Key political essays and speeches - Standing on
Key political essays and speeches - Standing on
Key political essays and speeches NOTE: Bill Whittle's early essays Trinity, Strength, Seeing the Unseen, and Sanctuary are now available again. Older columns by Mark Steyn and many other serious writers are in the archive of Jewish World Review. Imprimis, the monthly leaflet of essays published by Hillsdale College, is a wonderful online resource which is always worth a visit. However, all the links in the Imprimis archive, going back to 1972, have been revised in various fashions. The best way to find any Imprimis link that's outdated is to go here and then search by title (e.g. "A Legacy of Freedom") or month (e.g. "June 2008"). American Thinker, too, has revised all its older links. If the old link begins: Change it to read: click on links below: Why we celebrate Columbus Day How dumb does Washington think we all are? America, you have no right to judge Donald Trump Don't mix up your conventions, or you might destroy the country [Article V vs Con-Con] Why Hillary's record on Libya is even worse than you think Turning the USA totalitarian for the 'better good' Is Modern Science Polluted? see also:The Natural Selection of Bad Science I want a President who will end Victimism Trump tax return story exposes policy ignorance of political reporters The Case Against “the Conservative Case…” [contra James Pethokoukis] Yes Virginia, aliens are registered or voting …and in Pennsylvania, by the thousands We are the Third World Libs wrong again: Humans are naturally violent Islam's 'Western Liberal Values'? Coming to a town near you: the Great Green Energy Disaster Meet the new Authoritarian Masters of the Internet Since the Very #Principled #NeverTrumpers never talk about the downside of electing their preferred candidate Hillary Clinton, I'll talk about it a bit Free Trade vs. Balanced Trade plus Howard Richman & Jesse Richman Uh, Hillary, your hubby caused the 2008 recession Hillary's Debate Lies [about racism in the U.S. criminal justice system] After the Republic [the soul-crushing tyranny of Progressivism] And how blond is your Nazi kid? [Germany tries to abolish its culture] Sluts, Herpes, and Hillary Clinton What if Muslim immigrants don't want to be "like us"? Students scream, swear at U of Kansas classmates for questioning Safe Spaces [SJW's really hate it when facts don't care about their feelings.] Make black helicopters great again Obama's U.N. speech. 'Bernie' Clinton's massive tax hike is based on greed and envy [The Death Tax, you know, was a favorite concept of Karl Marx.] The Charlotte Riots: What they are not telling you Public pensions in crisis Use these three things to judge Trump Versus Hillary The Natural Selection of Bad Science see also: Is Modern Science Polluted? The "science" underlying climate alarmism turns up missing How to destroy the Alt-Right Manipulating U.S. elections: 10 ways voting is being hacked by the Left Transgenderism and the New Anthropology Obama was the first Birther Washington's endgame: First your guns, then your cash On its 229th birthday, our Constitution hangs by a thread Globalism and the Death of Defense [secure nations make own munitions] The fallacy of income inequality The Infantilizing of the Academy Why I'm voting for Donald Trump [a number of Americans explain] 1010 1009 1008 1007 H.Amer Brian T. Carter 2016 2016 2016 2016 Michael Flynn Roger L. Simon Patrick J. Michaels Christopher Chantrill Ryan Ellis Publius Decius Mus J. Christian Adams 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 1006 1006 1004 1004 1003 1003 1003 d.Clinton d.Clinton Sci.ecol CW.Am Econ Timothy Birdnow James Lewis Raymond Ibrahim James Delingpole John Hayward Ace of Spades 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 1001 1001 0930 0930 0929 0929 Raymond Richman Jack Cashill Heather Mac Donald Angelo M. Codevilla Alexander Wallasch D.C. McAllister Leon Hadar Emily Zanotti 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0928 0928 0927 0927 0927 0926 0925 0925 Econ Econ CW.Am Matthew Continetti Stephen Moore 2016 2016 0923 0923 d.Obama Econ Tyler Durden 2016 2016 2016 2016 0923 0922 0921 0921 CW.Am d.Unions 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0919 0919 0919 0919 0918 0918 0917 0916 0916 0915 0915 Opin David Deming Kyle Smith D.C. McAllister Investor's Business Daily Jeffrey H. Anderson Paul Smaldino & Richard McElreath Francis Menton Milo Yiannopoulos J. Christian Adams Fay Voshell Brian Joondeph Dan Joppich Ken Klukowski Chet Richards Steve Feinstein David Solway Allen Abel CW.Sex L.theory Voting CW.I Sci.ecol Media CW.E CW.Sex CW.I Acad Sci.ecol Voting CW.Sex d.Obama L.theory L.theory Econ Econ Acad This is Nihilism, not Liberalism Alien Retreat: The Rise of the Deplorables Why Socialism will always be with us How is the Godless West working out? Katie Couric faces $12 million defamation lawsuit for ‘misleading’ edits in gun control film [includes the edited video and un-edited audio] South Korea tires of North, vows to reduce Pyongyang ‘to ashes’ Basket of Deplorables Hillary’s empty moralism is a reflection of the greater Progressive movement The fruits of moral relativism are on full display. The bumpy ride of our Flight 93 [endorsing Donald Trump] Donald Trump and his new language of Conservatism Debunking the Income Inequality Fallacy [Equal is Unfair/Brook&Watkins] Obama’s radical proposal could result in censorship online We need the death penalty for Jacob Wetterling's killer Trump, Republicans and the ‘principles’ question Impeach Clinton to bar her from holding Federal office. It’s Constitutional. All the Lies: They've turned us into a rotting banana republic The Flight 93 Election The Greater Depression—Part 1 Globalism: The Religion of Empire Islam is not a Civilization AP course standards have fallen prey to partisanship 5 facts about 'black oppression' Colin Kaepernick needs to know Average American family pays more money in regulations than in taxes The sinister side of a cashless society Islam, and the West's death by 'Freedom' What was so shocking about Trump's immigration speech? It's not us, it's you: How elites rationalize this year's Voter Rebellion Chicago's murder rate spirals out of control Everything you have been told about Gayness and Gender is wrong Enjoy the Internet, before Obama abandons it to the UN How can you love guns knowing they kill so many people? Bill Bennett Trumps the #NeverTrumps [Man Without a Country meme] The Battle for America's Mind Social Justice Warriors against Free Speech Hillary gets (more than) a little help from her Media friends The Theory of Nothing [the emptines of Stephen Hawking's cosmic vision] Britain’s anti-democratic Electoral Commission Welfare reform, 20 years later [It worked.] Reconsidering the Female Franchise Has female suffrage strengthened or weakened Western nations? Soros’s campaign of global chaos Trump and the American Dream Context and the 2016 Presidential Election Diversity: History's pathway to Chaos Moderate? Meet the world's most influential Muslim [Dr. Ahmed al-Tayeb] The Conservative mistake in the Culture War Have lots of children. It’s good for the planet. Overpopulation is a myth. PERFECT: 'Sausage Party' Lesbian Taco character riles up SJWs What a Clinton Supreme Court would mean for America Viktor Orban Doug Mainwaring David Solway Dennis Prager A.W.R. Hawkins 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0914 0913 0913 0913 0913 CW.E Frances Martel Rush Limbaugh William Voegeli 2016 2016 2016 0912 0912 0912 d.Clinton d.Var Roger Kimball Michael B. Abramson John Glenn Ted Cruz Walter Hudson Dennis Prager Andrew C. McCarthy 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0910 0909 0909 0908 0907 0906 0906 Econ Media L.theory VFT d.Clinton Jed Babbin Publius Decius Mus Jim Quinn Fay Voshell Paul Eidelberg Peter Berkowitz Jerome Hudson Tyler O'Neil Jeffrey Folks Selwyn Duke David Frum Chris Buskirk Jack Dunphy Doug Mainwaring Claudia Rosett Liz Sheld Seth Leibsohn James Arlandson Charles Lipson Clarice Feldman Glenn Fairman Paul Weston Washington Examiner David Solway 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0905 0905 0905 0904 0904 0903 0902 0902 0902 0901 0901 0831 0830 0830 0829 0829 0829 0829 0829 0828 0828 0827 0827 0827 Caroline Glick Caroline Glick Jim Forbes Victor Davis Hanson Raymond Ibrahim Taylor Lewis David Harsanyi Tom Knighton Bill Bennett 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0826 0826 0826 0825 0824 0824 0823 0823 0823 A Clinton presidency would be the political equivalent of an ExtinctionLevel Event Johns Hopkins research: No evidence people are born gay or transgender How Obama hoodwinked the Supreme Court on ObamaCare The Great Regression Orwell’s 1984 would better have been titled 2016. Perpetuation and Moderation: Trump's Lincolnian Rhetoric Don't be like the man who married his mother-in-law [vote for Trump] Road to urban despair paved by Democrats ISIS exposes the true reason why it hates the West Don Feder 2016 0823 Tyler O'Neil Hollis Hurd Victor Davis Hanson Ken Masugi Clarice Feldman John Kass Raymond Ibrahim 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0823 0822 0822 0821 0821 0820 0819 Econ CW.Chr Media d.Clinton VFT Econ CW.I Acad CW.Am Econ Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Sex Media L.theory VFT Acad d.Clinton CW.Chr CW.E Econ CW.Sex CW.Am CW.I Sci.ecol L.theory L.theory VFT d/Clinton Health L.theory d.Var CW.I ObamaCare's Public Option is no longer defensible Coming soon: Everything will be Free Black Lives Matter encourages justifiable homicide of black people Why do women's sports even exist? The Obama-Clinton immigration agenda will mean the Balkanization of America [Democrats have rejected patriotic assimilation] Fact Check: Islamic terrorists have killed more in domestic attacks since 9/11 than the 'right wing' Taking the measure of Mrs. May [What makes Theresa tick?] The Left refuses to learn [They willfully ignore facts that don't please them] K-12 and the New York Times: Forget the rules Three dozen incidents chronicle Europe's Domestic Insurgency The New Campus Confidential A criminal past? Don't ask, don't tell. Khizr Khan shills for Hillary Constitution allows Muslim immigration ban The morality of voting for Trump Democrats, Slavery, and the American record Huffington Post: all Islamic violence comes from Hadith, NOT Quran Political violence: Trump's 2nd Amendment People vs. Hillary's 'Activists' Is Islam a religion? Why the First Amendment does not apply to Islam. Solar physicist sees global cooling ahead [Valentina Zharkova] Why I'm the only non-Dem rat in my family 'Journalists' clap and cheer for Clinton during 'press conference' Understanding the Trans-Pacific Partnership EU migrant situation creating multiple flashpoints across the Continent amidst growing domestic terror insurgency Democrats dismiss voter-fraud worries, but Reality intrudes Communist Party unites behind Hillary Obama and the $400 million question The mendacity behind Obama's mockery of the Cash-For-Iran story How to hack an election in 7 minutes The UN's politicized human rights vision Abortion as a positive good: How the abortion movement echoes radical slavery rhetoric Wearing “Don’t Tread on Me” insignia could be punishable racial harassment No, ObamaCare has not lowered premiums Why the Establishment can’t grasp the nature of Islam The ABA's plan to impose Political Correctness on the practice of law Members Only: the right to ‘private’ associations Reducing income inequality doesn't grow our economy, but growth would reduce inequality NPR writer having a meltdown because YOUR children might learn about Noah's Ark Gender Dysphoria in Children It’s the Supreme Court, stupid The Fatherless Effect No, the Constitution does not bar ‘religious tests’ in immigration law Feminism attacks at all levels Domesticating Donald What's not to like? A red, white, and blue fantasy at the DNC What if an anti-American cult had a Convention? Benefits of atmospheric CO2 (The Climate Surprise) Recent global temperature trends (The Climate Surprise) Global warming: The science in three nutshells (The Climate Surprise) The truth about ocean “acidification” (The Climate Surprise) Creeping Sharia in health care How Hillary Clinton mainstreamed Al-Qaeda fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi 2016 2016 0819 0818 Health Econ 2016 2016 2016 0818 0818 0818 L.theory CW.Sex CW.Am Patrick Poole 2016 0817 Media John O'Sullivan David Solway Bruce Deitrick Price Patrick Poole Naomi Schaefer Riley Salim Mansur Ken Klukowski Laura Ingraham Paul Murphy Raymond Ibrahim Matthew Vadum David Solway Anthony Watts John Gibbs Rick Moran Peggy Ryan Patrick Poole 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0817 0816 0815 0814 0814 0814 0812 0812 0812 0812 0811 0810 0809 0808 0806 0807 0807 d.Var Media CW.E Acad d.Clinton L.theory VFT CW.Am CW.I d.Var CW.I Sci.ecol CW.Am Media Econ CW.E John Fund & James O'Keefe WorldNet Daily Carl M. Cannon Claudia Rosett Ben Wofford Aaron Rhodes Miles Smith 2016 0807 Voting 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0807 0807 0805 0805 0803 0803 d.Clinton d.Obama d.Obama Voting d.UN CW.Sex Eugene Volokh 2016 0803 L.theory Jeffrey H. Anderson Selwyn Duke Herbert W. Titus and Willian J. Olson Jon N. Hall Andrew Puzder 2016 2016 2016 0802 0802 0801 Health CW.I L.theory 2016 2016 0801 0801 L.theory Econ John Ellis 2016 0801 Acad American College of Pediatricians Hugh Hewitt Trevor Thomas 2016 0800 CW.Sex 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0731 0731 0730 0730 0730 0729 0729 0729 0729 0729 0729 0728 0727 VFT CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Sex Megan McArdle Robert Arvay William A. Levinson Selwyn Duke John Fonte Andrew C. McCarthy David Solway David Solway Laura Ingraham Jeffrey T. Brown Craig Idso Roy Spencer Richard Lindzen Patrick Moore Carol Brown Patrick Poole d.Var Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.I d.Clinton Few Muslims show up at ‘Muslims against ISIS’ rally, as usual Jihad Slaughter at the Church Altar Apple App Store rejects satirical Clinton game deemed ‘offensive,’ despite dozens of anti-Trump games Princeton and 'Inclusion' A big campus trend: Ignorance of U.S. History K-12: Criminal Minds at Work The seeds sown by John Dewey et al. Psychodynamics of Obama's and Hillary's 'White Guilt Forever' conversation When it comes to Islam, Western leaders are liars or idiots How to defeat terrorism How the judiciary contributes to the growth of Government How the European Left manipulates you with headlines He's not on our side The U.S. Border Patrol since 1993: a seesaw. The Muslims aren't the only ones with a fervent ideology Black Lives Matter doesn't believe its own slogan The Fire Spreads The Anti-Cop President [and the war against American culture] France vs. ‘The prettiest sound on earth’ The Rage of Failure [The cultures of Islam, Latin America, and Africa] Calif. approves LGBT propaganda lessons for K-12 History classes We have a ‘War on Cops’ because of the War on the Family Weak-Kneed and Whiny Obama: ObamaCare didn't work, so let's completely socialize Medicine We need to hate [those who wish to kill or subjugate us] 2010-2016: The Era of Political Repression in America Black Lives Matter and the Orwellian redefinition of violence The Abortion Lobby's horrifying new "comedy" act Vatican ecumenism forsakes Egypt's Christian minorities Making college ‘free’ will only make it worse The Latinization of the West Do pedophile priests and Islamic jihadis ‘abuse’ their religions? What's a reasonable number of blacks to shoot? It's time to stand up to Black Lives Matter Obama and the most successful national subversion in world history Dr. Jihad: Muslim doctors and the global jihad Brexit reveals the complete bankruptcy of the European Union America's Worst President? I nominate Barack Obama, the anti-Lincoln. It's Déjà Vu all over again Welcome to "1968: the Sequel." Intellect Internet Delenda Est: The Internet Must Be Destroyed [say our Marxist, Marcusan masters] #NeverTrump needs to learn from Clinton email whitewash Stunning: Obama and Comey Clinton email comments sound eerily similar Hillary Clinton is above the law The Democrats' 'emergency' assault on the Second Amendment Founding principles of the United States of America: Individual Rights When a culture unmans itself I'm a Millennial and my generation sucks How Douglas MacArthur would have responded to ISIS terror attacks My Position On the 2nd Amendment Paul Ryan's primary opponent Imagine there's no Border The upside-down world of race on campus Lunacy in Urbana. Why Dems try to break Black hearts and only Trump can fix it Heart of Darkness: The evil at the core of modern liberalism Even after Ben Rhodes came clean, NY Times still reports his Iran lies as truth Why the Left hates referendums The Imaginarium of Harry Blackmun Treating pregnancy as a disease. Washington Post's Kermit Gosnell Denialism is out of control Elitist rage with the pro-Brexit masses Robert Spencer Baron Bodissey Charlie Nash 2016 2016 2016 0726 0726 0725 CW.I CW.E Media Eileen F. Toplansky John Leo Bruce Deitrick Price Deborah C. Tyler 2016 2016 2016 2016 0725 0725 0725 0723 Acad Acad Acad CW.Am Raymond Ibrahim David Solway J. Marsolo Theodore Dalrymple 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0722 0722 0722 0719 0719 CW.I 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0719 0719 0718 0718 0718 0717 0716 0716 0715 0715 0715 0714 0714 0714 0714 0713 0712 0712 0712 0711 0711 0711 0710 0710 0708 0707 0707 d.Var CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.E CW.I Acad CW.Sex CW.E Health Scott Morefield Debra Heine 2016 2016 0706 0706 David Harsanyi Charlotte Cushman David Solway Johnny Oleksinski Arthur Herman Paul Nehlen Victor Davis Hanson William Richards Karin McQuillan Tom Trinko Cliff Smith 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0705 0704 0704 0704 0704 0702 0702 0701 0701 0630 0630 0628 Dennis Prager Kevin D. Williamson Mollie Hemingway Brendan O'Neill 2016 2016 2016 2016 0628 0627 0627 0627 Mark A. Hewitt Christopher Chantrill Dave Carter Heather Mac Donald Myron Magnet Daren Jonescu Bruce Walker Paula Bolyard Trevor Thomas Junge Freiheit Robert Tracinski Eileen F. Toplansky Ari Halperin Walter Hudson Heather Wilhelm Ashraf Ramelah Jeff Jacoby Mike Konrad Raymond Ibrahim Richard F. Miniter David Clarke Lawrence Sellin Carol Brown Fay Voshell Myron Magnet Michael A. Walsh MC John Dietrich Andrew C. McCarthy L.Theory Econ CW.Am L.theory CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Chr Econ CW.I CW.Am CW.Am d.Obama CW.I CW.E CW.Am Opin L.theory d.Clinton d.Clinton L.theory L.theory CW.Sex H.Amer L.theory CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Sex Media CW.Sex Media Media Against all odds, Britain rejects tyranny of EU [UK "Brexit" vote] Apocalypse Not [May the anti-Brexit know-it-alls get what they deserve.] Brexit and Multiculturalism About Common Sense: a short discourse Obama invites 18.7 million immigrants to avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America The World Turned Upside Down [UK "Brexit" vote] The Rout of the Globalists [UK "Brexit" vote] Democrats abandon Due Process [they'll stop at nothing to confiscate guns.] PC Europe now blaming women for provoking Muslim rapists The DaVinci Code all over again Was Trump's would-be assassin inspired by a "climate of hate"? Clinton, Obama, Trump and the abuse of power Orlando’s doom. The most depressing article you will ever share. Share it anyway. The Problem with Hate Speech Why millions of Americans — including me — own the AR-15 The Refuge of Freedom: the New Right When the anti-gun side dons a Marine uniform Why should anyone need or want an AR-15? Obama: Anti-Anti-Terrorist Why not admit the obvious: The president won't blame them because he agrees with them Jo Cox and political assassinations The Left's hatred of the Second Amendment is both inconsistent and hypocritical Why does the IRS need guns? A time for choosing The choice is Trump or Hillary. Uncovering the biases in state-level polling data The American Left is beneath contempt [they'd deny guns to good people] The New York Times can’t figure out the Orlando terrorist’s motive The coming Constitutional crisis over Hillary Clinton's EmailGate When does the learning curve kick in? [includes Koran quotes] Will Orlando change anything? [Is diversity our strength?] Anything but Islam: Media attack guns, men, Christians, GOP instead of ideology in terror attack The battle over Obama’s Internet Surrender Dying for Diversity Obama puts multiculturalism above Americans' safety. Killing homosexuals is not ISIS law, it is Muslim law Science and Limits What science cannot explain. The sinister politicization of the malady of Unstable Sex Identification (USI) NPR + NYT : A recipe for cluelessness [Willfully blind to socialism as the cause of Venezuela's collapse] No Canada The ignorance of Trudeau and the people who support him. The House strikes a blow against political correctness [still 'illegal aliens'] Here are 10 more examples of Google search results favorable to Hillary I’m voting for Donald Trump, so I went to see him speak. Protesters broke my nose. Peruta v. County of San Diego: Ninth Circuit ignores Second Amendment to uphold ban on concealed carry The Evil Empire Reborn Yes, Virginia, Trump is a conservative How to create functional illiteracy in 7 easy lessons [incl. dyslexia remarks] Epic Correction of the Decade [it's the liberals who are authoritarian] Embryonic Stem Cell fail as firm goes defunct The Lemonade Menace [Men with guns and 10,000 Commandments] German court applies Sharia to child marriage A more modern Constitution? To the Progressive, facts are the enemy of certainty Seymour Fein Andrew Klavan Salim Mansur Tiberiu Dianu Tom Tancredo 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0627 0626 0626 0626 0625 Econ Econ CW.E Arthur Herman Patricia McCarthy Kevin D. Williamson Raymond Ibrahim Grant Kaplan Debra Heine James Freeman Greg Gutfeld 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0624 0624 0623 0623 0621 0621 0622 0620 Econ Econ L.theory CW.E CW.Chr David Solway Jon Stokes Nicolaus Fest Kevin D. Williamson Howard Hyde Andrew C. McCarthy Jeffrey T. Brown 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0620 0620 0619 0619 0618 0618 0617 L.theory L.theory CW.E L.theory L.theory d.Obama d.Obama Paul Weston Thomas Wheatley 2016 0617 CW.E 2016 0617 L.theory Tom Coburn and Adam Andrzewski Mark Davis Sierra Rayne Steve McCann Sean Davis John R. Schindler Eileen F. Toplansky Thomas Sowell Kristine Marsh 2016 0617 L.theory 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0617 0616 0615 0615 0615 0615 0614 0613 V.polls L.theory Media d.Clinton CW.I CW.Am Media Gordon Crovitz Edmund Kozak Andrew C. McCarthy Deana Chadwell Deborah C. Tyler 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0613 0613 0612 0612 0612 Media CW.I CW.I CW.Chr CW.Sex John Hinderaker 2016 0611 Media David Solway Rick Moran Brent Scher and Elizabeth Harrington Juan Hernandez 2016 2016 2016 0611 0611 0610 CW.Can CW.Am Media 2016 0610 L.Theory Herbert W. Titus and Robert J. Olson Fjordman Mytheos Holt Bruce Deitrick Price Steven F. Hayward Daniel John Sobieski Kevin D. Williamson Robin Classen Richard A. Epstein Edward H. Stewart Jr. 2016 0610 L.theory 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0609 0609 0609 0608 0608 0607 0606 0606 0605 CW.E CW.Am Acad Sci.var Health L.theory CW.E L.theory L.theory Brexit: The Unique Perspective from Liberty GB Tiananmen at 27, and the China Dream Will further perversions of Title IX ruin women's athletics? The myths of American slavery Sex & power On the Obama administration’s lavatory overreach. What's wrong with Europe Denying the Climate Catastrophe: 9. A low-cost insurance policy Socialism for the uninformed Excluded Middles [this piece is equally important on Academic freedom] Why morality is the only thing we should legislate The Liberal Blind Spot War Crimes of Imperial Japan: a lesson in moral equivalence for Mr. Obama Iran tortures ANIMALS, too The liberal case against Peter Thiel is the worst kind of hypocrisy Katie Couric decried ‘edited’ Planned Parenthood footage, then doctored a gun owner interview Dear Mr. Fantasy [letter to German Muslim leader Aiman Mayzek] A Monstrous Moral Leviathan Women and Socialism Pope Francis: Islam's friend, Christianity's foe? Greetings, Slaves Hilaire Belloc and The Servile State. Marxist Economics 101: Obama explains it all for you 13 incompetent failures in the Obama administration Who are the real deniers of science? Time and the Pelosi-Reid-Obama debt How debt is repaid. Imagine no possessions, imagine Venezuela The brutal reality of socialism. How the West (and the Rest) got rich The Grand Pretension: Genderlessness and Genderless Marriage The motto of Sanders voters: "Socialism is fun so long as someone else is paying for it" Tran-speak, exclusion, no science: How Obama’s pro-transgender rules impact K-12 teenagers You can be fined for not calling people ‘ze’ or ‘hir,’ if that’s the pronoun they demand that you use The cost of ObamaCare Get a clue, navel gazers. It’s Thermidor Time The President is not 'in charge of the economy' To reclaim America, abolish the Federal agencies Obama’s Dictatorial Transgender Proclamation The Bullshistory of Sykes-Picot Israel celebrates its birthday while its people are among world's happiest In Hiroshima, Obama should celebrate the friendship that the A-bomb made possible Freedom and Obligation Because neither Thomas Jefferson nor Ronald Reagan is on the ballot Obama threatens schools: Let men in the Little Girls' Room or else Escape from Obama's transgender school bathrooms A Melancholy Calculation Welcoming the Brave New World Order Psychodynamics of Archetypal Wimp-Shaming in the Trump-Nazi construct Obama, Truman and Hiroshima There’s zero reason to apologize. In Alien vs. Predator, I'm for Predator, because he's OUR Predator A Fist Against Islamic Terror Trump v. Clinton … and Bush I Identify as Barack Obama With gender bender bathrooms, liberals jump the shark The Obama Administration provokes a legal crisis Inside the Anti-Trump Circus: Here comes the Summer of Hate Obama's gift of immunity to Trump [BHO's excesses are hard to exceed] What one economist knew [Friedrich Hayek] Tim Burton Claudia Rosett Trevor Thomas Michael Kimmitt Roger Kimball Jon N. Hall Warren Meyer Thomas Sowell David Solway Selwyn Duke Nicholas Kristof John Hayward 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0605 0604 0604 0601 0601 0601 0531 0531 0530 0529 0528 0527 CW.E Kaveh Taheri David Harsanyi Mollie Hemingway 2016 2016 2016 0527 0526 0526 CW.Islam L.theory Media Beatrix van Storch Doug Mainwaring Baron Bodissey Raymond Ibrahim Richard Fernandez Michael A. Walsh Tyler O'Neil Jonah Goldberg Jon N. Hall Robert Tracinski Deirdre McCloskey Doug Mainwaring Daniel J. Mitchell 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0525 0525 0524 0522 0521 0521 0520 0520 0520 0520 0520 0520 0518 CW.E CW.Sex Econ CW.Chr Econ Econ d.Obama Sci.var Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex Econ Austin Ruse 2016 0518 CW.Sex Eugene Volokh 2016 0517 CW.Sex Jeffrey H. Anderson Christopher Chantrill Kevin D. Williamson Michael A. Walsh Mario Loyola Adam Garfinkle Quin Hillyer Jeff Jacoby 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0517 0517 0517 0517 0516 0516 0514 0514 Health Clarence Thomas Deroy Murdock Joy Pullmann Daren Jonescu David Solway Fay Voshell Deborah C. Tyler 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0514 0513 0513 0513 0513 0512 0512 Wilson D. Miscamble David P. Goldman Vlaams Belang party Laura Ingraham Selwyn Duke 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0512 0511 0510 0510 0510 0510 0509 0509 0509 0508 Christopher Chantrill David French Zombie Victor Davis Hanson Robert P. Murphy CW.Sex H.Ame CW.Sex CW.E Sci.ecol Econ Econ L.theory d.Var H.World Econ L.theory L.theory H.Mid H.Mid H.Amer VFT CW.Sex CW.Sex VFT VFT H.Amer VFT CW.E VFT CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Sex d.Var d.Obama Econ Making America really great again How Recep Erdogan became the most powerful man in Europe The Men Who Would Be King The aspiring novelist who became Obama’s foreign-policy guru [also summarized here and here] I want a president who can teach us to accept capitalism Andrew Sullivan's blind spot Andrew Sullivan's miss [He just can't perceive any fascism on the Left.] The secret racist history of the Democratic Party How the media use pictures to protect Islam (Warning: GRAPHIC) The Nihilism of Sanctuary Cities An Inconvenient Truth: Liberal climate inquisition can’t explain past temperature changes North Korea poses EMP threat David Brooks should stay in his little bourgeois strata Minimum wage causing major loss Islam and the "sexual ethics" of Jihad Slavery Safe from "safe spaces" On the rare good sense of a college administrator. Women Good news in Global Warming Islamization is banned by the Constitution in Hungary video here Mexican flag waving, anti-free speech thugs riot outside Trump rally Boxing Barbara Boxer: Is 'inequality the root of all evil'? The troubling prosecution of Dennis Hastert The GOP has been bad. But not as bad as you think. [did oppose Dems] Christians, don't fall for the 'compassion' trap The transgender threat to boys and men This Christian doctrine is now a 'hate crime' under police investigation The Orwellian "Bias Incident Response Team" swings into action. Setting the record straight on Britain, America, and World War II Isn't it grand: Three anti-capitalist candidates for the USA Power of the American Idea [Robert Curry's Common Sense Nation] The danger of the “Black Lives Matter” movement The Fourth Birth of Freedom: 1776, 1861, 1981, . . . The Postmodern roots of Leftist policy Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity Climate Deal forecast: Frost for the U.S. economy, slush funds for the planet Tell the Ghosts Oppressive Patriarchy: Letting men use women's bathrooms Obama's Brexit overreach is typical of his arrogance Why I am voting for the U.K. to leave the European Union Obama dismisses Putin, but Czar is getting better of us again and again The smug style in American liberalism Call it Fascism Where are America's drowned cities? Turning American law upside down for the Transgendered GOP Primary process rigged Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in the same God? When Excess is a Virtue [against the PC overlords] The Left is coming for you next They can't tolerate freedom of speech. Sex Slavery by the numbers Multiculti education guru denounces showing up on time, hard work, and clear language as part of white oppression Sleeping Dogs are Waking How can a 'gender-free' society square with being human? Willful blindness and our Saudi 'friends' Why the Transgender Bathroom Wars matter On transgender restrooms and all similar matters, let property owners decide Of course the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and Michael A. Walsh Douglas Murray Richard Fernandez David Samuels 2016 2016 2016 2016 0507 0507 0506 0505 L.theory CW.E d.Obama d.Obama Christopher Chantrill Fred Siegel Jim Geraghty Kimberly Bloom Jackson Raymond Ibrahim Victor Davis Hanson David Kreutzer 2016 2016 2016 2016 0504 0504 0503 0503 Econ 2016 2016 2016 0503 0502 0502 CW.I CW.Am Sci.ecol Daniel John Sobieski Charles Hurt Andrew Puzder Andrew G. Bostom Roger Kimball MC Josh Gelernter Viktor Orban Larry O'Connor Selwyn Duke Michael Filozof 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0502 0502 0501 0501 0501 0430 0430 0429 0429 0429 0429 0429 Sci.Atom Media Econ CW.I Acad CW.Sex Sci.ecol CW.E Media Econ L.theory 2016 2016 2016 0429 0429 0428 CW.Chr CW.Sex CW.Sex Victor Davis Hanson Christopher Chantrill Bruce Thornton Heather Mac Donald Michael Novak James Arlandson Brian Joondeph Claudia Rosett 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0428 0427 0427 0427 0427 0426 0426 0424 H.Brit Econ Deana Chadwell Tom Trinko Tim Montgomerie Anthony Bright-Paul Ralph Peters Emmett Rensin Mike Conrad Robert Zubrin David French Daren Jonescu Dennis Prager Paul Johnson Kevin D. Williamson Gavin Boby Thomas Lifson 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0424 0423 0423 0423 0423 0421 0421 0420 0419 0419 0419 0419 0417 0417 0417 CW.I CW.Sex d.Obama Econ Victor Davis Hanson Fay Voshell Andrew C. McCarthy Heather Wilhelm Walter Hudson 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0417 0416 0416 0414 0413 CW.Sex Nine 11 CW.Sex CW.Sex David French 2016 0413 L.theory David Harsanyi David French Chris Ricketts Tyler O'Neil H.Amer CW.Am Econ Sci.ecol d.Var Sci.ecol CW.Sex Voting CW.Chr L.theory CW.E Acad bear arms Why do corporations oppose religious liberty? Democrats have lost their minds over the minimum wage UK Equalities chief admits: ‘I thought Muslims would blend into Britain… I should have known better’ 6 controversial Bible passages the skeptics love to hate Obama Administration sticking it to Whitey [injecting poor people and criminals into nice neighborhoods] The Vote-Farmers of America The power to do the good, not the good itself. The Qualification Question Clinton and Sanders. The New Man and his gender gap The Rape Jihad in Europe. Exhibiting Bias Genuine eco-loons now control some major museums. How Republicans can make Energy a winning issue in 2016 The Dead Constitution Philip Hamburger’s Is Administrative Law Unlawful? "When Mark Steyn struck back" [the 2016 Munk Debate] Europe’s elites, EU citizens and Islam Meet the radical lawyers the DOJ hired to oversee elections 'Panama Papers' underscore the crucial importance of tax havens Freedom to change your life: Why the government shouldn’t ban "reparative therapy" Stick a fork in Common Core — it’s done The Federal government's Sexual Reign of Terror on college campuses A nation of laws—sort of Killing Christianity in America Free college is too expensive Demagoguery and the Minimum Wage Exposing the myths you've always believed about Thomas Jefferson Bathroom boycotts flush safety of women and girls Glaciers and Sex 4 reasons Donald Trump's abortion answer was a betrayal of pro-lifers Those aren't our values [the difference between values and morals] A dangerously deluded Pope His sucking up to Muslims is idotic. Yes, Mr. President, capitalism is better The plea of the Little Sisters The "compelling state interest" just isn't there. Beware Obama the Benevolent [Mandatory OT resembles min-wage hikes.] The Art of National Suicide Brussels is what happens when liberals don’t push immigrants to integrate Sweden? Negative image? What could you be thinking? A month in Sweden Trumping Free Speech U.S. law is better than Britain's. Riligion (sic) Touchy-feely-ism the new religion of Europe the West. An Islamic Apocalypse in Brussels What America should learn from the attack in Brussels No, Mr. President, 1776 wasn’t anything like Castro’s 1959 putsch The rise of America's Liberalist class [confiscation and redistribution] Post-Jihad Gesture Theater: Je suis sick of it ["virtue signalling" stinks] Judge Garland and the Left’s disdain for truth Sinister and dangerous: the stealth supremacism of Maajid Nawaz Nazis versus Muslims The time has come for opposition and resistance video here Opening statement to court during "hate speech" trial Did America ever really understand 'limited' federal government? Dividers, not Uniters Obama begets Trump. Why Cap and Trade doesn’t work Death of America: Why this presidential election isn’t as important as people think Non-Trump University New York Times: Saving kids from the last hetero WASP in America Does any 2016 presidential candidate understand the freedom of speech? Merrick Garland’s ‘moderation’ The question isn’t one of degree. An open letter to the Virginia Tech community [race and intelligence in The Bell Curve] Andrew Klavan Shikha Dalmia Raheem Kassam 2016 2016 2016 0411 0411 0410 CW.Sex Econ CW.E Jeff Sanders Robert Weissberg 2016 2016 0409 0408 CW.Chr CW.Am Philip Ahlrich Kevin D. Williamson Mark Steyn John Tierney Alex Epstein Myron Magnet Mark Steyn Hans-Peter Raddatz Hans von Spakovsky & J. Christian Adams John Tamny Walt Heyer 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0407 0407 0407 0406 0406 0406 0406 0406 0406 d.Var d.Var CW.E Sci.ecol Sci.col L.theory CW.E CW.E Voting 2016 2016 0405 0405 Econ CW.Sex Joy Pullmann Tyler O'Neil Victor Davis Hanson Fay Voshell Steve Feinstein Theodore Gebhard Richard Kirk Jan LaRue Roger Kimball 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0404 0404 0403 0403 0402 0402 0402 0401 0401 0331 Acad CW.Sex L.theory CW.Chr Econ Econ Bio CW.Sex Acad CW.Sex 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0330 0330 0330 0330 0329 0328 0327 0326 0326 0325 CW.E Econ L.theory Econ CW.E CW.E CW.E L.theory 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0325 0325 0324 0323 0323 0322 0320 0319 0319 0319 0319 0319 0318 0318 CW.I CW.I d.Obama Econ 2016 2016 2016 2016 0318 0318 0318 0317 Acad CW.Am L.theory L.theory 2016 0317 CW.Am Mollie Hemingway Deana Chadwell Tibor Krausz E. Jeffrey Ludwig Richard A. Epstein Eileen F. Toplansky Victor Davis Hanson Amir Taheri Ingrid Carlqvist Gideon Isaac MC Raymond Ibrahim David Harsanyi Investor's Business Daily Michael Bargo Jr. Michelle Malkin Dennis Prager Vikram K. Chatterjee Alain Wagner Viktor Orban Geert Wilders Avner Zarmi Jonathan V. Last Jason Scott Johnston Selwyn Duke Peter Wood Deborah C. Tyler Robert Spencer Kevin D. Williamson Charles Murray Media CW.I CW.I CW.E CW.E L.theory d.Obama Econ Training for Jihad in Vienna’s kindergarten madrassas Frontlash for Trump is outpacing backlash, as nomination nears Time to calm down about Trump (compare to Clintons, Sanders, Obama) Divisive rhetoric? Trump didn’t start this fire The white working class is the designated scapegoat of the ruling elites Socialism’s bloody history shows millennials should think twice before supporting it Why socialists need capitalism You better believe 'Islam hates us' [with Koran verses] The weirdness of illegal immigration How NOT to fight our enemies Anti-Trump right excuses the fascist Left. Trump right/WaPo wrong on 2015 Q3/Q4 growth [incl. Obama vs Reagan] Brownshirts invade Trump rally Is public anger over the Republican estabishment justified? (incl. the 2013 "shutdown," 2008 Palin gagging, longtime Ed. Dept. abolition) Your kids' health, or lefty agenda? NYT says boys eat too much protein Hey, Bernie, don’t lecture me about socialism. I lived through it. Liberals want your car keys What's wrong with driverless cars? War, Peace, and Netanyahu PBS distorts his policies and Mideast history. Remembering the Brave: Neerja Bhanot Democrats should worry about their own authoritarianism The origins of Trump Nihilism The most grotesquely comical academic paper ever published Gender Theory meets Climate Change: the Clash of the Irrelevancies Facebook suspends FrackNation page for telling the truth about fracking The ideal of Perfection in faith and politics The glaring evidence that free speech is threatened on campus Muslims and the Maypole Hillary Clinton's false hopes Why I trust Trump Climate Alarmism vs. Energy Reality A history lesson for Professor Obama on Supreme Court nominees [re Scalia's successor] Why Democrats aren’t democratic (and Republicans shouldn’t be) Antonin Scalia, 1936–2016 The mass murders that dare not speak their name [black-on-white] Cash is the currency of Freedom Inequality in an Election Year The Right Ascendant A moment to appreciate conservative achievements. Fascist American Universities 2016: Notes from Cal State Los Angeles Hate Crime is almost nonexistent The numbers speak for themselves. The way back from Liberalism Artists and teachers must lead a resurgence. Wealth and income inequality not as bad as you think Three simple questions for Trump supporters Where negative interest rates will lead us SCOTUS, Lies, and Videotape [re Scalia's successor] Former abortionist uses medical animations to show what happens to Baby and Mother during abortion Marco Rubio’s immigration dilemma [a catalog of his tricks and lies] Islam—Facts or Dreams? Governments of the World are coming for your cash An Iraq of Myth and Fantasy The willful ignorance of "Bush lied" bleaters. Authentic rebellion What this election is really about and what's really at stake Apple Care Touching ultrasound: Baby dying in the womb comforted by twin sister There is only one way to get the change we want — vote to leave the EU The Establishment's path to victory Turning against Trump A catalog of his capricious inconsistencies. The Elephant in the Room Trump is right about political correctness. 2016 2016 2016 0317 0317 0315 CW.E 2016 2016 2016 0315 0315 0315 d.Var Oleg Atbashian Raymond Ibrahim Victor Davis Hanson David Horowitz Sierra Rayne Shelby Williams Gideon Isaac 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0315 0314 0313 0313 0312 0312 0311 Econ CW.I CW.Am Mark Rippetoe Garry Kasparov Daniel Gelernter Steve Postal Eileen F. Toplansky David Harsanyi Victor Davis Hanson Rick Moran & Robby Soave James Delingpole David Solway Conor Friedersdorf Eileen F. Toplansky Andrew Napolitano Daren Jonescu Kathleen Hartnett White Paul D. Moreno 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0310 0310 0309 0309 0309 0308 0307 0307 Health Econ L.theory Media 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0307 0305 0304 0304 0303 0303 0303 Sci.ecol 2016 0303 L.theory Kevin D. Williamson Roger Kimball Jack Cashill Glenn Reynolds Jeffrey Folks Charles C. W. Cooke Ben Shapiro Josh Gelernter Matt Patterson Raymond Richman Daren Jonescu Patrick Barron Washington Examiner Susan Berry & Anthony Levatino John Fonte 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0302 0301 0301 0229 0229 0229 0227 0227 0227 0227 0226 0225 0224 0224 L.theory L.theory CW.Am Econ Econ 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0224 0224 0223 0223 0223 0223 0223 0222 CW.Am CW.I Econ WMD 2016 2016 2016 2016 0222 0222 0221 0220 Baron Bodissey Conrad Black Victor Davis Hanson Heather Mac Donald Christopher Chantrill Stella Morabito Andrew C. McCarthy Jason Scheurer Victor Davis Hanson Eileen F. Toplansky Rush Limbaugh Mark Hyman Julie Prince and the McIntire Family Boris Johnson Daren Jonescu Bookworm Josh Gelernter Econ Econ L.theory d.Var Acad Acad CW.E d.Clinton Sci.ecol Acad CW.Am CW.Am Econ Econ L.theory CW.Sex L.Patriot CW.Sex However clumsily, Apple is affirming a Constitutional principle Trump, the Pope, and the Bible Charity cannot preclude self-defense. This is what happened at Rutgers U after a conservative spoke on campus John Oliver eviscerates the facts on Voter ID George W. Bush's decision to invade Iraq was correct Clerking for Scalia taught me how to think about the law. Climate models botch another prediction The Fallacy of ‘White Privilege’ Code Trump: the gallop Leftward continues Trump’s dishonest Iraq War revisionism Donald Trump is no revolutionary, he’s just a Democrat The 'progressive' itch to regulate speech Trump's America ‘Science’: Christian Bible more bloodthirsty than Quran (???) The ignored campaign issue: the Deficit Dictatorship, American Style America’s Balkan Values Here comes the ‘Cashless Society’ The death knell of Freedom. Obama’s war is not on Fossil Fuels [It's on America] Lobbing words at North Korea's ‘unacceptable’ nuclear missile program Compromise and the Law of the Excluded Middle The Traditionalist Rebel Venezuela is socialist, Senator Sanders. Any questions? The liberal fantasy of Cultural Appropriation Obama’s speech at Islamic Center of Baltimore: a fact check (Koran verses) Obama’s Baltimore mosque speech was a dangerous fantasy Pakistani police strip Christian man naked, beat him to death with logs Coates vs. Sanders: When liberal pieties collide The growing public pension and muni bond bubble How John Adams predicted Bernie Sanders and his acolytes A Conversation with Jonathan Haidt Obama’s ‘diversity’ diktat is a giant gift to lawyers Hillary Clinton put spies’ lives at risk Challenging the Caricature Michael Horowitz, Michael Novak, John O’Sullivan, Mona Charen, Janice Crouse, Linda Chavez, Michael Farris, Chester Finn, Herb London, Rob Long, Lisa Peng, Chris Shays. California of the Dark Ages Rhodes not taken What next for the Left? Islam and the First Amendment 'They' is destroying the English language Gender pronouns out of control. How the Left ruined air travel We are facing an existential threat Is Trump the first 'European-conservative' American presidential candidate? Texas grand jury shoots the messenger Planned Parenthood videos testify to ugly truth William F. Buckley questions National Review on Trump Liberals still say austerity poisoned the water in Flint, damn the evidence A liberal version of the Ten Commandments Disappearing Glaciers [incl. 17 scare-stories in newspapers, 1903-55] Either carry a big stick—or shut up! The folly of sophisticated smugness. The Left's problem with nature and logic Locals fled pool after migrants masturbated into jacuzzi, defecated into kids' pool, invaded girls' changing rooms Selective outrage: National Review trashes Trump, rallies behind Ryan When abortion suddenly stopped making sense Behind America’s crisis of confidence: Government of, by, and for special interests Democracy in America has reached a dangerous turning point. Israel to Zuckerberg: Stop Killing Jews He lets Facebook aid terrorists. 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0220 0219 0219 0218 0218 0217 0216 0216 0215 0215 0215 0214 0213 0212 0211 0211 0209 0208 0208 0207 0207 0207 0206 0205 0205 0205 0204 0204 0204 0203 0203 L.Patriot CW.Am Acad Voting WMD Bio Sci.ecol CW.Am 2016 2016 2016 0202 0201 0201 Econ d.Clinton 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0201 0201 0131 0131 0130 0129 2016 2016 0129 0127 CW.E Daniel John Sobieski David Daleiden Jeffrey Lord Robby Soave Marvin J. Folkerstma RealClimateScience Victor Davis Hanson William Sullivan Oliver Lane 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0127 0126 0126 0126 0125 0125 0125 0123 0122 CW.Sex CW.Sex Media Julia Hahn Frederica MathewesGreen Mario Loyola 2016 2016 0122 0122 Media CW.Sex 2016 0120 Karin McQuillan 2016 0120 Andrew C. McCarthy Aryeh Spero Rick Moran Christian Schneider Gene Schwimmer Tara Kole Tom Hartsfield Dennis Prager C. Edmund Wright Charles C. W. Cooke David French George F. Will Charles Murray Raymond Ibrahim Jon N. Hall Mario Loyola Victor Davis Hanson Mike Konrad Ari Halperin Claudia Rosett Deana Chadwell Daniel Greenfield Investor's Business Daily Josh Gelernter Clare M. Lopez David Harsanyi Thomas D. Williams Brendan O'Neill Michael Bargo Jr. William Sullivan John Leo & Jonathan Haidt Betsy McCaughey John R. Schindler Horowitz, Novak, O'Sullivan, Charen, et al. Victor Davis Hanson Roger Kimball James W. Ceaser David Deming John Hovatt II Josh Gelernter Geert Wilders Selwyn Duke L.theory CW.I Econ L.theory CW.Am Econ d.Obama Econ Acad CW.I CW.I CW.I CW.Am Econ L.theory Acad Acad CW.I CW.Sex Econ d.Var Sci.ecol CW.E Media Why China's growth rate spells trouble The Federal Government should follow the Constitution and sell its western lands Hillary, the Brady Campaign, and the real gun control agenda Trump, Cruz, and New York values The Wrong Turn Who unleashed Climatism? also: The paradoxical origin of climate alarmism Still polarizing after all these years Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big The recapitulation: Argentine Peronism goes global The problem with Islam is aggressive scripture, not aggressive ‘traditionalism’ Report: U.S. rescue team was on its way to Benghazi, but was turned back Obama tells a rape victim a gun won't protect her America's persistent white majority Sean Penn sums up the Left [intellectul heirs of Nazis like Heidegger] Thank Citizens United that you can see ‘13 Hours’ Polls and mass perception: Trump vs. Hillary Capitalism: the worst system — except for all the rest Oregon State University to hold segregated workshops on race The Israeli Left scrambles in the wake of a stunning video Hold the Mohamed Salad Turning your country into an insoluble problem Germany's 21st century descent into hell Hillary wants to kill me [She undermines breakthroughs in medicine] Reflections on Wise and Suicidal immigration Here's what 'constitutional scholar' Obama really taught at law school Don't cry for me, Syria Obama would rather disarm Americans than fight terrorists. When worlds collide: Unassimilable Muslim migrants crash Europe's fantasy Islam [rape jihad, et cetera] The larger motive behind the Groping Jihad Treasons of the Democrats Why progressives betray their country. Europeans studiously ignore Muslim mobs People aren't widgets [Why governments are so bad at running economies] Baltimore judge guts the 5th Amendment [Even Stalin might have blushed] When the lies are mandatory — can the First Amendment survive the Sexual Revolution? Even Obama understands the Second Amendment [the "militia" argument] Gun control won't protect us Chris Kyle's widow Stranger than fiction: Hollywood gets Benghazi right Why are Muslims faking anti-Muslim hate crimes? Obama's Long Game on Guns Obama's gun control lies Islam in our schools Islamic school projects Examining Bill Cosby's Accusers The nastiest insult to call a black man, according to liberals The Murder of History [Turner Classic Movies and the Spanish Civil War] The case for civil disobedience in Oregon Obama's coming unconstitutional gun grab A look back at the 10 worst actions taken by the UN in 2015 Rebutting a Christian pacifist How liberals are the new autocrats Visa vulnerability DHS doesn't even know how many violators there are. Why ‘draw Mohammed'? The artist explains [ex-Muslim Bosch Fawstin] Two activist groups get stuck in the past International Law v. the People The dereliction of duty Neglect has left our institutions hollowed out. Jeremy Corbyn and the End of the West Peter Martin William Perry Pendley 2016 2016 0119 0119 Econ L.theory Thomas Lifson Selwyn Duke Deana Chadwell Ari Halperin 2016 2016 2016 2016 0119 0119 0118 0117 L.theory Victor Davis Hanson Peter Schweizer Mike Konrad Andrew C. McCarthy 2016 2016 2016 2016 0117 0117 0117 0116 d.Obama d.Clinton Econ CW.I Debra Heine Daniel John Sobieski John O'Sullivan Jonathan F. Keiler Kyle Sammin Daren Jonescu Noel S. Williams Mary Grabar Steven Plaut Mark Steyn Mark Steyn and Laura Rosen Cohen Carol Brown Jeffrey Folks Victor Davis Hanson Karin McQuillan Rand Simberg 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0115 0115 0115 0114 0114 0114 0113 0112 0112 0112 0111 Benghazi L.theory CW.Am d.Var L.theory V.polls Econ Acad H.Mid CW.E CW.E 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0111 0110 0110 0110 0109 CW.E Heath CW.Am d.Obama d.Obama Andrew C. McCarthy 2016 0109 CW.E Baron Bodissey David Horowitz John O'Sullivan Kevin D. Williamson Jonathan Keiler David French 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0108 0108 0108 0108 0108 0108 CW.E d.Var CW.I Econ L.theory L.theory Charles C. W. Cooke Taya Kyle Stephen F. Hayes 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0107 0107 0107 0106 0106 0106 0106 0105 0105 0105 0104 0104 L.theory L.theory Benghazi CW.I L.theory L.theory Acad Acad CW.Sex CW.Am H.World L.theory 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 0104 0104 0103 0103 0103 0102 0102 0101 L.theory d.UN CW.Chr 2016 2016 0101 0101 Investor's Business Daily Josh Blackman Michael Filozof Carol Brown David Solway Patricia L. Dickson Derrick Wilburn Bruce Walker David French J. Christian Adams Anne Bayefsky Ronald Cherry Joel Kotkin Kevin D. Williamson Andrew C. McCarthy Robert Oscar Lopez Keith Windschuttle Daniel Johnson Jonathan Foreman Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.I CW.Aus Bridge of Lies Hollywood distorts history through a leftist lens. A list of 2015's ludicrousness Why would anyone want a firearm? The new standard for campus sexual assault: Guilty Until Proven Innocent Obamanomics explained in one chart [for clueless Obamabots] Rotherham: The Perfect Storm Muslim grooming gangs. The 13 most ridiculously PC moments on college campuses in 2015 Why people can't face the truth about Obama Bitter Clingers 2.0 'White men must be stopped,' says Salon magazine Creationists of the secular kind Churlishness and Shutuppery [from the GOP big-shots] Transitioning to the Post-Obama Era How our overly restrictive Rules of Engagement keep us from winning wars The Democrats' theme for 2016 is Totalitarianism Lying about Gitmo [Obama, that is] The Best Notable Quotables of 2015 Tell me how the budget deal would be worse if Democrats ran Congress 'I'm a Christian and I love the Qur'an': admirable, or contradictory? [Koran quotes show why Islam cannot "co-exist" with Christianity.] Why climate change won't matter in 20 years Global Tyranny just getting warmed up Foolish Kentucky school censors Charlie Brown Christmas GOP sells America down the river An Ocean of Plastic The "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" does not exist. NOAA relies on ‘compromised' thermometers that inflate US warming trend The quality of temperature station siting matters for temperature trends The Paris agreement is another false ‘turning point' on the climate The high cost of stupidity When over-taxed, corporations take rational action. Islamic Jihad: symptom of a Western cause Reality vs. 'Mismatch': becoming unhinged at Justice Scalia over race Attacking the truth Welfare for the World [T.Kennedy, Chappaquiddick, Muslim immigration] What are liberals really willing to do to stop climate change? In Paris, climate change alarmists con everyone, including themselves A stark choice: Ted Cruz's Jacksonian Americanism vs. Marco Rubio's Wilsonian Internationalism Our Superstitious President He's the one with no respect for logic. Democratic candidates build ‘safe spaces' from tough questions Dhimmitude and Trump Yes, Judeo-Christian culture is superior to Islam. Why are we taking in refugees? America literally cannot afford them. Trump's cult of personality is corrupting conservatism The ‘Fascist' left in America Stars and Stripes Foreigners' rights vs. Washington's responsibility. Angela Merkel is doing more damage to the future of the West than Donald Trump She has suppressd all cultural confidence and self-belief. 'Walk a Mile in Her Hijab' day at public high school This dumb, dishonest attack on Justice Scalia takes the cake Scalia practices reason, not racism The Trump Cult of Personality and its conservative media enablers Absolute Nonsense The flimsy "no right is absolute" canard. Islamic timelines fueling Jihad Trump's Muslim immigration ban should touch off a badly needed discussion Islam, Lying, and Sacred Misdirection [Reliance of the Traveller quotes] The baffling bafflement of befuddled buffoons The Narrative can never be wrong The link between global warming and terrorists 'The inhuman reign of the lie': Why Donald Trump's words haven't hurt 2016 2015 2015 2015 0101 1231 1231 1230 Media 2015 1230 Econ 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1230 1229 1228 1228 1226 1226 1223 1221 1221 CW.E Acad d.Obama d.Obama CW.Am Kevin D. Williamson Stephen F. Hayes Brent Bozell III et al. Rush Limbaugh Robert Spencer 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1220 1219 1218 1218 1218 L.theory L.pris Media Econ CW.I Josh Gelernter Daren Jonescu J. Richard Pearcey Rush Limbaugh Kip Hansen Michael Bastach 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1218 1218 1218 1217 1217 Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.Chr 2015 1217 Sci.ecol Anthony Watts George F. Will Kevin D. Williamson Raymond Ibrahim J. Christian Adams Thomas Sowell Mark Steyn David Harsanyi Robert Tracinski Stephen K. Bannon & Alexander Marlow Victor Davis Hanson Kyle Smith Sha'i ben-Tekoa Catherine Sellers Jonah Goldberg Stephen Moore Nick McAvelly Charles Moore 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1217 1216 1216 1215 1215 1215 1215 1215 1214 1214 Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1213 1213 1213 1212 1212 1211 1211 1211 d.Obama d.Var CW.I Econ Carol Brown Daniel McLaughlin Charles C. W. Cooke Guy Benson Kevin D. Williamson Sonia Bailley Andrew C. McCarthy 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1211 1210 1210 1210 1209 1209 1208 CW.I CW.Am CW.Am Baron Bodissey Baron Bodissey Richard Fernandez Daren Jonescu John Nolte 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1207 1207 1207 1207 1205 CW.I Media Kyle Smith George F. Will Charles C. W. Cooke Stuart Taylor Jr. & K.C. Johnson Thomas Lifson Anne Marie Waters Katherine Timpf Deborah C. Tyler Victor Davis Hanson Lee Stranahan George F. Will Scott McKay Victor Davis Hanson David French L.theory L.theory d.Obama War Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.Am d.Kenn Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.I CW.E L.theory CW.I CW.I him (phrase from Boris Pasterak's Doctor Zhivago) If Loretta Lynch wants to ban ‘violent talk,' she should ban the Quran [incudes illustrative Koran links] The nonexistent case for progressive taxation The Alpha Male at bay Loretta Lynch has lost touch with reality Undermines 1st, 2nd Amendment. The Left prays after San Bernardino shooting, to its god of government Canada awaits a pair of impending catastrophes The logic of Islamic intolerance How C. S. Lewis predicted today's college campus craziness—in 1944 Property Rights and Religious Liberty The danger in Islamic prayer [incudes illustrative Koran links] The irony of Planned Parenthood condemning murder Tet, Take Two: Islam's 2016 European Offensive There is no bigger threat to Millennials than Liberalism Islam, rape, and the fate of Western women The controversy over Syrian refugees misses the question we should be asking Why kids can't read Thought terminated: Kafka at Kansas University The Yale Problem begins in high school Some 'general advice' for President Obama Is it "UnChristian" to refuse Syrian refugees? [Charity vs Theft] American universities begin to implode Radical parents, despotic children The ferocious religious faith of the campus Social-Justice Warrior Anyone who would use terror as an excuse to subvert the Second Amendment should be tarred & feathered ISIS renamed 'Climate Change' The coming economic crisis The malign influece of the Federal Reserve. The purpose of America Great news! Americans don't really care about climate change ObamaCare's predictable collapse What Putin Knows His true self-interest can make him an important ally. Islamic influx: why a religious test for immigrants is moral and wise With blood still in the streets of Paris, New York Times defends Islam Barack Obama: Worst. President. Ever. The Big Racist Lie The pianist in Paris, and the delusions of the Western left Wir sind Wir: Germany is not negotiable video here [Björn Höcke] I compared my ObamaCare options to my current plan, and surprise, surprise The Left and the Attack on Paris The University Gone Feral On campus, social norms no longer apply. 'Spectral Evidence' in service of Social Justice Europe's loss Europe's neurotic suicidality The jihadis' master plan to break us It's time for Obama to make a choice: Lead us or resign End college football How France became an inviting target of the Jihad The Left has no one to blame but itself for madness on campus Mizzou Misérable: Here's what these fascist student protesters are actually demanding The First Amendment is dying Center for American Progress kerfuffle accidentally reveals Palestinians were advising demonstrators in Ferguson MO [Black Lives Matter] How Ted Cruz would balance the budget Why millionaires like Hillary Clinton [Democrats are the Party of the Rich] Mizzou: a generation of sheltered kids—and the adults who cave to them Yale's Idiot Children Hysterical Yalies protest a free-speech panel. Pamela Geller 2015 1205 L.theory George F. Will J.R. Dunn David French Mollie Hemingway David Solway Raymond Ibrahim Tyler O'Neil Larry P. Arnn Sonia Bailley Nicole Russell Matthew Bracken Tyler O'Neil Carol Brown Andrew C. McCarthy 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1205 1204 1204 1203 1203 1203 1201 1201 1201 1130 1130 1129 1129 1128 Econ CW.Sex L.theory L.theory CW.Can CW.I Acad Bruce Deitrick Price Daren Jonescu Jonathan Haidt Gene Schwimmer 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1125 1125 1124 1124 1124 Acad Acad Acad War 2015 2015 1124 1124 Acad Acad 2015 2015 1123 1123 Acad L.theory Daren Jonescu Catherine Sellers Bruce Walker David Harsanyi Rick Manning James Lewis Selwyn Duke Pamela Geller Robert Tracinski Tom Trinko William Sullivan Bjorn Hocke Charlie Martin 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1122 1121 1121 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1119 1119 1119 1118 1118 CW.I Econ CW.Chr Sci.ecol Health Dennis Prager Victor Davis Hanson Jeffrey T. Brown Jon N. Hall James Lewis Amir Taheri Michael Goodwin Victor Davis Hanson 1117 1117 1117 1116 1116 1115 1115 1115 1114 1114 1113 d.Var Acad Acad CW.E CW.E CW.E Jonah Goldberg Ben Shapiro 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 David Harsanyi Thomas Lifson 2015 2015 1113 1112 L.theory CW.Am Peter Ferrara Tyler O'Neil Rush Limbaugh Kevin D. Williamson 2015 2015 2015 2015 1112 1110 1110 1110 Econ d.Var Acad Acad Dymphna & Christian Action Network Dennis Prager Bret Stephens David French Charles C. W. Cooke Andrew C. McCarthy CW.I CW.Sex CW.E CW.I CW.I CW.I Media d.Obama CW.Am CW.E CW.E Health Acad CW.I Acad Acad The new intolerance of student activism Halloween costumes at Yale. Racial hysteria triumphs on campus Seven lessons from the University of Missouri debacle Missouri's lesson: the Campus Wars Are about power, not justice 25 Obama whoppers for the media to chew on Video: this is what a Social Justice Warrior looks like A Tale of Two Shootings Michael Brown, Kate Steinle. Oprah's 'teachable moment' on Islamic jihad: Submission 'creates radical sense of equality' On the greatness of Rome A successful nation is no accident. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is bad for all Americans Asylum Catastrophe [re Björn Höcke's 22 Oct speech] In Britain, free speech goes out with a whimper Culture Matters Ben Carson is right: Abortion is today's Slavery Liberals: not loyal to anything Bill O'Reilly slanders Ronald Reagan Publicly funded pensions now rival those of top CEOs Feds rule to force high school girls to undress next to naked boys who think they're girls The causes of income inequality The Clueless Generation Ignoring the Obvious Student behavior and the learning atmosphere. State Department turns its back on Syrian Christians and other nonMuslim refugees Lack of manliness is real culprit behind mass shootings Free speech on campus Misanthropic nostalgia On the Green movement's latest agenda. M-Day: The Invasion of the West Hillary Clinton's rogue agenda: Why Sid Blumenthal matters Hillary Clinton and Obama's lies on Benghazi — Too many to count, but let's try 13 Reasons why we should not admit Muslim 'refugees' Whither Canada? The Socialist Republic of Canada This budget is no deal, it's a spending spree Students learn what teachers teach: Speech they dislike is not 'speech'— it's 'violence' People of the Lie: It's not just the Clintons Forced conversion of Christians in America The Progressive gun-control charade Migrants and the Fall of European Civilization Cultural confidence? Black guns are easy to see. Black people, not so much.What black criminals? Hillary's breathtaking mendacity She lied in 2012, and she's lying now. Arranging American gun confiscation Family structure matters — science proves it Muslim Invasion of Europe Obama Got Punked 'Clock boy,' considered. Crock Boy: When the Media gets owned by a 14-year-old O'Reilly's Killing Reagan: fiction, posing as biography The 7 biggest problems with CNN's Planned Parenthood story Notes on a ridiculous meme No, government need not equal socialism. A look at the facts on Gun-Free Zones Islam and dogs Muslims are cultural poison. ObamaCare is entering its dreaded 'death spiral Yes, George W. Bush kept us safe A misguided resolution to the Culture Wars [Eric Liu hates white people] Immigration idiocy would appear to be gender-neutral The evil of Gun-Free Zones Habitat Exchange: a bad idea It's like Cap and Trade, only much worse. Conor Friedersdorf Heather Mac Donald Ben Shapiro David French Jack Cashill David French Victor Davis Hanson Pamela Geller 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1109 1109 1109 1109 1109 1108 1108 1108 Acad Acad Acad Acad d.Obama Acad CW.Am CW.I Jeremy Egerer Trevor Thomas Rembrandt Clancy & Bjorn Hocke Charles C. W. Cooke Surak Tyler O'Neil Jeffrey Folks George F. Will Michael Bargo Jr. Ben Shapiro 2015 2015 2015 1108 1108 1107 H.World 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1106 1106 1106 1105 1105 1104 1103 L.theory Catherine Sellers Deana Chadwell Thomas Sowell Nina Shea 2015 2015 2015 2015 1103 1102 1102 1102 Econ Acad Acad d.Obama Tyler O'Neil Roger Kimball Roger Kimball David Solway Micah Morrison Deroy Murdock 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1029 CW.Am Acad Sci.ecol CW.E d.Clinton Benghazi Carol Brown Daren Jonescu David Solway Stephen Moore David French 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1029 1029 1028 1028 1027 CW.I CW.Can CW.Can Econ Acad Christopher Chantrill Fay Voshell Nicholas Johnson Jonathan Keiler Colin Flaherty 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1027 1027 1026 1026 1026 1024 1023 1023 1022 1022 1022 1021 d.Var CW.Chr L.theory CW.E Media Benghazi L.theory CW.Sex CW.E CW.I CW.I Bio 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1021 1020 1020 1020 1020 1019 1019 1019 1019 1019 CW.Sex Andrew C. McCarthy Daren Jonescu W. Bradford Wilcox Guy Milliere Lee Smith Selwyn Duke Edwin Meese & John Heubusch Mollie Hemingway Charles C. W. Cooke John Lott Carol Brown Betsy McCaughey Marc Thiessen Peter Berkowitz Julius O'Malley Selwyn Duke Jeffrey Folks CW.E CW.World CW.Sex d.Var Bio d.Unions CW.Sex L.theory CW.I Health CW.Am CW.E L.theory Sci.ecol No, Bernie Sanders, Scandinavia is not a socialist utopia Lord Monckton: 'The Texas Talent will replace the Dollar' Liberals' income inequality concerns built on false premise How and why Ronald Reagan won Killing without Due Process: It's called War [drones, et cetera] German school children are being forced to clean up filth and garbage left by Muslim invaders Thousands of Muslim invaders slated for Idaho Muslims conquering the heartland Bad regulations can kill: El Faro's sinking is a tragic example The aniquated Jones Act is killing American shipping—and sailors. Ben Carson is right about Nazi gun control Jews with guns were a threat. The Warsaw Ghetto uprising: armed Jews vs. Nazis Dr. Carson on self-defense Making it all up The behavioral sciences scandal. A nation of discontent Half a century of barely controlled immigration Guns, Congress, and the will of the people Media Narrative Chart How they decide which lies to tell. Culture — not genetics — is the key to success Nanny Statism is removing actual play from playgrounds What really drives Obama's destructive Mideast policy? 'Interrupting Whiteness': National Education Conference to blame white teachers and students for school woes Are Mideast Muslims dying for a myth? Why we're never moving away from income inequality Congress must reclaim Consumer Finance Bureau The GOP field and jihad Gun control and magical thinking The breakdown of the black family Unassimilated immigration: Dystopia Now! Islam versus Islamism: inside the mind of an anti-anti-jihadist Rather Shameful [Truth attempts to whitewash Dan Rather's lies] Australia's 1996 gun confiscation didn't work — and it wouldn't work in America The most dangerous man in the world Those scientists who want to use RICO to prosecute AGW 'deniers' have a big problem Pope Francis's hypocritical politicking The Oldest Divide America's urban-rural split is wider than ever. The Progressive Left and Israel's right to exist Obama's faux sophistication The 1990s/Fukuyama view has proved wrong. The Decriminalization Delusion The problem is crime, not incarceration. Will Stephen Colbert give liberals the Ted Cruz treatment? Codename: Liberal NYC honors Communist Monster Ethel Rosenberg. #RICO20 $4 million NSF grant while Shukla's organization is being "dissolved" ? Europe's migrant crisis is simply Muslim history vs. Western fantasy 'Carly Fiorina was right': group releases full abortion video mentioned in GOP debate Back to science class for the Science Guy [Bill Nye] John Boehner: bad Speaker or worst Speaker? The Rectification of Names: Confucius takes on political correctness Shukla's Gold Climate alarmists are paid handsomely to stir up hysteia. EPA ignores science to propose most expensive regulation in history On Islam, Ben Carson is right and Charles Krauthammer is wrong 'Unholy Alliance'—exposing the radicals advising Pope Francis on climate The economic fallacies of Progressive Christianity Pope Francis, Dorothy Day, and the redistribution delusion The hard untruths of Ta-Nehisi Coates Jeff Jacoby John Griffing Patricia L. Dickson Daniel McLaughlin David French BareNakedIslam 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1019 1017 1016 1027 1015 1014 Econ Econ Econ Bio War CW.I Carol Brown Carol Brown 2015 2015 2015 1014 1012 1012 CW.I CW.I Econ Daniel Payne David Kopel Esther Goldberg Andrew Ferguson Steve McCann Ian Smith Robert N. Driscoll Jon Gabriel Thomas Sowell Kristina Ribali Selwyn Duke Zombie 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1012 1010 1010 1010 1009 1009 1009 1009 1008 1008 1008 1008 L.theory L.theory L.theory Sci.var Mike Konrad Kevin D. Williamson Newt Gingrich Carol Brown Hugh Hewitt Kay S. Hymowitz Richard Winchester David Solway John Hinderaker & Scott Johnson Mark Antonio Wright 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1008 1008 1008 1007 1004 1004 1003 1003 1003 H.Mid Econ Econ CW.I L.theory CW.Am CW.Am CW.I M.Rather 2015 1002 L.theory Andrew Logar Russell Cook 2015 2015 1002 1001 d.Obama Sci.ecol Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson Charles Lipson Heather Wilhelm Heather Mac Donald Larry Elder Kevin D. Williamson 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 0930 0930 CW.Chr 2015 2015 0929 0929 CW.E CW.Sex 2015 0928 CW.Sex 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0928 0928 0928 0927 0926 0924 0924 0924 0924 Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.I Sci.ecol Econ Econ CW.Am E.J. Gregos-Mourginakis & Joshua Jacobs Anthony Watts Raymond Ibrahim John Sexton Robert P. George & Patrick Lee C. Edmund Wright Jeff Lipkes Steve McIntyre Tyler O'Neil Andrew C. McCarthy Marc Morano David French Mona Charen Kyle Smith CW.Am L.theory Media CW.Am Acad d.Obama Acad L.theory H.Amer H.Amer Sci.ecol How Marcuse made today's students less tolerant than their parents Who's really guilty in the Bergdahl case? The Republican Party's surrender politics And how to change them. Cuba visit shows Pope Francis is no John Paul II To prevent 'discrimination' against gays, the Left would destroy religious liberty City bankruptcy rulings challenge constitutional democracy It's not just the GOP where the paradigms are shifting Ben Carson exposes Islamic 'taqiyya,' but there's even more you should know The Muslim Islamophobes who agree with Ben Carson [that Democracy and Sharia are not compatible] For Christians and Yazidis fleeing genocide, the Obama administration has no room at the inn Where American boots are on the ground, American justice must prevail Trump the Everyman? He's Rodney Dangerfield in Back to School Listen to nations experienced with the Islamic Influx Pulling our strings and poking us in the eyes: the Ahmed Mohamed Fairy Tale Accepting Christian refugees Pope Francis' fact-free flamboyance Let the Vikings in? The distorted world of Ta-Nehisi Coates Indecency by Administrative Decree How reliable are the climate models? EMP versus AGW—Is there a national death wish? Reverse engineering Ahmed Mohamed's clock… and ourselves The truth about mass incarceration Foreign Policy and the Constitution Jorge Ramos proposes 'open border' [His poor analysis of costs & benefits] Leftist universities will never stop trying to stifle free speech Stop saying same-sex marriage is the 'law of the land' Entrance Exam: What to do when the migrant mobs come pounding on your country's door The False Idol of Compassion for migrants and refugees In the Left's story of government, the State is always the hero Democrats cash GOP's check, ending Iran sanctions Europe's refugee crisis: violence, demands, and Muslim Conquest Why Judicial supremacy isn't compatible with Constitutional supremacy How Obama swindled Americans on Iran Our Band-Aid solution to the refugee crisis The Invasion of Europe Two major Constitutional defects with the Iran deal Strategic Lying and Obama The GOP's Trump Trouble…and how to handle it How the GOP pretends not to authorize Obama's agenda Is the West dead yet? Dominant on the global stage and eroding from within. Of gender-neutral bathrooms and homosexual dads Western Civilization: the Final Frontier? Ten things I hate about you, America: Accusations and replies Madonna's brother defends jailed clerk who refused marriage licenses for gay couples [story by Ryan Gajewski] The failed moral argument for a "living wage" The Pause lengthens yet again No warming for 18 years 8 months. There's a whole arsenal of smoking guns in the Clinton e-mail scandal A Brief History of White Privilege Trump takes on the New Nativists Who are the lawbreakers? Europe sells the hangman's rope—again Reality for Dummies Why Walmart is reducing worker hours, after raising the minimum wage — and other lessons in reality April Kelly-Woessner Jonathan Keiler Ted Cruz Ben Domenech David French 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0923 0923 0923 0923 0923 Acad L.pris Michael Bargo Jr. Christopher Chantrill Raymond Ibrahim 2015 2015 2015 0922 0922 0922 d.Unions Robert Spencer 2015 0922 CW.I Nina Shea 2015 0922 CW.I David French William Sullivan Raymond Ibrahim Clarice Feldman 2015 2015 2015 2015 0921 0921 0921 0920 War Econ CW.E CW.I Raymond Ibrahim George F. Will Fay Voshell Kay S. Hymowitz E.M. Cadwaladr 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0919 0918 0918 0918 0917 0917 CW.E 2015 2015 2015 2015 0917 0917 0916 0915 Sci.ecol CW.I L.theory 2015 2015 2015 2015 0915 0914 0914 0914 CW.Am Acad CW.Sex CW.E 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0913 0912 0912 0911 0910 0910 0909 0909 0909 0909 0908 0908 0907 0907 0906 0905 0905 CW.E 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0904 0904 0904 0904 0903 0903 0903 0902 0902 Econ Sci.ecol d.Clinton CW.Am CW.Am L.theory CW.E Mike Jonas Norman Rogers "Anthony" Stephanos Bibas Tom Cotton Julia Hahn David French Monte Kuligowski F.W. Burleigh John T. Bennett Jonah Goldberg Andrew C. McCarthy Carol Brown Ramesh Ponnuru Charles Krauthammer George Jonas The Kafir Justin Amash Eileen F. Toplansky Myron Magnet Andrew C. McCarthy Victor Davis Hanson Selwyn Duke Clarice Feldman James Arlandson Christopher Ciccone Ryan McMaken Christopher Monckton Jonah Goldberg J.R. Dunn Jeffrey Lord Tom Trinko James Lewis Deana Chadwell Kevin D. Williamson CW.Chr CW.Sex CW.I CW.E CW.Am CW.Sex Sci.ecol CW.E L.theory CW.E CW.E d.Obama CW.Am CW.Sex CW.E CW.Sex Econ Cheapening, devaluing, and diluting citizenship Why (any) economics matters Nine signs of the impending American collapse What the Left and Right don't get about campus rape The Hard Work of Defending Civilization [War is still interested in us.] Lawfare and gay marriage At war with reality [Tennessee's lunatic overhaul of personal pronouns] Vester Flanagan, poster boy for Leftist 'microaggression' culture Immigration: The Refugee Scam ESPN owes Curt Schilling, and America, an apology Black, gay reporter murders straight, white journalists — media blame the gun The Politics of Star Trek Yes, take a look at yourself, Ruling Class Rise of the Cultural Libertarians The Quiet Revolution: how the New Left took over the Democratic Party British MI-5 files reveal another Cold War Soviet agent We can apply the 14th Amendment while also reforming Birthright Citizenship Generations of stolen black dreams Back to School—Really? European train attacker another case of 'known wolf' terrorism Justice Department's 'grotesque' misconduct against New Orleans cops To the new Culture Cops, everything is Appropriation Educate Locally: improving schools through accountability and proximity What would happen if a massive solar storm hit the Earth? Trump's critics are wrong about the Fourteenth Amendment and birthright citizenship Obama, earning contempt at home and abroad The tragic and complete collapse of racial relations America's culture war starts claiming victims A culture warrior contemplates defeat Mario Vargas Llosa's Notes on the Death of Culture America's barnacled budget 'He said that raping me is his prayer to God' How Nazism explains 'moderate' and 'radical' Islam Progressives and Free Markets Two people murdered in Swedish IKEA due to weak knife control laws Why is health insurance so expensive? Chris Cuomo, Medievalist Marco Rubio explains: life begins at conception. The Upside of Power The atom bomb saved millions of US, Japanese lives. Why did the media, all at once, proclaim the evils of air conditioning? The arrogance of power: Megyn Kelly's 'good journalism' Radical egalitarianism is the real threat Stop calling leftists 'liberals' Vaclav Havel's 'The Power of the Powerless' endures I don't know if I'm pro-choice anymore after Planned Parenthood videos Obama's 'clean power plan' punishes workers, consumers, and states that voted for Romney Obama's delusions of competence The government is not working 'better.' What would have happened in a trial of Officer Darren Wilson Totentanz: Austria's New-Old Waltz Planned Parenthood defenders rely on tortured logic How we, as POWs, responded to Communists threatening our religious liberty Why hasn't Louis Farrakhan been arrested yet? Obama Administration modifies U.S. Oath of Allegiance to accommodate Muslims [They don't have to bear arms in defense of America] Study showing 15-dollar-an-hour fast-food wages would raise prices by only 4 percent is very wrong Brian T. Carter Jeff Deist David Solway Mona Charen Alan W. Dowd Dennis Saffran Fay Voshell Ben Shapiro Selwyn Duke David French Ben Shapiro 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0902 0901 0901 0831 0830 0830 0830 0828 0827 0826 0826 CW.Am Econ Timothy Sandefur 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0825 0825 0824 0823 0824 0824 Media Lloyd Marcus Deana Chadwell Patrick Poole Andrew C. McCarthy Cathy Young Daniel Coupland & Eric Coykendall Maddie Stone Edward J. Erler 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0823 0823 0822 0822 0821 0821 CW.Am Acad CW.E CW.Am CW.Am Acad 2015 2015 0820 0819 Sci.plan CW.Am Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson Bill Wilson John D. Davidson 2015 2015 2015 2015 0818 0816 0816 0815 George F. Will Robert Spencer Raymond Ibrahim Chet Richards 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0814 0814 0814 0814 0813 Econ CW.I CW.I Econ L.theory 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0813 0812 0812 0812 0812 Health CW.Sex H.Amer Sci.ecol Media 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0812 0811 0810 0810 0810 CW.Am d.Var Jack Kelly Mike Sylwester Max Denken Mona Charen James H. Warner 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0809 0809 0807 0807 0806 d.Obama CW.Am CW.E CW.Sex L.theory Debra Heine Raymond Ibrahim 2015 2015 0806 0806 L.theory d.Obama James Sherk 2015 0805 Econ Christopher Chantrill Allum Bokhari Scott S. Powell Ron Radosh John C. Eastman Pedro Gonzales Jon N. Hall Kevin D. Williamson Bill Hodges Joshua Sharf Alex Marlow & Stephen K. Bannon Robert Weissberg Rand Simberg J. Christian Adams Ruben Navarrette Jr. Diana Furchtgott-Roth CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am Media Media L.theory H.Amer H.Amer CW.Am CW.Am CW.Sex Sci.ecol Bakin' Baby Syndrome [3 percent dodge, and PP's lack of moral compass] The 3 Percent Dodge [Planned Parenthood's big lie] Why does U.S. economic performance continue to decline? Thank God for the Atom Bomb Mark Steyn Rich Lowry Francis Menton Bret Stephens 2015 2015 2015 2015 0805 0804 0804 0804 CW.Sex CW.Sex Econ H.Amer Richard Butrick Megan Fox 2015 0804 CW.I 2015 2015 0803 0801 CW.Am CW.Sex Francis Menton Stanley Kurtz Trevor Thomas Tom Trinko Myra Adams Kevin D. Williamson Colin Flaherty Matthew Boyle 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0731 0730 0730 0730 0730 0729 0729 0727 Econ Acad CW.Sex CW.Sex Econ Econ Media John Hayward Ron Radosh Michael Moynihan Wm. F.B. O'Reilly 2015 2015 2015 2015 0727 0727 0726 0725 Media Media CW.Am Andrew C. McCarthy Mark Steyn 2015 2015 0725 0724 CW.Can Lloyd Marcus Thomas Sowell 2015 2015 0724 0723 CW.Am Econ Henry I. Miller Bruce Walker Stanley Kurtz David Solway Kevin D. Williamson Norman Rogers Michael A. Walsh John Tamny 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0721 0721 0720 0720 0720 0720 0720 0720 Sci.var L.theory CW.Am Acad Fay Voshell Clarice Feldman Kevin D. Williamson Carol Brown 2015 2015 2015 2015 0719 0719 0719 0718 L.theory L.theory CW.Sex CW.Sex Paul Sperry Andrew C. McCarthy Heather Wilhelm Rick Moran John Hinderaker 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0718 0716 0716 0716 0715 L.Patriot CW.Sex CW.Sex Debra Heine Julius O'Malley Tom Trinko Michelle Malkin David Harsanyi Timothy Birdnow National Review Fred Fleitz Ron Dermer Eileen F. Toplansky Herbert W. Stupp Randall Hoven 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0715 0715 0715 0715 0715 0714 0714 0714 0713 0713 0713 0713 d.Obama H.Mid CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Sex Sci.ecol,d.dmo&cad=rja "So…how are they doing?" Al-Qaeda's 7-step plan was written in 1996. Reparations? How about ~7 trillion? Rebecca Watson: 'Planned Parenthood is not selling baby parts, you f*cking idiots' What causes income inequality? Progressive policies do. APUSH revisions won't do: College Board needs competition Untermenschen: the language of Death [dehumanizing a child in the womb] Pondering Profits [from the sale of aborted baby-parts] Did you ever notice the asterisk on your Social Security statement? The insidious political power of minimum-wage laws Panic in Pittsburgh Media struggling to ignore black mob violence. Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn push through voice vote to fund Planned Parenthood, protect Obama's Iran deal GOP Establishment wages war on Cruz and conservative voters PBS documentary whitewashes Stalinist thugs of the Black Panther Party Whitewashing the Black Panthers New PBS documentary is criminal. Democrats tiptoe into dangerous territory Apparently, every U.S. president was racist, sexist, or homophobic—except Obama. Congress must hold Obama accountable for his deception over Iran Is the Alberta "Law" Society even crazier than the crazy Alberta "Human Rights" Commission? Disastrous consequences of Lib indoctrination from the 60s to Obama The Left doesn't care whether minimum-wage laws actually help the less fortunate The New York Times gets it wrong about genetic engineering Fighting Supreme Court arrogance U.S. Amendments decreed by 5 judges. Attention America's suburbs: you have just been annexed Progressive Fascists devour Tim Hunt, and themselves Bernie's strange brew of nationalism and socialism Let's worry about a real threat [EMP's, or Electromagnetic Pulses] The United States of Thoughts and Prayers Misguided political attacks on CEO pay Sci.Atom Econ %2Fmisguided-political-attacks-on-ceo-pay-1437343542&ei=5vasVar0LYmpyAT_2a_QAw&usg=AFQjCNEMSK-TalpZaxaRtyNT3nnJW0sfmg&bvm=bv.98197061,d.aWw&cad=rja The SCOTUS band of theologians Tyrants and Snowflakes Free speech under 3-pronged assault. The Butchers of Planned Parenthood Many children, many freezers. Planned Parenthood video: Human life reduced to 'tissue' and 'waste' for sale Obama collecting personal data for a secret Race database Planned Parenthood's real crime: making us notice Planned Parenthood and the Statist Abyss Obama's Iran Deal presser: a Lie a Minute Clueless reporters question President Pinocchio: a pathetic press conference In the Age of Obama, some lives matter more than others Roger Waters and the BDS Movement, Part 1 The Big Gay Lie The wine-sipping butchers of Planned Parenthood Let's face it, Planned Parenthood is evil Bumbling science: global warming and an incredible lightness of bee-ing Don't try trusting Iran A president betrays the American people Obama's Iran Deal. Speech to the CUFI Summit On the nuclear deal with Iran. Obama's Endgame [Infesting the suburbs with nasty criminals] Hitler and Gun Control It's what fascists do. Illegal aliens murder at a much higher rate than US citizens do CW.Am L.theory CW.Am U.S. has established a state religion: What now for Christians? Free to Shut Up Religious liberty and gay rights in Oregon. Public pensions prove Zero Sum Economics The meaning of Obama's silence [on the murder of Kate Steinle] Countering progressives' assault on suburbia Last stand of the Old White Males "more Mexicans than anybody needs" The 110 year-old case that still inspires Supreme Court debates Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett cites Lochner v. New York Luddites in Paris Taxi drivers and their government allies attack Uber. Spinal Tap never imagined anything like 'Yes means Yes' The claim that 'gay marriage can defeat the Islamic State' is everything you need to know about the Left Donald Trump was right [illegal aliens commit 38% of Federal crimes] A legacy of clichés [America's Original Sin, blah, blah, blah] Dying on the sidewalk of Nancy Pelosi's sanctuary city [Kate Steinle] As Greece collapses, the big loser is socialism Judge to bakers: No free speech for you Standing up to the Ruling Class Oregon issues gag order against opposing gay marriage Society exists prior to the state, Obergefell notwithstanding Peak Leftism? Don't bet on it When judges corrode the law Obergefell's threat to religious liberty Did mass incarceration destroy the black family? No, and here's why. The Politics of Delusion de Blasio's radical dreams lead to chaos. Microaggression, Macro-Crazy An ongoing search for imaginary bias at Cal. Poll: Obama Millennials want to leave the America they created #LoveWins (thoughts on the institution of marriage) Was I wrong to support gay marriage? Justice Kennedy's bitter truth The Dred Scotting of Religious Liberty Lincoln, SCOTUS, and Obergefell. Let's start calling public schools what they are: one of the biggest swindles in history Is the Science ever settled? Theories, hypotheses, and what science really does Climate Compulsions [what motivates people to believe in climate change?] What the gay-marriage ruling means for Education Let's drop the charade: the Supreme Court is a political branch, not a judicial one Justice Kennedy's Matryoshka Doll The Supreme Court's Disparate-Impact decision is a disaster 15 reasons 'marriage equality' is about neither marriage nor equality SCOTUS declares itself God, redefines marriage and rights The Supreme Court v. The Rule of Law King v. Burwell and the triumph of the administrative state Dissent in King v. Burwell [excerpts here, here, here, here, and here] John Roberts helps overthrow the Constitution Dylann Roof, the Confederate flag, and the logic of the Left Are we truly surprised? [Obama and the Charleston massacre] Regulatory taking on an unprecedented scale [HUD to house the criminal poor in nice neighborhoods] How NOT to defend Alexander Hamilton The Kelo debacle turns 10 The folly of "expert" government planning. There is no crisis in U.S. trade [Trans Pacific Partnership is not warranted] On taxes, Scott Walker has wisely jettisoned the supply-side orthodoxy When we say 'conservative,' we mean . . . How government stifled Reason's free speech Laudato No: praise not Pope Francis's crude economics Gas of Life: Pope encyclical on climate change ignores science on carbon dioxide Brother Glum, Mother Earth Pope is ignorant of economics and science. Fay Voshell Mark Hemingway Michael Bargo Jr. John Hinderaker Joel Kotkin Mark Steyn George F. Will 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0712 0712 0711 0711 0710 0710 0710 CW.Sex CW.Sex Econ d.Obama CW.Am Guy Sorman Heather Wilhelm Robert Spencer 2015 2015 2015 0709 0709 0709 Econ CW.Sex d.Var John Hinderaker Thomas Sowell Jeannie DeAngelis Stephen Moore Rachel Lu Angelo M. Codevilla John Nolte George Weigel J. Robert Smith Jeff Jacoby Adam Freedman Kay S. Hymowitz Myron Magnet Heather Mac Donald Ben Shapiro Benjamin Watson 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0707 0707 0707 0706 0706 0704 0703 0703 0702 0702 0701 0701 0701 0701 0701 0630 0630 CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Econ CW.Sex 2015 2015 2015 0630 0630 0630 CW.Sex L.theory Acad Charlie Martin 2015 0630 Sci.var Norman Rogers Frederick M. Hess Andrew C. McCarthy 2015 2015 2015 0629 0629 0627 Sci.ecol Acad L.theory Roger Kimball John Fund Stella Morabito Ben Shapiro David Harsanyi John D. Davidson Antonin Scalia George F. Will Jack Kerwick Eileen F. Toplansky Jeffrey Folks 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0627 0626 0626 0626 0626 0626 0625 0625 0625 0625 0624 L.theory CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Sex L.theory L.theory L.theory L.theory CW.Am CW.Am L.theory Robert Tracinski Damon Root Greg Richards Henry Olsen Jonah Goldberg Nick Gillespie & Matt Welch National Review Wei-Hock Soon 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0624 0623 0622 0622 0620 0619 Econ L.theory Econ Econ 2015 2015 0619 0619 Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Steven Malanga 2015 0619 Sci.ecol David Harsanyi William McGurn Jeffrey Lord Charlie Martin L.theory CW.Sex L.theory L.theory L.theory CW.Am Acad d.Obama CW.Sex CW.Sex L.theory Carry a weapon — it's your civic duty The Keys to the Armory [Muslims & taqqiya in Australian military] Here's everything you need to know about Islamic hate for the Christian cross Subsidies and the price of health insurance The Left rejects painful truths Cultural Marxism: Nobel scientist sacked for making innocent joke about women (Sir Tim Hunt) The only privilege in America is Liberal privilege Left resorts to 'Gaslighting' tactics in transgender debate [a mental illness] Colonization and Cultural Genocide — and they call it 'Immigration' Magna Carta and the law that governs government The Climate Wars' damage to Science Freedom is Our Birthright Watch video here. The fantasy that ObamaCare 'is working' If Rachel Dolezal isn't black, how is Caitlyn Jenner a woman? You will be assimilated: The same-sex marriage bait-and-switch When the insane are normal, the normal are insane [a mental illness] Totalitarianism on Campus: UC professors instructed not to say ' America is the Land of Opportunity' Why we couldn't solve the Jewish liberalism puzzle Building the New Dark-Age Mind Global Warming: the theory that predicts nothing and explains everything When biases collide Republicans get attacked for trivialities, Democrats get a pass on major crimes. The Super PAC Minuet "Reformers" have a First Amendment problem. Gun Control kills people Barack Obama, Re-Founding Father The new Landed Gentry Public sector unions are bankrupting Illinois. The Left continues to devour itself Lib prof Ed Schlosser fears his students. The War against Black Children Liberals can't tell the difference between 'satire' and news Dismantling liberal myths: a refresher course on Ronald Reagan Minimum Wage, Maximum Stupidity Fast tracking the decline in American power The Global Pottersville An abusive Federal law and the indictment of Dennis Hastert Journalist shield laws: a Constitutional conundrum The Left goes insane The Gnostic folliess of liberalism and other delusons. Magna Carta: Eight Centuries of Liberty A summer break from campus muzzling Ben & Jerry's doesn't let facts get in way of 'climate justice' The costs of a $15 minimum wage The price is paid in jobs. Using the Josh Duggar case as a soapbox Bernie Sanders's Dark Age Economics Bernie Sanders' foul socialist odor Latest New Yorker cover erases women, minorities from GOP field September 11th mattress sale!!! Our prices are crumbling!! [Memorial Day] No need to read anything else because here's what will happen with the Duggars Why I love 'hate speech' Why national-security Republicans lost the Patriot Act debate A Phobiaist's Complaint The Tolerant Jeweler who harbored an impure opinion of same-sex marriage The hour is later than we think It's Obama who lost Iraq Make Big Government Fail David French Baron Bodissey Raymond Ibrahim 2015 2015 2015 0618 0618 0618 L.theory CW.Aus CW.I Jon N. Hall Dennis Prager Selwyn Duke 2015 2015 2015 0618 0616 0616 Health d.Var L.theory Christopher Chantrill Daniel Payne Selwyn Duke Mark J. Fitzgibbons Matt Ridley Geert Wilders Stephen Moore Sean Davis Jonathan V. Last Robert Tracinski Debra Heine 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 0616 0616 0615 0615 0613 0613 0612 0612 0612 0611 0611 CW.Sex CW.Am L.theory Sci.ecol CW.E Health CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Sex L.theory Jonathan Bronitsky Victor Davis Hanson Robert Tracinski Kevin D. Williamson 2015 2015 2015 2015 0609 0609 0608 0607 H.Mid George F. Will Charles C. W. Cooke Daniel Henninger Michael Bargo Jr. Ed Driscoll Bruce Deitrick Price Jim Geraghty Lee Edwards Gene Schwimmer Jesse Richman, Howard Richman, Raymond Richman Victor Davis Hanson Anonymous William J. Olson, Herbert W. Titus, & Robert J. Olson Fay Voshell Daniel Hannan George F. Will David Allison Steve Chapman Kevin D. Williamson Kevin D. Williamson Michelle Malkin Mollie Hemingway Brian Schnoor Michael T. Hamilton 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0607 0605 0604 0604 0603 0603 0603 0603 0603 0602 L.theory L.theory L.theory d.Unions Acad Acad Media H.Amer Econ Econ 2015 2015 2015 0602 0602 0601 L.theory L.theory 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0531 0529 0529 0529 0528 0528 0527 0527 0527 0525 0525 Mallory Millet Andrew C. McCarthy Deana Chadwell Charles C. W. Cooke 2015 2015 2015 2015 0524 0523 0523 0522 L.theory L.Patriot David Solway 2015 2015 2015 0522 0521 0521 CW.E Charles Krauthammer J. Robert Smith Sci.ecol Media L.theory L.theory Sci.ecol Econ Media Econ Econ Media Media CW.Sex Think Like a Liberal—or Else Obama snatched Ramadi defeat from Bush victory Why does the Left kowtow to Islam? 'Just Asking' 'It sure looks like some Ferguson protestors were paid to do so by liberal Organize Missouri' I don't need no Daddy Michael Morell's memoir doesn't come clean on the Benghazi debacle Nothing another 42,000 airstrikes can't fix In Praise of the Lecture It's not even funny how wrong John Oliver is about paid family leave The latest lunatic postmodern target: Motherhood The 'Hate Speech' canard: ticket to tyranny How Liberals ruined College Obama's crackdown on dissent has made conservatives a little paranoid "Stay quiet and you'll be OK" The War Against Free Speech The Four Horsemen of the Education Apocalypse Time for the welfare state to stand trial 'Mass destruction of capital' as a liberal economic panacea Myths about America's 1945-1973 economic dominance. Inching toward 'Harrison Bergeron' Inequality warriors vs. the family and the individual. A response to my critics: This is War Megyn Kelly, shooting down Bill O'Reilly's cowardly stance on the Garland shooting: "Should we get rid of all the Jews, too?" Interracial Crime: Media-driven versus Statistical realities In Defense of Extremism NBC News reporter Ayman Mohyeldin wants Islam protected from satire "What—me worry?" Three simple facts that scuttle the global warming paradigm Bake me a cake—or else Columbia multicultural advisors: Put trigger warning on Ovid's Metamorphoses Trudeau's pick of the litter He doesn't understand the First Amendment. When minimum-wage hikes hit a San Francisco comic-book store Black thugs hammer Black citizens Curing American sclerosis [the Madison Fund idea] Debunking Obama's bilious Baltimore babble Riot-plagued Baltimore is a catastrophe entirely of the Democratic Party's own making Like the President and Hillary, my views on marriage have evolved Jenner's gender exposes leftist nonsense Gay Marriage: a Trojan Horse movement And BHO? What of him? That is in our hands… Seven Big failed Environmentalist predictions Eco-Marxism: Deception 2.0 The lie at the core of Liberalism Lynch vs. the Constitution What critics of Cruz's debate-club rhetoric don't get Is the Obama Administration doing all it can to protect Christians? Michigan lawmakers want homeschooled children registered like dogs and inspected by social workers The Battle of Indiana and the promise of battles to come Cardinal George, simply Catholic What's wrong with the Golden Goose? link 1 link 2 Wisconsin's Shame: 'I thought it was a home invasion' The lessons of Lexington Preventing a coming Ice Age The Corker bill isn't a victory — it's a Constitutional perversion Judith Miller recants; where's the Media? Remember the First Amendment? [Statist "progressives" threaten it] Shriveled grapes, shriveled liberty [Horne v. Department of Agriculture] volition volition Victor Davis Hanson Daniel John Sobieski Robert Tracinski Thomas Sowell Ed Driscoll 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0521 0520 0519 0519 0519 L.theory War CW.I Econ CW.Am Eileen F. Toplansky Stephen F. Hayes Mark Steyn Bruce Deitrick Price Susan L.M. Goldberg John Podhoretz Tom Blumer Kirsten Powers David French Mark Steyn Deana Chadwell William Sullivan Kevin D. Williamson 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0518 0518 0518 0516 0514 0513 0512 0511 0511 0509 0509 0508 0508 CW.Am Benghazi Kevin D. Williamson 2015 0507 Econ Pamela Geller Ace of Spades 2015 2015 0506 0505 L.theory L.theory David Baker Walter Hudson John Nolte Dymphna David Solway Mark Hemingway William A. Jacobson 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0505 0505 0505 0504 0503 0502 0503 CW.Am Roger Kimball Ian Tuttle Deroy Murdock Charles Murray Michelle Malkin Kevin D. Williamson 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0501 0501 0430 0429 0428 0428 L.theory Econ CW.Am David French Andrew Klavan James Simpson MC Robert Tracinski Peter Wood Tom Trinko Andrew C. McCarthy Charles C. W. Cooke John Boehner Paula Bolyard 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0427 0426 0425 0425 0424 0424 0424 0423 0422 0422 0421 CW.Sex CW.Sex L.theory David French Robert Barron Phil Gramm David French Craig Seibert S. Fred Singer Andrew C. McCarthy Peter Berkowitz Roger Kimball George F. Will 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0421 0421 0421 0420 0419 0418 0418 0418 0418 0417 CW.Chr CW.Chr Econ L.theory H.Amer Sci.ecol L.theory WMD L.theory L.theory Acad Econ CW.Sex L.theory Acad d.Obama L.theory CW.Am CW.Am Econ CW.I CW.I Sci.ecol CW.Sex Acad CW.Am d.Var Sci.ecol Sci.ecol d.Var L.theory L.theory d.Obama L.theory When did America forget that it's America? Obama and Revolutionary Romance Woman with $14 million book advance attacks CEO pay The Potemkin Economy Black judge heaps scorn on three-year-old racist (Judge Olu Stevens) Easter under Islam When everything is a crime... Dying for a little peace The Army of the Harebrained grows by the day. Social Justice Bullies: the authoritarianism of millennial social justice Sally Kohn doesn't understand how laws work Defending the right to discriminate What does the Shroud of Turin prove about Easter? The rise of the Megalothymiamanical Memories Pizza Truthers Benghazi, Bergdahl, and the Bomb Obama's stories don't hold up very well. The War on the Private Mind Obama's folly in Iran needs a page from Reagan's playbook Beware of Michiganistan Free Speech in Peril Trigger warning: may offend the illiberal or intolerant. The 'honest conversation on race' trap Freedom of association is burned at the stake in Indiana The UN's war on Israel President Obama must not complete a disastrous deal with Iran Defining Terrorism Down Lifting the covers on 'Obamoogle' Google's corrupt links to Obama regime. What's next for the same-sex marriage advocates Your questions on Indiana's religious freedom bill, answered Liberals against Religious Liberty in Indiana Give me your tired arguments, your poor reasoning NYT on immigration. Self-hating Jews, self-hating Americans, self-hating Whites Crash Position Barack Obama and Andreas Lubitz. To stop Iran's bomb, bomb Iran The Washington Post sugarcoats Obama's Communist mentor (FM Davis) Is the 'female way of learning' destroying boyhood? The Lie behind Social Security The Orwellian Obama Presidency alternate link here Yahoo News political reporter displays Stupefying Ignorance Watch what happens when 3 Muslim spokesmen are asked about Islam's death penalty for apostasy Medicare is doomed—save the patients Decoding Obama's mandatory voting fantasy Meet 5 award-winning teachers who reject Common Core Obama's Iran Agenda The world will miss Lee Kuan Yew The real price of Lies BHO lied to Judge Andrew Hanen about DAPA action. Israel: Beware of Obama New Republic writer calls for eliminating the word 'taxpayer' Obama's Mandatory Voting proposal: typically fascist at heart Why Islam needs a Reformation Obama's Locus The question of Obama's allegiances The race conversation Starbucks wants you to have Starbuck's fights racism, racism fights back Now that 'treason' charges are in the air [more on the "Cotton Letter"] A statement on the crisis in the U.S.-Israel relationship The Betrayal Papers — supplementary article (with links to Parts 1-4) Teaching racial hatred Lying in State End birthright citizenship Reclaiming Legislative Power A Tale of Four Droughts [California's ecological mess] War with Iran is probably our best option A Contrived Controversy [Dem precedents far beyond the "Cotton Letter"] Natan Sharansky Victor Davis Hanson Ed Morrissey Tom Blumer Colin Flaherty Raymond Ibrahim George F. Will David Solway Aristotelis Orginos Sean Davis Bruce Walker Myra Adams Ed Driscoll Matthew Continetti Kevin D. Williamson K.T. McFarland Ayaan Hirsi Ali Myron Magnet Robert Weissberg Deroy Murdock Ron Prosor New York Observer Jonathan Keiler Tammy Bruce Ben Shapiro Gabriel Maior National Review Steven Camarota Jeff Lipkes Stilton Jarlsberg John Bolton Paul Kengor Rhonda Robinson Dan Weber Bret Stephens Rush Limbaugh Robert Spencer 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0417 0414 0414 0413 0413 0410 0409 0409 0408 0407 0405 0404 0403 0403 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0331 0331 0330 0330 0330 0330 0330 0328 0327 0327 0326 0326 0325 0325 0324 0324 0324 H.Amer d.Obama d.Clinton Econ CW.Am CW.I L.theory Deane Waldman J. Christian Adams Joy Pullmann Stephen F. Hayes Henry Kissinger Kevin D. Williamson Michael Goodwin Thomas Lifson Michael A. Walsh Ayaan Hirsi Ali Eileen F. Toplansky David Meir-Levi Mona Charen Colin Flaherty James Lewis Commentary Baron Bodissey David Deming Mark Steyn Mark Krikorian Bruce Walker Victor Davis Hanson Joshua Muravchik 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0324 0323 0323 0323 0323 0322 0322 0322 0321 0321 0321 0320 0320 0319 0319 0319 0318 0317 0317 0317 0316 0315 0313 0313 Health L.theory Acad Stephen F. Hayes L.theory L.theory CW.Chr CW.Sex d.Obama CW.Sex CW.I L.theory CW.Am CW.Sex d.UN Media Media CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am d.Obama d.Obama CW.Sex Econ d.Obama L.theory CW.I Bio d.Obama d.Obama Econ L.theory CW.I d.Obama d.Obama CW.Am CW.Am Acad CW.I CW.Am Sci.ecol Obama, Selma, and anti-communism as racism It's not the heat, it's the tepidity And a follow-up here. Killing Nemtsov: predicted by Putin, carried out by the Motherland Who killed Boris Nemtsov: The Chaff vs. the Wheat Distinguishing the good wage gains from the bad Obama more guilty of 'treason' than Senate Republicans Drawing the wrong lessons from Selma about America today What speech is going to justify expulsion next, if the OU / SAE expulsion is accepted as proper? Obama's Sharia-compliant truce with Iran Obama's unscrupulous Selma speech Scott Walker's righteous victory in Wisconsin [right-to-work] Netflix recants on ObamaNet Lobbyists' Remorse. Are American Jews traumatized? Sisi's revolution gets under way Not anti-war, just on the Other Side Trumbo, Chaplin, Seeger… and Stalin The real job numbers from February [includes a terrific chart] The green Left's fascist roots Unifying theory of media scandal coverage: It's always Republicans' fault Food, language, global warming, and your mother are now all racist The field where liberty was sown [Magna Carta Libertatum, 15 June 1215] Speech to Congress Why Obama so dislikes Netanyahu Frank Capra's America and Ours The Honesty Gap [about men's and women's wages] Why our children don't think there are moral facts In praise of red ink Our inability to speak freely, and the dangers we face. Time for Congress to gut the FCC Net Neutrality is about regulating speech The Poo Generation Anti-racism mania at elite private schools West misses point—and lesson—of Buddhist anti-Muslim sentiment Comrades for Net Neutrality Behind the FCC's muscling of the Internet. Save the Internet: FCC Net Neutrality rules worst example of government intervention... ever Global Warming: follow the money The attack on Willie Soon. Big business cronies ending Internet freedom Inside Obama's net fix [Includes a history of the Internet] The Oscars: where Leftists get bashed for not being Left enough Rebutting Snopes on 'Obama's Muslim gang sign' White House Whitewash: Koran verse featured at 'extremism' summit edited out call to crush Jews Obama's multipronged assault on truth and reality Yeah, about those 'Muslim human chains' around synagogues and other staged photo ops The truth about the Crusades The economy's worst 8-year run in 62 years Oh Beautiful, for specious guys... Rudy Giuliani and the one-way taboo Time to stop worshipping the electric car Following Muhammad's brutal example (includes many Koran quotes) None dare call it Islam Team Obama climbs into a time machine The old "root causes" nonsense. The 'Jobs for Jihad Delinquents' program The Crusades Obama and the Muslim Gang Sign Living History Jihad and self-sacrifice in Islam Cicero and Obama Paul Kengor Clifford Asness & Aaron Brown Oleg Atbashian Oleg Atbashian Robert Samuelson Joel B. Pollak Jason L. Riley Eugene Volokh 2015 2015 0312 0312 CW.Am Sci.ecol 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0312 0311 0311 0311 0311 0310 Nonie Darwish Jeannie DeAngelis National Review Gordon Crovitz Karin McQuillan Michele Antaki Ed Driscoll Sean Davis/ & Rick Moran Mark Musser David Harsanyi Ed Driscoll Mark Steyn Benjamin Netanyahu Dennis Prager John Marini Thomas Sowell Justin P. McBrayer Roger Kimball Tom Giovanetti Mark Hyman Pamela Geller Robert Weissberg Raymond Ibrahim John Fund David Asman 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0310 0309 0309 0309 0308 0308 0307 0307 L.theory CW.Am d.Unions Media CW.Am CW.I H.Amer Econ 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0307 0306 0305 0305 0303 0303 0303 0303 0302 0301 Sci.ecol Media CW.Am H.Brit 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0228 0227 0227 0227 0226 0226 0226 Media Media CW.Am CW.Am CW.I Media Media Henry Payne Walter Hudson Richard Bennett Ian Tuttle F.W. Burleigh Andrew G. Bostom 2014 2015 2015 0225 0225 0223 Sci.ecol Media Media 2015 2015 2015 0223 0223 0223 Media d.Obama d.Obama Peter Wehner Patrick Poole 2015 2015 0222 0222 d.Obama CW.I J. Christian Adams & William P.Saunders Tom Blumer Mark Steyn Thomas Lifson Bjorn Lomborg Andrew G. Bostom Roger Kimball Deroy Murdock Michelle Malkin William P. Saunders F.W. Burleigh Mark Steyn David P. Goldman Eileen F. Toplansky 2015 0221 CW.I 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0221 0220 0220 0219 0219 0219 0218 0218 0218 0218 0218 0216 0218 Econ Econ CW.Am L.theory Bio Econ Acad L.theory Sci.ecol CW.I CW.I CW.I CW.I CW.I d.Obama CW.I L.theory How Jon Stewart turned lies into comedy and brainwashed a generation The Age of Uncertainty Protecting all our "specal snowflakes" from reality. Obama's unconstitutional attempt to shift the blame for his losing ISIS strategy Obama's policies on Islamism and Iran The true history of Christendom and Islam Fatal Flaw: CNN's Chris Cuomo says 'rights come from man' Illegal aliens should go back into the shadows Media go collectively insane over GOP positions on evolution How well-meaning leftists are luring thousands to their deaths Disagreement as Mental Illness Every non-left opinion is based on a 'phobia.' The Destroyer Goeth Jon Stewart and contemporary progressivism. Islam's countless slaves Obama needs to know some history. The Brute-Force Left "Refusing to knuckle under to tyranny of any kind" POTUS: Burning the Jordanian pilot avenges the Crusades Jihadis 14, Crusaders 2 Obama's moral equivalence ignores Islamic doctrine Oppression instead of admission, Part 3 Responding to Obama's Budget Congress should play the dominant role. The Great Obama Retreat America's diminished place in the world. Obama does have a strategy The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment Confessions of a Conservative Vaccine Truther Measles: Misinformation gone viral Another bogus academic study creates bogus headlines [self-reporting flaw] California public school holds Hijab Day, hilarity ensues On some uses of "But" Charlie Hebdo and the limits of free speech. France's "Submission" Michel Houellebecq's new novel Soumission The liberal war on American energy independence The Left and absolute sexual freedom Why Obama needs to pretend the Taliban aren't terrorists Race Relations and Law Enforcement No, 2014 wasn't the 'warmest year in history' Jeb Bush fails Common Core test and disqualifies himself from Presidency Marx was an Othering white male! Oppression instead of admission, Part 2 When health-care reforms don't add up Motivations spoil static models. Here's how one small-government conservative chose to die [Link Byfield] Why Netanyahu, the Churchill of our time, must speak before Congress 7 facts about America's disability check explosion Westminster Abbey and Charlie Hebdo False tolerance leads to mayhem. How to fix the Internet ObamaCare cost me my health insurance The EPA uses children (and adults) as guinea pigs You can't tell me how I'm 'allowed' to raise my child Police "steal" $100,000-worth of legal guns and ammo from citizen Davos's destructive elites "None of us is as dumb as all of us." Obama's free lunch—and breakfast and dinner Whatever happened to Phonics? Climategate, the sequel: How we are STILL being tricked with flawed data on global warming Iran, Obama, Boehner and Netanyahu Obama's bloody Yemen disaster The Shrinking Middle Class: What to do? The failure of the Monetarist creed Demand-side assumptions are wrong. Our mushrooming Welfare State Reflections on Roe: When Margaret Sanger spoke to the KKK The Muslim population of America is expanding at warp speed The abolition of private life Safe space for me, but not for thee. Oxford and the Crisis of the University There's no moral compass. White House Methane Madness The "need for control" is a statist ruse. Kyle Smith Kevin D. Williamson Andrew C. McCarthy 2015 2015 2015 0215 0215 0214 Rudy Giuliani Raymond Ibrahim David Steinberg Pedro Gonzales Ben Shapiro Simon Kent James Lileks Kevin D. Williamson Ralph Peters Kevin D. Williamson Mike Vanderboegh Fay Voshell Ralph Peters Andrew C. McCarthy Takuan Seiyo Kevin D. Williamson John C. Wohlstetter Victor Davis Hanson Jim Clifton Tom Elliott Richard A. Epstein Colin Flaherty Robert Spencer Roger Kimball Anthony Daniels Arthur Herman Fay Voshell Andrew C. McCarthy Jason L. Riley Jeff Jacoby Karin McQuillan James Lileks Takuan Seiyo Megan McArdle Kathy Shaidle Steve Forbes Wynton Hall George Weigel Tom Giovanetti William Tate John Dale Dunn Bethany Mandel Selwyn Duke Kevin D. Williamson Carl M. Cannon Bruce Deitrick Price Christopher Booker 2015 2013 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0213 0213 0212 0212 0212 0212 0212 0212 0209 0208 0207 0207 0206 0206 0206 0205 0205 0203 0203 0203 0202 0202 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0131 0130 0129 0129 0129 0128 0128 0128 0128 0128 0128 0127 0127 0126 0126 0126 0125 0125 0124 0124 Caroline Glick Michelle Malkin Christopher Chantrill Maggie Gallagher George F. Will Paul Kengor Carol Brown Kevin D. Williamson Dennis Prager S. Fred Singer 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0123 0123 0123 0123 0122 0122 0121 0121 0120 0120 Media CW.I L.theory CW.Am Sci.var CW.E L.theory Media CW.I L.theory CW.I CW.I CW.I L.theory L.theory d.Obama Econ Health Health CW.Am Acad L.theory CW.E Sci.ecol CW.Sex CW.Am Sci.ecol Acad Acad CW.E Health Bio Econ CW.E Media Health Sci.ecol L.theory L.theory Econ Acad Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am Acad Sci.ecol Redefining ourselves to death Were the recent terror attacks in France a watershed? [Couric, other idiots] MLK and 'Disparate Impact' More stringent environmental policies correlate with slower economic growth Scientists balk at 'hottest year' claim: ignores satellites showing 18-yr 'pause' Peer-reviewed pocket-calculator climate model exposes serious errors in complex computer models and reveals that Man's influence on the climate is negligible Not all religions are peaceful: Charlie Hebdo and Cultural Relativism Stop the Fundamental Transformation of America A.McCarthy, P.Schlafly, B.Thor, K.Blackwell, WG Boykin, JC Adams, F.Gaffney, R.Viguerie, et al. El-Sisi's jihad against freedom of conscience Never say that you were not warned Multicultural Suicide Obama's free community college proposal is ridiculous Muslims and the Left's Death by Tolerance Christians burned alive: Muslim persecution of Christians, November 2014 Oppression instead of admission, Part 1 Islamophobia is a myth Liberal bigotry against ordinary citizens. America's provocateurs are at the mercy of the barbarians We need guns. The deadly Paris terror attack and the Myth of Religion PBS spin helps evil flourish Reflexively anti-Christian/Western/American The values of Islam are diametrically opposed to our way of life France and the New Charismatic Jihad It may be a tactical tipping point. Mosques on the front lines in the war against America The Pontiff and 'climate change' Ignorant of economics, as well as science. How to answer the Paris terror attack Do not submit! Republish the Mohammed cartoons everywhere Don't blame the Charlie Hebdo mass murder on 'extremism' Charlie Hebdo massacre: How the West will respond Terrorist massacres vs the 'international community' How the ObamaCare Death Panel defies the Constitution Got hate? Here's the most fascist piece you will read today Tanya Cohen thinks the First Amendment is an obstacle to "real" free speech. The historical idiocy of complaining about the Worst Congress Ever The rich liberals of Academe Ivory towering hypocrisy. Italian experiment disproves feminist myth about men 'Okay Google—What went wrong with liberalism?' Income inequality — the issue the Democrats want [and create] 5 reasons why Angela Merkel is wrong to oppose Germany's antiIslamization rallies The bad Christian and the good Secularist A Modest Proposal to combat Islamic violence What problem-solving Progressives don't get White House's mindless energy rules could trip up economy Five strikes against Single-Payer healthcare The real minimum wage is still $0 Dictated raises guarantee loss of jobs. Pew's wealth report: P-U Unfaithful Executive On presidential oaths and obligations. State of Disunion The growing conflict between public and private labor. Self-censorship The mendacious map of Palestinian "loss" Compliance with Untruth A lesson in Newspeak A damaging semantic shift. New "old-fashioned" shaming Libs want to amend the First Amendment. Liberals can't argue, they can only bully [about gun rights] Black lives (and all others) only matter if property does A Year of Liberal Double Standards Yulia Latynina & Oleg Atbashian Carol Brown Roger Clegg Sierra Rayne 2015 0120 CW.E 2015 2015 2015 0119 0119 0119 Media CW.Am Sci.ecol Marc Morano et al. 2015 0118 Sci.ecol Anthony Watts 2015 0116 Sci.ecol Spencer Klavan 2015 2015 0116 0115 CW.Am 52 noted conservatives Andrew G. Bostom Geert Wilders Victor Davis Hanson Michael Filozof Selwyn Duke Raymond Ibrahim 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0115 0114 0112 0111 0110 0110 CW.I CW.E CW.Am Acad CW.I CW.I Takuan Seiyo Brendan O'Neill Charles C. W. Cooke Selwyn Duke Deborah C. Tyler Filip Dewinter Reuel Marc Gerecht Carol Brown Larry Elder Ayaan Hirsi Ali Zombie Andrew C. McCarthy 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 0110 0109 0109 0109 0108 0108 0108 0108 0108 0108 0107 0107 0107 CW.E CW.E L.theory CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.E CW.E CW.I Econ CW.E CW.I CW.E CW.E 2015 2015 2015 0107 0107 0106 d.UN Health L.theory 2015 2015 2015 2015 0106 0106 0106 0106 H.Amer Acad CW.Sex 2015 2015 0105 0105 Econ CW.E 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 0104 0103 0103 0103 0102 0102 0102 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 1231 1231 CW.Chr CW.I James Delingpole Claudia Rosett Peter Ferrara Michael A. Walsh Charles C. W. Cooke Derrick Wilburn Susan M. Goldberg Christopher Chantrill Ed Rogers Robert Spencer Selwyn Duke David Solway Andrew C. McCarthy Stephen Moore Deane Waldman Daniel J. Flynn Tom Blumer Adam White Steven Malanga Douglas Murray Shany Mor Anthony Daniels Daniel Hannan Andrew C. McCarthy John Hinderaker Walter Hudson Jonah Goldberg Econ Health Econ Econ L.theory d.Unions CW.E H.Mid Health L.theory L.theory L.theory Media Allah in our schools The reason for Free Speech The nutritional junk science of our government nannies The Laffer Curve turns 40 Do-Nothing Congress nothing to be frustrated about We don't need more laws The use and abuse of democratic freedoms The IRS: just one of dozens of uncooperative agencies The Left discovers you shouldn't collectivize guilt Conservatives in the Capitol and the Ivory Tower The homelessness problem is still with us—and growing Do women want to be responsible individuals? Fantasyland, U.S.A. Mirror-imaging the Jihadis The computer is objective? A Dictator's Best Friend The Non-Islamization of Europe The contradiction that rules Feminism The Best Notable Quotables of 2014 U.S. bows down to a group of anonymous Norks Sony pulls The Interview. Obama gives the Castro regime in Cuba an undeserved bailout Obama and Cuba: the triumph of ideology over U.S. national interests 6 New examples of Muslim outreach to Jews and Christians The True Victims of Torture A Tortured Report China's Slaves What that "Made in China" label really means. Who's looking out for the American worker? [Not the Open Borders fans] National Conversations are worthless Cut the pretense of free exchange. The real Torture scandal in America Conservatism after Obama When reporters value 'justice' over accuracy, journalism loses CRomnibus delenda est: shutdowns are awesome when Democrats threaten them New DOJ data on sexual assaults: College students are actually less likely to be victimized full Justice Department report here CRomnibus: the $1 trillion betrayal RINOs betray American voters. CRomnibus: a winter festival of unrestrained spending Prairie State police state Citizens have a right to record cops. Is law optional? Racism isn't the reason Southern whites have abandoned Democrats America: from super power to banana republic Fundamentally transforming the world Beasts who hate Western culture. 5 recent inspirational uses of the Qur'an Lying for the Cause [When myths do more for social progress than facts] Senate interrogation report distorts CIA's success at foiling terrorist plots Releasing the Feinstein Report is an act of exceptional recklessness Funding the Unfunded Mandate The Benghazi Report An ongoing intelligence failure. With Landrieu's loss, the end of an epoch GOP, Dems didn't 'trade places' Even Steven—fundamental problems with equality Obama Negativa That's just who he is. What's really going on with Holder's civil-rights crusade against police departments The MSM gang-raped the truth this week Liberalism is a Hoax Public relations in the service of the left. Women and the myth of Marriage Declining Obama's immigration blitz a bad break for black Americans Black Crime claims life of apologist for Black Crime 5 new assaults on Freedom of Speech around the world The Koran and Eternal War Hate-filled passages. 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1228 1227 1226 1226 1225 1224 1224 1223 1223 1223 1223 1223 1222 1221 1220 1219 1219 1218 1218 1217 1217 1217 1216 Acad L.theory Health Econ L.theory L.theory CW.Am d.Obama Media Acad Econ CW.Sex d.Obama CW.I 2014 2014 1216 1213 L.pris L.pris 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1213 1213 1213 1212 1212 1212 1212 Federalist 2014 1211 CW.Sex James Simpson John Hayward Kevin D. Williamson Thomas Sowell Rick Moran 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1211 1210 1210 1209 1209 1210 1209 1209 1209 1209 1208 1208 1208 Econ Econ L.theory L.theory CW.Am CW.Am H.World CW.I d.Var L.pris L.pris Health Benghazi 2014 1207 CW.Am 2014 2014 2014 1206 1206 1206 Econ d.Obama CW.Am 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1206 1205 1204 1204 1203 1202 1201 Media d.Var CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am CW.I CW.I Carol Brown Eileen F. Toplansky Rand Simberg Stephen Moore Investor's Business Daily Glenn Reynolds Roger Kimball Kevin D. Williamson Charles C. W. Cooke Robert Oscar Lopez Tom Blumer Christopher Chantrill Victor Davis Hanson Ashton Blackwell W.A. Beatty Matthew Continetti Werner Reichel Harvey Mansfield Brent Bozell III et al. Charles C. W. Cooke Washington Post Elliott Abrams Robert Spencer Deroy Murdock Stephen F. Hayes & Thomas Joscelyn Josh Gelernter Jeff Sessions Matthew Continetti Tom Trinko Samuel Gregg Jeff Jacoby John Hayward Carol Hornsby Haynes Fay Voshell Robert Spencer Victor Davis Hanson John McLaughlin Michael Gerson Deane Waldman Stephen F. Hayes & Thomas Joscelyn Kevin D. Williamson Deana Chadwell Andrew Ferguson Andrew C. McCarthy Ed Driscoll Matthew Continetti Janice Shaw Crouse Doris O'Brien Colin Flaherty Robert Spencer Raymond Ibrahim d.Obama CW.E CW.Sex Media Media CW.I CW.Am CW.Am CW.Sex Media Econ The many failures of Single Payer When the law is a drag Finding meaning in Ferguson What the New York Times won't tell you. How Obama blatantly disregards the law CNN is lying when they say Ferguson protests were 'peaceful' Can social justice build a bridge? Obama is killing us with 'kindness' Progressive Mythography Misconceptions about grand jury procedures. Thank a White Male [an itemized array of scentific inventions since 1600] How far down do you define deviancy in Ferguson? Brand Unawareness The "witless Hollywood poseur" Rusell Brand. Those ungovernable colonists They knew what to do, and when to do it. America's giant Welfare State My thoughts on the Ferguson Decision Sorry, but the Ferguson grand jury got it right Feelings aren't facts. Black mob violence now a sickness The top 15 pro-Amnesty myths Address to the UN General Assembly on the Question of Palestine Explaining Away Obama Regulate first, ask questions later Gunnison sage grouse is a Trojan horse. Obama Shreds Constitution A Small Man in a Big Office What happened to American medicine? Climate Hysteria and the Buffalo Snowpocalypse Obama puts the Republic out of its misery Executive Amnesty: Will we allow one man to fundamentally transform America? President Obama's 'Gruber speech' We must stop Emperor Obama Obama's imperial transformation is now complete A world stripped of contraries A Legacy of Liberalism 100 years of freedom, then 50 years of wefare state. Democrats having a few second thoughts about amnesty? Obama's Unprecedented Amnesty Ten Arguments against Obama's Executive Action Evidence that Dr Michael Mann misled a court The lies that are central to Obama's agenda A suicidal collapse of Western Civilization? The flag of Palestine before 1948 The next Border Crisis Incentivizing the next wave of families. Giving up on Black America The Great Immigration Betrayal The Point of Impeachment It's not about punishing Obama. This Democrat is giving up on ObamaCare The Pope's unforced error His demotion of Cardinal Burke. Fossil Fuels and Morality How to distort income inequality Why Obama's plan to save the Internet could actually ruin it Minneapolis schools now racially segregate discipline Heads up to Obama, the GOP, and the media: You've got it all wrong! Remembrance, Delusion and Usurpation Amnesty and Impeachment Churchill still stands alone What women really want The first steps Republicans should take 6 measures Congress should pursue. Republicans were elected to stop Barack Obama, not to work with him The UN and Obama: creators of a One-World Frankenstein Effects of the Affordable Care Act on economic productivity Bertolt Brecht's Marie-Antoinettism Health-Care Hell Getting burned by the world's worst middleman. Why it's time for Libertarians to vote for Republicans Sally C. Pipes Victor Davis Hanson Heather Mac Donald Paul Sperry Naomi Schaefer Riley Helen Smith William Voegeli Andrew C. McCarthy Jeff Lipkes David P. Goldman Kevin D. Williamson Kevin D. Williamson Robert Samuelson Benjamin Watson David Harsanyi Colin Flaherty A.J. Delgado Ron Prosor Victor Davis Hanson Jeffrey Folks Michael Bargo Jr. Kevin D. Williamson Deane Waldman Sierra Rayne David Harsanyi Lloyd Marcus Newt Gingrich Jeff Sessions Charles C. W. Cooke Mark Steyn Thomas Sowell John Hayward Mark Krikorian Robert Charles Christopher Monckton Kyle Smith S. Fred Singer Pamela Geller Matthew Continetti L.E. Ikenga Ross Douthat Andrew C. McCarthy Burke Beu Benedict Kiely Robert Zubrin Phil Gramm & Michael Solon Larry Downes Walter Hudson Carol Brown Mark Steyn Andrew C. McCarthy Boris Johnson Heather Wilhelm George F. Will Rush Limbaugh Janet Levy Casey Mulligan Anthony Daniels Kevin D. Williamson Doug Thorburn 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1201 1201 1201 1130 1130 1130 1130 1129 1127 1126 1126 1126 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1124 1124 1124 1124 1123 1122 1122 1121 1121 Health L.theory CW.Am L.theory Media 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1121 1120 1120 1119 1118 1118 1118 1117 1117 1116 1116 1115 1115 CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am L.theory CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Sci.ecol Health 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1115 1115 1115 1114 1112 1112 1112 CW.Am CW.Am L.theory Health CW.Chr Sci.ecol Econ 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1111 1111 1110 1110 1108 1107 1106 1106 1105 1102 1101 1101 1031 1030 Media CW.Am CW.Am CW.Can L.theory Bio CW.Sex CW.Am Sci.var CW.Am Media H.Amer Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am H.Mid d.Obama Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.Am Health Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.Am H.Mid CW.Am d.UN Health Crit Health Our Make-It-Up World Envy in a time of enequality The GOP's message problem We have met the Enemy Act now to ensure that Congress stops this unilateral amnesty Michael Brown and race hoaxes Another faux "civil rights" victim. Where was President Obama? 12 failures to address terrorism in U.S. Meet the New Serfs: You Accountability is only for the little people. Communism for Kids Bini Adamczak's Kommunismus, now in English. Why Ronald Reagan's 'A Time for Choosing' endures after all this time A Time for Choosing at 50 Remembering Reagan's famous speech. Six Questions (interviewer: Scott McKay) Our Hundred Years' War Infected by Politics The advocates of "social justice" health care. Crying 'racism' on Ebola Rolling Stone goes to the barricades Lame attempt to spin Obama "success" Thought Control in higher education Use of adjunct faculty facilitates it. Does everybody want freedom? Obama: Our house is your house He invites infected foregners to America. The Devil's Christianity Our duty to defend against dictators and fools. Incompetence meets mendacity in Obama administration's Ebola response Who do they think we are? Ebola evasions = disdain for the American people Bush didn't lie [The baffling cover-up of WMD evidence] NUIG debate on Islam 3 Muslims/3 Irishmen. No, they don't walk into a bar. The Illiberal Ezra Klein He values 'social change' over due process. Why Europe is irrational about Israel Bad pension math is bad news for taxpayers Ebola: the President is Responsible If Reagan was responsible for AIDS… Ferguson protestors are deluded fools 'Black people getting shot left and right' Do as I say, or the Planet gets it From comedy to farce Obama's hypocrisy reaches new depths. Take back Columbus Day Fight the dismantling of America's identity. Anti-American Exceptionalism [e.g.: airhead Eva Longoria] Hell-bent on rewriting America's past The not-credible shrinking unemployment rate The case against liberal compassion 'Acting white' remains a barrier for black education Obama sets a low bar to champion success Two approaches to fighting poverty Trust in Government is pathological Ben Affleck: portrait of Islam's clueless apologists They are coming for your children CT totalitarians target home-schoolers. Obama's priority: NOT protecting Americans Chinese immigrant against Common Core Thomas Aquinas's proof of God I'm an adult. Stop nudging me. What makes Jon Stewart more insufferable than Bill Maher Flaming Eggheads! Nobel-winning economist in dustup over loose lending Days of Future Past Democrats and Inflation To the Dutch government: Wake up! Standing up to Allah at Yale Peter Salovey takes a stand for free speech. The Microaggression Farce A new generation of permanent victims. Go back to class Colorado students protesting "censorship" aren't heroic. You can't keep a good myth down Trite left-wing lies about U.S. violence. Oklahoma terror and gun control Poverty in the black community is the result of culture, not racism It's Immigration Uber Alles at the Wall Street Journal The Gelded Age The inequality bed-wetters are misleading you. Rectification of Names: let's call Obama era what it is Homo-eduphobia: the gay fear of educated people 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1030 1029 1029 1028 1027 1024 1024 1023 1023 1023 1021 1021 1021 1021 1020 1020 1020 1019 1019 1018 1018 1017 1016 1016 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1013 1013 1013 1013 1012 1009 1009 1009 1008 1008 1008 1007 1007 1007 1006 1006 1006 1005 1003 1003 1002 1002 1002 1001 1001 L.theory CW.E d.Unions Health CW.Am CW.Am Sci.ecol d.Obama H.Amer Heather Mac Donald 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Ian Tuttle Ann Coulter Jonathan Keiler Patricia L. Dickson Tom Blumer Kevin D. Williamson Christopher Chantrill Robert Oscar Lopez 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 1001 1001 1001 0930 0930 0930 0930 0929 Acad Media L.theory CW.Am CW.Am Econ Victor Davis Hanson Samuel Gregg Carol Brown David Solway Kenneth Palinkas Mona Charen Michelle Malkin Kevin D. Williamson Tim Cavanaugh Steven F. Hayward Jeffrey Lord Geert Wilders J.R. Dunn Heather Mac Donald Charles C. W. Cooke Tom Blumer Robert Klein Engler Robert Wargas Clarice Feldman Jeremy Egerer Andrew C. McCarthy Peggy Noonan Deroy Murdock Mark Humphrys Charles C. W. Cooke David P. Goldman Steven Malanga Jeffrey Lord Jack Dunphy Randall Hoven Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson Ira Straus Kevin D. Williamson Dean Kalahar Tom Blumer William Voegeli John McWhorter Caroline Baum Gene M. Van Son Christopher Chantrill Raymond Ibrahim Kevin D. Williamson Thomas Sowell Lily Tang Williams Robert Barron Margaret Wente Matt Purple Tim Cavanaugh Jonah Goldberg Jon N. Hall Geert Wilders Roger Kimball Econ CW.Am CW.Am d.Obama L.theory Acad Bio Bio CW.E Health CW.Am Media Acad Health CW.Chr Health Health WMD CW.I Acad Econ CW.Am Econ Econ CW.I Acad d.Obama Acad CW.Chr Media Econ Econ CW.E CW.I Acad CW.Sex Racial disparity is a bitch The Khorosan group does not exist Obama tries to hide resurgent Al Qaeda. Earth-friendly energy is anything but The Carbon-Benefit Deniers Comparing American cops with Islamic terrorists (Obama's UN speech) The reeducation of Dinesh D'Souza Crime is not disease. Top ten things parents hate about Common Core Climate movement drops mask, admits Communist agenda Robert Kennedy Jr., Aspiring Tyrant He'd jail climate-change dissenters. The 15 most shocking statements in ObamaCare architect's 'Die at 75' article The rape epidemic is a fiction Sex assaults are 1/3 of those 20 years ago. Liberal BBC asks, 'Is sport sexist?' while promoting inequality 'Hate Speech': the Left's term for 'opposing viewpoints' The American Left and ISIS Multiculturalism is a failure The Primal Scream of the Tribal Mind Black crime in Baltimore high—but should be higher The War on Poverty after 50 years Benghazi Bombshell: Clinton State Department official reveals details of alleged document review In search of the 'Moderate Islamists' The Progressives: Modern and Postmodern In the Toilet'—British NHS today; U.S. healthcare tomorrow A troubling book: Nicholas Wade's genetic theory of race and history Guilt trip: Versailles, avant-garde & kitsch [meaculpists, Keynes, Hitler] A hole in the ozone, or a hole in the political science? The racial violence epidemic in Milwaukee that the local media dismiss President Obama's ISIS strategy isn't reality based 10 Things we should have done since 9/11 to defeat the Jihad Global Warming and the Feynman Test Don't give the Masters of the Universe their amnesty Obama's Untruth, Inc. The moral depravity of Obama's Doctrine of the Sanitary War on ISIS Our Defining Moral Crisis The Christian Message vs Social Justice America's dangerous aversion to conflict A Conversation with Cato the Eldest Banking, Inflation, and Deflation made (reasonably) clear. Yes, there are modernist Muslims [though not a majority] The myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority The need for a mighty U.S. military Don't blame Obama—history will A shoddy, pathetic foreign policy. Pulverize the Islamic State Its bloodthirsty savagery must be destroyed. The Islamic State: A time to hate? [The fatuity of leftist preening] Biden tells union workers they deserve 'fair share' of corporate profits 5 Feminist Myths that will not die [Wealth, Sexual Slavery, Domestic Violence, Rape, Equal Pay] The Winooski Syndrome Bacon and the dismantling of America's values. The history and danger of Administrative Law The implications for climate sensitivity of AR5 forcing and heat uptake estimates Reviewed here. Myth of arctic meltdown [Ice cap 1.7m sq. km MORE than 2 years ago] Here's a strategy: boost Defense spending The Left's attempt to institutionalize the rewriting of US history Rotherham: a quintessentially liberal scandal Rotherham's—and England's—Shame Muslim men abusing white girls. Same-sex Adoption: not as harmless as portrayed Obama's hazy sense of history The 'We Can't Wait' Clause 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0929 0927 0926 0926 0925 0924 0924 CW.Am d.Obama Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.Am L.theory Acad 2014 2014 2014 0924 0922 0922 Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Health Kevin D. Williamson Selwyn Duke Spencer Klavan J.R. Dunn Walter E. Williams Christopher Chantrill Colin Flaherty Robert Rector & Rachel Sheffield Sharyl Attkisson 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0921 0921 0929 0919 0917 0916 0916 0915 CW.Sex CW.Sex Acad 2014 0915 Benghazi Andrew C. McCarthy Robert Curry Deane Waldman Terry Scambray Roger Kimball Anthony Watts Colin Flaherty Angelo M. Codevilla Robert Spencer Tom Trinko Jeff Sessions Victor Davis Hanson Scott Ott Danny Lemieux Patricia L. Dickson Robert Kagan Michael Booth & Jon N. Hall James Lewis Ben Shapiro Mitt Romney Rick Wilson Deroy Murdock Bryan Preston Walter Hudson Christina Hoff Sommers Dennis Prager Philip Hamburger Nicholas Lewis & Judith Curry David Rose Matthew Continetti Ron Radosh & Jeffrey Herf Mike McNally John O'Sullivan Enza Ferreri Victor Davis Hanson Charles C. W. Cooke 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0915 0915 0913 0913 0912 0912 0912 0911 0911 0911 0910 0908 0908 0908 0907 0906 0905 CW.I 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0905 0904 0904 0904 0903 0903 0902 0902 CW.I CW.I 2014 2014 2014 0902 0901 0900 CW.Am L.theory Sci.ecol 2014 2014 2014 0831 0830 0830 Sci.ecol 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0830 0829 0828 0828 0828 CW.E CW.E CW.Sex d.Obama L.theory Colin Flaherty Andrew C. McCarthy Deroy Murdock Robert Zubrin Heather Mac Donald Theodore Dalrymple Joy Pullmann Zombie Charles C. W. Cooke John Nolte CW.Am CW.Am Econ Health H.World Sci.ecol CW.Am Sci.ecol CW.Am d.Obama CW.Chr Econ d.Obama Econ CW.Sex H.Amer DOT proposes mandating cars broadcast location, direction and speed Settled Science catches up with Steyn Green Monster EPA epitomizes what's wrong with the way govt. works. Dealing honestly with 'white privilege' The Madness of 2008 10 acts of jihad in America that Americans haven't heard about An Insider's Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth [Israel-Palestine] Sustainability: the universal solvent of private property rights Nobody's Fault Liberals make excuses for Obama. The Meltdown Obama announces new ISIS sanctions [devastating satire] Destroy the 'Islamic State' Blacks must confront reality Vacations and Vocations Obama golfs, Dr. Rand Paul fixes poor kids' eyes. Moral Idiocy on Parade Prof. Boyle thinks we're too mean to terrorists. Eric Holder, Racial Profiler The race-based investigation of Darren Wilson. In defense of 'fear and bitterness' Matt Lewis's immigration pabulum. Poverty is not the cause of criminal behavior Beaten to death at McDonald's The Media and the Mob How to shrink your church in one easy step The Barbarism of the Jihadists: In the Name of the Sword What if the rioters were white? From Kent State to Ferguson The social justice & racism racket never ends. The Punitive Bureaucracy's Day Off How Not to Help What economic policies would help a town like Ferguson? Wired magazine calls for Birth Panels Liberal Fascsm on steroids. 'The Insanity of Blaming Islam' [contra Marc Ambinder] Ferguson is not Iraq Count on smug liberals to exaggerate America's faults. Reckless Abandonment [Obama insouciant about Middle East] College Board erases the Founding Fathers. Protect the Spirit of '76. The intolerance behind Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism Who lost the cities? Climate science does not support IPCC conclusions Democrats do better? [No. They exploit prosperity, and then leave mess.] When Bogie and Bacall were duped by Hollywood Communists Phyllis Schlafly turns 90 today [incl. the hidden evils of the E.R.A.] Cigars, but not close [Police and citizens: Ferguon MO vs. overseas] To Name and to Name Not [Police and citizens in Ferguson MO] The collapse of the Liberal World Order Squeegee men and Mideast wars. How to defeat ISIL The Crazy World of Public Schools Hide 'D,' Showcase 'R' The media's unwritten rule for covering scandals. Yes, people believe abortion is murder [vs. Kevin Drum at Mother Jones] The Big Chill Fresh red tape to fight imaginary "global warming." IRS and Barack's half-brother Meet the new Squeegee Men Bill de Blasio's New York is coming unwound. The smart-gun maker who told Holder off Homogeneity is their strength The Country of the Blind Immigration: the ultimate get-out-the-vote drive Horrors of ISIS Genocidal terror created on Barack Obama's watch. Planned Parenthood looks the other way Enabling sexual abuse. Readin', Writin' and Social Justice Agitatin' Not exactly the 'Do-Nothing Congress' Piper's Lament Libertarian Folly: Why everybody is a social-issues voter Obama's Monsters Ball Regulating the roads, and everything else Terence P. Jeffrey Mark Steyn John Stossel Walter Hudson Victor Davis Hanson Robert Spencer Matti Friedman Charles Battig Noemie Emery Bret Stephens Robert Zubrin John Bolton Walter E. Williams Kevin D. Williamson Roger Kimball Andrew C. McCarthy John T. Bennett Patricia L. Dickson David Paulin Thomas Sowell Alexander Griswold Leon de Winter Walter Hudson Jeffrey Lord Mark Steyn Kevin D. Williamson Ed Driscoll Richard Butrick Charles C. W. Cooke Mario Loyola Patrick Jakeway William L. Anderson Kevin D. Williamson S. Fred Singer Jeffrey Folks Paul Kengor Jeff Lipkes & Phyllis Schlafy Mark Steyn Kevin D. Williamson Jeffrey Lord Bing West Heather Wilhelm Brent Bozell III Rachel Lu Deroy Murdock Eileen F. Toplansky Kevin D. Williamson Frank Miniter Kevin D. Williamson Andrew Klavan Selwyn Duke John Hayward Caroline Craddock Michelle Malkin Deroy Murdock Mark Steyn Selwyn Duke Corey Charlton & Ted Thornhill Jeffrey Folks 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0827 0827 0827 0827 0826 0826 0826 0826 0825 0825 0825 0825 0825 0824 0823 0823 0823 0822 0821 0821 0821 L.theory Sci.ecol Sci.col CW.Am d.Obama Media Media Sci.ecol 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0820 0820 0819 0819 0819 0818 0818 0818 0816 0816 0816 CW.I CW.Am CW.Am 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0815 0815 0815 0815 0815 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0815 0814 0814 0814 0814 0812 0812 0812 0812 0812 0811 0811 0810 0809 0808 0808 0808 0808 0807 0807 0806 L.theory L.theory 2014 0806 Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Chr Econ CW.Sex CW.I CW.Am Acad d.Var Sci.ecol Econ H.Amer CW.Sex War Acad Media CW.Sex Sci.ecol d.Obama CW.Am L.theory CW.Am CW.Am CW.I CW.Sex Acad d.Obama Do you favor the BLEED Act, or are you a racist? Anatomy of a Power Grab 1984 redux: Orwellian illegal immigration Beyond 'Beyond Stagnation' Limits of the Left's economics thinking. America's Military: How Did Your Father Dream? 5 ways Muslims have contributed to 'building the very fabric of our nation' Off the radar, ObamaCare festers away Still a disaster, and getting worse. The conservatives peddling amnesty (and teddy bears) for the 'refugees' Why is the world becoming such a nasty place? Marriage law: the 'Infertility Objection' Halbig and Hammurabi Without written law we are subjects, not citizens. Hamas' useful idiots Progressive Death Agenda Progresses Gaza on the Pacific Why does Israel battle Hamas? Visualize San Diego in the hands of Mexican revanchists. Three cheers for tax inversions Even if Jack Lew calls you unpatriotic scum. Education: Schools for Sabotage No, Halbig did not gut ObamaCare because of a "drafting error" ObamaCare slowly succumbs to its birth defects Elizabeth Warren's idiotic 11 progressive commandments The Valley of the Shadow [Hypocritical leftist Silicon millionaires] Bordering on Madness Property and Peace Ten reasons why I am no longer a Leftist Muslim immigrants and their suicidal prey A Future without Electricity That's what radical Greens (and Obama) want. Liberals' Liberty Problem [Now they stand for the opposite of freedom.] They shoot illegals, don't they? How Stupid Happens PolitiFact claims half of Fox News statements are false. John Oliver's cliché Inaccurate leftist pieties about inequality. The K-12 Conspiracy The deliberate dumbing-down of America. Illiberal immigration 'reform' A development that threatens the foundation of our constitutional Republic Between the Settlers and the Unsettlers, the One-State Solution is on our doorstep (Summary here) Killing Joy The Outrage Industrial Complex is killing free expression. How to survive Supreme hysteria The high cost of regulations Congress should assess the ones since 2000. The left's hollow complaints about Hobby Lobby Media Ignorance is becoming a serious problem Destabilizer-in-Chief Obama's retreat has created a catastrophic vacuum. The Challenges of Diversity Who's the real Hobby Lobby bully? Eroticized violence, savage justice in Saudi Arabia All your children belong to us [a state guardian for each child in Scotland] 300 articles you have to read to understand what is meant by the term "Homofascism" A slippery slope toward Freedom [Alito is right: corporations are people.] An Unsettling Climate [The work of atmospheric physicist Murry Salby] Why do we tolerate the intolerable? I am Ryland—the story of a male-identifying little girl who didn't transition Let your Right Brain run free Stop ceding the popular culture to the Left. A recovery stymied by redistribution It makes layoffs more common. The Profit Police Make the Left do their math and show their work. Ending the federal worker gravy train Dems open borders, but not their doors An open letter to Swarthmore's Board of Managers Obama-style climate and energy programs have failed everywhere they've been tried Charles Hurt Ross Douthat Victor Davis Hanson Kevin D. Williamson Lee Culpepper Robert Spencer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0805 0805 0804 0804 0804 0802 CW.Am L.theory CW.I Econ d.Obama CW.Am Deroy Murdock John T. Bennett Victor Davis Hanson Gerard V. Bradley Kevin D. Williamson Rich Lowry Paul Kengor Deroy Murdock 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0801 0731 0728 0728 0727 0725 0725 0725 Health CW.Am Ross Kaminsky Bruce Deitrick Price Sean Davis David Catron Ben Shapiro Victor Davis Hanson Thomas Sowell Kevin D. Williamson Danusha V. Goska Y.K. Cherson Stephen Moore Michael Barone Roger Kaplan Kevin D. Williamson Ian Tuttle Bruce Deitrick Price Victor Davis Hanson Jeff Sessions 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0724 0723 0723 0723 0723 0722 0722 0720 0720 0718 0718 0718 0717 0716 0716 0716 0715 0714 Econ Acad Health Health d.Var d.Var CW.Am David P. Goldman 2014 0714 H.Mid Derek Hunter Barton Hinkle Jack Kelly Peter Berkowitz Mollie Hemingway Mario Loyola Mark Steyn Megan McArdle Valentina Colombo Glenn Cook Robert Oscar Lopez et al. John Berlau Rupert Darwall Janice Fiamengo 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0713 0713 0713 0712 0709 0709 0708 0707 0707 0706 0702 L.theory L.theory Econ CW.Chr Media 0702 0701 0701 0630 L.theory Sci.ecol Lindsay Leigh Bentley 2014 2014 2014 2014 Adam Bellow Casey Mulligan Kevin D. Williamson Betsy McCaughey Howie Carr Peter Berkowitz Tim Ball & Tom Harris 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0630 0630 0630 0629 0628 0628 0628 CW.Am Econ Econ d.Unions CW.Am Acad Sci.ecol CW.Sex L.theory Media CW.Sex War CW.E Sci.ecol Media Econ Acad CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Chr CW.I CW.Sex CW.Sex Islam's 'Protestant Reformation': Part 1 Part 2 Cloward-Piven everywhere The Federal Octopus Title lX: How a good law went terribly wrong Act locally, wish globally [U.S. carbon-emission cuts are pointless] NOAA/NASA dramatically altered US temperatures after the year 2000 Iraq's Disintegration World War I: the war that changed everything The patent office goes out of bounds in Redskins trademark case Senator Rand Paul's imaginary libertarian immigrants Of the bureaucrats, by the bureaucrats, for the bureaucrats What liberals want Control, and more of it. Obama's Last Card The plan [Influx at America's southern border] Cincinnati station says 'No' to PC reporting on racially motivated crime Benedict Obama's invasion of America Former IRS information tech worker doubts agency's claim to have 'lost' Lerner's emails 18 1/2 minutes vs. 2 years: Which is worse? The IRS loses Lerner's emails Future Fear Obama's Children's Crusade The men who sealed Iraq's disaster with a handshake While Obama fiddles The questions about Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl's desertion, and the American Left's answer to them Denying Reality: the Gnostic Left How covering up minority crime leads to gun control 5 indications that Bowe Bergdahl is a traitor Single payer is root cause of VA deaths The Bergdahl story you haven't heard Why Team Obama was blindsided by the Bergdahl backlash Obama's bad trade VA scandal exposes greedy socialism The Democratic assault on the First Amendment Conservatives & higher ed The greatest murder machine in history Faithless Execution Scientist confesses he made up polar bear population estimates Laverne Cox is not a woman Facts are not subject to our feelings. Widespread Memorial Day black violence ignored by national media Ike as Weapon The use and abuse of Eisenhower's Farewell Address. The Outlines of the Monster [What Obama's foreign policy has wrought] Obama's West Point speech signals a presidency in deep trouble 'Check your privilege' say the most subsidized and entitled among us A Conservative Governing Vision Essence of a state, not just its size & cost. A young college grad calls my show Random Thoughts [freedom, immigration, wealth xfer, medical costs] The Myth of the Climate Change '97%' A question for those who believe in homosexual scouts On Obama, 'take back our country' and accusations of racism Resuscitating reparations rhetoric [What Ta-Nehisi Coates ignores] Four-Alarm Fire Data problems with Capital in the 21st Century [Thomas Piketty] What would a real War on Poverty look like? Education Left squeezes white suburbia Capitalism's to blame for Global Warming, Boko Haram, Syria... The Worldview that makes the Underclass The Washington Post is super confused about where babies come from A dishonest rewrite of the Duke Lacrosse case 0627 0624 0624 0623 0623 0623 0622 0621 0620 0620 0620 0620 0618 0618 0618 0616 0616 CW.I Kevin D. Williamson Steven Goddard Pete Hegseth Margaret MacMillan Jonathan Turley John T. Bennett Jonah Goldberg Deroy Murdock J.R. Dunn Fausta Tom Blumer Selwyn Duke Bryan Preston 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 Roger Kimball Wall Street Journal David Solway James Lewis Fouad Ajami Daniel Henninger Ron Radosh 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0614 0614 0614 0614 0614 0612 0607 Media d.Obama Econ CW.Am Fay Voshell Selwyn Duke Robert Spencer Deane Waldman Michelle Malkin Ralph Peters Russ Vaughn Glenn Reynolds Ted Cruz Steven F. Hayward Mike Konrad Andrew C. McCarthy Thomas Lifson Kevin D. Williamson Colin Flaherty Jay Nordlinger Richard Fernandez Thomas Lifson Walter Hudson Yuval Levin Dennis Prager Thomas Sowell Joseph Bast & Roy Spencer Selwyn Duke Byron York John Masko Mark Steyn Chris Giles Robert Tracinski M. Catharine Evans & Ann Kane Paul Austin Murphy Anthony Daniels Mollie Hemingway Dorothy Rabinowitz 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0606 0606 0606 0604 0604 0603 0602 0602 0602 0600 0531 0531 0531 0530 0530 0529 0529 0529 0528 0528 0527 0527 0527 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0527 0527 0526 0524 0524 0523 0522 CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am Sci.ecol Econ Econ Acad 2014 2014 2014 2014 0521 0520 0519 0519 Media Raymond Ibrahim Tom Blumer Victor Davis Hanson Christina Hoff Sommers Acad Sci.ecol Sci.ecol H.World L.theory CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am d.Obama L.theory L.pris Health L.pris L.pris L.pris Health L.theory Acad H.World d.Obama Sci.ecol CW.Sex CW.Am H.Amer CW.Am Sci.ecol CW.Sex CW.Am Six Degrees of Warmerization The media's abortion problem The Internet's 51 new regulators ObamaCare for the Internet Black Americans are worse off under Obama Common Core: ObamaCare for Education Islamic 'sex slaves' throw wrench in official narrative Pregnant Sudanese Christian sentenced to death by hanging for 'apostasy' Under ObamaCare, people must be broken of their preference for choice Liberal Privilege: unpacking the invisible valise Common Core: 2014′s bipartisan wedge issue The day Obama's presidency died #BringBackOurBalls Boko Haram and the kidnapped schoolgirls Kermit Gosnell, the one serial killer Hollywood won't touch Charles C.W. Cooke's shameful screed on Holocaust denial Brass Balls and Climate Change Trey Gowdy and the real lesson of Watergate LBJ's dirty tricks Christians 'crucified again' for refusing Islam (includes link to photos) Hate Speech laws revisited Belying Emily Letts' "good abortion" words: her face In Defense of Homeownership (or, Why Food and Housing are Different) What Obama did on September 11, 2012 Kafka and the Guillotine Progressivism and Unnatural Selection The 5 latest signs of Britain's imminent demise How the media again failed on the Duke Lacrosse story Life under the Obama Doctrine Roe and Gay Marriage The catastrophe of suicide How suicide hurts us all. Rusalka v. regietheater Illiberal liberalism White House directed incorrect Benghazi narrative Who are our adversaries? The Black Book of the American Left, Volume 2 Four years of ObamaCare: early warnings come true Political Fraud about Voter Fraud This 'ridiculously far-left' economist is candy for liberals [Piketty] The world's resources aren't running out an ecologist and an economist Herbert Marcuse's Revenge Chris Hayes wants to kill about 5.7 billion people Welcome to the Paradise of the Real Bundy's Racial Rhetoric On gay adoption, S.E. Cupp is out to lunch Widespread disinformation. Artists & politics Today's wonky elite is in love with the wrong French intellectual Piketty is no Tocqueville. Capital Punishment Piketty's wealth tax won't end inequality. What you won't read in the papers about the 'Central Park Five' The New American Fascism Godwin's Law and the real Green Nazis Go ahead: Deny this! Why Democrats are the party of inequality Captains Uncourageous The Sewol disaster. The Closing of the Academic Mind "Academic Justice" replaces Academic Freedom. See what they'll be teaching in the Chicago public schools Brazen Bull How NYC roasted a Rikers Island prisoner to death. The Most Important Book Ever is all wrong Thomas Piketty's Capital… Jesus with a Whip What Easter really means Why Westernized Muslims become 'radicalized' Progressives are wrong about the essence of the Constitution The terrifying implications of the IRS abuse-DOJ connection Mark Steyn Brandon McGinley Wall Street Journal Deroy Murdock Jeffrey Lord Raymond Ibrahim Andrew G. Bostom Peter Suderman Debbie Hallberg Tom Blumer Richard Fernandez Mark Steyn Ayaan Hirsi Ali Lila Rose Lauri B. Regan Ross Kaminsky Jeffrey Lord Raymond Ibrahim David Petteys Elizabeth Scalia Daniel McLaughlin Jack Cashill Kevin D. Williamson Jim Gammon Robert Spencer K.C. Johnson & Stuart Taylor Jr. Caroline Glick J.R. Dunn Emily Esfahani Smith Heather Mac Donald Roger Kimball Sharyl Attkisson David Horowitz Robert E. Moffit Robert D. Popper Kyle Smith Matt Ridley Theodore Dalrymple Tim Cavanaugh Kevin D. Williamson Kevin D. Williamson Robert Oscar Lopez Donald Kagan James Poulos 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0516 0516 0516 0516 0515 0515 0515 0513 0513 0513 0512 0510 0509 0509 0509 0508 0508 0507 0507 0506 0505 0505 0504 0504 0503 0502 Sci.ecol CW.Sex Media CW.Am Acad CW.I CW.I Health CW.Am Acad Benghazi CW.I CW.I CW.Sex Acad Sci.ecol H.Amer CW.I L.theory CW.Sex Econ Benghazi L.theory 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0502 0501 0501 0501 0501 0429 0428 0428 0428 0427 0427 0425 0425 0424 0424 0424 0423 0423 Tyler Cowen Ann Coulter Jeffrey Lord Mark Musser Robert Tracinski Daren Jonescu M.G. Oprea 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0423 0423 0422 0422 0421 0421 0421 Econ CW.Am Chuck Ross Kevin D. Williamson Clive Crook Fay Voshell Robert Barron Raymond Ibrahim George F. Will Bryan Preston 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0421 0420 0420 0420 0419 0417 0417 0416 Acad CW.E CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Chr Crit Acad Benghazi Health Voting Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ L.theory CW.Sex Crit Econ Sci.ecol Econ Acad Econ CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.I L.theory d.Obama A National Assured Basic Income will poison the well Coalition of the Disappointed Is Obama cooking the Census books for ObamaCare? The case for a little sedition What the Bundy standoff reminds us. Why you should be sympathetic toward Cliven Bundy Justice Stevens and Flexible History Here's what I would have said at Brandeis Critical thinking, not orthodoxy. Pity the Palestinians? Count me out Coase's Tortoise Cliven Bundy, Ronald Coase, Murray Rothbard, R.C. Ellickson…and Leviathan Meet the 2016 Republican nominee Smart guns are dumb And Eric Holder is not exactly brilliant either. The '77 cents on the dollar' myth about women's pay Conservative is the new liberal Don't be duped by Marcusean deceits. Why aren't we No. 1? Ways in which America leads the world. In politics, money is speech Mr. President, I have news for you The Liberal Gulag The Brendan Eich case and the nature of liberal fascism. The New Torquemadas Brendan Eich had to be punished. Marriage, the Gender Gap, and the Peanut Gallery Discipline Disparities What's wrong with the racism meme. I'm fighting to restore a free society Equality Fever [in culture wars, academics, health, and economics] Checking My Privilege: character as the basis of privilege EPA tested deadly pollutants on humans to push Obama admin's agenda The GM scandal is worse than you think Democrats' sixty-year war against conservative voices The media won't cover Leland Yee's alleged gun-running, because they're Democrat operatives with by-lines How Foreign is our Policy? Judaism, Christianity, Environmentalism Ezekiel Emmanuel's Reaper Curve If this isn't "death panels," what is? Fish instead of people, ideologies without consequences Progressivism vs. the pursuit of happiness Canada suffering from climate model-based energy regulations Corporate-Welfare Queens The GOP needs to take them on. Untruthful and untrustworthy government 'A criminal organization masquerading as a political party' Unruly Progressives Why they don't live up to their own rules. Not even wrong about Russia Analysis of the College Board AP U.S. History Framework Smartphone apps: Are they Constitutional? The right not to be implicated Six Lies the leftist media tells about the Contraception Mandate cases The profound arrogant ignorance and stupidity of liberals in charge Obama to kill Tomahawk, Hellfire missile programs How to save the Internet Congress can override the president's decision. Liberal UK signs its own death warrant Western ignorance of the 'Conditions of Omar' The Left's half-century of denial over poverty The Washington Post responds to me, and I reply to the Post The case for nationalism The Obama World Order: can we really manage a policy of quintuple containment? The symbol of a lie Wire-hanger abortions pre-Roe are pure myth. The most obvious conspiracy in the history of the world [The scam of replacing Phonics with "Whole Word," a.k.a. "Look-Say."] Same-Sex Marriage: 'thoroughly tiresome,' by design Israel in the lead On her new book, The Israeli Solution. The Two Towers of Progressivism America's Internet Surrender 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0416 0416 0415 0415 0414 0412 0411 Econ 2014 2014 0410 0410 H.Mid L.theory Daren Jonescu Charles C. W. Cooke Mark J. Perry & Andrew G. Biggs Susan L.M. Goldberg Victor Davis Hanson Robert Samuelson Carl M. Cannon Kevin D. Williamson Charles C. W. Cooke Mona Charen Heather Mac Donald Charles G. Koch Selwyn Duke Tal Fortgang Michael Bastasch David Harsanyi William Terrell Bryan Preston 2016 2014 2014 0409 0409 0408 L.theory Econ 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0407 0407 0406 0406 0406 0404 0404 0403 0403 0403 0402 0402 0402 0402 0401 Thomas Sowell Dennis Prager Fred N. Sauer Victor Davis Hanson Daren Jonescu Tim Ball & Tom Harris Stephen Moore Victor Davis Hanson Ed Driscoll Jim Geraghty David P. Goldman Larry Krieger Michael Bargo Jr. Kevin D. Williamson Gabriel Maior C. Edmund Wright Adam Kredo Gordon Crovitz Mick Hume Raymond Ibrahim George F. Will John Hinderaker John O'Sullivan Virgil 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0401 0401 0401 0331 0330 0329 0327 0327 0327 0326 0326 0325 0325 0325 0324 0324 0324 0324 0324 0323 0322 0322 0322 0322 d.Obama Sci.ecol Health Sci.ecol Kevin D. Williamson Bruce Deitrick Price 2014 2014 0322 0321 CW.Sex Acad Doug Mainwaring Caroline Glick Mario Loyola Gordon Crovitz 2014 2014 2014 2014 0320 0320 0319 0319 CW.Sex H.Mid Econ Media Jazz Shaw Wall Street Journal Megan McArdle Kevin D. Williamson John Hinderaker Clayton E. Cramer Ayaan Hirsi Ali Norman Podhoretz Kevin D. Williamson Health L.theory L.theory L.theory CW.I L.theory Health CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am d.Obama d.Obama Media Media Sci.ecol Econ d.Var d.Var H.Amer L.Patriot CW.Sex CW.Sex Media Media CW.I CW.Am Media Aristotle on Crimea A message to Millennials Walter Cronkite: liberalism in the guise of objectivity Wrong Again The economists' confession. The smearing of Ryan as a racist Peter Wehner's unconstructive governing agenda Stop being poor It worked for America. ObamaCare meets Kafka Islam's inadvertent patterns It creates so many kinds of dysfunction. Progressive Racism: the hidden motive driving modern politics How social justice crashed the economy Junk economics at the 'Times' The Destroyer Cometh Jon Stewart and the intellectually bankrupt Dems. The really big money? Not the Kochs Bait-and-Switch Liberalism ObamaCare etc. and the politics of deception. Hitchcock's Rope and gay 'rights' Russia blows past Obama's "off ramp" How big government destroys democracy Obama's pseudo-scientism President Not-Present Field day at the Federal courts The IRS is the problem It has no business regulating political speech. TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch On Israel, Obama has no clue what he's talking about In Ukraine, Obama's watching the Verdict of 1989 dissolve What gutting the U.S. military means Whitewashing Benghazi Nazis: still socialists [inspired by the Tim Stanley-Daniel Hannan debate] Why Eric Holder needs felons to vote Arizona should protect freedom of association for all The Original Sin of Global Warming Carl Sagan's message to the warmists. Our long national austerity nightmare is over Our Weimar Republic The Nation rallies its troops in support of Maduro After the Great Disappointment Why Obama is uneducated The 'fairness' fraud Obeying the dog whistle Progressives' brains on auto-pilot. Arizona bill does not give businesses license to discriminate against gays Shut up, they explained When Black Americans become Good Germans [race hatred and abortion] Ukraine, changed forever on live TV Lidia Pankiv exposes the media. Where are the Global Warmists for Freedom? Nazism paved the way Going somewhere dangerous [How we got here, and what we must do.] Attacking Diversity of Thought [more Marcusian liberal intolerance] Until the whole is leavened Religious freedom for everyone. Obama's Stimulus: five years of Keynesian fairy dust Iran has the Bomb And they're going to use it before they do any boasting. Suing Americans under international law—in American courts The young aren't signing up for ObamaCare. So what if they did? The brave new world of same-sex marriage You subsidize leftist anarchy LBJ's Equal Opportunity Act is still financing as many America-hating crazies as ever. Climate Prophets and Profiteers Judges, hubris, and same-sex marriage Bake us a cake, or else! The truth about the 'one percent' The United States of Decline America's self-appointed Ministers of Culture Roger Kimball Trevor Thomas Ed Driscoll Andrew Ferguson Andrew Sullivan Sean Davis Kevin D. Williamson Eileen F. Toplansky Daniel Pipes Zombie Michael Bargo Jr. Ralph Reiland Kevin D. Williamson Kimberley Strassel William Voegeli Kathy Shaidle Walter Russell Mead Jim DeMint Victor Davis Hanson Tom Blumer Robert Vega National Review David R. Henderson David Harsanyi George Weigel Richard Winchester Jed Babbin & R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Jonah Goldberg Michael Bargo Jr. Deroy Murdock Robert Tracinski Barton Hinkle Bruce Walker Ron Radosh Christopher Chantrill Selwyn Duke Thomas Sowell Victor Volsky Napp Nazworth Ed Lasky R.B. Parrish John Fund Daren Jonescu Enza Ferreri Deana Chadwell Jonah Goldberg Kevin D. Williamson Daniel J. Mitchell Peter Vincent Pry Selwyn Duke David Steinberg Michael Hanby Matthew Vadum 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0317 0317 0316 0316 0314 0313 0312 0312 0311 0310 0310 0308 0308 0307 0306 0306 0306 0305 0304 0304 0304 0303 0303 0303 0302 0302 0301 d.Obama 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0228 0227 0227 0226 0226 0226 0225 0225 0225 0225 0225 0224 0224 0224 0223 0223 0223 0222 0221 0221 0221 0220 0220 0219 0219 0219 H.World CW.Am CW.Sex Sci.ecol Econ d.Obama Media Bret Stephens Dennis Prager Ryan T. Anderson & Leslie Ford James Piereson Deroy Murdock Jonah Goldberg 2014 2014 2014 0218 0218 0218 Sci.ecol CW.Sex CW.Sex 2014 2014 2014 0218 0217 0215 Econ Media Econ CW.Am Econ L.theory CW.I CW.Am Econ Econ Media d.Unions CW.Sex Sci.ecol d.Obama CW.Sex L.theory Econ Benghazi d.Obama Econ CW.Sex CW.Am Media Sci.ecol CW.Chr Acad CW.Sex Econ WMD L.theory Health CW.Sex Econ CW.Am From Russia with Euphemisms [NBC's Olympic coverage] Republican votes for the 'clean' debt ceiling increase Immigration and national survival Against reinterpreting the Constitution The U.N. assault on the Catholic Church Revisiting the Neighborhood Healthcare and the Insurance Principle The Campus Utopians Is changing reality like changing your major? How single motherhood hurts kids Barack Obama: the George Wallace of Free Speech High Court at a crossroads Citizens United under relentless attack. America has lost her will to live The Feminist Mystique If you work full time, you will not be poor [Obama's economic ignorance] 5 devastating ObamaCare facts from CBO's latest economic report The stealth carbon tax Flawed TSD's and ther flawed SCC estimates. A populist, middle-class argument against elite liberalism [a.k.a. A beat-up, exhausted, and terrified Republican establishment] Monogamy made us Human It's what keeps a society stable. The liberal newcomers [What do they contribute to conservatism?] Giving Back A real equality agenda Redistribute power, not income. No, women don't make less money than men Progressivism kills Detroit is what Democrats do. Amnesty, but not for D'Souza Obama's irregularities dwarf D'Souza's. Eric Cantor versus the Founders The Taxation President Renewing his commitment to stagnation and decline. The worst tribute articles to Pete Seeger The ACA: a train wreck and a lie Preexisting conditions and guaranteed renewability were already covered by HIPAA. The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama 11 facts about the minimum wage that President Obama forgot to mention The Inequality Bogeyman Breivik and the wicked leftist media [defending Islam, subverting the West] First-Class Islam: Eric Holder puts Muslims above terror suspicion Governing by pen and phone Public-sector unions interfere with the public interest Green Drought The Delta smelt makes California farmland lie fallow. Heeding the fall of Rome in an age of 'Caesarism' Progressives in power looking for payback This is starting to look like a pattern of political moves and prosecutions Universal Coverage vs. Universal Liberty Single-Payer: Why stop with health care? Rebuttal to another 'Why won't the social conservatives just shut up?' post Unsportsmanlike Conduct [incl. timeless advice from Vince Lombardi] What is a normal temperature? In their own words: Lenin, Stalin, Obama, and Hillary Property taxes pave the Road to Serfdom 'Racialising' Islam The Last Generation of the West and the Thin Strand of Civilization Forward [a survivor of the Soviets views today's America] The Reign of Collective Stupidity Move along: nothing to see at the IRS [Covering up and doubling down] It's time to investigate the bogus IRS 'investigation' Government should not force people into unions [Home caregivers vs SEIU] Feminists shoot themselves in the foot KSM's prison communiqués: Enemy combatants back to being criminal defendants Lone Survivor and insufferable anti-American self-righteousness A victory for an unfettered Internet The Evils of Capitalism [Hayek's Capitalism and the Historians] 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0214 0212 0212 0211 0210 0209 0209 0208 0208 0207 0206 Media Econ CW.Am L,theory d.UN CW.I Health Acad CW.Sex L.theory L.theory 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0206 0206 0205 0204 0203 0203 CW.Am CW.Sex Econ Health Sci.ecol William Tucker Phyllis Schlafly William Yavelak Jay Cost Christina Hoff Sommers Kevin D. Williamson Andrew C. McCarthy John T. Bennett Peter Ferrara Ron Radosh Jeffrey A. Singer 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0203 0203 0202 0202 0201 CW.Sex CW.Am Econ 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0201 0201 0201 0130 0130 0130 Econ d.Obama CW.Am Econ Media Health Ted Cruz Sean Davis Thomas Sowell Paul Weston Timothy Furnish Victor Davis Hanson Charles Lane Charles C. W. Cooke Jarrett Stepman Kyle Smith Bryan Preston Robert Babcock Deroy Murdock Bryan Preston Lisa Fabrizio Robert Tracinski Andrew Thomas Michael Bargo Jr. Paul Austin Murphy Victor Davis Hanson Aleksey David Solway Fay Voshell Jay Sekulow George F. Will M. Catharine Evans Andrew C. McCarthy 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0129 0129 0128 0128 0128 0128 0127 0127 0125 0125 0124 0124 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0122 0121 0119 0119 0118 0118 0117 0117 0117 0116 L.theory Econ Econ Media CW.I d.Obama d.Unions Sci.ecol David French Robert McDowell Roger Kimball 2014 2014 2014 0115 0115 0114 Media Media Econ Jonah Goldberg John Hayward Selwyn Duke Charles C. W. Cooke Claudia Rosett David Solway Deane Waldman Jonah Goldberg Kay S. Hymowitz John Hinderaker Stephen Hoersting Selwyn Duke Kevin D. Williamson Peter Ferrara Sean Davis S. Fred Singer Victor Davis Hanson Econ d.Obama d.Obama Health Health CW.Am Sci.ecol Econ CW.I d.Obama d.Obama d.Unions CW.Sex L.pris The Idol of Equality [Equality ahead of liberty is against human nature] How Democrats kill jobs Intelligent design: the Cambrian Explosion and the combinatorial problem Thus Spake the Potheads Auntie Zeituni makes it "Work" Reagan's Farewell Address at 25 Compassionate Conservatives are confusing a slogan with an agenda Opinion Rex [Much of academia no longer believes in the idea of truth] Logic gets sucked into the Polar Vortex [weasel-words punctured by reason] Establishing a U.S. State Religion Could we get some immigrants who can take a poll? The real issues, please. 3 reasons why the radical anti-discipline policies at DOJ will outlast the Obama era [Eric Holder's insane racist affront to individual responsibility] 6 lies Millennials must reject Crowding out U.S. workers [and turning citizenship on its head] The Denaturalization of America Down the Times' Benghazi rabbit hole The contraception mandate and the Constitution Another problem ObamaCare won't solve: health costs Sorry, but "income inequality" is about to increase News for Democrats: Profits push costs down Industry, not environmentalists, killed traditional bulbs Politics and the University President [Academe is shocked by conservatism.] Scientists trapped in Antarctic ice claim expanding sea ice caused by 'global warming' — But data and studies refute claims The State Tax Grab Shaking down nonresident businesses and workers. The Humanities and Us The West's cultural inheritance is indispensable. Top 10 media hate-crime hoaxes of 2013 The most underreported domestic news stories of 2013 [Roger L. Simon, RogerKimball, Ed Driscoll, J.Christian Adams, Bridget Johnson, Bill Straub] Neal Boortz, Libertarianism, and Moral Government Do atheists exist? A new "godless" church makes you wonder. Phil Robertson, Gramsci, and Tolerance As predicted, ObamaCare plunges into 'utter chaos' Megastate Fail: Do you hear me now, liberals? Persecution at Christmastime Middle East's Christians are being wiped out. The real roots of the nuclear family [It's worked better than legendary clans] Obama's misguided obsession with inequality Why Transform? Obama, the Pope, and the Faithful The Best Notable Quotables of 2013 Santa Capitalism Gifts to all mankind, not only at Christmas. GLAAD: Lethal enforcers of the Left's tolerance mob We liked our doctor Ohio lawmakers want social workers to have veto power over decision to homeschool [Happy update here] Obama's extreme use of executive discretion Inequality does not matter Coal must embrace all-out battle with eco-bullies 'Tolerance' now means government-coerced celebration [gay weddings] How Obama ran down the nuclear doomsday clock It's a man's world, and it always will be The impossible trinity of ObamaCare The Media's Shooting Bias A shooter's leftism must be ignored. White-washing Mandela's memory Remembering Mandela, without rose-colored glasses The Road to Genocide is paved with Liberal intentions Raise minimum wage? It's iffy. Gun-Control Dishonesty The unsung legacy of Nelson Mandela The Nuclear Option: misplaced conservative outrage Victor Davis Hanson Richard A. Epstein Stephen C. Meyer 2014 2014 2014 0114 0113 0113 Econ Econ Sci.var Selwyn Duke Howie Carr Steven F. Hayward Ben Domenech Alma Acevedo Daren Jonescu Fay Voshell Ann Coulter J. Christian Adams 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0113 0112 0111 0110 0110 0110 0110 0109 0108 Health Econ Bio Walter Hudson Jeff Sessions Daren Jonescu Andrew C. McCarthy Charles C. W. Cooke Megan McArdle Francis Menton Richard F. Miniter Timothy P. Carney Adam Freedman Marc Morano 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 0108 0106 0105 0104 0103 0102 0102 0102 0101 0101 0101 Econ CW.Am CW.Sex Benghazi CW.Chr Health Econ Econ Econ Acad Sci.ecol Steven Malanga Heather Mac Donald John Nolte PJ Editors 2014 2014 2013 2013 0101 0101 1231 1230 Econ Acad Media Media Trevor Thomas Nicholas Frankovich Clarence Vindex Michael F. Cannon 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1230 1228 1227 1227 1224 1224 1223 1223 1222 1222 1221 1220 1220 1219 1218 CW.Sex CW.Chr CW.Sex Health Health CW.I CW.Sex Econ 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1218 1218 1218 1217 1217 1216 1216 1216 1216 1214 L.theory Econ Sci.ecol CW.Sex 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1214 1213 1213 1212 1212 CW.Af Econ L.theory Bio L.theory Christopher Chantrill Nina Shea Kay S. Hymowitz Robert E. Grady David Solway Daren Jonescu Brent Bozell III et al. Iain Murray Michelle Malkin Claudia Rosett Paula Bolyard George F. Will Kevin D. Williamson Tim Ball & Tom Harris Dennis Prager James Lewis Camille Paglia Michael S. Bernstam Charles C. W. Cooke Selwyn Duke Andrew C. McCarthy Selwyn Duke George F. Will Charles C. W. Cooke Robert Tracinski Lester Jackson Acad Sci.ecol CW.Chr CW.Am CW.Am CW.Chr Media Econ CW.Sex Health Acad CW.Sex Health Media Bio Bio [The traditional rules rarely stopped the tyranny of America's elites] POTUS wins 'Lie of the Year' [even Politifact says so] Charity by Force: Jesus vs. Marx Who the Democrats really are Which came first: chickens, eggs, or trendy environmentalists? Obama's tardy epiphany about government's flaws ACLU vs. Civil Liberties Sorry Henry Blodget, the rich DO create nearly every job In Praise of John Roberts [Maybe next time, he'll kill the monster.) Battling inequality with the President Income-Inequality Revisionism Obama rewrites Reagan revolution. California Republicans speak truth to power [] Impeachment Lessons It's not guilt that matters; it's political will. Communism was worse than Apartheid Dangerous times: Inspector Clouseau brings peace The Post-Work Economy The MacGuffinization of American Politics Islamic Jihad on Christian Nuns: A History Our Final Invention: how the human race goes and gets itself killed [ASI] Comprehensively Yours One size fits all: ours. Targeting the low-information voter The Social Security "trust fund" scam. Obama's shallow inequality speech Common Core standards: throwing gasoline on a fire Sex, Lies, and ObamaCare What the Pope gets wrong about capitalism Catholics and Communists Red herrings Diana West's book American Betrayal Morality, Anti-Morality, and Socialism Gloria Steinem represents the worst of modern feminism ObamaCare: 500M lines of code, $500m, 60% complete, no surprise Is the game lost? [the Muslim demographic invasion of the West] Nothing new about Climate Change The Global Warming-Extreme Weather Link The Problem of Selfishness [Obama, Bergoglio, et al.] Faith-based negotiations: When liberals meet mullahs The Knockout Game: What took the conservative media so long to notice? Francis's 'Liberation Theology' ObamaCare, religious liberty, and a crucial Supreme Court showdown If you like your Tyranny, you can keep it The Front Man Obama is the nominal leader for permanent bureaucracy. The Tea Party and the Constitution Abject surrender by the United States What does Israel do now? That hideous State C. S. Lewis's social critiques. Reid's filibuster power play is a blow to American constitutional system The real beneficiaries and victims of ObamaCare ObamaCare and Liberal Cruelty ObamaCare's three-step cancellation program The Rhetoric of ObamaCare The Minimum-Wage Myths New evidence raises doubts on Obama's "preschool for all" Obama vs. Liberalism Dear Dr. Krauthammer [The GOP Civil War: ratcheters vs conservatives] The true face of Collectivism Thus Spake Obama The incompetence of our neo-monarchy. The Lawlessness of the 'Fix' Companies would be insane to go along with it. Rules for all Republicans The moral decline of Oprah [incl. a list of leftist slanders against G.W. Bush] Obama's fallen and he can't get up President Canute's press conference ObamaCare Schadenfreudarama What is the real unemployment rate? U-6 vs U-3. Ed Driscoll Jonathon Moseley Karin McQuillan J. Robert Smith George F. Will National Review John Tamny Michael A. Walsh Christopher Chantrill James Pethokoukis Sally Zelikovsky Andrew C. McCarthy Joel B. Pollak James Lewis Mark Steyn Ace of Spades Raymond Ibrahim Greg Scoblete Michael A. Walsh Jon N. Hall Ben Domenech Bruce Deitrick Price Robert Oscar Lopez David Harsanyi Daren Jonescu Andrew C. McCarthy Deborah C. Tyler Cathy Young John J. Zenakis David Solway Guy LeBlanc Smith Madhav Khandekar Kevin D. Williamson Reuel Marc Gerecht Charles Martel Michael Patrick Leahy Seth Mandel Daren Jonescu Kevin D. Williamson Charles Kesler John Bolton Joe Rigney John Yoo Jean Kaufman Karin McQuillan Deane Waldman Jon N. Hall Kevin D. Williamson Grover J. Whitehurst J.R. Dunn Jeffrey Lord Christopher Chantrill Mark Steyn Andrew C. McCarthy Sally Zelikovsky Victor Davis Hanson Thomas Lifson Mark Steyn & Hugh Hewitt Jonah Goldberg Tom Blumer 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1212 1212 1212 1211 1211 1210 1210 1210 1210 1209 1208 1207 1207 1207 1207 1206 1206 1206 1205 1205 1205 1205 1204 1203 1203 1201 1201 1201 1130 1130 1130 1129 1129 1129 1129 1128 1127 1126 1125 1125 1124 d.Obama CW.Chr 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1122 1122 1122 1122 1121 1121 1121 1120 1120 1120 1119 1116 1116 1115 1115 1115 1114 Bio L.theory Health Health Health Health Econ Acad d.Obama 2013 2013 1114 1113 Health Econ Sci.ecol Econ CW.Sex Econ Health Econ Econ Health d.Obama Econ Media CW.I Sci.var Econ Econ Acad CW.Sex CW.Chr CW.Chr H.Amer CW.Sex Health CW.E Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ CW.Am CW.Chr CW.Chr L.theory L.theory Health Health Health Media Health Health EPA stealthily propels toward 'massive power grab of private property across the U.S.' IPCC's bogus evidence for global warming Progressive apologist: we forced Obama to lie to us because we're immature or something America's Wilderness Years The Obama Purchase The Common Core Rabbit Hole Identity politics trumps any common core. Obama's massive fraud In the private sector, he could go to jail for lying. Rehabbing Karl Marx yet again Ten lessons of ObamaCare The case for repealing Dodd-Frank [the truth about the Crash of 2008] Treaties don't trump the Constitution Obama's weapon of mass deception has Senate Dem fingerprints all over it An unlikely Canadian hero's tale of non-violent defiance [Gary McHale] Uniting the Right Freedom is the idea that can bring us together. How Obama abandoned Iraq Unions exposed as war saboteurs [HGP Colebatch's Australia's Secret War] Non-governmental climate scientists slam the UN's IPCC How historic revisionism justifies Islamic terrorism ObamaCare vs. Arithmetic [N.B.: The text clarifies the equations] 'Substandard plans' Mr. President? Here is proof that you are lying once again. Russell Brand: Profit is a filthy word 'The Great Achievements of Liberalism' AKA 'The Ponzi Scheme' Only a God can save us now ObamaCare is working just fine ENDA threatens fundamental civil liberties Obama's 16 words Heritage vs. ObamaCare The Left is lying about mandates. After repeal of ObamaCare: moving to patient-centered, market-based health care Survey says: Women are for Life Teaching all of the facts, but none of the truth [incl. Chesterton quotes] The Anti-Individual Left Questions rarely asked—and never answered The War of the Worlds that wasn't [Media hoaxes insulting our intelligence] Mind-boggling attempts at blame shifting [ObamaCare is GOP's fault?] The crime-ridden city of yesterday or the safety of today [NYC miracle] New regulations threaten freedom of the press in UK Virginia's blood-spattered abortion clinics and onerous hallway widths Lillian Hellman haunts When frogs jump Alinsky lessons for Republicans Obamacare is the worst scandal of them all. Ex Parte Scalia The Senate was created to represent states, not persons. The twisted morality of Death Panels Another take on the Gender Wars The ObamaCare black hole Blame the Tea Party? Use your memory. TP has kept GOP alive. Rolling the Hard Six Analysis of the recent "partial shutdown." Oh, that Present-Tense Culture Holocaust Ignorance in Pennsylvania. D.C.'s 'Corrupt Bastards Club' The shutdown and ObamaCare's future The Charmed Life of the Unbelievers Christians, not atheists, ended slavery. As it turns out, it does make a difference Kids with same-sex parents. The L.A. Times' fiscal fantasies Lies about GW Bush and BH Obama. Actually, Obama 'manufactured' the crisis Computer Games and Global Warming It's not just Failed ObamaCare It's the whole idea of statism. ObamaCare, like all central planning, is a 'big failure' Sweden: a New Hell for Women [and free speech, too] Is Obama creating a martial-law-ready military? Bridget Johnson 2013 1112 Sci.ecol S. Fred Singer Ace of Spades 2013 2013 1112 1111 Sci.ecol Health Victor Davis Hanson Selwyn Duke L.E. Ikenga 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1111 1111 1109 1109 1108 d.Obama d.Obama Acad Health Econ 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1107 1105 1105 1105 1105 1104 1104 1103 1103 1103 1103 1102 Health Econ L.theory Health CW.Can Todd Douglas Andrew C. McCarthy David Solway John Hayward Ryan T. Anderson Marc Thiessen Dennis Lund Heritage Foundation 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1102 1101 1101 1101 1101 1031 1031 1031 Econ Econ CW.I Health CW.Sex Health Health Health Daniel Kuebler Selwayn Duke Matt Purple Victor Davis Hanson Kathy Shaidle Tom Blumer Michael Goodwin Mike McNally Mollie Hemingway Paul Kengor Daren Jonescu Roger L. Simon Seth Lipsky Walter Hudson David Solway J.R. Dunn Randall Hoven Sally Zelikovsky Ed Driscoll Sarah Palin Fisher Adams Doug Mainwaring Tom Blumer Joel B. Pollak Norman Rogers Christopher Chantrill 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1031 1031 1030 1029 1029 1029 1027 1026 1025 1025 1025 1024 1024 1023 1023 1023 1021 1021 1021 1020 1020 1020 1019 1018 1017 1015 1015 1014 1014 CW.Sex Acad Andrew C. McCarthy Tim Stanley & Chris Queen Robert Tracinski Peter J. Wallison Steve Stockman Deroy Murdock Kathy Shaidle David Horowitz Arnold Ahlert Miranda Devine S. Fred Singer Raymond Ibrahim Charlie Martin C. Steven Tucker Investor's Business Daily Fjordman Selwyn Duke d.Unions Sci.ecol H.Mid Health Health Media Health Media CW.Sex H.Amer d.Obama L.theory Health CW.Sex d.Obama Econ Acad Health CW.Chr CW.Sex Econ Sci.ecol Health CW.E 'Nullification' Nonsense The real history of U.S. government shutdowns. Making a god of government Tommy Robinson exits the field Erstwhile EDL leader sells out The Battle of Tours Charles Martel's troops saved Civilization from Islam. The Nature of Patriotism Patriots cannot want fundamental transformation Living in the Age of Contradiction Peter King's political fraud This "Reagan Republican" is really a statist. Don't Detroit America A rebirth of liberty and learning When liberals became scolds Letter from Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder to fans ObamaCare's real glitch Not computer problems, but the laws of economics. Parasitocracy Will the West surrender fully to this new form of tyranny? Community organizer runs amok Divided government requires bipartisan negotiation Gender roles: nature or nurture? 'Ayes' Wired Shut: GOP must hold line on Mandate delay 10 terrible Common Core homework assignments [Silliness on stilts] The Devil comes home to Cal State Northridge The List: Unnecessarily shut down by Obama to inflict public pain ObamaCare's unconstitutional origins Tax laws must start in the House. On eve of ObamaCare, Britain's NHS needs political therapy Taking back the arts [Inefficiant economic model, lack of real diversity] Communists cheer Pope Francis Shouldn't this trouble the Holy Father? Who locked little Johnny out of Yellowstone? Don't believe the Debt Ceiling hype: The Federal government can survive without an increase Escaping 'government' schools It's the President's fault Republicans must hold him accountable. Why 'equality' must die Davy Crockett and The Great Shutdown of '13 The Pope they've been waiting for [Jon Stewart, Chris Rock, Jane Fonda] A response to Richard Dawkins The Anglosphere miracle: Inventing Freedom: how the English-speaking people made the modern world Life on the island [The manic individualism of modern life] Government shuts down, nation descends into riots, looting, cannibalism Immigration and our nation's future two Catholic bishops Destroying Household Jobs Climate Change Reconsidered II [Summary for Policymakers] SEE IT: Pack of motorcyclists chase man in SUV, attack him on upper Manhattan street after fender bender on West Side Highway [and the Comments are very good] ObamaCare: the latest and greatest bastardization of the Constitution Extremely Extreme Extremists Democrat/Media "shutdown" rhetoric. 'I've never cried because of a science report before' Eric Holthaus is the apotheosis of liberal silliness over global warming. The cost of ObamaCare: health insurance premiums versus health care Worse is the New Normal Obama's Economy: the DJIA or Reality? Downhill, by every measure. Obama's 'fake' Twitter followers explained Ebony and black violence One Degree of Fannie-Freddie Forgotten players of the 2008 financial crisis. Racism, Inc. Discerning Pope Francis' "Obsession?" If Ted Cruz's plan is implausible, what's the GOP establishment's plausible strategy against ObamaCare? How to enrich or impoverish a nation There they go again Why disarm the innocent victims of armed predators? Charles C. W. Cooke Trevor Thomas Janice Fiamengo Raymond Ibrahim Paul Austin Murphy David Solway Jeffrey Lord Lee Habeeb Larry P. Arnn George F. Will Dan Snyder Michael Tanner Daren Jonescu Janice Shaw Crouse Eric Cantor Camille Paglia Tom Blumer Paula Bolyard Robert Oscar Lopez John Nolte Andrew C. McCarthy Philip Klein David Marcus Paul Kengor Charles Krauthammer Jeffrey Dorfman 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1014 1013 1012 1012 1012 1012 1010 1010 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1008 1008 1008 1007 1006 1005 1005 1004 1004 1004 1004 1003 John Stossel Peter Ferrara Selwyn Duke Michael Ledeen George Neumayr Dennis Prager Daniel Hannan 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 1002 1002 1002 1002 1002 1001 1001 Emily Esfahani Smith 2013 2013 2013 1001 1001 1001 CW.Am 2013 2013 1001 0930 Econ Sci.ecol 2013 0930 CW.Am Ed Driscoll 2013 2013 2013 0930 0930 0929 Health Econ Sci.ecol Jean Kaufman Mark Steyn W.A. Beatty Daren Jonescu Colin Flaherty John Berlau Roger Kimball Paul Kengor Andrew C. McCarthy 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0928 0928 0928 0927 0926 0926 0926 0925 0925 Health Health d.Obama Media Econ CW.Am CW.Chr Health Selwyn Duke Peter Ferrara 2013 2013 0925 0925 Econ L,theory Daniel Greenfield Samuel J. Aquila and Michael J. Sheridan Thomas Sowell Craig Idso, Robert M. Carter, Fred Singer Joe Kemp, Bill Hutchinson, and Rocco Parascandola William Sullivan Robert Stacy McCain CW.Chr CW.E H.World H.Brit Econ Econ Acad H.Amer CW.Am Health Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex Health Acad Acad d.Obama Health Health Media CW.Chr Econ Econ Acad Health Econ Econ CW.Chr CW.Chr Democrats are the Know-Nothings about the Constitution Our Truest Lies If the truth doesn't serve social justice, tell a noble lie. Kenya's killing fields: 51 posts going back to January 2008 Who rules: Politicians or Wall Street? ObamaCare's 'Cool Calculator,' Part 1: Work disincentives like we've never seen before Six lies most people believe about U.S. schools Islamic terror in Kenya? Not according to the BBC The Hypocrisy of Iran Contra II The Pope's new talking points Same Lies, Different Day Wall Street messes up the EPA's sandbox Defund ObamaCare! The legal and procedural basis. The eyes of Big Medicine: electronic medical records Have the people spoken? Washington Redskins give libs the vapors. Darwinism and Materialism: they sink or swim together [Darwin's Doubt] Aaron Alexis and the costs of false religion What John Adams foretold has come true Confiscation of wealth. The Myth of Red State Welfare Minimum Wage Madness God and the Minimum Wage Why the media will never treat conservatives fairly The legacy of Iraq: America's credibility was lost years ago Hitting the ejector seat on the Clown Car Presidency The myth of live-and-let-live liberalism 9/11: America's unfinished business Let's use ALL the data this time: Are stand your ground laws racist? The Mythical Public-Sector Collapse Refuting the pro-Obama Atlantic. Putin didn't save Obama, he beat him Obama's successful foreign failure He wants to weaken America abroad. Rise of the Thought Police: bullying your children into forsaking their values And now it's global COOLING! Record return of Arctic ice cap The new reality of 'free lunches' Guns against tyranny Armed citizens could have prevented Tiananmen Sq. The Ruling Elite settles in Capitalism is Cooperation The UN Climate Panel's 'hot spot' is missing in action Can we pay a minimum wage that makes everyone rich? John Kerry's Bright Shining Lie [also H.Amer, WMD, Reagan v USSR] Non-Black America experiences a paradigm shift Obama's economy hits his voters hardest Does a falling tree make a sound if the word 'tree' is banned? The Democrat Moral Superiority Complex Leading from behind in urban education The Secession of a Pleb [Resisting the Church's wide-open borders advocacy] EPA to regulate water vapor emissions [satire] The Road to Dystopia Obama indicts Obama The self-interested society African-Americans' worst economic enemies What's so great about coalitions? Pride of Ignorance on Firearms The left is clearly clueless. Are liberals misanthropes? Actually, they like humanity a lot less than that. The culture's War on Women An open letter to Scott Brown The modern anti-Establishment GOP was Reagan's creation. Tolerance, Health and Fascism A discussion on race, crime and the inconvenient facts Is there anything about race we can agree on? Faces of Evil in a violent underclass Betsy McCaughey Victor Davis Hanson Pamela Geller Christopher Chantrill Tom Blumer 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0925 0924 0924 0924 0923 L.theory Joy Pullmann Zombie Tom Trinko Ann Kane Jeffrey T. Brown William Tucker Andrew C. McCarthy Paul Hsieh Rick Reilly Tom Bethell George Neumayr W.A. Beatty Sierra Rayne Thomas Sowell Maxford Nelson Erick Erickson Lauri B. Regan Ed Driscoll Jonah Goldberg Michelle Malkin Howard Nemerov Sierra Rayne Lee Smith Norman Podhoretz Walter Hudson 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0923 0921 0921 0921 0920 0919 0919 0918 0918 0918 0918 0918 0917 0917 0916 0913 0913 0912 0911 0911 0910 0910 0910 0909 0909 Acad Media David Rose Trevor Thomas Lily Tang Williams J.R. Dunn Kevin D. Williamson S. Fred Singer Caroline Baum Jeffrey Lord John Ross Stephen Moore Michael Ledeen Karin McQuillan L.E. Ikenga Alfonse Rispoli & Dymphna Robert Zubrin Susan D. Harris Victor Davis Hanson Kenneth Minogue Tom Blumer Jonah Goldberg Charles C. W. Cooke Ron Ross Janice Shaw Crouse Jeffrey Lord 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0908 0908 0907 0906 0906 0905 0905 0905 0904 0904 0904 0903 0902 0902 Sci.ecol Econ L.theory 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0901 0901 0901 0901 0830 0830 0829 0828 0828 0827 Sci.ecol Dennis Prager John F. Gaski Karin McQuillan Bryce Buchanan 2013 2013 2013 2013 0827 0827 0826 0826 CW.I Health CW.Chr L.theory Sci.ecol Health Health CW.Am Sci.var CW.Chr Econ Econ Media H.Amer Nine 11 L.theory d.Obama Acad Econ Sci.ecol Econ CW.Am Econ Acad CW.Am Acad CW.Chr d.Obama L.theory CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am John Kerry: freedom makes it hard to govern Maybe I do have something to hide The surprising reason Americans are vulnerable to moral relativism Four Lincoln quotes progressives always get wrong SEIU: the 21st Century's Jack Cade The Hood comes to Duncan, Oklahoma Lawlessness in the Executive Suicide Pact: How to cripple your state in five easy steps Drive-bys try to ignore Australian student murdered by "bored teens" obsessed with violent rap lyrics Man who dobbed in suspects accused of murdering Melbourne baseball player Chris Lane says his son was next [great objective reporting] Democrats and Lawlessness A Tale of Two Climate HockeySticks Iron Lady Rising The historic ascent of Margaret Thatcher. Cairo is burning. Where is President Obama? The High Entitlement Mind The International Gay War on Black People Obama skips the Kennedy Tax Cuts September 11, 2012: A day that will live in infamy Barack the Lawgiver Obama's unconstitutional steps worse than Nixon's The good sense of Voter ID Obama promotes racism A Pulpit for Bullies Reagan vs. Obama: It's not even close The continuing brutal legacy of the Religion of Peace Five reasons to resist the U.S. Bishops on immigration reform Amateur Hour (once again) starring Barack Obama The Crusades Reconsidered Recalling Hiroshima and Nagasaki Only one bad guy in the Pacific. Why can't we talk about IQ? The 5 most destructive political ideas in Matt Damon's movies Ronald McDonald, Slave Driver When failure carries no cost Climate change: What are the real questions? How can we be so dense? Anti-sprawl policies threaten America's future Climate Realism and Socialist Realism 'Disaster!' — Texas' controversial CSCOPE Curriculum raises its head again, but Lt. Gov. Dewhurst has a remedy How 'Monopoly' perpetuates myths about capitalism Cracking the Czars Unrestrained What the left's war on property has given way to. America's healthcare system is not cruel Amnesty driven by voodoo economics Big Brother declares war on consumption How the move to mandate healthier foods inadvertently hurts the poor. 'There's plenty of money, it's just the government doesn't have it' — Congressman Keith Ellison The government's not broke until you are. Obama to America: 'Bleep You' His intentions are clear. Learning from Rachel Jeantel Global Warming responsible for epidemic of rail disasters? Common Core's data mining Trojan Horse [also L.Pat] Massive solar flare narrowly misses Earth, EMP disaster barely avoided On Culture and Politics They can converge to destroy the national fabric. Data of Prosperity Past Conservative economics historically superior. The Age of Hyperbole: how normal weather became 'extreme' The GOP: Rabbits or Tigers? Reagan, Thatcher, and the real battle. Fact-free 'Middle-out Economics' Redistribution over wealth creation. ABC still corrupting Zimmerman case Atheism and the First Amendment Todd Konrad Daren Jonescu Bookworm Jason Stevens William A. Levinson J. Robert Smith Jeffrey H. Anderson Kevin D. Williamson Rush Limbaugh 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0825 0825 0825 0825 0824 0823 0823 0822 0821 Carmel Melouney 2013 0821 CW.Am Peter Ferrara S. Fred Singer John O'Sullivan Roger Kimball Deborah C. Tyler Robert Oscar Lopez Lawrence Kudlow James Lewis Charles Krauthammer George F. Will National Review Eileen F. Toplansky Anthony Esolen Sierra Rayne Eileen F. Toplansky Robert Klein Engler Joseph Curl Mike Konrad Mark Tooley Jason Richwine John Boot Daniel J. Flynn Caroline Glick Charlie Martin Joel Kotkin Norman Rogers Bryan Preston 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0821 0820 0820 0819 0818 0818 0817 0817 0815 0815 0815 0813 0812 0812 0811 0811 0811 0811 0809 0809 0809 0809 0808 0808 0808 0808 0807 d.Obama Sci.ecol Bio Walter Hudson J.R. Dunn Tom Bethell Sierra Rayne Jonathon Moseley Adam J. Hoffer, William F. Shughart II, Michael D. Thomas Walter Hudson 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0807 0807 0807 0806 0806 0804 Econ d.Obama CW.Sex Health Econ Econ 2013 0803 Econ Tom Blumer Leann Horrocks Andrew Thomas Carole H. Haynes Paul Bedard David Solway Wall Street Journal Tim Ball & Tom Harris Jeffrey Lord James Pethokoukis Jack Cashill Tom Trinko 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0803 0803 0803 0802 0801 0801 0801 0730 0730 0729 0728 0728 d.Obama CW.Am Sci.ecol Acad Sci.Atom CW.Am Sci.ecol L.Patriot Bio d.Unions CW.Am L.theory Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.Sex Econ Benghazi Ltheory L.theory Voting CW.Am Acad CW.I CW.Am d.Obama H.World H.Amer Acad Media Econ Sci.ecol Econ Sci.ecol Acad Econ CW.Am CW.Chr What's 'phony' Is Obama's economy Nothing 'phony' about O's scandals [BHO's economy v Reagan's] Stand Your Ground is not new It is based on an old and valuable principle. Britain's Single-Payer Horror Show: report details NHS body count Economic Malpractice and Political Slander Democrats and Economic Alchemy Irrational Animal Facing facts about race Raising hell in Texas Pro-abortionists hate church, hail Satan. Abortion: in a class of its own New HUD rule will collect detailed info on racial makeup of communities The decline of the Civil-Rights Establishment How the media has distorted a tragedy [the Zimmerman trial] The sleazy semantics of death penalty opponents 'Stand your ground' against the Left Buyer's remorse from ObamaCare backers Honoring Trayvon Martin Race, politics and the Zimmerman trial Zimmerman acquitted: Your thoughts and mine also: 20 things, 5 more Halal meat is the first giant step of our Islamization The NSA's surveillance is unconstitutional Bottom-up government Raining on the Nelson Mandela Parade Shooting the messenger Britain: "rape jihad" against children Zimmerman trial is this year's Duke Lacrosse case President Obama vs. George Zimmerman: America loses Supposed crimes of the mind Conservatives and Snowden Obama demands peaceful surrender to Brotherhood The standard progressive arguments for appeasement. Freedom for me, not for thee Sen. Durbin would deny bloggers' free speech. Revolutionary Tribunals Courts as expressions of the popular will. A different nation [Interracial marriage is more natural than gay marriage] Medical consequences of homosexual sexual behaviors The Zombie Apocalypse — ours and theirs Self-Evident Truth Timeless truths from America's founders. WSJ attacks 'blood-and-soil' Republicans over opposition to immigration bill Obama's Court marks churches for death Another race-based show trial turns into farce The gay 'marriage' charade Marriage: an obligation and not a right Truth is now hate speech in David Cameron's Britain Immigrationists and the death of America The Politics of Pain [Dems care about animals, but not "fetuses"] If only our foreign enemies were Republicans The Higher Education Hustle President Obama's Belfast Blarney Why liberals kill America sidelined, barely relevant Tolerance is a one-way street at Roosevelt University Lies subvert democracy Will the real traitor please stand up? The Regulated States of America Tocqueville would not recognize us. How Democracies Perish, Deathbed Edition [and Revel's prescience] Illegal immigration: Elite illiberality Self-righteously exploiting the poor. Why I am a Republican Guaranteeing that Hispanics won't assimilate Slipping the Constitutional leash 100 years of political abuse. No Turning Point Tom Blumer Michael Graham Charles C. W. Cooke Mike McNally Ross Kaminsky Michael Tanner Daren Jonescu Victor Davis Hanson Paul Kengor Carol Brown Taylor Colwell Shelby Steele Cathy Young Lester Jackson Jeffrey T. Brown Seth Mandel Daren Jonescu Jason L. Riley Eric Zorn Enza Ferreri Randy E. Barnett Thomas Burke Kathy Shaidle Fjordman Soeren Kern Ann Coulter Karin McQuillan Victor Davis Hanson J.R. Dunn Daren Jonescu 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0728 0726 0725 0725 0725 0724 0723 0723 0723 0723 0722 0722 0721 0721 0718 0716 0716 0715 0714 0714 0713 0713 0712 0711 0711 0711 0711 0711 0710 0709 Econ Econ L.theory Health d.Obama Econ Michael A. Walsh Victor Davis Hanson Jonah Goldberg Dr. Eowyn David P. Goldman Lisa Fabrizio Joel B. Pollak 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0709 0709 0705 0704 0703 0703 0703 L.theory L.theory CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Chr H.Amer CW.Am Daren Jonescu Clarice Feldman Trevor Thomas Nonie Darwish Paul Weston Selwyn Duke Daniel Allott Victor Davis Hanson William Voegeli J. Kenneth Blackwell & Bob Morrison Selwyn Duke Charles Krauthammer John Biver Victor Davis Hanson Jonathon Moseley Niall Ferguson Daren Jonescu Victor Davis Hanson Elbert Guillory John T. Bennett George F. Will Hermes 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0701 0630 0630 0629 0629 0628 0626 0625 0624 0621 CW.Chr CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.E CW.Am CW.Sex 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0621 0621 0621 0620 0620 0619 0618 0617 0616 0614 0614 0614 CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am Media L.theory L.theory Health CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.I L.Patriot Bio CW.E CW.E CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am L.Patriot Acad Acad Acad d.Obama L.Patriot CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am H.Amer CW.E Big politically correct Brother The leviathan sees everything…and nothing. Ruling-Class Concerns Barack Obama, Hell's Lightning Rod If the GOP is this stupid, it deserves to die Marco Rubio is dead to me [for his two-faced stance on immigration] Muslim riots and Leftist willful blindness Why expanded government spying doesn't mean better security against terrorism Guess Who's Coming to... Everything Liberty in the Tentacular State The resurgence of national pride and the future of Europe Debating Phil Cafaro [the radical anti-humanist] Why Democrats love to spy on Americans The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee Message from the ruins of Qusair Obama dithers, Assad and Putin win. Agents of Influence [The spies in Diana West's book American Betrayal] The 'Austerity' Lie [great comparison of family budget to U.S. budget] The Evil of Banality Conservatives and the Individual [the idea of personhood in human history] The Democrats' Walmart obsession The IRS scandal as an example of runaway organizational culture Economically, could Obama be America's worst president? The myth of Gatsby's suffering Middle Class The West has an irrevocable duty to help the Christians of the world The IRS and FBI: breach of faith [Part One here] Global Warming alarmists caught doctoring '97-percent consensus' claims Winning the Long War [Gradual escape from statist education] 25 signs that military veterans are being treated like absolute trash under the Obama Administration Washington drowns America with a flood of regulations Western Cultural Suicide Is a revolution in the offing? An example of Left-Liberal treason 'Austerity' to blame? But where's the austerity? The Fourth Dimension of Warfare, part 2: J'accuse To the Slaughter British lions come up lambs in Woolwich. The real IRS scandal: the IRS exists Who are the real climate deniers? [They're weak in style and substance] Obama speaks, the heart sinks [He denies that the West is in a war] The New Barbarians [Who are worse, Mongols or Progressives?] The Swedish Lie British elites wish away Islamic reality Toxic Immigration 'Reform' Obama's assault on the First Amendment Dewey: Stalin's propagandist, the world's teacher Time to go for the kill [defund ObamaCare, and replace it] A Crisis of Authority The deeper meaning of the Obama scandals. Despite the WaPost, Benghazi is a major scandal On using parents of murdered children Global warming "consensus": Cooking the Books Cook’s fallacy “97% consensus” study is a marketing ploy some journalists will fall for Scott Pelley's POS (Particularly Odious Speech) Islam vs. Islamism: a case for wishful thinkers Swearing In the Enemy [No citizenship for America-hating immigrants] Feds to students: You can't say that A dangerous new speech code. The Senate's anti-dog-eat-dog law [Marketplace Fairness Act vs Intenet] Stifle this, Mr. President Just the sort of speech the IRS would target. Justifiable Cause Obama Administration makes the case for conservatism. Austerity: Krugman's false message Inappropriate criteria were used to identify tax-exempt applications for review [report of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration] Mark Steyn John Hayward Daren Jonescu Ann Coulter Selwyn Duke Fjordman Barry Rubin 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0614 0613 0613 0612 0611 0610 0610 L.Patriot CW.Am L.Patriot CW.Am CW.Am CW.E L.Patriot Daren Jonescu Charles C. W. Cooke Geert Wilders Robert Zubrin Michael Hastings Janet Levy Charles Krauthammer Robert Stacy McCain John Stossel Marvin Folkertsma Christopher Chantrill Ross Kaminsky Ace of Spades Peter Ferrara Amity Shlaes Enza Ferreri Jeffrey Lord James Taylor Daren Jonescu Michael Snyder 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0610 0610 0609 0607 0607 0607 0607 0606 0605 0605 0604 0603 0603 0602 0601 0531 0530 0530 0530 0530 L.Patriot Washington Examiner Victor Davis Hanson Abraham H. Miller Paul Weston Paul R. Gregory Seneca III Mark Steyn Walter Hudson David Solway Michael Ledeen Gary Horne Jyllands-Posten Paul Weston Alex Alexiev George Neumayr Daren Jonescu Peter Ferrara James Taranto Quin Hillyer Dennis Prager William F. Jasper Joanne Nova 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0529 0529 0529 0528 0526 0526 0525 0525 0525 0525 0525 0525 0523 0522 0522 0522 0522 0521 0521 0521 0521 0520 L.theory CW.Am Tom Blumer Walid Shoebat Ayaan Hirsi Ali Greg Lukianoff Gene Schwimmer Ray V. Hartwell III John Dickerson Christopher Chantrill Russell George 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0520 0518 0518 0517 0517 0516 0515 0514 0514 Media CW.I CW.Am Acad Econ L.theory CW.E Sci.ecol L.Patriot CW.I H.Amer Econ d.Obama Econ d.Obama Econ H.Amer CW.I d.Obama Sci.ecol Acad Health CW.E Econ CW.E CW.E Sci.ecol CW.E CW.E CW.Am L.theory Acad Health d.Obama Benghazi L.theory Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ d.Obama Count me out on Syria [a good summary of The Long War thus far] On the arrested development of the Left 'Scientific' liberals should accept results of science Two moms vs. Common Core Benghazi coverup uncovered The future of private property The inconvenient truth about Benghazi Free markets are more important than safety regulations Farrell's Fallacies [the anti-capitalist Paul B. Farrell] Graduates, your ambition is the problem Obama's commencement speech. Hyper-sexualized, asexual America Keynes was gay — not that there's anything wrong with that Words that replace thought How Obama betrayed America Support for Muslim Brotherhood, inter alia. Selective Constitutional Deafness Ways and Means Islam and the Left Why the Left hates families Condemning capitalism and freedom "Only otherness is good. What is our own is corrupted by being Western" The Immigration Transformation The dishonest gun-control debate Indiana is not to blame for Chicago crime. Beating back the Nazi 'sickness' [It's the statism, stupid!] The euphemism imperative The Individual as Property The truth about late-term abortion The Collapsing of the American Skull Time to scrap affirmative action Governments should be colour-blind. The Barack Obama Presidential Library The Forgotten Genocide: Why it matters today Turkey's unspeakable rape, torture, and murder of the Armenian people. The people who broke immigration will not fix it 7 reasons not to swallow Marco Rubio's immigration snake oil Babies and immigration reform Tea with terrorists Muzzling free speech about taxes Time for public employee unions to pick up the tab Jihad blows up the Liberal Utopia Gosnell and 'pro-choice': fleeing from reason? 6 reasons why rational thinkers choose to believe in God (w. Prager videos) Off the Rails: Mad Men and American Liberalism in 1968 The Great Surrender Illusions about why Muslim Brothers kill If Rubio's amnesty is so great, why is he lying? PJ Media testifies on mismanagement at Justice Department Top Five: Media's history of falsely blaming the right for mass-murder From Roe to Gosnell The case for regime change on abortion. How Thatcher changed hearts and minds behind the Iron Curtain The War on the Family enters a new stage Philadelphia abortion clinic horror Progressive Racism Woodrow Wilson and his bien pensants. Toomey and Manchin's Slippery Slope "Exemptions" become "loopholes." A Tax on Freedom [prohibitive fees for guns & ammo] Where's the Progress in Progressivism? The Socialist Dragon Slayer Thatcher did what Churchill failed to do. The world-changing Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher, 1925-2013 The Grocer's Daughter Definition of marriage; what can we learn from Islam? Ten Q&A on same-sex marriage canards and evasions The 'Vigilance' Vigilantes Unlike ObamaCare, the Republican plan will work Victor Davis Hanson David Solway Shikha Dalmia Maggie Gallagher Clarice Feldman Jon N. Hall Peggy Noonan Steven Greenhut Ross Kaminsky Roger Pilon John Hayward Jonah Goldberg Thomas Sowell David Horowitz Selwyn Duke MC Melanie Phillips Todd Keister Reinhard Mohr Mark Steyn Kevin D. Williamson Walter Hudson Rich Lowry Timothy Birdnow Kyle Smith Mark Steyn The Economist Ed Lasky Raymond Ibrahim 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0513 0513 0512 0512 0512 0511 0510 0510 0509 0508 0505 0504 0507 0507 0506 0504 0504 0504 0504 0504 0503 0502 0502 0501 0428 0427 0426 0426 0424 John Hayward J. Christian Adams Cindy Simpson Fay Voshell George F. Will Steve Lopez Jeffrey Lord David Steinberg David Swindle Ed Driscoll Daren Jonescu Bruce Thornton Ann Coulter Hans von Spakovsky & J. Christian Adams John Nolte James Taranto Oleg Atbashian Stella Morabito Kirsten Powers Paul A. Rahe Charles C. W. Cooke Charles C. W. Cooke Daren Jonescu Andrew B. Wilson Paul Johnson Richard Fernandez Sarah Palin Nonie Darwish Stella Morabito Mark Steyn Ben Domenech 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0424 0424 0424 0424 0423 0424 0423 0423 0422 0422 0422 0419 0417 0417 CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am L.theory d.Un 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0416 0416 0412 0411 0411 0411 0411 0410 0410 0409 0409 0408 0408 0408 0406 0406 0404 Media CW.Sex Bio CW.Sex CW.Sex Acad Benghazi L.theory Benghazi Econ Econ d.Obama CW.Sex Econ L.theory CW.I CW.Sex Econ CW.E CW.Am L.theory CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am d.Obama CW.I CW.Sex CW.Chr H.Amer CW.I CW.Am CW.Am L.theory L.theory Bio Bio Bio Bio CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am Health Schools push a curriculum of propaganda The end of an illusion Fox's Juan Williams gets it half right on guns Creating dependency, one mouthful at a time What Americans need to know about the UN gun control treaty The Bible vs. the Heart Reality and Public Policy Dostoevsky's six nightmare prophecies that came true in the 20th century, Part Two America's patriotic assimilation system is broken That Greatest of Days Does new study of burial cloth add to existing proof that Jesus was resurrected around 33 AD? [Shroud of Turin] Guns save lives The Death of the Family The Supreme Court and faux-marriage fallacies Intellectuals and Race Hustlers: Part 1 Part 2 (with David Hogberg) Keeping a close eye on the Right Wing Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Do unto others, but not unto us, say the media Has a century of Progressive education turned us into obedient sheep? Forbidden City The left-wing stranglehold on academia. Iraq — Agony, Ordeal, and Recovery What Philistinism looks like Does Progressivism Exist? The left: Burundi before Birmingham A Health Care Solution [includes WW2 origins of employer insurance] Bioshock Infinite vs. American exceptionalism Gamers vs. Founders 1771–2013: The Era of the Free Press in Britain Cyprus and the death of Deposit Insurance A Parent Guide to Teachers' Unions The liberal media lie about CPAC But then, they lie about everything. Writing our own moral code Is Pope Francis liberal or conservative? Sooner or later progressives will get around to you How the Fed is creating a new feudalism Capitalism versus socialism The only meaningful choice we all face. Intellectuals and Race, Part IV: Multiculturalism Detroit Dems enrich Wall Street as city goes bust People who love Papal [and America's unchurched media] The Obama Credo [celebrating the president's cynical discrepancies] Marijuana: a gift of the Left to America's youth Don't let emotions obscure gun-control debate The truth about Legislating Morality New study claiming global temps highest in 4000 years, contradicted by previous studies On gun violence: not nostrums, but reality The pay gap is not as bad as you (and Sheryl Sandberg) think From Stalin to Sequestration The flawed case tying conservatism to racism William F. Buckley Jr. and CPAC's mission Busting 5 myths about the Minimum Wage Obama's mythical spending cuts 5 things Planned Parenthood doesn't want you to know about pregnancy resource centers 'In Detroit, you can't talk Aesthetics without talking Ruin Porn' Why does anyone need a high-capacity magazine? Understanding the threat of progressivism's equality The Hijacking of America Leave these frivolous demands! Being White in Philly George F. Will Robert Tracinski Larry Elder Robert Weissberg Ken Klukowski Dennis Prager George Weigel R.J. Moeller 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0404 0404 0404 0402 0402 0402 0401 0401 Acad Sci.ecol Econ Econ L.theory CW.Chr John Fonte & Althea Nagai Chris Skates Myra Adams 2013 0400 CW.Am 2013 2013 0331 0331 CW.Chr CW.Chr Thomas Sowell Mark Steyn Selwyn Duke Thomas Sowell 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0331 0329 0328 0328 0328 L.theory CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am CW.E 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0327 0325 0325 0325 0324 0324 0323 0322 0321 0319 0319 0318 0318 0318 0318 0317 0317 0316 0315 0315 0315 0313 0312 0311 0310 0308 Media Acad Acad Ion Mihai Pacepa Peter Berkowitz Jeffrey Lord Amy Payne Peter Wilson Paula Bolyard 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0308 0307 0306 0305 0305 0305 0304 0304 L.theory Econ Econ CW.Am Ed Driscoll Mark Almonte Tom Barron John Ozanich Baron Bodissey Robert Huber 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0304 0304 0302 0302 0301 0301 Baron Bodissey, Aeneas, and JLH Barton Hinkle Paula Bolyard Mark Bauerlein Victor Davis Hanson Roger Kimball Daren Jonescu Paul Weston Mona Charen Walter Hudson John O'Sullivan Robert Tracinski Paula Bolyard Robert Stacy McCain Trevor Thomas Selwyn Duke Derek Hunter Conn Carroll Henry Kowalczyk Thomas Sowell Walter Russell Mead Andrew Klavan Stella Paul Dennis Prager Jeffrey Goldberg Trevor Thomas Marc Morano Abraham H. Miller Ruth Davis Konigsberg Sci.var CW.E Health Media Media Econ d.Unions Media CW.Sex CW.Chr Econ CW.Am Econ CW.Chr CW.Am L.theory L.theory Sci.ecol Econ Econ CW.Sex L.theory L.theory CW.I CW.Am College: where free speech goes to die One hundred reasons to abandon public education now Have I been robbed of my humanity? Against gun registration Privatization shellacs ObamaCare model The historical praxis of current events Britain's Liberal Death Wish Obama's sequester deal-changer The Right's Reefer Madness Succumbing to the self-indulgence of the 1960s "And so therefore I speak" Just how 'draconian' is the sequester? (in 4 infographics) Green Anti-Humanism America's New Mandarins The shaky science behind Obama's universal pre-K [Head Start is a failure] Religion and Public Life in America Bitter Pill: why medical bills are killing us What sources provide credible information? Guns and Pensions Asking for Defense cuts The Bee and the Lamb, Part 10 Zombies: postmodernism & deconstruction President Obama's Minimum Wage Delusion Lliberal "good" intentions. There was a time when I was a liberal The Second Amendment as an expression of First Principles The Redcoats are here — but not to worry The Stoning of Dr. Ben Carson How dare anyone disagree with Obama? Obama's economic growth record is the worst in 60 years [0.8%] Obama fails climate science in his State of the Union address Obama's Favorite Things Obama's Hypocritic Oath Swallow your pride, save your child [U.S. public schools are toxic] And your little dog, too [Armed Fed officers kill pets, terrorize citizens] The truth about Dorner: leftism is violence Fractures on the Right [about the nature of Islam] Somebody needs to make the case for the Constitution You don't need a weatherman to know which way journalists blow The twisted truth on Obama's Benghazi response Dereliction of Duty: Obama did nothing to save American lives in Benghazi—and lied about it A sleepy compliance with Tyranny Dewey, individuality, and individualism The root cause of gun violence Exchanging liberty for a pittance The disgusting consequences of plastic-bag bans A morally confused Marine 100 years of the Income Tax Redistribution. Control. Deception. Women in combat: battling nature, battering reality Muhammad Morsi's Islamic Jew-hatred, Bernard Lewis' Islamic negationism 10 ways liberal education fails students—and society Global Warming and Climate Change: Science And Politics A Second Bill of Rights, or just another Bill of Goods? America's Baby Bust ObamaCare's broken promises Every claim is turning out to be false. Hagel confirmation hearing: the Mother of All Bombs Fumbled & bumbled A Pointless Amnesty The Lupine Socialist Dream 5 ideas you need to rise from poverty to the middle class Amicus brief in support of petitioners in Hollingsworth v Perry [also authored by Institute for Marriage and Public Policy Just NBC yet another deceptive edit Encounter with a low-info voter The Rubio Con Carbon Use and GDP 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0228 0227 0227 0226 0225 0225 0223 0222 0222 0221 Acad Acad Media L.theory Health CW.E CW.E Econ CW.Am CW.E 2013 2013 2013 0221 0221 0221 Sci.ecol Acad 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0220 0220 0220 0219 0219 0215 0215 0214 0214 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0212 0212 0212 0211 0210 0209 0209 0208 0208 0207 Acad CW.Chr Health Media Econ Econ Daren Jonescu Peter Ferrara Jeffrey Folks Ramesh Ponnuru Dennis Prager John Hayward Selwyn Duke Andrew G. Bostom 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0207 0206 0206 0205 0205 0203 0203 0203 Acad L.theory Econ Sci.ecol Peter Berkowitz Cliff Ollier Jim Yardley Jonathan V. Last Daniel Kessler Bridget Johnson National Review Glenn Fairman Walter Hudson Leon Kass & Harvey Mansfield Ed Driscoll Howard J. Warner Mickey Kaus Robert Zubrin 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0202 0202 0202 0201 0201 0131 0130 0130 0129 0129 Acad Sci.ecol L.theory CW.Sex Health 2013 2013 2013 2013 0129 0128 0128 0128 Media Health CW.Am Sci.ecol Bruce Thornton Daren Jonescu Baron Bodissey Charles C. W. Cooke David Catron Baron Bodissey Paul Weston Bob Woodward Peter Hitchens Lars Hedegaard Aaron Blake Robert Zubrin Megan McArdle Charles Murray R.R. Reno Steven Brill Baron Bodissey Thomas Sowell Ralph Peters Takuan Seiyo Ron Rosson Stuart J. Moskovitz Edward J. Erler Ted Nugent Paul Kengor Jeffrey H. Anderson Marc Morano Ben Shapiro Victor Davis Hanson Daren Jonescu Deroy Murdock Andrew Klavan David Solway Ted Vaughan Nick Gillespie Daren Jonescu Joel B. Pollak Econ L.theory L.theory Media Econ Sci.ecol Acad L.theory CW.I L.theory Media Benghazi Benghazi Econ CW.Sex CW.I CW.Am Econ Econ CW.Sex Obama's South African inspiration: why it matters The Great Gun Debate: Selwyn Duke vs. Brett Joshpe Dangerous times: Gimme a general who won't fight! Gen. Mattis is fired. Gun laws and the Fools of Chelm† What it means to be in it 'together' Two governors propose radical tax reform [Consumption, not income] Political Immune Deficiency Syndrome Our duty to defend the Constitution Why young women want AR-15s Whole Foods' CEO Mackey is right—ObamaCare is like fascism The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 3: Demonizing Human Nature What hath Roe wrought? An Enduring Wrong The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 2: Demonizing the Opposition Re: 'No Single Person Can . . .' [A strawman inaugural address] Mark Levin's Inaugural Day Message— Fight! [intro by Ben Shapiro] The Collectivist Mind Game, Part 1: Demonizing the Non-Compliant King’s media makeover The Left ignores MLK’s deep devotion to Christ. Could Dr. King have given the Inaugural Benediction? Will the gun-grabbers create a 'No Buy List' using your prescription records? [Who's "too crazy" to have Second Amendment rights?] The continuing Stalinist delusions of Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick: A Final Assessment The Bee and the Lamb, Part 9 (II) A Whole New Road to Serfdom Overcoming Obama's Obduracy On debt ceiling: stop talking and legislate Disarming Americans, arming terrorists Obama owns the debt now [incl. Obama '06 v Obama '13 on Debt Limit] This Metamorphosis will require a permit Notes from Atlantis [The World at War and Civilisation] Parsing Piers Mr. Morgan's gun-crime numbers are WAY off. Trendy Episcopalians and the Dakota War From Al Gore to Al Jazeera The Chávez legacy in Venezuela Against government debt [Jefferson's favorite economist, Destutt de Tracy] Sandy, Katrina, and the Pro-Government Party The Promised Land of Fracking Richard Cohen explains conservatives We are the 98 Percent Obama's disarming haste Violating major principles of good government. Legislation creating "same-sex" marriage: What's at stake? The real Henry A. Wallace: the truth about Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick's "unsung hero" Obama and the Debt Ceiling The Budget: where do we go from here? Dupe of the Year 2012 U.S. needs a 12-step program for spending How Congress, Wall Street and the media traded America's future for the next short-term fix Who knew that Hurricane Sandy struck Alaska and wrecked AMTRAK? Gore's other Big Lie [a brief history of tariffs] 2013: Welcome to very, very scary times The Socialist Mind Game: a brief manual Monumental deceit: How our politicians have lied and lied about the true purpose of the European behemoth A Wealth of Words [expanding vocabulary is key to upward mobility] Man, Sex, God, and Yale Obama's leadership failure Long walks, short Piers Media vs the Second Amendment—and the First. Piers Morgan takes aim at the Bible Risk, Relativism, and Resources Laws are for little people Joel B. Pollak Selwyn Duke James Lewis David Mamet Mario Loyola Steven Malanga Ross Kaminsky Celia Bigelow & Aubrey Blankenship Robert Romano Oleg Atbashian Janice Shaw Crouse National Review Oleg Atbashian Jonah Goldberg Mark Levin Oleg Atbashian Lee Habeeb Star Parker Paula Bolyard 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0128 0127 0126 0125 0124 0123 0123 0123 L.theory L.theory 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0123 0123 0122 0122 0122 0121 0121 0121 0121 0121 0120 Health Ron Radosh 2013 0118 H.Amer Takuan Seiyo Peter Ferrara Daniel Greenfield Glenn Reynolds Roger Kimball Ed Driscoll Randall Hoven Mark Tooley Clifford D. May Jaime Darenblum Sheldon Richman Mona Charen Ronald Bailey Dennis Prager Clifford Asness Daren Jonescu Francis George Ron Radosh 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0117 0116 0116 0115 0115 0114 0114 0111 0110 0110 0109 0108 0108 0108 0107 0107 0106 0106 Jonathon Moseley Greg Richards Paul Kengor Gary Wickert Tucker Carlson & Neil Patel Bryan Preston Howard Richman & Raymond Richman Victor Davis Hanson Oleg Atbashian Christopher Booker 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 0105 0105 0104 0103 0103 Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ 2013 2013 0102 0102 Econ 2013 2013 2013 0102 0101 0101 E.D. Hirsch Jr. Nathan Harden Robert Samuelson James Taranto Selwyn Duke Kevin D. Williamson Mark Steyn 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0101 0101 1231 1231 1231 1231 1229 L.theory Econ L.theory L.theory CW.Sex CW.Sex Media CW.Chr L.theory Econ L.theory L.theory H.Amer Media Econ Sci.ecol Media Econ L.theory CW.Sex H.Amer Acad Acad Econ L.theory CW.Chr Econ 'Gun control fails,' say statistics from … gun-control advocates Regulating the Militia Murder by Numbers America's not so violent after all. Does debt actually hurt future generations? [Do we "owe it to ourselves"?] In Praise of the Carpenter's Son, a Teacher How the Program Approach has failed Big Education Remembering what matters on Christmas Eve Will Washington ever cut spending? [big, specific cuts] Young, Old, Forever The truth is that politicians are telling lies Gun restrictions have always bred defiance, black markets What I learned in the Poverty War Work, not welfare, uplifts the poor. The Fiscal Cliff and the Middle East The Best Notable Quotables of 2012 The higher ed bubble is very, very real Is President Obama really a socialist? Let's analyze Obamanomics The Looming Port Strike Romney and Ryan didn't cut it in a time for radicalism [big, specific cuts] We're facing a Moral Cliff Racism at the Times Until U.S. understands police limitations, some will put faith in gun control Law and Order in the fallen world The facts about mass shootings The lesson of 'Zero Dark Thirty' Fairness and Freedom Dostoevsky's 6 nightmare prophecies that came true in the 20th century, Part One 4 Awful reactions to Sandy Hook school shooting—and thoughts on a better response The failures of democracy (an ode to Aristides) Blasphemy and Islam Obama's electronic-medical-records scam Unions' woes are largely of their own making The Great Progressive Church 5 Myths liberals have created about themselves Obama scam admitted: Bush tax cuts worked [with Obama's signature!] Will aging childless voters enslave my future grandchildren? How Ben Affleck's Argo screws history Replace the Fiscal Cliff with a tax cut Ideas Dems have already endorsed. Obama and Slavery Answering liberals' 'gotcha' questions Spending, not lack of revenue, is the real problem The real Second Amendment Using states to transform higher learning The Bee and the Lamb, part 9 (I) Lincoln and the Welfare State Textbooks, lies, and vulnerable kids Sea level is not rising ["Sea-Level-Gate"] Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming Pied Pipers of Poverty Mayor Cory Booker parades the Food Stamp Diet. The underworked public employee Government workers do tend to take it easier than their private counterparts. The Demographic Cliff Obama wants a war It's all about his crusade against "inequality." The roots of our economic trouble The unseen cost of big government. Global governance begins on December 14 The Psychopathology of the Liberal Mind Burke between Liberty and Tradition Colleges have free speech on the run Facing up to the enormity of our problem Howard Nemerov Kevin D. Williamson Randall Hoven Michael Kelbaugh Daren Jonescu David Solway John Kass Deroy Murdock Robert Oscar Lopez Janet Daley J.D. Tuccille Peter Cove Andrew C. McCarthy Brent Bozell III et al. Walter Russell Mead Peter Ferrara Michelle Malkin Mark W. Hendrickson Peter Cove John Steele Gordon Mike McDaniel 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1229 1228 1227 1227 1225 1224 1224 1224 1223 1223 1222 1222 1222 1221 1221 1221 1221 1220 1220 1219 1218 L.theory L.theory L.theory Econ Acad Acad CW.Chr Econ Acad Econ L.theory Econ Econ Media Acad Econ d.Unions Econ Econ CW.Am L.theory Ben Domenech John Fund Kyle Smith Cynthia V. Ward R.J. Moeller 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1217 1216 1216 1216 1216 L.theory L.theory L.pris Econ Nick Gillespie 2012 1215 L.theory Jeremy Egerer Andrew C. McCarthy Michelle Malkin USA Today Robert A. Hall John Hawkins Jeffrey Lord Bill Frezza Andrew Klavan Deroy Murdock Daren Jonescu Trevor Thomas Victor Davis Hanson Bart Wilburn Bruce Walker Takuan Seiyo Mary Nicholas Janet Tassel Nils-Axel Morner Marc Morano 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1215 1215 1214 1213 1213 1211 1211 1210 1210 1210 1210 1209 1208 1208 1208 1207 1207 1207 1207 1206 Ross Kaminsky Andrew G. Biggs & Jason Richwine Jerome Koch Christopher Chantrill George Leef Daren Jonescu Damon Isherwood Peter Berkowitz George F. Will Daren Jonescu 2012 2012 1206 1205 Econ d.Unions 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1204 1204 1203 1203 1202 1201 1130 1130 CW.Sex Econ Econ d.UN L.theory Health d.Unions Econ CW.Sex Media Econ Econ L.theory Acad Econ Acad Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Bio Acad How the U.N. will destroy leftists' dreams of a 'two-state solution' Target: Old White Men Militant Socialism in America A cliff of their own choosing Good Day for a Fiscal Cliff Hanging Krugman's Howdy Doody Time Debunking his false 1950s nostalgia. Why $16 trillion only hints at the true U.S. debt The unanswered question: What about Clinton-era spending rates? The ideological underpinnings of the tax rate debate The 'Balanced Approach' is an unbalanced lie Cutting the weeds in Gaza Would a Palestinian state bring peace? Gorging the Beast Tax cuts didn't starve big government. Twinkicide: Death by Liberalism The Gingerbread Man Along comes Hamas The day of reckoning is here. Answerable to no one Oklahoma doctors vs. ObamaCare Surgery center provides free-market medicine. Which hurts more, tax increases or spending cuts? A Letter to Sarah Westwood Kittenomics [ongoing series of quick hits: in the aggregate, dynamite!] Should we raise taxes on the rich? Young America! Stop letting Boomers feed off you What Republican candidates should say about Abortion When Marxists make the anti-family argument honestly It's Not the Economy, Stupid It's racial politics. The Voters Who Stayed Home The Big Tent in the Middle The advice Dems give to Republicans. When conservatism is a second language GOP 'outreach' to Hispanics won't work You can never out-Left the Left. Where Republicans and Conservatives went wrong [not refuting Dem story] Cowards Lose Vote fraud in the swing states and the military Hope over Experience A divided country gives Obama a second chance. The Malignant Narcissist and the Benghazi 'snuff film' Sophocles in Benghazi Bam's Benghazi lies Mud on his hands Obama's lies and rancor vs Romney's cheerful optimism. Global Warming did not cause Sandy The Dumb Vote Benghazi and the missing Obama 9/11 timeline Biggest Big Government can't keep lights on Obama's appeal: clueless entitlement addicts and racists A closing argument they can't ignore Why was there no October surprise? Because every freakin' day for the last four years has been an October surprise The Real Choice We're hanging by a thread on the very edge of a cliff. Media Bias 101: Benghazi vs. Watergate and Iran-Contra Why Obama chose to let them die in Benghazi Obama's Growing Economy Benghazi blunder: Obama unworthy commander-in-chief Sources: Key task force not convened during Benghazi consulate attack The UN's Internet Grab Obama just does not like people very much Benghazi Obama's core deceit Benghazi reveals Obama-Islamist alliance Benghazi, American Honor, Little Caesar, and the False Dmitri The Obama Economy: still not recovered No comparison with Reagan's. Why liberals think what they do Stuart J. Moskovitz Selwyn Duke Eileen F. Toplansky & Elia Kazan George F. Will Peter Ferrara Randall Hoven Chris Cox & Bill Archer Michael Medved Rand Simberg Joe Herring Dov Fischer Robert Spencer Andrew Ferguson Jeffrey Lord Clarice Feldman Andrew C. McCarthy George F. Will Jim Epstein 2012 2012 2012 1130 1129 1129 CW.Am 2012 2012 2012 2012 1128 1128 1128 1127 Econ Econ Econ Econ 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1124 1123 1123 1123 1122 1120 1120 1118 1117 1116 1115 Econ Econ Econ Veronique de Rugy Jeffrey Lord Megan Russell Peter Ferrara Tim O'Hair Jonathan Murray David Swindle Mary Grabar Andrew C. McCarthy George Neumayr Jeffrey Lord J. Christian Adams Peter Ferrara Takuan Seiyo Wall Street Journal Fay Voshell Victor Davis Hanson Ralph Peters Kyle Smith Robert Zubrin Kevin D. Williamson Claudia Rosett Mark Steyn Lloyd Marcus Dean Chambers Zombie 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1115 1115 1114 1114 1113 1113 1112 1111 1110 1108 1108 1108 1108 1107 1107 1105 1105 1105 1104 1104 1103 1103 1103 1103 1102 1102 Econ CW.Sex Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex CW.Sex Ned Ryun Paul Kengor Karin McQuillan Deroy Murdock Las Vegas ReviewJournal Sharyl Attkisson Arthur Herman Ed Lasky Peter Ferrara James Lewis Michael A. Walsh Tom Blumer Victor Davis Hanson 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1102 1102 1102 1102 1101 Econ Media Benghazi 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1031 1030 Benghazi Media d.Obama Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Econ Econ Benghazi Health CW.Am Econ Voting d.Obama Benghazi Benghazi Sci.ecol Media Benghazi The historic Winston vs. Barack debate Would Obama incite civil unrest to win? Intro to Romneynomics Obama's imperial presidency is killing our economic recovery The October Surprise and the November Election Obama's taqqiya unravels Rage and destruction as the basis of Obama's Middle East policy Tackling the totalitarianism of Islam 'The policies that caused the mess in the first place' Brad Johnson's 'Frankenstorm' malfeasance masquerading as idiocy Darkness descending in England Robinson, Carroll, and Weston arrested. Did Obama watch while they fought for their lives? Obama's Fog of War 5 Reasons this election is Ward Cleaver vs. Eddie Haskell The Plan, the Man, and the Believers America's Third-World Streak Obama's EPA Plans for 2013 A look ahead to EPA regulations for 2013 The Liar President Yet he claims Mitt Romney's pants are on fire. The Meta-Issue of the Presidential Debates Thank you for re-electing Obama Jimmy Carter's Dead Ambassador The Obama Doctrine, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe Do we believe anymore? A red carpet for radicals at the White House A 21st-Century De Anima: Why vamps and zombs are so wildly popular with the humanists Big Bird, Liberalism, and Perversion Twilight of the Sort-Of Gods Obama, the free enterprise president? It's not just Obama's lies — it's the premise of Obama's lies Barack Obama and the fundamental transformation of America The Bee and the Lamb, Part 8 Big Brother reads Minority Report A Presidency Squandered 6 Green Lies threatening to starve you Green police looking in your fridge. Obama's family funding Sharia Uncritically, media accepts misleading global warming poll The deadly arithmetic of nuclear proliferation Biden's abortion blarney Social Justice is a proven failure...and so is Obama Who's 'politicizing' Benghazi? Announcing the winners of the inaugural Walter Duranty Prize Cell Phones and College Tuition Time to demythologize the Authoritarian impulse Obama's plan for Ohio Making suburbanites prop up Democratic cities. Prohibiting cheerleaders the free exercise of Religion Ban incitement to hate, violence, racism & intolerance in America? Start with banning the Quran and Islam! Will Big Bird ever leave the government nest? The killing exception A society without rules Why they love Usama, hate Obama, and how Obama uses the same tactic at home Restoring the American Dream The economy can be booming by Dec. 2013 A shot at what? Four more years? Of this? Understating the Budget Crisis Capital Gains taxes Andrew B. Wilson Daren Jonescu John B. Taylor Conn Carroll Patrick Caddell Nonie Darwish Fay Voshell Eileen F. Toplansky Jon N. Hall Anthony Watts Pamela Geller Karin McQuillan Randall Hoven Bookworm Robert Stacy McCain L.E. Ikenga S. Fred Singer James Inhofe et al. Peter Ferrara Patrick Caddell Eileen F. Toplansky Jeffrey Lord Joel B. Pollak Victor Davis Hanson Steve Emerson & John Rossomando Tim Gordon 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1030 1029 1029 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1027 1026 1026 1026 1025 1025 1025 1025 1025 1024 1024 1024 1024 1023 1022 1022 1021 2012 1021 Stephen Rittenberg Rick Richman David Harsanyi Andrew C. McCarthy Robert A. Hall Takuan Seiyo Sarah Hoyt Victor Davis Hanson Walter Hudson Jeffrey Lord Tom Harris John C. Wohlstetter Selwyn Duke William Sullivan Mark Steyn Roger L. Simon, Claudia Rosett, Roger Kimball, Ron Radosh Steve Baker Daren Jonescu Stanley Kurtz Jeffrey Folks Jake Neuman 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1020 1019 1019 1018 1018 1017 1017 1016 1016 1016 1016 1015 1015 1015 1013 1011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 Mark Steyn Tom Trinko Gary Horne Barry Rubin 2012 2012 2012 2012 1006 1006 1006 1005 CW.Sex CW.Am Peter Ferrara Anthony J. Ciani W.A. Beatty James Piereson Thomas Sowell 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1005 1003 1003 1003 1002 Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ d.Obama CW.I Econ Sci.ecol CW.E Benghazi Benghazi Econ d.Obama Sci.ecol Sci.ecol d.Obama H.Amer d.Obama Econ Benghazi Sci.ecol d.Obama V.polls Sci.Atom CW.Chr Econ Benghazi Media Econ Econ CW.Chr CW.I The world's most dynamic religion U.N. agency reassures: We just want to break the Internet, not take it over John Dewey Is a Fraud The New Left Fascists A Brief History of American Prosperity Is America exceptional? President Barack Obama's complete list of historic firsts Criminalizing the defamation of Islam Euthanasia for Obamacare President of the Future Mainstream media is threatening our country's future Why the Left hates the Laffer Curve An Economic Primer: Why Americans won't invest in themselves The 47% Solution: Yes, if you're poor, it really may be your fault Perpetuating Falsehoods If only we could go back to "failed policies" of Ronald Wilson Reagan Do Americans truly understand 'redistribution of wealth'? How 'religious defamation' laws would ban Islam Hate-filled passages. Climate Realism Why the Stimulus failed The Bee and the Lamb, Part 7 Wasted food, hungry kids: Michelle Obama's bill in action Reports of predictable nanny state chaos. Declining Fortunes: Home Thoughts from Within Signs of a civilization's demise. "Tax cuts for your love life" Obama's economic illiteracy. Every 5 minutes a Christian is killed… Why this election year America is Carmela Sopranfo Civil rights and the LGBT movement Both-And Watch that last step, it's a doozy Socialism moves best by stealth. Romney the giver Obama vs. Obama Mr. Transparency routinely circumvents the Constitution. Obama and religious war Misunderstanding 9/11 Why Dinesh D'Souza Is right about the source of Obama's rage The Poor Get Poorer: 3 character traits that undermine prosperity The Redistributor-in-Chief The Fallacy of Redistribution Romney's "secret video" and the Dem politics of "Squirrel!" Shocking! A US Presidential candidate tells some home truths! The case of Judith Butler: the anti-Semitism that defines today's Western Left Rich Man, Poor Man The Secret (Weapon) Romney Tapes Obama's Middle East Delusions Rarely has an international crisis been more predictable Islamists' Last Stand Sixteen reasons why Islam is not the Religion of Peace Sneaking Past Congress Obama vs. the First Amendment Tangled web of conflicting rights on display The Huguenin case demonstrates how advocates of tolerance become tyrannical. Disgrace in Benghazi The Obama Street Journal The President takes our name in vain to make a false tax claim. From Cairo to Cairo Christopher Stevens feeds the crocodile Obama: The Weak Horse Libya And Egypt: Obama's Jimmy Carter Moment The Global War Iran has Obama in a headlock Dennis Prager Larry Downes Bruce Deitrick Price Robert Spencer Guy Sorman Norman Podhoretz Doug Ross Amil Imani Jeffrey H. Anderson Mark Steyn Patrick Caddell Andrew A. Morgan David P. Goldman Kathy Shaidle Peter Ferrara 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 1002 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 0930 0930 0929 0929 0929 0929 0927 0927 0926 Virginia Prodan Raymond Ibrahim S. Fred Singer Arthur C. Brooks Takuan Seiyo Michael Richardson 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0926 0926 0926 0925 0925 0925 David Solway 2012 0924 Ross Kaminsky Byzanz David Swindle Fay Voshell Keith Riler Daren Jonescu John Podhoretz Thomas Sowell James Lewis Clifford D. May David P. Goldman Kathy Shaidle Jeffrey Lord Thomas Sowell Michelle Malkin Melanie Phillips Ron Radosh 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0924 0923 0923 0923 0923 0922 0922 0921 0921 0920 0920 0920 0920 0920 0919 0919 0910 Econ CW.I Jeffrey Folks Ross Kaminsky Victor Davis Hanson Steve McCann Ayaan Hirsi Ali James Arlandson New York Sun Andrew C. McCarthy George F. Will 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0919 0919 0917 0917 0917 0916 0915 0915 0915 Econ Econ Mark Steyn Wall Street Journal 2012 2012 0915 0914 Benghazi Econ Michael A. Walsh Daniel Greenfield J.T. Hatter 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0914 0914 0914 0914 0913 0913 Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Benghazi Investor's Business Daily Michael Ledeen James Lewis Media Acad Econ d.Obama CW.I Health Media Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.I Sci.ecol Econ CW.Sex CW.Chr Econ Benghazi d.Obama Econ Econ Econ CW.I CW.I Econ CW.Sex The American media Beclowned themselves yesterday A Black Flag Day for America Obama's drought of facts The results of radicalism in Chicago's education system Clinton Myths [His lies about the Crash of 2008] Depending on dependency Conservatives are more caring than liberals. The Second 9/11: Today will go down in infamy as the day our government became our enemy It's God's Fault Why Democrats hate the American middle class. You're a white male; he's a white male; everyone's a white male—but me Obama's Communist Party endorsement Corporate cronyism harms America Why there cannot be a decent Left: an answer to Richard Landes Socially acceptable hatred So Obama inherited a mess, did he? From whom? Money, twisted: caught in the Devil's bargain [as in Goethe's Faust] The Obama campaign's new false narrative Liberals' goal: improving society In top journal, ObamaCare boosters push 'global spending target' A Nation of Sandra Flukes Magical Millionaires' Money Decline and Fall: The Tragedy of Barack Obama Take, this, eggheads! False choices from a failed Messiah Cronyism's Costs Documenting corruption in the Obama administration. Obama and hard choices Marriage: America's greatest weapon against child poverty The confident ignorance of Barack Obama The terrifying New Normal Why blame Obama? The Pinocchio Press The bizarre rise of "fact checking" propagandists. Taking Down Taibbi [ignorant criticism of Romney's business history] Why mosques should be shut down The DNC's bold lies [about the Democrats' civil rights record] England's new totalitarian police force Dreaming up a new America: progressive education and the perversion of American democracy Credulous fact-checkers fall for 20% scam Media Madness, and the Reckoning Bill Nye the Pseudoscience Guy 'Top-Down' vs. 'Bottom-Up' The Death of the Left The Rich: taxes paid, polls, and reality Dog-whistling past the graveyard Only liberals can hear it. That's Racist! The Reckoning: CIA interrogation investigation closed without further charges Evil right-wingers turn to family, not government The Last Line of Defense: Property Address to the Republican National Convention Address to the Republican National Convention Address to the Republican National Convention Red-Baiting vs. Rand-Baiting Address to the Republican National Convention The Exact Opposite of Truth Golden Chains: 5 ways America's wealth undermines our character Media's one-sided coverage is clear evidence of bias The top ten reasons that you should support the "Gold Commission" A campaign of contempt and personal attacks On abortion, Obama is the Left's Akin Infanticide is infanticide. 1001 Pieces of Islamist Propaganda: fabricated exhibit comes to D.C. Regionalism: Spreading the Fiscal Irresponsibility [looting the suburbs] Obama's latest whopper: he created more jobs than Reagan! Erick Erickson Ross Kaminsky Patrick Michaels Greg Lewis John Stossel Thomas Sowell Zombie 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0913 0912 0912 0912 0912 0911 0911 Jeffrey Lord Victor Davis Hanson Daren Jonescu Charles G. Koch Ron Radosh James Lewis Jim Yardley Ralph Benko Rand Simberg Jim Gammon Paul Hsieh Mark Steyn Tom Trinko Michael Knox Beran Quin Hillyer Tom Blumer Jeffrey Carter Robert Rector Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Randall Hoven James Taranto Ross Kaminsky Martel Sobieski Jeffrey Lord Paul Weston L.E. Ikenga 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0911 0911 0910 0910 0919 0909 0909 0909 0909 0908 0908 0908 0908 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0906 0906 0906 0905 0905 0904 0904 0904 0904 0904 0904 0904 0903 0903 Mickey Kaus Clarice Feldman Terry L. Mirll Steve Conover Michael Ledeen W.A. Beatty Mark Steyn Michelle Malkin Andrew C. McCarthy 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0903 0902 0902 0902 0901 0901 0901 0831 0831 Media Media CW.Chr Econ Daren Jonescu Daren Jonescu Mitt Romney Marco Rubio Paul D. Ryan Jason Pappas Nikki Haley Robert Stacy McCain John Hawkins Michael Ramirez Charles Kadlec Janice Shaw Crouse Gregory Kane Pamela Geller Wendell Cox 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0831 0830 0830 0830 0829 0829 0828 0828 0828 0827 0827 0827 0827 0825 0824 0824 Econ Econ Investor's Business Daily Media Benghazi Sci.ecol Acad Econ Econ Benghazi CW.Am d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Econ Health Acad Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex d.Obama Econ Econ Media Media CW.I CW.Am CW.E Acad CW.Am CW.Am L.pris Media Econ Media Econ CW.Sex CW.I Econ Models, not climate, are hypersensitive to carbon dioxide When business and government are bedfellows Chains we can believe in The real problems with U.S. health care Re: Demand Letter to National Review [from Michael "hockey stick" Mann] Cost-Benefit Analysis It's cheaper to hassle the law-abiding than jihadis. The Case against Optimism "Issues" or America? Will the 2012 campaign get violent? [Leftist violence, ever since Rousseau] Israel's nuclear warning shot option Grading Obama's foreign policy Israel's options after America's foreign policy debacle (from Gatestone) Unleash the Mind Media pieties du jour: No facts need apply See no evil David Plouffe's influence-peddling. Obama's Gotta Go The Silence of the Pulpits The Man with No Plan Why doom has not materialized Obama and the Other Side of Imperialism The Washington, D.C. Bubble Obama's shared prosperity: a euphemism wrapped in a lie Obama's Educational Excellence Initiative The childishness of the American Left The ideology of the Left: Gnostics of Our Time Who Built America? Obama's Labor Theory of Value His Marxian underpinnings. Obama the great disabler Fight the fiat Papering over U.S. debts and trade imbalances will take more bills than we can print. A gut check on what Obama means by 'fairness' He receives preventive care his HHS bureaucrats deny Medicare patients. Liberals' secret weapon: Republicans who don't read [re Joseph McCarthy] The Romney Hood fairy tale The false analysis behind Obama's tax claims. Vengeance is ours The Hollow Republic The real 'stimulus' record It's a depressant—everywhere it's tried. The Bee and the Lamb, part 6 Growing up with two moms: the untold children's view Mitt Meets Mainstream Media Mindset No, YOU didn't build that! The Capital Strike Why Muslims must hate Jews Yes, culture does matter Burn down the suburbs? Obama's calculated deception 'You didn't build that' and the darkness of collective punishment Milton Friedman: an economics of love The man who saved capitalism Milton Friedman's centenary. Romney's truth-telling The truth: that culture matters. Sandusky abused children, NCAA abuses history New study shows half of the global warming in the USA is artificial Jerusalem speech on international policy Wile E. Coyote joins Obama campaign team Why capitalism has an image problem Small business success without government help And you thought the housing crisis was over! Wreck-It Barack Unscripted moments damage his carefully built image. Ezra Klein's 'facts' about guns and violence tell a slanted story Science and the Second Amendment Should we ban farm tools? Obama's Islamophilia Week (while he wages a culture war on Christians) Steven Milloy Luigi Zingales Ron Hart Trevor Thomas Bruce D. Brown Baron Bodissey John O'Sullivan Thomas Sowell Jeffrey Lord James Lewis Richard Butrick David P. Goldman George Gilder John O'Sullivan Phil Mushnick Niall Ferguson Bill Warner Mark Steyn George F. Will James Lewis Robert Tracinski Daren Jonescu Walter E. Williams Steve McCann David Solway Paul D. Ryan Ron Ross Mark Steyn Lewis E. Lehrman 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0824 0823 0823 0823 0822 0822 0822 0821 0821 0821 0821 0820 0820 0820 0819 0819 0819 0818 0817 0817 0816 0816 0815 0815 0814 0813 0813 0811 0810 Sci.ecol Econ David Catron 2012 0808 Health Ann Coulter Wall Street Journal William Voegeli Yuval Levin Arthur B. Laffer Takuan Seiyo Robert Oscar Lopez Steve McCann Ross Kaminsky James Lewis Nonie Darwish Michael Tanner Stanley Kurtz Peter Ferrara Oleg Atbashian Kevin D. Williamson Stephen Moore Rich Lowry Dennis Prager Anthony Watts Mitt Romney Clarice Feldman Charles Murray Jim Gammon William Tucker Matthew Continetti Howard Nemerov Jason Kissner Carol A. Taber George Neumayr 2012 0808 Bio 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0808 0808 0806 0806 0806 0806 0803 0803 0803 0803 0801 0801 0801 0731 0731 0731 0731 0731 0729 0729 0729 0728 Econ L.theory Econ Econ 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0728 0727 0727 0727 0727 0727 0726 Econ Econ d.Obama L.theory L.theory L.theory CW.I Health Sci.ecol CW.I Econ Media Media CW.C Sci.ecol Econ Econ Acad Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex Media Econ Econ H.Mid Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Acad Sci.ecol Econ Reality, What a Concept What everyone forgets when debating gun control The battle for ballot integrity in Pennsylvania Government did not build your business Human capital is essential. After Roanoke Address to the VFW National Convention Who really invented the Internet? It wasn't the federal government. Marriage: a social justice issue? Romney, 'Capitalist Pigs,' and Khrushchev The Duty of Self-Defense Where there are sheep, wolves will always thrive Only law-abiding armed citizens can prevent more Auroras Obama's house of cards The same policies that caused the Crash of 2008. You Didn't Build That Readings from the Book of Barack. The Vagabond at the Intersection: The Consequences of Pooled Burden With Extreme Prejudice How ABC News "investigates" a horrific crime. The three great scams of our time Truth replaced by narrative and myth. Black mobs' Knockout Game raising alarms The Marxist Heart of Darkness Infantilizing Leftist Morality The Ultimate Takedown of Obama's 'You didn't build that' speech How "You didn't build that" became "He didn't say that" Your guide to sleazy Democratic Party-backed banks Speech delivered at Irwin, Pennsylvania Is Obama ripping off the mask? Outsourcing Reality The Folly of Obama's Politics President Obama—Public Employee #1 IPCC admits its past reports were junk Football and Hockey [an issue in Michael Mann's fascist lawsuit] Europe's lessons for the U.S. America could still avoid the wreck ahead. The Trickle-Down Hoax Rights and Consequences Love Thy Neighbor? Team Obama: No, we won't apologize for falsely suggesting Romney's a felon Libs Say the Darndest Things A Leftist Media for Obama Is Obama a socialist? An answer to Milos Forman Why Long-Term Unemployment Has Doubled Under President Obama Obama weakens welfare reform (again) A second term will be terminal [incl. comparison of Reagan and Obama] The No. 33, and the surprisingly bipartisan art of repeal Speech to the NAACP convention Next on the Progressives' marriage agenda: polygamous nuptials The Norwegian 'Miracle' "Socialist" prosperity, all from North Sea oil. Chief Justice Neville Chamberlain Appeasing Statism Obama and Romney: Character Shows [also in Bio.Romney] The death throes of free speech in Europe Tuning out a president [Obama; also GWB, Ford, Carter, et al.] This is what Pseudoscience looks like The Color of Your Character Liberals' racial answer Obama-criticism. Why U.S. economic policy is paralyzed Roberts Among the Houyhnhnms Obama vs. Romney: The Kitty Genovese Test Abortion, the economy, and the 2012 election What hath Roberts wrought? [Refuting John Roberts' admirers] Promises, Promises Barack Obama has an accountability problem. The Obama Derecho The damage will be lasting. Armchairism What Romney needs to say about Romneycare Ed Driscoll Selwyn Duke John Hinderaker Ronald Bailey Paul D. Ryan Mitt Romney Gordon Crovitz LaShawn Barber Ion Mihai Pacepa Jed Babbin Michael Filozof Tammy Bruce Paul Sperry Iowahawk Charles Adam Floyd James Taranto David Solway Colin Flaherty Bruce Walker Daren Jonescu Zombie Tim Cavanaugh Michelle Malkin Mitt Romney James Lewis Brandon Crocker Christopher Chantrill William Tucker Joseph L. Bast Mark Steyn John Campbell Richard Butrick Jim Yardley Gil Dominguez Guy Benson 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0726 0726 0725 0725 0724 0724 0723 0723 0723 0723 0723 0722 0722 0721 0721 0720 0720 0719 0719 0719 0718 0718 0718 0717 0717 0717 0717 0717 0716 0715 0715 0715 0715 0714 0713 James Lewis Jeffrey Folks Ron Radosh Jim Powell Mickey Kaus Peter Ferrara Mary Katharine Ham Mitt Romney Lee Cary Randall Hoven Jeffrey Lord Karin McQuillan Elisabeth SabaditschWolff Victor Davis Hanson Rand Simberg Ross Kaminsky Robert Samuelson Edward H. Stewart Jr. James Lewis Michael O'Halloran Lester Jackson Peter Wehner Matthew Continetti Mike Razar Mona Charen 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0713 0713 0712 0712 0711 0711 0711 0711 0710 0710 0710 0709 0709 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0709 0709 0709 0709 0709 0708 0708 0707 0707 0706 0706 0706 L.theory Voting Econ Econ Media CW.Sex Econ L.theory L.theory L.theory Econ Econ Econ Media CW.Am Econ Econ Econ Econ d.Var Econ d.Obama Econ Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ Econ L.theory Econ Bio Media d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Health CW.Am CW.Sex Health d.Obama CW.E Sci.ecol CW.A Econ Health CW.Sex Health Econ Econ Econ Health Romania's 20-year nightmare: unraveling socialized health care Full list of ObamaCare tax hikes Listed by size of tax hike The Vast Left-Wing Wonk Machine How statists are getting away with it Imperial incompetence [L.theory, CW.Am, CW.Chr, Health] ObamaCare's lost tribe: Doctors AP 'analysis' fails to recognize the Declaration-Constitution linkage Joan Walsh on GOP: 'white older base that doesn't quite understand the way healthcare works' Lamenting the lost legacy of Independence Day What global warming looks like (?) Judicial Betrayal ObamaCare's hideous history, recounted Why so many people think Obama is a Muslim The Obama Foreign Policy Bad, Bad Republicans Obama and The Wealth of Nations A vast new taxing power Far from the check on Congress of right-left myth. The flip that will flop? Universal Mediocrity Why do Britons like the sub-par NHS? Waving, not drowning Our task is now less political than cultural. Economic lessons from American history No more quick fixes The economy needs rules, not discretionary policies. Dodd-Frank's protection racket Racing into Oblivion Why I said goodbye to NASCAR. Justice Roberts pleads: 'Lie to me' About those Jews The Western media's dilemma that isn't. Obama's victory speech translated The healthcare myths we must confront No, It's Not a Tax [a major passage from their ObamaCare dissent] Chief Justice Roberts's Folly The Road to Hell Liberals' good intentions create misery. Congress Would hate to lose its tax-code toys Equal 'Access' to Success? Robert Fisk demonizes Mideast's persecuted Christians Middle fingers at the White House The Ghosts of Liberal Pieties Their false memories of historical heroes. The Fairness Card Waking from the Democratic Dream Arabs' "power-challenge dialectic" Lying liars and the 'furious' lies they tell [the "Wide Receiver" canard] Egypt: a Muslim Brotherhood president doesn't prove we're all 'chimps' Obama the first Invented-American president After ObamaCare President Obama's perfect plan for the economic decline of America The Trouble with Multiculturalism The Thatcher Line and Obamanomics Catholic nuns: An idea whose time has gone? Why don't they just leave? Pretend Democracy in Egypt The bias and dishonesty of Wikipedia [re Fjordman and the Breivik case] A Nation of Paper, Not of Men Through the Looking Glass [Fisking Der Spiegel and other MSMoonbats] End U.S. student loans, don't make them cheaper The World Economy Beast is beyond your control, George Osborne Obama's economic fictions are unraveling IPAB, ObamaCare's super-legislature Perpetual Peace: accepting the yoke without a struggle Obama's presidency and the pathologies of Progressivism President Obama: the biggest government spender in world history Ion Mihai Pacepa Americans for Tax Reform Randall Hoven Randall Hoven Charles Krauthammer Daniel Henninger Tom Blumer Noel Sheppard 2012 2012 0706 0706 Health Health 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0706 0705 0705 0705 0704 0704 Health L.theory Health L.theory Media Bill Frezza Judith Curry Thomas Sowell Quin Hillyer Pamela Geller Victor Davis Hanson James Piereson Michael Boskin Wall Street Journal John Fund Theodore Dalrymple Roger Scruton John Steele Gordon Guy Sorman Nicole Gelinas Mark Stuertz C. Edmund Wright Caroline Glick John Stossel Clifford Asness Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy & Antonin Scalia National Review Robin of Berkeley Caroline Baum Thomas Sowell Raymond Ibrahim Dennis Prager Christopher Chantrill Cindy Simpson Robert W. Merry Joseph Curl Barry Rubin Mark Steyn Milton R. Wolf Peter Ferrara Clifford D. May Robert Tracinski Kathy Shaidle David Warren Fjordman 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0704 0703 0703 0703 0703 0703 0702 0702 0702 0702 0701 0701 0701 0701 0701 0701 0629 0629 0629 0629 0628 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0628 0628 0627 0627 0626 0626 0625 0625 0625 0624 0625 0623 0622 0621 0621 0621 0621 0620 0619 0618 0617 0617 0617 0615 0615 2012 2012 2012 0615 0614 0614 Andrew C. McCarthy Takuan Seiyo Richard Vedder Janet Daley Robert Tracinski Michael F. Cannon & Diane Cohen Daren Jonescu Bruce Thornton Peter Ferrara Sci.ecol Health Health d.Obama Econ Health Health Health H.Amer Econ Econ Sci.ecol Health Media Health Health Health Health Econ Econ Media H.Amer Econ CW.Am d.Obama Health Econ CW.Can Econ CW.Chr Media CW.Am Econ Econ Econ Health Econ It's not a Welfare State, it's a Special Interest State Not so fast, Jeb Bush Ex-Florida guv rewrites history of Reagan and Dad. The Obfuscation Factor [Why can't people stand up to Muslims?] The grim logic of 'fairness' Create Wealth, Not Jobs Socialist or Fascist? Science demands Big Government [Have we "evolved to need coercion"?] The NCAA Political Correctness Witch Hunt [but Fightin' Whities OK] The most pathogenic Media in history The Liberal Super Nova The Private Sector is not fine, the Public Sector is still fat Latest in Leak Farce: the 'Special Counsel' folly Subprime college educations Obama's first post-Wisconsin fundraiser "memejacked" by S.F. Tea Party Government Unions Lose [and some recommendations for new procedures] What Liberals really respect Obama's Third-Party History [member of the New Party since 1997] How the Left spins the Walker victory The Socialist Mask of Marxism Promises, Promises When Democrats confuse Statism with Community Progressive education's war on knowledge Spain is in 'total emergency', the EU in total denial U.S., Europe on different paths to same place Future tense, X: The fourth revolution Why we don't 'owe it to ourselves' The national debt, that is. Government pays for children to walk home from school Blue Jeane [Political Woman, Peter Collier's bio of Jeane Kirkpatrick] Future tense, XI: The lessons of culture Academic Tenure, or Trickle-Down Entitlement Theory If Obama doesn't understand European history he can't get America's future history right Plenty of Nutting Too Big for Comfort [Break up the giant banks] Not worth the debt [College loans] A Response to Political Rumors [Big BHO backer leaves Democrat Party.] Thoughts on the Rhine Who cares about Wright the second time around? Replacing ObamaCare The Party of Civil Rights follow-up: link Bigger than Facebook [Coursera instead of college] Obama's Land of the LOST Ready, Fire, Aim Team Obama's reputation is vastly overrated. Please, Please, Please Call Me a Racist™ Newton (MA) saves money by going green. Sort of. Not really. Forget Bain — Obama's public-equity record is the real scandal Fun & games with Mainstream Media numbers [refuting Rex Nutting et al.] The World Wildlife Fund targets humanity The end of women's rights in America? The call for a Global Tax Big lies in politics How Change Happens Rational people fear big government, not big business The Party of Civil Rights The Mandate War California Dreamin': A Nightmare of Collapse [The library boondoggle] Our Age of Anxiety Who is Barack Obama? The question that won't go away The Vanishing Feeling of Freedom Demographic tipping point: Whites now less than half of US births High Noon in Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker hangs tough. James V. DeLong Jeffrey Lord Jonathan David Carson Mitch Smith David Harsanyi Thomas Sowell Dennis Prager Mark Hyman James Lewis Victor Davis Hanson Tom Blumer Andrew C. McCarthy George F. Will Zombie Deroy Murdock Selwyn Duke Stanley Kurtz Ron Radosh Ion Mihai Pacepa Charles Kesler Ed Kaitz Bruce Deitrick Price Janet Daley Mark Steyn James Piereson William Tucker Josiah Cantrall John Bolton Roger Kimball Daren Jonescu Barry Rubin Peter Ferrara James Pethokoukis Glenn Reynolds Artur Davis Victor Davis Hanson Karin McQuillan Anthony J. Ciani Kevin D. Williamson Robert Tracinski Michelle Malkin Matthew Continetti Robert Wargas Peter Wilson Marc Thiessen Randall Hoven Robert Zubrin Fay Voshell Jacob Mchangama & Aaron Rhodes Thomas Sowell David Brooks Dennis Prager Kevin D. Williamson George Weigel Jim Mahoney Yuval Levin Roger Kimball Daren Jonescu Selwyn Duke Stephen F. Hayes 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2102 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0614 0614 0614 0613 0613 0612 0612 0612 0611 0611 0611 0609 0608 0609 0608 0607 0607 0606 0604 0603 0603 0603 0602 0602 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0531 0531 Econ 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0530 0529 0529 0529 0528 0527 0526 0521 0525 0525 0525 0525 0525 0524 0524 0523 0523 0522 Econ Econ Acad 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0522 0522 0522 0521 0521 0521 0520 0519 0519 0519 0518 Econ Econ CW.I Econ Econ Econ CW.Am Media Acad d.Unions d.Obama d.Unions Econ Econ Acad Econ Econ Econ Econ Acad Bio Acad CW.Am d.Obama Health CW.Am Acad CW.Am Sci.ecol Econ Sci.ecol CW.Sex d.UN H.Amer CW.Chr Econ Econ d.Obama CW.Am d.Unions Drop George Zimmerman's murder charge The Death of the Hockey Stick? [an issue in Michael Mann's fascist lawsuit] The dishonest Democrat narrative: Jennifer Granholm Is there a drone in your backyard? Globally warmed over: hatred unmasked at last [contra James Hansen] Obama and the Marxist/Communist view of marriage and abortion Obama by the Numbers Obama and GM cook the books Magic Accounting The Spirit of Geert Wilders Obama, Clinton, Carter: a tradition of appeasement Does the Gay Agenda supersede the Human Agenda? Modern Gnosticism and the Family as Contract Western Sharia The Advocates of Silence [Axel Springer Honorary Prize speech] In search of the dreaded Austerity America and the value of 'Earned Success' The Academic Mob Rules The New Holocaust Deniers Higher Education Theatre of the Absurd Bernard Lewis' stubborn hope [his memoir Notes on a Century] Some advice from Machiavelli about China Ready for the battle in November? Restore the Law's FOCUS The Lacey Act is transnationalist tyranny. High Court Humpty Dumptys For them, the Constitution is easy to amend. Bill Moyers sees a ghost Still in denial about the Venona evidence. Compulsory Blindness Aggregates and averages, individuality and interventionists Generalissimo Obama Ignore the Income Gap Paul Ryan outclasses my profs The Permit Plague Obama campaign: Women are helpless [Fisking the deceitful "Julia" meme] A complete list of things caused by global warming Trayvon and Zimmerman: the structure and elements of a disinformation campaign Romney's practical vision vs. Obama's left-wing extremism The immorality of Obamanomics Lincoln's vision exceeded the Civil War battlefield Keeping nature exactly as is ... forever How I learned not to deny climate change Philistinism and Failure Our rejection of refined culture and philosophy. The Road from Serfdom Let workers choose: the New Deal, or a better deal? Austerity, and the failure of the governing elite Big &#%!ing Joker Why Islam is the largest threat to Freedom The path to bin Laden's death didn't start with Obama Obama's Nakba Lessons from Byzantium Sitting out Obama Obama's senior swindle Arizona v. United States: reading the tea leaves of oral argument Fairness, Taxes, GPA, and Redistribution What we should have learned While Syria Burns The ADL must be stopped [The Anti-Defamation League, nominally a Jewish group, supports CAIR and other Muslim fascists.] 8 Reasons why today's Occupiers are tomorrow's Tea Partiers "Crucify them:" It's the Obama Way. A Bush League President Alan Dershowitz Rand Simberg James G. Long Andrew Napolitano Daren Jonescu Paul Kengor Roger Kimball John Lott William Voegeli Mark Steyn Ion Mihai Pacepa Kevin Jackson Keith Riler Andrew C. McCarthy Ayaan Hirsi Ali Randall Hoven Arthur C. Brooks Naomi Schaefer Riley Robert Zubrin Robert Oscar Lopez David P. Goldman David P. Goldman Arthur C. Brooks Paul J. Larkin Jr. Lester Jackson Bernie Reeves Andrew C. McCarthy Stephen Mauzy Matthew Continetti Deroy Murdock Quin Hillyer Gary Hull Dana Loesch John Brignell Scott Swett 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0518 0517 0517 0517 0516 0516 0516 0516 0514 0514 0513 0514 0513 0512 0511 0511 0509 0509 0510 0509 0509 0508 0507 0507 0506 0506 0505 0505 0504 0504 0504 0504 0503 0503 0503 CW.Am Sci.ecol Econ L.theory Sci.ecol CW.Sex Econ Econ CW.E Peter Ferrara Peter Ferrara Bucky Fox John Stossel Robert Tracinski David P. Goldman Stephen Moore & Peter Ferrara Charles Kadlec Jonah Goldberg Geert Wilders Jose A. Rodriguez Jr James Lewis Michael Auslin Victor Davis Hanson Jeffrey H. Anderson Herbert W. Titus & William J. Olson W.A. Beatty Heather Mac Donald 2012 2012 2015 2012 2012 2012 2012 0503 0502 0502 0502 0501 0501 0501 Econ Econ Bio Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.Am Econ 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0501 0430 0430 0430 0430 0430 0430 0429 0429 Econ d.Biden CW.I 2012 2012 2012 2012 0428 0427 0427 0427 Econ CW.Am 2012 2012 2012 0427 0427 0426 Charles Krauthammer Charles Jacobs & Ilya Feoktistov Walter Hudson Michelle Malkin Peggy Noonan CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.I CW.E Econ Acad Sci.ecol Acad H.Mid Econ L.theory L.theory CW.I Econ d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Health Sci.ecol CW.Am H.World Econ Health CW.Am CW.I Sci.ecol d.Obama The Tyranny of Clichés: What does 'social justice' mean? Obama's dangerous, futile Anti-Bullying crusade Devious taxation The Savage Lands of Islam Book Review: Did Muhammad Exist?, by Robert Spencer Can the Humanities be saved? China's Achilles heel A deep flaw in China's model of growth. Earth Day's dark side Guardians of Earth, persecutors of humankind. The EPA's faulty science can be stopped The Inequality Obsession Mr. President, it's All of the Above Obama's Smart Diplomacy Disaster Obama's Falklands gaffe could start a war [And his abysmal ignorance of geography is not confined to the South Atlantic.] The Democrats' Biggest Lie [That the GOP wants to ban contraception] Why racism and conservatism don't mix If I Were Black [contra Al Sharpton] America's Most Indecent Race Mongers Stalked by Stupidity Government isn't the creator of rights Buying 'Buffett Rule' makes you a fool Obama's misleading Reagan reference This is falsehood at its worst. Where's the 'Probable Cause'? The affidavit in the Zimmerman case. Race, IQ, and Derbyshire's kids "Teaching as a Subversive Activity": The theory of political indoctrination A strategy to stop EPA science abuse Poisoning the Kids Not a 'license to murder' Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctrine laws. Threats to Life Defining death down for the organ-transplant industry. Jeremy Shakun's Nature article debunked: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Media dishonesty and race hustlers [What black-on-white crime?] If it can happen Down Under Aussie pols propose draconian media control. Slow jobs growth underscores Obamanomics' failure Largesse for Losers [incl. 4 great zingers] The Fiscal Consequences of the Affordable Care Act Race, Republicans, and Democrats [a historical survey] Still the least racist country in the world The story unravels: new questions about Trayvon Martin's final hour Textbooks Behaving Badly Why we need Voter-ID laws now Working longer for government's sake Obama funds the Egyptian government [run by the Muslim Brotherhood] How sturdy is the Obama Narrative that 'keeps us silent'? [Birther issues] Face it: Liberals just aren't very funny Paul Krugman's history problem [US national debt: past, present, future] Paul Krugman proves he doesn't understand scarcity The Real Causes of Income Inequality Democrats responsible for black culture of anger 'Anti-fascists' in proxy war for Islam The Positivist President? Privatizing marriage is unjust to children A Crisis of Civilization [Despair and chaos, or a great burst of affluence?] Obama's unilateral nuclear disarmament Silent Scream: The Sudan ethnically cleanses its Christians Obama's America Violence and family breakdown Argument from disparity Holder's Revenge The Endless Spending Spree Instead of raising taxes, let's try capitalism. Jonah Goldberg Robert Weissberg Walter E. Williams Daniel Greenfield Zombie Janice Fiamengo The Economist Robert Zubrin John Dale Dunn & Steven Milloy Holman Jenkins Christopher Chantrill Victor Volsky Bryan Preston 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0426 0426 0425 0424 0423 0422 0421 0420 0419 2012 2012 2012 2012 0418 0417 0417 0416 Media Larrey Anderson Andrew Klavan Eileen F. Toplansky Harry Stein Roger Kimball Anthony W. Hager Mark Steyn Lawrence Kudlow John Lott Daren Jonescu Zombie John Dale Dunn & Steven Milloy Robert T. Smith National Review Conrad Black Willis Eschenbach Walter E. Williams Hal G.P. Colebatch 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0416 0416 0416 0416 0415 0414 0414 0413 0413 0412 0412 0412 CW.Sex CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Media 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0412 0412 0412 0411 0411 0410 0410 0410 0410 0410 0410 0409 0409 0409 0407 0407 0407 0406 0406 0406 0406 Sci.ecol L.theory CW.Sex Sci.ecol Media Media Econ Eco Health CWAm CWAm CW.Am Acad Voting Econ 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0405 0405 0405 0404 0404 0404 0404 0403 0403 0403 0402 0402 CW.Am CW.Eur L.theory CW.Sex Econ d.Obama CW.I Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Econ Investor's Business Daily Thomas Sowell Charles Blahous Bruce Walker Dennis Prager Jeff Lipkes Ed Kaitz John Fund Mark Landsbaum Andrew C. McCarthy Monte Kuligowski Frank J. Fleming Jon N. Hall James E. Miller Phil Gramm & Steve McMillin Lloyd Marcus Henrik R. Clausen Robert Harkins Jennifer Roback Morse Walter Russell Mead Peter Ferrara Rob Miller Yuval Levin Mona Charen Thomas Sowell John T. Bennett James Grant Acad Econ CW.I H.Mid Acad CW.Sex Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ Econ CW.Am CW.Am Acad Sci.ecol d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Enter totalitarian democracy On making law in the modern world. The coming cultural disintegration Redistricting Wars The hidden story of the 2012 elections. Apocalyptic Daze Secular elites prophesy a doomsday without redemption. The 'Big Lie' Defense The Second-Rate City? Chicago's swift, surprising decline. A Crisis of Competence: the corrupting effect of political activism in the University of California Charles Geshekter, Peter Wood, Stephen Balch Statism goes to Court The values of Pericles Swingin' Kennedy Murders that don't count Where's an open mic when we really need it? The 'flexibility' doctrine Injustice System The cynicism of plea-bargaining instead of actual trials. ObamaCare proves hard to defend The health care disaster and the miseries of Blue The gas price kerfuffle The many factors that determine gasoline prices. The Left resumes its War on History European dignity, American rights The death penalty. Ben Bernanke's shocking gold standard ignorance The plot to get Rush Who is Angelo Carusone? Peter Beinart's false prophecy The Crisis of Zionism is sloppy and contrived. Police: Zimmerman says Trayvon decked him with one blow then began hammering his head Turner to Obama: What flexibility? [Promise to Medvedev heard on mic] The 'clean energy' stalking horse Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? [Zunli Lu, ikaite] The Constitution vs. ObamaCare The Empathizer-in-Chief needs to do some serious soul-searching Why manipulate the tragedy of Trayvon Martin? The Decline of Literate Thought A culture in the throes of dissolution. Peace, They Say [a review of Jay Nordlinger's book on Nobel Peace Prize] Leftist textbooks and World War I Great insights from statistical analysis The Supreme Court and the Winn decision: a win for the Constitution Gradual insolvency about to speed up [see Stephen Green, March 24] What if Trayvon had been white, and the shooter black? ObamaCare's contract problem Minimum Wage: $100 per hour? Pity the liberal mugger Democrats and teacher tenure The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Memory Hole Why is observing Obama as a Marxist Verboten? Extremism in the defense of big government (Sackett v EPA) Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency Your Wednesday morning dose of doom and gloom [see Steyn, March 24] Austerity or Stimulus? What we need is growth The inexorable march of creative destruction ObamaCare, two years later Barack Obama, Euro-socialism, and the 2012 Election Obama Admin embraces Critical Race Theory to fundamentally transform a nation of cowards Race and Rhetoric Last hope for the Left [The "WEIRD" worldview is losing its grip] Mr. President, when should I expect your call? Desperately tweaking trade policy [The futility of government meddling] Pop Quiz for College Students The Liberal assault on Liberalism Who's Obama sneering at? Obama flubs U.S. History—again Is Liberalism Immoral? Arthur C. Brooks's The Road to Freedom 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 L.theory CW.Sex Voting Sci.ecol Econ Econ Acad 0331 0331 0331 0330 0330 0329 0329 0329 0329 0328 0328 0327 0327 0327 0326 0326 Health Gary Horne Mark Steyn Rich Lowry Martin Peretz Charles Krauthammer Conrad Black Kevin O'Brien Walter Russell Mead S. Fred Singer Samuel Gregg John O'Sullivan Louis Woodhill Jeffrey Lord Bret Stephens Rene Stutzman 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 Bill Gertz Robert Bryce Ted Thornhill National Review Lauri B. Regan Heather Mac Donald David Solway Andrew Roberts E. Jeffrey Ludwig Tom Maguire Edward H. Stewart Jr. Mark Steyn Michael Filozof George F. Will Deroy Murdock Ross Kaminsky Mona Charen Ed Driscoll Bill Flax Ammon Simon U.S. Supreme Court Stephen Green John H. Cochrane George F. Will Michael Tanner Steve McCann Bryan Preston 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0326 0326 0326 0326 0326 0325 0325 0323 0325 0322 0324 0324 0324 0323 0323 0323 0323 0322 0322 0322 0321 0321 0321 0321 0321 0320 0320 d.Obama Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Health CW.Am CW.Am Acad Thomas Sowell David Goodhart Bristol Palin George F. Will Eileen F. Toplansky Victor Davis Hanson Mark Steyn Carl M. Cannon Mona Charen 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0320 0319 0318 0318 0318 0317 0317 0316 0316 CW.Am Andrew C. McCarthy William Tucker Steven Malanga Pascal Bruckner Peter J. Wallison Aaron M. Renn John Ellis et al. Andrew C. McCarthy Health CW.Am d.Obama d.Obama L.theory Health Health Sci.ecol L.theory Econ Media CW.Am Acad Sci.ecol CW.Chr Econ CW.Am Health Econ Econ d.Unions d.Var d.Obama L.theory L.theory Econ Econ Econ Health Econ Acad CW.Chr Econ Health d.Obama d.Obama Econ NBC News 'punk faggot' scandal erupts Republicans: Black America's True Friends The Unaffordable Care Act Young Obama at Harvard: 'transform' 'mean-spirited' America If Obama's past isn't a concern, why cover it up? Fluke and the Fall of Feminism No Compromise Complex societies need simple laws For whom their hearts bleed: the odd sympathies of liberal Justices The tyranny of the UN Collective Vanderbilt's right to despise Christianity What does Mitt Romney really think? [about health care] Why Israel is the victim and why there is no peace in the Middle East (video here) The Real War on Women How the Left moved into Religion Saving Soledad: CNN writes selective history of Derrick Bell The Fluke Charade Monckton's Schenectady showdown Critics of Rush Limbaugh ignore Bill Maher, Matt Taibbi misogyny The Top 10 Lies of HBO's Game Change The real photo-ID civil-rights issue Mandatory contraception The Devil & Daniel Brenner Religious rights are minority rights. The Not-So-Bitter Pill Big Oil and tax breaks Was boy in K.C. fire attack a victim of his school's racist teaching? Sandra Fluke isn't a slut, but she's a nasty piece of work Lies about rape. Obama's waiver for Bill Maher Obama and the 'Gravity of War' The Bee and the Lamb, part 5 Barack Obama, Caudillo James Q. Wilson's life-saving work [helped reverse anti-punishment trend] The true meaning of Slutgate Birth control agitprop Forced to pay for someone else's birth control. A genius for subject-changing Sandra Fluke, Gender Reassignment, and Health Insurance Limbaugh vs. Party of Subsidized Sin A bad law on life support [The ineffective, ill-considered VAWA] The next Black Swan [A history of oil-price shocks, 1956-2005] The Vetting, Part I: Barack's love song to Alinsky The Apology-Gotcha Game Fisking Obama's AIPAC Speech The HHS Mandate and School Prayer From a Plea for Choice to a Roar of Entitlement The Bell Tolls for Breitbart GOP: Dems 'played games' over Sandra Fluke Andrew Breitbart and Liberal America A Liberal vs. Multiculturalism: an interview with Salim Mansur Energy will be Obama's Waterloo Oh, those faculty-lounge policies! Blunting the Facts Dems don't dare to accurately describe their positions. Obama campaign lying about contraception mandates Diversity Studies on steroids at Tufts University Infanticide on Demand Socialism without guns Greeks sold their freedom for a mess of pottage. Geithner and the 'privilege' of being American Obama's union speech a "load of you-know-what" A Guide to the Liberal Mind Climate deniers are giving us skeptics a bad name The Work Ethic and U.S. Unemployment Jeffrey Lord Lloyd Marcus Deroy Murdock Bryan Preston Investors Bus. Daily Fay Voshell George Weigel John Stossel Lester Jackson Claudia Rosett Michael Paulsen Paul A. Rahe David Horowitz 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0316 0316 0316 0315 0315 0315 0314 0314 0314 0314 0314 0313 0312 Media CW.Am Health d.Obama Karl Spence Mary Nicholas John Nolte Mark Steyn 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0312 0311 0310 0310 0310 L.theory CW.Chr Media CW.Chr Sci.ecol 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0309 0309 0309 0308 0308 0308 0308 0307 0307 0307 0307 0307 0307 0306 0306 0306 0306 0306 0305 0305 0305 0305 0304 0304 0304 0304 0304 0303 0303 0302 Media Media Voting Health CW.Chr CW.Chr Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.Chr CW.Chr 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0302 0302 0301 0302 0301 0301 0229 0229 0229 0229 0228 Sci.ecol CW.Chr CW.Chr Acad CW.Sex Econ Econ d.Unions Christopher Monckton & Justin Pulliam Kirsten Powers Stacy Drake Deroy Murdock Marc Siegel Mario Loyola Charles C. W. Cooke Randall Hoven Selwyn Duke Tina Aaron Goldstein Ed Lasky Takuan Seiyo Mark W. Hendrickson Thomas Sowell Andrew Klavan Jonah Goldberg Mona Charen Steven Gutowski George Neumayr Janice Shaw Crouse Doug Kass Andrew Breitbart Ned Barnett Ed Lasky Tom Trinko Debra Saunders Clarice Feldman Byron York Lauri B. Regan Phyllis Chesler & Salim Mansur William Tucker Wall Street Journal Timothy P. Carney Peter Wilson Fay Voshell Larrey Anderson Lawrence B. Lindsey David Harsanyi Victor Volsky S. Fred Singer Robert Weissberg d.Obama CW.Sex CW.Chr L.theory L.theory d.UN Acad Health H.Mid Bio CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.Sex Sci.ecol d.Obama Media CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.Chr CW.Chr Bio CW.I Sci.ecol Econ What kids now learn in college Obama's theology The shambles in United Church of Christ—and America. In Defense of Bailout Inconsistency The money supply affects everyone. President Obama's theology: is it phony? Never met a tax he didn't like The defining trait of Obama's presidency. Halftime in Detroit We'll be paying for the auto bailouts for decades to come. The Perversion of Rights The poison in our polity Two Americas indeed 'Stupid' and oil prices Obama's Forrest Gump analysis. An unequal and opposite reaction Transforming Britain into Lebanon Fakegate: global warmists try to hide their decline [and libel Heartland] Satan and Santorum Perspective from Reagan's Evil Empire speech. Gasoline prices are not rising, the dollar is falling Sharon Jasper: Obama's vision for America Gleick's 'integrity' [libeling the Heartland Institute] Concerned scientists reply on global warming incl. Lindzen, Tennekes Armor chinks, niggardly sums and retarded growth…Political Correctness controls the dictionary Greek ruins, American-style The Catholic betrayal of religious freedom Reversing Obama's 'soft despotism' The super PAC confusion Goodnight Sunshine Germany is cutting inefficient solar-power subsidies. Are Conservatives with Ginsburg or the Founders on the Constitution? Why Multiculturalism Is Racism How can benefits be mandatory? Taxing medical progress to death Rationing our rights American politics in one easy lesson School lunches and tyranny Overreach: ObamaCare vs. the Constitution Contraception, churches, and the Left's phony argument Never trust government numbers Supreme Court should take on New York City's rent control laws Birth-control mandate: unconstitutional and illegal The Bee and the Lamb, Part 4 Are libs smarter? The Audacity of Power: President Obama vs. the Catholic Church Viability for Me, but Not for Thee Here comes Obama's magic budget Obama budget again skips making hard choices Immaculate Contraception Making the birth-control mandate worse. Bigoted Barack, red in tooth and clause Access This [getting something for free at taxpayer expense] The ObamaCare decree isn't merely an affront to religious liberty The Galileo of global warming [Henrik Svensmark] Losing our religion [multiculturalism] Understanding unemployment statistics How to win the marriage debate A Fairness Quiz for the President Liberals and the Constitution Why does President Obama dislike freedom of conscience? Who's progressive in Wisconsin The fallout from Christian Legal Society [campus group membership rules] The global war on Christians in the Muslim world Like your freedom? Thank a church. Dennis Prager Jeffrey Lord Brandon Crocker Adam G. Mersereau Fred Barnes Wall Street Journal Mark Steyn Mark W. Hendrickson Michael Graham Wall Street Journal Baron Bodissey Paul Weston Robert Tracinski Paul Kengor Louis R. Woodhill Lloyd Marcus Judith Curry 16 noted scientists Tommy De Seno 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0228 0228 0227 2226 0226 0225 0225 0225 0224 0224 0224 0223 0223 0222 0222 0222 0221 0221 0221 Acad CW.Chr Econ CW.Chr Econ Econ Jeffrey T. Kuhner George Weigel Michael Barone & Alexis de Tocqueville Robert Samuelson Bjorn Lomborg Selwyn Duke Phyllis Chesler & Salim Mansur Quin Hillyer Michelle Malkin J. Kenneth Blackwell & Robert Morrison Michael Bargo Jr. Lee A. Heilig 2012 2012 2012 0220 0220 0220 Econ CW.Chr 2012 2012 2012 2012 0219 0218 0218 0217 L.theory Sci.ecol L.theory CW.Can 2012 2012 2012 0217 0217 0217 Health Health CW.Chr 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0217 0216 0216 0216 0215 0215 0215 Econ 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0215 0214 0213 0212 0212 0211 0211 0210 0210 0210 0210 0209 0208 0208 0207 0207 0206 0206 0206 0206 0205 Charles Krauthammer J. Robert Smith John Stossel George F. Will David B. Rivkin Jr. & Edward Whelan Takuan Seiyo Jeffrey Folks Charles Kadlec Keith Riler Joseph Curl John Barrasso Wall Street Journal George Neumayr Ross Kaminsky Jeffrey H. Anderson Robert Tracinski Baron Bodissey Chris W. Bell Selwyn Duke Stephen Moore Steven F. Hayward Doug Bandow Charles Lane Robert Shibley Ayaan Hirsi Ali Andrew Klavan Econ Econ Sci.ecol CW.E CW.E Sci.ecol CW.Chr Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Health CW.Chr Econ L.theory CW.Chr CW.Chr Health Econ Econ Health Health Health Health Sci.ecol CW.Am Econ CW.Sex Econ CW.Chr d.Unions Acad CW.I CW.Chr The lessons of the fall of communism have still not been learnt Über Alles after all Europe's German future. The Left's genocide of minorities esp. Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood Record 1.2 million people fall out of labor force in one month… His abominations accelerate The Occupier of the Oval Office. Wind Energy, Noise Pollution Romney vs. ObamaCare Bad federal laws doom states' attempts at reform. Janet Daley Christopher Caldwell Mary Nicholas Tyler Durden Quin Hillyer Robert Bryce Yuval Levin & Ramesh Ponnuru 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0205 0205 0205 0203 0203 0202 0202 Econ Econ CW.Sex d.Obama Sci.ecol Health Socialists on ice The rise and fall of socialism. Inoculating against religious freedom The State ruling the Church [ObamaCare's abortion mandate] Are Big Media covering up Fast and Furious? Another Black History Month: the Left's favorite time of the year The coming of the new Ice Age: end of the Global Warming era? Obama's seizure and Truman's [Health industry, steel industry] MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell gets his facts wrong [GOP and civil rights] Lessons from Haditha's quiet denouement No honour in 'cold-blooded, shameless' murder of Shafia girls What we do not want to hear anymore [Dem economic, cultural clichés] Forget global warming — it's Cycle 25 we need to worry about Palestine, Back to the Future The Palestinian narrative of victimhood Austrian justice denigrates itself The State of Our Union is Broke Reuters busted on Rubio hit piece CDC study on sexual violence in the U.S. overstates the problem No need to panic about Global Warming incl. Lindzen and Tennekes If the economy is improving…. Political correctness; when dogmatism replaces reality The Marxist mission to destroy Ayaan Hirsi Ali Deborah Scroggins' libel. Obama's new shame police Re-elect Obama: Vote Newt! [Romney's the most conservative in the race.] You're right Mr. President, we need more 'fairness' SOTU: Did I hear that right? A Redistributive State of the Union A State of Denial [A cynically deceptive State of the Union speech.] Response to the State of the Union address video The Once and Future Liberalism Ideologies that have no basis in reality The truly dismal state of the union Facts and figures = Obama's fault The unbearable wrongness of Roe It Was 'A Wonderful Life' The difference between Planning and Social Engineering Krugman's premature victory lap Free Meredith Graves Combating Roe A conversation with a liberal Civilization in Reverse Witness decline all around us. Barack Obama is the Problem Now we know who was right about Obama The Che Guevara Democrat Party Now playing: the Sustainability Con from the neo-Malthusian establishment Media feasts on Romney tax remark If Republicans want to win, they must Stop talking about Capitalism An Internet Blackout over SOPA and PIPA Free Speech: an unintended victim of Protect IP and SOPA? "Swedish correspondent" 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 201 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0202 0202 0201 0201 0201 0131 0131 0130 0130 0130 0129 0129 0129 0129 0128 0128 0128 0127 0127 0126 0126 0126 0126 0125 0125 0125 0125 0125 0124 0124 0124 0123 0123 0122 0121 0121 0120 0120 0119 0119 0119 0119 0118 0118 0118 0118 0118 0118 CW.E CW.Chr CW.Chr Media CW.Am Sci.ecol H.Amer CW.Am War.Had CW.I 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0118 0117 0117 0116 0116 The Left's victimization gig The Transformational Tyrant Why are Barack Obama's critics so smart? The Keynesian school of economics leads to violence So why read anymore? Steve Chapman Fay Voshell M. Catharine Evans Lloyd Marcus Zombie Garland Tucker James G. Wiles Jonathan Keiler Christie Blatchford Victor Davis Hanson David Rose Ted Belman Michael Curtis Maria Stuckler Mark Steyn Thomas Lifson Christina Hoff Sommers 16 noted scientists David "The Observer" Phyllis Chesler Ben Domenech Ann Coulter Michael Bargo Jr. Clark Judge Michael Tanner Yuval Levin Mitch Daniels Walter Russell Mead Ole Gjems Onstad Joseph Curl Michael Paulsen John Wharton Henry Lamb Jon N. Hall National Review Anne Conlon "P.W." Victor Davis Hanson Rush Limbaugh Karin McQuillan Peter Ferrara Ron Ross Rush Limbaugh Selwyn Duke Mike Brownfield James Gattuso & Paul Rosenzweig Mary Nicholas William L. Gensert Nile Gardiner Jeffrey Carter Victor Davis Hanson Sci.ecol H.Mid H.Mid CW.E Econ Media CW.Sex Sci.ecol Econ CW.E CW.I Health Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.E Econ CW.Sex Econ Econ Econ L.theory CW.Sex CW.E d.Obama Econ Econ CW.Am Media Media d.Obama d.Obama Econ Acad The Abolition of Gender The Tale of the Swine How to destroy a county: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 The truth about Bain and jobs The Leaf-Blower Paradox and the fundamental fallacy of Obamanomics The Crime of Leafleting Iron Lady falls to the Anna Quindlen Doctrine Why I hate religion, but love Jesus — The Smackdown The worst economic recovery since the Great Depression Muslims Attacked! Private equity and creative destruction Racism and media double standards in Britain Showdown in November: Marx or Mill? Democrats and Executive Overreach Romney doesn't need to apologize for his Bain career AD 2012 or 2012 CE? The End of the Dream President Obama's defense strategy rests on shaky assumptions The promise of ObamaCare: hospice for the healthy Plain and simple: Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism Government: The redistributionist behemoth Politics trumps Left's empathy [the Santorums' dead child Gabriel] Partisan politics and vicious assaults [the Santorums' dead child Gabriel] The left's rights scam The insult of leftist lies 3 Lies they tell us about budget deficits Obama thumbs nose at Constitution on 'recess appointments' Obama oversteps his limits with Cordray recess appointment Crime without Punishment Convicted murderers allowed to murder again. Victimology and the phony 'digital divide' Why the decline of violence? [fisking Steven Pinker's Better Angels] Iowa: the Gray Lady freaks out [the "horrors" caused by Citizens United] The State of the Anglosphere The decline has been greatly exaggerated. New TV show idea: All-American Christian The angel chorus in Judeo-Christian civilization Not a penny more The case for antitax absolutism. Has the Conservative elite really failed? America's uncertain prospects The No News Stories of 2011 The Bee and the Lamb, part 3 Ten 2011 examples of Major Media Malfeasance Support the Sacketts: EPA suit goes to Supreme Court Open letter to Paul Krugman [on public debt and future generations] So many outrages, so little time 7 "Obamite" wars against civilization. The Democratic Party's War on the Poor How to break a camel's back [Who own's a person's body?] Repo Men [the corrupt Washington-Wall Street axis] Echoes from the minarets: the discreet evasion of Swiss democracy Newt and the Judges A world without schoolteachers Denigrating religious stupidity Christmas: a cosmic revolution An upside-down family tree How the Left sees the life of Vaclav Havel, and why they do not mourn his passing ObamaCare and the Ratchet Theory of history Harvard fires critic of jihad [Subramanian Swamy] Holder's voter ID fraud The AG invents fears of ballot suppression. The Best Notable Quotables of 2011 The way the world—and free-market economics—works Iraq War a great success Fay Voshell Rob Miller Paul Weston Holman Jenkins Zombie Charles C. W. Cooke Virginia Postrel Marc Barnes Peter Ferrara Clifford D. May David P. Goldman Paul Weston Arnold Cusmariu Michael McConnell James Pethokoukis Elizabeth Lauren Baron Bodissey Washington Post Joe Herring David Solway George F. Will Mark Steyn Peter Wehner Steve McCann Richard N. Weltz John Tamny Washington Examiner John Yoo Lester Jackson John T. Bennett Christopher Chantrill Bradley A. Smith Joel Kotkin & Shashi Parulekar Lloyd Marcus James Lewis William Voegeli David P. Goldman John O'Sullivan Victor Davis Hanson Takuan Seiyo Tom Blumer Mark Hyman Donald J. Boudreaux Quin Hillyer John F. Di Leo Daren Jonescu Kevin D. Williamson Kitman Bruce Walker Richard F. Miniter Henrik R. Clausen Fay Voshell Mark Steyn Ron Radosh 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 0115 0115 0115 0114 0113 0113 0112 0112 0112 0112 0112 0110 0110 0110 0109 0108 0106 0106 0106 0106 0106 0106 0105 0105 0105 0105 0105 0104 0104 0103 0103 0103 0101 CW.Sex 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0100 1231 1230 1230 1230 1229 1229 1228 1227 1227 1226 1225 1225 1224 1224 CW.Chr CW.Chr Mike Stopa Pamela Geller Wall Street Journal Brent Bozell III et al.. Peter Ferrara Bernie Reeves 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1223 1223 1223 1222 1222 1222 Health Acad Voting Media Econ CW.E Econ Econ L.theory Bio CW.Chr Econ CW.I CW.E L.theory Econ CW.Chr Health H.Mid Econ CW.Sex CW.Sex Econ Econ Econ L.theory L.theory L.theory CW.Am CW.Am L.theory Media Media L.theory Econ Econ Health Econ CW.E L.theory Acad CW.E CW.Chr CW.Sex Bio ObamaCare's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year It's time to say goodbye to the 'both/and' era of government Psychological explanations of political correctness Meryl Streep film and EU debates bring Maggie Thatcher's moment Rats in the Kitchen: a parable [Defeating invaders and interlopers.] World War II and the genesis of ObamaCare [Roscoe Filburn's wheat] Testing the waters of economic liberty [A ferry monopoly in WA] 'When the legend becomes fact, print the legend' Communist Muppets and Capitalist Self-Loathing NTSB: the banning nannies Safety is UP, yet cell phones are demonized. Civilization vs. barbarism and savagery Race, ACORN and Voter Fraud Our Marxist Wizard of Oz Obama's not in Kansas anymore. Liberal history from Osawatomie Bam Hard times and Liberalism's dream of a painless world Lies, damned lies, and 'fact checking' Arrest Bill Clinton! [The colossal hypocrisy of Amnesty International.] Internet piracy bill: A free speech 'kill switch' We're right about the euro—that's why Europe is angry Exactly what is Crony Capitalism, anyway? The differences between corporate greed and government greed Malnourished Muppets and the indoctrination of America's children Voter Fraud for the Complete Idiot Statist Delusions The bill for cradle-to-grave welfare has come due. One-off Democracy: when the first election is the last Inequality in perspective Creeping Halal A Paleo-Conservative Guide to the British Empire Climate Corruption 101 Obama's Kansas Declaration The ultimate devastating price of government dependency We pay for 'free' health care, Obama gets the thanks Obama in Osawatomie Big Government can't be reconciled with "fair play." The end of religious freedom Government gone wild Debt and Taxes: Settled Science Paul Krugman's big government prescription for Europe proves that US liberals are stuck in a time warp An ally no more [Hillary, Panetta, and Gutman attack Israel.] O's Legacy: Unemployment rate now meaningless Eurozone crisis: the US has to ride to the rescue once again The Ancient Virtues and Modern Sins Rand Paul, libertarian extremist How the Constitution works in wartime. The banality of everything Egypt's Descent 2/3 of the Arab world's largest nation is voting for sharia. The political persecution of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff: Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Choking on ObamaCare [It's massive job-killer.] One Nation Under God America's founding principle. Dreams From My President Cons value freedom; libs value collectivism. Methanol Wins It's time to open up the Open Road with H.R. 1687. FDR's class warfare: a tutorial for Obama Andy Stern: In praise of Communist China The Bee and the Lamb, part 2 On the controversy of John Mearsheimer Europe made easy "Why are we having a depression, Daddy?" Oregon and the Death Penalty The Economics of Abbott and Costello [cosmetic unemployment-deflation] Making the Klan boring NYT review hides its Progressive/Democrat ties. Scientists in revolt against Global Warming No road leads to peace between Israel and the Palestinians An accumulation of little extravagances: William F. Buckley Jr. on Barack Paul Conner Bill Frezza Nicolai Sennels Amanda Foreman Rob Miller Byron W. King George F. Will Victor Davis Hanson Robert Tracinski Mona Charen Eeyore Anita Moncrief Peter Ferrara Christopher Chantrill Michael Knox Beran Mark Hemingway Marc Thiessen Bill Wilson Boris Johnson Bill Frezza Michael Bargo Jr. Jeannie DeAngelis Jon N. Hall Mark Steyn Jeff Lipkes Ron Ross William Sullivan H.W. Crocker III Claudia Rosett J.K. Gregg Lloyd Marcus Robert Tracinski John Hayward Phyllis Chesler Monty Pelerin Randall Hoven Nile Gardiner 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1221 1220 1220 1219 1218 1217 1216 1216 1216 1216 1215 1214 1214 1213 1213 1212 1212 1212 1212 1212 1211 1211 1211 1210 1210 1209 1209 1209 1208 1208 1207 1207 1206 1206 1206 1206 1206 Caroline Glick C. Edmund Wright Janet Daley Victor Davis Hanson Andrew C. McCarthy Baron Bodissey Mark Steyn Baron Bodissey George F. Will Jeremy Lott Randall Hoven Robert Zubrin Burton Folsom Jr. & Anita Folsom Rick Moran Takuan Seiyo Counterpoint Matt Miller Dennis Prager Barry Levinson Jonah Goldberg Karin McQuillan Neil Snyder Roger Kimball 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1205 1205 1204 1204 1203 1203 1203 1202 1202 1202 1201 1201 1201 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1201 1200 1130 1130 1129 1128 1128 1127 1127 1126 Health Econ CW.E Bio L.theory Econ d.Obama Media CW.I Econ H.Amer Media L.pris L.theory Econ Econ Econ Media Voting Econ H.World Econ CW.I H.Brit d.UN Econ CW.Am Health Econ CW.Chr Econ Econ Econ L.pris CW.I CW.E Health CW.Chr d.Obama Sci.ecol H.Amer d.Unions Acad Econ L.theory Econ Media Sci.ecol H.Mid Bio Obama Pepper-spraying taxpayers "Diversity" boondoggles are the real scandal. The Grover Norquist tax myth Spending Wars Our current spending binge is a very recent phenomenon. Thanksgiving in America, 2011 A World of Gifts Gratitude is central. Thanking America: When Americans save lives overseas, it doesn't make the textbooks Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II! Politics and Pepper Spray Revisiting the Kennedy assassination: Frank Rich and the paranoid style What is Constitutional Conservatism? Obama and his band of cowards Why the Super Committee failed White Air Force vet prohibited from registering to vote because of race The double standard on booing The Inconvenient Truth about species extinction The Freeloader Myth The Tipping Point and the Crossroads Secrets of the American Nomenklatura Kicking our Federal spending habit President Obama's hopeless 'malaise' moment (many J.B. Say quotes) Why do Catholics keep funding the radical Left? Softly, softly: Beijing turns other cheek — for now Curiouser and curiouser [Gadgets taking over lives and our privacy] The Invincible Mrs. Thatcher Making homes affordable makes others poor America before the Entitlement State Is there no limit to Congress's power? The Brain-Dead Left Its incoherence is a symptom of intellectual exhaustion. Islam and the Greco-Roman cultural heritage Penn State's scandal and the truth about power in academia Why BEST will not settle the climate debate Spending's ascending — with or without a budget sequester Whither the White Working Class? The Abuser in Chief On waterboarding: Let's stick to the facts ObamaCare and the limits of government ObamaCare goes to court Storm clouds ahead: why conflict with public unions will continue What's at stake in the Net-Neutrality fight Talking Turkey De-Christianizing Dr. King Occupy Wall Street crowd blind to benefits of capitalism With friends like these... [Israel is the one telling the truth.] Occupy Fannie and Freddie Big Labor's Ohio win doesn't end fiscal crises David Axelrod's pattern of sexual misbehavior OWS: Plato bets on Tyranny [It's all in Book VIII of The Republic.] The Great Recession is now the Great Restructuring The only good occupation... Occupy Blue Wall Street? Politico and the Cain story that wasn't A funny thing happened on the way to the Herman Cain lynching Corporate collaborators Supporting the destruction of civilized society. Careful, OWS envy-mongers! The one percent have got your number Who lost Iraq? You know who. Occupying the minds of our youth Does America deserve Obama? Heather Mac Donald Charles Krauthammer Randall Hoven Gary Aminoff Rich Lowry Jeff Lipkes 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1125 1124 1125 1124 1124 1124 Acad Econ H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer James Delingpole Bruce Whitsitt James Piereson Yuval Levin Mercer Tyson Jeb Hensarling J. Christian Adams Dana Loesch James D. Agresti Ramesh Ponnuru Steve McCann Clarice Feldman Jeff Jacoby Richard M. Salsman Kathryn Scharplaz Walter Russell Mead Roger Scruton Charles Moore John Sohne Yaron Brook & Don Watkins George F. Will James Taranto Fjordman Abraham H. Miller S. Fred Singer George F. Will & Veronique de Rugy Christopher Chantrill Ed Lasky Marc Thiessen David B. Rivkin Jr. & Lee A. Casey Wall Street Journal Daniel DiSalvo Bill Frezza Jeff Lipkes Peter Heck Gary Wolfram Caroline Glick Debra Saunders Matt Patterson Ann Coulter Ed Kaitz Christopher Chantrill James Lewis Walter Russell Mead Joseph Curl Toby Harnden Mark Steyn Kyle-Anne Shiver Charles Krauthammer Brian Sussman David Deming 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1122 1122 1122 1122 1122 1122 1121 1121 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1120 1119 1119 1118 1118 1118 Sci.ecol 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1118 1117 1117 1117 1117 1117 Health 2011 2011 2011 2011 1115 1115 1115 1115 Econ 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1115 1114 1114 1113 1113 1111 1110 1110 1110 1109 1109 1108 1108 1106 1106 1105 1105 1105 1104 1104 1104 Health Media H.Mid CW.Chr Econ H.Amer Econ Econ Voting Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.Chr L.theory Bio Econ H.Amer CW.E Acad Sci.ecol Econ d.Obama L.pris Health Econ d.Unions d.Obama Econ Media Bio Econ Acad Econ Moral Abdication Rearing a generation of moral cripples. The worst president since before the Civil War Conformity for Diversity's sake Why our blacks are better than their blacks You want more equality? Support more capitalism. Are public-school teachers underpaid? A Good Progressive War The Bee and the Lamb, part 1 Desperate Churchmice No, the pope is not supporting Occupy Wall Street. Where are the Muslim Brotherhood and the Obama Administration taking America? What is wrong with Western elites? The unexamined premises of Multiculturalism America's 'Oh Sh*t!' Moment [Restoring the killer apps that made us great.] Aboriginal rights of the Jewish people Hidden Persuaders The unheralded gains of the pro-life movement. Student loans—forgive and forget The Reactionary Left This was the week that European democracy died The American Devolution: some perspective on present discontent Rural rebellion brewing Self-Reliance to Self-Pity: road now most traveled The Awful Sin of Herman Cain Top Muslim institution declares all Christians 'infidels' Demystifying 9-9-9 and other Fair Taxes Our Libyan Adventure Qaddafi was preferable to an Islamist Libya. Romney's finest hour He speaks the truth about housing and foreclosures. If I were a liberal ... Saving the American Idea: rejecting fear, envy and the politics of division Equally poorer President Obama does not understand economic inequality. Catholics, finance, and the perils of conventional wisdom Annotated version by Father John Zuhlsdorf here. Pope Benedict calls for 'Central World Bank.' Only he didn't. Here's why. The Hobbits march in one year Carry on Borking, say Libs [NYT readers' response to Joe Nocera's essay] Iraq withdrawal, a gift to Iran Going Home [America abandons Iraq] CLASS Dismissed Has Harry Reid lost his mind? [It's the public sector that's "doing just fine." Reagan saw this coming A worldwide "Muslim fundamentalist revolution." Biden's fourth-grade economics How to justify the unaffordable. Back to 1969? Infrastructure projects to fix the economy? Don't bank on it. Obama grows government at record-shattering pace Bailout Lite The Obama plan: No bureaucrat is left behind. Joe Biden, cops, and crime What the data really say. The ugliness started with Bork Occupy Wall Street is certainly no Tea Party Geronticide revisited Pro-life Aristotle (with Kathryn Jean Lopez) Nothing but a political ploy [Obama must think we're really stupid.] Math vs. Myth There is no austerity, only more uncontrolled spending. Visible projects, hidden destruction [The wisdom of Hazlitt and Bastiat] How to get serious about Iran A four-step response to the bomb plot. Holy Hell (via Seth Leibsohn, Paul Nachman, and Laurence Auster) Young 'Occupiers' share grandparents' assumptions [1950 forever] 'Just the way business works' [The Solyndra deal: ignorance and cynicism] A pact signed in Jewish blood What do you call a jobs bill that begets no jobs? Endgame for the Managerial State Communist plot that put us in the Red [Lauchlin Currie and the deficit] Arrogant white liberal tells Herman Cain how to be black Mona Charen Steve McCann George F. Will Ann Coulter David Harsanyi Andrew G. Biggs Daniel Greenfield Takuan Seiyo George Weigel Essam Abdallah 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1104 1103 1102 1102 1102 1101 1101 1100 1031 1031 CW.Am Econ Acad CW.Am Econ Econ Fjordman Baron Bodissey Niall Ferguson Allen Z. Hertz Fred Barnes Debra Saunders Matthew Continetti Janet Daley David A. Eisenberg Steven Greenhut Mark Steyn Wesley Pruden Raymond Ibrahim Anthony J. Ciani Andrew C. McCarthy Wall Street Journal Ann Coulter Paul D. Ryan Michael Tanner Samuel Gregg 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1031 1030 1030 1030 1030 1030 1030 1030 1029 1029 1029 1028 1028 1027 1027 1027 1026 1026 1026 1024 CW.E CW.E Thomas Peters Lee Cary Christopher Chantrill National Review Victor Davis Hanson James C. Capretta Sherman Frederick Pamela Geller Mark Steyn Randall Hoven Chris Edwards Deroy Murdock National Review Andrew Stiles Joe Nocera Mat Kibbe Baron Bodissey Christopher Kaczor Peter Ferrara Michael Tanner Ralph Reiland Arthur Herman Paul Kotik Mark Steyn Matthew Continetti Caroline Glick Caroline Baum Baron Bodissey Diana West Lloyd Marcus 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1024 1023 1022 1022 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1019 1018 1019 1019 1019 1019 1018 1018 1015 1015 1014 1013 1012 1012 1012 Econ CW.Chr H.Mid CW.Sex Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol Bio CW.I Econ Econ L.theory Econ Econ Econ Health Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ HAmer CW.Am "Down With Gravity!" Investor's Business Daily and Iowahawk helped Barack Obama's remedial math lesson Class warfare just doesn't add up. Algore Akbar! Cultist EU to impose cap-and-trade on U.S. airlines. Save Western civilization: defend Christopher Columbus Eyewitness to History! Hanging out with the occupiers of Wall Street. Doubling down on Solyndra The Importance of Seeming Earnest (The frivolity of Occupy Wall Street) Muslims in Spain declare jihad on dogs ObamaCare's growing list of broken promises Obama's Solyndra Complex Elizabeth Warren and liberalism, twisting the 'social contract' Paternalism and principle There is no end to government interference. The 'Hunger' Hoax It's part of the larger poverty hoax. Warmists think we're stupid Ten lessons from Obama Thank Wal-Mart for your new bank card fee Science, Lies, and Videotape Andrew Jackson: Tea Party President Riots of Passage When rites of passage disappear, civilization does as well. Leftist witch hunts in light of the A.B. Breivik case On Tyranny and Liberty America's enduring ideal Governments gone wild California: a morality tale in three parts. A rational fear of Islamism All cultures are not equal; Some thoughts about honour violence Media silence is deafening about important gun news Half Baked UC Berkeley's diversity machine loses its mind over cupcakes. Selling our souls to Mark Zuckerberg OCR's new sexual harassment guidelines threaten academic freedom Video analysis and scene replication suggests that Al Gore's Climate Reality Project fabricated their Climate 101 video "Simple Experiment" Green Twilight The cynicism of Obama's soak-the-rich policy Tax demagogues are lying liars, in one graph Speech to the UN General Assembly Obama takes aim at tax 'targets,' fires blanks Elizabeth Warren, fair play, and soaking the rich Elizabeth Warren's Piffle The folly of an "underlying social contract." Why won't liberals listen to reason? How Will It End? Will scandal drive Obama off the 2012 ticket? Obama's duplicitous debt reduction plan Obama's fascist economy Obama's Middle East is in tatters, utter tatters Obama Speech was "Obama Unplugged" Obama's Luck Goes from Poor to Horrible… Obama's bizarre tax attack It is class warfare. Welcome to the Carbon Cult Declining to play the Game The Statist Dictionary VFR on Gnosticism 9-11 Consciousness Why Will it End? When Will it End? Paul Krugman is back out from under his desk He's still a fool and a liar. Solyndra, the logical endpoint of Obamanomics There goes the youth vote On the Rule of Law The wisdom of the Constitution. The Palestinian Big Lie Distorting the origins of the conflict with Israel. Executive power in wartime The politicized hiring of Eric Holder's Criminal Section Dymphna Milton R. Wolf Jed Babbin Charlotte Cushman Matt Labash Investor's Business Daily Windsor Mann Soeren Kern John Merline George Neumayr George F. Will Michael Tanner Thomas Sowell Ross Kaminsky Victor Davis Hanson Timothy P. Carney Clarice Feldman Robert W. Merry Roger Scruton Takuan Seiyo Myron Magnet Paul D. Ryan Tom McClintock Robert Spencer & David Horowitz Jussi Halla-aho John Lott Heather Mac Donald Chicago Tribune Glenn Ricketts Anthony Watts J.R. Dunn Steve McCann Randall Hoven Benjamin Netanyahu Caroline Baum Aaron Ross Powell Rich Lowry David P. Goldman Zenster Monty Pelerin Robert Robb Steve McCann Martin Peretz Peter Wehner Tim Cavanaugh Lawrence Kudlow Ross Kaminsky Baron Bodissey Robert A. Hall Lawrence Auster Baron Bodissey Zenster Zenster John Hayward James Pethokoukis Ross Kaminsky Paul D. Ryan Sol Stern Michael Mukasey J. Christian Adams 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 1011 1010 1010 1010 1009 1008 1007 1006 1006 1006 1005 1005 1005 1005 1004 1003 1002 1001 1001 1001 1001 1001 0930 0930 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0930 0930 0928 0928 0928 0928 CW.I L.theory CW.Am CW.Am Acad Sci.ecol 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0926 0926 0926 0923 0923 0923 0923 0921 0921 0921 0921 0921 0920 0920 0919 0919 0919 0918 0917 0917 0917 0916 0916 0916 0916 0916 0915 0915 0915 0914 Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol H.Amer Econ CW.I Health Econ Econ Sci.ecol Econ Sci.ecol Bio CW.E CW.E L.theory Econ CW.I Econ Econ Econ CW.I d.Obama Econ Econ d.Obama d.Obama Econ Sci.ecol CW.I CW.I CW.I CW.I Media Econ d.Obama H.Mid L.pris Understanding Poverty in the U.S. Surprising facts about America's poor. Perry and the Ponzis Techniques for Untruth Let's Roll Over Equivocation, self-loathing, and misrepresentation. History lesson for the racist Bob Beckel [on Che, Cuban Revolution] Barack Obama's wings of wax Overstimulated Tiny, targeted, and temporary That won't do it, Mr. President. Obama's combative save-my-job speech The Obama presidency by the numbers Let's model ObamaJobs after ObamaCare! What could go wrong? Jane Fonda's crush on Che Guevara 9/11 and the Successful War What Darwin said about God A scientist's appreciation of religion The Republic of Anti-Israel America's Demographics and Dynamism America's taken a hammering in the decade since 9/11. But never doubt that it can rediscover its awesome self-belief Governor Perry's Islam Connection The Great Recession and government failure New labor move is anti-biz, jobs Zero Jobs 101 — the psychology of alienating employers Registering the poor to vote is un-American Taylorism, Progressivism, and Rule by Experts Obama's Strategy of Silence Gibson Guitar to Uncle Sam—"From my cold, dead hands" The racial violence that dare not speak its name Vindicating Capitalism: the real history of the Standard Oil Company (part I: The fallacious textbook story) Obama at a loss Applying business sense to government. A short primer on the National Debt Science getting settled Global warming is caused by cosmic rays and the sun. The Desperation-of-Deprivation Myth [incentivized non-productivity] Losing Malmo And Brussels, and Rome, and Amsterdam… A Changing Europe Libyan good guys, bad guys might surprise us Answering Jonathan Alter's challenge Earthquake economics: view from the epicenter The wacky world of liberal fundamentalism Traveling back to the future on inter-city buses The global warmists' dam breaks CERN experiment confirms cosmic rays. -The Downward Spiral Conservatism is about empowering people to catch up (text and video) Why Obama can't lead Roman Sandals in hospital halls The Breivik Portfolio, Part Three: the OIC connection My response to Buffett and Obama Obama showing blacks how Big Government failed them When 'inconsequential' means 'better' Feeding the masses on unicorn ribs It's the Spending, Stupid Why Americans hate economics Bad luck? Bad faith? Are the black flash mob attacks on whites Obama's fault? Making Washington inconsequential ObamaCare Is Going Down The Eleventh Circuit takes aim at ObamaCare Rick Perry and Texas job numbers Warren Buffett's fiscal innumeracy [His tax rate higher than his secretary's] Robert Rector & Rachel Sheffield Stanley Kurtz Mark Browning Mark Steyn Humberto Fontova Peter Wehner Matthew Continetti Lawrence Kudlow Guy Benson Michael Boskin Paul Hsieh Humberto Fontova George Friedman Michael Bargo Jr. James Lewis David Warren Irwin Stelzer Richard Littlejohn 2011 0913 Econ 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0912 0912 0910 0909 0909 0909 0909 0908 0908 0907 0907 0906 0904 0904 0904 0903 0903 Econ Media Nine 11 Bio d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Econ Bio Amil Imani Gary S. Becker Steve Huntley Victor Davis Hanson Matthew Vadum Kevin A. Carson Grace-Marie Turner Bob Barr John T. Bennett Alex Epstein 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0903 0903 0902 0902 0901 0901 0901 0831 0830 0829 CW.I Econ d.Unions Econ Ron Johnson John Steele Gordon Lawrence Solomon Mark Steyn Andrew C. McCarthy Elisabeth SabaditschWolff David Warren Peter Wehner Robert Tracinski Robert Weissberg Michael Barone Nigel Calder Peter Ferrara Marco Rubio Michael Bargo Jr. John F. Di Leo Baron Bodissey Harvey Golub Star Parker Jeff Jacoby Walter Russell Mead Paul Kengor Stephen Moore Charles Krauthammer Lloyd Marcus Jeff Jacoby Peter Ferrara Avik Roy Matthias Shapiro Daniel J. Mitchell 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0829 0829 0827 0827 0827 0826 Econ Econ Sci.ecol 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0826 0826 0826 0825 0825 0824 0824 0824 0824 0822 0822 0822 0821 0821 0819 0819 0819 0818 0818 0817 0817 0816 0816 0815 Media Econ Econ CW.Chr CW.Chr Health Econ CW.Am H.Amer CW.E CWE Econ Sci.ecol CW.Am Health CW.I Econ CW.Am Econ Econ Econ CW.Am Health Health Econ Obama's Jekyll and Hyde routine: disturbing mixed messages Do atheists have more fun? GOP on Defensive! The Reagan stimulus vs. the Obama one What happened to Obama? Absolutely nothing Lessons for us from London in flames The Jacksonian foreign policy option Urban warming and racial climate change The mob tears at the foundations of civilization in London and America The sun never sets on the British welfare system How the liberals ruined Britain England used to be a country of Men Less political rebellion, more mollycoddled mob Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters New ObamaCare violations of liberty The criminals who shame our nation Riots: a Tory PM must always deliver peace and order A Clockwork Orange Is Obama smart? A case study in stupid is as stupid does. The Annihilation of Civilizations ObamaCare or America? Liberals' empty promises hurt rich and poor alike. The taboo on mentioning black mob violence S&P's regulatory politics Obamageddon, Barackalypse Now! Bam is "Debt Man Walking" in 2012 If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth The 'Satan sandwich' we all face if we do nothing The Peculiar Madness of Paul Krugman Christie's 'Crazies' Sharia is not a figment of our imagination. America's debt downgrade is a damning indictment of President Obama's Big Government disaster The invisible hand is writing on our wall Blood Money: How SEIU and Media Matters stole justice from Kenneth Gladney Who's Pro-Choice? Liberals' unmaking of Barack Obama To Hell with you people The Dirty Little Secret of Economics A total waste of time and effort Obama's idiotic infographic Cloward-Piven Paradise Now? 'Painful' cuts? Anything but. Fine! Call my bluff! [A fine summary of the debt ceiling wrangling.] Unraveling the mystery of murderous minds [int. by Brian M. Carney] Over to you, Harry The failure of Central Planning Lite America's Jericho moment What they'll never tell you in Homosexual Education You think the debt crisis is bad now? Wait until ObamaCare takes its toll Gov't welfare widens the wealth gap Obama offers lectures but no answers Obama's Towering Inferno MSM ignores how Oslo shooter's own manifesto completely destroys "Christian Conservative" label Norway mass murder: The Dexter Factor In Defense of Robert Spencer California wages war on single-family homes Testimonial of a Black Republican Oslo and the Dangers of Moral Equivalence Congress stands its ground The problem is spending Yet the Democrats keep pushing for higher taxes. Wynton C. Hall Heather Wilhelm Mickey Kaus Paul Kengor Norman Podhoretz Mark Steyn Caroline Glick Walter Russell Mead J. Christian Adams Ann Coulter Melanie Phillips Frank Miniter Brendan O'Neill Max Hastings 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0815 0815 0815 0813 0813 0813 0812 0811 0811 0811 0811 0811 0810 0810 Star Parker London Telegraph Charles Moore Rosemary Righter Bret Stephens Bill Warner Milton R. Wolf John T. Bennett John Berlau & Matthew Melchiorre Rush Limbaugh Janet Daley Thomas McClanahan Robert Tracinski Andrew C. McCarthy Nile Gardiner 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0810 0810 0810 0809 0809 0808 0808 0808 0808 Health CW.E CW.E CW.E d.Obama CW.I Health CW.A Econ 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0808 0807 0807 0806 0806 0806 Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.I Econ Walter Russell Mead John Nolte 2011 2011 0805 0804 Econ d.Union Deroy Murdock Milton R. Wolf Jonah Goldberg Christopher Chantrill Rush Limbaugh Peter Wilson Jeannie DeAngelis 0804 0803 0802 0802 0802 0802 0801 0801 0801 0730 0729 0729 0728 0728 0728 0727 0727 0727 0727 CW.Sex Charles Hurt Jonah Goldberg Ezra Dulis 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Frontinus Daniel Greenfield Joel Kotkin Providence Crowder Bruce Thornton George F. Will Jack Kelly 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0727 0726 0726 0726 0725 0725 0724 CW.E CW.E Sci.ecol CW.A CW.E Econ Econ Investor's Business Daily James Taranto Theodore Dalrymple John Hinderaker Robert Tracinski Chicago Tribune Dr. Eowyn Andrea Tantaros Investor's Business Daily CW.Chr Media Econ CW.E CW.A CW.Am Econ CW.E CW.E CW.E CW.E Media Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.E Econ Econ Econ CW.Sex Health Econ Econ Econ CW.E Obama the man without a plan Books without Borders Turns the free market's ceaseless wheel of change. It should all be free Why does anyone pay for health care after all? Green, shovel-ready stimulus — 100 years ago Missing the Debt The debate is all about health-care entitlements. Media mogul charged with first-degree Murdoch 2012: The End of the World As We Know It Explaining Obama's tax-hike obsession The Gang of Six disaster: the worst plan so far Voting "No" on Voting Recovery stalled after ObamaCare passed Understanding Cut, Cap, and Balance What the Debt Limit battle is all about Obama's Magical Thinking Five falsehoods of the debt debate Get ready for a 70% marginal tax rate The 'BBC Left' is using hacking to get revenge A fling with the Welfare State Dissembler in Chief Blaming it all on the Tea Party No bargaining with Barack Obluffer Caution: Storm Approaching [Financial crisis will soon strike Mideast] How to wipe out Islamic terror The Marilyn Monroe Doctrine [Those who targeted Americans used to pay.] Are the rich undertaxed? The Debt Negotiations and Medicare [on The Hugh Hewitt Show] The comedian-in-chief Handy reference guide to Obama's gaffes and goofs The multi-layered betrayal of Britain Taxes upon taxes upon... Obama wants another $1 trillion in taxes. No big budget deal? Blame Obama, not Boehner The Great Madness of 2004-2010 The Sugar Daddy has run out of sugar; now we need new leaders Whittaker Chambers and totalitarian Islam Groundhog Day in July Where's the outrage about budget impasse? Obamanomics continues to damage the economy Obama's debt plan fails the truth test Do we really have a revenue problem? Ship of Useful Idiots? Assimilation's failure, terrorism's rise Illiberal Immigration Casey Anthony: The system worked Questions, so many questions ObamaCare tragedy primed to further explode the deficit Why won't the GOP agree to a tax increase? There has been no Global Warming since 1998 Gross media ignorance [about the Founders] The Education of a Compassionate Conservative Faulty Towers A review of Naomi Schaefer Riley's The Faculty Lounges ($) Burning down the house [Reckless Endangerment and the crash of '08] The Obama Doctrine Defined Why the Gender Gap won't go away. Ever. An exceptional Fourth of July Reagan gets no credit, Obama gets no blame Nature vs. Neuter Justice Justice The demons in Krugmanomics The Flaws of Edward Said's Orientalism Marrage cannot be redefined Mark Steyn Rich Lowry Mona Charen Victor Davis Hanson Yuval Levin Ann Coulter Peter Ferrara James Pethokoukis James C. Capretta Burt Prelutsky James Sherk Keith B. Hennessey Michael Barone Adam Yoshida Daniel J. Flynn Michael Boskin Janet Daley Noemie Emery Jeffrey H. Anderson James W. Ceaser & John York Mark Steyn Caroline Glick Subramaniam Swamy Clifford D. May Michael G. Franc Paul D. Ryan Michael A. Walsh Blonde Gator Paul Weston Wall Street Journal James Pethokoukis Victor Davis Hanson Sarah Palin Andrew G. Bostom John Hayward Investor's Business Daily Ross Kaminsky Nolan Finley Ed Morrissey Margaret Wente Kenan Malik Victor Davis Hanson Alan Dershowitz Iowahawk Peter Ferrara Jay Cost James Delingpole Walter E. Williams Ed Kaitz David Kimble George F. Will Douglas Feith & Seth Cropsey Kay S. Hymowitz Victor Davis Hanson Larry Elder John Kass Zombie Peter Foster Fjordman Jeff Jacoby 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0723 0722 0722 0721 0721 0720 0720 0720 0720 0719 0719 0718 0718 0718 0718 0718 0717 0717 0717 0716 Econ Econ Health Econ Media 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0716 0715 0714 0714 0714 0714 0714 0713 0711 0711 0710 0709 0709 0709 0708 0708 0708 0707 0707 0707 0707 0707 0707 0706 0706 0706 0706 0705 0704 0701 0701 0701 Econ Econ CW.I 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0701 0630 0630 0630 0629 0629 0629 0629 Econ Econ Voting Health Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Media Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ d.Obama CW.E Econ Econ Bio Econ Econ Econ Econ CW.E CW.Am L.theory Health Sci.ecol H.Amer Acad Econ Econ CW.Sex Econ CW.I CW.Sex A Supreme Court win for political speech and political money Speechworld vs. Realworld The gulf between Obama's rhetoric and reality. The facts about fracking The real risks of the shale gas revolution. Obama's environmentalists destroy marine environment Obama's Thomas L. Friedman moment The dark Muslim Brotherhood world of Huma Abedin (w. Jamie Glazov) The Flotilla of Fools off to Gaza Obama vs. ATMs: why technology doesn't destroy jobs Science and Smear Merchants Follower in Chief Lead? President Obama would prefer not to. Mixing up Mamet, Hayek, Hitchens, and Sowell The 'Jim Crow' Lie How could asking for ID for voting be discriminatory? To avoid double-dip recession, remember lessons of 1980s A 'Fast and Furious' border fiasco Why liberals fell for 'Muslim lesbian blogger' hoax Blame the ATM! Obama's silly explanation for unemployment. Muslims are fascists, frauds or idiots Obama, the new Caesar The Roots of the Financial Crisis Uncertainty is not the problem Obama's economic experiment has failed; time to get back to what works The 'declarant presidency' era must end The Sarah Palin I Know Politically correct Washington Supreme Court overturns murder conviction Government by the 'experts' Wait till Medicare crashes [the central faith of liberals] How to talk about climate change on the campaign trail The economy is worse than you think Fanniegate: gamechanger for the GOP? [on Reckless Endangerment] California's Green Jihad U.N. agreement should have all gun owners up in arms The death of the American Dream II The Decline of Faith The con man and his pet columnist [Greg Mortenson, Nicolas Kristof] Our Holiday [Memorial Day] Our Muslim Troubles: Part V: A Discredited State Our Muslim Troubles: Part Four: The Military and the Paramilitaries How Blacklisting Blacklisters Blacklist Austerity Works Is Obama above the law? [the War Powers Act] SCOTUS makes it official: California a failed state The Marxian Worm Our Muslim Troubles: Part Three: An Explosive Situation Our Muslim Troubles: Part Two: The Chocolate Cake Diet Our Muslim Troubles: Lessons from N.Ireland; Pt 1: The Idiot Paradigm Obama skirts rule of law to reward pals, punish foes Speech to a joint session of the U.S. Congress The truth behind Chrysler's fake auto bailout payback General Motors will never repay taxpayers Obama's spin is pure baloney. Bibi vs. Obama: Reality vs. Fantasy O'Bama? Oh Puh-Lease! Israel's 1967 borders aren't defensible [incl. legal basis for conquered land] Borderline Treachery Obama proposes leaving Israel indefensible. A candid Romney would own up to Mass. fiasco Why is this not treason? Dear Congress, your credit application has been turned down Obama's abandonment of America Obama's borders caused 60 years of war Economic destiny comes down to Obama vs. Ryan How the government created a financial crisis Alligators, moats and other such nonsense [Obama's cynical speech] George F. Will Mark Steyn Wall Street Journal Humberto Fontova Matt Welch Walid Shoebat Phyllis Chesler Russell Roberts S. Fred Singer Fred Barnes Christopher Chantrill James Taranto Amity Shlaes Michael A. Walsh Mark Steyn Kyle Smith Cahit Kaya Jeffrey T. Kuhner Rush Limbaugh Clifford Asness Paul D. Ryan Hugh Hewitt John Ziegler Selwyn Duke 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0628 0625 0625 0624 0624 0624 0623 0622 0621 0621 0621 0621 0620 0620 0619 0619 0618 0616 0614 0614 0613 0613 0613 0611 L.theory George F. Will Christopher Chantrill Steven F. Hayward Martin Feldstein Walter Russell Mead Joel Kotkin Larry Bell Walter Russell Mead Tom Bethell James Kirchick Bruce Walker El Inglés El Inglés John Nolte Niall Ferguson George F. Will Walter Russell Mead Sarah Hoyt El Inglés El Inglés El Inglés Michael Barone Benjamin Netanyahu Conn Carroll Shikha Dalmia Rush Limbaugh James Delingpole Dore Gold 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0610 0610 0608 0608 0607 0607 0607 0603 0601 0601 0530 0530 0529 0526 0529 0527 0527 0527 0527 0526 0525 0524 0524 0524 0524 0523 0523 0521 0521 0521 0520 0520 0520 0520 0520 0519 0519 Health Andrew C. McCarthy Sally C. Pipes Paul Weston Barton Hinkle Caroline Glick James Lewis Jeffrey H. Anderson Peter Ferrara Victor Davis Hanson Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.I Econ Sci.ecol BkNote Voting Econ CW.Am Econ CW.I Econ Econ Econ Bio CW.Am Sci.ecol Econ Econ Sci.ecol L.theory CW.Chr Media CW.E CW.E Media Econ Econ CW.E CW.E CW.E Econ Econ d.Obama Health CW.E Econ Econ Econ CW.Am Federal food police against business and science President Obama's wrongheaded Middle East counselors Entitlement Sense The big lie called Nakba Day An ill season The Arab spring unleashes Islamists on Egyptian Christians. What if the U.S. Treasury defaults? (interviewer: James Freeman) The persecution of Boeing The NLRB's claims are laughable on their face. Beyond the legend of Syria's moderation A Warning to America Obama's death panels return: Rationing is at heart of his health plan No crony capitalism without government Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics: fallacies offered by the Left Why don't we hear about Soros' ties to over 30 major news organizations? Boeing is pro-growth, not anti-union Train cash: same old, same old Environmentalists were for fracking before they were against it (Shale gas) Camp of the Saints: Death on the High Seas The Dark Night of Islam An intolerant and obscurantist culture. Weak dollars, strong oil Behold the power of the true global currency. Chomsky's Follies Stupid and ignorant pronouncements. The audacity of irresponsibility The fallout of a failing economy. Understanding the English Defence League Islam needs reformists, not 'moderates' The waterboarding trail to bin Laden The First-Person Presidency [President Obama vs Senator Obama] Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics: facts & figures White House takes victory lap in clown car FIRE letter to Office for Civil Rights see also: Glenn Ricketts, 28 Sept 11 Repeal Title IX Federal intervention in college sports is a disastrous mistake. From Guantanamo to Abbottabad Obama owes thanks, and an apology, to CIA interrogators Top Green admits: "We are lost!" Hersh, Olbermann called Bin Laden SEAL Team "assassination ring" in 2009 Our kind of class warfare Let's have a tax on political power. Intolerant left strikes again over DOMA The other Rosenberg Case Black-box controversies ($) Science wars: last round? ($) Why Eagleton Is Wrong (review of Why Marx Was Right) ($) Don't let debt limit get in the way of the party The silent revolution Camp of the Saints: letting diplomacy work Interview with Heidi the "courageous German" Birth certificate: Where are the indignant questions to Obama? Government creates poverty [Some lucky Indians escape govt. "help"] The canary in the mineshaft: Kermit Gosnell and the abortion industry Obama running on empty Leftist policies increase dependence on foreign oil. Can you handle the truth? [about the Deepwater Horizon oil spill] The Ultimate Ally America needs Israel now more than ever. Obama out of depth in troubled times The Europeanization of America The Disappearing Dollar America's ever-expanding welfare empire The Donald: doing the job the media won't do Obama says it's only 'fair' to raise taxes on the rich. He's wrong. Obama's permanent spending binge Voodoo economics? How about voodoo climate science? There is a 'magic' formula for lower gas prices The divide for 2012 The nature of Arab unrest Bull about Bullying No, beauty is not in the eye of the beholder Steven Malanga Martin Peretz Mark Steyn Yonatan Silverman Andrew C. McCarthy Stanley Druckenmiller Rich Lowry Fouad Ajami Geert Wilders Andrea Tantaros Christopher Chantrill Peter Ferrara Dan Gainor Jim McNerney Patrick McIlheran Ronald Bailey Baron Bodissey Michael Knox Beran John Hayward Christopher Hitchens Reince Priebus Guramit Singh Irshad Manji Michael Mukasey Victor Davis Hanson Peter Ferrara Jim Treacher William Creeley Richard A. Epstein John Yoo Marc Thiessen Walter Russell Mead Stephen Schwartz P.J. O'Rourke Debra Saunders George Russell James Bowman James Franklin Kevin D. Williamson Mark Steyn Christian Skaug Baron Bodissey "Heidi" and P.I. Andrew C. McCarthy John Stossel Timothy Dalrymple Washington Times Margaret Wente Michael Oren Jennifer Rubin Baron Bodissey Mark Steyn Peter Ferrara Larry Elder Arthur C. Brooks John B. Taylor Patrick J. Michaels Washington Examiner Michael A. Walsh Victor Davis Hanson Thomas Sowell Selwyn Duke 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0518 0518 0517 0515 0514 0514 0513 0512 0512 0512 0512 0512 0511 0511 0511 0510 0510 0510 0509 0509 0509 0507 0507 0506 0506 0505 0504 0505 0504 0504 0503 0503 0502 0502 0501 0501 0501 0501 0501 0430 0430 0429 0428 0428 0427 0426 0426 0426 0425 0425 0423 0423 0422 0421 0419 0422 0421 0421 0421 0420 0419 0419 Econ H.Mid CW.I Econ d.Unions CW.I Health Econ Econ Media d.Unions Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.E CW.I Econ Econ CW.E CW.I L.pris d.Obama Econ Acad Acad L.pris L.pris Sci.ecol Media Econ CW.Sex Media Sci.var Econ Econ CW.E CW.E CW.E d.Obama Econ CW.Sex Sci.ecol Sci.ecol d.Obama CW.Am Econ Econ Media Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Acad Crit Where the tax money is The Incredible Shrinking Obama The Gas Revolution Your money's gone with the wind (and solar) Fight Like a Girl (speech at Madison, Wis.) video: part 1 part 2 Obama pushes healthcare reform…again! More gobbledegook. Do we really need to raise the debt ceiling? Who's turning U.S. into the Third World? The Obama growth discount President Boring The Presidential Divider Obama's toxic speech and even worse plan. Big Government on the brink The Tea Party's first victory [since last November] The Story of O (Icarus, not Pegasus) Fads & myths make for poor public policy Camp of the Saints: Daily Briefing "Fourteen Steps to Disaster." Ending America as we know it Dems' solution: deny there is a problem. Ann Barnhardt fights totalitarian Islam and its useful idiots A Call to Collective Resistance [by the German people against Islam] Climate models go cold a reformed global warming hysteric Inside Obama's energy lecture series: Honest talk or phony outreach? Petraeus misfires on Quran burning Gun owners have a right to privacy Obama officials implicated in seditious plot to dismantle U.S. Constitution Samantha Power's Power On the ideology of an Obama adviser. Paul Ryan's Homer Capehart problem The Path to Prosperity [GOP budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2012] Connecting the Dots [by a CA Democrat pol who gets it] Moment of Truth [a preview of Rep. Ryan's budget proposal] The Unified Theory of Obama Judge Richard Goldstone's stunning re-evaluation of his own Report If there's no mission, when's it accomplished? All Benefits, No Costs The false promises of Obama's regulators. Radical Graffiti Chic [The colossal hypocrisy of vandal art.] Reasserting federalism in defense of liberty Honoring the compact Government by Waiver We've become a nation of takers, not makers Foolish Thoughts The Worst Study Ever? [The naked bias of World Heath Report 2000] Bolt on trial for heresy against High Church of Political Correctness The Islamization of Europe is no delusion. Critique of Islam: not "sick" but very healthy! Part of the original German here The unconcealed truth about carrying guns Middle East howlers [Even Fox swoons over "freedom-loving" rebels.] Measuring Force Humpty in Toytown and the Arab Boomerang Educating Bill O'Reilly on the 'rape factor' in Islam Bankrupt: Entitlements and the Federal Budget Obama still murky on Libya Hillary Clinton's Falsehoods [The Bushes were more multilaeral.] The paranoid style in liberal politics [Left's obsession with Koch brothers] The price of taxing the rich Don't overstate anti-Muslim bias There is freedom of expression in Europe — so long as only the one opinion is expressed Original German here The failure of multiculturalism and how to turn the tide Do-Gooders in a land with no good guys [Libya] The liberal media cult So when can we call it terror? Wall Street Journal Peter Wehner Steven F. Hayward Mark Landsbaum Sarah Palin Liz Peek Jude Federspiel Investor's Business Daily Phil Gramm Roger L. Simon Wall Street Journal Robert Samuelson Wall Street Journal Clarice Feldman Jonah Goldberg Baron Bodissey Mark Steyn Andrew G. Bostom Michael Mannheimer David Evans Andrew Malcolm Dorothy Rabinowitz John Stossel Alan Keyes Stanley Kurtz Jeffrey Lord Paul D. Ryan Roderick D. Wright David Brooks Clarice Feldman Ron Radosh Mark Steyn Ike Brannon & Sam Batkins Heather Mac Donald Ken Cuccinelli Andrew C. McCarthy Richard A. Epstein Stephen Moore Ben Stein Scott W. Atlas Ted Lapkin Elisabeth SabaditschWolff Steve Chapman Andrew C. McCarthy Thomas Sowell Melanie Phillips Andrew G. Bostom Michael Tanner Victor Davis Hanson Peter Wehner Matthew Continetti Robert Frank Bill Bennett & Seth Leibsohn Christian Ortner Geert Wilders Mark Steyn James Lewis David Harsanyi 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0418 0418 0418 0417 0416 0416 0416 0416 0415 0413 0414 0411 0411 0410 0410 0409 0409 0409 0408 0407 0407 0407 0406 0406 0405 0405 0405 0405 0404 0403 0402 0402 0402 Econ Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0331 Crit L.theory L.theory L.theory Econ 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0331 0330 0330 0329 0329 0328 0328 0328 0326 0326 0326 L.theory Media 2011 0325 CW.E 2011 2011 2011 2011 0325 0325 0325 0324 CW.E Health Econ Econ Econ d.Obama Econ Econ Econ d.Obama Sci.ecol CW.E Econ CW.I CW.E Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.I L.theory Econ Econ Econ Econ Health CW.Au CW.E CW.I Bio CW.I Media Media A glimpse of a future with ObamaCare Letter to President Obama on military action in Libya Obama's incoherent case for war Why multiculture will always fail America's descent into strategic dementia How to destroy Islam — non-violently Social Security isn't broken? Japan: whatever happened to the nuclear meltdown? Sheer Sophistry ["Palestinians" have no historic existence at all.] The totalitarian minority What if King George III had had Google? We don't know what we're doing [Blunder over Libya] Against a No-Fly Zone Ronald Reagan & George W. Bush It's still an empty lockbox Social Security and the "special-issue" bonds. How Washington ruined your washing machine 'Where are the Americans?' A Tale of Two Tsunamis Chevy Volt: the car from Atlas Shrugged Motors Why they celebrate murdering children Islam is as Islam does. The Shadow Knows, part two: Additional Economic Background The Shadow Knows, part one: The Discontinuity U.S. stunned by latest undercover sting [2008 presidential election a hoax] Obama's scandalous approach to the Middle East Japan does not face another Chernobyl Fukushima Nuclear Accident—a simple and accurate explanation Obama's oil production protest fails fact-checking test Good bye, Kyoto [the climate treaty, not the Japanese city] Armchair Barbarism The Value of American Promises Islamic Jew Hatred: *GRAPHIC* Muslims massacre Jewish family of five Sayings of Chairman Maobama On Wisconsin! How Republicans won the battle of Madison. It is a war, started by the unions Cowboy Subsidies It's time for gays to get married The Supreme Court and the health-care mandate muddle Ready for unionized airport security? Mindless push for 'diversity' in the military won't win wars Obama: 'The best revolutions are organic' A very modest victory in Madison Is Obama a War Criminal Yet? The liberal double-standard over Gitmo. What we're talking about when we talk about Big Government Paul Krugman gets it half right Treating Israel like dirt Turning the tables on Israel's accusers. Why are we still in Germany? The New Middle East [and the U.S. seems clueless] Busting the birth-control myth [Planned Parenthood's cynical lies.] Would universal health-care coverage actually improve health? Vinson to White House: Stop Stalling Mosques flourish in America; churches perish in Muslim world Blowback: "Kosovars" strike again The inmates are running the asylum [U.N. Human Rights Council] Global warming alarmists flip-flop on snowfall The decline of U.S. naval power Longhorns 17, Badgers 1 [refuting bogus education statistics] Why Koch Industries is speaking out [Crony capitalism, bloated govt.] Long Live the American Dream India and China have nothing on America. The next stage of the health-care debate Outside Job: Using the Oscars to legitimize a political theory Non-Discrimination Bernard Nathanson: a life transformed by truth Sally C. Pipes John Boehner Mona Charen Nicolai Sennels Caroline Glick Trencherbone Christopher Chantrill James Delingpole Jed Gladstein Lance Fairchok James Lampe David Warren Stanley Kurtz Mark R. Levin Charles Krauthammer Sam Kazman Roger Kimball Patrick J. Michaels Andrew C. McCarthy Baron Bodissey Baron Bodissey Barton Hinkle Martin Peretz William Tucker Barry Brook Hugh Hewitt S. Fred Singer Melanie Phillips James Lewis Pamela Geller Michael Goodwin Stephen F. Hayes & John McCormack Patrick McIlheran Mark Steyn Bill Flax George F. Will Kimberley Strassel Roger Hedgecock James Lewis National Review Washington Times David Steinberg Walter Russell Mead David Solway Mark Steyn Caroline Glick Kirsten Powers Jim Manzi Avik Roy Raymond Ibrahim Srdja Trifkovic Daniel Ayalon James Taylor Mark Helprin Iowahawk Charles G. Koch Shikha Dalmia Yuval Levin Zombie Roger Scruton Robert P. George 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0324 0323 0322 0322 0321 0320 0319 0321 0319 0319 0319 0319 0318 0318 0318 0317 0317 0316 0316 0316 0315 0315 0315 0314 0313 0313 0313 0313 0313 0313 0313 0313 Health 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0312 0312 0312 0311 0311 0311 0311 0310 0309 0307 0307 0305 0305 0304 0304 0304 0304 0303 0303 0302 0302 0302 0302 0301 0301 0301 0301 0300 0227 d.Unions Econ CW.Sex Health d.Unions CW.Am CW.E CW.I Econ Sci.catac H.Mid d.Unions Media Econ Econ Sci.ecol CW.I Sci.catac Sci.catac Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.I d.Unions d.Unions L.pris Econ CW.E CW.E CW.Sex Health Health CW.I CW.E d.UN Sci.ecol Acad Econ Econ Health Econ CW.Sex CW.Sex Public Unions & the Socialist Utopia What happens after we stop watching these revolutions? On Teachers and Others Rubicon: A river in Wisconsin Hate-A-Rama: the vulgar, sexist, racist, homophobic rage of the Left Where is the MSM? Union thugs assault woman, arbitrate 'badness' of Jews, berate black man Wisconsin Myths and Facts Rent-seeking spin vs. the truth. Rumsfeld vs. Me on the Freedom Agenda Even FDR understood: no collective bargaining for public servants Public unions must go Obama's devastatingly mixed signals "Shared sacrifice" is stupid Columbia's dishonor [moonbat disrespect for Sgt. Anthony Maschek] Convicted for calling Muhammad a 'paedophile' [E. Sabaditsch-Wolff] Paul Krugman epitomizes the current liberal divorce from reality [Unions and Big Business contribute far more to the Dems than to the GOP.] This Presidents Day, a lesson in greatness The case of the part-time pedophile Why does the Vienna Criminal Court care about Mohammed's sex life? Lara Logan and Media Rules Wisconsin: The Hemlock Revolution Lost: the common good Galileo and the scientific pose of the Left The historical illiteracy of Wisconsin teachers Unions want to overturn election result [teachers in the streets of Madison] The floating dollar as a threat to property rights Major Hasan, 'Star Officer' The Cee Lo Green Budget A cynical and unrealistic White House budget. Why worship democracy? The polygamists make their move Wanted: A Grand Strategy for America Obama's Egypt debacle. High-speed rail is a waste of money Do Western authorities care more about hamsters than about Europeans? Why are our soldiers dying? [Afghans to hang Christian convert Said Musa.] Speech at CPAC Dubunking the leading ObamaCare litigation myths Democrazy: Egypt and the Eternal Constitution The hypocrisy of Michael Moore Altruism is Obama's new jobs plan Reaganomics: What We Learned Obama's crony capitalism It's time to separate market and state. The Pentagon opts for Economy of Force Sun Tzu: The Enemy of the Bureaucratic Mind Social scientist sees bias within [re Prof. Jonathan Haidt's speech] When States Go Bust The bankruptcy debate heats up. Rewriting Ronald Reagan Special Commemorative Notable Quotables: Ronald Reagan at 100 An ObamaCare appeal from the states Governors request more flexibility. Who will defend Mideast Christians? Between Mubarak and a hard place Made in the USA US manufacturing still tops China's by nearly 46%. At Ground Zero, a sham memorial Mr. Kristol, stand for truth Has Britain lost the values that drew me here? The Brit PM's limp attack on multiculturalism Radicalisation and Islamic extremism The Problem of the Friendly Tyrant I can balance the Budget The legal future of ObamaCare Spilled Milk Robert Tracinski Charles Moore Victor Davis Hanson Charles Krauthammer Michelle Malkin Lori Ziganto 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0227 0225 0225 0225 0225 0224 d.Unions Matthew Shaffer Peter Wehner Peter Ferrara Jonah Goldberg Caroline Glick Rush Limbaugh Bob McManus Henrik R. Clausen Timothy P. Carney 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0224 0223 0223 0223 0222 0222 0222 0221 0221 d.Unions Michael Ramirez Mark Steyn Christian Ortner Caroline Glick Joe Klein (!) Chicago Tribune Robert Tracinski Ed Morrissey Patrick McIlheran Seth Lipsky Dorothy Rabinowitz Wall Street Journal Bruce Walker Peter Heck Niall Ferguson Robert Samuelson Fjordman Hal G.P. Colebatch Mitch Daniels Cory L. Andrews Selwyn Duke Jeffrey T. Kuhner Nolan Finley Arthur B. Laffer David Harsanyi Austin Bay Walter Russell Mead John Tierney James Pethokoukis Brent Baker, Tim Graham & Rich Noyes Brent Bozell III et al.. Mitch Daniels Joseph Bottum Ben Stein Jeff Jacoby Michael Burke Pamela Geller Mihir Bose Selwyn Duke David Cameron Michael Ledeen John Stossel Peter Ferrara Thomas Sowell 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0219 0219 0218 0218 0218 0218 0217 0217 0216 0216 0216 0215 0214 0214 0214 0214 0211 0211 0211 0211 0211 0210 0210 0210 0209 0209 0208 0207 0207 0207 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0207 0207 0207 0207 0206 0206 0206 0206 0206 0205 0203 0202 0202 0201 d.Unions d.Unions d.Unions d.Unions d.Unions d.Unions Acad CW.E Econ CW.E CW.E Media d.Unions d.Unions Sci.ecol d.Unions d.Unions Econ CW.I Econ CW.Sex Econ CW.E CW.I Health d.Moore Econ Econ Econ Acad Econ Media Media Health CW.I Econ Nine 11 CW.E CW.E CW.E Econ Health Clueless in Washington The narcissistic paradigms of Bush and Obama. The myth of green energy jobs: the European experience I fought the thought police, and I won The Decline of Liberalism [Delightfully eloquent, if not entirely right.] The law: servant or master? ($) The liberal vanguard On the works of J.M. Keynes and J.K. Gabraith. ($) Silenced Cal Rethinking the legacy of Calvin Coolidge. The wisdom of "The Federalist" A balance between safety & strength. ($) Liberty vs. benevolence (intro to "Limited govt. in an age of uncertainty.") How to understand Rush Limbaugh How to think about the Tea Party Manipulating a massacre ($) Left unprepared for ObamaCare ruling Why is Jim Wallis polishing the windows on his glass house? Fear the Muslim Brotherhood How BBC warmists abuse the science [Sir David Nurse the ignorant shill] Watching Egypt Rebellion in the Land of the Pharaohs Evil-Man Economics Attack on Glenn Beck shames the rabbinical profession and desecrates God's name How Obama's speech muddied the budget debate Why today is 1979, not 1995 Will Charter Schools Cure America's Blues? Fact check: Obama and his imbalanced ledger Republican response to State of the Union Address Response to President Obama's State of the Union address The worst is yet to come in Illinois Grading Barack Obama Reagan Reclaimed Passing ObamaCare was theater, and repealing is the reality show China's coming fall Much of its supposed boom is illusory. Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court's dumbest decision The Philadelphia Horror How mass murder gets a pass. America's Economy: The Ninth-Freest Hubris heading for a fall Preserving States' Rights and the Constitution Why the Left hates Sarah Palin Do you have a 'right' to a job, home, or health care? Liberals and Political Kitsch A Congress that reasserts its power A Priest and an Altar Boy, Hah, Ha, Ha Comprehensive list of tax hikes in ObamaCare For Pete's Sake Illegal guns are already illegal. Die Freiheit: An open letter to the Left Gender discrimination in science is a myth Massacre, followed by libel The Lone Gunman Theory of Legislation Castro in State of Confusion [Marxism and entrepreneurship don't mix.] While media indict conservative speech, left's lunacy is ignored The extreme rhetoric about extreme rhetoric [& fake Sinclair Lewis quote] Hanoi Jane and Jared [also re: CW.M] The Dismissal of Sarah Palin [also re: Media] Some manure, please, so I can 'grow the economy' I've got your "inflammatory rhetoric" right here [also re: Media] The Constitution did not condone slavery The Climate of Krugman [also re: Media] The progressive "climate of hate": An illustrated primer, 2000-2010 Journalists urged caution after Ft. Hood, now race to blame Palin after Arizona shootings [also re: Media] Caroline Glick Kenneth P. Green Mark Steyn Conrad Black Andrew C. McCarthy James Piereson Amity Shlaes Harvey Mansfield Roger Kimball Wilfred M. McClay Paul A. Rahe John Podhoretz Jennifer Rubin Peter Wehner Andrew C. McCarthy Christopher Booker David Warren Fouad Ajami National Review Jeff Dunetz Robert Samuelson Peter Ferrara Walter Russell Mead Calvin Woodward Paul D. Ryan Michele Bachmann Dennis Byrne Richard A. Epstein Steven F. Hayward Star Parker Lawrence Solomon Michael Filozof Michelle Malkin Deroy Murdock George F. Will Bruce Walker Robin of Berkeley Mark W. Hendrickson Christopher Chantrill George F. Will Randall Hoven Ryan Ellis Richard Kantro Marc Doll & René Stadtkewitz Alex B. Berezow Charles Krauthammer Jacob Sullum Carlos Alberto Montaner Rich Noyes Michael C. Moynihan Jeannie DeAngelis Aaron Goldstein Caroline Baum Stephanie Herman J. Kenneth Blackwell & Robert Morrison John Hayward Michelle Malkin Byron York 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0201 0131 0131 0131 0129 0129 0129 0128 0127 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0127 0126 0126 0125 0125 0125 0125 0124 0124 0123 0122 0122 0121 0121 0120 0119 0119 0119 0116 0116 0116 0114 0113 0112 Econ Econ Acad Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Bio Health 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0112 0112 0112 0111 0111 0111 0111 0111 0110 0110 0110 Acad 2011 2011 2011 0110 0110 0109 sci.ecol CW.E H.Amer L.theory Econ H.Amer L.theory Media Health CW.Chr Sci.ecol Econ Media CW.Sex CW.Sex Econ CW.Chr Health L.theory CW.E Econ Econ H.Amer The unseemly rush to blame Sarah Palin, the Tea Party and Republicans for murder in Arizona [also re: Media] No, Paul Krugman, Texas is not broke Mayor Bloomberg: An Abject Failure A nation choking on endless laws Spirit Level Week: The Bourbon Left Spirit Level Week: What About Equality? American paradox: Political correctness coexists with extreme vulgarity Worshipping the Constitution Restoring the Social Order 20 years of conservative policy success in cities. Spirit Level Week: Who's To Blame? Spirit Level Week: Equality Without Context Playing the Violence Card Why Zora Neale Hurston was a conservative 'Saving' the housing market Congress rediscovers the Constitution Prominent Editor in Egypt: 'I Accuse!' From Yale to the NFL: are we still The Home of the Brave? 'Civil Rights' Gone Wild Pilgrimages & cross-dressing trump the real thing. Let's get back to capitalism State Budget Bunk A taxonomy of fiscal gimmicks, evasions, and ploys. The inequality that matters The WikiLeaks War on America The Wikileaks puddle On the media's irresponsible dissemination of the leaked cables. Flower power in Gloucester A British equivalent to the Tea Party? The Anglosphere & the future of liberty: an introduction Britain, benign & proud On public virtue in the Victorian era. ($) Dependence Day On the erosion of personal liberty. Assimilation & the persistance of culture ($) 2010 a Banner Year for MSM's Ministries of Mistruth How's that Religion of Peace doing these days? Model student, sports star suspended for paring knife mix-up The four questions every liberal must be asked Is it a right or isn't it? Islamic supremacists envision a takeover of the Internet Question insanity: What to ask progressives 84 Socratic questions. 'Fair trade'? Free trade is fair trade The Best Notable Quotables of 2010 Allocation and Rationing The difference is freedom. Return of the Death Panel The Obama Administration is lying to you. How government failure caused the Great Recession A House poorly divided It should grow with the U.S. population. Net neutrality is anything but neutral Le Manifeste de Paris (The Paris Appeal) Victorious Atlas action: Seattle Transit refuses Anti-Israel bus ads! 'Tis the Season to be Politically Correct If the FCC Had Regulated the Internet Don't fault tobacco firm for death The Guns of December It's about time South Korea started shooting back. FCC Internet Grab a Christmas Nightmare A legacy of financial disaster. Stopping Obama: a Republican game plan Good riddance to the 111th Congress The Case Against Floating Currencies Really Free and Open Media Misinformation 2010 vs. 2008 Why Islam must be expelled from the West Liberal myths vs. reality Class Warfare The last refuge of a Democrat. Toby Harnden 2011 0109 Kevin D. Williamson Pamela Geller Michael A. Walsh Christopher Chantrill Christopher Chantrill Ron Smith John Hayward Heather Mac Donald Christopher Chantrill Christopher Chantrill Christopher Chantrill John McWhorter Thomas Sowell Roger Pilon Hani Shukrallah & James Lewis Dennis Prager Hans von Spakovsky Sherman Frederick Steven Malanga Tyler Cowen Jonathan Foreman Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer Roger Kimball Anthony Daniels Mark Steyn James C. Bennett Tom Blumer Eileen F. Toplansky Bryan Preston Tony Kondaks Ross Kaminsky Pamela Geller Oleg Atbashian Walter E. Williams Brent Bozell III et al.. John Hayward John Hayward Mark J. Perry & Robert Dell Jeff Jacoby Jonathan Gurwitz Riposte Laïque Pamela Geller Roger Kimball Jack Shafer Jeff Jacoby Edward Luttwak Marsha Blackburn Ed Lasky Frank Donatelli Manuel Hinds Jeffrey Folks John Ziegler Fjordman Randall Hoven Peter Wehner 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0107 0107 0107 0107 0106 0106 0106 0106 0105 0104 0104 0104 0104 0104 0104 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 0104 0103 0102 0101 0101 0101 0101 2011 0101 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0101 0101 0101 0101 1231 1229 1229 1229 1229 1228 1227 1227 1227 1227 1226 1226 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1226 1225 1223 1223 1223 1223 1222 1221 1221 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 1219 1219 1218 Econ Econ Econ CW.Am Econ Econ CW.Am Econ L.theory CW.I CW.Am Econ Econ Econ L.Patriot Media & L.Patriot CW.Am Media CW.I Acad Econ Health Media Econ Media Health Health Voting Media CW.E CW.I CW.Chr Media Media Econ Media Media CW.E Econ The connection between Muslim inbreeding and terrorism The Argument Against Gay Marriage: and Why it Doesn't Fail Does the Constitution mean anything? The climate bugaboo is the strangest intellectual aberration of our age Republicans kick the spending dope The 111th Congress's Final Insult Morality and Taxes The New Big Picture Two Californias The once-thriving Central Valley. Taking stock of WikiLeaks Holder and Sebelius trot out the auto-insurance canard The Judge Says 'No' Snooty Europhiles should be forced to crawl in penitence Tax Cuts Clearly Explained The Art of Strategic Citizenship What Is Marriage? Swindle of the Year Kill 'the Deal' More than 1000 international scientists dissent over man-made global warming claims Full report here (312-page PDF). The Crisis of the American Intellectual A Tyrant's Thinking Caplan's Constitution NY Times warning: Blue State Armageddon on the way Where Have All The Capitalists Gone? Any Day Now, Welfare Will Bring Prosperity Turn yourself in, Julian Assange How to balance the budget without raising taxes The 19 Percent Solution. Overheard—and overlooked—at the Sorbonne Multiculturalism hits the wall Elegy for Experience [Marilynne Robinson's Absence of Mind] The Bourgeoisie, Egalitarianism, and the Death of Culture Liberals and the Coming Redistribution of Fault Wikid Can there be such a thing as treason? Obama to Voters: Drop Dead Americans Don't Hate the Rich India's reform and growth have lifted all boats EPA fraud: Chevy Volt, Nissan Leaf actually get only 23, 25 MPG Deactivating cell phones while driving is pointless "Politics As Warfare" NYT drops ClimateGate-era ethics qualms, publishes scores of WikiLeaks docs The fallout from WikiLeaks' latest exposure How the Nanny President sees himself—and us Ireland Should Not Be Bailed Out The Zuckerberg Revolution [Facebook, Twitter, etc. cripple our reasoning] Is Illegal Immigration Moral? You are tolerant until it gets too crazy for you Happy Starvation Day The 25 Best Quotes About Liberals The Death of Don Alejo Garza Criminalizing the act of doing business They Walk Among Us Air travel: one step behind the terrorists Education: The Elephant in the Room Colin Powell's Algebra Lesson Nicolai Sennels Robert P. George, Ryan T. Anderson, & Sherif Girgis Doug Bandow Christopher Monckton Kimberley Strassel Wall Street Journal Rush Limbaugh Peter Ferrara 2010 2010 1217 1217 CW.I CW.Sex 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1217 1217 1217 1216 1215 1215 L.theory Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ EconHealth Victor Davis Hanson George Friedman Ed Morrissey William Murchison Boris Johnson Randall Hoven Takuan Seiyo Robert P. George, Ryan T. Anderson, & Sherif Girgis Charles Krauthammer Hugh Hewitt Marc Morano 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1215 1214 1214 1214 1214 1214 1212 1211 2010 2010 2010 1210 1209 1208 Econ Econ Sci.ecol Walter Russell Mead 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1208 1207 1206 1206 1206 1206 1206 1205 Media L.theory Econ Econ Econ L.Patriot 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1205 1205 1204 1202 1202 1201 1201 1201 1130 1130 1130 1130 1129 CW.E CW.I CW.Chr CW.E 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1129 1128 1128 1128 1126 1124 1124 1123 1122 1122 1121 1121 1119 1119 L.Patriot d.Obama Econ Media CW.Am CW.E Econ Investor's Business Daily W. James Antle III Walter Russell Mead Richard M. Salsman John Hayward Christopher Hitchens Nick Gillespie & Veronique de Rugy David R. Stokes J.R. Dunn Annie Gottlieb Larrey Anderson J. Robert Smith David Warren Peter Ferrara William Voegeli Jagdish Bhagwati Chris J. Kobus Alex B. Berezow John Hinderaker Lachlan Markay Tunku Varadarajan Kyle Smith Matthew Lynn Neal Gabler Victor Davis Hanson Martin Bosma John Stossel John Hawkins Ovemex Bill Frezza Robert L. McClain Jeff Jacoby Karen Karacsony Randall Hoven L.Patriot Health Health Econ Econ CW.Sex L.Patriot Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol L.Patriot Bio Health L.Patriot Acad Econ The 2011 Tax Tsunami Profile Muslims or Pat Down the Masses? Thus does the economy grow The Ghailani Debacle The West and the Guest Climategate: One Year and Sixty House Seats Later Letter from Kabul Provincial Jail Stimulus: still not working! Why Japan Fell... And What It Teaches Us Just Stay Home California suggests suicide; Texas asks: Can I lend you a knife? The Socialism-Capitalism Science Experiment Update on the Synod of Bishops The Global Warming Court Battle Semper Fi Society of St Louis speech Google Street View: A Systematic Invasion of Privacy Is humanitarian aid bad for Africa? Gerrymandering 101 also: The 10 most Gerrymandered districts in U.S. Free Speech in Europe Stealth Protectionism Out of the Wilderness Palin's Dollar, Zoellick's Gold They elevate the monetary policy debate. Republicans won the midterm elections. Now can they survive? Why Margaret Thatcher Matters [review of Claire Berlinsk's book] Stay Worried [Obama's abysmal economic ignorance] Who the hell are these people to decide the limits of our freedom? (trans.) Take Your Olive Branch and Shove It, Democrats Ten Takeaways from the Big Night Power to the people! Calif. rail project is high-speed pork The Germany That Said No Pop goes the "Times" [an excerpt from Gray Lady Down] Speaking of multiculturalism… Clooney defends conservatives against Maher smear Our divisive president, redux The Looming Rare Earths Train Wreck Thank You, Lord Barack, for the Great Awakening The Democrats' Final Recourse: Massive Vote Fraud A Referendum on the Redeemer The Republic of Paperwork Karzai and the Scent of U.S. Irresolution If Tea Partiers are such deluded fools, why are they doing so well? Big Insurance, Big Medicine Health-care consolidation—and higher costs. Stimulating Government Brass Oldies The tarnished myth of "tax cuts for the rich." The Bender Is Over How the Constitution is Read [The establishment clause vs "the wall."] Fools Rush in Where Europe Rushes Out The other side of the White House white board (video) The Intellectuals Keep Flying NY Review of books vs. Paul Berman. Paul Krugman's Latest Terrible Idea How to destroy the mortgage market. A Soulless White House Conservative Nation U.K. Makes Big Cuts — Why Can't We? ObamaCare, for Some How ObamaCare Will Clog the System The Crisis of Confidence The Barbarians Are Coming Top 10 ways government kills jobs in America Gary Wickert Selwyn Duke Keith B. Hennessey Jennifer Rubin David Solway Marc Sheppard Said Musa Veronique de Rugy Robert Samuelson Jed Babbin Joel Kotkin Andrew Thomas Eileen F. Toplansky S. Fred Singer John F. Kelly Alex Deane Margaret Wente Zombie Pat Condell Alvaro Vargas Llosa R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Wall Street Journal Frank Luntz Marcia Sielaff Victor Davis Hanson Rush Limbaugh Michelle Malkin Michael Tanner Michael Goodwin Robert Samuelson Christopher Caldwell William McGowan Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer Walter Hudson Patrick Caddell & Douglas E. Schoen Robert Bryce Stuart Schwartz Selwyn Duke Shelby Steele Mark Steyn Fouad Ajami Daniel Hannan Wall Street Journal Mark Steyn Thomas Sowell Ramesh Ponnuru & Rich Lowry T.L. Davis Jonah Goldberg Keith B. Hennessey Sol Stern Keith Riler James Lewis James Piereson Investor's Business Daily Wall Street Journal Marc Siegel John Hayward David Solway Arthur C. Brooks 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1118 1118 1117 1117 1117 1117 1116 1116 1115 1115 1115 1114 1114 1114 1113 1113 1113 1110 1110 1110 1109 1109 1107 1106 1106 1103 1103 1103 1103 1101 1101 1100 1100 Econ L.Patriot Econ L.pris CW.E Sci.ecol CW.I Econ L.Patriot Econ Econ H.Mid Sci.ecol 2010 2010 1031 1030 Media 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1029 1029 1028 1028 1027 1027 1026 1026 1026 1026 1025 Sci.ecol 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1023 1022 1021 1021 1021 1021 1020 1020 1020 1019 1019 1019 1019 CW.Chr Econ Econ H.Mid Econ d.Obama Cons Econ Health Health Vote.Ger CW.E Econ Econ V.polls Bio Econ Sci.ecol Econ Media CW.E Voting Health Econ Econ CW.E Econ Restoring Sanity If George W. Bush Had... Beltway Adventure Marriage Is the Key to Spending Cuts Blind Giants $900 Million for What? [America bankrolls the murderous P.L.O.] Wilders' Trial: Win One, Lose One The Fourth Dimension of Warfare, Part 1 So Much Worse Than Carter The Once and Future Republic Everything you know about the last 100 years is wrong The American Left Slides Into Psychosis The Electric Tea Party Acid Test The President's Nun: ObamaCare Scranton Scandal Explodes Drowning in Law Waiting for the Superman Who Will Never Arrive Congress On Steroids Slinks Out Of Town CBO's static scoring method. The Bill Gates Income Tax State income taxes are counterproductive. Are we sliding into a tyranny of good intentions? Escape clause from global warming law The Trouble with Public Sector Unions Does School Choice "Work"? Windy City Silence The truth behind the city's youth-crime spree. California, There It Went The Pelosi-Reid Deficits Blame Congress, not presidents Bush or Obama. Taxing the Rich Politics Versus Gold Make way for the milk monitors The Great U-Turn The Quietus of Reason The Tax Hikes Cometh America held hostage by redistributive theory. Religion, Journalism, and the New American Orthodoxy Lies, Damned Lies—ObamaCare 6 Months Later Fair Pay Isn't Always Equal Pay No Political Oversight for Private Colleges Soros's Anti-Human-Rights Agenda Hillsdale College Speech on the Presidency Found it: The Islamic Golden Age! Many Are the Errors [Paul Krugman and the Crash of 2008] The nightmare of union power is back again [1970s UK union atrocities] Burned for Being American Outline of a Platform for Constitutional Government Recycling Myths Revisited Marriage: America's Greatest Weapon Against Child Poverty Lessons of the Koran's non-burning Pax Americana (1949-2010) The Prosecution of Nancy Pelosi Danish Free Press Society's Sappho Award: Selsing's presentation Steyn's acceptance audio Health-care reform: Why I'm suing to get back my freedom Who's Being Reckless? [JFK, Reagan, Bush tax cuts made us prosperous.] Shariah: The Threat to America One Imam, Multiple Messages [The truth about Rauf.] The Remora Economy Resisting a Voracious State Fire Obama How Obama Thinks Stephen Hawking's creation confusion A Matter of Propriety, Not Rights Bad Medicine Begets Bad Economy The Case for Marriage John Hayward Eileen F. Toplansky Iowahawk Phyllis Schlafly John Hayward J. Kenneth Blackwell Robert Spencer Seneca III Peter Ferrara David Solway Ed Driscoll J.R. Dunn Zombie Jeffrey Lord Philip K. Howard Robert Weissberg Eric Singer Arthur B. Laffer Neil Reynolds & Kenneth Minogue Mark Landsbaum Daniel DiSalvo Frederick M. Hess Heather Mac Donald Jennifer Rubin Stephen Moore John Stossel Thomas Sowell Jeannie DeAngelis James C. Bennett Larrey Anderson Matthew Continetti Charles Chaput Sarah Palin Christina Hoff Sommers Krista Kafer Anne Bayefsky Mike Pence Henrik R. Clausen Raghuram Rajan Janet Daley Diana West Larry P. Arnn Daniel Benjamin Robert Rector Jeff Jacoby James Lewis Jeffrey Lord Eva Agnete Selsing & Mark Steyn Matt Sissel Ralph Reiland Ctr for Security Policy Ibn Warraq John Hayward David Warren Peter Ferrara Dinesh D'Souza William E. Carroll Thomas Sowell Steve Forbes National Review 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1017 1016 1015 1015 1015 1015 1014 1013 1013 1012 1011 1011 1011 1011 1010 1008 1004 1005 1004 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 1003 1001 1001 1001 1000 0929 0929 0928 0927 0927 0926 0925 0924 0923 0921 0920 0920 0920 0919 0919 0918 0917 0917 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0913 0913 0913 0913 0908 0908 0908 0908 0908 0907 0907 0907 0916 0915 0914 0914 0913 d.Obama d.Obama CW.Sex CW.E CW.E Econ Media Op.pix Health L.theory Acad Econ Sci.ecol d.Unions Acad CW.Am Econ Econ Econ Econ Acad H.Amer Econ Media Health Econ Acad d.UN CW.I Econ d.Unions CW.I Sci.ecol CW.Sex CW.I CW.E Health Econ CW.I CW.I Econ Econ Econ d.Obama CW.Chr CW.I Econ CW.Sex Hypocrisy Is Big Labor's Big Problem Who is responsible for Warmabomber's violent agenda? The curious metaphysics of Dr. Stephen Hawking Internationalism Run Amok A Legend Fit for a King MLK's political beliefs. Queering Education The truth about that dishonest Vanity Fair Palin story Friendly Persuasion Simpson and the Sacred Cow He's right about Social Security. Less Could Be More Newspaper's last gasp? [The future of old media; but mostly Vietnam War] "Organized" crime [Nicholas von Hoffman, Saul Alinsky, Barack Obama] The postmodern calculus Wrong vs. Rights The "Ground Zero Mosque" and the nature of Islam. Government Pay: Now For The Really Bad News Our Macroeconomic Fetish The Greening of Godzilla Undercurrents below the Ground Zero mosque Why they can't condemn Hamas Rauf and his friends are on the same team. The last refuge of a liberal Muslims + Mainstream Media = Madness Islamophobia? Not Really Duking It Out The Dukakis administration that never was. When Economic Policy Became Social Policy The Battalions of Islam Rauf's Muslim Brotherhood roads to Malaysia The decline of Christianity in the West, and The Rage Against God Nazis & Communists: Ideological Bedfellows The ObamaCare Disaster Obama Demagogues Private Enterprise (re: Social Security) How to Win the Clash of Civilizations Is Harry Reid Un-American? (Liberals' illogic on the Ground Zero mosque) Prop. 8 ruling ignores precedent, evidence and common sense Why ObamaCare Must Be Repealed In Bush v. Obama, Bush wins in a rout The Re-Hollowing of the Military American Muslim organization says President Obama is wrong American Taxpayer, Financial Jihadist (Thanks to our takeover of AIG) Sacrilege at Ground Zero The Destiny of a Free Nation Global Warming Hoax Weekly Roundup, Aug. 12 2010 The Conspiracy Against Economic Growth Howard Zinn's Dupes? The Liveable Communities Act Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society Black Murders Eight Whites; Media Blame Whites Why I'm Not Hiring 'We Socialists' vs. 'We the People' The perilous myths of Hiroshima When Labor Is Capital: The Limits of Keynesian Policy Same-Sex Marriage and the Assault on Moral Reasoning It's not about couples and love. The marriage ruling is all about you. Life is Not Fair Illogical Immigration ObamaCare: The sum of all fears The Big Bamboozler Not at Ground Zero Liberal Piety and the Memory of 9/11 Democrats Bite Democrats—Part II WaybackWhen: The Video Game of Better Times and Places Deroy Murdock Glenn Reynolds Robert Spitzer Claudia Rosett Matt Purple Mary Grabar Gina Loudon Mark Steyn Jacob Sullum Tom Coburn Conrad Black Andrew C. McCarthy James Franklin Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer John Tamny Richard A. Epstein Walter Russell Mead Judea Pearl Andrew C. McCarthy Charles Krauthammer Clifford D. May Jonah Goldberg Noemie Emery Peter J. Wallison Baron Bodissey Alyssa Lappen Peter Hitchens Bruce Walker Peter Ferrara John Stossel Ayaan Hirsi Ali James Taranto Edwin Meese Sally C. Pipes Peter Wehner Arthur Herman M. Zuhdi Jasser Andrew C. McCarthy Charles Krauthammer John Hayward Paul Wornham Louis R. Woodhill Paul Kengor Ed Braddy Nicolai Sennels Dennis Prager Michael P. Fleischer Tony Blankley Arthur Herman Arnold Kling Matthew Franck Patrick McIlheran Rush Limbaugh Victor Davis Hanson Mary Katharine Ham & Guy Benson Peter Ferrara National Review Dorothy Rabinowitz Thomas Sowell Oleg Atbashian 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0906 0905 0903 0903 0903 0903 0903 0901 0901 0900 0900 0900 0900 0900 d.Unions Sci.ecol CW.Chr d.UN H.Amer Acad Media Acad Econ 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0830 0830 0828 0828 0828 0827 0826 0824 0822 0821 0821 0821 0820 0818 0818 0818 0818 0817 0817 0817 0816 0816 0815 0814 0813 0812 0812 0811 0811 0811 0810 0810 0809 0809 0807 0806 0806 0805 0805 0805 0805 Econ Econ Sci.ecol CW.I CW.I 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0804 0804 0804 0803 0802 Econ CW.I CW.I Econ H.Amer Sci.var CW.I Media CW.I Econ CW.I CW.I CW.Chr H.World Health Econ CW.I CW.I CW.Sex Health Econ CW.I CW.I CW.I Sci.ecol Econ d.Zinn CW.I Media Econ H.Amer Econ CW.Sex CW.Sex CW.Am Health The Soak-the-Rich Catch-22 The Real Radio Hatemongers Left-wing hosts' vile and vicious rhetoric. Albert the Alligator and the British Ambassador Britain shows that U.S. will have no choice but to ration health care Detaining Arizona [Judge Bolton's laughable decision against Arizona] An Open Letter to David Cameron An old argument revisited [Wilson, FDR, Stephen Douglas vs Constitution] The Timeless Principles of American Prosperity [supply-side, 1913 to now] Best course for dealing with the Taliban: Win, then negotiate Empire of Silence JournoList, Breitbart, and what the Left doesn't say. Go for Growth An agenda for Republicans. Excusing the Oakland Rioters Looting is not a form of civil rights protest. Sherrod: "We must stop the white man and his Uncle Toms." Know When to Hold 'Em [Racist Shirley Sherrod; JournoList hacks] Is It Time to End Climate Alarmism? JournoList's anti-Palin crusade of 2008 From Meccania To Atlantis, Part 17: Shotgun Marriage In Europe Revealed: The Obama Donor List Digging a deeper hole Obama's Soft-Core Socialism By Her Own Words, Kagan Will Violate Her Oath Documents show media plotting to kill stories about Rev. Wright Unions 'Own the Democratic Party' [also: immigration] Wall Street Reform That Isn't America's Ruling Class—And the Perils of Revolution A Climate Absolution? Berwick: Bigger Than Kagan [includes 18 shocking, damning quotes] Should Black Folks Give the Tea Party a Second Look? Jeffersonian Vision and the Rejection of Progressivism Marriage and the Reign of Judges The Charge of Racism: It's Time to Bury the Divisive Politics of the Past The Bush Tax Cuts and the Deficit Myth What will Gates' legacy be at Defense? The Big Green Lie Exposed [also Prohibition, do-gooders, and peace quacks] The Climategate Whitewash Continues Life vs. Feminism Corrupting Hatred Magical Education and the Slide into Third-Worldism Constructing the 21st-Century Socialist State Alinsky, Stalinsky, It's Still the Same Old Agitprop Pirenne and his Detractors [Islam caused the Dark Age of Europe.] Green Economics and the Void of Desire Representation Without Taxation Unemployment Benefits Aren't Stimulus Natural Reluctance Kagan's refusal to acknowledge pre-existing rights. The Ministries of Truth Weigh In Obama's New Take on Partisanship Bad posture on amnesty Funny how feds lean on Ariz., not R.I. "You Want Freedom? You're Gonna Have to Kill Some Crackers" The New Civil Wars Within the West Paul Krugman's Depression Economics And Justice For All Hastings Case Sets a Dangerous Precedent Gun Shy: 4 Justices Take on Constitutional Rights Why Obamanomics Has Failed Jihadi Undercuts President Drones Over America: Tyranny at Home Unequal Law Enforcement Reigns at Obama's DOJ More questions for nominee Elena Kagan So What If McChrystal Lost His Job? & Matthew Paris Arthur B. Laffer Rich Noyes Barry Rubin Cal Thomas National Review Nicolai Sennels Scott Johnson Peter Ferrara Michael Gerson Andrew Klavan Matthew Continetti Heather Mac Donald Dan Riehl Clarice Feldman Mark Landsbaum Jedediah Bila Takuan Seiyo Anita MonCrief New York Post Steve Forbes Tom Coburn Jonathan Strong Mickey Kaus & Nick Gillespie Washington Examiner Angelo M. Codevilla Wall Street Journal Daniel Henninger Sophia Nelson Michael Barone Matthew Franck Sarah Palin Brian Riedl Jed Babbin Walter Russell Mead Patrick J. Michaels Andrew Ryan Eileen F. Toplansky Robert Weissberg Baron Bodissey James Lewis John J. O'Neill John Hayward Edwin Feulner Arthur B. Laffer Jacob Sullum Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson Michael Graham Ed Driscoll Gregory R. Copley John Tamny Richard Fernandez Cathy Young Jacob Sullum Allan H. Meltzer Daniel Pipes John W. Whitehead J. Christian Adams George F. Will Diana West 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0802 0801 0801 0729 0729 0728 0728 0728 0727 0726 0726 0726 0726 0725 0725 0725 0723 0723 0722 0721 0720 0720 0719 Media 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0718 0716 0716 0715 0714 0713 0713 0713 0713 0713 0712 0712 0712 0711 0711 0711 0711 0710 0709 0708 0708 0707 0707 0707 0707 0706 0704 0701 0701 0701 0630 0630 0629 0628 0628 0628 0627 Econ Health CW.Am CW.E Econ Media CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Sci.ecol Media CW.E d.Obama Econ Econ L.theory Media Econ & CW.Am Sci.ecol Health CW.Am Econ CW.Sex CW.Am Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.Sex CW.Am Acad H.World Econ Econ L.theory CW.Am CW.Am Econ CW.Am L.theory L.theory Econ CW.I L.Patriot CW.Am L.theory Want to protect the poor? Then give them jobs Tossing A Few Legal Queries Into The 'Void' The Democrats' Vision Problem The best stimulus? Spend less, borrow less Let's Not Have a Revolution Learning the Rules of an Unengaged President The Law? How Quaint! 'You sit and ask yourself: What are we doing here?' [McChrystal is a lib.] Will Obama Listen to Anybody? Why We Need the Rich A message on wealth creation. Chavez trying to blot out remnants of free expression Rolling Stone gathers a general McChrystal Deserves Another Chance The Obama Speech We're Waiting For [Fannie & Freddie get BP treatment] A Tale of Two Disasters [Hurricane Katrina vs Deepwater Horizon] Barack Obama and the Reflection of LBJ's Loss of the Mainstream Media Obama's Thuggery Is Useless in Fighting Spill Israel and the Surrender of the West What Obama Could Learn from FDR FCC Will Tame the Internet—Or Kill It A Mind-Changing Page The Great Anglo-American Spat Dangerous to our health [Dr. Donald Berwick] The Golden Age Of Government Unions Is Over Public Employee Unions on the Defensive This job, too, is beneath Obama Helen Thomas, Turkey, and the Liberation of Israel Racism, Civil Rights, and Libertarianism The Left's Strange Hostility to Hirsi Ali Flannery vs Bolt transcript (a.k.a. How to expose a Warmist) The Alien in the White House Health Care Rationing Obama Believes In Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? [Libs don't get basic economics.] $13,050,826,460,886.97 The Convenient Enemy [the Mavi Marmara incident] Disgracing America [the Mavi Marmara incident] Those Troublesome Jews Israel refuses to commit suicide. [Mavi Marmara] Israel Was Right [in the Mavi Marmara incident] Turkish (blood)bath [the Mavi Marmara incident] Barack Obama Channels His Inner Gerry Ford Progressives Against Progress What the Earth Knows [Geologic time and climate change] What Social Science Does—and Doesn't—Know Northbound on I-5 near Chehalis, WA [clever signs lampooning Obama] The Golden State's War on Itself Overpaid Federal Workers Morals & the servile mind The diminishing moral life of our democratic age. What we owe our troops The Battle That Changed Everything Every Day is Memorial Day ObamaCare Taking On Water Barack Obama in crisis: Zzzz President Luddite: The Collapsing Obama Presidency Obama, the Thin-Skinned President While President Obama dreams of utopia, the world gets rougher Historical Truth, Postmodern Theory and the Fabrication of Aboriginal History Why Donald Berwick is Dangerous to Your Health Modern Civil Rights: Cockfighting and Same-Sex Proms Global Moral Decline and Who's to Blame for It The Christie Reform Agenda: Cap 2.5 Janet Daley George F. Will Jonah Goldberg Shawn Tully Andrew Coyne Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson, Andrew C. McCarthy Washington Examiner Ziad K. Abdelnour Alvaro Vargas Llosa Debra Saunders Kori Schake William McGurn Paul Rubin Thomas F. Roeser Michael Barone Shelby Steele Arthur Herman Dennis Kneale Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Jeff Jacoby Neal Boortz Peter Scheer Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson Cathy Young Mark Steyn Andrew Bolt Dorothy Rabinowitz Nat Hentoff Daniel B. Klein Michael Tanner Jonah Goldberg Mona Charen Charles Krauthammer Leslie H. Gelb Ralph Peters Bill Frezza Fred Siegel Robert B. Laughlin Jim Manzi Anonymous Joel Kotkin Chris Edwards Kenneth Minogue Ralph Peters Vin Suprynowicz Ted Nugent Jeffrey H. Anderson Michelle Malkin Hugh Hewitt & Newt Gingrich Peter Wehner Kevin O'Brien Keith Windschuttle 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0626 0625 0625 0625 0625 0625 0625 0624 0624 0623 0623 0623 0622 0622 0622 0621 0621 0621 0619 0618 0618 0618 0616 0614 0613 0611 0611 0611 0610 0610 0609 0609 0608 0606 0604 0604 0604 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0600 0600 0600 0600 0530 0530 0528 0528 0528 0528 2010 2010 2010 0527 0527 0526 Hal Scherz Ann Coulter Dennis Prager Chris Christie 2010 2010 2010 2010 0526 0526 0525 0525 Econ L.theory Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Katrina H.Amer H.Amer Media Econ Health Econ Econ CW.Am CW.I Sci.ecol Health Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol H.Amer Health CW.Au Health CW.Am Econ The Top Ten Lessons of the Global Economic Meltdown Politicians Should Say No More Often The Era of Unlimited Government Is Here Obama's Oily Beaches and Wetlands Bam's daze of the weak Mexico City, Washington Gang up on Phoenix America's new culture war: Free enterprise vs. government control Let's Cut the Euphemisms and Speak the Truth The Fruits of Weakness The simple truth about illegal immigration Not just their Big Fat Greek Funeral Wall Street "Reform" Just More Crony Capitalism Is Marquette Free to be Catholic? Bill Maher's bigotry insults common sense, MLK, my mom No, You Can't Keep Your Health Plan Polarization May Be Our Best Hope The 9/11 Mosque's Peace Charade "Enough Money" Defending Arizona's Education Law The Other European Volcano A Slow-Burn Bonfire of Liberties "Sweden Is Our Country, Too!" Not a State-Broken People The Bounds of Silence Elena Kagan looks wobbly on freedom of speech. Human Rights Just a Joke At the U.N. The War Against the Jews at UC San Diego Europe Is No Model The genius of American politics. Are the Greek Riots a Picture of Our Future? Islam's Nowhere Men Not Their Finest Hour Britain's elections and a crisis of governance. Is there anyone left with America's interests at heart? The Appalling Media Double Standard on Reporting Political Violence The Case for Federalism The Founders' forgotten formula for freedom. How can we thwart future Islamist attacks? Defeat the ideology. Convenient Moral Blindness Civilian terror trials are the violation Iran and the Costs of Containment Blaming the citizen The Bully Party A Short Money Treatise for the D.C. Dummies What Arizona Must Live With (CW.Am and CW.E) Mr. President, Your Animus Is Showing [Even NYT sees Israel-hatred] What Kind of Socialist is Barack Obama? Muslims and Westerners: the psychological differences The New New Deal The Worst of the West Barack Obama, America's Selective Salary Policeman Praising Arizona [NYT's biased coverage of a perfectly reasonable law.] Border Disorder Why Left Talks About 'White' Tea Parties Jon Stewart Flunks His Spartacus Test The Left Exploits Illegal Aliens A Message to the President: Freedom Knows No Race, Sir Guess What? ObamaCare Bill Raises Health Care Premiums See, I Told You So: Barack Obama Plays the Race Card on Amnesty Goldman Money for Obama Wins at Monopoly Message From Arizona: Don't Tread On Me EurObama [He embraces VAT (etc.), just as Europe moves away from it.] The New Fat Cats The indefensible pensions of public-sector employees. Tea Partiers the New Front in 'War on Terror' Liberals and the Violence Card Walter Russell Mead Tom Coburn Deroy Murdock Hugh Hewitt Michael Goodwin Debra Saunders Arthur C. Brooks Thomas McClanahan Charles Krauthammer Mark Landsbaum Mark Steyn Paul D. Ryan Patrick McIlheran Jason Whitlock Scott Gottlieb Mona Charen Pamela Geller & Robert Spencer Thomas Sowell Melik Kaylan Victor Davis Hanson Mark Steyn Baron Bodissey George F.Will Jacob Sullum Anne Bayefsky David Horowitz Jeffrey Bergner Bill Frezza Fouad Ajami Gerard Baker Diana West Bob Owens Rob Bishop M. Zuhdi Jasser Caroline Glick Robert F. Turner Michael Anton Ralph Peters Matthew Continetti Steve Forbes Mark Steyn John Podhoretz Jonah Goldberg Nicolai Sennels Charles Kesler Josef Joffe Michelle Malkin Heather Mac Donald Ralph Peters Dennis Prager Jeffrey Lord Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Kevin Hassett Austin Hill Matt Welch Fred Barnes Mark Steyn Rush Limbaugh 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0524 0524 0524 0524 0523 0523 0523 0522 0521 0520 0520 0520 0519 0518 0518 0518 0518 Econ 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0517 0514 0514 0513 0513 0513 0512 0511 0510 0510 0510 0510 0508 0507 0507 0506 0505 0505 0504 0503 0503 0503 0502 0501 0501 0500 0500 0500 0430 0430 0430 0429 0427 0427 0426 0426 0426 0426 0426 0425 0425 0424 0424 0423 Econ CW.Am CW.E CW.E CW.E CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Econ Econ CW.Chr CW.Chr Health CW.I L.theory d.UN H.Mid Econ CW.I Media CW.I L.pris CW.Am Econ CW.Am CW.I Econ Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.I CW.Am CW.Am Health CW.Am Econ CW.Am Econ Econ CW.I Obama's Economic Policy: Crony Capitalism Want to solve the budget crisis? Say no to spending Democrats at the Edge of the Cliff Take the Painkiller and Go Home All the President's Goldman men Myths About Capitalism Obama and the New Civility Letter to SEC Chairman Mary Schapiro The Energy Policy Morass Man Should Be Free to Love the Earth Obama's Nuke Summit Dangerously Delusional Obama's Supreme Problem Obama's Moral Equivalence on Nukes Obama's terrible powers The Descent of Liberalism Nudge Nudge, Wink Wink Behavioral economics and Obama's nanny state. EPA choking freedom Israel the Strong Horse What the West doesn't grasp about the Arab world. Preemptive Disarmament Listening and Telling the Truth Bribery Strikes Out True North strong not free What's Not Happening to American Muslims Time For a 180, America Study the Constitution and Federalist Papers. God Hates Judges [Fred Phelps' hateful speech is not protected.] The Bad-Nukes Myth Obama Is Weakening America Obama's List Out of Control How much taxation is enough? The link between taxes and freedom. The Way Forward for Republicans, Tea Partiers Church Gets An Unfair Rap Pope has been at forefront of change. Justice Arrested in Venezuela Chavez's abuse of the legal system. Gratitude and Grace No Speech for You A Hidden History of Evil The unread Soviet archives. Islam vs. Islamism Is there such a thing as moderate Islam? The Beholden State How public-sector unions broke California. The Varieties of Liberal Enthusiasm Recovering the Case for Capitalism Should America Bid Farewell to Exceptional Freedom? Break Up the Banks Big banks are bad for free markets. 'Corporate Welfare!' They Cried The latest dodgy Democrat argument. Rwanda and Columbine: the politics of forced reconciliation The Complete List of Obama Statement Expiration Dates The Dawn of a New Age In the United States Repeal: Why And How ObamaCare Must Be Undone The Future of an Illusion A mere treaty won't bring peace to the Middle East. 2010: A Race Odyssey — Disproving a Negative for Cash Prizes or, How the Civil Rights Movement Jumped the Shark Why Revenge Is Necessary Don't let up until 'health care' bill is repealed Mob Rule 1, Free Speech 0 Address at AIPAC It's a Civil War: What We Do Now ObamaCare Can Be Repealed Aristotle's Warning The Health Vote and the Constitution—II Obama's war on Israel The Biden Incident [Israel's long pro-peace record] John Steele Gordon Jack D. Franks Daniel Henninger Peter Ferrara Michelle Malkin Michael Medved & John Stossel Victor Davis Hanson Darrell Issa Steven F. Hayward Mark Landsbaum Mark Steyn Wendy Wright Mark Davis Dick Morris Michael Knox Beran Andrew Ferguson Mark Landsbaum Caroline Glick Claudia Rosett Paul Johnson Heather Mac Donald Mark Steyn Dorothy Rabinowitz Janine Turner Ann Coulter Ralph Peters Tunku Varadarajan J.R. Dunn Dick Armey Jonah Goldberg Clifford Asness George Weigel Vaclav Havel Roger Scruton David Harsanyi Claire Berlinski Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer Steven Malanga Benjamin Plotinsky Yuval Levin Paul D. Ryan Arnold Kling Stephen Spruiell Tina Jim Geraghty Bill Frezza Yuval Levin Elliott Abrams Andrew Breitbart 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0423 0422 0422 0421 0421 0421 Econ Econ 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0421 0420 0419 0416 0416 0415 0413 0413 0412 0411 0409 0409 0408 0408 0408 0408 0408 0407 0407 0407 0406 0406 0406 0406 0405 0404 0403 0402 0402 0400 0400 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0400 0400 0400 0331 0331 0331 0329 0329 0329 0327 0327 0325 d.Unions Quin Hillyer Kevin O'Brien National Post Benjamin Netanyahu Dennis Prager Edwin Feulner Ed Kaitz Michael McConnell Caroline Glick Charles Krauthammer 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0325 0325 0325 0323 0323 0322 0321 0320 0319 0318 Health Health CW.Can Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol L.theory Econ H.Amer Econ Sci.ecol CW.Can CW.I L.theory Econ Health CW.Chr Health H.World CW.I Econ Econ Health L.theory d.Obama Econ Health CW.Am Health Health Health Health bill is malpractice Talking Points vs. Reality [Do we have an uncle? And is he rich enough?] OBAMAGANDA: another school sings praises to Dear Leader Exorcising Toyota's Demons Tort-bar opportunism, media malfeasance. Gitmo's Indefensible Lawyers Dead Congress Walking A Misleading Sales Pitch [for the "Fair Tax"] Pelosi and Marx on 'Freedom' Obama family health care fracas doctor; BHO's 2nd cousin once removed Enhancing Democracy by Banning Speech Why Democrats Don't Care about $9.7 Trillion in Debt In Denial The meltdown of the climate campaign. American media, blaming the 'Right': from Duranty and the KGB to Reuters Friedman Aflame Tom's mind melts fact and reason into nonsense. America's War On Islamist Terror...Or Is It? A Bright, Shining Green Lie ObamaCare worth the price to Democrats Myths about Reconciliation Speech in the House of Lords One Giant Government Leap Backwards Romneycare model a dud Obama's Malignant Narcissism Chicago's Pointless Handgun Ban No Allies—But Plenty of Enemies The Paygo Fraud Why I took a stand White House land grab Reconciliation on health care would be assault to the democratic process Hoosiers and Health Savings Accounts Smearing Theodore Roosevelt There Is No Keynesian Miracle Policing for Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture [Marian Williams, Jefferson Holcomb, Tomislav Kovandzic, Scott Bullock] The mother of all bailouts to come A $4 trillion bailout fund for Wall St. The Case for High-Deductible Health Insurance ObamaCare: Federal Price Controls You Can Believe In The Coming Constitutional Debate Why "Freedom of Worship" Is Not Enough Progress into entropy Greece and the Welfare State in Ruins Pin the Bogeyman On the Tea Party The Pledge of No. Palin vs. Edwards: A Case Study in Media Bias Obama's Stimulus PR Fraught With Malarkey Keynote Speech at CPAC: transcript video Congress' Phony Price Tags Obama Takes Deficits To New Frontier Obama defeats FDR (in spending other people's money) Nightfall in America The Obama deficits portend a gloomy future. Green Eggs and Bam Selling Freedom Cheap Why Washington Can't Reform Healthcare What to Say to a 'Warmer' Big Brother out of control More Miranda Idiocy John Murtha: Requiem for a corruptocrat Getting Our Groupthink On Closing the New Frontier Music and Morality Fire John Brennan Tom Coburn Thomas Sowell Warner Todd Huston Walter Olson Debra Burlingame & Thomas Joscelyn Noemie Emery Ramesh Ponnuru Ed Kaitz Milton R. Wolf Steve Chapman Dennis Prager Steven F. Hayward Andie Brownlow 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0317 0316 0316 0315 0315 Health Health d.Obama Media L.pris 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0315 0315 0315 0311 0311 0309 0308 0308 Health Econ Econ Health L.theory Econ Sci.ecol Media Jonah Goldberg 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0308 0305 0305 0305 0305 Media L.pris Econ Health Health 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0305 0305 0304 0304 0304 0304 0304 0303 0302 0302 0301 0300 0300 0300 CW.E Health Health 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0228 0226 0226 0225 0222 0222 0222 0222 0219 0218 0218 0218 0217 0217 0216 0216 0216 0215 0214 0214 0213 0212 0212 0212 0211 0211 Econ Health Health L.theory CW.Chr Econ Econ Andrew C. McCarthy Rich Lowry Mark Steyn Daniel Foster & Stephen Spruiell Geert Wilders Lawrence Kudlow Michael Graham James Lewis Steve Chapman Victor Davis Hanson Jay Ambrose Jim Bunning Jim DeMint Orrin Hatch Mitch Daniels Jonathan Tobin Paul Johnson Institute for Justice J.C. Watts Michael Tanner Deroy Murdock Stephen Markman Ashley Samelson John Hayward Robert Samuelson Bill Frezza Jamie Weinstein Jay Ambrose Marco Rubio Veronique de Rugy Jeffrey H. Anderson Terence P. Jeffrey Pete Du Pont BulletPeople Thomas Sowell Bill Frezza Mark Landsbaum Jeff Jacoby Stuart Taylor Jr. Michelle Malkin Mark Steyn Charles Krauthammer Roger Scruton Jed Babbin L.theory Econ Econ Health Health Bio Econ L.theory Media Econ Econ Econ Econ Health Health Sci.ecol L.pris d.Var Crit L.pris The Fable of Market Meritocracy Markets reward value, not 'smart people.' Why Fear Big Government? Menace in mad march of the thought police What the Tea Party movement is – and isn't The Fallacy of "Fairness" Back to the Drawing Board Dem fantasies face the bracing slap of reality. The Perils of Prosperity It doesn't go bust often enough. The Answer to Socialism Obama is victim of Bush's failed promises A Trail of Broken Promises to Nowhere How the Veil conquered Cairo University (with Jamie Glazov) Michigan's Blueprint for America Behold the cratering of an economy. One step back for mankind Credibility is What's Really Melting Fact checking Obama's claim of being a deficit victim The Rules of the Game and Economic Recovery Making Poverty History: A Short History Media malpractice on display Video on the annual Pro-Life March. The Death of Global Warming The Redlining of Small Businesses Nightmare in the Middle East A few reminders for the constitutionally challenged Surface temperature records: policy driven deception? Soft on Terror Islamist terrorism is not a law-enforcement issue. President Princess Fairy Pants (radio transcript) The importance of the American spirit, the perils of ignoring it Keep An Eye On The U.N. The case against the Goldstone Report: a study in evidentiary bias The Spender-in-Chief's fiscal freeze follies Islamists hate music, Western art and culture A Roadmap For America's Future, Version 2.0 The President's Bank Reforms Don't Add Up The Roots of Obama Worship Auguste Comte's Religion of Humanity. Too Much of a Bad Thing Concurrence in Citizens United v FEC Opinion of the Court in Citizens United v FEC Why the Great and Growing Backlash? Victory Speech transcript What the Health Care Debate is Really All About Antarctica and the Myth of Deadly Rising Seas Class War How public servants became our masters. Health Care in a Free Society Oliver Stone: I Got Your Hitler Context Right Here In Defense of Tea Parties Stop Blaming the CIA The Democrats' Job Standard The Risk of Catastrophic Victory Medicare and the Mayo Clinic What the Dems Know: Universal Voter Registration While Europe Sneered Critics of Islamic fanaticism fend for themselves. The Constitutional Crisis and the Security Crisis Exposing the Myth of Reform in Iran A terrorist war Obama has denied The Most Important Three-Year Period in History? The Galbraith Revival Big-government ideas back in vogue. The criminalization of making money ("The New Statism") ($) Islam & the Left Two collectivist ideologies. ("The New Statism") ($) Live free or die (from "The New Statism" symposium) ($) Shikha Dalmia Victor Davis Hanson Janet Albrechtsen Mark Davis Thomas Sowell Matt Welch Robert Samuelson John Hayward Chuck Green Rosslyn Smith Nonie Darwish Henry Payne Christopher Caldwell Mark Steyn Robert Robb Amity Shlaes Ryan Streeter Jack Cashill Walter Russell Mead Henry Dubroff & John Huggins Ralph Peters Thomas Mitchell Joseph D'Aleo & Anthony Watts Charles Krauthammer Mark Steyn & Hugh Hewitt Parker Griffith Claudia Rosett Alan Dershowitz Michelle Malkin Trencherbone Paul D. Ryan Peter J. Wallison James W. Ceaser Mark Steyn Antonin Scalia Anthony Kennedy Victor Davis Hanson Scott Brown James C. Capretta Marc Sheppard Steven Greenhut Paul D. Ryan Kurt Schlichter Tunku Varadarajan Marc Thiessen Michael Steele et al. Peggy Noonan Jeff Jacoby James Simpson Bruce Bawer Andrew C. McCarthy Sayeh Hassan Charles Krauthammer Steve McCann Theodore Dalrymple Lionel Shriver Andrew C. McCarthy Mark Steyn 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0210 0210 0210 0209 0209 0208 0208 0207 0207 0207 0205 0205 0205 0203 0203 0202 0201 0201 0201 0131 2010 2010 2010 0131 0131 0129 2010 2010 0129 0128 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0128 0128 0127 0127 0126 0126 0125 0125 0123 0121 0121 0120 0119 0119 0114 0113 0113 0112 0111 0109 0108 0107 0106 0106 0105 0104 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 0103 0101 0101 0100 0100 0100 0100 Econ CW.Au Econ Econ d.Obama CW.I Econ Sci.ecol Econ H.Amer CW.Sex Sci.ecol Econ L.theory Sci.ecol L.pris d.UN Econ CW.I Econ Econ L.theory L.theory Health Sci.ecol Econ Health Media L.Patriot Econ Health CW.E L.pris Econ Democratic despotism comes of age ("The New Statism" symposium intro) What does Islam teach about violence? Ongoing project; Koran quotes. Eminent Domain as Central Planning GLSEN-ing Young Children Obama & Our Post-Modern Race Problem Keeping America's Edge Flying High Why the Filibuster Is More Essential Now Than Ever Cross the River, Burn the Bridge Christmas is Not Negotiable In Loco Parentis Markets, Not Mandates What would real health care reform look like? Too Many Democrats in Washington Give Me Liberty, or Give Me ObamaCare No Such Thing As a Free Lumpectomy The folly of a "right to health care." Obama's Latest Health Care Lie It's A Wonderful Bill (with deep apologies to Frank Capra) Change Nobody Believes In A bill so reckless… The Best Notable Quotables of 2009 Is this U.S. justice? Terrorists get Miranda rights, SEALS get persecuted. There'll be nowhere to run from the new world government Abolishing Marriage in Washington, D.C. The Rot At Duke—And Beyond Academia's anti-white bias. Our human rights culture has now become a tyranny Laughing at the Left Global Wealth Can Heal the Planet Three Undemocatic Temptations Preferring Liberals In Both Parties Yes, there is Santa He's no liberal myth. The Bukay Affair What Senators Think They Know about Health Care... isn't so Tax Cuts Might Accomplish What Spending Hasn't The Just-War Tradition Healthcare access better overseas? Obama goes from dazzle to drone Hollywood and Howard Zinn's Marxist Education Project Down With Big Business The Environmental Shakedown The new socialism. My Way Into and Out of the Left Totalitarian Sentimentality Why the Left is more attractive than the Right. Czar Obama takes aim at Congress Copenhagen's political science Capping Emissions, Trading on the Future Why 'The People Speak' and the Zinn Education Project May Be Illegal in Public Schools Jobs or Snow Jobs? Harry Reid is Wrong on History and Wrong on Health Reform The Cuckoo's Nest visits Copenhagen The Cold Heart of ObamaCare Climategate reveals 'the most influential tree in the world' Scientists Behaving Badly Swiss ban on minarets was a vote for tolerance and inclusion Greenhouse Gas Observatories Downwind from Erupting Volcanoes Climate Challenges Setting up our military to fail Committing HarryCare The 35-Year War on the CIA Education, Economics, and Self-Government A Multitude of Fools Obama and his voters. The Illegal-Settlements Myth Unconstitutional Spending The federal government, the 10th Amendment. Climategate: Caught Green-Handed! Roger Kimball Glen Roberts Nicole Gelinas Jeannie DeAngelis Shelby Steele Jim Manzi Christopher Hitchens Jay Cost Mark Steyn Walid Phares Dymphna Ronald Bailey Peter Ferrara Jeffrey H. Anderson Jacob Sullum Matt Welch Iowahawk Wall Street Journal Brent Bozell III et al.. Jonathan Gurwitz Janet Daley J. Kenneth Blackwell Stuart Taylor Jr. Charles Moore Quin Hillyer Jonah Goldberg Tony Blankley Brent Bozell III Michael Graham Steven Plaut Ramesh Ponnuru N. Gregory Mankiw George Weigel Linda Halderman Mark Steyn Michelle Malkin Paul D. Ryan Charles Krauthammer Andrew Klavan Roger Scruton Washington Examiner Sarah Palin Joel Kotkin Adam Baldwin 2010 2010 2010 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0100 0100 1231 1230 1228 1228 1228 1226 1225 1224 1223 1223 1223 1223 1222 1222 1221 1221 1220 1220 1220 1219 1218 1218 1218 1218 1215 1215 1214 1214 1213 1212 1212 1212 1211 1211 1211 1210 1209 1209 1209 1208 1208 L.theory Thomas Sowell Michelle D. Bernard 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1208 1208 1207 1207 1205 1205 1205 1204 1203 1202 1202 1201 1200 1200 1201 1130 1130 Econ Health d.UN Health Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.E Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Mark W. Hendrickson Nat Hentoff Christopher Booker Steven F. Hayward Ayaan Hirsi Ali Andrew Walden John Linder Ralph Peters Peter Ferrara Arthur Herman Larry P. Arnn Professor of Life 101 David M. Phillips John Tamny Christopher Monckton CW.I Acad CW.Am Health CW.Chr CW.Sex Health Health Health Health Health Health Health Media L.pris CW.Sex Acad CW.E Sci.ecol Media Acad Health Econ Health Acad Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Acad Health L.Patriot H.Mid Sci.ecol The Climate Science Isn't Settled We must rise up against the trial: It's time for 9/11 families to fight Holder's dangerous move The Arabs have stopped applauding Obama Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation CRU's Tree-Ring Circus Who peer-reviews the peer-reviewers? The Five Obama Fails A Year of Magical Thinking Dems' dream is everyone else's nightmare Kill the bills. Do health reform right. Politics and Greenhouse Gases The Art of Political War for Tea Parties The Gift of Not Giving [How Christmas destroys billions of dollars in value.] The New War against Reason A Progressive Constitution Methodist Bishops Urge Surrender in Afghanistan CRU's Source Code: Climategate Uncovered Afraid to kill Health 'reform' that burdens our young Marching off a Cliff Under the Islamic Veil: Faces Disfigured By Acid Major Hasan and Holy War Cloward-Piven Government Global WarmingGate: What Does It Mean? At U, future teachers may be reeducated [Fascist moonbats rule Minnesota] The EPA and Me Thanks for Paying Attention, Big Journalism Obamanomics 101 No cheers for capitalism. The Killers Within The Evidence of Climate Fraud Climategate: final nail in the coffin of 'Anthropogenic Global Warming'? Scientific scandal appears to rock climate change promoters Eric Holder's Baffling KSM Decision Barack Obama's Rules for Revolution: The Alinsky Model Breaking News Story: CRU has apparently been hacked—hundreds of files released Jerusalem Stone and the Genocide of Titus Roadmap to Victory [the House GOP bill, plus a tax cut for the uninsured, and conversion of DSH payments into block grants] Islam Bashers Repent The Coming Jihadi Trial Disaster Bowing to "world opinion" For the Dems, What a Difference a Year Makes Mafia-style health insurance: An offer you can't refuse The Rationing Commission The Essential Fusion The KSM Trial Will Be an Intelligence Bonanza for al Qaeda KSM Hits Manhattan—Again A loss for America Holder's Hidden Agenda, cont'd A Jidhast Hiding in Plain Sight The Wall separates Reagan from Obama Liberal elitists aren't elite Deadly Denial Dr. Phil and the Fort Hood Killer Barack Obama's shameful absence from Berlin Who Are 'They'? The Road from 1989 The greatest peaceful transformation in history. Four Little Words Reagan confronted criminal regimes with what they fear most: the publicly spoken truth about their moral weakness. Dictatorships and Double Standards Tough on Fiji, soft on Iran. Washington and the Jobs Market Money into a Keynesian cul-de-sac. What the Pelosi Health-Care Bill Really Says [citing chapter and verse] Richard Lindzen Debra Burlingame 2009 2009 1130 1129 Fouad Ajami Christopher Booker Mark Steyn Adam Sparks Matthew Continetti Charles Krauthammer John McLaughlin David Horowitz George F. Will Victor Davis Hanson Larrey Anderson Mark Tooley Marc Sheppard Ralph Peters Robert Samuelson Rich Lowry Phyllis Chesler Reuel Marc Gerecht James Simpson Charles Martin Katherine Kersten Nancy Brown Andrew Breitbart Fred Barnes Bernie Reeves Marc Sheppard James Delingpole Clarice Feldman David Beamer David Horowitz Anthony Watts 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1129 1128 1128 1128 1128 1127 1127 1126 1125 1125 1125 1125 1125 1124 1123 1123 1123 1123 1122 1122 1122 1121 1121 1121 1121 1121 1120 1120 1120 1120 1119 James Lewis Tevi Troy & Jeffrey H. Anderson Amil Ismani J.R. Dunn Thomas Sowell Richard Baehr Paul Hsieh Wall Street Journal John Hayward John Yoo Wall Street Journal Kris W. Kobach 2009 2009 1119 1119 Mark Steyn Meghan Cox Gurdon Mike Rosen Ralph Peters Dorothy Rabinowitz Nile Gardiner Victor Davis Hanson John O'Sullivan Anthony R. Dolan 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1119 1118 1117 1116 1116 1115 1115 1115 1114 1114 1113 1113 1112 1112 1110 1110 1109 1109 1109 1108 Stephen F. Hayes Wall Street Journal Betsy McCaughey 2009 2009 2009 1107 1107 1107 Andrew C. McCarthy Sci.ecol L.pris Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Health Health Sci.ecol Econ L.theory CW.Chr Sci.ecol L.pris Health Health CW.I CW.I Sci.ecol Acad Sci.ecol Media Econ Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol L.pris Sci.ecol Health CW.I CW.Am L.pris Health Health L.pris L.pris L.pris L.pris CW.I CW.I CW.I H.World Bio Health Fort Hood's 9/11 Three Strikes against ObamaCare Better or Worse? From Berlin to Copenhagen Environmentalism is the new anti-capitalism. Less Is Not More Reducing care just reduces care, not costs. The "Costs" of Medical Care It's Barack Obama's first anniversary—but there's little to celebrate Does Lack of Insurance Cause Premature Death? Probably Not. Ralph Peters National Review Thomas Sowell Peter Foster Thomas Sowell Thomas Sowell Simon Heffer Linda Gorman & John C. Goodman 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1106 1106 1106 1105 1104 1103 1103 1102 CW.I Health Health Sci.ecol Health Health The Minority Thought Pattern And the vilification of Rush. Respect Madison's Republic The Golden State isn't worth it It can't compare with low-tax Texas. Sacrificing free speech won't appease fanatics Music and Modernity Weak will, high wall JFK's failure in the face of barbed wire. Crushing the media He Came, He Saw, He Kowtowed Obama Makes Bush His Blame Czar Troubling Signals on Free Speech U.S. and the U.N. Human Rights Council. Masterfleece Theater Obama is out of envelopes Narcissistic Rage in the White House Government by Holiday Inn Express Dismantling America All Falling Down… Lies That Are Disputed The Left gets history wrong. Public Plan Mirage Why Government Health Care Keeps Falling in the Polls Where's the benefit? Selective Concern On Sex Imbalances Fox Wars The 'post-partisan' president makes an enemies list. Putting Politics Over Security Terrorism? What Terrorism? In Thrall to a Long-Dead Experiment D.C. 'Solutions' Worse Than Status Quo Projections vs. Data: The Death of Climate Change Kenneth L. Hutcherson 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1102 1101 1101 1101 1101 1100 1031 1030 1030 1030 1030 1030 1028 1027 1027 1027 1026 1026 1026 1025 1024 1023 1021 1021 1021 1021 1020 Media L.theory Econ CW.I Crit H.Amer Media Media 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1019 1019 1019 1017 1017 1016 1016 1016 1016 1015 1015 1014 1014 1014 1014 1014 1013 1013 1013 1013 1009 1009 1008 1008 1007 WMD L.pris Health Why Wait To Disarm Iran? Civilian courts are no place to try terrorists ObamaCare in Practice New England has already tried much of it. A Tale of Two Soundbites Which one sounds "divisive" to you? Academia Goes Silent on Free Speech UK Commander Challenges Goldstone Report Obama's Theorems The people don't believe any more. Football, the Race Card, and Me Laws of the universe vs. ObamaCare The Boys Who Cry Racism Leaked network memo reveals: Obama controls your television set Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty What's Michael Moore Talking About? Washington Is Nuts The Rush Limbaugh Media Lynch Mob The Truth About Jackson, Sharpton and CNN's Sanchez (with Sources) Media smears Rush Limbaugh, considers Wikiquote a reliable source Barack Obama's Fairy Palace (incl. 1930s cartoon The Little Mole) Time to Start Over Magic Numbers in Politics Peace In Our Time Decline Is a Choice The New Liberalism & the end of American ascendancy. Could ObamaCare Be Repealed? Encouraging signs from the states. Health care speechwriter without insurance now CBO Scores Baucus David Marion William Voegeli Thomas Mitchell James MacMillan Donald Kagan Ralph Peters Jonah Goldberg Mark Steyn Stuart Taylor Jr. David Harsanyi Charles Krauthammer James Lewis Mona Charen Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Conrad Black Robert Samuelson Arthur C. Brooks Scott W. Atlas Stuart Taylor Jr. Charles Krauthammer Richard B. Cheney David Solway Patrick McIlheran Richard W. Rahn Walter Hudson & Christopher Monckton Christopher Hitchens Michael Mukasey Stephen Spruiell Mark Steyn Peter Berkowitz Richard Kemp Victor Davis Hanson Rush Limbaugh Rich Lowry Harry Stein John Nolte Christopher Monckton John Stossel Tony Blankley Toby Harnden Rush Limbaugh Leon H. Wolf "Natural Fake" Michael Tanner Thomas Sowell Frank Gaffney Charles Krauthammer Stephen Spruiell Wendy Button Yuval Levin Health CW.I Health Health H.Amer Health Health Health Acad Media Econ Econ Sci.ecol Acad Media Health CW.Am Media Sci.ecol Econ Health Media Media Media Health Econ Health Health Health CBO and a Firewall That Will Never Hold Letter to President Obama on Jobs Creation Transfer Machine Government Medicine Kills II Comparing USA with Canada and Britain. Same Old ObamaCare Black Leaders Ignore Black-on-Black Crime Obama's permanent depression a.k.a."Spengler" à Extending the Recession Indefinitely Paul Krugman makes no cents The Conscience of a Capitalist Cap-N-Tax is like taxing ambulances to reduce traffic accidents The Ego Has Landed: A Racist World Wants Barack Obama to Fail Save the Private Option The Future of Western War The Age of Nice, or Politics as Psychiatry States Show How Not To Fix Health Care Stimulus Spending Doesn't Work An Economic Agenda for the GOP Pro-market, not pro-business. The Bilingual Ban That Worked The Limits of Reinvention A Pragmatic Look at Obama's Pragmatism A Statistical Regression Analysis of Maritime Unemployment Rates, 19461948. Just kidding—more Liberal Lies About National Health Care! 'Reform' horrors: O's Total Disconnect The Threat of 'Stealth Jihad' ACORN's Man in the White House Stop Allowing The Left To Set The Rules Global Warming "Science" Thinking global brings a world of problems Netanyahu Stands Alone at UN; Ahmadinejad Agrees with Obama Chickens Roosting Economics Still Doesn't Lie How To Lose Friends... An Enfeebled Obama Doubling Down on a Flawed Insurance Model Speech to the UN General Assembly Prez comes across as a gullible sap The Naïf-in-Chief The blessings of Pax Americana, the good cop Pre-empting Michael Moore's film The Internet's New Enforcer FCC chairman appoints himself top cop. Obama and the Politics of Concession Barack Obama, College Administrator Moving Forward in Honduras Taxes, Depression, and Our Current Troubles The Official Obama Criticizer 9/12 Protest — Washington, DC A pictorial view. Ghods Day Protests in Iran The Whole Truth Obama distorts it to his liking. Obama's Missile Offense Defenseless The Obama administration retreats on missile defense. Liberal Lies About National Health Care: Bonus Joe Wilson Edition! ACORN's a Creature of the CRA Lehman and the Financial Crisis Institutions that take trading risks must be allowed to fail. Media Malpractice: Tom Brokaw's World Implodes Fables for Adults 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1007 1007 1007 1007 1006 1006 1006 1004 1004 1003 Health Econ Econ Health Health CW.Am Econ Econ Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1003 1002 1002 1001 1001 1001 Sci.ecol Robert J. Barro & Charles J. Redlick Luigi Zingales Heather Mac Donald Dennis Boyles Jonah Goldberg Ann Coulter 2009 1001 Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1001 1001 1001 0930 0930 Econ CW.Am Sally C. Pipes Frank Gaffney Matthew Vadum Lloyd Marcus John McLaughlin Janet Daley Rush Limbaugh Victor Davis Hanson Guy Sorman David Harsanyi Caroline Glick John F. Cogan, R. Glenn Hubbard & Daniel Kessler Benjamin Netanyahu Rich Lowry New York Post James Lewis Walter E. Williams Peter Suderman Mark Helprin Victor Davis Hanson Roberto Micheletti Arthur B. Laffer Bo Snerdley David P. Hayes Sayeh Hassan Charles Krauthammer Wall Street Journal Clifford D. May Ann Coulter Steven Malanga John H. Cochrane & Luigi Zingales Jeffrey Lord Thomas Sowell 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0930 0929 0928 0928 0927 0926 0925 0925 0925 0925 0925 0925 Health CW.I d.Obama CW.Am Sci.ecol 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0924 0924 0924 0924 0923 0923 0923 0923 0922 0922 0921 0920 0918 0918 0918 0917 0916 0916 0915 2009 2009 0915 0915 James C. Capretta House GOP leaders John Stossel Deroy Murdock Yuval Levin E.W. Jackson Jr. David P. Goldman Vin Suprynowicz John H. Cochrane John Mackey & Stephen Moore Guy LeBlanc Smith Rush Limbaugh Robert Tracinski Victor Davis Hanson Josef Joffe Kerri Houston Toloczko Health Health Health WMD WMD Econ Health Econ Media Econ Health S.Wars S.Wars Health Econ Econ Media Health 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0914 0914 0913 0912 0912 0911 0911 0911 0911 0911 0911 0910 0910 0910 0909 0909 0908 0908 0907 0907 Health Econ 0905 0904 0904 0903 0903 Sci.ecol Mark Steyn Ralph Peters Paul E. Peterson 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Victor Davis Hanson Jonah Goldberg John Stossel Jeff Jacoby Ann Coulter Richard W. Rahn Victor Davis Hanson 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0903 0902 0902 0902 0902 0902 0901 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0901 0901 0901 0901 0901 L.pris L.pris BkNote 2009 0901 CW.I The Six Moral Arguments Against Socialized Medicine Killer's release demands answers Most of the dead were American. An Ivy League Huey Long Washington is seriously unserious. Peter Wehner Ralph Peters Thomas Sowell James Piereson Peter Wehner & Michael Gerson Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer David Swindle Robert P. George George F. Will 2009 2009 2009 0830 0830 0829 Health Massachusetts' Obama-like Reforms Increase Health Costs, Wait Times Obama and 'Redistributive Change' Remember 'No Controlling Legal Authority'? Liberal Lies About National Health Care: Second In A Series Debate Shows How Little Obama Understands Obama Screws Up Latin American Policy Saving Rifqa A Rail Boondoggle, Moving at High Speed What Is the Foundation Of Your Economic Beliefs? Much Ado About China Stupid Nation Just how stupid do they think we are? No Health Care Reform Without Legal Reform The SNP's Libya stunt has shamed my nation Hope and Change Has Become Predictable Liberalism The Strange Case of the Obama Meltdown In Government We Trust? Michael F. Cannon Victor Davis Hanson Andrew C. McCarthy Ann Coulter John Stossel Mona Charen Nonie Darwish Robert Samuelson Bill Frezza Conrad Black Rich Lowry Sarah Palin Brian Wilson Troy Senik Victor Davis Hanson Daniel Henninger 2009 0827 0826 0826 0826 0826 0825 0824 0824 0824 0822 0821 0821 0821 0821 0820 0820 Technocracy in America Obama neglects the real 'public option.' Saving A Million Jobs at $787,000 Per Job Inside the 9/12 protest Listening to a Liar: Part II An Unnecessary Operation ObamaCare vs. what's right with US health care. President Obama's Foreign Policy: An Assessment Obama Won't Surrender In His War of Choice The Keynesians Were Wrong Again Health Cost Crisis An Obama Speech In 13 Easy Steps 9/11 and the 'Good War' Rush translates Obama's speech Chaos for Glory: My Time With ACORN Understanding Poverty in America Thomas Friedman is a Liberal Fascist Obama's Speech: Did It Help Him? Capitalism After the Crisis Back to School Speech [He didn't believe a word of it.] Bam vs. Democracy Obama repeating mistakes of Great Depression Arctic ice proves to be slippery stuff A Dangerous Delusion We go to war to defend our interests. Pledging allegiance to our beloved Obama O's Afghan Woes Health lessons from schools The Second World War—70 Years Later Global Warming and the Sun How sunspots make the Earth warmer. Clunker Legislation Obama's soak-the-rich mentality Liberal Lies About National Health Care: Third In A Series Who Decides What A national system could deny you a say. Obama's schoolchildren address, and where we are in Afghanistan (on the Hugh Hewitt Show) Will's Loss of Nerve Punishing Patriots Suicide of the West? Is Conservatism Dead? Sam Tanenhaus's The Death of Conservatism The Path To Republican Revival Yale & the Danish cartoons Shameful censorship at Yale University Press. Matthew Continetti Bill Frezza Byron York Thomas Sowell Fred Barnes John Bolton Mark Steyn Peter Ferrara John R. Graham Rich Lowry Fouad Ajami Rush Limbaugh James O'Keefe Robert Rector Jonah Goldberg John Hinderaker Luigi Zingales Barack H. Obama Ralph Peters Charles Rowley & Nathanael Smith Christopher Booker Andrew C. McCarthy 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 Health Health Health Econ Health Health d.Obama Econ Health Econ Acad Econ Health/ Acad H.World Sci.ecol Econ Econ Health Health Health/ Sci.ecol Health L.pris Health Health CW.I Econ Econ Econ Health Health Health Fisking the Left-Wing Bias of Newsweek and SPLC: transcript audio MSNBC carefully crops shot of black man carrying AR-15 Don't like ObamaCare? Here's an alternative I Am Finally Scared of a White House Administration USMC vet rips Congressman Baird on ObamaCare transcript video The Panel What death by bureaucratic fiat might look like. Our 'Gimme' Society Nothing is as Liberating as Prosperity Call Me 'Paranoid' Beware the Eggheads, Not the Skinheads A Modest Proposal for Health Care Obama's Senior Moment We Can't Talk About Immigration ObamaCare Kills Health Competition The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare 20 Questions for Your Congressman Government Medicine Kills Weighing America and Finding It Wanting D.Kessler's anti-obesity crusade. Uneven Playing Fields Title IX does an injustice to men. How to Fix the Health-Care 'Wedge' An alternative to ObamaCare. The Prognosis for National Health Insurance Dems' Plan Will Eliminate Health Insurance Utopia Versus Freedom Five Reasons why Obama will hike middle-class taxes Avoiding the Next Obama Why Revive the Cold War? Russia and the U.S. were reducing their nuclear arsenals without 'arms control.' Gay Marriage, Democracy, and the Courts Future Prospects for Economic Liberty What 'Right' to Health Care? A Liberty Issue Once More, With Feeling! [The editorial is mush; Comment #1 is great.] Just how smart is Obama? The Path Forward for Honduras Obama's Accidental Gift on Race Ted Kennedy's Legacy: Genocidal Immigrationist Edward Kennedy's America Five freedoms you'd lose in health care reform Obama knows 'stupidly' when he doesn't see it Promoting Racial Paranoia Obama recycles anti-cop fictions. A Teaching Moment Health Care Mythology Obama Is Delaying the Economic Recovery Obama's Racist Demagoguery 545 People (see also: 1985 version, 1995 version, Snopes entry) Of Race, Gender and Justice [Sotomayor's dissembling] Barbara Boxer Race Relations The Obsolete New York Model The 'Public Option' Health Care Scam It's Not An Option Washington: Still Abusing the Economy...and Undermining Health Care The Breaking Point; Summer of Discontent The 'Cap And Tax' Dead End Obama Rewrites the Cold War America—From Freedom to Servitude: part 2 Lawmakers, read the bills before you vote Growing Worries about Our Pied Piper What If Palin Were President? Sarah 'Barracuda' Palin and the Piranhas of the Press In ObamaCare, Middle Class Gets the Shaft Mark Steyn Ace of Spades Shawn Tully Nat Hentoff David Hedrick Andrew Klavan Ruben Navarrette Janet Daley Jonah Goldberg George Jonas Rick Richman Wall Street Journal Mark Steyn Michael Tanner John Mackey Robert Tracinski Deroy Murdock Andrew Ferguson H. Clay McEldowney Arthur B. Laffer Arthur B. Laffer, Donna Arduin, & Wayne Winegarden Robert Tracinski Thomas Sowell James Pethokoukis L.E. Ikenga Douglas Feith & Abram Shulsky Robert P. George Walter E. Williams John David Lewis Mark Steyn Dtohmatsu Clarice Feldman Roberto Micheletti Andrew Breitbart Tanstaafl Scott Johnson Shawn Tully Mark Steyn Heather Mac Donald Jules Crittenden Clifford Asness Peter Ferrara Pamela Geller Charlie Reese Linda Chavez Duane R. Patterson Myron Magnet Steve Chapman Investor's Business Daily Steve Forbes Allen West Sarah Palin Liz Cheney Berit Kjos Jeff Jacoby Victor Davis Hanson David Harsanyi Carl M. Cannon Jeffrey H. Anderson 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0820 0819 0819 0819 0818 0817 0816 0816 0815 0815 0814 0814 0813 0813 0811 0810 0806 0806 0806 0805 0804 Media Media Health Health Health Health Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0804 0804 0804 0804 0803 Health Health Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0803 0802 0802 0801 0729 0727 0727 0727 0726 0726 0724 0724 0724 0724 0722 0722 0722 0718 0717 0716 0716 0716 0715 0715 0715 0714 0713 0712 0711 0710 0710 0708 0708 CW.Sex Econ Health Health Health d.Obama Health Health Health CW.E Health Health Health Health Health CW.Am Health Health CW.Am d.Kenn d.Kenn Health CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Health Econ CW.Am L.theory CW.Am Econ Health Health Health Sci.ecol Media Health I Still Hate You, Sarah Palin [Republicans bring a knife to a gunfight again.] Caritas in Veritate Obama's mythography: An Orwellian disaster Desperate Deal Obama's Moscow Giveaway. Earth's 'Fever' Breaks! Global temperatures 'have plunged .74°F since Gore released An Inconvenient Truth' The Never-Ending Pork Parade 'Stimulating' everything but economy. Remembering What the Declaration of Independence is Not America—From Freedom to Servitude: part 1 The Constitution and American Sovereignty A U.S./U.N. Plot Against Anti-Communist Honduras The Long Arc There's no such thing as free health care Are Judaism and Christianity as violent as Islam? Left Dodges Moral Debate on Ricci Case Firefighter Justice The Supremes, Sotomayor & Racial Jurisprudence. Persistent Myths in Feminist Scholarship Ideologue-in-Chief Waxman-Markey Flunks Math Do Not Forget Burma Obama's EPA Quashes Climate Change Science A Health 'Reform' To Regret Converting Manna to Gall Busting The Adminstrative Cost Benefit Myth A Debt The Founders Wouldn't Believe ABC ObamaCare Special Turns Into Presidential Filibuster Bravo Jake Tapper: Pushing President Obama On His Absurd Assurances About "Keeping Your Plan" A Weak American President ObamaCare: Kiss Your Access Goodbye No Country for Burly Men Stimulus plan skewed towards women's jobs. Iran: The Bloody Revolution Marches On Arab Festival 2009: Sharia in the U.S. (video) The Stealth Single-Payer Agenda Defying Islamic terror regime, fierce clashes on Tehran streets The Big Chill [Don't fight global warming by freezing the economy.] No surprise to see ABC give platform to Obama — but not to his critics Hope and Change—but Not for Iran 'Public Option': Son of Medicaid Government-Run Healthcare: A Prescription For Failure [long series] 100 Stimulus Projects: A Second Opinion Health Reform Is All Downside For Most Americans Public Spending Begins With Private Enterprise Speech at the Begin-Sadat Center at Bar-Ilan University Just Make Stuff Up President Obama's war on the truth. Literature and Ideology: Jorge Luis Borges and Karen Blixen Dear David Letterman Obama Hovers From on High Abortion Distortion [No collective guilt for Dr. Tiller's murder.] Plus ça Change (at the 50-year reunion of his Columbia graduating class) Sotomayor and the Politics of Race Obama's Health Cost Illusion Dunce Cap-and-Trade 'A Wise Latina Woman' Judge Sotomayor meant what she said. Worse Than Fiction Obama's Message of Weakness Obama's Age of Moral Equivalence If Obama Had Carter's Courage… Lessons from setting the railroads free. Green With Guilt Thoughts from an ex-fetus Mankiw & Rogoff: Why We Don't Need Economists David Kahane Pope Benedict XVI Pittsburgh Trib-Review Ralph Peters Marc Morano Jonah Goldberg Bruce Walker Berit Kjos Jeremy Rabkin Cliff Kincaid Leon Wieseltier John Stossel Raymond Ibrahim David Paul Kuhn Wall Street Journal Christina Hoff Sommers Caroline Glick Rich Karlgaard Laura Bush John Hinderaker George F. Will Baron Bodissey Tom Bevan Judd Gregg Jeff Poor Hugh Hewitt Anne Bayefsky Scott W. Atlas Christina Hoff Sommers Pamela Geller Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood, et al. George F. Will Pamela Geller Pete Du Pont Ron Smith Charles Krauthammer Daniel Henninger Investor's Business Daily Tom Coburn Douglas O'Brien Boris Johnson Benjamin Netanyahu Victor Davis Hanson Thomas F. Bertonneau Michelle Malkin Charles Krauthammer Christine M. Flowers David Horowitz Shelby Steele Wall Street Journal Jim Manzi Jennifer Rubin Wall Street Journal Mark Steyn Jonathan Tobin Holman Jenkins George F. Will George Jonas John Tamny 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0707 0707 0707 0707 0705 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0704 0703 0703 0701 0701 0701 0701 0700 0630 0630 0629 0629 0629 0628 0628 0628 0627 0627 0626 0625 0624 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0623 0623 0622 0622 0621 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0621 0620 0619 0619 0619 0618 0616 0616 0616 0615 0614 0612 0612 0612 0612 0612 0609 0609 0609 0608 0607 0606 0605 0604 0604 0604 0603 0602 Sci.ecol Econ Health H.Mid L.theory L.theory Acad Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Health Health Econ Media Health Health Econ CW.I Health Sci.ecol Media Health Health Econ Health Econ Crit Media CW.Sex Acad L.theory Health Sci.ecol L.theory Sci.ecol Econ Sci.ecol CW.Sex Econ Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? Freedom Can't Be Rationed Wealth Creation Under Attack Dinner at the White House: a parable Letting the Sky Fall On the new official language. ($) Always in the Wrong Place On the relics of oppression. Marriage in Our Time Matrimony in a culture of convenience. ($) The State Despotic On our gradual slide into servitude. Jerusalem, the Eternal Frontline Openness for Thee, but Not for Me Obama's "transparency." Lost in the Labyrinth of Race Sotomayor and the politics of racial identity. Schumpeter's Moment Obama and His Pro-Life Apologists Defeating a Hitler With Nukes: Nothing Else Matters Empathy vs. Impartiality Five Million Green Jobs? [Pure myth.] Instant Justice Gitmo? No. Kill terrorist thugs on the spot. A Closer Look at Climate Change The California Scare Campaign Up From Poverty Statism the Only Thing Being Stimulated Netanyahu's Peace Plan Obama in Bush clothing Bush's Gitmo Vindication The United States has never lost its moral bearings Obama at the Auto Buffet With no resistance, he ate the whole thing. Peace isn't Arab goal Obama and the 'Real' Catholics He inserts himself into a religious debate. Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich Why Liberals Never Lie God Talk, Part 2 Critics Still Haven't Read the 'Torture' Memos Indiana Says 'No Thanks' to Cap and Trade Beware the 'Public Option' How not to reform American health care. Should Justice Be Driven By 'Empathy'? Socialism and Secularism Suck Vitality Out of Society All Honor to Jefferson The Alinsky Administration The Cap-and-Trade Racket The Death of American Health Care The Pope and Islam Chrysler and the Rule of Law Poison Photo-Drop Obama's release of photographs will imperil our nation. The Future of Iraq, Part I God and Obama at Notre Dame [Catholic colleges v. Catholic culture.] Lady Justice's blindfold Unafraid In Greenwich, Connecticut Butler University Commencement [Don't emulate the Baby Boomers.] Stop ObamaCare [Also puts forth a Republican alternative.] Obama and the 9/11 Families The Obama Lexicon Democrats should reform Medicare, not universalize it We'd better be right on climate science Obama's Health Care Quackery When Dems Don't Have the Votes, Perkins Coie Finds Them Watching MSNBC is Torture The Price of the King's Shilling Special deals for the govt's special friends. 'Sometimes dead is better' Chrysler is alive—and scary. Specter of Change Lessons from a defection. Obsessive Housing Disorder Steven Malanga Mike Pence Francis Cianfrocca Richard Gleaves James Bowman Anthony Daniels Kenneth Minogue Mark Steyn Caroline Glick Stephen F. Hayes Victor Davis Hanson Carl Schramm Robert P. George James Lewis Jonah Goldberg Tony Blankley Ralph Peters Mark W. Hendrickson Matt Welch Carl Schramm Mark Steyn Caroline Glick Charles Krauthammer Wall Street Journal Richard B. Cheney Holman Jenkins Jeff Jacoby George Weigel Arthur B. Laffer & Stephen Moore Kevin McCullough Stanley Fish Victoria Toensing Mitch Daniels Jim DeMint Stuart Taylor Jr. Dennis Prager Jean Yarbrough Jim Geraghty David Frum Dick Morris Washington Times Todd Zywicki Andrew C. McCarthy Michael Totten Joseph Bottum Jeff Jacoby Clifford Asness Mitch Daniels James C. Capretta & Yuval Levin Debra Burlingame David Harsanyi Morton Kondracke Harrison Schmitt Shikha Dalmia John Romano Ann Coulter Megan McArdle Sherman Frederick Noemie Emery Steven Malanga 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0601 0531 0529 0529 0529 0527 0527 0526 0525 0524 0523 0522 0522 0522 0522 0521 0521 0520 0518 0518 CW.Am Health Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0517 0517 0516 0515 0515 0515 0515 0416 0514 0514 0514 0513 0513 0512 0512 0510 0510 0509 0509 0509 L.pris CW.Chr L.pris Sci.ecol Health L.theory 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0508 0508 0508 0507 0507 0507 0506 0506 0503 0502 0501 CW.Am CW.Sex H.Mid L.pris CW.Am Econ CW.Sex L.theory Econ L.pris Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ L.pris L.pris L.pris Econ H.Mid CW.Sex Econ Bio Sci.ecol Health CW.I L.theory L.pris War.09 CW.Chr L.theory Econ Health Econ Health Sci.ecol Health Voting L.pris Econ Econ Econ Mark Steyn Lou Pritchett Larry Elder New York Post Mark Davis Robert Tracinski James Kirchick Matthew Vadum Deroy Murdock William Kristol Stuart Taylor Jr. Jonah Goldberg George F. Will Debra Saunders Tony Blair David P. Goldman 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0501 0501 0501 0500 0430 0429 0428 0428 0428 0428 0427 0425 0425 0425 0423 0423 0422 0422 Ben Shapiro Holman Jenkins Thomas Sowell John McWhorter 2009 2009 2009 2009 0422 0422 0422 0422 Econ Health CW.Am Jim Bismarck 2009 0422 Sci.col Marc Thiessen Andy Kessler Brian Wesbury & Robert Stein Hank Adler & Hugh Hewitt Mitt Romney Andrew Breitbart Christopher Hitchens Steve Chapman John Hinderaker Christine M. Flowers Reuel Marc Gerecht Ralph Peters Debra Saunders Michael Goodwin Andrew Cline Brent Bozell III Thomas Sowell Ari Fleischer Robert Samuelson George F. Will Fred C. Iklé Sally C. Pipes Mackubin T. Owens Charles Krauthammer Arthur Herman Exurbanleague/Jon Caroline Glick Ramesh Ponnuru James Keller Fraser Nelson Rick Santorum Takuan Seiyo Michael Medved William Murchison 2009 2009 2009 0421 0421 0421 L.pris Econ Econ 2009 0421 Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0421 0420 0420 0419 0418 0417 0416 0416 0416 0415 0415 0414 0414 0413 0413 0413 0413 0412 0411 0410 0410 0409 0409 0409 0409 0409 0409 0408 0408 0408 The cultural contradictions of J. M. Keynes Letter to the Attorney General Israel today, the West tomorrow An open letter to President Obama ["You scare me"] The 100-Day Assault on America 100 Days, 100 Mistakes We Will Regret 'Post-American' Outcome The Choice Between Capitalism and Socialism Squanderer In Chief Soros Show Trials Cracking KSM Preening & Posturing Throwing those who guard us to the wolves. Did Torture Save Lives? Giving Back Cold War Gains Obama's Budget Follies U.S. Foes Have Only Bad Lawyering to Fear The West Must Stand Firm Demographics & Depression James Piereson The Obama Doctrine: "Don't Blame Me" GM Is Becoming a Royal Debacle Words Versus Realities [Health care vs Medical care] Thinking About 'Ricci': When Black People Don't Perform As Well On Standardized Tests, What Should Be Done? Earth Day predictions of 1970. The reason you shouldn't believe Earth Day predictions of 2009. The CIA's Questioning Worked Putting the Toothpaste Back into the Tube [Economics For Dummies] Tea Party Economics The Fair Tax Fantasy A Timid Advocate of Freedom Question Democratic Authority? Not! Ankara Shows Its Hand Turkey proves it doesn't belong in the E.U. The Truths Behind the Tea Parties Obama Embarrasses Himself, and Us, Again Legal Contamination Speaking Truth to Muslim Power (Islam's internal debates are important.) The Vet 'Threat' Homeland Insecurity Bad Barack gets the best of Good Barack—again! It's Way Past Tea Party Time The Decline and Fall of Newsweek Magic Words in Politics Everyone Should Pay Income Taxes Obama's Economic Mirage The What Of Nations? [The feel-good myth of international community.] Kill the Pirates Obama's public plan will be a disaster for American health care The Pirates Challenge Obama's Pre-9/11 Mentality It's Your Country Too, Mr. President Anti-Piracy 101 Obama Reaches Out to 'Moderate' Pirate Community Surviving in a post-American world The Misguided Quest for Universal Coverage Game Theory Exposes PPIP As Fraudulent The Truth About Conservatives and Laissez-faire Obama vs. United States The deadly jive of Jiverly diversity The Dangers of Leveling—At Home and Abroad The Gay Marriage Fantasy Andrew C. McCarthy Econ L.pris CW.E d.Obama L.pris L.pris L.pris L.pris Acad L.pris & CW.Sex Media CW.E Econ L.theory CW.I Econ CW.Chr Econ Econ Health Health Econ Econ CW.Am CW.Am Econ CW.Sex O's Amateur Hour The President's Unreality Tour Distinguished Disservice In honoring Murtha, the Navy insults its own. Secular Liberalism as Consensus Carbon Cap and Trade: Banking On Invisible Gas Don't let Europe's health failure drag U.S. down Those Arrogant Americans [Has Obama read any history?] Textbook Lies About Islam Feel Like Getting Nasty? [G20 want their mistakes to go global.]. G20: A 'new world order' is simply fantasy The Flat Tax is not flat and the FairTax is not fair Ending Israel's conditional legitimacy Spend It In Vegas Or Die Paying Taxes [The death tax.] The Fallacious Notion of Job Creation The Power of Statelessness The withering appeal of governing. Now You're Talking [political talk radio] The Ship is Sinking: Quick, Add Water Paying for the Dems' dream agenda. Liberals' Dirty Shame Smut isn't the canary in the coal mine of our liberties. Obama's Childish Vision of Politics A Budget To Beggar Us First the Politicians Come After the Rich... GM Bankruptcy? Tell Me Another The Economic Contradictions of Obama-ism Bound to Burn [Global energy-ecology-economics] The Stages of Anti-Semitism [Caryl Churchill's Seven Jewish Children] Spain's 'Universal Jurisdiction' Power Play All the Wrong Moves [Obama bowls better than he leads.] If Capitalism Is 'Overthrown,' We'll Lose Our Political Freedom Obama's Fuzzy Math A trillion here, a trillion there… Obama's False Choice The Limitations of Economics part 1 part 2 A Clear Danger to Free Speech Israel's Hypocritical Critics The Anti-Industrial Coup Expanded Americorps has an authoritarian feel Once Again, Tim Geithner Gets It Exactly Wrong No, he can't Wheels are already coming off Obama's Trojan horse revolution. Davos Capitalism: Adam Smith's Nightmare O's Foreign Failures The Toxic Assets We Elected Dreaming of President Petraeus and an American Surge Baying for AIG Blood A bankruptcy could have been better than this. Sorry, but Capitalism Did Not Fail Five Signs of a Flailing Presidency From anger to madness: A class-warfare crazed government mob is running amok Obama's Afghan Struggle Mob Rule In D.C. Hamas's Free Lunch The Pride of the Liberals I am not Jewish but... Will Obama Go AWOL on VA Health Benefits? A Note on the "New Progressive America" Making It [The middle class has grown much wealthier in the past 60 years.] The AIG Outrage What was supposed to be legal lynching of AIG's Edward Liddy turns into huge defeat for Congress How Elite Environmentalists Impoverish Blue-Collar Americans Palinphobes and the audacity of type Terrorists, Dissidents, and Copy Editors Now Obama Tells Us? Why the GOP Can't Win with Minorities Ralph Peters Bret Stephens Bing West Rod Dreher Bill Frezza Grace-Marie Turner James Lewis Raymond Ibrahim Mark Steyn Simon Heffer Laurence M. Vance Caroline Glick Arthur B. Laffer John Tamny Jakub Grygiel Hugh Hewitt Mona Charen Jonah Goldberg Ben Shapiro Judd Gregg Steven Malanga Holman Jenkins John Steele Gordon Peter W. Huber Bret Stephens Andrew C. McCarthy James Hudnall Janet Daley Stephen Moore Mark Steyn Jon N. Hall National Review James Kirchick Robert Tracinski Wash. Examiner John Tamny Bartle Bull Michael Miller Ralph Peters George F. Will Andrew Breitbart Nicole Gelinas Louis R. Woodhill Fred Barnes Michael Goodwin 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0408 0407 0406 0406 0406 0406 0406 0405 0404 0403 0403 0403 0402 0402 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0401 0331 0331 0330 0330 0329 0328 0327 0327 0327 0326 0326 0326 0326 0325 0325 0324 0323 0323 0323 0322 0322 Fouad Ajami Caroline Glick Ramesh Ponnuru Rupert Murdoch David K. Rehbein Jay Cost John Stossel Lawrence Kudlow Michael Goodwin 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0320 0320 0319 0319 0319 0318 0318 0318 0318 0318 Joel Kotkin Noemie Emery Christopher Hitchens Victor Davis Hanson Shelby Steele 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0317 0317 0316 0316 0315 Investor's Business Daily War.Had CW.Sex Sci.ecol Health Acad Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Media Econ Media Econ Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol Crit L.pris Econ Econ Econ Econ L.theory Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Health Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol Media CW.Am Nobody listens to the real climate change experts Welcome, Kids, to the Brokest Generation The Obama 3-Step Nixing Nuke Power Criticism Shows Obama Is Losing Focus The Obama Rosetta Stone Down Markets and Dumb Economic Myths An Agent of Cynicism Obama's words vs. his actions. Listen to the Gitmo Five Stem Cells Are Not Just About Science A Presidential Crisis of Competence The President Politicizes Stem-Cell Research Subsidizing Bad Decisions Obama's Gamble What's Behind Barack's Brit Snit "Manchurian Candidate" Starts a War on Business Live Free or Die Islam Should Prove It's a Religion of Peace Is Capitalism in Crisis? Proposed NCEE Comments on Draft Technical Support Document for Endangerment Analysis for Greenhouse Gas Emissions under the Clean Air Act Wikipedia Scrubs Obama Eligibility [and no Ayers, Khalidi, or ACORN] The Cloud Mystery How global warming and cooling actually occur. (video) Climate Alarm: What We Are Up Against, and What to Do No Progress in the Climate Change Debate Victimology 101 at Yale The Grand Non Sequitur The sleight of hand behind Obama's agenda. Obama's Radicalism Is Killing the Dow Anti-CO2 Campaign Like An Atom Bomb On U.S. Economy Health 'Reformers' Ignore Facts Debunking the Democratic argument. Analysis of the Indiana University Study on Republican Media Bias The unfairness of a Fairness Doctrine Market to Obama: I'm Just Not That Into You The Obama Economy The President is running out of people to blame. Is the Worst Yet to Come? A Republican Road to Economic Recovery Wrong Turn on Housing Bam's Bad Medicine The Coming War on Sovereignty That '70s Horror Show [an economic nightmare] Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Speech Obama's Bush Vindication American Conservatism, R.I.P. Let The Honest Talk About Race Begin Obama Needs a 'Not To Do' List Lawyer's Lawyer, Radical's Radical Meet Obama nominee Dawn Johnsen. Americans Can Do Anything What Obama Should Do A path out of the continuing crisis. Will Holder discuss these five racial issues? Obama's Schadenfreude The Age of Irresponsibility There's no hope for fairness: government is picking winners and losers 'Rebel angel' Hugo Chavez bedevils Venezuela The Path of Realism or the Path of Failure 'Absurd' Understates Obama Plan Is It Any Wonder The Market Continues To Sink? Mr. President, Keep the Airwaves Free Obama's Durban Gambit Nation of Cowards? What's really cowardly is racial dishonesty. The Chicago Tea Party Live from the CBOT trading floor, on CNBC. Christopher Booker Mark Steyn Rich Lowry Josh Gilder Michael Barone Daniel Henninger John Tamny Peter Wehner Ralph Peters Steve Chapman Tom Blumer Robert P. George & Eric Cohen Thomas Sowell Tony Blankley Arthur Herman Kevin Hassett Mark Steyn Tawfiq Hamid Vaclav Klaus Alan Carlin & John D. Davidson 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0314 0314 0314 0313 0313 0312 0312 0312 0312 0312 0311 0310 Sci.ecol Econ 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0310 0310 0309 0309 0309 0309 0309 0309 Econ Econ Aaron Klein Henrik Svensmark Richard Lindzen Vaclav Klaus Heather Mac Donald Charles Krauthammer Michael Boskin S. Fred Singer Sally C. Pipes Devil's Advocate Brian C. Anderson James Pethokoukis Wall Street Journal Charles Gasparino Paul D. Ryan Robert Samuelson Sally C. Pipes John Bolton Stephen Moore Rush Limbaugh Wall Street Journal Jonathan Kay Stuart Taylor Jr. Holman Jenkins Andrew C. McCarthy Bobby Jindal Conrad Black Gregory Kane Heather R. Higgins Matthew Continetti Michael Goodwin Vanessa Neumann Elliott Abrams Danielle Babb 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0308 0308 0308 0308 0307 0306 0306 0306 0306 0304 0303 0303 0303 0302 0302 0302 0302 0301 0301 0228 0228 0227 0227 0225 0224 0224 0224 0223 0223 0222 0222 0222 0221 0220 0220 0220 0219 0219 0219 Media Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Acad Econ Econ Sci.ecol Health Media Media Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Health Investor's Business Daily Rush Limbaugh Caroline Glick Heather Mac Donald Rick Santelli Sci.ecol. Econ Econ CW.Sex CW.Sex Econ CW.I Econ Sci.ecol H.Amer CW.Am Econ CW.Am Econ Econ Econ Media CW.Am Econ The chilling and cowardly words of Eric Holder New Attorney General: We're A Nation of Cowards A Prescription for American Health Care Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence? Geert Wilders and the Fight for Europe Britain's Muslim Spleen (NY Post headline said England's) Dark Green Doomsayers Nothing Fair About Fairness Doctrine We're All Fascists Now II: American Tyranny Thirty Years Later, a Return to Stagflation Preserving 'Harmony' for Islamic Radicals Jimmy Carter & the Camp David Myth Bibi's Choice The case for unity government and modest ambitions in Israel. Hapless Have Hands Out We Are All Fascists Now The Doctrine of Darwin Democrats undercut aid for U.S. workers Obama's Doomsday Scenario Doesn't Add Up Stimulus: A History of Folly Fly on the Wal Obama, All at Sea The new president's mythology needs some stimulus. Our Brave New World Keynes can't help us now Why 'Stimulus' Will Mean Inflation Democrats are Hypocrites when it comes to Paying Taxes Daniel Pearl and the Normalization of Evil The Stimulus Package Is More Debt We Don't Need A free speech killer UN warns: Don't defame religions, especially Islam. How Government Prolonged the Depression Constitutional Conservatism Surviving Obama America's failure to foresee Money for nothing won't grow the economy The True Origins of This Financial Crisis The case for drilling in ANWR The Meaning of Sarah Palin Israel's Defensive Response to Gaza Banking Queen [also: video by InfoHwyGuy] The Day America Lost the War on Terror Politics of Payoff Irresponsible government continues. Bush Hatred and Obama Euphoria are Two Sides of the Same Coin Does The Ledbetter Law Benefit Workers, Or Lawyers? The UN's Insanity Continues Outreach? Yes. Apology? No. Obama dreams of a past that's rosy—with blood President Obama Made a Rash Decision on Gitmo Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech The Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam 20 or 30 Years Ago? The European Social Welfare State Bill Watch Out for Stimulus 'Leaks' Pliability Journalism Change comes to the Associated Press. The Truth about Tytler Fatal Sequence was not written by Alexander Tytler. The Gay Community Is Losing Friends This Is No Time to Panic A 9/11 family member chides the new President for closing Guantanamo Limbaugh Responds to Obama [posted by Byron York] Abortion Basics Israel's Fight for Survival Washington Examiner Bill Willingham John C. Goodman Phyllis Chesler Bat Ye'or John O'Sullivan George F. Will Nolan Finley Michael Ledeen Paul D. Ryan Andrew C. McCarthy Arthur Herman Mario Loyola Michael Graham Michael Ledeen David Warren John Kass Terence P. Jeffrey James Glassman Charles Platt Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson Niall Ferguson George Melloan Jonah Goldberg Judea Pearl Tom Coburn Nat Hentoff Harold L. Cole & Lee E. Ohanian Peter Berkowitz Roger Scruton Colin McNickle (and Frédéric Bastiat) Jeff Jacoby Peter J. Wallison Sarah Palin Yuval Levin FLAME Paul Shanklin Ben Shapiro Ben Stein Peter Berkowitz Stuart Taylor Jr. Anne Bayefsky Charles Krauthammer Andrew Bolt John Yoo Carla Main & Roger Kimball John Coleman Max Boot Jim Manzi George Melloan James Taranto Loren Collins Debra Saunders John Stossel Michael Burke Rush Limbaugh James D. Agresti Bruce Thornton 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0219 0218 0218 0217 0216 0216 0215 0215 0214 0214 0213 0213 0213 0212 0212 0211 0211 0211 0210 0207 0207 0207 0206 0206 0203 0203 0203 0202 0202 CW.Am CW.Am Health CW.I CW.E CW.E Sci.ecol Media 2009 2009 2009 0202 0201 0201 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0201 0201 0201 0201 0200 0200 0131 0131 0131 0131 0130 0130 0129 0129 0128 Econ Econ Sci.ecol 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0128 0128 0127 0126 0126 0125 0125 0125 0125 0124 0124 0123 Sci.ecol Econ CW.E H.Mid Econ Sci.var Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ d.Var Econ d.UN H.Amer Econ lyrics Econ L.theory d.UN L.pris L.theory Econ Media CW.Sex Econ L.pris CW.Sex President Oxybarama Submission in the Netherlands The trial of Geert Wilders. Anything That's Peaceful Only Makes You Stronger Why the recession bolstered America. The Obama Presidency: Here Comes Socialism Our Struggle for the Soul of our Nation Mrs. Grievance I Pledge to Ridicule Celebrities Who Refuse to Recognize We Are At War With People Who Want to Kill Them, Too Bush and the Bush-Haters What Went Right for Bush Growing Ourselves Out of a Recession Beware the Big-Government Tipping Point We owe a debt to Bush Obama's Race to the Past Skeptical of Obama's Stimulus Plan Consensus, or dangerous groupthink? Is Time Rooting for Israel's Defeat? The September 12th Presidency The Demons of Gaza The Federal Department of Economic Recovery Manufacturing a Crime Pardon Scooter Libby. The Workshops Of Identity Militant Islam Threatens Us All Israel acts because the world won't defend it Fifteen DOs and DON'Ts of New Progressive Order Tax Cut Mirage Mideast peace rests with Arabs, not U.S., Europe Sept. 11 shaped some of Bush legacy Do not tie the markets—free them What Congress Knew About 'Torture' Gaza & Hamas The Times's Crime Confusions Persist War is terrible, but the alternative in Gaza was worse Big Brother/Backseat Driver In Gaza, the real enemy is Iran Israeli attacks must not stop until Iran's proxy, Hamas, is defeated. Democrats' Year: Less Change Than Chance Relativism: paving the road to radicalism Guarding the boundaries The moral consequences of relativism. Truth vs. equality The relativist threat to science. ($) The temptation of Pope Benedict ($) The Mystification of Change On the media's game of good and evil. Relativism as political absolutism ($) Can the Feds Uncrunch Credit? Introduction: The dictatorship of relativism Islam and the West: Lines of Demarcation The Gaza Rules Planning is Chaos: the Fraud of Government Intervention Capitalism Is Worst System Except for the Rest Samuel Huntington's Warning Obama Will Ration Your Health Care Damned If They Do The Politics of Fat A hefty problem for the Left. The Year in Review Life at the New Animal Farm Won't Be All That Bad George W. Bush: winning the war on terror Laissez-Faire Punditry Arrogant Conceit The Best Notable Quotables of 2008 Response to 'The Real Bill Ayers' David P. Goldman Bruce Bawer John Stossel Walter Russell Mead Dick Morris Robert P. George Mark Steyn Andrew Breitbart 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0122 0122 0122 0122 0121 0121 0120 0119 J.R. Dunn Greg Sheridan Michael S. Malone Peter Wehner & Paul D. Ryan David Warren Peter Ferrara Jonah Goldberg Stephen Green Mark Steyn Ralph Peters Robert Tracinski Thomas Sowell 2009 2009 2009 2009 0119 0117 0116 0116 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 0114 0114 0113 0113 0112 0110 0110 0109 0108 0107 0107 0107 0107 0106 0106 0106 0106 0105 0105 0105 0104 0104 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0102 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 0101 1231 1230 1230 1230 1229 1228 1228 1227 1226 1224 1224 1223 1223 Bill Whittle, "Proteus" Benjamin Netanyahu Daniel Finkelstein Opiate of the People Peter Ferrara Bernard Lewis Hugh Hewitt Vaclav Klaus Wall Street Journal David Warren Heather Mac Donald Melanie Phillips Debra Saunders Yossi Klein Halevi & Michael B. Oren David Paul Kuhn Andrew C. McCarthy Anthony Daniels Christie Davies Daniel Johnson James Bowman James W. Ceaser Nicole Gelinas Roger Kimball Roger Scruton Victor Davis Hanson Robert Tracinski Caroline Baum Fouad Ajami Sally C. Pipes Ralph Peters Andrew Ferguson Dave Barry Victor Davis Hanson Nile Gardiner David Harsanyi John Stossel Brent Bozell III et al.. Larry Grathwohl & Bob Owens CW.E Econ CW.Sex d.Obama Econ Health Econ Econ Media Econ WMD Econ CW.I Econ L.pris CW.Am Voting CW CW CW CW Media CW Econ CW CW.E Econ Econ CW.Am Health Humor Econ Econ Media d.Obama Is there a relationship between guns and freedom? Comparative results from 59 nations Would Al Gore have invaded Iraq? Who caused the global economic crisis? (Hint: it wasn't George W. Bush) Che the Idol Warming, or hot air? Washington Is Killing Silicon Valley The Growing Case for Inflation Too Much Law Guarantees Unfairness [Philip K. Howard's crusade] Cinderella vs. the Barracuda The self-indulgence of elite liberalism. Why Marriage is Inherently Heterosexual Something else for Al Gore to worry about The daylight change crisis. Obama Should Forget About Energy Independence Postponing Reality To Catch a Thief [government regulation and oversight failed again] One plus one equals 20 extra votes for Franken Who Is at Fault for the Decline of the Big Three? Rush Responds to General Powell [radio transcript] Speech to the "Facing Jihad" conference in Jerusalem Here come the Car Czar Wars Remember the Trabant? Where Do Detroit's Inefficient Work Rules Come From? No exit from bailout politics More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims Scientists Continue to Debunk "Consensus" in 2008. Odd Facts And Tidbits Most Americans Are Not Aware Of The Return of the Old Left Whitewashing Fannie Mae Congress begins its self-absolution campaign. The Bailout That Won't Would you buy a car from Congress? Human Rights at 60 They aren't what they used to be. A Response to Marc Shaiman's Musical Against Prop 8 The dangers of Obama's public-works juggernaut Turning the Bible on its Head—Newsweek Goes for Gay Marriage Broadcast 'Fairness' Fouls Out Mandate for What? [how close the election might have been] Silence=Acceptance Kwanzaa: violent 60s radical invented fake holiday 'War on terror'—an exercise in folly Idiotic column by Rosa Brooks, but dozens of great comments by sane and patriotic Americans. This War Is Not About Grievances Go Forward to Gold How to lift the reserve-currency curse. Getting the GOP Back in the Game Government Sets Us Up for the Next Bust Scapegoating the Social Right A fact-free distraction. How Democracies Perish, British Edition California Declares a Fiscal Crisis! You Think? A Work of Recovery Back to the Barricades Free markets are under attack again. If this Isn't Terrorism, What Is? Deepak Blames America The Krugman Recipe for Depression Thanks to the founders For a country that welcomes immigrants like me. A Car Wreck Made in Washington Daschle-Obama Health Care Possibilities The Insurgent Spirit and Messy Capitalism AIFD Hails the Holy Land Foundation Verdict 'Jolting' the Economy A Warning from Reagan's Economist What a Single Nuclear Warhead Could Do Iraq's New Dawn David Kopel, Carlisle E. Moody, & Howard Nemerov Kelly McParland Roger Kimball Carlos Eire Frank Tipler Michael S. Malone Steve Chapman Stuart Taylor Jr. Jonah Goldberg Patrick Lee Richard Strimple Arthur B. Laffer Thomas Sowell Wall Street Journal Ann Coulter Michael Barone Rush Limbaugh Geert Wilders Steven Greenhut Mickey Kaus David Frum Marc Morano 2008 1223 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1223 1222 1222 1222 1221 1221 1220 1219 1219 1219 1217 1217 1217 1217 1215 1215 1214 1214 1212 1211 1211 Opiate of the People Robert Tracinski Wall Street Journal Holman Jenkins Joseph Loconte Dennis Prager Peter Navarro Albert Mohler George F. Will Noemie Emery Mark Steyn Kathy Shaidle Commenters 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1211 1211 1211 1210 1210 1209 1209 1208 1207 1207 1206 1205 1205 Clifford D. May Lewis E. Lehrman & John D. Mueller Jennifer Rubin John Stossel Ramesh Ponnuru Roger Kimball & Janet Daley Victor Davis Hanson Larry P. Arnn Matt Welch Tom Gross Dorothy Rabinowitz Amity Shlaes Andrew G. Kadar Holman Jenkins Tony Blankley Dane Stangler M. Zuhdi Jasser Thomas Sowell Arthur B. Laffer Brian T. Kennedy Michael Yon 2008 2008 1204 1204 2008 2008 2008 2008 1203 1203 1202 1202 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1202 1201 1201 1201 1130 1129 1127 1126 1126 1125 1125 1125 1124 1124 1124 L.theory Econ Bio Sci.ecol Econ Econ L.theory Media CW.Sex Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ Econ Voting Econ CW.E Econ Econ Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ d.UN CW.Sex Econ CW.Sex Media CW.Chr Econ Econ Econ Media Media Econ CW.Am Econ Health Econ CW.I Econ Econ S.Wars Judicial Excess On The Left Clear and Present Danger [Obama will discover truth about Gitmo.] A free lunch for you is a painful cost for someone else Ten Random, Politically Incorrect Thoughts What Went Wrong? Well, it wasn't conservatism. Let's Have a Real Middle-Class Tax Cut 20 Reasons Why We're Not Consuming No savings, and a pile of debt. Failure is Not an Option Party of Privilege…... Party of plumbers The Attacks Provoked by Victory in Iraq Day: November 22, 2008 Crisis Lets Dems Push Old Agendas "Other Than That Mrs. Lincoln, How Did You Enjoy the Play?" Why Bankruptcy Is the Best Option for GM Who's the Anti-intellectual? President Al Gore and the 2003 Iraq War: A Counterfactual Critique of Conventional "W"isdom The Loss Of Individual Liberty Obama & Gitmo Financial Markets and the World Economy Obama's Car Puzzle The Road to Serfdom Unions' Creepy Push Against Secret Ballot Coddling Car Companies "Intellectuals" The night we waved goodbye to America... our last best hope on Earth The Polls Show that Reaganism is Not Dead Obama's Triumph, the GOP's Calamity 'Center-right' America lurches further left It's Time To Restore Liberty Don't you think the hole is about deep enough? Preventing National Suicide Shame on the New Yorker The Treatment of Bush Has Been a Disgrace Freedom Now Stands Alone As the Rich Get Poorer Yes We Can: The Reestablishment of Principled Conservatism Begins Obama's post-racial promise America Unplugged! Obama's cruel tax on the poor Obama vs. Jobs "The World is My Constituency" Ignorance and Upheaval Carefully Crafted Narratives ["The end of capitalism" again.] ($) The Madness of Crowds: speculators, soliticians, and financial disasters Obama's a better symbol than president The Forbidding of England A Common What?: the Limits of Reconciliation [conference at Yale] Great Myths of the Great Depression (previous editions 1998, 2005) Obama's Smoking Audio Liberals and the Surge The End of Journalism Media's O-Colored Glasses Blank Out Leftist Truth Socialism We Can Believe In Obama's Stock The market is afraid of Obama's new New Deal. Obama's Living-Will Constitution Obama's New Deal No Better Than Old One Wackonomics The 800 year lag — graphed Carbon follows temperature in the Vostok Ice Cores. Obama's Ideas for a Radical Court [more on the 2001 WBEZ bombshell] Judge This Obama and the Law. [more on the 2001 WBEZ bombshell] Stuart Taylor Jr. Thomas Joscelyn Jamie Whyte Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson Newt Gingrich & Peter Ferrara Nouriel Roubini Victor Davis Hanson John Agresto John Ziegler Zombie Amity Shlaes Joseph C. Phillips Michael E. Levine Timothy Sandfleur Frank Harvey 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1122 1122 1121 1121 1121 1120 L.Patriot L.pris 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1120 1120 1119 1118 1118 1117 1117 1117 1116 1115 Econ Econ Peter Robinson Andrew C. McCarthy George W. Bush Holman Jenkins John Stossel Froma Harrop Rich Lowry Thomas Sowell Peter Hitchens Scott Rasmussen John Podhoretz Mark Steyn Claudia Rosett Marsha Blackburn Melanie Phillips Ron Radosh Jeffrey Scott Shapiro Melanie Phillips Robert Samuelson Rush Limbaugh Shelby Steele Orson Scott Card Ralph Reiland John Fonte Conrad Black James Bowman John Steele Gordon Mark Steyn Roger Scruton Sarah Ruden Lawrence W. Reed Cal Thomas Peter Wehner Victor Davis Hanson Diana West Ben Johnson Patrick Toomey George Neumayr Michael Barone Walter E. Williams Joanne Nova 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1114 1113 1113 1112 1112 1111 1111 1111 1110 1110 1107 1107 1106 1106 1106 1106 1105 1105 1105 1105 1105 1103 1103 1102 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1101 1100 1031 1031 1031 1030 1029 1030 1029 1029 1029 1028 Econ L.pris Econ Econ Econ Robert Alt Thomas Sowell 2008 2008 1028 1028 d.Obama d.Obama Econ War.08 Econ CW.Am Econ Econ V.polls Econ CW Media Econ CW.Am d.Obama Econ d.Obama Media Econ d.Obama CW.E CW.Chr Econ d.Obama Media Media d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama H.Amer Econ Sci.ecol A Game-Changer by Obama [more on the 2001 WBEZ bombshell] The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part III: Conspiracy of the Lemmings The Age of Prosperity Is Over Shame, Cubed [Obama's 2001 WBEZ audio bombshell] Barack Obama's Close Encounter with the Weather Underground Power In Hands of Few Replaces Liberty For All Obama nears the "now what?" moment Catholic Church has made no exception regarding abortion since ancient times [letter from Joe Biden's own bishop] The Obama Temptation How's Obama Going to Raise $4.3 Trillion? Confirmed: MSM Holds Video Of Barack Obama Attending Jew-Bash Is America really going to do this? Media's Presidential Bias and Decline Hatin' Palin Flawed Thinking Pro-life Catholic intellectuals are wrong to back Obama. To the Undecided Voter How Capitalism Will Save Us The Unholy Triumvirate The Comprehensive Argument Against Barack Obama Small Business Not Safe From Obama Tax Why I Voted For The Bailout The Media vs. Joe the Plumber Dems Get Set to Muzzle the Right John McCain and an Army of Joes How to Read the Constitution Rashid Khalidi, Obama's Palestinian pal Something New Here [Obama and the socialist New Party] Let Us All Rebuild the Respectable Society The Unfairness Doctrine What Would Milton Friedman Say? What If McCain Had Been Palling Around With a Terrorist? Don't Blame Capitalism Ambushed by History The Candidates' Temperaments: Who's a Better Fit for the Job? The Left's Big Blunder Psychological studies on group-think. The Integrity Gap, part II of III: Senator Barack Obama A Question of Character Obama's Abortion Extremism Going Negative! The media cry when we expose a liberal's track record. If the Left has its way the bad times will be even worse The Government Is Contributing to the Panic A Capitalist Manifesto Markets remain our best hope for a better future. The Coming Obama Thugocracy Obama's Magic Presto, change-o! Fear Will Subside Americans Deserve a Real Health Care Debate What Barney Frank Doesn't Grasp: Lending Mandates Hurt The Poor ACORN Files Voting Rights Suit on Behalf of Imaginary-Americans Would the Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On the Lights? It's the Culture, Stupid Meltdown Has Many Culprits What Is Wisdom? Wall Street 101 President Barack Hoover Prepare for the Worst [Includes, inter alia, the 25-year Reagan boom.] The Bailout and the Vanishing Taxpayer Obama, McCain and the Election of 2008 (Hugh Hewitt Show transcript) Wesley Pruden James Simpson Arthur B. Laffer Bill Whittle, "Proteus" Zombie John Kass Mark Steyn W. Francis Malooly 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1028 1027 1027 1027 1027 1026 1026 1026 d.Obama d.Obama Econ d.Obama d.Obama Econ d.Obama CW.Sex Mark R. Levin Alan Reynolds Gateway Pundit Melanie Phillips Michael S. Malone Daniel Henninger George Weigel Neal Boortz Steve Forbes George Neumayr Guy Benson, Mary Katharine Ham, & Ed Morrissey Ralph Reiland Tom Coburn Jonah Goldberg Brian C. Anderson Byron York Clarence Thomas Martin Kramer Stanley Kurtz Charles Moore Paul Greenberg Peter Robinson Diana West Peter Schiff Michael Gerson Nancy Gibbs Zombie Daniel McLaughlin Peter Wehner Robert P. George Thomas Sowell Janet Daley Jonathan Macey Judy Shelton Michael Barone Kimberley Strassel Steve Forbes Tom Coburn & Richard Burr Howard Husock Iowahawk Orson Scott Card Quin Hillyer Rick Santorum Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson Hugh Hewitt Peter Ferrara Steven Malanga Victor Davis Hanson & Hugh Hewitt 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1025 1024 1024 1024 1024 1023 1023 1023 1023 1022 1022 d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1022 1022 1021 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1018 1018 1017 1016 1016 1015 1015 1015 1014 1014 1014 1014 1013 1011 1011 1011 1010 1010 1010 Econ Econ Media Media 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1009 1008 1008 1008 1008 Econ d.Obama Media d.Obama Econ d.Obama Media CW.Sex d.Obama Econ d.Obama L.theory d.Obama d.Obama CW.E Media Econ d.Obama Econ Media d.Obama d.Obama CW.Sex d.Obama Econ Econ Econ d.Obama d.Obama Econ Health Econ Econ Econ Econ Catholics & Abortion (Again) The Real Obama Barney Frank's Bankrupt Ideas The Obama Ayers Relationship [without hyphen] Blaming Deregulation [Even a Bush-hating liberal says its wrong.] NYT's Ayers-Obama Whitewash Democrat Fingerprints Are All Over the Financial Crisis Obama Sued Citibank Under CRA to Force it to Make Bad Loans Kill the Bailout America at Work The spirit of enterprise still sets the pace for the world. We Don't Need Another War on Poverty The Humanities Move Off Campus [students seek knowledge elsewhere] We Hate the USA A debate "moderator" in the tank for Obama The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part II: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis In Times of Crisis, Trust Capitalism Bailout Marks Karl Marx's Comeback Scapegoating Markets Pelosi-Reid Corruptocrats Face Nation, Propose Bailout Plan Frank's Fingerprints Are All Over the Financial Fiasco Climate Science: Is it currently designed to answer questions? McCain proves leadership in time of crisis Bailout Blues In a generation or two, the US will ask itself: "Who lost Europe?" What type of people support Barack Obama? Obama's Leftism Founding Brothers What's behind Obama's early rise? The Man Who Never Was Blame Fannie Mae and Congress For the Credit Mess A Free-Market Fix How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis The Confidence Game Former terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn involved in key proObama Organisation Obama 101 My firsthand lesson. The Undefended City Welcome to History How to Cure This Sick System Palin and Obama—What Really is Wisdom? Greenspan's Sins Return to Haunt Us Stop-Start Analysis of Obama Ad: It's an Address from the Dictator ($) The Gibson Doctrine Created Equal: How Christianity Shaped the West Whose Policies Led to the Credit Crisis? Obama Tried to Stall GIs' Iraq Withdrawal New Evidence on Taxes and Income Final Letter to Troops as Commander of MNF-I Was Feminism Necessary? The Real Culprits In This Meltdown Tax Cuts, Real and Imaginary Obama's spending programs in disguise. Quit Doling Out That Bad-Economy Line Obamania — As in Craziness, Not Craze The Endgame in Iraq Feminist Army Aims Its Canons at Palin Womanhood is a state of mind. If You Like Michigan's Economy, You'll Love Obama's 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 1007 1007 1006 1006 1006 1004 1003 1003 1002 1001 1001 1001 1000 0930 0929 CW.Sex d.Obama Econ d.Obama Econ Media Econ d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Acad lyrics Media d.Obama Joseph Calhoun Martin Masse Chicago Tribune Gateway Pundit Jeff Jacoby Richard Lindzen Steve Huntley David Warren Geert Wilders Henry Louis Gomez Joshua Muravchik Stanley Kurtz Tony Blankley Charles W. Calomiris & Peter J. Wallison Edwin Feulner Kevin Hassett Robert Samuelson Trevor Loudon 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0929 0929 0928 0928 0928 0927 0926 0925 0925 0925 0924 0924 0924 0923 Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol 2008 2008 2008 2008 0923 0922 0922 0921 Econ Econ Econ d.Obama Amir Taheri 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0919 0919 0919 0919 0919 0918 0917 0916 0916 0916 0915 0915 d.Obama 2008 2008 2008 2008 0915 0915 0915 0915 2008 2008 2008 0914 0914 0913 Econ Media 2008 2008 0913 0913 CW.Am Econ Cal Thomas Thomas Sowell Investor's Business Daily RNC release Sebastian Mallaby Stanley Kurtz Dominic Lawson Media Circus Robert Tracinski Guy Sorman Steven Malanga Victor Davis Hanson Paul Shanklin Michelle Malkin James Simpson Bill Whittle, "Proteus" Jim Manzi Steve Forbes Victor Davis Hanson David Blake Rush Limbaugh Dennis Prager Dinesh D'Souza Ed Morrissey Amir Taheri Arthur B. Laffer & Stephen Moore David H. Petraeus Harvey Mansfield Investor's Business Daily Newt Gingrich & Peter Ferrara Donald Luskin Victor Davis Hanson Jack Keane, Frederick W. Kagan, & Kimberly Kagan Jonah Goldberg Phil Gramm & Mike Solon Econ CW.E d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Econ d.Obama Media CW.Chr Econ d.Obama CW.Am Econ Econ The Lessons of 9/11 Words Obama Will Regret The Foreign Policy Difference The Fallacy of Promise of 'Green Jobs' Health-Care Realism Congress Must Stabilize the Dollar Revolution You Can Believe In [Community organizers are Marxists.] Grow Up The vision of the Left. Public Servants and Moral Reasoning Canadian consensus Paulson's Seizure A Feminist's Argument for McCain's VP Weekend at Henry's Americans face the most important election choice since Ronald Reagan Well-Deserved Mockery Obama's "community organizer" days are a joke. With a Smile on Her Face … and Steel in Her Spine Michelle's Boot Camps For Radicals Address to the Republican National Convention The Four Stages of Conservative Female Abuse Address to the Republican National Convention From Democrats, Change That's Difficult to Find Killing Talk Radio Sarah Palin vs. Barack Obama Martian Chronicles [Niall Ferguson's War of the World on PBS] ($) Obama's "Talking" Cure [negotiations with our enemies since 1935] Academic Freedom and the Liberal Arts Alaska's Promise for the Nation Diminishing Palin How the left will try. The Audacity of Hype Obama Offers a Beautifully Packaged Lie Stanley Kurtz's Fairness Doctrine Preview The Big Contradiction from the Denver Dems The Four Horsemen of Economic Apocalypse Voters Should be Troubled by Obama's Abortion Stance The Inconvenient Obama On the Separation of Sense and State [Archbishop & Auxiliary Bishop of Denver] The Write Stuff? Why Biden's plagiarism shouldn't be forgotten. The Democrats and the Abortion Wars Recessions are good for the economy Weekly Radio Address [Obama tries to conceal his pro-abortion extremism.] America Should Pick Georgia Over Russia NATO Meows Obama Needs to Explain His Ties to William Ayers The End of The Fairy Tale The poverty of Democrats' ideas for cities Obama's Lost Annenberg Years Coming to Light Refusing To Do Harm Canada's 'Human Rights' Revolution. The Peace-At-Any-Price Peril Inflation Is a Clear and Present Danger Five Ways to Wreck a Recovery Russia's Georgia Win [also relevant in Media category] History's Back Ambitious autocracies, hesitant democracies. Georgia: Europe wins a gold medal for defeatism The Wrong Force for the 'Right War' Sullivan's Travels [Andrew Sullivan, conservative turned moonbat] How Israel Became the Boy Who Cried Wolf The War in Iraq Is Over. What Next? Moscow's Sinister Brilliance Who wants to die for Tbilisi? C.J. Chivers, NYT, offering a a page one opinion piece on Georgia Amir Taheri J. Kenneth Blackwell Fouad Ajami John Stossel Robert Samuelson Ted Poe Melanie Phillips Thomas Sowell Charles Chaput & James Conley David Warren New York Sun Tammy Bruce Wall Street Journal Conrad Black Michelle Malkin Andrew C. McCarthy Investor's Business Daily John McCain Michelle Malkin Sarah Palin Kevin Hassett Brian C. Anderson & Adam Thierer Gerard Baker James Bowman Joshua Muravchik Robert P. George Sarah Palin Dean Barnett William Safire Robert Tracinski Guy Benson Michael Medved Dick Armey Dennis Byrne Andrew Breitbart Charles Chaput & James Conley David Greenberg George Weigel Roger Bootle John McCain Mohammed Fadhil Charles Krauthammer Michael Barone Ralph Peters Glenn Beck Thomas Lifson David Warren Ralph Peters Brian Wesbury Amity Shlaes Ralph Peters Robert Kagan Gerard Baker Bartle Bull Peter Wehner Evelyn Gordon Bing West Victor Davis Hanson Kenneth Anderson 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0911 0911 0910 0910 0910 0910 0909 0909 0908 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0908 0908 0908 0908 0906 0905 0904 0904 0904 0903 0903 0902 0901 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0901 0901 0901 0901 0901 0831 0831 0829 0828 0828 0827 0826 0825 0825 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0825 0825 0824 0823 0823 0822 0822 0822 0821 0821 0820 0820 0819 0818 0816 0816 0815 0814 0814 0813 0812 0812 0811 d.Obama Econ Health Econ d.Obama CW.Sex Econ CW.Can Econ d.Obama d.Obama Media Media Media d.Obama Acad Media d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Econ d.Obama d.Obama CW.Sex d.Biden CW.Sex Econ d.Obama d.Obama Econ d.Obama CW.Can Econ Econ Media Barack Obama's Lost Years The senator's tenure as a state legislator. Why Are We Whispering? Disgraceful Hamdan Sentence Calls Military Commissions Into Question What Is Obama Talking About? Confessions of a Far-Left Liberal There Won't Be 'Peace' Without Democracy Congress's unsound fury over Big Oil What, Them Worry? A Nation of Thieves Obama, the Postmodernist Rx For Economic Pain: Deal With Reality Pelosi: Save the Planet, Let Someone Else Drill The Price of Saying Sorry My Preferences John McCain, Barack Obama, and civil rights today. Immigration and National Security Why Iraq Was Inevitable The Cloward-Piven Strategy, Part I: Manufactured Crisis From Gitmo to Miranda, With Love A Truman for Our Times My Concerns for America Obama sowing socialist seeds in young people. Rewriting Reagan—again A Summer of War and Politics Missing from that Berlin speech Sweet Nothings A close reading of The Speech. One World? Obama's on a Different Planet What Bush and Batman Have in Common A Tale of Two Flip-Floppers Dreams from Obama In the U.S., Selectively Applied Capitalism Our Government Problem-Solvers Getting Iraq Right (rejected by the New York Times) What Obama Could Learn on Vacation Do as Al says, not as Al does Poor, Poor Michelle Their Fair Share Is it possible for the rich to pay more taxes? Robert Mugabe's thuggery gets help from high places at U.N. The Audacity of Vanity Obama, Democrats, and the Surge They were against it before it worked. Obama's 'Judgment' What 'Bomb Iran' Really Takes Enter the Post-Post Era America is not a post-anything. The New Reality in Iraq Educating the Ignorant Kumbaya Candidate The Culprits Behind Credit, Inflation Risks The Saga of Fannie and Freddie Mr. Spielberg, Tear Down This Wall Obama's Dishonest Op-Ed [his many lies about the Surge] The Dissent Deceit How Hostages, and Nations, Get Liberated 'Fair Doctrine' Hypocrisy We Shall Not Weary, We Shall Not Rest Our Leaders Are in Carbon-Cloud Cuckoo Land How McCain Could Win Doomed to a Fatal Delusion Over Climate Change Intellectuals Lie, the Powerless Die The Candor Gap Senate Leaders Holding Doctors Hostage The Imaginative Analysis of Seymour Hersh Stanley Kurtz Andrew Klavan Andrew C. McCarthy Betsy Newmark Charlie Daniels Natan Sharansky & Bassem Eid Justin Danhof Jeff Jacoby Walter E. Williams Jonah Goldberg Steve Chapman Charles Krauthammer Christopher Caldwell Ward Connerly Michelle Malkin Arthur Herman James Simpson Debra Burlingame Edward Luttwak Jon Voight Ralph Reiland Victor Davis Hanson Jeff Jacoby Andrew Ferguson John Bolton Andrew Klavan Karl Rove David Warren Steven Malanga Thomas Sowell John McCain David Harsanyi Lorne Gunter Ralph Reiland Wall Street Journal Stanley Crouch Charles Krauthammer Peter Wehner Wall Street Journal Ralph Peters Victor Davis Hanson Frederick W. Kagan , Kimberly Kagan, and Jack Keane Michelle Malkin Terence Corcoran Lawrence Kudlow Andrew Breitbart John Hinderaker Ralph Peters Charles Krauthammer Derek Hunter Richard John Neuhaus Christopher Booker Richard Baehr Andrew Bolt Ralph Peters Robert Samuelson Tom Coburn Max Boot 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0811 0809 0808 0808 0808 0808 d.Obama Media L.pris 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0807 0806 0806 0805 0803 0801 0801 0801 0801 0800 0731 0730 0729 0728 0728 0728 0727 0726 0726 0725 0724 0723 0723 0723 0722 0721 0721 0721 0721 0720 0718 0718 0718 0717 0717 0716 Sci.ecol Econ Econ d.Obama Econ Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0716 0716 0715 0714 0714 0712 0711 0711 0711 d.Obama Econ Econ Media 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0710 0710 0709 0709 0709 0709 0705 Sci.ecol d.Obama Sci.ecol d.Obama H.Mid d.Obama L.pris d.Obama Econ H.Amer d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Econ Econ Econ Sci.ecol d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Econ d.Obama Media CW.Sex Health Media Hooray for Uribe Two cheers—but only two—for Colombia's president. These Two Truths Should Be Self-Evident Why We Went to War in Iraq A Clarification a message to American voters from Senator Obama. 'I'll Take That One' The Enemy Detainee Mess Obama In Focus for the 4th Bush Can Take Pride in Scorn Politicians Still Ignoring the Entitlement Tsunami Al Qaeda's Plan B Birthright Citizenship and Dual Citizenship: Harbingers of Administrative Tyranny Our Worst Justice [the pompous narcissist, Anthony Kennedy] Does Patriotism Matter? Subsidizing the Competition Big Oil "under-invests" in alternative energy. Dreams From His Grandmother [Obama can disguise his hard-left views.] How Gun Control Lost Obama's America is Canada How to Kill Cap-and-Trade Cheer up. We're winning this War on Terror. Ten Concerns about Barack Obama Are We Safer? [or is Obama right?] Pols Remain Masters of Domain [3 years after Kelo] Was Iraq Worth It? Does Money Make You Happy? Postcard from America: Affirmative Action Gone Bad [Fairness Doctrine] Someone Else's Alex [The creepy narcissism of the MoveOn ad] Boumediene: A Supremely Problematic Court Decision The Two Obamas Wait. Whose Side Are We on Again? Obama Turns FDR Upside Down Oooh, The New Politics Obama's Pooh-bah A childish foreign policy. Obama and McCain Spout Economic Nonsense Does Obama know what he's talking about? [Nuremberg v Guantanamo] The Coming Population Bust part 2: A World Without Children Learning from the Oil Shock Obama's America Is September 10th America An alarming ignorance. The Supreme Court Goes to War Bush Made the World a Safer Place The Torture Gambit Bush's Rhetoric, Bush's Policies A Blind Eye to Mugabe's Reign of Terror In Europe, a Slide Toward Irrelevance A War Worth Fighting But We Were Getting Along So Well Right-Wingers Really Are Nicer People, Latest Research Shows Patrick J. Buchanan—Pseudo-Historian, Very Real Dissimulator The United States Supreme Court Versus America: Awarding the Privilege of Habeas Corpus to Terrorists What I Saw in Afghanistan Gouging Big Oil Means Gouging You [Manchester Union Leader] A New Deal on Energy Liberals who care should rethink U.S. energy policy. Bush's America: 100 Percent Al-Qaeda Free Since 2001 Change We Can Believe In Is All Around Us Deafening Silence The Great Seduction When I Was a Boy, America Was a Better Place The Big Chill Voting for Commander in Chief There can only be one. Obama the Humble Savior Michael C. Moynihan Victor Davis Hanson Douglas Feith Iowahawk J. Kenneth Blackwell Wall Street Journal Hugh Hewitt Mark Davis Washington Examiner Amir Taheri Edward J. Erler 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0704 0704 0703 0703 0703 0703 0702 0702 0702 0701 0701 Rich Lowry Thomas Sowell Deroy Murdock Victor Davis Hanson Steve Chapman Washington Times Robert Tracinski Gerard Baker Bill Bennett & Seth Leibsohn Reuel Marc Gerecht Steven Malanga Tony Blankley Arthur C. Brooks Janet Albrechtsen William Kristol Fred Thompson David Brooks David Harsanyi Lawrence B. Lindsey Mona Charen William Kristol Karl Rove Scott Johnson Jeff Jacoby Robert Samuelson Andrew C. McCarthy John Yoo Oliver Kamm Wall Street Journal Caroline Glick Jeff Jacoby Robert Kagan Christopher Hitchens Mark Steyn Peter Schweizer Victor Davis Hanson Hugh Hewitt 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0701 0701 0630 0630 0629 0629 0628 0627 0625 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0625 0625 0625 0624 0623 0623 0622 0620 0620 0620 0620 0620 0619 0619 0618 0618 0617 0617 0617 0617 0616 0615 0615 0614 0614 0614 0613 0612 Laura Bush Man.Union Leader Victor Davis Hanson Ann Coulter Brian Wesbury David Warren David Brooks Dennis Prager Pete Du Pont Frederick W. Kagan Mark Steyn 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0612 0612 0612 0611 0611 0611 0610 0610 0609 0608 0607 WMD d.Obama CW.Sex L.pris d.Obama Econ CW.Am L.theory Sci.ecol d.Obama L.theory d.Obama Sci.ecol d.Obama L.theory Econ Media L.pris d.Obama War.Had d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Econ L.pris Sci.ecol L.pris L.pris L.pris CW.E H.Brit CW.Can H.Brit L.pris Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ CW.Can Econ CW.Am Sci.ecol d.Obama Iran and the Problem of Evil Thinking About America's Socialist Revival Barack Obama In His Own Words An ominous tone of authoritarianism Obama the Naive Racism in Retreat Obama "Pretends" on Iraq The Bad War? [refuting Buchanan and Baker on World War 2] A Britain No Longer Great The Show Trial Begins [British Columbia HRC v Mark Steyn] Contemplating Geronticide Why We Went to Iraq We Don't Need a Climate Tax on the Poor Fascism Has Come to Canada The Death Throes of 20th-Century Ideology Just Call It 'Cap-and-Tax' Will the Real Scott Please Stand Up? [McClellan, that is] Carbon's Power Brokers Let Us by All Means Have an Honest Conversation about Race Margaret Thatcher: A Legacy of Freedom Economics Does Not Lie The dismal science is at last a science. Obama, Shaman His post-masculine charisma tempts America. The End of Art Childhood's End Britain, land of bleak houses and low expectations. Win the War? Yes, We Can! Carbon Chastity First Commandment of the Church of the Environment The Reality Situation [Dear Senators Obama and McCain…] The Aftershocks of Gay Marriage The President Has Kept Us Safe Globalization and Its Discontents The Problem With Talking to Iran Windfall-Profit Nonsense Change That Matters Iraq has changed. Why can't the Democrats? In the Driver's Seat Condi Rice and the jettisoning of the Bush Doctrine. March of the Polar Bears Kennedy Talked, Khrushchev Triumphed History Will Redeem Bush The Big O Obama — oh yes! — he will make us better. California Decision Will Radically Change Society The Real Iraq One great war correspondent reviews another: Yon's Moment of Truth in Iraq shows the country, and the war, without ideological blinders. Theater of the Absurd We're under investigation — by the U.N. Success In Iraq: a Media Blackout Obama's Vulnerable On National Security Bring On the Foreign Policy Debate Is the Associated Press Good for America? Not Even Neville Top Ten Skeletons in the Left's Closet Barack Obama: the new Great Redeemer Striking Out on Energy Alice in Housing Land Barack Obama's America Fast forward to 2012. Tax-Free Hypocrisy From Higher Education Credit Where It's Due To the Readers of Little Green Footballs Jeremiah Wright's 'Trumpet' The Reformers Who Ruined Politics Campaign finance "reform." Dialogue Isn't the Last Word Wake Forest Speech on Judicial Philosophy Which Will It Be? Orwellian Nuttiness Incarnate A "Reasonable Profits Board"? Michael Ledeen Paul Hoffmeister Las Vegas ReviewJournal John Bolton John McWhorter Peter Wehner Victor Davis Hanson Tom Bethell David Warren Baron Bodissey Fouad Ajami James Inhofe Alphonse de Valk Janet Daley Robert Samuelson Trent D. Duffy George F. Will Linda Chavez John O'Sullivan Guy Sorman Michael Knox Beran Roger Kimball Theodore Dalrymple Matthew Continetti Charles Krauthammer David Brooks Gary Bauer Thane Rosenbaum Henry Kissinger Amir Taheri John Stossel Matthew Continetti Stephen F. Hayes George F. Will Nathan Thrall & Jesse James Wilkins Ed Koch Kathleen Parker Dennis Prager Michael Totten (and Michael Yon) Nile Gardiner Ralph Peters Steve Huntley John Bolton Steve Boriss Matthew E. Miller Daniel J. Flynn Gerard Baker Lawrence Kudlow George F. Will Michael Novak Glenn Beck Janet Albrechtsen Fjordman Stanley Kurtz Wall Street Journal Gregory Rodriguez John McCain Steve Forbes Colin McNickle 2008 2008 2008 0607 0607 0606 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0605 0605 0605 0605 0604 0604 0603 0604 0603 0602 0602 0602 0602 0601 0601 0601 0600 0600 0600 0600 0531 0530 0530 0530 0530 0529 0528 0528 0526 0525 0522 0522 2008 2008 2008 2008 0521 0521 0520 0520 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0520 0520 0520 0519 0518 0517 0516 0516 0516 0515 0515 0514 0514 0511 0510 0506 0505 0505 0505 0504 d.Obama d.Obama CW.Am d.Obama H.Brit CW.E CW.Can Sci.ecol CW.Can Sci.ecol d.Var Sci.ecol d.Obama Bio Econ d.Obama Crit CW.E Sci.ecol CW.Sex Econ Econ Sci.ecol H.Amer d.Obama CW.Sex d.UN Media d.Obama Media d.Obama Sci.ecol Econ d.Obama Econ CW.E d.Obama d.Obama L.theory Econ Econ Paying for Health Care—Who and How? Strategic Collapse in the War on Terror To Obama, 'we' means 'me' The Cognitive Age The Democrats' Ex-Presidents Tall Tales About Tuskegee Black left-wing paranoia. On the Sadness of Higher Education ($) Can Money Buy Happiness? 1948, Israel, and the Palestinians—The True Story Fairness, Idealism and Other Atrocities Commencement advice. The New Learning That Failed "The Greatest Story Never Told": Today's Economy in Perspective The News Mausoleum Déjà Vu: The Fed's Interest Rate Dilemma The Fed Must Strengthen the Dollar How We'll Know When We've Won A definition of success in Iraq. High Incarceration Rate Of Blacks Is Function Of Crime, Not Racism Carter's Heir He's a senator from Illinois. An Old Newness Electing Obama would be a grave error. Obama's 'Mainstream' Friends Grasping at Straws: The NY Times on McCain Not Everything Is About Race A wrong and reckless approach. Debunking Obama's Ayers "Fact Sheet" Education Lessons We Left Behind Surrender, Genocide… or What? The Food-Shortage Myth You Don't Need a Weatherman to Know Which Candidate Blows The End of the End of History Obama the Savior Time Fights Carbon Emissions; Military Fights Evil NY Post Earth Day: No Free Planet Green & Smart The Friends of Barack Obama: part 1 part 2 Enlarging the Atlantic Alliance What the Fed's Job Isn't Why Not Blame Obama? [for his ignorance of economics and history] Guns and God? Hell, yes. More Oil Drilling, Please The Wrong Trade Wars NAFTA and globalization aren't totally to blame. Written in the Eternal Constitution [Morality or government?] The Health Insurance Mafia What Price Freedom? [Don't judge the war with single-entry bookkeeping.] Off-the-Record Obama The Politics of Meaning on steroids. Obama's Buddy List The Company He Keeps The same old America-hating Left. The Holocaust Declaration Debra Saunders Joseph Myers Mark Steyn David Brooks J.R. Dunn Jonah Goldberg Alan Charles Kors Arthur C. Brooks Efraim Karsh P.J. O'Rourke Victor Davis Hanson Patrick Toomey John Podhoretz Brian Wesbury John L. Chapman Frederick W. Kagan Heather Mac Donald Matthew Continetti Thomas Sowell Jeff Jacoby Roger Kimball Peter Wehner Guy Benson George F. Will El Inglés John Tamny Ann Coulter Robert Kagan Caroline Glick Dennis Prager Glenn Reynolds et al. John Hinderaker Rupert Murdoch George F. Will Lawrence Kudlow Mark Steyn Deroy Murdock Robert Samuelson Selwyn Duke Jonathan Kellerman Lawrence Kudlow Peter Wehner Guy Benson Andrew C. McCarthy Charles Krauthammer 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0504 0504 0503 0502 0502 0502 0501 0501 0501 0501 0501 0501 0500 0430 0429 0428 0428 0428 0428 0427 0427 0425 0424 0424 0424 0424 0423 0423 0422 0422 0422 0422 0422 0420 0419 0419 0418 0416 0418 0414 0414 0414 0413 0411 0411 Health Flying Congress' Not-So-Friendly Skies The Return of Big Government Let's 'Surge' Some More The NYT Bombs in Basra Can We Let Terrorists Go Free? Dreams From My Father, Lame Excuses From My Grandfather Richard Warman Has Sued Me, and Other Conservative Bloggers Predatory Lending, or Mortgage Fraud? Barack Obama Hid His Father's Socialist and Anti-Western Convictions Neocon Nation: Neoconservatism, c. 1776 Five Myths About NAFTA The Press Botches Basra [Daveed Gartenstein-Ross & Bill Roggio] Haditha: The Collapse of a Liberal Fiction Hearts and Minds, Again Obama's Dimestore Mein Kampf Is the Criminal-Justice System Racist? Investor's Business Daily 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0411 0411 0411 0411 0410 0409 0409 0409 0407 0407 0406 0404 0404 0403 0402 0401 Econ Econ James Pethokoukis Michael Yon Mickey Kaus Camilla Cavendish Ann Coulter Ezra Levant Steven Malanga Greg Ransom Robert Kagan Philippe Legrain Gartenstein & Roggio Michael Reagan Daniel Henninger Ann Coulter Heather Mac Donald d.Obama Econ d.Var Acad Econ H.Mid Acad Econ Media Econ Econ CW.Am d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Media d.Obama d.Obama Acad CW.E Econ d.Obama d.Obama Sci.ecol d.Obama Econ Econ d.Obama Sci.ecol Econ Health Econ d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama Media CW.E d.Obama CW.Can Econ d.Obama H.Amer Econ Media War.Had d.Obama CW.Am The 'Recession' Is a Media Myth America's Interests and the U.N. Free People Are Happy People Hope for Iraq's Meanest City How the surge brought order to Fallujah. The Return of the Paranoid Style How the Iraq War and George W. Bush sent the movie industry back to its favorite era—the 1970s. Nothing Succeeds Like Success Entitlement Mentality Is Wrecking theEconomy Regulation Is the Problem, Not the Answer Remind me again—who's losing in Basra? Barack Obama, Our New Appeaser The Sunni-Shiite Terror Network Plagiarism! The sloppy hackery of the left. The Chickens of Identity Politics Come Home to Roost? Bleeding Hearts but Tight Fists A Race Conversation? What Are You Talking About? Anatomy of the Surge Islam and Free Speech The Audacity of Rhetoric Running on Empty Saddam, the Terrorist's Friend Not Dead Yet The Lost of Tomb of Jesus — one year later. Herbert Hoover's Ghost Haunts Markets, Democrats Obama the Ditherer Answering the question no one asked. Three Big Problems With Barack's Speech The Meaning of Obama's Speech on Race Obama Merely Changes The Subject Barack, I Didn't Do It for This: An Homage to Andrew Goodman The Obama Bargain How Did I Get Iraq Wrong? I Didn't. Five Years On The war for Iraq, and its lessons. "The forces of division have started to raise their ugly heads again." Obama's Pastor Disaster Gunsmoke Why is Bush silent on the new Pentagon report? Report Details Saddam's Terrorist Ties Race and the Democrats: Part III Part IV The Surge in Iraq: One Year Later Why I Am No Longer a 'Brain-Dead Liberal' Jimmy Carter Bush How Government Makes Things Worse Stiglitz the Nobelist Gets Math Wrong on Iraq War Obama's First 100 Days The Housing Fix An Iraqi Sea Change The World Has Plenty of Oil Clash with Egyptian Islamist Tal'at Rmeih (Al Jazeera transcript) Speaking Truth to Power [Obama's adviser Prof. Samantha Power] Why Spinoza was not murdered Limited Government: Are the Good Times Really Over? Guns, Butter, and the War May We Not Lose His Kind [William F. Buckley obituary] The Katrina of All Potemkin Fences! The Democratic Trade Myths The World in 2009 Guns Save Lives Media & 'Nam: Lessons for Iraq The Fierce Urgency of Lies It's All About Him Hear No Evil Are House Democrats serious about national security? The Misnomer of Conservatism When Jihad Came to America The Ecstasy of Barack John Lott John Bolton Arthur C. Brooks Michael Totten Ross Douthat 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0401 0401 0400 0400 0400 Victor Davis Hanson Jonathan Hoenig Washington Examiner Ed Morrissey Michael Goodwin Amir Taheri Dean Barnett Victor Davis Hanson George F. Will Jonah Goldberg Peter Feaver Peter Hoekstra Thomas Sowell Debra Saunders Greg Sheridan Thomas F. Madden Amity Shlaes Dean Barnett Michael Medved Robert Tracinski 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0400 0331 0331 0330 0330 0329 0329 0329 0327 0326 0326 0326 0325 0323 0323 0321 0319 0319 0319 0319 0318 0318 0318 0317 0316 0316 0315 0315 0314 0314 0313 0311 0311 0309 0305 0305 0305 0304 0304 0304 0303 0301 0301 0229 0229 0228 0228 0228 0227 0225 0225 0225 0224 0223 0222 0222 Investor's Business Daily Roger L. Simon Shelby Steele Christopher Hitchens Jules Crittenden Victor Davis Hanson Mark Steyn William Kristol Eli Lake Victor Davis Hanson Raymond Odierno David Mamet Steve Forbes Jeff Jacoby Amity Shlaes Michael Gerson Robert Samuelson Abe Greenwald Nansen G. Saleri Wafa Sultan Martin Kramer Arthur Legger Charles Kesler Jed Babbin Peggy Noonan Mickey Kaus Steve Chapman Victor Davis Hanson John Stossel Arthur Herman Lance Fairchok William Kristol Matthew Continetti Bruce Walker Andrew C. McCarthy Kathleen Parker Econ CW.Am War.08 Media Econ Econ War.08 d.Obama I.I.AQ d.Obama d.Obama CW.Am d.Obama CW.E d.Obama I.I.AQ Media Econ d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama d.Obama CW.Am d.Obama I.I.AQ I.I.AQ d.Obama War.07 Econ Econ d.Obama Econ Sci.ecol CW.I d.Obama CW.E Bio CW.Am Econ L.theory Media d.Obama d.Obama P.Act d.Obama The Gipper's Win SDI: A destroyed satellite. Ivy League Populism Mr. President, Don't Forget Iran Pelosi's Wiretap Offensive Hearts of Darkness Trendy paternalism is keeping Africa in chains. For U.S. Foreign Policy, Self-Interest Is Morality The Neocons and Iraq Unfettered Speech, Now [Bradley A. Smith & Steve Simpson] Obama's Big-Government Vision Stimulating Nonsense The Clintons' Terror Pardons What Kind of Pigs? Why the West Is Best My response to Tariq Ramadan. Speech at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Conservative Sense & Sensibility The Right's choices right now. Speech at CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference) Taking Down the NIE Iran is a winning issue for Republicans. The Biofuel Follies Child-Man in the Promised Land Young single men in hormonal limbo. Voucher Foes Hurt Poor Kids Unthinking Dogmatism Assault on a Fine Ideal [contra Dworkin-Rawls egalitarianism] ($) McCain vs. Limbaugh When Does Farce Become Tragedy? The Market's Echo Chamber A 'Stimulus Package'? Interrogator Shares Saddam's Confessions [60 Minutes transcript] The Tax Threat to Prosperity Capitalism Doesn't Work, Mr. Gates? The Moral Economy Hillary and "Say's Law" It's Time to Rescue the Dollar Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands "We're All Keynesians Now" Kafka's Canada It's all very odd, 'that's for sure' Bill Kristol: Enemy of the People Smearing Soldiers Jena: the Case of the Amazing Disappearing Hate Crime Cloudy Fortunes for Conservatism Kangaroo Court Immigration: A Modest Proposal Bush of Arabia The Sword of Truth Princess Obama Shaking Off Woodrow Wilson Blind Faiths [review of Lee Harris's The Suicide of Reason] Expo and the Islamophobes Castro's One 'Hell' of an Achievement A Cold Spell Soon to Replace Global Warming Seeking Psychological Victory in the War on Terror Why We're in the Gulf The world needs America as a policeman. The End of Discretion ($) Enough Said [review of Ibn Warraq's Defending the West] ($) Sense of Superiority ($) Is India an Ally? The Conservatism of the Future ($) Islam in the Classroom What the textbooks tell us. The New Deal Jobs Myth The Iowa Scam The undemocratic caucuses. So Much Economic Good News Amid So Little Cheer Investor's Business Daily Victor Davis Hanson Christopher Hitchens Wall Street Journal Michael Knox Beran Patrick James Peter Berkowitz Smith & Simpson Lawrence Kudlow John Stossel Debra Burlingame Baron Bodissey Ibn Warraq Mitt Romney Bill Bennett & Seth Leibsohn John McCain Stanley Kurtz George F. Will Kay S. Hymowitz Steve Huntley James MacMillan John Kekes Brent Bozell III Dymphna Robert Samuelson Thomas Sowell George Piro Arthur B. Laffer Lawrence Kudlow Victor Davis Hanson George Melloan Louis R. Woodhill Norman Podhoretz Wall Street Journal David Warren Mark Steyn Gabriel Schoenfeld Ralph Peters Charlotte Allen Jonah Goldberg Ezra Levant Richard Baehr Fouad Ajami Lionheart Melanie Phillips Baron Bodissey Ayaan Hirsi Ali Fjordman Carlos Eire Oleg Sorokhtin Tony Blankley Walter Russell Mead Andrew C. McCarthy David Pryce-Jones James Bowman Sadanand Dhume John O'Sullivan Gilbert T. Sewall Amity Shlaes Christopher Hitchens Kevin Hassett 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 0221 0221 0219 0219 0216 0216 0216 0216 0214 0213 0212 0208 0208 0207 0207 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2007 2007 0207 0207 0202 0201 0201 0200 0200 0130 0129 0129 0129 0127 0125 0125 0124 0123 0118 0118 0118 0117 0117 0116 0115 0114 0113 0111 0111 0108 0108 0108 0107 0106 0106 0103 0103 0102 0101 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 1231 1231 1231 P.Act Econ d.Obama Econ d.Clin CW.E CW.I WMD Sci.ecol CW.Sex Acad Media CW.E Econ Econ WMD Econ Econ Econ Econ WMD Econ CW.Can CW.Can Media Media CW.Am CW.Can CW.Am CW.E d.Obama BkNote CW.E Sci.ecol L.pris CW.E Media Acad H.Amer Voting Econ General Petraeus: man with a message of hope Letter to the Troops Benazir Bhutto: Killed by the real Pakistan The Best Notable Quotables of 2007 Torture and the Democrats Senate Report: Over 400 Prominent Scientists Disputed Man-Made Global Warming Claims in 2007 Life and Death in New Jersey Does Gore Know What He's Talking About? The Problem With Pastor Mike Foreign-policy foolishness. Children? Not if you love the planet Conventionally Ignorant The same old simplicities about Iraq. Don't Fight, Adapt We should give up futile attempts to combat climate change. (Open Letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon) Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition Misreading the Iran Report Suggested Corrections for Charles Johnson Abolish the CIA They're guilty of mutiny and treason. Theology 101 with Lawrence O'Donnell (radio transcript) Faith In America The Flaws In the Iran Report Reliving the Battle of Tours-Poitiers Exposing the "Flying Imams" 'High Confidence' Games The CIA's flip-flop on Iran is hardly reassuring. Dark Suspicions about the NIE The False Prophet [Kahlil Gibran] Who Owns the Vietnam War? ($) CNN'S Screwup Teddy Bear Case Exposes Failure of American Feminist Leaders Lawsuit Against CAIR for Copyright Infringement Follow the Fundamentals No Lasting Peace Iraq: Beyond the Drop In Violence The Stab That Failed The Dems' surge-against-the-surge. Unheralded Military Successes Low-cost, low-risk operations. The End of the Stem-Cell Wars The Tragedy of the Commons Something To Give Thanks For Good news from Iraq. My Farewell to Little Green Footballs Buffett's Estate-Tax Vision Isn't Charitable How They Did It Executing the winning strategy in Iraq. A Response to Andrew Sullivan On quotations from Khomeini. Olympia Port Militarization Resistance Rally Denying Alliance American Workers Are 'Trading Up' Come Home Send the State Department to War Heather Mac Donald and God Norman Mailer, a dissenting view The Supply-Side Solution Blacks Must Drop Victimhood and Reclaim Dignity America's Strategies for Victory & Defeat The Politics of National Security The 'Torture' Fraud of the Left Al-Qaedastan Grim possibilities for Pakistan. Will There Always Be an England? Who shall 'scape whipping? Political "Solutions" Brent Bozell III et al.. Mona Charen Marc Morano 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1231 1228 1227 1227 1221 1220 Jeff Jacoby Ed Koch Peter Wehner Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson 100 noted scientists 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1219 1218 1217 1214 1214 1213 L.theory Sci.ecol Cal Thomas Henry Kissinger Baron Bodissey Christopher Hitchens Hugh Hewitt Mitt Romney John Bolton Brad MacDonald M. Zuhdi Jasser Wall Street Journal Norman Podhoretz Anthony Daniels Arthur Herman Michelle Malkin Tammy Bruce Michael Savage David Brooks Ralph Peters Amir Taheri Noemie Emery Robert D. Kaplan Ryan T. Anderson John Stossel Christopher Hitchens Fjordman John Tamny Kimberly Kagan Norman Podhoretz and Amir Taheri Byron Dazey Charles Krauthammer Daniel Griswold Michael Yon Max Boot Lawrence Auster et al. Roger Kimball Stephen Moore Bill Cosby and Alvin Poussaint Caroline Glick Joseph Lieberman J.R. Dunn Stanley Kurtz Roger Kimball & Hilton Kramer Anthony Daniels Thomas Sowell 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1213 1213 1212 1210 1210 1206 1206 1206 1206 1205 1203 1200 1200 1130 1130 1129 1127 1127 1126 1126 1125 1125 1121 1119 1119 1119 1119 1119 L.theory WMD CW.E 2007 2007 1117 1116 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1116 1116 1114 1111 1110 1109 1108 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1108 1108 1105 1105 1100 2007 2007 1100 1030 London Telegraph David Petraeus Andrew C. McCarthy Media L.pris Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol CW.Chr CW.Chr WMD H.World CW.I WMD WMD Crit H.Amer Media CW.Am CW.I Econ Sci.var Econ CW.E Econ War.07 Econ War.07 CW.Chr Bio Econ CW.Am L.pris CW.E L.theory What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America? What the New Atheists Don't See War, like life, is not a movie Inside the Surge Like a slave, is an unborn child not a brother? No Cause for Hypercaution Don't learn the wrong lessons from Iraq. The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States: A Brief History Frosty Wooldridge Theodore Dalrymple Mark Steyn Michael Yon Charles Moore Michael Gerson Torture Logic Where to draw the line. Krugman Veers to Left, Longs for a New New Deal From the H-Bomb to the Human Bomb MRC's 20th Anniversary Edition The Atheist Indoctrination Project Christian Foundation Line-Item Foolishness The Real War On Children Leftspeak - Vol. I Victory Is Within Reach in Iraq The U.S. Is a Great Place to be Anti-American What Happened at Haditha Sandy Berger and the Real Hillary Clinton An Anglosphere Future Corporate power blesses, not oppresses, the American people The Microsofting of Google Crime and Rhetoric The Left, at root. Cameras, Crooks, and Deterrence The New Girl Order [The Carrie Bradshaw lifestyle goes global.] The Stupid Party [The Democrats have earned the GOP's old nickname.] Not Nobel Winners Some nominees for next year. An Inconvenient Peace Prize Sanchez' Message His criticism of media and Democrats went unreported. What has Al Gore done for world peace? Address to Military Reporters and Editors Luncheon Gabriel Schoenfeld Caroline Baum Andre Glucksmann Brent Bozell III et al.. Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza George F. Will Mark Steyn The Dick List Michael Ledeen Gerard Baker Wall Street Journal Ronald A. Cass Christopher Hitchens Michael Medved Holman Jenkins Thomas Sowell Theodore Dalrymple Kay S. Hymowitz James W. Ceaser Wall Street Journal Bjorn Lomborg Ed Morrissey Damian Thompson LtGen Ricardo Sanchez Daniel Henninger Laura Bush Michelle Malkin Ibn Warraq Bret Stephens Neal Boortz Hillary Talks About 'It' Would she defend Rush Limbaugh's speech rights? Stop the Terror in Burma The Democrats' Unhealthy Poster Child Abuse The Superiority of Western Values in Eight Minutes So Be It? The dangers of defining "torture" down. An Essential Step In Saving America [Keep schools, and kids, competitive] Thomas on Precedent Punishing Clarence Thomas The Right Judicial Litmus Test Follow the Constitution, or not? A Death in the Family The strength of Mark Daily's loved ones. U.S. LOST at Sea? The Historic Significance of Atlas Shrugged Democracy Has Been Demoted Burma's monks didn't know. Modern Heroes Our soldiers like what they do. They want respect, not pity. Charge It! America Money changes everything. The Realignment of Iraq The Lost Resolution The response to Rush's comments in a sane world. Return of "That'll Teach 'Em" Hillary The Unspeakable American Culture elitist citizens-of-the-world Dissection of the Democrat Smear ($) Repressive Dems Use Rush to Distract Base from their Own Failures ($) A New 'Ground Zero' in the Abortion Wars Mission Accomplished Iraq's big questions have been resolved positively. The Reclamation of Skid Row The Past, Present, and Future of Neoconservatism Questions for Obama Douglas Farah, Ron Sandee, Josh Lefkowitz Jan Crawford Greenburg Ruben Navarrette Steven G. Calabresi Christopher Hitchens James Lyons (Admiral) Robert Tracinski Daniel Henninger Robert D. Kaplan Victor Davis Hanson Bartle Bull Jackson Bauer Tom DeLay Jonah Goldberg Rush Limbaugh Rush Limbaugh Dennis Byrne Bartle Bull Heather Mac Donald Joshua Muravchik George F. Will 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1029 1029 1028 1028 1027 1027 1026 CW.Am CW.Chr 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1026 1025 1022 1022 1022 1022 1021 1021 1021 1020 1019 1019 1018 1017 1017 1017 1017 1016 1015 1014 1014 1013 1013 1012 1012 L.pris Econ 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1011 1010 1010 1009 1009 1009 1008 Media 2007 2007 2007 2007 1007 1007 1005 1005 CW.Am L.theory 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 1005 1004 1004 1004 1003 1003 1003 1002 1002 1002 1001 1000 1000 1000 0930 BkNote War.07 CW.Sex CW.I Media CW.Chr CW.Chr L.theory Health War.Had Econ Econ CW.Am CW.E CW.Sex Sci.ecol Media Health CW.E L.pris Acad L.theory Media Econ Media Media CW.Am Media Media CW.Sex CW.Am The Tough-Guy Liberal Lee Bollinger tries to take on Ahmadinejad. What Bill O'Reilly Really Told Me Democracies talk, tyrannies act Outsourcing Conflict Military contractors are part the future of war. Our Dead Are Our Fault Why are we funding "human rights" nonsense? Sewer-side Chat Henry Waxman: Witch Hunter in Chief The Frivolity of Evil Ahmadinejad at Columbia Our Crazy Health-Insurance System Dems' 'Fairy Dust' Energy Plan Squalid Mistake Ahmadinejad at Columbia Economics for Dummies The Maestro's False Notes The Poverty of Liberalism Ahmadinejad invited to Columbia Al gores us at hot lunch The World According to UNGA Democrats and the losing, anti-war line Sally Field Doesn't Speak for Me Republicans Can Win on Health Care With a market-based system. Anbar Awakens Part II: Hell is Over It Was Right To Dissolve the Iraqi Army Putting Politics Aside to Save Iraq Heat Capacity, Time Constant, & Sensitivity of Earth's Climate System Iraq veteran to Clinton, Schumer and Congress: choose victory Looking for love in all the wrong places Defeat at Any Price A quick history lesson: America is no Rome The tired analogy. Creating Activists At Ed School Indoctrination in the Classroom Hollywood's Revealing Censorship of The Path to 9/11 Our New National Divide Climate Change: Is CO2 the cause? part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4 (video) 'America the Ugly' Six years after 9/11, it's notable how little the politics of the left have changed. The Scandal of Social Work Education a report by the National Association of Scholars Report to Congress on the Status of Iraq How Many Lawyers Does It Take to Sink the U.S. Navy? Unfortunately, the Law of the Sea Treaty is no laughing matter. Listening to Petraeus The president had the courage to change course on Iraq. Does Congress? Anbar Awakens Part I: The Battle of Ramadi War on Terror is Working No Terrorism, Just War? The Eye of the 9/11 Storm Destruction in black America is self-inflicted The Peace Racket Huffington's House of Horrors New Orleans—An Autopsy What's in a Name? [review of World War IV, by Norman Podhoretz] The Big Picture(s) [5 years of media bias on Iraq—with many links] Social acid has burnt the heart of Britain The Left Shudders, and Bush leads Lizardoids Refute Hitchens piece 'A Blunder Too Far for Bush' The Horror! The Horror! The paranoid style of the American left. Senator Warner's Bad Withdrawal Symptoms Now, more than ever, Britain must stay in Iraq Iraq Vets Respond to the New York Times seven [David Bellavia, Pete Hegseth, Michael Baumann, Carl Hartmann, David Thul, Knox Nunnally, and Joe Worley] Harvey Mansfield Juan Williams Mark Steyn Robert D. Kaplan Anne Bayefsky Iowahawk Oliver North Suzanne Fields John Stossel Mackubin T. Owens Arthur Herman Ralph Reiland Robert Novak Roger Kimball Andrew Bolt Oliver North J.C. Watts Michelle Malkin Karl Rove Michael Totten Christopher Hitchens Henry Kissinger Stephen Schwartz Jeff Nuding (Sgt.) Mark Steyn David Gelernter Gerard Baker John Leo Mark Bauerlein Michael Medved Owen West Robert M. Carter Norman Podhoretz 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0930 0929 0929 0929 0928 0928 0928 0927 0926 0926 0925 0924 0924 0923 0921 0921 0919 0919 0918 0918 0917 0917 0917 0916 0916 0915 0914 0912 0912 0912 0912 0911 0911 Acad CW.Am Acad Stephen H. Balch et al. David Petraeus Jeremy Rabkin 2007 0911 Acad 2007 2007 0910 0910 John McCain & Joseph Lieberman Michael Totten Jeff Jacoby Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson Jeff Jacoby Bruce Bawer Tim Graham Ben C. Toledano Mark Steyn Karl/ProteinWisdom John O'Sullivan William Kristol Kulthur, Darleen, Yanqui in Europe, Wanumba, et al Noemie Emery Ralph Peters William Shawcross Bellavia, Hegseth, Baumann, Hartmann, Thul, Nunnally, 2007 0910 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0910 0909 0909 0906 0905 0902 0901 0900 0900 0829 0826 0826 0825 2007 2007 2007 2007 0825 0825 0825 0824 d.UN d.Var Acad Health Sci.ecol Acad Econ Econ Acad Sci.ecol d.UN Health War.07 Sci.ecol CW.Am Acad Acad Media Sci.ecol War.07 CW.Am Acad Media Katrina BkNote Media CW.E H.Amer Media Address to the VFW's National Convention Why the U.S. Ranks Low on WHO's Health-Care Study AFP Takes Lessons from TNR New York Times spins straw from gold New Peer-Reviewed Scientific Studies Chill Global Warming Fears The Day Reality Hit Home Speaking of sanctuary, where's ours? Talking to Iran Backing Bush FISA hysterics show ignorance of history. The Death of Diversity Folly and the Fed Dead Men Farming Toward a Realistic Peace Democrats' Disgrace Their defeatist words must not be forgotten. Fighting the "Real" Fight Foolish myths about al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia. Brawley Case of the South The blurring of fiction and nonfiction. Confessions of a BBC Liberal Warm-Mongers and Cheeseburger Imperialists Bankrolling Iran The World Bank is Undermining the U.N. and the West. Obama's Church: Cauldron of Division The "Fairness Doctrine" And Academia Too much FISA oversight? Forcing the president to obtain a court order to tap communications between foreigners may violate the Constitution. Let Wisconsin Experiment With Socialized Medicine How Not to Get Out of Iraq Winter Soldier Syndrome FISA: Don't Mend It, End It The Left's deafening silence won't obscure that judges shouldn't be managing our national security. Propaganda Redux The left is abetting America's enemies. Terrible, But Not a Crime Hiroshima and Nagasaki prevented more deaths. Pvt. Beauchamp: Proud of Being Ashamed? The Vanishing Jihad Exposés How to Keep Our Bridges Safe Private investors can manage critical transportation infrastructure. The Turn Defeatists in retreat. The Crumbling of America Our precious infrastructure inheritance. My View of Islam On holy war, apostasy and the rights of women. U.N. Chief's Tepid Sense of Urgency It's about belief in global warming. Wages Of Ward: Academy Exposed Iraq, Iran and How the Surge is Working (Hugh Hewitt Show transcript) Getting Immigration Right How conservatives blocked the open-borders establishment. A War We Just Might Win [Two Brookings guys say that our "surge" in Iraq seems to be working—and the NYT prints it!] Just Drill, Baby Congress's energy policies would hinder our economy. The Real Story [Scott Thomas Beauchamp and The New Republic] Profits Matter Fears about corporate and housing loans hit the markets. Socialized Medicine Doesn't Work General Failure We expected generals who wouldn't police their own ranks to police Iraq. Up Against the Warming Zealots The Founders got it right [misguided SCOTUS rulings on religion] At Stake in the Iraq War: Survival of a Way of life Upside-Down Politics in the Middle East Freedom and Benevolence Go Together Dissonance at the Times Reporting success, deciding on failure. Bush Got It Right... Unlike Mr. Clinton Taking America for Granted Comments on Howard Zinn's "Put away the flags" The Real Threat to Civil Liberties Impudent citizens got Senator Lotthorn's goat Worley George W. Bush John Stossel Jack Kelly Randall Hoven Marc Morano Andrew Anthony Mark Steyn Michael Ledeen Russell Smith Daniel Henninger George F. Will John Stossel Rudy Giuliani Tony Blankley Christopher Hitchens John Leo Anthony Jay Mark Steyn Mark Kirk Jim Davis Ward Connerly David B. Rivkin Jr. & Lee A. Casey John Stossel Max Boot Michelle Malkin Andrew C. McCarthy 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0822 0822 0821 0821 0820 0819 0819 0818 0817 0816 0816 0815 0815 0815 0813 0813 0812 0812 0810 0809 0809 0808 2007 2007 2007 2007 0808 0808 0808 0807 Ion Mihai Pacepa Oliver Kamm Paul McNellis, S.J. Mark Steyn Steven Malanga 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0807 0806 0806 0805 0805 William Kristol Nicole Gelinas Ayaan Hirsi Ali Debra Saunders David French John Burns, H. Hewitt John O'Sullivan 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0805 0803 0802 0731 0730 0730 0730 Michael O'Hanlon & Kenneth Pollack Pete Du Pont Dean Barnett Lawrence Kudlow David Gratzer Ralph Peters 2007 0730 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0730 0727 0727 0726 0724 Econ Media Econ Health Martin Durkin Stephen Mansfield Andrew Roberts Victor Davis Hanson John Stossel Tom Donnelly Jack Kelly Thomas Sowell Progressive readers Victor Davis Hanson Mark Steyn 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0721 0716 0712 0712 0711 0708 0704 0704 0702 0702 0701 Sci.ecol CW.Chr Health Media Media Sci.ecol CW.Am l.Patriot CW.Am Econ Econ Media Media Econ d.Obama Acad l.Patriot Health Media l.Patriot H.Amer Media CW.I Sci.ecol Acad CW.Am Media WMD CW.Am d.Zinn CW.Am Disunion (Mark Falcoff on Walter Laqueur's The Last Days of Europe) Jerusalem: The Scandal of Particularity Our National Alienation & Amnesia How do we ask our children to fight, and perhaps die, for a country they do not know? Why We Went to War in Iraq Amnesty would be foreign to founders Immigration Bill Failure Proves Rasmussen's First Law of Politics It's Time to Give Up on Mideast Peace Big-Government Conservatives Washington's 'War Against Winners' Spinning the Real Costs of Illegals The Real Deal [false memories of FDR's domestic programs] Look Forward to Anger It's impossible to satisfy "Rage Boy" and his ilk. Bowling With Our Own Winds of War Reality Check for the Antiwar Crowd In Praise of Skinned Knees and Grubby Faces When Marriage Becomes a "Hate Crime" (speech police in Oakland) We must get immigration reform right The human rights outrage in Iran…and a challenge to Rosie O'Donnell and her ilk Where We Fight On which battlefields will we wage war against al Qaeda? Islam the Problem The response to Rushdie's knighthood is sadly typical. The Attack on Talk Radio Begins in Earnest Today Atheism and Evidence What is at risk is not the Climate, but Freedom The Damaged Relationship Between Public Life & Media "You are a vague, translucent shade who barely matters." (to Sen. Reid) Why I Was Opposed a four-step process for real immigration reform. Two Americas: One Blind to Terror Threat Failure Was an Option! The "grand bargain" collapses. Good. Defeat's Killing Fields (by Peter W. Rodman and William Shawcross) Neglected Truths of the Immigration Debate Why Is Profit a Dirty Word? Adolescent Intellectuals Echoes of 1919 Killing America…Twice militant Islam targets JFK Airport. As is, immigration bill a recipe for failure Moore's Sick Rx Learning from History The Gay Lobby Takes On eHarmony f A new look at secularization. The Case for Bombing Iran Why the Art World is a Disaster Divine Comedy [review of Hitchens' God is Not Great] What I've Learned The Crusades in context A Green Card In Every Pot Unending War The Hard Truth About Leaving Iraq Living in Terror Friend Of Dictators A Feeble President The Conservative Mind America's Honor The stories behind Memorial Day. Human Wrongs & the Activists Who Love Them A History of Empty Words, Claims on Immigration Edwards' View is Wrong—and Dangerous We're in Iraq to Keep the Peace Capturing the Language to Assure Liberal Dominance The Left's Iraq Muddle Snarling Dems hinder Kennedy's strategy M.Falcoff, W.Laqueur Norman Podhoretz Bill Bennett 2007 2007 2007 0700 0700 0629 David Horowitz James P. Pinkerton Scott Rasmussen David Warren John Stossel Lawrence Kudlow Robert Rector Amity Shlaes Christopher Hitchens John Leo Joshua Muravchik Pete Hegseth (Lt.) Conn Iggulden George F. Will J.C. Watts Michelle Malkin 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0629 0628 0628 0627 0627 0627 0627 0625 0625 0625 0625 0625 0624 0624 0624 0624 Clifford D. May Irshad Manji Neal Boortz Stanley Fish Vaclav Klaus Tony Blair Dennis Miller Mike Pence Jack Kelly Mickey Kaus Rodman & Shawcross Thomas Lifson John Stossel Thomas Sowell Caroline Glick 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0622 0621 0621 0617 0614 0612 0610 0610 0609 0608 0607 0607 0606 0605 0604 0603 0603 0603 0603 0602 0601 0600 0600 0600 0531 0530 0530 0530 0530 0530 0530 0529 0529 0528 0525 0524 0524 0523 0523 0522 0522 Andrew C. McCarthy John Cornyn (Sen.) Michael Tanner Orson Scott Card Ross Kaminsky Mary Eberstadt Norman Podhoretz Roger Kimball Sam Schulman Tony Blair Paul Stenhouse Ann Coulter Cal Thomas Ed Koch Fred Thompson Investor's Business Daily Investor's Business Daily Peter Berkowitz Peter Collier Ralph Peters George F. Will Peter Wehner Edwin Feulner Michael Medved Bob Kerrey James P. Pinkerton CW.E H.Mid H.Amer CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am H.Amer d.Isl.pix CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.I Media CW.Chr Sci.ecol Media d.Var CW.Am Media Media CW.Am Econ CW.Am CW.Am Health CW.Sex CW.Sex Crit CW.Chr H.World CW.Am d.Carter d.Carter H.Amer L.pris CW.Am Media CW.Am Peanut Envy The latest absurdities from Jimmy Carter's big, smug mouth. Look Who's Talking Why They Won't Assimilate Capitulation, from A——— to Z Transcending Jerry Falwell Was Osama Right? [that America is weak] The Real Immigration Threat The Media Before the War Lessons of the Libby Affair The Return of the (perfect Latin American) Idiot Political Correctness is Destroying Our Military Liberalism v Islamism Plan B For Iraq: Winning Dirty Wolfowitz Scandal Silly But Useful (the World Bank should be wound up) Goodbye Daily KOS The Arrogance of the Legalization Movement Subscribe Now! (the Quint State Claxon-Ledger from 1957 to 2007) Revisiting the Case for Invasion Speech to the Lincoln Club of Orange County The Real Solution to Poverty After Imus: No more witch burnings for PC offenses Honey, They Shrunk the Case (the Conrad Black trial) Knowledge Gap: Congressional Leaders Are Illiterate on Iraq An Hour-Long Look at the State of the War (Hugh Hewitt transcript) Hayek & the Intellectuals Tenet Does 60 Minutes No wonder we're in dire straits. The Case for the Strong Executive Is the War on Terror Over? Iraq: Who's Winning, Harry? Senate Speech on Iraq Senate Speech on Iraq One Choice in Iraq Their Blinkered, Parochial Stupidity (interview with Hugh Hewitt) Media Easily Influenced The Duke LaCrosse Scandal: Eight Lessons The Story of Jessica Lynch: what really happened in Nasiriyah Let's Be Realistic About Reality The Partial-Birth Abortion Challenge Uncommon heroes: Liviu Librescu A closer look under the bed [The "McCarthy years" re-examined) The trap of self-delusion Was Cho taught to hate? Harry Reid, Loser The Mainstream Media: Islamist Facilitators Gun-Free Zones are Recipe for Disaster 'Gun-Free Zones' The Single Worst Editorial Decision In The History Of Broadcast News? Wanted: A Culture of Self-Defense Journalism's Hoax on Duke The Wolfowitz Files: the anatomy of a World Bank smear Seeing The Unseen, part 2 A Film PBS Wants Unaired Patriot Act Jon Voight understands that America is under attack. Why don't you? (interview by Adam Laukhuf) The Four Dead Bodies of Inflation The Post-West: a civilization that has become just a dream Fuzzy Climate Math Wrong Again Using Imus as a wedge to break talk radio. Is Climatology a Science? (Or is Al Gore flogging phlogiston?) Time for Jackson, Sharpton to Step Down (yes, two in one day) Imus Isn't the Real Bad Guy April 11 Speech on Iraq Selwyn Duke Mark Steyn Kathleen Parker Bernard Lewis Selwyn Duke Rich Noyes Brian M. Carney Alvaro Vargas Llosa Diana West Melanie Phillips Morton Kondracke George F. Will Eyal Rosenberg Ruben Navarrette Iowahawk Charles Krauthammer Fred Thompson Arnold Kling Daniel Henninger Mark Steyn Lawrence F. Kaplan Victor Davis Hanson Roger Kimball Andrew C. McCarthy Harvey Mansfield Victor Davis Hanson Amir Taheri John Thune Joseph Lieberman Joseph Lieberman Mark Steyn Tom DeLay Dennis Prager Rich Lowry Mark Steyn Steve Chapman Graeme Hamilton William Rusher Ben-Dror Yemini James Lewis Jed Babbin M. Zuhdi Jasser Ted Nugent David Kopel Hugh Hewitt Michelle Malkin John Leo Wall Street Journal Bill Whittle, "Proteus" Frank Gaffney Jon Voight 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0521 0521 0521 0520 0518 0516 0515 0515 0512 0511 0511 0511 0511 0510 0509 0506 0505 0504 0504 0503 0503 0503 0501 0501 0500 0430 0427 0427 0426 0426 0426 0426 0426 0426 0424 0424 0422 0422 0421 0420 0420 0420 0420 0420 0419 0418 0418 0418 0417 0416 0413 0413 0413 d.Carter d.Carter CW.Am CW.Am Lawrence Kudlow Victor Davis Hanson George F. Will Neal Boortz Robert Tracinski Jason Whitlock Jason Whitlock John McCain 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0413 0413 0412 0412 0412 0411 0411 0411 Econ Christopher Hitchens Investor's Business Daily CW.Am Media WMD CW.E Econ d.Var CW.Am Media I.I.AQ Econ CW.Am Econ I.I.AQ L.theory Media CW.Am w.Lynch CW.Am CW.Am Bio Bio CW.I CW.Am Media L.theory L.theory Media CW.Am Media d.Wolf Op.pix Media Celeb Sci.ecol Media Sci.ecol CW.Am CW.Am 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0410 0409 0408 0406 0404 0404 0403 0400 0400 0329 0329 0328 0328 0328 0327 0327 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0327 0327 0326 0318 0317 CW.Sex Acad Acad 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0316 0315 0311 0311 0309 CW.E Thomas Sowell Debra Burlingame Peggy Noonan Ann Coulter Chris Demorro Wall Street Journal Jeff Jacoby Caroline Glick David Horowitz Wilfred M. McClay 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0309 0308 0308 0307 0307 0307 0304 0303 0302 0300 WMD L.pris Ann Coulter Ed Koch William Rees-Mogg Caroline Overington Charles Krauthammer Mark Steyn Ben Wallace-Wells John O'Sullivan Mark Steyn Martin Peretz Robert J. Caldwell Victoria Toensing Victor Davis Hanson John Boehner Peter Hoekstra Janet Albrechtsen 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0228 0227 0226 0224 0223 0223 0222 0220 0218 0218 0218 0218 0217 0216 0216 0214 Sci.ecol Roger Scruton Daniel Dobson (Sgt.) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen John Podhoretz Nigel Calder 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0214 0213 0213 0213 0211 Getting Past Me, Myself and I No Such Thing As a 'Perfect' Temperature The Return of the Equal Rights Amendment Iran needs a taste of its own mischievous medicine Hagel should read the United States Constitution, then talk The Fear Industrial Complex: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Why must the media attack our soldiers' mission? Barack the Magic Negro Mr. Libby to you [register at New Criterion] How to Win in Iraq And how to lose. Faced with Iranian blackmail, Europe must show real solidarity Hostage Sailors: Britain's Impotence The Fog of Rape The John Doe Manifesto Now is Not the Time for Mideast 'Peace' Plans The Gitmo Blues Closing Guantanamo would hurt the war effort, and wouldn't appease the critics anyway. What Happened To Motherhood? Free Speech and the Right to Disagree Who Really Pays? Indoctrination U: Secular creationism A Gathering of Patriots Report with photos: 30,000 patriots protect DC monuments—esp. Vietnam wall—from moonbat antiwar protesters. Native Revolt: A European Declaration of Independence Cheney Speaks Truth to Pelosi Perverse Libby Trial Was Revealing Viva Bush! The truth about his Latin American trip. Let's impeach . . . Lincoln Jack Kelly Richard Lindzen Steve Chapman Amir Taheri Jay Ambrose John Stossel Michael Gove Paul Shanklin James Bowman Arthur Herman Timothy Garton Ash Arthur Herman Kathleen Parker Michelle Malkin Caroline Glick David B. Rivkin Jr. & Lee A. Casey David Warren Dennis Byrne Meatgrinder Politics Gitmo's Guerrilla Lawyers 'That's Not Nice' Our discourse needs less censorship, more self-discipline. Shooting Elephants in a Barrel Prius Outdoes Hummer in Environmental Damage The Libby Travesty A Call for Separation of School and State If Iran Gets the Bomb Indoctrination U: The Left's War Against Academic Freedom Recovering the Western Soul 20 years since Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind Let Them Eat Tofu! Appeasing Our Enemies Won't Bring Peace Religion isn't the sickness. It's the cure. Greenies, want to save the world? Stay home. No Way To End A War Blair Is Right On Troops 80% of the violence is within 50km of Baghdad. Destiny's Child 'Success' in N. Korea will fail in long run [The Dane-Geld] Why the Iraq War is Turning Into America's Defeat House Call Political expediency and the nonbinding resolution. The Party Of Defeat Trial in Error If you're going to charge Scooter, what about these guys? Casting the First Stone Newsweek's cynical use of unnamed sources. Closing floor speech on Iraq Resolution Floor speech on the threat from radical Islam Protector of the Free World Deserves Better Anti-Americanism has a long pedigree, but that only makes it more irrational. The Nation-State and Democracy A Letter from Mosul [to Cal Thomas] Floor statement on Iraq Resolution A Putrid Payoff An Experiment That Hints We Are Wrong On Climate Change Investor's Business Daily David Horowitz Redhunter Fjordman Kevin Ferris Mark Steyn Ralph Peters Mike Rosen & Phil Rogers Sci.ecol CW.Am Media Media lyrics WMD L.pris WMD Media WMD Sci.ecol WMD Acad Acad BkNote CW.Chr Econ d.Obama WMD Media CW.I Sci.ecol General Petraeus' Real Problem When You Tax Profits, You Tax People Homefront ingrates turning on American troops Responsibility in Iraq (U.S. Senate speech) All the "News"? Mexifornia, Five Years Later Appointment in Mesopotamia Iraq's problems existed long before 2003. I Vote For Global Warming Why Journalists Are Not Above the Law Equal Time: The Arkin Controversy Al Gore Is a Greenhouse Gasbag (says liberal professor Bob Giegengack) IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, 2007: Analysis and Summary (Viscount Monckton of Brenchley) Our Worst Ex-President Bush's Real Record Free Inquiry? Not on Campus See No Dissent, Call It Science Bin Laden, The Left and Me Gliberalism Universities are among the most cynical institutions in America. Not This Time Don't give up when victory is at hand. Look to Mars for the Truth on Global Warming (The Deniers, Part IX) More Politics of Envy from the Democrats Moscow's assault on the Vatican Lies about Pius XI/Mindzenty/John Paul II Talking Ourselves Into Defeat New Trend On The Rise: The Patriotic Terrorist Yes, Rudy Giuliani Is a Conservative The Way Ahead in Iraq [opening statement to Senate Armed Svcs Cmte.] The State of the Union is a Disaster The speech Bush should make. Retreat Isn't an Option Last Chance Defeatism Iraq's future doesn't rest on a coin flip. The 'Greed' Fallacy Facing the Islamist Menace (a review of Mark Steyn's book America Alone) The Vietnam history you haven't heard Destroyed—Not Lurid AP Report on Iraq Outrage Doesn't Check Out Unbowed (Kimberley A. Strassel selects many recent quotes from Senator) Losing Sleep Over the Trade Deficit? Ronald Reagan: The Crusader (review of Paul Kengor's The Crusader) No Term Limits in Debate Over Iraq How to Truly Support our Troops Why Europe Abandoned Israel Lessons of 1864 Overdue Beginning for Counterinsurgency Will the Sun Cool Us? (The Deniers, Part VII) The Way Forward Et Tu? (answering a petition to cut off funds for Operation Iraqi Freedom.) At Least Bush Wants to Win A Shift not a Surge W's Last Chance President's New Iraq Plan Deserves Support Global Schizophrenia Intervew with Dennis Kucinich on Iraq and Iran Policy There Isn't Going to Be a North American Union Why Should the Middle Class Fight Tax Hikes on the Rich? Pelosian honesty The Age of Proximity A Winnable War (review of Mark Moyar's Triumph Forsaken) Eyeing Iran Choosing Victory: A Plan for Success in Iraq Remarks on Iraq Dow 14,000 on Tap To Win in Baghdad, Strike at Tehran What the Congress Can Do for America Amir Taheri Lawrence Kudlow Jonathan Gurwitz Judd Gregg Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Christopher Hitchens Jack Kelly Gabriel Schoenfeld Iowahawk John Marchese Christopher Monckton 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0209 0209 0207 0207 0206 0206 0205 0204 0201 0201 0201 0200 Joshua Muravchik 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 0200 0131 0131 0130 0128 0128 0127 0126 0126 0125 0125 0125 0124 0123 0123 0123 0123 0123 0122 0122 0121 0120 0117 0116 0116 0115 0114 0113 0112 0112 0112 0112 0111 0111 0111 0111 0110 0110 0110 0110 0109 0108 0106 0105 0105 d.Carter Econ Acad Sci.ecol BkNote Acad 2007 2007 2007 0104 0104 0103 Econ Investor's Business Daily John Leo Debra Saunders Dinesh D'Souza Ruth R. Wisse Fred Barnes Lawrence Solomon Star Parker Ion Mihai Pacepa Daniel Henninger Greg Gutfeld Steven Malanga David Petraeus Jules Crittenden Liz Cheney Mohammed Fadhil Thomas Sowell Christopher Hitchens Mark Moyar Michelle Malkin Joseph Lieberman John Stossel Herbert Meyer John O'Sullivan Alex Epstein Richard Baehr Barry Casselman Daniel Henninger Lawrence Solomon Peter Mulhern Smash Jonah Goldberg London Times Ralph Peters Victor Davis Hanson Hugh Hewitt John Hawkins Michael Medved Tony Blankley Austin Bay Mackubin T. Owens Ralph Peters Frederick W. Kagan John McCain & Joseph Lieberman Brian Wesbury Robert Tracinski George W. Bush Econ Media CW.Am Sci.ecol l.Patriot Media Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Sci.ecol Econ CW.Chr Bio Econ BkNote H.Amer Media Econ H.Amer CW.E Sci.ecol CW.Am Econ H.Amer Econ Is the Nation State Threatened? Islam, Civilization & the Nation State The Nation & the Intellectual Left Introduction: Utopia vs. Nationhood What we need in New Year is some resolution Edwards Still Doesn't Get It A Proud Day For U.S. and a Lesson For Tyrants Is Conservatism Finished? Why We Need More Troops in Iraq The Best Notable Quotables of 2006 How the West Could Lose Biggest Story of Our Time: Our Self-Extinction The Original Denier: Into the Cold (The Deniers, Part V) Blogs Make Me Puke Hillary's Pelosi Problem Barroom Reflections Bust the place up and be gone. Why Radical Islam—And Why Now? Power to the Swift Boaters! Why the harsh fines on 527's? Words That Can Kill [There's nothing cryptic about Iran's genocidal plans.] What Will They Ban Next? For Iraqis, a Promise Is in Peril ISG would sell out democracy Jimmy Carter: Jew-Hater, Genocide-Enabler, Liar What to Do in Iraq Iraq: It's Time to Take Sides Intellectual Diversity Unwelcome at American Universities Jimmy Carter's Legacy of Failure Barack the Baby Democracy and Greatness The education Americans need. No Way to Win a War A fatuous process yielded fatuous results. ISG must stand for, uh, Inane Strategy Guesswork Why Women Aren't Funny A Skeptic's Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism Our Unceasing Ambivalence Why it's so hard to define victory in Iraq. What we should and should not do: An Authoritative Voice... The Danger of Engaging With the Enemy The Truth On Iraq Islam Gets Concessions; Infidels Get Conquered What they capture, they keep. When they lose, they complain to the U.N. Say No to AP's Shoddy Work 'Wedge Issue' Just an Excuse for Liberal Avoidance Chessboard Endgame Obsessed with Iraq, we've lost sight of the rest of the world. The Common Pacifist Objection (posted after Star Wars missile article) This Is Realism? Witless 'wisdom' (James Baker, Lee Hamilton, and the Iraq Study Group) No Room for Nativity Story in Chicago Plaza Losing the Enlightenment A civilization that has lost confidence in itself cannot confront the Islamists. America, Not Keith Ellison, Decides What Book a Congressman Takes His Oath On Who Really Cares? Hispanic Family Values? Runaway illegitimacy is creating a new U.S. underclass. Surrender as 'Realism' Retreat would win us no friends and lose us no adversaries. Getting the News From the Enemy Kick Him Out [Ahmadinehad, from the UN] 'Peace with Honor' in Iraq? Genetic Breakthrough that Reveals the Differences Between Humans The World According to Jimmy Carter Go Big, Go Long, or Go Home Andrew C. McCarthy Daniel Johnson Keith Windschuttle Roger Kimball Mark Steyn Lawrence Kudlow Ralph Peters Wilfred M. McClay Joseph Lieberman Brent Bozell III et al.. Daniel Pipes Mark Steyn Lawrence Solomon Iowahawk Jed Babbin R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Victor Davis Hanson Bradley A. Smith Jeff Jacoby John Stossel Masrour Barzani David Horowitz David Warren Ralph Peters Roger Kimball Cinnamon Stillwell Dick Morris & Eileen McGann Harvey Mansfield Eliot A. Cohen Mark Steyn Christopher Hitchens James Inhofe Shelby Steele Sgt. Tim Boggs Jeff Jacoby John Podhoretz Raymond Ibrahim 2007 2007 2007 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0100 0100 0100 0100 1231 1230 1230 1230 1229 1227 1227 1224 1222 1221 1221 1221 1221 1220 1220 1220 1220 1214 1214 1214 1214 1212 1211 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1211 1210 1210 1208 1208 1208 1207 1206 1205 1205 Acad Jules Crittenden Mark Davis Garry Kasparov 2006 2006 2006 1203 1203 1202 Media Media Bob Rhodes Charles Krauthammer John Podhoretz Dennis Byrne Victor Davis Hanson 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1201 1201 1201 1130 1129 Star W's Dennis Prager 2006 1128 CW.Am Thomas Sowell Heather Mac Donald 2006 2006 1128 1126 CW.Am CW.Am Robert Kagan & William Kristol Curt 'FloppingAces' Elie Wiesel Robert Tracinski Steve Connor Alan Dershowitz Jed Babbin 2006 1126 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1125 1125 1125 1123 1122 1121 Econ I.Sad Media CW.E Sci.ecol Media CW.I H.Mid d.Carter d.Obama CW.Sex Sci.ecol CW.I CW.Chr Media Sci.var d.Carter The 'Confession' An illiterate double-murderer's killer book. Look Who's Cutting and Running Now James Baker is the last guy we should listen to about Iraq. Made in the USA: Spoiled brats The Death of Monetarism Will the West Stumble? Bomb Iran Diplomacy is doing nothing; a show of force is the only answer. 'Free to Lose' Isn't Good Philosophy for the Right Wing James Baker and the Desert Storm Legacy Democracy and Same-Sex Marriage Reply to the Queen's Speech Double-Edged Uncertainty Memo to Rumsfeld's successor Crossroads Part One The 'Good Judge' Antonin Scalia's two decades on the Supreme Court. U.S. Must Prove It's a Staying Power New Iraq Risks: What the Elections Mean After the Thumpin' Historic Victory for Diebold! An Overdue Reckoning The Road Not Taken: Forfeiting a Majority I Feel Liberated The Professor Unions' Botched Battle Seeing The Unseen, part 1 The Press at War The patriot reporter is passé. Saddam's fate divides Right from Smug Shame on Him John Kerry picked the wrong people to insult. Before Iraq The assumptions of a forgetful chattering class are off the mark. The New Appeasement (a review of Mark Steyn's book America Alone) The First 100 Days If Democrats Win The Enemy Fails (Oct 29) and Iraq & America's '06 Vote (Oct 30) Message of Islam is not jihad and fatwahs Why I Joined (a MySpace post by a young Army lieutenant) Only choice on war is to win or lose it The Only Issue This Election Day Kill Muqtada Now The Unconscionable Claims of Michael J. Fox Thanks for the liferaft, but I'm not about to jump ship over Iraq The Wonders of Hindsight Europe's Immigration Quagmire Sebastian Mallaby Has A Question If we had known then... [contra Jonah Goldberg] Wishful Thinking on the Minimum Wage Don't Repeat Mistake of 1974 'It Makes No Sense to Retreat' Sending a Message Congress to courts: Get out of the war on terror. Politically Correct War A Dark Globalism (from America Alone) Can We Talk? The Lancet's Slant Epidemiology meets moral idiocy. Can You Trust The National Media? part two part three part four The Man Who Likes to Poke the World in the Eye Litmus Lesson [Columbia's "social justice" requirement in its Teachers' College] Liberal Media Allergic to American Values Crazy Like a Fox (News) Frivolous Politics It's the Nukes, Stupid North Korea's test. Page Scandal Makes America Look Silly The Gathering World Storm The Definition of Political Opportunism Christopher Hitchens Christopher Hitchens (two in one day!) Craig R. Smith Niall Ferguson Victor Davis Hanson Joshua Muravchik Mark Steyn Austin Bay Jeff Jacoby Paul Goodman, MP Amir Taheri Dov S. Zakheim Charlie Daniels Terry Eastland Mark Steyn Ralph Peters William Safire Ann Coulter Dean Barnett Hugh Hewitt Rush Limbaugh David Horowitz Bill Whittle, "Proteus" James Q. Wilson Janet Daley Ronald R. Griffin Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson James Lileks Amir Taheri Jamal Miftah Mark Daily Mark Steyn Orson Scott Card Ralph Peters Mary Davenport Tim Hames Victor Davis Hanson Ayaan Hirsi Ali Hugh Hewitt Jeff Jacoby Steve Chapman John E. O'Neill Ed Koch John Yoo Ralph Peters Mark Steyn Thomas Sowell Christopher Hitchens Investor's Business Daily Mark Steyn/Linda Frum Greg Lukianoff & Robert Shibley Michelle Malkin Debra Saunders Thomas Sowell Stanley Kurtz Mark Steyn Barry Casselman Ann Coulter 2006 2006 1120 1120 Crit 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1120 1120 1120 1119 1119 1115 1115 1115 1114 1114 1113 1113 1112 1109 1109 1108 1108 1108 1108 1107 1106 1106 1106 1103 1103 1100 1030 1029 1029 1029 1029 1029 1026 1025 1023 1023 1022 1022 1022 1022 1020 1019 1019 1018 1017 1017 1016 1016 1014 Econ Econ 2006 1012 Acad 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1011 1010 1010 1009 1008 1006 1005 Media Media CW.Sex CW.E L.theory Acad Op.pix Media CW.Am d.Kerry BkNote Sci.var CW.E Media Econ H.Amer L.pris CW.I War.cas Media Bio d.Foley d.Foley Dennis Hastert and the Cringing GOP Dad Of A Columbine Victim Asks "Why Did This Happen?" Don't Back Down Now Human Rights Fundamentalism, NGOistan and the Multicultural Industry Origins and Dangers of "Wall of Separation" Between Church and State The United States, Iraq, and the War on Terror Terrorists' Excuse du Jour Estimating Our National Intelligence George W. Bush and the Fancy Theorists Bush's Information Offensive Hot & Cold Media Spin: a Challenge to Journalists Who Cover Global Warming (US Senate speech) Bill Clinton: Play It as It Lies Seeing Today's Immigrants Straight Bring Them Freedom, Or They Destroy Us (from 16 July 06 lecture "Freedom & Justice in Islam") The Pope Was Right Law and War: Competing Visions Face aux intimidations islamistes, que doit faire le monde libre ? and here's a hasty and flawed translation into English. Know Your Enemy At Universities, Little Learned From 9/11 What We Have Learned From Iraq Winning the War Against Al-Qa'ida Moral Force In Iraq, the U.S. isn't the problem; it's the solution. Why Political Left Can't Stand Freedom In Developing World Solidarity Our first duty is to stand together against bin Ladenism. The Age of Horrorism Five Years On A Post-9/11 Vocabulary Test National Strategy for Combating Terrorism White House Response to Senator Reid and Democratic Leaders Freedom and Justice in Islam Islam Wants to Conquer the World (publication date unknown) w.quotes Stopping the Sleeping Sickness: Rumsfeld Before The American Legion The Failure of Western Universities The Media War Against Israel Plame Out The ridiculous end to the scandal that distracted Washington. Address at the 88th Annual American Legion National Convention Trash the 'Compact' An attempt to circumvent the Electoral College is really an urban power grab. America's strategic fix and our new decision points What Part of the War On Terrorism Do They Support? The Living Constitution's Double Standard [Taylor's NSA decision] Western Guilt Confronts Islamic Extremism Point of No Return? Moment Of Truth 'Islamofascism' Beware of a religion without irony. Judges, Politics, and Security The awful NSA decision. The Coming Wars Hope Amid Despair? A reluctant world begins to confront reality. Why Martin Luther King Was Republican Muslim Myopia As Goes Harvard… Is the Bush Doctrine Dead? Will Cease-Fires Never Cease? 'Fascistic' Is the Right Word for Islamic Fundamentalism Standing By Bush Were front-page photos staged? FAQ - Special "Peace In Our Time" Edition! Lebanon officially becomes Hezbollah-land. Studies Prove… Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Peter Mulhern Brian Rohrbough Duncan Hunter Fjordman Daniel Dreisbach Lee Kuan Yew Jonah Goldberg Jules Crittenden Peter Mulhern Caroline Glick James Inhofe 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 1003 1002 1002 1001 1001 1000 0929 0927 0927 0925 0925 d.Foley CW.Am Ronald A. Cass Heather Mac Donald Bernard Lewis 2006 2006 2006 0925 0921 0920 d.Clinton CW.Am George Weigel Ronald A. Cass Robert Redeker 2006 2006 2006 0920 0920 0919 CW.I L.pris CW.E Peter Mulhern Harvey Mansfield Robert Tracinski The Australian Lawrence F. Kaplan Robert A. Sirico Christopher Hitchens Martin Amis Austin Bay Michelle Malkin George W. Bush Joshua Bolten Bernard Lewis Egon Flaig Hugh Hewitt Fjordman Melanie Phillips Christopher Hitchens Donald Rumsfeld Pete Du Pont 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0918 0913 0913 0913 0912 0912 0911 0910 0906 0906 0906 0905 0901 0900 0830 0830 0830 0829 0829 0828 Joseph C. Myers (LTC) Ann Coulter Jonah Goldberg Shelby Steele Thomas Sowell Ralph Peters Roger Scruton Andrew C. McCarthy Caroline Glick Victor Davis Hanson Frances Rice Irshad Manji Donald Kagan Norman Podhoretz Thomas Sowell Janet Daley Joshua Muravchik David Kopel Hugh Hewitt 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0825 0823 0823 0822 0822 0820 0820 0818 0818 0818 0816 0816 0815 0815 0815 0814 0813 0812 0812 Thomas Sowell 2006 0812 CW.E CW.Chr Sci.ecol Acad CW.I CW.I CW.I CW.I Acad Media WMD Voting l.Patriot CW.Am CW.I l.Patriot Bio CW.E Acad H.Mid Media Acad Lebanon Photos: Take a Closer Look Americans Will Die For Liberty The first step towards defeating the terrorists: stop blaming ourselves The Only Option Is to Win Newt refutes the diplomacy addicts. The Contrived News Story Talkin' About A Revolution Institutional Failure at Reuters Reuters Doctoring Photos from Beirut? Don't Think Outside the College Box The Brink of Madness A familiar place. This is just the start of a showdown between the West and The Rest The Theater Of Jihad We Shouldn't Ignore World Opinion 'World Opinion' is Worthless George F. Will's World Israel Advances, Stock Markets Rally? Look! Up in the sky! It's America! Warren's Piece Clinton's secretary of state reminds us how lucky we are. The Vocabulary of Untruth New definitions as Israel struggles to survive. Stop Demonizing of Israel for Merely Defending Itself Who's Dissin' Whom? There's a disproportionate response, all right. Just Another Coincidence? How the UN Legitimizes Terrorists Proportionality Pecksniffs Too Nice To Win? Lebanon Is Not Innocent No Cease-Fire Remove Hezbollah's missiles—or destroy them. 'Chickenhawk' Failure to solve Palestinian question empowers Iran Hostage to Hezbollah Lesson for Nasrallah: "The violence done to Lebanon shall overwhelm you." Pacifists versus Peace A Strange War Israel is at last being given a chance to unload on jihadists. We Must Do Whatever It Takes [last 6 paragraphs] The Cause of Close Elections Internet & talk radio return media to normal. The End of the Affair Novak exonerates the Bushies in the Plame case. Now Isn't the Time for Restraint A National Moment of Truth (address to the Knesset) The Inconvenient Truth About Truman His heirs are Republicans now. 'Great Men' have grating effect on Mideast Moment of Truth The Jihadist War Against India Kill, Don't Capture How to solve our prisoner problem. Get Your Priorities Right A rationalist crusader [Bjorn Lomborg] does the math on global warming. The Subtexts of War Culture, oil, and reckless dissent. Cause and Effect Time to stop blaming the good guys for problems in Iraq. Pressing On Our troops deserve better than a Vietnam-era press. The NY Times: The Newspaper of Wreckage Why They Need Us A world without America. Free to Choose: A Conversation with Milton Friedman Is There An Academic Blacklist? [debate vs Peter Steinberger, Reed Coll.] Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: Common Sense at War Where's the outrage over the terrorist financing leak? Hamdan v Rumsfeld, THOMAS, J., dissenting Cutting Through the Hyperbole on Hamdan Tribunals and error: Al-Qaeda to get Club Med treatment Peace and Quiet: four projects for righteous anti-war types. Congratulations (letter from Baghdad to NYT re SWIFT leaks) There Is No 'Consensus' On Global Warming Khobar Towers The Clinton administration left many stones unturned. U.S. can't 'redeploy' its way out of Iraq Tim Rutten Andrew Gimson Gerard Baker Newt Gingrich Jed Babbin Caroline Glick Thomas Lifson Charles Johnson Debra Saunders Victor Davis Hanson Amir Taheri Michelle Malkin Tony Blankley Dennis Prager Eli Lake Lawrence Kudlow Niall Ferguson William Kristol Victor Davis Hanson Charles Krauthammer Claudia Rosett Tony Blankley Alan Dershowitz Jed Babbin John Podhoretz David Horowitz Benjamin Netanyahu Jeff Jacoby Mark Steyn Fouad Ajami 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0812 0811 0811 0811 0810 0808 0807 0805 0804 0804 0802 0802 0802 0801 0801 0801 0731 0729 0728 0727 0726 0726 0725 0725 0725 0724 0723 0723 0723 0721 Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Ed Koch Bruce Bartlett Christopher Hitchens Newt Gingrich Ehud Olmert Noemie Emery Mark Steyn David Horowitz Dr. Walid Phares Ralph Peters Kimberley Strassel 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0721 0721 0720 0718 0718 0718 0717 0717 0716 0714 0712 0710 0708 Victor Davis Hanson Christopher Hitchens Mackubin T. Owens Michelle Malkin Peter Brookes Milton Friedman David Horowitz Ronald A. Cass Byron York Clarence Thomas Dennis Byrne Man. Union Leader Christopher Hitchens Lt. Tom Cotton Richard Lindzen Louis J. Freeh Mark Steyn 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0707 0705 0705 0705 0704 0701 0630 0630 0629 0629 0629 0629 0627 0626 0626 0625 0625 Media Media Media Media Acad Media Econ Media Media WMD H.Amer L.pris Sci.ecol Media Media Econ Acad l.pris l..Patriot L.pris L.pris L.pris l.Patriot Sci.ecol d.Clinton Letter to NY Times: "Thank you for continually contributing to the deaths of my fellow soldiers." No Alternative to Gitmo Foolish Western Self-Flagellation Political Correctness — The Revenge of Marxism Why I Left The Left The Mental Path to Appeasement Frogs Aren't Marching The Rove prosecution vanishes into partisan air. The Left Promotes Assertions That Turn Out to Be False Don't Know Much About History Here's some good news from Iraq, reported by Scientific American Bilbray-Busby coverage in the S.F. Chronicle: What media bias? BBC Bringing 'Sophisticated' News to America Colorado Law Professor Paul Campos' rose-colored look at history Come to Londonistan, refuge for poor misunderstood Islamist victims A New Feminism Acting on Assumptions with Iran & Iraq Memorial Day: reflections on those who made the ultimate sacrifice Cosmic Rays and Climate Europe's Politics of Victimology ANN: The Astonishing News Network The Media's Imperfect Storm Inconvenient Truths Indeed Dutch Courage Holland's latest insult to Ayaan Hirsi Ali Not just immigration: It's societal transformation The Real Iraq Rejecting the Canadian Way The United States is Under Attack Out of Touch: the president's immigration speech and The DaVinci Code Border Patrol Agents Warn: Bush Plan is a Trojan Horse (Jim Kouri) Fire and Ice: Journalists have warned of climate change for 100 years, but can't decide weather we face an ice age or warming Senate Immigration Bill Would Allow 100 Million New Legal Immigrants over the Next Twenty Years Information Please Only a paranoid solipsist could feel threatened by the calling analysis program. In the Eye of the Beholder Reporting on WW II the way we do now. Conservatives Need 12-Step Program To Manhood Screedblog: Mahmoud, Descendant of Xerxes With Friends Like These a review of Without Roots, by Ratzinger & Pera New Coalition of Willing Needed in Darfur FDR's Domestic Surveillance [Adam White & Daveed Gartenstein-Ross] Why Isn't Socialism Dead? He'll Burn After He Rots [the Moussaoui sentence is an abomination.] They Should Have Killed Him The death penalty has a meaning, and it isn't vengeance. The Intellectual Dishonesty of the Open Borders Crowd Illegal Immigration Myths White Guilt and the Western Past Lee Harvey Oswald and the Liberal Crack-Up Europe's Two Culture Wars A Day Without an Illegal Immigrant: an imaginary exercise. Cheap Tomatoes: the Grotesque Myth of 'Cheap' Illegal Labor No More Vietnams: this time, let's finish the job. The Greatest Story Never Told Even the oil saga can't disrupt this upbeat economic page-turner. Our Orphaned Middle East Policy More Pre-9/11 Thinking by the Old Guard of the Left How An Initial, Inexcusable Failure Came To Follow A Great Success How to Eliminate Iran's Nuclear Weapons Rumsfeld Staying Put Three Reasons Not to Bomb Iran—Yet Sgt. Tim Boggs 2006 0625 l.Patriot Jed Babbin Ed Koch Fjordman Seth Swirsky Tony Blankley Wall Street Journal John Leo James Taranto 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0615 0614 0614 0614 0614 0614 0611 0607 L.pris Zombie Gerard Baker Hugh Hewitt Melanie Phillips Harvey Mansfield Michael Barone Christopher Hitchens Nir J. Shaviv Flemming Rose Austin Bay Jonah Goldberg Robert C. Balling Jr. Christopher Hitchens Mark Steyn Amir Taheri Sally C. Pipes Ted Poe Peggy Noonan Border Patrol agents Warren Anderson & Dan Gainor Robert Rector 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0607 0606 0606 0606 0601 0530 0529 0428 0527 0524 0524 0524 0522 0521 0519 0519 0519 0518 0517 0517 Media Media 2006 0515 CW.Am Heather Mac Donald 2006 0513 l.Patriot Victor Davis Hanson Ann Coulter James Lileks Joseph E. Rendini Mark Steyn White & Gartenstein Lee Harris N.Y. Daily News Peggy Noonan 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0512 0510 0509 0509 0509 0509 0505 0504 0504 Media Rick Moran Heather Mac Donald Shelby Steele James Piereson George Weigel Tom Tancredo Donald Perez et al. David Gelernter Lawrence Kudlow 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0503 0502 0502 0501 0501 0501 0500 0429 0428 CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am H.Amer CW.E CW.Am CW.Am H.Amer Econ Victor Davis Hanson Hugh Hewitt Jack Kelly Victor Davis Hanson Tom Bevan Edward Luttwak 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0428 0423 0423 0420 0419 0417 CW.E H.Brit WMD Media Media CW.E CW.Sex WMD Sci.ecol CW.E Media Katrina Sci.ecol Bio CW.Am Health CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am Sci.ecol BkNote l.Patriot Econ Nine11 Nine11 d.Var A.Bomb Mexico's Immigration Law: Let's Try it Here at Home Brown is the New Black Exaggerating Dire "Scientific" Warnings Facing Down Iran Our lives depend on it. Immigration vs. gate-crashing Unpersuasive and Ridiculous why I'm not "all aboard!" with gay marriage. Immigration "Solutions" There IS a problem with global warming... it stopped in 1998 How income taxes really work Earlier than 7 Apr 06; widely attrib. to him: First a Wall—Then Amnesty I'm a Terrorist Groupie, Hear Me Roar! Are Facts Obsolete? "Transnationalists" Don't Take Immigration Reform Seriously Taking Back Our Homes When Cynicism Meets Fanaticism Critiquing the critique of the war. 'Cancer in its midst' Patriots, Then and Now With nations as with people, love them or lose them. 'The Last Helicopter' Mideast dictators try to "wait Bush out." Peace Isn't Made When Real Wrongdoing Goes Ignored Guests or Gate Crashers? Part I The Battle of the Borders The Basis of the U.S.-Israel Alliance An Israeli response to the Mearsheimer-Walt assault Poll: Most Americans Love Coulter Columns! If the Mainstream Media Ran the Country Down With Stability Who Will Save Abdul Rahman? The Stone Face of Zarqawi Iraq is no "distraction" from al Qaeda. Why We Fight On My Ideal War How the international community should have responded to Bush's September 2002 U.N. speech Defending The Professors [debate vs John K. Wilson of Illinois AUP] Invasion Was the Courageous Thing To Do What We've Gained In 3 Years in Iraq Do we really want to see felons voting from prison? Polygamy, Gay Marriage and Values Not Even a Slap On the Wrist Answering the Teachers' Unions We Were Right To Invade Iraq Myths of Iraq Revisitation Zogby's Bogus Poll on U.S. Military in Iraq The Great Stampede Conservatives are losing their nerve on Iraq. Soft Europe Missed Tributes A few humble thoughts about the Oscars. Free Speech on the Run in the West Clash of Whats? The Ports Deal Flap (includes Part 1, Feb 22; and Part 2, March 3) Rewriting Katrina History, AP Style The End of Fukuyama Why his latest pronouncements miss the mark. four reports from Iraq: No War in the Streets Riding the Buffalo Dude, Where's My Civil War? Iraq: the Untold Truths At War With Ourselves We're winning in Iraq. Let's not lose at home. The Great (and Continuing) Economic Debate of the 20th Century Do You Want Your Kids to be Happy? Climate of Uncertainty Why global warming is back in the headlines. Democracy Angst: What's the alternative to promoting freedom? Absolute Certainty [the truth about the West and Islam] Oncoming What the Mohammed Cartoons Portend The Fascists of Free Speech A Dubai Finesse [Dubai ports] Michael J. Waller Ann Coulter John Stossel Mark Steyn Walter E. Williams Catherine Seipp Thomas Sowell Robert Carter David R. Kamerschen Charles Krauthammer Fjordman Thomas Sowell John Leo Rebecca Hagelin Victor Davis Hanson M. Zuhdi Jasser Peggy Noonan 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0417 0412 0412 0412 0412 0411 0411 0409 0407 0407 0407 0404 0403 0401 0331 0330 0330 CW.Am CW.Am Sci.var Amir Taheri Jonathan Gurwitz Thomas Sowell Arnold Kling Dore Gold 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0329 0329 0328 0327 0324 Ann Coulter Ben Shapiro Mark Steyn Michelle Malkin Christopher Hitchens Tony Blair Christopher Hitchens 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0322 0322 0322 0322 0321 0321 0320 Media Media David Horowitz John Lloyd Donald Rumsfeld Gregory Kane Charles Krauthammer Mike Rosen John Stossel Oliver Kamm Ralph Peters David Warren Timothy Kane Victor Davis Hanson Leon De Winter Ben Stein John Leo David Warren James Lileks Kevin Aylward Christopher Hitchens Ralph Peters 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0320 0320 0319 0318 0317 0317 0315 0314 0314 0312 0310 0310 0307 0306 0306 0304 0302 0302 0301 0301 Acad Victor Davis Hanson Steve Forbes Linda Gosselin Steven F. Hayward Wall Street Journal Bruce Thornton David Warren Catherine Seipp Charles Krauthammer 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 0301 0301 0228 0227 0227 0226 0226 0225 0224 CW.Am CW.Sex CW.Am Sci.ecol Econ CW.Am CW.E CW.Am CW.Am CW.I CW.Am Econ H.Mid CW.Sex Acad Acad V.polls CW.E Celeb CW.E CW.E Media Econ Sci.ecol CW.E CW.Am A Failure of the Press Coup d'Ecole Harvard professors oust Larry Summers. Now they must face their students. The Left's Coup D'Etat at Harvard Another Academic Casualty An Antiwar Message from the Midwest They Are All Profilers Now [Dubai ports] All Praise Professor Alan Dershowitz The Books were a front for the Porn The homosexual rights movement. Clash of Mentalities: the Middle Ages vs. the 21st Century (Al Jazeera) Stand up for Denmark! Why are we not defending our ally? Why I Published Those Cartoons Islamic Truths Reagan vs. Bush: Federal Spending and Budget Deficits Gumbel Should Be Blown Out Salute Danna Vale Legitimate questions about demographic changes All the Rage: Islamic fundamentalists have a problem with freedom An Academic Freedom Bill I Won't Support Media Runs Scared: more than meets eye in failure to show cartoons The Shame Of Al Gore Unreported History in Baghdad Hijacking Islam Toon-Deaf Europe Is Taking the Wrong Stand The War You Didn't See: a Natl.Guard unit's heroics lost in hype & scandal Cartoon quarrel deadly serious The West Should Stand Up For Its Values Cartoons and Islamic Imperialism Muslims: Integration Or Separatism? The Promise of Liberty Point of No Return European Awakening Against Islamic Fascism? We Are All Danes Now 'Sensitivity' Can Have Brutal Consequences Has the New York Times Violated the Espionage Act? Democracy in a Cartoon State Of The Union Address Hamas Landslide Reveals More About Left Than About Palestinians The Media's Ancien Régime Columbia J. School tries to save the old order. Immigrants need to embrace U.S. culture It's In the Koran (lyrics and video) Stuck on 1968 The Antique Media [a concise history of US media since 1946] The Media's Double Standard in Covering Scandals Quit the Kvetching About the Drug Plan The Celtic canary in the UK's coal mine (Scots pop. drops) Why I Don't Take Feminists Seriously Triumph of the Redistributionist Left Lying Isn't So Bad If It Makes You Feel Good The GOP Remains the Party of Ideas Could Same-Sex Marriage Lead to Legalized Polygamy? Myth: Schools Need More Money Marriage and Caste The Beautiful People vs. The Dutiful People The Plot to Shush Rush and O'Reilly Talk radio, cable news, and the blogosphere freed U.S. political discourse. The Left wants to rein it in again. Martin Luther King's Conservative Legacy Ruthlessness in Pursuit of Terrorism is No Crime how Churchill would fight the war on terror Intel, Lies & Treason Arlen Specter's Super-Duper Litmus Test Why We Don't Trust You With National Security Bill Bennett & Alan Dershowitz Ruth R. Wisse 2006 0223 Media 2006 0223 Acad Thomas Lifson Thomas Sowell Washington Times Michelle Malkin Tony Blankley Ronald G. Lee Wafa Sultan Christopher Hitchens Flemming Rose Mansoor Ijaz John McIntyre Chris Russell Mark Steyn Bruce Bawer David Horowitz Ezra Levant 0223 0223 0223 0222 0222 0222 0221 0221 0219 0218 0217 0216 0216 0213 0213 0213 0213 0213 0212 0212 0212 0211 0209 0208 0208 0207 0207 0206 0205 0205 0203 0203 0131 0130 0130 0129 0128 0127 0125 0124 0124 0124 0123 0123 0122 0121 0119 0118 0118 0116 0113 Acad Acad Media Lt Col John Kanaley Amir Taheri Mark Steyn Robert C.J. Parry David Kopel Victor Davis Hanson Daniel Pipes David Pryce-Jones Fouad Ajami Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Jeff Jacoby Mark Steyn Gabriel Schoenfeld Ibn Warraq George W. Bush Dennis Prager Hugh Hewitt Rep. J.D. Hayworth Mark Humphrys Arnold Kling Thomas Lifson Bruce Bartlett Dennis Byrne Mark Steyn Mike Adams Patrick Chisholm John Leo Karl Rove Debra Saunders John Stossel Kay S. Hymowitz Michael Barone Brian C. Anderson 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Carolyn Garris Neil Brown 2006 2006 0112 0109 Bio Ralph Peters Bruce Wilson Ann Coulter 2006 2006 2006 0109 0107 0104 Investor's Business Daily CW.Sex CW.I CW.E CW.E CW.I Econ CW.Am CW.Au CW.E Acad CW.E d.Var CW.I CW.E War.05 CW.E CW.E CW.E CW.E CW.E CW.E CW.E L.Patriot CW.E Media CW.Am CW.I Econ Media Media Health CW.E CW.Am Econ CW.Am CW.Sex Acad CW.Sex CW.Am Media Government: The Real Thug in New York What the World Won In '05 Munich: What's wrong with Steven Spielberg's new movie. Schools That Graduate Thieves It's the Demography, Stupid The History and Possible Revival of the Fairness Doctrine A Few Reflections on Wahid's "Right Islam vs. Wrong Islam" [w.quotes] Kwanzaa: A Holiday From the FBI Circuit Court Upholds NY Times Right to Squelch News The Best Notable Quotables of 2005 "Munich" Stands for "Appeasement" Live and Let Spy The Left's Privacy Hypocrites Don't Let Congress Trump National Security A President Can Pull the Trigger President's Address to the Nation The Storm Over Katrina The Media's Top 10 Economic Myths of 2005 Lancing the Boil: We quietly keep on killing terrorists, promoting elections in Iraq, John Stossel Amir Taheri Bret Stephens Dennis Prager Mark Steyn Nat Hentoff Robert Spencer Ann Coulter Scott Ott Brent Bozell III et al.. Kate Wright Ann Coulter Michelle Malkin Jack Kelly John Yoo George W. Bush Wilfred M. McClay Free Market Project Victor Davis Hanson 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0104 0103 0101 0101 0101 0101 1231 1230 1229 1227 1224 1221 1221 1220 1220 1218 1217 1216 1216 W. Thomas Smith Jr. Myron Magnet Catherine Seipp Norman Podhoretz Roy Spencer Peggy Noonan 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1215 1212 1209 1209 1208 1208 Cassandra at Tigerhawk Frank Gaffney Richard B. Cheney Mark Steyn Charles Krauthammer Rebecca Weisser Victor Davis Hanson Steve Chapman Jose Maria Aznar Tim Groseclose and Jeff Milyo George W. Bush Holman Jenkins Lawrence Kudlow Joseph Lieberman Mary Laney Michael Barone Timothy Kane & James Jay Carafano Alejandro Chafuen Charles Moore Thomas Sowell Christopher Hitchens Richard B. Cheney John E. O'Neill Ralph Peters Mark Steyn Peter Mulhern Victor Davis Hanson Brandon Crocker Bruce Bawer Louis Freeh Richard B. Cheney Mark Bowden 2005 1207 CW.Chr 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1207 1206 1206 1205 1203 1202 1201 1201 1200 SciAtom 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1130 1130 1130 1129 1128 1127 1127 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1126 1126 1124 1122 1121 1121 1121 1120 1119 1118 1117 1117 1117 1116 1113 Crit CW.Am CW.E Media CW.I CW.Chr Media Media Crit l.Patriot l.Patriot L.pris l.Patriot Katrina Econ pressuring Arab autocracies to democratize, and growing the economy. It's Electric: U.S. troops describe a festive atmosphere across Iraq. Ending Welfare As We Knew It Narnia & Its Enemies Sexist, racist, intolerant Lewis? The Panic Over Iraq Culture Shock Among the "Glaciers Are Melting" Crowd The American Way What does it mean that your first act on entering a country is breaking its laws? Why Religion Must Not Be Quashed in America Nuke Over U.S. Could Unleash Electromagnetic Tsunami Remarks at Fort Drum NY What Planet Are the Eco-Cultists On? The Truth About Torture The Big Black Book Of Horrors (of Saddam Hussein) A Moral War The project in Iraq can succeed, and leave critics scrambling. Punishing Success in the Oil Business Choices Facing Europe A Measure of Media Bias (other editions: Sept 2003 and Dec 2004) President Outlines Strategy for Victory in Iraq Dear Valued Hybrid Customer... Smart or Stupid? Our Troops Must Stay Our accomplishments in Iraq make for long list Once Upon a Time in America [the GM/UAW model proved bankrupt] Debunking the myth of the underprivileged soldier What Latin America Needs [rule of law, property rights] How did we forget that Israel's story is the story of the West? What Flight? Nowhere To Go: stop the taunting; let's have a real debate about the war. Remarks on Iraq and the War on Terrorism [the "CNN black X" speech] Summer Soldiers How To Lose A War Senate Adopts 'Exit Strategy' From Reality What the President Should be Saying War & Reconstruction: For Bush's critics, even hindsight is cloudy. Big Lie Democrats Not All Muslims Want To Integrate An Incomplete Investigation: Why was "Able Danger" ignored? They Can't Rewrite History Always Another Way? Sometimes cruelty and coercion are necessary. CW.Am Crit Sci.ecol CW.Am Sci.ecol L.pris I.Sad Econ CW.E Media Sci.ecol Econ Econ H.Mid CW.Am WMD Nine 11 L.pris The Disuniting of Europe—and America Pump Seriousness Into Energy Policy Don't Cede Control of the Net Moving On [Latin America and Spain as spoiled children.] The New Old Europe Winning the War in Iraq Who Is Lying About Iraq? Wake up, Europe, you've a war on your hands The Iron House: What's our future? The Authoritarian Odor of I-901 [draconian anti-smoking laws] The Good News From Iraq Is Not Fit To Print Creating a Crime to Fit the Evidence Rule Can Head Off Dirty Tricks at CIA The Suicide Bombers Among Us A Spooked White House: The damage that has already been done by the CIA leak investigation. 2,000 American Military Deaths in Iraq: Context and History Unexpected Lessons From Greenspan's Fed Witness: Blacks, Whites, and the Politics of Shame in America. The Error of a Political Indictment It Wasn't Just Miller's Story The Forgotten Rachels Anti-Israel propaganda sells out on the London stage. The Death of Mother Russia Bush's Flaws Should Not Obscure His Major Triumphs Who Was Bush's Second Choice? Don't hurry over Saddam. The whole Arab world needs to watch this trial. Myths About Gun Control Making Progress In Iraq Blowing in the Wind Sometimes It Is Worth Going to War With Freedom Comes Politics Iraqis are much more optimistic about their country than American opinion makers. Another Victory for Iraqis Class(room) Warriors Spurning America Victory in Iraq Don't Use War Dead as a Political Tool Holding Court: There's a crackdown over Miers, not a "crackup." An American "Debacle"?More unjustified negativity on the war in Iraq. Such Brilliant, Substantive Journalists A New Proposal For Iraq Spoiled Brat Politics The World Wide Web (of Bureaucrats?): Keep your UN off my Internet. I Have Been Slandered, Defamed, Misrepresented and Libeled The Bennett Libel Divides the Decent Left from the Indecent Left Making a Pig's Ear of Defending Democracy (the banning of Piglet) Islamist Way or No Way The Top 50% pay 96.54% of All Income Taxes All In the Family Media Deserve Blame for New Orleans Debacle Leviathan 101 Don't blame it all on FEMA. Guilty Whites Get Real, Environmentalists Saddam in 2005! Just imagine a different Iraq… End the Race Party: Identity politics will get the GOP nothing good. Reservist Says Protesters Are Breaking Faith The Scofflaw Swimmer: Government takes too much authority and not enough responsibility. Speak Up, America Anti-War, My Foot: The phony peaceniks who protested in Washington. Thomas Bray Charles Krauthammer Peter A. Brown Victor Davis Hanson David Warren John McCain Norman Podhoretz Mark Steyn John Derbyshire Bruce Ramsey Jeff Jacoby Robert Robb Zell Miller Theodore Dalrymple Stephen F. Hayes 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1113 1111 1111 1111 1110 1110 1107 1106 1105 1102 1102 1102 1102 1101 1030 CW.Am Econ Econ James J. Na Steve Chapman Shelby Steele Michael Barone Robert Kagan Tom Gross Mark Steyn Quin Hillyer Ann Coulter Amir Taheri John Stossel Dr. Walid Phares Duane D. Freese Mark Steyn Michael Rubin 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1027 1027 1026 1025 1025 1022 1022 1021 1020 1019 1019 1018 1018 1018 1018 War.cas Econ Katrina WMD WMD Chicago Tribune John Leo Michael Barone New York Sun Ruth Ann Dailey Rush Limbaugh Victor Davis Hanson Tony Blankley Ed Koch Thomas Sowell Adam Thierer and Wayne Crews Bill Bennett Dennis Prager Mark Steyn Mark Steyn Rush Limbaugh John Leo Mark Steyn Daniel Henninger Lawrence Auster Peter A. Brown Victor Davis Hanson Ward Connerly Katherine Kersten and Col. Jeff Vold Peggy Noonan 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1014 1012 1011 1011 1009 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 1008 1004 1004 1004 1004 1003 1002 0930 0930 0930 0930 0930 0929 d.Var d.Var CW.E CW.I CW.Am Media Katrina CW.Am Sci.ecol 2005 0929 Katrina Ed Koch Christopher Hitchens 2005 2005 0927 0926 d.Cindy d.Cindy CW.E WMD CW.E CW.E CW.Am Media WMD WMD CW.E CW.E I.Sad L.theory Sci.ecol Acad Media America Still Beckons This Disaster Has Blown Our Country's Leaders Way Off Course In Defense of Good Policy 'Whatever It Takes' Is Bush's big spending a bridge to nowhere? We Need American Troops Please don't leave before the job is done. Recycled "Racism" Politics and Reconstruction By the Time Germans Decide, It'll be Too Late Roberts Battle Highlights Vast Gulf Between Parties Deficit Spending for Katrina Bush Accidentally Delivers Rejected Draft Speech LBJ's Other Quagmire Long before Katrina, the welfare state failed New Orleans's poor. A poverty of thought Flight 93, Re-Hijacked The Bush Doctrine, R.I.P. The Forbidden History (Andrew Bostom's The Legacy of Jihad) Broken Yardstick After The Storm Gov. Blanco and Mayor Nagin failed their constituents. Lack of plan hurt Katrina-hit states' response [how Florida does it, and Louisiana didn't] We Failed You? Try Again. Anne Rice blames America, not local officials. Don't Blame Bush for Katrina Unnatural Disaster: A Hurricane Exposes the Man-Made Disaster of the Welfare State A Flood of Bush-Bashing A New Low for the MSM? After Katrina, a Juvenile Blame Game Race, Class, and Baloney in the Big Easy Hurricane of Misinformation The End of Virtuous Albion Some old British virtues are getting hard to find. The Inequality Taboo Everyone Knows It's Cindy Our Culture, What's Left Of It Defining Conservatism Down: as the Right's popularity has grown, its intellectual challenge to the Left has diminished. A War to Be Proud Of The Left's Folly Gates of Fire [urban warfare in Mosul] Why Beijing's power is less than it seems The wife and I went to see The Great Raid this weekend. It's Called Courage 'Peace Mom's' Marriage a Metaphor for Dems Krugman's Big Lie America Benefits From the Wisdom of Adam Smith Settling In for a Long Wait What Cindy Sheehan Really Wants (Now imagine if she gets it.) Cindy Sheehan Inflates the World Of Media Moms A Mighty Wind: Where's the rich liberal sacrifice? The Left's War Contract She Does Not Speak for Me: My son died in Iraq—and it was not in vain. Cindy Sheehan: Commander In Grief Atta Way to Blow 9/11 Panel's Credibility All Men Are Not Equal Iraq's Political Compact The Sad Story of Cindy Sheehan What We Know, and What We Don't Know (about Able Danger) A Message to Cindy Sheehan ("It's Freedom, Ma'am.") Red Scare: Today's Puritans attack Indian mascots All Cultures Are Not Equal: Economies converging, cultures diverging. Joel Kotkin Mark Davis Mickey Kaus Peggy Noonan Jalal Talabani Thomas Sowell Tony Blankley Mark Steyn Robert Bork and David Rivkin Jr. Ron Paul Scott Ott Brendan Miniter 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0926 0925 0922 0922 0921 0921 0921 0920 0920 2005 2005 2005 0919 0916 0913 Katrina Katrina Katrina George F. Will Mark Steyn 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0913 0912 0912 0910 0909 0907 0907 Katrina 2005 2005 2005 0907 0905 0905 Katrina Katrina Katrina Debra Saunders John Hinderaker Steve Chapman Rick Moran S. T. Karnick Theodore Dalrymple Charles Murray Paul Shanklin Theodore Dalrymple Austin Bramwell 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0904 0904 0904 0902 0901 0901 0901 0900 0831 0829 Katrina Katrina Katrina Katrina Katrina H.Brit CW.Sex lyrics CW.Am Christopher Hitchens George F. Will Michael Yon William Pfaff Christopher Cross Lisa Ramaci-Vincent Mark Steyn Richard Baehr Thomas Bray Charles Krauthammer Christopher Hitchens Daniel Henninger Jonah Goldberg Tom Bevan Ronald R. Griffin Ann Coulter Mark Steyn Mark Steyn Paul R. Williams and William Spencer James Taranto Jim Geraghty Mohammad Fadhil Kenneth L. Woodward David Brooks 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0827 0825 0825 0825 0821 0821 0821 0821 0821 0819 0819 0819 0819 0819 0818 0817 0814 0813 0813 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0812 0812 0812 0811 0810 Steven M. Warshawsky Bruce Thornton Nicholas Eberstadt Bob Williams Dara Kam & Alan Gomez Jim Geraghty Christopher Ruddy Robert Tracinski Katrina d.Unions Econ Media Katrina CW.E CW.I Econ Katrina Katrina War.05 Crit I.SV d.Cindy Voting Econ d.Cindy d.Cindy d.Cindy d.Cindy Nine 11 CW.E Nine 11 d.Cindy CW.Am CW.Am Losing the Iraq War: Can the left really want us to? Sanctuary No More: It's no longer springtime for jihadis in Britain Beware the Secret Heart of the EU Missing the Perfect Storm: Air America steals $875,000 from poor kids and Alzheimer's patients Privatize PBS Muhammad's Example What Would You Have Done? The bombing of Hiroshima. Wake up, folks — it's war! That Feeling Of Being Under Suspicion What of "profiling" as an anti-terrorism forensic tool? The Naive American Clash with Islamist Professor Ahmad bin Muhammad (Al Jazeera trans.) The Muslim mind is on fire Within the Gates Mugged By Reality? Blair's Bombs, by John Pilger The Enemy We Treat Like A Friend And Then They Came After Us We're at war. How about acting like it? PM's statement after London attacks 21 July 2005 Victory For Multiculti Over Common Sense Did the CIA "Out" Valerie Plame? Spy Valerie and the rogue CIA Dear Moderate Muslims The Way To Fight Terrorism Is To Keep Our Guard Up Multiculturalism has fanned the flames of Islamic extremism Tolerating a Time Bomb Who Exposed Secret Agent Plame? How about the least likely suspect? Facing hard facts Our Wars Over the War Make No Mistake: It's a War of Civilizations Mission Implausible Bush Told Truth On War and Tax Cuts The Long Detour And This Is Why They Did It Ron Reagan proves that brilliance is not hereditary (MSNBC transcript) Boston Globe's Tom Oliphant with Hugh Hewitt on the War on Terror (Hugh Hewitt Show transcript) War in Pieces: The Blood Feud Pyrrhic Terror Nancy Pelosi is in Trouble [no more ethical than her target Tom DeLay] An Iranian Bomb Will Split Radical Islam Reborn on the Fourth of July Reagan's Biggest Mistake Finally Retires Rogue Diplomats Casualties and Causalities: How to ruin an occupation. Democrats Will Smear Any Conservative Nominee Stop Comparing Me to American Moonbats Anti-poverty campaign gets it almost all wrong Stop Questioning My Patriotism It's all about 9/11 The president links Iraq and al Qaeda — and the usual suspects moan. Thou Shalt Not Commit Religion The End of Private Property Rights Prophet of Decline: An interview with Oriana Fallaci Sacrifices in perspective 'Ethnomathematics' arrival adds to spin of multiculturalism US deficit shrinks: a vindication for tax cuts? Why The Left Is Losing Facing the Music (Democratic complaints about Guantanamo) 'Exit strategy' — a mere phrase, not a strategy Christopher Hitchens Gerard Baker Ashley Mote Ed Morrissey 2005 2005 2005 2005 0808 0808 0801 0803 John Stossel Ayaan Hirsi Ali Max Hastings Mark Steyn Tunku Varadarajan 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0803 0801 0730 0730 0729 Steven Vincent Wafa Sultan Youssef M. Ibrahim Fouad Ajami Mark Steyn 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0726 0726 0726 0725 0725 0725 0723 0722 0721 I.SV CW.I 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0719 0718 0718 0716 0716 0716 0716 0715 0715 0715 0714 0713 0713 0713 0708 0708 0708 CW.E WMD WMD CW.Am Lee Harris Ralph Peters Debra Saunders James Lewis Keith Thompson Ann Coulter Ralph Peters Christopher Hitchens Dennis Prager Iowahawk John O'Sullivan Iowahawk Andrew C. McCarthy 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0708 0708 0707 0707 0707 0706 0706 0705 0705 0705 0705 0704 0629 Ann Coulter Neal Boortz Tunku Varadarajan Mike Rosen Gregory Kane David R. Francis Karl Rove Mark Steyn Timothy Kane 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0629 0624 0623 0622 0621 0620 0620 0620 0619 Self-loathing Exhibit B Oriana Fallaci Victor Davis Hanson John Howard and Tony Blair Mark Steyn Andrew C. McCarthy James Lewis Doug Giles Jose Maria Aznar Kenan Malik Leon De Winter Clifford D. May Diana West Victor Davis Hanson Ed Koch Ann Coulter Rush Limbaugh William Rusher Amir Taheri Christopher Hitchens Hugh Hewitt d.Var CW.E H.Amer CW.E CW.E CW.E d.Var CW.E CW.E CW.E WMD CW.E CW.Am WMD Cons WMD Econ I.I.AQ CW.Chr L.theory CW.E CW.Am Econ L.pris English spoken here Cutting bilingual ed is the key to forcing immigrants to assimilate From the Desk of Senator Dick The Sorry Bunch Listen and learn from our enemies. History Lesson (also this version, posted by Byron "Jug" Varner 22 Dec 05) Embracing Immigration – The Right Way Losing Their Heads Over Gitmo Testimony before Senate Judiciary Committee (former Atty. General) The unquestioned lockstep orthodoxy (and willful blindness) at State [letters on S.A. Abbasi's article Koran: An Open Book] Piss and Wind Army Offers New Recruiting Incentive: Duty The Case of Theresa Schiavo Woodward Does Washington Why Would the Times Publish This Story? Looking back Leszek Kolakowski & the anatomy of totalitarianism European civilisation has sown the seeds of its own decline and fall Our Strange War: Looking ahead, our options The Black Family: 40 Years of Lies [about the Moynihan report] EMP: America's Achilles' Heel Amnesty Unbelievable Our Spoiled and Unhappy Global Elites Ayaan Hirsi Ali on the "Left" and "Multiculturalism" (John Rosenthal) Liberals, race, and history Bush Country The Middle East embraces democracy—and the American president. Leaving the Left Hypocrisy Most Holy Muslims should show some respect to others' religions The End of Time Our Two-Front Struggle Pre-modern plus postmodern equals riots in Afghanistan. The Caricature and Reality of George Bush Busting the Moral Equivalence Racket Newsweek Dissembled, Muslims Dismembered! Sanctuary Our Insular Media Newsweek's self-absorption. The Riots of the Faithful Why Does Capitalism Get Such A Bum Rap? Regulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac What Is a "Conservative"? We're comfortable with contradiction. Retaking the Universities Judges Are GOP Senate Litmus Test Fear is a wonderful thing Love Is Blind, Deaf, and Dumb What happened to history? Nobel for Bush and Blair? Perhaps the neocons got it right in the Middle East We should not be blinded by liberal prejudice when assessing Bush Social Security's Progressive Paradox The Ideological War Over Intellectual Property Letter of Resignation as Minister of Diaspora Affairs and Jerusalem The War We Could Have Won War Films, Hollywood and Popular Culture How will Israel speak? 'Nam: What We Won Heavy taxes, a bloated state—we're marching down the road to serfdom Rules?! Senate don't need no stinking rules! Curbing judicial legislating is one of the nation's most important domestic tasks. Charles Krauthammer 2005 0617 CW.Am Iowahawk Victor Davis Hanson Jackhole Christopher Ruddy Ann Coulter William P. Barr N.S. Rajaram 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0617 0617 0616 0616 0615 0615 0613 L.pris Mark Steyn Scott Ott Joan Didion Ann Coulter Frederick Turner Thomas Sowell Roger Kimball Gerard Baker Victor Davis Hanson Kay S. Hymowitz Frank Gaffney David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey Victor Davis Hanson Ayaan Hirsi Ali Thomas Sowell Fouad Ajami 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0611 0611 0609 0608 0606 0606 0605 0603 0603 0601 0601 0527 L.pris 2005 2005 2005 2005 0527 0524 0524 0522 CW.Am Keith Thompson Ali Al-Ahmed 2005 2005 0522 0520 David Horowitz Victor Davis Hanson 2005 2005 0520 0520 Victor Davis Hanson Keith Thompson Ann Coulter Bill Whittle, Proteus" Claudia Rosett Orson Scott Card Clive Crook Peter J. Wallison Jonah Goldberg Roger Kimball Rush Limbaugh Dimitri Vassilaros Jackie Mason & Raoul Felder Victor Davis Hanson John Hughes Max Hastings 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0520 0519 0518 0518 0518 0515 0513 0513 0511 0511 0509 0506 0506 2005 2005 2005 0506 0504 0504 H.Amer Julian Sanchez Mark Schultz Natan Sharansky Stephen J. Morris Michael Medved Caroline Glick Thomas H. Lipscomb Gerard Baker Robert Robb 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0502 0502 0502 0501 0501 0430 0430 0429 0429 Econ Econ CW.Am L.pris L.pris CW.I Terri Media L.pris Bio CW.E Sci.Atom Media CW.Chr Media Media CW.Am Econ Econ Cons Acad H.Amer Media H.Amer William Voegeli Charles Krauthammer David Gelernter Edward Feser Sean Rushton Michael Novak 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0428 0428 0427 0426 0422 0422 0421 0421 0419 Victor Davis Hanson Edward Whelan Linda Chavez Peggy Noonan 2005 2005 2005 2005 0415 0413 0413 0407 Jack Kemp Mark Steyn Bruce Thornton Mark Steyn John Kass Zogby Poll/S.Ertelt Sacramento Union Ann Coulter Eric Cohen 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0405 0405 0404 0403 0401 0401 0331 0330 0330 Bio Bio CW.Am Michael Gove John Leo Mark Steyn Orson Scott Card Nonie Darwish William Kristol 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0329 0328 0327 0326 0325 0325 Terri Terri Terri Terri Ann Coulter Michelle Malkin Gregory Kane Leslie H. Gelb Mark Steyn Andrew C. McCarthy 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0324 0323 0319 0319 0319 0318 0317 0317 0315 0314 0314 0314 0313 0313 0313 0311 0304 0304 0303 0302 0302 0301 0301 0228 0228 0228 0227 0227 0225 0225 Terri Media CW.Am Mourning Mother Russia The Role of Religion in Public Life David Brooks Pat Boone Transcript of Rally for Lynne Stewart; speakers included Cindy Sheehan Self-loathing Exhibit A FDR's Card Trick The cynical idealism behind Social Security Judicial Insanity To Dems, It's 1974 Forever Should Felons Vote? Filibuster Rules: Then & Now Culture in Crisis Cardinal Ratzinger has diagnosed relativism's evils, and offers an alternative Our Not-So-Wise Experts: A litany of past failure Supreme Confusion The New Yorker doesn't understand originalism. The Press Shows Its Bias 'We Want God' When John Paul II went to Poland, communism didn't have a prayer The pope and the fall of communism Why progressive Westerners never understood John Paul II Spiritual Parasites Couldn't evil be explained by choice? GOP crack-up? Pardon my guffaw Beware of letting the unacceptable become the norm Zogby Poll: Americans Not in Favor of Starving Terri Schiavo That She Will Not Have Died in Vain The Emperor's New Robes How Liberalism Failed Terri Schiavo The question is not only what she would have wanted, but what we owe her. A nagging sense of injustice Red and blue bioethics No compelling reason to kill Terri Schiavo Whose Life Is Worth Living? The Left's Arab Problem "Evolving Standards of Decency" saved Christopher Simmons's life; they weren't enough to save Terri Schiavo. Starved For Justice The MSM's life and death distortions Hand-wringing over incarceration won't help city's young black men Cheney Envy The Democrats could use someone like the vice president. Nuts and Bolton Conservatives and Terri Schiavo: The Washington Post gets it totally wrong. Torturing Terri Schiavo; She'd Be Better off if she Were a Terrorist The Fire in Iran: Forget about diplomacy, this is war This Was Not Looting A wage gap? [formerly "Of men, women, and money"] Death by Privacy Emanations, penumbras, and bad law. Time for a dose of Dr. No Checkpoint Iraq: A Tactic That Works At Last the Light Is Shone On the IRA Will the Mideast Bloom? A Look Back: Turning points since September 11 What have the Americans ever done for us? Liberated 50 million people... Eurospeak: Sorting out the teenage sass God not so dead: Atheism in decline worldwide Blog Interview: Victor Davis Hanson A Draft?—The Washington Monthly Story Doesn't Make the Case The Arabs' Berlin Wall has crumbled Entrepreneur As American Hero The Arab Street: a vanquished cliché. A blinkered view from the Baghdad Hilton Why Palestinian Terror Is Different Putting the fear of God into Holland Liberalism: Can it survive? The War on the War on Poverty Merchants of Despair Andrew C. McCarthy Michael Ledeen Christopher Hitchens John Leo Mark R. Levin John Leo Bartle Bull Kevin Myers Youssef M. Ibrahim Victor Davis Hanson Gerard Baker Victor Davis Hanson Uwe Siemon-Netto (w. Arthur Chrenkoff) Austin Bay Mark Steyn Walter E. Williams Christopher Hitchens Katie Grant Lee Harris Brian Moynahan John Leo Myron Magnet Victor Davis Hanson CW.E CW.Chr d.Var Econ CW.Chr L.theory Media Bio Terri Media Terri Terri Terri Terri d.UN Terri Terri WMD Econ L.theory Media H.Amer CW.E CW.Am Econ H.Mid CW.E CW.Am Econ H.Amer The Making Of A 9/11 Republican Mob Rule in Academia Judge Not: An ignorant analysis of the Lynne Stewart case. Liberal Feelings vs. Judeo-Christian Values Paying attention . . . closely Tory Toffs Call It Wrong Will Europe Warm Up to Bush Climate Change? Demographics and the Culture War Like the fall of the Berlin Wall, Iraq's elections will change world history The Global Throng:Why the world's elites gnash their teeth. The Left Is Worth Nothing Victory and Defeat The Islamophobia Myth What We Have Witnessed Is Something Amazing A Patriot's History of the United States Suicide Bombers v Suicide Voters Homestead Act Serves as Model for Conservatism The Doctrine That Never Died An Apology to Arabs Debt Dramatics Europe Has Taken Over the Holocaust America's Might is Not Draining Away Political Bias? What Political Bias? Ideals and Reality Second Inaugural Address Prayer for the Nation: Inaugural Benediction Postmodern War New world disorder Election protest shows why Dems don't count (So, how's it going, Mr. Bonaparte?) Cutting the Fat: The decline of the norm The Disenchanted American: Are we growing world-weary? Dissident Arab Gets the Treatment (America-hating professor takes a page from Stalin) Vietnam, Iraq, and the 2004 Election The Myth of "Settlements" Into the Tar Pits: Dinosaurs either evolve or die. The Best Notable Quotables of 2004 Misinformation at the Times A Unified Theory of the Old Media Collapse Cracked Icons: Why the Left has lost credibility What Caused Multiculturalism? Process but No Peace (review of Dennis Ross's The Missing Peace.) Progressives are too Conservative to like Capitalism The Faith of our Fathers: There is another fundamentalism to worry about. In The Red Zone: Steven Vincent interviewed by Jamie Glazov I'd Like to Report a Hate Crime [at UNC Wilmington] What We Won in Fallujah 60 Second Refutation of Socialism, while sitting at the beach Four More Years Canadian: Liberalism Crapped Up My Country Sixty Million Rubes Can't Be Wrong The Pilgrim Story: Vital Insights And Lessons For Today Paul Wolfowitz interviewed Europe—Thy Name is Cowardice What? Spending Restraint? The lame-duck Congress may not be so lame after all. The Real Humanists Revolution from Afghanistan to Iraq. They're Called Security Rounds "Polarizing" Patriot: John Ashcroft was among the best attorneys general in American history. 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 0224 0224 0223 0222 0221 0212 0206 0205 0204 0204 0201 0201 0200 0131 0131 0130 0130 0130 0129 0128 0125 0125 0124 0122 0120 0120 2005 2005 2005 0117 0109 0109 Jonah Goldberg Victor Davis Hanson Ahmad Al-Qloushi 2005 2005 2005 0107 0107 0106 Zell Miller FLAME Victor Davis Hanson Brent Bozell III et al.. John Hinderaker Hugh Hewitt Victor Davis Hanson Lawrence Auster Victor Davis Hanson Warren Meyer Bruce Thornton Steven Vincent Mike Adams Max Boot Warren Meyer Charles Kesler "Matt from Windsor" Joseph C. Phillips Judd W. Patton Radek Sikorski Mathias Doepfner Wall Street Journal 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0101 Victor Davis Hanson Matthew Heidt Jonah Goldberg 2004 2004 2004 1119 1117 1112 Cinnamon Stillwell Debra Saunders Andrew C. McCarthy Dennis Prager Mark Steyn Mark Steyn Mark Steyn Stanley Kurtz Gerard Baker Victor Davis Hanson Dennis Prager Thomas Sowell Kenan Malik Alaa Jamie Glazov review Alaa George F. Will Tom Wolfe via Tony Caroli Brian Riedl Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson John Podhoretz David Brooks George W. Bush Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell Victor Davis Hanson Gerald Warner Mark Steyn Acad CW.Am H.Amer CW.E CW.Sex CW.E H.Amer H.Amer Econ H.Mid d.UN CW.Am Acad H.Mid 1230 1227 1226 1218 1217 1216 1212 1211 1209 1209 1208 1202 1202 1201 1130 1129 1128 1123 1120 1120 Media Media Media CW.Am H.Mid Econ CW.Am I.SV Acad War.04 Econ Health H.Amer CW.E l.Patriot The Ironies Ahead: What George W. Bush faces Debating the Patriot Act Not So DumbThen? Immigration: The New Third Rail The Sore-Loser Party: Understanding Smiley, Dowd, Raines, Krugman, Maher, Sarandon, et al. Triumph of Hope: President Bush's re-election gives the free world a second chance. Believe It Or Not, It Wasn't Just Rednecks Who Voted For Bush The Values-Vote Myth American Exceptionalism: the message of Tuesday's verdict Election day narrative Hacks of Baghdad: the cabbie read of Iraq A Narrow Escape One Last Flip-Flop Targeted Gloating YEEEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAAA! (2:32am) Vindication: Savoring the victory Root of Divide Is Not Us Federal government fails history in U.S. schools What's at Stake in This Election Civil Unions: Compromise Or Surrender? Radical Bush vs. Reactionary Kerry No Mistake: Bush has no need to apologize. If Bush loses, the winner won't be Kerry: it will be Zarqawi The American Elections: the challenge is mortal The Man in the Muddle John Kerry is a threat to peace. So it's a good thing he's going to lose the election The American Chamberlain ("nuisance" terrorism) A Lebanese Speaking for Israel Dems, Then & Now: Iraq terror-tie facts changed with the campaign season for Kerry and co. An Open Letter to America Dan Rather's Day of Reckoning: It didn't start with Rathergate. Endorsement: George W. Bush for president Private Enterprise The Perfect Storm of Hating Bush Part Four: Hating Bush, cultural relativism and the war against the terrorists Okay, this is just screedy as hell The Perfect Storm of Hating Bush Part Three: The wages of postmodernism, or when facts do not exist, we can invent our own reality Kerry's Looking for American Failure—and He's It Unholy Alliance: How the Left Supports the Terrorists at Home Green versus Black First, Find the Forger All the good things they never tell you about today's Iraq CBS defense of Rather hints at bigger story The Kerryness of Kerry from the special all-Kerry souvenir edition of National Review Bush Guard Documents: Forged Zell Miller: An American War Hero Pain in the heartland 'Innocent religion is now a message of hate' Holiday weekend morning (Be sure to click on the links within the essay… especially "Victim. Victim. Victim. Victim.") Victor Davis Hanson Bruce Thornton Christopher Hitchens Michael Reagan Jonah Goldberg 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1112 1111 1111 1109 1108 Jose Maria Aznar 2004 1107 Mark Steyn David Brooks Victor Davis Hanson James Lileks Steven Vincent Thomas Sowell Ann Coulter John Derbyshire National Review Rush Limbaugh Phyllis Schlafly Rush Limbaugh Midge Decter Jeff Jacoby Noemie Emery Charles Moore Alaa Mark Steyn 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1107 1106 1105 1104 1104 1104 1103 1103 1103 1103 1101 1101 1101 1028 1025 1023 1016 1016 William Tucker Brigitte Gabriel Deroy Murdock 2004 2004 2004 1016 1014 1007 Families for America John Podhoretz The Lowell Sun Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 1007 1004 1003 1002 1002 James Lileks Victor Davis Hanson 2004 2004 1001 1001 Mark Steyn David Horowitz Thomas Sowell William Safire Mark Steyn Mark Steyn Mark Steyn 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0926 0924 0924 0922 0919 0919 0913 d.Kerry Charles Johnson David Horowitz John Leo 0909 0907 0906 0905 0904 M.Rather James Lileks 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 World War IV: How It Started, What It Means, and Why We Have to Win Norman Podhoretz George W. Bush Victor Davis Hanson Richard B. Cheney Zell Miller John Lott Ross C. Leiber Guenter Lewy 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0903 0902 0902 0901 0901 0901 0900 0900 H.Podh Address to the Republican National Convention Brace Yourself : The months ahead will be momentous. Address to the Republican National Convention Address to the Republican National Convention Media Bias Against Guns Checkmate [How to stop Israel's enemies without using nukes.] Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide? Abdel Rahman al-Rashed l.Patriot CW.Am I.SV Acad CW.Sex d.Kerry d.Kerry I.I.AQ Media CW.Am CW.Am M.Rather. M.Rather. d.Kerry CW.Am CW.I Op.pix Media H.Amer Address to the Republican National Convention Address to the Republican National Convention Remember Lepanto! The Dangerous what Kerry believes now, not what he did then. The Real Soldiers Of God On Loathing Bush: It's not about what he does. A Return to Childhood: The new immaturity Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to All Persons of European Descent Embedded and Elitist Left: The Long March through Schools of Journalism Ronald Reagan and the Spirit of Free Enterprise A World Without Power Dems' New Slogan: No Teacher Left Behind 9/11: A Failure of Academia What's wrong with Fahrenheit 9/11? Five Reasons to Fear the Democratic Party We can nitpick forever, but what's changed? History's Verdict: The summers of 1944 and 2004 How Multiculturalism Took Over America Saddam Hires Moonbat US Lawyer Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 911 Lay Your Hammer Down Ronald Reagan, R.I.P. Punitive Liberalism What Reagan vanquished. Unfairenheit 9/11: The lies of Michael Moore. The Big Lie Campaign No One Asked Us Eulogy for Ronald Reagan The Reagan of History Too Much, Too Late Baby boomers heap insincere praise on the "greatest generation." Remarks at U.S. Air Force Academy Graduation Ceremony Iraq & Militant Islam Our Embattled Constitution Whatever Happened to the Family Film? Fundamentalism isn't the problem Why Arabs Don't Say Sorry Strength The Enemy is Not Just Al-Qaeda Stop the Moral Equivalence: Suicide-bombing and hostage-taking vs. democracy Liberals Hand Terrorists A Victory No Way to Run a War An intolerable free ride [unfair corporate tax breaks and tricks] If Europe Hates Itself Sometimes, a War Saves People The 1996 Nobel Peace Prize winner says "We must be willing to bring the fight to those who would do evil." War Within a War O, My America: a review of Samuel P. Huntington's Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity Our Enemy Is Not Terrorism Samuel P. Huntington On Cosmopolitans, Imperialists, And Nationalists Saddam's WMD Have Been Found "Bush is Stupid and Evil" America Must Find Its National Purpose to Beat the Terrorists Liberals and Terrorism The New Anti-Semitism? The Fruits of Appeasement How 9-11 Happened: Arnold Schwarzenegger Rudy Giuliani Robert McMullen Stanley Kurtz Alaa Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson Walter E. Williams 2004 0831 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0831 0830 0827 0822 0813 0806 0804 Bruce Thornton 2004 0801 Media George Gilder Niall Ferguson Ann Coulter Dr. Walid Phares Joey Tartakovsky Michelle Malkin Mark Steyn Victor Davis Hanson Lawrence Auster Charles Johnson Dave Kopel Edwin Feulner Larry P. Arnn James Piereson Christopher Hitchens David Horowitz Maj. Stan Coerr, USMCR Margaret Thatcher Mackubin T. Owens David Gelernter 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0801 0730 0728 0728 0728 0728 0725 0716 0709 0705 0701 0701 0701 0628 0621 0618 0617 Econ 2004 2004 2004 0611 0605 0604 Bio Bio H.Amer George W. Bush Andrew C. McCarthy Harry Jaffa Philip Anschutz Kenneth Minogue Nonie Darwish Robert Spencer Garry Kasparov 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0602 0601 0601 0601 0600 0525 0522 0520 0519 David Horowitz Mark Helprin Mortimer Zuckerman Joseph Ratzinger Jose Ramos-Horta 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0517 0517 0517 0514 0513 L.pris Thomas Sowell James W. Ceaser 2004 2004 0511 0503 Media CW.Am John Lehman, USNR Randall Parker Kenneth Timmerman Mathias Doepfner George Jonas William R. Hawkins Rob Foot Victor Davis Hanson Ann Coulter 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0500 0430 0426 0421 0417 0416 0400 0400 0331 Bill Whittle, "Proteus" H.World d.Kerry CW.Am d.Kerry Nine 11 d.MM d.Kerry Nine 11 H.Amer CW.Am I.Sad d.MM Bio Bio Bio d.MM I.I.AQ Media CW.Am CW.I CW.I Econ CW.E CW.Am WMD CW.E CW.Am H.Amer H.Amer We don't need a "commission." The truth is in the timeline. Terror and Tolerance Jean-Christophe Mounicq 2004 0330 My Platform [2 Cabinet depts; trim federal subsidies, fat cats first.] We Are Finishing the War When Should We Stop Supporting Israel? How the Left Undermined America's Security Before 9/11 How to Destroy America: reporting on a great Oct. 2003 speech by former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm Imagine if you woke from an operation and discovered that your tumor was gone. The Not-So-Perfect Storm One Nation Under God The Threat of Global Terrorism San Francisco And Islamists: Fighting The Same Enemy AFL-CIO Motto: "Kick Me Again!" St. Olaf's Nobel Peacenik Prize Respecting Marriage and Equal Rights Words of Mass Destruction [quotes from leading Democrats, 1998-2003] Fixing What's Broken Same-Sex Marriage Proposal for San Francisco Thomas Sowell Victor Davis Hanson Victor Davis Hanson David Horowitz Frosty Wooldridge 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0330 0328 0328 0324 0322 James Lileks 2004 0322 John Leo Mark Steyn Tony Blair Dennis Prager Ann Coulter Katherine Kersten Tammy Bruce Snopes Mortimer Zuckerman 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 0322 0314 0306 0302 0226 0226 0225 0217 0216 0213 The Left's Threat to the Jews The Liberal Hawks [Berman, Hitchens quotes] In Defense of Intellectual Diversity Weapons of Mass Hysteria: If anything, the war was about 100,000 corpses too late. Pressure Drop Kay's testimony, and the facts of history, makes the record clear. Christopher Hitchens explains why left is not right The Alternative to War Was Simple: Defeat Why It's Islam vs Rest Of the World Murray Friedman James Verini David Horowitz Victor Davis Hanson 2004 2004 2004 2004 0213 0212 0210 0206 J.D. Hayworth 2004 0205 Craig Whitney Mark Steyn Tavleen Singh Irfan Khawaja Lee Kaplan Jean-François Revel John Derbyshire Victor Davis Hanson Frank Schaeffer Thomas G. West Michael Crichton Michael Knox Beran Brent Bozell III et al.. Thomas Sowell Kathy Shaidle Iowahawk Jamie Glazov Alistair Cooke Michael Novak Mark Steyn George W. Bush Leszek Kolakowski Mortimer Zuckerman 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 0203 0203 0201 0200 0130 0118 0116 0116 0115 0101 0000 1229 1227 1226 1216 1213 1210 1208 1201 1200 1106 1105 1103 Glenn Garvin Thomas L. Friedman Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza Dinesh D'Souza Michael Crichton David Horowitz Mark Steyn Stanley Kurtz 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 1100 1030 1029 1012 0924 0915 0911 0907 0803 Christopher Hitchens' A Long Short War: the Postponed Liberation of Iraq Onedance Summit Comes to California Introduction to Anti-Americanism The Immigration Fiasco Our Primordial World My Son and War Liberal Assault on Freedom of Speech Why Politicized Science is Dangerous (from State of Fear) "Never Forget: They Kept Lots of Slaves" The Best Notable Quotables of 2003 Twisted History 'Twas the night before Kwanzaa Why Do They Hate Us, Dude? Frontpage Interview: Christopher Hitchens Why the War Couldn't Wait Ten Commandments Controversy Friends Of Dorothy The Boy From Oz and Wicked (in New Criterion) On the 20th Anniversary of the National Endowment for Democracy What the Past Is For Graffiti On History's Walls [plus Ties That Really Bind and Fifty Years of Trouble] The Gipper and the Hedgehog review: Reagan's War, by Peter Schweizer It's No Vietnam The "Brights" Strike Back Authentic vs Bogus Multiculturalism Not So Bright Environmentalism As Religion 9/11 and the "Anti-War" Left Predators aren't looking for peace Beyond Gay Marriage Archbishop Wm. Levada CW.Am CW.Can CW.Sex WMD CW.Sex Acad Media Sci.ecol H.Amer Media H.Amer CW.Chr CW.Chr Crit H.Amer CW.Chr CW.Am CW.Chr Sci.ecol CW.Sex Freedom and its Counterfeit Scandal! Bush's enemies aren't telling the truth about what he said. Trinity Civil Liberties after 9/11 Not to be trusted (re: A People's History of the United States, by H. Zinn) While We're At It [CNN's deal with Saddam; click link, scroll down] American Media in Wartime People Against the American Way West Versus West The Empire Slinks Back The Doctrine of Pre-Emption: A Strategy of Realism Immigration War on Terror and the Rule of Law Dinosaurs War Is Hell The Rage, the Pride, and the Doubt Thoughts on the eve of battle in Iraq. The Leftist Media Jimmy Carter's Bloody Dementia Anti-War or Anti-U.S.? War protesters fail integrity test Dem Problems A great political party can't thrive on snob appeal. Should We Repeal N.A.F.T.A.? Courage Escaping "Submission" What is Public Choice Theory? Politics Without Romance Teaching the Virtues In Whose Name? Political Correctness Impossible Family Dynamics of Islam Aliens Cause Global Warming The Apostle Paul on Sexuality: A Response to Neil Elliott The Best Notable Quotables of 2002 Happy Kwanzaa To Preserve What We Have A Question of Temperament America's Wars and the Progressive Left Our Responsibility to America The root cause? We're all infidels Views on Islam Disarmed and Wholly Dependent [J.L. Malcolm's Guns and Violence] Address to the United Nations General Assembly One Year Ago (Daily Mirror column) The Bush Doctrine began on Flight 93 Unnecessary Wars A Pilot Editorial— "You Worry Me." In Praise of the Bush Doctrine Ted Koppel's Spin Zone: How Nightline Controls What You See Multiculturalists are the real racists The Casual Racism Of Phil Donahue Alienation in A Time of War The Destructive Romance of the Intellectuals Independence How Freedom Rings Jihad and Human Rights Today Disconnect Between Hollywood and America Know The Enemy (And What He Believes) A Call for New Palestinian Leadership The Ideological War Within The West Mohammed Atta And His Federal Loan Officer Graduation Speech at West Point Three Key Principles in the War Against Terrorism Against Multiculturalism Robert P. George Clifford D. May Bill Whittle, "Proteus" Robert Bork "A Reader" Richard John Neuhaus Brit Hume David Horowitz Andre Glucksmann Niall Ferguson David Horowitz Michelle Malkin Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Oriana Fallaci David Horowitz Lowell Phillips Amir Taheri Samuel G. Freedman Peggy Noonan Charlie Daniels Smash Nonie Darwish James M. Buchanan Bill Bennett Charlie Daniels Charlie Daniels Nonie Darwish Michael Crichton Robert A. J. Gagnon Brent Bozell III et al.. Paul Mulshine William F. Buckley Roger Scruton David Horowitz Larry P. Arnn Mark Steyn Benazir Bhutto, David Forte, Will Morrisey David Gordon George W. Bush Tony Parsons Mark Steyn Midge Decter John Maniscalco Norman Podhoretz David Horowitz Mark Steyn David Horowitz David Horowitz David Horowitz Mark Steyn Dinesh D'Souza Bat Ye'or Pat Sajak David Horowitz George W. Bush John Fonte Mark Steyn George W. Bush Benjamin Netanyahu Kenan Malik 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 0801 0711 0704 0700 0604 0601 0601 0513 0428 0427 0415 0401 0325 0325 0313 0311 0310 0305 0304 0303 0300 0223 0211 0203 0201 0200 0200 0129 0117 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 1001 0922 0911 0909 0901 0900 0900 0823 0820 0812 0806 0729 0707 0704 0701 0701 0625 0624 0612 0610 0601 0601 0600 1227 1226 1212 1203 1112 1101 1017 1001 WMD L.Patriot H.Amer Media Media H.Brit L.Pat Media d.Var Econ CW.I Econ CW.Am CW.Am CW.I Sci.ecol CW.Sex Media CW.Chr Acad CW.I L.theory Media CW.Am Media H.Amer CW.Am CW.I Media CW.Am CW.E Leo Strauss, Conservative Mastermind Does Political Correctness Kill? Twenty Facts about Israel and the Middle East Let's Face It, We're Superior Assault on the Boy Scouts of America Adversary Jurisprudence (also available from All Cultures Are Not Equal Why Speculate? [publicly, about future events] Appeasing Arab hate puts the lie to 'Never Again' Immigrants, Not Americans, Must Adapt What's So Great About America? The Return of the Jackal Bins ($) Appreciating the Commander-in-Chief Kyoto Protocol and Global Warming The Slyer Virus: the West's Anti-Westernism How to Win World War IV ($) State of the Union Address Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 Why Israel is the Victim and the Arabs are the Indefensible Aggressors The Cultural War On Western Civilization The Best Notable Quotables of 2001 A Malign Legacy (also available from American Journalism and the Constitution Turning The Other Cheek I Am a Patriot, Too, Dude! Pacifists' ill-breeding scorns actual people Rage and Pride: English Italian The Sick Mind of Noam Chomsky: Part 1 Part 2 After The Tragedy Address to a Joint Session of Congress, and the American People Israel Isn't the Issue Enemies Within Allies in War The Queen's Tears This Is War West's moral failure at root of tragedy Over The Line This is War Statement by the President in His Address to the Nation The World Conference Against Whitey Multiculturalism: Fact or Threat? We'll Run This Planet As We Please Leadership, Character, and America's Future Global Village or Global Pillage? A universal culture of liberty. Real Cost of Regulation All beginnings are hopeful: Challenges Facing the 21st Century The Myth of Racial Profiling The Mystery of Capital (from Chapter 3 of the book) Ten reasons why reparations for blacks are a bad idea for blacks—and racist, too The Best Notable Quotables of 2000 Why There is a Culture War Gramsci and Tocqueville in America. Civility and Citizenship in Washington's America and Ours Bush, a modest man of faith [an uncanny prediction of 9/11] Never Give In Is America Safe? New Millennium: What to Take from the Past, What to Leave Behind Legitimate Role of Government in a Free Society Morality, Law, and the Constitution: The Genius of the Founding Generation To "Possess the National Consciousness of an American" Robert Locke Mark Steyn Jeane Kirkpatrick, Bill Bennett, Jack Kemp Mark Steyn Midge Decter Robert Bork Kenan Malik Michael Crichton Mark Steyn Barry Loudermilk Dinesh D'Souza Norman Podhoretz David Horowitz Sallie Baliunas Mark Steyn Norman Podhoretz George W. Bush U.S. Congress David Horowitz Keith Windschuttle Brent Bozell III et al.. David Pryce-Jones Tony Snow Charlie Daniels Iowahawk Mark Steyn Oriana Fallaci David Horowitz Charlie Daniels George W. Bush Norman Podhoretz David Horowitz David Horowitz Mark Steyn Ann Coulter Mark Steyn Charlie Daniels David Horowitz George W. Bush Mark Steyn Dinesh D'Souza P.J. O'Rourke Ward Connerly Mario Vargas Llosa John Stossel Margaret Thatcher Heather Mac Donald Hernando de Soto David Horowitz 2002 2002 2002 0531 0530 0521 Bio 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 0520 0501 0501 0500 0426 0404 0400 0400 0400 0311 0301 0200 0200 0129 0123 0111 0100 1227 1201 1201 1100 1012 1004 0930 0926 0920 0920 0920 0918 0917 0917 0912 0912 0911 0911 0911 0906 0901 0828 0801 0700 0501 0401 0400 0300 0103 CW.Am CW.Am CW.Am CW.E Media Brent Bozell III et al.. John Fonte Charles Kesler Peggy Noonan Clarence Thomas Dan Quayle Michael Medved Walter E. Williams Kenneth Starr 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1227 1201 1201 1102 1101 1001 0901 0801 0701 Media CW.Am John Fonte 2000 0700 CW.Am H.Mid CW.Am Sci.ecol CW.Am H.Mid CW.Am Media CW.E Media d.UN CW.Am Econ CW.Am Econ CW.Am In the Land of the Rococo Marxists In the absence of guns In Britain, defending your property can get you life. Thought Reform 101 Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life & Legacy of America's Most Hated Senator Content of Our Children's Character Arabian Fables (I) How Arabs soften up world opinion with fanciful myths. Saving the soul of classical liberalism The Best Notable Quotables of 1999 Who killed Betty Van Patter? A disturbing crime from the New Left era. Challenge of Educating for 21st-Century Citizenship (scroll down at link) Training Minds and Hearts: Principle-Centered Education Reform Television News: Information or Infotainment? The Moral Consequences of Impatience A geophysicist looks at climate change Human contribution questionable. Winning the Cultural War Minority Schools and the Politics of Education College Profs Denounce Western Culture, Move to Caves The Best Notable Quotables of 1998 Does Honor Have a Future? Counting the costs of Clintonism A Time To Be Alive If America Dies link, then scroll down Saving Childhood At Last, Zion: Israel and the Fate of the Jews The Religious Roots of Radicalism [from The Politics of Bad Faith] Politics, Economics, and Education in the 21st Century Are We Living in a Moral Stone Age? Ethical Leadership in the 21st Century Back to Equality Dead Reckoning: Roe at 25 The Best Notable Quotables of 1997 What It Means to Be a Libertarian (the first chapter of the book.) Vindicating the Founders A book and website full of relevant documents. Our Unconstitutional Congress Remembering Great Men Virtue and the Free Society The Unhappy Fate of Optional Orthodoxy (click link, scroll down) Fighting the Culture War in America The Best Notable Quotables of 1996 A Strange New Regime: The Naked Public Square and the Passing of the American Constitutional Order The Moral Case for the Flat Tax Anti-Americanization A Physicist experiments with Cultural Studies The Deniable Darwin The New Majority A Way Out of Soviet-Style Health Care The Best Notable Quotables of 1995 Protecting Our Children from a Plague of Pessimism It's the best time of the year Redeeming Our Time Conservative Vision and the Demise of the Welfare State Deinventing Government Transgressing the Boundaries: towards a transformative hermeneutics of quantum gravity A new vision of man: how Christianity has changed the political economy The Diversity Myth Christopher Lasch vs. the elites The Religious Roots of Freedom 545 People (see also: 1985 version, 2009 version) The Moral Foundations of Society Tom Wolfe Mark Steyn Alan Charles Kors Arthur Herman, interviewed by Brian Lamb Ward Connerly FLAME James M. Buchanan Brent Bozell III et al.. David Horowitz Margaret Thatcher Steve Forbes Michael Medved John O'Sullivan S. Fred Singer Charlton Heston Thomas Sowell Iowahawk Brent Bozell III et al.. Bill Bennett Robert Bork Paul Harvey J.C. Watts Michael Medved Charles Krauthammer David Horowitz John Fund Christina Hoff Sommers Norman Schwarzkopf Ward Connerly National Review Brent Bozell III et al.. Charles Murray Thomas G. West Stephen Moore Charlton Heston Jeb Bush Richard John Neuhaus Charlton Heston Brent Bozell III et al.. Richard John Neuhaus Steve Forbes John Fonte Alan Sokal David Berlinski Grover Norquist Milton Friedman Brent Bozell III et al.. Michael Medved Mark Steyn Bill Bennett Pete Du Pont Jeb Bush Alan Sokal Michael Novak Benjamin Schwarz Roger Kimball M. Stanton Evans Charlie Reese Margaret Thatcher 2000 2000 2000 2000 0600 0600 0301 0206 2000 2000 2000 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1996 1996 0201 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1001 1001 0605 0601 0501 0417 1227 1201 1201 1101 0901 0601 0513 Econ CW.Am Acad CW.Chr 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 0501 0501 0401 0401 0307 0301 CW.Chr CW.Am CW.Am CW.Chr 0101 1227 1213 1001 1001 0701 0601 0420 0216 0101 1227 1201 1100 1001 0901 0901 0800 0501 0301 0301 0201 0126 1227 1200 L.theory Acad Bio H.Mid Econ Media Acad Acad Media Sci.ecol CW.Am Acad CW.Am Media d.Clinton CW.Am H.Mid CW.Am CW.Sex Media H.Amer 0701 0501 0401 0101 1227 1008 CW.Chr CW.Am Media L.theory Health Media CW.Chr Econ Acad Armed Resistance to Crime: the prevalence and nature of self-defense with a gun What to Do About the First Amendment We Don't Want No Education The Children of Columbus From violent conquest to common culture. The Best Notable Quotables of 1994 The Media Revolution Political Correctness in the Newsroom New Century and a New Optimism The Cultural Renaissance Chappaquiddick's unanswered questions Who Counts the Most Important Things of All? Education: The Second Road to Freedom The Best Notable Quotables of 1993 The Coming White Underclass Three Cheers for Capitalism Veritatis Splendor The Clash of Civilizations It Didn't Start With Dateline NBC The Liberty Manifesto Free Trade in the 1990s Against the Independent Counsel But Is It Art? [Yes, it's by Arianna Stassinopoulos Huffington] Defining Deviancy Down (originally published in American Scholar) The Best Notable Quotables of 1992 Hollywood's Poison Factory: Making It the Dream Factory Again Why "Good Government" Is Not Enough Public Policy: Some Personal Reminiscences The New Segregation Time to Rethink Immigration? (originally published in National Review) Global Warming: the origin and nature of the alleged scientific consensus The Miami Model Native Son [an appreciation of Clarence Thomas] The Best Notable Quotables of 1991 Teaching the Virtues New World Order... of Freedom Centesimus Annus Popular Culture and the War Against Standards Exit Communism, Cold War, and the Status Quo The Best Notable Quotables of 1990 A Vindication of Edmund Burke Reagan Was Right: Government Is the Problem Confidence in Her Majesty's Government Conservatism for the People [the uses—and virtues—of populism] The Roots of Muslim Rage Oslo conference on "The Anatomy of Hate" Feminism and the College Curriculum Why We Need a Core Curriculum for College Students The Best Notable Quotables of 1989 Hollywood vs. Religion Maximum feasible misunderstanding: Bilingual Education in our schools The challenge to secure the unalienable right of property The gradual demise of the unalienable right of property The Declaration of Independence affirms unalienable property rights Our Revolution: farewell address, 11 January 1989 Reagan's Leadership, America's Recovery The Best Notable Quotables of 1988 Churchill From the Dimension of Time Speech to the College of Europe ("The Bruges Speech") Gary Kleck & Marc Gertz Robert Bork Theodore Dalrymple Mario Vargas Llosa Brent Bozell III et al.. John Fund Robert Novak Robert L. Bartley Jack Kemp Jeff Jacoby Gary Bauer Clarence Thomas Brent Bozell III et al.. Charles Murray Steve Forbes Pope John Paul II Samuel Huntington Walter Olson P.J. O'Rourke Richard M. Ebeling, Richard McKenzie, James Bovard, Judy Shelton, Dick Armey Robert Bork Arianna Huffington Daniel P. Moynihan Brent Bozell III et al.. Michael Medved Alan Keyes Thomas Sowell Shelby Steele Peter Brimelow Richard Lindzen Mario Vargas Llosa Edith Efron Brent Bozell III et al.. Christina Hoff Sommers Steve Forbes Pope John Paul II Michael Medved Jeane Kirkpatrick Brent Bozell III et al.. Conor Cruise O'Brien Charlton Heston Margaret Thatcher Paul Weyrich Bernard Lewis Vaclav Havel Christina Hoff Sommers Lynne Cheney Brent Bozell III et al.. Michael Medved Gerda Bikales Richard A. Huenefeld Richard A. Huenefeld Richard A. Huenefeld Ronald Reagan Margaret Thatcher Brent Bozell III et al.. Enoch Powell Margaret Thatcher 1995 L.theory 1995 1995 1995 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 0200 0101 0100 1227 1201 1101 0901 0801 0721 0701 0601 1227 1029 0901 0806 0700 0621 0506 0201 1993 1993 1993 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1988 1988 1988 1988 0200 0101 0100 1227 1101 1001 0901 0801 0622 0400 0200 0200 1227 1101 0801 0201 0101 1227 1217 1201 1122 0903 0900 0808 0601 0501 1227 1201 1001 0111 1230 1227 1022 0920 L.theory Acad Media Media Media d.Kenn Acad Media CW.Sex Econ CW.I Media Econ Media Media CW.Am CW.Am Sci.ecol Media Acad CW.Am Media CW.I Acad Acad Media Media CW.Am L.theory L.theory L.theory Bio Bio Media Bio Address at Moscow State University The Crisis in Western Democracy The Road Away from Serfdom The Problem of Big Government Those "Palestinian Refugees" Who are they, what is the real story? Sollicitudo rei socialis ("On Social Concern") Presidential Executive Order 12612: Federalism I Must See the Things; I Must See the Men: One Historian's Recollections of the 1930s and 1940s At the Brandenburg Gate ("Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!") The Real McCarthy Record The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name The Moral Foundations of Republican Government Between Democracy and Despotism The Myth of Moral Equivalence 545 People (see also: 1995 version, 2009 version) The Courage to Affirm Anatomy of a Reticence Five Fatal Mistakes About Soviet Aims Blame America First Instruction on certain aspects of 'Theology of Liberation The Boys of Pointe du Hoc text video Remarks at Fudan University in Shanghai, China Idea Fashions of the Eighties: After Marx, What? Capitalist and Proud of It Dare We Separate Christian Morals and the Rule of Law? Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation The Evil Empire (speech to Natl. Assn. of Evangelicals) The American Presidency: Statesmanship and Constitutionalism in Balance If Orwell Were Alive Today ($) Moral Leadership in Post-Secular America The Ash Heap of History (Speech to the House of Commons) Has the Third World War Already Started? Broken Windows The police and neighborhood safety. Speech at Guardian Young Businessman of the Year Award (defence of the budget) Nobel Lecture ["a mandate from those who are silent forever"] Speech at Lord Mayor's Banquet The Lady's Not For Turning (party conference speech at Brighton) Poor as First Victims of the Welfare State News of Politics vs. the Politics of News Unlearning the Liberal History Lesson Ecology and the Economy: The Problems of Coexistence Dictatorships and Double Standards Homily in Victory Square Great Liberal Death Wish Down With Big Business Redemptor Hominis China's Spirit of Democracy: The Fifth Modernization International Cooperation Speech to Conservative Central Council The Power of the Powerless World Split Apart Coping with Ignorance Whatever Happened to Free Enterprise? Little Platoon We Belong to in Society Loss and Recovery of History Speech to Zurich Economic Society ("The New Renaissance") $165 Billion in Red Ink: The Eye of the Hurricane Ronald Reagan Jean-Francois Revel Dick Armey Peter Grace FLAME Pope John Paul II Ronald Reagan Russell Kirk 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1987 1987 1987 0531 0401 0201 0101 Ronald Reagan James J. Drummey Norman Podhoretz Edwin Meese Sidney Hook Jeane Kirkpatrick Charlie Reese Russell Kirk Vaclav Havel Gerhart Niemeyer Jeane Kirkpatrick Joseph Ratzinger Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Tom Wolfe Michael Novak Russell Kirk Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan Walter Berns 1987 1987 1986 1986 1986 1986 1985 1985 1985 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 0612 0511 1101 0901 0201 0101 0919 0801 0400 1001 0820 0806 0606 0430 0101 1001 0401 0400 0308 0101 Norman Podhoretz Richard John Neuhaus Ronald Reagan Midge Decter James Q. Wilson & George L. Kelling Margaret Thatcher 1983 1982 1982 1982 1982 0100 0701 0608 0401 0301 1981 0311 Czeslaw Milosz Margaret Thatcher Margaret Thatcher Walter E. Williams Lyn Nofziger M. Stanton Evans James L. Buckley Jeane Kirkpatrick Pope John Paul II Malcolm Muggeridge Robert L. Bartley Pope John Paul II Wei Jingsheng Edward Teller Margaret Thatcher Vaclav Havel Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Friedrich Hayek Ronald Reagan Russell Kirk Gerhart Niemeyer Margaret Thatcher Philip M. Crane 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1208 1110 1010 0701 0601 0301 0201 1100 0602 0501 0418 0304 1205 1201 1110 1000 0801 1978 1978 1977 1977 1977 1977 0701 0101 1101 1001 0314 0301 Bio Econ H.Mid 1230 1026 1001 Bio Bio Bio CW.A CW.Chr H.Amer Bio Econ Econ CW.Am CW.Sex Bio CW.Am H.Amer CW.Am Econ Bio Econ Media Sci.ecol Econ Econ Econ Econ Econ Rediscovery of Mystery The Uneasy Case for Progressive Taxation in 1976 Liberal Twilight Speech to Christian Democratic Union Conference The Blacklist and the Cold War Is America Decadent? Words of Warning to America Role of Nuclear Energy Speech launching "Free Enterprise Week" Government Can Be Hazardous to Your Health I cannot, alas, leave in such a cowardly fashion The United States in Opposition The Pretence of Knowledge Nobel Prize lecture Econe Declaration Inflation: Its Cause and Cure Did the Press Uncover Watergate? Justified Anger: Just Retribution Ethics and Politics in Communism City Upon a Hill Speech on the Yom Kippur War Some Men of Integrity The Americans [including audio] Decadence and Recovery in American Education Utopianism Ancient and Modern There Is No Urban Crisis What's Going On? The Freedom of the Press Proposed preface to Animal Farm, written 1943. Dangers of Price Controls The Woman Problem When virtue loses all her loveliness Capitalism and the free society. Radical Chic: That Party at Lenny's The Pledge of Allegiance (video) Humanae Vitae Israel's peculiar position "Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood." [the "Rivers of Blood" speech] Apostasy: The National Council Of Churches Letter to an anti-Zionist friend The Quickest War (unbiased coverage of Israel's six-day miracle) United Nations speech during the Six-Day War The Negro Family: the Case for National Action A Time for Choosing (aka "The Speech") Also here and here. Extremism in the Defense of Liberty Is No Vice I Have A Dream Letter from a Birmingham Jail My Negro Problem—and Ours Duty, Honor, Country ("the Corps, and the Corps, and the Corps") Inaugural Address Milton Friedman's critique Farewell Address (more than just the "military-industrial complex") Why I Am Not a Conservative [from The Constitution of Liberty] The Conscience Of A Conservative What Is Liberal Education? I, Pencil: My Family Tree Liberty and Property Competition and Democracy Only Five Thousand Communists? The Know-Nothing Bohemians Big Sister Is Watching You [Ayn Rand eviscerated] The Right to Work Commencement address at Eureka College Publisher's Statement (Standing athwart history, yelling Stop.) Russell Kirk Walter J. Blum M. Stanton Evans Margaret Thatcher Hilton Kramer Russell Kirk Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Edward Teller Margaret Thatcher M. Stanton Evans Sirik Matak Daniel P. Moynihan Friedrich Hayek Marcel Lefebvre Phil Gramm Edward Jay Epstein Walter Berns Gerhart Niemeyer Ronald Reagan Abba Eban Henry Regnery Gordon Sinclair Russell Kirk Irving Kristol M. Stanton Evans Philip M. Crane George Orwell Henry Hazlitt George F. Will Irving Kristol Tom Wolfe Red Skelton Pope Paul VI Eric Hoffer Enoch Powell 1977 1976 1976 1976 David E. Gumaer Martin Luther King Jr. Time magazine Abba Eban Daniel P. Moynihan Ronald Reagan Barry Goldwater Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. Norman Podhoretz Douglas MacArthur John F. Kennedy Dwight D. Eisenhower Friedrich Hayek Barry Goldwater Leo Strauss Leonard E. Read Ludwig von Mises Gary S. Becker William F. Buckley Norman Podhoretz Whittaker Chambers John E. Coogan Ronald Reagan William F. Buckley 1976 1975 0101 1119 0801 0525 1976 0101 0901 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1974 1973 1973 1973 1973 1973 1972 1972 1972 1972 1970 1970 1970 1969 1968 1968 1968 0701 0701 0601 0400 0300 1211 1121 1101 0700 0601 0401 0125 1000 0701 0605 0501 0401 1201 0801 0915 0701 1201 1001 0608 0114 0725 0526 0420 Sci.Atom Econ 1967 1967 1967 1967 1965 1964 1964 1963 1963 1963 1962 1961 1961 1960 1960 1959 1958 1958 1958 1958 1958 1957 1957 1957 1955 1200 0800 0616 0607 0300 1027 0716 0828 0416 0200 0512 0120 0117 CW.Chr Bio H.Mid H.Mid 0606 1200 1000 1000 0507 0400 1228 1205 0609 1119 Econ H.Amer Econ Bio Econ MWater Bio H.Mid Acad Media Econ CW.Am H.Mid CW.E Bio Bio Bio Bio CW.Am H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer Cons Bio Bio Econ Econ Econ CW.Am BkNote Econ The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment "Civil Liberties," 1952—A Study in Confusion: Do we defend our rights by protecting Communists? Humani Generis Middle-of-the-Road Policy Leads to Socialism NSC-68 (National Security Council report; declassified in 1977) Enemies From Within speech at Wheeling, West Virginia Ignorance is Strength (from 1984) Private Enterprise Regained The Intellectuals and Socialism Declaration of the Establishment of the State of Israel The Sources of Soviet Conduct Politics and the English Language Sinews of Peace (the Iron Curtain speech) The Use of Knowledge in Society Statement on the Bombing of Hiroshima To V-E Day Crowds Speech to the Sixth Armored Division The Inner Ring The Cult of Competency [The true source of The Fatal Sequence] The Weight of Glory A Date Which Will Live in Infamy Third Inaugural Address Their Finest Hour We Shall Fight on the Beaches Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat Summi Pontificatus Divini Redemptoris Mit Brennender Sorge The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action One From One Leaves Two Choruses from The Rock, VI Fifty Years Hence Quadragesimo Anno The Catholic Church And Conversion (incl. The World Inside Out) Speech on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence The Negro-Art Hokum Mass Effects in Modern Life Senate Speech Against the League of Nations The Gods of the Copybook Headings Law and Manners Citizenship in a Republic ["The man who is actually in the arena"] Inaugural Address Dane-geld The curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries (from The River War) The Awakening of the Negro America the Beautiful (song; music by Samuel A. Ward) The Forgotten Man Rerum Novarum Second Inaugural Address Gettysburg Address Proclamation of Thanksgiving The Last Best Hope of Earth [annual message to Congress] Homestead Act Speech at Lewistown, Illinois [Slavery and the Declaration of Independence] "Electric cord" speech at Chicago, Illinois [contra Stephen Douglas] A House Divided (speech to Illinois Republican Convention) Speech on the Dred Scott Decision What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? That Which Is Seen, and That Which Is Not Seen Critique of Socialism Keynote Address at Seneca Falls C. S. Lewis Irving Kristol 1953 1952 Pope Pius XII Ludwig von Mises Paul Nitze et al. Josephy McCarthy George Orwell Henry Hazlitt Friedrich Hayek 1950 1950 1950 1950 1949 1949 1949 1948 1947 1946 1946 1945 1945 1945 1944 1944 1943 1942 1941 1941 1940 1940 1940 1939 1937 1937 1936 1935 1934 1931 1931 1926 1926 1926 1925 1919 1919 1915 1910 1905 1900 1899 1896 1895 1895 1891 1865 1863 1863 1862 1862 1858 1858 1858 1857 1852 1850 1848 1848 David Ben-Gurion et al. George Kennan George Orwell Winston Churchill Friedrich Hayek Harry S Truman Winston Churchill George S. Patton Jr. C. S. Lewis Henning W. Prentis C. S. Lewis Franklin D. Roosevelt Franklin D. Roosevelt Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Winston Churchill Pope Pius XII Pope Pius XI Pope Pius XI Robert K. Merton Ogden Nash Thomas Stearns Eliot Winston Churchill Pope Pius XI G.K. Chesterton Calvin Coolidge George S. Schuyler Winston Churchill Henry Cabot Lodge Rudyard Kipling John Fletcher Moulton Theodore Roosevelt Theodore Roosevelt Rudyard Kipling Winston Churchill Booker T. Washington Katharine Lee Bates Wm. Graham Sumner Pope Leo XIII Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln U.S. Congress Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln Frederick Douglass Frédéric Bastiat Alexis de Tocqueville Elizabeth Cady L.theory 0301 0812 0418 0414 0209 0608 Econ H.Amer H.Amer 0514 0700 H.Mid Bio 0305 0900 0806 0508 0531 Bio Econ H.Amer Bio H.Amer CW.Chr 0200 0608 1208 0120 0618 0604 0513 1020 0319 0314 1200 0000 1200 0515 0916 0705 0616 0812 circa 0423 0304 circa 0900 0704 circa 0515 0304 1119 1003 1201 0520 0817 0710 0616 0626 0705 0700 0912 0719 CW.Chr H.Amer H.Amer Bio Bio Bio Econ. CW.Chr Bio CW.Chr H.Amer CW.Am Bio H.Amer Bio H.Amer Bio CW.E CW.Am Econ Bio Bio Bio Bio H.Amer Bio Bio Bio L.theory H.Amer Econ H.Amer The Candlemakers' Petition Address before the Young Men's Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois Farewell Address [L.Theory, Econ, H.Amer] Veto Message regarding the Bank of the United States Not Yours to Give [speech in U.S. House of Representatives] A Proposition to Abolish Divorce First Inaugural Address Christendom or Europe? Farewell Address Thoughts and Details on Scarcity [to William Pitt] Property First Inaugural Address Federalist Paper no. 84 answering various objections to the Constitution Federalist Paper no. 82 Judiciary continued Federalist Paper no. 81 distribution of Judicial authority Federalist Paper no. 80 the powers of the Judiciary Federalist Paper no. 78 the Judiciary Department Federalist Paper no. 69 the real character of the Executive Federalist Paper no. 67 Executive Department Federalist Paper no. 64 Powers of the Senate Federalist Paper no. 63 Senate continued Federalist Paper no. 62 Senate Federalist Paper no. 53 House of Representatives continued Federalist Paper no. 52 House of Representatives Federalist Paper no. 51 checks and balances between Departments Federalist Paper no. 46 state and federal governments compared Federalist Paper no. 41 genl. view of powers conferred by Constitution Federalist Paper no. 24 more on powers for common defense Federalist Paper no. 23 energetic govt. for the preservation of the Union Federalist Paper no. 10 the Union: safeguard against faction & insurrection Constitution of the United States of America Northwest Ordinance Essay on Money Speech on Mr. Fox's East India Bill Farewell Address to the Army Speech at the Guildhall in Bristol [on the Penal Laws] American Independence Declaration of Independence Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms Remarks on Annual Elections for the Fairfax Independent Company Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies Speech on American Taxation A Summary View of the Rights of British America Connecticut Resolutions on the Stamp Act (a.k.a. New London Resolution) The Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour in company and conversation Private and Communal Farming Areopagitica The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut Mayflower Compact The Declaration of Arbroath Magna Carta The Constitutions of Clarendon For Titus Annius Milo (Pro Milone) Pro Archia (Aulus Licinius Archias) On the Punishment of the Catiline Conspirators Fourth Oration Against Catiline Stanton Frédéric Bastiat Abraham Lincoln Andrew Jackson Andrew Jackson Davy Crockett Louis de Bonald Thomas Jefferson Novalis George Washington Edmund Burke James Madison George Washington Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton John Jay James Madison James Madison James Madison James Madison James Madison James Madison James Madison Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton James Madison James Madison, Roger Sherman et al. U.S. Congress John Witherspoon Edmund Burke George Washington Edmund Burke Samuel Adams Thomas Jefferson et al. Thomas Jefferson & John Dickinson George Mason Edmund Burke Edmund Burke Thomas Jefferson Richard Law et al. George Washington William Bradford John Milton Thomas Hooker, John Haynes, Roger Ludlow William Bradford, John Carver et al. Scottish lords King John & Barons Eng. clergy and nobles Marcus Tullius Cicero Marcus Tullius Cicero Cato the Younger Marcus Tullius Cicero 1845 1838 1837 1832 1830 1815 1801 1799 1796 1795 1792 1789 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1788 1787 1787 1787 1787 Econ 0127 0304 0710 circa 1226 0304 0917 1100 0329 0430 0800 0800 0800 0800 0800 0314 0311 0307 0304 0304 0212 0208 0208 0129 0120 1219 1217 1123 0917 Bio L.theory Econ CW.Sex H.Amer CW.E H.Amer Econ L.theory H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer 1787 1786 1783 1783 0713 1201 1102 Econ Bio H.Amer 1780 1776 1776 1775 0906 0801 0704 0706 Bio H.Amer H.Amer H.Amer 1775 1775 1774 1774 1765 1748 1650 1644 1639 0420 0322 0419 1123 0114 Bio Bio H.Amer L.theory H.Amer H.Amer L.theory H.Amer 1620 1111 H.Amer. 1320 1215 1164 -52 -62 -63 -63 0406 0615 H.Brit H.Brit H.Brit H.World H.World H.World H.World 1210 Dec 5 Third Oration Against Catiline Second Oration Against Catiline First Oration Against Catiline Marcus Tullius Cicero Marcus Tullius Cicero Marcus Tullius Cicero -63 -63 -63 Third Oration Against Philip Second Oration Against Philip Third Oration to the Olynthians Second Oration to the Olynthians First Oration to the Olynthians First Oration Against Philip Funeral Oration [after the first year of the Peloponnesian war] Demosthenes Demosthenes Demosthenes Demosthenes Demosthenes Demosthenes Pericles -341 -344 -349 -349 -349 -351 -430 Most entries: 237 229 113 112 91 80 68 64 61 59 59 57 57 56 53 53 51 49 48 48 47 45 45 45 43 43 43 40 40 39 38 38 37 34 34 32 31 30 28 28 27 27 26 Victor Davis Hanson (55 bold) Mark Steyn (46 bold) Andrew C. McCarthy (30 bold + 2 red) Thomas Sowell (13 bold) Kevin D. Williamson (27 bold) George F. Will (16 bold) Selwyn Duke (24 bold) Jonah Goldberg Peter Ferrara Daren Jonescu (23 bold+8 red) Roger Kimball (19 bold) Charles Krauthammer Wall Street Journal editorials Ralph Peters Dennis Prager (14 bold) Michelle Malkin Ann Coulter David Solway (21 bold) John Stossel Robert Tracinski (15 bold+3 red) David Horowitz (16 bold) Christopher Chantrill Christopher Hitchens Raymond Ibrahim (16 bold + 2 red) James Lewis Jeff Jacoby Rush Limbaugh Baron Bodissey (Ned May) Deroy Murdock Caroline Glick Charles C. W. Cooke (12 bold) Jeffrey Lord Heather Mac Donald (10 bold + 2 red) Brent Bozell III Investor's Business Daily eds. David Harsanyi John Hayward/Doctor Zero Hugh Hewitt Fay Voshell (11 bold + 1 red) Tom Blumer Eileen F. Toplansky (7 bold) Robert Samuelson David French (9 bold) Nov 8 mid late Oct mid mid H.World H.World H.World H.World H.World H.World H.World H.World H.World H.World 26 26 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 22 22 22 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 15 Peter Wehner Walter Russell Mead Matthew Continetti David Warren Mona Charen National Review editorials Randall Hoven (10 bold) Robert Spencer Walter Hudson (9 bold) Amir Taheri Stephen Moore Ed Driscoll Norman Podhoretz (1958 to present) Zombie John O'Sullivan (5 bold) Pamela Geller Ross Kaminsky Theodore Dalrymple (a.k.a. Anthony Daniels) Carol Brown (9 bold) Debra Saunders Lawrence Kudlow Rich Lowry S. Fred Singer Steven Malanga Takuan Seiyo (12 bold) Arthur Herman Clarice Feldman David P. Goldman, "Spengler" J.R. Dunn (12 bold) Janet Daley John Hinderaker Stanley Kurtz Daniel Henninger Fjordman (Peder Jensen) John Leo Paul D. Ryan Steve Chapman Ben Shapiro (7 bold + 1 red) Bruce Walker (5 bold) Claudia Rosett George W. Bush Iowahawk (David Burge) J. Christian Adams Michael Barone Michael Medved Paul Kengor Tony Blankley Ayaan Hirsi Ali Fouad Ajami Jon N. Hall Karin McQuillan (6 bold) Michael A. Walsh (a.k.a. David Kahane) Michael Bargo Jr. (7 bold) Ron Radosh Walter E. Williams Andrew Klavan Arthur B. Laffer George Weigel Jeffrey H. Anderson 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 Jeffrey Folks (2 red + 2 bold) Michael Tanner Peggy Noonan Steve Forbes Thomas Lifson Yuval Levin Bill Frezza Gerard Baker Jed Babbin Margaret Thatcher Melanie Phillips Paul Weston Tom Trinko (4 bold) Trevor Thomas Bruce Deitrick Price (5 bold, 1 red) Colin Flaherty Geert Wilders John Tamny Kyle Smith Lloyd Marcus Peter Berkowitz Robert Zubrin (5 bold) Roger Scruton Ronald Reagan Shelby Steele Stephen F. Hayes Bruce Thornton Bryan Preston Deana Chadwell (5 bold) Holman Jenkins James Taranto John Podhoretz Michael Ledeen Oleg Atbashian Quin Hillyer Robert P. George Sarah Palin Steve McCann (5 bold) Steven F. Hayward Stuart Taylor Jr. Amity Shlaes Bill Bennett Bret Stephens Clifford D. May David Brooks Dinesh D'Souza James Pethokoukis James Piereson Joel Kotkin John Bolton John Nolte Marc Morano (5 bold) Michael Goodwin Noemie Emery Nonie Darwish Robert Oscar Lopez Tyler O'Neil Washington Examiner eds. William Voegeli (6 bold) Anthony Watts Arthur C. Brooks 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Charlie Daniels Christina Hoff Sommers Conrad Black Ed Koch George Neumayr Jack Kelly James Madison John T. Bennett Kathy Shaidle Kay S. Hymowitz Mickey Kaus Myron Magnet (4 bold) Niall Ferguson Ramesh Ponnuru Robert Weissberg (5 bold) Sally C. Pipes Tom Coburn William Kristol Abraham Lincoln Alexander Hamilton Andrew Breitbart Andrew G. Bostom (4 bold) Benjamin Netanyahu (5 bold) Charles Moore Ed Morrissey Harvey Mansfield James Lileks John McCain Mitt Romney Mollie Hemingway Rick Moran William Tucker Andrew Ferguson (3 bold) Bill Whittle, "Proteus" (4 bold) Caroline Baum Charles Murray Christopher Monckton (2 bold + 1 red) Christopher Booker Deane Waldman Deborah C. Tyler Diana West Dorothy Rabinowitz Fred Barnes Guy Benson Heather Wilhelm Hilton Kramer James Delingpole Jeff Lipkes John Fonte John Fund Joseph Lieberman Joshua Muravchik Marc Thiessen Mario Loyola (4 bold + 1 red) Mark Landsbaum Paula Bolyard Ralph Reiland Richard A. Epstein Sean Davis Sierra Rayne William Sullivan 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Winston Churchill Clifford Asness Daniel Greenfield Dennis Byrne Ed Lasky Glenn Reynolds Ion Mihai Pacepa J. Kenneth Blackwell James Bowman James Simpson Jeannie DeAngelis Jim Geraghty Joel B. Pollak John Yoo Jonathan Keiler Josh Gelernter Larry P. Arnn Mark Davis Matt Welch Megan McArdle Michael Knox Beran Newt Gingrich Peter J. Wallison Phyllis Chesler Rand Simberg Richard Fernandez Richard Lindzen Robert Kagan Robert Rector Russell Kirk Ace of Spades (1 bold + 1 red) Alan Dershowitz Anne Bayefsky Austin Bay Ben Domenech Byron York Charles Kesler David B. Rivkin Jr. David Kopel Debra Burlingame Debra Heine Demosthenes Doug Mainwaring (4 bold) Dymphna Gates Ed Kaitz El Inglés Guy Sorman J. Robert Smith Jack Cashill (3 bold) Jacob Sullum James W. Ceaser Janice Shaw Crouse Jennifer Rubin Jim Manzi John Kass John Lott John Steele Gordon L.E. Ikenga (L is for Lovina) Larry Elder Lester Jackson M. Zuhdi Jasser Marcus Tullius Cicero 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Mark W. Hendrickson Michael Filozof Michael Gerson Michael Graham Michael Novak Michael Yon Mike Konrad (2 bold + 1 red) Mitch Daniels Neal Boortz Nicolai Sennels Nile Gardiner Orson Scott Card Patrick McIlheran Patrick Poole Pete Du Pont Phil Gramm (3 bold) Richard B. Cheney Robert Bork Roger L. Simon Shikha Dalmia Tony Blair W.A. Beatty Ward Connerly Arnold Kling Barry Rubin Bartle Bull Barton Hinkle Bernard Lewis Betsy McCaughey Boris Johnson Brian Wesbury Bruce Bawer C. Edmund Wright Cal Thomas Carl M. Cannon (3 bold) Cathy Young Charlie Martin Chicago Tribune editorials Clarence Thomas Daniel John Sobieski Dean Barnett Edmund Burke Edwin Feulner Frank Gaffney Frederick W. Kagan Friedrich Hayek Gordon Crovitz Gregory Kane James C. Capretta Jeane Kirkpatrick Jeff Sessions Jeffrey T. Brown Joseph Curl Joy Pullmann (4 bold) Jules Crittenden Karl Rove Kenan Malik Kenneth Minogue Kevin Hassett Kimberley Strassel Larrey Anderson Lawrence Auster 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Lawrence Solomon Louis R. Woodhill M. Stanton Evans Mackubin T. Owens Martin Peretz Matthew Vadum Max Boot MC Michael Totten Milton R. Wolf Nat Hentoff Nick Gillespie Nicole Gelinas Norman Rogers Patricia L. Dickson Peter Mulhern Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) Reuel Marc Gerecht Richard Baehr Richard John Neuhaus Robert Stacy McCain Ryan T. Anderson Star Parker Tammy Bruce Tim Cavanaugh Tom Harris Tunku Varadarajan Veronique de Rugy Washington Times editorials Alaa Andrew Bolt Angelo M. Codevilla (3 bold) Ben Stein Brendan O'Neill Brian C. Anderson Charlton Heston Christopher Caldwell Daniel Hannan Daniel J. Flynn Daniel McLaughlin Daniel Pipes David Deming (2 bold) David Gelernter David Petraeus David Swindle David Steinberg Dick Armey Dick Morris Enza Ferreri FLAME (Gerardo Joffe et al.) Francis Menton Gabriel Schoenfeld Gene Schwimmer Henrik R. Clausen Henry Kissinger Herbert W. Titus Howard Nemerov Ian Tuttle Ibn Warraq James Arlandson Janet Albrechtsen 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 James Inhofe Jay Cost J.C. Watts John Hawkins John McWhorter Jonathan Gurwitz Jonathon Moseley Kathleen Parker Keith Riler Keith Windschuttle (3 bold) Kirsten Powers Lauri B. Regan Lee A. Casey Luigi Zingales Marc Sheppard Margaret Wente Mark Hyman Mary Nicholas Michael Boskin Michael Crichton Midge Decter Mike Rosen P.J. O'Rourke Patrick Caddell Patrick J. Michaels Paul Hsieh Paul Johnson Paul Shanklin Peter Wilson Phyllis Schlafly Raymond Richman Rich Noyes Richard Butrick Robert Robb Ron Ross Ronald A. Cass Ronald Bailey Ruben Navarrette Salim Mansur Samuel Gregg Scott Johnson Scott Ott Seth Leibsohn Stella Morabito (2 bold + 1 red) Stephen Spruiell Steve Huntley Steven Greenhut Ted Cruz Thomas Jefferson Thomas Joscelyn Tim Ball Timothy P. Carney Tom Bethell Tom Wolfe Vaclav Havel Vaclav Klaus Walid Phares Wilfred M. McClay Abraham H. Miller Alex Epstein Alvaro Vargas Llosa Andrew G. Biggs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Andrew Thomas Anthony J. Ciani Antonin Scalia Ari Halperin Bernie Reeves Bing West Bjorn Lomborg Bookworm Bradley A. Smith Brandon Crocker Bridget Johnson C. S. Lewis Catherine Seipp Catherine Sellers Charles Chaput Charles G. Koch Charles Hurt Charles Johnson Charles Kadlec Charlie Reese Conn Carroll Daniel J. Mitchell Daniel Johnson Daniel P. Moynihan (3 bold) David Catron David Frum David Pryce-Jones David Rose Derek Hunter Donald Kagan Douglas Feith Edward H. Stewart Jr. Edward J. Erler Edward Luttwak Edwin Meese Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff Elliott Abrams Eugene Volokh (1 bold, 1 red) Ezra Levant F.W. Burleigh Fred Thompson Frédéric Bastiat Gary Horne Garry Kasparov George Jonas George Melloan George Orwell George Washington Gerhart Niemeyer Hans von Spakovsky Howard Richman Humberto Fontova Irshad Manji Irving Kristol James Kirchick Janice Fiamengo Jason L. Riley Jason Whitlock Jay Ambrose Jeffrey T. Kuhner Jeremy Egerer Jim DeMint 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Jim Gammon Jim Yardley John Berlau John Boehner John D. Davidson (3 bold) John Dale Dunn John Derbyshire John H. Cochrane John Ziegler Jonathan V. Last Judd Gregg Judith Curry Katherine Kersten Keith B. Hennessey Keith Thompson Ken Klukowski Kevin O'Brien Kimberly Kagan Laura Bush Laura Ingraham Lee Harris Leon de Winter Linda Chavez M. Catharine Evans Marco Rubio Mario Vargas Llosa Mark Helprin Mark Hemingway Mark R. Levin Mark Tooley Martin Luther King Jr Mary Grabar Mary Katharine Ham Matt Purple Max Hastings Michael F. Cannon Michael Mukasey Michael S. Malone Mike McNally Mike Pence Mohammed Fadhil Mortimer Zuckerman Myra Adams Naomi Schaefer Riley Natan Sharansky New York Post editorials New York Sun editorials Nina Shea Nolan Finley Oliver Kamm Oriana Fallaci Paul A. Rahe Paul Austin Murphy Paul Sperry Pete Hegseth Peter Hitchens Peter Wood Pope Pius XI (Achille Ratti) R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. Richard A. Huenefeld Richard F. Miniter Rob Miller 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Robert A. Hall Robert Barron Robert Bryce Robert Carter Robert D. Kaplan Robert Morrison Roy Spencer Ross Douthat Rudy Giuliani Sally Zelikovsky Scott W. Atlas Sharyl Attkisson Shawn Tully Sherman Frederick Steven Milloy Steven Vincent Ted Nugent Timothy Birdnow Timothy Kane Toby Harnden Tom Bevan Victor Volsky Viktor Orban Wafa Sultan Warren Meyer William F. Buckley Willian J. Olson William Safire Zell Miller Zenster Yearly leaders: 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Horowitz 5, Steyn 4, C.Daniels 3 Steyn 9, Horowitz 8, G.W. Bush 4, N.Podhoretz 3 C.Daniels 5, Horowitz 4, D'Souza 3 Hanson 17, Steyn 10, Horowitz 6 Steyn 28, Hanson 22, Coulter 12, Hitchens 8 Steyn 21, Hanson 19, Hitchens 15, Sowell 12, Peters 10, Taheri 7, Coulter 7, Horowitz 7, Hewitt 7 Steyn 18, Hanson 11, Hitchens 11, Stossel 10, Malkin 8, Peters 7, Will 7 Hanson 28, Sowell 12, Steyn 10, WSJ 10, Samuelson 9, Peters 9, Will 8 Steyn 23, Hanson 17, Sowell 15, Peters 15, Wall St. Journal 13, Goldberg 12, Krauthammer 12, Will 9, McCarthy 9 Steyn 18, Hanson 14, Hayward 11, Sowell 9, Krauthammer 9, Ferrara 8, Limbaugh 8 Steyn 25, Chantrill 15, Hanson 14, Bodissey 14, Will 14, Ferrara 14 Steyn 22, Ferrara 18, Jonescu 17, Lord 15, Sowell 14, McCarthy 14, Hanson 13 Jonescu 24, Hanson 16, Duke 15, Steyn 10 Williamson 39, Hanson 22, Murdock 13, Cooke 13, Duke 12, Steyn 11 Williamson 25, McCarthy 20, Hanson 18, French 17, Will 13, Ibrahim 12, C.Brown 12, Duke 12, Steyn 10, Solway 10, Cooke 10 Abbreviations: Acad Bio BkNote Cons Crit CW.Af CW.Am CW.Au CW.Can academic freedom biography notes about a book; not necessarily a review conservatism criticism, arts culture wars, Africa culture wars, America culture wars, Australia culture wars, Canada CW.Chr CW.E CW.I CW.Sex d._____ Econ H.Amer H.Brit H.Mid H.World Health I.I.AQ I.Sad I.SV Katrina L.Patriot L.pris M.Rath M.Water Nine 11 Op.pix Sci.ecol Sci.var Sci.Atom S.Wars Terri VFT V.polls Voting War.16 War.cas War.Had WMD culture wars, Christianity culture wars, Europe culture wars, Islam culture wars, Sex disgraceful facts about a person or organization economics history, American history, British history, Mideastern history, World health care cost issues Iraq, Iran, and al Qaeda Iraq: Saddam Hussein Iraq: Steven Vincent Hurricane Katrina (2005) legal: Patriot Act legal: prisoners of war media: Rathergate media: Watergate September 11, 2001 opinion with pictures science: ecology science: various science: atomic "Star Wars" missile defense Terri Schiavo Vote For Trump voting: polls voting: election results war battles (.year) war casualties war: the Haditha incident weapons of mass destruction (incl. Joseph Wilson et al.) Copyright 2016 Monmouth Productions. All rights reserved.