Wild Well Technical Data Book
Wild Well Technical Data Book
TECHNICAL DATA BOOK As the leading provider of comprehensive emergency response and resolution, prevention, and operational services for the oil and gas industry, Wild Well offers innovative solutions to complex issues. No other company on earth can claim a more experienced team, more jobs successfully completed, or more industry personnel trained each year. When it’s under Wild Well. Consider it covered. EMERGENCY: 1.281.784.4700 Wild Well World Headquarters 1.281.784.4700 wildwell.com A SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY Well Control Services Firefighting and well control Pressure control Hot tap and valve drill Freeze services Well Control Engineering Well modeling Dynamic kill modeling Relief well planning Well control advisory and project management Advanced Engineering Flow assurance and thermal engineering Multiphase flow and computational fluid dynamics Multi-physics simulations Mechanical and structural design Advanced structural analysis 3D laser scanning and survey Marine Well Services Riserless light well intervention Unconventional decommissioning WellCONTAINED™ Training & Rigsite Services Well control training Rigsite assessment through kick drills Well control equipment surveys Well specific readiness training HSE Training Incident response training Incident management training CSI Technologies Cement engineering services Lab and testing services Resin technology Research and product development A Quick Reference Book of Formulas, Charts and Tables A SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES COMPANY © 2014 Wild Well Control, Inc. The information contained herein has been collected from various sources. Accordingly, Wild Well Control, Inc. cannot and does not guarantee, warrant or represent the accuracy of or accept any responsibility for the use of any information contained herein. 2 Table of Contents Acronyms & Abbreviations .................................................................................. 2 Common Formulas & Equations Capacities & Volumes for Downhole ............................................................... 4 Capacities & Volumes of Tanks........................................................................ 5 Pump Output & Rate Formulas ......................................................................... 6 Pump Pressure Relationships ............................................................................ 6 Equivalent Circulating Density ......................................................................... 7 Trip Calculations ............................................................................................... 7 Pressure & Gradient Formulas .......................................................................... 8 Kick Related Formulas & Equations Kill Sheet Calculations ...................................................................................... 9 Kick Related Formulas .................................................................................... 10 Kick Related Engineering Calculations .......................................................... 11 Volumetric Method Calculations .................................................................... 12 Lubricate & Bleed Calculations ...................................................................... 12 Bullheading Calculations ................................................................................ 13 Stripping / Snubbing Calculations................................................................... 14 Subsea Formulas ............................................................................................. 15 Accumulator Sizing ......................................................................................... 15 Mud & Cement Formulas ................................................................................ 16 Hydraulics Formulas ....................................................................................... 18 Estimates & Rules of Thumb Tripping ........................................................................................................... 18 Stuck Pipe ........................................................................................................ 19 Free Point and Stretch Estimates ..................................................................... 20 Temperature Drop Across Choke or Orifice ................................................... 21 Bit Nozzle Pressure Loss ................................................................................. 21 Gas Well Flow Rates ....................................................................................... 22 Area of a Circle ............................................................................................... 22 Force and Pressure .......................................................................................... 23 Weight of Spiral Drill Collars ......................................................................... 23 Buoyancy Factor ............................................................................................. 23 Surface and Bottom Hole Pressures in Full Gas Column ............................... 23 Pipe Elongation Due to Temperature .............................................................. 24 Pipe, BOP & Other Data Tables Drillpipe – Range II......................................................................................... 26 Drillpipe Capacity & Displacement ................................................................ 27 Heavy-Weight Drillpipe .................................................................................. 28 Drill Collars ..................................................................................................... 29 Drill Collar Capacity & Displacement ............................................................ 31 KILL SHEET................................................................................................. 32 API Tubing ...................................................................................................... 34 Premium Connection Tubing .......................................................................... 40 Casing Strength ............................................................................................... 42 Casing Capacity............................................................................................... 45 Hole Capacity .................................................................................................. 47 Triplex Pumps at 100% Efficiency ................................................................. 48 Mud Weight Adjustments ............................................................................... 50 Mud Weights ................................................................................................... 51 Specifications for BOP Flanges, etc. .............................................................. 53 Gate Valve Data .............................................................................................. 54 API Ring Joint Flanges ................................................................................... 56 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes ....................................................................... 59 Coiled Tubing Data ......................................................................................... 65 Coiled Tubing Dimensions.............................................................................. 66 Electric Line .................................................................................................... 68 Wireline Data .................................................................................................. 70 Conversion Factors .......................................................................................... 71 Acronyms & Abbreviations Unless otherwise defined, the following abbreviated terms are used in this book. Units are identified within specific formulas and equations. Term bbl bpm Cap Csg DC Disp DP DS ECD Eff EMW EOB FCP FMDPP FP ft gal gpm HP ICP ID IMDPP KOP KWM MD min MW OD OMW pcf PP ppf ppg psi PV Q SF SICP SIDPP sk, sx SPM SPP stk TVD V Vol YP Description Barrel Barrels per minute Capacity Casing Drill collar Displacement Drillpipe Drillstring Equivalent circulating density Efficiency Equivalent mud weight End of build Final circulating pressure Final maximum drillpipe pressure Formation pressure Foot Gallon Gallons per minute Hydrostatic pressure Initial circulating pressure Internal diameter Initial maximum drillpipe pressure Kick off point Kill weight mud Measured depth Minutes Mud weight Outer diameter Original mud weight Pounds per cubic foot Pump pressure Pounds per foot Pounds per gallon Pounds per square inch Plastic viscosity Flow rate Safety factor Shut in casing pressure Shut in drillpipe pressure Sack, sacks Strokes per minute Slow pump pressure Stroke True vertical depth Velocity Volume Yield point 3 4 Formulas & Equations Capacities & Volumes for Downhole Capacities Open Hole Capacitybbl/ft (OHCap) = (Hole Diameter inches)2 1,029.4 Casing Capacitybbl/ft (CsgCap) = (Casing ID inches)2 1,029.4 Drill String Capacitybbl/ft (DSCap) = (Pipe IDinches)2 1,029.4 OH x DS Annular Capacitybbl/ft (OH x DSCap) = (HoleDiamet erinches)2 (ODStringinches)2 1,029.4 Csg x DS Annular Capacitybbl/ft (Csg x DSCap) = (Ca sin g IDinches)2 (ODStringinches)2 1,029.4 Multiple String Annular Capacitybbl/ft (MSACap) = (Ca sin g IDinches)2 (ODPipe1inches)2 (ODPipe 2inches)2 1,029.4 Volumes per Section Open Hole Volumebbl (OHVol) = OHCapbbl/ft x Lengthft Casing Volumebbl (CsgVol) = CsgCapbbl/ft x Lengthft Drill String Volumebbl (DSVol) = DSCapbbl/ft x Lengthft OH x DS Annular Volumebbl (OH x DSVol) = (OH x DSCap)bbl/ft x Lengthft Csg x DS Annular Volumebbl (Csg x DSVol) = (Casg x DSCap)bbl/ft x Lengthft Multiple String Annular Volumebbl (MSAVol) = MSACapbbl/ft x Lengthft 5 Formulas & Equations Capacities & Volumes of Tanks Vertical Cylindrical Tanks Tank Diameterft2 Capacitybbl/ft = 7.148 Tank Diameterinches 2 Capacitybbl/ft = 1,029.4 Capacitybbl/inch = Capacitybbl/inch = Tank Diameterft2 85.78 Tank Diameterinches 2 12,352.9 Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/ft x Heightft Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/inch x Heightinches Rectangular Tanks Capacitybbl/ft = 0.178 x Lengthft x Widthft Capacitybbl/inch = 0.0148 x Lengthft x Widthft Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/ft x Heightft Volumebbl = Capacitybbl/inch x Heightinches Horizontal Cylindrical Tanks Volume of Tankbbl = Lengthft Tank Diameterinches 2 1,029.4 Content from Volume (for Horizontal Tanks) Height Ratio = Height of Contentinches Height of Tankinches FIND VOLUME FACTOR FROM TABLE USING CALCULATED HEIGHT RATIO: Content in Tankbbl = Vol of Tankbbl x Volume Factor Height Ratio Volume Factor 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.019 0.052 0.092 0.142 0.195 0.252 0.310 0.373 0.430 0.500 Height Ratio Volume Factor 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 0.560 0.626 0.690 0.747 0.800 0.857 0.900 0.948 0.980 1.000 6 Formulas & Equations Pump Output & Rate Formulas Pump Outputs FOR TRIPLEX PUMPS: Outputbbl/stk = 0.000243 x (Liner IDinches)2 x Strokeinches x Eff% FOR DUPLEX PUMPS (DOUBLE ACTING): Outputbbl/stk = 0.000162 x [2 x (Liner IDinches)2 – (Rod ODinches)2] x Strokeinches x Eff% Pump Rates Ratebpm = Outputbbl/stk x SPM Rategpm = 42 x Outputbbl/stk x SPM Pumping/Spotting/Displacing Timemin = BBL to Pump Outputbbl/stk SPM Pump Pressure Relationships New Pump Pressure (PP) for Rate Change New Ratebpm 2 New PPpsi = Old PPpsi Old Ratebpm New SPM 2 New PPpsi = Old PPpsi Old SPM New Pump Pressure (PP) for Density Change New PPpsi = New MWppg Original PPpsi Original MWppg Formulas & Equations Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD) Equivalent Circulating Density (ECDppg) using Pressure Loss ECDppg = MW ppg Annular Friction Pressure Loss psi 0.052 Depth TVDft Where: Annular Friction Pressure Loss in psi is approximately equal to 10% of the pump pressure for normal hole geometries (i.e., no liners or tapered strings). Equivalent Circulating Density (ECDppg) using Yield Point (YP) for MW 13 ppg 0.1 YP ECDppg = MWppg HoleDiamet erinches - PipeOD inches Where: YP = Fann 300 reading – PV PV = Fann 600 reading – Fann 300 reading Equivalent Circulating Density (ECDppg) using Yield Point (YP) for MW > 13 ppg ECDppg = MWppg 0.1 HoleDiameterinches PipeODinches PV Vft/min YP 300 HoleDiameterinches PipeODinches Trip Calculations Trip Marginppg Trip Marginppg = YPmud 11.7 Hole Diameterinches - Pipe ODinches Trip Marginppg = Annular Pressure Loss psi 0.052 Depth TVDft Slug Mud Weightppg for a given Length of Dry Pipe Slug Weightppg = MWppg Length Dry Pipeft DP Capbbl/ft MWppg Volume of Slugbbl Slug Volumebbl for a given Length of Dry Pipe Slug Volumebbl = MWppg Length Dry Pipeft DP Capbbl/ft Slug MWbbl - MWppg 7 8 Formulas & Equations Trip Calculations, continued Pit Gain from Slugbbl Pit Gainbbl = Slug Volumebbl Slug Weight ppg - MWppg MWppg Depth Slug Fallsft Depth Slug Fallsft = Pit Gain from Slugbbl DP Capbbl/ft Hydrostatic Pressure Drop per Vertical Foot (Ppsi/ft) when Pulling Dry Pipe Ppsi/ft = 0.052 x MWppg x DP Displ bbl/ft Annulus Capbbl/ft DP Capbbl/ft Hydrostatic Pressure Drop per Vertical Foot (Ppsi/ft) when Pulling Wet Pipe Ppsi/ft = 0.052 x MWppg x DP Capbbl/ft DP Displbbl/ft Annulus Capbbl/ft Length of Dry Pipe Pulled Before Fill-Up for Desired Pressure Drop P Lengthft = Ppsi Annulus Capbbl/ft DP Capbbl/ft 0.052 MWppg DP Displ bbl/ft Length of Wet Pipe Pulled Before Fill-Up for Desired Pressure Drop P Lengthft = Ppsi × Annulus Capbbl/ft 0.052 × MWppg × (DP Capbbl/ft + DP Displ bbl/ft) Pressure & Gradient Formulas Fluid Gradient (Gradientpsi/ft) Gradientpsi/ft = 0.052 x Fluid Densityppg Gradientpsi/ft = 0.007 x Fluid Densitypcf Gradientpsi/ft = 0.433 x Specific Gravity (SG) Hydrostatic Pressure (HPpsi) HPpsi = Gradientpsi/ft x DepthTVDft HPpsi = 0.052 x MWppg x DepthTVDft HPpsi = 0.007 x MWpcf x DepthTVDft HPpsi = 0.433 x SG x DepthTVDft 9 Formulas & Equations Kill Sheet Calculations (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) SEE SAMPLE KILL SHEET ON PAGE 32/33. Kill Weight Mud (KWMppg) from Original Mud Weight (OMWppg) KWMppg = SIDPP psi Depth 0.052 TVDft OMW ppg Initial Circulating Pressure (ICPpsi) ICPpsi = SIDPPpsi + SPPpsi Final Circulating Pressure (FCPpsi) FCPpsi = SPPpsi KWMppg OMWppg Strokes to Bit (STB) STB = Drillstrin g Volumebbl Outputbbl / stk Strokes for KWM to Shoe Strokes to Shoe = Openhole Annular Volumebbl STB Outputbbl/stk Strokes for KWM to Surface Strokes to Surface = Total Annular Volumebbl STB Outputbbl/stk Time for KWM to Bit Time to Bitmin = STB SPM Time for KWM to Shoe Time to Shoemin = Strokes to Shoe SPM Time for KWM to Surface Time to Surface = Strokes to Surface SPM 10 Formulas & Equations Kick Related Formulas (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) Length of Influx Influx Lengthft = Influx Sizebbl Lower Annulus Capbbl/ft Expected Pit Gain (MPGbbl) with a Gas Kick in Water-Based Mud Systems MPGbbl = 4 FPpsi Original Gainbbl Annular Capbbl / ft KWMppg Expected Surface Pressure (MSPpsi) from a Gas Kick in Water-Based Mud Systems MSPpsi = 0.20 × FPpsi × Original Gainbbl × KWMppg Surface Annular Capbbl/ft Maximum Allowable Mud Weight (MAMWppg) MAMWppg = Applied Pressurepsi 0.052 Shoe DepthTVDft Test MWppg Note: Applied Pressure from Integrity or Leak-Off test. Maximum Allowable Shut-In Casing Pressure (MASPpsi) MASPpsi = 0.052 x (MAMWppg – MWppg) x ShoeDepthTVDft Kick Tolerance (KTppg) with Influx Shoe DepthTVDft Total DepthTVDft KTppg = MAMWppg MWppg Influx HeightTVDft Hole DepthTVDft – MWppg MWIppg Where: MWIppg = Density of influxppg Estimated Kick Density Kick Densityppg = MWppg SICPpsi SIDPPpsi 0.052 Kick LengthTVDft Kick Gradientpsi/ft Kick Gradientpsi/ft = MWppg 0.052 SICPpsi SIDPPpsi Kick LengthTVDft Gas Migration Distance DistanceTVDft = Rise in SICPpsi MWppg 0.052 Rate of Gas Migration Migration RateTVDft/min = Distance of RiseTVDft Time for Rise min Formulas & Equations 11 Kick Related Engineering (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) Bottom Hole Pressure (BHPpsi) while Circulating on the Choke BHPpsi = Hydrostatic Pressurepsi Mud in Drillstring + SIDPPpsi Equivalent Mud Weight (EMWppg) at Bottom Hole while Circulating out a Kick EMWppg = BHPpsi 0.052 DepthTVDft Shut-In Casing Pressure (SICPpsi) SICPpsi = SIDPP psi [0.052 MWppg Kick Density ppg x Length of InfluxVDft Formation Pressure (FPpsi) FPpsi = SIDPPpsi + [0.052 x OMWppg x DepthTVDft] FPpsi = SICP + 0.052 x [(Kick LengthVDft x Kick Densityppg) + (Mud Columnft x OMWppg)] % Reduction in Hydrostatic Pressure Due to GasCut Mud (GCMW) %Pgcm (for water-base mud) %Pgcm = 100 OMWppg GCMWppg GCMWppg Leak-Off Test Pressure (LOTpsi) and Equivalent Mud Weight (EMWLOT) at Shoe LOTpsi = 0.052 x Test MWppg x TVDshoe + Applied Pressure to Leak-Offpsi EMWLOT ppg = LOT psi 0.052 x ShoeDepth TVDft Formation Integrity Test Pressure (FITpsi) and Equivalent Mud Weight (EMWFIT) at Shoe FITpsi = 0.052 x Test MWppg x TVDshoe + Applied Integrity Pressurepsi EMWFIT ppg = FITpsi 0.052 x ShoeDepth TVDft Maximum Formation Pressure that can be Controlled with a Well Shut-In Max FPpsi = 0.052 x (KTppg + MWppg) x DepthTVDft 12 Formulas & Equations Kick Related Engineering Calculations, continued (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) Maximum Kick Height Possible not to Exceed MASP MASPpsi Kick HeightVDft = Mud Gradient psi/ft - Kick Gradient psi/ft Maximum Kick Volume Possible not to Exceed MASP Kick Volumebbl = Kick Heightft x Annulus Capbbl/ft Volumetric Method Calculations Note: Not valid when hole is losing fluid. (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) Initial Pressure Build Increment (IP) IPpsi = Safety Marginpsi + Rangepsi Cycle Pressure Build Increment (CP) CPpsi = Rangepsi Hydrostatic Pressure (HPLpsi/bbl) Loss per Barrel of Mud Bled in Upper Annulus HPLpsi/bbl = (Gradient Mud - 0.104)psi/ft Annulus Capbbl/ft at top of hole Bleed Volume (bbl) per Cycle Volbleed = CPpsi HPLpsi / bbl Lubricate & Bleed Calculations Note: Not valid when hole is losing fluid. (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) Cycle Hydrostatic Pressure Gain (HPpsi/bbl) per Barrel of Mud Pumped in Upper Annulus (Gradient Lube Mud - 0.104)psi/ft HPpsi/bbl = Annulus Capbbl/ft at top of hole Cycle Hydrostatic Pressure Increase (HPIpsi) or Lubricated Volume (VOLbbl) to be Bled Off HPIpsi = (Gradient Lube Mud - 0.104) psi/ft x ΔVOL bbl VOLbbl = Annulus Cap bbl/ft at top of hole ΔHPI psi x Annulus Cap bbl/ft at top of hole (Gradient Lube Mud - 0.104) psi/ft Formulas & Equations Lubricate & Bleed Calculations (All formulas based on single bubble in water based mud.) Simplified Equation for Lubrication P3 psi = (P 1psi ) 2 P 2 psi Where: P1 = Original shut in pressure P2 = Pressure increase due to pumping lubricating fluid into the wellbore. P3 = pressure to bleed down after adding the hydrostatic of the lubricating fluid Procedure: 1. Select a working pressure range. For example, Pw = 50 - 100 psi. 2. Pump lubricating fluid through the kill line to increase the casing pressure by the working pressure, so that P2 = P1 + PW. 3. Allow the pressure to stabilize. The pressure may drop by a substantial amount. 4. Calculate the pressure (P3) to bleed down to by using the formula above. 5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until all the gas is lubricated out of the well. Bullheading Calculations Kill Weight Mud (KMppg) KWMppg = Formation Pressure psi 0.052 Perfs Depth TVDft Formation Integrity Pressure (FITpsi) at Perfs Depth FITpsi = 0.052 x (EMWFIT ppg at perf) x PerfsTVDft Hydrostatic Pressure (HPpsi) in Drillpipe HPpsi = Formation Pressurepsi – SIDPPpsi Initial Maximum Drillpipe Pressure (IMDPPpsi) IMDPPpsi = FITpsi – HPpsi Hydrostatic Pressure from KWMppg (KMHPpsi) KMHPpsi = 0.052 x KWMppg x PerfsTVDft Final Maximum Drillpipe Pressure (FMDPPpsi) FMDPPpsi = FITpsi – KMHPpsi 13 14 Formulas & Equations Stripping/Snubbing Calculations Breakover Point Between Stripping & Snubbing Snub Forcelb = Wellbore Pressurepsi x (DP or DC ODin)2 x 0.7854 + Friction Forcelb DC Weightlb = DC Weightlb/ft x DC Lengthft x Buoyancy Factor DP Weight Required for Breakoverlb = Snub Forcelb - DC Weightlb Length of DP Required for Breakoverft = DP Weight Required for Breakover lb DP Weight lb/ft x Bouyancy Factor Friction Forcelb = Friction Through Pressure Control Elements Influx Height Gain from Stripping Into Heightft = Pipe Length Strippedft x DPCapbbl/ft DPDispl bbl/ft Annulus Capbbl/ft Casing Pressure Increase (SICP) from Stripping into an Influx SICPpsi = Heightft x (Gradient Mud – Gradient Influx)psi/ft Mud Volume to Bleed to Maintain Constant Bottom Hole Pressure BleedMudbbl = Csg Pressure Incrementpsi x Annulus Capbbl/ft Mud Gradientpsi/ft Formulas & Equations 15 Subsea Formulas Hydrostatic Pressure in Riser (HPRpsi) HPRpsi = (Water Depthft + Air Gapft) x .052 x MWppg Hydrostatic Pressure from Seawater (HPSpsi) HPSpsi = .052 x Water Depthft x Seawater Weightppg Riser Differentialpsi Riser Differentialpsi = HPRpsi - HPSpsi Riser Marginppg Riser Marginppg = Riser Differenti alpsi 0.052 TVDft - Water Depthft - Air Gapft Pump Start-Up Pressure on Casing Side Pump Start-Uppsi = SICPpsi – CLFPpsi Where: CLFPpsi = Choke Line Friction Pressure Initial Circulating Pressure (ICPpsi) ICPpsi = SIDPPpsi + SPPpsi through the riser Final Circulating Pressure (FCPpsi) FCPpsi = SPPpsi (through the riser) KWMppg OMWppg Accumulator Sizing API Minimum Requirements 100% (S.F.= 1) of fluid volume required to close and hold closed all preventers and open an HCR valve and have a system pressure of 200 psi above minimum recommended precharge pressure remaining on the accumulator with pumps off. Standard Recommendation 150% (S.F.= 1.5) of fluid volume required to close and hold closed all preventers and open an HCR valve and have 1,200 psi system pressure remaining on the accumulator with pumps off. Fluid Volume Required (Volreqd) Volreq = S.F. x (CloseVolannular + CloseVolbop1 + CloseVolbop2 + CloseVolbop3 + CloseVolbop4 + OpenVolhcr) 16 Formulas & Equations Accumulator Sizing, continued Accumulator Volume Required Usable hydraulic fluid for operation of blowout preventer equipment is affected by system pressure and nitrogen precharge. If the nitrogen precharge is at the correct (recommended) precharge, multiply the sizing factor from the table below times the fluid volume required to operate a specified number of BOP functions (Volreq) will provide the required total accumulator volume. Accumulator System Pressure Minimum Recommended Precharge Pressure Useable Fluid 3,000 1,000 1 50.0%* 2 5,000 1,500 1 58.2%* 1.72 Accumulator Size Factor* * Based on minimum system pressure of 200 psi over precharge. 1 All precharge pressures should be in compliance with API 16D. Precharge Pressure: The accumulator bottles filled with only precharge gas at its initial pressure and ambient temperature. The precharge pressure should be specified with a temperature. Precharge pressure is not to exceed the working pressure of the accumulator. Any precharge pressure less than the working pressure of the accumulator may be used as long as the functional requirements of pressure and volume and minimum design factors are satisfied. Accumulator Volume Example If the total fluid required for a BOP stack is 33 gallons, including the safety factor, and the accumulator has an operating pressure of 3,000 psi with a 1,000 psi minimum precharge, the accumulator volume required is 33 gallons times the size factor of 2, or 66 gallons. Accumulator Usable Fluid Volume Usable Volume = VR(Volume Required) x Bottle Volume = Where VR Precharge Press psi Precharge Press psi Min operating Press psi Max operating Press psi Mud & Cement Formulas Barite (100 lb sx) Per 100 bbl Required for Weight-Up Sacks per 100 bbl = 1,470 KWMppg - OMWppg 35 - KWMppg Hematite (100 lb sx) Per 100 bbl Required for Weight-Up Sacks per 100 bbl = 1,680 KWMppg - OMWppg 40 - KWMppg Formulas & Equations 17 Mud & Cement Formulas, continued Pit Volume Increase per 100 bbl (V100bbl) due to Weight-Up with Barite V100bbl = 100 KWMppg - OMWppg 35 - KWMppg Final Mud Weight (MWppg) when Mixing Two Densities of Mud MWppg = (Vol1bbl × MW1ppg) + (Vol2bbl × MW2ppg) Vol1bbl + Vol2bbl Initial Mud Volume Required (IVolbbl) to Build a Final Volume of Mud with Barite IVolbbl = Final Volbbl 35 - KWMppg 35 - OMWppg Sacks of (94 lb) Cement Required Sacks94lb = 5.615cf/bbl x Capbbl/ft x Lengthft x %Excess Yield cf/sk Mix Fluid Requirement Mix Fluidbbl = No. Sacks to Mix Mix Fluid Reqgal/sk 42gal/bbl Balanced Plug (Cement, Barite, etc.) A) Calculate volume of plug: PlugVolbbl = Plug Lengthft X Hole Capbbl/Ft B) Calculate length of balanced column : Column Lengthft = PlugVolbbl Annulus Capbbl/ft DP Capbbl/ft C) Calculate total string volume to balance: VolBalancebbl =(Plug Bottom Depthft – Column Lengthft) X DPcapbbl/Ft D) Calculate ratio of spacer inside and outside of string: Spacer Ratio = Annular Capbbl/ft DP Capbbl/ft E) Calculate displacement volume: DisplVolbbl = VolBalancebbl – Spacer Behindbbl 18 Formulas & Equations Hydraulics Formulas Annular Velocity (AVft/min) Vft/min = 24.51 Pump Rategpm HoleOD in2 - PipeOD in2 Hydraulic Horsepower (HHP) HHP = Qgpm x Pump Pressurepsi 1,714 HHP = Qbpm x Pump Pressurepsi 40.8 Rules of Thumb Tripping Rules of Thumb Ideally, drillers would like to keep bottomhole hydrostatic pressure constant during the trip out (POOH) and the trip in (RIH). However, this is impossible from the operational standpoint because of swab and surge pressures. Most tripping rules-of-thumb are closely associated with maintaining a safe hydrostatic overbalance that neither causes a kick nor lost circulation. Slug Mud Weight Rule of Thumb Slug mud weight is generally one ppg higher than the hole mud weight, with the objective being to unbalance the DP/annulus U-tube by enough to pull dry pipe. The condition of the mud, related to drill solids, and/or the mud weight range could influence the driller to accept less than one ppg. Rules of Thumb 19 Stuck Pipe The causes of stuck pipe are broadly classified as differential or mechanical, and good monitoring and operating practices will minimize both types of pipe sticking. Differential sticking is caused by mud pressure overbalance and is influenced by drilling practices, type mud solids, permeability, bottom-hole assembly clearance, coefficient of friction and the lubricating characteristics of mud. Mechanical sticking is caused by deterioration of hole stability (shale problems, hole cleaning, etc.) and/or directional (crooked-hole) problems. Rule of Thumb for Differentially Stuck Pipe The estimated force required to pull free is equal to the contact force per unit length, times the length of pipe in contact with permeable formation times the coefficient of friction. This estimate tends to be more accurate in a straight hole than in a directional well. Estimating Formula for Differential Sticking Fdiff = K (P) Area Where: K (P) = Sticking coefficient (0.2 water base mud) = Differential pressure (psi) d = Diameter (inches) L = Permeable zone length (feet) Area = Contact area (inches 2) 12in. d Area = L ft 3 (assume ⅓ of the drill collar circumference is buried) Circumference = x Diameter Conclusion: Force to pull free increases as the length of pipe in contact with permeable formation increases, and as the coefficient of friction between pipe and wall increases. Example Given 6 ¼" DC: d 3.1416 6.25 6.545 (round to 6.5) 3 3 P = 200 psi (approx. 0.5 ppg overbalance at 8,000 ft) L = 200 ft (of permeable zone) Fdiff = 0.2 x 200psi x 200ft x 12in./ft x 6.5in. = 624,000lbs 20 Rules of Thumb Free Point and Stretch Estimates When the drill string is stuck, the free point method can be used to estimate the amount of free pipe in the hole. Begin by pulling on the pipe with an initial force (Fi) that is at least 1,000 pounds more than the hanging weight of the string, and make a reference mark on the string. Increase the pull by increments (for example, 5,000 lbs) to final force (Ff) to determine a measurable stretch. Mark the string again, measure the distance between the marks and record as the stretch (S) in inches. Record the difference between Ff and Fi as the pull increment (PI). The amount of free pipe (L) in 1,000’s of feet below the rotary can then be estimated. These estimates tend to be more accurate in straight holes than in directional wells. Estimating Formula The formula for free pipe length L is: L = 1.9635 S OD 2 ID 2 PI The formula for pipe stretch S is: S= Pl L 2 2 1.9635 (OD ID ) Where: L = Length of free pipe (1,000s ft) S = Stretch (inches) OD = OD of the pipe (inches) ID Pl = ID of the pipe (inches) = Pull increment (1,000s lbs) = Ff - Fi Example Given: Drillpipe size = 5", 19.5 lb/ft OD = 5" ID = 4.276" Fi = 5,000 lb Ff = 35,000 lb S = 12" Calculate: PI = 35 – 5 = 30 25 18.284 L = 1.9635 12 = 5.27 thousand feet 30 Rules of Thumb Estimating Temperature Drop Across a Choke or Orifice Rule of Thumb The temperature drop across a choke or orifice is about one degree Fahrenheit (F) per each pressure drop of one atmosphere (rounded at 15 psi). Estimating Formula Tdrop Ph PL 1F atm Where: Tdrop = Temperature drop (degrees) Ph PL = Gas pressure before the choke (psi) = Gas pressure after the choke (psi) atm = Atmospheric pressure (15 psi) Example Calculate temperature drop if the gas pressure is reduced from 1,000 psi to 500 psi across a choke. Tdrop = (1,000 500) 1F atm = 33 x 1°F = 33°F temperature drop Bit Nozzle Pressure Loss P ρ x Q2 10858 x A 2 Where: ΔP = Pressure (psi) ρ Q A = Density (ppg) = Circulation rate (gal/min) = Area of the nozzle (in2) 21 22 Rules of Thumb Estimating Gas Well Flow Rates Rule of Thumb The approximate flow rate (in mmscfd) of a gas well through a blowdown line choke can be estimated by multiplying 24 hours/day, times the tubing pressure plus 15, times the square of the choke size in inches and divide by 1,000. Estimating Formula Q= 24 x (PL 15) x (Dch)2 1,000 Where: Q = Flowrate (mmscfd) PL = Pressure upstream of choke (psi) Dch = Choke size (inches) Example Calculate the estimated flowrate of a gas well, given that tubing pressure is 3,500 psi, and choke size is 1/4. Q= 24 x (3,500 15) x (0.25)2 = 5.273 mmscfd 1,000 Area of a Circle (in2) 0.7854 x D2 or π D2/4 or π R2 Where: D = diameter (inches) R = radius (inches) Rules of Thumb 23 Force and Pressure Force lb = Pressurepsi x Areasq in Weight of Spiral Drill Collars ppf for spiral DC = 0.96 x ppf for smooth DC of same OD & ID Buoyancy Factor (BF) BF = 65.4 MWppg 65.4 Surface & Bottom Hole Pressures in Full Gas Column Method A – Approximate gas gradient is 0.1 psi/ft SP = BHP – (0.lpsi/ft x TVDft) Method B – Exact equation 0.01875 SG D Zavg Tavg - SP =BHP x e Where: SP BHP = Surface Pressure (psi) = Bottom hole pressure (psi) SG D Zavg = Specific gravity of the gas = Depth in TVD (feet) = Average compressibility factor of the gas T avg = Average gas temp in degrees Rankine(°F + 460) 24 Rules of Thumb Pipe Elongation Due to Temperature Since the well has higher temperatures than the air above ground, an elongation will take place. Rule of Thumb Pipe will elongate about 0.83 inches, per 100 feet of length, per 100 degree F increase in temperature. Knowing the surface temperature and the average temperature of the well, the elongation can be estimated. Note: Elongation (stretch) is also caused by the hanging weight of pipe. Estimating Formulas 1F TVD STF BHT 100ft Ta BHT ST 2 T = Ta – Surface Temp LT 12in / ft 0.0000069 LT in / in L T F L T 0.83 100 ft 100F Where: BHT = Bottomhole temperature (°F) Depth = True vertical depth (ft) ST Ta T = Surface temperature (°F) = Average temperature (°F) = Change in average temperature (°F) LT = Elongation (inches) L = Length of pipe (ft) Rules of Thumb My Rules of Thumb 25 Nom. Wt. Lb/Ft 10.40 13.30 15.50 19.50 14.00 16.60 20.00 19.50 25.60 25.60 21.90 21.90 24.70 23.40 25.20 27.70 Pipe Size In. 2⅞ 3½ 3½ 5 4 4½ 4½ 5 5 5 5½ 5½ 5½ 5⅞ 6⅝ 6⅝ 0.361 0.415 0.361 0.330 0.362 0.430 0.362 0.500 0.500 0.361 0.330 0.337 0.362 0.362 0.368 0.449 Wall Thick. In. 4.778 4.670 5.153 5.965 5.901 3.640 4.276 4.000 4.000 4.778 3.340 3.826 4.276 2.151 2.764 2.602 Pipe ID In. 21.00 18.40 25.87 24.00 22.19 24.21 17.60 16.80 15.40 15.40 21.00 14.40 17.20 16.80 2.40 4.00 2.80 19.81 22.54 18.69 17.93 24.03 24.03 19.81 12.93 14.98 17.93 9.72 12.31 14.63 Plain Upset End Wt. Wt. Lb/Ft Lb 5.315 5.315 3.813 3.813 2.813 3.563 3.313 3.313 3.813 3.063 3.563 3.653 2.151 2.602 2.602 OD In. OH NC 38 (IF) NC 38 (IF) 3.875 4.750 5.000 2.156 2.688 2.563 NC 46 (IF) NC 50 (IF) 6.000 6.375 3.250 3.750 3.500 6.250 6.625 7.250 7.250 7.250 2.500 2.750 3.250 3.500 3.500 6.929 6.929 5.563 5.563 HT 65 HT 65 HT 55 HT 55 7.000 7.000 7.000 8.000 8.000 4.000 3.750 4.25 5.000 4.750 Internal External Upset – Grade S 4.250 NC 46 (EH) 5.188 NC 50 (IF) 5.188 5 ½ FH 5.188 5 ½ FH 5.563 5 ½ FH Internal External Upset – Grade G 4.625 5.188 External Upset – Grade G 5.188 NC 50 (EH) 6.375 2.35 2.39 2.33 2.31 1.71 1.70 1.82 1.82 1.79 1.70 1.67 1.65 1.29 1.54 1.59 Tool Joint ID Length In. Ft. Internal External Upset – Grade X 3.219 3.824 3.824 External Upset – Grade E Pipe Pipe API End End Dia. ID Dia. OD Designation with Tool Joint Capacity Displ. Bbls/Ft Bbls/Ft without Tool Joint Capacity Displ. Bbls/Ft Bbls/Ft 0.01252 0.01719 0.01523 0.01535 0.02162 0.00830 0.00827 0.01075 0.01066 0.00925 199.19 0.02172 0.00925 210.15 0.02067 0.01042 0.02521 0.00971 240.81 0.03385 0.01078 284.15 0.03297 0.01194 142.46 157.37 188.17 179.97 184.41 0.02218 0.02119 0.02579 0.03456 0.03383 0.01287 0.01776 0.01554 0.01554 0.02218 0.00721 0.00820 0.00773 0.00807 0.00881 0.00680 0.00652 0.00874 0.00874 0.00721 108.76 0.01082 0.00587 0.01084 0.00471 113.10 0.01421 0.00663 0.01422 0.00545 120.23 0.01745 0.00784 0.01776 0.00652 34.99 0.00451 0.00389 0.00449 0.00353 61.10 0.00741 0.00515 0.00742 0.00448 74.82 0.00658 0.00606 0.00658 0.00532 Weight Lb 26 Drillpipe – Range II Drillpipe Capacity & Displacement ID DP OD Weight Tube (In). (ppf) (In.) 2⅜ 2⅞ 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 5⅞ 6⅝ 7⅝ 27 DP ClosedDisplacement Capacity End (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft) 4.85 1.995 0.00387 0.0016 0.0055 6.65 1.815 0.00320 0.0023 0.0055 6.45 2.469 0.00592 0.0021 0.0080 6.85 2.441 0.00579 0.0022 0.0080 8.35 2.323 0.00524 0.0028 0.0080 10.40 2.151 0.00449 0.0035 0.0080 8.50 3.063 0.00911 0.0028 0.0119 9.50 2.992 0.00870 0.0032 0.0119 11.20 2.900 0.00817 0.0037 0.0119 13.30 2.764 0.00742 0.0045 0.0119 15.50 2.602 0.00658 0.0053 0.0119 11.85 3.476 0.01174 0.0038 0.0155 14.00 3.340 0.01084 0.0047 0.0155 15.70 3.240 0.01020 0.0053 0.0155 12.75 4.000 0.01554 0.0041 0.0197 13.75 3.958 0.01522 0.0045 0.0197 16.60 3.826 0.01422 0.0055 0.0197 20.00 3.640 0.01287 0.0068 0.0197 16.25 4.408 0.01888 0.0054 0.0243 19.50 4.276 0.01776 0.0065 0.0243 20.50 4.214 0.01725 0.0070 0.0243 21.90 4.778 0.02218 0.0072 0.0294 24.70 4.670 0.02119 0.0082 0.0294 23.40 5.153 0.02579 0.0077 0.0335 26.30 5.045 0.02472 0.0088 0.0335 28.67 4.875 0.02309 0.0104 0.0335 22.20 6.065 0.03573 0.0069 0.0426 25.20 5.965 0.03456 0.0081 0.0426 31.90 5.761 0.03224 0.0104 0.0426 29.25 6.969 0.04718 0.0093 0.0565 Note: Capacity and displacement value are without tool joint. \ 3½ 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6⅝ 2 1/16 2¼ 2 9/16 2¾ 3 3⅜ 4½ 0.719 0.625 0.719 0.875 1.000 1.063 1.063 Nominal Tube Dimensions Nominal Size Inside Dia. Wall In. In. Thickness In. NC 38 (3 ½ IF) NC 38 (3 ½ IF) NC 40 (4 FH) NC 46 (4 IF) NC 50 (4 ½ IF) 5 ½ FH 6 ⅝ FH 4¾ 4¾ 5¼ 6¼ 6⅝ 7 8 Outside Dia. In. Tool Joint Connection Size In. 2 3/16 2⅜ 2 11/16 2⅞ 3 1/16 3½ 4½ Inside Dia. In. 25.3 23.2 27.2 41.0 49.3 57.0 70.8 Approx. Weight Tube & Joints lb/ft 9,900 9,900 13,250 21,800 29,400 33,200 46,900 Make-up Torque (ft-lb) 0.0042 0.0050 0.0073 0.0074 0.0088 0.0111 0.0196 0.0092 0.0084 0.0100 0.0149 0.0179 0.0207 0.0257 Capacity Displacement bbls/ft bbls/ft 28 Heavy-Weight Drillpipe 6 ½" 6 ¼" 6" 5 ¾" 5 ½" 5 ¼" 5" 4 ¾" 4 ½" 4 ¼" 4" OD Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft ID Capacity 36.7 0.0133 42.2 0.0153 48.1 0.0175 54.3 0.0197 60.8 0.0221 67.6 0.0246 74.8 0.0272 82.3 0.0299 90.1 0.0328 98.0 0.0356 107.0 0.0389 1 ½" 0.0022 34.5 0.0125 40.0 0.0145 45.9 0.0167 52.1 0.0189 58.6 0.0213 65.4 0.0238 72.6 0.0264 80.1 0.0291 87.9 0.0320 95.8 0.0349 104.8 0.0381 1 ¾" 0.0030 32.0 0.0116 37.5 0.0136 43.4 0.0158 49.6 0.0181 56.1 0.0204 62.9 0.0229 70.1 0.0255 77.6 0.0282 85.4 0.0311 93.3 0.0339 102.3 0.0372 2" 0.0039 29.2 0.0106 34.7 0.0126 40.6 0.0148 46.8 0.0170 53.3 0.0194 60.1 0.0219 67.3 0.0245 74.8 0.0272 82.6 0.0301 90.5 0.0329 99.5 0.0362 2 ¼" 0.0049 43.6 0.0159 50.1 0.0182 56.9 0.0207 64.1 0.0233 71.6 0.0261 79.4 0.0289 87.3 0.0318 96.3 0.0350 2 ½" 0.0061 53.4 0.0194 60.6 0.0221 68.1 0.0248 75.9 0.0276 83.8 0.0305 92.8 0.0338 2 ¾" 0.0073 56.8 0.0207 64.3 0.0234 72.1 0.0262 80.0 0.0291 89.0 0.0324 3" 0.0087 3 ½" 0.0119 - 3 ¾" 0.0137 Spiral Drill-Collars Approx. Displacement of Spiral - Drill Collar - in bbls/ft - OD 2 - ID 2 - 2.56 - 2,74767.9 63.4 0.0247 0.0231 75.8 71.3 0.0276 0.0259 84.8 80.3 0.0308 0.0292 3 ¼" 0.0103 Drill Collars 29 10" 9" 8 ¾" 8 ½" 8 ¼" 8" 7 ¾" 7 ½" 7 ¼" 7" 6 ¾" OD Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft Wt lb/ft Disp bbl/ft ID Capacity 116.0 0.0422 125.0 0.0455 134.0 0.0487 144.0 0.0524 154.0 0.0560 165.0 0.0600 176.0 0.0640 187.0 0.0680 199.0 0.0724 210.2 0.0765 260.9 0.0950 1 ½" 0.0022 113.8 0.0414 122.8 0.0447 131.8 0.0479 141.8 0.0516 151.8 0.0552 162.8 0.0592 173.8 0.0632 184.8 0.0672 196.8 0.0716 208.0 0.0757 258.8 0.0942 1 ¾" 0.0030 111.3 0.0405 120.3 0.0438 129.3 0.0470 139.3 0.0507 149.3 0.0543 160.3 0.0583 171.3 0.0623 182.3 0.0663 194.3 0.0707 205.6 0.0748 256.3 0.0933 2" 0.0039 108.5 0.0395 117.5 0.0427 126.5 0.0460 136.5 0.0497 146.5 0.0533 157.5 0.0573 168.5 0.0613 179.5 0.0653 191.5 0.0697 202.7 0.0738 253.4 0.0923 2 ¼" 0.0049 105.3 0.0383 114.3 0.0416 123.3 0.0449 133.3 0.0485 143.3 0.0521 154.3 0.0561 165.3 0.0601 176.3 0.0641 188.3 0.0685 199.6 0.0726 250.3 0.0911 2 ½" 0.0061 101.8 0.0370 110.8 0.0403 119.8 0.0436 129.8 0.0472 139.8 0.0509 150.8 0.0549 161.8 0.0589 172.8 0.0629 184.8 0.0672 196.0 0.0714 246.8 0.0898 2 ¾" 0.0073 98.0 0.0356 107.0 0.0389 116.0 0.0422 126.0 0.0458 136.0 0.0495 147.0 0.0535 158.0 0.0575 169.0 0.0615 181.0 0.0658 192.2 0.0700 242.9 0.0884 3" 0.0087 93.8 0.0341 102.8 0.0374 111.8 0.0407 121.8 0.0443 131.8 0.0479 142.8 0.0520 153.8 0.0560 164.8 0.0600 176.8 0.0643 188.0 0.0685 238.8 0.0869 3 ¼" 0.0103 89.3 0.0325 98.3 0.0358 107.3 0.0390 117.3 0.0427 127.3 0.0463 138.3 0.0503 149.3 0.0543 160.3 0.0583 172.3 0.0697 183.5 0.0668 234.3 0.0853 3 ½" 0.0119 93.4 0.0340 102.4 0.0372 112.4 0.0409 122.4 0.0445 133.4 0.0485 144.4 0.0525 155.4 0.0565 167.4 0.0609 178.7 0.0651 229.4 0.0835 3 ¾" 0.0137 30 Drill Collars Drill Collar Capacity & Displacement DC OD (In.) DC ID (In.) 3⅛ 3¾ 4⅛ 4¾ 6 6¼ 6½ 8 8¼ 8½ 9 9½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12 1.250 1.500 2.000 2.000 2.250 2.500 2.500 2.813 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 31 DC Capacity Steel Displ. Closed-End (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft) 0.00152 0.00219 0.00389 0.00389 0.00492 0.00607 0.00607 0.00768 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.00803 0.0080 0.0115 0.0126 0.0181 0.0301 0.0318 0.0350 0.0545 0.0589 0.0622 0.0707 0.0796 0.0891 0.0991 0.1095 0.1204 0.1319 0.0095 0.0137 0.0165 0.0219 0.0350 0.0379 0.0410 0.0622 0.0661 0.0629 0.0787 0.0877 0.0971 0.1071 0.1175 0.1285 0.1399 Fast pump bbl/stk bbl bbl bbl bbl Sec. D Sec. E Total bbl Sec. B Sec. C bbl Sec. A Drill String Capacity SPM SPM Total Sec. H Sec. G bbl bbl bbl bbl bbl bbl Annulus Capacity Sec. F psi @ Slow pump Pump output ppg psi @ Mud weight psi | SICP Kick Data ppg 1.281.784.7400 USA wildwell.com Kill Data ("Wait & Weight" Method) ft psi bbl SIDPP = _________ ppg 0.052 TVD KWM = _________ psi OMW One circulation __________ strokes Surface to bit __________ strokes | Bit to surface __________ strokes Final circulation pressure (FCP) = Kill rate pressure x Initial circulation pressure (ICP) = SIDP + Kill rate pressure = _________ psi Kill weight mud (KWM) = OMW Kill rate (slow or fast pump) = _________ SPM Bit at Old mud weight (OMW) Volume gained TD | TVD SIDP Well Data Date 32 Kill Sheet ft ft Bit at TD at Set at Casing size 0 Strokes PRESSURE NOTE: Enlarge page by 125% to get 8½ x11" full-size worksheet. ICP 0 To Bit Strokes STROKES KILL CHART Drillpipe Press Volumes Volume Kill Schedule ("Wait & Weight" Method) FCP Drillipe Press Kill Sheet 33 1¼ 1 ¾ 1.70 1.70 2.30 2.30 1.315 1.315 1.315 1.660 1.660 2.30 1.70 1.315 1.660 1.70 1.050 2.30 1.14 1.050 1.660 1.14 1.050 2.30 1.14 1.050 1.660 1.14 OD In. 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 2.40 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.80 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 T&C Upset lb/ft Normal Weight T&C NonUpset lb/ft ubing Size Nominal In. N-80 C-75 J-55 H-40 H-40 N-80 C-75 J-55 H-40 N-80 C-75 J-55 H-40 Grade 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.125 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.133 0.113 0.113 0.113 0.113 Wall Thick. In. 1.380 1.380 1.380 1.380 1.410 1.049 1.049 1.049 1.049 .824 .824 .824 .824 Inside Dia. In. 1.286 1.286 1.286 1.286 1.286 .955 .955 .955 .955 .730 .730 .730 .730 Drift Dia In. 2.054 2.054 2.054 2.054 2.054 1.660 1.660 1.660 1.660 1.313 1.313 1.313 1.313 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.900 1.660 1.660 1.660 1.660 NonUpset Upset In. Rea. In. Upset Spec In. Coupling Outside dia. Threaded Coupling 12,360 11,580 8,490 6,180 5,570 14,550 13,640 10,000 7,270 15,370 14,410 10,560 7,680 Collapse Resistance PSI 11,810 11,070 8,120 5,900 5,270 14,160 13,270 9,730 7,080 15,070 14,130 10,560 7,530 Internal Yield Pressure PSI 31,060 29,120 21,360 15,530 21,910 20,540 15,060 10,960 12,710 11,920 8,740 6,360 T&C Non-Upset Lb 53,480 50,140 36,770 26,740 39,510 37,040 27,160 19,760 26,610 24,940 18,290 13,300 T&C Upset Lb Joint Yield Strength 0.00185 0.00185 0.00185 0.00185 0.00193 0.00107 0.00107 0.00107 0.00107 0.00066 0.00066 0.00066 0.00066 Capacity bbl/ft 0.00084 0.00084 0.00084 0.00084 0.00062 0.00062 0.00062 0.00062 0.00041 0.00041 0.00041 0.00041 0.00087 0.00087 0.00087 0.00087 0.00065 0.00065 0.00065 0.00065 0.00044 0.00044 0.00044 0.00044 T&C Upset bbl/ft Displacement T&C Non-Upset bbl/ft 34 API Tubing 2 1/16 1 1/2 2.90 2.90 N-80 C-75 J-55 H-40 J-55 C-75 N-80 2.063 2.063 2.063 H-40 2.75 2.90 2.90 Grade 2.063 2.75 1.900 1.900 2.75 1.900 1.900 2.75 OD In. T&C Upset lb/ft Normal Weight T&C NonUpset lb/ft Tubing Size Nominal In. 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.156 0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 Wall Thick. In. 1.751 1.751 1.751 1.751 1.610 1.610 1.610 1.610 Inside Dia. In. 1.516 1.516 1.516 1.516 Drift Dia In. 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.200 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 NonUpset Upset In. Rea. In. Upset Spec In. Coupling Outside dia. Threaded Coupling 11,180 10,480 7,690 7,770 11,280 10,570 7,750 5,640 Collapse Resistance PSI 10,590 9,920 7,280 7,630 10,680 10,020 7,350 5,340 Internal Yield Pressure PSI 38,130 35,800 26,250 19,090 T&C Non-Upset Lb 63,950 59,960 43,970 31,980 T&C Upset Lb Joint Yield Strength 0.00298 0.00298 0.00298 0.00298 0.00252 0.00252 0.00252 0.00252 Capacity bbl/ft 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00100 0.00106 0.00106 0.00106 0.00106 T&C Upset bbl/ft Displacement T&C Non-Upset bbl/ft API Tubing 35 2 3/8 4.00 4.60 4.60 4.60 5.80 4.60 5.80 4.60 5.80 OD In. 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 5.95 4.70 5.95 4.70 5.95 4.70 4.70 4.70 T&C Upset lb/ft Normal Weight T&C NonUpset lb/ft Tubing Size Nominal In. P-105 P-105 N-80 N-80 C-75 C-75 J-55 H-40 H-40 Grade 0.254 0.190 0.254 0.190 0.254 0.190 0.190 0.190 0.167 Wall Thick. In. 1.867 1.995 1.867 1.995 1.867 1.995 1.995 1.995 2.041 Inside Dia. In. 1.773 1.901 1.773 1.901 1.773 1.901 1.901 1.901 1.947 Drift Dia In. 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 3.063 3.063 3.063 3.063 3.063 3.063 3.063 3.063 NonUpset Upset In. Rea. In. 2.910 2.910 2.910 2.910 2.910 2.910 2.910 2.910 Upset Spec In. Coupling Outside dia. Threaded Coupling 20,060 15,460 15,280 11,780 14,330 11,040 8,100 5,890 5,230 Collapse Resistance PSI 19,650 14,700 14,970 11,200 14,040 10,500 7,700 5,600 4,920 Internal Yield Pressure PSI 135,180 94,410 102,990 71,930 96,560 67,430 49,450 35,960 30,130 T&C Non-Upset Lb 177.710 136,940 135,400 104,340 126,940 97,820 71,730 52,170 T&C Upset Lb Joint Yield Strength 0.00339 0.00387 0.00339 0.00387 0.00339 0.00387 0.00387 0.00387 0.00405 Capacity bbl/ft 0.00211 0.00167 0.00211 0.00167 0.00211 0.00167 0.00167 0.00167 0.00146 0.00216 0.00171 0.00216 0.00171 0.00216 0.00171 0.00171 0.00171 T&C Upset bbl/ft Displacement T&C Non-Upset bbl/ft 36 API Tubing 3 1/2 2 7/8 6.40 6.40 6.40 8.60 6.40 8.60 6.40 8.60 7.70 9.20 10.20 7.70 OD In. 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 9.30 8.70 6.50 8.70 6.50 8.70 6.50 6.50 6.50 T&C Upset lb/ft Normal Weight T&C NonUpset lb/ft Tubing Size Nominal In. J-55 H-40 H-40 H-40 P-105 P-105 N-80 N-80 C-75 C-75 J-55 H-40 Grade 0.215 0.289 0.254 0.216 0.308 0.217 0.308 0.217 0.308 0.217 0.217 0.217 Wall Thick. In. 3.068 2.922 2.992 3.068 2.259 2.441 2.259 2.441 2.259 2.441 2.441 2.441 Inside Dia. In. 2.943 2.797 2.867 2.943 2.165 2.347 2.165 2.347 2.165 2.347 2.347 2.347 Drift Dia In. 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 4.500 3.668 3.668 3.668 3.668 3.668 3.668 3.668 3.668 NonUpset Upset In. Rea. In. 4.180 3.460 3.460 3.460 3.460 3.460 3.460 3.460 3.460 Upset Spec In. Coupling Outside dia. Threaded Coupling 5,970 6,060 5,380 4,630 20,090 14,010 15,300 11,170 14,350 10,470 7,680 5,580 Collapse Resistance PSI 5,940 5,780 5,080 4,320 19,690 13,870 15,000 10,570 14,060 9,910 7,260 5,280 Internal Yield Pressure PSI 89,470 92,550 79,540 65,070 209,100 138,560 159,310 105,570 149360 98,970 72,580 52,780 T&C Non-Upset Lb 103,810 260,810 190,260 198,710 144,960 185,290 135,900 99,660 72,480 T&C Upset Lb Joint Yield Strength 0.00914 0.00829 0.00870 0.00914 0.00496 0.00579 0.00496 0.00579 0.00496 0.00579 0.00579 0.00579 Capacity bbl/ft 0.00262 0.00371 0.00335 0.00280 0.00313 0.00233 0.00313 0.00233 0.00313 0.00233 0.00233 0.00233 0.00338 0.00317 0.00236 0.00317 0.00236 0.00317 0.00236 0.00236 0.00236 T&C Upset bbl/ft Displacement T&C Non- Upset bbl/ft API Tubing 37 3½ Nominal In. 3.500 3.500 7.70 10.20 12.70 9.20 12.70 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 12.70 7.70 10.20 3.500 3.500 9.20 10.20 3.500 OD In. 12.95 9.30 12.95 12.95 T&C Upset lb/ft Normal Weight T&C NonUpset lb/ft Tubing Size P-105 P-105 N-80 N-80 N-80 C-75 C-75 C-75 J-55 J-55 Grade 0.375 0.254 0.375 0.289 0.216 0.375 0.289 0.216 0.289 0.254 Wall Thick. In. 2.750 2.992 2.750 2.922 3.068 2.750 2.922 3.068 2.922 2.922 Inside Dia. In. 2.625 2.867 2.625 2.797 2.943 2.625 2.797 2.943 2.797 2.867 Drift Dia In. 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.250 4.500 4.500 4.500 4.500 NonUpset Upset In. Rea. In. 4.180 4.180 4.180 4.180 Upset Spec In. Coupling Outside dia. Threaded Coupling 20,090 13,050 15,310 12,120 7,870 14,350 11,360 7,540 8,330 7,400 Collapse Resistance PSI 19,690 13,340 15,000 11,560 8,640 14,060 10,840 8,100 7,950 6,990 Internal Yield Pressure PSI 323,390 208,800 246,390 185,100 130,140 230,990 173,530 122,010 127,250 127,250 T&C Non-Upset Lb 386,570 271,970 294,530 276,120 T&C Upset Lb Joint Yield Strength 0.00735 0.00870 0.00735 0.00829 0.00914 0.00735 0.00829 0.00914 0.00829 0.00829 Capacity bbl/ft 0.00462 0.00335 0.00462 0.00371 0.00280 0.00462 0.00371 0.00280 0.00371 0.00371 0.00471 0.00338 0.00471 0.00471 T&C Upset bbl/ft Displacement T&C Non-Upset bbl/ft 38 API Tubing 4 1/2 4 12.60 12.60 12.60 4.500 4.500 4.500 12.75 12.75 12.75 12.75 12.60 4.500 11.00 11.00 9.50 9.50 11.00 11.00 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 9.50 9.50 4.000 4.000 OD In. T&C Upset lb/ft Normal Weight T&C NonUpset lb/ft Tubing Size Nominal In. N-80 C-75 J-55 H-40 N-80 N-80 C-75 C-75 J-55 J-55 H-40 H-40 Grade 0.271 0.271 0.271 0.271 0.262 0.226 0.262 0.226 0.262 0.226 0.262 0.226 Wall Thick. In. 3.958 3.958 3.958 3.958 3.476 3.548 3.476 3.548 3.476 3.548 3.476 3.548 Inside Dia. In. 3.833 3.833 3.833 3.833 3.351 3.423 3.351 3.423 3.351 3.423 3.351 3.423 Drift Dia In. 5.200 5.200 5.200 5.200 4.750 4.750 4.750 4.750 5.563 5.563 5.563 5.563 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 NonUpset Upset In. Rea. In. Upset Spec In. Coupling Outside dia. Threaded Coupling 7,500 7,200 5,730 4,490 8,800 6,590 8,410 6,350 6,590 5,110 4,900 4,050 Collapse Resistance PSI 8,430 7,900 5,800 4,220 9,170 7,910 8,600 6,300 5,440 4,590 3,960 Internal Yield Pressure PSI 208,730 195,680 143,500 104,360 144,010 135,010 99,010 72,000 T&C Non-Upset Lb 288,040 270,040 198,030 144,020 246,140 230,750 169,220 123,070 T&C Upset Lb Joint Yield Strength 0.01522 0.01522 0.01522 0.01522 0.01174 0.01223 0.01174 0.01223 0.01174 0.01223 0.01174 0.01223 Capacity bbl/ft 0.00458 0.00458 0.00458 0.00458 0.00346 0.00346 0.00346 0.00346 0.00464 0.00464 0.00464 0.00464 0.00400 0.00400 0.00400 0.00400 T&C Upset bbl/ft Displacement T&C Non-Upset bbl/ft API Tubing 39 ¾" CS HYDRIL 1.5# P-110 1" CS HYDRIL 2.25# C-75 1" CS HYDRIL 2.25# N-80/L-80 1" CS HYDRIL 2.25# T-95 1" CS HYDRIL 2.25# P-110 1" CS HYDRIL 2.25# S-135 1-¼" CS HYDRIL 3.02# C-75 1-¼" CS HYDRIL 3.02# N-80/L-80 1-¼" CS HYDRIL 3.02# T-95 1-¼" CS HYDRIL 3.02# P-110 1-¼" CS HYDRIL 3.02# S-135 1-½" CS HYDRIL 3.64# N-80/L-80 1-½" CS HYDRIL 3.64# P-110 1-½" CS HYDRIL 3.64# S-135 2-1/16" CS HYDRIL 3.25# N-80/L-80 2-⅜" EUE 8RD 4.7# N-80/L-80 Tubing Size Inner Dia. In. Drift Wall Cross Thick Section N-L-80 2.063 1.751 1.657 0.156 0.935 N-L-80 2.375 1.995 1.901 0.190 1.304 400 400 400 400 500 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 900 1.600 0.864 1.600 0.864 1.600 0.864 1.600 0.864 1.927 1.218 1.927 1.218 1.927 1.218 1.927 1.218 1.927 1.218 2.162 1.440 2.162 1.440 2.162 1.440 2.330 1.700 3.063 1.995 1,500 S-135 P-110 95,000 21,300 95,000 105,000 27,000 80,000 100,000 22,600 75,000 1.660 1.278 1.184 0.191 0.881 95,000 105,000 27,700 96,600 83,700 71,000 66,000 86,200 70,300 60,700 51,000 48,000 47,600 Pull 100% 25,300 22,400 21,900 19,300 18,400 16,200 17,200 15,200 36,700 31,700 29,900 25,900 25,900 22,300 21,800 18,800 20,400 17,600 85,000 16,800 15,000 75,000 12,100 11,200 125.0 91.8 91.8 91.8 80,000 100,000 22,200 104,300 12,800 11,770 162.3 80,000 100,000 23,000 1.900 1.500 1.406 0.200 1.068 135,000 145,000 39,600 144,199 28,421 25,429 1.900 1.500 1.406 0.200 1.068 110,000 125,000 32,300 117,500 23,000 20,700 80,000 100,000 23,300 66.6 66.6 66.6 66.6 66.6 37.4 37.4 37.4 37.4 37.4 22.5 Capacity Disp. bbls/ft 71.9 0.00386 0.00171 49.7 0.00298 0.00118 55.7 0.00219 0.00133 55.7 0.00219 0.00133 55.7 0.00219 0.00133 46.2 0.00159 0.00110 46.2 0.00159 0.00110 46.2 0.00159 0.00110 46.2 0.00159 0.00110 46.2 0.00159 0.00110 34.4 0.00089 0.00082 34.4 0.00089 0.00082 34.4 0.00089 0.00082 34.4 0.00089 0.00082 34.4 0.00089 0.00082 15.3 0.00054 0.00036 Collapse Cap. Disp. 100% Gals/1000 ft 32,200 26,200 PSI Burst 100% 1.660 1.278 1.184 0.191 0.881 135,000 145,000 39,400 119,000 31,000 27,500 1.660 1.278 1.184 0.191 0.881 110,000 125,000 32,000 1.660 1.278 1.184 0.191 0.881 95,000 21,800 80,000 100,000 23,500 75,000 1.315 0.957 0.848 0.179 0.639 135,000 145,000 38,300 N-L-80 1.900 1.500 1.406 0.200 1.068 S-135 P-110 T-95 Depth 100% Tube Data Ult. Strength 1.315 0.957 0.848 0.179 0.639 110,000 125,000 31,200 1.315 0.957 0.848 0.179 0.639 N-L-80 1.660 1.278 1.184 0.191 0.881 C-75 S-135 P-110 T-95 N-L-80 1.315 0.957 0.848 0.179 0.639 1.315 0.957 0.848 0.179 0.639 300 1.600 0.864 C-75 100% Yield 1.050 0.742 0.648 0.154 0.433 110,000 125,000 31,700 Outer Dia. In. 1.327 0.687 P-110 Inner MakeDia. up Grade In. Torque Connection Data Outer Dia. In. 40 Premium Connection Tubing 2-⅜" PH-6 HYDRIL 5.95# N-80/L-80 2-⅜" PH-6 HYDRIL 5.95# RY-85 2-⅜" PH-6 HYDRIL 5.95# T-95 2-⅜" PH-6 HYDRIL 5.95# P-110 2-⅞" EUE 8RD 6.5# N-80/L-80 2-⅞" PH-6 HYDRIL 8.7# N-80/L-80 2-⅞" PH-6 HYDRIL 7.9# N-80/L-80 2-⅞" PH-6 HYDRIL 7.9# T-95 2-⅞" PH-6 HYDRIL 7.9# P-110 3-½" EUE 8RD 9.3# N-80/L-80 3-½" EUE 8RD 9.3# P-110 3-½" PH-6 HYDRIL 12.95# N-80/L-80 3-½" PH-6 HYDRIL 12.95# T-95 3-½" PH-6 HYDRIL 12.95# P-110 4-½" PH-6 HYDRIL 15.50# P-110 Tubing Size N-L-80 2.875 2.441 2.347 0.217 1.812 N-L-80 2.875 2.259 2.165 0.308 2.484 N-L-80 2.875 2.323 2.229 0.276 2.254 3.668 2.441 2,300 3.500 2.200 3,000 3.437 2.265 3,000 Pull 100% PSI Burst 100% 95,000 110,000 27,000 160,740 19,665 17,595 142.2 85,000 100,000 24,100 143,800 18,200 16,240 142.2 2.875 2.323 2.229 0.276 2.254 99.5 0.00579 0.00237 91.0 0.00339 0.00217 91.0 0.00339 0.00217 91.0 0.00339 0.00217 95,000 110,000 27,098 214,082 18,000 16,000 220.0 120.9 0.00524 0.00288 80,000 100,000 22,800 180,000 15,300 13,900 220.0 120.9 0.00524 0.00288 80,000 100,000 22,800 198,700 17,140 15,300 208.1 133.1 0.00495 0.00317 80,000 100,000 22,300 145,000 12,100 11,160 243.0 Capacity Disp. bbls/ft 91.0 0.00339 0.00217 Collapse Cap. Disp. 100% Gals/1000 ft 2.375 1.867 1.773 0.254 1.692 105,000 120,000 29,900 178,000 22,500 20,060 142.2 2.375 1.867 1.773 0.254 1.692 Depth 100% Tube Data Ult. Strength 80,000 100,000 22,700 135,000 17,100 15,300 142.2 100% Yield T-95 P-110 P-110 4.312 2.687 7,000 5.125 3.765 8,500 95,000 105,000 27,000 386,600 20,300 18,100 308.4 198.1 0.00734 0.00472 80,000 100,000 22,700 294,500 17,100 15,310 308.4 198.1 0.00734 0.00472 4.500 3.826 3.701 0.337 4.407 110,000 125,000 31,300 485,000 16,480 14,340 598.0 229.2 0.01424 0.00546 3.500 2.750 2.625 0.375 3.682 105,000 120,000 29,800 386,600 22,500 20,090 308.4 198.1 0.00734 0.00472 3.500 2.750 2.625 0.375 3.682 N-L-80 3.500 2.750 2.625 0.375 3.682 4.313 2.687 6,000 4.312 2.687 5,500 3.437 2.265 3,500 P-110 2.875 2.323 2.229 0.276 2.254 105,000 120,000 29,900 236,000 20,100 18,200 220.0 120.9 0.00524 0.00288 2,4004.500 2.992 3,200 N-L-80 3.500 2.992 2.867 0.254 2.590 80,000 100,000 22,200 207,200 11,600 10,700 365.2 134.5 0.00870 0.00320 3,0004.500 2.992 4,000 P-110 3.500 2.992 2.867 0.254 2.590 110,000 125,000 30,600 284,900 15,900 14,800 365.2 134.5 0.00870 0.00320 T-95 P-110 2.906 1.805 2,700 3.437 2.265 3,200 T-95 2.375 1.867 1.773 0.254 1.692 2.906 1.805 2,200 Wall Cross Thick Section RY-85 Drift N-L-80 2.375 1.867 1.773 0.254 1.692 Inner Dia. In. 2.906 1.805 2,200 Outer Dia. In. 2.906 1.805 2,200 Inner MakeDia. up Grade In. Torque Connection Data Outer Dia. In. Premium Connection Tubing 41 7 6⅝ 5½ 5 4½ Casing OD (In.) 9.5 11.6 13.5 15.1 11.5 13.0 15.0 18.0 14.0 15.5 17.0 20.0 23.0 20.0 24.0 28.0 20.0 23.0 26.0 29.0 32.0 35.0 Weight (ppf) 2,720 H40 4,380 5,350 6,200 7,210 4,240 4,870 5,700 6,970 4,270 4,810 5,320 6,310 7,270 4,180 5,110 6,060 3,740 4,360 4,980 5,610 6,230 6,850 J/K 55 9,190 10,910 12,540 7,230 8,830 10,460 7,530 8,600 9,690 10,760 11,830 7,090 8,290 10,140 7,000 7,740 9,190 10,560 6,090 7,440 8,810 6,340 7,240 8,160 9,060 9,960 6,640 7,770 9,500 5,820 6,560 7,250 8,610 9,900 6,970 8,260 5,100 5,940 6,790 7,650 8,490 9,340 9,840 12,040 7,780 9,020 10,480 9,240 10,710 C95 7,290 8,460 9,830 Burst Pressure (psi) C75 N80 9,960 11,220 12,460 13,700 10,230 12,120 9,620 10,640 12,640 14,520 11,400 13,940 10,690 12,410 14,420 P110 1,920 H40 3,310 4,960 6,420 7,620 3,060 4,140 5,500 7,390 3,120 3,860 4,910 6,610 7,670 3,060 4,560 6,170 2,500 3,270 4,320 5,400 6,460 7,270 J/K 55 5,550 7,830 2,660 3,770 5,250 6,760 8,230 9,710 4,990 6,970 10,000 3,560 4,860 6,070 8,440 10,400 6,100 8,140 10,390 3,830 5,320 7,020 8,600 10,180 4,990 5,890 8,830 11,160 3,480 5,550 8,170 5,140 7,250 10,490 6,350 8,540 11,080 Collapse Pressure (psi) C75 N80 4,150 5,870 7,820 9,730 11,640 6,930 10,000 12,920 3,830 6,310 9,200 8,090 12,010 7,030 9,660 C95 7,220 8,510 10,760 13,020 6,730 10,140 5,620 8,520 11,100 14,520 8,830 13,470 7,580 10,680 14,350 P110 42 Casing Strength 11 ¾ 10 ¾ 9⅝ 8⅝ 7⅝ Casing OD (In.) 26.4 29.7 33.7 39.0 24.0 32.0 36.0 40.0 36.0 40.0 43.5 47.0 53.5 40.5 45.5 51.0 55.5 60.7 65.7 71.1 47.0 54.0 60.0 Weight (ppf) 2,280 2,560 2,860 H40 3,070 3,560 4,010 3,130 3,580 4,030 4,430 4,880 5,330 2,950 3,930 4,460 5,020 3,520 3,950 4,350 4,720 5,430 4,140 J/K 55 4,190 4,860 5,460 5,360 6,090 6,850 4,800 5,390 5,930 6,440 7,430 4,270 4,880 5,490 6,040 6,650 7,260 5,650 6,450 7,400 8,610 5,830 5,210 5,860 6,450 7,100 7,750 5,710 6,490 7,300 5,120 5,750 6,330 6,870 7,930 6,020 6,890 7,900 9,180 Burst Pressure (psi) C75 N80 6,920 7,160 6,960 7,660 8,436 9,200 10,050 6,820 7,510 8,150 9,410 7,860 7,710 8,670 7,150 8,180 8,180 9,380 C95 8,010 8,060 8,860 9,760 10,650 11,640 8,930 10,040 7,040 7,900 8,700 9,440 10,900 8,280 9,470 10,860 12,620 P110 1,420 1,710 2,210 H40 1,630 2,070 2,660 1,730 2,090 2,700 3,320 4,160 4,920 950 2,530 3,450 4,400 2,220 2,570 3,250 3,880 5,090 3,010 J/K 55 1,620 2,380 3,070 2,950 4,020 5,350 2,320 2,980 3,750 4,630 6,380 1,720 2,410 3,100 3,950 5,020 6,080 3,280 4,670 6,320 8,430 3,680 2,480 3,750 4,020 5,160 6,300 3,050 4,470 5,520 2,370 3,530 3,810 4,760 6,620 3,930 4,790 6,560 8,820 Collapse Pressure (psi) C75 N80 C95 3,440 3,490 4,300 5,566 6,950 8,470 3,330 4,130 5,080 7,330 4,360 6,010 3,710 5,120 7,260 9,980 P110 3,610 2,610 3,750 4,630 5,860 7,490 9,280 3,430 4,700 7,420 2,470 3,480 4,760 5,310 7,930 3,900 6,180 7,870 11,060 Casing Strength 43 24 26 30 36 20 18 ⅝ 16 13 ⅜ Casing OD (In.) 48.0 54.5 61.0 68.0 72.0 77.0 85.0 65.0 75.0 84.0 109.0 87.5 106.0 94.0 106.5 133.0 156.0 202.0 310.0 374.0 Weight (ppf) X-42 X-42 X-42 X-42 1,530 1,530 1,640 1,730 H40 2,630 2,980 3,950 2,110 2,740 2,110 2,410 3,060 1,910 2,120 2,450 2,040 2,730 3,090 3,450 3,700 J/K 55 3,980 4,220 4,710 5,040 5,400 5,970 5,470 4,500 5,020 5,380 5,760 6,360 Burst Pressure (psi) C75 N80 8,750 5,970 6,390 C95 7,890 7,400 P110 860 1,100 1,480 1,010 520 520 670 770 H40 1,010 1,410 2,560 520 1,140 520 770 1,500 1,140 1,540 1,950 2,230 J/K 55 1,660 2,220 2,590 2,990 3,810 1,670 2,270 2,880 3,100 3,870 Collapse Pressure (psi) C75 N80 4,490 2,330 2,820 C95 3,470 2,880 P110 44 Casing Strength 45 Casing Capacity Casing OD Weight Casing ID Capacity Displacement (In.) (ppf) (In.) (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft) 4½ 5 5½ 6⅝ 7 7⅝ 8⅝ 9⅝ 9.5 4.090 0.0163 0.0035 11.6 4.000 0.0155 0.0042 13.5 3.920 0.0149 0.0049 15.1 3.826 0.0142 0.0055 11.5 4.560 0.0202 0.0042 13.0 4.494 0.0196 0.0047 15.0 4.408 0.0189 0.0055 18.0 4.276 0.0178 0.0066 14.0 5.012 0.0244 0.0051 15.5 4.950 0.0238 0.0056 17.0 4.892 0.0233 0.0062 20.0 4.778 0.0222 0.0073 23.0 4.670 0.0212 0.0084 20.0 6.049 0.0355 0.0071 24.0 5.921 0.0341 0.0087 28.0 5.791 0.0326 0.0102 20.0 6.456 0.0405 0.0073 23.0 6.366 0.0394 0.0084 26.0 6.276 0.0383 0.0095 29.0 6.184 0.0372 0.0106 32.0 6.094 0.0361 0.0116 35.0 6.004 0.0350 0.0127 26.4 6.969 0.0472 0.0096 29.7 6.875 0.0459 0.0108 33.7 6.765 0.0445 0.0123 39.0 6.624 0.0426 0.0142 24.0 8.098 0.0637 0.0086 32.0 7.921 0.0610 0.0116 36.0 7.825 0.0595 0.0131 40.0 7.725 0.0580 0.0146 36.0 8.921 0.0773 0.0131 40.0 8.835 0.0758 0.0146 43.5 8.755 0.0745 0.0158 47.0 8.681 0.0732 0.0171 53.5 8.535 0.0708 0.0195 46 Casing Capacity Casing OD Weight Casing ID Capacity Displacement (In.) (ppf) (In.) (bbl/ft) (bbl/ft) 10 ¾ 11 ¾ 13 ⅜ 16 18 ⅝ 20 24 x 5/8" tin 30 x 1" tin 36 x 1" tin 48 x 1" tin 40.5 45.5 51.0 55.5 60.7 65.7 71.1 76.0 81.0 47.0 54.0 60.0 48.0 54.5 61.0 68.0 72.0 77.0 85.0 65.0 75.0 84.0 109.0 118.0 87.5 109.0 122.0 94.0 106.5 133.0 156.0 310.0 374.0 502.0 10.050 9.950 9.850 9.760 9.660 9.560 9.450 9.350 9.250 11.000 10.880 10.772 12.715 12.615 12.515 12.415 12.347 12.275 12.159 15.250 15.124 15.010 14.688 14.570 17.755 17.491 17.385 19.124 19.000 18.730 22.750 28.000 34.000 46.000 0.0981 0.0962 0.0943 0.0925 0.0907 0.0888 0.0868 0.0849 0.0831 0.1175 0.1150 0.1127 0.1571 0.1546 0.1522 0.1497 0.1481 0.1464 0.1436 0.2259 0.2222 0.2189 0.2096 0.2062 0.3062 0.2972 0.2936 0.3553 0.3507 0.3408 0.5028 0.7616 1.1230 2.0556 0.0147 0.0166 0.0186 0.0202 0.0216 0.0235 0.0255 0.0273 0.0291 0.0171 0.0197 0.0218 0.0175 0.0198 0.0219 0.0247 0.0262 0.0274 0.0302 0.0237 0.0273 0.0306 0.0391 0.0425 0.0307 0.0398 0.0434 0.0342 0.0388 0.0484 0.0568 0.1127 0.1360 0.1826 Note: To find casing weight for other wall thicknesses: Weight of Casinglb/ft = 10.68 x (Odin – tin) x tin Where: tin = Wall thickness (inches) Hole Capacity 47 Hole Diameter (In.) Hole Capacity (bbl/ft) Hole Diameter (In.) Hole Capacity (bbl/ft) 3 3½ 4 4½ 5 5½ 6 6½ 7 7½ 8 8½ 9 9½ 10 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 12 12 ½ 13 13 ½ 14 14 ½ 15 15 ½ 16 16 ½ 17 17 ½ 18 18 ½ 19 19 ½ 20 20 ½ 21 21 ½ 22 22 ½ 0.0087 0.0119 0.0155 0.0197 0.0243 0.0294 0.0350 0.0410 0.0476 0.0546 0.0622 0.0702 0.0787 0.0877 0.0971 0.1071 0.1175 0.1285 0.1399 0.1518 0.1642 0.1770 0.1904 0.2042 0.2086 0.2334 0.2487 0.2645 0.2807 0.2975 0.3147 0.3325 0.3507 0.3694 0.3886 0.4082 0.4284 0.4490 0.4702 0.4918 23 23 ½ 24 24 ½ 25 25 ½ 26 26 ½ 27 27 ½ 28 28 ½ 29 29 ½ 30 30 ½ 31 31 ½ 32 32 ½ 33 33 ½ 34 34 ½ 35 35 ½ 36 36 ½ 37 37 ½ 38 38 ½ 39 39 ½ 40 40 ½ 41 41 ½ 42 42 ½ 0.5139 0.5365 0.5595 0.5831 0.6071 0.6317 0.6567 0.6822 0.7082 0.7347 0.7616 0.7891 0.8170 0.8454 0.8743 0.9037 0.9336 0.9639 0.9948 1.0261 1.0579 1.0902 1.1230 1.1563 1.1900 1.2243 1.2590 1.2942 1.3299 1.3661 1.4028 1.4399 1.4776 1.5157 1.5543 1.5934 1.6330 1.6731 1.7136 1.7547 3 ¾" 3 ½" 3 ¼" 3" 2 ¾" 2 ½" 2 ¼" 2" 1 ¾" 1 ⅝" 1 ½" 1 ⅜" 1" Liner Diameter 2 0.0005 0.0204 0.0009 0.0386 0.0011 0.0459 0.0013 0.0539 0.0015 0.0625 0.0019 0.0816 0.0025 0.1033 0.0030 0.1276 0.0037 0.1544 0.0044 0.1837 0.0051 0.2156 0.0060 0.2500 0.0068 0.2870 2½ 0.0006 0.0255 0.0011 0.0482 0.0014 0.0574 0.0016 0.0674 0.0019 0.0781 0.0024 0.1021 0.0031 0.1292 0.0038 0.1595 0.0046 0.1930 0.0055 0.2296 0.0064 0.2695 0.0074 0.3126 0.0085 0.3588 3 0.0007 0.0306 0.0014 0.0579 0.0016 0.0689 0.0019 0.0809 0.0022 0.0938 0.0029 0.1225 0.0037 0.1550 0.0046 0.1914 0.0055 0.2315 0.0066 0.2756 0.0077 0.3234 0.0089 0.3751 0.0103 0.4306 4 0.0010 0.0408 0.0018 0.0772 0.0022 0.0919 0.0026 0.1078 0.0030 0.1250 0.0039 0.1633 0.0049 0.2067 0.0061 0.2552 0.0074 0.3087 0.0087 0.3674 0.0103 0.4312 0.0119 0.5001 0.0137 0.5741 5 0.0012 0.0510 0.0023 0.0965 0.0027 0.1148 0.0032 0.1348 0.0037 0.1563 0.0049 0.2041 0.0062 0.2583 0.0076 0.3189 0.0092 0.3859 0.0109 0.4593 0.0128 0.5390 0.0149 0.6251 0.0171 0.7176 6 0.0015 0.0612 0.0028 0.1158 0.0033 0.1378 0.0039 0.1617 0.0045 0.1875 0.0058 0.2449 0.0074 0.3100 0.0091 0.3827 0.0110 0.4631 0.0131 0.5511 0.0154 0.6468 0.0179 0.7501 0.0205 0.8611 STROKE LENGTH (INCHES) 7 7½ 8 0.0017 0.0018 0.0019 0.0714 0.0765 0.0816 0.0032 0.0034 0.0037 0.1351 0.1447 0.1544 0.0038 0.0041 0.0044 0.1607 0.1722 0.1837 0.0045 0.0048 0.0051 0.1887 0.2021 0.2156 0.0052 0.0056 0.0060 0.2188 0.2344 0.2500 0.0068 0.0073 0.0078 0.2858 0.3062 0.3266 0.0086 0.0092 0.0098 0.3617 0.3875 0.4133 0.0106 0.0114 0.0122 0.4465 0.4784 0.5103 0.0129 0.0138 0.0147 0.5403 0.5789 0.6175 0.0153 0.0164 0.0175 0.6430 0.6889 0.7348 0.0180 0.0193 0.0205 0.7546 0.8085 0.8624 0.0208 0.0223 0.0238 0.8752 0.9377 1.0002 0.0239 0.0256 0.0273 1.0047 1.0764 1.1482 8½ 0.0021 0.0868 0.0039 0.1640 0.0046 0.1952 0.0055 0.2291 0.0063 0.2657 0.0083 0.3470 0.0105 0.4392 0.0129 0.5422 0.0156 0.6561 0.0186 0.7808 0.0218 0.9163 0.0253 1.0627 0.0290 1.2199 9 0.0022 0.0919 0.0041 0.1737 0.0049 0.2067 0.0058 0.2426 0.0067 0.2813 0.0087 0.3674 0.0111 0.4650 0.0137 0.5741 0.0165 0.6946 0.0197 0.8267 0.0231 0.9702 0.0268 1.1252 0.0308 1.2917 9½ 0.0023 0.0970 0.0044 0.1833 0.0052 0.2182 0.0061 0.2560 0.0071 0.2969 0.0092 0.3878 0.0117 0.4908 0.0144 0.6060 0.0175 0.7332 0.0208 0.8726 0.0244 1.0241 0.0283 1.1877 0.0325 1.3635 10 0.0024 0.1021 0.0046 0.1930 0.0055 0.2296 0.0064 0.2695 0.0074 0.3126 0.0097 0.4082 0.0123 0.5167 0.0152 0.6379 0.0184 0.7718 0.0219 0.9185 0.0257 1.0780 0.0298 1.2502 0.0342 1.4352 11 0.0027 0.1123 0.0051 0.2123 0.0060 0.2526 0.0071 0.2965 0.0082 0.3438 0.0107 0.4491 0.0135 0.5683 0.0167 0.7017 0.0202 0.8490 0.0241 1.0104 0.0282 1.1858 0.0327 1.3753 0.0376 1.5787 12 0.0029 0.1225 0.0055 0.2315 0.0066 0.2756 0.0077 0.3234 0.0089 0.3751 0.0117 0.4899 0.0148 0.6200 0.0182 0.7655 0.0221 0.9262 0.0262 1.1022 0.0308 1.2936 0.0357 1.5003 0.0410 1.7223 Units BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK 48 Triplex Pumps 100% Efficiency 7" 6 ¾" 6 ½" 6 ¼" 6" 5 ¾" 5 ½" 5 ¼" 5" 4 ¾" 4 ½" 4 ¼" 4" Liner Diameter 2 0.0078 0.3266 0.0088 0.3687 0.0098 0.4133 0.0110 0.4605 0.0122 0.5103 0.0134 0.5626 0.0147 0.6175 0.0161 0.6749 0.0175 0.7348 0.0190 0.7973 0.0205 0.8624 0.0221 0.9300 0.0238 1.0002 2½ 0.0097 0.4082 0.0110 0.4609 0.0123 0.5167 0.0137 0.5757 0.0152 0.6379 0.0167 0.7033 0.0184 0.7718 0.0201 0.8436 0.0219 0.9185 0.0237 0.9967 0.0257 1.0780 0.0277 1.1625 0.0298 1.2502 3 0.0117 0.4899 0.0132 0.5530 0.0148 0.6200 0.0164 0.6908 0.0182 0.7655 0.0201 0.8439 0.0221 0.9262 0.0241 1.0123 0.0262 1.1022 0.0285 1.1960 0.0308 1.2936 0.0332 1.3950 0.0357 1.5003 4 0.0156 0.6532 0.0176 0.7374 0.0197 0.8267 0.0219 0.9211 0.0243 1.0206 0.0268 1.1252 0.0294 1.2349 0.0321 1.3497 0.0350 1.4697 0.0380 1.5947 0.0411 1.7248 0.0443 1.8600 0.0476 2.0004 5 0.0194 0.8165 0.0219 0.9217 0.0246 1.0334 0.0274 1.1514 0.0304 1.2758 0.0335 1.4065 0.0368 1.5437 0.0402 1.6872 0.0437 1.8372 0.0475 1.9934 0.0513 2.1560 0.0554 2.3251 0.0595 2.5005 6 0.0233 0.9798 0.0263 1.1061 0.0295 1.2400 0.0329 1.3816 0.0365 1.5309 0.0402 1.6878 0.0441 1.8524 0.0482 2.0246 0.0525 2.2045 0.0570 2.3920 0.0616 2.5872 0.0664 2.7901 0.0714 3.0006 STROKE LENGTH (INCHES) 7 7½ 8 0.0272 0.0292 0.0311 1.1431 1.2247 1.3064 0.0307 0.0329 0.0351 1.2907 1.3826 1.4748 0.0344 0.0369 0.0394 1.4467 1.5500 1.6534 0.0384 0.0411 0.0439 1.6119 1.7270 1.8422 0.0425 0.0456 0.0486 1.7861 1.9136 2.0412 0.0469 0.0502 0.0536 1.9691 2.1098 2.2504 0.0515 0.0551 0.0588 2.1611 2.3155 2.4699 0.0562 0.0603 0.0643 2.3621 2.5308 2.6995 0.0612 0.0656 0.0700 2.5719 2.7556 2.9393 0.0664 0.0712 0.0759 2.7907 2.9900 3.1894 0.0719 0.0770 0.0821 3.0184 3.2340 3.4496 0.0775 0.0830 0.0886 3.2551 3.4876 3.7201 0.0833 0.0893 0.0953 3.5007 3.7507 4.008 8½ 0.0330 1.3880 0.0373 1.5669 0.0418 1.7567 0.0466 1.9573 0.0516 2.1688 0.0569 2.3911 0.0625 2.6242 0.0683 2.8682 0.0744 3.1230 0.0807 3.3887 0.0873 3.6652 0.0941 3.9526 0.1012 4.2508 9 0.0350 1.4697 0.0395 1.6591 0.0443 1.8600 0.0493 2.0725 0.0547 2.2964 0.0603 2.5317 0.0662 2.7786 0.0723 3.0369 0.0787 3.3067 0.0854 3.5880 0.0924 3.8808 0.0996 4.1851 0.1072 4.5008 9½ 0.0369 1.5513 0.0417 1.7513 0.0467 1.9634 0.0521 2.1876 0.0577 2.4239 0.0636 2.6724 0.0698 2.9329 0.0763 3.2056 0.0831 3.4905 0.0902 3.7874 0.0975 4.0964 0.1052 4.4176 0.1131 4.7509 10 0.0389 1.6330 0.0439 1.8435 0.0492 2.0667 0.0548 2.3027 0.0608 2.5515 0.0670 2.8130 0.0735 3.0873 0.0803 3.3744 0.0875 3.6742 0.0949 3.9867 0.1027 4.3120 0.1107 4.6501 0.1191 5.0009 11 0.0428 1.7963 0.0483 2.0278 0.0541 2.2734 0.0603 2.5330 0.0668 2.8067 0.0737 3.0943 0.0809 3.3960 0.0884 3.7118 0.0962 4.0416 0.1044 4.3854 0.1129 4.7432 0.1218 5.1151 0.1310 5.5010 12 0.0467 1.9596 0.0527 2.2122 0.0590 2.4801 0.0658 2.7633 0.0729 3.0618 0.0804 3.3756 0.0882 3.7048 0.0964 4.0492 0.1050 4.4090 0.1139 4.7841 0.1232 5.1744 0.1329 5.5801 0.1429 6.0011 Units BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK BBLS/STK Gal/STK Triplex Pumps 100% Efficiency 49 Initial DESIRED MUD WEIGHT (PPG) Mud Wt 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.5 15.0 15.5 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 (ppg) 59 90 123 156 29 192 229 268 308 350 395 442 490 542 596 653 714 778 9.0 29 60 92 125 160 196 234 273 315 359 405 452 503 557 612 672 735 9.5 30 61 93 43 128 164 201 239 280 323 368 414 464 516 571 630 691 10.0 30 31 62 85 96 131 167 205 245 287 331 376 426 479 531 588 648 10.5 60 23 31 128 64 98 134 171 210 251 294 339 387 437 490 546 605 11.0 90 46 19 171 32 66 101 137 175 215 258 301 348 397 449 504 562 11.5 120 69 37 16 214 33 67 103 140 179 221 263 310 357 408 462 518 12.0 150 92 56 32 256 14 34 68 105 144 184 226 271 318 367 420 475 12.5 180 115 75 48 299 27 12 34 70 108 147 188 232 278 327 378 432 13.0 210 138 94 63 342 41 24 11 35 72 111 150 194 238 286 336 389 13.5 240 161 112 76 385 54 36 21 10 36 74 113 155 199 245 294 345 14.0 270 185 131 95 427 68 48 32 19 9 37 75 116 159 204 252 302 14.5 300 208 150 110 470 82 60 43 29 18 8 37 77 119 163 210 259 15.0 330 231 169 126 513 95 72 54 39 26 16 8 39 79 122 168 216 15.5 360 254 187 142 556 109 84 64 48 35 24 15 7 40 81 126 172 16.0 390 277 206 158 598 123 96 75 58 44 32 23 14 7 41 84 129 16.5 420 300 225 174 641 136 108 86 68 53 40 30 21 13 6 42 86 17.0 450 323 244 189 684 150 120 96 77 62 49 38 28 20 12 6 43 17.5 480 346 262 205 726 163 132 107 87 71 57 45 35 26 18 12 5 18.0 Dilution or Cut Back: The gray section of the chart shows the number of barrels of Mud Weight Increase: The yellow section of the chart indicates the number water which must be added to 100 bbls of mud to produce the desired weight of 100 lb sacks of barite which must be added to 100 bbls of mud to reduction. produce desired weight increases. 50 Mud Weight Adjustments 51 Mud Weights lb/gal lb/ft3 kg/m 3 Specific Gravity Gradient Depth (psi/ft) Gradient Depth (kPa/m) 8.34 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 13.0 13.1 13.2 62.38 63.58 64.32 65.07 65.82 66.57 67.31 68.06 68.81 69.56 70.31 71.05 71.80 72.55 73.30 74.05 74.79 75.54 76.29 77.04 77.79 78.53 79.28 80.03 80.78 81.53 82.27 83.02 83.77 84.52 85.27 86.01 86.76 87.51 88.26 89.01 89.75 90.50 91.25 92.00 92.74 93.49 94.24 94.99 95.74 96.48 97.23 97.98 98.73 999.3 1018.5 1030.5 1042.4 1054.4 1066.4 1078.4 1090.4 1102.3 1114.3 1126.3 1138.3 1150.3 1162.3 1174.2 1186.2 1198.2 1210.2 1222.2 1234.2 1246.1 1258.1 1270.1 1282.1 1294.1 1306.0 1318.0 1330.0 1342.0 1354.0 1366.0 1377.9 1389.9 1401.9 1413.9 1425.9 1437.8 1449.8 1461.8 1473.8 1485.8 1497.8 1509.7 1521.7 1533.7 1545.7 1557.7 1569.6 1581.6 1.00 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 0.434 0.442 0.447 0.452 0.458 0.463 0.468 0.473 0.478 0.484 0.489 0.494 0.499 0.504 0.510 0.515 0.520 0.525 0.530 0.536 0.541 0.546 0.551 0.556 0.562 0.567 0.572 0.577 0.582 0.588 0.593 0.598 0.603 0.608 0.614 0.619 0.624 0.629 0.634 0.640 0.645 0.650 0.655 0.660 0.666 0.671 0.676 0.681 0.686 9.8 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.4 10.5 10.6 10.7 10.8 10.9 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.8 11.9 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.8 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 52 Mud Weights lb/gal lb/ft3 kg/m 3 Specific Gravity Gradient Depth (psi/ft) Gradient Depth (kPa/m) 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.8 13.9 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.8 14.9 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.7 15.8 15.9 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.7 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1 99.48 100.22 100.97 101.72 102.47 103.22 103.96 104.71 105.46 106.21 106.96 107.70 108.45 109.20 109.95 110.70 111.44 112.19 112.94 113.69 114.44 115.18 115.93 116.68 117.43 118.18 118.92 119.67 120.42 121.17 121.91 122.66 123.41 124.16 124.91 125.65 126.40 127.15 127.90 128.65 129.39 130.14 130.89 131.64 132.39 133.13 133.88 134.63 135.38 1593.6 1605.6 1617.6 1629.6 1641.5 1653.5 1665.5 1677.5 1689.5 1701.5 1713.4 1725.4 1737.4 1749.4 1761.4 1773.3 1785.3 1797.3 1809.3 1821.3 1833.3 1845.2 1857.2 1869.2 1881.2 1893.2 1905.1 1917.1 1929.1 1941.1 1953.1 1965.1 1977.0 1989.0 2001.0 2013.0 2025.0 2036.9 2048.9 2060.9 2072.9 2084.9 2096.9 2108.8 2120.8 2132.8 2144.8 2156.8 2168.8 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 1.94 1.96 1.97 1.98 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 0.692 0.697 0.702 0.707 0.712 0.718 0.723 0.728 0.733 0.738 0.744 0.749 0.754 0.759 0.764 0.770 0.775 0.780 0.785 0.790 0.796 0.801 0.806 0.811 0.816 0.822 0.827 0.832 0.837 0.842 0.846 0.853 0.858 0.863 0.868 0.874 0.879 0.884 0.889 0.894 0.900 0.905 0.910 0.915 0.920 0.926 0.931 0.936 0.941 15.6 15.8 15.9 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 16.9 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 17.6 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.8 19.9 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.5 20.6 20.7 20.8 20.9 21.1 21.2 21.3 53 Mud Weights lb/gal lb/ft3 kg/m 3 Specific Gravity Gradient Depth (psi/ft) Gradient Depth (kPa/m) 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 18.6 18.7 18.8 18.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.9 20.0 136.13 136.87 137.62 138.37 139.12 139.87 140.61 141.36 142.11 142.86 143.61 144.35 145.10 145.85 146.60 147.34 148.09 148.84 149.59 2180.7 2192.7 2204.7 2216.7 2228.7 2240.6 2252.6 2264.6 2276.6 2288.6 2300.6 2312.5 2324.5 2336.5 2348.5 2360.5 2372.4 2384.4 2396.4 2.18 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.26 2.27 2.28 2.29 2.30 2.32 2.33 2.34 2.35 2.36 2.38 2.39 2.40 0.946 0.952 0.957 0.962 0.967 0.972 0.978 0.983 0.988 0.993 0.998 1.004 1.009 1.014 1.019 1.024 1.030 1.035 1.040 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.8 21.9 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.5 22.6 22.7 22.8 22.9 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 Specifications for BOP Flanges, Ring Gaskets, and Flange Bolts & Nuts Stack Rating Approved Flanges Approved Ring Gaskets 2000 psi and 3000 psi API type 6B with type R flat API Type RX Bottom Groove API Type 6B with Type R Flat API Type RX or Bottom groove 5000 psi API Type BX or API Type 6BX with with Type Type BX Groove 6BX Flange 10,000 psi API Type 6BX with API Type BX Type BX Groove Bolt Size (In.) Torque (Ft-Lb) ¾ - 10 UNC ⅞ - 9 UNC 1 - 8 UNC 1 ⅛ - 8 UN 1 ½ - 8 UN 1 ⅝ - 8 UN 1 ¾ - 8 UN 1 ⅞ - 8 UN 200 325 475 600 1400 1700 2040 3220 Bolt Spec. Nut Spec. ASTM Grade B-7 ASTM Grade 2-H ASTM Grade B-7 ASTM Grade 2-H ASTM Grade B-7 ASTM Grade 2-H NOTE: Acceptable flange ring gasket material for sweet oil applications is low-carbon steel and for sour oil or gas is type 316 stainless or type 304 stainless steel. ASTM A193 Grade B/M with a maximum Rockwell Hardness of 22 may be acceptable but should be derated as per Table 1.4B of API Spec 6A. Specifications as per API Spec 6A "Wellhead Equipment". 54 Gate Valve Data Size, Working Pressure and Number of Turns to Operate Cameron W-K-M Cameron valves have a round handwheel with the name “Cameron” embossed on it. Operate Cameron Valves full open or full close, then back off ¼ turn. W-K-M valves have a unique wedge shaped handwheel. Operate W-K-M valves full open or full close, then jam tight. 3,000/5,000 psi WP Model Inches 2 1/16 2 9/16 F, FC & FL 3 1/8 4 1/16 3,000/5,000 psi WP Turns 12 1/2 15 1/4 18 1/4 23 1/2 10,000 psi WP 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 FC, FL & FLS Model M Inches 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 4 1/16 10,000 - 15,000 psi WP 12 1/2 12 1/2 15 1/4 18 1/4 23 1/2 M-1 & M-2 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 15,000 – 20,000 psi WP 20,000 psi WP 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 FLS 12 1/2 12 1/2 15 3/4 22 7/8 29 1/2 15,000 – 20,000 psi WP F, FC & FL 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 12 1/2 12 1/2 15 3/4 15 1/4 29 1/2 10,000 psi WP J & JS 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 12 12 17 1/4 21 1/2 23 15,000 psi WP J & JS 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 15 3/4 15 3/4 19 1/2 135 Torque Multiplier 20,000 psi WP J & JS 1 13/16 2 1/16 Turns 13 16 20 25 15 3/4 15 3/4 2 9/16 117 3 1/16 135 Torque Multiplier Torque Multiplier M-3 14 12 15 17 1/2 23 15 16 1/2 19 1/2 23 29 55 Gate Valve Data Size, Working Pressure and Number of Turns to Operate Ingram Cactus McEvoy Ingram Cactus valves have a round handwheel with three spokes and the name “Ingram Cactus” embossed on it. Operate Ingram Cactus valves Model 205 and 215 full open or full close, then jam tight. Operate Model 405 and 315 full open or full close, then back off ¼ turn. McEvoy valves have a round handwheel with the name “McEvoy” embossed on it. Operate McEvoy valves full open or full close, then back off ¼ turn. 2,000/5,000 psi WP Model 205 405 Inches 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 4 1/16 2,000/3,000/5,000 psi WP Turns 13 16 20 25 Model C Inches 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 4 1/16 2,000/5,000 psi WP 10,000 psi WP 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/8 4 1/16 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 16 19 23 24 1/2 E 10,000 – 15,000 psi WP 15,000 psi WP 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 215 14 12 15 17 1/2 23 E 10,000 – 15,000 psi WP 10,000 psi WP 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 315 16 18 17 24 21 E-2 Turns 13 16 18 17 11 13 10 1/2 12 1/2 17 11 9 10 1/2 26 --11 9 10 1/2 12 3/4 17 1/8 15,000 psi WP E-2 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 4 1/16 7 3/4 9 10 1/2 12 3/4 17 1/8 3⅛ 3 1/16 2 9/16 2 1/16 1 13/16 Nominal Flange Size (In.) 10M 15M 20M 2M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2M 5M 10M 15M 20M 10M 15M 20M 2M 3M 5M R31 R31 R35 R26 R27 R23 R24 BX151 BX151 BX151 RX23 RX24 BX152 BX152 BX152 RX26 RX27 BX153 BX153 BX153 BX154 BX154 BX154 RX31 RX31 RX35 3" 600 3" 900 3" 1,500 2 ½" 600 2 ½" 1,500 2" 600 2" 1,500 1 13/16 1 13/16 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 1/16 2 1/16 2 1/16 2 1/16 2 9/16 2 9/16 2 9/16 2 9/16 2 9/16 3 1/16 3 1/16 3 1/16 3⅛ 3⅛ 3⅛ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Standard Energized Ring Old API Series Service Through Number Gasket Rating (psi) Ring Number Designation Bore ID (In.) of Bolts Number ¾ ⅞ 1 ⅝ ⅞ ¾ ⅞ 1⅛ ¾ 1 7/ 8 1 1¼ 1 1⅛ 1⅜ ¾ ⅞ 1⅛ Bolt Size (In.) 5¾ 6 5/16 8 5 6½ 6¼ 6⅞ 9 1/16 5⅞ 7½ 7¼ 7⅞ 10 5/16 8½ 9 1/16 11 5/16 6⅝ 7½ 8 Bolt Circle (In.) 7⅜ 8 3/16 10 ⅛ 6½ 8½ 7⅞ 8¾ 11 5/16 7½ 9⅝ 9⅛ 10 12 13/16 10 ⅝ 11 5/16 14 1/16 8¼ 9½ 10 ½ 1 21/32 1 25/32 2½ 1 5/16 1 13/16 1 47/64 2 2 13/16 1 7/16 1 15/16 2 1/64 2¼ 3⅛ 2 19/64 2 17/32 3⅜ 1 9/16 1 13/16 2 3/16 Flange Flange Diameter (In.) Thickness (In.) 56 API Ring Joint Flanges 9 7 1/16 5⅛ 4 1/16 Nominal Flange Size (In.) 2M 3M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2M 3M 5M 10M 2M 3M 5M 10M 15M 20M 2M 3M 5M 10M 15M R49 R49 R50 R45 R45 R46 R41 R41 R44 R37 R37 R39 RX37 RX37 RX39 BX155 BX155 BX155 RX41 RX41 RX44 BX169 RX45 RX45 RX46 BX156 BX156 BX156 RX49 RX49 RX50 BX157 BX157 8" 600 8" 900 8" 1,500 6" 600 6" 900 6" 1,500 4" 600 4" 900 4" 1,500 4 1/16 4 1/16 4 1/16 4 1/16 4 1/16 4 1/16 5⅛ 5⅛ 5⅛ 5⅛ 7 1/16 7 1/16 7 1/16 7 1/16 7 1/16 7 1/16 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 12 12 12 16 16 Standard Energized Ring Old API Series Service Through Number Gasket Rating (psi) Ring Number Designation Bore ID (In.) of Bolts Number ⅞ 1⅛ 1¼ 1⅛ 1⅜ 1¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 1⅛ 1 1⅛ 1⅜ 1½ 1½ 2 1⅛ 1⅜ 1⅝ 1½ 1⅞ Bolt Size (In.) 8½ 9¼ 9½ 10 3/16 11 7/16 14 1/16 10 ½ 11 11 ½ 11 13/16 11 ½ 12 ½ 12 ½ 15 ⅞ 16 ⅞ 21 13/16 13 ¾ 15 ½ 15 ½ 18 ¾ 21 ¾ Bolt Circle (In.) 10 ¾ 11 ½ 12 ¼ 12 7/16 14 3/16 17 9/16 13 13 ¾ 14 ¾ 14 1/16 14 15 15 ½ 18 ⅞ 19 ⅞ 25 13/16 16 ½ 18 ½ 19 21 ¾ 25 ½ 1 13/16 2 1/16 2 7/16 2 49/64 3 3/32 4 3/16 2 1/16 2 5/16 3 3/16 3⅛ 2 3/16 2½ 3⅝ 4 1/16 4 11/16 6½ 2½ 2 13/16 4 1/16 4⅞ 5¾ Flange Flange Diameter (In.) Thickness (In.) API Ring Joint Flanges 57 26 ¾ 20 ¾ 21 ¼ 21 ¼ 21 ¼ 18 ¾ 16 ¾ 13 ⅝ 11 Nominal Flange Size (In.) 2M 3M 5M 10M 15M 2M 3M 5M 10M 15M 2M 3M 5M 10M 5M 10M 3M 2M 5M 10M 2M 3M R74 R73 R65 R66 R57 R57 R53 R53 R54 RX53 RX53 RX54 BX158 BX158 RX57 RX57 BX160 BX159 BX159 RX65 RX66 BX162 BX162 BX163 BX164 RX74 RX73 BX165 BX166 BX167 BX168 20" 900 20" 600 16" 600 16" 900 12" 600 12" 900 10" 600 10" 900 10" 1,500 11 11 11 11 11 13 ⅝ 13 ⅝ 13 ⅝ 13 ⅝ 13 ⅝ 16 ¾ 16 ¾ 16 ¾ 16 ¾ 18 ¾ 18 ¾ 20 ¾ 21 ¼ 21 ¼ 21 ¼ 26 ¾ 26 ¾ 16 16 12 16 20 20 20 16 20 20 20 20 16 24 20 24 20 24 24 24 20 24 Standard Energized Ring Old API Series Service Through Number Gasket Rating (psi) Ring Number Designation Bore ID (In.) of Bolts Number 1¼ 1⅜ 1⅞ 1¾ 2 1¼ 1⅜ 1⅝ 1⅞ 2¼ 1½ 1⅝ 1⅞ 1⅞ 2 2¼ 2 1⅝ 2 2½ 1¾ 2 Bolt Size (In.) 17 18 ½ 19 22 ¼ 28 19 ¼ 21 23 ¼ 26 ½ 30 ⅜ 23 ¾ 24 ¼ 26 ⅝ 30 9/16 31 ⅝ 36 7/16 29 ½ 28 ½ 34 ⅞ 40 ¼ 37 ½ 39 ⅜ Bolt Circle (In.) 20 21 ½ 23 25 ¾ 32 22 24 26 ½ 30 ¼ 34 ⅞ 27 27 ¾ 30 ⅜ 34 5/16 35 ⅝ 40 15/16 33 ¾ 32 39 45 41 43 ⅜ 2 13/16 3 1/16 4 11/16 5 9/16 7⅜ 2 15/16 3 7/16 4 7/16 6⅝ 7⅞ 3 5/16 3 15/16 5⅛ 6⅝ 6 17/32 8 25/32 4¾ 3⅞ 7⅛ 9½ 4 31/32 6 11/32 Flange Flange Diameter (In.) Thickness (In.) 58 API Ring Joint Flanges BOP Fluid Operating Volumes 59 Cameron BOPs Cameron Type 'D' Annular Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 7 1/16 11 13 5/8 Working Pressure (psi) Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 1.69 2.94 5.65 10.15 12.12 18.10 1.39 2.55 4.69 9.06 10.34 16.15 Cameron Type 'UM' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) Working Pressure (psi) 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 7 1/16 11 13 5/8 Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 6.2 7.3 7.5 7.5 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 6.2 7.3 7.5 7.5 Cameron Type 'U' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Size (Old API Series Working Designation) Pressure (psi) In. 7 1/16 (6) 7 1/16 11 (10) 11 13 5/8 (12) 13 5/8 16 3/4 18 3/4 20 3/4 (20) 21 1/4 26 3/4 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 3.5 3.5 3.5 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 10.6 10.6 10.6 12.5 23.1 8.7 8.7 30.0 26.9 10.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 5.7 5.5 5.5 5.5 10.4 9.8 9.8 11.6 21.3 8.1 9.0 27.3 24.5 10.1 60 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes Cameron Type 'QRC' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Size (Old API Series Working Designation) Pressure (psi) In. Fluid to Close (gal) 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 7 1/16 (6) 9 (8) 11 (10) 13 5/8 (12) 16 3/4 (16) 17 3/4 (18) Fluid to Open (gal) 0.81 0.81 2.36 2.36 2.77 2.77 4.42 6.00 6.00 0.95 0.95 2.70 2.70 3.18 3.18 5.10 7.05 7.05 Cameron Hydraulic Gate Valves Type Valve Size (In.) Working Pressure (psi) HCR HCR HCR HCR F F F F F 4 4 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 5,000 Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 0.52 0.52 1.95 1.95 0.30 0.30 0.59 0.84 0.84 0.61 0.61 2.25 2.25 0.30 0.30 0.59 0.84 0.84 Shaffer BOPs Shaffer Spherical Annular Preventer BOP Nom. Working Size (In.) Pressure (psi) 7 1/16 9 11 13 5/8 16 3/4 18 3/4 21 1/4 3,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 Cover Type Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Bolted Wedge Bolted Bolt/Wedge Wedge Wedge Wedge Bolted Wedged Fluid to Fluid to Close (gal) Open (gal) 4.57 4.57 17.11 7.23 11.05 11.00 18.67 30.58 23.50 23.58 40.16 33.26 48.16 32.59 61.37 3.21 3.21 13.95 5.03 8.72 6.78 14.59 24.67 14.67 17.41 32.64 25.61 37.61 16.92 47.76 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes 61 Shaffer Type 'LXT' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 7 11 Working Pressure (psi) Fluid to Close (gal) 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 Fluid to Open (gal) 0.32 0.32 2.80 2.80 0.33 0.33 2.46 2.46 Shaffer Type 'NXT' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Working Size (In.) Pressure (psi) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 18 3/4 10,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 Type Poslock Booster (Poslock) Manual-Lock Ultralock IIB Poslock Booster (Poslock) Manual-Lock Ultralock IIB Poslock Booster (Poslock) Manual-Lock Ultralock IIB Fluid to Fluid to Close (gal) Open (gal) 14.04 12.74 31.22 13.14 16.74 14.04 29.92 12.84 15.44 13.02 31.22 13.14 16.74 14.04 29.92 13.14 15.72 13.02 31.22 13.14 16.74 29.92 13.14 15.72 Shaffer Type 'LWS' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Working Piston Size Size (In.) Pressure (psi) (In.) Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 5,000 10,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0.59 0.59 1.45 5.18 2.58 1.74 2.98 9.50 5.07 7.80 14.50 5.07 7.80 14.50 0.52 0.52 1.18 5.25 2.27 1.45 2.62 8.90 4.46 6.86 13.59 4.46 6.86 13.59 4 1/16 7 1/16 9 11 20 3/4 21 1/4 6 6 6½ 14 8½ 6½ 8½ 14 8½ 10 14 8½ 10 14 62 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes Shaffer Type 'SL/SLX' Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Working Piston Size Fluid to Size (In.) Pressure (psi) (In.) Close (gal) 7 1/16 11 13 5/8 16 3/4 18 3/4 21 1/4 10,000 10,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10 14 10 14 14 14 10 10 14 14 14 10 14 14 14 14 14 Fluid to Open (gal) 2.72 6.00 2.72 6.00 9.45 9.40 5.44 5.44 11.00 10.58 11.56 6.07 11.76 14.47 14.55 14.62 16.05 2.34 5.57 2.34 5.57 7.00 8.10 4.46 4.46 10.52 10.52 10.52 4.97 10.67 12.50 13.21 13.33 13.86 Shaffer Type 'DB' Hydraulic Gate Valves Valve Size Working Pressure (psi) (In.) 2 1/16 3 1/8 3 1/16 4 1/16 5,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 10000 15000 Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 0.15 0.15 0.26 0.20 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.29 0.25 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.50 0.50 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes 63 Hydril BOPs Hydril Type 'GK' Annular Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 7 1/16 9 11 13 5/8 16 3/4 Working Pressure (psi) Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 2.85 3.86 9.42 11.20 10.90 4.33 6.84 15.90 7.43 9.81 25.10 26.67 11.36 17.98 37.18 17.46 28.70 28.70 2.24 3.30 7.08 7.50 7.20 3.41 5.80 11.95 5.54 7.98 18.97 20.45 8.94 14.16 12.59 15.80 19.93 19.93 Hydril Type 'MSP' Annular Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 7 1/16 9 11 20 3/4 21 1/4 29 1/2 30 Working Pressure (psi) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 500 1,000 Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 2.85 4.57 7.43 31.05 31.05 60.00 87.60 1.98 2.95 5.23 18.93 18.93 n/a 27.80 Hydril Type 'GX' Annular Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 11 13 5/8 18 3/4 Working Pressure (psi) Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 10,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 10,000 17.90 24.10 15.50 24.10 58.00 17.90 24.10 15.50 24.10 58.00 64 BOP Fluid Operating Volumes Hydril Type 'GL' Annular Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 13 5/8 16 3/4 18 3/4 21 1/4 Working Fluid to Pressure (psi) Close (gal) 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Fluid to Open (gal) Secondary Fluid (gal) 19.76 33.80 44.00 58.00 8.24 17.30 20.00 29.50 19.76 33.80 44.00 58.00 Hydril Manual Lock Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 7 1/ 16 9 11 13 5/8 18 3/4 20 3/4 21 1/4 Working Pressure (psi) Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 1.00 1.00 1.90 3.70 1.90 1.90 3.30 3.30 5.20 5.40 5.40 12.20 17.10 8.10 8.10 17.50 0.93 0.93 1.80 3.40 1.90 1.90 3.20 3.20 5.00 4.90 4.80 11.60 16.10 7.20 7.20 16.60 Hydril MPL Ram Preventer BOP Nom. Size (In.) 7 1/16 11 13 5/8 18 3/4 20 3/4 21 1/4 Working Pressure (psi) Fluid to Close (gal) Fluid to Open (gal) 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 20,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 3,000 2,000 5,000 1.20 1.20 2.00 3.90 5.70 12.50 5.90 5.90 12.80 12.60 17.90 17.10 19.40 18.00 18.00 19.30 0.93 0.93 1.80 3.40 5.00 11.50 4.90 5.20 11.60 11.00 16.10 15.60 16.70 16.30 16.30 16.60 Coiled Tubing Data 65 Coiled Tubing Stretch Table Size (In) OD 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.0 2.375 Wall Thickness (In) Cross Sectional Area (Sq In) Free Point Constant .087 .304 760.0 .095 .328 820.0 .102 .351 877.5 .109 .374 935.0 .125 .420 1050.0 .134 .451 1127.5 .156 .512 1280.0 .095 .399 997.5 .102 .428 1070.0 .109 .456 1140.0 .125 .512 1280.0 .134 .552 1380.0 .156 .629 1572.5 .109 .538 1345.0 .125 .605 1512.5 .134 .652 1630.0 .156 .745 1862.5 .175 .831 2077.5 .109 .619 1547.5 .125 .698 1745.0 .134 .753 1882.5 .156 .861 2152.5 .175 .962 2405.0 .125 .837 2092.5 .134 .904 2260.0 .156 1.035 2587.5 .175 1.158 2895.5 .190 1.241 3102.5 OD Wall ID .080 .087 .095 .102 .109 .080 .087 .095 .102 .109 .116 .125 .134 .145 .156 .175 .095 .102 .109 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.282 1.296 1.310 .900 .938 .960 .982 1.000 1.018 1.032 1.046 1.060 1.076 1.090 .782 .796 .810 .826 .840 Specified Specified Calculated 1.623 1.527 1.429 2.014 1.827 1.715 1.601 1.506 1.408 1.332 1.254 1.175 1.083 1.002 1.040 .981 .920 .850 .788 Nom. Wt lbs/ft .06706 .06853 .07002 .03305 .03590 .03760 .03934 .04080 .04228 .04345 .04464 .04584 .04724 .04847 .02495 .02585 .02677 .02784 .001597 .001632 .001667 .000787 .000855 .000895 .000937 .000971 .001007 .001035 .001063 .001091 .001125 .001154 .000594 .000616 .000637 .000663 .02474 .02327 .02178 .03070 .02785 .02615 .02441 .02295 .02147 .02030 .01911 .01791 .01651 .01528 .01585 .01495 .01403 .01296 .01201 .00059 .00055 .00052 .00073 .00066 .00062 .00058 .00055 .00051 .00048 .00046 .00043 .00039 .00036 .00038 .00036 .00033 .00031 .00029 bbls Gallons .000685 bbls Gallons .02879 Displacement of Steel/ft Internal Capacity/ft .09180 .09180 .09180 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .06375 .04080 .04080 .04080 .04080 .04080 Gallons .00219 .00219 .00219 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00152 .00097 .00097 .00097 .00097 .00097 bbls External Displacement/ft OD Wall ID 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .125 .116 .109 .190 .188 .175 .156 .145 .134 .125 .116 .109 .190 .175 .156 .145 .134 .125 .116 1.750 1.768 1.782 1.370 1.374 1.400 1.438 1.460 1.482 1.500 1.518 1.532 1.120 1.150 1.188 1.210 1.232 1.250 1.268 Specified Specified Calculated 2.509 2.340 2.207 3.173 3.140 2.951 2.662 2.492 2.318 2.175 2.029 1.915 2.665 2.483 2.245 2.104 1.960 1.840 1.719 Gallons .12495 .002975 .03825 .12753 .003037 .03567 .12956 .003085 .03364 .07658 .001823 .04837 .07703 .001834 .04792 .07997 .001904 .04498 .08437 .002009 .04058 .08697 .002071 .03798 .08961 .002134 .03534 .09180 .002186 .03315 .09402 .002238 .03093 .09576 .002280 .02919 .05118 .001219 .04062 .05396 .001285 .03784 .05758 .001371 .03422 .05974 .001422 .03206 .06193 .001474 .02987 .06375 .001518 .02805 .00091 .00085 .00080 .00115 .00114 .00107 .00097 .00090 .00084 .00079 .00074 .00070 .00097 .00090 .00081 .00076 .00071 .00067 .00062 bbls Displacement Of Steel .06560 .001562 .02620 Nom Wt Internal Capacity lbs/ft Gallons bbls bbls .16320 .00389 .16320 .00389 .16320 .00389 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .12495 .00298 .09180 .00219 .09180 .00219 .09180 .00219 .09180 .00219 .09180 .00219 .09180 .00219 .09180 .00219 Gallons External Displacement 66 Coiled Tubing Dimensions OD Wall ID .134 .145 .156 .175 .188 .190 .203 .204 .125 .134 .145 .156 .175 .188 .190 .203 .204 .125 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.375 2.875 2.625 1.967 1.969 1.995 1.999 2.025 2.063 2.085 2.107 2.125 1.592 1.594 1.620 1.624 1.650 1.688 1.710 1.732 Specified Specified Calculated 3.670 4.742 4.710 4.445 4.390 4.122 3.706 3.462 3.215 3.011 3.923 3.900 3.682 3.640 3.419 3.080 2.880 2.677 Nom. Wt lbs/ft .28114 .15786 .15818 .16239 .16304 .16731 .17364 .17737 .18113 .18424 .10341 .10367 .10708 .10760 .11108 .11625 .11930 .006694 .003759 .003766 .003866 .003882 .003983 .004134 .004223 .004313 .004387 .002462 .002468 .002549 .002562 .002645 .002768 .002841 .05610 .07228 .07196 .06775 .06710 .06283 .05649 .05277 .04901 .04590 .05979 .05953 .05612 .05560 .05212 .04695 .04390 .04081 .00134 .00172 .00171 .00161 .00160 .00150 .00135 .00126 .00117 .00109 .00142 .00142 .00134 .00132 .00124 .00112 .00105 .00097 bbls Gallons .002914 bbls Gallons .12239 Displacement of Steel/ft Internal Capacity/ft .33724 .23014 .23014 .23014 .23014 .23014 .23014 .23014 .23014 .23014 .16320 .16320 .16320 .16320 .16320 .16320 .16320 .16320 Gallons .00803 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00548 .00389 .00389 .00389 .00389 .00389 .00389 .00389 .00389 bbls External Displacement/ft OD Wall ID 4.500 4.500 4.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 3.500 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 2.875 0.250 0.224 0.204 0.250 0.224 0.204 0.203 0.190 0.188 0.175 0.156 0.134 0.204 0.203 0.190 0.188 .175 .156 4.000 4.052 4.092 3.000 3.052 3.092 3.094 3.120 3.124 3.150 3.188 3.232 2.467 2.469 2.495 2.499 2.525 2.563 Specified Specified Calculated 11.376 10.255 9.383 8.699 7.857 7.199 7.150 6.733 6.650 6.230 5.570 4.820 5.834 5.790 5.462 5.400 5.059 4.541 Gallons .65280 .015543 .17340 .66988 .015950 .15632 .68317 .016266 .14303 .36720 .008743 .13260 .38004 .009049 .11976 .39007 .009287 .10973 .39057 .009299 .10923 .39716 .009456 .10264 .39818 .009481 .10162 .40484 .009639 .09496 .41466 .009873 .08514 .42619 .010147 .07361 .24831 .005912 .08893 .24872 .005922 .08852 .25398 .006047 .08326 .25480 .006067 .08244 .26013 .006193 .07711 .00413 .00372 .00341 .00316 .00285 .00261 .00260 .00244 .00242 .00226 .00203 .00175 .00212 .00211 .00198 .00196 .00184 .00165 bbls Displacement Of Steel .26801 .006381 .06922 Nom Wt Internal Capacity lbs/ft Gallons bbls bbls .82620 .01967 .82620 .01967 .82620 .01967 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .49980 .01190 .33724 .00803 .33724 .00803 .33724 .00803 .33724 .00803 .33724 .00803 .33724 .00803 Gallons External Displacement Coiled Tubing Dimensions 67 Size (In.) 1/10 1/8 1/8 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 13/64 13/64 13/64 7/32 7/32 7/32 7/32 9/32 9/32 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/16 Cable Type 1-H-100-A 1-H-125-A 1-H-125-K 1-H-181-A 1-H-181-D 1-H-181-K 1-H-181-M 4-H-181-A 1-H-203-A 1-H-203-D 1-H-203-K 1-H-220-A 1-H-220-D 1-H-220-K 1-H-226-K 1-H-281-A 1-H-281-K 1-H-314-A 1-H-314-D 1-H-314-K 7-H-314-A .323 .316 .316 .316 .288 .288 .222 .223 .223 .223 .203 .203 .203 .186 .187 .185 .185 .185 .123 .123 .101 Diameter (In.) 9,600 11,200 11,200 11,200 10,000 10,000 5,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 4,500 4,500 4,500 3,300 3,600 3,900 3,900 3,900 1,500 1,500 1,000 Breaking Strength (lbs) 180 190 187 183 158 153 99 95 95 92 80 79 79 60 68 65 65 63 28 27 19 Weight (lbs) 1000ft 18/18 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 16/10 16/10 16/10 18/18 15/12 15/12 15/12 15/12 18/12 18/12 18/12 Armor Wires (Out/In) 426/225 426/426 426/426 426/426 352/352 352/352 196/196 212/212 212/212 212/212 212/212 212/212 212/212 143/76 198/132 198/127 198/127 198/127 60/60 60/60 41/41 Wire BS – lbs (Out/In) 16.6 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 7.7 4.5 4.5 4.5 6.9 6.9 6.9 26.0 12.5 9.8 9.8 9.8 25.2 25.2 25.2 CDR Resistance (Ohms/Mft) 300 500 420 300 500 300 500 500 420 300 500 420 300 300 600 500 420 300 500 300 300 Maximum Temp (°F) 68 Electric Line Size (In.) 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 3/8 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 7/16 15/32 15/32 15/32 17/32 17/32 Slammer Slammer Slammer Cable Type 1-H-375-A 1-H-375-D 1-H-375-K 3-H-375-A 4-H-375-A 7-H-375-A 1-H-422-A 1-H-422-D 1-H-422-K 7-H-422-A 7-H-422-D 7-H-422-K 7-H-464-A 7-H-464-D 7-H-464-K 7-H-520-A 7-H-520-D 7-H-472-A 7-H-472-D 7-H-472-K .472 .472 .472 .522 .522 .462 .462 .462 .426 .426 .426 .414 .414 .414 .372 .372 .372 .375 .375 .375 Diameter (In.) 22,200 22,200 22,200 26,000 26,000 18,300 18,300 18,300 18,300 18,300 18,300 17,800 17,800 17,800 12,800 13,500 13,500 14,600 14,600 14,600 Breaking Strength (lbs) 394 386 379 467 462 347 333 326 326 324 314 317 316 307 243 239 235 261 260 253 Weight (lbs) 1000ft 18/18 18/18 18/18 20/16 20/16 24/24 24/24 24/24 18/18 18/18 18/18 18/12 18/12 18/12 18/18 20/16 20/16 18/12 18/12 18/12 Armor Wires (Out/In) 929/486 929/486 929/486 958/778 958/778 539/335 539/335 539/335 766/397 766/397 766/397 727/727 727/727 727/727 572/301 572/301 486/397 595/595 595/595 595/595 Wire BS – lbs (Out/In) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.5 10.5 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 10.5 10.5 7.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 CDR Resistance (Ohms/Mft) 500 420 300 420 300 500 420 300 500 420 300 500 420 300 300 300 300 500 420 300 Maximum Temp (°F) Electric Line 69 80 .092 Line 40 .072 Line 0 5/1 6L 400 360 7/32 320 280 160 120 Well Pressure (psi) 1/4 L 10000 440 9000 6L e Lin 8000 3 /8 7000 480 6000 520 5000 4000 7 /1 560 3000 600 ine ine ine 6L 1L 9/1 680 .52 640 2000 1000 Sinker Bar Weight Needed 1150 API Ex. Impr. Plow, Hi-Str, or Mon. AA (lbs) All “lbs” are breaking strength. These vary with the manufacturer. .082 .092 1830 1547 .082 .092 1363 .105 1885 1475 25-6MO (lbs) .105 N/A 2030 1818 .105 2009 3/16” 1 x 16 4500 4320 Size (In) Construction 1/8 Line Galv. Carbon Steel 15-6Mo (Supa 75) 720 ine Line ne 3/16 Li ine 240 200 .100 Line .082 Line 4960 6170 1x 19 (Dycan/Dyform) 3/16” Braided Line – Breaking Strengths 1582 .092 Cobalt Based Alloy – Breaking Strengths 1550 Bridon Supa (lbs) .092 1462 Avesta 254 SMO (lbs) MP35N (lbs) .105 1732 6 Moly Stainless Steel – Breaking Strengths .092 1445 Material (In) 2360 Super Austenitic Stainless – Breaking Strengths 1083 Sandvik Sanicro 28 (lbs) Material (In) .105 1966 Austenitic Stainless Steel – Breaking Strengths 1460 1239 Material (In) 316 Stainless (lbs) Material (In) 961 For wirelne to fall against well pressure, find desired line versus well pressure and extrapolate total sinker bar weight needed. .072 Br. Steel API Level 3 or improved plow (lbs) Carbon Steel – API 9A Breaking Strengths Material (In) .108 5842 6000 1 x 16 7/32” 2080 .108 2050 2030 1924 .108 1995 .108 1786 .108 2490 2109 .125 5990 8370 1x 19 (Dycan/Dyform) 7/32” 2724 .125 2550 2560 2454 .125 2675 .125 2270 .125 3300 2794 70 Wireline Data 71 Conversion Factors Field Units to Metric Conversion If You Have: Feet Multiply By: x 0.3048 To Get: Meters (M) Inches x 2.54 Centimeters (cm) Inches x 25.4 Millimeters (mm) Pounds (Lbs) x 0.0004536 Metric Tons Pounds (Lbs) x 0.44482 Decanewtons (daN) Pounds x 0.4536 Kilograms Weight (Lbs/ft) x 1.4882 Kg/M Pounds per Barrel x 2.85307 Kg/M3 Barrels x 158.987 Liters Barrels x 0.15898 Cubic Meters Gallons x 3.7854 Liters Gallons x 0.0037854 Cubic Meters Barrels/Stroke x 158.987 Liters/Stroke Barrels/Stroke x 0.158987 Cubic Meters/Stroke Gallons/Minute x 3.7854 Liters/Minute Barrels/Minute x 158.987 Liters/Minute Barrels/Minute x 0.158987 Cubic Meters/Minute bbl/ft. Capacity x 521.612 Liters/Meter (L/M) bbl/ft. Capacity x 0.521612 Cubic Meters/Meter Bbl Displacement x 521.612 Liters/Meter (L/M) Bbl Displacement x 0.521612 Cubic Meters/Meter Gradient psi/ft X 22.6206 KPa/M Gradient psi/ft x 0.226206 Bar/M Mud Weight PPG x 0.119826 Kilograms/Liter (Kg/L) Mud Weight PPG x 119.826 Kilograms/Cubic Meter Mud Weight PPG x 0.119826 Specific Gravity (SG) Mud Weight (Lb/Ft3) x 1.60185 Kg/M3 Fahrenheit Degrees PSI x 0.56 – 17.8 Celsius Degrees x 6894.8 Pascals (Pa) PSI x 6.8948 Kilopascals (KPa) PSI x 0.06895 Bar BWPD @ 8.9 ppg X 0.118 Kg/Min BOPD @ 7.74 ppg X 0.099 Kg/Min mmCFD @ 0.6 sp. gr. X 14.1 Kg/Min 72 Conversion Factors Metric to Field Units Conversion If You Have: Multiply By: To Get: Meters (m) x 3.2808 Feet Centimeters (cm) x 0.3937 Inches Millimeters (mm) x 0.03937 Inches Metric Tons x 2204.6 Pounds (Lbs) Decanewtons (daN) x 2.2481 Pounds (Lbs) Kilograms x 2.2046 Pounds Kg/m x 0.67196 Weight (Lbs/Ft) Kg/m3 x 0.3505 Pounds per Barrel Liters x 0.00629 Barrels Cubic Meters x 6.2898 Barrels Liters x 0.2642 Gallons Cubic Meters x 264.173 Gallons Liters/Stroke x 0.00629 Barrels/Stroke Cubic Meters/Stroke x 6.2898 Barrels/Stroke Liters/Minute x 0.2642 Gallons/Minute Liters/Minute x 0.00629 Barrels/Minute Cubic Meters/Minute x 6.2898 Barrels/Minute Liters/Meter (l/m) Cubic Meters/Meter Liters/Meter (l/m) Cubic Meters/Meter x 0.0019171 BBL/Ft. Capacity x 1.917 BBL/Ft. Capacity x 0.0019171 BBL Displacement x 1.9171 BBL Displacement KPa/m x 0.044207 Gradient PSI/Ft Bar/m x 4.4207 Gradient PSI/Ft Kilograms/Liter (Kg/L) Kilograms/Cubic Meter x 8.3454 x 0.0083454 Mud Weight PPG Mud Weight PPG Specific Gravity (SG) x 8.3454 Mud Weight PPG Kg/m3 x 6.24279 Mud Weight Lb/Ft3) Celsius Degrees x 1.8 + 32 Fahrenheit Degrees Pascals (Pa) x 0.000145 PSI Kilopascals (KPa) x 0.14504 PSI Bar x 14.50377 PSI Kg/Minute X 8.475 BWPD @ 8.9 ppg Kg/Minute X 10.105 BOPD @ 7.74 ppg Kg/Minute X 0.071 mmCFD @ 0.6 sp.gr. Notes & Calculations 73 74 Notes & Calculations Notes & Calculations 75 76 Notes & Calculations As the leading provider of comprehensive emergency response and resolution, prevention, and operational services for the oil and gas industry, Wild Well offers innovative solutions to complex issues. No other company on earth can claim a more experienced team, more jobs successfully completed, or more industry personnel trained each year. Consider it covered. When it’s under Wild Well. EMERGENCY: 1.281.784.4700 Wild Well World Headquarters 1.281.784.4700 wildwell.com
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