Flukers Dry Product Catalog 2005
Flukers Dry Product Catalog 2005
Intro Letter Copy TO: Sam Furby, Vice President Sales/Marketing CC: Waco Hitt, Vice President Dry Products Sam and Waco, Please look over the following intro copy as soon as you can. We’re already five months behind on getting this thing out, so your immediate attention would be appreciated. Thanks, Dave. Unflukenbelievable! That’s the only word I can think of to describe all the excit- ing things going on here at Fluker’s — new products, new services, new faces. Speaking of new faces, check out the beauty on this year’s catalog cover. She’s an Oriental Fire Bellied Toad. Is she a beauty or what? Wouldn’t you want to get your hands on an animal like that? And if you ever do, remember Fluker’s has all the equipment you need, from bedding to accessories. Everything you need to keep your pet happy and healthy for years to come. Also, check out the big photo on the opposite page of this catalog. Is that thing finer than frog hair or what? All of our products displayed in a single, self-contained shelving unit. Our ad agency says the photo is busy. What do they know about busy? It’s taken them almost five months just to produce this catalog. Anyway, we have a planogram available so that you can setup your store like the photo shown. I imagine this could have a huge impact on consumers worldwide. If you’re a pet store owner who would like to see your profits skyrocket from a display of this magnitude, please give me a call at (225) 343-7035. On a closing note, I’d like to thank all the dedicated, hard-working folks here at Fluker’s who have given tirelessly of their time and talent in making this company a success. Your efforts have been duly noted. Also, thanks goes to our loyal customers and patrons for their continued support and input. All of your letters, e-mails and phone calls have been instrumental in helping me develop many of the new products featured in this year’s catalog. I sincerely hope that you will find everything you need here, and if not, that you will call me with any request. Remember, for the latest in news and products, visit us online at www. flukerfarms.com. Sincerely, David Fluker President, Fluker’s FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 flukerfarms.com NUTRITIONAL DIETS HEATING IT UP PREPARED FOODS PLANTS, VINES & BEDDING ACCESSORIES ETC. VITAMINS & HEALTHCARE BOWLS, CAVES & CAVERNS FEEDER INSECTS BRILLIANT LIGHTING WOOD PIECES TERRARIUM ENVIRONMENT page 2 page 3 pages 4 & 5 pages 7 & 8 page 9 pages 10 & 11 pages 12 & 13 pages 14 & 15 pages 16 & 17 pages 18 & 19 page 20 1 N U IT TR IONAL DI ET S F Luker Laboratories offers an extensive line of foods for the reptile industry, combining complete diets with all the essential proteins and vitamins that reptiles need for optimum growth and nutrition. Fluker’s Bearded Dragon Diet Adult Formula A combination of digestible animal and plant sources which will provide your pet with the proper balance of essential nutrients. The only diet fortified with real crickets for your pet’s dining pleasure. FLUKER’S AQUATIC TURTLE FORMULA Fluker’s Aquatic 3 oz. jar .................................... #76020 5 oz. jar .................................... #76021 4 lb. jar ..................................... #76022 25 lb. bag ..................................#71108 Fluker’s Bearded Dragon Diet Juvenile Formula A combination of digestible animal and plant sources which will provide your juvenile dragon with the proper balance of essential nutrients—the only diet cricket fortified for your pet’s dining pleasure. 4 oz. jar .................................... #76030 8 oz. jar .................................... #76031 4 lb. jar ..................................... #76032 25 lb. bag ..................................#71109 Fluker’s Iguana Diet Fruit Formula Fluker’s Iguana Diet provides essential proteins, minerals and vitamins that iguanas need for optimum growth and nutrition. For adult iguanas 2' in length and over. 4 oz. jar .................................... #70003 8 oz. jar ....................................#70004 4 lb. jar ..................................... #70005 25 lb. bag ..................................#71102 Fluker’s Juvenile Iguana Diet Fruit Formula A vitamin- and mineral-enriched formula that promotes strong bone growth and enhances the natural color of juvenile iguanas. 4 oz. jar .................................... #70016 8 oz. jar .................................... #70017 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 2 Fluker’s Tortoise Diet Large Pellet Fluker’s Large Pellet is a perfectly balanced diet for tortoises and box turtles. 3.5 oz. jar ................................. #70020 7 oz. jar .................................... #70021 3 lbs. 4 oz. jar ........................... #70022 25 lbs. bag ................................. #71110 Fluker’s Tortoise Diet Small Pellet Land Turtle Formula Fluker’s Land Turtle Formula is a perfectly balanced diet for all tortoises and box turtles. 3.5 oz. jar ................................. #70013 7 oz. jar .................................... #70014 3.8 lb. jar .................................. #70015 25 lb. bag ..................................#71103 Fluker’s Turtle Diet Aquatic Turtle Formula Fluker’s Aquatic Turtle Formula provides a complete diet for freshwater turtles. 4 oz. jar ....................................#70000 8 oz. jar .................................... #70001 4 lb. jar .....................................#70002 25 lb. bag ..................................#71104 flukerfarms.com ED FOO PAR DS E PR F luker’s 100% Freeze-Dried products are great for those enthusiasts who aren’t quite so enthusiastic when it comes to scouring the floor for loose critters. These products are great sources of vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients for your pet, but best of all, they’re mess free. Freeze-Dried Crickets These larvae are protein-rich and provide essential amino acids. Gut-loaded with Fluker’s Hi-Calcium Cricket Diet, then freeze-dried to maintain the maximum nutritional value your pet needs. 0.7 oz. jar ................................. #72005 REPTILE VERSION Freeze-Dried Daphnia Daphnia, a small crustacean, have long been identified as an important prey for fish and aquatic amphibians. They are a high protein source of nutrition. 1.6 oz. jar .................................#72000 1.2 oz. jar .................................#72006 Freeze-Dried Mealworms Mealworms offer the natural nutrition many different aquatic amphibians and reptiles require. Because live mealworms are difficult to maintain, most pet store owners don’t have them. Freeze-Dried River Shrimp Shrimp are a natural prey for many different fish, aquatic amphibians and reptiles because they provide a high source of protein and essential amino acids. 1.9 oz. jar .................................. #72001 1.2 oz. jar ................................. #72007 Freeze-Dried Bloodworms Freeze-Dried Crickets Bloodworms, the larvae of non-biting midges, are a popular food for fish, aquatic amphibians, and terrapins. AQUATIC FISH VERSION Gut-loaded with Fluker’s Hi-Calcium Cricket Diet, then freeze-dried to maintain the maximum nutritional value and taste your pet needs. N EW A Moist, Nutritional Meal Fluker’s Fluker’s Gourmet-Style Crickets 1.2 oz. jar .................................#78000 Fluker’s Gourmet-Style River Shrimp 1.2 oz. jar ................................. #78002 Fluker’s Gourmet-Style Grasshoppers 1.2 oz. jar .................................. #78000 Fluker’s Gourmet-Style Mealworms 1.2 oz. jar ...................................#78001 3 Y ou don’t have to be a doctor to recognize when your pet needs help. Sometimes captive reptiles will develop diseases, which are easily treatable by their owners. Fluker Farms is dedicated to helping reptile owners care for their pets with safe and easy treatments at home. Fluker’s Repta-Aid Critical Care Formula Reptiles that have been introduced into a new environment or have recently been imported, may become malnourished and dehydrated.This critical care supplement provides essential energy for pet reptiles. INSECTIVORE/CARNIVORE 50 grams.............................#73030 HERBIVORE 50 grams.............................#73020 Fluker’s Repta Rinse A nonirritating solution with antimicrobial properties used to combat bacterial eye infections. Both of these products can help prevent further infections in your pet and help you nurse your pet back to health. 2 oz. bottle ......................................... #73040 Fluker’s Repta-Vitamin N L ID VITAM U I IQ With Beta Carotene Fluker’s Repta-Vitamin is a multi-vitamin containing beta carotene and essential vitamins, amino acids (from pure crystalline form), trace elements and minerals that your pet needs. Contains potent color enhancers to bring out your pet’s natural beauty. 1.5 oz. jar ................................. #73002 4 oz. jar .................................... #73003 Fluker’s Repta-Calcium Dietary Supplement A premium calcium supplement for lizards, snakes, turtles and frogs, Fluker’s Repta-Calcium Dietary Supplement provides the calcium your pet needs for strong, healthy bones and vital bodily functions. Recommended for reptiles or amphibians who eat large amounts of high-phosphorus foods (crickets, mealworms and wax worms). 2 oz. jar ....................................#73004 4 oz. jar .................................... #73005 8 oz. jar ....................................#73006 Fluker’s Calcium:Phosphorus 2:1 Dietary Supplement This dietary supplement for lizards and turtles provides the required calcium-to-phosphorus ratio your pet needs for strong, healthy bones and vital bodily functions. Recommended for reptiles who eat small amounts of high-phosphorus foods (crickets, mealworms and wax worms). 2 oz. jar .................................... #73007 4 oz. jar ....................................#73008 8 oz. jar ....................................#73009 Fluker’s Liquid Fluker’s specially FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 flukerfarms.com 5 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 6 flukerfarms.com B R L IANT IGHTI L NG IL R eptile and amphibian behaviors are directly tied to their light cycle. Under natural conditions, sunlight provides ultraviolet radiation, visible light and heat. So brighten your pets day with one of Fluker’s brilliant bulbs. Repta-Sun Full-Spectrum Lighting Just Like A Day At The Beach For Your Reptile Full-spectrum lighting closely simulates natural sunlight to provide a natural environment for reptiles so they feel better and see better, while making food colors 5.0 UVB 15 watt 18" ............. #210006 and skin tones appear as they do in natural 5.0 UVB 20 watt 24" ..............#210013 sunlight. 5.0 UVB 30 watt 36" ............. #210020 2.0 UVB 15 watt 18" ............... #21643 2.0 UVB 20 watt 24" ...............#22088 5.0 UVB 40 watt 48" ............. #210037 Fluker’s Repta-Lighting Hoods The ultimate in terrarium environment control, Fluker’s Repta-Lighting Hoods feature a durable aluminum shell, built-in reflectors, 6-foot cord/plug sets and extra plug-in receptacles on fluorescent & combo models. Fluorescent Repta-Lighting Hood 20" ...........................................#39004 24" ........................................... #39005 30" ...........................................#39006 36" ........................................... #39007 48" ...........................................#39008 Combination Repta-Lighting Hood 24" ........................................... #39010 30" ...........................................#39002 36" ........................................... #39003 48" ............................................#39011 Fluker’s Hood Stand Raises the hood above the tank for easier access to your tank or terrarium (fits all Fluker hoods). The hood stand legs slide on the side rails of the hood and sit on the side walls of your aquarium/terrarium. One Size Fits All ..................... #39015 Incandescent Repta-Lighting Hood 20" ...........................................#39000 24" ........................................... #39001 y Easil s k c a St helf t on S to Fi Fluker’s Clamp-Lamp For Basking Animals The perfect lamp for reptiles who like to bask. Ceramic sockets are rated up to 250 watts for incandescent bulbs and ceramic heat emitters. All sizes feature safety clamps and easily attach to the rim of all terrariums. Black. 5.5" .......................................... #27002 8.5" .......................................... #27000 10" ........................................... #27001 7 B L LANTER I N CO R L IANT IGHTI L NG IL NEW Repta-Sun Incandescent Lighting For Basking Animals Repta-Sun Incandescent light bulbs provide the radiant heat (infrared light) that reptiles need. Reptiles are ectothermic and depend on their environmental temperature to regulate their core body temperature. If a reptile is not provided an appropriate environmental temperature range (ETR), it may be predisposed to chronic infections. Because ETRs vary from species to species, ask your pet professional or review available literature for guidance in determining the appropriate ETR for your pet. Fluker’s Sun-Glow Coil Lantern For Basking Animals Under natural conditions, Neodymium Daylight Bulbs 25 watt .....................................#22500 60 watt ..................................... #22501 75 watt ..................................... #22502 100 watt ................................... #22503 150 watt ................................... #22504 Black Nightlight Bulbs 25 watt ..................................... #22700 60 watt ..................................... #22701 75 watt ..................................... #22702 100 watt ................................... #22703 Basking Spotlight Bulbs 40 watt .....................................#22600 60 watt ..................................... #22601 75 watt ..................................... #22602 100 watt ................................... #22603 150 watt ...................................#22604 Red Heat Bulbs 40 watt .....................................#22800 60 watt ..................................... #22801 75 watt ....................................#22802 100 watt ..................................#22803 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 8 flukerfarms.com ATING IT UP E H S ince Reptiles and Amphibians are ectotherms (cold-blooded), they can’t self regulate their body temperature like birds and mammals. Instead, they depend on the environmental temperature to regulate their core temperature. Fluker’s has a range of heat sources to meet the needs of your pet reptile or amphibian. NEW Fluker’s Heat Mat Use Inside Or Outside Of Terrariums Fluker’s Heat Mat operates at a constant 100˚ F. Durable construction provides uniform, evenly distributed heat. 4" x 5" 4 watt ............................ #29050 6" x 11" 7 watt........................... #29051 11" x 11" 12 watt ....................... #29052 17" x 11" 20 watt ....................... #29053 29" x 11" 35 watt ......................#29054 Fluker’s Hot Rock Looks And Feels Like A Rock Fluker’s Hot Rock provides proper heat for reptiles without the danger of electrical shock or thermal burn. This nonporous material is easy to clean and maintain. Small .......................................#28000 Medium .................................... #28001 Large .......................................#28002 Fluker’s Ceramic Heat Emitter Heat emitters radiate intense infrared heat, but emit no light. The perfect 24hour heat source for your tropical or desert reptile. Ceramic heat emitters can be used to establish an appropriate environmental temperature range for reptiles. Designed for use with all Fluker Clamp-Lamps. 60 watt ....................................#26005 9 PL A INES & BE DD I NG S, V T N A. B. C. D. Fluker’s Repta-Vines In Four Different Styles Lifelike, natural-looking hanging vines are the perfect addition to any terrarium. All vines come with suction cups to affix to the tank and are made of nontoxic polyethylene material for easy cleaning and disinfecting. All styles are 6 feet long. A. English Ivy ...........................#51014 B. Pothos................................... #51015 C. Purple Coleus ......................#51016 D. Red Cole- Tropical Plants For A Jungle Look Lifelike tropical plants can be used to create a jungle look in any terrarium without the hassle of plant maintenance. us Fern Plant 3 Assorted Tropical Plants (8"– 12" tall) .............................#51013 What’s a tropical garden without a fern? Get that jungle look without the hassle of plant maintenance. Fern Plant with Wood Base (15" tall) .................................. # 51008 Repta-Lawn NEW This living lawn of easily manicured, edible grass is the perfect non-abrasive substrate to create a more natural environment for your pet. Helps reduce habitat stress and is perfect for any animal that requires a medium to high humidity and moisture range. Includes fertilizer, seeds and antibacterial liner. 10" x 20" Small bag .................. #36012 12" x 24" Medium bag .............. #36013 18" x 24" Large bag .................. #36014 Repta-Bed Coconut Fiber Bedding All Natural 100% Coconut Bedding This bedding, made from 100% natural coconut fiber, is an excellent natural bedding for all reptiles and amphibians. Great for egg incubation. Expands 6 to 7 times its size. 10 Repta-Bark Bedding All Natural Bedding This orchid bark is an excellent natural bedding for all highhumidity-loving reptiles. Bigger pieces mean less chance for ingestion and less dust. 4 qt bag ....................................#36004 8 qt bag ....................................#36005 PL A INES & BE DD I NG S, V T N P roviding your pet reptile or amphibian with a natural looking environment minimizes their stress level and also beautifies the enclosure for you to enjoy. Choose any of these great Fluker products and your pet will enjoy the creature comforts of a home away from home. Fluker’s Repta-Liner The ideal substrate for beginning reptile enthusiasts, Fluker’s ReptaLiner provides pet owners with a safe, easy-toclean substrate alternative. Great for lizards, tortoises and snakes. Choose from five sizes for the perfect fit in your enclosure. Available in green, blue or brown. Green 10" x 20" .................................. #36025 12" x 24" .................................. #36026 12" x 30" .................................. #36027 12" x 36" .................................. #36028 Blue 10" x 20" .................................. #36035 12" x 24" .................................. #36036 12" x 30" .................................. #36037 12" x 36" .................................. #36038 12" x 48" .................................. #36039 Brown 10" x 20" ................................. #36030 12" x 24" .................................. #36031 12" x 30" ................................. #36032 12" x 36" .................................. #36033 12" x 48" .................................. #36034 Fluker’s Repta-Beach Digestible Calcium Bedding (5 Pound Bags) Fluker’s Repta-Beach is a pure calcium carbonate substrate designed to simulate the feel of desert terrain, while providing a safe, digestible alternative to common substrates. Available in 5 pound bags. Specify blue, green, coral, black or white. Blue.......................................... #36050 Green ....................................... #36051 Coral ....................................... #36054 White ...................................... #36053 Black ....................................... #36052 Desert Mix ............................... #36055 Rust ......................................... #36056 Brown ...................................... #36057 Fluker’s Spanish Moss ALL NATURAL Substrate Fluker’s Spanish Moss bedding is perfect for any terrarium, and provides necessary comfort and shelter for your pet. Great for reptiles and terrestrial amphibians — particularly frogs and green snakes. 4 qt bag .................................... #36021 8 qt bag .................................... #36020 Fluker’s Green Moss Bedding ALL NATURAL Substrate Real moss terrarium bedding provides your pet with comfort and shelter in a natural environment. Perfect for any terrarium. Suitable for reptiles and terrestrial amphibians. Ideal for frogs, salamanders and green snakes. 4 qt bag ....................................#36000 8 qt bag .................................... #36001 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 flukerfarms.com 11 BO L R NS W ES & CA CAV VE , S R eptiles love to find a nice, cozy hollow log or cave in which they can feel safe and secure. Fluker Laboratories provides you with a full array of natural habitats to make your pet feel right at home. Fluker’s Repta-Bowls Nonporous Food Or Water Bowls These rock-like bowls provide a natural look to all terrariums and are ideal for water and food. Easy to clean and disinfect. 3" X-Small ...............................#30004 4" Small ...................................#30005 6" Medium ...............................#30006 9" Large ...................................#30007 12" X-Large .............................#30008 Fluker’s Corner Bowls Nonporous Food Or Water Bowls Fluker’s Corner Bowls fit flush against the corners of terrariums, making them perfect for holding food or water. Easy to clean and disinfect. 4" Small ...................................#30000 6" Medium ............................... #30001 9" Large ...................................#30002 Fluker’s Habi-Caves Fluker’s Rock Caverns Habi-Caves provide a safe, stress-reducing environment for small reptiles. Made of hard fiberglass for a natural appearance. Easy to clean and disinfect. Rock covers provide necessary shelter for reptiles. Suitable for small reptiles that like to hide. Security For Small Reptiles Secluded Havens For Reptiles 9" x 12" x 2" ................................50004 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 12 6" .............................................#50000 9" .............................................#50002 flukerfarms.com BO L R NS W ES & CA CAV VE , S NER LOG R S CO Fluker’s Hollow Logs For Reptiles and Small Animals NEW Fits ntly enie Conv Corner into Fluker’s Corner Logs For Reptiles and Small Animals For 13 OD WO PIECE S Fluker’s Driftwood Give your pet the natural habitat it needs. Fluker’s Driftwood is not only beautiful, but will make any climbing reptile or amphibian feel right at home. Larger in diameter and more tropical looking than any other driftwood on the market, these distinctive wood pieces make great terrarium additions for bearded dragons, snakes, iguanas, and most terrestrial amphibians. 12 – 18" Small #52013 24"+ Medium #52041 Fluker’s Iguana Branches Sandblasted Grapevine These branches of natural California grapevine are sandblasted to produce a beautiful color and texture. Recommended for all climbing reptiles. Ideal for iguanas and bearded dragons. 12 – 18" Small ........................... #52003 18 – 20" Medium ...................... #52004 24 – 26" Large .......................... #52005 30 – 40" X-Large .......................#52019 40"+ Jumbo ............................. #52020 14 OD WO PIECE S Fluker’s Deluxe Driftwood For Basking And Climbing Assembled from California driftwood and designed to fit perfectly in most common tank sizes, Fluker’s Deluxe Driftwood provides shade and shelter, while upper branches encourage basking and climbing. Small (for 10 gal. tanks)............ #52016 Medium (for 20 gal. tanks) ........#52017 Large (for 30 gal. tanks) ........... #52018 Fluker’s Repta-Tree Mounted Natural Driftwood An attractive, free-standing t“ ree” that looks great in any terrarium and offers reptiles and terrestrial amphibians great opportunities to bask or climb. A real treat for bearded dragons, who find them similar to the fence posts and small shrubbery they’re accustomed to in their native habitat in Australia. Repta-Trees also make great wide perches for birds. 6 – 8" Small .............................. #52046 12 – 14" Large .......................... #52047 Fluker’s Bend-A-Branch With a natural look and feel, these branches are the perfect addition to any terrarium. They bend to fit your pet’s enclosure, while offering more support than a conventional vine. Great for chameleons, tree frogs, geckos, snakes, and much more. Three sizes available; all are 6 feet long. New improved color does not bleed. 1/8" dia. Small ..........................#51018 3/8" dia. Medium ......................#51019 5/8" dia. Large ......................... #51020 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 flukerfarms.com 15 TAL DISPLA I IG Fluker’s Thermometer Y D ORIES E ESS TC C C . A This precision calibrated thermometer enables you to effectively monitor an Environmental Temperature Range (ETR) within your pet’s enclosure to promote good health and longevity. NEW Thermometer (Round) ............. #34130 Fluker’s Hygrometer This relative humidity hygrometer allows you to establish and maintain a consistent level of humidity within your pet’s enclosure, creating a safe and comfortable environment. Digital Thermo-Hygrometer Two Instruments for the Price of One Digitally measures humidity and temperature for you to establish and maintain a consistent level of humidity and temperature within your pet’s enclosure, creating a safe and comfortable environment. Hygrometer (Round) .................#34132 Fluker’s Flat Repta-Thermometer An easy, accurate way to find out the temperature of your terrarium or aquarium, this handy device attaches to the exterior wall of your tank (not to your pet), offers readings in both Fahrenheit and Celsius, and comes with Fluker’s guarantee of complete satisfaction. It has a high range of 110°F. Fluker’s Repta-Leash Once you’ve used a Repta-Leash, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without one. The Repta-Leash is the ultimate in security, safety, and comfort for lizards of all ages and sizes. Each has a 6' adjustable lead. Flat Repta-Thermometer ............#34131 XXS ........................................... 31000 XS .............................................. 31001 Small ........................................... 31002 Medium ....................................... 31003 Large .......................................... 31004 XL .............................................. 31005 Fluker’s Terrarium Gauges Combo Pack – Both Thermometer and Hygrometer Now you can get two for one in our combo pack. Perfect for first-timers. Terrarium GaugCombo Pack .......................... Fluker’s Hand Cleaner Fluker’s Extra Strength Hand Cleaner safely and effectively sanitizes hands against bacteria, fungi, or viruses commonly carried by reptiles and amphibians — without the need for water or towels. Great for the reptile or amphibian owner with children. Fluker’s Repta-Sprayer These professionally styled spray bottles can be used to water and mist reptiles and amphibians. Constructed of durable, leakproof plastic, these dispensers are fantastic for both water and water soluble medications. 16 oz. Sprayer........................... #35000 8 oz. Bottle ...............................#44000 1 gal. Container (store use) .......#44002 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 16 flukerfarms.com es #34133 ORIES E ESS TC C C . A Fluker’s Screen Cover Fluker Farms introduces a new metal screen cover, creating a more secure and stable environment for any pet. Made of a durable metal, this unique cover withstands high temperatures from heating devices. The metal mesh screen also increases the tank air circulation, minimizing unwanted growth of mold, bacteria and other organisms in your tank. 5.5 gal. Screen Cover (8" x 16") ......................... #38000 10 gal. Screen Cover (10" x 20") ........................ #38001 15H/20 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 24") ................ #38002 20L/29 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 30") ................ #38003 30 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 36")......................... #38004 55 gal. Screen Cover (12" x 48") ........................ #38005 NEW Fluker’s Screen Cover Clips We offer 2 sizes in our screen clips. Small Clip fits 29 gallons or less. Large Clip fits 30 gallons or more. Fluker’s Cactus ’n Granite Six-Pack Sold in a set of 2 Habi-scape Desert Plants In Granite Small Clips for Screen Cover ....#38006 These lifelike, beautifully assorted cactus plants are each set in an attractive granite base. Six different cactuses in each pack. A. Small (approx. 3"– 5" tall) ........#51009 B. Large (approx. 6"– 10" tall) ....... #51010 A. Reptile Drip Systems Many reptiles drink by licking moisture off of leaves or other objects and, therefore, require either frequent misting, a drip system, or both. Fluker offers two sizes of drip systems to accommodate your reptile’s needs. These are excellent amenities for all tropical reptiles. 12 oz. Mini Dripper .................. #35003 1 gal. Large Dripper ................. #35004 B. Fluker’s Repta-Waterer The ideal watering hole for iguanas, turtles, lizards, hermit crabs and practically anything else you can think of. These attractive water dispensers feature durable, thick-wall construction and a wide anti-tip base. They’re also easy to clean and fill. 17 DER INSECTS E FE Cricket Containers ains Cont d & Foo er Wat 3 convenient sizes make these handy containers especially useful for anyone trying to transport their own feeder insects. Essential for reptile enthusiasts but great for fishermen as well. NGE CUB A E OR Fluker’s Orange Cube Short Bucket .............................#62000 Short Tube ...............................#63000 Long Tube ...............................#63002 Complete Cricket Diet Our Orange Cube is formulated to be easily digested by all feeder insects. Use of Orange Cube will drastically reduce your number of drowned, dehydrated and nutrient deficient crickets. Made from nutritious items such as kelp, spiruluna, and brewer’s yeast. Also packed with Vitamins E, B-12, A, D3, and calcium carbonate. Disposable Cricket Container The ideal inexpensive container for your cricket customers, these stylish cartons have a built-in dispenser that makes handling crickets as simple as a turn of the cap. Disposable Container ................#64000 Orange Cube – Complete Cricket Diet 6 oz. jar .................................... #71300 12 oz. jar ...................................#71301 Measuring Tube and Funnel Makes counting crickets a snap. The funnel is constructed of hard plastic. The plastic tube conveniently measures your crickets. It holds 100 one-inch crickets. Fluker’s High Calcium Cricket Feed Calcium Fortified Measuring Tube & Funnel ........#32000 FLUKER’S CRICKET FORMULAS Fluker’s Cricket Fluker’s High Calcium Cricket Feed is a premium formula designed for g“ ut-loading” crickets to increase their vitamin/mineral content prior to offering them as prey to your pet. This allows insect-eating pets to benefit not only from the nutritional value of the insect itself, but from the insect’s nutrient-gut content as well. Cricket Feed Hi Cal 13 oz. ...................................... #70007 6 lb. .........................................#70008 25 lb. bag. .................................#71106 Fluker’s Cricket Feed Original Formula The same formula we use at our farm, Cricket Feed contains all the protein and vitamins needed to keep your crickets healthy and chirping. 6 lb jar. ..................................... #71000 25 lb bag. ..................................#71107 FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 18 flukerfarms.com DER INSECTS E FE F or feeder insects to have any nutritional value to your pet reptile or amphibian, they must be fed a complete and balanced diet and have access to water. Fluker Farms provides a complete line of dietary and watering products for your feeder insects. Choosing one of these products below helps virtually guarantee that your pet will live a long, happy, and healthy life. Fluker’s Cricket Quencher Cricket Cages ORIGINAL formula Provides crickets and other feeder insects with a safe, clean water source in a convenient gel form that eliminates the problems of traditional watering methods — such as drowning and bacterial contamination. 8 oz. jar .................................... #71204 16 oz. jar .................................. #71200 7.5 lb. jar .................................. #71202 These polyurethane-coated wood cages hold up to 4,000 crickets and come fully equipped with water jar, base, measuring tube and funnel. Measures 35" tall x 24" wide x 20" deep. Cage......................................... #61000 Cage w/ Light Kit..................... #61001 Cage w/ Divider........................ #61002 Cage w/ Light Kit & Divider .... #61003 Fluker’s Cricket Quencher Calcium Fortified Provides crickets and other feeder insects with a safe, clean water source — as well as offering a good source of calcium for g“ ut-loading” insects prior to feeding them to your reptile. 8 oz. jar .................................... #71205 16 oz. jar ...................................#71201 7.5 lb. jar .................................. #71203 er Feed ct e s In ries sso Acce Mealworm Cups, Lids and Bedding Everything you need to transport and pr operly Water Jar and Base These durable, easy-to-use water dispensers allow easy access for hundreds of crickets at a time but could come in equally handy for a variety of other small animals. Whole Unit .................... #35005 19 Fluker’s Combination Hood page 7 Fluker’s Fluorescent Bulbs Fluker’s Spanish Moss page 7 page 11 Fluker’s Incandescent Bulbs page 8 Fluker’s Tropical Plants page 10 Fluker’s Iguana Branch page 14 F Luker Laboratories offers an extensive line of products for your reptile and amphibian habitats — just about anything your pet might need. The Fluker name is unsurpassed when it comes to quality and safety. Fluker’s Repta-Lawn page 10 Fluker’s ReptaBark Bedding page 10 Fluker’s Bend-A-Branch FLUKER FARMS 800-735-8537 20 flukerfarms.com page 15 Fluker’s Repta-Vines page 10 Fluker’s Digital ThermoHygrometer Fluker’s Terrarium Gauges page 16 page 16 Fluker’s Hood Stand page 7 Fluker’s Corner Logs page 13 Fluker’s Repta-Bowls page 12 Fluker’s Heat Mat (fits under tank) page 9 FLK-065_alt_final_path.indd 1 10/21/04 10:50:31 AM
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