Redmond Catalogue
Redmond Catalogue
DOUG & JOY REDMOND COLLECTION Doug was one of those obsessive collectors who once he started he couldn’t let go. Born in Canterbury, Doug for many years was a door to door milkman owning his own run. He did not indulge himself with too many luxuries, he did not have a modern TV, never owned a computer and his house was modest. He did though have a passion and that was Doulton china for which he was obsessed. Traveling throughout New Zealand and one major trip to England, Doug and Joy formed what became arguably New Zealand’s best Doulton collection. He targeted quality pieces was not afraid of paying the price for those right examples. Doug was a passionate researcher with a goal of having good examples of most of the Doulton range. This interest led him to be a founding member of the Christchurch Collectors Club and eventually a life member and patron. As a great orator he gave many insightful talks to a wide range of community groups. A number of ‘International Exhibition’ pieces produced by Doulton have found their way into this collection, QRWDEO\WKH¶0RXQW&RRNDQG+XND*ODFLHU·YDVHWKHÁDPEp2PDU.KD\\DPYDVHWKH6XQJSHDFRFNLQÁLJKW vase etc. The Redmond’s were also prime lenders to the 1993 NZ Post Royal Doulton Exhibition. 7KLVFROOHFWLRQLVQRZEHRIIHUHGIRUDXFWLRQE\WKHHVWDWHIRUGHÀQLWHVDOHWKHHVWLPDWHVLQPDQ\FDVHVDUH considerably less than the prices paid. Recent Auction Highlights A lady’s 2.33cts. diamond solitaire A good Charlie ring Wilson carved Achieved $16,500 nephrite hei tiki. A museum quality large Achieved $3,400 A good William A large Chinese A very large Royal and impressive Japanese Doulton pitcher vibrant green Moorcroft Clareivory ornately carved tusk jade carved Achieved $1,250 mont toadstool A rare Paul Storr section. table piece An antique 18ct. design vase George III silver three Achieved $19,000 Achieved $3,200 diamond ring. Achieved $3,700 piece tea service Achieved $10,500 Achieved $8,000 A rare quality New Zealand carved and inlaid walking stick by Anton Teutenberg. Achieved $6,700 A good 19thC $SDLURIÀQHTXDOLW\&KLQHVH Maori carved Chien Lung period twowhalebone kotiate A Chinese handled cloisonne Achieved $2,650 porcelain garden incense burners. seat. Achieved $16,000 Achieved $4,400 A George II large silver coffee pot. An impressive large Achieved $3,250 emerald and two An impressive diamond lady’s dress ring French Empire Achieved $26.000 A pair of bronze, ormolu and exceptional 19thC HQDPHOOHGÀJXUHG A Chinese Hotan ÀQHO\FDUYHGLYRU\ mantel clock. pale jade sculpture ÀJXUHV Achieved $8,400 of a goat. A Royal Doulton Achieved $2,600 Achieved $80,000 Maori teapot. A good Leica IIIf Achieved $2,600 5DQJHÀQGHUFDPHUD Achieved $1,775 Invest in the future A good New Zealand woods William Seuffert glove box. Achieved $7,900 A rare Charles II silver Porringer. Achieved $7,750 A Swedish silver cigarette case Achieved $1,100 A 19C Darwin monkey microscope. Achieved $2,800 A taxidermied North Island brown kiwi. Achieved $2,900 A good Chinese carved Hotan jade bowl. Achieved $4,750 A rare and exceptional An extremely large Japanese Meiji era carved and impressive 19thC ivory lobster by Sakurai Louis XVI style ormolu Munetaka. mantel clock Achieved $21,000 Achieved $12,500 recycle the past. NOTE: Hammer prices shown excluding premium. An early 18thC Dutch marquetry fold-over top games table Achieved $9,500 Antique & Art Catalogue Featuring the Redmond estate collection of Royal Doulton. We are privileged to have been instructed by the EHQHÀFLDULHVRIWKH5HGPRQGHVWDWHWRVHOOWKLVLPSRUWDQWFROOHFWLRQ2YHUORWVDUHRIIHUHGLQWKLVDXFWLRQ a further 100 plus lots will be offered in the 16th July 2013 auction. This auction includes Doulton Flambé, Blue &KLOGUHQKDQGSDLQWHG+DQQDK%DUORZÀJXUHVVWRQHZDUHVHULHVZDUHHWFHWFDORQJZLWKDÀQHDUUD\ RIFDUYHGLYRU\5HQq/DOLTXH*DOOqDQG'DXPFDPHRJODVV:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDOWD[LGHUP\NLZLHWFÀVKLQJ equipment, Irish tinker’s brass violin, Oceanic artefacts, Claremont Moorcroft, N.Z. Pottery, Rick Lewis bronze, large 1st period Royal Worcester teapot, Stinton, Hadley’s, militaria, superb carved ivory tusk section, puzzle EDOOÀJXUHV&KLQHVHMDGHDFROOHFWLRQRIVLOYHUIURPDQ(QJOLVKODG\UHVLGHQWLQ&KLQDSUH::,,DJRRG offering of blue and white export china, Zitan and ivory boxes, Japanese and Chinese cloisonné, ceramics HWFWKHMHZHOOHU\LQFOXGHVÀYHSLHFHVGHVLJQHGE\$QQLH*OD]LHUD5KRGD:DJHUJROGDQGRSDOEURRFK gold chains and sovereigns, diamond, ruby, sapphire rings, Edwardian and Victorian, bracelets and pendants, FWPXIIFKDLQDFWGLDPRQGVROLWDLUHULQJFDPHREURRFKHVFXIÁLQNV1=MHZHOOHU\ZULVWZDWFKHV pocket watches, carriage clocks, mantel clocks, silver photo frames, cigarette cases, Australian silver items, Gorg Jensen, silver cutlery including Georgian II spoons, pie spoons, silver tea and coffee sets, a banqueting tray weighing in at over 3 kilos, a rare George III caddy spoon, the usual quality offering of rugs and carpets, vintage rocking horses, Georgian leather trunk, Victorian sewing table, wine table, dumb waiter, chests of drawers, stools, military chest, dining tables, chairs, armchairs, French furniture, screens, inlaid vitrine, Chinese LWHPVDQROG%HOJLDQWLOHGVWRYHOLJKWÀWWLQJVVXSHUE9LFWRULDQEDQTXHWLQJODPSPLUURUVDVWXQQLQJ0DSOH longcase clock, art includes Birket-Foster, J.H. Dell, Japanese woodblock prints, a naive George III oil of pigs, Hilda Wiseman, Ben Ho, Terry Stringer, a Peter McIntyre oil of Antarctica, Prakash Patel, Marilyn Webb, Tom Burnett, another must be viewed auction. Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 9.30am Miscellaneous Glass & Crystal Tribal, Artefacts & NZ Historical Doulton, China & Porcelain Militaria Oriental 1 - 117 118 - 145 146 - 199A 200 - 374 375 - 387 388 - 511 Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 5.00pm Jewellery Clocks & Watches Silver Rugs Furniture Prints & Paintings 520 - 603 604 - 625 626 - 709 710 - 735 736 - 830 831 - 905 The sale may be viewed at the following times: Friday 14th June Sunday 16th June Monday 17th June 9.00am - 5.00pm 11.00am - 3.00pm 9.00am - 5.00pm CATALOGUES $12 A 12.5% percent buyers premium applies to this sale plus G.S.T. on premium = all up 14.375% Catalogue also online at FRONT COVER: Lots include 256, 215, 232, 291, 305, 241, 240, 243, 238, 242 JOHN CORDY LIMITED FINE ART AUCTIONEERS AND APPRAISERS 180 Great South Road, Remuera, Auckland 1051, New Zealand P.O. Box 74071 Market Road Phone (09)523-1049 Fax (09)520-7186 Email [email protected] Website 1 The Catalogue 7KHÀJXUHVJLYHQDORQJVLGHHDFKORWDUHJXLGHSULFHVRQO\ 0HDVXUHPHQWVWKURXJKRXWDUHJLYHQLQPLOOLPHWUHVZLGWK[GHSWK[KHLJKW TUESDAY 18TH JUNE 2013 1ST SESSION at 9.30am MISCELLANEOUS 1 $QHDUO\9LFWRULDQÀQHHPEURLGHUHG panel, scene of a mother and daughter seated with dog and cat to their lap in front of a decorative curtain and distant castle, still with strong tones of red, blue and brown. 355 x 295, original rosewood frame, under glass. $260 2 $Q$UW1RXYHDXFDUYHGRDNSLFWXUH IUDPH rectangular form, carved with a liberty type leaf design. 290 x 230. $130 3 $QHDUO\WK&SRUWUDLWPLQLDWXUHRID Continental beauty, her plaited hair held in a bun, fur drape to her shoulGHUVVLJQHG¶*HUDUG·ÀQHJLOWPHWDO frame. $260 4 $YLQWDJHHQJUDYLQJDIWHU*R\D caWKHGUDOUXLQVZLWKPXOWLSOHÀJXUHV x 235. $110 5 $*HRUJH,,,IROLRRI-RKQ6HOO&RWPDQ HWFKLQJV ‘Antiquities Of Norfolk’, dated 1818. 510 x 355, foxing evident. $150 6 $WK&SLFWXUHmade from handmade French tissue paper by Charles Robert, the rural scene showing stone houses, farming and a canal scene, blue and tan dominant tones. 325 x 495, later framed under glass. Details on reverse. $90 7 $KDQGSDLQWHGSRUWUDLWPLQLDWXUH signed M. Carrè of a woman wearing a feather trimmed hat with her hands in a fur muff, circular gilt metal hinged frame. Diameter 65. $100 8 $SDLURIFRQWHPSRUDU\5XVVLDQLFRQV with gilt metal oklads, each in gilt frame in red leather case. $125 8A $5XVVLDQLFRQ of the archangel Michael, painted in enamel and gilt on a wooden panel. 280 x 210. $120 9 $QROGDUWLVW·VSDLQWLQJVWLFN breaks down into three sections for easy and portable storage, completely coated with layers of paint. Length 730. $100 10 $WK&$PHULFDQFDUYHGOHDWKHU ERXQGSKRWRJUDSKDOEXP of 20 leaves with hinged metal clasp, repaired spine. 165 x 140. $100 11 An album of United States stamps, incomplete from 1867 to 1984, approx. 1500 stamps, includes a number of older issues. $220 2 12 $FROOHFWLRQRIKDQGPDGH'DYLG +DUWQHOO;PDVFDUGV decorated in a Xmas scene with beads, pearls, leaf designs, ribbon, etc., mostly hand written to Nellie and Tony. Note: Nellie was a model for Hartnell, c.1930, the cards date from the 1960s. $175 13 A single page of 15 old Chinese stamps, c. 1920’s ‘Republic of China’ period, various denominations. $500 14 $QROGHUVWDPSFROOHFWLRQincludes an album with world collection including numerous pages of N.Z. and a chocolate box of stamps on paper. $90 15 $FROOHFWLRQRIHDUO\WK&OHDWKHU SRVWFDUGV poker work detail ‘You’ll have to hurry in Yellowstone Park’, ‘A sucker born every day’, ‘May all your troubles EHOLWWOHRQHV·HWFLQFOXGHVPDQ\ÀJures, comical, etc. 87 x 139 ea. $120 16 $QXQXVXDOVPDOO5HJHQF\SHULRG KLQJHGOLGGHGER[containing two Eau de toilette bottles, the box veneered in burr walnut with crossbanding and ebony clashing, the hinged lid opening to reveal a compartmenWDOLVHGLQWHULRUÀWWHGZLWKWZRVTXDUH section bottles with ground glass stoppers, with original key. 120 x 70 x 125. See page 5. $250 17 $SDLURIWK&)UHQFKVFHQWERWWOHV square section glass bodies, fancy gilt metal mounts and hinged lids set with painted circular panels with Parisian landmarks. $90 18 $QHDUO\WK&WRUWRLVHVKHOOFRYHUHG ER[ rectangular form, laid onto fruitwood, the hinged lid with a removable sectional tray, the walnut base with stepped feet to the corners. 290 x 170 x 155. $300 19 $WRWDUDSRFNHWZDWFKVWDQGDQG LQFRUSRUDWHGFRQWDLQHUThe box with a hinged lid with an ivory handle. 140 x 125 x 90. $100 20 $9LFWRULDQSDSLHUPkFKpWHDFDGG\ the exterior profusely decorated with mother-of-pearl inlay, the interior with two compartments, the lid painted with Lily of the Valley, mother-of-pearl buttons. 230 x 140 x 130. See page 5. $150 21 $5HJHQF\&RURPDQGHOZRRGWHD FDGG\ plain square form with motherof-pearl inlay to keyhole escutcheon and small plaque on lid, the interior with two compartments with domed hinged lid. 200 x 150 x 145. $350 22 $7XQEULGJHLQODLGMHZHOER[ the hinged lid inlaid with a ‘tumbling cube’ pattern. 210 x 150 x 90. See page 5. $140 23 $WK&PDKRJDQ\WHDFDGG\ rectangular shape, crossbanded hinged lid with satinwood stringing, the interior with two lidded compartments ÁDQNLQJDFHQWUDOZHOOIDXOWV[ 160 x 140. $150 24 $Q(QJOLVKZDOQXWDQG7XQEULGJHLQODLG WULQNHWER[ the lid with parquetry inlay of ‘tumbling cube’ pattern within a Tunbridge border. 165 x 105 x 50. See page 5. $175 25 $*HRUJH,,,ÁDPHPDKRJDQ\WHD FDGG\ oblong shape with boxwood clashed edges, gilt metal ring handle to the hinged lid and bone escutcheon to the front. The interior with two KLQJHGOLGGHGFRPSDUWPHQWVÁDQNLQJ a cavity to accept a mixing bowl. 305 x 150 x 155. See page 5. $350 26 $7XQEULGJHLQODLGZDOQXWWHDFDGG\ with hinged domed lid, opening to reveal two compartments with covers. 180 x 110 x 135. See page 5. $250 26A $6KHUDWRQSHULRGVDWLQZRRGWHD FDGG\ of cube shape, the hinged lid inlaid with a marquetry shell motif and similarly to the fascia beneath a bone keyhole escutcheon. 110 x 115 x 120. See page 5. $225 27 $QHDUO\WK&1RUULV$W\SHSDQHO plane,PDKRJDQ\LQÀOOZLWKVTXDUH form knob to the front, closed rear KDQGOHEUDVVDGMXVWDEOHEODGH keeper, steel foot and shaped sides. Good condition and in working order. Length 14½”. See page 5. $275 28 $SDLURIROG,QGLDQNDUGNQLYHVÀQH VZLUOLQJZRRW]VWHHOEODGHVÀQHLQODLG silver handles, the larger with pushbutton release to the hinged lidded butt end, the larger with leather covered sheath. $140 29 $6RXWK$PHULFDQVLOYHUSODWHJDXFKR GUHVVNQLIHLQVFDEEDUG decorative relief panels of horses, the polished steel blade named ‘Elmo Inox’. Length overall 285. $120 30 $86'DQLHO6HDUOHVSDWWHUQFXVWRP PDGH%RZLHNQLIHDQGVKHDWK ebonised handle, polished steel sheath. Length 310. $220 31 $QROGVWHHONQLIH plain steel handle with D-form guard, mildly curved EODGHWKHVFDEEDUGZLWKFOLSÀWWLQJ to the guard, later red velvet cover. Length overall 355. $140 32 $F7URXJKWRQ6LPPV/RQGRQ EUDVVVLWLQJOHYHO on original tripod VWDQGRULJLQDOOHQVÀWWLQJVWRSOHYHOV DQGIRXUDGMXVWDEOHVFUHZÀWWLQJVWR the hinged tripod stand. Length 330, height 660. $475 33 $3ÁXHJHU3RUWDJH$WODVPXOWLSOLHU UHHO 1 5/8th”, twin check buttons, raised pillars, 40 yds, nickel silver over brass, c.1920s. $100 34 $3ÁXHJHU3RUWDJH$WODVPXOWLSOLHU UHHO 1¾”, with check buttons, raised SLOODUV\GVQLFNHOVLOYHUÀQLVK c.1920s. $120 35 $3ÁXHJHU3RUWDJH$WODVPXOWLSOLHU UHHO 2 1/8th”, twin check buttons, UDLVHGSLOODUV\GVQLFNHOVLOYHUÀQLVK c.1920s. $120 36 $3ÁXHJHU6HQWUD3RUWDJHPXOWLSOLHU UHHO 2¼”, twin check buttons, raised SLOODUV\GVQLFNHOVLOYHUÀQLVK c.1920s. $120 37 $3ÁXHJHU3RUWDJHPXOWLSOLHUUHHO 2 3/8th”, twin check buttons, raised SLOODUV\GVQLFNHOVLOYHUÀQLVK c.1920s. $140 38 $Q$OOFRFNEUDVVUHHO 2”, permanent check, embossed with maker’s name to face plate and with some old line, c.1895. $100 39 $6FRWWLVK0DFOHD\,QYHUQHVVEUDVVÁ\ UHHO 3½”, permanent check, maker’s name embossed to face plate, c.1890s. See page 5. $140 40 $1RWWLQJKDPZRRGDQGEUDVVVWDU EDFNÁ\UHHO 3½”, on/off check, line guide, with horn handles, c.1890s. See page 5. $100 41 $Q$:*DPDJHVZRRGDQGEUDVV UHHOôµÀVKWDLOVWDUEDFNRQRII check, line guide, c1890s. $150 42 $ODUJHZRRGHQ(QJOLVK6FDUERURXJK VHDÀVKLQJUHHO 8”, brass mounts, with large wooden handles and in original order, c.1930s. See page 5. $150 43 $:KHDWOH\OHDWKHUÁ\ZDOOHW diamond logo impressed to case, with VHYHQLQVHUWVZLWKROGÁLHVFV 160 x 110. $140 44 $+DUG\·VPHWDOEODFNMDSDQQHGÁ\ ER[ slim line with cream interior and IXOORIRULJLQDOROGÁLHV+DUG\·VORJRWR lid, c.1895. 155 x 80. $150 45 $0DOORFK·VEODFNPHWDOÁ\DQGOXUH ER[ the interior with extra swing leaf, IXOORIROGÁLHVDQGOXUHVORJRWROLG c.1890s. 180 x 105. $160 46 $+DUG\·VDOOR\Á\ER[ the interior ZLWKÁLHV+DUG\ORJRWROLGFV 1930s. 160 x 90. $120 47 $:RRGVEUDVVWHOHVFRSLFVDOPRQ gaff, mahogany ribbed handle, brass butt end, maker’s name embossed to keeper, c.1910. $170 48 An English alloy and stainless steel WHOHVFRSLFJDII extends to 39”, with belt retainer, composite ribbed handle, c.1930s-1940s. $100 49 $&KDV)DUORZVSOLWFDQÁ\URG two pieces in cloth bag. $240 50 $UDUH+XUGVFRPELQDWLRQVXSHU FDVWHUURGDQGUHHO walnut pistol grip handle with a pullout spring steel rod, fully removable and made from surplus WWII American tank aerials, Serial No. 4533, c.1940s. $250 51 $)UHQFKVW\OHVSOLW:LOORZÀVKLQJ FUHHO leather bound with harness and carry handles, c.1920s. $250 52 $WURXWODQGLQJQHW wooden frame with original Bratin netting and carry clip, teardrop shape, maker’s name to handle. 230 x 520. $80 53 $)DUORZEODFNPHWDOÁ\ER[ nine FRPSDUWPHQWVZLWKÁLHV)DUORZ·VORJR to interior. 95 x 80. $60 54 $ZRRGHQ0DOODUGGXFNGHFR\ carved from a single block of wood with fully detailed feathers, glass eyes, hand painted, maker’s details to base. Length 380. See page 5. $300 55 $ZRRGHQGXFNGHFR\ hollow in two SLHFHÁRWDWLRQIRUPEODFNDQGEURZQ paint effect with green head and beak. Length 400. See page 5. $330 56 $YLQWDJH&KLQHVHLYRU\FRORXUHG VLONVKDZOZLWKHPEURLGHUHGÁRUDO decoration and fringing. 1200 x 1200. approx. $200 57 7ZRROG1RUWK$PHULFDQ,QGLDQ EHDGHGSXUVHVÀQHO\ZRUNHGLQÁRUDO designs, in tones of blue, green, red, etc. on black ground, red silk trim to one. 160 x 150 and 120 x 120. $200 58 $SDLURI3ODLQV$PHULFDQ,QGLDQPRF FDVLQV the soft chamois leather with ODFHWULPÀQHEHDGZRUNWRWKHWRSVLQ ÁRUDOGHVLJQDQGPXOWLSOHFRORXUVUHG and green felt trim to the heels. $300 59 $Q(GZDUGLDQJUHHQVWRQHSDUDVRO handle, shaped branch form, silvered cap end and 18ct.GP. Embossed mount engraved ‘Raphael 1905’, mounted to a short cut malacca cane section. See page 40. $120 60 $VEHDGHGFRVWXPHWDVVHO detailed with black gold and red beads and a long coral silk tassel. $80 61 $Q(GZDUGLDQZDONLQJVWLFN the handle in the form of a dog’s head. Length 920. $250 62 $IUXLWZRRGFDUYHGGRJKHDGHGZDON LQJVWLFN the pale handle of a long VQRXWHGGRJEUDVVÀWWLQJWRWKHGDUN hardwood shaft. Length 920. $120 63 $QH[RWLF6RXWK$PHULFDQEXWWHUÁ\ZLQJ WZRKDQGOHGZRRGHQWUD\with a band of inlaid decoration. Length 510. $200 64 $YLQWDJHWXUWOHVKHOOSROLVKHGÀQished. Length 440, width 400. $110 65 $YLQWDJHWD[LGHUP\NLZL in good condition with long hairs extending from the upper beak section, mounted to a square kauri base panel. Length from tip of beak to tail 430, height 350. See page 5. $1850 66 $QROGWD[LGHUP\OHRSDUGKHDG glass eyes, open mouth with teeth showing, mounted on an ebonised shield form back board. $750 67 $WD[LGHUP\DGXOWEODFNVZDQ standing with head raised, wings folded, mounted on a polished cut log section. Height 950. $550 68 $WD[LGHUP\YHUYHWPRQNH\ he stands with a striking grey/black/white speckled coat and open mouth displaying large canine teeth and red tongue, glass eyes and long tail. Length 645, height 395. See page 5. $750 69 $WD[LGHUP\ODUJHWURSK\NXGXKHDG the mount including the shoulder, the head turned to the right, long spiralling horns, ears forward to attention, glass eyes. Height 1670. See page 5. $2200 70 $YLQWDJHOHRSDUGVNLQFDSH curved collar, the black lined interior showing some distress. $250 71 $WD[LGHUPLHGSHDFRFN the male peacock perched on a tree branch and with outspread wings. Height 1500. $350 72 $WXUQRIWKHFHQWXU\GLRUDPD featuring pheasants in a natural setting of bark, tree branches, bracken, moss, etc., two males, a female and a chick, in glass and wood case. 800 x 280 x 80. See page 5. $350 73 $&XQG\%HWWRQH\¶&DGHW·FODULQHW in URVHZRRGZLWKQLFNHOSODWHGÀWWLQJV and ‘Resonite’ bell, along with original case. $100 74 $QROG6RXWK:HVW,ULVKEUDVVÀGGOH the body of traditional violin shape with classical f-holes, original ebony ÀQJHUERDUGDQGWDLOSLHFHRQH piece wooden neck, peg box and scroll, some attention required. Length 560, held in later case. See page 5. $1150 75 $QROGÀQHO\FDUYHGLYRU\SURZOLQJOLRQ open snarling mouth, mother-of-pearl inset eyes, well detailed mane, old repair 3 to tail. Old tan staining to the recesses. Length 145. See page 5. $360 76 $WKUHHSLHFHVFULPVKDZZKDOH·V WRRWKKDQGOHGFDUYLQJVHW the ShefÀHOGVWHHOEODGHGNQLIHZLWKDSROLVKHG whale’s tooth handle with 20thC scrimshaw of the ‘Falcon Jardine Matheson 1842’, the sailing ship under full sail, the fork with 20thC scrimshaw of a British VKLSÀULQJLWVFDQQRQVLQIURQWRIDWRZQ and castle, historically dated ‘1799’, the ‘Hand Forged’ steel with plain whale’s tooth handle. $2200 77 $QROGLYRU\HOHSKDQWWXVN natural curved form, approx. 8 kilos in weight. Length 1060, some dark staining to natuUDOÀQHFUDFNLQJSee page 5. $4250 78 $ODUJHVLQJOHHOHSKDQWWXVN carved ZLWK$IULFDQÀJXUHVFROOHFWHG/Xanda Coast, Angola, deeply carved ZLWKDSURIXVLRQRIÀJXUHVDPRQJVW leafy branches. Weight approx. 5kg. Length 1230. See page 5. $2400 79 $YLQWDJH]HEUDVNLQRIODUJHVL]H complete with head and tail, mounted on black felt backing. $1750 80 $VPDOOFDVHGVKLS·VPRGHOdepicting the Norwegian Full Rig Ship ‘Nord Lys’ (Northern Light), the wooden case glazed to four sides. 345 x 170 x 225. $220 81 $FDVHG1=IRONDUWPRGHORIWKHVDLO LQJYHVVHO¶7DUDUDZD·under full sail, the sails carved from wood, a sculpted sea, small lighthouse, painted back panel, includes smaller sailing vessel with sail detail ‘No. 10AK’, glass to front of case. 353 x 80 x 244. See page 5. $275 82 $SDLURIYLQWDJHEUDVVDQGVWHHO ERDW·VSRUWKROHV oval shape with glazed cover with twin screw closure, polished. 460 x 320. $500 83 $SDLURIEUDVVDQGVWHHOERDW·VSRUW holes, oval shape with glazed cover with twin screw closure, as above. 460 x 320. $500 84 $SDLURIEODFNHQHGEUDVV/RXLV;9 VW\OHÀUHDQGLURQVODUJHÁDPLQJÀQLDOV WRWKHGHFRUDWLYHÁDUHGVTXDUHVHFtion bases with scroll legs. Height 290. Provenance: Gifted to our vendor from General Lord Wavel. $140 85 $ODUJHMDGHLWHERXOGHU naturally rounded edges, good dark green colourway, raised on mahogany stand. Boulder size 300 x 125 x 180. $220 86 7ZRDQWLTXH6WHYHQRJUDSKERRN PDUNV one of Queen Victoria’s Jubilee 1887, the other commemorating a school opening by the Duke and Duchess of York 1900, mounted and framed under glass, together with one celebrating the wedding of Charles and Diana, also in its own frame under glass. $120 4 87 7KHVPDOOERRN¶7KH1HZ=HD ODQGHUV·published by ‘The Library of Entertaining Knowledge’, ‘London: Charles Knight, Pall Mall East......1830, ‘Printed by William Clowes’, leather bound, showing some distress, includes illustrations. 424 pages. 160 x 100. $80 88 $YHOOXPERXQG-HVXLW6RFLHW\WH[W published 1665. Height 125. $100 89 $FKHHVHERDUGE\5REHUW0RXVHPDQ Thompson, in pale oak, octagonal shape, the scalloped edge carved with the signature mouse of the artist. Width 190. $170 90 $ODUJHIUXLWZRRGERZO the shallow heavy bowl with an iron handle to each side. Diameter 340. $50 91 $ODUJHHOPSODWWHU shallow well with small everted rim. Diameter 440. $150 92 $ODUJHZDOQXWSODWWHU with shallow well and wide everted rim. Diameter 540. $180 93 $VPDOOEURQ]HÀJXUHRID0XD\7KDL ÀJKWHUWKHÀJXUHZLWKWDWWRRHGVLGHV dressed in a loincloth, balances with RQHNQHHUDLVHGLQÀJKWLQJVWDQFH On wooden plinth base. Height 165. See page 5. $150 94 $SDLURIWK&EURQ]HÀJXUHV a gent. and his companion, he holds his tricorn hat to his right hand, formal dress RIWKHGD\ZLWKORQJSOHDWHGMDFNHW his companion with bird to her right VKRXOGHUEDVNHWRIÁRZHUVWRKHUOHIW both raised on turned mottled dark and pale red marble stands. Height overall 310. Old BADA sticker to the reverse of one. See page 5. $850 95 $SDLURIYLQWDJHEUDVVFKDUDFWHUIXO ERRNHQGV sculpted as a young cowboy straddling a partially open book with Scotty dog below, cold painted highlights. Height 160. See page 5.$220 96 $EURQ]HSODTXHWWHRQUHGPDUEOH plinth by French medallist FrançoisPaul Niclausse (1897 - 1958) ‘La Grande Source de Vittel’ c.1909. 120 x 85 x 20. See page 5. $100 97 $ODUJH9LFWRULDQFRSSHUVNLPPHU DQGFKHVWQXWURDVWHUthe circular skimmer with all-over pierced holes, WKHLURQIRUNHGEDFNVXSSRUWÀWWHGWR a turned wooden handle, the roaster with oval pierced hinged lidded box ÀWWHGWRDORQJEUDVVKDQGOH'LDPeter of scimmer 330. $120 98 $ODUJHEURQ]HÀJXULQH the woman in patinated draped costume with a cherub at her feet and one on her hip. Height 840. See page 8. $350 99 .QXG0D[0¡OOHU'DQLVK 7ZR%R\V3OD\LQJZLWKD0ROHEURQ]H VFXOSWXUH signed and dated 1917. Width 300. See page 5. $600 100 $EURQ]HPHGDOOLRQ by Dhruva Mistry, ‘India/Britain (1959)’; ‘Maya Medallion: The Dark One’, bronze, c.1989, signed, dated and inscribed on medallion, issued by The British Art Medal Society. Diameter 125. See page 5. $140 101 $FROOHFWLRQRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\ EUDVVYLQWDJHVWDLUFDUSHWURGV. $125 102 )RXUWK&FDVWLURQUDLQVSRXWLQJZD WHUKHDGVKRSSHUV faceted tapered form with lugs for suspension. $140 103 )RXUWK&FDVWLURQUDLQFDWFKLQJ ZDWHUKHDGV similar to above. $140 104 7KUHHYLQWDJH)UHQFKZDWHULQJFDQV varying designs and one with original UHGSDLQWÀQLVK 105 $*HRUJLDQEUDVVSRV\ZDOOYDVHembossed with fruit and leaves. Height 150. $100 106 7ZRSLHFHVRIROGSHZWHU a lidded MXJDQGDWDQNDUGRQHZLWKPDNHU·V mark, James Yates, impressed to the rim. $100 107 $QDQWLTXH*HUPDQWREDFFRSLSH with porcelain bowl (faulted set to a horn stem embellished with an antler URQGHOWKHÁH[LEOHWXEHFRQQHFWLQJ the mouthpiece absent. $120 108 $SDLURIODWHWK&)UHQFKRSHUD glasses, gilt brass frame with motherof-pearl panelled overlay and eye pieces engraved ‘Verdi Fabt. Paris’, with original conforming tapered side handle. $160 109 $WK&RUPROXFKHUXERUQDPHQW he glides gracefully with his left hand H[WHQGHGRULJLQDOJLOWÀQLVK/HQJWK 240. See page 5. $110 110 $9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\ZDOOEUDFNHW FORFNVWDQG the rounded base with lobed decoration, with two metal brackets for hanging. 345 x 210. $200 111 6L[3HOKDP3XSSHWVLQFOXGLQJD GUDJRQ a beetle and a poodle; along with three child puppets. $200 112 $VWHGG\EHDU long golden amber mohair pelt, glass eyes, stitched nose. Height 400. $100 113 $QHDUO\WK&6LPRQ+DOELJSRUFH ODLQGROO·VKHDG original wig, sleeping blue eyes, maker’s stamp to back of head. $120 114 $ODUJHDPPRQLWHIRVVLO traditional scrolling ribbed form, most of the outer shell evident. Approx. diameter 210. $120 115 $PLQNMDFNHW the chocolate brown 16 26A 20 25 26 22 96 24 99 94 72 54 55 69 81 42 39 40 27 95 199A 510 65 93 74 501 100 75 109 68 77 78 5 mink quarter length sleeves, fully lined. $250 116 $ODUJHFU\VWDOEDOOon a Chinese wood stand. Diameter 130. $100 GLASS & CRYSTAL 117 (LJKWODUJHROGJODVVIXQQHOV apparently used for aerating wine. $350 118 6L[:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·UHG wine goblets. Height 175. See page 8. $300 119 6L[:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·EUDQG\ balloons. Height 130. See page 8. $300 120 6L[:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·ZKLWH wine glasses. Height 150. $240 121 6L[:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶*ROGHQ/LVPRUH· KRFNJODVVHVHeight 190. See page 8. $240 122 6L[:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·FKDP SDJQHÁXWHV one with small rim chip. Height 185. $300 123 $:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·PDOOHW ERGLHGGHFDQWHUHeight 335. See page 8. $150 124 6L[:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·VKHUU\ glasses along with six Royal Doulton liqueur glasses of similar pattern and a cut crystal mallet bodied decanter. $180 125 $:DWHUIRUGFU\VWDO¶/LVPRUH·VXJDU FDVWHU baluster shape with silver plated screw cover. Height 210. See page 40. $90 126 $FROOHFWLRQRI%RKHPLDQFRORXUHG ZLQHJODVVHVDQGEUDQG\EDOORRQV eight multi-coloured long stemmed wine glasses along with six multi-coloured small brandy balloons, all wheel cut decorated. See page 8. $200 127 $TXDOLW\FXWFU\VWDOGULQNLQJJODVV facet cut double knop stem, the bell form bowl decorated with etched ÁRZHUVSee page 8. $100 128 7KUHH9LFWRULDQFUDQEHUU\JODVVSLHF es,LQFOXGHVDSDLURIJUDGXDWHGMXJV with clear glass handles and stoppers, ribbed spherical bodies and a trumpet form vase with frilled rim, applied pinched clear glass band and clear DWIRRW7KHVPDOOHVWMXJZLWKVKRUW crack to rim. $160 129 $JRRG5HQp/DOLTXH¶)RUPRVH·RSDO HVFHQWFDVHGJODVVYDVH spherical IRUPPRXOGHGLQUHOLHIZLWKJROGÀVK engraved signature and ‘No. 934’ to the base rim. Height 175. See page 9.$4000 130 $5HQp/DOLTXH¶$QWKHRU·FHQGULHU GLVK circular form, the rounded rim ZLWKDQHQFLUFOLQJÀJXUHRIDQDNHG woman and streams of bubbles, Model 1RFIURVWHGÀQLVKHQJUDYHG 6 signature ‘R. Lalique France’. Diameter 139. See page 8. $1400 131 $5HQp/DOLTXH¶+LURQGHOOHV·FOHDU JODVVVFHQWERWWOH frosted and blue VWDLQHGÀQLVKPRGHOOHGLQUHOLHIDVD ÁRFNRIELUGVIURVWHGDQGEOXHVWDLQHG highlights, narrow shaped square form, the circular disc form rim with original stopper of mildly domed rectangular IRUPÁRZHUVWRWKHHGJHPRXOGHG signature to base ‘R. Lalique’. Height 93. See page 8. $2,600 132 $5HQp/DOLTXH2UPHDX[YDVH green colourway, cased, introduced in 1926, also known as ‘Feuillages’, the spherical body with relief moulded multiple leaf design, narrow neck with ÁDUHGÁDWWRSULPWKHEDVHHQJUDYHG ‘R. Lalique France’ and numbered, internal crack to mid-body section. See page 8. $650 133 $YHU\ODUJH)UHQFKRSDOHVFHQWJODVV bowl, hemispherical, the exterior entirely hand engraved with vertical combing. Diameter 300, height 190. $350 134 $Q(GZDUGLDQJODVVWXPEOHU etched with ferns and leaves, together with a small long stemmed bug vase with decorative etching. Height 135 and 160. $120 135 $VVHOHQLXPJODVVÁRDWERZO ÁDWWHQHGFLUFXODUVKDSHZLWKLQYHUWHG rim. Diameter 300. $125 136 $Q(PLOH*DOOp$UW1RXYHDXSHULRG FDPHRJODVVYDVH triple overlay and acid etched decoration of autumnal grape leaves and fruit, circular everted top rim and foot, the body of square section with curved corners in tones of deep purple/brown, olive green and deep amber, etched signature ‘Gallé’ to the body and original paper label to the base. Height 147, width 100. Provenance: The collection of a member of the Seabrook family and in the ownership of one Auckland family for over 60 years. See page 8. $4200 137 $JRRG)UHQFK'DXP$UW1RXYHDX DFLGHWFKHGFDPHRJODVVYDVH ovoid form, relief etched and enamelled ÁRUDOGHVLJQVLQ\HOORZRUDQJHDQG red/brown and with green foliage upon the mottled red/pink, orange and opaque ground. Daum Nancy France signature c.1900. Height 123. See page 8. $1850 138 $SDLURIWK&(XURSHDQRUPROXDQG FXWFU\VWDOWDEOHFHQWUHSLHFHVeach with four fancy leaf scroll arms terminating with a classical naked woman supporting four cut crystal posy vases, the central cut crystal pedestal base within a gilt metal frame, shallow wrythen decorated bowls to the top of each. Height 185, some minor chipping. See page 8. $300 139 $PLGWK&9HQHWLDQ0XUDQRJODVV VFXOSWXUHRIDODG\ she stands with long mottled pink dress billowing at the base, matching hat, the clear glass highlights with gilt inclusions, conforming spreading circular base. Height 265. See page 8. $120 140 $Q,WDOLDQ0XUDQRVW\OHJODVVFHQ WUHSLHFHERZO of irregular oblong shape, tinted rose pink, diminishing to a square plinth base of sapphire blue tint. Width 330. $225 141 $VHWRIWKUHHYLQWDJH0XUDQRJODVV snails, stylised form, clear glass with internal mauve and white swirling canes, two marked with paper labels. Lengths from 60 to 75. $110 142 $VHWRIWKUHHYLQWDJH0XUDQRJODVV ÀVK stylised form with tall raised curving tails, clear glass with internal blue colourway, paper label to all. Heights from 270 to 140. $110 143 $Q,WDOLDQ0XUDQRJODVV-DFNLQWKH Pulpit vase, in red and amber tones, with original Murano sticker. Height 325. $200 144 $Q,WDOLDQ0XUDQRJODVVYDVH of hexagonal section with blue sommerso in clear glass body in the manner of Mandruzzato. With original Murano sticker. Height 235. $175 145 $*DUU\1DVKDUWJODVVYDVH spherical shape, rose and aqua tinted, signed and dated ‘95. Height 140. $150 TRIBAL, ARTEFACTS & NZ HISTORICAL 146 $WK&DERULJLQDOFDUYHGZRRGHQ &KXULQJD carved with panels of concentric ridged square designs, evidence of old red and white pigment to the recesses, traditional elongated lozenge form. Length 278. $220 147 $QROGODUJH)LMLDQNDYDERZO circular with broad averted rim standing on three remaining tapering conical legs, a beak shaped suspension lug under the rim pierced with two holes and with length of sennit cord. Diameter 705. See page 8. $400 148 $)LMLDQNDYDERZO circular with small everted rim, raised on tapering conical truncated legs, a beak shaped lug under the rim. Diameter 385. See page 8. $180 149 $6DPRDQNDYDERZO circular with ÁDWWHQHGULPGHFRUDWHGZLWKDQ incised geometric pattern highlighted with white pigments, raised on 19 closely grouped cylindrical legs. Diameter 365. See page 8. $300 150 $QROG)LMLDQNDYDERZORI¶WXUWOH· shape, the circular bowl with insipient KHDGWDLODQGÁLSSHUVUDLVHGRQIRXU short tapering conical legs, heavy dark timber with rich brown patina Length 500. See page 8. $500 151 $6DPRDQFDUYHGZRRGIRRGERZO oval shape with dovetail shaped handles issuing from the sides. Width 460, depth 155. See page 8. $150 152 $3DSXD1HZ*XLQHDQWK&ZRRGHQ food bowl,HORQJDWHGÁDWWHQHGRYDO shape with ‘arrowhead’ shape handles issuing from each end, the handle’s upper surfaces with incised decoration, a suspension loop carved beneath one. Width 450. See page 8. $200 153 $31*¶&KDPEUL/DNHV·FDUYHGZRRG food bowl, the exterior with carved and pigmented decoration comprising scrolling patterns over the body, a mask carved in low relief under the foot-ring, ridges along the base extend to form handles that have terminals modelled as a turtle head and a bird head. Width 580. $200 154 $31*¶&KXQJUHEX·DUHDPDVN elliptiFDOVKDSHZLWKVLPSOLÀHGHORQJDWHG nose, remnants of pigment. Height 600. $150 155 $6RORPRQ,VODQGV¶6DQWD&UX]·IRRG bowl,HOOLSWLFDOZLWKÁDQJHVWRWKHULP at each quadrant to bring the shape to curved oblong, handles issue from the long axis, each with serrated decorative detail. Width 560. See page 8. $225 156 $7UREULDQG,VODQGV¶WXUWOH·ERZO carved wood, oval shape with FDUYHGÁLSSHUVDQGKHDGWRWKH rim, the head inlaid with shell eyes. Length 415. Along with another Trobiand Islands oval wooden bowl. $120 157 $ODUJH3DSXD1HZ*XLQHDQZRRGHQ food bowl, deep elliptical shape with two ‘spearhead’ handles issuing from the long axis points, each handle with serrated carving to the upper surface, WKHULPRIWKHERZOZLWKÀQHQRWFKHG detail. Width 760. $325 158 7ZR)LMLDQKDUGZRRGVOLWGUXPV along with a PNG obsidian dagger with red ochre clay handle. Drums 460 and 365, dagger 225. $125 159 $QROG)LMLDQGDUNZRRGNDYDERZO circular with small everted rim, raised on four tapering conical legs and with beak lug carved under the rim. Diameter 390. See page 8. $160 160 $VPDOO6DPRDQGDUNZRRGNDYDERZO ZLWKÁDWWHQHGULPUDLVHGRQVKRUW legs. Diameter 200. See page 8. $90 161 $VPDOOOLJKWZRRG6DPRDQNDYD bowl,FLUFXODUZLWKÁDWWHQHGULP raised on 12 short legs. Diameter 180. See page 8. $90 162 $FROOHFWLRQRIDUWHIDFWVcanoe model, wooden comb, coconut cup, bamboo containers and other items. $120 163 $FROOHFWLRQRIDUWHIDFWVthrowing FOXE6RORPRQJRQJÀJXUHSDGGOH club and other items. $150 164 A Solomon Islands paddle, of pale timber, small lanceolate blade, plain shaft reducing slightly at the grip and with a crescent shaped terminal, one tip broken and absent. Length 1260. $300 165 $KHDY\ROGEODFNZRRGSDGGOHFOXE probably Solomon Islands, the lanceolate blade with a medial rib and carved around the short axis with a band of chevron pattern, additionally pierced with two holes to suspend ornamentation, the distal end with a simple knob. Length 1110. $350 166 $6RORPRQ,VODQGVÀJXUDOERZO the ERDWIRUPERZOZLWKVW\OLVHGÁ\LQJ ÀVKIRUPKDQGOHVPRWKHURISHDUO serrated edge inlays, block base, WUDGLWLRQDOGDUNVWDLQHGÀQLVK/HQJWK 415. $220 167 $SDLURI:HVW$IULFDQ)DQWLOEURQ]HV VW\OLVHGÀJXUHVRIDPDQDQGZRPDQ with disc form heads and wire form bodies, arms, etc. Circular disc bases. Height 260. $160 168 $Q(DVW$IULFDQVWRRO the circular dished top inlaid with wire and glass beads with a star form medallion surURXQGHGE\DERUGHURIÀJXUHVELUGV and foliage, raised on four solid legs. Diameter 295. $100 169 $QROG$IULFDQ,ELMLFDUYHGZRRG ÀJXUH traditional stylised representaWLRQZLWKÀQHO\QRWFKHGKDLUULVLQJWRD ridge, hands to thighs, some old borer to base, evidence of age. Height 220. See page 8. $140 170 $WK&)LMLDQFDUYHGKDUGZRRG KHDGUHVWWKHPLOGO\FXUYHGDQGÁDUing bar form top on circular support and smaller bar form base. Labels to the base, ‘Kali Dina’ and dated 1981. Length 460. $120 171 $QROG$IULFDQ&DPHURRQFDUYHG LYRU\ÀJXUHJURXS the naked male ÀJXUHZLWKFKHFNHUHGGHWDLOHGORQJ hair, he sits astride a standing hyena with open mouth, all upon a ring form base, dark veined evidence of age, umber pigment to the recesses. Height 140. See page 8. $950 172 7ZR$IULFDQFDUYHGZRRGÀJXUHV one Janus faced, naively carved; the other naturalistically represented, both dark stained. Tallest 185. $120 173 $QROG0DRUL:DND.XUXUX (wood pigeon trough) roughly hewn long rectangular shape with lashing protuberances at either end. Considerably distressed. Length 1600. Reg. Y14109. $700 174 $IXOO+XLDWDLOIHDWKHU traditional white tip. Length 205. Provenance: from the same family collection of Maori artefacts sold by Cordys, July 2006. See page 8. $1100 175 A Huia leg and foot pendant, the four claws intact, the leg end with a 9ct. yellow gold mount with circular loop ring suspension. Length 120. See page 37. $1000 176 $WK&NLZLEHDNEURRFKZLWKHQ JUDYHGFWURVHJROGPRXQWV the largest capping the end with ball ÀQLDOWZRRWKHUVRIVWUDSIRUPDOOZLWK fern leaf designs, marked 9ct. and with a crown possibly for Frank Grady, Goldsmith & Silversmith. Length 103. See page 37. $1800 177 $SRXQDPXKHLWLNL early 20thC. Height 75. $200 178 $VPDOO0DRULFDUYHGJUHHQVWRQH KHLWLNL red sealing wax to the eyes, suspended from a 9ct rose gold bow brooch. Height 57. See page 37.$160 179 $PLGWK&0DRULFDUYHGNDXULER[ square form, the lid with large relief carved stylised Maori mask, linial notch decoration to the sides, paua inlays. Probably by Rangi Stevens. 185 x 185 x 90. $180 180 $PLGWK&1=IRONDUWFDUYHGNDXUL NLZLRQORJ naturalistically represented, glass eyes, the log with cut branch and cut ends, original stained SDUWLDOÀQLVK+HLJKWOHQJWK See page 8. $150 181 $QHDUO\PLGWK&1=0DRULIRONDUW FDUYHGOL]DUGWKHIXOOÀJXUHZLWKÀQH linial zigzag and scale decoration on a large long rectangular block base carved from the same piece of wood with conforming detail to the sides and fern leaf decoration to the front. 420 x 90 x 90. $160 182 $1=FRORQLDONDXULFKLSDUWSDQHO intricate and detailed designs of VW\OLVHGÁRZHUVDQGOHDYHVKHDUWV horse’s head and a central stag at bay. 830 x 300. $200 183 $YLQWDJHFDUYHGNDXULNLZLRQDORJ WUDGLWLRQDOO\UHSUHVHQWHGZLWKÀQH carved detail, good original polish and patina. Height 157, length 105. See page 8. $90 184 $VPDOOFRORQLDO1=SDLQWHGVKHOO attributed to John Philemon Backhouse (1845-1908), painted with volcanic scene and entitled ‘Mud Volcano, Waiotapo’. 75 x 85. See page 8.$150 185 $1=FRORQLDOSDLQWHGVKHOO attributed to John Philoman Backhouse 7 123 126 121 118 119 821 98 136 132 160 161 150 138 148 159 149 147 131 139 180 137 169 171 183 152 130 151 198 127 155 199 184 186 195 193 8 187 185 174 201 204 202 203 226 200 218 211 221 220 129 219 225 230 208 227 229 215 front 207 228 215 back 210 206 216 9 (1845-1908), painted with a bush scene, entitled ‘Scene of the Wanganui’. 105 x 105. See page 8. $400 186 $1=FRORQLDOSDLQWHGVKHOO attributed to John Philoman Backhouse (1845-1908), painted with a village lake scene, entitled ‘Tongariro, Lake Taupo’. 170 x 170. See page 8. $400 187 $1=FRORQLDOSDLQWHGVKHOO attributed to John Philoman Backhouse (1845-1908), painted with a river village scene, entitled ‘Waikato River’. 50 x 170. See page 8. $400 188 $1=FRORQLDONDXULFKLSDUWGRXEOH SKRWRIUDPH intricate notched deVLJQVVW\OLVHGÁRZHUVIDQVHWF[ 720. $200 189 $1=FRORQLDO52&ODUN+REVRQ YLOOH$XFNODQGODUJHVDOWJOD]HGVWRU DJHFURFN, barrel form, dark golden glaze, two lug handles, turned wood lid, impressed potter’s mark to side, some rubbing to the glazed borders. Height 40, diameter 40. $220 190 %DUU\%ULFNHOOSRWWHU\YDVHof tapered circular section, glazed to the rim and interior, impressed potter’s mark, c.1970/80. Height 215. $90 191 $/XNH$GDPVKXQWLQJMXJ the large XQJOD]HGMXJGHFRUDWHGLQUHOLHIZLWK hanging rabbits and pheasants, the handle in the form of a dog, with glazed interior. 140 x 250. $150 192 $3DXO:LQVSHDUSRWWHU\ERZO circular, red, glazed with Manganese bevelled rim. Diameter 245. $75 193 $&URZQ/\QQ¶/HJHQG·SODWH of square form with rounded corners decorated in relief highlighted with gilding with various N.Z. motifs including kiwi, taiaha head, tuatara and various foliage, on a mottled brown ground. Width 285. See page 8. $300 194 $&KHVWHU1HLOLHZRRGÀUHGYDVH the spherical body with restrained glaze effects, ring form neck, strap handle, inscribed mark and date ‘89 to base. Height 130. $120 195 $ODUJH&URZQ/\QQ¶+DQG3RWWHG· shape 34 vase, spherical with graduated lathe turned banding to the lower half. Height 230. See page 8. $425 196 $EXUUWRWDUDWXUQHGERZO shallow ÁDUHGIRUPZLWKZDLVWHGEDVHDQG spreading circular foot, marked ‘Totara’ to the base. Diameter 24cm. $90 197 $1HZ=HDODQG8QLWHG)LUH%ULJDGH·V $VVRFLDWLRQORQJVHUYLFHPHGDOdesigned by Anton Teutenberg, traditional ÀUHPDQWRIURQWDQGSUHVHQWDWLRQLQscription to back ‘G.R. Nicol, Auckland 1A1 For Five Years Service’. $250 198 $5LFN/HZLVEURQ]HVFXOSWXUHRI 10 0DUN7RGGRQ&KDULVPD modelled FRPSOHWLQJDMXPSZLWKKRUVHDQG rider supported upon one leg from a sculpted base, commemorating Todd’s (N.Z.’s) double Olympic gold medallist and the three-day event. Bronze replica medals of the 1984 and 1988 Olympic gold medals mounted to the black marble base, two further presentation plaques attached, ‘Presented to Mr E.C. Ingle In Recognition of His Support for N.Z. Equestrian Sport Feb. 1989’. Height overall 445. See page 8. $2750 199 Paul Dibble, ¶6RIW*HRPHWULF6HULHV ·FDVWEURQ]HVFXOSWXUH signed and dated 2006, 3 from an edition of 3. Height 525. See page 8. $6500 199A $1HLO+DQQD1=JUHHQVWRQH SRXQDPXODUJHSLGLVFVFXOSWXUH traditional circular form with conforming hole to the centre, dark green FRORXUZD\ZLWKSDOHÁHFNLQFOXVLRQV PRXQWHGLQDVLOYHUÀWWLQJDQGVXSport to the black marble rectangular stepped base. Diameter of nephrite GLVFLQÀWWHGER[ZLWKVOLGLQJOLG signed, entitled and dated c.1992 to the base. See page 5. $750 CHINA & PORCELAIN 200 7KUHH5R\DO'RXOWRQPLQLDWXUHMXJV one in ‘The Welsh Ladies’ series, one ‘Robby Burns’, a third in desert scenes. Heights 50, 50 and 60. See page 9. $180 201 7KUHH5R\DO'RXOWRQPLQLDWXUHYDVHV two in the Norfolk, one decorated ZLWKÁRZHUVRQDFREDOWEOXHJURXQG with gilt embellishment. Height 50. See page 9. $180 202 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶)DWKHU&KULVWPDV· PLQLDWXUHYDVH of tapering conical shape with two handles, tiny chip to rim. Height 90. See page 9. $120 203 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶6RXWHU·V&DWV·VHULHV ZDUHPLQLDWXUHYDVH cylindrical shape with small loop handles at the shoulder, decorated with three cat caricatures and the abbreviated motto “ Be Content, The Sea [Hath] Fish Enough” . Printed mark. Height 103. See page 9. $250 204 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶6RXWHU·V&DWV·VHULHV ZDUHSODWH ‘The Lovers’, decorated with two cats to the centre framed by a border incorporating four Art Nouveau female portraits alternating with four Souter cat caricatures on a pale green ground. Printed mark, circa 1906 - 1939. Diameter 235. See page 9. $550 205 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQV· WRRWKEUXVKKROGHU featuring a young girl with a crying toddler, the other VLGHKDVDJLUOÁ\LQJDNLWHZLWKDVPDOO dog. 100 x 135. $200 206 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·YDVH tapering ovoid form with round spreading foot, decorated with a woman with child, professional restoration to top and base. 70 x 245. See page 9. $250 207 $YHU\ODUJH5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLO GUHQ·MDUGLQLqUH decorated with ‘Hide and Seek’, scene 17 from the series; of squat circular shape with everted rim, rim chip and crack. Height 280, diameter 330. See page 9. $250 208 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·MDU GLQLqUH decorated with ‘A Woman Playing a Guitar in a Wooded Landscape’, printed marks to base. Diameter 210. See page 9. $550 209 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·YDVH RIVW\OLVHGSXPSNLQIRUP the scene shows two little girls sheltering under an umbrella, gilded detail to rim and base. 100 x 100. See page 12. $350 210 5')ODPEH¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ9DVH· $5R\DO'RXOWRQ´%OXH&KLOGUHQµ vase, decorated with the scene of a mother, two daughters picnicking under a tree with their collie dog. Gild embellishment to rim and base, “kiln kiss” to glaze on one side. Height 230. See page 9. $200 211 $ODUJH5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ· FLUFXODUZDOOSODTXH decorated with ‘A Woman Sheltering Children in a Storm’ (scene 7), printed marks to base and dated October 1907. Diameter 365. See page 9. $600 212 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ· FDELQHWSODWH decorated with ‘Two Children Peeping in to a Tree Hole’ , printed marks to base, circa 1914. Diameter 230. See page 12. $150 213 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·YDVH inverted baluster hexagonal form, with a scene of two girls cross legged under a tree, small rim frit. 90 x 210. See page 12. $250 214 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·YDVH inverted baluster hexagonal form with VFHQHRID\RXQJJLUOJDWKHULQJÁRZers in a basket. 90 x 210. See page 12. $350 215 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·YDVH WKHPRRQYDVHRQIRXUJLOGHGÁRUDO over blue feet, the same decorated to the narrow side panels and rim, one side decorated with a mother and daughter in garden, the other decorated with a young woman sitting on the quayside with cottages and boats in the background, signed ‘W. Brown’. 110 x 370. See front cover and page 9. $2000 216 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶%OXH&KLOGUHQ·YDVH cylindrical form with spreading base, with scene of a young girl rummaging in mother’s basket, gilt embellishment to rim and base with gilt handle to each side at base. See page 9. $550 218 $'RXOWRQ%XUVOHP¶&OLIWRQ·QXUVHU\ ZDUHWHDSRW decorated in blue and ZKLWHÁRUDOVDQGZLWKWKHLQVFULSWLRQ “Polly Put the Kettle on and We’ll All Take Tea”, squat circular shape, the lid with hairline. See page 9. $100 219 )RXU5R\DO'RXOWRQ1XUVHU\ZDUH plates. Largest diameter 200. See page 9. $75 220 $5R\DO'RXOWRQVHULHVZDUH¶7KUHH %OLQG0LFH·PXJ(handle re-glued); DORQJZLWKDQRFWDJRQDOPLONMXJ hairline at rim). Tallest 115. See page 9. $100 221 A Royal Doulton vase, the twohandled vase decorated with Isaac :DOWRQÀVKLQJVFHQHVVSHFLDOEDFN stamp to base and motto to the interior of rim. 170 x 160. See page 9.$150 222 $ODUJH5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶3HPEURNH &DVWOH·FLUFXODUZDOOSODTXH decorated in blue and white, printed marks to base and dated September 1941. Diameter 345. See page 12. $125 223 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ:KLVN\ERWWOH inverse baluster shape, with mottled brown glaze, decorated with Art Nouveau ÁRUDOSDQHOVWRWKHVKRXOGHUDQG turned ridging at the foot. Impressed factory marks. Height 210. See page 12. $150 224 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶1DWXUDO)ROLDJH· ZDUH:KLVN\MXJ swollen shouldered cylindrical shape with spreading base, decorated with impressed leaves to the shoulder, mottled autumnal tones. Impressed marks. Height 200. See page 12. $200 225 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ6KDNHVSHDULDQVHULHV ZDUHELVFXLWEDUUHO¶2SKHOLD· D3746, with silver plated cover and swing handle. Height 145. See page 9. $180 226 )RXUSLHFHVRI5R\DO'RXOWRQtwo from the ‘Pastimes Series’; a ‘Rex’ mug with ‘Jack and Jill’ decoration, and an oatmeal bowl, along with a blue and white children’s bowl ‘Make Hay While the Sun Doth Shine’ and an oatmeal bowl “Old King Cole”. $125 227 $'RXOWRQ%XUVOHPELVFXLWEDUUHOwith EOXHDQGZKLWHÁRUDOGHFRUDWLRQIRXU sided with shield shaped panels, with silver plated cover and swing handle. Height 145. See page 9. $100 228 $5R\DO'RXOWRQELVFXLWEDUUHOdecorated with hunting scenes, of tapering square section, each side decorated in blue and white with a fox hunting scene; the areas framing the panels, the shoulder and the four feet cobalt glazed with gilt designs, with silver plated cover and swing handle. Height 150. See page 9. $180 229 $5R\DO'RXOWRQELVFXLWEDUUHOdecorated by Fred Hancock, square shape with swollen sides, each side decorated in blue and white with various birds after engravings by Hancock. Silver SODWHGOLGZLWKUHFXPEHQWOLRQÀQLDO Chip under one foot. Height 170. See page 9. $225 230 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ6KDNHVSHDULDQVHULHV ZDUHELVFXLWEDUUHO‘Anne Page’ D3746, with silver plated cover and swing handle. Height 150. See page 9. $180 231 Two Royal Doulton hand painted GHPLWDVVHFXSVDQGVDXFHUV one with a scene of Ross Castle, signed J.H. Plant, the other of Aberfoyle and Dover Castle, signed C. Hart. $350 232 $ODUJHDQGLPSUHVVLYH'RXOWRQ%XUV OHP¶5HPEUDQGW·ZDUHYDVH painted by Walter Nunn (act. 1897 - 1910), of squat spherical shape with short cylindrical neck, decorated with a portrait of Oliver Cromwell, a band encircles the shoulder inscribed: ‘Our Content Is Our Best Having’ beneath a still leaf border and above a band RIJROGHQURVHWWHV*OD]HÁDNHWRULP and small frits to foot. Height 310. See front cover. $1600 233 $5R\DO'RXOWRQXPEUHOODVWDQG decorated in the Art Nouveau manner with stylized anemones in blue and green on a mottled mustard ground. Impressed marks. Cylindrical shape with ÁDUHGPRXWKDQGVOLJKWO\VSUHDGLQJ foot. Height 510. See page 12. $600 234 $5R\DO'RXOWRQMDUGLQLHUH hand painted by Leonard Bentley with scenes of Salisbury Cathedral and Aberfoyle surrounding countryside in blue and white, printed Doulton Burslem mark, professional restoration. 260 x 220. See page 12. $350 236 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ$UW1RXYHDXYDVH KDQGSDLQWHGE\$'L[ of squared section cylindrical shape with small trumpet neck, painted with two maidens in a walled garden, framed by raised gilt borders on an acid green ground. Verso a trophy group including doves, a quiver of arrows and a wreath. Impressed and printed factory marks, circa 1920. Height 205. See page 12. $400 238 $5R\DO'RXOWRQERQHFKLQDYDVH ovoid shape raised on a footed plinth base, apple green body decorated with two panels of hand-painted ERXTXHWVRIÁRZHUVIUDPHGE\JLOGHG borders. Height 165. See front cover and page 12. $150 239 A Royal Doulton two handled vase KDQGSDLQWHGE\)UHG16XWWRQDFW ovoid shape decorated with a young woman holding a dove and painted in the round with an extensive landscape. Height 210. See page 12. $450 240 $ÀQH5R\DO'RXOWRQYDVHKDQG SDLQWHGE\*HRUJH:KLWHDFW decorated with two ‘cameo’ portraits of women, each portrait reserved on a pale pink ground enriched with gilt ribbons, hop swags and ‘lace-work’ patterns. Each portrait signed. Inverse baluster shape. Printed factory marks. Height 280. See front cover and page 12. $1200 241 $5R\DO'RXOWRQYDVHKDQGSDLQWHG E\-RVHSK+DQFRFNDFW decorated with an encircling landscape with a woman fetching water, tapering conical shape with two gilded handles high to the sides. Signed. Impressed and printed factory marks. Regilded at the rim. Height 250. See front cover and page 12. $1500 242 $'RXOWRQYDVHKDQGSDLQWHGE\-RKQ +XJK3ODQWDFW of hexagonal inverse baluster shape, decorated with a landscape with a lakeside castle, the conforming hexagonal neck with raised gilt designs over a ‘Bleu du Roi’ ground. Signed. Height 210. See front cover and page 17. $1200 243 $ÀQH5R\DO'RXOWRQFDELQHWYDVH KDQGSDLQWHGE\-RKQ+XJK3ODQW DFW compressed ovoid shape raised on a footed plinth base, painted with a panel with an Italian scene ‘St. Giulio, Lake Orta’, within gilt enriched borders on a pink ground. Signed, entitled under the base, impressed date June 1913, factory printed marks. See front cover and page 17. $600 244 $5R\DO'RXOWRQERQHFKLQDFDELQHW SODWHKDQGSDLQWHGE\)UDQN+DUSHU DFWIRUPHUO\ZLWK5R\DO :RUFHVWHU painted with a central PHGDOOLRQRIIUXLWDQGÁRZHUVZLWKLQ an ornate gilt and ivory panelled border with cobalt background. Printed factory mark. Diameter 260. See page 25. $600 245 $5R\DO'RXOWRQYDVHKDQGSDLQWHGE\ (GZDUG-RKQ5DE\DFW of WDSHULQJF\OLQGULFDOVKDSHZLWKÁDULQJ mouth, two handles low on the body. Painted with poppies in a moonlit garden scene. Raised gilded designs to the rim and handles. Signed, printed and impressed factory marks. Height 205. See page 12. $750 246 6L[SLHFHVRI'RXOWRQERQHFKLQD FRPPHPRUDWLQJ5LFKDUG-RKQ6HG GRQDWHDSRWPLONMXJGHPLWDVVH FXSVXJDUERZOHWFFKLSWRMXJ spout). Printed mark, circa 1906. See page 12. $300 11 231 213 209 214 224 223 212 222 239 247 238 236 241 245 233 250 249 234 248 262 246 12 261 263 240 247 A Royal Doulton Titanian vase, of spherical form, hand painted decoration of a swan with her baby, reÁHFWHGLQWKHZDWHUVLJQHG)+HQU\ on traditional blue ground. 120 x 100. See page 12. $450 248 A Royal Doulton Titanium vase, ovoid IRUPZLWKÁDUHGULPKDQGSDLQWHG decoration of a white swan with her EDE\UHÁHFWHGLQWKHZDWHURQWUDditional blue ground, signed F. Henri. 90 x 160. See page 12. $450 249 Two Royal Doulton Titanian bowls, RQHGHFRUDWHGZLWKDVHDJXOOÁ\LQJ over the waves, signed H. Allen, (tiny chip to rim), the other decorated with eggs in a nest on a tree branch, signed F. Henry (cracked). Diameters 130 and 100. See page 12. $200 250 A Royal Doulton Titanian vase of ÁDWWHQHGRYRLGIRUPKDQGSDLQWHG decoration of a small thrush on a ÁRZHULQJWUHHEUDQFKHDFKVKRXOGHU decorated with a lizard in relief, on traditional blue and brown ground, signed H. Allen. 60 x 125. See page 12. $350 251 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEp¶:RRGFXW·YDVH design 1605, ovoid shape with short neck with scalloped mouth, decorated with a rural scene with bridge and church. Height 105. See page 17. $200 252 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEp¶6XQJ·YDVHGH VLJQHGE\&KDUOHV1RNHDQG)UHG 0RRUHWXOLSVKDSHZLWKÁXWHGERG\ circa 1947, signed Noke and monogrammed FM. Height 185. See page 17. $750 253 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEpVPDOOYDVH decorated with a desert scene with Arabs on camels, small chip at foot. Height 70. See page 17. $100 254 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEpWDOORYRLGYDVH decorated with cattle in an extensive landscape, circa 1922. Height 210. See page 17. $450 255 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEp¶:RRGFXW·SDWWHUQHG vase, ovoid shape with landscape decoration including ruins. Circa 1904 - 30. Height 130. See page 17. $300 256 $QLPSUHVVLYH'RXOWRQ)ODPEp¶6XQJ· ODUJHMDU ovoid shouldered shape, signed A.[Arthur Charles] Eaton (act.1889 - 1932), decorated with a SHDFRFNLQÁLJKW,PSUHVVHGPDUN for June 1923, signed Noke under the base. Height 270. See front cover and page 17. $5000. 257 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ)ODPEp6XQJYDVH E\1RNH0RRUH the tapered long OHDIDQGÁRZHUVWHPVLQGHHSDQG SDOHEOXHJOD]HXSRQWKHÁDPEpUHG ground, painted and printed artist’s and pottery marks to base. Height 157. See page 17. $750 258 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEpWZRKDQGOHGYDVH compressed ovoid shape, signed Noke, circa 1920. Height 160. See page 17. $400 259 $'RXOWRQ)ODPEpVFXOSWXUHRIDOHDS ing salmon, signed Noke, circa 1947, model 666. Height 310. See page 17. $850 261 $'RXOWRQ%XUVOHP¶0RUULVLDQ·ZDUH teapot, circa 1901 - 1920, decorated with dancers encircling the pot on a yellow ground, some age crazing. Height 210. See page 12. $75 262 $'RXOWRQ%XUVOHP¶%OXH,ULV·SDWWHUQHG vase, re-gilded at the rim. Height 105. See page 12. $75 263 $QHDUO\'RXOWRQ)DLHQFHZDUHYDVH ÁRUDOGHFRUDWLRQLQDXWXPQDOWRQHV on a cobalt ground, ovoid shape with cylindrical neck, impressed factory marks and dated 1875. Professional rim repair. Height 310. See page 12. $350 264 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Lady April’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1940, withdrawn 1959, HN1958, printed mark. Height 175. See page 17. $100 265 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Rose’, \RXQJULQJOHWHGJLUOZHDULQJDUXIÁHG gown, designed by Harradine, introduced 1934, withdrawn 1938, HN1654, printed marks with handwritten title and ‘Potted by Doulton & Co.’. Height 120. See page 17. $150 266 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Spring Morning’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1940, withdrawn 1973, HN1922, printed mark. Height 200. See page 17. $100 267 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Patricia’, miniature designed by Harradine, introduced 1932, withdrawn 1945, M7, printed mark. Height 100. See page 20. $150 268 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Monica’, designer Harradine, introduced 1931, withdrawn 1949, HN1459, printed mark and hand written ‘Potted by Doulton & Co.’. Height 100. See page 17.$150 269 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH Biddy, designer Harradine, introduced 1932, withdrawn 1937, HN513. Printed mark, hand written ‘Potted by Doulton & Co. Height 40. See page 17. $100 270 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Lady Betty’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1941, withdrawn 1951, HN1967, printed mark. Height 170. See page 17. $100 271 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘The Wayfarer’, designer M. Nicoll, introduced 1970, withdrawn 1976, HN2362, printed mark. Height 50. See page 17. $100 272 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Lydia’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1939, withdrawn 1995, HN1908, printed mark. Height 120. See page 17. $100 273 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH Covent Garden, an aproned girl carrying a EDVNHWRIÁRZHUVZLWKDQRWKHUEDVNHW to her head, designed by Harradine, introduced 1929, withdrawn 1938, HN1339, printed mark with handwritten title and potted by ‘Doulton & Co.’. Height 230. See page 20. $200 274 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Lido Lady’, DVJLUOLQGDUNSLQNORXQJLQJS\MDmas and cuddling a puppy, designed by Harradine, introduced 1927, withdrawn 1938, possibly based on a Noel Howard satirical song, HN1220, printed mark, handwritten title and potted by ‘Doulton & Co.’. Height 180. See page 17. $300 275 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Spring Flowers’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1937, withdrawn 1959, HN1807, printed mark. Height 185. See page 20. $100 276 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Sweet Anne’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1932, withdrawn 1967, HN1496, printed mark. Height 185. See page 20. $100 277 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Child Study’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1924, withdrawn 1938, HN603A, printed mark. Height 20. See page 17. $250 278 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Janet’, the quinoline gowned girl carrying a basket RIÁRZHUVLQWURGXFHGZLWKGUDZQ 1949, HN1538, printed mark, handwritten title and potted by Doulton & Co. Height 170. See page 17. $150 279 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Long John Silver’ from the novel ‘Treasure Island’, designed by M. Nicoll, introduced 1957, withdrawn 1965, HN2204, printed mark. Height 230. See page 20. $400 280 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH ‘Elfreda’, designed by Harradine, introduced 1951, withdrawn 1955, HN2078, printed mark. Height 190. See page 20. $250 281 $5R\DO'RXOWRQÀJXULQH‘June’, a JRZQHG\RXQJZRPDQZLWKÁRZHUV and parasol, designed by Harradine, was introduced 1949, withdrawn 1952, HN2027. Height 190. See page 17. $150 282 $5R\DO'RXOWRQVDOWJOD]HEXIIFRORXUHG mug, decorated with applied green alternating tikis and ‘Kia Ora’ plaques along with spiral motifs. Impressed mark. Height 80. See page 20. $200 283 $5R\DO'RXOWRQVWRQHZDUHMXJ deco- 13 UDWHGZLWK(J\SWLDQÀJXUHVLQUHOLHILQ cream on a pan ground, the rims and base in a chocolate brown, the spout in the form of a Pharoah mask. 80 x 120. See page 20. $100 284 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKVWRQHZDUHYDVH decorated with geometric forms and applied bead work, curved handle to each shoulder, in colours of brown, white and cobalt blue, impressed marks to base. 90 x 130. See page 20. $120 285 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKVWRQHZDUHMXJ ovoid shape with encircling band of ÁRUDOGHFRUDWLRQDQGZLWKULGJLQJDW the shoulder and the foot. Impressed marks. Height 215. See page 20. $200 286 5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKF\OLQGULFDO vase, cobalt blue glazed with hop swags moulded to the sides. Impressed factory marks and artist’s mark of Winnie Bowstead (act. 1896 - 1947). Height 150. See page 20.$150 287 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKPDWFK VWULNHUYHVWDKROGHU with Art Nouveau decoration. Circular shaped base with nozzle shaped holder issuing from the centre. Impressed marks to base. Diameter 120. See page 20. $125 288 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKMDU ovoid barrel shape, decoratively labelled with the letters of the word ‘tobacco’ individually in circular cartouches encircling the body. Small frits to rim. With artist’s marks for Eliza Simmance (act. 1873 1928). Height 145. See page 20. $100 289 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKHZHUYDVHE\ (OL]D6LPPDQFH ovoid shape with short tapering neck, a mask of Pan modelled below the rim, the body heavily decorated with foliate panels, sculptural carving and beading. Dated 1875 and with artist’s marks for Simmance (act. 1873 - 1928) and assistant Emma Martin. Height 175. See page 20. $450 290 $'RXOWRQVWRQHZDUHNHURVHQHODPS the oil reservoir with leaf decoration in JUHHQDQGVFUROOLQJÁRUDOVDURXQGWKH ULPLQEOXHRQEURZQÀWVLQWKHEDVH the top panel with inscribed decoration RIUDPVDQGVKHHSLQDÀHOGSUREDEO\ by Hannah Barlow, each side with a horned demon’s head in relief, the column decorated with green and brown acanthus leaves, with a further motif to the spreading foot, in greens, browns and cobalt blues, some damage. Has ODWHUEHHQHOHFWULÀHG[See page 20. $850 291 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKODUJHYDVH E\+DQQDK%DUORZDFW GHFRUDWHGVJUDIÀWRZLWKVHYHQFDWWOH in a landscape between bands of mottled blue and mustard glazes, ovoid shouldered shape with short trumpet mouth. Impressed factory marks and incised artist’s monogram 14 under the base. Height 390. See front cover and page 20. $2500 292 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWK+DQQDK%DUORZ VWRQHZDUHYDVH squat ovoid form, the ERG\ZLWKDZLGHEDQGRIVJUDÀWWR decoration featuring deer and pheasants within a landscape on a white slip IUDPHGE\EDQGVRIÀQHUHSHDWLQJÁRZerhead beads and incised repeating scroll and leaf forms in dark brown and blue glaze. Incised artist’s monogram and that of the assistant Arthur Beere or Alice Budden. Impressed marks and date 1887. Height 167. Note: included in the N.Z. Courier Post Doulton Exhibition 1992 - No.L3/45. See page 25.$2000 293 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKVWRQHZDUH)UDQN %XWOHUYDVH the ovoid body with central wide band inscribed ‘Marshall Stevens’ and scrolling leaf designs framed by other bands of repeating design, trumpet form neck in blue/ grey glaze, cobalt blue to the interior. Incised artist’s marks to base and impressed factory mark and date 1887. Height 188. $550 294 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKYDVHE\)UDQN$ %XWOHUDFW ovoid shape decorated with a panel encircling the scalloped mouth of Art Nouveau poppies and slip trailed tendrils. The design sculpted in relief above a mottled brown glazed lower body. Incised artist’s marks and impressed factory mark. Height 210. See page 20. $900 295 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DPEHWK¶1DWXUDO )ROLDJH·ZDUHVKRXOGHUYDVH decorated with impressed leaves and with green-blue toned glazes. Height 240. See page 20.$300 296 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKFRIIHH pot,RYRLGVKDSHZLWKÁRUDOPRXOGHG designs on a ridged ground, blue cobalt glazed at the neck and foot, and with a conforming lid. Tiny spout chip. Height 200. See page 20. $100 297 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKVWRQHZDUH MDUGLQLqUHE\0DUN90DUVKDOODFW of compressed ovoid shape with foliate pattern to the walls incorporating sculpted elements. In W\SLFDOPDMROLFDWRQHVRQDFREDOW ground. Incised artist’s monogram and impressed factory marks. Height 165. See page 25. $1200 298 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWK¶&DUUDUD·VWRQH ZDUHYDVH of baluster shape with sculpted walls and printed design of leafy arabesques. Incised artist’s monogram under the base for Edith D. Lupton (act. 1875 - 1890), hairline crack to rim and tiny rim repair. Height 270. See page 20. $200 299 An unusual Doulton Lambeth open salt, of scalloped hexagonal shape ZLWKÀQHFDUYHGDQGEHDGHGGHFRUDtion. Dated 1876 and with artist’s mark for Emily Partington (act. 1882 - 1912). Diameter 80. See page 20. $150 300 $SDLURI'RXOWRQ%XUVOHP&DUROLDQ ZDUHHZHUYDVHV painted by P Jones and James Boulton (act. 1880 - 1917), ovoid shape with gilding at the mouth and handles (one damaged at the PRXWKSDLQWHGZLWKÁRZHUVLQVKDGHV of aquamarine highlighted with gilt leaves and buds. Height 170. See page 25. $250 301 A Royal Doulton Lambeth small vase, mallet shaped body, mottled cobalt glazed, with moulded foliate swags to the shoulder. Impressed factory marks and incised artist’s marks for Maud Bowden (act. 1903 - 1937). Height 145. See page 25. $150 302 $ODUJH'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKYDVHE\ )UDQN$%XWOHUDFW ovoid shape with short trumpet neck, FDUYHGÁRUDOGHFRUDWLRQZLWKDSSOLHG ÁRZHUURVHWWHVJOD]HGLQDXWXPQDO tone. Dated 1881 and with incised artist’s monogram and impressed factory marks. Height 365. See page 25.$1200 303 A Doulton Lambeth vase by Hannah %DUORZDFW dated 1876, slightly tapering cylindrical shape with two handles issuing from the shoulder, GHFRUDWHGLQVJUDIÀWRZLWKIRXUKRUVHV and a foal in a fenced paddock, stiff leaf patterns decorate the trumpet neck, shoulder and foot, in blue-green glazes. Height 230. See page 25.$1500 304 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ+DQQDK%DUORZMXJ the central panel with incised decoration of male and female lions, the EDVHDQGWRSZLWKÁRUDODQGOHDIGHForation in browns and blues, beaded decorated bands around rim and to centre and base, the handle with blue and brown leaf decoration, the base with impressed Doulton Lambeth mark, Hannah Barlow’s initials and her assistant Lucy Barlow and Emma Martin, impressed date stamp of 1882. 110 x 160. See page 25. $1500 305 $ODUJHDQGHDUO\5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DP EHWKMXJE\+DQQDK%DUORZDFW GHFRUDWHGVJUDIÀWRWRWKHEXII ground with a herd of ten goats in an extensive rural landscape, tapering cylindrical shape, the handle and the ERG\DGMRLQLQJWKHKDQGOHGHFRUDWHG with incised and coloured glazed trefoil leaves. With sterling silver rim, hallmarked London 1874. Height 270. See front cover and page 20. $3500 306 A Royal Doulton Lambeth vase by +DQQDK%DUORZDFW tall ovoid shape with short trumpet mouth and circular spreading foot, decoUDWHGVJUDIÀWRZLWKDODQGVFDSHZLWKD ÁRFNRIVKHHSHQFLUFOLQJWKHRYRLG ERG\VW\OL]HG$UW1RXYHDXÁRUDOPRWLIV decorate the shoulder and base, the mouth and foot glazed in mottled seagreen and caramel brown. Artist’s and assistant’s marks, c.1902. Height 285. See page 25. $1750 307 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWK(OL]D6LPPDQFH $UW8QLRQRI/RQGRQYDVH baluster form, the inverted ovoid body with relief blossoms in the pate-sur-pate manner, in pale tones with brown leaves on blue band, all upon a botWOHGSDOHEOXHJURXQGÁDUHGEURZQ top rim and foot, incised, impressed and printed marks to base. Height 244. See page 25. $575 308 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKVPDOOHZHUYDVH ovoid shape with trumpet mouth, decorated with applied and carved GHVLJQVRIÁRZHUKHDGVDQGVWLII leaves. Dated 1879 and with artist’s marks for Charlotte Lamb (act. 1879 1883). Small professional repair to rim. Height 120. See page 25. $150 309 $'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKW\JWKUHH KDQGOHGPXJ cylindrical with silver plated rim and three squared loop handles. Decorated with cherry blossom and trellis panels. Marked ‘Slater’s Patent’. Height 155. See page 25. $175 310 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ/DPEHWK¶7ULXPSK· SDWHQWLQNZHOO green mottled glazed, with screw-down lid to activate WKHDGMXVWDEOHLQNOHYHOLQWKHZHOO Incised artist’s mark for Ada L Worthy (act. 1880 - 1890). Width 95. See page 25. $200 311 $5R\DO'RXOWRQVWRQHZDUHYDVHE\ Joan Honey, circa 1913, of inverse baluster shape decorated with VW\OLVHGÁRZHUVRQDPXVWDUGJURXQG Incised artist’s monogram and impressed factory marks. Height 180. See page 20. $75 312 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶6LOLFRQ·ZDUHW\J WKUHHKDQGOHGPXJ with simulated FRSSHUÀQLVKZLWK¶ULYHWHG·GHWDLO Impressed factory marks. Height 155. See page 25. $75 314 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ¶6SDQLVK·ZDUHYDVH ZLWKZKLWHÁRZHUVLURQJOD]HHQDPHO painting with raised gilt outline, ovoid shape with slender neck, two handles at the sides (one restored). Height 220. See page 25. $180 315 $'RXOWRQ¶&URZQ/DPEHWK·ZDUH WZRKDQGOHGYDVHRIÁDWWHQHG baluster shape with piercing at the neck highlighted with gilding, raised on an oblong base, decorated to either side with panels of hand-painted ÁRUDOVSUD\VWKHZDOOVRISRZGHUEOXH Height 260. See page 25. $200 316 A Royal Doulton Lambeth bottle vase, of ovoid shape with tall trumpet neck, the body decorated with ‘chiné’ panels alternating with mottled panels ZLWK$UW1RXYHDXÁRZHUV,QFLVHGDUWist’s marks for Christine Abbot (late 19th century). Height 250. See page 25.$125 317 A Royal Doulton two handled vase, cylindrical shape, painted with an extensive landscape and rural house by J.H. Plant, gilded embellishment to the handles. Height 215. See page 28.$180 318 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ'LFNHQV:DUHHDUWK HQZDUH0U6TXHHUVWHDSRWHeight 160. See page 28. $120 319 $5R\DO'RXOWRQHDUWKHQZDUH&RDFK LQJ'D\VFKDUJHUDiameter 345. See page 28. $120 320 $5R\DO'RXOWRQ$UW'HFRWHDVHW ‘Eros’ pattern, green tinted blossom decorates the angular handled cups, saucers and square plates eight place setting complete with milk, sugar and cake plate. See page 25. $220 321 $VFDUFH'RXOWRQ/DPEHWKVWRQHZDUH ÀUHSODFHFXUEFRPSULVLQJÀYHVHFtions, the top edges with a ‘bobbin’, a cornice above a face moulded with an Arts & Crafts foliate order patWHUQZLWKJUHHQPDMROLFDW\SHJOD]H Impressed maker’s mark to the centre section. $400 322 A Royal Doulton vase, of octagonal baluster form, in the prunus pattern. Height 280. $120 323 $5R\DO'RXOWRQFDELQHWGLVK hand painted by John Hugh Plant (Act. 1902-1920), leaf shape with slightly ÁXWHGZDOOVDQGVHUSHQWLQHULP painted with an Italian scene ‘In the Gulf, Venice’. Signed, entitled under the base, impressed date September 1915, factory printed marks, slight distress to glaze. See page 28. $350 323A $SDLURI$Q]HQJUXEHUWHUUDFRWWDEHOOV in the form of two ladies, coloured glossy glaze, both with original labels to the inside, C1950. Height 150. See page 28. $120 324 $SDLURI*HUPDQ6KLHUKRO]SRUFHODLQ ÀJXUHV a rabbit seller and a goose girl. Height 195. See page 28. $150 325 $%UHWE\DPSKRUDVKDSHGYDVH pink JOD]HZLWKFRQVLGHUDEOHÀQHFUDTXHlure. Height 230. $100 326 7KUHHODUJHÀQHTXDOLW\*HUPDQ +XWVFKHQUHXWKHUSRUFHODLQVKDOORZ bowls, two with deep cobalt blue interiors, the other plain - all with lavishly JLOGHGÁRUDOERUGHUV'LDPHWHUV printed marks. $200 327 $9LFWRULDQVRXSWXUHHQ decorated ZLWKÁRUDOVDQGJLOWLQWKHÁRZEOXH manner with ladle and matching base, some damage. $150 328 $%XUPDQWRIWV)DLHQFHSRWWHU\UHG JOD]HGYDVH shape no. 824, bottle form with the spherical body decorated with small repeating sun motifs, tall narrow cylindrical neck. Impressed and incised marks to base. Height 355. See page 28. $350 329 $QWK&SRUFHODLQWHDERZODQG VDXFHU painted polychrome enamel in the chinoiserie manner, gilt enrichments. $300 330 $0HLVVHQSRUFHODLQVKDOORZERZO decorated to the centre with exotic ELUGVEXWWHUÁLHVDQGEHHWOHVGHFRUDWH the rim, blue crossed swords mark with incised erasure. Diameter 205. $350 331 $'UHVGHQSRUFHODLQWZLQVDOWFHOODUHWWH WKHFRQMRLQHGFLUFXODUGLVKHVGHFRUDWHG with exotic birds and beetles, enriched with gilt and with a ring handle at the mid-point. Width 90. $100 332 $QWK&(QJOLVKVRIWSDVWHSRUFHODLQ plate, decorated with a chinoiserie landscape, multiple frits to the rim. Diameter 245. See page 28. $120 332A $9LFWRULDQEDOXVWHU¶6FHQWHG·MDU possibly for tea, the cartouche with belt and buckle frame named ‘Scented’, enclosing British Coat of Arms. See page 28. $110 333 $ODUJHWK&'UHVGHQXUQ decorated in the Imari pallet, Egyptian style mask at the base of the side handles, on square base with gilded embellishments, some damage. 195 x 340. $150 334 7KUHHSLHFHVRI*HRUJLDQFKLQD small tea cup and saucer and a larger bowl, decorated in black and white with a young girl playing with a goat. $100 335 $WK&SRUFHODLQFDELQHWSODWH the centre with transfer decoration of an Angelica Kauffman scene, classical women in bright polychrome colours, WKHERUGHUZLWKJLOWEODFNDQGMHZelled embellishment on a green and white ground, ‘Royal Vienna’ mark to base. Diameter 25. $130. 336 $6KRUWHU6RQPRXOGHGHDUWKHQZDUH ÀVKVHW pale apricot and green, nine plates, six small dishes, two sauce boats, one ashette, one large dish and a lidded tureen, printed marks. $200 337 $5R\DO&RSHQKDJHQVWRQHZDUH$IULFDQ Elephant by Knud Kyhn, Tang glaze in mottled brown and tan tones, designed April 1929, model no. 20198. Length 20, height 190. See page 28. $425 338 $5R\DO&RSHQKDJHQSRUFHODLQYDVH SDLQWHGZLWKEULDUURVHVDQGEXWWHUÁ\ factory and artist marks under the base, date mark for 1966. Height 230. $150 339 $TXDOLW\WK&0HLVVHQ¶5HG'UDJRQ· vase, wide mildly cylindrical body with waisted neck and ring foot, decorated with a standing red dragon chasing a mystic pearl, plain white ground, gilt rim. Underglaze blue mark to base. Height 300. $800 15 340 $Q$\QVOH\FRIIHHVHW six coffee cans and saucers, Orchard Gold pattern in original box, signed D. Jones. $150 341 $VWULNLQJ&DUOWRQ:DUH¶6FLPLWDU·$UW 'HFREDOXVWHUYDVH polychrome HQDPHOOHGLQJHRPHWULFIDQDQGÁRUDO form patterns with elaborate gilt enrichments on a purple and green repeating leaf form ground on blue, printed and painted marks, including the pattern no. 3651 attributed to Violet Elmer. Height 198. See page 28. $900 342 $:LOOLDP0RRUFURIWYDVH of squat circular form painted in the Claremont pattern, traditional deep red, blue and yellow highlighted tones on the green dominant ground painted signature in green and dated 10-1913 to base. Diameter 155, height 67. See page 28. $3200 343 $SDLURI5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\HZHU vases, in the Imari pattern with lavish gilding to the foot, spout and handle. Height 260. See page 28. $250 344 $SDLURI5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\FRP SRUWV in the Imari pattern, oval form with side handles in the form of an acorn and leaves. 260 x 190 x 220. See page 28. $250 345 $SDLURI5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\WXUHHQV for sauce and/or gravy in the Imari SDWWHUQWKHOLGÀQLDOVLQWKHIRUPRIDQ acorn. 180 x 140. $300 346 6L[5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\,PDULFRIIHHFDQV DQGPDWFKLQJVDXFHUGLVKHV together with four additional saucers. $150 347 )RXUSLHFHVRI5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\ ,PDULFKLQD a two handled loving cup, an octagonal plate, a small posy vase and a chalice in two parts. $120 348 $SDLURI5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\,PDULFLU FXODUSODWHV diameter 220, together with a small circular dish. Diameter 110. $110 349 6L[5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\WHDFXSVDQG VDXFHUV in the Imari pattern. $150 350 5R\DO&URZQ'HUE\GLQQHUSODWHV in the Imari pattern. Diameter 270. $650 351 $&ODULFH&OLII¶'HOHFLD·YDVHof circuODUVHFWLRQZLWKÁDUHGULPVKRUWIRRW and circular base, typical dribbled glaze effects in bright colours. Height 180, diameter 155, printed marks. Some crazing. See page 28. $250 352 $SDLURI6WDIIRUGVKLUHÁDWEDFNV two lovers in a leafy bower. 160 x 220. $150 352A $Q2OG6WDIIRUGVKLUHÀJXULQH of Britannia in bright polychrome enamels, with shield, helmet and lion, spear missing and some damage. See page 28. $150 353 $)LUVW3HULRG:RUFHVWHUSRUFHODLQOHDI 16 VKDSHGEXWWHUERDW printed in blue DQGZKLWHZLWKDWXOLSDQGRWKHUÁRZers, c.1758, workman’s mark painted under the base, small area of discolRXUDWLRQWKHKDQGOHMRLQWDQGWLQ\ULP frit. Length 80. See page 28. $125 354 $F)LUVW3HULRG:RUFHVWHUH[WUD ODUJHWHDSRW underglaze blue decoUDWLRQRIÁRUDOVLQFOXGLQJURVHVDQG RUFKLGVWRWKHVSKHULFDOERG\ÁRUDO VZDJVWRWKHVKRXOGHUÁRUDOVDQG fruiting grape vine and bows to the lid. The lid interior rim with some chipping, minor chipping to spout end and hairline crack. Crescent mark in underglaze blue to base. Height 230, diameter of body 190. The pattern probably ‘Early Flowering Plants’. See page 33. $650 355 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUYDVHSDLQWHGE\ James Stinton, ovoid shape with raised moulding at the foot of acanthus leaves, the body painted with a pheasant in a landscape, the everted mouth with blush ivory tinting conforming to the moulding at the foot. Green mark, shape G1039, c.1904. Height 135. See page 28. $700 356 $+DGOH\·V:RUFHVWHUSRUFHODLQMDU GLQLqUH squat circular shape, moulded with four panels, each decorated with rose blossoms and buds, pale green tinted at the foot and shoulder and embellished with gilding to the mouldings. Height 80. See page 28. $300 357 $SDLURI5R\DO:RUFHVWHUHZHUYDVHV SDLQWHGE\(GZDUG5DE\ each of ovoid shape with mouth, handle and foot decorated with acanthus leaf mouldings highlighted in gilt over a cobalt glaze, the bodies decorated with bouquets of thistle and other ZLOGÁRZHUVVLJQHGZLWKDUWLVW·VLQLWLDOV brown mark, shape 1587, c.1897. Height 230. See page 28. $3000 358 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUSRWSRXUULSDLQWHG by F. Higgens, squat circular shape, the upper half of the body painted with apples and cherries on a mossy ground, the lower half with gilded basket weave moulded decoration, the pierced cupola type cover with similar basket weave elements VXUPRXQWHGE\DFRQHÀQLDOVKDSH 1286. Height 190. See page 28. $1500 359 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUWZRKDQGOHGYDVH painted by G.M. )DUOH\, ovoid shape with two acanthus capped handles at the shoulder, short gilded trumpet mouth and gilded circular spreading foot, the body decorated with pink roses and buds, signed. Puce mark, shape H313, c.1917. Height 250. See page 28. $1250 360 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUYDVH painted by James Stinton, tall ovoid shape with two handles at the shoulder, spreading gilt foot and short trumpet mouth (restored), painted with Highland cattle in a misty landscape. Puce mark, shape 2193, c.1917. Height 265. See page 28. $3000 361 $ODUJH5R\DO:RUFHVWHUMDUGLQLHUH Hadley shape, squat circular shape ZLWKÁXWHGZDOOVDQGGHFRUDWLYH mouldings to the shoulder, painted with four panels of yellow and pink roses by William E. Jarman, signed, green mark, c.1907. Diameter 260, height 210 (re-gilded at rim and foot). See page 28. $1600. 362 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUGLQQHUVHW in the Woodland pattern, consisting of 10 dinner, entrée and side plates, one soup tureen, two vegetable tureens, three graduated size ashettes, two sauce boats, ten teacups and saucers, nine FRIIHHFDQVWHQVDXFHUVWZRPLONMXJV two sugar bowls, a coffee pot and teapot, pair to teapot lid. $350 363 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUWZRKDQGOHGYDVH baluster shape with hand painted decoration of day lilies, two handles ORZRQWKHERG\PRXOGHGZLWKÁRZHUV and leaves, puce mark, shape 2332, c.1903. Height 205. $700 364 $SDLURI(QJOLVKSRUFHODLQFDELQHW plates, painted by John Stinton Jnr., ‘Invergarry Castle & Norham Castle’. Diameter 235. $600 365 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUSRV\YDVHSDLQWHG E\5REHUWV ovoid shape, decorated with peaches and cherries on a mossy ground. Black mark. Shape 2491. Height 75. $200 366 $SDLURI5R\DO:RUFHVWHU+DGOH\ shape vases,FLUFXODUÁXWHGVKDSHZLWK moulded decoration to the shoulder and foot, the short cylindrical neck with simple piercing, the body hand painted with pink and yellow roses and buds. Green mark, shape H278, c.1908. Height 90. See page 28. $300 367 $VPDOO5R\DO:RUFHVWHUSRV\YDVH conical shape with everted serpentine rim, painted with wild roses, lily and forget-me-nots. Green mark, shape G957, c.914. Height 80. See page 28. $250 368 $PLGWK&5R\DO:RUFHVWHUKDQG SDLQWHGFXS saucer and plate painted by Freeman with various fruits including peaches, pears and berries, each piece signed with the artist’s name, gilt enrichments. Date marks for 1953. See page 28. $260 369 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUVSHFLPHQYDVH SDLQWHGE\0DEHO/DQGHUÁXWHG ovoid shape with slender trumpet neck raised on a circular spreading foot, the body painted with blackberry fruit, blossoms and leaves, Hadley shape 281, green mark, c.1904. Professional repair at rim. Height 260. See page 28. $375 253 251 252 256 255 259 257 258 254 232 268 272 265 243 242 277 271 278 269 270 281 274 264 266 17 370 $VPDOO5R\DO:RUFHVWHU¶+DGOH\ :DUH·MXJ painted by Mabel Lander with fruiting and blossoming blackberries, squat circular shape, signed indistinctly, green mark. c.1905. Height 65. See page 28. $175 371 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHU)*'RXJKW\ ÀJXUH ‘The Duchess’s Dress’, printed marks to base, red/mauve/pink tones. Height 155. $120 372 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHUYDVH cylindrical form with trumpet neck, hand painted with fruit and signed H. Ayrton, date mark for 1951. Height 30. See page 28. $400 373 $5R\DO:RUFHVWHU¶<RXQJ)DUPHU·, modelled by Freda Doughty, black mark c.1975. Height 160. See page 28. $200 MILITARIA 374 $*HUPDQDOXPLQLXP+HHUEXFNOH DQGOHDWKHUEHOW the buckle with pebEOHÀQLVKDQG¶*RW0LW8QV·PHGDOOLRQ one piece cast manufacture with much of the remaining original DAK SDLQWÀQLVKWRUHYHUVHRQDVVRFLDWHG early leather belt with tab stamped ‘PC Turk WWE., Lüdenscheid’. See page 33. $120 375 $::,FROOHFWLRQRIYDULRXVPLOLWDU\ badges and buttons,À[HGWRDKHDY\ canvas belt with leather strapping, includes ‘N.Z.M.R.’, ‘Durham’, ‘Australia’, etc., approx. 60. See page 33. $150 376 $FROOHFWLRQRIYDULRXV::,PLOLWDU\ badges, buttons, etc., includes Australia, Rhodesia, etc. See page 33.$90 377 $VPDOOER[RI1=PLOLWDU\EDGJHV and buttons, includes Air Force. See page 33. $80 378 $SDLURI::,VHUYLFHPHGDOVawarded to 69362 PTE J.H. Russell, N.Z.E.F., both attached to a single ribbon. $140 379 $VLOYHUFLJDUHWWHER[ presentation inscribed to the same recipient as the above medals, ‘Jim Russell - In Appreciation Of Many Years Valued Counsel - A.F.C. - 1969’, rectangular form, the hinged lid revealing the FHGDUOLQLQJ6KHIÀHOGE\:DONHU & Hall’. 160 x 110. $180 380 $SDLURI::,6HUYLFH0HGDOVawarded to ‘28273 PTE E.V. Edlin, N.Z.E.S.’, a member of the 19th Reinforcements Specialist Machine-Gun Section, both complete with original ribbons. $250 381 $QDOEXPRI::,,SULYDWHO\WDNHQ *HUPDQVQDSVKRWSKRWRVSHUWDLQLQJ WRWKH$IULFD&RUSV veteran pickups showing formal groups of soldiers prior to going to Africa, many shots of Africa corps. in dessert and front 18 line, sweethearts, etc., also including D*HUPDQPDSRI%LU7LÀVW·/LE\DRU Egypt. $350 382 )RXU::,SHULRG1=051=PRXQWHG 5LÁHVEODFNDQGZKLWHSKRWRJUDSKV showing scenes of the aftermath of the Battle of Gaza, includes graves, etc., entitled on reverse, ‘Gaza 19/4/17’, and ‘W.M.R. Graves at Rafa’ :HOOLQJWRQ0RXQWHG5LÁHV[ ea. $200 383 6L[::,,PLOLWDU\PDSVLQFOXGHVÀYH of Libya, ‘Bardia’, ‘Bengasi’, ‘Tripoli’, etc. $120 384 7ZR::,WUHQFKPDSVZLWK1=LQWHU HVWDQGWKHERRN¶7KH1HZ=HDODQG 'LYLVLRQ·E\&RO6WHZDUW 1921, a library copy; one map entitled ‘Belgium and Part Of France. Edition 3. Trenches corrected to 22-6-16’, showing Messines, etc., the other map of ‘Belgium. Edition 9A. Trenches corrected to 5-12-17. Sheet 28N.E.’, this map including Passchendale. $220 385 -DFN&ULSSHQZDWHUFRORXURIWKH FRDVWDOWRZQRI%DUGLD Libya, signed and dated ‘42. 345 x 400, framed under glass. Note: Jack Crippen was an RIÀFLDO1=ZDUDUWLVW, the coastal town of Bardia was strategically important and constantly fought over by the Africa Corp. and the allies, especially during the winter of 1941. See page 33. $250 386 $/HZLVIDPLO\DUFKLYHRI7HG/HZLV ::,,ZDUDUW includes the pencil drawing of Lt., General B.C. Freyberg, personally signed by Freyberg and signed and dated 28.5.43 by the artist, 255 x 210, framed under glass; ‘German Tiger Tank with San Lorenzo in Corregiano’, watercolour, wash and pencil, signed and entitled, inscribed on reverse ‘Original - On Site ....’., 255 x 355; ‘Castle Hill Casino. May 30/44’, pen and wash, monogrammed, entitled and dated, 275 x 375, framed under glass; ‘Ponte Vecchio Florence’, ink and watercolour, monogrammed, entitled and dated Nov. 2, 1944, 280 x 380, framed under glass; ‘Ruined Buildings & Harbour, Tobruk’, watercolour, signed and monogrammed, 285 x 365, framed under glass; ‘Casino’, ink and wash, monogrammed, entitled and dated June 1/44, 280 x 380, framed under glass, and a print of a drawing by Lewis of ‘George II. R. April 1942’. All of the original six art works are illustrated in the Ted Lewis book, ‘I Was No Soldier’, ‘An Artist’s War Diary’. Note: W.E.W. (Ted) Lewis born 1908 was educated in N.Z., studied art at the Royal College in London becoming an art teacher in Hamilton and Wellington. He enlisted for war service in 1941 opting for a non-combatant role in the medical corps. His artistic skills lead him to secondment as a matchmaker in Army HQ with General Freyberg. In Casall, ,WDO\7HGZDVYLVLWHGE\WKH2IÀFLDO War Artist, Peter McIntyre who was most impressed with his work and sugJHVWHGKHVKRXOGMRLQKLPWRSURYLGH RIÀFLDOGUDZLQJVIRUUHFRUGV7KLVGLG not happen, though sometimes Ted was given special permission to make drawings. Ted died in 1992, aged 84. See page 33. $3800 387 $::,(QJOLVKRIÀFLDOZDUUHFUXLWLQJ SRVWHU ‘Your Country’s Call, Isn’t this Worth Fighting For? ENLIST NOW’, 1915, showing a Scottish soldier standing before rolling hills and thatched roof houses, printers and publisher’s details to the bottom margin. 740 x 500, some distress, framed under glass. See page 33. $400 ORIENTAL 388 $ÀQH&KLQHVHLYRU\WXVNVHFWLRQYDVH YHU\ÀQHO\SLHUFHGDQGFDUYHGZLWK walls of bamboo, chrysanthemums, roses, prunus blossoms, wisteria and other leafy branches, numerous birds perched amongst the branches along with a phoenix and dragon. Raised on pierced carved wooden base, the base with some damage and losses. Overall height 265. See page 33. $950 389 $FDUYHG&KLQHVHSX]]OHEDOORQ stand, the ball of approximately 10 concentric levels, the outermost carved as sinuous dragons, raised upon a turned carved and pierced stand, the uppermost support absent. Height 355. See page 33. $500 390 $QH[WUHPHO\ÀQHO\FDUYHG&KLQHVH LYRU\WXVNVHFWLRQ deeply carved with ÀJXUHVHTXHVWULDQZDUULRUVSDYLOLRQV ridges and pagodas in a wooded landscape. Tusk length 420, raised on a carved wood stand. See page 33. $700 391 $QROG-DSDQHVHPDULQHLYRU\ÀJXUH JURXSRI+RWHL he stands beside a ÀVKEDVNHWZLWKZDYHVZDVKLQJRYHU his feet, a young boy clambouring from the sack slung across his shoulders, the lower section of the staff in his right hand absent. Height 90. See page 33. $300 392 $QROGFDUYHG-DSDQHVHLYRU\2NL PRQRRIDQRQLGHPRQ he sits, an upraised bell in his hand from which clambers a mouse. Old repair to hand. Width 70. See page 33. $300 393 $TXDOLW\WK&-DSDQHVHFDUYHGLYRU\ 2NLPRQR the man and boy standing beside a street lamp upon which their monkey is perched, the lamp with turned base and hexagonal panelled light surround, lotus leaf type top, the shaped oval base also mounted with DGRJYHU\ÀQHGHWDLOWKHEDVHZLWK signed inset mother-of-pearl tablet. Height 75. See page 33. $600 394 $TXDOLW\-DSDQHVH0HLMLSHULRGÀQHO\ FDUYHGLYRU\ÀJXUHJURXS the family group of four monkeys beside a hornet’s nest, the mother in distress, a branch to the base signed by the artist. 63 x 50 x 65 approx. See page 33. $875 395 $&KLQHVHFDUYHGLYRU\¶GUHDPVKHOO· the bivalve shell slightly open to reveal DODQGVFDSHZLWKHTXHVWULDQÀJXUHV DQGRWKHUV$WLQ\FKLSWRÀVKRQXSSHU surface, raised on wooden plinth base. Width 80. See page 33. $200 396 $-DSDQHVHFDUYHGLYRU\DQGPHWDO ÀJXULQH of an agricultural worker, his body of green patinated metal, his hands, lower limbs and head carved of ivory, he stands with sack slung over his shoulder, on a carved wooden base. Height overall 180. See page 33. $300 397 $FDUYHGLYRU\FHOHVWLDOERDW carved ZLWKQXPHURXVÀJXUHVVWDQGLQJDORQJ its sides and to the interior. Raised on carved wood stand. Length 140. See page 33. $150 398 $&KLQHVHLYRU\FDUYHGÀJXUHRID FRUPRUDQWÀVKHUPDQ he stands with his bird upon a large shell and with EDLWÀVKUDLVHGRQDSROHRQZRRGHQ plinth. Height overall 170. See page 33. $100 399 $Q,QGLDQLYRU\FDUYHG%XGGKD seated with hands in Vitarka Mudra, (mudra of discussion), the Buddha with dramatically elongated ear lobes with earrings and clothed in a lightly draped robe. Raised on a wooden plinth base. Height 200. See page 33. $600 400 $&KLQHVHFDUYHGLYRU\ÀJXUHRI3XWDL carved with upraised arms (thumb re-stuck), on wooden stand. Height overall 130. See page 33. $100 401 $VPDOOFDUYHG,QGLDQLYRU\ÀJXUHRI ¶6KLYD·. Height 55. $50 402 $VPDOOLYRU\SX]]OHEDOO the stand with carved gentleman to base, the ball with three layers. Height 150. $120 403 $ÀJXULQHRI4LDQ\LQ in traditional pose holding blossoms on ebonised wood stand. Height 180. $150 404 $-DSDQHVH0HLMLSHULRGFDUYHG ERQHKDQGOHGZDONLQJVWLFN the handle as Hotei with exposed belly DQGVDFNWRKLVEDFNÀWWHGWRODWHU EUDVVÀWWLQJDQGWDSHUHGKDUGZRRG shaft. Length 920. $180 405 $&KLQHVHH[SRUWSRUFHODLQMXJ decorated in underglaze blue with pavilions beside a waterway with boats and bridge, ovoid shape with loop handle. Height 130. See page 33. $100 406 $WK&&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQIDPLOOH URVHGLVKof panel shape oval form, WUDGLWLRQDOGHFRUDWLRQRIÀJXUHVDQG ÁRUDOVLQGRPLQDQWUHGWRQHVZLWKLQ panels highlighted with birds and EXWWHUÁLHVJLOWHQULFKPHQWV[ See page 33. $225 407 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQVDXFHERDW of European silver shape decorated in IDPLOOHURVHHQDPHOVZLWKÀJXUHVLQ landscapes, the rim decorated with VW\OLVHGÁRZHUVRQD\HOORZJURXQG Width 185. See page 33. $300 408 $QWK&&KLQHVH([SRUWZDUHSRU FHODLQJUDY\ERDW of silver shape, ovoid with scalloped rim, decorated in underglaze blue to the interior with a ‘Willow pattern’ landscape, the exWHULRUZLWKDGLDSHUDQGÁRUDOSDWWHUQ border, numerous glaze frits to edges. Length 205. See page 33. $250 409 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQWHDFDGG\ European silver shape, square pillow form with arched shoulders, decorated in underglaze blue with lakeside pavilions and temples. Lid absent. Height 115. See page 33. $150 410 $&KLQHVHH[SRUWSRUFHODLQMXJ silver VKDSHRYRLGGHFRUDWHGZLWKÀJXUHV in famille rose enamels framed by underglaze blue borders. Height 120. See page 33. $100 411 $FDUYHG&KLQHVHMDGHSHQGDQWof circular form, pierced and relief form as a phoenix and entwined mythical cat, pale green with brown pigment rubbing. Diameter 65. $300 411A $QJRRGXQXVXDOO\FRORXUHG&KLQHVH FDUYHGMDGHKDQGOLQJSLHFHSHQGDQW vibrant green inclusions, formed as a gourd upon which sits two bats and a reishi fungus tendril. Length 60. See page 36. $15,000 411B $JRRG&KLQHVHFDUYHGMDGHSHQ dant, carved to one side with two symbols (coins) of wealth, the other VLGHZLWKUHLVKLIXQJXVDQGDÀVKVXVpended from a gold bale loop. See page 36. $650 412 $QROG&KLQHVHFDUYHGMDGHFHQVHU the barrel form lid with stiff leaf carved design and with three captured ring handles DQGHQWZLQHGN\OLQRSHQZRUNHGÀQLDO two Taotie masks issue from the rim and support the large captured ring handles, the compressed spherical body with carved detail, the three lions paw feet with further mask supports, pale/midgreen colourway with natural inclusions. 185 x 125 x 195. $300 413 7ZRVPDOO&KLQHVHMDGHKDQGOLQJ SLHFHV as recumbent rabbit and small goat, pale toned. Length 55 and 40. $80 414 $&KLQHVHYLEUDQWJUHHQMDGHEHDG QHFNODFHDQGSLGLVFSHQGDQW the uni- form beads with smaller beads lashing to the disc pendant. Length 600. $600 415 $&KLQHVHMDGHDQGVLOYHUPRXQWHG and handled magnifying glass, embossed with bat forms, enhanced with red cabochon stones, tapered cylindrical handle. $80 416 $&KLQHVHMDGHEUXVKZDVKHU modelled as lotus leaves, incorporating the natural colours of the stone’s rind, light green and bright green sections. The bowl formed by the furling larger leaf. Width 125. See page 36. $1200 417 $&KLQHVHZKLWHMDGHUX\LVFHSWUH modelled as reishi fungus. Length 250. See page 36. $750 418 $&KLQHVHSDOHMDGHERZO squat circular shape with everted rim, the HGJHZLWKÀQHURSHWZLVWGHWDLOWKH exterior walls carved in low relief ZLWKVW\OLVHGÁRUDOGHVLJQVDQGIROLDWH scrolls, raised on a circular small foot ring with edge conforming to the rim. Diameter 170. See page 36. $1000 419 $JRRGROG&KLQHVHSDOHMDGHVPDOO FDUYLQJRIDOLRQDQGKHUFXE scrolling ‘breath’ forms issue from their mouths, ÀQHO\GHWDLOHGXQLIRUPSDOHFHODGRQ tone. 40 x 33 x 24. See page 36. $850 420 $&KLQHVHSDOH+RUWDQMDGHEHDG QHFNODFHWKHODUJHXQLIRUPMDGH beads of pale green colour, individually knotted. Diameter of each bead 19. $450 421 $&KLQHVHMDGHVQXIIERWWOH ovoid form, ring foot and top, no stopper, mid-green tone with darker inclusions towards the top. Height 150. $160 422 $&KLQHVHKDUGVWRQHFHQVHU green PRWWOHGMDGHOLNHVWRQHVTXDWFLUFXlar shape raised on three short feet, stylised animal handles issue from the body, the domed cover surmounted E\DVHDWHGDQLPDOÀJXUHZLWKPRXWK open to emit smoke, raised on carved wood stand. Height 180. See page 36. $350 423 $TXDOLW\-DSDQHVHURVHZRRGZULW LQJFRPSHQGLXP swing handle, the open top with shaped rim and a narrow front compartment, all above two short drawers with knob handles, quality construction and polish. 230 x 160 x 150. $120 424 $SDLURI=LWDQZRRGER[HV inlaid with ivory to the lids, circular serpentine shape, the base and lid of the same dimension, the lid laid with a stylised 6KRXURQGHOVXUURXQGHGE\ÀYHEDWV LQÁLJKWDOOFDUYHGLQORZUHOLHILQ ivory, each box with a four character Qianlong seal mark under the base. Diameter 140. See page 36. $1000 425 $SDLURI=LWDQZRRGMRVVVWLFNFRQ 19 275 280 276 267 279 273 283 284 282 285 288 295 286 298 294 289 305 291 296 299 287 290 311 20 WDLQHUV carved to simulate bamboo. Length (longest) 300. See page 36. $500 426 $QROG&KLQHVHFDUYHGURVHZRRG statuette of a boy seated upon the EDFNRIDQR[HQ some old repairs, on associated black wood carved and pierced plinth base. Width 370. See page 36. $350 427 $FDVHG0DKMRQJVHW the old bone and bamboo set with considerable wear and some pieces re-carved, accompanied by numerous bone stick counters. See page 36. $400 428 A Chinese bone and bamboo Mah MRQJVHWLQURVHZRRGER[ the tiles of small size. $200 429 $SDLURI&KLQHVHKDUGZRRGER[HV squat circular shape with inverted ULPVÀWWHGZLWKVOLJKWO\GLVKHGFRYHUV for holding counters for the game of ‘Go’. Diameter 150. $300 430 $SDLURI&KLQHVHKDUGZRRGER[HV of hexagonal shape with serpentine outline, the lid tops carved as water lily leaves with raised veins. Diameter 195. $400 431 $QHDUO\WK&&KLQHVHVLOYHUVHUY LQJEDVNHWGLVK the shaped oval body with pierced, embossed and engraved panels of shrimp, fruit DQGÁRUDOVRQDÀQHKDPPHUHG ground highlighted with engraved ÁRUDOVDQGFDOOLJUDSK\XQGHFRUDWHG central mildly domed section, the VZLQJKDQGOHRIGRXEOHÀQHEDPboo branch form knotted at the top, raised on four tapered scrolling legs. Embossed marks to base for Sing Fat, Canton, early 20thC. 270 x 210 x 175. See page 36. $550 432 $QHDUO\WK&&KLQHVHVLOYHUSUH VHUYHSRW the cylindrical circular section body with mildly domed lid, SXPSNLQÀQLDORYHUKHDGWDSHUHG VZLQJKDQGOHSODLQÁDUHGULPWRWKH ÁDWERWWRPDOORYHUÀQHKDPPHUHG ¶ÀVKVFDOH·SDWWHUQ$UW'HFRVW\OH Embossed marks for Hung Chong, Canton and Shanghai. Weight 214gms, height 115. See page 36.$200 433 $QHDUO\WK&&KLQHVHVLOYHUOLGGHG SUHVHUYHSRWRQVWDQG circular section, mildly domed lid with plain knop ÀQLDOÀQHKDQGEHDWHQGHFRUDWLRQLQ WKH¶ÀVKVFDOH·SDWWHUQWKHSRWZLWK clear glass liner raised on three compressed spherical feet sitting upon a conforming stand with mildly tapered rim. Embossed marks including ‘NK’, possibly indicating Nanking. Diameter 125. See page 36. $200 434 $QHDUO\WK&&KLQHVHVLOYHUWKUHH SLHFHFRIIHHVHUYLFHLQWKH$UW'HFR style, the tapered square section bodies with plain chamfered corners, ÀQHKDQGEHDWHQSDQHOVLQWKH¶ÀVK scale’ pattern, reeded rims, angular handles. ‘Nanking’ and embossed character marks to base of each piece, coffee pot, sugar bowl and FUHDPMXJ7RWDOZHLJKWJPV small old repair to coffee pot. Height of coffee pot 185. See page 36. $850 435 $ODUJH&KLQHVHVLOYHUJLOWDQGHQDPHO ER[RQVWDQG the circular serpentine ZDOOHGER[ZLWKHLJKWÀOLJUHHSDQHOV ZLWKDÀWWHGFRYHUVXUPRXQWHGE\D SKRHQL[ELUGÀQLDOUDLVHGRQDFRQIRUPing shaped foot decorated with three further phoenixes, their long tails rise to form a tall stem, the whole embellished ZLWKSHQGDQWMHZHOV:LWKRULJLQDOER[ Height 380. See page 33. $325 436 $&KLQHVH¶0LDR6LOYHU·ÀJXUDOWHDSRW formed as a recumbent elephant, its trunk as the spout, decorative engraved cloth to its back, raised on DVWDQGGHFRUDWHGZLWKEXWWHUÁLHV FORXGVDQGSUHFLRXVREMHFWVFRQforming lid and swing handle, character marks to base. Length 150, height 125. $400 437 $&KLQHVHVLOYHUVQXIIERWWOH moon ÁDVNIRUPZLWKÁRUDOGHFRUDWHG shaped square panel to each side, decorative stopper with spoon attached. $110 438 $&KLQHVHFDPHRJODVVVQXIIERWWOH the dark olive green cut top layer revealing a bird amongst blossom and bamboo to each side, white glass body below. The stopper with spoon attached. $110 439 7ZR&KLQHVHFXWJODVVVFHQWERWWOHV one a Cameo glass with precious REMHFWVLQUHGWRWKHZKLWHRSDTXH JURXQGWKHRWKHUÁDVNIRUPERWWOH with stylised animal forms on a geometric ground. $120 440 $ODUJHDPEHUJODVV&KLQHVHVQXII bottle, raised panelled side handles, JLOWÁHFNHGLQWHULRUSee page 36. $80 441 $VPDOO&KLQHVHFLQQDEDUODFTXHU ER[ in two sections modelled as a strawberry, fruit and leaves, small chips. Length 100. See page 36. $150 442 $QROG&KLQHVHEOXHDQGZKLWHH[SRUW plate, circular form, decorated with various blossoms in blue on pale blue ground, tan tone to the exterior rim. Diameter 220. $180 443 $F&KLQHVHH[SRUWEOXHDQG white shallow bowl, decoration in underglaze blue of a mother and child within a fenced garden, repeating cross-pattern to the tan glazed rim, hairline crack. Diameter 225. See page 33. $110 444 $F&KLQHVHH[SRUWRFWDJRQDO blue and white plate,ÁRUDOGHFRUDtion to the circular centre and four sprays to the rim, minor chipping and hairline crack. Diameter 220. See page 33. $120 445 $F&KLQHVHH[SRUWEOXHDQG white plate, garden and fence pattern to the circular centre, crosspattern to the tanned glazed rim. Diameter 233. See page 33. $200 446 $F&KLQHVHH[SRUWEOXHDQG ZKLWHFLUFXODUSODWHÁRUDOVSUD\GHFRration, single old chip repair to rim. Diameter 230. See page 33. $120 447 $F&KLQHVHH[SRUWEOXHDQG white plate, circular form, building in coastal landscape to the circular FHQWUHSDQHOWKUHHÁRUDOVSUD\VWR the rim, single small chip and hairline crack to rim. Diameter 230. See page 33. $120 448 $F&KLQHVHH[SRUWEOXHDQG white ashette, octagonal form, deep XQGHUJOD]HEOXHGHFRUDWLRQRIÁRZHUing urns within a fenced garden, a FRPSOH[ÁRUDOVFUROODQGSDQHOOHG border, large crack and old resticking, previously held by old staple repairs. 327 x 250. See page 33. $140 449 $JRRGF&KLQHVHH[SRUWEOXHDQG white shallow bowled ashette, octagonal form, the oval centre with multiple EXLOGLQJVIHQFHGJDUGHQÀJXUHVEULGJH DQGFRDVWDOODQGVFDSHÀQHUHSHDWLQJ designs to the multi-banded border. 407 x 325. See page 33. $375 450 $-DSDQHVHEOXHDQGZKLWH$ULWD ODUJHVKDOORZERZO decorated ZLWKSHRQ\ÁRZHUVEDPERRDQGD sculpted rock. Diameter 350. $175 451 $&KLQHVHEOXHDQGZKLWHMDUDQG FRYHU ovoid shape, decorated with two sinuous dragons encircling the ERG\DQGZLWK¶3UHFLRXV2EMHFWV·WR the shoulder, the cover decorated with a dragon, small rim chip. Six character Tongzhi mark under the base. Height 200. See page 36. $400 452 7ZRROGEOXHDQGZKLWHSLHFHV includes a Chinese Kendi, restoration to the top DQGD.RUHDQVTXDWRYRLGMDUVRPH damage to rim. See page 36. $90 453 $SDLURIROG&KLQHVHODUJHERWWOHIRUP blue and white vases, the bodies with DQHQFLUFOLQJEDQGRIÀJXUHVZLWKLQD walled garden, conforming band to the tall cylindrical necks, smaller bands bordering and separating the main decoration, minor glaze fritting to the top rim. Height 350. See page 33. $950 454 $SDLURI&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQWULSOH JRXUGVKDSHGYDVHV each of the swollen graduated bulbous sections decorated with two panels painted YDULRXVO\ZLWKÀJXUHVELUGVDQGÁRZers, and landscapes, reserved on a speckled blue ground. Four character Kangxi mark under the base. Height 290. See page 33. $500 21 455 $-DSDQHVHFORLVRQQHFKDUJHU the shallow dish decorated to the well with a hawk perched in a blossoming WUHHZLWKVPDOOELUGVÁ\LQJDPRQJVWWKH branches all on a dark cobalt ground. Diameter 300. See page 36. $400 456 $&KLQHVHEURQ]HÀJXUHRIDWDOO VWDQGLQJFUDQH head raised, S-form neck, well detailed long feathers, raised on a dome base, dark patina. Height 440. See page 36. $450 457 $SDLURI-DSDQHVH0HLMLSHULRGEUDVV vases, baluster form, relief and engraved fruit, leaf and bird decoration, applied bronze highlights. Height 150. $120 458 $-DSDQHVH0HLMLSHULRGEURQ]HYDVH baluster form, relief decoration of trains and bamboo, applied exotic long tail bird handles, old dark patina. Height 330. $150 459 $ÀQHTXDOLW\&KLQHVHGDUNEOXH FORLVRQQHFLUFXODUOLGGHGER[ZLWK PXOWLFRORXUHGGUDJRQGHFRUDWLRQ the interior engraved with an inscription and the date 1912. Diameter 90. Fault on base. See page 36. $110 460 $&KLQHVHJLOGHGEURQ]HVPDOOEUXVK pot, circular form, the inverted rim with three relief stylised lion form JLOGHGÀJXUHVVFUROOLQJWDLOVRSHQ mouths, character marks cast into the base. Diameter 63. See page 36.$300 461 $&KLQHVHFORLVRQQHERZO hemispherical, raised on a small circular foot ring, the interior decorated with a cruciform medallion and ribbon framed by four horses galloping above a green wavy sea, the exterior decorated with four mythical foo dogs amongst scattered ‘Precious 2EMHFWV·SHDUOVDQGULEERQV'LDPeter 200. See page 36. $300 462 $&KLQHVHEURQ]HVHDWHGÀJXUH his KDLUKHOGLQDWRSNQRWKLVORQJÁRZing robe with a decorative border, he sits upon a frame raised on a plinth base, hands to front supporting a SODLQREMHFWDOORYHUUHPDLQVRIGHHS UHGÀQLVKDQGSDWLQDRIDJH+HLJKW 245. See page 36. $700 463 $QROG&KLQHVHEODFNODFTXHURF WDJRQDOER[ all-over panelled, gilded DQGVLOYHUHGGHFRUDWLRQRIÀJXUHV buildings, courtyards and bridge settings, framed by decorative borders, removable lid, some old damage. Diameter 260, height 150. See page 36. $220 464 $<L[LQJ'XDQ1LSRWWHU\WHDSRW modelled as bamboo sections; along with a Chinese Imari small saucer dish. $100 465 $F7KDLFHODGRQODUJHFLUFXODU bowl, serpentine shaped rim, incised restrained small panel and banded 22 design, old repair to rim. Diameter 300. See page 36. $120 466 $&KLQHVH7DQJVW\OHJUHHQJOD]HIRR dog, head raised with open mouth, strap chain restraint to neck and chest, loop form tail, dark iridescent green glaze. Height 280, length 280. $140 467 $VPDOO&KLQHVHJUHHQPRQRFKURPH bottle vase, six character Yongzheng mark in blue within a double circle under the base. Height 130. $100 468 $QROG.RUHDQFHODGRQJOD]HGERZO ring foot, an area to the internal rim unglazed, patches of pale red blush glaze highlights. Diameter 147. $100 469 $&KLQHVHFHODGRQEDOXVWHUYDVH the two ring handles with dragon mask details, uniform all-over glaze with orange rims evident at the unglazed foot. Height 260. $425 470 $ODUJH&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQFHODGRQ JOD]HGYDVH inverse baluster shape with trumpet mouth, decorated in ORZUHOLHIZLWKÀVKHVORWXVÁRZHUVDQG leaves and other aquatic life. Six character Qianlong seal mark under the base. Height 460. $175 471 $QROG&KLQHVH0LQJSHULRGERZO plain circular form with ring foot, the pale celadon crackle glaze showing effects of age with some darker staining , minor chipping. Diameter 142, height 67. See page 36. $300 472 $QROG7LEHWDQ7KDQJND of complicated panelled form including various %XGGKLVWGHLWLHVDQGDWWHQGDQWVÀQHO\ hand painted. 660 x 510, framed under glass. $160 473 $YLQWDJH7LEHWDQSUD\HUZKHHO of traditional design decorated with semi-precious stones and Buddhist symbols. $150 474 $QROG7LEHWDQ7KDQJND painted on fabric, framed and glazed. 370 x 295. $125 475 $-DSDQHVHDQDJDPDJOD]HGEL]HQ vase of bottle form, dark brown and grey glaze effects, signature to base, in original box with calligraphy/signature to lid. Height 250. $110 476 $-DSDQHVH,PDULSRUFHODLQRYDOGLVK ÁXWHGDQGZLWKVHUSHQWLQHULPGHFRUDWHGZLWKÁRUDOSDQHOVLQWUDGLWLRQDO colours. 220 x 135. $100 477 $SDLURI-DSDQHVH,PDULSRUFH lain vases,RYRLGVKDSHZLWKÁDULQJ mouth, decorated with panels of ÁRZHUVDQGELUGVLQLURQUHGDQGXQderglaze blue, one with rim chips, with wooden stands. Height 240. $220 478 $Q,PDULVKDOORZGLVK circular with VHUSHQWLQHULPDQGÁXWHGZDOOVGHFRrated to the centre with a vase of ÁRZHUVIUDPHGE\DERUGHURIYDULRXV JDUGHQDQGÁRUDOSDQHOVLQWUDGLWLRQDO red, blue and green colours. Diameter 305. Along with a Japanese porcelain blue print bowl, rim chip. Diameter 150. $325 479 $VHWRIVL[&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQZLQH FXSVFRQLFDOVKDSHZLWKÁXWHGZDOOV decorated with pavilions and landscapes. See page 36. $500 480 $-DSDQHVH,PDULSRUFHODLQERWWOH vase,GHFRUDWHGZLWKZU\WKHQÁRUDO panels in traditional red, green and blue. Height 180. $100 481 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQYDVH ovoid shape, decorated in famille rose HQDPHOVZLWKFHOHVWLDOÀJXUHVQHFN reduced, Qianlong seal mark under the base. Height 170. $200 482 $&KLQHVH·4XLQJ%DL·JOD]HGOLGGHG ER[WKHOLGZLWKUHOLHIÁRUDOVVTXDW form, pale cream glaze. Diameter 120. $300 483 $QROG&KLQHVHVDQJGHERHXIJOD]HG EUXVKSRWof tall mildly waisted open cylindrical form, striking red exterior glaze thinning at the top rim, pale glaze to the interior. Height 155, diameter 142. See page 36. $750 484 $ÀQH&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQVPDOOIRRWHG bowl,ÁDUHGIRUPWKHH[WHULRUGHFRUDWHGZLWKFUDQHVLQÁLJKWDERYH architectural forms rising from the sea, angular scrolls to the rims. Six character marks in underglaze blue to the base. Diameter 106. See page 36. $220 485 $SDLURIXQXVXDO GHFRUDWLYH&KLQHVH WDEOHVFUHHQVWKHÀQHO\IUHWZRUNHG screens each set with two ‘Canton’ enamel on copper panels depicting Daoist characters, the lower part of the screens decorated with two ‘Precious 2EMHFWV·VRPHIDXOWV[ 486 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQVKDOORZERZO with incised decoration of dragons and phoenixes in green, blue and aubergine on an egg yolk yellow ground. Diameter 255. $100 487 $VPDOOÀQHTXDOLW\&KLQHVHSRU FHODLQVWHPFXS the exterior with monochrome intense pink glaze, an imperial colour, the interior plain white horizontal six character Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign mark in Zhuanshu script horizontally under the base in blue. Height 75. See page 36. $750 488 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQYDVH glazed with an intense turquoise colour, inverse baluster shape with trumpet mouth, decorated with incised XQGHUJOD]HSDWWHUQRIORWXVÁRZHUV stiff leaves at the neck, tiny rim chip. Height 305. $100 489 $&KLQHVHVPDOOIDPLOOHURVHSRW squat circular form with three at- tached lug feet, famille rose decoration, the interior with a lakeside crane, signed, the exterior entirely decoUDWHGZLWKÁRUDOV¶KHDOWK·FKDUDFWHU marks to the base. Diameter 75. See page 36. $110 490 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQVPDOOREORQJ EUXVKZDVKHU tapered form, painted ZLWKSDQHOVRIÀJXUHVLQDODQGVFDSH captured lion mask and ring handles, six character marks to the base. 120 x 60 x 60. See page 36. $110 491 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQF\OLQGULFDOEUXVK pot,ÀQHO\SDLQWHGLQVHPLOXVWUHHQDPels with a monk before a rocky outcrop that he is using to support his scrolls and SUHFLRXVREMHFWVUHGJUHHQDQGGDUN brown dominant tones, detailed with character marks. Height 118, diameter 80. See page 36. $220 492 $&KLQHVHTXDOLW\SRUFHODLQWXUTXRLVH VSODVKJOD]HGERZO circular form, the exterior with three rows of formalised lotus leaves, raised on a short ring foot, character marks to the base. Diameter 165, height 83. See page 36. $400 493 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQERWWOHYDVH the ovoid body and tall tapered circular section neck decorated in Mandarin UHGZLWKVFUROOLQJÁRUDOVDQGSKRHQL[WKH shoulder and neck base with applied sculpted three claw dragon, gilt highlights, blue underglaze character marks to base. Height 230. See page 36. $1500 494 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQKH[DJRQDOERWWOH IRUPYDVH polychrome enamelled with a pair of exotic long tailed birds amongst foliage, tones of purple, yellow, green and red on a rose-pink ground, elongated hexagonal conforming foot, with underglaze blue character marks to base. Height 285. See page 33. $450 495 $&KLQHVHEDOXVWHUYDVH ornately decorated with two rondels including sculpted dragons and phoenix, the matt red blossom decorated ground highlighted with glazed precious obMHFWVVFXOSWHGVDODPDQGHUKDQGOHV Character marks to base, dominant green glaze. Height 185. $120 496 $&KLQHVHSRUFHODLQLQFHQVHEXUQHU the small circular bowl raised on three tapered circular section legs, raised plain strap handles, the heavy blue glaze with wax resist textured decoration of leaping deer, stylised foliage and crescent moon forms, the well and base also unglazed. Diameter 95, height 97. See page 36. $520 497 $+DQ'\QDVW\VW\OHHDUWKHQZDUHSRW painted in red, black and white, squat ovoid body with short cylindrical neck with everted rim, with clay adhering from burial. Height 400. $240 498 $+DQ'\QDVW\VW\OHSRWWHU\HZHU with spherical body and neck taper- ing to an arched duck-head terminal, painted in black, yellow, ochre, red and white, with clay adhering from burial. Height 320. $130 499 7ZRROG&KLQHVHSLHFHV a Han style VHDWHG0RQJROLDQÀJXUHKHVLWVXSRQ a throne holding a bird, receptacle hole to top, glazed brown highlights, old repair to neck and an 18thC ChiQHVHH[SRUWVSDUURZEHDNMXJIDPLOOH rose glaze, restoration to handle and hair crack. $150 500 $&KLQHVHFDUYHGZRRGFHQVHU rectangular form, tapered square section legs, decorative handles terminating with large lion masks. 175 x 95 x 130. See page 36. $110 501 $&KLQHVHFDUYHGZRRGÀJXUHRID senin, he stands on one foot holding a palm leaf terminating with a large coin, well detailed with exposed ribs. Height 220. See page 5. $110 502 $-DSDQHVHEODFNODFTXHUYDVHof tall tapering square section with gilded decoration of birds. Height 270. Together with eight richly gilded black lacquer trays, each 190 x 130 and a black lacquer plinth. Length 260. $100 503 $QHDUO\WK&ÀQH6DWVXPDZDOOSODWH DOORYHUGHFRUDWLRQRIÁRUDOVDQGEORVsoms, gilt highlights, painted marks to the reverse including the Shimazu family crest. Diameter 215. $140 504 $ODUJH&KLQHVH7DQJVW\OHKRUVHin Sancai glazes, boxed, the lid with the National Emblem of the People’s Republic of China; along with a card associated with the original gifting from Charles Qiao Shi, Chairman of the Chinese legislature 1993-1998. $300 505 $YLQWDJH-DSDQHVHZRRGEORFN SULQW by Hokusai, landscape scene, detailed on original label on reverse. 170 x 115. $100 506 7ZR-DSDQHVHGHFRUDWLYHSULQWV after the artist Tôshûsai Sharaku of the NDEXNLDFWRUV6HJDZD.LNXQRM{DQG Sanogawa Ichimatsu. Each 390 x 255. Framed and glazed. $100 507 7ZRROGFDUYHG&KLQHVHSDQHO each GHFRUDWHGZLWKYDULRXVÀJXUHVUHG toned backing, gilt highlights. Sizes approx. 220 x 170. $80 508 $QDQWLTXH.RUHDQOLGGHGMDUof plain circular shape with four lug handles around the shoulder, covered in a light oatmeal coloured glaze falling short of the base which has been EXUQWRUDQJHLQWKHÀULQJ'LDPHWHU 170, height 170. $400 509 $QROG,QGLDQEURQ]H%XGGKD seated in the ‘Earth Touching Position’. Height 145. $140 510 $QROG,QGR7LEHWDQEURQ]HÀJXUHRI 6KLYDDQGFRQVRUW Shiva represented with four heads and traditional multiple arms in an erotic embrace with his consort, they are raised upon an oval decorated stand, dark patina. Height 190. See page 5. $220 511 $Q(DVWHUQSRWWHU\ZLQHNHWWOHof archaic shape with dragon spout and animal moulded handle, standing on three feet; brown, green and turquoise glazes. Height 215. $300 TUESDAY 18TH JUNE 2013 2ND SESSION at 5.00pm JEWELLERY 520 $JRRG$UW'HFRVLOYHUHQDPHODQG SDVWHEUDFHOHW, the eight stylish rectangular panels in a strong Art Deco design with black enamel, emerald and diamond pastes set in geometric rows and panels, cushion clasp, stamped ‘Sterling’ to reverse. See page 37. $240 521 $PLGWK&VLOYHUFKDUPEUDFHOHW festooned with silver and silver and enamel charms approx. 70, many entitled with various countries. Weight 157gms. $180 522 $QHDUO\WK&FWURVHJROGGLD PRQGDQGUXE\VHWKLQJHGEDQJOH WKHWRSZLWKÁRZHUKHDGFHQWUDOIRUP VHWZLWKIRXUUXELHVÁDQNLQJDGLDmond, a further diamond each side to the tapered curved strap form, rope, bead and other decoration. Hallmarked Chester 1912, in original ÀWWHGER[See page 37. $275 523 $KHDY\FW\HOORZJROGVROLGFXUE OLQNEUDFHOHW puff heart padlock clasp. Weight 86gms. See page 37. $1500 524 $FW\HOORZJROGEUDFHOHW of uniform Belcher links, pierced and engraved heart padlock clasp. Weight 12 grams. See page 37. $220 525 $VWHUOLQJVLOYHUJDWHOLQNEUDFHOHW four bar width and with padlock clasp. $120 526 $Q$QQLH*OD]LHUVLOYHUDQGEOLVWHU SHDUOEURRFKin the Arts & Crafts PDQQHUFLUFXODUIRUPWKHÁDUHG silver frame with sculpted berry and cut-away leaf design, solid backing. Diameter 33. Note: Annie was the daughter of Richard Glazier, the headmaster of the Manchester Municipal School of Art 1892-1918. See page 37. $120 527 7ZR$QQLH*OD]LHUEHDGQHFNODFHV one of oval carnelian graduated beads, the other mother-of-pearl of graduating lozenge form, similar silver clasp. Length 50 and 35. $140 528 $Q$QQLH*OD]LHUVLOYHUDQGDPHWK\VW EURRFK the oval facet cut amethyst in a rub-over mount within an open wire- 23 work frame with bead and scrolling wire design. 38 x 32. See page 37. $200 529 $Q$QQLH*OD]LHUVLOYHUDQGFKU\VR SUDVHSHQGDQWRQDODWHUVLOYHUFKDLQ the circular green cabochon stone in an open radiating star type design with bead detail. Diameter 29. See page 37. $120 530 $Q$QQLH*OD]LHUJUDGXDWHGDPEHU EHDGDQGVLOYHUQHFNODFH the hand FUDIWHGRYDOVLOYHUOLQNVMRLQLQJDQG spacing the 11 amber beads, the clasp matching the other Glazier necklaces. Length 400. $110 531 $ODG\·VVLOYHUODWHWK&$OEHUWLQD WKHWZRÀQHURSHOLQNFKDLQVZLWK decorative link sections, T-bar, tassel HQGDQG¶GRJFOLS·ÀWWLQJV 532 $FFW\HOORZJROGHVWDWH ODG\·VPXIIFKDLQ uniform curve links, single ‘dog-clip’ clasp. Length 138, marked 15ct., weight 31.7gms. $1500 533 $JRRG(GZDUGLDQFW\HOORZJROG SHQGDQWRQFKDLQ the main circular drop framing various yellow coloured gold leaves, a smaller drop suspendHGEHORZDOOIURPDÁRUDOEDUDQG lozenge link section, highlighted with seed pearls and peridot, the pendant PDUNHGFWVXVSHQGHGIURPÀQH link gold neck chain, push-in clasp. See page 37. $275 534 $FWZKLWHJROG VDSSKLUHDQGGLD mond pendant, the open diamond form frame with three claw set sapphires and multiple small diamonds above and to the top bars, suspended from a silver box link chain; along with a pair of VLOYHUHDUULQJVLQDÁRUDOGHVLJQVHWZLWK multiple oval facet cut sapphires. $160 535 $VLOYHU$UWV&UDIWVVW\OHFXII the top with a large circular dome top opaque VWRQHIUDPHGE\ÀQHVFXOSWHGOHDYHV and wirework highlighted with four green cabochon stones. $140 536 $&KLQHVHFDUYHGMDGHDQGFW\HO ORZJROGQHFNODFHWKHÀQHO\FDUYHG MDGHSHQGDQWDVDGUDJRQLQYLEUDQW green tones, gold claw set mount DQGÁDWOLQNFW\HOORZJROGQHFN chain. See page 37. $160 537 $JRRG(GZDUGLDQFW\HOORZJROG DPHWK\VWDQGVHHGSHDUOSHQGDQWRQ FKDLQ the scrolling open form pendant with central oval facet cut amethyst framed by multiple seed pearls, single amethyst drop, box link vintage 9ct. rose gold neck chain. See page 37. $260 538 $FW\HOORZJROGFXUEOLQNEUDFHOHW puff padlock clasp. Weight 25gms.$440 539 $FW\HOORZJROG%HOFKHUOLQN QHFNFKDLQ the parrot beak clasp with a small gold puff heart charm attached. Length 530, weight 23.25gms. $400 24 540 $WK&ODG\·VIDQF\VLOYHUDQG HQDPHOGUDJRQÁ\FXII in the Art Nouveau manner with green enamel highlighted pierced and engraved wrap-around wings, marked 925. $225 541 $QHDUO\VVLOYHUIREFKDLQZLWK WZRGRJFOLSV T-bar and a silver and gold fob. Birmingham 1913. $150 542 $YLQWDJHODSLVOD]XOLDQGVLOYHUEHDG QHFNODFH the lapis beads of lozenge diamond cut, spaced by low grade VLOYHUEHDGVDQGÀQHEHDGULQJVVLOYHU clasp. Length 570. $110 543 $EDURTXHSHDUOQHFNODFH the deep lustrous cream pearls knotted between each. Length 450. $110 544 $VLOYHUDQGIRVVLOSHQGDQWRQFKDLQ the spiral form ammonite fossil held in a silver frame with suspension loop rail and Belcher link chain. Approx. diameter of fossil 45. See page 37. $120 545 $WK&ODUJHVPRN\TXDUW]SHQGDQW HPHUDOGFXWPRXQWHGLQVLOYHUJLOWÀOLgree frame with bale suspension loop. See page 37. $150 546 $9LFWRULDQFW\HOORZJROGDQG FLWULQHSHQGDQWÁRUDOHQJUDYHGZLWK ÀYHURVHJROGOHDYHVDQGEHDGVDQ emerald cut yellow citrine claw set to the centre. See page 37. $290 547 $9LFWRULDQVLOYHUKLQJHGEDQJOH the wide cuff type bangle in the form of a crown with geometric engraved decoration, the raised detail picked out in rose gold, marked ‘Stg’ and with a safety chain. $150 548 $FWJROGDQGVPRN\TXDUW]SHQGDQW three cushion cut smoky quartz claw VHWLQDVOHQGHUIUDPHZLWKDÀQHFW gold chain. See page 37. $120 549 $1=FRORQLDOJROGPRXQWHGJROG EHDULQJTXDUW]SHQGDQW tapered form, the bevelled panel in rub-over frame and engraved mount. Loop suspension to the top, the quartz panel with crack visible close to the top mount. See page 37. $220 550 $FWURVHJROGQHFNFKDLQZLWK JUHHQVWRQHKHDUWSHQGDQWDWWDFKHG the Belcher link chain with later parrot-beak clasp, the greenstone pendant with applied N.Z. fern leaf and shield form to other side. Weight of chain 17.3gms. See page 37. $400 551 $FDOOXYLDOJROGF\OLQGHU EURRFK the cylindrical glass vial full with alluvial gold particles, engraved JROGFDSHQGVZLWKEDOOÀQLDOV/HQJWK 55. See page 37. $260 552 $JRRG1HZ=HDODQGFRORQLDOF JUHHQVWRQHDQGFWURVHJROGFUHVFHQW IRUPEURRFK with two outer engraved serpentine strap mounts framing the pair of narrower plain strap mounts with heart cartouches, these framing the FHQWUDOÀQHVWUDSPRXQWZLWKSODLQVKLHOG cartouche, marked to the reverse ‘9C’ and a stamped anchor mark, probably for Frank Grady. Length 92. See page 37. $575 553 $FRQWHPSRUDU\1=ODUJHVLOYHUDQG JUHHQVWRQHSHQGDQWRQDÀQHFKDLQ the rectangular plain solid silver panel inset with a tapered lozenge form greenstone piece, rounded to the top, ÁDWEDFNWKHWXEHIRUPVXSSRUWLQJ WKHÀQHGRXEOHFKDLQ7KHSHQGDQW marked ‘Stg Sil’ and artist’s mark of two short bars above one longer. The pendant 120 x 40. See page 37. $400 554 $3HWHU0F.D\VLOYHU$OEDWURVVEURRFK square form, engraved surface showLQJDQDOEDWURVVLQÁLJKWRYHUZDWHUZLWK shadow, original sprung pin to reverse, impressed maker’s marks. 31 x 31. See page 37. $220 555 $JUHHQVWRQH0DOWHVHFURVVSHQGDQW on rolled gold Albert chain. See page 37. $120 556 $Q$XVWUDOLDQ5KRGD:DJHU$UWV&UDIWV VLOYHU JROGDQGRSDOEURRFK the central RYDORSDOZLWKÀUHHYLGHQWVPDOOÁDZ to edge, in rub-over mount framed by gold leaf and berry designs all on a silver frame of tapering bar form, the reverse with applied maker’s name ‘WAGER’ on a silver plaque. Length 67. Note: Wager was born in London in 1875, studied at the Bristol School of Art and the Glasgow School of Art from 1897 to 1903 WUDLQLQJXQGHUWKHLQÁXHQWLDOPHWDOVPLWK Bernard Cuzner, a Liberty & Co. designer. Further biographical detail available. See page 37. $1600 557 $JRRGHVWDWHFW\HOORZJROG SODWLQXPDQGGLDPRQG$UW'HFRGUHVV ULQJthe multi-stoned large diamond form top with a central 0.56ct. old mine cut diamond, VS-1 colour H-I in rub-over setting framed by four further old mine cut diamonds totalling 1.70ct. and 14 small bead set old European single cut diamonds. Total TDW of 2.48ct., valuation available. See page 37. $2600 558 $FWZKLWHJROGDQGGLDPRQG VROLWDLUHGUHVVULQJ the 2.09ct. round brilliant cut diamond claw set, surrounded by a circular frame holding 12 small round brilliant cut diamonds, the tapered split band with sweep-up crossover under pillars, pavé set with a total of 86 small round brilliant cut diamonds. TDW 2.84cts, valuation available. See page 37. $10,000 559 $*HRUJLDQSHULRGVPRN\TXDUW]DQG GLDPRQGFOXVWHUGUHVVULQJ central cushion shaped mixed cut smoky quartz approx. 2.00cts. surrounded by 12 grain and bezel set old senaille and old rose cut diamonds totalling approx. 0.50cts, set in 15ct. rose gold and silver. 320 314 301 315 303 300 312 308 310 304 302 309 307 244 316 306 292 297 25 One small stone missing. Valuation available. See page 37. $500 560 $FW\HOORZJROG UXE\DQGRSDO ODG\·VGUHVVULQJ in the Princess style, WKHIDQF\VLQJXODUÁRZHUKHDGGHVLJQ with a single ruby above a ring of eight rubies above eight cabochon opals framed by a further eight rubies, 14K stamped to the band. See page 37. $260 561 $QFW\HOORZJROGDQGHPHUDOG ODG\·VIDQF\GUHVVULQJ modelled as a grape bunch, the 11 facet cut circular emeralds as the grapes, the band stamped 18K. $420 562 $FWJROGPXOWLVDSSKLUHDQGGLD PRQGODG\·VGUHVVULQJ c.1970s in the Princess style, the 13 round facet cut sapphires and 12 small diamonds in a tapered layered settings, stamped 18K to the band. $340 563 $KHDY\FWZKLWHJROGEDQGULQJ mounted with a single modern brilliant cut diamond of approx. 0.15ct. Weight 10.76gms. $360 564 $QHVWDWHFWJROGGLDPRQGDQG VDSSKLUHGUHVVULQJWKHWKUHHÁRUHWV in the form of a small round facet cut sapphires surrounded by small round brilliant cut diamonds. $350 565 $QFWJROG&DUWLHU5XVVLDQZHGGLQJ ULQJ the white, yellow and rose gold EDQGVZLWKYHU\ÀQHJURRYHGGHFRration, stamped 18ct. and Cartier, in original Cartier box, 7.3gms. See page 37. $300 566 $QHVWDWHFWJROGDQGGLDPRQG FOXVWHUULQJ a small round brilliant cut diamond to the centre surrounded by eight smaller diamonds, the upswept shoulders with a further three round brilliant cut diamonds, stamped 18K and 1947. $400 567 $QHVWDWHFWJROGWKUHHVWRQH GLDPRQGULQJ the .25 round brilliant cut diamond to the centre with a VPDOOHUGLDPRQGWRHDFKVLGHÀOLJUHH pierced mount. Approximate total diamond weight .45cts. $450 568 $ODG\·VFWZKLWHJROGDQGFW GLDPRQGVROLWDLUHULQJ modern brilliant cut, held high on four bar form claws above three smaller diamonds to each shoulder. Valuation available. $600 569 $VFW\HOORZJROGDQGDP HWK\VWODG\·VGUHVVULQJ the large rectangular facet cut amethyst held by four corner claws within a stepped basket mount. See page 37. $260 570 $QFWZKLWHJROGODG\·VUXE\DQG GLDPRQGFOXVWHUULQJ the oval mixed cut ruby of 1.20cts. framed by two rows of 30 modern round brilliant cut diamonds totalling 0.75ct., the setting 26 with basket back and plain half hoop band. Valuation available. See page 37. $1550 571 $FWJROGDQGGLDPRQGFOXVWHU ULQJ the seven round modern brilliant cut diamonds totalling 1.10ct. claw VHWLQDÁRUHWIRUPWXOLSEDVNHWPRXQW round tapered shank. Valuation available. See page 37. $1250 572 A vintage platinum and diamond ULQJ the central round brilliant cut diamond of 0.39ct., S-G, SI-2, claw set within a square frame, framed by a further eight beads set around brilliant cut diamonds, all above three wide splayed shoulders.TDW 0.57ct. Valuation available. $1000 573 $QFW\HOORZJROGDQGFXELF]LUFRQLD GUHVVULQJWKHFHQWUDOVWRQHÁDQNHG by two rows of small stones and two textured panels with smaller bead set stones. Wide tapered shoulders. Weight 6.7gms. See page 37. $260 574 A gold nugget with loop suspension. Weight approx. 5.8gms together with a plain 9ct. gold wedder approx. 3.4gms $250 575 $VODG\·VHVWDWHFW\HOORZJROG VDSSKLUHDQGGLDPRQGULQJ the small rectangular bevelled sapphire framed by 10 small old cut diamonds in a serpentine rectangular panel. $120 576 $ODG\·VYLQWDJHFW\HOORZJROG VDSSKLUHDQGGLDPRQGGUHVVULQJ the seven facet square cut sapphires set in a curve framed by two small diamonds in a cross-over setting. See page 37. $160 577 $QHDUO\WK&FW\HOORZJROG dia PRQGDQGVDSSKLUHODG\·VGUHVVULQJ the diamond form top set with three rows of sapphires (eight) alternated by small old cut diamonds (eight). $180 578 $FWZKLWHJROGVWDUVDSSKLUHDQG GLDPRQGULQJ the wide tapered band with central oval star sapphire framed by two modern brilliant cut small diamonds, stamped 14K. $150 579 $QHDUO\WK&FWJHQW·VVLJQHWULQJ the black onyx rectangular panel mounted with the single letter ‘R’, split ÁDUHGVKRXOGHUV:HLJKWJPV 580 $QHVWDWHFW\HOORZJROG diamond DQGUHGVWRQHULQJthe plain tapered rectangular top panel with two old cushion cut diamonds alternating with three vibrant facet cut red VWRQHVÁRZHUKHDGIRUPHGVKRXOGHUV tapered shank. $180 581 $QFWJROGVDSSKLUHDQGGLDPRQG ULQJ the small round brilliant cut sapphire claw set with a small round brilliant cut diamond to each side, upright platinum shoulders. $140 582 $QHVWDWHFWJROGDQGDPHWK\VW GUHVVULQJ the oval facet cut amethyst in a multi-claw mount, rope HGJHGHFRUDWLRQDQGÀOLJUHHEDVNHW base. See page 37. $250 583 $QHVWDWHFWJROGDQGSHDUOULQJ three small baroque pearls claw set on a plain band. $200 584 7ZRHVWDWHFWJROGZHGGLQJEDQGV one gypsy set with a small ruby and two small diamonds; the other plain, hallmarked for Birmingham 1895 and 1905. Weight 4.9gms, one ring cut. $180 585 $QFW\HOORZJROGODG\·VVDSSKLUH DQGGLDPRQGULQJ a modern design with a cabochon sapphire and two small diamonds. Weight 4gms. $180 586 $ODG\·VFRFNWDLOULQJ the large facet cut aquamarine coloured stone bead set in a large rectangular decorative gold mount, 14ct. yellow gold. See page 37. $200 587 $FW\HOORZJROGVPRN\TXDUW] FRFNWDLOULQJ the oval facet cut smoky quartz claw set in a high mount, upright shoulders. See page 37. $150 588 7ZRHVWDWHFWJROGZHGGHUV one set with small emeralds. $120 589 $QHVWDWHFWEDUEURRFK Art Deco design with a small round brilliant cut diamond to the centre, with safety chain. $250 590 $9LFWRULDQVLOYHUDQGDJDWHEURRFK the large oval cabochon banded agate stone set in a scrolling silver frame; together with a Georgian agate and rock crystal mourning brooch, the unmarked gold frame set with small cabochon agate pebbles, the rock crystal centre opens for insertion of hair or miniature, clasp broken. $200 591 $FW\HOORZJROGIUDPHGODUJH FDPHREURRFK oval form, of a classic ZRPDQLQSURÀOHWKHJROGIUDPHZLWK curved panelled sides, suspension loop to top. Length 55. $140 592 $9LFWRULDQSLQFKEHFNDQGFDPHR EURRFK the decorative mount with FDPHRRIFODVVLFDOZRPDQLQSURÀOH Length 50. $200 593 $QHDUO\WK&FWURVHJROGEDOO IRUPSHQGDQWRQEDUEURRFK the swivelling pendant with demi-lune plain mount and loop supports to the plain bar. Weight 8.5gms. See page 37. $225 594 $FRORQLDOFW(GZDUGLDQEURRFK pendant, the cruciform frame set with VPDOOVHHGSHDUOVDÁRZHUEUDQFK to the centre with more seed pearls, the four corners with a small facet cut VDSSKLUHDQGDÁRZHUEXGVHWZLWK a seed pearl, marked 15ct. with lion and crown marks, by F. Basse, in original box. Frederick Basse was a GerPDQERUQDQGWUDLQHGMHZHOOHUZKR arrived in Adelaide in 1880, exhibited in the 1881 Adelaide Exhibition and in 1909 was appointed by the Governor General of Australia as Vice Regal Jeweller. See page 37. $350 595 $VLOYHU$UWV&UDIWVPRWKEURRFK rectangular form with embossed, engraved and hammered detail, WKHWHDUGURSFDERFKRQDPEHUMHZHO framed by multiple curving antennae, the two large stylised wings framing the tapered abdomen sections. Unmarked. 31 x 45. See page 37. $150 596 $FFWHPHUDOGDQGGLDPRQG EDUEURRFK centrally mounted with two linked horse-shoe forms, channel set with primitive facet cut small emeralds and diamonds, in vintage box. $185 597 $(GZDUGLDQFDPHREURRFK the shell FDUYHGZLWKDFODVVLFDOZRPDQLQSURÀOH mounted in a large 9ct. rose gold frame with rope edged decoration. $200 598 $SDLURIYLQWDJHFW\HOORZJROG DQGDPHWK\VWFRORXUHGODUJHIDFHW FXWVWRQHVHWFXIÁLQNVRYDOIRUPÁDW plain gold frames. See page 37. $260 599 $SDLURIFWJROGDQGGLDPRQG FXIÁLQNV the square form shield with chamfered corners, a diamond to each corner. Weight 17.9gms. See page 37. $450 600 $JROGKDOIVRYHUHLJQdated 1912. $200 601 $)UHQFKIUDQFJROGFRLQ rooster to the front. Weight 6.44gms. See page 37. $220 602 $SDLURIYLQWDJHRIFW\HOORZJROG FXIÁLQNV the oval ends with machine engraved 1970s style decoration by Mappin & Webb. Weight 6.8gms. $220 603 $Q(GZDUG9,,IXOOJROGVRYHU eign. See page 37. $450. CLOCKS & WATCHES 604 $Q2PHJDODG\·VZULVWZDWFK 19.5mm GLDPHWHUFWJROGFDVHMHZHO rose gold plated, 620 caliber manual movement. silvered dial with gold hour batons, Omega black leather strap with plated buckle. $150 605 $FWJROG/RQJLQHVODG\·VZULVW ZDWFK 21mm diameter case with LonGRQLPSRUWVWDPSVIRUMHZHO calibre L410 manual wind movement, champagne dial with Arabic numerals and minute markers, original integral link bracelet strap with riven surface. 21gm excluding movement. See page 37. $800 606 $/RQJLQHVJHQW·VJROGSODWHGGUHVV ZDWFK slim 32mm diameter case, VWDLQOHVVVWHHOEDFNMHZHO/ quartz movement, white dial marked with model number 5194, Roman numerals, calendar chapter ring with red crescent tipped indicator hand, subsidiary seconds dial at VI. Original Longines taupe leather strap, Longines presentation box and documentation. See page 37. $450 607 A 1960s Omega Constellation Con VWHOODWLRQJHQW·VZULVWZDWFK automatic movement, Arabic numerals to the quarters, raised hour markers and logo to the gilt dial. Stainless steel case, sweep hand, working. See page 37. $275 608 $WK&6ZLVVNH\ZLQGPLGVL]HVLOYHU SRFNHWZDWFK open face, the interior back cover with maker’s/retailer’s name ‘John Parrish.....’, working, in old green velvet lined case, complete with key. See page 37. $120 609 $F6ZLVVJHQW·VFKURQRPHWHU ¶8SDQG'RZQ·SRFNHWZDWFK the open face with porcelain dial, Roman numerals to the hours, an outer ring scaled to 300 detailed every 25 with Arabic numerals, two subsidiary dials, stem wind. London import marks for 1913. See page 37. $350 610 $%DXP0HUFLHU&DSHODQGFKUR QRJUDSKPRGHUQJHQW·VZULVWZDWFK the silvered dial with Arabic numerals, three subsidiary dials and date aperture, stainless steel case with 18ct. gold bezel and winder, the stainless steel bracelet with 18ct. yellow gold central links, original packing box complete with spare bracelet links and booklet, good working order, purchased approximately eight years ago. See page 37. $2600 611 $QHDUO\WK&+*ROD\6RQ/WG /RQGRQ'HFNSRFNHWZDWFK polished steel half-hunter case, the white enamel dial with maker’s name and watch no. ‘1072’. Roman numerals and outer Arabic sweep seconds, matching blued-steel hands, large size, the exterior of the back plate military engraved H.S. Arrow Mark 3, Bravingtons, London. Diameter 62. Charles Hector Golay, later trading as Hector Golayi, ‘Manufacturer of Complicated Watches, 46 Myddleton Square, London’, Swiss born but working most of his life in London, Golay was one of the main manufacturers of the very best of British made complicated watches. See page 37. $850 612 $QDXWKHQWLF&DUWLHUFORFNOHWWHU RSHQHUFRPELQDWLRQ the handle set with a clock in the ‘Cartier Tonneau’ style, the stretched swollen rectangular dial with Roman numerals, the reverse with Ltd Ed. No. 0266/2000 and maker’s name, in original named tool red leather box and outer cardboard box. Length 227, complete with cerWLÀFDWH 613 $QHDUO\WK&FW\HOORZJROGÀYH PLQXWHUHSHDWHUJHQW·VIREZDWFK the open face with Arabic numerals in black, outer dial in red with seconds indicated, subsidiary seconds dial towards the base, marked with maker’s QDPH076WDXIIHUMHZHOPRYHment also with maker’s name and ‘Les Points’ and numbered ‘22700’, the outer back cover requiring attention to hinge. See page 37. $2600 614 $/RQJLQHVJHQW·VJROGSODWHGGUHVV ZDWFK slim curved square case, 32mm square, stainless steel back, 8 MHZHOOHG(7$FDOLEUHTXDUW] L140 movement, gold dial marked with model number 6452, gold hour batons and ultra-slim hands. Original Longines ‘Genuine Royal Lizard’ black strap and Longines presentation box. See page 37. $350 615 $QFWJROGYLQWDJH9DFKHURQ&RQ VWDQWLQXOWUDWKLQJHQW·VGUHVVZDWFK PPGLDPHWHUFDVHZLWKÀQHUDGLDO ÁXWHGEH]HOFKDPSDJQHWRQHGGLDO with Roman numerals and railtrack minutes. The back with serial number 451093, the original strap with an 18ct. gold buckle with London import marks for 1973. See page 37. $2750 616 $)UHQFKEUDVVFDVHGFDUULDJHFORFN the silvered dial with Arabic numerals, with key and original leather case. 80 x 120. See page 37. $200 617 $Q,QGLDQEUDVVFDUULDJHFORFN with inlaid cloisonné decoration, white enamel dial with Roman numerals, seconds hand, alarm timing dial, alarm striking mechanism requires attention, with key. 100 x 165. See page 37. $250 618 $)UHQFKEUDVVFDVHGFDUULDJHFORFN Corniche cased, with original travelling case. See page 37. $450 619 $WK&)UHQFKEUDVVFDVHGVWULN LQJFDUULDJHFORFN the case with restrained reeded and notch detail, angular ends to the swing handle, the white enamel dial with Arabic numerals and gilt highlights marked with retailer’s name ‘G. & T. Young......’, the key wind movement striking on a gong, not working. 80 x 70 x 130. See page 37. $425 620 $)UHQFKEODFNVODWHDQGSRUSKHU\ PDUEOHPDQWHOFORFN the movement housed within a cylindrical case raised on architectural scroll supports from a plinth base with shaped apron, the white enamel dial with Roman numerals, pendulum movement, with key. $350 621 $SDLURIPLGWK&EODFNVODWHDQG RUPROXJDUQLWXUHV classical urn form 27 317 343 344 323 343 323A 351 370 353 341 368 324 342 357 357 363 352A 332A 337 328 332 358 360 318 373 361 319 355 367 366 356 369 28 372 359 with restrained scrolling gilt metal handles and pedestal bases raised on stepped square form stands. Height 260. $250 622 $)UHQFK/RXLV3KLOLSSHJLOWEUDVV FDVHGPDQWHOFORFN the neo-classical cube case surmounted by an urn ÀQLDOUDLVHGRQDSOLQWKEDVHIURPIRXU acanthus feet, mounted with a circular white enamel dial with Roman numerals, striking movement. Height 405. See page 37. $750 623 $QROGJLOWEUDVVIDQF\)UHQFKVW\OH FORFNJDUQLWXUHRIWKUHHSLHFHV the tall mantel clock of overall baluster form with fancy scroll moulded frame, the cream enamelled dial with Arabic QXPHUDOVWKHWZRÁDQNLQJFDQdelabra of conforming shape and decoration, each with three sconces, the central sconce on double knop VXSSRUWÁDQNHGE\WZRIDQF\VFUROOLQJ arms supporting the outer sconces, each with applied shield cartouche to the base. Height 500. $750 624 $WK&)UHQFKPDQWHOFORFN the black slate case surmounted by a JLOWEURQ]HÀJXUHJURXSRIDQWK& woman kneeling and sewing the EXFNOHRQWKHVKRHRIDQRIÀFHULQ naval dress, the square slate case embellished with ormolu festoons, stylised acanthus leaf borders and raised on a plinth base with ormolu neo-classical scroll feet, the white circular dial with Roman numerals marked ‘Arera à Paris’, striking movement marked ‘Arera’ No. 222 . Height 490. See page 37. $2000 625 $TXDOLW\WK&)UHQFKRUPROXDQG PDUEOH¶$PRU&KRXJKW·PDQWHOFORFN the case design attributed to Vion, Paris, the circular enamel dial with Arabic numerals and convex glazed door cover in an ormolu mount, framed by a woman in long drape and a cherub with rose garland, quivers, etc., the marble stand and shaped base with further ormolu panels of leaf and cherub decoration, UDLVHGRQÀYHFRPSUHVVHGIHHW7KH movement with hour and half hour bell striking, c.1840. Height 335, width 285. See page 37. $4800 SILVER 626 $JRRG(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUSKRWRIUDPH circular form, a ribbon bow adorns WKHWRSRULJLQDOVWUXWEDFN6KHIÀHOG 1903 by Joseph Rodgers & Sons. Diameter 165. See page 40. $240 627 $SDLURI(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUHPERVVHG SKRWRIUDPHVWKHVZLUOLQJÁRUDO designs in the Art Nouveau manner, overall serpentine rectangular form. Birmingham 1905 by Henry Stratford. The original deep blue velvet backing and struts showing some wear, minor losses. 230 x 180. See page 40. $400 628 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUIDQF\HPERVVHG SKRWRIUDPH the square frame with a circular centre embossed with elaborate scrolls. Chester 1906 by Henry Matthews. The original blue velvet EDFNLQJZLWKODWHUJLOGHGÀQLVKQRZ worn. 155 x 155. $150 629 7ZRHDUO\WK&VLOYHUVPDOOSKRWR IUDPHV circular form, one machine engraved. Birmingham 1916, oak back and strut. The other with reeded edge, oak back and strut, Birmingham 1917. Diameters 78 and 98. $120 630 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUVTXDUHIRUP SKRWRIUDPH plain design, original blue velvet backing and strut requirLQJUHDIÀ[LQJJOD]HG%LUPLQJKDP 1907. 175 x 175. See page 40. $110 631 $QHDUO\WK&VLOYHURYDOSKRWRIUDPH UHVWUDLQHGUHHGHGGHFRUDWLRQÀWWHG original oak back and strut. Birmingham 1915. 245 x 180. See page 40.$160 632 $9LFWRULDQVLOYHUVL[SLHFHPDQLFXUH set. Birmingham 1899 by Adie & Lovekin Ltd, boxed. $150 633 $QHDUO\VVLOYHUWRSSHGDQG FU\VWDOGUHVVLQJWDEOHERWWOH the body with wheel cut decoration, the silver screw top with a tortoise shell panel set with a small hand beaten silver kiwi. Birmingham 1913 by Spooner, Clowes & Co. Height 110. See page 40. $130 634 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUFDVHGJUHHQ JODVVSHUIXPHERWWOH the heart form bottle with a silver collar enclosed in a conforming hinged and lidded silver case, the front embossed with a troubadour serenading two woman within a garden. Birmingham 1904. (small crack to bottle). 50 x 80. $200 635 $Q(GZDUGLDQVPHOOLQJVDOWVERWWOH cylindrical shape with pierced walls and cranberry glass liner, the hinged OLGRSHQLQJWRUHYHDODÀWWHGJODVV stopper. Birmingham 1909 by C.E. Williams. Height 60. $100 636 $VLOYHUPRXQWHGFXWFU\VWDOSHUIXPH bottle, inverse baluster shape with VLOYHUFROODUDQGPRXWKÀWWHGZLWK an obelisk stopper. London 1826 by Henry Perkins & Sons. Height 165. $125 637 $FRQWHPSRUDU\VWHUOLQJVLOYHU$UW 1RXYHDXPLUURU the frame heavily embossed with cherubs cavorting with a woman in Greek costume DPRQJÁRZHUVDQGEXVKHVVWDPSHG ‘sterling silver’, red velvet backing. 210 x 260. $200 638 $ODWH9LFWRULDQVLOYHUVRYHUHLJQFDVH rectangular form with rounded corners, push button release, two compartments, initials engraved to front, lion and crown armorial to reverse. Birmingham 1882, maker’s initials HBs. $200 639 $ODWH(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUVRYHUHLJQ FDVH rectangular form with rounded corners, push-button release, two compartments, the exterior profusely engraved with blank cartouche to front for owner’s initials. Birmingham 1910 by J.C. Ltd. $200 640 7ZRVLOYHUERWWOHWLFNHWV Sherry, Birmingham 1970 and Sherry marked ‘Stl Sil.’; together with a circular silver patch box, Birmingham 1915. $100 641 $QHDUO\WK&VLOYHUMHZHOOHU\ER[ the KLQJHGOLGZLWKHQJUDYHGÁRUDOZUHDWK swags and bows, reeded ribbon and ÁRUDOGHFRUDWHGERUGHUUDLVHGRQIRXU cabriole type legs, blue velvet lining to the base. Birmingham 1911. $160 642 $WK&VLOYHUODG\·VFRPSDFW oval form, the lid set with a miniature painting of two women in an interior scene, glazed, framed by a blue enamelled band, some damage, the hinged lid revealing an internal mirror, SRZGHUSXIIDQGÀWWHGLQWHULRUVFUROO engraving to the base and edges. See page 40. $120 643 $5XVVLDQVLOYHUFLJDUHWWHFDVH of heavy gauge, oblong shape with rolled sides, all engraved with a lineal pattern, St Petersburg Koloshnik mark c.1908-26, 84 zolotniks, the 14ct gold thumbpiece with cabochon amethyst. Unknown Cyrillic maker’s mark. 95 x 70 x 17. 175gms. See page 40. $500 644 $(XURSHDQVLOYHUDQGHQDPHO$UW 'HFRFLJDUHWWHFDVH of rectangular form with chamfered corners, the top decorated with guilloché enamel in a lemon tone, an embossed band of gilded silver set with three small round brilliant cut diamonds to the top right corner with one further diamond set to the enamel above, a band of sky blue enamel forms the outer border, push button release, the gilded interior with an inscription in Hungarian with a list of names and the date 1.2.1920, the case with original gilding to the exterior as well as interior, marked 800 and the initials BT. 85 x 60. See page 40. $500 645 $6KHIÀHOG3ODWHLQNVWDQG lozenge shaped with tray with galleried rim raised on four claw feet and supporting two blue glass inkwells, areas of copper bleeding. Width 190. $175 646 $ODWH9LFWRULDQIDQF\VLOYHUFRYHUHG VWDWLRQHU\FRPSHQGLXP the hinged bow front lid entirely covered with an embossed and pierced silver cover of HQWZLQHGOHDI\VFUROOVFKHUXEVÁRUDOV birds, etc., central vacant cartouche, opening to reveal a watered green VLONOLQHGÀWWHGLQWHULRUOHDWKHUH[WHULRU over the wooden frame. Chester 1900 by James Deakin & Sons. 31 x 170 x 190. $350 29 647 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUDQGLYRU\SDJH WXUQHU the sinuous Art Nouveau handle with hand beaten effect. Birmingham 1908 by Henry Matthews. Length 340. See page 40. $180 648 $SDLURI9LFWRULDQWDOOJUHHQJODVV DQGVLOYHUPRXQWHGGHFDQWHUV the tapered cylindrical bodies with facet cut bases and necks, the silver mounts with double pouring spouts and grape leaf embossed border. London 1839 by Charles Reily & George Storer; with silver plate mounted cork stoppers mounted cork VWRSSHUZLWKFLUFXODUÀQLDOV+HLJKW 345. See page 40. $325 649 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUSUHVHQWDWLRQ WURZHO with a marine ivory handle, the blade engraved with an inscription commemorating The Bolton ,QÀUPDU\([WHQVLRQDQGWKH&RURQDtion of Edward VII 1902. Hallmarks for Birmingham 1878 by Thomas White. Length 320. $400 650 $QHDUO\WK&VLOYHURQFRSSHUZLQH FRDVWHU shaped beaded rim, pierced UHSHDWLQJÁRZHUKHDGEDQGHGGHsign, other piercings and engraved ÁRUDOVSUD\VLQVHWWXUQHGZRRGHQ base. Diameter 125. $120 651 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUSODWHZLQHFRROHU tall cylindrical form, panelled body, two open side handles, engraved monogram and ‘The Grand’ to the ribbon. Height 180. See page 40.$110 652 7ZR$XVWUDOLDQVLOYHUQDSNLQULQJV E\)UHGHULFN-DPHV0ROHBrisbane, (active c.1913), plain cylindrical form, stamped marks. $80 653 $Q$XVWUDOLDQVLOYHU$UWV&UDIWVWHD VSRRQE\-$%/LQWRQ Perth, Western Australia, the sculpted gum nut handle with rat’s tail extension to the reverse of the hammered bowl, stamped marks. Length 112. See page 40. $200 654 $VLOYHU$UWVDQG&UDIWVVSRRQE\ +DUROG)6DUJLVRQ TasPDQLD$XVWUDOLDWKHRSHQZRUNÀQLDO as a stylised gum nut, square section handles with twisted centre, hamPHUHGÀQLVKWRWKHVKRYHOIRUPERZO impressed marks, c.1930. Length 135. See page 40. $200 655 $VHWRIWKUHH$XVWUDOLDQ$UWV&UDIWV VLOYHUVSRRQVE\0LOGUHG&UHHG Australia, the twisted wirework handles with sculptured gum nut and OHDIÀQLDOVKDPPHUHGÀQLVKHGERZOV c.1940s. Note: Creed’s spoons are ÀQHH[DPSOHVRIWKH$XVWUDOLDQ$UWV & Crafts movement, she trained in London becoming a highly accomSOLVKHG6\GQH\MHZHOOHUVLOYHUVPLWK and enameller. Impressed marks. Length 115. See page 40. $440 30 656 $VLOYHUERZOE\+DUROG)6DUJLVRQ Tasmania, Australia, all-over KDPPHUHGÀQLVKSODLQFLUFXODUIRUPZLWK two angular open handles. Impressed maker’s name and marked ‘silver’. Diameter 110. See page 36. $480 657 $VHWRIVL[FDVHG1=VLOYHUDQG JUHHQVWRQHR\VWHUIRUNV the shaped plain blades each with three prongs, the tapered greenstone handles of RYDOVHFWLRQLQÀWWHGRULJLQDOFDVH See page 40. $120 658 $QHDUO\WK&,QGLDQFRORQLDOVLOYHU WHDDQGFRIIHHVHUYLFH the plain circular bowls with central rib and gadroon decorated top rims, spreading circular foot to each, comprising teapot, coffee pot, sugar and cream. c.1920 by the noted Indian maker Warner Bros. Total weight 1194. $650 659 $QHDUO\WK&VLOYHU*HRUJLDQVW\OH WKUHHSLHFHWHDVHW compressed baluster bodies with gadroon and scrolling shell rims, tapered ring foot to each, the sugar bowl and cream MXJZLWKDFDQWKXVOHDIWKXPESLHFHV to the scroll handles. London 1918 by Mappin & Webb. Total weight 900gms. See page 40. $750 660 $Q(GZDUGLDQFDVHGVLOYHUIRXUSLHFH WHDDQGFRIIHHVHUYLFH the oval panelled baluster form bodies with gilt washed interiors, dome lids to the two pots, each raised on four scrolling OHJV6KHIÀHOGE\-DPHV Dixon & Sons Ltd, the coffee pot preVHQWDWLRQLQVFULEHG¶0DMRU:+3HWWLW and Mrs Pettit From Residents of Upper Hutt & District in deep appreciation of their valued services during the epidemic November 1918’. All in an RDNÀWWHGER[ZLWKEOXHVLONDQGYHOYHW lined interior. Total weight 1682gms. See page 40. $1850 661 $*HRUJLDQ5HYLYDOWKUHHSLHFHVLOYHU tea set, oval shape with half lobed body. Birmingham 1907 by William Adams Ltd, presentation inscribed. Total weight 443gms. $380 662 $VWHUOLQJVLOYHUWHDVHW the Georgian style set consisting of a teapot, hot water pot, cream and sugar, plain design ZLWKJDGURRQHGULPV6KHIÀHOG Weight 2155gms. See page 40. $1800 663 $JRRGODWH9LFWRULDQVLOYHUSODWH SDUWSODFHFXWOHU\VHUYLFH12 table forks, 12 dessert forks, 12 dessert spoons, 12 teaspoons and 12 tablespoons all crested with a stag within a bead edge cartouche above graduDWHGÁRUDOEHOOV(QJOLVKPDNHU·VPDUN eight table knives and eight entrée NQLYHVZLWKHPERVVHGÁRUDODQGVFUROO silver plate handles and Walker & Hall 6KHIÀHOGVWHHOEODGHV 664 $QHLJKWSODFHVHWWLQJRIGRXEOHVWUXFN .LQJ·VSDWWHUQVLOYHUSODWHGFXWOHU\ table forks, dessert forks, table knives, luncheon knives, soup spoons, dessert spoons, teaspoons, six tablespoons, two MDPVSRRQVWZREXWWHUNQLYHVDQGD VDXFHODGOH6KHIÀHOGPDNHUWKHNQLYHV with stainless steel blades. Excellent condition, ex. The Studio of Tableware, Mt Eden, Auckland. $450 665 $:DONHU+DOOVL[SODFHVLOYHUSODWH FXWOHU\VHW in the St James pattern in original oak canteen with silver presentation plaque to lid. $350 666 $VHWRIVL[ÀQHTXDOLW\WK&'XWFK ERWWRPPDUNHG+DQRYHULDQVLOYHU GHVVHUWVSRRQV $300 667 $PDWFKLQJVHWRIVL[KHDY\ODWH9LFWR ULDQ2OG(QJOLVKVLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQVLondon 1899 by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co. Weight approx. 400gms. $400 668 $SDLURI*HRUJLDQSHULRGVLOYHUEHUU\ spoons, the handles engraved, the bowls richly gilded, London 1813 by Thomas Dicks. See page 40. $400 669 $*HRUJH,,,VLOYHUERWWRPPDUNHG EHUU\VSRRQ the gilded bowl engraved and embossed with four berries, further engraving to the handle, marks worn. Probably by Philip Roker III c.1770, London. $90 670 $VHWRIVL[9LFWRULDQVLOYHUÀGGOHSDW WHUQWDEOHVSRRQVLondon 1876 by Chawner & Co. Weight 417gms. $440 671 $*HRUJH,,,,ULVKVLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQ ÀGGOHSDWWHUQFUHVWHGZLWKDVWDJ Dublin 1808 by Samuel Neville. Weight 64gms. $80 672 $*HRUJHVLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQ Hanoverian pattern, the reverse of the handle engraved with a single ‘B’. London 1736. $100 673 $*HRUJH,9VLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQ Old English pattern. London 1821 by James Beebe. $80 674 $*HRUJLDQSHULRGÀGGOHSDWWHUQ VLOYHUSLHVSRRQLondon 1812 by Solomon Hougham. Length 300. See page 40. $200 675 $ÀQHTXDOLW\*HRUJLDQSHULRGERWWRP PDUNHGIHDWKHUHGJHG2OG(QJOLVK VLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQLondon 1775 by Hester Bateman. See page 40. $150 676 7ZR*HRUJLDQSHULRG2OG(QJOLVK VLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQVLondon 1793 by George Smith and Thomas Hayter and London 1806 by George Wintle. See page 40. $140 677 $ÀQHTXDOLW\*HRUJH,,SHULRG FUHVWHG ERWWRPPDUNHG+DQRYHULDQ VLOYHUGHVVHUWVSRRQ London 1757 by Richard Gosling. $100 678 $*HRUJH,,VLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQ Hanove- rian pattern, bottom marked. London 1729 by John Wrenn. See page 40. $180 679 $*HRUJH,,VLOYHUWDEOHVSRRQ Hanoverian pattern, bottom marked, London 1748 by Ebeneza Coker. Length 210. See page 40. $160 680 $UDUHSDLURI*HRUJLDQSHULRG6FRW WLVKERWWRPPDUNHG+DQRYHULDQVLOYHU tablespoons. Edinburgh 1766 by William Taylor. See page 40. $250 681 $9LFWRULDQVLOYHUSLHVSRRQÀGGOHSDWtern. London 1860 by Samuel Hayne & Dudley Cater. Weight 152gms. Length 300. See page 40. $160 682 $*HRUJH,,,VLOYHUSLHVSRRQ Old English pattern. London 1795 by Jonathan Perkins I and Jonathan Perkins II. Length 300. See page 40. $300 683 $*HRUJH,,,VLOYHUVRXSODGOH Old English pattern. London 1809 by James Ede and Alexander Hewat. Length 330. See page 40. $400 684 $VHWRIVL[9LFWRULDQVLOYHUÀGGOHSDW WHUQGHVVHUWVSRRQV. London 1876 by Chawner & Co. Weight 260gms. $280 685 $VHWRIVL[9LFWRULDQVLOYHUÀGGOHSDW WHUQWDEOHIRUNV matching above. Weight 419gms. $440 686 $VHWRIVL[9LFWRULDQVLOYHUÀGGOHSDW WHUQGHVVHUWIRUNV matching above. Weight 265gms. $280 687 $ODWH9LFWRULDQVLOYHUSODWHWHD FDGG\ rectangular baluster form HPERVVHGZLWKÁRUDOVDQGVFUROOV ÁRZHUKHDGDQGOHDIVFXOSWHGÀQLDO raised on four scrolling legs. Hallmarks for Rogers & Slater. See page 40. $90 688 $FDVHGVHWRIVLOYHUFRIIHHVSRRQV with EHDQÀQLDOV%LUPLQJKDP 689 $UDUH*HRUJH,,,FDGG\VSRRQ leaf form. Birmingham 1798 by Joseph Taylor. $375 690 $YLQWDJH*HRUJ-HQVHQ$UWV&UDIWV VLOYHUVSRRQ in the blossom pattern, hand hammered bowl, stamped mark on handle, together with a silver tea strainer marked ‘Petersen’ who was apprenticed to George Jensen and later married one of his daughters. See page 40. $250 691 $*HRUJH,,,ÀGGOHSDWWHUQFDGG\VSRRQ London 1810 by Elizabeth Morley. $100 692 $5HJHQF\SODLQ2OG6KHIÀHOG3ODWH MXJ the open top with a broad tall spout, gadroon rims, original fruitwood handle. Height 180. $140 693 7KUHHWK&VLOYHURQFRSSHUSLHFHV includes an Adams style hot chocoODWHSRWKHOPHWIRUPFUHDPMXJDQG salver with gadroon rim, raised on three feet. See page 40. $180 694 $%DUNHU(OOLVVLOYHUSODWH*HRUJLDQ VW\OHFRIIHHSRW pear shaped body raised on a circular spreading foot with gadrooned rim, conforming KLQJHGOLGZLWKFRQHÀQLDODQGZLWK ÁXWHGVSRXW+HLJKW 695 $*HRUJH,,,VLOYHUFUXHWVHWLQVWDQG the oval boat form stand with geometric scroll engraved band, reeded rims, raised on four tapered feet, the mahogany base with a central plain column supporting the shaped bottle keeper, reeded ring handle to top, the ÀYHFXWFU\VWDOFUXHWSLHFHVZLWKVLOYHU tops, three with hallmarks matching the stand, the other two a pair. London 1806 by Solomon Hougham. 185 x 130 x 220. See page 40. $550 696 $*HRUJH,,,FUHVWHGVLOYHUFUHDPMXJ of helmet form with gilding to interior and exterior, on pedestal foot with double scroll handle. London 1776 by Nathaniel Appleton and Ann Smith. Height 100. See page 40. $300 697 $*HRUJH,,,VLOYHUÀVKVOLFHÀGGOH and thread pattern with a decoratively pierced blade. London 1807 by Thomas Johnson. Length 310. See page 40. $300 698 $VWHUOLQJVLOYHUEXWOHU·VWUD\ rectangular form with gadrooned rim and handles, scalloped shell embellishment to each corner and handle. 6KHIÀHOG:HLJKWNLORV[ 390. See page 40. $3600 699 $SDLURIWK&VLOYHURQFRSSHUFRO XPQFDQGOHVWLFNV gadroon rims, the copper gracefully bleeding through. Height 222. See page 40. $160 700 $SDLURI(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUVKRUWFRO XPQFDQGOHVWLFNV square nozzles and spreading stepped bases, plain colXPQV6KHIÀHOG+HLJKW 701 7ZRHDUO\WK&VLOYHUVSHFLPHQ vases,WUXPSHWIRUPRQHZLWKÁXWHG circular top, the other oval, conforming bases. Birmingham 1911 and Chester 1908, both with weighted bases. Heights 180 and 175. $120 702 $ODWH(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUVXJDUFDVWHU hexagonal ovoid form, decoratively pierced top. Birmingham 1910. Height 170. $150 703 $VVLOYHUWDOOVXJDUFDVWHU baluster form, the tall domed pierced lid ZLWKEDOXVWHUÀQLDOVLQJOHGRPLQDQWULE to the body, spreading circular foot. London 1927 by Alfred James How. Weight 180gms. Height 190. See page 40. $180 704 $SDLURI*HRUJH,,,VLOYHUVXJDUWRQJV. $90 705 $9LFWRULDQVLOYHUR]FDSDFLW\PXJ slightly tapering cylindrical shape with scroll handle and two bands of ribbing to the body. Birmingham 1864 by Hilliard & Thomason. Weight 200gms. Height 90. See page 40. $150 706 $Q(GZDUGLDQVLOYHUWZRKDQGOHGVKDO low bowl, on four bun feet, plain design. London 1904 by C.S. Harris & Sons Ltd. Weight 206gms. Diameter 145. $150 707 $ODWHWK&&RQWLQHQWDOVLOYHUVPDOO dish, shaped circular form with serpentine rim, embossed to the well ZLWKDÀJXUHRI3DQSOD\LQJKLVÁXWH decorative cherub form handles. London import marks for London 1899 and with ‘Foreign Agent’ mark for John George Smith. Diameter 105. See page 40. $180 708 $VPDOO9LFWRULDQVLOYHUWHDFDGG\ RYDOVHFWLRQZLWKVPDOOXUQÀQLDO/RQdon 1869. Height 75. $200 709 $Q$UW'HFR*HUPDQVLOYHUVPDOOGHHU VFXOSWXUHE\/XW]:HLVV modelled with head down feeding, on a mildly domed rectangular base, impressed maker’s and silver marks. 36 x 20 x 27. $160 RUGS 710 $VPDOO%DOXFKLPDW decorated with a stylised tree design on a camel JURXQGWKHUHFWDQJXODUÀHOGIUDPHG by multiple geometric borders with a red background. 930 x 510. $75 711 $%DOXFKLKDQGNQRWWHGUXJ decoUDWHGZLWKDFHQWUDOVTXDUHÀHOG patterned with stylised peacocks and ÁRUDOPRWLIVIUDPHGE\DJHRPHWULF leaf pattern border and with guards at either end in tones of madder red, old ivory and blue. 1390 x 860. $320 712 $QDQWLTXHKDQGNQRWWHG3HUVLDQUXJ WKHÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWKVW\OLVHGJHRmetric motifs, seven border guards with a central wide herati guard in shades of red, blue, green, brown, ochre and ivory. Worn. 2030 x 1400. $350 713 $KDQGNQRWWHG$IJKDQUXJRI7XUNRPDQ style,WKHÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWKWKUHH large octagons, multiple narrow border JXDUGVZLWKVW\OLVHGÁRUDOGHVLJQVLQ colours of rich dark blue on a mustard ground. 2230 x 1350. $350 714 $4XFKDQZRRORQFRWWRQUXJWKHÀHOG entirely decorated with a trellis of ocWDJRQDOÀQHUHSHDWLQJPHGDOOLRQVWKH dominant border guard with a double Tree of Life repeating design, in tones of deep red, indigo and ivory highlighted with orange. 1770 x 960. $380 715 $KDQGNQRWWHG7XUNRPDQUXJwith an unusual emerald green toned background, decorated in traditional manner with rows of guls and subsidiary cruciform medallions, framed by multiple borders. 1900 x 1300. $250 31 716 $KDQGNQRWWHG7XUNLVKUXJRI.D]DN style,WKHÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWKWKUHH large medallions, multiple border guards with one wide guard, stylised ÁRUDOGHVLJQVFUDEDQGDQLPDOPRWLIV in colours of blue, green, terracotta, pale lemon, pale pink and old ivory. 2200 x 1530. $250 717 $ODUJHGHFRUDWLYHKDQGNQRWWHG7XUNLVK UXJWKHÀHOGZLWKVLQJOHFHQWUDOPHGDOlion with hooked running dog border, three border guards with central wide JXDUGVW\OLVHGJHRPHWULFDQGÁRUDOPRtifs in colours or orange, mustard, blue green and ivory. 2500 x 1900. $350 718 7ZR6KDKVDYDQ6XPDNVDOWEDJV HDFKGHFRUDWHGZLWKÁDWZHDYH faces with a geometric pattern, the larger with tassels outlining the edges. $100 719 $KDQGNQRWWHG7XUNRPDQUXJ decorated with multiple small panels with geometric motifs, each panel outlined by narrow borders, the whole outlined with a border incorporating ‘running dog’ motifs in traditional red and old ivory tones. 1600 x 870. $375 720 $7XUNRPDQKDQGNQRWWHGFDUSHW the ÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWKQXPHURXVVWHS sided cruciform motifs interspersed by secondary guls framed by a stylised ÁRZHUKHDGERUGHULQWRQHVRIUHG dark blue and ivory. 1770 x 990. $350 721 $KDQGNQRWWHG.DVKDQUXJdecorated with multiple diagonal rows RIRFWDJRQDOFRQMRLQHGJXOVLQDQ unusual colour combination of emerald green, red and blue highlighted with touches of white, all framed by a triple border. 1600 x 850. $350 722 $Q,UDQLDQ6LUMDQUXJ in soft pastel tones of salmon, plum and blue, along with a darker indigo, decorated with a medallion framed by multiple rosette motifs in various bands patterning the UHFWDQJXODUÀHOGDOOIUDPHGE\PXOWLSOH geometric borders. 1900 x 850. $320 723 $QDQWLTXH3HUVLDQSUD\HUUXJ the Mihrab supported by two columns, DÁRZHUKDQJVIURPWKHFHQWUDOSDUW which resembles an oil lamp and beORZWKDWDQXUQIHVWRRQHGZLWKÁRZHUV Three borders guards with central wide herati guard in colours of red and blue with brown, green and ochre. Considerable wear. 2000 x 1380. $400 724 $ODUJHKDQGNQRWWHG3HUVLDQ$UGHELO UXJof oblong shape,WKHÀHOGZLWKD single central diamond medallion (the design repeated in each corner) and DOORYHUIRUPDOÁRUDOÀHOGDQGWKUHHERUder guards with central wide serrated leaf guard , in colours of rich red, dark and light blue, rose pink, green pale orange and ivory. 1550 x 3300. $400 725 $Q$IJKDQ7XUNRPDQKDQGNQRWWHG 32 UXJWKHULFKUHGÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWK multiple guls and secondary medallions, all framed by geometric borders in black and ivory. 2000 x 1500. $500 726 $3HUVLDQ+DPDGDQZRRORQFRWWRQ KDQGNQRWWHGUXJ the large central GRPLQDQWÁRUDOPHGDOOLRQZLWKUHG JURXQGDQGHQWZLQHGÁRUDOVRQDSODLQ ivory conforming ground with soft rose pink spandrels with further entwined ÁRUDOVWULSOHERUGHUJXDUGVWKHZLGHU FHQWUDOJXDUGZLWKÁRUDODQGELUGUHpeating motifs. 2020 x 1250. $475 727 $Q,UDQLDQ-RVKDTDQFDUSHW decoUDWHGZLWKDFHQWUDOJHRPHWULFÁRUDO PHGDOOLRQDQGDÀHOGRIVW\OLVHGÁRUDO motifs in a diamond format in blues, greens and salmon on a madder red ground, framed by a broad border ZLWKVW\OLVHGÁRUDOV[ 728 $Q,UDQLDQ.LUPDQKDQGNQRWWHGFDUSHW GHFRUDWHGZLWKDODUJHFHQWUDOÁRUDO PHGDOOLRQIUDPHGE\ÁRUDOWHQGULOVRQDQ LQGLJRJURXQGEOHXFHOHVWHÁRUDOTXDGrants decorate the corners, all framed E\DEURDGÁRUDOPHDQGHUERUGHU 729 $&DXFDVLDQKDQGNQRWWHGUXJ the OR]HQJHVKDSHGÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWK multiple star rosettes and small cruciform motifs, all framed by multiple borders with geometric motifs, in russet, blue, taupe, green and white. 1640 x 1180. $450 730 $KDQGNQRWWHG7XUNRPDQUXJ the ÀHOGGHFRUDWHGZLWKWKUHHURZVRI seven Turkoman guls and secondary cruciform guls on a red ground framed by multiple geometric borders. 1730 x 1250. $400 731 $KDQGNQRWWHG$IJKDQ$QGNKRL UXQQHU patterned with multiple medallions along its length framed by VW\OLVHGÁRUDOGHVLJQVDQGDJHRPHWULF ÁRUDOERUGHUEHWZHHQWZRQDUURZ borders in typical tones of dark black, amber and white. 3000 x 800. $880 732 $KDQGNQRWWHG$QGNKRLFDUSHW decRUDWHGZLWKWUDGLWLRQDOVW\OLVHGÁRUDOV framed within a geometric meander border between narrower guards, dark red background with highlighted details in amber, white and black. 3000 x 2000. $1500 733 $JRRGDQWLTXHDOOZRRO4DVKTDLUXJ the central diamond form medalOLRQZLWKVHUUDWHGERUGHURQDÀHOGRI scattered rosettes, multiple narrow border guards, dominant tones of golden brown, soft red, indigo and ivory. 1930 x 1120. $1600 734 $ODUJHKDQGNQRWWHG3HUVLDQ6DUXT FDUSHW the traditional decoration consists of a large central medallion DQGDVXPSWXRXVOLQLDOÁRUDOÀHOG the border consists of three narrow guards framing a wider central band decorated with border herati in colours of rich dark red, dark blue, light blue, green, apricot, camel, tan, rose pink and ivory. 3300 x 3000. $1900 735 $Q$IJKDQ$QGNKRLUXQQHUdecorated typically with medallions and a VW\OLVHGÁRUDOÀHOGLQGDUNFREDOWDQG amber, highlighted with white outline details on a cherry red ground, IUDPHGE\DVW\OLVHGÁRUDOPHDQGHU border. 4000 x 800. $1250 FURNITURE 736 $WDOOPRGHUQVW\OLVWEURQ]HSDWLQDWHG VWDQGLQJ$IULFDQIHPDOHÀJXUH with neck rings and also rings decorating one upper leg, supporting a vessel on her head and standing on a circular wood plinth base. In the style of Hagenauer. Height 1580. $250 737 $JRRG*HRUJH,,,FRXQWU\VW\OHRDN stool of long rectangular form, thumb moulded edge, splayed turned legs on stretcher base, good dark colour and patina. 830 x 290 x 450. See inside back cover. $320 738 $EUDVV9LFWRULDQÀUHFXUEÀUHGRJV and brass shovel and tongs. $150 739 $FKLOG·VWULF\FOHwith treadle-action pedal drive, spoked solid steel wheels and decorative brass steering handle. $500 740 $*HRUJLDQWUDYHOOLQJWUXQN of small proportions, the camphor carcass has a leather covering with brass edges, corners and handles and brass stud decoration, the interior with original terracotta and gold decorated paper, remains of original handwritten clothing list to lid. 640 x 320 x 250. $350 741 $SULPLWLYHWULSRGFRXQWU\HOPVWRRO the square form top on three simple pegged legs. 340 x 240 x 450. $200 742 $QHDUO\WK&RDNVSLQQLQJZKHHO original brown paint finish. 460 x 930. $250 743 $YLQWDJHZRRGHQURFNLQJKRUVH JROGSDLQWÀQLVKOHDWKHUDQGFORWK saddle and bridle, some distress. Length 1000, height 80. See inside back cover. $150 744 $YLQWDJHZRRGHQURFNLQJKRUVH as above. See inside back cover. $150 745 $QROGYLQWDJHZRRGHQURFNLQJ KRUVH as above. See inside back cover. $150 746 $ODWH9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\EXWOHU·V WUD\WDEOH the rectangular tray with upstand gallery, three cut-out shaped handles complete with matching folding turned mahogany stand. The tray 655 x 470. See inside back cover. $550 376 374 377 375 388 386 385 389 387 399 398 400 390 396 397 393 391 394 392 395 453 494 453 405 407 410 406 454 435 454 408 448 354 449 409 447 444 443 445 446 33 747 $Q(GZDUGLDQHERQLVHGWRUFKqUH with gilt metal mounts, the tripod base rising to support an urn shaped capital, embellished with serpentine beast heads, similar gilt metal mounts embellish the base. Height 920. $150 748 $TXDOLW\9LFWRULDQSHULRGURVHZRRG RFWDJRQDOZRUNWDEOH with elaborate FDUYHGGHFRUDWLRQDQGGURSSHGÀQLals around the top edge, the tripod base with scroll feet, the plain top with thumb nail moulded edge, the interior with original apple green satin and paper lined interior. Maker’s label R. Strahan, late Morgan & Co. by special appointment Cabinet Makers WR+LV0DMHVW\+HQU\6WUHHW'XEOLQ 780 x 460, with keys. See inside back cover. $650 749 $*HRUJLDQPDKRJDQ\VRIDWDEOH WKHSODLQFURVVEDQGHGWRSZLWKÁDPH veneers, rounded corners and rule MRLQWVWKHIRXUVDEUHOHJVZLWKEUDVV lion’s paw terminals and brass casters, two drawers across the front and two dummy drawers at the back, decorated with restrained boxwood stringing. 1350 x 580 x 780. $2500 750 $*HRUJLDQSHULRGPDKRJDQ\WKUHH VWDJHFLUFXODUGXPEZDLWHU the slightly dished tiers with moulded edges and turned baluster supports on a tripod base with pad feet and original brass casters. Height overall 1060. Some distress. See inside back cover. $650 751 $VPDOOIUXLWZRRGGUHVVHUEDVHof Georgian style, the plain four plank top with clenched ends supported on four tapering oblong section legs, three deep drawers across the front with brass bale handles. 1340 x 420 x 820. See inside back cover. $850 752 $:LOOLDP,9VPDOOFHQWUHWDEOHof PL[HGÀJXUHG veneers, the oblong top with rounded corners veneered in eight segments radiating from a rondel utilising the same timbers in opposing positions, the segments diYLGHGE\EDQGVÀOOHGZLWKVHPLFLUFOHV RUGLDPRQGVRIIXUWKHUÀJXUHGYHneers, outlined with ebony, raised on a tapering cylindrical column, carved with acanthus at the base, issuing from a quadrapod plinth raised on squat circular feet. 660 x 530 x 720. See inside back cover. $550 753 $SDLURIWK&EUDVVVLQJOHEHGHQGV the headboards with plain brass rods with turned capitals, the foot-ends with conforming design including a small gallery of paired baluster rods. Complete with iron rails. Width 930. $300 754 $*HRUJH,,,RDNGURSVLGHWDEOH the oval top raised on a bobbin turned gate leg base, the legs united by square section stretchers. 1000 x 1330 x 710 (open). $500 34 755 $QXQXVXDO9LFWRULDQSHULRGFLUFXODU wine table, the dished mahogany top with thumbnail moulded edge on adMXVWDEOHVSLUDOWZLVWEUDVVFROXPQVXSport, the quadrupod cast iron base GHFRUDWHGZLWKOHDYHVÁRZHUVDQG scrolls and with original brass casters. 'LDPHWHUKHLJKWDGMXVWDEOHSee inside back cover. $400 756 $ÀQHTXDOLW\9LFWRULDQSHULRGEXUUZDO QXWRYDO6XWKHUODQGWDEOHwith thumbQDLOPRXOGHGHGJHDQGUXOHMRLQWV HOHJDQWWXUQHGDQGÁXWHGYDVHVKDSHG legs with leaf and scroll carved base, turned stretcher and original white porcelain casters. Width 1020, length extended 1280, height 700. See inside back cover. $1200 757 $9LFWRULDQSRUFHODLQKDQGEDVLQ the EDVLQGHFRUDWHGZLWKEOXHÁRUDOWUDQVIHU patterns, the soap dishes of shell shape DQGWKHRYHUÁRZDSHUWXUHFRQFHDOHG by a scalloped shell moulding, the supporting brackets cast with ornate pierced scroll designs. Reg. mark c.1896. Width 585. $1000 758 $WK&OHDWKHUWUDYHOOHU·VWUXQN with DQXQXVXDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQRIDKLQJHG IURQWUHYHDOLQJDQLQWHULRUÀWWHGZLWK three linen covered slide-out drawers, the trunk’s fascia with a brass hinged clasp lock covered against knocks by DOHDWKHUÁDSZLWKLPSUHVVHGWUDGH mark for ‘Foot’s Compressed Cane’. 840 x 550 x 575. $350 759 $SDLURIYLQWDJHWKHDWULFDOFROXPQV ÁDWEXWLQWKH&RULQWKLDQPDQQHUJHVVR on wood, decorative detail picked out in gold and black. 300 x 2500. $450 760 $1HZ=HDODQGFRORQLDONDXULIRXUWLHU whatnot, of kauri and other timbers, graduated form, baluster turned FROXPQVÀQLDOIULH]HWRWKHXSSHUWLHU Height 1185. $250 761 $1=FRORQLDOZDVKVWDQGof kauri DQGÀJXUHGWLPEHUVWKHXSVWDQG back with two rows of earthenware tiles surmounted by a small mirrored panel. 1220 x 470 x 1540. $250 761A $VPDOOSURSRUWLRQNDXULDQGULPX SODWHUDFNGUHVVHU the open back ZLWKWKUHHDGMXVWDEOHVKHOYHVWKH base with two cupboard doors. 890 x 410 x 1770. $450 762 $1HZ=HDODQG&RORQLDONDXULVFRWFK FKHVWWUDGLWLRQDOFRQÀJXUDWLRQRI seven drawers with restrained carved detail, bun handles, turned legs, 1155 x 545 x 1220. $800 763 $1=FDUYHGNDXUL$UWV&UDIWV piano stool, the sides, front, back and hinged lid all carved in relief with dark VWDLQHGÀQHO\SDWWHUQHGJURXQG[ 290 x 620. $260 764 $FEHHFKODGGHUEDFNFKDLU the four rail back of mild curved form, rush seat, barley twist front rail. $140 765 $WK&FRXQWU\HOPDQGEHHFK NLWFKHQFKDLU shaped seat, rail back, turned legs. $120 766 $QDQWLTXHZKLWHSDLQWHGLQYDOLG·V EDWKZKHHOFKDLU with two large spoked wheels and a small rear swivelling wheel, the folding wooden foot rest with iron mounts, seat upholstered, with studded red velvet. Restored. $350 767 $VHWRIIRXURDN/DQFDVKLUHODGGHU EDFNFRXQWU\GLQLQJFKDLUVof traditional Georgian style with turned front stretchers, pad front feet, three with original rush seats, one with a seagrass seat. $450 768 $VHWRIVL[9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\ FDUYHGEDOORRQEDFNGLQLQJFKDLUV restrained carved detail to the backs, turned front legs, contemporary patterned upholstered seats. See inside back cover. $500 769 $SDLURIVWHHOIUDPHGIROGLQJFDIp FKDLUVwith black leather seats and backs with white double line decorative stitching. $120 770 $WK&HOPFRXQWU\VLQJOHFRWWDJH FKDLUwith bar back, shaped seat and stretcher base. Old repair. $100 771 $9LFWRULDQGRXEOHHQGHGFKDLVH longue, the walnut carved frame with pierced acanthus scroll detail to the back, the arching back rail and the exposed cabriole legs decorated with raised foliate carving, buttoned red velvet upholstery. $750 772 $KDUOHTXLQVHWRIVL[PDKRJDQ\ EDOORRQEDFNGLQLQJFKDLUVwith pink velvet upholstered drop-in seats. $500 773 $¶3O\FUDIW·(DPHVVW\OHORXQJH FKDLU moulded rosewood plywood frame with white leather upholstered seat, back and arm rests, raised on a ÀYHSRLQWEDVH 774 $SDLURIIUXLWZRRGODGGHUEDFNFKDLUV with rush seats, the top rails with incised acanthus leaf scroll design. $100 775 $SDLURIPRGHUQ*HRUJLDQFRXQWU\ VW\OHRDNODGGHUEDFNFKDLUV the tall backs each with three rails, drop in rush seats, stretchered square section legs, good dark colour. $240 776 $WHDNPLOLWDU\VHFUHWDLUHFKHVW the upper section with a full width drawer, the front opening to reveal pigeon holes and small drawers, above two drawers of half width, the lower section with two drawers of full width, all with recessed brass handles, brass bale handles to the sides, along with brass capping and binding. 950 x 500 x 990. See inside back cover. $3000 777 $WK&PLOLWDU\FDPSDLJQFDELQHWRQ ODWHUVWDQG the two doors enclosing a ÀWWHGLQWHULRUZLWKWZRQDUURZXSSHU map shelves above the main open section and six short drawers to the base with brass recessed handles, brass swing handles to the side and recessed FRUQHUVDQGVWUDSÀWWLQJVWKHVWDQGRI plain open form with single stretcher to the base. 820 x 340 x 1330. $900 778 $ODWH*HRUJLDQÁDWIURQWFKHVWRI ÀYHGUDZHUV a broad single drawer secreted in the frieze, the frieze decorated with marquetry and parquetry LQOD\WKHÀYHGUDZHUVZLWKFRFNbeaded edges, oval plate back bale handles, raised on ogee bracket feet. 1250 x 560 x 1120. $2200 779 $ODUJH9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\FKHVWRI ÀYHGUDZHUV the drawers of full width ZLWKERRNPDWFKHGÁDPHYHQHHU ÁDQNHGE\EREELQWXUQHGSLOOLVWHUV supporting an ogee fronted cornice above. A hidden compartment accessed from the top hidden in the cornice, all raised on a plinth base and on squat bun feet. 1355 x 670 x 1630. $2200 780 $JRRG*HRUJLDQSHULRGRDNKDQJLQJ FRUQHUFDELQHWwith a single glazed door, two internal shelves, chamfered sides, stepped pediment and a small single drawer in the base with dummy drawer either side. Supported on later stand with platform base. 1120 x 720 x 370. $500 781 7KHWRSVHFWLRQRID*HRUJLDQSHULRG RDNGUHVVHUwith wide panelled back and two open shelves, the shaped apron beneath the moulded pediment with a central pierced four leaf clover motif. 1950 x 250 x 1260. $500 782 $PDKRJDQ\FKLIIRQLHU with a curved XSVWDQGEDFNÀWWHGZLWKDVLQJOHVKHOI raised on turned baluster columns, the base with a single full width frieze drawer above two panelled cupboards raised on a plain plinth base. 1015 x 425 x 1475. $300 783 $PDKRJDQ\HDUO\WK&EXIIHW rectangular with two frieze drawers, raised on tall cabriole legs with shell carved capitals raised from ball and claw feet. 1225 x 535 x 995. $450 784 $*HRUJLDQFRXQWU\IUXLWZRRGGUHVVHU the base of two planks with square form legs, stretcher base, with faux ZRRGSDLQWHGÀQLVKWRVLGHVDQGOHJV the plate rack top with the same SDLQWÀQLVKWKUHHVKHOYHVDQGROGFXS hooks. 140 x 590 x 1780. $650 785 $9LFWRULDQSHULRGPDKRJDQ\ZULW ing table, of plain oblong shape with shaped upstand, two drawers across the front with wood handles, supported on four turned legs. 1050 x 900. $450 786 $ODUJHWK&(QJOLVKRDNPXOHFKHVW the front with four deep pointed arched panels, the base with three drawers, shaped apron and raised on VWLOHIHHWSHJJHGMRLQWVEUDVVKDQGOH and key escutcheon. 1430 x 500 x 1040, See inside back cover. $3000 787 $9LFWRULDQSHULRGSLQHFRXQWU\VWRU DJHER[of traditional plain design with plinth base and iron side handles, the two section interior with candle tray, 1100 x 510 x 500. $350 788 $QWK&(QJOLVKRDNFRIIHU three plain panels to the front. 910 x 460 x 530. See inside back cover. $450 789 $9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\WZLQSHGHV WDOVLGHERDUGZLWKÁDPHYHQHHUHG upstand back with carved serpentine scroll outline, the base with three frieze drawers with ogee fascia, raised on two pedestals, each with arched SDQHOVLQVHWZLWKÁDPHPDKRJDQ\ timber. The right hand door opening to reveal a cellarette drawer. 1830 x 610 x 1530. $1200 790 $9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\ERRNFDVH FKLIIRQLHU the upper section with two arched glazed panelled doors enclosLQJWKUHHDGMXVWDEOHVKHOYHVWKHEDVH with a full width secretaire drawer, the front with bun handles opening to reveal pigeon holes and small drawers, above two doors with arched panelling LQVHWZLWKÀJXUHGWLPEHUUDLVHGRQD simple plinth base, the top surmounted by a plain cavetto cornice. 1200 x 440 x 2180. $1600 791 $JRRG5HJHQF\ÁDPHPDKRJDQ\ FHQWUHWDEOHof approximately square form, curved corners to the top with reeded edge, ribbed and turned tapered column on four sabre form legs with brass casters. 1165 x 1050 x 745. $850 792 $9LFWRULDQPDKRJDQ\H[WHQVLRQ EDQTXHWGLQLQJWDEOH rectangular with one leaf, the top with deep thumbnail moulded edge, raised on attractive ring turned and octagonal facet tulip legs on brass casters. Extended 2070 x 1230, height 750. $1250 793 $SLQHZD[HGÀQLVKWDEOH oblong shape with two frieze drawers, raised on inverse baluster turned legs. 1230 x 640 x 810. $450 794 $QHDUO\WK&PDKRJDQ\EDQTXHW table, oval with three leaves, extending to seat 12, the top with a carved foliate edge raised on four legs with acanthus leaf capitals raised from ball and claw feet. Extended 3000 x 1250. $850 795 $VHWRIVL[HDUO\WK&¶+HSSOHZKLWH· LQÁXHQFHGLQLQJFKDLUVof substantial proportion, the arched backs with carved and pierced splats, with leather and leatherette upholstered seats, the cabriole legs with acanthus carved capitals and ball and claw feet. Four side chairs and two carver chairs. $650 796 $WK&(XURSHDQGRPHOLGGHGODUJH WUXQNin original IDX[JUDLQSDLQWÀQLVK, a band of grape vine highlights the sides, large black painted iron drop handles to the sides, original lock with key, named and dated 1866 to front, raised on bracket feet. 1600 x 585 x 740. $450 797 $&RQWLQHQWDOZDOQXWWZRVWDJHFDEL net with profuse carved decoration RIOHDYHVÁRZHUVDQGVFUROOVLQWKH classical manner, the top section with a central panelled glazed door, two cupboard doors, turned and spiral ÁXWHGFROXPQPRXOGLQJVDQGDURZRI small spindles, the base section with two drawers, two cupboard doors DQGVLPLODUWXUQHGDQGVSLUDOÁXWHG column mouldings - the open section between the top and the base supported on turned baluster columns. 1350 x 600 x 2300. With keys. $2600 798 $/RXLV;,9VW\OH.LQJZRRGYLWULQH with a single glazed door, the upper two-thirds glazed, the lower third with a decoratively inlaid panel, all embellished with gilt metal mounts, the sides with concave glazed panels above inlaid panels similar to the door, raised on short cabriole legs embellished with gilt metal mounts and sabot feet, all surmounted by a conforming cornice mounted with gilt metal sprigs of ribbon WLHGOHDYHVFKHUXEVDQGÁRUDOIHVWRRQV surmounted by an arched pediment with echinus gilt metal moulding. The LQWHULRUÀWWHGZLWKWKUHHVKHOYHV*UHHQ velvet lined. 620 x 375 x 1780 See inside back cover. $1750 799 $SDLURITXDOLW\YLQWDJHFDUYHGJLOW ZRRGIDXWHXLODUPFKDLUV wingback IRUPZLWKÁRZHUDQGOHDIFDUYHG detail, scroll legs, plain white cotton upholstery, with loose cushions. $1600 800 $SDLURI)UHQFKVW\OHRSHQHOERZ VDORQFKDLUV the decoratively carved EHHFKIUDPHVZLWKÁRUDOWDSHVWU\ seats and backs, one in mustard, the other in apple green. $500 801 $/RXLV;9VW\OHEHUJHUHDUPFKDLU with parcel giltwood frame carved with ribbon motif, surmounted by a foliate carved rail, the back and seat upholstered in ivory brocade, raised RQWDSHULQJÁXWHGWXUQHGOHJV 802 $)UHQFKIUXLWZRRGSODQNWRSWDEOH raised on tapering square section legs with draw-out cutting board to one end of the frieze and a small single drawer to one of the side friezes. 1660 x 810. $1400 803 $)UHQFKPDKRJDQ\/RXLV3KLOLSSH 35 427 463 422 418 471 411B 452 425 419 456 411A 465 432 431 434 433 417 656 416 460 426 455 441 440 459 451 461 503 491 492 483 493 496 490 489 462 500 484 424 487 479 36 556 598 603 601 549 546 559 599 520 569 526 537 522 545 565 594 586 533 587 595 571 548 582 536 523 570 593 557 529 576 573 524 558 528 551 560 554 553 176 178 175 552 550 555 544 611 609 613 607 608 622 618 616 625 624 619 617 615 614 606 610 605 37 style side table, the top of four panels within an outer frame, stretcher base, WKHOHJVÁXWHGDQGGHFRUDWLYHO\ carved. 1500 x 800. $650 804 $SDLURI)UHQFK¶%DURQLDO·DUPFKDLUV curving and scrolling arms decorated with large carved ram’s heads to each end, the chair back with carved lion’s head terminals and small carved acanthus leaf corbels, WXUQHGÁXWHGOHJVZLWKFDUYHGGHFRration to the front of the seats of fruits DQGOHDYHVWRHDFKVLGHRIDPDOHÀJure on one chair and a female to the other, upholstered in brocade linen, ODUJHÁRUDOXSKROVWHU\VWXGHPEHOlishment. 680 x 550 x 1150. See inside back cover. $950 805 $SDLURIWK&)UHQFK´5HVWDXUDWLRQ· SHULRGDUPFKDLUV with plain restrained scrolling frame, upholstered in chocolate, caramel and cream contemporary fabric. 50 x 600 x 40. $200 806 $SDLURI)UHQFKRXWGRRUSRWSODQW stands, the wooden frames with crisscross decoration and 10 small shelves for holding pot plants. 1200 x 1000. $450 807 $YLQWDJHJDOYDQLVHGLURQZLQGRZRU GRRUFDQRS\ consisting of curved round bars on a frame, old white SDLQWÀQLVK[ 808 $QROG)UHQFKPHWDOERWWOHGUDLQHU with large round spreading base and decreasing to smaller column form towards the top, 10 rings with numerous upright spikes to drain dry washed wine bottles. Height 1080. $250 809 $QROG)UHQFKPHWDOERWWOHGUDLQHU similar to above with 11 rings of spikes. Height 1100. $250 810 $WK&VFUHHQ the mahogany frame in simulated bamboo, scrolling feet, the central panel of an outdoor scene painted on canvas attached to an old board with cloth back, WXUQHGÀQLDOVWRWRS[ 811 $QROGWK&VFUHHQ similar to above. $250 812 $FRQWHPSRUDU\IRXUIROGVFUHHQ painted in the ‘Old Master’ style with still life of fruit, each panel 400 wide x 1830 high. $600 813 $5DMDVWKDQLODUJHWLPEHUFDELQHW oblong shape, raised on short stile feet with incorporated wooden wheels, the hinged lid with large steel strap hinges and latch clasp. 1170 x 665 x 950. $250 814 $JRRG9LFWRULDQGHFRUDWLYHZD[HG SLQHFXSERDUG with simulated bamERRFROXPQGHWDLOVÁDQNLQJHDFKFRUner and with similar smaller dimension detail framing a mirror set into the single door, a single drawer in the frieze and a similarly detailed design to the cornice 38 surmounted by a galleried pediment. 950 x 460 x 2140. $1400 815 $&KLQHVHMXZRRGWZRVWDJHKXWFK FDELQHW the top section with two lattice pierced doors and a single central drawer, the base section with two sets of sliding doors and two slatted shelves, raised on stile feet. 570 x 500 x 1700. $350 816 A Chinese bedside table, one full width drawer over two smaller, brass leaf form handles, shelf to the base, HERQLVHGÀQLVK[[ 816A $%HOJLDQWK&FDVWLURQDQGWLOH stove, the small tiles decorated with ÁRUDOVOHDYHVDQGVZDJVWZRRYHQV and three warming drawers, air control to front, the top with one large removable hot plate. 980 x 550 x 770. $450 817 $VPDOO9LFWRULDQEUDVVNHURVHQH lamp, the decorative square base supporting a cylindrical brass oil reservoir, decorated with the head RIDZRPDQLQSURÀOHWRWKHIURQWWKH LPSUHVVHGÁRUDOVWDQGKROGVDODWHU glass shade. Height 350. $120 818 $9LFWRULDQNHURVHQHODPS the round black china base with a decoratively embossed brass base supporting a white china column, the oil reservoir RIFUDQEHUU\JODVVZLWKDÁRUDOIURVWHG shade. Height 760. $250 819 $9LFWRULDQNHURVHQHODPS the round black china base with a brass stand leading to a plain glass oil reservoir with two bands of cut decoration, cranberry glass shades with etched Nouveau decoration. Height 540. $350 820 $9LFWRULDQEDQTXHWLQJODPS the silver plate Corinthian column on square stepped base, the oil reservoir of plain glass with optical wheel cut decoraWLRQÁRUDOHWFKHGJODVVVKDGH+HLJKW 800. See inside back cover. $450 821 $)UHQFKVSHOWHUEURQ]HGQHZHOSRVW lamp, sculpted as a young child holdLQJDORIWDÁDPLQJWRUFKWKHWRUFK lamp of moulded glass to simulate ÁDPHV5DLVHGRQDJUHHQPDUEOH EDVHZLWKDIÀ[HGODEHO¶(QIDQW Torchère ‘, after August Moreau. Height 930. See page 8. $275 822 $SDLURIWK&)UHQFKRUPROX/RXLV ;9VW\OHHOHFWULFZDOOOLJKWVFRQFHV the restrained and pleated drops with double scrolling branches adorned with leaves and leaf sconces covHULQJWKHWZRODPSÀWWLQJVRULJLQDO UXEEHGJLOWÀQLVK+HLJKWSee inside back cover. $450 823 $EUDVVÀYHEUDQFKKDQJLQJFHLOLQJ light of 18thC Dutch style, together with a matching tree branch ceiling light. Both complete with their sconce covers. $200 824 $SDLURIRUQDWHURFRFRLQVSLUHG JLOWZRRGZDOOVFRQFHV of exaggerated proportion, incorporating ribbon scrolls and foliate carving supporting demilune capitals. Height 700. $500 825 $VURFRFRVW\OHFHLOLQJOLJKW ÀWWLQJ the round decorative brass frame set with small round glass panes with a wheel cut star to the FHQWUHWKUHHEXOEOLJKWÀWWLQJLQVLGH frame. Diameter 290, height 40. $150 826 $ODUJHWK&JLOWRYHUPDQWHOPLUURU the moulded frame with pressed decorative features and bead work, the top set with a large scalloped shell DQGÁRUDOVFUROOVWRHDFKVLGHJLOGHG ÁRUDOGHFRUDWLRQDWEDVHWRHDFK side, original mercury gilded glass mirror, red undercoat bleeding through the gilt top coat. 1180 x 1400. $700 827 $QRDN$UWV&UDIWVPLUURUHGKDW UDFN the hand adzed frame with four turned pegs, a carved wooden belt set to the top for hanging on wall. 600 x 740. $250 828 $ODUJHDQGRUQDWHPLGODWHWK& *HUPDQORQJFDVHFORFNE\6FKQHLGHU Gehäuse, the ornate case in mahogany and burr walnut embellished with panels with foliate inlays, the arched IDFHDQGJOD]HGFHQWUDOGRRUÁDQNHG by angled display cabinets with mirror back, raised on a conforming plinth base incorporating a single drawer and surmounted by an arched ogee cornice, the dial with Roman numerals and decorated with vignettes of musicians, a double arched aperture reveals four DOWHUQDWLQJÀJXUHVRIFKLOGUHQVWULNLQJ and chiming movement with a highly decorative large pendulum and brass weights. Height 2080, width 840. $2500 829 $ODWH*HRUJH,,,PDKRJDQ\ORQJ FDVHFORFNof small proportions, the domed hood with rope twist W\SHSHGLPHQWDQGEUDVVÀQLDOVWKH painted dial with Roman numerals, the case with satinwood strung door DQGEDVHÀQHO\FKDPIHUHGUHHGHG edges. Height 1950. $1150 830 $QLPSUHVVLYHF(QJOLVK0DSOH DQG&R/WG/RQGRQFRPSOLFDWHG VWULNLQJJUDQGIDWKHUFORFN the ornate oak case carved in the Jacobean manner with a classical woman ÀJXUHPDVNVXUQVVFUROOVDQGSLOODUV to the door, the engraved silvered dial with Roman numerals enclosing a second dial, ‘Chime/Silent’ and ‘Chime on six gongs/Westminster Chimes’, subsidiary dials above, maker’s name to the base, all behind the glazed door with domed hood, the 8-day movement with ¼ striking of two melodies on seven gongs, deadbeat escapement and maintaining hour. Height 2000. $5500 PRINTS & PAINTINGS 831 $IWHU9DQ5XLVGDHO WK&¶,QOHW6FHQH ZLWK6DLOERDWVDQG:LQGPLOOV·oil on panel, signed. 100 x 225, modern frame. $180 832 $WWULEXWHG+HQU\%ULJKW ¶/DQGVFDSH ZLWK)LJXUHRQ3DWK· watercolour, unsigned. 150 x 225, gilt framed under glass. $200 833 *HRUJH&KLQQHU\ %ULWLVK VNHWFKHVRID0DQ'UDZLQJ:DWHUIURP D:HOODQGD0DQ:HDULQJD7XUEDQ YHUVRgraphite on paper, inscribed in shorthand. 100 x 80, old label on reverse stating ‘Inscribed and dated in the Artist’s Shorthand: April 5th, 1841’. ‘Action Quite Wright’. Contemporary frame under glass. $450 834 0\OHV%LUNHW)RVWHU ¶*RLQJWR0DU NHW·watercolour, monogrammed, oval, original gilt frame under glass. Provenance verso: purchased from George Walker Auctions in Auckland on 23.2.84, Lot No. 5. 155 x 103. $600 835 $WK&%ULWLVKDUWLVWXQNQRZQ ‘Calais 3LHU· watercolour on paper, unsigned. 150 x 265. $220 836 $WK&DUWLVWXQNQRZQ Seaweed *DWKHUHUZLWK+RUVH'UDZQ&DUW graphite on paper with white heightening, unsigned. 210 x 305, gilt framed under glass. $220 837 *HRUJH(GZDUG+HUULQJ¶&DVWOH&KL ORQ/DNH*HQHYD· watercolour on paper, initialled and dated 1845. 215 x 155 oval, original gilt frame under glass. $350 838 $IWHU*HRUJH0RUODQG, F¶7KH 3LJVDQGWKH7URXJK· oil on panel, unsigned, labelled verso. 150 x 220, gilt framed with dark chocolate brown velvet slip. See back cover. $220 839 $QWKRQ\6WRQH untitled, Man GLJJLQJEHVLGHDFRSVHRIWUHHVEH IRUHDQH[WHQVLYHODQGVFDSHwatercolour, unsigned. 235 x 320. $100 840 $WK&KDQGFRORXUHGOLWKRJUDSK GHSLFWLQJDVWUHHWVFHQHFURZGHG ZLWKQDYDORIÀFHUVPDULQHVDQGJHQ HUDOSXEOLF 250 x 340. $125 841 /HXQ/HYHFN ¶1RWUH'DPHGH3DULV· watercolour, signed, entitled and dated 1892. 195 x 290, framed under glass. $120 842 $WWULEXWHG-HDQ%DSWLVWH,+XHW VKHSKHUGVVKHHSDQGJRDW, monochrome watercolour on paper, old auction catalogue details and inscription on reverse. 155 x 225. $250 843 $QHDUO\WK&(XURSHDQDUWLVWXQ NQRZQ 9HQHWLDQWRZQVFHQHmonochrome watercolour and pencil on pa- per with white heightening, unsigned. 95 x 135, framed under glass. $120 844 'HQQLV7D\ORU ¶6KDPURFN,,,DQG /XOZRUWK6DLOLQJRIIWKH,VOHRI :LJKW· watercolour, a historicising view of the ‘Big Class’ America’s Cup cutters signed. 350 x 540. See back cover. $1250 845 -RKQ+HQU\'HOO(QJOLVK ‘A 9LHZLQ'HYRQVKLUH·A Victorian Farmyard Scene with Children Playing with Model Boat and Old Man Smoking a Pipe, oil on board, monogrammed and dated ‘54. Labelled verso ‘Exhibited in the Royal Academy 1854’. 240 x 370. See back cover. $1200 846 *HRUJH%DUUHWW(XURSHDQ/DQGVFDSH ZLWK%XLOGLQJVDQG)LJXUHV watercolour, signed on the mount, 19thC. 120 x 175. $100 847 $SDLURIVPDOO(GZDUGLDQZDWHU FRORXUV FRDVWDOVFHQHV signed A. Church. 82 x 125. $100 848 7ZR$OI&RRNHFKURPROLWKRJUDSKV ¶*UDQG1DWLRQDO6WHHSOHFKDVH·1894 and The Derby Finish 1894, unframed. $100 849 $-DSDQHVHZRRGEORFNSULQWXNL\R HE\.XQLFKLNDGHSLFWLQJWZRNDEXNL DFWRUV350 x 230. $150 850 $-DSDQHVHZRRGEORFNSULQWXNL\RH GHSLFWLQJDNDEXNLDFWRUDVDVDPXUDL. $150 350 x 240. See back cover. 851 $-DSDQHVHZRRGEORFNSULQWXNL\RH SULQWE\.XQLFKLNDGHSLFWLQJDVDPXUDL GUDZLQJKLVEODGH. 350 x 240. $150 852 $-DSDQHVHZRRGEORFNSULQWXNL\R H GHSLFWLQJDJHLVKDZLWKRUQDWHO\ SDWWHUQHGNLPRQRDQGH[WUDYDJDQWO\ SLQQHGFRLIIXUH 350 x 240. $150 853 +HGOH\)LWWRQ¶&DVLQR GL1RELOH6LHQD· original etching 1912/13, signed in pencil. 480 x 325, mounted, no frame. $180 854 Hedley Fitton, ‘Rue St. Romain, No. 5RXHQ·, original etching, signed in pencil. 410 x 295, mounted, no frame. $180 855 Hedley Fitton, 7RZQ6FHQHZLWK 'RXEOH6SDQ%ULGJH original etching, signed in pencil. 355 x 370, mounted, no frame. $150 856 Ann Thomas Fountain, ¶&QLKWV.QLJKW KRRG·FROODJH acrylic and mixed media on board, monogrammed and dated 2000, details verso. 200 x 250. $110 857 +HOHQ:LOWVKLUH$XVW¶0DULQD· gouache on paper, c.2000, signed and with artist’s cipher lower left. Framed and glazed. 900 x 1200. $450 858 .DWH(%RRWK%ULWLVK DFW ¶2QWKH6KRUH·watercolour, signed and entitled. 340 x 515. $150 859 &%HUJ"$XVWUDOLDQF Sydney Heads watercolour, signed indistinctly. 325 x 445, later framed under glass. $160 860 $OH[DQGHU+RJJ ¶$*HQHUDO&KDUW ([KLELWLQJWKH'LVFRYHULHV0DGHE\ &DSW-DPHV&RRNLQKLVÀUVWVHFRQG DQGWKLUGYR\DJHV· Steel engraved map. 310 x 470. $375 861 -RKQ%XFNODQG:ULJKW ¶7KpRSKLOH 5RVHWWH· copper plate engraving from Theophile Goutier’s ‘Mademoiselle de Maupin’. London 1938. 175 x 125. See back cover. $250 862 -RKQ%XFNODQG:ULJKW ¶5RVHWWH ,VQDEHO·copper engraving from the publication as above. London 1938. 175 x 125. $250 863 -RKQ%XFNODQG:ULJKW ¶'·$OEHUWDQG KLV,GHDO· copper engraving from the publication as above. London 1938. 175 x 125. $250 864 -RKQ%XFNODQG:ULJKW ¶7KH)RUHVW 3RRO· copper engraving from the publication as above. London 1938. 175 x 125. $250 865 Hilda Wiseman, ¶7KH3URSRVDO· linocut heightened with white, signed and entitled, monogrammed in the plate. 95 x 105. See back cover. $125 866 +LOGD:LVHPDQ/HDSLQJ6WULSHG0DU lin, linocut. 110 x 90. $100 867 Hilda Wiseman, ¶7R)DPH· linocut, initialled in the plate. 65 x 60, $100 868 %HQ+R6SDUURZRQ$XWXPQ %UDQFKHV, oil on board, signed, dated 1998 verso. 420 x 295. $150 869 %HQ+R-), 6SDUURZRQ:LQWHU %UDQFKHV oil on board, signed, dated 1998 verso. 420 x 295. $150 870 %HQ+R ¶6SRWWHG6KDJ3DUHN DUHND· oil on board, signed and dated ‘93. 310 x 355. $250 871 %HQ+R%UHDNZDWHUZLWK 0RRUHG)LVKLQJ%RDWVoil on canvas, signed. 345 x 445. See back cover. $300 872 9HUD&XPPLQJV¶+DUDWD5HZLUL 7DUDSDWD· oil on canvas, signed. 290 x 240, original oak frame. Note: Harata was the widow of the late Chief Paul Tukana of Orakei and of Ngapuhi descent. See back cover. $4200 873 3HWHU0F,QW\UH ¶7KH,FH %UHDNHU 866*ODFLHULQ$QWDUFWLFD 'XULQJ2SHUDWLRQ'HHS)UHH]H· oil on canvas, signed (c.1957). Prove- 39 675 679 698 678 681 683 674 627 682 630 627 631 626 697 695 703 705 633 696 649 125 655 687 690 654 653 707 59 647 659 657 642 644 648 648 643 651 662 680 699 693 668 676 699 660 40 nance: Gifted by the artist to Admiral George Dufek (1903-1977), U.S. Navy, U.S. Antarctic Service (1939-1941). 7KHÀUVW2SHUDWLRQ'HHS)UHH]H began in 1956 with the U.S.S. Glacier sometimes working in association with the Royal N.Z. Navy to deliver stores and supplies to McMurdo and then Little America. Glacier was a regular visitor to the N.Z. ports of Lyttleton and Port Nicholson, Wellington in the 1960s. Supplies to Operation Deep Freeze regularly passed through these two ports. During the 1950s Peter 0F,QW\UHH[SHULHQFHGGLIÀFXOW\DVD fulltime painter, the well publicised voyages he made to Antarctica in 1957 and 1959 helped secure his posiWLRQDVDPDMRUFRQWULEXWRUWRWKH1= Visual Art scene. McIntyre was one RIWKHÀUVWLQYLWHGDUWLVWVWR$QWDUFWLFD by ‘Antarctica N.Z.’, the Crown Entity responsible for developing, managing and executing N.Z. Government activities in Antarctica and the Southern 2FHDQDQGEHFRPHWKHLUÀUVW$UWV Fellow Alumni. Note: it was during this period that the second wave of exploration into Antarctica was being undertaken, with the help of the Americans, N.Z. was able to set up Scott Base thus enabling Sir Edmund Hilary to lead the ‘Dash to the Pole’ EHFRPLQJWKHÀUVWSDUW\WRUHDFKWKH South Pole overland on 4 January 1958 since Scott in 1912. Further information available. 500 x 640, original frame. See back cover. $12,500 874 3UDNDVK33DWHO ¶1R· acrylic on canvas. 760 x 760. See back cover. $450 875 7HUU\6WULQJHU ¶,QWHULRU6W0DWWKHZV,Q 7KH&LW\·graphite, contè and wash, signed and dated ‘94. 365 x 550. $200 876 7HUU\6WULQJHU ¶,QWHULRU6W0DWWKHZV,Q 7KH&LW\· graphite, contè and wash, entitled, signed and dated 14.11.93. 380 x 550. $200 877 +DQV%UXWVFK ¶&RURPDQGHO+DU ERXU·oil on board, signed and dated ‘77, entitled verso. 410 x 520. $150 878 +DQV%UXWVFK ¶3DSDDURKD %HDFK·, oil on board. signed, entitled and dated ‘79 verso. 445 x 600. $200 879 *RUGRQ&URRN XQWLWOHGVFUHHQSULQW initialled and dated approx. ‘79. 740 x 560. $200 880 E.W. Reid, ,QWKH%XVKZRRGEORFN HQJUDYLQJ initialled in the plate. 145 x 100. $100 881 -RFHO\Q+DUULVRQ6PLWK¶3LKD9DOOH\· oil on board, signed. 400 x 550. $250 882 *UDKDP%UDGGRFN¶+ROLGD\ Ramble ‘ (Karaka Bay, Gt Barrier Island), oil on board, signed and dated ‘77. 510 x 610. $300 883 -R)LVKHU ¶6W+HOLHUV· oil on board, signed. 235 x 340. $75 884 &KDUOHV0F.HQ]LH ¶7KH5HPDUNDEOHV IURP)UDQNWRQ%HDFK· Queenstown, oil on board, signed, dated 1983 and entitled verso. 235 x 290. $125 885 %HUQDUG$ULV ¶0W(JPRQW·$YLHZRI 7DUDQDNLDQG)DQWKDPV3HDNV oil on board, signed, entitled and dated 1967. 240 x 360. $200 886 *Z\QHWK5LFKDUGVRQ ¶:KDQJDUHL +DUERXU0W0DQDLD· watercolour, signed. 240 x 350. $125 887 )UDQN3'HOO ¶2SRQRQL+RNLDQJD +DUERXU· oil on board, signed. 445 x 600. $250 888 -RVHSK/3DOHWKRUSH ([WHQVLYH /DQGVFDSH watercolour, signed and dated 1945. 310 x 380. $120 889 $ODQ7D\ORU ¶$VWURQRPHU·V3RLQW'XVN\ Sound, 1773’, acrylic on artist’s board, signed and inscribed, entitled and detailed on reverse. 600 x 490, contemporary frame with thin gilt slip. $625 890 J.R. Wall, 0W7DUDQDNL3RXDNL5DQJH hand coloured photograph. 250 x 365. $100 891 $WK&1=QDLYHZDWHUFRORXU unsigned, attributed to Nina Chalmers. 130 x 210. $100 892 -RKQ&KDUOHV9HLWFKF SDLURI1=FRORQLDOODQGVFDSHVboth on canvas, one laid on board, one in large ornate gilt frame, both signed, each 560 x 765. $300 893 $OODQ&URPELH ¶7KH/DVWRI7KH(FKR· oil on board, signed, entitled verso, 440 x 595, original frame. Note: The scow ‘The Echo’ was built for the Northland timber trade in 1905 and eventually worked all round the NZ coast. Perhaps NZ’s most famous scow she crossed Cook Strait more than 15.000 times. During WWII she was requisitioned by the US Navy and served as a patrol vessel in the 3DFLÀF,VODQGV$UPHGZLWKKLGGHQ deck guns she was stopped by a Japanese sub which surfaced to sink her but was instead damaged by the Echo. A movie “The Wackiest ship in the Army” was made in 1961 starring Jack Lemmon and Ricky Nelson. She serves today as the headquarters of the Marlborough Cruising Club and as a café and bar. See back cover.$300 894 John Johnston, ¶0RRGVRI%OXH·6W+H OLHUVoil on board, signed and dated ‘92. 500 x 800. $100 895 .HYLQ,UHODQG ¶,GDQFHGWKURXJKWKH $LU· acrylic on canvas, initialled and dated ‘04. 485 x 585. $120 896 .HYLQ,UHODQG ¶0DUWLQDW0DFKX3LF FKX· acrylic on canvas, initialled and dated ‘04. 585 x 490. $125 897 %HWW\&XUQRZ ¶*ROGHQ(JJ·woodblock print 4/15, signed, entitled and dated ‘76. 230 x 220. $90 898 -RKQ'UDZEULGJH ¶,QWHULRUZLWK %RWWOHV· mezzotint, 57/100, signed, entitled and dated 1986, mounted, unframed. 540 x 340. $250 899 $/RLV:KLWH 5HFOLQLQJ 1XGHZLWK7KUHH:RPHQLQ$WWHQ GDQFHwoodblock, purchased by the owner from the Vida Steinhardt collection. Unsigned. 250 x 200. See back cover. $1000 900 0DULO\QQ:HEE ¶/DNH0DKLQHUDQJLLQ WKH&ROG:LQWHU/LJKW·(from the Land, Water and Sky Suite) monoprint with watercolour, signed and dated ‘86. 380 x 500. $275 901 0DULO\QQ:HEE ¶6QRZIDOO/DNH0D KLQHUDQJL0D\· (from the Land, Water and Sky Suite), monoprint with watercolour, signed and dated ‘89. 390 x 550. $275 902 0DULO\QQ:HEE ‘Gold Tailings, Snow $)UR]HQ:DWHU5DFH6W%DWKDQV· (from being in the Maniototo Suite), monoprint with watercolour, signed and dated ‘89. 350 x 550. $275 903 7RP%XUQHWW ¶3DUURWÀVKDQG.XPDUD· screen print, 108/140, signed and dated ‘87. 490 x 700. $120 904 )UDQN*URVVDWWULEXWHG ¶7KH9DOOH\7LWLUDQJL· palette knife oil on board, entitled and dated 1942 verso. 370 x 465. $400 905 &%:LONLQVRQ¶1JXWXUXUD·oil on board, signed and dated ‘77. 555 x 755, entitled and labelled on reverse ‘Design based on Maori rafter pattern of the .......’ See back cover. $300 END OF SALE 41 Postal Bidding Ph: (09) 523 1049 / Fax: (09) 520 7186 / Email: [email protected] / 7KHUHLVD%X\HU·V3UHPLXPLQFOXGLQJ*67RQWKHKDPPHUSULFH Bidding Number If applicable, otherwise we use your surname Full Name Address Email Address Phone Bus. 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