Now we will watch the film. A GAROTA DA CAPA VERMELHA
Now we will watch the film. A GAROTA DA CAPA VERMELHA
FICHA PARA IDENTIFICAÇÃO PRODUÇÃO DIDÁTICO – PEDAGÓGICATURMA - PDE/2012 Título: A questão social abordada do Conto de Fadas Chapeuzinho Vermelho Autora Vera Lucia dos Santos Disciplina/Área Língua Estrangeira Moderna - Inglês Núcleo Regional de Educação Pitanga Escola de Implementação do Projeto e sua localização Colégio Estadual do Campo João Cionek – EFMP Município da Escola Santa Maria do Oeste Instituição de Ensino Superior UNICENTRO – Universidade do Centro Oeste Professor Orientador Ana Paula de Castro Sierakowski Relação Interdisciplinar Língua Portuguesa – História- Sociologia Resumo do Projeto Os contos de fadas estão presentes na vida de nossos alunos podendo representar a linguagem dos sentimentos, da subjetividade e do imaginário. Há, portanto, a necessidade de analisar como os contos de fadas podem contribuir para a aprendizagem deles nas aulas de Inglês. O presente projeto apresenta a possibilidade de trabalhar o conto de fada, de modo que as aulas de inglês passem a ser prazerosas e significativas. No trabalho, pretende-se propor atividades de leitura a partir do conto de fadas, Chapeuzinho Vermelho, na versão de Perrault, dos Irmãos Grimm e o filme - A Garota da Capa Vermelha. Assim, objetiva-se estimular o imaginário e a criticidade dos alunos, levando- os a refletirem sobre os contos de fadas, além de analisar a estrutura do gênero evidenciando suas características. Para tanto, seguir-se-ão os seguintes passos: explorar o conto de fada com leituras, produção de textos com o tema “Chapeuzinho Vermelho Nos Dias Atuais”; debates; atividades de compreensão e de estrutura da língua inglesa. Palavra-chave Leitura –Conhecimento -Valores Formato do Material Didático Unidade Didática Público Alvo 1º ano do Ensino Médio APRESENTAÇÃO O objetivo desta Unidade Didática é de contribuir para o ensinoaprendizagem de Língua Inglesa por meio dos contos de fadas que fazem parte da vida de nossos alunos representando a linguagem dos sentimentos, da subjetividade e do imaginário. O tema será abordado por meio do gênero textual contos de fadas, e o conto selecionado é “Chapeuzinho Vermelho”. Nesse sentido, busca-se resgatar o gosto pela leitura e a formação do senso crítico dos educandos por meio de questões sociais discutidas em tal texto. Objetiva-se ainda, refletir e construir significados na formação da identidade e tornar as aulas de Língua Inglesa mais prazerosas e significativas. O presente material didático foi elaborado de acordo com as Diretrizes Curriculares Educacionais do Ensino de Língua Estrangeira Moderna – LEM, organizado por meio do gênero textual: contos de fadas, levando em consideração o perfil sócio-econômico-cultural dos alunos da Rede Pública de Ensino. O trabalho está previsto para ser realizado em um total de 32 aulas e pretende-se realizar atividades de leitura do conto de fadas de Chapeuzinho Vermelho de Charles Perrault, a versão dos Irmãos Grimm e o filme: A Garota da Capa Vermelha, analisando, nos textos escritos, a estrutura do gênero selecionado e evidenciando as características que apresenta, explorando, também, por meio de atividades diversas de compreensão e estrutura da língua, os textos escritos e o filme. Assim, pretende-se propiciar questionamentos e discussões enfocando questões sociais, o resgate e aquisição de valores, de modo a propiciar, também, conhecimento, interação, recepção e compreensão da literatura de maneira crítica. Ao final do trabalho com os textos, propor-se-á aos alunos a produção de uma outra versão do conto de fadas . Entende-se, dessa forma, que cabe a nós educadores mediar o processo de ensino aprendizagem por meio de questionamentos que possibilitem dúvidas, debates e inquietações. Entretanto, deve ser de tal forma que provoque reflexões e associações à vida cotidiana de nossos alunos, possibilitando a contextualização dos contos de fadas. Segundo Parreiras (2010, p.107), “a literatura atualiza e faz presentes os elementos históricos que formam nossas identidades e culturas. Ela constrói as identidades e as misturas da subjetividade que nos caracteriza”, em complemento, Parreiras (2010, p.131) ainda nos diz que “há aspectos da vida que são inerentes ao ser humano e há sentimentos que são comuns entre as pessoas”. Os contos de fadas, então, oferecem possibilidades - mesmo que estes não sejam os objetivos da literatura - de orientar, educar e desenvolver a capacidade interpretativa de nossos alunos e contribuir para a formação de leitores produtores e formadores de opiniões. Learning english through fairy tales DEAR STUDENT, IN OUR NEXT CLASSES WE ARE GOING TO WORK WITH FAIRY TALES. !! IT IS GOING TO BE VERY NICE!! TO START What are fairy tales? Activity one: Write the name of some fairy tales that you know: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Activity Two 1 – Do you know fairy tales? Which ones? 2 – Do you like fairy tales? Why? 3 – What is your favorite fairy tale? Why? 4 – Do you know the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood? 5 – Have you know “Little Red Riding Hood” through the English or the Portuguese version? 6 – Let’s talk about “Little Red Riding Hood”? Now let’s learn about fairy tale “Contos de Fadas são narrativas, em que aparecem seres encantados e elementos mágicos pertencentes a um mundo imaginário, maravilhoso. São histórias muito antigas, que eram transmitidas de boca em boca e passados de geração para geração”. [Fonte: GAGHIARD, Eliana; Amaral, Heloísa. Contos de Fadas: trabalhando com os gêneros do discurso: narrar. São Paulo: FDT, 2001]. Estes contos em geral apresentam uma situação inicial, desenvolvimento e situação final com estrutura simples e fixa, começando com - “Era uma vez e com o final: e foram felizes para sempre e têm como objetivo transmitir um ensinamento. GÊNERO TEXTUAL : CONTO DE FADAS Nos Contos de fadas há: “uma situação inicial; uma ordem perturbadora, quando a situação de equilíbrio inicial se desestabiliza, dando origem a uma série de conflitos que só se interrompem com o aparecimento de uma força maior. A seguir, a ordem é restabelecida. Geralmente há personagens do bem e do mal, e a vitória, apesar do sofrimento, sempre é do personagem do bem. O “Era uma vez... e foram felizes para sempre” nos remete ao passado e serve de passaporte do mundo real para um mundo irreal, mundo fantasia.” (GAGHIARD, Eliana; Amaral, Heloísa. Contos de Fadas: trabalhando com os gêneros do discurso: narrar. São Paulo: FDT, 2001]. ) WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT little RED riding hood? Segundo BETTLHEIM (1980, p.203) “a história literária deste conto começa com Perrault. O conto, em inglês, é mais conhecido pelo título de “Capinha Vermelha”, embora o título dado pelos Irmãos Grimm, de “Chapeuzinho Vermelho” seja mais apropriado”. (BETTELHEIM, B. Psicanálise dos contos de fadas. 9º. ed. Trad. Arlene Caetano. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1992). Let’s test your knowledge and vocabulary Activity three: Find words, in English, that are related to the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” in the box bellow. Flores, vovó, cuidado, chapeuzinho vermelho, floresta, lobo, pedras, caminho, doente, conselho, barriga, lenhador, menininha, porta, obrigado, estranho, narciso, abraço, pare, mãe, casa de campo, manteiga, bolo, falar, fraca. A R P G L P H F I H D B L W A B Y A G L X Z U G H O T I E M E V T D I F J K G E O H J A D C X H O F O R E S T H A H K A A V X B E N U C J S G N K I F R L C A K E I J E G N K L C F E A R E U W I N O S I Y M K O F D I V T H O B K T D O W A D U O U A G T A U A O I U W N I L O E T S E O F E P R Y O G L B R G E S M L I P G D R O R S C C A D R O U T S D E E D A L T V T S W D F W T F R G C N N E Q T G J T Q B K I E N U D O A D O R S K L I L K L A T M F S X C O U Y M M U T T R T A O Q H M R T W O C B U T T E R M A D V I C E P N Q M I S R P E Z R E H T O M Z W R L Y N Y P F L O W E R S A S U G M E D H STRUCTURE SIMPLE PAST TENSE Como vimos, os contos de fadas tratam de fatos já ocorridos, ou seja, falam de algo que está no passado. Em inglês usamos o Simple Past Tense para isso. Os verbos em inglês podem ser divididos em regulares e irregulares: Os verbos regulares formam o passado com o acréscimo de ed ou apenas d à forma básica. Ex.: live ⇒ lived (Little Red Ridding Hood's grandmother lived in a little cottage on the other side of the forest). call ⇒ called – One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother called her and said. Os verbos irregulares têm formas específicas no passado: Ex.: begin ⇒ began (Everyone began calling her Little Red Riding Hood) see ⇒ saw (Little Red Riding Hood saw a chump of golden daffodils) Observe no texto “Little Red Riding Hood” que as ações referemse ao passado. A maioria das formas verbais está no Simple Past, um tempo verbal que equivale em português ao Pretérito Perfeito e ao Pretérito Imperfeito. O Simple Past expressa ações que começaram e terminaram no passado. No Simple Past os verbos têm uma única forma para todas as pessoas. I/YOU HE/SHE/IT WE/YOU/THEY Lived, called, began, said Nas últimas páginas desta unidade você encontrará uma lista de verbos irregulares que irá ajudá-lo na leitura dos contos. Activity four: Now, we are going to know and read some versions of this fairy tale LET’S READ THE FAIRY TALE LITTLE RED RIDDING HOOD – BY CHARLES PERRAULT Charles Perrault Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little country girl, the prettiest creature who was ever seen. Her mother was excessively fond of her; and her grandmother doted on her still more. This good woman had a little red riding hood made for her. It suited the girl so extremely well that everybody called her Little Red Riding Hood. One day her mother, having made some cakes, said to her, "Go, my dear, and see how your grandmother is doing, for I hear she has been very ill. Take her a cake, and this little pot of butter." Little Red Riding Hood set out immediately to go to her grandmother, who lived in another village. As she was going through the wood, she met with a wolf, who had a very great mind to eat her up, but he dared not, because of some woodcutters working nearby in the forest. He asked her where she was going. The poor child, who did not know that it was dangerous to stay and talk to a wolf, said to him, "I am going to see my grandmother and carry her a cake and a little pot of butter from my mother." "Does she live far off?" said the wolf "Oh I say," answered Little Red Riding Hood; "it is beyond that mill you see there, at the first house in the village." "Well," said the wolf, "and I'll go and see her too. I'll go this way and go you that, and we shall see who will be there first." The wolf ran as fast as he could, taking the shortest path, and the little girl took a roundabout way, entertaining herself by gathering nuts, running after butterflies, and gathering bouquets of little flowers. It was not long before the wolf arrived at the old woman's house. He knocked at the door: tap, tap. "Who's there?" "Your grandchild, Little Red Riding Hood," replied the wolf, counterfeiting her voice; "who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter sent you by mother." The good grandmother, who was in bed, because she was somewhat ill, cried out, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up." The wolf pulled the bobbin, and the door opened, and then he immediately fell upon the good woman and ate her up in a moment, for it been more than three days since he had eaten. He then shut the door and got into the grandmother's bed, expecting Little Red Riding Hood, who came some time afterwards and knocked at the door: tap, tap. "Who's there?" Little Red Riding Hood, hearing the big voice of the wolf, was at first afraid; but believing her grandmother had a cold and was hoarse, answered, "It is your grandchild Little Red Riding Hood, who has brought you a cake and a little pot of butter mother sends you." The wolf cried out to her, softening his voice as much as he could, "Pull the bobbin, and the latch will go up." Little Red Riding Hood pulled the bobbin, and the door opened. The wolf, seeing her come in, said to her, hiding himself under the bedclothes, "Put the cake and the little pot of butter upon the stool, and come get into bed with me." Little Red Riding Hood took off her clothes and got into bed. She was greatly amazed to see how her grandmother looked in her nightclothes, and said to her, "Grandmother, what big arms you have!" "All the better to hug you with, my dear." "Grandmother, what big legs you have!" "All the better to run with, my child." "Grandmother, what big ears you have!" "All the better to hear with, my child." "Grandmother, what big eyes you have!" "All the better to see with, my child." "Grandmother, what big teeth you have got!" "All the better to eat you up with." And, saying these words, this wicked wolf fell upon Little Red Riding Hood, and ate her all up. Moral: Children, especially attractive, well bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. I say "wolf," but there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charming, quiet, polite, unassuming, complacent, and sweet, who pursue young women at home and in the streets. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all. acesso em 30/11/12 Activity five: NOW, LET’S READ THE “BROTHERS GRIMM”’S VERSION TO THE FAIRY TALE Retold By Rohini Chowdhury Long, long time ago, in a little village at the edge of a forest, there lived a little girl. She was always dressed in a pretty red cloak and hood, so that everyone began calling her Little Red Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother called her and said, 'Daughter, your grandmother is very ill. Please take her this pot of butter and a cake that I have made. 'Be careful,' said her mother, kissing her. 'Don't stray from the path, don't stop on the way, and don't speak to any strangers.' Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lived all by herself in a little cottage on the other side of the forest. She knew her way. She skipped merrily along the forest path, enjoying the bright sunshine, the blue sky and the birds singing in the trees. But suddenly, whom should she meet but a Wolf. 'Hello, little girl,' said the Wolf in his nicest voice. 'Where are you going this bright spring day?' Little Red Riding Hood was feeling so happy and cheerful that she forgot all that her mother had said to her about not speaking to strangers. She smiled at the Wolf and replied in her politest voice, 'Hello to you as well, Mr. Wolf. I am going to see my Grandma, who lives on the other side of this forest. She isn't feeling very well today, so I am taking her a cake and a pot of butter. 'Oh dear,' said the Wolf, still in his nicest voice. 'How very sad your Grandma isn't feeling too well! I shall go and visit her as well. 'Well, let's hurry then, 'said the Wolf. 'You go this way, and I'll go the other way, and let's see who reaches your Grandma first!' So saying the Wolf vanished into the forest. He ran as fast as he could and took all the shortcuts he knew so as to reach Grandma's little cottage before Red Riding Hood. The wolf arrived at the cottage, and knocked at the door of Grandma's cottage with a gentle tap-tap. 'Who is it?' called Grandma from within. 'It's Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma,' said the Wolf, making his voice sound as much like a little girl's as he could. 'Dear Little Red Riding Hood,' said Grandma. 'I'm too weak to open the door. Lift the latch and come in.' The Wolf did as Grandma said and walked into the little cottage. There was Grandma, feeling quite weak and ill. The Wolf jumped on to the bed, and gobbled up Grandma! He knew that Little Red Riding Hood would be arriving soon, so he wasted no time, but put on Grandma's clothes and the frilly little lace cap that she always wore to bed, and lay on Grandma's bed, pretending to be Grandma. Now Little Red Riding Hood was walking as fast as she could through the forest, when she saw a clump of golden daffodils. Little Red Riding Hood forgot all that her mother had said about not stopping or leaving the path. She ran into the forest and began gathering a great big bunch of daffodils for Grandma. By the time Red Riding Hood finished picking the flowers and found her way back to the path again, it was quite late. Little Red Riding Hood began walking faster and faster, and very soon she came to her Grandma's little cottage. 'Grandma, open the door!' called Red Riding Hood, knocking on the door. 'It's Little Red Riding Hood!' He answered just as Grandma had done. 'Dear Little Red Riding Hood,' said the Wolf. 'I'm too weak to open the door. Lift the latch and come in.' Little Red Riding Hood did as the Wolf asked and walked into the cottage. She walked up to the bed to give her Grandma a hug. 'Why Grandma, ' said Little Red Riding in surprise. 'You look different today. You must be really ill!' The Wolf pretended to get a coughing fit just then, to show Red Riding Hood how very ill her Grandma was. 'You poor dear!' said Red Riding Hood. 'But Grandma, you do look strange! What big ears you have!' 'Only to hear you better with, my dear,' said the Wolf. 'And what big eyes you have Grandma!' continued Red Riding Hood in surprise. 'Only to see you better with, my dear,' said the Wolf. 'What a big nose you have Grandma!' said Red Riding Hood. 'Only to smell you better with, my dear, ' said the Wolf. 'What big teeth you have Grandma!' said Red Riding Hood. 'That's only to EAT YOU BETTER WITH!' said the Wolf. He jumped out from under the blankets and gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. Now the Wolf felt really sleepy after such a large meal. He decided to take a nap in Grandma's warm, comfortable cottage, and was soon fast asleep. Just then a woodcutter passed by. He heard the sound of the Wolf's snoring through the open windows of the cottage. So the woodcutter opened the cottage door and went in. 'Ah,' thought the woodcutter.' Judging by the size of the Wolf's tummy, he has just had a large meal, and I wonder who he has eaten this time!' The woodcutter picked up a pair of Grandma's scissors lying on the table, and deftly cut open the sleeping Wolf's tummy. Out climbed Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, breathless and squashed and VERY glad to be out of the Wolf's tummy. 'Oh! Thank you for saving us!' said Little Red Riding Hood to the woodcutter. 'Hurry!' said the woodcutter. 'Let's not waste any time. The Wolf could wake up any moment.' The woodcutter and Red Riding hood then gathered up some stones, and put them inside the Wolf's tummy. Then Grandma took out her sewing kit, and sewed up the Wolf's tummy. Wolf woke up and thought. 'I must be getting old! I can't even eat a little girl and her grandma without feeling as though my tummy was full of stones!' The Wolf gave a great big belch and staggered out of the door. Little Red Riding Hood gave her Grandma the cake and the pot of butter her mother had sent, and hugged her grandma, Little Red Riding Hood herself, she never forgot her mother's advice again! (Retirado de Adaptado pela autora Let’s know about the author Now we will go to the computer lab researching the authors: Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm. TIME TO TALK Vamos voltar para as duas versões do conto de fadas e vamos verificar quais as diferenças e semelhanças entre elas. Você pode ir sublinhando essas diferenças e as semelhanças. In pairs answer the questions 1 – What are the differences between the fairy tale from Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault? Complete the chart: DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TWO VERSIONS Brothers Grimm (Little Riding Hood) Charles Perrault (Little Riding Hood) 2- Which one do you prefer? Why 3 - Put the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” in order. LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD 'Well, let's hurry then, 'said the Wolf. 'You go this way, and I'll go the other way, and let's see who reaches your Grandma first!' So saying the Wolf vanished into the forest. He ran as fast as he could and took all the shortcuts he knew so as to reach Grandma's little cottage before Red Riding Hood. One day Little Red Riding Hood's mother called her and said, 'Daughter, your grandmother is very ill. Please take her this pot of butter and a cake that I have made. 'Be careful,' said her mother, kissing her. 'Don't stray from the path, don't stop on the way, and don't speak to any strangers.' He answered just as Grandma had done. Little Red Riding Hood gave her Grandma the cake and the pot of butter her mother had sent, and hugged her grandma, Little Red Riding Hood herself, she never forgot her mother's advice again! 'It's Little Red Riding Hood, Grandma,' said the Wolf, making his voice sound as much like a little girl's as he could. Long, long time ago, in a little village at the edge of a forest, there lived a little girl. She was always dressed in a pretty red cloak and hood, so that everyone began calling her Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood did as the Wolf asked and walked into the cottage. She walked up to the bed to give her Grandma a hug. 'Dear Little Red Riding Hood,' said Grandma. 'I'm too weak to open the door. Lift the latch and come in.' Now Little Red Riding Hood was walking as fast as she could through the forest, when she saw a clump of golden daffodils. Little Red Riding Hood forgot all that her mother had said about not stopping or leaving the path. She ran into the forest and began gathering a great big bunch of daffodils for Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lived all by herself in a little cottage on the other side of the forest. She knew her way. She skipped merrily along the forest path, enjoying the bright sunshine, the blue sky and the birds singing in the trees. 'What big teeth you have Grandma!' said Red Riding Hood. The woodcutter picked up a pair of Grandma's scissors lying on the table, and deftly cut open the sleeping Wolf's tummy. Out climbed Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother, breathless and squashed and VERY glad to be out of the Wolf's tummy. 'Oh! Thank you for saving us!' said Little Red Riding Hood to the woodcutter. The Wolf pretended to get a coughing fit just then, to show Red Riding Hood how very ill her Grandma was. 'You poor dear!' said Red Riding Hood. 'But Grandma, you do look strange! What big ears you have!' The Wolf did as Grandma said and walked into the little cottage. There was Grandma, feeling quite weak and ill. The Wolf jumped on to the bed, and gobbled up Grandma! He knew that Little Red Riding Hood would be arriving soon, so he wasted no time, but put on Grandma's clothes and the frilly little lace cap that she always wore to bed, and lay on Grandma's bed, pretending to be Grandma. 'Dear Little Red Riding Hood,' said the Wolf. 'I'm too weak to open the door. Lift the latch and come in.' 'Grandma, open the door!' called Red Riding Hood, knocking on the door. 'It's Little Red Riding Hood!' 'That's only to EAT YOU BETTER WITH!' said the Wolf. He jumped out from under the blankets and gobbled up Little Red Riding Hood. By the time Red Riding Hood finished picking the flowers and found her way back to the path again, it was quite late. Little Red Riding Hood began walking faster and faster, and very soon she came to her Grandma's little cottage. Little Red Riding Hood was feeling so happy and cheerful that she forgot all that her mother had said to her about not speaking to strangers. She smiled at the Wolf and replied in her politest voice, 'Hello to you as well, Mr. Wolf. I am going to see my Grandma, who lives on the other side of this forest. She isn't feeling very well today, so I am taking her a cake and a pot of butter. 'Why Grandma, ' said Little Red Riding in surprise. 'You look different today. You must be really ill!' 'What a big nose you have Grandma!' said Red Riding Hood. So the woodcutter opened the cottage door and went in. 'Ah,' thought the woodcutter.'Judging by the size of the Wolf's tummy, he has just had a large meal, and I wonder who he has eaten this time!' But suddenly, whom should she meet but a Wolf. 'Hello, little girl,' said the Wolf in his nicest voice. 'Where are you going this bright spring day?' 'Who is it?' called Grandma from within. 'Only to smell you better with, my dear, ' said the Wolf. Now the Wolf felt really sleepy after such a large meal. He decided to take a nap in Grandma's warm, comfortable cottage, and was soon fast asleep. Just then a woodcutter passed by. He heard the sound of the Wolf's snoring through the open windows of the cottage. 'Only to hear you better with, my dear,' said the Wolf. 'Oh dear,' said the Wolf, still in his nicest voice. 'How very sad your Grandma isn't feeling too well! I shall go and visit her as well. The wolf arrived at the cottage, and Ana knocked at the door of Grandma's cottage with a gentle tap-tap. 'Hurry!' said the woodcutter. 'Let's not waste any time. The Wolf could wake up any moment.' The woodcutter and Red Riding hood then gathered up some stones, and put them inside the Wolf's tummy. Then Grandma took out her sewing kit, and sewed up the Wolf's tummy. 'And what big eyes you have Grandma!' continued Red Riding Hood in surprise. 'Only to see you better with, my dear,' said the Wolf. Wolf woke up and thought. 'I must be getting old! I can't even eat a little girl and her grandma without feeling as though my tummy was full of stones!' The Wolf gave a great big belch and staggered out of the door. (Retirado de Adaptado pela autora READING AND COMPREHENSION Activity seven: Write (T) for true and (F) for false and correct the false statements. Rewrite them according to the text Little Red Riding Hood written by Brothers Grimm . 1 - “Be Careful”, said Little Red Riding Hood kissing her mother. ( ) 2 - “Dear Little Red Riding Hood”, said grandma. “I'm too weak to close the door. Lift the latch and get out. ( ) 3 – Little Red Riding Hood forgot all that her mother had said to her about not speaking to strangers. ( ) 4 – Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother lived all by herself in a little cottage on the other side of the forest. ( ) 5 – The woodcutter and Little Red Riding Hood put some stones inside the wolf's tummy. ( ) 6 – “What a big nose you have grandma!” Said Red Riding Hood. “Only to see you better with, my dear!” said the wolf. ( ) 7 – Long, long time ago, in a big village at the edge of a forest, there wept a little girl. ( ) 8 – Little Red Riding Hood never forgot her mother's advice again. ( ) Put some of the characteristics of the fairy tale in the box below, you can choose the version of the fairy tale that you prefer:: Title Time Place Characters/names/characteristics Content: What is the story about? Initial situation Complication Actions practiced Resolution Final situation Questions for discussion: Activity nine: Do you think the girls today can be tricked as they were in the past? How would you solve the situation if you met a wolf? What are the types of violence that children are exposed to? And how do they deal with that? What would be the behavior of the girls today if they had to face a dangerous and violent situation? Who do you think is the wolf today? Who is the woodcutter today? How would he proceed? Do you believe that we can get help from them today? Explain. Do you believe that Little Red Riding Hood was deceived or did she allow herself to be ? Explain Activity ten Find in the text: Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs Translate the Translate the Irregular Regular Verbs Verbs Activity eleven: 1 – The little girl_______________feeling so happy and cheerful. (to be) 2 – My friend_______________in a comfortable cottage. (to live) 3 – My mother_______________bread and cake. (to make) 4 – Grandma_______________the door to the children. (to open) 5 – The hunter_______________the wolf in the grandma's cottage. (to find) 6 – The wolf________________a large meal. (to have) 7 – Grandma_______________up the wolf's tummy. (to sew) 8 – The girl never_______________her mother's advice. (to forget) OPTIONAL ACTIVITY YOU CAN WATCH: Deu A Louca Na Chapeuzinho Woodwinked Informações disponíveis em: Shrek 1, 2 ou 3 Informações disponíveis em: ATENÇÃO Esta atividade poderá ser realizada no laboratório de informática. POPCORN CINEMA Vamos ler a sinopse do filme: Segundo a sinopse do filme “A Garota da Capa Vermelha”, dirigido por Catherine Hardwicke, a obra relata: Uma história de suspense de fantasia que coloca um toque de assombração no mais clássico dos contos de fadas. Por muitos anos os moradores da vila de Daggerhorn têm mantido uma trégua com um lobisomem – mas a fera muda de rumo ao matar a irmã mais velha da jovem e corajosa Valerie (Amanda Seyfried). Prometida em casamento a um homem, porém apaixonada por outro, Valerie é novamente afetada pelos ataques sangrentos da criatura. Quando um caçador de lobisomem diz que a besta toma forma humana durante o dia e caminha entre eles, o pânico se instala e o número de mortos aumenta. E, Valerie descobre que tem uma conexão inexplicável com o lobo que os une, tornando-a tanto suspeita... quanto isca. Gary Oldmam, Billy Burke, Shiloh Fernandez, Max Irons, Virginia Madesen, Lucas Haas e Julie Christie também estrelam clássica história da Chapeuzinho Vermelho. (SINOPSE 2011, Warner Bros Pictures apresenta). DO YOU KNOW THE MOVIE? Now we will watch the film. A GAROTA DA CAPA VERMELHA “RED RIDING HOOD” Activity twelve: LISTEN AND COMPLETE WITH PARTS OF THE MOVIE 1) We________on the edge of a dark forest (Time 02:19 min). ( ) live ( )lived 2) Go get water and___________straight (Time 02:34 min) ( ) come ( ) home 3) I__________good girls aren’t supposed to hunt__________or go into the woods alone (Time 03:58 min). ( ) knew – pigs ( ) Know – rabbits 4) Well my mother finally got what she wanted:_____________ (time 05:28 min). ( )money ( ) fame 5) Who is it? Tell me: -It’s your__________ (Time 07:32 min). ( ) mother ( ) sister 6) Come with us to the___________let the women grieve in their own way (Time 09:50 min). ( ) tavern ( ) forest 7) She never even___________me (Time 12:00 min). ( ) tell ( ) told Activity thirteen: Mark the correct alternative: Who said this: 1) “All sorrows are less with bread”. ( ) Grandma ( ) Suzette ( ) Prudence 2) I’ ve summoned Father Salomon. ( ) Adrian ( ) Father Auguste ( ) Henry 3) Don’t worry. The wolf doesn’t want me. I’m all gristle ( ) Cesaire ( ) Peter ( ) Henry 4) I didn’t love your father, I was in love with another man. ( ) Grandmother ( ) Suzette ( ) Madame Lazar 5) I’m being sold. ( ) Valerie ( ) Lucie ( ) Prudence 6) He bit me, when the moon rises I’ll be a beast. ( ) Valerie ( ) Henry ( ) Peter Activity fourteen: WRITE THE NAMES: 1) Red Riding Hood is________________. WRITE THE NAMES: 2) Red Riding Hood’s father is______________. 3) Red Riding Hood’s mother is_______________. 4) Henry’s father is________________. 5) Red Riding Hood’s sister is________________. 6) Red Riding Hood was in love with_______________. 7) Roxanne’s brother is_______________. 8) Valerie’s fiancé is________________. 9) Henry’s half-sister is ________________. Activity fifteen: Complete the sentences with the words from the box below: Werewolves - courageous – trade – human Secrets – god – witches – strangers – gate Blood moon – devil – feel back 1) My mother always told me, Don’t talk to_______________. 2) We all have_______________. 3) Father Salomon has destroyed ______________and ______________in cities throughout the Kingdom. 4) I have a________________. The same one as your husband. 5) Henry found his_______________. He choose a life of honor protecting us from darkness. 6) Daggerhorn________________into its old rhythms. 7) When a werewolf dies, it returns to its_________________form. 8) It’s the last day of the_________________one bite, and you’ll be like me. 9) There must be a________________because you’re the_______________. 10) Step across the________________or I’ll destroy this village. Activity sixteen: a) Grandma, What big eyes you have. Only to ___________ you better, my dear. b) Grandma, What big___________you have. Only to hear you better, my dear. c) Grandma: What big teeth___________. Only to ___________ you better , my dear. Possessive case (genitive case) Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser vivo (pessoa ou animal), as expressões possessivas são formadas assim: a) Acrescentando-se 's ao substantivo/possuidor, quando ele estiver no singular ou no plural, desde que não seja terminado em s. Ex.: The children's toys – os brinquedos das crianças. The wolf's tummy – a barriga do lobo. b) Acrescentando-se apenas um apóstrofo ao substantivo/possuidor quando ele estiver no plural terminado em s. EX.: The Elvis ' house - a casa de Elvis. The teachers ' books. c) Quando o substantivo/possuidor designa um ser inanimado, em princípio não se usa a expressão com 's; usa-se a preposição of, correspondente a “de”, em português. Ex.: The door of the house – a porta da casa. d) Há uma tendência do uso de 's com nomes de alguns seres inanimados, personalizando o substantivo/possuidor que tem um sentido nobre. É o caso de: mundo, sol, mar, nomes de planetas, países, cidades, etc. Ex.: The world's population – a população do mundo. e) Acrescenta-se 's à última palavra, no caso de substantivos compostos. Ex.: My brother-in-law’s car – o carro de meu cunhado. f) Acrescenta-se 's ao último possuidor no caso de dois possuidores em comum. Ex.: Peter and Mary’s daughter – a filha dos dois. g) Usa-se 's (ou apenas ' ) com expressões de tempo. Exs.: Today’s paper – o jornal de hoje Activity seventeen: Write the expressions, in english, in the possessive case: a) A barriga do lobo _______________________________________________________ b) Um par de tesouras da vovó _________________________________________________________ c) Noivo de Valerie _________________________________________________________ d) A família da bruxa _________________________________________________________ e) Meia irmã de Henry _________________________________________________________ f) Conselho da mãe _________________________________________________________ g) A mãe de Chapeuzinho Vermelho _________________________________________________________ h) Casa de campo da vovó _________________________________________________________ i) Filha do diabo _________________________________________________________ Activity eighteen: ACCORDING TO THE MOVIE, COMPLETE THE BOX BELOW Title: Time: Place: Characters names:_______________________________________________________ _ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________ Main characteristics of the main characters:____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ ____________________ Content: What is the story about?_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Initial situation: Complication: Practiced actions: Resolution Final situation Activity nineteen: ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ACCORDING TO THE MOVIE: a) Where did Red Riding Hood live? b) What did her mother always say? c) Why was the village so frightened? d) What had caused the fear? e) When did the wolf/werewolf appear? f) Who was summoned for help to hunt the wolf? g) Who did the werewolf want? h) Why can’t Lucie marry Henry? i) What had the grandmother always said to Red Riding Hood? j) Where was the safest place to hide from the wolf? Why? k) Who was the werewolf in the human form? l) What is the scene that you liked the most? Why. m) What do you think about fairy tales? Were they written for adults or for children? n) Did you like the film? Why? Comment. Activity twenty: It’s your turn! In group or pairs you are going to produce your own version of the fairy tale: “Little Red Riding Hood” Don’t forget the structure of a fairy tale. ORIENTAÇÕES METODOLÓGICAS PROCEDIMENTOS Professor na primeira aula você irá apresentar o seu trabalho, explicando o que é o programa PDE e sobre o material que será trabalhado nesta unidade didática que será o gênero textual contos de fadas. Na atividade 1 você pedirá aos alunos para que escrevam o nome de alguns contos de fadas que eles conhecem e fará questionamentos com a finalidade de situar os alunos sobre o que será trabalhado nas próximas aulas. Na atividade 2 você fará algumas perguntas sobre os contos de fadas para verificação do conhecimento prévio que seus alunos têm sobre o tema a ser trabalhado. Atividade 3 tem como objetivo apresentar vocabulários dos textos que serão trabalhados a seguir e do filme, para facilitar a leitura dos contos, embasando-os para compreensão. Aqui você apresentará o “Simple Past” – explique que quando lemos ou contamos um conto de fadas usamos tempo passado, que os verbos se dividem em regulares e irregulares, etc. Obs.: No final desta unidade você encontrará uma lista com alguns verbos irregulares. Nas atividade 4 e 5 você fará a leitura dos contos de fadas Chapeuzinho Vermelho na versão de Perrault (a mais antiga) e na versão dos Irmãos Grimm (a mais conhecida) e que foi, aqui, adaptado pela autora. Ao fazer a leitura dos mesmos você poderá verificar questões de vocabulário, capacidade interpretativa dos alunos, além de checar se eles conhecem outras versões do conto em questão, mostrando que há algumas como: Chapeuzinho Amarelo de Chico Buarque e que há contos de fadas transformados em filme como por exemplo “A Garota da Capa Vermelha”. Após a leitura de cada conto você poderá levar seus alunos ao laboratório de informática e pesquisar a biografia dos autores citados nesta unidade didática, pedindo aos alunos que escrevam em inglês os principais dados sobre os mesmos, retomando assim o conteúdo Simple Past Tense, pois as biografias são escritas com verbos no passado. Na atividade 6 é hora de conversar, analisar os textos, verificando semelhanças e diferenças entre os contos de fadas Chapeuzinho Vermelho na versão de Perrault x Irmãos Grimm. Você poderá pedir aos alunos que façam um quadro. Essa atividade poderá ser realizada em grupo ou individualmente e exposta na sala de aula por meio de cartazes. Na questão que pede para pôr em ordem o conto, você poderá cortá-lo em tiras, para que os alunos coloquem na ordem correta. Atividade 7: verdadeiro ou falso, você poderá verificar a compreensão dos textos pedindo para que os alunos marquem V ou F e façam a correção reescrevendo as alternativas falsas. Atividade 8: os alunos poderão escolher o conto na versão de Perrault ou Irmãos Grimm e colocar no quadro os elementos que são pedidos na atividade. Atividade 9: você poderá dar oportunidade para seus alunos se expressar, expondo suas ideias, preferências e pontos de vista a respeito das situações apresentadas por meio de questionamentos pertinentes ao assunto. Atividade 10 e 11: exercícios de verificação do conhecimento e fixação dos verbos no passado “Simple Past”, observando o entendimento e a compreensão da estrutura trabalhada. Atividade opcional, nesta atividade você poderá conversar com seus alunos verificando o conhecimento deles e perguntando se eles conhecem o filme Shrek, a fim de mostrar que ele apresenta características de um conto de fadas, uma mistura de passado e presente, no qual há personagens animais que dialogam e fazem parte de uma realidade social. Você também poderá sugerir uma atividade opcional, indicando sites para que os alunos possam acessar, assistir ou jogar. Você poderá levá-los ao laboratório de informática para realizar essa atividade. O filme: “A Garota da Capa Vermelha”, questionar se os alunos já conhecem o filme e se gostariam de assisti-lo. Apresentar a sinopse do filme, mostrar que ele é uma versão atualizada do conto de fadas chapeuzinho vermelho. Professor você poderá providenciar pipoca para seus alunos e levá-los para assistir o filme, propiciando um ambiente acolhedor e descontraído, tornando assim uma aula prazerosa. Atividade 12: um momento para aprimorar seus conhecimentos de listening. Professor, você deverá voltar algumas partes do filme, para que os alunos possam ouvir e completar a atividade proposta. Atividade 13 e 14: nestes exercícios os alunos deverão marcar a alternativa correta e colocar os nomes dos personagem, com isso o professor poderá verificar se houve entendimento do filme assistido. Atividade 15 e 16: os alunos poderão praticar, testar e enriquecer seus conhecimentos de vocabulário e compreensão dos exercícios sobre o filme, aprimorando e propiciando uma aprendizagem significativa. Estrutura da língua: caso genitivo. Ao apresentar os contos de fadas pudemos verificar o aparecimento de algumas expressões chamadas de caso genitivo, explicar essa estrutura aos alunos e o seu uso. Em seguida, na atividade 17, os alunos poderão aperfeiçoar seus conhecimentos, praticando por meio de exercícios, a transcrição de expressões que aparecem nos contos de fadas apresentados nesta unidade didática e também no filme “A Garota da Capa Vermelha”. Atividade 18: é hora de relembrar. Como estudado anteriormente, você tem de retomar os componentes da estrutura de um conto de fadas, pedindo para que os alunos completem o quadro de acordo com o filme “A Garota da Capa Vermelha”. Professor na atividade 19, você poderá propor uma discussão sobre os contos de fadas apresentados “Chapeuzinho Vermelho” e o filme “A Garota da Capa Vermelha” propiciando desenvolvimento das capacidades discursivas, oportunizando aos alunos posicionarem-se, defendendo seus pontos de vista, ideias e opiniões a respeito do assunto estudado, valorizando a contribuição de cada aluno e promovendo a interação entre alunos e professor. Atividade 20: procedimento final. Após a realização de todas as atividades, você deverá propor aos alunos que produzam sua própria versão do conto de fada “Chapeuzinho Vermelho” nos dias atuais, incentivando-os a usar os conhecimentos adquiridos por meio da releitura do conto de fada, transportando-o para a sua realidade. Faça uso de um bom dicionário quando for necessário, sem esquecer de relembrar a estrutura do conto de fadas. Deixe os alunos para criar os mais variados textos: quadrinhos, filme, poesia, etc. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS BETTELHEIM, B. Psicanálise dos contos de fadas. 9º. ed. Trad. Arlene Caetano. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 1992. GAGHIARD, Eliana; Amaral, Heloísa. Contos de Fadas: trabalhando com os gêneros do discurso: narrar. São Paulo: FDT, 2001]. HARDWICKE, Catherine. A Garota da Capa Vermelha. 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 24 de Jun de 2012. HARDWICKE, Catherine. Red Riding Hood. Warner Bros. Pictures. Summit Entertainment/ Paris Filmes, 2011. 99 min. MARQUES, Amadeu. Inglês – Novo Ensino Médio – Vol. Único. 5ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Ática, 2003. __________. Password Special Edition. São Paulo: Editora Ática, 1999. PARREIRAS, Ninfa. Confusão de Línguas na Literatura: O que o adulto escreve, a criança lê. Belo Horizonte: Editora RHJ, 2010. SECRETARIA DO ESTADO DA EDUCAÇÃO DO PARANÁ. DCEs, Diretrizes Curriculares da Educação Básica – Língua Estrangeira. Paraná, 2008. SILVA, Antonio de Siqueira e; BERTOLIN, Rafael. Essential English. Coleção Horizonte. São Paulo: IBEP. SITES: Acessado 30/11/12 acesso dia 30/11/12. IRREGULAR VERBS INFINITIVE PAST PARTICIPLE 01 To be was, were been= ser, estar 02 To become became become= tornar-se 03 To begin began begun= começar 04 To break broke broken= quebrar 05 To bring brought brought= trazer 06 To catch caught caught= pegar 07 To choose chose chosen= escolher 08 To come came come= vir 09 To cut cut cut= cortar 10 To do did done=fazer 11 To drink drank drunk= beber 12 To drive drove driven= dirigir 13 To eat ate eaten= comer 14 To fall fell fallen= cair 15 To feed fed fed= alimentar 16 To feel felt felt= sentir 17 To find found found= encontrar 18 To forget forgot forgotten= esquecer 19 To get got got= conseguir 20 To give gave given= dar 21 To go went gone= ir 22 To have had had= ter 23 To hear heard heard= ouvir 24 To know knew known= conhecer 25 To lay laid laid= pôr, deitar 26 To learn learned learned= aprender 27 To leave left left= deixar, partir 28 To lose lost lost= perder 29 To make made made= fazer 30 To meet met met= encontrar-se com 31 To put put put= pôr 32 To read read read= ler 33 To run ran run= correr 34 To say said said= dizer 35 To see saw seen= ver 36 To sell sold sold= vender 37 To shine shone shone= brilhar 38 To sleep slept slept= dormir 39 To smell smelt smelt= cheirar 40 To speak spoke spoken= falar 41 To tell told told= contar, dizer 42 To think thought thought= pensar 43 To understand understood understood= entender 44 To wake woke woken= acordar 45 To wear wore worn=vestir, usar 46 To write wrote written= escrever