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The Minister made a suo motu statement in the Lok Sabha in which he also announced withdrawal of monetary limit for contribution of employers to provident and superannuation fund of Rs 1.5 lakh for taking tax benefit. Jaitley, however, left untouched the proposal to tax 40 per cent of National Pension Scheme (NPS) and services provided by Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) to employees. “In view of the representations received, the Government would like to do a comprehensive review of this proposal and therefore I withdraw the proposals in para 138 and 139 of my Budget speech. The proposal of 40 per cent exemption given to NPS subscribers at the time of withdrawal remains,” the Minister said. Jaitley had in his Union Budget for 2016-17 proposed to tax withdrawal of 60 per cent of accumulations in the employee provident fund after April 1, 2016. He proposed to exempt these from Income-Tax I <0A:4CB D6?D6I ?:7EJ F40C74A <0G!(2 <8= &2" <PX][hR[TPabZh 20?BD;4 218A083B8=BH=3820C4 10=:´B;>0=A0D3 =Tf3T[WX)CWT218^]CdTbSPh RPaaXTS^dcbTPaRWTbPc [^RPcX^]bb_aTPSX]cWaTTRXcXTb PUcTaaTVXbcTaX]VPRPbT^UP[[TVTS [^P]UaPdSTbcX\PcTSc^QT Pa^d]SC Ra^aTX] Bh]SXRPcT1P]ZCWThbPXScWT RPbTXb^UP[[TVTS[hbdQ\XccX]V UPZTS^Rd\T]cbU^acWT[^P] _da_^bTb 805 C>8=3D2C"F><4= 5867C4AB8=9D=4 =Tf3T[WX)CWTUXabcQPcRW^U f^\T]UXVWcTa_X[^cbfX[[QT X]SdRcTSX]cWT8]SXP]0Xa5^aRT ^]9d]T '0Xa2WXTU<PabWP[ 0ad_APWPbPXS^]CdTbSPh^] cWT^RRPbX^]^UcWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ F^\T]³b3Ph0UcTaVTccX]V R^\\XbbX^]TScWTcWaTT caPX]TTbfX[[QTR^\TcWTUXabc f^\T]UXVWcTa_X[^cb^U8]SXP '$F><4=70A0BB43 8=?D1;82?;024B8=D: ;^]S^])0]P[Pa\X]V'$_TaRT]c ^Uh^d]Vf^\T]X]1aXcPX]WPeT QTT]bTgdP[[hWPaPbbTSX]_dQ[XR _[PRTbfXcWeTahUTf_T^_[T bcT__X]VX]c^X]cTaeT]T PRR^aSX]Vc^PbdaeThaT[TPbTS ^]CdTbSPh ? ! ³2>=62>;;D343F8C7 022DB438=8B7A0C20B4´ =Tf3T[WX) 0\XS]TfR[PX\bX] 8bWaPc9PWP]T_Xb^ST5X]P]RT <X]XbcTa0ad]9PXc[Th^]CdTbSPh PRRdbTScWT2^]VaTbb^U °R^[[dSX]V±fXcWcWTPRRdbTSP]S °d]QPaX]V±]PcX^]P[bTRdaXch P__PaPcdbX]cWTRPbTc^°UXg± =PaT]SaP<^SX9PXc[ThbPXSX] ! "WTWPSfaXccT]P]PacXR[T bPhX]V°6^eTa]\T]cbPaT]^c X\\^acP[cWThRWP]VTP]S8 W^_T^]RTcWXb6^eTa]\T]c RWP]VTbb^\TSPhP]X]`dXah fX[[QTWT[S^]W^fcWXb R^\_a^\XbTfXcW]PcX^]P[ bTRdaXchfPbcPZX]V_[PRT0ccWPc cX\Th^dcW^dVWc]^^]TRP] aT\^eTh^da6^eTa]\T]c± if the amount was invested in pension annuity scheme. The Government then justified the move saying the attempt was to create a pensioned society and encourage employees to invest their savings in annuities. However, a day after the Budget the Government had indicated that it could consider imposing the tax only on the interest part of the corpus. But Tuesday’s decision as announced in the Lok Sabha withdraws the proposal lockstock-and-barrel. In his statement, Jaitley said a number of representations had been received from various sections of society including MPs suggesting that this change would force people to invest in annuity products even if they are not willing to do so. “The main argument is that the employee should have a choice of where to invest. Theoretically, such freedom is desirable, but it is important for the Government to achieve policy objectives by the instrumentality of taxation. “In the present reform, the policy objective is not to get more revenue but to encourage the people to join the pension scheme. ?T^_[TUaXT]S[h\^eT T 9PXc[ThWPSX]WXbD]X^]1dSVTc U^a! % &_a^_^bTSc^cPg fXcWSaPfP[^U%_TaRT]c^U PRRd\d[PcX^]bX]cWT4\_[^hTTb³ ?a^eXST]c5d]SPUcTa0_aX[ ! % T 7T_a^_^bTSc^TgT\_ccWTbT Ua^\8]R^\TCPgXUcWTP\^d]cfPb X]eTbcTSX]_T]bX^]P]]dXchbRWT\T CWT6^eTa]\T]ccWT]YdbcXUXTS cWT\^eTbPhX]VcWTPccT\_cfPb c^RaTPcTP_T]bX^]TSb^RXTchP]S T]R^daPVTT\_[^hTTbc^X]eTbccWTXa bPeX]VbX]P]]dXcXTb There are various suggestions received, which can also achieve the same policy objective of encouraging people to join the pension scheme,” he said. The proposal would not have impacted 3.26 crore EPFO subscribers drawing statutory wage up to Rs 15,000 per month. EPFO has a total subscriber base of 3.7 crore. Even as the Government withdrew the EPF proposal the ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress Party again locked horns on the issue. Rahul, in a series of tweets, said the Government was forced to listen to the people and roll back the “patently unfair” tax on EPF. “But the attempt to tax the safety net of millions of hard working middle class ppl was morally wrong&shows this Govt’s anti-ppl mindset(sic)”, he said on the micro-blogging site. The BJP welcomed the decision and took a jibe at Rahul Gandhi. “BJP welcomes the (Government’s) decision to withdraw the proposal. The budget was hailed across the country for its focus on the common man, poor and farmers but a section was upset with the move to tax EPF. Its withdrawal is a good step,” party National Secretary Shrikant Sharma said. “Congress and Rahul Gandhi can take credit for all decisions. He can take credit for the passage of GST and other Bills if he lets Parliament function and helps the Government in the passage of Bills. These are not the Bills of BJP but of the country,” he said. Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha said the Government rolled back the proposal as it realized that concerns raised by lots of people were very legitimate. T CWT<X]XbcTa\PSTPbd^ \^cdbcPcT\T]cX]cWT;^Z BPQWPX]fWXRWWTP[b^ P]]^d]RTSfXcWSaPfP[^U \^]TcPah[X\XcU^aR^]caXQdcX^] ^UT\_[^hTabc^cWT_a^eXST]c P]Sbd_TaP]]dPcX^]Ud]S^UC $ [PZWU^acPZX]VcPgQT]TUXc T 9PXc[ThW^fTeTa[TUcd]c^dRWTScWT _a^_^bP[c^cPgTgT\_c#_TaRT]c^U =PcX^]P[?T]bX^]BRWT\TP]SbTaeXRTb _a^eXSTSQh4\_[^hTTb?a^eXST]c5d]S >aVP]XbPcX^]c^T\_[^hTTb ?8EcRad552W`caVc^ZddZ`_Rd\d 4V_ecVhYj_`XcVV__`UcVbfZcVUW`c eV^a`cRcjdecfTefcVd,YVRcZ_Xe`URj ?=BQ =4F34;78 he National Green Tribunal T (NGT) on Tuesday questioned the Centre as to why no environmental clearance is required for erecting structures in Yamuna floodplains for Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s Art of Living “World Culture Festival”. The three-day event is to begin from March 11. The NGT also raised alarm bell about the safety of the stage for the function might and charged that the organsiers have covered far more areas than they had applied for. A Bench headed by NGT Chairperson Swantanter Kumar said, “You (Environment Ministry) file an affidavit by tomorrow (Wednesday) and tell us why no environmental clearance is needed for raising temporary structures in floodplains.” The direction came after counsel appearing for the Environment Ministry said that they have found no debris at the site, when an expert team had visited and as per Environment Impact Assessment notification 2006, no environment clearance is needed for temporary structures. The green panel also questioned the building up of pontoon bridge by the Army on Yamuna for the festival, and asked the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) counsel as who gave the permission for setting it up. The DDA, the Delhi Government and the Environment Ministry said that they have no relation with the grant of permission for setting up the pontoon bridge and they are concerned only with different issues. While the DDA said it was only required to give no objection certificate for the bridge, the Delhi Government submitted that its role for the pontoon bridge comes only at the time of flood. The DDA and the Environment Ministry said they have no relation with the grant of permission for setting up the pontoon bridge. In its submission, the DDA said it had granted permission for 24.44 hectare for holding of the event in which between 3.5 million and 5 million people can be accommodated. It also said that constant watch is being maintained that no debris or municipal waste were dumped in the Yamuna floodplains and a running contractor is there to remove the debris, if any dumped. However, the expert committee set up to study the situation pointed out in its report that there is damage on 60 acres of land on the banks of Yamuna. The Bench also observed that the 7-acre stage setup by Art of Living won’t hold unless its foundation is below the earth’s surface. The Bench then said that DDA just can’t wash its hand off by saying no debris is there as the photographs on record does show the presence of waste at the site. “In October, November and December, till the time we F^aZTab_aT_PaTcWTbcPVTU^acWTcWaTTSPhF^a[S ?TPRT5TbcXeP[^aVP]XbTSQhb_XaXcdP[VdadBaXBaX APeXBWP]ZPaX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 handed over the site to the organisers, there was no debris at the site. We are telling this with utmost responsibility that there was no debris,” said counsel appearing on behalf of DDA. He added that the area is meant for recreational activity. The area is with DDA and it is the competent authority. Permission was granted after taking proper legal opinion which was conditional that no permanent structure will be constructed and also that it will be subject to permissions from other concerned authorities,” he said. The Bench also questioned the Uttar Pradesh Government that under what authority of law was the parking area allotted? “Does the parking area fall under floodplains area, does the area permitted has been exceeded by the organisers and how much money been spent to clear the debris from the allotted area,” the Bench said. Continued on Page 2 BW^d[S<P[[hP´b 566ZRUNHUNQLIHG DaVR\VcXVede`fXY`_9`fdV fX]VbQTR[X__TS. LQ0DU[LVWV¶NLOOLQJ UZdcfaeZ`_d`gVc;AD4 B2WTPaX]Vc^SPh ILHOGVLQIURQWRINLGV 9<<d][TPbWTb "$SR_\d^`gV T`fcee`cVdecRZ_ ]Zbf`cSRc`_Wc`^ ecRgV]]Z_XRSc`RU ?=BQ :>278 n a horrific incident in Ioften Kannur district, described as the Marxists’ killing ?=BQ =4F34;78 he Supreme Court on T Wednesday will take a call on whether corporate honcho and liquor baron Vijay Mallya should be allowed to leave the country at a time when he and his now-defunct company Kingfisher Airlines are yet to clear bad debts of Rs 9,000 crore to various banks. A set of 13 banks led by the prime lender State Bank of India (SBI) approached the Supreme Court on Tuesday to restrain Mallya from travelling abroad. Represented by Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi, the banks mentioned the case before a Bench headed by Chief Justice TS Thakur, who decided to hear the matter on Wednesday. The move comes a day after the Debt Recover y Tribunal of Bengaluru passed an order blocking Mallya from accessing Rs 515 crore (USD 75 million) which he secured from Diageo Plc, the company that took over United Spirits from Mallya, who decided to step down as Chairman of the United Spirits Board. The banks were disappointed with the DRT order which did not restrain Mallya from leaving the country. The banks even approached the Karnataka High Court for impounding Mallya’s passport and seeking his arrest over non-payment of loans. Continued on Page 2 fields of Kerala, a 29-year-old RSS-BJP worker was brutally attacked on Tuesday allegedly by CPI(M) activists. The incident took place at Chokli when AV Biju, an autorickshaw driver was taking four students of Classes 1 and 2 to school. The petrified children watched in horror as their autorickshaw was waylaid, the driver dragged out and attacked with swords and knives by six men. Biju, who suffered multiple stab injuries was rushed to a local hospital and later taken to the Government Medical College Hospital, Kozhikode. “He suffered eight deep wounds on his hands and back and had lost a lot of blood. A case of attempt to murder has been lodged against the assailants,” police said. Tuesday’s incident was the latest in a frightening series of such incidents in Kannur, which has a long history of 2WX[SaT]fPcRWTSX]W^aa^a PbcWTXaPdc^aXRZbWPffPb fPh[PXScWTSaXeTaSaPVVTS ^dcP]SPccPRZTSfXcWbf^aSb P]SZ]XeTbQhbXg\T] clashes among different political parties but mainly between the CPI(M) and the BJP-RSS. Alleged CPI(M) workers had on the night of February 16 hacked RSS-BJP worker Sujith (27) to death in front of his parents and brother inside his house in Pappinisseri. In another such incident of unimaginable brutality, a Marxist killer gang had on December 1, 1999 hacked to death then State Yuva Morcha vice-president KT Jayakrishnan, a primary school teacher, using swords and knives inside his classroom at the East Mokeri UP School in Panur in front of his Class 6 students. The attack on Biju within 20 days of Sujith’s murder has triggered panic in the sensitive areas of Kannur, particularly in view of the upcoming Assembly elections, when violence usually escalates in the district. %cW9?B2XbbdT 0E=8B7B8=70Q A0=278 peaker Dinesh Oraon strongSOpposition's ly objected to the demand of adjourning the House over the 6th State Civil Services examination for which the Jharkhand Public Service Commission (JPSC) has announced schedules even as an all-party committee is examining the alleged discrepancies in the 5th State Civil Services examination results. The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) and Jharkhand Vikas Morcha (JVM) wanted to bring an Adjournment Motion in the House as they deemed that the upcoming examinations are not justified. Oraon said, “If an adjournment motion is rejected once and it is brought again by other member, then this practice will not stop anywhere and it will become a never ending practice.” Oraon castigated the Opposition for not respecting House’s decision and holding the House to ransom for few B_TPZTa3X]TbW>aP^]R^]SdRcX]VQdbX]Tbb^]CdTbSPhX]cWT0bbT\Q[h APcP];P[8?X^]TTa_W^c^ minutes in the first half of proceeding every day. The Speaker condemned the Opposition’s disruptive tactics to corner Government on an issue which has been forwarded to a committee formed by the House. Chit chat over the propriety of the committee formed by the House irked the Speaker further evoking strong reactions from him. Oraon expressed that any question over the House authority to form a committee qualifies as contempt. “A committee has been formed and let the committee look at the matter comprehensively. If a committee is formed by the House and if a member of the House questions its propriety, then this is the contempt of the House. What is the point in running this House,” asserted the Speaker. Earlier, Leader of Opposition Hemant Soren raised the issue of 6th State Civil Services examination announced by JPSC as he also questioned the State Government’s intention for not coming clean on the matter, especially when a committee is still examining the alleged discrepancies in the 5th State Civil Services examination. “This is a matter of the 6th JPSC. Our students will lose if the examination is conducted on the same pattern. Date has been declared. The Minister must cancel the date of examination,” maintained Soren. Continued on Page 2 :KHUH¶VVPRNLQJJXQ"6&TXHVWLRQVFLJDUHWWHFDQFHUOLQN ?=BQ =4F34;78 uch to the amusement of M cigarette manufacturers, the Supreme Court on Tuesday played the Devil’s advocate by seeking scientific proof to explain how smoking can lead to lung or throat cancer. The apex court raised this question even as it sought a response from the Centre on a PIL that demanded that cigarettes be sold in plain packets instead of attractive packaging often used by the companies as a ploy to divert the consumers’ attention from the graphic pictorial warnings on throat and lung cancer printed on the cover. Issuing a notice to the Ministry of Health and Family Affairs, after much persuasion from lawyer Aishwarya Bhati, the Bench comprising Chief Justice TS Thakur and Justice UU Lalit asked the petitioner if cancer has been scientifically linked to smoking. “Is there scientific research to prove that smoking causes lung cancer and throat cancer,” asked the Bench. The reason for the SC nursing such doubts were instances from real life where the judges recounted how persons who are habitual smokers live for years while those who have never touched a cigarette in their entire life end up with lung cancer. The query by the Bench stumped the petitioner as much as the lawyers sitting in the SC. As a matter of fact, had it not been for the consecutive orders 1DA=8=6BDB?828>= O CWTB2b^dVWcPaTb_^]bTUa^\cWT O 8bcWTaTbRXT]cXUXRaTbTPaRWc^ 2T]caT^]P?8;cWPcST\P]STScWPc _a^eTcWPcb\^ZX]VRPdbTb[d]V RXVPaTccTbQTb^[SX]_[PX]_PRZTcb RP]RTaP]ScWa^PcRP]RTaPbZTS X]bcTPS^UPccaPRcXeT_PRZPVX]V^UcT] cWT1T]RW dbTSQhcWTR^\_P]XTbPbP_[^hc^ O CWTaTPb^]U^acWTB2]dabX]V SXeTaccWTR^]bd\TabPccT]cX^]Ua^\ bdRWS^dQcbfTaTX]bcP]RTb cWTVaP_WXR_XRc^aXP[fPa]X]Vb^]cWa^Pc Ua^\aTP[[XUTfWTaTcWTYdSVTb P]S[d]VRP]RTa_aX]cTS^]cWTR^eTa aTR^d]cTSW^f_Tab^]bfW^PaT WPQXcdP[b\^ZTab[XeTU^ahTPab O CWT`dTahQhcWT1T]RWbcd\_TS cWT_TcXcX^]TaPb\dRWPbcWT [PfhTabbXccX]VX]cWTB20bP \PccTa^UUPRcWPSXc]^cQTT]U^a cWTR^]bTRdcXeT^aSTab_PbbTS QhcWTB2cWT7TP[cW<X]Xbcah f^d[SWPeTSaPVVTSXcbUTTcX] X\_[T\T]cX]VcWT^aSTa\PZX]V VaP_WXR_XRc^aXP[fPa]X]Vb \P]SPc^ah^]RXVPaTccT_PRZTcb passed by the SC, the Health Ministry would have dragged its feet in implementing the order making graphic pictorial warnings mandatory on cigarette packets. The Bench was even amused by how during any scene on television or movies showing a character smoking, a line appears across the screen advising viewers that the actors smoking cigarettes in the scene do not endorse smoking as it is injurious to health. The Bench said that these messages were too small for any viewer to be able to read it. However, stressing on the effectiveness of plain packaging of cigarette packets carrying disturbing images showing oral cancer, lung cancer, etc, the petitioner Umesh Narain Sharma said that cigarette smoking was a huge health issue that violates the fundamental right to life of every citizen. A lawyer in the Allahabad High Court, Sharma, who is a smoker, was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Sharma conceded that he had decided to file the petition in public interest. “Despite the high prevalence of tobacco use, over one million tobacco-related deaths yearly in India and despite clear recommendations of the Allahabad High Court to ensure plain packaging of cigarettes and other tobacco products, the Centre has taken no steps to discourage attractive packaging of tobacco products and implement plain packaging,” the PIL said. ]PcX^]! A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % 9?B2RP]SXSPcTb´ Wd]VTabcaXZT R^]cX]dTb µ>fdedaV_U"!"&^Z_dZ_cVgZdZ_XR_dhVcdYVVed¶ ?=BQ A0=278 ?A06H0?0;;0E8Q A0=278 20<?DBC8?B nce again taking their o keep away the examinademands to the streets, Ttion apprehension, The O candidates who were ‘wrongly’ Pioneer brings experts’ advice, rejected in the 5th JPSC exam sat on indefinite hunger strike near Raj Bhawan. CWTRP]SXSPcTb ST\P]STS RP]RT[[PcX^]^U$cW 9?B2TgP\X]PcX^] X]XcXPcX]VYdSXRXP[ T]`dXahX]cWT\PccTa ^aWP]SX]VXcc^218 P]SX\_[T\T]cX]V S^\XRX[T_^[XRh “We demand that JPSC publishes copies of all the applicants who made it to the Mains of JPSC-V along with their names and roll numbers, so that any tampering done with marks can be brought out in the open. Their reluctance in doing this proves that the Commission is holding back proof of manipulation of marks,” said Manoj Kumar Yadav, one of the unsuccessful students. The candidates demanded cancellation of JPSC-V examination, initiating judicial enquiry in the matter or handing it to CBI and implementing domicile policy. They even blamed JPSC of rampant discrepancies in the examination to benefit a selected few. Commission’s step to disclose marks of Mains examination before interviews were was also criticised by the protestors for creating loopholes allowing for irregularities to occur in the examination. “No public service commission anywhere in the country publishes marks of the Mains examination before the interviews are over, but JPSC did and issued cut-off marks accordingly,” said Visas Kumar another JPSC-V candidate who was rejected. Candidates also targeted the JPSC for publishing the results for the examination when the matter was under consideration in Jharkhand High Court. comments and tips for the students. Few pertinent queries which often create quandary in a student’s mind taking the board examination are sorted out by experts here. As CBSE 10th aspirants are waiting for their first public examination, Dr. Ram Singh, Principal, Delhi Public School, suggests few vital tips to score well in board exam. Excerpts: pattern. How students can overcome stress during the board examination? Candidates must follow their regular routine. Systematic preparation on right track should be maintained. Anxiety is quite natural during the examination. To curb the apprehension, food habits and physical exercises too play a pivotal role. How students can score well in all subjects? Students must remember four key points to score well in exam. Presentation style, maintaining the answers order in chronology, must follow steps while solving numerical and What do you suggest to guardians, whose kids are taking board exams? Parents must not put extra pressure on kids to perform and keep boosting their morale, irrespective of anything. Guardians must give space to kids so that they analyse their strength and weakness and accordingly decide their goals visualizing the future demand. should spend at least 10-15 minutes in revising the entire paper. Following NCERT books and rigorously solving test papers help candidates in understanding the question Has the present marking system benefitted candidates? To an extent, CGPA (Cumulative Grade Percentage Average) has benefited the students and set equality level too. Now, students are analyzed in different formats in one year. What else, apart from securing good percentage, is required in this competitive era? In the age of cut throat competition where opportunities too have increased in diverse field, an individual must possess soft skills which include communication skills, analysis and application power, will power, general awareness, technical skill to carve niche in their respective sectors. Managerial skills and leadership power are X-factors to shine and set example for others. )ORUDDQGIDXQD EHDUWKHEUXQW 0=:8C0B70A<0Q =4F34;78 he ongoing construction work for the World T Culture Festival 2016 being organised by the Art of Living foundation on the Yamuna floodplains has taken a heavy toll on the flora and fauna around. A visit to the site revealed massive use of prefabricated building materials, which are harmful to the environment, in making the stage and other structures on the floodplain of the river. When The Pioneer visited the site, it was found that pre-fabricated solid materials were being used to erect the high mast lights stationed at different areas in the vicinity of the giant main stage during the three-day event. The use of plaster of paris, plastic, flex, stones, steel, bricks and others materials harmful to the nature shows sordid state of affair as how floodplains are being ruined in the name of cultural meet. Contrary to spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s claim on Tuesday that not a single tree has been cut and the ecological stability has been maintained during the preparations, rampant digging for installing poles, tents and laying water pipelines has t o t a l l y changed total landscape of the ecologically sensitive floodplains. Lots of flowers and plants on the banks of the river have been removed and the agricultural land has also gone for a toss with the area being cleaned up for parking purpose. Farmers, who are at the receiving end, have expressed regret allowing massive activities to be taken up for the event and alleged that they have not even received any compensation. BC0C41 1A845B A42AD8C<4=C>5 '=4FC40274AB0??A>E43 3T\P]SU^aaTRadXcX]V 'cW^dbP]Sb]TfcTPRWTabX]\XSS[TbRW^^[b WPeTQTT]bP]RcX^]TS0_PacaTVd[PabT\X]PabcaPX]X]VfX[[QTX\_PacTS c^P[[cWT]Tf[hP__^X]cTScTPRWTabX]cWTSPhbc^R^\TPbcWT ST_Pac\T]cWPbR^[[PQ^aPcTSfXcWcWTcTRW]XRP[X]bcXcdcTPc1WdQP]TbfPa CWTST_Pac\T]cfX[[P[b^aTeP\_cWT<PSPabP^_TaPcX]VX]cWTbcPcT cWa^dVWRT]caP[V^eTa]\T]cbRWT\T²_a^eXSX]V`dP[XchTSdRPcX^]X] <PSPabP³ E8:0B7170AC8C>>A60=8B4?0=270H0C EXZPbW1WPacXfX[[^aVP]XbTBcPcT[TeT[²?aX\XcXeTcaXQTf^\T]?P]RWPhPc³ X]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcWcWT=6>bPeTcWTRWX[SaT]PccaXQP[bcdShRT]caT 0Pa^VhP1WPfP]c^\PaZcWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]³b3Ph^] <PaRW( ³4=20AC0! %´0C3?BA0=278 3T[WX?dQ[XRBRW^^[AP]RWXX]PdVdaPcTSbXgSPhd]X`dTR[PbbTb²4]RPacP ! %³U^aXcbbcdST]cb^UR[Pbb?aT_c^E888c^]dacdaTcWTXa_Tab^]P[Xch 0a^d]S$RWX[SaT]PccT]STScWTR[PbbTbCWTR[PbbTbVXeTT\_WPbXb^] STeT[^_\T]c^Ub^UcbZX[[bP\^]VcWTbcdST]cb !02A4B;0=35>A58;<28CH >]T^UcWT\^bcP\QXcX^db_a^YTRcb^UUX[\RXchXb[XZT[hc^ZXRZ^UUb^^] Pb^UUXRXP[bX]e^[eTSX]cWT_a^YTRceXbXcTS?PcaPcdCWTR^]RTa]TS^UUXRXP[b WPeTP[b^\PaZTS!PRaTb[P]SU^acWT_da_^bT ;0=30;;>20C8>=C>030=8)9E<B;0<B6>EC 9WPaZWP]SEXZPb<^aRWPRaXcXRXbTSBcPcT 6^eTa]\T]cU^aP[[^ccX]V[P]S_XTRTbc^0SP]X6a^d_ X]6^SSP3d\ZPBPWTQVP]Y9E<P[b^Q[P\TS 6^eTa]\T]c^U]TV[TRcX]Vad[TbX]cWXbP[[^c\T]c fWXRWfPbd]UPe^daPQ[Tc^cWTUPa\Tab8]P_aTbb R^\\d]X`d|cWT_PachST\P]STScWPccWTTgVaPcXP c^UPa\TabbW^d[SQTST\P]STS^]cWTQPbXb^U dcX[XchP]ScWThbW^d[SQT_a^eXSTS[P]SbPbXcXb cWTXa\TP]b^U[XeT[XW^^S B0A7D;>A60=8B8=62><<8CC445>A<43 >eTa f^\T]_PacXRX_PcTX]cWTAd]5^aF^\T]^aVP]XbTSQhAT[XP]RT2^\\d]XRPcX^]bAP]RWX<Ph^a0bWP;PZaPU[PVb ^UUcWTad]X]cWT_aTbT]RT^UBP]YPhBX]VW7dQ7A7TPS4PbcBWXZWPBWPQSXcP7TPS2BAP]S0QWPhBX]VW>_TaPcX^]b 7TPS9WPaZWP]SUa^\5XaPhP[P[2W^fZAP]RWX^]CdTbSPh ?X^]TTa_W^c^ HV¶]]UVgV]`aZeZ_e`SZ`UZgVcdZej aRc\RWeVcWVde+CRgZDYR_\Rc New Delhi: Art of Living guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, under fire for organising a massive event on the Yamuna floodplain, on Tuesday said his organisation will build a “biodiversity park” in that area and rubbished allegations of ecological harm. Ravi Shankar told reporters that not a single tree has been cut in the run up to the World Cultural Festival to be held between March 11-13 and that four trees have only been trimmed in the riverine area. “Villagers said that their buffaloes never went near the water in the past. Now, I have been informed by them that those buffaloes have entered the water. The vil- lagers are very happy. “We will leave the place after making a biodiversity park there. In the past, our volunteers have brought out 512 tonne of garbage from Yamuna. We have not cut any trees, have just trimmed four. We want a clean Yamuna and we care about the environment,” Ravi Shankar said. PTI EPaX^db^aVP]XbPcX^]bRP\Tc^VTcWTa c^U^a\cWTBPaWd[5TbcXeP[>aVP]XbX]V 2^\\XccTTAP]RWXWPbQTT]SXeXSTS X]TXVWci^]TbU^a^aVP]XbX]VcWT UTbcXeP[8]P\TTcX]VRWPXaTSQh 2^]eT]Ta0ad]>aP^]aTbXST]cb^U AP]RWXP]SPSY^X]X]VeX[[PVTb_[TSVTSc^^aVP]XbTcWTUTbcXeP[ bdRRTbbUd[[h BW^d[S<P[[hP´b B_TPZTaVTcb fX]VbQTR[X__TS. c^dVW^]7^dbT SXbad_cX^]b B2WTPaX]Vc^SPh ^eTa9?B2 From Page 1 The High Court too failed to pass an interim order on March 4, forcing the banks to approach the apex court. Besides the SBI, the other banks which had lent money to Mallya’s now defunct Kingfisher Airlines are Axis Bank Limited, Bank of Baroda, Corporation Bank, Federal Bank Limited, IDBI Bank Limited, Indian Overseas Bank, Jammu & Kashmir Bank Limited, Punjab and Sind Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of Mysore, UCO Bank and United Bank of India. In their appeal, the banks said, “The High Court of Karnataka and DRT have failed to protect the interest of the petitioners who advanced large sums of monies to Mallya and also the interest of public at large.” Mallya who owns United Spirits Limited had executed a corporate guarantee on December 21, 2010 along with a personal guarantee to repay 2^]ca^eTabh From Page 1 The Counsel appearing for the Uttar Pradesh Government said that no debris was found at the allotted area, so there is no question of money being spent. The counsel added that permission was granted as per the notification in which floodplains can be allotted for parking purposes during non-monsoon seasons so that there is no the entire loan amount.” Since the amount was not serviced, the unpaid loan was classified as non-performing assets by the banks. They approached DRT in 2013 for recovery of a sum of Rs 6203 crore. During the pendency of this case, the banks noticed that Mallya and his company tried to secretly dispose assets with an aim to defeat the recovery proceedings, the petition by the banks said. It was only after Mallya disclosed to the Bombay Stock Exchange and London Stock Exchange on February 25, 2016 that he had resigned as Chairman of United Spirits after receiving a payment of Rs 515 crore from Diageo Plc as “severance deal”, the banks stepped up proceedings in DRT. From his statements to the Press, the banks understood that Mallya intends to settle in London. This forced them to seek his arrest and freeze passport. damage to environment and no permanent structures could be constructed. The Bench, asked the Counsel whether thousands of cars making emission will not cause pollution to the environment. It asked all the parties to consider the impact of such an event on the environment, river, ecology and biodiversity. “Assuming that all necessary permissions were taken for the event but has anybody considered what the impact will be on the environment, river, ecology and biodiversity. Has any study being conducted in this regard?” the Bench questioned. Meanwhile, the Art of Living in its submission said that it had taken the requisite permissions from all the authorities except from the police. From Page 1 Although the Opposition persisted on an explanation on the issue, the State government turned down the demand and pointed at lukewarm response by committee members to the government's efforts for convening a meeting to discuss the issue. Parliamentar y Affairs Minister Saryu Roy toiled hard to convince the Opposition about the scope of the committee and assured that the suggestion put forth by the committee would apply to all state civil services examinations that will be conducted in future by JPSC. “Government has no qualms in taking steps in the interest of the people. 6th JPSC examination will be conducted on the previous rules. I can assure you that the Government is not going to change rules. The committee will be suggesting changes in all examinations that will be conducted by JPSC and it just not about 5th and 6th civil services examination," added Roy. Meanwhile, the JVM threatened to walk out of the committee if the upcoming examination is not cancelled and then re-scheduled on the pattern suggested by the allparty committee formed to evolve consensus among all the political parties. "Cancel the examination then discuss the issue further. We will give our recommendations for the 5th and 6thJPSC otherwise we are ready to walk out of the committee," said JVM leader Pradeep Yadav. The JVM held the opinion that discrepancies in the 6thJPSC are the same as in 5th JPSC and also raised the issue of reservation for other backward caste in the 6thJPSC examination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cP[" A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % 8=C4A=0C8>=0;F><4=´B30H 4>W]RXd`WWDYR\eZT`^^R_U`Vd¶T`_eZ_XV_e BcPcT6^eTa]\T]cc^_a^eXST C [PZWc^²]PbWP\dZc³eX[[PVT E8E4:?D=9Q A0=278 aking the presence of fairer sex in the State police M department more pronounced, Chief Minister Raghubar Das announced a new Mahila Battalion in Santhal Pargana, which will have its headquarters in Dumka. Making the announcement in a programme by Jharkhand Police to celebrate International Women’s Day, Das said, “To usher in a bright future for Jharkhand, women of the State will have to be educated, strengthened economically and given bigger responsibilities. In the near future, we will see women playing a crucial role in every sector in Jharkhand, be it law and order or administration or any other,” he further added. The CM also flagged off a contingent of Shakti Commandoes along with launching an Android mobile application, Shakti, both created with specific focus on women security. The mobile application will cover 16 police stations in the urban parts of Ranchi, whereas the 20 scooter-ridden Shakti Commando units will be deployed across the city. He also launched a fleet of 18 new patrolling vans for crime prevention in the State capital. Each unit of the Shakti Commandoes will have two female constables, equipped with Android smartphones, wireless sets and handguns. These female constables will be deployed in areas which see high footfall of girls and women, like educational institutions and markets. As for Shakti app, women can use the mobile application to call for help in times of distress, which will alert the nearest police patrolling unit so that they can rush to help. Apart DUZQcgY^YgYT_g `U^cY_^cSXU]Uc Y^dXU_VVY^W CPaVTcX]Vf^\T] d]STaPVT^U #°!# hTPabcWTBcPcT 6^eTa]\T]cWPb _[P]]TSc^[Pd]RW CTYPbfX]X_a^YTRcP]S fXS^f_T]bX^] bRWT\Tbc^QaXSVT Q^cWb^RXP[P]S TR^]^\XRP[VP_b FT[UPaT<X]bcTa;^dXb<PaP]SX PSSaTbbTb^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U 8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]b3PhPc0C8^] CdTbSPh EX]Ph<da\d8?X^]TTa_W^c^ ?=BQ A0=278 he Social Welfare department announced two new T schemes, Tejaswini and Widow Pension proposal at the State level seminar on ‘towards gender equality, an initiative’, to mark International Women’s Day on Tuesday. The seminar also focused on several ongoing schemes of the State Government. There are several schemes at present which are functional and are benefitting many lives. Targeting women falling in the age group of 14 to 24 years, the State Government has planned to launch Tejaswini project and widow pension scheme to bridge both social and economical gaps. “Soon the department will initiate Tejaswini and widow pension schemes to empower women. In the first phase of Tejaswini schemes, 25 lakh beneficiaries are likely to get benefits whereas to support widows, the pension scheme will cover women from different sections where the benefi- ciaries will be entitled to get C600 per month,” said Secretary, Social Welfare Department, Vinay Choubey. In an attempt to sensitize NGO workers, Anganwadi workers and female supervisors on pivotal programmes to enhance the livelihood of people targeting women and adolescents, several people associated with different social welfare projects gathered at Sri Krishna Institute of Public Administration (SKIPA) on Tuesday. To celebrate the womanhood and with the pledge to augment the lives of others, especially women residing in the rural belts, Social Welfare Minister Louis Marandi, said, “We need to fulfill the existing social gaps present in the society. The mission will be accomplished only when the benefits reach to all targeted people in the State.” Addressing the women representatives and focusing on the active implementation of departmental schemes and policies, Marandi added, “Society too needs to come forward as only implementation of policies alone cannot combat all social evils.” 1A845B F><4=´B30H0C<42>= 0Q^dc $F^\T] 4\_[^hTTb^U<42>=Ua^\ CTRW]XRP[P]S<P]PVTaXP[ SXbRX_[X]TbWTP[cWRPaTP]S bd__^acX]VbTaeXRTbd]STa cWTPTVXb^UF8?BP5^ad\ ^UF^\T]X]?dQ[XRBTRc^a RT[TQaPcTS8]cTa]PcX^]P[ F^\T]b3PhPc<42>=2^\\d]Xch7P[[2WXTU6dTbc<aXSd[PBX]WP 80BP]SB_TRXP[VdTbcBP\_Pc<TT]P8?BPSSaTbbTScWTf^\T] bWPaX]VcWTXaeP[dPQ[TTg_TaXT]RTbP]SPSeXRT F><4=´B30H?A>6A0<<40C9F2 0_a^VaP\fPb^aVP]XbTS^]8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]³b3PhPc 9P\bWTS_daF^\T]³b2^[[TVT9F2Qh5PRd[ch^U4SdRPcX^]P]S ?^[XcXRP[BRXT]RTST_Pac\T]c^U9P\bWTS_daF^\T]³b2^[[TVTCWT RWXTUVdTbc^UcWT_a^VaP\\TfPb?a^E23aBWdZ[P<^WP]ch ³D300=´<0A:BF><4=´B30H CWTA^cPaPRc2[dQ^UBcGPeXTa³b2^[[TVTAP]RWX^aVP]XbTSDSPP]^] F^\T]b3PhPcBcGPeXTab2^[[TVTEPaX^dbR^]cTbcb[XZT?^bcTa \PZX]VSTQPcTSTbXV]h^da3aTbbfTaT^aVP]XbTSCWTTeT]cfPb R^]SdRcTSX]R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcW082D5P]SF^\T]³b2T[[^UBc GPeXTab2^[[TVTAP]RWX F><4=´B30H24;41A0C430C18C<4BA0 F^\T]2T[[Pc18C<TbaP^aVP]XbTSP]X]ca^SdRc^ahbTbbX^]^] ²4]WP]RX]V4UUXRXT]RhcWa^dVW1aTPcWX]V³EXRT2WP]RT[[^a3a<: <XbWaPX]PdVdaPcTScWTbTbbX^]CWTbTbbX^]fPbR^]SdRcTSQh3a 9dcWXZP1P]TaYTT3PeXS(\X]dcTf^aZbW^_fPbPccT]STS[PShUPRd[ch \T\QTabP]S[PShPS\X]XbcaPcXeTbcPUU^U18C<TbaP =A7<>1B4AE4BF><4=´B30HF8C754AE>DA 8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]³b3PhfPb RT[TQaPcTSPc=PcX^]P[7TP[cW<XbbX^] fXcWUTae^da7XVW[XVWcX]V^]cWTa^[T ^Uf^\T]3a03=?aPbPS PSSaTbbTScWTVPcWTaX]V “Provisions have been made for reserving 33 per cent vacancies in constabulary for women and work has begun in this direction. Moreover, a report has been submitted on developing a scientific approach towards helping our female workforce in striking a balance between their professional and family lives, something which has been neglected by far,” said Meena. She further added, “This 2WXTU<X]XbcTaAPVWdQPa3PbP[^]VfXcW36?3:?P]SThU[PVb^UU!BWPZcX year we will also focus on break2^\\P]S^D]Xc^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]b3PhPc90? X]AP]RWX ing prevalent gender-based ^]CdTbSPh EX]Ph<da\d8?X^]TTa stereotypes in our department. Additionally, the required infrafrom them, the Shakti police officials in every police structure like separate barracks, Commandoes and 10 of the new station to handle cases related toilets and washrooms will also patrolling vans will be dedicat- to women. Half of the police be developed to help our female ed to look after the complaints stations have already been cov- police officials work easily.” Meanwhile, in another proered and the rest will be covreceived from Shakti app. “This is a pilot project that ered soon,” said Sampat Meena, gramme, Chief Minister has been started from Ranchi. It Inspector General, Criminal Raghubar Das requested women will be taken to other districts too Investigation Department to lead the movement to dry their villages of the necessary evil after measuring its success in the (Organised Crimes). Women in the police force that brings good revenue to the capital city,” stated Director were also in for a treat as the State State. Das announced reward for General of Police DK Pandey. “In rural pockets of the Police Department has decided “nasha mukt” villages. Das saluted women for their State, where the reach and to celebrate this year as ‘Year of effectiveness of Shakti app will the Female Cop’, said Meena in role in the society and eulogised their contribution in shaping be limited, we are training two her address. people and society. “No movement to uproot liquor from the society would be fruitful without women’s participation. The State Government would provide C1 lakh to those villages which will get rid of liquor,” said CM here in a programme organised by Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society. While encouraging women to reap benefits of various programmes launched by the State Government, Das assured them of a dignified place in the society by supporting education of girls belonging to the families with little means to provide education and nurturing them to become self-dependent in future. He also requested women to rise up to the cause of women, resist early marriage of girl and focus on making them educated. “State Government would support girls in completing their education. I would ask families to not even think about marrying a girl before she completes her education,” maintained Das. ³B_TPZTa´6TTcP:^SP_aTbXSTb ^eTa0bbT\Q[h_a^RTTSX]Vb ?=BQ A0=278 ever before in the parliamentary hisN tor y of Jharkhand Assembly such a tribute was paid to women as on March 8, incidentally the day observed as ‘International Women’s Day’, when for the first time a women member, Geeta Koda, presided 6TTcP:^SPAP[^]VfXcW=Xa\P[P3TeXcPZTb_Pac over the proceedings X]cWT0bbT\Q[h_a^RTTSX]V^]CdTbSPh:^SP the House as the [PcTaX]eXcTSc^_[Ph³B_TPZTaU^aPfWX[T APcP];P[8?X^]TTa Chairperson. Koda presided over Interestingly, it was comthe second session of Tuesday’s proceedings which discussed plete tribute to women on the education budget and she was special day as two women the Speaker’s choice to lead the members were given the discussion in the House. Koda opportunity to put their views who represents Jagannathpur on the budget. The first of its Assembly Constituency was on kind of gesture is likely to the chair for around 20 minutes. motivate women to dream big. “Vidhansabha acts as soci“This is very good for women empowerment. For the ety’s mirror. House was unanfirst time there was no aye or imous over her name. Now no side in the House on the women will draw inspiration question of women empower- from Geeta Koda would like to ment,” said Chhatarpur MLA, follow in her footsteps,” added Kishore. Radha Krishna Kishore. YWPaZWP]S# A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % ;FD4@e`dfaa]jUcZ_\Z_XhReVce`fcSR_d]f^d+4> 6^eTa]\T]cc^U^Rdb^] X]UaPbcadRcdaTSTeT[^_\T]c ?0AE8=34A170C80Q 90<B743?DA hief Minister Raghubar Das C on Tuesday announced that the Government will sign a formal agreement with Tata Steel under which urban slums in eastern areas of the city located outside Tata Steel lease area will be getting drinking water from JUSCO (Jamshedpur Utilities and Services Company,) a Tata Steel subsidiary in April. He was addressing the inaugural ceremony of the nearly 2 km long newly widened Tinplate—Kadani Road at Baridih Postal Park “We are aware of the situation and want to ensure that every citizen gets better civic amenities. We have already held talks with Tata Steel who has agreed to supply drinking water to the urban slums which has been facing water crisis during summer. It will be in the form of a cost sharing basis between Government and Tata Steel on the ratio of 60:40. Soon after the finalization of the agreement drinking water supply will begin in the month of April,” said Raghubar Das. Incidentally, the C28-crore Moharda drinking water project, the pet project of the Chief Minister, is yet be fully operational. After the agree- 0DVVLYHILUHUDJLQJ IRUVL[GD\VGHVWUR\V IRUHVWLQ-DULGLK ment, JUSCO will be supplying water using the infrastructure at the Moharda drinking water project. The foundation stone of the water project of the project was laid by the then Chief Minister Arjun Munda and then state urban development minister Raghubar Das in September 2006. It was sched- massive fire which has A been burning for past six days is still engulfing trees, uled to be complete in 2008. The project is expected to provide piped drinking water to around 1.5 lakh populace residing in Bagunhatu, Bagunnagar, Baridih, Birsanagar, Moharda and Hurlung. “We are making steady progress on every front and soon Tata Steel subsidiary JUSCO will also be supplying electricity in these urban slums and an agreement in this connection will also be reached soon between Government and Tata Steel. However, for either electricity or water the people of urban slums should be ready to pay their bills to enjoy better facilities,” said Das. The Chief Minister also destroying the forest in the forestry and hilly terrain under Jaridih block about 30 kms for the district headquarters of Bokaro and have also spelled the truth about illegal timber trade. It has to the notice that wood smugglers of West Bengal are active in the bordering area of Jharkhand. They keeps target on Jharkhand’s forest, stealing valuable woods, trees and bamboos after chopping them down in the bordering areas of Jharkhand and WB. Fire which has spread in over 500 acre created panic like situation mostly in six villages, situated in the base area of hills, said Bahadur Mahato, ex-village head of Bhaski Village. The villagers alleged that 8[[TVP[cX\QTa caPSTTg_^bTS 0B78BB8=70Q 1>:0A> C!'Ra^aT <^WPaSPSaX]ZX]V fPcTa_a^YTRccWT _Tc_a^YTRc^U2< XbhTcQTUd[[h ^_TaPcX^]P[ 2WXTU<X]XbcTaX]PdVdaPcTb:PSP]XA^PSX]9P\bWTS_da^]CdTbSPh stressed upon the Government focus on infrastructure in the next fiscal. “Better roads are way to progress and development. We want to spread the road network of high quality standard. The Government will not compromise on the quality of work at all. We have allocated C4000-crore on infrastructure with focus on construction of roads and by 2017 there will be a network of good roads connecting districts to blocks and district to districts in the State,” said Das. He went on to add that the Government will ensure ‘Good Governance’ in the State. We need to ensure that the development work is carried smoothly. However, if they find any irregularities they can raise their voice,” said Das. He said the Government would work efficiently in bring- ?X^]TTa_W^c^ ing speedy development, providing basic amenities and improving policing. He also said that ensuring corruption free governance will be his foremost priority. He also emphasised that his Government would be accountable and ensure rapid development by utilising the abundance of natural resources. Tata Steel vice-president (corporate services), Sunil Bhaskarn and Jusco MD Ashish Mathur were also present at the inaugural ceremony of newly widened road at Tinplate roundabout. The road has been repaired and widened at a cost of nearly C5-crore from a double lane to four-lane in a span of one year. The road connects Tinplate roundabout to densely populated localities like Baridih and Birsanagar. BWTT[PBWT]^hbWPaTbbdRRTbb\P]caPfXcWQdSSX]V\P]PVTab ?=BQ 90<B743?DA s part of XLRI Leadership Talk on International A Women's Day, PGDM-GM Class of 2016, invited Sheela Shenoy to share expert insight on how to innovate at workplace in 21st century. Shenoy, an associate partner at IBM and handling Banking and Financial Services for Asia Pacific shared her humble beginning and how she confronted adversaries in life to be one of leading female leader in corporate world. Shenoy, speaking in front of a packed house at XLRI, started the session with high- lighting importance of change and continual learning in Life. She stressed upon constant self-review of one’s career and keep check on the progress in order to achieve Goals in life. In order to be successful. She advised students to keep themselves aware of latest changes and the latest technologies in the market and prepare themselves to keep abreast of new changes in business model. Her mantra for a “Career Balance Sheet” was applauded loud by the General Management participants at XLRI. Shenoy answering to female audience, told about the challenges faced by women in corporate world and how to overcome them. She gave wonderful advice that we should never react abruptly but should respond after pondering over the issue. “Key takeaways from the XLRI Leadership Talk were on how to reinvent in continuous changing business world and how to prepare themselves for Leadership role post MBA.” said Nitish Bhardwaj, PR & Branding Manager PGDM-GM 2016 Batch, XLRI. 4SdRPcX^]\dbcU^af^\T] T\_^fTa\T]c)=X[X\PBX]WP AABA8E0BC0E0Q 70I0A81067 ormer MP Yashwant Sinha and his wife inaugurated a F women’s college and felicitated women of Hazaribagh who had earned name and fame due to their works dedicated to the society. In her presidential speech Nilima Sinha, wife of Yashwant Sinha, said that education is must for women empowerment. “Things have changed in recent times and now women can be seen contributing in almost all services but they have to achieve a lot more and it is only possible when the women of our society will become educated,” she added. Stressing upon the need of encouragement to the women Sinha said that it is only possible when the males of the society will change their mindsets. “We worship goddess Durga, Kali, Saraswati but when the time comes to support their own sister, daughter or wife the mindset stops them to go ahead as they do in cases of their son, brother or other male relatives.” In VBU too program was organised on international women’s day. VC Prof. Gurdeep Singh, PVC MP Sinha, HOD Pol Sceince Usha Singh, M Lakra, M Sanga, F Rafat and other lady teachers along with male teachers participated in this program. 0VXa[_^bTbfTPaX]VUP]RhSaTbb^dc^U]Tfb_P_Ta^]cWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]3Ph RT[TQaPcTSQhA^cPaPRc2[dQ^UBcGPeXTa´b2^[[TVTAP]RWX^]CdTbSPhDSPP] F^\T]b3PhP[b^bPfePaX^dbR^]cTbcbcPZX]V_[PRT^]cWT^RRPbX^] ?X^]TTa_W^c^ few wood smugglers of West Bengal trying to destroy local forest only for their selfish motives and small earning. “First they ignited the fire in the forest and later cut down the valuable woods, trees and bamboos from the forest,” alleged the villagers. Fire created chaos among the villagers and frightened people of Roria, Bhaski, Padi, Yogadih including other villages are forced to spend sleepless night, said Raghu Mahato another villager. “Despite our repeated requests no initiatives have been taken to control the fire which engulfing our forest since past six days”, Mahato alleged. “We villagers have already conveyed about fire to the MLA, Member of the Zila Parishid, and forest Ranger but fire yet to get controlled,” said Ranjan another villager Thousands of trees and plants singed due fire, he said adding, “we fear that our area will lose its greenery.” When contacted, Bokaro DFO said that the Department was working on war footing to control the fire earliest. ?P[P\d_^[XRT X]XcXPcTRaX\X]P[ _a^RTTSX]V PVPX]bcPab^]Xbcb ?=BQ 30;C>=60=9 alamu police going tough P against the arsonists have slapped a criminal case against 24 named accused and 1,500 unidentified people for the Sunday arson at Pandwa. On Sunday a strong mob unleashed its fury by way of setting afire three Government vehicles. Cops were chased and hurt by stones. Civil officials were mobbed and abused. Two NHs 75 and 98 were paralysed for more than 8 hours. Sources said the mob’s rage was against the murder of Sadan Mehta, the younger brother of a political leader Rajan Mehta. Sadan was gunned down when he was out for his brick kiln there. DSP H L Ravi has confirmed the institution of criminal case against 24 named accused and 1,500 unidentified people for the break of law and order and arson of Government property. Ravi said Pandwa police have lodged the FIR. He also said Rajan Mehta has also lodged an FIR against the murder of his brother Sadan Mehta. Sources said two FIRs are lodged. One by Rajan Mehta and the other by the police. The DSP said the police have got some clues in this murder case and are pursuing the case in a very serious manner. He expressed hope that killer or killers would be got soon by police. On Tuesday Pandwa remained closed NHs 75 and 98 remained unaffected. Rajan Mehta and others are reported to be taking out a torch light procession this Tuesday evening. FIR against the arsonists has created enormous panic among the hooligans and arsonists who on Sunday had made peace and public tranquility a captive for hours. ]PcX^]$ A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % DYVUUZdcfaeZgVa`]ZeZTd;RZe]VjcVRTYVd`fee`@aa ?8>=44A=4FBB4AE824Q =4F34;78 inance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday reached out to Opposition asking them to shed “disruptive” politics while countering Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi’s attack on the Centre over the issues related to JNU, intolerance, inflation and foreign policy. Responding to attack on JNU row, Jaitley said the Government has nothing against a “particular student”, an apparent reference to student leader Kanhaiya Kumar, but asserted that free speech cannot be allowed to be used to advocate break-up of the country. “I expect mainstream political parties like Congress to be in the forefront of being against these people. Please don’t do anything that lends respectability to such people,” he said. Intervening in the debate on Motion of Thanks to President’s Address in the Rajya Sabha, Jaitley rejected Rahul Gandhi’s charge that the Government has “given away” the benefits of previous years on Pakistan, saying “We are compelling Pakistan for first time to own up that attack in India is taking place from their land.” He attacked the previous UPA Government by raking up the ‘Sharm el-Sheikh’ episode, saying, “You agreed to hold talks with Pakistan irrespective of whether terrorism stops or not.” “This is the time when we don’t need obstructive democracy. Our approach will have to be to work together. This is the spirit with which this Government needs to function,” he said. Reacting to charges made by Rahul Gandhi on various issues, including the Government not passing the benefit of reduction in crude oil prices to consumers, Jaitley took a dig at the Congress vicepresident, saying the “most dangerous calculation is the one done at the back of an envelope”. He told the Congress benches in the Upper House, of which Rahul is not a member, that “somebody has convinced your leader (Rahul) to do all accounting on the back of an envelope”. Defending the decision of not passing the entire benefit of reducing oil prices to consumers, the Finance Minister said while a major part has F 58=0=24<8=8BC4A 0AD=908C;4H A4942C43A07D; 60=378´B270A64 C70CC74 6>E4A=<4=C70B ³68E4=0F0H´C74 14=458CB>5 ?A4E8>DBH40AB >=?0:8BC0= B0H8=6³F40A4 2><?4;;8=6 ?0:8BC0=5>A 58ABCC8<4C> >F=D?C70C 0CC02:8=8=3808B C0:8=6?;024 5A><C748A;0=3´ been passed on to consumers, some has been given to lossmaking oil companies and part invested in infrastructure-creation especially in rural areas. Underlining that unity of the country is “paramount”, the senior minister referred to the JNU incident and said, “if we have to keep this country together, then obviously we have to make sure that the space for those who speak to break up this country should be completely eliminated. “But in the name of freedom of thought, freedom of expression, I have no hesitation in saying that both my party and the Government are absolutely clear that anybody who raises a voice against the sovereignty and integrity of India, we are certainly against them. We will discourage them and we will ask the law to take its own course. I would urge members that rather than come out with subsequent explanations that we don’t agree with them, they should be one in denouncing such activities as we have seen,” he said. Jaitley said Congress has been a mainstream party and was personally very surprised to see it supporting a ‘fringe’. He also talked about the present NPA crisis in banks, saying it was “not a big crisis but certainly a challenge” and questioned why the previous Government did not take steps to avert the situation. Pointing to the shrinking *RYWWU\LQJWRPHWDPRUSKRVHVHFXODU IDEULFVD\V<HFKXUL1DTYLKLWVEDFN ?=B Q =4F34;78 he Opposition on Tuesday charged the T Government in the Rajya Sabha for trying to “metamorphose” secular fabric to link various benefits with the Aadhar cards, Yechury said the Government was bringing the Aadhar Bill as a money bill so that the Upper House is not able to scrutinise it thoroughly. He pointed out that some years back when BJP was in opposition, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, then Leader of Opposition, had in an article in the BJP website written about the dangers of data security concerning Aadhar cards. Jaitley “just has to abide by what he had written then,” he quipped. As regards empowering women, Yechury said the Government was using the “tyranny of majority” in the Lok Sabha and said it should use these numbers to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill in Lok Sabha, passed by the Rajya Sabha almost six years ago. Union Minister Prakash Javadekar opposed these comments, saying the majority had been given by the people. Quoting a paragraph from the President’s address which mentioned words ‘Satyam Shivam Sundaram,’ he said “the three ‘S’s in this phrase, being widely used by the Government, were more than the two S’s used in Hitler’s secret police SS (Schutzstaffel).” D Raja (CPI) claimed that attempt was being made to “subvert” the constitutional rule and accused the Government of wanting to suppress ideas of young minds as its actions in JNU and Hyderabad University showed. On the foreign policy front, Raja said the Government was making the country “subservient to American capitalist interest,” and also asked the Government demonstrate its “political will” by passing the Women’s Reservation Bill in the Lok Sabha. of the country and turn it into a fascist regime besides widening the gulf between the rich and poor through its economic policies terming them as “jumlanomics.” The Government hit back and said the Opposition was raising issues like intolerance, return of awards and JNU “to scuttle Government’s development agenda.” Making this assertion while intervening in a debate on Motion of Thanks on President’s Address, Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi also said seditious slogans will never be tolerated. Participating in the debate, Sitaram Yechury(CPM) said the ongoing events in Attempts were on to replace the syncretthe country and unrest in various centres ic fabric by Hindu Rashtra and rabidly of higher learning including JNU, “intolerant Hindus,” the Left leader added. On economic policies pursued by the Hyderabad University and Allahabad current dispensation, Yechury they were just University were dividing the country. Claiming that intolerance was rising, “jumlanomics” and claimed the gulf between Yechury warned these developments were the rich and poor was widening in the coun“chillingly reminiscent of the way Hitler used try. Referring to the budget for the next fis5X]P]RT<X]XbcTa0ad]9PXc[Thb_TPZbX]cWT;^ZBPQWP^]CdTbSPh ?C8 nationalism to establish fascism.” He then cal, he said tax concessions to the tune of went on to quote then US President George more than Rs six lakh crore were given to world economy due to the cri- icism for bringing Aadhaar Bush’s remark “either you are with us or corporate houses of India and abroad while sis, the Finance Minister said, legislation as money bill to against us” while launching war on terror and the middle and lower classes were suffering. “This is the period when we avoid passage in Rajya Sabha said in Indian context it meant anti-nationIf this tax was collected, the need cooperation of all politi- where Government does not al. Yechury said this while referring to hate Government would have had funds to cal groups. We are in the midst enjoy a majority, Jaitley said, “If speeches by some MPs and ministers of the expand three times the rural employment of a situation where we are a bill is money bill it is for the NDA Government in recent times. generation programme, Yechury claimed fighting a global economic Speaker to certify it.” He charged that objective behind adding the present policies were only benReacting to opposition crit- these events was to “metamorphose or efitting the rich and the number of dollar slowdown. The global economy is shrinking. The new norm icism on blackmoney, he said, change” the secular nature of polity into billionaires was rising in India. now is volatility and uncer- the new scheme announced by a fascist set up as per the RSS vision. Referring to the Government’s proposal tainty. We need to create fire- the Government is to give an “Your advice (to make walls to protect our economy.” opportunity to people to declare “Today the debate on intol- their untaxed incomes and it names public) is a bonafide erance is who will be the chair- was “not an amnesty scheme”. advice, but it will land the “If you have an income Government of India in a trap. man of an institution. I have read history and remember that when which has escaped tax, declare All your cooperation treaties a singer did not sing in a Youth it, pay tax plus 50 per cent have a covenant that informaCongress programme, he was penalty. This is not an amnesty tion is being provided on a conin which there is 50 per cent dition and that condition is that debarred from AIR,” he said. it can be made public only if a ?=B Q =4F34;78 Jaitley also talked about the penalty,” he said. Kumar’s tongue and went on to demand secuHitting back at the Congress, case is registered against the Ishrat Jahan case in an veiled rity to Kumar as “his life is in danger.” manner to target Congress, the Finance Minister said in account holder. Azad said first fake videos were circulated xpressing concern over recent threats issued He also rubbished opposiaccusing it of “unbaring” the 1997, it had brought a scheme to JNU Students’ Union (JNUSU) president against the student leader and then he was national security apparatus as under which there was no penal- tion criticism for Prime Kanhaiya Kumar, Leader of the Opposition in booked under charges of sedition. “When he it wanted to “fix” a political ty and taxes were charged at rates Minister being critical of the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad sought is out on bail, there is conspiracy to kill him,” MNREGA earlier, under which security for Kumar and the Government the Congress leader said and demanded strict prevalent 10 years ago. leader (Narendra Modi). On black money being this Government has made assured adequate security will be provided. Asserting that it was not action against those who made fake videos. simply a case of changing the brought from abroad, he said, increased allocation in this Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Azad affidavit in the Ishrat Jahan “there is a procedure of mak- budget, saying, “When PM said one Adarsh Sharma of ‘Purvanchal Sena’ Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said adequate security case, he said the UPA ing names (of those holding said it was a living ‘monument had put up posters announcing reward of Rs will be given to Kanhaiya Kumar. He also said Government changed the com- black money accounts in for- of failure’ he wanted to say that 11 lakh for anyone who kills Kanhiaya Kumar. BJP took immediate action Varshnay and legal position of SIT on a couple of eign banks) public. If we make evolving such a scheme after 60 The Congress leader also said Kuldeep action too would be taken. it public, it will help the account years was a reflection of the Varshnay, a BJP Yuva Morcha leader, had also occasions. Regarding the alleged fake videos, Naqvi things that enough was done “. announced a reward of Rs 5 lakh for cutting off said investigation was on. Rejecting opposition crit- holders.” 3U^dbUQccebUccUSebYdi V_b:>EcdeTU^dcµ\UQTUb E 1PQPAP\STe³b =PcX^]P[7TP[cW?a^cTRcX^]BRWT\TUa^\]Tgcha :27e`Z_UfTe"deSReTY`Wh`^V_ 7PaXSfPaU^^S The Minister said that this WZXYeVc[VeaZ]`ed`_;f_V") is in addition to the total bud_PaZVTcb28B5 nnounced with much fangetary allocation of Rs 5,429 push forward the proposal to with other cadets, he said. crore to this sector. He said that Stating that IAF had start- induct women as fighter pilots. A fare by Finance Minister bTRdaXchR^eTa Arun for AIIMS in New Delhi, apart “Though I approved and Jaitley in the Union he IAF will induct the first ed inducting women pilots in from the allocation of Rs 1,000, Tbatch of women fighter jet 1991 for transport and heli- support the proposal, it was he Budget 2016-17, the National an additional Rs 450 crore has pilots comprising three cadets copter flying, Raha also thanked who was consistently pushing Health Protection Scheme ?=B Q =4F34;78 ?=B Q =4F34;78 ?=B Q =4F34;78 oga guru Baba Ramdev’s Haridwar-based food park has got a full-time CISF security cover with armed commandos, a facility extended by the Centre to only a handful of corporate entities like Infosys, Reliance and Tata Steel. During his annual interaction with the Media, CISF Director General Surender Singhsaid the force has recently received the Government’s order in this regard and 35 armed men will be deployed at the facility and the “client” — Patanjali Food and Herbal Park Private Limited — will bear the entire cost of the deployment. A squad of 35 CISF men had been deployed at the facility in mid 2015 for temporary security duties after some protests erupted there and following the fresh orders they will be deployed there round the clock, a senior official said. The move assumes significance as CISF cover is very sparingly granted to the private sector. The food park will be the eighth such unit which will be guarded by the paramilitary force after it was first mandated for such tasks in the aftermath of the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks. Officials said the expenditure for security deployment at the multi-acre food park is estimated to be about C40 lakh per annum and logistical facilities for these men like barracks, armoury and vehicles will also be provided by the “client”. Ramdev, a yoga exponent who has set up a business empire worth thousands of crores of rupees in FMCG segment including personal care and food products, is himself a ‘Z’ category protectee of CRPF. Y promising health cover up to C1 lakh per poor family will see the light of the day next year only as it will entail setting up extensive IT infrastructure to ensure its smooth execution. “The contours of the scheme are yet being decided and it will be implemented in 2017-18,” Union Health Minister JP Nadda told reporters at an interaction. A senior official later said that the beneficiaries under the proposed scheme will be listed not merely on the basis of income but also based on deprivation and “identified occupational” categories as per the socio-economic caste census (SECC). Earlier, Nadda claimed that there was no shortage of funds for the sector. In fact, he said, the health sector has been given “top” priority and there has been a “sizable” increase of 21 per cent in this year’s budget allocation. Last year, budget allocation was C25,946 crore while this year, C31,300 crore has been allocated, Nadda said adding that it was perhaps the first in several years where a Revised Estimate (RE) was not reduced in relation to the Budget Estimate (BE). Reiterating that fund was never an issue, Nadda blamed the State Governments for failing to spend the money allocated to them for capacity building and setting up infrastructure. He was replying to a query on reasons for poor health infrastructure across the country resulting huge out of pocket expenditure for poor. Nadda said that under National Health Mission, there has been an increase of C705 crore while the medical education sector has also witnessed an increase in its budget by C1,263 crore. been allocated. In his Budget address in the Parliament late last month, the Finance Minister had expressed concern that a serious illness of family member(s) causes severe stress on the financial condition of poor and economically weak families, shaking the foundation of their economic security. “In order to help such families, the Government will launch a new health protection scheme which will provide health cover up-to rupees one lakh per family,” he had said. For Senior citizens of the age 60 years and above belonging to this category, an additional topup package up to C30,000 will be provided, Jaitley had added. on June 18 this year, IAF chief Arup Raha said here on Tuesday. At present, women pilots only fly transport planes and helicopters and do not take part in combat operations. Announcing the induction schedule of three cadets including Mohana Singh, Avni Chaturvedi and Bhawna Kanth now undergoing training at Air Force Academy, Hakingpet, Hyderabad, Raha said these women had volunteered for combat flying. The IAF chief said these cadets are on a par with their male colleagues and now undergoing phase two of training. Once they complete training, they will be commissioned into the IAF on June 18 along- Defence Minister Manohar Parrikat for giving approval to induct women as fighter pilots. Raha made these remarks while speaking at a seminar on ‘Women in Armed Medical Corps’ organised to mark International Women’s Day here, which was also attended by Parrikar. The Defence Ministry had cleared the proposal of inducting women as fighter pilots in October last year. Parrikar also lauded Raha’s insistence to the file to the MoD (Ministry of Defence) level,” he said. The three cadets did their basic flying on Pilatus trainer aircraft and graduated to training on Kiran jets meant for initial fighter flying. After getting commissioned into the IAF as officers, these women pilots like their male counterparts will then shift to real combat training on Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers(AJT) aircraft. The women pilots put in the mandatory 55 hours of flying on Pilatus basic plane before graduating to Kirans where they will have to clock the mandatory 87 hours before flying 145 hours on Hawks. If successful, they will be full-fledged combat pilots, officials said. :RPHQ03VSLWFKIRUIDLUVH[TXRWDLQ+RXVH ?=B Q =4F34;78 omen in both the Houses of Parliament on Tuesday W paid tribute to “women power”, but demanded financial inclusiveness, implementation of Women’s Reservation Bill, decisive action against trafficking of girls and allowing women’s entry to temples and in other areas where their movement was restricted. On the occasion of the International Women’s Day, Congress president Sonia Gandhi led the women MPs in strongly pitching for reservation for fair sex in Parliament. As women legislatures asserted their rights, the Government said in it was working towards evolving consensus on providing 33 per cent reservation to them and expressed hope that it would succeed in this at the earliest. The erstwhile UPA Government tried to evolve consensus on the issue for 10 years and the present dispensation is continuing that effort, Parliamentary Affairs Minister M Venkaiah Naidu said after a debate on women’s empowerment on the occasion of International Women’s Day during which the demands for reservation were raised. Earlier, Giving statistics on “poor representation” of women MPs in parliamentary committees, some members said there was a need to raise their strength in Parliamentary Standing Committees Speaking in the Lok Sabha, Pratyusha Rajeshwari Singh, BJD MP from Kandhamal, Odisha, drew attention to the plight of women in several states and sought strict action against women trafficking saying Haryana, Rajasthan and Punjab were “major market” for it. The MP said States like West Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand were witnessing “bride trafficking” with a range of small girls forced into “sexual slavery”, and wondered as why this could not be considered as “bonded slavery”. Shatabdi Roy (TMC) said while today is International Women’s Day, nothing has changed the woman who works as a house maid or the one who begs on traffic signals with her child in her arms. Roy said the slogan of ‘beti bachao’ highlights woman as an asset who can earn for the family. “By doing this, she has been turned into a product,” she said, adding she would observe March 8 as Women’s Day if March 9 is observed as Men’s Day. Sonia Gandhi, who was the first to speak in the Lok Sabha on the issue, wanted early passage of the “long-awaited” Women Reservation Bill. She criticised a law, making educational qualifi- cations mandatory for contesting local polls in some BJP-ruled states, saying it denied women their right to contest. Sonia attacked the Government over its ‘maximum governance’ slogan, saying this also meant expanding the base of disagreement without inviting retribution. “Surely, maximum governance does not mean to have double standards in dealing with women’s rights”, she added. Though she did not make a direct reference to the Government’s action against some NGOs, her reference to it was obvious as she sought giving “freedom” to the civil society, NGOs and activists. Criticising the law in some BJP-ruled States like Haryana and Rajasthan which makes minimum educational qualification necessary to contest local elections, the Congress chief said it denied a large number of women from SC/ST groups to exercise their constitutional rights and called for “urgent legislative attention” to undo it. Hema Malini (BJP) said women excelled in multi-tasking and know the art of balancing between home and work. “They work a lot. They are my inspiration,” she said referring to women living in Mumbai who travel to work and handle household activities also. Bhavna Gawali (Shiv Sena) referred to the refusal of temple authorities at Shani temple in Maharashtra from allowing women to enter the sanctum sanctorum andd said “while we talk of equality, we can’t go to temples.” She said women at grassroots level have been provided reservation in local bodies, but the real show is being run by their husbands and fathers. Questioning such a practice, she said if women are provided 33 per cent reservation in higher education, they would get empowered. PK Sreemathi Teacher of CPI (M) said women constitute 12 per cent of the Lok Sabha strength which should be increased. She said despite Taliban threat, Afghanistan has 28 per cent reservation for women. Supriya Sule (NCP) referred to BJP member Rama Devi and P K Sreemathi Teacher to point out how they rose to become MPs despite facing odds adding that such members had no political family background. Ranjit Ranjan (Cong), who rode a motorcycle to Parliament House Tuesday , and K Geetha (YSR Congress) said reservation in Lok Sabha was not the solution but part of a larger effort needed to empower women. Speaker Sumitra Mahajan allowed two men MPs — Sugata Bose (TMC) and Anurag Thakur (BJP) to briefly speak on the issue. ]PcX^]% A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % <8=8BC4A20;;B>= B70701D338=8=908; ?0C=0) 0_W^c^VaP_W^U1XWPa <X]^aXchFT[UPaT<X]XbcTa0QSd[ 6WPU^^a^]b^RXP[\TSXP\TTcX]V U^a\TaA93<?<^WP\\PS BWPWPQdSSX]X]BXfP]YPX[RaTPcTS PbcXaX]_^[XcXRP[RXaR[TbWTaTPb >__^bXcX^]ST\P]STSbPRZX]V^U cWT<X]XbcTaU^aRP[[X]V^]P RaX\X]P[P]SA93STUT]SX]VXcb <X]XbcTaCWT_W^c^VaP_WbW^fTS 6WPU^^aP]SAPVWd]PcW_da<;0 7PaXbWP]ZPaHPSPebXccX]VfXcW BWPWPQdSSX] ?=B 65df^^`_d3Yf[SR]W`cbfVdeZ`_Z_X 5^a\Ta3T_dch2< ^U<PWPaPbWcaPfX[[ P__TPaQTU^aT43 ^]<PaRW # C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 ess than a fortnight after the State Anti Corruption L Bureau (ACB) filed a chargesheet against him in the new Maharashtra Sadan scam case, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday summoned former Deputy Chief Minister Chhagan Bhujbal for questioning on March 14 in connection with two money laundering cases registered against him, his family members and associates. While Bhujbal’s nephew Sameer Bhujbal, a former NCP MP from Nashik, who as arrested by the ED in connection with a money laundering case, is currently judicial custody, his son Pankaj has already been subjected to three rounds of questioning by the investigating officials. Now, the ED has begin to tighten the screws on senior Bhujbal. “The ED has summoned him in money laundering and FEMA cases vis-a-vis Maharashtra Sadan scam and other cases,” BJP MP Kirit Somaiya, who has been spearheading a campaign senior Bhujbal and his family members for alleged corruption, said. Sameer was arrested by the ED on February 1 under various provisions of provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in a case of money laundering, siphoning off funds and causing a loss of C840 crore to the exchequer, of which C114 crores has reportedly been recovered. In its first remand application filed before the city court, the ED stated that funds were also laundered in the guise of purported sale of shares on high premium by channelling huge cash to the tune of approximately C125 crores in banking transactions. The Enforcement Directorate had made Samir’s arrest as part of the two Economic Case Information Reports (ECIRs) registered on June 17 against former PWD Minister Chhagan Bhujbal, his family members and others under the provisions of PMLA. The two ECIRs, registered against Chhagan Bhujbal, his son Pankaj, nephew Samir and 19 others, relate to the alleged illegal transactions to the tune of several hundred crores, under the provisions of PMLA. Between 2007 and 2011, Pankaj and Samir were directors of Parvesh Construction, a firm which executes redevelopment projects in Mumbai. Bhujbal, his son Pankaj and nephew Samir had come under the State ACB’s scanner for the alleged irregularities in handing over the contracts to a developer close to Bhujbals, KS Chamankar for three projects that the PWD had handed to the latter while he was heading the ministry in the previous Democratic Front (DF) Government. On February 24, the State ACB formally registered a charge-sheet against Chhagan Bhujbal in a city court here the new Maharashtra Sadan scam case. Apart from Bhujbal who had been the Deputy Chief Minister from October 18, 1999 to December 23 2003 and was the Public Works Minister in the previous DF Government, the others were who charge-sheeted in the scam were his son Pankay, nephew Samir and 14 others.The charge-sheet, which runs into 20,000 pages, contains statements by 20 witnesses. The action initiated by the ACB and ED against Bhujbals was in line with a directive given on December 18, 2014. Observing that there was merit in the allegations and there was a clear case of kickbacks and money laundering, the HC division bench comprising Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice BA Colabawala had constituted an SIT — comprising of the ACB and the ED-- into the allegations that the Bhujbal familyrun trust had received kickbacks to the tune of C82 crore from private contractors. >RYR3fUXVeDVddZ`_ )RUPHU$,$'0.0LQLVWHU e`SVXZ_e`URj DFTXLWWHGRIPXUGHUFKDUJHV C=A067D=0C70Q <D<108 he belligerent Opposition on Tuesday readied T ammunition to target the BJPled saffron Government for its “failure” to tackle perhaps the worst-ever drought situation prevailing in the State, in what promises to be a stormy budget session of the Maharashtra Legislature beginning here on Wednesday. Giving a foretaste of their aggressive mood, the Opposition parties – Congress, NCP, Peasants and Workers Party (PWP) and Lok Bhararti Party – boycotted a customary tea hosted by Maharashtra chief minister Devendra Fadnavis on the eve of the budget session in protest against the “negligence” on the part of the saffron alliance government to extend relief to the droughtaffected farmers and address issues of various other sections of the society. At a joint news conference that he and other opposition leaders addressed after boycotting the tea hosted by the chief minister, leader of the Opposition Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil of the Congress demanded to know as to what did Fadnavis and 27 of his ministers achieve by undertaking a day-long tour of drought-affected areas of Marathwada last week. “All the CM did was to spell out the rehashed promises that he had made earlier to the drought-affected people. The farmers in the affected areas had expected that the state government would waive off the loans taken by them. But nothing of that sort hap- pened,” Vikhe-Patil said. Vikhe-Patil and his counterpart in the State Legislative Council Dhananjay Munde of the NCP said: “No relief was announced to farmers. Nor any step to ensure to provide drinking water to the people in the affected area. Similarly, the State Government has not made any arrangement to make available fodder to the cattle in the affected areas”. Vikhe-Patil charged that a majority of the drought-affected farmers had not received whatever the meagre relief measure measures that the state government had announced earlier by way of a package in the past. “As many 27,000 drought-hit farmers have been excluded from the list of beneficiaries. The loan recovery from the debt-trapped farmers continues as before. There is heavy demand for employment guarantee scheme works in thousands of villages. But the work has not been started in these villages,” he said. Slamming the State Government for its “insensitive” handling of drought situation in the state, Munde said: “Currently, Maharashtra is reeling such a severe drought which I can say is worse than the most severe drought that the state faced in 1972. There has been largescale migration of people from drought-affected areas of Marathwada. From the information that I have gathered and from various sources, I can safely say that during the last 18 months, 25 to 35 lakh people have migrated from the rural areas of Marathwada region to urban areas,” Munde said. :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 n what could be a major relief to the AIADMK , the Madras IHigh Court on Tuesday quashed a case of “abetment to suicide and corruption” filed by the CB-CID wing of the Tamil Nadu Police against Agri SS Krishnamoorthy, a former Minister in the Jayalalithaa’s Cabinet. The case related to the suicide by S Muthukumarasamy, an assistant executive engineer of the agricultural department , who jumped before a speeding train on February 20 last year. According to the CB-CID, Muthukumarasamy (57) took the extreme step as he was unable to bear the mental pressure exerted on him by his superiors to pay Rs 12.25 lakh to Krishnamoorthy, the then Agriculture Minister, for appointment of seven drivers in the department. It had charged Krishnamoorthy with entering into a criminal conspiracy with some officials to collect a bribe of C1.75 lakh each for the appointment of 191 temporary drivers in the department. Justice V S Ravi of Madurai bench quashed the case on the ground that there was no direct evidence to suggest that Krishnamoorthy had demanded bribe money from the official, who allegedly committed suicide as he was unable to bear the ‘pressure’ to pay up the amount. The judge passed the order on a petition by Krishnamoorthy seeking quashing of the case, investigated by CB-CID and pending in a court in Tirunelveli. Krishnamoorthy had submitted that the case had been filed based on “surmises and conjectures”. Vinod Sethuram, younger son of Muthumkumarasamy, had told The Pioneer immediately after the latter’s suicide that his father was under severe pressure “from a higher up” asking him for appointing as drivers persons shortlisted by the Minister. Even on the fateful evening of February 20, there was a phone call to Muthukumarasamy from Senthil, the former’s superior officer. Though Krishnamoorthy was dropped from the cabinet and was expelled from the AIADMK, the Opposition had made the issue as a serious charge against the AIADMK Government. :2AVTcbWTa^´bfT[R^\T U^abXV]X]VXaaXVPcX^] STP[bfXcW<PWPaPbWcaP 5^[ZPacXbcTbfT[R^\TCT[P]VP]P2WXTU<X]XbcTa:2WP]STabWTZPaAP^^]WXbaTcda] PUcTabXV]X]V^UP]<^D^]6^SPePaXXaaXVPcX^]_a^YTRcbfXcW<PWPaPbWcaPX] 7hSTaPQPS^]CdTbSPh ?C8 ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 hief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao was C given a hero’s welcome in Hyderabad on his return from Mumabi after signing five agreements with the neighboring State of Maharashtra for constructing irrigation projects across river Godavari, Pranahita and Pen Ganga. The agreements were signed by the officials in in the presence of Maharashtra Devendra Fadnavis, Telangana Irrigation Minister T Harish Rao and other officials. The two CM also signed an agreement to set up a special Board to monitor the existing and the new irrigation projects between the two States. Ruling Telangana Rashtra Samiti mobilised thousands of farmers from Adilabad, Nizamabad, Karimnagar and Warangal districts to welcome the Chief Minister and his team. The entire stretch from Begumpet airport to Chief Minister’s residence at Begumpet were painted pink on the occasion as the Chief Minister was taken in a procession. Tousand artistes also performed ahead of the Chariot carrying the Chief Minister during the procession. Speaking on the occasion, KCR appealed to the farmers not to end their lives due to any distress, “Good days are ahead for Telangana state as these irrigations will help in making the state drought proof ”. “Tuesday’s agreements signed in Mumabi will be written in the history with golden words”, he said thanking his Maharashtra counterpart also. “These projects will help irrigate lands not only in four districts of northern Telangana but also in Nalgonda”, he said. “The water will reach these areas within two and a half years and farmers will be ale to raise two crops”, he said. KCR also praised his irrigation minister Harish Rao’s hard work for making the agreements possible. The projects for which the agreements were signed include Kaleshwaram barrage cum lift irrigation project on Pen Ganga river at Rajapet. This was expected to help in irrigating 700,000 acres of lands. Under the MOUs five barrages will be constructed between the two states on different rivers at different places. While the ruling party was celebrating the agreements with Maharashtra, the opposition Congress attacked it saying the agreements will destroy the future of Telangana. Congress leaders Ponam Prabahakar, Jeevan Reddy and Sridhar Rao demanded a white paper on the agreements with Maharashtra. C3? <X]XbcTabT\QPaaPbb_Pach^]F^\T]´b3Ph ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 or the ruling Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh F the International Women’s Day could not have come at a more inopportune time as two of its senior figures were stuck in deep mud on women related controversies. While a senior Minister R Kishore Babu was under fire after his son and driver were caught trying to abduct a woman not far from Ministers’ quarters and their alleged crime was recorded on the CCTV cameras, filmstar-turned-politician and TDP MLA Balakrishna has triggered a major row by his sexist remarks evoking condemnation from all quarters. Speaking at a film function in Hyderabad Hindupur MLA and film star N Balakrishna kicked up a row when he said, “I have always tried to do different roles. If I simply run behind the actresses, my fans will be disappointed. They like when I either kiss the girl or make her pregnant”. Angered over the denigrating remarks, Telangana Advocates Joint Action Committee lodged a complaint against the MLA. Saroornagar police station booked a case against Balakrishna. Lodging the complaint advocate Ravi Kumar said that such remarks against women by a celebrity will encourage crime against women as they were provocative in nature and condone the misbehavior 2^dacaTYTRcb7PaSXZ³b QPX[_[TP*UPcWTabTTZbc^ aTb^[eTXbbdTfXcW2< =0H0=30E4Q 60=378=060A n an eventful day a delegation of Patidar community Iincluding 22-year-old PAAS convener’s father met Gujarat Chief Minister Aanandiben Patel with their list of demands to resolve the reservation stir issue even as Ahmedabad Sessions court rejected bail plea of Hardik. On Tuesday the Additional sessions judge Naresh Dave rejected the bail plea filed on behalf of Hardik Patel in a case of Sedition charges levied by Ahmedabad crime branch. “Considering the seriousness of the offence and the role played by the applicant, this court is not inclined to exercise discretion in favour of the applicant, hence…the application filed by the applicant - accused in hereby rejected,” said the court. Before the rejection of PAAS convener’ bail plea a delegation of Patidar leaders submitted a sealed envelope from Hardik containing a list of 27 demands to the chief minister. The meeting was attended by Porbander MP Vithal Radadia. State BJP President and senior minister Vijay Rupani and his colleague Nitin Patel were also present in the meeting. The delegation, including several community and religious leaders, sought setting up of a Patidaar Commission as well as quota demand for Patel community to government jobs and educational institutions and withdrawal of all cases related to pro-quota agitation against Patel youth lodged behind bars in the State. Several Patel leaders have been behind bars for over two months on several charges, including Sedition. Radadia is mediating between Patidar leaders and the state government for some time now. He had played a key role in persuading Hardik to give up his indefinite fast last month and has held series of meeting with the jailed leader in Lajpore Jail of Surat. Post meeting Radadia said that the State Government would reach a decision after studying the demands in detail. He did not divulge on the content of sealed cover that was submitted to Gujarat chief minister. It is not clear what transpired at the meeting but sources say that he primarily sought speedy withdrawal of cases against Patel quota leaders and their early release from jails. As his son was cooling his heels in jail in 14 day long judicial custody, minister Kishore Babu first defended his son saying he was a victim of a conspiracy by the opposition leader YS Jaganmohan Reddy. But with the CM N Chandrababu Naidu expressing his strong displeasure with him and asking him to come clean on the issue, the Minister on Tuesday said that he will not pardon his son if he was found guilty. Naidu kept himself away from the controversies and concentrated celebrating the day by cutting a cake in the company of women legislators. The AP Assembly also passed a resolution seeking 33 per cent reservation for women in Legislature and the Parliament. with women. The issue was raised in AP Assembly during a discussion Women’s Day by the leader of opposition YS Jaganmohan Reddy. He criticised the ruling party MLA for indulging in denigrating comments against women. Responding to his criticism Balakrishna said that when he made the remarks in the film function, the people present there many women enjoyed his remarks. “I was commenting on my own roles in the film”, he said. “If my comments did hurt anybody I am sorry. I immensely respect all women”, Balakrishna said. Balakrishna is a close relative of Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu. The controversy erupted at a time when the TDP was left embarrassed by the arrest of Susheel, son of social welfare minister Ravela Kishore Babu a few days ago in Hyderabad. Susheel and his driver M Ramesh were thrashed by a mob in Banjara Hills area when they allegedly tried to abduct a twenty year old girl. The girl working as a teacher was returning home from school when the duo tried to drag her in to their car after chasing her for some distance. The passers by rescued the women and bashed the duo which was found in drunk condition. After managing to flee from the scene they later surrendered at the Banjara Hills Police station. 6dYPaPc19?c^ ^aVP]XbT<TVP 5Pa\Tab³aP[[XTb EYcVV8cVRe:_UZR_ 3fdeRcUdZXYeVUZ_3V]]Rcj Gandhinagar: In view of upcoming Assembly polls to be held in the year 2017, the Gujarat BJP leadership has decided to organise Mega rallies of farmers from 16 to 28th March in order to convey profarmers policies of BJP led central as well as State Government. “The decision for the rallies was taken in a State BJP’s meeting. The meeting was attended by district level presidents, secretaries, in-charges, leaders of BJP Kisan Morcha and co-operative leaders. Apart from agriculture policies of BJP-led Governments, the leaders would reach at every village and each co-operative society and tell them about various schemes pertaining to rural areas,” said Gujarat BJP president Vijay Rupani. The first rally would be organised in Kutch district on 16th March said Rupani adding that subsequently two back to back rallies are scheduled at Lunavada in central Gujarat and in Gandhinagar on 17th and 18th March respectively. “On March 25th two rallies have been planned - Dhasa in Bhavnagar district and at Rajkot. Five more rallies have been planned in Vadodara, South Gujarat as well as in Patan and Banaskantha in North Gujarat during March 26th to 28th,” he added. PNS :4BCDAE0BD:8Q 14=60;DAD he sighting of three Great Indian Bustard (GIB) on T Sunday on the banks of river Tungabhadra near Sirguppa a border town in Bellary district in Karnataka has renewed hope for conservation of the endangered bird. A team of naturalists Samad Kottur , Santhosh Martin and Sonia Martin sighted three Bustards, two adults and one chick on the grass lands of river Tungabhadra has sparked hope for conservation of these endangered birds. According to Samad Kottur they were the first to sight few bustards in 2006 after which it was assumed these big birds have been wiped out from the state. He said “we have been chasing them since 2004. We have sighted them first in 2006. We have sighted three of them, two adults and a chick on Sunday on the grass lands of river Tungabhadra. We are planning a systematic research and documentation of these endangered species. We have urged the Karnataka forest department to support us in our effort which is critical in conservation of these birds.” According to Samad Kottur 15 to 20 kms of grasslands on the banks of river Tungabhadra bordering Andhra Pradesh has hopes of conser ving great Indian Bustards and urges the Karnataka forest department to protect these species apart from helping them to document and survey these endangered birds. According to Takat Singh Ranawat, Deputy Conservator of Forests, Ballari, the state forest department has taken steps to protect these birds from poachers by appointing local watchers apart from strengthening information system. The Forest Department also plans to identify Government and private lands that could serve as a habitat for the species. Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) Listed as Critically Endangered by IUCN Schedule 1 under Indian Wildlife Protection Act 1972. ]PcX^]& A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % 4`_XWVeTYVd(&dVRedViaVTed^`cV &3,UHMHFWV&RQJ/HIW)URQW =TcPYX³b]T_WTf\Ph cPZT^]1T]VP[2< ^]19?³bcXRZTc B0D60AB4=6D?C0Q :>;:0C0 he Congress on Tuesday declared the names of 75 seats from where it will contest Assemby polls including Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s Bhawanipore seat after reaching a seat adjustment understanding with the Left Front in West Bengal, Pradesh Congress president Adhir Chowdhury said. The names of the candidates would be declared by the AICC from Delhi. The number of seats for Congress may go up after both the parties finalise seat-adjustment agreement. Informing that the talks on seat-adjustment with the Left Front were almost complete Chowdhury said, “this time it was not the leaders who planned the alliance but party workers who forced us to do so as we are facing an unprecedented situation in West Bengal T which has resulted from the violent rule perpetrated by the Trinamool Congress.” The Congress was eyeing about 100 seats. Insiders maintained that the party could settle down with about 90 seats finally. The Left Front on the other hand was not willing to leave more than 75 seats for the Congress. In that case the two sides could go for a friendly fight in some areas in Malda, Murshidabad and Alipurduar sources said. Out of the 75 seats that the party declared on Tuesday five are in Malda, two in Nadia, six in North 24 Parganas, four in South 24 Parganas, five in Kolkata, three each in Howrah, Hooghly, two Midnapores and Bankura, four each in Purulia, Burdwan and Birbhum and 15 in Murshidabad. “There are some problems with some seats which both the sides do not want to leave. In that case we have decided to go for a friendly fight,” he said. Congress which is also fighting the elections on an anti-Trinamool Congress agenda is likely to field a galaxy of 2>=6A4BB;45C5A>=C D=34ABC0=38=6 FTbc1T]VP[?aPSTbW2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]c0SWXaAP]YP]2W^fSWdahaT[TPbTbcWT[Xbc ^UbTPcbcWT_PachfX[[R^]cTbcX]cWTd_R^\X]VFTbc1T]VP[0bbT\Q[hT[TRcX^]bPc _PachWTPS`dPacTabX]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPh ?C8 heavyweight leaders including Somen Mitra, Abdul Mannan, OP Mishra, Deepa Dasmunshi, and Arunabha Ghosh making it apparently clear that the party was keen to see the back of Trinamool in Bengal. While Congress may field OP Mishra from Bhawanipore, BJP which had taken a lead of about 200 votes from this seat in 2014 General Election may field Chandra Bose, nephew of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, State BJP sources said. The BJP which focussed on about 70-75 seats is likely to declare its candidates’ list from Delhi probably on Thursday, the State leadership said. Propelled by the Modi wave the BJP had polled about 17 per cent votes in 2014 elections. However the par ty’s fortunes had dwindled in the last year’s civic elections when it polled about 10 per cent votes. Meanwhile sources in the CPI(M) which was finding it difficult to convince its allies like Forward Bloc, RSP and CPI to leave seats to the Congress on Tuesday said — after two rounds of talks — that Front partners were willing to sacrifice some seats in the interest of greater good of the State. Accordingly the Bloc may leave 8-9 seats out of its quota of 34, RSP is ready to leave 4 out of 23 it usually fights and CPI may leave 2 out of 14 seats, sources said. XQGHUVWDQGLQJLQ%HQJDO ><4A50A>>@Q 7H34A0103 ommunist Party of India will not be a part of the Left C Front’s understanding with Congress party in West Bengal Assembly elections, the party made it clear on Tuesday. Addressing the media on the sidelines of the two-day party national executive in Hyderabad on Tuesday, the CPI general secretary Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy said that neither the CPI will support Congress nor expect Congress to support the CPI in the Assembly elections. Sudhakar Reddy’s discordant note on the issue of LeftCongress alliance in West Bengal came a day after the LF chairman Biman Bose’s announcement in Kolkatta that the two sides had reached an understanding to fight jointly against the ruling Trinamool Congress in West Bengal. “We are part of the Left Front and we are not have any adjustment with Congress. We have no discussions. As per our knowledge discussions have not taken place”, said Sudhakar Reddy. %-33'3 FRQWLQXHWR SDVVEXFNRQ*RYW IRUPDWLRQLQ-. 2?8]PcX^]P[VT]TaP[bTRaTcPahBdaPePaP\BdSWPZPaATSSh Tuesday was the concluding day of the national executive meet which discussed the current political situation in the country in the context of forthcoming elections in many states including two Left bastions West Bengal and Kerala. Sudhakar Reddy said that the CPI will be contesting 16 seats in West Bengal and will not support Congress on any seat. Replying to a question whether the CPI would accept with CPIM’s understanding with Congress, Sudhakar Reddy said, “we are contesting as part of Left Front. Natually we have no alliance with Congress in any seat”. he Union Home ministry may have last week forT mally denied Goa Government’s request for conferring Special status in order to safeguard its land resources and cultural identity of India’s smallest State, but the rejection appears re-kindled interest in the issue, which has potential to gain traction in the run up to the 2017 State Assembly polls. Goa’s Movement for Special Status (GMFSS), a civil society group which has been campaigning for the cause of special status for the state has now demanded for the resignation of Archives and Archaeology minister Alina Saldanha from the Bharatiya Janata Party-led coalition cabinet for her failure to persuade her party to ?T^_[Tb3T\^RaPcXR?Pach?3?_aTbXST]c<TWQ^^QP<dUcXSdaX]VP\T\QTabWX_ SaXeT^UcWT_PachX]9P\\d[PbcfTTZ ?C8 wo months after the Governors rule was imposed T in the State of Jammu & Kashmir after the sudden demise of Mufti Mohd Sayeed on January 7 the estranged alliance partners BJP and PDP continue to pass the buck over the issue of Government formation without spelling out specific reasons over undue delay. In the last five days PDP Chief Mehbooba Mufti has addressed three public meetings in both the distinct regions of the state where she dropped clear hints of Government formation in alliance with the BJP but while doing so she apparently tried to put pressure on the central govt headed by Narendra Modi to come forward and announce some confidence building measures (CBM’s) to initiate the process of Government formation. Meanwhile, when she failed to illicit positive response from the top brass of the BJP or any other central leader she went on to claim that the ball lies in the court of BJP over the issue of Government formation in the State while she was committed to fulfil the vision of PDP patriarch Mufti Mohd Sayeed who had decided to align with the BJP for the welfare of the people of State. Interestingly, BJP National General Secretar y Ram Madhav who held a secret meeting with Mehbooba Mufti in Srinagar on February 17 is yet to make any public statement in response to the Mehbooba’s positive gestures. In the absence of any forward movement she is deliberately staying away from the Parliament and currently tour- ing the state to give boost to the ongoing membership drive of the party. Responding directly to her statements former Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh Tuesday returned the ball in to the PDP’s court while urging them to elect their legislature party leader first to start the process of Government formation. Dr Singh while counting on the list of achievements of the alliance govt during their short stay in office told reporters, “so far PDP has not raised the issue of confidence building measures during any formal meeting with the BJP”. “What we have learnt is only through the press that they are seeking some CBM’s. In reality CBM’s are not in picture and all we have is Agenda of Alliance, he added. The same was drafted very carefully keeping in mind the aspirations of the people of all three regions of the State. Dr Singh said time and again we have cleared our stand on the question of govt formation. He said after the Assembly polls it took us more than two months time to draft the Agenda of Alliance and we always knew that it is neither a political nor any form of ideological alliance. He said on Tuesday also we are committed to the draf t of t he Agenda of Alliance and every thing has been clearly spelt out in the document. PDP too called it a ‘sacred’ document. Dr Singh said now the onus is on them to elect their legislature party leader. We can move ahead only after their legislature party leader is elected. C<2RWXTUP]SFTbc1T]VP[2WXTU<X]XbcTa<P\PcP1P]TaYTT[TPSbP]T[TRcX^]RP\_PXV]aP[[hU^a0bbT\Q[h_^[[bX]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPh ?C8 CaP]bVT]STaY^da]^Y^X]b19?X]2WT]]PX :D<0A274;;0??0=Q 274==08 he BJP in Tamil Nadu may not have succeeded in forgT ing alliance with any of the major political outfits in the run up to the Assembly election. But Tamilissai Sounderarajan, the State unit chief of the party sprang a surprise on Tuesday during a function held at the party head quarters at Chennai in connection with the International Women’s Day. She introduced Apsara Reddy, a popular transgender journalist of repute who joined the party as an ordinary worker. “It is the great work being done by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Ministers Smriti Irani and Sushma Swraj and others which attracted me towards the BJP. It is the only political party 0?B0A00?>?D;0ACE0=27>A ?4AB>=8B>=4>5C74<>BC 140DC85D;5024B8=C0<8;=03D ?>;8C82B0=38BBDA4C>68E4A8E0;B ;8:4:7DB71>>>5C742>=6A4BB0 AD=5>AC748A<>=4HB74F0B0 B4=8>A438C>A>534220=27A>=82;4 which recognises people based on their talents. You don’t need any god father or god mother to be recognised in the BJP,” said Apsara. Speaking to The Pioneer, Apsara said her being admitted to the party on the occasion of the International Women’s Day was a recognition for the transgenders. “We are all craving to be recognised as women and the decision of the BJP to select this day for admitting me into the party is a recognition for the entire community,” said Apsara. She said her focus would be women, minorities and the downtrodden in the society. “The troubles I have undergone, the pains I have suffered and the helplessness I have seen in the weaker sections have made me join the most ideal political platform. I will be an activist fighting corruption and injustice,” said Apsara. Though she told that she was not after any party post, Soundararajan who introduced Apsara said she would be one of the pillars of Tamil Nadu BJP. Apsara, a popular TV anchor person, is one of the most beautiful faces in Tamil Nadu politics and is sure to give rivals like Khushboo of the Congress a run for their money. She was a senior editor of Deccan Chronicle, the unofficial mouthpiece of the Congress and hails from a prominent Telugu family in Chennai. While addressing the delegates of Women’s Day, Apsara made a crucial observation. “The DMK is still dependent on Kanimozhi though she is an accused in the multi crore 2G spectrum scam. Why Karunanidhi is not allowing other women in the party to occupy important positions?”, asked Apsara which was greeted by a thunderous applause by the delegates attending the Women’s Day seminar. 19?1B?`dTbcX^]X]`dXah aT_^ac^]<diPUUPa]PVPaaX^cb Lucknow: BSP and BJP both raised question over the one man enquiry commission’s report on Muzaffarnagar riots, tabled on the floor of the State Legislative Council on Tuesday. While the agitated BSP members staged a walk-out, the BJP leaders came in well to register their protest after which the House was adjourned for a brief period of 10-minutes. As soon as the Leader of the House, Ahmed Hassan tabled the commission of enquiry report on the floor of the House, LoP Naseemudin Siddiqui termed it just an `eye-wash’ and efforts of the Samajwadi Party to give clean chit to the State Government for it’s failure. Siddiqui sought explanation from the Government on the issue. PNS The National executive also decided that it will contest 29 or 30 Assembly seats in Kerala and around 65 seats in Tamil Nadu and 18 seats in Assam as part of left parties’ front. Commenting on the prospects in Kerala for the left front, Sudhakar Reddy said that they were bright as the United Front was defamed. He said that the final understanding among the Left Democratic Front partners in Kerala will be announced in a couple of days. He expressed hope that more parties will join the Front of CPI, CPIM, MDMK and VCK in Tamil Nadu where the front was getting good response. ATYTRcX^]^U³b_TRXP[ bcPcdbc^6^P´ST\P]S aT]TfbX]cTaTbcX]XbbdT <0H017DB70=Q ?0=098 <>78C:0=370A8Q 90<<D ?C8 F^a[SWTaXcPVTbXcT2WWPcaP_PcXBWXePYXCTa\X]dbX[[d\X]PcTSX]_X]ZR^[^da^]8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]´b3PhX]<d\QPX^]CdTbSPh ?C8 Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, was chief minister of the state, the state legislative assembly had passed a unanimous resolution which empowered the State Government to engage with the union government to confer special status to Goa, claiming large chunks of land in the small, resourcecrunched state were being bought by non-Goans and there was an increasing share of non-ethnic Goans in the state’s population charts, giving rise to fears that the state’s unique identity would be diluted. Both the BJP as well as the Congress were in agreement over the issue of special status to Goa, which would enable it to stop outsiders from purchasing land here and pull down real estate prices, which are putting C748BBD4>5B?4280;BC0CDB70B 144=A08B431H=6>B0=30;;C74 <09>A?>;8C820;?0AC84B8=C74 BC0C4F7>70E42;08<43C70C ;0=3?A824B0A44B20;0C8=63D4C> D=2>=CA>;;43?DA270B4B1HA40; 4BC0C4;>1184B5A><>DCB8346>0 grant special status to Goa. “It was a collective demand from all political parties and civil society groups that Goa should have special status to preserve the State’s fragile cultural identity and land resources. She has been an active campaigner for the cause. Now that she has failed to convince her Government, she should resign from the cabinet,” GMFSS president Prajal Sakhardande told The Pioneer on Tuesday. Saldanha, who has been actively associated with the special status movement had earlier threatened to resign if Special Status was not granted to Goa, after the National Democratic Alliance Government won the General Elections in 2014. On last Wednesday, March 2, Union Minister of State for Home Haribhai Chaudhary told the Rajya Sabha on Wednesday in a written reply, that the demand made by the Goa Government to his ministr y to confer special status to Goa under Section 371 of the Indian Constitution was not feasible. “The matter was examined and was not considered feasible,” the Minister said tabled in the Upper House on Wednesday in response to a question by Congress Rajya Sabha MP Shantaram Naik. The issue of special status has been raised by NGOs and all the major political parties in the state, who have claimed that land prices are escalating due to uncontrolled purchases by real estate lobbies from outside Goa. In 2013, when now housing out of the reach of the common man. According to State leaders of the BJP, while the demand for special status to be conferred on Goa was legitimate, it may not be politically easy for the Central Government to agree to the demand, given that states like Bihar have already been demanding for a similar status. “We had discussed the issue with our central leaders, but they believe that if special status is granted to one state, then other States would also demand for special status. That would be a politically difficult thing to handle,” a BJP State executive committee member said on condition of anonymity. Sensing the Central BJP’s leadership’s reluctance to see the special status demand favourably, Goa Chief Minister Laxmikant Parsekar has already said that following up on the demand, would be a “waste of time”. But others like Sakhardande aren’t willing to take a no for an answer. “We will be starting a campaign across Goa to restart the debate on the need for special status for the state,” Sakhardande said. Saldanha, who has refused to resign from the state cabinet, also refuses to give up home on Goa getting special status, especially with the NDA in power at the Centre. “I still do not believe in the statements made by the central minister about Goa not getting special status. I will continue to lobby with my government to ensure that it happens,” Saldanha said. ^_X]X^]' A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % gggTQY\i`Y_^UUbS_] aRaVchZeYaRddZ`_ 4`gVcfaT`^^ZddZ`_ 0X]DIIDUQDJDUULRWVSDQHOGRHVZKLWHZDVKMRE WTaT_^ac^UcWT9dbcXRTEXbW]dBPWPX2^\\XbbX^]^U8]`dXahX]c^cWT! 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India’s rising star on the ideological and political firmament, the one and only Kanhaiya Kumar, is now singing a patriotic tune that should gladden Manoj Kumar’s heart. Out on bail for a period of six months after spending 20 days behind bars on a variety of charges including sedition, the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students Union president’s fresh statements have been hailed as “amazing” and “brilliant” by his political admirers. On various platforms since his release, he claimed that his ideal was Rohith Vemula (why?) and not Afzal Guru; and that the azadi he is demanding is freedom from poverty, from hunger, from inequality. Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar could not contain his excitement, claiming that “the coming forward of such a talented student and youth will strengthen the roots of democracy in our country”. He leaves unexplained how the roots of democracy can be strengthened when the likes of Kanhaiya Kumar remain mute to break-India campaigns. Mr Nitish Kumar’s colleague in the Janata Dal (United), Mr Sharad Yadav, was moved enough to declare that the country needed “more Kanhaiya Kumars so that the people could live and sleep peacefully”. Live and sleep peacefully, when university students and others plot the destruction of India! Not to be outdone, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal chipped in with his “amazing clarity of thought expressed wonderfully” endorsement, accompanied by a warning to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to not “mess with students”. In other words, the Prime Minister and the Government must remain silent spectators (like their predecessors) while sections of the student community go on a verbal rampage — not just against the incumbent regime but also institutions that symbolise democratic authority — Parliament, judiciary, police etc. Just in case you thought all the gushes has to do with Kanhaiya Kumar’s patriotism, a correction is in order. The student leader is the toast of the Opposition especially because he used his homecoming to launch a tirade against the Prime Minister and the Bharatiya Janata Party. Patriotic sentiment doesn’t excite this crowd of opposition leaders; in fact, it embarrasses them. What has had the oppo- A sition leaders cheering like possessed fans at a rock concert is Kanhaiya’s diatribe against the Prime Minister. Two of the student activist’s gems are as follows: “Modiji only says mann ki baat but doesn’t listen to it”; and, “We have some people like that (selling magic) in our country, who say black money will come back; sabka saath sabka vikas”. After all this, certain Left leaders have reportedly decided to use him for electoral campaigning. Kanhaiya Kumar claims he is not into politics. We will soon know. He has shown the veteran politician’s knack of milking situations. Meanwhile, he is being felicitated as if he has been discharged of all allegations, and in a manner reminiscent of the adoration freedomfighters received from the public on their release from colonial prisons. Kanhaiya Kumar has no option but to adhere to the undertaking he has given to the Delhi High Court, that he will not participate actively or passively in any activity that may be termed as anti-national. On his part, the student leader maintains he is not anti-national. The irony appears 2UV_bUW_Y^Wd_ZQY\ cdeTU^dcXQTdXU ^QdY_^Q\V\QWGXU^ dXUiSQ]U_eddXUi XQTdXUcQ]U9dc ^_dQaeUcdY_^_V RQdd\U_VYTUQc 3@=\\UQTUb ±CYdQbQ]IUSXebi :0=708H0:D<0A 8B148=6 54;828C0C430B85 7470B144= 38B270A643>50;; 0;;460C8>=B0=3 8=0<0==4A A4<8=8B24=C>5 C7403>A0C8>= 5A443><5867C4AB A4248E43>=C748A A4;40B45A>< 2>;>=80;?A8B>=B lost on his admirers. Why would the court ordinarily ask a lawabiding citizen to provide an undertaking that he will not engage in anti-India actions, as part of the bail proceeding? It would do so only if it has reason to believe that the person concerned may do what the court considers wrong. The judge had even gone to the extent of quoting a patriotic song from a Manoj Kumar film and observing that anti-nationalism was an “infection” that had to be addressed. Kanhaiya Kumar has discovered the virtue of patriotism after his time in jail. He had not found it necessary to condemn and confront the anti-India and proterrorist sloganeering crowd in the JNU campus in the second week of last month. If he had wanted, he, together with the other students of the university, could have easily done that. He didn’t, just as he had not opposed the ‘cultural meeting’ that was organised with the deliberate aim of demeaning the country and its sovereignty and integrity, and in which calls for India’s disintegration were raised. B>D=318C4 BUWQbT\Ucc_VgXQd9 cQiQR_edbe]_ebUT \Y^[e`c`U_`\UgY\\ cdY\\dQ\[9T_^dgQ^dd_ S_]]U^d_^Yd Kanhaiya Kumar today talks grandly of the difference between “deshdroh” (anti-nation) and “rajdroh” (anti-Government), but since he remained silent (even complicit, according to his detractors and Delhi Police) over calls for India’s dismemberment and terrorist Afzal Guru’s ‘martyrdom’, he must educate us on whether that silence had to do with deshdroh or rajdroh. Incidentally, Kanhaiya Kumar’s (after-thought) sanitised azadi call is interesting, since he now wants freedom ‘within’ India and not ‘from’ India — and from a host of socio-economic ills. The student leader is now craftily projecting for himself an image of an activist out to provide succor to the toiling millions struggling for two meals a days or decent clothing. If he is sincere, he should train his guns on the Congress which ruled the country the longest and ruined it the most. He must turn around and demand that his comrades explain why they ground West Bengal’s economic development to dust in the more than three decades of uninterrupted reign. If he is a progressive, he must seek answers from both the Congress and the Left parties on why they have continued resorting to brazen appeasement policies based on religious identity (even as they condemn the BJP and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh for precisely that) and not on economic considerations. On matters of ideology, he and his ilk have the memory of Gujarat 2002; how is it that they have forgotten the 1984 Sikh massacre, or the various acts of violence involving the Left cadre in Kerala and West Bengal over decades? Kanhaiya Kumar may want to reflect on the observation by legendary businessman and builder of the iconic McDonald’s, Raymond Albert ‘Ray’ Kroc: “The quality of leaders is reflected in the standards they set for themselves.” The JNU scholar might not be Kroc’s ideological fellow-traveller, but as a student leader (and a soon-to-be political leader), he can ponder over Kroc’s observation without being infected by the ‘capitalist’ virus. Did he set the right standard by his silence over anti-India campaigns? Reports suggest that he had even opposed the cancellation of permission by university authorities to the so-called cultural event. Kanhaiya Kumar’s loud proclamation of patriotism has nothing to do with a change of heart; it’s a change of tactic after sensing hostile public opinion and the High Court’s mood. 5Wi`dYcQbU]Qb[ QR\UUhQ]`\U_VX_g TYVVUbU^dY^V\eU^SUc QSb_ccdXUSU^debYUc XQfUS_]Ud_WUdXUb Q^TQccY]Y\QdUT 9^TYQ^U U^f_i d_5 5Wi`d ±C2XQddQSXQbiiQ 1Sd_b ±6QbXQ^1[XdQb ;4CC4ABC>C74438C>A 6Q[U`XU^_]U^_^ Sir — This refers to the article, “The arrival of a new proletarian messiah” (March 8) by Sandhya Jain. It is increasingly being evident that students’ union president Kanhaiya Kumar has suddenly emerged as a national hero. The socalled liberal, secular section of the media is primarily responsible for this ominous development. This seemingly aggressive student leader was so frightened of mob-lynching for his anti-Indian action that Delhi Police had to make elaborate arrangements for his security when he was being taken to the Patiala House court. However, after his conditional release on an interim bail and his safe return to the campus, Mr Kumar promptly resumed his rabble-rousing oratory, screaming azadi slogans and mocking Prime Minister Narendra Modi. M Ratan Via email 4YfYTY^W9^TYQ Sir — This refers to the article, “The arrival of a new proletarian messiah” (March 8) by Sandhya Jain. Indeed, there is a danger that an entire community can be tarnished. CVR]decV_XeY`Wh`^V_ ]ZVdZ_eYVZcVUfTReZ`_ C WXbaTUTabc^cWTTSXc^aXP[°4\_^fTaX]Vb^RXTch±<PaRW'CWTf^\T]b aTbTaePcX^]1X[[fWXRWbTTZbc^aTbTaeT""_TaRT]c^UcWTbTPcbU^af^\T] X]?Pa[XP\T]cP]SBcPcT[TVXb[PcdaTbWPbQTT]VPcWTaX]VSdbcX]cWTPQbT]RT ^UPR^]bT]bdbQTcfTT]_^[XcXRP[_PacXTbCWXbSTb_XcTPRWP]VTX]6^eTa]\T]c PccWT2T]caT0RcdP[[h\P[TRWPdeX]Xb\XbbcX[[P[XeTP]SaP\_P]cX]^dab^RX Tch<T]\TaT[hcP[ZPQ^dcf^\T]T\_^fTa\T]cU^acWTbPZT^UXc CWTaTP[bcaT]VcW^Uf^\T][XTbX]cWTXaQTX]VTSdRPcTS0bXbR^\ \^][hbPXS°8Uh^dTSdRPcTP\P]h^dTSdRPcTP]X]SXeXSdP[*W^fTeTaXU h^dTSdRPcTPf^\P]h^dTSdRPcTPfW^[TUP\X[hF^\T]T\_^fTaTS \TP]b\^cWTa8]SXPT\_^fTaTS± 0bcWTTSXc^aXP[_^X]cTS^dcf^\T]R^]bcXcdcT^][h !_TaRT]c^U_Pa [XP\T]cPaXP]bP]S]X]T_TaRT]c^UP[[BcPcT[TVXb[Pc^abX]8]SXPfWX[TcWTh \PZTd_U^a#&_TaRT]c^UcWT]PcX^]P[T[TRc^aPcTCWTbTUXVdaTbWPeTc^ QTX\_a^eTSd_^] 0iWPa0:WP] AP\_da Radicalisation has gone deep into the very fabric of India and will only further divide the country. Another name of democracy is ‘war of words’, and those who want to win it, must get smart with words and start their own radio and/or television channels. Abhi Via web E^YdidY]U Sir — This refers to the article, “India’s fatal approach to Kashmir terror issue” (March 7) by Joginder Singh. It is high time that we rise above petty issues of caste, creed and religion to set right the happenings in our country. Every State must be brought under the ambit of equality. To achieve this, we will have to join hands and be on one platform. SC Via web 3\Qcc`UbV_b]Q^SU Sir — India has established supremacy in cricket by winning the T20 Asia Cup match played against Bangladesh. Hearty congratulations to the Indian team! The 94run stand between Indian batsmen Virat Kohli and Shikhar Dhawan was nice cricket. Sixty runs in 44 balls with nine boundaries and a six by Dhawan, was classy. Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni deserves special mention for scoring 20 runs in just six balls (with two sixes) in the dying hours of the game. R Gururajan Ooty 3__\XUQTUTSQ`dQY^ Sir — This refers to India’s thumping Asia Cup win over Bangladesh on March 6 at Mirpur. Despite the fact that the host team had home advantage, India came out successful in the 14th over. Indian skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni has recovered great confidence in himself and his team in all parts of the game — fielding, bowling and batting. Even as Dhoni led his team at the front, he scored quick 20 runs (with two sixes) in just six balls. With this super performance, one cannot hesitate to predict India’s win at the T20 World Cup that is about to begin in a few days. India can bear all sorts of pressure under coolheaded Dhoni. PN Saxena Via email BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^) [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\ "aSThT( A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D <PgX\d\V^eTa]P]RTP[b^\TP]bc^VXeTdb f^\T]^da[TVXcX\PcTSdTfWXRWXbcWT [^]VPfPXcTSf^\T]baTbTaePcX^]1X[[ °2^]VaTbb_aTbXST]c B>=8060=378 5VWZ]Z_X:_UZR¶dZ__VcdR_TefRcj 58ABC 2>;D<= 8]cWTaTRT]cSPhbf^\T][TPSTabX]cWT 2^]VaTbbPaT]^cVTccX]VcWTXaSdTbWPaT SdaX]VRP]SXSPcTbT[TRcX^]U^a_^[[b °:TaP[P2^]VaTbb[TPSTa 18=3D:A8B7=0 30E831;08A 2X]Z^adV`W:cR_¶d _ReZ`_R]WfefcV CWTd]ZX]STbc_Pac^UcWT9=DUaPRPbXbcWTaTP[Xch^UcTPRWTabfW^bW^d[SWPeTQTT]cWTX]cT[[TRcdP[_X^]TTab^URXeX[XbPcX^] _aTPRWX]VbTRTbbX^]Xb\P]SbT_PaPcXb\D]U^acd]PcT[hcWT[Xbc^UcW^bTfW^R^[[dSTc^bdQeTaccWXb]PcX^]XbP[^]V^]T I A^dWP]XAPUbP]YP]XVP\T_[P]Xb_aTbd\PQ[hc^X]bcP[[ PBd_aT\T;TPSTaX]cWTXa^f]X\PVT8UcWTh_a^b_Ta 8aP]fX[[QTR^\TP_a^U^d]S[hSXUUTaT]cR^d]cah bcWTaTU^a\XbcaP[[hPccWTD]XeTabXch^UCTWaP]RP\Tc^P]T]S 8bdSST][haTP[XbTSfWPcfPb\XbbX]VCWT^RRPbX^]WPS^_T]TS fXcW_aPhTabP]ScWT]PcX^]P[P]cWT\Pbh^df^d[STg_TRcX] P]8b[P\XRAT_dQ[XRX\QdTSfXcWP_a^U^d]SbT]bT^U_PcaX^cXb\ CWT]RP\TPbTaXTb^Ub_TTRWTbSfT[[X]V^]8aP]b_a^Q[T\b P]SfWPc\XVWcQTS^]TPQ^dccWT\1dccWTaTfPb^]T\XbbX]V _XTRT^UcWTPcaT)CWTTeT]cWPS_PbbTSfXcW]^_PbbX^]PcTR^] ST\]PcX^]b^UbX]XbcTaU^aTXV]_^fTab]^RWP]cbQTVX]]X]VfXcW °STPcWc^±*X]STTS]^\T]cX^]bfWPcb^TeTa^UcWTcaPSXcX^]P[caX^ ^U_P]c^\X\TeX[[PX]b¯0\TaXRP8baPT[P]S1aXcPX]8]bcTPScWT b_TTRWTbWPSQTT]bTaX^db¯TeT]TPa]Tbc¯P]SSTe^XS^Uf^aSb ^UQ[P\TRPbcPcP]h^]T^dcbXST8aP]CWT^][heTaQP[QPaQbfTaT SXaTRcTSPcU^a\Ta?aTbXST]c^U8aP]<PW\^dS0W\PSX]TYPSP]S cWTSP\PVTRPdbTSQhWXbTXVWchTPa_aTbXST]Rh B^U^aVTccWTXSTPcWPc]^aTP[SXUUTaT]RTbTgXbcQTcfTT]cWT _^[XcXRP[caPSXcX^]bcWPcV^WTPSc^WTPSX]8aP]XP]T[TRcX^]b0cP aP[[h^UWPaS[X]TabcWTU^[[^fX]VSPh8WTPaSb^\P]hR^]ST\ ]PcX^]b^U1aXcPX]cWPc8aP]XcbT[UQPaT[haPcTSP\T]cX^]8]UPRc cWTaP[[hWPSb^[Xcc[Tc^S^fXcW8aP]cWPcXc\XVWcWPeTQTT]WT[S P]hfWTaTX]cWTf^a[SCWT\PX]SXbcX]RcX^]QTcfTT]cWTR^\ _TcX]VRP\_bXb^QeX^db)7PaS[X]TabcPZTR^\U^acX]Q[P\X]VU^a TXV]TabU^aTeTahcWX]V*aTU^a\XbcbQhP]S[PaVTS^]^c 0]SWTaTXbcWTV^^S]Tfb)CWT[PccTacaPSXcX^]XbbTXiX]VcWT _^[XcXRP[PbRT]SP]Rh7^fRP]cWPcQTbPXSfXcWbdRWR^]UXST]RT. 0UcTaP[[8aP]XP]T[TRcX^]bPaT]^cTgPRc[h\^ST[b^UST\^RaPRh 4eTah^]T fW^ fP]cb c^ bcP]S \dbc QT eTccTS Qh cWT 6dPaSXP] 2^d]RX[PR^\\XccTT^U !^[S\T]fW^S^cWTXaQTbcc^fTTS^dc aTU^a\XbcbCWTUXabcR^]SXcX^]XbcWPcTeTahR^]cT]STa\dbcbd_ _^accWTaTe^[dcX^]^U (&(P]ScWTR^]RT_c^UcWT8b[P\XRAT_dQ[XR 8\PVX]TXUP[[cWTRP]SXSPcTbX]P1aXcXbWT[TRcX^]WPSc^QT 2^]bTaePcXeTbP]Sh^dfX[[d]STabcP]ScWT[X\XcTSRW^XRT1dcXU cWTaXeP[bWP__T]c^QT1aXcXbW2^]bTaePcXeT_^[XcXRXP];XP\5^g P]S1aXcXbW?aX\T<X]XbcTa3PeXS2P\Ta^]cWPcf^d[SbcX[[aT_aT bT]cPVT]dX]TSTRXbX^]fXcWaTP[R^]bT`dT]RTb0]ScWTbP\TXb cadTX]8aP]5^aP[[cWTbhbcT\bU[Pfb]PcX^]P[_^[XRhRP]P]SS^Tb P[cTaQTRPdbT^UT[TRcX^]b?dcbX\_[h8aP]Xb^]T^UPWP]SUd[^U R^d]caXTbX]cWT<XSS[T4PbcfWTaT_^[XcXRP[RWP]VT¯P[QTXcfXcW X]cXVWc[hSaPf][X\Xcb¯RP]QTPRWXTeTScWa^dVWcWTQP[[^cQ^g CWTT[TRcX^]bcWPcWPeTYdbc_PbbTS_a^eXSTPeXcP[V[X\_bT^U cWT ]PcX^]b _^[XcXRP[ UdcdaT 0[^]VbXST cWT _Pa[XP\T]cPah _^[[ P bX\d[cP]T^dbT[TRcX^]P[b^c^^Z_[PRTU^aPbT_PaPcTQ^ShRP[[TS cWT0bbT\Q[h^U4g_TacbCWXbR^\\XccTT^U''T[STa[h\T]Xb]^a \P[[hbd_X]TP]SXaaT[TeP]c8cWPb^][h^]TUd]RcX^])C^RW^^bT cWTBd_aT\T;TPSTa^UcWT8b[P\XRAT_dQ[XRCWTW^[STa^UcWXb _^bcbXcbPccWTP_Tg^UcWTR^d]cahb_^fTabcadRcdaTR^]ca^[[X]V cWT 0a\TS 5^aRTb P]S cWT X]cT[[XVT]RT PVT]RXTb P[^]V fXcW cWT ATe^[dcX^]Pah6dPaS2^a_b 8]cWTUX]P[P]P[hbXbcWTBd_aT\T;TPSTaXbcWT\P]fW^bTcb cWTSXaTRcX^]^U8aP]1dccWTX]Rd\QT]c0hPc^[[PW0[X:WP\T]TXXb &%P]ST]SdaTS_a^bcPcTbdaVTahX]! #B^cWT]Tf\T\QTab^U cWT0bbT\Q[h¯fW^fTaTT[TRcTSU^aTXVWchTPab¯PaTWXVW[h[XZT [hc^RW^^bTWXbbdRRTbb^aB^\Td]dbdP[R^]cT]STabb_^ccTScWT ^__^acd]Xchc^Y^X]>SS[hT]^dVWcWT\P]fW^P[aTPShW^[SbcWT WXVWTbcT[TRcTS^UUXRT8aP]³b?aTbXST]c7PbbP]A^dWP]XSTRXSTSc^ QTR^\TP\T\QTa^UcWT0bbT\Q[hPbfT[[7Tf^]WXbbTPcfXcW TPbTPRWXTeX]VcWXaS_[PRTX]CTWaP]?a^eX]RTfXcW!!\X[[X^]e^cTb 8]UXabc_[PRT\TP]fWX[TfPbPU^a\Ta?aTbXST]c0ZQPa7PbWT\X APUbP]YP]XfW^f^]!"\X[[X^]e^cTbEPaX^dbU^[[^fTab^UTXcWTa <aA^dWP]X^a<aAPUbP]YP]Xc^^ZPc[TPbc$^UcWT0bbT\Q[hb ''bTPcb@dXTc[hcWTbTcf^_^[XcXRXP]bWPeT_^bXcX^]TScWT\bT[eTb c^X]U[dT]RT¯^aTeT]R^]ca^[¯cWTRW^XRT^UcWT]TgcBd_aT\T ;TPSTa1^cW<aA^dWP]XP]S<aAPUbP]YP]XPaTUa^\cWT_aPV\Pc XRcaPSXcX^]^U8aP]XP]_^[XcXRb=TXcWTaXbPVT]dX]TaTU^a\TabcX[[ [TbbP\^STaPcTX]^dacTa\b1dc]^aPaTcWThWPaS[X]Tab*X]STTS Q^cW\T]PaT^_T][haTeX[TSQhcWPc_PacXRd[PacaPSXcX^] CWT A^dWP]XAPUbP]YP]X VP\T_[P] Xb _aTbd\PQ[h c^ X]bcP[[ P Bd_aT\T;TPSTaX]cWTXa^f]X\PVT8UcWThbdRRTTS8aP]f^d[SQTR^\T P_a^U^d]S[hSXUUTaT]cR^d]cah¯fWXRWXbfWhcWTT[TRcX^]bcWPcWPeT YdbccPZT]_[PRTfTaTb^RaXcXRP[ 2^dacTbh)CWT3PX[hCT[TVaP_W n October 2010, when the BJP demanded that action be taken against writer-activist Arundhati Roy for her comments in a seminar on ‘Azadi: The only way’, held in New Delhi, these intellectuals had condemned the BJP. Ms Roy had accused the Indian state of waging war against its own people and had also added that Kashmir was never an integral part of India. She said, “A TV journalist stuck a mic in my face and very aggressively said ‘Madam, is Kashmir an integral part of India or not? Is Kashmir an integral part of India or not?’ about five times. So I said, look Kashmir has never been an integral part of India. However aggressively and however often you want to ask me that. Even the Indian Government has accepted in the UN that it’s not an integral part of India. So, why are we trying to change that narrative now. “See, in 1947, we were told that India became a sovereign nation and a sovereign democracy, but if you look at what the Indian state did from midnight of 1947 onwards, that colonised country, that country that became a country because of the imagination of its coloniser — the British drew the map of India in 1899 — so that country became a colonising power the moment it became independent, and the Indian state has militarily intervened in Manipur, in Nagaland, in Mizoram, in Kashmir, in Telangana, during the Naxalbari uprising, in Punjab, in Hyderabad, in Goa, in Junagarh. “So often the Indian Government, the Indian state, the Indian elite, they accuse the Naxalites of believing in protracted war, but actually you see a state — the Indian state — that has waged protracted war against its own people or what it calls its own people relentlessly since 1947... The colonial state whether it was the British state in India or whether it’s the Indian state in Kashmir or Nagaland or in Chhattisgarh, they are in the business of creating elites to manage their occupations, so you have to know your enemy and you have to be able to respond in ways where you’re tactical...” Kashmiri separatist Syed Ali Shah Geelani had also attended the conference and, as per the organisers’ pamphlets distributed in JNU, “most resolutely articulated his unequivocal call for Azadi as the only solution acceptable to the struggling people of Kashmir.” The pamphlet stated that, “Geelani had shared the stage with representatives from various other struggling nationalities, as well as intellectuals, writers and activists from India.” Geelani was arrested on his return; against that, the pamphlet writers commented thus: “Like in Kashmir too, Indian state rather than taking any action against the murderers in uniform has continued to brutally murder more and more non-violent protestors... But the writing is loud and clear on the walls of Kashmir. Slogans like ‘Go India Go Back’, ‘hum kya chahte? Azadi’ are echoing in the streets of the valley every single day! The deaf Indian state might try to silence it, its corporate media lackeys might try to ignore the reality but this is what the millions of Kashmiris are saying in unison. No might of the colonising Indian state can dominate this unflinching aspiration of 0 0=8A10=60=6D;H :P\P[<XcaP2WT]^h WPbQTT]PccWT U^aTUa^]c^UcWT9=D T_Xb^STSTUT]SX]V cWTbcdST]cb³aXVWc c^aPXbTP]cX8]SXP b[^VP]b7TXbP]^[S WP]SfXcWPbcPZTX] TeTah_XT^U bT_PaPcXb\cWPcXb [X]ZTSc^8]SXPP]S fPbPRcXeTX]cWT 8B8bd__^acTS 6Wd[P\=PQX5PX ]Tcf^aZ8]!%WT _PacXRX_PcTSX]P :PbW\XaR^]UTaT]RT X]FPbWX]Vc^]32 fWXRWWPSSdQX^db bdQcWT\Tb the Kashmiri masses. It is the united fight of other oppressed nationalities along with the oppressed masses in India which is going to defeat this fascist brahminical state and its oppression...” Interestingly, it was these same chants that were shouted in JNU on February 9 this year. The convention report reveals its virulently anti-India character. It say: “The speakers who were represented from various struggling nationalities as well as intellectuals, writers and activists from India, most resolutely articulated the unequivocal call for Azadi as the only solution acceptable to the struggling people of Kashmir. After the convention, Chidambaram-led fascist Indian ruling classes were hand in gloves to register a case against the speakers.” “The convention read out loud and clear for Indians in India, what is written on the walls of Kashmir — ‘Go India, Go Back!’ — no amount of repression can deny just demand of Kashmiris for Azadi, fighting masses of India for their land, livelihood and dignity. Colonising, Brahminical, fascist Indian state will be destroyed.” Ms Roy and others speakers in this conference essentially called the Indian state/Government a colonial and oppressive entity that was waging war against its people and called on the people to look upon India as their enemy. And yet when the BJP demanded that action be initiated against Ms Roy, a public statement was released demanding — as is the habit — the upholding of “free speech and expression.” This statement was signed, among others, by the following professors of JNU: Nivedita Menon, Ranjani Mazumdar, Kumkum Roy, Anuradha Chenoy and Kamal Mitra Chenoy. By appending their signature in defence of Ms Roy in a statement which justified her views on India, these professors endorsed the argument that the Indian state was an aggressor state waging war against its people. Ironically, as professors of a Central University, they were themselves life-long beneficiaries of the Indian state. Professor Kamal Mitra Chenoy has been at the forefront of the recent JNU episode, defending the students’ ‘right’ to raise anti-India slogans. He is an old hand with a stake in every pie of separatism that is linked to India and was active in the ISIsupported Ghulam Nabi Fai network. In July 2006, he had participated in the Sixth International Kashmir Peace Conference in Washington, DC, which had dubious sub-themes like, “Is Self-Governance a means towards Self-Determination?”, “Demilitarisation: First step toward setting a stage for settlement” and “Kashmir: Human Rights Dimension”. In May 2011, a two day international conference on Kashmir was held in Muzzafarabad in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir which was attended, among others, by professors Kamal Mitra Chenoy and Anuradha Chenoy and also journalist and Left activist Seema Mustafa. Prof Kamal Mitra Chenoy’s statement at this conference was contrary to the stated position of the Indian Government and Parliament. The conference was also attended by Fai, then executive director of the Kashmiri American Council, an ISI front in the US. Fai spoke in favour of selfdetermination of the Kashmiri people. Waxing eloquent in that conference before his Pakistani and separatists hosts, professor Kamal Mitra Chenoy, said that “repealing black laws, ensuring the basic fundamental rights of Kashmiri people and engaging political as well as civil society at different levels can really help to move bring peace in the region”. He denounced the “draconian laws” prevalent in the State and said that Kashmir is an “international problem”. He also said that, “Azadi is the demand of the people of Jammu & Kashmir and what shape does it take is a big question”. The list of collusion and subversion is a long one, a long litany of betrayal and insidious action against the existence and narrative of India. The unkindest part of it all is the reality of teachers preaching secessionism and separatism, and singing the tunes of the patrons of terrorism and subversion. In his report on Indian universities, philosopher, educationist and statesman Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan had noted, that, “If India is to confront the confusion of our time, she must turn for guidance, not to those who are lost in the mere exigencies of the passing hour, but to her men of letters, and men of science, to her poets and artists, to her discoverors and inventors. These intellectual pioneers of civilisation are to be found and trained in the universities, which are the sanctuaries of the inner life of the nation.” These collaborationists in the agenda of breaking India, operating within the hallowed precincts of a university, are definitely not the “intellectual pioneers of civilisation” but are rather the debasers of civilisation, who, through their profanity, are constantly defiling these “sanctuaries of the inner life of the nation”. (This is the second and concluding part of a two-piece commentary. The first was published on March 2) $QRSHQOHWWHU0D,¶PSURXGRI\RX WKLQN QRZ 8] cWT 8]cTa]PcX^]P[ F^\T]b 3Ph bTPb^] [Tc³b ]^c YdSVT f^aZX]V \^cWTab U^a cWT RW^XRTb cWTh \PZT fWX[T YdVV[X]V QTcfTT] aTb_^]bXQX[XcXTbPcW^\TP]Sf^aZ_[PRT0UcTaP[[fTS^]^cP__[hcWTbP\TbcP]SPaSbc^²f^aZX]VUPcWTab³faXcTb<46701083 ear Ma: Let me start by saying that you were right about that vegetable-dyed shirt being handwashed; my brushes getting spoiled with the dried, chipped paint on it; and petunias not sur viving the Bombay heat. Ma, I’ve been in awe of you for as long as I can remember, and not just for these life hacks that you keep giving, but for the interest you take in the small, little things that I do, despite all these years of having to juggle between an overwhelming amount of work, home and us. It has been incredibly inspiring to see you put yourself through a double Masters, all the while maintaining a full-time job, and grooming me to be independent and self-driven. But Ma, does it ever bother you that probably you did D not juggle well, that your decision to work compromised on our achievements or that your time at the office somehow cut into your quality time with Papa? You never admitted any such guilt, you have always seemed secured and confident. But this thought has left me unsettled. I was spitting watermelon seeds in a napkin when one of my colleagues at the packed lunch table spoke about her career while being a mother of two. She detailed the childcare decisions she had to make, the choices her family “has to make” for dinner, and some of her choices for her own sanity. She repeatedly kept using the words “guilt” and “sacrifice” while I quietly finished my fruit bowl. In the same week, a colleague questioned my choice of career as he was of the opinion that the rigour of work would affect my “personal” life, my family and children going forward. At 22, I felt the burden of the inane expectations that are associated with women at workplace, but I kept quiet. These discussions about women at workplace are now becoming stimuli to my lampooning of the expectations imposed on us. I want to tell them that I graduated from the best colleges, and I am building my big and small success stories at work every day. I am neither an alcoholic nor a drug addict, and don’t have a criminal record. If children from working parent homes were destined to be screw-ups and deadbeats, I have certainly missed the memo. There is an endless amount of advice given to working women, at the salon, in magazines, over coffee in office on “how to have it all” — successful careers and a pristine house, healthy diet and the perfect beach body, happy kids and a supportive husband, great hair and immaculate wardrobes. I see women being judgemental of one another’s work life integration — they do not offer a hand, a glass of wine or an understanding look when they should have. The antiquated idea of the ideal being an attentive mother and the norm being intensive parenting seems to be dictating women at work to be apologetic about their career decisions. Being a working mother in the 1990s must have meant a lot more grief from people around you, from those who criticised your passion for work, your schedule for “act- ing like you wore the pants in the family”. But to tell you the truth, I was always so proud of you, and how accomplished you were. As I grow older, I become all the more grateful for how you modeled loving your work and loving your family. There was always enough for all of us and it has been perfect. I did not have aunts or grandmothers who would take care of us children; while all our friends went home to their mothers after completing school, we waited at the footsteps for you to come back from work and when you came, both of us beamed with happiness. My past memories do not include being greeted with piping hot food after a long day at school or your feeding me little mouthfuls when I was sleepy. But I remember your staying up with me on examination nights with hourly coffee and hot chocolate. We’d spend the start of every academic year wrapping my books in brown cover. You’d write me speeches for the school assembly and spend hours teaching me how to deliver them. You shaped my academics and my personality. You listened to all my stories from school, and told me everything about your work. Your passion to learn and grow rubbed onto me. I realise there is no such thing as a perfect parent, just as there is no such thing as a perfect child, and that the stay-at-home mom versus working mom debate is fundamentally flawed. Ma, if ever you felt guilty to have made your choices, you should know that it is time you quit feeling bad. 7 TfW^fXbWTbc^UXVWc\dbcUXabc R^d]ccWTR^bcFWT]h^d T]VPVTX]PRcdP[UXVWcX]VXU eXRc^ahXb[^]VX]R^\X]VcWT]\T]b fTP_^]bfX[[Va^fSd[[P]ScWTXa PaS^afX[[QTSP\_T]TS8Uh^d[Ph bXTVTc^Pc^f]h^dfX[[TgWPdbc h^dabcaT]VcW0VPX]XUcWTRP\_PXV] Xb_a^caPRcTScWTaTb^daRTb^UcWT BcPcTfX[[]^cQTT`dP[c^cWTbcaPX] =^ffWT]h^dafTP_^]bPaTSd[[TS h^daPaS^aSP\_T]TSh^dabcaT]VcW TgWPdbcTSP]Sh^dacaTPbdaTb_T]c ^cWTaRWXTUcPX]bfX[[b_aX]Vd_c^ cPZTPSeP]cPVT^Uh^daTgcaT\Xch CWT]]^\P]W^fTeTafXbTfX[[QT PQ[Tc^PeTaccWTR^]bT`dT]RTbcWPc \dbcT]bdT©8]fPacWT][Tc h^daVaTPc^QYTRcQTeXRc^ah ]^c[T]VcWhRP\_PXV]b ° Bd]Cid \^]Th A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % 8cXbTbcX\PcTSc^WPeTUdacWTa X]RaTPbTSc^&%_TaRT]cX] ! $ %0SeP]RT4bcX\PcTb X]SXRPcX]VcWPcTR^]^\XRVa^fcW WPbQTT]X\_a^eX]VX]8]SXP 58=0=24<8=8BC4A 0AD=908C;4H 2EJJ 6B?= 7?FD FTaTP[XbTScWPc^cWTacWP][^^ZX]VPc b^\TcWX]VcWPcf^d[SVdXST_T^_[T c^fPaSbaTcXaT\T]cX]R^\TXcPRcdP[[h aTbd[cTSX]bXcdPcX^]fWTaT[^cb^U_T^_[T UT[c%_TaRT]c^UcWTR^a_db^U4?5cWPc fPbaTbcaXRcTSX]cTa\b^UfXcWSaPfP[ fPbcPZX]VU[TgXQX[XchPfPhUa^\cWTXa ^f]aTcXaT\T]c_[P]fWXRWfPbPeTah [TVXcX\PcTR^]RTa]cWPcWPbR^\Td_ <8=8BC4A>5BC0C45>A58=0=2490H0=C B8=70 6T`_`^ZTXc`heYZ^ac`gZ_XZ_:_UZR+;RZe]Vj 9LDFRPWRODXQFKRZQ ?=BQ =4F34;78 he economic growth rate is expected to increase to T 7.6 per cent in 2015-16, Fi n an c e Mi n i s t e r A r u n Jaitley said on Tuesday. The growth rate (GDP at constant market prices) increased from 6.6 per cent in 2013-14 per cent to 7.2 per cent in 2014-15. "(It) is estimated to have further increased to 7.6 per cent in 2015-16 (Advance Estimates), indicating that economic growth has been improving in India," he said in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha. He was asked about "the position" of revival the Indian economy from the world-wide economic recession as on date. Jaitley further said that as per the information available from the International Monetary Fund, the global output growth remained positive, although it has b e en projec te d to have declined from 3.4 pe cent in 2014 to 3.1 per cent in 2015. The Finance Minister said Government has taken various initiatives to boost the growth of the economy, and industrial growth in particular. µ368EDQNV 13$VULVHE\CODNKFULQPWKVRI)< ¶ New Delhi: Bad loans of public sector banks (PSBs) have increased by nearly C1 lakh crore during the first nine months of the current fiscal, Finance Minister A r u n Jait l e y s ai d on Tuesday. "The g ross Non Performing Assets (NPAs) of the PSBs increased from 5.43 per cent as on March 2015 to 7.30 per cent as on December 2015," he told Rajya Sabha in a written reply. Gross NPAs of PSBs increased from C2,67,065 lakh crore in March 2015 to C3,61,731 lakh crore in December 2015, he said. T hu s , t he re i s an increase of C94,666 crore over the nine months of the current fiscal 2015-16. In reply to another question, Jaitley said the govMeanwhile, to a question on central assistance for area specific development programme, Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha said funds allocated to states according to the recommendations of the 14th ernment has taken specific measures to address issues in sectors such as infrastructure, steel and textiles incidence of NPAs is high. The Government has also approved establishment of 6 new Debt Recovery Tribunals, to speed up recovery of bad loans of the banking sector, in addition to existing 33, he said. RBI has also undertaken steps which include formation of Joint Lenders' Forum (JLF) for revitalising stressed assets in the system, flexible structuring for long term project loans to infrastructure and core industries and Strategic Debt R e s t r u c tu r i ng ( SDR ) scheme. With regard to write offs, Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha said, "the percentage of amount recovered against the writeof f done by PSBs has declined from 24.50 per cent in 2012-13 to 20.59 per cent during 2013-14 and further to 15.23 per cent during 2014-15." In the recent years, Sinha said the rate of recovery (out of the written off amount) has declined due to exponential growth of the NPAs. "The re as ons for increase in NPAs include slowdown in recovery in the global economy and continuing uncertainty in the global markets leading to lower exports of various products like textiles, engineering goods, leather and gems etc, factors like volatility in prices of raw material and the shortage in availability of power to some sectors," he said. The banks have written off loans of 38 accounts worth Rs 8,033 crore during 2015-16, he said. In reply to another question, Sinha said an amount of C1,30,156 crore as on December 2015, was classified as NPAs in PSBs for borrowers exceeding C500 crore. Banks were advised that i n t he c a s e of f ai l e d C or p or ate D ebt Restructured (CDR) cases, additional prudential provisioning be made in a phased manner from April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017, he s aid in anot her reply.Sinha further said that the ratio of top 30 NPAs to NPAs above C1 crore (large borrowers) as on March 2015 for scheduled commercial banks is 51.79 per cent. ?=B Finance Commission are "far more" than earlier allocations. Replying to a supplementary question, he said on "net-net" basis also states have got more under the 14th Finance Commission. He said flexibility has been given to states to spend the funds. The Government also said that consequent to recom me nd at i on of t he Commission for increase in state's shares in divisible pool of Union taxes from 32 per cent 42 per cent, Central Assistance to State Plans, including Backward Region Grand Fund has been subsumed in overall enhanced devolution to the states from fiscal 2015-16. RQOLQHYLGHRSODWIRUP9RRW CPZX]VbTaXP[bP]SbW^fb^UUH^dCdQT_[P]bc^cPZT^] BcPa³b²W^cbcPa³bTaeXRTfXcWP_PacXRd[PaU^Rdb^]ZXSb :DB70=<8CA0Q =4F34;78 iacom18, the joint-venture V company between American broadcasting giant Viacom and the Network18 group is launching a new online video streaming service and app which will be called ‘Voot’ by the end of this month. Speaking exclusively to The Pioneer, Sudhanshu Vats, Group Chief Executive Officer and Gaurav Gandhi, Chief Operating Officer, Viacom18 Digital Ventures said that the reason to launch this new service was because they felt that patterns of media consumption are changing. “The mobile phone is the first truly personal device an Indian has had, since televisions and computers in most households are shared devices”, Vats said. Viacom18 which runs channels like Colors, MTV, Nickolodeon and Comedy Central produces over 10,000 hours of content annually, Vats said and over the past a few years they have been uploading sever- al of their top shows on Googleowned YouTube. “Last we checked we had over 2.5 billion views for our content on YouTube”, Gandhi explained. He added that the huge advantage of online is that every viewer is seen as unique, “this makes it a compelling proposition for advertisers as they will know the exact demographic of the user unlike current ratings systems where 30,000 meters give ratings allIndia.” He explained that the digital video advertising market in India is expected to grow five-fold from C1200 crore in 2015 to C6000 crore by 2020. As a result of this move to Voot, Viacom18 will be removing much of their full-shows and other content from YouTube but will retain YouTube as a medium to promote their shows. To encourage users to migrate to Voot however, Gandhi explained that they will offer some compelling fresh online-exclusive content. “We will have a show called ‘Soadie’s for example starring Baba Seghal about a family obsessed with ‘Roadies’ and we also plan to have an exclusive movie at launch starring Gulshan Grover trying to make a comeback as a good guy.” In addition Vats said that the online site and app which will also migrate to Smart Televisions by the end of the year will feature ‘Content within Content’ for some of Colors and MTV hit shows. “In Big Boss for example, we have 70 cameras recording content all the time, we could look at a feature called ‘follow the contestant’ exclusively on Voot or also look at stuff that gets edited out on ‘Khatron Ke Khiladi’ and so on”, he said. However, the big play for the site will be on children’s content, where Nickolodeon will use their library of content from shows such as Chota Bheem and also content for really young tots and make it available on their app. “We will add parental control features to the app, which allows parents to prevent children from accessing content that they should not. We feel that the childrens market is underserved right now and these children who are growing up digitally connected is a great opportunity for the service.” 2LO0LQRUGHUVFKDUJLQJPNW WD[SURSRVDOOHJLWLPDWH6LQKD SULFHIRUJDVIRUQRQXUHDXVH 3HRSOH VFRQFHUQVRQ(3) =4F 34;78) The Government rolled back the proposal to tax EPF withdrawals as it realised that concerns raised by lots of people are very legitimate, Minister of State for Finance Jayant Sinha said on Tuesday. ".. We realised that other than looking at something that would guide people towards retirement income, it actually resulted in situation where lots of people felt 60 per cent of the corpus of EPF that was restricted in terms of withdrawal was taking flexibility away from their own retirement plan which was a very legitimate concern that has come up," Sinha said at an event organised by industry body FICCI. Sinha said that the objective of the proposal was to provide "further benefits to salaried class as far as pension was concerned". In the face of all round attack, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Tuesday completely rolled back the controversial proposal to tax the employees' provident fund (EPF) at the time of withdrawal. In the Budget for 2016-17, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley had proposed to tax 60 per cent of the corpus of the EPF contributions created after April 1, 2016 at the time of withdrawal. He proposed to exempt these from income tax if the amount was invested in pension annuity scheme. The Minister further said that Government wants to work for the people who are saving for their retirement. "I want to assure, every one who is saving for retirement that Government is on your side, government wants to work with you, and it wants to provide you 6^ecc^bT[[$X]2^]R^a c^SPh*\PhVTcC %$Ra =4F 34;78) Government will tomorrow sell 5 per cent stake in Container Corporations of India (Concor) at a base price of C1,195 a piece, which may fetch it an estimated C1,165 crore. The floor price for the Offer For Sale (OFS) is 2.58 per cent below the company's current share price, which closed at C1,226.65 on the BSE on Tuesday. In a regulatory filing, the company said the Government will sell up to 97,48,710 shares, representing 5 per cent stake, tomorrow for non-retail investors, while retail investors can bid in the share sale a day after. "20 per cent of the offer size shall be reserved for retail investors," the filing said. Retail investors would be allocated shares at a five per cent discount to the cut-off price. Such investors can bid for shares worth up to C2 lakh. "No single bidder other than mutual funds and insurance companies shall be allocated more than 25 per cent of the offer shares," the company said. Any unsubscribed portion of the retail category, after allotment, will be eligible for allocation in the non-retail category. The sale of 97.48 lakh shares at this floor price would fetch about C1,165 crore to the exchequer. Concor will be the seventh disinvestment in the current fiscal and will help Government further fill the gap to the revised disinvestment target of C25,000 crore. Government holds 61.80 per cent stake in the logistics company which is under the administrative control of the Railways Ministry. Kotak Securities Ltd, ICICI Securities Ltd and Citigroup Global Markets India Pvt Ltd are lead managers of the issue. Concor provides logistics support such as inland container depots, domestic container terminals, transportation by rail and road, warehousing, storage and other value added solutions. The Government has already raised over C18,000 crore through stake sale in 6 PSUs -- IOC, NTPC, EIL, PFC, REC and Dredging Corporation -- this fiscal. ?C8 incentives and the opportunities... That's why we have modified EPF now." The minister said the objective of proposal to tax EPF at time of withdrawal was to strengthen the pension system in this country and bring EPF and NPS on par so that our salaried class that were saving for retirement would be able to make a choice between two schemes independent of their tax structure. "The objective of proposal to tax the employees' provident fund (EPF) at the time of withdrawals was never ever to raise tax revenues," he said. ?C8 =4F 34;78) After CAG's rap, the Oil Ministry has ordered charging of the market determined price for natural gas used by fertiliser plants for manufacturing non-urea crop nutrients. The ministry has asked state-owned gas utility GAIL India Ltd to charge a rate equivalent to price of imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) for regulated domestic gas, called APM gas, used by fertiliser plants for manufacturing non-urea products. CAG had in a 2012 audit report stated that GAIL had failed to evolve a suitable system to ascertain the quantity of natural gas utilised by fertiliser companies for manufacturing non-fertiliser products and its billing at market price instead of subsidised price. "GAIL will charge market determined price for the quantity of APM gas used by fertil- izer units for manufacturing of products other than fertilizer during July 2006 till implementation of Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) Scheme (ie March 31, 2010)," it said in the order. Further, the company would "charge market determined price for the quantity of APM gas used by fertilizer units for manufacturing of products other than urea after implementation of NBS ie 0HUFHGHVFDOOVIRUOHYHO SOD\LQJILHOGIRUGLHVHOFDUV =4F34;78: Hit hard by a ban on diesel cars with 2,000 cc and above engines, luxury carmaker Mercedes-Benz on Tuesday said singling out vehicles beyond this limit does not "make a whole lot of difference" on the pollution front and there must be a level-playing field for all. The current interim ban in the national capital region will continue till March 31, while the Supreme Court will soon decide on whether to extend it or not. "Even if the diesel (cars) ban is continued at least we should find some consistency in what we do in terms of taxation and policy," Mercedes-Benz Managing Director & CEO Roland Folger told the news agency. Mercedes-Benz and Tata Motors-owned JLR are the worst hit due to the order as their entire diesel model range is powered by engines above 2,000 cc. Folger said ban on diesel cars above 2,000 cc does not serve the purpose of containing emissions as the number of such vehicles is very low in comparison with models with smaller diesel engines including the ones with 1,500 cc capacity. "From our perspective, if diesel ban should continue, than it may make better sense to bring it to the same level (include 1,500 diesel vehicles as well). It will make a whole lot of difference. It will than provoke everybody to go to petrol models," Folger said. In December last year, the Supreme Court banned registration of diesel-run SUVs and cars having engine capacity beyond 2000 cc in Delhi and NCR till March 31, as it unveiled a slew of measures to curb the alarming rise in pollution levels in the city. "Hopefully it (ban) will stop on March 31 but if doesn't stop than at least we should hope for a level-playing field," Folger said. He added that the company could bring in more petrol vehicles if needed but it should not be encouraged as petrol cars emit more carbon dioxide. "We are ready to bring in more models but it is not preferred choice as the petrol engines emit more carbon diox- ide, that won't help in improving the emission scenario," Folger said. Folger said despite more taxes proposed in the Budget on luxury cars, India still remains a very attractive market for the German carmaker. "It is still very very attractive market. See fundamentally nothing has changed. Talking about the Budget sometimes it is more positive and sometimes it is not but our opinion on this year's budget is positive," he added. Meanshile Mercedes- Benz on Tuesday launched Maybach S 600 Guard model in India priced at C10.5 crore (ex-showroom Delhi). The car, which is certified with the highest ballistic protection level of VR 10, comes to the country as a completely built unit (CBU). "With the introduction of the Mercedes-Maybach S 600 Guard we have now created an unmatched offering in the segment and strongly reiterated our technological leadership in the field of special protection vehicles," Mercedes-Benz India MD & CEO Roland Folger told reporters here. The model is the pinnacle of luxury motoring coupled with the highest level of safety and has been launched in India within 15 days of its international debut, he added. As per the VR 10 certification guidelines, body and windows of a car must be able to withstand hardened steel core bullets fired from an assault rifle. Mayback S 600 Guard delivers the highest levels of ballistic and blast protection available for a non military vehicle. "It is hence not surprising that most of the global heads of state, diplomats, business tycoons and celebrities prefer a Guard vehicle," Folger said. The 4.7 tonne vehicle, which is the most expensive car from Mercedes portfolio in India, comes with various safety features including cabin fresh air system and a fire extinguisher system with automatic activation. ?C8 from April 1, 2010 to October 31, 2014." From November 1, 2014 when the new domestic gas pricing guidelines came into effect, "GAIL shall charge the highest rate of regassifiedLNG used for production of urea during the concerned period for the quantity of APM gas used by ferilizer units for manufacturing of products other than urea," the order said. The ministry asked GAIL to transfer the difference between domestic gas price and highest rate of R-LNG used charged for domestic gas used for non-urea purpose to Pool Fund Account (PFA). This "amount will be adjusted in further uniform pooled price," the order said. According to CAG, the gas used for non-fertiliser products was to be charged at market price from January 1, 2009. "This led to non-implementation of Ministry's directives and consequent substantial under recovery in Gas Pool Account besides extra avoidable burden on Government subsidy towards fertiliser production," the auditor had said in its report. CAG said non-implementation of directives to realise market price for gas used for manufacturing non-fertiliser products resulted in loss of C40.48 crore in respect of supplies made to Trombay unit of Rashtriya Fertilizer and Chemicals Ltd (RCF) between January 2009 and October 2009. "Considering all the units of RCF, other fertiliser companies and the period prior to January 2009, there was considerable revenue foregone by GAIL as well as excess payment of fertiliser subsidy by the Government," it had said. ?C8 *RYHQPHQWWRVHWXSIXQGWR PDQXIDFWXUHOLWKLXPEDWWHULHVIRU(9V =4F34;78) Government will set up a Technolog y Development Fund to promote manufacturing to lithium batteries in the country to help reduce cost of electric vehicles, Union Minister Anant Geete said on Tuesday. Stressing upon the need to move towards 100 per cent electric and hybrid mobility, Heavy Industry Minister Geete said: "25 per cent cost of an electric vehicle comprises of lithium battery. We don't have adequate number of lithium batteries available. If we import lithium batteries it raises the cost of lithium batteries significantly". "We are establishing a Technology Development Fund which will help in promotion of (manufacturing) lithium batteries in India for which a sizeable amount has been agreed in-principle by the Finance Ministry". The Minister said the desired response has not come through on electric four wheelers in the last one year. However, he said, the response on two-wheelers has been good. "The demand of two wheeler electric scooters has risen significantly. We expect the four wheeler demand also to rise," Geete said, adding that the Government will provide funds to establish charging stations. He said the Centre needs support of State Governments for success of FAME-India scheme as states have to provide requisite infrastructure like charging stations at public places. Besides, on the announcements regarding levy of cess and tax at source on luxury cars, Geete said these "will not have a significant negative impact on sales" as it will be offset by increased investments in the infrastructure sector like road, transport and highways. "No new incentive for auto sector in the Budget. However, a provision of Rs 97,000 crore has been made in Budget towards roads sector which will indirectly benefit automobile industry," he said. The Government has decided to impose 2.5 per cent cess on diesel vehicles of length not exceeding 4 meter and engine capacity not exceeding 1,500cc, while higher engine capacity and SUVs as well as bigger sedans were slapped with a cess of 4 per cent on the value of the car. ?C8 \^]Th A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % jca^l DfaVceVTYe`Z_gVdeC&(!'TcZ_9RcjR_R 2WPXa_Tab^]^U=PcX^]P[ 2^\\XbbX^]U^aF^\T] ;P[XcWP:d\PaP\P]VP[P\ PSSaTbbX]VPccWT X]PdVdaPcX^]^UPf^aZbW^_ ³BWPZcXF^\T]BcPacd_ 8]SXP^]cWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[ F^\T]b3PhX]=Tf 3T[WX^]CdTbSPh D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^aF^\T]P]S2WX[S 3TeT[^_\T]c<P]TZPBP]YPh6P]SWX PSSaTbbX]VPccWT[Pd]RW^U<PWX[P4700C P]^][X]T<PaZTcX]V?[PcU^a\U^aF^\T] 4]caT_aT]TdabX]=Tf3T[WXaTRT]c[h BTRaTcPahF23EB^\Pbd]SPaP]cWT 3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[<2?aTbb8]U^a\PcX^] 1daTPd0?5aP]Z=^a^]WPP]S^cWTa SXV]XcPaXTbPaTP[b^bTT] &cWATVX^]P[@dP[Xch2XaR[T2^]eT]cX^]^U315WT[SPc =C?21PSPa_dafPbX]PdVdaPcTSQhA4331543 =TcaPX]cWT_aTbT]RT^U6<1PSPa_da6< 5PaXSPQPS6<>B315P]S6<><3PSaXC^cP[ !cTP\bUa^\3PSaX1PSPa_da5PaXSPQPSP]S^]TcTP\ Pb6dTbccTP\Ua^\=C?25PaXSPQPS_aTbT]cTScWTXaRPbT bcdSXTb;@2³?0A8E0AC0=Ua^\=C?25PaXSPQPS STR[PaTSPbF8==4A@2?A060C8Ua^\=C?23PSaX UXabcad]]Tad_P]S01786H0=Ua^\=C?21PSPa_daPb !]Sad]]Tad_@dP[Xch2XaR[T³=08:8A0=R^]bcXcdcTSQh Pbb^RXPcTb^U=C?25PaXSPQPS_aTbT]cTScWTXaRPbTbcdSh ^]³ATSdRX]V=^XbT[TeT[^U1B36BTcPb6dTbccTP\P]S P__aTRXPcTSQhP[[YdSVTb ?C8Q =4F34;78 ealty firm Supertech on Tuesday announced an investment of C5,706 crore over 7 years to develop affordable housing and township projects in Haryana and generate 5,000 employment opportunities. Supertech has signed an memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Haryana Government in this regard at investors meet ‘Happening Haryana Global Summit 2016’. It will generate 5,000 employment opportunities in the state. “Under the Government’s initiative of ‘Housing For All’ by 2022, Supertech is developing affordable housing and township projects in Gurgaon and will be investing C5,706 crore in the state,” the company said in a statement. Under the agreement, Supertech will develop affordable housing and township projects. “The state has a lot of poten- R 4\_[^hTTb^U?^fTa6aXS2^a_^aPcX^]^U8]SXP;cS?>F4A6A83WPb_[TSVTSc^R^]caXQdcT$$\P]W^dab c^fPaSbcWT³BfPRWW1WPaPc0QWXhPP]´0RR^aSX]V[hR[TP][X]TbbSaXeTbWPeTQTT]X]XcXPcTSQh\^aTcWP]&![^RPcX^]b ^U?>F4A6A83b_aTPSPRa^bbcWTR^d]cahX]fWXRW\^aTcWP]$\P]W^dabWPeTP[aTPShQTT]b_T]cc^fPaSbcWXb T]S0Q^dc$T\_[^hTTb^U?>F4A6A832^a_^aPcT2T]caT6daVP^][TSQh2<3?>F4A6A838B9WPP[^]VfXcW 3XaTRc^a?Tab^]]T[APeX?BX]VWP]S^cWTabT]X^a^UUXRTabP]SbcPUUbX]XcXPcTScWT³BfPRWW1WPaPc0QWXhPP]´X] ³APYZXhP:P]hP?aPcWP\XZ?PcWbWP[P´:P]WPX6P^]6daVP^]^]%cW<PaRW! %3daX]VcWTSaXeTP_PacUa^\cWT _aT\XbTb^U³APYZXhP:P]hP?aPcWP\XZ?PcWbWP[P´cWTPSY^X]X]V_aT\XbT^U³0\QTSZPaBPQWP´fPbP[b^R[TP]TSd_ D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^a 0VaXRd[cdaTP]S5Pa\Tab FT[UPaTAPSWP<^WP] BX]VWQaXTUX]VcWT\TSXP PQ^dccWT³:aXbWXD]]PPcX <T[P´PcP_aTbb R^]UTaT]RTX]=Tf3T[WX ^]CdTbSPh<X]XbcTab^U BcPcTU^a0VaXRd[cdaTP]S 5Pa\TabFT[UPaT3a BP]YTTe:d\Pa1P[hP]P]S <^WP]QWPX:P[hP]YXQWPX :d]SPaXhPPaTP[b^bTT] 3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[4B823TT_PZ:d\PaX]WXbZTh]^cTPSSaTbb^]cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]b3PhfXbWTS P[[cWTf^\T]T\_[^hTTb^]cWXb^RRPbX^]P]SbWPaTSWXbeP[dPQ[Tf^\T]T\_^fTa\T]cTg_TaXT]RTbfXcWcWT PdSXT]RTfWX[TbTaeX]VX]SXUUTaT]c_^bXcX^]bPc6^eTa]\T]c8c^aVP]XbTSPBT\X]Pa^]³6T]STaBT]bXcXbPcX^]^]cWT ^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]b3PhX]=Tf3T[WX^]CdTbSPhCWT6dTbcB_TPZTab^]cWXbc^_XRfTaT?^^]P\ <PcXPPUP\^dbPdcW^a?^TcTbbP]S1T[PEXRT?aX]RX_P[6;CBPaPbfPcX1P[<P]SXaBRW^^[=Tf3T[WXCWT^cWTa SXV]XcPaXTbP[b^_aTbT]c^]cWT^RRPbX^]fTaTDET]ZPcTbfPa[d5X]P]RXP[2^\\XbbX^]Ta4B821=CaX_PcWX2WXTU EXVX[P]RT>UUXRTa4B823aA::PcPaXP<TSXRP[2^\\XbbX^]Ta4B82P]S3;PWXaX8]bdaP]RT2^\\XbbX^]Ta4B82 tial in terms of infrastructure and industrial development and has become a hub for affordable housing and infrastructural facility after the launch of Affordable Housing Scheme by the Haryana Government,” said RK Arora Chairman Supertech. Supertech is developing 36 projects in Noida, Greater Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon and Bengaluru, among others. In DQTac^X]eTbcC !Ra^aT NEW DELHI: Taxi-hailing app Uber on Tuesday signed a pact with the Haryana Government, wherein it will invest C120 crore in technology based ride-sharing services. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed at the Happening Haryana Global Investors Summit 2016. Under the agreement, Uber will invest in technology based ride-sharing services, which includes peer-to-peer transportation using private vehicles where the driver is reasonably compensated for expenses, tolls and other related costs. Uber said this new form of reliable and convenient urban mobility will help create a real alternative to car ownership. Uber will also collaborate with the Government in creating smarter cities in Haryana. “Haryana has been a leader in promoting information technology and we are excited to launch private vehicle ride-sharing to promote urban mobility, prevent pollution and reduce the time spent in traffic in our cities,” Vijayendra Kumar, Secretary IT, Haryana said in a statement. PTI 0HGLDFRV¶DGYHUWLVHPHQWSD\PHQWQRWOLDEOHIRU7'6&%'7 DR^df_X¶d8R]RijD( W`cC%)*!!f_gVZ]VU advertisements will not attract tax deducted at source (TDS), the tax department has said. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has examined the issue of applicability of TDS provisions on payments made by TV channels or media houses publishing newspapers or magazines to advertising agencies for procuring 8]^aSTac^cTbcT\TaVT]Rh_aT_PaTS]TbbX]RPbT ^U]PcdaP[VPb_X_T[X]T\XbWP_6Pb><=2A R^]SdRcTS³>UUbXcT4\TaVT]Rh3aX[[^]#cW<PaRW ! %X]Pbb^RXPcX^]fXcW3Xbc0S\X] 6PdcP\QdSWP=PVPaD?5XaTBTaeXRTb?^[XRT =3<0=3A5P]S86;0b_Pac^UcWT³>UUbXcT 4\TaVT]Rh3aX[[´P\^RZbRT]PaX^^UVPb[TPZPVT P]SbdQbT`dT]cUXaTfPbSTeT[^_TS]TPaBWP]X <P]SXaBTRc^a #0=^XSPX]'_X_T[X]T=^XSP cP_^UUc^6PiX_da[X]Tc^cTbccWTTUUXRPRh^U 3XbPbcTa<P]PVT\T]c?[P]³4ePRdPcX^]´^U]TPaQh _PbbTabQhP]S_dQ[XRP]SbWXUcX]V^U³RPdbP[XcXTb´ c^]TPaQh\TSXRP[RT]cTabfPbTUUTRcXeT[h R^^aSX]PcTS3daX]VcWTSaX[[P[[R^]RTa]TS PVT]RXTb^U608;3XbcaXRc0S\X]XbcaPcX^]5XaT BTaeXRTb=3A53<2=3<0P]S86;PRcXeT[h _PacXRX_PcTSX]ePaX^dbSTUX]TSa^[Tb crore to set up multiple high speed manufacturing lines for juice, energy and sparkling drinks at Saha in Ambala and will be completed by 2018. Enrich Agro Food Products will invest C165 crore to set up a new manufacturing line for beverages in Rohtak by 2018 and also invest C45 crore in a packaging unit for Coca-Cola. Kandhari Beverages Pvt Ltd Executive Director Bikram Kandhari said: “This investment which will be utilised to enhance infrastructure in our bottling facilities and setting-up new manufacturing lines.” PTI the Emerald Court Owners Resident Welfare Association, which alleged that the approval and construction of the two towers was ‘in complete violation of the UP Apartment Acts’. ayments made by TV channels or newspaper compaP nies to agencies for procuring APXbTSX] '"$fXcWYdbc&$R^\QPcP]cb^]CdTbSPhcWT 0bbP\AXU[TbWPbTe^[eTSX]c^PU^a\XSPQ[T5^aRTfXcW#%QPcc[T WPaST]TS1PccP[X^]b8cWPbcWTSXbcX]RcX^]^UQTX]VcWT^[STbc P]S\^bcSTR^aPcTS?PaP\X[XcPah5^aRT^UcWT]PcX^]P]SWPb _PacXRX_PcTSX]FF888 (%!P]S (& fPabfXcWTgT\_[Pah _TaU^a\P]RTCWT5^aRTWPbaT]STaTShT^\P]bTaeXRTSdaX]VXcb ST_[^h\T]cU^aR^d]cTaX]bdaVT]Rh^_TaPcX^]bX]=4P]SP[b^ X]9:CWT5^aRTXbRT[TQaPcX]V ' bc0]]XeTabPah^UAPXbX]V X]<PaRW! %>]TbdRWTeT]cXb3XaTRc^a6T]TaP[b 2^]R[PeTfWXRWXb^aVP]XbTSX]=Tf3T[WXCWTPX\^UcWT TeT]cXbc^X]eXcTP[[Tg36b^UcWT5^aRTd]STa^]Ta^^UP]S d_SPcTcWT\fXcWcWT\X[Tbc^]TbPRWXTeTSQhcWT5^aRTX]P[[ b_WTaTbXT>_TaPcX^]P[2XeXR0RcX^]0S\X]XbcaPcXeTd_VaPSTb P]SePaX^dbfT[UPaTX]XcXPcXeTbU^acWTca^^_bCWT36b R^]R[PeT^]cWTTeT^U ' bcAPXbX]V3PhfPb^aVP]XbTS^] %cW<Pa! %Pc<P]TZbWPf2T]caT=Tf3T[WX NEW DELHI: Coca-Cola bottling firms Kandhari Beverages and Enrich Agro Food Products on Tuesday said they will invest C510 crore in Haryana to add new manufacturing lines. The authorised franchise bottlers of CocaCola India, inked a pact with the State Government to expand their manufacturing infrastructure. “A fresh, combined infusion of C510 crore will create an additional direct employment for 325 people,” both the companies said in a joint statement. As a part of the pact, Kandhari Beverages will invest C300 April 2014, the Allahabad High Court had ordered to demolish the company's two 40-storey towers in a Noida housing project. The judgement was passed while allowing a writ petition of ?=BQ =4F34;78 2<3A8C4BAPYTTe <TWa^caPaTRTXeTScWT 44?26^[SCa^_WhU^a C^_4g_^acTab0fPaS QTX]VVXeT]c^A8C4BU^a cWThTPa! ! "Qh 44?28]SXP=^acWTa] aTVX^]X]cWT \TaRWP]SXbTRPcTV^ah^U U^aTXV]TgRWP]VT TPa]X]Vb^UC"#!Ra^aT CWTPfPaSfPb _aTbT]cTSQh2WXTU <X]XbcTa^U7PahP]P <P]^WPa;P[:WPccPaX] cWT_aTbT]RT^U\P]h WXVW[TeT[SXV]XcPaXTb 2^RP2^[PQ^cc[Tabc^X]eTbcC$ Ra and canvassing for advertisements. The body said it received various representations as to whether fees/charges taken or retained by advertising companies from media companies for canvasing/booking advertisements (typically 15 per cent of the billing) is to be treated as commission or discount. “It is hereby clarified that no TDS is attracted on payments made by television channels/newspaper companies to the advertising agency for 333IUDPHZRUNQHHGVWR EHUHRULHQWHGVD\V*R\DO NEW DELHI: The entire Public-Private- Partnership framework needs to be reoriented to make it more investor friendly, Power Minister Piyush Goyal said on Tuesday. “PPP model has tremendous potential and Prime Minister Narendra Modi had in fact spoken about adding 'people' perspective to it. So now it has become PublicPrivate-People- Partnership,” Goyal said while addressing Happening Haryana Global Investors Summit at Gurgaon. He further said: “I would like to compliment Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar for having come out with progressive policies like the Transit Oriented Development Policy, New & Integrated Licensing Policy and the Deen Dayal Jan Awas Yojna and TDR- which will give great impetus to Haryana.” The initiatives will, in the long run, encourage respected industrialists and new breed of entrepreneurs to bring investments in the real estate sector and PPP mode, he said. If India has to develop at the kind of pace that is expected, and provide bare necessities to its people by 2022, then clearly the 'PPP' model is unavoidable, he said. It will be the engine of growth in the infrastructure sector and together “we will have to evolve the right regulatory framework which should be simple and predictable”, he added. PTI 3T[WXCaP]bR^;cS3C;R^\\T\^aPcTS8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]b3Ph>]cWXb ^RRPbX^]Pb_^acb\TTcfPb^aVP]XbTSU^af^\T]T\_[^hTTb^UcWTR^\_P]h 3XaTRc^a7A5X]P]RT9?B2WPf[PX]PdVdaPcTScWTb_^acb\TTcCWT\TTcfPb ^aVP]XbTSPc?aPVPcX?^fTaBcPcX^]6a^d]SAX]VA^PS=TPa?aPVPcX<PXSP] CWTb_^acbPRcXeXcXTb^aVP]XiTS^]cWXb^RRPbX^]X]R[dSTC!2aXRZTc<PcRWCdV ^UFPaB_^^]APRTCWaTT;TVAPRT1P[[^^]APRTFP[ZX]VAPRTTcR B2>?4WPbPf^\T]bcaT]VcW^U^eTa &_TaRT]cfWXRWXb\^aTcWP]cWT VT]TaP[PeTaPVT[TeT[^Uf^\T]T\_[^h\T]cX]_dQ[XRbTRc^aT]cTa_aXbTb>] cWT^RRPbX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[F^\T]b3PhcWTf^\T]T\_[^hTTb^UB2>?4 \TcU^aP]X]cTaPRcXeT\TTcX]Vd]STacWTRWPXa\P]bWX_^U36B2>?43aD3 2W^dQThCWThfTaTVXeT]^__^acd]Xchc^bWPaTcWTXaeXTfbP]SbdVVTbcfPhb P]S\TP]bc^X\_a^eTcWTTUUXRXT]Rh_a^UXRXT]RhP]SfT[UPaTc^f^\T] T\_[^hTTb]^c^][hX]B2>?4QdcX]P[[_dQ[XRbTRc^aT]cTa_aXbTb0[[f^\T] T\_[^hTTbbcP]SUd[[hR^\\XccTSc^cWTPQ^eTX]B2>?4 D]X^]<X]XbcTaU^a<B<4:P[aPY<XbWaPbPXScWPc:WPSX_a^SdRcX^]c^aTPRW C "Ra^aTcWXbhTPaP]SXcfX[[VT]TaPcTPQ^dc ($[PZWY^Qb<B<4c^ STeT[^_"(R[dbcTabU^acWTQT]TUXc^U\^aTcWP] PacXbP]b ?=18=2A40B4B8=C4A4BCA0C4B>=1D;:34?>B8CB ?d]YPQ=PcX^]P[1P]ZWPbX]RaTPbTSX]cTaTbcaPcTb^]Qd[Z ST_^bXcbQh!$c^ Q_bX]bW^accTa\\PcdaXcXTb[TbbcWP] 'SPhbfTU'"! % booking or procuring of or canvassing for advertisements,” CBDT said in a circular. In another circular, the CBDT also clarified norms for TDS payments by broadcasters or TV channels to production houses for production of content or programme for telecasting. It said disputes have arisen on the issue as to whether payments made by broadcaster/telecaster to production houses for production of a content/programme are payments under a 'work contract' or a contract for 'professional or technical services' are therefore liable to TDS. CBDT clarified that while applying the relevant provision of TDS on a contract for content production, a distinction is required to be made between - payment for production of content as per the specifications of the broadcaster and payment for acquisition of broadcasting/telecasting rights of the content already produced by the production house. NEW DELHI: Korean electronics giant Samsung on Tuesday said its flagship Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge smartphones will be up for sale in India later this month priced at C48,900 onwards. It comes within two weeks of the global unveiling. “Galaxy S7 and S7 edge (C56,900) bring refined design language, advanced imaging capabilities, streamlined software functionality and unparalleled connectivity with a host of services and experiences,” Samsung India Mobile Business Director Manu Sharma told reporters . PTI µ5:AAh`c\Z_X`_T`_gVceZ_XcVUeRaVZ_e`cVUTRcaVe¶ ?C8Q=4F34;78 everal measures are in the works at central and state levels to streamline laws and simplify Sprocesses for converting ‘red tape into red carpet’ for investors, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP) said on Tuesday. DIPP Secretary Ramesh Abhishek said the department wants to cut down legal, regulatory and procedural complexity associated with doing business in India. He was speaking at the launch of NCAER's State Investment Potential index report. “The Prime Minister has elucidated his vision of converting red tape into red carpet. To support this vision, DIPP is working with all central departments and State Governments to drastically streamline the laws and regulations and make them available to the public,” he said here. “Simplify application forms and processes and take them online preferably through single-window systems, streamline the inspection regime by introducing risk-based approaches and offering self-certification and third-party certification alternatives to low and medium risk businesses.” Asserting that the Government is committed to improving ease of doing business, Abhishek said states are very enthusiastic after their rankings by the World Bank, and there is a healthy competition among them to bring about changes. Talking about specifics, he said the report has cited corruption, delay in getting approvals before starting a business and hurdles in getting environmental clearance as the top three constraints. f^a[S ! A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % A45D6443B9C9C 6FR_UEfc\VjcVRTY µScVR\eYc`fXY¶UVR] 0?Q 1ADBB4;B uropean Union leaders hoped on Tuesday they E reached the outlines for a possible deal with Ankara to return thousands of migrants to Turkey and said they were confident a full agreement could be reached at a summit next week. After months of disagreements and increasing bickering among the 28 EU nations, French President Francois Hollande said that “the summit has created hope that the refugee question can be dealt with through solidarity in Europe, and efficiency in cooperation with Turkey.” All eyes centered now on March 17 and the start of a twoday summit to finalize the commitment and clinch an iron-clad deal which the leaders hope would allow for a return to normalcy at their borders by the end of the year. Turkey said it would be willing to make greater efforts to contain irregular migration. “The truth is that Turkey came to the summit with attractive proposals, and I believe that surprised many,” said Greek Prime Minister Alex Tsipras. EU President Donald Tusk said that after a week of shuttle diplomacy in and around Turkey, “we have a breakthrough now.” During 12 hours of negotiations, Turkey insisted that any agreement would require Europe to advance Turkey’s long-delayed hope of joining the bloc. As an additional step, Turkey said it expects EU nations to ease its visa restrictions on Turkish citizens within months. Turkey, home to 2.75 million refugees chiefly from neighboring Syria, surprised EU counterparts Monday by demanding a much more funding beyond CdaZTh´b?aX\T<X]XbcTa0W\Tc3Pedc^V[daXVWcP]SWXb6aTTRTR^d]cTa_Pac0[TgXb CbX_aPb^UUTaU[^fTabc^Y^da]P[Xbcb_aX^ac^cWTXa\TTcX]VX]8i\XaCdaZTh^] CdTbSPh 0? the 3 billion euros ($3.3 billion) already pledged. “Turkey is ready to work with the EU, and Turkey is ready to be a member of the EU as well,” Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davatoglu told reporters in Brussels. Davutoglu did not disclose how much money Turkey was seeking but he said that the funds would only go to Syrian refugees. “Not one euro will go to Turkish citizens. Every penny will be spent for Syrian refugees.” British Prime Minister David Cameron said that “we do have the basis for a breakthrough which is the possibility that in future all migrants who arrive in Greece will be returned to Turkey.” The sides will now reconvene at a two-day summit starting March 17. For its part, the EU sought to gain stronger commitments from Turkey to take back refugees who have reached European shores and ease a crisis that has left an estimated 13,000 to 14,000 souls encamped in the wintry cold on the GreeceMacedonia border. 1P]V[PSTbWc^_R^dacd_W^[Sb 9P\PPc[TPSTa´bSTPcWbT]cT]RT Dhaka: The top court upheld a death sentence on Tuesday imposed by the country’s International Crimes Tribunal on a leader of an Islamist political party for killing a freedom fighter during the 1971 war of independence. In a short order read out by Chief Justice Surenda Kumar Sinha, the appellate division of the Supreme Court acquitted Mir Quasem Ali — a leader of Jamaat-e-Islami — of three other charges, including another offence that also carried the death penalty. The court, however, upheld the convictions and sentences in six other cases. So far, the International Crimes Tribunal — established in 2010 to prosecute those alleged to have committed war crimes during the bloody conflict with Pakistan — has convicted 24 people. Most convicted are leaders of Jamaat-e-Islami, which in 1971 supported the military activities of the Pakistan military to stop Bangladesh’s secession. Four men have now been executed. PTI “To stop refugees arriving in Greece, we have to cooperate with Turkey,” French President Francois Hollande said. Even though many saw the outlines of a deal, it was still too early to clinch it. In Ankara, the Turkish capital, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused the EU of failing to provide enough of the already pledged funds. He also criticized Europe for refusing to accept asylum seekers more readily, linking that policy to needless deaths as thousands opt to cross illegally by sea from the Turkish coast to offshore Greek islands. “We are not sending them. They are going by sea and many of them are dying. We have rescued close to 100,000 from the sea,” Erdogan said in a speech. Turkey is seeking a new EU commitment to take Syrians and other high-percentage refugee applicants via safe travel routes, such as at the land border between Turkey and Greece, to reduce drowning deaths in the Aegean Sea. ³Cad\_´bW^[SfTPZT]bbcX[[WT[TPSbaXeP[b]PcX^]P[[h)F1_^[[b BA0906>?0;0=Q F0B78=6C>= s Republican primaries rolled along in four more A States on Tuesday, a new poll has found that front-runner Donald Trump’s hold over party voters has weakened over the past month, but he continues to lead his rivals nationally in the battle for the Republican presidential nomination. Among registered Republican voters, 34 per cent want Trump to be the party nominee (down from 37 per cent in January), while 25 per cent prefer Ted Cruz (up from 21 per cent), 18 per cent favour Marco Rubio (up from 11 per cent) and 13 per cent opt for John Kasich (up from 2 per cent), says the Washington ?PZR^]UXa\bbWPaX]V ^UX]cT[fXcW8]SXP ^]cTaa^aPccPRZb 8b[P\PQPS) ?PZXbcP]^]CdTbSPh R^]UXa\TScWPcXcWPSbWPaTS X]cT[[XVT]RTfXcW8]SXP^]_^bbXQ[T cTaa^abcaXZTbX]6dYPaPcPWTPS^U <PWPBWXeaPcaXUTbcXeP[ °BWPaX]V^UX]cT[[XVT]RTP\^]V ePaX^db]PcX^]b^UcWTf^a[SXbP a^dcX]T_aPRcXRTP]ScWXbWP__T]b Pa^d]ScWTf^a[S7^fTeTacWXb cX\TXcfPbb^\TW^f[TPZTSc^ \TSXP1dccWXbbW^fTS?PZXbcP]³b R^\\Xc\T]cc^UXVWccTaa^aXb\± ?PZXbcP]?aX\T<X]XbcTa³b0SeXb^a ^]5^aTXV]0UUPXabBPacPY0iXibPXS X]aTb_^]bTc^P`dTbcX^]^] fWTcWTa?PZXbcP]WPS_a^eXSTS X]cT[[XVT]RTc^8]SXP^]X\_T]SX]V cTaa^abcaXZTb 0RR^aSX]Vc^8]SXP]\TSXP aT_^acb?PZXbcP]³b=PcX^]P[ BTRdaXch0SeXb^a;XTdcT]P]c 6T]TaP[=PbTTa:WP]9P]YdP _PbbTS^]cWTX]cT[[XVT]RT fPa]X]Vc^WXb8]SXP]R^d]cTa_Pac 0YXc3^eP[^]BPcdaSPhU^[[^fX]V fWXRW=B6B_TRXP[5^aRTbfTaT ST_[^hTSc^6dYPaPcc^QPRZd_ bcPcT_^[XRT ?C8 Post-ABC News poll. The new poll findings came on a day when billionaire media mogul and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg dropped his plan for an independent presidential bid. Conceding he may fall short if he ran, Bloomberg said his candidacy could end up benefiting Trump or Cruz, terming it a risk he cannot take in “good conscience”. In Tuesday’s primaries, various polls have indicated that it will be advantage Trump in the delegates-rich Michigan and Mississippi and possibly Idaho as well. Hawaii is the fourth State in the pack. A total of 150 delegates will be awarded by the four States. Most pollsters believe that regardless of a good performance on Tuesday, Trump will akistan’s Foreign Affairs Advisor Sartaj Aziz here on Tuesday assured British Foreign Secretar y Philip Hammond that a joint investigation team is in the process of completing its probe into the Indian airbase terror attack. “The team will visit India in the next few days and hopefully then a meeting between P the foreign secretaries of the two countries will take place. The Indian High Commissioner himself stated that foreign secretaries’ meeting is not linked to the Pathankot investigation,” the Prime Minister’s senior aide said. New Delhi previously accused Pakistan-based Jaishe-Mohammad of masterminding the attack which left seven Indian security officials have to win the winner-takesall States of Florida and Ohio next week for a reasonable path to nomination. The rise of Cruz, the darling of Tea Party conservatives, has been the most remarkable aspect of the Republican race. Cruz, however, can hope to make further dents only if two other contestants, Rubio and Kasich, pull out soon enough and prevent the continuing split of anti-Trump votes. The Post-ABC poll also had disturbing news for Trump on other counts, finding that “over half of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents think Trump is dishonest, does not understand their problems, lacks the right experience and does not have the right personality and temperament to be an effec- 7ZXYeZ_XeVcc`cZd^Zdµ^`cR] `S]ZXReZ`_¶W`cAR\+DYRcZW ! \X[XcP]cbZX[[TS X]=F?PZXbcP] ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 t least 21 terrorists were killed in fresh air strikes when Pakistani fighter jets pounded militant hideouts in Shawal Valley, a mountainous area in North Waziristan bordering Afghanistan. “Operations continue. Important heights & passes along Pak-Afghan Border secured. Valley’s sanitisation in progress,” Asim Bajwa, DG Inter-S er vices Public Relations Twitted. “Twenty-one terrorists were killed on Monday night when military jets pounded militant hideouts in Shawal valley of Nor th Waziristan as operations continue,” Bajwa said. “Combined with strikes by Pakistan Air Force & C ombat Army Aviation, ground force continue hunt for fleeing terrorists through chase, cordon and search operation,” he said. rime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday said that Pakistan was fighting terrorism as part of a “moral obligation” to eliminate the scourge from the country, a day after a Taliban suicide bomber killed 17 people in the restive northwestern region. Sharif stated this in a meeting with visiting British Secretary of State Philip Hammond who called on him. According to a statement, Sharif said that “fighting the war against terrorism is the moral obligation of Pakistan” and that his Government is leading the war on terror to “ensure a peaceful tomorrow for the country and our future generations”. “We strongly condemn terrorist activities anywhere in the world whether perpetrated by individuals, groups or states,” he said. and one civilian dead and avoided pointing fingers at Pakistan or its institutions. However, India’s Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar told the country’s parliament that the deadly assault could not have been carried out without “state support”. Aziz also confirmed to Hammond that the government shared intelligence with New Delhi about possible terror attacks in India. ?C8Q ?4B70F0A A P AReYR_\`eReeRT\ac`SVSVZ_X T`^a]VeVUAR\eV]]d3cZeRZ_ 80=BQ 8B;0<0103 Bloomberg won’t run, says he doesn’t want to help Trump We strongly condemn terrorist activities anywhere in the world whether perpetrated by individuals, groups or states,” he said. He said the ongoing military offensive against all terrorist groups — Operation ‘Zarb-e-Azb’ has broken the back of terrorists. The Prime Minister said his Government faced major challenges of terrorism, economic degradation and energy deficiency after he assumed office. n alarming 85 per cent of young women in Britain A have been sexually harassed in public places with very few people stepping in to intervene, according to a survey released today to mark the International Women’s Day. The YouGov survey, commissioned by the End Violence Against Women (EVAW) coalition, found that 85 per cent of women between 18 and 24 had been sexually harassed, with half of this age group said they had experienced unwanted sexual touching. Only 11 per cent reported that someone else had intervened on their behalf while being inappropriately touched, with eight in 10 saying they would have liked someone to have stepped into to help them. More than a quarter of women who had experienced sexual touching or harassment said they were under 16 years old when it first happened. Overall, the research found that 64 per cent of women of all ages had experienced harassment, with more than a third (35 per cent) experiencing inappropriate touching. Sarah Green, acting director at the EVAW, said: “If women are planning their lives around not being harassed or assaulted, they are not free. “Women should be free to live their lives without the threat of harassment or violence, and not having to plan and limit their choices to make sure they are safe.” 6;>14 CA>CC8=6 340C7C>;;D?C>$$ 8=CD=8B802;0B74B Cd]Xb) ?aX\T<X]XbcTa7PQXQ4bbXS _aPXbTSCd]XbXP³b\X[XcPahP]S bTRdaXchU^aRTb^]CdTbSPhU^acWTXa aTb_^]bTc^cWTSTPS[hPbbPd[cQh TgcaT\XbcPccPRZTab]TPacWT;XQhP] Q^aSTaCWTSTPcWc^[[Ua^\ hTbcTaSPh³bR[PbWTbX]cWTRXch^U 1T]6dTaSP]Ta^bTc^$$X]R[dSX]V "%PccPRZTab4bbXSbPXSc^SPh BTeT]RXeX[XP]bP]S !\T\QTab^U Cd]XbXP³bbTRdaXchU^aRTbP[b^SXTS P]S &^cWTabfTaTX]YdaTS ?0;4BC8=80=F><0=CA84BC> BC018BA04;8?>;824B7>C 9TadbP[T\)0?P[TbcX]XP]f^\P] PccT\_cTSc^bcPQ8baPT[X_^[XRTX] 9TadbP[T\³b>[S2Xchc^SPhP]SfPb bW^cSTPS8baPT[XPdcW^aXcXTbbPXS cWT[PcTbcX]PUXeT\^]cWfPeT^U bdRWPccPRZbCWTX]RXST]c^RRdaaTS W^dabQTU^aTDBEXRT?aTbXST]c 9^T1XST]fPbSdTc^PaaXeTU^a cP[ZbfXcW8baPT[X?<1T]YP\X] =TcP]hPWdP]S?P[TbcX]XP] ?aTbXST]c<PW\dS0QQPb D:0??>8=CB=4F7867 2><<8BB8>=4AC>8=380 ;^]S^])CWTD:^]CdTbSPh P__^X]cTSeTcTaP]RPaTTaSX_[^\Pc BXa3^\X]XR0b`dXcWPbXcb]Tf 7XVW2^\\XbbX^]Tac^8]SXPCWT $(hTPa^[S0b`dXcWfX[[cPZT^eTa Ua^\BXa9P\Tb1TeP]fW^Y^X]TS cWTD:³b4]eXa^]\T]c0VT]Rh40 blamed on Pakistan-based PbRWXTUTgTRdcXeT[Pbc=^eT\QTa Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) b^^]PUcTa=PaT]SaP<^SX³bUXabc militant group. eXbXcc^cWTD:Pb?aX\T<X]XbcTa :PbW\XabW^d[S]^cQT_aTR^]SXcX^]U^a 8]S^?PZcP[Zb)1aXcXbW5^aTXV]BTRaTcPah ?C8Q 8B;0<0103 ettling the Kashmir issue should not be a pre-conSdition for holding talks between India and Pakistan, British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday as he asked the two nations not to allow nonState actors and other pressure groups to derail the peace process. He also asked Pakistan to speed up the investigation into the January 2 Pathankot attack which India has “Settling the Kashmir issue should not be a precondition for starting the dialogue process,” Hammond, who is here on a day-long visit, said during a joint press conference with Pakistan Premier’s advisor on foreign affairs Sartaj Aziz. “I urge both Pakistan and India not to allow non-state actors and other pressure groups to derail the peace process,” he said. '$^Uh^d]V µFDRZcdecZ\VUVeVcd 'HXEDQHZ1HSDOL f^\T]X]D: D`^R]ZeVcc`cXc`fa¶d &RQJSUH]6KDVKDQND .RLUDODJHQHUDOVHF\ WPaPbbTSX]_dQ[XR RSZ]Zeje`ReeRT\¶ Kathmandu: Three-time Nepal Prime _[PRTb)BdaeTh Washington: Pentagon has said that the US air strike Minister Sher Bahadur Deuba has been elect?C8 Q ;>=3>= tive president”. “By contrast, over 6 in 10 Republicans say Cruz is honest, empathetic and has the right temperament and experience; similar shares say Rubio the first three qualities, while half say he has the right experience,” the poll noted. But Rubio may no longer be a factor, after his poor performance thus far. As for the Democratic race, the poll found that frontrunner Hillar y Clinton’s national margin of preference over challenger Bernie Sanders has also shrunk to 7 per cent from what used to be a 19 per cent advantage in January. Clinton is now the favourite for the nomination among 49 per cent of Democrats and proDemocrat independents, against Sanders’ 42 per cent. on a terrorist training camp in Somalia that killed 150 terrorists has degraded the Shabab militant group’s ability to attack on American and a UNmandated forces. “On Saturday, March 5, the US military, in selfdefence and in defence of our African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) partners, conducted an airstrike in Somalia against Raso Camp, a training facility of al-Shabaab, which is a terrorist group affiliated with Al Qaeda,” the Pentagon Press Secretary, Peter Cook, said. “The strike was conducted using manned and unmanned aircraft.The fighters who were scheduled to depart the camp posed an imminent threat to US and African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces in Somalia,” he said. PTI ed the new president of Nepali Congress, the country’s largest democratic party, in a runoff poll, succeeding late premier Sushil Koirala. Deuba, 69, was elected the Nepali Congress chief during the 13th National General Convention on Monday night. The post was vacant after the death of 79-yearold Koirala last month. During the convention, the Nepali Congress also elected its new general secretary and other top officials. Shashanka Koirala, son of Nepal’s first elected Prime Minister BP Koirala, has been elected the new general secretary and Sita Devi Yadav the treasurer of the party. PTI CA40B>=20B4)2>DAC BD<<>=B<DB70AA05 8b[P\PQPS) 0?PZXbcP]XR^dac^] CdTbSPhPbZTSU^a\Ta\X[XcPah SXRcPc^a?TaeTi<dbWPaaPUc^ P__TPaQTU^aTXc^]<PaRW" U^a cWTWTPaX]V^UcaTPb^]RPbTPVPX]bc WX\PUcTacWTTg?aTbXST]cSXS]^c cda]d_RXcX]VQPSWTP[cW =>102:8=65>AH>DA= 0A<B)278=0C>=:>A40 1TXYX]V)8]PaPaT_dQ[XRSXb_[Ph^U P]]^hP]RTc^fPaSb=^acW:^aTP 2WX]P^]CdTbSPhbPXSXcfX[[]^c bd__^acXcbaTR[dbXeTP[[h³b_dabdXc c^PR`dXaT]dR[TPafTP_^]bP]S \XbbX[TbQdcfX[[_a^eXSTbTRdaXch PbbXbcP]RTXUfPaQaTPZb^dcX]cWT :^aTP]_T]X]bd[P°8UcWT3?A: 3T\^RaPcXR?T^_[T³bAT_dQ[XR^U :^aTPbTTZbSTeT[^_\T]cP]S bTRdaXchfTPaT_aT_PaTSc^WT[_ P]S_a^eXSTbd__^ac±2WX]TbT 5^aTXV]<X]XbcTaFP]VHXbPXSX] WXbP]]dP[QaXTUX]V B0D384G42DC4B28C8I4= 5>A3AD6CA05582:8=6 AXhPSW) BPdSX0aPQXP^]CdTbSPh TgTRdcTS^]T^UXcb]PcX^]P[b R^]eXRcTS^USadVcaPUUXRZX]V QaX]VX]Vc^& cWT]d\QTa^U[^RP[b P]SU^aTXV]Tab_dcc^STPcWcWXb hTPa0QSd[[PWA^dfPX[XWPSQTT] U^d]SVdX[ch^UcaPUUXRZX]V P\_WTcP\X]TbP]SfPb_dcc^ STPcWX]cWT]^acWTa]CPQdZaTVX^] cWTX]cTaX^a\X]XbcahbPXS PeT]dTb " A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % AE?D5?6D8541I CWT\^bcTUUTRcXeTcTPRWTa fX[[P[fPhbQTQXPbTSU^acWT RWXTUU^aRTX]cTPRWX]VXb R^]UXST]RTP]ST]cWdbXPb\ °9^hRT2Pah FX]S^fb ! % 5X[\\PZX]VSTbXV] 3VR^ReVcZR]^R_fWRTefcVc ne of the most prominent features of the knowledge economy is the rate of change that the world is dealing with. Leading this change are disruptive technologies in almost every sphere of life, whether it is information technology, the mobile platforms or the development of new materials and processes that are in turn realigning understood concepts of manufacturing and engineering. Fundamentally, these are manifestations of greater investments and outputs by an increasing number of corporates, governments, and specialist agencies in research and development. As the world grapples with the new dimensions of technology, engineering and manufacturing, academia has responded with a series of new study modules that are bringing out students and practitioners who are better prepared to navigate this new territory. One of the premier study options for those who wish to explore this field is the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing degree. Such degrees are designed to meet the needs of the manufacturing industry which increasingly relies on the uptake of new technologies as well as the blending of design and new materials. Advanced Materials and Manufacturing research courses usually consist of four well-developed platforms of expertise, such as advanced manufacturing and performance of materials, materials manufacturing, intelligent systems and advanced fibres, textiles and polymers. Researchers in this area work in collaboration with industry to develop new materials, material technologies and material process- O C^\TTccWT]TTSb^UcWT\P]dUPRcdaX]VX]SdbcahfWXRW XbX]RaTPbX]V[hU^RdbbX]V^]]TfcTRW]^[^VXTb Q[T]SX]V^USTbXV]P]S]Tf\PcTaXP[bPRPaTTaX] 0SeP]RTS<PcTaXP[bP]S<P]dUPRcdaX]VXbaTfPaSX]V bPhb?A>5?4C4A7>36B>= ing techniques suitable for the textiles, metals, aerospace and automotive manufacturing industries. The modern automobile reflects this complex tension between cost and use of new, more expensive materials for light weighting which allows greater fuel efficiency. At the same time the customer also wants greater safety and comfort. All of this can be achieved by the adoption of advanced manufacturing with new materials. The aerospace sector is constantly looking for advanced materials and at present there is great interest in carbon fibre composite materials and advanced titanium alloys. Studying for materials science/manufacturing provides one with a strong set of transferable skills valued by employers. Often employers look for skills which one is required to have in the field of material sciences which include analytical and problem-solving skills, a high standard of numeracy, IT competency and computer-modelling experience, research and report-writing skills, creative and independent thinking, time management, planning and organisational skills, commercial awareness and business skills. Strong oral communication skills, including EYVcVRcVTRcVVc`aV_Z_XdW`c ^ReVcZR]XcRUfReVdZ_^R_j V^VcXZ_XXc`heYRcVRd]Z\V_R_`eVTY_`]`Xj SZ`^VUZTR]^ReVcZR]dYZXYaVcW`c^R_TV eVieZ]VdT`^a`dZeVdR_UeYVUVgV]`a^V_e`W dfdeRZ_RS]V^ReVcZR]d DeReaRT\ 6XPPHUSURJUDPPH study titled ‘Improving India’s exam standards: Challenges facing test owners’, conducted by Pearson VUE in partnership with IMRB, found out that almost half (43 per cent) reported challenges in developing new assessment content, and four in ten (38 per cent) expressed difficulty in maintaining the relevancy of their assessment. The challenges of knowing whether an exam accurately measures relevant competency, with nearly four in ten test owners (38 per cent) finding the restrictions of the exam format itself a challenge which may in part have an impact on the ability to fulfill the test purpose. It was also found that almost half of those surveyed (46 per cent) are concerned that candidates are cheating in exams, and a third are concerned with candidate impersonation. There is also concern about test paper leakage (39 per cent), which is a problem associated with pen-and-paper rather than computer-based testing (CBT). The report also reveals a potential trend of test owners moving from pen-and-paper to CBT delivery in India. Of the 47 percent who currently use pen-and-paper over a third (33 per cent) saying they are likely to move to CBT in the near future. The vast majority of all test owners (81 per cent) stated that there is no alternative to CBT that is more reliable. Divyalok Sharma, director of client development at computer-based testing company Pearson VUE, said: “Focusing on that assessment content is key to the success of an exam programme, along with finding ways to make exams more relevant not only in terms of legislation and up-to-date processes. But also making sure it is relevant to the professional role that person will eventually hold. It is equally important for test owners in India to review their current test development practices and standards and follow international best practices in testing.” A he Doon School, Dehradun, one of the popular boarding school in India and alma mater of stalwarts like Rajiv Gandhi and Amitav Ghosh amongst many others, has announced its residential ‘Summer at Doon Leadership Programme’ from June 1 to 15, 2016. The programme is open for all aspiring students in grades nine to 12, who are passionate about making a positive impact on the world around them. Application for this programme closes on April 15, 2016. The Doon School is also delighted to welcome prospective parents and their sons to see the school and meet the admissions department and tour the school either as part of a small group, a bespoke tour or as part of the Open Morning programme which was successfully piloted in November 2015. The school has two entry points at Class VII and Class VIII only. This programme will be a blend of T socratic dialogues, leadership case studies, creative experiential learning, motivational lectures, outdoor adventures, self-reflection and group interaction. A critically important element will be social service and social responsibility, and their relationship with leadership. This programme will ensure that boys and girls receive a profound understanding of what successful leadership is all about and what is required to demonstrate it in the twenty-first century in the context to developing society and an increasingly globalised world. The course will be taught by specialist staff from Aspire, in conjunction with the teaching community from The Doon School. For more details about the Summer Leadership programme, email to Abia Qezilbash at summer.doon@ doonschool.com or contact +91-(0)135-2526516 or log on to www.doonschool.com/summer.doon/leadership. 9>;VU\\_gcXY` he INK, one of the platforms for the exchange of cutting-edge ideas and T inspiring stories, has invited applications for its prestigious INK Fellows Programme. The fellows initiative provides young change-makers a platform for discovery and exposure, while also equipping them with the mentorship, support, networks and specially designed opportunities necessary to help take their brilliant work to the next level. INK will select 20 young leaders to comprise the class of 2016.Applications are open to individuals aged between 18 and 40 years, from any country and field of work and can be filed by answering an online questionnaire available on the website http://inktalks.com/fellows/apply or by uploading a three-minute video on YouTube and including it in the application form. INK also encourages nominations. Those interested in nominating candidates can access the form at http://ink- talks.com/fellows/apply. Shortlisted candidates, who make it to the second stage, will be called upon to provide additional information in support of their application and to be interviewed. Applications to the initial stage will close on April 8, 2016. Current fellows include Kaushal Dugar, founder of Teabox, an Indian startup that is disrupting the $40 billion global tea industry and was most recently in the news for raising an unidsclosed round of funding from Ratan Tata. Anshulika Dubey, co-founder of Wishberry, India’s first crowd funding platform for creative ideas; Richa Singh, cofounder of Your D.O.S.T, an emotional support network for people to anonymously discuss their problems with qualified and experienced individuals; and Nina Tandon, CEO and co-founder of EpiBone, the world’s first company growing living human bones for skeletal reconstruction. the ability to articulate one’s ideas clearly and concisely, persuade and negotiate with others and build interpersonal relationships. These are key skills for many materialsbased roles, which often involve consulting, advising clients or colleagues and working in cross-functional teams. There are career openings for materials graduates in many of the emerging and growth areas as well such as nano-technology, biomedical materials, high-performance textiles, composites and the development of sustainable materials. A materials science, technology research course provides knowledge of manufacturing, processing and the fabrication of materials and opens doors to jobs in a range of industries as materials engineer, metallurgist, product/process development scientist, research scientist (physical sciences), technical sales engineer. Research oriented studies offers opportunities as biomedical engineer, manufacturing systems engineer, patent examiner or quality manager. Opportunities are also available in teaching and research with positions such as higher education lecturer and secondary school teacher available to such degree holders. Currently Advanced Materials and Manufacturing courses are offered only by a few institutions globally and it makes eminent sense for desirous students to evaluate all aspects of study including scholarships offered, comparative fee structures, curriculum, specialisations and relocation and job prospects. CWTfaXcTaXb_a^eXRTRWP]RT[[^abcaPcTVXR _Pac]TabWX_b3TPZX]D]XeTabXch0dbcaP[XP he Ansal University, Gurgaon, recently organised its first convocation on T March 5, 2016. Union Minister of State CWTFWXbc[X]VF^^Sb 8]cTa]PcX^]P[FF8 P]]^d]RTbcWTT]caP]RTTgP\ U^aXcbUd[[cX\TVaPSdPcTSTVaTTb P]S_^bcVaPSdPcTSX_[^\P R^dabTbX]Pbb^RXPcX^]fXcWcWT CPcP8]bcXcdcT^UB^RXP[BRXT]RTb C8BBCWTT]caP]RTTgP\fX[[QT WT[SX]<d\QPX3T[WX:^[ZPcP 0W\TSPQPS?d]T1W^_P[8]S^aT ;dRZ]^f6^P1P]VP[^aTP]S 2WP]SXVPaW CWTX]bcXcdcTfX[[^UUTaVaPSdPcT STVaTTbP]S_^bcVaPSdPcT SX_[^\PbX]5X[\\PZX]V 0]X\PcX^]<TSXPP]S 2^\\d]XRPcX^]P]S5PbWX^] BcdST]cbfX[[]^c^][hVTcP _a^UTbbX^]P[STVaTTQdcP[b^ d]X`dT^__^acd]XcXTbc^T\_WPbXbT ^]cWTXa\T]cP[fT[[QTX]VP]S RaTPcXeXchX]cWTR^\X]VhTPa 2>DAB4B4;86818;8CH CWTVaPSdPcTSTVaTTbR^dabTb X]R[dST1BR^a10X]5X[\\PZX]V fXcWb_TRXP[XbPcX^]bX] 2X]T\Pc^VaP_Wh3XaTRcX^] 4SXcX]V?a^SdRX]VB^d]S ATR^aSX]VP]S3TbXV]P]SE5G* 10X]5X[\\PZX]VfXcW b_TRXP[XbPcX^]X]0RcX]V*10X] 5X[\\PZX]VfXcWb_TRXP[XbPcX^]X] BRaTT]faXcX]V*1BR^a10X] 0]X\PcX^]5X[\\PZX]V*10X] 5PbWX^]3TbXV]*110X]<TSXP P]S2^\\d]XRPcX^]BcdSXTbP]S 10X]<dbXR?a^SdRcX^]P]S 2^\_^bXcX^]CWTT[XVXQX[Xch aT`dXaTSU^acWTbTR^dabTbXb 2[PbbG88^aWXVWTabTR^]SPah <0=064<4=C?A>6A0<<4 The Jagan Institute of Management Studies (JIMS) invites applications for its twoyear full time AICTE approved Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) programmes with specialisation in Marketing, Finance, HR and Operations. Specific programmes are available in International Business (IB) (PGDM–IB) and Retail Management (PGDM–RM). Excellence accreditation is granted from National Board of Accreditation (NBA). Eligibility: Graduation in any discipline with minimum 50 per cent. Final year students may also apply. Selection criteria: Performance evaluation in academic, CAT/MAT/XAT/ CMAT/ATMA etc, group discussion and personal interview. How to apply: Prospectus available at JIMS, Rohini or online at www.jimsindia.org. RTacXUXRPcT^aT`dXeP[T]cX]P]h bcaTP\Ua^\PaTR^V]XbTS1^PaS 5^a?^bc6aPSdPcT?63X_[^\P X]<TSXP<P]PVT\T]cP]S?6 3SX_[^\PX]<TSXPP]S 2^\\d]XRPcX^]cWTT[XVXQX[Xch aT`dXaTSXbVaPSdPcX^]X]P]h bcaTP\Ua^\P]haTR^V]XbTS D]XeTabXch CWTSX_[^\P_a^VaP\\TX]R[dSTb 3X_[^\PX]5X[\\PZX]VfXcW b_TRXP[XbPcX^]X]0RcX]V 2X]T\Pc^VaP_Wh3XaTRcX^] 4SXcX]V?a^SdRX]V BRaTT]faXcX]VB^d]SATR^aSX]V P]S3TbXV]*3X_[^\PX]5PbWX^] 3TbXV]P]S3X_[^\PX]<dbXR ?a^SdRcX^]P]S2^\_^bXcX^]CWT bcdST]cbfW^PaTX]cTaTbcTSc^ P__[hbW^d[SQT &hTPab^UPVT Pb^U3TRT\QTa" ! $5^a 2TacXUXRPcT2^dabT8] BRaTT]faXcX]VcWTPb_XaP]cb bW^d[SQT^U!hTPab^UPVTPb ^U3TRT\QTa" ! # 8<?>AC0=C30C4B CWTT]caP]RTTgP\XbbRWTSd[TS U^a0_aX[(! %5^a\^aT X]U^a\PcX^][^Vc^ Wcc_b)ffffWXbc[X]Vf^^Sb]Tc fWXbc[X]VffXX]U^ 50B78>=34B86= The Management And Design Academy (MADA), New Delhi, invites applications for admission to Advance Diploma in Fashion Design (ADFD) (two-year programme) and Diploma in Fashion Design (one-year programme). Minimum qualification for securing admission in both programmes is Class XII passed in any stream from the recognised Board. The last date of submission of admission is March 30, 2016. The application form can be downloaded from the website www.mada.ac.in. 4`_g`TReZ`_TVcV^`_j Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (Independent Charge) and Parliamentary Affairs Rajiv Pratap Rudy was the chief guest. Addressing the audience, he talked about the critical role of education in increasing employability and need for skill enhancement among graduating students. He also spoke of the various initiatives that the Government is taking for skill 3XV]XcPaXTbPccWTR^]e^RPcX^]RTaT\^]hPc0]bP[D]XeTabXch6daVP^]X]bTc<TaXc^aX^dbbcdST]c development across the country. Ansal University and chairman Sushil with integrity at all times, uphold and pro- from each programme were given Gold Ansal presided over the convocation cer- mote the unity, integrity and secular medals for their exemplary academic peremony. He highlighted the achievements ideals of the country and utilise knowledge formance. Vice-chancellor, Ansal University Prof of the University since its inception in 2012 in the service of the country in its march and how the various schools of the towards a just, inclusive, and sustainable Raj S Dhankar shared the vision and growth plan of the University. Ansal University have grown over the last three society. A total of 179 students were awarded University has a legacy in the area of highyears. In an endeavour to promote good the degrees at both the under-graduate and er education since more than 25 years with quality of life that all countrymen deserve, post-graduate levels in Management, Law, Sushant School of Art and Architecture as the Ansal University graduates at the Design, Engineering and Hotel the leading private institute in architecture convocation ceremony pledged to act Management. The meritorious students in the country. 0]]dP[Rd[cdaTUTbc :LOOLDPVWDON he Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Dwarka, he Space India recently conNew Delhi, will be inaugurating their annual cul- T ducted a talk session with T tural festival titled Moksha 2016 on March 9, 2016 at Captain Sunita Williams, US 4 pm. The three day fest will be inaugurated by deputy chief minister, Manish Sisodia and guest of honour Satyendar Jain. The inauguration will be followed by Rashmirathi performance. Shaan will perform at Fahrenite — the Bollywood Night, whereas Abish Mathew of AIB Fame and Naveen Kasturia and Arunabh Kumar of The Viral Fever will grace the Humour Fest in association with Comedy Central. DJ Zaeden will set the stage on fire at Felicity – The DJ Night in association with VH1 Supersonic. The quiz club of NSIT is also hosting a three-day quiz fest which would culminate on March 12 with the open-to-all general quiz being conducted by former World Quizzing Champion Vikram Joshi. There will be various competitions like Mudra (choreo competition), folk dance, Dhwani – western and Indian music, street play, Avalanche (Battle of Bands), solo/duet dance, Rouge (fashion parade), flash mob and stage play, Oorja (western dance), street dance and much more. Astronaut of Indian origin, at the India Islamic Cultural Centre, New Delhi. Chairman and managing director, Space Sachin Bahmba hosted the chat session titled Captain Sunita Williams, In Conversation w ith Sachin Bahmba. Williams inaugurated the Kalpana Chawla Space Settlement Competition at the programme which will give school and college students a unique opportunity to design space colonies. Sharing her experiences, she said: “The commercial crew programme is the next big thing in space and encouraging private companies to explore space. I wanted to create awareness for healthy lifestyle and hence ran the triathlon while at International Space Station (ISS). Do not get bogged down by the notion of limits there are not any.” Williams discussed her journey before she became an astronaut and her walks beyond this planet, which enabled students and guests to get a better understanding of the life of an astronaut. The chat session was well attended by students, the education fraternity, industry experts and the media and was graced by CB Devgun, president, Space Foundation; Shalini Bahmba, head of Education, Space; Pankaj Bahmba, director, Space Group of Companies with eminent industry experts. PeT]dTb # A0=278kF43=4B30H<0A27(! % 0]X]cTa]bWX_Xbb^\TcWX]VcWPc[Tcbh^dcPZTP_TTZX]c^fWPcXbX]bc^aTU^ah^d^]RTh^dbcPacf^aZX]V B0AE4B706A0F0;cT[[bh^dcWTPSeP]cPVTb^US^X]VP]X]cTa]bWX_QTU^aTbcPacX]Vh^daRPaTTa C748=C4A= n internship helps you discover your real career interest and equips you with required skills and connections in the field so that you can turn your passion into a career. To tell you why everyone must do at least one internship during graduation, here are a few case studies: The first story is of Pratyush Benjwal. He has been drawing and sketching since childhood. He even designed covers for his parents’ books (both are writers) when he was 15. However, under peer pressure, Pratyush opted for the Science stream after his 10th grade. The subsequent two years and one attempt at various entrance exams made him realise that engineering was not for him. He then joined a graphic design institute. Soon after, Pratyush did his first internship in designing graphics for merchandise. He followed it up with four more internships in graphic and web design, social media, content writing, and even wall painting. These internships helped him discover his true love — UI/UX design for web and mobile applications — and paved the way for him to land his dream job even before completing his graduation. The second story is of Sania (name changed) from NIT Bhopal who, like many engineering students today, was confused b e t w e e n whether she should go for an MBA or an MS after completing B.Tech. However, a summer research internship at University of Pittsburgh left her in awe of the beauty of engineering and she discovered her true calling — a research career in chemical engineering. Most students in India start panicking when they are about to graduate because they have little or no clue about what to do next. Even worse, many are not even aware of, let alone have, the skills A AXbWPe: :d\Pa EXSTc99PXbfP[ 2^U^d]STab D]XeTabXch4g_aTbb that today’s jobs demand. And then starts the mad hunt for a job, any job that one can lay hands on. On the contrary, if you have done a few internships before (even school students have started applying for internships these days), you will have a clear idea of what you ]SXP WPb aTRT]c[h bda_PbbTS DB Pb cWT [PaVTbc 8R^]bd\Ta \PaZTc ^U b\Pac_W^]Tb FXcW cWT aXbX]V ]d\QTa ^U cWT SXVXcP[ ]PcXeT VT]TaPcX^] R^]bd\Tab cWXb ST\P]S Xb ^][h _^XbTS c^ Va^f UdacWTa<^aTcWP]#_TaRT]c^UP[[\^QX[T_W^]Tb b^[S X] @# ! $ X] 8]SXP fTaT b\Pac_W^]Tb BP\bd]V P]S <XRa^\Pg fWXRW S^\X]PcT cWT 8]SXP]b\Pac_W^]T\PaZTcWPeTP[aTPShaPXbTSP WdVTST\P]SU^abZX[[TST]VX]TTabc^\P]PVTP]S aT_PXab\Pac_W^]Tb 7PaSfPaT_[PhbP\PY^aT]PQ[X]Va^[TU^adbc^ bcPh R^]]TRcTS fXcW ^]T P]^cWTa 7XVWT]S [P_c^_b73RPQ[TP]SX?W^]TbPaTU^d]STeT]X] cWT \^bc d]bdb_TRcTS _Pacb ^U 8]SXP FT PaT P <>BCBCD34=CB8=8=380BC0AC ?0=82:8=6F74=C74H0A4 01>DCC>6A03D0C41420DB4 C74H70E4;8CC;4>A=>2;D4 01>DCF70CC>3>=4GC CWTPdcW^aXbP] P[d\]db^U88C<PSaPb P]SU^d]STa24>^U8]cTa]bWP[PR^\ ]PcX^]^U_T^_[TWd]VahU^aT[TRca^]XRb CWT \PZT X] X]SXP X]XcXPcXeT WPb P[b^ T\_WPbXbTS_[P]bc^R^]eTac8]SXPX]c^PWdQU^a \P]dUPRcdaX]V T[TRca^]XRb CWT UPRc cWPc \PaZTc aTbTPaRWTab S^ ]^c TeT] RWTRZ \^QX[T _W^]Tb fWX[T R^[[TRcX]V X]U^a\PcX^] PQ^dc B42 SPcP SdT c^ cWTXa dQX`dXc^db _aTbT]RT QTPab cTbcP\T]c c^ cWXbFTV^c^cWTUP]RXTbc\P[[bc^_daRWPbTcWTbT VPSVTcbQdcXUP]hcWX]VV^Tbfa^]VfTeXbXccWT [^RP[WP]Sh\P] 1dc^]WTPaX]VcWT_aXRT^UaT_PXaeTah^UcT] ^]T Xb R^]UdbTS QTcfTT] aT_PXaX]V P]S bX\_[h QdhX]VP]TfSTeXRT0bX\X[PacW^dVWcWPbQTT] aTU[TRcTSX]cWTRPaTTaRW^XRTbbcdST]cbPaT\PZT BCD3H24=CA4B The Rotary Foundation is offering 100 fully-funded academic fellowships for worldwide students. Two types of peace fellowships are available — master and professional development certificate fellowships. Eligibility: Proficiency in English; Proficiency in a second language is strongly recommended; Strong commitment to international understanding and peace as demonstrated through professional and academic achievements and personal or community service; Excellent leadership skills. Master’s degree applicants (minimum three years of related full-time work or volunteer experience), Bachelor’s degree (certificate applicants: minimum five years of related full-time work or volunteer experience, strong academic background). How to apply : Thoroughly research the curriculum. Collect all academic transcripts, test scores and any other documents required by preferred universities. All supplementary materials must be in English. Inform your local Rotary district that you are applying for a peace fellowship, and request an interview. District endorsement is want to do next. Also, you would have the skills required in that field and would know enough people in the domain who could write a recommendation or two for you. Think of an internship as a test drive for your career before you commit to one. Other than this, there are more advantages of doing an internship: Q It builds your soft skills and develops your personality: Learning to write an email, making a presentation, working in a team on a tight schedule, learning to prioritise, decision making — all of these are useful life skills which are not taught in college but can be learned in the real world environment an internship provides. Q You gain a lot of practical knowledge: Learning Computer Science theory in a classroom is useful but nothing compares the amount of knowledge you would gain while building an actual web application used by millions of users across the globe. Q You learn to live on your own: For many students, an internship would require moving out of home, earning a stipend (your first paycheck), and living entirely on your own, which includes managing your finances, day-today chores, finding a place to live, attending office and still being able to find time to relax on weekends. An internship makes you feel all grownup and independent like nothing else ever will. So what are you waiting for? Start looking our early, build your resume, send in your applications and land yourself a dream summer internship. An internship is one of the most exciting college life experiences — don’t miss out on that. required to complete the application process. Prior to interviews, fill out the application form, attach the required supplementar y materials (test scores, academic recommendations, essays). Complete an interview with district representatives. Districts must submit endorsed applications to The Rotary Foundation by July 1. Scholarship deadline: The deadline for candidates to submit applications to their district is May 31. Districts must submit endorsed applications to The Rotary Foundation by 1 July. Victoria University of Wellington is offering 35 doctoral scholarships for New Zealand and international students. These scholarships are available for pursuing doctoral or PhD degree programme. Eligibility: Open to graduates of any university within or outside of New Zealand who intend to enroll full time for a doctorate at Victoria University or who have commenced their doctoral study at Victoria University. Are awarded on academic merit and are open to New Zealand and international students in any discipline. How to apply : Applications for admission as a PhD student and for Victoria Doctoral Scholarships should be made online. Application deadline: July 1, 2016. 4eT]c<P]PVT\T]cXbcWTR^ ^aSX]PcX^]ad]]X]VP]S _[P]]X]V^UP[[cWT_T^_[T cTP\bP]S_PacbcWPcR^\T c^VTcWTac^RaTPcTP]hZX]S^U TeT]cCWTbcdShX]R[dSTb ^aVP]XbPcX^]P[bZX[[bcTRW]XRP[ Z]^f[TSVT?A\PaZTcX]V PSeTacXbX]VRPcTaX]V[^VXbcXRb STR^aV[P\^daXST]cXchWd\P] aT[PcX^]bbcdSh^U[PfP]S [XRT]bTbaXbZ\P]PVT\T]c QdSVTcX]VbcdSh^UP[[XTS X]SdbcaXTb[XZTcT[TeXbX^]^cWTa \TSXPP]SbTeTaP[^cWTaPaTPb Q=PcX^]P[8]bcXcdcT^U4eT]c <P]PVT\T]c<d\QPX?d]T 2^dabTb)EPaX^dbSX_[^\PbP]S ?6SX_[^\Pb Q 8]cTa]PcX^]P[8]bcXcdcT^U 4eT]c<P]PVT\T]c3T[WX 2^dabTb)EPaX^dbRTacXUXRPcT _a^VaP\\Tb Q 0\Xch8]bcXcdcT^U4eT]c <P]PVT\T]c3T[WX2^dabTb) <PbcTabX]?AP]S4eT]c <P]PVT\T]c Q 8]bcXcdcT^U7^\T 4R^]^\XRb3T[WX2^dabTb) 2TacXUXRPcTR^dabTb Q ?TPa[0RPST\h 3T[WX 2^dabTb)3X_[^\PX]?A 4eT]c<P]PVT\T]c <8=38C fWT] Xc R^\Tb c^ 8C CWTaT Xb P] X]RaTPbT X] cWT ]d\QTa ^U bcdST]cb fP]cX]V c^ [TPa] P__ STeT[^_\T]c P]S P Sa^_ X] cWT ]d\QTa ^U bcdST]cb fP]cX]V c^ [TPa] WPaSfPaT fWXRW Xb TbbT]cXP[[hcWTQPRZQ^]T^U8C 0c _aTbT]c ^da TSdRPcX^] bhbcT\ Xb WTPeX[h cX[cTS X] UPe^da ^U b^UcfPaT R^dabTb Tb_TRXP[[h Pc cWT WXVWTa [TeT[b ^U TSdRPcX^] CWXb RP] QT PccaXQdcTS c^ P [PaVT ST\P]S ^U T]cah [TeT[ TgTRdcXeTbX]cWTQ^^\X]V8C8CbTRc^abP]SPb P aTbd[c WPaSfPaT WPb QTT] [PaVT[h ]TV[TRcTS B284=2430H24;41A0C8>= mitochondrial functions, personalised medicines, bio-indicators, magical flowers, and also experiments in the fields of biology and chemistry were showcased. There were a number of working models on display as part of the exhibition. One among them was a model depicting a modern form of water recycling. 2>=E>20C8>=24A4<>=H The AD Design School, New Delhi, hosted its annual convocation ceremony at Panchshila Club recently. 103 students attended the ceremony, many of whom completed their advanced diploma level in Interior Design. Prof MS Satsangi, a veteran from the field of architecture, architects Ruchita Gupta and Shikha Agarwal and Tanay Jaithaliya were the guests of honour. Addressing the gathering, Amar Singh Saini, chairman, AD The Design school, said, “I would like to congratulate the batch of 2015 with immense pride and wish them good luck for their future and success.” He added, “From today onwards, your life will be changed and all of you will have lots of fun, responsibilities and excitement in your professional career.” ?D1;82;81A0AH<>E4<4=C The NASSCOM Foundation has announced launch of the Indian Public Library Movement (IPLM), a multi-stakeholder effort to revitalise and transform public libraries into inclusive knowledge and information centres catering to the information needs of communities across India. The IPLM seeks to change the landscape of public libraries and the services 0bh^d]VbcdST]cbX]3T[WXD]XeTabXchA8B70E:D<0AP]S E834C908BF0;RaTPcTSb^\TcWX]VcWPcQTRP\TP]XR^]U^a RP\_db[XUTCWThcP[ZPQ^dccWTXaR^\_P]hP]SUdcdaT_[P]b Q How did the idea of starting University Express, the novel student portal, come about? Both of us are from an off-campus college in Delhi University and there were multiple incidents where we missed out on a lot of opportunities and competitions, because most of them used to happen in North Campus colleges and we would never come to know of it. It was not just a problem for students, but even fest organisers who would have to visit every college one by one and put flyers for their events and conferences. Back in 2012, there was no comprehensive media platform for the entire university, where one could go and know about what was happening around the campuses. We started as a social media page and got a superb response. Our inbox was flooded with messages from organisers and college societies who wanted us to publish their messages for the student community. In October, 2012, we launched a news website for the Delhi University students which was run by the students. There has been no looking back. Q What is the problem that you are really trying to solve? Our website and social channels allow us to disseminate information to thousands of students across Delhi/NCR. Over time, we realised that this had far reaching consequences and we were capable of impacting lives in a medley of ways. For example, last June, our open admissions discussion portal allowed existing DU students to engage with the fresh entering batch and we were able to help over 10,000 freshers make calculated career decisions. More recently, we associated with a leading social organisation and helped them spread awareness about cancer among students. It is through these incidents that our vision has shaped. Our ability to connect BhbcT\ 0S\X]XbcaPcX^] 0]X\PcX^] 6aP_WXRb ?hcW^] 310 R^\_dcX]V [P]VdPVTb B0B P]S R[^dS R^\_dcX]V PaT b^\T ^U cWT \^bc _^_d[Pa R^dabTb FWTaTPb ]Tcf^aZ bTRdaXch STbZc^_ T]VX]TTaX]V P]S 22=0 PaT cWT \^bc _^_d[Pa R^dabTb U^a SXaTRc[h STP[X]V fXcW WPaSfPaT P]S ]Tcf^aZX]V 7PaSfPaT P]S b^UcfPaT WPeT P bca^]VTa bh\QX^cXRaT[PcX^]bWX_]^fcWP]TeTaQTU^aT5a^\ ^[S \^QX[T _W^]Tb c^ TeT] RPab _TaU^a\P]RT ^U WPaSfPaT RP] QT bXV]XUXRP]c[h X\_a^eTS fXcW P bX\_[Tb^UcfPaTd_SPcTc^cWTXaR^\_dcTaR^]ca^[ d]Xc5^a^]Tc^QTbdRRTbbUd[8CXcXbeXcP[c^WPeT P cW^a^dVW d]STabcP]SX]V ^U fWPc fT ^]T Xb 8=1 1A845 KIIT College of Engineering organised a science exhibition as part of its National Science Day celebrations. The chairman of KIIT Group of Colleges inaugurated the exhibition, which displayed models and experiments covering various aspects of science. About 50 exhibits, including models of engines, lasers, smart houses, kidneys, ²B^RXP[RWP]]T[bP[[^fdbc^ aTPRWbcdST]cbP]hfWTaT³ they provide to the country’s citizens. The movement will start by reaching out to a million library users at 300 district-level libraries and proving them with community driven services such as computer training classes to build digital skills, access to online information about agriculture and health, a safe place for students to study, and learning opportunities for people of all ages. with our ever-growing community over years is our strength. We have over 1 lakh loyal followers on social media and over 50,000 organic subscribers. We are on a mission to unearth the true potential of what our generation can achieve through democratic expression. We intend to do so through the power of responsible journalism. It is with this aim that we have launched the all new University Express — a global platform for the youth to engage and express. The website is live on www.universityex.com Q Tell us more about your operations. How do you manage funds? We have a team of over 200 students across Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore and this number is growing rapidly. These are mostly freelancers or interns with whom we engage from a period of six months to two years. We have multiple teams taking care of various functions such as editorial, business development, digital marketing and many more. We have been self-sustained and profitable from day one. We have run content campaigns for 200+ clients, both national and international, from the likes of UrbanClap to Indian Chamber of Commerce, and helped them engage at a deeper and personalised level with our community. We have been involved in generating social impact by associating with NGOs and taking part in educational initiatives. Q What are your plans with University Express? We recently piloted our model in Mumbai and Bangalore and the results have been positive. We are eyeing expansion across multiple cities in India in the next few months, both in terms of colleges and schools we cover and the audience we reach out to. We are evaluating our strategy for global expansion, especially in America and and SouthEast Asia. ²_a^VaP\\X]V³U^aXcc^PRcdP[[hQTTUUTRcXeT FXcWcWTV^eTa]\T]cX]XcXPcXeTbX]\^cX^]c^bTc d_b\PacRXcXTbP]SUXa\bfPa\X]Vd_c^SXVXcXiPcX^] Tg_TacbPaTQd[[XbW^]cWT\PaZTcWXaX]V7^fTeTa R^]bXSTaX]VcWTbcPcXbcXRbP\PbbXeTRad]RWX]cWT ]d\QTa^UbZX[[TSWPaSfPaT_a^UTbbX^]P[baT`dXaTS XbTg_TRcTSFXcWPdc^\PcX^]bfTT_X]VX]RWP]VTb X] cWT X]Sdbcah P RP]SXSPcT WPeX]V W^[XbcXR P]S X] ST_cW Z]^f[TSVT X] Q^cW 7PaSfPaT P]S B^UcfPaT S^\PX]b fX[[ QT P] X]eP[dPQ[T PbbTc U^a ^aVP]XiPcX^]b c^ X]eTbc X] P]S RaTPcT aTe^[dcX^]Pah _a^SdRcbP]SbTaeXRTbU^acWT]TgcVT]TaPcX^] CWTPdcW^aXbBXSSPacW1WPafP]XE? 9TcZX]V8]U^caPX];X\XcTSPaTRdaXc\T]cPVT]Rh =4F20BC;4C84BD?F8C788C3 The Newcastle University, UK, has tied-up with IIT-D on various research and education programmes. Several areas of mutual interest and research synergy have been identified and discussed by the two institutes. Though, initially focussed on water resources the relationship has evolved with strengths in the following areas: Cyber security, transport and environment, antibiotic resistance, quality and innovation and knowledge transfer, smart grids and telecommunications and catchment hydrology and water management. They are also looking at further cooperation in the area of nanotechnology. Commenting on the tie- up, Prof Richard Davies, proVC, engagement and internationalisation, Newcastle University, UK, said: “Our vision is to be a world-class university. We can apply the excellence of our teaching and research to local and global challenges. Our partnership with IIT-D will go a long way towards helping us fulfil this ambition.” B7A<BCA0C46820;;80=24 The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM), India, has entered into an alliance with BTI Consultants, the global consulting firm specialising in board and executive search, talent management, career transition and leadership development. The alliance translates into delivering customised professional development pro- grammes. These programmes will primarily focus on HR transformation, change management, leadership development and coaching. Speaking on the partnership, Achal Khanna, CEO, SHRM India, said: “We see the partnership as a win-win relationship. Our array of solutions focussed on today’s leaders helps organisations better align their people to the organisa- tion’s goal and ethos. Working with BTI will help us widen our reach in the market.” “We are delighted to partner with SHRM India. This partnership will auger well for the leadership fraternity at large. We hope this partnership is leveraged by corporate leaders and helps them lead more effectively,” James Agrawal, MD, BTI Consultants India, said. 8=C4AE84FB0C8<8 The International Management Institute (IMI), New Delhi, has announced interview dates of its four courses— Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PGDMHRM), Post Graduate Diploma in Banking and Financial Services (PGDMB&FS) and Executive Post Graduate Diploma in Management (EXPGDM). Interviews will be conducted between March 16-18 at B-10, Qutab Institutional Area, Tara Crescent, New Delhi -16. The institute has been conducting the selection process in nine cities, including New Delhi, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Chennai, Mumbai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Kolkata and Bhubaneswar since February 18 and will continue to do so till March 20. The PGDM, PGDMHRM and PGDM-B&FS are two-year programmes. The EXPGDM is a 15-month programme aimed at middlelevel managers with a minimum of five years’ work experience. It includes 10.5 months of course work at the IMI, New Delhi, and a 5-week optional course at a partner business school in Europe/USA. $ J FTbc8]SXTb^_T]Ta 2WaXb6Ph[TWPbWXc cWT\^bcbXgTbX] F^a[SC!¯#( J A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % C74A40A4<>A4 >??>ACD=8C84B8=C74BD1 2>=C8=4=CC>0CC02:8=!# 10;;BC70=8==I ¯ =0C70=<22D;;D< 481B1=C1<19D9C 5>A8=3>?0:C84 41D5<9>5 =4F34;78 41D5<9>5 =4F34;78 @>C @>C he much-anticipated World Twenty20 cricket match between India and Pakistan will be held as scheduled in Dharamsala, Tournament Director M V Sridhar said on Tuesday. "The match is on. The state and central governments are onboard and all security arrangements have been made," he said after a meeting with Special Secretary (Internal Security) in the Home Ministry M K Singla besides others here. Pakistan will play against India on March 19 in Dharamsala in Himachal Pradesh. There has been some opposition in the state, including from ex-servicemen, on holding the match at the hill station. Sridhar, however, said discussions with Home Ministry officials remained inconclusive and a few issues are yet to be sorted out. Sridhar, also General Manager of Cricket Operations T of the BCCI, was accompanied by IPL anti-corruption and security unit head and former Delhi Police Commissioner Neeraj Kumar and a few other BCCI officials. Representatives of Himachal Pradesh government were also present in the meeting. Singla said an official team of Pakistan had visited Dharamsala and has expressed satisfaction over the security arrangements in the stadium as well as hotels in the picturesque hill station. Singla said Kangra District Magistrate and local Inspector General of Police assured full protection to players and the venue. Besides the Dharamsala match, Pakistan will play two matches in Mohali, Punjab -against New Zealand on March 22 and against Australia on March 25. The Pakistani team will also play a match in Kolkata on March 16. 20<?69B5 83_[QigYdX4U\XY ecks appear to have been cleared for holding the D World T20 matches at 0;;B4C58=0;;H)FXcWcWT?PZXbcP]bTRdaXchcTP\aTbcX]VXcbUTPabPQ^dcbTRdaXchXbbdTbPc3WPaP\bP[PPbcWTeT]dT^UXcb^_T]X]V\PcRWPVPX]bc8]SXP^]<PaRW (P] 8]SXP]UP]U[XTbcWTCaXR^[^daWXVWPccWT_XRcdaTb`dTeT]dT^]CdTbSPh 0? 41D5<9>5 :>;:0C0 @D9 bU`\QSUc =Q\Y^WQQc <Q^[Qc[Y``Ub &2/20%2 $OOURXQGHU$QJHOR0DWKHZVUHSODFHG /DVLWK0DOLQJDDVFDSWDLQRIWKH6UL/DQNDQFULFNHW WHDPIRUWKH,&&:RUOG7ZHQW\EXWWKHLQMXU\ UDYDJHGSDFHUPDQDJHGWRUHWDLQKLVSODFHLQWKHVLGH 7KHWHDPZDVSLFNHGE\WKHQHZVHOHFWLRQ FRPPLWWHH³KHDGHGE\WKHIRUPHUVNLSSHU$UDYLQGD GH6LOYDZKLFKDOVRLQFOXGHV.XPDU6DQJDNNDUD 0DOLQJDZDVDVNHGE\WKHPDQDJHPHQWWRUHVLJQDV FDSWDLQDIWHUDVSDWHRILQMXULHVZKLFKUHOHJDWHGKLPWR DQRQSOD\LQJFDSWDLQ7KHSDFHUVWHSSHGGRZQ RZLQJWRVORZUHFRYHU\IURPDNQHHLQMXU\ZKLFK IRUFHGKLPWRPLVVPRVWRIWKHUHFHQW$VLD&XS,W ZDV0DOLQJDZKRZDVFDSWDLQZKHQ6UL/DQNDZRQ WKHODVW:RUOG7KHOGLQ%DQJODGHVKLQ 7KH6UL/DQND&ULFNHWVDFNHGWKHQDWLRQDOFULFNHW VHOHFWLRQFRPPLWWHHLQWKHZDNHRIWKHQDWLRQDO WHDP·VSRRUSHUIRUPDQFHVLQWKHMXVWFRQFOXGHG$VLD &XSLQ%DQJODGHVKDQGWKHSUHFHGLQJELODWHUDOVHULHV LQ,QGLD,Q-DQXDU\6UL/DQNDKDGDOVRORVWLWV1R ,&&7ZHQW\UDQNLQJDIWHUWKH\ORVWWR1HZ=HDODQG ³37, µHV¶cVReeYVaRceje`hZ_¶ B0<<HC@51; C74C3854E<5 <>B2>F 05?■ ;>B00=64;4B< >C74AB?>AC ive-time Grand Slam tennis champion Maria Sharapova F has announced that she failed a dope test at the Australian Open, and isn't sure what punishment she'll face for her "huge mistake." The former world No 1 from Russia on Monday said a change in the World Anti-Doping Agency's banned list for 2016 led to an inadvertent violation, for which she will be "provisionally suspended" by the International Tennis Federation. In a sign of what the affair could mean to Sharapova's mass of money-spinning endorsements, US sportswear maker Nike said it would halt its relationship with her as the case moves forward. "We are saddened and surprised by the news about Maria Sharapova," Nike said in a statement. "We have decided to suspend our relationship with Maria while the investigation continues." Swiss watch brand TAG However, it was also made clear by the SDMC that occupancy certificate was for the entire stadium barring R P Mehra block, which falls within the 100 m of a protected monument and thus lacks ASI clearance. The bench said the issue of R P Mehra block was between DDCA and SDMC to sort it out. Senior advocate Rajiv Nayar and advocate Sangram Patnaik, appearing for DDCA, told the court either they would try and get a clearance for the block by June 30 or they would demolish it, as they have no hesitation in doing so. aving managed to field a strong side in the last minute amid a contract row with their Board (WICB), West Indies captain Darren Sammy said on Tuesday that their aim is to bring back the World Twenty20 title to restore the faith among the Caribbean fans. As of now, we are in the World Twenty20 and that’s what our focus is on. It’s just cricket. In the end we are professionals, but this event means a lot to us as a group. The next World Twenty20 is in 2020 and a few of our guys won’t be part of that event so this one is very important for us,” Sammy said. “Everyone’s focus is on winning. A win here will mean a lot to us and people at home, especially in the current situation of our cricket. It’s not just about the men team but the women team as well. “The the message is cricket. Once you step out on the cricket field you should not be worried about contracts and other stuff. It’s about making your country proud,” the skipper of the 2012 World T20 A>2:BC0AB)2WaXb6Ph[T_aPRcXbTbPccWT4ST]6PaST]bX]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPhPbWXbbZX__Ta3PaaT]BP\\h_aPXbTbcWTad]\PRWX]T´b_aTb]TRTX]cWTcTP\PcP]^_T]\TSXPbTbbX^]PccWTbcPSXd\ 0? champion side in Sri Lanka told reporters here. Currently ranked World No 2 in “We dominated the world for 17 play Twenty20 cricket around the world, Twenty20 rankings, West Indies cricket good years. We had some great players. so it’s not difficult to adjust,” he said. was in serious crisis involving players’ The West Indies colts have showed Right now we are doing that in contracts in the run up to the upcoming the way recently by winning the Under- Twenty20 cricket. We have 15 potential event and a second string side was C74F8=384B?;0HCF> 19 World Cup in Bangladesh and Sammy match winners. We have a fairly balexpected to be named had the row been 8C³B385582D;CC>A4?;024 said they would look to emulate the anced side. The good thing for us is that not resolved at the last minute. ?>;;0A30=3=0A8=4 F0A<D?60<4B¯ youngsters as cricket can serve as a glue we have so many guys in our team who Finally 12 of 13 players, excluding F7>F4A4:4HF74=F4 0608=BC8=380>= are familiar with the conditions. The to unify the various island nations. Darren Bravo, agreed to the financial F>=C742D?8=! ! <0A27 0=30608=BC “Cricket is the glue that unifies conditions are no stranger to us. We terms, a sharp drop in pay compared to Caribbean so which ever team does well have been playing against India quite previous tournaments. 1DC4G28C8=60;; 0DBCA0;80>=<0A27 it's always a massive plus for the people often. “You would like everything to be A>D=34A20A;>B "145>A474038=6C> “Many of our cricketers are playing in the region. smooth-sailing but that's not the case for 1A08C7F08C4A4?;024B <D<108C>1468=C748A “Once your country win a major in the IPL. It's about adjusting quickly, us so we are just going to do what we can event, it elevates the country and the the sooner you get accustomed, the beton the field,” Sammy said. ?>;;0A387>?474F8;; 20<?086=0608=BC region. U-19 team has been a motivation ter it will be for you in the long run. We “Ideally, we want to play internation?;0H0186?0AC8=C74 4=6;0=3>=<0A27 % for us. We want to emulate as a senior have our plan, and once we get there and al cricket. But when I look in my dressC>DA=0<4=CC74A4³B team. The only way to emulate is to lift execute them we will pose some ing room I see the likes of (Chris) Gayle, the (World Twenty20) trophy on April 3,” difficulty to the opposition,” the skipper (Andre) Russell, (Samuel) Badree, 0;B>=DAB4A4?;028=6 said. he asserted. (Marlon) Samuels.... All these guys are =0A8=4741A8=6B8=78B The West Indies will miss the Sammy said, the Caribbean cricketers experienced players. 10CC8=620?018;8CH are doing their best and following in the services of big-hitting all-rounder Kieron “It’s one format of the game we as a footsteps of their former heroes, who Pollard, who is injured and mystery team is really confident. When I see all ¯F4BC8=384BB:8??4A dominated world cricket in the 1970s and spinner Sunil Narine, who is is suspendthis quality in this dressing room, my job 30AA4=B0<<H ed, in the upcoming event. mid 80s. becomes very easy as a captain. Our guys H 1^WU\_ Ferozshah Kotla grounds here after the Delhi High Court today said grant of permission was entirely within the domain of the authorities concerned. "Permissions are entirely within the domain of concerned agencies and not up to this court to deny or grant permission," a bench of justices S Muralidhar and Vibhu Bakhru said, adding "this order be not construed as if this court is interfering in the matter". The court's order came after South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) told the bench that it has issued an occupancy certificate to DDCA for the stadium and that it was fully satisfied that the deviations have been rectified by the association in terms of the sanctioned plan of 2005. ?4A<8BB8>=B0A44=C8A4;HF8C78= C743><08=>52>=24A=43 064=284B0=3=>CD?C>C78B 2>DACC>34=H>A6A0=C ?4A<8BB8>= ¯34;7878672>DAC 508;B3>?4C4BCBDB?4=343 508;B3>?4C4BCBDB?4=343 B?>=B>AB3A>?B70A0?>E0 ;ie^ =QbYQ/ 9TYTVQY\dXUdUcdQ^T9dQ[UVe\\bUc`_^cYRY\YdiV_bYd9]QTUQ XeWU]YcdQ[U9\Ud]iVQ^cT_g^9\Ud]ic`_bdT_g^dXQd9fU RUU^`\QiY^WcY^SUdXUQWU_VV_ebdXQd9\_fUc_TUU`\i9[^_g dXQdgYdXdXYc9VQSUS_^cUaeU^SUcQ^T9T_^dgQ^dd_U^T]i SQbUUbdXYcgQiQ^T9bUQ\\iX_`U9gY\\RUWYfU^Q^_dXUb SXQ^SUd_`\QidXYcWQ]U ±CXQbQ`_fQ Heuer says its deal with the Russian will not be renewed. TAG Heuer said in a statement that its previous contract with Sharapova had expired at the end of 2015 and it has pulled out of negotiations on a new agreement. Sharapova tested positive for Meldonium, a drug she said she had been taking since 2006 but was only added to the banned list this year. "I did fail the test and I take full responsibility for it," a sombre Sharapova said at a press conference at a downtown Los Angeles hotel yesterday. "I made a huge mistake. I let my fans down. I let my sport down that I've been playing since the age of four that I love so deeply," added Sharapova, her voice wavering. "I know that with this, I face consequences and I don't want to end my career this way -- and I really hope I will be given another chance to play this game." The ITF confirmed in a statement that Sharapova had tested 31@B91D92<1CDC positive on January 26 and had accepted the finding when she was notified on March 2. "Ms Sharapova will be provisionally suspended with effect from 12 March, pending determi- 5>A<4A6A0=3B;0<270<?8>= nation of the case," the ITF said. 94==854A20?A80C8;0B743>DC0C Sharapova said she was coop<0A80B70A0?>E0>=CF8CC4A erating with the ITF and did not <>=30H05C4AC74ADBB80= yet know the extent of the sanc0==>D=243B74703C4BC43 tions she would face. ?>B8C8E45>A010==433AD60C Her attorney, John Haggerty, C740DBCA0;80=>?4= said the positive test could carry 8=90=D0AH a ban of up to four years, but that mitigating circumstances could 8=0B4A84B>5CF44CBC70C see a lesser penalty. 383=C<4=C8>=B70A0?>E01H From the shadow of =0<420?A80C8B083B74F0B Chernobyl's nuclear wasteland to international super-stardom; 38B0??>8=C43 from penniless arrival in the 8703C>;>B4<H20A44A0=3 United States, without a word of English, to a fortune nudging the =4E4A>?C43C>2740C=> $200 million mark. The story of <0CC4AF70C20?A80C8CF44C43 Sharapova, the world's richest 8703C>C7A>F8=C74C>F4; sportswoman, is a testament to 0=3BD554A the power of one individual to make it, whatever the odds. The 8383=C70E4C747867?A8243 ending of the story is now C40<>53>2C>ABC70C5>D=30 shrouded in doubt. She said she F0H5>A<4C>2740C0=364C wants to stay in the sport that has 0A>D=3C74BHBC4<0=3F08C made her rich beyond dreams. C81B1@?F1 5>AB284=24C>20C27D? % J A0=278kF43=4B30H k<0A27(! % J F70CBC74A4C>544; 38B0??>8=C4301>DC.4E4= 858<=>C8=C74G88CB 8<?>AC0=C5>A<4C70C8< 74;?8=6<HC40<<0C4B ¯098=:H0A070=4>= 148=6 !C7<0= 8]822F^a[SC! c^da]P\T]cbb^UPa 7PaQWPYP]BX]VWWPbQ^f[TS cWT\^bc]d\QTa^U \PXST]b°# ,QGLDLVLQILQDOJHDU06' 41D5<9>5 :>;:0C0 C>30H8=02C8>= he Indian cricket team is in "sixth gear" after a perfect buildup heading into the World Twenty20Championship but captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on Tuesday said the side cannot afford to take things for granted given the format's fickle nature. India blanked Australia in their own backyard, beat Sri Lanka at home before capturing the Asia Cup in Bangladesh. In the course of these triumphs, Dhoni's men lost just one game making it the near-perfect build-up campaign for the team which won the inaugural Championship back in 2007. "I think we are running on sixth gear. Technology has gone into the eighth gear but the kind of stuff we are doing on the field is adequate for any level of game. We have to see the focus should be on from the very first ball. I think everything is set, there're not anymore gears to operate on. I am really quite happy with the progress," Dhoni said at the pre-tournament news conference where the main draw matches will start on March 15. India will be up against New Zealand in their opening match in Nagpur on March 15. "Let's not say it's happening in India so it belongs to us. Especially in the shorter formats, the difference becomes smaller and smaller. Every team has a chance, if we play to our potential and execute our plans then we definitely have a chance." Dhoni said it was a big relief for <078E4)0aT[PgTS8]SXP]bZX__Ta<B3W^]XPSSaTbbTbcWT^_T]\TSXPbTbbX^]^UcWTC!F^a[S2d_X]:^[ZPcP^]CdTbSPh 0? him to see that the young duo of Jasprit Bumrah and Hardik Pandya have managed to gel with the team along with comeback veteran Ashish 37>=8G?B4 Nehra. "Definitely, I feel happy, it's a big relief. It's a relief to have death bowlers. 99 per cent of the time I know who's bowling the death. The have got a number of players 41D5<9>5 <D<108 job becomes easy. The whole bowling who can win the matches. department is doing well. I don't have That's part and parcel of hav@D9 to put a lot of effort." ing a good short format side On the preparation front, the and so that's certainly what oining the chorus, New buildup to India's successful campaign the Indian side have," Zealand T20 skipper Kane in winning the 2011 World Cup may Williamson added. Williamson picked India as be different but expectations are the New Zealand will take on the favourites to win the ICC same, said World Cup winning Indian the hosts in their campaign World Twenty20, which comskipper. opener on March 15 in menced today with the qual"Frankly it's the difficult to Nagpur and the 25-year-old ifiers. remember the 2011 World Cup. batsman said it would be "India will probably be the When it comes to expectations, I don't great to get off to a good start favourites for this tournaFTPaT^]bXgcWVTPa think it's any lesser than in 2011. against the mighty Indians. ment. But all teams will come CTRW]^[^VhWPbV^]T F470E40C>D6758ABC It's difficult to remember the "We have a tough match here believing they can win X]c^cWT'cWVTPaQdc preparations we went through before first up. We will be preparing this tournament," said <0C27F4F8;;?A4?0A40B cWTZX]S^UbcdUUfT the 2011 World Cup but as far as this as well as we can for these Williamson at the pre-tournaF4;;0BF420=5>AC74B4 PaTS^X]V^]cWTUXT[S preparation is concerned, we have had conditions. It will be great to ment media conference after XbPST`dPcTU^aP]h 2>=38C8>=B8CF8;;146A40C a perfect scenario. get a good start (against the team's first training session [TeT[^UVP\T "We won the Australia series, the India), so that we can carry at the Wankhede Stadium C>64C06>>3BC0AC0608=BC 4eTahcWX]VXbbTc bilateral series with Sri Lanka, than the momentum forward into here. 8=380B>C70CF420=20AAH cWTaTaT]^cP]h\^aT winning a tournament like Asia Cup, the tournament," Williamson, "I think being the VTPabc^^_TaPcT^] C74<><4=CD<5>AF0A3 we are looking right on track. Fitness who will be playing in his favourites, they are certainly a will be one of the concerns. Because third World T20 tournament, team that will be tough to beat ¯:8F8B:8??4AF8;;80<B>= FTPaTad]]X]V^] of fitness you may lose one of the first said. (in) the competition. They bXgcWVTPa XI. Unless it's a ball hit injury or like CTRW]^[^VhWPbV^]T that, we will be quite happy," he said. X]c^cWTTXVWcWVTPa finish the game. But when the oppo- far away from each other. I feel at start suit the batsmen in the World Quizzed about his batting posiQdccWTZX]S^UbcdUU sition scores big it is important for everything will boil down to how well Twenty20 keeping in mind of the tion which he shuffles as per match fTPaTS^X]V^]cWT your 5-6-7 to finish the game. The you play on the particular day. I don't spectators interest. situation, Dhoni said he would conUXT[SXbPST`dPcTU^a "Normally in a tournament like entire set up is for the lower order think you can take a side lightly, a big tinue the finisher's role of hitting it big P]h[TeT[^UVP\T batsman to finish the game. Finishers hitter can really change a game if he this you will get flatter wickets to have in minimum deliveries. 4eTahcWX]VXbbTc more entertaining games for spectawill be the batsmen who usually bat plays a big innings," he said. "I always felt good when it comes cWTaTaT]^cP]h\^aT "When it comes to my role, I felt tors. The pattern in these tournaments lower down the order. The job profile to batting. Up and down keeps hapVTPabc^^_TaPcT^] is very different. You have to think not everybody can be flexible accord- is generally more in favour of the batspening in the batting department. You twice before hitting lower down the ing to needs. At times if you have a men," he said. have to see the opportunity you're getSpeaking about the criticism he order as you have less batsmen after good partnership, and if you have the ting. I felt I had a decent opportuniFWT]XcR^\Tbc^\h you. It's a complex job. If you have flexibility and adaptability the job has been facing, Dhoni reiterated that a^[T8UT[c]^c ty. Ninety per cent of time I will be TeTahQ^ShRP]QT three batsmen of Virat's calibre then becomes easier. This kind of adapt- had the team lost the Asia Cup, it playing the same role as I played in U[TgXQ[TPRR^aSX]Vc^ more often than not they will finish," ability is needed. We have played would have been a bigger headline Asia Cup, playing 10-12 ball innings. ]TTSb0ccX\TbXU enough cricket to be open to the idea," than their triumph on Sunday. he added. I'm ready for the challenge," he said. h^dWPeTPV^^S "I'm not here to give answers to Evaluating the challenge that Dhoni added. Dhoni said being a finisher, he has _Pac]TabWX_P]SXU "I feel it's a long way off to think anyone. As I said earlier, India losing awaits India, Dhoni said pinch-hitters a complex part to play in the team. h^dWPeTcWT will play a crucial role in the tourna- of the final. We will slowly go into the Asia Cup final is a bigger headThe wicketkeeper-batsman also laudU[TgXQX[XchP]S warm-up games and take one game line than winning it. People will keep ment. ed Virat Kohli for his ability to play PSP_cPQX[XchcWTY^Q "It's difficult to measure the chal- at a time. All sides are very good. The talking about a lot of stuff. But it's the finisher's role despite being topQTR^\TbTPbXTaFT lenges. It's a world class tournament. build up will depend on the way we important to know the responsibiliorder batsman. WPeT_[PhTST]^dVW Every team is very good. Every team start. I don't think I will have to worry ty you have in the team. They will "For me a finisher is a lower order RaXRZTcc^QT^_T]c^ has a set of players who can play big about the final. We will have to always criticise but from a player's side batsman. The top order batsman cWTXSTP shots. All teams have fantastic bowlers worry about the preparation and it's important to know what the team always sets up the innings but it's needs. You don't always have to look execution," he said. and good all-rounders. always useful to have somebody like The wickets, Dhoni said, will good," he added. "It's quite even, it's not like you're Virat at No 3 who has the ability to T 8]SXPUPe^daXcTb)FX[[XP\b^] J 5 8 A 8 = 6 B 7`cXVe2^ZcZe¶d3f^cRYeZ^V 9dbc[TPeTWX\0\Xa7TbYdbcR^\T PUcTacWTQP]P]SfTbW^d[SV^VPVP PQ^dcWX\;TcWX\_TaU^a\U^a^]T \^aThTPaP]SfTfX[[bTT;TcWX\ PRWXTeTb^\TQXc7TWPbcP[T]cQdcPXbP ZdRW]PWX]ZXPPZTf^WbPQZ^dSPWX STcPWPXXcb]^ccWPcWTaX_bP_PacP[[ [X]Td_b7TbYdbcP]^a\P[Q^f[TafW^ fPbV^^S^]cWPcSPh8]bcTPS^UcP[ZX]V PQ^dc0\Xah^dbW^d[ScP[Z PQ^dc1d\aPW7T³bPaPaT cP[T]cCWTfPhWTWPb bcPacTSWTfX[[S^ b^\TcWX]Vb_TRXP[7TbP] TgRT_cX^]7TR^\TbfXcWPbda_aXbT TeT]cWTRP_cPX]S^Tb]^cZ]^f7TbV^c PV^^Sh^aZTaQ^d]RTa¯P[[fWPcP \^STa]SPhQ^f[Ta]TTSb ¯A^WXcBWPa\P @ D :hR_ee`SV<R]]Zd+AR_UjR HdeaPYBX]VWaTRT]c[hR^\_PaTS8]SXPb]TfTbcRaXRZTc X]VbT]bPcX^]7PaSXZ?P]ShPc^FTbc8]SXP]bU^aWXb^] UXT[SU[PXaQdccWT1Pa^SPh^d]VbcTaSaTP\b^UT\d[PcX]V [TVT]SPahB^dcW0UaXRP]9PR`dTb:P[[XbfXcWWXbP[[a^d]S PQX[XcXTb1XVcWX]VbbcPac fXcWcWTSaTP\^][hCWXb fPbcWTSaTP\HTbXcbUd[ UX[[X]V 8 fP]c c^ QT [XZT 9PR`dTb :P[[XbFWPcWTWPbS^]TU^a?a^cTPb X]QPccX]VP]SQ^f[X]V8fP]cc^S^ cWTbP\TcWX]VU^a8]SXP?P]ShPbPXS 0RR^aSX]Vc^bZX__Ta<PWT]SaPBX]VW 3W^]X?P]ShPWPbQa^dVWcbcPQX[XchfXcW WXbbZX[[bQdcWTaTeTP[bcWPccWTaTXb]^ _PacXRd[PaQaXTUVXeT]c^WX\ CWTQTbc_PacXb8\]^cc^[SP]hcWX]V 8eT]^cVXeT]QTT]P]hX]bcadRcX^]CWPcb b^\TcWX]VV^^SU^a\T8RP]]^faTPS bXcdPcX^]bPb8WPeTV^cdbTSc^X]cTa]P 0 1P]V[PSTbWebCWT=TcWTa[P]Sb 370A0<B0;0 ;8E4BcPaB_^acb"_\ ?A4?C8<4)1P]V[PSTbW_X]RWWXccTaCP\X\8`QP[PcPcaPX]X]VbTbbX^]X] 3WPaP\bP[P^]CdTbSPh A>2:BC0A) Much of the credit for Bangladesh's rise should go to Mashrafe Mortaza, its captain. He has been an inspirational leader who has blended established stars and talented youngsters to form a formidable unit 2>=24A=) Among the few things that could go against Bangladesh is injury concerns to Mustafizur and some other key players that could be exacerbated by the tight scheduling. D?B4C <0BC4AB) The Netherlands has a history of causing upsets in World T20s; it has defeated England twice and stunned Ireland in 2014 chasing down 190 in 13.5 overs to qualify for the Super 10s. 8aT[P]Seb>\P] 370A0<B0;0 ;8E4BcPaB_^acb&)"_\ C74<0C2705C4A JY]RQRgUcebfYfU 8_^W;_^WcSQbU 41D5<9>5 =06?DA @D9 imbabwe relied on their experience in internationZ al cricket to tame a fighting Hong Kong by 14 runs in the opening match of the World Twenty20 Qualifiers at VCA stadium here on Tuesday. Invited to bat in the Group B contest, Zimbabwe posted 158/8 and then overcame anxious moments before managing to restrict the rivals to 144/6. Zimbabwe opener Vusimuzi Sibanda top scored with a 59-run knock that came off 46 balls with five boundaries and a six. Down the order, Elton Chigumbura played an unbeaten cameo of 30 runs that helped the side cross the 150-run mark. Hong Kong skipper Tanwir Afzal returned impressive figures of 19/2 in his 4 overs. Paceman Aizaz Khan (2/33) also scalped two Zimbabwe batsmen. Hong Kong made a sedate start to their chase but accelerated in the middle overs before losing quick @D9 9dc\_de`d_i_eX_gT_i_e ]Q^QWU9fUg_b[UTXQbT _^]iVYd^UccgXYSXWUdc ]UW_Y^W9V9S_]`UdUgYdX Q"%iUQb_\T9fUd_RU_^ dXUcQ]U\UfU\9fUdXUc[Y\\ gY\\Q\c_cX_e\TRUdXUbU " !!Q\c_XU\TXUbUdXU RYWWUcdQTfQ^dQWUYcgU [^_g_ebS_^TYdY_^cQ\\_eb Wb_e^TcQ^TgXQdcdXU cS_bUDXU`bUccebUQ\c_ \YVdci_ebWQ]U^UUTd_ecU Q\\dXYcd__\Y^i_ebQTfQ^ dQWUQ^T`\QigU\\ CY^WX ±8QbRXQZQ^C 7^]V:^]VQPcb\P]AhP]2P\_QT[[ wickets towards the fag end to fall short by 14 runs. Hong Kong players showed a lot of heart and at one stage looked on course to score an upset win when skipper Tanwir Afzal went hammer and tongs. Opener Jamie Atkinson batted extremely well by scoring 53 off 44 balls but he got out in the 17th over. Hong Kopng then lost Anshuman Rath (13) Nizakat Khan (0) in successive balls in the 19th over. Skipep Afzal struck unbeaten 31 in 17 balls but that proved insufficient. Zimbabwe next play Scotland while Hong Kong will clash with Afghanistan on Thursday at the same venue. ´DY]Ud_]_fU_^ Vb_]2bU^T_^cUhYdµ 41D5<9>5 <D<108 3 0? Bangladesh go into The Netherlands clash at Dharamsala as heavy favourites after securing an impresIsiven-form runners-up place in the Asia Cup. <0C27! @D9 imbabwe relied on their experience in internaZ tional cricket to tame a fighting Hong Kong by 14 runs in the opening match of the World Twenty20 Qualifiers at VCA Acknowledging that the retirement of Brendon McCullum has left a huge void in the New Zealand cricket team, his brother Nathan said on Tuesday it was time for the players to move on under new skipper Kane Williamson. Acknowledging that the retirement of Brendon McCullum has left a huge void in the New Zealand cricket team, his brother Nathan said on Tuesday it was time for the players to move on under new skipper Kane Williamson. Nathan, who is an experienced campaigner in the Indian Premier League with his ability to bowl tight off spin, said the key for his team would be to adjust to the conditions as fast as possible. "We have played here before and everyone in this team has played in front of thousands of spectators, including in the Big Bash (in Australia). I enjoy it," said the Kiwi player. "The number of players playing in IPL in this part of the world would benefit. The biggest challenge is to get used to the conditions. And the faster we do it the better. It's a tough format and it's a tough tournament. You have 14 teams and there are no easy games. The beauty of T20 is if you get on a roll then you can do really well in this tournament,” he added.
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