ParaDyme - Ag Leader Technology


ParaDyme - Ag Leader Technology
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
© 2016 Ag Leader Technology
2202 South Riverside Drive
Ames, Iowa 50010 USA
DISPLAY HARNESS DIAGRAM .......................................................................................................... 2
STEERING HARNESS DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................... 3
.......................................................................................................................................................... 3
ECU4 Steering Harness Diagram ...................................................................................................... 4
SAFETY AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 4
FCC REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
EUROPEAN REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
REGULATORY INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5
ACCESSING THE AUTOSTEER SETUP SCREEN ................................................................................... 6
From InCommand ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
From Ag Leader Integra or Versa ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
DISPLAY KIT ..................................................................................................................................... 6
PARADYME ROOF MODULE KIT ........................................................................................................ 7
VEHICLE INSTALLATION KITS ........................................................................................................... 8
OPTIONAL ACCESSORY KITS ............................................................................................................ 8
PARADYME ROOF MODULE LED INDICATORS ................................................................................. 8
TURNING ON AND OFF THE POWER ................................................................................................. 9
AUTOSTEER SETUP MENU OPERATION ............................................................................................ 9
ACCESSING AUTOSTEER SETUP MENU ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
MENU CONTROLS AND INDICATORS .............................................................................................. 12
VEHICLE TAB MENU OPERATIONS .................................................................................................. 14
SETUP WIZARD ............................................................................................................................... 14
FIRST TIME THE SETUP WIZARD IS RUN ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
WAAS (EGNOS) Setup ..................................................................................................................... 15
Set RTK Radio Modem Channel or Frequency ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Set OmniSTAR Options .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Precision Preference Selection ......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
STANDARD SETUP WIZARD STEPS ................................................................................................. 17
Select Vehicle Type .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Vehicle Type .......................................................................................................................................................................................Description 17
Select Vehicle Make ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
Select Vehicle Model ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Select Controller Type ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Enter Vehicle Name ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Wheel Angle Sensor ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
Wheel Base .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Antenna Fore/Aft ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Antenna Lateral Offset ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Antenna Height ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Manual Steering Override .................................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Pressure Transducer Installations .................................................................................................................................................................... 22
AutoCal ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Mechanical Steering Installation (OnTrac2) .............................................................................................................................................. 24
MANAGE VEHICLE .......................................................................................................................... 25
SELECT ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 26
EDIT .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
DELETE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 27
EXPORT/IMPORT VEHICLES ................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Export to Roof USB ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Export to Display USB ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 31
Import from Roof USB ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Import from Display USB ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 33
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
AUTO CALIBRATE ........................................................................................................................... 35
CALIBRATION PROCESS STEPS ...........................................................................................................................................................................36
Valve Dead Band ........................................................................................................................................................................................................37
Angle Sensor .................................................................................................................................................................................................................37
Angle Sensor Characteristic ................................................................................................................................................................................38
Valve ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38
With Angle Sensor ...........................................................................................................................................................................................38
No Angle Sensor ...............................................................................................................................................................................................39
OnTrac2 Minimum Output ..................................................................................................................................................................................39
Curvature (MT Curvature) .....................................................................................................................................................................................40
Left Stop, Right Stop, Center, and Deere Track Characteristic ....................................................... 41
Valve Characteristic ....................................................................................................................... 43
Save Calibration ............................................................................................................................. 44
Calibration Verification .................................................................................................................. 44
ADJUST GPS ANTENNA LATERAL OFFSET ...................................................................................... 45
STEERING ADJUST .......................................................................................................................... 46
Steering Adjust ............................................................................................................................................................................................................46
STEERING COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................... 47
ECU .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................47
Valve ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................47
MDU ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................48
Deere Track ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................48
CAN .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................49
MANUAL STEERING OVERRIDE ..........................................................................................................................................................................49
Pressure Transducer .................................................................................................................................................................................................49
OnTrac2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................50
Steering Encoder and Flow Switch ................................................................................................................................................................50
GYRO ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................51
TEMPERATURE TRANSDUCER .............................................................................................................................................................................51
WHEEL ANGLE SENSOR ..........................................................................................................................................................................................51
Zero Curvature ...................................................................................................................................................................................................51
Zero Curvature Test Passed .......................................................................................................................................................................52
Zero Curvature Test Failed .........................................................................................................................................................................52
REMOTE SWITCH ........................................................................................................................................................................................................52
HYDRAULIC VALVE ....................................................................................................................................................................................................53
MDU ACTUATOR ........................................................................................................................................................................................................54
ACTUATOR .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................54
ROOF MODULE ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................55
SYSTEM TAB MENU OPERATIONS .................................................................................................. 56
SYSTEM HEALTH ............................................................................................................................ 56
MANAGE SETTINGS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................57
LOG FILES ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................57
Copy to Roof USB ...................................................................................................................................................................................58
Copy to Display USB .............................................................................................................................................................................58
Delete ............................................................................................................................................................................................................59
DATABASE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................59
Backup to Roof USB ..............................................................................................................................................................................60
Backup to Display USB ........................................................................................................................................................................60
Restore from Roof USB ........................................................................................................................................................................61
Restore from Display USB ..................................................................................................................................................................62
RESET FACTORY DEFAULT ..........................................................................................................................................................................62
Reset ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................63
Accessories ..................................................................................................................................... 63
REMOTE SWITCH ............................................................................................................................ 63
Enable (Disable) ............................................................................................................................. 64
TECHNICIAN ................................................................................................................................... 64
SOFTWARE UPGRADE ..................................................................................................................... 64
UPGRADE FROM DISPLAY USB ..................................................................................................... 65
UPGRADE PROCEDURE FROM ROOF USB ....................................................................................... 66
GPS TAB .......................................................................................................................................... 67
MENU OPERATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 67
RTK ................................................................................................................................................. 67
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 68
Base Protection Mode .................................................................................................................... 68
RTK CONNECTION TYPE ................................................................................................................. 69
Apply .............................................................................................................................................. 69
CHANNEL ........................................................................................................................................ 69
Change Channel ............................................................................................................................. 70
Use Previous ................................................................................................................................... 70
FREQUENCY .................................................................................................................................... 70
Change Frequency ......................................................................................................................... 71
Use Previous ................................................................................................................................... 71
THROUGHPUT ................................................................................................................................ 71
Graph ............................................................................................................................................. 71
BASE SATELLITES ........................................................................................................................... 72
PRN Information Box ...................................................................................................................... 72
BASE STATION LOCATION .............................................................................................................. 72
Update ............................................................................................................................................ 73
GLONASS RTK INITIALIZATION ...................................................................................................... 74
Enable (Disable) Glonass RTK Initialization ................................................................................... 75
Apply .............................................................................................................................................. 76
OMNISTAR ...................................................................................................................................... 76
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 77
ACCURACY ...................................................................................................................................... 77
Select Startup Accuracy ................................................................................................................. 78
CHANNEL ........................................................................................................................................ 78
Change Channel ............................................................................................................................. 78
WAAS/EGNOS ................................................................................................................................. 78
PRN ................................................................................................................................................. 79
Change Primary .............................................................................................................................. 79
PRECISION SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................... 79
PRECISION MODES AVAILABLE ...................................................................................................... 79
APPLY ............................................................................................................................................. 80
NTRIP .............................................................................................................................................. 81
GENERAL (NO ACTIVE PROFILES) ................................................................................................... 81
PROFILE .......................................................................................................................................... 82
Add ................................................................................................................................................. 82
NTRIP not Selected Source Error .................................................................................................... 82
Connection Failed .......................................................................................................................... 85
Connection Successful .................................................................................................................... 85
Connect .......................................................................................................................................... 85
Delete ............................................................................................................................................. 86
GENERAL (AFTER PROFILE CREATED) ............................................................................................. 86
Connect .......................................................................................................................................... 86
Disconnect ...................................................................................................................................... 87
NTRIP Auto-Connect ....................................................................................................................... 87
PLANNING TOOL ............................................................................................................................ 87
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 87
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
SKY PLOT ........................................................................................................................................ 88
Graph ............................................................................................................................................. 88
FORECAST ...................................................................................................................................... 88
GPS DIAGNOSTICS .......................................................................................................................... 89
GENERAL ........................................................................................................................................ 89
SATELLITE TRACKING ..................................................................................................................... 90
PRN Information Box ...................................................................................................................... 90
NMEA OUT ...................................................................................................................................... 91
PORT A MESSAGES ......................................................................................................................... 91
Edit ................................................................................................................................................. 92
PORT A CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................... 93
Change Baud Rate .......................................................................................................................... 93
PORT B MESSAGE ........................................................................................................................... 94
PORT B CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................... 94
CONNECTIONS TAB MENU OPERATIONS ........................................................................................ 94
CELL MODEM .................................................................................................................................. 94
CDMA MODEMS (PRIMARILY NORTH AMERICA) ............................................................................ 95
Manage PRL .................................................................................................................................... 95
Manage MIN/MDN .......................................................................................................................... 96
GSM MODEM (EUROPE AND AUSTRALIA) ...................................................................................... 97
DEFAULT SIM CARD ........................................................................................................................ 97
Change Carrier ............................................................................................................................... 98
Advanced Debug ............................................................................................................................ 99
GSM Modem with Custom SIM Card ............................................................................................... 99
Change Carrier ............................................................................................................................. 100
Advanced Debug .......................................................................................................................... 100
Configure SIM ............................................................................................................................... 100
EXTERNAL RADIO ......................................................................................................................... 102
PORT A .......................................................................................................................................... 102
Change Baud Rate ........................................................................................................................ 102
WIFI .............................................................................................................................................. 103
CONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... 103
Enable (Disable) WiFi ................................................................................................................... 103
Connecting from PC ...................................................................................................................... 104
MY ACCOUNT MENU OPERATIONS ............................................................................................... 104
CALL SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................. 104
Call Support .................................................................................................................................. 105
DETAILS ........................................................................................................................................ 106
FEATURE CODE ............................................................................................................................. 106
EDIT .............................................................................................................................................. 107
APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................... 108
TRANSFERRING PARADYME SYSTEM FROM VEHICLE TO VEHICLE .............................................. 108
REMOVING THE PARADYME SYSTEM FROM A VEHICLE ............................................................... 108
INSTALLING THE PARADYME SYSTEM ONTO A VEHICLE ............................................................. 109
CHANGING SIM CARD ................................................................................................................... 110
REACTIVATING CDMA CELL MODEM ............................................................................................ 110
REQUEST A NEW FEATURE CODE .................................................................................................. 110
ENTERING NEW MIN AND MDN NUMBERS ................................................................................... 110
CONNECTING TO THE PARADYME AUXILIARY HARNESS ............................................................. 112
DATA ............................................................................................................................................ 113
POWER .......................................................................................................................................... 113
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................... 113
The manufacturer disclaims any liability for damage or injury that results from failure to follow the instructions and
warnings set forth herein.
Please take special note of the following warnings:
1. There is NO obstacle avoidance system included in the manufacturer’s product. Therefore, users must always have an
operator on the equipment when the AutoSteer system is in use to look for any obstacles including people, animals,
trees, ditches, buildings, etc.
2. During installation of the AutoSteer system and during the Calibration and Tuning processes the vehicle's wheels
turn from side to side and the vehicle moves. Be sure that all people and obstacles are clear of the vehicle before
installation, calibration and tuning, or use of the AutoSteer system.
3. Use of the AutoSteer system is NOT permitted while equipment is on roads or in public areas. Follow the instructions
set forth below for ensuring that the system is OFF before driving on roads or in public areas.
Refer to your hardware installation manual for complete installation requirements before you start your system.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
GPS Roof Module
12 pin
SAM Data
12 pin
SAM Power
2 pin
4 pin
Power Control Relay
Power Out
4 pin
leave unattached for Ag Leader Integra/Versa
Null Modem
4 pin
Ag Leader Integra or Versa ONLY
4 pin
leave unattached for Edge display
Power In
3 pin
4 pin
5 amp
2 pin
15 amp
Vehicle Ground
Vehicle +12 volts
3 pin
SAM Data
12 pin
4 pin
SAM Power
2 pin
SA Module
70 pin
4 pin
10 pin
3 pin
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
ECU4 Steering Harness Diagram
The system installer and manufacturer disclaim any responsibility for damage or physical harm caused by failure to adhere
to the following requirements:
• System must be operated by a trained and qualified operator.
• The operator must never leave the vehicle while the system is engaged.
• System is not designed to replace the vehicle operator.
• System does not detect obstacles in the vehicle path.
• When engaged, the system controls only the steering of the vehicle. The operator must control the speed of the
• System should be turned off or disengaged when driving on public roads or anywhere other than a farm field.
• Turn the system off or disengage when making adjustments to or changing towed or hitched implements.
• The Roof Module must be removed when transporting the vehicle at speeds above 30 mph (50 kph).
When operating in the United States, FCC licenses are required for AFLink radios.
This device is intended for use in the operation of commercial activities, educational, philanthropic, or ecclesiastical
institutions, and hospitals, clinics, or medical associations.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires you to have a license before you operate this device. Unless you
are already licensed to operate on one of the preset frequencies, you must apply for a frequency through the PCIA
(Personal Communication Industry Association), a non-profit organization that assigns frequencies nationwide to help
prevent conflicts between different businesses using devices. In the same area. For more information about getting a
license, contact the PCIA at 800-759- 0300, extension 3068 (in Virginia 703-739-0300, extension 3068).
For other questions concerning the license application, contact the FCC at 717-337-1212, or write:
P.O. Box 1040
Gettysburg, PA 17325
For the latest FCC application form and instructions, call the FCC's fax-on demand service at 1-202-418- 0177 from a fax
machine and request one or more of the following documents:
All forms and instructions 000600
If you do not have a fax machine, you can call the Government Forms Distribution Center at 1-800-418- FORM and request
that the form and instructions be mailed to you.
When operating the system in Europe, contact your dealer to determine if additional licensing is required.
The 802.11 b/g Radio module is installed in close proximity to other radio modules. This device complies with Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. This device shall be professionally installed and maintained by a trained technician as directed by FCC
regulations. Use of an antenna other than that outlined in the FCC and IC certification filings for each of the radio products
may violate FCC regulations. This device operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1. It may not cause harmful interference.
2. It must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
802.11 b/g Radio
900 MHz FHSS Radio
CDMA Single Channel RF
Intelligent Wireless1 Products Inc
Tri-Band UMTS/HSDPA Quad Band
GSM Modem
Modem Receiver 403-470 MHz
TMN-WMIA-166AGI (8490A-WMIA- 166AGI)
AU792A04A22750 (125A-0010)
KNY-6231812519 (2329B-DGR09RAS)
RFK-LMSWDJH819 (5252A-CA819)
R17UC864G (5131A-UC864G) [CE 0984]
MRB-SATELTA10 (2422A-SATELTA10) [CE 0523]
1The Multitech radio drives the Intelligent Wireless Products amplifier and is used only in CDMA mode.
2Whenever any Novariant Radio Module is mounted inside an enclosure, the enclosure must have a visual label on the
outside featuring the module FCC ID.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
From InCommand
GPS/Guidance Setup
1. Under the Steering drop-down menu,
select ParaDyme Steering.
2. The Liability Notice appears. Press the
green check mark button to accept.
3. Press the Setup (wrench) button on the
GPS/Guidance Setup screen to begin
ParaDyme Steering
Operator Presence Alarm
15 Minutes
Require Differential
Correction for Guidance
From Ag Leader Integra or
1. Under the Guidance/Steering drop-down menu, select ParaDyme
2. The Liability Notice appears. Press the green check mark button to
3. Press the Setup (wrench) button on the Setup Screen to begin
Displays are ordered as a separate component and include their own installation and operator’s instructions. The Display
Operator’s Manual will show how the Display and Display Harnesses are installed on a vehicle and how they are connected
to the ParaDyme Main Cable Harnesses. There are three connections between the Display and the ParaDyme Main Cable
Harness that need to be connected:
DISPLAY ETH—For Displays that require communication to the ParaDyme system via Ethernet, this is a RJ-45 connector
that is plugged into the Ethernet port on the Display or Display Harness. This connection is not required if the Display uses
a RS-232 serial connection. Refer to your Display Operator’s Manual for the communication requirements of your Display.
DISPLAY COMM—For Displays that require communication to the ParaDyme system via RS-232 serial connection, this 9
pin connector is connected to the Display or Display Harness serial connector. A null- modem adapter is required in most
situations. This connection is not required if the Display uses an Ethernet connection. Refer to your Display Operator’s
Manual for the communication requirements of your Display.
VEHICLE POWER—This round, three-pin accessory port connector is connected to the Display or Display Harness to
provide a 12 volt power source to the ParaDyme system. The Display activates or deactivates power to this connector so
that the ParaDyme system powers up and down when the Display does. This connector should not be connected to the
accessory port on the vehicle. Refer to the Display Operator’s Manual for instructions on where this connector should be
The Display Kit provides the necessary harnesses and instructions to provide power to the ParaDyme system and to allow
communications between the two. Use those instructions to complete the Display installation and to connect the Display
to the ParaDyme system after the Display has been installed.
The ParaDyme Roof Module Kit represents the part that is common on all installations. The ParaDyme Roof Module may
or may not have a WiFi antenna depending on the model number. Refer to “Transferring ParaDyme System from Vehicle
to Vehicle” on page 156 for attaching and removing the ParaDyme Roof Module
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Left GNSS antenna
Cell modem antenna
VHF/UHF radio antenna
WiFi antenna (present on some models only)
Right GNSS antenna
ParaDyme Main Harness connector
Ethernet cable connector
Product Number label
ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness connector
LED indicators
Serial Number label
Many vehicle-specific kits are available. Even if there is not a vehicle-specific kit available for the vehicle, properly trained
installers can often use a custom installation kit to connect the ParaDyme system to the vehicle. Vehicle-specific kits come
with their own instructions.
The ParaDyme system is compatible with optional accessory kits that can be ordered and installed to provide additional
features and capabilities. Not all accessories are available in all regions. The accessory kits available at the time of this
writing are:
• Remote Engage Foot Switch (PN 200-0458-01)—Remote Engage foot switch that can be attached to the
ParaDyme Main Harness to allow the operator to start and stop AutoSteering with a foot switch.
• ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness (PN 201-0433-02)—This harness connects to the ParaDyme system Auxiliary
connector and provides a USB drive, Serial Port A, Serial Port B, and a 12 volt power supply connector so 3rd party
devices can interface directly with the ParaDyme system.
• OmniSTAR Receiver Kit (PN 200-0504-02)—Provides the ParaDyme system an OmniSTAR correction source.
• 900 MHz Radio Modem Kit (PN 200-0505-04)—Provides the ParaDyme system with a 900 MHz radio to
communicate with base stations.
• UHF Radio Modem Kit—(PN 200-0578-04, 200-0579-04, 200-0506-04) Provides the ParaDyme system with a 400
MHz radio to communicate with base stations. The kit and part number required depends on region the system is
being used in.
• VHF Radio Modem Kit—(PN 200-0590-04) Provides the ParaDyme system with a VHF radio to communicate with
base stations.
The ParaDyme Roof Module has three LEDs that can be used to
help determine the status of the ParaDyme system as well as
provide some basic troubleshooting information.
Position Fix
Flashing Green
indicates RTK signals
are being received.
Flashing Green
indicates the
number of satellites
tracked on the left
Flashing Green
indicates the
number of satellites
tracked on the right
Orange/ Yellow
or Flashing
Orange/ Yellow
Orange/ Yellow
Slow Orange/Yellow
flash indicates that
no Display is
Slow Orange/Yellow
flash indicates that
no SA Module/ECU
is detected.
The ParaDyme system does not have a built-in power switch. The ParaDyme system power state (operational or off ) is
controlled by power being provided to the Vehicle Power connector on the main harness. The display enables and disables
power to this connector based on the power state of the display. Refer to the Display Operator's Manual for information
how to turn the ParaDyme system on and off.
NOTE!: The Vehicle Power connector on the Main Harness is the same as a standard North American agricultural
accessory port. Though this can be plugged directly into the accessory port of the vehicle, it is not recommended.
The ParaDyme system will not shut down when the Display is powered down and in some instances there can be
communication issues between the Display and ParaDyme system that can occur. It is always recommended to
connect the Vehicle Power connector to the location directed by the Display Operator's Manual.
The AutoSteer Setup menu allows for creating and managing vehicle profiles, performing system calibrations, adjusting
steering behavior, checking system status, editing system settings, upgrading ParaDyme system software, performing
system diagnostic and obtaining system information. If changes need to be made to move the system to a different vehicle
profile, the operator will need to manage those options in the AutoSteer Setup menu.
The ParaDyme system adds GPS positioning and automatic vehicle steering control to compliment the features of your
Display. The settings, configuration options, and monitoring features for the GPS and vehicle communications are kept
separate from the Display controls. To access these ParaDyme system specific screens, navigate to the AutoSteer Setup
screens from the Display. Your Display Operator’s Manual will provide instructions on navigating to the AutoSteer Setup
screen. Please refer to that document for those instructions.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Item Description
Back Menu Arrow—This button returns the operator to the previous menu or exits the operator from
the AutoSteer screens if at the main menu level.
Configuration Group Selection Tabs—Configuration options are separated into five groups.
Selecting one of these tabs changes which configuration group is selected. The currently selected
(active) tab is lower than the rest.
Menu Buttons—These buttons allow the operator to start the action assigned to that menu item.
Buttons present will depend on the system configuration and vehicle status.
Version—Shows the ParaDyme software version currently running on the system.
The five Configuration Group Selection Tabs along the top of the screen separate the ParaDyme system configuration and
monitoring functions into sub groups to simplify usage.
Setup Wizard Manage Vehicle Auto Calibrate Steering Adjust
Steering Components
Refer to “Vehicle Tab Menu Operations” on page 21.
System Health Manage Settings Accessories Technician
Software Upgrade
Refer to “System Tab Menu Operations” on page 80.
RTK, OmniSTAR, WAAS, Precision Settings, NTRIP, Planning
Tools, GPS Diagnostic, NMEA Out
Refer to “GPS Tab Menu Operations” on page 95.
Cell Modem External Radio WiFi
Refer to “Connections Tab Menu Operations” on page 136.
My Account
Call Support Details Feature Code
Refer to “My Account Menu Operations” on page 151.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Configuration Group Selection Tab—Changes the active configuration group to the tab
Back Menu Arrow—Button returns the operator to the previous menu or exits the operator from
the AutoSteer screens if at the main menu level.
Help Button—Button to display a pop-up window with additional information regarding the
current screen.
Standard Button—Standard selection button present in all screens. Text on the button indicates
what will happen if the button is pressed.
Pressing – button decreases value
Pressing + button increases value
Active Buttons—Button that are colored are active and allow the operator to select them to enter
a menu item or start associated action as written on the button.
Inactive Buttons—Buttons that are dark grey are inactive and make no action when pressed.
Green and Blue Check Mark Buttons—Pressing these buttons confirms the action or
information screen.
Red X Mark—Button used to cancel current operation and discard data.
Slow/Smooth and Fast/Aggressive Buttons—Buttons used to adjust steering performance
Previous Step and Next Step Buttons—The left arrow (Previous Step) moves the screen one step
back. The right arrow (Next Step) advances the screen to the next step. Sometimes only one button
is displayed.
Numbers to the left indicate current screen number and a total number of screens in the process.
Menu Options List—Some configuration screens have multiple options that can be selected.
These options are displayed on the right side of the screen. The menu item that is highlighted is the
one that is currently selected. The operator can use the up and down buttons to move the selected
item up and down and change the active menu. The small gray triangle that sometimes show up at
the top and at the bottom of the list indicate that there are more items above or below.
Selection List—Some screens require the operator to select one of the values provided. The
operator can directly select one of the items from the list or use
the up and down scroll
buttons to change the highlighted selection. The small gray triangles that sometimes show up at
the top and at the bottom of the list indicate that there are more items above or below. Numbers at
bottom right indicate the currently selected item number and a total number of items in the list.
Text or Number Entry Field—Use alphanumeric or numerical keypad on the screen to enter
desired data.
Alphanumeric Keypad—Press these keys to enter letters or numbers. Press the abc or ABC button
to toggle the keyboard to letters. Press 123 to toggle the keyboard to type numbers and special
characters. Press the Up Arrow (Shift) to toggle between lower and upper case letters. The currently
selected mode is shown in green. Use the Back Arrow (Backspace) to delete characters.
Numerical Keypad—Press these keys to enter numbers. Use Back Arrow (Backspace) to delete
Bar Graph Display—Graphical representation of numerical values.
Vehicle Speed Indicator with Limits—The thin, vertical red bar indicates the current vehicle
speed which is also shown on the right in a numerical form. The Green portion of the graph
indicates the required speed range for the operation being performed. The required speed range
limits are shown below the graph in numerical form using the same speed units as used by the
current speed indicator.
Graphical Value Indicator—Shows numerical values in a graphic form. The upside down arrow
icon indicates the current value. This is an indicator only, use the + and - buttons to adjust the value.
On-Screen LED Indicators—Shows bright color when "on". Dark gray when "off"
Green Check Mark Indicator—Indicates item is good/correct
Exclamation Point Mark—Indicates a warning or item is expired.
Red X Mark—Indicates item is not good/correct
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The Vehicle tab enables the operator to set and manage items
that are related to the vehicle. This includes configuring a new
vehicle profile, managing existing vehicle profiles, performing an
auto calibration, making steering adjustments, and managing
steering components. This tab allows the operator to configure
and monitor the various components related to the vehicle
interface with the Electronic Control Unit (ECU-2, ECU-4, or SA
To access the Vehicle tab, refer to your Display Operator’s Manual
for instructions on accessing the AutoSteer Setup screens. The
Vehicle tab will be the first one that is displayed when the
AutoSteer Setup screen is accessed.
The buttons that can be available in the Vehicle tab are as follows and are explained in more detail in this chapter:
• Setup Wizard—Walks the operator through setting up a new vehicle and then starts the Auto Calibrate process.
• Manage Vehicle—Allows the operator to select, edit, delete, or export/import vehicle profiles on the ParaDyme
• Auto Calibrate—Allows the operator to start or restart a full vehicle calibration for the current vehicle.
• Steering Adjust—Allows the operator to make adjustments to steering response, line acquisition, heading
aggressiveness, reverse response, and motor aggressiveness (for OnTrac2).
• Steering Components—Provides status screens and values for all the components that are connected to the
vehicle. This includes CAN communication, steering kick out information, Wheel Angle Sensor readings, Steering
Valve control, Remote Engage detection, etc.
The Setup Wizard is a step-by-step guide that leads the operator thru the procedure required to create a new vehicle
profile. The Setup Wizard procedure will change depending on what type of vehicle is selected and/or what options are
installed on the ParaDyme system. This manual will describe all the possible options that the ParaDyme system may
display. Not all screens described in this manual will be displayed for all vehicle setups.
NOTE!: Before starting the wizard it is recommended to obtain vehicle measurements which may include wheel
base, antenna/gps offsets, left to right offset, and antenna height. The operator should also set the proper units of
measure on the Display menu so the system units will match the measurements being used. To complete the
calibration process, drive the vehicle to a flat and empty field with no obstructions approximately 300 x 700 ft (~90
x 200 meters) in area.
To access the Setup Wizard, select the Vehicle tab from the
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Setup Wizard button to begin
setting up a new vehicle. The Setup Wizard will begin at one of
the following starting points depending on the initial condition
of the ParaDyme system:
First Time the Setup Wizard is Run—The wizard will begin
here only when the Setup Wizard is run for the first time from the
factory or the first time after the system has been reset to factory
Standard Setup Wizard Steps—The wizard will begin here in
most situations.
The first time the system is powered up from factory, or after the ParaDyme system is reset to factory default, additional
steps are added at the beginning of the Setup Wizard. These steps tell the system how to configure the various GPS
correction and radio options. If the settings for these steps are unknown at the time of the initial vehicle setup, they can
be changed later via their respective configuration menus. This manual will show all possible steps that can be displayed;
however, the actual system will only show the steps for the devices that it detects during the actual Setup Wizard. If a radio
modem or OmniSTAR demodulator is not detected, those steps will be skipped.
After the Setup Wizard started, the following steps may be encountered during the initial setup depending on how the
system is configured:
If the system is powered up in a location where the system
determines a WAAS or EGNOS signal should be available, the
screen shown to the right will appear. The WAAS or EGNOS
correction signal is transmitted from geostationary satellites.
Each of these satellites has a unique numerical name called its
PRN. The ParaDyme system needs to be told which PRN
(satellite) to listen to for the correction information.
The ParaDyme system can detect and track one WAAS or EGNOS
PRN. To change the PRN to a different satellite, press the Change
Primary button. Refer to “WAAS/EGNOS” on page 113 for more
information on how to determine what PRNs are available for
your location.
Use the keypad to enter a new PRN value. After the PRN has been
set press the Green Check Mark to save the setting or press the
Red X to cancel.
After the PRN Value has been set, press the Blue Right Arrow.
Set RTK Radio Modem Channel or
If the ParaDyme system detects a factory compatible 900 MHz,
450 MHz, or 160 MHz radio modem installed inside the
ParaDyme system, the operator will be prompted to enter a
channel or frequency to match the channel or frequency of the
transmitting base station. Press the Change Frequency or
Change Channel button to set this value.
Use the keypad to enter the channel or frequency used on the
base station. After the Channel has been set, press the Green
Check Mark to save the setting or press the Red X to cancel.
NOTE!: If the ParaDyme system has a 450 MHz or 160 MHz
radio modem installed inside, the system will ask the
operator to set the frequency instead of the channel. For 450 MHz radio modems, it will also ask the operator to set
the channel spacing. Refer to “Frequency” on page 100 for more information on setting the frequency related
After the Channel or Frequency has been set, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Set OmniSTAR Options
If the ParaDyme system detects an OmniSTAR Demodulator, the
operator will be prompted to enter a channel to match their
location. OmniSTAR has different satellite feeds depending on
the ParaDyme system’s geographic location.
Press the Change Channel button to set this value.
The OmniSTAR Channel Selection screen will display the
OmniSTAR channels that are available. Select the channel for
your region and press the Green Check Mark to save that
selection or press the Red X to cancel.
The OmniSTAR Setup screen also allows the operator to choose
the initial startup accuracy. When the ParaDyme system is
started, it takes time for the OmniSTAR signal to converge to the
accuracy level provided by OmniSTAR. Refer to “OmniSTAR” on
page 109 for more information about these options and how to
decide which setting to use.
After the Channel and Startup Accuracy have been set, press the
Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
Precision Preference Selection
The ParaDyme system is designed to allow the operator
flexibility in selecting the minimum accuracy level the system is
allowed to use for AutoSteering.
Depending on the ParaDyme system Feature Codes that have
been unlocked, the geographic location, and OmniSTAR
Demodulator that may be installed, the operator can choose
from Autonomous Pass-to-Pass up to highly accurate RTK. In RTK
and OmniSTAR modes, the system also allows the accuracy to
“Flex” back to a lesser accuracy of WAAS/EGNOS or Autonomous
Pass-to-Pass when the RTK or OmniSTAR signal is temporarily
To choose the accuracy level that ParaDyme system will use,
press the Change Mode button.
The list of Available Precision Settings will display. Only options
which are unlocked will be displayed. Select the desired
Precision Setting that the system will use and then press the
Green Check Mark to save that selection or the Red X to cancel.
Each of the selections has specific accuracy levels and
operational requirements. An explanation of each setting is
provided in the Precision Settings section. After the Precision
Preference has been selected, press the Blue Right Arrow to
continue to the next step.
If this is not the first time the Setup Wizard was run from the factory or after a reset to factory defaults, The Setup Wizard
will begin here. The Setup Wizard will take the operator through each step required to setup a new vehicle. The actual steps
and screen shots may change depending on the vehicle type that is selected and the control options that are available for
that vehicle.
Select Vehicle Type
The Vehicle Type represents the type of vehicle the ParaDyme
system is installed on. The various vehicle types generally have
different control parameters and measurement points. This
setting allows the system to determine which options will be
presented to the operator in later steps.
Vehicle TypeDescription
Vehicle Type
Articulated—Large four wheel drive vehicles that steer by articulating in the center of the vehicle
are in this group. This group includes Quadtrac vehicles.
Combine—Grain harvesting and forage harvesting machines where the rear axle is used to steer
the vehicle are in this group.
Floater—Three and four wheeled vehicles with large floatation tires used to spread fertilizer or
chemicals on broad acres at high speeds are in this group.
MFWD—Standard tractors with the steering axle on the front of the machine are in this group. Even
if the vehicle does not have MFWD, this should be used.
Sprayer—High clearance self propelled sprayers with spray booms are in this group.
Swather—Swathers and self propelled mowers are in this group.
Track—Vehicles that have tracks are in this group. This does NOT include the Quadtrac vehicles.
Press the Gray Up and Down Arrows or directly select the vehicle type from the list on the right side of the screen. After the
Vehicle Type has been selected, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Select Vehicle Make
The Vehicle Make represents the manufacturer of the vehicle.
The vehicle manufacturers that have Vehicle Specific Installation
Kits available are shown in this list.
Press the Gray Up and Down Arrows or directly select the
appropriate Vehicle Make from the list on the right side of the
screen. After the Vehicle Make has been selected, press the Blue
Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
Select Vehicle Model
The Vehicle Model represents the specific model of the vehicle.
In most cases if the model has a Vehicle Specific Installation Kit
available, the model will be shown in the list.
NOTE!: If the vehicle model is not listed on this screen, you
can select a model that is similar to the one that is being
installed on or go back to the Vehicle Make screen and
select Generic from the list. This allows you to create a
vehicle and model that does not have a factory
supported installation kit.Generic settings do not support
CAN/ISO vehicles.
Press the Gray Up and Down Arrows or directly select the appropriate Vehicle Model from the list on the right side of the
screen. After Vehicle Model has been selected, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
Select Controller Type
The Controller Type represents the controller the ParaDyme
system will be interfaced with in order to steer the vehicle. The
ParaDyme system can be interfaced with a number of controller
options including the standard AutoSteer valves and OnTrac2+
as well as a number of factory installed steering systems.
Controller Type
Standard Hydraulic
This is an AutoSteer steering valve that was installed on the vehicle with the Vehicle Specific
Installation kit or generic install. This valve is not a factory installed option.
This is a OnTrac2, or other supported mechanically steered controller.(registered trademark of
Novariant, Inc.)
AccuGuide Ready This represents a factory installed steering system used by CaseIH.(registered trademark of CNH)
This is used to communicate to the ISO Bus of vehicles under the AGCO manufacturing umbrella.
Vehicle makes in this group include AGCO, Challenger, Fendt, Gleaner, Massey Ferguson, and others
using the same ISO Bus communications hardware.(registered trademark of the AGCO Corporation)
This represents a factory installed steering system used by John Deere if the ParaDyme system is
AutoTrac Ready
being connected directly to the sensors and valves on the vehicle.(registered trademark of John
Deere Company)
AutoTrac Ready
Vehicle - CAN
This represents a factory installed steering system used by John Deere if the ParaDyme system is
being connected directly to the ISO Bus on the vehicle and not being connected to the individual
sensors and valve.
This is used for vehicles that use a standard ISO Bus interface such as for Challenger Track and
Articulated vehicles and Krone to interface directly with the vehicles CAN Bus.
This represents a factory installed steering system used by New Holland.(registered trademark of
NOTE!: Thanks to its dual antenna design, the ParaDyme system has the ability to control a vehicle and AutoSteer it
at Ultra Low Speeds (ULS) below 0.5 MPH (0.8 km/h): To support this feature additional control parameters need to
be enabled for the vehicle profile. To enable these parameters, the vehicle controller must have the “-ULS” extension
(ex. Standard - Hydraulic - ULS). The “-ULS” profiles should not be used on vehicles that will be AutoSteering above
4 MPH (6.4 km/h). If a vehicle will be used in both situations, it is recommended to create two vehicle profiles, one
for standard operations and one for Ultra Low Speed operations.
Press the Gray Up and Down Arrows or directly select the appropriate Controller Type from the list on the right side of the
screen. After the Controller Type has been selected, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
Enter Vehicle Name
The Vehicle Name screen allows the operator to enter a custom name for the vehicle. This name is independent of the
name provided on the Display side of the vehicle setup. The name must adhere to the following limitations:
• The maximum length of the name is 20 characters.
• The same name cannot be used twice in the ParaDyme system.
• The name cannot be left blank.
• The name cannot start with a number or other special character. It must always start with a letter.
Use the on screen keyboard to type in the name of the vehicle. After the Vehicle Name has been entered, press the Blue
Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
Wheel Angle Sensor
Most ParaDyme system vehicle profiles do not require the use of
a Wheel Angle Sensor for normal operations. However if a Wheel
Angle Sensor is installed, it can and should be used. The Wheel
Angle Sensor screen will appear if the controller chosen for the
vehicle was Standard Hydraulic.
Select if a Wheel Angle Sensor should be used for this vehicle
Yes—Indicates that a Wheel Angle Sensor is to be used
No—Indicates that a Wheel Angle Sensor is not to be used.
After the option has been set (colored green), press the Blue Right Arrow to continue.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Wheel Base
This measurement is required for most vehicles with two axles,
the ParaDyme system needs to know the distance between the
front and rear axle. This distance is the vehicle’s Wheel Base. Use
a tape measure to measure the distance between the two axles.
This measurement should be accurate to within 2 inches (5.0
Enter the measured distance with the keypad. After the Wheel
Base has been entered, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue
to the next step.
Antenna Fore/Aft
The Antenna Fore/Aft measurement is the distance from the center of where the ParaDyme Roof Module GPS Antenna is
attached on the vehicle as compared to the Pivot Point of the vehicle. The Pivot Point of the vehicle is the place where the
vehicle rotates around as it turns left or right. The location of the Pivot Point is different depending on what vehicle type
the system is being installed on.
Vehicle Type
Front Axle Steering—The Pivot Point is at the rear axle for MFWD, SPRAYER, FLOATER vehicle
Track Vehicle—The Pivot Point is at the center point of the track.
Articulated Vehicles—The Pivot Point is at the articulation joint of the vehicle.
Rear Axle Steering—The Pivot Point is at the front axle for COMBINE and SWATHER vehicle profiles.
First identify the Pivot Point on the vehicle that the ParaDyme system is being installed on. Take a tape measure and
measure the distance between the Pivot Point and the center of the GPS antenna on the ParaDyme Roof Module. This
measurement should be accurate to within 1 inch (2.5 cm).
The ParaDyme Roof Module can be mounted in front or behind
the Pivot Point of the vehicle. Press the button that indicates
which side of the Pivot Point the ParaDyme Roof Module is
mounted. If the value is zero, it does not matter which button is
Fore—This indicates the ParaDyme Roof Module is located in
front of the vehicle's Pivot Point.
Aft—This indicates the ParaDyme Roof Module is located
behind the vehicle's Pivot Point.
Enter the measured distance with the keypad. After the Antenna
Fore/Aft has been entered, press the Blue Right Arrow to
continue to the next step.
Antenna Lateral Offset
The Antenna Lateral Offset is the distance from the center of the drawbar to the center of the ParaDyme Roof Module.
Under most circumstances, this value should be zero if the ParaDyme Roof Module is mounted in the center of the vehicle.
If the ParaDyme Roof Module is not mounted in the center, measure this offset and enter this value. If it is very close to
center just leave the value at 0 for now. This value will be adjusted later after the calibration process is complete to ensure
that the center of the vehicle is in the same position going both directions on the same A/B Line. This measurement should
be accurate to within 1 inch (2.5 cm) or less.
For best results, the ParaDyme Roof Module should be mounted
along the centerline of the vehicle; however it can be mounted
to the left or right of the centerline if necessary. Press the button
that indicates which side of the centerline the ParaDyme Roof
Module is mounted. If the offset is zero, it does not matter which
one is selected.
Left—This indicates that the ParaDyme Roof Module is to the
left of the centerline.
Right—This indicates that the ParaDyme Roof Module is to the
right of the centerline.
Enter the measured distance with the keypad. After the Antenna
Lateral Offset has been entered, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
Antenna Height
The Antenna Height is the distance from the ground to the base of ParaDyme Roof
Module GPS antenna.
Measure the distance from the ground to point (A) on the GPS antenna on the
ParaDyme Roof Module shown in figure. This measurement should be accurate to
within 2 inches (5.0 cm).
Enter the measured distance with the keypad. Press the Blue Left
Arrow and return to any of the previous steps to modify a value
if needed. If everything is set properly, press the Green Check
Mark to save the new vehicle profile and continue to the next
If the vehicle profile requires setting a steering override sensor,
pressing the Green Check Mark takes the operator to the Manual
Steering Override screen. Refer to “Manual Steering Override” on
page 70 for more information. If the vehicle profile does not
require a steering override sensor calibration, the Setup Wizard
will automatically start the vehicle Auto Calibrate procedure.
Refer to “Auto Calibrate” on page 51 for more information.
Manual Steering Override
If the installation has a pressure transducer installed on the vehicle or the ParaDyme system is connected to an OnTrac2 or
other mechanical steering device, the Setup Wizard will automatically take the operator to the Manual Steering Override
screen so that it can be calibrated prior to beginning the Auto Calibrate procedure. Depending on the type of installation,
refer to the proper sub-section below.
NOTE!: If the Manual Steering Override is not properly adjusted, the system may not disengage properly when the
operator turns the steering wheel which may cause the operator not to be able to avoid an obstacle and cause an
accident. Never operate the ParaDyme system without the Manual Steering Override functioning and properly set.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Pressure Transducer
The pressure transducer is used to detect when
the operator is turning the steering wheel so the
system knows when to disengage AutoSteer.
When the operator manually turns the steering
wheel on the vehicle, the oil pressure increases in
the steering circuit. The pressure transducer
detects this change in pressure and converts it to
a signal that the ParaDyme system can use. When
this pressure spike is detected, the ParaDyme
system then disables AutoSteer. The size and
number of times this pressure spike is detected
can be adjusted with this screen to make the
steering kick out smooth.
The information and buttons available on the Manual Steering Override screen for pressure transducers are as follows:
• Pressure Graph—This graph shows a graphical representation of the oil pressure from the pressure transducer. The
green shaded area will move starting from the left side in relationship to the actual pressure transducer reading.
• Saved—This is the pressure value that is currently saved for the vehicle profile that it uses to disengage AutoSteering.
This value is also shown graphically on the Pressure Graph by the upside down triangle on top of the graph. This value
will not change until the Save Limit button is pressed.
• Current—This is the real time pressure reading measured by the pressure transducer.
• Samples—This is the number of times the system must detect the pressure reading before it considers the pressure
change is valid. The default value is 10. This should not be changed unless all other factors have been adjusted first.
This value can only be changed from the Steering Components - Manual Steering Override screen after the vehicle
calibration process has been completed.
• AutoCal—This button takes the operator to an Auto Calibration wizard for the pressure transducer. This is generally
the best way to set the Manual Steering Override value. More information on this procedure is provided in the
AutoCal section. It may be necessary to manually adjust this kick out value after the AutoCal wizard to take into
account vehicle specific behavior. Always test the kick out in AutoSteer mode to determine if it working properly.
• Session Kick Out—This value is not labeled, however it is the value shown below the Pressure Graph. For all tests
performed in the Manual Steering Override screen, this is the actual value that is being adjusted and tested. It is also
shown graphically on the Pressure Graph as the triangle on the bottom of the graph. This value can be adjusted with
the Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons for testing. This value will not be saved to the vehicle profile until the Save Limit
button is pressed.
• Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons—These buttons decrease or increase the pressure value for the Session Kick Out
value while the operator is in the Manual Steering Override screen. Use these buttons to fine tune and manually
adjust the kick out value required to make the AutoSteer to disengage.
• Save Limit—If this button is not pressed before exiting the Manual Steering Override screen all changes will be lost.
This button must be pressed to save any changes to the Session Kick Out and Samples values. Once this button is
pressed, the Saved value will change to match the Session Kick Out value and new Session Kick Out and Samples
values will be saved for the vehicle profile.
• Start—Press this button to put the system into an AutoSteer simulation. The Start button will change to a Stop
Test the kick out value by turning the steering wheel. If the ParaDyme system reaches the kick out pressure, the Stop button
will change back to the Start button. Use this procedure to test the ParaDyme system to verify the kick out works properly.
NOTE!: This screen provides a test environment for setting the Manual Steering Override, however always test the
system in real working conditions to verify that the system kicks out as expected.
Use the Steering Components - Manual Steering Override screen after the vehicle setup has completed to adjust these
values as needed later.
Once the Manual Steering Override setting has been set, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step. The
Vehicle Auto Calibration part of the Setup Wizard will automatically begin next. Refer to “Auto Calibrate” on page 51 for
more information.
The Manual Steering Hydraulic Override Auto Calibrate process automatically calibrates the manual steering override
value. The process automatically tests the system pressures and sets the kick out value to a value that should be close to
where it needs to be.
NOTE!: The AutoCal process will return a pressure kick out value close to the proper value, however it may be
necessary to make minor manual adjustments later to match individual operator's expectations. After running the
pressure transducer AutoCal process and finishing the vehicle calibration process, adjust this value manually, if
necessary, to fine tune the performance.
To start the process, press the AutoCal button at the Manual Steering Override screen and follow the procedure below.
1. Press the Blue Right Arrow to continue.
2. Start driving the vehicle forward between the speed range
shown on the screen with the engine RPM at the working
3. Continue driving and then press the Green Start button to
start the calibration.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
4. The vehicle will first appear to do nothing and then later the
steering mechanism will make a series of quick left and
right small turns. Once the auto calibration has completed,
the Save Calibration screen will automatically appear. Allow
the system to run until this screen appears.
5. Press the Green Check Mark to save the calibration and
continue to the next step or press the Red X to cancel the
calibration, discard the values, and take operator back to
the Manual Steering Override screen. The Setup Wizard will
automatically continue with the vehicle Auto Calibrate
procedure. Refer to “Auto Calibrate” on page 51 for more
Mechanical Steering Installation (OnTrac2)
For a Mechanical Steering installation, the ParaDyme system detects the electrical current going to the Mechanical Drive
Unit. If the current gets above the Saved limit, the ParaDyme system will disengage the AutoSteer. The current increases
when Mechanical Drive Unit encounters resistance (ex. the steering mechanism hits the stop, the operator grabs the
steering wheel and turns the opposite direction, weak power steering assistance, etc.). The value must be low enough to
allow easy disengagement but high enough to avoid spontaneous disengagements due to normal operations. Adjust the
value as needed to find the right balance.
NOTE!: Since the system detects resistance to a commanded turn, manually turning the steering wheel the opposite
direction the ParaDyme system is commanding the steering wheel to turn will build up resistance faster and higher.
If the operator attempts to turn the steering wheel the same direction as the Mechanical Drive Unit is turning, the
resistance will not build up as high and the manual turn may not be detected as fast. For best results to disengage,
the operator should briefly attempt to turn the steering wheel the opposite direction the AutoSteer is commanding
the Mechanical Drive Unit to turn even until it kicks out.
The information and buttons available on the Manual Steering
Override screen for Mechanical Steering Devices are as follows:
• Current Draw Graph—representation of the amount of
electrical current detected from the Mechanical Drive Unit.
The green shaded area will move starting from the left side
in relationship to the real time electrical current detected.
• Saved—electrical current value that is currently saved for
the vehicle profile that is used to disengage
• AutoSteering—value is also shown graphically on the
Current Draw Graph by the upside down triangle on top of
the graph. This value will not change until the Save Limit
button is pressed.
• Current—This is the real time numeric value of the amount of electrical current being used by the Mechanical Drive
• Unit. Session Kick Out—This value is not labeled, however it is the value shown below the Current Draw Graph. For
all tests performed in the Manual Steering Override screen, this is the actual value that is being adjusted and tested.
It is also shown graphically on the Current Draw Graph as the triangle on the bottom of the graph. This value can be
adjusted with the Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons for testing. This value will not be saved to the vehicle profile until the
Save Limit button is pressed.
• Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons—These buttons decrease or increases the electrical current value for the Session
Kick Out value while the operator is in the Manual Steering Override screen. Use these buttons to fine tune and
manually adjust the kick out value required to make the AutoSteer to disengage.
• Save Limit—If this button is not pressed before exiting the Manual Steering Override screen all changes will be lost.
This button must be pressed to save any changes to the Session Kick Out value. Once this button is pressed, the Saved
value will change to match the Session Kick Out value and the new Session Kick Out will be saved for the vehicle
• Start—Press this button to put the system into an AutoSteer simulation. The Start button will change to a Stop
button and the Mechanical Drive Unit will start to turn. Test the kick out setting by grabbing the steering wheel. If the
ParaDyme system reaches the kick out current, the Stop button will change back to the Start button and the
Mechanical Drive Unit will stop turning. Use this procedure to test the ParaDyme system to verify that the kick out
works properly.
NOTE!: This screen provides a test environment for setting the Manual Steering Override, however always test the
system in real working conditions to verify that the system kicks out as expected. Use the Steering Components Manual Steering Override screen after the vehicle setup has completed to adjust these values as needed later.
Once the Manual Steering Override setting has been set, press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step. The
Vehicle Auto Calibration part of the Setup Wizard will automatically begin next. Refer to “Auto Calibrate” on page 51 for
more information.
The Manage Vehicles screen allows the operator to manage the
vehicle profiles that have been created on the ParaDyme system.
The ParaDyme system is designed to be able to be moved from
one vehicle to another easily. Each vehicle that it is installed on
must have a new vehicle profile that saves the settings,
calibration, and tuning values specific to that vehicle. When the
system is installed on a different vehicle, the operator must use
the Manage Vehicle screens to activate the proper vehicle
NOTE!: The Manage Vehicles screen configures the
vehicle settings used only by the ParaDyme system. The
Display software may also have additional vehicle management screens that may need to be modified when
changing to new vehicles. Always refer to your Display Operator's Manual for instructions on how to manage
vehicles on the Display side.
To access the Manage Vehicles screen, select the Vehicle tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the
Manage Vehicles button.
The information and buttons in the Manage Vehicles screen are:
• Active Vehicle—This is the vehicle profile the ParaDyme system is currently programmed to use.
• Vehicle List—This is the list of vehicles created on the ParaDyme system showing the Vehicle Name and Vehicle
• Select—This activates the highlighted vehicle profile.
• Edit—This allows the operator to modify the parameters that were entered during the Setup Wizard process.
• Delete—This allows the operator to delete a vehicle profile that is no longer needed.
• Export/Import—This allows the operator to import or export vehicle profiles to or from other ParaDyme systems.
NOTE!: The Vehicle List is provided as an example only. The actual list of vehicles shown on an operator's system will
be different and unique to that operator. The figures in the Manage Vehicle section of this manual will use these
example vehicles to show the functionality of the various menus. It is expected that the operator understands that
the list they see and use will be related to the vehicles they have created on their system.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The vehicle profile that is active on the ParaDyme system is
displayed in the Active Vehicle box near the top of the screen.
The Active Vehicle must match the vehicle that the system is
installed on for the ParaDyme system to control it. A list of
vehicle profiles stored on the ParaDyme system is displayed
below the Active Vehicle. If the ParaDyme system is moved to a
different vehicle, the operator must activate the new vehicle on
the ParaDyme system.
To make a different vehicle the Active Vehicle, follow the
procedure below:
1. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select one of the
vehicles that is to be activated from the Vehicle List and
highlight it.
2. Press the Select button.
3. Once the vehicle has been activated, a message is
displayed telling the operator the new vehicle is now
4. Press the Blue Check Mark to return to the previous menu.
5. This will change the vehicle that is displayed in the Active
Vehicle box to the one that was highlighted and
reprogram the Electronic Control Unit so it can control that
NOTE!: The vehicle profiles used to control the vehicles
are stored on the ParaDyme Roof Module. These profiles
are independent of the vehicle profiles loaded on the
Display. The vehicle profile must be changed both on the
Display as well as the ParaDyme system in order for it to
properly interface with the vehicle.
The Edit button allows the operator to make changes to the
highlighted vehicle’s configuration settings. These settings are
the same as the ones entered during the initial Setup Wizard
procedure. The only difference between the Create and the Edit
screens are how they are labeled on top of the screen. The Edit
Vehicle screens will be labeled Edit Vehicle as shown.
To edit a vehicle in the Active Vehicle list, follow the procedure
1. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the vehicle
from the Vehicle List to be edited and highlight it.
2. Press the Edit button. This will take the operator through all
the Edit Vehicle screens.
3. Edit the Wheel Base information. Refer to “Wheel Base” on
page 30 for more information. When finished, press the
Blue Right Arrow to move to the next screen.
4. Edit the Antenna Fore/Aft information. Refer to “Antenna
Fore/Aft” on page 31 for more information. When finished,
press the Blue Right Arrow to move to the next screen or the Blue Left Arrow to return to the previous screen.
5. Edit the Antenna Lateral Offset information. Refer to “Antenna Lateral Offset” on page 32 for more information. When
finished, press the Blue Right Arrow to move to the next screen or the Blue Left Arrow to return to the previous screen.
6. Edit the Antenna Height information. Refer to “Antenna
Height” on page 33 for more information.
7. When all the edit options have been cycled through, press
the Green Check Mark to save the changes or the Blue Left
Arrow to return to previous menus until all the information
has been set correctly.
NOTE!: The operator must cycle thru all the configuration
screens and press the Green Check Mark in order to save
any of the changes made. If the operator does not do this,
the changes will not be saved. Alternatively, the operator
can press the Back Menu Arrow in the upper right hand
corner to leave the Edit Vehicle screens without saving the information.
8. Press the Green Check Mark to save the changes and return
to the Manage Vehicle screen or press the Red X to return
to the Edit Vehicle screens.
The Delete button allows the operator to delete the highlighted
vehicle profile from the ParaDyme system if it is no longer
To delete a vehicle from the Vehicle List, follow the procedure
1. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the vehicle
from the list and highlight it.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
2. Press the Delete button.
3. Press the Green Check Mark to delete the vehicle or press
the Red X to cancel deleting the vehicle and return to the
Manage Vehicle screen.
4. Once the vehicle has been deleted, press the Blue Check
Mark to acknowledge that the vehicle has been deleted.
The Export/Import button allows the operator to import or export vehicle profiles to or from one ParaDyme system to
another via the USB storage device on the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness, a compatible USB port on the Display, or directly
to a laptop or other field computer. Operators may have more than one ParaDyme system and multiple vehicles they work
on. Since the ParaDyme system is designed to be transferred to multiple vehicles, the Export/Import feature allows the
operator to easily transfer all the vehicle profiles to all ParaDyme systems in the fleet. This saves time as each vehicle does
not have to be set up and calibrated on each individual ParaDyme system.
Importing and exporting vehicles have the following limitations:
1. The Export/Import files can be used only with ParaDyme systems. A ParaDyme system vehicle profile cannot be
exported to a different AutoSteer platform and a different AutoSteer system platform cannot be imported into a
ParaDyme system.
2. The ParaDyme system being exported from and the ParaDyme system being imported onto must be running the
same firmware version. For best results always upgrade all ParaDyme systems to the latest version prior to importing
and exporting vehicles.
3. Only one vehicle can be imported and exported at a time from the Manage Vehicle screen.
4. For best results it is recommended that the ParaDyme system be restarted within 5 minutes before beginning the
import or export vehicle profile process.
If there are multiple vehicles with the same name on different ParaDyme systems, copying vehicle profiles from one
ParaDyme system to the next may overwrite the data. Each vehicle must have a unique name so the data is kept separate
when copying vehicles from ParaDyme system to ParaDyme system.
For example if a customer has three JD8430 vehicles, each JD8430 must have a different name such as "JD8430 1", "JD8430
2", and "JD8430 3". This limitation needs to be considered prior to creating a vehicle as the name of the vehicle in the
ParaDyme system cannot be changed after they have been created. To rename the vehicle, the operator must create a new
vehicle with the desired name and recalibrate it.
To import a vehicle profile into the Vehicle List, press the
Export/Import button with any vehicle selected. To export a
specific vehicle profile, first use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or
directly select the vehicle from the Vehicle List and then press
the Export/Import button. Both of these actions will open the
Export/Import Management screen.
The information and buttons available in the Export/Import Management window are as follows:
• Active Vehicle—This is the vehicle profile the ParaDyme system is currently programmed to use.
• Vehicle List—This is the list of vehicles created on the ParaDyme system showing the Vehicle Name and Vehicle
Type. Select the vehicle from this list before using the Export buttons.
• Blue Left Arrow—This button returns the operator to the Manage Vehicles screen.
• Export to Roof USB—This button will start the process of exporting the selected vehicle profile to the USB device
on the optional ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness connected to the ParaDyme Roof Module data port.
• Export to Display USB—This button will start the process of exporting the selected vehicle profile to the USB on a
compatible Display or other storage device attached.
• Import from Roof USB—This button will start the process of importing a vehicle profile from the USB port on the
optional ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness connected to the ParaDyme Roof Module data port.
• Import from Display USB—This button will start the process of importing a vehicle profile from the USB drive on
a compatible Display or other storage device attached.
Display USB is a generic term that actually means "a mass storage device on the external unit accessing the ParaDyme
system". Such mass storage device can be a hard drive, SD card, Compact Flash card, USB drive or other device.
The ParaDyme system has the flexibility to be able to be accessed by a number of different options. This includes a
dedicated Display, laptop computer, tablet PC, or other device. If the device is a computer or other device connected via
a Ethernet cable, the operator can access the ParaDyme system menus using a standard web browser (ex: Chrome) and
navigating to address. Some ParaDyme system models also support WiFi access. If the device is connected via WiFi,
the operator can access the ParaDyme system menus using a standard web browser and navigating to
address. Refer to “WiFi” on page 148 for more information on enabling this if available. In these cases The Display USB
actually refers to the drive structure on the device and not necessarily a USB drive.
When saving files to a device that is not a USB drive, be sure to keep track of the file name that is saved and the location it
is saved to so it can be located later. Because Display USB is a generic term, sections in this chapter that refer to saving or
loading from the "Display USB" will also be generic showing examples from a Chrome browser. The actual steps and look
shown for these steps will be different depending on which device is used to access the ParaDyme system screens. Always
follow the on screen instructions when using these features.
If the ParaDyme system has been powered up for more than 5
minutes, a warning message will appear requesting that the
operator restart the system before proceeding. It is
recommended that the operator power cycle the ParaDyme
system before beginning the Import or Export process.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
When exporting vehicle profiles out of the system, the system
will check the storage drive to verify that there is not already a
copy of the vehicle database already stored there. If it finds one
it will give an error message. Press the Blue Check Mark to
continue to the next screen.
The buttons available in this screen are:
Overwrite—This will overwrite the file on the storage device
with the latest version on from the ParaDyme system.
Rename—This will allow the operator to give the file that is
exported a different name so that it does not overwrite the
exiting file. This does NOT rename the actual vehicle name
stored inside the export file so that it can be imported later as a different vehilce name. When this button is pressed a
keyboard will display allowing the operator to give the file a new name.
Cancel—This will stop the export process and return the operator to the Export/Import Management screen.
When importing vehicle profiles into the system, if it detects that
a vehicle profile with the same name already exists, it will give an
error message. Press the Blue Check Mark to return to the
previous import screen.
Export to Roof USB
To export a vehicle profile to the ParaDyme Roof Module USB storage
device, follow the procedure in this section.
1. Plug the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
2. Insert a USB storage device into the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness USB
3. Press the Export to Roof USB button.
4. The system will show a “Please Wait” message while the
export process completes. It should take less than a minute
to complete. Wait for it to finish.
5. When export process is complete, the system will show the
“Exporting vehicle database file(s) finished” message
briefly. Press the Blue Check Mark to return to the Manage
Vehicles screen.
The vehicle profile information is stored on the USB drive
connected to the ParaDyme system in a file with the following
name format: <Vehicle_Name>.sqlite where <Vehicle_Name> is
the name of the vehicle profile in the ParaDyme system. The file
name will have a .sqlite extension. The file size should be 1 MB or
Export to Display USB
To export a vehicle profile to the Display USB storage device or other storage device,
follow the procedure in this section.)
1. If sending to the Display USB drive, insert a USB disk into the USB drive on the
2. Press the Export to Display USB button.
3. The system will show a “Please Wait” message while the
system prepares the files for export. It should take less than
a minute to complete. Wait for it to finish.
4. Once the file is ready for export, the Export Vehicle to
Display screen will appear. Press the Export button to start
the export process.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
5. Depending on how the ParaDyme system is accessed, the
procedure will be different in this section. Follow the
instructions on the Display to complete this process.
6. Once the export has been completed, the Export Vehicle
to Display screen will reappear. Press the Back Menu Arrow
on the top, left corner of screen to return to the Manage
Vehicle menu. The export is now complete.
If the Display has a compatible USB drive, refer to the Display
documentation or Display manufacturer as to the format the
data is saved and where it is saved on the USB device.
When the Copy to Display USB button is used and the operator
is not using a Display with a compatible USB device, the vehicle
profile information for the vehicle selected is saved to the
storage device selected with the following name format:
<Vehicle_Name>_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS.sqlite, where <Vehilce_Name> is the vehicle profile name on the ParaDyme
system and YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, mm is the minutes and SS is the number of
seconds that the vehicle profile file was created. The file name will have a .sqlite extension. The vehicle profile file should
be under 1 MB. Be sure to record where the file is being saved on the storage device so it can be accessed later.
Import from Roof USB
To import a vehicle profile from the ParaDyme Roof Module USB storage device or other storage device, follow the
procedure in this section.
1. Plug the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness into the ParaDyme
Auxiliary port.
2. Insert a USB storage device into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Harness USB port.
3. Press the Import from Roof USB button.
4. Select the database to import from the list shown and
press the Import button to commence import process.
5. When the import process completes the screen will display
the message "Importing vehicle database file(s) finished”.
6. Press the Blue Check Mark to return to the Import from
Roof USB screen.
7. Press the Back Menu Arrow on the top, left corner of screen
to return to the Manage Vehicles screen or import
additional vehicle profiles.
Import from Display USB
To import vehicle profiles from the Display USB storage device or
other storage device, follow the procedure in this section.
1. If importing from the Display USB drive, insert a USB disk
with the vehicle profiles to be imported into the USB drive
on the Display.
2. Press the Import from Display USB button.
3. The Select a vehicle database file screen will display. Press
the Choose File button to select the file to be imported.
4. Depending on how the ParaDyme system is
accessed, the procedure will be different in this
section. The figure to the right shows one example
if the using a Chrome browser from a laptop. Follow
the instructions on the Display to complete this
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
5. Press the Import button, which is now active once a file has
been selected, to start the import process.
6. The screen will display a number of update notifications.
Wait for the import to complete. It should take less than a
minute to complete.
7. Once the import procedure is complete, press the Green
Check Mark to return to the Select a vehicle database file
screen and import another vehicle profile or press the Red
X to continue on.
8. The system will notify the operator that the import process
is complete and now the system will be restarted. Press the
Blue Check Mark to continue to the next step.
9. The system will now reboot. This will take a minute or so to
complete. Please wait for the process to complete.
10. Once the system has restarted, an acknowledgement
screen will show. Press the Blue Check Mark to return to the
main AutoSteer Setup - Vehicle screen.
The Auto Calibrate procedure guides the operator through the calibration process for the active vehicle. The calibration
steps teach the ParaDyme system the characteristics of the vehicle and the steps are critical to achieve optimal control
The Auto Calibrate wizard provides specific instructions about the required maneuver, speed, and engine RPM during each
step of the process. The calibration steps and time vary according to the vehicle type and equipment installed. Follow the
onscreen instructions to perform the Auto Calibration procedure.
To start the Auto Calibrate procedure, select the Vehicle tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Auto
Calibrate button. The initial Auto Calibrate screen will be displayed and will be different depending on which vehicle type
is being calibrated. The screen will summarize all the steps required to complete the calibration and provide an
approximate amount of time each step will take. The following figures show examples of the Initial Screen for the Auto
Calibrate process for some of the possible vehicle type procedures. Procedures and steps will be different depending on
the vehicle and hardware installed on the vehicle.
Auto Calibrate Initial Screen (Valve/Steer- by-Wire with Wheel
Angle Sensor)
Auto Calibrate Initial Screen (Valve/Steer- by-Wire with no
Wheel Angle Sensor)
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Auto Calibrate Initial Screen (Mechanical Steering Unit/ OnTrac2)
Auto Calibrate Initial Screen (CAN Bus/ISO)
Auto Calibrate Initial Screen (Deere Track)
Auto Calibrate Initial Screen (CAT Hydraulic Track)
To start the Auto Calibrate process, press the Blue Right Arrow on the initial Auto Calibrate screen. To exit the Auto Calibrate
process at any time, the operator can press the Back Menu Arrow on the top left corner of screen to return to the Manage
Vehicle menu. Depending on the vehicle type and controller being used, the Auto Calibrate process will take the operator
through a number of steps to calibrate the various components specific to the vehicle. The actual steps that are used will
be different for each vehicle configuration but will be shown on the ParaDyme system screen in the order they are to be
performed. This section will describe the individual steps that may be encountered during the calibration procedure in no
particular order. Refer to the corresponding sections describing each step for more information on each step that may be
Valve Dead Band
Vehicle types that have a steering valve that are controlled directly by the ParaDyme system use this calibration procedure.
This includes vehicles that use the standard add-on AutoSteer Valves, AutoTrac Ready (non ISO), AccuGuide Ready,
IntelliSteer, and some others.
Oil flow allowed through the steering valve is proportional to the electrical signal sent from the ParaDyme system. It takes
a certain minimum amount of signal from the ParaDyme system before the valve ports are opened. If the signal is below
that minimum amount, no oil flows through the steering valve and the steering mechanism will not move. The range of
signals where there is no steering valve movement is called the Dead Band. The ParaDyme system detects the Dead Band
by incrementally increasing the signal sent to the steering valve in both directions until the ParaDyme system detects
motion from the Angle Sensor, if installed, or a change in heading. It is important for the system to accurately detect at
what point the steering valve starts moving to provide small, accurate control commands during AutoSteer operations.
Follow the procedure below to complete the Valve Dead Band calibration.
1. Drive the vehicle in a straight line at the speed requested
by the display.
2. Press the Start or Resume button to start the calibration
3. The vehicle will drive in a straight line for a time. Eventually
the steering mechanism will begin to move to one
direction and then to the other.
4. Once this happens the system will have determined the
Dead Band for the steering valve and move on to the next
Angle Sensor
If an Angle Sensor is installed on the vehicle and the ParaDyme system receives input directly from it, the ParaDyme system
reads the value of the Angle Sensor to determine the position of the steering mechanism. This includes vehicles that use
the standard add-on Angle Sensor, AutoTrac Ready (non ISO), AccuGuide Ready, IntelliSteer, and some others.
During the calibration process, the ParaDyme system first commands the steering mechanism to the full left and right
limits to detect the maximum Angle Sensor values.
After the maximum limits are determined, the ParaDyme system will command the steering valve to hold the steering
mechanism at a constant angle at different positions starting from full left and moving to full right. At each of these Angle
Sensor stops, the system measures the actual change of heading using the change in GPS positions. After the calibration
process has completed the full left to right test, it then estimates where the steering mechanism should steer straight
ahead and then records a few more samples from both sides of that point to ensure it knows when the vehicle is traveling
straight ahead.
At the conclusion of the calibration the ParaDyme system can determine the expected change of heading for any Angle
Sensor position. It is also able to determine the exact Angle Sensor reading that should steer the vehicle in a straight line.
The Angle Sensor calibration is robust and allows the system to determine the correct Angle Sensor reading to use even if
the Angle Sensor is not installed with steering angles not equal to the left and right.
Follow the procedure below to complete the Angle Sensor calibration.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
1. This procedure normally begins automatically after the Valve
Dead Band step has completed. Continue allowing the
vehicle to drive in a straight line at the speed requested by
the display.
2. If the Angle Sensor calibration does not start automatically,
press the Resume button to start it.
3. The steering mechanism will make a hard turn to one
direction and then back to the opposite direction to find the
maximum Angle Sensor stops.
4. The system will then reposition the Angle Sensor at different
increments between the two maximum positions and
measure the heading change at each position. The system will work from one direction, decreasing the rate of turn
gradually, then continue past the straight ahead position, and then start increasing the rate of turn in the opposite
5. It will then repeat the process in the opposite direction.
6. Once this is completed, the calibration process will move on to the next step.
Angle Sensor Characteristic
The ParaDyme system does not require that an Angle Sensor be installed for all vehicle profiles. If the operator selected No
at the Wheel Angle Sensor screen, the system will use a gyroscope in the ParaDyme Roof Module to detect changes in
heading. The ParaDyme system uses information from the gyroscope to determine how much and how fast the vehicle is
turning. The gyroscope itself does not need to be calibrated but ParaDyme system needs to take readings at the steering
mechanism's stops so it knows where the stops are during the Valve calibration later.
Follow the procedure below to complete the Angle Sensor Characteristic calibration.
1. This procedure normally begins automatically after the
Valve Dead Band step has completed. Continue allowing
the vehicle to drive in a straight line at the speed requested
by the display.
2. If the Angel Sensor Characteristic calibration does not start
automatically, press the Resume button to start it.
3. The steering mechanism will make a hard turn to one
direction and then back to the opposite direction to find
the stops.
4. Once this is completed, the calibration process will move
on to the next step.
Vehicle types that have a steering valve that is controlled directly by the ParaDyme system use this calibration procedure.
This includes vehicles that use the standard add-on AutoSteer Valves, AutoTrac Ready (non ISO), AccuGuide Ready,
IntelliSteer, and some others.
The Valve calibration uses two different procedures depending on if an Angle Sensor is installed or not.
With Angle Sensor
If an Angle Sensor is installed, the Valve calibration procedure measures the rate of turn using the Angle Sensor at different
signal commands sent to the steering valve. As the signal to the steering valve is increased, the rate of turn at the Angle
Sensor should also increase. The ParaDyme system takes readings of the Angle Sensor rate of turn at different signal
commands so the system knows how fast the vehicle will turn at any signal command sent to the steering valve.
Follow the procedure below to complete the Valve calibration with an Angle Sensor installed.
1. This procedure normally begins automatically after the Angle
Sensor step has completed. Continue allowing the vehicle to
drive in a straight line at the speed requested by the display.
2. If the Valve calibration does not start automatically, press the
Resume button to start it.
3. The ParaDyme system will command the vehicle to turn the
steering mechanism to one direction using a maximum
signal and then to the opposite direction at the maximum
signal. It will repeats this process two more times.
4. Next it will start turning the steering mechanism in both
directions and measure the speed at which it turns. It will test
various command rates (slow, medium, and fast turns) to both the left and right. At the conclusion of this calibration
step, the ParaDyme system will be able to know how fast it will turn the steering mechanism at any signal strength it
sends to the steering valve.
5. The system will then move on to the next step.
No Angle Sensor
If there is no Angle Sensor installed, the Valve calibration measures the rate of turn using the gyroscope in the ParaDyme
Roof Module at different signal commands sent to the steering valve. As the signal to the steering valve is increased, the
rate of turn seen by the gyroscope should also increase. The ParaDyme system takes readings of the gyroscope rate of turn
at different signal commands so the system knows how fast the vehicle will turn at any signal command sent to the
steering valve. The calibration process is performed twice with the second pass using information gathered during the first
pass to improve the performance.
Follow the procedure below to complete the Valve calibration with no Angle Sensor installed.
1. This procedure normally begins automatically after the Angle
Sensor Characteristics step has completed. Continue
allowing the vehicle to drive in a straight line at the speed
requested by the display.
2. If the Valve calibration does not start automatically, press the
Resume button to start it.
3. The ParaDyme system will command the vehicle to turn the
steering mechanism to one direction at the maximum signal
and then to the opposite direction at the maximum signal in
order to determine the maximum rate of turn it can
command. It will repeat this process five more times because
it is more difficult to measure this with the gyroscope than it is with Angle Sensor.
4. It will then start turning the steering mechanism in both directions and measure the speed at which it turns. It will
test the speed at various command rates (slow, medium, and fast turns ) to both the left and right. When the
gyroscope is used as the turn rate sensor the valve calibration repeats itself, the second pass uses information from
the first pass to improve the performance. At the conclusion of the calibration step, the ParaDyme system will be able
to know how fast it will turn the steering mechanism at any signal strength it sends to the steering valve.
5. The system will then move on to the next step.
OnTrac2 Minimum Output
Vehicle types that use a mechanical device such as an OnTrac2 attached to the steering wheel to control the direction the
vehicle steers are calibrated with this procedure. Almost any vehicle can be fitted with a mechanical steering unit.
The ParaDyme system must detect the minimum current that is required to start turning the steering wheel in both
Follow the procedure below to complete the OnTrac2 Minimum Output calibration.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
1. Drive the vehicle in a straight line at the speed requested
by the display.
2. Press the Start or Resume button to start the calibration
3. Observe the steering wheel as the vehicle drives forward.
After the steering wheel has started to move to the right
press the Moving! button.
4. Continue driving the vehicle in a straight line at the speed
shown on the display and press Resume button to begin
the next part of the calibration process.
5. Observe the steering wheel as the vehicle drives forward.
After the steering wheel has started to move to the left
press the Moving! button.
6. This step is now complete and the system will then move
on to the next step.
Curvature (MT Curvature)
Vehicle types that provide a CAN Bus or ISO Bus connection on the machine to receive steering commands by the vehicle’s
steering controller are calibrated with this procedure. The vehicle may have an Angle Sensor, steering valve, disengage
device, or other components built in from the factory. These factory components must be calibrated by the vehicle
manufacture so that the vehicle can accurately determine the curvature it will travel.
NOTE!: The factory component calibration procedures are independent and separate from the calibration
procedure the ParaDyme system will perform. Verify that the vehicle manufacturer's representative has performed
the required calibration procedures on the vehicle prior to starting the AutoSteer calibration or poor performance
may result.
For the ParaDyme system to control these vehicles, the ParaDyme system sends a desired curvature command to the
vehicle via the CAN Bus. The vehicle then attempts to steering the vehicle to match the desired curvature. There can be
some error to what the vehicle thinks the curvature is as compared to what it actually is. This calibration step compares the
estimated curvature the vehicle thinks it is using to the actual curvature calculated by using the GPS system.
1. Drive the vehicle in a straight line at the speed requested
by the display.
2. Press the Start or Resume button to start the calibration
3. The vehicle will start by driving in a straight line for a short
time, it will then start making increasingly sharp turns to
the right until eventually it reaches the maximum right
4. It will then return to the center (straight ahead) position
and then start making increasingly sharp turns to the left
until it reaches the maximum left turn.
5. Once it gets to the maximum left turn, the calibration will be complete and move on to the next step.
Left Stop, Right Stop, Center, and Deere Track Characteristic
John Deere Track vehicles that are not steered via the ISO Bus have a separate calibration process that are not found in
other vehicle types so the calibration steps are all described here in one section. The ParaDyme system is connected into
the steering circuit of the vehicle between the steering wheel potentiometers and the steering valve. The ParaDyme
system intercepts the steering commands from the steering wheel and sends its own commands to control the direction
the vehicle steers while in AutoSteer mode. This calibration procedure allows the ParaDyme system to learn the
characteristics of the vehicle's steering system and use that information to steer the vehicle.
The John Deere Track vehicle has three potentiometers on the steering column that detect motion by the operator. This
calibration procedure first must learn the characteristics of the potentiometers at the full left, full right, and center
positions. The calibration process will then use this information to control the vehicle and steer the vehicle in a series of
sharper left turns and then a series of sharper right turns.
Follow the procedure below to complete the John Deere Track calibration.
1. Stop the vehicle and put it into park. Turn the steering
wheel to the full left position and hold it there.
2. Press the Start or Resume button to start the calibration
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
3. The system will listen to the steering potentiometers for a
short time to learn what the values are for the maximum
left turn. Wait for it to finish.
4. Leave the vehicle in park. Turn the steering wheel to the full
right position and hold it there.
5. Press the Resume button to start the calibration process.
6. The system will listen to the steering potentiometers for a
short time to learn what the values are for the maximum
right turn. Wait for it to finish.
7. Return the steering wheel to the center position and let
the vehicle drive forward for around five seconds to ensure
the steering wheel is in the center position.
8. Put the vehicle back in park. Leave the steering wheel in
the center position.
9. Press the Resume button to start the calibration process.
10. The system will listen to the steering potentiometers for a
short time to learn what the values are for the center
position. Wait for it to finish.
11. Drive the vehicle in a straight line at the speed requested
by the display.
12. Press the Resume button to start the calibration process.
13. The vehicle will start by driving in a straight line for a short
time, it will then start making increasingly sharp turns to
the right until eventually it reaches the maximum right
14. It will then return to the center (straight ahead) position
and then start making increasingly sharp turns to the left
until it reaches the maximum left turn.
15. Once it gets to the maximum left turn, the calibration will
be complete and move on to the next step.
Valve Characteristic
CAT Challenger track vehicles (not to be confused with the Challenger MT-XXX vehicles) use a special hydraulic valve for
AutoSteering. These valves tap into the low flow steering circuit and steer the vehicle by adding low volumes of oil to the
left or right steering circuit which cause one track or the other speed up and cause a turn. These vehicles do not have an
Angle Sensor so the calibration procedure measures the valve characteristic based on how different commands change
the rate of heading change.
This is also the only vehicle profile that monitors the oil temperature as well as pressure to ensure proper performance.
During the calibration process, the system is also measuring the oil temperature and uses that data to adjust steering
performance automatically as oil temperature changes during the day. Because of this the calibration process should be
performed on a vehicle that has had the oil warmed up to normal operating temperatures.
Follow the procedure below to complete the Valve Characteristic calibration.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
1. Drive the vehicle in a straight line at the speed requested
by the display.
2. Press the Start or Resume button to start the calibration
3. The vehicle will start by driving in a straight line for a short
time, it will then start making increasingly sharp turns to
the right until eventually it reaches the maximum right
4. It will then return to the center (straight ahead) position
and then start making increasingly sharp turns to the left
until it reaches the maximum left turn.
5. Once it gets to the maximum left turn, the calibration will be complete and move on to the next step.
Save Calibration
Once the all the calibration steps have been completed, the Save
Calibration screen will appear. The system will ask the operator if
they want to save the calibration.
Press the Green Check Mark to save the calibration and move on
to the next step or press the Red X to cancel the same and return
to the AutoSteer Setup screen.
Calibration Verification
The final step of all the calibration procedures is the Calibration
Verification step. In this step the vehicle will drive in a straight
line, shift over to a new line, and then shift back to the original
line. This procedure allows the operator to verify that the vehicle
can steer straight down a guidance line and also adjust to a new line. If the vehicle does not perform adequately at this
stage, the vehicle can be recalibrated to try and improve performance or a servicing dealer can provide additional tuning
to improve the performance.
To start the Calibration Verification process follow the procedure below:
1. Drive the vehicle to a location where it can be driven in a
straight line for around 500 feet (150 meters).
2. Start driving straight at the speed indicated on the Display.
3. Press the Resume button to start the verification process.
4. Allow the vehicle to AutoSteer through the whole process.
The vehicle will drive straight ahead and after the counter
reaches zero it will steer over to the left slightly.
5. After the vehicle reacquires the new line, the counter will
count down again.
6. At the end of the countdown, the vehicle will steer back to
the original line.
7. After the vehicle reacquires the original line, the counter
will count down for the last time.
8. Once the procedure is finished, the system will notify the
operator. Press the Green Check Mark to acknowledge the
process is complete.
A properly set up vehicle's center line should pass over the same point going in both direction on the same guidance line.
This behavior is controlled by the GPS Antenna Lateral Offset. During the initial vehicle setup, a rough estimate of the
antenna offset is entered. After the vehicle has been created and calibrated, perform the following procedure to ensure
that the GPS Antenna Lateral Offset is entered correctly. This procedure will detect and eliminate skips and overlaps in
adjacent rows due to an incorrect lateral offset.
To verify GPS antenna lateral offset follow the procedure below:
1. Set an AB line, engage the AutoSteering, and let the vehicle AutoSteer for at least 100 feet (30 m).
2. Stop the vehicle, place it in park, and disengage the ParaDyme system.
3. Use a plumb bob to place a flag in the ground directly beneath the center of the draw bar.
4. Return to the vehicle, start the ParaDyme system, and engage the AutoSteer for at least another 100 feet (30 m) on
the same AB line.
5. Disengage the AutoSteer, turn the vehicle around, and AutoSteering back down the same AB line in the opposite
6. When the vehicle's draw bar reaches the flag stop the vehicle, place it in park, disengage the ParaDyme system, and
exit the vehicle.
7. Check to see if the center of the draw bar is over the flag.
8. If the flag is exactly beneath the center of the draw bar, no adjustment is needed.
9. If not, use a plumb bob to mark the spot directly beneath the draw bar, and then measure the distance between that
spot and the flag.
10. Calculate the Offset Error by dividing the measured distance by 2. (The measurement is divided by two because
taking the measurements driving in opposite directions doubles any error.)
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
From the AutoSteer Setup Vehicle screen, go to the Manage
Vehicle > Edit
>Antenna Lateral Offset screen. Adjust the existing value by
adding or subtracting the Offset Error. The adjustment must be
made in the same direction of the error.
Repeat the procedure to ensure that the lateral offset is now
correct using a new A/B line for both directions.
NOTE!: Always verify the draw bar is centered on the vehicle and measure from this point for this test. This is the
point where the implement will be attached and thus be expected to repeat in the same point in both directions.
If the wheels of the vehicle are equally spaced from the draw bar, they should pass over the top of each other in
opposite directions in this test. However this measurement must be confirmed prior to using wheel tracks for offset
measurements. Measuring from the draw bar will always provide the most consistent results.
After AutoSteering up and down the AB line, the center of the draw bar is 3.0 inches (7.6 cm) to the right of the flag.
Divide the measurement by 2, which gives an adjustment of 1.5 inches (3.8 cm). Go to the Edit Antenna Lateral
Offset screen and adjust the lateral offset 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) inches to the right (the adjustment must be made in
the same direction of the error).
NOTE!: Once the Vehicle Offset has been determined, this value should NEVER need to be changed again unless the
ParaDyme Roof Module has been physically repositioned on the roof of the vehicle.
If a field operation shows a guess row error with a certain implement, the offset should be adjusted on the implement
settings, NOT the vehicle offset. Changing the Vehicle Offset will cause other implements to show unpredictable guess row
Steering Adjust
After the vehicle has been calibrated, it should perform
adequately for most normal field operations. However in some
situations, it may be necessary to adjust the steering
performance to take into account field conditions, implement
selection, traveling speed, etc. The Steering Adjust screen
enables the operator to adjust the vehicle steering performance
to match these changing conditions. You can change the
response of the selected item by using the slider bar.
To access the Steering Adjust screen, select the Vehicle tab from
the main
AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Steering Adjust button.
The options that can be available in the Steering Adjust screens are:
Steering Response—This adjusts for oscillations of vehicle when it is on the desired path.
Line Acquisition—This adjusts how aggressively the vehicle steers onto the desired steering path (A/B line). The goal is
to adjust the system to take the shortest route without excessively sharp or sudden movements of the vehicle.
Cross Track Error—This adjusts how aggressively the vehicle reacts to changes in cross track error.
Heading Aggressiveness—This adjusts how aggressively the vehicle reacts to changes in the vehicles heading.
Reverse Response—This adjusts steering aggressiveness when the vehicle is traveling in reverse.
Motor Aggressiveness—Adjust how aggressively the MDU motor turns the steering wheel (this option is available for
vehicle profiles that use an Mechanical Drive Unit).
Each of the items in the Steering Adjust screen allow the operator to alter AutoSteering performance by allowing minor
adjustments to the control system. The item selected from the list on the right can be changed by moving the slide bar
using the following buttons:
Turtle Icon—Pressing this button moves the bar towards the turtle to slow the response rate of the steering system and
makes slower smoother turns. If this value is moved too far to the left, the vehicle will get into a slow weaving pattern as it
travels across the field.
Rabbit Icon—Pressing this button moves the bar towards the rabbit to increase the response rate of the steering system.
This causes the system to react faster, however if the value is moved too far to the right, the vehicle will get into a rapid
oscillating pattern as it travels across the field
To make adjustments, Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select the response rate to be adjusted. Move the slider
bar using the Turtle or Rabbit buttons to increase or decrease the response.
The Steering Components screen allows the operator to view real time sensor readings to verify they are working, adjust
the sensitivity to some components, and test the reaction of other components. These screens are used to test and
manage all the components related to the ParaDyme system's interaction with the vehicle. The list of components that
can be managed and displayed will vary depending on the vehicle profile that has been activated. Not all of these screens
will always be visible.
To access the Steering Components screen, select the Vehicle tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press
the Steering Components button.
The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is the interface between the ParaDyme system and all the AutoSteer sensors and
actuators on the vehicle. The Electronic Control Unit receives information from all the sensors such as the Angle Sensor,
Pressure Transducer, steering encoder, etc. and sends electrical signals to the hydraulic valve in order to control the
machine. There are three models of ECU that the ParaDyme system will recognize. They are ECU-2, ECU-4 and SA Module.
The information displayed on the ECU screen will change depending on the vehicle profile loaded and which model of
ECU is installed.
Vehicle types that have a steering valve that is controlled directly
by the ParaDyme system will use this ECU page. This includes
vehicles that use the standard add-on AutoSteer Valves,
AutoTrac Ready (non ISO), AccuGuide Ready, IntelliSteer, CAT
Track, and some others.
The options that can be available in the ECU screens are:
Firmware Version—The version of software that is loaded on
the ECU.
Vehicle Type—The vehicle type that the ECU is configured for.
This is important to know to ensure the ECU is configured properly to communicate to the vehicle type selected. Different
types would include Wheeled, AutoTrac, AccuGuide, etc.
Communication—If this light is green, the ParaDyme system is communicating with the ECU. If this light is not green,
there is a communication problem that must be addressed.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
When the vehicle profile is connected to a Mechanical Steering
Device, such as OnTrac2, the ECU screen will use this screen. This
screen provides additional information about the ECU status.
The information available in the ECU screen is:
Firmware Version—The version of software that is loaded on
the ECU.
Boot Loader Version—This is the version of software that is
loaded on the ECU to allow it to boot up.
Serial Number —This is the Serial Number of the ECU.
ECU Type—This provides the type of ECU that is used. This possible values of this are:
ECU 2—The system has an ECU-2 attached to the vehicle.
ECU 4—The system has an ECU-4 attached to the vehicle.
Yaw, Roll, and Pitch—These are the raw measurements provided by the ECU for each of the items described.
Gyro—This provides the raw gyro information.
MDU Power—This provides an indicator that shows if the MDU is powered on or off. The switch on the MDU must be on
for the MDU to operate. If the switch is off, this light will not be green.
Communication—If this light is green, the ParaDyme system is communicating with the ECU. If this light is not green,
there is a problem with the Electronic Control Unit or SA Module.
Deere Track
John Deere Track vehicle profiles have additional information
shown in the ECU page. The ParaDyme system reads the
information from the three steering wheel potentiometers. The
raw data is shown in the screen for troubleshooting purposes.
The information available in the ECU screen is:
Firmware Version—The version of software that is loaded on
the ECU.
Vehicle Type—The vehicle type that the ECU is configured for.
This should be set to Deere Track.
Communication—If this light is green, the ParaDyme system is communicating with the ECU. If this light is not green,
there is a problem with the Electronic Control Unit or SA Module.
POT1, POT2, POT3—These are the raw values coming from the three steering column potentiometer sensors. These
values should move as the steering wheel is turned. POT1 and POT2 will go down as the steering wheel is turned to the
right and POT3 will go up. When the steering wheel is turned to the left, POT1 and POT2 will go up and POT3 will go down.
If any of these values are not moving properly, the ParaDyme system will not steer.
If the ParaDyme system is installed on a vehicle that is interfaced
via the CAN Bus or ISO Connection, the CAN screen will display
in the Steering Components screens. The CAN screen will
provide specific information about the communication status
between the vehicle and the ParaDyme system.
The information that can be available in the CAN screen is:
Wheel Angle or Curvature—For CAN vehicles, this is the
estimated curvature or a calculation based on what the vehicle
sends to the ParaDyme system. This value should change as the
steering wheel on the vehicle is manually turned. This is not the
actual angle sensor value from the angle sensor on the vehicle, however it will move as the steering wheel is turned.
Roading Mode—Some vehicles have a lock out switch that prevents CAN steering when the vehicle is on the road. If the
vehicle supports this CAN message and the this switch is enabled, the display will show: Enabled.
Steering Wheel—If the system detects steering wheel motion, this value will change to Motion Detected.
Gear—If the vehicle provides transmission information via the CAN bus, this will display if the vehicle is in forward, reverse,
neutral, or park.
Comm—This provides an indicator if the communications are working. If they are not the display will show: Not Ok.
Vehicle Status—Some vehicles need an indicator that there is a human in the machine, this is determined by the
operator turning the steering wheel manually. If the system is waiting for the operator to indicate their presence, the
display will show: Not Ready. Turning the steering wheel manually should change this value to Ready.
Clutch—Some vehicles provide a status message of the clutch position.
AutoSteer Status—This shows if the system is ready to AutoSteer. If it is not the display will show Not Ready.
Communication—If the vehicle is communicating with the CAN Bus or ISO Bus of the vehicle, this light will be green.
The Manual Steering Override refers to the sensor that is used to detect when the operator manually turns the steering
wheel. The ParaDyme system needs to know when the driver wants to take over steering manually and the ParaDyme
system should be disabled. The ParaDyme system can detect this by getting a signal from a pressure transducer, flow
switch, steering encoder, the electrical resistance, or other method. The Manual Steering Override screen shows the status
of that sensor and allows the operator to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor. The screen that displays will depend on the
vehicle profile that has been activated.
Pressure Transducer
This screen is displayed for vehicle profiles that use a pressure
transducer on the steering valve. It allows the operator to verify
the sensor is working and to adjust the sensitivity of the kick out
to match the operator preferences. Refer to.“Pressure
Transducer” on page 70 for more information.
The additional button in the Manual Steering Override screen
not described in the other section is:
Change Samples—This setting sets the length of time the
system must detect the kick out reading before it considers that
the operator has started turning the wheel. If this value is set too
high, the kick out will be slow to respond or not respond at all. If this value is set too low, the vehicle may spontaneously
kick out from random pressure spikes. This value should be left at the default value and the Session Kick Out limit adjusted
first. Modify this value only if the kick out limit is unable to provide a good balance.
Change Samples
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
To Change Samples follow the procedure below:
1. Press the Change Samples button on the Manual Steering Override screen in the Steering Components screen.
2. Use the numeric pad to enter the value of the Change Samples value. Press the Green Check Mark to accept the new
value or press the Red X to cancel.
3. Press the Blue Check Mark to confirm the message.
The Manual Steering Override screen for OnTrac2 can cause the
steering mechanism to turn. In order to enter the screen, the
operator must first accept a WARNING screen to acknowledge
the dangers associated with this.
If the operator accepts the warning, press the Continue button
to proceed, otherwise press the Back Menu Arrow on the top,
left corner of screen to exit.
This screen is displayed for vehicle profiles that use a Mechanical
Steering Device such as OnTrac2. It allows the operator to verify
the system can detect the current draw at the Mechanical Drive
Unit and to adjust the sensitivity of the kick out to match the
operator preferences. See “OnTrac2” on page 71 for more
Steering Encoder and Flow Switch
Some vehicle profiles use an encoder on the steering wheel or a
flow switch in the steering hydraulic lines to detect motion at
the steering wheel. The encoder will send a signal only when the
steering wheel is turned by the operator. The flow sensor will
close the circuit only when it detects oil flow through the
hydraulic line. In either case, there are only two states, on and off.
There is no adjustment required for these sensors.
The information available in the Manual Steering Override
screen is:
Manual Steering Override—A green light indicates that the ParaDyme system detects steering wheel motion via an
encoder or from a flow switch. A red light indicates no motion or flow is detected.
If the vehicle profile is set up and the Wheel Angle Sensor has
not been enabled, the Gyro screen will be available from the
Steering Components screen.
This screen provides information from the Gyro on the
ParaDyme Roof Module.
The information available in the Gyro screen is:
Gyro—This value shows the current reading provided by
Gyroscope in the ParaDyme Roof Module. This allows the
operator to determine if the gyroscope is providing data.
CAT Challenger vehicles that use a steering valve for AutoSteer
require a temperature transducer to provide data on the oil
temperature. This value is used to dynamically adjust the
AutoSteering performance as the oil temperature changes
during machine operations. If the vehicle is a CAT Challenger, the
Temperature Transducer screen will display in the Steering
Components screen.
The information available in the Temperature Transducer screen
Raw Temp—This is the current temperature transducer value.
This value will go up and down as the oil temperature changes.
Cal Temp—This is the temperature that the system was at when the vehicle calibration was performed. For best
performance the Cal Temp should be close to the Raw Temp during normal field operations. If it is not, consider
recalibrating the vehicle when the oil is warmer.
The Angle Sensor is an optional accessory. When it is installed,
the Wheel Angle Sensor screen shows the sensor reading
coming from the Angle Sensor on the vehicle. The Angle Sensor
sends wheel angle position signals to the system in order to
ensure precise AutoSteering operations.
The information and button available in the Wheel Angle Sensor
screen are:
Raw Counts—This is the reading that is sent from the Angle
Sensor. This value should increase and decrease smoothly as the
steering wheel is turned left and right. If it does not move or
jumps suddenly there is a problem with the Angle Sensor
communications and this will need to be solved before the
system can AutoSteer. There should also be movement from the full left to the full right of the steering mechanism. If the
counts stop moving before the steering reaches the full motion, the Angle Sensor will need to be adjusted or replaced.
Zero Curvature—Pressing this button will start an Angle Sensor test procedure to see if the calibration information is
Zero Curvature
After the Angle Sensor has been calibrated, the ParaDyme system should be able to know exactly what angle the steering
mechanism needs to be at in order to drive a straight line. This test is designed to provide a quick verification that the Angle
Sensor calibration is valid. If the vehicle stops steering properly, this test can be run to verify that the Angle Sensor is still
working correctly. If the Angle Sensor, its brackets, or linkage rods have been damaged or altered, this test will be able to
show that the calibration is no longer valid.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
If this test fails, check the Angle Sensor components for physical damage and verify that the steering mechanism is working
properly. Recalibrate the system and see if that resolves the issue.
Use the following procedure to use the Zero Curvature test.
1. From the Wheel Angle Sensor screen of the Steering
Components screen, press the Zero Curvature button to start
the test.
2. Find a location with a flat, smooth surface where the vehicle
can be driven in a relatively straight line for 10 seconds at the
normal operating speed of the vehicle. Verify that all
bystanders are away from the vehicle.
3. Begin driving the vehicle in a straight line within the speed
limits shown on the screen and then press the Start button.
4. The vehicle will drive in a straight line for about 10 seconds.
5. At the end of the countdown, the test will give one of the two following results.
Zero Curvature Test Passed
If the Zero Curvature test passes, the Angle Sensor is working
Zero Curvature Test Failed
If the test fails it might be a problem with the Angle Sensor. This
can occur if the Angle Sensor or linkage has been damaged since
the original calibration, improper Angle Sensor installations, or
conditions for the test were not favorable (ex. bumpy ground, bad
GPS, etc.). Try running the test again. If the problem continues,
check the Angle Sensor hardware and recalibrate the vehicle. After
recalibrating verify the system is working properly by running the
Zero Curvature test again.
If a remote engage switch has been installed and enabled on the
ParaDyme system, the Steering Components screen will show
an option for Remote Switch in the list on the right. The remote
engage switch must be enabled in the Accessories screen
before it is visible in the Steering Components screen. This
screen indicates when the remote engage switch has been
The information available in the Remote Switch screen is:
Remote Switch —This indicator will turn green when the
Remote Switch is activated and turn gray when it is deactivated.
The Hydraulic Valve screen can cause the steering mechanism to
turn. In order to enter the screen, the operator must first accept
a WARNING screen to acknowledge the dangers associated with
If the operator accepts the warning, press the Continue button
to proceed, otherwise press the Back Menu Arrow on the top,
left corner of screen to exit.
The Hydraulic Valve screen is used to verify that the steering
valve is operating correctly. The steering valve can be
commanded to turn the steering mechanism in both directions
and at different speeds.
NOTE!: On some installations the steering mechanism will turn left when the Right Steering Command buttons are
pressed and vise versa. This screen sends the raw signals to the steering valve for the commands. If the signals are
backwards in this screen, the calibration process will catch this and will allow accurate AutoSteering performance.
The steering mechanism turning the wrong way is not generally considered a problem. If the steering mechanism
moves in one direction at the expected speed, the test can be considered successful.
The information and buttons available in the Hydraulic Valve
screen are:
Hard Left—Pressing this button turns the steering mechanism
at 100% to one direction (normally to the left).
xx% Left—The xx represents the Steering Left/Right
Percentage that the slider bar has been set to. Pressing this
button will turn the steering mechanism at the selected
percentage of the full signal. The steering mechanism should
turn slower the lower the Steering Left/Right Percentage is set
0%—Pressing this button energizes the enabler coils on the
valve, but does not drive the steering mechanism in either direction.
% Right—The xx represents the Steering Left/Right Percentage that the slider bar has been set to. Pressing this button will
turn the steering mechanism at the selected percentage of the full signal in the opposite direction as the xx% Left button.
The steering mechanism should turn slower the lower the Steering Left/Right Percentage is set to.
Hard Right—Pressing this button turns the steering mechanism at 100% to one direction (normally to the right).
Stop—Pressing this button stops the valve from moving and cuts all power to the steering valve.
Steering Left/Right Percentage—This slider controls the change percentage for the xx% Left and xx% Right buttons.
Changing these values allows the operator to test how the valve reacts at different loads. Generally the steering valve will
not turn with a signal percentage below 30%.
Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons—Pressing these buttons adjusts the Steering Left/Right Slider Bar.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The MDU Actuator screen can cause the steering mechanism to
turn. In order to enter the screen, the operator must first accept
a WARNING screen to acknowledge the dangers associated with
If the operator accepts the warning, press the Continue button
to proceed, otherwise press the Back Menu Arrow on the top,
left corner of screen to exit.
The Mechanical Drive Unit (MDU) refers to mechanical steering
options such as OnTrac2. The MDU screen provides the operator
a way to command the Mechanical Drive Unit to turn left or right
and confirm the ParaDyme system can control the device.
The information and buttons available in the MDU Actuator
screen are:
Hard Left—Pressing this button tells the MDU to turn to the
right at 100% speed.
xx% Left—The xx represents the Steering Left/Right
Percentage that the slider bar has been set to. Pressing this
button will turn the steering mechanism at the selected
percentage of the full signal. The steering mechanism should
turn slower the lower the Steering Left/Right Percentage is set
0%—The MDU will not rotate.
% Right—The xx represents the Steering Left/Right Percentage that the slider bar has been set to. Pressing this button will
turn the steering mechanism at the selected percentage of the full signal in the opposite direction as the xx% Left button.
The steering mechanism should turn slower the lower the Steering Left/Right Percentage is set to.
Hard Right—Pressing this button tells the MDU to turn to the left at 100% speed.
Stop—Pressing this button stops all commands to the MDU.
Steering Left/Right Percentage—This slider controls the change percentage for the xx% Left and xx% Right buttons.
Changing these values allows the operator to test how the MDU reacts at different loads.
Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons—Pressing these buttons adjusts the Steering Left/Right Percentage Slider Bar.
The Actuator screen can cause the steering mechanism to turn.
In order to enter the screen, the operator must first accept a
WARNING screen to acknowledge the dangers associated with
If the operator accepts the warning, press the Continue button
to proceed, otherwise press the Back Menu Arrow on the top,
left corner of screen to exit.
The Actuator screen is used to verify that the vehicle can send
commands through the CAN Bus or ISO Controller to steer the
vehicle. John Deere Track vehicles also use the same interface.
This screen looks similar to the Steering Valve and MDU Actuator screens but the results of the commands are not the
NOTE!: For the Actuator screen, the Steering Command buttons control the direction the steering mechanism will
turn, not the speed of turn. For non track vehicles, when a button is pressed, the steering mechanism will turn the
percentage of curvature and stop there. For track vehicles, it will cause the vehicle to turn at a certain curvature and
hold that curve. If the track vehicle is sitting still, the vehicle will rotate. The Steering Command does not change the
speed at which the steering mechanism will change, only the direction and how far it will move.
The information and buttons available in the Actuator screen
Hard Left—Pressing this button turns the steering mechanism
to the 100% left position and holds it there.
xx% Left—The xx represents the Steering Left/Right
Percentage that the slider bar has been set to. Pressing this
button will turn the steering mechanism to the percentage of
arc selected and hold the wheel there or put a track vehicle in a
constant arc matching the percentage. The lower the
percentage, the closer to the center position the steering
mechanism will turn to.
0%—Pressing this button will turn the steering mechanism straight ahead.
% Right—The xx represents the Steering Left/Right Percentage that the slider bar has been set to. Pressing this button will
turn the steering mechanism to the percentage of arc selected and hold the wheel there or put a track vehicle in a constant
arc matching the percentage. The lower the percentage, the closer to the center position the steering mechanism will turn
Hard Right—Pressing this button turns the steering mechanism at 100% right position and holds it there
Stop—Pressing this button stops all commands to the vehicle.
Steering Left/Right Percentage—This slider controls the change percentage for the xx% Left and xx% Right buttons.
Changing these values allows the operator to test how the valve reacts at different loads. Generally the steering valve will
not turn with a signal percentage below 30%.
Minus (-) and Plus (+) Buttons—Pressing these buttons adjusts the Steering Left/Right Percentage Slider Bar.
The Roof Module screen provides the operator details regarding the integrity of the Antenna Calibration. The Antenna
Calibration verifies that the timing between the two antennas and the GPS receiver have been adequately measured. This
process takes place automatically and should never need resetting unless antennas, cables, and/or other components are
physically changed on the ParaDyme Roof Module.
The information and button available in the Roof Module screen
Antenna Calibration—This indicator will be green if the
Antenna Calibration has completed. It will be red while the
calibration is being reset. It will turn yellow when it has enough
data to allow AutoSteering but is still completing the calibration
in the background.
Reset Calibration—Pressing this button will force the
ParaDyme system to start a new antenna calibration. The system
will be temporarily unable to AutoSteer. While the Antenna
Calibration process is running, the indicator will be red. During
this time, the operator will eventually be able to AutoSteer the
system, however they may experience slight drifting errors until the full calibration has been achieved. It can take up to 24
hours of being powered up for the ParaDyme to reach full accuracy and to turn the Antenna Calibration green. The
ParaDyme system does not need to be continuously powered during this calibration process and can be shut down at any
time. The calibration process will continue from where it left off when it is powered back up.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The System tab enables the operator to set and manage items
that are related to the ParaDyme system itself. This includes
viewing system health status for all the components, working
with log files and system databases, resetting the unit to factory
defaults, managing accessories that may be connected to the
system, and upgrading new software.
To access the System tab, refer to your Display Operator’s Manual
for instructions on accessing the AutoSteer Setup screens. Once
there, press the System tab.
The buttons that can be available in the System tab are as follows
and are explained in more detail in this chapter:
System Health—Provides an overview of the system and displays any issues that may be present.
Manage Settings—Allows the operator to manage log files, databases, or reset the system back to factory defaults.
Accessories—Allows the operator to manage any accessories connected to the ParaDyme system.
Technician—This area is reserved for Service Technicians only. Operators do not have access to this area.
Software Upgrade—Allows the operator to upgrade the system with new versions of software.
The system health screen provides a quick status view for the
various aspects of the ParaDyme system. If a problem should
occur, this allows the operator to take a quick glance at the status
of the various sensors and see if any obvious problems appear. If
they do, the operator can look more closely at the aspect that is
not working properly.
To access the System Health screen, select the System tab from
the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the System
Health button.
Green Check—Indicates the component is working correctly.
Exclamation Point—Indicates the component is not ready yet.
Red X—Indicates there might be a problem with the function of the component or feature code has
not been purchased for this item. Diagnostic from other menus might be required.
The various components are broken down into hardware groups. The items inside each group change based on which
vehicle type is active. The options that can be available in the System Health screens are:
Overview—Shows an overview of the four other groups and provides a quick glance at which group may be causing the
problem so it can be looked into more closely.
GPS—Shows items related to getting a position. This includes GPS signals and correction signals.
Steering—Shows items related to interfacing with the steering system.
Hardware—Shows items related to the ParaDyme system hardware. Verifies system sensor values fall within the normal
or expected ranges.
Connectivity—Shows items related to the system's ability to connect to the cell network and remote services.
An example of the Hardware selection from the list on the right
in one of the System Health screens is shown. The left side of the
screen will change as the selection on the right is changed to
show different items that are being tracked for that section. Each
line shows the item being monitored, a code that explains the
status, and a quick reference status symbol that quickly alerts the
operator to good, bad, or possible problems. Some screens
require the operator to use the Gray Up/Down Arrows at the
bottom of the screen to scroll to additional items.
The Manage Settings screens allow the operator to manage the
internal databases and logs files. The database stores all the
vehicle configurations, calibrations, and history information for
the system. The log files keep a running list of everything the
system has done.
To access the Manage Settings screen, select the System tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the
Manage Settings button.
The options available in the Manage Settings screens are:
Log Files—Allows the operator to copy or delete the internal
log files.
Database—Allows the operator to backup or restore databases to the unit.
Reset Factory Default—Allows the operator to reset all the settings back to the default factory settings.
The ParaDyme system continually records information while it is powered up to log files stored internally on the unit. These
log files contain the GPS data, correction information, steering performance, errors, and configuration changes that are
made over the time of the log. The data is stored in five minute chunks and can store up to two hours of data. Once the
system fills its logging storage space, it begins to overwrite the earliest files with the latest ones. The Log Files page allows
the operator to manage transferring and deleting the log files on the system.
The log files contain system data that can be used for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes should a problem occur.
The data can be copied to a USB or other storage device and then sent to your AutoSteer dealer for analysis.
To access the Log Files screen, select the System tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Manage Settings
button, and then select Log Files from the list on the right.
The buttons available in the Log Files screen are:
Copy to Roof USB—This copies data to the USB Drive connected to the Roof Module ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
Copy to Display USB—This copies data to the USB Drive on the Display or other device connected to the Ethernet or WiFi
Delete—This deletes all log files stored on the system.
Display USB is a generic term that actually means "a mass storage device on the external unit accessing the ParaDyme
system". The mass storage device can be a hard drive, SD card, Compact Flash card, USB drive or other device.
The ParaDyme system has the flexibility to be able to be accessed by a number of different options. This includes a
dedicated Display, laptop computer, tablet PC, or other device. If the device is a computer or other device connected with
a Ethernet cable, the operator can access the ParaDyme system menus using a standard web browser (ex: Chrome) and
navigating to address. Some ParaDyme system models also support WiFi access. If the device is connected via WiFi,
the operator can access the ParaDyme system menus using a standard web browser and navigating to
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
address. Refer to “WiFi” on page 148 for more information on enabling this if available. In these cases The Display USB
actually refers to the drive structure on the device and not necessarily a USB drive.
When saving files to a device that is not a USB drive, be sure to keep track of the file name that is saved and the location it
is saved to so it can be located later. Because Display USB is a generic term, sections in this chapter that refer to saving or
loading from the "Display USB" will also be generic showing examples from a Chrome browser. The actual steps will be
different depending on which device is used to access the ParaDyme system screens. Always follow the on screen
instructions when using these features.
Copy to Roof USB
Follow these instructions to copy the log files to the ParaDyme
Roof Module USB drive:
1. Attach the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness to the ParaDyme
auxiliary port.
2. Insert a USB storage device into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Harness USB port.
3. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Log Files from the list on the right, and then press the
Copy to Roof USB button.
4. The message “Copying log…” displays while data is being
5. When finished, the operator is notified that the copying
process has completed.
6. Press the Blue Check Mark to accept and return to the Log
Files screen.
The log files are stored on the USB drive connected to the
ParaDyme system in a folder with the following name format:
ParaDyme_logs_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm- SS, where YYYY is the
year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, mm is the
minutes and SS is the number of seconds that the log folder was
created. The folder will have additional sub-folders and
individual files. The log folder can
contain a lot of data (200 MB or more). All the data in the folder must be compressed using Windows Explorer, WinZIP, 7Zip, tgz, or some other utility before sending to an AutoSteer dealer.
Copy to Display USB
Follow these instructions to save the log files to the Display USB
drive or other storage device.
1. If sending to the Display USB drive, insert a USB disk into
the USB drive on the Display.
2. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Log Files from the list on the right, and then press the
Copy to Display USB button.
3. Depending on how the ParaDyme system is accessed, the
procedure will be different in this section. The figure shows
one example when using a Chrome browser from a laptop.
Follow the instructions on the Display to complete this
4. When the file download is 100% complete, it will return to
the Log Files screen.
If the Display has a supported USB drive, refer to the Display documentation or Display manufacturer as to the format the
data is saved and where it is saved on the USB device.
When the Copy to Display USB button is used and the operator is not using a Display with a compatible USB device, all the
log files from ParaDyme system are combined into one archive file and saved to the storage device selected with the
following name format: paradymelog_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS.tar, where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the
day, HH is the hour, mm is the minutes and SS is the number of seconds that the log file was created. The file name will
have a .tar extension. The log archive file can be rather large (about 230 MB). Be sure to record where the file is being saved
on the storage device so it can be accessed later. The file should be compressed using Windows Explorer, WinZIP, 7-Zip,
tgz, or some other utility before sending to an AutoSteer dealer.
Sometimes it is advantageous to clear the log files before duplicating the problem. This allows the copy procedure to
complete much faster as there is a lot less data to transfer. If it is necessary to delete the internal log files, follow the
procedure below:
NOTE!: Delete the logs files only if you can reliably replicate a problem and want to copy log files faster. If the
problem is not repeatable, do not delete the log files. Copy all of them so the issue can be found. Be sure to record
the time and date that the issue occurred before contacting your AutoSteer dealer.
1. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Log Files from the list on the right, and then press the
Delete button.
2. To accept the warning message, press the Green Check
Mark. To cancel deleting the log files, press the Red X.
3. Deleting log files can take up to a minute depending on
how much data is stored on the system.
4. When the log files have been deleted, a confirmation
screen will appear. Press the Blue Check Mark to accept it
and to return to the Log Files screen.
The ParaDyme system stores all the system configurations,
vehicle profiles, historical data, and other information in a database in the internal memory. This database can be exported,
saved, and used to restore back onto a system later if necessary. The database also contains important information that can
be used by your AutoSteer dealer to help in troubleshooting.
It is a good practice to backup the database on the ParaDyme system regularly. With the backup available, the system can
be restored from it quickly without having to redo all the vehicle setup operations.
To access the Database screen, select the System tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Manage Settings
button, and then select Database from the list on the right.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The buttons available in the Database screen are:
Backup to Roof USB—Backs up the current database to the
USB drive on the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
Backup to Display USB—Backs up the current database to the
Display USB drive or other storage device.
Restore from Roof USB—Replaces the current database on
the ParaDyme system with the database stored on the USB drive
on the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
Restore from Display USB—Replaces the current database on
the ParaDyme system with the database stored on the Display
USB drive or other storage device.
Backup to Roof USB
To backup the database to the USB drive on the optional ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness, follow the procedure below:
1. Attach the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness to the ParaDyme
auxiliary port.
2. Insert a USB storage device into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Harness USB port.
3. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Database from the list on the right, and then press
the Backup to Roof USB button.
4. The Backing up Database screen appears. Allow the file to
be uploaded to the USB Drive.
5. The system will notify operator when the database has
been backed up.
6. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge the message.
7. Store the backup in a safe place and record the system information (serial number and software version) it was
created from.
The system database information is stored on the USB drive connected to the
ParaDyme system with the following file name format: XXXX_YYYY-MM-DD.sqlite, where XXXX is the instance it was copied
for the day (will increment up one every time the database is exported on the same day), YYYY is the year, MM is the month,
and DD is the day that the database backup file was created. The file name will have a .sqlite extension. The vehicle profile
file size should be under 5 MB.
Backup to Display USB
To backup the database to the USB drive on the Display or other
storage device, follow the procedure below:
1. If sending to the Display USB drive, insert a USB disk into
the USB drive on the Display.
2. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Database from the list on the right, and then press
the Backup to Display USB button.
3. Depending on how the ParaDyme system is accessed, the
procedure will be different in this section. Follow the
instructions on the Display to complete this process.
4. When the process is complete, press the Blue Check Mark
to acknowledge the message.
5. Store the backup in a safe place and record the system
information (serial number and software version) it was
created from.
If the Display has a supported USB drive, refer to the Display
documentation or Display manufacturer as to the format the
data is saved and where it is saved on the USB device.
When the Copy to Display USB button is
used and the operator is not using a Display with a compatible
USB device, the system database information is saved to the
storage device selected with the following name format: paradymebackup_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-mm-SS.sqlite, where YYYY
is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day, HH is the hour, mm is the minutes and SS is the number of seconds that the
database backup file was created. The file name will have a .sqlite extension. The vehicle profile file size should be under 5
MB. Be sure to record where the file is being saved on the storage device so it can be accessed later.
Restore from Roof USB
The restore feature allows loading all database settings from a
previously saved file. The database file used must be one that
was saved from the same unit previously (i.e. with the same serial
number and the same software version). To restore the
ParaDyme system database using the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Harness follow the procedure below:
1. Attach the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness to the ParaDyme
auxiliary port.
2. Insert a USB storage device into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Harness USB port.
3. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Database from the list on the right, and then press the Restore from Roof USB button.
4. Use the Gray Arrows or directly select the backup file to import. Press the Green Check Mark to start the import.
5. Allow the restore process to continue. It can take up to five
minutes to complete.
6. The system will notify the operator when the database has
been successfully restored.
7. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge the
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Restore from Display USB
The restore feature allows loading all database settings from a
previously saved file. The database file used must be one that
was saved from the same unit previously (i.e. with the same serial
number and the same software version). To restore the
ParaDyme system database with a backed up one from the USB
drive on the Display or other storage device follow the
procedure below:
1. If importing from the Display USB drive, insert a USB disk
with the vehicle profiles to be imported into the USB drive
on the Display.
2. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Database from the list on the right, and then press
the Restore from Display USB button.
3. Press the Choose File button to locate the database to import.
4. Depending on how the ParaDyme system is
accessed, the procedure will be different in this
section. The figure shows one example if the using
a Chrome browser from a laptop. Follow the
instructions on the Display to complete this
5. Once the file has been selected, press the Restore
button, which is now active, to start the process.
6. The restore process will begin. This can take up to 5
minutes to complete. Do not touch the system while
the restore is taking place.
7. The system will notify the operator when the database has
been restored.
8. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge the
9. The restore is complete and will return the operator to the
AutoSteer Setup screen.
The Reset Factory Default option allows operator to delete all
user created profiles and set the entire system configuration
back to the default values. Only the Feature Codes remain
unaffected by this operation. A use case for this would be if the
operator transfers the ParaDyme system to a new owner
To access the Reset Factory Default screen, select the System tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Manage
Settings button, and then select Reset Factory Default from the
list on the right.
The available button in the Reset Factory Default screen is:
Reset—Pressing this button will return the ParaDyme system back to factory default settings.
1. From the System tab, press the Manage Settings button,
select Reset Factory Default from the list on the right, and
then press the Reset button.
2. Press the Green Check Mark to start the database reset.
Press the Red X to cancel the reset.
3. This will take a couple of minutes to complete. The system
will notify when it has completed the process.
4. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge the process was
The ParaDyme system was designed to allow additional
accessories to be developed and attached to it over time if new
ones arise. The Accessories menu is used to manage these
optional attachments. Currently the only accessory available is
for adding a remote engage switch. Additional accessories may
be added in the future.
To access the Accessory screen, select the System tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Accessory
The option available in the Accessories screen is:
Remote Switch—This allows the operator to manage the
installation of a remote engage switch to the ParaDyme system.
The Remote Switch option allows the operator to connect an external device (foot switch, rocker switch, toggle switch,
etc.) to the ParaDyme system main harness. The operator can then use the external switch to Engage and Disengage
AutoSteer by pressing the remote switch instead of the button on the Display. This allows the operator an easier way to
Engage and Disengage AutoSteer so they do not have to reach to the Display every time and press the on screen button.
The Remote Switch accessory is by default disabled for most vehicles unless it is required to operate the ParaDyme system.
The Remote Switch accessory option will show the operator the Current Status (Enabled or Disabled) of the switch and
provide the operator a way to toggle that status.
To access the Remote Switch screen, select the System tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Accessories
button, and then select Remote Switch from the list on the right.
The information and button available on the Remote Switch screen are:
Current Status—This shows what the current status of the Remote Switch is it can be:
Enabled—The ParaDyme system will accept input from the Remote Switch.
Disabled—The ParaDyme system will ignore any input from the Remote Switch.
Enable (Disable)—This button switches between the two states after you push it. If the Remote Switch's current state is
Disabled, the button will be labeled Enable and when it is pressed, the status will be changed to Enabled. If the Remote
Switch's current state is Enabled, the button will be labeled Disable and when it is pressed, the status will be changed to
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Enable (Disable)
To Enable or Disable the Remote Switch, follow the instructions
1. From the System tab, press the Accessories button, select
Remote Switch from the list on the right
2. Press the Enable or Disable button (depending on the
Current Status).
3. Once the Enable or Disable button has been pressed, the
button will change to the opposite of what it was and the
Current Status will be updated.
The Technician screen is password protected. Entry past this
screen requires proper training and is only to be used by
qualified service technicians. There are no normal operation
options required by operators in this screen.
The Software Upgrade screen enables the operator to upgrade the ParaDyme system to new versions as the new
application software bundles are released. It is recommended to upgrade the system to the latest software release to get
new features and improvements.
To access the Software Upgrade screen, select the System tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the
Software Upgrade button.
The options available in the Software Upgrade screens are:
From Display USB —This will use an upgrade file that is stored
on a compatible Display USB drive or some other storage device
the ParaDyme system is access from.
From Roof USB—This will use and upgrade file that is stored on
a USB storage device inserted into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Downgrading the software on a ParaDyme system is not
supported as it can corrupt the system settings. The software
upgrade file must contain a software version that is higher or
equal to the version currently running on the ParaDyme system.
If a lower version is attempted to be loaded onto the system a
warning screen will appear telling the operator they cannot do
this. Press the Blue Check Mark and select a upgrade file newer
than the one currently loaded on the system.
In order to start the Upgrade process, the ParaDyme system
must have been started within the last five minutes. If it has been
running for longer than five minutes, a warning message telling
the operator to restart the system first will appear. Press the Blue
Check Mark, restart the system, and then attempt the Upgrade
To upgrade the ParaDyme system software from the USB drive on the Display or other storage device follow the procedure
1. Acquire the latest ParaDyme upgrade file from your AutoSteer Dealer.
2. Save the upgrade file onto a USB storage device or other storage device that is accessible from the ParaDyme system.
3. If upgrading from the Display USB drive, insert a USB
disk with the upgrade file into the USB drive on the
Display USB port.
4. From the System tab, press the Software Upgrade
button and then select From Display USB from the
list on the right.
5. From the Software Upgrade screen, press the
Choose File button.
6. Depending on how the ParaDyme system is
accessed, the procedure will be different in this
section. Follow the instructions on the Display to
select the upgrade file and then return to the
Software Upgrade screen.
7. Press the Upgrade button to begin the upgrade process.
8. The system will begin to upload the upgrade file to the
ParaDyme system. This process will take a minute or two to
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
9. The system will then go through the upgrade process and
show the progress of the upgrade on the screen. This
process can take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Wait for the
system to finish the process.
10. When the upgrade is complete, the ParaDyme system will
reboot and then the Upgrade Complete screen will display.
11. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge that the
process has completed. The system will return to the
AutoSteer Setup screen.
To upgrade the ParaDyme system software from the USB drive
on the ParaDyme Roof Module follow the procedure below:
1. Acquire the latest ParaDyme system upgrade file from your
AutoSteer Dealer.
2. Save the upgrade file onto a USB storage device.
3. Attach the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness to the ParaDyme
auxiliary port.
4. Insert a USB storage device into the ParaDyme Auxiliary
Harness USB port.
5. From the System tab, press the Software Upgrade button
and then select From Roof USB from the list on the right.
6. From the Software Upgrade screen, select the upgrade file from the list on the left and then press the Upgrade
7. The system will then go through the upgrade process and
show the progress of the upgrade on the screen. This
process can take 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Wait for the
system to finish the process.
8. When the upgrade is complete, the ParaDyme system will
reboot and then the Upgrade Complete screen will display.
9. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge that the
process has completed. The system will return to the
AutoSteer Setup screen.
The GPS tab allows the operator a way to configure,
troubleshoot, and manage all the settings and equipment
related to determining the ParaDyme system's location. This
includes the GPS correction source, radio modem options, and
exporting NMEA data.
To access the GPS tab, refer to your Display Operator’s Manual for
instructions on accessing the AutoSteer Setup screens. Once
there, press the GPS tab.
The buttons that can be available in the GPS tab are listed below
and are explained in more detail in this chapter:
RTK—Enables the operator to set all the settings related to RTK
correction source (Requires an RTK Feature Code to be enabled).
OmniSTAR—Enables operator to view information about their OmniSTAR subscription and configure the OmniSTAR
settings (Requires an OmniSTAR demodulator to be installed and a subscription to the OmniSTAR service).
WAAS (EGNOS)—The button will be labeled EGNOS if the ParaDyme system detects it is in an area it can use EGNOS
otherwise it will be labeled WAAS. The button enables the operator to configure the WAAS/EGNOS settings in those
locations where that signal is available.
Precision Settings—Enables the operator to set the desired operational precision level while AutoSteering.
NTRIP—Enables operator to manage and configure the settings required to connect to NTRIP based GPS correction
sources via the internal cell modem (Requires an NTRIP Feature Code to be enabled).
Planning Tool—Provides the operator a tool to plan field operations based on satellites availability and estimated
position quality.
GPS Diagnostics—Provides tools to diagnose GPS quality and troubleshoot reception errors.
NMEA Out—Enables operator to export GPS data to other 3rd party precision agriculture applications.
Real Time Kinematic (RTK) is a position location process using a
GPS receiver and a base station to provide highly accurate
positions. Under optimal conditions, sub- inch position
accuracies are possible. The RTK screen allows the operator to
configure and monitor the parameters related to RTK
positioning. The RTK screen can contain the following options:
To access the RTK screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the RTK button.
The options that can be available in the RTK screens are:
General—Provides the basic information about the RTK link.
RTK Connection Type—Allows the operator to configure
where the RTK link is coming from (internal radio, external data port, cell modem, etc.).
Channel (Frequency)—If a 900 MHz, 450 MHz, or 160 MHz internal radio modem is installed in the ParaDyme Roof
Module, this screen allows the operator to set the channel or frequency on the radio modem to match the base station
being used.
Throughput—This shows the throughput of the data coming from the base station.
Base Satellites—This shows the satellite information that is being received at the base station.
Base Station Location—This allows an operator to manage the base station location stored on the ParaDyme system.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
GLONASS RTK Initialization—This allows the operator to configure the ParaDyme system to use GLONASS during the
RTK Initialization.
The General screen displays an overview of the important RTK status.
To access the General screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button, and then
select General from the list on the right.
The information available in the General screen is:
Current Channel (Frequency)—This is the radio channel or frequency that the connected internal 900 MHz, 450 MHz,
or 160 MHz radio modem is set to.
Radio Type—This shows which type of radio modem is being used. The options available are:
GS-900—Internal Novariant supplied 900 MHz radio has been detected.
GS-450—Internal Novariant supplied 160 MHz or 450 MHz radio has been detected.
External—Custom radio is connected to the Serial A connector of the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
NTRIP—System is using the internal cell modem to connect to an NTRIP server.
GPS Mode—This provides an indication of the RTK status. The different states are:
Red—There is no data coming from the base station or RTK is not ready to start surveying yet.
Yellow—The system is receiving RTK correction information from the base station but it has not been able to survey
in yet.
Green—The system has a RTK fix.
Distance to Base—This shows the distance to base station from the vehicle’s current location.
# of Satellites—This shows the number of GNSS (GPS and GLONASS) satellites that the base station is tracking.
Base Position —Shows the base station's latitude and longitude position.
Base Protection Mode
Some base station network managers have opted to protect
their network with a Novariant Base Station Protection code that
prevents unauthorized users from using their Novariant base
station network unless they are a member of their organization.
If the Channel or Frequency is set to a base station that has this
feature the RTK table will have an additional line item called Base
Dealer ID #x and it will indicate that it is Not Activated.
In order to use the Novariant base station, the operator will need
to obtain a Base Station Protection Feature Code from the dealer
managing that network. Contact your AutoSteer Dealer for more
information on this.
Once a valid Feature Code for Base Access has been entered, the
Base Dealer ID# line will no longer be shown in any screens.
The RTK Connection Type screen displays the current source of
the RTK correction data. This enables the operator to select and
change the RTK connection type if they have multiple sources
available to them.
To access the RTK Connection Type screen, press the GPS tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button,
and then select RTK Connection Type from the list on the right.
The information and button available in the RTK Connection
Types screen are:
RTK Connection Type—This shows which RTK connection
type is currently active.
Available RTK Connection Types—This shows a list of RTK connection types that can be chosen. The possible choices
Internal Radio—RTK corrections received are via the internal 900 MHz, 450 MHz, or 160 MHz radio kit supplied by
Novariant installed in the ParaDyme Roof Module.
External Radio—RTK corrections received via 3rd party radio connected to the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness’s Serial
A connector. This allows operators to connect 3rd party radio modem, cell modem, or other devices that can
provide an RTK data stream.
NTRIP—RTK corrections provided by the internal cell modem. This option is not available if the NTRIP information
is coming from an external cell modem connected to ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
Apply—Pressing this button sets the selected Available RTK Connection Types to be the active one.
1. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows to scroll through the available options or directly select the Available RTK Connection
Types value that is required.
2. Press the Apply button to save it. The RTK Connection Type value will change to the one that was selected.
If the ParaDyme system detects a 900 MHz radio modem is
installed, the system will show a Channel option in the list on the
right otherwise this option will not be displayed. The 900 MHz
radio modem installed inside the ParaDyme system provides a
data link to supply RTK corrections from a base station. The radio
modem must be configured to the same channel that is used on
the base station in order to communicate properly. Also, any
time the operator needs to use a different base station or
repeater running on a different channel, the radio channel on
ParaDyme system must be changed to match the new one.
To access the Channel screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button, and then select Channel from the list on the right.
The information and buttons available in the Channel screen are as follows:
Current Channel—This is the channel the radio modem is currently set to.
Change Channel—Manually enter a new channel to program into the radio modem.
Use Previous—Select a channel from a list of the previous channels that have been used to program the radio modem.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Change Channel
1. Obtain the radio channel number used by the base station.
2. Press the Change Channel button.
3. Manually enter a new Channel number using the numeric
4. Press the Green Check Mark to save the new channel
setting or press the Red X to cancel.
Use Previous
1. Obtain the radio channel number used by the Base Station.
2. Press the Use Previous button.
3. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrow or directly select one of the
previously used radio channels.
4. Press the Green Check Mark to save the new channel
setting or press the Red X to cancel.
If the ParaDyme system detects a 450 MHz or 160 MHz radio
modem installed, the system will show a Frequency option on
the list on the right otherwise this option will not be displayed.
The 450 MHz and 160 MHz radio modems used with the
ParaDyme system provides a data link to supply RTK corrections
from a base station. The radio modem must be configured to the
same frequency and channel spacing that is used on the base
station in order to communicate properly. Also, any time the
operator needs to use a different base station or repeater
running on a different frequency and channel spacing, the radio
frequency and channel spacing on the ParaDyme system must
be changed to match the new one.
To access the Frequency screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button, and then
select Frequency from the list on the right.
NOTE!: Before proceeding with the radio frequency configuration procedure, verify the base station is properly
installed and operational. Also verify what radio modem frequency and channel spacing the base station has been
set to. See your Base Station Operator’s Manual for operation and installation instructions.
The information and buttons available in the Frequency screen are as follows:
Current Channel —This is the frequency the radio modem is currently set to.
Change Frequency—Manually enter a new frequency and channel spacing to program into the radio modem.
Use Previous—Select a frequency and channel spacing from a list of the previous frequency and channels spacing that
have been used to program the radio modem.
Change Frequency
1. Obtain the radio frequency and channel spacing used by
the base station.
2. Press the Change Frequency button.
3. Manually enter a new Frequency number using the
numeric keypad and select the proper Channel Spacing.
4. Press the Green Check Mark to save the new frequency
setting or press the Red X to cancel.
Use Previous
1. Obtain the radio frequency and channel spacing used by
the base station.
2. Press the Use Previous button.
3. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select one of the
previously used radio modem frequencies.
4. Press the Green Check Mark to save the new frequency
setting or press the Red X to cancel.
The Throughput screen displays the RTK source and a graph
showing the percentage of correction packets that is received
by the ParaDyme system.
To access the Throughput screen, select the GPS tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button, and then
select Throughput from the list on the right.
The information available in the Throughput screen is:
Current Channel—This shows where the system is getting the
RTK correction from. It will have one of the following values:
XXX—XXX represents the actual Channel or Frequency the
internal radio modem is set to.
NTRIP—Shows this if the system is communicating with a NTRIP server.
External—Shows this if the system is connected to an external device.
Graph—The graph shows the quality (percentage of data packets received over time) of the real-time communication link
between the ParaDyme system and the correction source.
NOTE!: The Throughput graph only shows activity after the ParaDyme system has calculated a position for the
vehicle. Always verify that the ParaDyme system has a vehicle position before troubleshooting communication
issues. Even if the system does not have a position calculated and is not showing any throughput, the ParaDyme
system may be getting information from the base station. This can be confirmed by checking if any base station
satellite information is displaying in the Base Satellites screen.
If an obstacle blocks the signal from the base station, the radio link, or cell connection is lost for a short time, this graph will
show this by the percentage dropping down. The graph shows the past 60 seconds of activity. For best results, the
Throughput should be at 100%; however the ParaDyme system can continue to run in RTK Mode with a signal as low as
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
80%. This data is used for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes. If the Throughput continues to run at less than 80%,
the cause of the low data transfer rates needs to be repaired.
The Base Satellites screen provides information about the
currently tracked satellites at the base station or NTRIP server.
The screen refreshes once per second. Each satellite tracked has
a unique PRN that is used to identify it. The SNR (Signal to Noise
Ratio or signal strength) for each PRN is shown on the graph. The
higher the bar, the higher the signal strength which in turn
means it is easier for the ParaDyme system to use that data for
position calculations.
To access the Base Satellites screen, select the GPS tab from the
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button, and then select Base Satellites from the list on the right. The information and
buttons available in the Base Satellites screen are:
Gray Arrows—These arrows at the bottom of the screen allow the operator to move the PRN Selector across the Graph
which controls which PRN is active in the PRN Information Box.
Graph—The graph shows the SNR of the various PRNs that are being tracked by the base station. The three horizontal
lines represent 25%, 50%, and 75% SNR with the top of the Graph representing 100%. The colors of the Bars are explained
in the PRN Information Box section.
PRN Selector—This is the white box that surrounds an individual PRN on the Graph. This selector controls the information
shown in the PRN Information Box.
PRN Information Box—This box updates to show the information for the satellite that the PRN Selector has highlighted.
PRN Information Box
Individual data for each PRN is provided at the bottom of the screen in the PRN Information Box. As the PRN Selector is
moved to each PRN, the data is updated. The information in the PRN Information Box is as follows:
Elevation—This is the angle in degrees of the GPS satellite above the horizon (larger numbers mean the satellite is higher
in the sky).
L1 (Pink)—This is the SNR for the L1 Band signal detected from the GNSS satellite (higher is better). The value next to L1:
represents the actual SNR level.
L2 (Red)—This is the SNR for the L2 Band signal detected from the GNSS satellite (higher is better). The value next to L2:
represents the actual SNR level.
The Base Station Location screen displays information about the base station that the ParaDyme system is referencing. For
a ParaDyme system to share data with 3rd party devices, other software, and other ParaDyme systems, it requires that the
active base station has a surveyed position. This position is used to calculate the relative latitude and longitude positions
that are used for guidance lines and data collection.
Base stations using the INX protocol transmit their location and whether they have been surveyed to the ParaDyme
system. A base station that is surveyed in will always transmit the same latitude and longitude, however if the base station
is not surveyed in, the position transmitted will change slightly as the calculated position of the base station averages itself
over time. A properly set up base station should be allowed to survey in, however for some systems that process can take
24 hours or more to complete. Some operators prefer to start operating before that process has completed if the job is not
location critical. During the survey process the base station position transmitted will be constantly changed to reflect the
improved accuracy it calculates as time goes on.
The ParaDyme system keeps track of all the base stations it has encountered and the location that it originally received in
an internal database. This includes base stations that have not been surveyed in yet. The ParaDyme system uses the base
station latitude and longitude as the reference point for all GPS position calculations for jobs, 3rd party exports, etc. If the
base station latitude and longitude changes, all job data would be shifted by the same amount which would not be good.
To prevent jobs from shifting when using an unsurveyed base station, when the ParaDyme system starts communicating
with a base station, it first compares the location transmitted by the active base station to the list of internal base stations
locations in the ParaDyme system. If it finds a base station location in its internal list within 32.8 feet (10.0 m) of the location
being transmitted, the ParaDyme system assumes that the base station transmitting is the same one stored in the
database. The ParaDyme system then uses the latitude and longitude stored in the internal database that was originally
sent by the base station as the reference point instead of the one that is currently being transmitted. This ensures that if
the position the unsurveyed base station transmits changes slightly, it does not have any effect on the existing jobs and
other data within the ParaDyme system.
If the ParaDyme system does not find a base station within the distance limit in its internal database, it assumes that it is
listening to a different base station and creates a new internal base station in its database with the new information.
As long as the information on the ParaDyme system is not being shared with other devices, the ParaDyme system can
AutoSteer with an unsurveyed base station with no problems. The ParaDyme system will store jobs and A/B lines and will
be able to repeat those jobs so long as the base station’s GPS antenna is NOT physically moved. Though the ParaDyme
system can operate in this situation, it is not recommended. If additional systems are added to the fleet in the future, all
current jobs and data will not be compatible or transferable to the new systems as the base station reference point the
new systems store in their internal database will be different from the original one. Information will be shifted between
Because of the limitations of running with an unsurveyed base station, it is highly recommended that the operator allows
the base station to survey in (this takes around 24 hours in most cases). The Base Station Location screen provides the
information to know if a base station has completed the 24 hour survey and once it has, update the internal base station
position to reflect the new surveyed position. A base station that has surveyed in will always send the same latitude and
longitude. Any additional ParaDyme systems that detect it will then also get the same position. This allows all the system
to seamlessly share information among them.
To access the Base Station Location screen, select the GPS tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the RTK button,
and then select Base Station Location from the list on the right.
The information and button available in the Base Station
Location screen are:
Saved Location—This is the location the ParaDyme system has
stored in its internal database for the base station it is receiving
data from. This value will not change.
Currently Received Location—This is the location that the
active base station is currently transmitting. If the base station is
not surveyed in, this position will slowly change, however if the
base station is surveyed in, this position will stay the same.
Difference—This displays the distance between the Saved Location and the Currently Received Location. This value will
be zero if the Saved Location was stored from a surveyed base station.
Base Completed 24hr Survey—This indicates whether or not the base station the ParaDyme system is receiving data
from has completed a 24 hour survey. It will provide the following responses
No—The base station has not completed the survey and the position it will transmit may be different over time.
Yes—The base station has completed the survey and the position it will transmit will always be the same.
Update—This button tells the ParaDyme system to update the latitude and longitude for the Saved Location to match
the Currently Received Location. This should only be performed after the 24 hour survey has completed.
NOTE!: The Update function only works with the base stations that use Novariant's INX correction protocol. This will
not work with base stations providing CMR+ or RTCM.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The ParaDyme system can be used with an unsurveyed base station and use the Update function later if the current job(s)
meets all of the following criteria:
• You want to begin work before the base station has completed a 24 hour survey at the current location.
• Your initial work does not require an accurate latitude and longitude for record keeping or to transfer to a 3rd party
software or device.
• Your initial work does not require repeatability (the ability to AutoSteer over the same guidance paths). Do not use
the ParaDyme system until the base station is surveyed if the criteria above are not met.
If the existing job information does not require repeatability,
follow the procedure below to update the base station location
to reflect the data from the 24 hour survey.
1. Power up the base station at the job location. Allow the
base station to run and surveyed in (this can take 24 hours
or longer to complete).
2. Allow the ParaDyme system to survey in and get a RTK lock
using the base station.
3. In the Base Station Location screen, verify that the Base
Completed 24hr Survey is Yes and that the Saved Location
is different than the Currently Received Location. If not wait
until the base station has completed the 24 hour survey.
4. If the survey has completed, press the Update button to update the location.
5. A confirmation prompt appears. Press the Green Check Mark if you agree with the requirements or press the Red X
to cancel.
6. The Base Station Location screen reappears and the Saved
Location is now updated.
7. All subsequent work will be repeatable and have accurate
latitude and longitude. You will not need to use the Update
function again for this base station.
The GLONASS RTK Initialization screen provides an interface to manage and enable GLONASS satellites for initializing RTK.
By default, ParaDyme systems only use GPS satellites to initialize RTK (survey in). When enabled, the ParaDyme system can
also use GLONASS satellites along with the GPS satellites to aid in initializing RTK. This feature can significantly decrease the
time it takes to achieve an RTK fix in challenging environments when fewer GPS satellites are available.
Different base stations manufacturers provide GLONASS data differently. When connecting directly to a base station with
a direct link, such as with the internal radio modem, the operator must select the brand name of the base station providing
the data. Obtain the base station manufacturer from your AutoSteer dealer or base station manufacturer. Incorrectly
selecting the Base Station Type may result in no RTK position fix.
NTRIP providers may have more than one type of base station manufacturer on their network. In order to transmit useful
correction data to operators, the NTRIP provider must synchronize all the GLONASS data to one base station manufacturer
type. This simulated base station does not necessarily have to be the same as the actual base stations in the network. In
this case it is important to set the ParaDyme system to use the base station type that is being simulated by the NTRIP
provider and not the actual base station type. Contact your NTRIP provider for this information.
To access the GLONASS RTK Initialization screen press the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press
the RTK button. If GLONASS and RTK have been activated on the system, there will be a menu selection on the right called
GLONASS RTK Initialization. Select this from the list to configure the settings for the feature.
The information and buttons available in the GLONASS RTK
Initialization screen are as follows:
Current Status—This shows whether the GLONASS RTK
Initialization has been enabled or disabled.
Enable (Disable)—If this button says Enable, pressing it will
enable the GLONASS RTK Initialization, change the Current
Status to Enabled, and change the button label to Disable.
Pressing the Disable button disables GLONASS RTK Initialization,
changes the Current Status to Disabled, and changes the button
label back to Enable.
Base Station Type—This shows which Base Station Type the
system is currently configured to use.
Available Base Station Types—This lists the base station types that can be used to work with GLONASS RTK Initialization.
The base station type must match the base station that is sending the RTK data if the link is direct to the base station or it
must match the base station type that is simulated by the NTRIP provider if the link is via NTRIP. The available choices are:
AutoFarm—Base stations built by Novariant.
Leica—Base stations built by Leica.
Novatel—Base stations built by Novatel.
Topcon—Base station built by TopCon.
Hemisphere—Base stations built by Hemisphere.
Trimble—Base station built by Trimble.
Ashtech—Base stations built by Ashtech.
Gray Up/Down Arrows—These arrows are used to move the selector in the Available Base Station Types list up and down
the selection list.
Apply—Pressing this button activates the base station type selected in the Available Base Station Types list. The Base
Station Type will be updated with the selected base station type.
Enable (Disable) Glonass RTK Initialization
To Enable or Disable the Glonass RTK Initialization, follow the
instructions below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the RTK button, select GLONASS
RTK Initialization from the list on the right
2. Press the Enable or Disable button (depending on the
Current Status) to change it to the opposite status.
3. Once the Enable or Disable button has been pressed, the
button will change to the opposite of what it was and the
Current Status will be updated.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
To Enable or Disable the Glonass RTK Initialization, follow the
instructions below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the RTK button, select GLONASS
RTK Initialization from the list on the right
2. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the
required base station type from the Available Base Station
Types list.
3. Press the Apply button to change it to the opposite status.
4. Once the Apply button has been pressed, the Base Station
Type will be updated.
OmniSTAR is a wide-area differential GPS service, using satellite broadcast techniques. OmniSTAR offers GPS correction
services that improve the accuracy of a GPS receiver alone. The OmniSTAR services include dual frequency (L1/L2) carrier
phase solutions. The accuracy depends on satellite geometry, local conditions, receiver capability, and other variables.
Typically, the L1/L2 solutions from OmniSTAR XP provide horizontal accuracies of +/- 3.1 to 3.9 inches (8.0 to 10.0 cm) and
OmniSTAR HP provide horizontal accuracies of +/- 2.0 to 3.9 inches (5.0 to 10.0
cm). By using L1/L2 atmospheric corrections and carrier phase techniques, these services can achieve higher levels of
accuracy than WAAS or EGNOS.
The OmniSTAR signals are transmitted on different beams around the world. The GPS receiver must be configured to listen
to the correct beam for its location.
To obtain an OmniSTAR subscription, phone your local OmniSTAR office:
• North and South America: +1 888-883-8476
• Australia, Asia Pacific, and China: +61-8-9322-5295
• Europe/CIS and Middle East: +31-70-317-0913
• Africa: +27 21 404 1861
Visit: for more information.
OmniSTAR can usually provide a subscription over the phone with a credit card and you can see the subscription status
change. OmniSTAR offers a quick, efficient subscription initialization and renewal service available 24 hours a day.
ParaDyme systems support two levels of OmniSTAR service:
OmniSTAR XP—XP is defined as better than 7.9 inches (20 cm).
OmniSTAR HP—HP is defined as better than 3.9 inches (10 cm)
The selection of XP or HP in your receiver is determined by the subscription sent to a receiver when it is activated by
OmniSTAR. Be sure to tell OmniSTAR which subscription to activate.
To access the OmniSTAR screen, select the GPS tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the OmniSTAR
The options that can be available in the OmniSTAR screen are:
General—Provides the basic information about the OmniSTAR
Accuracy—Allows the operator to configure initial accuracy of
the system at boot up.
Channel—Allows the operator to set the correct channel or
beam for the location the system is running.
To access the General screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the OmniSTAR button, and
then select General from the list on the right.
The information available in the General screen is:
Current Channel —This is the channel the OmniSTAR Demodulator is currently configured to listen to.
Serial Number—This is the serial number of the OmniSTAR Demodulator. This is required to be given to OmniSTAR to set
up the subscription.
End of Subscription—This is the date the current subscription will end.
Subscription Type—This is the subscription type (XP or HP). This is determined when the subscription is activated.
The Accuracy screen displays two buttons enabling you to
choose the Startup Accuracy level at system start up. The
OmniSTAR signal is accurate, however it takes time for the
system to converge and reach the advertised accuracies. Some
operators do not require this initial high accuracy to begin work
and just want to get started as soon as possible. Others require
the accuracy at all times and need to wait until the system is fully
converged. The operator must decide if they want a faster
startup with possibly lower accuracy or a longer startup with the
accuracy. This choice affects how long the operator will have to
wait until the ParaDyme system is ready for AutoSteer.
To access the Accuracy screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the OmniSTAR button, and
then select Accuracy from the list on the right.
The buttons available in the Accuracy screen are:
Fast Startup—This indicates that the operation does not require high accuracy and AutoSteering should be available as
soon as the system has a valid position. Though the accuracy will be lower at startup, it will improve the longer the system
is active and eventually reach the expected accuracy level.
High Accuracy—This indicates that the operation requires higher accuracy and the system must wait until the accuracy
reaches the proper level before AutoSteering is allowed. This takes more time for the system to be ready for AutoSteer,
however the accuracy when it is ready will be much higher..
Correction Level
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Fast Startup
40 inches (102 cm)
40 inches (102 cm)
High Accuracy
9 inches (23 cm)
6 inches (15 cm)
Select Startup Accuracy
To set the Startup Accuracy desired, push and activate the one of the buttons. Pushing one button will deactivate the other
and vise versa.
The Channel screen enables operator to choose the appropriate
channel for their geographical location.
To access the Channel screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the OmniSTAR button, and then
select Channel from the list on the right.
The information and button available in the Channel screen are:
Current Channel—This is the channel the system is currently
set to.
Satellite Name—This is the name of the satellite that is
providing the OmniSTAR signal.
Satellite Frequency—This is the frequency of the signal.
Change Channel—Press this button to change the channel the OmniSTAR Demodulator tunes in to.
Change Channel
To change the Channel, follow the procedure below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the OmniSTAR button and then
select Channel from the list on the right.
2. Press the Change Channel button.
3. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrow button or directly select the
channel provided by OmniSTAR to use in your region.
4. Press the Green Check Mark to save the setting or press the
Red X to cancel.
WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and EGNOS (European
Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service) are two space based
correction services that provide deferentially corrected data to
improve GPS positions. WAAS is available over North America
and EGNOS is available over Europe. These services are free to
use by the public. There are multiple satellites in both
geographies that provide the correction signal.
To learn more about WAAS and its availability refer to:
atus.htm. To learn more about EGNOS and its availability refer to:
If the system is powered up in a location where the system determines a WAAS or EGNOS signal should be available the
operator will have to configure the PRN for the respective correction source. The WAAS/EGNOS screen enables you to
select the Primary PRN for your WAAS configuration. For the latest detailed WAAS/EGNOS information and availability,
please refer to the WAAS or EGNOS websites.
It can take 15 to 20 minutes for the WAAS/EGNOS signal to be detected the first time.
To access the WAAS/EGNOS screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the WAAS or
EGNOS button (depending on which one is active).
The option that can be available in the OmniSTAR screen is:
PRN—This option allows the operator to manage the PRN settings for the WAAS/EGNOS satellite.
The PRN screen provides information about the WAAS/EGNOS satellites that is to be tracked. The ParaDyme system can
track only one WAAS/EGNOS PRN at a time. If the Primary PRN becomes unavailable, the operator will need to switch to
another PRN manually.
The information available in the PRN screen is:
Primary PRN—This is the PRN ID of the SBAS satellite that the ParaDyme system is currently tracking.
Change Primary—Press this button to change the PRN ID of the SBAS satellite that the ParaDyme system should track.
Change Primary
To change the Primary PRN, follow the instructions below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the WAAS or EGNOS button and
then select PRN from the list on the right.
2. Press the Change Primary button.
3. Use the keypad to enter the PRN number of the WAAS or
EGNOS satellite.
4. After the channel has been set press the Green Check Mark
to save the setting or press the Red X to cancel.
The Precision Settings screen enables the operator to set the correction source and to enable Flex Mode for AutoSteering.
Flex Mode provides continuity of position solution to maintain automated steering by seamlessly flexing (transitioning) to
a lower accuracy mode when a higher accuracy mode is lost; such as loss of the RTK radio link.
For example, if a large group of trees or buildings come between the vehicle and the base station, the ParaDyme system
may temporarily lose the RTK data signal. The flex mode enables the system to flex back to a lower accuracy mode
(OmniSTAR, WAAS, EGNOS, Autonomous Pass-to-Pass, etc.) without the loss of AutoSteering. The system continues to
attempt to achieve position with the best available mode and automatically transitions to the next best mode. The
transition is seamless. Reverting to a better mode is automatic and instantaneous if the system is not actively steering. If
the system is actively steering when a better GPS position is restored, the system gradually shifts to higher accuracy mode.
To access the Precision Settings screen, select the GPS tab from
the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Precision
Settings button.
The information and button in the Precision Settings screen are:
Active Mode—This is the mode that the ParaDyme system is
currently using.
Select Precision Mode—This is a list of Precision Modes that
are available to select from.
Gray Up/Down Arrows—These arrows allow the operator to
scroll selected mode in the Select Precision Mode list up and
Apply—Pressing this button will activate the mode selected in the Select Precision Mode list and update the Active Mode
to the one that was selected.
Each of the Precision Modes has specific accuracy levels and operational requirements. An explanation of each setting is
provided below. Use this information to decide which mode is required for the current field operation:
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
NOTE!: “Flex” is a term that denotes the system switching from one accuracy level to another when a correction
source is lost. In most cases, this happens when the RTK data link between the base station and the ParaDyme
system is interrupted. This could happen due to radio or cell communication loss or an obstacle between the
ParaDyme system and the communication source (ex. base station radio modem or Cell Tower). “Flex” will not help
if the actual GPS signals from the satellites are blocked by obstacles such as trees or buildings.
RTK Only—This mode is only displayed if the RTK Feature Code has been unlocked on the ParaDyme system. The system
must have a RTK source from a base station via a radio modem or from a NTRIP source via the cell modem. If selected, the
ParaDyme system assumes the operator must be 99.9% sure of position. It requires an RTK link at all times and will
disengage AutoSteering if the link is lost. This setting expects very good satellite geometry and low PDOP. Because of the
high accuracy expectation, the chances that degraded conditions occur and stop AutoSteering is higher. Use this setting
only when high accuracy is required at all times.
Flex High Accuracy (0-10 cm) (0 to 3.9 inches)—This mode is only displayed if the RTK Feature Code has been unlocked
on the ParaDyme system. The system must have an RTK source from a base station or NTRIP stream. While receiving an RTK
signal, the system is just as accurate as RTK Only mode. However, this mode allows the system to lose the RTK data link from
the base station for a short time and allows the vehicle to continue to AutoSteering. When the RTK signal is lost, the system
will “Flex” back to WAAS/EGNOS or Autonomous Pass-to-Pass until the estimated error gets above 10 cm (3.9 inches). The
amount of time allowed in flex mode depends on GPS conditions. The operator is warned when the system has entered
“Flex” mode and can decide if they wish to continue AutoSteering or wait for the RTK link to be re-established.
Flex Low Accuracy (0-30 cm) (0 to 11.8 inches)—This mode is only displayed if the RTK Feature Code has been unlocked
on the ParaDyme system. This mode is the same as Flex High Accuracy (0-10 cm) except the system will “flex” until the
estimated error gets above 30 cm (11.8 inches). This will allow a longer period of operation without a RTK signal, but it is
possible the system will have more position error the longer it does not have the RTK signal. As long as the RTK link is
established, the system will be just as accurate as RTK Only. The operator is warned when the system has entered “Flex”
mode and can decide if they wish to continue AutoSteering or wait for the RTK link to be reestablished.
OmniSTAR Only—This mode is only displayed if the ParaDyme system detects that an OmniSTAR Demodulator has been
installed in the ParaDyme Roof Module. The system will use the OmniSTAR for corrections only and will not “flex” to any
other mode if the signal is lost. The ParaDyme system supports the OmniSTAR XP and HP signals only.
OmniSTAR Flex to WAAS/EGNOS/Autonomous Pass-to-Pass Mode—This mode is displayed only if the ParaDyme
system detects that an OmniSTAR Demodulator has been installed in the ParaDyme Roof Module. If the system is running
in OmniSTAR mode, the operator has the option to “Flex” back to WAAS, EGNOS, or Autonomous Pass-to-Pass Mode if the
OmniSTAR signal is lost for some reason. The mode the system will “Flex” to will depend on which region the ParaDyme
system is located. WAAS and EGNOS are available in North America and Europe respectively. Autonomous Pass-to-Pass
Mode is available for the rest of the world. Once the OmniSTAR signal has been required, the system will return back to
OmniSTAR mode.
WAAS/EGNOS Only—This mode is only available where WAAS or EGNOS is available. The ParaDyme system will only use
the WAAS/EGNOS signal for corrections even if an OmniSTAR or RTK signal is available.
Autonomous Pass-to-Pass—This mode is available in areas where WAAS or EGNOS are not available. The ParaDyme
system will use the GPS signals themselves to calculate reduce the error of the position. This mode allows the system to
run with no correction sources.
NOTE!: In areas that have WAAS/EGNOS availability, Autonomous Pass-to-Pass is also available. If the system is
switched from WAAS/EGNOS to Autonomous Pass-to-Pass or vice versa, the ParaDyme system must be power
cycled before the change takes effect. If WAAS or EGNOS is available, it is recommended to use those corrections
over Autonomous-Pass-to-Pass.
Follow the procedure below to change the Precision Settings:
1. From the GPS tab, press the Precision Settings button.
2. Press the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the desired Precision Mode from the Select Precision Mode list.
3. Press the Apply button to activate the selection.
4. The Active Mode will change to show the mode has changed. Press the Back Menu Arrow to leave the Precision
Settings screen.
The NTRIP (Network Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) is a standard communications protocol for providing RTK
correction data over the internet. NTRIP requires a way to access the Internet while the vehicle is moving through the field.
This is usually accomplished by connecting the vehicle to the Internet with a cell modem with a data plan. The ParaDyme
system has a built in cell modem that allows the system to connect directly to the Internet and receive NTRIP data once
properly set up.
NTRIP also requires an NTRIP provider. The NTRIP provider provides the RTK information to the vehicle over the Internet
connection. Some areas have access to this information for free. Other areas may be required to pay a fee for these services.
It is up to the operator to locate and negotiate access to the NTRIP provider’s data.
NTRIP data providers can send data in multiple formats. The
ParaDyme system supports the following data stream types:
• CMR+
• RTCM 2x
• RTCM 3x
To access the NTRIP screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the NTRIP button.
The options that can be available in the NTRIP screen are:
General—Provides information about the currently selected
NTRIP source.
Profile—Allows the operator to create, select, and manage multiple NTRIP accounts.
The General screen displays the status of the NTRIP connection. If an NTRIP profile has been created, it also allows the
operator to connect and disconnect from it easily.
To access the General screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the NTRIP button, and then
select General from the list on the right.
The information and buttons available in the General screen are:
Current Status—lets the operator know if the system is connected to the NTRIP stream or not
User Name—is the User Name that the system is configured to use to log onto the NTRIP stream
Server—is the Server that the system is configured to connect to
Stream—is the Stream that the system is configured to connect to
Connect—button allows the operator to connect to the NTRIP provider when there is an active profile.
Disconnect—allows operator to disconnect from the NTRIP provider
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The ParaDyme system can store multiple NTRIP profiles if more
than one is necessary for different areas. The Profile screen
provides a way to create, delete, select, connect to the various
NTRIP profiles. A profile must be created prior to connecting to
an NTRIP stream.
To access the Profile screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the NTRIP button, and then select
Profile from the list on the right.
The information and buttons available in the Profile screen are:
Select Profile—This is a list of the available profiles (no profiles are shown in figure). If a new connection needs to be
made, the operator must select New Connection from this list.
Add—This button is present only when New Connection is selected in the Select Profile list. This button allows the
operator to add a new NTRIP profile.
Delete—This button allows the operator to delete the profile selected in the Select Profile list.
Connect—This button takes the place of the Add button if the profile selected in the Select Profile list is anything except
the New Connection item.
NTRIP not Selected Source Error
To add a new profile, follow the procedure below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the NTRIP button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select Profile
from the list on the right.
3. Select New Connection from the Select Profile list.
4. Press the Add button to add a new profile.
5. Press the Edit button in the Server section.
6. Type in the IP Address of the server and then press the
Green Check Mark to save the value or the Red X to cancel.
7. Press the Edit button in the Port section.
8. Type in the Port value and then press the Green Check
Mark to save the value or the Red X to cancel.
9. Press the Blue Right Arrow to move to the next step.
10. The ParaDyme system will attempt to connect to the
Internet and then attempt to download the available
NTRIP Streams from the NTRIP server. If successful, available
NTRIP streams will be displayed.
11. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the Stream
to use from the list and then press the Blue Right Arrow to
continue to the next step.
12. Press the Edit button in the User Name section.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
13. Type in the User Name and then press the Green Check
Mark to save the value or press the Red X to cancel.
14. Press the Edit button in the Password section.
15. Type in the Password and then press the Green Check Mark
to save the value or press the Red X to cancel.
16. Press the Blue Right Arrow to continue to the next step.
17. The system will now attempt to connect to the stream. If
the connections fails for some reason (stream already in
use, wrong user name, wrong password, etc.) the
Connection Failed acknowledgement screen will display. If
this happens press the Blue Check Mark and double check
the values and try again. If the connection is successful, the
Connection Successful acknowledgement screen will
Connection Failed
Connection Successful
18. On the Connection Successful screen press the Green
Check Mark to save the profile or the Red X to not save the
19. The new Profile has now been saved and the screen will
return to the General tab and show the system is now
The ParaDyme system can store multiple profiles if more than one NTRIP account is required. Once a Profile has been
created and stored, it will be displayed in the Select Profile list. The operator can select any of the existing Profiles from the
list and connected to it. Follow the procedure below to connect to an existing Profile:
1. From the GPS tab, press the NTRIP button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select Profile
from the Select Profile list on the right.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
3. Select the desired Profile from the Select Profile list on the
4. Press the Connect button.
5. The system will return to the General screen and now show
the Current Status as Connected.
If a Profile is no longer necessary, it can be deleted from the
Select Profile list. Follow the procedure below to delete a Profile.
1. From the GPS tab, press the NTRIP button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select Profile
from the list on the right.
3. Select the Profile to be deleted from the Select Profile list
on the left.
4. Press the Delete button.
5. Press the Green Check Mark to confirm deleting the Profile
or press the Red X to cancel deleting.
6. The Profile will no longer appear in the Select Profile list.
After the profile(s) have been created, the General tab will remember the last profile used. The operator can go to this
screen and manually Connect and Disconnect the NTRIP profile when needed. The system also has a NTRIP Auto-Connect
Follow the procedure below to connect to the last selected NTRIP server.
1. From the GPS tab, press the NTRIP button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select General from the list on the right.
3. Press the Connect button.
4. If the system is able, it will then connect to the NTRIP stream.
Follow the procedure below to disconnect from the NTRIP
1. From the GPS tab, press the NTRIP button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select General
from the list on the right.
3. Press the Disconnect button.
4. The system will disconnect from the stream and will not
connect again until manually told to do so.
NTRIP Auto-Connect
The ParaDyme system has an NTRIP Auto-Connect feature. The system will automatically reconnect to the last NTRIP
stream shown in the General screen if:
• The connection is lost due to the ParaDyme system being power cycled.
• The data connection to the server is lost and then reestablished.
The NTRIP Auto-Connect feature is enabled for a pre-defined duration after the operator first manually connects to a
stream. The length of time the NTRIP Auto-Connect will be in effect will depend on the type of cell modem installed in the
ParaDyme system. The time outs are:
CDMA Modems—25 hours (Used primarily in North America)
GSM Mode—365 days (Primarily the rest of the world)
If the system has been shut down longer than the time period limit, the operator must reconnect to the NTRIP stream
manually. Once the manual reconnect has been reestablished, the NTRIP Auto-Connect will then work until the duration
limit is reached again. If the operator presses the Disconnect button in the NTRIP, General screen, the NTRIP Auto Connect
feature will be disabled until it is manually restarted. The NTRIP Auto-Connect will also be disabled if a login error occurs
where the stream is already in use. NTRIP Auto-Connect will only work if the system is in RTK Only, Flex High Accuracy, or
Flex Low Accuracy.
The Planning Tool screen provides information about the
predicted quality of the computed position and expected
satellites availability. It allows the operator to make decisions
about farming applications based on GPS availability.
The following Planning Tool options are available:
To access the GPS Planning screen, select the GPS tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Planning Tool
The options that can be available in the GPS Planning screen are:
General—This provides the location of the vehicle.
Sky Plot—This provides a graphical representation of the location of the GPS and GLONASS (when enabled) satellites in
the sky.
Forecast—This provides an estimate of how many satellites will be available over time and what the predicted accuracy
of position will be.
The General screen shows the current vehicle position in latitude and longitude
To access the General screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Planning Tool button,
and then select General from the list on the right.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The information available in the General screen is:
Latitude—The latitude of the vehicle's position.
Longitude—The longitude of the vehicle's position.
The Sky Plot screen shows which satellites are being tracked and
their relative position in the sky.
To access the Sky Plot screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Planning Tool button, and
then select Sky Plot from the list on the right.
The information available in the Sky Plot screen is:
Graph—This is a graphical representation of all the GNNS
satellites that are being tracked by the ParaDyme system.
On the graph, the satellites that are closer to the outer circle are closer to the horizon and will typically have more errors
due to the longer distance the signal has to travel and atmospheric disturbances. The second ring from the outside
represents 30 degrees above the horizon. The third ring from the outside represents 60 degrees above the horizon. The
center of the circle represents 90 degrees above the horizon (ex. directly overhead).
North is to the top of the circle. The rest of the directions correspond to the normal directions on a map (West to the left,
East to the right, and South to the bottom). Satellites shown as circles are GPS and satellites shown as square boxes are
GLONASS. The numbers on each icon represent the satellite’s PRN. By looking at this figure, all the GPS and GLONASS
satellites can be located in the sky.
For the high position accuracy, it is best to have satellites scattered throughout the sky with at least one in each quadrant
as well as at different elevations. Fives satellites spread out provides a more accurate position than five satellites bunched
together near each other. Though the signals from satellites right next to each are counted as two tracked satellites, their
effective value to the position fix is as if there were only one. This graph can help tell if the satellite constellation has poor
geometry for providing position fixes.
The Forecast screen shows satellite availability and predicted
accuracy for a specific date and time range.
To access the Forecast screen, select the GPS tab from the main
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the Planning Tool button, and
then select Forecast from the list on the right.
The information and buttons available in the Forecast screen are:
Satellite Availability Box—This box at the top screen provides
the date for the data in the graph and elevation mask being
Graph—This is a graphical representation of the number of
GNSS satellites the system is predicted to be able to be seen by
the ParaDyme and the corresponding PDOP (position quality) of the constellation at that time. The current time is
indicated by the black vertical line on the graph.
Inside Gray Arrows—Pushing these two buttons shifts the time displayed on the graph left or right by two hours every
time they are pushed. This allows the operator to see what the conditions will be or were at different times.
Outside Gray Arrows—Pushing these two buttons shifts the day displayed on the graph back or forward one day at a
time when they are pushed. This allows the operator to see how the conditions will change from a day to day perspective.
The blue line represents the number of GPS and, if unlocked, GLONASS satellites that should be available throughout the
time period shown. The red line represents the predicted PDOP over the same time period. Higher satellites counts are
better and lower PDOP values are better. If accuracy is critical, operators can plan field operations around poor satellite
availability and high PDOP.
The GPS Diagnostics screen provides information about the GPS
signals. The information provided can help to troubleshoot GPS
problems and verify the system is providing the correct
To access the GPS Diagnostics screen, select the GPS tab from
the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the GPS
Diagnostics button.
The options that can be available in the GPS Diagnostics screen
General—This section provides the basic information about the
GPS data.
Satellite Tracking—This section provides the satellite signal strengths for both the vehicle and the base station that are
being tracked.
The General screen provides a brief summary of the status of the GPS position.
To access the General screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the GPS Diagnostics button,
and then select General from the list on the right.
The information available in the General screen is:
GPS Mode—The current GPS mode the system is operating in. Possible modes are:
No Position—There has not been enough time to calculate a position or there is a problem with the GPS antenna
or receiver.
GPS Only—A raw GPS position has been calculated based on the GNSS satellite information only. AutoSteering is
not allowed at this accuracy level.
Autonomous Pass-to-Pass—A smoothed GPS position using only GNSS satellites has been calculated that will
reduce the chances of short term jumps. The system can use this information to allow AutoSteering operations.
WAAS—A GPS position using WAAS to improve the accuracy is being used.
EGNOS—A GPS position using EGNOS to improve the accuracy is being used.
OmniSTAR XP—A GPS position using the OmniSTAR XP correction source is being used.
OmniSTAR HP—A GPS position using the OmniSTAR HP correction source is being used.
RTK Float—A GPS position is being calculated using RTK information provided by the internal or external data port,
but the position has not been fully initialized yet.
RTK Fix—A GPS position using the internal or external port providing RTK information from a base station is being
NTRIP RTK Float—A GPS position is being calculated using RTK information provided by the internal cell modem
via NTRIP, but the position has not been fully initialized yet.
NTRIP RTK Fix—A GPS position using the internal cell modem providing RTK information from a NTRIP base
station is being used.
PDOP—(Position Dilution of Precision) is a measure of the strength of the satellites scatter. When the satellites are close
together, their geometry is not favorable for position calculations and the PDOP value is high; when their geometry is
favorable and they are far apart and the PDOP value is low. A low PDOP value represents a better GPS position accuracy.
Heading—Displays the heading the vehicle is facing or traveling in degrees.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Altitude (WGS84)—Shows the vehicle’s altitude above sea level using the WGS84 projection.
# of Satellites—Displays the number of satellites being tracked by the ParaDyme system and base station. If GLONASS
has been unlocked, the value will be the total of GPS and GLONASS satellites.
Latitude—The vehicle's latitude position.
Longitude—The vehicle's longitude position.
The Satellite Tracking screen provides information about the
currently tracked satellites at the base station or NTRIP server
and the ParaDyme system. The screen refreshes once per
second. Each satellite tracked has a unique PRN that is used to
identify it. The SNR (signal strength) for each PRN is shown on the
graph. The higher the bar, the higher the signal strength which
in turn means it is easier for the ParaDyme system to use that
data for position calculations.
To access the Satellite Tracking screen, select the GPS tab from
the main
AutoSteer Setup screen, press the GPS Diagnostics button, and
then select Satellite Tracking from the list on the right.
The information and buttons available in the Satellite Tracking screen are:
Gray Arrows—These arrows at the bottom of the screen allow the operator to move the PRN Selector across the Graph
which controls which PRN is active in the PRN Information Box.
Graph—The graph shows the SNR of the various PRNs that are being tracked by the base station. The three horizontal
lines represent 25%, 50%, and 75% SNR with the top of the Graph representing 100%. The colors of the Bars are explained
in the PRN Information Box section below.
PRN Selector—This is the white box that surrounds an individual PRN on the Graph. This selector controls the information
shown in the PRN Information Box.
PRN Information Box—This box updates to show the information for the satellite that the PRN Selector has highlighted.
NOTE!: For RTK steering, the ParaDyme system requires that PRN information from both the base station and the
vehicle must be available to compute a position. If the Graph shows the base station is tracking a satellite and the
vehicle is not (or vise versa), that PRN cannot be used. It is possible for the vehicle and the base station to be tracking
different satellites and a different number of them depending on the relative position of each system and the
conditions at each location. Use the Graph to determine which satellites are common between the two.
PRN Information Box
Individual data for each PRN is provided at the bottom of the screen in the PRN Information Box. As the PRN Selector is
moved to each PRN, the data is updated. The information in the PRN Information Box is as follows:
Elevation—the angle in degrees of the GPS satellite above the horizon (larger numbers mean the satellite is higher in the
Base L1 (Pink)—the SNR for the L1 band signal detected from the GNSS satellite at the base station antenna (higher is
better). The value next to L1: represents the actual SNR level.
Base L2 (Red)—the SNR for the L2 band signal detected from the GNSS satellite at the base station antenna (higher is
better). The value next to L2: represents the actual SNR level.
Antenna A L1 (Light Blue)—the SNR for the L1 band signal detected at the left antenna of the ParaDyme Roof
Module(Higher is better). The value next to L1: represents the actual SNR level.
Antenna A L2 (Blue)—the SNR for the L2 band signal detected at the left antenna of the ParaDyme Roof Module (Higher
is better). The value next to L2: represents the actual SNR level.
Antenna B L1 (Light Green)—the SNR for the L1 band signal detected at the right antenna of the ParaDyme Roof
Module. (Higher is better). The value next to L1: represents the actual SNR level.
Antenna B L2 (Green)—the SNR for the L2 band signal detected at the right antenna of the ParaDyme Roof Module
(Higher is better). The value next to L2: represents the actual SNR level.
The NMEA Out screen enables the operator to configure NMEA 0183 message for output from the ParaDyme system for
use by 3rd party precision agriculture controllers. The ParaDyme system supports two NMEA ports via the ParaDyme
Auxiliary Harness's Serial A and Serial B connectors.
NOTE!: The actual GPS position that is exported via the NMEA message is the roll and offset corrected position. It is
NOT the position of the GPS antenna. The position exported will be the control point of the vehicle. This position is
a point at the centerline of the vehicle, at the Pivot Point of the vehicle, at ground level.
To access the NMEA Out screen, select the GPS tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the NMEA Out
The options that can be available in the NMEA Out screen are:
Port A Messages—This configures which NMEA messages are
turned on and at what rate they are sent to Port A.
Port A Configuration—This configures the serial port settings
for Port A.
Port B Messages—This configures which NMEA messages are
turned on and at what rate they are sent to Port B.
Port B Configuration—This configures the serial port settings for Port B.
The Port A Messages screen allows the operator to configure which messages are sent out and at what rate (times per
second) they are sent.
To access the Port A Messages screen, select the GPS tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the NMEA Out
button, and then select Port A Messages from the list on the right.
The information and buttons available in the Port A Message screen are:
NMEA Messages—The screen shows a list of the available NMEA messages that can be sent. To access all the messages
the operator needs to scroll up and down using the Gray Up/Down Arrows. The supported NMEA messages are as follows:
Rate—Each message can be sent a certain rate (times per second). This column shows what the current rate for that
message is set to. The following data rates are supported:
Off, 0.1 Hz, 0.2 Hz, 1 Hz, 5 Hz, 10 Hz
Gray Up/Down Arrows—These arrows are used to scroll the selected line in the NMEA Messages list so they can be
Edit—Press this button to edit the selected NMEA Message rate.
There is a limit to the amount of data that can be sent across the serial port. The amount of data that can be sent depends
on how fast the communication rate between the two devices is (Baud Rate), the number of NMEA Messages sent, the
Rate the messages are sent (times per second), and the amount of information that is in the message that is sent. The
ParaDyme system verifies that it can physically send the amount of data at the specified Baud Rate the operator sets. If the
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
operator attempts to send too much data at the specified Baud Rate, they will be given a warning message when they
press the Back Menu Arrow.
Before the operator is allowed to exit this screen, they must
reduce the number of NMEA Messages sent, the Rate the
messages are sent, or, if allowed by the 3rd party device, increase
the Baud Rate. Always use the least number of messages
required to ensure acceptable performance.
To Edit the Rate of any of the NMEA Messages, follow the
procedure below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the NMEA Out button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select Port A
Messages from the list on the right.
3. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select one of the
NMEA Messages that is to be modified.
4. Press the Edit button.
Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the desired
transmit rate.
Press the Green Check Mark to save the settings or press the Red
X to cancel.
The GGA Messages has an additional setting that can be
configured. One of the values of the GGA message is the GPS
Quality value. The GPS Quality tells 3rd party devices the
correction source (SPS, DGPS, or RTK) that was used to calculate
the NMEA position. Some 3rd party devices require that this
value be set to DGPS (2) in order to function properly.
Other 3rd party devices require a RTK Fixed (4) position to be
used. The ParaDyme system can be configured to send out two
versions of the GGA Message in order to make it compatible in
either case. They are:
Current—The GGA Message sends the GPS Quality value based
on the actual correction source that calculated it. 3rd Party
devices will receive a value of 1, 2, 4, or 5 depending on what the true correction source is. This is the industry standard and
default condition.
Legacy—The GGA Message sends the GPS Quality value as 1 or 2 only. Even if the position is calculated by RTK or
OmniSTAR, the GPS Quality will be sent as 2. If the system is running in GPS Only mode, the GPS Quality will be set to 1.
Refer to Table for the values sent depending on the GPS Quality mode. Refer to your 3rd party device to determine what
versions should be sent. In most cases the Current Version should be safe to send. The Legacy Version is usually used on
very old 3rd party devices that were not capable of using RTK generated data.
Actual GPS Quality
GPS Quality Description
Invalid Position
SPS Position
DGPS Position
RTK or OmniSTAR Fixed
RTK or OmniSTAR Float
GPS Quality Value Sent
Current Version Selected Legacy Version Selected
The Port A Configuration screen allows the operator to configure
the baud rate of the serial port.
To access the Port A Configuration screen, select the GPS tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the NMEA Out
button, and then select Port A Configuration from the list on the
The information and button available in the Port A Configuration
screen are:
Baud Rate—This is the serial communication rate that the
system is set to. The ParaDyme system supports the following Baud Rates: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
Format—The format is set to 8N1 and cannot be changed. This refers to 8 data bits, No parity bit, and 1 stop bit.
Change Baud Rate—Press the button to change the Baud Rate.
Change Baud Rate
NOTE!: Changing the Baud Rate for Port A on the NMEA Out screen also changes the Baud Rate for the External Radio
input. Port A can be used to simultaneously receive information from an external radio modem and send NMEA
messages out however both functions must use the same Baud Rate settings.
To change the Baud Rate, follow the procedure below:
1. From the GPS tab, press the NMEA Out button.
2. Press the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select Port A
Configuration from the list on the right.
3. Press the Change Baud Rate button.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
4. If adjusting Port A, a Warning message will appear. Press
the Green Check Mark to accept it or the Red X to cancel.
5. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the
desired Baud Rate.
6. Press the Green Check Mark to accept changes or the press
the Red X to cancel.
The procedure to enable and edit NMEA messages for Port B are
identical as the steps described in the Port A section. Refer to the
Port A Messages section for more information.
The procedure to set the baud rate for Port B is identical as the
steps described for Port A except where noted. Refer to “Port A Configuration” on page 134 for more information.
The Connections tab enables the operator to configure and
monitor the cell modem, WiFi, and external devices connections
that the ParaDyme system must use to communicate.
To access the Connections tab, refer to your Display Operator’s
Manual for instructions on accessing the AutoSteer Setup
screens. Once there, press the Connections tab.
The buttons that can be available in the Connections tab are as
follows and are explained in more detail in this chapter:
Cell Modem—This enables the operator to view information
about the cell modem connection and manage various
configuration settings. The screens and options available for this
button will change depending on the type of cell modem installed and the location the system is at.
External Radio—This enables the operator to configure Serial Port A to communicate with an external 3rd party device.
WiFi—Allows the operator to enable or disable the WiFi on the ParaDyme system. This feature is not available on all
The options available and the information shown in the Cell Modem screen will be different depending on if the ParaDyme
system has a CDMA modem (primarily for North America) or a GSM modem (rest of the world).
The Cell Modem screen allows the operator to view basic
information about the cell modem and network properties. It
also allows the operator to change the priority list that it uses to
connect to the cell network if the one that is selected does not
To access the Cell Modem screen, select the Connections tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Cell
Modem button.
The information and button available in the Cell Modem screen
Status—This is the status of the modem. In North America the
cell modem connects only when data needs to be transferred.
The possible Status states of the cell modem are:
Disconnected—No data is being transferred and the cell modem is not connected to the network.
Connecting...—The cell modem is attempting to connect to the cell network.
Connected—The cell modem is currently connected to the cell network.
Disconnecting—The cell modem is disconnecting from the cell network.
Signal Strength—When the cell modem is disconnected, the Signals Strength the cell modem detects between it and
the cell tower is shown graphically and numerically. The more bars on the graph or the higher the dBm value (-50 is higher
than -90), the higher the strength and the better the reception will be. Signal Strength will only be shown when the cell
modem is disconnected. Low Signal Strength values will make communicating with the ParaDyme system unreliable and
Mobile Identification Number (MIN)—This is the number assigned by the wireless service provider to identify the cell
modem on their network. This number would be changed by the wireless service provider if the wireless service provider
changed or the plan changed for that number.
Mobile Directory Number (MDN)—This is the actual phone number of the cell modem. This value is often the same as
the MIN, however operators can keep their MDN and transfer it to different wireless service providers if they choose to.
Manage PRL—This button allows the operator to change the Preferred Roaming List that the cell modem uses to dial out.
Manage PRL
The ParaDyme system cell modem is compatible with multiple cellular communication carriers. The cell modem
automatically shifts to different carriers if the preferred one is unavailable. This provides optimum coverage in many parts
of North America and allows the system to easily switch carriers if in a certain area one works better than another one. The
ParaDyme system manages which carrier it prefers by using a Preferred Roaming List (PRL) to determine the order of which
company to attempt to connect to first and then down the line.
In most cases, it is best to leave the PRL set to the default setting for the best performance and connectivity, however in
some areas the system may attempt to connect to a weaker cell signal from one company that is higher on the list even if
there is stronger signal from a different provider lower on the list. In most cases this is normally not a problem, however if
the cell modem is shown to always have difficulties establishing connections in an area, the PRL can be changed to see if
that improves performance. Contact your AutoSteer Dealer for help in determining which PRL will work best if the default
one does not. Under most circumstances the Verizon Prioritized (40112) selection should be used.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
To access the Manage PRL screen, select the Connections tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, then press the Cell
Modem button, and then press the Manage PRL button.
The information and buttons available in the Manage PRL screen
Current PRL—This shows which PRL is currently selected.
20119—Pressing this button activates the Verizon Prioritized
PRL. This forces the system to work on Verizon networks first and
then switch to other ones if it is not available.
24091—Pressing this button activates the 850MHz Band PRL.
This forces the system to work on 850MHz band networks.
10933—Pressing this button activates the Verizon Only PRL. This forces the system to work only with Verizon networks.
40112—Pressing this button activates the Sprint Prioritized PRL. This forces the system to work on Sprint networks first
and then switch to other ones if it is not available.
To change the PRL follow the instructions below:
1. From the Connections tab, press the Cell Modem button.
2. Press the Manage PRL button.
3. Select one of the PRL buttons to set the ParaDyme system
to that PRL.
4. Wait for the system to reprogram the PRL. The process can
take a minute.
5. Press the Green Check Mark or press the Red X to exit the
Manage MIN/MDN
The cell modem is active if the system has a Remote Services or
NTRIP Feature Code enabled. Refer to “Feature Code” on page
154 for more information. If these services expire, the service
plan for the cell modem identified by the MIN and MDN will
expire and no longer be active. When this occurs an additional
button, Manage MIN/MDN will appear in the Cell Modem
screen. Refer to “Reactivating CDMA Cell Modem” on page 159
for more information.
ParaDyme systems with a GSM modem require a SIM card to communicate with the cellular network. This SIM card fits into
a slot inside the smart antenna of the ParaDyme system. All ParaDyme systems come from the factory with a default SIM
card that provides limited service. System owners have the option of having their AutoSteer dealer replace the default SIM
card with a custom one to provide NTRIP service if they choose. The screens and options are different for a GSM modem
depending on if the default SIM card or the Custom SIM card is inserted.
ParaDyme systems with a GSM Modem come from the factory with a default SIM card inserted that allows it to do basic
communications with the cell network. Once activated by the AutoSteer service provider, this SIM card will only allow the
ParaDyme system to communicate with the AutoSteer service provider so they can provide remote diagnostics and
support (with a active Remote Service Feature Code). The Cell Modem screen allows the operator to view basic information
about the cell modem and network properties.
In most of Europe, this default SIM card is designed to work
with multiple cell providers and seamlessly connects to
them no matter which country the system is in. This allows
the remote services to be available anywhere in that area
without the need to have separate accounts in different
countries. The shaded countries show where the default
SIM card will work.
In Australia, the default SIM card is designed to work with
one carrier for the entire country. In the rest of the world,
the default SIM card will not allow a connection to the
remote services at this time.
To access the Cell Modem screen, select the Connections
tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the
Cell Modem button.
The information and buttons available in the Cell Modem screen
with the default SIM card installed are:
Status—This is the status of the modem. GSM Modems attempt
to connect as soon as the system powers up and stay connected
the entire time the ParaDyme system is powered up. The Status
should always be Connected. If the Status shows Disconnected
there is a problem with the cell reception and/or the cell modem
that needs to be addressed. The possible Status states of the cell
modem are:
Disconnected—No data is being transferred and the cell modem is not connected to the network.
Connecting...—The cell modem is attempting to connect to the cell network.
Connected—The cell modem is currently connected to the cell network.
Disconnecting—The cell modem is disconnecting from the cell network.
Signal Strength—If the cell modem is disconnected for some reason, the Signals Strength the cell modem detects
between it and the cell tower is shown graphically and numerically. The more bars on the graph or higher the dBm value
(-50 is higher than -90), the higher the strength and the better the reception will be. Signal Strength will only be shown
when the modem is disconnected. Low Signal Strength values will make communicating with the ParaDyme system
difficult and slow. If possible always move to a location where the Signal Strength is the highest.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
ICC-ID—This is the Integrated Circuit Card ID which is the identifier of the actual SIM card. This is used to identify the cell
modem on the cell network.
Mobile Directory Number (MDN)—This is not used for GSM modems and will be blank.
Change Carrier—This button allows the operator to manually change the carrier that the cell modem has decided to use.
With the default SIM card, this button is only shown in Europe where it is possible to work with multiple cell providers. This
button will not be available in Australia.
Advanced Debug—This button shows many cell network details that can be used to troubleshoot connection problems.
Change Carrier
The ParaDyme system automatically attempts to detect and use the best Carrier available to provide cell connections to
the unit. However in some occasions, it may be necessary to manually select a Carrier. The Change Carrier screen allows
the operator to select a specific Carrier from the list provided. To change the Carrier, follow the instructions below:
NOTE!: Selecting a different Carrier may cause your system to incur roaming charges and significantly increase your
cellular bill. Change Carriers only if you are sure it will not affect your bill. The manufacturer and your AutoSteer
dealer are not responsible for roaming charges that may be incurred by choosing an incorrect Carrier.
1. From the Connections screen, press the Cell Modem
2. Press the Change Carrier button.
3. A Roaming Charge Warning screen will appear. If you
accept the risks, press the Green Check Mark otherwise
press the Red X to cancel.
4. The system will take a few moments to detect the various
Carriers that are available and display them.
5. Use the Grey Up/Down Arrows or directly select the Carrier
to be used and then press the Green Check Mark to
activate that choice or press the Red X to cancel.
NOTE!: A Please Wait... message shows up when Change
Carrier button is pressed to allow the system time to go
out and find the available networks. This process can take
up to a minute or so. When the Please Wait... message
goes away, the Change Carrier screen usually shows all
the available carriers, if however, in some instances the
Change Carrier list may not have fully updated yet. Wait
for 30 seconds before selecting one of the values from the
Change Carrier list to ensure the list is current.
NOTE!: If the operator manually selects and accepts a Carrier in the Change Carrier screen, whenever the operator
presses the Change Carrier button again after that, the system will only show carriers that offer the same connection
type (GPRS or 3G) that matches what was selected the first time. If the first carrier was GPRS, then only GPRS
connections will be shown after that. To allow the system to see other carrier types again, the operator must first
select Automatic from the Change Carrier list, accept it, and then press the Change Carrier button again to let it
Advanced Debug
The Advanced Debug screen displays information to help your
dealer or authorized technician troubleshoot cell modem
connection issues. To view or save Advanced Debug
1. From the Connections screen, press the Cell Modem
2. Press the Advanced Debug button.
3. Pass the information provided on this screen to your
service provider.
4. If your authorized dealer or technician directs you to do so,
press the Save to File button to save the information to a
log file. Press the button once, there will be no screen confirming that the button has been pressed.
GSM Modem with Custom SIM Card
ParaDyme systems with a GSM modem installed come with a
factory supplied SIM card that can be replaced by a customer
supplied SIM Card. Refer to “Changing SIM Card” on page 159 for
more information. The custom supplied SIM card allows the
operator to run NTRIP using the internal modem and their own
data plan. This also allows system owners that live outside the
default coverage area a way to enable remote diagnostic
features. The ParaDyme system will automatically connect to the
network once the system has powered up. It is the responsibility
of the owner to ensure the system does not exceed their data
The Customer Supplied SIM Settings will be reset any time a new
SIM card has been inserted. The old information is not saved and must be reentered even if the SIM card had been inserted
into the system previously.
The information and buttons available in the Cell Modem screen with the custom SIM card installed are:
Status—This is the status of the modem. GSM Modems attempt to connect as soon as the system powers up and stay
connected the entire time the ParaDyme system is powered up. The Status should always be Connected. If the Status
shows Disconnected there is a problem with the cell reception and/or the cell modem that needs to be addressed. The
possible Status states of the cell modem are:
Disconnected—No data is being transferred and the cell modem is not connected to the network.
Connecting...—The cell modem is attempting to connect to the cell network.
Connected—The cell modem is currently connected to the cell network.
Disconnecting—The cell modem is disconnecting from the cell network.
Signal Strength—If the cell modem is disconnected for some reason, the Signals Strength the cell modem detects
between it and the cell tower is shown graphically and numerically. The more bars on the graph or higher the dBm value
(-50 is higher than -90), the higher the strength and the better the reception will be. Signal Strength will only be shown
when the modem is disconnected. Low Signal Strength values will make communicating with the ParaDyme system
difficult and slow. If possible always move to a location where the Signal Strength is the highest.
ICC-ID—This is the Integrated Circuit Card ID which is the identifier of the actual SIM card. This is used to identify the cell
modem on the cell network.
Mobile Directory Number (MDN)—This is not used for GSM modems and will be blank.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Registration Status—This provides information about the registration status of the cell modem. The cell modem must
be registered before it can connect to the network. The possible states are:
Cell Registered—The cell modem has successfully registered itself onto the cell network. The system should be
ready to communicate to the network.
Registration Denied—The cell modem is not registered and the network provider will not allow the cell modem
to connect. Verify that the SIM card has been activated or has available minutes.
Not Registered Not Searching—The cell modem is not registered and has given up looking for a network to
connect to. Verify that the SIM card has been activated, has available minutes, and that the system is in range of a
cell network.
Not Registered Searching...—The cell modem is not registered, but the system is still searching to see if it can
find a network it can connect to. Wait for the system to connect or give up.
Registered Roaming—The cell modem has registered itself onto a cell network, but the network is not the home
network of the SIM card provider. The system will work in this situation, but the operator may be charged for
roaming. It is up to the operator to verify they are not being charged for this time.
Access Point—This information is provided by the custom SIM card network provider. Once the system has been
configured, this field will show the Access Point Name that was entered. This line will also provide additional information
about what needs to be done before the data connection will work. Other states include:
Please Enter APN—This displays if the Access Point data is blank or a new custom SIM card has been inserted. The
APN settings must be entered before the data communications will function. The operator must configure the SIM
Please Reboot—The APN settings have been changed. In order for them to become functional, the ParaDyme
system must be rebooted. Power cycle the ParaDyme system to enable the data communications.
User Name—This is the User Name required by the custom SIM card network provider to access the APN. This is provided
by the SIM Card provider.
Change Carrier—This button allows the operator to manually change the carrier that the cell modem has decided to use.
With the default SIM card, this button is only shown in Europe where it is possible to work with multiple cell providers. This
button will not be available in Australia.
Advanced Debug—This button shows many cell network details that can be used to troubleshoot connection problems.
Configure SIM—This button allows the operator to configure the Access Point settings required to set up the data
Change Carrier
Follow the procedure provided in the Change Carrier section. The procedure is the same for both factory supplied and
custom SIM card systems. The only difference is that if a custom SIM card is inserted into an system in Australia, the Change
Carrier will now be available.
Advanced Debug
Follow the procedure provided in the Advanced Debug section above. The procedure is the same for both factory supplied
and custom SIM card systems.
Configure SIM
In order for a custom SIM card to be used, the ParaDyme system
needs additional information about the cellular data network.
This information must be provided by the SIM card network
provider which allows the system to access the internet to
provide remote access capabilities and to get NTRIP correction
information. Follow the procedure below to configure the SIM
card to access the internet.
1. From the Connections tab, press the Cell Modem button.
2. Press the Configure SIM button.
3. Press the Edit button next to <Access Point>.
4. Enter the Access Point information provided by your SIM
Card network provider and then press the Green Check
Mark to accept the entry or the Red X to cancel.
5. Enter the <User Name> and <Password> provided by your
SIM Card network provider in the same manner as the
<Access Point> information was entered.
6. Once all the required information has been entered, press
the Green Check Mark to save the SIM configuration or
press the Red X to cancel.
7. The ParaDyme system will warn the operator that the
system must be restarted before the changes take effect.
Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge the message
and then restart the ParaDyme system.
8. The Cell Modem screen will show the Access Point status
as Please Reboot until the system has been restarted.
Restart the system and then return to this screen.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
9.After the restart, the system will now show the system
has connected if all the settings are correct.
he External Radio screen enables the operator to set the Baud
Rate (data transmission rate) for 3rd party device connections.
This allows the ParaDyme system to receive RTK information
from an external source other than the internal cell modem, 900
MHz, 450 MHz, or 160 MHz radio modems. This gives the
ParaDyme system flexibility to be compatible with non-native
base station networks. Refer to “Connecting to the ParaDyme
Auxiliary Harness” on page 163 for more information.
To access the External Radio screen, select the Connections tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the
External Radio button.
The option that can be available in the External Radio screens is:
Port A—This allows the operator to set the communication parameters for Port A on the ParaDyme Auxiliary harness to
match the communication parameters of the 3rd party device.
To access the Port A screen, select the Connections tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the External Radio
button, and then select Port A from the list on the right.
The information and button available in the Port A screen are:
Baud Rate—This is the serial communication rate that the system is set to. The ParaDyme system supports the following
Baud Rates: 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200.
Format—The format is set to 8N1 and cannot be changed. This refers to 8 data bits, No parity bit, and 1 stop bit.
Change Baud Rate—Press the button to change the Baud Rate.
Change Baud Rate
NOTE!: Changing the Baud Rate for Port A on the External Radio input also changes the Baud Rate for the NMEA Out
screen. Port A can be used to simultaneously receive information from an external radio modem and send NMEA
messages out however both functions must use the same Baud Rate settings.
NOTE!: Though the Baud Rate can be set below 38400, for optimum performance it is recommended that the Baud
Rate be set at 38400 or above when connecting to an External Radio. Lower Baud Rates may not allow the ParaDyme
system to receive the data fast enough and may cause performance issues.
To change the configuration of Baud Rate of Port A, follow the
procedure below:
1. From the Connections screen, press the External Radio
2. Press the Change Baud Rate button.
3. A Warning message will appear. Press the Green Check
Mark to accept it or the Red X to cancel.
4. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows buttons or directly select
the desired Baud Rate.
5. Press the Green Check Mark to accept changes or the press
the Red X to cancel.
The WiFi screen enables operators to establish a wireless
connection between the ParaDyme system and a laptop PC to
perform software updates. This the WiFi connection can be
enabled or disabled in this screen. The required connection
information, encryption method, and ESSID, are also provided
To access the WiFi screen, select the Connections tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the WiFi button.
The option that can be available in the WiFi screens is:
Configuration—This tab allows the operator to configure the
settings for the WiFi connection.
To access the Configuration screen, select the Connections tab from the main AutoSteer Setup screen, press the WiFi
button, and then select Configuration from the list on the right.
The information and button available in the Configuration screen are:
Current Status—This is the status that the WiFi is currently operating in. By default the status is Disabled. It will be either:
Enabled—The WiFi port has been opened and will accept connections.
Disabled—The WiFi port has been closed and no one can connect to it.
Encryption—This is the encryption type the WiFi connection uses when enabled. The system will use WEP.
ESSID—This is the Extended Service Set Identification the WiFi broadcasts on. This will be ParaDyme- xxxx where xxxx is
the last four digits of the ParaDyme system's Serial Number.
Enable (Disable)—This button switches between the two states after you push it. If WiFi's current state is Disabled, the
button will be labeled Enable and when it is pressed, the status will be changed to Enabled. If WiFi's current state is Enabled,
the button will be labeled Disable and when it is pressed, the status will be changed to Disabled.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Enable (Disable) WiFi
The WiFi screen allows the operator to enable or disable the WiFi
connection. To enable WiFi, follow the procedure below:
1. From the Connections tab, press the WiFi button.
2. Press the Enable or Disable button (depending on the
Current Status) to change the system to opposite status.
3. If enabling WiFi, a warning screen will appear telling the
operator not to enable WiFi if the vehicle requires GPS
tracking. If it is okay to enable WiFi, press the Green Check
Mark, or press the Red X to cancel
4. Once the Enable or Disable button has been pressed, the
button will change to the opposite of what it was and the
Current Status will be updated. While the Current Status is
enabled the Encryption and ESSID values will be displayed.
Connecting from PC
Once WiFi has been enabled on the ParaDyme system, a PC can now access the ParaDyme system via its WiFi card. To
access it, note the Encryption and ESSID that the ParaDyme system is broadcasting. Set your PC to connect to that ESSID.
Your PC will ask for a Network Key to allow access. Enter wifimescotty1 as the key where required. Once the key has been
entered open a Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.) and type as the Address. The
AutoSteer Setup screen will appear on your PC. Navigate the various menus as you would with any other Display.
The My Account tab enables operators to initiate remote
technical support, show hardware details, and manage
additional features that can be added to the system.
To access the My Account tab, refer to your Display Operator’s
Manual for instructions on accessing the AutoSteer Setup
screens. Once there, press the My Account tab.
The buttons that can be available in the My Account tab are
listed below and are explained in more detail in this chapter:
Call Support—Enables the operator to send a technical
support request to the service provider.
Details—Gives the operator access to detailed summary of
information about the system components.
Feature Code—Enables the operator to enter purchased unlock codes to activate system features.
NOTE!: The Call Support service is only available to operators that subscribe to a remote service plan and in a
geographic area where the service is supported. The location must have adequate cell service for the system to
communicate with the remote service servers. Your AutoSteer Dealer CANNOT guarantee the availability, integrity,
or reliability of the cellular network in any area.
If technical support is required, the operator can use the Call Support feature to have a support request message with a
contact number sent directly to their service supplier. Generally the service process starts with the operator initiating the
service call by pressing the Call Support button. The dealer service representative is notified of operator’s service request.
The dealer’s qualified service technician is then able to remotely access the system and/or call the operator back, if a callback number was entered.
A new Call Support request cannot be sent until 15 minutes
have elapsed since the previous request. The service provider
may be on another call or otherwise busy at the exact moment
they get the request. They will return the call as soon as they can.
This delay gives the service provider some time to respond to
the request. If the another Call Support request is made too
soon, the Help Request Already Pending Error message will
show. Press the Blue Check Mark to acknowledge the message.
To access the Call Support feature, select the My Account tab
from the AutoSteer Setup screen and press the Call Support
button to begin the support request procedure. To complete
the request follow the procedure below:
Call Support
1. Enter the phone number that should be used to contact
the person requesting service.
2. Press the Green Check Mark to send the request or press
the Red X to cancel the request.
3. A dialog box appears informing the operator that the Help
Request is Pending. To cancel the Help Request press the
Blue Check Mark.
4. Once a connection has been established, the dialog box
will inform the operator that the Help Request is being
sent. To cancel the Help Request press the Blue Check
5. When the Help request is successful, a Help Request
Transmission Successful dialog box appears.
6. Press the Blue Check Mark to return to the My Account tab.
NOTE!: If the support request fails check the status of the
cell modem. Refer “Connections Tab Menu Operations”
on page 136 for more information. It is possible the
system is not in a place where a cell connection can be
made. If this is the problem, move the vehicle to a
location where the cell signal can be detected.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
The support request also requires a valid Remote Services Feature Code. Verify that this is active by checking the status of
the Feature Code. Refer to “Feature Code” on page 154 for more information.
The Details screen provides the specific detailed information
about each of the components installed inside the ParaDyme
system or connected to it as well as any legal notices that may
need to be displayed. This information may be required by
support personnel when support is requested.
To access the Details screen, select the My Account tab from the
main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the Details button.
The option that can be available in the Details screens are:
Roof Module—Provides the Software Version, Serial Number,
and Warranty Key for the ParaDyme Roof Module.
Radio—Provides the Firmware Version, Serial Number, and the
Radio Type if a radio modem has been installed.
Cell Modem—Provides the Firmware Version, Serial Number, and Cell Modem Type if a cell modem is installed.
OmniSTAR—Provides the Firmware Version and Serial Number of the OmniSTAR Demodulator if it is installed.
ECU—Provides the Firmware Version, Serial Number, and type of ECU if a ECU device is connected.
Display—Provides the Software Version, Serial Number, and Display Type of the Display if connected.
Proprietary Notices—Provides legal notices.
To view the information for each option, use the Blue Up/Down Arrows or directly select the item on the right to view the
details related to that item. The information about the selected item will appear on the left side of the screen.
The Feature Code screen displays all the optional features that
can be activated on the ParaDyme system and their Expiration
Date and current Status. These Feature Codes can be purchased
at any time and added using this screen. Feature Codes add
additional capabilities and functionality to the ParaDyme system
that may be useful to the owner.
To access the Feature Code screen, select the My Account tab
from the main AutoSteer Setup screen and then press the
Feature Code button.
The options and button that can be available in the External
Radio screens are:
Feature Code List—This is a list of the Feature Codes that are available on the ParaDyme system. The available
Feature Codes are:
Glonass—This enables the ParaDyme system to detect and use GLONASS satellites for position calculations and
RTK initialization. GLONASS is a complementary navigation system to GPS that is operated by Russia. Adding
GLONASS can improve system performance in areas where GPS satellite counts may be low due a time of poor
constellation geometry or if obstacles such as trees and buildings are blocking some satellites.
JD-Steer—This enables the ParaDyme system to communicate directly to the John Deere ISO Bus on compatible
vehicles that have the 3rd Party Novariant Based ISO Bus unlock enabled on the vehicle to allow AutoSteering.
RTK—This allows the ParaDyme system to use RTK for improved steering performance. This allows sub-inch
accuracy and repeatability to the system.
Remote Service—This allows the system to communicate with the AutoSteer dealer's servers so they can be
remote accessed if a service issue occurs in the field. This can greatly reduce down time if the issue can be solved
NTRIP—This allows the ParaDyme system to use NTRIP as an RTK source.
Base Access—This allows the ParaDyme system to access Protected Base Station networks operated by some
companies that rent RTK information to their customer base.
Edit—This button allows the operator to add or update Feature Code codes.
The Feature Code List displays the available Feature Codes, expiration dates, and current status. Some features have a time
limit on how long they are activated. The Expiration Date shows when the feature will expire and a new one will need to
be purchased. Other features do not expire and when unlocked show an Expiration Date of Never..
Icon Description
Activated—The Feature Code has been activated.
Expired—The Feature Code was activated at one time but has already expired.
Never Activated—The Feature Code has never been activated.
To activate a new Feature Code follow the procedure below:
1. From the My Account menu press the Feature Code
2. Use the Gray Up/Down Arrows or directly select the
Feature Code you wish to activate.
3. Press the Edit button.
4. Enter the Feature Code provided by your AutoSteer service
provider and press the Green Check Mark to accept the
Feature Code or press the Red X to cancel.
5. If the Feature Code entered is valid, a dialog box appears
informing the operator that the Feature Code has been
successfully activated. Press the Blue Check Mark to return
to the Feature Code screen.
The ParaDyme system requires a valid GPS time to activate the
newly entered Feature Code. If the code is entered but GPS time
is not available, the system will display a Feature Code Entered is
Valid but is Not Activated Yet notification. Press the Blue Check
Mark to return to the Feature Code screen. Once the system
calculates a GPS time, the Feature Code will be properly
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
GLONASS requires that the system reboot itself in order to
activate it. When this feature is added, the system will show the
system will now reload screen. Press the Blue Check Mark and
the system will perform a quick reboot and then return to the
AutoSteer Setup screen. System will Reload
The ParaDyme system is designed to be easily transferred from vehicle to vehicle. Specific vehicle kits are available that can
be installed on each vehicle so that only the Display and ParaDyme Roof Module need to be transferred. Each vehicle that
the ParaDyme system is to be transferred to should have the Display Harness, Power Harness, Vehicle Harness, and
ParaDyme Roof Module Harness already installed. Contact your AutoSteer dealer for information about obtaining and
installing additional vehicle specific kits. Use the instructions in this section to transfer the ParaDyme system from one
vehicle to another.
1. Locate the ParaDyme Roof Module on the roof of the vehicle.
2. Disconnect the Roof Module Ethernet connection. Grab the
bayonet sleeve, turn it counterclockwise until it “clicks”, and then pull
the connector down or away from the ParaDyme Roof Module.
3. Disconnect the Roof Module Main Cable Harness connector. Grasp
the connector by the two sides, compress the two side latches, and
then pull the connector from the ParaDyme Roof Module.
4. Store the two cable connectors in the dummy plugs on the back of
the ParaDyme Roof Module Rail to keep the connectors clean.
Transferring ParaDyme System from Vehicle to Vehicle
5. Locate the locking pin on the left side of the ParaDyme Mounting
6. Press the blue button in the center of the “T” handle and then pull
the locking pin out.
7. Lift up slightly on the handle and then slide the ParaDyme Roof
Module out of the Roof Rail.
8. Remove the Display from the cab using the instructions provided in
the Display Operator’s Manual.
1. Install the Display in the cab using the instructions provided in the Display Operator’s Manual.
2. Remove the Locking Pin from the Roof Rail.
3. Slide the ParaDyme Roof Module onto Roof Rail.
4. Adjust the ParaDyme Roof Module until it is secured against the
stops on the right side of the vehicle and then secure it by inserting
the locking pin (A) on the left side of the vehicle.
5. Remove the Roof Module Ethernet connector form the dummy plug
and insert it into the Ethernet port on the ParaDyme Roof Module.
Orient the Ethernet cable connector with the connector under the
receiver so the contacts on the cable connector are pointing
towards the rear of the vehicle. Slide the cable connector into the
receiver and rotate the plastic bayonet sleeve clockwise to lock the
connector. The bayonet sleeve will “click” when it fully engages and
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
6. Remove the Roof Module connector from the dummy plug and insert into the port on the back of the ParaDyme
Roof Module. Orient the 12-pin connector so the word “TOP” on the cable connector is pointing upwards (towards
the sky). Insert the cable connector into the ParaDyme Roof Module. Push the connector in until it “clicks” and locks
in place.
7. Power up the ParaDyme system and navigate to the AutoSteer Setup screen. Use the Manage Vehicles button to
select and activate the vehicle that the ParaDyme system has been installed on. Refer to “Manage Vehicle” on page
37 for information on setting the active vehicle.
NOTE!: The vehicle information for communicating to and steering the vehicle is stored on the ParaDyme Roof
Module. The active vehicle needs to be changed in the ParaDyme system screens for the ParaDyme system to
properly interface with the vehicle. The Display keeps a separate list of vehicles that also needs to be set
independently of the vehicle selection on the ParaDyme system screens. The Display's vehicle profiles hold
additional information the Display needs for other features the Display may provide. Refer to your Display Operator’s
Manual for instructions on changing vehicles on the Display side.
ParaDyme Roof Modules that use a GSM Modem have a SIM card slot that allows the owner to insert a operator supplied
SIM card for NTRIP usage. This SIM Card slot is not a operator accessible option. If the SIM card needs to be changed, contact
your AutoSteer Dealer to perform this change.
NOTE!: Replacing the SIM card requires opening the Smart Antenna on the ParaDyme system unit. Improper
reassembly of the panel can lead to damaged seals and water incursion into the electronics of the ParaDyme
system. This could cause damage that is not covered by warranty. Only qualified AutoSteer Dealers are allowed to
access the SIM Card reader on the ParaDyme system unit.
If the CDMA cell modem becomes inactivated for any reason,
the ParaDyme system will display an additional button, Manage
MIN/MDN, in the Cell Modem screen. This button is required to
reactivate the cell modem. Contact your AutoSteer Dealer for
assistance in getting the required information to complete this
To start the process for reactivating the cell modem, contact
your AutoSteer Dealer and ask to purchase a new Feature Code
for either Remote Services and/or NTRIP. Your AutoSteer Dealer
will generate these new Feature Codes. At this time the request
to reactive the cell modem will be sent to Cell Network Provider by your AutoSteer Dealer. The Cell Network Provider will
provide a new MIN and MDN numbers that will need to be entered into the ParaDyme system prior to entering the Feature
Codes. This process can take 1-3 days.
Once your AutoSteer Dealer has provided the new MIN and MDN numbers and Feature Codes, the new numbers can be
entered into the ParaDyme system to reactive them. Follow the procedure below to reactive these items:
1. From the Connections tab, press the Cell Modem button.
2. Press the Manage MIN/MDN button.
3. At the Edit Mobile Identification Warning screen, press the
Green Check Mark to continue or the Red X to cancel.
4. Press the Change MIN button to change the Mobile
Identification Number.
Reactivating CDMA Cell Modem
5. Enter the Mobile Identification Number provided by your
AutoSteer Dealer and then press the Green Check Mark to
accept it or the Red X to cancel.
6. Press the Change MDN button to change the Mobile
Directory Number.
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
7. Enter the Mobile Directory Number provided by your
AutoSteer Dealer and then press the Green Check Mark to
accept it or the Red X to cancel.
8. Once both values have been changed, press the Green
Check Mark to save the changes and return to the previous
menu or press the Right Arrow to cancel changes.
9. If there is a problem with the values that have been
entered, the Timeout Error screen will display. Press the
Blue Check Mark to return to the Configure Mobile
Identification and Directory Number screen and verify the
values were entered properly. If they were contact your
AutoSteer Dealer for support.
10. If the update was successful, the Values Updated
Successfully screen will appear. Press the Blue Check Mark
to return to the Cell Modem screen.
11. The Manage MIN/MDN button will no longer be present.
Power the ParaDyme system down and then restart. Return
to the Cell Modem screen and verify that it can now
12. After the MIN and MDN values have been updated, the
Feature Code(s) can now be entered. Refer to “Feature
Code” on page 154 for more information.
The following information is provided to help the operator build an interface harness between the 3rd party device and
the ParaDyme system.
Data is transmitted through the Serial A and Serial B
connectors of the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
Serial A Connector (DTM04-4P) Diagram Serial A and B
Connector Pin Outs
Wire Color
RS232 Receive
RS232 Transmit
Clear to Send
Only the Serial A connector can be used to receive external radio signals. Serial A can also be configured to send NMEA
messages out if the external device requires position information. The radio information and the NMEA information must
be sent and received at the same communication settings. Refer to “NMEA Out” on page 130 for information on how to
configure the NMEA messages if necessary and/or the “Port A Configuration” on page 134 for setting the External Radio
12 volts, 1.5 amperes max. DC power to the
external device can be obtained from the Power
Out port on the ParaDyme Auxiliary Harness.
This connector will turn power on and off as the
ParaDyme system is powered on and off.
Power Out Connector (DT06-2S) Diagram
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Wire Color
+12 V DC Power, 1.5 A max.
AB Line
AB Path
Autonomous Pass to Pass Mode
Base Station
Baud Rate
Boot Loader
C/A Code
Two-dimensional, horizontal
This is the manually entered guidance points used by an AutoSteer system to base
future paths that the steering system must follow. In the simplest form, the AB line
is represented by recording a GPS point at the start and the end of a swath across
a field. The guidance line connects the two points in a straight line (no matter what
the path of the vehicle). An alternative way to create an AB Line is to set an A Point
and then choose the heading direction to go from that point. In both situations,
all future steerable paths are straight and parallel to that original line at consistent
swath widths.
This is similar to an AB Line except that an AB Path is a recording of a curved path
traveled by the vehicle. The AB Path is then used to generate future curved
guidance paths used by the AutoSteer system. Future guidance paths can be
generated by the original AB Path or the previous pass made by the system
depending on the options selected.
Alternating Current—This is a form of electrical current where the electrical
charge periodically reverses direction. This type of current is usually used to deliver
electric power across the power grid.
(Not the same as precision) It is a measurement of the closeness of measurements
to what the actual value should be. For example, how close is the measured GPS
position to the actual GPS position? For Accuracy, measurement points are
compared with the actual measurement and not with each other.
A device that causes motion of a mechanized device.
Access Point Name—A cellular network identifier used by mobile devices when
connecting to a GSM carrier.
In areas where a SBAS correction source (ex. WAAS or EGNOS) is not available, this
AutoSteer mode is available where the system smoothes the GPS position to
reduce short term jumps using the raw GPS signals. This allows the system to
provide smooth AutoSteering even without a correction source.
The ability of a machine to steer itself.
This is a stationary reference station that is used to measure GPS position
information for use by various correction sources. The Base Station transmits the
information to a central server or directly to a vehicle via some sort of radio link to
provide more accurate positioning information than GPS alone.
A measure of data transmission speed in bits per second (bps). The higher the
value, the faster data can be transferred per second. This rate must be matched
between different devices that communicate with each other so they send and
receive information at the same speed.
The smallest packet of information a digital device can handle. It is either a 0 (low
state) or a 1 (high state).
The initial set of software operations that a computer system performs after power
bits per second—This is the rate at which data is transferred. ByteThis is a packet
of information made of 8 Bits.
A 1023 bit sequence of pseudorandom noise GPS satellites transmit. This code is
unique for each satellite and repeats every millisecond. This code is open for all
Controller Area Network—This is a vehicle communications standard (ISO
11898) originally developed for in-vehicle communications for networking
intelligent devices.
Cell Modem
Cross-Track Error
Dead Band
Feature Code
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Customer Application Programming Interface. It defines communication protocol
between Display and steering ECU.
Code Division Multiple Access—This is a radio communication technology
used by cell phones to transmit voice or data.
This is a wireless adapter device that sends data across a cellular network system.
Compact Measurement Record +—This is a standardized communication
protocol for transmitting Base Station correction data. This is a universal format
that many GPS manufacturers are capable of transmitting and receiving
This is the process of taking differentially corrected information from WAAS,
EGNOS, OmniSTAR, etc. and improving the accuracy of the GPS position.
Convergence is a process that may take many minutes to fully reach full accuracy
Also called XTE. This is the calculated error between what the actual position is
compared to what it should be (ex. how far off the current guidance path is the
This is a measure of the amount of change in heading an object has as compared
to a straight line.
Direct Current—This is a form of electrical current where the electrical charge
flows in the same direction. This type of current is usually used in batteries and
vehicle systems.
This is a range of a control signal when no action occurs in actuator.
Differential Global Positioning System—This is any system that utilizes Bases
Stations at known geographic locations to improve GPS positioning accuracy.
This is an operator interface device with a screen and control capability. It
connects to the AutoSteer system to provide guidance for automatic vehicle
steering functionality.
Department Of Defense—Department of the United States government that
monitors and controls the GPS system.
Dilution Of Precision—This is a term that describes the overall quality of a GPS
position based on the satellite geometry that is used to calculate it. A value of 1 to
2 is excellent, 2-5 is good, 5-10 is Moderate, 10-20 is fair, and anything over 20 is
poor. AutoSteering should be performed when the DOP is below 4 for best results.
Electronic Control Unit—This is a generic term for a device that controls one or
more of the electrical systems or subsystems.
This is a Novariant proprietary ECU used to communicate with the OnTrac2
Mechanical Steering Unit.
This is a Novariant proprietary ECU that interfaces between the vehicle
components such as the steering valve, wheel angle sensor, steering encoder,
pressure transducer, etc. and the ParaDyme system.
European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service—This is a space based
GPS correction source developed by the European Space Agency to augment the
GPS and improve position accuracy. EGNOS is only available over Europe. The
EGNOS satellites are geostationary and transmit correction data from ground
based monitoring system to GPS receivers to provide real time, wide area
corrected positions.
Extended Service Set Identifier—This is the name of a specific WiFi network.
These are unlock codes that allow additional features to be enabled/activated on
the ParaDyme system.
A state when the satellite positioning system has calculated its current location.
Flex Mode
A Novariant proprietary process that allows the ParaDyme system to fall back to an
alternative, less accurate correction source when communications from the
primary source has been interrupted. This allows AutoSteering operations to
continue uninterrupted at a lower accuracy levels until the primary source has
been restored.
The number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time. For example waves
per second.
A worldwide satellite navigation system operated and maintained by the Russian
government. The full orbital constellation consist of 24 satellites.
Global Navigation Satellite System. This is a term that includes GPS, GLONASS,
BeiDou (BDS) and Galileo satellites systems which are used to provide navigation
information to mobile receivers.
Global Positioning System—A worldwide satellite based navigation system
managed by the United States Department of Defense that uses up to 32 satellites.
Global Standard for Mobile Communications—A radio communication
technology utilizing time division multiple access developed by European
countries and operated at both cellular and PCS frequencies.
Horizontal Dilution Of Precision—This is a term that describes the horizontal
(latitude/longitude) quality of a GPS position based on the satellite geometry that
is used to calculate it. The lower the number the better the quality.
This is a WiFi network access point.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol—This is a computer language used to
communicate over web pages.
Hertz—This is a measure of actions per second (ex. cycles per second).
This is a Novariant proprietary communication protocol for transmitting Base
Station correction data. This format is only used by Novariant devices.
Internet Protocol—This is a communication protocol used primarily by devices
sending and receiving information across the internet or private networks.
International Organization for Standardization—This is an organization which
develops and publishes international standards to insure that products or services
are safe, reliable and of good quality.
The GPS radio signals that are transmitted at the 1575.42 MHz carrier frequency
which includes the C/A and P-code.
The GPS radio signals that are transmitted at the 1227.60 MHz carrier frequency
which comprises of the P-code only.
This is a geographic coordinate that specifies the north-south position of a point
on the Earth's surface.
Light-Emitting Diode—This is a semiconductor light source.
This is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on
the Earth's surface.
Mobile Directory Number—The actual phone number one would dial to reach
a specific mobile device. This number can be kept by the operator.
Mechanical Drive Unit—This is a generic term to describe a device that is
attached to the steering wheel of a vehicle to allow the an ParaDyme system to
control which direction to steer the vehicle.
Mechanical Front Wheel Drive—This indicates that the front wheels of a
standard tractor cab be engaged and be used to pull the tractor forward while the
rear axles are pushing. This in effect turns the vehicle into a four wheel drive.
Mobile Identification Number—This is also known as the Mobile Subscription
Identification Number (MSIN) and refers to the 10-digit unique number that a
wireless carrier uses to identify a mobile device. This number is given by the
wireless carrier.
NMEA 0183
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
This is a data communications device that transmits and receives data.
Mean Sea Level—This is the average level of the ocean surface which has an
elevation of zero.
This is when the same radio signal travels to a GNSS receiver using different paths.
For example a radio signal may get to a GPS receiver directly from the satellite, but
it could also get to the receiver by first bouncing off of an object (such as a building
or tree) and then going to the receiver. The two signals are the same information
but since one bounces off an object it is slower to arrive. This creates error in the
GNSS position as the timings for the distances to the GNSS satellites are wrong.
National Marine Electronics Association—This is a group that provides a
standard communication protocol for marine and GPS devices.
This is a serial communication protocol standard defined by NMEA for marine
instruments. Widely adopted by all GPS/GNSS receiver manufactures.
Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol—This is a protocol for
streaming Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data over the Internet. This
information can be used to get a RTK correction without a local Base Station.
This is a fee-based commercial SBAS service that provides differential GPS
corrections to subscribers. OmniSTAR provides four levels of service: VBS, G2, XP,
and HP which provide different levels of accuracy for a fee.
(OnTrac2+) This is a Novariant based Mechanical Drive Unit attached to the
steering wheel of a vehicle for an AutoSteer solution.
A 6,187,100,000,000 bit sequence of pseudorandom noise GPS that satellites
transmit. This code is unique for each satellite and repeats once a week. Because
the code is much longer it is possible for GPS receives to calculate a more accurate
position. This code is encrypted and only used by the United States Military.
A Novariant steering solution which utilizes dual, multi-frequency antennas.
Position Dilution of Precision—This is a term that describes the three
dimensional quality of a GPS position based on the satellite geometry that is used
to calculate it. The lower the number the better the quality.
Personal Identification Number—This is a pass code used to unlock or gain
access to accounts.
For network communications this is a software application or process the network
can access and communicate with.
Point-to-Point Protocol—This is a computer networking protocol used to
communicate between two devices.
(Not the same as Accuracy) This is the measure of the closeness of multiple
measurements to each other under unchanged conditions for each
measurement. For example, how close are multiple GPS position points of the
same position to each other? For Precision, measurement points are compared
with each other but NOT with the actual measurement. This is also often called as
Preferred Roaming List—A database residing in a wireless (primarily CDMA)
device such as a cell phone, that contains information used during the system
selection and acquisition process.
Pseudo-Random Noise—This is a repeating pattern of random radio frequency
noise. Each satellite transmits a different PRN which allows GPS receivers to identify
which satellite is sending the signal. The PRN for a satellite is the identifier or name
of the GPS, WAAS, EGNOS, or other navigation satellite. Since the PRN repeats at a
regular interval, the timing can be determined from this signal as well.
Quasi-Zenith Satellite System—This is a space based GPS correction source
managed by the Japanese government to area to augment the GPS and improve
positional accuracy. QZSS is only available over Japan and surrounding areas.
SA Module
Sky Plot
Smart Antenna
Survey in
This is the measure of how well multiple measurements taken by a single person
or instrument, on the same item, and under the same conditions are the same to
each other.
Revolutions Per Minute—This is the number of times an axle revolves in one
This is a serial communication standard. This standard is commonly used between
GPS/GNSS receivers and computer serial ports.
This is a standard data format for the transmission of RTK corrections and
maintained by the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services.
This is an updated version of RTCM 2x developed to improve bandwidth efficiency
and providing higher data integrity.
Real Time Kinematic—This is a GPS correction technique that measures the
actual radio waves from the GPS satellites as opposed to the information
transmitted within the radio waves to calculate distances.
This allows the position to be calculated much more accurately. RTK relies on local
base stations to provide information about the GPS signals and to provide
localized error correction.
Sensor Actuator Module—This is a Novariant proprietary ECU that interfaces
between the vehicle components such as the steering valve, wheel angle sensor,
steering encoder, pressure transducer, etc. and the ParaDyme system.
This is an artificial object which has been placed into orbit for: collecting
information, communications, or positioning purposes.
Satellite-Based Augmentation System—This is a generic term used to
describe any GPS correction source that is provided by a satellite such as WAAS,
This is a data communications protocol where data is sent one bit at a time,
sequentially, over a communication channel or computer bus.
This is a physical computer system dedicated to running one or more services.
Subscriber Identity Module—A SIM card is a portable identification smart card
used to identify the device on which the card is installed on the GSM network.
This is a graphical representation of the navigation satellites available in the sky at
a given time.
This is a common name for a GPS/GNSS receiver with an integrated antenna.
Standard Positioning Service—This is a basic autonomous (i.e. without any
corrections) positioning mode of GPS. This is the lowest position accuracy mode
of GPS.
Service Set Identifier—This is the name of a specific WiFi network.
This is a type of steering solution where the steering wheel has no mechanical
connection to the actuation of the steering actuators. All commands are sent to
the steering mechanism via electrical signal.
This is the process an RTK system uses to calculate the position using base station
information and the vehicle’s location. Survey time is affected by distance from the
base station, the number of common satellites that are available, atmospheric
conditions, interference or multi-pathing at the GPS antennas, etc.
This is a device that converts a signal of one form of energy to another (ex. pressure
reading to an electrical value).
Universal Serial Bus—This is an industry standard that defines the cables,
connectors, and communications protocols used in a bus for connection.
Coordinated Universal Time—Originally called Greenwich Mean Time, it is a
coordinated time scale based on the 0 degree longitude meridian.
Wheel Base
PN 4002139—ENG Rev. H
Wide Area Augmentation System—This is a space based GPS correction source
developed by the Federal Aviation Administration to augment the GPS and
improve positional accuracy. WAAS is only available in North America. The WAAS
satellites are geostationary and transmit correction data from ground based
monitoring system to GPS receivers to provide real time, wide area corrected
Wheel Angle Sensor—This is a device that measures the angle of the steering
mechanism. This allows the ParaDyme system to always know which direction the
steering mechanism is pointing.
This is the distance between the front and rear wheel axles on a machine.
This is a term for a local area wireless networking technology.
See Cross Track Error.