Winter 2016 Program Guide - City of East Grand Rapids
Winter 2016 Program Guide - City of East Grand Rapids
2016 Winter Program Guide Community Center 750 Lakeside Drive SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Phone: 616.949.1750 Fax: 616.831.6144 [email protected] REGISTRATION BEGINS OCTOBER 15 FOR RESIDENTS OCTOBER 22 FOR NON-RESIDENTS Index 4 MHSAA INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE SPORTS Boys Basketball, Swim and Dive, Girls Basketball, Wrestling 5 ADVERTISEMENT FOR NEW BOYS YOUTH LACROSSE 6-9 YOUTH SPORTS Wrestling Club, Volleyball League, Little Hooper’s Basketball Camp, Coed K-2nd Grade Basketball, Boys 3rd - 6th Basketball League, Boys Volunteer Coaches, Pioneer Soccer Academy, Coed Soccer League, PeeWee Soccer League, Indoor Soccer Training, Girls 3rd - 6th Lacrosse, Indoor Girls Lacrosse Camp, Spring Girls Lacrosse League, 78ers Baseball 10 - 12 YOUTH ENRICHMENT Art Academy, Ceramics, Drawing, Sculpture, NEW Teen Artist Studio, Babysitting, Gymboree Baby Play and Learn, Gymboree Imaginative Play, Friday Fun, Kindermusik Village, Kindermusik Our Time, Fencing, Bricks 4 Kidz: Jr. Robotics, Winter Fun with Remotes, Cranium Contraptions, It’s a Bug’s Life 13 ENRICHMENT 20 - 21 ADULT FITNESS/AQUA FITNESS NEW Holistic Approach to Winter Welness: Kick the Ick; Herbal and Bone Broths; Herbal Remedies for Stress & Insomnia; NEW Women’s Wellness Workshop: Achieve your New Year’s Resolution, Chocolate Covered Wellness Total Body Workout, Zumba, Beginning and Continuing Yoga, NEW Gentle Chair Yoga, NEW Zumba Gold, Aqua Fit, Aqua Fusion, Gentle Aquatic Exercise 14 - 15 YOUTH DANCE & YOGA NEW Tiny Toes, Twinkle Toes 1 & 2, Beyond Twinkle Toes, Beyond Twinkle Toes 2, Kids Hip Hop, Big Kids Jazz, Big Kids Combo, Irish Dance, NEW Nutcracker in a Nutshell, Youth Yoga, Teen Yoga, Dance Recital Information 16 - 17 ADULT LEISURE & EDUCATION Adult Irish Dance, Beginning and Continuing Ballroom Dance, Digital Photography 101, Acrylic Painting, NEW Artist’s Studio, Beginning and Intermediate Drawing, Creative Art Therapy, NEW The Joys of Pen and Ink, Zentangle with a Twist, Bridge Classes, Lunching at Local Restaurants 18 SPECIAL EVENTS Mom and Son Night, Daddy Daughter Dance 22 - 24 AQUATIC LESSONS & AQUATICS Parent Child, Beginner Level 1, Advanced Level 1, Advanced Level 1 Older, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5/6, Private Swim Lessons, Lifeguard Training, 100 Mile Club 25 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Movie in the Park Sponsorship 26 - 27 UPCOMING EVENTS & SPONSOR ACKNOWLEDGMENT 2016 Summer Concerts, Thank you Triathlon/Duathlon Sponsors 28 ADVERTISEMENTS 29 - 30 REGISTRATION, TERMS & CONDITIONS 19 POOL MEMBERSHIPS Silver & Fit for Aquatics, Pool Party Rentals Publication Information City of East Grand Rapids Parks & Recreation Dept. 750 Lakeside Dr. SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 (616) 949-1750 (phone) (616) 831-6144 (fax) (616) 940-4800 ext. 301 (cancellations) E-mail: [email protected] Website: Published Quarterly: Jan., Apr., Jul., Oct. GET INVOLVED If you are interested in sponsoring and/or volunteering at one of our events, contact the Parks and Recreation Department for details. 616.949.1750 [email protected] Mission Statement The City of East Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation Department, in strong partnership with the community and school district, is committed to providing courteous and efficient delivery of services in safe and secure facilities. We are committed to providing enrichment, educational and sports programming for all ages to promote healthy lifestyles, family interaction and a sense of community. We are dedicated to preserving, enhancing and protecting our parks, green spaces, indoor and outdoor facilities in a fiscally responsible manner for present and future generations. Breton Elementary John Collins Park Lakeside Elementary Manhattan Park Wealthy Elementary/Pool Manhattan Park Pavilion EGR Middle School Remington Park EGR High School/Pool Waterfront Park 2500 Boston SE 2325 Hall St. SE 1961 Lake Dr. SE 2425 Lake Dr. SE 2211 Lake Dr. SE Canepa Tennis Courts 2915 Hall St. SE 650 Lakeside Dr. SE 3180 Cascade Rd. SE 430 Manhattan SE 2210 Reeds Lake Blvd. SE 2205 Reeds Lake Blvd. SE James E. Morse @ Woodcliff 2915 Hall St. SE Comm. Center/Parks & Rec. Dept. 750 Lakeside Dr. SE Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 3 Adult Fitness Interscholastic League Sports Interscholastic League Sports: Governed under the Michigan High School Athletic Association. (MHSAA) - Participants must be enrolled as an EGRMS student and are required to carry a 2.0 GPA per marking period. - A current athletic physical must be on file with EGRMS dated on or after April 15 of the current school year. - Transportation is not provided. Parents will need to car pool to away competitions. - All registration will now take place at the Parks & Recreation Department. You may register in person, over the phone or online with a user name and password provided by the Recreation Department. - We are part of the West Michigan Middle School Conference. Winter Interscholastic Boys Basketball (Grade 7 - 8) League Rules: (4) 6-minute quarters. All players are guaranteed the equivalent of (1) 6-minute quarter determined by the coach. Player Evaluations: Oct. 27, 28, 29 (Tues-Thurs) Times: 7th 4:00P-5:30P and 8th 6:00P-7:30P Practices: Monday through Thursday (Friday practices may be offered but not mandatory) Games: 1 - 2 games a week (Start times: 4:00P or 5:00P) Transportation not provided. Must be enrolled as an EGRMS student to participate. Location: Full Gym @ EGR Middle School Min. 48 CODE DAYS 92002-A (7th) M-Th 92002-B (8th) M-Th DATES 10/27-12/16 10/27-12/16 RES/NR $155/$175 $155/$175 Sign up by the deadline of Friday, October 16. ENROLLING NOW Winter Interscholastic Swim and Dive (Coed Grades 7 - 8) Practices: Subject to change; Nov. 2, 3, 4 and 9, 10, 11 from 6:00P-7:00P; Nov. 16, 17, 18 from 5:00P-6:00P; Nov. 23 to end of season 6:00P-7:00P Meet times: 4:00P Saturday Tournament: Dec. 19, 2015 Transportation not provided. Must be enrolled as an EGRMS student to participate. Location: EGR High School Pool Min. 40 CODE 92002-I DAYS M-Sa DATES 11/2-12/19 RES/NR $185/$205 For further questions please call or email: EGRMS Athletic Director Shannyn Fasbender Email: [email protected] Phone: 616-949-1750 Upcoming Interscholastic Sports Sport Month Coed Tennis March Coed Track & Field March 6 - 8 Coed Water Polo March Sign up by the deadline of Friday, October 23. ENROLLING NOW Winter Interscholastic Girls Basketball (Grade 7 - 8) League Rules: (4) 6-minute quarters. All players are guaranteed the equivalent of (1) 6-minute quarter determined by the coach. Player Evaluations: January 11, 12, 13 (Monday-Wednesday) Times: 7th 4:00P-5:30P and 8th 6:00P-7:30P Practices: Monday through Thursday (Friday practices may be offered but not mandatory) Games: 1 - 2 games a week (Start times: 4:00P or 5:00P) Transportation not provided. Must be enrolled as an EGRMS student to participate. Location: EGR Middle School Max. 48 CODE DAYS 92003-A(7th)M-Th 92003-B(8th)M-Th DATES 1/11-3/17 1/11-3/17 RES/NR $195/$215 $195/$215 Sign up by the deadline of Monday, January 4, 2016. Winter Interscholastic Wrestling (Grade 7 - 8) Practices: 4:00P-6:00P Event times: 4:00P Tuesdays/Thursdays (TBA Saturday event) Transportation not provided. Must be enrolled as an EGRMS student to participate. Location: EGR Middle School Cafe Min. 10/Max. 20 CODE DAYS 92003-W M-Th, Sa DATES 1/11-3/12 RES/NR $175/$195 Sign up by the deadline of Monday, January 4, 2016. 4 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Advertisement East Pride Lacrosse (EPL) is a non-profit, parent-run organization that is separate from the Parks and Recreation Department. EPL encompasses the U7 - U15 age groups of boys’ lacrosse in East Grand Rapids. At the core of EPL is the desire to grow the sport of boys’ lacrosse in EGR, while providing exceptional training and player development. Players must provide all equipment: helmet, gloves, stick, shoulder pads, elbow pads, mouth piece and cup. WůĞĂƐĞǀŝƐŝƚĞĂƐƚƉƌŝĚĞůĂĐƌŽƐƐĞ͘ĐŽŵƚŽƌĞŐŝƐƚĞƌĂŶĚŽƌĚĞƌƵŶŝĨŽƌŵƐďLJ&ĞďƌƵĂƌLJϭϱ͕ϮϬϭϲ͘ EPL requires that each player sign up and pay for membership with US Lacrosse prior to any preseason workouts, tryouts or practices. Please visit and signup so you can participate in preseason workouts. EPL requires 100% player participation with US Lacrosse for liability coverage. st Boys’ Lacrosse U7 (Age 6 , 1 grade) st This is a great introduction to lacrosse for your 1 grader. The focus will be on skill development through practices and drills. A few games will be played at the end of the season. Location: Lakeside School Min. 10/Max 40 April 18 – June 3 Cost - $95 plus uniforms Boys’ Lacrosse U9 (Ages 7 and 8) Practices will be held twice a week. There will be weekly games against other local teams. Location: Back Field @ EGR Middle School Min. 20/Max. 40 April 11 – June 3 Cost - $145* plus uniforms Boys’ Lacrosse U11 (Ages 9 & 10) Practices will be held 2 – 3 times a week. Most games will be during the week against local teams. There will be opportunities for a few weekend games and/or tournaments. Practice times TBA. Transportation not provided. Location: Back Field @ EGR Middle School Min. 20/Max. 40 April 11 – June 3 Cost - $175* plus uniforms Boys’ Lacrosse U13 (Ages 11 and 12) and Boys’ Lacrosse U15 (Ages 13 and 14) Practices will be held 3 – 4 times a week. Most games will be during the week against local teams. There will be a number of opportunities for weekend games and/or away tournaments. Practice times TBA. Transportation not provided. Location: EGR Track and Wealthy Fields April 11 – June 3 Cost - $225* plus uniforms *There may be additional fees for tournament teams Indoor workouts for U11/U13/U15 start the week of January 18th SAVE THE DATE: East Pride Lax Festival (all age groups) January 17th 2016, 1:00 – 4:00pm, EGR Middle School Gym 5 Adult YouthFitness Sports Youth Wrestling Club (Ages 4 - Grade 6) This Club has been carefully designed so that wrestlers have a positive experience in a closely supervised environment. Your child will leave our club with the basic skills of wrestling with knowledge of various takedown positions. Kids will participate against individuals relevant to their size and weight. Session A/C: Club Will Not Meet On: 11/5, 11/12, 11/24, 11/26 Add days: *Wednesday, 11/4 and 11/11 DATES TIME RES/NR *Tu/Th Tu/Th 11/3-12/17 1/26-3/10 6:00P-7:30P 6:00P-7:30P $50/$65 $50/$65 DAYS DATES TIME RES/NR *Tu/Th Tu/Th 11/3-12/17 1/26-3/10 6:00P-7:30P 6:00P-7:30P $50/$65 $50/$65 (Ages 4 - Grade 3) 32001-A 32001-B CODE Evaluations: December 12, 2015 at Lakeside School gym First week of practices: Jan. 4 First games: Saturday, Jan. 16 No Games or practices: Feb. 12-16 Location: EGR Middle School Cafeteria Min. 15/Max. 50 DAYS This league is a great stepping stone to middle school volleyball. Teams will have a 1 day a week 1 hour practice between 6:00P and 8:00P determined by the coaches. Games will be played on Saturday mornings. 5th Graders 1:00P-2:00P 6th Graders 2:00P-3:00P Session B/D: Club Will Not Meet On: 2/16, 2/18 CODE Youth V-Ball League (Grades 5 - 6) Location: Full Gym @ Lakeside School Min. 40/Max. 100 CODE 31650-Z DAYS Sa DATES 1/16-3/5 TIME 9:00A-8:00P RES/NR $79/$94 Sign-up by the deadline of December 4 to save $20. Buddy System does not apply for this sport. (Grades 4 - 6) 32001-C 32001-D Volunteer Coaches Volunteers are needed to coach and assist youth leagues. Consider sharing your time and knowledge helping youngsters learn more about the sport. We will provide you with drills and information to help you be a great coach! Although the game dates are set for each league, the practice days and times are up to each coach (so you can plan around your schedule). If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know when you sign up your child or give us a call at 616.949.1750. 6 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Little Hooper’s Basketball Camp Boys 3rd & 4th Basketball League This camp will be great for kids that want to learn about basketball or are looking to improve their skills. Don’t miss out on this fun winter basketball league! Players will practice 1 time a week starting the week of January 4. Games will be on Saturday mornings at EGR Schools beginning in mid-January. The buddy system does not apply for this sport. A player evaluation for all players is December 12 from 9-9:45A, at Breton Gym. (Coed Ages 4 - Grade 2) Location: Wealthy Elementary Gym Min. 10/Max. 40 CODE 31301-A DAYS Sa DATES 1/9-1/23 TIME 10:00A-11:00A RES/NR $45/$60 Coed K-2nd Grade Basketball (Grades K - 2) This is a fun introductory program for Kindergarten through 2nd graders. Players will be divided into teams and each Saturday they will have a 30min practice followed by a 30min game. Volunteers are needed to coach and assist youth leagues. Consider sharing your time and knowledge helping youngsters learn more about the sport. If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know when you sign up your child or give us a call at 9491750. Buddies allowed. New for 2016: Meet your Coach and Teammates – 1/23/16*. Each team will be scheduled a 45min practice time on 1/23/16 where you will meet your coach and teammates. Your practice time will be scheduled between 12:00P and 3:00P. Class Will Not Meet On: 1/30, 2/13 Location: Gym @ Wealthy School Min. 10/Max. 150 CODE DAYS Volunteer Coaches 31302-VSa Players 31302-ZSa (Grades 3 - 4) Location:EGR Wealthy Gym for practice; EGR Middle School for games CODE 31503-Z TIME RES/NR 1/23*-3/19 9:00A-1:00P $0/$0 1/23*-3/19 9:00A-1:00P $85/$100 Sign-up by the deadline of December 30 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team. Concussion Awareness Forms DATES 1/4-3/5 TIME TBD RES/NR $87/$102 Sign-up by the deadline of November 25 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team. Boys 5th & 6th Basketball League (Grades 5 - 6) Don’t miss out on this fun winter basketball league! Players will practice 1 time a week starting the week of January 4. Games will be on Saturday mornings at EGR Schools beginning in mid-January. The buddy system does not apply to this sport. A player evaluation for all players is December 12 from 10:30-11:30A, at Breton Gym. Location:EGR Breton Gym for practice; EGR Middle School for games CODE 31505-Z DATES DAYS TBD DAYS TBD DATES 1/4-3/5 TIME TBD RES/NR $87/$102 Sign-up by the deadline of November 25 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team. Boys 3rd - 6th Basketball Coaches (Ages 18+) Volunteers are needed to coach and assist youth leagues. Consider sharing your time and knowledge helping youngsters learn more about the sport. Although the game dates are set for each league, the practice days and times are up to each coach (so you can plan around your schedule). If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know when you sign up your child or give us a call at 949-1750. CODE 31503-V (3rd/4th) 31505-V (5th/6th) DATES 1/4 – 3/5 1/4 – 3/5 TIME TBD TBD NEW State Law; Public Acts 342 and 343 In June of 2013, the State of Michigan instituted a new law whereby all participants under the age of 18 must have a signed Concussion Awareness Form. This form must be filed with our department and once received it is kept for the duration of participation or until age 18 for each family member. Forms can be found at our city website ( and can easily be submitted electronically to our office. We also have blank forms at the Recreation Department front counter for your convenience. All Parks & Recreation Department coaches are required to particpate in Concussion training. To learn more about concussions, go to Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 7 Youth Adult Sports Fitness Pioneer Soccer Academy League Pee Wee Soccer League (Saturdays) This highly popular recreational program has been improved and is open to children currently in Kindergarten through 5th grade. The revised program offers a soccer curriculum that emphasizes technical skill, player development and greater training opportunities. The program consists of a weekly team practice, game and 4 optional Academy Training sessions per week. The optional Academy Training sessions are open to all players. Academy training sessions will focus on player development through enhancing the technical skill of each player in a structured environment that is challenging and fun. The program is committed to offering the highest level of soccer coaching for beginners and experienced players alike. *Current Kindergarten students are allowed to play in this league or the Pee Wee Soccer League(see next column). This soccer league is open to all players turning 4 -5 years of age by May 7, 2015. *Current Kindergarteners are allowed to play in this league or the Pioneer Soccer Academy. If you would like to volunteer to coach or assist, let us know when you register your child. High school students are welcome to coach. Games and practices will take place on Saturdays. (Coed Grade K - 5) Needed Equipment: Molded soccer cleats or athletic shoes, shin guards Kindergarten: size 3 soccer ball for practice Grades 1st-5th: size 4 soccer ball for practice No Games: May 28, 2016 June 4, 2016: Games will be scheduled between 1:00P-6:00P Location: EGR Fields Min. 40 CODE DAYS (Kindergarten) 41200-Z M-Sa 41200-V = Coaches CODE DAYS (1st - 2nd Grade) 41201-Z M-Sa 41201-V = Coaches CODE DAYS (3rd - 5th Coed Grade) 41203-Z M-Sa 41203-V = Coaches DATES TIME RES/NR 4/11-6/4 9:00A-3:00P $80/$95 DATES TIME RES/NR 4/11-6/4 9:00A-3:00P $80/$95 DATES TIME RES/NR 4/11-6/4 9:00A-3:00P $80/$95 (Coed Ages 4 – 5 and Kindergarten) Saturday, April 16 (TBA Morning Time) Practice and meet team/coaches. Saturday Game Format: 1 hour time commitment includes a 30 minute practice with your team and a game vs an opponent which will consist of (3) 5 minute games. Games: Saturday, April 23-May 21 (TBA Morning Time) Off: Saturday, May 28 (Memorial Weekend) June 4: Games will be played between 1:00P-5:00P Needed Equipment: Molded soccer cleats or athletic shoes, shin guards Soccer Ball: Size 3 soccer ball for practice Location: Manhattan Rec. Area Min. 40 CODE DAYS 41204-Z Sa 41204-V = Coaches DATES 4/16-6/4 TIME 9:00A-12:00P RES/NR $65/$80 Sign-up by the deadline of February 26 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team and take advantage of the buddy system. Sign-up by the deadline of February 26 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team and take advantage of the buddy system. Coed Soccer League (Grades 6 - 8) This competitive league is open to boys and girls currently in the 6-8 grade. EGR participants will play on coed teams. Competition will come from other middle schools in the surrounding area. Participants will have 2-3 practices a week held at the Manhattan Recreation Area. Games will be played during the week and weekends. The number of participants signed up will determine the number of teams. Transportation is not provided. Evaluations: March 21, 22, 23; 6:00-7:30P. Please be at all 3 dates Game times: 6:00P or 7:00P Needed Equipment: Soccer cleats and shin guards Coaches: Shaun Markwart, Nicole Dana, Rachel Dana Location: Manhattan Rec. Area Max. 60 CODE 41278-Z DAYS M-Sa DATES 3/21-6/3 This program is ideal for kids that want to learn new and refresh skills in the off-season. Kids will learn basic and intermediate soccer foot skills. Needed Equipment: Athletic shoes and a size 3 or 4 soccer ball with your name and phone number on it. Location: Wealthy School Min. 6/Max. 25 CODE TIME 6:00P-8:00P RES/NR $114/$129 Sign-up by the deadline of February 26 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team. 8 Indoor Soccer Training (Coed Ages 3 – Grade 4) DAYS DATES TIME RES/NR Tu 1/5-1/26 5:30P-6:30P $40/$55 Tu 1/5-1/26 6:30P-7:30P $40/$55 (Ages 3 - Grade 1) 31201-A (Grades 2 - 4) 31201-B Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Spring Youth Sports Girls Lacrosse League (Grades 3 - 4) Practices start after spring break, 2 times each week. Games will be played against other EGR teams during the week. Each player will receive a t-shirt, but must provide all other equipment(goggles, colored mouth guard and girls lacrosse stick). Buddies will be allowed. Location: TBD Max. 40 CODE 41804-Z DAYS Tu/TH DATES 4/12-5/20 BETWEEN 4:00P-6:00P RES/NR $79/$94 Sign-up by the deadline of March 7 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team. Girls Lacrosse League (Grades 5 - 6) Practices start after spring break, 2 times each week. Games will be played against other EGR teams and surrounding area schools. All practices and games will be during the week. Each player will receive a game shirt that they can keep. Players must provide all other equipment(goggles, colored mouth guard and girls lacrosse stick). There will be an evaluation for all girls. Time/Date TBD. Buddies will not be allowed. Location: EGR Fields Max. 40 CODE 41806-Z DAYS M/W DATES 4/11-5/20 TENTATIVE 5:00P-7:00P 78ers Baseball League (Grades 7 - 8) The 78’ers Baseball League is a short “warm-up league”. Gear up for the summer Little League season! This developmental, competitive league is open to boys in 7th and 8th grade. Competition will come from other middle schools and recreation departments in the surrounding area. Games are held at Ada Park in Ada and Manhattan Park in East Grand Rapids, and possibly other locations as well. The number of participants signed up by the deadline will determine the number and division of teams. Evaluations will be early March and practices will begin in mid to late March. Evaluations will be held indoors in an EGR school gym. All students are required to be at evaluations even if they attended evaluations last year. Games will be during the week; transportation is not provided. Letters will be sent out in early March with league details and evaluation times. The registration fee includes a team baseball jersey and baseball cap. Players must provide glove, white pants, and shoes/cleats. Sign-up by the deadline of February 6 to save $20 and be guranteed a place on a team. Location: Field 2 @ Manhattan Rec. Area Max. 45 CODE DAYS DATES TIME 41708-Z M-Sa 3/21-5/7 4:00P-9:00P (Dates Subject To Change) RES/NR $155/$175 RES/NR $99/$119 Sign-up by the deadline March 7 to save $20 and be guaranteed a place on a team. Indoor Girls Lacrosse Camp (Grades 3 - 6) Get ready for the season with this 2 day lacrosse camp. The camp will cover basic stick skills for players of all levels. Equipment Needed: Lacrosse stick, goggles, mouth guard and water bottle. Location: Breton School Min. 10/Max. 20 CODE 41807-A DAYS Sa DATES TIME 3/19 & 3/26 11:00A-12:00P RES/NR $25/$30 Spring Girls Lacrosse League (Grades 7 - 8) Competition will come from other middle schools in the surrounding area. Participants will have 2-3 practices a week. Games will be played during the week and weekends. The number of participants signed up will determine the number of teams. Transportation is not provided. Evaluations: TBA- Depending on weather Practices: 4:00P-6:00P Game times: 6:00P or 7:00P Locations: Manhattan Rec. Area Max. 45 CODE 92004-A DAYS M-Su DATES 4/11-6/6 TIME 4:00P-8:00P RES/NR $180/$200 Sign-up by the deadline of March 7. Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 9 Adult Youth Fitness Sports Youth Enrichment Art Academy (Ages 6 - 18) Come join this fun and exciting class designed to foster the creativity and imagination within each child. Students will learn basic art techniques, as well as art appreciation and create new and beautiful projects. We will work with etching, paint, and many other materials. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/6, 2/13 Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 4/Max. 12 CODE DATES TIME RES/NR Sa 1/9-2/20 10:00A-11:00A $59/$74 CODE 35306-B 35306-C Sa 2/27-3/26 10:00A-11:00A $59/$74 Babysitting (Ages 11 - 16) Ceramics (Ages 6 - 12) Express yourself in clay! Come join our popular ceramics class for kids. Art students will learn the basic clay techniques to create sculptures, pots and much more. Students will also learn different building and sculpting techniques. Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 4/Max. 12 CODE 34842-A DAYS W DATES 2/17-3/23 TIME 4:30P-5:30P RES/NR $59/$74 Drawing (Ages 6 - 12) This class is for students who want to draw realistically. We will study various drawing techniques. Our drawing subjects will include still life, portraits, animals, nature and landscapes. We will use a variety of media ranging from graphite to pastels, watercolor pencils and more. Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 4/Max. 12 CODE 34871-A DAYS W DATES 4/13-5/18 TIME 4:30P-5:30P RES/NR $59/$74 Students will explore working with a variety of sculpting materials from clay, plaster, wire and paper. We will develop skills to make a variety of creative 3D projects. Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 4/Max. 12 10 DAYS W DATES 1/6-2/10 DAYS F F DATES 1/8-2/19 2/26-3/25 TIME 4:00P-5:30P 4:00P-5:30P RES/NR $41/$56 $34/$49 Learn the ins and outs of creating a great babysitting business! Find answers to common babysitting questions such as sibling squabbling, meal time tips, American Heart Association CPR, diapering duties, bedtime tips and much more. Each participant will receive a certificate from Heartbeat, LLC. Please bring a sack lunch. Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Heartbeat, LLC Min. 10/Max. 30 CODE 34410-A DAYS Sa DATES 2/6 TIME 9:00A-2:00P RES/NR $49/$64 Gymboree Classes Baby Play and Learn (Ages 0 – 10 months) Enjoy 30 minutes of play with your little one along with parent discussion, tummy time, parachute with bubbles, finger play for eye tracking and much more. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Gymboree Instructor Min. 6/Max. 12 CODE 34222-A 34222-B DAYS Tu Tu DATES 1/12-2/16 2/23-3/29 TIME 12:00P-12:30P 12:00P-12:30P RES/NR $59/$74 $59/$74 Imaginative Play (Ages 1 - 5) Sculpture (Ages 6 - 12) CODE 34861-A We are offering you a space to work on your own art projects with other community teen artists. Art instructor Debbie Bell will be available for students to ask questions, give feedback and help you complete your work of art. Students need to bring their own supplies to complete their art project of choice. DAYS Ages 13 – 18 34831-B NEW Class Will Not Meet On: 2/5 Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Min. 6/Max. 15 Ages 6 – 12 34831-A Teen Artist Studio (Ages 13 - 18) TIME 4:30P-5:30P RES/NR $59/$74 We bring in a colorful parachute, our amazing Gymboree bubbles, lots of fun equipment to keep each class exciting and fun. We use fun songs to get the children moving and theme changes every two weeks. We use music in our classes help to promote socialization and cognitive development boost memory and language skills. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Gymboree Instructor Min. 6/Max. 12 CODE 34222-C 34222-D 34222-E 34222-F DAYS Tu Tu Tu Tu DATES 1/12-2/16 1/12-2/16 2/23-3/29 2/23-3/29 TIME 10:30A-11:00A 11:15A-11:45A 10:30A-11:00A 11:15A-11:45A RES/NR $59/$74 $59/$74 $59/$74 $59/$74 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Youth Enrichment Sports Fencing (Ages 7 - 15) Friday Fun (Ages 3 - 5) Discover the outside world through music, movement, instruments and stories. Each week we will explore new places, animals and winter customs. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Janet Kremers Min. 4/Max. 10 CODE DAYS DATES TIME RES/NR All About Percussion 34553-A F 1/15-2/12 1:00P-1:45P $36/$46 Things That Go 34553-B F 3/4-4/1 1:00P-1:45P $36/$46 Fencing is considered an art of enjoyment, a science of arms as well as a sport. Basic skills are achievable in a few weeks. Training for fencing will improve posture, balance, flexibility, reactions and mental agility. You will learn the skills necessary to bout with all provided equipment. Professional coaches, Mikhail (US Olympic Committee Youth Development Coach of the Year in 2004) and Arkady Sarkisov, both of who are former Soviet Champions and World Cup finalists, are among the qualified instructors. This class will be combined with other Parks and Recreation Departments. Class will be held at Grand Rapids Area Fencing Academy (GRAFA) located at 1345 Monroe NW, Suite 102, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. Location: GRAFA Instructor: GRAFA Instructors Min. 8/Max. 16 CODE 34451-A 34451-B Kindermusik - Village (Ages 0 – 17 months) Cockadoodle Moo is the theme this session. Through a blend of multi-level activities that include movement, vocal, object and instrument exploration, baby’s growth and development are stimulated and all senses engaged. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Janet Kremers Min. 4/Max. 12 CODE DAYS 34550-A1 F-mat. 34550-A2 F-no mat. DATES 1/22-3/25 1/22-3/25 TIME 9:30A-10:15A 9:30A-10:15A RES/NR $145/$165 $115/$135 DAYS Tu Tu DATES 1/12-2/16 2/23-3/29 TIME 6:00P-7:00P 6:00P-7:00P RES/NR $70/$85 $70/$85 We communicate by e-mail! This is our main form of communication. Please confirm any e-mail changes with our department. This is how we contact you for registrations, class changes, updates and cancellations. Please always check your e-mail before a program begins in case of date, time or location updates. Kindermusik - Our Time (Ages 17 months – 3 yrs.) Adults and children will sing, dance and play instruments together. Enjoy this unique opportunity to interact together in an unhurried and joyful manner. *If you have taken the specific “Away We Go” semester you may sign up under “No Materials”. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Janet Kremers Min. 3/Max. 6 CODE DAYS 34551-A1 M 34551-A2M-no mat. 34551-B1 M 34551-B2M-no mat. 34551-C1 Tu 34551-C2Tu-no mat. 34551-D1 F 34551-D2 F-no mat. DATES 1/11-3/28 1/11-3/28 1/11-3/28 1/11-3/28 1/12-3/29 1/12-3/29 1/15-4/1 1/15-4/1 TIME 9:30A-10:15A 9:30A-10:15A 10:25A-11:10A 10:25A-11:10A 9:30A-10:15A 9:30A-10:15A 10:30A-11:15A 10:30A-11:15A RES/NR $177/$197 $137/$157 $177/$197 $137/$157 $177/$197 $137/$157 $177/$197 $137/$157 Program Cancellation Hotline: Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 940.4800 ext. 301 11 Youth Adult Youth Enrichment Fitness Sports Bricks 4 Kidz Classes Cranium Contraptions (Grades 1 - 4) Jr. Robotics (Grades 3 - 5) This is a fun STEM based, engaging and challenging series of 4 week classes! Students will build and program robotic models using computer software and LEGO® bricks, while engaging in hands-on, thought provoking, learning experiences that actively involve young students in their own learning process. Students will learn to write programs, use sensors & displays, and at the end of each session, design their own model and apply what was learned the previous few weeks to increase their understanding of engineering & robotics principles. Each 4 week session/level is unique and has a different engineering and programming focus. Students that have completed levels 101 - 107 will receive a Jr. Robotics certificate. Location: Wealthy Art Room @ Wealthy School Instructor: Bricks 4 Kidz Instructor Min. 6/Max. 14 CODE DAYS DATES TIME RES/NR Th 1/14-2/4 3:45P-5:15P $79/$99 Th 2/18-3/10 3:45P-5:15P $79/$99 34323-C Th 3/24-4/21* 3:45P-5:15P *May change due to Spring Break Holiday $79/$99 Level 105 34323-B Location: Breton Art Room @ Breton School Lakeside Art Room @ Lakeside School Instructor: Bricks 4 Kidz Instructor Min. 8/Max. 16 CODE 34325-A 34325-B DAYS W-LA Th-BR DATES 2/10-3/2 2/11-3/3 TIME 3:45P-4:45P 3:45P-4:45P RES/NR $61/$76 $61/$76 It’s A Bug’s Life (Grades 1 - 4) Level 104 34323-A They’re wild, they’re wacky, and they’re fun! Join us as we build cool amazing contraptions using LEGO® Bricks, batteries and motors that work! You don’t want to miss this engaging class where every model does something really cool! Level 106 Explore the fascinating science of living things and build engaging models of creatures from caterpillars to butterflies. Students will explore topics such as the amazing life cycle of a butterfly and investigate the Venus Fly Trap, a plant that eats bugs! Location: Breton Art Room @ Breton School Lakeside Art Room @ Lakeside School Instructor: Bricks 4 Kidz Instructor Min. 8/Max. 16 CODE 34326-A 34326-B DAYS W-LA Th-BR DATES 3/9-3/30 3/10-3/31 TIME 3:45P-4:45P 3:45P-4:45P RES/NR $61/$76 $61/$76 Winter Fun with Remotes (Grades 1 - 4) Don’t get left out in the cold! Bring the winter fun indoors with interactive Bricks 4 Kidz models of popular winter vehicles, made with LEGO® bricks, motors and battery packs. You will also add remote controls to some pretty awesome models! Location: Breton Art Room @ Breton School Lakeside Art Room @ Lakeside School Instructor: Bricks 4 Kidz Instructor Min. 8/Max. 16 CODE 34324-A 34324-B DAYS W-LA Th-BR DATES 1/13-2/3 1/14-2/4 TIME 3:45P-4:45P 3:45P-4:45P RES/NR $61/$76 $61/$76 Follow us on Facebook! East Grand Rapids: Parks & Recreation Dept. 12 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Enrichment Holistic Approach to Winter Wellness (Ages 16 +) Join herbalist and wellness expert Lisa Rose to learn tips and tricks to maintain health through the winter months. Herbal recipes for the cold and flu season will be shared. NEW January 26: Kick the Ick: Herbal Remedies for Cold & Flu Season. Stay healthy and recover more quickly from winter colds and flus by using natural, local and easy herbal and food remedies. In this hands-on kitchen class, participants will learn about and taste foods & herbal remedies that can help the body stay resilient during winter and recover more quickly when illness strikes. February 9: Herbal and Bone Broths for Wellness. Herbal and bone broths have been simmering on stoves of healing kitchens across the globe and across time. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, bone broth is a key component to building yin deficiency and nourishing the body, and the Jewish Bubbe knows that chicken soup is her form of penicillin. Become a believer in the nutritive power of mineral dense plant & bone broths: Vegan friendly recipes and cooking techniques will be discussed, herbs explained and recipes shared. February 23: Herbal Remedies for Stress & Insomnia. Stress is all around us in our hectic, everyday lives. Prolonged exposure to stress and stressful situations can have a profound impact on the body and can be the cause of insomnia, tense muscles, upset digestion, and chronic health issues. Participants will gain a holistic understanding of the physiology of stress and will develop baseline herbal knowledge to help manage stress and some of its effects. Each student will prepare their own relaxing tea blend. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/2 & 2/16 Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Lisa Rose Min. 8/Max. 25 CODE 35102-A DAYS DATES TIME Tu 1/26, 2/9 & 2/23 6:30P-8:00P Women’s Wellness Workshop: NEW Achieve Your New Year’s Resolution! (Ages 18 +) Are you looking to turn your New Year’s Resolution into a successful plan? Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, control your sugar cravings or simply start eating a healthier diet, this class can help jumpstart your mission and get you moving in the right direction! In this interactive workshop, you will develop a personalized plan to accomplish your goals and put it into action the very first day! A certified Health Coach will provide guidance, support and accountability to help motivate you and keep you on track! Make progress with your New Year’s Resolution and start forming new healthy habits that will have you looking and feeling your best! Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Dawn Reed Min. 6/Max. 20 CODE 35102-D 35102-E DAYS W W DATES 1/13-2/3 1/13-2/3 TIME 10:00A-11:30A 7:00P-8:30P RES/NR $59/$74 $59/$74 NEW Women’s Wellness Workshop: Chocolate Covered Wellness (Ages 18 +) Are you looking to make progress with your health and wellness goals? Do you also love to eat chocolate? This mini wellness workshop is a chocolate lovers dream come true! In this class, a certified Health Coach will help you develop a personalized plan of action to address your individual health goals, which includes implementing a delicious chocolate regimen* into your daily routine! Discover the variety of health benefits that come with eating dark chocolate while you work towards achieving your individual health goals! Your Health Coach will be making several chocolate bar recommendations, most of which can be purchased at local grocery stores. RES/NR $51/$66 This class is not recommended for individuals with special dietary restrictions. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Dawn Reed Min. 6/Max. 20 CODE 35102-F 35102-G Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. DAYS W W DATES 2/10 2/10 TIME 10:00A-11:30A 7:00P-8:30P RES/NR $20/$35 $20/$35 13 Adult YouthFitness Sports Dance NEW Tiny Toes (Ages 2 - 3) We will teach basic ballet vocabulary combined with interactive songs and creative movement. Dancers who are excited to start dance class but are learning to be independent, and exploring their independence. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/12, 4/1, 4/8 Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Shannon Fauble Min. 5/Max. 8 CODE 34400-A 34400-B DAYS F F DATES 2/5-3/11 3/18-4/29 TIME 9:00A-9:30A 9:00A-9:30A RES/NR $58/$73 $58/$73 The perfect “first dance class”! In this class new dancers will be introduced to basic positions and terminology while learning the grace of ballet and exciting rhythms of tap. This is a great class for the young attention span and teaches movement along with what it means to be a dance student. Ballet and tap shoes required. This class is for 3 year olds and young 4 year olds with no dance experience. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/13, 3/28, 3/29, 4/1, 4/2, 4/4, 4/5, 4/8, 4/9 Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Shannon Fauble Min. 5/Max. 8 DAYS M-SF M-SF Tu-SF F-SF Sa-TBD DATES 2/1-5/9 2/1-5/9 2/2-5/10 2/5-5/13 1/30-5/14 TIME 9:45A-10:30A 10:45A-11:30A 10:30A-11:15A 10:45A-11:30A 9:30A-10:15A RES/NR $115/$135 $115/$135 $115/$135 $115/$135 $115/$135 Twinkle Toes 2 (Ages 4 - 5) In this class, dancers will learn positions, basic terminology and continue to expand ballet and tap skills. Dancers will also work on rhythm, locomotor skills and coordination. This class is great for the new or returning 5 year old dancer or for 4 year olds with at least one session of TT 1. Ballet and tap shoes required. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/13, 3/28, 3/29, 3/31, 4/1, 4/2, 4/4, 4/5, 4/7, 4/8, 4/9 Location: Program Room 102 or 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Shannon Fauble, Annie VandenBerg Min. 5/Max. 8 CODE 34402-A 34402-B 34402-C 34402-D 34402-E 34402-F 34402-G 14 DAYS M-SF Tu-SF Tu-AV Th-AV Th-AV F-SF Sa-TBD DATES 2/1-5/9 2/2-5/10 2/2-5/10 2/4-5/12 2/4-5/12 2/5-5/13 1/30-5/14 This class is a slightly more difficult combination of ballet and tap. It is for dancers who have taken Twinkle Toes 2 at least twice. Ballet and tap shoes required by 2nd class. Dance clothes preferred. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/13, 2/19, 4/1, 4/2, 4/7, 4/9 Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Annie VandenBerg Min. 5/Max. 8 Twinkle Toes 1 (Ages 3 - 4) CODE 34401-A 34401-B 34401-C 34401-D 34401-E Beyond Twinkle Toes (Ages 5 - 7) TIME 11:45A-12:35P 9:30A-10:20A 11:00A-11:50A 9:15A-10:05A 10:15A-11:05A 9:45A-10:35A 10:30A-11:20A RES/NR $123/$143 $123/$143 $123/$143 $123/$143 $123/$143 $123/$143 $123/$143 CODE 34403-A 34403-B 34403-C DAYS Th-AV Th-AV Sa-TBD DATES 2/4-5/12 2/4-5/12 1/30-5/14 TIME RES/NR 3:45P-4:35P $123/$143 5:45P-6:35P $123/$143 11:30A-12:20P $123/$143 Beyond Twinkle Toes 2 (Ages 7 - 9) This class is for the dancer who would like to continue their training in ballet, tap and jazz. Perfect for those dancers who have completed Twinkle Toes or Big Kids classes and are ready to move on. Class Will Not Meet On: 3/31, 4/7 Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Annie VandenBerg Min. 5/Max. 8 CODE 34404-A DAYS Th DATES 2/4-5/12 TIME 4:45P-5:35P RES/NR $123/$143 Kids Hip Hop (Ages 3 - 12) This fitness and movement class will use fun “Hip Hop” music and dance to get you moving while having fun with friends. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor:Tiffany Owens Min. 6/Max. 10 or 15 CODE DAYS DATES TIME Intro: Ages 4 – 8 34223-A W 1/20-3/30 5:00P-5:30P RES/NR $53/$68 Hip Hop 2: Ages 3 – 6 34223-B W 1/20-3/30 5:40P-6:10P $53/$68 Hip Hop 2: Ages 7 – 12 34223-C W 1/20-3/30 6:20P-6:50P $53/$68 A NEW DANCE TEACHER - WELCOME! We are excited to welcome Shannon Fauble to the East Grand Rapids Dance Department. Shannon has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Dance from Western Michigan University and has performed with the Kalamazoo Ballet Company and WMU’s University Dance Theater. She teaches pre-ballet, jazz, tap, ballet, modern, hip hop and Zumba. She has taught at various dance studios in Illinois and Michigan including The Little Gym, Goddard Schools, and Oswegoland Park District. Shannon believes that dance should be fun and accessible to everyone, and that dance can be found anywhere you look. She recently moved from Oswego, IL to East Grand Rapids and is excited to get the dance party started! Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Youth Dance & Yoga Big Kids Jazz (Ages 7 - 9) This is an introduction to jazz technique. Dancers will work on basic jazz steps in the center traveling and have a chance to learn some fun choreography. This is a way to get your heart pumping and learn some dance in a high energy and upbeat environment. Jazz shoes required. Class Will Not Meet On: 3/30, 4/6 Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Annie VandenBerg Min. 5/Max. 8 CODE 34431-A DAYS W DATES 2/3-5/11 TIME 4:00P-4:50P RES/NR $123/$143 Big Kids Combo (Ages 9 - 13) This class is for experienced dancers who want to continue expanding their skills. Dancers will work in tap and jazz and will also start learning how to work together to create their own choreography. Students should have completed BTT 2, our “Big Kids” classes, or have similar dance experience. Jazz and tap shoes required. Class Will Not Meet On: 3/30, 4/6 Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Annie VandenBerg Min. 5/Max. 8 CODE 34434-A DAYS W DATES 2/3-5/11 TIME 5:00P-6:00P RES/NR $123/$143 This class offers entry-level instruction in Irish dancing technique and provides an excellent cardio workout while building confidence. No prior dance experience is required. Our mission is to offer quality Irish Dance instruction for boys and girls, while providing a safe, supportive and positive learning environment that lends itself to developing well-rounded and confident dancers. *Must have taken Irish Dance 1 before enrolling in Irish Dance 2. **Must not be enrolled in another CLRG school. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/12 Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Elizabeth Brennan Min. 3/Max. 10 DAYS DATES TIME Irish Dance 1 34428-A F 1/15-3/25 4:15P-5:15P Irish Dance 2 34428-B F 1/15-3/25 5:25P-6:25P Float like snowflakes, march like the soldiers, visit the Land of Sweets! Wrap up your holiday preparations while your child has fun learning all about the “Nutcracker”. Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Annie VandenBerg, Shannon Fauble Min. 8/Max. 16 CODE 24405-A DAYS Sa DATES 12/19 NEW TIME 9:00A-3:00P RES/NR $59/$74 Youth Yoga (Ages 6 - 12) Join the fun! We’ll practice a variety of kid-friendly yoga poses, increasing flexibility, strength, and coordination. Yoga mats are available at the Parks & Recreation Dept., or bring your own mat. Your child should wear comfortable exercise clothing and bring a water bottle. Also, please be courteous and arrive a few minutes early and silence all cell phones. We also ask that no perfume or cologne be applied prior to class. Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Denise Mollenhauer Min. 8/Max. 18 CODE 34700-A Irish Dance (Ages 5 - 14) CODE Nutcracker in a Nutshell (Ages 5 - 12) DAYS M DATES 1/4-3/28 TIME 4:30P-5:25P RES/NR $106/$126 Teen Yoga (Ages 13 - 19) You’ll increase strength, flexibility and coordination in this class designed just for teens. Yoga mats are available at the Parks and Rec. Dept., or bring your own mat. Please wear comfortable exercise clothes and bring a water bottle, blanket or towel. Please be courteous and arrive a few minutes early and silence all cell phones. We also ask that no perfume or cologne be applied prior to class. Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Denise Mollenhauer Min. 8/Max. 18 CODE 34700-B DAYS M DATES 1/4-3/28 TIME 3:25P-4:20P RES/NR $106/$126 RES/NR $72/$87 $72/$87 Dance Class and Recital Information The winter session of dance will be 13 weeks for all classes. Dates that class will not meet are in each class description. Rehearsals will be Sat., April 19 – Thurs., April 24 at Pioneer Auditorium in Wealthy Elementary. Saturday classes will NOT meet the weekend of Winter Break. The recital is tentatively scheduled for Sat., May 14 at 10:00A. If this conflicts with an EGR Parks and Rec soccer game please inform your coach or call the office. Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 15 Adult Fitness Adult Leisure & Education Adult Irish Dance (Ages 15 +) Acrylic Painting (Ages 16 +) Class Will Not Meet On: 2/12 Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Elizabeth Brennan Min. 3/Max. 10 Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 15 This class is open to dancers of all levels. Instruction will be focused on technique, dance routines and “ceili” or partner dancing. Learn traditional Irish Dancing and get an excellent cardio workout. CODE 35428-A DAYS F DATES 1/15-3/25 TIME 6:35P-7:35P RES/NR $72/$87 Beginning Ballroom Dance (Ages 18 +) Participants will create your choice of realistic, impressionistic or abstract landscapes, cityscapes and portraits using acrylic paint. Please see receipt for your supply list. CODE 35303-A DAYS W DATES 1/6-2/10 TIME 10:00A-12:00P RES/NR $82/$102 NEW Artist’s Studio (Ages 20 +) Thursday is a quick start course for beginners that will make you comfortable learning the most basic steps of the most popular dances. Partner required - sign up in A1. We are offering you a space to work on your own art projects with other community artists. Art instructor Debbie Bell will be available for students to ask questions, give feedback and help you complete your work of art. Students need to bring their own supplies to complete their art project. Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: John Panchuk Min. 4/Max. 12 Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 15 CODE 35525-A 35525-A1 DAYS Th Th DATES 1/28-3/31 1/28-3/31 TIME 6:30P-7:30P 6:30P-7:30P RES/NR $120/$140 $0/$0 Experienced Ballroom Dance (Ages 18 +) This class is for the more experienced dancers who want to become more confident with the music and movement. Partner required, please register your partner in B1. Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: John Panchuk Min. 4/Max. 12 CODE DAYS 35525-B Th 35525-B1 Th DATES 1/28-3/31 1/28-3/31 TIME 7:30P-8:30P 7:30P-8:30P RES/NR $120/$140 $0/$0 Digital Photography 101 (Ages 16 +) Digital cameras are powerful tools, but they only produce great results when you know how to use all the features. Join Grand Rapids senior portrait photographer, Josh Weiland, for a hands-on photography course! If your photos are sometimes too light, too dark, or just plain blurry, Josh’s course can teach you how to easily fix those frustrating problems. This photography course is designed for anyone who already owns a camera and wants to learn how to properly use its settings and modes to take better photos of family, friends, or nature. Location: Program Room 101 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Josh Weiland Min. 5/Max. 20 CODE 35310-A 35310-B 16 DAYS Th Th DATES 1/7-1/21 3/10-3/24 TIME 6:30P-8:30P 6:30P-8:30P CODE 35306-A DAYS M DATES 1/11-2/15 TIME 10:00A-12:00P RES/NR $55/$70 Beginning Drawing (Ages 16 +) Students will learn basic drawing techniques to help them “see” as an artist. Still life set ups will be drawn with multi-grade pencils. Please see receipt for supply list. Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 15 CODE 35309-B DAYS W DATES 2/17-3/23 TIME 10:00A-12:00P RES/NR $82/$102 Creative Art Therapy (Ages 18 +) Adults with special needs are invited to work with their imagination to create art. The focus will not be on skills but rather the joy of art through creativity. Debbie Bell will work with each individual and their capabilities with step by step instruction using winter themed acrylic and collage painting. Supplies are provided. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/5 Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 12 CODE 35304-A 35304-B DAYS F F DATES 1/8-2/19 2/26-4/1 TIME 10:00A-12:00P 10:00A-12:00P RES/NR $96/$116 $96/$116 RES/NR $68/$83 $68/$83 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Adult Leisure & Education Bridge Classes (Ages 18 +) Intermediate Drawing (Ages 16 +) This class is arranged for those who have participated in a Beginning Drawing class and wish to gain more experience with a variety of materials, such as: ink, charcoal, white charcoal, Corte. Please see receipt for supply list. Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 15 CODE 35309-C DAYS W DATES 2/17-3/23 TIME 1:00P-3:00P The Joys of Pen and Ink (Ages 16 +) RES/NR $82/102 NEW Students will learn the process of pen and ink through varied techniques and produce high contrast ink drawings. Please see receipt for supply list. Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 15 CODE 35308-A DAYS W DATES 1/6-2/10 TIME 1:00P-3:00P The East Grand Rapids Rec Department in conjunction with the Grand Rapids Bridge Club is happy to announce the beginning of a series of bridge lessons to be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 8:00P. The class being formulated is for persons whose knowledge of bridge may be small or considerable. Participants will learn by playing, analyzing, and discussing many interesting deals instead of listening to lectures. The series will cover the fundamentals of the three aspects of the game such as bidding, play and defense. Bridge is the world’s greatest game of the mind. It is stimulating and challenging and also provides the ideal setting for socializing with interesting people and making new friends. Location: Program Room 105 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: John Molt Min. 8/Max. 16 CODE 35230-A 35230-B DAYS W W DATES 1/6-1/27 2/3-2/24 TIME 6:00P-8:00P 6:00P-8:00P RES/NR $31/$41 $31/$41 RES/NR $82/$102 Lunching at Local Restaurants (Ages 50 +) Are you interested in dining out with others once a month at a local restaurant? The purpose of the group is to build community and connect with others, while discussing topics of interest...come and make some new friends! Participants will meet at the restaurant at 11:30A. Order and pay for what you’d like off the menu. Please call Rachel at 949-1750 to RSVP. Location: To Be Announced @ To Be Announced Min. 5/Max. 30 CODE 36500-A 36500-B 36500-C DAYS F F F DATES 1/15 2/19 3/18 TIME 11:30A-1:00P 11:30A-1:00P 11:30A-1:00P RES/NR $0/$0 $0/$0 $0/$0 Zentangle with a Twist (Ages 18 +) Zentangle is a meditative form of pattering and designs that resemble etchings. This art promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and improves focus and dexterity. Students will be twisting their tangles with color! Location: Program Room 103 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Debbie Bell Min. 6/Max. 15 CODE 35307-A 35307-B DAYS Th Th DATES 1/7-2/11 2/18-3/24 TIME 6:30P-8:30P 6:30P-8:30P RES/NR $82/$102 $82/$102 Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 17 Adult Fitness Special Events Mom and Son Night (Ages 5 – 12) Sports, sports and more sports! Spend some quality time with your son, grandson, nephew or friend and come for a fun filled evening of sport themed games and challenges, a keepsake photo, caricatures and more. An open house style event with check-in by 7:00P. Join in the fun for all 3 hours or part of the time. Don’t forget to wear sports themed attire! This special event is open to all elementary school-aged boys and their favorite adult date (mom, grandma, aunt or special friend). Sign up by January 8 and save $5. Location: EGR High School Min. 50/Max. 100 CODE DAYS 34601-A Sa-cpl. 34601-B Sa-indiv. DATES 1/16 1/16 TIME 5:30P-8:30P 5:30P-8:30P RES/NR $38/$48 $26/$36 Daddy Daughter Dance (Grades Pre K - 8) Winter Wonderland Theme Fathers, make sure your daughter’s first dance is a memorable one! Put on your dancing shoes and enjoy a date night with your daughter at the annual Daddy Daughter Dance! Girls are invited to bring their favorite adult date (dad, grandpa, uncle or special friend) to this semi-formal event. The evening includes your daughter’s choice of corsage, DJ dancing, and delicious refreshments. The Parks & Rec Dept. will provide 2 winter wonderland themed backdrops for photo opportunities with your own personal camera or smartphone. Upon registration, you will also recieve a coupon good for local restaurant discounts during the night of the event. Sign up by the deadline of January 30 and save $5. Crazy Tie Contest Info: Just show up wearing your tie and let our judges determine if your neck has what it takes to earn the title “Craziest Tie in East Grand Rapids!” Location: EGR Middle School Min. 40/Max. 375 CODE DAYS 34600-A Sa-cpl. 34600-B Sa-indiv. 18 DATES 2/6 2/6 TIME 6:00P-8:00P 6:00P-8:00P RES/NR $36/$46 $24/$34 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Pool Youth Memberships Sports Memberships Memberships are available for both residents and non-residents, students and senior citizens. All passes must be purchased over the phone or at EGR Parks & Rec. Dept. during normal business hours; Monday through Friday 8:00A-5:00P. Resident Membership Type Adult 55+ 10 Visit $25 $18 3 month $52 $36 6 month $91 $62 1 year $160 $107 19 & Under $18 $36 $62 $107 NEW PRICING Family NA $108 $188 $275 Non-Resident Membership Type Adult 55+ 10 Visit $35 $24 3 month $72 $49 6 month $126 $84 1 year $220 $147 19 & Under $24 $49 $84 $147 Family NA $152 $265 $358 Drop in Rates Money will be taken at the pool for those without a membership or punch card. The rates are $3 for residents and $4 for non-residents. Payment can be made in the form of cash or check made payable to the EGR Parks and Rec. Dept. Please bring exact cash amount if possible. Reserve your Pool Party Today! Rental Information Wealthy Pool and the High School Pool are available for private rental on a space available basis. Please complete the online pool rental form to begin the rental process. Call 949.1750 or visit for rules and policies. High School Pool - Rental rate includes the cost of two guards, which can accommodate up to 50 swimmers (use of the diving board may require a third guard). Wealthy Pool - Rental rate includes the cost of one guard, which will accommodate up to 25 swimmers. Rentals that have a majority of users under the age of 11 may require a second guard. Wealthy Pool Party - Rental rate includes the cost of two lifeguards, the use of the multi-purpose room (great for presents & cake time) and swimming for up to 35 swimmers. Silver & Fit for Aquatics Wealthy Pool and the EGR High School Pool are now hosting locations to the Silver & Fit program. If you are 65 years of age or older and have qualifying insurance, email our office at [email protected] or call 616.949.1750 for more information. Eligibility includes pool membership for drop-in swimming. *Not eligible for programs. RATES (Includes Lifeguard Fees) Wealthy Pool Wealthy Party High School Pool Add Lifeguard RES NR $75/hr. $96/hr. $148/hr. $189/hr $157/hr. $199/hr. $12.50/hr. $12.50/hr. Find a Pool Schedule online at our website! REGISTER ONLINE EAST GRAND RAPIDS: PARKS & RECREATION DEPT. Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. IT’S QUICK & EASY 616.949.1750 Call for your username and password 19 Adult Fitness Punch Card System & Guidelines Punch cards are only for Total Body Workout and Zumba. Your fitness punches will no longer expire with our card system! Each fitness participant will receive a bar coded photo ID that will be scanned with each visit. Photos will be required for the initial purchase and must be taken at the Parks & Recreation Department counter. After your initial purchase you may add additional punches at any time at the Recreation Department. There is no online registration. You may bring a family member, friend or guest, but you must be present. The punch card continues to allow flexibility and the possibility to try new classes. Class Will Not Meet On: 11/25, 12/23, 12/25 PUNCH# 5 10 20 Drop-in RES/NR $36/$46 $66/$81 $120/$140 $8/$10 This fun hour long class provides an excellent overall workout! Come join us! We’ll focus on cardio and strength training using hand weights, resistance tubes, weighted bars, and workout balls. This class incorporates a lot of variety to keep you motivated! Choose any combination of days and times that fit your schedule! Total Body Workout is ideal for beginner through advanced exercisers. Please bring a clean pair of gym shoes and water bottle to class. Location: Program Room 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Joan Otte Max. 25 CODE 36255-A 36255-C DAYS M Tu DATES 1/4-3/28 1/5-3/29 TIME 6:45P-7:45P 9:15A-10:15A RES/NR $106/$126 $106/$126 Now that you’ve mastered the beginning stages of yoga, you’re ready to move to the next step! This class introduces more challenging poses, while enhancing familiar poses with more detail. We’ll incorporate the Pilates method, famous for developing strength, flexibility and coordination. Participants should have completed at least one session of Beginning Yoga with Pilates and/or have some previous experience with yoga and Pilates. Yoga mats are available at the Parks & Rec. Dept., or bring your own. Please wear comfortable exercise clothes; you may also want to bring a blanket or towel and water bottle. Also, please arrive a few minutes early and silence all cell phones. We also ask that no perfume or cologne be applied prior to class. Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Denise Mollenhauer Min. 8/Max. 18 DAYS M DATES 1/4-3/28 TIME 5:35P-6:35P Gentle Chair Yoga (Ages 16 +) Zumba (Ages 13 +) You’ll have an absolute blast in one exhilarating hour of calorie burning, heart racing, muscle pumping, and body energizing movements. By integrating Zumba into your life, you’ll achieve long term benefits! Salsa/ Merengue, Samba, Cumbia, African, Reggaeton, Belly Dance and more... simple dance steps for an efficient workout with tantalizing international music...Zumba is for everyone! Please wear comfortable exercise clothes, gym shoes, and bring a water bottle. Check it out at Location: Program Rooms 102 or 104 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Annie VandenBerg Min. 10/Max. 17 20 Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Denise Mollenhauer Min. 8/Max. 18 CODE 36255-B DAYS TIME M 7:40A-8:25A or 8:30A-9:30A W 7:40A-8:25A or 8:30A-9:30A F 7:40A-8:25A or 8:30A-9:30A TIME 9:40A-10:40A 6:30P-7:30P 9:40A-10:40A Everyone can benefit from practicing yoga and Pilates! Come join us in a class paced just right for beginners. You’ll improve strength, flexibility, coordination and range of motion. You’ll also enjoy reduced stress, relaxation, and improved circulation. Yoga mats are available at the Parks & Rec. Dept., or you may bring your own mat. Please wear comfortable exercise clothes. You may also want to bring a water bottle, blanket or towel. Also, please be courteous and arrive a few minutes early and silence all cell phones. We also ask that no perfume or cologne be applied prior to class. Continuing Yoga with Pilates (Ages 16 +) Total Body Workout (Ages 15 +) DAYS Tu W F Beginning Yoga with Pilates (Ages 16 +) RES/NR $106/$126 NEW Everyone can benefit from practicing yoga and Pilates! Come join us in a class set at the pace just right for you and your comfort. You’ll improve strength, flexibility, coordination and range of motion. You’ll also enjoy reduced stress, relaxation, and improved circulation. Yoga mats are available at the Parks & Rec. Dept., or you may bring your own mat. Please wear comfortable exercise clothes. You may also want to bring a water bottle, blanket or towel. Also, please be courteous and arrive a few minutes early and silence all cell phones. We also ask that no perfume or cologne be applied prior to class. Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Denise Mollenhauer Min. 8/Max. 18 CODE 36255-D DAYS Tu DATES 1/5-3/29 TIME RES/NR 10:20A-11:20A $106/$126 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Adult & Aqua Fitness NEW Zumba Gold (Ages 55 +) Zumba Gold is perfect for adults who are looking for a modified Zumba class that recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity. How it works: The design of the class introduces easy-to-follow Zumba choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion and coordination. Come ready to sweat and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. Benefits: class focuses on all elements of fitness such as cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility and balance. Location: Program Room 102 @ EGR Rec. Dept. Instructor: Angela Crompton Min. 5/Max. 15 CODE 35012-A 35012-B DAYS W W DATES 1/27-2/24 3/2-3/30 TIME 5:15P-6:15P 5:15P-6:15P Aqua Fusion (Ages 18 +) Challenge yourself to 55 minutes of a high energy, high intensity, cardio workout that’s safe on the joints. This workout offers a complete package in the pool....cardio, toning, and stretch. Bring your smile and enjoy the energy. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Instructor: Cyn Tennent Min. 10/Max. 20 CODE DAYS DATES TIME RES/NR 1/4-1/29 2/1-2/26 2/29-3/23 1:00P-1:55P 1:00P-1:55P 1:00P-1:55P $41/$56 $41/$56 $41/$56 1/4-1/29 2/1-2/26 2/29-3/23 1:00P-1:55P 1:00P-1:55P 1:00P-1:55P $82/$97 $82/$97 $82/$97 1/4-1/29 2/1-2/26 2/29-3/23 1:00P-1:55P 1:00P-1:55P 1:00P-1:55P $123/$143 $123/$143 $123/$143 Attend one day a week RES/NR $41/$51 $41/$51 33200-A1 M,W,F 33200-B1 M,W,F 33200-C1 M,W,F Attend two days a week Aqua Fit (Ages 15 +) Join these restructured upbeat classes designed to burn fat, calories and strengthen and tone the body. The resistance of the water gives you a great workout while the buoyancy of the water is easy on your joints. You don’t even need to know how to swim. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Instructor: Angela Crompton Min. 10/Max. 20 CODE DAYS Attend one day a week 33210-A1 Tu or Th 33210-B1 Tu or Th 33210-C1 Tu or Th Attend two days a week 33210-A2 Tu & Th 33210-B2 Tu & Th 33210-C2 Tu & Th DATES TIME RES/NR 1/5-1/28 2/2-2/25 3/1-3/24 7:00P-8:00P 7:00P-8:00P 7:00P-8:00P $50/$65 $50/$65 $50/$65 2/2-2/25 2/2-2/25 3/1-3/24 7:00P-8:00P 7:00P-8:00P 7:00P-8:00P $99/$119 $99/$119 $99/$119 33200-A2 M,W,F 33200-B2 M,W,F 33200-C2 M,W,F Attend three days a week 33200-A3 M,W,F 33200-B3 M,W,F 33200-C3 M,W,F Gentle Aquatic Exercise (Ages 18 +) Gentle Aquatic Exercise is gentle yet challenging ... exercising your mind as well as your body! This class is designed to improve breathing, balance, posture, circulation, joint mobiilty and general eas of movement. A variety of exercise menthods including Al Chi, Feldenkrais, Water Qigong, and AEA Arthritis Foundation exercise will be taught. Be a part of the fun ... meet new friends and get ready for the day in the warm water of Wealthy Pool. Open to non-swimmers. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Instructor: Diane Collier Min. 8/Max. 10 CODE 33220-A2 33220-B2 33220-C2 Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. DAYS M & W M & W M & W DATES 1/4-1/27 2/1-2/24 2/29-3/23 TIME 9:30A-10:30A 9:30A-10:30A 9:30A-10:30A RES/NR $84/$104 $84/$104 $84/$104 21 Adult Fitness Aquatics swimEGR The Aquatics Department is excited to announce our swimEGR Learn to Swim program. swimEGR offers a progression of Learn to Swim classes to meet the needs of your swimmer. Class focus is on skill development and swimmer safety. Our instructors provide a safe, educational and fun environment for your swimmer to excel. Group and private lessons are available. Parent Child (Ages 6 months – 3yrs) This class allows parents and children to learn together to increase a child’s comfort level in the water and build a foundation of basic skills, such as arm and leg movements and breathe control. The classes are fun-filled and help introduce water safety concepts, encouraging a healthy recreational habit that your family can enjoy. DATES 1/11-2/8 2/22-3/21 1/13-2/10 2/24-3/23 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 TIME 6:00P-6:30P 6:00P-6:30P 6:00P-6:30P 6:00P-6:30P 9:00A-9:30A 9:00A-9:30A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 Beginner Level 1 (Ages 2.5 - 6) This is a swimmer’s first class without a parent in the water. This class will help swimmers gain greater independence in their skills and develop more comfort in and around the water. Skills include: open eyes under water and retrieve submerge objects and front and back floats and glides. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 4/Max. 4 CODE DAYS 33030-A M 33030-A1 M 33030-B W 33030-B1 W 33030-C W 33030-C1 W 33030-D Sa 33030-D1 Sa 22 DATES 1/11-2/8 2/22-3/28 1/13-2/10 2/24-3/23 1/13-2/10 2/24-3/23 1/9-2/6 2/27-3/19 This level helps swimmers begin to gain basic swimming skills including jumping in, front and combined arm and leg action on front and back. Swimmers will begin work on recovering to a vertical position, alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 4/Max. 4 Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 6/Max. 10 CODE DAYS 33010-A M 33010-A1 M 33010-B W 33010-B1 W 33010-C Sa 33010-C1 Sa Advanced Level 1 (Ages 3 - 6) TIME 6:30P-7:00P 6:30P-7:00P 6:00P-6:30P 6:00P-6:30P 6:30P-7:00P 6:30P-7:00P 9:30A-10:00A 9:30A-10:00A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 CODE DAYS 33040-A M 33040-A1 M 33040-B W 33040-B1 W 33040-C Sa 33040-C1 Sa 33040-D Sa 33040-D1 Sa DATES 1/11-2/8 1/6-2/24 1/13-2/10 2/24-3/23 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 TIME 6:00P-6:30P 6:00P-6:30P 7:00P-7:30P 7:00P-7:30P 10:00A-10:30A 10:00A-10:30A 10:30A-11:00A 10:30A-11:00A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 Advanced Level 1 Older (Ages 6 - 10) Class is designed for older students who are new to swimming. This level helps swimmers begin to gain basic swimming skills including jumping in, front and combined arm and leg action on front and back. Swimmers will begin work on recovering to a vertical position, alternating and simultaneous leg actions on front and back. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 4/Max. 4 CODE 33050-A 33050-A1 DAYS Sa Sa DATES 1/9-2/6 2/27-3/19 TIME 11:00A-11:30A 11:00A-11:30A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Sports Aquatics Level 2 (Ages 5 +) Swimmers will focus on the following skills: fully submerge and hold breath, rolling from front to back and back to front. Swimmers will continue working on building confidence with front and back crawl and begin work on endurance skills. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 5/Max. 5 CODE DAYS 33120-A M 33120-A1 M 33120-B Sa 33120-B1 Sa 33120-C Sa 33120-C1 Sa DATES 1/11-2/8 2/22-3/21 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 TIME 7:00P-7:30P 7:00P-7:30P 10:30A-11:00A 10:30A-11:00A 11:00A-11:30A 11:00A-11:30A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 Level 5/6(Ages 5 +) Stroke Refinement provides further coordination and added technique to strokes. Skills include: submerge completely and front and back crawl, elementary backstroke, breaststroke, sidestroke, butterfly, and flip turns. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 5/Max. 5 CODE DAYS 33150-A Sa 33150-A1 Sa DATES 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 TIME 9:00A-9:30A 9:00A-9:30A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 Level 3 (Ages 5 +) Level 3 encourages stroke development through additional guided practice in deeper water. New techniques and strokes are learned while building endurance of fundamental and new skills. Skills include: rotary breathing, stream line, and flutter and dolphin kicks. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 5/Max. 5 CODE DAYS 33130-A M 33130-A1 M 33130-B W 33130-B1 W 33130-C Sa 33130-C1 Sa DATES 1/11-2/8 2/22-3/21 1/13-2/10 2/24-3/23 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 TIME 7:00P-7:30P 7:00P-7:30P 6:30P-7:00P 6:30P-7:00P 10:00A-10:30A 10:00A-10:30A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 Level 4 (Ages 5 +) Private Swim Lessons (Ages All) Do you want to become a stronger swimmer for a triathlon? Does your little swimmer need some extra attention while learning how to put their eyes in the water? Are you trying to perform a flip turn? Private swim lessons are a great way to meet one on one with an instructor who can assist you with mastering swimming skills. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School RES $29 NR $39 Contact Betsy at the EGR Recreation Department, 616-949-1750, to schedule your lesson. Lessons are available during the daytime, evenings and on the weekends. Stroke Improvement builds confidence and endurance in the water. Skills include: Headfirst entries from the side in compact and stride positions, open turns, added technique to strokes, survival swimming, and tread water using two different kicks. Location: Wealthy Pool @ Wealthy School Min. 5/Max. 5 CODE DAYS 33140-A W 33140-A1 W 33140-B Sa 33140-B1 Sa DATES 1/13-2/10 2/24-3/23 1/9-2/6 2/20-3/19 TIME 7:00P-7:30P 7:00P-7:30P 9:30A-10:00A 9:30A-10:00A RES/NR $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 $48/$63 Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 23 Adult Youth Fitness Sports Aquatics 100 Mile Club (Ages 15 +) Lifeguard Training (Ages 15 +) Are you 15 or older and looking for a great summer job or a challenging career? American Red Cross Lifeguarding is the best place to start! Lifeguarding puts you in an exciting position. Certification includes: Lifeguarding, First Aid, CPR for Professional, Preventing Disease Transmission and AED. You must attend all sessions. Prerequisites: Swim 100 Miles in one Calendar year and you will get a t-shirt, and your name up at the wall! Track your mileage with the staff at the pool and receive quarterly postings and updates with your distances. Location: High School Pool @ EGR High School Min. 6/Max. 100 CODE 33280-D ·Minimum age of 15. ·300-yard swim: 100 yards front crawl, 100 yards of breast stroke & 100 yards of front crawl or breaststroke. DAYS M-Sa DATES 1/1-12/31 RES/NR $8/$13 May join at any time! ·20-yard swim, surface dive, retrieve a 10-pound object from a depth of 7” swim back and exit the pool within 1 minute 40 seconds. ·Tread water for 2 minutes without arms. Class Will Not Meet On: 2/15 Location: High School Pool @ EGR High School Min. 10/Max. 12 CODE 33320-A DAYS M DATES 1/11-3/14 TIME 6:00P-9:30P RES/NR $207/$227 How does our Buddy System work? The Buddy System is designed to allow children to know at least one child on their team. It may also help families with carpool issues. We require a Buddy Request Form to be completed before the program deadline in one of two ways: • completed in person at our office, or • online at our city website We match up the forms and our supervisors make every effort to honor the requests. We limit one buddy request per child. Coach requests are not part of the Buddy System. The Buddy System applies to the following youth sports: K - 2nd Youth Basketball League, 3 & 4 Girls Basketball, 3 & 4 Girls Lacrosse, Flag Football, K - 5 Soccer Leagues and Little Sluggers Tee Ball Leagues 24 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Opportunity Sports Sponsorship East Grand Rapids Parks & Recreation Department Community Center 750 Lakeside Drive SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 Phone: 616.949.1750 Fax: 616.831.6144 [email protected] Movies in the Park Movies in the Park is a free family-friendly event held every third Friday of the month during the summer. Movies are shown on an inflatable screen at dusk at John Collins Park along the shores of Reeds Lake. Movies In the Park 2015 schedule: • June 19 • July 17 • Aug. 21 • Sept. 18 We’d love for you to sponsor this popular event-- and benefit from the marketing opportunities and positive exposure it would provide your business. A title sponsorship is $6,500. If you wish to get involved with the event, please fill out the registration form located at and mail it to the address listed above or call 616.949.1750. As the title sponsor, you would receive: • Your company’s name and logo on all promotional materials and the City’s website ( • An invitation to address the crowd before the start of each movie • The opportunity to distribute branded giveaways to movie-goers •The opportunity to help select the movie lineup Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 25 Adult Fitness Upcoming Events 2016 Summer Concert Series Is your band interested in submitting an application for the 2016 Summer Concert Series? If so, please email the following information to [email protected]. The 2016 Summer Concert Series, sponsored by United Bank of Michigan, will take place on the John Collins Park Plaza located at 650 Lakeside Dr. in East Grand Rapids on Reeds Lake. Concerts start at 7:00 pm and must be at least an hour and a half in length. In case of severe weather concerts may be cancelled and will not be re-scheduled. ON MONDAY NIGHTS! •Submit a one-page description of the band and its history. •Your needs for a concert venue. •Electricity is available (2 double outlets); sound amplification and electrical cords must be supplied by band if needed. •A facts page on the band with musical influences, member information, contact numbers and names, and references. •Feel free to include any other write-ups, news articles, or information pertaining to the band. •A link to a website, audio attachment, a tape or CD that includes at least 2 different types of music your band plays. The East Grand Rapids Parks and Rec Dept. may also use these submissions to possibly schedule bands for other special events. Mail information to: East Grand Rapids Parks and Rec Dept. Attn: 2016 Band Entries 750 Lakeside Dr. SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 26 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth ThankSports You The 2015 Rhoades McKee Reeds Lake Triathlon & Duathlon was a great success due to all the generous sponsors and enthusiastic volunteers. Thank you for your participation! Thank you also to EGR Parks & Recreation Department Staff and the EGR Public Safety Department! Photo courtesy of Rhoades McKee Reeds Lake Triathlon/ Duathlon Facebook Page Title Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsor Charity Partner SAVE THE DATE! SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 27 Adult Youth Fitness Sports Advertising Do you have a special talent that you would like to teach to others? We are always looking for instructors for our programs. If you want to share your skill or knowledge in a particular area, consider teaching a class! Bill Templin, Realtor® Our participants are enthusiastic and eager learners and very appreciative of skilled instructors. (616)334-9537 Setting your Real Estate Compass (616)855-5830 Please call the Parks & Recreation Dept. 616-949-1750 East Grand Rapids Gaslight Village Holiday Shopping & Tree Lighting Celebration Friday, November 27th starting at 5:00pm Enjoy shopping and specials at Gaslight retailers. Free horse-drawn carriage rides! Starting at 6:30pm - See Santa and Mrs. Claus arrive. Watch the lighting of the Gaslight Village Holiday Tree, pet real live reindeer, enjoy s’mores DURXQGWKHERQÀUHDQG take your photo with Santa! Featuring special guest emcee Jackie Green! It’s all free! 28 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents Youth Registration Sports STEP 1: You may register using 1 of 5 ways: online, phone, fax, by mail, or in person. 616.949.1750 616.831.6144 750 Lakeside Dr. SE East Grand Rapids, MI 8:00A-5:00P Mon. - Fri. STEP 2: If you register by mail or fax, please send or fax the following form. Registration begins October 15 for residents and October 22 for non-residents. EGR parks & Recreation Registration form Parent Name Enrollee Name Birthdate Gender Grade Program Name/Code School Address Phone Cell Email STEP 3: Choose your method of payment and complete the remaining portion of the form. The registration fee must be paid upon registering. Name on Card/Credit Card Type/Number/Expiration Check Number OR Money Order Number (please include check or money order with registration form) Signature/Date Register Online at or by calling 616-949-1750. 29 Terms Adult Youth & Conditions Fitness Sports Household Transfers: Individuals may transfer from an enrolled program to another currently publicized program without incurring an administrative fee. Transfers must be made two full business days prior to the starting date of the program you are cancelling. If there is a difference in class fees, the difference will need to be paid at the time of the transfer and/or any remaining credit balance will be placed on your household account for future use. Program Cancellations: Must be made a minimum of five full business days prior to the start of the program and will incur a 20% administrative fee up to a maximum of $15 for each program. Program cancellations made a minimum of two full business days prior to the start of the program will incur a 40% administrative fee up to a maximum of $30 for each program. League Sport Cancellations: Must be made a minimum of five full business days prior to the leagues first game. Cancellations will incur a 20% administrative fee up to a maximum of $15 for each program. Cancellation refunds will not be granted for any cancellations made less than 5 full business days prior to the first scheduled game. Injury or Illness: Refunds can be given to individuals who are injured or ill. A doctor’s statement, verifying the illness or injury, must be received within two weeks from the time of the illness or injury for a refund to be considered. We reserve the right to issue a partial refund determined by the amount of participation in the program prior to the illness or injury. Waiting List Guidelines: We will create waiting lists for programs/activities that reach maximum capacity and/ or for registrants who register after the deadline. Waiting lists are kept in chronological order for placing enrollees if openings develop. It is important for parents/participants to understand coaches and instructors do not have the authority to add participants to their roster. Waiting list placement will be made solely by the departmental staff for consistency and fairness. Any participant added to a roster without the consent of the Recreation Department will be grounds for dismissal from the activity and a one-year suspension from future programs. Sign Up Guidelines for Youth League Sports: We will accept all sign ups for youth league sports by the deadline date. Signing up prior to the deadline, participants receive a $20 discount and are guaranteed placement on a team. Participants may sign up for a sport after the deadline only if slots are available. If teams are filled, participants will be placed on a waiting list and placement on a team will only occur if an opening develops. Waiting lists are kept chronologically and placement will occur accordingly. Signing up after the deadline jeopardizes your child’s opportunity to participate. Buddy System: The buddy system applies to the following youth sports: Flag Football, K-5 Soccer Leagues, Little Sluggers Tee Ball Leagues, K - 2 Youth Basketball League, 3 & 4 Girls Basketball, 3 & 4 Girls Lacrosse. The buddy system is designed to allow children to know at least one child on their team. It may also help families with carpool issues. We are requiring both children’s parents to complete and sign the form to be valid. The form must be completed in person or on line so we know that you, the registrants, have requested your child to play with one other child. Limit one buddy request per child and must be completed by the program deadline. Due to various criteria, the “Buddy System” does not guarantee that your request will be honored. This is a service our department provides for our patrons. Interscholastic League Sports: Governed under the Michigan High School Athletic Association (MHSAA) -Participants must be enrolled as an EGRMS student and are required to carry a 2.0 GPA per marking period. - A current athletic physical must be on file with EGRMS dated on or after April 15 of the current school year. -Transportation is not provided. Parents will need to car pool to away competitions. -All registration will now take place at the Parks & Recreation Department. You may register in person, over the phone or online with a user name and password provided by the Rec. Department. -We are part of the West Michigan Middle School Conference. Photo Disclaimer: EGR Parks & Recreation is committed to providing timely information to the public about our many offerings and programs. We accomplish this through regular printing of detailed brochures and updates on our website. These publications often include pictures of participants in action to give the public a sense of the fun and adventure awaiting them. If you don’t want to be in photos for publicity please let the individual know that is taking pictures. 30 Registration begins October 15 for Residents / October 22 Non-Residents 2 0 1 5 Activities & Events City of East Grand Rapids Parks & Recreation Department 750 Lakeside Drive SE East Grand Rapids, MI 49506 PRST.STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID GRAND RAPIDS, MI PERMIT NO.40 Beautiful Rental Facilities Available Weddings Clubs Corporate Parties REGISTRATION BEGINS: October 15 for Residents October 22 for Non-Residents TO REGISTER: Call: 616.949.1750 Online: Call 616.949.1750 for more details or visit our website
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