Scarborough buy LocaL
Scarborough buy LocaL
Scarborough Buy Local Trails & Walking Paths inside 2016-2017 Directory 1 Online: Switch to Better Banking and work with Town & Country’s team at our location in Scarborough. Scarborough’s Beautiful Black Point Beach 257 Route 1, Scarborough Find us on Facebook, TownandCountryFCU 207-883-7751 Table of Contents 30 Days Later................................................................10 5 Star Fuel.....................................................................10 A+ Party Rental............................................................10 Admiral Fire & Safety..................................................10 Alberta Follansbee Graphic Design..............................10 Alpha Management Corp.............................................10 Al's of Scarborough.......................................................11 America's Mattress........................................................11 Annalee Ziman Rosenblatt...........................................11 Another Dog Day.........................................................11 Arlberg Ski & Surf........................................................11 B.Z. Builders..................................................................11 Babine Enterprises........................................................12 Bangor Savings Bank....................................................12 Bartlett Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine...................12 Bayley Hill Deer & Trout Farm Inc.............................12 Bayley's Lobster Pound.................................................12 BCR Communications..................................................12 Beals Ice Cream............................................................13 Biddeford Savings.........................................................13 Big 20 Bowling..............................................................13 Black Point Auto & Towing........................................13 Black Point Collision....................................................13 Blackpoint Surf Shop....................................................13 Blast from the Past Too................................................13 Blue Point Financial.....................................................13 Boardman Builders Inc.................................................13 Boyle Associates............................................................14 Business Suites..............................................................14 Camp Ketcha................................................................14 Caribbean Villas & Resorts Mgmt Co..........................14 Cartridge World............................................................14 Casco Bay Eye Care, PA, LLC......................................14 Castle Kitchens.............................................................14 Caterina MacLean Group.............................................14 Chad Little Outdoor Equipment..................................14 Chalmers Insurance Group...........................................15 Chia Sen Chinese Restaurant......................................15 Chilton Furniture..........................................................15 Chowderhead's..............................................................15 Clover Pond Financial..................................................15 Comfort Keepers of Southern Maine...........................15 Coos Canyon................................................................17 CPort Credit.................................................................17 CPRC Group, LLC.......................................................17 Crossroads.....................................................................17 Curtain Call..................................................................17 Custom Cleaning Co....................................................18 Daniel Ravin, DMD PC...............................................18 Dunstan Dental Center, LLC.......................................18 3 E.A.T. Lobster...............................................................18 Eastern Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning.......................18 Eau Clair Hair Care......................................................19 El Rayo Taqueria...........................................................19 Fashion Floors, Inc........................................................19 Fiddlehead Center for the Arts.....................................19 Fielding's Oil & Propane Co., Inc................................19 Flaherty's Family Farm..................................................21 Focal Point Manual Therapies......................................21 Focused on You.............................................................21 Foy Insurance................................................................21 Frederick Brothers Oil & Propane................................21 Friends of Scarborough Marsh......................................22 Gary Quirion Plumbing and Heating LLC...................22 Glaude and Sons Sealcoating.......................................22 Gorham Savings Bank..................................................22 GrassPro Landscaping...................................................23 Great East Butcher Company.......................................23 Higgins Beach Inn........................................................23 - Realty Services..................23 Highland Avenue Greenhouse & Farm Market..........24 House of Lights.............................................................24 Innova Financial Tax Advisors....................................24 Innova Financial Wealth & Insurance Advis..............24 Inspect It 1st.................................................................24 James M. Connolly , Real Estate Broker......................24 Jones & Warren, P.A....................................................27 Ken Fengler Landscaping..............................................27 Kennedy Investigation Group......................................27 Ken's Place....................................................................27 Khiev's Oriental Market...............................................27 Kiwanis Club of Scarborough.......................................29 Len Libby's Candies......................................................29 Lil' Folk Farm................................................................29 Lilley's Limousine.........................................................29 Lisa P Howard, DDS, LLC............................................29 Lois' Natural Marketplace............................................29 Mac's Deli and Catering...............................................29 Maine Audubon............................................................29 Maine Indoor Karting...................................................30 Maine Radio..................................................................30 Maine Turf & Greenery................................................30 Maine Veterinary Referral Center................................30 Maine Warmers............................................................30 Mainely Tubs................................................................30 Mainely Wraps..............................................................30 Making Waves Salon & Tanning.................................30 Mark Diamond DDS.....................................................30 Online: Table of Contents (cont) MBI Trailers, Inc..........................................................31 Measuring Up! Cooking for Kids..................................31 MedCOR Professionals.................................................31 Metabolic Leader, LLC, PA..........................................31 Mister Bagel..................................................................31 Money Concepts...........................................................32 Moody's Collision Centers...........................................32 Morrison Center...........................................................32 Mosquito Squad............................................................32 Motorvation Inc............................................................32 Muller Heating & Plumbing.........................................32 National Telephone & Technology, Inc......................32 Nationwide Payment Solutions....................................33 Nellie's Tea & Gifts......................................................33 New England Landscapes.............................................33 New Image Upholstery.................................................34 NH Bragg & Son..........................................................34 Nirvana Skin Wellness Center.....................................34 Nonesuch River Golf Club...........................................34 Oak Hill & Dunstan Hardware....................................34 Oak Hill Beverage.........................................................34 Oak Hill Citgo Gas and Convenience Store...............35 Oak Hill Dry Cleaners..................................................35 One2One Body Scapes.................................................35 On The Vine Marketplace LLC...................................35 Optimal Performance Physical Therapy.......................35 Orthodontic Associates................................................36 Orthopaedic Physical Associates..................................36 Our School....................................................................36 Pat's Pizza of Scarborough.............................................36 Paws Applause..............................................................36 Pet Quarters..................................................................36 Pierce Furniture............................................................36 Pine Point Living..........................................................36 Pine Tree Seafood & Produce Company, LLC............36 Pleasant Hill Gardens...................................................36 Portland Pie Company..................................................36 Portland Volvo-Portland Saab.....................................38 Pride Motel and Cottages.............................................38 Prime Motor Cars.........................................................38 Prime Rib Graphics.......................................................38 Project G.R.A.C.E........................................................38 Rachel Hendrickson.....................................................38 Realistic Fitness............................................................38 Red Brook Honey LLC.................................................38 Ron Forest & Sons Fence Company............................38 Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution..........................38 Sanford Excavation & Septic.......................................40 Scarboro Muffler Center Inc.........................................40 Scarborough Animal Hospital......................................40 Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce.......40 Scarborough Democratic Town Committee................40 Scarborough Downs......................................................40 Scarborough Family Chiropractic.................................41 Scarborough Grounds...................................................41 Scarborough Land Trust (SLT)....................................41 Scarborough Leader......................................................41 Scarborough Lions Club...............................................41 Scarborough Neuro Development................................41 Scarborough Public Library..........................................41 Scarborough Rotary......................................................41 Scoville Foley Team.....................................................41 Seacoast Vision Care....................................................41 Sebago Brewing Company............................................42 SEDCO.........................................................................42 Shiny things..................................................................42 Snyder & Bilodeau, CPA.............................................42 Southern Maine Foot and Ankle, PA..........................42 Southern Maine Agency on Aging..............................42 Sparkle Clean Car Wash..............................................42 Spillers Repro Graphics................................................43 St. Joe's Coffee..............................................................43 State Manufactured Homes Inc....................................43 Supreme Hearing..........................................................43 Team Ron - Ron Beaulieu, Real Estate Broker............43 The Abbey Catholic Book Shop..................................44 The Breakers Inn..........................................................44 The Creative Child and Adult Arts Program..............44 The Current..................................................................44 The Dairy Corner.........................................................44 The Little Dolphin School...........................................45 The Rob Edgerley Real Estate Team............................45 The Sage.......................................................................45 The Study Hall.............................................................45 Tim Byrne Photography...............................................45 TK Equipment, LLC.....................................................45 Town & Country Federal Credit Union......................45 Up-Country Building Inspectors, Inc...........................45 US Cellular...................................................................46 Villari's Self-Defense Center........................................46 Welch Signage..............................................................46 Wellspring Functional Medicine..................................46 Whole Home Resource.................................................46 Willowdale Golf Club...................................................46 Worthing & Going, P.A., CPAs..................................46 Your Kitchen Imagined.................................................46 Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 4 Scarborough Buy Local 2016-2017 Directory Welcome to the 2016-2017 Scarborough Buy Local Directory of Members! Our membership includes a diverse set of Scarborough-based companies and non-profits dedicated to the “buy local” concept. Locally-owned businesses are entrepreneurial and connected to the community. They tend to source their products locally, keeping more dollars in the State of Maine. They recirculate a greater share of every dollar in the local economy by creating locally owned supply chains and investing in their employees. To be included in the Scarborough Buy Local Directory, a business or non-profit must: 1) Be located in Scarborough 2) Be locally owned and independent. 3) Owners are Maine residents and live within 50 miles of Scarborough at least half of the year. 4) Businesses must be registered in Maine with no corporate headquarters outside of the state. 5) Each of our businesses and non-profits have full decision-making authority and have no more than 12 outlets. Our directories are provided free of charge to Scarborough consumers. Our directory can make it easy to “Think Local” when shopping for goods and services. Thanks for considering locally owned business, Leroy Crockett, Buy Local President, 2016-17 5 Online: Scarborough buy local Board members Leroy Crockett.............Foy Insurance.........................President Troy Hendrickson........Gorham Savings Bank...........Vice President Lesley Rawlings............Crossroads..............................Secretary Donna Snyder..............Snyder & Bilodeau................Treasurer Russ Burleigh...............Prime Rib Graphics...............Board Member Karen Martin...............SEDCO..................................Board Member Peggy Miller.................Nationwide Payment.............Board Member Solutions Dick Boardman............Retired...................................Ex-Officio ....................................................................................Board Member Scarborough Town Hall Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 6 List of scarborough Buy Local members by business category (Some businesses may be in more than one category) Agricultural / Farms • Bayley Hill Deer & Trout Farm Inc. • Flaherty’s Family Farm • Highland Avenue Greenhouse & Farm Market • Pleasant Hill Gardens • Red Brook Honey LLC Arts • Coos Canyon • Fiddlehead Center for the Arts • Focused on You • Shiny things • The Sage • Tim Byrne Photography • The Creative Child and Adult Arts Program Automotive/Services • Black Point Auto & Towing • Black Point Collision • Chad Little Outdoor Equipment • Moody’s Collision Centers • Motorvation Inc. • Portland Volvo-Portland Saab • Prime Motor Cars • Scarboro Muffler Center Inc. • Sparkle Clean Car Wash Building Services • Boardman Builders Inc. • Castle Kitchens • Fashion Floors, Inc • Gary Quirion Plumbing & Heating LLC • Glaude and Sons Sealcoating • Inspect It 1st • Sanford Excavation & Septic • State Manufactured Homes Inc • Up-Country Building Inspectors, Inc. • Whole Home Resource • Your Kitchen Imagined 7 Children & Teens • Lil’ Folk Farm • Measuring Up! Cooking for Kids • Our School • The Little Dolphin School Computer/PHONE Sales & Service • National Telephone & Technology, Inc. • 30 Days Later Cultural/ Entertainment Family Entertainment • Big 20 Bowling • Maine Indoor Karting • Scarborough Downs Financial Institutions • Biddeford Savings • CPort Credit • Gorham Savings Bank • Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution • Town & Country Federal Credit Union Fitness & Sports • Arlberg Ski & Surf • Blackpoint Surf Shop • Nonesuch River Golf Club • One2One Body Scapes • Realistic Fitness • Scarborough Downs • Villari’s Self-Defense Center • Willowdale Golf Club Food & Drink • Al’s of Scarborough • Bayley’s Lobster Pound • Beals Ice Cream • Blast from the Past Too • Chia Sen Chinese Restaurant • Chowderhead’s • E.A.T. Lobster • El Rayo Taqueria Online: • Great East Butcher Company • Ken’s Place • Khiev’s Oriental Market • Len Libby’s Candies • Lois’ Natural Marketplace • Mac’s Deli and Catering • Mainely Wraps • Mister Bagel • Nellie’s Tea & Gifts • Nonesuch River Brewery • Oak Hill Beverage • Oak Hill Citgo Gas & Convenience Store • On The Vine Marketplace LLC. • Pat’s Pizza of Scarborough • Pine Tree Seafood & Produce Co., LLC • Portland Pie Company • Scarborough Grounds • Sebago Brewing Company • St. Joe’s Coffee • The Dairy Corner Friends of Buy Local • America’s Mattress • Bangor Savings Bank • Boyle Associates • Cartridge World • Comfort Keepers of Southern Maine • Pet Quarters • US Cellular Green/Environment • CPRC Group, LLC • Friends of Scarborough Marsh • Maine Audubon • Scarborough Land Trust (SLT) Health • Bartlett Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine • Casco Bay Eye Care, PA, LLC • Crossroads • Daniel Ravin, DMD PC • Dunstan Dental Center, LLC • Focal Point Manual Therapies • Lisa P Howard, DDS, LLC • Mark Diamond DDS • MedCOR Professionals • Metabolic Leader, LLC, PA • Optimal Performance Physical Therapy • Orthodontic Associates • Orthopedic Physical Associates • Scarborough Family Chiropractic • Scarborough Neuro Development • Seacoast Vision Care • Southern Maine Foot and Ankle, PA • Supreme Hearing • Wellspring Functional Medicine Home & Garden • Chad Little Outdoor Equipment • Chilton Furniture • Curtain Call • Eastern Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning • Fashion Floors • Glaude and Sons Sealcoating • House of Lights • Ken Fengler Landscaping • Maine Turf & Greenery • Mainely Tubs • Mosquito Squad • New England Landscapes • New Image Upholstery • Ron Forest & Sons Fence Company • TK Equipment • Whole Home Resource • Your Kitchen Imagined Home Fuel Oil/Service • 5 Star Fuel • Fielding’s Oil & Propane Co., Inc. • Frederick Brothers Oil & Propane • Gary Quirion Plumbing & Heating LLC • Muller Heating & Plumbing Individual Members • Frederick Emerson • Rachel Hendrickson INSURANCE • Chalmers Insurance Group • Foy Insurance • Innova Financial Wealth & Insurance Lodging • Caribbean Villas & Resorts Mgmt Co. • Higgins Beach Inn • Pride Motel and Cottages • The Breakers Inn Media • Maine Radio • Scarborough Leader • The Current Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 8 Non-Profit/Community Services • Camp Ketcha • Crossroads • Friends of Scarborough Marsh • Kiwanis Club of Scarborough • Maine Audubon • Morrison Center • Project G.R.A.C.E. • Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce • Scarborough Democratic Town Committee • Scarborough Land Trust (SLT) • Scarborough Lions Club • Southern Maine Agency on Aging • Scarborough Public Library • Scarborough Rotary Personal Care • Eau Clair Hair Care • Making Waves Salon & Tanning • Nirvana Skin Wellness Center Pets & Pet Care • Another Dog Day • Maine Veterinary Referral Center • Paws Applause • Scarborough Animal Hospital Printing & Office Supplies • Prime Rib Graphics • Spillers Repro Graphics Professional Services • Alberta Follansbee Graphic Design • Alpha Management Corp • Annalee Ziman Rosenblatt • Babine Enterprises • BCR Communications • Blue Point Financial • Business Suites • Clover Pond Financial • Coos Canyon • GrassPro Landscaping • Innova Financial Tax Advisors • Inspectit 1st • Jones & Warren, P.A. 9 • Kennedy Investigation Group • Lilley’s Limousine • Money Concepts • Nationwide Payment Solutions • NH Bragg & Son • SEDCO • Snyder & Bilodeau, CPA • The Study Hall • Tim Byrne Photography • Welch Signage • Worthing & Going, P.A., CPAs Real Estate Services • Caterina MacLean Group • - Realty Services • James M. Connolly, Real Estate Broker • Pine Point Living • Scoville Foley Team • Team Ron - Ron Beaulieu, Real Estate Broker • The ROB EDGERLEY Real Estate Team Retail/Services & Miscellaneous • A+ Party Rental • The Abbey Catholic Book Shop • Admiral Fire & Safety • Arlberg Ski & Surf • America’s Mattress • Blackpoint Surf Shop • Chad Little • House of Lights • • Maine Radio • Maine Warmers • NH Bragg • Nonesuch River Brewery • Oak Hill & Dunstan Hardware • Pierce Furniture Services & Miscellaneous • BCR Communications • Custom Cleaning Co • CPRC Group, LLC • Lilley’s Limousine • MBI Trailers, Inc. • Oak Hill Dry Cleaners Online: Member descriptions alphabetically 30 Days Later 207-619-8684 / 25 Plaza Drive Unit 2 We are a new age marketing company founded in 2013 by Richard Reynolds. We specialize in social media with our true strength in providing visual media, such as photography and videography. Let us show you what we can do in 30 days! 5 Star Fuel 207-883-8881 / 1 Saratoga Lane 5 Star Fuel is a local heating oil company that understands the meaning of service. We provide a full range of heating oil to families and businesses in Maine. A+ Party Rental 207-883-4472 / 10 Washington Ave We rent white wedding tents, commercial tents, canopies, a variety of chairs and tables, staging, dance floor, china, glassware, silverware, linens and chafers. Carnival items: moonbounces and combos, dunk tanks, laser tag guns, concession machines, exhibit booths pipe and drapery. Admiral Fire & Safety 207-883-5270 / 9 Haigis Pkwy Fire - Police - Rescue equipment, Fire extinguisher sales and service. Alberta Follansbee Graphic Design 207-885-9286 / 33 Arbor View Lane Graphic designer with 20+ years experience. Design and layout of all sorts, from business cards, brochures, ads, newsletters, and reports to trade show displays and PowerPoint presentations, including logo creation and complete identity development. Alpha Management Corp 207-883-5505 / 7 Oak Hill Terrace Offering both commercial and residential rentals. With their office located right in the heart of Scarborough they know exactly what Mainers want. Affordable well maintained spaces with friendly and effective staff that is ready to help you with any of your needs. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 10 Al’s of Scarborough 207-883-3322 / 139 Pleasant Hill Rd Al’s caters any function! Catering menu itemsParty include: pizzas, Thanksgiving dinners A+ Rental with all the fixings, meat and cheese Ave platters, 207-883-4472 / 10 Washington sandwiches and more. We will fulfill »finger any of your catering needs. Stop in and try a We rent white wedding tents, commerfreshtents, salad or sandwich. ical canopies, a variety of chairs America’s Mattress andtables,staging,dancefloor,china, 207-510-1299 / 456 Payne glassware, silverware, linens Road and chafers. Carnival items: moonbounces and comOur Scarborough bos, dunk tanks, location laser tagcarries guns,the concescomplete line ofexhibit Serta mattresses, as well sion machines, booths pipe andas select bedroom furniture, headboards, beds, drape. bunk beds, futons, and sleep accessories. .............................................................. Annalee Admiral FireZiman & SafetyRosenblatt 207-883-9025 / 18 Tall Pines Rd 207-883-5270 9 Haigis Pkwy services: Human resources/ and labor relations »personnel policy review/ formulation, human Fire - Police - Rescue equipment, Fire resources audits, training, discrimination extinguisher sales and service. investigations and representation, review/ .............................................................. preparation of job descriptions, hiring and discipline assistance, unemployment hearing representations, contract negotiations, benefits analysis/research, pay studies, job classification audits. Another Dog Day 207-883-1445 / 142 Pleasant Hill Rd We offer our clients and their pets dog and cat grooming, overnightGraphic boardingDesign for dogs Alberta Follansbee and cats and doggy day-care. Our doggie 207-885-9286 / 33 Arbor View Ln day care is a welcoming, social environment and Graphic Designer with 20+ years experience. Design and layoutof all sorts, from overnight boarding is like home away from business cards, brochures, ads, newslethome. ters, and reports to trade show displays Arlberg Ski & Surf and Powerpoint presentations, including 207-883-2878 / 225 U.S. 1 logo creation and complete identity development. Serving snow and water enthusiasts for 38 .............................................................. years. Our customers like the large selection Alpha Corp knowledgeable, of gear,Management but love the friendly, (207) 883-5505 7 Oak and helpful service/from our Hill salesTerrace staff. » B.Z. Builders .............................................................. 207-839-3851 / 47 County Road A small family owned business with over 30 years-experience in home renovations and remodeling. Your ideas and small details are important to us. We will integrate your details into the project to make your vision a reality. PARTY • • • • • • • • • • • • CARNIVAL • Laser Tag (New) Canopies • Moonbounce/Combos Pole Tents • Water Slide Frame Tents • Dunk Tank Sail Tents (New) • Popcorn Machine • Cotton Candy Marquees • Sno-Kones Tables & Chairs • Pretzel Dance Floors & Staging • Hot Dog Steamers Lighting & Heating BUSINESS China & Glassware • Exhibit Booths Flatware & Linens • Pipe & Drape Grills & Cookers • Staging Arches & Gazebos • PA Systems Call us or email us to get a quote 883-4472 1-888-611-2999 10 Washington Ave. Scarborough 11 Online: Online: 10 Babine Enterprises 207-408-1959 / 1 Summerfield Lane Experienced project manager and organizational consultant providing entrepreneurial change/leadership that significantly improves performance through process reengineering (Lean Six Sigma Certified), planning (PMP Trained), talent management (PHP), and nonprofit board governance (Carver Policy governance trained for Chief Elected and CEOs). Bangor savings bank 207-883-8404 / 241 US Route One We’ve been investing in our communities and customers since 1852 because we have never stopped believing in them. At Bangor Savings Bank, you matter more. Bartlett Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine 207-219-0848 / 7 Oak Hill Terrace suite 3 / Kath Bartlett, Licensed Acupuncturist, is dedicated to helping her patients thrive. Her holistic approach offers significant pain relief and effective treatment of chronic disease and other internal conditions. Her patients experience treatment outcomes that are higher than reported acupuncture studies. Bayley Hill Deer & Trout Farm Inc. 207-883-5607 / 27 Ross Rd Bayley Hill Elk & Deer Farm is primarily engaged in Farms. Bayley Hill Elk & Deer Farm operates in Scarborough Maine. This company is involved in Farms as well as other possible related aspects and functions of Farms. Bayley’s Lobster Pound 207-883-4571 / 9 Avenue Six Bayley’s Lobster Pound is a 100-year old family business. We have a fish and seafood market and lobster pound. On site, we also have the bait shed bar and restaurant, where you can sit on our dock over the water and look at the lobster boats while eating fresh local lobsters and steamers. A full bar is available. BCR Communications 207-883-8000 / 83 Mussey Road BCR is a Scarborough business since 1991 specializing in easy-to-use award winning business telephone systems. We will bring a system to your business so you can see for yourself. We also provide free network line services consultation, voice and data cabling. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 12 Beals Ice Cream Blast from the Past Too Biddeford Savings Blue Point Financial 207-883-6652 / 29 Gorham Road Beals Ice Cream has been making super premium ice cream locally for over 20 years. We are committed to using the highest quality ingredients for all of our products. Come visit our newest location in Oakhill Plaza, Scarborough. 207-883-3004 / 206 US Route One As a locally owned bank, our goal is to treat customers like owners. For over 140 years we have played a key role in the success of businesses in our communities. We understand that when local business succeeds, communities thrive. Big 20 Bowling 207-883-2131 / 382 US Route 1 The Historic Big 20 Bowling Center has 20 lanes of Candlepin bowling, computer scoring, glow bowling, restaurant & full bar, video games, and more. Black Point Auto & Towing 207-883-4114 / 52 Manson Libby Rd Complete auto service: automobile repairs, general repairs, free estimates, state inspections, brakes, struts, engine diagnostics, oil changes, and more 207-883-3500 / 623 US Rt 1 Fifties style diner open daily at 7 a.m. for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Menu items include fresh dough pizza, fresh cut French fries, homemade battered onion rings, 4 oz. lobster rolls, 8 oz. lazy man lobster, 1/2 Lb. burgers, milk shakes and more. 207-883-2009 / 243 US Route One Helping you plan and improve your financial outlook through investment plans and insurance strategies with an overall focus on tax savings. Boardman Builders Inc. 207-749-6081 / PO Box 238 We provide fine interior finish/trim, kitchens, cabinets, bookshelves & full service general contracting/carpentry required for construction, renovation/remodeling of residential & commercial properties. Our mission is to be Scarborough’s best small business general contractor by providing total customer satisfaction. Our goal is to make our customers happy. Local banking the way you want it. Black Point Collision 207-883-4396 / 132 Black Point Rd fax:207-883-7142 Black Point Collision has been in business since 1969 doing every type of vehicle damage repair specializing with insurance claims with all major companies. We also have 24 hour, any distance towing service and used cars for sale. Come for a free repair estimate. Blackpoint Surf Shop 207-939-6016 / 134 Black Point Road Blackpoint Surf Shop a new exclusive venue feeding to the 3 beaches, offers custom Maine-Made shaped boards, long boards, apparel, rentals, surf lessons, board repair services & more. 13 Member FDIC 206 US Route 1, Scarborough Other locations in Biddeford, Kennebunk and Waterboro 883-3004 1-866-767-8265 Online: Boyle Associates 207-591-5220 / 15 Bradley Dr Formed by Jim Boyle in 1996, Boyle Associates is an environmental and land use consulting company. Our staff has over 70 years of combined work experience in natural resource science and environmental project management. We have assisted clients throughout New England on a variety of projects, providing technical support in natural resource assessments and resource impact analysis. Business Suites 207-883-1500 / 20 Mussey Road Park West is a business office building with business office suites, furnished or unfurnished single person offices in a shared environment. Camp Ketcha 207-883-8977 / 336 Black Point Road Camp Ketcha is a year round non-profit youth development organization serving children aged 3 and up with summer day camp, montessori pre-school, after school care, horseback riding lessons and 4-H programs. Our facility is available for weddings and parties. We provide teambuilding training and family/corporate year round. Caribbean Villas & Resorts Mgmt Co. 207-510-6300 / 89 Mussey Road Caribbean Villas of St. John is a condo/ villa rental company on St John, US Virgin Islands. Your perfect vacation begins with the most exquisite Caribbean Vacation Rental. We offer the largest and finest selection of rental villas condominiums on St. John. Reservations: 800-338-0987 Cartridge World 207-510-7048 / 183 US Route One, Unit D We refill both inkjet and laser tone printer cartridges for a wide variety of customers including: homeowners, students, businesses, schools, government agencies and nonprofits. Our customers are happy to recycle their cartridges and save money at the same time. Casco Bay Eye Care, PA, LLC 207-885-8686 / 7 Portland Farms Rd At our Scarborough location, Drs. Anastasio, Benner and Liem are committed to uncompromising care for you and your family. See us for comprehensive eye examinations, the newest technology in contact lenses and the most stylish eyeglasses. Castle Kitchens 207-883-8901x405 / 137 Pleasant Hill Rd Castle Kitchens provides superior kitchen design services, thanks to our talented and creative staff. We work with the finest cabinetry manufacturers and custom fabricate unique natural stone countertops from our expansive display of materials, giving our customers complete freedom of expression. Caterina MacLean Group 207-318-3440 / 75 John Roberts Road Unlike many Realtors, Jean-Marie Caterina and Geoff MacLean pride themselves on personal attention to you as our real estate client. While we have a team working behind the scenes to assure quality results, you will only deal with us as your Brokers. Like you, we expect the best service possible at all time. This sets us apart from everyone else. Over 500 houses SOLD. Chad Little Outdoor Equipment 207-729-6716 / 7 Glasgow Road We are a John Deere commercial and consumer equipment dealer, we also carry Honda Power Products, Walker mowers, eXmark, Billy Goat, Stihl and Echo. We carefully select our brands based on quality, longevity, and stability, and only market products that will deliver unmatched performance for our customers. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 14 Chalmers Insurance Group 207-647-3311 / 360 U.S. 1 With Chalmers Insurance Group, you are tapping into 158 years of excellent customer service and dedication to providing quality Maine and New Hampshire insurance products at competitive rates. Chia Sen Chinese Restaurant 207-883-7665 / 456 Payne Road Family owned since 1998 offering selections for everyone’s taste from our vegetarian soy meat menu, gluten free selections, to traditional Chinese cuisine Thank you Chowderhead's Scarborough and surrounding communities 207-883-8333 / Oak Hill Plaza supporting Chia Sen. » Fortwenty-fiveyearsChowderhead's Chilton Furniture has been serving its Payne famousRoad seafood 207-883-3366 / 410 chowder and traditional fried seafood to the locals. Eat in or call ahead for fast, We are a family-run company dedicated to quality at a fair price. bringing food you high-quality, classic furniture and .............................................................. accessories at excellent prices. Chilton, a name as old as New England, represents over 135 years of business commitment to the Pine Tree State. Chowderhead’s 207-883-8333 / Oak Hill Plaza For 25 years Chowderhead’s has been serving its famous seafood chowder and traditional fried seafood to the locals. Eat in or call ahead for fast, quality food at a fair price. Clover Pond Financial 207-510-1588 / 18 Clover Leaf Lane Financial data can become a tool for making sound decisions if used correctly. With the fundamental experience of building business from the ground up, Clover Pond offers tax assistance, bookkeeping, cost cutting and profitability analysis to help in a tough economy. comfort keepers of southern maine Clover Pond /Financial 207-885-9600 53 US Route One, Oak Hill 207-510-1588 / 18 Clover Leaf Lane Our team provides a variety of services in » the homes of seniors. professional Financial data canOur become a tool for caregivers are highly trained provide making sound decisions if to used correctloving companionship. Our experience nurses createof ly. With the fundamental a customized care plan that may include building business from the ground up, nutritious meal prep, medication reminders, Clover Pond tax personal care, offers hobbies or assistance, activities andbookkeeping,cost–cuttingandprofitability transportation. Ongoing training enables analysis a tough economy. us to care to for help bothinpersons with dementia or those nearing the end of life throughout .............................................................. greater Portland and York County. where the locals eat Proudly Serving for over 25 Years 15 Online: Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 16 Coos Canyon [email protected] / Barney Martin This singing trio from the Portland area has been performing together and singing your favorites for almost seven years. The band takes its name from the amazing Rock Gorge located in the western mountains of the Longfellow Range carved out by the Swift River that eventually merges with the mighty Androscoggin River. The band produces sounds that are fresh, natural, fun, and free flowing like the river . . . like thunder from the mountains, here comes Coos Canyon. cPort Credit 207-883-2448 / 313 U.S. 1 At cPort, we connect with our members through personalized service and convenient banking technology. We are member owned and not-for-profit. With four locations and great online and mobile services you can bank with cPort from wherever you are. CPRC Group, LLC 207-883-3325 / 70 Pleasant Hill Road CPRC Group is a full service industrial recycling company that accepts demolition 17 material, concrete, brick, asphalt, inert, unscreened loam, asphalt roofing shingles, glass, porcelain, electronic equipment, brush, stumps, grass and leaves. CPRC sells recycled aggregates, loam and bark mulch. Crossroads 207-773-9931 / 71 US Route One, Suite E Offering Maine’s most comprehensive treatment for behavioral health with a gender-specific focus. Crossroads services include outpatient counseling for men, women and families and residential substance abuse treatment for women. Curtain Call 207-885-5760 / PO Box 1082 Curtain Call is a Shop-At-Home custom window treatment business. I offer a full line of shades, blinds, draperies, etc. including free installation and extended warranties. The lowest prices for quality merchandise. Call today for your free consultation. “Our 14th Year” Online: Custom Cleaning Co 207-329-0976 / 137 Fogg Rd Locally owned and operated, we specialize in carpet and upholstery steam cleaning and emergency service water damage restoration. We also offer complete vacancy turn-overs, professional painting, window washing, floor cleaning, general maintenance and much more! Free estimates, fully insured and 25+ years of experience. Daniel Ravin, DMD PC 207-883-7887 / 40 Hannaford Dr. Comprehensive dental care for the whole family. Treating patients from the age of 2-years and up. Complete range of of dental services. Specializing in single visit ceramic “cerec” restorations which closely duplicate natural tooth structure. New patients welcome. Dunstan Dental Center, LLC 207-883-3229 / 618 US Rt 1 Suite 4 Dunstan Dental Center, LLC is a general 21 dental practice that offers almost every type of dental treatment with our state of the art equipment. We care about patient relationships and you will find our office relaxed and easy going. E.A.T. Lobster 207-289-9444 / 162 Black Point Road E.A.T. Lobsters is the quintessential mom and pop lobster shack located on Black Point Road close to the best beaches in Maine. Started in 2011, our lobsters come directly off our boat and into our tank for the freshest lobster you’ll ever eat! Eastern Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 207-885-1499 / 63 Pleasant Hill Rd A family owned company specializing in commercial/residential carpet cleaning and 24-hour water damage restoration. We serve the Portland metro area with over 40 years of experience and a highly trained certified staff. We provide excellent service and guarantee customer satisfaction. Buy Local Scarborough Membership Guide 2016/ 2017 Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 18 Eau Clair Hair Care 207 510-4732 / 152 Blackpoint Road Come pamper yourself at Scarborough’s premier hair salon, Eau Clair Hair Care. Our expert stylists have been finalists in national hair and color competitions like NAHA and Goldwell’s Color zoom challenge. Friendly warm service is our specialty! The salon is open Mon-Sat. Come visit us and let us treat you. El Rayo Taqueria 207-494-1000 / 245 US Route 1 At El Rayo we are committed to flavorful and healthy cooking. We go to great lengths searching the region for the highest quality produce and other ingredients. Real food made with fresh ingredients… we hope you can taste the difference! We are conveniently located in the Oak Hill neighborhood and are open 7 days a week offering lunch, dinner and a full bar. Fashion Floors, Inc. 207-883-2800 / 197 U.S. 1 A retail flooring store offering a large selection of carpet, tile, vinyl, hardwood, and laminate floor coverings. Locally owned and operated for over 16 years, we provide excellent personal service, free onsite consultations, free estimates and top quality installations. Fiddlehead Center for the Arts 207-883-5720 / 226 Gorham Road Fiddlehead Center for the Arts Scarborough is a non-profit art and music center enriching the lives of local children, teens and adults through the performing arts, music and sciences. Fielding’s Oil & Propane Co., Inc. 207-883-3194 / 420 US Route One Family owned and operated for over 40 years. Full service company specializing in propane, heating oil and K-1 kerosene. Customer service is what we focus on. Our qualified technicians are on call for you 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Call today for a free quote on setting up a new service with us. Free propane tank swap outs, free heating equipment installation estimates available. F 19 Online: d Lead a Healthier Life a Healthier Life Counseling for women and men in a women and mencomfortable, in a comfortable, discreet environment. discreet environment. Gender-responsive programs: programs: • BackUse Cove Residential ntial Substance Substance Use Program nce use program for for women ting women • Residential nt Program (IOP) for substance use program for pregnant and ng for: ce use oss on ssues parenting women • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for substance use Outpatient counseling for: • anxiety • substance use • grief & loss • depression 7.773.9931 • trauma • family issues neCare, Medicare and self-pay accepted Remember who you wanted to be.TM 207.773.9931 Programs partially funded by DHHS. An Equal Opportunity organization private insurance, MaineCare, Medicare and self-pay accepted Remember who you wanted to be.™ Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 20 Flaherty’s Family Farm 207-883-5494 / 123 Payne Rd EasternCarpet&Upholstery A family run business that has been in Cleaningsince 1941. We specialize in Scarborough 207-885-1499 63 fresh, Pleasant Rd annuals, perennials,/ and locallyHill grown » vegetables. A family owned company specializing in Focal Point Manual commercial/residential carpet cleaning Therapies and 24-hour water damage restoration, 207-289-1010 / 7 Adams Way we serve the Portland metro area with over 40 years of experience and a highly Manual therapies describe the techniques trainedcertifiedstaff.Weprovideexcelwe use at Focal Point Manual Therapies. lent service and guarantee customer We use our hands to help evaluate and treat satisfaction. your symptoms. .............................................................. Focused on You 207-883-7363 / 162 US Route 1 Fast, fun, friendly imaging services, five comfortable digital kiosks for our customer’s convenience. One hour 35mm/ APS film processing, full line of photo gifts & photo books, fast poster printing & mounting, passport photos, photo restoration services. 23 21 Foy Insurance 207-289-3850x851 / 152 US Route 1 Suite 11 / Leroy Crockett, Licensed Independent EauClairHairCare Agent. Direct line 207-289-3851. Email: 207 510-4732 / 152 Blackpoint Road [email protected] » Foy Insurance business, auto, home, Come pamperwrites yourself at Scarborough's condo and life insurance. We are premier hair salon, Eau Clair Hair experienced Care. insurance professionals that workfinalists hard to in Our expert stylists have been provide best possible insurancelike nationalyou hairthe and colorcompetitions NAHA and well’s Colorzoom coverage for Gold the right value. How? By challenge. friendly warmservice listening to And you and designing a policy is that our specialty! Thebysalon is open makes sense. Stop and see us! Monday thru Saturday. Come visit us and let us Frederick Brothers treat you. .............................................................. Oil & Propane 207-883-2551 / 164 US Route One Family owned and operated serving our local community since 1946. We are a full service company providing local families with all of their heating and servicing needs, from the delivery of fuel and propane, to servicing and installation of heating systems. Buy Scarborough Membership Guide 2016/ 2017 Online: Friends of Scarborough Marsh Glaude & Son Sealcoating Gary Quirion Plumbing and Heating LLC Gorham Savings Bank 207-370-0521 The Friends of Scarborough Marsh is a coalition of concerned citizens, landowners, businesses, state and federal agencies, environmental organizations, and others. We have in common our love for the Scarborough Marsh and our commitment to safeguard it for generations to come. 207-885-8810 / 11 Black Point Rd Specializing in residential and commercial plumbing, heating and gas. New installations and service with over 25 years’ experience. Whether you are a home owner, builder, property manager or commercial construction company, call today for a free quote. 207-289-0811 Glaude and Son Sealcoating & Pavement Maintenance is a full service asphalt maintenance company. In business since 1999, we take pride in our work and rely on our customer satisfaction. We provide many asphalt services including residential & commercial sealcoating, paving, patch work, hot rubber crack filling, & striping. Call us today for a free estimate. 207-883-7440 / 38 Hannaford Drive Since 1868, Gorham Savings bank has been dedicated to improving the financial wellbeing of our customers and the communities we serve. We deliver a breath of fresh banking by providing personalized services and innovative products. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 22 GrassPro Landscaping 207-883-1450 / Voted #1 Landscape company in the 2014 Current “best of best” readers’ choice awards! Established in 2002, we have built a strong reputation through positive experiences and word of mouth referrals. Proudly providing services for our Scarborough neighbors. Great East Butcher Company 207-883-1450 / 450 Payne Rd Good people, surrounded by wholesome food, honoring everyday traditions. This is the essence of Great East Butcher Co. So the next time you’re thinking what’s for dinner, head East and let us help you discover your next meal! Higgins Beach Inn 207-883-6684 / 34 Ocean Ave Nestled between Prouts Neck and Crescent Beach State Park, the Higgins Beach Inn is ideally situated for a leisurely vacation on one of the finest beaches in Maine. Come enjoy life the way it was meant to be. Realty Services Personal & Business Banking Solutions 38 Hannaford Drive (207) 883-7440 Member FDIC 23 Equal Housing Lender 207-553-1388 / PO Box 6717 Real Estate Brokerage with Keller Williams Realty is the area’s leading vacation rental management company providing full service property management and referral services while maximizing your coastal real estate investment. Online information on real estate, rentals & community plus a live beach cam & monthly E-letter. Concerts in the Park Online: Highland Avenue Greenhouse & Farm Market 207-883-2861 / 109 Highland Ave We are a family run retail garden center and farm market providing customers with a wide variety of annuals, perennials, and shrubs throughout the growing season. From June to October we offer fresh fruits and vegetables from local farmers throughout Maine. House of Lights 207-883-0174 / 418 Payne Road A local 4th generation family owed lighting showroom. We also offer ceiling fans, table, floor and wall lamps, pictures, mirrors, home accents, furniture and any light bulb you could need. Our recently expanded and renovated 9,000 sq. ft. showroom is state of the art and was recently a finalist in a North American contest. residential and commercial inspections. Infrared analysis included w/every inspection. Related services included radon air & water, water quality and septic inspection. Reports emailed and or mailed. James M. Connolly, Real Estate Broker 207-615-7011 / 7 Rays Circle James began his real estate career in 1986 and has been a Scarborough resident for 23 years. Whether you’re interested in selling or purchasing property, Jim is a local broker who will provide exceptional service and committed to client satisfaction. Concerts in the Park Innova Financial Tax Advisors 207-885-0456 x304 / 10 Plaza Drive Suite # 1A / We provide innovative solutions for small business owners and individuals with financial planning, investments, insurance and employee benefits. Our collaborative approach helps provide the best opportunity for you to maximize your wealth and protect your family. Innova Financial Wealth & Insurance Advisors 207-885-5522 / 10 Plaza Drive, Suite 1A / Tax planning and preparation for individuals and small businesses, small business accounting services, we take time to get to know our clients and customize services to meet your individual needs. Personalized service at a reasonable price. Inspect It 1st 207-885-8664 / PO Box 445 Full service home inspection company with ASHI Certified inspectors performing Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 24 * Explore and Enjoy Scarborough Land Trust Trails! * - OPEN YEAR-ROUND, FOR ALL AGES, IN ALL SEASONS - Fuller Farm (FF) Sweeping open fields and a networ k of woods trails that nudge up against the Nonesuch River. Scenic waterfall. Broadturn Road. (2.9 miles, w/short options) Libby River Farm (LRF) Tucked behind Camp Ketcha, a sweet woods trail that winds up at a great observation deck overlooking Scarborough Marsh. Black Point Road. (1 mile) Sewell Woods (SW) A gentle tr ail with br idges over Stuar t Brook, and a path to Frith Farm. Ash Swamp Road. (1.1 miles) Broadturn Farm (BTF) A shor t tr ail to Silver Br ook, behind the organic farm at our largest property. Access at Hanson Road, off Broadturn Road. (0.6 mile) Temporary Trails at Pleasant Hill Preserve (PHP) (0.5 mile) on Pleasant Hill Road and Warren Woods (WW) (0.5 mile) on Payne Road, both recently conserved. Download Free Trail Maps at our Website Trail Locations SLT Trail Locations To South Portland Rt 114, To Gorham Hanson Rd BTF FF WW PHP To Cape Elizabeth SW LRF To Saco NOT TO SCALE SLT: wildlife—forever. SLT:Conserving Conservingland landfor forpeople, people, for for wildlife - forever. P.O. ScarboroughME ME 04070 04070—[email protected]—(207) 289-1199 P.O. Box 1237, Scarborough - [email protected] - (207) 289-1199 25 Online: Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 26 Eastern Trail Memorial Park Sewell Woods Peterson Field Sports Complex Springbrook Park D ASH SWAMP ROA BROAD TURN ROAD HO ES LM RO AD GORHAM ROAD Fuller Farm Broadturn Farm Town of Scarborough Public Recreational Areas Scarborough Land Conservation Trust Protected Land Legend I-95 AKA MAINE TURNPIKE PINE P OIN T R O AD March 2007 Libby River Farm Scarborough River Wildlife Sanctuary D CK PO INT RO A BLA Jennie & Isaac E. Wiley Recreation Area Trails in Scarborough, Maine 1 RO UT E » James began his real estate career in experience and resources to install any feature 1986andhasbeenaScarborough and maintain it for years to come. resident for 23 years. Whether you're Kennedy interestedinsellingorpurchasing Investigation Group property,Jim is a local brokerwho will 207-883-0003 / PO Box 6954 provide exceptional service and committed to client satisfaction. focused on litigation, insurance disputes, A full service professional investigation .............................................................. physical injury cases, professional negligence, company covering the state of Maine. ing residential and commercial inspections. Infrared analysis included w/every Jones & Warren, P.A. inspection. Related services included 207-883-4167 / 243 US Route One radon air & water, water quality and septic emailed and Generalinspection. practice lawReports firm located at or mailed Oak Hill Professional Building. Since l983, partners Dan Warren and Jeff Jones have .............................................................. real estate, mortgage financing, business representation, and divorce. Ken Fengler Landscaping 207-885-9677 / 6 Mitchell Hill Rd. Ken Fengler Landscaping is an owneroperated design, build, and maintenance company. We are big enough for any job and small enough to care. We have the Ken’s Place 207-883-6611 / 207 Pine Point Road Famous for seafood since 1927, open MondaySunday 11:00am-9:00pm. eat in-take out, full bar with specialty drinks, raw bar, children’s menu, handicapped friendly, outdoor seating, casual dress, price range $10-$30, accepts all major credit cards, serving Martel’s Ice Cream. O p f p n f d . K 2 » K o c j e f . K 2 » A c . K 2 » F M in r f p c . K ( . 27 Online: Membership Guide 2015 / 2016 Buy Local Scarborough Membersh 33 Online: Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 28 28 The Kiwanis Club of Scarborough is a Kiwanis Club of Scarborough PO Box 846 / The Kiwanis Club of Scarborough is a service organization comprised of caring men and women of the community. Our objective is to bring aid to children in need. The majority of our efforts benefit children in this community. Len Libby’s Candies 207-883-4897 / 419 US Route One Len Libby’s Candies is Scarborough’s third oldest business and family owned since 1926, the recipient of “Master Confections Award” from Retail Confectioners International. Signature confections are fresh coconut needhams and Bangor taffy. Visit Lenny our life-size chocolate Moose! Lil’ Folk Farm service organization comprised of caring Lois’ Natural men and women of the Marketplacecommunity. Our 207-885-0602 152 US One in objective is to/ bring aid Route to children need.Themajorityofoureffortsbenefit Locally produced products including artisanal children in this community cheeses, organic produce, meats and dairy. .............................................................. Our organic cafe specializes in gluten free baking and take-home dinners. With 30 years experience in natural foods, vitamins, .............................................................. and skin care, Lois’ is a trusted, nationally recognized name. Lankey's Bagels Len Libby's Candies Mac’s Deli & US Catering 207-883-4897 / 419 Route One 207-396-5356 / 426 US Route One » Len Libby’s Candies is Scarborough’s A Family owned New York style deli featuring quality meats & cheeses, third oldest business and familyfresh owned baked homemade salads and since breads, 1926, the recipientsoups, of “Master Conbaked goods. All of our meats, cheeses & fections Award” from Retail Confectionprepared salads are available by the pound. ers Internetional. Catering is availableSignature seven daysconfections a week. 207-883-4001 / 192 Black Point Road Lil’ Folk Farm is located on two acres in a residential setting with large spacious playgrounds. Come and visit any of our programs: nursery school, pre-K program, child care, and an after-school program. During the summer months we offer a summer camp program & swimming lessons. are fresh coconut Needhams and Bangor 207-883-6020 / 25 Ross Road Lilley’s Limousine will provide dignified and luxurious transportation for your business associates. There are many elements involved in delivering quality service. We offer a selection of luxury sedans, SUVs, superstretch limousines and SUV limousines to get you where you need to go. a residential setting with large spacious 207-781-2330 / playgrounds. Please feel come The Scarborough Marsh is a free great to place to explore the state’s largest marsh. The center and visit any of our programs: Nursery provides self-guided School,guided Pre-K and Program, Childwalks, Care,and andcanoe an tours, as well as exhibits, a nature trail, canoe After-school program. During the sumrentals and a Maine Audubon Natural Store. Lilley’s Limousine Lisa P Howard, DDS, LLC Taffy. Visit Lenny our Life-Size Chocolate 207-730-3722 Moose. With over 7000 popular grocery items, order .............................................................. groceries online and have them delivered directly to your home at a date/time of your choosing. Please visit ourBlack site forPoint details on 207 883-4001 / 192 Road this affordable and convenient alternative to » traditional grocery shopping. Lil' Folk Farm Lil' Folk Farm is located on two acres in Maine Audubon mer months we offer a Summer Camp Program as well as swimming lessons. .............................................................. L a b e s s a y . L 2 S » W s t a a e b . L 2 » L t a g n f t . 207-885-1005 / 306 US Route One, Suite D1 / We combine a caring, cheerful atmosphere with experience and state-of- the-art braces technology to give you and your family quality orthodontic care at an affordable fee. Our goal is to help every orthodontic patient achieve a beautiful, healthy smile! 29 Buy Local Scarborough Memb 29 Online: Maine Indoor Karting 207-885-0058 / 23 Washington Ave Do you need to plan a birthday party, company event, bachelor party or some weekend fun? You can do it all and race at speeds of up to 40mph on our professionally designed multi-turn road course. Maine Radio 207-883-2929 / 68 Mussey Road Maine Radio has been in business in Scarborough since 1995 selling and servicing two-way radio communications. We specialize in Motorola and Vertex radios, but we service all makes and models. We also sell and service vehicle GPS tracking. Maine Turf & Greenery 207-883-6000 / Southern Maine’s premier grounds maintenance and landscaping company. Maine Turf & Greenery has continuous innovations in technological applications, utilizing state of the art equipment that allows us to save time and money which we in turn pass on to you. Maine Veterinary Referral Center 207-885-1290 / 1500 Technology Way maineveterinaryreferralcenter. com The Maine Veterinary Referral Emergency Center is a veterinary referral practice specializing in canine and feline internal medicine, neurology, neurosurgery, surgery, CT scanning, MRI imaging and walk-in emergency services. Our new hospital is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Maine Warmers 207-883-2322 / P.O. Box 6747 Maine Warmers provides hot and cold comfort with uniquely designed micro- wave heating pads that can be frozen and used as gentle ice packs. They help people warm up, soothe aches and pains, and as cold packs, reduce swelling and pain. Mainely Tubs 207-883-6357 / 408 Payne Rd Since 1978, Mainely Tubs has sold the highest quality, most durable, energy efficient hot tubs and saunas in Maine. Our products provide unparalleled levels of personal wellness; and our staff provides the most professional customer service in our industry. Mainely Wraps 207-515-2244 / 360 U.S. 1 Mainely Wraps is a family-owned Scarborough restaurant serving innovative, freshly made wraps and baked goods for lunch. Catering for breakfast, lunch and dinner available. Making Waves Salon & Tanning 207-883-5525 / 213 US Route 1 Our experienced, “independent” stylists offer scissor, razor, and clipper styling, coloring, foils, perms, braids, hair wraps, manicures, pedicures, and waxing to everyone in your family. Tanning in our booth with 44 wolf Eurobronze bulbs is also available open 7 days a week. Mark Diamond DDS 207-883-4285 / 500 Enterprise Drive Your smile is one of the most important parts of your appearance, no matter what your age. We want your smile to be natural, beautiful and healthy. We wish to help you achieve the smile and oral health you deserve. Our directory is always growing We accept members YEAR ROUND stay up to date go to our website Our directory is always growing Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 30 MBI Trailers, Inc. 207-883-5181 / 1 Commercial Road We sell used semi-trailers (28’-53’) and Maine Warmers Conex/Sea containers (20’ and 40’). These 207-883-2322 / P.O. 6747 can be used for storage or Box road use. $1500»$5000. Maine Warmers provides Measuring Up! hot and cold comfort with uniquely designed microCooking for Kids wave heating pads that can be frozen 207-885-0611 / 25 Plaza Dr and used as gentle ice packs. They help people up, soothe Measuring Up!warm is a unique hands- aches on and pains, and as cold packs, reduce interactive cooking experience focused on swelling and pain. introducing children ages 3-17 to the joys .............................................................. of cooking, the basics of nutrition, and the accomplishment Mainely Tubs of creation. 207-883-6357 MedCOR / 408 Payne Rd »Professionals Since 1978, Mainely has sold the 207-222-2828 / 152Tubs US Route One highest most durable, energy Unit #7quality, / efficienthottubsandsaunasinMaine. MedCOR is dedicated to your health and Our products provide unparalleled successful recovery. We promise to provide levels of personal and ourWe staff you with personal, wellness; respectful service. provides the most professional customer handle Medicare and insurance assignments service our industry. for mostinproducts we sell, and offer self-pay .............................................................. options and rent-to-own payment plans. 31 Metabolic Leader, LLC, PA 207-396-6433 / 71 US Route One Suite J MainelyWraps Metabolic Leader is a patient-focused 207-515-2244 / 360 U.S. 1 private practice offering the highest quality » comprehensive care in metabolic specialties: Mainely Wraps is a family-owned (L) Lipidology, (E) Endocrinology, (A) Scarborough restaurant serving Apheresis, (D) Diabetes, (E) Education innovative, freshly made wraps and and (R)goods Research. include: for baked forProviders lunch. Catering Stephan P. Babirak, PhD,dinner MD; Loretta breakfast, lunch and available. ............................................................ Hothersall, RNC-OB, PhD, FNP; and Andrew Waves Goodband, NP,&CDE Making Salon Tanning Mister bagel 207-883-5525 / 213 US-1 / 172 US Route 1 »207-883-0070 misterbagelscarborough Our experienced, “independent” stylists offer scissor, razor, and clipper styling, We are a local, family owned bagel and deli coloring, foils, perms, braids, hair wraps, shop in our 10th year of operation. We take manicures, pedicures, andquality waxing to in pride in providing fresh, high food everyone in your family. Tanningin our a fast and friendly manner. Whether you’re booth with wolf cup Eurobronze bulbs is looking for 44 a quick of locally roasted also available open 7 days a week. organic coffee and freshly baked bagels with .............................................................. handmade cream cheese or a full lunch sandwich we’re your destination. Online: Online: 36 30 Days Later 207-619-8684 / 25 Plaza Drive Unit 2 Money Concepts / 685 US Route One »207-883-4524 We are a New Age Marketing company Jerry and in Nancy operateReynolds. the Money founded 2013 Butts by Richard Concepts Center that services the financial Specializing in Social Media, with our true needs of its clients. We are a totally strength be to in recommend visual media, such astoPhoindependent products our tography/Videography. Let us you clients, be it life or long term careshow insurance, what canordoannuities. in just 30 Days! mutualwe funds .............................................................. Moody’s Collision Centers 207-883-0404 / 33 Pleasant Hill Rd In business since 1977, Moody’s is Maine’s industry leader in auto body and collision repair with multiple locations to serve you. I-Car Gold Class Certified. Direct repair relationship with all major insurance companies. Co-worker owned. Morrison Center 207-883-6680 / 60 Chamberlain Rd Morrison Center provides educational, therapeutic, and support services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. Our programs include: an integrated preschool & childcare, K-12 special purpose school-age program, adult community support services, case management, employment services, and integrated therapy services. Mosquito Squad 207-370-8425 / 10 Snow Canning Rd Mosquito Squad is America’s most trusted tick and mosquito control company. We specialize in eliminating mosquitoes and ticks 9 5 Star Fuel before they ruin your outdoor entertainment. 207-883-8881 / 1 Saratoga Lane back your yard and fight the bite with »Take Squad. 5Mosquito Star Fuel is a local heating oil company Motorvation Inc. that understands the meaning of ser207-510-7004 / 162 Pleasant Rd oil vice. We provide a full range ofHill heating to families and businesses in Maine Motorvation is a full service auto repair .............................................................. facility that specializes in diagnostic, electrical and computer repairs. We service all makes and models including your high performance and custom vehicles with many upgrades available. Please call or stop by. Muller Heating & Plumbing 207-883-0148 / 86 Pleasant Hill Rd Muller Heating & Plumbing consists of a team of highly skilled and experienced technicians and courteous office staff that aim to find solutions for your heating needs: oil, propane, and natural gas as well as 24hour burner service. National Telephone & Technology, Inc. 207-885-0000 / 25 Plaza Drive Keeping Technology Simple Since 1972 NT&T has provided innovative and reliable telecommunications solutions to organizations of all shapes and sizes. Our success is based on three simple principles: We install and maintain the best solutions from the best manufacturers. We provide rock solid customer service. We conduct business with honesty, integrity and personal values. Buy Local Scarborough GuideGuide 2015 / 2016 Scarborough Buy LocalMembership Membership 2016/2017 32 Nationwide Payment Solutions 207-510-6677 / 400 Technology Way Morrison Nationwide Center Payment Solutions is a Maine (207) 883-6680 Chamberlain Rd based company that/ 60 provides credit »and debit processing, electronic check Morrison Center provides educational, acceptance, e-commerce solutions, and therapeutic, and support services custom gift & loyalty card marketing to children and adults with developmental programs. We also provide several special disabilities. Our programs include: an industry programs for governments. schools, integrated preschool & childcare, K-12 utility &purpose oil companies, and parking garages. special school-age program, Nellie’s Tea & Gifts adult community support services, case 207-761-8041 employment / 5 Industry Rd Suite 1A management, services, and integrated therapy services We’re your source for all things tea! Offering .............................................................. specialty teas and accoutrements, related gifts, classes and tastings, tea party catering, and a small intimate space to enjoy tea with a friend or a few. Offering tea talks for your group or organization,Squad we are locally owned but globally Mosquito sourced370-8425 by Maine’s /only tea specialist. (207) 10 certified Snow Canning Rd New England » Landscapes Mosquito Squad is America’s most trust207-885-1210 / 109 Pleasant Hill Road ed tick and mosquito control company. We specialize in eliminating mosquitoes Complete services, and ticks design, before installation they ruin your outdoor landscape design, walkways, patios, walls, entertainment. Take back your stone yard and fireplaces and detailed plantings. Call today fightthebitewithMosquitoSquad for a complimentary consultation and find out .............................................................. how to save on this year’s landscape projects! Communications PACKAGE 1 33 33 PACKAGE 2 PACKAGE 3 Buy Local Scarborough Membership Guide 2015 / 2016 Online: Motorvation Inc. Upholstery New Image 207-883-6857 / 227 Pleasant Hill Hill Rd (207) 510-7004 / 162 Pleasant IRoad have been providing quality upholstery work for over 20 years with many repeat » customers. I offer a great Motorvation is afree full estimates, service auto repair selection of fabric books and reasonable facility that specializes in diagnostic, rates. References are available upon request. electrical and computer repairs. We ser- NH & Son vice allBragg makes and models including your 800-249-6208 / 107 Pleasant Hill Rd high performance and custom vehicles withBragg manyisupgrades available. Please NH your source for industrial andcall or stop by. safety supplies and services in Northern New .............................................................. England. From safety products to janitorial supplies, hand tools, power tools and more, NH Bragg has the products you need to get 207-883-0148 / 86 Pleasant Hill Rd the job done. Muller Heating & Plumbing » Nirvana Skin Muller Heating & Plumbing consists of a Wellness Center team of highly skilled and experienced 207-883-8281 / 253 US Route One techniciansandcourteousofficestaff thataimtofindsolutionsforyourheatNirvana Skin Wellness Center offers ing needs:facials oil, propane, and natural gas as exclusive and massages. We specialize well as 24 hour burner in anti-aging, acne, and service. rejuvenating facials. We offer Jane Airedale mineral make-up, .............................................................. GlyMed, and Bio-Elements facial lines. Our hours are Monday through Sun- day, day and evening by appointment. Nonesuch River Brewery, LLC. 201 Gorham Road Providing local craft beers with a full menu of fine foods located at the Eight Corners Intersection owned and operated by three local residents. National TelephoneRiver & Technology, Inc Nonesuch 207-885-0000 / 25 Plaza Drive Golf Club »207-883-0007 / 304 Gorham Rd, Keeping Technology Simple Since 1972 NT&T has provided andforreliNonesuch River Golfinnovative Club is open its 19th telecommunications full season of play. Thesolutions 203-acre facility able to features a meticulously maintained 18-hole organizations of all shapes and sizes. Our public championship course, a modern success is based ongolf three simple prin2,500 square-foot a full-size ciples: We install clubhouse, and maintain the best practice range putting greens, golf solutions fromand thetwo best manufacturers academy, androck an experienced friendly, and We provide solid customer service professional We conductstaff. business with honesty, Oak Hill & Dunstan integrity and personal values .............................................................. Hardware 207-883-5058 / 29 Gorham Rd Nationwide Payment Solutions 207-510-6677 / 400 Technology Way Excellent customer service provided by »knowledgeable employees for painting, Nationwide Payment is a Maine plumbing, electrical andSolutions seasonal projects. based company that provides credit We offer free recycling of most batteries, and debitfluorescent processing, electronic check compact bulbs and mercury acceptance, e-commerce solutions, and thermostats. Both locations support many custom gift & loyalty card marketing local community and charitable events yearly. programs. We also provide several special Oak Hill Beverage industry programs governments. 207-883-3965 / 28 for Adams Way schools, utility & oil companies, and ing garages. The best specialty beer & wine selection. .............................................................. We offer over 1400 varieties of domestic and imported wines from 721 vintners worldwide. Choose from over 400 varieties of domestic and imported beers including beer by the keg. Case price discounts available. Online: Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 34 34 Oak Hill Citgo Gas & Convenience Store Nellie'sTea&Gifts 207-883-4222 / 230 US Route One 207-761-8041 / 5 Industry Rd. Suite 1A Scarborough, Me Lowest prices on liquor in 04074 Maine! Also a » fine selection of wines, beer, soda. kerosene, We're your sourceCoffee for Allclub, Things diesel fuel & propane. buy 6Tea! get specialty and 1Offering FREE. Family ownedteas and operated for over accoutrements, related gifts, classes 30 years. and tastings, tea party catering, and a Oak Hill Dry small intimate space to enjoy tea with Cleaners a friend or a few. Offering tea talks for 207-239-5151 PO Box 967 we are your group or/ organization, Oak Hill Dry Cleaners specializes in locally owned but globally sourced by providing exceptional quality dry cleaning Maine's only Certified Tea Specialist. and shirt laundering with complete customer .............................................................. satisfaction. Our services are available to New England Landscapes retail customers, home delivery customers, 207-885-1210 / 109 Pleasant Hill and business accounts. Road One2One Body Scapes » 207-883-1770 / 25 Plaza Drive Suite 4 Complete Design / Installation Services / Landscape Design, At One2One,Patios, you willStone experience a quiet, Walkways, Walls, private, one-on-one training environment. Fireplaces and Detailed Plantings. When arriving to your session, there is no Call today for a complimentary waiting for machines, we offer state-of-theconsultation and find out how to save art equipment and a modern locker/shower on 2011 landscape projects! facility for men and woman. .............................................................. 43 35 ON THE VINE Marketplace LLC. NewImage Upholstery 207-303-0074 / 591 US Route One 207-883-6857 / 227 Pleasant Hill Scott, Road Angela and Abel started this business in 2006 and opened theupholstery location I have been providing quality in Scarborough in 2015 at the old Dunstan work for over 20 years with many repeat Schoolhouse Restaurant. Collectively, they customers. I offerfree estimates, a great have over 40 years experience in grocery, selection of fabric and reasonable seafood, bakery, delibooks and specialty meats. On rates. References arepremier available upon the Vine is the Seacoast gourmet request. grocer. .............................................................. Optimal Performance NH Bragg & Son Therapy Physical 207-510-6500 Millbrook RdHill Rd 800-249-6208/ /5107 Pleasant » “Where it doesn’t to for hurtIndustrial to heal”. and NH Bragg is your have source We offersupplies quality 60 minute, one-on-one Safety and services in Northern treatment sessions usingsafety an integrated New England. From products to holistic approach thathand blendstools, traditionjanitorial supplies, power al andand complementary physical tools more,NH Bragg hastherapy the techniques for acute, traumatic, products you need chronic, to get the job done. work-related and sports injury. .............................................................. Buy Local Scarborough Membership Guide 2016/ 2017 Online: Orthodontic Associates 207-885-4850 / 152 US Route One Our friendly patient focused approach will make you smile. Precise, comfortable and affordable treatment by caring, professional staff in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. That’s the Orthodontic Associates difference. Offering innovative designs in braces and envisaging for children, teens and adults. Orthopaedic Physical Associates 207-883-6789 / 23 Hannaford Drive Offers physical therapy, fitness, and injury prevention services to individuals of all ages. When injuries, disease, pain, or even the normal aging process interferes with your ability to stay healthy and active, OPTA can help. Our School 207-883-5859 / 2 Highland Ave We provide an environment in which learning is the natural and enjoyable outcome of first-hand experience. At Our School your child will develop a sense of wonder and excitement about his or her world. Pat’s Pizza of Scarborough 207-883-8441 / 209 US Route One A perennial favorite, getting its start in 1985. Pats serves a variety of pizzas, hot sandwiches, pasta, salads, calzones and more. Enjoy our full service restaurant or order your food to go. Paws Applause 207-885-0077 / 27 Gorham Rd Founded in 2004, Paws is truly “Where Nature meets Nurture”. We carry only top quality “premium” foods and treats to improve the quality of life for your pet. We specialize in natural holistic products, and salon style dog grooming services. Pet Quarters 207-885-5005 / 486 Payne Rd Pet Quarters opened its first store in Scarborough in the fall of 1993, and operates 6 stores in Maine. The focus has always been on customer service, and accurate pet care advice. The store hosts cats from local shelters and also welcomes animal rescue groups for weekend events to promote their organizations. The monthly low cost veterinary clinic is a huge success. Pierce Furniture 207-883-1530 / 400 Roundwood Dr Pierce Furniture is a 4th generation family owned business which has been based in Scarborough since 1988. We specialize in quality indoor furniture, outdoor furniture and barbecue grills. We offer interior design services as well. Pine Point Living 207-615-2273 / 84 Jones Creek Drive Carol is a Broker/Realtor whose passion is helping buyers & sellers of single family homes, beach properties, condominiums and investment properties. Specializing in single floor living homes. Professional and respectful service. Serving Cumberland and northern York counties. Pine Tree Seafood & Produce Company, LLC 207-730-7121 / 655 US Route One Featuring fresh & frozen seafood & produce, specialty items, wine, cold beer, bakery goods, sauces, salads, vegetables, lobsters & clams that we cook for free. We offer salmon, haddock, scallops, swordfish, sushi grade tuna, shrimps of all kinds, clams, oysters, lobster rolls, hot soups & Chowders. Pleasant Hill Gardens 207-883-3250 / 1 Fowler Farm Rd We’ve been in business for 30 years growing quality produce and hanging baskets. We retail our products at the Portland Farmer’s Market Wednesdays- Saturdays and at our roadside self-service honor system harvest wagon. We also deliver mulch loam and compost. Portland Pie Company 207-510-6999 / 400 Expedition Drive A full service restaurant experience with a family friendly dining room and a relaxed, casual pub. Also offers reliable take-away service and award winning delivery service. Dine-in, delivery, take-away! Portland Pie Works! Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 36 41 37 Buy Local Scarborough Membership Guide 2016/ 2017 Online: Portland VolvoPortland Saab Rachel Hendrickson Pride Motel & Cottages Red Brook Honey LLC 207-883-5568 / 9 US Route One Portland Volvo opened its doors here in Scarborough in 1975. SAAB joined us in 2010. We also sell and service a variety of other makes. Our main focus is on customer satisfaction. 207-883-4816 / 677 US Route One Efficiency motel rooms and cottages in family setting. Cabins each unique, all with air conditioning, cable TV and kitchens. Heated pool, gazebo, rec room, playground and large yard, near beach. Credit Cards; V-MC-D, open year round, pets accepted. Prime Motor Cars 207-510-2250 / 137 U.S. 1 We sell and service Mercedes-Benz cars and SUVs, AMG performance brand, Smart Cars, Sprinter commercial vans and Airstream RV’s. We pride ourselves on having a fully trained engaged staff that is dedicated to delivering a great sales and service experience. We are a volume dealership and our pricing reflects that. Prime Rib Graphics 207-838-6129 / 4 Sweetbrier Lane Russ Burleigh, former owner of Brown Fox Printing, is a graphics designer and originator of Christmas StoryCards and Story Cards Unlimited, greeting and note cards that depict historical events and personages. Also a print broker, Russ will help you find the right fit with a printer. Project G.R.A.C.E. 207.883.5111 / Project GRACE is neighbors helping neighbors in Scarborough. Our mission is to identify both those in need and those willing to share their gifts, and coordinating the interchange in a compassionate, confidential manner. 207-510-1903 / 2 Plantation Dr. Rachel and her husband recently moved to Scarborough from northern Virginia. She is a member of the Southern Maine Agency on Aging’s RSVP program (Retired Senior Volunteer Program), and in this capacity, has been a very helpful volunteer for Scarborough Buy Local. 207-415-9044 / 311 Gorham Road Red Brook Farm Honey is a provider of natural hive products from honey to wax to propolis. All our honey is raw from the hives in our field. Geoff is an expert in honey bee removal from structures, also. realistic fitness 207-730-7204 / With the help of fitness experts and the convenience of 24 hour access, our members achieve results. We offer personal guidance, realistic nutrition and exercise plans, low rates and a great line of nutritional products approved by our experts. Realistic Fitness is the best value for your health and wellness. Ron Forest & Sons Fence Company 207-883-2775 / 354 Payne Road We have been creating fencing & garden accessories for 40 years. We offer a variety of services, including designs & reproductions. We have several styles of cedar wooden fences, mailbox posts, lamp posts & arbors. Please visit our showroom. Saco & Biddeford Savings Institution 207-602-7602 / 41 Gorham Rd As a mutual savings bank, our mission is to serve our customers and communities. We have fulfilled that mission since 1827 providing great rates, low fees, exceptional service, and unparalleled support of our communities. Local banking at its best for over 185 years! Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 38 39 Online:Online: 42 Sanford Excavation & Septic 207-712-2209 / 231 Black Point Road A family owned business that prides itself on customer satisfaction! Working closely with clients to ensure honest prices, professionalism and the highest quality services. We strive to be the “Go-ToCompany” for all your projects large or small. Scarboro Muffler Center Inc. 207-883-9222 / 191 U.S. 1 Scarboro Muffler Center provides honest quality service & repairs on domestic and foreign vehicles including exhaust, brakes, computer diagnostics from light bulbs to engine replacement. We have the experience to do it all. Scarborough Animal Hospital 207-883-4412 / 29 First Street Scarborough Animal Hospital is a full service small animal hospital treating dogs, cats, rabbits and all the small fuzzy pocket size pets. Our team has been serving clients at the same convenient, easy to reach location for more than 4 decades. We have been an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) Accredited Practice since 1974. Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce 207-772-2811 scarboroughcommunitychamber. com The Scarborough Community Chamber advocates for, promotes and develops local business and our community. We lead by education, networking, marketing and generating opportunities for active business members to succeed. The Scarborough Community Chamber of Commerce has provided valuable networking opportunities, economic development initiatives and community support activities for over 35 years. Scarborough Democratic Town Committee 207-510-1903 / 2 Plantation Drive The Scarborough Dems are committed to promoting democracy and strengthening the well-being of Scarborough ‘s citizens through involvement in education, economic development, conservation, social service programs, and through political advocacy. Scarborough Downs 207-883-4331 / 90 Payne Rd Scarborough Downs Harness Racetrack is proud to be celebrating its 61st year of business! We owe our success to all our valued customers and horse men and women who support the track each and every season. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 40 Scarborough Family Chiropractic 207-885-9415 / 144 US Route One Providing Scarborough with natural healthcare for the entire family since 1997. Our services include chiropractic, massage therapy, personal fitness training, nutrition, spinal decompression and comprehensive wellness programs. All natural services, under one roof, with a focus on results and convenience. Scarborough Grounds 207-289-1100 / 264 US Route One Family-owned, independent cafe & eatery serving high quality coffee, espresso, salads, sandwiches, soups and baked goods prepared here. We also have a drive thru and free WiFi. Scarborough Land Trust (SLT) 207-289-1199 / P.O. Box 1237 SLT protects land for people, for wildlifeforever. To date, we have conserved 1,400 acres and 6 properties in Scarborough. Enjoy our public trails at Libby River Farm, Sewell Woods, Fuller Farm, Warren Woods, Pleasant Hill Preserve and Broadturn Farm. Download free trail maps at our website. Scarborough Leader 207-282-4337 / PO Box 1894 Looking for a new way to reach your area? Advertise on our websites to get thousands of hits from our local newspapers every week. Scarborough Lions Club PO Box 644 / The Lions Club of Scarborough, chartered in October of 1948, is the oldest service club in town. We are proud to have served the needs of our community for the past 63 years and look forward to continuing in the upcoming years. Scarborough Neuro Development 207-885-1290 / 144 US Route 1 At Scarborough Neuro Development Center, we use Interactive Metronome(R) technology to increase the Brain’s ability 41 to perform. If you are an athlete who needs the edge, or a student wishing for academic excellence, you will obtain it with us. We provide enhancement for the most neglected piece of the puzzle-THE BRAIN. Scarborough Public Library 207-883-4723 / 48 Gorham Road Connects children and adults with information and entertainment resources including books, DVDs, eBooks, public computers, wireless Internet and enriching cultural and educational programs. Free membership is extended to residents, students, taxpayers, and employees of Scarborough businesses. Scarborough ROTARY 207-636-5600 / PO Box 6455 The Rotary Club of Scarborough was chartered in 1960. It’s an organization of business and professional leaders united who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Our signature annual events are Touch a truck, The summer concert series and Christmas Tree Sales at Scarborough Citgo. We strive to help our local community. Scoville Foley Team 207-874-2337 / 75 John Roberts Road The Scoville Foley Team are always detail oriented, highly conscientious and offer expert advice. Based on a successful record of representing Scarborough properties, you can be assured that Amy & Carrie will attend personally to every detail in the marketing of your home. Seacoast Vision Care 207-409-9378 / 25 Hannaford Drive We never lose sight that we’re not just treating your vision, we’re treating you. Getting the right prescription for your eyeglasses or contact lenses is an important part of good eye care. We believe that seeing clearly is just one part of your overall eye care. Online: Sebago Brewing Company 207-874-2337 / 201 Southborough Dr We brew unique, high quality craft beers with all American malt and hops using the crisp water of Sebago Lake. Our beers complement our creative pub fare that utilizes local foods whenever possible! Located across from Christmas Tree Shop! SEDCO 207-883-4893 / PO Box 550 SEDCO is a quasi-municipal, non-profit development corporation providing site location, business, economic development, and government liaison services for individuals and businesses seeking either to create a new investment opportunity or expand an existing one. Shiny things 207-318-0431 Shiny Things: home-based business for scarf, jewelry, earrings, necklaces, crystal balls, bracelets, crystal/chakra jewelry & much more - homemade & resale. Snyder & Bilodeau, CPA 207-883-6676 / PO Box 6840 Established in 1991, Snyder & Bilodeau CPA’s provide accounting and tax services for individuals and businesses. Our services include income tax planning and preparation, payroll and bookkeeping services, bill payment services, controller services, and financial statement preparation. Southern Maine Foot and Ankle, PA 207-883-0865 / 25 Plaza Dr.,Suite 9 Medical and surgical treatment of the foot and ankle. Surgical privileges MMC; SMMC; Mercy Mid Coast hospitals. Southern Maine Agency on Aging 207-396-6501 / 136 US Route One The Southern Maine Agency on Aging (SMAA) is a nonprofit organization serving older adults and their families in York and Cumberland counties. Services include Meals on Wheels, Medicare and benefits counseling, caregiving support and assistance from licensed social workers. Sparkle Clean Car Wash 207-885-8811 / 285 US Route One Suite 1 We are a full service cloth car wash that offers complete interior and exterior auto cleaning and detailing. Our facility also features a specialized express wash and express detail to get you in and out in a flash. and baked goods prepared here. We Scarborough D o w n s Buy Local Membership 42 Scarborough 2016/2017 also have a Guide drive thru and free WiFi. 207-883-4331 / 90 Payne Rd Spillers Repro Graphics 207-883-4725 / 224 Gorham Rd Printing, Marketing, Branding, Graphic Design, Vehicle Lettering - your one stop shop for all print needs! St. Joe’s Coffee 207-883-8835 - Corp. Office 220 Gorham Road / 8835 Home of the Bennie! Coffee drinks, healthy fruit smoothies, fresh squeezed lemonade, homemade bakery snacks, freshly made bennies and yummy breakfast and lunch sandwiches are waiting for you at St Joe’s! Daily lunch specials include savory sandwiches and delicious soups. State Manufactured Homes Inc. 207-883-2512 / 126 US Route One Established in 1944, State Manufactured Homes is one of Scarborough’s oldest family owned and operated businesses! The Desfosses family welcomes you to tour our communities and see why we are the most affordable place to call home in Greater Portland! Supreme Hearing 207-219-8380 / 248 U.S. 1 Dedicated to helping you hear better. Edmondson Hearing Solutions is owned and operated by Daniel Edmondson, Maine’s #1 Hearing specialist. We provide free hearing tests and consultations. We offer our patients Starkey’s most advanced hearing technology available. Call today! Team Ron Ron Beaulieu,\Real Estate Broker 207-883-5079 / 20 Nonesuch Cove Rd An independent Scarborough Real Estate Realtor helping both buyers and sellers for the past 28 years. I specialize in real estate sales and new construction in the Scarborough, Greater Portland and York County areas. I believe in “creating relationships for life”. Locally owned & operated since 1998 43 Online: The Abbey Catholic Book Shop 207-885-5813 / 605 US Route One The Abbey Catholic Book Shop located at Dunstan Corner has been success- fully in business for seventeen years, servicing retail customers, & religious organizations. We specialize in Catholic & Christian Bibles, Books, Giftware, & Accessories for Clergy, and Sacramental Programs. The Breakers Inn 207-883-4820 / 2 Bayview Ave Located directly on the ocean at Higgins Beach, we offer a comfortable and quiet bed and breakfast accommodations with private baths. We specialize in New England Hospitality on the coast of Maine. Unsurpassed ocean views. Family owned since 1956. The Creative Child and Adult Arts Program 207-831-8001 / 152 U.S. 1 The Creative Child and Adult Arts Program is an arts studio offering creative art classes for kids and adults. We offer everything from day programs, birthday parties, adult paint nights, after school classes, teen programs and more. The Current 207-854-2577 / 5 Fundy Rd., Falmouth The Current Publishes papers in Southern Maine including the American Journal, Current, Lakes Region Weekly and Tri-Town Weekly which reach thousands of readers every week. The Dairy Corner 207-883-6939 / 612 US Route One Located at Dunstan Corner in Scarborough The Dairy Corner is a great place for the whole family to enjoy delicious ice cream! With over 70 Maine made hard serve flavors, many tasty yogurts, classic vanilla and chocolate twist, and a new soft serve flavor each week, The Dairy Corner is a favorite destination for everyone. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 44 The Little Dolphin School 207-883-9990 / 183 US Route One The Little Dolphin School is an early childhood learning center with infant, toddler, preschool, kindergarten programs and school-age before & after care. The ROB EDGERLEY Real Estate Team 207-332-2476 / 9 Grapevine Drive Local Scarborough real estate agent who specializes in Scarborough and Greater Portland listings, relocation to Maine and new home construction. We work with buyers and sellers to make your move smooth. The Sage 207-245-0592 / 605 US Route 1 Dunstan Corner The Sage carries Local art, crystals, stones, herbs, sage, tarot cards, capes, hats, books, jewelry, and more. Open Tuesday – Sunday The Study Hall 207-883-9707 / 27 Gorham Rd Dedicated to helping students of all ages achieve their academic goals. Our curriculum-based tutoring boosts confidence in the classroom and improves grades. Our standardized test preparation and college counseling programs help simplify the college admissions process. Since 2003, The Study Hall has successfully worked with over 2,000 students. Tim Byrne Photography 207-883-8218 / Our clients receive high-quality, full service photography for projects, from classic 45 weddings, family gatherings to large-scale corporate events. We make speaker/VIP, group, meeting candids, product, display, or facility photos that meet your needs. Expert event location photography is our specialty. TK Equipment, LLC 207-510-6886 / 636 U.S. 1 TK Equipment is a small engine repair shop, selling and servicing quality products for both residential and commercial use. We are family owned and look to help the area with its current and future equipment needs. Town & Country Federal Credit Union 207-553-5330 / 257 US Route One At Town & Country, we LOVE keeping the money in the community and support the buy local mission. With six branches throughout Southern Maine, let us be your local banking partner to help with all your lending, savings and other financial needs. For more info., call 207-773-5656 or visit us online at Up-Country Building Inspectors, Inc. 207-883-9876 / 25 Plaza Dr, Suite 10 Make one call to schedule ASHI Certified home inspection with related services (radon air & water, septic inspection, water quality and quantity) and energy audits. Reports emailed and mailed. Helpful staff available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm. Online: US Cellular 207-699-9880 / 300 Gallery Blvd, US Cellular focus’s on having the world’s best customer service. We offer strong lineup of cutting edge devices consumers and businesses want and the coverage needed. Through the 20 retail locations throughout the state we understand the meaning of “operating locally”. Villari’s Self-Defense Center 207-885-9621 / 25 Plaza Drive #3 Villari’s has been teaching martial arts to Scarborough families since 1993. With a convenient schedule and location students of ALL ages enjoy the physical and mental challenges of Grand Master Villari’s, Shaolin Kempo Karate. Introductory Special $19.95 (2 weeks w/uniform & belt) Welch Signage 207-883-6200 / 7 Lincoln Ave Welch Stencil Co/Welch Signage, locally owned, provides interior ADA signs, exterior signs, banners, rubber stamps, notary seals, engraved name plates and badges for business to business applications. Welch has served the business community since 1855. Wellspring Functional Medicine 207-289-1060 / 153 U.S. 1 #11 Providing consultations for medical conditions were a more comprehensive view and understanding is desired. Also pro- viding general wellness and fitness ad- vice. Fully integrated functional medicine and conventional medicine approach. All ages welcome. Whole Home Resource 207-883-6050 / 3 Tide Mill Lane Villari's Self-Defense Center 207-885-9621 / 25Home PlazaResource Drive #3 Paul Austin of Whole » provides architectural design for renovations, Villari'sand hasnew beenhome teaching martial arts additions, construction. to Scarborough families since 1993. Designs and drawings are provided for With a convenient schedule and location comparative quotes, construction, and students of ALL ages enjoy the physical permits. Interior decoration provided by andDeWitt mental Wilder. challenges of Grandmaster Susan Established in 2002. Villari's,ShaolinKempoKarate. Willowdale Golf Club Introductory Special $19.95 (2 weeks 207-883-9351 / 52 Willowdale Road w/uniform & belt) .............................................................. Willowdale Golf Club offers classic golf at affordable prices. The 18-hole course borders Welch Signage the207-883-6200 beautiful Scarborough marsh / 7 Lincoln Aveand is impeccably maintained. Visit us for a premier » golfing experience. Memberships and play Welch Stencil Co/Welch Signage, cards are available. locally owned, provides interior ADA Worthing & Going, signs, exterior signs, banners, rubber stamps, notary seals, engraved name P.A., CPAs plates and badges for business to 207-883-2230 / 7 Portland Farm Rd business applications. Welch has the&business community since At served Worthing Going, CPAs we provide 1855. great advice pertaining to all matters of .............................................................. accounting, taxation, and financial matters for WellspringFunctionalMedicine individuals and businesses. 207-289-1060 / 153 U.S. 1 #11 Your Kitchen » Imagined Providing consultations for medical 207-592-6535 / 201 US Route One, conditions were a more Suite 216 / comprehensive view and Your Kitchen Imagined, LLC offers understanding is desired. Also prodesign services and custom cabinetry from viding general wellness and fitness CuisimaxUSA at wholesale prices. See our ad- vice. Fully integrated functional 45-minute DVD, Kitchen Planning Basics for medicine and conventional medicine those starting a kitchen project - on our website. approach. All ages welcome. .............................................................. Concerts in the Park 63 Wh 207 »w Pa pro ren con are con De Wil 200 .... Wil 207 »w Wil at a bor ma Vis exp car .... Wo 207 »w At gre acc ma .... Yo 207 Su » yo Yo des from pric Kitc sta we ..... Buy Local Scarborough Membership Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 46 Town&Country Federal Credit Union 207-553-5330 / 257 US Route One » At Town & Country, we LOVE keeping the money in the community and support the BUY LOCAL mission. With six branchesthroughout SouthernMaine, let us be your LOCAL banking partner tohelpwithall yourlending,savingsand other financial needs. For more information, call 207-773-5656 or visit us online at .............................................................. Volunteers needed Up-Country BuildingBuy Inspectors,Inc. Scarborough Local 207-883-9876 / 25 Plaza Dr, Suite 10 is ALWAYS looking for » Make one call to schedule ASHI Certified motivated people! home inspection with related services If you interested in (radon air &are water, septic inspection, waterhelping quality and quantity) and energy please call... audits. Reports emailed and mailed. 207-619-8677 • [email protected] 8am to 5pm. Helpful staff available Monday to Friday, .............................................................. US Cellular 207-699-9880 / 300 Gallery Blvd, » US Cellular focus's on having the world's best customer service. We off strong line-up of cutting edge devices consumers and businesses want and the coverage needed. Through the 20 retail locations throughout the state we understand the meaning of "operating locally". .............................................................. Introductory Special 2 weeks with Uniform & Belt ONLY$19.95 47 Online: Online: 62 Business Business and Non-Profit Members Benefits FRIEND OF Friends of Scarborough Buy Local Members Benefits Membership Yearly Fees $50 Membership Yearly Fees $50 ~ You are a voting member of SBL, helping you & other independent; businesses in town flourish ~ Your SBL online directory website listing will be linked to your business website. ~ Your business name and 40 word description will be listed in SBL’s annual directory reaching more than 2500 consumers and businesses in Scarborough. ~ You will be able to advertise your membership through use of the SBL logo in ads, poster and/or on newspaper pages reserved for SBL members. ~ You can participate in SBL events designed to take advantage of the growing social movement to support local businesses ~ You will be able to take advantage of networking events sponsored by SBL or its members to promote business to business opportunities. ~ You are supporting Scarborough Community Partnership’s Buy Local educational campaign. ~ You will have your business name listed on our SBL website 50 online directory listing under Friends of Scarborough Buy Local which will be linked to your business website ~ Your business name will be listed in SBL’s annual directory reaching more than 2500 consumers and businesses in Scarborough as a Friend of Scarborough Buy Local. ~ You can serve on a buy local committee but not as chairperson. ~ You are supporting Scarborough Community Partnership’s Buy Local educational campaign. individual Individual Membership of Scarborough Buy Local Membership Yearly Fees $35 ~ Individual Membership under Friends of SBL ~ You will be listed as an individual supporter on our buy local website and in our printed guide. ~ You can participate in member to member discounts, invitations to networking, educational and workshops. ~ You cannot represent a business or non-profit organization. ~ You can participate in SBL events designed to take advantage of the growing social movement to support local businesses ~ You may serve on a buy local committee but not as chair person ~ You are supporting Scarborough Community Partnership’s Buy Local educational campaign Become a member today at: Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 48 ORO U Membership Application 2016 z GH SC A RB Membership Application 2016 Membership Type and Eligibility Membership Application Membership2016 Type and Eligibility Membership Type and Eligibility - To qualify, the business be locally owned,must independent and beindependent able to answer Members-$50 annual dues -must To qualify, the business be locally owned, and be able to of the following questions: Business Members-$50 annual dues - To qualify, the business must be locally owned, independent and be able to answer Yes Noheld? Yes business privately No yes to all of the following questions: business located in Scarborough, Maine? . IsMaine? the business privately held?No Yes No Yes No rough, Yes . Is registered the business located in Scarborough, Yesheadquarters No business in Maine with theMaine? Corporate ne with the Corporate headquarters in Maine Yes in Maine No Yes No . Is the business registered in Maine with the Corporate headquarters in Maine Yes No owner(s) have full decision making authority over the business; including but not limited to dec on making the making business; including but not limited decisions . Do theauthority owner(s) haveover full decision authority over the business; including but not to limited to decisions g product purchasing, pricing, marketing, commissions bonuses Yes No regarding productwages, purchasing, pricing, marketing,wages, wages, commissions and/orand/or bonuses YesNo No cing, marketing, commissions and/or bonuses Yes he business have a maximum of 12ofoutlets over 50% in Maine? Yes No . Does the business have a maximum 12 outletswith with over 50% in Maine? Yes No of. Can 12the outlets with over 50% in Maine? Yesbranding, No owner(s)the operate the business independent of franchise, business name, or other eum owner(s) operate business independent ofany any franchise, branding, business name, or oth outside corporate requirements? Yes No branding, business name, or other siness independent of any franchise, corporate requirements? Yes No Yes No Non-Profit Members - $25 annual dues -To qualify the non-profit must be able to answer yes to all the following questions: it Members - $25 annual dues -To qualify the non-profit must be able to answer yes to all the following Are you registered/operating in Scarborough with a valid 503c3 or fiscal sponsor? Yes No ues -To qualify theBoard non-profit must be ablemaking to answer yes to all the following questions: Does the of Directors have full decision authority? Yes No Are you registered/operating in Scarborough with a valid 503c3 or fiscal sponsor? Yes No Does the Board of Directors have –503c3 full making authority? Nomembership Friends of Scarborough Local $50decision annual Businesses that do not meet the above independent g in Scarborough with Buy a valid or duesfiscal sponsor? YesYes No requirements but whose owners and/or management are otherwise from Scarborough or surrounding community and support the Buy Local movement may be granted of Scarborough Local membership status. have full decision making authority? Friends Yes Buydo No f Scarborough Buy Local – $50 annual duesBusinesses that not meet the above independent mem Individual annual dues -Individual members would have the some of the same benefits as Friends of community ents but whoseMembers-$35 owners and/or management are otherwise from Scarborough or surrounding Scarborough Buy Local but not entitled to the same benefits as business or non-profit members but they can be a Friend of $50 annual dues- Businesses that doFriends not meet the aboveBuy independent membership he Buy Local movement may be granted of Scarborough Local membership status. Scarborough Buy Local and support our movement. /or management are otherwise from Scarborough or surrounding community and al Members-$35 members would have the some the same benefits as Friends Information - Please-Individual note that this information may be shared with other members within the any Buy of Local Scarborough group. Contact I agreeannual that I amdues making an application for myself only and I do not represent business or non-profit yugh beBuy granted Friends of Scarborough Buy Local membership status. LocalBusiness: but not entitled to No the same benefits as business or non-profit members but they can be a Yes Name oforganization ugh Buy Local and support our movement. Name of Owner: Primary Contact Name: s -Individual members would have the someScarborough, of the same benefits as Friends of Mailing Address: Maine 0407 ntact - Please note thatbusiness this information may be shared with other members within Buy Local group. ed to Information the benefits ormyself non-profit members but theythecan be aScarborough Friend of agree thatsame I Address: am making an as application for only and I do not04074 represent any business or non-profit Physical Scarborough, Maine Primary Email Address: our movement. organization Yes No Business: Phone Number: Web: I am interested in: Joining a committee Yes No ServingContact on the Board of Directors Yes No Owner: Primary Name: that this information may be shared with other within the any Buy Local Scarborough group. application for myself only and I domembers not represent business or non-profit ddress: Scarborough, Maine 0407 Upon receipt of this form along with membership dues you will be contacted for your 40 word web site entry. No Address: I certify that the information above is correct and thatScarborough, Maine 04074 I/the organization meets the eligibility criteria. I agree to mail Address: update Buy Local ifPrimary any of the above contactName: details change as well as changes to the eligibility as defined Contact above. umber: Web: Scarborough, Maine 0407 Date:___________________ m interested in: Signature:_______________________________________________ Joining a committee Yes No Serving on the Board of Directors Yes Scarborough, Maine 04074 Please mail this completed form with check made payable to: on receipt of this form along with membership dues you will be contacted for your 40 word web site en Scarborough Buy Local PO Box 1193 Scarborough ME 04074 Please mail this completed form with check made payable to: Scarborough Web: Buy Local, PO Box 1193, Scarborough, ME 04074 ertify that the information above is correct and that I/the organization meets the eligibility criteria. I agr mmittee Yes Serving ondetails the Board of as Directors Yes to the eligibility No as defined date Buy Local if any of No the above contact change well as changes 49 Online: ove. g with membership dues you will be contacted for your 40 word web site entry. Wayne Smith 2016 Memorial Scholarship recipient Scarborough Buy Local By Sarah Hassler Buying local is essential to keeping the economy of Scarborough strong. Local business's support our economy and play a large role in the character and attitude of our town. Small businesses depend on the loyalty of local customers. I spend my summers working for a small mom and pop pizza and sandwich shop on Pine Point. My employment has really opened my eyes to the importance of local businesses. Although Scarborough businesses need the tourist trade, in order to survive they need locals to support them year round. The tourists are only around for a few months so it's the locals who keep our businesses going year round. My father has his own small business as a carpenter. Although buying cabinets from a big box store like Lowe's might be cheaper than having something custom made, there are many reasons to support a local builder. The customer knows they are going to get high quality products and great customer service by buying local, they also know that they are keeping the money close to home supporting the local economy. If customers were to buy a kitchen from a big box store the money immediately ends up in faraway places. When they hire a local company, they are likely supporting many other local businesses at the same time. Local businesses often buy supplies from each other. For example the majority of my father's materials come from Atlantic Hardwoods, a family run business in Portland, or Builders Supply, a local business in Biddeford. These businesses in turn buy from other local businesses, keeping the money in Maine rather than sending it outside the state or even outside the United States. Local businesses all pay taxes to the town of Scarborough. Supporting these small businesses allows them to flourish, and encourages more businesses to move in or expand. More business means a higher tax base for the town. More revenue enables the town to keep important programs and make beneficial purchases that are valuable to all residents such as new schools, road improvements and services for the elderly. Buying local also helps Scarborough maintain its character. This is a coastal town with a very large fishing industry. Commercial fishermen depend on local business support. If seafood restaurants like Ken's,The Clambake, Bayley's, or Salty Bay began purchasing fish imported from other parts of the country, the fishing industry would immediately suffer, and lots of men and women would be without jobs. If people don't support these businesses, it doesn't just affect the restaurants, it hurts the fishermen, the tackle stores, the fuel suppliers, the truckers and many others. Lastly, supporting local businesses helps to keep jobs in Maine. College graduates have a difficult time finding employment in Maine and often end up leaving the state for jobs elsewhere. This means the recently educated and skilled workers are leaving our state. We need to support our local companies and keep our educated workers in Maine. Scarborough Buy Local Membership Guide 2016/2017 50 Everyday Banking. No Charge. Scarborough Downs Scarborough High School r Road Sawye 1 ad Black Point Ro Chicago Dogs Scarborough Municipal Center 9 Maine Veterans’ Home Stop in to our branch located at 313 US Route 1 today and switch to local. 1-800-464-0253 | 51 Online:
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