australian gold resources
australian gold resources
Agnew 120° INDONESIA 8° Lawlers 132° TIMOR Sons of Gwalia 30° Paddington 6000 m Joseph Bonaparte Gulf Toms Gully CORAL Gulf of Carpentaria Mount Todd Norseman 0 100 km 122° 0 40 124° 0m Cairns Normanton Broome Port Hedland Nicholsons Find Callie Dead Bullock Soak Juno Kidston Charters Towers Mount Leyshon Ernest Henry Mount Isa 0 200 Esperance Timbarra Bourke NEW SOUTH WALES Kalkaroo 2000 m Perseverance Albany Archean Iode (greenstone) Au Cobar–type Zn–Pb–Cu (Ag–Au) m 00 Perseverance 0 tA Intrusion–related Au (Cu) 100.00 tA 0 u tA u m Iron–oxide Cu–Au (U–Pb–Zn) m u et m al Charters eta Post–Archean Iode Au (Cu–Pb–Zn) e l ta Towers l Low-sulphidation epithermal Bendigo (Kangaroo Flat) Porphyry Au 10.00 Porphyry Cu–Au Super Pit Volcanic–associated massive sulphide Big Bell Other types 'Other types' includes deposit types with 1.00 Boddington less than 1% of Australian global resources: Telfer Cadia Albitite U (Cu) High–sulphidation epithermal 0. Olympic 01 0. Komatiitic Ni–Cu Cadia East 00 Dam tA Mount Isa–type Cu 1 10 u 0. tA 0.10 00 m 0 0. Mount Isa–type Zn–Pb–Ag 10 et u tA 1 1 01 al m tA tA tA Polymetallic replacement u tA et u m u u al Skarn Cu–Au (Pb–Zn) u m et m m m e a e e ta l ta ta Stratabound PGE–Ni–Cu et l l l al Unconformity–related U (Au–base metals) 0.01 Unknown 10 000 1 000 000 10 000 000 100 000 000 1 000 000 000 10 000 000 000 100 000 1000 Bendigo (Kangaroo Flat) Gold grade (g/t) Warrnambool Skarn Cu–Au (Pb–Zn) Iron–oxide Cu–Au (U–Pb–Zn) Stratabound PGE–Ni–Cu bearing layers Cadia OCEAN Mesozoic– Cenozoic Port Macquarie Unconformity U (Au–base metals) Unknown Volcanic–associated massive sulphide Paleozoic Proterozoic Archean Post-Archean lode Au (Cu–Pb–Zn) 16.61% 32° Newcastle Archean lode (greenstone) Au 41.73% Other 1.22% TASMAN Unknown 1.09% Low sulphidation epithermal 1.32% Cobar-type Zn–Pb–Cu (Ag–Au) 2.02% SEA MELBOURNE Iron-oxide Cu-Au (U–Pb–Zn) 16.08% It is recommended that this map be referred to as: Jaireth, S., Whitaker, A., Senior, A., 2012, Australian Gold Resources (Sheet 1: Deposit types), 2012 Edition, 1:10 000 000 scale map, Geoscience Australia, Canberra, Australia. Beaconsfield Rosebery 40° Que River TASMANIA HOBART 144° Porphyry Cu–Au 6.68% Intrusion-related Au (Cu) Porphyry Cu 4.32% 4.4% Volcanic–associated massive sulphide 2.45% Porphyry Au 2.1% Compiled by S. Jaireth, A. Whitaker, A. Senior Cartography by B. Reese (Product Development Support Section) BASS STRAIT 132° Post–Archean lode Au (Cu–Pb–Zn) Intrusion–related Au (Cu) Global resources (total production and remaining resources) of gold by deposit type CANBERRA, ACT Ballarat East Gold ore (tonnes) 120° High–sulphidation epithermal Cenozoic Wollongong Stawell 1 SOUTHERN Porphyry Cu–Au SYDNEY VICTORIA 10 Cobar–type Zn–Pb–Cu (Ag–Au) Polymetallic replacement Grafton Hillgrove Tamworth Cowal Mildura ADELAIDE Great Australian Bight Porphyry Cu Main mineralised regions by predominant geological age Olympic Dam 4000 m Porphyry Au Mount Isa–type Cu 200 m Boddington 10 0 m m 200 Inset A Archean Archean lode (greenstone) Au Low sulphidation epithermal Prominent Hill Ceduna Proterozoic Albitite U (Cu) Komatiitic Ni–Cu BRISBANE Carrapateena INDIAN Paleozoic Mount Isa–type Zn–Pb–Ag SOUTH AUSTRALIA Challenger Mesozoic Types of Gold Deposits Gympie Oodnadatta Agnew This map is based on information compiled from publicly available sources on 600 Australian gold deposits, including world-class and large deposits. Compilation of data is ongoing. Deposit size is the total tonnage of gold that is, or was, in a deposit as estimated by Geoscience Australia. Resources are derived by summing the aggregate production and the current remaining resources. Cenozoic 24° Mount Rawdon Geraldton 108° 500 Kilometres Geological age is depicted by the colour of the symbols Mount Morgan Jundee-Nimary Lawlers OCEAN 400 Ages of Gold Deposits r Gladstone Bronzewing Group PERTH rri e f Longreach Plutonic Wiluna project Ba Mackay WESTERN AUSTRALIA Big Bell 300 e Re Alice Springs White Range Mount Wright Gr ea t Sarsfield Twin Hills QUEENSLAND Paulsens Carnarvon 200 Geological regions defined here are based on Geoscience Australia’s Geological Regions Boundaries arcinfo coverage. Preliminary resources for some deposits are assigned to the closest region. Gold deposit location information used in this map is derived from Geoscience Australia's OZMIN database for mineral deposits, avaliable at: Townsville Vera-Nancy Mount Elliot Telfer Blue Spec 16° Croydon NORTHERN TERRITORY Bamboo Creek Indee 100 LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC PROJECTION Central Meridian: 134°E Standard Parallels: 18°S, 36°S Geocentric Datum of Australia 32° Coyote 40° 2012 EDITION 0 m 200 32° SEA SCALE 1:10 000 000 16° 24° (Sheet 2: Deposit types) St Ives New Celebration Inset A AUSTRALIAN GOLD RESOURCES DARWIN Kanowna Belle Super Pit (Golden Mile) 120° Horn Island SEA 8° PAPUA NEW GUINEA TORRES STRAIT Granny Smith Sunrise Dam Tropicana Tarmoola 144° 156° 12-6270-2 © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2012. With the exception of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms and where otherwise noted, all material on this publication is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. http://creativecommons/licenses/by/3.0/au Copies of this map may be downloaded from the Geoscience Australia internet site at: Or by contacting: Sales Centre, Geoscience Australia Cnr Hindmarsh Dr and Jerrabomberra Ave, Symonston, ACT GPO Box 378, Canberra, ACT 2601 Phone (02) 6249 9966 Facsimile (02) 6249 9960 Email: [email protected] GeoCat # 74314 ISBN # 978-1-922103-71-0