec 1948. Ulrich married Nellie Simpson. Nellie was born about 1904. 689 F 81 ii. Angeline A Roberson was born about 1902. 04 Mar 2010 Angeline married Bass. Bass was born about 1902. 690 F iii. Ruth Roberson was born in 1910 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1998 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 691 F iv. Cecil May Roberson was born on 2 Feb 1906 in Crawford Co., IN. She died on 13 Apr 1906 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 692 M v. Paul Fielding Roberson was born on 21 Aug 1910 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 3 Dec 1920 in Crawford Co., IN. 693 M vi. Charles Adam Roberson was born on 30 Jul 1916 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 24 Dec 1920 in Crawford Co., IN. 694 M vii. Mann Woodfield Roberson Jr. was born on 19 Dec 1921 in Gibson, Indiana. He died on 14 Mar 1945 in Bremerton, Washington. 344. Charles Edward Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 11 Nov 1886 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 13 Sep 1981 in Louisville, Jefferson, Kentucky. Charles married Dora Sego. Dora was born on 2 Feb 1890 in Floyd, Indiana. She died on 17 Nov 1964 in Lakeland, Florida. They had the following children. 695 M i. Lee Edward Roberson was born on 24 Nov 1909 in English, Indiana. He died on 29 Apr 2007 in Chattanooga, TN. He was buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN. Lee married Caroline Allen on 9 Oct 1937. Caroline was born about 1910. 696 F ii. Darlene June Roberson was born about 1906. Charles also married Rachael Graham. Rachael was born about 1886. 345. William Fredrick Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 27 Nov 1888 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 27 May 1970 in Hardinsburg, Washington, Indiana. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. William married Eva Louvedath Seaton, daughter of James Thomas Seaton and Rhoda Helen Baysinger, on 12 Jan 1910 in Crawford Co., IN. Eva was born on 10 Aug 1891 in Grantsburg, Crawford, Indiana. She died on 27 Dec 1974 in Salem, Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 697 F i. Lena Bernice Roberson was born about 1915 in Indiana. She died on 15 May 2009 in Hardinsburg, Washington Co., IN. Lena married James White. James was born about 1915. 346. Bertha Mable Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 6 Nov 1890 in Indiana Per Census. She died on 17 Jul 1966 in New Albany, Clark, Indiana. She was buried in Pleasant "Tick" Ridge Cemetery, Crawford Co., IN. 82 04 Mar 2010 346. Bertha Mable Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 6 Nov 1890 in Indiana Per Census. She died on 17 Jul 1966 in New Albany, Clark, Indiana. She was buried in Pleasant "Tick" Ridge Cemetery, Crawford Co., IN. Bertha married Charles P. Laswell, son of Albert W. Laswell and Mary C. Ott, on 2 Dec 1881 in Crawford Co., IN. Charles was born on 2 Dec 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 22 Jan 1975 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Pleasant "Tick" Ridge Cemetery, Crawford Co., IN. They had the following children. 698 M i. Clee Laswell was born in 1915 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1968 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Pleasant "Tick" Ridge Cemetery, Eckerty, Crawford County, Indiana. Clee married Minnie King. Minnie was born about 1920. She died in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Pleasant "Tick" Ridge Cemetery, Eckerty, Crawford County, Indiana. 699 M ii. Eugene Laswell was born about 1918 in Crawford Co, IN. 700 M iii. Gerald Laswell was born about 1920 in Crawford Co, IN. 701 M iv. Hubert Laswell was born on 10 Nov 1924 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 8 Sep 2003 in Indianapolis, Marion Co, IN. He was buried in Taswell Cemetery - Taswell, Crawford Co., Indiana. Hubert married Evelyn Marche Wells, daughter of Samuel Edward Wells, on 26 Feb 1943 in Logansport, Cass Co, IN. Evelyn was born on 23 Mar 1924 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 4 Nov 2007 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Taswell Cemetery - Taswell, Crawford Co., Indiana. 347. Reuben Russell Roberson (Fielding Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 2 Mar 1893 in English, Crawford, IN Per Census. He died on 2 May 1959 in Chamberlain, Brule, SD. Reuben married Edna Lula Seaton, daughter of James Thomas Seaton and Rhoda Helen Baysinger, on 2 Mar 1913 in Mt. Carmel, Wabash, Illinois. Edna was born on 19 Jun 1894 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. She died on 7 Aug 1961 in Louisville, Jefferson, KY. They had the following children. 702 F i. Amzel Nadine Roberson was born about 1913. Amzel married James Russell Watts. James was born about 1913. 703 M ii. Norman Lee Roberson was born about 1914. Norman married Margaret Ann Burdine. Margaret was born about 1914. 704 M iii. Chester Lloyd Roberson was born about 1913. Chester married Dortha Mae Felker. Dortha was born about 1913. 83 04 Mar 2010 705 F iv. Wanda Myrl Roberson was born about 1915 in Crawford Co, IN. Wanda married Garland Lee Reasor. Garland was born about 1915. 706 F v. Marie Roberson was born on 3 May 1919. She died on 31 Dec 1986 in Louisville, KY. Marie married Maurice Wayne Brown. Maurice was born about 1919. 707 M vi. Howard Dale Roberson was born on 25 Dec 1925. He died on 30 Oct 2007. Howard married Maxine Purington. Maxine was born on 7 Apr 1927. 708 F vii. Mary Roberson was born on 26 Dec 1929 in Great Falls, Cascade, MT. She died on 26 Dec 1929 in Great Falls, Cascade, MT. 709 M viii. Rodger Joseph Roberson was born on 4 Mar 1932 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 16 Oct 1980 in Oklawaha, Florida. Rodger married Martha Brown. Martha was born about 1932. Rodger also married Loretta Mae Landers. Loretta was born about 1932. 351. Edmond Kerr Roberson (Elijah J. Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 29 Jun 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 9 Sep 1953 in Los Angeles Co., Ca. Edmond married Sylvania Lea Armenta Roberson, daughter of James W. Roberson and Mary E. Landman, on 2 May 1886 in Crawford Co, IN. Sylvania was born on 16 Nov 1869 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 20 Mar 1941 in Los Angeles Co., Ca. They had the following children. 710 F i. Bertha A. Roberson was born on 5 Jul 1887 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 28 Oct 1960 in Westmoreland, Pottawatomie Co., KS. She was buried in Wamego Cemetery Pottawatomie Co., KS. 711 F ii. Grace A. Roberson was born on 21 Apr 1889 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 28 Feb 1977 in Los Angeles Co., Ca. 712 F iii. Dora Lea Roberson was born on 25 Feb 1891 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 20 May 1969 in Great Bend, Barton Co., KS. She was buried in Great Bend Cemetery Great Bend, Barton Co., KS. 713 F iv. Alice Jane Roberson was born on 11 Jul 1899 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in Mar 1981 in Sun City, Maricopa Co., AZ. Alice married Everest Jesse Engleman on 31 May 1916 in Hutchinson, Reno Co., KS. Everest was born on 14 Oct 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 21 Jul 1949 in Barton Co., KS. He was buried in Great Bend Cemetery Great Bend, Barton Co., KS. 714 F v. Nell Cecil Roberson was born on 6 Jan 1902 in Great Bend, Barton Co., KS. She died on 3 Jul 1935 in Montrose, Montrose Co., CO. 715 M vi. Edmond Kerr Roberson Jr. was born on 30 Mar 1910 in Great Bend, Barton Co., KS. He died on 19 Apr 1972 in Larned, Pawnee Co., KS. 355. Abraham Roberson (Elijah J. Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 18 Oct 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1959 in English, Sterling Twp., Crawford County, IN. He was buried in English Cemetery, English, IN. 84 04 Mar 2010 Abraham married Carrie G. Cuzzort on 9 Nov 1911 in Crawford Co, IN. Carrie was born in 1877 in Crawford Co, IN. She died after 12 Sep 1918. They had the following children. 716 M i. Wayne Roberson was born about 1900 in Crawford Co, IN. 359. Robert L. Denbo (Dorinda Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 27 May 1885 in Indiana. He died on 30 May 1941 in St. Joseph, Jefferson Co., Louisville, KY. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Robert married Sarah Estella Jones, daughter of William Henry Jones and Mary Etta Askren. Sarah was born in 1884. She died in 1934. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 717 F i. Dorinda Fern Denbo was born about 1905 in Indiana. 718 ii. Infant Denbo was born about 1907. Infant died on 21 Apr 1907 in Crawford Co, IN. Infant was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 719 M iii. Seth S. Denbo was born on 8 Apr 1910 in Indiana. He died in Feb 1985. 720 F iv. Mary Marie Denbo was born about 1919. 721 M v. Robert J. Denbo was born about 1921. 360. Nannie J. Denbo (Dorinda Roberson, James Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1879 in Indiana. She died in 1964 in Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. Nannie married Wilbur Moore, son of Thomas H. Moore. Wilbur was born in 1886 in Indiana. He died in 1973 in Indiana. He was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. They had the following children. 722 i. Infant Moore was born in 1890 in Indiana. Infant died in Indiana. Infant was buried in Hamilton Cemet, English, Crawford County, Indiana. 363. John Washington (Bud) Roberson (Samuel Roberson, John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 17 Feb 1854 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. He died on 30 Jan 1924. He was buried in Eckerty Cem., Eckerty, IN. John married Elizabeth Ann Roberson, daughter of John Murray Roberson and Sarah Maranda Goldman, on 11 May 1879 in Crawford Co., In. Elizabeth was born on 30 Nov 1859 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. She died on 27 Jun 1928. She was buried in Eckerty Cem., Eckerty, IN. They had the following children. 85 723 i. Marshall (Dillie) Roberson was born on 27 Oct 1880. Marshall died on 25 Dec 1904 from killed in train wreck. 724 M ii. Garfield A Roberson was born on 11 Dec 1881. He died on 1 Jul 1912. 725 F iii. Pearl A Roberson was born on 29 Jan 1884. She died on 3 May 1902. 726 F iv. Nora Alice Roberson was born on 8 Oct 1886. She died on 8 Oct 1887. 727 M v. Alva A. Roberson was born on 17 Jul 1888. He died in Feb 1960. 04 Mar 2010 Alva married Malaska Throop, daughter of Godfry Throop. Malaska was born on 26 Feb 1886 in Perry, IN. She died on 15 Sep 1979. 728 M vi. Jacob Simon Roberson was born on 15 Feb 1890. He died on 22 Jul 1958. Jacob married Corda Stroud. Corda was born about 1890. 729 F vii. Oadie Belle Roberson was born on 10 Feb 1892. She died in 1950. 730 M viii. Joseph Roberson was born on 24 Apr 1895. He died on 17 Jul 1895. 731 F ix. Maudie Ellen Roberson was born on 21 Jun 1897 in Patoka, IN Per Poor Farm Records. She died on 15 Nov 1959. Maudie married Lessie E. Humphrey, son of Elmer Humphrey and Maude. Lessie was born on 28 Sep 1895 in Indiana. 732 F x. Sarah Trisia Roberson was born on 27 Jun 1899 in Perry, IN. She died on 1 May 1990 in Leavenworth, Crawford, IN. Sarah married Russell C Underhill. Russell was born on 17 Jan 1899 in Crawford Co., In. He died in Aug 1974. 365. William Henry Blevins (Nancy Jane Roberson, John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 18 Feb 1867 in Grantsburg, Indiania. He died on 6 May 1954 in Crawford, Indiania. William married Christina Josephine Miller in 1890 in Crawford Co, IN. Christina was born on 25 Aug 1872 in Crawford, Indiana. She died on 10 Jan 1946 in Indianiapolis, Indiania. They had the following children. 733 M i. Joseph Fredrick Blevins was born on 13 May 1891. He died on 23 Feb 1977 in Marion Co., AL. Joseph married Alta Modean Lofton. Alta was born about 1891. 734 F ii. Lula J. Blevins was born about 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. 735 M iii. Gus E. Blevins was born on 28 Apr 1895 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 16 Apr 1969 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 736 M iv. William Herman Blevins was born on 26 Jul 1897 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 26 Dec 1977 in Marion Co., IN. William married Britta Faulkenberg. Britta was born about 1904 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 24 Jan 1993 in Marion Co., IN. 381. Andrew Roberson (William Bell Roberson, John "Jack" Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) died on 30 Apr 1947. Andrew married Elizabeth Mason on 3 Apr 1889. Elizabeth was born on 4 Aug 1862. She died on 29 Jan 1932. They had the following children. 737 M i. William "Bleach" Roberson died on 20 Nov 1949. He was buried in Mifflin, Crawford County, Indiana. 738 M ii. Edward A. Roberson was born about 1888 in Indiana. He died on 12 Nov 1941. Edward married Dora Wilson, daughter of John Henry Wilson and Minda Lou 86 04 Mar 2010 Mason. Dora was born on 9 Mar 1890 in Crawford County, Indiana. She died on 12 Nov 1941. Edward also married Nora Melton, daughter of Hiram Melton and Rachel Susan Thurston. Nora was born about 1888. 739 M iii. Bluford Roberson. Bluford married Marie Jacobs on 18 Oct 1916 in Orange Co., Indiana. Marie was born about 1886. 740 M iv. James A. Roberson was born on 3 Jun 1890 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 10 Jan 1950 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Denbo Cemetery, English, Crawford Co., IN. James married Ottie Hubbard, daughter of J.C. Hubbard. Ottie was born in 1896. She died in 1945 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Denbo Cemetery, English, Crawford Co., IN. James also married Elsie Roberson. Elsie was born about 1890. 741 F v. Cora Ethel Roberson was born on 30 Nov 1901. She died on 8 May 1947. She was buried in Mifflin, Crawford County, Indiana. 385. Mary I. Della Roberson (Benjamin M. Roberson, Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Nov 1861 in IN. Mary married John Brock on 19 Oct 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. John was born about 1860. They had the following children. 742 F i. Lillie L. Brock was born in Dec 1881 in IN. She died in 1924 in New Albany, Floyd Co., IN. 743 F ii. Minnie V. Brock was born in Jun 1883 in IN. 744 F iii. Dora Ethel Brock was born on 29 Oct 1885 in IN. She died on 9 Apr 1935 in Floyd Co., Indiana. 745 F iv. Ida D. Brock was born about 1893. Mary also married William H. Mays in 1898 in IN. William was born in Apr 1832 in IL. They had the following children. 746 M v. Lowell L M Mays was born in Oct 1899 in IN. Mary also married Jesse Longest, son of Joseph Woodson Longest and Fannie S. Gregory, in 1909 in Crawford Co, IN. Jesse was born on 1 Sep 1857 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1933 in Crawford Co, IN. 389. Bessie E. Roberson (Abraham M. Roberson, Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 25 Mar 1883 in English, Crawford, Indiana. She died on 10 Jun 1980 in Pampa, Texas. Bessie married William Bloomer Ferguson. William was born about 1878 in Indiana. They had the following children. 747 M 87 i. Gladdis M. Roberson was born about 1902. 04 Mar 2010 748 F ii. Opal S. Ferguson was born about 1905. 749 M iii. Warder M. Roberson was born about 1905. 750 F iv. Marie O. Ferguson was born about 1907. 751 M v. Evart M. Ferguson was born about 1908. 752 F vi. Oleen E. Ferguson was born about 1909. 396. Pearl Elvira Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 13 Jan 1876 in Leavenworth, Crawford, Indiana. She died on 1 Oct 1938 in Butler, Missouri. Pearl married Pleasant B. Nance. Pleasant was born about 1866 in MO. They had the following children. 753 F i. Cora E. Nance was born about 1903 in MO. 754 F ii. Ada E. Nance was born about 1905 in MO. 408. Nancy Elvira Roberson (Elijah F. Roberson, Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 23 Jul 1864 in Indiana Per Census. She died in 1947. Nancy married Wm. H. Finch on 31 Dec 1882. Wm. died in 1941. They had the following children. 755 F i. Eva Finch was born on 9 Mar 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 9 Mar 1888 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grant-Roberson, Grantsburg, IN. 409. Sylvester Roberson (Elijah F. Roberson, Thomas Jefferson Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 3 Mar 1867 in Indiana Per Census. He died in OK. Sylvester married Dora L. Gregory in 1889. Dora was born in Dec 1870 in Indiana Per Census. They had the following children. 756 M i. Clyde Roberson was born in Jun 1890 in Indiana Per Census. 757 F ii. May Roberson was born in May 1892 in Indiana Per Census. 758 M iii. Elijah Roberson was born in Feb 1897 in Indiana Per Census. 413. Sarah Jane Landiss (Mary Elizabeth Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 5 Aug 1852 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 25 Dec 1939 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Sarah married Henry Clay Roberson, son of George William Roberson and Sarah A. Kintner, on 29 Nov 1869 in Crawford Co., IN. Henry was born on 25 Jul 1844 in Crawford, IN. He died on 23 Jul 1930 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 88 04 Mar 2010 Sarah and Henry had the following children. 759 M i. Charles S. Roberson is printed as #460 on page 39. 760 F ii. Sarah E. Roberson is printed as #461 on page 39. 761 F iii. Grace Gertrude Roberson is printed as #462 on page 39. 762 M iv. Alfred B. Roberson is printed as #463 on page 73. 763 F v. Bessie Blanche Roberson is printed as #464 on page 39. 764 F vi. Infant Roberson is printed as #465 on page 39. 417. Kansas Ann "Canny" Landiss (Mary Elizabeth Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 20 May 1866 in Crawford Co., In. She died on 21 May 1938 in Floyd County, IN. Canny married Abner Pickett Cuzzott "Sigimerus", son of Daniel W. Cuzzott and Mary Elizabeth McDonald, on 4 Aug 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. Sigimerus was born on 2 May 1855 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 6 Aug 1936 in English, Crawford Co, Indiana. They had the following children. 765 M i. Clyde Cecil Cuzzott was born on 19 Oct 1889 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 6 May 1963 in Louisville, Jefferson Co, KY. Clyde married Selma Irene Stalcup, daughter of John Riley Stalcup and Jeannette Belle Grimes, on 15 Sep 1920 in Crawford Co., IN. Selma was born on 17 Mar 1900. 424. Arthur B Roberson (Joseph Beckwith Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Sep 1872 in Indiana Per Census. Arthur married Maud Allen. Maud was born in Feb 1876 in Indiana Per Census. They had the following children. 766 F i. Kate E. (Kattie) Roberson was born in Jun 1896 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 11 Dec 1915 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Leavenwoth, Crawford Co., IN. 425. Edward E. Roberson (Joseph Beckwith Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in May 1875 in Indiana Per Census. He died in 1916 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Cedar Cemetery, Leavenwoth, Crawford Co., IN. Edward married Chloe Elzena Sloan. Chloe was born in Jun 1877 in Indiana Per Census. They had the following children. 767 F i. Veneta Pauline Roberson was born in 1902. 426. Elizabeth Ann Roberson (John Murray Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 30 Nov 1859 in Grantsburg, Crawford, IN. She died on 27 Jun 1928. She was buried in Eckerty Cem., Eckerty, IN. Elizabeth married John Washington (Bud) Roberson, son of Samuel Roberson and Tresia Stepro Howard, on 11 May 1879 in Crawford Co., In. John was born on 17 Feb 1854 in Grantsburg, 89 04 Mar 2010 Crawford, IN. He died on 30 Jan 1924. He was buried in Eckerty Cem., Eckerty, IN. They had the following children. 768 i. Marshall (Dillie) Roberson is printed as #723 on page 65. 769 M ii. Garfield A Roberson is printed as #724 on page 65. 770 F iii. Pearl A Roberson is printed as #725 on page 65. 771 F iv. Nora Alice Roberson is printed as #726 on page 65. 772 M v. Alva A. Roberson is printed as #727 on page 65. 773 M vi. Jacob Simon Roberson is printed as #728 on page 66. 774 F vii. Oadie Belle Roberson is printed as #729 on page 66. 775 M viii. Joseph Roberson is printed as #730 on page 66. 776 F ix. Maudie Ellen Roberson is printed as #731 on page 66. 777 F x. Sarah Trisia Roberson is printed as #732 on page 66. 429. Mary A. Roberson (John Murray Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 19 Aug 1862 in Crawford Co., In. She died on 10 Apr 1917 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Mary married Charles Harrison Peterson, son of William Peterson and Elizabeth Faith, on 29 Dec 1881 in Crawford Co., IN. Charles was born on 4 Jun 1862. He died on 14 Jun 1926 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 778 F i. Tillie B. Peterson was born about 1888 in Indiana. Tillie married James F. Ingleman. James was born about 1886 in Indiana. 430. Genattie "Nettie" Roberson (John Murray Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in 1870 in Indiana. She died in 1957 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Nettie married Thomas W. Goodson, son of George W. Goodson and Jane Martin, in 1887 in Crawford Co., IN. Thomas was born on 26 May 1846 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 5 Nov 1927 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 779 M i. Rufus W. Goodson was born about 1888. 780 M ii. Raymond Franklin Goodson was born on 11 Nov 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 19 Sep 1953 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Raymond married Hettie Lou Ranson on 7 Apr 1917 in Perry Co, IN. Hettie was born about 1893 in IN. 781 F iii. Seldon Goodson was born about 1897 in IN. Seldon married First-Unknown/Unproven Brown. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1897 in IN. 90 04 Mar 2010 782 F iv. Lucy C. Goodson was born in 1899 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 5 Jan 1994 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in English Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Lucy married Alfred B. Roberson, son of Henry Clay Roberson and Sarah Jane Landiss. Alfred was born on 11 Jul 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 26 Mar 1933 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Lucy also married Ed Peterson. Ed was born about 1875 in IN. 783 M v. Frederick G. Goodson was born on 8 Jan 1902 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 17 Feb 1903 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co., IN. 784 F vi. Eve E. "Evie" Goodson was born about 1907 in IN. Evie married First-Unknown/Unproven Walker. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1907 in IN. 431. Henry Claud "Boss" Roberson (John Murray Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 8 Sep 1876 in Crawford Co., IN. He died in 1964 in Crawford Co., IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Henry married Mary Addie Roll, daughter of James Hudson Roll and Margaret A. Goodson, on 17 Sep 1897 in Crawford Co, IN. Mary was born on 26 Jan 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 11 Feb 1955 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 785 M i. Nova C. Roberson was born in 1899 in Crawford Co., IN. 786 F ii. Lonetti Roberson was born in 1901 in Crawford Co., IN. Lonetti married First-Unknown/Unproven Button. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1901. 787 M iii. Thomas Roberson was born in 1907 in Crawford Co., IN. 788 F iv. Ruby Roberson was born in 1914 in Crawford Co., IN. Ruby married First-Unknown/Unproven Matthews. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1914. 789 F v. Luella E. Roberson was born in 1914 in Crawford Co., IN. Luella married First-Unknown/Unproven King. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1914. 432. Elijah Roberson (John Murray Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 30 Aug 1885 in Crawford County, Indiana. He died on 9 Aug 1941 in Jefferson Co., Indiana from Died of Typhoid Fever.. He was buried in Liberty Cemetery Jefferson Co., In. 91 04 Mar 2010 Elijah married Viola Mae Anderson. Viola was born on 2 Sep 1897 in Indiana. She died on 29 Aug 1952 in Indiana. She was buried in Liberty Cemetery Jefferson CO., In. They had the following children. 790 M i. Edwin Roberson was born about 1922 in Crawford Co, IN. 791 M ii. Goble Roberson was born about 1923 in Crawford Co, IN. 792 M iii. Roy Roberson was born about 1924 in Crawford Co, IN. Elijah also married Viola Moore on 3 Apr 1922. Viola was born on 2 Sep 1897. She died on 9 Aug 1952. They had the following children. 793 M iv. Elvin Arnold "Arnold" Roberson was born on 19 Jan 1923. He died on 3 Mar 1986 in Florida from Husband & Wife died in a boating accident on March 3, 1986 in Florida. Elvin married Lucille Scherer. Lucille was born on 4 May 1924. She died on 3 Mar 1986 in FL from Husband & Wife died in a boating accident on March 3, 1986 in Florida. She was buried in Riverview Cemetery in Seymour, Jackson Co., IN. 794 M v. Norton Gerald "Mort" Roberson was born on 9 Sep 1926. He died on 19 Dec 1971. 437. Sara Grace Scott (Julie Ann Roberson, Stephen Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Jul 1874 in Crawford Co, IN. Sara married Peter Edward Laswell, son of David Morton (Dana) Laswell and Mariah Catherine Curl, about 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. The marriage ended in divorce. Peter was born on 15 Jun 1874 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 5 Feb 1952 in Vigo County, Indiana. He was buried in Grandview Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, IN Sect. #5 Lot # 121 Grave # 2. They had the following children. 795 F i. Elsie May Laswell was born on 16 Apr 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 20 Nov 1943 in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. She was buried in Grandview Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Elsie married Otto William Harris, son of Layton Harris and Arilda Holdren, in Aug 1911. Otto was born on 18 Dec 1889. He died on 11 Oct 1959 in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. He was buried in Grandview Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, IN Sect. #5 Lot # 121 Grave # 2. 92 04 Mar 2010 796 M ii. Delbert Abraham Laswell was born on 4 Sep 1895 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 29 Oct 1953 in Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN. He was buried in Grandview Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Delbert married Ilene Sturgeon, daughter of John William Sturgeon and Sarah Ann Sevedge "Cora", on 13 Nov 1916 in Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Ilene was born on 26 Jun 1897 in Crawford Co, IN. Delbert also married Fay Nova Goldman, daughter of George Goldman and Pauline Belcher, on 12 Jun 1920 in Terre Haute, Vigo Co., IN. Fay was born on 18 Apr 1902 in Crawford Co, IN. 797 F iii. Elva Ann Laswell was born in Jan 1897 in Crawford Co, IN. 463. Alfred B. Roberson (Henry Clay Roberson, George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 11 Jul 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 26 Mar 1933 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Alfred married Lucy C. Goodson, daughter of Thomas W. Goodson and Genattie Roberson "Nettie". Lucy was born in 1899 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 5 Jan 1994 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in English Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 798 M i. Alfred Bethel Roberson was born on 19 Nov 1918 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 29 May 1998. He was buried in Graceland Memorial Park New Albany, IN 47150. 467. Joseph Albert Sisson (Sarepta Annie Roberson, George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 4 Sep 1869 in Leavenworth, Crawford, Indiana. He died on 3 Apr 1951 in Poplar Bluff, Butler, Missouri. Joseph married Lou Ibbie Tooley, daughter of George William Tooley and Lucy Ann Lacy, on 13 Jan 1907 in MO. Lou was born on 3 Aug 1885 in Mountain Grove, Wright, Missouri. She died on 3 Aug 1976 in Poplar Bluff, Butler, Missouri. They had the following children. 799 F i. Ethel Emma Sisson was born on 10 Nov 1907 in MO. She died on 24 Dec 2003 in Greenwood Co., KS. Ethel married Frank Chastine. Frank was born about 1907. 800 M 93 ii. William Sisson was born on 13 Aug 1909 in KS. He died on 4 Aug 1938 in KS. 04 Mar 2010 801 F iii. Gladys Ruby Sisson was born on 11 Mar 1913 in MO. She died on 28 Sep 1983 in KS. Gladys married Willis Edward Buell in 1934 in MO. Willis was born about 1915. 802 M iv. Ernest Tooley Sisson was born on 14 Jan 1915 in MO. He died on 11 Dec 1983. Ernest married Dessie Marie Uhl on 15 Jun 1941 in Butler Co., Missouri. Dessie was born about 1912 in Crawford Co, IN. 803 F v. Laura Luvenice Sisson was born on 25 Apr 1920 in MO. 475. Hallie M. Roberson (Thomas Jefferson Roberson, George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born in Apr 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. Hallie married Henry Clinton Foster. Henry was born on 1 Mar 1876 in Knox Co., In. He died on 25 Aug 1945. They had the following children. 804 F i. Bernice Foster was born about 1891. Bernice married "Judge" James Eminent. "Judge" was born about 1891. 805 M ii. Howard Foster was born in 1908 in Knox Co., In. He died in 1958. 806 M iii. Bernard Foster was born in 1909. 479. Eunice Aldah Roberson (Adam Kintner Roberson, George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 4 Nov 1884 in Princeton, Indiana. She died on 24 Jul 1970 in Paoli, Orange, Indiana. She was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. Eunice married Rev. Mann Woodfield Roberson, son of Fielding Roberson and Mary Ann Denbo, on 14 Sep 1903 in English, Crawford Co, Indiana. Mann was born on 14 Oct 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 29 Jul 1969 in Crawford Co., In. He was buried in Hamilton Roberson Cem, English, IN. They had the following children. 94 807 M i. Ulrich Uel Roberson is printed as #688 on page 61. 808 F ii. Angeline A Roberson is printed as #689 on page 61. 809 F iii. Ruth Roberson is printed as #690 on page 62. 810 F iv. Cecil May Roberson is printed as #691 on page 62. 04 Mar 2010 811 M v. Paul Fielding Roberson is printed as #692 on page 62. 812 M vi. Charles Adam Roberson is printed as #693 on page 62. 813 M vii. Mann Woodfield Roberson Jr. is printed as #694 on page 62. 485. Mamie Zola Roberson (Stephen Albert Roberson, George William Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 31 Jul 1893 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 9 Dec 1986 in Hancock Co., Ohio. Mamie married Roy B. Thompson. Roy was born about 1897 in Hancock Co., OH. They had the following children. 814 M i. Harry F. Thompson was born on 31 Dec 1911 in Hancock Co., OH. 496. Henry Grant (Celesta Arabelle Roberson, Elijah Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 31 Oct 1873 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 16 Sep 1936 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Henry married Alice B. Cunningham, daughter of Thomas Cunningham and Lydia Jence. Alice was born in 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1945 in Crawford Co., IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. They had the following children. 815 M i. Ralph Grant was born about 1893. Ralph married Beulah Benbo, daughter of Joseph Benbo and Isabelle Smith. Beulah was born about 1893. 816 M ii. Carl H. Grant was born on 20 Oct 1908 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 28 Nov 2000 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. Carl married Jaunita Hilgert. Jaunita was born on 12 Aug 1909 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 6 Jun 2001 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Grantsburg Cemetery, Crawford Co. IN. 500. Agnes Roberson (Timothy Horance Maine Roberson, Elijah Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born about 1889 in Crawford Co, IN. Agnes married Edward W.E. Velcin, son of August Velcin and Elizabeth Senn. Edward was born about 1889. They had the following children. 95 817 F i. Mildred Velcin was born about 1913 in Crawford Co, IN. 818 F ii. Leceil Velcin was born about 1914. 819 F iii. Ruth Velcin was born about 1916. 04 Mar 2010 513. George Clinton Roberson (John Manford Roberson, Samuel Roberson, Esther Ada Yates, John) was born on 28 Oct 1882 in Wheatland, Knox Co., IN. He died on 3 Jun 1918 in Bicknell, Knox Co., IN. He was buried in Bicknell Cemetery, Knox Co., IN. George married Tressie May Jones on 26 Apr 1905 in Olney, IL. Tressie was born about 1878 in Wheatland, Knox Co., In. They had the following children. 820 F i. Audre Irene Roberson was born on 10 Feb 1908 in Bicknell, Knox, In. She died on 7 Mar 1966. Audre married Merwin Aubrey Morris on 4 Feb 1933. Merwin was born on 8 Oct 1907 in Dickey, Lamoure, ND. He died on 25 Feb 1967. 518. Atwood (Ruthdia Yates, Daniel, John Jr., John) was born about 1880. He had the following children. 821 M i. Arthur V. Atwood was born about 1908 in Indiana. 521. Stewart Delbert Yates (Benjamin Albert, Daniel, John Jr., John) was born about 1908 in Crawford Co, IN. Stewart married Ilah Dee Franz. Ilah was born on 5 Aug 1912 in KY. She died on 28 Dec 1994 in Decatur, Macon Co., IL. They had the following children. 822 F i. Mildred Neva Yates was born about 1925 in IN. 823 F ii. Phyllis Jean Yates was born about 1926 in IN. 824 M iii. Russell Kenneth Yates was born about 1927 in IN. 825 F iv. Janice Kay Yates was born about 1928 in IN. 826 M v. Darrell Ray Yates was born about 1946 in Crawford Co, IN. 523. Mary E. "Lizzie" McCraney (Samantha "Mattie" Yates, John, James, John) was born in Mar 1867 in Crawford Co, IN. Mary married George Hammond in 1884 in Crawford Co, IN. George was born in Apr 1858 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. 827 M i. Asa Hammond was born in Sep 1886 in Crawford Co, IN. 828 F ii. Ella Hammond was born in Jan 1889 in Indiana. 829 M iii. Kinny Hammond was born in Apr 1891 in Indiana. 830 M iv. Carda Hammond was born in Mar 1895 in Indiana. 831 F v. Bessie L. Hammond was born in Feb 1898 in Indiana. 524. Lucilla "Lou" McCraney (Samantha "Mattie" Yates, John, James, John) was born in Sep 1869 in Indiana. 96 04 Mar 2010 Lucilla married John W. Taylor in 1885. John was born in Feb 1851 in IN. They had the following children. 832 M i. Ralph Taylor was born in Dec 1887 in KY. 833 F ii. Edith A. Taylor was born in Feb 1893 in IN. 834 F iii. Jewel Taylor was born about 1901 in MO. 526. James Finley "Finn" Brown (Samantha "Mattie" Yates, John, James, John) was born on 4 Sep 1877 in Indiana. He died on 3 Oct 1938 in Poplar Bluff, Butler Co., MO. He was buried in Poplar Bluff City Cemetery, Poplar Bluff, Butler Co., MO. James married Estelle Hume, daughter of Joseph C. Hume and Rebecca Benefiel. The marriage ended in divorce. Estelle was born on 18 May 1871 in Jefferson, Sullivan Co., Indiana. She died on 4 Apr 1951 in Ripley County, MO. She was buried in New Hope Cemetery, Ripley County, MO. They had the following children. 835 F i. Eugenia Maude Brown was born on 25 Jun 1905 in Ripley Co., MO. She died on 25 Jun 1905 in Ripley Co., MO. She was buried in New Hope Cemetery, Ripley County, MO. 836 M ii. John Robert Hume Brown was born on 17 Apr 1907 in Ripley County, MO. He died on 28 Apr 1976 in Oxly, Ripley Co., MO. John married Katie Ozella Shelton, daughter of William Henry Owen Shelton and Mary Frances "Emily" Hayes. Katie was born on 3 Jun 1908 in Wayne County, IL. She died on 11 Mar 1995 in MO. 837 F iii. Mary Hughes Brown was born on 4 May 1909 in MO. She died on 5 Feb 1997 in Independence, Jackson Co., Mo. Mary married Charles Albert Stillwell. Charles was born on 17 May 1908 in MO. He died on 1 Dec 1972 in KS. 838 M iv. Edwin Lawrence Brown was born on 22 Sep 1910 in Ripley Co., Missouri. He died on 21 Nov 1910 in Ripley Co., Missouri. He was buried in New Hope Cemetery, Ripley County, MO. James also married Minta O.. Minta was born in 1902. She died in 1997 in Poplar Bluff, Butler Co., MO. She was buried in Poplar Bluff City Cemetery, Poplar Bluff, Butler Co., MO. 97 04 Mar 2010 527. Hattie Myrtle Brown (Samantha "Mattie" Yates, John, James, John) was born on 31 Jul 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 9 Feb 1939 in Bertrand, Mississippi Co., MO. She was buried in AR. Hattie married Albert Laughlin, son of George Laughlin and Betty Ross, in 1906 in Success, AR. Albert was born on 3 Apr 1885 in AR. He died on 28 Nov 1918 in Success, Clay Co., AR. They had the following children. 839 F i. Eva Marie Laughlin was born on 25 Aug 1914 in Success, AR. She died on 19 Apr 1987 in Cape Girardeau, MO. Eva married Gilbert Clyde Galemore, son of William Logan Galemore and Alice Eudora Kidd, on 7 Jun 1930 in Success, AR. Gilbert was born on 2 Mar 1910 in Middlebrook, Randolph Co., AR. He died on 25 Mar 1993 in Nashville, Davidson Co., TN. 528. Arthur Lee Yates (James Wilson, John, James, John) was born on 24 Apr 1881 in Crawford Co., Indiana. He died on 1 Jul 1964 in Edgar Co., IL. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. Arthur married Ella L. Harman, daughter of William H. Harman and Catherine Berg, on 1 Jan 1906 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co. IN. Ella was born on 22 Jul 1881 in Indiana/MO. She died on 3 May 1969 in Chrisman, Edgar, IL. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. They had the following children. 840 F i. Ferne Beatrice Yates was born on 9 Oct 1906 in IL. She died on 18 Feb 1933 in Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL from ACCIDENT-BICHLORIDE OF MERCURY POISONING. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. 841 M ii. Harmon Lee Yates was born on 31 Aug 1909 in Edgar Co., IL. He died on 20 Apr 1989 in Danville, Edgar Co., IL. He was buried in Hoult Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. Harmon married Helen Hill, daughter of Merritt Hill and Minnie L., on 30 Sep 1931. The marriage ended in divorce. Helen was born on 30 May 1915 in Edgar Co., IL. She died on 25 May 1988 in Edgar Co., IL. She was buried in Franklin Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. Harmon also married Rachel Griffith on 8 Feb 1946 in Taylorville. Rachel was born on 19 Mar 1920 in IL. She died in Edgar Co., IL. She was buried in Hoult Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. 842 M iii. Charles Elmer Yates was born on 12 May 1912 in Edgar Co., IL. He died on 25 Mar 1992 in Chrisman, Edgar, IL.. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. Charles married Lucy B. Jeffers on 29 May 1937 in Chrisman, Edgar, IL.. Lucy 98 04 Mar 2010 was born on 31 Jan 1908. She died on 24 Sep 1997 in Edgar Co., IL. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. 843 M iv. Wilbur Wilson Yates was born on 24 Jan 1915 in Indianola, Illinois. He died on 31 Dec 2006 in Alamogordo, NM. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar, IL.. 844 M v. John Russell Yates was born on 27 Aug 1918 in Edgar Co., IL. He died on 19 Aug 1991 in Edgar Co., IL. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. John married Esther Mae Hollingsworth, daughter of Howard Hollingsworth and Pearl Griffith, on 4 Apr 1947 in Edgar Co., IL. Esther was born on 28 Feb 1928 in Paris, Edgar Co., IL. She died on 7 Feb 1991 in Edgar Co., IL. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. 845 F vi. Imogene Yates was born on 28 Aug 1922 in Edgar Co., IL. She died on 18 Apr 2009 in Alamogordo, Otero Co., NM. She was buried in Monte Vista Cemetery, Alamogordo, Otero Co., NM. Imogene married Lenwood Starr, son of Wardie Lee Starr and Nora Edith Parker, on 25 Aug 1940. Lenwood was born on 24 May 1920 in Woodbury, TN. He died on 5 Jun 2003 in Alamogordo, Otero Co., NM. He was buried in Monte Vista Cemetery, Alamogordo, Otero Co., NM. 530. Lilly Ann Yates (James Wilson, John, James, John) was born on 21 Aug 1885 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died on 11 May 1970 in West Salem, IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. Lilly married James Paris Hall before 1905. James was born on 13 Dec 1877 in IL. He died on 4 Oct 1950 in West Salem, IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. They had the following children. 846 M i. Archie Edwin Hall was born on 30 Sep 1905 in Edwards Co., IL. He died on 12 Feb 1931 in Mayview, IL. He was buried in Mt. Olive Cemetery, Mayview, IL, East Of Urbana, IL.. Archie married Lucy McQueen. Lucy was born about 1905. 847 F 99 ii. Carmen Beatrice Hall was born on 17 Oct 1908 in Edwards Co., IL. She died on 2 Jan 1992 in IL. She was buried in Mt. Olive Cemetery, Mayview, IL, East Of Urbana, IL.. 04 Mar 2010 Carmen married Marshall O'Bryan about 1926. Marshall was born on 25 Feb 1900 in IL. He died on 18 Feb 1988 in IL. He was buried in Mt. Olive Cemetery, Mayview, IL, East Of Urbana, IL.. 848 M iii. Orville Temple Hall was born on 11 May 1911 in Edwards Co., IL. He died on 6 Mar 1976 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. Orville married Lona D. Jones. Lona was born on 8 Jul 1923 in IL. She died on 4 Nov 2007 in Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 849 F iv. Edna Mae Hall was born on 16 May 1916 in Edwards Co., IL. She died on 7 Dec 2000 in West Salem Edwards Co., IL. She was buried on 10 Dec 2000 in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Edna married Ernest Edward Summerfield about 1935. Ernest was born on 2 Jun 1908 in IL. He died on 27 Dec 1988 in West Salem, IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 850 F v. Doris Ellen Hall was born on 5 Oct 1919 in Edwards Co., IL. Doris married John Vernon Lemke about 1944. John was born on 1 Jun 1917 in IL. He died on 26 Feb 1990 in Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 851 F vi. Helen Margaret Hall was born on 18 Oct 1922 in IL. She died on 30 Dec 1944 in West Salem, IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Helen married Arthur C. Lemke. Arthur was born on 30 Mar 1918. He died on 19 May 1989 in West Salem, IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. 531. Harry Elmer Yates (James Wilson, John, James, John) was born on 8 Jan 1888 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co., Indiana. He died on 5 May 1969 in Danville, Illinois. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. 100 04 Mar 2010 Harry married Jessie Leah Laswell, daughter of David Sherman Laswell and Emma Eva Clingman, on 23 May 1910 in Crawford Co, IN. Jessie was born on 2 Feb 1890 in Crawford County, Indiana. She died on 29 Jun 1930 in Chrisman, Edgar, Illinois from Cerebral abcess, Metastetic infection from carbuncle of jaw and face. She was buried on 1 Jul 1930 in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. They had the following children. 852 F i. Setta Lucille Yates was born on 6 Apr 1911 in Edgar Co., IL. She died on 30 Aug 1978 in Utah. She was buried in Ogden City Cemetery, Ogden, Utah. Setta married Elmer L. (Pat) Owens on 14 Mar 1944. Elmer was born on 10 Dec 1896. He died in 1986 in Weber Co., UT. He was buried in Ogden City Cemetery, Ogden, Weber Co., UT. 853 F ii. Alberta Yates was born on 10 Feb 1913 in Edgar Co., IL. She died on 4 Mar 1913 in Edgar Co., IL. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar, IL.. 854 F iii. Marjorie Millard Yates was born on 2 Feb 1917 in Chrisman, Edgar County, Illinois. She died on 4 Apr 1984 in St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. She was buried in Highland Lawn Cemetery, Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. Marjorie married Virgil McLaughlin on 8 May 1937. The marriage ended in divorce. Marjorie also married William P. Ijams. William was born on 4 Sep 1917. He died on 9 May 2004 in Pompano Beach, Broward Co., FL. He was buried in Cremated And Ashes Scattered At Sea, Marker @ Highland Cemetery Terre Haute, Vigo County, Indiana. 101 855 F iv. Ruth Evelyn Yates was born on 2 Sep 1919 in Edgar Co., IL. She died on 29 Dec 1925 in Edgar Co., IL. She was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar, IL.. 856 M v. Harry Eugene "Bud" Yates was born on 3 Jan 1922 in Edgar Co., IL. He died on 17 Jan 1994 in Osceola, St. Joseph Co., IN.. He was buried in Chapel Hill Cemetery, Osceola, St. Joseph Co., IN.. 04 Mar 2010 Harry married Erna Geraldine Wynn, daughter of Fred Wynn and Lydia G. Clampet, on 6 Jun 1939. Erna was born on 5 Dec 1920 in Edgar Co., IL. She died on 12 May 2000 in St. Joseph Co., IN. She was buried in Chapel Hill Cemetery, Osceola, St. Joseph Co., IN. 857 M vi. Carl Bernell Yates was born on 25 May 1924 in Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. He died on 17 Oct 1955 in East Chicago, Lake Co., IN. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. Carl married Luella May Carpenter, daughter of LeRoy Fremont Carpenter and Nellie Mae Blakeney, on 9 Feb 1946 in Paris, IL. Luella was born on 1 Jan 1929 in Dana, Vermillion Co., IN. She was buried in Lakeside Memorial Lawn, Folsom, CA. 858 M vii. Fred Allen Yates was born on 22 Dec 1926 in Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. He died on 11 Oct 1989 in Danville, Edgar Co., IL. He was buried in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. Fred married Barbara George, daughter of Walter L. George and Inogene Willis. Barbara was born on 6 Aug 1928. Harry also married Orlia Georgeann Tingley, daughter of Harry Noble Tingley and Emma L. Last-Unknown/Unproven, in 1931. Orlia was born on 22 Nov 1904 in Clark Co., IL. She died on 31 Oct 1988 in IL. She was buried on 2 Nov 1988 in Woodland Cemetery, Chrisman, Edgar Co., IL. They had the following children. 859 M viii. Roy Francis Yates was born on 15 Nov 1932 in Edgar Co., IL. He died on 31 Aug 1988 in Marshall, Clark Co., IL. He was buried in Marshall, Clark Co., IL. Roy married Shirley Anne Carroll, daughter of Herman Carroll and Lota H. Whittinghill, on 16 Jan 1953. Shirley was born on 23 Feb 1936 in IL. 860 M 102 ix. James Robert Yates Sr. was born on 2 Sep 1936 in Edgar Co., IL. 04 Mar 2010 James married Ruth Emaline Carroll, daughter of Herman Carroll and Lota H. Whittinghill, on 15 Jul 1956. Ruth was born on 6 Aug 1937. 533. Goldie L. Yates (James Wilson, John, James, John) was born on 2 Feb 1894 in Crawford Co., Indiana. She died on 23 Mar 1974 in Indianapolis, IN. She was buried in Floral Park Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN "Wildwood" BLDG. D, Crypt 65, Level 3. Goldie married Orin Sarles, son of Marion S. Sarles and Mary Last-Unknown/Unproven. The marriage ended in divorce. Orin was born on 30 May 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 2 May 1969 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Cunningham Cemetery, English, IN.. They had the following children. 861 F i. Ruby Mae Sarles was born on 1 Aug 1915 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 4 Aug 1992. She was buried in Forest Home Cemetery, Chicago, IL. Lot 454, Sect. 48, Grave #2. Ruby married James Cornelison. James was born on 23 Nov 1912. He died on 11 Dec 1982. He was buried in Forest Home Cemetery, Chicago, IL.. 862 F ii. Ruth Jewell Sarles was born on 27 Jun 1917 in Indiana. Ruth married Eldo O. Landers, son of Claude E. Landers and Madge LastUnknown/Unproven. Eldo was born on 21 Feb 1914 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 22 May 1986 in Kentucky. He was buried in El Bethel Cemetery, Milltown, IN.. 863 M iii. Orville Bernell Sarles was born on 26 Jan 1919 in Indiana. He died on 8 Sep 2001 in Indiana. He was buried in El Bethel Cemetery, Milltown, IN.. Orville married Betty Walts on 11 Nov 1950. Betty was born on 10 Apr 1925 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 14 Sep 1996 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in El Bethel Cemetery, Milltown, IN.. 864 F iv. Lola Beatrice Sarles was born on 18 Oct 1922 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 24 Nov 1978 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in El Bethel Cemetery, Milltown, IN.. Lola married Dubois Godby. Dubois was born on 18 Aug 1921. He died in Nov 1978. 865 F v. Ercelle Lucille Sarles was born on 11 Jul 1923 in Indiana. She died on 28 Aug 1997 in Indiana. She was buried in El Bethel Cemetery, Milltown, IN.. Ercelle married Leo Hurst. Leo was born about 1923. 103 04 Mar 2010 Ercelle also married Robert Hilton. Robert was born about 1923. Goldie also married Ross Pluris. Ross was born in 1901. He died on 11 Jan 1986 in Indianapolis, IN. He was buried in Floral Park Cemetery, Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN "Wildwood" BLDG. C, Crypt 28d, Level 3. 535. Ruby Eva Yates (James Wilson, John, James, John) was born on 24 Aug 1899 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 24 Dec 1986 in Chula Vista, CA. She was buried in Cremated And Ashes Scattered At Sea. Ruby married Orville Wilton Woolems about 1925. The marriage ended in divorce. Orville was born on 31 Jan 1894 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in Dec 1977 in Madison Co., IN. They had the following children. 866 F i. Betty Howard Woolems was born on 10 Feb 1930 in Crawford Co, IN. She was adopted. Betty married Samuel Julius Musso, son of Joseph Musso and Rose Masciantonio, on 25 Sep 1948 in Pueblo, CO. Samuel was born on 30 Jun 1929 in Pueblo, CO. Ruby also married Fielding Emmet Roberson, son of Alva Thomas Roberson and Emma Woolems, about 1935. Fielding was born on 5 Aug 1900 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 5 Aug 1975 in Chula Vista, CA. He was buried in Cremated And Ashes Scattered At Sea. 536. Millard Sanford Yates (Thomas Jefferson, John, James, John) was born on 26 Mar 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 19 Aug 1960 in Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. He was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. Millard married Rosa Florence "Rosie" Starr, daughter of Joseph Preston Starr and Louiseana Margaret Brock, on 29 Aug 1901 in Crawford Co, IN. Rosa was born on 28 Apr 1881 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 28 Jul 1972 in Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. She was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. They had the following children. 867 F i. Violet Pauline Yates was born on 27 Dec 1906 in English, Crawford Co., IN. She died on 19 Aug 1960 in Princeton, Gibson Co, IN. Violet married Lyell Wigton Canedy, son of Clifton Lewis Canedy and Alma E. Green, on 15 Nov 1923 in Albion, IL.. Lyell was born on 19 Dec 1903 in Mt Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. He died on 3 Jan 1971 in Mt Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. He was buried in Highland Memorial Cemetery Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. 104 04 Mar 2010 537. John Logan ""Lil John"" Yates (Thomas Jefferson, John, James, John) was born on 18 Jul 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1964 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. "Lil John" married Fanning Emmilene Longest ""Emmie"", daughter of Jesse Longest and Rebecca "Becky" Bennett. "Emmie" was born in Jun 1886 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1963 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. They had the following children. 868 M i. Colonel Chester Yates was born on 22 May 1908 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He died in Oct 1976 in West Salem, Edwards, Illinois. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Colonel married Bernice J. Harris, daughter of David F Harris and Flossie A.. Bernice was born on 7 Feb 1917 in IL. She died on 15 Jun 2003 in West Salem, Edwards, Illinois. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 869 F ii. Edythe Edna Yates was born on 3 Mar 1910 in Edwards Co., IL. She died in 1994 in Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Edythe married Ray Donald Potts. Ray was born on 16 Jan 1912 in IL. He died on 23 Mar 2005 in Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 870 M iii. Gerald Cecil Yates was born in 1911 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1975 in IL. He was buried in E.U.B. Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. Gerald married Esther N. Gentz. Esther was born on 28 Sep 1912 in IL. She died on 2 Jan 2005 in IL. She was buried in E.U.B. Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 538. Aubrey Lunsford Yates (John Robinson, John, James, John) was born on 17 May 1890 in Grantsburg, Crawford Co. IN. He died on 4 Jul 1961 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. 105 04 Mar 2010 Aubrey married Emily Veree McClane, daughter of Alvah McClane and Mary Elizabeth "Nelle" Gill, on 4 Jun. Emily was born on 23 Oct 1894 in Illinois. She died on 6 Dec 1957 in West Salem, Edwards, Illinois. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, IL. They had the following children. 871 F i. Dorothy Verell Yates was born on 3 Mar 1917 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She died on 6 Feb 1995 in Indianapolis, Marion Co., IN. Dorothy married Wilfred R. Johnson, son of Harry Johnson and Emma Winchester, about 1934. Wilfred was born on 6 Nov 1910 in Bedford, Lawrence Co., IN. He died on 8 Feb 1956 in Bedford, Lawrence Co., IN. 872 F ii. Ruth Loraine Yates was born on 18 Feb 1919 in Illinois. Ruth married Lee B. Collier in Jun 1944. Lee was born on 22 Apr 1912 in IL. 873 M iii. Harold Aubrey Yates was born on 3 Jun 1921. Unable to print photo Harold married Betty Jane Smith about 1943. Betty was born on 4 Mar 1922. Harold also married Marlene Deets after 1945. Marlene was born on 13 Aug 1934. 539. Rev. Earl Ursel Yates (John Robinson, John, James, John) was born on 12 Dec 1891 in Crawford Co., IN. He died on 23 Jul 1965 in Calloway, Kentucky. He was buried in Lawrenceville City Cemetery, Lawrence Co., IL. Earl married Anita Owen Libkie, daughter of Albert John Libkie and Fannie Emily Schaefer, on 6 Nov 1914 in Edwards Co., IL. Anita was born on 8 Oct 1897 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She died on 14 Aug 1936 in St. Louis Co., MO. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. They had the following children. 874 F i. Anita Earlene Yates was born on 20 May 1921 in Illinois. Anita married Edwin Wilkins D. VM.. Edwin was born on 20 Sep 1923 in IL. He died on 26 Apr 1988 in IL. 875 F ii. Helen Lorainne Yates was born on 5 Jan 1923 in IL. Helen married Russell Gaar. Russell was born about 1923. 106 04 Mar 2010 Earl also married Della Marie Sistler, daughter of William T. "Willie" Sistler and Fay Last-Unknown/Unproven, on 24 Nov 1937. Della was born on 24 Aug 1914 in IL. She was buried in Lawrenceville City Cemetery, Lawrence Co., IL. 540. Eva Irene Yates (John Robinson, John, James, John) was born on 21 Oct 1894 in Edwards Co., IL. She died on 7 Mar 1982 in Osceola, St. Joseph Co., IN. Eva married Charles Amer Blakney about 1916. Charles was born on 26 Mar 1891 in IL. He died on 12 May 1965 in IN. They had the following children. 876 F i. Willa Wanda Blakney was born on 7 Jul 1917 in IL. She died on 24 Sep 2002 in Perrysburg, Wood Co., OH. She was buried in Cremated. 877 F ii. June Lorenza Blakney was born on 29 Dec 1918 in IL. She died on 30 Dec 1930. 878 F iii. Roberta Charlene Blakney was born on 23 Sep 1921 in Edwards Co., IL. Roberta married Albert Louis Thompson about 1947. Albert was born on 18 Dec 1917. 541. Bessie Gertrude Yates (John Robinson, John, James, John) was born on 23 Sep 1896 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 16 Jul 1982 in Marion Co., IN. She was buried in Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. Bessie married James Paul Strine, son of James Monroe Strine and Nancy Nine, on 27 Aug 1914. James was born on 25 May 1893 in Lancaster, Wabash Co., IL. He died on 3 Feb 1963 in Marion Co., IN. They had the following children. 879 F i. Virginia Irene Strine was born on 14 Sep 1915 in IL. She died on 12 Dec 1998 in Mt Carmel, Wabash Co., IL. Virginia married Joseph J. Nagy about 1935. Joseph was born on 18 Jan 1914. Virginia also married First-Unknown/Unproven Hedge. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1915. 880 F ii. Doris Maxine Strine was born on 28 Jan 1918 in IL. She died on 13 Apr 2001 in Marion Co., IN. 881 F iii. Vera Gertrude Strine was born on 16 Feb 1920 in IL. Vera married Kern Lankford. Kern was born on 13 Apr 1915. He died on 28 Jul 1991. 882 F iv. Betty Pauline Strine was born on 13 Feb 1928 in IL. Betty married Carson L. Reed about 1945. Carson was born on 17 Oct 1925 in IL. 883 F v. Shirley Joan Strine was born on 24 Jun 1931 in IL. Shirley married Leslie W. Chapman about 1954. Leslie was born on 12 Nov 1931. 545. Myrtle Yates (Charles S., Silas W., James, John) was born about 1889 in Indiana. 107 04 Mar 2010 Myrtle had the following children. 884 F i. Eva Yates was born about 1910 in TX. 549. William F. Yates (William Louis, Elias, James, John) was born in May 1876 in Perry Co., Indiana. William married Mary. Mary was born about 1875 in IL. They had the following children. 885 M i. William Juel Yates was born about 1904 in Kentucky. 557. Joseph Orvel Longest (Rebecca "Becky" Bennett, Catherine Yates, James, John) was born on 27 Oct 1877 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 19 Sep 1954 in Crawford Co, IN. Joseph married Elizabeth M. "Lizzie" Ashby, daughter of Thomas J. Ashby and Cyntha J. Cummings. Elizabeth was born on 19 Oct 1878 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 1 Sep 1942 in Crawford Co, IN. They had the following children. 886 F i. Nellie E. Longest was born about 1901 in Crawford Co, IN. 887 M ii. Basil Glenden Longest was born on 14 Aug 1901 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 14 Sep 1965 in Crawford Co, IN. Basil married Mabel Lane on 9 Sep 1926 in Floyd Co., Indiana. Mabel was born on 24 Dec 1904 in Crawford Co, IN. She died on 24 Apr 1981 in Crawford Co, IN. 888 F iii. Jewell M. Longest was born about 1905 in Crawford Co, IN. Jewell married Charles Ritchie. Charles was born about 1904 in IN. 889 F iv. Garnett Longest was born about 1908 in Crawford Co, IN. Garnett married Chester Tyler. Chester was born about 1905 in IN. 558. James Oliver Longest (Rebecca "Becky" Bennett, Catherine Yates, James, John) was born on 18 Nov 1879 in Crawford Co, IN. He died on 11 Sep 1946 in Crawford Co, IN. James married Sarah Evaline Denbo. Sarah was born in 1884 in IN. They had the following children. 890 M i. Earl Longest was born about 1910. 891 F ii. Fay Longest was born about 1912. 559. William R. Longest (Rebecca "Becky" Bennett, Catherine Yates, James, John) was born in Mar 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. William married Cora Peterson. Cora was born about 1889 in IN. They had the following children. 892 M 108 i. Laverne Longest was born about 1911 in IL. 04 Mar 2010 561. Fanning Emmilene ""Emmie"" Longest (Rebecca "Becky" Bennett, Catherine Yates, James, John) was born in Jun 1886 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1963 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. She was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. "Emmie" married John Logan Yates ""Lil John"", son of Thomas Jefferson Yates and Elmira May "Ella". "Lil John" was born on 18 Jul 1882 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in 1964 in West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. He was buried in Moravian Cemetery, West Salem, Edwards Co., IL. They had the following children. 893 M i. Colonel Chester Yates is printed as #868 on page 85. 894 F ii. Edythe Edna Yates is printed as #869 on page 85. 895 M iii. Gerald Cecil Yates is printed as #870 on page 85. 563. Helen M. Longest (Rebecca "Becky" Bennett, Catherine Yates, James, John) was born on 31 Dec 1890 in Crawford Co, IN. Helen married Clarence Andrew Pope on 12 Jun 1917 in Clark Co., IN. Clarence was born on 31 Dec 1890 in English Crawford Co., IN. He died in Nov 1972 in Marion Co., IN. They had the following children. 896 F i. Helen Olive Pope was born on 17 Jun 1918 in KY. She died on 25 Jun 1969. Helen married First-Unknown/Unproven Fisher. First-Unknown/Unproven was born about 1918. 897 F ii. Wilma T. Pope was born about 1920 in IN. Wilma married Donald Cornforth. Donald was born about 1920. 568. Oscar LeRoy Roberson (Benjamin Edwin Roberson, John B. Roberson, Sarah Yates, John) was born on 3 Jul 1895 in Crawford Co, IN. He died in May 1969 in Crawford Co, IN. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. He was adopted. Oscar married Ernal May Patton. Ernal was born in 1898 in Crawford Co, IN. She died in 1985 in Crawford Co, IN. She was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. They had the following children. 898 F i. Joyce Roberson was born about 1915. Joyce married Harold Ray Miller. Harold was born in 1820. He died on 28 May 1908 in Possible Date From Eastridge Crawford County Death Book. 109 899 M ii. Laverne Roberson was born about 1921 in Crawford Co, IN. 900 M iii. Ferris Roberson was born about 1922 in Crawford Co, IN. 04 Mar 2010 110 901 M iv. Farrell W. Roberson was born on 3 Aug 1924. He died on 14 May 2000. He was buried in Union Chapel Cemetery, Grantsburg, Indiana. 902 F v. Betty O. Roberson was born about 1928 in Crawford Co, IN. 04 Mar 2010 Index , Carrie G (1875-1965) 80 , CE (1880-1920) 38 , Eliza (1877-) 72 , Ethal (1882-) 38 , Frank (1886-) 54 , Garland (1903-) 80 , Julia (1872-) 38 , Julie E. (1895-) 63 , Loretta? (1903-) 67 , Mamie (1882-) 69 , Margeret A. (1864-) 69 , Marie G (1882-) 73 , Martha (1860-) 67 , Mary (1875-) 108 , Minta O (1902-1997) 97 , Nancy (1860-) 26 , Sallie (1889-) 70 , Susan A. (1859-) 73 , Unknown (-) 62 Adkin, William (1851-) 30 Adkins, Leona (1861-) 42 Allen, Caroline (1910-) 82 Allen, Maud (1876-) 89 Anderso (1859-1939) 40 Anderso (1897-1952) 92 Apple, L (1875-) 67 Apple, Lon (1853-) 67 Armstrong, P M (1887-) 75 Ashby, E (1878-1942) 108 Askins, Mettie (-) 33 Atwood, (1880-) 64, 96 Atwood, (1860-1920) 64 Atwood, A V. (1908-) 96 Austin, A (1855-) 40, 73 Austin, Alfred (1884-) 73 Austin, B (1888-) 73 Austin, Cecil (1896-) 73 Austin, E M (1839-1910) 40 Austin, Ethel (1879-) 73 Austin, G (1876-) 40, 73 Austin, J B (1909-) 81 Austin, Martha (1857-) 40 Austin, Mary (1853-) 40 Austin, M (1860-) 40 Austin, S L (1836-1864) 39 Bandy, W (1883-1958) 65 Bass, (1902-) 82 Belcher, Ollie (-1956) 76 Bell, Elizabeth (1844-) 24 Bell, E (1862-) 41, 51 Bell, E (1859-1947) 41, 74 Bell, F (1860-1861) 41 Bell, I (1861-) 41, 50 Bell, Jane (1849-) 24 Bell, J (1836-1916) 24, 41 Bell, L (1813-1880) 24 Bell, M (1834-1904) 24, 40 Bell, Mary (1842-) 24 Bell, M A (1862-1927) 41 Bell, M (1828-1896) 25, 41 Bell, Myrtle L (1886-) 74 Bell, N W. (1810-1896) 28 Bell, Rachel (1846-) 24 Bell, Robert M (1839-) 24 Bell, (1841-1862) 24, 41, 50 Bell, S W (1802-1884) 24 Bell, S (1850-1850) 25 Bell, U (1866-1955) 41, 74 Benbo, B (1893-) 95 Benham, B (1898-) 76 Benham, (1892-1974) 79 Benham, (1858-1860) 42 Benham, (1889-1918) 79 Benham, E (1859-) 42, 75 Benham, J (1878-) 76 Benham, J W (1861-) 42 Benham, (1838-1920) 42 Benham, (1861-1894) 79 Benham, (1852-1905) 53 Benham, N (1899-) 76 Benham, S (1867-) 42 Bennett, C H (1854-) 36, 67 Bennett, C E. (1878-) 67 Bennett, M C. (1879-) 67 Bennett, M C (1856-) 36, 67 Bennett, M (1881-) 67 Bennett, M J (1853-) 36, 67 Benn (1858-1908) 36, 68 Bennett, S (1834-1863) 35 Bennett, W (1875-1953) 59 Berry, James (-) 54 Berry, (1779-1841) 1, 20 Bird, Ada (1879-) 44 Bird, Addie (1878-) 44 Bird, Bryant (1854-) 44 Bird, D N (1888-1928) 44 Bird, Hazel M. (1906-) 77 Bird, Lowell E. (1899-) 77 Bird, L (1875-1922) 44, 77 Bird, Nellie (1908-) 77 Bird, O F (1897-1984) 79 Bird, Prentiss (1904-) 77 Blakne (1891-1965) 107 Blakne (1918-1930) 107 Blakney, R C (1921-) 107 Blakne (1917-2002) 107 Blevins, G (1895-1969) 86 Blevins, J (1891-1977) 86 Blevins, Lula J (1894-) 86 Blevins, W H (1837-) 50 Blevins, W (1897-1977) 86 Blevi (1867-1954) 50, 86 Boss, Clara (1834-) 25 Boss, C (1858-1913) 75 Brandt, B (1910-1977) 66 Breeden, (1883-1947) 75 Breeden, D M (1867-) 75 Breeden, (1827-1913) 42 Bre (1858-1920) 42, 60, 74 Bree (1855-1914) 42, 75 Brock, D E (1885-1935) 87 Brock, Ida D. (1893-) 87 Brock, John (1860-) 87 Brock, L L (1881-1924) 87 Brock, M V. (1883-) 87 Brown, E L (1910-1910) 97 Brown, E M (1905-1905) 97 Brown, FU (1897-) 90 Brown, Frances (-) 48 Brow (1882-1939) 65, 98 Brow (1877-1938) 64, 97 Brown, J (1844-1913) 47 Brown, J R (1907-1976) 97 Brown, Martha (1932-) 84 Brown, M H (1909-1997) 97 Brown, M W (1919-) 84 Brown, S A (1853-) 64 Brown, T J J (1875-) 64 Bruce, G E. (1893-) 78 Bryant, (1890-1923) 3, 4, 5 Buell, Willis E (1915-) 94 Bundy, J (1885-1940) 79 Burdine, M Ann (1914-) 83 Burkhardt, C (1876-) 63 Butler, Anne (1779-) 3 Butler, E (1778-1854) 3 Butler, J (1788-1839) 3 Butler, J (1755-1835) 1, 3, 17 Butler, J O. (1785-1841) 3 Butler, M (1792-1865) 1, 3, 15, 22 Butler, Nellie R (1885-) 45 Butler, P (1789-1856) 3 Butler, W C (1856-1933) 45 Button, FU (1901-) 91 Button, R (1867-) 75 Byars, M A (1782-1871) 21 Byrd, (1884-1962) 44, 77 Byrd, S W (1882-1977) 44 Byrd, T H. (1874-) 61 Canedy, (1903-1971) 104 Carnes, M (1869-1935) 62 Carpenter, L M (1929-) 102 Carroll, R E (1937-) 103 112 Carroll, S A (1936-) 102 Chapman, L W (1931-) 107 Chastine, F (1907-) 93 Clark, Jo S (-1974) 80 Collier, Lee B (1912-) 1, 2, 106 Collier, Leigh A (1945-) 2 Colvin, R (1830-1905) 35 Condra, M E M (1879-) 72 Conrad, A (1824-1864) 33 Cook, E (1845-) 67 Cook, Henry A (1865-) 40 Corneli (1912-1982) 103 Cornforth, D (1920-) 109 Cox, A (1878-) 43, 76 Cox, Bernice C (1914-) 77 Cox, Jeanette (1922-) 81 Cox, J (1872-) 43 Cox, Milburn (1922-) 77 Cox, R F. (1883-) 43, 76 Cox, Thomas (1870-) 43 Cox, Tolbert (1884-) 43 Cox, Wesley (1871-) 43 Cox, William (1851-) 43 Crate, Mary E. (1862-) 66 Creceliu (1835-1913) 31 Cummins, R N (1902-) 80 Cunning (1879-1945) 95 Curl, E (1839-1933) 41 Cuzzort, C (1877-1918) 85 Cuzzott, A (1855-1936) 89 Cuzzott, C (1889-1963) 89 Daviess, Elton (1906-) 70 Davis, "Babe" (1884-) 43 Davis, M (1890-1959) 52 Deets, M (1934-) 106 Dehan, M (1878-) 52 DeMotte, (1861-1918) 70 Demotte, E (-1968) 72 DeMotte, M (1915-) 71 DeMotte, M (1914-) 71 Denbo, C (1877-1895) 50 Denbo, D Fern (1905-) 85 Denbo, E (1882-1928) 50 Denbo, F (1829-1894) 40 Denbo, I (1907-1907) 85 Den (1856-1939) 41, 74 Denbo, M (1857-1916) 48 Den (1861-1931) 41, 73 Denbo, M (1874-1875) 49 Denbo, Mary M (1919-) 85 Den (1879-1964) 50, 85 Denbo, R J. (1921-) 85 Den (1885-1941) 50, 85 Denbo, S E (1884-) 108 Denbo, S (1910-1985) 85 Denbo, T (1852-1933) 49 Denbo, W (1824-1894) 41 Dicus, Zada (-) 78 Dixon, (1761-1800) 1, 17 Dixson, Ada (1899-) 70 Dixson, A (1830-1919) 70 Dixson, A N. (1896-) 70 Dixson, B (1887-1961) 70 Dixson, G J. (1889-) 70 Dixson, Mary A (1892-) 70 Dotson, Albert (1878-) 48 Dotson, Brazill (1836-) 48 Dotson, D O. (1868-) 48 Dotson, M B. (1869-) 48 Downi (1776-1840) 1, 20 Drapper, (1878-1964) 44 Duffin, A M (1853-1936) 46 Duffin, A D. (1886-) 45, 78 Duffin, C. R (1909-) 78 Duffin, C R. (1879-) 45, 78 Duffin, D O (1837-1917) 44 Duffin, E (1881-1883) 45 Duffin, Fanny (1884-) 46 Duffin, Hazel (1897-) 46 Duffin, L (1886-1983) 46 Duffin, L M (1875-1959) 45 Duffin, N O (1893-1979) 46 Duffin, N (1879-1881) 46 Duffin, O R (1882-1998) 46 Duffin, R E. (1866-) 45 Edrington, William L (-) 47 Edringto (1859-1860) 47 Edwards, L E. (1894-) 46 Eifert, E E (1884-1958) 73 04 Mar 2010 Ellis, E (1853-1925) 64 Eminent, J J (1891-) 94 Englema (1884-1949) 84 Engleman, G A (-1904) 28 Everton, Samuel (-) 28 Faris, Savina (1898-) 73 Faulken (1904-1993) 86 Fausset, Martha (-) 72 Faut, E A (1877-1946) 67 Faut, Mattie J. (1879-) 67 Faut, Parker E (1858-) 67 Felker, D Mae (1913-) 83 Ferguso (1876-1942) 59 Ferguson, E M. (1908-) 88 Ferguson, M O. (1907-) 88 Ferguson, O E. (1909-) 88 Ferguson, O S. (1905-) 88 Ferguson, W B (1878-) 87 Ficklin, A E (1904-1989) 61 Finch, E (1888-1888) 88 Finch, Wm. H. (-1941) 88 Fisher, FU (1918-) 109 Fisher, Zetta E (1879-) 57 Fitch, Bill (1862-) 42 Foster, B (1909-) 94 Foster, B (1891-) 94 Foster, H C (1876-1945) 94 Foster, H (1908-1958) 94 Foster, Stephen (-) 27 Franz, I D (1912-1994) 96 Frazier, Cleo C (1905-) 73 Frazier, E W. (1878-) 73 Frazier, Max A (1907-) 73 Frazier, Rex T (1909-) 73 Fritch, W M (1834-1891) 39 Froman, A (1796-1846) 27 Froman, B (1841-1850) 27 Froman, C (1830-1844) 27 Froman, E M. (1843-) 27 Froman, E (1838-) 27 Froman, F (1811-1889) 27 Froman, J R. (1837-) 27 Froman, Lula (1865-) 43 From (1834-1869) 27, 47 From (1836-1911) 27, 47 113 Froman, M E. (1853-) 47 Froman, N (1808-1894) 29 Froman, S Ann (1832-) 27 Froman, V F (1831-) 27, 47 Gaar, R (1923-) 106 Gaddis, Roy (1905-) 66 Gailbrieth, (1891-) 54 Galemor (1910-1993) 98 Gasway, (1851-) 30 Gentz, E (1912-2005) 105 George, B (1928-) 102 Gill, M E N (1865-1952) 1, 6, 11 Gill, T (1794-1867) 1, 17 Gill, T (1826-1888) 1, 6, 14 Gill, T F (1859-1940) 6 Gillard, (1831-1874) 1, 14 Gilmore, H B. (1865-) 56 Gobble, Effie (1879-) 75 Gobble, F R. (1859-) 75 Gobble, Novy (1881-) 75 Gobble, W (1880-) 75 Godby, (1921-1978) 103 Goldman, A M (1910-) 77 Goldman, B E. (1893-) 78 Goldman, E F (1867-) 75 Gold (1882-1963) 44, 77 Goldman, E F (1909-) 77 Goldman, F N (1902-) 93 Goldman, F A (1888-) 76 Goldma (1896-1971) 76 Goldma (1846-1906) 45 Goldma (1861-1948) 76 Goldman, J (1838-) 30 Gold (1889-1988) 44, 77 Gold (1868-1911) 46, 78 Goldman, J E (1924-) 78 Goldma (1857-1933) 44 Goldman, O (1887-) 76 Goldman, O L. (1902-) 78 Goldman, R (1866-) 75 Goldma (1838-1906) 56 Goldman, V (1907-) 78 Good, Bertha M (1889-) 76 Goodma (1864-1944) 60 Goodson, E E. (1907-) 91 Goodso (1902-1903) 91 Goo (1899-1994) 91, 93 Goodso (1893-1953) 90 Goodson, R W. (1888-) 90 Goodson, S (1897-) 90 Goodso (1846-1927) 90 Graham, R (1886-) 82 Grant, Albert (1878-) 62 Grant, Andrew P (1820-) 5 Grant, C H (1908-2000) 95 Grant, D (1801-1880) 5 Grant, (1832-1899) 6, 52 Grant, E (1840-1887) 1, 6, 14 Grant, Elijah (1868-) 62 Grant, Elijah M (1823-) 5 Grant, E (1805-1850) 5 Grant, E A (1844-1914) 6 Grant, E (1856-1856) 53 Grant, E (1816-1867) 5 Grant, G (1776-1837) 1, 5, 20 Gran (1873-1936) 62, 95 Grant, Idelia (1838-) 6 Grant, I (1877-1877) 53 Grant, I (1812-1849) 5 Grant, J A (1862-1891) 53 Grant, J A (1845-1892) 62 Grant, John V (1827-) 6 Grant, John V (1810-) 5 Grant, Joseph B (1840-) 6 Grant, L (1800-1877) 1, 5, 17 Grant, Levi L. (1845-) 6 Grant, Lucy A (1825-) 6 Grant, M (1809-1862) 5 Grant, M (1814-1853) 5 Grant, M A (1853-1890) 63 Grant, M E. (1804-1873) 5 Grant, M J (1880-1880) 62 Grant, Ralph (1893-) 95 Grant, (1834-1920) 6, 54 Grant, W (1804-1882) 5 04 Mar 2010 Grant, William (1871-) 62 Graves, S (1855-1882) 49 Green, Doane (1885-) 71 Gregory, D L. (1870-) 88 Gresham, A M (1858-) 32 Griffing, P E (1837-1909) 4 Griffith, R (1920-) 98 Hale, Hazel (1883-) 71 Hall, A E (1905-1931) 99 Hall, C B (1908-1992) 99 Hall, Doris E (1919-) 100 Hall, E M (1916-2000) 100 Hall, H M (1922-1944) 100 Hall, J P (1877-1950) 99 Hall, O T (1911-1976) 100 Hamilton, A M (1848-) 51 Hammond, A (1886-) 96 Hammond, B L (1898-) 96 Hammond, C (1895-) 96 Hammond, E (1889-) 96 Hammond, G (1858-) 96 Hammond, J N (1862-) 41 Hammond, K (1891-) 96 Hammond, W (1911-) 81 Harding, (1838-1888) 43 Hard (1870-1951) 43, 76 Harding, M (1867-) 43, 75 Harman, (1881-1969) 98 Harris, B (1917-2003) 105 Harris, O W (1889-1959) 92 Harris, Prater (1975-) 44 Harris, W J. (1853-) 58 Harris, W P (1858-1859) 58 Hayes, M (1889-) 72 Hays, I N (1861-1936) 40 Heath, Will (1886-) 54 Hedge, FU (1915-) 107 Henderson, (1770-) 1, 20 Henley, B G. (1894-) 69 Henley, E F. (1884-) 69 Henley, J (1851-1934) 69 Herod, Mae (1896-) 60 Hicks, F M (1837-) 29 Highfill, C (1931-1991) 50 Hilgert, J (1909-2001) 95 114 Hill , H (1915-1988) 98 Hilton, R (1923-) 104 Hollen, Polly (1847-) 51 Hollings (1928-1991) 99 Holloway, A (1886-) 54 Hoover, E (1820-) 23 Howard, T (1832-1910) 50 Hubbard, (1896-1945) 87 Huffine, A (1859-1908) 67 Hughes, A (1855-1899) 27 Hughes, A (1848-1938) 27 Hughes, J (1825-1896) 26 Hughes, J E. (1851-) 27 Hughes, M A. (1857-) 27 Hughes, R (1822-1903) 26 Hughes, R (1854-) 27 Hume, E (1871-1951) 97 Humphrey, L E (1895-) 86 Hunt, FU (1878-) 49 Hurst, Leo (1923-) 103 Ijams , W (1917-2004) 101 Ingleman, J F. (1886-) 90 Jacobs, Marie (1886-) 87 Jamerson, L (1897-) 49 Jeffers, L (1908-1997) 98 Johnson, A B (1848-) 63 Johnson, E (1849-) 31 Johnso (1910-1956) 106 Johnston, V (1760-) 1, 19 Jones, L (1923-2007) 100 Jones, M E (1857-1935) 69 Jones, S E (1884-1934) 85 Jones, T M (1878-) 63, 96 Judd, Martha (1855-) 51 Kearbey, J Phil (1880-) 54 Kelso, George (1874-) 44 Kincai (1808-1855) 1, 5, 16 Kincaid, J (1804-1884) 5 Kincaid, J (1770-) 1, 20 Kincaid, J (1819-1877) 28 King, FU (1914-) 91 King, Minnie (1920-) 83 Kintner, S (1810-1888) 31 Knight, James (1867-) 51 Knight, Roy (1895-) 68 Land, (1834-) 28 Land, Charles (1870-) 57 Land, Clyde H (1885-) 62 Land, Jacob (1837-) 62 Land, J N (1834-1919) 57 Land, L L. (1870-1872) 57 Lander (1914-1986) 103 Landers, L M (1932-) 84 Landiss, C (1862-1863) 55 Landiss, C A (1872-) 5, 78 Landiss, David (1807-) 4 Landiss, D (1845-) 5 Landiss, E L (1869-1957) 5 Landiss, E (1840-) 5 Landiss, E (1843-) 5 Landiss, Fanny (1810-) 5 Landiss, I (1863-1863) 55 Landiss, I (1861-1862) 5 Landiss, Isaac (1788-) 4 Landiss, Isaac D (1833-) 5 Landiss, J J. (1848-) 5 Landiss, J (1799-1892) 4 Landiss, John (1837-) 5 Landiss, J (1859-1860) 55 Landis (1832-1893) 1, 5, 14 Landiss, J (1830-1914) 55 Land (1866-1938) 55, 89 Landiss, Mary (1809-) 5 Landiss, M (1872-1873) 55 Landiss, M (1824-1909) 32 Landiss, M (1834-) 5 Landiss, M (1867-1906) 55 Landiss, M (1878-1957) 55 Landiss, Nancy (1808-) 4 Landis (1866-1926) 1, 5, 10, 66 Landiss, P (1869-1870) 55 Landiss, Sarah (1833-) 5 Landiss, S E (1859-1859) 5 Lan (1852-1939) 55, 58, 88 Landi (1764-1843) 1, 19 Landiss, W (1832-) 5 04 Mar 2010 Landis (1805-1850) 1, 4, 16 Lane, M (1904-1981) 108 Lankfor (1915-1991) 107 Last-Unknow (1909-) 78 Last-Unknow (1904-) 61 Last- (1768-1830) 1, 17, 21 Last-Unknow (1889-) 78 Laswell, C (1881-1975) 83 Laswell, C (1915-1968) 83 Laswell, D (1895-1953) 93 Laswell, E (1894-1943) 92 Laswell, Elva A (1897-) 93 Laswell, E (1918-) 83 Laswell, G (1920-) 83 Laswell, H (1924-2003) 83 Laswell, (1890-1930) 101 Laswell, N (1903-2003) 74 Laswell, P (1874-1952) 92 Laughlin, (1885-1918) 98 Laughlin, (1914-1987) 98 Lemke, (1918-1989) 100 Lemke, (1917-1990) 100 Libkie, A (1897-1936) 106 Lock , L (1882-1955) 67 Lofton, Alta M (1891-) 86 Longest, (1878-) 55 Longes (1901-1965) 108 Longest, (1884-1941) 68 Longest, Earl (1910-) 108 Longest, E D. (1895-) 68 Longest, F (1906-) 81 Lo (1886-1963) 68, 105, 109 Longest, Fay (1912-) 108 Longest, G (1908-) 108 Longest, (1890-) 68, 109 Lon (1879-1946) 68, 108 Long (1857-1933) 68, 87 Longest, (1904-1955) 68 Longest, J M. (1905-) 108 Lon (1877-1954) 68, 108 Longest, (1878-1906) 81 Longest, L L. (1889-) 68 115 Longest, L (1911-) 108 Longest, M M. (1891-) 68 Longest, N E. (1901-) 108 Longest, (1882-) 68, 108 Mace, E (1822-1885) 35 Marti (1859-1953) 26, 46 Martin, E M (1860-1893) 26 Marti (1839-1916) 26, 45 Martin, J (1810-1879) 26 Mart (1842-1892) 26, 46, 58 Marti (1838-1908) 26, 45 Mason, E (1862-1932) 86 Matthews, FU (1914-) 91 May, E (1859-1919) 66 May, Everett (1887-) 75 May, J W. (1846-1872) 43 May, Kermit (1888-) 75 May, M (1843-1910) 42 May, M (1798-1880) 1, 17 May, Stanley (1886-) 75 May, Sula (1887-) 75 May, W (1866-) 43, 75 May, Willie (1867-) 43, 75 Mays, L L M (1899-) 87 Mays, W H. (1832-) 87 McCain, G W (1852-) 40 McClane, A (1860-) 1, 11 McCla (1894-1957) 1, 2, 6, 8, 106 McClane, G (1897-1968) 6 McClane, M K. (1901-) 6 McClure, (1892-1964) 63 McCraney, A R (1898-) 73 McCraney, B V (1891-) 72 McCraney, C (1877-) 72 McCran (1892-1980) 73 McCran (1894-1933) 73 McCraney, H C (1902-) 72 McCran (1829-1880) 40 McC (1865-1962) 40, 73 McCran (1813-1907) 25 McCraney, L (1852-) 40 McCraney, L L. (1895-) 72 McCraney, (1869-) 64, 96 McCraney, M (1865-) 40 McCraney, (1867-) 64, 96 McCran (1860-1937) 40 McC (1863-1884) 40, 72 McCraney, (1857-) 40, 72 McCraney, T (1834-) 64 McDonald, Viola B. (-) 53 McElroy, (1888-1978) 44 McGuire, T A. (1855-) 47 McLaughlin, Virgil (-) 101 McQueen, L (1905-) 99 Melton, Nora (1888-) 87 Miler, G H (1834-1864) 47 Miler, Mary M E (1855-) 47 Miler, P Jane (1854-) 47 Miles, P J. (1869-) 69 Miller, Ceile M (1889-) 76 Miller, C J (1872-1946) 86 Miller, C H. (1894-) 76 Miller, E B (1874-1875) 68 Miller, Etta M. (1890-) 76 Miller, G W. (1896-) 76 Miller, H (1820-1908) 109 Miller, J M (1846-1902) 68 Miller, L M (1845-1904) 56 Miller, Martin J. (-) 55 Miller, Noble J (1907-) 76 Miller, Oda M. (1898-) 76 Miller, P E (1835-1901) 52 Miller, R L (1887-1914) 76 Miller, S H. (1859-) 75 Miller, Tinsel T (1903-) 76 Moore, Infant (1890-) 85 Moore, V (1897-1952) 92 Moore, W (1886-1973) 85 Morris, M A (1907-1967) 96 Musso, S J (1929-) 104 Myers, (1882-) 50 Myler, Eliza (1863-) 53 Myler, H A (1855-1950) 52 Myler, W H. (1842-) 53 Nagy, J J. (1914-) 107 Nance, Ada E. (1905-) 88 Nance, Cora E (1903-) 88 04 Mar 2010 Nance, P B. (1866-) 88 Nash, C J. (1846-) 47 Nash, Dorinda (1835-) 38 Nash, G W (1826-1893) 47 Nash, James W (1848-) 47 Nash, J O (1840-1931) 27 Nash, M I (1849-1922) 47 Nash, Nancy M (1847-) 48 Nash, Sarah A (1845-) 48 Neil, S E. (1852-1889) 35 Newton, D (1889-1920) 68 Newton, Mack (-) 55 Newton, S. W. (1858-) 45 Noble, (1886-) 74 O'Brya (1900-1988) 100 Oney, Henry R (1947-) 2 Onyett, R (1874-1961) 61 Ott, M E (1859-1939) 65 Owens, (1896-1986) 101 Pamplin, Emmett G (-) 72 Pamplin, Mary (-) 72 Parker, G L. (1892-) 63 Patrick, E (1834-1912) 27 Patton, E (1898-1985) 109 Patton, E (1935-1990) 50 Pernel, E Retta (1857-) 72 Peterson, (1862-1926) 90 Peterson, C (1889-) 108 Peterson, Ed (1875-) 91 Peterson, T B. (1888-) 90 Pittman, A E. (1856-) 25 Pittman, C (1854-) 25 Pittman, H (1813-1879) 25 Pittman, J (1852-) 25 Plumer, Mary (1831-) 47 Pluris, R (1901-1986) 104 Pope, C A (1890-1972) 109 Pope, H O (1918-1969) 109 Pope, W T. (1920-) 109 Postlethwait, D (1852-) 72 Postleth (1882-1971) 73 Postleth (1879-1955) 72 Potts, R D (1912-2005) 105 Potts, S (1803-1887) 1, 17 Pounds, R C (1897-) 72 116 Purington, M (1927-) 84 Ragle, Effie (-) 71 Rails/Ra (1878-1910) 64 Rainey, H E (1896-) 76 Ranson , H Lou (1893-) 90 Reasor, D (1856-1904) 74 Reasor, E W (1876-) 74 Reasor, G Lee (1915-) 84 Reasor, Paul (-) 47 Reed, C L. (1925-) 107 Rhodes, I (1865-1938) 71 Riggens, C (1888-) 54 Riggle, Alice B (1867-) 38 Riggle, Annie (1885-) 69 Riggle, Bessie (1887-) 69 Riggle, B J. (1890-) 70 Riggle, C E (1859-) 38, 69 Riggle, C Z. (1893-) 70 Riggle, David W (1878-) 38 Riggle, Dessie (1904-) 70 Riggle, Dora (1882-) 69 Riggle, Edd (1875-) 68 Riggle, Eliza H (1872-) 38 Riggle, Estell (1906-) 70 Riggle, G (1856-) 68 Riggle, G W. J (1869-) 38 Riggle, G W (1834-1892) 38 Riggle, Hatcil (1910-) 70 Riggle, Hester (1908-) 70 Riggle, H E. (1865-) 38 Riggl (1863-1955) 38, 70 Riggle, H G. (1888-) 70 Riggle, IR (1910-) 70 Riggle, J W (1857-) 38, 69 Riggle, J M. (1904-) 70 Riggle, J L (1873-) 38, 70 Riggle, J May (1915-) 70 Riggle, J (1877-) 68 Riggle, L P. (1896-) 70 Riggle, Lola (1894-) 69 Riggle, Maud (1884-) 69 Riggle, R E. (1901-) 70 Riggle, S E. (1862-) 38 Riley, Annie (1867-) 43 Riley, Ed (1865-) 43 Riley, W W (1843-1907) 43 Riley, W (1863-1863) 43 Riley, W C. W (1884-) 43 Ritchie, C (1904-) 108 Rob (1881-1959) 49, 84 Roberso (1847-1869) 30 Rob (1837-1903) 29, 52 Rob (1850-1924) 32, 60 Roberson, (1889-) 62, 95 Roberson, (1848-) 29, 51 Roberso (1856-1863) 33 Robe (1841-1915) 4, 23, 39 Roberso (1835-1838) 28 Rob (1878-1933) 59, 89, 91, 93 Roberso (1918-1998) 93 Roberso (1869-1870) 55 Roberso (1871-1964) 63 Roberso (1899-1981) 84 Roberso (1880-1965) 61 Rob (1888-1960) 85, 90 Rob (1850-1931) 33, 63 Rob (1874-1965) 48, 79 Rob (1843-1920) 29, 41, 50 Roberson, A B. (1853-) 33 Roberson, A N (1913-) 83 Roberson, (-1947) 51, 86 Roberson, (1902-) 81, 94 Rob (1850-1875) 36, 68 Roberson, A (1859-) 54 Rob (1858-1901) 37, 69 Roberso (1846-1864) 36 Roberson, A E. (1900-) 58 Roberson, (1872-) 56, 89 Roberso (1908-1966) 96 Rober (1795-1865) 1, 4, 16, 23 Roberson, (1836-) 4, 23, 38 Rob (1854-1931) 36, 69 Roberso (1849-1917) 29 Rob (1830-1891) 29, 52 Roberso (1878-1970) 52 04 Mar 2010 Roberso (1887-1960) 84 Rob (1890-1966) 48, 83 Rob (1881-1926) 59, 89 Rob (1883-1980) 52, 87 Roberson, B O (1928-) 110 Roberson, (1881-) 38, 69 Roberson, Bluford (-) 87 Roberson, C E. (1847-) 29 Rob (1906-1906) 82, 94 Rob (1846-1929) 32, 62 Roberso (1858-1906) 32 Roberson, C G (1879-) 57 Roberson, C A. (1877-) 63 Roberson, C A (1879-) 54 Rob (1916-1920) 82, 95 Roberson, C E. (1922-) 81 Rob (1886-1981) 48, 82 Roberson, C F. (1887-) 51 Rob (1871-1945) 59, 89 Roberso (1876-1933) 52 Roberson, C L (1913-) 83 Roberson, C (1874-) 57 Roberso (1906-1961) 81 Roberso (1903-1973) 80 Roberson, C (1890-) 88 Roberson, C L. (1873-) 55 Roberso (1886-1889) 64 Rob (1868-1967) 46, 58, 79 Roberso (1901-1947) 87 Roberson, (1881-) 60, 74 Rob (1813-1892) 22, 31 Roberso (1840-1864) 32 Rober (1780-1822) 3, 22 Roberson, D J (1906-) 82 Roberson, D (1821-) 4, 23 Roberson, (1866-) 46, 58 Roberso (1891-1969) 84 Rob (1851-1931) 28, 49 Rob (1894-1971) 60, 75 Roberso (1833-1834) 28 Roberson, E E. (1888-) 60 Roberso (1846-1864) 33 Roberso (1910-1972) 84 Rob (1867-1953) 49, 84 117 Roberso (1840-1864) Roberso (1888-1941) Rob (1875-1916) Roberson, E (1922-) Roberson, E (1787-) Roberso (1816-1866) Rob (1885-1941) Rob (1817-1895) Roberson, E (1897-) Rob (1833-1893) Rob (1842-1908) Roberso (1877-1956) Rob (1843-1917) Rober (1823-1906) 33 86 56, 89 92 3 31 56, 91 22, 32 88 30, 54 28, 49 55 29, 53 1, 4, 12, 23, 34, 36 Roberso (1834-1911) 28 Rob (1859-1928) 56, 85, 89 Roberson, E A (1793-) 4 Rob (1844-1916) 32, 61 Roberson, E E. (1878-) 49 Roberson, E (1890-) 87 Roberso (1923-1986) 92 Roberso (1811-1897) 36 Roberson, (1855-) 28, 36 Rob (1870-1929) 46, 58, 79 Roberson, E B. (1896-) 58 Roberso (1834-1836) 28 Roberson, E B. (1880-) 58 Roberso (1880-1968) 54 Rob (1884-1970) 60, 81, 94 Roberso (1914-1994) 81 Roberso (1892-1961) 58 Roberson, F A. (1869-) 49 Roberson, F B. (1868-) 56 Roberson, F G B (1886-) 54 Roberso (1880-1905) 48 Robers (1924-2000) 110 Roberson, F (1922-) 109 Rob (1838-1924) 28, 48 Ro (1900-1975) 80, 104 Roberso (1884-1968) 58 Roberson, F (1865-) 56 Roberso (1916-1970) 80 Rob (1881-1912) 85, 90 Rob (1870-1957) 56, 90 Roberson, (1791-1853) 3 Roberson, G (1760-) 1, 17 Roberso (1878-1902) 64 Rob (1882-1918) 63, 96 Roberso (1894-1918) 48 Roberso (1854-1873) 29 Rob (1842-1920) 32, 46, 58 Rob (1815-1895) 22, 31 51 Roberson, G A. (1893-) Roberson, G M (1902-) 87 Roberson, G (1923-) 92 Roberso (1889-1977) 84 Rob (1876-1911) 59, 89 Rober (1820-1877) 4, 23 Roberso (1887-1915) 58 Roberso (1884-1965) 48 Roberson, H (1902-) 80 Roberso (1882-) 60, 74, 94 Roberso (1839-1843) 28 Robe (1844-1854) 4, 23, 37 Roberso (1844-1854) 33 Roberso (1902-1903) 63 Roberson, H (1908-) 69 Roberso (1911-1977) 81 Rob (1844-1930) 32, 58, 88 Rob (1876-1964) 56, 91 Roberson, H C. (1902-) 63 Roberso (1899-1973) 80 Roberson, H (1843-) 33 Roberson, (1834-) 4, 23, 38 Rob (1848-1887) 30, 57 Roberso (1857-1873) 54 Rob (1839-1908) 29, 52 Roberso (1925-2007) 84 Roberso (1901-1977) 80 Roberson, Ida (1867-) 51 04 Mar 2010 Roberson, Ida (1878-) 52 Roberso (1896-1978) 63 Roberson, I (1860-) 33 Rob (1885-1885) 59, 89 Roberson, I E (1897-) 49 Roberso (1877-1878) 49 Roberson, I A (1888-) 54 Rob (1890-1958) 86, 90 Rob (1803-1881) 22, 27 Roberso (1890-1950) 87 Roberso (1836-1862) 31 Rob (1853-1922) 30, 57 Rob (1844-1862) 28, 36 Rob (1876-1964) 48, 80 Roberson, J (1797-) 22 Roberson, J (1841-) 29 Roberson, J C. (1848-) 36 Rob (1872-1873) 46, 58 Roberso (1869-1937) 63 Rob (1805-1865) 22, 28 Robe (1817-1876) 4, 23, 36 Roberso (1892-1938) 63 Roberson, J H. (1898-) 51 Roberson, (1848-) 33, 63 Rob (1838-1902) 30, 56 Roberso (1835-1913) 31 Rob (1854-1924) 50, 85, 89 Rob (1895-1895) 86, 90 Rob (1837-1886) 30, 56 Roberson, J A (1890-) 63 Roberson, J (1915-) 109 Rob (1845-1936) 30, 56 Roberso (1896-1915) 89 Roberson, K M K (1884-) 54 Roberson, L (1921-) 109 Roberson, L (1866-) 37 Roberso (1909-2007) 82 Roberso (1915-2009) 82 Roberson, L (1876-) 57 Roberson, L D. (1865-) 56 Roberson, L E. (1890-) 51 Rob (1878-1906) 48, 81 Robe (1839-1878) 4, 23, 118 38 Roberson, L (1901-) 91 Roberso (1874-1939) 53 Roberson, L I (1860-) 54 Roberson, L E. (1914-) 91 Roberson, M M (1895-) 51 Rob (1893-1986) 61, 95 Roberson, M B. (1880-) 52 Rob (1921-1945) 82, 95 Rob (1882-1969) 48, 81, 94 Roberso (1838-1905) 32 Roberso (1919-1986) 84 Roberson, M (1872-) 52 Rob (1880-1904) 85, 90 Roberso (1843-1900) 30 Roberso (1929-1929) 84 Roberson, M (1882-) 51 Rob (1862-1917) 56, 90 Roberso (1835-1853) 29 Roberso (1865-1866) 49 Roberson, M B (1854-) 33 Roberson, M E. (1858-) 50 Rob (1836-1892) 30, 55 Roberson, (1861-) 52, 87 Roberso (1832-1899) 28 Roberson, M M (1889-) 54 Roberson, (1884-) 60, 74 Rob (1897-1959) 86, 90 Roberson, M (1892-) 88 Roberso (1830-1917) 28 Rob (1800-1873) 22, 27 Roberson, M E (1845-) 29 Roberson, M E (1847-) 28 Roberso (1886-1952) 51 Roberson, M B (1878-) 54 Roberson, (1827-) 4, 23, 33, 37 Roberson, (1836-) 28, 48 Rob (1864-1947) 55, 88 Roberson, N J (1853-) 50 Roberson, (1837-) 29, 50 Roberson, N M (1851-) 30 Rob (1846-1867) 29, 53 Roberso (1902-1935) 84 Rob (1886-1887) 85, 90 Roberson, N L (1914-) 83 Roberso (1926-1971) 92 Roberson, N C. (1899-) 91 Rob (1892-1950) 86, 90 Roberson, O (1868-) 37 Roberson, O W (1839-) 36 Roberson, O L (1891-) 62 Roberson, (1887-) 60, 74 Ro (1895-1969) 69, 109 Roberson, O (1885-) 63 Roberson, P J. (1860-) 52 Rob (1910-1920) 82, 95 Rob (1884-1902) 85, 90 Rob (1876-1938) 54, 88 Roberson, R (1829-) 4, 23 63 Roberson, R (1903-) Rob (1893-1959) 48, 83 Roberson, R (1916-) 80 Roberson, R W (1837-) 36 Roberso (1932-1980) 84 Roberson, (1837-) 33, 62 Roberson, R (1924-) 92 Roberson, R P M (1864-) 33 Roberson, R (1914-) 91 Roberson, R R (1883-) 61 Rob (1910-1998) 82, 94 Roberson, S L (1874-) 63 Rob (1821-1902) 22, 33 Rob (1832-1910) 28, 50 Roberso (1845-1865) 31 Rober (1834-1860) 4, 23 Roberson, S (1873-) 63 Roberson, S A S (1860-) 32 Rob (1830-1918) 28, 47 Roberso (1840-1919) 29 Rob (1855-1942) 30, 58 Roberso (1884-1976) 61 Rob (1873-1885) 59, 89 Roberson, S M (1842-) 36 Rob (1899-1990) 86, 90 Rob (1846-1921) 32, 59 Roberso (1855-1855) 31 Roberson, S (1783-) 3 Rob (1809-1888) 22, 30 04 Mar 2010 Rob (1854-1932) Roberso (1898-1937) Roberson, S (1849-) Roberso (1869-1941) Roberson, (1867-) Roberson, T (1907-) Rob (1807-1887) Rob (1848-1920) 32, 61 61 32 84 55, 88 91 22, 29 32, 60, 74 Rob (1854-1924) 29, 53 Roberso (1839-1864) 30 Rob (1867-1952) 33, 62 Roberson, T (1891-) 54 Rob (1904-1948) 81, 94 Roberson, V P (1902-) 89 Roberson, V L (1786-) 3 Roberson, W (1871-) 38 Roberson, W M (1915-) 84 Roberson, W M (1905-) 88 Roberson, W (1900-) 85 Roberson, W M (1882-) 61 Roberson, W (1867-) 56 Roberson, W B (-1949) 86 Roberso (1899-1996) 61 Rob (1847-1916) 29, 51 Rob (1888-1970) 48, 82 Roberso (1880-1938) 63 Roberso (1858-1859) 30 Roberson, W T. (1904-) 80 Roberson, W T. (1849-) 31 Roberso (1840-1862) 32 Roberson, W (1871-) 38 Roberts, (1859-1890) 61 Rockwell, (1846-1870) 23 Rohlman, A (1894-) 73 Roll, G M. (1874-) 61 Roll, M A (1879-1955) 91 Rowell, W (1892-1969) 71 Ruark, S A (1814-1895) 30 Sarles, B (1899-) 80 Sarles, E (1923-1997) 103 Sarles, L (1922-1978) 103 Sarles, O (1894-1969) 103 Sarles, O (1919-2001) 103 Sarles, R (1915-1992) 103 119 Sarles, R J (1917-) 103 Scherer, (1924-1986) 92 Schnarr, (1871-1898) 73 Schuble, William (-) 71 Scott, Arthur F (1882-) 57 Scott, C B. (1880-) 57 Scott, Cora B. (1869-) 39 Scott, D S (1878-1958) 57 Scott, E L. (1882-) 57 Scott, Emma N (1876-) 57 Scott, John (1865-) 39 Scott, J H (1864-1946) 54 Scott, M (1868-1880) 57 Scott, N K (1832-1900) 37 Scott, Q I. (1872-) 57 Scott, R A (1867-1880) 57 Scott, R (1859-1887) 65 Scott, Ruth A (1836-) 33 Scott, S G (1874-) 57, 92 Scott, Sarah (1871-) 39 Scott, S I. (1885-) 57 Scott, T Berkey (1870-) 57 Scott, William (1866-) 39 Scott, W H (1842-1922) 56 Scott, W W (1841-1872) 39 Seals, Mary A (1855-) 51 Seaton, E (1894-1961) 83 Seaton, E (1891-1974) 82 Seaton, M (1876-1945) 80 Sego, D (1890-1964) 82 Shafer, J (1856-1904) 74 Shafer, P (1897-1993) 74 Shaffer, C (1861-1893) 73 Shaffer, H (1893-1963) 73 Shelton, K (1908-1995) 97 Shoemaker, V W (1880-) 61 Shouse, Lizzie (1878-) 77 Simpson, N (1904-) 81 Sinclair, A A (1866-) 74 Sisson, A A. (1877-) 60 Sisson, B F. (1868-) 60 Sisson, D H. (1879-) 60 Sisson, E (1915-1983) 94 Sisson, E (1907-2003) 93 Sisson, G (1913-1983) 94 Sisson, Isaac N (1873-) 60 Sisson, John W (1872-) 60 Siss (1869-1951) 60, 93 Sisson, L L (1920-) 94 Sisson, M Jane (1882-) 60 Sisson, S E. (1875-) 60 Sisson, W (1909-1938) 93 Sisson, W (1839-1908) 59 Sistler, D M (1914-) 107 Slaughter, G E. (1918-) 78 Slaughter, M (1911-) 78 Slaughter, W (1888-) 78 Sloan, Chloe E (1877-) 89 Smith, Betty J (1922-) 106 Smith, E A (1871-1939) 62 Smith, J N (1872-1872) 62 Smith, Lucy (1875-) 62 Smith, Martin (-) 62 Smith, Mary (1868-) 62 Smith, Nettie (1878-) 62 Smith, W (1869-1937) 62 Spears, Otto (1911-) 81 Speedy, Joseph M. (-) 55 Stalcup, S I (1900-) 89 Starr, L (1920-2003) 99 Starr, R F (1881-1972) 104 Stillwell, C (1908-1972) 97 Stinson, C (1876-1949) 78 Stinson, P (1899-1955) 78 Straughan, J W (1848-) 32 Strine, B P (1928-) 107 Strine, D (1918-2001) 107 Strine, J (1893-1963) 107 Strine, S Joan (1931-) 107 Strine, Vera G (1920-) 107 Strine, V (1915-1998) 107 Stroud, Corda (1890-) 86 Sturgeo (1846-1897) 30 Sturgeon, I (1897-) 93 Sturgeon , T N. (1904-) 68 Summe (1908-1988) 100 Summers, E (1854-) 38 Summers, G W (1833-) 38 Summers, John (-) 22 Swift, Polly (1790-) 22 04 Mar 2010 Taylor, Edith A (1893-) 97 Taylor, I N (1835-1863) 45 Taylor, Jewel (1901-) 97 Taylor, John W (1851-) 97 Taylor, Laura M (1859-) 45 Taylor, Mary F (1858-) 45 Taylor, Ralph (1887-) 97 Temple, J (1850-1917) 32 Thomas, Albert H. (-) 24 Thompson, A (1917-) 107 Thompson, H F (1911-) 95 Thompson, R B (1897-) 95 Thompson, W M (1840-) 45 Throop, M (1886-1979) 86 Tilman, O (1841-1882) 39 Tingley (1904-1988) 102 Toney, E (1847-) 28 Tooley, L (1885-1976) 93 Tyler, C (1905-) 108 Uhl, Dessie M (1912-) 94 Underhill, (1899-1974) 86 Van Win (1845-1870) 49 Vaughn, (1915-) 71 Velcin, E W.E. (1889-) 95 Velcin, Leceil (1914-) 95 Velcin, M (1913-) 95 Velcin, Ruth (1916-) 95 Walker, FU (1907-) 91 Walls, E R (1874-1944) 53 Walls, J (1829-1920) 51 Walls, J D (1838-1882) 53 Walls, John W (1850-) 51 Walls, Martha (1848-) 51 Walls, Samuel (1851-) 51 Walls, Sarah (1847-) 51 Walls, Viola (1849-) 51 Walts, B (1925-1996) 103 Wats (1876-1930) 45, 78 Watson, J M. (1834-) 45 Watts, J R (1913-) 83 Weather (1887-1940) 71 Weather (1857-1922) 57 Weedman, (1872-) 38 Wellman, (1834-1924) 35 Wells, E M (1924-2007) 83 120 Whitcomb, Oliver N (-) 56 White, H P (1893-1946) 79 White, James (1915-) 82 Whitehouse, E (1842-) 24 Wilkins, (1923-1988) 106 Williams, (1885-1965) 77 Wilson, D (1890-1941) 86 Wilson, John P (1914-) 81 Wisema (1886-1982) 77 Woolems, B H (1930-) 104 Woolem (1878-1912) 79 Woole (1894-1977) 104 Wright, A C (1895-1986) 79 Wright, C C (1879-1916) 46 Wright, D (1902-) 77 Wright, John W (1902-) 77 Wright, Martin (1902-) 77 Wright, N (1830-1892) 46 Wright, O (1874-1933) 79 Wright, Wattie (1882-) 77 Wynn , E (1920-2000) 102 Yates, A (1889-1918) 71 Yate (1830-1892) 24, 39 Yates, A E (1846-1851) 25 Yates, A (1913-1913) 101 Yate (1855-1915) 25, 44 Yates, Anita E (1921-) 106 Yate (1881-1964) 65, 98 Yates, A (1890-1961) 1, 2, 4, 7, 66, 105 Yates, B (1883-1953) 71 Yates, B L. (1895-) 64 Yates, B (1792-1865) 3, 4, 21 Yates, B (1837-) 3, 23 Yate (1860-1940) 34, 37, 64 Yates, (1849-1851) 3, 34, 37 Yates, (1896-1982) 4, 66, 107 Yates, B (1885-1962) 71 Yates, C (1924-1955) 102 Yates, Carl C. (1860-) 35 Yates, C (1798-) 3, 4, 21 Yate (1834-1910) 24, 40 Yate (1821-1888) 22, 26 Yates, C (1849-) 25, 44 Yates, (1834-1863) 3, 23, 35 Yate (1852-1951) 39, 70 Yates, Charity (1849-) 24 Yates, C M (1894-1951) 72 Yates, C E (1912-1992) 98 Yates, C S. (1854-) 35, 66 Yates, C W. (1888-) 66 Ya (1908-1976) 105, 109 Yate (1822-1879) 22, 33, 37 Yates, D T (1896-1975) 64 Yates, D Ray (1946-) 96 Yate (1917-1995) 6, 106 Yates, E (1901-1984) 72 Yates, (1891-1965) 4, 66, 106 Yates, E A (1897-1915) 65 Ya (1910-1994) 105, 109 Yates, (1829-1893) 3, 23, 35 Yates, E (1859-) 35 Yates, E J. (1848-) 33, 37 Yates, E N (1817-) 22, 25 Yates, (1858-1872) 3, 34, 37 Yates, E J (1861-1876) 35 Yates, E (1785-1860) 3, 4, 21, 22 Yates, E (1896-1971) 72 Yates, Eva (1910-) 108 Yates, (1894-1982) 4, 66, 107 Yates, (1856-1864) 3, 34, 37 Yates, F B (1906-1933) 98 Yates, F (1926-1989) 102 Yates, (1840-1864) 3, 23 Yates, G W (1893-) 66 Ya (1911-1975) 105, 109 04 Mar 2010 Yat (1894-1974) 65, 103 Yates, G (1891-1951) 71 Yates, H L (1909-1989) 98 Yates, H A (1921-) 6, 106 Yates, Harry (1888-) 67 Yat (1888-1969) 65, 100 Yates, H (1922-1994) 101 Yates, H L (1923-) 106 Yates, Imiri (1840-) 24 Yates, I (1922-2009) 99 Yates, J (1796-1865) 1, 3, 4, 14, 21, 22 Yates, J F. (1858-) 34, 37 Yates, J R Sr. (1936-) 102 Yates, (1851-1903) 3, 34, 37, 65 Yate (1841-1872) 25, 42 Yates, Jane (1809-) 21 Yates, J Kay (1928-) 96 Yates, J (1825-1864) 1, 3, 11, 22, 34, 37 Yates, (1764-1820) 1, 17, 21 Yates, John (1812-) 21 Yates, John B. (1836-) 24 Yate (1861-1919) 40, 71 Yates, J Jr. (1790-) 3, 4, 21, 22 Yat (1882-1964) 66, 105, 109 Yates, J (1858-1941) 1, 3, 8, 34, 37, 66 Yates, J R (1918-1991) 99 Yate (1835-1862) 25, 42 Yates, K E (1883-1969) 65 Yates, Lena N (1899-) 64 Yates, L J (1850-1872) 39 Yates, L T. (1865-) 34, 37 Yate (1885-1970) 65, 99 Yates, L (1908-1955) 72 Yates, Lovina (1862-) 42 Yates, L (1885-1952) 71 121 Yates, L F (1862-) 26, 45 Yate (1843-1920) 26, 44 Yates, M (1864-) 34, 37 Yate (1843-1911) 25, 43 Yates, M (1903-1962) 72 Yates, M (1917-1984) 101 Yates, Mary (1850-) 26 Yate (1834-1907) 25, 41 Yates, M A (1847-1909) 24 Yates, M M (1851-) 39 Yates, M Neva (1925-) 96 Yates, Millard (1856-) 26 Yat (1879-1960) 66, 104 Yates, Milvina (1844-) 24 Yates, M Alina (1873-) 29 Yates, M (1889-) 66, 107 Yates, Nancy (1849-) 26 Yates, N B (1891-1903) 65 Yates, (1905-2000) 4, 66 96 Yates, P Jean (1926-) Yate (1835-1924) 25, 42 Yate (1823-1872) 22, 26 Yates, R A. (1852-) 35 Yates, R (1783-1853) 3, 4, 21 Yates, Robert (1808-) 21 Yates, R (1858-1936) 39 Yates, Robert (1838-) 24 Yates, R (1932-1988) 102 Yate (1899-1986) 65, 80, 104 Yates, R K (1927-) 96 Yates, (1902-1905) 4, 66 Yates, R (1919-1925) 101 Yates, R L (1919-) 1, 2, 6, 7, 106 Yates, R (1856-) 34, 37, 64 Yates, S M (1848-) 3, 34, 37, 64 Yates, S (1799-1860) 1, 3, 4, 16, 21, 23 Yates, S E. (1852-) 34, 37 Yates, S E (1812-) Yates, S E (1832-) Yate (1858-1917) Yates, S (1911-1978) Yates, S R. (1862-) Yates, (1827-1905) 21, 24 24, 40 35, 67 101 34, 37 3, 22, 35 Yate (1810-1880) 21, 24 Yates, S D (1908-) 64, 96 Yates, T B (1866-1944) 39 Yates, (1853-1921) 3, 34, 37, 65 Yates, T J (1834-1835) 25 Yate (1813-1891) 21, 25 Yates, V (1906-1960) 104 Yates, Virgil (1889-) 72 Yates, W W (1915-2006) 99 Yate (1820-1900) 22, 26 Yates, W F (1876-) 67, 108 Yates, W Juel (1904-) 108 Yate (1854-1948) 35, 67 York, Nannie (1868-) 61 04 Mar 2010
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