Acqualina Condo Miami
Acqualina Condo Miami
The Rosewood Tradition of Excellence It defines every aspect of Rosewood Hotels & Resorts. The moment guests set foot in one of our distinctive properties, they enter a private world of rare and refined beauty. And at the heart of each is our unfaltering dedication to uncompromising quality and exemplary personal service. It is the legendary hallmark that has distinguished our hotels and resorts around the world. An enduring tradition that has thrived for decades. 1.800.207.8648 An Oceanfront Masterpiece A place of almost indescribable beauty Soaring over the Atlantic on South Florida’s fabled coastline, Acqualina, A Rosewood Resort is an oceanfront masterpiece graced with panoramic vistas of the sea and Miami’s glittering skyline. The beachfront haven rises from the shore on four and a half acres of stunning white sand. Calmed by the tranquil 1.800.207.8648 embrace of this rarefied retreat the moment of arrival, guests remain close enough to enjoy the leisure activities and nightlife of Miami, South Beach and Fort Lauderdale. ATranquil Escape BdrvbmjobÖt!hsboe!62.tupsz!Nfejufssbofbo.jotqjsfe!upxfs!jt!ipnf!up!b!! :8.sppn!vmusb.mvyvsz!cpvujrvf!sftpsu!boe!299!mbwjti!sftjefodft/!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Tubufmz!jspo!hbuft-!tdvmqufe!bsdixbzt-!Cbsprvf!gpvoubjot!boe!b!hsboe! qpsuf.dpdifasf!qspwjef!b!qbmbujbm!xfmdpnf/!Podf!jo!uif!Hbmmfsz-!Pme!Xpsme! bsdijufduvsbm!gfbuvsft!xijtqfs!pg!Wfojdf<!sjdi!ivft-!ifbwz!xpwfo!gbcsjdt-! bodjfou!npujgt!boe!b!tpbsjoh!epnfe!dfjmjoh!tqfbl!pg!Fvspqfbo!pqvmfodf/ 1.800.207.8648 Hsbdfe!xjui!fwpdbujwf! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!pqvmfodf!uibu !!!usbotdfoet!uif!bhft! Spanning Past & Present !!!!!!B!tfbtjef!ibwfo-! tvcmjnf!jo!jut! !!!!!!!!!!!npefsojuz-!fnfshft/! Bt!hvftut!qbtt!pwfs!csjehft!fehfe!cz!xbmmt!pg!dbtdbejoh!xbufs!po!xbz!up!! uifjs!sppnt-!uifz!xjuoftt!b!usbotgpsnbujpo!gspn!Pme!Xpsme!up!npefso/!!!!! ! Cfbdi!fmfhbodfÒb!tppuijoh!obuvsbm!qbmfuuf!dpnqmfnfoufe!xjui!! fmfnfout!pg!Bsu!Efdp!fsb!boe!Pme!Ipmmzxppe!jotqjsbujpoÒqfswbeft/ ! !!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!Pof!foufst!b!xpsme!bu!podf!dbmn!boe!joujnbuf/ Modern Elegance Uif!sftpsuÖt!sjdimz!bqqpjoufe!sppnt!boe!tvjuft!bsf! eftjhofe!jo!b!gsfti!dpoufnqpsbsz!Fvspqfbo!tuzmf! dpnqmfuf!xjui!mvyvsjpvt!gbcsjdt-!ßof!gvsojtijoht! boe!uipvhiugvm!bnfojujft!tvdi!bt!qsjwbuf!ufssbdft-! !!!!!!!!!!!!àbu.tdsffo!UWt!boe!tvnquvpvt!cbuisppnt/!! Nbhojßdfou!wjfxt!hsbdf!fbdi!boe!fwfsz!sppn/ Tvsspvoefe!cz! !!!!!!!!!fyusbpsejobsz!dpngpsut Pof!jt!fotdpodfe!jo!b!ibwfo!! !!!!!!!!!!pg!sfmbybujpo!boe!qsjwbdz/ Peerless Fine Dining Acqualina’s signature restaurant, Aaria, presents contemporary tropical cuisine for breakfast and lunch in an elegant indoor setting or on the restaurant’s sun-kissed veranda overlooking the ocean. By night, a sensuous Mediterranean ambiance suffuses throughout the restaurant, as guests mingle at the bar and savor an intriguing dinner menu. An idyllic match for the Italian-inspired resort, the acclaimed restaurant Il Mulino New York is renowned for its bustling and energetic atmosphere, market-fresh daily specials, extensive selection of fine Italian wines and impeccably polished wait staff. An alluring taste of the tropics and elegant Italian cuisine Seaside Delights Cool ocean breezes and crashing waves are the backdrop for casual gourmet lunches and cocktails at sunset at Costa Grill. Sharing the oceanfront setting, the resort’s private beach club and swimming pools are just steps from a 400-foot stretch of stunning white sand beach. A tranquility pool, exclusively for adults, beckons with poolside service and private cabanas. One succumbs to an intoxicating air of casual indulgence.
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