OMEO TOSSICOLOGICI I TA L I A ***** dalle lezioni del CORSO DI OMEOPATIA OMOTOSSICOLOGIA IMMUNOFARMACOLOGIA OMEOPATICA Tenute presso UNIVERSITA’ URBANIANA in ROMA Riservato esclusivamente ai Laureati in Medicina e Chirurgia, Medicina Veterinaria e Farmacia (1ª ristampa) PREMISE This manual not only represents a list of all homeopathic, homeotoxicological, oligo-therapeutic, organo-therapeutic, immuno-pharmacological, nosode-therapeutic medicines, etc., which OTI produces, but a great effort, thirty years experience and science at the disposition of Italian and European homeopathy and homeotoxicology. We are convinced that our present edition will interest both unicists and pluralist, as well as complexists, we feel ever more involved in the future to complete and improve it. This work is dedicated to all doctors, vets and chemists who believe in our seriousness and in a continuous search for quality. Moreover we tend above all towards research in homeopathic pharmacology and experimentation of our products, we hope to always merit greater recognition both for our applied technology and for our industrial structure which make OTI the most important Italian Homeopathic Company. 3 INDICE OMEOPATIA I principi dell’Omeopatia I rimedi unitari Potenziate KAP (Kent Ascending Potencies) IMMUNOFARMACOLOGIA OMEOPATICA Introduzione Formule Materia medica Repertorio OMOTOSSICOLOGIA Introduzione Drenaggio Farmaci Bioterapici composti cenni clinici Regole generali nell’uso dei composti ORGANOTERAPIA pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. 7 9 13 26 29 pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. 33 35 38 58 76 pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. 81 83 92 103 185 pag. 191 pag. 192 Elenco degli organoterapici NOSODOTERAPIA pag. 195 pag. 200 Elenco dei nosodi I CATALIZZATORI Elenco dei catalizzatori intermedi pag. 205 pag. 208 NOTE DI TERAPIA Elenco delle patologie pag. 209 pag. 211 MEDICINA ESTETICA pag. 413 APPENDICE: CRONORGAN Introduzione Elenco Schede pag. pag. pag. pag. 427 428 434 435 OLIGOTERAPIA Studio generale Elenco oligoterapici Diatesici o Maggiori Elenco oligoterapici Minori Quadro sinottico pag. pag. pag. pag. pag. 449 451 454 459 467 SALI DI SCHUSSLER pag. 471 OTI FLOWERS (secondo E. BACH) pag. 491 POMATE ad uso omeopatico pag. 501 Rimedi contenuti nei Farmaci Composti pag. 509 MATERIA MEDICA dei principali rimedi omeopatici pag. 521 Pubblicazioni scientifiche e materiale informativo pag. 652 Pubblicazione libri e riviste pag. 653 5 HOMEOPATHY 7 HOMEOPATHY Homeopathy is a therapy which acts through the law of likes, using therapeutic substances at infinitesimal doses. Principle of similarity This is the basis of this therapy and has been known from the time of the Greek medicine of Hypocrates. He had indicated two different ways of facing illnesses: the method of likes and the method of opposites. In order to understand the meaning we will refer to some simple examples. When the cold freezes our hands we can essentially react in two opposite ways: either we warm them on the radiator ,or we put them in contact with ice or snow for a moment. If we put them on the radiator we use the method of opposites because we apply heat to cure the effects of the cold. Instead we use the method of likes if we apply intense cold in order to cure the effects of the cold. Which is the fundamental difference between the two opposite methods? By using opposites we work an external intervention which leaves the organism passive ( in the example when heat is administrated), and the state of well being which follows is limited to the duration of the administration of the external agent or a little bit longer. In the proposed example the sensation of heat ceases quickly when we take our hands off the radiator and in fact a new rapid and more intense cold. By using likes, we stimulate the organism which is energetically encouraged to overcome the existing problem. In our example the use of cold causes an active heating response by the organism which, precisely because it is active, will be intense and lasting in time. In the same way in our example, where physical means are used according to the law of likes, we can use homeopathically very diverse substances. Using cold in the example we have used not only the like, but the identical, that is the same substance which caused the disturbances. This is an exceptional situation in homeopathy where the like is normally used, the most similar possible (called simillimum) which is sufficient to provoke the curing reaction by the organism. The substances which are used to cure the disturbances are those which are toxically capable of producing them. We use diluted extracts of the poison from bees to cure bee stings (identical and all stings from insects which provoke similar symptoms to those of bee stings (simillimum). We use arsenic to cure all disturbances similar to those produced by arsenic poisoning; we use coffea (coffee) in order to cure those states of excitement similar to those produced by the excess of coffee. Infinitesimal doses This is the second cardinal rule of homeopathic therapy. Returning to the example of cold hands, it is clear that by exaggerating the ice we will not obtain a heating reaction by the organism but rather an authentic freezing! In the same way by exaggerating with arsenic we will certainly not help the patient! Every stimulation which is made according to the law of likes are obtain using minimum quantities. Homeopathic medicines, prepared from very different substances, are diluted until they are present in the final remedy in infinitesimal quantity. The dilutions are taken to such a point so as to always be the main target of criticisms of those who fight homeopathy without wishing to experiment the effects of it. 9 HOMEOPATHY PRINCIPLES OF HOMEOPATHY HOMEOPATHIC THERAPY Homeopathic therapy is subdivided into four basic periods. 1. Study of the patient. The first phase is an attentive study of the patient’s symptoms. For every symptom the method of presentation, evolution and disappearance is investigated if it is a question of a pain, for example, it is a matter of locating it precisely, of characterizing it, establishing the radiations from it, its sensibility to heat, cold, movement, pressure…The way it comes and goes, climatic influences, possible specific causes and so on. HOMEOPATHY 2. Search for remedy. The second phase will be to find in the medical materia ( = collecting of the pathogenesis) what are the substances capable of causing the disturbances which the patient shows and among these which of them exactly provoke the symptoms most similar to those of the patient. The descriptions of the pathogenesis ( disturbances caused toxically) are extremely detailed precisely because the careful confrontation with the disturbances of the patient must lead to choose, by confronting even the minimum differences, the only remedy with the most similar characteristics possible ( = simillimum). 3. Choice of dilution- dynamization. This will be the successive phase after the choice of the most similar remedy. It is made taking into account many parameters. In outline a general rule can be made which indicates the use of; Low dilutions (up to the sixth decimal dilution or up to the seventh-ninth centesimal) when the patient shows local disturbances or organic lesions are present in important organs; Medium dilutions (from the seventh to the thirtieth centesimal) when the disturbances involve the entire organism and general alterations to reactivity are shown ( heat, cold, etc.); Greatest dilutions ( over the thirtieth centesimal), are finally indicated when signs and psychic symptoms are added to the general conditions. 4. Assumption of remedy. Normally this is entrusted to the patient. The doctor administers directly only when the way is unusual or when there are extraordinary conditions because of severity or complexity. The most normally used way is under the tongue because it is rapid and substances assumed in this way pass directly into the blood system without mixing with food and thus avoiding transit through the liver, a great transformer and inactivator organ of the organism. One may say , with a large approximation, that the less the illness has progressed from which one is suffering, the greater are the possibilities of caring and even curing with homeopathy. What is most important to remember is that homeopathy may cure both organic and functional, acute or chronic illnesses. It is necessary to remember that the homeopathic therapy is very valid as a constitutional therapy and as a ground therapy. A well performed homeopathic cure can help to prevent illnesses. Prevent means to avoid that the single individual, who has a particular constitution, a particular ground, may develop illnesses . The homeopathic doctor, by studying the single individual, may begin a constitutional therapy which improves the defences, improves the general state and makes the single individual more resistant to illnesses. 10 11 HOMEOPATHY The homeopathic doctor, by studying the single individual, may begin a constitutional therapy which improves the defences, improves the general state and makes the single individual more resistant to illnesses. Homeopathic therapy may be strongly indicated both in acute and chronic illnesses. We remember that acute illnesses are those which have a rather rapid evolution, from some hours to some days; chronic illnesses have an evolution of a much longer duration. One must also remember that the special preparation of homeopathic remedies deprives them of every toxicity, and this is a great advantage in the cure of chronic illnesses which require a lengthy cure. Homeopathic therapy has shown its utility and its benefits even for pregnant women who may be cured with remedies completely void of toxicity, side effects, hence safe from all risks. Homeopathic therapy in pregnancy may be used both for pre-existing situations and for possible disturbances produced by the pregnancy itself. The child birth will be more physiological. Homeopathic therapy not only favours the gestation, but determines a more harmonious development of the foetus. For this reason homeopathy is called: homeopathic eugenics. Children already cured in pregnancy will be favoured in the physiological development. Hence homeopathic therapy in pregnancy allows a preventive intervention both in the mother and in the about to be born baby, and in this field homeopathic medicine seems to be without rivals. The birth and the moments after birth may be followed by a homeopathic therapy. The use of homeopathic remedies in preparation for surgical operation and post operation has repeatedly shown capable of decisively improving the prognosis, by lessening and controlling the operational shock by improving the tolerance to anaesthetic intoxication, preventing or reducing operational or post operational complications, finally accelerating the patient’s cure. In almost all cases where they have been used, health workers have witnessed a “better” or even “extraordinary” course of cases. The introduction in routine surgery of this type of aids can hence only further improve the results. Actually Surgery and First Aid, because of the immediate possibility of comparing clinical results, constitute the natural gateway for the entrance of homeopathy therapy into the structures of the National Health Service. UNITARY REMEDIES 13 UNITARY REMEDIES HOMEOPATHY In the following pages the unitary remedies produced are indicatively listed. Next to them the lowest potency in commerce is indicated. Clearly the number of remedies will always be increased, hence we invite all Doctors and Chemists to consult us for every request not envisaged. Naturally all M.T. (except poisonous ones) are available relative to all remedies of vegetable origin. All remedies which are insoluble in alcohol are available triturated, except the toxic ones. We don’t supply the bases of nosodes and organotherapics , but only the relative dilutions from 4CH upwards. Our Mother Tinctures are prepared by squeezing the fresh plant and scrupulously following, technologically, as indicated in paragraphs 267-268 and 269 of the Organon. OUR UNITARY REMEDIES ARE PRESENT IN THE FOLLOWING PHARMACEUTICAL FORMS (All in protective containers to avoid electromagnetic interference) Granules Plastic tubes protected by aluminium containing about 80 granules. Globules Single dose in plastic protected by aluminium Magnum Small glass bottle with 240 granules in protected By aluminium Tablets Small glass bottle with 60 tablets in holder protected by Aluminium Drops Small bottles containing 20ML in hydroalcoholic Solution: all dynamizations up to 30 CH. Small bottles containing 5ML in hydroalcoholic Solution for the following dynamizations 200CH M CH 10 MK Glucosated drops Glass bottles with 30ML containing syrupy solution. They are available on request at all dilutions. Useful for all situation in which there is an intolerance to lactose, alcohol (suckling baby, alcoholics etc.) 15 holder HOMEOPATHY Capsules Bottle with 60 capsules; Remedies in LM; 06--09—012—030—060/LM Single dose (2 capsules) 090—0120—0180/LM They are small capsules containing microgranules equivalent in weight to three classical granules They may be dissolved directly under the tongue or the contents may be dissolved in a little water Oral vials Vial in dark glass containing 2ML in hydroalcoholic solution. 200 CH M CH 10 MK 50 MK 100 MK They are supplied in confections of 1 or 3 doses as requested. MM dynamizations and remedies in LM Confections with 1 vial Ascending dynamizations: 30-200-M 200-M-10M Confections with 3 vials. LINE OF POTENCIATED LIQUIDS (see P.26) KAP LINE Kent Ascending Potencies (see p. 29 ) HOMEOPATHIC OINTMENT In single form impregnated with M.T. and in compound form (see p. 516) 16 HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES 17 Homeopathic Remedies HOMEOPATHY UNITARY REMEDIES NAME ABELMOSCHUS ABIES CANADENSIS ABIES NIGRA ABIES PECTINATA ABROTANUM ACETICUM ACIDUM ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM ACHILLEA MOSCHATA ACONITUM FEROX ACONITUM NAPELLUS ACTAEA RACEMOSA ACTAEA SPICATA A.C.T.H. ADEPS SUILLUS A.D.N (D.N.A.) ADONIS VERNALIS ADRENALINUM AESCULUS HIPPOCAST. AETHIOPS ANTIMONIALIS AETHIOPS MERCUR. MINER. AETHUSA CYNAPIUM AGARICUS BULBOSUS AGARICUS MUSCARIUS AGNUS CASTUS AGRAPHIS NUTANS AGRIMONIA EUPATORIA AGROPYRUM REPENS ALCHEMILLA VULGARIS ALDOSTERONE ALETRIS FARINOSA ALFA ALFA ALLIUM CEPA ALLIUM SATIVUM ALLOXANUM ALNUS GLUTINOSA ALOE ALTHAEA OFFICINALIS ALUMINA ALUMINIUM METALLICUM ALUMINIUM MURIATICUM AMBRA GRISEA AMBROSIA ARTEMISIAEFOLIA AMMI MAJUS AMMI VISNAGA AMMONIUM ACETICUM AMMONIUM BENZOICUM AMMONIUM BROMATUM AMMONIUM CARBONICUM AMMONIUM MURIATICUM AMMONIUM NITRICUM AMMONIUM PHOSPHOR. AMMONIUM SULPHURICUM AMPELOPSIS QUINQUEF. AMYGDALUS COM. AMARA AMYGDALUS COM. DULCIS AMYLIUM NITRICUM ANACARDIUM OCC. ANAGALLIS ARVENSIS ANANASSA SATIVA ANATHERUM MURICATUM ANETHUM GR. MIN. DIL. ALLOWED T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH T.M. T.M. 3CH 3CH T.M. T.M. 7DH 3DH 3CH 1CH 7DH T.M. 3CH 3CH 3DH 3DH 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH 1CH 2CH 1DH T.M. 1CH T.M. 3DH 1CH 1CH 1CH 2CH 1CH 1CH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 18 NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. ANGELICA ARCHANGELICA ANGUSTURA VERA ANISUM STELLATUM ANTHRACINUM ANTIMONIUM ARSENIC. ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM ANTIMONIUM METALLICUM ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM APISINUM APIS MELLIFICA APIUM DULCE APIUM GRAVEOLENS APOCYNUM CANNABINUM AQUA MARINA AQUILEGIA VULGARIS ARALIA RACEMOSA ARANEA DIADEMA ARANEA IXOLOBA ARCTIUM LAPPA ARGENTO COLLOIDALE ARGENTUM METALLICUM ARGENTUM MURIATICUM ARGENTUM NITRICUM ARISTOLOCHIA CLEMAT. ARNICA MONTANA ARSENICUM ALBUM ARSENICUM IODATUM ARTEMISIA ABSINTHIUM ARTEMISIA DRACUNCULUS ARTEMISIA VULGARIS ARUM MACULATUM ARUM TRIPHYLLUM ARUNDO DONAX ASA FOETIDA ASARUM EUROPAEUM ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES ASCLEPIAS VINCETOXINUM ASPARAGUS OFFICINALIS ASPIDIUM FILIX ASTERIAS RUBENS ATROPINUM A.R.N. (R.N.A.) AURUM METALLICUM AURUM MURIATICUM AURUM MURIAT. NATRONAT. AVENA SATIVA AVIAIRE AXIS T.M. 3DH T.M. 3CH 7DH 1CH 1CH 5DH 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH 1DH T.M. T.M. 1CH 3CH T.M. 1CH 1CH 1CH 5DH T.M. T.M. 7DH 7DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 7DH 3DH 2CH 2CH 3CH T.M. 3CH 3CH BADIAGA BALLOTA FOETIDA BAMBUSA BAPTISIA TINCTORIA BARYTA ACETICA BARYTA CARBONICA BARYTA IODATA BARYTA MURIATICA BARYTA PHOSPHORICA BARYTA SULPHURICA BELLADONNA BENZOICUM ACIDUM T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH 3DH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 3CH T.M. BERBERIS BISMUTHUM METALLICUM BISMUTHUM MURIATICUM BLATTA ORIENTALIS BOLDO BORAX BORICUM ACIDUM BORRAGO OFFICINALIS BOTHROPS LANCEOLATUS BOVISTA GIGANTEA BRASSICA NIGRA BROMIUM BRYONIA ALBA BURSA PASTORIS BUXUS SEMPERVIRENS 3DH 4CH 4CH T.M. T.M. 1CH 5DH T.M. 4CH T.M. T.M. 3CH 3CH T.M. 1CH CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS CADMIUM METALLICUM CALADIUM SEGUINUM CALAMUS AROMATICUS CALCAREA ACETICA CALCAREA ARSENICOSA CALCAREA CARB. OSTREAR. CALCAREA FLUORICA CALCAREA GLYCEROPHOS. CALCAREA IODATA CALCAREA MURIATICA CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA CALCAREA SULPHURICA CALCITONINE CALCULI RENALES CALENDULA OFFICIN. CALOTROPIS GIGANTEA CALTHA PALUSTRIS CAMBOGIA CAMPHORA CANDIDA ALBICANS CANNABIS SATIVA CANTHARIS CAPSICUM ANNUUM CARBO ANIMALIS CARBO VEGETABILIS CARBONEUM OXYG. CARCINOSINUM CARDUUS BENEDICTUS CARDUUS MARIANUS CARNITINA CASCARA SAGRADA CASSIA ANGUST. CASSIA OCCIDENTALIS CASTANEA VESCA CASTOR EQUI CASTOREUM CAULOPHYLLUM CAUSTICUM CEANOTHUS AMERICANUS CEDRON CEDRUS LIBANI CENCHRIS CONTORTRIX CENTAUREA CENTELLA ASIATICA T.M. 2CH T.M. T.M. 1DH 7DH 1DH 3CH 3DH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 7DH 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH 2CH 3CH 5CH 3CH T.M. 3DH 3DH 2CH 5CH T.M. T.M. 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH T.M. T.M. NAME CEREUS BONPLANDII CERIUM METALLICUM CERIUM OXIDATUM CHAMOMILLA MATRICARIA CHASMANTERA PALMATA CHELIDONIUM MAJUS CHENOPODIUM ALBUM CHIMAPHILA UMBELLATA CHINA REGIA CHINA RUBRA CHININUM CHININUM ARSENICICUM CHININUM ARSENICOSUM CHININUM SULPHURICUM CHIONANTUS VIRGIN. CHLORALIUM CHLOROFORMIUM CHLOROPHYLLUM CHLORUM CHOLESTERINUM CHRYSANTHEMUM CICUTA VIROSA CIMICIFUGA CINA (artemisia) CINERARIA MARITIMA CINNABARIS CINNAMOMUM CISTUS CANADENSIS CITRICUM ACIDUM CLEMATIS ERECTA CLEMATIS VITALBA COBALTUM GLUCONICUM COCCULUS INDICUS COCCUS CACTI COCHLEARIA ARMORACIA COCHLEARIA OFFICINALIS COFFEA CRUDA COFFEA TOSTA COLCHICINUM COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE COLIBACILLINUM COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS COLOCYNTHIS COLOMBO COMBRETUM RAIMBAULTII COMOCLADIA DENTATA CONCHIOLINUM CONDURANGO CONIUM MACULATUM CONVALLARIA MAJALIS CORALLINA OFFICINALIS CORALLIUM RUBRUM CORTISONUM CORYLUS AVELLANA CRATAEGUS OXYACANTHA CRESOLUM CROCUS SATIVUS CROTALUS HORRIDUS CROTON TIGLIUM CUCURBITA PEPO CULEX PIPIENS 19 MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. T.M. 2CH 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH 7DH 7DH 2CH T.M. 3DH 2CH 3CH 5DH 1CH T.M. 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. 3DH 1CH 1CH 3DH 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 7DH 1CH 3CH T.M. 1CH T.M. T.M. 5CH 3DH T.M. 5CH 1CH T.M. 3DH 3CH T.M. T.M. 2CH T.M. 4CH 3DH T.M. 2CH UNITARY REMEDIES MIN. DIL. ALLOWED HOMEOPATHY NAME HOMEOPATHY UNITARY REMEDIES NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED CUMINUM CUPRESSUS SEMPERVIRENS CUPRUM ACETICUM CUPRUM ARSENICOSUM CUPRUM METALLICUM CUPRUM MURIATICUM CURARO CURCUMA DOMESTICA CUSCUTA AMERICANA CUSCUTA EUROPAEA CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM CYDONIA VULGARIS CYNARA SCOLYMUS CYPRIPEDIUM PUBESCENS CYRTOPODIUM CYTISUS SCOPARIUM T.M. T.M. 1CH 7DH 3DH 1CH 4CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. DAMIANA DAPHNE INDICA D.D.T. DENYS NOSODE DERMATOPHAGOIDES FAR. DERMATOPHAGOIDES PTER. DERRIS PINNATA DIAZEPAM DIGITALINUM DIGITALIS LANATA DIGITALIS LUTEA DIGITALIS PURPUREA DIOSCOREA VILLOSA DIPHTERINUM DIPHTEROTOXINUM DIPSACUS SILVESTRIS DOLICHOS PRURIENS DROSERA ROTUNDIFOLIA DRYMIS WINTERII DUBOISIA MYOPOROIDERS D.T.T.A.B. DULCAMARA T.M. T.M. 3CH 5CH 3CH 3CH T.M. 5CH 7DH 1CH 1CH 1CH T.M. 3CH 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 3CH T.M. ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA ECHINACEA PURPUREA ELAPS CORALLINUS ELEUTEROCOCCUS SENT. ENTEROCOCCINUM EPHEDRA VULGARIS EPIPHEGUS AMERICANUS EQUISETUM ARVENSE EQUISETUM HIEMALE EQUISETUM PALUSTRE ERBIUM OXYDATUM ERGOTINUM ERIGERON CANADENSIS ERYNGIUM AQUATICUM ERYNGIUM CAMPESTRE ERYNGIUM FOETIDUM ERYSIMUM OFFICINALE ERYTHRAEA CENTAURIUM ESCHOLTZIA CALIFORNICA ETHINYLOESTRADIOL ETHILICUM ALCOHOL T.M. T.M. 4CH T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH 1CH 20 NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. EUCALYPTUS GLOBULUS EUGENIA JAMBOLANA EUPATORIUM CANNABIN. EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM EUPHORBIA SYLVATICA EUPHRASIA EVONYMUS ATROPURPUR. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH 3DH T.M. FABIANA IMBRICATA FAGOPYRUM ESCULENTUM FAGUS SYLVATICA FERRUM IODATUM FERRUM METALLICUM FERRUM MURIATICUM FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM FERRUM SULPHURICUM FICARIA RANUNCULOIDES FICUS CARICA FILIX MAS FLUORICUM ACIDUM FOENICULUM VULGARE FOLLICULINUM FORMICA RUFA FORMICUM ACIDUM FRAGARIA VESCA FRAXINUS AMERICANA FRAXINUS EXCELSIOR F.S.H. FUCUS CRISPUS FUCUS VESICULOSUS FUMARIA OFFICINALIS T.M. T.M. 3DH 3DH 1CH 1CH 3DH 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 5DH T.M. 7DH T.M. 5DH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. GALEGA OFFICINALIS GALIUM APARINE GALLIUM METALLICUM GALPHIMIA GLAUCA GASTER GALLI GAULTHERIA PROCUMBENS GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS GENISTA SCOPARIA GENTIANA LUTEA GERANIUM MACULATUM GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM GERMANIUM METALLICUM GINGKO BILOBA GINSENG GLOBULINE ALPHA GLOBULINE BETA GLONOINUM GLUCAGON GLUTAMICUM ACIDUM GLYCYRRHIZA GLABRA GNAPHALIUM POLYCEPH. GONADOSTIMULINA GONOTOXINUM GRAPHITES GRINDELIA ROBUSTA GUAIACUM OFFICINALIS GUN POWDER T.M. T.M. 3DH 5CH 2DH T.M. 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 5CH T.M. T.M. 3CH 3CH 7DH 3CH 3DH T.M. T.M. 3CH 3CH 1DH T.M. T.M. 3DH HAFNIUM METALLICUM 5CH HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA HARPAGOPHYTUM PROCUM. HEDERA HELIX HEKLA LAVA HELIANTHUS ANNUUS HELLEBORUS NIGER HELONIAS DIOICA HEMOGLOBINUM HEPAR SULFURIS CALC. HEPATICA HERNIARIA VULGARIS HIBISCUS ARBOREUS HIPPOMANE MANCINELLA HIRUDO OFFICINALIS HISTAMINUM HOLMIUM OXYDATUM HORDEUM VULGARE HUMULUS LUPULUS HURA BRASILIENSIS HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS HYDROCORTISONE ACET. HIDROCOTILE ASIATICA HYOSCYAMUS NIGER HYPERICUM PERFOLIATUM HYSSOPUS OFFICINALIS T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH T.M. 1CH T.M. 3DH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1DH 7DH 5CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 3CH T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. IGNATIA INDIUM METALLICUM INFLUENZINUM INSULINUM IODUM IODUM BROMATUM IPECA IRIDIUM METALLICUM IRIS TENAX IRIS VERSICOLOR JABORANDI JALAPA JUGLANS REGIA JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS 3CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 5DH 3CH 1CH 5CH T.M. T.M 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. KALIUM ARSENICICUM KALIUM ARSENICOSUM KALIUM BICHROMICUM KALIUM BROMATUM KALIUM CARBONICUM KALIUM CAUSTICUM KALIUM IODATUM KALIUM MURIATICUM KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM KALIUM SULPHURATUM KALIUM SULPHURICUM KALMIA LATIFOLIA KAWA - KAWA KINKELIBA KREOSOTUM 7DH 7DH 2CH 3DH 1CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 2CH 3CH 3DH T.M. 5CH T.M, 2CH L. DOPA LAC CANINUM LAC DEFLORATUM LACHESIS LANCEOLATUS 3CH 3CH 3CH 4CH NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. LACHESIS TRIGON LACHNANTES TINCTORIA LACTICUM ACIDUM LACTUCA VIROSA LAMIUM ALBUM LANTHANIUM OXYDATUM LAPIS ALBUS LAPPA MAJOR LATHYRUS SATIVUS LATRODECTUS MACTANS LAUROCERASUS LAURUS NOBILIS LAVANDULA VERA LECITHINUM LEDUM PALUSTRE LEMNA MINOR LEONURUS CARDIACA LEPIDIUM SATIVUM LEPTANDRA VIRGINICA LESPEDEZA CAPITATA LEVISTICUM OFFICINALE LILIUM TIGRINUM LINARIA VULGARIS LITRIUM CARBONICUM LITHIUM MET. LITHIUM MURIATICUM LOBELIA INFLATA LOTUS CORNICULATUS LUESINUM LUFFA OPERCULATA LUPULINUM LUTETIUM OXYDATUM LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM LYCOPUS EUROPAEUS LYCOPUS VIRGINICUS 4CH T.M. 2CH T.M. T.M. 2CH 3CH T.M. T.M. 4CH 1CH T.M. T.M. 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH 2CH 3CH 5CH T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. 1CH TM. TM. TM. MAGNESIA CARBONICA MAGNESIA lODATA MAGNESIA MURIATICA MAGNESIA NITRICA MAGNESIA OXYDATA MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA MAGNESIA SULPHURICA MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA MALVA COMMUNIS MALVA SILVEST. (OFFIC.) MANDRAGORA MANGANESE COLLOIDALE MANGANUM ACETICUM MANGANUM GLUCONICUM MANGANUM METALLICUM MANGANUM PROSPHORICUM MARMOREK MARRUBIUM VULGARE MATRICARIA CHAM. (vulg.) MEDORRHINUM MEDUSA MEL APIUM MELANINUM MELILOTUS ALBA MELILOTUS OFFICINALIS 1CH 5DH 3DH 1CH 3CH 1CH 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH 4CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. 1CH T.M. T.M. 21 UNITARY REMEDIES MIN. DIL. ALLOWED HOMEOPATHY NAME HOMEOPATHY UNITARY REMEDIES NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED MELISSA OFFICINALIS MENISPERMUM CANADESE MENISPERMUM COCCULUS MENTHA PIPERITA MENYANTHES TRIFOL. MEPHITIS PUTORIUS MERCURIUS BIIOD. MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS MERCURIUS CYANATUS MERCURIUS DULCIS MERCURIUS PROTO IOD. MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS MERCURIUS VIVUS MEZEREUM MICA MILLEFOLIUM MOLIBDICUM AC. MOMORDICA BALS. MONILIA ALBICANS MORBILLINUM MORUS NIGRA MOSCHUS MUCOR MUCEDO MUIRA PUAMA MUREX PURPUREA MURIATICUM ACIDUM MYGALE AVICULARIA MYOSOTIS ARVENSIS MYRRHA MYRTUS COMMUNIS T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 2CH 3CH 3CH 4CH 4CH 3CH 3CH 4CH T.M. 1CH T.M. 4CH T.M. 3CH 3CH T.M. 1CH 3DH T.M. 3CH 3DH 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. NAJA TRIPUDIANS NAPHTALINUM NASTURTIUM OFFICIN. NATRUM BROMATUM NATRUM CARBONICUM NATRUM FLUORATUM NATRUM FLUOSILICIC. NATRUM HYPOPH. NATRUM IODATUM NATRUM MOLYBDICUM NATRUM MURIATICUM NATRUM NITRICUM NATRUM NITROSUM NATRUM OXALICUM NATRUM OXYDATUM NATRUM PHOSPH. NATRUM SELENICUM NATRUM SULPHURICUM NEODYMIUM OX. NEPENTHES NERIUM OLEANDER NICCOLUM METAL. NICCOLUM MUR. NICOTINICUM ACIDUM NITRICUM ACIDUM NOR-ADRENALINUM NUX MOSCHATA NUX VOMICA NYCKTERINIA OCIMUM BASILICUM 4CH 2CH T.M. 3DH 3DH 7DH 3DH 1CH 2CH 1CH 1CH ICH 3DH 3DH 2CH 5DH 3CH 1CH 1CH T.M. 1CH 3DH 1CH 5DH 4CH 7DH T.M. 4CH 1CH T.M. 22 NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. OENANTHE CROCATA OLEA EUROPAEA OLEANDER OLIBANUM ONONIS SPINOSA ONOSMODIUM VIRG. OPIUM ORIGANUM MAJORANA ORIGANUM VULGARE ORNITOCOCCINUM ORO COLLOIDALE ORTHOSIPHON ST. OSMIUM METALLICUM OVA TOSTA OXALICUM ACIDUM OXALIS ACETOSELLA OXYURES T.M. T.M. 1CH 1DH T.M. T.M. 5CH T.M. T.M. 5CH 5CH T.M. 3DH 3DH 4CH T.M. 4CH PAEONIA OFFICINALIS PALLADIUM METAL. PAPAVERINUM MURIAT. PAPAVER RROEAS PARAFFINUM PARATHORMONE PARATYPHOIDINUM B. PAREIRA BRAVA PARIETARIA OFFICIN. PARIS QUADRIFOLIA PARNASSIA PALUSTRIS PASSIFLORA INCARN. PENICILLINUM PETROLEUM PETROSELINUM SAT. PHASEOLUS VULGARIS PHENOBARBITAL PHLEUM PRATENSE PHOSPHORICUM AC. PHOSPRORUS PHOSPHORUS TRIIOD. PHYSOSTIGMA VEN. PHYTOLACCA DEC. PICRICUM ACIDUM PILOSELLA PIMPINELLA ANISUM PINUS SILVESTRIS PIPER CUBEBA PIX LIQUIDA PLACENTA HUMANA PLANTAGO LANCEOL. PLANTAGO MAJOR PLATANUS VULGARIS PLATINA PLUMBUM METAL. PLUMBUM MURIATIC PODOPHYLLUM PELTATUM POLLENS (POLLANTINUM) POLYGALA AMARA POLYGALA VULGARIS POLYGONUM AVICULARE POPULUS NIGRA PORTULACCA OLERACEA T.M. 4CH 4CH T.M. 1CH 7CH 3CH T.M. T.M. 1CH T.M. 4CH 2CH 1CH T.M. T.M. 4CH T.M. 4CH 4CH 4CH 2CH 1CH 5DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 2DH T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH 4CH 3CH 3DH 1CH 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. PONTENTILLA TORMENT. POUMON HISTAMINE PRASEODYMIUM METAL. PRASEODYMIUN OXYDAT. PREDNISONE PRIMULA OFFICINALIS PROCAINUM MURIAT. PROGESTERONUM PROMETHAZINE PROPOLIS PROSTAGLANDINE A1 PROSTAGLANDINE E1 PROSTAGLANDINE E2 PROSTAGLANDINE F2 PROTEUS PROVITAMINA A PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS PRUNUS SPINOSA PSORINUM PTELEA TRIFOLIATA PULMONARIA OFFICINALIS PULSATILLA PUTRESCINUM PYROGENIUM T.M. 3CH 4CH 3CH 3CH T.M. 3CH 3CH 3CH T.M. 4CH 4CH 4CH 4CH 3CH QUASSIA AMARA QUEBRACHO QUERCUS GLANDIUM QUERCUS ROBUR T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. RADIUM BROMATUM RAME COLLOIDALE RANA BUFO RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS RAPHANUS SATIVUS NIG. RATANHIA RAUWOLFIA SERPENTINA RHAMNUS FRANGULA RHEUM OFFICINALE RHODIUM METALLICUM RHODODENDRON CHRYSAN. RHUS AROMATICA RHUS GLABRA RHUS TOXICODENDRON RHUS VERNIX RIBES NIGRUM RIBONUCLEICUM ACIDUM (R.N.A.) RICINUS COMMUNIS ROBINIA PSEUDO-ACACIA ROSA CANINA ROSA GALLICA ROSMARINUS OFFICIN. RUBIA TINCTORIA RUBUS IDAEUS RUMEX CRISPUS RUSCUS ACULEATUS RUTA GRAVEOLENS RUTHENIUM METALLICUM RUTINUM 4CH SABADILLA OFFICINAR. 1CH T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. 1CH 1CH 3CH 3CH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 1CH T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH 5DH T.M. NAME SABAL SERRULATA SABINA SACCHARUM LACTIS SALICYLICUM ACIDUM SALIX ALBA SALIX NIGRICANS SALVIA OFFICINALIS SAMBUCUS EBULUS SAMBUCUS NIGRA SANGUINARINA CANAD. SANGUINARIA NITR. SANGUISORBA OFFIC. SANICULA EUROPAEA SAPONARIA OFFICIN. SAROTHAMNUS SCOPAR. SARSAPARILLA SASSAFRAS OFFICINALE SCAMMONIUM SCANDIUM OXYDATUM SCILLA MARITIMA SCOLOPENDRIUM OFF. SCROFULARIA NODOSA SCUTELLARIA GALERIC. SCUTELLARIA LATERIF. SECALE CEREALE SECALE CORNUTUM SECURIDACA LONGIPED. SEDUM ACRE SELENIUM METALLICUM SEMPERVIVUM TECTORUM SENECIO ADONIDIFOLIUS SENECIO VULGARIS SENEGA SENNA SEPIA OFFICINALIS SEQUOIA GIGANTEA SEROTONINUM SERRATULA TINCTORIA SERUM ANGUILLAE SERUM EQUI SIEGESBECKIA ORIENT. SILICA MARINA SILICEA SILICIUM METALLICUM SILPHIUM LACINIATUM SINAPIS ALBA SISYMBRIUM OFFICINALE SMILAX ASPERA SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM SOLANUM MALACOXYLON SOLANUM MAMMOSUM SOLANUM NIGRUM SOLANUM TUBEROSUM SOLIDAGO VIRGA AUREA SOMATHORMONE SOMATOTROPHINE SORBUS DOMESTICA SPARTEINUM SPARTEINUM SULPHURIC. SPIGELIA ANTHELMIA SPINACIA OLERACEA 23 MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. T.M. 2CH 1CH 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 1CH T.M. 4CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH T.M. 3DH 3DH T.M. 3CH 3CH 4CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 1CH T.M. 3CH T.M. 5DH 5DH 1CH T.M. UNITARY REMEDIES MIN. DIL. ALLOWED HOMEOPATHY NAME HOMEOPATHY UNITARY REMEDIES NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED SPIRAEA ULMARIA SPIRANTHES AUTUMNALIS SPONGIA OFFICINALIS SPONGIA TOSTA STANNUM METALLICUM STANNUM MURIATICUM STAPHYLOCOCCINUM STAPHYLOTOXINUM STAPHYSAGRIA STELLARIA MEDIA STICTA PULMONARIA STILLINGIA SYLVATICA STRAMONIUM STREPTOCOCCINUM STREPTOMYCINUM STRONTIUM CARBONICUM STRONTIUM METALLICUM STROPHANTUS HISPIDUS STRYCHNINUM STRYCHNINUM ARSENIC. SULPHUR SULPHUR IODATUM SULPHURICUM ACIDUM SUMBUL SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE SYZYGIUM JAMBOLANUM T.M. 1DH T.M. T.M. 4CH 2CH 3CH 3CH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 3CH 5DH 3CH 4CH 2CH 7DH 7DH 3CH 3DH 3DH T.M. T.M. T.M. TABACUM TAMARIX GALLICA TAMUS COMMUNIS TANACETUM VULGARE TANTALUM METALLICUM TARAXACUM DENS LEONIS TARENTULA CUBENSIS TARENTULA HISPANICA TARTARICUM ACIDUM TAXUS BACCATA TELLURIUM METALLICUM TERBIUM OXYDATUM TEREBINTHINA TESTICULUS EQUI TESTOSTERONE BASE TESTOSTERONE PROPION. TETRACYCLINUM MURIAT. TEUCRIUM CHAMAEDRYS TEUCRIUM MARUM TEUCRIUM SCORODONIA THALLIUM ACETICUM THALLIUM METALLICUM THALLIUM SULPHURICUM THEA CHINENSIS THEOBROMA CACAO THERIDION THIOSINAMINUM THORIUM METALLICUM THORIUM NITRICUM THUYA THYMUS SERPYLLUM THYMUS VULGARIS THYREOSTIMULINE (T.S.H.) TRYROXINUM 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH T.M. 4CH 4CH 1CH 1CH 4CH 3CH 1CH 2DH 3CH 3CH 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH 4CH 3CH T.M. T.M. 4CH 2CH 4CH 3CH T.M. T.M. T.M. 3DH 4CH 24 NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. TILIA ARGENTEA TILIA EUROPAEA TITANIUM METALLICUM TITANIUM OXYDATUM T.K. (TUB. KOCH.) TOENIA SAGINATA T.R. (TUB. RESID.) TRAGOPOGON PRATENSE TRIBROMO ACETICUM AC. TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS TRICHLORACETICUM AC. TRIFOLIUM ARVENSE TRIFOLIUM PRATENSE TRIFOLIUM REPENS TRILLIUM PENDULUM TRITICUM REPENS TROPAEOLUM MAJUS TRYPSINUM TUBERCULINUM TUSSILAGO FARFARA TYRAMINUM T.M. T.M. 4CH 3CH 3CH 3CH 3CH T.M. 5DH T.M. 5DH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 3CH 3CH T.M. 1CH ULMUS CAMPESTRIS URANIUM ACETICUM URANIUM ARSENICICUM URANIUM METALLICUM URANIUM MURIATICUM URANIUM NITRICUM URANIUM OXYDATUM UREA URTICA DIOICA URTICA URENS USTILAGO MAIDIS UVA URSI T.M. 3DH 7DH 3CH 3CH 3CH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. V.AB. (B.C.G.) VACCINIUM MYRTILLUS VACCINIUM VITIS IDAEA VACCINOTOXICUM VALERIANA OFFICINALIS VANADIUM METALLICUM VANADIUM MURIATICUM VANILLA PLANIFOLIA VANILLINUM VASOPRESSINA VENUS MERCENARIA VERATRINUM VERATRUM ALBUM VERATRUM VIRIDE VERBASCUM NIGRUM VERBASCUM THAPSUS VERBENA OFFICINALIS VERONICA CHAMAEDRYS VERONICA OFFICINALIS VESPA CRABRO VESPA VULGARIS VIBURNUM LANTANA VIBURNUM OPULUS VINCA MAJOR VINCA MINOR VINCA ROSEA 3CH T.M. 1DH 3CH T.M. 4CH 3CH T.M. 1CH 4CH 3CH 7DH 2CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 4CH 4CH 4CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 1CH T.M. T.M. T.M. T.M. 5DH 3CH 3CH 5DH 9DH 3DH 2CH 3CH 5DH 5DH 1CH 1CH 3CH 3CH 5DH T.M. NAME MIN. DIL. ALLOWED. YERBA SANTA YOHIMBEHE YOHIMBINUM MUR. YUCCA FILAMENTOSA T.M. 3CH 3DH T.M. ZEA MAIS ZINCO COLLOID. ZINCUM ACETICUM ZINCUM ARSENICICUM ZINCUM BROMATUM ZINCUM CARBONICUM ZINCUM IODATUM ZINCUM METALLICUM ZINCUM MURIATICUM ZINCUM OXYDATUM ZINCUM PHOSPHORAT. ZINCUM PHOSPHOR. ZINCUM SULPHURICUM ZINCUM VALERIAN. ZINGIBER OFFICINALE ZIRCONIUM METAL. ZIRCONIUM OXYD. ZIZIA AUREA T.M. 5DH 5DH 7DH 1CH 3CH 1CH 4CH 5DH 3CH 3CH 3CH 2CH 3CH T.M. 4CH 3CH T.M. UNITARY REMEDIES VIOLA ODORATA VIOLA TRICOLOR VIPERA DABOIA VIPERA REDI VIPERA TORVA VISCUM ABIETIS VISCUM ALBUM VISCUM CRATAEGI VISCUM LAXUM VISCUM MALI VISCUM PINI VISCUM POPULI VISCUM PRUNI VISCUM QUERCUS VITAMINA A VITAMINA B1 VITAMINA B2 VITAMINA B6 VITAMINA B12 VITAMINA B15 VITAMINA C VITAMINA D2 VITAMINA E VITAMINA F VITAMINA H1 VITAMINA H2 VITAMINA M VITAMINA P VITAMINA PP VITIS VINIFERA MIN. DIL. ALLOWED HOMEOPATHY NAME 25 POTENCIES This original preparation was born when Dr. Lamberto De Santis founder of the first Italian homeopathic industry after a profound study of the “Organon”. Here we give the paragraphs which then convinced him to produce the potencies in capsules and now, still closer to the Hanhemannian concept, liquids and granules. We maintain that, to remain faithful to the “Organon”, potencies are the only unitary pharmaceutical form which the homeopathic doctor ought to adopt in his daily prescription. From the Organon § 245 Having thus seen what attention should, in the homeopathic treatment, be paid to the chief varieties of diseases and to the peculiar circumstances connected with them, we now pass on to what we have to say respecting the remedies and the mode of employing them, together with the diet and regimen to be observed during their cure. HOMEOPATHY POTENCIES § 246 Every perceptibly progressive and strikingly increasing amelioration during treatment is a condition which, as long as it lasts, completely precludes every repetition of the administration of any medicine whatsoever, because all the good the medicine taken continues its effect until the end.°. This is not infrequently the cause in acute diseases, but in more chronic diseases, on the other hand, a single dose of an appropriately selected homeopathic remedy will at times develop all the beneficial action which it is capable according to its qualities, with a continuous but slow improvement, over a period of time which is from forty to one hundred days. But the doctor and the patient are very interested, if possible to reduce this period of time by half or by three quarters and even by more so that a much more rapid cure might be obtained. And this intent may very well be reached, as repeated and recent experiences have taught me; but under the following conditions: 1) the homeopathic medication must be chosen with care, the most similar one possible; 2) if it is at a high potency, dissolved in water and given in proper small dose that experience has taught as the most suitable in definite intervals for the quickest accomplishment of the cure. One must be careful, that the potency of each dose is a little different from the preceding or the following one. This attention has the aim of avoiding that the vital principle is offended and excited to contrary reactions, which often happens (1) when we use repeated doses which are the same or close to each other. § 247 The repetition of identical doses (2) even once during a constantly a medication, worse if performed many times ( at short intervals, if one doesn’t want the cure to be delayed) is something absurd. The vital principle does not accept such unchanged doses without resistance, that is, without other symptoms of the medicine to manifest themselves than those similar to the disease to be cured, because the preceding dose has already determined in the vital principle its own modifications, a new dose of the same potency can no longer do the same thing. With the same identical dose the patient can only become ill of another illness, that is become more ill than before, since there remain active only those symptoms of the same medicine, which are no longer homeopathic for the natural illness; hence no progress as far as concerns the cure, but only a worsening of the patient. But if the succeeding dose is of a different potency, that is it is of a slightly higher dynamization (§§ 269-270) then the vital principle may allow itself to be influenced without difficulty (it diminishes even more the sensitivity when confronted by the natural illness) and thus the cure brought nearer. 26 -----------------------------------(1) § 246 What I said in the fifth edition of the Organon, in a long note to this paragraph in order to prevent these undesirable reactions of the vital energy, was all my experience then had justified. But during the last four or five years, however, all these difficulties are wholly solved by my new altered but perfected method. The same carefully selected medicine may now be given daily and for months, if necessary in this way, provided that it is of a lower potency, taken in the period of one or two weeks ( so that according to the new system of dynamization one begins with rather low potencies), one passes in the same way to higher potencies, in the cure of chronic illnesses. (2) § 247 Hence we ought not to repeat to the patient, directly, at short intervals, that medicine, which he has taken with benefit the first time, at the same level of potency. If instead the medicine is administered directly in solution and the first dose worked well, one must not give the patient the same second or third dose, from the same bottle which has been left standing, not even at intervals of a couple of days because in this way one gives exactly the same medicine; instead the small bottle must be agitated, with ten succussions before administration, or as I suggested later with but two succussions. This procedure has its explanation in the reasons expounded. By this modification of the degree of dynamization of each dose there is no obstacle to the repetition of the medicine even at short intervals, even if the potencies are high and potentialized with many succussions. I would almost like to say that a well chosen homeopathic medicine, only if used at several potencies, may liberate the vital principle from the pathogenic process and cure chronic illnesses. (3)§ 248 The solution is made with 40, 30, 20, 15 or 8 teaspoons of water with the addition of some alcohol or a piece of charcoal in order to preserve it. If charcoal is used, it is suspended by means of a thread in the vial and is taken out when the vial is succussed. For the solution a granule of duly potentialized is sufficient. If the medicine is to be repeated, a teaspoonful of solution should be taken, which has been well agitated, and pour it into a glass containing seven, eight teaspoonful of water; after having strongly agitated the contents of the glass, administer to the patient the correct dose. If the patient is rather excitable and sensitive, take a teaspoon of medicine prepared in the glass and pour it into a second glass of water which has been strongly stirred and give the patient one or more teaspoonful of this new solution ° There are patients who are so excitable, that they require a medicine diluted the same way three or four times. Each day the glass of medicine is prepared in this way. After the use of this dose, which is given to the patient , shaken with force and with this solution, in the way indicated a new solution is prepared; and so on every day. The granule of medication at high potency works better minced in powder together with a couple of grains (translator’s note: 1 grain = 0.072gr) of milk sugar and then put into the small bottle intended for the solution. -----------------------------------------------27 HOMEOPATHY For this purpose, the medicinal solution(3 )is potentialized (with perhaps 8, 10, 12 succussions) every time before administration. The solution is given in one or more (progressively increasing) teaspoonful doses, in chronic illnesses daily or every other day; in acute illnesses every six, four, three, two hours, and in very urgent cases every hour or more often. Thus in chronic diseases, every correctly chosen homeopathic medicine, even those whose action is of long duration, may be repeated daily for months with ever increasing success. When the solution is finished (in seven or fourteen or fifteen days) to the new solution - if its use is still indicated - is added one or more granules of a higher potency. Proceed so long as the patient continues to have even greater benefit without feeling disturbances of another kind. If this happens, that is the remaining illness appears with a changed symptomatology, one must choose a new medicine which better corresponds homeopathically, to the case and administer it in the same manner. That is it is always administered with thorough vigorous succussions, before every dose with the aim of changing the level of potency and increasing it. If, by repeating homeopathically a well chosen medicine, with the aim of curing chronic disease, the so-called) homeopathic worsening (§ 161), in such a way that the remaining symptoms of the illness seems embittered, the doses must be even more diminished and repeate4d at longer intervals, or even suspended for several days. The suspension of the medication has the aim of seeing, if the cure still needs or not of medical help, given that this symptomatology apparently due to an excess of homeopathic medicine, may disappear on its own and leave the patient cured. If for the cure, only a small bottle is used (containing about a dram (= 4 ·36 gr.) of diluted alcohol, in which a granule of the medicine is dissolved by succussion), which the patient sniffs daily or every two, three, four days, this must also be shaken with eight, ten successions, each time before sniffing ° POTENCIES § 248. FORM AND CONFECTIONS POTENCIES The potencies are presented in liquid (alcoholic ) or granular ( for children and subjects with alcohol intolerance) form in boxes as follows: - 20 numbered vials at dilutions: 5CH 30CH - 20 dose numbered tubes at dilutions: 5CH 30H - 3 numbered vials at dilutions: 200CH MCH 10MK - 3 dose numbered tubes at dilutions: 200CH MCH 10MK For each successive dose after the first a further dynamization of ten succussions has been carried out in order to have increasing potencies. HOMEOPATHY The potencies may be also prepared for the “ fifty millesimal series” (LM), with the same method of increasing dynamization. In the confection of 20 doses (liquid or granular) the following dilution are envisaged: 06/LM,09/LM,012/LM, 030/LM. In the confection of 3 doses (liquid or granular) the following dilution are envisaged: 060/LM, 0120/LM, 0180/LM. 28 KAP KENT ASCENDING POTENCIES According to Hahnemann it is absolutely essential to prescribe a dose of simillimum remedy and never to repeat it at the same dilution or dynamization during improvement but to advance by degrees. Kent also suggested, especially in chronic diseases the use of the same remedy with ascending dynamizations at short intervals, in order to obtain a deep, definitive, long-lasting therapeutic effect. We have examined this problem in our laboratories and solved it by putting this concept faithfully into practice. There are 6 vialoids in each concentrated series: Vial n° 1 remedy at 200 CH Vial n° 2 remedy at 200 CH + 10 Dynamizations Vial n° 3 remedy at M CH or K Vial n° 4 remedy at M CH or K + 10 Dynamizations Vial n° 5 remedy at 10M K Vial n° 6 remedy at 10M K + 10 Dynamizations 29 HOMEOPATHY There are 6 vialoids in each standard series: Vial n° 1 remedy at 30 CH Vial n° 2 remedy at 30 CH + 10 Dynamizations Vial n° 3 remedy at 200 CH Vial n° 4 remedy at 200 CH + 10 Dynamizations Vial n° 5 remedy at M CH or K Vial n° 6 remedy at M CH or K + 10 Dynamizations KAP Therefore our unitary formulae are also available in a “KAP” line. KENT ASCENDING POTENCIES SERIES: NORMAL K.A.P SERIES: STRONG K.A.P 30 – 200 - M 200 - M - 10M Form and adopted confections: HOMEOPATHY KAP Holder containing 6 vialoid doses of 2 ML progressively numbered ACONITUM NAPELLUS ALLIUM CEPA ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM APIS MELLIFICA ARGENTUM NITRICUM ARNICA MONTANA ARSENICUM ALBUM BARYTA CARBONICA BELLADONNA BERBERIS VULGARIS BRYONIA ALBA CALCAREA CARBONICA CALCAREA FLUORICA CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA CARBO VEGETABILIS CAUSTICUM CHAMOMILLA CHINA RUBRA COFFEA CRUDA COLOCYNTHIS DERMATOPHAGOIDES FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM FOLLICOLINUM GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS GRAPHITES HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS 30 HYPERICUM IGNATIA AMARA IODUM IPECACUANHA IPOFISI TOTALE KALIUM CARBONICUM KALIUM SULPHURICUM LACHESIS LUESINUM LYCOPODIUM MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS NATRUM MURIATICUM NATRUM SULPHURICUM NITRICUM ACIDUM NUX VOMICA PHOSPHORUS PULSATILLA RHUS TOXICODENDRON SEPIA SILICEA SULPHUR SULPHUR JODATUM THUYA T.K. T.R. VERATRUM ALBUM VISCUM ALBUM ZINCUM METALLICUM ZINCUM VALERIANICUM KENT ASCENDING POTENCIES SERIES: K.A.P. FIFTY MILLESIMAL 06/LM, 030/LM, 060/LM, 090/LM, 0120/LM, 0180/LM. Form and adopted confections: IGNATIA AMARA IODUM IPECACUANHA KALIUM CARBONICUM KALIUM PHOSPHORICUM LACHESIS LILIUM TIGRINUM LYCOPODIUM MAGNESIA PHOSPHORICA MEDORRHINUM MERCURIUS CORROSIVUS MERCURIUS SOLUBILIS MEZEREUM NATRUM CARBONICUM NATRUM MURIATICUM NATRUM PHOSPHORICUM NATRUM SULPHURICUM NITRICUM ACIDUM NUX VOMICA PETROLEUM PHOSPHORUS PHYTOLACCA PLATINUM METALLICUM PODOPHYLLUM POLLANTINUM PSORINUM PULSATILLA PYROGENIUM RHUS TOXICODENDRON SELENIUM SEPIA SILICEA STAPHYSAGRIA STREPTOCOCCINUM SULPHUR SULPHUR JODATUM SYMPHYTUM THUYA T.K. T.R. VERATRUM ALBUM VISCUM ALBUM ZINCUM METALLICUM ZINCUM VALERIANICUM 31 HOMEOPATHY ACIDUM FORMICUM ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM ACONITUM NAPELLUS AESCULUS AGARICUS MUSCARIUS ALLIUM CEPA ALOE ALUMINA AMBRA GRISEA ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM APIS MELLIFICA ARGENTUM NITRICUM ARNICA MONTANA ARSENICUM ALBUM AURUM METALLICUM BARYTA CARBONICA BELLADONNA BERBERIS VULGARIS BRYONIA ALBA CALCAREA CARBONICA CALCAREA FLUORICA CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA CALCULI BILIARI CANTHARIS CARBO VEGETABILIS CARCINOSINUM CAUSTICUM CHAMOMILLA CHINA RUBRA COFFEA CRUDA COLIBACILLINUM COLOCYNTHIS CONIUM MACULATUM DIGITALIS PURPUREA DULCAMARA EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM FERRUM PHOSPHORICUM GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS GRAPHITES HAMAMELIS VIRGINIANA HEPAR SULPHURIS CALCAREUM HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS HYPERICUM KAP Holder containing 6 vialoid doses of 2 ML progressively numbered HOMEOTOXICOLOGY 33 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY INTRODUCTION TO HOMEOTOXICOLOGY AND BIOTHERAPY According to a strictly physiological vision, the human being is definable as the functional result of a group of auto regulated and hierarchized systems which ensure its growth, metabolism and reproduction. Any kind of vital manifestation is to be reconducted to chemical and biochemical transformations which interest the organism and allow an “ordinated” equilibrium of its functioning. This is possible in so far as the organism may be considered for its metabolising and eliminating capacity, a “flow system” necessary to the integrated and equilibrated functioning of all organic functions Under the effect of alterations of the metabolism or excretion, as for the presence of substances not compatible with its physiology, this flow system is no longer able to operate regularly, consequently, it becomes the accumulation centre of toxic substances which the altered flow system is not able to eliminate. These substances are defined with the name Homeotoxins and are responsible for states of unbalance. Homeotoxins are the toxic refuse of the intermediate metabolism, not drained by the physiological emunctories or blocked by enzymatic damages which disturb the cellular respiration (endogen homeotoxins).They are also bacteria, viruses, bacterial endo toxins, swine toxins, le carcino-toxins, synthetic medicines, insecticides, pesticides, gli herbicides, alimentary additives, preservatives, etc. (exogen homeotoxins). According to the the homeotoxicological concept it is precisely the presence of homeotoxins that activate the defence mechanism of the organism.They are incompatible with a healthy state. They disturb and alter the flow equilibrium of the internal structure of the organism, the functionality of which is based on a very rapid and complex chemical reactions which do not tolerate interferences which may risk the efficiency of the system. Consequently the illness, which may be defined as a break down of the medium-environment equilibrium or a temporary or permanent energetic maladjustment due to endogen or exogen causes, it must not be considered in itself a negative event but a defensive biological expression which the organism activates in the attempt to eliminate the toxins themselves. HOMEOTOXONS Substances which the organism has absorbed are metabolised and utilized. Anything toxic, instead, is neutralized and expelled (or parked in the mesenchymal) in the form of non toxic homeotoxons. Homeotoxons are product of synthesis from endogen detoxication. This process is well known in physiology and in pharmacology: from the reaction of two toxic substances, or from one toxic substance with a non toxic substance, a non toxic substance is formed (homeotoxon) which is eliminated from the organism in an emunctory way. (Ex.: the reaction between carbonic acid and ammonia, both toxic forms uric acid, non toxic; molecules of medicines which are made innocuous if combined with glycuronic acid). 35 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY HOMEOTOXINS THE “GREAT DEFENCE SYSTEM” Against homeotoxins, and not against the morbid symptoms, the organism set its defence mechanisms activating the great defence system which embraces the entire immune system. The symptom, moreover, has its alarm and reaction function: the inflammation, for example, serves to activate the toxic elimination. (see further: Drainage Therapy) It is articulated in five sub systems which operate to restore the normality of the flow system. They are: HOMEOTOXICOLOGY 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) RETICULUM-ENDOTHELIAL SYSTEM NEURAL REFLEXES HYPOPHYSIS-SUPRARENAL GLAND AXIS DETOXIFYING FUNCTION OF THE LIVER DETOXIFYING FUNCTION OF THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE The five sub systems act synergetically against the toxic factors (homeotoxins, antigens, hapten) which have triggered the illness. The defensive response is characterized by: 1a) From the inflammation process (liberation of histamine and other quinines produced by the matzellen and by the products of cellular degradation which provoke congestive phenomena and diapedesis); from the phagocytosis (faculty of some cellular elements, like di nucleated polymorphs and macrophages , to incorporate and destroy extraneous organic and inorganic particles); from delimitation of the infective centres (deposit of homeotoxins) and from their elimination even at the price of destruction of numerous phagocyte elements which constitute, for example the pus suppurative affections. 1b) From the elaboration of antibodies and immune- globulins, through the lymphoid tissue of the lymphatic ganglia, Peyer patches of digestive tube and of the tonsils. In the encounter of the antigen and antibody (gamma-globulin) a non toxic homeotoxon is formed. 2) The presence of a toxic substances in a course of an inflammatory reaction irritates the nerve endings of the neuro vegetative system (Reilly’s phenomenon), provoking the vasodilatation after which follows a slowing down of the haematic current, an increase of the capillary permeability with plasmatic exudation, formation of coagula in the interstitial tissue and finally afflux and diapedesis of poly- nucleated and macrophages.The neural reflexes act on the tissue by means of neurotransmitters (nor-adrenalin, acetylcholine). 3) Seyle, in describing the adjustment reactions of the organism, has shown how microbic toxins and the products derived from cellular degradation stimulate the diencephalons –hypophysial region. This stimulation provokes an hyperincretion of hypophysial hormones and ACTH (AdrenoCorticTrope Hormone). The latter, acting in particular on its target organ, the corticosuprarenal gland, stimulates and induces it to increase the secretion of anti phlogistic corticoids (cortisone) capable, in their turn, of inhibiting possible inflammatory phenomena and controlling the functions of the connective tissue. 36 5) The physiological functions of the connective in general and the intestine in particular are represented by the exchanges between blood and parenchyma, by the nutrition of tissues, by the metabolism of water and salts. It functions as an ample parking and draining system of toxins which the cells, during its normal metabolism, liberate themselves. In pathological situations, the connective is the centre of toxin deposits which it tries to eliminate through various type of cells with a macrophage capacity which constitute its cellular component (matzellen e fibroblasts). If this doesn’t occur as for example in illnesses of the collagen, the connective has inflammatory and degenerative (mucoid e fibrinoid), which are the classical expression of an antigen-antibody reaction (deposit of globulins). Homeotoxicology interpretes these phases (defined as imbibition and degeneration) as extreme defence attempts of the organism against the invasion of toxic substances (homeotoxins). After having described even schematically, the defence mechanism of the organism, we will see in what way it eliminates, or, in the more unfavourable cases tries to eliminate the homeotoxins. ELIMINATION OF TOXINS: THE TABLE OF HOMEOTOXICOSIS The homeotoxicological approach to the study of the patient, necessarily begins at the organic level, searching for the energetic alterations capable of triggering metabolic unbalances, anatomic pathological alterations, both tessutale and organic. The diagnosis is formulated on the anamnesis, on anatomic-clinical reports, on laboratory and instrumental data, as generally happens in the traditional medicine. It is also necessary however to individuate the tissue and the organ primarily affected. Already in 1911, von Bertalanffy had defined living beings as a flow system, which tends to preserve its equilibrium. Each single illness does not constitute a state in itself, but is collocated in the dynamic flux of the flow system which, with chemical and physiological laws, governs health and illness. The symptoms themselves are the expression of chemical transformations guided by enzymes. The illness, hence, may assume different aspects, so much more so when the pathogenic agent enters into a relationship with embryologically different tissues. The Table of Homeotoxicosis (see) list the illnesses according to their 37 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY 4) The liver, among its many functions, eliminates the final products of the metabolism and the toxins assumed with food. Its action of detoxication and depuration is carried out by joining and transforming many substances extraneous to the organism(external homeotoxins), or present in the organism at the end of the metabolic cycle (internal homeotoxins) by making them inactive and easier to eliminate both through the biliary tracts and, once made soluble, through the urinary tracts. The mechanisms which the liver activates in the detoxication processes are: oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis, ethereal sulphates, methylated compounds, joined amino acids.According to the homeotoxicological concept, the liver represents the depository of homeotoxins and the place where the coupling of homeotoxins themselves creates the formation of non toxic homeotoxons. biological importance, with reference to tissues derived from the embryonal membranes. The schematic train of events of the majority of illnesses, facilitates the pathobiographical picture of the patient. Every illness, in fact through a common denomination of chemical factors in relation, is correlated to other illnesses, even if localized in other tissues. The pathological processes which are carried out for the entire existence of an organism, represent a unitary process, moved by molecular agents through humoral cybernetic mechanisms, both cellular and neural. All morbid states, in homeotoxicology, must be considered as defence processes against the aggression of toxins, and according to the phase in which this homeotoxinic liberation and diverse biological tissues attacked, these processes are responsible for diverse morbid events. HOMEOTOXICOLOGY The attempt to eliminate homeotoxins by the organism is carried out in six phases: The fist three are defined benign or humoral, the second three are defined malignant or cellular. The first phase is expulsion: which may be considered as a physiological phase of the organism which eliminates, through its emunctories, homeotoxins. The second defined as inflammation phase, is instead, a phase to be already considered pathological, as far as the elimination of toxins, so as to say, automatic after the 1° phase, happens with the setting up of an inflammatory process, indispensable for the toxinic excretion itself, without this inflammatory process, in fact, no elimination is possible. The third phase, called accumulation or deposit, expresses the organ incapacity to eliminate toxins through a simple inflammatory phenomenon, because of the lack active defensive power. The consequence is a an accumulation and successively, a toxinic deposit in the tissues and organs. These first three phases, defined benign, since the organism is not deeply damaged in its organs or cells, may be considered reversible in so far as the homeotoxins, once neutrolized (homeotoxons), may be easily expelled from the organism. The three successive phases of biological Caesura, defined malignant or cellular, are inatead, the expression of a real and deep cellular damage. They are: The fourth phase called imbibition, in which the accumulated toxins are responsible for cellular and organic lesions , which for the most part remain unknown or unexpressed. This phase must be considered as preparatory to the fifth phase called degeneration in which profound lesions are shown, responsible for progressive worsenings. Homeopathy and homeotoxicology , in this phase may avoid the worsening of the illness, but can rarely can bring the organs back to normality The sixth phase, finally, defined neoplastic, is a phase of complete cellular degeneration which interests, through a mutagenesis, also the genetic material. The organism, in this state, is progressively i9nfluenced by the toxicity of the endogen homeotoxins. Those, that is generated by the cellular destruction. Homeotherapy , in this case, seems only able to carry out a palliative work. The succession of the elimination phases or toxinic transfer from one tissue to another, of the same embryonal origin, provokes the rise of illnesses 38 THE “BIOLOGICAL CAESURA” An ideal dividing line (“biological Caesura”) separates the humoural phase of accumulation (3°) from that of cellular of imbibition (4°). It delimits the Ground illnesses, with a tendency to self cure, from constitutional illnesses, rather severe and tending to chronic, where a suitable intervention of antitoxic medicines is necessary The biological Caesura is ,hence, a great interest in the study of illnesses and in orientating the doctor in their therapy. THE THERAPY The individual must be considered as a biological space enclosed by its form, and its functions are in continuous relationship with the environment which surrounds it. Any kind of pathological process, because of metabolic disturbances, which it generates, alters this space. Both hahnemannian biotherapy (Homeopathy) and reckeweghian biotherapy (Homeotoxicology) have the aim of inducing a therapeutical action intended to 39 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY apparently different and not connected among themselves. For example an angina (inflammation phase of the lymphodermis) may evolve into polyarthritis ( inflammation of the cavity of the dermis) or into nephritis (inflammatory phase of the nephrodermis This passage from one tissue to another of the same embryonal origin is defined: phenomenon of vicariation. Not only, also every variation in the entity of the pathology, both understood as improvement and worsening, must be interpreted as a phenomenon of vicariation. By observing the table of homeotoxicosis if we individuate the pathological train of events towards the right and/or the downwards then we will speak of progressive vicariation, considered biologically unfavourable, because it is due to phenomena of re-intoxication or enzymatic damages which is expressed with pathological transfer which don’t always happen according to the chronological order of the sixth phases described, but which may show themselves in a different order ( for example from the 1° to 5° phase, from the 2°to the 4° phase, from the 3° to the 6°phase) and may interest different embryonal membranes. Often this progressive vicariation is due to an allopathic suppression of the morbid manifestation. When instead, the pathological path is individuated in the table of homeotoxicosis towards the left and/or upwards then we will speak of regressive vicariation, considered, biologically favourable. This shoes the toxinic elimination through the retreating pathological path, which interest phases already encounted in the biological history of the organism. Regressive vicariation is, hence, to be considered as a process of cure which must not be suppressed if we do not to re-trigger a progressive vicariation From what has been expressed above, from a homeotoxicological point of view , illnesses must be considered as natural processes aimed at the neutralization and, successively, the elimination of toxins. This seems to happen with the coupling of one or two toxins in the presence of glycuronic acid or glycocoll, creating a non toxic “homeotoxon” substance, which in its turn is eliminated through three biologically favourable (3-2-1). HOMEOTOXICOLOGY recreate the equilibrium of the ill person. Even in a synthetic way, we may state that, if we are faced with symptoms which mirror the totality and the unity of the individual and biological space, the homeopathic remedy “simillimum” must be considered the elective remedy. If instead, the symptomatology expressed by the individual, only mirrors particular localisations of the biological space or is an expression of molecular tessutale and organic disturbances, the use of the antihomeotoxic remedy seems more adapt to reply to the requirements of the patient and his illness. The combination, in an homeotoxicological preparation, of several biotherapeutics (chosen according to an analogical reasoning among: classical homeopathic medicines, nosodes, organotherapeutics, enzymatic cofactors, intermediate catalysers , allergenotherapeutics and allopathic medicines ) may electively favour the process of detoxication by the organism (regressive vicariation) and, consequently, facilitate the arrival at a state of equilibrium (health) by the sick organism. Remedies are associated among themselves or because of the same chemical class, or because they have a same polarity of organ, or because they complement themselves in their physiological action. All homeotherapeutical and biotherapeutical remedies have been though of neutrolize toxins, both exogen and endogen (homeotoxsins), even if not known, as antitoxic homeotherapeutics, as omeopathic likes capable of “resembling” the homeotoxins, against which an immune response is already in process (illness),by activating an additional defensive mechanism not yet expressed. Homotoxicological medicines, hence, base their action on some fundamental principles: The law of likes , in the search for the remedy which mirrors the must faithful symptomatic picture of the patient; The law of inverse effect (Arndt Schultz), according to which microdoses excite the maximum biological activity, while macrodoses paralyses it, obtaining, in this way, a notable increase in the immune defence of the organism. ANTIHOMEOTOXIC REMEDIES With these premises we will pass to analixe the various ctegories of medicines which make up the therapeutical arsenal of Homeotoxicology: COMPOUNDS They constitute the fundamentals of basic detoxifying action.Their formulation is strategically directed toi carry out a synergic therapeutical action, by combining complementary homeotherapeutics among themselves, both in a homogenous sense, and, sometimes antithetical. Capable of helping the organism in its natural work of toxin elimination - POLYCREST COMPOUNDS: They are associated homeotherapeutics, vitamins, organotherapeutics, nosodes, intermediate catalysers, cellular revitalizing factors. Their polyvalence makes them comparable to polycrests of classical Homeopathy. Synergism, complementarity and completeness of action make the remedies with a wide spectrum with vast applications, both in order tpo activate a 40 BIOTHERAPEUTICS These medicines constitute the “milestone” of biological therapy. As for all antihomeotoxics, they interest the organic defensive apparatus in its entirety by stimulating, moreover , in a specific antitoxic way, the drainage and reactivation of the mesenchymal, which acts as the main centre of temporary deposit for toxic substances, already eliminated from the circulation because they are incompatible with the equilibrium of the organism’s flow system. ORGANOTHERAPEUTICS: They operate through immunological mechanisms. They direct the action of classical homeothearapeutics towards a specific organ, they don’t have any direct relationship with the protein structure of sick organs. They are particularly efficacious in auto aggregation illnesses. NOSODES: They are made from sterilized pathological products or inactivated and devitalised microbic cultures. They are indispensable when a immunological unblocking of the reactivity is necessary, hindered by previous illnesses, genetically induced or contracted. They intervene, hence, in constitutional illnesses or when it is necessary to intervene in “ground medicines”. ALLERGENS: When clinical pictures are shown with abnormal IGE production, in subjects usually atypical, in a context of other antihomeotoxic medicines, an isotherapy of allergens encountered diluted and dynamized is introduced. In order to obtain the maximum effect of the therapeutical strategy, it is necessary, however, to individuate the primitive centre of the allergy. them. 41 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY specific compromised function or organ, as well as keeping under control several possible pathologies - OTI COMPOUND MEDICINES: We associate similar remedies for a concentric action on defined and circumscribed clinical pictures. The affinity of the components is reinforced by the fact that all the medicines of the compound possess analogous functional modalities of any kind of worsening. Organotropism is not superimposable although it is similar, this explains why these medicines are capable of pursuing a more extensive therapy than the therapeutics taken singularly. They are elective medicines for illnesses of a psychosomatic. The law dilutions interest the organic tropism, while the high ones interest the functional tropism of the nervous system. The balancing of the dilution excludes the phenomenon of homeopathic worsening, often possible with a single homeotherapeutic at a single dilution - SIMPLE COMPOUNDS: We associate various homeotherapeutics at low dilution with a specific tessutale tropism, for a rapid but not profound action, on clinical pictures with a net basic histopathology. They are not repeated for a long period, in order to avoid the typical addiction of heavy doses ( allopathic and phytotherapeutic medicines) and, however, their assumption should be stopped when the clinical picture has been clearly improved or resolved. In fact in acute pathologies they are of rapid symptomatic effect and such as to be easily substituted for the remedy of conventional medicine, without, however, having any secondary side effects. When the illness becomes chronic, after a further medical research, must be flanked, or substituted by sustenance remedies with a deeper trophic action, at higher dilutions (polycrest compounds, OTI compound medicines). INTERMEDIATE CATALYZERS: When enzymes have been blocked or destroyed, homeopathialized metabolites are administrated in order to stimulate the inductive synthesis of the destroyed enzymatic system, many compounds of the Krebs’ cycle are used in order to promote the neo-synthesis of a complete enzymatic chain. This therapy is necessary in cellular illnesses, including neo-plastic ones, with damages to the mitochondrial respiratory chain and enzymatic defects in the chromosomes and genes, including genetic mutations. HOMEOPATHIALIZED ALLOPATHICS: They are homeotherapeutical preparations starting from allopathic medicines in current use. They are prescribed, hence, according to the rules of similarity. They intervene in therapy of toxic effect (and side effects) antibiotics, chemotherapeutics, antiinflammatories, benzodiazapine, etc. HOMEOTOXICOLOGY UNITARY REMEDIES Besides compound medicines and biotherapeutics, we use unitary medicines at low, medium and high dilutions or in scalar potency (s.p.) or in KAP form (see notes ) in order to obtain the best possible therapeutical effects. If the symptomatology does not coincide exactly with a single remedy (simillimum), one may make use of more than one unitary remedy, alternating them. The unitary remedy is often decisive in order to obtain a complete cure, signalling the point of final meeting of homeotoxicology with classical homeopathy. In the case in which several morbid affections are present, or in the case in which a single compound does not cover, except partially, the symptomatological picture of the patient, or finally, in multiple state of intoxication, various simple or compound medicines may be prescribed contemporarily, which , through the symptomatological activity of the single components ( actual pharmacological properties of the remedy), are capable of covering the particular symptoms of the illness and of the patient. In fact the best therapeutical results are obtained precisely when there is an almost total correspondence between the symptomatology of the medicine with that of the patient. In the case of multiple prescription, practice has shown (Burgi’s principle or increase in potential of various preparations administered contemporarily ) that, in majority of cases, the mixture of more than one compound provokes an increasing potential of the therapeutical effect. DRAINAGE THERAPY Drainage is a term which in Medicine covers a wide range of meanings. Normally by Drainage we mean surgical practice aimed at the maintenance of a “way out” patent to eliminate, towards the outside, biological and pathological secretions. The meaning of this term in Biological Medicine is different and much more vast. In particular in Homeopathy and Homeotoxicology, drainage assumes a real and true aspect of therapeutical strategy, in so far as it constitutes the first stage which prepares the Organism for the specific basic therapy. In this concept Drainage will be considered as a preparative or 42 43 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY accompanying therapy. In a strict sense, DRAINAGE means: activation of tissues and/or organs of emunctory activities, for the aspecific elimination of toxic residue Drainage, hence, is distinguished from DETOXICATION which instead is. The process directed to the neutralization and elimination of specific toxins from the tissues. For these premises, the draining medicines can be considered as remedies that , on the basis of its own characteristics of composition may carry out, according to the cases, the functions of restoration, regulation, and stimulation of the excretory activity of the emunctory organs. To keep the organism efficient in its capacity to liberate toxins is the basic supposition for the conservation of the state of health and for a better therapeutical efficacy. Drainage, therefore , finds the reasons for its existence both in the prevention as well as in sustenance therapy for the best management of acute and chronic pathologies. Too often medical thought has given scarce consideration to Draining Therapy and has not taken into a correct consideration the basic principles of individuality and globality precisely of Homeopathy. In order to activate a correct imposition of a Drainage Therapy, it is not possible to avoid a diagnostic holistic type of approach which, considers the bio-typological aspects of the individual (classical homeopathy) and the organic functional aspects (homeotoxicology). Drainage medicines cannot be used in a universal and generalized way, but must be chosen with respect of the biological individuality of the patient and only after an adequate clinical diagnosis of the functionality of the emunctory organs. Draining Therapy represents therefore, a true clinical and therapeutical necessity in Homeopathy and Homeotoxicology DRAINAGE represents the fundamental moment of any type of biological therapy: allows the utilization of medicines with a strong detoxifying stimulus with an immunological (nosodes, organotherapeutics), biochemical (intermediate catalysers) or “basic” (constitutional or biotype remedies) imprint which, if they don’t find a ready organism to sustain the action, that is drained at a connective level and with a full emunctory efficiency, would also risk being damaged or however induced into the clinical picture defined as “homeopathic worsening”. This is precisely what we see when we administer, for example, a basic remedy or a compound medicine with a detoxifying action to a subject of whose emunctory functional deficit we are ignorant. Both because of constitutional characteristics as well as for momentary organic insufficiency. The full success of a drainage Therapy passes through an accurate functional diagnosis, a diagnosis which contemplates at the same time the constitutional, “energetic”, and clinical aspects of each single patient, in practice: A REAL HOMEOTOXICOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS. HOMEOTOXICOLOGY HOW TO ACTUATE A CORRECT DRAINAGE THERAPY Homeotoxicology considers the Matrix (Connective) a true and real basic organic structure and not only the support tissue interposed between cells. It represents the true “basic regulating system”: all the changes of an external and internal environment influence through it, the cellular mechanisms. The basic substance is always the fulcrum of the functionality of the organisms defensive system. It is through the basic substance (connective) that the communication between cells and the external environment; the quantity of information which may be stored in the matrix and transmitted to cells as ”instructions” for their physiological function is enormous. The vegetative nervous endings ”break up” in the matrix, and it is here that, through the neural and endocrine (neurotransmitters , neuro peptides , hormones) and cytokine substances, the information of a psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune nature (PNEI) travels; and here the immunity cells live and the inflammatory process develops. The correct cellular function passes therefore through the anatomical and functional integrity of the matrix and, finally, depends on its “cleaning”, “incontamination ”, the level of its “detoxication”. It is easy to understand how a toxicant accumulation at this point represents a potential pathological trigger, imposed for those evolutions defined as: progressive vicariousness. The correct Drainage Therapy is articulated in two different therapeutical moments: 1°) CONNECTIVE DETOXICATION It is always advisable, especially in pathologies which tend to be chronic, to carry out a toxic mobilization in order to effect a real prevention, understood as homeotoxic ground relief of diathesic toxins which have been genetically inherited, using a base medicine. OTI PSORINUM COMPOUND carry out contemporarily, or in succession, neutralizing therapy and drainage of toxic excess which disturb homeostatic equilibrium with: LIMPHOMIOTI In the reaction phase with inflammatory tendency; LIMPHOMIOTI and ASPECIFIC in a deposit phase with degeneration tendency; ASPECIFIC and DETOXINA impregnation phase; BIOTYR degeneration phase. These medicines are able to expel deposit and impregnation toxins. The toxins mobilized by the connective must, hence be gathered into the lymphatic circuit, so that through the complex network of lymphatic vessels they can arrive at various emunctory organs. It is clearly necessary to act with a strong promoting action on the lymphatic circuit because the vascular lymphatic bed is capable of “overloading itself” with the toxic load removed from the matrix, without creating congestions: that is it is carried out by constant use, during the whole therapy, of Limphomioti. 44 2°) EMUNCTORY DRAINAGE To act on the functionality of organs and tissues with a excretory activity represents the natural and indispensable complement to a detoxifying therapy. The emunctory Drainage may be considered as an unblockage or a stimulation of the elimination tracts of the organism: something similar to “opening a tap. When we intervene activating emunctory Drainage, we may find ourselves confronting Two clinical circumstances: We analyse the two circumstances: a) a congestive state depending on one or more emunctories. This pathological state may compromise the optimum secretion of the toxic overload. In order to resolve this situation the use of medicines is indicated which resolve the congestive state of the organ or system to which they are intended. --> - Medicines useful for RISTORING excretory activity are: GRAPHITES OTI COMPOSTO and IPERSULFUR for the tegumentary apparatus; AEROTI for respiratory apparatus; POPULUS OTI COMPOSTO and BERBERIS OTI COMPOSTO for urinary apparatus; BIO H SIMPLEX, CHELIDONIUM OTI COMPOSTO and BERBERIS OTI COMPOSTO for the liver and biliary tracts; NUX VOMICA OTI COMPOSTO for the digestive apparatus. b) Whenever we are confronted, instead, by a situation of good excretory functionality of one or more emunctory organs, it is possible and opportune if we feel the toxic load to be expelled is important, to “force” their draining capacity, “exalting” to the maximum their functionality. The composition of the emunctory stimulus medicines is such that the use as drainers in an Accompanying Therapy is aimed at an increase in excretory functionality of the organ on which they act. This allows us to direct in a preferential way (regressive vicariation) the toxic flow towards the “target organ” of the accompanying therapy. . --> Medicines useful for the STIMULUS of the excretory activity are: - DERMOTI BIOM (+ DETOXINA) OTI SOLIDAGO COMPOUND BIO H COMPLEX BIOM for for for for for tegumentary apparatus respiratory apparatus urinary apparatus liver and biliary tracts digestive apparatus N.B.: The choice of medicines will be of a “clinical-energetic” type, in the sense that it is not prudent to activate an organ which for constitutional or tem- 45 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY a) Necessity to restore excretory activity b) Stimulate excretory activity porary causes is scarcely reactive, and compromised in its functional capacity, but the “ parallel “one, in order to avoid a toxic overload of an organ which in that moment is incapable of expelling them. So that, for example, if on the objective examination of the laboratory or instrumental data hepatic functionality is insufficient and it emerges on the contrary, that the renal tract is valid, we don’t use Bio H complex (medicine with hepatic tropism) but OTI Solidago comp. (medicine with renal tropism) and vice versa, if the renal functionality is compromised, we don’t use Solidago OTI comp. but Bio H complex. Nothing forbids us, in the presence of a congested organ, from intervening contemporarily from decongesting the organ itself and increasing the excretory function of the other emunctories (For ex. Bio H simplex for a hepatic-biliary state + OTI Solidago compound in order to increase the renal excretion). HOMEOTOXICOLOGY FINAL CONSIDERATIONS The doctor who really wishes care of his patients must feel the professional and moral obligation not to leave any stone in his possession unturned in order to re establish, wherever possible, the psycho-physical equilibrium (health) of the patient who has been entrusted to him. He cannot limit himself to eliminating or correcting his symptomatological picture, without trying to understand the origin or cause of the evil even having to, for this, make a serious anamnestic inquiry even remote. Interpret the signals, individuate the environmental correlations, understand the history of the patient is an arduous task which requires time, knowledge intuition and experience. An acute pathology, is often, the expression of a momentary and actual disturbance, easily controllable and spontaneously resolved by the organism itself. The repetition of more events, even if different among themselves, should be interpreted as an “alarm bell” which the body, in its complex, sounds so that the doctor may be put on alert and investigate before any kind of illness becomes chronic. Reading the Table of homeotoxicosis does not mean only individuating in itself the name of the illness, but understanding the path which the illness itself has made, even in an asymptomatic way, before expressing itself as such. Silencing the alarm bell, suppressing the symptoms, without having understood everything is not very intelligent nor opportune. The risk of triggering a progressive vicariation sometimes uncontrollable and, in extreme cases, irrecuperable. The right interpretation is the one which offers the organism a strong opportunity of regression of the illness, helping him to fight it, calling up his energetic reserves which have still not being used, helping the organs which have been hit to restore their integrity, aiding the work of elimination of all toxic residues which may crowd the elimination tracts, and consequently, intoxicating him again. What have been said doesn’t mean that the Doctor in his therapeutical action, must not turn to every means in his possession sometimes even drastic, but, once an opportune physiological picture has been re-established, must also consider HEALTH in more general terms. Therapeutical armament with which the Doctor ought to equip himself, hence we also take into account the therapeutical possibilities offered by homeotoxicology and homeopathy. The battle may be even won but the war is won with the extra arm. 46 STRATEGY With a picturesque image, Reckeweg thus illustrates the homeotoxicological intervention, defined as the “bridge” between allopathy and “simillimum”. The systematic intervention may be thus described: the poisons present in the organism are at first surrounded by a regiment of (one or more compound preparations); then, in the following phase of the antihomeotoxic battle, chosen troops descend into battle with a more specific action ( one or more complex remedies). The residual homeotoxin, the one which is perhaps, at the origin of the pathological process, the so called “the commander of the enemy troop” is eliminated by a pistol shot ( “simillimum”). The entire homeotoxicological arsenal is indispensable in order to cure today’s patients: - chronic patients on the increase. - super exhausted by daily stress: - intoxicated by the ecological degradation: - slaves to unnatural biological rhythm: - presenting an altered enzymatic set: - a debilitated immune system: immune - drug dependents . We cannot leave on the first prescription to the classical single homeopathic remedy, to act for weeks and months We all know that, in the social- sanitary structures, there has been imposed for over half a century the primary need to eliminate the symptoms rapidly and to concentrate the diagnosis and the therapeutical action essentially on the clinical syndrome, excluding ipso facto the subjectivity of the patient, who is indispensable for the homeopathic individualisation All this must make us think about the choice of the most adapted therapeutical method to guide with full knowledge and control an accelerated process of natural cure, which is the one activated by homeopathic and homeotoxicological remedies. It is necessary to know how to use antihomeotoxic complexes and biotherapeutical categories in all their elaborated formulations of the scientific production This is very important even if, at the end of the therapeutical sequence, as Reckeweg underlines, a unitary remedy and pathogenetic similarity, may be decisive in order to carry out a complete cure. In reality, the individualisation of the final “simillimum” remedy of the patient, will be made possible precisely and only through the systematic elimination of the various homeotoxic layers which, in precedence, had impeded the birth of clear and unequivocal symptoms, superimposable because of similarity to a clear and to a very precise Hahnemannian pathogenetic picture. CLASSIFICATION OF ILLNESSES A clinically well prepared doctor in classical medicine, has no difficulty in following the antihomeotoxic scheme, which is based on two basic points: - Clinical individualisation. - Pharmacological Individualization He must only remember that, in the systematic classification of the illnesses, there are differences between homeotoxicology and conventional medicine. SYMPTOM AND RECORD In classical medicine the il criterion of classification is the morbid ‘symptom”, which is usually associated with an organic structure. The illness, never defined in a precise way, is put in the “report”, that is with a morphological alteration, which lets itself be crystallized into a “status”. Conventional therapy is uniquely finalized to the elimination of the symptoms. Often, this is reached by hindering the biological cure, with consequent iatrogenic damages. THE FUNCTION OF THE CONNECTIVE TISSUE The connective besides being regulated by the nervous system, is also regulated by hormones of the adenohypophysis and by the suprarenal cortex. Somototropic hormone (STH) increases the connective function, shown by inflammatory swelling. The adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) participates with low doses of deoxycortisone in potentiating the connective function. The inflammation ends with more secretion of cortisone, which leaves a regenerated connective. The inverse effect (Arndt Schulz) of the cortisone is clear. The acidosis-alcoholysis reaction , in rhythmic alternation is fundamental, in the regeneration of the connective. With hormonal induction the suprarenal adenohypophysis-cortex axis intervenes in the acid-base metabolism by starting the acidification of the connective at 3 47 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY TODAY’S PATIENTS o’clock in the morning, to convert to alcoholysis after 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The acidosis adapts to the sympathic phase with activity of the sympathic nerves and adrenalin and thyroxin hormones; while alcoholysis corresponds to the parasympathetic phase of the general vegetative metabolic commutation described by Hoff. The physiological function of the connective is that of being the battle field between the defensive system of the organism and the homeotoxins. Under conditions of illness, we find the same chemical process considerably increased. The inflammation nears a combustion process of the homeotoxins, to the chemical reaction of homeotoxins in homeotoxons. The hyaluronidase enzyme assumes a great importance in dissolving the connective tissue, secreted for the most part by bacteria, which fill a biological role of prime importance, making the homeotoxins deposited in the connective itself vulnerable The inflammation, classical mesenchymal reactive phase, is thus an antihomeotoxic defence mechanism intended for the depuration of toxic factors from the connective tissue, which alter the flow system. The possibilities of an homeotherapeutical therapy of the Hahnemannian type are based on its capacity to detoxify the connective, ideal for eliminating the present illness inducing with a like medicine, a second liberatory illness. According homeotoxicology , the homeopathic medicine activates a reserve immune mechanism, capable of sustaining the defence in progress. HOMEOTOXICOLOGY INFLAMMATION A typical homeotoxic defensive response, is given by the “inflammatory reaction” which must not be considered as a pathological phenomenon tied to the illness. The inflammation, in fact, should be taken in the context of the defensive system.: - as a physiological process of constant detoxication ; - as “curing illness ” (Carus); - as a positive phenomenon aimed at burning off the homeotoxins during the fever, a sort of chemical combustion with homeotoxic valences. - It may be defined as “parenteral digestion” (Rossle) or as a “homeotoxic digestion” (Reckeweg). The inflammatory reaction is realized with phagocytosis, pinocytosis and secretion through the work of granulocytes , monocytes e macrophages . This often happens under the influence of an attack of fever activated by bacteria, but which is a sign of exalted immune activity. The role of bacteria is secondary: the homeotoxins and not the bacteria are the causes of inflammation. The bacteria act as biological coadjuvant for the decomposition of the homeotoxic material which has been accumulated. The inflammation ends with the reparation of the damage by the connective tissue and with an immune reinforcement Under inflammation, the antitoxic action of the physiological mechanisms utilized by the defence system are accentuated, in order to guarantee the flow system of the biological structures. The mechanisms are based on the daily alternations of the acid-base system, as has been described by the General Vegetative Commutation of Hoff. FERAL PEPTIDES Unpleasant symptoms are not lacking in an inflammation, but should not be suppressed by chemical iatrogenic medicines, nor by other suppressive measures, which cut off the process of self defence and impede the mesenchymal restoration. Blocking the inflammation with chemical medicines in phase (acidosis) of Hoff’s general commutation, upsets with abnormal violence, the normal metabolic mechanisms which constitute the basic dynamic aspect of the structure and biological function. There is a brusque change from the state of sol (solubilization) of the connective, to the state of gel (jellification) of phase B (alcoholysis). The normal procedure of inflammatory reactivity stops. The programmed chemical reactions of the Great Defence system are broken down and destroyed. The connective framework is restructured with what remains unburnt on the antihomeotoxic battle field: bacterial endotoxins, pharmacological molecules, Menkin factors, porphyrins and others. Instead of a gradual protein reconstruction, there is a synthesis of proteins suddenly precipitated. From the combination of refuse material with the autologous protein of the organism, abnormal protein molecules are formed, so called “feral peptides”, with hapten and antigenic characteristics. In its turn the defensive system reacts to the aggression by forming antibodies, which entail illnesses of autoaggression, allergies, enzymatic blockages, damages to the DNA and other severe pathological phenomena. , The door has been open to cellular illnesses, the infirmities have become chronic. 48 RETOXINS or REFLECTION HOMEOTOXINS With inflammatory blockage or other defensive processes biologically opportune, detoxication and excretion of homeotoxins are inhibited. A reintoxication occurs that is a reflection impregnation, the effects of which are located in the area of the illnesses with enzymatic cellular damages. The reflection homeotoxins or “retoxins”, damage the intercellular structures. This conclusion is regularly shown when we use medicines like chemotherapeutics which act as inhibitors of the enzymatic functions, often with mutagen effects. DEFINITION OF ILLNESS The illnesses may therefore be defined : • As a direct expression of the defensive response, biologically opportune, of the organism to exogen or endogen homeotoxins, • or: * As a tangible expression of the toxic damages suffered, which the organism tries in some way to compensate through a functional equilibrium. Illness is conceivable as a dynamic process, of which the visible alteration may in a short time modify themselves, intensify themselves or disappear completely. The most diverse illnesses may be strictly correlated among themselves by means of the phenomenon of “vicariation”, which defines the migration of homeotoxins from one tissue to another. The primary illness passes into a secondary illness which substitute (“vicarious”) the first one Every tissue acts in its own way, showing different illnesses, which always represent the dynamic effect of the global unbalance of the flow system disturbed by the homeotoxins. PROGRESSIVE or REGRESSIVE VICARIATION The homeotoxins which have not been utilized and then expelled from the organism, move from tissue to another (towards the right and down in the Table of Homeotoxicosis, causing ever more severe (“progressive vicariation”). It is a dangerous phenomenon biologically unfavourable. It is often caused by enzymatic damages from reintoxications. On the contrary, if the homeotoxins are placed in minority, compensating the cellular damages and relieving the mesenchyma, they change symptoms and morbid pictures for the better, with the effect of a molecular and metabolic re -management biologically opportune (“regressive vicariation”). PLACES OF LESSER RESISTANCE One does not become ill by chance and of a certain illness. There is always a releasing cause, a homeotoxin, which upsets the equilibrium of the flow system. But there is also a maintenance cause, characteristic of the ground of the subject and which conditions his way of being and the development of the illness. The maintenance cause presupposes the existence of a place of lesser resistance, a constitutional weakness which makes the ground fragile at a molecular and cellular level, polarising the action of the homeotoxins on one tissue rather than another, and one organ or system rather than another Points of lesser resistance are determined by the genetic code, by illnesses more or less severe suffered by the patient, by vaccinations and iatrogen therapy. On this Achilles’ heel, the homeotoxins attack and prosper more easily. The clinical individualisation must be polarized on it, given particular space to the patient’s pathobiography. CLINICAL INDIVIDUALISATION The individualisation has been applied in medicine by Hypocrates, however it was Hahnemann who succeeded in codifying it. By treating patients with the law of like, it is necessary to individualize the approach and the therapy. Each patient possesses a morbid dynamism which is characteristic to him and which is necessary to take into account in diagnosis and therapy. The clinical individualisation is made concrete through the diagnostic and pathobiographical picture, which takes into account the physical and psychic symptoms of the patient. The diagnosis is deduced from the anamnesis, objective examination, from the symptoms, from anatomic-clinical records, from instrumental and laboratory data. It is necessary moreover to individuate the tissue and the organ primarily ill, in order to localize the illness at an embryological and histo -pathological level. It is necessary therefore to have ready the Table of homeotoxicosis, which is a wide synoptic but detailed picture of the most diverse illnesses. The word homeotoxicosis indicates that the illnesses are states of homeotoxic poisoning. 49 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY VICARIATION HOMEOTOXICOLOGY PHARMACOLOGICAL INDIVIDUALISATION In homeotoxicology, the clinical picture of the patient is used for a therapeutical approach, as happens in conventional medicine, but the choice of medicines obeys essentially homeopathic criteria., which tends to individualize the medicine and which consist * In the application of the principle of similarity between the illness from which the patient is suffering, and the homeotoxicological remedy typical of the inflammatory phase. * In individualizing the medicine, which may be inserted with its homeopathic symptoms, in the Table of homeotoxicosis in order to show the characteristics and evolution of the morbid dynamism PHYSIOPATHOLOGICAL SIMILARITY The symptoms of the diagnosticated illness bring us to choose a medicine which correspond to the physiopathological similarity between illness and remedy. Once the diagnosis of the illness has been made, the suitable remedy is easily suggested by the Notes on Homeotoxicological Therapy in the present Manual Successively, the OTI manual will precise the therapeutical indications and the curable symptoms. For example, after “diagnosis of gout” on the basis of clinical symptoms, - The section Notes of homeotoxicological therapy, under the word gout, after having précised that it is a cavodermal reaction, signals as a principal phasal remedy the simple “OTI Lithium compound”, which associates six homeotherapeutics at low dilution , with a rapid but not deep action. - The OTI manual confirms OTI Lithium compound for the cure of gout “gouty rheumatic affections ”, giving the exact clinical indications. - Reckeweg’s “Homeopathic Materia Medica” allows us to enlarge our knowledge of the single component characteristics. - in the Table of homeotoxicosis, the action of OTI Lithium compound may be put into the mesenchymal tissue, with cavodermal election , as a remedy in the inflammation and accumulation phase. TABLE OF HOMEOTOXICOSIS We find in the Table of homeotoxicosis, as they have been inserted, the different clinical sequences from which emerges the biopathography of the patient, so that it is possible to situate in phasic progression, in the abscissae and ordinates, all morbid situations which a given remedy has shown itself capable of curing. For example among “polycrest compounds” , or antihomeotoxic remedies with a wide spectrum for activating or keeping under control a specific function or an organ, we find: - - “Biodisc”, which has a trophic action: mesenchymal-osteo-dermal: from the humoural inflammatory to the degenerative and neo plastic imbibition cellular phases; meso-dermal, germinal-dermal e muscular-dermal, with the interest of the three cellular phases. “Corarnica”, which acts on the imbibition and degeneration: endo-dermal: mucus- dermal e organo-dermal; mesenchymal: with greater hemo-dermal incisiveness ; meso-dermale: nephro-dermal and muscular-dermal. “BioM”, with selective trophic action: endo-dermal-mucus-dermal, in the inflammation phases with more force, in those of accumulation, degenerative and neoplastic imbibition . CURATIVE DYNAMISM Through pharmadynamics, it is possible to document the effects of homeotoxins on the organism, that is tracing the residues, damages, enzymatic blockages provoked by the pathogenic agent. In order to explicate the pharmacological effects, the medicine must be able to penetrate into the cell with its small organs (mitochondria, chromosomes, microsomes , liposomes, etc.), with the aim of intervening in the cellular respiration, protein synthesis, etc. This process is defined as “biochemical availability ”. It presupposes the presence of the medicine on the organs’ receptors in sufficient quality and time. But the homeopathic medicine possesses its own typical “curative dynamism”, that is the capacity to overcome the limits of biochemical availability, to project itself beyond the pharmo-dynamical effect, with a global finality of energetic imprint. This “energetic availability” depends on the its microstructure of a diluted and dynamized substance. How does the antitoxic homeopathic remedy work? As we have seen, the defensive responses to homeotoxins are expressed in six phases, which may be compared to six types of flow equilibrium. 50 The changes of the illnesses may happen as progressive or regressive vicariation. The antitoxic remedy promotes a regressive vicariation. It does not act directly nor does it have to take into account receptors which, in order to be activated, demand an number of efficacious molecules. It acts through the activation of biological mechanisms and a specific antitoxic of the immune defence structure of the organism. The mechanism of action may be explained on the basis of enzymatic induction experiments, radioisotope experiment, principle of inverse-effect (ArndtSchultz) and the law of like (Hahnemann). INDIVIDUALISATION OF COMPLEX THERAPY In homeotoxicological clinical practice, an unitary remedy is not usually chosen, as happens in classical homeopathy. We trust in a group of assembled remedies in a compound capable of curing the symptomatological picture. We ask the compound for a rapid action, polarized on the symptoms of the clinical picture. On the other hand this is exactly the ambulatory-hospital practice. The doctor must obtain immediate or almost immediate effects, on the objective pathology of the organ or tissue, leaving aside the subjectivity of the symptoms and the problems which are beyond the clinical picture The antihomeotoxic pharmacological individualisation may occur in successive interventions. We begin, as a first prescription, by choosing “ one or more compound remedies of a reactive phase”, in order to confront the illness in a generic way, by marking , at the beginning, that totality of records, especially instrumental and laboratory, which allow an optimum and documented individualisation of the case. The first prescription must reflect the physiopathological analogy between the clinical syndrome under examination and the symptoms which the chosen remedies have shown themselves capable of curing. The greater the similarity, the more incisive and profound is the action of the medicine. Sometimes, we flank the remedy of the reactive phase with a, “unitary homeotherapeutic”, a like with punctual action, useful for individuating the modality of the illness. SECOND PRESCRIPTION The clinical evolution and the short term acquisition of instrumental and laboratory records, address the attention of the doctor to the most compromised organ, which is at the origin of the illness and which requires an “organo-tropic- tessutale” support medicine It is thus possible to go back to the Phase which initially triggered the entire pathological process and to give precisely the characteristics: * The illness may have “inflammatory” characteristics, with “sympathicotonic” trend. It corresponds to the humoural phase of inflammation: it is necessary to choose an organo-tropic medicine capable of moderating the sympathicotonic tendency tied to the inflammation. • The illness may have “insidious stasis “characteristics with vagotonic trend. • It corresponds to the humoural accumulation phase, or imbibition or cellular degeneration, an organo-tropic activation remedy is necessary, capable of re-balancing the excessive vagotonic tendancy. • If organic tessutale lesion alterations exist, generally, in imbibition and degeneration phases we must choose, as a stimulating treatment, an “organotherapeutical” medicine. Swine organs and tissues act as organ-specific nosodes, transforming the toxic effects of the pig into a curative effect thanks to dilution and dynamization in accordance with the principles of similarity inverse-effect. The organotherapic has an un-renounceable support action capable of guiding the therapeutical charge of the other antihomeotoxics to the wounded organ. THIRD PRESCRIPTION The antihomeotoxic strategy is perfected by other medicines, which impose their intervention when the situation remain static or tends to worsen. * No improvement, but the therapy was exact. * We re-examine the patient, in order to individuate the cause. We present the following hypothesises: * There exist an excessive homeotoxic load: A “homeotoxic drainage” medicine is necessary, in order to energetically activate the emunctories and the mesenchyma. * Generic and specific defence mechanism of the patient are too weak, inadequate for getting better: A “homeotoxicological stimulus ” medicine is necessary , in order to increase the defence capacity. 51 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY FIRST PRESCRIPTION HOMEOTOXICOLOGY • One or more previous illnesses cured badly show at the anamnestic update: We must prescribe suitable “nosodes” medicine, in order to obtain the immune unblockage of the reactivity. * We acertain the presence of an allergen aggressor: An allergic-therapeutic” is necessary, for a selective therapy. * We acertain that an enzymatic blockage exists: We need the “intermediate catalysers ” of the case. * We acertain that certain symptoms still persist because of a previous iatrogenic blockage It is necessary to individuate through similarity, the suitable ” homeopathialized allopathic” medicine to eliminate the present symptomatology . MEDICINE IN THE INFLAMMATORY PHASE With the Medicine of the Inflammatory Phase, homeotoxicology begins its support intervention in the fight which the Great Defence System has engaged against the overpowering homeotoxins. It is the generic remedy of the illness, pictured in the Table of Homeotoxicosis, with by the side the indication of the phase and the advised remedies. By intervening at the tessutale level interested by the illness, we propose to stimulate and amplify the generic defences of the organism * For example: “solar burns” enter into the inflammatory phases or hect -epidermal tessutale imbibition. The remedy of the Inflammatory Phase should possess a marked antiphlogistic action and regenerates the skin and cutaneous (BIO A.R. for example.). HOW TO CHOOSE THE MEDICINE After the diagnosis of the illness, a correct choice is possible through the following operations: * Consult the Notes of Homeotoxicological Therapy, in order to locate the illness in the Table of homeotoxicosis, precisely where the phase and the interested tissue cross. Choose the phase remedy among those proposed and which covers as much as possible the symptomatology of the case • Control the nature and therapeutical indications of the chosen remedy in the OTI Manual. • A further confirmation may come by consulting the Materia Medica. * For example, if a child shows typical symptoms of “German measles” (moderate fever, mucositis, exanthema, lymphoadenomegaly latero-cervical, retro-auricular and nuchal), the illness enters into the inflammatory hecto-dermal phase, as indicated under the words “German measles”. “Belladonna”, is suggested as the main medicine, which reflects well the clinical symptoms of the illness in analogy with those of the sick child. Another possible remedy, “Apis”, if the symptoms indicate it with greater precision. The exact individualisation of the illness phase is of capital importance in the antitoxic strategy. It guarantees an exact collocation of the morbid picture and ensures the correct choice of medicine. It facilitates the connection of the present illness with the other morbid occurrences of the pathobiography. HOW THE MEDICINE CAN BE The Medicine of the reactive Phase may be: 1) A SIMPLE COMPOUND, at low dilution, with specific tessutale tropism, rapid punctual action at a histopathological level, but superficial, like: * OTI BIANCOSPIN compound : - phase of mesenchymal-hemodermal (coronary sclerosis); - or hemodermal imbibition (angina pectoris); - or hemodermal imbibition- accumulation (senile and overtired heart, , cardiac arrhythmia); - or hemodermal and neurodermal degeneration (apoplexia cerebri). * OTI AESCULUS compound: - mesenchymal-hemodermal phase (varicose vein , non bleeding haemorrhoids, hypercholesterolemia); - or mesenchymal hemodermal imbibition (circulatory peripheral disturbances, claudicatio intermittens, acrocyanosis). * LIMPHOMIOTI: - dermal mesenchymal accumulation phase (oedema, adiposity, lipoma, mammary fibromatosis - or lymphodermal mesenchymal inflammation-accumulation (lymphatism, exudative diathesis, hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsils , chronic tonsillitis). * OTI IGNATIA compound: - hecto-neurodermal imbibition phase (anxious states, grinding of the teeth, chorea minor, neurosis from climaterium, hysterical aphonia); - or endodermal-mucodermal imbibition (asthmatic states, recurring neuralgias ; like exchange effect with simpatico-dermal imbibition phase). 52 3) ACOMPOUND scalar potency, with more specific associated analogous remedies and with an action at various functional level, such as: * BERBERIS OTI compound: - for a mesodermal nephrodermal inflammation–imbibition phase (cystitis, cysto-pyelitis; renal colic); - or nephrodermal accumulation (nephrolythiasis); - or endodermal organodermal accumulation (biliary calculosis). * CACTUS OTI compound: - for hemodermal accumulation-imbibition phase (arterial hypertension with coronary symptoms, anginal spasms). * CHELIDONIUM OTI compound: - for organodermal inflammation phase (hepatic abscess); - endoderma-organodermal inflammation-accumulation (colangiolitis, colecystis, colelithiasis); - or organodermal inflammation or imbibition (hepatitis); - or endodermal hemodermal degeneration- imbibition (cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation). * GRAPHITES OTI compound: - for an hectodermale-epidermal inflammation phase (eczema, milky crust, Dupuytren contracture); - or hectodermale-epidermal accumulation (keloid); - or mesenchymal- dermal interstitium accumulation (adiposity); - or meso-germinodermal imbibition (functional amenorrhoea). * NUX VOMICA OTI compound: - for mesenchymal accumulation-imbibition phase (inguinal hernia, abdominal hernia); - or endo-mucodermal inflammation-accumulation (pyrosis, fermentative and putrefactive dyspepsia, flatulence, meteorism, gastritis); - or endodermal accumulation-imbibition (cardialgia, hyperacidity); - or endo-organodermal accumulation-imbibition (anomalous intestinal bacterial flora); - or mesenchymal hemodermal inflammation-accumulation (haemorrhoids). 4) A UNITARY IN NORMAL AND STRONG PROGRESSIVE SCALAR DILUTION, , with contemporaneous tessutale effect (more accentuated in the “strong” ) of an organic and etiopathogenetic specific type, such as: * COLOCYNTHIS progressive scalar: - for a neurodermal imbibition phase (convulsive tic, neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, neuralgias of amputation stump, paraesthesia); - or accumulation-degeneration of the osteodermal mesenchyma (lumbar osteochondrosis), - or cavodermal (coxitis ); * PHOSPHORUS progressive scalar: - for an endo-organodermal inflammation phase (lobar pneumonia ); - or organodermal imbibition-degeneration (damages to the hepatic, pneumonic, cardiac, renal parenchyma); - or mesenchymal hemodermal imbibition degeneration (hemorrhagic diathesis); * SEPIA progressive scalar: - for a meso-germinodermal imbibition phase (yellow-green, fetid, excoriating leucorrhoea; disturbances of climaterium, chronic inflammation of the uterus ). 53 HOMEOTOXICOLOGY 2) SIMPLE COMPOUND AT LOW_MEDIUM DILUTION, in order to obtain a less rapid, but deeper cure and without shocks, such as: * OTI SPIGELIA compound: - for a hecto-neurodermal imbibition phase (constitutional cephalea, migraine, trigeminal neuralgia,occipital and frontal neuralgias); - or mesenchymal-osteodermal inflammation (humeral- scapular periarthritis); - or mesenchimal-osteodermal degeneration or accumulation (osteochondrosis, cervical syndrome). * PSORINUM OTI compound: - for a hecto-epidermal imbibition-accumulation phase (copper coloured acne rosacea, alopecia areata, verrucas, nevi, condyloma, dermatomycosis, dermatosis— Kaposi’s disease); - or hecto-epidermal degeneration (psoriasis); - or hecto- orodermal accumulation (nasal polyps); - or hecto-neurodermal degeneration (schizoid states epileptiform, states); - or neurodermal imbibition (migraine); - or endo-organodermal imbibition-degeneration (dyscrasia states, hepatic cirrhosis); - or mesodermal-nephrodermal neoplastic accumulation (bladder papilloma). FARMACI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Schede informative e cenni clinici Tutti i farmaci composti disponibili in diluizioni centesimale hahnemanniana (CH) possono essere richiesti anche in diluizione decimale (DH). In tal caso la prescrizione sarà fatta posponendo la sigla: /DH al nome del prodotto. (ad es. OTICATAL / DH fiale) I Farmaci omotossicologici riportati nella sezione seguente, solitamente preparati nelle forme farmaceutiche previste, possono essere richiesti anche in altra forma farmaceutica. (ad es.: gocce fiale per os, fiale sterili, capsule, ecc.) 55 ADEPS OTI COMPOUND vials Description medicine with lipolytic action RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Mixed cellulitis and fat. Important lipolytic action. Composition Adeps 2CH, Aesculus 2CH, Fucus ves. 4CH, Graphites 30CH, Hepar sulphuris 5CH, Teucrium sc. 4CH, Galium aparine 4CH, aà1 ml. physiologic sterile solution. q.s. a 100 ml. Posology 1 vial per week, mesotherapeutically, even in association with other medicines. 1 vial a day or alternated day, by mouth. Packaging box of 20 2 ml vials ANASCOCCINUM (Holis 17) dose tubes Fundamental polyvalent antinfluenza compound with both preventive (during the period of high risk of influenza ) and curative (as a first intervention to assume immediately from the firstsymptoms, even if they are indefinable and not clearly expressed). Therapeutical Ind. influenza illnesses, influenza symptomatology depending on the respiratory and osteo-muscular apparatuses; bacterial and with a little immune response illnesses. Composition • • lysates of HEART and LIVER of ANAS BARBARIAE 200DH lysates of SLPEEN (from pork) 8-12-30-200DH: activator organtherapeutics of the immune response, with an important function in clearing from the haematic cycle micro-organisms and corpuscled antigens. • VINCETOXICUM OFFICINALE 8DH: specific to viral illnesses capable of stimulating aspecific defences of the organism. • ECHINACEA ANGUSTIFOLIA 6-10-18DH: increase of the mesenchymal defences infections of diverse origin, particularly bacterial, and of diverse localisation; septic processes. • EUPATORIUM PERFOLIATUM 8DH: fever and influenza states associated to a general soreness charged to bones , articulations , muscles and ocular globes. • UNCARIA TOMENTOSA (bark) 4-8-12DH: to stimulate the antiviral action on RNA viruses and 1b type of rhinoviruses. It carry out, moreover, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities. aà 0,1 gr. Lactose and Saccharose q.s. 100 gr. Posology PREVENTION: 1 single dose every 7 days from October to March. It is useful associated to IVER 200CH, alternating the remedy every week, for the whole period of influenza risk. AT THE FIRST SYMPTOMS: 1 single dose every 4 hours for 2 days. EVIDENT PHASE: 1 single dose every 3 hours until remission of the symptoms. (continue this therapy for 2 days). Packaging 3 granular dose BOX 6 granular dose BOX 56 ANTIPIR ointment Description Dermatological Preparation for burns Composition Calendula off. T.M. 3,8 g – Urtica urens T.M. 2,6 g – Hypericum perf. T.M. 1,8 g – Echinacea ang. T.M. 0,6 g – Hypericum perf. Oleum 1,2 g – Terebinthina veneta 0,01 g – Excipient q.s. 100 g Posology Immediate and constant applications for a few days (according to the severity of the lesions ). Successively apply OMEOCUTIS to reconstruct the cutaneous tissue damaged (see). Packaging 75 g OINTMENT TUBE ARNICA OTI compound ointment Description anti- traumatic and analgesic remedy Therapeutical Ind. Traumas of the locomotor and bone apparatuses. Consolidation of the fractures. Dislocations, haematomas due to trauma. Composition Ruta 5CH, Arnica 5CH, Symphytum 5CH, aà 1 ml. Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology more daily applications, with a soft massage on the painful area. Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE BENZOINUM OTI comp. ointment Description Remedy with cicatrising and cutaneous anti-infective action. Therapeutical Ind. Tissue inflammations, wounds with suppurative tendency, cutaneous lesions. Syndrome of the carpal tunnel. Composition Calendula T.M.-3CH, Benzoinum 1DH-3DH, aà 1 ml. Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology More applications a day on the interested zones. Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE BIO A.R. vial - drops - capsules Description Anti-inflammatory preparation with an anti-exudative and antiphlogistic action, regenerating the connective tissue. Therapeutical Ind. Inflammatory and degenerative manifestations of the locomotor apparatus: contusions, distortions, haematomas, edemas due to trauma; rheumatic and arthrosic forms of the articulations. All inflammatory manifestations: otitises (dry and catarrhal), sinusitises, periodontitises, gingivitises, eczemas, phlebitis, furunculosises, abscesses, etc. Composition Arnica 4CH - Calendula 4CH - Hamamelis 4CH - Millefolium 4CH Belladonna 4CH - Aconitum 4CH - Mercurius solubilis 8CH - Hepar 57 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. To be used immediately after cutaneous lesions due to burns, contact with hot substances, lesions and blisters due even to excessive sun exposure or to contact with irritating agents (medusa, weaver fish, nettle, etc..). sulphuris 5CH - Chamomilla 4CH - Symphytum 4CH - Bellis perennis 4CH - Echinacea angustifolia 4CH –Echinacea purpurea 4CH - Hypericum 4CH, ana 1 ml. vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s 100 ml. Capsules: excipients q.s. 100 gr Posology 1 vial per os, im, sc, ic from 1 to 3 times a week. for acute cases or as intensive treatment : 1vial per os, im, ic, sc, per day, until you get improvement 20 drops 3 times a day. For acute cases 20 drops every 15 min. until you get improvement RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI 2 capsules, to be dissolved in mouth, 3 times a day For the intensive treatment 1 cps every 15 min. for 2-3 hours, until you get improvement It is often useful to associate the product to the allopathic therapies in order to improve the therapeutic response Packaging BOX of 20 2 ml. VIALS 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE 60 CAPSULE BOX BIOTEG vials Description Preparation with bio-mesotherapeutical use revitalizing the cutis and appendages Therapeutical Ind. treatment of the face and neck wrinkles. Stretch marks. Restructuring, revitalizing and toning action Composition Placenta 5CH, Connective tissue 4CH, Cutis 4CH, Collagen 4CH, Funiculus umb. Suis 4CH, DNA-RNA vegetables 4CH, aà 1 ml. physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml Posology generally used for mesotherapeutical applications or local infiltrations 1 or more vials, for the envisaged use, from 1 to 3 times a week Packaging 20 VIALS of 2 ml BOX BIOTON vials – drops - capsules Description preparation with an action on the central nervous system with a psycho tonic and neuro -trophic effect, Balancing the neurovegetative system Therapeutical Ind. anxiety states or nervous tension, states of physical and psychic exhaustion; anorexic states and in those of asthenia with excessive tiredness especially if they are consequent to debilitating illnesses or overworking Composition Aletris 4CH - Kalium carbonicum 4CH - Cocculus 4CH - Helonias 4CH Ac. Picricum 6CH -Chininum ars. 6CH - Sepia off. 6CH - Natrum mur. 5CH, aà 1 ml. vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Capsules: excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology 1 vial a day or alternated day per os, im, sc, ic 20 drops in a little water to sip slowly, 3-4 times a day, away from meals 58 1 capsule to dissolve in mouth 3-4 times a day Packaging 20 VIALS of 2 ml BOX 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE. 60 CAPSULE BOTTLE BIOVEN oral spray Spray for oral atomisation. Therapeutical Ind. Remedy with an elective action on bronchospasm and on the increased mucus membrane secretion Particularly during evening and night hours. Active for asthmatic crisis characterized both by inspiratory and expiratory difficulties; The presence in the patient of a psychic component is symptomatic, which is characterized by anxiety and fear . Sense of air hunger with worry and restlessness; a thoracic oppression which often makes the patient wake up at night, forcing him to get up and breath in a better way. Presence of incipient asphyxia with bronchial congestion characterized by whistles and hisses in the pulmonary region. It is a valid use for all crisis of acute asthma, no matter if they are acute asthma of extrinsic (allergic) or intrinsic origin (chronic bronchial ones, senile emphysema, etc). The remedy, moreover, is useful in the cases in which the asthma, with or without convulsive cough has a relief with an immediate expectoration of mucus which appears viscid, glutenous, tenacious and difficult to expel. We can use it, also, for asthma attacks following physical effort (running, laughing, etc,), which force the patient to stop and to get his breath back, because even the simply speaking is difficult and debilitating It can also be used with success for those bronchial asthmatic forms following an acute episode of acute rhinitis or cold with the presence of a scarce annoying mucus (with the already mentioned characteristics), whistles and hisses at the bronco pulmonary level have to be the leading symptoms for the prescription of this remedy. It is useful associated to AEROTI drops. Composition Sambucus 4DH - Chlorum 4CH - Pulsatilla 199DH - Eriodictyon glutinosum 2DH - Cuprum metallicum 5DH - Lobelia infl. 4DH - Spongia tosta 5DH - Mephytis put. 4DH - Kalium carbonicum 4DH - Lachesis mutus 199DH, aà 1 ml, water q.s. 100 ml. Posology 1-2 puffs at the oral mucous membrane level, inspiriting the product as more deeply as possible. Repeat the application every 10 - 15 minutes at need Suspend at the cessation of the acute crisis. The product can be used mixed with 4-5 cc physiologic solution, even by via aerosol (1 or more times a say). The product has to be used only in acute phase and even during the basic treatment apt to remove the causes which have determined the onset of the asthma. Packaging BOTTLE with 30 ml SPRAY distributor. BROM COMPOSITUM (Holis 36) drops – capsules Description Preparation with hypno-inductive action, regulating the sleep, neuro-tonic Therapeutical Ind. It is an efficient compound to fight insomnia (meant both having difficulty in getting asleep and having frequent awakening). It is particularly adapted to restore the right rhythm of sleep-awake and 59 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Description for the dependence on hypno-inductor remedies of chemical origin. It contrasts with the tensions from “stress” emotional, psychic ones, those which have situations of neurasthenia and general exhaustion, and reduce them notably, even ideational and physical ones. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI There is no phenomenon of addiction nor “rebound effect”, so it is possible to interrupt the intake or, on the contrary, one can prolong it without any undesirable effect. There are not any contraindications and side effects, nor disturbances from the blunting awakening, even if it is sudden. Composition Humulus lupulus 4 DH - Ammonium bromatum 4 DH - Avena sativa 4 DH Coffea tosta 4 DH - Tilia platiphylla 4 DH - Eschscholtzia cal. 4 DH Melissa officinalis 4 DH - Cocculus indicus 6 DH - Valeriana officinalis 4 DH Nux vomica 4 DH - aà 1 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Glucose drops: glucose solution q.s. 100 ml. Capsules: excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology For adults: 30 drops in a little water and swallow slowly before sleeping and/or eventually at the awakening. In the weaning therapy from chemical products: 20 drops, initially together _ dosage of the chemical product which after a short period, can be reduced at _ added to 30 drops of BROM COM POSITUM, and then suppress it definitively maintaining for a long time the 30 drops of BROM COMPOSITUM. The 30 drops can be substituted with 2 capsules, dissolve them in mouth, preferably, open and let the content dissolve itself under the tongue. For children even if very small or suckling babies, it is preferable to use the GLUCOSE DROPS a quantity of 10 - 20 drops, according to the age and to the density of the phenomenon, even until 3 times a day, diluted in a little water. Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE. 60 CAPSULE BOX CARDIOSPERMUM OTI compound ointment Description Remedy for reactive and allergic dermatitises. Therapeutical Ind. Cortisone-like action: It acts on processes of hyperergia of the cutis and mucous membrane in humid and cracked dermatitises. Composition Cardiospermum halicacabum 1DH-3DH aà 7 gr., Oleum ricini 5 gr., Mercurius bijodatus 5CH 1 ml, Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology More applications a day on the interested zone. Packaging 75 gr. ointment TUBE CAUSTICUM OTI ointment Therapeutical Ind. Varicose manifestations, wide, pedunculate, exudate, ,bleeding warts. Cutaneous manifestations of Lichen type. Composition Packaging Causticum 5CH/6CH aà 1 ml, Excipient q.s. 100 gr. 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE 60 CELLIN 1 OTI vials – drops Description Remedy with anti-cellulite action, with drainage action. The vials are prevalently used mesotherapeutically. Composition Ananas sativa 4DH, Centella asiatica 4DH, Cynara scolimus 4DH, Equisetum arvense 4DH, Ginkgo biloba 4DH, Hamamelis virginiana 4DH, Hedera helix 4DH, aà 1 ml. Vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Posology 1 vial mesotherapeutically a week 20 drops by mouth 3 times a day. Packaging 10 VIAL of 2 ml BOX 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE. CELLIN 2 OTI vials - drops Description Remedy with anti-cellulite action, with a lipolytic effect. The vials are prevalently used mesotherapeutically. Therapeutical Ind. Strong stimulation of the activity and metabolism of the adipocytes , of fibroblasts and of the micro cycle. Concentrations at 4CH of Placenta and of DNA – RNA allow us to potentiate the revitalising activity of the product. Added to these actions is the lipolytic effect of the Thyroxin at 4CH. Composition Fatty tissue 4CH, capillary tissue 4CH, connective tissue 4CH, elastic tissue 4CH, Placenta 4CH, Vena 4CH, hyaluronic Acid 4CH, Thyroxin 4CH, DNA-RNA vegetables 4CH; Vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Posology 1 vial by a mesotherapeutical way a week. 20 drops by mouth 3 times a day. Packaging 10 VIAL of 2 ml BOX 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE CELLIN 3 OTI vials- drops Description Remedy with an anticellulite action , with con revitalizing effect. The vials are used mainly mesotherapeutically . Therapeutical Ind. It contains the same ingredients as CELLIN 2 OTI, sharing with it, hence, the same properties, except for THYROXIN 4CH I place of which has been inserted CARNITINE 4CH, for a further activation of the energetic potentialities at the cellular level. Composition Fatty tissue 4CH, capillary tissue 4CH, connective tissue 4CH, elastic tissue 4CH, Placenta 4CH, Vena 4CH, hyaluronic Acid 4CH, Carnitine 4CH, DNA-RNA vegetable 4CH, aà 1 ml. Vials: physiologic sterile solution Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Posology 1 vial mesotherapeutically once a week. 20 drops by mouth 3 times a day. Packaging BOX of 10 2 ml vials 50 ml Dropper Bottle 61 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Draining action, detoxifying , phlebotonic, anti-edemigenic , revitalizing the micro circle and the cellular metabolism, with a particular tropism at a connective and fat level. CELLITIN STRONG vials Description Remedy with an anticellulite action, with anti edemigenic and antiinflammatory effect. The vials are prevalently used mesotherapeutically. Therapeutical Ind. Marked anticellulite stimulus in its edemigenic inflammatory and painful manifestations. The presence of numerous oligoelements, associated with specific homeopathic remedies, permits a notable unblocking and eliminating action, through a strong improvement in the mesenchymal drainage, cellular wastes and lymphatic edemas deposited in the sub cutaneous tissues. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI These are the cause of, acute, diffused and invasive inflammation of solid tissues, with characteristic hyperaemia, leukocyte infiltration and oedema, in particular at the expense of the sub cutaneous structures of some localized (glutei and thighs ). Composition Scilla maritima 4DH-10DH-30DH – Hamamelis virg. 4DH – Apis mell. 4DH-10DH-30DH-200DH-MDH – Eupatorium cann. 4DH – Juniperus comm. 6DH – Chlorides of: Ca 4DH – Sr 5DH – Ba 5DH – Cr 6DH – La 7DH – Ce 6DH – W 4DH – Ni 6DH – Sn 6DH – Ru 6DH – Cs 7DH – Yb 7DH – Y 6DH – Al 5DH – Sb 7DH – Ag 7DH – Au 7DH – Zn 6DH – Pb 6DH – Cd 7DH – Hg 7DH – As 7DH, aà 1 ml. physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml Posology 1 o more vials (according to the size of the zone to treat) 1 or more times a week mesotherapeutically, with the production of sub cutaneous pomphuses. Packaging BOX of 20 2 ml. VIALS CELLITIN OTI vials - ointment Description Anticellulite remedy with a bland anti-inflammatory and antioedema. action. The vials are prevalently used mesotherapeutically Therapeutical Ind. Tropism on every type of cellulite, with action anti -inflammatory ed Antioedema in the presence of rosy edemas and pungent and burning pains. Moreover, thanks to the presence of Scilla maritima, it fights bulimic crisis with an anti anxiety component It stimulates renal functions with a marked increase in diuresis. Composition Scilla maritima 4DH – Hamamelis virg. 4DH – Apis mell. 4DH-30DH200DH-MDH – Juniperus comm. 6DH, aà 1 ml. vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Ointment: excipient q.s. 100 gr. Posology Vials: 1 or more vials a week mesotherapeutically Ointment: 2 applications a day with a circular massage on the cellulite zones. Packaging BOX of 20 2 ml. VIALS 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE 62 COL MIL eye drops Description ophthalmic preparation Therapeutical Ind. eye wash . Irritating forms of the conjunctive; blood shots from excessive use of computers, intense lights, dusty environment from excessive use of contact lenses Composition Chamomilla 4DH - Amamelide 4DH - Euphrasia 4DH – Nafazolina nitrato [(l-nafrilmetil)-2-imidazolina nitrato] 4DH, aà 10 ml. stabilized physiological solution q.s Posology 2 -3 drops several times a day. Packaging 10 ml SMALL DROPPER BOTTLE Description dermatological preparation Therapeutical Ind. Cutaneous drainage in case of dry and scaly Dermatitises. Eczemas with or without itching; psoriasis. Composition Petroleum 7CH - Cute 4CH - Kalium Arsenicosum 30CH - Borax 4DH Kalium sulfuricum 30CH - Pix liquida 9CH - Berberis aquifolium 4CH Hydrocotile as. 4DH – Ac. sarcolacticum 4DH - Platanus occidentalis 4DH - Dipsacus silvetris 4DH, aà 1 ml. Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Posology 20 drops 4 times a day Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE ENERVITAL vials – ointment – spray Description Energetic re-integrator of cicatricial tissues and points of a cupuncture with energetic deficit. Composition China 20CH-25CH, Rock water 4DH, Procainum 4DH-7DH-9DH-12DH18DH, Embryo suis 4DH, Placenta suis 6DH, Funiculus umbilicalis suis 6DH, Ac. Oxalaceticum 4CH-9CH-30CH, Benzochinone 4CH-9CH-30CH, Histaminum 4CH-9CH-30CH, Natrum pyruvicum 4CH-9CH-30CH, Blu di metilene 4CH-9CH-30CH, Magnesium 4CH, Manganum phosph. 4CH, Graphites 30CH, Calcarea carbonica 30CH, Arnica 30CH, Calendula 30CH, Baryta carbonica 12CH, aà 1 ml. vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml; ointment: excipient q.s. 100 gr; Spray: physiological solution q.s. 100 ml. Mechanism of action: Scars, even not provoked by direct and clear disturbances, may constitute a serious obstacle to energetic circulation above all at the level of ACUPUNCTURE MERIDIAN, since they represent a field of energetic (focus), triggering chronic symptomatology even in areas of the body far from the scar itself Although not eliminating the cicatricial tissues, one can establish an energetic flow almost physiological with the use of ENERVITAL in its various pharmaceutical forms. The product possesses moreover a high revitalizing and re-elasticising capacity on any kind of organic tissue and it finds indication, hence also in the aesthetic field in particular imperfections of the face (wrinkles), of breast (both in order to avoid as well as to eliminate stretch marks due to an increase in volume during pregnancy) and in the cellulite areas of the sides and abdomen. For people who practice Acupuncture or also only the massage on points and meridians, ENERVITAL may be a valid help in the points of energetic deficit both with localized sub cutaneous injections as well as with a massage, with ointment , in order to treat these points or in all or in part the path of a meridian. 63 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI DECAPSORINUM OTI COMPOSTO gocce Posology 1 s.c. infiltration in the cicatricial tissue 1 to 3 times per week. In the case of small scars, one infiltration is sufficient. The ointment or the spray should be massaged daily on the scar for pro longed periods (even for some months) or also at the same time as infiltrations. ENERVITAL has revealed itself very useful in the case of wounds which are difficult to heal. In this way the cure is realized much more quickly both by the use of vials injected or orally, as well as applying locally the ointment or spray For an aesthetic massage apply the ointment or spray, in a circular massage until completely absorbed, at least twice per day. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Packaging BOX of 20 2 ml VIALS 75 gr. TUBE. Of OINTMENT 50 ml GLASS BOTTLE with SPRAY irrogator EQUIL TAB oral spray Description Useful remedy for weaning from smoking Therapeutical Ind. Weaning from tobacco . It improves the organic resistance to damages produced by tobacco smoke. Control nervousness produced by abstention . Composition Tabacum Argentum nitricum Cuprum metallicum Ethyl alcohol 40%q.s. a 50 nv 250 nv 700 nv 100 ml Properties The remedy acts through the synergy of its components: - by modifying the taste, making the taste of any type of tobacco smoke unappetizing ; - by exalting the sensorial perception of nicotine by the N. S.., reducing the need of frequent inhalations; - by attenuating the neurotic symptomatology which, normally, accompanies a crisis of abstinence; - by strongly reducing the sequel of malaise (vertigo, pallor, cold perspiration , irregular pulse, cephalea, etc.) due to abuse of nicotine; - by controlling the sensation of nervous hunger which accompanies nicotine abstention; - by attenuating gastrological symptoms , often frequent in “heavy” smokers; - by strongly reducing the trachyphonia and morning expectoration; - by re-enforcing the bronchial la mucous membrane and the motility of blinking eyelashes. Posology 2-3 puffs under the tongue each time one has need of lighting a cigarette, even 10 or more times per day, initially, progressively decreasing to a minimum of 3-4 times per day for long periods, and avoiding relapses. Constant use of the product does not produce any contraindications. Whoever uses it with the aim of controlling excessive assumption of nicotine, but does not intend to stop smoking, will find, however, an optimum improvement in his generals physiological state. Packaging SPRAY BOTTLE of 20 ml EUFLUX ointment Description Anti- haemorrhoidal ointment Therapeutical Ind. Haemorrhoidal manifestations of any type: bleeding, itching, painful. 64 Composition Aesculus Hipp. 4CH - 5CH - Hamamelis 5CH - Haemorrhoidal venal tissue 4CH, Aloe ferox 4CH - 5CH - Viburnum prun. 5CH, aà 2,1 ml. excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology During a haemorrhoidal crisis: Constant applications during the first 24 - 48 hours. Successively 3 - 4 applications per day. The cannula which is present in the confection allows it to be used internally. Strongly advised the contemporary use with PAEONIA OTI COMPOUND capsules. Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE with anal cannula FITO ALL compound Symptomatic remedy for respiratory and rhino-ocular allergies Therapeutical Ind. Seasonal and allergic Rhinitis, in all its nasal and ocular forms. Its efficacy is almost immediate, given its “cortisone like” action, as well as not presenting side effects of a histaminic type. Composition Propoli 4DH Ribes nigrum 4DH Carpinus betulus 4DH Rosa canina 4DH Ammonium carb. 3CH Allium cepa 3CH Poumon histamine 9CH Histaminum 9CH, aà 0,01 gr. Excipients Lactose and Saccharose q.s. 100 gr. Posology 1 capsule 2 – 4 times a day To dissolve the content under the tongue. Packaging 60 capsule BOTTLE FITO LIPTO syrup Description Anti-cough and anti-inflammatory preparation respiratory tracts. for the primary Therapeutical Ind. coadjuvant in the symptomatic treatment of cough, both of a continuous and irritable type as well as productive, in the trachyphonia , sore throat, bronchial catarrh and affections of the respiratory apparatus in general. Pertussis Composition Eucaliptus globulus 3CH - Tussilago farfara 3CH - Althaea officinalis 3CH - Thymus serpyllum 3CH - Lichen islandicus 3CH - Pulmonaria officinalis 3CH - Papaver rhoeas 3CH - Tilia platyphylla 3CH - Bignonia Catalpa 3CH - Aurantii dulcis 3CH - Drosera Rotundifolia 3CH aà 1 ml - P. oxy benzoate of propyl 0,1 g, syrup q.s. 100 ml. Posology 1 spoon measure in the morning and in the evening and, at the beginning, more frequently for acute attacks. The same posology is also useful in early infancy. Whenever possible it is preferable to dilute the syrup in a little hot water and sip slowly in order to exalt the mucolytic action Packaging 200 ml BOTTLE, with spoon measurer 65 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Description capsules FOCUS OTI COMPOUND vials - drops Description preparation with a direct action against all inflammations and gingival and dental infections. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Acute and chronic inflammations, abscesses, knobs both subcutaneous tissue as well as peridental ones; drainage of toxic residues before and after removal of dental amalgam; periodontitises, pulpits, pyorrhoea. Composition Paradontinum 6DH-10DH-30DH, Granuloma dentis 8DH, Mucosa orale 10DH, Silicea 10DH, Echinacea ang.10DH, Echinacea purpurea 10DH, Argentum met. 30DH, Gengivae 5DH, Calcarea carbonica 10DH, Osso suis 10DH-30DH, Paradontose 8DH-30DH, Bacterium coli 10DH, Pulpa dentis 10DH-30DH, Arnica montana 10DH, Dens suis 8DH, Embryo tot. Suis 8DH, Hepar sulfuris 8DH, Argentum amalgama 7DH, aà 1 ml. Vials: physiologic sterile solution q.b. 100 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml. Posology 1 vial per os a day. For acute cases 1 vial until 3 times a day. 20 drops 3 times a day. In acute cases even every 2 hours, until improvement Packaging BOX of 20 2 ml VIALS 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE FUCUS OTI compound vials Composition Adeps 4CH, Graphites 4CH, Chelidonium 10-30-200CH, Lycopodium 1030-200CH, Galium album 4CH, Veronica 0ff. 4CH, Galium aparine 4CH, Myosotis arv. 4CH, Belladonna 10-30-200CH, Aesculus hippocastanum 30-200CH, Fucus ves. 4CH, aà 1 ml. Physiological sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Therapeutical Ind. Cellulite in hypo-thyroidal subjects. Marked draining action on the connective, Activation of the metabolism. Posology 1 or more vials mesotherapeutically once a week 1 vial at alternated days, os Packaging BOX of 20 2 ml. VIALS GRAMIDILLA OTI COMPOSTO drops - capsules Composition Pollens graminaceae 25CH (oats, fescue, bluegrass, fleo, wheat, couch grass, corn, darnel, barley, sorghum, rye, fescue grass) Parietaria 25CH Allium cepa 30CH Euphrasia off. 6CH Sabadilla off. 6CH Luffa operc. 6CH Histaminum 15CH, aà 1 ml. Drops: Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml Capsules: excipient lactose- saccharose q.s. 100 gr. Therapeutical Ind. The product has shown its efficacy both in attenuating the actual allergic crisis, and as well as in preventing such crisises, initiating by beginning the assumption at least 10 – 15 days before the envisaged period of pollenosis. 66 The assumption must be continued for the entire period of allergic risk. N.B.: Repeating the assumption for some years may be useful in order to obtain a good to various allergenic agents, especially for the gramineous and pellitory ones. Posology 20 drops 3 times a day, away from meals. The content of 1 capsule 3 times a day, away from meals.. Packaging 60 capsule BOTTLE 50 ml. DROPPER BOTTLE HEMO F COMPOUND drops preparation with a noted anti-anaemic action. Therapeutical Ind. anaemic states in general: hypo-chromic anaemia , hyposideremic, anaemia of pregnancy, menstruations (hyper and hypo-menorrhoea). Prolonged epistaxis Composition Emazie 4CH - haemoglobin 4CH - China 30CH - Ferrum metallicum 5CH Vanadium metallicum 30CH - Vitamin C 3CH -Folic ac. 3CH, aà 1 ml. alcohol 30% q.s. a 100 ml Posology 30 drops 3-4 times a day, even for long periods and during pregnancy. It is very useful associated with TETRAFERRUM OTI compound vials and CHINA OTI compound vials Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE HYPPOCASTANUM OTI compound ointment Description Therapeutical Ind. Remedy with venotrope action venal stasis , venal inflammatory states, ecchymotic varicose veins. Composition Aesculus Hypp. 4CH-5CH, Hamamelis 5CH, Venal Tissue 4CH, aà 1 ml. Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology Many applications per day, with massage from the bottom upwards. Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE IMMUNOSTIMOLATORE VEGETALE Composition GALIUM VERUM ARCTIUM LAPPA L. CIRSIUM VULG. I.S.V. 5 DH 5 DH 5 DH Its use is necessary every time the Immune System clinically shows itself (and/or with laboratory examinations) insufficient when confronted by viral, bacterial parasite agents, cellular degeneration with tumorigenic or altered factors in its functions like in autoimmune illnesses, (Haemolytic anaemia – Vitiligines –insulin dependent diabetes – Psoriasis- etc.) The verification of the indispensable use of I.S.V. is obtained: By exerting a certain pressure in correspondence with the first 1° right sacral foramen (Weihe‘s point) obtaining a painful response in the case of positivity for the prescription. In very severe cases the sensitivity may be present, on the left. The possible negativity of the response does not exclude that the remedy is equally indicated. Posology: For the prevention of viral, bacterial, parasite, degenerative illnesses : 1 vial of 2 ml every 12 hours for 15 days 67 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Description for the therapy of the same pathologies: 2 ml every 12 hours for 10 – 20- 30 – 40 – 50 – 60 – 90 days (excluding those degenerative with metastasis or at the beginning non recent or treated with chemo and/or cobalt therapy or with immune suppressors etc; in the cases of incipient cachexia).routine laboratory check. Secondary effects and e Toxicity: Not found Precaution: In the allergopathies or in sensitive subject to pollen or to powders, evaluate the sensitiveness with one dose. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Conclusion From what it has been expressed it follows that the I.S.V. can find its use in prevention and in the cur of illnesses of viral and bacterial aetiology (A.I.D.S. included), in the prevention and in the cure of Cancer (initial states and non treated with chemotherapy) besides in the auto-immune pathologies and others Entirely supported by the summaries of Immunology which recognize the same dynamics both in the case of viral or bacterial insult and in the case of cellular deviance. INTELLIGENT DROPS Description preparato neurotrofico cerebrale Therapeutical Ind. In order to favour the capacity of concentration, improvement in “cerebral potency”, memory, the capacity of learning. Difficulty of student application. Decrescent senile Syndromes. Composition Asparagine 5CH-15CH-30CH - Arginine 5CH-15CH-30CH Cyanocobalamin 5CH-15CH-30CH, aà 1 ml. Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml Posology 10-30 drops 2 times a day, away from meals. Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE - INVER OTI capsules Description Anti-influenza remedy Therapeutical Ind. Anti-influenza remedy , first choice in cases of rapid developing fever, bronchitis with croupal cough, etc. Any strong organic reaction due to exposure to cold climate. Composition Aconitum 5CH - Bryonia 5CH - Belladonna 5CH, aà 10 mg excipient q.s. a 100 gr Posology 1 - 2 capsules every hour or more, in a sublingual way. In children the same dosage dissolving the content of a capsule in water. The dosage has to be diminished with the lessening of the symptoms and has to be stopped with the disappearance of the latter! Packaging 60 CAPSULE BOTTLE IPO JET LAG Composition capsules Aconitum Ipeca Bellis perennis Arnica Lycopodium Chamomilla 30CH 30CH 30CH 30CH 30CH 30CH aà 10 mg 68 eccipienti q.b. a 100 gr Therapeutical Ind. prevention and cure of the (Jet lag) malaise. Particularly useful for intercontinental aerial movements, in order to recuperate rapidly nycterohemeral biorhythm. Posology The content of a 1 capsule 3-4 times a day , to be dissolved in mouth, From the very beginning of the travel and continuing for at least 1 – 2 days. N.B.: It is useful to take the open air and sun for as much time as possible on arrival. IVER 200 CH Compound of virus origins of influenza envisaged for the current year, diluted and dynamized at 200CH. To assume: 1 dose every ANASCOCCINUM 15 days alternating, phased weekly , FORMULA Q1 or In case of influenza it may be of a valid help to assume 1 dose even in evident phase . Packaging three doses (liquid or granular). LINDAU K PATER drops Description Preparation which acts on anti-hunger centres. Therapeutical Ind. Slimming diets , because of its action on anti-hunger centres; promoting initially, even a marked diuresis. It provokes a certain repulsion for alcoholic drinks, it benefits both alcoholics and in slimming diets. Composition Sulphur 4CH-30CH - Sepia 4CH-30CH - Diencephalons 4CH-30CH – Lycopodium 4CH-30CH - Hypophysis 4CH-30CH, aà 1 ml. Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml Posology 30 drops 3 times a day. For alcoholics glucose drops are preferred. 15 drops 3 times per day. Whenever the effect is scarce, gradually increase, reaching even a 150 per dose (50 glucose drops), Always diluted in water. There are no contraindications for any dosage, as the product is absolutely free of side effects. Especially in the control of relapses during the weaning from alcohol, one may advise continuing the therapy with MAG A1 strong solution Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE 69 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Medicine of influenza prophylaxis, immediately active (without a latent period), Capable of guaranteeing the highest protection and complete innocuity. LUFFA OTI compound nasal spray Composition Luffa opercolata Euphorbium Allium cepa Histaminum Cynara scolymus Viburnum prunifolium physiologic sterile solution q.s. 15-30-200K 15-30-200K 15-30-200K 15-30-200K 4DH 4DH aà 1 ml. 100 ml Therapeutical Ind. treatment of allergic rhinitis. The various components act synergetically both on the basis of their combination and on the basis of their various dilutions, drastically reducing the congestion of the nasal mucous membrane during the period of allergic reaction. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Posology During the critical period: 2 puffs per nostril even 3-5 times per day, reducing the frequency on the basis of the symptomatology . When a critical period is envisaged, it is useful to begin the therapy before the symptoms arise with the assumption 2 puffs per nostril at least 2 times per day, in the morning and in the evening. Packaging 20 ml BOTTLE, with nasal spray measurer.. MAGRYFUCUS OTI COMPOUND tablets Description Preparation with slimming action and metabolic stimulus. Therapeutical Ind. Coadjuvant in slimming cures, anti-cellulite mesotherapeutical treatments with water retention, metabolic disorders with enzymatic blockages and emunctory organs. Sensation of heaviness of the lower limbs from a slight venal stasis, improves the intestinal peristalsis. Composition Foeniculus offic. 2CH - Phaeseolus vulg. 2CH - Betula alba 2CH Glycyrrhiza glabra 2CH - Fucus vesiculosus 2CH, aà 10 mg. - Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology 2 tablets together 2 - 3 times a day 1 hour before or 2 hours after meals. To be dissolved under the tongue. Packaging BOTTLE of 240 TABLETS MAXIMUM vials Description Saline complex made of different oligo-elements in hyper-tonic solution. Mechanism Oligoelements in hyper-tonic physiological solution, diluted and dynamized, induce a true and real osmotic in the cells putting in motion a series of reactions like: chemotaxis, phagocytosis, the liberation lysosome enzymes, the production of antibodies and lymphokines. In this way the catabolism of the inflammatory substances is accelerated, eliminating them through the lymphatic system. MAXIMUM works with three diverse mechanisms of action: 1) Osmotic shock, due to the hyper-tonic solution; 2) Presence in the solution of the most important oligoelements 3) Stimulation of the lymphatic system. 70 Therapeutical Ind. Mesenchymal drainage, lymphatic oedemas, oedematous cellulite, degenerative inflammatory processes. Cervico-brachialgia , arthrosis, lumbar- sciatica, periarthritis scapulahumeral, etc. Compostion Chlorides of: Cs 7DH, Ru 6DH, Ag 7DH, Hg 7DH aà 0,2 ml, Sr 5DH, Cr 6DH, Rb 2DH aà 0,5 ml, Ba 5DH, Ir 7DH, Sn 6DH aà 0,6 ml, Yb 6DH, La 7DH, Cd 7DH aà 0,3 ml, Ni 6DH, Zn 6DH aà 0,1 ml, Ca 3DH1,27 ml, W 4DH 0,14 ml, Sb 7DH 0,7 ml, Al 5DH 0,31 ml, As 7DH, Pb 6DH, aà 0,4 ml. Other salts: KBr 3DH 0,37 ml, Na2MoO4.2H2O 5DH 0,5 ml, Zr(NO3)4.5H2O 4DH 0,34 ml, VO3NH4 4DH 0,1 ml, H2SO3 7DH 0,7 ml, H4SiO4 0,78 ml, EuClO4 7DH 0,5 ml, physiologic sterile solution q.s. a 100 ml. Posology 1 or more vials by mouth mesotherapeutically 1 – 2 times a week Packaging BOX of 10 2 ml. VIALS MU 5 oral spray Description Symptomatic remedy in acute affections of the primary respiratory tracts Therapeutical Ind. Pathologies and disturbances of the primary aerial tracts. Particularly: pharyngitis laryngitis acute and chronic tracheitis , even catarrhal ones. Trachyphonia inflammation of the vocal cords loss of voice because of overuse (singers, orators, teachers etc.) Composition Thymus serpillus 4-7-12DH, Pulmonaria 6-12-30DH, Dulcamara 6-1230DH, Propoli 4-7-12DH, Eucalyptus 4-12-30DH, Arum triphyllum 4-1230DH, Moschus 4-12-30DH, Ac. Citricum 6-12-30DH, Phosphorus 6-1230DH, Manganum acet. 4-12DH, Argentum nitricum 8-12DH, Larinx 812DH, aà 1 ml. P.O. methyl benzoate sodium salt 0,1 gr. physiological solution q.s. 100 ml. Posology 3-4 puffs directing the jet into the throat while inhaling every 15 minutes, Until an improvement of the symptoms, then cut down to 3 puffs 4 times per day, until complete remission of the symptomatology. Packaging 50 ml. oral spray BOTTLE with irrigator 71 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Sulphates of: K 3DH 0,7 ml, Mn 5DH 0,6 ml, Fe 4DH 0,35 ml, Co 6DH 0,1 ml, Cu 6DH 9,5 ml, Mg 2DH 1,2 ml, Tl 4DH 0,1 ml. NIPIOCHAM suppositories of 1 gr. SUCKLING BABIES AND CHILDREN Description Preparation with anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, pain-killing and calming action RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Inflammations, infections and fever states and especially if present agitation, irritability, excessive painful sensitiveness. The preparation is also valid for infantile restless states, for difficult teething, for gaseous colics in suckling babies. Infantile insomnia Composition Chamomilla 2CH - Belladonna 4CH - Dulcamara 4CH - Plantago 4CH Pulsatilla 4CH - Calcarea carbonica 4CH, aà 10 mg. Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology For acute states one suppository every 2 hours until there is an improvement, in the other cases 1 suppository 3 times per day. For nocturnal agitation and insomnia: 1 suppository in the evening. Packaging BOX of 20 1 gr SUPPOSITORIES NO - STRESS capsules Therapeutical Ind. Immediate use remedy in psycho-physical overstrain states. Composition Aconitum napellus Arnica montana Nux vomica Bellis perennis Chamomilla Ipecacuanha Lycopodium clavatum 30CH 30CH – 200CH 30CH – 200CH 30CH 30CH 30CH 30CH Posology The contents of 1 capsule 2-3 times per day until you get improvement. Packaging 30 CAPSULE BOTTLE OLIGO – FUMARAT capsules Description Anti -psoriatic preparation Therapeutical Ind. Psoriatic manifestations, where a damage in the respiratory chain is present, caused by lack of enzymes or specific proteins (or their activators); So that the cell is no longer able to carry out its normal productive function of fundamental substance, synthesis of collagen, desmosomes, glycine and asparagine. Composition oligoelement fumarate of: Kalium 0,02 g - Magnesium 0,007 g - Calcium 0,0171 g - Zincum 0,006 g Cuprum 0,0001g - Manganum 0,0006 g; excipient lactose q.s. 100 gr. Posology 3 capsules a day, during meals Packaging 210 capsule bottle 72 OMEOCUTIS pomata Description Cutis restructuring product. Composition D.N.A 4CH - Placenta 4CH - Cute 4CH - R.N.A. 4CH – Castor Oil 2CH Mercurius bijod. 2CH, aà 0,15 ml. excipients q.s. a 100 gr. Posology A thin layer of ointment , several times per day or at every change of nappies. For bedsores: apply, after every washing, a small quantity of ointment on the edges of the fold, often until its disappearance Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE OTI-MERC TOPIC spray Description Local analgesic Mechanism of action: Clinical experimentation has shown the efficacy and the rapidity of action of OTI-MERC TOPIC spray in a wide range of allergic pathologies. It is a rapid and innocuous local analgesic, the properties of which are similar to those of a cellular poly-catalyser . Thus we propose the hypothesis that it substitutes and/or synergizes the metal-enzyme action, basic cellular catalysers. This potentialized chemical reactivity translate into a readier cellular response against pain, particular form of tessutale stress. The pain in fact is an expression of an irritation which depolarises the membrane potential. Therapeutical Ind. Besides being a pain killer , OTI-MERC TOPICO spray has shown Cicatrising ,haemostatic, disinfectant properties. Composition Mercurius jodatus 18DH – Lisozima 9DH – Rubidium jodatum 8DH – Jodum 10DH – Mercurius vivus 12DH – Coesium mur. 8DH – Procainum 8DH – Lithium jod 8DH, aà 1 ml. Apyrogen sterile double distilled water q.s. 100 ml Packaging 50 ml spray BOTTLE, with irrigator OTIPLANT gocce auricolari Description Otological preparation Therapeutical Ind. Otitis in general. Inflammations and pains of the auricular duct: furunculosis, auricular herpes, earwax. Composition Plantago major 4DH - Viola odorosa 4DH - Verbascum thapsus 4DH, aà 10 ml. Double distilled and stabilized water q.s. 100 ml. Posology 3-5 drops in the auricular duct after having heated slightly the product. Packaging 5 ml EAR DROPPER BOTTLE 73 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Treatment of delicate skin, in which there are abrasions, irritations, chapping, dehydration and bedsores. Treatment of nappy rash, burn wounds (immediately after the burn apply ANTIPIR OINTMENT!). OTI RIN nasal spray Description Refreshing and nasal decongestionizing RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Refreshing effect, nasal humidifying . It is useful in the weaning from the use nasal vasoconstrictors of chemical origin, rebalancing the specific function of the nasal mucous membrane. Excellent remedy against seasonal or allergic rhinitis. Composition Allium cepa 6CH - Euphrasia 6CH - Luffa operculata 2CH - Sabadilla 6CH, aà 1 ml. Stabilized physiological solution q.s. a 100 ml Posology It may be used up to 10 times per day, above all at the beginning of the rhinitis manifestation (both obstructive and with persistent dripping) and weaning. Posology valid both for children and adults, up to 3-4 applications daily. Because of its composition, it may be used without any restriction even by suckling babies, before the first feeding, especially when in the Rhinitis phase, they find extreme difficulty during assumption of milk and before going to sleep. Packaging 20 ml nasal spray BOTTLE with irrigator OTOFLOG drops (auricular and oral) - vials Therapeutical Ind. The preparation, composed of homeopathic remedies, extracted from organ, nosodes and oligoelements, It finds its use in the following pathologies in the ear: - Eczema - Impetigo - Furunculosis - Auricular Abrasions - Myringitis blistered -haemorrhagic - Auricular Herpes - Mycosis of the hearing duct - Otitis Media - Tubo-tympanitis Composition Ac. Boricum 4DH, Ac. Salicilicum 4DH, Sulfur 4DH, Arnica 4DH, Calendula 4DH, Echinacea 4DH, Apis mell. 4DH, Juglans regia 4DH, Tellurium met. 4DH, Graphites 4DH, Ductus auricularis exter. 4DH, Piodermitis nosode 6-10-30 DH, Psorinum nosode 6-10-30 DH, Aspergillus niger nosode 6-10-30 DH, Aurum thioglucosum 4DH, Argentum coll. 4DH, Manganum gluc. 4DH, Cuprum gluc. 4DH, aà 1 ml. Drops: sterile distilled water q.s. 100 ml. Vials: physiologic sterile solution q.s. 100 ml. Posology GOCCE: 4 drops (suckling babies and children ), 6 drops(adults) in auricular duct 3 to 6 times per day. The drops may also be abundantly instilled until the duct is full, and which is held in place4 by a wad of cotton-wool and left for at least 15 minutes, 3 – 6 times per day. At the same time as the topic use the oral use is advised, at a dosage of 10 drops for adult and children over 6 years of age. 6 drops for suckling babies and children up to 6 years of age, every 15 minutes in acute phase and until an improvement of the symptoms is obtained, to then gradually decrease to 4 times per day, until remission. VIALS: For oral and topic use, one vial substitutes the dosage of drops, for adults and half of a vial for suckling babies and children. The use of vials is particularly indicated in the cases of the presence of detritus (secretion, desquamation, serosity, etc.) for carrying out a washing of the auricular duct preliminarily the treatment, dilute the contents of a vial with 5 ml physiologic solution. For catarrhal otitis , otitis media and Tubo-tympanitis it is particularly useful to utilize the product by aerosol, Diluting the contents of a vial with the same quantity of the product in distilled water or physiologic solution at least 2 times a day. 74 Packaging 50 ml. BOTTLE with dropper pipette BOX. Of 20 2 ml vials OTOPUR ear drops Description Remedy with an anti-inflammatory action on the auricular duct Therapeutical Ind. All kind of serous otitis both in infancy and adult age and in all otitis forms, where there could be a suspect infection from yeasts ( especially of Candid a. or Aspergillus f. type). The presence of Calendula is very useful to get a valid anti-infective effect Aimed to possible bacterial superimpositions, especially of the aural Staphylococcus, Streptococcus p type., etc. Composition Melaleuca alternifolia O.E. Calendula officinale T.M. aà 5 ml. Glycerine 40% q.s. 100 ml The two components guarantee, in a synergic way, a valid anti-mycotic, Anti-infective and anti-inflammatory action, in order to avoid possible bacterial super-infections. Posology 2 –3 drops in the auricular duct, , previously heated in a bain-marie with tepid water, Leave the product to work as long as possible. As a symptomatic remedy, it advisable the repeated use even every 2 – 3 hours, until a complete disappearance of the inflammatory symptoms. Packaging 5 ml BOTTLE. PORIX strong drops - capsules Description Remedy with an action on the metabolism of the calcium. Osteoporosis. Therapeutical Ind. Restructuring action on the bone tissue. Anti-inflammatory and regulator of the osteo-articular pain. Indicated for affections of various forms of bone, cartilage and connective tissue origin. Particularly useful for osteoporosis, because it favours the mineralization of bone tissues, restoring the eliminated organic calcium, improving their metabolism and absorption; For arthritis, by limiting the inflammatory phase and preventing the course of the illness towards arthrosic degeneration; For bone fractures , consolidating them rapidly (Symphitum is called “bone adjuster”). It modules the fixation of calcium in a period of strong growth during the adolescent period, it prevents both its frequent ligament laxity and postural errors. Osteoporosis, arthrosis, ligament insufficiency, growth disturbances of the locomotive apparatus, posthumous fractures. Composition Placenta Vitamin D1 Vitamin E Vitamin C Selenio Abies pectinata Sequoia gigantea 6 DH anabolic effect on tissues; improving their vascularization 4 DH action on the metabolism of calcium 4 DH 4 DH activation of the cellular anti-oxidative system. 4 DH 4 DH delay in the consolidation of bones. 4 DH senile osteoporosis. 75 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI CONTRAINDICATIONS AND SIDE EFFECTS: Any side effects has been documented during the use of the product. Betulla linfa 4 DH drainer of the mesenchyma. Equisetum arvense 4 DH favours the mineralization of bone tissue. (rich in silica). Calcarea carbonica 4 DH favours the restoration of organic calcium. Calcarea fluorica 4 DH e 6 DH it consolidates tendon and ligament structures. Calcarea phosphorica 4 DH e 6 DH- improves the metabolism and the calcium absorption Symphytum 6 DH favours the consolidation of fractures. Sulphur jodatum 4 CH It fights the sense of marked weakness. Posology 20 drops diluted in a little water 2 - 3 times a day, away from meals,, Maintaining the product under the tongue for at least 15 seconds. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI 2 capsules 2 - 3 times a day, away from meals, dissolving the product under the tongue. To associate with CALCIUM OTI compound capsules (1 capsule 2 times a day) if it shows bone densitometry (MOC), or with other analyses, an important calcium depletion. Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE 60 capsule BOTTLE PREVIN drops Description Emergency remedy for myocardium infarct Therapeutical Ind. Emergency remedy for myocardium infarct . Prevention and therapy for anginal states. Composition Arnica 200CH - Arsenicum jodatum 15CH - Bothrops lanceolatus 5CH Camphora 4DH - Cactus grandiflorus 4CH - Cuprum metallicum 7CH - Iberis amara 4DH - Latrodectus mactans 5CH - Sarothamnus scoparius 4DH Vipera aspis 7CH, aà 1 ml. Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml Posology As preventive 20 drops every 8 hours (anginal states). For acute phase: 10 drops every 15 - 30 minutes until hospitalisation in the coronary unit. Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE RUTA OTI compound ointment Description Specific remedy for inflammation of tendons Therapeutical Ind. Tendonitis. tendon retractions of the flexor muscles, especially in the hands and feet. Composition Ruta 5CH-6CH 7ml, Oleum ricini 5 ml, Mercurius bijodatus 5CH, aà 1 ml. Excipients q.s. 100 gr. Posology Several applications a day, with a slight massage on the interested zones. Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE 76 SEMOCAL drops Composition Selenium Lycopodium clavatum Caladium seguinum Vitex agnus castus Muira puama Nuphar luteum Ethylic Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml 6CH 2CH 3CH 2CH 2CH 2CH ana 1 ml. Posology 20 drops 3 times a day, away from meals. N.B. It is useful associated to ANDROTI vials Packaging 50 ml DROPPER BOTTLE SNORUS nasal spray Description Nasal decongestionizing with anti -snoring action. Therapeutical Ind. preparation similar to OTIRIN spray, but with basic excipients in an emulsionated form with hydrated lanoline which keeps its therapeutical action for long periods, which permits viability in the nasal tracts for several hours. Useful before going to sleep. Its specific action is also shown in the correction of the fastidious effects of snoring. Often recommended for the weaning from chemical rhinologic vasoconstrictors in commerce. Composition Allium cepa 6CH - Euphrasia 6CH - Luffa operculata 2CH - Sabadilla 6CH, aà 1 ml. Emulsionated hydrated Lanoline q.s. 100 ml Posology 2 puffs in each nostril, inspiring deeply , 3-4 times per day and, however, before going to bed. Agitate strongly before the use! Packaging 20 ml nasal spray BOTTLE with irrigator 77 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. sexual asthenia and difficulty in erection due to: - psycho-physical exhaustion, - stress from overwork, - hepatic intoxication, - tabagism TRANS – HEPAR Formulation It is found in little chests containing 6 boxes of 5 vials each , numbered in scalar increasing from 1 to 30. Description Medicine for the therapy of degenerative chronic hepatic pathologies Composition 2° BOX 1° BOX RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI vial vial vial vial vial n° n° n° n° n° 1 2 3 4 5 RNA RNA RNA RNA RNA vial vial vial vial vial 9CH 9CH 12CH 30CH 200CH n° n° n° n° n° 11 12 13 14 15 RNA RNA RNA RNA RNA vial vial vial vial vial 9CH 9CH 12CH 30CH 200CH 5° BOX vial vial vial vial vial n° n° n° n° n° 6 7 8 9 10 DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA 9CH 9CH 12CH 30CH 200CH 16 17 18 19 20 DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA 9CH 9CH 12CH 30CH 200CH DNA DNA DNA DNA DNA 9CH 9CH 12CH 30CH 200CH 4° BOX 3° BOX vial vial vial vial vial n° n° n° n° n° n° n° n° n° n° 6° BOX 21 22 23 24 25 Posology RNA RNA RNA RNA RNA 9CH 9CH 12CH 30CH 200CH vial vial vial vial vial n° n° n° n° n° 26 27 28 29 30 A sequential daily administration sublingually during the first two months of cure, then passing to the dose of one vial on alternated days for the following two months. It is necessary to support the entire therapy with clinical and laboratory analyses, carried out both before and during the cure TRANS-HEPAR, with the aim of monitoring the evolution of the pathology. In particular the analyses to be carried out periodically, at the beginning of the cure, from the 60° day to the 120° day, are: - Glycaemia, Azotaemia, alkaline phosphatase , protein electrophoresis, Cholesterol, Triglicerides, total and fractionated Bilirubinaemia, viral hepatitis Markers (only if diagnosticated or suspected). Other analyses to be carried out at the beginning of the cure and to be controlled every month, for 4-5 months, are : - SGOT, SGPT, gamma GT, radial Immune- diffusion (IgG, IgA, IgM). A periodic hepatic echograph is also advisable. It is opportune to get informed on eventual side effects indicated by the patient during the cure. Therapeutical Ind. TRANS – HEPAR embraces the entire field of chronic hepatic pathology, but it is particularly efficacious in all degenerative- sclerotic forms like, hepatic or primitive biliary cirrhosis , in which a total subversion of the hepatic parenchymal structure is shown. Its field of action may also be extended to infective forms, like Hepatitis A, B and non A-non B, or in those hepatitises in which an immune aggression has been set up, like active chronic. hepatitis. 78 In all hepatic pathologies (viral and autoimmune) it is good to associate it with an Homeo- toxicological anti-viral medicine (VIROTI) with a restorative medicine for excretory activity (BIO H SIMPLEX). After 4 months of cure with TRANS – HEPAR, on the basis of the clinical picture encountered , the treatment may be suspended for an interval of 30 – 60 days among other eventual cycles of therapy, always advisable at least 1 – 2 times a year, for r 1 – 2 years, especially for chronic hepatic illnesses. Description Medicine for the therapy of degenerative chronic hepatic pathologies Composition Calcium 4DH Magnesium 4DH Potassium 4DH Phosphor 5DH Zinc 5DH Manganese 5DH Copper 5DH L-Cystine 5DH Cutis 5CH aà 0,01 gr. Lactose-Saccharose q.s. 100 gr. Therapeutical Ind. Coadjuvant in the fall and thinning of piliferous structure. Restores the mineral and protein patrimony of hair and reinforces its physiological structure. Thin and fragile hair, split hairs, slowed down growth. Posology To dissolve in mouth the content of 1-2 capsules 2 times a day, away from meals. For long periods. To repeat in cycles during all the year (spring and autumn). Packaging 60 CAPSULE BOTTLE (containing globules) of 160 mg. VIROTI ointment Description preparation with antiviral action. Therapeutical Ind. Herpetic illnesses. Particularly useful for cutaneous manifestations of herpes zoster, chicken-pox, herpes labialis Where one encounters a rapid remission of the wound. Composition Vincetoxicum 6CH-10CH-30CH - Sulfur 4CH-10CH, aà 1 ml, Alcohol 30% q.s. 100 ml Posology Constant applications Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE 79 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI TRICOFORT capsules ZOTI ointment Description anti -rheumatic preparation with anti-inflammatory, analgesic action, Normalizing the metabolism of the connective tissue. RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI Therapeutical Ind. Malattie reumatiche sia artrosiche che artritiche: artrosi, poliartrosi, gonartrosi, spondiloartrosi, periartrite scapolo-omerale. Quando il tessuto connettivo dell'articolazione è compromesso da scarsa presenza del liquido sinoviale o da erosione della cartilagine. Composition Cartilage 4CH - Umbilical Funiculus 4CH - Embryo 4CH - Placenta 4CH Rhus toxicodendron 4CH - Arnica 4CH - Dulcamara 4CH - Symphytum 4CH - Sanguinaria 4CH - Sulphur 4CH - Ac. Salicilicum 4CH - N.A.D. 4CH – Coenzima A 4CH - Ac. Lipoico 4CH - Natrium oxalaceticum 4CH, aà 1 ml. excipient for ointment q.s. 100 ml. Posology 2 - 3 applications a day, with a soft circular massage until absorption. Packaging 75 gr. OINTMENT TUBE 80 81 RIMEDI BIOTERAPICI COMPOSTI 82 GENERAL RULES 83 GENERAL RULES For the use of biotherapeutic antiomeotoxic compound in DROPS, CAPSULES AND SUPPOSITORIES A) FREQUENCY OF ADMINISTRATION Generally three administrations daily are sufficient, preferably before meals. In acute cases or as a shock therapy: considering that with each single administration in the totality of its components “ the great defensive system” of the organism is stimulated, the initial administration must be repeated at short intervals 5-10-15 minutes in order to obtain the attenuation of the symptomatology. GENERAL RULES B) POSOLOGY In chronic or sub-acute cases: generally 20 drops 3 times/day or two capsules 3 times/day or one suppository 3 times/day according to whether the composite preparations are in drops, capsules or suppositories. The therapy must generally be for rather a long period of time. In acute cases or as a shock therapy: 8 to 10 drops (maximum 20) or 1 capsule or 1 suppository for each administration. The administrations are initially multiple and close together every 5 – 10 – 15 minutes until the attenuation or disappearance of the displayed symptomatology. C) PEDIATRIC DOSAGE For sucking babies: 3 drops per dose 3 times/day or half a capsule per dose 3 times per day or half a suppository per day. For children from 3 to 6 years: 10 drops per dose 3 times/day or one capsule 3 times per day or one gram suppository 2 times/day. After 6 years the same dosage as adults. Please note, with the aim of avoiding the assumption of alcohol at a paediatric age, OTI prepares, on request, medicines in drops also with syrupy excipient , called glucose drops. In this case the posology may be reduced by half. GENERAL RULES For the use of biotherapeutic antiomeotoxic compound in VIALS FOR INJECTION This particular method of utilization in homeopathy goes back to thirty years ago and has as its forerunners C. Mercier and O. A Julian; today it is recognized as valid by homeotoxicology which makes use of it for some composite preparations, both for all unitary remedies and for nosodes and for organotherapeutics. This form differs from the usual ways of administration of Hahnemannian homeopathy both for the way of diffusion of the homeopathic remedy, and the preparation of the remedy itself. In fact, in classical administration, the remedy either in capsules or tablets, either in drops or suppositories, is absorbed by the endoderm, successively by the mesoderm and finally by the ectoderm. ENDODERM MESODERM Preparation in vials for injection ECTODERM Oral preparations (drops, capsules, tablets, oral vials) Rectal preparations (suppositories) Nel caso invece della via iniettabile, il rimedio è assorbito direttamente dal mesoderma e da qui l’informazione si propaga all’ectoderma o in senso inverso all’endoderma. Il rimedio somministrato per via iniettiva agirà pertanto più rapidamente e per questo trova una 84 Come per i bioterapici antiomotossici per via orale e rettale, anche per i composti, gli unitari e i nosodi in fiale iniettabili è possibile osservare delle reazioni momentanee di aggravamento che devono essere considerate come espressione di un’attivazione dei meccanismi di disintossicazione dell’organismo precedentemente inibiti e repressi. Notare, pertanto, un aumento delle secrezioni, una fuoriuscita del pus dai focolai settici circostanti, una fluidificazione ed aumento dell’espettorato, la comparsa di crisi diarroiche non deve allarmare, poiché rappresentano espressioni di inattivazione ed escrezione omotossinica. Tali effetti non devono essere assolutamente repressi, rappresentando il momento iniziale di guarigione.Tuttavia per evitare reazioni troppo violente anche se positive, è utile iniziare il trattamento omeopatico con i preparati composti che, oltre a chiarificare il quadro sintomatico, evitano, pur conservando intatta la loro efficacia, lo scatenarsi di reazioni eccessive grazie alle potenze relativamente alte dei propri componenti. Si ricorrerà al rimedio unitario simillimum nel caso in cui il paziente rispecchi una sintomatologia peculiare del rimedio individuato. Per questa evenienza è opportuno iniziare con la preparazione Scalare Progressivo normale, (4-9-30-200 CH) e solo se non vi sono state reazioni o non si sono ottenuti miglioramenti netti, usare la preparazione Scalare Progressivo forte (200 CH-1000CH-10MK). Nelle malattie subacute e croniche, generalmente, la posologia e di 1 fiala, i.m, i.c con la frequenza variabile da 1 a 3 volte alla settimana a seconda del quadro clinico del malato. Nei casi acuti la posologia è di una o più fiale al di, con frequenza di somministrazione quotidiana. Per la forma orale in fiale o in gocce, la frequenza delle somministrazioni e la posologia viene riportata nella scheda di ciascun farmaco. IL RIMEDIO SCALARE PROGRESSIVO (Preparati unitari scalari progressivi iniettabili e orali) Tutti i preparati unitari in fiale sono composti da diluizioni centesimali diverse, miscelate fra loro. Le diverse potenze esplicano la loro azione indipendentemente le une dalle altre per cui il loro effetto non si sovrappone; la loro azione, tuttavia, risulta amplificata e rafforzata nel tempo e le possibilità di peggioramento primario risultano molto limitate. Questo tipo di preparazione in accordo di potenza viene usato per la produzione di tutti gli unitari riportati nell’ elenco dei rimedi unitari, per la linea dei nosodi e dei catalizzatori, oltre alle consuete forme a potenza singola. 1) Le fiale OTI Scalari Progressivi iniettabili sono disponibili nella confezione da 20 fiale e possono essere somministrate per via intramuscolare, sottocutanea, intracutanea. 85 GENERAL RULES utilizzazione elettiva nelle patologie acute. E opportuno tuttavia ricordare come alcuni Autori sostengono che la stessa efficacia del rimedio iniettabile potrebbe essere differente dall’efficacia dello stesso rimedio assunto attraverso le modalità classiche, perché potrebbero sussistere, proprio per la via di somministrazione, patogenesi del rimedio che differiscono dalle patogenesi che sono state codificate attraverso l’assunzione di quello stesso rimedio per via classica. Anche per la scelta di rimedi iniettabili vale il metodo di ragionamento analogo per cui essi, siano unitari o composti, devono essere scelti in base alla malattia e più particolarmente in base alla sintomatologia presentata dal malato. In linea generale tutti i preparati OTI (composti, organoterapici, nosodi, catalizzatori, allopatici omeopatizzati e unitari policresti) vengono prodotti sia nella forma orale, che in quella iniettabile. Quest’ultima può essere somministrata sia per via intramuscolare che sottocutanea ed intracutanea; fa eccezione il preparato Zoti Depot che può essere iniettato soltanto per via intrarticolare. La via intramuscolare è la modalità di somministrazione prevalentemente adottata perché, se è vero che l’effetto si produce più lentamente, è anche vero che si prolunga maggiormente nel tempo. La via sottocutanea mostra un effetto rapido, quasi immediato, se applicata nella regione dolente o sui punti di agopuntura; manifesta il suo effetto in modo lievemente ritardato se applicata in altre zone. La via intracutanea è indicata negli stati dolorifici e nelle malattie del sistema nervoso. I ponfi praticati segmentalmente o neuralmente nella regione dolente, nei punti di uscita dei nervi o nei punti di agopuntura del Vaso Governatore (fra le apofisi spinose delle vertebre) o del canale della Vescica (a 1,5 cm delle apofisi traverse vertebrali) devono essere piccoli. Ponfi della grandezza di una moneta da 1 euro sono consigliati nel trattamento dell’osteocondrosi e vengono eseguiti al livello della colonna, in sede paravertebrale; sebbene più raramente, e con le dovute precauzioni, i preparati antiomotossici in fiale possono essere somministrati per via intratendinea, perifocale e intrafocale ed anche per infiltrazione locale (epicondilite) e per infiltrazione pericapsulare. 2) I fiale OTI Scalari Progressivi orali sono disponibili nella confezione da 10 fiale alcoliche chiuse a fiamma e possono essere assunte direttamente dal contenitore (con una cannuccia), oppure diluendo 1 o più fiale in acqua minerale (non effervescente). REGOLE GENERALI ALLOPATICI OMEOPATIZZATI Il loro uso si basa sul principio isopatico secondo cui i danni terapeutici causati da un farmaco sono antidotati dalla somministrazione dello stesso farmaco somministrato a dosi infinitesimali e preparato a diverse potenze miscelate fra loro. Il principio isopatico si basa sul principio dell’uguaglianza. Tuttavia, se possibile, al fine di stimolare al massimo grado la reazione antiomotossica e, quindi, attivare i meccanismi di difesa dell’organismo, è opportuno avvalersi, nell’usare gli allopatici omeopatizzati, del principio di somiglianza, in quanto quest’ultimo è sicuramente in grado di attivare meccanismi similari ancora attivi nell’organismo, al contrario dei meccanismi dell’uguaglianza che potrebbero essere stati inattivati dal farmaco allopatico, causa del danno. Nell’esporre i criteri di questo tipo di terapia, evidenziamo che i Laboratori OTI sono in grado di soddisfare qualsiasi richiesta per questo genere di preparazioni. Il prodotto viene preparato in accordo di potenza Scalare Progressivo normale e forte, sia nella confezione iniettabile, sia in quella orale, oppure nelle consuete forme di gocce o fiale idroalcoliche per le potenze singole. Dosaggio dei farmaci allopatici omeopatizzati. Il dosaggio è strettamente personalizzato a seconda del quadro clinico. La posologia consigliata è di una fiala per 2 volte alla settimana per via intramuscolare, sottocutanea, intracutanea e sui punti di agopuntura, per l’uso della terapia iniettiva. Un fiala una volta al dì per la terapia orale. Questa può essere prescritta anche ad intervallare le somministrazioni iniettive, oppure al termine della terapia come consolidamento dei risultati ottenuti. La durata del trattamento è variabile da caso a caso ed è sempre raccomandabile aggiungere al trattamento di base un trattamento con preparati bioterapici antiomotossici. Ricordiamo che in alcuni composti sono già presenti sostanze allopatiche omeopatizzate a potenza singola. 86 ORGANOTHERAPY The Organotherapeutic Remedies produced by OTI, contain extraits of tissues or glandules withdrawn from animals biologically breeding and under constant control by a vet from Public Health. 89 ORGANOTHERAPEUTIC REMEDIES ORGANOTHERAPEUTIC REMEDIES They are products according to the Homeopathic methodology at the following dilutions 4 CH, 7 CH, 9 CH, potencies currently prepared in 2 ml vial forming sterile physiological solution. Single dilution: 4 CH, 7 CH, 9 CH. A 20 vial confection. (It may be used even the Latin terminology in the prescription) ADENOIDI ADEPS AORTA APPENDICE ARTERIA ARTERIA CAROTIDE ARTERIA CEREBRALE ARTERIA CORONARIA ARTERIA FEMORALE ARTERIA POLMONARE ARTERIA OFTALMICA ARTICOLAZIONE GOMITO ARTICOLAZIONE CAVIGLIA (Tibio-Tarsica) ARTICOLAZIONE COXO-FEMORALE ARTICOLAZIONE SPALLA ARTICOLAZIONE GINOCCHIO ASSE CORTICO IPOTALAMICO ATLANTE (1° Cervicale) BACINETTO BILE (Fel Suis, Bilinum) BRONCHI BULBO RACHIDIANO (Bulbinum) CAPSULA ARTICOLARE CECO CIRCONVOLUZIONE IPPOCAMPO CANALE COLEDOCO CANALE DEFERENTE CANALE CISTICO CANALE EPATICO CARTILAGINE GINOCCHIO CARTILAGINE (Cartilago) CARTILAGINE COXO-FEMORALE CERVELLETTO (Cerebellum) CERVELLO (Cerebrinum) COROIDE COLLO UTERINO COLLO VESCICALE COLON COLON DX COLON SX COLON SIGMOIDEO COLON TRASVERSO CONGIUNTIVA CORNEA CHIASMA OTTICO COCCIGE (Ultima Vertebra Sacrale) CORPI CAVERNOSI CORPI CALLOSI CORPI SPUGNOSI CORPO CILIARE CORTECCIA CEREBRALE CORTECCIA SURRENALE CRISTALLINO CUORE CUTE (Tegumento, Pelle) DENTE DIAFRAMMA DIENCEFALO DIGIUNO DISCHI TORACICI DISCHI LOMBARI DISCHI VERTEBRALI DISCHI CERVICALI DUODENO EMAZIE (Globuli rossi) EMOGLOBINA ENCEFALO ENDOCARDIO EPIDIDIMO EPIFISI (Ghiandola Pineale) EPISTROFEO (2° Cervicale) ESOFAGO EMBRIONE FARINGE FEGATO (Hepatine, Hepar) FEL SUIS FIBRINUM FUNICOLO OMBELICALE GANGLI LINFATICI (Tessuto Linfatico) GENGIVA GHIANDOLA MAMMARIA GHIANDOLA SURRENALE (Surrene) GHIANDOLE LACRIMALI GHIANDOLE SALIVARI GASTER GALLI (Cresta di gallo) INTESTINO TENUE INTESTINO TOTALE IPOFISI LOBO ANTERIORE IPOFISI LOBO POSTERIORE IPOFISI TOTALE IPOTALAMO LARINGE LABIRINTO LEGAMENTI LEGAMENTI ARTICOLARI del GOMITO LEGAMENTI ARTICOLAZIONE della SPALLA LEGAMENTI ARTICOLAZIONE del GINOCCHIO LEGAMENTI ARTICOLAZIONE dell’ANCA LEGAMENTI ARTICOLAZIONE VERTEBRALE LINGUA LIQUIDO CEFALO-RACHIDIANO LOBO FRONTALE LOBO OCCIPITALE LOBO OLFATTIVO LOBO PARIETALE LOBO TEMPORALE LUTEINUM (Corpo Luteo) MENINGI MENISCO del GINOCCHIO MESENCEFALO MIDOLLO CERVICALE MIDOLLO DORSALE MIDOLLO LOMBARE MIDOLLO SACRALE MIDOLLO SURRENALE MIDOLLO OSSEO MILZA (Splen) MIOCARDIO MUCOSA ANALE MUCOSA BOCCA MUCOSA GASTRICA (Stomaco) MUCOSA GASTRO-DUODENALE (Pyloro) MUCOSA INTESTINALE (intestino totale) MUCOSA NASALE MUCOSA RETTO-SIGMOIDEA MUCOSA RINO-FARINGEA MUCOSA SINUSALE 90 RENE MIDOLLARE RETINA RETTO RINOENCEFALO SANGUE SERUM EQUI SFINTERE VESCICA SFINTERE DI ODDI SIMPATICO (Sistema Medio Simpatico) SINOVIALE ARTICOLARE SOSTANZA GRIGIA SOSTANZA BIANCA STOMACO (Mucosa Gastrica) SURRENE (Ghiandola Surrenale) TALAMO TEGUMENTUM (Pelle; Cute) TENDINI TESSUTO ADIPOSO TESSUTO CAPILLARE TESSUTO CONNETTIVO (Elastico) TESSUTO LEGAMENTOSO TESSUTO LINFATICO (Gangli Linfatici) TESSUTO RETICOLO ENDOTELIALE TESTICOLO (Orchitinum) THYMUSINUM (Timo) THYROIDINUM (Tiroide) TIMPANO TONSILLE (Amygdales) TRACHEA TROMBA d’EUSTACHIO TROMBA FALLOPPIO TUBERCOLI QUADRIGEMINI UMOR ACQUEO UMOR VITREO URETERE URETRA UTERO VAGINA VULVA VALVOLA MITRALE VENA VENA CAVA INFERIORE VENA CORONARIA VENA EMORROIDALE VENA SAFENA VENTRICOLO (Dx + Sx) VERTEBRA VERTEBRA CERVICALE VERTEBRA DORSALE VERTEBRA LOMBARE VERTEBRA SACRALE VESCICHETTA BILIARE VESCICHETTA SEMINALE VESCICA URINARIA ZONA CUTANEA PILO SEBACEA 91 ORGANOTHERAPEUTIC REMEDIES MUCOSA SINUS-FRONTALE MUCOSA MASCELLARE MUSCOLI OCULARI MUSCOLO LISCIO MUSCOLO STRIATO NERVO AUDITIVO NERVO OCCIPITALE d’ARNOLD NERVO CUBITALE NERVI CRANICI NERVO GLOSSO-FARINGEO NERVO OTTICO NERVO MEDIANO NERVO MOTORE NERVO OLFATTIVO NERVO RADIALE NERVO SCIATICO NERVO PARASIMPATICO NERVO SIMPATICO (Vedi Simpatico) NERVO TRIGEMINO OCCHIO TOTALE ORECCHIO TOTALE ORECCHIO INTERNO ORECCHIO MEDIO ORECCHIETTA OSSO CORTO OSSO LUNGO OSSO PIATTO OSSO SPUGNOSO OSSICINI dell’ORECCHIO OSSO TOTALE OVARINUM (Ovaio) PANCREAS PARATHYROIDINUM (Ghiandola Paratiroidea) PAROTIDINUM (Parotide) PARETE ARTERIOSA PARETE AURICOLO VENTRICOLARE PERICARDIO PERIOSTIO PERITONEO PLACENTA PLASMA SANGUIGNO PLEURA PLESSO BRACHIALE PLESSO SACRALE PLESSO SOLARE POLMONE PLESSO CAROTIDEO PLESSO EMORROIDALE PLESSO IPOGASTRICO PLESSO LOMBARE PROSTATA RENE (Nefrine) RENE CORTECCIA 92 93 NOSODE THERAPY 95 Nosode therapy created by C. Hering, is based on homeopathically treated substances taken from part of the body or from human and animal metabolic products, or from micro organisms, or from viruses or their secretions, inactivated in order to make them non infected or non virulent. It is composed of an auto-nosode therapy based on the principle of isopathy (substances coming from the patient himself) and of a hetero-nosode therapy which makes use of substances provided by the same illness of a patient but not the patient himself. As for homeopathialized allopathics, also for the therapy with nosodes is valid, in the choice of nosodes to be prescribed, the principle of like rather than the principle of equal (“simillima non aequalia”, Hering), a principle which has shown itself more efficacious stronger and definitive in so far as it is able to stimulate defence mechanisms not neutralized by the illness in course. They are defined as ground medicines ( bio ground is a structural and anthropomorphic normal and/or pathological group formed by molecular, generic, immunological and ecological components in constant interaction among themselves: O.A. Julian). Nosodes are indicated for constitutional and diathesis therapy, besides states of auto-summation and cases of integrated disposition. In anti-homeotoxic therapy they are used in illnesses of cellular phases, inhibited, retoxic phases, autoimmune illnesses Hahnemann, “psoric illnesses” allergic illnesses (Julian), in all cases of septic processes which have become chronic and in all affections in which the risks of possible complications are particularly accentuated. One of their further uses is at the end of the illness, in so far as they are capable of facilitating the complete toxic elimination and also “The residues of pathogenic agents with centres of latent infections and colonies of agents no longer pathogenic” (Merger). Nosodes are also defined as constitutional medicines, in so far as their field of action interests the organism as a whole, they represent the quid lacking for the carrying out of the chain reaction which allow the regular functioning of the physiological functions of the organism for which, in some cases, the resolution of a morbid picture may only happen if an appropriate nosode therapy is set up. Criteria for choice of nosode therapy The choice of a nosode may be based (according to Allendy/Fortier Bornoville/Martiny) on a 1° symptomatic similarity 2° previous anamnestic aetiological similarity 3° actual aetiological similarity 4° aetiological similarity according to recent anamnesis (Merger). 1° Symptomatic similarity follows the principle of the fundamental law of like, for example Vaccininum Prog. Scale. in zoster herpes because of its likeness to pustule of smallpox with that of herpes zoster, or “cirrhosis hepatitis” nosode in hepatic illnesses characterized by symptoms like tiredness, nausea ,intolerance to fats, flatulence, meteorism, ascites, oesophagus varicose veins, also all special symptoms of cirrhotic patients. 2° Previous anamnestic aetiological similarity is also based on the principle of like; example: a case of acute otitis from staphylococcus which, suppressed by allopathic therapies (damages from therapies) is transformed into chronic otitis may benefit from Staphylococcus nosode Prog., Scale besides Otitis media nosode Prog Scale; or even a nephritic complication following a viral influenza syndrome suppressed by medicines will require the use of Grippe nosode Prog. Scale. The choice is made however on the basis of the aetiology of an old illness apparently cured. 3° According to the present aetiology: is based on the principle of aetiological similarity at the moment, for example an active furunculosis from Staphylococcus will require staphylo coccus nosode Prog. Scale; or an acute tonsillitis, if one follows this principle, will require Tonsillitis Prog.Scale or Streptococcinum . Prog Scale. Nosode if of a streptococcus origin. In this case the choice is towards a causal agent of the present acute illness. It is opportune to associate with this form, besides the nosode therapy, the specific antiho- meotoxics of the present acute affection. 97 NOSODE THERAPY NOSODE THERAPY 4° Aetiological similarity according to recent anamnesis: Merger states «After the illness has been overcome, nosodes are excellent medicines for definitely eliminating the toxins deposited in the mesenchyma »; on the basis of this principle it is opportune to administer nosodes of aetiological agents of the affection clinically cured as, for example at the end of measles, Morbillinum nosode Prog. Scale. NOSODE THERAPY Potencies, dosage and form Nosodes OTI are prepared in Normal Progressive Scale with dilutions at 4CH - 9CH - 30CH, in Strong Progressive Scale with dilutions at 30CH -200CH - M; Besides at single low potencies or at single high potencies in the classical forms of drops, granules and oral vials. It is always advisable to begin a treatment using the normal form and only successively if there have not been either improvements or particularly violent reactions, use the strong form. . The latter form, must come moreover, be used after the normal form, in those cases in which the nosode has been chosen according to the symptomatic similarity or according to the previous anamnestic aetiological similarity. The use of low potencies is instead, indicated, in general, for acute and sub acute illnesses, when one desires a specific effect against an organ or in those subjects with slow or diminished reactivity, or finally, in those cases in which proved improvements with the normal and strong form have not been obtained. The use of high potencies is, in a general way , always reserved for chronic illnesses, diathesic and allergic affections, cases of hyper excitability and in those cases in which with the normal form reactions of a particular entity have been verified. Posology The posology and frequency are strictly personal and varies according to the criteria with which the nosode has been chosen If it has been chosen according to the rule of symptomatic similarity: 1 vial twice per week for two weeks inter-muscularly: or 1 vial per day on alternated days for two weeks. If it has been chosen according to the rule of anamnestic similarity: 1 vial i.m. once per week for some weeks, or 1 vial orally twice a week. Successively 1 vial every 2-3 weeks for some months. Between treatments one must administer other antihomeotoxic biotherapics. If chosen according to the present aetiological similarity: 1 vial i.m. per day, or 1 vial every 2 days associated with specific antihomeotoxic biotherapics. The same posology using oral vials. If administered at the end of an illness especially if infective (recent anamnestic similarity): 1 vial i.m twice per week even at a maximum of 4 weeks if necessary; 1 vial orally on alternated days for 4 weeks. If administered with an antiallergic and desensitising aim: 1 vial orally 4 times per week beginning with high potencies and terminating with low potencies We end by reminding, once more, that it is useful to begin with the normal. Prog. Scale in order to pass eventually to the strong form and only in cases of lack of success or hyper-reaction, to the low or high potencies. In this regard as a general line, we note that high potencies are used with long intervals of administration, from some days to one or more weeks, intervals which may be shorter every 2 or 3 days in acute cases. The low forms are instead administrated for the most part at short intervals from one to 2 days to some hours. The therapy with nosodes is a net detoxifying therapy and provokes , according to the homeotoxicological concentration, substitutions of a regressive type, that is substitutions directed to the elimination of homeotoxins. Therapy of great utility, is particularly used by some users of electro-acupuncture who, carrying out the Voll method, are capable of defining by testing various nosodes, the most opportune nosode for a determined affection. As for compounds, the unitary remedies and organotherapics and the nosodes also show (in Appendix) symptoms, anamnestic and therapeutical indications and possibility of applications underlining that the nosode therapy constitutes a third therapeutical possibility well inserted between allopathy and homeopathy. 98 The production of nosodes, directly from biological raw materials, must be carry out in pharmaceutical laboratories which must have adequate approved operative procedures, besides rooms and equipment suitably authorized and controlled by the Health authorities. This line of conduct must be adopted in the entire European Union. Only in this way the homeopathic dilution of a nosode may be considered truly without risks for utilizer patients and homeopathic medicines, which are derived from them, reply to the requirements of quality, security and efficacy. On the contrary the inter-community exchange of homeopathic medicines which contain nosodes ought not to be authorized, - even at a high dilution – produced in countries in which analogous rules and guarantees of innocuity are not envisaged. OTI Omeo Tossicologici Italia, in the light of what has been said, represents a model of vanguard in the production of nosodes and biologically active substances destined for the preparation of homeopathic medicines, possessing a BL3 department (Biological Level 3), authorized by the Ministry of Health. 99 NOSODE THERAPY All this must be true for biological or pathogenic materials, of micro-biological or even human origin, besides in a general way, for all those materials of animal origin including Organotherapics NOSODE THERAPY LIST OF AVAILABLE NOSODES Ab anti HBV (antibody anti hepatitis b) ACNE NOSODE ACTINOMYCES ISRAELII STOMACH ADENOCARCINOMA BLADDER ADENOCARCINOMA BREAST ADENOMA PROSTATE ADENOMA ADENOVIRUS TYPE I ADENOVIRUS ADNEXITIS NOSODE AEROBACTER AEROGENES AEROBACTER C. COLI AFTA EPIZOOTICA ALLERGENS FROM MOULD AND MUSHROOMS ALOPECIA TOTALIS ALTERNARIA TENUIS AMOEBA ANEMIA APLASTICA PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA SCHLEIMHANT PERNICIOUS ANAEMIA FOLLICULAR ANGINA ANGINA PLAUT VINCENT ANTHRACINUM APIS MELLIFICA VENENUM (APISINUM) APPENDICITIS RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS HUMAN RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS URIC ARTHRITIS ASCARIDS ASCITES ASTHMA ASPERGILLUS CANDIDUS (ALBUS) ASPERGILLUS FUMIGATUS ASPERGILLUS NIGER ASPERGILLUS RUBER BRONCHIAL ASTHMA BRONCHIAL ATHEROMA RENALCALCULI RENAL CALCULI WITH CALCOLI SALIVARY CALCULI CAMPILOBACTER JEJUNI CANDIDA ALBICANS CANDIDA PARAPSILOSIS CANDIDA TROPICALIS ADENO-ENDOMETRIUM CARCINOMA BRONCHIAL CARCINOMA CARCINOMA OF COLI CARCINOMA OF RIGHT COLON UTERUS CARCINOMA ENDOMETRIUM CARCINOMA HEPATIC CARCINOMA LARYNX CARCINOMA MASTOCARCINOMA RIGHT MASTOCARCINOMA MEDULLARY CARCINOMA MUCOUS GASTRIC CARCINOMA OVARY CARCINOMA PULMONARY CARCINOMA PROSTATE CARCINOMA RENAL CARCINOMA STOMACH CARCINOMA VESICAL CARCINOMA CARCINOSINUM (mixture of various tumours) CARCINOSINUM STROMA STOMACH CATARACTA BRUNESCENS COMPLICATED CATARACT CATARACTA SENILIS CERUMEN CHLAMIDIA TRACHOMATIS CHLOSTRIDIUM PERFIGENS BETA TOXOID CHOLERA (INABA) CHOLERA (OGAWA) CHRON. PROCTITIS CHRON.OSTITIS BILIARY CIRRHOSIS CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER AMOEBIC CYST FOLLICULAR CYST OVARIAN CYSTIS RENAL SOLITARIY CYST CYSTITIS CITROBACTER FREUNDI CLADOSPORIUM CLADOSPURISIDES CLOSTRIDIUM CADAVERIS CLOSTRIDIUM DIFFICILE CLOSTRIDIUM INNOCUUM CLOSTRIDIUM PARAPUTRIFICUM CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRIGENS CLOSTRIDIUM TERTIUM CHOLECYSTITIS COLIBACILLINUM (ESCHERICHIA COLI) CHRONIC COLITIS COMEDONES CONDYLOMA ACUMINATA CONJUCTIVITIS CONJUCTIVITIS FOLLICUL. CORYNEBAC. ANAEROB. CORYNEBACTERIUM SPECIES COXIELLA BURNETI (FEBBRE Q) COXSACKIE A1 COXSACKIE A2 COXSACKIE A3 BACILLINUM (TUBERCOLINUM BURNETT) BACILLO FAECALIS ALKALIGENES BACILLUS SUBTILIS BACTERIUM ACIDOPHYLUS BACTERIUM BIFIDUS BACTERIUM DYSENTERIAE BACTERIUM FECALIS BACTERIUM MORGAN BACTERIUM PROTEUS BACTERIUM PYOCYANEUS (PSUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA) BACTEROIDES VULGATUS BANG NOSODE (BRUCELLA ABORTUS BANG) BANTI BARTOLINITE BCG vaccine BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS BORDETELLA PERTUSSIS TOXIN BORRELIA BURGDOFERI BOTULINUM (TOSSINA) BRANHAMELLA CATARRHALIS BRONCHIEKTASIE BRUCELLA MELITENSIS BILIARY CALCULI PROSTATE CALCULI 100 FLAT EPITHELIUM CERVICAL DEG. PROSTATE ADENOMA DEG. DEG. CARDIA NOSODE DEG. CHONDRO-SARKOMINUM ASCENDING COLON DEG. DISCENDING COLON DEG. DEG. COLON FLEXUR. CAR DEG. COLON TRANSV. STEN. DEG. EPIPHARINX PROSTATE FLAT EPITHELIUM DEG BLADDER FLAT EPITHELIUM DEG. FIBROSARCOMA DEG. HYPERNEPHROID NOSODE DEG. DEG.OF HYPERPLASIA OF PROSTATE NODULI LYMPHATIC LEUCOSIS DEG. MYELOIC LEUCOSIS DEG. DEG. LYMPHOGRANULOMA DEG. LYMPHOSARCOMINUM BREAST DEG. BREAST DEG. + MASTOPATHY CYSTIC PANCREAS DEG. DEG. PLASMOCYTOMA DEG. PLASMOCYTOMA DEG. PULMO NOSODE BREAST SARCOMA DEG. . BREAST SCIRRHUS DEG SIGMOID DEG. UTERUS DEG. DEG. VENTRICULUS SCIRRHOSIS DEG. VENTRICULUS ULCUS DEG. HISTIOCITOMA INTESTINUM CAECUM DEG. PORTIO-U. CERVIX DEG. SIGMOID DEG. DEG. UNTERLIPPE NOSODE DENYS NOSODE (TUBERC. DENYS) DERMATOPHAGOIDES FARINAE DERMATOPHAGOIDES PTERONYSSINUS DIPHTERIA TOXIN DIPHTERINUM DISTEMPERINUM (CIMURRO) DIVERTICULOSIS DT.TAB DUODENITIS DUPUYTREN NOSODE EBERTHINUM (SALMONELLA THYPHI) ECHINOCOCCINUM LEFT HEMITONSIL ENCEPHALITIS ENCEPHALOMYELOMALACIA ENDOCARDITIS ENDOMETRITIS ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA ENTAMOEBA HISTOLYTICA ENTEROBACTER AEROGENES ENTEROBACTER CLOACAE ENTEROCOCCINUM ENTEROCOCCUS FAECALIS HEPATITIS A B HEPATITIS B + EBV HEPATITIS C HEPATITIS EPSTEIN BARR VIRUS ERYSIPELAS SERUM ERYSIPELOTHRIX RHUSIOPATHIE ESCHERICHIA COLI FAEX MEDICINALIS HEPATIC FASCIOLA TICK FEVER (RICKETSIA) YELLOW FEVER FEBBRE PETECHIAL FEVER Q FEVER FIBROADENOMA MAMMAE BREAST FIBROMA SKIN FIBROMA FIBROMA PENDULUM FIBROSARKOMINUM FILARIASIS CATARRHAL MIXED FLORA FLUOR ALBUS FSME NOS. GANGRANOSE PULPA GARDNERELLA VAGINALIS GASTER GALLI GASTRITIS GASTRODUODENITIS GEOTRICHUM CANDIDUM GINGIVITIS HOM. GLIOMA GLOMERULONEFRITE GLYCOPHAGUS DESTRUCTOR EXTRACT GONOTOXINUM (Neisseria Gonorrhaeae toxin) GRANULOMA APICALE GRANULOMA DENTIS GRANULOMA GANGRENOSO GRIPPE 78 GRIPPE 79 GRIPPE 80 GRIPPE 83 GRIPPE 84 101 NOSODE THERAPY COXSACKIE A4 COXSACKIE A5 COXSACKIE A6 COXSACKIE A7 COXSACKIE A8 COXSACKIE A9 COXSACKIE B1 COXSACKIE B2 COXSACKIE B3 COXSACKIE B4 COXSACKIE B5 COXSACKIE B6 COXSACKIE VIRUS A3 COXSACKIE VIRUS A5 COXSACKIE VIRUS A6 COXSACKIE VIRUS A7 COXSACKIE VIRUS A9 COXSACKIE VIRUS B1 COXSACKIE VIRUS B2 COXSACKIE VIRUS B3 COXSACKIE VIRUS B4 COXSACKIE VIRUS B5 COXSACKIE VIRUS B6 CRYPTOCOCCUS NEOPHORMANS CYSTOPIELONEFRITE CYSTOPYELITIS CYTOMEGALOVIRUS GRIPPE GRIPPE GRIPPE GRIPPE 86 87 88 NOSODE MEDHORRINUM (NEISSERIA GHONORRHEHAE) MELANOMA MENINGEOMA MENINGOCOCCINUM (NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS) HEPATIC METASTASIS HEPATIC METASTASIS (HEPATIC CARCINOMA) METRITIS FROM STASIS MICOBACTERIUM LEPRA MICOPLASMA PNEUMONIAE MICOSIS OF NAIL (ONICOMICOSI) MICROCOCCUS CATARRHALIS MYELOMA MYOMA UTERINE MYOMA CHRONIC MYOSITIS MONONUCLEOSIS MORBILLINUM NOSODE MORBUS CROHN MUCOBACTER MUCOCOCCINUM MUCOR MUCEDO MUCOR RACEMOSUS MUMPS VACCINUM (PAROTITIS) MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE MYCOPLASMA PNEUMONIE MYCOSIS FUNG. NOSODE THERAPY HAEMOPHILIE HAEMOPHYLUS INFLUENZAE HAEMOPHYLUS INFLUENZAE HAEMOPHYLUS INFLUENZAE B HAEMOPINUS PEDALIS HAUTFIBROM NOSODE HBsAg HELICOBACTER PYLORI HELMINTHO SPORIUM HEPATITE NON A NON B HEPATITIS NEU HERPES PROGENITALIS HERPES SIMPLEX HERPES SIMPLEX I (labialis) HERPES SIMPLEX II (genitalis) HERPES V. TIPO 6 (rubella) HERPES ZOOSTER (chickenpox) HIRUDO MEDICINALIS ( OFFICINALIS) (SANGUISUGA) IGE SDF NOSODE IKTERUS HAEMOLITICUS INFLUENZA VIRUS 2001/2002 INFLUENZA VIRUS (IVER) INFLUENZINUM TOX. NOSODE INFLUENZINUM VESICULOSUM IPERCOLESTEROLEMIA NASAL TURBINATED HYPERPLASIA CHRONIC TONSILLAR HYPERPLASIA NEISSERIA GHONORREHAE (MEDORRHINUM) NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS (MENINGOCOCCINUM) NEISSERIA PHARYNGIS NEOFORMATION OF THE RECTUM NEPHROSE NOSODE NEUROPHIBROM NOSODE NEWCASTLE DISEASE VACCINUM NOCARDIA ASTEROIDES KIEFEROSTITIS KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIAE LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHYLUS LAMBLIA INTESTINALIS LEGIONELLA PNEUMOPHILA LEISHMANIA TROPICA L-EKZEM LEPTOSPIRA BRATISLAVA LEPTOSPIRA CONEPAGENI LEPTOSPIROSI CANI. LEPTOSPIROSI ICTERO EMORRAGIC P.C.GT.W. LEPTOSPIROSIS LYMPHOBLAST LEUKAEMIA MYELOBLASTIC LEUKAEMIA MYELOID LEUKAEMIA LYMPHATIC LEUCOSIS MYELOIC LEUCOSIS PROMYELOIC LEUCOSIS INFECTED LYMPH HODKING LYMPHOMA LYMPHOSARCOMA LIPOMA LIVER AND HEAR LYSATE OF DUCK (ORNITOCOCCINUM) LISTERIA MONOCITOGENES LUPUS ERYTREMATOSUS LYMPHADENITIS LYNFOGRANULOMA METASTASI LYSSINUM (HYDROFOBINUM - RAGE) LYSTERIA MONOCITOGENES ORNITHOSE NOSODE ORNITOCOCCINUM OSSIURI EXUDATIVE NOSODE OSTEITIS MAXILLARY OSTEITIS NOSODE OSTEOARTHRITIS (N.O.A.) OSTEOMIELOSCLEROSIS OSTEOMYELITIS NOSODE OSTEOSINUSITISMASCEL. OSTITE SCLEROT. OTITIS MEDIA OZAENA PAPILLOMA VIRUS PARADONTOSE PARATYPHOIDINUM B PARODONTOSE NOSODE PAROTITIS NOSODE PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA DOG HAIR HORSE HAIR PENFIGO PENICCILIUM CHRYSOGENUM PENICILLIUM GLABRUM PENICILLIUM NOTATUM PENICILLIUM ROQUEFORTII PENICILLUM CRISOGENUM PENICILLUM GLABRUM PENICILLUM ROQUEFORTI PEPTOSTREPTOCOCCUS ANAEROBIUS PERIODONTITIS NOSODE PERTUSSINUM PESTIS SUIS MALANDRINUM MALARIA (PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM) MALLEINUM (HIPPOZAENINUM) MASTITE (MASTITIS NOSODE) MASTOIDITIS MASTOPATIA CYSTICA 102 RABBIA VACCINUM RHINOPNEUMONITIS RUBEOLA VACCINUM ULETIC SAC DENTAL SACCULE SALMONELLA ENTERETIDIS SALMONELLA PARATHYPHI SALMONELLA PARATHYPHI A SALMONELLA THYPHI SALMONELLA THYPHIMURIUM MENSTRUAL BLOOD SANGUIS CARCINOMATOSO SARCOMA SARCOPTES SCABIEI (PSORINUM) SCARLET FEVER SCHIRRINUM (BREAST CARCINOMA) MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SERRATIA MARCESCENS SERUM ANGUILLAE ANTICHOLIBACILLARY SERUM SERUM EQUI SERUM OVILE SHIGELLA DISSENTERIAE MAXILLARY SINUSITIS SINUSITIS SINUSITIS FRONTAL. NOSODE SMEGMA SPENGLER SPERM STAPHYLOCOCCINUM STAPHYLOCOCCO AUREUS STAPHYLOCOCCO PYROGENES STAPHYLOCOCCUS INTERMEDIUS STAPHYLOCOCCUS PYOGENES STAPHYLOTOXINUM STENOTRIPHOMONAS MALTHOPHILIA STREPTOCOCC. VIRIDANS HEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCUS STREPTOCOCCUS FAECALIS STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONAE STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES (STREPTOCOCCINUM) STRUMA CYSTICA STRUMA NODOSA STRUMA PARENCHIMATOSA SUTOXOL SYPHILINUM TAENIA TAENIA SAGINATA TAENIA SOLIUM TONSILLAR TAMPON TBC TERATOMA TETANOTOXINUM TETANUS TINEA CIRCINATA TONSILITIS-POLYARTHRITIS CHRONIC TONSILLITIS TONSILLITIS TOXICOPHIS TOXOPLASMOSE TRICHINELLA BRITOVI TRICHINOSE TRICHOMONADENFLUOR TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS TRICHOMONAS VAGINALIS TRICOPHITIE TRICOPHITON DEPRESSUM TRICOPHYTON RUBRUM TRYCOPHYTON PERSICOLOR TUBERCOLINUM AVIAIRE TUBERCOLINUM BOVINUM TUBERCOLINUM KOCH TUBERCOLINUM RESIDUUM TUBERCULINUM MARMORECK TULAREMIA TYPHINUM ULCUS CRURIS ULCUS DUODENI ULCUS VENTRICULI UREAPLASMA UREALYTICUM MALE POST. URETHRITIS URINE OF PREGNANT WOMAN VACCININUM INFLUENZA VACCINE 2002/2003 VACCINOTOXINUM VAGINITIS NOSODE CHICKENPOX ZOSTER CHICKENPOX VARIOLINUM CONTORTRIX POISON WASP POISON VENENUM CROTALUS HORRIDUS VENTRICULUS ADENOMA VERRUCA VESPA CRABO VENENUM VESPULA GERMANICA VENOM VITILIGO NOSODE WERLHOF WILSON XANTOMONAS MALTOPHILA 103 NOSODE THERAPY PITYROSPORUM OVALE PLEURITIS NOSODE PDM (PROGRESSIVE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY) PNEUMOCOCCINUM POLIOMYELITIS VACCINUM CERVICAL POLYP COLON POLYP LARYNX POLYP NASAL POLYP STRAIGHT POLYP UTERINE POLYP BLADDER POLYP POLYARTHRITIS POLYCYTHAEMIAE POUMON HISTAMINUM CHRONIC PROSTATITIS PROTEUS BACH PROTEUS MIRABILIS PROTEUS MORGANI PROTEUS VULGARIS PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA PSORIASIS NOSODE PSORINUM PULMO VULPIS ACUTE PULPITIS CHRONIC PULPITIS PUTRESCINUM PYODERMIE PYORRHEA PYROGENIUM PYTIROSPURUM OVAL PYTIROSPURUM INTERMEDIARY CATALYZERS 105 106 INTERMEDIARY CATALYZERS Intermediary catalyzers are preparations indicated in all those morbid processes in which cellular damages or enzymatic blockages are present which are responsible for an altered equilibrium of the cellular functions. Simplifying the concepts, intermediary catalysers are preparations capable, through a stimulation of the cellular respiration and the re-equilibrium of blocked or altered enzymatic reactions, of restoring cellular functions. 1° Catalyzers of the acids of Krebs cycle and its salts Krebs cycle is the normal and essential mechanism of all biochemical transformations necessary for normal cellular function and for the production of energy which cells need in order to fulfil their metabolic ,growth, reproduction, secretion, excitability and movement activity. In the case of cellular lesion or in the case of inhibition, of imbalance or enzymatic blockage the injection, in the same sequence in which they are produced by the cellular metabolism, the various acids of the tri-carboxylic cycle associated with the remedies Magnesium Phosphoricum and Manganum Phosphoricum ( Magnesium and Manganese of the enzymatic activators) have the aim of restoring the normal functioning of the cellular metabolism. Precisely for this reason Citrooticatal ( the only confection of catalysers of the citric acid cycle) is prepared by respecting the same sequence with which the acids are produced by the cells and with the addition of the two remedies Manganese and Magnesium (see formula of Citrooticatal). Citric acid is the only preparation among the catalysers that OTI has put into commas at a single potency and in a complete confection in order to facilitate treatment. The posology is 1 vial inter muscular or orally on alternated days for 3 weeks. After an interval of 2-4 weeks, necessary for the compound to carry out its effect, it is possible, (if it is considered necessary), to repeat another treatment adhering to the same conditions. We must remember that it is advisable, during the period of administration of Citrooticatal to carry out an alimentation rich in fruit, beetroot, grape juice and to avoid pork in any form. 2° Quinones and other components of the respiratory chain. Flavo-protein dehydrogenase, cytochromes, coenzyme Q or Ubiquinone constitute the components, functionally and topographically among themselves, of the respiratory chain. They may be considered as acceptors, the last of these is oxygen, capable of transporting the free hydrogen atoms to the end of the Krebs cycle through a process of dehydrogenation. This transport of free electrons from the oxidisation of the oxygen substrata is the basis of the process of oxidative phosphorylation necessary to recharge the energy cell ( ADP + phosphoric acid =ATP). However, Quinones must be prescribed during the impregnation, degeneration and neo-plastic phases in which the normal function of the respiratory cycle has been changed. OTI has commercialised all catalysers in normal progressive scales (4 CH- 9 CH – 30 CH), and high progressive scales (30 CH- 200 CH- M), both injection and oral form. Other prepared compound are also in commerce like Difensoti (regenerative action on the respiratory enzymes) containing all the series of quinines and Difensin, (unblocking action of the catalysers of the respiratory cycle) made up of glyoxal and methylglyoxal . Posology: strictly individual and variable according to the illness and the reaction to the preparation by each patient, is in general 1-2 vials inter muscular per week to be practiced at the points of acupuncture. It is opportune to wait for the resolution of possible transitory homeopathic worsening before continuing with ulterior administrations. 3° Group of compounds with stimulating effect on the cellular metabolism and on the respiratory cycle of cells A varied and non homogenous group counts numerous preparations which have in common the stimulation of enzymatic functions in general but which present single specific effects (e.g. Oticatal and Aspecific). Posology: strictly individual and variable according to the illness and the individual reaction to the preparation is generally 1-2 vials per week to be practiced also at the points of acupuncture. 107 INTERMEDIARY CATALYZERS They me divided onto the following groups: INTERMEDIARY CATALYZERS LIST OF INTERMEDIARY CATALYZERS 1° Catalyzers of the Krebs cellular cycle ACIDUM CIS ACONITUM ACIDUM CITRICUM ACIDUM FUMARICUM ACIDUM α CHETOGLUTARICUM ACIDUM DL-MALICUM ACIDUM SUCCINICUM BARYUM OXALSUCCINICUM NATRIUM OXALACETICUM NATRIUM PYRUVICUM 3° Stimulators of the metabolism ACETYLCHOLINA CHLORIDR. ACIDUM L + ASPARGICUM ACIDUM GLUTAMICUM ACIDUM L + LACTICUM CERIUM OXALICUM CERIUM SULFURICUM CORTISONE CYSTEINA FERRUM FUMARICUM GUANIDINA 2° Quinones ANTRACHINONE PARA BENZOCHINONE CHINHYDRONE GLYOXAL HYDROCHINONE METHYLENBLU METHYLGLYOXAL NAPHTHOCHINONE TRICHINOYL UBICHINONE HISTAMINA INDOL INSULIN INTERFERONE METHYLGUANIDINA MYRTILLUS PARATHYREOIDINA SCATOL 108 Terapy of notes ELENCO delle PATOLOGIE in ORDINE ALFABETICO ABLATIO RETINAE ABORTUS IMMINENS ACETONEMIA ACHILIA GASTRICA ACNE ROSACEA ACNE VOLGARE ACROCIANOSI ADERENZE ADINAMIA ADIPOSITÀ ADIPOSI DOLOROSA (Malattia di Dercum) AFASIA AFFEZIONI ARTICOLARI AFONIA AFTA AGORAFOBIA AGRANULOCITOSI ALBUMINURIA ALCOOLISMO ALITO CATTIVO ALLERGIE ALOPECIA AREATA AMENORREA FUNZIONALE ANAFILASSI ANEMIA ANEURISMA DELLA AORTA ANGINA PECTORIS ANGINA PLAUT-VINCENT ANGINA TONSILLARE ANNESSITI ANORESSIA ANORESSIA MENTALE ANOSMIA ANSIA ANTRACE ANURIA AORTITE APATIA APOPLESSIA CEREBRALE APPENDICITE ARITMIA CARDIACA ARTERIOSCLEROSI ARTRALGIE ARTRITE, ARTROSI ASCESSI ASCESSO di DOUGLAS ASCESSO EPATICO ASCESSO POLMONARE ASCITE ASMA BRONCHIALE ASMA CARDIACA ASTENIA ATONIA INTESTINALE AUMENTO delle DIFESE ANTI-INFETTIVE BALANITE BARTHOLINITE BLEFARITE BLENORRAGIA BORSITE BOTULISMO BRONCHIECTASIA BRONCHITE BRONCOPOLMONITE BRUXISMO CACHESSIA IPOFISARIA (Malattia di Simmonds) CALAZIO, ORZAIOLO CALCIO (alterazioni del metabolismo del calcio) CALCOLOSI EPATICA CALCOLOSI RENALE CARBONCHIO CARCINOMA MAMMARIO CARCINOMA UTERINO CARCINOMI CARDIOSPASMO CARIE DENTARIE CARIE OSSEA CATARATTA CATARRO DELLE TUBE (dell’orecchio) CAUSALGIA CEFALEA CEFALEA (da sindrome CERVICALE) CELLULITE CERVICITI CHELOIDI CHERATITI CHOREA MINOR CICLO MESTRUALE (dolori intermedi) CINETOSI CIRCOLAZIONE (affezioni dell’apparato circolatorio) CIRCOLAZIONE PERIFERICA CIRROSI EPATICA CISTI CISTITI CLAUDICATIO INTERMITTENS CLIMATERIO COLANGITI, COLECISTITI, COLELITIASI COLICA EPATICA COLICA RENALE COLICHE GASSOSE (nel lattante) COLICHE in GENERALE COLITE MUCOSA COLITE ULCEROSA COLITI COLLAGENE (affezioni del) COLLASSO COLPITE COMMOZIONE CEREBRALE CONDILOMI CONGIUNTIVITE CONTRATTURA di DUPUYTREN (morbo di Dupuytren) CONVULSIONI COREA CORIZA da POLLINOSI COXITE - COXARTROSI CRAMPI CRAMPO del POLPACCIO CROSTA LATTEA CUORE SENILE CUORE SPORTIVO DACRIOCISTITE DANNI EPATICI e CIRROSI EPATICA DANNI TERAPEUTICI DECUBITO DEFICIT IMMUNITARIO DELIRIUM TREMENS 111 DENTI (carie, mal di) DENTI (digrignamento dei) (BRUXISMO) DEPRESSIONE ENDOGENA DEPRESSIONE ESONGENA DEPRESSIONI PSICHICHE DEPRESSIONI MELANCONICHE o ENDOGENE DERMATITE, DERMATOSI DERMATITI VARIE DERMATOMICOSI DERMATOSI (malattia di Kaposi) DEVIAZIONE DI FASE DIABETE INSIPIDO DIABETE MELLITO DIARREA DIATESI EMORRAGICA DIATESI ESSUDATIVA o di CZERNY DIMAGRAMENTO DISBIOSI INTESTINALE DISFAGIA DISMENORREA DISPEPSIA DISPNEA DISSENTERIA DISTONIA NEUROVEGETATIVA DISTORSIONI DISTROFIA ADIPOSO-GENITALE DISTROFIA MUSCOLARE PROGRESSIVA DISTURBI dell’ OLFATTO e del GUSTO DISTURBI DEPRESSIVI degli ANZIANI DISTURBI mentali nello sviluppo dei BAMBINI (disontogenesi) DIVERTICOLITE DOLORE (di varia origine) ESOFTALMO ESOSTOSI ESTRAZIONE DENTARIA FARINGITE FAVO FEBBRE FERITE FERTILITÀ (alterazioni della) FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE FIBROMI FIBROSITE FISTOLE FLATULENZA FLEBITE FLEMMONI FLUOR ALBUS FORFORA FORUNCOLOSI FRATTURE FRIGIDITÀ GALATTORREA GANGRENA (DIABETICA, ARTERIOSCLEROTICA) GASTRALGIE GASTRITE GASTRO-CARDIACI (complesso di sintomi) GASTROENTERITE GENGIVITE GENGIVITE e PIORREA ALVEOLARE GERIATRIA (indicazioni geriatriche) GLAUCOMA GLOMERULONEFRITE GLOSSITI GONFIORE GHIANDOLARE GONORREA GOTTA GOZZO GRANULOCITOPENIA GRAVIDANZA (sostegno in) ECCHIMOSI - EMATOMI ECLAMPSIA ECZEMA EDEMI EDEMA della GLOTTIDE EDEMA POLMONARE EIACULAZIONE PRECOCE ELEFANTIASI EMATOMI (ed ecchimosi) EMATEMESI EMATURIA EMBOLIA EMBOLIA POLMONARE EMICRANIA EMIPLEGIA EMORRAGIE EMORROIDI EMPIEMA ENCEFALITE ENDOARTERITE OBLITERANTE ENDOCARDITE ENDOMETRITE ENFISEMA POLMONARE ENURESI NOTTURNA EPATITE EPICONDILITE EPIDIDIMITE (orchiepidimite) EPISTASSI EPITELIOMI EREZIONE (disturbi dell’erezione) ERISIPELA ERITEMA ERITEMA ESSUDATIVO MULTIFORME ERITEMA NODOSO ERITEMATOSI ESANTEMA ACUTO ESAURIMENTO HERPES ZOSTER IDROCELE IDROPE ILEO IMMUNODEFICIENZA ACQUISITA IMMUNODEFICIENZA TRANSITORIA IMPETIGINE IMPOTENZA SESSUALE INCONTINENZA ANALE INCONTINENZA URINARIA INERZIA dell’ UTERO INFARTO del MIOCARDIO INFEZIONI BATTERICHE INFEZIONI MICOTICHE INFEZIONI VIRALI INFILTRAZIONE POLMONARE INFLUENZA (PROFILASSI) INFLUENZA (TERAPIA) INSOLAZIONE INSONNIA INSUFFICIENZA MIOCARDICA INSUFFICIENZA CORONARICA INSUFFICIENZA EPATICA INSUFFICIENZA IPOFISARIA INSUFFICIENZA PANCREATICA INSUFFICIENZA RENALE INTERTRIGINE (INTERTRIGO) INTOLLERANZE ALIMENTARI INVECCHIAMENTO PRECOCE 112 IPERACIDITÀ GASTRICA IPEREMESI - VOMITO IPERESTESIA IPERIDROSI IPERIDROSI ai PIEDI IPERLIPEMIA IPERNEFROMA IPERPIRESSIA (ipertermia) IPERTIROIDISMO IPERTENSIONE ARTERIOSA IPERTONO IPERTROFIA ADENOIDEA e TONSILLARE IPERTROFIA PROSTATICA (adenoma della prostata) IPOACUSIA IPOGLICEMIA IPOMNESIA IPOMENORREA IPOPLASIA MAMMARIA IPOSIDEREMIA IPOTENSIONE ARTERIOSA IPOTIROIDISMO IPOTONO IRIDOCICLITE IRREQUIETEZZA DELLE GAMBE IRREQUIETEZZA MOTORIA ISCHIALGIA ITTERO LARINGITI LESIONI LEUCEMIA (come coadiuvante nella) LEUCORREA LINFANGITE E LINFOADENITE LINFATISMO LINFOGRANULOMA INGUINALE LINFOGRANULOMATOSI di HODGKIN (come coadiuvante nella) LINFOSARCOMA LOMBALGIA LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSO LUSSAZIONI MACCHIE EPATICHE MALARIA MAL di MARE o d’ AUTO MAL DI TESTA MALATTIE INFETTIVE MANIE MASTITI MASTOIDITI MEGACOLON CONGENITO (malattia di Hirschsprung) MEMORIA (disturbi di) MENIÈRE (Sindrome di) MENINGITE MENORRAGIA, METRORRAGIA METASTASI TUMORALI METEORISMO METRITI (endometriti, parametriti) MIALGIE DIFFUSE MICOSI MICOSI INTERDIGITALE MICROSPORE MIELITE MIOMA DELL’UTERO MIOPIA MIOSITE OSSIFICANTE MIOTONIA MIXEDEMA MONGOLISMO MONONUCLEOSI CONTAGIOSA (febbre di Pfeiffer) MORBILLO MORBO DI ADDISON MORBO DI BANG MORBO DI BASEDOW MORBO DI BECHTEREW MORBO DI BÜERGER-WINIWARTER MORBO DI CUSHING MORBO DI PARKINSON (paralisi agitans) MORBO DI PRINGLE MORBO DI WERLHOF MUGHETTO MYASTENIA GRAVIS NEFROPATIE NEFROLITIASI NEFROSCLEROSI NEOPLASIE NEURODERMITE NEVRALGIE NEVRALGIA del TRIGEMINO NEVRALGIA INTERCOSTALE NEVRITE del NERVO OTTICO NEVROSI CARDIACA NINFOMANIA OBESITÀ OFTALMOPATIA OLIGOSPERMIA ONANISMO ONICORRESSI OPACITÀ della CORNEA OPACITÀ del CORPO VITREO ORCHITE ORTICARIA ORZAIUOLI OSSALURIA OSTEOMALACIA OSTEOMIELITE OSTEOPOROSI OTITE ESTERNA OTITE MEDIA OTORREA OTOSCLEROSI OVARITE OZENA PANCREATITE PAPILLOMA (della vescica) PARALISI AGITANS PARALISI PROGRESSIVA PARALISI PROGRESSIVA BULBARE PARALISI SPINALE SPASTICA PARAMETRITE PARAPLEGIA PARESI PARESI FACCIALE PARADONTOSI PARONICHIA PAROTITE EPIDEMICA PATERECCI PEMFIGO VOLGARE PERIARTERITE NODOSA PERIARTRITE OMERO-SCAPOLARE PERICARDITE PERIOSTITE PERTOSSE PIELITE e PIELONEFRITE PIROSI (bruciori di stomaco) PITIRIASI VERSICOLOR PLETORA PLEURITE POLIARTRITE 113 POLICITEMIA POLIPI POLISINUSITE POLMONITE PORFIRIA PORPORA EMORRAGICA PRECANCEROSI PRIAPISMO PROCTITE, PERIPROCTITE PROLASSO dell’ ANO e del RETTO PROLASSO DELL’UTERO (ptosi utero vaginale) PROSTATITE PRURITO PRURITO VULVARE PSICOSI PSITTACOSI PSORIASI STATI SCHIZOIDI STATI DI SHOCK (DOPO USTIONI) STATI DI SHOCK, TRAUMATICI STENOCARDIA STERILITÀ STIPSI STOMATITE STRANGURIA STRESS SUBLUSSAZIONI SUDECK (malattia di) TABE DORSALE TACHICARDIA PAROSSISTICA TENDENZA al RAFFREDDORE TENDOVAGINITE TIC CONVULSIVO TIREOTOSSICOSI TORCICOLLO SPASTICO TOSSE CROUPALE TOXOPLASMOSI TRACHEITE TRAUMA CRANICO TRICHINOSI TRICOFIZIA UNGUEALE TROMBOFLEBITE RACHITISMO RADICALI LIBERI RAFFREDDORE RAGADI RAGADI ANALI RAGGI X (danni da) RETINITE RETINOPATIA PIGMENTOSA RETROFLESSIONE DELL’UTERO REUMATISMI REUMATISMO MUSCOLARE RINITE RINOFIMA ROSOLIA ULCERA DUODENALE e GASTRICA ULCERA VARICOSA UREMIA URETRITE NON SPECIFICA USTIONI VACCINAZIONI (danni da) VARICELLA VARICI VERRUCHE VERSAMENTO INTRA-ARTICOLARE VERTIGINI VIRUS (malattie da) VOMITO MATTUTINO SARCOIDOSI SARCOMA SATURNISMO SCABBIA SCARLATTINA SCLERITE SCLERODERMIA SCLEROSI MULTIPLA SCORBUTO SCOTTARURE SCROFOLA (scrofolosi) SEBORREA SEPSI SICOSI DELLA BARBA SINDROME CERVICALE SINDROME di MENIÈRE SINDROME DUNPING SINGHIOZZO SINTOMI PSICHICI SINTOMO di COMPRESSIONE CEREBRALE SINUSITE SPASMI SPASMOFILIA SPASMO INTESTINALE SPASMO DEL PILORO SPONDILARTRITE ANCYLOPOIETICA STASI VENOSA STATI ANSIOSI STATI ASMATICI STATI DI ECCITAZIONE STATI EPILETTIFORMI STATI POSTENCEFALITICI 114 SCHEDE DELLE PATOLOGIE N. B. L’immunofarmacologia costituisce uno degli aspetti più interessanti della moderna medicina. Per questo in molte patologie prese in esame nella sezione seguente abbiamo inserito alcune note di terapia immunofarmacologica. Ciò per consentire al medico di avere sia un’ulteriore alternativa terapeutica, sia un eventuale completamento sinergico alla terapia omotossicologica ed omeopatica classica. 115 ABLATIO RETINAE (Detachment of retina) (degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. drops, 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ABORTUS IMMINENS (miscarriage threat) (degenerative phase with a tendency towards expulsion of the fetus) BASIC THERAPY CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: In miscarriage threat: Anti-CD46 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations every 4 hours) Anti-CD55 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations every 4 hours) In relapsing miscarriages: Anti-HLA/A-B-C (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) Anti-HLA/DQ (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) Anti-HLA/DR (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) ABSESSES (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY I.S.V. 1 vial every day, per os BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day and FOCUS OTI composto 20 drops 3 times a day , 1 vial every day (dental absesses) ACETONAEMIA (inflammatory phase) LYCOCHELID and BIO H SIMPLEX vials (as main remedies for liver detoxication) ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM Scal. Prog. vials BIOVOM suppositories and IPECA Scal. Prog. vials (if there is vomit, persistent nausea and exhausting vomit) VERATRUM ALBUM Scal. Prog. vials (if there is vomit, diarrhoea and cold sweat). Especially useful in DIABETIC ACETONAEMIA are following remedies: SYZYGIUM OTI comp. and ARSENICUM ALBUM Scal. Prog. vials, the latter is particularly efficacious in Juvenile Diabetes especially if there is slimming, prostration, great thirst. ACNE ROSACEA (inflammation and inbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 116 ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY (phase of degeneration) PRODIF fiale VIROTI fiale ASPECIFIC fiale, 1 vial of each remedy every second day, alternated; OTICATAL and DIFENSOTI, 1 vial of each every week IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - Formula EL-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula EL-2 (1 vial once a day) ADDISON’S DISEASE (Chronic adenocortical insufficiency) (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY In dangerous and acute situations we recommend you give the adrenal hormones, according to the protocol therapy! The Biotherapics can be very useful combined with the traditional therapy in improving the general situation and in delaying the acute stages. CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 20 drops. 3 times a day, everyday BRIACONITUM with, if necessary, COLOGELS and PROD, 2 cps. of each 3 times a day, BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day (useful for its adenocortical stimulating activity) ACROCYANOSIS (imbibition phase; probably because of accumulation) AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPETROLEUM 2 capsules 3 times a day if chilblains and erythema are present. BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day for the regeneration of sulphuric enzymes. AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day in case of weakness of the heart muscle. LIMPHOMIOTI per os., intramuscolar injection, subcutaneous injection (mesenchyma) BIO PL (to control the peripheric blood circulation) OTICATAL as an enzymatic stimulator and DIFENSOTI, in most serious cases. PROGERIN O2, in case of low tissue-oxygenation. ADENOIDAL and TONSILLAR HYPERTROPHY (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY BARYTA comp. 2 cps. twice a day, in lymphatic hypertrophy with hypertrophic larger tonsils especially in children that are very sensitive to humid coldness and with hypophysial – thyroidal insufficiency LIMPHOMIOTI, 20 drops twice a day, it acts on the lymphatic system and drains the mesenchyma DULCAMARA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. in the morning ADHESIONS (accumulation phase) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 117 After a surgical operation to facilitate the cicatrisation process BIO A.R., ENERVITAL vials, spray or cream ADIPOSE-GENITAL DYSTROPHY (phase of mesenchymal accumulation, due to a phase of imbibition of the hypophysis) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day (in mesenchymal toxins cleavage) IPERSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day (to stimulate all detoxicating functions) AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (regulation of the peripheral circulation). ADIPOSITY (accumulation phase) BASIC THERAPY BIOFUX 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day It’s a partial symptom of other degenerative phases as: apoplexy, tumour, arteriosclerosis, etc.. ADNEXITIS (female pelvic phlogosis) (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ADYNAMIA (phase of imbibition or of sympathic-dermal or muscle-dermal degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IPOGERIN 20 drops 3 times a day AEDEMAS (phase of accumulation) Heart aedemas: BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI. 20 drops 3 times a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day after eating, in case of heart arrhythmia. ASPECIFIC to be alternated with LIMPHOMIOTI Quincke’s aedema: Basic therapy APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI. 20 drops 3 times a day Renal aedemas: APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIONEF 2 capsules 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI. 20 drops 3 times a day 118 Liver aedemas: CHINA OTI comp., in presence of pressing pain, meteorism, state of prostration, liver and spleen hypertrophy; LYCOCHELID in case of belching, especially if acid, meteorism, weakness, reddish, rich of gravel urine; PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. in presence of sub-icterus, liver hypertrophy, haemorrhages. In association with preparations: with diuretic effect such as with liver-protecting effect with enzymatic activators as with lymphodraining effect as APIS OTI comp. and SOLIDAGO OTI comp.; as BIO H SIMPLEX, CITROOTICATAL, OTICATAL, DIFENSOTI; LIMPHOMIOTI AFTA (inflammatory phase) BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day, especially during therapy with antibiotics; CICLOREG (often useful as an intermediate help) VERATRUM OTI comp. to alternate in case of relapses, VIROTI or if necessary BIO A.R. and PSORINUM OTI comp., as an alternative, VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR (I.S.V.) 1 vial 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-TCR/Vb8 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations every 2-4 hours) AGORAPHOBIA (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY ANACARDIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day VALERIANA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day AGRANULOCYTOSIS (inbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day ALBUMINURIA (inbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY BIONEF 2 capsules 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day BIODRENOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day Albuminuria A FRIGORE: ACONITUM OTI comp. ORTHOSTATIC Albuminuria: CHINA OTI comp, BIOSEL , TETRAFERRUM, in weak and asthenic persons and in case of a great loss of weight. Albuminuria IN PREGNANCY: 119 SOLIDAGO OTI comp, BIONEF, APIS OTI comp., CICLOREG or GINECOTI In case of inflammations in the genital organs or in miscarriage threat. Albuminuria in presence of INFLAMMATORY or DEGENERATIVE MODI FICATIONS of the URINARY SYSTEM: CANTHARIS OTI comp., MERCURIUS OTI comp. ALCOHOLISM (inbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops in the afternoon ASPECIFIC 20 drops in the evening BIOPAX (abstinence crisis) LINDAU K PATER drops., 30 drops twice a day before eating (the rejection of alcohol occurs after the 15th day). MAG A1 forte soluzione 1 spoon 3 times a day, 1 hour before eating. ALLERGIES (inbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY GRAMIDILLA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day (as a prevention), 20 drops 3-4 times a day in acute phase IPERSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY Allergies in general (prevention) Formula AL-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula AL-2 (1 vial once a day) Allergies in general (therapy in acute phases) Formula AL-2 (1 vial 2-3 times a day) ALOPECIA AREATA (inflammation or imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IPOGERIN 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day ALVEOLAR PYORRHOEA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY FOCUS OTI composto 20 drops 3 times a day; 1 vial a day per os MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 120 Pernicious and minor ANAEMIA - SIDEROPENIA (imbibition and degeneration phase) see also Sideropenia BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day TETRAFERRUM 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-1a ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations twice a day) IL-2 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations twice a day) ANAL INCONTINENCE (phase of imbibition or of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ANAL RHAGADES (phase of inflammation) PAEONIA OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day EUFLUX pomata or RATANHIA T.M. cream, locally, often. AESCULUS Scal. Prog. cream, in order to strengthen the vein structure; BIOPETROLEUM capsule as an intermediate preparation ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day, in case the fistola is a re-direction phenomenon. NUX VOMICA OTI comp. in spastic constipation NIPIOCHAM supposte in case of pain. ANGINA PECTORIS (imbibition phase) CACTUS OTI comp. (vaso-dilatatory action specific in A.P.). In functional stenocardias and in acute and chronic coronary insufficiencies. BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. (action on the heart flow as a coronary and systemic vaso-dilator, it tonifies myocardium and has an anti-hypertensive action). AURUM OTI comp. weakness of the heart muscle (myocardium-trophic and anti-arhythmic action, it improves the cell energy availability and thus the coronary vascularization) BIOIN in stenocardic and anginous crisis that irradiate to the left arm with a sense of heart throbbing and arrhythmia. BIOSTEN in anginous crisis with sharp pains, violent palpitations, great anxiety. STROPHANTUS OTI comp. (if there is a doubt of myocardial infarction in presence of cold sweating and dyspnoea) CORARNICA as a consolidating treatment, once a week. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: (prophylactic protocol) Formula V-1 (1 vial once a day) (adjuvant treatment in acute stages) Anti-HSP/72-73 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations every 2-4 hours) 121 ANOREXY (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY BIO H. SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day (the stimulation of the liver detoxicating functions will whet the person’s appetite) ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-1a ricombinante (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains once a day) TNFa ricombinante (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains once a day) ANOSMIA (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day PRORIN 20 drops 3 times a day ANURIA (renal insufficiency) (imbibition – degeneration phase) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIODRENOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-2 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) M-CSF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) ANXIETY (impregnation phase) GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (regulating action on the autonomic nervous system); BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day (specific in psychosomatic disorders and in case of nervous irritability); BIOSEL 20 drops 3 times a day MOON OTI comp. 20 drops whenever symptoms start, to be repeated every hour until they disappear. In chronic cases, 20 drops 3 times a day ANXIOUS STATES (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIOPAX 2 cps. twice a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day MOON OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day. AORTIC ANEURISM (accumulation- imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY BARYTA COMPOSTA 2 capsules 3 times a day 122 BIOIN 2 capsules 3 times a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day after eating AESCULUS OTI comp. (peripheral blood circulation) AORTITE (imbibition phase) BARYTA comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day (state of arteriosclerosis, it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-lipaemic effect). CORARNICA 1 vial every day (it regulates the blood flow; it also has a tonifying effect on the myocardium). AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (myocardium-trophic effect) it is efficacious in case of ischaemic problems by improving the cell energy availability. OTICATAL vials; 1 vial 3 times a week (activator of the enzymatic system). BIOSEL 1 vial every day (equilibrator of the vegetative nervous system). APATHY GRAPHITES OTI comp. useful in individuals of Carbonic constitution, individuals that are apathetic, either mentally than physically. CHELIDONIUM OTI comp., LYCOCHELID, NUX VOMICA Scal. Prog. In individuals suffering form liver disorders that are anxious, choleric and depressed. BARYTA comp.,in presence of apathy in individuals with arteriosclerosis. SELENIUM Scal. Prog., ACIDUM PHOSPHORICUM Scal. Prog., SEPIA Scal. Prog. In case of apathy due to mental depression. KALGIN FORTE 1 phial per os in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. APHASIA (degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY BARYTA comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day APHONIA (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day APPENDICITIS, acute and chronic (inflammation phase) ACUTE STAGE: In preparation of the operation: Basic therapy BRYONIA Scal. Prog. strong, PYROGENIUM Scal. Prog. and BIO A.R. all together as an injection every 4 hours, then ECHINACEA OTI comp. great stimulator of the natural immunity. CHRONIC STAGE: NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. (to be alternated with MERCURIUS OTI comp.) 123 ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION (phase of imbibition or accumulation) GLONOINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, anti-hypertensive and anti-arteriosclerotic effect AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, anti-arrhythmic and sedative cardiovascular effect MELILOTUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, specific anti-hypertensive effect LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day, with mesenchymal anti-aedemic effect APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, with anti-aedemic and diuretic effect. SOLIDAGO OTI comp. for its renal parenchyma draining effect OTICATAL and DIFENSOTI useful to stimulate the enzymatic system CARBO OTI comp. as a prevention in pre-apoplectic states. ARTERIAL HYPOTENSION BASIC THERAPY AURUM OTI comp., cardiovascular preparation with a tonic effect on the cardio-circulatory system, BIANCOSPIN OTI, myocardium tonifying preparation IPOGERIN, neurotonic and autonomic nervous system re-balancing effect KALGIN FORTE 1 phial twice a day (morning and afternoon ) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-1a ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3 times a day) PAF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3 times a day) In constitutional hypotension, we recommend you add OTICATAL fiale, 1 vial twice a week ARTERIOSCLEROSIS (imbibition but also accumulation and degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY BARYTA comp. 2 capsules 2-3 times a day BIOTIA comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 2-3 times a day BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 8-10 drops 3 times a day after eating IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula V-1 (1 vial once a day) ARTHRITIS, ARTHROSIS (phases of inflammation – accumulation - degeneration) We recommend treating arthrosis according to the following prescription: 1st week: a) 2 vials of BIO AR. as a local infiltration around the joint (Monday and Thursday) b) 2 vials of ZOTI periarticularly, (Tuesday and Friday) 2nd week: a) 2 vials of ZOTI periarticularly (Monday and Friday) 3rd week: 1 vial of ZOTI DEPOT intra-articularly 4th and 5th week: no injection (depot effect) Gradually increase the time lapse between two intra-articular injections of ZOTI DEPOT. Local applications of BIO A.R. pomata and ZOTI pomata PORIX FORTE (bone demineralization) TETRAFERRUM (shoulder joint) GELSEMIUM OTI comp. (neuralgic-rheumatic pains) CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. (chronic luxation of the foot joint, neural irritation after every accident) BRIACONITUM and ALGINOTI (finger-hand joint) COLODULCA and DULCAMARA OTI comp. (when symptoms worsen by damp weather) GRAPHITES OTI comp. (chronic deformation) 124 IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Reactive Arthritis: Anti-IgG (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3 times a day) Rheumatoid Arthritis Formula D-3 (1 vial once a day) Arthrosis Formula P-1 (1 vial once a day) IDIOGAM ARTICULAR COMPLAINTS (inflammatory, traumatic or degenerative phase) BIO A.R. in inflammatory and traumatic articular complaints, even if arthrosis is worsening the situation; start with 20 drops every 1-2 hours, and then 3 or 4 times a day associated with ZOTI drops, in chronic and painful arthrosis, in which the metabolic damages play an important role in the physiopathology. ASCITES (accumulation phase) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day ASTHENIA (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY TETRAFERRUM 20 drops 3 times a day CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IPOGERIN 20 drops 3 times a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASTMATHIC STATES (phase of imbibition) Start a therapy with teophylline for a few days and then pass to the homotoxicological treatment. BASIC THERAPY BIOVEN spray orale: 2 nebulizations even every 15 min. until the crisis ends. IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day VERATRUM OTI comp. to alternate in case of collapse DROSERA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ATOPIC ECZEMA (phase of inflammation) IPERSULFUR . 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. in chronic cases, 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. in acute cases, 20 drops 6 times a day DERMOTI (constitutional treatment) and if necessary SOLIDAGO OTI comp. or LIMPHOMIOTI (renal activity stimulation). IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AL-1 (1 vial once a day) 125 - Formula AL-2 (1 vial once a day) Contemporaneous draining treatment, according to the following pattern: DERMOSULFUR 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day I.S.V. 3 phials a day per os in some water. ATRIAL FIBRILLATION (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BABY COLICS (phase of impregnation) COLOGELS 1 capsule 2-3 times a day. In acute cases even every 15 min. NIPIOCHAM suppositories of 1 gr. 1 suppository once or twice a day, as a sedative. BACTERIAL INFECTION (general pattern) (phase of inflammation) ECHINACEA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day; 1 vial twice a day (also as an antibiotic-dissolving solution) ARNICA OTI comp. ; 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. at the beginning every 2 hours, then 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - Formula T-3 (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) In case of chronic or relapsing infections: OTICATAL vials and/or DIFENSOTI vials, 1 vial of each, alternately twice a week. BAD BREATH (Can occur at different stages) ARNICA OTI comp. and BIO A.R. alternated or combined, 20 drops or 2 capsules 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (if the smell comes from the excessive use of toxic substances such as smoke, alcohol, etc.). BALANITIS - BALANOPOSTHITIS (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 2 capsules 3 times a day To be taken in the same day BANG’S DISEASE (Bang’s fever) (phase of inflammation) CICLOREG 20 drops in the morning BIOGYNOTI 20 drops at noon BIO A.R. 2 cps. in the afternoon ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops as an alternative preparation to BIO A.R. 126 BARTHOLINITIS (phase of inflammation) MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO A.R. (anti-phlogistic, anti-suppurating effect) PSORINUM OTI comp. alternated with BIO A.R. BASEDOW’S DISEASE See Hyperthyroidism BEARD SYCOSIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day BECHTEREW’S DISEASE (CERVICAL-DORSAL SPONDYLITIS DEFORMANS) (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY CHINA OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day DULCAMARA OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day OSTEOIN 2 cps. 3 times a day COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day BLENORRHAGIA (phase of inflammation and imbibition) In the chronic stage or in case of very slow resolution: PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 or more times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 or more times a day I.S.V. 2 vials a day per os in some water. BLEPHARITIS (phase of inflammation) Basic therapy PROX 2 capsules 2-3 times a day DERMO SULFUR 2 capsules 2-3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day MPA COMPLEX collirio (local use) BONE FRACTURES OSTEOIN 2 cps.2-3 times a day BIO A.R. 20 drops 2-3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps 2-3 times a day PORIX FORTE 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula O-1 (1 vial once or twice a day) 127 BOTULISM (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY BIOACID, AURUM OTI comp., CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. (or BIO H SIMPLEX) and ASPECIFIC in cocktail, 1 phial of each, once a day SERROTOSSIN (to eliminate enteric toxines) BIO A.R. (regeneration of sulphuric enzymes) BRAIN APOPLEXY (T.I.A., Ictus cerebri - Shocks) (degenerative phase) CARBO OTI comp. immediately; BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. alternated with MELILOTUS OTI comp., 8-10 drops every 10-15 min. GLONOINUM OTI comp. (heart attacks, palpitations) and GLONOINUM Scal. Prog. because of their anti-hypertensive and decongesting effect. BELLADONNA OTI comp. (plethora) in case of coma in individuals showing red and congested face. BREAKDOWN (in general phase of imbibition involving various tissues: nervous tissue, adrenergic system, etc.) BASIC THERAPY CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRONCHIAL ASTHMA (imbibition phase) See also—› Cardiac Asthma BASIC THERAPY BIOVEN spray orale: 2 nebulizations even every 15 min.until the crisis disappear AEROTI 20 drops 3 times a day SCILLA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day DROSERA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: PAF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations every 2-4 hours) BRONCHIAL PNEUMONIA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BRIACONITUM 2 capsules 3 times a day AEROTI 20 drops 3 times a day ACONITUM OTI comp. in acute cases every 1⁄2 hour, if it is taken as a unique preparation. APYR OTI comp. 15 drops 3 times a day BRONCHIECTASIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 2-3 times a day BIODROSERA comp. 2 capsules 2-3 times a day KREOBRIN 2 capsules 2-3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 2-3 times a day 128 BRONCHITIS (phase of inflammation) PANFLU (or BRIACONITUM and AEROTI) to be alternated in the same day ACONITUM OTI comp. in feverish bronchitis – influenza BIODROSERA comp. in bronchitis caused by stasis (in elderly people), dry, spastic cough KREOBRIN in bronchitis caused by smoking, 2 capsules 3 times a day SCILLA OTI comp. in case of irritant cough. DROSERA OTI comp. (when cough is similar to whooping-cough) I.S.V. 2 vials a day, per os, in some water APYR OTI comp. (in case of fever) 15 drops 3 times a day ACUTE BRONCHITIS: At the beginning, in the congestive phase, in addition to PANFLU, ACONITUM OTI comp. (if the illness has been caused by cold, dry wind, or if we are in presence of red and dry warm skin, high fever, scarce perspiration, dry, painful and annoying cough) BELLADONNA OTI comp..( in case of high fever, congestion, red face, strong headache, state of prostration, dry, spastic and painful cough) BRIACONITUM in the forms with intermittent fever, dry cough or cough accompanied with expectorations, but always so painful to make the patient hold his own chest with his hands. Cough gets worse by talking and moving. DROSERA OTI comp.,.in the forms with dry, spastic, whooping-like cough DULCAMARA OTI comp. in the forms caused by wet weather AEROTI as for its important broncho-dilating effect Finally, in order to consolidate the recovery, it will be useful to refer to preparations that have a general effect on the mucosa, such as BIOM and preparations with a nosodic effect such as BRUXISM (TEETH GRINDING) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOPAX 2 capsules twice a day BIOSEREN 20 drops twice a day BULBAR GENERAL PARALYSIS (phase of degeneration) GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day BIOSEL (if necessary in long-term treatments) to be alternated to OTICATAL, to DIFENSOTI (enzymatic regeneration) and to CITROOTICATAL. BÜRGER – WINIWARTER’S DISEASE (SEGMENTARY OCCLUDING THROMBANGIOITIS) (phase of imbibition - degeneration) BASIC THERAPY AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 to 6 times a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops after the 3 meals BURSITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY OSTEOIN 2 capsules 2-3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day ZOTI (and ZOTI pomata), BIO A.R. (anti-phogistic and anti-suppurating effect) and BIO A.R. pomata once or twice a day ECHINACEA OTI comp. (in chronic cases whenever you need to stimulate the natural defenses), 129 BURNS (phase of inflammation or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY ANTIPIR pomata, apply generously and immediately on the affected part; after a few days OMEOCUTIS pomata, more times a day, in order to regenerate the necrotic tissue; BIO A.R. 20 drops every 1⁄2 hour up to every hour (analgesic, anti-exudative, healing, antiinflammatory and anti-haemorrhagic effect) APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day or more BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day or more AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day or more (myocardium-trophic effect) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-6 ricombinante (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains every 2-4 hours) Burns caused by rays Besides the remedies listed above, we mention: X-RAYS Scal. Prog. in burns with erythema, blisters, phlyctenas and sharp pains especially during the night RADIUM BROMATUM Scal. Prog. in burns with erythematous, ulcerated, necrotic skin with strong pain that improves by moving. Sunburns BIO A.R. pomata or ANTIPIR to spread on the affected part. Furthermore: BIO A.R. 10 drops every 1⁄2 hour CAUSTICUM OTI comp. to alternate VERATRUM OTI comp. in states of collapse APIS OTI comp. and BELLADONNA OTI comp., meninx protecting effect; GLONOINUM OTI comp. or AURUM OTI comp. or SILICA OTI comp. In circulatory weakness and brain congestive symptoms, after a heat-stroke; SPIGELIA OTI comp. and GELSEMIUM OTI comp. with headache. CALCIUM (alterations of the metabolism) (phase of imbibition) CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules 2-3 times a day PORIX FORTE 20 drops 2-3-times a day COLOGELS 2 capsules 2-3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day OTICATAL, (in degenerative forms) CALF CRAMP (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY VERATRUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 capsules (or 1 suppository to add in the acute stage) AESCULUS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day CARBUNCLE (phase of inflammation) BELLADONNA OTI comp. BIO A.R. or ECHINACEA OTI comp. (alternated if necessary) also as antibiotic-dissolving solutions. ARNICA OTI comp. if replace BELLADONNA OTI comp. CARDIAC ASTHMA (degeneration –imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 130 CARDIAC NEUROSIS (phase of imbibition) BIANCOSPIN OTI or AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops. 3 times a day, before or after meals; BIOIN during disorders 2 cps. more times a day PROD, BRIACONITUM, COLOGELS, together in gastro-cardiac symptoms. GLONOINUM OTI comp. in angina pectoris, with heart beating up to the throat. In jaws complications (tooth-granuloma) it is necessary the jaws elimination. CARCINOMAS (neoplastic phase) The homotoxicologic and immunopharmacologic treatments have to be considered complementary to the standard therapy in such cases (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy). ASPECIFIC fiale THALAMUS OTI comp. fiale CITOBIOS T.R. fiale CARCINOSINUM OTI comp. fiale: we suggest the person takes these preparations twice a week, alternately. MINERALREG capsule, 2 capsules a day, to regulate the mineral balance and to stimulate the enzymatic systems. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AA-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula AA-2 (1 vial once a day) Formula BL-1 (1 vial once a day), if metastasis are present Formula BL-2 (1 vial once a day), if metastasis are present CATALYZERS/QUINONES: OTICATAL DIFENSOTI CARDIOSPASM (Spasm of Cardia) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOACID 2 capsules 3 times a day KREOBRIN 2 capsules 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day CARIES - RAREFACTION of the BONY tissue (phase of inflammation or degeneration) OSTEOIN 2 capsules 2-3 times a day KALMIA OTI comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules 2-3 times a day PORIX FORTE CARIES (TOOTH DECAY) (phase of degeneration or inflammation) OSTEOIN 2 capsules 3 times a day (anti-inflammatory effect, it restores the balance in the calcium metabolism) GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (in case of inflammation of the gums) CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day in case of disorders in the calcium metabolism, SILICA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day in bone affections especially if suppurating, BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 capsules 3 times a day (in presence of pain, mainly at night) 131 CATARACT (phase of imbibition - accumulation) LOCALLY MP D collirio 1 drop in every eye 3 times a day Together with ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PROX 2 capsules 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day NAPHTALIN Scal. Prog. CATARRH IN THE TUBES (of the ear) (phase of inflammation) EUPHORBIUM OTI comp. 10 drops 6 times a day (also by aerosol) LIMPHOMIOTI 10 drops 4 times a day (long-term treatment) BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day in infectious phenomena in addition to NIPIOCHAM in case of pain, 1 suppository more times a day PRORIN (if it was originated from an acute rhinitis) I.S.V. 2 phials a day per os, in some water. PRODIF (strong stimulation of the lymphatic system), CAUSALGIA - POST-TRAUMATIC NEURALGIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day BIODISC (in minor spine and bone affections) CELLULITIS (phase of accumulation) See also the section concerning the Aesthetic Medicine. BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (specific preparation against obesity) PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day to improve the vascularization. BIO LYMPHOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CEPHALEA (phase of imbibition - accumulation) IPSAMEL , always, no matter what kind of cephalea: CEPHALEA CAUSED BY EXCESSIVE EATING: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops or 2 capsules 3 or more times a day during the attacks, As a specific preparation in all kinds of cephalea or migraine. NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 or more times a day in presence of digestive disorders CEPHALEA in AENEMIC PERSONS: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day TETRAFERRUM 20 drops 3 times a day CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CEPHALEA OF CONGESTIVE KIND: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MELILOTUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 132 CEPHALEA due to GASTRIC DISORDERS: BIOACID 2 capsules 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day DISENDOCRINIAN CEPHALEA: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops or 2 capsules 3 times a day BYOTYR as for the stimulation of the connective tissue GINECOTI for women ANDROTI for men BIO H COMPLEX and CHELIDONIUM OTI comp., in case of intoxication or difficult digestion; CEPHALEA to be related to HEPATIC DISORDERS: NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day LYCOCHELID HYPERTENSIVE CEPHALEA: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, or more in acute attacks. RAUWOLFIA OTI order to regulate the cardio-circulatory activity. BIODILOTI BIOCIRCOTI HYPOTENSIVE CEPHALEA: SURSUMOTI together or alternated with BIOTAB for body and mental invigoration. BERBERIS OTI comp. AURUM OTI comp. to give tone to the myocardium SPIGELIA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day, as a symptomatic remedy, KALGIN FORTE 1 phial in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. CEPHALEA DUE TO PHSYCHIC DEPRESSION: IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day when the psychic aspect is involved SIMPATOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day KALGIN FORTE 1 phial in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. CEPHALEA of RHEUMATIC origin: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 capsules 3 times a day by damp weather BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day in case of mental irritation IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T (1 capsule every 2-4 hours) CEPHALEA of TOXIC origin: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CEPHALEA related to UTERO-OVARIAN DISORDERS: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VASOMOTORIAL CEPHALEA: SPIGELIA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day GLONOINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day in anginous disorders IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-2 (1 capsule every 2-4 hours) OTHER INDICATIONS FOR CEPHALEA: MELILOTUS OTI comp. in presence of epistaxis that relieves the headache GLONOINUM OTI comp. after a sunstroke BELLADONNA OTI comp. when lying worsens the situation 133 CEPHALEA caused by CERVICAL PROBLEMS (phase of accumulation and imbibition) See Headache (of Cervical origin) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, or every 5 min. in acute crisis COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIODISC in spinal irritations BIO A.R., IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-2 (1 capsule every 2-4 hours) CERVIX INFLAMMATION APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day I.S.V. (VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR) 2 phials a day, per os in some water CHALAZION, STYE (phase of accumulation - inflammation) PROX 2 capsules 3 times a day (specific of all eye diseases) BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day (to be taken together with PROX) GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (in chalazions associated to blepharitis) BIO A.R. pomata for external use only MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day (in suppurating chalazions experiencing pain and photophobia) I.S.V. 2 vials a day, per os in some water CHELOIDS (phase of accumulation) GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day ENERVITAL vials, s.c. 3 times a week, spray and cream locally twice a day, associated with either simultaneous or alternated applications with SIMPHYTUM T.M. pomata. This treatment has to be continued for a long time. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: EGF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) TGFb1 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) CHOLANGITIS, CHOLECYSTITIS, CHOLELITHIASIS (phase of accumularion - inflammation) CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ATROPINUM OTI comp. supposte (specific effect on spasms) BIO H SIMPLEX (hepatobiliary affections) SERROTOSSIN (septic diarrhoea, that chelates the enteric toxins) NUX VOMICA OTI comp. (regulation of the gastro-enteric functions) COLOGELS (spasms) 134 CHOREA BIOSEREN 20 drops twice a day BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VALERIANA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day CHOREA MINOR (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VALERIANA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CIRCULATION (Disorders of) (phase of accumulation - imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOTIA OTI comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day BARYTA comp. 2 capsules 2-3- times a day BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 30 drops 2-3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula V-1 (1 vial once a day) CLAUDICATIO INTERMITTENS (phase of imbibition) AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (main remedy) BIOTIA OTI comp., ARNICA OTI comp. and AESCULUS OTI comp. together, 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. (anti-inflammatory effect) OTICATAL (to improve the enzymatic activity), IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula V-1 (one vial once a day) CLIMATERIUM (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops 2-3 times a day (female endocrine system regulator) BIOCLIMOTI 2 capsules 2-3 times a day (by re-activating the enzymatic systems, it improves both the psychic status and the vaso-motorial symptoms) COLICS (in general) (phase of inflammation - imbibition) COLOGELS in frequent doses. ATROPINUM OTI comp. supposte, alternated with suitable main biotherapics such as: CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. (liver, gall) NUX VOMICA OTI comp. (stomach, intestine) BIODRENOTI e BERBERIS OTI comp. (kidneys) VERATRUM OTI comp. (intestine, diarrhoea, dysentery) 135 COLITIS (in general) (phase of inflammation - imbibition) NUX VOMICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day IGNATIA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day In all cases is finally useful to add both an anti-inflammatory preparation, such as BIO A.R., and a stimulator of the mucosas, such as BIOM COLLAGEN (affections of) (phase of imbibition or degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC, PSORINUM OTI comp., LIMPHOMIOTI, BIO H SIMPLEX, BIO A.R., if necessary alternated to AESCULUS OTI comp. and SILICA OTI comp., to interchange always. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-1 (1 vial once a day) COLLAPSE (cardiocirculatory) (phase of imbibition and degeneration) AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops even every 5 min., alternated with VERATRUM OTI comp.; BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. BIOIN, in presence of heart symptoms. BIO A.R. gocce, following wounds CARBO OTI comp. COLPITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY GEOLAMIO OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. (in purulent Fluor), . 2 capsules 3 times a day BIOGYNOTI . 20 drops 2-3 times a day COMMON ACNE (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 capsules 3 times a day CONCUSSION OF THE BRAIN (phase of imbibition) BIO A.R., 10 drops every 1-2 hours, alternated with VERTIGOTI If necessary associated with BIOSEL 136 CONDYLOMAS (phase of accumulation) PSORINUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day (specific for chronic skin diseases with a proliferating tendency). IPERSULFUR (to alternate) stimulating effect on the natural defense and cutaneous systems. ASPECIFIC (detoxicating preparation with an effect on the mesenchyma in the neoformations). BIO A.R. pomata once or twice a day, for external use only (antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect). CONGENITAL MEGACOLON (Hirschsprung’s Disease) (phase of accumulation) LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day LYCOSULFUR 20 drops twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. MOMORDICA OTI comp., ASPECIFIC, VIROTI, VERATRUM OTI comp., as remedies to alternate or associate. CONJUNCTIVITIS (phase of inflammation) PROX 2 capsules 3 times a day (in both allergic and infectious inflammations). BELLADONNA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day, in suppurating inflammations. MERCURIUS OTI comp.2 capsules 3 times a day in purulent, suppurating inflammations. APIS OTI comp. 2 drops 3 times a day, in edematous tumefactions. BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day (anti-phlogistic and anti-suppurating effect). VIROTI and ASPECIFIC (in viral conjunctivitis). LOCALLY MP A collirio, MP A COMPLEX collirio, MP C collirio, MP C COMPLEX collirio, following the indications. In ALLERGIC CONJIUNCTIVITIS: IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AL-1 (1 vial once a day) In BACTERIAL CONJUNCTIVITIS: IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-3 (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) CONSTIPATION (phase of accumulation) VALOTI, mild laxative, it shall be taken according to the need 1 or 2 capsules from 1 to 4 times a day; as a starting massive treatment take 5 cps. at one time, wait until they give an effect, then the quantities must be individualized. BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day OTI-LA supposte 1 in the morning and 1 at night 137 CONTAGIOUS MONONUCLEOSIS (PFEIFFER’S FEVER) (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PRODIF 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - Anti-CD25 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3-4 times a day) Anti-CD21 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3-4 times a day) CONVULSIVE TIC (phase of imbibition) BASIC REMEDY COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CORNEA’S OPACITY (phase of imbibition - accumulation) ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day PROX 2 cps 3 times a day CORONARY INSUFFICIENCY (phase of imbibition and accumulation) BASIC THERAPY CACTUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOIN 2 cps. twice a day BIOSTEN 2 cps. twice a day BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops. twice a day (in presence of tachycardia) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-HSP/72-73 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) CORYZA due to POLLINOSIS (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY OTI RIN spray nasale, more times a day (according to symptoms) LUFFA OTI comp. nasal spray, more times a day GRAMIDILLA ASPECIFIC 20 drops in the morning PRORIN 20 drops at noon BIO A.R. 20 drops in the evening IPERSULFUR 20 drops at night COXITIS - COXARTHROSIS (phase of inflammation – accumulation - degeneration) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day 138 CRAMPS (phase of imbibition) COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day (or 1 suppository to add in the acute stage) GELSEMIUM OTI comp. .20 drops 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. .20 drops 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. .20 drops 3 times a day CRANIAL INJURY BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CROUPOUS COUGH (phase of imbibition - inflammation) FITOLIPTO SCIROPPO 1 measure more times a day, (especially before going to bed), to be diluted, if possible, in a little warm water and to be sipped slowly. ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning (if due to a chill-stroke) SCILLA OTI comp. 20 drops at night In paroxysmic attacks take the 3 remedies alternately even every 15 min. CUSHING’S DISEASE (BILATERAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA) (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CYSTITIS - CISTOPYELITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect) BIODRENOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day (anti-inflammatory effect) BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (with fever and burning sensations) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-3 (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) CYSTS (phase of accumulation of different localizations) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at night In ovarian cysts also GINECOTI as a long-term treatment. OTICATAL and if necessary also CITROOTICATAL. 139 DACRYOCYSTITIS (phase of inflammation) PROX, 2 capsules 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp., 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO A.R. (anti-inflammatory and anti-suppurating effect). PSORINUM OTI comp. (in chronic cases). BIO A.R. pomata (for external use) BELLADONNA OTI comp. at first symptoms. LOCALLY MP A COMPLEX collirio DANDRUFF (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. 3 times a day, as a liver detoxicating preparation PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, (detoxicating remedy in all skin diseases) IPERSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day DERMO SULFUR 2 cps. 3 times a day DECUBITUS (phase of inflammation - degeneration) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. gocce, 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. (to facilitate the blood circulation) BIO PL (peripheral circulation) if necessary alternated with BIOCIRCOTI and CITROOTICATAL OMEOCUTIS pomata, every time, after cleaning the wound, (tissue regenerating) BIO A.R. pomata in case of occluding bandages. DELIRIUM TREMENS (phasaes of imbibition - degeneration) VERATRUM OTI comp. gocce, at the beginning every 1⁄4 hour, than every 1⁄2 hour, and than every 1-2 hours, alternated with PSORINUM OTI comp. GELSEMIUM OTI comp. and COLOGELS. BIOSEL (as a consolidating treatment) once a week i.m. DEPRESSIVE TROUBLES IN ELDERLY PEOPLE See also Depression and Arteriosclerosis. It is useful to add to the remedies indicated for depression and arteriosclerosis. BARYTA CARBONICA Scal. Prog., specific for arteriosclerosis if there is also an important physical and mental asthenia and a reduction of the memory and learning ability. DERMATITIS, DIFFERENT KINDS OF (phase of inflammation) IPERSULFUR (basic remedy) it can be associated to BIO A.R. (anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect ) and to BIOPETROLEUM (anti-eczematous effect) Dermatitis of erythematous type: APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day, they can be taken all together 140 DECA PSORINUM gocce, 20 drops 3 times a day Papulous Dermatitis or Dermatosis: ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. + BELLADONNA OTI comp. + MERCURIUS OTI comp. It will be useful to add to these preparations, in any form, BIO H COMPLEX and BIO H SIMPLEX (activators of the hepatic functions and as detoxicating preparations), CITROOTICATAL and OTICATAL (enzymatic stimulators) LIMPHOMIOTI (drainage of the lymphatic system) DERMATITIS, DERMATOSIS (phase of imbibition and inflammation) Acute Dermatitis BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (anti-inflammatory effect) APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (anti-edematous effect) BIO A.R. (regeneration of the sulphuric enzymes) IPERSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day (sulphuric treatment), DERMO SULFUR 2 capsules more times a day (in case of itching) Chronic Dermatitis It is important to work on the detoxicating systems (liver, etc.): PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (basic detoxixating therapy) DERMOTI (basic remedy) GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX to stimulate the hepatic functions LIMPHOMIOTI to obtain a drainage of the connective tissue which is full of toxins . IPERSULFUR for an effective detoxicating treatment BIO A.R. and MERCURIUS OTI comp. when there is a suppurating tendency. OTICATAL (enzymatic stimulation) if necessary also CITROOTICATAL DERMATOMYCOSIS (phase of inflammation) Pork toxins and preserved food are necessarily to be avoided. The zone of the mycosis has to be alcalized (Sponge-baths with concentrated solution of Neo Citrom polvere). BASIC THERAPY DERMO SULFUR 2 capsules 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 2-3 times a day DERMATOSIS (KAPOSI’S DISEASE) (phase of inflammation and imbibition) BASIC THERAPY IPERSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day DIABETES INSIPIDUS (phase of degeneration - imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOTIA comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 capsules 3 times a day SYZYGIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day OTICATAL, interchanged with DIFENSOTI (improvement of the enzymatic activity) and also CITROOTICATAL 141 DIABETES MELLITUS (phase of imbibition - degeneration) BASIC THERAPY SYZYGIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Diabetes type I (treatment of the acute stage, to be started at the first symptoms) Formula IB-1 (1 vial once a day) Diabetes type II Formula D-4 (1 vial once a day) DIARRHOEA (voiding phase) It never has to be stopped in the initial phase with a repressive treatment. BASIC THERAPY VERATRUM OTI comp. or SERROTOSSIN capsule, 20 drops or 1 capsule every 1-2 hours To be replaced, after an improvement has taken place, with MERCURIUS OTI comp. or BIO A.R. in case of dysenteric phenomena. PAEONIA OTI comp. (anal eczema, anal pruritus) I.S.V. 3 vials a day per os, in some water (in intoxicating relapsing diarrhoea) ECHINACEA OTI comp. (anti-infectious, detoxicating and antitoxic effect) DISORDERS of the SENSES of SMELL and TASTE (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PRORIN (smell) 20 drops 3 times a day DIVERTICULITIS, DIVERTICULOSIS (phase of accumulation or of endodermal degeneration, with beginning of the neoplastic phase) VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day SERROTOSSIN 2 capsules 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day DOUGLAS’ ABSESS (inflammation phase) BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. or MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day CICLOREG (to add if necessary) 20 drops 3 times a day ECHINACEA OTI comp. antiseptic effect. DUMPING SYNDROME (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY IPOGERIN 20 drops 3 times a day PROD 2 cps. 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 cps. 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. 3 times a day 142 DUPUYTREN (DUPUYTREN’S DISEASE) (phase of degeneration and imbibition) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. DERMOTI, if necessary associated to OTICATAL (effect on the enzymatic system) or CITROOTICATAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: bFGF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 2-3 times a daY) DYSENTERY (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY SERROTOSSIN 1 capsule every 1⁄2 hour or every hour, then VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day DYSMENORRHEA (phase of imbibition) BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day (to regulate the hormonal estrogenic and progesterone incretion). COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day (spasmolytic agent of both striated and unstriated muscles). GELSEMIUM OTI comp. (in case of rigidity of the vaginal orifice) AESCULUS OTI comp. (regulation of circulation) IPSAMEL 20 drops 3 times a day (general pain-killer) GINECOTI e BIO PL (for the constitutional treatment, alternated i.m.) METROTI (anti-inflammatory agent of the female genital system) DYSPEPSIA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day DYSPHAGIA COLOGELS 2 capsules. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day They can be taken at the same time, even 3 times a day DYSPNOEA (phase of imbibition) AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CORARNICA (after mitigation of the acute symptoms) 143 ECCHYMOSIS – HAEMATOMAS BIO A.R. (preparation with analgesic, haemostatic, anti-exudative and vein-tropic effect), HAMAMELIS OTI comp. and HAMAMELIS Scal. Prog. (in case of ecchymosis in people with fragile vein system and with a tendency towards haemorrhage); LACHESIS Scal. Prog. (in ecchymosis that arise spontaneously in people suffering from infectious states, in alcoholics or in women in menopause); PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. and PHOSPHORUS Scal. Prog. (in ecchymosis and in haematomas in people experiencing coagulation trouble and vasal fragility); BELLADONNA Scal. Prog. (in ecchymosis and in haematomas with accompanying inflammatory state which is characterized by rubor, dolor, calor). ARNICA T.M. Gel or ARNICA OTI comp. pomata, local applications ECLAMPSIA IN PREGNANCY (phase of imbibition or degeneration) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIONEF . 2 capsules 3 times a day BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops at the beginning every 1⁄4 hour then every 1/2 hour EIACULATIO PRECOX (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG . 20 drops 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day ELEPHANTIASIS (phase of degeneration; it is often considered as a re-toxic phase after erysipelas, etc.) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI . 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day EMBOLISM (phase of degeneration - imbibition) COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. (or BIOPAX), as symptomatic remedies, every 10 min. COLOGELS in spastic pains AURUM OTI comp. cardiotonic, . 20 drops every 10 min. AEROTI and BRIACONITUM (pulmonary embolism) SILICA OTI comp. (legs arterial embolism) together with COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. HAMAMELIS OTI comp. in concomitant thrombophebitis AESCULUS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day (in the resulting circulatory disorders) EMPHYSEMA (PULMONARY) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (or instead AURUM OTI comp.) 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day AEROTI 20 drops 3 times a day 144 IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-8 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) TGFb1 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) EMPYEMA (phase of inflammation) Attention to the surgical indication! BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. (or MERCURIUS OTI comp.) 2 capsules 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day EMPYEMA of JAW-SINUSES (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. (main remedy) 2 capsules 3 times a day PRORIN . 20 drops 3 times a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ENCEPHALITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day In case of post-vaccine encephalitis also VACCINOTOXINUM Scal. Prog. and VARIOLINUM Scal. Prog., and ZINCUM VALERIAN. Scal. Prog. (leg restlessness). DIPHTERINUM Scal. Prog. (hyperthermia with dyspnoea). BRYONIA Scal. Prog. forte, (in unbearable headaches) once or twice a day BIOSEL, BIO PL and PRODIF as a consolidating treatment (to take care of the circulation disorders, to stimulate the lymphatic drainage and the brain functions). ENDOCARDITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 capsules 3 times a day BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOIN 2 capsules 3 times a day PREVIN 20 drops 3 times a day ENDOGENOUS DEPRESSION (phase of degeneration) See also: Exogenous depression, Melancholic depressions, Psychic depressions PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules in the morning, afternoon and night IGNATIA OTI comp. if there is a weeping tendency CICLOREG (when it worsens before menstruation) BARYTA comp. (senile dementia, arteriosclerosis) BIO H SIMPLEX and CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. (to improve the hepatic activity) KALGIN FORTE 1 vial at 8 a.m., 1 vial at 12 a.m., 1 vial at 4 p.m.. At first symptoms of schizophrenia: DIFENSIN 1 only injection; after 14 days DIFENSOTI 1 only injection, later on OTICATAL. PSORINUM Scal. Prog. for an intermediate use. LACHESIS Scal. Prog. strong, (religious obsession). 145 ENDOMETRITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day METROTI and BIO A.R. alternated every day ECHINACEA OTI comp. (stimulation of the natural defense systems, always when there are strong inflammations) EPICONDYLITIS (TENNIS ELBOW) (phase of muscle- or osteo-dermal inflammation or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. (it is often sufficient alone) 20 drops 6 times a day ALGINOTI 20 drops more times a day in case of pain, as a massive treatment. EPIDEMIC PAROTITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, in the opening phases, together with VIROTI 20 drops twice a day; BRIACONITUM 2 cps. 3 times a day BIODRENOTI 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day (to mitigate pain) EPIDIDYMITIS (ORCHYEPIDIDIMITIS) (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ALGINOTI 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day ECHINACEA OTI all cases of inflammation in order to stimulate the natural defense system, and/or BIO AR. EPILEPTIFORM STATES (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 cps. 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day EPISTAXIS (phase of expulsion) CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. 20 drops every 5-10 min. (vaso-protective and antihaemorrhagic effect, specific in haemorrhages of the first respiratory tract) PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops every 5-20 min. (it often has an effect on the constitution and strengthens the anti-haemorrhagic effect of Cinnamomum) 146 EPITHELIOMAS (repository or ectodermal neoplastic phase) PSORINUM OTI comp., ASPECIFIC, LIMPHOMIOTI, 20 drops each, together, 3 times a day BIO A.R. pomata, locally. VIROTI (if necessary and/or withBIO A.R.) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AA-1 (1 vial once a day Formula AA-2 (1 vial once a day) Formula BL-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula BL-2 (1 vial once a day) ERECTION (ERECTION’S TROUBLE) (phase of imbibition) In priapism: BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day VALERIANA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AGNUS CASTUS Scal. Prog. if erection and libido are missing. See also EIACULATIO PRECOX and SEXUAL IMPOTENCE ERYTHEMATOSIS (phase of degeneration, most of all as an expression of other phases of degeneration involving the liver, the connective tissue, etc.) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops in the morning PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at noon BIOPETROLEUM 20 drops in the evening CICLOREG 20 drops at night IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: In systemic lupus erythematosus (LES) Formula D-5 (1 vial once a day) ERYSIPELAS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day EXCITEMENT STATES (phases of imbibition, accumulation, degeneration) BASIC THERAPY VERATRUM OTI comp., PSORINUM OTI comp. and BIOPAX (or IGNATIA OTI comp.) 1 cps. or 10 drops. every 1⁄4 hour, as soon as it gets better only 3 times a day. MOON OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 147 EXOGENOUS DEPRESSION (fase of imbibition - inflammation) IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. (prostration, alcoholism) VERATRUM OTI comp. (after excessive use of alcohol). KALGIN FORTE 3 vials a day. BIOSEL, BIO H COMPLEX and, if necessary OTICATAL, alternated EXOPHTHALMOS (phase of imbibition and accumulation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOFUX 2 capsules 3 times a day GLONOINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PROX always in the intervals. EXOSTOSIS (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day OSTEOIN 2 capsules 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day EXUDATIVE DIATHESIS (or CZERNY’s) (phase of accumulation - inflammation) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. (instead of CALCIUM OTI comp.) FACIAL PARESIS (phase of degeneration - imbibition) GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day CITROOTICATAL in chronic cases, interchanging also OTICATAL and DIFENSOTI. If necessary, whereas the therapeutic reaction is weak, we suggest 1 single injection of DIFENSIN and wait until the effect has completely shown before going on with a new one. BIOSEL, as a constitutional intermediate remedy. FAVUS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. (or BIO A.R.) 2 capsules 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 148 FERTILITY (Alteration of) (phase of degeneration or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 20 drops at noon PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops in the evening LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops at night ANDROTI (specific effect) to be used instead of the previous preparations 2-3 times a week i.m. FEVER (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY INVER OTI caps.: prime anti-fever remedy when fever develops quickly. In any organic reactive form due to exposition to cold weather. 1-2 capsules every hour until symptoms disappear or decrease. ECHINACEA OTI comp. (anti-infectious effect) 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial a day per os, i.m. until there is fever. During an antibiotic treatment we recommend to use ECHINACEA OTI comp. (1 or 2 vials, as necessary) as an antibiotic dissolving vial, in order to stimulate at the most the natural defense reaction. APYR OTI comp. prolonged fevers due to infections either of the respiratory or of the uro-genital systems: 15 drops 3 times a day. ACONITUM OTI comp. in case of high fever that develops rapidly after exposition to cold weather. Characteristics of this remedy are the red face, no perspiration, the burning thirst, the red and hot skin, the stiff, frequent, full pulse, the agitation and the anxiety; BELLADONNA OTI comp. in case of high, quickly developing fever characterized by red face, state of prostration, mydriasis, abundant perspiration, photophobia, over-sensitivity to noises, light and shocks. This preparation is particularly useful whereas we find local symptoms such as tumor, rubor, dolor, calor. BRIACONITUM in case of continuous or remittent gradually developing fevers. Main characteristics of Bryonia are: the burning thirst, the state of prostration, the need for quiet, immobility, loneliness, the dryness of mucosas, apathy; APIS OTI comp. in rush developing forms of fever that are characterized by medium temperature, by alternating heat and perspiration, by pale face, by oliguresis, by a tendency to aedemas, by no thirst at all. ARNICA OTI comp. in intermittent or continuous forms of fever if we are in presence of prostration, adynamia, general sense of contusion, tactile over-sensitivity, absence of thirst, violet color and heat. ARSENICUM ALBUM Scal. Prog. in rapid developing medium fevers in case of pale face, great thirst, shivering, sensitiveness to the cold with wish to be covered but at the same time to be in open air, agitation and anxiety scaring the death. TETRAFERRUM in medium fevers with alternating red and pale face, night perspiration, frequent and soft pulse, inflammation of the first respiratory tract, haemorrhagic incidents ; RHUS TOXICODENDRON Scal. Prog. in case of continuous or remittent gradually developing fevers in presence of dry and irritating cough, triangle-shaped red tongue tip, adynamia, prostration, clouding of senses, shivering that appears when uncovering or moving. VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR (I.S.V.) in order to improve the immunologic reactivity:1-2 vials a day per os, IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) FIBROMAS (phase of accumulation or mesenchymal or ectodermal neoplastic phase) BREAST FIBROMA BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG (to regulate the endocrine system) 20 drops twice a day LIMPHOMIOTI to drain the lymphatic tissue, 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC to stimulate the natural defenses, 20 drops in the afternoon PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the evening 149 IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: TGFb1 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) FORMULA AA-2 (see Immunopharmacology) WOMB FIBROMA BIOTYR specific of all kinds of fibromas affecting the mesenchyma. CICLOREG to regulate the endocrine system ASFECIFIC to stimulate the natural defenses OTICATAL, CITROOTICATAL and DIFENSIN to activate the enzymatic exchanges. At the end the treatment can be completed by taking BIOM if you need to stimulate the mucosa’s aspecific defenses. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: TGFb1 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) FISTOLAS (generally phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. to regenerate the connective tissue, 2 capsules 3 times a day together with SILICA OTI comp. same posology MERCURIUS OTI comp. (as an alternative to BIO A.R.) 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day PERIANAL FISTULAS LYCOSULFUR specific in anal fistulas and rhagades, associated to SILICA OTI comp. and PAEONIA OTI comp. (specific of anal illnesses and in particular of fistulas and rhagades); EUFLUX pomata, locally, with very frequent applications; BONE FISTULAS SILICA OTI comp. OSTEOIN specific of bone and cartilage fistulas especially in presence of pains FLATULENCE (phase of accumulation) SERROTOSSIN 2 capsules 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOACID 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day FLUOR ALBUS (phase of inflammation) GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day BIO A.R. gocce (anti-inflammatory and anti-suppurating effect) I.S.V. Vegetal Immuno-Stimulator 2 vials a day per os. GINECOTI in ovarian disorders FREE RADICALS (damages due to) LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC drops, 20 drops twice a day BIODRENOTI caps., 2 caps twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-HSP/72-73 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) 150 OTICATAL fiale, DIFENSOTI fiale, 1 vial of each, alternately, twice a week FOOD INTOLLERANCE (phase of inflammation) Eliminate from the diet for several months every foodstuff causing intolerance They can be reintroduced later on, gradually, without ever exceeding. NUX VOMICA OTI comp. (as a detoxicating preparation) 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial every day LEPTANDRA OTI comp. (regulator of the liver-spleen system) 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial every day BIOM (modulator of the digestive mucosa’s structure) 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial every day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AL-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula AL-2 (1 vial once a day) It’s always useful the usage of OTICATAL and/or DIFENSOTI, 1 vial of each twice a week, alternately. FOOT HYPERHIDROSIS (phase of elimination) (it doesn’t have to be drastically suppressed, to avoid deviation towards other diseases that can difficultly be controlled, such as, for example, multiple sclerosis, nephrolithiasis, adnexitis, etc.) BASIC THERAPY PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIOPETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day IPERSULFUR (detoxicating remedy) 20 drops 2-3 times a day SILICA OTI comp.,it often shows a surprising effect BIODRENOTI, in order to stimulate the kidney functions. FRIGIDITY (phase of accumulation or of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day FUNCTIONAL AMENORRHEA (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day FURUNCULOSIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 151 GALACTORRHOEA (phase of elimination) CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day GANGRENE (DIABETIC, ARTERIOSCLEROTIC) (fase di degenerazione) AESCULUS OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day BIOTIA comp., 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. (in humid gangrene) 2 cps. or 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX, to stengthen the liver and the detoxicating activity ASPECIFIC, in all degenerative phases, 20 drops 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp., in feet and finger gangrene, to be associated to ANTIOMOTOSSIN, 2 cps 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI, as an intermediate, for the drainage of the mesenchyma, 20 drops 3 times a day SYZYGIUM OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day (specific in diabetic gangrene) BIO A.R. pomata, with occluding bandage. OTICATAL, or CITROOTICATAL GASTRALGIA (phase of imbibition) BIOACID (or PROD) associated to COLOGELS, BIOIN and BRIACONITUM, according to the specific indications BIOM to regulate the gastro-enteric mucosa’s activity GASTRIC ACHYLIA (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp 20 drops 3 times a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day GASTRIC HYPERACIDITY (phase of accumulation and imbibition) See also Gastralgia BIOACID 2 cps. twice a day (anti-spastic and anti-ulcerous effect) PROD 2 cps. twice a day (in case of duodenal syndrome ) BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ULCOTI (anti-ulcerous effect), GASTRIC PYROSIS (HEARTBURN) (phase of inflammation or elimination) BIOACID 2 cps. to dissolve in the mouth 3 times a day for a long-term treatment, while in acute cases 2 cps. more times a day or even every 5 min. BIOM and if necessary BIO H COMPLEX alternately every 3 or 4 days i.m. See also Gastritis 152 GASTRITIS (phase of inflammation) BIOACID or NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 2 cps or 20 drops 3 times a day SERROTOSSIN in case of meteorism. 2 cps 3 times a day ULCOTI in the ulcer in the active phase BIOM to regulate the gastro-enteric mucosa’s activity GASTRO-CARDIAC (WHOLE SET OF SYMPTOMS) (phase of accumulation or phase of imbibition) PROD (or BIOACID), COLOGELS, BIOIN BRIACONITUM every 5-10 min. alternated or together CEANOTHUS OTI comp. (in the epigastric syndrome). ULCOTI, mixed with BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. i.m., s.c., i.c. MOMORDICA OTI comp. and LEPTANDRA OTI comp (in the spleen illnesses). LYCOCHELID, CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. and BIO H SIMPLEX (to stimulate the liver activity). BIOM and if necessary. CORARNICA (as a constitutional treatment) once a week i.m. GASTRODUODENAL ULCER (phase of inflammation or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY PROD 1 cps. 6 times a day, in case of pain ANACARDIUM OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day, as an alternative in chronic cases and in bleeding ulcers. CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. 10 drops 6 times a day, in case of bleeding ulcer; In acute cases take every 1⁄2 hour up to every hour, alternating both remedies mentioned above. Also BRIACONITUM, BIOM and COLOGELS IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-TGFb1-2-3 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3 times a day) GASTROENTERITIS (phase of inflammation) SERROTOSSIN 2 cps. every hour BIOACID and PROD 2 cps. each more times a day BIOVOM (vomit with cramps and numbness of the consciousness) 20 drops 3 or more times a day VERATRUM OTI comp., BIO A.R., NUX VOMICA OTI comp. (in dysenteric incidents), 20 drops more times a day ECHINACEA OTI comp., with high fever, every day i.m., s.c. GENGIVITIS FOCUS OTI comp. in all gums infections and inflammations, included pyorrhoea. MERCURIUS OTI comp. specific remedy for acute gengivitis showing irritated, hypertrophic, spongy, easily bleeding gums; and in presence furthermore of fetid breath and abundant salivation. 153 GERIATRICS (Geriatric problems) (various phases of accumulation, imbibition and degeneration of the different tissues) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops in the morning GINSENG OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning BARYTA comp. 2 cps. at noon VERTIGOTI (in vertigoes due to tympanic sclerosis, associated to old age) evening IPOGERIN 20 drops at night 2 cps. in the IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula P-1 (1 vial once a day) GLAUCOMA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY VERATRUM OTI comp. and SILICA OTI comp. Alternately 2 cps. or 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day GLONOINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PROX MP-G collirio: prime or minor glaucoma, either congenital or due to a long treatment with cortico-steroids. 2 drops in both eyes 3 times a day, for long periods of time. GLOMERULONEPHRITIS (phase of inflammation, imbibition and accumulation) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day BIONEF 2 cps. 3 times a day BIODRENOTI 2 cps. 3 times a day alternated to BIONEF POPULUS OTI comp., in anuria GLOSSITIS (Stomatitis - Aphtas) (phase of inflammation or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules twice or more times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice or more times a day GLOTTIS AEDEMA (phase of inflammation – accumulation and imbibition) (it can also be used to accompany a surgical operation) APIS OTI comp. 10 drops every hour, in acute cases also every 5 min., alternated with LIMPHOMIOTI, 10 drops GOITRE (phase of accumulation) BIOFUX 2 cps. or 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC, at the same time, in difficult cases LIMPHOMIOTI, for mesenchymal drainage BIOVOM, in presence of sense of oppression, bolus in the throat with nausea GLONOINUM OTI comp. with tachycardia, thyrotoxicosis. 154 GONORRHEA (phase of inflammation) Antibiotic treatment! BASIC THERAPY Exudative phase BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 20 drops or 2 cps. 3 times a day alternately. Chronic phase MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ECHINACEA OTI comp. 20 drops or 1 vial i.m. once a day (also as an antibiotic-dissolving solution). GOUT (phase of inflammation) (See text concerning the anti-homotoxical rheumatologic therapy) BASIC THERAPY BIOPETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day LITHIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - IDIOGAM-1, 1 dose once a day to be repeated until you get to a result. GRANULOCYTOPENIA (phase of degeneration or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX . 2 cps 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY - FORMULA CL-1, 1 vial a day following the numbering. The Formula CL-1 has to be alternated with CL-1/a (maintenance), with one week break between a cycle and the other. HEART ARHYTHMIA (imbibition-degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. (in case of collapses) HELMINTHIASIS (phase of imbibition) BIOSEREN . 20 drops twice a day (main remedy) BIO A.R. .1 capsule (20 drops) twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. . 20 drops twice a day The 3 remedies can be taken together IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-4 ricombinante (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains twice a day) 155 HAEMATEMESIS (phase of imbibition and accumulation) CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. Anti-haemorrhagic and haemostatic effect. In acute cases 15 drops every 15 min, otherwise 20 drops 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. in frequent, abundant, relapsing haematemesis, mainly of liver origin, associated with vomit and burning pain, that are improved by very cold drinks; CHINA OTI comp. in haematemesis in people experiencing abundant haemorrhages and bad symptoms of anaemia; HAEMORRHAGES (phase of degeneration) CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. in acute cases 10 drops every 5 min. or 1 phial i.m., s.c. even 3 times a day; HAMAMELIS OTI comp. If necessary, to be alternated with PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. (in petechial haemorrhage) LIVER HAEMORRHAGE PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. and PHOSPHORUS Scal. Prog. in case of bright red bleeding with modifications of the coagulation processes; CROTALUS Scal. Prog. in case of dark red non- coagulable bleeding; VIPERA Scal. Prog. or LACHESIS Scal. Prog. in case of dark red bleeding due to coagulation problems. GASTROENTERIC HAEMORRHAGES (phase of degeneration) Attention to the surgical indication! BASIC THERAPY CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day. In strong bleeding every 1⁄4 hour. VERATRUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day (intestinal Haemorrhage) If they are due to gastro-duodenal ulcer: BIOACID, ULCOTI, PROD, in case of black coagulated bleeding If they are due to varicose veins or vein congestion phenomena: HAMAMELIS OTI comp. If they are due to haemorrhoids: AMMONIUM CARBONICUM Scal. Prog. Bright red bleeding that coagulates difficultly. EYE HAEMORRHAGES At the conjunctiva: ARNICA OTI comp. in case of inflammation; HAMAMELIS OTI comp. if the veins are involved; At the retina: PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. if they are caused by organic alterations, diabetes, liver cirrhosis, etc. SECALE CORNUTUM Scal. Prog. if they are caused by diabetes; TRAUMATIC HAEMORRHAGES CINNAMOMUM OTI comp., ARNICA Scal. Prog. after traumas. GUM HAEMORRAGES ARNICA OTI comp. after a difficult and traumatic extraction of a tooth; MILLEFOLIUM Scal. Prog. in case of bright red, spontaneous, not painful bleeding. HAEMORRHAGIC DIATHESIS (phase of degeneration or imbibition) CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (in acute cases 8-10 drops every hour) PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. as an alternative solution, 20 drops 3 times a day 156 HAEMORRHOIDS (phase of inflammation and accumulation) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. (with bleeding) . 20 drops 3 times a day PAEONIA OTI comp. in paining inflammatory forms, 2 capsules more times a day EUFLUX pomata (decongestive and haemostatic effect) HEADACHE (of CERVICAL origin) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice or more times a day, in acute crises, as a massive treatment, every 5 min. COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice or more times a day CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. 20 drops twice or more times a day HEPATIC COLIC (phase of inflammation) COLOGELS 2 capsules 3 times a day, in the acute stage even every 5-30 min. ATROPINUM OTI comp. supposte, 1 suppository 3 or more times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX, 2 capsules 3 times a day HEPATIC HARM and CIRRHOSIS OF THE LIVER (phase of imbibition or degeneration) TRANS HEPAR or TRANS HEPAR FORTE (in hepatic cell degeneration) ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. (instead of BIO H SIMPLEX) PSORINUM OTI comp. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: TGFb1 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) HEPATITIS (phase of inflammation and imbibition) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PROD 2 capsules 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Acute viral hepatitis IL-2 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations every 2-4 hours) Active chronic viral hepatitis Anti-CD81 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) TRANS-HEPAR e TRANS-HEPAR forte When you need to lower too high transaminase; it is especially useful in degenerative and neoplastic forms. 157 HERPES ZOOSTER (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY RANUNCULUS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day MEZEREUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day VIROTI . 20 drops 3 times a day DERMOTI, in relapsing forms and as a consolidating treatment VIROTI pomata, frequently on herpetic pustules; HICCUPS (phase of imbibition) ATROPINUM OTI comp. suppository or vials per os, in general in irrepressible cases, PROD 1 cps. every 5 min. (with gastric and oesophageal aetiopathogenesis), alternated to BIOACID, if necessary also BIOIN, COLOGELS, SIMPATOTI, BIO H SIMPLEX, NUX VOMICA OTI comp., CHELIDONIUM OTI comp., in presence of hepatosis or bile ducts dyskinesia, to be combined or alternated one another, if the hiccups goes on . BIOPAX in relapsing cases and with dystonic aetiology. HODGKIN’S LYMPHOMA (as an adjuvant treatment) (phase of degeneration, neoplastic phase) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 10 drops 3 to 10 times a day (it often has a surprising effect at the beginning), otherwise LIMPHOMIOTI, 20 drops 3 times a day in addition to the previous remedy. PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - Formula CL-3 (1 vial once a day) Formula CL-3a (1 vial once a day) HOMOTOXICOLOGICAL PHASES The following pattern is meant to help the therapist towards the appropriate prescription of homotoxicological remedies for each pathological state, according to the Table of Homotoxicosis. Its main goal is to achieve the EMUNCTORIAL DRAINAGE by activating organs and tissues with excretory function. The capability of the excretory organs to eliminate endogenous and exogenous toxins, represents the fundamental moment in the process of keeping or restoring a state of HEALTH, through a path of REGRESSIVE SUBSTITUTION. The emunctorial drainage can be achieved: a) b) by RESTORING the excretory activity (whereas it has been interrupted) by STIMULATING the excretory activity (whereas it needs to be increased) The toxin amount can be eliminated through different body organs or apparatuses: tegumentary apparatus respiratory system urinary system liver and bile ducts digestive tract The homotoxicological remedies that are listed below mean to direct the treatment towards this path of “health”. Besides them other remedies that have a more specific symptomatic effect on every disease. Together with them we suggest other preparations such as the INTERMEDIATE CATALYSERS 158 and QUINONS that are particularly useful if you need to activate the physiological processes of the cell respiration (Krebs’ cycle and oxido-reduction systems) and for many other enzymatic reactions. HUMORAL PHASES They are pathological situations in which the prognosis is favourable, as they are the expression of a good reactivity and a still sufficient draining capability. The affected field in Humoral Phases is the connective tissue or extracellular matrix. Excreting phases Toxins still don’t get in touch with the mucosa’s epithelial cells, but they are included and discharged together with physiological secretions. At this stage, the body expresses its full, complete draining capability. - BERBERIS OTI Comp. SOLIDAGO OTI Comp. BIO H SIMPLEX BIOM CATALIZERS/QUINONS: - CITROOTICATAL Phases of inflammation During the process of inflammation, the body first neutralizes and then discharges toxins that had entered the flow system and had not been eliminated in the previous excreting phase. - BIO A.R. LIMPHOMIOTI ARNICA OTI comp. CAUSTICUM OTI comp. CATALIZERS/QUINONS: - OTICATAL CITROOTICATAL Phases of deposit In this stage of disease, the body, trying to maintain its balance, “deposits” in the connective tissue those toxins that the emunctory organs were not able at first to discharge and the following compensating reaction phase did not manage to neutralize. It becomes pathologic when it widens and it becomes impossible to restore the balance. - GRAPHITES OTI comp. LIMPHOMIOTI SOLIDAGO OTI comp. PROCAINUM OTI comp. CATALIZERS/QUINONS: - OTICATAL DIFENSOTI CELLULAR PHASES They are on the contrary pathological situations in which the prognosis is unfavourable, as they are the expression of a poor reactivity and of an insufficient draining capability, that are typical of a lesional alteration. The “battle field” that is mainly affected in the Cellular Phases is the intracellular space. Phases of impregnation From this phase on, toxins are no longer located in the mesenchyma (interstice), but in the parenchyma (cell); in fact they are organically canalized towards a “locus minoris resistentiae”, 159 expression of a reduced functional activity and, therefore, of a decreased organic reactive capability, or a result of the impossibility to eliminate iatrogenic metabolites. Toxins that have been incorporated in the parenchyma start to disorganize the cell metabolic processes by affecting at first their enzymatic mechanisms. - LIMPHOMIOTI PRODIF ASPECIFIC PROCAINUM OTI comp. CATALIZERS/QUINONS: - OTICATAL DIFENSOTI Degenerative phases When the toxin accumulation in the impregnation phase continues, after the partial enzymatic stop, we get to the damage of the intracellular organelle and the resulting tissue degeneration. - ASPECIFIC PSORINUM OTI comp. BIOTYR DETOXINA CATALIZERS/QUINONS: - OTICATAL DIFENSOTI Neoplastic phases The chronic inflammatory stimulation on the cell can lead to their alteration into anomalous cells that, due also to the contemporaneous natural defense weakening/upsetting, will be able to prevail in the entire body. - CITOBIOS T.R. DIFENSIN DETOXINA ASPECIFIC CATALIZERS/QUINONS: - OTICATAL DIFENSOTI HYDROCELE (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY also to go with the surgical operation: APIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day, or only once at night HYDROPS (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI . 20 drops 3 times a day 160 HYPERAESTHESIA (phase of imbibition) See neuralgia APIS OTI comp. and MEZEREUM OTI be alternated frequently. Find out the causing disease! HYPERCHOLESTERAEMIA (phase of accumulation) NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BARYTA comp. 2 cps. every day BIO H SIMPLEX (to help the liver) HYPEREMESIS - VOMIT (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOVOM, 1 suppository more times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp., 20 drops 3 or more times a day BIO H SIMPLEX, 2 cps. 3 or more times a day ACETONAEMIC VOMIT: LYCOCHELID VOMIT due to GASTRIC DISEASES acute e chronic (dyspepsia,hyperchlorhydria, gastritis, ulcers): BIOACID, ULCOTI, ARSENICUM ALBUM Scal. Prog VOMIT due to FOOD EXCESS: NUX VOMICA Scal. Prog. and ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM Scal. Prog. VOMIT due to LIVER AND BILE DISEASES: BIO H SIMPLEX, LYCOCHELID, CHELIDONIUM OTI comp., PHOSPHORUS Scal. Prog., COLOGELS VOMIT of ALCOHOLICS: We recommend to avoid prescription of alcoholic drops replacing them with glucose drops! In addition to the liver-protecting preparations: LINDAU K PATER gocce, ALKOHOL Scal. Prog. QUERCUS GLANDIUM SPIRITUS Scal. Prog. In GASTROENTERITIS: VERATRUM OTI comp., ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM Scal. Prog.. In PSYCHIC ERETHISTIC FORMS: BIOPAX, IGNATIA OTI comp., AMBRA GRISEA Scal. Prog., IGNATIA Scal. Prog., MOSCHUS Scal. Prog. KINETOSIS in general (see, car sickness): VERTIGOTI and COCCULUS Scal. Prog.. In ENTERIC PARASITICISM: BIOSEREN and CHINA Scal. Prog. In FOOD INTOXICATIONS: BIO H SIMPLEX, OTICATAL, ARSENICUM ALBUM Scal. Prog., PHOSPHORUS Scal. Prog., CARBO VEGETABILIS Scal. Prog. BABY VOMIT: We recommend to avoid prescription of alcoholic drops replacing them with glucose drops! BIO H SIMPLEX, AETHUSA Scal. Prog. (if there is milk intolerance), CALCAREA CARBONICA Scal. Prog. (in presence of emission of large milk curdling). HYPEREMESIS in PREGNANCY: NUX VOMICA OTI gocce (in the first three months); BIOVOM, (in the following months); 161 HYPERHIDROSIS (phase of elimination) BASIC THERAPY IPERSULFUR, 20 drops twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX, 2 cps. twice a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp., 20 drops twice a day BERBERIS OTI comp. with re-direction towards the renal emunctory, 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp., to facilitate the excretion of skin toxins N.B. Remember that the excessive perspiration can sometimes mean a low emunctory function that turns against the skin. Therefore we recommend you find out on this possibility. Never suppress perspiration using drastic external means, in order to avoid retoxic effects! HYPERLIPAEMIA (phase of impregnation) BIO H SIMPLEX, to restore the liver functions, 20 drops 3 times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp., liver protector and liver detoxicating preparation, 20 drops 3 times a day LEPTANDRA OTI comp., liver-spleen stimulation, 20 drops 3 times a day The three remedies can be taken at the same time, alternated or mixed together. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - IL-2 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) TNFa ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) anti-timosina a-1 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) anti-CD13 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) It will be very useful to associate in the treatment OTICATAL fiale and DIFENSOTI fiale, in order to improve and restore the enzymatic functions, 1 vial of each remedy, twice a week, alternately. HYPERNEPHROMA (neoplastic phase) BASIC THERAPY MELILOTUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - Formula Formula Formula Formula AA-1 (one vial once a day) AA-2 (one vial once a day) BL-1 (one vial once a day) BL-2 (one vial once a day) HYPERPYREXIA See also Fever BASIC THERAPY ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 or more times a day PANFLU 2 cps. 3 or more times a day INVER OTI 2 cps. 3 or more times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) 162 HYPERTHYROIDISM (Basedow’s Disease) BASIC THERAPY BIOTYR, 20 drops 3 times a day, in thyroid gland disorders (goitre, etc.) BIANCOSPIN OTI, , 20 drops 3 times a day, as a bradycardic preparation HYPERTONICITY (phase of imbibition and accumulation) BASIC THERAPY MELILOTUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules twice a day BIANCOSPIN OTI 20 drops twice a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day (as an alternative to Biancospin Oti comp.) HYPOACUSIS (LABYRINTHINE) (phase of imbibition or of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BARYTA comp. 2 cps. twice a day DULCAMARA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day HYPOGLYCEMIA (phase of imbibition) The pathogenetic enquiry is essential in order to find out the causes! BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day VERTIGOTI 2 cps. twice a day OTICATAL in order to stimulate the enzymatic functional capacity in chronic states and BIO H COMPLEX in order to stimulate the liver activity; CITROOTICATAL, to alternate one another. HYPOMENORRHAGIA (phase of accumulation or imbibition) See also Menstrual cycle (disorders of) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 20 drops at noon GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops in the evening In case of PRIMARY HYPOMENORRHAGIA: DETOXINA in presence of venous congestion and when menstruation is delayed, intermittent, short and poor, especially in shy, unstable people, with passive and submissive character; TETRAFERRUM if we find hypomenorrhagia in anemic persons and menstruation is abundant or poor, but with fluid and pale blood flow; In presence of ovary insufficiency: GINECOTI, DETOXINA, if instead we are in presence of womb and appendages inflammatory phenomena: GINECOTI, METROTI (for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on genital organs); If hypomenorrhagia is associated with the period of pre-climaterium: BIOCLIMOTI for its non-hormonal effect but though stimulating the female gland system; LACHESIS Scal. Prog. in case of hypomenorrhagia with dark and highly clotting blood flow, associated with vasomotorial disorders, loquacity, emphasized intolerance to any restraint at the neck or abdomen; 163 HYPOMNESIA (phase of imbibition or accumulation) BASIC THERAPY IPOGERIN 20 drops twice a day BARYTA comp. 2 capsules twice a day VERTIGOTI 20 drops twice a day HYPOPHYSIAL CACHEXIA - SIMMONDS DISEASE (phase of degeneration - imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops 2-3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 capsules 2-3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 2-3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. HYPOPHYSIAL INSUFFICIENCY (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ANDROTI (in man) or GINECOTI (in women) once or twice a week i.m., s.c., associated if necessary to OTICATAL or with CITROOTICATAL. IPOFISI Scal Prog., at least once a week i.m. (always) HYPOSIDEROSIS (phase of imbibition) See also Anaemia BASIC THERAPY TETRAFERRUM 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial a day per os CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day HEMO F (especially in pregnancy-hyposiderosis) 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-1a ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) In constitutional hyposiderosis we recommend always to add: OTICATAL 1 vial twice a week HYPOTHYROIDISM BASIC THERAPY BIOFUX (thyroid endocrine alterations, of “hypo” kind), 20 drops 3 times a day IPOGERIN (asthenia from hypothyroidism), 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC (gland alteration modulator), 20 drops 3 times a day HYPOTONICITY (phase of imbibition) AURUM OTI comp., for a long-term treatment, 20 drops 3 times a day BIOTON, in case of weakness or breakdown, 2 cps. 3 times a day CHINA OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC, 20 drops 3 times a day to alternate with Psorinum Oti comp.. KALGIN FORTE, 1 phial per os twice a day (morning and afternoon) OTICATAL in order to regulate the enzymatic function, especially after therapeutic harms PRODIF it compensates the re-intoxications 164 BIO H COMPLEX for the hepatic detoxication CITROOTICATAL once a week ILEUS (also post-surgical) (phase of inflammation-imbibition) Attention to the surgical indications! BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day, or BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. 3 times a day IMMUNO-DEFICIENCY (phase of imbibition and degeneration) See Specific Immunopharmacologic formulas TIMOVIT OTI comp. caps. I.S.V. (Vegetal Immuno-Stimulator) IMPETIGO (phase of inflammation) MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day (when prevail suppurating forms) BIO A.R. pomata, locally, more times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day IPERSULFUR . 20 drops 3 times a day (in itching and burning forms) INCONTINENCE OF URINE (ENURESIS of the Adult) (phase of imbibition or of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. . 20 drops twice a day PLANTAGO OTI comp. . 20 drops twice a day BIODRENOTI . 2 cps twice a day SABAL OTI comp. . 20 drops twice a day INCREASE of the ANTI-INFECTIVE DEFENSES (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY I.S.V. 3 phials every day in some water LIMPHOMIOTI 8-10 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 8-10 drops at noon ARNICA OTI comp. 8-10 drops in the evening PSORINUM OTI comp. 8-10 drops at night INFECTIOUS DISEASES (in general) (phases of inflammation) General therapy: BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops every 2 hours, then 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. if there is a doubt for sepsis and breakdown, 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. in suppurating inflammations, boils, tonsillitis PANFLU in case of influenza and colds ACONITUM OTI comp. in case of influenza and colds PHYTOCYANATUS OTI comp. in tonsillitis and diphtheria; add BIO A.R. in suppurating inflammations and absesses VIROTI in viral diseases 165 BIO H SIMPLEX in order to stimulate the liver activity, as a detoxicating preparation BRIACONITUM, with fever and NUX VOMICA OTI comp., in influenza with gastric complications VERATRUM OTI comp. and SERROTOSSIN with enteritis, diarrhoea, etc. ECHINACEA OTI comp. (in vials) in order to stimulate the immunity mechanisms (also as an antibiotic dissolving solution) PRODIF when the natural immunity is very weak VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR (I.S.V.), always. INFECTION FROM FUNGI (general pattern) (phase of inflammation) TRINATRIUM 20 drops 3 times a day; 1 vial a day or 3 times a week IPERSULFUR 20 drops 2-3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: - Anti-CD11b (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 2-3 times a day) In case of chronic or relapsing mycosis, we suggest you add: OTICATAL fiale and DIFENSOTI fiale, 1 vial of each once a week; INFLUENZA (FLU) (preventive treatment) IVER 200 CH, liquid or granulated, 1 dose every 15 days, to be alternated weekly with FORMULA Q1, (follow the numbering!) or with ANASCOCCINUM tubi-dose throughout the period of influenza risk. I.S.V. vials, or also OTICATAL fiale, 1 vial once a week, in order to maintain active the natural defenses, in people more at the risk because of the environmental conditions or frequent illnesses in the past. INFLUENZA (FLU) (therapy in acute phases) (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY INVER OTI cps. (when it starts rapidly) or PANFLU cps., (when it starts slowly) 1 capsule every 1⁄4 hour for 2 or 3 hours, spacing out the doses when symptoms are reduced IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-CD43 (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains every 2-4 hours) INGUINAL LYMPHOGRANULOMA (phase of inflammation - accumulation) In addition to the specific antibiotic treatment: LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PRODIF therapeutic effect for the lymphatic glands activity. BIO A.R. with CICLOREG, LIMPHOMIOTI and PSORINUM OTI comp. alternated INJURIES - TRAUMAS (several phases of inflammation and imbibition) BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 or more times a day (anti-exudative, decongestive, anti-phlogistic and tissue regenerating effect) CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. (in general for any consequences of injuries; especially in case of chronic sprains of tibia- tarsus joints). 166 VERATRUM OTI comp. (torn muscles and shocks) After any injury the massive treatment mentioned above has to be absolutely used. BIO A.R. pomata, spread locally as much and whereas possible. BIO A.R. cream can be used either on intact injuries, such as haematomas, sprains and wricks, etc., or in open injuries. INSOMNIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOPAX 2 cps. twice or more times a day (if caused by anxious symptoms) VALERIANA OTI comp. 10 to 30 drops twice or more times a day, especially at night (with difficulty to fall asleep) BROM COMPOSITUM (HOLIS 36) 20 drops 1 hour before and immediately before going to bed, to restore the sleeping-waking rhythm. To be taken for longperiods of time NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops more times a day, even at night, if caused by an excess of alcohol or food INTERCOSTAL NEURALGIA BASIC THERAPY RANUNCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day DULCAMARA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day INTERDIGITAL MYCOSIS (phase of inflammation; the homotoxicosis can be eliminated through a constitutional treatment) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning BIO A.R. 20 drops in the afternoon PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at night INTERTRIGO (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY TRINATRIUM, 20 drops twice a day BIOPETROLEUM, 2 cps. twice a day INTESTINAL ATONY (imbibition phase) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LYCOSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day INTESTINAL DYSBIOSIS (IRREGULAR INTESTINAL BACTERIAL FLORA) (phase of accumulation - imbibition) VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops at noon BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules in the afternoon SERROTOSSIN 2 capsules at night 167 INTESTINAL SPASM (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 cps. 3 times a day IRIDOCYCLITIS (phase of inflammation) BELLADONNA OTI comp., 20 drops twice a day PROX 2 cps. twice a day KALMIA Scal. Prog. with a specific effect,, as a phial to add into a little water and sip all day long ISCHIALGIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day COLOGELS 2 cps. 3 times a day ITCHING (phase of inflammation and imbibition) DERMOSULFUR as a symptomatic remedy, 2 cps. more times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. more times a day, in vulvar itching IPERSULFUR and PSORINUM OTI comp. to alternate, as a constitutional remedy. PAEONIA OTI comp. in anal itching BIO H SIMPLEX to improve the liver activity BIOLYMPHOTI it often has a better effect after having discharged the mesenchymal wastes. BIOPETROLEUM in cases of intertrigo, chilblains, erythemas, etc. GRAPHITES OTI comp. in addition in cases of intertrigo and mycosis. AESCULUS OTI comp. in order to regulate the peripheral vascularization. KERATITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY PROX 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules (oppure MERCURIUS OTI comp.) 3 times a day KINETOSIS (phase of imbibition) VERTIGOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day, to be started two days before travelling and be taken again right before leaving. 2 capsules every 2-3 hours during the journey. BIOVOM (drops or suppositories) in case of nausea, in the acute stage LARYNGITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MU 5 spray orale, in case of vocal chords overwork, in singers and speakers. 168 LEG RESTLESSNESS (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIOPAX 2 cps. twice a day LEUKAEMIA (as an adjuvant treatment) (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC, 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp., 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX, 2 cps. 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY In lymphoid leukaemia and lymphomas non-Hodgkin: Formula CL-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula CL-1a (1 vial once a day) In myeloid leukaemia: Formula CL-2 (1 vial once a day) Formula CL-2a (1 vial once a day) LEUKORRHOEA (phase of inflammation) See Fluor albus and Colpitis. GEOLAMIO OTI comp., for mucous irritating, itching and bad smelling secretions, 20 drops 3 times a day GINECOTI, 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial per os every day BIOM, 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial per os every day BIO A.R., 20 drops 3 times a day, with anti-inflammatory effect. CICLOREG, 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial per os every day, in case of irregular menstrual cycles. LIVER ABSESS (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day LIVER CALCULOSIS (phase of imbibition) CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day OTICATAL and CITROOTICATAL as enzymatic activators BIO H COMPLEX to ease the hepatic detoxicating processes LIVER INSUFFICIENCY (phase of imbibition) NUX VOMICA OTI comp., 20 drops 3 or more times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. 3 times a day 169 CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LYCOCHELID, in liver insufficiency with hypertrophic, aching liver, with sense of prostration at the right hypochondrium, pain at the shoulder-blade, strong meteorism, reddish urine; LIVER SPOTS (phase of accumulation) ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 cps. twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day DERMOTI, remedy for the epithelial function LUMBAGO - SCIATICA (phase of imbibition and of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY COLOCYNTIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day RANUNCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ZOTI, in the concomitant joints affection, coxitis DULCAMARA OTI comp., as an alternative remedy when symptoms are worsened by damp weather; COLOGELS, in case of strong pain, every 10 min. 1 capsule or 1 suppository LUNG ABSESS (inflammation phase) Attention to the surgical indication! BASIC THERAPY KREOBRIN 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LUXATIONS - DISLOCATION (phase of imbibition - inflammation) BIO A.R. at the beginning 20 drops every 1⁄4 hour, then every 1⁄2 hour, then every hour and afterwards 3 times a day. BIO A.R. pomata, to be massaged on the injury. ZOTI and ZOTI pomata after ending of the acute symptoms. IPSAMEL to ease the pain, 15 drops more times a day LYMPHANGITIS and LYMPHADENITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LYMPHATISM (phase of accumulation - inflammation) BIOLYMPHOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps.3 times a day, specific of exudative diathesis. PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, detoxicating the mesenchymal tissue. 170 In addition to the above mentioned remedies: PRODIF, 1 vial a week, as it is a specific preparation for the exudative diathesis, and stimulating the natural defense and enzymatic processes. OTICATAL, as an enzymatic activator MALARIA (phase of inflammation) Besides the specific allopathic treatment: ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning CICLOREG 20 drops at noon SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. in the evening PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at night IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-CD36 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 2-3 times a day) Anti-CD54 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 2-3 times a day) MAMMARY CARCINOMA (neoplastic phase) As for the basic therapy: See Carcinomas We suggest you always take LIMPHOMIOTI fiale, 1 vial every day per os, after mastectomy, in order to stimulate the lymphatic flow, which was interrupted during the operation. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AA-1 (1 vial once a day) in primary tumours Formula AA-2 (1 vial once a day) in primary tumours Formula BL-1 (1 vial once a day) if metastasis are present Formula BL-2 (1 vial once a day) if metastasis are present MAMMARY HYPOPLASIA (phase of imbibition) CICLOREG 15 drops 3 times a day GINECOTI and OTICATAL every 4 or 8 days alternated with the previous preparation MASTITIS (phase of inflammation) BIO A.R. 1 capsule initially every hour, then every two hours BELLADONNA OTI comp. BRIACONITUM, as a remedy to be added to another ARNICA OTI comp., in infectious or suppurating processes, as a supporting remedy. SILICA OTI comp. and ANTIOMOTOSSIN in the phlegmonous growth. MEASLES (phase of inflammation) Basic therapy VIROTI 20 drops twice a day PRODIF 20 drops twice a day BRIACONITUM, 2 cps. 3 times a day NIPIOCHAM, 1 suppository 2 to 4 times a day ECHINACEA OTI comp. to be alternated with VIROTI for a strong stimulation of the natural defenses. 171 IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-CD46 (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains every 2-4 hours) MELANCHOLIC DEPRESSIONS (ENDOGENOUS) PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules twice a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day MEMORY (trouble of the) KALGIN FORTE 2 phials a day per os (morning and afternoon) BIOSEL 20 drops 3 times a day INTELLINGENT DROPS 15 drops twice a day MENIÈRE (Syndrome of) (phase of imbibition) VERTIGOTI 2 cps. or 20 drops 3 times a day. In acute syndromes even the same dose every 1⁄4 hour. BIOSEL and if necessary BIO P.L., in order to regulate the peripheral blood circulation and as a basic treatment; MENINGITIS (phase of imbibition) BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops every hour alternating with APIS OTI comp., SILICA OTI comp., LIMPHOMIOTI (connective drainage) and ANTIOMOTOSSIN. NIPIOCHAM in case of anxiety, 1 suppository 3 to 5 times a day ECHINACEA OTI comp., in case of fever and evolution towards sepsis, (also as an antibiotic dissolving preparation) OTICATAL and DIFENSOTI (activators of the enzymatic system), VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR (I.S.V.) 2 phials a day per os. MENORRHAGIA, METRORRHAGIA (phase of elimination - inflammation, phase of imbibition, phase of accumulation, degeneration or neoplastic phase) CINNAMOMUM OTI comp. 20 drops every 1-2 hours. In acute cases every 1⁄4 hour until it gets better, alternated to METROTI. BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day as an alternative remedy GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 10 drops 3 times a day GINECOTI, in order to regulate the hormonal activity MENTAL ANOREXY (imbibition phase) IGNATIA OTI comp.. if anorexy arises after disappointments or adversities in an inconstant and contradictory person . BIOTAB mainly in females that feel apathetic, very sad, lonely, indifferent to the world surrounding them. 172 MENTAL DISORDERS in CHILDREN (phase of imbibition – neurodermal degeneration) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day BIOPAX 2 capsules 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day BIOSEL (improvement of the brain activity) PRODIF (lymphatic drainage), when there is an alteration of the hepatic activity MESTRUAL PERIOD (Disorders of) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY COLOGELS 20 drops or 2 capsules even every hour , until the pain improves (anti-spastic effect) CICLOREG 20 drops 2-4 times a day BIOGYNOTI to take later on, if necessary APIS OTI comp. in case of pain at the right ovary. METEORISM (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day BIOACID 2 cps. twice a day METRITIS (Endometritis, Parametritis ) (phase of inflammation) (see also Cervix inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day MIDDLE OTITIS (phase of inflammation) ACUTE M.O.: ANASCOCCINUM, 1 dose immediately, to be repeated every 4-6 hours NIPIOCHAM, 1 suppository as soon as pain appears, Together with 5-10 drops of OTI-PLANT (after having warmed a little the phial, put a few drops in the external auditory canal); ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day OSTEOIN 2 cps. twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day The above mentioned remedies can be taken together 3 times a day, also combined with ANTIOMOTOSSIN if you suspect a mastoiditis; in chronic cases, 2 cps. 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day, to be alternated with Osteoin in case you fear an absess BIO A.R. pomata to be introduced in the external auditory canal CHRONIC M.O.: OTI-PLANT gocce, to be introduced in the external auditory canal at least twice a day, or also BIO A.R. pomata. BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day, or 20 drops. 3 times a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. in ulcerative secretions 20 drops. 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day, as a unique remedy for chronic relapsing otitis in which is present headache ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 cps. 3 times a day as an alternative or in addition to SILICA OTI comp. 173 MIGRAINE (phase of imbibition) See also CEFALEA (The treatment must be held for long periods of time) Basic therapy SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops or 1 capsule in the morning GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops at noon CHELIDONIUM OTI comp.20 drops(or BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules) in the evening PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at night IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: In migraines due to phlogosis or muscular tension, in acute stages Formula T (1 capsule every 2-4 hours) In chronic vaso-motorial migraines Formula T-2 (1 capsule every 2-4 hours) MILK SCAB (phase of inflammation) GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. and NIPIOCHAM, particularly active. BIO A.R. (anti-phlogistic and anti-suppurating effect). BIOPETROLEUM, DULCAMARA OTI comp. and MEZEREUM OTI comp. alternated DERMO SULFUR (it relieves pruritus). IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-2 ricombinante (30LM: grains/magnum: 2 grains once or twice a day) MONGOLISM Genetic disease in which we can only try to correct some organic symptoms and stimulate, as far as possible, the brain activity. LIMPHOMIOTI (stimulation of the lymphatic system) 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. (remineralizer) 2 cps. 3 times a day BIOPAX (in order to reduce anxiety) 2 cps. 3 times a day CICLOREG (in order to stimulate the hormonal activity, especially in girls) 20 drops 3 times a day MORNING VOMITING (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOVOM 20 drops twice a day or 1 suppository twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day MOTORY RESTLESSNESS (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day VALERIANA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day 174 MUCOUS COLITIS (phase of imbibition - inflammation) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-8 (1 vial once a day) MULTIFORM EXUDATIVE ERYTHEMA (phase of inflammation) Basic therapy BIOPETROLEUM 2 capsules 3 times a day HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day MULTIPLA SCLEROSIS (demyelinizating disease) (phase of degeneration) PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 20 drops at noon IPERSULFUR 20 drops in the evening GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops at night LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-9 (one vial once a day) MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM (phase of inflammation - imbibition) BASIC THERAPY COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day REUMOTI 2 cps. twice a day DULCAMARA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day COLODULCA, instead of the previous preparation, 20 drops twice a day COLOGELS 2 cps. or 1 suppository twice a day, in case of unbearable pain. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-2 (1 capsule every 2-4 hours) IDIOGAM – 1 (1 dose every day; to be repeated until the situation improves) MYASTENIA GRAVIS (phase of imbibition -degeneration) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY Formula D-10 (1 phial once a day) 175 MYCOSIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIOPETROLEUM 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN to be alternated or as a substitution in chronic cases BIO A.R. pomata, local use only MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION (preventive treatment) (phase of degeneration) The following preparations are the most effective for a preventive action: BIANCOSPIN OTI, VERATRUM OTI comp. and also BIOVOM (in people with heart diseases and emetic stimulus, in this case also as suppositories); GLONOINUM OTI comp. (together with CACTUS Scal. Prog. forte, BIODILOTI and CARBO VEGETABILIS Scal. Prog.); PREVIN 20 drops 3 times a day MYOCARDIAL INSUFFICIENCY (phase of imbibition or degeneration) (in cases in which heart glycosides seem not to be necessary) AURUM OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day, to regulate the heart functions BIOIN, 1 capsule 3 times a day, as a coronary-dilating preparation APIS OTI comp., 20 drops 3 times a day, in aedemas, as a diuretic preparation. MYOPIA (phase of accumulation - imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 20 drops twice a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day (as an alternative solution) PROX 2 cps. twice a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day Specific and combined therapy ASPECIFIC, as an alternative remedy in case of extreme myopia. MYXEDEMA (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY In addition to the thyroidal extract or hormone, as provided for by the protocol therapy, we suggest you take the following preparations: BIOFUX 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day OTICATAL and/or DIFENSOTI or even CITROOTICATAL, 1 vial of each once a week in order to regulate the enzymatic activity. 176 NEPHROLITHIASIS (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIODRENOTI 20 drops twice a day, frequently even during colics COLOGELS 2cps. twice a day; in case of spastic pains, add ATROPINUM OTI comp., 1 suppository more times a day. NEPHROPATHY (phase of degeneration and imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIONEF 2 cps. twice a day BIODRENOTI 2 cps. twice a day LIMPHOMIOTI to alternate every day with ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day NEPHROSCLEROSIS (phase of degeneration, accumulation and imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIONEF 2 cps. twice a day BARYTA comp. 2 cps. twice a day AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day, to alternate every day with ASPECIFIC APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 4 times a day, in aedemas. NEURALGIAS (phase of imbibition) COLOCYNTHIS OTI comp. for neuralgias of the sciatic nerve and in general for acute pains and paraesthesias. GELSEMIUM OTI comp. and SPIGELIA OTI comp. for head neuralgias and cervical syndrome. RANUNCULUS OTI comp. for intercostal neuralgias due to Herpes Zooster. CIMICIFUGA OTI comp. for vertebral neuralgias. DULCAMARA OTI comp. when symptoms are worsened by damp weather, in intercostal neuralgias with feeling of shoulder heaviness, night neuralgia of the upper jaw. BRIACONITUM analgesic effect ALGINOTI in muscle, tendon- and periosteum pains, if necessary also with SILICA OTI comp. or OSTEOIN and ANTIOMOTOSSIN, alternated. COLOGELS for piercing and spastic pains of any kind. BELLADONNA OTI comp. in lying worsening headache, in throbbing pains. BERBERIS OTI comp. in testicle and spermatic cord neuralgia. IPSAMEL 20 drops 3 times a day. NEURODERMITIS (phase of imbibition passing into the phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day. NEUROVEGETATIVE DYSTONIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SIMPATOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VALERIANA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MOON OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 177 NIGHT ENURESIS (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops in the morning PLANTAGO OTI comp. 20 drops at noon BIODRENOTI 2 capsules in the evening BIOPAX 2 capsules at night If this treatment does not give good results, we suggest you replace it with: LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day Remedies to be alternated during the day or, even to be taken together. NODOSE ERYTHEMA (phase of inflammation) The same treatment as in multiform exudative erythema associated to BIOPETROLEUM, specific in nodose erythema and in general in all skin diseases. HAMAMELIS OTI comp. or AESCULUS OTI comp., they are both able to improve the peripheral blood circulation, either alternated or associated, 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. anti-phlogistic and anti-exudative effect, 2 capsules 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp., specific in all reaction phases that involve the connective tissue, 2 capsules 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI, as a lymphatic and mesenchymal draining preparation, 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-1 (1 vial once a day) NODOSE PERIARTHRITIS (phase of imbibition and inflammation) BASIC THERAPY AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BARYTA OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day NYMPHOMANIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day OBESITY (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOFUX 20 drops 3 times a day SOLIDAGO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI. 20 drops 3 times a day All these remedies can be taken together 3 times a day. LINDAU K PATER 20 drops (in order to reduce the pangs of hunger) 30 drops 3 times a day Alternated to MAG A1 forte soluzione (especially if there is an excessive need for alcoholic drinks), 1 measure 3 times a day. MAGRYFUCUS compresse 2 cps. one hour before or two hours after eating (stimulation of the metabolism and sense of satiety). 178 OCCLUDING ENDOARTERITIS (ARTERIAL CIRCULATION DISORDERS) (phase of imbibition - degeneration) BASIC THERAPY AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 6 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula V-1 (1 vial once a day) OLIGOSPERMIA – ASTHENOSPERMIA CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day ANDROTI 20 drops 3 times a day POPULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-timosina a-1 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) The use of catalyzers is always useful. OTICATAL fiale and DIFENSOTI fiale, 1 vial of each twice a week ONYCHORRHEXIS (phase of imbibition and of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day OPHTHALMOPATHY (different phases) PROX 2 cps. 3 times a day, for a basic therapy BADIAGA Scal. Prog. 1 vial in a glass of water to sip throughout the day (about 3/6 times), for eye pains without organic causes. KALMIA Scal. Prog. forte, in iris-cyclitis, also orally (see). We recommend a specialist’s examination for any eye disease. OPTIC NERVE NEURITIS (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PROX 2 cps. 3 times a day ORCHITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps 3 times a day (it can be replaced by Mercurius Oti Comp.) ALGINOTI 20 drops. 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops. 3 times a day 179 OSSIFYING MYOSITIS (phase of accumulation - degeneration) In consideration of the gravity of this pathology and in general of the advanced stage of it when the patients come, we can help reduce the enzymatic unbalances by using: BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 2 cps. 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 2 cps. 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. as an intermediate remedy in order to regulate the peripheral blood circulation. OSTEOMYELITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY Besides the strong and necessary antibiotic therapy, use also the following remedies: ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO A.R. (as an alternative or instead of Mercurius Oti Comp.) 2 cps 3 times a day OSTEOPOROSIS (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day OSTEOIN 2 cps. 3 times a day PORIX FORTE 20 drops 3 times a day RANUNCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ALGINOTI (instead of Ranunculus OTI comp.) 20 drops 3 times a day OTITIS EXTERNAL (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY MERCURIUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day OVARITIS (phase of inflammation) The possible presence of Candida albicans has to be considered BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day OXALURIA (phase of elimination and of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIODRENOTI 2 cps. twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 10 drops twice a day (as an alternative preparation to Bio H Simplex) 180 OZAENA (phase of degeneration or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY EUPHORBIUM OTI comp. (often with a specific effect) 20 drops. per os or 2 nasal nebulizations more times a day; 1 vial by aerosol 2twice a day; PAIN (of various origin) IPSAMEL 20 drops more times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Sostanza P ricombinante (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains every 2-4 hours) PAINFUL ADIPOSIS (or DERCUM’S DISEASE) (accumulation phase) BASIC THERAPY HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 2 or 3 times a day PANCREATITIS (phase of degeneration or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY LEPTANDRA OTI comp., BRIACONITUM, COLOGELS, PROD, BIOIN, 10 drops or 1 capsule of each preparation 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: The - 8 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) PAPILLOMA (bladder) (phase of accumulation and neoplastic phase) BASIC THERAPY PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIOPETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day, as an alternative remedy ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day PARADONTOSIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 cps. in the morning and 2 in the evening CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. at noon OSTEOIN 2 cps. in the afternoon 181 PARAPLEGIA (phase of degeneration) Immediately injectable treatment with CARBO OTI comp. i.m. or BELLADONNA Scal. Prog., PAPAVERINUM Scal. Prog., MELILOTUS Scal. Prog. and also CARBO VEGETABILIS Scal. Prog., as a combined injection i.m. Treatment to be repeated after apoplexy: Basic therapy GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. (in Plethora) 20 drops twice a day PARESIS (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BIOTIA OTI comp., ARNICA OTI comp., AESCULUS OTI comp., 20 drops of each 3 times a day. PARKINSON’S DISEASE (PARALYSIS AGITANS) (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY To be associated to the anti-parkinsonian medicines such as indicated by the protocol: ASFECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PARONYCHIA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO PETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day PAROXYSMIC TACHYCARDIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning BIOACID 2 the afternoon PSORINUM OTI comp. in the evening PEMPHIGUS VULGARIS (phase of inflammation and degeneration) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops in the morning ANACARDIUM OTI comp. 20 drops at noon MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. in the afternoon BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-1 (1 vial once a day) 182 PERIOSTITIS (phase of accumulation and inflammation) KALMIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day OSTEOIN 2 cps. twice a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day ALGINOTI, instead of Belladonna OTI Comp. or interchanged with it in a massive treatment. BIO A.R. as an alternative SILICA OTI comp., with localization at the thigh-bone. COLOGELS 2 cps. or 1 suppository in case of cramp-like pain. AESCULUS OTI comp. in regulating the peripheral circulation. PERTUSSIS (WHOOPING- COUGH) (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY DROSERA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIODROSERA comp. 2 cps. twice a day (in addition 1 capsule after every fit of coughing) COLOGELS 2 cps. twice a day (anti-spastic action) PHARYNGITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AEROTI 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PHLEGMONS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. at the beginning 10 drops every 1⁄4 hour, then every 1⁄2 hour and then 3 times a day or more alternating with BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. if they are localized at the lower extremities. ANTIOMOTOSSIN in the treatment against bad intoxications ECHINACEA OTI comp. as an anti-infectious preparation PLAUT-VINCENT’S ANGINA (infiammation phase) MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ECHINACEA OTI comp. if necessary also PANFLU together with BIO A.R. every day I.S.V. 1 vial per os 3 times a day in some water. PLETHORA (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day MELILOTUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day VERTIGOTI 20 drops twice a day 183 PLEURAL EMPYEMA (phase of inflammation) Attention to the surgical indication! BASIC THERAPY RANUNCULUS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 capsules 3 times a day APIS OTI comp. . 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day PLEURISY (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY RANUNCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day PNEUMONIA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BRIACONITUM 2 cps. 3 times a day PANFLU 2 cps. 3 times a day (instead of Briaconitum) ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day POLYARTRHITIS (phase of inflammation) ACUTE POLYARTHRITIS: Basic therapy ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY IDIOGAM-1 (1 dose once a day and repeat until you get to a result) CRHONIC PRIMARY POLYARTHRITIS: Basic therapy ALGINOTI 20 drops twice a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IDIOGAM-2 (1 dose once a day to be repeated until you get to a result) POLYCYTHAEMIA (phase of imbibition, or possibly degeneration) BASIC THERAPY AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IDIOGAM-1 (1 dose once a day to be repeated until you get to a result) 184 POLYPS (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BARYTA comp. 2 cps. twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day POLYSINUSITIS (phase of inflammation) BIO A.R. 2 cps. in the first day from every 1⁄2 hour to every hour, afterwards 3 times a day. PRORIN, to be alternated, 20 drops 3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. in chronic cases PSORINUM OTI comp. in chronic cases when there is sensitivity to humidity and coldness. BIO PETROLEUM in relapsing chronic cases SILICA OTI comp. and ANTIOMOTOSSIN to interchange in chronic cases once or twice a day EUPHORBIUM OTI comp. 20 drops or, as a nasal spray, 2 nebulizations in every nostril, 6 times a day, especially in chronic cases as a long-term therapy Very useful also by aerosol, 1 vial twice a day. OTI RIN spray nasale, to spray into the nose more times a day, as nasal mucosa’s decongestant. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IDIOGAM-2 (1 dose once a day to be repeated until you get to a result). See also Empyema of jaw sinuses, Rhinitis, Influenza, Polyps. PORPHYRIA (phase of imbibition or degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 10 drops twice a day BIOLYMPHOTI 20 drops twice a day, as an alternative PRE-CANCER (phase of imbibition) ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day before eating BIO H SIMPLEX, as an alternative, 2 cps. 3 times a day. Routine treatment in pre-cancerous cases according to Leimbach: ASPECIFIC, PSORINUM OTI comp., LIMPHOMIOTI, PHOSPHORUS OTI comp., are to be taken as follows: 20 drops of each 3 times a day (at the beginning 4 times a day), if necessary even with BERBERIS OTI comp. in order to improve the adrenal function. CARC OTI comp. capsules, 2 caps. twice a day ASPECIFIC, VIROTI, BIO H SIMPLEX, BERBERIS OTI comp., to be taken 1 to 3 times a week alternately ECHINACEA OTI comp., if necessary you can alternate it to BIO A.R., and combine or alternate to PRODIF (for a strong stimulation of the natural defenses) or even to BIOTYR (anti-neoplastic effect and regenerating action through a strong stimulation of the hormonal function systems and the connective tissue) as even to OTICATAL and DIFENSOTI or CITROOTICATAL (restauration of the blocked enzymatic systems), if necessary also to BIO H COMPLEX (in order to stimulate the liver detoxicating functions); DIFENSIN 1 injection to interchange after you have left it for weeks to take its effect, and to be repeated only when all its effect has shown. DERMOTI in skin tumours (also suspected). CORARNICA in diseases of the circulatory system organs 185 GINECOTI in disorders of the gland activity during climaterium ANDROTI for men, as it allows strong regressive re-directions. SOLIDAGO OTI comp. in order to stimulate the renal excretion, it is useful besides BERBERIS OTI comp. to prevent from resulting adrenal gland damages. BIOM in gastroenteric, respiratory, urogenital mucosas affections. BIO P.L. in general in vascularization disorders as also in vascular system affections (arteriosclerotic phenomena) (I.S.V.) VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: (see specific section of this Handbook) Also consider that all diseases in a phase of imbibition can hide a possible neo-plastic phase! PREGNANCY ( supporting therapy during) SURSUMOTI , AESCULUS OTI comp. , BIOTON vials: alternate the 3 products during the week. OTICATAL vials, 1 vial a week, to regulate the enzymatic activities PRIAPISM (phase of accumulation or possibly imbibition) CICLOREG and VALERIANA OTI comp. 20 drops of each 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp.remedy to be interchanged with an effect on the constitution BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day (in spinal cord lesions). PRINGLE’S DISEASE (Sebaceous Adenoma) (phase of accumulation) ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day OTICATAL and if necessary DIFENSOTI in order to regulate the enzymatic systems, to be alternated; Instead in very bad chronic cases DIFENSIN: 1 single injection and then wait until the effect has completely shown. PROCTITIS, PERIPROCTITIS (phase of inflammation) NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day, instead of BIO A.R. LYCOSULFUR 20 drops twice a day VERATRUM OTI comp. to interchange in case of haemorrhages or rhagades PAEONIA OTI comp. in anus rhagades and eczema. EUFLUX pomata or BIO A.R. pomata to spread often locally. PROGRESSIVE MUSCLE DYSTROPHY (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 capsules 2-3 times a day 186 IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-10 (1 vial once a day) PROLAPSE of the ANUS and the RECTUS (phase of accumulation or inflammation) BASIC THERAPY VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day PROLAPSE of the UTERUS (UTERO-VAGINAL PTOSIS) (phase of accumulation or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day PROSTATE GLAND BENIGNANT HYPERTROPHY (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY SABAL OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day PLANTAGO OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: TGFb1 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) Anti-p53 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) PROSTATITIS (phase of inflammation) BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day SABAL OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day POPULUS OTI comp. in urination disorders BIO A.R. capsules, as an alternative PSORINUM OTI comp. to interchange SILICA OTI comp. in chronic forms BIONEF in presence of albuminuria and residual urine. (I.S.V.) VEGETAL IMMUNOSTIMOLATOR See also Prostate gland hypertrophy. PSITTACOSIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. 3 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day 187 PSORIASIS (degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day DERMOSULFUR 2 cps. twice a day, but in case of itching the dose must be increased. IPERSULFUR 20 drops twice a day, detoxicating effect ANTIOMOTOSSIN to be alternated with the previous preparation PSYCHIC DEPRESSIONS In reactive depressions: BIOPAX 2 capsules twice a day IGNATIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day KALGIN FORTE 3 vials a day. SURSUMOTI, BIOTAB and DETOXINA, alternated. PSYCHIC SYMPTOMS (psychosomatic affections and alterations or illness conditions that are worsened by psychosomatic factors; mainly phases of imbibition) The principal remedies, with the relating indications are listed below: BIOPAX is the basic medicine in case of depressions, melancholy, psychosomatic sufferings, easiness of crying, neurosis from climaterium. BIOTON in tiredness, exhaustion, weakness. CHINA OTI comp. in anxious states, dullness with impossibility to think. IGNATIA OTI comp. depressive state associated with obsessions, quarrelsomeness, neurosis from climaterium, globus hystericus. BIOCLIMOTI in neurosis from climaterium. PSORINUM OTI comp. in depressive states and at the beginning of the attacks in case of hebephrenia. IPOGERIN with neurasthenia, tiredness, lack of enthusiasm, consequences of mental overtiredness. VALERIANA OTI comp. (biologic hypno-inducer); in case of agitation and insomnia: take 15 drops more times. (even every 15 min.) until you fall asleep, also on a sugar cube. SIMPATOTI as a basic remedy for all dystonic-vegetative symptoms. MOON OTI comp. 20 drops a day PULMONARY AEDEMA (phase of accumulation or phase of degeneration) Massive treatment with the following alternated preparations AURUM OTI comp. (it increases the strength of the heart muscle) BRIACONITUM comp. (it facilitates the aedema re-absorption) VERATRUM OTI comp. in cases of collapses, added to BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops every 5 min. PULMONARY EMBOLISM (phase of degeneration and accumulation) PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 capsules 3 times a day AURUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, at the beginning to be alternated every 10 min. 188 PULMONARY INFILTRATION (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops 3 times a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PYELITIS and PYELONEPHRITIS (phase of inflammation) The same therapy can be used in case of hydronephrosis with a tendency towards inflammation. BASIC THERAPY BIODRENOTI 2 cps. twice a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day PYLORUS SPASM (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY PROD 2 cps. twice a day COLOGELS 2 cps. twice a day CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IPSAMEL 20 drops 3 times a day RENAL CALCULOSIS (phase of imbibition) BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day together with BIODRENOTI and COLOGELS BARYTA comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day ATROPINUM OTI comp. 1 vial or 1 suppository 2 or more times a day (as necessary to control the colic spasm) POPULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (urogenital anti-inflammatory preparation that can stimulate the renal excretory functions) SABAL OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (in case the prostate gland is also involved) BIONEF in case the renal parenchyma and the albuminuria are also involved. OTICATAL, DIFENSOTI, CITROOTICATAL, as stimulators of the enzymatic processes IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-CDw17 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 2-3 times a day) LIST OF SINGLE SCALAR PROGRESSIVE REMEDIES IN RENAL CALCULOSIS URIC LITHIASIS Due to assumption of an excessive amount of minerals: SULFUR Scal. Progr., NUX VOMICA Scal. Progr., BERBERIS Scal. Progr., SOLIDAGO Scal. Progr. Due to excessive endogenous production: CALCAREA CARBONICA Scal. Progr., LYCOPODIUM Scal. Progr., BERBERIS Scal. Progr., COCCUS CACTI Scal. Progr. OXALIC LITHIASIS OXALICUM ACIDUM Scal. Progr. PHOSPHATIC LITHIASIS CALC. PHOSPHORICA Scal. Progr. 189 RENAL COLIC (phase of inflammation) COLOGELS capsules or suppositories 3 times a day ATROPINUM OTI comp. supposte, 3 times a day (both preparations have an anti-spastic and analgesic effect) BIODRENOTI 2 capsules 3 times a day (specific in both lithiasic and spastic renal colics) BERBERIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 or more times a day (anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, useful in irritating and inflammatory states of the urogenital tract). RENAL INSUFFICIENCY (phase of imbibition) BIONEF capsule (uro-genital anti-inflammatory effect) 2 cps. 3 times a day BIODRENOTI capsule (anti-inflammatory and anti-calculous effect) 2 cps. 3 times a day BERBERIS OTI comp. (anti-spastic action on the bile ducts; anti-uric effect) 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IL-2 ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) M-CSF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) In chronic cases OTICATAL fiale and/or DIFENSOTI fiale, 1 vial of each twice a week, alternating. RETINITIS (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day AURUM OTI comp. as an alternative PROX 2 cps. 3 times a day RETINITIS PIGMENTOSA (phase of degeneration or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day DERMO SULFUR 2 cps. twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day RETROFLEXION of the UTERUS (phase of accumulation or imbibition) BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day RHAGADES (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day BIO PETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day 190 RHACHITIS (degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day OSTEOIN 2 cps. twice a day RHINOPHYMA (phase of inflammation and accumulation) BASIC THERAPY LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day RHINITIS (phase of inflammation) ACUTE RHINITIS: INVER-OTI capsule 2 cps. every hour for 6 times a day the 1st day, for 4 times a day the 2nd day and then continue for 5 days. OTIRIN spray nasale to spray into the nose more times a day PRORIN 20 drops 3 times a day TRINATRIUM 20 drops 3 times a day PANFLU it’s the alternative remedy in case of catarrh due to a cold, in fact it is particularly indicated for its organotropism towards the first respiratory tract. BIO A.R. in capsules also for the usually associated polysinusitis. EUPHORBIUM OTI comp. 20 drops or 2 nebulizations (nasal spray) more times a day, 1 vial by aerosol once or twice a day. In presence of a state of fever add also ACONITUM OTI comp. or BELLADONNA OTI comp.. MERCURIUS OTI comp. in presence of purulent mucus secretions. ASPECIFIC as an anti-viral and natural defense activating preparation. BIOM as a mucosa specific preparation, especially in chronic cases. PRODIF for a strong stimulation of the reticular defense. ALLERGIC RHINITIS: LUFFA OTI composto nasal spray to be used more times a day GRAMIDILLA OTI composto, 20 drops or 2 cps. 3 times a day PRORIN (specific of acute chronic rhinitis) 20 drops 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. (for its nosodic desensitizing action) 20 drops 3 times a day EUPHORBIUM OTI comp. 20 drops more times a day TRINATRIUM 20 drops 3 times a day (specific of mucosa’s inflammations, costitutionally with a polyvalent action). BIO A.R. (as an anti-phlogistic and anti-edemic preparation) 2 cps. 3 times a day HISTAMINUM Scal Prog. (as an antidote against secretion of allergic origin) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AL-1 (one vial once a day) Formula AL-2 (one vial once a day) ANAPHYLACTIC RHINITIS: See Coryza due to pollinosis. CHRONIC or CROSTOUS RHINITIS: See also Ozaena. Besides the basic remedies for Acute Rhinitis in the oral and injective form, add DIFENSIN and OTICATAL as enzymatic systems activators. 191 RUBELLA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SARCOIDOSIS ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: GM-CSF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) TNFa ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) Anti-CD13 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations once a day) Treatment with CATALYZERS/QUINONES OTICATAL fiale DIFENSOTI fiale 1 vial of each, alternately, twice a week SARCOMA (Kaposi’s) (neoplastic phase) Attention to the surgical indications! ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day , or a stepped treatment from 1 to 15 drops. (or from 15 to 50 drops) 3 times a day, at first increasing and then decreasing from time to time of 1 drop (or of 5 drops ) PSORINUM OTI comp. as an intermediate preparation, 20 drops at first 6 times then 4 and then, later on, only 2 or 3 times a day alternately. BIO LYMPHOTI as an intermediate preparation for the mesenchymal drainage. BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day for the enzymatic regeneration. VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR (I.S.V.) PRODIF (it has an effect on the reticular-endothelial defenses) BIODISC it has an effect on cartilages and bones. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AA-1 (one vial once a day) Formula AA-2 (one vial once a day) Formula BL-1 (one vial once a day) Formula BL-2 (one vial once a day) SATURNISMUS (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day COLOGELS 2 cps. twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day TRANS HEPAR, see card. SCABIES (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY IPERSULFUR 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day DERMO SULFUR 2 cps. twice a day 192 SCALDS - BURNS (phase of degeneration) Immediately: ANTIPIR pomata to spread locally on the burn. Later, after 1 or 2 days, OMEOCUTIS pomata, in order to help rebuild the damaged skin. Oral therapy CAUSTICUM OTI comp. 10 drops every 15 min. BIO A.R. 10 drops every 1⁄4 hour, if necessary alternated with ARNICA OTI comp. 10 drops SCAPULO-HUMERAL PERIARTHRITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ZOTI 20 drops. 3 times a day, main joint cartilage re-structuring remedy. TETRAFERRUM 20 drops twice a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day SCARLATINA (phase of inflammation) BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops every 2 hours MERCURIUS OTI comp., BIO A.R. capsule and ARNICA OTI comp. in drops For the treatment of bad angina (see relative card) BIONEF 2 cps. 3 to 6 times a day in scarlatina with nephritis. (I.S.V.) VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR 1 vial per os twice a day. SCHIZOID STATES (phase of neurodermal degeneration) ACUTE PHASE: Basic therapy PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day CHRONIC PHASE: PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 20 drops at noon BIO A.R. 2 cps. in the evening BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. at night SCLERODERMIA (degenerative phase) BASIC THERAPY AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-7 (1 phial once a day) 193 SCLEROTITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY PROX 2 cps. twice a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day. SCROFULA (phase of inflammation) CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day TRINATRIUM, ECHINACEA OTI comp., in order to stimulate the natural defense systems, PRODIF for a strong stimulation of the lymphatic system, BIOM to activate the mucous functions, BIO H COMPLEX, to stimulate the liver detoxicating functions BIODISC for an effect on the bony system and on ligaments, (I.S.V.) VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR SCURVY (phase of degeneration or of inflammation) Besides the treatment with Vitamin C: BIO A.R. capsule 2 cps. 3 times a day or BIO A.R. fiale 1 or 2 vials a week SEA- OR CAR-SICKNESS (phase of imbibition) (See also Kinetosis) BIOVOM 20 drops 3 or more times a day VERTIGOTI 20 drops 3 or more times a day Both remedies can be taken together. If you plan a trip, they should be taken 2 days in advance SEBORRHOEA (phase of discharge) BASIC THERAPY IPERSULFUR 20 drops twice a day BIO PETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day SENILE HEART (phase of accumulation - imbibition) BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day for a longer treatment. CRATAEGUS OTI comp. (weakness of the heart muscle) PREVIN 20 drops 3 times a day SEPSIS See also BACTERIAL INFECTIONS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ECHINACEA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 194 ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. 3 times a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (especially in sub-acute sepsis) IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-3 (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) SEXUAL IMPOTENCE (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY SEMOCAL . 20 drops 2 or more times a day ASPECIFIC . 20 drops 2 or more times a day IPOGERIN . 20 drops 2 or more times a day SIMPATOTI, in concomitant liver insufficiency or in functional damages, (often a very good remedy). KALGIN FORTE, psycho-physical tonic, 1 fial in the morning and 1 in the afternoon ANDROTI, male sexual organs stimulator, if necessary together with OTICATAL or with CITROOTICATAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula P-1 (1 fial once a day) SJÖGREN (‘s disease) PROX capsule 2 caps. 2-3 times a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula D-1 (one vial once a day) OTICATAL fiale and DIFENSOTI fiale 1 vial of each twice a week, alternately SLIMMING (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIO H SIMPLEX 2 capsules 3 times a day ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 capsules 3 times a day CHINA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SPASMOPHILIA (phase of imbibition) COLOGELS 2 cps. twice a day CALCIUM OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day VERATRUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. to be alternated ATROPINUM OTI comp. supposte, as a symptomatic preparation PROD against the gastric symptoms VALERIANA OTI comp. it acts as a sedative in general. AEROTI or also BIOFUX, in spasms of the larynx. See also Rachitis, Scrofula. 195 SPASMS (phase of imbibition) Massive treatment COLOGELS 1 cps. every 5/10 min. or 1 suppository every 1⁄2 hour more times a day, otherwise as an injectable solution, especially s.c. in the aching area and by the segmental route. SPASTIC WRYNECK (CERVICOBRACHIALGIA) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day COLOGELS 2 cps. 3 times a day ATROPINUM OTI comp. supposte, anti-spastic effect IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-2 (1 capsue every 2-4 hours) SPINAL SPASTIC PARALYSIS (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day COLOGELS 2 cps. twice a day BIOTIA OTI comp., ARNICA OTI comp., AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day SPLEEN INSUFFICIENCY (phase of imbibition) LEPTANDRA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (liver-spleen protective effect) MOMORDICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (spleen diseases) NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (liver-spleen detoxicating effect) In chronic cases: OTICATAL fiale and/or DIFENSOTI fiale, to stimulate the enzymatic activity, 1 vial twice a week, alternating. SPORTS-HEART (phase of imbibition - accumulation) AURUM OTI comp. or BIANCOSPIN OTI comp. 20 drops to be alternated 3 times a day ASPECIFIC, 20 drops 3 times a day , to add in difficult cases BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day KALGIN FORTE 2 vials per os every day (to be avoided at night). SPRAINS - DISLOCATION (phase of imbibition) BIO A.R. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day (in presence of contusions and intolerance of any contact). STRESS (phase of imbibition and possibly degeneration) BERBERIS OTI comp. 10 drops every 1⁄2 hour, then 3 times a day VERATRUM OTI comp. to alternate in case of collapse BIONEF, in pains of the right adrenal region and the right side of the back below the shoulderblade. AURUM OTI comp. in weakness of the heart muscle 196 ASPECIFIC in re-toxic phases due to therapeutical harms ALGINOTI to be associated in case of pain VALERIANA OTI comp. in agitation states STRANGURY (phase of inflammation or imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIODRENOTI 2 cps. 3 times a day CICLOREG 20 drops 3 times a day, if needed from every 1⁄4 hour to every 1⁄2 hour, alternately. STERILITY (phase of degeneration or imbibition) FEMALE BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ARNICA OTI comp. to alternate after inflammations BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day MALE BASIC THERAPY SEMOCAL 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day NUX VOMICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day STATES of TRAUMATIC SHOCK (phase of imbibition or degeneration) BASIC THERAPY Besides the necessary first-aid therapy take also: BIO A.R. and AURUM OTI comp. (or BIANCOSPIN OTI) STATES of SHOCK after BURNS (phase of imbibition or degeneration) Besides the cortisone therapy and hydration by phleboclysis, if necessary. BIO A.R. 10 drops every 30 min., then 3-4 times a day ANTIPIR pomata, spread a thick layer more times a day. (Afterwards OMEOCUTIS in order to regenerate the tissue) See also Collapse and Scalds - Burns. SUBLUXATIONS (phase of inflammation and possibly imbibition) BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day or more COLOGELS 2 cps. 3 times a day, in case add also 1 suppository. ALGINOTI in pains due to the weather and in frequent luxations. See also Injuries, Wounds. 197 SUDECK (‘s Disease) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 20 drops twice a day OSTEOIN 2 cps. twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day SUNSTROKE (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY CAUSTICUM OTI comp., 10 drops every 15 min.(anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect) GLONOINUM OTI comp., 10 drops every 5-10 min. BELLADONNA OTI comp. 10 drops every 5-10 min. (in case of intense face congestion) SPIGELIA OTI comp., to be taken very frequently with strong headache; SYMPTOM of COMPRESSION of the BRAIN (phase of imbibition) Attention to the surgical indications! BELLADONNA OTI comp. alternated every hour to APIS OTI comp. If there is no improvement continue the treatment with SILICA OTI comp. and ANTIOMOTOSSIN, besides also: BRYONIA Scal. Prog. forte, orally (1 phial to be diluted in 1⁄2 glass of water and to be sipped during all day long), especially in case of piercing pains (“the person presses his head with both hands”). AESCULUS OTI comp., to regulate the peripheral blood circulation. TABES DORSALIS (locomotor Ataxia) (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: IDIOGAM-1 (1 dose every day, following the numbering; repeat until you get to a result) TEETH (CARIES, PAIN) (phase of inflammation, or imbibition, or degeneration) OSTEOIN 2 capsules twice a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day NIPIOCHAM supposte adulti in case of pain when the wisdom teeth come through NIPIOCHAM supposte lattanti (1 gr) troubles when cutting of teeth in babies ANTIOMOTOSSIN night pains. EXTRACTION OF A TOOTH (phase of inflammation) BIO A.R. 15 drops, at the beginning every 1⁄4 hour, than every 1⁄2 hour, and than every 1-2 hours; from the 2nd and 3rd day only 3 times a day SILICA OTI comp. (in case of suppurations with fistulas after the extraction) OSTEOIN if you suspect osteomyelitis 2 capsules 3 times a day DENTAL NEURALGIA ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, or every 1⁄2 hour in acute cases DENTAL PULPITIS ACONITUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day, or every 1⁄2 hour in acute cases BIO A.R. (anti-inflammatory effect) 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day 198 MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day FOCUS OTI composto 20 drops 3 times a day, 1 vial a day VEGETAL IMMUNO- STIMULATOR (I.S.V.) 2 vials a day per os in some water. TENDENCY TO COLD (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO LYMPHOTI 20 drops in the morning PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at noon BARYTA comp. 2 cps. in the evening ALGINOTI 20 drops at night TENDINOPATHY - TENDINITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: bFGF ricombinante (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3 times a day) THERAPEUTIC HARM (IATROGENIC) (usually phases of imbibition, degeneration or of neoplasm). ASPECIFIC in massive treatment, otherwise 20 drops 3 times a day, alternating with BIO H SIMPLEX or CHELIDONIUM OTI comp. 2 capsules or 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI if there was a harm of the connective tissue TETRAFERRUM post-infectious anaemia . VIROTI alternated or combined with OTICATAL and DIFENSOTI THROMBOPHLEBITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY: BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula T-3 (6CH: 1 capsule every 2-4 hours) THRUSH (oral mycosis) (phase of orodermal reaction) Clean and tampon the oral mucosa with an alcalizing solution! BASIC THERAPY MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day VERATRUM OTI comp. and NUX VOMICA OTI comp. to be alternated, in gastroenteritis. BIOPETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day 199 THYROTOXICOSIS See also Hyperthyroidism (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY GLONOINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day or more in case of palpitations. GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day (I.S.V.) VEGETAL IMMUNO-STIMULATOR TONSILLAR ANGINA (inflammation phase) BASIC THERAPY MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day TOOTH EXTRACTION As a preventive treatment for infections and for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-aedematous effect. BIO A.R. 15 drops every 15 min. for some hours after the extraction, then 20 drops every 1-2hours for 1 day and at the end 20 drops 3 times a day the second day. SILICA OTI comp. 2 capsules 3 times a day as an anti-suppurating and anti-fistulous preparation. OSTEOIN 2 capsules 3 times a day, if the bony tissue is affected (anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect). TOXOPLASMOSIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day TRACHEITIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY PHOSPHORUS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day AEROTI 20 drops twice a day TRICHINOSIS (Tissue-Nematodes) (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY ARNICA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day REUMOTI 2 cps. 3 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day TRICHOPHYTOSIS (NAIL-) (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY TRINATRIUM 20 drops in the morning GRAPHITES OTI comp. 20 drops at noon BIO PETROLEUM 2 cps. in the evening PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops at night 200 TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY SPIGELIA OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. in addition or as an alternative BRIACONITUM 2 cps. twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day TUMORAL METASTASIS (neoplastic phase) This pathology is secondary compared to the primary tumoral pathology (see Carcinomas). The homotoxicological and immunopharmacological treatment goes together with the foreseen protocol therapy (surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy). ASPECIFIC fiale, DETOXINA fiale, CITOBIOS T.R. fiale, 1 vial of each, alternately, once or twice a week. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula BL-1 (one vial once a day) Formula BL-2 (one vial once a day) In addition to Formule AA-1 e AA-2. The enzymatic stimulation will be useful. Use OTICATAL fiale and DIFENSOTI fiale, 1 vial of each twice a week URAEMIA (phase of degeneration) BASIC THERAPY POPULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIONEF 2 cps. 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day URETHRITIS (NON SPECIFIC) (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day BIO PETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day BIODRENOTI 2 cps. twice a day URTICARIA (phase of imbibition) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops. 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops. 3 times a day 201 UTERINE CARCINOMA (neoplastic phase) BASIC THERAPY BIOGYNOTI 20 drops 3 times a day GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops 3 times a day LIMPHOMIOTI CARCINOSINUM OTI comp IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Formula AA-1 (1 vial once a day ) Formula AA-2 (1 vial once a day) Formula BL-1 (1 vial once a day) Formula BL-2 (1 vial once a day ) Combined and specific therapy OTICATAL, DIFENSOTI and if necessary. DIFENSIN to be alternated during the week, GINECOTI (regulation of the hormonal activity) ECHINACEA OTI comp. (strong stimulation of the natural defensive system) VACCINATIONS (HARM DUE TO....) BIO A.R. gocce and MERCURIUS OTI comp. every 1⁄4 hour up to every 1⁄2 hour, if necessary to be alternated also with BELLADONNA OTI comp. Pre-vaccination prophylaxis SULPHUR 200 CH granulated dose, one dose a few hours before vaccination. THUYA 200 CH granulated dose, one dose right after vaccination. IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-CD44 (30LM grains/magnum: 2 grains 2-3 times a day) VARICELLA (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY APIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BELLADONNA OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day VARICOSE VEINS (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day AESCULUS OTI comp. 20 drops 3 times a day BIOLYMPHOTI 20 drops 3 times a day VARICOUS ULCER (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day, (if necessary together with ANTIOMOTOSSIN) SILICA OTI comp. 2 cps. twice a day HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY: Anti-TGFb1-2-3 (30LM spray: 2 nebulizations 3 times a day) 202 VASOMOTORIAL RHINITIS BASIC THERAPY PRORIN 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day OTIRIN spray nasale to spray into the nose more times a day VENOUS CONGESTION (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY HAMAMELIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day APIS OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day (in presence of edema) AESCULUS OTI comp. 15 drops twice a day VERSICOLOURED PITYRIASIS (phase of inflammation) BASIC THERAPY CICLOREG 20 drops in the morning ANTIOMOTOSSIN 2 cps. in the afternoon PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops in the evening VERTIGOES (phase of imbibition) VERTIGOTI 2 cps. or 20 drops 4 times a day GELSEMIUM OTI comp. and SPIGELIA OTI comp. in headaches accompanied by vertigoes BIOVOM, if caused by kinetosis. VIRAL INFECTIONS (general pattern) (phase of imbibition) VIROTI fiale, 1 vial every day DIFENSIN fiale, 1 vial twice a week ANASCOCCINUM tubi-dose, 1 dose 3 times a day In case of chronic or relapsing infections: OTICATAL fiale and DIFENSOTI fiale, 1 vial of each, alternately twice a week . VIRUS (DISEASES DUE TO) (Still a phase of imbibition. The real symptoms of diseases caused by viruses appear only when the virus multiplies in the cell leading to main damages.) BASIC THERAPY VIROTI 20 drops 2-3 times a day IPERSULFUR 20 drops 3 times a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. 3 times a day 203 VITREOUS BODY’S OPACITY (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. twice a day LIMPHOMIOTI 20 drops twice a day Local therapy: MP D collirio one drop in every eye, or in the affected eye, 3 times a day. VULVAR ITCHING (phase of imbibition) Basic therapy MEZEREUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 3 times a day IPERSULFUR 20 drops twice a day A) B) C) D) E) F) If following a metritis or parametritis, the basic preparation is always: MERCURIUS OTI comp.. (with intense, mainly nightly itching that is worsened by heat) BIOGYNOTI is specific in female genital organ inflammatory processes. If the vulvar itching is due to hormonal disorders, CICLOREG to which we can associate: If it is due to mycosis it will be useful to add PSORINUM OTI comp. If it is concomitant to sexual excitement, we suggest: IGNATIA OTI comp. in presence of a psychic erethistic component. In case of helminthicidal infestation: BIOSEREN. in presence of hypersensitivity, neural hyperriflexivity, spasmodic phenomena As a consequence of diabetes: SYZYGYUM OTI comp.. in case of asthenia, polyuria, itching dermatological rash. Every time we face a state of imbibition it will be useful to complete the treatment with enzymatic activators such as OTICATAL, DIFENSOTI, CITROOTICATAL, or with remedies having centrifugal action such as IPERSULFUR and SULPHUR Scal. Prog. in order to facilitate the toxin discharge. WARTS (phase of accumulation) BASIC THERAPY BIO PETROLEUM 2 cps. twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day PSORINUM OTI comp. 20 drops twice a day WHITLOW (phase of mesenchymal reaction) BASIC THERAPY BIO A.R. 2 cps. every two hours MERCURIUS OTI comp. 2 cps. 4 times a day SILICA OTI comp., 2 cps. 3 times a day, after pus has been discharged. ECHINACEA OTI comp. (antibiotic action) WOMB LAZINESS (phase of imbibition) CICLOREG 20 drops twice a day ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BIOGYNOTI 20 drops twice a day OTICATAL and if necessary DIFENSOTI and CITROOTICATAL, in case of constitutional womb 204 laziness, also together with GINECOTI and if necessary BIO P.L. PULSATILLA Scal. Prog. forte, CAULOPHYLLUM Scal. Prog. forte i.m., have often a surprising and rapid effect, even in case of long period of pregnancy; WOMB MYOMA (phase of accumulation) BIOFUX 20 drops in the morning ASPECIFIC 20 drops at noon CICLOREG 20 drops in the afternoon (with a tendency towards haemorrhage) GEOLAMIO OTI comp. 20 drops at night WOUNDS (phase of inflammation, imbibition and degeneration) Attention to the surgical indications! BIO A.R. 20 drops 3 times a day (anti-inflammatory and anti-aedemic effect) ARNICA Scal. Prog. in contused and ecchymotic wounds Do not ever use locally, especially the mother’s tincture, on open wounds. STAPHYSAGRIA Scal. Prog. in wounds that were caused by cutting or even surgical instruments. Useful also in pains due to sphincter dilation. SILICEA Scal. Prog. in wounds with a chronic course that tend to suppuration and that cicatrize slowly. HYPERICUM Scal. Prog. in nerve’s wounds due to cutting instruments. HEPAR SULPHUR Scal. Prog. in wounds that tend to suppuration; when pains are sharp and the wound’s cicatrization is slow. LEDUM PALUSTRE Scal. Prog. in wounds caused by pointed tools, with acute, sharp, localized pain. Useful also after insect bites. ECHINACEA OTI comp. and ECHINACEA Scal. Prog. Especially in infected wounds with irregular cuts X-RAYS (damages due to) (phase of imbibition) ASPECIFIC 20 drops twice a day BIO H SIMPLEX 2 cps. twice a day BIO A.R. 2 cps. or 20 drops twice a day At the beginning massive treatment with all preparations together, alternating from 1⁄4 hour up to 1⁄2 hour and adding CAUSTICUM OTI comp. and X-RAY Scal. Prog. vials, once or twice a day, per os. IPERSULFUR as an oral sulphuric treatment in case of damaged enzymes. AESCULUS OTI comp. it stimulates strongly the peripheral vascularization. BIO A.R. pomata local use 205 AESTHETIC MEDICINE AND BIO-MESOTERAPY CELLULITIS RIVITALIZZAZIONE CUTANEA (BIOLIFTING) 207 CELLULITIS F. S. E. P. Rather than an aesthetic problem, cellulitis constitutes a real and true pathological disturbance. Cellulitis is a term on its own with which we define generic modifications of the subcutaneous adipose panniculus, mainly localised in the trochanteric region ( at the height of the femora) and superolateral of the thighs. When at this level a circulatory stasis is established, the wastes produced by the cellular metabolism are not drained by the circulatory venal and lymphatic system and also a reduced arterial flow means that less oxygen and nutritive substances arrive at the tissues in object. The interested zones come up against a degenerative process of the different cutaneous strata and anatomic structures present. Among the many causes which may bring about cellulitis let’s remember: _ Excess of fat. It is a question of a pathology of the adipose panniculus, also in relation to the individual predisposition, overweight may cause liposclerotic phenomena. _ Incorrect alimentation. When the liver is overtired it is not to detoxify the organism and the toxins tend to deposit in the intercellular spaces and favour the occurrence of the pathology. _ Sedentary life. Every physical exercise increases the circulatory flow in order to increase the request of oxygen by the muscles which burn energy including cellular fat. _ Stress. Psycho-physical tension alters the hypothalamic functions which regulate neurovegetative equilibrium including hormonal secretions, by increasing water retention, causing insomnia, irritability, irrational increase of appetite and lessening of immune defences. _ Life hygiene. Smoking, too much coffee and alcohol, lack of respect for physiological rhythms, wearing clothes which hinder the circulation or obligate an erroneous posture, frequent assumption of medicines even without real necessity, all this may cause the pathology. _ Hormonal problems. Malfunction or excessive sensitivity to estrogens(including a prolong use of the pill) produces an accumulation of interstitial liquids. AETIOLOGYCAL PATHOGENESIS OF CELLULITIS Technically we speak of Fibro-Sclerotic Edematose Panniculopathy (F.S.E.P.) because the edema and the sclerosis of the reticulated fibres affect the fatty cells. The first pathogenetic movement show itself with an alteration of the capillovenous permeability with the slowing down of blood flow at the micro circulatory level of the interested zone. From this moment the inflammatory process gradually evolves if not cured, through various phases. At the I° stage an edema forms: the altered permeability of the walls of the capillaries provokes the exit of plasma, with consequent stasis and accumulation in the interstitial tissue placed among the fatty cells. If the process is not stopped, the interstitial enlargement causes a disarrangement and dissociation of the fatty cells, with consequent breaking up of the cells themselves, formation of gaps and loss of elasticity and softness of the skin. Also a stagnation of toxins follows. If the phenomenon continues the II° stage forms, hypertrophy of the reticulated fibres in which these very thin fibres, which normally surround the healthy fatty cells, react, and , for defence increase in number ( hyperplasia ) and thickness (hypertrophy) with an alteration of the cutaneous sensitivity. All this leads to an upheaval of the normal fatty tissue structure to which is added a massive dilation of the micro-veins until we reach the III° stage, in which the fibres are transformed into collagen fibres. In this phase the transformed fibres encapsulate the degenerated fatty cells with the formation of micro-nodules. When more micro-nodules are formed among themselves in order to form a micro-nodule we arrive at the IV° stage. The micro-nodule can be perceived by palpation of the zone and is painful to pressure. Superficially the so called “orange peel” effect shows which is nothing else but a sclerosis of the dermis with dermal inter-flections. 209 According to the pathological picture which prevails, the cellulitis is distinct in : - Hard cellulitis: of recent manifestation, in young subjects , in good general conditions, with tonic musculature. It shows itself granulous to the touch, adherent. It does not undergo variations with posture. It is painful to palpation. It is mainly localized in the superolateral zone of the thighs (trochanteric) . - Soft cellulitis: more severe form. More frequent in person of over forty years of age, with hypotonic tissue. It is modified by posture (the passage from a lying down position to an erect one shows its fluctuation). Mainly localized in the femoral zone of the thighs and in the upper part of the arm. It is difficult to treat, responds after a long therapy. - Oedematous cellulitis: rather rare. Pasta like consistency, painful to the touch, it is characterised by the general presence of an oedematous state. Often accompanied by typical neurotic manifestations rather persistent of the, disturbances of humour. A characteristic sign, which differentiate it from clinical oedematous conditions of cardiac or renal origin, is the absence of the sign which it shows with the pressure of the finger on the thigh. THERAPY: STRATEGY AND PROTOCOL The best therapeutical success passes necessarily through the elimination (or reduction) of the predisposed causes through a detoxification of the organism with a correct dietetic control and behavioural hygiene. At the same time it will be necessary to carry out a draining therapy in order to activate the most opportune physiological emunctors (in box draining therapy). Homeopathy, because of its holistic vision, considers the patient as the bearer of a specific illness, as a sick person, with his characteristic individuality, anamnesis and constitutional evaluation, his “biotype”. If it is not possible to find a “simillimum” remedy one evaluates at least the opportunity of advising a basic Constitutional Remedy, in order to potentiate the effects of the chosen therapeutical intervention. (in box for constitutional remedies) By considering the etiopathogenesis of the cellulite pathology, his treatment envisages four concomitant actions, in order to balance the same causal sectors: 1) 2) 3) 4) CIRCULATORY APPARATUS CONNECTIVE DRAINAGE HORMONAL SYSTEM LYPOLISIS The medicines envisaged, the specific indication of which is described in the Materia Medica section, may be used either orally (according to the modality which follows) or, more usefully, biomesotherapeutically, in cocktails to be selected among those proposed and injected by microinjections in the interested area ( multiple plate with 5 or 7 needles) and/or at acupuncture points of the Spleen-Pancreas meridian (SP) and Liver meridian (L)(with 4mm 27G needle). The interested points are: _ _ _ _ 6SP: 4 transverse fingers above the base of the medial malleolus (blood vessels, swollen) 9SP: in the depression of the medial-tibial condyle, below its tuberosity (lymphatic vessels at the lower extremity) 10SP: On the internal surface of the thigh, the posterior edge of the sartorius, 3 transverse fingers above the higher-posterior of the medial condyle of the femur (veins of the pelvis, venal and varicose disturbances) 3L: In the distal depression of the articulation between the first and the second metatarsal bone ( hepatic insufficiency, hepatic emunctory stimulus ). The biomesotherapeutical protocol of cellulitis envisages, normally, a cycle of ten sessions, one per week successively; then, according to the results obtained, a session every two weeks for another three months. For maintenance we advise the repletion of the treatments as booster for three or four sessions once per week, 1-2 times per year. 210 BIOMESOTHERAPEUTICAL TREATMENT for HARD CELLULITIS (with painful fattiness) Base Circulatory Apparatus Connective Drainage Hormonal System Lipolysis PROCAINUM OTI compound vials + AESCULUS OTI compound vials Alternated with HAMAMELIS OTI compound vials + LIMPHOMIOTI vials + OTICATAL vials + DERMOTI vials + CICLOREG vials + GRAPHITES OTI compound vials + eventually) BIOTYR vials (if a marked adiposity is present) BIOMESOTHERAPEUTICAL TREATMENT for SOFT CELLULITIS and EDEMATOSE Base Circulatory Apparatus Connective Drainage Hormonal System Lipolysis Tonification PROCAINUM OTI compound vials + AESCULUS OTI compound vials + BIO P.L. vials + LIMPHOMIOTI vials + SOLIDAGO OTI compound vials + CICLOREG fiale (Ginecoti fiale) + GRAPHITES OTI compound vials + DERMOTI vials For oedematous cellulitis for psychic manifestations, we add, even by mouth in BIOTAB in vials ( neuro trophic anti depressive) NB: At the end of each therapeutical session one applies on the treated zone a small quantity of Bio A.R. ointment in order to attenuate any possible irritating forms and heal the small haematic loses. The oral therapy may be carried out using the same medicines, in rotation, one per day ( excluding Procainum OTI compound). 211 In addition to biomesotherapeutical therapy, it is opportune to advise, at home, a DRAINAGE therapy With the daily assumption, in the morning, of LIMPHOMIOTI drops ( 20 drops once per day) In order to sustain the lymphatic circulation and to help the connective drainage united with ASPECIFIC drops (20 drops once per day in the same water) as a detoxifier of the connective. In order to stimulate the toxic excretion we advise the daily assumption, in the afternoon or evening, SOLIDAGO OTI compound Drops (20 drops once per day ) for the hepatic emunctory and the biliary tracts. MATERIA MEDICA of MEDICINES CIRCULATORY APPARATUS Aesculus OTI compound Preparation with a tonic action on the venal, arterial and lymphatic circulatory system, especially in the lower limbs. Very useful in venal stasis and all disturbances of venal flow. Hamamelis OTI compound Medicine for venal tropism, and indicated for tissue laxity both venal and capillary, with consequent haematic stasis, varicose veins, plasmatic extravasation. Because of its composition it is also indicated in order to recover hepatic functionality Bio P.L. Preparation with a regulating action of the peripheral circulation, both venal and arterial, also resolving frequent micro-angiospasms Its action express itself also by revitalising the connective tissue, improving its tropism. CONNECTIVE DRAINAGE Limphomioti Medicine with a highly specific action on the lymphatic system with lymphagogue effect, in order to remove obstacles to lymphatic flow (stasis, edemas, lympho-angiospasms) and draining toxins held in the mesenchymal tissue. Oticatal Medicine re-activator of enzymatic systems blocked by cellular toxic inhibition. Of particular importance i9n the restoration of the Krebs Cycle, restoring to the various components their metabolic cascade, fundamental for the production of energy, by promoting the Regressive Vicariate in all pathologies with the degenerative tendency. Aspecific Important detoxifying medicine for its specific action in antagonizing the gelation of the connective, (favourable to toxic accumulation) and the tendency to chronic inflammation. Its notable diuretic elimination through the renal emunctory. Its use is necessary especially in soft cellulitis when the sclerotic component prevails. Dermoti Preparation for cutaneous trophism, capable of favouring the excretory functions of the cutis. Its basic components, Thuya and Sulphur, carry out a strong stimulating action on the metabolism and cutaneous excretion, contrasting efficaciously the sycotic and degenerative tendency of the connective tissue. Of a particular interest especially in the case of strong tissue imbibition with water retention. 212 Solidago OTI composto Medicine for renal tropism considered a natural diuretic, it is one of the principal drainers, a stimulus of the renal excretory function. Particularly useful for patient with strong water retention. HORMONAL SYSTEM Cicloreg Medicine stimulus on the hypophysis capable of regulating the hypothalamus-hypophysial axis, by controlling the hormonal incretion. This action is even shown on the connective tissue, especially in those pathologies derived from hormonal malfunction, often, of functional disturbances of the menstrual cycle. Particularly indicated for young patients. Ginecoti Medicine with hypophysial tropism and on female genital organs. It acts by stimulating the functionality of the female genital apparatus, especially in forms of chronic gonad-hypophysial insufficiency. Particularly indicated for adult patients. LYPOLISIS Graphites OTI compound Medicine re-equilibrator in the tendency to mesenchymal deposit, like adiposity. Lipolytic action especially in cellulite forms localized on the external face of the thighs and/or on the internal face of the knee. Medicine of carbonic constitution. Biotyr Preparation with a stimulating action on the glandular functions, especially the thyroid. Its Lipolytic action is activated by increasing the cellular oxidative processes, by stimulating basic metabolism and by contrasting the connective malfunctions, like dermato-sclerosis and collagenosis. ADEPS OTI compound vials For mixed cellulitis with fat. Notable Lipolytic action. 213 CUTANEOUS REVITALISATION – BIOLIFTING HOMEOPATHIC STRATEGY IN CUTANEOUS AGEING The cutis is the apparatus which covers the human body with an insulating and protective function. Anatomically it is made with the triple structure: 1) Epidermis, the superficial part, not vascularized, keratinised; 2) Dermis, intermediate layer formed by connective tissue, very vascularized which is in continuity with the inferior layer; 2) Hypodermis, loose connective tissue, often infiltrated with fat, which constitute the fatty panniculus and which connects the dermis with the underlying organs. In the Dermis we find numerous elements both functional and structural: collagen and elastic fibres, numerous blood and lymphatic vessels, nerves and nervous endings, cutaneous annexes, striped and smooth muscular cells. In practice it constitutes the sustaining structure of the epidermis. During its metabolic physiological activity the various nutritive elements are transformed and utilized, also releasing rejected substances (free radicals), which trigger a radical chain reaction with the production and accumulation of oxidizing molecules, in particular in the mitochondria and cellular membrane. When the defence systems of the organism are lacking or their capacity of antiradical contrast is inferior, an energetic and functional deficit follows, in particular with the lessening of potential fibroblast activity (designated to the production of collagen and elastic fibres and hyaluronic acid) and consequent cutaneous and general ageing. The phenomenon of ageing (chrono-ageing) is physiological, and is shown from the clinical point of view, by the loss of cutaneous elasticity, tendency to laxity of the sub cutaneous tissue, presence of wrinkles and dyschromia. Chronological oxidative stress is, moreover, strongly accentuated y excessive exposure to solar radiation and UVA (photoageing), if the cutis is not adequately protected, and by an inappropriate alimentary hygiene and unnecessary intoxicating bad habits. BIO-MESOTHERAPY The bio-mesotherapeutical technique envisages the introduction of cocktail medicines, as follows: • • • One session weekly for 6 to 8 weeks, one to two times per year, associating the vials in a single solution and distributing them on the principle points of acupuncture with micro-pomphuses and/or tunnelizing the wrinkles with a needle of 13 mm 30 G (micro-launches of collagen). Then we advise a maintenance therapy with one session monthly. The indicated cocktail may be used alone or alternated with hyaluronic acid at molecular weight and at specific concentration, with the aim of potentiating its effect. Standard cocktail • • OTICATAL CRONORGAN 19 • EGF 6DH • BIOTEG • EMBRYO S.P. (4CH-9CH-30CH-200CH) Hyaluronic acid is a glucosamminoglican, strongly hydrophilic polysaccharide, capable of binding to itself great quantity of water in jellified form: it is the molecule responsible for hydration and cutaneous turgidity, typical of young cutis. Hyaluronic acid is continuously renewing itself by means of an enzyme, hyaluronidase. This is an hydrolytic enzyme which breaks down the long molecule of hyaluronic acid into its basic components, D-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-D-glucosammine, by transforming into a liquid state which can be easily eliminated. The phenomenon of cutaneous ageing (both chrono and photo ageing) however, happens through the reduction of the presence of hyaluronic acid, collagen and for the general lessening of cellular functions. This phenomenon both physiological and induced, may be contrasted, and appropriate clinical study shows this, with the exogenous input of natural hyaluronic acid at molecular weight and at specific concentration, restoring a correct physiology and cutaneous functionality. 214 Parallelly , a regular use of activators of cellular respiration OTICATA, a medicine capable of stimulating the fibroblast to the production of autologus collagen. BIOTEG, besides ACIDO IALURONICO and IALURONIDASI in homeopathic dilution, injected into appropriate points of acupuncture have given satisfied results in improving the general aspect of the cutis. This therapeutical practice is called Bio revitalisation, and may be used both in preventive and curative phase of cutaneous ageing. BIOTEG vials which, because of its stimulating action to the production of collagen, improves the tonicity and compactness of the cutis, especially of the face and neck; HOMEOPATHIALIZED HYALURONIC ACID, diluted at 4 DH, stimulates the production of new hyaluronic acid prolonging its action in time, contributing to compact the fundamental substance and thus restoring greater cutaneous trophism, while HOMEOPATHIALIZED HYALURONIDASE, diluted at 9 –15-30 CH, carry out an efficacious regulation on the physiological destructural activity of the endogen hyaluronidase, with a modulating and equilibrating action, promoting a major compactness of the dermis. In order to optimize the activity of hyaluronic acid and homeopathialized hyaluronidase, a pool of citric acid catalysers is associated with the bio revitalisation treatment - OTICATAL – with an elective action on the mitochondria, in particular on the Krebs cycle with the unblocking of the oxidative phosphorylation processes. COCKTAIL with homeopathialized HYALURONIC ACID The new therapeutical protocol, H2-OTICATAL units in a single small box three products • HYALURONIC ACID 4 DH • HYALURONIDASE 9-15-30 CH • OTICATAL (catalysers of citric acid) Which will be utilize according to the following proposed scheme. It is an important indication as a support therapy in the post-filler (hyaluronic acid ) in order to optimize the result. Advise stabilizing the results obtained with the use at home of Line RF COSMETICS, chosen according to the appropriate indications (see specific instructions) and with NATA STAR STRETCH MARKS* liquid, morning and evening with a light massage on the treated areas. NATA STAR STRETCH MARKS Indication: SPECIFIC LIQUID FOR WRINKLES AND STRETCH MARKS with essential amino acids, vitamins A,C,E, tamponed glycolic acid. Coadjuvant in the cosmetic treatment of secondary skin blemishes of precocious cutaneous ageing. Action: Hydrating, nutrient, regenerating and restorative, with visual improvement of tonicity and elasticity of the cutis and of stretch marks. Method of use: Apply the liquid on the treated area, morning and evening, massage until completely absorbed. Composition: Water, cetearyl, alcohol, polysorbate 60, peg 150 stearate, steareth 20, Valine, Isoleucine, Leucine, prunus dulcis, ethylhexyl palmitate, cetyl alcohol, cl 12-20 acid peg-8 ester, glycolic acid, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, phenoxyethanol, propylene glycol, sodium dehydroacetate, perfume.. 215