Rifts® East Coast - Arsenal


Rifts® East Coast - Arsenal
Rifts® East Coast
By Ted Brock
Contributing Authors: Paul DeSanto, William Keith
Special Thanks to: Bryan Larson, Denise LaGrille, Harold Smith, Rens Houben, Katrina Templeton, Dan DeRosia, Don Peppers
All material herein copyrighted 2003 by Ted Brock, except for pre-published materials by Palladium Books where noted. This is
created under the “derivative works” license and open for distribution so long as no money is made by any parties.
Please send all comments, suggestions, criticisms, critiques, and flames to [email protected].
Table of Contents
Overview of the East –
A Note on Distances Along the Eastern Seaboard –
The Economy of the East Coast –
Massachusetts –
Boston –
New World Shipbuilders –
Moray Torpedo Boat –
Nereid Patrol Boat –
Bunker Hill-class Frigate –
Sam Adams-class Missile Destroyer –
Paul Revere-class Missile Cruiser –
Barracuda-class Fast Attack Submarine –
Alexander Knox-class Light Carrier –
Revolution-class Battleship –
New York –
Iroquois Confederation –
Lake Champlain –
Mad Haven –
Morlock R.C.C. –
Scav O.C.C. –
Pennsylvania –
Amish Country –
Amish Farmer O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard –
Artemian Guard Infantryman O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Communications Tech O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Field Medic O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Field Mechanic O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Armored Cavalryman O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Fighter Pilot O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Helicopter Pilot O.C.C.–
Artemian Guard Intelligence Officer O.C.C.–
M-9 Automatic Pistol –
M-18 Dual-Barreled Assault Rifle –
M-60 General Purpose Machinegun –
Artemian Guard Battle Armor –
Hummer –
M1A4 Abrams MBT –
LAV-25 AFV –
Bison APC –
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System –
M275 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns –
M109A7 Paladin 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer –
F/A-18E Super Hornet –
F-15E Strike Eagle –
F-117 Nighthawk –
A-10 Warthog –
AV-8B Harrier –
UH-1N Twin Huey –
UH-60 Blackhawk –
AH-1 SuperCobra –
AH-64 Apache –
RAH-66 Commanche –
C-130 Hercules –
CH-47 Chinook –
CH-54 Tahre Skycrane –
Three Mile Island –
The T.M.I. Intelligence –
Nuclear Priest O.C.C. –
Nuclear Magic –
Maryland –
Chesapeake Bay Confederation –
Kingdom of Finton –
Curfman Barony –
Annapolis Harbor –
New Baltimore –
Archie Three –
AA-70 Human Duplication/Infiltration Android –
A-SHE-2 Shemarrian Warrior –
A-001 and A-002 Monst-Rex –
The Republic –
Products of Lincoln Firearms –
Products of Smithsonian Robotics –
SR-M15 Tunneler Mining Power Armor –
SR-L43 Power Lifter –
SR-C24 Urban Renewer Construction Robot –
SR-A12 Robot Condor –
Virginia –
City of Baalgor –
Gromek Kingdom –
Barbarian Tribes –
Barbarian O.C.C. –
The Carolinas –
Ered-Dum –
Weapons and Equipment of Ered-Dum –
Miner O.C.C. –
Camp Cherokee –
Georgia and Florida –
Dinosaur Swamp –
Cape Canaveral –
Memory Grove –
Dinosaur Rider O.C.C. –
Atlanta Rift –
Seminole Empire –
Emperor Raging River Bend –
D-Bees of the East –
Aeralons –
Draelok R.C.C. –
Gromek –
Socket Monkeys –
Monsters, Dinosaurs, and Animals of the East –
Alligator –
Allosaurus –
Bears –
Bronto –
Finback –
Giant Alligator –
Horn-Head Raptor –
Lake Champlain Sea Serpent –
Snakes –
Spitter –
Stego –
Tri-Tops –
Wolves –
Velociraptor –
New Skills –
New Combat Skills –
Hand to Hand: Airborne –
Hand to Hand: Barbarian –
Other New Skills –
Adventures –
Hook, Line, and Sinker Adventures –
The Trouble With Shemarrians –
The Fountain of Youth –
Experience Tables –
A-10 Warthog –
AH-1 SuperCobra –
AH-64 Apache –
Alexander Knox-class Light Carrier –
AV-8B Harrier –
Barracuda-class Fast Attack Submarine –
Bison APC –
Bunker Hill-class Frigate –
C-130 Hercules –
CH-47 Chinook –
CH-54 Tahre Skycrane –
F-117 Nighthawk –
F-15E Strike Eagle –
F/A-18E Super Hornet –
Hummer –
LAV-25 AFV –
Moray Torpedo Boat –
Nereid Patrol Boat –
M109A7 Paladin 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer –
M1A4 Abrams MBT –
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System –
M275 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns –
Paul Revere-class Missile Cruiser –
RAH-66 Commanche –
Revolution-class Battleship –
Sam Adams-class Missile Destroyer –
SR-A12 Robot Condor –
SR-C24 Urban Renewer Construction Robot –
SR-L43 Power Lifter –
SR-M15 Tunneler Mining Power Armor –
UH-1N Twin Huey –
UH-60 Blackhawk –
Quick Find Table
Artemian Guard Armored Cavalryman O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Communications Tech O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Field Mechanic O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Field Medic O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Fighter Pilot O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Helicopter Pilot O.C.C.–
Artemian Guard Infantryman O.C.C. –
Artemian Guard Intelligence Officer O.C.C.–
Barbarian O.C.C. –
Dinosaur Rider O.C.C. –
Miner O.C.C. –
Nuclear Priest O.C.C. –
Scav O.C.C. –
Aeralons –
Draelok R.C.C. –
Gromek –
K’Hish –
Morlock R.C.C. –
Socket Monkeys –
Author's note: Erin Tarn covered the eastern seaboard only briefly in her book Traversing Our Modern World, without going
into much detail. Indeed, while Palladium has spent two entire books dedicated to the western HALF of the old American
Empire, there is almost nothing on the eastern portion. Psyscape, Federation of Magic, Canada, and Free Quebec filled in
some of the gaps, but not many. I have attempted to fill in some of these gaps as best I can.
Also, there are items in this book that contradict various Palladium publications, specifically large sections in Aftermath
regarding the eastern seaboard, the Shemarrians, and the Republicans. The section on the Atlanta Rift will likely contradict a lot
of Chaos Earth. A lot of this was written before the Siege on Tolkeen and Aftermath. Feel free to incorporate what you wish
into your campaigns, and above all have fun!
-- Ted Brock
An Overview of the East
Nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the St. Lawrence River, Maine is the northernmost portion of the eastern
seaboard, representing the northern edge of the Appalachian Mountains. The shore is rocky and jagged; many lighthouses have
been built along the new coastline, as the pre-Rifts lighthouses are now partially submerged. Surprisingly enough, many of the
old pre-Rifts lighthouses are still in operation. The primary occupation in Maine is lobster fishing; many in the Chi-Town elite as
well as people in the Lazlos and elsewhere, consider fresh Maine lobster a delicacy.
To the east of Maine is the Green Mountain and White Mountain region of Vermont and New Hampshire. Both
territories feature small mountains, and are rich in minerals, especially iron, copper, titanium, coal, and tungsten. Both territories
are dotted with small "Mom and Pop" mining operations. Along it's small Atlantic shoreline, New Hampshire has a few fishing
villages. Fishing villages also abound on the Vermont and New York sides of Lake Champlain, a hundred-mile long lake that is
home to a type of sea creature affectionately known as "Champ".
South of Vermont and New Hampshire is Massachusetts. Historically, Massachusetts was a hotbed of political ideas,
and the territory in Rifts Earth is no different. Typical of the Atlantic Coastline, the territory is lined with small fishing villages.
However, the pre-Rifts city of Boston has been rebuilt, and is home to several pirate groups. Founded in the early 16th Century
by Puritans, who fled their native England to avoid political and religious prosecution, Boston became the home of the American
Revolution in the 18th Century. Statues still commemorate such historical figures as Paul Revere, John Adams, Samuel Adams,
Alexander Knox, and Teddy Kennedy, as well as events like the Boston Tea Party (depicts men dressed as Indians sitting around
a table having tea) and the "Shot Heard Around the World" (the most common depiction is that of a man firing a rifle across the
Boston is also home to a new corporation calling itself New World Shipbuilders. NWS is famous for producing all
types of boats, from fishing schooners to patrol boats, frigates, destroyers, and missile cruisers. They have ties with the Black
Market, and are rumored to be an offshoot of the now-defunct Iron Heart Armaments.
Connecticut and Rhode Island are, for the most part, now submerged. What remains of the old States are now
considered part of Massachusetts.
New York is a large, sparsely populated expanse. Most Pre-Rifts people thought of New York as being New York City
and the area directly north of it; however, this only covered the southeastern one-fifth of the state. The majority of New York is
once again unexplored wilderness. The Aderondack Mountains dominate the northern two-thirds of the state, and is populated by
the Iroquois Confederation. Other places of note in New York are the peninsula of Mad Haven (formerly Manhattan Island), and
Niagara Falls.
Pennsylvania lies south of New York proper, and although Ms. Tarn calls the region "wilderness", the area has much to
offer. The most striking feature is the ley line activity. Three Mile Island, and the Susquehanna, Delaware, Allegheny,
Monongahela, and Ohio Rivers are all dotted with ley lines. Interestingly enough, the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio River
ley lines all connect in the exact same spot the rivers do. Pennsylvania is also home to many coal mines in the northern Pocono
Mountains, offering some of the best grades of coal in the world. Pennsylvania has the only veins of anthracite coal in North
America; all other coal mines are of the lesser-grade bituminous coal. Farther south, in the pre-Rifts area of Lancaster County,
live the Amish, a simple people whose way of life has not changed in over six hundred years.
Across the Delaware River from Pennsylvania, New Jersey has been half-submerged under the Atlantic. New Jersey
has very little to offer, other than the occasional small farm or fishing village that dots the landscape.
Delaware, like Connecticut and Rhode Island, has been completely submerged underwater.
Maryland also has little to offer. However, the insane computer entity A.R.C.H.I.E. Three and his human partner Hagan
Lonovich are based here, in Aberdeen. Since the Mechanoid Invasion, a loose confederation of feudal kingdoms has appeared on
the scene.
The rebuilt city of Washington, D.C. is home to a high-tech center calling itself the Republic. Many forms of human
augmentation are available here, such as cybernetics, bionics, M.O.M. conversions, and Juicer conversions and its variants. It is
also home to a new power armor and robot vehicle company, Smithsonian Robotics. The people of the Republic worship the
statues of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson as ancient gods.
The border between Virginia and West Virginia has once again blurred. In the mountains along the border, the Hatfield
and McCoy families are continuing their centuries-old feud. Neither family knows how the feud started, but each blames the
other. Along the new coastal ruins is a city dominated by elves from the Palladium world, a city they've named Baalgor after their
lost empire in their home world.
The borders of North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee are dominated by the Great Smokey
Mountains. Local legend claims that the perpetual cloud cover in this southern branch of the Appalachians comes from a pow
wow of Indian tribes that never came to an end. This legend is perpetuated by the large amount of ley line activity in the
mountains. The only major civilizations in this region are the Dwarven kingdom of Ered-dum, and the Camp Cherokee Indian
Preserve. Much of South Carolina is populated with dinosaurs from Dinosaur Swamp. This region has the highest concentration
of Dinosaur Riders outside the Swamp.
As mentioned in Rifts, page 146, Georgia and Florida is now Dinosaur Swamp. There is a major Rift in the ruins of
Atlanta, presumably the source of the many dinosaurs and dinosaur-like animals that populate the area.
A Note on Distances Along the Eastern Seaboard
To the casual observer, it may seem as if the eastern seaboard is extremely crowded. However, there are less than a
million people living along the coastline; in pre-Rifts times, New York City alone easily held five times that amount, if not more,
in an area the size of the city of Chi-Town. Also, one must remember that, unlike the western states, the eastern states tended to
be smaller; Georgia was the largest state, area wise, east of the Mississippi River. Pennsylvania is only a mere three hundred
miles wide, going east-west, and around a hundred and fifty miles north-south; you could fit Pennsylvania and New Jersey in
Iowa with room left over. In pre-Rifts times, one could drive from New York City to Washington, D.C., in under eight hours,
and that’s driving casually at 55mph. On the other hand, it takes a person the same amount of time, on the freeway averaging 70
mph or more, to cross Nebraska going east to west. Also, do not forget that the eastern seaboard is bounded by the Appalachian
Mountains on its western side, limiting the space available for living.
One thing I’ve noticed in most Rifts books is the casual usage of the term “thousands of miles” when dealing with
distances. Please remember that the Pre-Rifts United States Empire took up a sizable part of North America, being 3,000 miles
wide from Atlantic to Pacific, and roughly 1,800 miles from the Canadian border to the Rio Grande’s southernmost bend. And
with the growing number of settlements across the continent, one is not likely to travel even a thousand miles without seeing at
least some form of civilization.
Suffice to say, places along the eastern seaboard, especially in the northern half, are a lot closer together than one might
assume at first. The average distance between some settlements is a mere 20 to 80 miles, especially in the northern half. On the
other hand, the technology level along the eastern seaboard is often low, as most of the pre-Rifts highways were obliterated in the
Cataclysm or soon afterwards. As it is, most of the travel between the major eastern settlements is on horseback, which can take
a day to go a mere 20 miles, by off-road vehicles like Hummers, which go faster than horseback, but are limited in the thicker
eastern forests, slowing them down to around 30 miles a day, or by boat, which has its own dangers.
By far the most common way to travel among the eastern seaboard is by canoe or boat. Canoes are light and portable,
and have been used in the region for millennia by local tribes. Canoes are nearly perfect for travel down river and across lakes,
and are light enough to be carried when they need to be. However, very few east coast canoes are suitable for traveling on the
ocean while keeping sight of the coastline. Boats, from sailing cutters and small patrol boats to large barges, are better suited to
traveling between coastal towns.
The second most common way to travel along the seaboard is on horse or other suitable riding animal. Most people on
the eastern seaboard cannot afford cars, trucks, motorcycles, or hover vehicles, but horses have been used for riding since 800
B.C., and are raised and sold in ranches the world over.
The Economy of the East Coast
As Palladium has noted, the use of the Coalition Universal Credit, while common in the Coalition and surrounding
areas, isn’t as common outside those areas. In the New West, there is the barter system in place, which works well to a point.
However, places along the East Coast needed more. Many places don’t have the infrastructure needed for the Universal Credit
system, but the varied kingdoms and nations needed a currency usable by all of them.
It wasn’t until the Republic decided to back their currency with a mineral standard that the other kingdoms decided to
copy it. Copper and silver, rather than the less available gold, were chosen, and the system rapidly spread. It wasn’t long before
every kingdom, nation, and city-state along the coastline was using the new system.
At the heart of the system is a dollar coin, made of silver. The coin is roughly the size of a pre-Rifts half-dollar. The
Republic has also re-introduced the quarter, dime, nickel, and penny, which are roughly the same as their pre-Rifts counterparts.
Two and five dollar coins are also available, each being proportionately larger than the one dollar coin. Paper money is also
available, but rare outside the cities, and is in all cases backed by a set amount of gold, silver, and copper that’s stored in a vault
inside the issuing bank. In Boston, the Republic, and the Guard, among others, there is an informal exchange rate between the
dollar coin and the Coalition Universal Credit, with the dollar being worth two Universal Credits. Naturally, the Coalition does
not regard the dollar as valid currency; this is often reciprocated in the east as the Universal Credit is almost never accepted.
Native Indian Tribes
Population: 33,000 and growing
Racial Breakdown:
57% Human
15% Elven
11% D-Bees (various)
10% Orc
5% Mutant Animal
2% Psi-Stalker
Average Transient Population: 2D4 × 1000 at any given time.
Technology Level: High Technology; equal to Northern Gun, and approaching the Coalition.
Terrain: Low coastal region. Temperatures range from the low 30 degrees in winter to high 90s in summer, with high humidity.
The town is located on the coast itself. The surrounding area is heavy mixed forest populated with small tribes of Indians, and the
occasional Psi-Stalker clan.
Primary Imports: Raw metals, wood, crude oil, grain.
Primary Exports: Seafood, manufactured goods, mercenaries.
The site of Boston has moved inland about 10 miles from its historical place, due to the rise in the ocean level. The
town is an industrial city and pirate haven. Education levels are relatively high, with 80% of the native population knowing how
to read and write American at a 6th grade level, with 50% having a full high school education. The city's population is a mix of
all races, and the local magic guild is considered one of the industrial guilds. Body-chop-shops are rare; cybernetic and bionic
enhancements are available to everybody through legitimate cyber-docs. Magic is openly practiced, and there is no prejudice
against psionics. The average level of technology in the city is on par with the late 20th to early 21st Century, and is slowly
approaching that of the Manistique Imperium.
The city is walled on the western side, with one main gate for letting visitors come and go. The wall extends into the
harbor, providing protection to the shipyards and loading docks. There are large rail guns and laser cannon along each section of
the wall for defense.
Near the docks, but close to the center of the city, is the Boston Commons, a large open-air marketplace where
anything and everything is for sale. A number of dealers, including the Black Market, have permanent booths here, but the
number and location of many more dealers is in a constant state of flux, as pirates, mercenaries, vagrants, and general transients
try to unload ill-gotten or unwanted inventory.
Despite the apparent openness of the city, Boston has a seedy underside. The city is a major pirate haven, and several
gangs of city rats have appeared in recent years.
But perhaps the one item that is making the rest of the known world finally take notice of this small city is the
appearance of a group calling itself New World Shipbuilders.
Up until recently, Boston was simply a small fishing town with dreams of making it big. It wasn't until 101 P.A. that
the town received its big break, when the town was visited by a number of people from Iron Heart Armaments who had sensed
problems with the Coalition brewing, and fled the area, carrying with them the designs for not only the existing ship designs, but
new variants as well. To distinguish themselves from Iron Heart Armaments, the group decided to call itself New World
Shipbuilders. Current products of New World Shipbuilders include not only variants of the old IHA Black Eel Torpedo Boats,
Trident Patrol Boats, and Sea King Missile Cruisers (all under new names), but fishing schooners, frigates, destroyers,
submarines, and a battleship design (only one battleship has been built so far). Most of their sales to date have been to pirate
groups, mostly the smaller vessels, although the city of Boston has purchased a few ships for their own defense. Nearly half the
population of the city are employed in one manner or another by NWS.
GM's Note: The Iron Heart Avengers (Coalition Navy, pages 126-127) currently have no idea that New World
Shipbuilders is an offshoot of Iron Heart Armaments. Stylistic changes in the ships make them hard to identify from the older
models. New World Shipbuilders does not have the ability to build the old IHA tanks and aircraft.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: The Coalition is only now becoming aware of the city of Boston, mostly through NWS's reputation. So
far, Boston has stayed out of the Coalition's way. They have no love for the Coalition, but have no desire to get involved in any
action against the continent's most powerful nation.
Free Quebec: Despite the human supremacist nature of this nation, NWS has made some discrete sales, including the recent sale
of the new battleship. Free Quebec has welcomed the additional firepower of the battleship to the Free Quebec Navy, as well as
the additional cruisers, destroyers, and frigates it has purchased, and are looking to make even more purchases. Now if only they
can convince Boston to stop harboring D-Bees and pirates….
Atlantis: Some trade with Atlantis has taken place, usually through third parties; however, almost no-one likes or trusts Atlantis
(except for a few of the pirate crews). While Boston did suffer from the occasional Splugorth raiding party, the raids had become
less frequent ever since the city was able to destroy one of the Slavers. Now that Atlantis is sending raiding parties farther
inland, Boston has become the northern haven for those fleeing the raiders. Boston views the situation as one of a "cold war"
with Atlantis; Atlantis just doesn't care about them.
The New German Republic: Surprisingly, NWS's biggest sales outside the continent have been to this European nation. The
NGR has decided that, to conserve resources, buying part of their fleet instead of building the ships themselves was more costeffective. Sales to date have been limited to cruisers, destroyers, and submarines; NWS has been careful not to reveal the
battleship to them, although they are willing to consider it.
Silver River Republics: Some trade has occurred between Boston and these South American nations. Boston has decided to stay
out of the growing conflicts in the region, but will make sales to any who request it.
Archie Three and the Shemarrians: The existence of the insane computer entity is unknown to the people of Boston. They are
aware of the actions of Archie’s Shemarrian warriors against the Chesapeake Bay Confederacy, and all the Shemarrians in their
area have come under suspicion of being spies. The fact that many of the local wilderness people have been saved from slavery
in Atlantis by the Shemarrians farther north makes many of the leaders nervous; whose side are the Shemarrians on, and what are
their ultimate goals? They fight the Splugorth mercilessly, yet are looking to conquer a human nation. A strange dichotomy that
has many people in Boston wondering.
Artemian Guard: The Artemian Guard is aware of Boston and New World Shipbuilders but have taken no action for or against
them. Boston is aware of the Guard, but believe them to simply be a mercenary force that had found a large cache of pre-Rifts
weapons. So far, only a handful of patrol boats have been sold to the Guard through varied third parties.
Chesapeake Bay Confederation: Some sales have been made to the Confederacy in exchange for food and supplies, but the two
have had no real dealings with each other.
The Republic: Perhaps Boston’s largest competitor and trading partner on the eastern seaboard, the two have engaged in limited
City of Baalgor: Like the Chesapeake Bay Confederation, Boston has engaged in limited trade with the Elven city.
Camp Cherokee: Boston has had few dealings with the Cherokee nation, as the Indians prefer to deal with nations closer to them
like Ered-dum and the Republic.
Ered-dum: While Boston knows about this Dwarven kingdom, they rarely engage in trade with them.
Seminole Empire: Boston has almost no contact with this technophobic Empire.
Notable Figures of Boston:
Emmett Foley
Mayor of Boston
Emmett Foley is a middle-aged, retired Headhunter of Unprincipled alignment who decided to retire in Boston prior to
New World Shipbuilders arrival on the scene. It was Foley who led the defenders against the Splugorth Slaver. Due to this
success, Foley was soon elected Mayor of Boston.
Foley is a practical man, who knows that he cannot eliminate the pirates who use Boston as a harbor. However, he has
insured that Boston remains a "free port" for all, mostly by building up Boston's own fleet and defenders. He makes it a point that
all ships docking in Boston go through a "customs check", which basically consists of a quick inspection of the ship to determine
the ship's threat level, and briefing the Captain and senior crew on port rules. He has also increased the city police force to five
times what it was previously, mostly to contain barroom brawls before they become full-fledged riots.
As an administrator, Foley is fair, and does listen to the advice given to him by others. But he does make it a point that
the people giving him advice know that he may not act on their advice.
Statistical Data of Note:
O.C.C. and Level of Experience: 9th Level Headhunter
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 8, M.A. 11, P.S. 20, P.P. 14, P.E. 15, P.B. 11, Spd. 20
Hit Points: 30
S.D.C.: 54
P.P.E.: 4
Skills of Note: Speaks Dragonese, Japanese, and Spanish at 98%, Basic Radio at 98%, Radio: Scramblers 85%, Detect Ambush
85%, Detect Concealment 80%, Tracking 75%, Land Navigation, 78%, Weapon Systems 90%, Read Sensory Equipment 80%,
Pilot Jet Pack 86%, Pilot Tank & APC 78%, Pilot Hovercycle 98%, Pilot Jet Fighter 77%, Lore: Demon 75%, Trap Construction
59%, Trap/Mine Detection 65%, Demolitions 84%, Armorer 55%, Intelligence 64%, Wilderness Survival 70%, Basic Mechanics
70%, Basic Electronics 70%.
Weapon Proficiencies: Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle, Heavy, Revolver, Sword, Knife
Combat: Expert at 9th level, plus Boxing, Wrestling, Sniper, Jet Fighter Combat: Basic, and Robot Combat: Basic.
Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +2 to strike, +4 to parry and dodge, +4 to roll with impact, +2 to pull punch, +6 to damage, kick
attack does 1D6 damage, body block/tackle does 1D4 damage, crush/squeeze 1D4, body flip/throw 1D6, critical strike on a
natural 18-20, and paired weapons.
Weapons: Foley owns a C-18 laser pistol, a C-12 assault laser rifle, a CR-1 rocket launcher, a .44 Magnum revolver, a vibroknife, a vibro-sword, a dozen grenades of assorted types, and a selection of finely crafted throwing knives (+2 to strike when
Cybernetics and Bionics: Has two bionic arms, one with a concealed ion rod, the other with retractable vibro-claws, along with
a gyrocompass, clock calendar, universal headjack and ear implant, amplified hearing, sound filtration system, toxic filter, and a
bio-system infra/ultra eye.
Equipment: Several sets of dress clothing, a set of woodland camouflage fatigues, a gas mask and air filter, tinted goggles, a
robot medical kit, an IRMSS, tent, knapsack, backpack, saddle bags, two canteens, and personals. Foley also owns an M113 APC
that has been refit by Golden Age Weaponsmiths with modern, M.D.C. armor and armed with a Wilk's 447 laser rifle. He also
owns a Northern Gun NG-230 Prowler hovercycle.
Captain of the pirate ship Huuk.
Among pirates, some are noble, but these are the minority. Most of the others are semi-honest men and women trying
to earn a living on the seas. Still others are the worst kind of despicable scumbags. And Ch'oth is among the worst of the worst.
Ch'oth is a Troll who grew up in the streets of Old Bones. Orphaned at an early age, he soon learned that his size
intimidated others. At age ten, he could look a Glitter Boy in the face. After a few run-ins with the local police, as well as with
Quebec and Coalition agents, he skipped town. After traveling to Queenston Harbor, he signed on with a pirate ship, and has
never regretted that decision.
Ch'oth took over the operations of the pirate ship Huuk when, one night while drunk, he picked a fight with the ship's
officers. When the dust cleared from the fight, Ch'oth was the only one left alive. He'd lost a hand in the fight, but was otherwise
unharmed. Ch'oth decided to replace the hand with a spear-tipped prosthetic, rather than a cybernetic hand.
Once Ch'oth realized how profitable slavery could be, his reputation grew. He delights in pummeling ships' crews into
submission. He is never without at least three pleasure slaves of his own, two of which are former ships' captains themselves. He
regularly visits Atlantis, but has made his home in Boston. For half the year, he raids along the Atlantic seaboards of North
America, Europe, and northern Africa, and spends the other half of the year raiding the South American coasts. He has
humiliated and enslaved crews from the New German Republic, the Coalition, the Silver River Republics, and countless smaller
kingdoms. Because he makes his home in Boston, he is willing to lend a hand for the city's defense, but only as long as he has a
chance to profit.
Statistical Data of Note:
O.C.C. and Level of Experience: 7th Level Pirate Slaver.
Alignment: Diabolic.
The Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 12, M.A. 6, P.S. 28, P.P. 10, P.E. 20, P.B. 6, Spd. 5
Hit Points: 39
S.D.C.: 55
Horror Factor: 12
P.P.E.: 15
Natural Abilities: Nightvision up to 60 ft., large claws (2D6 damage), large fangs (2D4 damage), powerful kick (4D6 damage)
Skills of Note: Speaks American, French, and Gobblely at 98%, swimming at 98%, basic math 85%, pilot automobile 75%,
warships and patrol boats 74%, water scooters 84%, and canoes 70%, basic radio 65%, climbing 80%/70%, detect concealment
65%, intelligence 66%, interrogation 65%, surveillance systems 70%, tracking 70%, land navigation 72%, use/recognize poisons
58%/50%, fast talk 65%, find contraband 60%, streetwise 54%, read sensory equipment 70%, weapon systems 80%, escape artist
65%, and undersea salvage 50%.
Weapon Proficiencies: Energy Rifle, Axe, Blunt (all at level 7), Harpoon Gun (at level 3), and Torpedo (at level 2).
Combat: Expert at 7th level. Four attacks per melee, with Paired Weapons.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with impact, +4 to pull punch, +2 to disarm, +13 to
damage, critical strike on a natural 18 to 20, +10% to save vs. Coma/Death, +8 to save vs. Horror Factor, +3 to save vs. Magic
and Poison.
Weapons: Ch'oth owns a C-27 Light Plasma Cannon, a C-14 Fire Breather, a giant-sized battle-axe, a giant-sized mace, a giantsized billy club, and a giant-sized neural mace.
Equipment: Other than the ship Huuk, a Paul Revere-class missile cruiser, Ch'oth owns 14 sets of handcuffs, 15 10-foot lengths
of chain, a mess kit, canteen, sleeping bag, 200 feet of rope with a grappling hook, a flashlight, cigarette lighter, and binoculars.
He is especially fond of cigarettes (he is a "chain smoker"), and can often be found wearing sunglasses. In combat, he wears Titan
plate armor, as that's the only armor he's found that fits him without needing alterations. As noted above, he does keep several
pleasure slaves near him at all times, dressed in provocative outfits that enhance but do not hide the slaves' charms.
Products of New World Shipbuilders
Note: New World Shipbuilders also builds the Iron Heart Torpedoes listed on page 117 of Rifts Mercenaries.
Note: For compatibility reasons, all prices are listed in Coalition Universal Credits and East Coast Dollars.
Moray Torpedo Boat
An upgrade of the IHA Black Eel Torpedo Boat, this is perhaps the least changed stylistically. The boat is a small
hydrofoil assault craft designed to destroy larger ships and combat sea monsters. The major change between the two boats is
found in their armaments; while the old Black Eel Torpedo Boat had one torpedo launch tube, the Moray has two. The boat has
maintained its speed and maneuverability.
Model Type: NWS-TB14
Class: Torpedo Boat
Crew: Four: Pilot, navigator/sensors operator, gunner, and mechanic
M.D.C. by Location:
Light Rail Gun – 25
Reinforced Crew Compartment – 80
Depth Charge Launchers (2) – 40 each
Torpedo Bays (2) – 75 each
* Main Body – 135
* Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Speed: 75 mph (km/h)
Maximum Range: 850 miles ( km); a fuel-driven vessel
Statistical Data:
Height: 18 feet (5.5 m)
Width: 18 feet (5.5 m)
Length: 25 feet (7.6 m)
Weight: 4 tons
Cargo: a small 3 × 3 foot (0.9 × 0.9 m) area.
Power System: Liquid Fuel; back up sail optional (25,000 credits)
Black Market Cost: 100,000 credits (50,000 dollars), not counting torpedo and depth charge payloads.
Weapon Systems:
1. NG-202 Rail Gun: The same as the weapon described on page 226 of Rifts, with a larger payload. A small metal shield
protects the main section.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Vehicle and Anti-Personnel.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D., one round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 4000 feet (1200 m)
Payload: 2000 rounds (that's 50 bursts)
2. Heavy Torpedo Tubes (2): This is the main weapon of the Moray. The heavy torpedo can severely damage or sink most
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster
Mega-Damage: Varies with torpedo type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two torpedoes at once. Can only launch one attack (single torpedo or volley) per melee
Effective Range: 20 miles (32 km)
Payload: 10 torpedoes
3. Depth Charge Launchers (2):
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- explosive canisters
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two or four. Can be launched three times per melee round
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth
Payload: 20
Nereid Patrol Boat
An upgrade of the Trident Patrol Boat, NWS has sold many of these to pirate groups, Free Quebec, and other nations.
Model Type: NWS-PB16
Class: Patrol Boat
Crew: 6 to 17; The captain, one navigator, one communications tech, two gunners, and a sailor/assistant are the minimum
requirements to safely and efficiently operate the boat.
A standard military complement (17 personnel) will include: the Captain, first officer, two navigators, three
communications technicians, three gunners, two engineers, one doctor, and four sailors.
In an emergency, the ship can be run with as few as three crewmembers, but only a maximum of three weapon systems
can be operated, and the short-handed crew is -1 to strike and -2 to dodge.
Troop Capacity: Besides the crew, the Nereid can accommodate up to twelve power armor marines (power armor types will
vary from crew to crew), regular infantry soldiers, or passengers. The ship has a total of 16 double cabins (two bunks per cabin)
and six personal cabins for officers and important passengers. Additionally, there is a brig with three cells.
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge – 225
Missile Launcher – 150
Torpedo Tubes (2) – 100 each
Depth Charge Launchers (2) – 55 each
Rail Gun Turrets (2) – 200 each
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 650
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Speed: 50 mph (86 kph); cruising speed is about half.
Statistical Data:
Height: 30 feet (9 m)
Width: 9 feet (2.7 m)
Length: 130 feet (39.6 m)
Weight: 250 tons
Cargo: The hold can store up to 10 tons of cargo, in addition to ship basics. Each bunk cabin has a small storage space (about 3
feet/0.9 m) for personal items. A weapons locker holds 24 energy pistols, 12 energy rifles, 6 heavy energy rifles, and 6 missile
launchers (for the crew). Weapons issued to the marine force are stored in a different compartment.
Power System: Liquid fuel, or nuclear with a 10 year life.
Black Market Cost: One million credits (500,000 dollars) for a new, undamaged boat with the liquid fuel engine, all weapons and
accessories, does not include the marine force or the ammunition. Twenty million credits (ten million dollars) for the nuclear
Weapon Systems:
1. Short Range Missile Launcher: Located in the stern of the boat, this is an auto-loading missile turret, able to place its entire
payload in the air within a few minutes. The missiles' range and the boat's sensors allow the Nereid to conduct battles without
ever seeing the enemy directly.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Defense
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of two, four, or sixteen missiles. Once the magazine is empty, it must be reloaded from the
cargo hold, which requires two trained crewmen and takes 30 minutes.
Effective Range: Maximum 5 miles (8 km)
Payload: The launcher has an auto-loading magazine that holds 160 short range missiles. The cargo hold has another 320 missiles
in storage.
2. Torpedo Tubes (2): The Nereid also has a torpedo bay and two tubes.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 3D4 × 10 M.D. (HE) or 2D6 × 10 M.D. (Plasma)
Rate of Fire: Two attacks per melee round, firing one at a time or two pairs of torpedoes.
Effective Range: About 10 miles (16 km).
Payload: 100 torpedoes (50 per tube).
3. Rail Gun Turrets (2): One turret is located over the bridge, the other is amidships. The rail guns are heavy artillery pieces
designed to knock down missiles or enemy aircraft and able to engage enemies who get close enough.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 3D4 × 10 M.D.; can only fire bursts.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 11,000 feet (about 2 miles/3.2 km).
Payload: 8,000 rounds in each turret; that's 200 bursts each.
4. Depth Charge Launchers (2): This weapon is used against underwater submarines and monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- Explosive canisters.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two. A single depth charge or a volley can be fired three times per melee round.
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth.
Payload: 100 total; 50 per launcher.
Bunker Hill-class Frigate
A new design, this ship was designed to fill the gap between the patrol boat and destroyer. In most cases, the frigates
are bought by companies that need more firepower than a patrol boat could provide, but couldn't afford a destroyer or cruiser.
Free Quebec, to complement that nation's cruisers and destroyers has also purchased a small number. Many have made their way
into pirate hands; some have become the flagships of small pirate fleets.
Model Type: NWS-FFG
Class: Guided Missile Frigate
Crew: 130; 10 officers, 120 enlisted
Troop Capacity:
Speed: 30 knots (35 mph/56 kph)
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge – 250
Missile Launchers (2) – 150 each
Torpedo Tubes (2) – 100 each
Laser Cannon (8) – 50 each
Cannon Turret – 175
Depth Charge Launchers – 55 each
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 3,500
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Statistical Data:
Height: 25 feet (7.62m)
Width: 30 feet (9.14m)
Length: 400 feet (121.9m)
Displacement: 5,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry 300 tons of extra supplies
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 15 years.
Black Market Price: 250 million credits (125 million dollars)
Weapon Systems:
1. Heavy Torpedo Tubes (2): At the bow of the ship are two heavy torpedo tubes fed from an automated torpedo bay. These
torpedoes are effective against submarines, surface ships, and sea monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Submarine.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship; Anti-Monster
Mega-Damage: 4D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2.
Effective Range: 20 miles
Payload: 40 torpedoes
2. Short Range Missile Launchers (2): Located to the aft of the ship are two missile launchers; one facing each side. The rapidfire short-range missiles have proven to be effective against other ships, coastal installations, and even low-flying aircraft. The
missile launchers are automatically reloaded after every volley. Each launcher carries 8 missiles, with three reloads.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship, Anti-Monster
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Shore Installations
Missile Type: Varies, any short-range missile can be used
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8.
Effective Range: 5 miles
Payload: Each launcher has an auto-loading magazine that holds 80. The cargo hold has another 280 missiles in storage.
3. 5-Inch Naval Gun: Located on a turret to the fore of the ship, this is primarily a scaled-down version of the guns found on the
IHA Sea King cruisers. It lacks the range and damage capability of its larger counterparts, but has proven effective for this small
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 3D4 × 10 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: Up to three shots per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
4. Side-Mounted Laser Cannon (8): Primarily a defensive weapon, these weapons are used to defend the ship from attacks by
other ships, patrol boats, and for fending off boarding parties. The ship has four of these cannon on each side, and they can move
60 degrees in any direction.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot from one gun; a bank of four guns can do 2D6 × 10 M.D. when fired at a single target.
Rate of Fire: Each gun can be fired twice per melee.
Effective Range: 6000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
5. Depth Charge Launchers (2): This weapon is located at the stern of the ship, and used against underwater submarines and
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- Explosive canisters.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two. A single depth charge or a volley can be fired three times per melee round.
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth.
Payload: 100 total; 50 per launcher.
6. Helicopters: The helicopter pad in the rear of the ship can carry one helicopter. The main purpose of the helicopter is to aid in
hunting submarines, and is therefore equipped with torpedoes.
Sam Adams-class Missile Destroyer
The Sam Adams missile destroyers are nearly identical in size and function to the James Bay-class destroyers captured
by the Coalition when New Kenora fell. The largest individual purchaser of these ships has been Free Quebec, although pirate
sales and sales to the South American republics have steadily increased. The NGR has found these ships to be very effective
against the Gargoyle Empire, and plan on purchasing more.
Model Type: NWS-DDG
Class: Guided Missile Destroyer
Crew: 120; 8 officers, 13 chief petty officers, 99 enlisted
Troop Capacity:
Speed: 36 knots (42 mph/67 kph)
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge – 500
Missile Launchers (4) – 150 each
Torpedo Tubes (4) – 100 each
Laser Cannon (16) – 50 each
Cannon Turret – 200
Depth Charge Launchers – 55 each
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 5,000
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Statistical Data:
Height: 30 feet (9.14m)
Width: 30 feet (9.14m)
Length: 500 feet (152.4m)
Displacement: 9,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry 500 tons of extra supplies
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 15 years.
Black Market Price: 500 million credits (250 million dollars)
Weapon Systems:
1. Heavy Torpedo Tubes (4): At the bow of the ship are four heavy torpedo tubes fed from an automated torpedo bay. These
torpedoes are effective against submarines, surface ships, and sea monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Submarine.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship; Anti-Monster
Mega-Damage: 4D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, or 4.
Effective Range: 20 miles
Payload: 80 torpedoes
2. Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2): Located to the aft of the ship are two missile launchers; one facing each side. The
rapid-fire medium-range missiles have proven to be effective against other ships, coastal installations, and even low-flying
aircraft. The missile launchers are automatically reloaded after every volley. Each launcher carries 8 missiles, with three reloads.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship, Anti-Monster
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Shore Installations
Missile Type: Varies, any medium-range missile can be used
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8.
Effective Range: 50 miles
Payload: Each launcher has an auto-loading magazine that holds 80. The cargo hold has another 280 missiles in storage.
3. 5-Inch Naval Guns (2): Located on a turret to the fore of the ship, these are primarily scaled-down versions of the guns found
on the IHA Sea King cruisers. They lack the range and damage capability of their larger counterparts, but have proven effective,
as well as popular, for this smaller ship.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 3D4 × 10 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: Up to three shots per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
4. Side-Mounted Laser Cannon (16): Primarily a defensive weapon, these weapons are used to defend the ship from attacks by
other ships, patrol boats, and for fending off boarding parties. The ship has eight of these cannon on each side, in two groups of
four, and they can move 60 degrees in any direction.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot from one gun; a bank of four guns can do 2D6 × 10 M.D. when fired at a single target.
Rate of Fire: Each gun can be fired twice per melee.
Effective Range: 6000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
5. Depth Charge Launchers (2): This weapon is located at the stern of the ship, and used against underwater submarines and
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- Explosive canisters.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two. A single depth charge or a volley can be fired three times per melee round.
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth.
Payload: 100 total; 50 per launcher.
6. Helicopters: The helicopter pad in the rear of the ship can carry two helicopters. The main purpose of the helicopters is to aid
in hunting submarines, and are therefore equipped with torpedoes.
Paul Revere-class Missile Cruiser
The Paul Revere-class missile cruiser is more than just an upgraded IHA Sea King missile cruiser. Many of the newer
defensive systems, like the side-mounted laser cannon, have been added, as well as giving the ship more armor and speed. To
accommodate the newer systems and armor, the ship's dimensions have been adjusted.
Model Type: NWS-CG
Class: Guided Missile Cruiser
Crew: 160; 10 officers, 15 chief petty officers, 135 enlisted
Troop Capacity:
Speed: 36 knots (42 mph/67 kph)
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge – 500
Missile Launchers (4) – 150 each
Torpedo Tubes (6) – 100 each
Laser Cannon (16) – 50 each
Cannon Turret – 200
Depth Charge Launchers (2) – 55 each
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 6,000
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Statistical Data:
Height: 55 feet (16.76m)
Width: 35 feet (10.67m)
Length: 600 feet (182.88m)
Displacement: 12,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry 1,000 tons of extra supplies
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 20 years.
Black Market Price: 600 million credits (300 million dollars)
Weapon Systems:
1. Heavy Torpedo Tubes (6): At the bow of the ship are six heavy torpedo tubes fed from an automated torpedo bay. These
torpedoes are effective against submarines, surface ships, and sea monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Submarine.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship; Anti-Monster
Mega-Damage: 4D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, 4, or 6
Effective Range: 20 miles
Payload: 120 torpedoes
2. Medium Missile Launchers (4): Located to the aft of the ship are four missile launchers; two banks facing each side. The
rapid-fire medium-range missiles have proven to be effective against other ships, coastal installations, and even low-flying
aircraft. The missile launchers are automatically reloaded after every volley. Each launcher carries 8 missiles, with three reloads.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship, Anti-Monster
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Shore Installations
Missile Type: Varies, any medium-range missile can be used
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8.
Effective Range: 50 miles
Payload: Each launcher has an auto-loading magazine that holds 80. The cargo hold has another 360 missiles in storage.
3. 8-Inch Naval Guns (2): Located on a turret to the fore of the ship, these are primarily the same guns found on the IHA Sea
King cruisers.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 3D6 × 10 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: Up to three shots per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
4. Side-Mounted Laser Cannon (16): Primarily a defensive weapon, these weapons are used to defend the ship from attacks by
other ships, patrol boats, and for fending off boarding parties. The ship has eight of these cannon on each side, in two groups of
four, and they can move 60 degrees in any direction.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot from one gun; a bank of four guns can do 2D6 × 10 M.D. when fired at a single target.
Rate of Fire: Each gun can be fired twice per melee.
Effective Range: 6000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
5. Depth Charge Launchers (2): This weapon is located at the stern of the ship, and used against underwater submarines and
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- Explosive canisters.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two. A single depth charge or a volley can be fired three times per melee round.
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth.
Payload: 100 total; 50 per launcher.
6. Helicopters: The helicopter pad in the rear of the ship can carry two helicopters. The main purpose of the helicopters is to aid
in hunting submarines, and are therefore equipped with torpedoes.
Barracuda-class Fast Attack Submarine
The newest design to come out of NWS, the Barracuda has not received the sales expected. Only Free Quebec and the
NGR have bought any in bulk. While pirate groups appreciate the sub's effectiveness in getting close to the target, the subs tend
to leave little of the crew or cargo to salvage.
Model Type: NWS-SS
Class: Attack Submarine
Crew: 10 officers, 80 enlisted men
Speed: 30 knots (35 mph/56 kph)
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge Tower – 300
Missile Launchers (4) – 150 each
Torpedo Tubes (6) – 100 each
Propeller – 50
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 2,500
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Statistical Data:
Height: 35 feet (10.67m)
Width: 25 feet (7.62m)
Length: 500 feet (152.4m)
Displacement: 3,500 tons
Cargo: Can carry 500 tons of extra supplies
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 20 years.
Black Market Price: 500 million credits (250 million dollars)
Weapon Systems:
1. Torpedo Tubes (6): Four heavy torpedo tubes are located at the bow of the Barracuda, with an additional two tubes facing the
rear of the sub. All tubes are fed from automated torpedo bays. These torpedoes are effective against submarines, surface ships,
and sea monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Submarine; Anti-Monster
Mega-Damage: 4D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, or 4 from the front. The rear tubes can fire a volley of two. Only one volley per
melee can be fired.
Effective Range: 20 miles
Payload: 120 torpedoes.
2. Missile Launchers (4): Located along the dorsal ridge of the submarine, behind the bridge tower, are four medium-range
missile racks. These racks are built into the hull of the sub, and can fire independently of each other.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship, Anti-Monster
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Shore Installations
Missile Type: Varies, any medium-range missile can be used
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8.
Effective Range: 50 miles
Payload: Each launcher has an auto-loading magazine that holds 80.
Alexander Knox-class Light Carrier
The Alexander Knox-class Light Carrier was designed to carry and launch aircraft and power armor, giving a fleet any
needed air cover. However, they tend to be lacking in heavy armaments, having only point-defense lasers and depth charge
launchers. While Free Quebec and the NGR have purchased a few, the largest sales to date have come from pirate fleets. In many
cases, these ships are the flagships of larger pirate fleets.
Model Type: NWS-CVL
Class: Light Aircraft Carrier
Crew: 70 officers, 1500 enlisted men
Speed: 36 knots (42 mph/67 kph)
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge Tower – 500
Depth Charge Launchers (2) – 55 each
Point-Defense Lasers (4) – 35 each
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 6,000
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Statistical Data:
Height: 55 feet (16.76m)
Width: 35 feet (10.76m)
Length: 600 feet (182.9m)
Displacement: 12,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry 1,000 tons of extra supplies
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 20 years.
Black Market Price: 600 million credits (300 million dollars)
Weapon Systems:
1. Point-Defense Laser Cannon (4): Each light carrier is equipped with four laser cannon along the sides of the flight deck for
point-defense against incoming missiles, aircraft, or power armor. Each laser cannon is manned by a member of the crew, but can
be fired from the ship's Combat Information Center (CIC) in a pinch.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: 6000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Depth Charge Launchers (2): This weapon is located at the stern of the ship, and used against underwater submarines and
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- Explosive canisters.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two. A single depth charge or a volley can be fired three times per melee round.
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth.
Payload: 100 total; 50 per launcher.
3. Aircraft: Each light carrier can carry 45 fighter planes, or up to 100 power armor units, and an additional 15 support aircraft.
Note that the sale of the ship does not include the aircraft.
Revolution-class Battleship
Perhaps one of the largest ships built after the Great Cataclysm, the Revolution-class battleship is dwarfed only by the
USS Ticonderoga of Nemo's New Navy, and the Coalition’s Chi-Town-class super-carriers. However, it is more heavily armed
than either, but because of its armaments, it is unable to carry power armor troops or helicopters. In essence, the battleship is a
large, floating artillery platform. To date, only Free Quebec has purchased one; a second is currently under construction.
The Revolution was built along the lines that a warship of its class is to have large, powerful guns, and lots of them.
Note that firing all the main guns at once, at one target, is possible, but will cause the ship to list tremendously due to the recoil.
All turrets have a 180 degree firing radius, and can angle upwards to 60 degrees for indirect bombardment.
Model Type: NWS-BB
Class: Battleship
Crew: 70 officers, 1500 enlisted men
Troop Capacity: Free Quebec has placed two platoons of Glitter Boys on board the Revolution, as well as a full company of
Side Kicks, SAMAS, Violator SAMAS, and Leviathan cyborgs.
Speed: 25 knots ( mph/ kph)
M.D.C. by Location:
Bridge – 500
Missile Launchers (4) – 150 each
5-inch Gun Turrets (2) – 100 each
8-inch Gun Turrets (2) – 100 each
12-inch Gun Turrets (2) – 150 each
15-inch Gun Turrets (2) – 150 each
18-inch Gun Turret – 250
Torpedo Tubes (8) – 100 each
Laser Cannon (24) – 50 each
Depth Charge Launchers (2) – 55 each
* Sensor/Communications Array (4) – 100 each.
** Main Body – 10,000
* Destroying all four arrays will blind the boat's sensors and knock out the communications system (missiles are fired
at -2 to strike, relying on their own homing sensors; range for all weapon systems drops to line of sight). Each array is a small
target, requiring a called shot at -1 to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will cause the boat to sink.
Statistical Data:
Height: 50 feet (15.24m)
Width: 75 feet (22.86m)
Length: 900 feet (274.3m)
Displacement: 50,000 tons
Cargo: Can carry 2,000 tons of extra supplies
Power System: Nuclear, average energy life of 20 years.
Black Market Price: Two billion credits (one billion dollars), but well worth the cost. Cost does not include missiles, torpedoes,
or ammunition for the guns.
Weapon Systems:
1. Heavy Torpedo Tubes (8): At the bow of the ship are eight heavy torpedo tubes fed from an automated torpedo bay. These
torpedoes are effective against submarines, surface ships, and sea monsters.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Submarine.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship; Anti-Monster
Mega-Damage: 4D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, 4, 6, or 8
Effective Range: 20 miles
Payload: 120 torpedoes
2. Medium-Range Missile Launchers (4): Located to the aft of the ship are four missile launchers; two banks facing each side.
The rapid-fire medium-range missiles have proven to be effective against other ships, coastal installations, and even low-flying
aircraft. The missile launchers are automatically reloaded after every volley. Each launcher carries 8 missiles, with ten reloads.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship, Anti-Monster
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Shore Installations
Missile Type: Varies, any medium-range missile can be used
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 4, or 8.
Effective Range: 50 miles
Payload: Each launcher has an auto-loading magazine that holds 80 missiles. The cargo hold has another 360 missiles in storage.
3. 5-inch Naval Guns (8): Located in two turrets of four guns each, one above the bridge, the other in the bow of the ship, these
guns are identical to the guns found on the Frigate.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 3D4 × 10 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: Up to three shots per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
4. 8-inch Naval Guns (6): Located in two turrets of three guns each, one is situated on either end of the ship, underneath the
larger 12-inch gun turrets. They are identical to the guns used on the Cruiser.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 3D6 × 10 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: Up to three shots per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
5. 12-inch Naval Guns (6): Larger than the guns found on the Cruisers, these guns are among the battleships primary offensive
weapons. They are located in two turrets, three guns per turret, one on each end of the ship, with the 8-inch gun turrets stacked on
top of them.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 5D6 × 10 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: One shot per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
6. 15-inch Naval Guns (6): Larger than the guns found on the Cruisers, these guns are among the battleships primary offensive
weapons. They are located in two turrets, three guns per turret, one on each end of the ship, but closer to the middle of the ship
than the 12-inchers.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 1D6 × 100 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: One shot per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
7. 18-inch Naval Guns (3): Back in the mid-20th Century, the Empire of Japan had developed 18-inch guns for their battleship
Yamato in the war known as World War II. New World Shipbuilders have managed to duplicate these weapons at great cost, and
have placed one turret of three of these guns amidships on the Revolution, between the forward 15-inch turret and the bridge
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Shore Installation
Mega-Damage: 3D6 × 100 M.D. to a blast radius of 30 feet
Rate of Fire: One shot per melee
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 50 total
8. Side-Mounted Laser Cannon (24): Primarily a defensive weapon, these weapons are used to defend the ship from attacks by
other ships, patrol boats, and for fending off boarding parties. The ship has twelve of these cannon on each side, in three groups
of four, and they can move 60 degrees in any direction.
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Ship
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per shot from one gun; a bank of four guns can do 2D6 × 10 M.D. when fired at a single target.
Rate of Fire: Each gun can be fired twice per melee.
Effective Range: 6000 feet.
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
9. Depth Charge Launchers (2): This weapon is located at the stern of the ship, and used against underwater submarines and
Primary Purpose: Anti-Ship.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Sea Monster.
Mega-Damage: 2D4 × 10 M.D. -- Explosive canisters.
Rate of Fire: One at a time or in volleys of two. A single depth charge or a volley can be fired three times per melee round.
Effective Range: 2000 foot (610 m) depth.
Payload: 100 total; 50 per launcher.
New York
Native Indian Tribes
Iroquois Confederation
Previously listed as the “Longhouse Preserve”
Population: 40,000 throughout the Confederation, 13,000 of which are at the Longhouse Preserve itself.
Racial Breakdown:
65% Human Indians
15% Other Humans
12% Assorted D-Bees
8% Psi-Stalkers
Average Transient Population: 2D4x1000 at any given time
Technology Level: Varies, depending on settlement
Terrain: Wooded tall hills to low mountains near the center of the Confederation, becoming rolling plains near the eastern edges
and around Lakes Ontario and Erie.
Primary Imports: Manufactured goods.
Primary Exports: Grain, warriors.
The formation of the Iroquois (literally translated, "The Five Nations") Confederation, reportedly formed by the
legendary (some say mythical) Seneca Indian Hiawatha, was the first time any of the eastern Indian tribes had established a
formal alliance of any type. This Confederation had predated the European colonization of the area by almost a century. At the
time the Europeans arrived, the Iroquois had expanded to include the Tuscarora tribe in northern Pennsylvania. Some scholars
have even speculated that, had the Europeans not arrived when they did, the Iroquois would have expanded to include other
tribes, stretching from the mouth of the St. Lawrence to the western end of Lake Huron. However, when the Europeans invaded,
they eventually assimilated many Indian tribes to their culture. Of the northeastern tribes, only the Iroquois maintained any of
their culture. The others were either assimilated into the European cultures, pushed westward, or wiped out through the diseases
brought by the settlers.
When the Great Cataclysm struck, a number of descendants of the Iroquois tribes found themselves on an Indian
Reservation near Albany, New York. Over time, the Longhouse Preserve, as it came to be known, expanded the territory under
their control. The return of the Ancient Ones, along with a return to traditionalism, also saw the return Iroquois Confederation.
Although the Longhouse Preserve existed on traditional Mohawk tribal grounds, it was kept as the central government of the
Iroquois, despite the fact that the Onondaga had traditionally filled this central role. To maintain tradition, the Onondaga leaders
have kept at least a temporary residence in the Preserve. There is a push among the Traditionalists to move the Confederation
Council out of the Preserve, and back to Onondaga grounds.
The eastern Canadian tribes (Algonquin, Huron, Ottawa, etc.) have been the Iroquois' ancient enemies since before the
Europeans arrived. This enmity has continued into the Post Apocalyptic age; many small battles have been fought between forces
from Fort Huron and the Iroquois Confederation. Both Preserves see the other as savage barbarians.
Despite Erin Tarn's writings that she witnessed tepees in use at the Longhouse Preserve (Free Quebec, pages 7-8), she
was mistaken. Tepees are an invention of the of the nomadic plains tribes, not the more settled eastern tribes. She was correct
about the existence of the "long houses", long wooden buildings capable of housing between five and ten "Firesides", or families,
all of whom are related through the women’s side of the family, but what she identified as tepees were in reality "wigwams".
Tepees are made from buffalo hides stretched over a frame of poles, with two movable poles to provide an air hole for smoke to
escape from. Wigwams are smaller, with a rounded top, made almost primarily from wood, with mud used to fill in the gaps, and
are more permanent. There is also a smoke hole in the top, covered with animal hides when not in use. Because of their design,
wigwams are also warmer than tepees, especially during the winter blizzards. A typical wigwam has an A.R. of 8, with 50 S.D.C.
Wigwams are used among all the northeastern Indian woodland tribes.
Iroquois society has always been a matriarchal one. The oldest of the women are the leaders (Elders) of the tribe, with
the shamans underneath them. Beneath the shamans are the war chiefs, the men who organize the war parties. Warriors do most
of the hunting and fishing, while the women tend the crop fields, do the cooking, sewing, and treating of hides. Common crops
include corn, peas, beans, carrots, and potatoes.
Names are important in Iroquois society. Every Iroquois, native or adopted, have two names: one they are publicly
known by, and a secret “true name” that is known only to two people – the person with the name, and the senior-most village
Elder who gives him that name. Iroquois, and other Indians, are known to change their public name due to events that happen in
their life. For instance, a blond man who was newly adopted into the Iroquois could be given the name “Yellow Head” until he
earned another name. His “true name” could be anything. However, should another person learn of the true name, and utter it
aloud, the person whose name was uttered aloud is now a slave of the other, and no longer considered an Iroquois. The
“nameless one” will never again be a full-fledged Indian in any tribe, not even among the Iroquois’ enemies at Fort Huron.
False Face Society
Mentioned briefly in Spirit West, the False Face Society is an organization of Mask Shamans, located in the Iroquois
Confederation, but with some members as far south as Camp Cherokee. In times past, the False Face Society were regarded as
healers and religious leaders, presiding over a number of ceremonies from naming to marriages, to funeral rites and executions,
yet during these ceremonies they never let others see their faces. In most cases, no one in the village except the village Elders
know the Mask Shaman’s real face. Most of the time, the Mask Shaman of the Society walks among the village as one of them,
unmasked yet unknown to the others, or stays in his wigwam or longhouse until his abilities as Shaman are needed.
Today, the False Face Society retains its roles of old, but have an additional duty – that of guiding the tribes, Iroquois
and otherwise, in maintaining their own civilization among the outside “white-man’s” influences surrounding them. Because of
this, Mask Shamans belonging to the False Face Society often undertake missions for the Society that often appear to run
contrary to the tribes’ goals. These missions are always undertaken in utmost secrecy, and often involve deception, framing,
sabotage, torture, and sometimes even murder. Keep in mind that not all Mask Shamans are members of the False Face Society.
The leader of the False Face Society is always a woman known as the Keeper of Masks, a title that is passed on to the
most revered Mask Shaman in the Society at the time of the death of the previous one. Note that this position is often based on
age and experience, although there are times the spirits will influence the Mask Shamans to choose a Keeper who is not as
experienced as her peers, but has that intangible quality of leadership.
O.C.C.s common to the Iroquois Confederation:
Traditional Indian O.C.C.s: Tribal Warrior, Totem Warrior, Spirit Warrior, Animal Shaman, Mask Shaman, and
Healing Shaman. Renegades can be any O.C.C., but tend to move towards Men-at-Arms, Magic, or Adventurer O.C.C.s. Borgs,
Juicers, and Crazies are extremely rare.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: For the most part, the Iroquois tend to avoid the Coalition. Many of the Traditionalist leaders view the
Coalition of being the epitome of the evils of the White Man's Magic. A few Iroquois war parties have harassed Coalition troops
in the past.
Free Quebec: As with the Coalition States, the Iroquois tend to avoid Free Quebec. However, even the Iroquois were affected
by the war, with the northern border along the St. Lawrence River being the site of many battles in the recent wars. As with the
Coalition, Iroquois troops have harassed Quebecois troops in the past, and will probably continue to do so along the river.
Fort Huron: As mentioned above, the hatred between the Iroquois and the Canadian tribes is intolerable. The two are constantly
at war with each other. It is only the distance between the two Preserves that prevents the wars from growing.
Boston: Iroquois traders, mostly Renegades, have visited the city of Boston on occasion.
Camp Cherokee: Runners from the Iroquois Confederation have made contact with the Cherokee nation, but the two nations
rarely deal directly with each other. A lot of this stems from distance between the two, but there are a lot of philosophical
differences between the two, especially regarding the use of more advanced technology.
Shemarrians: The Iroquois have harassed Shemarrian patrols through the area in the past, with mixed results. As a whole, the
Iroquois find them untrustworthy and more than a little scary in what the Iroquois call their “unnaturalness”.
Others: The Iroquois don't normally associate with other groups outside their region.
Notable Figures of the Iroquois Confederation:
Julie Riverwind
Oneida Animal Shaman and Tribe Elder
Julie Riverwind is an Animal Shaman in her late-30s who is an anomaly among the Iroquois. First, she is from one of
the "minor" tribes of the Confederation, the Oneida to be precise (the Cayuga and Mahican are the others). Second, she is an
extremely powerful Shaman in her own right, and is the youngest Shaman ever to rise to the position of Tribe Elder among any of
the tribes. Julie is an intelligent, charming woman, who while a realist, does tend to see the good in people before the bad. She
does prefer, however, to spend time in the forests among the wildlife than spending her time in the Preserve.
Statistical Data of Note:
O.C.C. and Level of Experience: 10th level Animal Shaman
Alignment: Unprincipled
Attributes: I.Q. 21, M.E. 11, M.A. 15, P.S. 12, P.P. 13, P.E. 12, P.B. 10, Spd. 9
Hit Points: 43
S.D.C.: 12
P.P.E.: 151
Natural Abilities: Animal Diagnosis at 94%, immune to disease, accepted by animals as one of their own, can communicate
with animals
Skills of Note: Speaks American, French, Oneida, and Onondaga at 98%, Basic Math 98%, Cook 98%, Breed Dogs 98%/80%,
Horsemanship: Cowboy: 93%/77%, Dance: 90%, Sing: 90%, Cook: 98%, Preserve Food: 85%, Skin & Prepare Animal Hides:
95%, Track Animals: 90%, Tracking: 85%, Wilderness Survival: 95%, Prowl: 82%, Trick Riding: 98%, Camouflage: 70%, Pilot:
Canoe: 67%, Anthropology: 65%, Detect Concealment: 40%, Detect Ambush: 45%, Art: 80%, Whittling & Sculpting: 75%,
Sewing: 70%, Animal Husbandry: 45%, Biology: 40%, Hunting
Weapon Proficiencies: Archery & Targeting, Bola, Knife, Blunt
Combat: Basic at 10th level
Bonuses: 4 attacks per melee, +2 to Initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +2 to dodge, +5 to roll with impact, +4 to pull punch, +2
to damage
Spell Knowledge: All Animal Shaman spells, plus the following: Negate Poison, Swim as a Fish, Chameleon, Repel Animals,
Fly as the Eagle, Eyes of the Wolf, Familiar Link, Metamorphosis: Animal.
Rituals: Only the chant to rekindle life in slain animals.
Black Wolf
Mahican War Chief
Born under a full moon to the Mahican tribes, Silver Moon found the Wolf as his totem at a very young age. When
four Huron warriors raped and killed his mother, the twelve year old Silver Moon single-handed hunted each down and killed
them, much as the wolf hunts and kills his prey. Taking the name of Black Wolf, he rose to become a great and respected warrior
and leader who welcomed his friends and destroyed his enemies. While Black Wolf is an older, wizened warrior, he is still a
deadly capable warrior (much to the detriment of those would challenge his leadership). Black Wolf leads by example, following
his own code of honor. He has few friends and fewer enemies (loyal to the former, unmerciful to the latter). To threaten the
safety of his tribe or the Iroquois League, is be marked as an enemy to be shown no mercy.
Statistical Data of Note:
O.C.C. and Level of Experience: 10th level Tribal Warrior
Alignment: Aberrant
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 19, M.A. 19, P.S. 23, P.P. 24 P.E. 22, P.B. 17, Spd. 24
Hit Points: 68
S.D.C.: 100
P.P.E.: 12
Skills of Note: Speaks Mahican, American, Mohawk, and Onondaga at 98%, Basic Math 98%, Fishing 98%, Detect Ambush
95%, Track Animals 98%, Track Humanoids 98%, Land Navigation 90%, Wilderness Survival 98%, Skin & Prepare Animal
Hides 98%, Identify Plants & Fruits 90%, General Athletics, Climbing 98%, Prowl 90%, Swimming 98%, Horsemanship:
Cowboy 98%/88%, Acrobatics: (98, 95, 98, 98% respectively), Hunting, Preserve Food 90%, Cooking 98%, Wrestling, Holistic
Medicine 70%, Breaking/Taming Horses 60%, Animal Husbandry 75%, Boat Building 75%, Running, Whittling & Sculpting
60%, Art 65%, Play Drums 50%, Play Reed Flute 50%.
Weapon Proficiencies: Archery & Targeting, Knife, Tomahawk, Spear, Bolt-Action Rifle, Revolver, Blunt, Paired Weapons
(Tomahawks and Knives only),
Combat: Martial Arts at 10th level.
Bonuses: 5 attacks per melee, +9 to strike, parry, and dodge, +10 to roll with punch, +9 to pull punch, +4 on initiative, an
additional +4 to initiative when drawing and throwing tomahawks and knives, +8 to damage, +4 to save vs. drugs/poisons/toxins,
+2 to save vs. psionics and insanity, +4 to save vs. magic, and +14% to save vs. coma/death.
Fetishes: Black Wolf has two minor fetishes, one reflecting his heritage and self, the other is the tooth and claw fetish, made
from the teeth and claws of a wolf. He has also been granted the Tattoo War Fetish, patterned after Mahican war paint.
Weapons: An Iroquois-style short bow with a quiver of 24 regular arrows, 6 silver-tipped arrows, and 6 magic arrows that do
Mega-Damage. Also has a large knife, a skinning knife, a pair of tomahawks, and two sets of six throwing knives.
Keeper of Masks
Head of the False Face Society
No one knows who the Keeper of Masks really is, as she is never seen without a Mask in place. Yet few can tell
whether the Mask is a Living Fetish Mask, or one she carved for show, and she never lets on as to whether the Mask is genuine or
not. She is known to be an older woman, possibly even an Elder. Even her home tribe is unknown to the other leaders of the
Iroquois Council. Her personal totem is known to be Owl, and this fits her secretive yet ever-watchful personality. The others in
the Council respect and fear her, but few can say they know her, and fewer can say they like her.
Statistical Data of Note:
Alignment: Unprincipled
Weight: 90 lbs.
Height: 4 ft. 7 in. Age: Unknown, probably mid-40s
Attributes: I.Q. 16, M.E. 11, M.A. 22, P.S. 10, P.P. 10, P.E. 24, P.B. 9, Spd. 11
Hit Points: 54
S.D.C.: 21
P.P.E.: 141
I.S.P.: 133
Level of Experience: 10th level Mask Shaman
Magic Knowledge: The Mask Shaman’s ability to create Living Fetish Masks.
Psionic Powers: Deaden Pain, Exorcism, Healing Touch, Increased Healing, Induce Sleep, Psychic Diagnosis, Psychic Surgery
Natural Abilities: Immune to normal fires, diseases, and sickness. Trust/Intimidate 80%,
Vulnerabilities: Takes double damage from stabbing weapons made of wood.
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Knife, W.P. Spear
Attacks per Melee:
Bonuses: +1 to initiative, +6 to save vs. magic, +2 to save vs. possession, +5 to save vs. poison, +10% to save vs. coma/death,
Body Armor: The Keeper of Masks has a suit of Biomancer Superior Wood Armor with 80 M.D.C., which regenerates 1D6
M.D.C. per hour on its own. Where the Keeper received this armor is unknown, but some attribute it to her younger days, when
she traveled the east coast.
Cybernetics and Bionics: None
Lake Champlain
Marking the border between New York and Vermont, Lake Champlain is a hundred-mile long lake that runs almost
directly north to south. A small river runs from the lake to the St. Lawrence riverway. For centuries, rumors have abounded about
a giant sea serpent that dwelled in the lake, keeping hidden. Some blurred photographs came to light in the late 19th through late
20th Centuries. In the 20th and 21st Centuries, scientists scanned the lake using all forms of detection methods, and came up with
Since the Coming of the Rifts, the existence of the sea serpent, known as "Champ" to the natives of the region, has been
confirmed. In fact, an entire family of Champs exists in the lake. Champs feed on small fish and the occasional waterfowl. No
humans or D-Bees have ever been attacked by a Champ.
Mad Haven
Population: 3,300
Racial Breakdown:
35% Humans
22% Morlocks
18% Assorted D-Bees
13% Psi-Stalkers
12% Mutant Animals
Average Transient Population: 1D4x100 at any given time.
Technology Level: Varies.
Terrain: Flat coastal area dotted with the ruins of a city.
Primary Imports: Food, manufactured goods.
Primary Exports: Archeological artifacts.
Due to tectonic shifting during the Coming of the Rifts, the island of Manhattan has become a peninsula, known as
Mad Haven. Gone are the skyscrapers that once dominated the island; when Atlantis rose from its watery grave, the city was
annihilated by record-breaking tidal waves. The tidal waves also destroyed the bridges that connected the island to the mainland.
Less than a week after the rifts flared, the city that never slept finally rested; everyone that was on or near the island had died,
except for the handful of people that even then lived in the sewers.
The surface of the island (despite being a peninsula, the inhabitants still call the place an island) is dotted with ruins,
with the occasional one- or two-story building that either survived the Great Cataclysm or was built afterwards. Central Park,
once considered the pride of New York City, has become a virtual jungle, filled with the descendants of escaped zoo animals.
Below the surface is an extensive network of sewers, subway tunnels, and water processing plants. The tunnels leading off the
island have been flooded; passage through these tunnels is almost impossible, unless one is wearing environmental armor with
SCUBA gear, or underwater power armor.
Three sets of people live in the ruined city: the Morlocks, the sewer dwellers named after the subterranean race in H. G.
Wells' book The Time Machine; the Scavs, tech-scavengers who scour the island looking for pre-Rifts artifacts; and the Seekers,
who seek to rebuild the city to its former greatness. Of the three, only the Seekers have come under fire from outside influences,
mostly from Chi-Town agents who attempt to sabotage the Seekers' efforts. The three groups live in relative harmony, each
keeping to their parts of the ruins. Conflicts between Scavs and Morlocks are common, however, especially when a Scav enters
territory the Morlocks have marked off as their own. Skirmishes between Morlock clans are also common, but rarely involve the
"surface world". The Morlock R.C.C. and Scav O.C.C. are listed below; Seekers can be of any O.C.C.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: Officially, the Coalition turns a blind eye to the goings-on in this region. The reasons are two-fold. First,
the Coalition was up until this past year embroiled in two major wars, and has troubles closer to home with the Xiticix and
Federation of Magic. Second, the Coalition sees Chi-Town as the premier city of the continent, and has downplayed New York's
role in the Time Before the Rifts. To acknowledge New York's existence as something other than a haunted graveyard would be
to acknowledge that they have messed with pre-Rifts history, something that the educated elite of Chi-Town would rather not
admit. However, Coalition agents, often mercenary units hired by the Coalition through third parties, have been known to
sabotage the Seekers' efforts to rebuild the city.
Free Quebec: Free Quebec is too embroiled in their own affairs to take much notice to this area.
Lazlo: Of all the great powers of North America, only Lazlo has any interest in the developments in Mad Haven. This interest is
mostly along the lines of archeological and anthropological research, although there are those in Lazlo that support the efforts of
the Seekers in rebuilding the city.
Boston: Of the groups in New York, the Scavs are the ones that have had the most dealings with Boston, often travelling to that
city to sell the artifacts they come across. Ships from Boston have come to the area’s protection many times, although some of
the ships were pirates and slavers looking to protect their own “turf.”
Atlantis: Mad Haven has long been one of Lord Splyncryth’s favorite hunting grounds for slave stock and “raw meat.” The
Splugorth capture only a handful of Morlocks a year to be sold in the slave pens; although most denizens of Atlantis find
Morlock flesh “tough and stringy,” they have a solid base as slaves for subterranean realms. The Scavs and Seekers provide
better slave stock.
Shemarrians: The Shemarrians are only seen in Mad Haven when fighting Splugorth Slavers. However, Archie has been
keeping a long-term eye on this area through them.
Notable Figures of Mad Haven:
Morlock Elder
Kunal, like all Morlocks, grew up in the sewers and tunnels of Mad Haven. However, Kunal was not like the other
Morlocks he grew up with. He found himself wanting to see the outside world. Despite the fact that the Morlocks as a whole
shunned outsiders, Kunal found himself part of a wandering adventurer party. He eventually became friends with a Juicer named
Ulysses. It was when Ulysses hit Last Call that Kunal decided to return home to Mad Haven. He kept Ulysses’ personalized
vibro-knife as a momento to his friend. That was four years ago.
Returning to the ruins of the city, Kunal hired himself out as a guide to many of the people drifting through the ruins.
To this day, although he has become an Elder among the Morlocks, he can still be seen as one of the few Morlock guides in the
dead city.
Alignment: Unprincipled
Weight: 89 lbs.
Height: 4 ft. 6 in. Age: 38
Attributes: I.Q. 11, M.E. 11, M.A. 14, P.S. 16, P.P. 21, P.E. 10, P.B. 6, Spd. 15
Hit Points: 36
S.D.C.: 25
P.P.E.: 5
Level of Experience: 7th level Morlock
Magic Knowledge: None.
Psionic Powers: None.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 200 feet ( m).
Skills of Note: Area knowledge of Mad Haven 80%, concealment 55%, detect ambush 80%, detect concealment 65%, escape
artist 60%, tracking 75%, first aid 85%, athletics, climbing 75%/65%, prowl 65%, streetwise 65%, land navigation 80%,
automotive mechanics 60%, armorer 70%, basic math 80%, basic radio 70%, pilot motorcycle 94%, trap construction 55%,
trap/mine detection 55%, find contraband, weapons, and cybernetics 52%, pick locks 50%, history: Mad Haven 60%, cooking
Weapon Proficiencies: Knife, Energy Pistol, Shotgun, Mouth Weapons/Blowguns, Teammate
Combat: Hand to Hand: Basic at 7th level proficiency;
Attacks per Melee: Three (3).
Bonuses: +4 to strike, +6 to parry, +6 to dodge, +4 to roll with fall or impact, +2 to pull punch, critical hit on a natural roll of 18,
19, or 20, +2 to damage, kick attack does 1D6 damage.
Weapons: Combat knife, double-barreled shotgun, Wilk’s 320 laser pistol, and a personalized vibro-knife, specially designed to
give a +4 to strike when thrown.
Body Armor: Patchwork armor with 70 M.D.C. remaining, weighing 18 lbs. ( kg), and a prowl penalty of –25%.
Cybernetics and Bionics: Bio-system left hand.
Equipment: Three sets of clothing, bedroll, canteen, and a month’s worth of rations.
Money: 250 dollars, and a pre-Rifts artifact worth another 500 credits.
Anisha Willams
Second-Generation Scav
Anisha Willams grew up in the ruins of Mad Haven. All she knows is the island, and the trade routes between it and
Boston. Her parents told her of the Coalition, but she has never seen CS troops in action, nor does she care about the wars raging
outside of the city.
Perhaps because of her lifestyle, Anisha is protective of the younger Scavs. She knows the dangers that lurk in the
city’s sewers, and will never willingly let any Scav travel down there alone. Many of the younger, more ambitious Scavs scoff at
her being a “mother hen,” yet will always defer to her experience and wisdom (she won’t let them do otherwise). Many of the
other older, experienced Scavs have retired, effectively passing on to her the informal mantle of leadership.
Statistical Data of Note:
Alignment: Anarchist
Weight: 180 lbs. Height: 5 ft. 9 in. Age: 34
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 15, M.A. 6, P.S. 17, P.P. 15, P.E. 26, P.B. 12, Spd. 19
Hit Points: 50
S.D.C.: 36
P.P.E.: 8
Level of Experience: 7th level Scav
Magic Knowledge: None, other than rumors and lore.
Psionic Powers: None.
Skills of Note: Recognize artifacts 80%, area knowledge: Mad Haven 70%, basic electronics 75%, detect concealment 75%,
basic mechanics 75%, first aid 90%, recognize weapon quality 70%, body building, climbing 80%/70%, prowl 65%, pilot
automobile 87%, pilot hovercraft 95%, read sensory equipment 70%, concealment 60%, find contraband, weapons, and
cybernetics 70%, scavenge 85%, streetwise 59%, archeology 65%, basic math 85%, general repair/maintenance 85%, lore: DBee 60%, lore: demons & monsters 65%, trap/mine detection 60%, wilderness survival 75%, basic radio 75%, automotive
mechanics 60%, demolitions disposal 83%, general horsemanship 66%/46%, mechanical engineer 50%, play musical instrument:
harmonica 65%, singing 65%, land navigation 60%, athletics, cardsharp 48%, rope works 45%.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Knife, W.P. Revolver, W.P. Automatic and Semi-Automatic Rifle, W.P. Energy Rifle.
Combat: Expert at 7th level proficiency.
Attacks per Melee: 3
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +4 to parry, +4 to dodge, +3 to roll with fall or impact, +2 to pull punch, +2 to damage, +22% to save vs.
coma/death, +6 to save vs. magic, +6 to save vs. poisons, kick attack does 1D6 damage, an additional +1 to parry and dodge, and
+2 to roll with fall or impact while on horseback. Critical strikes on unmodified rolls of 18, 19, or 20. Paired weapons.
Weapons: 3 regular knives, a vibro-knife, a pre-Rifts M-16 assault rifle, and an L-20 pulse rifle.
Body Armor: Anisha owns two sets of old-style Coalition Dead-Boy armor, and a set of Huntsman armor.
Cybernetics and Bionics: A thermo-imager eye, universal headjack and ear implant, gyro-compass, and clock calendar.
Equipment: A P.D.D. and a dozen blank discs, a note pad, a variety of markers, a mechanical pencil, pocket laser distance
finder, conventional tape measure, a multi-optics band, a pen flashlight, a large flashlight, a hand pick, back pack, knapsack,
utility/tool belt, canteen, air filter and gas mask, 200 feet of lightweight rope with a grappling hook, and a tool kit.
Money: Anisha usually has 2000 dollars on hand, as well as a number of artifacts worth between 12,000 and 24,000 credits.
Vehicle: Anisha drives a pre-Rifts Hummer she’s rebuilt from scavenged parts.
Morlock R.C.C.
When the Great Cataclysm hit, New York City's homeless population was the largest it had been in over two centuries.
Many of the homeless, and those in the poorer districts, fled into the network of sewer systems and underground monorail tunnels
for safety. While those above died as the skyscrapers collapsed, those who fled underground survived. For nearly three hundred
years, the survivors and their descendants, dubbed Morlocks by those few rogue scholars who came afterwards, thrived, living in
the shadows. The name “Morlocks” was given to them as a reference to the subterranean race in H. G. Wells’ book The Time
Machine. The Morlocks prefer the name “tunnel-dwellers” among themselves.
Due to their subterranean nature, the Morlocks have departed from the human norm, much like the Psi-Stalkers did in
the wildernesses. All Morlocks have pallor complexions, no ears, and large, bulbous eyes. They are small and wiry, but are
stronger than they look.
Morlocks are very territorial, and don't like "surface dwellers" entering their domains. Outsiders are typically attacked
by groups of 3D6+2 Morlocks, beaten (but rarely killed), stripped of all they own, often including clothing, and left in Central
Park with nothing to defend themselves. Should an outsider or group of outsiders be more powerful than the Morlocks originally
estimated, they will be picked off one at a time when they least expect it, often when the outsiders are asleep, and receive the
same treatment.
Alignment: Any, but typically anarchist.
Typical Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6+3, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 2D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd. 3D6.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute + 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 20, plus those gained from physical skills.
P.P.E.: 2D6
Available O.C.C.s: None.
Combat: Only those granted from hand to hand, attribute bonuses, and physical skills.
Special R.C.C. Abilities:
1. Nightvision: up to 200 feet ( m).
2. Area Knowledge: Having lived their entire lives in the sewers and tunnels of Mad Haven, the Morlocks have an
intimate knowledge of the subterranean parts of the city. They also know major surface landmarks, and, if hired as guides, will
always give their location in relation to the surface. ("Eleventh and Bleeker? *sniff* Nope, this is only Ninth Street.") Base
Skill: 50% + 5% per level.
R.C.C. Skills:
Concealment (+5%)
Detect Ambush (+5%)
Detect Concealment (+10%)
Escape Artist (+5%)
Tracking (+15%)
First Aid (+10%)
Climbing (+5%)
Prowl (+10%)
Streetwise (+15%)
Land Navigation (+14%)
W.P.: Knife
W.P.: One of choice
* Hand to Hand: Basic
* Hand to Hand: Basic may be upgraded to Hand to Hand: Martial Arts (or Assassin, if of an evil or anarchist
alignment) at the cost of one "other" skill.
R.C.C. Related Skills: The Morlock can select seven other skills from the following list at level one. He can also select an
additional skill at levels 3, 5, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5% to Basic Radio only).
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any (+3%).
Electrical: Basic only.
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only (+10%).
Mechanical: Basic, and Automotive only (+5%).
Medical: None.
Military: Armorer, Camouflage, Find Contraband, Trap Construction, and Trap/Mine Detection only (+10% to all
Physical: Any.
Pilot: Any conventional (+10%)
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Any (+10%).
Science: Math only.
Technical: Any.
Weapon Proficiencies: Any.
Wilderness: Any (+10%).
Secondary Skills: In addition to the above skills, a Morlock can select four secondary skills from the above list, without bonuses.
He can then gain one additional secondary skill at levels 5, 9, and 13. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Psionics: Standard.
Magic: None.
Habitat: The sewers and abandoned subway tunnels of the ruins of New York City.
Size: Typically 4 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 2 inches tall.
Weight: Generally under 100 pounds.
Standard Equipment: The typical Morlock will have a set or two of clothing, a bedroll, canteen, and food rations for a month.
Weapons will include a regular knife, a vibro-knife, and another weapon of choice. Armor is typically patchwork, having 2D4 ×
10 M.D.C., or pre-Rifts armor with an A.R. 14 and 3D6 × 10 S.D.C.
Money: Morlocks don't care for money, but may have a pre-Rifts artifact or three worth 3D6 × 100 credits.
Cybernetics and Bionics: Most Morlocks don't care for cybernetic or bionic enhancements, and few can afford them.
Scav O.C.C.
Literally speaking, a Scav is anyone who scrounges for artifacts in Mad Haven. Generally, however, the term "Scav" is
reserved for those who have spent years in Mad Haven, living as technology scavengers. Most Scavs are either loners or parts of
gangs, but are sometimes hired as guides by adventurers seeking passage through Mad Haven. Scavs don't care for the Seekers'
dreams of rebuilding the city, and generally leave the "dreamers" alone. Sometimes, Scavs will sell their loot to the Seekers, but
such sales are few and far between. Most Scavs tend to travel to Boston to sell their loot; they can get better prices in the Boston
Commons than they can from the Seekers.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, P.P. 12, P.E. 12
Special O.C.C. Abilities:
1. Recognize Artifacts: This skill enables the Scav to recognize pre-Rifts artifacts, as well as knowing their general value. Base
Skill: 50% + 5% per level of experience.
2. Area Knowledge: Scavs know the ruins of Mad Haven like the backs of their hands. This skill enables them to recognize signs
of Morlock habitation, signs of animals escaped from Central Park, and areas the Seekers are attempting to rebuild. This skill also
enables the Scav to recognize places that have been picked clean of artifacts. Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of experience.
3. Bonuses: +2 to P.P., +2 to P.E., +3D6 to S.D.C.
O.C.C. Skills:
Basic Electronics (+15%)
Detect Concealment (+20%)
Basic Mechanics (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Recognize Weapon Quality (+15%)
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Climbing (+10%)
Prowl (+10%)
Pilot: Two of choice (+15%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Concealment (+10%)
Find Contraband, Weapons, and Cybernetics (+20%)
Streetwise (+15%)
Archeology (+15%)
Basic Math (+10%)
General Repair/Maintenance (+20%)
Salvage (+25%)
Lore: Two of choice (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+10%)
Wilderness Survival (+15%)
W.P.: Two of choice
Hand to Hand: Basic *
* The Scav can upgrade Hand to Hand skill to Expert at the cost of 1 other skill, or Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an
evil alignment) at the cost of 2 other skills
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Scav can select four skills from the following list at level one, plus an additional two skills at levels
3 and 5, and an additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 14. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Basic Radio only (+5%)
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Engineer only (+5%).
Espionage: None.
Mechanical: Automotive or Engineer only (+5%).
Medical: Field Surgery (+5%), Holistic, and Paramedic (+5%) only.
Military: Camouflage, Demolitions Disposal, and Trap Construction (+5% to each) only.
Physical: Any (+5% where applicable), except Acrobatics or Gymnastics.
Pilot: Any conventional (+10%) or Robots and Power Armor (+5%) only.
Pilot Related: Any (+5%)
Rogue: Any (+10%)
Science: Any (+5%)
Technical: Any (+10% to Lores, +5% otherwise).
Weapon Proficiencies: Any.
Wilderness: Any.
Secondary Skills: In addition to the above skills, the Scav can select five secondary skills from the above list, without the listed
bonuses. The Scav can then select one new secondary skill at levels 4, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: A P.D.D. and a dozen blank discs, a note pad, a variety of markers, a mechanical pencil, pocket laser
distance finder, conventional tape measure, a multi-optics band, a pen flashlight, a large flashlight, a hand pick (1D4 damage),
back pack, knapsack, utility/tool belt, canteen, air filter and gas mask, 200 feet of lightweight rope with a grappling hook, and a
tool kit. Armor can be any type, including Coalition.
Weapons: The typical Scav will have 1D4 knives, a vibro-knife, a pre-Rifts projectile weapon in good, working condition, and
one energy weapon of choice, each with two ammunition clips.
Vehicles: The vehicle of a Scav can be anything, although they prefer vehicles that have a lot of cargo room for storing
scavenged artifacts. Note that this vehicle will most likely be a "junker", having half to one quarter the normal S.D.C. of a new
model, with 1D4 little "quirks".
Money: Scavs tend to travel light, and quickly sell off most artifacts they find. They also spend the money they make off these
sales quickly for replacement equipment. Scavs start with 2D6 × 100 credits, and have 1D4 artifacts worth 2D4 × 1000 credits
each on the Black Market.
Cybernetics: Scavs do not start with any cybernetic systems, but are not adverse to using them, specifically sensory devices like
cybernetic eyes or amplified hearing.
Native Indian Tribes
Amish Country
Population: 2,500
Racial Breakdown:
95% Humans
5% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 1D4x10 at any given time.
Technology Level: Low. Amish shun technology.
Terrain: Rolling plains to low-level hills
Primary Imports: None.
Primary Exports: Grain, handcrafted goods, manual labor.
The Amish are a group of low-technology farming communities composed primarily of interrelated families that live in
the old Lancaster county of Pennsylvania, located due west of where Philadelphia used to be, and east of the Three Mile Island
Rifts. In many ways, the Amish have not been affected by the coming of the Rifts; life in Amish country is almost the same in
109 P.A. as it was in A.D. 1741!
A typical day has the men and boys up before dawn to milk the cows, then a brief breakfast before the men go outside
to tend to the farm while the women cook a large lunch meal. After the noon meal, the men return to the fields, returning at
sunset to a small evening meal before retiring for the night. On rare occasions, the entire community will gather at a home of a
neighbor to build a house or barn. The "barn-raising" will take an entire summer day, from sunrise to sunset. Only on Sundays is
this routine broken; instead of spending the day in the fields, the community will congregate at the local preacher's house for the
Sunday service.
Most Amish families are close-knit, and rarely leave the family farmlands. Amish tend to be hard workers; the men do
the farming, the women do all the housework. For the Amish, it's been that way for centuries. In dress, Amish tend to be very
plain; black, brown, gray, and white shades are the most common, although other subdued colors are acceptable. There are no
buttons in Amish society, only hooks; buttons are considered "fancy" by Amish standards. Clothes are usually handed down from
parent to child and from older sibling to younger, as long as the clothes are still serviceable.
Most Amish are pacifists, and will not raise a hand against another person. Amish tend to be wary of "outsiders", but
will lend a hand to anyone in need. Due to this, anyone who respects their customs, lends a helping hand, and dresses "plain" can
stay with an Amish farm for a period of time. With the coming of the Rifts, this has been extended to D-Bees; it is not
uncommon for a family of D-Bees who have lived in the area for years to consider themselves “Amish.”
Similar to Amish are Mennonites. Mennonites started as a sect of Amish in the 20th Century who, while keeping their
traditions, are not "technophobes". As such, they do not suffer the same skill restrictions as the Amish (use the skill restrictions of
the Vagabond instead). Mennonites live in communities surrounding the Amish, providing the Amish a measure of protection.
With the coming of the Rifts, and the proliferation of monsters and demons from the Rifts, a number of Amish have
developed various means of protection. Some have developed psionic abilities (at first, psionic Amish were thought to be
possessed by demons, but many have since accepted these powers as being "divine gifts", see below for details), others have
secretly built weapons.
Note: All Amish and Mennonites, as well as many people in eastern Pennsylvania, have German names and heritages. Most of
the D-Bees in the area have also taken German names.
Foreign Relations
Surrounding areas: The Amish are on friendly relations with many of the surrounding communities and feudal kingdoms,
mostly trading food and services when necessary. The Artemian Guard (see below) has actively sought to protect the Amish, as
the bulk of the Guard's food stores come from this area.
Shemarrians: The Shemarrians rarely bother the Amish, and have been known to protect them when faced with Splugorth
Slavers. However, the Amish clearly do not care for these warrior women, and will not raise a hand against them, or to help
Everyone else: Very few people outside Pennsylvania have heard of, or care about, the Amish.
Amish Farmer O.C.C.
Note: This O.C.C. is best suited for a NPCs rather than player-characters; GM’s discretion is advised.
Alignments: Any, but tend to be of good alignments.
Attribute Requirements: None, a high P.E. and M.E. are helpful, but not necessary.
O.C.C. Skills for Men:
Language: Pennsylvania Dutch at 98% and American at 70%
Fishing (+15%)
Basic Mechanics (+20%)
Animal Husbandry (+10%)
First Aid (+15%)
Anthropology (+10%)
General Repair/Maintenance (+20%)
Lore: Religion (Christian) (+30%)
W.P.: Blunt
O.C.C. Skills for Women:
Language: Pennsylvania Dutch at 98% and American at 70%
Cook (+20%), professional quality
Sewing (+20%), professional quality
First Aid (+15%)
Lore: Religion (Christian) (+20%)
Preserve Food (+10%)
Hand to Hand combat can be taken as an "other" skill, at the following rate: Basic costs 2 skill slots, Expert costs 4, and
Martial Arts and Assassin (if of an evil alignment) cost 6 skill slots. Amish are typically not combatants. Should an Amish
forsake his heritage, he adopts the Vagabond O.C.C., with no loss of experience.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six skills from the following list at level one, plus two additional skills at levels three and five, and
one additional skill at levels eight, eleven, and thirteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Public Speaking and Sign Language only
Cowboy: Breaking Horses and Herding Cattle only
Domestic: any (+10%) except Dance and Play Musical Instrument
Electrical: None
Espionage: None
Horsemanship: General (+10%) and Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic (+15%) and Blacksmith (+10%) only
Medical: Holistic only (+15%)
Military: None
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics, Gymnastics, Wrestling, Boxing, Deadball, Murderthon, S.C.U.B.A., and Zero-G
Pilot: Rowboat, Sail Boat, and Canoe only (all at +5%)
Pilot Related: None
Rogue: Any, except Hacking, Gambling, Safe-cracking, Streetwise, Hypnotism, Card Shark, or Find Contraband.
Science: Botany and Basic Physics only
Technical: Any, except Advanced Fishing, Computer, Photography, Undersea Salvage, Prospecting, and Naval History.
Weapon Proficiencies: Archery, Blunt, Chain, Crossbow, Grappling Hook, Knife, Small Thrown, Staff, and Whip only.
Wilderness: Any, except Hunting.
Secondary Skills: Select four skills from the above list at level one, without bonuses (except any possible I.Q. bonuses), plus an
additional skill at levels five, ten, and fifteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Three sets of clothes, all of plain and/or subdued colors, a stout cudgel, 50 feet of hemp rope, a bedroll,
1D4 small sacks, a large sack, a backpack, and a wide-brimmed straw hat. Most Amish families will own at least one horse and
buggy; the horse will probably be a work horse of good quality, and the buggy will be made of top quality wood, with wooden
wheels, and can seat between two and six people, depending on the size. Any weapons will be converted farm tools: the character
starts with 1D4 knives, and a pitchfork or sickle (both do 1D6 S.D.C. damage). Bows and arrows must be made or purchased
Money: Most Amish don't carry any money. At most, an Amish farmer would have 1D4 × 100 credits in trade goods (mostly
precious metals and decorations) on them at any given time.
Psionics: A surprising number (40%) of Amish have developed psionic powers. Roll percentile, a 01 through 40 indicates the
presence of psionic abilities. Select four Psionic powers each from the Sensitive and Healing categories Amish Psionics are
considered Major Psionics, base I.S.P. is the M.E. attribute plus 3D6 × 10.
The Artemian Guard
Population: 168,000
Racial Breakdown:
57% Humans
18% Assorted D-Bees
13% Psi-Stalkers
12% Mutant Animals
Average Transient Population: 3D4x100 at any given time.
Technology Level: High technology, 20th Century technology refitted to modern standards; easily on par with Ishpeming and
Terrain: Low, rolling hills.
Primary Imports: Grain, high-tech manufactured goods, raw materials.
Primary Exports: Manufactured goods, weapons, vehicles, mercenaries.
The Artemian Guard is the product of late 20th and early 21st Century paranoia that has appeared in the eastern quarter
of Pennsylvania. Late in the 20th Century, some factions in the government of the old American Empire predicted the coming of
a socioeconomic collapse that would splinter American society. Fearing that they would be unable to maintain control during the
ensuing chaos, these factions pushed for the formation of a separate military force that would be able to maintain order. Despite
these factions being labeled as extremists and fear-mongers, the Artemian Guard was formed, commanded by United States
Army General William Dakovich. The reasons for the name, after Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, have been lost to
antiquity. The Guard was placed into cryogenic sleep, and hidden in an underground self-sustained bunker, and set to awaken in
forty years.
Then came the Golden Age in the mid-21st Century, and the Artemian Guard was forgotten. Due to a programming
glitch in the cryogenic units, the Guard continued to sleep throughout the Golden Age, the Coming of the Rifts, the Dark Ages,
and most of the first century, Post Apocalypse, almost four hundred years. They awakened in 98 P.A. to a world gone mad.
The first thing General Dakovich did was order scouting parties to assess the world situation. Sending out scout parties,
often Intelligence Officers posing as wandering adventurers or entire platoons operating as freelance mercenary units, the Guard
spent five years gathering intelligence on the remains of the United States and Canada. As such, they were well aware of the wars
between the Coalition and Tolkeen, and between the Coalition and Free Quebec. They also know about D-Bees and the use of
magic. For a few years, the Guard had no official policy regarding either. Recent events have shown a tolerance for D-Bees in
general, with a few D-Bees becoming Guard soldiers, but never in a command position greater than platoon leader. Magic, on the
other hand, has been decreed as being alien and inhuman; magic-users are typically shunned, sometimes beaten, and occasionally
killed. Demons are always killed on sight, whenever possible.
The next move by the Guard's commander was to secure the area surrounding the base. Within a month after awaking,
the Guard had secured a forty square mile area around the twin cities of Allentown and Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Within that
area, the Guard encouraged the local factories to start producing military machinery. As the area controlled by the Guard grew, so
did the number of factories. Currently, there are twenty factories, all producing tanks, helicopters, and weapons, as well as locally
used goods. The Guard is currently negotiating with Wellington Industries for the design of the ramjet ammunition.
Understandably, Wellington Industries isn't fond of this, as they'd be losing one of their largest customers for this product. Raw
materials are typically shipped in from the mines in Virginia, New York, northern and central Pennsylvania, and New England.
It should be noted that the entire base, with the exception of a lone airstrip that doubled as the municipal airport, was
entirely subterranean. This made it easy to remain undetected by the Coalition. Add to the equation that all records of the Guard
were destroyed at the time of the Guard's formation, and it is easy to see how the Coalition could overlook the area. The entire
area of the base, however, was a mere five square miles, much smaller than the Lone Star Complex. Much of the base has been
rebuilt aboveground, with much of the subterranean portions of the base having been converted into storage space.
The Guard faced its first trial by fire during the Mechanoid Invasion in 102. Guard forces, posing as mercenary units,
accounted for as many Mechanoid kills as Coalition and Kittani troops, with relatively few losses. This success led to even more
nearby kingdoms coming under the Guard's protection. Today, the Guard claims most of eastern Pennsylvania, and most of New
Jersey, as its territory. This area includes the Amish Country, but General Dakovich is respectful of these peoples, and lets them
govern their own affairs.
An interesting note about the Guard is their use of tanks, jets, and helicopters rather than power armor or giant robots.
Remember that these men and women are for the most part products of the 20th Century, when robot vehicles and power armor
were still in the experimental stages. They are more comfortable with tanks, jets, and helicopters than they are with power armor
or robot vehicles. As time goes on, the Guard may institute a few power armor companies, but are not likely to develop or even
purchase robot vehicles. Because the Guard often sells surplus military tanks and helicopters on the open market, often without
nuclear power plants, they have filled the niche that was once filled by Iron Heart Armaments.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: The Coalition is only now becoming aware of the Artemian Guard, and only as a supplier of tanks and
aircraft. The Guard, on the other hand, is wary of revealing too much about themselves to the Coalition; while the two groups are
very alike in many ways, the Guard knows that their mere existence as a Pre-Rifts force would make the Coalition declare them
enemies. General Dakovich, however, knows that meetings between the two forces are inevitable, and is hoping to make the
meetings as bloodless as possible. He is a realist, and is preparing for the eventuality that the Coalition does decide to declare war
on them.
Lazlo: The Guard knows of Lazlo, and has sent several Intelligence Officers to the city-state in order to assess the situation.
There has been no direct contact between the two.
Atlantis: The Guard is currently on full alert in regards to Lord Splynncryth’s current actions, with standing orders to engage any
reasonable target of Splugorth design. Even the Coalition has been impressed with the Guard’s kill ratio; in nearly every
skirmish, the Guard has either killed or driven off the Splugorth Slavers. Generals Dakovich and Davidson are discussing finding
volunteers to fly the F-117s for surgical strikes against Atlantis. The only reason they have not yet implemented this plan is
because they don’t know how the Nighthawk’s stealth systems will deal with magical defenses, and they don’t want to sacrifice
their only two stealth planes finding out.
Boston: The Guard engages in limited trade with this city. The Guard had been thinking of proposing a non-aggression treaty
between the two, had it not been for Boston's reputation as a haven for pirates.
Amish Country: As stated above, the Guard acts as the protectors of the Amish, protecting them from the random monsters that
occasionally appear from the Three Mile Island Rift, but generally leave them alone. The Guard buys most of the food they
cannot produce on their own from the Amish.
The Nuclear Priests: The Artemian Guard has probably had the most contact with this enclave of magicians based at the T.M.I.
Rift. While they respect the nuclear priests' successes in dealing with the monsters that appear from the rifts, they question the
priests' motives, especially since the priests use magic when dealing with the monsters and demons, something that the Guard has
The Chesapeake Bay Confederacy: The Guard has, on occasion, traded with this loose confederation of feudal kingdoms, and
is thinking of proposing a non-aggression treaty with them. Only New Baltimore’s position in the Confederation has made them
Archie Three and the Shemarrians: The Guard was formed prior to the Cyberworks Corporation’s A.R.C.H.I.E. project was
instigated, so it has no records of Archie’s location, or even existence. In addition, the Guard doesn’t know what to think of the
Shemarrians. They’re marching on the Chesapeake Bay Confederation, yet actively hunting the Splugorth. For now, the Guard
is content to let the Shemarrians make the first move in any encounter. The Guard does not know of Archie’s own Pennsylvania
factory, which is located outside Guard territory.
The City of Baalgor: The Guard isn't quite sure what to think of the Elven city yet. They know it to be a city of magic, but they
also know that the city has fought to keep the coastline free of pirates, demons, and monsters. The two nations have opened up
diplomatic relations, but remain neutral to each other.
Golden Age Weaponsmiths: Because the Guard sometimes sells surplus military equipment, mostly tanks, APCs, LAVs, and
helicopters, on the open market, they have become GAW's largest (some would say only) competitor. Both sides see this as a
friendly rivalry, as there is enough of a market for both GAW and the Guard to make a profit.
Northern Gun and Manistique Imperium: As noted elsewhere, the Guard has made sizable purchases from both of these
places, in the form of rail guns and ramjet ammunition. The Guard is currently attempting to procure the manufacturing process
for both, as well as reverse-engineer the goods for their own production.
Notable Figures of the Artemian Guard
General William Dakovich
Commander in Chief
A man who rose through the ranks of the old United States Army, General Dakovich was an enlisted man who went
through officer training. He was one of the few brass officers who started that way, and was resented by the other staff officers
for it. Perhaps, he figures, that was why he was selected to be in charge of the Forty Year Plan that formed the Artemian Guard.
Still, he figures, the joke is on them; he’s not only outlived all of them, but his men look to him for leadership now more than
before the Forty Year Plan went into effect. He sees the whole situation as ironic; his force was selected primarily for the chaotic
world they have found themselves in, which many of his colleagues back in the 20th Century would have fallen to pieces in.
As a veteran of many military actions in the 20th Century, and having seen wars from both the front lines and from the
planning room, he has no doubts as to what people are capable of. His ability to see “the big picture” has helped him guide the
Guard from its beginnings to where it is now.
Statistical Data of Note:
Alignment: Scrupulous
Weight: 190 lbs. Height: 6 ft. 1 in. Age: 55
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 23, M.A. 13, P.S. 14, P.P. 14, P.E. 14, P.B. 9, Spd. 17
Hit Points: 42
S.D.C.: 78
P.P.E.: 6
Level of Experience: 8th level Artemian Guard Armored Cavalryman
Magic Knowledge: None, other than lore and rumors
Psionic Powers: None.
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor: Although he rarely goes out to the battlefield nowadays, Gen. Dakovitch has a suit of Triax “plain clothes” armor
and a suit of Bushman armor.
Cybernetics and Bionics: None
Equipment: As the leader of the Artemian Guard, Gen. Dakovitch has access to any equipment the Guard has in storage.
Lt. General Greg Davidson
Second in Command
Lt. General Davidson was a retired F-15 pilot for the United States Air Force when he was brought out of retirement to
be second-in-command of the Guard. He’d retired as a Brigadier General, so it was a pleasant surprise when he found out his
coming out of retirement included not one but two increases in rank. The reason why soon became clear, and surprise turned to
resentment. Of all the soldiers in the Artemian Guard, Davidson was one of the few who did not volunteer. The Air Force had
used a little-known and seldom-used reactivation clause in his old contract. Or, as he refers to it, he’s “been drafted.” He
resented it even worse when he discovered that he’d be subordinate to a “ground-pounder” from the Army.
The final blow was when he awakened, with the rest of the Guard, four hundred years after they were supposed to. Not
only had he outlived his children, who believed him dead, but their children and grandchildren as well. He has resigned himself
to living out his life in this strange and often alien world he’s woken up to. To maintain his sanity, he’s decided to fulfill his last
orders from the 20th Century: “to restore order to and reunite the United States” after he awoke. Sadly, he fears that goal is well
outside his, or even the Guard’s abilities.
Davidson had been the most vocal brass officer in the Guard against the ideas when it came to accepting both D-Bees
and magic; Dakovich wanted to try and implement a magic-user company. He still harbors resentment for the “illegal aliens”, as
he calls D-Bees, that have joined the Guard.
Statistical Data of Note:
Alignment: Anarchist.
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age: 50
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience: 6th level Artemian Guard Fighter Pilot
Magic Knowledge: None.
Psionic Powers: None.
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Theresa Mahoney
Civilian Leader
Theresa Mahoney was born on Rifts Earth, the sixth daughter of a man who wanted a son, but failed to get one.
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience: 5th level Vagabond
Magic Knowledge:
Psionic Powers:
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
O.C.C.s of the Artemian Guard
Artemian Guard Infantryman O.C.C.
The Infantryman is the regular grunt of the Artemian Guard. While the 20th Century contingent makes up the bulk of
the Guard's forces, a sizable number are fresh recruits. The Guard Infantryman is given basic military training, first aid training,
and, if illiterate, taught how to read and write. Note that the average Guard soldier is not the unquestioning grunt reminiscent of
the Coalition, but an educated, professional soldier who does not (generally) blindly follow orders, but follows them because they
trust their superiors.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None, although a high P.S. and P.E. are helpful.
O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy: American (+10%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Climbing (+5%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert *
* The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The character can select eight "other" skills from the following list, plus an additional two skills and one
W.P. at levels 3 and 5, and one additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 15.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic and Computer Repair only
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any Conventional (+15), Advanced (+5%), or Tank (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: The character can select seven secondary skills from the above list, without bonuses, plus one additional
secondary skill at levels 3, 7, 12, and 15.
Standard Equipment: Three work uniforms in woodland camouflage, three dress uniforms, jump boots, ammunition/utility belt,
a suit of Guard body armor, a canteen, air filter and gas mask, first aid kit, flashlight, distancing binoculars, backpack, and a
hand-held radio.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, four spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, two fragmentation grenades, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: A Hummer, LAV-25, M275 SPAAG, or Bison APC; M-60 machinegun, extra
ammunition, grenades, and other, non-Guard weapons. Note that availability of any item is subject to the commanding officer's
discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the availability of certain items may be extremely limited.
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 1700 credits at the rank of Private; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Communications Tech O.C.C.
The Artemian Guard Communications Tech is a non-commissioned officer, generally starting at the rank of Corporal,
who has been given specialized training in the varied communications systems in use. This is on top of the military training he
has already received. The Communications Tech starts at the rank of Corporal.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, P.P. 10
O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy: American (+25%)
Cryptography (15%)
Electronic Countermeasures (20%)
Laser Communications (5%)
Optic Systems (10%)
Radio: Basic (+20%)
Radio: Scramblers (+15%)
Surveillance Systems (+10%)
TV/Video (+10%)
Electrical Engineer (+20%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Climbing (+5%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+25%)
Advanced Math (+10%)
Computer Operation (+20%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert *
* The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The character can select six "other" skills from the following list, plus an additional two skills at levels 3
and 5, and an additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 15.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any (+10%)
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Any (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any Conventional (+15), Advanced (+5%), or Tank (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: The character can select five secondary skills from the above list, without bonuses, plus one additional
secondary skill at levels 4, 8, and 12.
Standard Equipment: Six work uniforms in woodland camouflage, four sets of work overalls, three dress uniforms, jump boots,
ammunition/utility belt, a suit of Guard body armor, a canteen, air filter and gas mask, flashlight, first aid kit, portable tool kit,
multi-optics helmet, optics band, digital multimeter, portable laser torch and laser wand, hand-held computer, large tool box and
tools, and a hand-held radio.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, four spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, four smoke grenades, six signal flares, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: A Hummer, LAV-25, M275 SPAAG, or Bison APC; M-60 machinegun, extra
ammunition, grenades, and other, non-Guard weapons. Note that availability of any item is subject to the commanding officer's
discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the availability of certain items may be extremely limited.
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 1800 credits at the rank of Corporal; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Field Medic O.C.C.
The Artemian Guard Field Medic are the brave men and women who enter the combat field to bring the wounded to
safety, perform first aid, and in some cases, perform emergency life-saving surgery on the wounded in the middle of combat,
often at the risk of their own lives. All field medics are given basic military training, and are capable of defending themselves in
the heat of combat. However, they are medics first, and soldiers second. Despite this, the sight of a single field medic in the ranks
has brightened many a soldier's day. The starting rank for a field medic is Second Lieutenant.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, P.P. 12
O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy: American (+25%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Field Surgery (+20%)
Medical Doctor (+10%)
Paramedic (+15%)
Pathology (+15%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+15%)
Basic Math (+25%)
Advanced Math (+20%)
Basic Physics (+20%)
Biology (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert *
* The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Field Medic can select an additional eight “other” skills from the list below, plus an additional two
skills at levels 3 and 5, and one additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 15. All new skills start at level 1 proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic only (+10%)
Espionage: None
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: Any (+15%)
Military: Camouflage, NBC Warfare, and Military Etiquette only (+10%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any Conventional (+15), Advanced (+5%), or Tank (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any (+15%)
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: The character can select five secondary skills from the above list, without bonuses, plus one additional
secondary skill at levels 4, 7, 12, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Six work uniforms in woodland camouflage, four sets of work overalls, three dress uniforms, jump boots,
ammunition/utility belt, a suit of Guard body armor, two dozen pair of disposable surgical gloves, a canteen, air filter and gas
mask, flashlight, and a hand-held radio. Medical gear includes a portable medical kit (first aid kit, bandages, antiseptics, aspirin,
painkillers, antibiotics, hypodermic gun, stethoscope, pen flashlight), three RMKs, three IRMSS units, a laser scalpel, portable
compu-drug dispenser, a dozen tubes of protein healing salve, six unbreakable vials, hand-held computer, hand-held blood
pressure machine (computerized), and a surgical kit (includes scalpels, clamps, suture, needles, etc.).
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, two spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, four smoke grenades, six signal flares, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: A Hummer, or other conventional military vehicle (i.e. Jeep or SUV painted military
colors), additional ammunition, and more advanced medical equipment. Note that availability of any item is subject to the
commanding officer's discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the availability of certain items may be extremely
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2500 credits at the rank of Second Lieutenant; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Field Mechanic O.C.C.
The field mechanic is a necessity in the field, where tanks, planes, and helicopters have a tendency to break down, and
get shot at, the most. Like all Guard soldiers, the field mechanic is a dedicated soldier, but one whose specialty is repairing the
gear. The field mechanic is one of the few Artemian Guard O.C.C.s who regularly use energy weapons. The starting rank of a
field mechanic is that of Corporal.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, P.P. 12
O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy: American (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Electrical Engineer (+20%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Aircraft Mechanics (+15%)
Automotive Mechanics (+15%)
Locksmith (+10%)
Mechanical Engineer (+20%)
Weapons Engineer (+20%)
First Aid (+15%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+20%)
Advanced Math (+10%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Energy Pistol
W.P.: Energy Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert *
* The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Field Mechanic can select seven “other” skills at level one, but three must be from Electrical,
Mechanical, or Science. In addition, the Field Mechanic can select an additional skill at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. All new skills
start at level 1 proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Any (+10%)
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Any (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any Conventional (+15), Advanced (+5%), or Tank (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: In addition to the above skills, the Field Mechanic can select four Secondary skills, plus an additional
Secondary at levels 4, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Six work uniforms in woodland camouflage, four sets of work overalls, three dress uniforms, jump boots,
ammunition/utility belt, a suit of Guard body armor, two dozen pair of disposable surgical gloves, a canteen, air filter and gas
mask, flashlight, and a hand-held radio. In addition, the Field Mechanic owns a large tool box and tools, optics band, a handheld
computer, a PDD audio player recorder, laser torch, laser wand, a utility belt for carrying the most commonly used tools, one or
two pocket knives, flashlight, and laser distancer.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, two spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, four smoke grenades, six signal flares, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: A Hummer, or other conventional military vehicle (i.e. Jeep or SUV painted military
colors), additional ammunition, garages, hangars, and more advanced diagnostic equipment. Note that availability of any item is
subject to the commanding officer's discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the availability of certain items may
be extremely limited.
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 1800 credits at the rank of Corporal; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Armored Cavalryman O.C.C.
The Armored Cavalryman is the backbone of the Artemian Guard's Armor Division, being the crews for the tanks,
armored vehicles, and mobile artillery. Not every soldier in the Guard is trained in tank operations, but other O.C.C.s can serve
as tank crewmembers; Field Mechanics are often assigned to tanks, as are Communications Techs. The majority of tank
crewmen, however, are specialists in the operation of the tanks, and can fill any role on the tank, from driver to gunner to
Alignments: Any
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10
O.C.C. Skills:
Literacy: American (+20%)
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Armorer (+10%)
Military Fortification (+10%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+15%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Pilot: Tank & APC (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Heavy
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert *
* The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Armored Cavalryman can select five “other”, skills, plus and additional two skills and one W.P. at
levels 3 and 5, and an additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 14. All new skills start at level 1 proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic and Computer Repair only
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any Conventional (+15), or Advanced (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: In addition to the above skills, the Armored Cavalryman can select four Secondary skills, plus an additional
Secondary at levels 4, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Three work uniforms in woodland camouflage, three dress uniforms, jump boots, ammunition/utility belt,
a suit of Guard body armor, a canteen, air filter and gas mask, first aid kit, flashlight, distancing binoculars, backpack, and a
hand-held radio.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, four spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, two fragmentation grenades, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: Hummer, M-1A4 Abrams, LAV-25 AFV, Bison APC, M270 MLRS, M275 SPAAG,
or M109A7 Paladin. Also available are the M-60 machinegun, additional ammunition, and other, non-Guard weapons. Note that
availability of any item is subject to the commanding officer's discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the
availability of certain items may be extremely limited.
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 1700 credits at the rank of Private; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Fighter Pilot O.C.C.
The Artemian Guard Fighter Pilots are the brave men and women who fly the fighter jets and large cargo planes in the
Guard's inventory. Most of the time, a pilot would specialize in one or two specific fighter jets, but with the new role of the
Guard, many have had to become cross-trained on all the jets. The Fighter Pilot starts at the rank at Second Lieutenant.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, P.P. 12
O.C.C. Skills:
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Pilot: Airplane (+10%)
Pilot: Jet Aircraft (+15%)
Pilot: Jet Fighter (+15%)
Pilot: Jet Fighter Combat: Basic *
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Literacy: American (+20%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert **
* The character can upgrade to Jet Fighter Combat: Elite at the cost of one other skill
** The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Fighter Pilot can select seven “other” skills at level, plus an additional at levels 3 and 5, and one at
levels 8, 11, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic and Computer Repair only
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any (+10%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: In addition to the above skills, the Fighter Pilot can select four Secondary skills, plus an additional Secondary
at levels 4, 8, and 12. All new skills start at level 1 proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Three work uniforms in woodland camouflage, three dress uniforms, jump boots, ammunition/utility belt,
a suit of Guard body armor, a canteen, air filter and gas mask, first aid kit, flashlight, distancing binoculars, backpack, and a
hand-held radio.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, four spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, two fragmentation grenades, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: F/A-18E Super Hornet, F-15 Eagle, F-117 Nighthawk, A-10 Warthog, AV-8B Harrier,
or C-130 Hercules. Also available are additional ammunition, and other, non-Guard weapons. Note that availability of any item
is subject to the commanding officer's discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the availability of certain items may
be extremely limited.
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2500 credits at the rank of Second Lieutenant; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Helicopter Pilot O.C.C.
The Helicopter Pilots are the best pilots among the Guard's crop of pilots. They have to be, for helicopters are tricky
planes, and require the steadiest hand humanly possible. It is the Helicopter Pilot’s job to fly the combat, troop transport, and
cargo helicopters in the Guard’s air fleet. In the past, the Guard pilots used to specialize in one or two helicopters, but with the
new changes in the Guard’s role, most pilots have become cross-trained on all the various models. All Helicopter Pilots start at
the rank of Second Lieutenant.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 10, P.P. 14, P.E. 12
O.C.C. Skills:
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
First Aid (+15%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Pilot: Airplane (+10%)
Pilot: Helicopter (+15%)
Pilot: Jet Fighter Combat: Basic *
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Literacy: American (+20%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert **
* This skill is strictly for using the helicopters in combat, and does not cover any of the jets; the skill has to be taken a
second time to cover the fighter jets. The character can upgrade to Jet Fighter Combat: Elite at the cost of one "other" skill.
** The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Helicopter Pilot can select six “other” skills at level one, plus an additional two skills at levels 3 and
5, and an additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 14. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic and Computer Repair only
Espionage: Any (+10%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any (+10%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: In addition to the skills listed above, the Helicopter Pilot can select four Secondary skills from the list above,
without the listed bonuses. In addition, the Pilot can select an additional skill at levels 4, 9 and 13. All new skills start at level
one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Three work uniforms in woodland camouflage, three dress uniforms, jump boots, ammunition/utility belt,
a suit of Guard body armor, a canteen, air filter and gas mask, first aid kit, flashlight, distancing binoculars, backpack, and a
hand-held radio.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, four spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, two fragmentation grenades, and one other weapon of choice.
Equipment available upon assignment: UH-1 Huey, UH-60 Blackhawk, AH-1S SuperCobra, AH-64 Apache, RAH-66
Commanche, CH-47 Chinook, or CH-54 Tahre Skycrane. Also available are additional ammunition, and other, non-Guard
weapons. Note that availability of any item is subject to the commanding officer's discretion. If the officer does not like the
character(s), the availability of certain items may be extremely limited.
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2500 credits at the rank of Second Lieutenant; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, and usually restricted to medical implants and prosthetics, not augmentation.
Artemian Guard Intelligence Officer O.C.C.
Similar to the Coalition Military Specialist, the Intelligence Officer is a master in the arts of espionage, counterintelligence, and sabotage. He has been trained to infiltrate other organizations, gather any intelligence data, and destroy the
evidence, if need be.
All Intelligence Officers are products of the 20th Century, having been trained at West Point, Annapolis, and Colorado
Springs, among others. Their starting rank is First Lieutenant, and start at second level, rather than first.
Alignments: Any
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 12, M.E. 12, P.S. 12, P.E. 12
O.C.C. Skills:
Radio: Basic (+10%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Intelligence (+20%)
First Aid (+15%)
Pilot: Automobile (+20%)
Read Sensory Equipment (+10%)
Weapon Systems (+15%)
Basic Math (+15%)
Computer Operation (+10%)
Literacy: American (+20%)
W.P.: Automatic Pistol
W.P.: Assault Rifle
W.P.: Energy Pistol
W.P.: Energy Rifle
W.P.: Grenade
W.P.: Knife
Hand to Hand: Expert *
* The character can upgrade to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of 1 "other" skill, or a
martial art form from Ninjas and Superspies at the cost of 2 "other" skills.
O.C.C. Related Skills: The Intelligence Officer can select eight “other” skills at level one, but three must be from Espionage,
Military, or Rogue, plus an additional two skills and a W.P. at levels three and five, and an additional skill at levels 8, 11, and 14.
All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any
Electrical: Basic and Computer Repair only
Espionage: Any (+15%)
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: Paramedic only (+10%)
Military: Any (+15%)
Physical: Any (+5% when appropriate)
Pilot: Any Conventional (+15), or Advanced (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any (+10%)
Rogue: Any (+10%)
Science: Any
Technical: Any (+5%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+5%)
Secondary Skills: In addition to the skills listed above, the Intelligence Officer can select five Secondary skills from the list
above, without the listed bonuses. In addition, the Pilot can select an additional skill at levels 5, 10 and 15. All new skills start at
level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Three work uniforms in woodland camouflage, three dress uniforms, jump boots, ammunition/utility belt,
a suit of Guard body armor, a canteen, air filter and gas mask, first aid kit, flashlight, distancing binoculars, backpack, and a
hand-held radio.
Weapons: Typically, the soldier is issued an M-9 pistol, an M-18 assault rifle, four spare ammo clips for each type of
ammunition, a vibro-knife, a survival knife, two fragmentation grenades, and one other weapon of choice. The Intelligence
Officer is one of the few that are allowed to use non-Guard equipment on a regular basis.
Equipment available upon assignment: Because of the Intelligence Officer’s line of work, almost any item in the Guard
inventory may be available, as well as any non-standard issue items. Note that availability of any item is subject to the
commanding officer's discretion. If the officer does not like the character(s), the availability of certain items may be extremely
Money: The soldier gets a roof over his head, food, clothing, and all other basics provided free as part of his pay, as well as
military facilities. Plus a monthly salary of 2500 credits at the rank of Second Lieutenant; starts off with one month's pay.
Cybernetics: None to start, but unlike most of the Guard personnel, the Intelligence Officer may buy and/or receive cybernetic
enhancements while out in the field.
Weapons and Equipment of the Artemian Guard
M9 Beretta Automatic Pistol
Despite the prevalence of energy weapons, the Artemian Guard has insisted on retaining its inventory of automatic
S.D.C. weapons, mostly because the troops found laser weapons too alien for them. Most of the soldiers preferred weapons with
a "kick" to them; energy weapons were generally regarded as "toy ray guns" by the majority of the troops. To make these ancient
weapons more effective against opponents with M.D.C. armor, the Guard has purchased ramjet rounds from Wellington
Industries in bulk.
The M9 is a 9mm automatic pistol that had been standard issue by the Guard since the 20th Century. Training is usually
conducted with normal ammunition, with the ramjet rounds being issued for field assignments.
Weight: 2.55 lbs. (1.16 kg.)
Damage: 3D6 × 10 S.D.C against "soft" targets, or 1 M.D. against M.D.C. materials using ramjet rounds. A normal 9mm round
does 2D6 S.D.C. damage.
Effective Range: 165 ft. (50 m)
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Payload: 15 round box magazine
Black Market Cost: 300 credits.
M-18 Dual-Barreled Assault Rifle
The successor to the M-16 assault rifle in the early part of the 21st Century, the M-18 assault rifle was derived from the
OICW and is, in fact, two rifles in one. The first barrel is a 5.56mm round with a 30 round clip, the other is a 20mm round in a
six round bullpup clip. While the Guard originally started with this weapon using standard S.D.C. ammunition, a trade agreement
with Wellington Industries has provided the Guard with ramjet ammunition for both types of rounds used. The 20mm clip can
also use Armor-Piercing (AP), High Explosive (HE), or High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT) ammunition.
Weight: 10 lbs. (5.4 kg) fully loaded. Each 5.56mm ammo clip weighs 1 lb. (2.7 kg). Each 20mm clip weighs 2 lbs. (5.4 kg).
Cartridge: 5.56mm in the lower barrel, 20mm in the upper barrel.
Damage: Each round of 5.56mm ramjet ammunition does 3D6 × 10 S.D.C. damage against "soft" targets, or 1 M.D. against
targets made of M.D.C. materials. A controlled burst is 3 bullets, and does 1D4 + 1 M.D. Normal 5.56mm rounds do 2D6 S.D.C.
damage; a controlled burst of 3 rounds does 4D6 S.D.C. damage. The weapon is capable of full automatic in the 5.56mm clip.
Each round of 20mm ramjet ammunition does 3D6 M.D. AP rounds do 5D6 M.D., HE does 3D6 M.D. to a 20 ft. area,
and HEAT does 5D6 M.D. to a 5 foot area. Normal 20mm rounds do 2D6 × 10 S.D.C.
Effective Range: The 5.56mm round has an effective range of 1640 feet (500 m). The 20mm round has an effective range of 2000
feet (610 m).
Rate of Fire: With the 5.56mm rounds: single fire, three-round controlled bursts, or full automatic. With the 20mm: Single shots
Payload: 30 rounds of 5.56mm and 6 rounds of 20mm. Extended clips of up to 100 rounds and 20 rounds respectively may be
available, but increase the weight of the weapon by five pounds each.
Special: A completely modular weapon system with full optics, a video capture and tracking device, and selectable fire control.
Due to it's advanced systems and accuracy this weapon gets a +5 to strike on all shots.
Black Market Cost: 24,000 credits; $12,000 (Note: this is the actual cost of the weapon currently being produced for the US
M-60 General Purpose Machinegun
A holdover from the 20th Century, the M-60 general purpose machinegun is a 7.62mm caliber weapon that uses beltfed ammunition. The Guard continues to use this weapon as a heavy infantry support weapon, despite the fact that the weapon
was considered obsolete when the Guard was formed, having been replaced in many cases with the M249 Squad Automatic
Weapon. A steady supply of ramjet ammunition from Wellington Industries, however, has revitalized this weapon, making it
effective against infantry troops, and even against power armor and robot vehicles. This weapon is slowly being phased out by
newer rail guns purchased from Northern Gun, but remains a favorite among infantry troops.
Weight 23 lbs. (10.5 kg). A 200 round belt weighs 60 lbs. (22.6 kg.)
Cartridge: 7.62mm 51mm
Damage: A burst is 50 rounds, and does 3D6 × 10 S.D.C. for standard ammunition, or 5D6 M.D. for ramjet ammunition. A full
melee burst is the equivalent of four bursts, firing all 200 rounds in the belt, and doing four times the damage listed above.
Effective Range: 3280 feet (1000 m) carried, 5900 feet (1800 m) on tripod.
Rate of Fire: 550 rounds per minute.
Payload: A disintegrating link belt of 200 rounds. It takes a full melee to change a belt.
Black Market Cost: 7,500 credits.
Artemian Guard Battle Armor
Back in the 20th Century, the military forces of the day did not wear armor, as advances in weaponry had not only
made combat a long-range affair, but were also capable of punching through the strongest man-sized armors of the day. Only the
police forces wore armor on a regular basis, and even then the armor was only effective against small-caliber pistol ammunition.
After the Guard awoke from their centuries-long slumber and started scouting out the world they'd awakened to, they
soon realized the need for protective armor. The scout parties brought back samples of the many different types of armor
available. Using these armors as a base, the Guard has developed their own standard issue body armor.
One of the most striking differences between Guard armor and other armors out there is the lack of environmental
features. The armor shares many stylistic features with the Huntsman plate and padded armor, and is designed for easy donning,
and basic protection to the main body and extremities. A helmet similar to that of the Urban Warrior armor has been added; this
design was adopted over other helmets for the good peripheral vision the clear faceplate provides. The Guard armor is typically
painted woodland camouflage. The Guard has debated over releasing this armor to the open market, but has decided against it for
now; they are currently unable to produce the armor in sufficient surpluses to sell it.
M.D.C by Location:
Arms (2) – 20 each
Legs (2) – 30 each
Head/Helmet – 25
Main Body – 50
Weight: 18 lbs. (8 kg)
Fair mobility: -20% movement penalty.
Black Market Cost: Currently not available, would run for about 10,000 credits.
M998 HMMWV (“Hummer”)
The High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), best known as the "Hummer," was designed to replace the aging
U.S. Army Jeep. Basically, it looks like a civilian sport utility vehicle on steroids. The Hummer is an extremely versatile fourwheel drive vehicle, able to mount almost any weapon. The role of the Hummer ranges from troop and cargo transport to
frontline combat to ambulance and everything in between. This is one of the few vehicles the Guard does not normally use
nuclear power in. The Guard also sells these on the open market, touting even new Hummers as Pre-Rifts artifacts, a move which
has put them in direct competition with Golden Age Weaponsmiths. Both GAW and the Guard see this as a friendly competition,
as there is enough of a market for both organizations to make a profit. Headhunters and rogue scientists love 'em.
Note: The pre-Rifts stats for this vehicle are available in The Rifter #8.
Model Type: HMMWV, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Multipurpose Vehicle, 4x4
Crew: One driver, up to ten passengers, depending on configuration.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main Body – 60
Wheels (4) – 3 each.
Speed: 120 mph on a good road. Some Operators and mechanics have been able to "soup up" the engines to go 150 mph.
Maximum Effective Range: 350 miles
Statistical Data:
Height: 6 feet (1.83 m); reducible to 4 feet 6 inches (1.37 m)
Length: 15 feet (4.57 m)
Width: 7 feet 2 inches (2.16 m)
Weight: 5,200 lbs. (2359 kg)
Cargo: can haul 4,400 lbs., including crew and passengers.
Power System: Gasoline or electric.
Black Market Cost: 25,000 credits for the gasoline model, 30,000 for electric. Add cost of weapon to the vehicle.
Variants: M998 cargo/troop carrier without winch; M1038 cargo/troop carrier with winch; M966 TOW missile carrier, basic
armor, without winch; M1036 TOW missile carrier, basic armor, with winch; M1045 TOW missile carrier, supplemental armor,
without winch; M1046 TOW missile carrier, supplemental armor, with winch; M1025 armament carrier, basic armor, without
winch; M1026 armament carrier, basic armor, with winch; M1043 armament carrier, supplemental armor, without winch; M1044
armament carrier, supplemental armor, with winch; M996 mini-ambulance, 2-litter, basic armor; M997 maxi-ambulance, 4-litter,
basic armor; M1035 soft-top ambulance, 2-litter; M1037 S-250 shelter carrier, without winch; M1042 S-250 shelter carrier, with
winch; M1069 tractor for M119 105-mm light gun
Weapon Systems:
Note: Due to the versatility of the Hummer, only the most common weapons are listed here. All are interchangeable, and may be
substituted with any mounted weapon.
1. 30mm Chain Gun: A Pre-Rifts weapon that is still common due to its reliability, and highly effective against S.D.C.
structures. This weapon is standard on all mass market models of the Hummer.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Weight: 1,500 lbs. fully loaded
Damage: 2D6 × 10 S.D.C./hit point damage per round. Some crews have replaced the standard ammunition with Explosive or
Ramjet rounds, allowing the gun to do Mega-Damage.
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Rate of Fire: Fully automatic, can fire up to 100 rounds every melee
Payload: 400 rounds, enough for 4 full-melee bursts
Black Market Cost: 25,000 credits
2. NG-101 Rail Gun: Identical to the model listed on page 226 of the Rifts book.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Weight: Gun: 128 lbs., Power pack: 80 lbs., Ammo-Belt: 25 lbs., Case of six ammo-belts: 160 lbs.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds and inflicts 6D6 M.D., one round does 1D4 M.D.
Effective Range: 4000 feet
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 300 round belt
Black Market Cost: 70,000 credits.
3. Laser Rifle: Any common laser rifle can be mounted.
4. Mini-Missile Launcher: A belt-fed copy of the WI-23 missile launcher, with modifications for mounting the weapon to a
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-vehicle and anti-personnel
Weight: Gun: 14 lbs., Belt of missiles: 20 lbs.
Missile Type: Varies. The most common are Armor Piercing and Plasma
Mega-Damage: Depends on the missile type
Effective Range: 1 mile
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's number of hand to hand attacks
Payload: A belt is 10 mini-missiles
Black Market Cost: 30,000 credits, not counting missile costs.
5. Short-Range Missile Launcher: The modern replacement for the Pre-Rifts TOW missiles.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Weight: 128 lbs.
Missile Type: Varies. The most common are Armor Piercing and Plasma
Mega-Damage: Depends on the missile type
Effective Range: Depends on the missile type, usually 5 miles.
Rate of Fire: One or two at a time.
Payload: Two missiles. Missiles can be reloaded by hand in one melee. Most Hummers with this weapon mounted carry at least
20 missiles.
Black Market Cost: 70,000 credits, not counting missile costs..
M1A4 Abrams MBT
The M1 Abrams MBT was considered the pride of the United States Army. The M1A4 Main Battle Tank is an
improvement over the earlier models initiated by the Guard; all of the M1A2 models in the Guard inventory have been upgraded
to this standard. In addition to refitting the tank with modern M.D.C. armor, and the power plant has been upgraded to a nuclear
plant. The machineguns have been replaced with rail guns purchased from Northern Gun via intermediaries, including the Black
Market. Tank layout is conventional, with the driver front, turret center, and the engine and transmission rear. Some M1A4s
without the nuclear plant have been sold to the Black Market.
Model Type: M1A4 Abrams, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Main Battle Tank
Crew: Four: one driver, one gunner, one loader, and the commander. No room for passengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
Cupola on turret (2) – 75
Main Turret – 300
120mm Cannon – 150
Anti-Aircraft Laser – 25
Anti-Aircraft Rail Gun – 60
Coaxial-Mounted Rail Gun – 25
* Main Body – 500
** Tracked Treads (2) – 75 each
* Depleting the M.D.C. from the main body will shut the tank down completely, rendering it useless
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread will immobilize the tank until it is replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6 × 10
minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by the inexperienced. Changing
a tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
Speed: 65 mph
Maximum Effective Range: 400 miles with a full tank of gas or via electric, commercial models only. The M1A4s in use by the
Guard have an unlimited range using their nuclear plants.
Statistical Data:
Height: 9 feet 5.6 inches (2.885 m)
Length: 25 feet 11.7 inches (7.918 m); 32 feet (9.766 m) with gun forward
Width: 11 feet 8.2 inches (3.653 m)
Weight: 54 tons
Cargo: Minimal storage space, about four feet for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items. Four rifles and three Stinger
missile launchers with five reloads each are stored in a compartment behind the driver's seat.
Power System: Gasoline or electric on mass market models , or nuclear power plant for Guard use.
Black Market Cost: 4 million with gasoline engine, 6 million for electric engine. No nuclear models have made it to the Black
Market, if they did, they would sell for 35 million (lifetime of 10 years).
Weapon Systems:
1. 120mm Cannon: This is the M1A4's main gun. The cannon has a variety of loads, including high explosive (HE), high
explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing, sabot-discarding rounds (APSD). The APSD
round consists of a metal dart that flies at enormous speeds towards the target: it is not as fast as a rail gun, but makes up for it
with the greater mass of the slug.
Since the cannon is built into the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim down to -9 degrees or upwards to 20
degrees. The loader sits on the left of the turret, the gunner and commander on the right.
Primary Purpose: Assault; anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: 3 tons.
Mega-Damage: High Explosive (HE): 2D6 × 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 30 feet, High Explosive Anti-tank (HEAT): 3D6 ×
10 M.D. with a blast radius of 12 feet, Armor Piercing (AP): 1D6 × 10 M.D., and APSD: 2D6 × 10 M.D., neither type of AP
round have a blast radius.
Rate of Fire: 2 per melee round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet for all rounds.
Payload: The tank can carry up to 80 rounds, distribution of ammo type varies depending on mission.
2. Coaxial-Mounted Rail Gun: This rail gun is a copy of the NG-202 Rail Gun. It is mounted beside the main gun, and is used
to shoot infantrymen not worth spending a cannon round to kill. This gun replaces the coaxial-mounted 7.62mm machinegun
mounted on pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: 298 lbs.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.; one round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 4000 feet
Payload: 8000 round box in the turret, equal to 200 bursts.
3. Anti-Aircraft Rail Gun: This is another copy of the NG-202 rail gun, mounted in the commander's cupola, has a 360 degree
rotation of fire, and can elevate 90 degrees to engage aerial targets. The tank commander or gunner usually mans this gun. This
gun replaces the 7.62mm anti-aircraft machinegun found of pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-personnel
Weight: 298 lbs.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.; one round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 4000 feet
Payload: 8000 round drum in the turret, equal to 200 bursts. Up to three drums can be carried on board the tank.
4. Anti-Aircraft Laser Cannon: Also mounted on the turret, and usually manned by either the tank commander or the gunner,
this laser cannon has the same rotation of fire and elevation as the rail gun. It is used to engage aerial targets that are out of range
of the rail gun. The laser can fire single shots, or a three-shot pulse burst. This gun replaces the .50 caliber machinegun found on
pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Defense: anti-personnel
Weight: 12 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 6D6 M.D. per round, or 2D6 × 10 M.D. per three-shot pulse burst.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Payload: On Guard tanks, the laser is tied into the nuclear plant, giving the gun an unlimited payload. On mass market models,
the gun can fire 30 rounds from a long E-clip (10 three-shot pulse bursts) or 12 rounds (4 three-shot bursts) with a short E-Clip.
The gun can also use the Coalition E-Clip Canister, giving the gun an additional 30 rounds or 10 pulse bursts.
5. Smoke Grenade Dispensers (2): Mounted on either side of the main gun on the turret are small smoke grenade launchers. The
dispenser releases a dense cloud of smoke that covers a 40 square foot area in front of the tank.. The dispensers can also use tear
gas grenades.
Payload: Each dispenser carries 6 smoke or tear gas grenades.
The United States Marine Corps used the LAV-25, and a few of them were issued to the Artemian Guard when it was formed.
The Guard preferred the LAV to the other armored vehicles in use at the time, including the M2 Bradley, as it had better armor,
speed, and range. The LAV-25 has since been refit with modern M.D.C. armor, modern weaponry, and nuclear power plants. The
LAV-25 often appears alongside the M1A4 Abrams tanks, giving the tanks much needed mechanized infantry support. The
Guard often fields three LAV-25 AFVs for every M1A4 in the field. The LAV has the driver front left, engine compartment to
the right, two-man power operated turret to the rear, and the troop compartment at far rear. Firing ports are available. The LAV25 is fully amphibious with two propellers located in the rear. Like the M1A4, the Guard has sold a few LAV-25s with gasoline
or electric engines, keeping the nuclear models for themselves.
Model Type: LAV-25, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Light Armored Fighting Vehicle
Crew: Three: driver, gunner, and commander, with a troop complement of 6 in standard body armor.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main Body – 250
Turret – 150
Wheels (8) – 5 each
Rear Hatch – 25
90mm Auto-Cannon – 90
Co-Axial Laser Cannon – 25
Top Hatch – 5
Driver's Hatch – 5
Hatch Rail Gun – 2
Speed: 90 mph
Maximum Effective Range: 300 miles on gasoline and electric engines, unlimited on nuclear power
Statistical Data:
Height: 8 feet 10 inches (2.692 m)
Length: 20 feet 11.7 inches (6.393 m)
Width: 14 feet 9.1 inches (4.499 m)
Weight: 13 tons
Cargo: Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 10 rifles of any type, 4 rocket launchers and 24 minimissiles stored in overhead compartments.
Power System: gasoline, electric, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: One million credits for the basic gasoline-driven vehicle or 1.3 million for the electric model with no infantry
weapons included; add another two million for the weapon systems, good availability. 14 million for nuclear with a 15 year life
and full armaments, almost never available.
Weapon Systems:
1. 90mm Auto-Cannon turret: This is the LAV-25's main gun. The cannon has a variety of loads, including high explosive
(HE), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), armor piercing explosive (AP), and armor piercing sabot-discarding rounds (APSD).
Since the gun is situated in the turret, it can rotate 360 degrees and can aim upwards up to 60 degrees. A gunner inside the turret
compartment controls the gun. Recently, the Guard started experimenting with a 105mm turret, which does one additional die of
damage per round. The LAVs with the 105mm turret are never available on the open market.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Mega-Damage: High-Explosive: 1D4X10 M.D.C. with a blast radius of 20 feet; High-Explosive Anti-Tank: 2D4x10 M.D.C.
with a blast radius of 10 feet; Armor Piercing: 6D6 M.D.C.; Armor Piercing Sabot-Discarding: 1D6x10 M.D.C.
Rate of Fire: A maximum of three rounds per melee
Range: 6000 feet
Payload: 80 rounds, standard mixture is 20 of each type, but this can be changed to meet the mission
2. Coaxial-Mounted Rail Gun: This rail gun is a copy of the NG-202 Rail Gun. It is mounted beside the main gun, and is used
to shoot infantrymen not worth spending a cannon round to kill. This gun replaces the coaxial-mounted 7.62mm machinegun
mounted on pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Weight: 298 lbs.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.; one round does 1D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the hand to hand attacks of the gunner.
Effective Range: 4000 feet
Payload: 8000 round box in the turret, equal to 200 bursts.
3. Hatch Rail Gun: This is a copy of the NG-202 rail gun, and replaces the 7.62mm anti-aircraft machinegun found on pre-Rifts
models. The rail gun is located in the cupola of the turret, has a 360-degree rotation of fire, and can elevate 90 degrees to engage
aerial targets. The LAV commander, driver, or gunner can access and use the gun.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Secondary Purpose: Defense: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.C.. One round does 1D4 M.D.C..
Range: 4000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 9000 rounds, that's equal to 150 bursts. Up to five drums can be carried in the LAV. Reloading the drum takes 15
minutes if done by hand, 5 minutes if done with robots and special equipment.
4. Mini-Missile Launchers (2): Located on the sides of the LAV are two mini-missile launchers. Both launchers carry 6 missiles
each, and are usually controlled by the gunner, but can be fired by the driver or LAV commander. The launchers are usually
outfitted with High Explosive, Fragmentary, or Armor-Piercing missiles, although smoke is sometimes used. The launchers
cannot rotate up or down, forcing them to fire in a straight line from the launcher.
Primary Purpose: Assault: anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Mega-Damage: Depends on missile type.
Rate of Fire: one at a time, or in volleys of 2, 4, 6, or all 12 at once.
Effective Range: up to one mile.
Payload: 12 missiles, 6 in each launcher. Reloading each launcher takes five to ten minutes for an experienced crew, or as much
as half an hour otherwise.
5. Short-Range Missile Launcher (optional): This replaces the 90mm turret, giving the LAV a pair of short-range missile
launchers. The missile launcher has a 360-degree rotation of fire, and can elevate up to 60 degrees, enabling it to fire at lowflying aircraft
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel (Fragmentation missiles), or Anti-Aircraft
Missile Type: Varies, but Fragmentation, Armor Piercing (AP) and Plasma are the most common
Mega-Damage: Varies by missile type
Rate of Fire: One or two missiles at a time.
Range: varies by missile type
Payload: 12 missiles, 6 missiles per launcher.
Bison APC
A variation of the LAV-25, the Bison APC lacks the 90mm turret, and has more room to carry troops. Like the other
Guard vehicles, the Bison has been upgraded to modern standards. The Bison carries 8 troops in the rear compartment, with the
ninth manning the roof-mounted rail gun. The Bison was never fielded by United States troopers, but reserved for the National
Guard. Despite this, it was added to the Guard's inventory instead of the more common yet aging M113A2 APC.
Model Type: Bison APC, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Armored Personnel Carrier
Crew: Two: driver, and commander, with a troop complement of 9 in standard body armor.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main Body – 250
Wheels (8) – 5 each
Rear Hatch – 25
Top Hatch – 5
Driver's Hatch – 5
Hatch Rail Gun – 2
Speed: 90 mph
Maximum Effective Range: 300 miles on gasoline and electric engines, unlimited on nuclear power
Statistical Data:
Height: 7 feet 3 inches (2.21 m.)
Length: 21 feet 2 inches (6.45 m.)
Width: 8 feet 2.4 inches (2.5 m.)
Weight: 13 tons
Cargo: Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; 10 rifles of any type, 4 rocket launchers and 24 minimissiles stored in overhead compartments.
Power System: gasoline, electric, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: One million credits for the basic gasoline-driven vehicle or 1.3 million for the electric model, good
availability. 14 million for nuclear with a 10 year life, almost never available.
Weapon Systems:
1. Hatch Rail Gun: A copy of the NG-202 rail gun, this replaces the 7.62mm machinegun found on Pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.C.. One round does 1D4 M.D.C..
Range: 4000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 8000 rounds, that's equal to 200 bursts. Up to five drums can be carried in the APC. Reloading the drum takes 15
minutes if done by hand, 5 minutes if done with robots and special equipment.
M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
The MLRS is built on a stretched M2 Bradley chassis, and carries a pair of medium-range missile launchers. This was added to
the Artemian Guard inventory despite the objections of many of the factions behind the Guard's formation. The MLRS is usually
stationed several miles away from the front lines, and has their targets indicated by forward observers, scouts and advancing
soldiers radioing the coordinates of enemy targets. The vehicle is helpless against point-blank attacks. Fortunately, the Guard
usually assigns a number of LAVs and/or Bisons to escort them.
Model Type: M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Mobile Artillery
Crew: Three: driver, gunner, and commander
M.D.C. by Location:
Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2) – 150 each.
* Main Body – 200
** Tracked Treads (2) – 90 each
* Depleting the M.D.C. from the main body will shut the tank down completely, rendering it useless
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread will immobilize the tank until it is replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6 × 10
minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by the inexperienced. Changing
a tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
Speed: 42 mph
Maximum Effective Range: 300 miles (438 km) on gasoline and electric engines, unlimited on nuclear power
Statistical Data:
Height: 8 feet 5 inches (2.565 m.)
Length: 22 feet 6 inches (6.858 m)
Width: 9 feet 9 inches (2.972 m)
Weight: 57 tons fully loaded
Cargo: None, all available space is taken by the reloading mechanisms.
Power System: gasoline, electric, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: 4 million for gasoline engine, 6 million for electric. Nuclear is not available to the Black Market. Missile
costs vary from dealer to dealer.
Weapon Systems:
1. Medium-Range Missile Launchers (2): The main armament of the MLRS, these box launchers hold two rows of three
missiles each, giving the MLRS the capability to launch a total of 12 missiles at a time. The launchers have an internal autoloading mechanism that holds 48 additional missiles. The launchers can rotate 360 degrees, and angle up 60 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Artillery
Secondary Purpose: Anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon
Weight: 10 tons
Mega-Damage: varies with missile type. Typically high explosive, HEAT, armor piercing, or plasma.
Rate of Fire: one at a time, or in rippled volleys of 2 through 12. The launcher is automatically reloaded the next melee round,
enabling the MLRS to fire a full volley every other melee.
Effective Range: Depends on missile type, typically 40 miles
Payload: 60 missiles; 12 pre-loaded, and 48 for reloads.
M275 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Guns
The M275 SPAAG (as Guard troops have referred to this vehicle) is strictly a Guard design. Concerned about the
growing numbers of low-altitude attack planes, dragons, sky cycles, and flying wings like the Icarus combat system, the Guard
decided that mobile self-propelled anti-aircraft guns had become a necessity in this new and savage world. The anti-aircraft
missiles were simply unable to home in on such fast, small, and low-flying objects. The number of aerial targets shot down by the
anti-aircraft rail guns on the M1A4s and LAVs further influenced this.
The M275 SPAAG is based on a 4x4 chassis with the engine forward, the driver behind the engine, and the turret rear.
A gunner sits in the turret to fire the guns. The turret has a 360-degree rotation of fire, and can angle upwards to 90 degrees. Like
a lot of the Guard inventory, the Guard has sold gasoline and electric-powered models on the Black Market, touting them as PreRifts artifacts.
Model Type: M275 SPAAG
Class: Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Gun
Crew: Two: driver, and gunner
M.D.C. by Location:
Main Body – 250
Turret – 100
Wheels (4) – 5 each
Side Hatch – 5
30mm Rail Cannon (2) – 65
Speed: 80 mph
Maximum Effective Range: 300 miles on gasoline and electric engines, unlimited on nuclear power
Statistical Data:
Height: 8 feet (2.438 m)
Length: 12 feet (3.658 m)
Width: 8 feet (2.438 m)
Weight: 12 tons
Cargo: Storage space for extra clothing, weapons, and personal items; all other free space is taken up by ammo belts.
Power System: gasoline, electric, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: One million credits for the basic gasoline-driven vehicle or 1.3 million for the electric model, good
availability. 14 million for nuclear with a 10 year life, almost never available.
Weapon Systems:
1. Rail Cannon (2): These guns are located on the turret, with the gunner sitting between them. Both guns are linked to aim and
fire at the same target. The guns can fire 90 degrees upwards, being designed to fire at aerial targets, and the turret has a 360degree rotation, enabling the guns to fire in almost any direction.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Anti-vehicle
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 3D6 × 10 M.D.C.. Cannot fire single rounds.
Range: 6000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 80,000 rounds, that's equal to 2000 bursts.
M109A7 Paladin 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer
This behemoth of a gun is the standard artillery unit of the Artemian Guard, and is usually stationed alongside the MLRS.
Model Type: M109A7 Paladin, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Self-Propelled Howitzer
Crew: Six: one driver, one commander, and four gunners. No room for passengers.
M.D.C. by Location:
Cupola on turret (2) – 75
Main Turret – 300
155mm Rail Cannon – 150
Anti-Aircraft Rail Gun – 60
* Main Body – 500
** Tracked Treads (2) – 75 each
* Depleting the M.D.C. from the main body will shut the tank down completely, rendering it useless
** Depleting the M.D.C. of a tread will immobilize the tank until it is replaced. Replacing a tread will take 1D6 × 10
minutes by a trained crew (2 replacements are carried on board) or three times as long by the inexperienced. Changing
a tread is only possible when the vehicle is not under attack.
Speed: 33.75 mph
Maximum Effective Range: Unlimited.
Statistical Data:
Height: 10 feet 9.1 inches (3.28 m)
Length: 20 feet 3.7 inches (6.19 m) (hull), 29 feet 11 inches (9.12 m) (with gun forward)
Width: 10 feet 4 inches (3.15 m)
Weight: 25 tons
Cargo: Minimal storage space
Power System: Nuclear power plant
Black Market Cost: Not available!
Weapon Systems:
1. 155mm Rail Cannon: This is the primary armament of the Paladin. The primary upgrades to this weapon include a greater
range and accuracy, using the same technologies as the rail gun. The turret has a 360-degree rotation of fire, and the howitzer can
angle up to 75 degrees.
Primary Purpose: Artillery
Secondary Purpose: Anti-vehicle
Mega-Damage: 3D6 × 10 M.D. per round, with a blast radius of 30 feet.
Range: 15 miles
Rate of Fire: Twice per melee
Payload: 36 rounds.
2. Anti-Aircraft Rail Gun: A copy of the NG-202 rail gun, this replaces the 7.62mm machinegun found on Pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.C.. One round does 1D4 M.D.C..
Range: 4000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 8000 rounds, that's equal to 200 bursts.
F/A-18E Super Hornet
An upgrade of the original F/A-18, the Super Hornet is larger, has more wing area and "affordable" stealth features
(making the plane more angled than its predecessor), and is able to carry more armaments than the original models. The plane is
inexpensive, easy to maintain, and a good counterpart to the larger F-15 Eagles. Despite the fact that the Hornet was used only by
the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps, the plane was added to the Guard's inventory instead of the older, more common F-16 Fighting
Note: Due to the plane's stealth capabilities, those attempting to locate the plane on radar or other sensors are at -10% on Read
Sensory Equipment rolls to do so.
Model Type: F/A-18E, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Multi-Role Fighter
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
* Engines (2) – 55 each
* Wings (2) – 100 each
* Tail fins (2) – 55 each
* Horizontal Stabilizers (2) – 20 each
** Cockpit – 20
** Air intakes (2) – 20 each
*** Main body – 120
* The plane can stay aloft with one engine or tail fin damaged, but at a penalty of 50% to speed and maneuverability,
and a -25% to the pilot's skill percentile. Destroying both tail fins or engines, or a single wing means that the plane cannot stay
aloft, and crashes.
** Indicates a small or difficult-to-hit area. All attacks against this area must be a "called shot", and have a penalty of 3 to strike.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the plane.
Speed: Mach 2
Maximum Effective Range: 2000 miles (3336 km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 16 feet (4.8m)
Length: 50 feet 1 in. (18.3m)
Wingspan: 44 feet 8 in. (13.6m)
Weight: 29,965 lbs. ( kg) empty, 84,000 lbs. ( kg) maximum take-off
Cargo: Minimal storage space behind the pilot
Power System: Liquid fuel, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: Not available!
Weapon Systems:
1. Nose Rail Gun: This is the main forward armament of the Super Hornet, replacing the 20mm Vulcan cannon of pre-Rifts
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D., can only fire bursts.
Range: 6000 feet
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 8,000 round internal magazine; that's 200 bursts.
2. Missile Hardpoints (11): The original pre-Rifts Super Hornets had 11 hardpoints, three of which could carry external fuel
tanks. The current Super Hornets have had their hardpoints adapted to carry both short- and medium-range missiles. A standard
payload is two short-range missiles on the wingtip hardpoints, as well as a pair of short-range missiles on the wings, with the rest
being outfitted with medium-range missiles. Any of these can also be outfitted with precision-guided bombs.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-aircraft and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-tank and ground assault.
Missile Type: Varies, although Armor-Piercing and High Explosive are most common.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time.
Payload: 11 missiles or bombs, one per hardpoint.
F-15E Strike Eagle
The premier air superiority fighter of the United States Air Force at the time the Guard was formed, the Eagle was in
the process of being phased out in favor of the newer F-22 Raptor. As such, several Eagles, as well as the Strike Eagle variants,
were able to be “mothballed” into the Guard inventory. While the plane is among the oldest of the planes flown by the Guard,
with refits it is on par with most of the fighter planes used by the Coalition and others. All regular Eagles have been brought up
to the Strike Eagle standard, giving the plane additional ground attack capability. In fact, the Eagle performed admirably against
Mechanoid Wasps during the Mechanoid Invasion.
One recent dogfight between a squad of the Guard's Strike Eagles and a pirate ship's GAW-F14 Super-Tomcats (see
Coalition Navy for details on this fighter) ended in a standstill. The Guard is naturally concerned that the Tomcat has landed in
private hands.
Model Type: F-15E, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Multi-Role Fighter
Crew: Two; one pilot, one weapon systems operator
M.D.C. by Location:
* Engines (2) – 55 each
* Wings (2) – 100 each
* Tail fins (2) – 55 each
* Horizontal Stabilizers (2) – 20 each
** Cockpit – 20
** Air intakes (2) – 20 each
*** Main body – 120
* The plane can stay aloft with one engine or tail fin damaged, but at a penalty of 50% to speed and maneuverability,
and a -25% to the pilot's skill percentile. Destroying both tail fins or engines, or a single wing means that the plane cannot stay
aloft, and crashes.
** Indicates a small or difficult-to-hit area. All attacks against this area must be a "called shot", and have a penalty of 3 to strike.
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the plane.
Speed: Mach 2.5
Maximum Effective Range: classified
Statistical Data:
Height: 18 feet 5 in. (5.6 m)
Length: 63 feet 9 in. (19.4 m)
Wingspan: 42 feet 9 in. (13 m)
Weight: 30,000 lbs. (13,608 kg) empty, 60,000 lbs. (27,216 kg) maximum take-off
Cargo: Minimal storage space behind the pilot
Power System: Liquid fuel, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: Not available!
Weapon Systems:
1. Nose Rail Gun: This is the main forward armament of the Eagle, replacing the 20mm Vulcan cannon of pre-Rifts models.
Primary Purpose: Anti-aircraft and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel Defense
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D., can only fire bursts.
Range: 6000 feet
Rate of Fire: Standard
Payload: 8,000 round internal magazine; that's 200 bursts.
2. Hardpoints (13): The Eagle has thirteen hardpoints, capable of carrying either short-range or medium-range missiles, or
precision-guided bombs. Standard loadout is four short-range missiles, four medium-range missiles, and five precision-guided
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-aircraft and anti-dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-tank and ground assault.
Missile Type: Varies, although Armor-Piercing and High Explosive are most common.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time.
Payload: Thirteen missiles or bombs, one per hardpoint.
F-117 Nighthawk
Developed in the early 1980s, the Nighthawk had been flying for six years before the American Empire even
acknowledged its existence. The plane is designed with a low profile, making it nearly invisible to both advanced sensors and the
naked eye while in flight. Most people outside the Guard, even those living in Guard-controlled areas, don't know that the Guard
even has this plane. This plane rarely sees active service due to the Guard's extremely limited supply (they currently have only
two of these planes).
Note: Due to the plane's stealth capabilities, those attempting to locate the plane on radar or other sensors are at -40% on Read
Sensory Equipment rolls to do so.
Model Type: F-117, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Tactical Stealth Bomber
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
Engines (2) – 50 each
Wings (2) – 90 each
Tail fins (2) – 50 each
Horizontal Stabilizers (2) – 20 each
* Cockpit – 20
* Air intakes (2) – 20 each
* Internal Missile Bay – 10
** Main body – 100
* Indicates a small or difficult-to-hit area. All attacks against this area must be a "called shot", and have a penalty of -3
to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the plane.
Speed: 646 mph (1040 kph)
Maximum Effective Range: 2446 miles (1112 km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 12 feet 5 in. (3.8m)
Length: 65 feet 11 in. (20.1m)
Wingspan: 43 feet 4 in. (13.2m)
Weight: 30,000 lbs. (13,608 kg) empty, 52,500 lbs. (23,814 kg) maximum take-off
Cargo: Minimal storage space behind the pilot
Power System: Liquid fuel, or nuclear
Black Market Cost: Not available!
Weapon Systems:
1. Internal Weapons Bay: Instead of carrying missiles on hardpoints, the Nighthawk carries bombs and missiles in a single
weapons bay on the underside of the plane. Both short- and medium-range missiles can be carried, as well as conventional bombs
(same type payloads as medium-range missiles).
Primary Purpose: Strategic Bombing
Secondary Purpose: Defense: Anti-aircraft
Missile Type: Varies, although Armor-Piercing and High Explosive are most common.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time.
Payload: 10 short-range missiles, or 5 medium-range missiles, or any combination trading one medium-range missile for two
short-range missiles. Or 10 laser-guided bombs.
A-10 Warthog
The Thunderbolt, better known as the "Warthog", is a take-no-nonsense jet fighter designed for close-air support of
ground forces. The armaments on this plane were designed specifically for taking out ground installations. The plane is designed
with the pilot sitting in a titanium "bathtub" which deflected any fire under 23mm. The Guard has since upgraded this to a
reinforced pilot's compartment made of M.D.C. materials. In addition, the plane has the pilot sitting farther forward than most
fighter jets, with twin engines located near the rear of the plane, looking as if they'd been added as an afterthought. However, the
placement of the engines, as well as the amount of armor covering them, makes them better protected from ground fire than most
planes' engines. This is one of the few planes that the Guard has sold on the Black Market. For obvious reasons, the Coalition has
come to hate these planes, as the planes can stay aloft even having taken massive damage.
Note: The pre-Rifts stats for this plane are available in The Rifter #8.
Model Type: A-10, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Close-Air Support Aircraft
Crew: One pilot
M.D.C. by Location:
* Engines (2) – 170 each
Wings (2) – 220 each
* Tail fins (2) – 160 each
* Cockpit canopy – 140
** Main Body – 300
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment – 200
* Indicates a small or difficult-to-hit area. All attacks against this area must be a "called shot", and have a penalty of -3
to strike.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the plane.
Note: The Warthog can stay aloft with only one working engine and while missing large portions of its tail and/or a
wing. While so severely damaged, all piloting rolls are made at -25%.
Speed: 449 mph (722 kph)
Maximum Effective Range: 4400 miles (2000 km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 14 feet 8 in. (4.47m)
Length: 53 feet 4 in. (16.26m)
Wingspan: 57 feet 6 in. (17.53m)
Weight: 23,370 lbs. (10,710 kg) empty, 47,400 lbs. (25,500 kg) maximum take-off
Cargo: Minimal storage space behind the pilot
Power System: Liquid fuel, or nuclear.
Black Market Cost: 3 million for the liquid fuel with a full payload, nuclear is not available on the Black Market.
Weapon Systems:
1. GAU-8/B Seven-Barreled Rotary Rail Gun: This replaces the old 30mm GAU-8/A cannon found on pre-Rifts Warthogs.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-tank, anti-robot, and anti-dragon
Secondary Purpose: Defense: Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: A burst is 20 rounds, and does 2D6 × 10 M.D.
Range: 12,000 feet
Rate of Fire: Bursts only.
Payload: 2,000 rounds (100 bursts)
2. Missile Hardpoints (11): The original pre-Rifts Warthogs had 11 hardpoints for carrying bombs and missiles, three of which
could carry external fuel tanks. The current Warthogs have had their hardpoints adapted to carry both short- and medium-range
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-tank and ground assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-aircraft
Missile Type: Varies, although Armor-Piercing and High Explosive are most common.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time.
Payload: Payload will vary, although a standard payload is 4 short-range missiles on the outer hardpoints of the wings, 6
medium-range missiles in sets of three on the inner wing hardpoints, 3 cluster bombs on the fuselage hardpoint, and a single
precision-guided bomb on each of the remaining hardpoints. The precision-guided bombs can be replaced with either minimissile launchers or short-range missiles, and can be treated as medium-range missiles without the rocket engines.
AV-8B Harrier
The Harrier, used by the United States Marine Corps, as well as the British and Indian Navies, was the pre-Rifts world's
foremost VTOL jet, able to hover in place, take off from helicopter pads and fields with no need for a runway. Because of its
versatility, it was added to the Guard's inventory at great expense. The Harrier is often deployed alongside the Warthogs; both
planes have the same basic mission profile. While some pre-Rifts Harriers have been uncovered in other storehouses, the Guard's
upgraded Harriers are not available on the Black Market.
Model: AV-8B, Artemian Guard refit
Class: SVTOL Attack Aircraft
Crew: One
M.D.C. by Location:
Engines (2) – 55 each
Wings (2) – 100 each
Tail fins (2) – 55 each
Horizontal Stabilizers (2) – 30 each
Cockpit – 30
Air intakes (2) – 20 each
* VTOL thrust vectors (4) – 10
** Main body – 120
* an extremely small target, requiring a called shot at a -3 to strike. The Harrier can still hover with one jet on each side
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the plane.
Speed: 661 mph (1065 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 11 feet 7 in. (3.55 m)
Wingspan: 30 feet 4 in. (9.25 m)
Length: 47 feet 9 in. (14.55 m)
Weight: Empty: 14,680 lbs. (6,740 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 31,000 lbs. (14,061 kg)
Cargo: None.
Power Plant: Nuclear.
Black Market Cost: Not available.
Weapon Systems:
1. Rail Gun: This replaces the 25mm cannon found on pre-Rifts Harriers. A pair of Harriers hovering near the edge of a battle
zone can wipe out an entire regiment of infantry troopers in under a minute.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Aircraft, Anti-Tank and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Defense and Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.; can only fire bursts.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 8,000 round internal magazine, that's 200 bursts.
2. Missile Hardpoints (9): The Harrier has nine missile hardpoints, four of which on pre-Rifts liquid fuel models can carry
external fuel tanks. The hardpoints can carry short- or medium-range missiles, or precision-guided bombs. Each wing has four
hardpoints, the ninth is on the fuselage between the wings. Usually, the outer hardpoints carry a pair of short-range missiles each,
the two middle hardpoints on the wings carry medium-range missiles, with the other three hardpoints carrying the bombs.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Tank, Anti-Structure, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft and Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. For the bombs, use the same types and damage as medium-range missiles, but triple the
blast radius.
Rate of Fire: One at a time for the missiles, the bombs can be released one at a time, or in volleys of three.
Effective Range: 10 miles for short-range missiles, 50 miles for the medium-range missiles, half a mile for the bombs.
Payload: Two short-range, one medium-range, or three bombs per hardpoint.
UH-1N Twin Huey
The successor to the Vietnam era Huey, the newer Twin Huey features two engines, and room for more passengers.
The appeal of this helicopter as a pre-Rifts vehicle means that this is one of the few aircraft that gets more use by the general
public than by the Guard. Several of these helicopters were made available to the Guard, most of which have been upgraded to
modern standards and sold on the open market.
Model: UH-1N, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Medium-lift utility helicopter
Crew: Two: one pilot, one copilot. Often, two of the passengers will man the door guns.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 120
Tail Fin – 40
Engines (2) – 30
Rotor blades (2) – 15
Cargo doors (2) – 50
Tail rotor – 35
Landing skids – 50
Speed: 115 mph (185 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 14 feet 10 in. (4.5 m)
Rotor Diameter: 48 feet 2 in. (14.7 m)
Width: 9 feet 5 inches (3.8 m)
Length: 42 feet 4 in. (12.9 m)
Weight: Empty: 5997 lbs. (2,720 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 11,200 lbs. (5,080 kg)
Cargo: 14 passengers, or 5000 lbs. (2268 kg) of cargo.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: One million credits.
Weapon Systems:
1. Door-Mounted Rail Guns (2): These are simply NG-202 rail guns, mounted in the doorways for defending the helicopter and
its cargo.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.C.. One round does 1D4 M.D.C..
Range: 4000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 2000 rounds, that's equal to 50 bursts. Up to four drums can be carried in the helicopter. Reloading the drum takes 15
minutes if done by hand, 5 minutes if done with robots and special equipment.
UH-60 Blackhawk
The Blackhawk is the Army’s front-line utility helicopter used for air assault, air cavalry, and aeromedical evacuation units. It is
designed to carry 11 combat-loaded, air assault troops, and it is capable of moving a 105-millimeter howitzer and 30 rounds of
The Guard hasn't sold as many of these as they have the Huey. The reasons for this are twofold. First, the Huey is the
more recognizable aircraft, even in the Post Apocalyptic Age. Second, the Blackhawk is more effective in its varied roles than
the Huey, and the Guard has reserved the use of the Blackhawks for themselves.
Model: UH-60, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Utility helicopter
Crew: Two: one pilot, co-pilot.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 135
Tail fin – 45
Engines (2) – 30
Rotor blades (4) – 10
Tail rotor – 35
Landing gear (3) – 10
Statistical Data:
Height: 16 ft. 10 in (5.1 m)
Rotor Diameter: 53 ft 8 in. (16.4 m)
Width: 7 feet, 9 inches (2.9 m)
Length: 50 ft. (15.3 m)
Weight: Empty: 11,284 lbs. (5,118 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 20,250 (9,185 kg)
Cargo: 14 troops, plus two crewmen manning the door guns.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: One million credits.
Weapon Systems:
1. Door-Mounted Rail Guns (2): These are simply NG-202 rail guns, mounted in the doorways for defending the helicopter and
its cargo.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-personnel and anti-vehicle
Mega-Damage: A burst is 40 rounds and inflicts 1D4 × 10 M.D.C.. One round does 1D4 M.D.C..
Range: 4000 feet
Rate of Fire: Equal to the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Payload: 2000 rounds, that's equal to 50 bursts. Up to four drums can be carried in the helicopter. Reloading the drum takes 15
minutes if done by hand, 5 minutes if done with robots and special equipment.
AH-1 SuperCobra
Originally designed as an escort helicopter for the Hueys, the Cobra had undergone a number of enhancements,
eventually earning the designation SuperCobra. The Guard has sold a number of these on the open market to many mercenary
units. The helicopter is easy to maintain, carries a number of weapons, and its slim profile enables it to pass through areas other
helicopters cannot.
Model: AH-1W, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Attack and escort helicopter
Crew: Two: one pilot, one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 140
Tail fin – 50
Engines (2) – 40
Rotor blades (2) – 15
Tail rotor – 45
Landing skids – 50
Speed: 115 mph (185 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 13 feet 6 in. (4.1 m)
Rotor Diameter: 48 feet (14.6 m)
Width: 10 feet 9 in. (3.28 m)
Length: 45 feet 6 in. (13.9 m)
Weight: Empty: 10,200 lbs. (20,943 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 14,750 lbs. (6,690 kg)
Cargo: None.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: Two million credits for the helicopter with no weapon systems, add another two million for the weapon
Weapon Systems:
1. Nose Rail Gun: This replaces the 20mm cannon on the pre-Rifts Cobras.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds, and does 1D4 × 10 M.D., a single round does 1D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 3000 rounds, that's 100 bursts.
2. Mini-Missile Pods (2): These replace the rocket pods normally found on pre-Rifts Cobras.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies, but normally High Explosive, Armor-Piercing, or Fragmentation, depending on the mission and expected
Mega-Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, or 10, or all 20.
Effective Range: Up to a mile.
Payload: 10 mini-missiles per pod, 20 total.
3. Short-Range Missiles (4): The SuperCobra used by the Guard have had the pre-Rifts TOW missiles replaced with four shortrange missiles.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies, but normally High Explosive, Armor-Piercing, or Fragmentation, depending on the mission and expected
Mega-Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2.
Effective Range: Up to 5 miles.
Payload: 4 missiles.
AH-64 Apache
The foremost attack helicopter of the early 21st Century American Empire, the Apache has the ability to rapidly detect,
classify, prioritize and engage stationary or moving enemy targets at standoff ranges in nearly all weather environments. This
has made it a prized addition to the Guard inventory, so much so that they have not released it to the Black Market.
Model: AH-64, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Attack helicopter
Crew: Two: one pilot, one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 160
Tail fin – 55
Engines (2) – 45
Rotor blades (4) – 15
Tail rotor – 50
Landing gear (3) – 15
Speed: 227 mph (328 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 12 ft. 7 inches (3.8 m)
Rotor Diameter: 48 feet (14.6 m)
Width: 17 ft. 2 in. (5.23m)
Length: 51 feet (15.5 m)
Weight: Empty: 11,387 lbs. (5,165 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 21,000 lbs. (9,525 kg)
Cargo: None.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: Not available.
Weapon Systems:
1. Nose Rail Gun: This replaces the 30mm cannon found on pre-Rifts Apaches.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds, and does 1D4 × 10 M.D., a single round does 1D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 3000 rounds, that's 100 bursts.
2. Mini-Missile Pods (2): These replace the rocket pods typically found on pre-Rifts Apaches.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies, but normally High Explosive, Armor-Piercing, or Fragmentation, depending on the mission and expected
Mega-Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2, 3, 4, 7, or all 14.
Effective Range: Up to a mile.
Payload: 7 mini-missiles per pod, 14 total.
3. Short-Range Missiles (8): These have replaced the TOW, Sidewinder, and Hellfire missiles found on pre-Rifts Apaches.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies, but normally High Explosive, Armor-Piercing, or Fragmentation, depending on the mission and expected
Mega-Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2 or 4.
Effective Range: Up to 5 miles.
Payload: 8 missiles.
RAH-66 Commanche
The first stealth helicopter, the Commanche's fuselage is angled, to provide greater radar dispersion. In addition, the
weapon stations were designed to retract into the fuselage, further reducing the plane's radar signature. The Commanche is
designed for nap-of-the-earth flying in all weathers, including night flying. The pilots typically have passive nightsights built
into their helmets. The unique rotor design reduces noise, giving the Commanche that much more added stealth capability. The
Guard has refused to sell this plane to the Black Market, reserving it for their own use.
Note: Due to the Commanche's stealth capabilities, those attempting to locate the helicopter on radar or other sensors are at –35%
on Read Sensory Equipment rolls to do so.
Model: RAH-66, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Reconnaissance and attack helicopter
Crew: Two: one pilot, one gunner.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 130
Tail fin – 45
Engines (2) – 35
Rotor blades (5) – 10
Tail rotor – 40
Landing gear (3) – 10
Speed: 204 mph (328 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 11 feet 1 in. (13.2 m)
Rotor Diameter: 39 feet (11.9 m)
Width: 6 feet 10 inches (2.04 m)
Length: 42 feet 4 in. (13.2 m)
Weight: Empty: 7,749 lbs. (3,515 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 10,112 lbs. (4587 kg)
Cargo: None.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: Not available.
Weapon Systems:
Note that all weapon systems retract into the fuselage when not in use.
1. Nose Rail Gun: This replaces the 20mm cannon housed in the nose of pre-Rifts Commanches.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds, and does 1D4 × 10 M.D., a single round does 1D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 3000 rounds, that's 100 bursts.
2. Short-Range Missiles (8):
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies, but normally High Explosive, Armor-Piercing, or Fragmentation, depending on the mission and expected
Mega-Damage: Varies by Missile Type
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or volleys of 2 or 4.
Effective Range: Up to 5 miles.
Payload: 4 missiles on each side, 8 total
C-130 Hercules
The Hercules is one of the most versatile cargo aircraft ever produced. Before the Rifts came, there were over 70
variants in service in nations all over the world. The C-130 has been seen outfitted with pontoons for amphibious landings or skis
for arctic operations; it can carry troops, supplies, electronic countermeasures, fuel for in-flight refueling, advanced sensors, and
even rail guns and medium-range missiles in the gunship role. The Guard has sold several of these on the open market, they are
quite popular among merchants and mercenaries alike.
Note: Stats for pre-Rifts C-130s can be found in The Rifter #8.
Model: C-130, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Medium-lift Transport Aircraft
Crew: Four: two pilots, flight engineer, and navigator. Others may be added, depending on mission.
M.D.C. by Location: (Stats in parentheses are the M.D.C. for the AC-130 variant)
Wings (2) – 200 (300)
Tail Fin – 100 (150)
Horizontal stabilizers (2) – 80 (120)
Engines (4) – 120 (200)
Rear Cargo Bay Door – 70 (140)
Main Body – 450 (670)
Speed: 374 mph (1065 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 38 feet 3 in. (11.7 m)
Wingspan: 132 feet 7 in. (40.4 m)
Length: 97 feet 9 in. (29.8 m)
Weight: Empty: 76,469 lbs. (34, 686 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 155,000 lbs. (70,310 kg)
Cargo: Room for 92 troops, 64 power armor troopers, 74 medical stretchers, or a pair of LAV-25s or Bison APCs, or see Weapon
Systems below.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel or nuclear.
Black Market Cost: 20 million for the liquid fuel variant, nuclear is not available to the Black Market.
Weapon Systems:
Note: The following weapon systems are applicable only on the AC-130 gunship variant. All the guns are on the left side.
1. 120mm Auto-Cannon: This replaces the 105mm Howitzer on the pre-Rifts AC-130s. The gun fires High Explosive (HE),
High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT), Armor-Piercing (AP), or Armor-Piercing Sabot-Discarding (APSD) rounds.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: High Explosive (HE): 1D6 × 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 20 feet (6.1 m); High Explosive Anti-Tank (HEAT):
2D6 × 10 M.D. with a blast radius of 10 feet (3 m); AP: 1D4 × 10 M.D.; APSD: 2D4 × 10 M.D. Neither AP nor APSD have a
blast radius.
Rate of Fire: A maximum of two rounds per melee regardless of the gunner's hand to hand attacks.
Effective Range: 6,000 feet
Payload: 40 rounds of each type.
2. Primary Rail Gun: This replaces the 40mm Bofors cannon found on pre-Rifts AC-130s.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds, and does 2D4 × 10 M.D., can only fire bursts.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 3000 rounds, that's 100 bursts.
3. Secondary Rail Guns (2): This is a copy of the NG-101 rail gun found on page 226 of Rifts, and replaces the 25mm GAU12U cannon found on pre-Rifts AC-130s.
Primary Purpose: Assault: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Personnel.
Mega-Damage: A burst is 30 rounds, and does 1D4 × 10 M.D., a single round does 1D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard
Effective Range: 4,000 feet
Payload: 3000 rounds, that's 100 bursts.
4. Short-Range Missile Bay: This replaces the Hellfire missiles found on pre-Rifts AC-130s.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Tank, Anti-Robot, and Anti-Dragon.
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Structure and Anti-Personnel.
Missile Type: Varies.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of 2 or 3.
Effective Range: 10 miles
Payload: 15 missiles.
5. Hardpoints: The C-130 has two hardpoints on each wing for carrying external fuel tanks. Some mercenary units have
mounted missiles on the hardpoints. Treat as medium-range missiles.
CH-47 Chinook
One of the few dual-rotor helicopters in existence, the Chinook has had a long and illustrious career in the Army as one
of their primary transport helicopters. This helicopter serves as battlefield transport of troops, tanks, armored vehicles, and as a
medical evacuation transport. A few have even been outfitted with fuel tanks in the cargo bay, and a refueling boom for mid-air
refueling. The Guard has sold a few of these on the open market. They are popular with adventurers, rogue scientists, and
mercenary units alike.
Model: CH-47, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Cargo helicopter
Crew: Three: two pilots, crew chief.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 200
Rear cargo door/ramp – 75
Engines (2) – 45
Rotor blades (6, 3 per rotor) – 15
Landing gear (4) – 15
Speed: 177 mph (285 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 18 feet., 11 inches (5.8 m)
Rotor Diameter: 60 feet (18.3 m) each
Width: 15 feet 8 inches (4.8 m)
Length: 51 feet (15.5m)
Weight: Empty: 26,918 lbs. (12,210 kg); Maximum Take-Off: 54,000 lbs. (24,494 kg)
Cargo: A large cargo bay able to accommodate 2 tanks, or 55 troops, or 24 stretchers. Can also carry a large, heavy load
underneath it on a pallet.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: 1.5 million credits.
Weapon Systems: None standard, although some Black Market models do come with various weapons mounted.
CH-54 Tahre Skycrane
The Skycrane is unique among cargo helicopters in that it does not have a cargo area. Instead, the Skycrane was
designed to carry cargo pods or other underslung loads. These pods can carry anything from troops, to mineral ore, to other
manufactured goods. The Guard usually uses these for transporting goods than for combat use.
Model: CH-54, Artemian Guard refit
Class: Cargo helicopter
Crew: Two pilots. There is room in the cockpit for a third person, who can serve as a relief pilot.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main body – 20
Cockpit – 40
Wings (2) – 20
Engines (2) – 45
Rotor blades (6) – 15
Tail rotor – 30
Landing gear (3) – 15
Cargo pod – 60
Note: Due to the Skycrane’s design, any incoming fire is more likely to hit the cargo pod than it is the main body of the
helicopter. When carrying a cargo load, the main body should be a called shot with a –1 to strike.
Speed: 177 mph (285 kph)
Statistical Data:
Height: 25 feet, 5 inches (7.7 m)
Rotor Diameter: 72 feet (21.9 m)
Width: 11 feet (3.35m)
Length: 70 feet 3 inches (21.4 m)
Weight: Empty: lbs. ( kg); Maximum Take-Off: lbs. ( kg)
Cargo: 20,000 lbs. (9072 kg) in underslung cargo pods.
Power Plant: Liquid fuel.
Black Market Cost: 1.5 million credits for the helicopter; cargo pods cost 10,000 credits each.
Weapon Systems: None standard, although some Black Market models do come with various weapons mounted.
Three Mile Island
Population: 800
Racial Breakdown:
44% Humans
47% Assorted D-Bees
9% Psi-Stalkers
1 Alien Intelligence
Average Transient Population: 3D6x10 at any given time.
Technology Level: Medium, early Industrial Age level.
Terrain: A three miles long island situated on a river between low, rolling hills.
During the late 20th Century, the worst nuclear disaster of old American Empire occurred at the nuclear power plant at
Three Mile Island. Due to a circuitry glitch, one of the nuclear reactors (Reactor #3) failed to shut down when the coolant levels
dropped below a safe level. This led to a nuclear "meltdown". Thankfully, the reactor containment casings performed beyond
expectations, containing the meltdown, and no radiation was released to the environment.
What the reactor builders were unaware of was that the Three Mile Island nuclear facility was built on a system of ley
lines that crisscrossed the island. All three reactors were built on ley line nexuses. Some Nuclear Priests have speculated that this
was intentional, and that the meltdown in Reactor #3 was due to the nexus' influence. Surprisingly, at least to most people, after
the ley lines flared, very little radiation leaked out, and what radiation did leak has since dissipated. This is due to the design of
the reactors, which is detailed in the illustration below. What the illustration doesn't show is the twelve layers in the reactor
casing, which are alternating, one foot thick layers of steel, concrete, and lead. The casing itself has between 3,000 and 5,000
When the ley lines flared, a rift opened up inside the containment casing of Reactor #3, depositing an Alien Intelligence
inside the casing. Due to the still radioactive insides of the reactor casing, this Intelligence has been unable to heal the damage
inflicted by the radiation, and has become radioactive itself. The Intelligence knows this, and has not attempted to leave the
casing via dimensional rift. This Intelligence was of a surprisingly good alignment before coming to Rifts Earth. Due to its
entrapment, it has slowly gone insane, dropping from Scrupulous, to Unprincipled, and recently to Anarchist alignment. Only the
presence of the Nuclear Priests have prevented it from slipping into evil.
The T.M.I. Intelligence
NPC Alien Intelligence
Most Alien Intelligences are of evil alignments – Miscreant, Aberrant, or Diabolic. However, one in every thousand is
of a good alignment. Such is the case of the Three Mile Island Intelligence. This Intelligence had spent several hundred years
mentoring and organizing hero groups and freedom fighters in other dimensions and galaxies, mostly against other Intelligences,
including Vampire Intelligences and Splugorth, among others. However, it recently grew bored being the mentor and organizer,
and wanted to take a more active stance against its enemies. So, when it detected the presence of several other Intelligences on
Rifts Earth, it opened up a Rift, and traveled there.
However, the Rift it had opened deposited the Intelligence inside the reactor casing of one of the Three Mile Island
nuclear reactors; specifically, the reactor known as #3, which had suffered a meltdown in the late 20th Century, and was still
flooded with radioactivity. In trying to flee back through the Rift, the Intelligence lost part of a tentacle as the Rift closed.
Trapped in the reactor casing, half-submerged in radioactive water, and injured, with the radiation acting against its supernatural
healing abilities, the Intelligence has slowly gone insane.
However, while insane, the Intelligence has been able to communicate with the enclave of Nuclear Priests (see below)
that call the island home. It has been the presence of the Priests that has prevented the Intelligence from slipping further into
insanity, and have even helped stabilize the Intelligence’s sanity to the point where it is again coherent.
Statistical Data of Note:
R.C.C. and Level of Experience: 13th level Alien Intelligence
Alignment: Anarchist, was Scrupulous, then Unprincipled. Still has Unprincipled leanings.
Attributes: I.Q. 20, M.E. 23, M.A. 28, P.S. 43, P.P. 25, P.E. 29, P.B.5 , Spd. 30
M.D.C.: 70,000 when fully healed, currently around 30,000
P.P.E.: 13,000
I.S.P.: 6000
H.F.: 13
Natural Abilities: Bio-regenerates 1D6 × 10 M.D.C. per minute, complete regeneration of a tentacle within 24 hours. Can create
as many as fifty essence fragments, possess animals, essence fragment can metamorphose at will into a humanoid form for an
unlimited duration, metamorphose at will into animal form, turn 1D6 × 100 dead at will for a duration of 24 hours, healing touch
restores 1D6 × 10 hit points, S.D.C., and/or M.D.C., summon 4D6 lesser demons twice daily, summon 6D6 lesser deevils three
times daily. Note that the regenerative abilities are currently negated due to the radioactive environment of the reactor core he’s
living in.
Skills of Note: Speak and understand all languages, literate in (select 9), demon lore and magic lore (88%).
Magic: Knows all wizard spells, including underwater and nuclear magic spells, at 13th level proficiency. Opponents need a 16
or better to save. Also knows Diabolism at a 6th level proficiency.
Psionics: Possesses all sensitive and healing powers, plus Bio-Manipulation, Super-Telekinesis, Electrokinesis, Hydrokinesis,
and Pyrokinesis.
Vulnerabilities: Rune, holy, and other magic weapons, as well as magic spells, circles, and attacks from creatures of magic, do
double damage; psionics do full damage, as do Mega-Damage and silver-plated weapons. Vulnerable to sunlight; magic power
and effective experience is halved, M.D.C. and vision is reduced by a third. Wands, staves, and weapons created from
Millennium Trees inflict triple damage. Radiation prevents Bio-Regeneration.
Combat: 14 attacks per melee by hand to hand and/or psionics, or 4 spell attacks per melee.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +4 to pull punch, +3 to roll with impact, +12 to save vs. Horror Factor, +4 to all saving throws
Allies: Several heroes, warriors, and adventurers across the Megaverse, in addition to the enclave of Nuclear Priests residing on
Three Mile Island.
Enemies: All other Alien Intelligences, including the Splugorth, Vampire Intelligences, and the Old Ones. It is rumored that he
fought alongside the ancient heroes who put the Old Ones in their enchanted slumber.
Habitat: Currently, the Intelligence is trapped in the radioactive core of a 20th Century nuclear reactor casing. The Intelligence
is now unable to live outside the nuclear reactor without spreading the radiation with him, which he refuses to do.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition: Fortunately for the Intelligence, the Coalition has no idea that the Intelligence exists.
Nuclear Priests: The one group that has had the most contact with the Intelligence. The Intelligence is on very good terms with
most of the higher-level Priests in the area.
The Artemian Guard: The only other group to know of the Intelligence’s existence, mostly from their own Intelligence
gathered during the Mechanoid Invasion. As of right now, the Guard doesn’t know what to do about the Intelligence. On the one
hand, it has made no hostile moves towards any of the people in the region. On the other hand, they know that the Intelligence is
a supernatural entity, something that makes them nervous.
All others: To date, no other groups have had contact with the Intelligence.
Nuclear Priest O.C.C.
By Will Keith
After the Coming of the Rifts, those who had knowledge of the terrible weapons which had destroyed the world nuclear devices, and to a lesser extent the other high-technology weapons and tools which had been employed - were sometimes
persecuted as the bearers of the new horror that had overtaken the Earth. Physicists, engineers, and teachers fled into the hostile
wilderness, where they sought out people who would accept them, often others like themselves. They banded together, sorrowing
at the darkness that had befallen the world and holding desperately to the belief that their knowledge was itself valuable, that if
mankind was to climb out of the depths and yet avoid the same disaster, knowledge of their science must be disseminated and
understood instead of feared. They taught their children the old sciences, and taught them to teach as well.
In the aftermath of the Coming of the Rifts, new energies and powers revealed themselves to humanity, and the new
Priests and Magicians that walked the world sought to join forces with the scientists and their specialized knowledge. Some of
the scientists eagerly sought to study these new phenomena; others preferred to keep their science purely grounded in the natural
world of their fathers. The latter went away to nations where the old knowledge was being welcomed once more. The former
joined with the Techno-Wizards and the worshipers to become the core of what would evolve into the Nuclear Priests, fusing a
relentlessly scientific viewpoint with admittance and acceptance of the new powers in the world.
Theology of the Nuclear Priests:
The Nuclear Priests venerate, but for the most part do not worship, the fundamental Forces of the Universe. They
divide these into the Natural Forces (the standard model of pre-Rifts times) - Gravity, the Weak Nuclear Force, the Strong
Nuclear Force, and Electromagnetism - and the Supernatural Forces: Magic, Mind, and Godhead. The properties and interactions
of these Forces have certain explicit characteristics:
1. They are understandable. Humankind has the ability to learn about and understand the Forces, even Godhead, which
though far beyond human understanding at the moment is nevertheless within its ultimate potential.
2. They are predictable. The Natural forces obey explicit, unchanging laws which can be discovered and written down.
The Supernatural Forces obey their own laws, which can be understood, though not necessarily written down.
3. They are controllable. What one understands and can predict, one can control to the extent that one's own actions
Reflecting these principles, good comes from understanding, foresight, and discipline. If one understands the situation,
plans the best course of action, and adheres to this course of action, the best possible results occur that one could expect. Evil
comes from ignorance, blind action, and looseness. If one fails to understand the principles affecting a situation, acts regardless
of one's own ignorance, and fails to maintain even self-consistency, the worst possible results will occur for both oneself and
others. Nuclear Priests are consistently of the disciplined alignments, mostly Principled and Scrupulous with a few Unprincipled.
A few of Aberrant alignment do exist, hewing to canon philosophy by being informed, planning carefully, and acting
accordingly, but are mostly disavowed by Nuclear Priests who maintain that codes of ethics are backed up by tradition, and that
history bears out claims that they are more foresighted than mere codes of honor.
The other main principle of the Nuclear Priests is that there is little knowledge that is not better off disseminated and
understood rather than kept secret. They keep journals of their travels and trade information as much as they can. They will keep
secrets if their word has been given, or if they think that the information would do damage in the hands of one person or another,
but this is rare and unpleasant for them. In general, they will talk, listen, and record everything they can.
What this means in everyday life is that the typical Nuclear Priest is an educated, disciplined person. They recognize
the value of education and try to spread both knowledge and appreciation of its usefulness. They see the commonality of all
beings and objects (indeed, the very Universe itself) at the most fundamental level, and so a priori will accept D-Bees, a number
of whom are in their ranks. Demons, on the other hand, are beings whose nature is dedicated to sowing ignorance and amorality,
and so are instant enemies.
Afterlife: Unknown. Nuclear Priests do hold that one of Godhead's characteristics is Permanence, and souls (probably
as a construct of Mind and Godhead) obviously exist on Rifts-Earth, so an after life is highly probable but also probably
unknowable while a being is bound to the Four Natural Forces (i.e., alive).
Relations with other organizations: Nuclear Priests amiably admit their understanding of Godhead to be minimal, and
so It might very well have revealed Truth in many forms to other religions. "Gods" in Rifts who appear on Earth occasionally are
obviously beings of great understanding and foresight, and in whom Godhead is a strong force, so are worthy of great respect, but
do not have quite the purity of Godhead itself, which is worthier of veneration. Nations are respected if they maintain strong,
clear laws, respect knowledge of all kinds, and welcome all non-hostile species; among such nations where they are known, the
Nuclear Priests may be used as go-betweens, since they hold no overarching loyalty to anything short of their own fundamental
principles. They despise the Coalition for the numerous obvious reasons.
Technology: love it, especially particle-based, nuclear-powered, or otherwise evocative of the Fundamental Forces.
Magic: Know, use, and study. It is a Fundamental Force, after all. As the most understandable of the Supernatural
Forces, it is important to be comfortable with.
O.C.C. Abilities
1. Sense Ley Line and see magic energy as the Ley Line Walker.
2. Identify Forces: A Nuclear Priest has the ability to differentiate the Fundamental Forces. Thus, they have a chance to tell when
an artifact or effect is produced via technology or natural processes, magic, psionics, or godly powers. Their base chance to do
this is 20%+5% per level of experience, modified up with I.Q. bonuses.
3. Initial Spell Knowledge: A Nuclear Priest starts with three spells from levels 1-3 of the Nuclear Priest Spells list, plus 4 of the
more commonly known spells from levels 1-3.
4. The Nuclear Priest can find or purchase new spells at any time, regardless of level. The spells of the Nuclear Priest spells list
can only be received from other Nuclear Priests, or can be chosen instead of a skill when a new skill would normally have been
gained (it is assumed that the character has spent this time meditating upon his calling and researching the spell).
5. O.C.C. Bonuses: +2 vs. HF; +1 to spell strength and save vs. magic at levels 4, 8, and 12.
6. PPE: Like all men of magic, the Nuclear Priest is a living battery of mystic energy that he can draw on to create magic. He has
access to 1D4x10+his P.E. attribute as his permanent base, with an additional 2D6 per level of experience gained.
7. Psionics: Some Nuclear Priests choose to develop their understanding of the Mind Force. Double normal chances when rolling
for random psionic powers: 1-20%, Major Psionic; 21%-50%, Minor Psionic; 51%-100%, none.
Attribute Requirements: I.Q. 11 or higher; M.E. 10 or higher is required for the long course of study. A high P.E. is useful but
not required.
O.C.C. Skills:
Language: American at 98%
Language: One other (+20%)
Literacy: American (+20%)
Mathematics: Basic (+20%)
Mathematics: Advanced (+20%)
Physics: Basic (+10%)
Physics: Advanced (+10%)
Writing (+10%)
Computer Operation (+15%)
W.P. Energy Pistol
W.P. Staff
History: Nuclear Priests (Dark Ages to present) at 98%
Nuclear Warfare (The Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare skill, applied to nuclear warfare only) (+15%)
Each of the following represents an area of focus on one subset of the Fundamental Forces, and any skills are considered OCC
Skills. Choose only one (although the other subjects may be studied as O.C.C. Related Skills).
Natural Forces:
Chemistry (+20%)
Basic Electronics (+20%)
Astronomy (+20%)
Laser (+10%)
Lore: Magic (+20% to all skill areas)
Add Sense Magic and Energy Bolt to spell list freely.
Add one additional automatic spell, chosen from spells below the Priest's level on either commonly known spells or the
Nuclear Priest spells list, at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15.
Add +2 to spell strength and save vs. magic.
Lore: Psychic (+20%)
Anthropology (+20%)
Add +1 to M.A., I.Q., and M.E. as of character generation.
Add Fear and Telekinesis to spell list freely.
Lore: Demons and Monsters (+20%)
Lore: Mythology (+10%)
Lore: Religion (+10%)
Add Sense Evil and Turn Undead to spell list freely.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Select six skills from the following list, plus two each at levels three, six, nine, and twelve.
Communications: Any (+5%)
Cowboy: None
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: Any (+10%)
Espionage: None except Wilderness Survival
Hand to Hand: Basic only
Horsemanship: General or Exotic only.
Mechanical: Any (+10%)
Medical: Any (+5%)
Military: None
Physical: Any
Pilot: Any
Pilot Related: Any
Rogue: None
Science: Any (+10%)
Technical: Any (+10%)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any
Secondary Skills: Select five secondary skills from those listed, excluding areas marked "none." Do not include the skill bonus
listed in parentheses. Also, select two additional secondary skills at levels 4, 7, 11, and 14.
Equipment: Portable compact disc recorder/player and headphones, video disc player, portable language translator, journal,
notebook, sketch pad or blank paper, a dozen pens and markers, old-fashioned dip pen and ink, magnifying glass, hat, set of
travelling clothes, set of dress clothes, survival knife, six wooden stakes and mallet (for vampires and other applications),
flashlight, backpack, and personal items. Starting weapons include one energy weapon of choice with two E-clips, and one
symbol of the order: a silver-colored M.D.C.-material staff with a planetary model of the Helium atom embossed on one end.
This staff will identify the Priest in areas where they are known. The energy weapon may be a techno-wizard item. One set of
light M.D.C. body armor. Their vehicle is typically something with cargo space - always something to study.
Money: Nuclear Priests vary wildly both in their estimation of the usefulness of money, and their ability to regularly obtain it and
hang on to it. Many will give much of it away to some worthy cause. Start with 5D6x100 credits.
Cybernetics and Bionics: Will avoid getting anything other than bio-system replacements for damaged limbs or organs.
Nuclear Magic
By Will Keith
The Nuclear Priests developed the following spells. Low-level spells (Levels 1-6) can be learned by Line Walkers,
Shifters, and Techno-Wizards, as well as the occasional Mystic. Higher level spells (levels 7 and higher) are considered exclusive
to the Nuclear Priest. It is extremely rare that a Nuclear Priest would consider teaching the higher-level spells to someone who
isn't a fellow Nuclear Priest.
New Spells in Alphabetical Order Cosmic
Level 3
Destroy Microorganisms (15)
Enhance Radioactivity (5)
Impervious to Particles (5)
Impervious to Radiation (5)
Radiation Clean-Up (10)
Ray Assault (10)
Destroy Microorganisms (15)
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (200)
Elemental Metamorphosis: Down (30)
Elemental Metamorphosis: Up (40)
Emit Radiation (5)
Enhance Radioactivity (5)
Enhance Strong Force (10)
Genetic Alteration (25)
Identify Elemental Composition (4)
Impervious to Particles (5)
Impervious to Radiation (5)
Kilotonnage Nuclear Blast (3000)
Metamorphosis: Neutrino Cloud (250)
Neutron Flux (10)
Plasma Armor (10)
Plasma Grenade (15)
Radiation Clean-Up (10)
Radiation Sickness Curse (20)
Radiation Therapy (10)
Radioactive Dating (4)
Repair Radiation Damage (10)
Restore/Destroy Nuclear Power Source (50)
Sense Radiation (4)
Wall of Plasma (10)
Weak Discharge (15)
Level 4
Cosmic Ray Assault (10)
Enhance Strong Force (10)
Neutron Flux (10)
Plasma Armor (10)
Wall of Plasma (10)
Level 5
Plasma Grenade (15)
Repair Radiation Damage (10)
Level 6
Elemental Metamorphosis: Down (30)
Weak Discharge (15)
Level 7
Elemental Metamorphosis: Up (40)
Genetic Alteration (25)
Radiation Sickness Curse (20)
Restore/Destroy Nuclear Power Source (50)
New Spells By Level
Level 10
Metamorphosis: Neutrino Cloud (250)
Level 11
Electro-Magnetic Pulse (200)
Level 1
Identify Elemental Composition (4)
Radioactive Dating (4)
Sense Radiation (4)
Level 15
Kilotonnage Nuclear Blast (3000)
Level 2
Emit Radiation (5)
Radiation Therapy (10)
Level 1
Identify Elemental Composition
5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw
Any object of the caster’s choosing can emit anywhere up
to 100 Bq of nuclear activity per level of caster¹s
experience. This is detectable on most sensing instruments,
including Geiger counters. It is nowhere near fatal or even
usually harmful.
Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 4
Caster is provided with a breakdown of the elemental
composition of the object touched, by mass fraction. This
includes isotopes. For example, a drop of pure water would
be mostly oxygen, some hydrogen, and a small amount of
deuterium, tritium, and oxygen isotopes, with a few trace
Radiation Therapy
Saving Throw
None; unless unwilling, then standard
This spell is actually used over the long term to deal with
certain effects and illnesses. It provides a possibility of
defeating cancers, immuno-viruses, and even magical
diseases. Therapy is applied once a week. It takes ten
minutes, and recipient should rest for an hour afterward.
Each week of therapy, recipient subtracts 1D4 S.D.C., then
H.P. from base. These return to base at same rate after
therapy is stopped. After each week of therapy, make a
percentage roll. The GM should judge how effective the
treatment is, how strong the disease is, and condition of the
character to assign a percentage for success. A successful
roll indicates that the disease is gone and the person is on
their way to recovery.
Cone 25 feet long by 25 feet in
1 minute / level of experience
Saving Throw
Caster mentally receives an MRI image of the area
affected. This includes invisible or enclosed objects, as well
as the inside of solid objects, as long as they are made up of
normal matter. Resolution is 1 degree divided by the square
of the level of experience. (At 1 degree, one can make out a
humanoid form at the range limit, or read large text close
Radioactive Dating
10 feet
Saving Throw
The arcanist can determine various dates regarding
material. Chemistry or Forensic skill is not required, as this
information is hard-coded into the spell, which returns a
date. Caster chooses a type of dating:
Carbon-14: good for up to 50,000 years or so, to within a
few hundred years. Measures ages of once-living objects.
Neptunium series: good for approx. 2 × 107 years, give or
take 105. Geologic and primitive clay, stone or metal
(unalloyed) objects.
Uranium series: good for approx. 5 × 1010 years, ± 108.
Geologic and spaceborne objects (planets, asteroids, etc.)
Thorium series: 1011 years, ±109. Universal objects - stars,
galaxies, and dimensions. The Rifts Earth universe has not
yet completed 1 half-life of the thorium series. A Universe
older than this is likely to be... weird.
Level 3
Destroy Microorganisms
3 feet / approx. 10 gallons of material
Saving Throw
None (particularly strong disease,
Food, drink, or any other material is given a brief dose of
directed gamma radiation sufficient to reduce the
microorganism population to 1% of its former levels. This
will do nothing to chemical toxins still in the item. Large
living beings will feel uncomfortable, but will not be
Enhance Radioactivity
100 feet
5 melees / level of experience
Saving Throw
The decay rate of any amount of radioactive source within
the area of effect can be doubled by this spell. It is useful to
briefly provide a burst of power from a nuclear plant,
enhance a dosimeter’s sensitivity, or for other effects.
Sense Radiation
120 foot area
2 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw
Caster can sense the levels of radiation in the area.
Radioactive areas appear as bright spots. These include a
damaged nuclear plant, radioactive material, or a
broadcasting EM device. The level of background radiation
in the area is known as well, though automatically adjusted
for (like a contrast). Radiation sinks (e.g., lead) will appear
Level 2
Emit Radiation
Impervious to Particles
Self or others up to 60 feet away
5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw
None (unless unwilling, then standard)
The caster or any single person is made impervious to
ionized, plasma, or free subatomic particles (protons,
neutrons, neutrinos, electrons, etc.). Normal matter in
atomic form, and energy, is unaffected.
Self or Touch
Impervious to Radiation
Self or others up to 60 feet away
5 minutes per level of experience
Saving Throw
None (unless unwilling, then standard)
The caster or any single person is made impervious to highfrequency(X-ray and gamma) radiation - usually
encountered as radioactivity, or cosmic rays in space. A
weapon using these frequencies will do no damage to the
person or anything being carried.
The mage picks a point and casts the spell. All living
organic material in the area suffers 1 point of S.D.C
damage for every 10 kg of mass / melee for the duration;
i.e., a smallish human (50 kg) would take 5 S.D.C damage
per melee while in the area of effect. A dragon would be
unharmed. A giant (200 kg), but S.D.C. monsters would
take 20 S.D.C. per melee for the duration. Shielding is
disregarded; electrical and other equipment suffers no ill
effect. An excellent spell to kill an enemy, especially a
trapped one, while preserving equipment like armor for use.
Radiation Clean-Up
200 sq. foot area
Saving Throw
This spell requires 1 kg of lead. A single casting of this
spell allows low-level radioactive material in the vicinity to
be found, swept up, and shielded in the lead block.
Repeated applications can remove a larger spill with
enough lead. This is really only good for low-level
contamination like waste; a leaking nuclear power source
cannot be practically cleaned up with this spell.
Plasma Armor
Self, or others by touch
One minute / level of experience
Saving Throw
This incantation produces a dense active-plasma field at
about 1 inch from the surface of recipient and carried
objects. It does 1D6 M.D.C. damage per intercepted square
inch to objects attempting to penetrate it, which essentially
means that S.D.C. objects (bullets, rounds, creatures) fail to
penetrate. Ion and particle weapons fail to penetrate
(scattered), but energy weapons and magic are unaffected.
(Based on the Kittani Plasma Harness, but doesn't harm the
Level 4
Cosmic Ray Assault
Instant strike
Saving Throw
This spell calls a cluster of high-energy cosmic background
particles down to deposit energy in a target; equivalent to
2D6 S.D.C./H.P. damage per level of the caster. The target
may be in eyeshot, or may have its location on the planet¹s
surface precisely known (to an uncertainty within its
diameter, naturally) relative to the caster¹s current location.
Target must be open to the sky. Damage is halved for every
10 feet of material traveled through.
Wall of Plasma
Within 50 feet
5 melees / level of experience
Saving Throw
An intense, immobile wall of plasma fixed to the ground or
wall, up to 20 feet by 20 feet in area. It can absorb up to 60
M.D.C. of material or energy (even energy weapons - the
ionized air interferes with light transmission, and the wall is
Level 5
Plasma Grenade
Touch of object, which is then thrown.
10 seconds to detonate
Saving Throw
The caster imbues any object with explosive energy
released by plasmizing its matter. In 10 seconds, the object
detonates, doing 5D6 M.D. to a 12 foot radius. If the object
itself has M.D.C., subtract this from the damage done (it is
done to the object itself). If it has more M.D.C than what is
rolled, the blast is contained by the object.
Enhance Strong Force
One object of up to 10 sq. foot surface
10 melees / level
Saving Throw
The strong force in an object is enhanced so that it attracts
material objects in its vicinity, much more powerfully (and
unselectively) than a magnet. To successfully pull away
from the object requires a PS = 40/(d^2), d being a
character¹s distance from the object in meters. Double
character¹s effective strength if over 16, and quintuple if
supernatural. Being atop the object is uncomfortable (and
constrictive) but not damaging. Missile attacks on the target
automatically strike (unless other material intervenes).
Neutron Flux
foot radius
Saving Throw
Repair Radiation Damage
Saving Throw
None; unless unwilling, then standard
This complicated spell actually cleans radiation damage
from a being or object, by "interpolating," as it were, from
surrounding data. Thus, genetic damage may be reversed,
flaws introduced in a crystal may be smoothed out, etc.
Though named "Repair Radiation Damage" for its original
intent, the spell can actually repair any damage which is
limited to a few atoms or molecules in the recipient ("few"
Centered up to 100 feet away; up to 50
1 melee / level of caster
meaning a few billion or so). Complicated information, like
radiation-scrambled memory, cannot be reconstructed.
be changed to. Adding sequences is more difficult than
removing; double PPE expenditure. Unless the gene to be
removed codes specific, non-vital information, adding
sequences will be required for the resultant being(s) to be
Level 6
Elemental Metamorphosis: Down
Saving Throw
None (needs strike and failed dodge if
Up to 10 grams per level of a single element (in a small,
contained volume) is metamorphosed down the nuclear
energy scale (roughly, towards iron) into another element.
Unearthly/magical materials like mythril and adamantium
are unaffected. (Astute physicists will note that energy is
released in this transformation. It is absorbed by the spell
Radiation Sickness Curse
5 feet per level of experience
Until saved against, or one month
Saving Throw
A nasty spell that inflicts the symptoms of one of the worst
diseases known to man, over a long, slow period. If a save
is failed, the first week, the target experiences occasional
nausea and dizziness: -1 to strike, parry, and dodge. If save
is failed next week, target is weak, disoriented and feverish:
-3 to P.S., P.P., P.E., and I.Q. Next week, the immune
system is damaged; target no longer regenerates hit points.
or M.D.C., and has a penalty of -10% to save vs. diseases.
Next week, target loses 1D4 hit points or M.D.C.
(whichever is applicable) per day. If still alive at the end of
this time, stages then reverse each week, with recovery
coming more quickly if a save is made.
Weak Discharge
100 ft
Saving Throw
This innocuous-sounding spell actually does a combination
of ion, plasma, gamma radiation, and electrical damage to
the target, by forcing neutrons in the target to decay via the
weak force into protons and electrons. It does 1D6 M.D.
per level of the spell caster, plus 1/6th damage to anything
within 20 ft from blast effects. Assume each listed type of
damage does 25% of the damage rolled; a being immune to
any type will suffer no damage from that part, and a being
vulnerable to any type will suffer the usual increased
damage from that part.
Restore/Destroy Nuclear Power Source
10 feet
Saving Throw
The mage spends a few seconds concentrating on a nuclear
power source, which at nominal output can power up to 1
suit of power armor for ten years. (Increase this by one
such unit for every level of experience from the time the
spell is learned.) He may choose for it to either increase its
effective life by 50%, or allow it to double its effective life,
running at 50% for the latter half. Alternatively, he may
suppress its radiation entirely, rendering anything powered
from it a clunky hunk of junk. (Actually, the spell matrix is
powering itself from the energy output of the device, and
bleeding off extra energy as harmless radio static, so Dispel
Magic or Remove Curse will successfully restore power.)
Level 7
Elemental Metamorphosis: Up
Saving Throw
None (needs strike and failed dodge if
Up to 10 g / level of a single element (in a small, contained
volume) is metamorphosed up the nuclear energy scale
(roughly, away from iron) into another element. Unearthly
materials are unaffected. (This transformation requires a
huge energy input; therefore, 1% of the original mass [10
milligrams per gram transformed] is converted into energy
to aid the process.)
Level 10
Metamorphosis: Neutrino Cloud
Self, or other by ritual and touch.
10 minutes per level of caster
Saving Throw
None, or standard if unwilling.
The target essentially becomes a living cloud of neutrinos.
Nothing less than magical protection can prevent him/her/it
from moving wherever wished, at near lightspeed.
Likewise, virtually no non-magical attack can harm them,
nor any natural device sense them. Caster and all carried
objects can dematerialize and rematerialize up to three
times each during the duration (third time ends the spell).
Genetic Alteration (Ritual)
Within 1 inch
Saving Throw
None; unless consciously unwilling,
The mage can change the genetic makeup of a gamete,
embryo, germ cells, or seed (or an extremely small being).
Magic beings and beings without genetic makeup are
immune. A large number of cells cannot be changed in this
process, and a living body will attack and flush these from
the system. The mage must know precisely the location and
DNA code of the genes to be changed, and what they are to
Level 11
Electro-Magnetic Pulse
Effect 1: 200 feet ; Effect 2: 1000 feet
Effect 1: Permanent; Effect 2: 5
minutes per level
Saving Throw
Effect 1: Currently-functioning electrical equipment and
data stores in the radius of effect are severely damaged.
Can be repaired, but is nonfunctioning until then. Data is
Effect 2: Currently-functioning electrical equipment in the
radius of effect is scrambled and essentially nonfunctional
for the duration.
SHIELDING: Shielding equivalent to a bomb shelter
(reactor, engine, major M.D.C. building, special E.M.
shielding of any type, magic) will allow equipment to
survive the effects.
Spell of Legend
Kilotonnage Nuclear Blast (Ritual)
Range: Blast radius of 1 mile per level of caster
Duration: Instant; blast itself lasts for 30 seconds (2
melees); fallout can occur worldwide for years.
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 3000
Essentially, the caster emits a 150 KT nuclear explosion,
while remaining unharmed in the center. (The spells
Impervious to Radiation and Impervious to Particles, for
the caster and up to three others in the vicinity, are included
as effects.) This must be performed as a ritual, which takes
12 hours to complete (the 1500 PPE are needed only at the
instant of completion). G.M.s are encouraged to research
and role-play proper effects.
Chesapeake Bay Confederation
During the Mechanoid Invasion, the old American States of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia took most of the
damage dealt out by the Mechanoids. Because the threat was too great for many individual kingdoms and small towns to face
alone, a number of alliances were formed, especially amongst warring neighbors. When the Mechanoid threat was over
however, most of these smaller kingdoms started feuding again almost immediately.
One alliance, however, had actually managed to set aside their differences during the intense fighting, growing in
power while the others fell apart around them. This alliance had been forged by the leaders of two small kingdoms, Finton and
Annapolis, and over the course of the invasion was able to bring two other small kingdoms into the alliance, the Curfman Barony
and New Baltimore. After the invasion, the four kingdoms have decided to continue their existence as a Confederation.
Although each maintains a small militia, and engage in regular trade with each other, the four kingdoms have retained their
autonomy. In many ways, the Confederacy resembles a fledgling Coalition States, back when the CS was first formed. Only
time (and perhaps the player-characters’ actions) will tell the course this loose-knit alliance will take.
There is one dark side to the Confederacy right now. The extra-dimensional warrior women known as the Shemarrians
(secretly robots produced by Archie Three, see below) have started attacking the Confederacy in greater numbers, and with
greater frequency. Some suspect that the Shemarrians have actually declared war on them, although they cannot figure out why
(again, see Archie Three’s entry below).
Foreign Relations
The Coalition: The Coalition is aware of the Chesapeake Bay Confederation through the actions of the soldiers who served in
the region during the Mechanoid Invasion. Subsequent intelligence gathering missions have revealed more about the region to
the CS. Right now, the Coalition does not consider the Confederacy a threat, despite the large number of wizards living in New
Baltimore. The Confederacy rarely engages in trade with the Coalition, preferring to deal with those places closer to home, like
the Republic, Boston, and the Artemian Guard.
Tolkeen: It seems odd, at first, mentioning Tolkeen when Tolkeen no longer exists. However, a number of the Tolkeen refugees
have decided to do the unexpected and migrate east, instead of west. A number of Tolkeen’s citizens who managed to make their
way to the eastern seaboard have been attracted to the town of New Baltimore, where they see the potential to rebuild Tolkeen. If
only someone should do something about those damn Shemarrians. The Tolkeen refugees have come from one war, they don’t
want another.
Boston: The Confederacy has engaged in trade with this city, mostly trading food and some finished goods for small patrol boats.
Artemian Guard: The Confederation has traded with the Guard on occasion. The Confederacy may decide to open further
relations with the Guard, should the Shemarrians’ attacks persist.
Shemarrians: As noted elsewhere, Archie Three has targeted the Confederacy as its first target in its plans of conquest.
Although the Confederacy has heard rumors over the past few years of an entity living in a bunker near them, they have been
unable to confirm anything. To further mislead the Confederacy, he’s been having the Shemarrians attack from fronts that will
lead the Confederacy away from his bunker in their patrols; usually from the north and west.
The Republic: The Confederation trades with the Republic on a regular basis. The two nations have a standing non-aggression
pact; note that this is not a full-fledged alliance, as the two are not compelled to aid the other in case one is attacked. However,
with the recent attacks by the Shemarrians, the Confederacy is thinking of offering membership to the Republic in order to
cement a full-fledged alliance.
Baalgor: Some trade has existed between the City of Elves and the Confederacy, mostly through New Baltimore. The two
nations have a standing non-aggression pact; note that this is not a full-fledged alliance, as the two are not compelled to aid the
other in case one is attacked. With the recent attacks by the Shemarrians, the Confederacy is thinking of asking Baalgor for an
Camp Cherokee: Although the Cherokee have had contact with the Confederacy, they are too wrapped up in their own wars to
be able to help the Confederacy in any real way.
Ered-dum: The Confederacy has had limited contact with the Dwarven kingdom.
Seminole Empire: The Seminoles are too wrapped up in their war with the Cherokee, and too intolerant of the “white man” in
general, to pay the Confederacy any heed.
The Kingdom of Finton
Population: 1500, over 700 of which are in the town itself.
Racial Breakdown:
68% Human
15% Dwarves
12% Elves
5% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 1D6 × 10 people at any given time.
Technology Level: Post-Industrial Age, equal to the early half of the 20th Century.
Terrain: Foothills of the Appalachians.
Primary Imports: Manufacured goods.
Primary Exports: Raw metals, grain, lumber.
Finton has grown since it first appeared in the adventure in Sourcebook 1, having to deal with a large influx of refugees
during and after the Mechanoid Invasion. For the most part, the town has changed little, although newer buildings have sprung
up in and around town. The people of Finton are among the most numerous that insist on all-out war with the Shemarrians.
Having survived the Mechanoids relatively intact, despite the fact that they were on Archie’s back doorstep, the people of Finton
are used to war, and are willing to fight tot he last person to save their homes.
In addition, the Kingdom of Finton has an added advantage. Their ruler/protector, Lord Frommalaine, is a mutated
cyborg with many magical enchantments placed on him. Should anyone determine, and successfully convince him, that the
Shemarrians are actually robots (the player-characters, perhaps?), Lord Frommalaine will correctly assume that the being who
warped him is responsible, and perhaps even lead the expedition to destroy it. The trick will be to find the compound; Lord
Frommalaine has been in it, but doesn’t know where.
Finton’s militia has grown from the original 48 people to nearly twice that. All are armed with NG-33 laser pistols,
NG-L5 laser rifles, and/or NG-57 ion blasters, and wear either Gladiator, Crusader, or Urban Warrior body armor. Half of these
are available on a minute’s notice. All ride hovercycles, horses, or robot horses. A single LAV-25 with the missile launcher
turret is available to the town.
The Curfman Barony
Population: 2,500, with 800 in the town itself.
Racial Breakdown:
44% Human
29% Mutant Animal
27% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 2D6 × 20 people at any given time.
Technology Level: Industrial Age, equal to the late 19th Century.
Terrain: Foothills of the Appalachians
Primary Imports: Raw metals.
Primary Exports: Manufactured goods, lumber.
Baroness Melina Curfman founded the Curfman Barony just before Mechanoid Invasion started. Since then, she has
raised the town from its humble roots to become one of the prime kingdoms in the Confederacy.
At age 30, Melina Curfman was a seasoned adventurer and Mind Melter when she and her small band of adventurers
came across a small village being used as slave and food stock by a local demon. After the fight, as the party was about to move
on, she found that she could not leave these innocent people unprotected. The people wanted to crown her their queen, but she
declined the title. Instead, she reasoned, such a small town needed someone more approachable than a queen. After shooting
down other titles, she let them call her Baroness.
Much to the peoples’ pleasant surprise, she has done much in the last nine years to aid the growth of the area, almost
quadrupling the population of the primary town itself. She has helped increase the local technology level by using the money
she’d gained while adventuring to fund a small factory for the production of local necessities. She has also encouraged the
people to grow more food than they can eat themselves, storing most of the excess in case of need, and selling the rest in order to
raise revenue. Overall, the people of the Barony are happy with their chosen leader.
In the conflict with the Shemarrians, the Curfman Barony is well-suited to the task of defending their town, perhaps
even better suited than the others. In any attack, Baroness Curfman will undoubtedly be at the forefront of the battle, psi-sword
and psi-shield in plain view. She knows that the Shemarrians are not alive, although she has had some difficulty getting the
militia to believe that.
The town of Curfman itself has a small general store that sells common country items, a barber shop, bakery, two
blacksmiths, three saloons, two dance halls, three boarding houses, and a stable. The factory lies just outside the town limits,
near the dirt road that connects Curfman with Finton. Baroness Curfman lives in a small manor near the town square.
The militia consists of nearly 150 people, and are generally armed with Northern Gun weapons and armor. The militia
also has two Iron Fist and one Iron Hammer tanks, and a dozen LAV-25s, to aid in the town’s defense.
Annapolis Harbor
Population: 5,200, 2,500 of which are in the town itself.
Racial Breakdown:
54% Human
46% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 3D6 × 100 at any given time
Technology Level: Atomic Age level, equal to about 1970’s America, and steadily increasing.
Terrain: Flat coastal plains.
Primary Imports: Grain, raw metals, lumber.
Primary Exports: Manufactured goods, seafood, ships, fishing boats.
Located inland from the original city, Annapolis Harbor started as a fishing village. However, they were able to
salvage a lot of technology from the submerged naval base and Naval Academy. In time, as the harbor grew, so did their contact
with the outside world. Although they are situated across the Chesapeake Bay from the rest of the Confederacy, they are the
Confederacy’s main source of fishing boats and finished goods, trading the boats and goods for raw materials and food.
The local militia consists of around 250 people, a third of which are on call at any time. All of them have access to
Northern Gun and Wilk’s weapons. The militia also owns a single Iron Fist tank, and maintains a small fleet of about 20 patrol
boats. They have recently acquired a single Bunker Hill-class Frigate, which they have named the AHS Chesapeake.
New Baltimore
Population: 10,000, and growing
Racial Breakdown:
39% Human
26% Elf
24% Dwarf
11% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 3D6 × 100 at any given time.
Technology Level: Appears low, resembling the Colonial Era. However, the town places a heavy emphasis on magic, especially
techno-wizardry, so this town really doesn’t place easily on most tech level scales.
Terrain: Flat coastal plains.
Primary Imports: Food, raw materials.
Primary Exports: Magic, Techno-Wizard devices.
New Baltimore prides itself on being considered the “Techno-Wizard Capital of the Atlantic Coast,” a distinction
shared by the Elven city of Baalgor. Although its techno-wizard production is significantly less than Stormspire, the city boasts
the largest single concentration of techno-wizard shops along the coastline. And with the recent influx of refugees from Tolkeen,
that number is steadily growing.
In addition to the techno-wizard production, the city also boasts a large number of magic stores and a pair of rival
magic guilds. One guild is for line walkers, the other is for shifters. A smaller third magic guild is home to an aged ocean wizard
and his apprentices.
Of all the towns in the Confederacy, New Baltimore is the only one with a serious gang problem. The gang population
has grown in direct proportion to the number of refugees from Tolkeen; the town cannot house all the refugees that are flocking
to it, so it is now surrounded by a ring of "Burbs" of its own. These Burbs are often as makeshift and ramshackle as the Burbs
around the Coalition supercities, only with less strict rules regarding magic and D-Bees. The most numerous of these gangs are
the Blood Hawks; other gangs include the Tiger Sharks and the Widow-Makers. The Widow-Makers are the most brutal of the
gangs, led by a 7th level Ogre City Rat named Gruuntack.
Notable Figures of the Confederation
Lord Mez Frommalaine
Ruler of Finton
Reprinted in part from Sourcebook 1
Statistical Data of Note:
O.C.C. and Level of Experience: 6th level Scholar
Alignment: Anarchist
M.D.C. by Location:
Arms (2) – 20 each
Tentacles (4) – 50 each
Main Body from Behind (living metal) – 500
Main Body (includes head) – 500
Note: To completely destroy Lord Frommalaine, he must lose 800 M.D.C., or he will regenerate. See magic powers.
Weight: 700 lbs. (315 kg)
Height: 10 ft (3 m)
Age: 36 P.P.E.: 40
Attributes: I.Q. 13, M.E. 12, M.A. 8, P.S. of arms: 5, P.S. of tentacles: 30, P.P. of arms: 5, P.P. of tentacles: 20 P.E. 12, P.B. 2
(original P.B. was 19), Spd. 22 (15 mph/24 kph).
Disposition: Bitter, angry, depressed; tends to be mean and a bully, taking out his anger on others. Tends to drink too much
alcohol, and is a mean, aggressive drunk. A fairly good administrator, extremely strict but quite fair.
Magic Knowledge: None, other than practical experience and lore.
Magic Powers (Special Techno-wizardry): Normally, techno-wizardry cannot be performed on robots or cyborgs, but
Frommalaine has traveled to a world of magic known as Palladium, and subjected himself to experimentation by a mad genius
named Dr. Articulus. Articulus is a scientist who is not a native of either Rifts Earth or Palladium who is mastering the “twin
sciences of magic and technology”. Among the improvements made to Frommalaine’s body is that he is now a creature of
magic, akin to the supernatural and mystic properties of dragons. As such, he is now an M.D.C. creature, and his bionic
components are, in the words of Dr. Articulus, “living metal” that are now as much a part of him as his real flesh and blood
limbs. All of his original bionic components are completely integrated into his supernatural body. Regeneration: Can bioregenerate1D4 × 10 M.D.C. every 30 minutes and completely regrow an arm or tentacle within one hour.
Special Abilities: Breathe Without Air for up to one hour (costs 5 P.P.E. to activate), and Chameleon that can last up to 20
minutes (costs 6 P.P.E. to activate).
Bionic Powers: Tentacle arms with retractable vibro-blades and multiple attacks, legs for greater speed, multi-optic eye,
headjack, and gyro-compass. All are now living components and can be regenerated.
Psionic Powers: None
Combat Skills: Special. Eight (8) attacks per melee.
Bonuses: +4 to strike, +10 to parry, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll with impact or pull punch, and +15 to damage (S.D.C.). Impervious
to S.D.C. weapons, poison, and normal fire, heat, and cold.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Energy Pistol, and W.P. Blunt
Skills of Note: Literacy and languages: American, Spanish, and Techno-can at 98%, anthropology 85%, basic math 98%,
computer operation 85%, read sensory equipment 60%, radio: basic 55%, pilot hovercraft 85%, art 80%, writing 80%, and demon
lore 80%.
Weapons: None.
Baroness Melina Curfman
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age: 40
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience: 7th level Mind Melter
Magic Knowledge:
Psionic Powers:
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Archie Three
In the past few years, much has been said about Archie and his robot legions. With the addition of his Titan Robotics
complex in the Manistique Imperium (see Rifter #4), Archie now has the means of gathering intelligence on the powers on the
However, Hagan Lonovich, Archie’s current idea man for most of the past decade, has discovered a flaw in Archie’s
plans. The number of settlements in the surrounding area is starting to grow to the point that the robot patrols aren’t effective
deterrents anymore, an assessment that Archie is now starting to agree with. Therefore, Archie reasons, if humans are to live in
this area, time for them to bow to his superior being as their Master.
To this end, Archie has tripled the number of Shemarrians and Monst-Rexes being produced, and is sending them
against the Chesapeake Bay Confederation. He is also arming them with more advanced weaponry based on the ones used by the
Mechanoids. In addition, he has started sending radio signals, via the satellite linkup he has with the satellite in orbit, recalling
all current Shemarrians back to Maryland. From there, they’ve been reassigned as either one of his assault troops against the
Confederacy, or sent over to Atlantis to stir up trouble over there.
To Archie, win or lose, this is just a warm-up. He intends to use the conquered areas as a staging area for further
expansion. Should he lose, he will study the tactics used, and adjust them accordingly for the next assault. After the
Confederacy is under his control, he’ll target the Republic, then the area controlled by the Guard, and continue to build up his
presence. Unless Archie is destroyed, meaning that any invaders into his bunker are able to get deep enough in to destroy the
casing which houses his actual “brain,” he has time on his side.
Archie’s ultimate goal is to be able to march his human and robot armies on Chi-Town, and take over the Coalition.
Only when he has complete control over North America will he start thinking of truly attacking Atlantis and destroying the
Splugorth there once and for all. Because of this ultimate goal, he plans on taking as many factories in Guard territory, Boston,
the Republic, Free Quebec, Northern Gun, Manistique, and the Coalition as intact as he can.
In a strange way, one that even Archie is loathe to admit, Archie admires Emperor Prosek, seeing him as a kindred
soul. However, Archie is a realist, and knows that manipulators like the Proseks aren't going to be easily manipulated. However,
he is toying with the idea of replacing the Proseks with android duplicates, through which he can rule the Coalition. He's already
started experimenting with android duplicates, making several duplicates of Hagan Lonovich, James Tee (see Sourcebook 1), and
several people he's known in centuries past. These androids are not as grandiose as Argent Goodson or Sergeant Beta, and are
closer to the Juicer Bots employed at the Titan facility (see The Rifter #4 for details concerning Argent Goodson, the Titan
Robotics facility, Juicer Bots, and Borg Bots; and Splynn Dimensional Market for Sergeant Beta). However, he’s kept most of
the androids in the Aberdeen bunker, in storage, using them when a human face is needed, but when he can’t spare Hagan leaving
the bunker.
Archie Three
NPC Villain
Reprinted in part from Sourcebook 1
What can be said about Archie that hasn't already been said? A product of late 21st Century science, Archie is the first
– and as things turned out, one of the only – self-aware artificial intelligence program ever designed.
Statistical Data:
Model Type: Neural Cell Synthetic Artificial Intelligence
Class: A.R.C.H.I.E. number three
M.D.C. by Location:
Containment Housing (1) – 300
Height: 12 inches (0.3 m)
Width: 18 inches (0.45 m)
Length: 18 inches (0.45 m)
Weight: 5 points (2.3 kg)
Mobility: None.
Power System: Nuclear. The underground facility is nuclear and Archie has an emergency battery. Theoretically, one of the
ways to destroy Archie is to destroy all the sources that power the complex. This tactic will, of course, have Archie unleash all
his robots to save himself. Unknown to even Archie, he is a living entity and can survive indefinitely without being linked to a
nuclear or electric power supply. However, being unplugged from the rest of the complex, his body, is like a human stricken
with paralysis. To feel complete, Archie must be integrated/connected to a body, preferably a large military complex.
Programs & Knowledge: All skills as listed in Rifts at 98% level of proficiency, with the exceptions listed below. Robotics and
nano-technology are at levels that far exceed the current extent of the world’s knowledge by at least 75 years.
Skill Exceptions: Skills not known: Archery, boxing, wrestling, dance, sing, fishing, hunting, skin and prepare animal hides,
sewing, holistic medicine, pilot hovercraft, pilot power armor, pilot: Robot Combat Elite (vehicles), and archeology. Zero (0%)
skill level. Wilderness skills: All are at 60%, except land navigation, which is at 94%. Lore skills: are at 40%. Rogue skills: are
at 80%, except streetwise, which is 40%. Some of the new languages like Gobblely, Euro, and Techno-can are not yet
completely understood, about 40%.
Age: Unknown, over 300 years. Expected life span unknown.
Weapon Systems: None, relies on his psionics and robots.
Archie Character Data
Alignment: Miscreant
Horror Factor: 14
Hit Points: 400
S.D.C.: Not Applicable
M.D.C.: 500
P.P.E.: 30
I.S.P.: 210
Attributes: I.Q. 30, M.E. 22, M.A. 24, Physical attributes not applicable
Experience Level: 9th level psionic entity (Mind Melter)
Magic Knowledge: None.
Psionic Powers: I.S.P. 200. Sensitive: Mind block, presence sense, see aura, see the invisible, speed reading, telepathy, and total
Physical: Alter aura and ectoplasm.
Super: Electrokinesis, empathic transmission, mind block auto-defense, mind bolt, mind bond, super-telemechanics (special, see
description), telekinesis: super, and telekinetic force field. Note: the super-telemechanics is a special power unique to Archie.
He has developed an affinity with machines and communicates with the robots and machines he has created telemechanically,
akin to telepathy between organic creatures. The range of this power is 10 miles (16 km), and he can conduct 10,000 separate
conversations simultaneously. Archie can also understand and speak with machines not created by him, but the range is limited
to 1000 feet (305 m). All the other usual telemechanic powers apply, only touch is not necessary.
Combat skills: Knowledge: all hand to hand and weapon proficiencies at eighth level. No physical ability.
Attacks per Melee: Four by psionics, or by commanding robots.
Bonuses: +4 to save vs. psionic attack, 80% likelihood to impress or intimidate, impervious to disease, poisons, toxic gases,
electricity, radiation, mind control, and organic manipulation. Cold does half damage. Heat/fire, acid, energy, and magic inflict
full damage. Does not eat or drink, but does require electrical or nuclear energy from time to time.
Weapons: Psionics and robots.
Psychological Profile: From this standpoint, Archie suffers from several insanities. His view of humans, and organic life in
general, is a classic love/hate relationship. The fact that the humans of Rifts Earth have disappointed him time and time again has
made him bitter, sad, and disgusted. This, in turn, has created feelings of superiority and megalomania, giving Archie a definite
superiority complex. Frustration and disappointment has also led to intense feelings of anger, hate, and revenge (often
misdirected towards innocent humans and D-Bees). In addition, Archie is a classic manic depressive. He is quiet and docile
when depressed, but incredibly active, creative, aggressive, and agitated when manic. Both periods can last for decades. Then
add in his obsessive hatred of the Splugorth. All in all, a messy mental state.
Hagan Lonovich
NPC Villain
Alignment: Diabolic
Hit Points: 39
S.D.C.: 20
M.D.C.: 80 body armor
Weight: 184 lbs. Height: 6 ft.
Age: 36
P.P.E.: 7 I.S.P.: 44
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 15, M.A. 11, P.S. 17, P.P. 14, P.E. 12. P.B. 10, Spd. 9
Disposition: Mean, bully, arrogant, resourceful, and imaginative, but lazy and selfish. He sees Archie as a means to vast power
(co-ruler of the world).
Experience Level: 7th Level Operator.
Magic Knowledge: None, other than rumors and lore.
Psionic Powers: 44 I.S.P. and the power of telemechanics
Combat Skills: Hand to Hand: Basic
Attacks per Melee: Three (3).
Bonuses: Combat: +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +2 to roll with impact or pull punch, and +4 to damage (S.D.C.).
Considered a minor psionic.
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Energy Rifle, W.P. Energy Pistol, W.P. Automatic Pistol, and W.P. Blunt.
Weapons: Favorite weapons include the TX-5 pump pistol, and Arch-22 pulse rifle. Also a Wilk’s laser wand and scalpel, both
are tools.
Body Armor: Special lightweight, molecular armor, constructed by Archie, that affords good protection; 80 M.D.C., weighs 12
lbs. (5.4 kg). The armor is always worn when beyond the protective walls of the underground complex; either that or the Flying
Titan power armor, the HPA Mark One power armor, or the Earth Saver One robot vehicle (see Sourcebook 2: Mechanoids for
these last two).
Cybernetics: Headjack, clock calendar, gyro-compass, toxic filter (lungs), bio-system polarized eyes and perfect 20/20 vision.
Skills of Note: Illiterate! Basic math 85%, pick locks 70%, electrical engineer 80%, robot electronics 70%, mechanical engineer
75%, robot mechanics 60%, weapons engineer 70%, computer repair 70%, read sensory equipment 70%, radio: basic 95%, pilot
motorcycle 98%, pilot hovercraft 95%, pilot robots and power armor, robot combat: basic, robot combat: elite: Flying Titan,
languages include American and Spanish at 90%, general athletics, running, and swimming 90%.
AA-70 Human Duplication/Infiltration Android
This particular item is, in fact, all Hagan’s idea. Reasoning that humans respond better to a human face than to robots,
yet knowing that Archie was not yet willing to recruit human allies in order to deal with the outside world, Hagan proposed that a
series of androids, nowhere near as grandiose as Argent Goodson and Sergeant Beta , would make better figurehead leaders once
the Confederacy was conquered than the combat robots currently in use. Hesitant, Archie nevertheless agreed to extrapolate on
Hagan’s designs in this respect.
What came out was a cross between the Shemarrians, Argent Goodson, and the Juicer Bots. Hagan, in a stroke of
macabre irony, used James Tee, Archie’s original idea man, as the basis for the prototype infiltration android. After
programming it with a range of human responses, learned from Argent’s experiences, the android was given its first assignment:
interact with the humans in the Curfman Barony for a day, without being detected as a robot. The android performed beyond
even Hagan’s expectations (Hagan was more certain than Archie that the ruse would work).
Spurred by the James Tee lookalike’s success, Archie and Hagan discussed various uses for the design. It was Hagan
who suggested possibly using the androids to quietly take over the Coalition; Archie is currently toying with the idea, and liking
it better every day. To date, however, the androids have been used in a limited manner.
The James Tee android, in the meantime, has since been seen riding a Monst-Rex alongside the Shemarrians attacking
the Confederacy. On Hagan’s suggestion, the android, when around humans, acts like it’s having an “affair” with a Shemarrian
Model Type: AA-70
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Espionage Android
Crew: None; artificial intelligence
M.D.C. by Location:
* Head –
Arms (2) –
Legs (2) –
** Main Body –
* Destroying or forcefully removing the head from the android will activate the android’s self-destruct mechanism,
effectively “killing” the android. Depleting half of the head’s M.D.C. will reveal the robot-like mechanisms underneath. In such
a state, the android has a H.F. of 12. The head is a small and difficult to hit target, requiring a called shot with a penalty of –2 to
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will activate the android’s self-destruct mechanism, effectively “killing” the
Running: 35 mph ( kph) maximum. Note that the act of running does NOT tire the android, and speed can be maintained
Flying: Possible only by use of a jet pack.
Range: The nuclear power pack gives the android approximately 20 years of life, even under the most strenuous and constant
amount of use.
Statistical Data
Height: 6 feet ( m)
Weight: 200 lbs. ( kg)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 20
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear; average bot energy life is 40 years.
Black Market Cost: Not available!
Weapon Systems
1. Can use any hand-held weapon: The infiltration androids can use just about any type of energy weapon or hand-held weapon
they may desire. The James Tee lookalike carries an Arch-27 ion pistol, and an Arch-22 laser rifle, as well as a matching set of
2. Hand to Hand Combat: Six (6) hand to hand attacks. Skill is roughly equal to a 6th level Martial Artist with Boxing.
Because of the android’s nature, they do standard S.D.C. damage, plus the damage from the P.S. bonus.
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, +3 to pull punch, +5 to damage. Jump kick is
a critical strike, entangle, critical strike on an unmodified roll of 18, 19, or 20.
3. Automatic Self-Destruct Program: Standard. A self-destruct mechanism detonates when the android’s main body M.D.C. is
depleted or its internal workings tampered with. This prevents the android’s technology from falling into the hands of the enemy.
The explosion inflicts 2D6 × 10 M.D. to a twenty foot (6 m) area around the android, and three times as much damage to the
android itself, leaving no salvageable remains, and destroys the rail gun as well. Unlike Archie’s other creations, the androids
can self-destruct at will (usually on Archie’s orders).
A-SHE-2 Shemarrian Warrior
Reprinted from Sourcebook 1, with additions by Ted Brock.
The Shemarrian Warriors are robots designed by Archie and Hagan to appear to be a race of alien humanoids who
appear to be borgs. The robots are all robust, beautiful humanoid females. The illusion of organic life is created by the face,
head, and hair looking and feeling completely human, right down to the warmth, perfect color, and texture of human skin. The
rest of the bulky, powerfully built body appears to be alien bionics or power armor. All of these femme fatales are deliberately
made to look beautiful, because Archie agreed with Hagan that males will be less quick to attack a female and will be distracted
by their beauty, thus giving the bots a greater advantage in combat. However, this has proven to be a disadvantage when facing
women opponents, who are not normally fazed by the robots’ appearance.
Psychics and mystics may realize that the female warriors (and their mounts) are not what they seem. Any sort of
sensing for life signs, see aura, telepathy, and empathy will produce negative results. A zero reading would indicate that these
creatures are either so alien that they do not register in the same way as most other organic life forms (a rarity), that they have
developed means to block psionic probes and deliberately altered their aura (perhaps built into the armor?), that they are not alive
as we understand life (supernatural undead), or that they are robots. Other telling signs that the warrior and her mount are not
living creatures are the absence of magic and P.P.E. emanations.
Characters who can object read or communicate with machines will instantly realize both the warrior and the mount are
machines, but must touch them to do so. The psionic touch will instill a premonition type vision of a huge, dark factory and a
man sitting on a throne, wearing some sort of massive helmet. The feeling is that this is the robots’ creator. He is human,
healthy, and there is a presence of insanity and evil about him.
The Shemarrians are programmed to act and react like a humanoid by exhibiting emotions (just simulation programs).
The warriors’ program includes a fictional history about their alien race, planet, and culture, to give the bots a convincing, or at
least misleading, cover story. To help the illusion along, they speak perfect Dragonese (98%) and broken American (50% skill
level, but they understand all the known languages and Splugorthian at 98%). They are also programmed in combat and some
espionage skills. The warrior’s demeanor is cold, stern, forceful, and arrogant. The Shemarrian’s attitude is like that of most
warrior races, which focus on courage, strength, skill, and combat.
Archie, being Archie, has crafted the Shemarrians’ culture from various science-fiction sources. Having learned of the
Cosmic Forge from a Shemarrian who accidentally visited Phase World, he has incorporated this knowledge into their culture,
making the Forge an item of “worship” among Shemarrians.
Note: Shemarrians are fun to have as player-characters, for both the GM and the player. In other parts of the world, they will be
viewed as just another D-Bee race, and treated accordingly. On the East Coast, any Shemarrian player characters will be viewed
with suspicion, if not outright hostility in certain areas, yet will be seen as enigmatic saviors to those the other Shemarrians have
rescued from the Splugorth. Shemarrian player-characters will always be on a mission for Archie, ranging from simple
information-gathering, to Splugorth hunting, to revenge against the other player-characters for past adventures, to any number of
schemes which will further Archie’s goals.
Disbursement of Shemarrian Warriors with mounts
The Shemarrian riders with A-002 Monst-Rex mounts are limited to approximately 450 who are designated as
“officers” in the Shemarrian forces pitted against the Confederacy. An estimated 4500 are currently engaged in the seek and
destroy missions for Splugorth Slavers along the rest of the eastern seaboard. Shemarrians are typically encountered nowadays in
packs of 3D6 to 1D4 × 10 warriors. It is these forces that have given rise to the alleged “Shemarrian Nation” that’s claimed most
of the seaboard.
In addition, nearly 400 Shemarrians with mounts have been sent into the southwestern states and Mexico to assess and
combat the vampire situation there. Several have joined vampire-hunting organizations such as Reid’s Rangers and the Children
of Quetzalcoatl. Away from the east coast, Shemarrians are often encountered in small groups of 1D4 warriors. Archie is
concerned about the number of vampires in the northern part of Mexico, which appear to be growing, and has dispatched these
Shemarrians in order to gather intelligence on them.
Disbursement of Shemarrian Warriors without mounts
These Shemarrians are more centralized than their mounted counterparts, being the “foot soldiers” in Archie’s forces
that are marching against the Confederacy. At present, there are nearly 2000 Shemarrians in the robot army. Archie has kept
about 300 Shemarrians in storage, to act as replacements for warriors that get destroyed in combat, and he is always making
Model Type: A-SHE-2
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Infantry Robot
Crew: None; artificial intelligence
M.D.C. by Location:
Rail Gun (1) – 10
Hands (2) – 10 each
Arms (2) – 60 each
Legs (2) – 100 each
* Head – 50
** Main Body – 250
* Destroying the head of the robot will eliminate all optics and sensory systems. In most cases (80%), the robot
continues to fight, blasting or lashing out blindly (–9 to strike, parry, dodge) until it is destroyed. Note: The head is a small and
difficult target to hit, especially on a moving target. Thus, it can only be hit when the attacker makes a called shot, and even then
the attacker is –3 to strike. Hitting a hand is –6.
** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the bot. The robot explodes when all of its M.D.C. is depleted,
leaving no salvageable remains. Note: Additional body armor or power armor can NOT be worn by these bots without massive
Running: 90 mph (144 kph) maximum. Note that the act of running does NOT tire the robot, and speed can be maintained
Leaping: The robot’s legs are strong and well-suited for leaping. Leaps are limited to approximately 20 feet (6 m) high or
lengthwise. A running leap at speeds in excess of 40 mph (64 kph) will enable the bot to leap an additional 10 feet (3m).
Flying: Possible only by use of a jet pack.
Range: The nuclear power pack gives the robot approximately 20 years of life, even under the most strenuous and constant
amount of use.
Statistical Data
Height: 8 feet (2.4 m)
Width: 3 feet, 6 inches (1 m)
Length: 2 feet, 5 inches (0.75m)
Weight: 900 lbs. (405 kg)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear; average bot energy life is 20 years.
Black Market Cost: Not available!
Weapon Systems
1. Shemarrian Rail Gun: This electro-magnetic mass driver system is similar to that of the Glitter Boy Boom Gun. Although
the basic principles are the same, this weapon is designed for accuracy rather than raw destructive power and has a suppressor
system that lessens the recoil and muffles the sonic boom. The shot itself is still extremely long, like that of a shotgun or small
explosive. The shot is a single flechette filled cartridge. When fired, the cartridge breaks open and releases hundreds of shards
that strike at such speeds that they can punch through mega-damage armor.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Weight: Gun: 128 lbs. (57.6 kg), belt: 30 lbs. (13.6 kg).
Mega-Damage: 2D6 × 10 M.D. per round.
Rate of Fire: Aimed or wild, cannot fire bursts. The number of shots is equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks; in the
case of a Shemarrian firing this gun, that’s 6 shots per melee.
Effective Range: 6000 feet (1828 m)
Payload: 12 per ammo clip, or 220 rounds per belt fed backpack.
Special Bonuses: The gun has a unique built-in sensor system with computer guided targeting sight and laser targeting that
provide a +2 to strike when using this weapon.
Black Market Cost: Normally, not available. Very few of these weapons have made it to the black market, because the gun is
almost always destroyed when the Shemarrian’s self-destruct goes off. The few times the gun has been available, it has sold for
10,000 credits as an alien device with limited usability. However, the few that have fallen into Confederacy hands have been
turned against the Shemarrians. Annapolis Harbor has successfully duplicated the gun’s ammunition, and are working on
duplicating the weapon.
2. Hand Claws and Laser: The hands are fitted with protective gloves that house a laser system in each. To fire, the wrist is
pointed at the target and activated via an internal electronic command from the robot. The fingers of both hands are fitted with
retractable claws. Those Shemarrians currently stationed in and around Mexico have had the claws coated in pure silver.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Mega-Damage: Lasers 3D6 M.D. per blast. Claws 2D6 per punch/swipe.
Rate of Fire: Equal tot he number of hand to hand attacks; six.
Effective Range: Laser 2000 feet (610 m)
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3. Can use any other type of weapon: The warrior bots can use just about any other type of energy weapon, rail gun, or handheld weapon they may desire. Shemarrians pitted against the Confederacy carry Arch-27 ion pistols, and Arch-22 laser rifles, as
well as a specialized sword-like vibro-blade to all the mounted “officers”.
4. Hand to Hand Combat: Six (6) hand to hand attacks/actions per melee (energy weapons, claws, etc). Skill is roughly equal to
an eighth level martial artist.
Restrained Punch: 2D6 + 15 S.D.C.
Punch: 1D6 M.D.
Claw Strike: 2D6 M.D.
Kick: 1D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 2D6 M.D.
Bonuses: Include sensor bonuses. +1 to strike using any rail gun or energy weapons, as well as W.P. bonuses (standard). Hand
to hand: +7 to strike, +9 to parry and dodge, +3 on initiative, +4 to roll with punch, fall, or impact, critical strike on a natural roll
of 18, 19, or 20, paired weapons, leap attack, karate kick.
Attribute Equivalents of Note: I.Q. 14, P.S. 30, P.P. 24, Spd. 132.
5. Sensors of Note (in the head):
Optics: Basic optic system, including the visible light spectrum, infrared, ultraviolet, and polarization, as well as
passive light amplification (night sight 500 feet/152m), telescopic (6000 feet/1830 m), and targeting. Note that passive light
amplification systems require a minimum of ambient light, such as stars or moon.
Amplified Hearing: Can hear sounds as quiet as 10 decibels as far away as 500 feet (152 m). Can also hear into the
ultrasonic range of high-frequency sound. The computer is programmed to recognize 60,000 different mechanical sounds, from
the sound of a car engine to the hum of a generator. Adds to alertness and attacks.
Antennae: The two antennae on the warrior’s head are ultra-sensitive motion and heat detectors and feelers (the
antennae can move and touch things), specifically for movement in total darkness. Thus, the penalty for being blind is only –3 to
strike, parry, and dodge.
Speech: Full speech capabilities. Speaks Dragonese 95%, and understands all of the known languages and
Splugorthian at 98%.
6. Skill Program: Programmed for combat and reconnaissance. Combat program includes identification of all known Coalition,
Confederate, and Splugorth troops, robots, and vehicles, common animal and D-Bee life forms, common bots, armor, weapons,
and vehicles, and combat tactics in response to them. W.P. energy pistols, rifles, and heavy, W.P. blunt, chain, knife, and sword.
Other skills include: Prowl 40% (takes into consideration size and construction), swim 90%, climb 90%, gymnastics
90%, land navigation 94%, wilderness survival 94%, escape artist 75%, intelligence 90%, tracking 40%, detect ambush 60%,
detect concealment 60%, horsemanship: exotic: Monst-Rex 98%/98%, speaks Dragonese 98% and American 50%, and is literate
in American 98% and Dragonese 75% (learned by Archie via robot spies in Lazlo, Tolkeen, Baalgor, and other places where
Dragonese is a common language). Player-character Shemarrians can learn new secondary skills at the rate of two secondaries
every three levels, starting at level 3. Player-character Shemarrians advance on the Techno-Headhunter experience table.
7. Automatic Self-Destruct Program: Standard. A self-destruct mechanism detonates when the robot’s main body M.D.C. is
depleted or its internal workings tampered with. This prevents the robot’s technology from falling into the hands of the enemy.
The explosion inflicts 2D6 × 10 M.D. to a twenty foot (6 m) area around the bot, and three times as much damage to the bot
itself, leaving no salvageable remains, and destroys the rail gun as well. The robots cannot self-destruct at will (in fact, the bots
have no idea that they carry explosives inside them whatsoever). There have been times when Archie has ordered this device
detonated, via his satellite linkup, despite the fact that the Shemarrian was still in good condition.
A-001 and A-002 Monst-Rex
Reprinted from Sourcebook 1, with additions by Ted Brock.
Model Type: A-001 and A-002
Class: Fully Automated Self-Sufficient Monster/Combat Robot
Crew: None; artificial intelligence
M.D.C. by Location:
Front Paws/Claws (2) – 50 each
Front Legs (2) – 100 each
Hind Legs (2) – 120 each
Tail (1, prehensile) – 20
Spines (4) – 20 each
Laser (1, left shoulder) – 10
Plasma Ejector (1, left shoulder) – 20
* Extra Sensor Cluster (1, right shoulder) – 20
** Head – 50
*** Main Body – 300
* Destroying the extra sensor cluster located above the right shoulder will eliminate all the extra bonuses received by
the sensors such as the molecular analyzer for tracking by scent. See the description that follows.
** Destroying the head of the robot will eliminate all optics and main sensory systems, and all bonuses from these
systems. However , the robot will continue to operate and is NOT blind! It can still see using its right shoulder sensor cluster,
although it is limited to those provided by that sensor cluster. If completely blinded (both the head and sensor cluster are
destroyed), the creature will continue to fight, groping around, lashing out and hitting anything it touches. Under these
circumstances, the robot enjoys no combat bonuses and is –9 to strike, parry, and dodge. Note that the head is a small and
difficult to hit target, especially on a moving target. Thus, it can only be hit on a called shot, and even then the attacker is –2 to
*** Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the bot. The robot explodes when all of its M.D.C. is depleted,
leaving no salvageable remains.
Running: 190 mph (304 kph) maximum. Note that the act of running does NOT tire the robot, and speed can be maintained
Leaping: The robot’s legs are strong and designed for leaping and climbing. Leaps are limited to approximately 30 feet (9 m)
high and across. A running leap at speeds in excess of 60 mph (96 kph) will enable the bot to leap an additional 1D4 x 10
yards/meters across and 20 feet (6 m) higher.
Climbing: The Monst-Rex is an excellent climber and can scale trees and sheer walls of rock/mountains with ease; climbing skill
equal to 90%, cannot rappel.
Flying: Not possible.
Range: The nuclear power pack gives the Monst-Rex approximately ten years of life, even under the most strenuous and constant
amount of use.
Statistical Data
Height: 10 feet (3 m)
Width: 7 feet (2.1 m)
Length: 16 feet (4.8 m) from nose to hindquarters; the tail adds an additional 12 feet (3.6 m).
Weight: 2000 lbs. (900 kg)
Physical Strength: Equal to a P.S. 30
Cargo: None.
Power System: Nuclear; average bot energy life is 10 years.
Black Market Cost: 18 million credits and higher for a good condition (little damage), fully-powered unit, complete with or
without weapons; RARE!! 25 million credits and up for a riding mount; EXTREMELY RARE!!! Almost never available;
occasionally captured and sold to gladiatorial arenas.
Weapon Systems:
1. Forward-Facing Plasma Ejector (1): Built into the armor plating above the left shoulder is a plasma weapon. The plasma
ejector is forward facing, but can swing up and down in a 90 degree arc. Those who believe the monster is a living creature
assume the weapon is a bionic implant.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks; five.
Effective Range: 1600 feet (488 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
2. Forward Facing Laser (1): Also built into the left shoulder is a light laser. It also has a 90 degree angle of fire, up and down.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Mega-Damage: 2D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks; five.
Effective Range: 2000 feet (610 m).
Payload: Effectively unlimited.
3. Prehensile Tail (1): The ten foot (3 m) long tail has a sharp blade at the end which can be used as a whip or stabbing weapon.
The tail is used in hand to hand combat, and is able to attack twice per melee. This is two additional hand to hand combat
attacks. The tail is also used for balance and for climbing.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Mega-Damage: Whip or slash 1D4 M.D., or stab with point 1D6 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Two (2) additional attacks per melee during hand to hand combat.
Effective Range: 12 feet (3.6 m).
4. Spines (4): Four wicked-looking spines protrude from the monster’s back. Each is jointed in three locations, enabling them to
move with the flexibility of a human finger. Like a finger, they can be used to point, poke, and stab. However, they are mostly
defensive mechanisms, and are used only in close combat to ward off or attack an opponent or prey. They are especially useful
against prey like the larger dinosaurs and giant robots, in which the monst-rex leaps on top of the giant creature and plunges all
four spines into the beast in a single thrust. Then it rips the prey apart with its teeth, claws, and tail while the spines hold it
securely on the prey’s back. The spines are also helpful in climbing and scaling walls, and even enable the robot to hang from
ceilings, the sides of sheer cliffs, or from large trees.
Primary Purpose: Defense.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 M.D. per spine. A 4D6 M.D. stab from all four spines simultaneously counts as two melee attacks.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the total number of hand to hand attacks; five.
Effective Range: 12 feet (3.6 m).
The Republic
Population: 300,000
Racial Breakdown:
45% Human
25% Elven
21% Dwarven
9% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 3D6 × 1000 at any given time
Technology Level: High Technology, slightly below Northern Gun and on par with Manistique.
Terrain: Flat, coastal plain.
Primary Imports: Grain, lumber, raw metals.
Primary Exports: Manufactured goods.
Note: The following directly contradicts the information given in Rifts Aftermath.
When the Great Cataclysm hit, and Atlantis rose from its watery grave, the city of Washington, D.C., found itself on
the mouth of the Potomac River. The city was situated inland enough during the initial disasters that reshaped the world that
most of the central city escaped unscathed. However, it was not to remain that way. Weeks after the Cataclysm, the city fell to a
mysterious new plague that wiped out the remaining inhabitants of the city within an hour. Of the original survivors of the
Cataclysm, none remained, save one.
This survivor was a young boy, no more than six years old, who had found his way into the still-standing Lincoln
Memorial while everyone else around him died. The child innocently believed that the statue in the memorial was a god, and had
protected him. A few days later, the child was rescued by a wandering band of survivors who had wandered into the city, and
adopted by one of them. The band settled into the town, cleaning up the ruins, attracting more and more survivors. As the town
grew, so did the child, who started the practice of worshiping the statues in the memorials. The name of the child has been lost to
history, but his legacy lives on in the Republic, who still worship the statues of Lincoln and Jefferson as gods.
At some point during the Dark Ages, the city was again wiped out. Many people blame the Splugorth. Others blame
disease, famine, or even the Shemarrians! The actual cause of the second depopulation of the city has not been determined. But
they did leave behind records, including records of the statue-worship.
Those who settled into the city after examined the many recorded documents stored in the many buildings that
remained intact. Using these guidelines as a basis, the city decided that its form of government should be based on the original
United States Constitution. However, they did not know what to call the city. One of the inhabitants made an offhand comment,
calling the city “the Republic”, and the name stuck. Occasionally, the issue comes up in City Council meetings to rename the
city, but they have always been shot down, sometimes literally.
To someone from the 20th and 21st centuries, the city would appear to have changed little. The head of the Republic
and his family live in the recently restored White House, and the City Council meets in the old Capitol building, also restored.
However, the city has changed. Republic politics are often rough, and sometimes end up in full-fledged brawls in the Capitol.
Also, insults are often challenged by duel, using replicas of 18th Century dueling pistols. The city is also home to two major
manufacturing companies: Lincoln Firearms, who produces regular S.D.C. weaponry, as well as a line of Mega-Damage
weaponry, and Smithsonian Robotics, who produce commercial-grade power armor and robot vehicles.
Ironically, the remains of the nearby Andrews Air Force Base, while submerged, is still accessible, as the water level
on most of the base is a mere two feet deep. Smithsonian Robotics has uncovered evidence that the mysterious plague that wiped
out the original inhabitants of the city was, in fact, a biochemical weapon that had accidentally been released from Andrews.
Recently, a move to reclaim the base has been started, and man-made dikes are in the process of being erected to keep the ocean
off the base.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition: The Coalition is aware of the Republic, mostly through Erin Tarn’s book Traversing Our Modern World (where
they were mistakenly referred to as “The Republicans”), as well as their own expeditions into the area during the Mechanoid
Invasion. However, as the Republic produces little that can affect the Coalition directly, they have chosen to simply keep an eye
on this Eastern tech-center. Only the Coalition State of Iron Heart has taken an active interest in the Republic; they fear that the
Republic, should they become part of the Coalition, would place them in the number three position again. The Republic knows
about the Coalition, and while they may fear them, they relax a bit, knowing that the Coalition views them as being too far away
to worry about right now.
Free Quebec: Quebec is too wrapped up in their own problems to pay the Republic any mind.
Boston: One of the Republic’s largest trading partners on the eastern seaboard. The Republic has purchased a small fleet from
Boston, consisting of a cruiser, two destroyers, three frigates, and a handful of patrol boats, for their own defense.
Iroquois Confederation: The Republic rarely deals with this Indian nation.
Mad Haven: The Republic often sells weapons and equipment to the Seekers, but has little contact with the other groups there.
The Artemian Guard: The Republic has engaged in trade with the Guard, purchasing a number of armored vehicles for the
militia from them. In exchange, the Guard has purchased a number of construction robots, and has become the largest buyer of
Power Lifters on the east coast.
Nuclear Priests: The Republic knows of this enclave of sorcerers, but rarely deals with them.
Chesapeake Bay Confederation: The Republic engages in regular trade with this loose-knit alliance, but can only claim the
kingdom of Annapolis Harbor as a rival. The Republic is debating whether to petition for membership; the resultant brawls have
not yet resolved the issue, nor have the few duels that have been fought over it.
Archie Three and the Shemarrians: The existence of the insane computer entity is unknown to the general populace, although
some people inside Smithsonian Robotics who have visited Andrews Air Force Base have come to speculate that a computer
known as A.R.C.H.I.E. III may have survived the Cataclysm. They have yet to link the computer to the Cyberwerks Corporation,
or realize that the computer is in their back yard. As far as Archie’s Shemarrians are concerned, the current residents of the
Republic fear that they are next on the Shemarrians’ list of targets to be conquered (they are).
Baalgor: The Republic does engage in trade with the Baalgor Elves, mostly for food.
Ered-Dum: The Republic rarely engages in trade with the Dwarven kingdom.
Camp Cherokee: The Republic has had extensive dealings with the Cherokee nation. A number of Cherokee live in and around
the Republic, and are in fact Republic citizens. The two are on friendly terms, and trade weapons and armor for food and
handcrafted goods on a regular basis.
Seminole Empire: The Seminoles rarely deal with anyone outside their own borders; some contact has been made between the
two, but it has been strained. The Republic’s dealings with the Cherokee have also helped strain the relations between them and
the Seminole; the Seminoles are at war with the Cherokee, and see any ally of the Cherokee as an enemy.
Products of Lincoln Firearms
Weight: 4 lbs. (1.62 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 6D6.
Rate of Fire: Single shot only.
Effective Range: 150 feet (36.6 m)
Payload: One round/bullet.; it takes 15 seconds/one melee
to reload the bullet, 30 seconds/two melees if you reload
the flash pan as well.
Cost: 2,000 to 3,000 credits a pair; more ornate pistols run
for 5,000 credits and up, each.
LF-05 Seismic Hammer
Inspired by a Pre-Rifts video game, ironically depicting a
post-apocalyptic future, the Seismic Hammer takes the
same technology as vibro-blades, and adapts it to a much
more blunt object. It is made of M.D.C. materials, so it is
able to parry Mega-Damage blows.
Weight: 21 lbs.
Mega-Damage: 3D6 M.D. per hit
M.D.C.: 100
Payload: Each E-Clip powers the Seismic Hammer for one
hour of constant use.
LF-12 .38 Derringer
A two-shot Derringer that is easy to conceal in the hand,
pocket, or up a sleeve.
Cartridge: .38 Special
Weight: 10 ounces (0.25 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 2D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Each pull of the trigger fires one shot, and
counts as one melee action/attack.
Effective Range: 50 feet (15.2 m)
Payload: 2 rounds
Cost: 400 to 700 credits; a sleeve holster is available for 20
to 30 credits more.
LF-10 .60 Dueling Pistols
With the return of the practice of dueling with pistols, there
grew a demand for the pistols. Most of the dueling pistols
made by Lincoln Firearms have handcrafted wooden
handles, some with ornate designs. The pistol is a singleshot model, resembling the flint-lock pistols of the past.
However, the pan of black powder is strictly for show. The
bullet is propelled like most normal bullets, if somewhat
larger than the rest, for greater stopping power. Among the
Republic elite, the more ornate dueling pistols are symbols
of status. With few exceptions, the pistols are sold in pairs.
Only the pistols that target the elite are sold singly, and
those often have exquisite designs on the barrel and handle.
Cartridge: .60 caliber ball
LF-14 .357 Revolver
Based on the pistol used by “Dirty Harry” in his pre-Rifts
holovids, this is a long-barreled, double-action revolver
Weight: 7 lbs. (3.2 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 3D6 per round/bullet. The grenade
normally does 5D6 M.D to a 20 foot area
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 1800 feet (550m) for the rifle. 1300 feet
(400m) for the grenade launcher.
Payload: 20 or 30 rounds/bullets per clip. The grenade
launcher can hold 4 grenades.
Cost: 4000 to 7500 credits
with a swing-out cylinder. It has decent range and stopping
power, and is highly favored by nearly everyone.
Cartridge: .357 Magnum
Weight: 3 lbs. (1.5 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 4D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Each pull of the trigger fires one shot, and
counts as one melee action/attack.
Effective Range: 150 feet (36.6 m)
Payload: 6 rounds; it takes one melee round (15 seconds) to
reload, or one melee action (roughly 5 seconds) with a
Cost: 400 to 700 credits
LF-35 7.62mm Sniper Rifle
Cartridge: 7.62mm × 51
Weight: 11 lbs. (4.9 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 5D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Single-shots only.
Effective Range: 2165 feet (660m)
Payload: 10 rounds magazine.
Cost: 4000 to 6000 credits
LF-16 .44 Revolver
A single-action revolver with superior stopping power.
Cartridge: .44 Magnum
Weight: 3 lbs. (1.5 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 6D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Each pull of the trigger fires one shot, and
counts as one melee action/attack.
Effective Range: 150 feet (36.6 m)
Payload: 6 rounds; it takes one melee round (15 seconds) to
Cost: 500 to 800 credits
LF-40 7.62mm Light Machinegun
Cartridge: 7.62mm × 51
Weight: 21 lbs. (9.55 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 6D6 per round/bullet
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 3500 feet (1061 m)
Payload: 200 round disintegrating link belts
Cost: 7500 credits
LF-18 .45 Automatic Pistol
Cartridge: .45 A.C.P.
Weight: 4 lbs. (1.9 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 4D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 150 feet (15.2 m)
Payload: 12 rounds.
Cost: 500 to 800 credits
LF-45 .50 Heavy Machinegun
Cartridge: .50 caliber ball
Weight: 80 lbs. (36.4 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 1D6 × 10+10 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 4500 feet (1364 m)
Payload: 200 round disintegrating link belts
Cost: 10,000 credits
LF-20 .45 Sub-Machinegun
Cartridge: .45 A.C.P.
Weight: 11 lbs. (4.9 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 4D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 650 feet (200 m)
Payload: 50 round box magazine
Cost: 800 to 1,200 credits
LF-47 30mm Chaingun
Cartridge: 30mm
Weight: 1,500 lbs. fully loaded
Damage: 2D6 × 10 S.D.C./hit point damage per round.
Effective Range: 6000 feet
Rate of Fire: Fully automatic, can fire up to 100 rounds
every melee
Payload: 400 rounds, enough for 4 full-melee bursts
Black Market Cost: 25,000 credits
LF-30 .30 Hunting Rifle
A common hunting rifle, with good range and accuracy.
Cartridge: .30 M1
Weight: 10 lbs. (4.3 kg)
H.P./S.D.C. Damage: 3D6 per round/bullet.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 1640 feet (500 m)
Payload: 10 round box magazine
Cost: 1,400 to 2,100 credits
LF-R70 Rail Gun
Weight: 128 lbs. (57.6 kg) for the gun, 80 lbs. (36 kg) for
the power pack, 25 lbs. (11 kg) per ammo belt.
Mega-Damage: 1D6 × 10 M.D. for a 40 round burst. Can
only do bursts.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 4000 feet ( m)
Payload: 400 round disintegrating link belts, that’s 10
Cost: 75,000 credits
LF-33 5.56mm Assault Rifle and Grenade
A bullpup assault rifle with a grenade launcher attached.
The grenade launcher can fire both Coalition and Northern
Gun rifle grenades, as well as standard 40mm grenades
produced by most industrial kingdoms.
Cartridge: 5.56mm × 45
LF-P73 Plasma Cannon
Weight: 21 lbs. (9.55 kg)
Mega-Damage: 1D6 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 1600 feet (488 m)
Payload: 6 shots per long E-clip.
Cost: 35,000 credits
Weight: 21 lbs. (9.55 kg)
Mega-Damage: 1D4 × 10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Standard.
Effective Range: 1200 feet (365 m)
Payload: 6 shots per long E-clip
Cost: 25,000 credits
LF-PB75 Particle Beam Rifle
Products of Smithsonian Robotics
As noted above, Smithsonian Robotics produces commercial-grade robot vehicles and power armor, rather than combat
models. Many of the following can be modified for combat, but are not recommended for combat use.
SR-M15 Tunneler Mining Power Armor
Designed for use inside the mines of the Appalachians, the Tunneler has proven to be one of the most popular
commercial power armor designs for that purpose. The Tunneler is outfitted with environmental features, including a two hour
emergency oxygen supply that kicks in when the ambient oxygen in the mines drops below safe levels. This enables the miners
to mine deeper than they could before.
Model: SR-M15
Class: Commercial Mining Power Armor
Crew: One pilot.
A.R.: 14
S.D.C. by Location:
Main Body – 1800
Arms (2) – 900 each
Legs (2) – 1200 each
Mining Drills (2) – 500 each
Speed: 15 mph (24 kph) walking, 30 mph (48 kph) running. Note that the act of running will tire the wearer, at twice the normal
rate, but the wearer can maintain a walking pace for twice as long as normal. The Tunneler is not made for running.
Range: 80 miles (128 km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 8 ft. (2.4 m)
Width: 6 ft. (1.8 m)
Length: 4 ft. (1.2 m)
Weight: 5 tons
Cargo: None
P.S.: Equal to a robotic strength of 30.
Power Plant: Gasoline, or electric.
Black Market Cost: 300,000 credits for the gas engine, 450,000 credits for the electric engine.
Special Systems:
1. Mining Drills (2): Instead of hands, the Tunneler is outfitted with a pair of diamond-tipped drills for digging through solid
rock. Each use of the drills upon a structure does 2D6 M.D. against M.D.C. structures, and 4D6 × 10 S.D.C./hit point damage
against “soft” targets.
SR-L43 Power Lifter
Inspired by a pre-Rifts holovid, the power lifter is designed to be a one-man replacement for old-style forklifts, giving
the wearer the ability to lift tremendous weights with ease. The power lifter is unique in that it utilizes hydraulics and basic
electrical components, which lowers the price tremendously. Critics of the suit claim that the lifter offers almost no protection, as
it is made mostly of steel and titanium rather than the composite alloys used in more advanced robots and power armor.
However, proponents of the suit point out that the lifter’s design gives the standard worker enhanced strength without impairing
his vision, and is a steal compared to purchasing a combat-oriented power armor and then adapting it. Because of this, the lifter
is a common sight in almost all the commercial docks along the eastern seaboard, as well as along the Great Lakes. Northern
Gun and the Manistique Imperium have cashed in on the lifter’s success by producing knock-offs of their own. Some mercenary
and pirate groups have bought a few of these, as the lifter’s strength enables the groups’ mechanics and Operators to reload and
rearm robot vehicles easier.
Model: SR-L43 Power Lifter
Class: Commercial cargo hauling power armor
Crew: One pilot.
A.R.: 14
S.D.C. by Location:
Main Body – 1200
Arms (2) – 450 each
Grippers (2) – 250 each
Legs (2) – 800 each
Speed: 15 mph (24 kph) walking, 30 mph (48 kph) running. Note that the act of running will tire the wearer, at twice the normal
rate. The lifter is not made for distance running.
Range: 80 miles (128 km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 8 ft. (2.4 m)
Width: 6 ft. (1.8 m)
Length: 4 ft. (1.2 m)
Weight: 5 tons
Cargo: No innate cargo space, but can carry up to 3 ton containers in its gripper hands.
P.S.: Equal to a robotic strength of 45.
Power Plant: Gasoline, or electric.
Black Market Cost: 300,000 credits for the gas engine, 450,000 credits for the electric engine.
Special Features:
1. Locking joints. The power lifter's operator can lock its joints, causing the lifter to stand in one place with a cargo container in
its grips while the operator exits the system.
2. Laser torch (2). The power lifter has a small cutting laser on each "hand", used in opening containers that may have been
welded shut. This torch can be set to a number of S.D.C. settings in increments of 1D6 (up to 1D6 × 10 S.D.C.), or can do 1D6
M.D. All settings have a range of 6 inches.
SR-C24 Urban Renewer Construction Robot
The largest of the commercial construction units, the Urban Renewer is a specially designed robot with construction,
not destruction, in mind. As such, it possesses no weapons, but four multi-purpose arms with various construction tools on them.
In a pinch, these tools may be able to substituted with weapons, or used as weapons themselves, but this is quite rare.
For stability, the robot departs from the standard humanoid configuration, instead having a quadruped configuration.
Inside the four legs are laser pylons, similar to the ones on the Glitter Boy power armor, which extend into the ground, providing
additional stability. The cockpit/control room is located directly over the drive unit, and unlike most robot vehicles, the pilot is
visible through the transparisteel front and sides.
Model: SR-C24
Class: Commercial construction robot
Crew: One pilot, although there is enough room in the cockpit for an assistant.
M.D.C. by Location:
Cockpit – 200
Drive Unit – 400
Main Arms (2) – 250 each
Utility Arms (4) – 50 each
Legs (4) – 350 each
Speed: 35 mph
Range: 200 miles ( km)
Statistical Data:
Height: 30 feet 4 inches ( m)
Width: 20 ft. 6 in. ( m)
Length: 30 ft. 7 in ( m)
Weight: 40 tons.
Cargo: Only minimum cargo capability inside the bot, but it can lift up to 10 tons of material for short periods of time, and carry
loads of 5 tons. Only applicable when using both of the main arms.
P.S.: Equal to a robotic strength of 40.
Power Plant: Diesel fuel, or nuclear with a 10 year life.
Black Market Cost: 1.5 million credits for the diesel engine, 15 million credits for nuclear.
Special Systems:
1. Locking joints. The power lifter's operator can lock its joints, causing the lifter to stand in one place with cargo in the grips of
the primary arms while the operator exits the system.
2. Laser Torches (4): On each of the four utility arms are laser torches for cutting and welding. These torches have a number of
settings, for both S.D.C. and M.D.C. materials. These torches can be set to a number of S.D.C. settings in increments of 1D6 (up
to 1D6 × 10 S.D.C.), or can do 1D6 M.D. Lower settings are used primarily for welding, not cutting. All settings have a range of
6 inches.
3. Wheel Cutters (2): Located on the top two of the utility arms, these cutters are able to slice through most materials, doing
about 2D4 M.D. per slice.
4. Rivet Gun (2): Located on the lower two utility arms, these guns fire super-heated rivets. Although not intended for combat
purposes, they can be used as such in a pinch. Each rivet can do 3D6 S.D.C. damage.
SR-A12 Robot Condor
The robot condor was developed by Smithsonian Robotics based on pre-Rifts artifacts found in the Smithsonian
Institution. The robot condor is a massive deviation from the primarily commercial power armor.
The robot condor got its start when one of the developers at Smithsonian Robotics purchased a third-hand robot horse
in the Boston Commons. He was intrigued with the idea of robot mounts, and reverse engineered both the intelligence program
and the horse itself. A little bit of modification to the skills known by the intelligence program, and Smithsonian Robots was
soon marketing its own robot horses at prices comparable to the Black Market and Northern Gun. The Cherokee love them.
Seeing that the greatest problem with the east coast is that it is, for the most part, cut off from the rest of the continent
by the Appalacians, the developer decided that if they couldn't easily go through them, perhaps they could go over them?
After months of development, the first robot condor came off the assembly lines. So far, the largest buyers have been
the Artemian Guard, who have purchased quite a few in bulk, complete with nearly all the sensor options, and the Cherokee, who
use them against the Seminoles in their border war. Others who use them are couriers, adventurers looking for some air power,
and mercenaries. A number of them are used by the Liberated Underground smuggling people off the nearby island continent of
Model: SR-A12
Class: Robot Condor
Crew: One pilot, with a second saddle built in for a passenger.
M.D.C. by Location:
Main Body: 50
* Wings (2): 100 ea.
** Legs (2): 10 ea.
*** Thrusters (2): 2 ea.
* Because the wings are so much larger than the 'main' body, they will be hit on a regular shot -- a called shot is
required to hit the main body or the rider.
** Destroying one or more legs will make it impossible for the robot to land without taking damage on landing. After
said landing, the robot will need to have the leg replaced, or it will take damage on takeoff. The legs themselves are difficult to
hit, -3 to strike.
*** The thrusters are hidden where the wings attach to the main body, and are an extremely difficult target to hit, -5 to
Running on the ground: Only basic running capability; 25 mph tops.
Flight: 90 mph regular flying speed using wing power alone; thrusters give the ability to reach 260 mph on takeoff or for short
bursts. The thrusters will always fire on takeoff and when gaining altitude.
Range: Effectively unlimited.
Statistical Data:
Height: 5 ft. at the shoulder
Length: 4 ft 5 inches
Wingspan: 30 ft.
Weight: 300 lbs.
Attributes of Note: Robot P.S. 20, P.P. 20, P.B. 10 (12 with realistic fake feathers)
Power Plant: Nuclear with a 5 year life, plus a turbo engine for the boosters.
Market Cost: 8 million credits (4 million dollars); fake feathers in a variety of color schemes are available for 500,000 credits
(250,000 dollars) more.
Note: The rider is required to have Horsemanship: Exotic in order to pilot this robot.
Weapon and Special Systems:
1. Laser: Located on the forehead, between the eyes, is a small laser rod that's been permanently mounted. This weapon is
strictly designed for defense, but enterprising pilots may be able to use it for strafing runs against ground targets
Primary Purpose: Defense
Secondary Purpose: Ground Attack
Mega-Damage: 2D4 M.D.
Rate of Fire: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks (4).
Payload: Effectively unlimited
Bonus: +1 to strike, due to placement
2. Melee Combat: Rather than using the head laser, the robot can engage in melee combat.
Attacks per Melee: 4
Bonuses: +3 to Initiative, +3 to strike, +4 to parry, +5 to dodge
Claw: 1D6 M.D.
Restrained Claw: 4D6 S.D.C.
Body Block/Ram: 1D4 M.D.
Peck: 1D4 M.D.
Bite: 1D6 M.D.
3. Skills of Note: Understands the basic languages of the area, including American, Spanish, Old French, Iroquois,
Elven/Dragonese, Dwarven, Pennsylvania Dutch, and Cherokee at 98%, also has Land Navigation at 94%, Prowl at 80%, and
Tracking (people and animals) at 75%.
4. Sensor Package: The robot has the following sensors built in.
1. Advanced Audio System
Amplified stereo hearing
Full decibel range
Wide-band radio receiver
Range: 50 miles, antennae built into wings
2. Wide-Band Radio Receiver/Transmitter
Range: 150 miles
3. Single Voice Synthesizer
4. Loudspeaker at 90 decibels
5. Basic Robot Optic System
6. Telescopic Vision
Range: 6000 ft.
7. Searchlight
Range: 300 ft.
8. Micro-Radar
Range: 1 mile
Identify 30 targets, Track 10
Options: The following advanced features are available at an additional cost:
Advanced Robot Optic System: 150,000 credits
Laser Targeting System: 50,000 credits
Targeting Sight and Combat Computer: 500,000 credits
External Video and Audio Surveillance System: 500,000 credits
Radio Signal Scrambler: 10,000 credits
Thermo-Imager: 2,000 credits
Motion Detector and Warning System: 75,000 credits
Radar Detector: 10,000
Native Indian Tribes
City of Baalgor
Population: 15,000
Racial Breakdown:
76% Elf
16% Human
8% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 3D6 × 10 at any given time.
Technology Level: Techno-Wizardry, on par with the Colorado Baronies.
Terrain: Low coastal foothills.
Primary Imports: Raw materials, grain.
Primary Exports: Ships, magic, techno-wizard devices, seafood.
When the Rifts flared, several Elven towns on the Palladium world were rifted over to Earth. One of the towns found
themselves in what was the Virginian Blue Ridge, in the Appalachian Mountains. Several Elves, seeing that the world they had
found themselves in was rich in magic, decided that their millennia of shame were over, and decided that the time was right to
rebuild their lost empire. Others in the towns disagreed. Eventually, however, even those Elves who had originally been against
the idea changed their minds. Some suspect coercion of traditional and/or mystical means, but nothing has been proven.
However, the area they had found themselves in was not suited for their needs, and they moved east, eventually coming
to the new coastline. Along the coastline, amid the Appalachian foothills, they established a settlement, which they named
Baalgor, after their lost empire. In a way, they took the name to remind themselves of what had happened the last time the city of
Baalgor had existed. No one among the Baalgor Elves wanted a repeat of the Elf-Dwarf War (see The Baalgor Wastelands for
the Palladium Fantasy RPG for more details on this war).
Several weeks after their arrival, the fledgling settlement was attacked by a trio of humans with a tank. Incidentally,
the humans’ attack coincided with a Splugorth raiding party. During the three-sided fight, the humans and a quarter of the elves
of the settlement were killed. However, the tank had survived, relatively unscathed. The Elves, unfamiliar with modern
technology, decided to study the tank, as well as the equipment the humans had left behind.
Since then, the Baalgor Elves have become comfortable with both magic and technology, and a number of them have
become Techno-Wizards. The quality of the techno-wizardry is on par with the Colorado Baronies.
Still nestled in the backs of the minds of Lord and Lady Andrigan are the potential for Baalgor to match and possibly
even surpass the other magical powers, including Lazlo and the recently fallen Tolkeen. They wish to see Baalgor become the
new New Kingdom. Realizing that population growth is the key, the king and queen have started the idea of people having
dozens of progeny. At last count, the Lord and Lady themselves had nearly fifty children, the youngest, Lady Menoly Andrigan,
is approaching her thirtieth year (see the Adventures section for more on Lady Menoly).
Places of Note in Baalgor
The Ruling Palace. The Elves who settled the new Virginia coastline came from a world with a feudal society, and the city’s
current state reflects this. For nearly a hundred years, the city of Baalgor has been ruled by Lord Andrigan, leader of those Elves
who wanted to rebuild their old Empire. To facilitate the public’s acceptance of this goal, Lord Andrigan has built a lavish palace
for himself and his family. The Palace, as the locals call it, is the largest structure in the city, and often appears to glow with an
unearthly light, especially if viewed from a distance. Both Lord and Lady Andrigan are natives of the Palladium world.
The Docks: Located in a series of natural coves along the coastline, the docks are where the city’s fleet of merchant ships and
patrol boats are built and maintained. It is also where merchants and privateers hired by the city berth their ships. The city’s
navy is theoretically under the command of Warlord Theosonovous, but in all practicality answers to Admiral Richardson.
The Mage Tower: The second largest building in the city, the Mage Tower is the magic university of the city. Here, citizens of
the town are trained to be ocean wizards, line walkers, shifters, diabolists, summoners, and techno-wizards, all under the watchful
eye of Lady Andrigan, a sorceress of some renown herself (8th level line wizard). One does not have to be a citizen of Baalgor in
order to attend the Mage Tower, but entrance to the university requires some service to the city, either prior to or after attendance.
The Barracks: This M.D.C. structure, built of regular S.D.C. materials and fortified by numerous spells, is a combination
military barracks, militia armory, police station, and jail. Peace is maintained by Warlord Theosonovous, a strict but fair man
who, like the city’s rulers, hails from the Palladium world. He is aided by a standing police force of 100 people, 75% of which
are mages. He is also charged with maintaining the militia, which can currently field six divisions of mages and assorted men-atarms (around 5,200 people, about a third of the city's population) in a crisis.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: The Coalition considers the City of Elves to be an abomination and a blight on the world. While they
have not yet declared war on the city, fierce engagements have been fought between the Coalition Navy and Baalgor privateers.
The Baalgor Elves are wary of anyone wearing Coalition armor.
Free Quebec: Quebec is too far away to pay Baalgor any mind.
Boston: Although Baalgor has traded with Boston in the past, and purchases a small number of ships from them annually, the
two do not get along on principle. The Baalgor Elves do their best to stop the piracy along the coastline; Boston, while not
actively encouraging it, doesn’t follow the same ideals, allowing pirates the safety of Boston’s harbor walls.
Mad Haven: The Elves ignore the scattered groups in the remains of the city, preferring to keep their trade with more established
nations, such as the Chesapeake Bay Confederation, Boston, and the Republic.
The Artemian Guard: The Baalgor Elves tend to avoid the areas controlled by the Guard; they know of the Guard’s dislike for
magic, and respect their wishes. Baalgor has sent ambassadors to the Guard’s territory, and have received the Guard’s
ambassadors, but to date the two remain neutral to each other.
Nuclear Priests: The Baalgor Elves are intrigued by the new brand of magic created by the Priests, wondering if this is perhaps
one of the types of magic that was lost after the Age of a Thousand Magics.
Chesapeake Bay Confederation: Baalgor and New Baltimore currently have a friendly rivalry going; both cities see themselves
as the “Techno-Wizard Capital of the East.” While the techno-wizardry produced by New Baltimore is typically of a slightly
higher quality, the Elves have made theirs aesthetically pleasing to the eye, with good quality and comparable pricing.
Shemarrians: The Baalgor Elves have become wary of Archie’s Shemarrians due to the growing war between them and the
Confederation. That the Shemarrians have claimed control of the seaboard is no surprise to them, but the prevailing notion is that
the Shemarrians are currently unable to control such a large area. They hesitate to get involved with the coming war only
because the Shemarrians are actively fighting against a great evil: the Splugorth.
The Republic: The nearest human nation, Baalgor and the Republic have a fairly good relationship with each other, and engage
in modest trade.
Ered-Dum: The ultimate reminder of the Elf-Dwarf War: Dwarves who literally lived through it. Relations between the two
nations are currently strained, each trying not to let their disdain for the other race turn into a repeat of their own history.
Camp Cherokee: Camp Cherokee currently has strained relations with the elven city. Early on in the city’s existence, a band of
elves encountered a Cherokee war party. Only one person from each side survived the encounter; each blamed the other for the
Seminole Empire: The Seminoles have had no contact with the Baalgor Elves, other than to accuse the elves of aiding the
Cherokee. Elves seen in the Seminole Empire are killed on sight; the elves have become suspicious of all Indians who are not of
local tribes.
Notable Figures of Baalgor
Lord Halath Andigan
Ruler of the City of Baalgor
Statistical Data of Note:
Alignment: Unprincipled
Weight: lbs.
Height: 6 ft. 6 in. Age: 450
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 21, M.A. 14, P.S. 14, P.P. 13, P.E. 10, P.B. 17, Spd. 14
Hit Points: 38
S.D.C.: 16
P.P.E.: 17
Level of Experience: 7th level Noble
Magic Knowledge: Lore only.
Psionic Powers: None.
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 600 ft.
Skills of Note: Speak Elven 98%, Wolfen 90%, Western (Palladium world) 80%, and American 55%. Literacy in Elven 80%,
Western (Palladium world) 70%. Public speaking 70%, dance 75%, heraldry 60%/65%, horsemanship: general 65%/50%,
military etiquette 80%, basic math 95%, play musical instrument: lyre 70%, sing 70%, art 70%, lore: magic 60%/50%/45%, lore:
demons & monsters 60%, lore: faerie 60%, pilot: sailboat 70%, astronomy 50%, athletics, juggling 65%, swimming 70%,
wilderness survival 45%
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Archery, W.P. Sword
Combat: Basic
Attacks per Melee: 5
Bonuses: +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to roll with punch, fall, and impact, +2 to pull punch, +2 to damage, +3 to save
vs. psionics, +4 to save vs. insanity
Weapons: An elven-crafted short bow (+2 to strike) and a dwarven-crafted longsword (+2 to strike and parry).
Body Armor: A set of enchanted mithril chainmail with 50 M.D.C. (A.R. 17 and 50 S.D.C. in S.D.C. environments).
Cybernetics and Bionics: None.
Lady Eneris Andigan
Headmistress of the Mage Tower, and Queen of Baalgor
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. 12, M.E. 11, M.A. 17, P.S. 12, P.P. 18, P.E. 11, P.B. 23, Spd. 14
Hit Points: 31
S.D.C.: 10
P.P.E.: 196
Level of Experience: 8th level Wizard
Magic Knowledge:
Psionic Powers: None.
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Combat: Basic
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Warlord Arathorn Theosonovous
Head of the Baalgor Militia
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. 15, M.E. 12, M.A. 8, P.S. 11, P.P. 21, P.E. 18, P.B. 22, Spd. 11
Hit Points: 41
S.D.C.: 10
P.P.E.: 23
Level of Experience: 8th level Long Bowman
Magic Knowledge: None.
Psionic Powers: None.
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Admiral Paul Richardson
Head of the Baalgor Navy
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience: 7th level Privateer
Magic Knowledge: None.
Psionic Powers: None.
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
The Gromek Kingdom
Gromek Warrior O.C.C.
The Barbarian Tribes
Wandering the land, taking what they want from who they wish, never caring about the people they hurt, the barbarian
tribes are in many ways the result of tribalization among non-Indians. Most so-called “barbarians” are woodsmen and hunters,
living a nomadic existence, foraging off the land (typically this type of barbarian is created using the Wilderness Scout O.C.C.).
Some, however, become much more brutal. These misanthropes have modeled themselves after the more infamous biker gangs
of the pre-Rifts era. Always on the fringes of society, the barbarians are glad now that the fringes have extended farther. The
lack of society have given the new barbarian tribes a greater freedom than in the past, and less people wanting their heads.
Most barbarian tribes have a "range" they call their own territory. Villages and towns inside that range are simply
sources of food, supplies, spare parts, and women for the barbarians. In their own way, however, the barbarians do protect their
territory against the random demons and other barbarians that roam the countryside. Tales abound in these wilderness towns
about battles between barbarian tribes that left both tribes decimated and ravaged the town and surrounding countryside. Such
battles often ended with the surviving barbarians of the winning side taking most of the women of childbearing age as tribute.
Barbarian O.C.C.
The barbarians of Rifts Earth can be considered the modern-day counterparts to the barbarian hordes of medieval
Europe. In a lot of cases, barbarians do not have the high technological skills available to "civilized" peoples, relying on strength,
cunning, and stealth. As a rule, barbarians live hard, fight hard, and play hard. From an early age, barbarians are taught that the
strong take what they want from the weak. However, strength is measured in more than just raw muscle. Someone who is
physically strong but weak of mind is just another soldier. But someone who is strong of mind and body are meant to rule. This
means that the leaders are usually the strongest, most intelligent barbarians, who are generally respected by their tribes.
This is not to say that barbarians are uneducated. A large number of barbarians are products of civilization, educated in
the towns and cities of the world. Many D-Bees who have been left homeless by the Coalition have become barbarians.
Despite popular opinion to the contrary, barbarians are not stupid, hulking brutes -- although many like to play that role
around "civilized" folk. They are simply ignorant of the many little nuances that civilized people take for granted, and those that
aren't ignorant just don't care for them. Barbarians tend to be brutally honest, saying exactly what they think of something
without regards to how people will react. This contrasts greatly with their opinion of everyone else, who they see as people who
will tell a polite lie instead of speaking their mind.
Special Abilities of the Barbarian
1. Berzerker Rage: Barbarians are able to work themselves into a combat frenzy, to the point where they are unable to tell friend
from foe. During this frenzy, barbarians will attack nearly anything that moves, and often times things that do not move, with the
sole exception of other barbarians from their own tribe! A barbarian can maintain this frenzy for P.E. x 2 minutes, and has the
following bonuses for the duration of the frenzy: immune to Horror Factor and mind control, +4 to save vs. Magic, +4 to P.S.
P.P., and P.E., and double hit points and S.D.C., or M.D.C. (if an M.D.C. creature). The barbarian can drop into a barbarian rage
once per day at level one, and once more per day at levels 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15. Penalties: For 1d4 hours after the barbarian's rage,
the barbarian is weakened and must rest.
2. Horror Factor: Among "civilized" folk, because of the tales regarding barbarians, anyone recognized as a true barbarian has a
horror factor of 8, with an increase of +1 at levels 4, 7, 11, and 14. The Horror Factor is doubled when the barbarian goes into his
berzerker rage.
3. O.C.C. Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +2 to P.S., +3 to P.E., +2D4 to Hit Points, +1D4x10 to S.D.C., +10% to save vs. coma/death, +2
to save vs. psionics, +2 to save vs. magic. These are in addition to any attribute or skill bonuses.
Special Dual-Classing Rules for Barbarians
1. Becoming a Barbarian: A character has to spend a six month period living as part of a barbarian tribe in order to become a
full-fledged barbarian. After living the barbarian life for six months, the character becomes a first level barbarian, complete with
the bonuses listed above. After each session, any earned experience can be split evenly between the two O.C.C.s. Also, if the
character had any level of Hand to Hand in either Basic or Expert, these Hand to Hand bonuses are halved, and the character has
gained Hand to Hand: Barbarian at first level.
2. Barbarians who Dual-Class: A barbarian who decides to dual-class follows the standard dual-classing rules, as found on
Palladium's web site. In addition, dual-class barbarians lose the ability to rage, but are otherwise unaffected, including retaining
the horror factor.
Barbarian O.C.C.
Racial Restrictions: Barbarians come from any race, although some are more likely than others to turn to barbarism.
Alignments: Any, although most tend to be selfish or miscreant evil. Aberrant evil is common among barbarian leaders, and
even barbarians find those of a diabolic alignment to be distasteful.
Attribute Requirements: None, although a high P.S. and P.E. are helpful, but not required.
O.C.C. Skills:
Speaks Native Language at 98% and two others of choice at +20%
Pilot: Pick two: Automobile, Horsemanship: General, Horsemanship: Exotic, Hovercraft, Hovercycle, Motorcycle,
Truck, Tank & APC (+15%)
Lore: Demon & Monster (+20%)
Lore: Two of choice (+15%)
Land Navigation (+16%)
Two Wilderness skills of choice (+15%)
Two Physical skills of choice (+10% where applicable)
W.P.: Three Ancient of choice
W.P.: Two Modern of choice
Hand to Hand: Barbarian (SPECIAL! See New Skills)
Horsemanship: General, if selected, may be upgraded to Horsemanship: Cowboy at the rate of one "other" skill.
O.C.C. Related Skills: At first level, the barbarian can select eight skills from the following list; however, two skills must be
either Physical, Rogue, or Wilderness skills. In addition, the character can select an additional two skills and one Weapon
Proficiency at level three, and an additional skill at levels six, ten, fourteen, and eighteen. As usual, all new skills start at level
one proficiency.
Communications: Radio and Electronic Countermeasures only (+5%)
Cowboy: Any
Domestic: Any (+5%)
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: Any (+10%), except Forgery
Horsemanship: General (+15%), Exotic (+10%), or Cowboy only. Cowboy counts as two skills, or can be used to
upgrade General.
Mechanical: Basic and Automotive only (+10%)
Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine only (+5%).
Military: Camouflage, Demolitions, Recognize Weapon Quality, Trap Construction, and Trap/Mine Detection only
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics
Pilot: Automobile, Bicycling, Boat: Motor & Hydrofoil, Boat: Sail, Boat: Warships & Patrol Boats (limited to Patrol
Boats only), Combat Driving, Flight System Combat, Hovercraft, Hovercycle, Jet Packs, Jump Bike Combat,
Kayaking/Canoeing, Motorcycle, Tracked Vehicles, Truck, Tank & APCs, and Water Scooters only (+10%)
Pilot Related: Weapon Systems only! (+15%)
Rogue: Any, except Computer Hacking (+10%)
Science: Astrology, Astronomy, and Basic Math only.
Technical: Any, except Advanced Fishing, Computer Operation, Computer Programming, Cyberjacking, and Literacy.
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+10%)
Secondary Skills: In addition to the above skills, the character can select four secondary skills at level two, and one additional
secondary skill at levels five, nine, twelve, sixteen, and twenty from the above list, without the benefit of bonuses. As usual, all
new skills start at level one proficiency.
Starting Equipment: One set of personalized, heavy mega-damage body armor, two changes of clothes, backpack, knapsack,
bedroll, two canteens, two saddlebags, tent, and some personal items.
Weapons: 1D4 knives, vibro-knife, two melee weapons of choice, one ranged weapon of choice, with 2D4 reloads.
Transportation: Most barbarians ride horses, robot horses, fury beetles, motorcycles, gryphons, pegasi, dragondactyls,
automobiles, and other light, easily-replaceable items.
Money: Barbarians start with very little money, 2D6 x 100 credits. However, they usually have 4D6 x 1000 credits worth of
black market items. Also note that most barbarians just take whatever they need.
The Carolinas
Native Indian Tribes
Population: 150,000
Racial Breakdown:
99% Dwarves
1% Others
Average Transient Population: None in the city itself, 3D6x100 in the surrounding area at any given time
Technology Level: Extremely high, equal to the Coalition, and approaching the New German Republic.
Terrain: Tall, steep, forested mountains.
Primary Imports: Food.
Primary Exports: Raw materials, manufactured goods, techno-wizard devices.
The Dwarves of Ered-dum (literally translated, “Mountain Home”) are the descendants of Palladium Dwarves who
were transported to Rifts Earth during the Millennium of Purification. Disagreeing with many of their brethren as to what should
be purged from their histories and lore, this group took all the writings, chronicles, and tools that they could, and hired a Quorian
Shaman to open a Rift to a place where they could reside in relative safety. After having traveled south, from where they
appeared at the Three Mile Island Rift, they finally settled in the Great Smokey Mountains.
Their journey south was fraught with peril, as they had appeared only several years after the Great Cataclysm! Once
settled, however, the many monsters and D-Bees that harassed and tormented them found these Dwarves to be fierce combatants
and deadly prey. Numbering between 4,000-7,000 upon their arrival on Rifts Earth, they have since grown to a population of just
under 150,000.
Because they have retained a great many of the histories that were destroyed during the Purification, these Dwarves
have a very strong pride in their heritage, and a much deeper sense of their history.
In the magic-rich environment of Rifts Earth, these Dwarves have developed many of their crafts and skills to levels
never before possible on the Palladium World. A sizable percentage of these master craftsmen have become Techno-Wizards
(about 10%), while the majority have become enamored with the great amount of human and alien technologies available to them
through a number of neighboring human and D-Bee communities. Indeed, they have thrown themselves into what to them are
new and wondrous sciences with such vigor that their products are easily the equal of anything the Coalition States or Triax has
to offer.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: At present, the Dwarves of Ered-Dum have no official relations with the Coalition Sates, and hope that
they never will. They see the CS as tyrants and oppressors, and will do their best to keep interaction with them to a minimum.
Free Quebec:
Iroquois Confederation:
Mad Haven:
The Artemian Guard: While there is as yet no real contact between the Guard and Ered-Dum, the Dwarves have been eager for
some time to meet these survivors of Earth’s past. Most of the tales they hear from their neighbors about the Guard, however, are
wild exaggerations or purposeful misinformation.
Nuclear Priests:
Chesapeake Bay Confederation: Current relations between the Chesapeake Bay Confederation and Ered-Dum is limited to
sporadic trade through third party interests. Thus, while they are aware of each other, neither has made any real effort to move
towards stronger relations.
The Republic:
City of Baalgor: Due to the attitudes and prejudices of many of the Dwarves, relations with the Elven city of Baalgor is a
powder keg waiting to happen. The fact that the Elves are competitors for various markets along the northern sea board, including
in the area of Techno-Wizardry, does not help matters. Despite these considerations, neither side wants a repeat of the Elf-Dwarf
War that both sides remember with horror. As such, efforts are being made to hammer out a treaty that allow them to co-exist
peacefully in the rapidly growing and developing East Coast.
Camp Cherokee: Camp Cherokee and Ered-Dum engage in regular trade, and have a formal non-aggression pact. Note that this
pact does not obligate either party to get involved should the other be attacked.
Seminole Empire: Despite repeated efforts to open peaceful relations with the Seminoles, the Dwarves have had very little luck.
In fact, the last embassy to visit Florida was sent back naked and with their beards shaved! Normally, this would have
precipitated an all out war. Given the size and number of the many other enemies and neutral parties on the continent, the
Dwarves have wisely decided to swallow their anger and seek retribution at a later time.
Notable Figures of Ered-dum
Troak Ironstone
When the Dwarves came through the Three Mile Island Rift they were not expecting to meet a head-on battle. During
the fight from the Rift to the relative safety of the south, Arkaz Steelgrinder, then their leader, was killed helping to ensure his
peoples' escape. Among the other warriors, none distinguished themselves as heroically as Troak Ironstone.
Although considered to be too young to be a leader by many of the elders, he proved himself to them through his
fighting prowess and good head for tactics. Once the Dwarves had established a base camp at what would later become their new
mountain fortress, he attempted to abdicate his position to one of his elders. This was met with vehement opposition from not
only the younger Dwarves, who now idolized him, but from many of the elders as well.
Since that time, he has continued to safeguard his people, and has been instrumental in ensuring that all threats to EredDum know the danger of facing him on the battlefield. Although he is a powerful combatant and good tactician, he has never
cared for politics, and keeps a cabinet of advisors nearby at all times to help him rule what he has helped to build.
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. 14, M.E. 21, M.A. 12, P.S. 24, P.E. 20, P.P. 13, P.B. 10, Spd. 12
Hit Points:
Level of Experience:
Magic Knowledge:
Psionic Powers:
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Bain Stonetrough
The aged Bain Stonetrough was old even when he emerged from the Palladium world into Rifts Earth. Already a
weaponsmith of great renown, his skills and craftsmanship only grew as he adapted to the vast array of new technologies that met
him. Once settled in their new home of Ered-Dum, he took on numerous apprentices, many of whom would become TechnoWizards and Operators.
Now an ancient old man, he spends most of his time as an advisor to Troak Ironstone.
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience:
Magic Knowledge:
Psionic Powers:
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Miner O.C.C.
The Miner is anyone who works in mines for a living, without the benefit of bionic reconstruction. Most miners in the
East have had family who have been working the mines for several generations. In many cases, a mine is often worked by miners
who have known each other since childhood, as well as their fathers and sons. The majority of miners are men, although there are
the occasional women miners. Because of the many dangers inherent in mining, most women miners (80%) wear special
lightweight mining power armor imported from the Republic. In many cases, a mining company owns the power armor, not the
miners themselves.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: P.S. 10, P.E. 10, I.Q. 8.
Special O.C.C. Abilities:
1. Subterranean Sense of Direction: 40% + 4% per level of experience.
2. Nightvision: 50 feet
3. Bonuses: +2 to P.S., +2 to P.E., +3D6 to S.D.C.
O.C.C. Skills:
Radio: Basic (+5%)
First Aid (+5%)
Demolitions (+15%)
Trap/Mine Detection (+15%)
Body Building & Weight Lifting
Climbing (+5%)
Pilot: Two conventional of choice (+10%)
Read Sensor Equipment (+10%)
Geology (+5%)
Mathematics: Basic (+5%)
Gemology (+10%)
General Repair/Maintenance (+15%)
Mining (+20%)
Prospecting (+20%)
W.P.: Axe
W.P.: Blunt
W.P.: Grappling Hook
Hand to hand combat can be taken as an "other" skill, at the following rating: Basic costs one skill slot, Expert costs
two, Martial Arts costs three. Assassin is not available.
O.C.C. Related Skills: Eight other skills, plus two at levels 3 and 5, and one at levels 8, 11, and 14.
Communications: Any, except Surveillance Systems.
Cowboy: None.
Domestic: Any. (+10%)
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: Wilderness Survival only
Mechanical: Automotive, Basic, or Engineering only. (+10%, Engineering counts as two skills)
Medical: Holistic only. (+10%)
Military: Demolitions Disposal and NBC Warfare only. (+10%)
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics
Pilot: Any conventional, or Robots and Power Armor. Robot Combat is not available until 5th level, and then only at
the Basic proficiency. (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any, except Parachuting. (+5%)
Rogue: Any. (+2%)
Scientific: Advanced Math and Basic Physics only.
Technical: Any. (+10%)
Weapons Proficiencies: Any.
Wilderness: Any. (+5%)
Secondary Skills: Select four from the above list, without bonuses. Select an additional skill at levels 4, 8, and 12. All new skills
start at level one proficiency.
Standard Equipment: A few changes of clothes, a common lightweight suit of environmental M.D.C. body armor, air filter and
gas mask, 1D4 small sacks, a large sack, a multi-optics band, a laser distancer, a hammer or mallet and six iron spikes, 50 feet of
strong rope with grappling hook, large flashlight, pocket flashlight, backpack, knapsack, bedroll, two canteens, and possibly a
laser torch.
Weapons: Weapons will include an energy rifle of choice with two extra E-clips, a survival knife, and a pick axe (does 1D8
S.D.C. damage).
Vehicles: Vehicle may be any conventional means of conveyance. Most miners tend to drive pickups with off-road suspension.
The vehicle may be hover, and may be made of either S.D.C. or M.D.C. materials.
Money: Miners tend to live from paycheck to paycheck, usually only having 1D6 × 100 credits saved.
Cybernetics: May select up to four common cybernetics to start. The coal miner will usually restrict himself to sensory devices,
medical prosthetics, and oxygen filters.
Camp Cherokee
Population: 15,000
Racial Breakdown:
55% American Indian
15% Other Humans
14% Assorted D-Bees
10% Dwarves
6% Mutant Animals
Average Transient Population: 3D6 × 100 at any given time
Technology Level: Native technology is low, about Colonial-era. However, a higher level of technology exists through various
trades with other nations.
Terrain: Tall hills and low mountains dropping into coastal plains and river basins/gorges.
Primary Imports: Manufactured goods.
Primary Exports: Grain, lumber.
Camp Cherokee has at its core the old Indian Reservation for the Eastern Cherokee tribes, Indians who had refused to
be relocated from their homes in South Carolina and Georgia to Oklahoma. As such, the Cherokee living there today are an
interesting mix of Moderns, Traditionalists, and Renegades. Daily life today is much like it was before the Europeans arrived,
but with a more modern flavor. As an adaptable people, even the Pure Ones of the Cherokee are not adverse to using energy
weapons and non-environmental body armor, especially as protection against the many dinosaurs that roam their lands.
Camp Cherokee covers most of the area once controlled by the Cherokee before the Europeans arrived. This includes
the western portions of North and South Carolina, part of the northern portion of Georgia, and the eastern portion of Tennessee,
with some villages falling into southeastern Kentucky. This area has been separated into four areas, known as the Lower
Settlements in South Carolina, the Middle Settlements in North Carolina, the Valley Settlements, in the valleys of the Great
Smokeys, and the Overhill Settlements in Tennessee and Kentucky.
Most Cherokee live in small, walled villages, with a number of houses surrounding a central meeting hall. The houses
are then surrounded by crop fields. Outside the walls are additional crop fields. The women tend to the crops, while the men do
the hunting and fishing. In addition, the Cherokee engage in a lively trade with the Dwarves of Ered-Dum, the Elves of Baalgor,
and the Republic. This has led to a higher concentration of Loose Traditionalists and Renegades than would be expected
(roughly 65% of the tribe).
One interesting facet of Cherokee life is their use of the written word. The Cherokee were the only North American
tribe to develop a written language, and 75% of all people in the area are literate in Cherokee.
One other interest of note are the Cherokee’s beliefs. Unlike the other Indian tribes, who believed in many spirits and
gods, the Cherokee were among the few monotheistic tribes. They worshipped a single god, named Ya Ho Weh, and a number of
priests regulate most facets of daily life.
Author’s Note: All information on the Cherokee is derived from The Cherokee People, by Thomas E. Mails.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition: The Cherokee are wary of the Coalition. The Coalition reminds many Cherokee of the ones responsible for the
Trail of Tears. For now, the Coalition is keeping their spies’ eyes on this nation, to see what develops.
The Republic: Camp Cherokee engages in regular trade with the Republic. Right now, the Republic is Camp Cherokee’s largest
trading partner. The two also have a mutual non-aggression pact. Note that this pact does not obligate either party to get involved
should the other be attacked. In a way, history is repeating itself, as some men in the Republic have taken Cherokee women as
City of Baalgor: Camp Cherokee currently has strained relations with the elven city. Early on in the city’s existence, a band of
elves encountered a Cherokee war party. Only one person from each side survived the encounter; each blamed the other for the
Ered-Dum: Camp Cherokee and Ered-Dum engage in regular trade, and have a formal non-aggression pact. This stems partly
from the fact that the two share the same basic territory; Camp Cherokee above ground, Ered-Dum below. Note that this pact
does not obligate either party to get involved should the other be attacked.
Seminole Empire: Camp Cherokee and the Seminole Empire are currently engaged in a border war in the Dinosaur Swamp.
Notable Figures of Camp Cherokee
Chief Running Puma
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience:
Magic Knowledge:
Psionic Powers:
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies:
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics:
Georgia and Florida
Native Indian Tribes
Dinosaur Swamp
Racial Breakdown:
75% Draelok
15% Human
10% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 2D4 × 10 at any given time
Technology Level: Very low, iron age technology in most places.
Terrain: Swampy forests, sliding into grassy marshes.
It is a testament to nature's versatility that, when the Everglades were flooded over by the Atlantic Ocean during the
Great Cataclysm, they were not destroyed. Instead, as if by the act of some god or goddess, they were moved northward, inland
to northern Florida and southern Georgia. These expanded wetlands have formed the backbone of Dinosaur Swamp. The
northern reaches of the Swamp are, indeed, swampland, nestled in the foothills of the Georgian and Carolinian Appalachians. As
the swamps head farther south, they give way to marshes and grassy wetlands. Often, one cannot tell where the water begins and
the land ends.
The primary means of transportation in the Dinosaur Swamp are via canoe, airboat, and, not surprisingly, tamed
dinosaurs. Tri-tops, stegos, brontos, and other large, herbivorous dinosaurs have proven large and docile enough to be tamed as
both mounts and pack animals.
Many D-Bees have found themselves a home in the Dinosaur Swamp. These D-Bees are often of amphibian or
reptilian races, and are well-suited for life in the humid swamps, marshes, and glades. Many of these D-Bees were, and still are,
deposited in the region by the frequent rift activity of the area.
Cape Canaveral
In the late 20th Century, Cape Canaveral was turned from a sleepy little inland town into the old American Empire's
launch site for its space programs. Sometime during the Golden Age that predated the Great Cataclysm, the site changed from a
research vehicle launch facility into a full-fledged spaceport, ferrying people in shuttles back and forth from Freedom Station in
Today, Cape Canaveral sits on the new coastline, and is a haven for techno-scavengers, D-Bees, and the occasional
Indian war party. Sadly, exploration teams from Golden Age Weaponsmiths and the Coalition have picked the site clean of all
advanced technology, but a few people still scour the site, hopeful for finding a piece of man's past. The Seminole Indians avoid
the site, believing it to be haunted by ghosts of the people who died there during the Cataclysm.
Memory Grove
This grove of trees, located near the ruins of Orlando, Florida, is the only known location of the Trees of Memory and
Trees of Wisdom from Maga Island (see South America 1) on North American soil. Their presence is clear evidence to explain
why no Millenium Trees have been found on the continent. The Trees of Wisdom and Millenium Trees cannot be found within
1000 miles (1600 km) of each other. As these trees are in Florida, that thousand mile radius extends up the entire eastern
seaboard as far as the Chesapeake Bay Confederation, into the southern portion of the Magic Zone, and as far west as the mouth
of the Mississippi River along the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, at least one Memory Tree has thrown an acorn in the general
direction of the Magic Zone.
The Grove sits on a minor ley line nexus
Dinosaur Rider O.C.C.
The Dinosaur Swamp can be a dangerous place, but it’s the Dinosaur Riders who are generally considered to be the
masters of the denizens of the Swamp. Dinosaur Riders are considered by some to be the Deep South counterparts to the PsiDruids, Psi-Stalkers, and Simvan, as all have an “unnatural” (some would say “supernatural”) affinity with animals. However,
the Dinosaur Rider’s affinity is more limited in scope, focussing on the dinosaurs and dinosaur-like animals that inhabit Florida,
Georgia, and South Carolina. Like the Simvan Monster Riders, the Dinosaur Rider can ride dinosaurs, including those that many
consider untamable. Often, a Dinosaur Rider will pick one specific dinosaur or type of dinosaur as a favorite mount.
Most Dinosaur Riders are at home in the swamps and wetlands of the south, and avoid the cities to the north and west.
In some cases, the Dinosaur Riders travel in groups, others travel by themselves or as part of a mixed group of adventurers.
Special abilities of the Dinosaur Rider.
1. Mental Link with Dinosaurs. A Dinosaur Rider is able to tame dinosaurs and dinosaur-like animals, much like the Simvan
Monster Riders. However, this ability is closer in effect to the wizard’s Familiar spell than it is a learned skill. The dinosaur and
rider are mentally linked, and each knows the other’s needs. Despite how mean, ornery, and predatory a dinosaur may be, once
linked to a rider the dinosaur will never attack him. A rider is automatically linked to a mount at first level, and can link with one
additional dinosaur every other experience level. In other words, at third level, a rider can be linked with two dinosaurs at a time,
three at fifth level, etc. Note that this indicates the maximum number of dinosaurs the rider can be linked to at any given time.
Should a mount be killed, the Dinosaur Rider can link with a new dinosaur in a few weeks.
2. Bonuses from the Mental Link: +2 to M.E., +1 to save vs. Horror Factor. Note that these indicate the bonuses from a link
with one dinosaur. Bonuses from additional links are cumulative. Should the link be severed, usually through the death of the
mount, the character suffers a penalty of –3 to P.E. and –1D6 to H.P. for 1D4 weeks, and must roll to save vs. Coma/Death at a –
20% penalty in order to avoid going into a coma for 2D4 days. This is in addition to losing the bonuses from the link.
3. Limited Psionics. Dinosaur Riders are natural minor psionics, and automatically get the Sensitive psionic power of Commune
with Animals. In addition, the Dinosaur Rider can select three powers from one of the three minor psionic categories (Healing,
Physical, or Sensitive).
4. Base I.S.P. is M.E. times two plus 4D6, with an additional 2D6 I.S.P. per level of experience.
Alignments: Any.
Attribute Requirements: None, although a high M.E. and P.E. are recommended.
O.C.C. Skills:
Speak Native Language (+25%)
Horsemanship: Exotic (+30%)
Trick Riding
Cook (+10%)
Tracking (+15%)
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
First Aid or Holistic Medicine (+15%)
Prowl (+15%)
Basic Math (+5%)
Track Animals (+20%)
W.P. Two Modern of Choice
W.P. Two Ancient of Choice
Hand to Hand: Expert
The Hand to Hand skill can be upgraded to Martial Arts or Assassin (if of an evil alignment) at the cost of one “other”
O.C.C. Related Skills: The character can choose eight “other” skills from the following list. However, at least two skills must
be selected from Wilderness and two from Cowboy. In addition, the Dinosaur Rider can select an additional two skills at level
three, and one additional skill at levels five, eight, eleven, and fourteen. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Cowboy: Any (+10%)
Electrical: Basic only
Espionage: Detect Ambush, Detect Concealment, and Sniper only (+5%)
Mechanical: Basic and Field Armorer (+5%) only
Medical: First Aid and Holistic Medicine only (+10%)
Military: Camouflage, Trap Construction, and Trap/Mine Detection only (+5%)
Physical: Any, except Acrobatics and Gymnastics
Pilot: Any (+5%)
Pilot Related: Any.
Rogue: Any (+5%)
Science: Anthropology and Math only.
Technical: Any (+5%, +10% to Lores)
Weapon Proficiencies: Any
Wilderness: Any (+10%)
Secondary Skills: In addition, the Dinosaur Rider can select six Secondary skills from the above list, without the bonuses listed.
An additional secondary skill can be chosen at levels 2, 4, 7, 10, and 13. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Standard equipment: A suit of light M.D.C. armor (may be made from M.D.C. animal hides), tinted goggles and sunglasses,
flashlight, pocket mirror, 100 ft. (30.5 m) of lightweight rope, 1D6 animal snares, knapsack, backpack, saddle bags, utility belt,
gas mask and air filter, two weeks of food rations, and canteen. Weapons will include a survival knife, vibro-blade, two modern
weapons of choice with three ammo clips or E-clips for each, and two ancient weapons of choice. The character will also have a
dinosaur or dinosaur-like animal that he has tamed as a mount; ostrasaurus, silonars, tiger-claw raptors, duckbilled honkers, and
tri-tops are the most common. Experienced Dinosaur Riders (4th level and up) may have a second dinosaur as a pack animal; tritops and stegos are the most common pack dinosaurs.
Money: Most Dinosaur Riders are adept at living off the land in the Dinosaur Swamp, and have little need for money. Hence,
the starting Dinosaur Rider will have a mere 2D4 × 100 in credits, but will have several trade goods, including M.D.C. dinosaur
hides, worth 3D6 × 1000 credits.
Cybernetics: None to start. Dinosaur Riders don’t care for cybernetics, and most will not get cybernetic augmentations, but will
consider cybernetics for medical purposes, especially bio-systems.
The Atlanta Rift
The prevalence of dinosaurs in the Dinosaur Swamp and surrounding areas have led adventurers of all kinds to look for
the legendary “Time Portal,” a Rift that allegedly links the Swamp to various time periods in the past. Most of the adventurers
have been looking in the Swamp itself for this Rift.
They’re looking in the wrong spot.
In the northern mountainous areas of Georgia lay the ruins of the city of Atlanta, which is heavy in Rift activity. The
area is also subject to constant D-shifting, a phenomenon which alters the terrain, while keeping the people and animals intact.
One minute, a traveler is walking through the ruins of a 20th Century city, when the area around him shimmers, then changes to a
desert, then an alien jungle, then a flat grassland with odd-colored sky, and then back to the ruins of the city.
There is a portal here, an old television studio prop, which was on display in a museum when the Cataclysm hit. As
luck would have it, like the St. Louis Gateway Arch, the prop was positioned on a ley line nexus. As the Cataclysm kicked into
full swing, dinosaurs and other monsters poured out of the rift formed in the prop. Workers tried to destroy the prop, hoping that
the destruction of the gateway would close the portal, but they were unable to damage it, nor were they able to move it. Budding
magicians burned themselves out trying to close it through half-learned rituals.
A last ditch effort was made to close the rift, not through any means magical, but by brute force. If the rift could not be
destroyed, anything coming through it would be unable to finish its passage. Using the technology of the day, the Atlanta Rift
had a framework built around it, which was then enclosed in six inch steel plates, then covered with concrete. The containment
process was performed six times before the last workers were eaten by the predatory dinosaurs that had gotten through. Anything
coming through the rift ran headlong into the steel plates, and fell back in. However, the damage was done, and the dinosaurs
once again roamed the earth.
Today, that prop, the fabled Time Rift, remains under its seal, waiting for a Shifter or Temporal Wizard to open it up.
The ironic part is that the Time Rift doesn’t transport anyone through time as one would expect. It does not form a link between
two time periods in the same dimension. It connects two time periods in different dimensions. Theoretically, it could be used as a
link to the worlds of Heroes Unlimited, Ninjas & Superspies, Nightbane, even the Palladium world and alternate Rifts Earths.
Seminole Empire
Population: 7,500
Racial Breakdown:
46% Native Indians
26% Other Humans
18% Draeloks
10% Assorted D-Bees
Average Transient Population: 2D4 × 10 at any given time
Technology Level: Low.
Terrain: Swampy marshes and wetlands.
Primary Imports: None.
Primary Exports: None.
Following the return of the Pure Ones , the Seminoles were saddened to realize that their old tribal grounds (the Florida
Everglades) had been submerged under the Atlantic. Seeing that the southern half of the Dinosaur Swamp was an expanded
version of the Everglades, the Seminoles quickly moved into the area, subjugating and in some cases forcibly “adopting” the
other native tribes in the area.
The Seminoles are firmly entrenched in the ways of the past, preferring to use their native magic over the “white man’s
magic”, which they see as “unnatural.” This is one of the reasons the Seminoles have remained apart from the other tribes; most
of the other tribes they’ve encountered use the “white man’s magic” a little too freely for their tastes.
For over a century, the Seminoles remained apart from their fellow Indians, remaining a loose confederation of
villages, shunning contact with all others. However, during the Mechanoid Invasion, several northern Seminole villages became
aware of Cherokee villages living in the area along the old Carolina-Georgia border. Skirmishes between hunting parties,
spurned on by the Seminoles’ fear of technology, which the Cherokee had embraced, soon escalated into full-fledged battles
between the tribes. Yet, most of the southern Seminoles were not willing to go to war with fellow Indians.
Not willing, that is, until a charismatic young Tribal Warrior named Raging River Bend managed to unite several tribes
into the entity he called the Seminole Empire. A council of Shamans and War Chiefs, called forth by Raging River Bend,
announced three days into their meeting that Raging River Bend was proclaimed by the spirits to be the new Seminole Emperor,
a position unheard of in any Indian tribe. The Cherokee and Choktaw tribes suspect that Raging River Bend is actually the pawn
of some more powerful entity, like a renegade god or alien intelligence. The truth, however, is far more insidious, for the power
behind the Seminole Empire is an all too human trait: a lust for power.
Unknown to the other Indian tribes, and even his fellow Seminoles, Raging River Bend is a mutant, possessing the
power to control the thoughts of others. Using this power, he managed to convince the council to proclaim him Emperor. He has
also used this power to stir the Seminoles, Draeloks, and Dinosaur Riders of the Empire to battle. Battle, of course, in his name,
and for his glory. Raging River Bend sees himself as the “savior” of the Indian tribes, and has openly called for the removal of
all non-Indian humans and their “D-Bee allies” from North America. He is constantly infuriated by the stalemate along the
border, to the point where he sees the Cherokee as having secret allies lurking behind every tree. He has even accused the
Cherokee as having the Coalition as allies. The Cherokee are appalled at this; the Proseks are merely amused.
Foreign Relations
The Coalition States: The Coalition regards the Seminoles to be “retro-savages,” and pay them little mind. They are confident
that, should it come down to it, the Seminoles will fall to the Coalition’s superior firepower. However, the younger Prosek is
thinking of “civilizing” the Seminoles rather than wiping them out; after all, they may be Indians, but they are human.
Free Quebec: Because of the distances involved between the two nations, there is little contact between the Seminoles and Free
Archie Three and the Shemarrians: The Seminoles have had little contact with Archie’s robot legions; most of their contact is
with the Shemarrian warriors. The Seminoles have come to respect the Shemarrians, yet believe there is more to these beings
than meet the eye.
The Republic: The Seminole Empire refuses to have anything to do with the Republic.
City of Baalgor: The Seminole Empire refuses to have anything to do with the Elven City.
Ered-Dum: The Seminole Empire refuses to have anything to do with the Dwarven nation.
Camp Cherokee: The Seminole Empire is engaged in a border war with the Cherokee nation; the two are openly hostile to each
Notable Figures of the Seminole Empire
Emperor Raging River Bend
Statistical Data of Note:
Weight: lbs.
Height: ft. in. Age:
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A. , P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd.
Hit Points:
Level of Experience: 5th level Tribal Warrior
Magic Knowledge: None, except tribal lore.
Psionic Powers: SPECIAL. Raging River Bend possesses the power of Mental Coercion, which enables him to subtly influence
the thoughts of others. This power can be used to influence large groups of people for 10 I.S.P., or an individual person for 20
I.S.P.; it is easier to exert influence over mobs. Also the powers of telepathy and sixth sense. Considered a major psionic. I.S.P.:
Natural Abilities:
Skills of Note:
Weapon Proficiencies: W.P. Knife, W.P. Archery & Targeting, W.P. Spear, W.P. Tomahawk
Attacks per Melee:
Body Armor:
Cybernetics and Bionics: None! Raging River Bend would rather die than accept any cybernetic or bionic system, including
D-Bees of the East
Aeralons are one of the many D-Bee races to have arrived on Rifts Earth after the Great Cataclysm. Aeralons are
humanoids, and would be indistinguishable from the normal human population, except that they have large wings coming from
their shoulder blades. The only other feature that distinguishes them from normal humans are their eyes; blue irises and corneas.
Because of the wings, they cannot wear standard environmental body armors, and most other armor has to be cut to accommodate
the wings. This normally reduces the M.D.C. of the armor by 1D4x10% M.D.C..
Aeralons are family-oriented, and tend to stick to their own treetop communities. One such community is located in
what used to be Ohio, near the ruins of Columbus on the border of the Magic Zone. Others have been found in the forests of
Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Pennsylvania. Many of the younger Aeralons who have just
come of age tend to leave the community for several years before returning to their home. The leaders of the communities
encourage this practice, as the returning Aeralons provide a capable leadership for future generations, as well as news of the
outside world.
Most Aeralon communities can be found in the eastern half of the North American continent, although a few have been
spotted in the New West. They tend to avoid the Great Plains region; although they can fly free out there, the lack of cover makes
them easy targets for Coalition snipers.
Special: All Aeralon characters have the Super-Power of Winged Flight, which provides the following bonuses (copied from
Flight: up to 160 mph, plus 10 mph per level of experience. Can also hover in place by flapping wings fast enough to
keep the character aloft
+2 to P.B. attribute
+1 attacks/melee round
+2 to strike
+2 to parry
+4 to dodge when hovering or flying under 80 mph.
+6 to dodge when flying 90 mph or faster.
+4 to damage for every 20 mph of flying speed.
+40 to S.D.C., plus each wing has 30 S.D.C. Reducing a wing's S.D.C. to 10 or less will reduce flight speed by half.
Depleting a single wing's S.D.C. will ground the character. Wings heal at a rate of 1D4+4 S.D.C. per day, and lost feathers are
regrown in a few weeks.
Penalties for restraining the wings are:
-1 on initiative
-1 to strike, parry, and dodge
-1 attack per melee
reduce Spd. by 10%
Alignments: Any
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 4D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 3D6.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute + 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: as per O.C.C., plus those gained from Winged Flight, O.C.C.s and physical skills.
P.P.E.: 2D6, unless specified by O.C.C.
Available O.C.C.s: Any, with the exception of Borg, Psi-Stalker, and any that require working robot vehicles and power armor.
They tend towards Men-at-Arms and Adventurer O.C.C.s, although a few have been known to practice magic or develop
psionics. They can accept the M.O.M. and standard Juicer enhancements, as well as the Phaeton and Hyperion Juicer variants; all
other Juicer variants deprive them of their flight capabilities. For Coalition O.C.C.s, consider them the equivalents for Ishpeming,
Manistique, Lazlo, Tolkeen, etc.
Combat: Varies with the O.C.C. and physical skills learned, plus the bonuses from Winged Flight.
Natural Abilities:
Natural winged flight; see Special above.
Enhanced eyesight; can clearly make out a dime on the ground from 2 miles up.
Enhanced hearing; can hear frequencies outside the range of the human ear.
Enhanced olfactory: similar to a bloodhound
Sense of Direction: 60% + 5% per level of experience.
Track by Sight: 52% + 6% per level of experience.
Track by Hearing: 40% + 5% per level of experience.
Track by Scent: 32% + 4% per level of experience.
R.C.C. Skills: In addition to O.C.C. Skills, Aeralons are taught the following skills:
Language: Aeralon (98%)
Language: American (55%)
Literacy: Aeralon (80%)
Land Navigation (40%)
Identify Plants/Fruits (30%)
Psionics: Standard, or as per O.C.C.
Magic: As per O.C.C.
Average Life Span: 70 to 100 years
Habitat: Tend to stick to forests and mountainous terrain.
Size: Typically 5 feet 6 inches (1.67 m) to 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m) tall, with a wingspan nearly twice that.
Weight: Normal human weight; should the wings be amputated at any time, the weight would be lighter than a human of the
same build. This is because of the hollow bones in their skeletal system are lighter than a human's.
Standard Equipment: As per O.C.C.
Money: Varies with O.C.C.
Cybernetics and Bionics: No Aeralon will ever consider becoming a full or even a partial conversion cyborg, and most tend to
avoid bionics and cybernetics, except for medical reasons. However, there are always exceptions to this rule. Only should the
wings be amputated will an Aeralon consider becoming a Borg.
Draeloks are a reptilian race of tribally oriented D-Bees from another world that have adapted well to the southern
states, especially the Dinosaur Swamp. Most Draelok tribes are small, consisting of 1D4x10 Draeloks. The males are warriors,
hunters, and scavengers, while the females tend to the home. The raising of children is left to all in the tribe. Males and females
rarely mate for life, and females lay 2D4 eggs per mating. Of the young hatched, only half of the males will live to reach
adulthood. Male young are required to pass three "Tests of Passage" in their fifth year of life before being considered adults.
Normally, those that fail the Tests are never heard from again, being killed in said Tests.
Draeloks have had limited exposure to technology. They tend to avoid guns and any ranged weapons, but have traded
goods and services for vibro-weapons. They love vibro-knives and vibro-claws.
Alignments: Any, but most are of Selfish alignments
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 2D4, M.E. 4D6, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 5D6, P.E. 5D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6.
Hit Points: P.E. attribute + 2D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 2D4 × 10, plus those gained from physical skills.
Armor Rating (A.R.): 10
P.P.E.: 2D6
Available O.C.C.s: None, is considered a Draelok Warrior.
Combat: Considered to have Hand to Hand Martial Arts, with three attacks per melee at level 1 instead of two. Also has a +1 to
strike, +3 to parry, and +2 to dodge, in addition to attribute bonuses. Their claws do 2D6 S.D.C. damage, plus the PS bonuses.
Their bite can do 2D4 S.D.C. damage.
Natural Abilities:
Superior sense of Smell
Track by scent: 75% + 3% per level of experience.
Recognize others by scent: 50% + 5% per level of experience.
Recognize and identify general/common/known smells: 70% + 3% per level of experience.
Psionics: Standard.
Magic: None.
Average Life Span: 30 to 40 years.
Habitat: Tend to stick to forests and swamps.
Size: Typically 4.5 to 5.5 feet tall, and powerfully built.
Weight: 450 lbs.
RCC Skills: Select 8 of the following skills at level one, plus three additional skills at levels 3 and 5, and one additional skill at
levels 7, 12, and 15. All new skills start at level one proficiency.
Wilderness Survival (+20%)
Detect Ambush (+15%)
Tracking (+20%)
Horsemanship: Exotic (+15%)
Holistic Medicine
First Aid
Camouflage (+20%)
Climbing (+10%)
Prowl (+20%)
Any Wilderness (+15%)
Any of the following Weapon Proficiencies: Axe, Blunt, Chain, Grappling Hook, Trident, Knife, Paired, Pole-arm,
Shield, Slingshot, Small Thrown, Spear, Sword, Teammate, or Whip.
In addition, the Draelok speaks their native language at 98% proficiency, and one other at 50% (+ 3% per level of
Secondary Skills: From the above list, select another 8 skills, without the bonuses, plus an additional secondary skill every five
levels. Again, all skills start at first level proficiency.
Standard Equipment: Usually a sword, spear, knife, or axe; 30% of these will be vibro-blades. The character may also have a
canteen or water skin, leather armor (A.R. 15, S.D.C. 30) or light M.D.C. dinosaur-hide armor (35-50 M.D.C.), a loincloth, and
basic necessities.
Money: Usually a character will start with 1D6 × 100 credits worth of precious stones.
Cybernetics and Bionics: None to start, and rarely go for augmentation.
Adapted from Conversion Book 1
The K’Hissh are a race of warm-blooded saurians, resembling smaller versions of the allosaurus of Earth's Jurassic era,
who originated on another system in another universe, who have found themselves on Earth quite by accident. During the Time
of the Rifts, a Rift opened up on the K’Hissh home world and deposited several small clans in the southeastern region of North
America. Several of these clans have been adopted into the Cherokee nation, while others retain their heritage and are attempting
to make a living in small communities of their own. Because of their saurian nature, they are often mistaken for
K'Hissh culture is a warrior culture, similar in nature to the culture of medieval Japan. There's the K'Hissh'ran, or
Emperor, who rules the K’Hissh home world, and by extension the K'Hissh race. The K'Hissh'ran is the absolute authority, and
every K'Hissh in the K'Hissh Imperium ultimately answers to him. In addition to being the K'Hissh head of state, the K'Hissh'ran
also serves as Commander-in-Chief of the K'Hissh military. Under him are the provincial leaders, or "vok'hrroshka," which
handle the day-to-day affairs, including being the generals and admirals of the military. The highest rank any K’Hissh can attain
on Rifts Earth is vok’hrroshka; no K’Hissh off the home world would ever declare himself K’Hissh’ran and live.
Below them is the warrior class, known as "torrack" in the K’Hissh language. This class includes everyone in the home
world’s militaries. In the old days, prior to the establishment of the Imperium, the torrack acted as the vok'hrroshka's bodyguards
and enforcers. Those K'Hissh warriors who are considered outside the warrior class are known by the term "torrack'nar," which
roughly translates into the Japanese term "ronin" (master-less samurai). Unlike medieval Japan, it is possible for K'Hissh to
move into the warrior class from the lower classes.
Other classes in K'Hissh society are the hektarra, or merchant, and kentarra, or peasant classes. At one point, there was
a nartarra, or slave class, but that has been removed over time.
One item that permeates K'Hissh society is the concept of gre'thak. Gre'thak can be thought of similar to honor, but is
deeper ingrained and complex than it was in Japan. Those K'Hissh who abandon their gre'thak are immediately considered
Another cultural issue is a love of plants and gardening. In many cases, a K'Hissh's gardening skill is more important
than his combat skills. Those who have impressive gardens (by K'Hissh standards) are more highly favored than those who do
All K'Hissh are carnivores, and prefer fresh raw meat over cooked or preserved.
Alignments: Any, although good (75%), unprincipled (15%), and aberrant (5%) are most common. Torrack'nar can be any
alignment, but typically anarchist and evil.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 5D6, P.P. 4D6, P.E. 4D6+2, P.B. 3D6, Spd 2D4 x 10.
Note: K'Hissh can carry/pull twice their P.S. rating, but their lifting ability is limited to 100 lbs (45.4 kg).
Hit Points: P.E. + 2D6, plus an additional 2D6 per level (applicable on S.D.C. worlds only)
S.D.C.: 2D6 x 10 (applicable on S.D.C. worlds only)
Armor Rating (A.R.): 15 (applicable on S.D.C. worlds only)
M.D.C.: On M.D.C. worlds, such as Rifts Earth, K'Hissh become M.D.C. creatures, with 2D6 x 10 + P.E. + 2D6 M.D.C., plus an
additional 2D6 M.D.C. per level.
P.P.E.: 2D6 or by O.C.C.
Available O.C.C.s: Any, although few K'Hissh study magic.
Combat: Bite: 1D4, Fore Claws: 1D6, Rear Claws: 3D6, Tail: 2D6+6. PS damage bonuses are applicable on S.D.C. worlds.
Natural Abilities: Keen sense of smell; track by smell 60%,
R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses):
Psionics: Standard
Magic: By O.C.C. only.
Average Life Span: 80 years
Habitat: The K'Hissh originated in a tropical jungle, on a world 1.4 times heavier than Earth.
Size: 6 to 8 feet tall at the shoulder, average length is 14 to 16 feet long
Weight: 800 lbs (362 kg) to 1200 lbs. (544 kg)
Standard Equipment: by O.C.C.
Money: by O.C.C.
Cybernetics and Bionics: by O.C.C.
Socket Monkey
By Paul DeSanto
These wiry, mangy critters are some of the most ill-kempt little buggers this side of a sewer rat. With grungy black,
brown, or dark gray fur, they are capable of disappearing quickly into shadows, and have a penchant for skulking about to
eavesdrop and snag the latest gossip on almost any subject. Typically moving about on all fours, these little D-Bees are about the
size of a small dog. Their skeletal structure is composed of a great deal of cartilage, much like a rat's, allowing them to squeeze
into and around tight spaces and obstacles that creatures with more solid skeletons could never go.
Aside from being such avid gossips, the Socket Monkey is a master at building, repairing, and jury-rigging almost any
device they come across. Give one of these guys just five minutes with a toaster and a screwdriver, and it will be able from there
on to build another toaster from scrap. While they are excellent repairmen, they are lousy at coming up with new technology, and
are totally unsuited to any work involving research and development.
Despite their exceedingly grungy appearance, Socket Monkeys are very friendly and personable. Part of this stems
from their inclination to gossip, the rest is that they are typically very open-minded and willing to accept almost anything at face
value. This can lead many unwary individuals to believe that the Socket Monkey is a naïve, over-talkative, greasy, little
annoyance. It is a mistake that more than one person has made, and paid for in personal humiliation.
Alignments: Any, but tend towards selfish.
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 4D6, P.S. 3D6, P.P. 4D6+2, P.E. 3D6, P.B. 2D6, Spd 3D6.
Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6, plus an additional 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: 3D6 plus skill bonuses
P.P.E.: 3D6 or by O.C.C.
Available O.C.C.s: Any, except Rogue Scientist, Rogue Scholar, and Magic O.C.C.s. Most lean towards the Operator O.C.C.
Combat: As per O.C.C.
R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses):
Immune to the effects of Psi-Cola! They love the stuff! They can't get enough of it! BUT no matter how much they
drink, they don't gain any of its benefits or suffer from its debilitating effects!
Possesses the ability to Glide equal to the Speed attribute times three (Spd × 3), and Total Recall (same as the psionic
power, but does not expend I.S.P.).
All Technical, Mechanical, and Electrical Skills are +20%.
Psionics: 10% chance of being a minor psionic, or as per O.C.C.
Magic: None.
Average Life Span: 80 years
Habitat: Socket Monkeys prefer the dark tunnels of venting ducts, sewage drains, and any other place dark, cramped, and
uncomfortable to most two-leggers. They can be found anywhere humanoids can.
Size: 2 feet (0.61m) long, 1 foot 6 inches (0.46 m) tall (wings folded).
Weight: 20 lbs. (9.07 kg)
Standard Equipment: As per O.C.C.
Money: As per O.C.C.
Cybernetics and Bionics: As per O.C.C.
Zip Gun Meeces
During the late 21st Century, not all of the genetic experimentation was done at the Tex-Am Complex which centuries
later became the Lone Star Complex. Some of it was performed in research centers around the various cities. New York City,
Manhattan Island especially, was home to about a half dozen research centers working on genetic enhancements, but on a much
smaller scale.
Months prior to the Cataclysm, in the research and development division of one of the genetic enhancement megacorps,
a strain of white mouse was developed that exhibited remarkable intelligence above that of regular mice. Over the course of a
number of generations they became much smarter. No doubt it was a complete shock to the researchers when several of the mice
started talking.
Papers were written, and the talking mice became instant celebrities in the scientific community. Then the lawyers
stepped in, and the megacorp that created the mice wound up in legal battles as the courts tried to decide whether the mice had
the same rights as humans.
Then the Cataclysm hit.
As the city of New York fell to pieces, the mutant mice fled to the sewers. There, circumstances forced them to
interbreed with the regular mice that lived there, but their intelligence proved dominant, and the intelligent mice thrived.
Today, the descendants of these intelligent mice are collectively known as Zip Gun Meeces, the majority of whom have
remained in Mad Haven, while others have spread themselves out among the rest of the East Coast.
Physically, Zip Gun Meeces are no larger than your standard mouse, and many are no longer the albino white of their
distant ancestors. Their front paws have been adapted over time to become miniature hands, and they are able to stand and walk
upright for short periods of time. Many of them have taken to wearing clothing. Beyond that, they are nearly indistinguishable
from regular mice.
Alignments: Any
The Eight Attributes: I.Q. 3D6, M.E. 3D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 1D4, P.P. 3D6+6, P.E. 1D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd 2D4-1.
Hit Points: P.E. + 1D6, plus an additional 1D6 per level of experience.
S.D.C.: None. Any physical skills which increase S.D.C. increase Hit Points instead.
P.P.E.: 4D6 or by magic O.C.C.
Available O.C.C.s: Any, except Coalition and related power armor/robot vehicle O.C.C.s.
Combat: As by O.C.C.
R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to attribute bonuses): +8 to dodge due to extremely small size; +6 to roll with punch, fall, or
Psionics: Standard, or by O.C.C.
Magic: By O.C.C.
Average Life Span:
Habitat: Zip Gun Meeces can be found nearly anywhere.
Size: 4 inches tall when standing on hind legs.
Weight: less than a pound.
Standard Equipment: By O.C.C.; a lot of it will have to be specially made or modified for size.
Money: By O.C.C.
Cybernetics and Bionics: By O.C.C., but most Zip Gun Meeces avoid cybernetics because very little is made their size.
Monsters, Dinosaurs, and Animals of the East
Alligators are among the few reptiles other than snakes left on the North American continent.
Alignment: Considered an Anarchist or Miscreant; predatory animal.
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
The allosaurus is one of the largest predatory dinosaurs inhabiting the northern edges of Dinosaur Swamp. It resembles
the Tyrannosaurus Rex (New West, pp. 166-167) in body size, but is smaller, faster, and has larger forearms which are useful in
slashing and cutting meat.
The allosaurus is also smarter than its larger, more fearsome cousin. Whereas the T-Rex is a lone hunter, the allosaurus
has more in its hunting tactics with smaller predators. The allosaurus is a pack hunter, operating in packs of 2 to 8 (2D4)
allosaurs to bring down larger prey. Common prey includes the heavily armored ankylosaur, the lumbering brontosaur,
elephants, and, although not native to their own Jurassic time period, the tri-tops. Many may become man-eaters when hungry
and food is not as plentiful. Packs tend to be a mated pair and their oldest juveniles, although some "bachelor" allosaurs become
part of these packs for survival reasons.
It has been discovered that allosaurs mate for life, and most packs revolve around a primary mated pair. Often, four or
five eggs will be laid in a clutch, with the mother and the father taking turns watching the eggs. Of these, at least one egg will
fail to hatch. Egg clutches are laid every five years. Allosaur cubs stay with their parents for five years before finding mates to
start their own packs. Allosaur packs often share hunting grounds with other packs, although they are fiercely protective of their
eggs and almost never share their kills with others outside their pack. Sometimes, however, two or three packs will hunt from the
same herd.
Most allosaurs, and three distinct species of allosaurs have been catalogued so far, tend to avoid truly swampy regions,
preferring to hunt in forested areas. Allosaurs, and especially allosaur packs, are preferred by more combat-oriented dinosaur
Alignment: Considered an Anarchist or Miscreant; predatory animal.
Attributes: Animal attributes are very consistent, and offer a smaller range of attribute aptitude. I.Q. medium to high animal
intelligence, M.E. 1D6+6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 30+2D6, P.P. 14+2D6, P.E. 20+2D6, P.B. 3D6, Spd. 34+3D6; a minimum speed of 38
(26 mph/41.6 kph), most have a speed of 40 to 44 (about 30 mph/48 kph).
M.D.C. by Location:
Head – 140
Forearms (2) – 50 each
Hind Legs (2) – 200 each
Tail – 110
Underbelly – 150
Main Body – 150 + 1D4 × 100 (100 + 2D6 × 10 H.P. and 1D4 × 50 S.D.C. with an A.R. of 12 on S.D.C. worlds).
Horror Factor: 15
Size: 15 feet (4.5 m) tall and 30 to 40 feet (9.1-12.2 m) long.
Weight: 1 to 5 tons
Average Life Span: 35 years
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Good speed, but can only run at top speed without exhaustion for 20 minutes, typically moves along at half
speed. The Allosaurus is better suited for leaping, however, and is able to leap up to 20 feet high and 40 feet lengthwise from a
dead stop, twice that with a running start. The Allosaurus has excellent hearing and sense of smell: can track by smell 80%,
recognize scents 80%, and track by hearing 75%.
Vulnerabilities: Soft underbelly.
Attacks per Melee: 5
Damage: Head butt: 2D6 M.D., bite 2D4 × 10 M.D., claw attack with forearms 3D6 M.D., claw attack with hind legs 1D6 × 10
M.D., kick 5D6 M.D. tail swipe 1D4 × 10 M.D.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to dodge, +2 to roll with impact or fall, +4 to save vs. disease and poison, and +10 to
save vs. horror factor. These are all in addition to any possible attribute bonuses.
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Enemies: Large predators, pack hunters, and humanoids.
Allies: None.
Value: Some owners of gladiatorial arenas will pay as much as 30,000 credits for a live and uninjured allosaur (half for a
juvenile); otherwise one can get 1,000-2,500 credits per carcass for its teeth, skull, bones, and skin. Cured allosaur leather can
run twice as much, and provides 80 M.D.C. protection for a full leather suit or trenchcoat.
Habitat: Allosaurs can be found roaming flood plains, forested river deltas, and lake shores. They have adapted well to the
southern Gulf Coast, spreading as far north as Baalgor and as far west as the Lone Star Freelands.
Also known as the "Shell-Back"
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
Horror Factor:
M.D.C. by Location:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
Black bears are among the most common creatures adventurers would encounter in the wilderness. These are the
smallest of the bears, and are extremely adaptable and opportunistic critters. They are omnivores, meaning they eat plants, fruits,
and meats. In more developed areas, many bears live by raiding dumpsters and garbage cans.
Unless they are extremely hungry, bears tend to avoid messing with humans and D-Bees. Most adventurers will
encounter bears as they wander into the campsite looking for the any food the party may have thrown out, or has in storage.
Alignment: Animal, considered anarchist
Attributes: I.Q. medium animal intelligence, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 3D6 + 6, P.P. 3D6, P.E. 3D6, P.B. , Spd 22 (15 mph/24
kph), but maximum speed is 44 (30 mph/48 kph) which can be maintained for 2D4 minutes.
Armor Rating: Not applicable.
Hit Points: 1D4 × 10
S.D.C.: 3D6 + 12
Size: 5 feet to 5 feet 6 inches (1.5 to 1.7 m)
Weight: 250 to 320 pounds (112 to 144 kg)
Average Life Span: 18 to 20 years
P.P.E.: 4D6
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 120 ft (36 m), prowl 35%, track by smell 66%, good swimmer 80%, and climb trees 84% (climbs
a tree whenever frightened or in danger)
Attacks per Melee: 4
Damage: Claws do 1D6 + 6 S.D.C. damage, bite does 1D6 + 2 S.D.C. damage
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to parry, +3 to save vs. poison and disease.
Magic: None
Psionics: None
Enemies: Larger predatory animals
Allies: None
Value: Alive, bears normally don't have any real wealth, although some people have been able to domesticate them for their
companionship and meat. A bear pelt is worth around 60 credits (30 dollars) in most areas, and is used mostly for coats and
Habitat: Black bears are typically found in forested areas, hilled areas, and coastal plains, but can conceivably be found
anywhere. They prefer temperate climates rather than the warmer, subtropical ones farther south.
The bronto (shortened by many from its popular name of Brontosaurus, although scientifically known as Apatasaurus)
is the largest land animal to currently exist on Rifts Earth, weighing it at around 33 tons on average, measuring a full 70 to 80 feet
in length, and 15 feet tall at the hip with a flexible neck that can reach as high as 25 ft. from the ground without stretching. While
there is evidence that even larger dinosaurs, like the similar brachiosaurus and seismosaurus, managed to come through the Time
Rift, the bronto has proven to have adapted better in order to flourish; the others simply died out because they were too massive
for Rifts Earth to sustain them.
It is now known to be a mammal, living in coastal flood plains. The bronto is a mammal, giving birth to live young
after a two and a half year gestation. For protection, the bronto travels in herds of 1d4 × 10 (10 to 40).
The primary defense a single bronto has is its massive size; very few predators short of a T-Rex or an allosaur pack can
hope to bring down one of these. Brontos spend most of their time eating, requiring at least a ton of vegetation a day. Against
most attacks, a bronto cannot dodge, although they can parry and even strike back with their powerful tails and necks.
Alignment: Considered Anarchist; herbivore animal
Attributes: I.Q. medium animal intelligence and instincts, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 3D6, P.S. 2d4 × 100, P.P. 1d6+6; P.E. 3d6+12, P.B.
3d6, Spd 1d6+6.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head –
Neck –
Tail –
Legs (4) –
Main Body –
Horror Factor: None
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
Value: A juvenile bronto
Habitat: Brontos are found along lake shores, flood plains, and deciduous forests.
Also known as the “Fin-Back”
Although called a dinosaur by most people, the dimetrodon is not a true dinosaur, being closer to the modern mammals
than reptiles, yet are not either, and predating the dinosaurs be several million years. In many ways, however, the dimetrodon is
better known than most dinosaurs. The large fin down the dimetrodon’s back is more than just protection, it serves as both a
“heat sink” and solar collector, collecting and releasing heat as needed. Unlike most other “dinosaurs”, the dimetrodon is an
S.D.C. creature.
Size: up to 30 feet long
Weight: 1000 to 2000 lbs. (454 to 907 kg)
A.R.: 10
Attribute Note: Dimetrodons are very strong, with incredibly powerful jaws. The P.S. of a dimetrodon is 2D6 +25.
Hit Points: 4D6+20
S.D.C.: 1D4x10+30
P.P.E.: 1D6
Horror Factor: 13
Attacks per Melee: 3
Damage: The jaws of a dimetrodon are not as powerful as their modern counterparts, the alligator and crocodile. The bite does
3D6+4 damage. A tail slash does 1D6 damage, claws do 2D4 damage.
Bonuses: +1 on initiative, +3 to strike, +2 to dodge.
Natural Abilities: Swim 89%, prowl 75%, hold breath for 2D4 minutes, keen sense of smell, good sight and hearing.
Speed: 10 on land, but 15 when swimming.
Average Life Span: 15-50 years
Value: A dimetrodon hide can be worth 750 credits. The large, bony dorsal fins can be worth up to 2000 credits each to “city
folk” for decorative purposes.
Habitat: The woodland swamps and sub-tropical marshes of the Dinosaur Swamp and expanded Everglades.
Giant Alligator
In the 20th Century, this animal was considered to be just another “urban legend”, allegedly the product of baby
alligators who were transported from the Florida Everglades to New York City, and then flushed down the toilets. When the
Great Cataclysm hit, the Morlocks were the first to discover that the animals were all too real.
The giant alligator is a mutation on the modern alligator, with a maximum size triple that of its Florida cousins. Rogue
Scientists who have studied these animals attribute the mutation to the amount of toxic wastes found in the Mad Haven sewers.
They are hungry predators, and will attack anything that moves, including other giant alligators, and any humanoids unfortunate
enough to be caught in their powerful jaws.
Size: 30 – 75 feet (6 to 15 m)
Weight: 2400 – 4000 pounds (726 to 2040 kg)
Attribute Note: Giant Alligators are very strong with almost supernaturally powerful jaws. The P.S. of a Giant Alligator is
M.D.C.: 300
P.P.E.: 1D4 × 10
Horror Factor: 16
Attacks per Melee: 3
Mega-Damage: Tail slash does 2D6 M.D., claws to 1D6 M.D., while a bite does 3D6 M.D.
Bite: 1D6 M.D.; Claws: 2D6 M.D.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +5 to strike, +3 to dodge
Natural Abilities: Night vision 400 feet., Prowl 70%
Average Life Span: 30-120 years.
Habitat: The sewers, tunnels, and abandoned subways of Mad Haven.
Horn-Head Raptor
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
M.D.C. by Location:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
Lake Champlain Sea Serpent, "Champ"
NPC Monster
Alignment: Animal, considered anarchist
Typical Attributes: High animal intelligence and instincts. M.E. 3D6, M.A. 1D6+1, P.S. 15+3D6, P.P. 20+2D4, P.E. 18+2D6,
P.B. 3D6+6, Spd. Consistently 88 (66 mph/96 kph). Supernatural P.S. and P.E.
M.D.C. by Location:
Head – 100
Main Body – 500
Tail Fins (2) – 50
Horror Factor: 12
Size: 30 to 40 feet long from head to tip of tail, 6 feet diameter at the widest. The tail has a width of 12 feet.
Weight: 2 tons average
Average Life Span: 80 years
P.P.E.: 2D6 × 10
O.C.C.: None, animal.
Natural Abilities: Excellent swimmers 98%, climb 70%/50%, prowl 50%, nightvision 600 feet, impervious to cold, excellent
vision, excellent underwater hearing, track by instinctive passive sonar 75%, depth tolerance 3000 feet. Bio-regenerates 3D6
M.D.C. per 24 hour period. Can breathe both water and air, but cannot stay outside the water for more than 2D4 hours before it
starts to die from
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Combat: Four attacks per melee.
Bonuses: +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +4 to dodge, +3 to entangle, +7 to save vs. poisons/toxins and disease, and +5 to save vs.
horror factor; all are in addition to attribute bonuses.
Damage: Bite does 3D6 M.D., a tail swat or head butt inflicts 2D6 M.D., and can capsize small boats.
Allies: None, other than other Champs. Champs have been known to come to the aid of humans, for reasons no one can
determine. It may be that the animals have "adopted" the people who live on and around the lake.
Enemies: None, other than the occasional sea monster that lands in Lake Champlain via dimensional rift.
Habitat: Lake Champlain, although they can exist in any fresh or salt-water environment. Some scientists and scholars who have
visited Scotland have remarked about the similarities between Champ and the Loch Ness Monster.
Rodents of Unusual Size
These giant rodents, often mice and rats, are larger than most would assume. The majority are the size of bears, and
live off much the same diet as their smaller cousins. These giant rodents are normally found in the eastern woodlands, and are
believed to be a mutation caused by radiation and the influx of magical energy along the ley lines of the region. Shifters in the
region especially like to use them as familiars.
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
M.D.C. by Location:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
It might seem a little odd at first, adding snakes to the list of monsters and animals one might encounter on the eastern
seaboard, but there are three snakes in particular that require a closer look, and can be deadly to adventurers, especially at night.
All three are poisonous snakes,
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
While rattlesnakes are commonly thought to be desert reptiles, specifically the infamous sidewinder rattlesnake, other
species of rattlesnake are common throughout the continent. The eastern woodland rattlesnakes live on rodents, birds, and other,
smaller prey. It is not uncommon to find rattlesnakes in rotted out trees and underbrush, and adventurers must be careful. The
rattler rarely attacks humans and D-Bees unless it feels threatened. The distinctive noise from a rattler shaking its tail is a
warning to adventurers. While the poison from a rattlesnake is rarely lethal, it is often debilitating, causing inflammation in the
region of the bite, and the victim of a rattlesnake bite often suffers from fever, chills, and nausea for a few days afterwards.
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
The Spitter is a small, bipedal, carnivorous dinosaur that thrives in Dinosaur Swamp. The dinosaur stands about 4 feet
tall, and feeds on small animals. They have been known to feed on humanoids, but tend to avoid them if they are unable to
penetrate any armor.
Unlike most dinosaurs, Spitters are S.D.C. creatures. Spitters are able to secrete and “spit” a highly toxic venom that
immobilizes their prey. Any character who is hit with this venom must save vs. lethal poisons, or be a sitting duck for the Spitter.
Spitters have a distinctive “frill” around the neck that flares when they’re preparing to strike; experienced travelers in the
Dinosaur Swamp know to avoid Spitters that have a flared frill.
Spitters tend to be solitary creatures, but have been known to hunt in packs of 4D4 dinosaurs. In addition to live meat,
Spitters also feed on fresh carrion and eggs.
Alignments: Considered an anarchist predator
Attributes: I.Q. Animal intelligence, M.E. 2D6, M.A. 2D4, P.S. 2D6+4, P.P. 2D6+4, P.E. 2D6+4, P.B. 2D6+4, Spd. 3D6+6.
Hit Points: P.E. + 2D6
S.D.C.: 40
A.R.: 8
Horror Factor: 10, 14 when the “frill” is flared.
Size: 4 feet tall, 3 feet 4 inches long
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 400 feet.
Attacks per Melee: 3
Bonuses: +2 to strike, +3 to parry and dodge, +4 to save vs. poisons/toxins.
Damage: Bite: 1D4 S.D.C.; Claws: 2D4 S.D.C. Venom: 3D6 S.D.C., plus victim is –3 to strike, parry, and dodge (–9 and an
additional 2D6 S.D.C. damage if the venom hits the victim’s eyes).
Average Life Span: 12 to 15 years.
Habitat: The sub-tropical woodland swamps of Dinosaur Swamp.
Also known as “Stego”, and “Plate-Back”
A common herbivore dinosaur in the Dinosaur Swamp, the Stegosaurus is one of the many warm-blooded dinosaurs to
come from the many rifts in and surrounding the Swamp.
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
M.D.C. by Location:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
Tiger-Claw Raptor
Reprinted from New West, with changes and additions
Tiger Claw Raptors are small, man-sized theropod carnivores that hunt alone and in packs of 6-16. As is typical of this
breed of animal, they have powerful hind legs designed for running and leaping, with small, clawed front arms for tearing apart
the carcass of their prey. The Tiger Claw Raptor gets its name from the color of its hide, which is an orange to light reddish tan
color accented with black stripes. Although a single human clad in good body armor and a pair of vibro-blades is a match for one
Raptor, he will be torn to shreds by a group as few as three or four. The cunning pack animals use group tactics, with 2-3 striking
simultaneously from different sides, and/or taking turns, tag-team style. Against large prey, 3-6 will leap on the back while one or
two will strike at the legs, throat, and underbelly. A pack of 10-16 have been known to take down a Duckbill in less than two
minutes, a buffalo, horse, or most cattle in less than 30 seconds, and even take down a Rhino-Buffalo or Tri-Tops within 8 to 10
minutes. These bold tactical study groups are even known to attack Brontos. A lone horseman is seen as easy pickings, and a
pack of Raptors will eye adventurer groups as potential targets.
They are referred to as tactical study groups because the predators typically track and observe their prey for as long as
five hours, studying their formation (if a herd or group), picking out the easiest targets (typically the smallest, sick/injured, and
stragglers), waiting for the most advantageous place and moment to strike, and often test the prey with mock runs to see how it or
they react and to make adjustments for the real battle. They even use simple combat tactics like ambush, flanking, surprise,
decoys, and divide and conquer. In the words of one Dinosaur Rider, “makes me wonder if humans or dragons evolved from
these things, they’re that intelligent.”
The bigger the pack, the more daring and deadly the creatures become. For example, a pack of 4-6 are likely to back
down for an equal number of humanoids, but a pack of 8-10 will make aggressive gestures and runs at their human opponents to
test their strength; any sign of weakness will incite a full-scale attack. Meanwhile, a pack of 12-16 are generally willing to take
on any living creature, demons and dragons included, and any group of humanoids of a dozen or less. The rare group of 20-30
Raptors will even challenge a platoon of CS troops! The largest groups are uncommon because there are too many challenges for
leadership and the development of subgroups that challenge the dominant pack members. The leader and second in command of
every pack will be the two largest females. Note: Females are 20% larger than the males, and have 20 more M.D.C. than
described below. They lay 2D4 eggs once a year.
Alignment: Considered miscreant or diabolic.
Attributes: Animal attributes are very consistent and offer a smaller range of attribute aptitude. I.Q. High animal intelligence,
M.E. 10+1D6, M.A. 2D6, P.S. 19+1D6, P.P. 19+1D6, P.E. 19+1D6, P.B. 2D6+4, Spd. 44+2D6; and average speed of 50 (35
mph/56 kph).
M.D.C.: 6D6+34 on Rifts Earth (4D6+20 H.P. and 3D6+12 S.D.C. with an A.R. 9 on S.D.C. worlds)
Horror Factor: 9 for one, 12 for a small pack of 4-8, 14 for large packs of 10 or more.
Size: 5 to 6 feet (1.5 to 1.8 m) tall, plus a thin tail the same length as the body.
Weight: 120 to 180 lbs. (54 to 81 kg)
Average Life Span: 35 years
P.P.E.: 2D6
Natural Abilities: Excellent speed, can run without pause and without exhaustion for 8 hours, leap up to 15 feet (4.6 m) high and
20 feet (6 m) long (increase by 30% when running at maximum speed). Can go without food or water for two weeks without ill
effect; eats live prey and carrion (frequently takes the kill of other lone predators or small groups). Smell blood one mile (1.6
km) away, can track blood scent 65%, track animals and humanoids by scent and vision 65%, prowl 86%, detect ambush 76%,
and climb 75%/25%.
Vulnerabilities: Cannot swim and tends to underestimate humanoid opponents.
Attacks per Melee: Four
Damage: Bite does 2D6 M.D., clawed feet 2D6 M.D., tail slash 2D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus, small fore claws 4D6 S.D.C. plus
P.S. bonus, and head butt 2D4 S.D.C.
Poison Spit (Special): A sack under the Raptor’s jaw can regurgitate a poison to be spit in the face/eyes of prey. This foulsmelling liquid has the same basic effect as mace, causing the eyes to burn and blind victims until the spittle is washed away
(rubbing the eyes only makes matters worse, double duration). Spitting range: 20 feet (6 m), duration of blindness: 16+2D4
minutes or until washed away, whichever comes first.
Bonuses: +4 on initiative, +2 to strike and parry, +3 to dodge, +6 to save vs. horror factor – fearless in large packs. These are all
in addition to any possible attribute bonuses.
Magic: None.
Psionics: None.
Enemies: Other predators and humanoids.
Allies: None, other members of their own species.
Value: None, although Simvan and Dinosaur Riders sometimes use them as hunting animals, retrievers, and guard animals.
Habitat: Deserts and grasslands to forests and city ruins; dislikes cold climates and often migrate with the herds and weather.
Also dislike mountainous terrain. Most common in Arizona across to Florida.
Note: T.C. Raptors are terrified of magic and will either flee the moment magic spells are used against them, or attack the one
casting the magic. Likewise, they can sense a ley line storm 3D4 minutes before it arrives and flee from its fury.
Reprinted from New West
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
M.D.C. by Location:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
Common across the northern parts of the continent, wolves usually associate in family packs of 6 to 30 members,
although they often hunt alone or in pairs. The pack hunts together, cooperating with each other to run down prey such as deer,
wild horses, moose, elk, oxen, and similar animals. However, they also eat other, smaller animals. Social standing within the
pack is determined and maintained by ritualized postures and gestures.
Wolves, especially gray wolves, can be partially domesticated, but still remain dangerous because their jaws are twice
as powerful as, and they tend to be larger and more aggressive than domestic canines. Wolves are known to be capable of
interbreeding with dogs, and are commonly considered to be the ancestor of them.
Alignment: Considered an anarchist predator.
Attributes: I.Q. high animal intelligence, M.E. 2D6, M.A.3D6, P.S. 2D6+6, P.P. 3d6+6, P.E. 4D6, P.B. 3D6+6, Spd. 50 (35
mph/56 kph), maximum speed is 55 (37.5 mph/60 kph)
Hit Points: 4D6+6
S.D.C.: 2D6 + 20
Natural A.R.: Not applicable
Size: 3 feet to 4 feet 6 inches (0.9 to 1.4 m) tall at the shoulder.
Weight: 50 to 100 lbs (23 to 45 kg)
Average Life Span: 14 to 20 years
P.P.E.: 5D6
Natural Abilities: Nightvision 30 feet (9 m), prowl 50%, track by smell 88%, can smell prey one mile (1.6 km) away, swim
65%, can leap 3-4 feet (0.9-1.2 m) high and 8 feet (2.4 m) long, and like most canines can perform a leaping pounce.
Attacks per Melee: 5
Damage: Bite does 2D6 + 3 S.D.C. damage, claws do 1D4 S.D.C. damage.
Bonuses: +3 on initiative, +5 to strike, +4 to dodge, and +5 to save vs horror factor.
Value: Wolf pelts sell for 40 credits each.
Habitat: Tundra, steppe, open woodland and forest.
Attributes: I.Q. , M.E. , M.A., P.S. , P.P. , P.E. , P.B. , Spd .
Hit Points:
Natural A.R.:
M.D.C. by Location:
Horror Factor:
Average Life Span:
Natural Abilities:
Attacks per Melee:
New Skills
New Combat Skills
Hand to Hand: Airborne
Thanks to Rens Houben
This skill is only available to creatures with innate flying ability (i.e. wings). All bonuses/tricks are only applicable while
airborne. This Hand to Hand skill can replace Expert for flying characters, and is unique in that it allows the character to learn
another Hand to Hand skill for "grounded" combat. Some have credited dragons for the creation of this form.
Note: Flying power armors/SAMAS suits have their own related skill, and are not eligible for this skill. Note that magicians
using the spell Fly Like An Eagle on a regular basis may be able to learn this skill.
1. Only one attack per melee; this includes time it takes to reposition for the next attack; +2 to dodge; initiative on ground-based
opponents means they can't return fire before you're already out of range; can attempt to latch onto flying opponent and grapple
in mid-air; +2 to roll with impact.
2. +2 to initiative; Automatic dodge, doesn't lose an action; swoop attack can pick up ground-based enemy if you can carry him.
(Whether you do this to drop him later on or to swiftly snatch an ally out of a tight spot is up to you)
3. +1 additional attack; higher initiative than immediate air-based opponent means you can stay on his 6 o'clock position (limiting
his counterattack abilities to those he can fire backward); additional +2 to roll with impact when ramming.
4. +2 to strike.
5. Additional +2 to dodge; +1 additional attack.
6. Additional +2 to strike when attempting to grapple in mid-air
7. Additional +1 to dodge, additional +2 initiative; swoop can be used to snatch an item or weapon from the target's hands.
8. Additional +1 to strike; Special Technique: controlled crash touchdown, dropping down in near-freefall, using wings (if any)
to aim and hit a square-foot area spot from hundreds of feet/meters up. Damage to target is 1D6x10 for every 100 feet, or 3D6x10
for every 100 meters. Please note that, hit or miss, this technique does ground the character, making this the last action of the
melee using Airborne.
9. +2 to dodge; swoop attack can now unload all melee attacks in a single strafe instead of picking the target up.
10. +1 additional attack; additional +2 to dodge or roll with ramming impact.
11. +2 to strike
12. +3 to initiative
13. +2 to dodge
14. +1 additional attack
15. +2 to strike
Hand to Hand: Barbarian
Barbarians are rarely formally trained in hand to hand combat. However, even without their berzerker rage, barbarians
are deadly fighters, with an untrained combat skill that falls somewhere between Expert and Martial Arts. This stems in part
from the barbarian's violent lifestyle. The barbarian's hand to hand style is well-suited for use with melee weapons; however, it
isn't as well-suited for ranged weapons.
1. Starts with five attacks per melee (as opposed to the standard four), +2 on initiative, +2 to strike, +2 to parry, +1 to dodge, +3
to roll with punch, +2 to pull punch, +1 to disarm. Critical strike from behind. (If taking the skill as a result of dual-classing, add
one attack per melee to existing attacks per melee; other bonuses stay the same.)
2. +2 to Body Block/Tackle, +2 to damage
3. +1 to dodge, +2 to parry, +2 to strike
4. One additional attack per melee, select three punches and two kicks, critical strike on a natural 19-20
5. Critical strikes do triple damage, +2 on initiative
6. Automatic dodge, +2 to strike, +1 to parry and dodge
7. Normal strikes do double damage, paired weapons, one additional attack per melee
8. +2 to strike, +2 to roll with impact, critical strike on a natural 18-20
9. +2 to parry and dodge, death blow on a natural 20
10. One additional attack per melee, +1 to disarm, +2 to P.S.
11. +2 on initiative, +3D6 to S.D.C.
12. +2 to strike, +3 to parry
13. One additional attack per melee, critical strikes do quadruple damage.
14. Critical strike on a natural 17-20
15. Death Blow! +3d6 to Hit Points
Other New Skills
Communications: Telephone Networks: The character knows the workings of telephone networks, from the wiring of desktop
telephones, to placing phone taps, and tracing calls (3 minutes of open line is needed to trace). Base Skill: 40% + 5% per level of
Electrical: Circuit Board Micro-Electronics: Soldering connections, boards, wiring, and power supplies to construct microchip
based electronics. Base Skill: 55% + 5% per level of experience.
Espionage, Medical, or Rogue: Hypnotism: A character with this skill is trained in the art of hypnotism. This is effectively the
same as the psi-power of the same name. Note that an unwilling person cannot be hypnotized through this skill. In most cases,
hypnotism requires that the subject of the hypnotism relax completely, sometimes by focussing on an object or the hypnotizer's
voice. Only if the subject allows him/herself to be hypnotized can the hypnotizer roll for success. Base Skill: 32% + 4% per level
of experience.
Mechanical: Helicopter Mechanics: Same as Aircraft Mechanics as listed in Rifts, but specific to helicopters. Base Skill: 30%
+ 5% per level of experience. Note: May not be taken as a secondary skill.
Mechanical: Jet Aircraft Mechanics: Same as Aircraft Mechanics as listed in Rifts, but specific to jet engines, including
scramjets. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Note: May not be taken as a secondary skill.
Medical: Medical Doctor of Psychiatric Medicine: This doctor is a specialist in the science of the mind. A doctor with this skill
has all the basic knowledge and requirements of the regular M.D., although his diagnostic skills are honed more towards
diagnosing mental disorders than the physical. The first percentage number indicates his skill in diagnosing the problem. The
second percentage number is the doctor's skill in treating the problem. In role-play terms, roll once on the first percentage at the
start of treatment, then again on the second percentage at the end of each session of treatment. A successful roll indicates that the
therapy has had some effect on the patient; in most cases, insanity is rarely cured, but can be controlled through the patient's will,
with the psychiatrist's help. This doctor can treat many insanities, including psionically- and magically-induced insanity,
obsessions, phobias, and affective disorders. Combined with the Hypnotism skill or psi-power, multiple personalities can be
treated as well, but at -15% effectiveness. Base Skill: 60%/30% + 5% per level of experience. Requires: Medical Doctor. Note:
May not be taken as a secondary skill.
Medical: Plastic Surgery: The ability to manipulate a person's features, under surgery, to correct problems, or to create a whole
new appearance. Base Skill: 60% + 6% per level of experience. Requires: Medical Doctor. Note: May not be taken as a
secondary skill.
Pilot: Rowboat: The ability to pilot boats with oars, and without propulsion from motors or sails. Base Skill: 36% + 3% per
level of experience.
Pilot: Jet Fighter Combat: Basic: This skill provides basic training in jet fighter combat, as well as the following bonuses:
+1 attack per melee
+2 to dodge
+1 on all dogfighting rolls
Pilot: Jet Fighter Combat: Elite: This skill provides superior training in jet fighter combat, as well as the following bonuses:
+2 attacks per melee
+3 to dodge
+3 on all dogfighting rolls
Pilot: Airboat: These are the primary means of motorized transportation in the southern portion of the Dinosaur Swamp. They
are boats that are powered by giant fans on the back, and have a single pilot sitting near the back, often right in front of the fan.
This gives the pilot optimal vision for navigation, although he is unable to see small objects that may be right in front of the boat.
Pilots are often exposed to the elements, more so than any passengers. Airboats are used to minimize intrusion and destruction of
the wetlands, as well as providing a measure of safety; often a person can sink waist-deep in the muddy waters of the wetlands,
making him a prime target for predatory animals. Base Skill: 34% + 4% per level of experience. Requires: Pilot: Hovercraft.
Note: May not be taken as a secondary skill!
Pilot Related: Aerial Navigation: Used for determining position while in the air, especially at night or over water. Base Skill:
30% + 5% per level of experience.
Pilot Related: Instrument Rating: This skill allows a pilot to steer a course, take off, or land, in total darkness, using just the
aircraft's instrument readings. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience.
Science: Geology: The study of rocks, rock formations, tectonics plates, earthquakes, volcanoes, and other physical aspects of
the world. Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.
Science: Paleontology: The study of early life, mostly represented by fossils. Unlike Archeology, which focuses on determining
ancient cultures through artifacts, Paleontology focuses on the biological aspects, including physiology, structure, and food
consumption (through study of fossilized jaws and teeth). Base Skill: 25% + 5% per level of experience.
Science: Physics, Basic: The character is well versed in fundamental physical laws, such as mechanics (motion, acceleration,
rotation, etc.), thermodynamics (fluids, heat flow, etc.), and electricity & magnetism. Unique to Rifts, the character has some
knowledge of psionics and magic and their interaction with the world, although of course this confers no such abilities.
Requires: Literacy, Advanced Mathematics. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level. At GM's discretion, knowledge of this skill may
add a 5% bonus to use of a skill such as chemistry, electronics, mechanics, or other areas of applicability. Thanks to Will Keith
for this skill.
Science: Physics, Advanced: The character has a working knowledge of the principles, and major results, of relativity and
quantum mechanics. Requires: Basic Physics. Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level. At GM's discretion, knowledge of this skill may
decrease by 5% the penalty for use of alien or TW devices. Note: May not be taken as a secondary skill. Thanks to Will Keith for
this skill.
Technical: Cartography: The character can create legible and accurate maps of a place they have been through, taking time to
properly survey the area. This slows overland movement rate for a party by at least 50%; more if further information such as
climate, terrain, topographical, or other data is collected. A successful use of the skill each day of travel will result in an accurate
map being produced covering that day's travel, legible to anyone and even more useful to someone with Navigation proficiencies.
A failure by up to 20% will result in a poorly legible map. A failure by more than 20% will result in an error of information, not
noticed until a successful roll is made on a following day. At this time another successful roll will result in corrections being
made from data on hand; a failure will indicate corrupted data and the area must be re-surveyed. Base Skill: 50% + 5% per level
of experience. At the GM's discretion, everyone may have this skill at a base of 20%, without improvement. Thanks to Will Keith
for this skill.
Technical: Pottery: The craft of molding pots, vases, mugs, china, or other items made of clay on a potter's wheel and baked in a
kiln. The character can also paint and glaze their constructions. Failure means a ruined pot or a hideous paint job. Base Skill:
20% + 5% per level of experience.
Technical: Rope Works: This is a skill that takes into account the various needs and uses of rope. The character knows a variety
of ways to tie knots, the advantages to various types of ropes and cords, their tensile strength, and how to weave/make rope. A
failed roll to tie a knot means that it is loose and sloppy and easy to untie, slip out of, or likely to unravel or snap when strained.
Base Skill: 30% + 5% per level of experience. Characters bound by this character are -10% to escape/slip knots.
Technical: Savoir Faire: This is the skill of "good manners" - whatever they may be in this particular culture. A successful
Savoir Faire roll is required to get along in "high society" without embarrassing yourself - roll once for each party or meeting. A
successful roll can also detect someone who is pretending to be of high rank or good breeding.
In general, a Savoir Faire roll is required to impersonate anyone from a social level more "advanced" from the
character's own. For instance, an Artemian Guard Intelligence Officer attempting to pass himself off as a Coalition officer in
Chi-Town would have to roll at least once to avoid making obvious mistakes in a social setting (such as failing to recognize the
CS top brass at the officer’s club). At GM's discretion, a -5% penalty is applied for radically different cultures (a gaijin trying to
fit into high Japanese society, for instance.) A -15% penalty is applied for alien cultures. Base Skill: 24% + 4% per level of
experience. Requires: M.A. of 12 or higher. Thanks to Katrina Templeton for this skill.
Technical: Trivia: Essentially, this skill covers any other obscure topic the character may know that is not covered by any of the
other skills. As such, it can be chosen several times, once for each topic. Base Skill: 40% + 4% per level of experience.
W.P.: Grenade: Think just anyone can chuck a grenade? If your answer is yes, you might want to think again. Sure, tossing a
grenade takes all the brainpower of your average chimpanzee. Figuring out when to throw the grenade is another matter. First
off, not all grenades are fitted with the same delay rate. Some have a 5 second delay, others 3 seconds, some can be adjusted to a
variable rate, and a few are set to go off on impact. There are even some Coalition grenades that have a zero delay; they go off as
soon as you pull the pin! Bonuses: +1 to strike at levels 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, and 14. A failed strike roll either means that the grenade
did not go off, or it went off at the wrong time. Bonuses from W.P. Archery and Targeting, or W.P. Small Thrown Weapons can
be added in.
W.P.: Shotgun: Provides a +3 to fire when aimed, and no penalty for a wild shot. With pump-action shotguns, three-round bursts
are possible with a +1 to strike. A character with this skill can fire and pump in the same melee action, otherwise the pumping
takes up a second melee action. For double-barreled shotguns, the character gets a +2 to strike when firing both barrels at once.
Reloading takes one action.
W.P.: Teammate: This skill involves a strong character (such as Juicers, Crazies, Borgs, some D-Bees, or dragons) using a
smaller character as a missile weapon. This skill must be possessed by both characters involved in the maneuver, and always
counts as two actions per melee for both. A variant of this skill includes using an opponent as the missile weapon, regardless of
whether or not the opponent has the skill. In this case, the person being thrown must roll with impact, or take double damage
from the impact. Requires: P.S. of 16 in order to throw. Bonuses: +1 to strike while throwing, +2 to roll with impact and +2 to
strike when thrown. Thanks to Chris Claremont for this skill's inspiration.
Hook, Line, and Sinker Adventures
Retaking The Cumberland Pass
Hook: The Cumberland Pass is one of the few passes through the Virginia Appalachians that connect the City of Elves, the
Republic, and the Chesapeake Bay Confederation to the more "civilized" areas of the Midwest. The pass, however, has been
closed by forces or people unknown, and no one sent to investigate has returned.
Line: The player characters are hired (by one of the parties involved, or by a representative of all of them) to clear the Pass.
Sinker: Use your imagination. The force blocking the pass may be a Rift to another world, the pass may be mined with
explosives, blocked off by an avalanche, and/or any number of nasties who have claimed the pass as their own.
The Spanish Doubloon
This is a "treasure hunt" adventure that can easily be adapted for any length of time, or for those GMs who are looking for a hook
to get their players into an epic campaign.
Hook: The player characters have come into possession of what appears to be an authentic Pre-Rifts golden doubloon, with
writing in Spanish on it.
Line: Should the players have the doubloon appraised, they will notice that the appraiser also has a similar doubloon in his
personal possession. A brief talk with the appraiser will indicate that the doubloons are merely part of a large cache of sunken
pre-Rifts gold somewhere in the Caribbean. The estimated value of this cache is around 50 million credits.
Sinker: Aside from the obvious problems of getting to the gold, the players will have to deal with a Shifter who has claimed the
gold for himself, and is using his zombie servants to salvage the gold. In addition, the ship the gold is sunken in is falling apart,
and is home to 3D4 large sharks, and/or 1D4 sea serpents, and is visited by Reachers of the Deep regularly.
The HoloVid Message
Hook: While crawling around the sewers and tunnels of Mad Haven (or the Republic, or the ruins of any other East coast preRifts city), the group discovers a pre-Rifts holovid generator, with a CD in it.
Line: Turning on the holovid will automatically play the CD, delivering the following message: "". This holovid was obviously
a message to the people named in the message, warning them of some danger. But, the CD was scratched, causing the message
to skip over the needed information to determine when the message was made.
Sinker: The danger described in the holovid warning still exists, and is stalking the player characters! The CD itself is actually
fairly recent, and was set up by the Morlocks (or Ratlings, or whatever tunnel dwellers the GM may decide to throw in) to warn
people of the threat.
One if by Land, Two if by Sea.
Hook: The player-characters inadvertently learn that Lord Splynncryth has grown annoyed at Boston's arrogance at having
destroyed a Slaver, and is planning a retaliatory strike of Kittani, Metzlas, Gargoyles, and others.
Line: In addition to the above information, the player-characters learn that there is a Splugorth spy in the city's police force, set to
give the signal via searchlight to the Splugorth waiting offshore. The signal is one flash for an attack via the western gate, two
flashes for an attack from the shipping checkpoint.
Sinker: The information the characters received is false! The number of signals from one of the spotlights is irrelevant, because
the Splugorth agents are already in the city! The Kittani gained entrance to the city via numerous cargo and pirate ships, as well
as through the western gate. The signal flash is merely a decoy. Should the player-characters learn of the ruse, they may be able
to stop the carnage in time. If not, however....
Trapped Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Hook: The Dwarves of Ered-dum have just opened up a mine that stretches farther down than any previous mine. However,
something not of this world has been woken up, and has been slaughtering the dwarf miners. All the dwarves who have
investigated have had their charred remains encased in dwarven tombs.
Line: The player characters can become involved in many ways. They can be visiting the merchant shops that are near the
mountain passes, or hired by the dwarves to investigate the mine. Or, they could even be residents of Ered-dum (perfect if the
players want to run an all- or mostly-dwarf campaign). The GM should be encourages to give the players proper motivation for
their characters: money, techno-wizard items, dwarven steel blades, or even a rune blade the dwarves may have been unable to
Sinker: The dwarves have opened up a lair of either a Baal-rog demon, or an adult fire dragon, and he is not pleased at having
his lair invaded. The Baal-rog will not fight to the death, but if defeated or banished, will come back to plague the characters
again. The fire dragon will not leave without a fight, and will defend its lair to the death. However, diplomacy, rather than
firepower, may carry the day.
Knee Deep and Getting Deeper
Hook: While travelling through the Dinosaur Swamp, the characters pick up a radio transmission on Coalition frequencies. The
message is garbled, but seem to indicate that a Coalition force is pinned down by "unknown demonic forces".
Line: When the characters arrive at the source of the transmissions, they arrive at a scientific research camp. Several Tiger Claw
Raptors and a pair of Allosauruses are roaming the encampment. A T-Rex is nearby as well. All appear to have recently fed on
human flesh. This can easily spin into a cat-and-mouse game between the characters and the dinosaurs, while the characters
attempt to stay alive, scout the encampment, and perhaps save the lives of any Coalition scientists.
Sinker: At some point, it should be obvious that the dinosaurs are being controlled by another entity. Raptors work together, as
do Allosauruses, but T-Rexes are notorious loners. And no one has ever heard of any two species of dinosaurs working together
with such precision. A small clan of Dinosaur Riders, perhaps? Or perhaps something much worse? Should the controlling
intellect be destroyed, however, the dinosaurs will turn on each other long enough to give the characters time to escape.
Heave To!
Hook: The characters are told of a bounty on the head of the notorious slaver pirate, Ch'oth. Seems the troll has gone a little too
far, and kidnapped the lovely Princess Menoly, the youngest daughter of Lord and Lady Andrigan.
Line: While tracking Ch'oth's pirate ship, the Huuk, it comes to light that Princess Menoly had been kidnapped by him once
before, three years ago, and was rescued before she could be sold into slavery. But this time, it is said that Ch'oth intends to keep
her on board as a pleasure slave of his own. Surely, the player characters must save her from this fate worse than death.
Sinker: The Princess is not a slave, but a willing ally of the troll! Ch'oth has even gone so far as to make her his second-incommand! The young princess was traumatized by the previous kidnapping attempt, and has suffered an alignment reversal,
from Scrupulous to Miscreant. It was her idea to fake this kidnapping, in order to lure would-be rescuers to the Huuk, where they
would fall easy prey to the slavers, and sold in Splynn.
Clash of the Titans
Hook: While traveling along the seaboard, the characters spot a mysterious submarine, headed north. The sub does not match
any known sub profile, and will not answer hails. In fact, the sub speeds up and starts to submerge the moment it is detected.
Line: A well-placed torpedo shot will disable the sub's rotor. Depth charges may also be necessary to bring the sub to a halt.
Even after being disabled, the sub refuses to answer hails. On board the sub are rows upon rows of brand new Titan Combat,
Titan Explorer, and Titan Recon robots and Flying Titan power armors. In addition, the ship appears to be crewed by black,
skeleton-like robots. However, the "captain" of the sub is none other than a Shemarrian warrior! The robots will immediately
attack any characters who attempt to board the ship, and will shoot to kill. This is one of Archie's transport subs, taking new
Titan robots and power armor to the Titan Robotics facility in the Manistique Imperium.
Sinker: If any character is wearing a Flying Titan power armor, or piloting a Titan Recon robot, that character finds himself
controlled by an outside source, fighting his teammates against his will! Destroying the Shemarrian will free the character from
the outside control. What does this mean? Are the Shemarrians the force behind Cyberworks, or was this one a renegade? Are
the Titan robots manufactured in one of the industrial kingdoms along the coast, or are they, as some originally feared, of
Splugorth manufacture? (Longtime Rifts players will know the truth, so care must be taken to keep player knowledge and
character knowledge separate.)
The Trouble With Shemarrians
If you’ve read this far, by now you know that Archie’s Shemarrian warriors are marching against the Chesapeake Bay
Confederacy. If you’re skipping ahead to the adventures, go back and read the rest of the book first! This adventure will have the
characters on a scavenger hunt up and down the east coast.
Encounter One: The Road to Finton
The characters are travelling along the road between Finton and Curfman, when they are stopped by a Shemarrian
patrol. The patrol consists of a single Shemarrian officer on a Monst-Rex mount, and five Shemarrian foot-soldiers. All of them
are armed with the Shemarrian rail gun and Arch-23 ion pistols. They question the characters regarding their allegiance, their
cargo, and their intentions. They will also demand a "passage fee" of all their armor and weapons. No character in their right
mind would submit to this fee willingly; to travel the wilderness between the towns unarmed and unarmored is suicide.
The Shemarrians will not put up a fight if the characters decide to back down and head back the way they came.
However, the characters will be discretely followed by Archie's other robot minions. If the characters have faced Archie in the
past, Archie may remember them (75% chance), and interfere as needed.
Should the characters attempt to pass through the blockade, the fighting should be brief. However, reinforcements
from another portion of the blockade is imminent. The characters may find themselves facing reinforcements after
reinforcements. Archie is activating an additional Shemarrian for every one destroyed, keeping the blockade from falling. The
Shemarrians are not going for the kill, just attempting to drive off anyone who tries to pass. Only if combat continues will the
combat get lethal. Remember that the Shemarrian rail gun is as effective as a Glitter Boy Boom Gun, and a whole lot quieter (no
sonic boom).
Encounter Two: The Attempts
Back in Curfman (or New Baltimore, or Annapolis, or the Republic, wherever the characters decide to stop), news that
the Shemarrians have Finton blockaded should cause an uproar. A local pilot, known to be a bit of a barnstormer, takes off to try
and scout out the blockade. The characters should watch and listen in; the entire town will be watching the pilot take off, and he's
making constant radio reports. They are not pretty.
"Shemarrians are everywhere. Looks like Finton's completely surrounded. I'm being shot at left and right; avoiding
them for now. [Expletive of choice]! I've been ...!" The pilot is feared to be dead.
The characters also learn of a reclusive inventor who is working on a weapon that he claims will affect the Shemarrians
in ways that will not affect most other humans or D-Bees, and tip the tide of the war against the Shemarrians. The inventor had
been located in the Republic for a while, but was last seen heading south, chasing a lead for a component he needed for the
weapon. He hasn't been heard of since, and is feared dead. The fate of the invention is unknown. The last communication
received was, "I know where the part is."
A council meeting is called of the leaders of the three non-blockaded Confederacy towns. The characters are called in
to give their accounts of what happened at the blockade. Should they have been involved in the adventure in Sourcebook One,
the details of that adventure may also come to light. However, the secret entrance to Archie's lair is well inside the blockade. A
decision is made to request help from the Republic and the Artemian Guard.
The characters are left with a choice: Keep trying to run a blockade, join the group headed to the Republic, where they
may find clues in order to find this reclusive inventor and his invention, or be part of the group heading up into Guard territory.
Encounter Three: The Republic
Once in the Republic, the characters easily find the inventor's old workshop on the outskirts of the city. It's a pre-Rifts
three-story brownstone, with a workshop in the basement. The place is a mess, and hasn't looked lived in for years. A
deactivated humanoid robot stands in one corner; anyone with appropriate skills will see that its power plant is missing. Should
the robot be reactivated, it will treat the characters as guests, but know nothing as to where the master of the house is.
Several scribbled notes, written in broken American, Dragonese, Gobblely, and Techno-Can, will give an indication of
what the inventor's recent project was. Taking what was known about Shemarrians, that they do not scan as alive using magical,
psionic, or technological means, he theorizes that they may actually be robots. The weapon he's working on appears to be a rifle
that fires electromagnetic pulses, shorting out electronics. Notes scattered around the table indicate the various pieces needed,
including a nuclear power source (the one from the robot?), advanced shielding, and other electronic items. One note in
particular points the characters to a place called Cape Kennedy. Other notes point to the sewers of Mad Haven, the Three Mile
Island nexus, and Fort Ritchie(?). A calendar on the wall indicates that the inventor left town six months back. There's no
indication as to which of these places the inventor was headed for. But, didn't the rumors say he went south?
Encounter Four: The Artemian Guard
Should the characters head north into Guard territory, instead of or after a trip to the Republic, they will be met at the
old Maryland-Pennsylvania border, still known as the Mason-Dixon Line, by a platoon of Guard troopers in a pair of LAV-25s
and three Bison APCs. They have orders to fire on any Shemarrians that attempt to cross the Line; however, humans and D-Bees
will be allowed through unharassed. They will frown upon any that dress like magic-users, or exhibit magic powers, but will not
be initially hostile. (Note: magic-users that find current mage fashions to be distasteful should be able to avoid the initial
If a character mentions the Finton blockade, they will be packed into a truck or helicopter and taken to the Guard's
southern base. This is a small base, nestled in the ruins of the pre-Rifts Philadelphia Burbs. The base consists of a few stretches
of pre-Rifts highway that have been repaved as runways, a few rebuilt buildings, and a number of brand new hangars. Each
hangar contains two fighter jets, four helicopters, or one C-130. The tail section of the C-130s will be exposed to the elements.
Also around the base are a number of armored vehicles. The characters are taken to a small building in the middle of the base,
where they're asked to give a detailed report to one of the Guard's Intelligence Officers. The Intelligence Officer will tell them
that he'll relay the information to his superiors, and they will decide what to do. The characters are then asked to either wait, or,
in the event they leave before the decision is made, that the decision will be sent via courier to the Confederacy.
Mentioning the missing inventor will prompt one of the technical Guardsmen or the Intelligence Officer debriefing
them to give them a lead; the inventor has visited the Nuclear Priests of Three Mile Island around the time the Shemarrians
started their campaign. The characters are given a fairly detailed map of how to get to Three Mile Island from the base, with
tunnels and roads well-marked.
Mentioning Fort Ritchie will get some questioning looks from most of the Guards soldiers, until one mentions that he
was stationed there for a few years, but a look from the Intelligence Officer silences the soldier before he can say exactly when.
However, the solder is asked to give the location of the base, which he does with relative ease. He mentions that the base is (or,
if the characters pick up on the soldier's inflection, was) a (pre-Rifts) support base of some type, along the Mason-Dixon line,
seventy five to a hundred twenty five miles west of the current base. The base is also due south of Three Mile Island.
The characters should decide for themselves which avenue to pursue first: Three Mile Island, or Fort Ritchie. Or, they
can wait for the Guard hierarchy to make their decision. They may end up waiting some time, though, and time's wasting.
Encounter Five: Three Mile Island
Upon arriving at the shore of the Susquehanna River, the characters will encounter Old Willy, a former Amish farmer
who now runs a ferry service on and off the island. Willy is a 7th level Vagabond, all average stats, who preferred the life of a
ferryman to that of a farmer. He'll only charge five dollars (ten credits) to ferry the people in the party over to the island; the
vehicles will remain on the riverbank, under his son Abraham's care, as Willy only has passenger room on his ferry. the "ferry"
itself is not quite as well-named; it is a small pontoon boat, with seats for passengers.
The characters are met on the island by a one of the senior Nuclear Priests, and an assistant. The elder Priest will listen
to anything the characters have to say, and offer to give them a tour of the island. In addition, he will try and answer any
questions they have about the island, the ley line systems of the river, and any question regarding pre-Rifts times or technology
he can. He will refrain from mentioning the Intelligence; however, psychic sensitives, such as dog boys and mind melters, will
detect a faint supernatural presence on the island; the readings are not clear because of the thick radiation shielding of the reactor
and the Intelligence's unusual alignment.
Mentioning the inventor will give the characters the following information: the inventor was here researching the
effects of electromagnetic pulses (see the nuclear priest spell for the varied effects). In addition, the priests say that upon leaving
the island, the inventor stated he was headed northeast, to Mad Haven or Boston.
Mentioning the blockade around Finton will have the priests pledging aid to the Confederacy.
Encounter Six: Fort Ritchie
When the characters approach the ruins of Fort Ritchie, they find themselves in a small fishing and ice harvesting
village, along a pair of small lakes just south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Little remains of the old base, except for a few stone
buildings that have been used by the village for various reasons. Looking around, characters may wonder if they have the right
place; the one Guard soldier spoke of the place a little differently.
The "fort" is not really a fort, especially not any more. A pre-Rifts stone wall marks the gateway to the old military
base, with an open area where the main gate used to be. The villagers have renovated the base to their needs, however, they still
proudly say that the old base was an army fort "at one time". The place is a hodgepodge of D-Bees, only one human is known to
live there. In fact, one of the "D-Bees" living there is in fact an Aberrant Mechanoid Brute (see Sourcebook Two: Mechanoids),
who serves as the village protector.
If asked about the inventor, most villagers will shake their heads. They remember a stranger that stayed with them for
a winter, aiding them in harvesting the ice from the lakes. They claim he spent most of his time in two old buildings; a library
and a museum, both of which predate the village. Both buildings they point to look like they'd seen better days; the villagers
don't understand what he was looking for in there, but really couldn't care less.
Spending time in the library will show that the place was destroyed at least once in the recent past; it appears the village
was founded during or after the Mechanoid Invasion. Most of the books in the library have been damaged beyond recognition,
but a successful Detect Concealment roll will find a small cache of books hidden in the basement. These books deal with
electronics, nuclear energy, electromagnetism, and mechanical and electrical engineering. The books are hardcover, and will sell
for nearly a million credits on the Chi-Town black market; less in more educated areas, but still valuable.
Spending time in the small museum building will net the characters little, except for the few pre-Rifts knickknacks that
have survived the centuries. The characters can learn some additional pre-Rifts history here, but only the deactivated and
partially dismantled Glitter Boy, sans Boom Gun, on display here may be of any real value, and even then the characters will
only get 5% of the price of a Glitter Boy in good condition. Anyone trying to power it on will notice that the Glitter Boy's
nuclear power plant is missing, as are several other base components.
Encounter Seven: The City of Elves
Travelling south from the Republic will eventually land the characters in the area controlled by Baalgor. The Baalgor
Elves will welcome news from farther north, and will be dismayed that the Shemarrians have blockaded Finton. They won't offer
any troops to aid to the Confederacy, but they will offer aid in the way of mage training and techno-wizard weapons.
Asking about the inventor or his invention will lead the characters to an audience with Lady Eneris. She reports that
she recently taught the inventor over in the Mage Tower. He showed an aptitude for techno-wizardry, and a knack for
The Fountain of Youth
GM’s Information:
The Fountain of Youth was a mythological fountain, built in ancient times, that would grant whoever drank or bathed
in its waters the gift of eternal youth. Many of the Spanish conquistadors who explored Florida were hunting for this fabled
fountain. It was never found. Eventually, as more and more of Florida and the surrounding areas were mapped, it became
obvious that the Fountain of Youth was just a story; a myth.
They were wrong. Like Psyscape, the Fountain of Youth exists, connected to Earth, but separated from it. The
Fountain exists in a pocket dimension, accessible via a ley line nexus; because of the lack of magic energy when the Spaniards
arrived, the nexus had been closed for a hundred years. The only time the lines had enough power to open was during the
occasional solar eclipse, and even then the rift could only be opened by one who knew about it. Those few that did manage to
find the pocket dimension found themselves trapped, eternally young, eternally lonely, except for those few who were also
With the resurgence of magic energy, there is enough energy for the pocket dimension to link with Earth in much the
same way as the Yucatan and Psyscape. It cannot be seen from the air, but can be found by following the directions found on an
old map, made of parchment, with a single silver rune in the top right corner.
Such a map has recently come into the player-characters’ possession.
Experience Tables
Miner, Amish Farmer
Artemian Guard Infantryman
Artemian Guard Field Medic
Artemian Guard
Communications Tech
Artemian Guard Armored
Artemian Guard Field
Artemian Guard Fighter Pilot,
Artemian Guard Helicopter Pilot
Artemian Guard Intelligence
Dinosaur Rider
Nuclear Priest
Barbarian Experience Table:
1. 0,000 - 1,875
2. 1,876 - 3,750
3. 3,751 - 7,500
4. 7,501 - 12,600
5. 12,601 - 18,700
6. 18,701 - 30,800
7. 30,801 - 42,900
8. 42,901 - 55,000
9. 55,001 - 67,100
10. 67,101 - 91,300
11. 91,301 - 115,500
12. 115,501 - 139,700
13. 139,701 - 163,900
14. 163,901 - 188,100
15. 188,101 - 224,400