2009 Annual Report - North Texas Food Bank


2009 Annual Report - North Texas Food Bank
A Member of Feeding America
Thanks for
sticking it
to hunger.
2009 Annual Report
Close the Gap Year 1 of 3
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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Dear North Texas Food Bank Friends and Supporters:
It’s hard to believe the North Texas Food Bank embarked
on its campaign to Close the Gap on hunger in our
community one year ago. As we begin our second year
of this three-year initiative to provide every hungry
North Texan with access to the nutritious food they
need, I am more encouraged than ever by the unyielding
support of this community – especially during these
tough economic times.
The recession has brought an unprecedented number of
families and individuals to our Member Agencies for help with food this year.
With more North Texans suddenly finding themselves out of work or unable to
provide for their families, we began to see the “new faces of hunger” – faces you
might know. The economy has also had devastating effects on parents who work
hard but simply can’t afford to make ends meet. Families living on the poverty
line are being pushed over the edge.
It’s because of stories like these – stories of the new faces of hunger and of those
who are all too accustomed to the pain of an empty stomach - that the North
Texas Food Bank never stops working to provide food to those who need it.
And we simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of this community.
Thanks to the generosity of philanthropic foundations, corporate partners,
faith groups and individuals, the Food Bank distributed more than 37 million
meals in fiscal year 2009 – a 43 percent increase over last year. We acquired more
than 10,000 new donors during the holiday season, and we received our first
unrestricted $1 million gift! What an incredible demonstration of generosity from
this community – and what a testament to the commitment so many of you have
made to join us in our work to feed those in need.
As we begin another year, I am more hopeful than ever about the impact the
Food Bank is making in the lives of our hungry neighbors – thanks to the support
of friends like you. I hope you’ll continue to stand with us as we work to Close
the Gap on hunger.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
W. Lee Coleman, Jr.
Board President
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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During this recession, people’s eyes have been opened to
how great the need is in our community. Once they see
the thousands of hardworking parents, senior citizens
and children going hungry every day, right here in our
own backyard, I know our community will continue
to respond. We must use every resource available to
ensure the needs of our neighbors are met.”
- Jan Pruitt, North Texas Food Bank President & CEO
In light of the first year of our Close the Gap campaign coming to an end, this
observation couldn’t ring more true. The down economy has affected people
from all demographics and neighborhoods, and although Year One of Close the
Gap ended above the set goal, now is no time to step back and relax.
Thousands of hard-working North Texans have recently been forced out
of jobs they’ve had for decades. For the first time in their lives, parents and
individuals are coming to our Member Agencies for help to feed themselves
and their families. These people represent the “new faces of hunger” – faces you
might know or recognize. They might live down the street from you. Their kids
might go to school with your kids. And now, though they never thought it was
possible, they need help to keep from going hungry.
Nancy is just one of the many
new faces of hunger who came
to one of our Member Agencies
for help with food when her
husband was laid off last April.
Despite receiving unemployment
assistance, the loss of income
was substantial. Shortly after her
husband lost his job, Nancy was
hospitalized for a blood clot in her
knee. Although she feels lucky
to be alive, her doctor ordered her to stop working so she could fully recover.
For months, both she and her husband were out of work. Since most of their
unemployment money goes toward utilities and expensive medications, they
rarely have enough left over to buy food.
“Everything happened at once!” says Nancy. “We’ve never been through
anything like this.”
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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Fortunately, thanks to the generosity of this community, Nancy can take home
groceries from the Share Center, a Food Bank Member Agency in Terrell.
“If it weren’t for this place, I don’t know what I would do,” she says. “This
means a lot to us.”
Though North Texans like Nancy and her husband are struggling with hunger
for the first time in their lives, there are thousands of families, individuals and
seniors in our community living at or below
the poverty line who are all too familiar with
the pain of an empty stomach and being
powerless to fix it.
Theressa is a single mother raising her
children on her own, plus her two nephews
and granddaughter. She’s always worked
hard to support her family, but she has
several chronic illnesses that have recently
forced her to stop working. Last year alone, she was in the hospital a total of six
Theressa’s only income is the child support she receives. With expensive medical
bills and medications to pay for, in addition to rent and utilities, she often
wonders how she’s going to scrape enough money together to feed her children.
“After I pay [the bills], there’s no
money for food,” she says.
But thanks to the generosity of this community, Theressa doesn’t have to worry
about how to feed her family. She can take home nutritious groceries from New
Hope Compassion Outreach Center, a Member Agency of the North Texas Food
“Last Christmas, Mom didn’t have any money for dinner,” says Theressa’s
12-year-old daughter, Jazmien. “Because of [the Food Bank], we were able to eat
as a family.”
Hunger affects North Texans from all walks of life. But thanks to generous
donations from foundations, corporations, faith groups and individuals in our
community like you, full stomachs are a reality for families living on the edge of
poverty, like Theressa’s – and for those who never thought they’d need to ask
for help, like Nancy’s.
Thank you for joining in our passionate pursuit of a hunger-free community
in the beginning of our Close the Gap campaign, and thank you for continuing
your support to make Year Two even stronger than the first.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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Dear Friends,
There’s a popular saying about the workforce: “Do what
you love, and love what you do.” Without a doubt,
serving at the helm of the North Texas Food Bank as
we work to feed an unprecedented number of hungry
families, children and seniors is a job I truly love.
One reason that our work is so rewarding is the
outpouring of support from friends in the community like
you. We simply couldn’t feed those in need without the
generosity of foundations, corporations, faith groups and
individuals like you who have committed to join us in our passionate pursuit
of a hunger-free community. You helped us distribute more than 37 million
meals to those in need during the first year of our campaign to Close the Gap on
hunger – and I know that with your help, we can provide even more meals as the
campaign continues into its second year.
The support of this community has also enabled us to expand our efforts to
combat childhood hunger. This past summer, we provided nutritious meals
to more than 2,500 kids through programs like Food 4 Kids, Kids Cafe and
our newest initiative, the Summer Lunch Box program. Your support also
helped provide backpacks of weekend food for nearly 8,000 chronically hungry
elementary school children through the Food 4 Kids backpack program during
the 2008-2009 school year.
We’ve made great strides in the effort to feed those in need this year. But the
need is still great, and we continue to face many challenges in these tough
economic times. We can no longer get by with incremental increases in the
amount of food we distribute. The need has surpassed all expectations and we
will do whatever it takes to provide access to food for every hungry person in
North Texas.
As we head into Year Two of our Close the Gap campaign, I hope I can count on
your continued support to help provide hungry families, children and seniors
with increased access to the food they need to be healthy and productive citizens.
Thank you for your partnership!
With gratitude,
Jan Pruitt
President & CEO
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
0 of 3
2 0 0 9 A n n u a l R e p o r t : C l o s e t h e G a 20
p Y8e a r2 1
Road Map to Close the Gap: Millions of Meals
Road Map to Close the Gap:
Access to Over 50 million meals by 2011
The North Texas Food Bank relieves hunger in two ways:
1. Food Distribution- We supply donated, purchased and prepared foods to
1,146 community-based programs, including food pantries, shelters, and soup
kitchens. We also operate direct feeding services for children, including our
Food 4 Kids “Back Pack Program” and Kids Cafe after school sites.
2. Food Stamp Outreach- We work with our 291 Member Agencies to identify
and educate families and individuals who may be eligible for SNAP benefits.*
Our outreach team helps prepare and submit applications and advocates for
clients who experience barriers within the system. We estimate the number of
meals to which we help provide access through Food Stamp Outreach using data
on applications completed, application success rates, average SNAP benefits per
household and estimated costs per meal.
*The Food Stamp Program was renamed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in 2008.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
Feeding Seniors
Barbara hasn’t had an
easy life. For the past 25
years she has struggled
with chronic depression,
and last summer doctors
discovered an inoperable
also suffers from postpolio
painful after-effects of
having contracted polio
as a child. She’s been
confined to a wheelchair
for years.
Because of these health
issues, Barbara retired from her job at a trucking company last summer. Now her
only income is in the form of disability assistance through her former employer –
which isn’t nearly enough to pay for rent, utility bills, medications and groceries.
Barbara has never had to ask for help with food before.
But thanks to the compassion of those in this community, she knows she’s not alone.
She can come to the White Rock Center of Hope, a Food Bank Member Agency, for
nutritious groceries when she really needs them. She’s so thankful for the food she
“This food makes the difference between giving
up and going on,” she says. “Most importantly, it
gives me hope.”
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
Summer Awareness Campaign
In the summer of 2009, the North
Texas Food Bank launched its first ever Summer Awareness Campaign in order
to increase awareness because of the economic downfall. The Food Bank was
overwhelmed with a great response from the community and generated 81
percent more donations than the previous summer (May 1 through June 30, see
chart below).
New Donors
Impressions *
* in millions
81% increase
193 % increase
73 % increase
198 % increase
the Ga : Restaurant Week presented by Central
oo Sourcin
Market was bigger and
better than ever in its 11th year. Running August 11 – 17, with some restaurants
extending the event an extra week or even two weeks, Restaurant Week proved
yet again to be a great way to raise awareness about the
6 3 issue of hunger in North
12.2 $7 from each
Texas. More than 100 participating restaurants generously donated
$35 fixed-price meal to the
Bank. This year’s event raised $381,455, which
M Food
provided more than 1,525,820 meals for those in11
2010 ..A World Without
2011 Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
It’s a Fair Deal at the State Fair of Texas, sponsored by The
Kroger Company, proved to be more than just a fair deal for North Texans – it
was a hunger relief effort and a great volunteer opportunity. From October 1-15,
fairgoers received discounted admission prices for bringing three canned food
items for the Food Bank on Wednesdays through Kroger’s It’s a Fair Deal
Wednesdays. Fairgoers also received discounted admission prices on opening
day for bringing a 20-ounce Coca-Cola product to donate to the Food Bank. The
Food Bank collected 136,683 pounds of nonperishable food, which provided
more than 106,780 meals for those in need.
Greater Dallas/Fort Worth Souper Bowl of Caring was
an enormous success in its second year. From January 7 through February 1,
2009, nonperishable foods and cash donations were collected at 217 participating
Albertsons, Central Market, The Kroger Company and Tom Thumb grocery
stores. Many local schools, faith-based organizations and youth groups collected
food and funds, as well. More than 220,960 pounds of nonperishable food and
$81,431 were collected to benefit the North Texas Food Bank. Thank you to our
grocery and media partners and all who participated to help make this food
drive a success!
Whole Foods Giving Tree,
presented by Whole Foods Market,
encourages customers to buy a paper ornament to decorate the store’s Giving
Tree throughout the month of December. Customers have the opportunity
to donate in any dollar amount and all proceeds go to the Food Bank. Since
the close of 2008 brought increased economic uncertainty, Whole Foods team
members shared the story of hunger with their customers to inspire giving. They
saw donations increase by 21 percent over last year, bringing the total to $32,000
to help feed hungry North Texans.
canstruction was a feast for the eyes in its 13th year. Twenty-nine design
and architecture firms constructed larger-than-life creations from nonperishable
food items, which were on display at NorthPark Center from September
6 through 14. All food items were donated to the Food Bank at the event’s
conclusion. This year’s canstruction brought in 87,234 pounds of food and more
than $10,800, translating into nearly 111,500 meals! We deeply appreciate the
support from this year’s sponsors, including: Hickory Street Annex; Blue Mesa;
Bread Winners; Turner Construction; Thomas Reprographics; Pronto Delivery,
Courier, and Logistics; Babich & Associates; DART; Countdown, Inc.; Raymond
L. Goodson Jr., Inc.; AMC Entertainment Inc.; HeadShots Etc.; Southwestern
Blue Print; GSR Andrade Architects, Inc.; NorthPark Center; Wendy Barber
Productions, Inc. and Texadelphia.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Empty Bowls,
of 3
presented by Tom Thumb, celebrated its most successful
year to date on February 20, 2009. More than 1,300 guests gathered at the
Meyerson Symphony Center to enjoy the savory soups, breads and desserts
provided by area restaurants. Local artists donated beautiful handcrafted bowls
for the occasion. The event brought in $146,520, translating into an incredible
586,080 meals for hungry North Texans! We would like to extend a special
thank you to our sponsors: Presenting Sponsor Tom Thumb, Official Go Green
Sponsor Dean Foods, Benefactors Alliance Data, Capital One, Dave & Buster’s,
Grant Thornton, Lockheed Martin and VHA, and Supporter Pizza Inn. We’d also
like to thank our donors, WFAA, WBAP, City Color, Dr Pepper Snapple Group,
Urban Floral Design Studio and Fun Factory Events, as well as all of the artists
that donated their time and talent to create bowls.
Dash Down Greenville,
presented by Run On! is a great way for
North Texans to run for a reason. On March 14, 2009, more than 4,200 runners
gathered on Greenville Avenue for this annual St. Patrick’s Day 5K run and
walk, presented by Run On! and hosted by Central Market. The event raised
$35,607 for the Food Bank, translating into more than 142,420 meals for those in
need! Thanks to Run On!, Central Market, and all our sponsors, including Jack
FM, Coca-Cola, the Café at Central Market and Two Rows. Thanks also to Panera
Bread, who donated breakfast and coffee for our volunteers.
Taste of the NFL–The Ultimate Dallas Cowboys Tailgate
Party, presented by Lockheed Martin, saw record numbers in its fifth year!
Hosted by Dallas Cowboys defensive end Marcus Spears and linebacker
DeMarcus Ware, five-time Super Bowl player Preston Pearson and celebrity chef
Kent Rathbun, the event raised $175,074 for North Texas children on April 19
– that’s more than 700,000 meals for those in need! In addition to our hosts,
auction committee, host committee chaired by Preston Pearson and Janie Tilford,
guests and participating chefs, we have many generous sponsors to thank,
including: Presenting Sponsor Lockheed Martin; Go Green Sponsors VHA and
Nancy C. Rogers & Richard R. Rogers/Mary Kay Inc.; Touchdown Sponsor
Albertsons; Field Goal Sponsors Fidelity Investments and US FoodService; and
Ultimate Fan Sponsors Lovell PR, Northrop Grumman, Diane & Mark White/
Mosaic, Annette & Wade Brannan, Orix, The Kroger Company and Black, Mann
and Graham LLP. Thanks also to our donors: Dallas Cowboys, CBS 11/TXA 21,
Jowdy Photography, Tiffany & Co., Andrews Distributing Company, Brad Cecil
& Associates, Cabot Cheese, Creative Ice, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, E&J Gallo,
FIJI, The Glass Cactus at the Gaylord Texan Resort, The IRIS Company, Leonard
Sloan & Associates, Miller Brewing Company, Robbins Brothers, Snuffer’s and
SKYY Vodka.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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National Association of Letter Carriers Annual Food Drive,
sponsored locally by The Kroger Company, was a great success in 2009. City of Dallas
residents were encouraged to place nonperishable food items by their mailboxes on May 11,
which were then picked up by their mail carriers and delivered to the Food Bank. More
than 155,000 pounds of food were collected to help feed the hungry. This generosity
provided more than 121,000 meals for North Texans in need.
Neiman Marcus’s Good Event in stores nationwide offered customers a 30
percent discount on Contemporary Sportswear, Sport Shop, Dress Collections and Men's
Contemporary Sportswear for every $40 donation to the North Texas Food Bank. The
Good Event generated $18,000 which provides 72,000 meals for hungry North Texans.
Neiman Marcus Direct supported the Food Bank with their Gourmet Food Event online
in April. For every gourmet frozen meal purchased, one was donated to the North Texas
Food Bank. These nutritious protein items were then distributed to families in need
through the Food Bank’s Member Agencies this summer. We are very thankful to Neiman
Marcus for its support.
Russ Noland Memorial Golf Tournament hosted by Sachse First United
Methodist Church presented by Car Spa was a huge success in its fourth year. This annual
golf tournament, renamed in 2009 in loving memory of Pastor Russ Noland, raised more
than $14,400 for the North Texas Food Bank’s Food 4 Kids backpack program on May 2,
2009. Over the past four years, the tournament has raised more than $59,760 for Food 4
Kids– enough to provide more than 11,950 backpacks for hungry children in North Texas.
Thank you to all who helped make this annual event a success, and special thanks to Dave
Scott, Victoria Shaw and Stephanie Noland for their leadership.
Hunger Action Day presented by Albertsons is a service day that provides our
corporate partners with an exciting teambuilding opportunity within the context of the
Food Bank’s food distribution operations as the culmination of our 30 Ways/30 Days
Hunger Action Month campaign. Thank you to our corporate sponsors: Presenting
Sponsor Albertsons; Benefactors Southwest Airlines and Newhouse Noblin Legal Search
Consultants; and Supporters Credit Suisse, KPMG, and UPS. The hard work of these
teams packed 51,700 food boxes for North Texas families in need, and the $53,000 raised
through this day of service provided 212,000 meals.
Resounding Harmony
was music to everyone’s ears in its first year. The
Resounding Harmony Community Chorus’s inaugural concert to benefit the North Texas
Food Bank raised more than $11,420 and 2,330 pounds of food through ticket sales, virtual
food drives, collections and canned food drives. This provided more than 58,930 meals for
those in need. Thank you to Dr. Tim Seelig and the entire Resounding Harmony Chorus.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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Public Support:
Public contributions.
Donated food and commodities. .
Total public support.
$ 9,915,261
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 41,818,291
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 51,733,552
Government grants and cost reimbursements
.. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 1,676,375
$ 2,382,252
Shared maintenance.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Investment income. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Other revenue.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gain (loss) on investments – realized and unrealized . .
Total revenue.
$ 100,548
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total Public Support and Revenue
.. . . . . . . . . .
$ 37,943
($ 853,052)
$ 1,667,691
$ 55,077,618
Program services.
Management & general. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 51,864,277
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 1,040,930
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 2,262,141
Total Functional Expenses
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
$ 55,167,348
Feeding Families
Dorothy Hamilton
Dorothy’s daughter and four grandkids have been living with her
in order to make ends meet. But a few months ago, her daughter
lost her job. The difficult job market has made it hard for her to
find work, so right now Dorothy is supporting the entire family
by working for a catering business at a local school. Her income
just isn’t enough to cover the cost of rent, utilities and food for
six people.
Fortunately, Dorothy knows there’s a place she can go when she and her daughter
need help to feed the children. Thanks to the generous support of this community,
they can take home nutritious groceries from Holy Trinity Center, a North Texas
Food Bank Member Agency in Dallas. Dorothy is so thankful for the food and
compassion they receive.
“Thank you!” she says with genuine appreciation. “You don’t know how much it
helps. Keep doing what you’re doing – you’re such a blessing.”
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
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Cash and cash equivalents. .
Shared maintenance fees. .
receivable (net allowance)
Pledges receivable .
(net allowance)
Other receivables.
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
Inventory of food.
and commodities
Prepaid expenses and . .
other assets
$ 75,350. .
$ 280,623. .
$ 2,761,953. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total current assets. .
$ 217,249. .
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Pledges receivable .
Building, equipment, .
furniture and fixtures (net)
$ 57,766. .
. . . . . .
$ 854,206.
. . . .
. . . . . .
$ 217,249
$ 63,241.
. . . . . .
$ 138,591
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . .
$ 2,761,953
$ 2,318,602.
. . . . .
$ 2,318,602
. . . . .
. . .
. . . . . . . . .
. . .
$ 3,236,049.
$75,350. .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 6,163,051. .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
$ 11,837,193. .
$ 3,060,057
. . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
$0. .
$ 5,598,792. .
. . . . . . . . . .
$ 2,205,851. .
. .
. . .
$ 3,236,049.
$ 280,623
. . . . . . .
$ 8,834,841
. . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
$ 75,350
$ 6,163,051
$ 15,073,242
Accounts payable.
and accrued expenses
Due to (from) other funds.
. . . . . . . . . . .
Total current liabilities..
. . . .
$ 535,720. .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . . .
$ 535,720
($ 458,723). .
. . . .
$ 458,723.
. . . . . . . . . . .
$ 76,997. .
. . . .
$ 458,723.
. . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
$ 535,720
Operating. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Land, building and. .
. . . . . . .
$ 5,532,537. .
$ 6,227,659. .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . .
$ 5,532,537
. . . . . . . . .
$ 0.
. . . . .
$ 6,227,659
$ 2,777,326
Other (primarily inventory). .
$ 0. .
. . .
. . . . .
. . . . . . . . .
$ 11,760,196. .
. . .
$ 2,777,326.
. . . .
$ 14,537,522
. . . . . . . . .
$ 11,837,193. .
. . .
$ 3,236,049.
. . . .
$ 15,073,242
. . . . . . .
An estimated wholesale value of the donated food and other products is included in both the Statement of Financial
Position (ending inventory) and Statement of Activities. Wholesale pricing was calculated for each of 29 different
categories by Feeding America, and supplemented by local pricing data. The pricing used has been reviewed by
independent auditors for both Feeding America and the North Texas Food Bank. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING
JUNE 30, 2009.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
$100,000 - $250,000
Beaumont Foundation of America
Feeding America
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
J. L. Williams Foundation
The Kroger Company
Marketron Broadcast Solutions
The Rees-Jones Foundation
$50,000 - $99,999
Anonymous Fund of the
Dallas Foundation
Bank of America
Charitable Foundation
Capital One Services, Inc.
The Dallas Foundation
The David M. Crowley Foundation
Florence Doswell
Emergency Food and
Shelter Program
Rosemary & Roger Enrico
ExxonMobil Corporation
Louise Gartner
The Harold Simmons Foundation
The Hirsch Family Foundation
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Danna Orr
The Trustees' Philanthropy Fund
of the Fidelity Charitable Gift
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas
Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc.
Wal-Mart/Sam's Club Foundation
$10,000 - $49,999
III Forks, Dallas
Albertsons, LLC
Amica Companies Foundation
Andrews Kurth, L.L.P.
Robert Ashley
The Astrid and Pat Merriman
Family Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Babcock & Brown
Jenny Birge
Tom Black
Annette & Wade Brannan
Gay & Jerry Brinkerhoff
Laurie & Jeff Burgher
Calvert K. Collins Family
Foundation, Inc.
Diane & Tony Carvalho
Centex Corporation
Central Market/H-E-B
Cirro Energy
Citigroup Foundation
Sheryl & Robert Cole
Comerica Bank - Texas
Credit Solutions of America, Inc.
Dalcraft, LLC
Dallas Jewish Community
The Dallas Mavericks Foundation
The Dallas Morning News
Dallas Theater Center
Dean Foods
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Del Frisco's Double Eagle Steak
Discount Tire
Dominion Resources Foundation
Earl Doolin
Mary Kathryn Doolin
Dr. Bob & Jean Smith Foundation
The Ed and Josie Toogood
EnCana Oil & Gas (USA) Inc.
Embrey Family Foundation
Fedex Kinkos
Fidelity Investments
First United Methodist Church
of Sachse
Food Industry Crusade Against
Ford Motor Company Fund
Tonda J. & Bill E. Frazier
Galleria Credit Union
Galleria Dallas
The George & Fay Young
James A. Gibbs
Gibbs Family Fund of
Communities Foundation
of Texas
The Glenmede Trust
Company, N.A.
Global Impact
GMAC Financial Services
The Grainger Foundation
Grant Thornton LLP
The Grape Restaurant
Greater Des Moines
Community Foundation
The Hall Financial Group
Harry W. Bass, Jr. Foundation
Hawn Foundation, Inc.
Highland Park United
Methodist Church
The Hoglund Foundation
The Horchow Family
Charitable Trust
Vester Hughes
Tracy & Jeff L. Hull
Jo Bess Jackson
Kathleen & Jon Jacobson
Jean H. and John T. Walter, Jr.
Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Kalman and Ida Wolens
Kawneer Company, Inc.
Lisa & Peter Kraus
Leo & Rhea Fay Fruhman
Diane & John Lister
Donald Luntey & Madge Cruse
Stacy & Gary Mading
Carol & L. Eddie Marvin
Mary Kay, Inc.
McDermott Foundation
MetLife Foundation
The Miles Foundation
Robbie & Bill Moore
Vicki & Hicks Morgan
MUY Brands, LLC
N9NE Steakhouse
Neiman Marcus
NOBU, Dallas Associates, LP
Northrop Grumman Corporation
One Technologies
The Pamela & John Beckert Family
Panera Bread Foundation
Pappas Bros. Steakhouse
Park Cities Baptist Church
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc.
The Perot Foundation
Piper Rudnick, LLP
The Place At Perry's
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
Elizabeth & Martin Price
The Prudential Foundation
Cindy & Howard Earl Rachofsky
Remington Hotels & Ashford
Hospitality Trust
Renaissance Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Hazel Ripp
Nancy C. & Richard R. Rogers
RSW Creative, Inc.
Saint Michael and All Angels
Episcopal Church
Sara Lee Foundation
The Sarah & Ross Perot Jr.
John Sawyer
Schwab Charitable Fund
Share Our Strength
Harold Simmons
Karen & Nasser Sobhani
Sodexo Foundation, Inc.
Stonebridge Life Insurance
The Susan & Woodrow Gandy
Charitable Fund
Joanne & Charles Teichman
Texas Instruments Foundation
Texas Race Management
Thomas P. Waters Foundation
Sue & Chuck Tilis
Tom Thumb Food & Pharmacy
TOSA Foundation
Katie Cline & Scott Turner
TXU Energy
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
US Food Service
USI Southwest
Kerensa & Herb Vest
Vin and Caren Prothro Foundation
Pamela & Craig Wohlers
Julie Yarbrough
Lu Yarbrough
$5,000 - $9,999
Christy Abbott
Alliance Data
The Andrew Family Foundation
Kelly & Christopher M. Ayres
The Bassett Firm, PC
Baylor Health Care System
Ben E. Keith Company
Charles Berger
Bloomberg, LP
Brenda & William Bogart
Cecilia & Garrett Boone
Roger Bower
Jennifer R. & Jeffrey Bridges
Brinks Home Security
Brown-Forman Corporation
Joanne Bryan
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
David Buxton
Purna Byraiah
The Capital Grille
Carl B. and Florence E. King
Suely & Brad Cecil
Central 214
Chamberlain's Steak And
Chop House
Lydia & Stephen Chase
Cinemark Texas Properties, LLC
Citi Global Impact Funding
Trust, Inc.
City Color
ClubCorp USA, Inc.
Compass Bank
Dallas District Attorney's Office
Dallas Women's Foundation
Jeffrey Dalton
Dave & Busters, Inc.
David M. Munson Living Trust
Rachel & Russell DeFriend
Norbert Doligalski
The Elaine Dewey Sammons
Dresser Inc.
Ericsson-Sodexo, Inc.
Fidelity Foundation
Marcia L. & Michael E. Flowers
Fluor Corporation
The Fluor Foundation
DeDe T. & Scott Ford
Carolyn & David Franklin
Frito-Lay, Inc.
Fujitsu Network
Communications, Inc.
Fern & Robert Gauvin
GE Foundation
GenCorp Technologies, Inc.
Ruth & Robert Glaze
Glencoe Group Services, Inc.
The Granville C. and Gladys H.
Morton Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Rick Greco
Lillian Gregory
Myrtle & Steve Griffin
Sally & Larry Hankins
Thomas Hanson
Happy Davis Foundation, Inc.
Marquette Financial Companies
Thornton Hardie III
Hector's on Henderson
Tim Helmers
Highland Park Independent
School District
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Cynthia & Thai Hoang
Holmes Murphy - Texas
Deborah Holubec
The Horizon Foundation
IBM Employee Services Center
Irish American Society, Inc.
James and Angela Thompson
John and Dorothy Castle
Advised Fund of the Dallas
K & L Gates, LLP
Jennifer & Kee Kimbrell
Sheryl & Ron Knight
La Reve Consultants, LP
Lakeview Apartment Homes
Fay & Brian Lidji
Lockton Dunning Benefit
Loft 610 Restaurants, LLC
Luck Family Foundation
M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation
Macy's Foundation
Marcia & John Mares
Marriott International, Inc.
Maverick Capital Foundation
Terri Maxwell
Kathryn & David McCabe
Jeanne & James McCullor
Betty S. Boyd-Meis &
Chris A. Meis
Renee Melancon
Debra & Jerald Merriman
The Meyer Levy Charitable
Stephanie & Jeff Moore
Nana Restaurant, Hilton Anatole
Arlene & Louis Navias
Network For Good
Gale Nolan
Bill Norris
North Texas Rescue
Nove Italiano
The Pampered Chef
Lisa & Gerald Payne, Jr.
Edward Pechar
Dennis Peters
Katherine Perot
Lucy & Daniel Polter
Candace & Roy Priest
Melanie & Mickey Reeves
Resounding Harmony
Restaurant Life Group
Richard D. Bass Foundation
Shawn & Kenneth Roe Slywka
Diane Renee & Gregory
Neal Rohn
The Rosewood Foundation
Ruth's Chris Steak House
Sabre Holdings
Sam Pack's Ford
Steve Schenkel
Shepherd One Trust
Marie & Russell Siebert
Silver Fox Steakhouse
Louis Sloan
Rhonda Hawkins &
Christopher Lee Smith
The Sonsteby Family
Charitable Trust
SRS Real Estate Partners
St. Ann Catholic Parish
Stallings Foundation
Steel Restaurant
Stoneleigh Hotel & Spa
The Sunshine Foundation
Ty Commercial Group, Inc.
The UPS Foundation
The Wachovia Foundation
The Ward Family Foundation
William & Sylvia Zale Foundation
$2,500 - $4,999
Bill Anderson
Diane Buchanan & Rick Andrew
An Anonymous Philanthropic
Fund of the Dallas Jewish
Community Foundation
Aspire HR, Inc.
Marcella & Weldon Baird
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Deno Barroga
Katherine Beams
of 3
Kathi & Michael Benoit
Bernbaum Magadini Architects
Yasmin & Vikrant Bhatia
Black, Mann & Graham, L.L.P.
Brad Cecil and Associates
Brinker International
Candy & Irwin J. Brown
Vivian W. & Steven O. Brown
Betty & Rodney Bryan
Cardiovascular Provider
Resources, L.P.
Jo Ann & George Caruth
Eileen & Mark Cason
Chamberlain's Fish Market Grill
Christ United Methodist Church,
Farmers Branch
Melissa K. & Thomas N. Clark
Mary Clyburn
Lee Coleman & Dr. Susan Hubbard
Culinaire International, Inc.
CVS Caremark Charitable Trust
Daimler Chrysler Services
Dakota's Restaurant
Dallas Social Venture Partners
Fund of the Dallas Foundation
Linda Davis
Janese & Richard Deitch
Deutsche Bank Americas
Richard Drysdale
Echol Bible Church
The Edward Henry Family
Ann Folz
Steven Foster
Janette & J.R. Foster
Laura & Norman Foster
Clifford L. Friedman
Fuse Restaurant
Gene Garrett
Jackie George
David Gluck
Donna & Louis Grabowsky
Grand Prairie ISD Athletes
David Greenstone
HCC Life Insurance Company
Magda Girgis & Connie Jenkins
Vivian Heder
Ellen Barry & Larry Herold
Highland Park High School
Erin & Al Hill, III
Hillcrest Foundation
Ynette & James Hogue
Hotel ZaZa
Stephen Horn
Sara Huebner
Robert Hyatt
Sarah & Brice Jackson
The Jeffrey A. Carter Foundation
Jim White Media
Carolyn L. & Chris A. Johnson
Joseph Johnson
JP Morgan Chase Foundation Matching Gifts and Volunteer
Kahn Charitable Foundation
Richard Kantrud
Marcia & Mark Kawalek
Julia Keith
Kenny's Wood Fired Grill
Kirby's Steakhouse - Dallas
The Kline Family Foundation
Irene & Samuel Kogutt
Kristen & Randy Lackner
The Landmark Restaurant
Kelly & Brett Lashley
Lawry's The Prime Rib
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Miriam Lee
Jeffrey Lohman
Luther King Capital Management
Mammen Glass & Mirror, Inc.
Martin W. & Bettie J. Halsell
Foundation Trust
Sherrie Martin
Lee Ann Mason
McAfee Matching Gift Program
The McDowell Family Trust
Dail Mengelkoch
Chris Messick
Methanex Services, Inc.
Sylvia & Ronald Meyer
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Miranda Partners, L. P.
Annell Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Moran
Christine & Robert Morris
Nancy & Clay Mulford
Patrick Mullins
Neiman Marcus Group
Matching Gift Program
Nick & Sam's Steak House
Northern Trust
The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Laura & Sean O'Leary
Olympus America Inc.
The Pack Family Foundation
The Palm Restaurant
Panattoni Development Company
Kevin Parke
Kellie & Christopher Parrick
Betty Peck
Diane & Barry Perkins
Jim, Brenda, & Josh Perkins
Elizabeth Peters
Pizza Inn
Robert Pollock
Pro-Style Associates
Robert Quinby
Deborah Rader
Rapid Power Management
Carolyn & Karl Rathjen
David Rathkamp
John Redfern
Catherine & James C. Richards
Linda and Frank Roby
Rogers-O'Brien Construction
Co., Ltd.
Evelyn P. & Edward W. Rose III
Rosen Systems, Inc.
Roy's Hawaiian Fusion
Salum Restaurant
Peter Sandmore
Cathy & David Schweitzer
Kristi Sheffy
Shoemaker Family Fund
Sue Sloan
S.M. Wright Foundation
Purcell Smith
Society of Design Administration,
Dallas Chapter
Smiley's Studio
Glenda Smith
Marriott Solana
Sprint Foundation
Steve Fields Steak and
Lobster Lounge
Bobby Steveson
Roderick Stoker
TAC Americas, Inc.
T-Mobile USA, Inc.
Rita J. & Burton M. Tansky
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Taraba
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Tatum, LLC
Tenet Healthcare Foundation
Cynthia L. & Jay E. Tenney
Texas Food Bank Network
Sharon & Edward Troy
Truluck's Seafood, Steak, &
Crab House
Vanguard Charitable
Endowment Program
Venture Commercial
Management, LLC
Caruth/Preston Road
Associates, Ltd.
Viscern, Inc.
Wal-Dot Foundation
Wal-Mart Stores
Karen & Dr. Howard Weiner
L. Weirich
Wells Fargo Foothill Group, Inc.
Mark White
Donald Wines
Carolyn Winkler
Helen Wolford
Jon Wolkenstein
Paige & Grant Yaney
Young Boozer Family Foundation
Zelle, Hofmann, Voebel,
Mason & Gette
$1,000 - $2,499
Nancy & David Aboulafia
ACGG, Inc.
E. W. Adams
James Adams
Jennifer Adams
Adelmo's Ristorante
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Matching Gift Program
Advancial Federal Credit Union
Aetna Foundation, Inc.
AIG Human Resources
Patti & Bill Alcorn
V. Alford
Ruth Alhilali
All Faith Fellowship Church
Cynthia A. Hennessy &
Robert B. Allen
The AMA Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Andress
Andrews Distributing Company
of North Texas
Anne & Larry Angelili
Michael Anthony
Lee Arning
Marlene Arrambide
Stella Ashley
Assurance Consulting 3, Inc.
Avelo Mortgage
B & B Barden's Bookit, Inc.
Babich & Associates, Inc.
Sunil Balgobin
Bank of America United
Way Campaign
Barbara Buzzell, Inc.
Andrea B. & Jonathan B. Bard
Barrett, Burke and Wilson
Jacqueline & Michael Barrett
Scott Barrett
Noel Barrick
Vicki Bass
Peter Bausbacher
Katrina & Paul Bassel
Baylor Health Care System
of 3
David Beck
Jane & James Bedenbaugh
Susan & Charles Behl
Rebecca Bell
Norma L. Bellamy
Monty Bennett
Cathryn Berryman
Big "D" Little Birds
Big Lots!
Bill's Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Paige Bingham
Robert Dale Bird
Diane & David Birk
Shari Birnbaum
Blackfinn Restaurant & Saloon
Mary & John Blanchett
David Blaylock
Barbara B. & Richard Blaylock
The Blue Goose International
Texas Chapter
Marc Blumberg
Robert Book
The Bryant & Nancy Hanley
Foundation Inc.
Pam & John Borders
Dr. Muriel Boreham
Phil Boriack
Doris & Anthony Borino
Richard Boss
Nancy & Bob Bowen
John Bowen
William Bowles
Rebecca Brady
Brice Family Charitable Fund II
of Communities Foundation of
Texas (Gail Griswold and Bill
Brice, Jr.)
Robert Brielmaier
Bright Realty Ltd.
Colleen & Barney Brinkmann, Jr.
George Bright
Maureen Murry & A. Compton
Lael & Peter Brodsky
Sharon & Henri Bromberg
Charles Brooks
Keri Brookshire
Gloria Brown
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Brown, Jr.
Diane & Richard Brummel
Susan & Peter Brundage
Rosario Brusniak
Karen Brustman
Erin Bryant
Buddhist Light
International Association
Glenda & James Burford
H. L. Burgess
Jennifer & Bill Burkhalter
Mary Burkhead
Kathleen & R. D. Burton
Sydney Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Byrd
Jay Bys
Bonnie Caldwell
Calvert Social
Investment Foundation
Capital Distributing
Capstar Commercial Real Estate
Services, LTD
Pam & Lane Cardwell
Rita Carlile
Shari & Bryan Campbell
Angela Caronia
Gladys Carr
Brian Cartmell
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Luberta Carter
Ronald Cathey
The Catholic Foundation
Jonina Chan
Kay & Randal Chance
Cliff Chapman
David Cherry
Alissa K. & Brent E. Christopher
Church of the Incarnation
Cisco Systems, Inc.
Doug Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Clark
Rebecca Cobb
Susan & Chris Cockrell
Codel, Inc.
Ellen & Jeffrey Cohen
Henry Coke
Cole Investigative Agency
James Coleman
Commercial Metals Company
Serena & Thomas Connelly
Con Agra Foods Foundation
Nancy Cook
Hal Coon
Maxine Cooper
Shirley Cooper
Tracey & Scott Copeland
Coppell Independent
School District
Margaret Cortez
Billie Cox
Dorothy & Webb Cox
Mary & Dale Cox
Paige & Scott Cox
CreditAnswers, LLC
The Crescent Club
Harriet Crews
Richard Crosby
Katherine & Harlan R. Crow
Cru' A Wine Bar
Judy & Cullen Cullers
Claire Curtis
Custer Road United
Methodist Church
CWS Apartment Homes, LLC
Daily Grill - Dallas
DaimlerChrysler Financial
Services Americas LLC
Dallas Brewery Building
Dallas Chapter of Credit Unions
Dallas Claims Associations, Inc.
Dallas Karma Thegsum Choling
Anthony Darwin
Jan & Steve Davidson
Patricia & Martin Davidson
Barbara Davis
Theresa & Jeff Davis
Constance & Kamal Daya
Tracy & Donald Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Deline
Cara & Daniel Demarco
Dependable Auto Shippers
Mary June Deprez
Pamela Derouen
The Dervish Club
Tammy & Steven K. Dewolf
Diana & Richard
Strauss Foundation
Dickies Medical Uniforms
Chris Dickey
Anne & Bernard DiFiore
Karen Dixon
Son Do
Christy Doering
Michael Dorman
Double HH Realty Services, LLC
Jeff Dougan
Janie & James Douglas
Deborah & Robert Dove
David Dowler
DSC Leasing
Duffau Baptist Church
David & Linda Duhon
Doris M. & Joe Dujka
Deborah Dyer
Vikki & Mike Eastland
Edith and Herbert Stehberg
Charitable Trust
Darren Eagle
Ruth Edmondson
Paige & Scott Elphingstone
Cynthia K. Engles
Equity Residential Foundation
Richard Evens
Executive Interests, LTD
ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc.
Marybeth Ezaki & Bob Bucholz
Nancy Feaster
Paula Felps
Peter Fenner
Amy & Lee Fikes
Financial Executives
International - Dallas Chapter
Betty Fineman
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Fischer
Nancy J. & Gary Edd Fish
Jodie & Lane Fletcher
Guida, Slavich & Flores
Susan & Tom Fogarty
Alan Folz
Foodservice and Vending Sales
David Fortune
Patrick Foster
Fox International Ltd., Inc.
David Fox
Margie Frank
Sandy & William French
Tiffany & Dick Frank
Lloyd Freeman
Michelle Gabelmann
Carolyn Gaffney
Margaret Galligan
Helen & Howard Garfield
Henry & Daryl Gelender
Gerald Gallagher
Marilyn & Howard Gay
Johnny Getum
Georgiana Gibson
Amira Gibbons
Dawn & John G. Gibbs
Joe Gibson
Betty Givens
Carl & Dixon Glaze
Ruth Gluck
Bobbye Lee & Reverend
Charles Godbey
Thomas Goodwin
Joanna & David Greenstone
Jewel & Ralph Gretzinger
Jessica & Chuck Griege
Goetz Family
Philanthropic Fund
Deborah L. Mut & Richard Goff
Goldberg Family Foundation
Irrevocable Trust
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Matching Gifts
Kathy Booth & David Goodson
Karen & Ralph Gordon
Goss Michael Foundation
Sharla & Corey Gottschalk
Becky Goza
Robert Granoff
Nelson Greenfield
of 3
Patty & Terry Gresham
Joe Griffith
Todd Griffith
Group & Pension
Administrators, Inc.
Michael Guadarrama
Guaranty Federal Bank
Joseph Guida
Gulf Trust
Charles Gummer
Rupali & Verinder Gupta
Frances & Tim Hafer
Pamela Hagan
Steven Hagemann
Patricia Hague
Janelle & Neal Hail
Theresa Halff
Catherine Tucker &
Blakeley Hall
Sheldon Hall
Mr. & Mrs. John Hammack
Brian Hanagan
Stephen Hancock
Hankinson Levinger, LLC
Julie Hankinson
Mary Hardinger
Susan & Bobby Harjo
Harmon Foundation
Curtis Harshaw
Doyle Hartman
Michael Hart
Hattie's Restaurant, Inc.
Dennis Healy
Terri Heard
Ms. Kathy Muldoon & Dr.
Robert Hendler
Ray Henke
Henry C. Beck, Jr. Charitable
Lead Trust
Bernard Hewett
Hewlett Packard
Finance Operations
Howard Higginbotham
Laura & K.R. Higgins
Linda Hinton
Ann & Lee Hobson
Shelly M. & Garry Lee Hodges
Robin & John Hogan
Patsy & David Holder
Jennifer Holguin
Julie Holmer
Helen Wathen & Micky Holmes
Eddie Holt
Marla & Chris Hood
Patricia Houck
The Howard & Leslie Schultz
Family Foundation
Rogene & Douglas Howard
HR Benefits
Randall Hulme
Royce Humpert
Gayle & Don Hurst
Michelle & Doug Huseby
Tracy Huselton
Carol Immel
Indian Cultural
Heritage Foundation
Intuit Foundation
Arlene Isaminger
JCPenny Company, Inc.
Mary Jackson
Scott Jackson
Jacobs Architects
Rusty & John Jaggers
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Delores & Robert Jajtner
Josiah Jassen
Camille & Richard Jefferson
Peg & Bernard Jezercak
Gene & Jerry Jones FamilyDallas Cowboys Charities
William Johnson
Robert Johnston
A. F. Jones
Carol & David Jones
Kathryn & Michael Jones
Louise & Edwin Jordan
Kenneth Jorns
Renee A. & Alan Kailer
Kasmir Fabrics
James Keay
Gary Kelly
Ketan Keshav
Keystone Automotive
Operations, Inc.
Martha Kimmerling
Jacquelyn & David Kindle
Mary Kirby
David Kirch
Lewis Kirking
Kirschner-Bookatz Family
Nancy & Carl Klinke
Erin Koechel
The Korenvaes Family Foundation
Kathryn Kreider
Karen & William Kreighbaum
Brenda Kringbaum
Summer & Michael Krywucki
The Kurkowski Family
Charitable Fund
Lynn M. & Randall D. Kurtz
Robin & Steve Ladik
Larry LaFontaine
Julia Lamb
Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity
at SMU
Camille & Jim Lamoureux
Tim Lark
Catherine Lavie
Law Offices of Cheryl Engelmann
Lois & B. W. Lawson
Leslie & David Lawson
Cathy & Don Leatherman
Susan Lehnortt
Debbie & Richard Lemon
Leonard Sloan & Associates
Ron Leverock
Carol & John Levy
Lewisville ISD Council of PTAs
Patricia & Robert Lium
Lyle & Deborah Livingston
LKS Foundation, Inc.
Julie & Douglas Logan
Lone Star Cyclist Association
Lloyd Lowe
Ellen & Bobby Lowry
Maureen Luby
Edith Lycke
Rev. Katherine G. Lyle
Leslie MacLean
Nan & Edward Macleod
John MacPete
The Maggie Funk
Philanthropic Fund
Kay & Dennis Magill
Mary Mahler
Mankoff Family Foundation
The Mansion on Turtle Creek
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Marjorie K. and Milton P. Levy
Family Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
The Mark and Peggy Zilberman
Family Charitable Fund
Markit WSO Corporation
Marshall B. & Dee Ann Payne
Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Robbie Marshall
Andrew Martin
Cory & Charlie Martin
Micky Martin
William Martin
David Mason
Martha Matthews
Michael Matuson
Max M. and Carol W. Sandfield
Philanthropic Fund
Debra May
Michael McAdams
Emily & Michael McAdams
Kimberly & James McAfee
Joanna McCallum
Carla & Mark McClanahan
Michael McClelland
McCormick & Schmick's
Seafood Restaurant
Michael McCoy
Paul McCrea
James & Becky McCulley
Ann McDonough
Frances & Bill McElvaney
Scott McGee
Susan McKinney
Jean McIntosh
Donald McKinney
Toni & Patrick McNutt
Angela McQuien
Joseph McQuillan
Media Webconnect
The Men's Downtown Bible Class
Elizabeth Merrill
Sandra & Douglas Metten
John Meyer
Carissa & Matthew Meyer
Michael and Linda McMahon
Family Foundation
Mike Burkett Enterprises, Inc.
Carolyn & David Miller
Diana I. & Michael A. Miller
Lee Ann & Vince Miller
Suzanne Milot
Janell & Conrad Mirochna
Medora P. & Kenneth D. Monigold
Sally & Joel Moore
Theodora & Howard Morgan
Laura & D. Scott Morris
Debora & Charles Morrison
Robin Moses
Jennifer & Jon Mosle, III
Mountain View Church of Christ
Movie Tarvern Partners, LP
MRG Restaurant Group, LP
Sheryl Sunderman & Tom Mueller
John Mulcahy
Timothy Muldoon
Jennifer & Jonathan Mullins
Munich Reinsurance America, Inc.
Mark Muratore
Sue Murphy
Sandy Nachman
Rick Narramore
National Resort
Management Corp.
Nations Residential Service
of 3
Pamela Neal
Farhad Niroomand
Vicki & James R. Noble
Patricia Nobles
North Texas Anesthesia
Consultants, P.A.
North Texas Hindu Mandir
John O'Connor
D. Olenzek
Mary O'Meara
Omniplan, Inc.
Ann & Bill O'Neill
Geoff & Natalie Osborn
Donna & Mark Owen
Lamar Ozley
Panera Bread
The Pant Family
Pappas Restaurants, Inc.
Paragon Painting, Inc.
Park Cities Prime
Lynna Parker
Alton & Chris Parkes
Jason Parrent
Louise Weber & Larry Parsons
Ida Patterson
Ralene & Cliff Pauling
Elaine J. & Trevor P. Pearlman
Janie Tilford & Preston Pearson
People Report
Sean Perkins
John Persons
Jack Pew, Jr.
Phil and Bo Warnick Family
Charitable Fund of the
Dallas Foundation
Phoebe Perry
Mark Phariss
Laurie & Wade Phillips
Virginia Phillips
Courtney & Roger Picardo
Carissa Pichon
Jennifer Pierce
PlainsCapital Bank
Plano Petro Management, LLC
Pamela, Henry & Steven Pluss
Denise & David Pollack
Pomodoro Corporation
Celia Poole
Post Hope Foundation, Inc.
Primesource Building
Products, Inc.
Melissa & Blair Pogue
Karen & Richard Pollock
Mike Prather
The Prayer Closet
Marilyn & Harold Presgrove
Jessie Price
John Wiley Price
Provincial Partners Inc.
Jan & Charles Pruitt
Natalie Pruitt
Public Information Associates
RAM Energy Resources, Inc.
Randy's Steakhouse / R & D
Food Services
Raymond James Charitable
Endowment Fund
Rebecca A. Hull Living Trust
Daniel Rech
Mary Beth Reid
Thomson Reuters
Lynn & Stephen Rexroat
Helene Reynolds
Richard A. Leach Company, LLC
Gerri Richards
Rick's Chophouse
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Robert Ricketts
Nancy & James Riddle
Mindy & Scott Ringnald
The Ritz-Carlton
Robbie and John A. Raphael
Philanthropic Fund
Wendy J. Meyer & George
P. Rodrigue
Terry & Bert Romberg
Mary & Timothy Rooney
Dr. & Mrs. Gary Rose, MD
Rothstein, Kass & Company, P.C.
John Rothwell
Jane & Chris Rowley
The Rupert Living Trust
Clara S. & Claud S. Rupert
Bethany Russell
Bridget Russell
Paul Salcido
Stephen Schlarb
Dale Schmeltzle
Herbert Schmieg
Schneider National
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. Cynthia Schneidler &
Dr. James Brodsky
Mr. & Mrs. Ethan Schrader
Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit P. Schuller
Marsha & Ronald Scott
Debbie & Ric Scripps
Seegers Foundation
James Seitz, Jr.
Senderra Funding, LLC
Ardeshir & Dana Shahraki
Leodis & Elneeta Sharpe
Marita Thompson & Paul Sheeran
Nancy & Bill Short
John Sigalos
Annette Simmons
Barbara & Walter Simmons
Dianne & Gary Simpson
Sandy & Mark Singer
Patricia & John Slavich
Joyce & James Slider
David Smith
Margaret & William Smith
Patty & John Smith
Richard Smith
Mike Snider
Michael Snow
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Solana
Barbara Sonn
Sue Spellman
Helen Spence
Susan & Stephen Spencer
Karen & David Spika
Martha Squibb
St. Martin's Wine Bistro
Mark Stalzer
Standard Furniture
David Stark
Joan & Stephen R. Steinbrink
Stephan Pyles Concepts, LTD.
Joan & Tom Stephens
Kathleen & Paul Stephenson
Susan & Bruce Stephens
David Stewart
Sterling Bank
David Strasser
Pamela E. & Richard M. Strickland
Leila Stringer
Mary Stroup
Tracy & Randy Sutherlin
Synthetic Designs Inc.
Tail Wind International, Inc.
Claire Taitte
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Taraba
C. Albert Tatum
John Taylor
The Technology Studios LLC
Tektronix Foundation Matching
Gift Program
Lesley Tellez
Temple Shalom
Texas de Brazil
T. G. R. A., Dallas Chapter
Kent Thele
Bonnie & Robert Thiebaud
Stewart Thomas
Delores & Wilson Thomas
Thompson & Knight
Shari & Chuck Thompson
Gene Thompson
William Thompson
A. Thompson
Melva Thornton
Ann & Clark Thurston
Carolyn & Scott Tilden
Carolyn Tilley
Kristen Tinajero
Debra Tippett
Marcia Tittle
Bob Titus
Gail & Glenn Tobleman
Drue Townsend
Toyota of Lewisville
Ted Treadaway
TriQuint Semiconductor
Aileen Trollinger
Tubular Synergy Group, LP
Rhonda Turner
TXI Safety Department
Melinda Uhrich
United Methodist Women,
Patricia & Jeffery Vandersall
Varesources, Inc.
Julia & Robert Verdon
Verizon Foundation
Vetter Foundation
Judy Vetter
Victory Tavern, LP
Vitamin Cottage Natural Food
Markets, Inc.
Mindy & Paul Vinton
Mr. & Mrs. Stan A. Vlasimsky
Richard Voet
Martha Wach
Marion & Roy Wadsworth
Joy & Danny Waldron
James Walker
Linda & Larry Walker
James Wallace
Walter and Susan Cowger
Charitable Fund
Pamela Reinke & Jon Walter
Janice & Athol Ware
Taniqua & DeMarcus Ware
Linda & Jeremy M. Wariner
Yvonne Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Warren, Jr.
The Warwick Melrose Hotel
Watel's Allen Street Cottage
Lori & David Watkins
Jennifer Watson
Weathers Family Charitable
Fund of Communities
Foundation of Texas
Philip Webb
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Susan Wetzel
Judy Whetzel
of 3
Stacey White
Mary & John Whitehead
Mary Whitley
Jacqueline & Robert Wiebe
Calli Willett
The William G. Dunlevy Family
Charitable Fund
C. R. & L. A. Williams
Jennifer Williams
Julie & Jeffrey Wille
Joseph Wilson
Jennifer & Michael Wimbish
Derek Winch
Lynn Wisdom
Cherlyn Wise
Michael Wisner
Ron Witten
Robbie Wittner
Woodmen of the World Lodge 978
Sears Woods
Ms. Brenda Lauderback &
Dr. Boyd Wright
Grant Yaney
Anne Yearta
Phillip Young
David Zehr
Jeffrey Zwiebel
$500 - $999
7-Eleven Inc.
Jon Abel
W. N. & R. M. Abraham
Susan Abrahamson
Martin Abrams
Mallory Adams
Robert Adams
Loida M. Acker
The Adolphus
The Aidmatrix Foundation
The Alan Gold Family Foundation
Ruby Alexander
Danny Allen
Ruth & Ken Altshuler
America First Insurance
American Airlines, Inc.
American Council of the Blind
Dallas Area Chapter
American Council of the Blind
of Texas
American Legion Auxiliary
Unit No. 424
Alvin Anderson
Cynthia Anderson
Mark Andrasco
D. K. Andrew
Jacquelyn Andrews
Apollo Draperies & Blinds LLC
Linda & Robert Appel
Arcadia Park Baptist Church
Betty Armstrong
James Arnott
Bret Arriola
Arthur's Prime Steaks & Seafood
Shirley & Richard Ashby
Marsha & Junior Aston
Peggy & Barry Austin
Avanti Ristorante
Allen Aymond
Penny Baccus
Mitchell Baddour
Francina & Stuart Baker
Linda Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bakouris
Bain & Company
Connie & Jeffrey Austin
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Karla & George Barber
Katy Barker
Colleen Barrett
Batrus Hollweg International
Lester Baum
Judith & Melvin Beard
Leslie & J. Robert Beatty
Charles Becker
Sandra & Richard Beckert
Belfor USA Group Inc.
Charles Bell
Mary W. & Daniel A. Bernal
Lee Benton
Berkley Surety Group
BFA Holdings, LLC
Barbara Bilger
Susan Billings
Matthew Bishop
Ernie Black
Christine & George Buchanan
Kathryn & Russell Blake
Heather Blandred
Chris Blanton
Christine Blanton
Lisa & Steven Block
Blue Mesa Grill
Yvonne Boa
Tamsin & Bruce Boardman
Tami Boggs
Gina Bond
The Bone 93.3
Denise & Bart Bookatz
Selma Bookatz
Emmet Brady
Peggy Braecklein
Susie Breen
Patrick Brewer
Jeri & John Bridwell
Doug Brooks
Markeeta & John Brown
Mason Brown, Jr.
Lynn L. & Randolph E. Brown
Rebecca & Ken Bruder
G. R. Bryant
Timothy Bryant
Kelly Buckley
Janai Buentello
Kelly Bunting
Keith Burtner
Vincent Bush
Preston Byrd
C & J Spec-Rent Services, Inc.
C & M Marine Aviation
Services, Inc.
C. Ray & Associates, Inc.
Cambridge Homes
Beverly & Michael Campbell
Canon USA, Inc.
Capital Mountain Holding
Cardiology and Interventional
Vascular Associates
Fran & Bill Carter
Fredi Carter
John Carulli
Mark Carter
Suzanne Caruso
David Casey
The Catholic Czech Club
Rebecca Chan
Church of the Transfiguration
Patrick Clagett
Lindy Clark
Nina Clark
Gregory Clarke
Charles Clarkson
Bonnie Cobb
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Joni & Robert Cohan
Brett Cohen
Richard Cohn
Colburn Peterson Williams
Ray, LLP
Deborah Coldwell
Winton Coleman
Brian Collett
C. Fojtik Collins
Sharon Collins
Communities Foundation
of Oklahoma, Inc.
Con Am Management Corporation
Nancy & John Condit
Andrea Connolly
Charles Cooper
Sandy Cordova
Corgan Associates, Inc.
Cindy Cosman
Eric Cotter
Rhonda & Roger Cowie
Kelley Cowles
Jimmie Crawford
Carrie & Brenton Croley
Credit Suisse Securities
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cree
Nancy & Greg Crook
Dan Cullum
Debbie Crumpler
Julie Ann Dailey
Daisy Brand, LLC
The Dallas 40
Dallas Fish Market
Dallas Kids Expo
Dallas Plastic Surgery Institute
Susan & David Daniel
Gwen & Charles Davis
David Davis
Simri Davis
Dawson State Jail
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Delgado
Lou M. & Richard E. Delcamp
Sherri & Terry Denkhaus
William DeVane
Laura & Clayton Devin
Alexa Devine
DFW Iscers
DHAT Digestive Health Associates
Stephen Dimmery
District Office Employees Fund
DLA Piper LLP (US)
Jeffrey Dodson
Donald J. McNamara & Joan P.
McNamara Foundation
The Donihoo Family
Sandy & Howard Donsky
Robert Dorough
Robert Dotson
Chris Drazek
Sara Dryden
Deborah & Fred Duewall
Jeannie & Charles Duffey, Jr.
Byron Dunn
Ramona Durm
Margaret Dyer
E.L.M. Group, Inc.
Frank Effland
Steven Ehlers
Elizabeth & Lester Ehrsam
David Elder
Susan & Lincoln Eldredge
Cathy Elkins
Lucille & Jerry Ellis
Kimberley Elting
Janeil M. Engelstad &
Pamela Jane Miller
of 3
James Epstein
Equipment Depot
Joseph Escano
Sally Estes
Mary & Mitchell Fadel
Patricia Fagadau
Marcia & Irfan Farukhi
Keith Fleming
Michelle Fiaschetti
Camille & Victor Figurelli
Financial Executives International
Susan L. & Charles S. Fish
Donna Fisher
A Foundation of
Philanthropic Funds
Flamingo Juices, Inc.
Ola & Randall Fojtasek
Robert Folz
Foodservices Solutions & Ideas
Foundational Wellness, PC
Todd Frank
Mary E. & Theordore A. Fredericks
Freedman Food Service
of Dallas, Inc.
Denise & Robert Friend
Fritz Duda Company
Monica Froebe
Michael Fugett
Michelle Funk
J. C. Galbraith
Sheila Gallagher
Gaiatech, Inc.
Matthew Gambill
Gang Yan Diamond Products, Inc.
Bernadette Garcia
Andrew Gellman
Christine Gelwick
Genband Inc.
Lisa & Jeffrey Genecov
Alicia & Brian L. Gerber
Geyercom, LLC
Jody Gilbertson
Henry Gilchrist
Liza Gillespie
Marguerite Glasgow
Jeff Goldfarb
Robert Glickert
B. Glock
Michael Glover
Berta Goetz
Wendy Goldman
Parish Episcopal School
Barbara Gollman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gottschalk
GP Shopping, LLC
Grace Gathering, Inc.
Sylvia Graft
Mary Gray
Susan Griffin
Danita Grill
The Grotto
Connie & James Grube
Joseph Guida
Chris Guldi
Randy Haben
Haag Engineering, Co.
Steven Hagemann
Haggard Enterprises Limited, LTD
Bob Hallmark
Marsha & Mike Halloran
Christopher Hamilton
Peggy & John Hamm
Gloria Hammack
Mary Ellen Hanna
Hardie's Fruit & Vegetable Co., Inc.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Matthew Harms
Lynda & John Harrell
Lawrence Harrington
Behringer Harvard
Thomas Halsey
David Hart
R. Chris Harvey
Jess Hay
Dot Haymann
H. D. Vest Management
& Services
David Heard
Health Care Strategies
Beverly Heflin
Ray C. Hemmig
Susan & Joseph Henchal
Janice Henderson
Mary Henderson
Jacquelin Hendrex
Steve Henson
Randy Hill
Mary & Warren Hill
HKS, Inc.
Sandy & Stephen Ho
Yiu Kee Ho
The James Hodges Family
Tres & Patrick Hodges
Carol Hoffman
Ellen & Rob Hoffman
Scott Hoke
Carolyn & Bryan Holland
Barbara & Charles Hollweg
The Home Depot 6809
Carol Hooks
Debra & John Hubbard
Nancy Ann Hunt
Geraldine & Graeme Hunter
Michael Hurd
Hasina Hussain
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Iglehart
Interstate Tenant Advisors, LLC
Julie & Charles Irsch
Jim Ivy
Gary Jackson
Sally Copass Jackson
& Hal Jackson
Lori Jackson
James & Marion Moore
Living Trust
Marcy & Walton James
Jan Choplin Rolland Safe
& Lock Company, LLC
Patricia A. & Thomas R. Jefferies
Susan Jefferies
Jenkens & Gilchrist, PC
Richard Jenkins
Amy & Andrew Jent
Carol Johnson
Stephen Johnson
Mimi & Steve Johnson
The Jones Family Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Pat Jones
John Jordan
Louise Jordan
John Jost
JP Morgan Chase
K. Lane Public Relations
Stacy & Paul Kanneman
Linda Karns
Lori & Robert Karol
Greg Kemp
Kimball & Denise Smith
Charitable Fund
David Kimichik
King of Glory Lutheran Church
Matthew Kiran
Karen M. Kirby & Robert
F. Leroy
Lillian Fouche & Brett A. Kirstein
Lisa Kittredge
Claudia & David Knight
Carol & George Kondos
Kraig Korpela
Robin Kosberg
Susan & Allyn Kramer
Krause Advertising, Inc.
Candace & James Krause
Kwik Kopy Digiprint Solutions
For Business
L & R Insulation Company
La Cima Club
Teresa & Philip Lack
Yvette & Brian LaCroix
Lake Lavon Parrot Head Club
Land O'Lakes Food Service
Jeanne & Robert Larson
Lasalle Partners
Gayle Lawson
Trang T. Ma & Toi V. Le
Patricia Villareal & Tom
Melora & Bill Leiser
Lee Financial Corporation
Leah Lee
Dave Levey
John Lewis
Sujane Lindberg
Linebarger Goggan Blair &
Sampson, LLP
Bryan Lipinski
Charles Livingston
Kevin Lofgren
Christie Long
Sharon & Bernard Long
Billie & Leroy Lott
Jana Loyd
Luminator A Mark IV
Industries Company
Kay & Dennis Lutes
The Rebecca & Bobby
Lutz Family
Robert Lyon
M'Lou & Tom Lytle
Matthew Mabel
Kristi MacDonald
Cathy & Harold MacDowell, III
Lisa Maestas
Lucy & Rusty Mahaffey
Kendell Mahanna
Ann & Chris Mahowald
Stephanie Malhiot
Bruce Mamary
The Marilyn Augur
Family Foundation
Jerry Marlatt
David Martindale
Martini Park
Mason Brown Family
Foundation, Inc.
Kari Mason
Heather Mathews
Mary McArdle
Faye McBride
Phyllis & Tom McCasland
Jean McCombs
Patrick McCormick
Barbara & Carl McGee
Steven McIntosh
Kassandra McLaughlin
Megan & Casey McManemin
of 3
MDA Solutions, Inc.
MDCA, Inc.
Mecca Electronic Industries, Inc.
Medical Edge Healthcare Group
Mary Mendez
Danika & Kip Mendrygal
MetLife Dallas Small Market
Mi Piaci
Marsha Miller
Juanita & Richard Miller
Vicki & Michael Millican
Lydia Minnett
Duane Mitchell
Ms. Linda J. Helton &
Harvey R. Mitchell, III
Matt Mollet
Monitronics International, Inc.
Christie & Carl Montz
Moran & Company
Southwest Region
Wally Morgan
Michael Morris
Susan Morris
Kenneth Morton
Pat & Elizabeth Moyer
Robert Mow
Heribert Muensterer
Linda Mulchin
Ola Murphy
Casey Murrell
James Mwangi
Ghassa Naim
Nathan Maier Consulting
Engineers Inc.
NEC Electronics America, Inc.
Nexen Petroleum USA, Inc.
Jane & Michael Nicolais
George Nichols
Tim Nichols
Nina B. Work Revocable Trust
Nissan North America, Inc.
Richard Norris
North Texas Olds Club
The North Texas Scuba
Retailers Association
Lee Ann & Joe Norville
Jill & Michael Nowell
Oak Cliff Christian Church
Ed O'Brien
Jennifer & David Okamoto
Ginny Olmstead
Gary Olsen
Legacy Program
Rebecca Ormsby
P. E. Pennington &
Company, Inc.
Palomino Euro Bistro
Parish Mission Mar Thoma
Church of Dallas
Park Place Lexus
Kevin Parma
Archana Patel
Nita & Manoj Patel
Marvin Pautsch
Arthur Pavlovsky
Colin Pearce
The Pearl Ritz Fund
Christine Pearson
Gerry Pearson
Rena Pederson
Pediatricians of Dallas, PA
Brad Pence
Matthew Penner
John Penson
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Bette Perot
The Pfizer Foundation
Matching Gifts Program
Peggy Pharris
Jan Pierce
Sunny Pillow
Lillian & Jon Pinkus
Betty Pitchford
Laurie & Todd Platt
Sallie & Brown Plummer
The PNL Companies
Leah Pollman
Gaby Polous
Marilyn & Robert Pope
PoPoLos Cafe
Rica H. B. Potenz &
Mark E. Bengston
John Prather
Shannan Pratt
Preston North Lion's Club
Kimberly & Randy Price
Print Team
Peter Punzmann
Sharon Quarles
Helma Rabal
Rafain Do Brasil, LLC
Marcia & Bill Rafkin
Kyle Ragsdale
M. Carolyn Raiser
RAM Energy
Rambouillett Book Club
Julie & Jacob Ratner
Kathleen Ray
Patricia & Stan Reeder
Lori & Tom Reisenbichler
Julie Rekieta
Richardson Church
of the Nazarene
Gerald Reihsen
Louis Requena
Mary & Jack Reynold
Georgia Rieken
Right Management Consultants
Denise & Steve Ring
Christopher Ripley
Annette Rivera
Mary Rixford
The RJN Foundation, Inc.
M. Susan & J. Michael Roach
Brett Robinson
Katherine Verner &
V. Mark Robison
Brian Rodgers
Melody & Richard Rogers
Richard Rosalez
Carolyn Rosenbaum
Brent Rosenthal
James Ross
Sarah Roth
Lizzie & Dan Routman
Jami Roux
Brenda & Tim Rudd
Erwin Ruggles
Rumsey Pharmacy, Inc.
Dale Rushing
Dayna Russell
Rebecca Russell
Ruth C. & Charles S.
Sharp Foundation
Quinn Sanford
Jo Anne Sanchez
Greg Schaffner
Kim & Brent Sheffield
Sandra Schulte
Christina & Cody Sears
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
The Second Floor-Westin
Jack Seidel
Mark Sharkey
Karen Shearrer
Suzanne Shelton
Jonathan Sher
Brenda Shorter
Debra & Randy Shulkin
Deanna & Wesley Sinclair
Luther Slay
Joyce Slocum
Joan Smallshaw
Desmond Smith
Faye Smith
Glenda & Michael Smith
Michele Smith
Nancy Smith
Nathan Smithson
Richard Snyder
Kathleen Soch
South Dakota Royalty
Mark Southam
Southwest Airlines
Southwest Corporate FCU
Brent Spaeth
Jason Spahr
Judy S. & Marshall G. Spangler
Gary Spinell
Paul Spining
Judith & Marshall Sprigg
Dawn Springer
St. Monica Catholic Church
Ann & Robert Steffler
Tina & Edward Stelnicki
Christi & Ardis Stembridge
Michele Stephens
Rabbi Nancy Kasten &
Rabbi David Stern
Meribeth H. &
William E. Stevens
Laurie Z. & James B. Stevenson
Ferguson Stewart
Ann Stewart-Carr
Rod Strohl
David Stelter
Charlotte Stockard
Linda Stokes
Scott Strickland
Studio 206
Louise Suder
Sullivan's Steakhouse
Suite Interiors of America, LLC
Michael Surovik
The Susan Schwarts
Philanthropic Fund
Brice Tarzwell
Elizabeth & Ronald Taylor
TBG Partners
Charavarthy Terlapu
Lyle Teska
Texas Rangers Women's Club
Texas Scottish Rite Hospital
Texas Society of Professional
Engineers-Dallas Chapter
Think Band
Amanda & Keith Thode
Shelley & Mike Thomas
Tammy Thomas
The Thompson Family
Charitable Fund
Michael Thornton
David Tilley
Time Warner Cable Shared
Service Center
of 3
Frank Tobin
Susan Tobin
Jonathan Toman
Gary Toretti
Karin Torgerson
Ramon Torres
Saul Torres
Tracey Taylor
Trademark Property Company
Elizabeth & Edgar Treadaway
Michael Trombello
Trewitt Trust
The Truemper Family
Charitable Fund
Shin Ban Tsai
Ellen & Josh Ungerman
University of Phoenix
Utility Systems Solutions
Bobby James Vasquez
Patricia Vaughan
Verado Energy Inc.
Carol & John Vesey
Jan Vrielink
Alice & David Wagoner
Kay & Kerry Walbridge
Timothy Watson
Mitra Valatabar Harrell &
Herbert Wayne
Sarah & Tom Webster
Nathan Weiss
Lloyd Wheeler
Jeffrey Whitman
Jane & Barry Weiman
Scott Wells
Welton USA, LTD
Cynthia Wenban
Lorraine & Kevin Wessels
Brian Westgate
Westwood Management
Pat Whatley
Emily Wilkins
Bettina & Paul Williams
Kathy & Lawrence Wilson
Jennifer & Justin Winter
Daniel Wolfe
Ann & Raymond Wooldridge
Margaret Wysong
XO Communications
Elizabeth Yancey
Robert Yaquinto &
Petrine Abrahams
Hector Ybanez
Ruth Yeager
Thomas Yoder
York Street Restaurant
Carole & James Young
Angela & Luis Zambrano
Zandra Estess
Jenny & Steve Zimmerly
Neil Zucker
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
1st Global
588 Lofts
7-Eleven, Inc.
99 Only Stores
Abbott Labratories
Abbott Nutrition
ABC Pest & Lawn Service
ABC Radio Networks
ACE Cash Express
ACORN Housing Association
Acosta, Inc.
Adkerson Hauder &
Bezney, P.C.
Advance Business Capital LLC
Advance Transport Inc.
Aegis Ltd.
AEP Span
AFI Dallas
Agrolabs Inc.
Air Liquide
AirTrans Freight Services, Inc.
AIU Holdings, Inc.
Bernard Akenes
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer
& Feld LLP
Albertson's LLC
Alco Delivery Service
Tabassum Ali
Allen, Inc.
Allen Philharmonic Symphony
& Orchestra Chorus
Alliance Data Systems, Inc.
Allied Marketing Group, Inc.
Allied Waste Services BFI
Alpha Epsilon Delta, Inc.
Alpha Gamma Delta
Alpha Phi Omega
Alpine Food Distributing, Inc.
Alternative Distributors, Inc.
Hamilton Altman
Alvarez & Marsal
Holdings, LLC
AMC Warehouses Inc.
America First Insurance
American Airlines
American Express Company
American Food Service
American Heart
Association, Inc.
American Hospice Foundation
American Messaging
Services, LLC
The American National
Red Cross
American Welding
AmeriCold Logistics
Monioc N. Anderson
Apple & Eve LLP
Arbors Las Colinas
Archer Western, Herzog
Arctic Express
Armed Forces Reserve
Armour-Eckrich Meats LLC
Cason Armstrong
ARS Rescue Rooter
ASD Healthcare
Aspect Software, Inc.
Associated Air Center
Associated Wholesale Grocers
Assured Self Storage
ATI Enterprises, Inc.
Atlanta Community Food Bank
Atlas Copco Secoroc
ATX Group
Avenida Crossing Apartments
Babcock & Brown Limited
Bachman Recreation Center
Back Consultants
René Baker
Bakery Express
Bandidos MC Worldwide
Bank of America, N.A.
Bank of Texas, N.A.
Marquis Banks
Bankston Chevrolet
Barbara Bush Elementary
Bay Area Food Banks
Baylor Health Care System
Baylor Institute for
Rehabilitation at Gaston
Baylor Regional Medical Center
Bella Vida at Ridgeview
Country Club
Ben Milam Elementary School
Bent Tree Child
Development Center
Berger Engineering Company
Bernstein Global Wealth
Bertrand's Inc.
Best Maid Products, Inc.
Bethany Elementary School
Rodney Blue
Blue Bell Creameries, L.P.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Blue Goose, International
Blue Line Foodservice
Boeing Service Company
Bombardier Aerospace
Borden Milk Products
Borderland Food Bank
Bowie Elementary School
Brandenburg International
Bridgford Foods Corporation
Bright & Co.
Brink's Incorporated
Brinker International
Susan Clot De Broissia
Brookhaven Country Club
Brookshire Grocery Company
Yousef Bryan
Bryles Research, Inc.
Buddha's Light International
Association, BLIA
Bush Brothers and Company
C.H. Robinson Worldwide, Inc.
C.R. England Trucking
Cal-Maine Foods, Inc.
Larkey Calloway
Campbell Soup Company
Brands LP
Canon U.S.A.
Capital Area Food Bank
of Texas
Capital One
Capital One Auto Finance Inc.
Carbon's Golden Malted
Cardinal Health, Inc.
Cargil Produce Company
Cargill, Incorporated
Caritas of Waco
Carolina Logistics Services Inc.
The Carriage House
Companies, Inc.
Carrol Clinic
Carroll Fulmer Logistics
Carrollton Health and
Rehabilitation Center
Cartamundi USA
Castle Gap Jewelry Co.
Castle Montessori
Cathedral of Faith Church
Catholic Czech Club
CB Richard Ellis
CCCS of Greater Dallas, Inc.
Cedar Creek Housing
Celanese Corporation
Central Life Science
Central Market
Central Refrigerated
Service, Inc.
Centre of Physical Rehab
Cesar Chavez Learning Center
CF Chefs, Inc.
CFS North America, Inc.
Chandler Signs
Chaparral Fruit Sales, Inc.
Charlene Lingo
Charon Fellows Church
Charter Builders, LTD
Danny Cheatham
The Cheesecake Factory
Children's Medical Center
Childtime Learning Center
Chiquita Brands
International, L.L.C.
CHR Solutions, Inc.
Christian Community Action
Church & Dwight Co., Inc.
CitiMortgage Inc.
Citizens Development Center
City Credit Union
City of Dallas
City of Dallas - Dallas City Hall
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
City of Garland Fire
Clark Consulting
Clark Road Church of Christ
Classic Coach Update
Classic Mazda of Denton
Classic Rehabilitation, Inc.
John Clemons
The Clorox Company
The Coca-Cola Company
COI Foodservice
Colemont Brokerage Group Inc.
Colgate Oral
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Collin County Community
College District
Colonial Bank
Columbia Fresh Produce
Erasmo Colunoh
Comerica Bank
Community Supervision
Companion Data Services, LLC
CompuCom Systems, Inc.
Computer Service Corp.
ConAgra Foods, Inc.
Congregation Beth Israel
Congresswoman Eddie
Bernice Johnson
Contemporary Art Dealers
of Dallas - Art Lab &
Third Space
Convergint Technologies LLC
Cooper & Scully, P.C.
Cooper Adventures
Cooper Clinic
Copart, Inc.
Coppell Inependent
School District
Core Carrier Corporation
Cornerstone Chem-Dry
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Countrywide Home Loans
Court Reporting Institure
Creation Technologies
Crestone Group
Baking Companies
Crestside Facilities Corporation
Crete Carrier Corp.
Mat Crist
Crosswood Associates, Inc.
Curves DBA Ideal Fitness
Curves for Women
CVS Caremark
CVS Caremark
Distribution Center
D Magazine
D. Anderson & Company
D&M Carriers
Dale & Thomas Popcorn
Dallas Airmotive
Dallas Arboretum
Dallas Area Pharmacy
The Dallas Association for
Financial Professionals
Dallas Athletic Club
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Dallas Bar Association
Dallas Central
Appraisal District
Dallas Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Dallas County
Dallas County Community
College District
Dallas County Community
Supervision & Corrections
Dallas County Juvenile
Justice Alternative
Education Program
Dallas County Schools
Dallas County Tax Office
Dallas Employment Services
Dallas Fire Department
Dallas Indian Community
Dallas Jobs, Inc.
Dallas Kids Expo
Dallas Lite & Barricade, Inc.
The Dallas Opera Guild
Dallas Parochial League
Dallas Plate
Dallas Public Library
Dallas Regional, National
Alliance of Black School
Dallas South Lions Club
Dallas Stars, L.P.
Dallas Transfer and Terminal
Warehouse Co.
Dallas/Fort Worth Case
Management Society
of America
The Dannon Company, Inc.
Dart Employees
Dave & Buster's, Inc.
David W. Carter High School
Dawn Food Products, Inc.
Dazzlepie Partners, LTD
DC Logistics
DCI Cheese Company
R. H. Deadman
Dean Foods
Debt Settlement America
Defence Food Show Event at
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Fabian DeLeon
Deloitte Development LLP
The Delta Companies
Democracy Toolbox
Cynthia Denbow
Tanya & John Denton
Denton Creek Elementary
Desert Glory, Ltd.
Desoto Freshman Campus
DFI Gold Rush
DFW Hospital Council
DFW Produce Co.
Direct Energy, LP
Directorz Inc.
Disciples Women's Ministry
Diversified Foods, Incorporated
Diversified Products Division
Dobie Primary School
Dole Food Company, Inc.
of 3
Domino's Pizza
Don Miguel, Inc.
Double Diamond Co.
Double HH Realty
Services, LLC
Dr Pepper Snapple Group
Dr Pepper StarCenter
Dresser Inc.
Dry Clean Super Center
DSC Truck Services
Dymatize Enterprises, Inc.
Eagle Transmission
Earth 1st Recycle Center Inc.
East Side Entrees
Ebby Halliday Real Estate, Inc.
Ecolab Inc. - GCS Food Service
Equipment Parts & Service
Ed & Compton Sylvest
Edge Packaging Systems
Edward Don & Company
Edward H. Cary Middle School
EF Johnson Technologies, Inc.
Bernie Ehrier
El Centro College
Elbit Systems Ltd.
Eliza's Skin Care
Ellis County Back Institute
EMC Mortgage Corporation
Empire Terminal Warehouse
EnCana Corporation
Epi Breads
Episcopal Church of
the Annunciation
Equity Residential
Escalon Premier Brands
ESI International, Inc.
eSports Partners
Essilor of America, Inc.
Europa Sports Products Inc.
Brundy Evans
Everest College
Ewing Auto Group
Examination Management
Services Inc.
Exchange Logistics
Exercise Kindness
Explorations Preparatory
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Fairmeadows Elementary
Family Medical Center at
Family Union
Faribault Foods, Inc.
Farmers Branch Church
of Christ
Farmers Fruit and Vegetable
Farmland Foods, Inc.
Taylor Farms
FedEx Office
Feeding America
FelCor Lodging Trust
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
FFE Transportation Inc.
Fifth Church of Christ, Scientist
Firewheel Church
First Choice Power Special
Purpose, L.C.
First Food Co.
First Place Foods
First Revenue Assurance
First United Methodist Church
of Sachse
Flamingo Juices Inc.
Flextronics International
Focus Learning Academy
Food for Neighbors
Food of Love
FoodSource, Inc.
Fossil, Inc.
Foster Farms
Frank D. Moates
Elementary School
LaBrasha Franklin
Franklin American Mortgage
Company Inc.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fred F. Florence Middle School
Frederick Douglass
Elementary School
Freestone Food Bank, Inc.
Freestore Foodbank
Fresh Express
Frito-Lay North America, Inc.
Frugé Seafood Company
Fruit Patch Inc.
Frymire Services, Inc.
Fundraising Specialists of Texas
FUNimation Productions, LTD
Future Food
Gaedeke Group, LLC
Galardi Group, Inc.
Gamma Phi Beta
The Gardens of Richardson
Garland High School
Gateway Charter Academy
Gaylord Texan Hotel &
Convention Center
GE Capital
GE Healthcare
General Dynamics Corporation
General Electric Company
General Mills, Inc.
Genesis Women's Shelter
GIM Go-Givers
The Ginger Man
Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas
GlaxoSmithKline plc
Glazier Foods Company
Glen Arbor Apartments
Global Foods
GMAC - AT&T Solutions
God of the City Food Drive
Mark Godat, MD
Going Bonkers
Golden Rule Charter School
Good Source Inc.
The Goss-Michael Foundation
Scot Goun
Grace Academy of Dallas
Grand Bank of Texas
Grand Estates at Founders
Park Apartments
Grant Thornton LLP
The Great American Restaurant
Green & McGregor Family
Green Valley Food Corp.
Greenlight Marketing
Greystar Dallas Region
Grubb & Ellis Company
Guaranty Bank
Rey Guia
Guitar Center, Inc.
Gulf Rice Milling, Inc.
Guyer High School
H. J. Heinz Company
Billy Hall
Hall Financial Group
Ham I Am!
Hanley Wood Exhibitions
Harold's Stores Inc.
Ronald Harris
Harry H. Price & Son, Inc.
HCA North Texas
Healds Valley Farms
Health Direct/AIG
Heartland Express
Hebron Community Church
Margaret Hegboum
Henneman Engineering, Inc.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Elementary School
The Hershey Company
Hidden Ridge Apartments
on the Canal
Terri High
High Plains Food Bank
High Tech Institute Inc.
Highland Oaks Church
of Christ
Highland Park Middle School
Highland Springs
Hillcrest High School
Hip Mommy & Me
Hirakata Farms
The Hockaday School
Holiday Inn Hotels & Resorts
Holiday Park Apartments
The Home Depot U.S.A. Inc.
Home Healthcare Partners LLC
Hooters of America
Hot Sauce Harry's
Hotels.com, L.P.
Houston Food Bank
Howard Hughes
Medical Institute
HUB International Limited
HUB International Rigg
Hudson Advisors
Humphrey & Associates Inc.
Hunton & Williams
Hutchins State Jail
of 3
Hyatt Regency Dallas
Ideal Sales, Inc.
Idearc Media LLC
Ignition Bass
Imagination Station Daycare
Imperial Sugar Company
Ingredients Plus
InSight Health Corp.
Integra Hospital Plano
International Traders
Interstate Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
ISN Software Corp.
ITT Technical Institute
J&J Produce
J.B. Hunt Transport
Services, Inc.
J.C. Penney Company, Inc.
Jackson Middle School
Jacobson Companies
Jamba Juice Company
Jani-King International, Inc.
Jasper High School
Jim Adler & Associates
JMC Restaurant Distribution
Tom Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
Services, Inc.
Michelle Jones
Jones Lang LaSalle Staubach
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Judd, Thomas, Smith &
Company, PC
Kay Chemical Company
Keller Williams Elite
Kellogg NA Co.
Ken Suter Car Care
Kerns Beverages, LLC
Kerr Elementary School
Keystone Fruit Marketing, Inc.
Kforce Inc.
Kiest Valley Estates
Homeowners Association
Kikkoman Corporation
KIPP Truth Academy
Kiwanis Div.2
KLLM Transport Services
Knight Refrigerated
Knight Transportation, Inc.
Kracker Enterprises LLC
Kraft Foods Inc.
Kroger (Hunger Link)
The Kroger Company
Kroger Food Show
Kroger NALC Food Drive
L. V. Stockard Middle School
La Familia Distributing
LA Food Services
La Madeleine de Corps, Inc.
La Mexicana Tortilla Factory
La Mirada
La Petite Academy
Labatt Food Service
Laboratory Corporation of
America Holdings
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Harry Lackey
Lady of America
Lake Highlands Elementary
Lake Highlands High School
Lake Highlands Homeowners'
Lake Highlands Junior
High School
Lakeview Apartments
Lakewood Elementary School
Lakewood Greens Apartments
LALA Foods, Inc.
Lamar Companies Inc.
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Laredo-Webb County
Food Bank
LCT Transportation Services
Learning Care Group, Inc.
Legacy Christian Academy
Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc.
The Lemmons Company
Leo's Foods Inc.
Leonides Gonzalez Cigarroa,
M.D. Elementary
Leslie A. Stemmons
Elementary School
LevelTen Interactive
Ashley Lewis
Lewisville Idependent
School District
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Life at the Table
Life School Red Oak
Little Debbie Snacks
Lobo Tortilla Factory, Inc.
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Loewinsohn Flegle Deary LLP
Lone Star Comics Inc.
Lone Star Transportation, LLC
Jessica Lopez
Diana J. Lowry
LSG Sky Chefs
Lyndon B. Johnson
Elementary School
M&M Packaging, Inc.
Macy's, Inc.
Mahard Egg Farm, Inc.
The Main Attraction
Malone's Cost Plus
Marc Samuels Jewelers
Mark Twain Elementary School
Marquez Brothers
International Inc.
Marriott International, Inc.
Marsalis Avenue Church
of Christ
Martin Luther King Jr.
Learning Center
Martin Transportation Systems
Martinelli Foods
Master's Distribution Co. Inc.
Maui Foods International
Mazda Motor Corporation
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
MBM FoodService Distribution
McCoy Elementary School
Rebecca Carr-McKenzie
McKesson Corp.
Meadowbrook School
Medical Clinic of North
Texas, P.A.
Medieval Times
Mercedes-Benz Financial
Methodist Richardson
Medical Center
MetroPCS Wireless, Inc.
MGC Mortgage, Inc.
Mi Escuelita Preschool, Inc.
Michaels Stores, Inc.
Micro Turbo Inc.
Mid-Michigan Food Bank
Middle College High School
Middlebrook Dryden Carter
Milestone Management
Minyard Food Stores, Inc.
Mission Bautista
Mission Ranch Apartments
Mitchell International, Inc.
Mizkan Americas, Inc.
Moises E. Molina High School
Clarissa Mollenhaven
Monaco Park Apartments
Montecito Creek
Moore Lawn & Garden
The Morton H. Meyerson
Symphony Center
Mosaic Sales Solutions
Holdings company
Mountain View College
MountainKing Potatoes
Mrs. Baird's Bread
Mrs. C's Foods & Kosher Bakery
MSS Construction
Muslim American Society
MW Logistics
My Storage Space
N & H Plumbing Services, Inc.
Naked Juice Company
Nathan Adams Elementary
National Care Network
National Charity League, Inc.
National Freight
National Health Insurance
The National Latino Peace
Officers Association Greater
Dallas Chapter
Naturally Fresh
Naumes, Inc.
NEC Corporation of America
Neiman Marcus
Shawna Nesbitt
Nestlé Waters North America
NetScout System, Inc.
Councilman David A. Neum
New Friendship Baptist Church
New Rising Fenix, Inc.
of 3
New St. Peter's
Presbyterian Church
New Sun Produce
NFL Moms
Niagara Bottling, LLC
Cynthia Nickelburg
Nissan Motor Acceptance
Noble Royalties, Inc.
Nokia Fitness Center
Nordstrom, Inc.
North Central Distributors, Inc.
North Central Texas Permit
Tech Chapter
North Star Dragway
North Texas American
Girl Club
North Texas Surgery Center
NorthPark Management Co.
Northwest Bible Church
Northwood Country Club
O Donut
Oak Cliff Family Unity
Medical Practice
Oak Farms Dairy
Oakfield Farms, Inc.
The Oaks of Collin Creek
Oakwood Cove Mobile Homes
Obama Outreach of North Texas
O'Banion Middle School
Occidental Tower
Occupational Health &
Safety Administration
Ocean Spray Cranberries, Inc.
Odyssey HealthCare, Inc.
Old Navy
Omega Environmental
Osborne Hessey Logistics
Otis McAllister Inc.
Owens Country Sausage, Inc.
Ozarka Natural Spring Water
P&K Services
Pacific Coast Products
Paladin Consulting, Inc.
The Paper Plate, Inc.
Parago, Inc.
Doug Parish
Parish Episcopal School
Park Lake Church
Park Place Lexus
Monroe Parker
Parker College of Chiropractic
Parkland Health &
Hospital System
Parmenter Realty Partners
Parsons Corporation
Pear Ridge Creek Aparments
Pecan Creek Office Group
Pediatricians of Dallas, PA
Pegasus School of Liberal
Arts and Sciences
Pepperidge Farm, Incorporated
PepsiCo Inc.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Performance Food Group
Perot Systems
Craig Phares
PHCC North Texas
Philips Lighting Controls
Pilgrim's Pride
Pinnacle Foods (Vlasic)
Pizza Hut, Inc.
The Planet
Planet Burrito
Plano Senior High School
Plano West Senior High School
Platt College
The PNL Companies
The Point Group
The Potter's House
Power Packaging of Texas, Inc.
Premier Produce Services
Premier Sales Solutions
Prescott Realty Group
Prescription Solutions
The Preserve at Arbor
Hills Apartments
Preston Park Montessori
Preston Royal Village
Shopping Center
Prestonwood Christian
The Preze & Gesaman Family
Prime Distribution Services, Inc.
Prime Source
Primrose School of Forest Creek
Primrose School of North Plano
Primrose School of Wellington
Procter & Gamble
Progressive Casualty
Insurance Company
Purdue Alumni Club of
Dallas-Fort Worth
QT Technologies
Quaker Oats Company
Quality Logistics Systems
Quality Packaging
Quality Rock 93.3
Quality Sausage
Quinlan Chiropractic Clinic
Aman Qureshi
R. L. Turner High School
A. Radke
Ralston Foods
RAM Energy Resources, Inc.
Ranger Refrigerated Express
Raw Cuts Salon & Spa
Raytheon Company
RDO Equipment Co.
Reachout Homecare
Recreational Equipment, Inc.
Dexter Redic
Redstone Foods, Inc.
Regal Park Apartments
Regional East Texas Food Bank
Relay for Life
Renaissance Hospital of Dallas
The Republic Group
Research In Motion Limited
Reser's Fine Foods
Resolve Corporation
Resounding Harmony
Retreat at Spring
Park Apartments
Revolution Tea, LLC
James Reynolds
The Rho Theta Chapter
of Alpha Kappa Alpha
Sorrority, Inc.
Rhodes Office Products
Rich Products Co.
The Richards Group
Richland College
James Ringstaff
Josie Ringstaff
Rio Star Foods, Inc.
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Company, L.L.C.
River Valley Regional
Food Bank
Riverhill Apartments
Riviana Foods, Inc.
Roadtex Transportation
Robert Heath Trucking, Inc.
Bryan Robinson
Robinson Middle School
Rockline Industries, Inc.
Rock-Tenn Shared Services, LLC
Roma Foods Importing
Company, Inc.
Roma of Dallas
Roofing Supply Group
Rose Haggar Elementary School
Rosewood Mansion on
Turtle Creek
Rotaract Club at University
of North Texas
Rothstein Kass
Rowlett Bowl-A-Rama
RTKL Associates Inc.
Rubio Trucking
Rudy's Tortillas Corporation
Jennifer & Thomas Russel
Ryan & Company
Sage Quick Technologies Inc.
Sally White & Associates
Salon FX
Salon Pompeo
The Salvation Army
Sam Rayburn Elementary
Sam's Club
Sara Lee Corporation
Save-A-Lot food stores
Scarborough Research
Schepps Dairy
Schneider National, Inc.
Schulze Elementary School
Schuster Co.
Luevet Scott
Seafood Supply Company
Second Harvest
Middle Tennessee
ServiceCraft Logistics
of 3
Seven Pounds Dallas Premiere
Event with Will Smith
Sewell Automotive Companies
Sewell Hummer of Dallas
Sewell Lexus of Ftort Worth
Shadows of Cott
Shamrock Meats, Inc.
Sheffield Intermediate School
Sheraton Dallas Hotel
Sheraton Grand Hotel
DFW Airport
Shippers Warehouse, Inc.
Sigma Delta
Sigma Delta Mu
Silicon Valley Bank
Sima Foods
Six Flags Theme Parks Inc.
Skyline High School
Smith Chapel African Methodist
Episcopal Church
SMU Wesley Foundation
Snyder National
Society of St. Andrew
Solana Ridge Apartments
Arturo Solis
Sonnen Services
South Coast Produce Co., Inc.
South Mill Mushrooms
Southern Land Company
Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University
Southern Methodist University
Staff Association
Southern Refrigerated
Transport, Inc.
Southwest Airlines #8
Southwest Airlines Co.
Southwest Airlines Federal
Credit Union
Southwest Alliance of Asset
Managers, LLC
Southwest Ice Cream
Southwest International
Southwest Sanitary Company
Paige Sowden
SPCA of Texas
Marcus Spears
Sprint Nextel
Otis Spunkmeyer
St. Andrews
St. Ann Catholic Church
St. Hilaire Seed Company, Inc.
St. Monica Catholic School
STA Travel, Inc.
Staff Care, Inc.
Standard Controls
The Stanley Works
Staples, Inc.
Stars & Tykes Child Care Center
State Fair - Coke Day
State Fair CFD
The State Fair of Texas
State Farm Automobile
Insurance Company
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
Stein Mart, Inc.
Stemilt Growers
Stevens Transport
The Steward School
Stewart & Stevenson
Stonewall Jackson
Elementary School
Stream Realty Partners, L.C.
Students in Free Enterprise
Study Island
Sugarbaker's Inspired Spaces
Sunco Carriers, Inc.
Sunny Delight Beverage Co.
Sunsweet Growers, Inc.
Super Plaza Stores Corp.
Super Star Produce
Superior Solutions Staffing
Supreme Lending
Sur La Table
SW Freight
Swift Transportation Co., Inc.
Swift Transportation Corporation
Sygma Corporation
Sygma Network Inc.
Sysco Corporation
T. Marzetti Company
Talbots Inc.
Target Brands, Inc.
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Tatum, LLC
Taxco produce Co. Inc.
Taylor Publishing Company
Teledyne Storm Products
Telvista, Inc.
Tenet HealthSystem Medical, Inc.
Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.
Texas Crumb & Food Products
Texas Department of State
Health Services
Texas Department of
Transportation Dallas
District Office
Texas Food Bank Network
Texas Instruments Incorporated
Texas Oncology
Texas Woman's University
TFG Foods, Inc.
TGI Friday's, Inc.
Theta Alpha Charter
Thomas C. Marsh Middle School
Thompson Coe Cousins &
Irons: Van Meir Ellen
Three Forest Plaza
Through the Key Hole
ThyssenKrupp Elevator
Titan Services LLC
T-Mobil USA, In.c
TMW Systems, Inc.
Tom Thumb
Town North Family YMCA
Toyota Financial Services
Transport America
Tree of Life, Inc.
Trinity Christian Academy
TriQuint Semiconductor
Tropicana Products, Inc.
Truco Enterprises, LP
Truman Middle School
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
Tuesday Morning
Turbana Corporation
Turbomeca USA
Turley Law Firm
TXI Safety Department
Tyson Foods, Inc.
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency - Region 6
U.S. Foodservice
UBI - A Division of AmTrust
North America
Umphrey Lee Elementary School
UNC Children's Hospital
Unilever HPC
United Fresh Produce
United HealthCare Services, Inc.
United Parcel Services of
America, Inc.
United States Bowling Congress
United States Cold Storage
United Steel Workers Women of Steel
United Way
Unitrin Specialty
Unity Church of Dallas
Universal Academy of Coppell
Universal Technical Institute, Inc.
University of Texas at Dallas
The University of Texas
Southwestern Medical
Center at Dallas
University Park
Elementary School
US Cold
US Express
US Food Service
US Home Systems
USA Express
USA Mobility Inc.
USA Pallet
USDA-CSFP Commodity
USIS, Inc.
UT of Texas at Dallas
Valor (Kuehne & Nagel)
Valor Brands LLC
VAN Oriental Food, Inc.
Varel International, Inc.
Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.
The Velvet Snout
Ventura Foods, LLC
Verizon Communication Company
Veroli Foods
Versa Cold
Vietti Foods Company
Jesus Vigveria
Village Farms
Village Fresh Market
Village Green
Villas at Montierra
Vista Ridge Church of Christ
Vistar Corporation
Voortman Cookies Limited
Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc.
Vue Fitzhugh Apartments
Vue Greenville
of 3
W. T. White High School
Wachovia Corporation
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
Walgreen Co.
Bethany Wall
Walnut Hill Elementary School
Walters, Balido & Crain LLP
WatchGuard Video
Waterford at Goldmark
Waxahachie Faith
Family Academy
Weight Watchers
International, Inc.
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP
WEL Companies, Inc.
Wellington Elementary School
WellPoint, Inc.
Wells Fargo Financial
Wells Fargo Investments, LLC
Wells Truck Service Inc.
Werner Enterprises
West Texas Food Bank
Western Vegetable Produce, Inc.
Westwood College
Westwood Holdings Group, Inc.
WhiteWave Foods, Inc.
Whole Foods Market IP, L.P.
Movine Williams
Wilshire Baptist Church
Wilshire Heights Neighborhood
Windhaven Park Apartments
The Winston School
Women's Specialty Center
Woodrow Wilson Elementary
World Adult Kickball Association
World Zombie Day
XO Communications
XO One Customer Service
Xochitl Inc.
Yahoo! Inc.
Yellow Book USA, Inc.
YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas
Your Federal Credit Union
Youth Leadership Day Food Drive
Yucatan Foods, LP
Zale Corporation
Zale Lipshy University Hospital
Zephries Family
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
Executive Committee
W. Lee Coleman Jr., CB Richard Ellis (Chairman)
Frank Roby, Concero Global (Past Chair)
Charlie Morrison, Pizza Inn, Inc. (Chair Elect)
Debra Tippett, Cardinal Company (Secretary)
David Franklin, Franklin Investments (Treasurer)
Stephen Chase, KPMG LLP (At Large)
Michael Cox, Culinaire International (At Large)
Steve Schenkel, Schepps Dairy
Cynthia Wenban, Lockheed Martin
Jon A. Wolkenstein, Grant Thornton LLP
Connie Yates, Tom Thumb Food and Pharmacy
Carole S. Young, Carole S. Young & Associates
Members at Large
Tom Black, Black, Mann and Graham, LLP
Baine Brooks, TwoRows Restaurants
F. Lane Cardwell, Jr., Community Volunteer
Sally Cullum, Crystal Charity Ball Committee
Christina Durovich, Community Volunteer
Roslyn Goodall, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Jess Hay, Texas Foundation of Higher Education
Gary Huddleston, Kroger Food Stores
Thomas Huffhines, SYSCO Food Services of Dallas, LP
Melanie Jones, Southwest Airlines
Rebecca King, Kroger Food Stores
Larry Lavine, Turtle Creek Restaurants
Karen Lukin, Whole Foods Market
Greg Schaffner, US Food Service
Life Board Members
John Beckert
Jerry Ellis, Community Volunteer
Louise Gartner, Community Volunteer
Bette Perot, Perot Foundation
Teresa Phillips, TPHD, LLC
Stephan Pyles, Stephan Pyles Concepts
General Counsel
Jeffrey Goldfarb, DLA Piper US LLP
Ambassador Kathryn Hall, Hall Wines
Liz Minyard, Community Volunteer
President & Chief Executive Officer
Jan Pruitt
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
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Food Sourcing
to Over 50does
Local Donations – Community members
12.2 million pounds. Thank you!
Food Sourcing
We sourced 40.3 million pounds of food this year.
Feeding America – We secured
Actua 10.4
Mea s
million pounds through our partnership
with Feeding America, a nonprofit
organization that solicits donated food
and grocery products from national
suppliers for distribution through over
200 certified food banks nationally.
01 Agriculture (USDA) – 11.4 million pounds
U.S. Department
were provided through The Emergency Food Assistance Program
(TEFAP) and Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP).
Purchased Food – We purchased 6.3 million pounds of staple items to help
ensure a reliable supply of nutritious foods to local pantries and meal
programs. Our core inventory items include rice and beans, ground meats,
pasta, fresh and canned fruits and vegetables, tuna, milk and eggs.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
Agency University
is a program designed to train Member Agencies
on ways to enhance their food programs and better leverage their resources in
order to increase their capacity to help more of those in need. Agencies currently
choose from six different courses consisting of 16 classes taught by professionals
in the fields of health and nutrition, fund development, organization and program
implementation. This year we had 408 participants resulting in more than 1,760
hours of training, which were provided to our Agencies free of charge. Agency
participants who decide to complete an entire course of classes also receive
continuing education college credits from El Centro Community College.
Charitable Produce Center Founded in 1994 with Louise Gartner’s
vision, the Charitable Produce Center was designed to transform the large amount
of waste in the fresh produce market into a source of nourishment for hungry
North Texans. The Food Bank extended this concept in 1999 with a grant from
Kraft Foods, Inc., by developing the Rural Produce Initiative to distribute fresh
produce to Member Agencies outside of Dallas County each week. In fiscal year
2009, the program provided more than 3,501,250 pounds of produce throughout all
13 counties in the North Texas Food Bank's service area.
Commodities Supplemental Food Program In 2000, the North
Texas Food Bank became the first Commodities Supplemental Food Program (also
known locally as People and Nutrition, or PAN) distributor in Texas. The program
provides surplus USDA commodities for low income Dallas County residents who
meet certain requirements, such as being 60 years old or older, children under six
not receiving assistance from WIC (Women, Infants and Children Program) or
pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum women not receiving assistance from WIC.
Each month, 7,500 participants each receive an estimated 32 pounds of USDA
commodities at 98 PAN distribution sites in Dallas County. PAN is a partnership of
the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Texas Health and Human Services Commission,
Catholic Charities of Dallas and the North Texas Food Bank.
Community Kitchen The Community Kitchen began as a North Texas
Food Bank pilot program in early 2000. The mission of the Kitchen is to offer
Food Bank Member Agencies nutritious, fully prepared frozen meals to heat and
serve to the hungry while providing culinary job skills training to disadvantaged
individuals with an interest in a food service career. Construction of a new 3,000
square foot kitchen at the Food Bank was completed in February 2002. The kitchen
provides an average of 8,000 meals weekly in a variety of formats which are then
distributed to 39 program sites. Up to 30 students, primarily from the Texas Second
Chance Program in partnership with Dawson State Prison, receive food service
training each year while helping to prepare meals.
Food For Families Food For Families is a cooperative effort between the
North Texas Food Bank and more than 30 Member Agencies. Pre-qualified clients
of participating Agencies are issued a voucher for specific food distribution. Clients
meet Agency volunteers at a specific parking lot at a pre-determined time. A drivethrough line is organized and Agency volunteers give food directly to clients from
Food Bank trucks. In fiscal year 2009, more than 707,737 pounds of food were
distributed to more than 16,619 families and 69,085 individuals.
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
Food 4 Kids Elementary school children on the free and reduced-price school
meal program often face hunger when these meals are not available on weekends.
The Food 4 Kids program helps to solve this problem by providing backpacks full of
nonperishable, kid-friendly food for these chronically hungry children to take home
on Friday afternoons. The program has grown exponentially from 200 participating
elementary schools last year to 310 schools in fiscal year 2009. Approximately
7,900 children in Dallas, Denton, Collin, Rockwall and Fannin counties received a
backpack full of food each weekend during the school year.
Hunger Link Prepared Foods The Dallas Hunger Link collects surplus
prepared, perishable food from 25 donor hotels, restaurants, cafeterias and other
food service kitchens. That food is then frozen in disposable aluminum steam table
pans provided by the Food Bank. Specially trained Hunger Link drivers then pick
up the food in refrigerated Hunger Link trucks and distribute it to on-site meal
programs throughout Dallas. In fiscal year 2009, the Hunger Link program collected
more than 524,000 pounds of food.
Kids Cafe The North Texas Food Bank’s Kids Cafe program began in 1998 as a
way to provide nutritious after-school meals to children who may not have enough
to eat when they go home from school. The Food Bank currently operates 28 Kids
Cafe sites with generous funding from several donors, including Capital One. More
than 270,739 meals were served last year to children in Dallas, Collin and Grayson
Main Program The Main Program of the North Texas Food Bank gathers
donations of both perishable and nonperishable food as well as nonfood items.
These items are then distributed to North Texas area food pantries, soup kitchens,
homeless shelters and other programs that serve people in need. In fiscal year 2009,
the Food Bank’s Main Program distributed enough resources to Member Agency
food pantries to serve 634,740 families. Area homeless shelters, day-care centers,
soup kitchens and other facilities provided 5,215,929 on-site meals and snacks to the
hungry in our community.
Nutrition Education/Operation Frontline Nutrition education is
a priority at the North Texas Food Bank. Since partnering with Share Our Strength
in 1996 to provide Operation Frontline (OFL) cooking and nutrition classes, the Food
Bank has educated thousands of families in North Texas. Through direct outreach to
clients at Member Agencies, OFL promotes short- and long-term solutions to hunger
by providing participants of all ages with the skills and resources they need to make
healthy, economical food choices. Every year, culinary professionals, nutritionists
and food enthusiasts volunteer their time to teach low-income participants the basics
of healthy cooking, nutrition, food budgeting and food safety. In fiscal year 2009, 272
people participated in 20 six-week classes, a 108 percent increase in the number of
people served and a 43 percent increase in the number of classes offered since last
year. Additionally, 12,038 people received nutrition education through workshops at
Member Agencies and events in the community.
Texas Second Chance
In 1997 the North Texas Food Bank formed a
collaborative partnership with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Texas
Second Chance allows selected prison confinees to volunteer at the Food Bank
up to four days a week. As volunteer laborers, they receive job skills training in
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
2009 Annual Report : Close the Gap Year
of 3
warehousing and food service. This training vastly improves participants’ ability
to successfully reintegrate into the community. Last year participants in the Texas
Second Chance program provided more than 15,730 hours of community service for
the Food Bank.
Serving U Serving U is a one-day teambuilding program hosted in our renovated
warehouse. The program is designed to help key executive and departmental
personnel sharpen their communication and teamwork skills while serving a larger
purpose. In just one day, corporate teams learn how to work together effectively,
set aside differences, plan common goals and build stronger bonds. At the same
time, team members are helping to feed thousands of North Texans in need by
volunteering together at the Food Bank. In fiscal year 2009, seven companies took
part in Serving U, for a total of 656 participants. The following companies are Serving
U alumni from the past two years: ALCOA, Brown-Forman, Capital One, Capital
One Auto Finance, Capital One Commercial Banking, Communities Foundation of
Texas, Covidien, CVS Caremark, Dallas Convention and Visitors Bureau, The Dallas
Morning News, EnCana Oil and Gas, One Technologies, PepsiCo, Pizza Inn, Plexent,
Powerwave, RSW Creative, Sabre Holdings, Southwest Airlines, Travelocity,
University Park United Methodist Church, Wal-Mart and YUM! Brands, Inc.
The Volunteer Experience Volunteering at the North Texas Food Bank
is truly a unique experience. With a variety of ways to serve – from packing and
sorting food to helping with administrative tasks to teambuilding programs like
Serving U – our volunteers enjoy a hands-on, engaging and effective community
service experience that brings them back again and again. In fiscal year 2009, 17,004
volunteers contributed 57,580 hours of service to the North Texas Food Bank. The
Food Bank is grateful for the hard work and dedication of our many volunteers and
community leaders who help make our work possible.
Feeding Kids
Laura Bechtol, a counselor at F.P. Caillet Elementary School in Dallas sees firsthand how devastating the effects of hunger
can be for a child. Of the 723 students at Caillet
Elementary, the vast majority are on the free or
reduced-price school meal program.
But thanks to the North Texas Food Bank’s
Food 4 Kids backpack program, students
can take home backpacks full of nutritious,
kid-friendly food each weekend when they
otherwise might not have anything to eat.
Laura says the program has made a huge difference in the kids’ behavior and
concentration in class.
“If you’re hungry, your focus isn’t there,” she says. “If you don’t have your basic
needs met, nothing else matters.”
"Thank you for giving me the food and helping my family because some people
don't give us things,” says one appreciative student. "My mom and dad are
happy to see us eat healthy."
Imagine...A World Without Hunger.
The North Texas Food Bank passionately
pursues a hunger-free community.
4500 S. Cockrell Hill Road
Dallas, TX 75236-2028
P: 214.330.1396
F: 214.331.4104
A member of