poster at From Dust to Planetesimals 2006
poster at From Dust to Planetesimals 2006
Experimental Infrared Spectroscopy of Dust Grains in Aerosol: Modeling of forsterite spectra Harald 1 Mutschke , Akemi 1 Tamanai , and Michiel 2 Min 1. Astrophysical Institute and University Observatory, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Schillergaesschen 3, 07745 Jena, Germany 2. Astronomical institute Anton Pannekoek, University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Correspondence to: [email protected] Abstract We investigate the ability of the statistical light-scattering model with a distribution of form factors (DFF) and different sets of optical constants to reproduce our laboratory-measured infrared extinction spectra of crystalline Mg2SiO4 (forsterite) particles in Aerosol and in KBr/PE pellets. Experimental Set-up for Aerosol spectroscopy Samples We equipped our FTIR Spectrometer (BRUKER 113v) with a multi-path gas cell in order to measure the extinction of a cloud of silicate dust carried by the gas filling the cell (Fig.1). A brush powder disperser (Fig.2) was used for suspending particles in the gas (dry N2). In order to produce a high concentration of small-sized particles in the aerosol, we placed an impactor between the dust flow generator and the cell (Fig. 3). Forsterite (crystalline Mg2SiO4) FTIR Spectrometer Lamp Multi-path gas cell •Alfa Aesar Johnson, 99% metal, Sedimentation, d<1.0µm, irregular shape (AJsed.) • Marusu Yuuyaku, d<0.2µm, ellipsoidal shape (Marusu) • Sol-gel (Jäger et al. 2003), Sedimentation, d<1.0µm, irregular shape (Sol-gel) 0.28µ µm 0.54µ µm Impactor 1.2µ µm IR Detector Dust flow generator Carrier gas N2 AJsed. Cross section Front Fig. 2 Function of Dust flow generator Fig. 1 Extinction measurement set-up Experimental Results (RBG1000, Feststoffpartikel Dosierer, Palas GmbH) <15-30µm range> 11.06µ µm 11.05µ µm 10.83µ µm AJsed.(Aero) Marusu (Aero) Sol-gel (Aero) AJsed.(KBr) Marusu (KBr) Sol-gel (KBr) AJsed. Sol-gel Marusu 0.5 Q (λ λ )/ Q (Peak) 1 Aerosol (µ µm) Marusu ext 0.4 0.3 ext Qext(λ λ )/ Qext(Peak) Crystalline Mg2SiO4 1.5 0.7 0.6 AJsed. 0.5 0.2 Sol-gel 0.1 0 0 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5 Sol-gel Fig. 4 Grain shape of Forsterite particles (by TEM) Fig. 3 Function of Impactor <10µm range> ∆λ=0.23µ µm ∆λ Marusu 13 9 9.5 Wavelength (µ µm) 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 9.81 KBr (µ µm) ∆λ (µm) (µ ) 9.97 0.16 10.14 10.41 0.27 10.83 11.07 0.24 11.88 11.88 9.86 10.02 0 0.16 11.06 11.23 0.17 11.88 11.89 9.87 9.95 0.01 0.08 11.05 11.19 0.14 11.86 11.88 0.02 12.5 Wavelength (µ µm) Fig.5 Normalized Qext vs. wavelength of 3 different forsterite Fig. 6 Comparison between the aerosol (solid lines) and KBr samples measured in the aerosol experiments . (dotted lines) measurements. Tab.1 The peak positions of crystalline forsterite for 3 different samples from the aerosol and KBr measurements. Fig. 7 Comparison between the aerosol (solid lines) and KBr (dashed lines) measurements for two of the samples. Theoretical approach In order to reproduce the measured spectra in a theoretical simulation, a statistical model for the shape distribution of the particulate samples is required. We apply the “Distribution of Form Factors” (DFF, Min et al. 2006) approach, where the extinction cross section of an ensemble of particles small compared to the wavelength is represented by: < Cext > 2π P ( L) = * ∫ Im dL V λ 0 1 / (ε − 1) + L 1 with ε(λ) being the dielectric function of the material, V the volume of a particle, and P(L) the probability for the form factor L (0<=L<=1). For crystalline Mg2SiO4, the dielectric function ε(λ) is anisotropic. The cross sections obtained for the three crystal axes have to be averaged. We have fitted form factor distributions P(L) to our experimental spectra using the available sets of optical constants for crystalline Mg2SiO4 (Servoin & Piriou 1972, Sogawa et al. 2006, Suto et al. 2006). Results of the simulation Fig.8 The aerosol spectra of the Marusu (left) and the AJ (right) samples compared to the extinction cross section spectra calculated from different optical data. The arrows indicate major insufficiencies of the fit. • In order to reproduce the measured aerosol spectra in the 10µm band, we had to assume different form factor distributions (DFFs) for the crystal axes (see Fig.9). • Even with these DFFs we have not succeeded in reproducing the 10µm and 23µm ranges simultaneously (see arrows in Figs.8,10). This may point to insufficiencies in the ε(λ). • The agreement of measured KBr/PE pellet spectra with the simulation using the same DFFs is reasonably good but reveals the same problem (Fig.10) • The fit with the data by Servoin & Piriou (1973) is less good than with the new data of the Kyoto group. Fig.9 The DFFs obatined by the fits to the 10µm band regions measured in aerosol. The dashed and solid curves have been used for the contributions of the x and the y,z crystal axes, resp. Fig.10 The KBr/PE spectra of the Marusu and AJ samples (black curves) compared to the extinction cross section spectra calculated using the same form factor distributions as for the Aerosol measurements. The arrows indicate major insufficiencies of the fit. References: Jäger, C., Dorschner, J., Mutschke, H., Posch, Th.., and Henning, Th., 2003, “Steps toward interstellar silicate mineralogy VII. Spectral properties and crystallization behaviour of magnesium silicates produced by the sol-gel method,” A&A, 408, 193 Min, M., Hovenier, J.W., Dominik, C., de Koter, A., Yurkin, M.A., 2006, “Absorption and scattering properties of arbitrarily shaped particles in the Rayleigh domain. A rapid computational method and a theoretical foundation for the statistical approach”, J. Quant. Spectr. Rad. Transfer, 97, 161 Servoin, J.L. and Piriou B., 1973, “Infrared Reflectivity and Raman Scattering of Mg2SiO4 Single Crystal,” phys.stat.sol (b), 55, 677-686 Sogawa, H., Koike, C., Chihara, H., Suto, H., Tachibana, S., Tsuchiyama, A., and Kozasa, T., 2006, “Infrared reflection spectra of forsterite crystal”, A&A 451, 357 Suto, H., Sogawa, H., Tachibana, S., Koike, C., Karoji, H., Tsuchiyama, A., et al., 2006, “Low-temperature single crystal reflection spectra of forsterite”, MNRAS 370, 1599 Tamanai, A., Mutschke, H., Blum, J., and Meeus, G., 2006, “The 10µm infrared band of silicate dust: A laboratory study comparing the aerosol and KBr pellet techniques”, ApJ Letters, 648, L147 Acknowledgement: Our project has been supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under the grant MU 1164/5-3-4. We express our gratitude to Prof. C. Koike for providing us the Marusu sample and Dr. C. Jäger for supplying the sol-gel samples for our experiment. We are grateful to W. Teuschel for his technical support of our experimental devices and G. Born for her assistance with sample preparations.