berlin | germany 26 – 28 june 2015
berlin | germany 26 – 28 june 2015
berlin | germany 26 – 28 june 2015 ■ CONTENT BEYOND BABEL? AmessageofgreetingfromthesenateofBerlin AwelcomefromtheEFPP-presidentAnne-MarieSchlösser Scientificprogramcomittee Organizer Programsurvey ProgramThursday25June ProgramFriday26June ProgramSaturday27June ProgramSunday28June RegistrationandRates Venues Informationforparticipants Chairsandspeakers Socialprogram Map 04 05 07 08 10 12 13 21 29 31 32 34 38 46 48 3 ■ A MESSAGE OF GREETING FROM THE SENATE OF BERLIN ■ A WELCOME FROM THE EFPP-PRESIDENT ANNE-MARIE SCHLÖSSER EFPP4-SectionConference DearcolleaguesfromalloverEurope, Ladiesandgentlemen, WelcometothefirstFour-Section-Conference oftheEFPPinBerlin! IamverypleasedtowelcomeyoutotheEFPP4-SectionConferencetakingplaceinBerlinoverthenextfewdays.WearepleasedandproudBerlinisvenueoftheconference. ItwastherightdecisiontoorganisethiseventinBerlin,sinceourcityisideallysuited tohostthisinternationalforumduetoitsbroadexperienceinthefieldofscienceand research,inparticularinthehealthsector. Berlinhasworldrenownedhealthcarefacilities.TheuniversityhospitalCharitéwithits excellenceinhealthcareaswellasinresearchandteachinghasaworldwidereputation,anditisoneofthebeaconsofthewholehealthregion. TheCharitéwascreatedmorethan300yearsago.NumerousNobelPrizelaureatesand furtherrenownedpersonalities,physiciansandresearcherssuchasPaulEhrlich,Rudolf Virchow,EmilvonBehringandRobertKochworkedinthishospital,andchangedthe worldwiththeirfindings. TheEFPP4-SectionConferencedealswithstate-of-the-artfindingsandexperiencesin viewofscienceandresearchaswellasmedicaltreatmentinthisveryimportantsector, andBerlinisagoodplacetobringtogetherexpertstodebatesuchspecifichealthissues andsharebestpractice. Inthecomingdays,youwillhavetheopportunitytogatherinvarioussessionstoexchangeinformationandexperience,debatecurrentchallengesandtheworld’smost pressingproblemsinthiscontext. Iwishyouexcitingandstimulatingmeetings,andIhopethat,despiteyourattractive conferenceprogramme,youwillstillhavesometimetovisitthefascinatingcapitalcity ofGermany. Located in the very middle of Europe, Berlin is a metropole of eminent historic and cultural interest. It has been capital of the Kingdom of Prussia, of the German Empire, the WeimarRepublicandtheThirdReich.DividedbytheBerlinWall duringthePostWorldWarIIyearsandinColdWartimeslateruntil1989,itwastheplacewhereEastandWestcollided withoutbeingabletocommunicate.Since1999itisagainas aconsequenceofGermany’sReunificationthecapitalofGermany.Todayoncemoreispresentsitselfasayoungandexcitingcityshapedbyculture,science,andindustry. Havingthiseventfulhistoryinmind,Berlinseemstobeanidealplacetodiscussthe theme of Babel as synonyme for division and distraction as contrasted by cultural andlinguistichomogeinity.Fortwoandahalfdaysparticipantsareinvitedtodiscuss questionsofcommunicationbetweendistractionandsharing,betweenacceptanceor rejectionofdifferences,betweennationaltraditionsandglobalhomogenityenabling local distinctions. Towards this end, a mulitude of paper presentations, workshops, subplenarysessionsandgroupmeetingswilltakeplace.ManythankstotheScientific Committeeforcomingtotermswiththisterrificamountofwork,theoverwhelming reactionmanifestedtotheCallforPapersshowingtheattractionofthetheme.The ScientificCommitteedeeplyregretstherejectionofmanypromisingproposalsforreasonsoftimeandspacelimitations. WetakepridetoemphasizegroupprocessesduringourEFPPconferences.Thereare arrangements in place for various continuous discussion groups and also the „Social Dream Matrix“ in the morning and the Large Group in the evening. These arrangements open up space for participants to meet each other on a more personalized levelanddiscussandshareideasandemotions.Let’sgoforwardtoamoreEuropean Psychoanalysis! Withkindregards Withmywarmestwishes Mario Czaja SenatorofHealthandSocialAffairs Anne-Marie Schlösser EFPPPresident 4 5 ■ DESIGNING THE CONFERENCE PROGRAM ■ SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM COMMITTEE • Pierre Benghozi, France EFPP Board member, Chair of Couple and Family Section EFPP • Beate Blank-Knaut Berlin, Germany Psychoanalyst DPG , DGPT • Karla Hoven-Buchholz, Germany DPG Board member, Psychoanalyst DPG, DGPT • Marja Lindqvist, Finland EFPP Board member, Chair of Child/Adolescent Section, Psychoanalyst • Daniela Lucarelli, Italy EFPP Board member, Delegate of Couple and Familiy Section, Psychoanalyst • Hansjoerg Messner, United Kingdom EFPP Board member, Chair of Adult Section, BCP • Gila Ofer, Israel EFPP Board member,Chair of Group Section, AVIV • Roswitha Rensing, Germany Analytic Child&Adolescent Psychotherapist VAKJP • Anne-Marie Schlösser, Germany EFPP President, Psychoanalyst DPG , DGPT, IPA • Ulrich Schultz-Venrath, Germany EFPP Board member, Representative of D3G • Albrecht Stadler, Germany Chair of DGIP, Psychoanalyst DGIP, DGPT • Michael Stasch, Germany Delegate of Couple and Family Section EFPP • Dorothee von Tippelskirch-Eissing, Germany DPV Board member, Psychoanalyst DPV, IPA • Robert Wimmer, Germany Vice President DGAP, Executive Committee member of IAAP 6 7 ■ ORGANIZER ■ ORGANIZER EFPPEuropeanFederation forPsychoanalyticPsychotherapy RegisteredCharityNumber1046731 DeutscheGesellschaftfürIndividualpsychologiee.V.(DGIP) incooperationwith VereinigungAnalytischerKinder-undJugendlichenPsychotherapeuteninDeutschlande.V.(VAKJP) DeutscheGesellschaftfürPsychoanalyse, Psychotherapie,Psychosomatikund Tiefenpsychologie(DGPT)e.V. (responsible) FelixHoffmann,HolgerSchildt,PeggyBartko DeutscheGesellschaftfürGruppenanalyseund Gruppenpsychotherapiee.V.(D3G) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gruppenanalyse und Gruppenpsychotherapie DeutschePsychoanalytischeGesellschaft(DPG) BundesverbandPsychoanalytischePaar-undFamilientherapie(BvPPF) DeutschePsychoanalytischeVereinigunge.V.(DPV) Deutsche Psychoanalytische Vereinigung Zweig der IPA DeutscheGesellschaftfür AnalytischePsychologie(DGAP) DGA P Deutsche Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie 8 Meetingoffi ce/PCO CSiHamburgGmbH Conferences|Symposia|Incentives Jungfrauenthal22 20149Hamburg,Germany +494030770300 [email protected] 9 ■ PROGRAM SURVEY ■ PROGRAM SURVEY Thursday 25 June Saturday 27 June 15oo Conference Office/Registration 0800 Conference Office/Registration 2000 Public Lecture: Jan Philipp Reemtsma: „Das Geschenk von Babel“ (English translation available) 0830 Dream Matrix (until 0945) 2100 Welcome Reception 1015 Plenary Session Anna Ursula Dreher: “Inside Babel” (German translation available) Friday 26 June 1100 Break 0800 Conference Office/Registration 1130 Discusssion Groups 0930 Opening Ceremony 1300 Break 1015 Plenary Session Stefano Bolognini: „In Between Sameness and Otherness. The Analyst`s Words in Interpsychic Dialogue” (German translation available) 1430 Subplenaries, Workshops, Paper Presentations 1600 Break 1630 Subplenaries, Workshops, Paper Presentations (until 1800) 1100 Break 1815 Large Group (until 1930) 1130 Discussion Groups 2030 Dinner Cruise on “MS Mark Brandenburg” 1300 Break 1430 Subplenaries, Workshops, Paper Presentations Sunday 28 June 1600 Break 0800 Conference Office/Registration 1630 Subplenaries, Workshops, Paper Presentations (until 1800) 0830 Dream Matrix (until 0945) 1815 Large Group (until 1930) 2000 Film: “The Flat” by Arnon Goldfinger 1015 Plenary Session John Schlapobersky: “Words… Refashion Futures Like a Healer`s Hand” (German translation available) 1100 Break 1130 Discussion Groups (until 1300) 1315 Closing Ceremony (until 1415) 10 11 Thursday 1500–2200 25 June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Friday 0800–1300 26 June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Foyer & Lobby Registration from 1500 Foyer & Lobby Registration from 0800 Hörsaal Public Lecture Chair: Anne-Marie Schlösser 2000 Hörsaal Opening Ceremony 0930 Michael Krenz, President of the Psychotherapeutenkammer Berlin (Berlin Chamber for Psychotherapists) Prof. Dr. Martin Teising, President of the International Psychoanalytic University Berlin (IPU) Susanne Waltz-Pawlita, Chair of the DGPT (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie) Hörsaal Plenary Session Chair: Anne-Marie Schlösser 1015 "Das Geschenk von Babel" Jan Philipp Reemtsma (English translation available) Foyer & Lobby Welcome Reception (for participants of conference only) 2100 In Between Sameness and Otherness: The Analyst's Words in Interpsychic Dialogue Stefano Bolognini (German translation available) Break 1100 – 1130 Venues: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Hotel Adina All rooms Discussion Groups 1130 Venues / Assignement: see information at the conference office © Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus 12 All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 13 Friday 1430–1600 26 June Friday 1430–1600 26 June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus 1st floor Hörsaal 5th floor August Bier S1 | Subplenary Beyond Babel: Curse or Blessing? Chair: Earl Hopper 1st floor P1 | Papers Bernhard v. Langenbeck Cyber: New Forms of Communication (1) Chair: Beate Blank‐Knaut 2nd floor Rudolf Virchow Beyond Babel: Curse or Blessing? Earl Hopper Further Thoughts about the Foundation Matrix: The Social Unconscious and the Collective Conscious The Myth of the Tower of Babel Hanni Biran Trauma, Reparation and Dialogue Dieter Nitzgen Fantasy and Reality, Cyber Communication and Cyber Therapy Olympia Sklidi Beyond Babel. Reflections of the Use of Cyber Technology in Brief Infant‐Parent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Promoting ‘Linking’ in Post‐Modern‐Times Marie‐Ange Widdershoven P2 | Papers The "Madonna Constellation". The Older Sibling`s Children at Risk (1) Experience: "I am Outside" Chair: Maria Teresa Diez Grieser Mirja Malmberg Envy Versus Admiring Appreciation in Childhood ‐ Are Theories Timeless? Simona Nissim 4th floor Emil v. Behring P3 | Papers Sameness and Otherness in a Group Experience in Groups (1) Supervision Experience Chair: Claudine Vivier Vacheret Ludovica Grassi, Alessia Serra Multi Family Group Analysis Isaura Manso Neto 4th floor Paul Ehrlich W1 | Workshop 5th floor Robert Koch P4 | Papers Babylonian Confusion in the Psychoanalytic Process? Babel in Psychotherapy (1) About Understanding and Communication Chair: Louise Schmidt‐Honsberg Annemarie Laimboeck Maternal Freud: Between Babbling and Babel in H. Doolittle's Story of Her Analysis with Freud Dorit Ashur 14 W2 | Workshop Research Workshop Chair: Edith Lecourt Bion and Foulkes: Communication on "Broken Communication" Robi Friedman, Uri Levin All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by How Should We Communicate about Research (Exchanging Methodologies, Running Research Projects etc.) in the EFPP? Edith Lecourt First Steps. An Early Prevention Program for Children with Immigrant Background Korinna Fritzemeyer A/Way from Babel? OPD Dieter Nitzgen Neuroscience Meets Psychoanalysis. An Empirical Approach to Psychoanalytic Treatment of Chronic Depression Michael Stasch Psychodynamic Psychotherapy with Adolescents Suffering from Comorbid Disorders of Conduct and Emotions in an Impatient Setting Carola Cropp, Simone Salzer, Annette Streeck‐Fischer Venue: Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Hörsaal P5 | Papers Is There a Thing Like “Psychoanalytic Identity”? About Psychoanlysis Towards a Theory of Individualized Interactions in our Chair: Christa Marahrens-Schuerg Sessions Michael B. Buchholz Is Psychoanalysis in a State of "Babylonian Confusion?" Heinrich Deserno Seminarraum W3 | Workshop On the Long Way From Otherness to Belonging Juliane Appel-Opper, Elisabeth von Strachwitz Galerie P6 | Papers One Language or Many? Chair: Ulrich Schultz-Venrath Alone - The Exclusion of Tongues Michael Schein "And the Whole Earth was of One Language and One Speech". Massification or Individuality in Large Societies and in Small Groups Yael Doron All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 15 Friday 26 June 1430–1600 Venue: Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Bibliothek P7 | Papers Germany East-West Chair: Beate Unruh Friday Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Transgenerational Effects of the German Revolution on Eastern Germans Michael Froese An Unequal Matrix: Western Germans, Eastern Germans, Migrants Jens Preil 1st floor Hörsaal S2 | Subplenary Malaise dans la Famille et dans le Genre (en Français) Chair: Pierre Benghozi 1st floor P11 | Papers Bernhard v. Langenbeck Cyber: New Forms of Communication (2) Chair: Paola Francesca Acquarone The Internet and Psychotherapy with Adolescents: Some Thoughts about Countertransference Maria Grazia Pini Like or Dislike: Questions and Challenges in the Consulting Room of a "Society 2.0" Angelo Bonaminio 2nd floor Rudolf Virchow P12 | Papers Children at Risk (2) Chair: Ludovica Grassi "My Mom Couldn't Find Me". Psychotherapy with Late Adopted Children May Nilsson Psychic Deadness in the Consulting Room: The Role of the Vitalizing Supervision Effie Layiou-Lignos, Vassiliki Vassilopoulou 4th floor Emil v. Behring P13 | Papers Experience in Groups (2) Chair: Kairi Kaarento The Group that Thinks itself to Death Dorit Barnea, Hagrit Zohn Co-Constructing a Common Language: Aspects of Group Supervision for the Multidisciplinary Staff Ido Peleg 4th floor Paul Ehrlich P14 | Papers Psychosomatic Phenomena in Psychotherapy Chair: Roswita Rensing Somatic Levels of Mental Organization in the Foundation Matrix Ravit Raufman A Psychologists`s Wanderings to the Hospital. The "Babel Tower Loop" or the Difficult Ascent Françoise Daune Venue: Hotel Adina Margaret River P8 | Papers Family Therapy (1) Chair: Nikos Stathopoulos Treating Family Bonds in Multisetting Approach Giuseppe Livio Comin Becoming a Family: A Case of Infant-Parent Psychotherapy Agathe Israel, Grit Jahn-Jockschies Hunter Valley P9 | Papers Couples Chair: Sanna Aavaluoma Who is the Other in the Couple? Raffaela Magnoli, Elisabeth de Verdière From Marital to Parental Bond. The Challenge of Trust and Dialogue Marina Mombelli, Michela Adele Pozzi P10 | Papers Accepting Otherness (1) Chair: Esa Pursiainen The Chaotic Reality of Bedouin Children in Israel during the War Smadar Ben-Asher Working With the Enemy: A Secular Jewish Analyst Supervising Palastinians and Ultraorthodox Jews in Jerusalem Udi Rosenthal Barossa Valley 16 1630–1800 26 June All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by Babel Aujourd`hui ou la Confusion de Langue entre le Sexué, le Sexuel et le Genre Pierre Benghozi Le Pouvoir du Ressentiment. Le Fils Elu Rosa Jaitin Malaise dans la Famille. L`Ecoute du Psychoanalyste: Est-elle la même aujourd`hui qu`hier? Philippe Robert All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 17 Friday 1630–1800 26 June Friday 1630–1800 26 June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Venue: Hotel Adina 5th floor Robert Koch P15 | Papers Babel in Psychotherapy (2) Chair: Maria Eugenia Cid Transference to the Institution during Psychoanalytic Treatment of Patients with Psychotic Structure Gideon Becker Babel: Curse or Blessing? Georgios Gkinis Margaret River P17 | Papers Family Therapy (2) Chair: Silvia Nürnberger Obese Body Mirror of a Family and Social Image of the Body Almudena Sanahuja Psychoanalytic Oriented Family Therapy of Anorexia Nervosa Günter Reich, Antje von Boetticher 5th floor August Bier W4 | Workshop Research Workshop Chair: Edith Lecourt continuation (W2) Hunter Valley P18 | Papers Creation of Identity Chair: Luc Moyson The Creation of Identity. The Way to Gender Distinction and Identity in the Family Anne Loncan Expatriation and Identity Philippe Drweski Barossa Valley P19 | Papers Accepting Otherness (2) Chair: Inge Kley Accepting Otherness to Find Sameness. A Jew Child and an Arab Therapist Caesar Hakim What Arab and Jewish School Counsellors Remember from Within-Group Diversity in Academia and how it Affects their Work Ariela Bairey Ben Ishay Personal and Professional Development of Jewish and Arab Students Lori Greenberger Barossa Valley / Hunter Valley Large Group Attention: Event from 1815 – 1930 Chair: Robi Friedman, Siri Johns Venue: Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Hörsaal P16 | Papers Migration (1) Chair: Karla Hoven-Buchholz Once Upon a Time… in the East. Cultural Identity in the Globalized World Aydan Özdaglar „So they walked Behind Their Words“. Language and Sense of Self in the Process of Migration Gisela Zeller-Steinbrich Seminarraum W5 | Workshop Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Child. Experiences, Questions and Problems at the Start Oksana Gulak, Marja Lindqvist, Marja Schulman Galerie W6 | Workshop Trying to Disentangle the “Confusion of Tongues”: ShortTerm Psychotherapeutic Interventions in a Therapeutic Unit for Children with Pervasive Developmental Disorders during a Period of Crisis in Greece The Myth of the Tower of Babel: A Contemporary Variation. The Case of a Therapeutic Unit in Athens, Greece Maria Papagounou Mother Tongue in Exile: Child and Mother lost in Translation Antonia Fyrigou Ulysses` Almost Impossible Journey: Searching for Communication Lida Anagnostaki, Maria Tselika W7 | Workshop Therapy on our Territory or on that of the Patient? Brian Martindale Bibliothek 18 All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Hörsaal Filmscreening and discussion „The Flat“ (2011) by Arnon Goldfinger Chair: Christa Leiendecker Comment: Ingeborg Goebel-Ahnert Attention: Event from 2000 – 2230 All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 19 Saturday Unfall, Verletzung, Krankheit oder Reha? Bleiben Sie entspannt! 0830–1300 27 June Venue: Hotel Adina Hunter Valley / Barossa Valley Dream Matrix Conductors: Gila Ofer, Joanna Skowronska 0830 – 0945 Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Auch Psychotherapeuten werden krank. Und wer krank ist, sollte sich schonen und sich voll auf seine Genesung konzentrieren dürfen. Ohne Sorgen um die Praxis oder die hohen fortlaufenden Kosten. Die P.U.V von Dr. Rinner & Partner hilft Ihnen dabei: Wir sichern Ihre Existenz und die Ihrer Praxis, wenn Sie es selbst nicht können. Solange bis Sie wieder fit sind! • Schutz bei Burnout & Depressionen Auch wenn die Psyche mal schlapp macht, ist die P.U.V der Partner an Ihrer Seite. • Keine Beitragsanpassungen! Bei Schadensfreiheit bezahlen Sie einen Fixbetrag über die gesamte Laufzeit – bis zu 10 Jahre. Registration from 0800 Hörsaal Plenary Session Chair: Hansjoerg Messner 1015 – 1100 Inside Babel Anna Ursula Dreher (German translation available) Break • Sicherheit ab dem 1. Tag Die P.U.V leistet ab dem 1. Tag, wenn Sie im Krankenhaus liegen. • Volle Gewinn- & Kostenabdeckung Die P.U.V ersetzt Gewinn und laufende Kosten, sobald Ihre Praxis stillsteht. Foyer & Lobby Sechs Wochen Praxisstillstand? Kein Problem! Dank meiner P.U.V 1100 – 1130 Venues: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Hotel Adina All rooms Discussion Groups 1130 Venues / Assignement: see information at the conference office • Sie sind uns willkommen! Eintrittsalter bis zum 63. Lebensjahr möglich. Aidenbachstraße 140 • D-81479 München Tel.: +49 (0)89 96057490 • All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 21 Saturday 1430–1600 27 June Saturday 1430–1600 27 June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus 1st floor Hörsaal 5th floor Robert Koch P24 | Papers Babel in Psychotherapy (3) Chair: Dorothee von Tippelskirch Rashomon: Seduction, Omnipotence and NarrowMindedness in the Patient-Therapist-Supervisor Triangle Michael Shoshani, David Zohar 5th floor August Bier W8 | Workshop Beyond Babel: The Language of Silence Margherita Guelfo, Giuseppe Palladino, Eva Trifuoggi S3 | Subplenary Group Analysis, Enactments and Multiple Self-States Chair: Peter Potthoff 1st floor P20 | Papers Bernhard v. Langenbeck Cyber: New Forms of Communication (3) Chair: Ludovica Grassi Intersubjectivity in Action The Intersubjective-Relational Paradigm. A Possible Extension of Group-Analytic Theory Peter Potthoff The Analytic Group as an Arena for Enactments between Self-States Miriam Berger Hall of "Me's": Mirroring in Terms of Multiple Self-States Avi Berman Chair: Robert Wimmer Bodyless Relationships in Facebook: Intrapsychic Dynamics and Oscilliations from Adolecence to Latency Marco Morando Auf der Suche nach Verbindung. Gedanken zu Virtualität anhand einer Fallvignette aus einer Psychoanalytischen Behandlung (in deutscher Sprache) Antje von Boetticher 2nd floor Rudolf Virchow P21 | Paper Children at Risk (3) Chair: Eugenia Maria Marzano "Through the Barricades". Between Teachers and Adolescent Students Tiziana Catta Seminarraum W9 | Workshop Infant Observation (Ongoing EFPP Workshop) 4th floor Emil v. Behring P22 | Papers Experience with Holocaust Survivors Chair: Elke Horn Analytic Group for Holcaust Survivors and the Second Generation: Healing of the Injured Self through a Process of Mutual Recognition Enav Karniel Lauer The Confusion of Tongues between the Therapist and the Complexe PTSD Patient. Conclusions from Psychotherapy with Holocaust Child Survivors Marlen Maor Galerie P26 | Papers Translating: Translation and Understanding The Road to Understanding Otherness Chair: Terttu Maekinen Zehorit Asulin-Simhon Lost and Gained in Translation. Language Choice, Triangulation and Transference with Bilingual Patients Annette Byford Bibliothek W10 | Workshop 4th floor Paul Ehrlich 22 P23 | Papers Dynamics of Patient-Therapist Relations (1) Chair: Bernd Heimerl Venue: Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Hörsaal P25 | Papers Migration (2) Chair: Christine Gerstenfeld Nina - Looking for Languages that in Real Life do not Exist. Bilingualism in the Context of Migration Christine Winter-Heider Quest for Identity. Borderland Adolescents with Migration Background Annette Streeck-Fischer On Infant Observation Anne Hollaender, Effie Layiou-Lignos, Simona Nissim, Piret Visnapuu-Bernadt Where are we Situated in this Picture? Rudolf Balmer The Attempt to Find a Common Language in the Therapeutic Dialogue Brigitte Schiller Polyphonic Listening and Multilingualism Dragica Stojkovic All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 23 Saturday 27 June 1430–1600 Venue: Hotel Adina P27 | Papers Dysfunctional Families (1) Chair: Daniela Lucarelli Birds of a Feather Flock Together Cristina Calarasanu, Anca Ganciu Family Abuse, a Universal Language. Teenagers Beating Their Parents Cindy Vicente Hunter Valley P28 | Papers Women and Men Today (1) Chair: Salwa Meier Thinking Outside the Womb – On the Male Therapist’s Place in the Psychoanalytic World and the Place of Masculine Aspects in the Analytic Space Roy Samana Group Dynamics in Co-Education and Uni-Sex Formats Nitza Roskin P29 | Papers Family Structures in Different Cultures Chair: Harald Kamm 1630–1800 27. June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Margaret River Barossa Valley Saturday Retour d'Ishtar, les Enfants du Djinn Blanc et la Mort du Système (en Français) Tahar Abbal Intercultural Body-Oriented Psychotherapy: The Culture in the Body and the Body in the Culture Julianne Appel-Opper 1st floor Hörsaal S4 | Subplenary Perspectives in Couple Research Chair: Pere Llovet Intersubjectivity and Mentalisation in Individual Pathologies of the Couple Pere Llovet Models of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Couples Massomiliano Sommantico Paranoid Anxiety and the Third in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Couples Anastasia Tsamparli 1st floor P30 | Papers Bernhard v. Langenbeck Cyber: New Forms of Communication (4) Chair: Karsten Münch Skype, the Uncanny Third, and Psychoanalysis Imgard Dettbarn The Internet - A Transitional Area or Fetish Container? Fanny Guglielmucci 2nd floor Rudolf Virchow P31 | Papers Children at Risk (4) Chair: Anne Hollaender Misunderstanding and Confusion. Educational and Psychotherapeutic Work in a Kindergarten An Outreach Project Christiane Ludwig-Koerner Psychotherapeutic Approach in the Treatment of Risk of Psychosis Mikko Roine 4th floor Emil v. Behring W11 | Workshop Remembering Leningrad, Surviving Gaza. A Comparison between Two Sieges Ayah Bashir, Esther Rapoport 4th floor Paul Ehrlich P32 | Papers Dynamics of Patient-Therapist Relations (2) Chair: Katarzyna Skrzypek Sameness and Otherness. Familiar and Extraneous in the Analytic Encounter with the Adolescent. Giuseppina Parisi Unique Characteristics of the Female Therapist-Patient Dyad Smadar Ashuach © Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung 24 All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 25 Saturday 1630–1800 27 June Saturday 27 June Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Venue: Hotel Adina 5th floor Robert Koch Margaret River 5th floor August Bier P33 | Papers Babel in Psychotherapy (4) Chair: Rita Marx W12 | Workshop “To Hear Significance is to Translate” (George Steiner). Psychoanalytic Considerations about Capabilities and Limitations of Translation Processes in Literal and Clinical Work Angela Mauss-Hanke Do I Dare to be Human? Translating Deceitful and Sado-Masochistic Transference in the Language of Truth and Love Batya Shoshani, Michael Shoshani Chair: Giuseppe Livio Comin P36 | Papers Women and Men Today (2) Chair: Rudolf Balmer Women Today. When Equality Turns into a Trap Daniela Lucarelli, Gabriela Tavazza Difficulties of a Homosexual Partner in his Feminine Competence – From Sexuality to Motherhood Francesco Spadaro Barossa Valley P37 | Papers Self and Other Chair: Peter-Christian Miest Otherness: Creation of Mental Space between Subject and Object. Understanding Psychoanalytic Concepts through the Cinematic Language. Epilogue: Dialogue with the mother, Kaos (Paolo and Vittorio Taviani, 1984) Orit Dudai On Otherness, Language and Self. The Importance of Listening and Speaking in Mentalizing the Intersubjective Matrix. Helga Felsberger Barossa Valley Large Group Chairs: Robi Friedman, Siri Johns Attention: Event from 1815 – 1930 Can We Connect Without Correcting Each Other´s Language? Liat Warhaftig Aran Hörsaal P34 | Papers Migration (3) Chair: May Nielsson “Tell Me About Your Life”. Interviews with Finnish War Children Barbara Mattson Miscenation Clinics. Between Anthropology, Psychoanalysis and Cross Cultural Clinic Thames Cornette-Borges, Sophie Maley-Régley Seminarraum W13 | Workshop Forced Migration: Refugee Families in Europe Sheila Melzak, Joachim Walter W14 | Workshop “Berliner Runde“ (Berlin Round Table) Workshop with Film Screening Kathrin Albert, Clemens Krauss Bibliothek 26 W15 | Workshop Theater Techniques for the Promotion of Harmony between Opposing Narratives Ofra Faiman All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by Hello/Goodbye New Families! Group Work with Five Looked After Siblings Heather Lee Messner, Elizabeth Stevenson L'Adozione. Un Evento Credico che Puó Promuovere la Creativitá (in Italiano) Mariagrazia Giachin, Giuliana Marin Hunter Valley Venue: Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Galerie P35 | Papers Dysfunctional Families (2) Chair: Marja Lindqvist 1630–1800 Venue: MS Mark Brandenburg Dinner Cruise Attention: Admission from 1930 Boat starts at 2030 All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 27 Sunday 0830–1415 28 June Venue: Hotel Adina Hunter Valley / Barossa Valley Dream Matrix Conductors: Gila Ofer, Joanna Skowronska 0830 – 0945 Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Foyer & Lobby Registration from 0800 Hörsaal Plenary Session Chair: Gila Ofer 1015 – 1100 Sie kümmern sich, wir kümmern uns! Words … Refashion Futures Like a Healer's Hand John Schlapobersky (German translation available) Break AZ 174 05-15 Gewerbe-Versicherungen für Psychotherapeuten 1100 – 1130 Venues: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Hotel Adina Mit den neuen Gewerbe-Haftpflicht- und Gewerbe-Sachversicherungen der Barmenia schaffen Sie einen sicheren Rahmen für Ihre Tätigkeit. Ihr Vorteil: Ein hervorragender Versicherungsschutz zu günstigen Konditionen. Damit haben Sie den Rücken frei, um sich um das zu kümmern, was am wichtigsten ist: Ihre Patienten! Wir informieren Sie gern Telefon: 0202 438-3631 E-Mail: [email protected] Alle Infos finden Sie auch online: All rooms Discussion Groups 1130 Venues / Assignement: see information at the conference office Venue: Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Hörsaal Closing Ceremony Farewell 1315 – 1415 All Speakers in alphabetical order. All Co-Authors named within the related abstract, available by 29 ■ REGISTRATION AND RATES Pariser Platz with Brandenburger Tor until 31 March 2015 from 01 April 2015 on-Site from 25 June 2015 RegularParticipant 390€ 470€ 490€ Trainingcandidate1 125€ 175€ 195€ Students2 75€ 100€ 120€ Dayticket 350€ 350€ 350€ Publiclecture|Thursday included evening,25June3 included included ConferenceDinner4| Saturday,27June 90€ 90€ 90€ 1 ForthosepeopleparticipatinginapsychoanalytictrainingatanInstitute 2 ForpeoplestudyingataUniversity.AcopyoftheStudentIDwillberequiredtovalidatetheregistration. Pleasesendusacopyofthedocumentwithin7daysafteryourregistrationbye-mail [email protected] 3 Preregistrationrequiredandbinding 4 Dinnercruiseincl.buffet,drinksanddancing TheparticipationfeeisperpersonandchargedonbehalfoftheOrganizer.VATwill notbechargedaccordingto§4,para.22GermanTurnover-TaxLaw.Allbookingsare subjecttochange. On-Site Registration Ifyouregisteron-siteattheconferencedeskyoucanpaycashorbycreditcard.Only VISA,MasterCardorAmericanExpresswillbeaccepted.Topickupyourregistration materialsortoregisteron-site,pleasegototheConferenceRegistrationDesk. 30 Museumsinsel with Alexanderplatz 31 ■ VENUES ■ VENUES Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Venue of plenary and parallel sessions Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Venue of the parallel sessions The Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus, with the same named foundation as holder, was built in 1906 in a neo-baroque style with donations from the people for the promotion of medical education. After World War II it was initially the seat of the Russian military command. Shortly after the reunification, it turns to the seat of the Academy of Arts of the GDR. In 1992 the reconveyance of the house to the Kaiserin Friedrich Foundation took place. After the modernization and renovation, it is again used for its original purpose by the medical profession. Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus Robert-Koch-Platz 7 10115 Berlin, Germany © Kaiserin-Friedrich-Stiftung © Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Built in 1915, the Langenbeck-Virchow House was reopened on 1 October 2005 following complete restoration and modernization. Auditorium The restoration works restored the historic auditorium to its original 1915 state. The ceiling frescoes depicting scenes from Greek mythology have been successively preserved. Five hundred seats on the parterre and in the gallery can now be used for meetings and other events. The auditorium is fitted with the very latest technical equipment, including state of the art media technology for live transmissions of national and international events. Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus Berlin Luisenstraße 58/59 10117 Berlin, Germany 32 Hotel Adina Venue of the parallel sessions Adina Apartment Hotel Berlin Hauptbahnhof Platz vor dem Neuen Tor 6 10115 Berlin, Germany © Hotel Adina Note: For further information see the map on last page 33 ■ INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS Language The official conference language is English. Some papers are presented in different languages indicated in the program. You will find the papers presented in the plenary sessions in English and German in your conference bags. Name Badge Please wear your name badge at any time. Unfortunately you will have no access to the sessions without your badge, even if an other person will vouch for you. Public pre-conference lecture and Welcome reception On Thursday night (20:00, admission at 19:30) Jan Philipp Reemtsma will give a public lecture „Das Geschenk von Babel“. The venue is the main lecture hall of the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus. English translation will be available. One of the main topics of Reemtsma's broad scientific interest is violence in its different facets. Two exhibitions on war crimes of the German Wehrmacht initiated by him shocked the German Republic and lead to an intense public debate. In his book „In the Cellar“ he elaborated on his experience of being kidnapped. He has become an important protagonist of intellectual life in Germany. After the lecture the participants of the conference are invited to a Welcome Reception. Plenary sessions and discussion groups On Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings there will be a Plenary session. After a coffee break the discussion groups will start. This is an EFPP speciality. The theme of the Plenary session and the ideas raised by it, will be discussed with colleagues. The groups will stay with the same initial participants conducted by group convenors, throughout the whole conference. Lists with the group members will be shown at the conference office where you may identify your name and the venue of your group. Subplenaries, workshops, paper presentations In Subplenaries the speakers offer several contributions to a theme related to the conference issue. In workshops there will be an input by the chair which will then be discussed by the group. A conference paper selected by the scientific committee from more than one hundred of papers proposed takes the form of a presentation of up to 30 minutes followed by a discussion of 15 minutes. Usually two papers dealing with related themes will be presented together. 34 ■ INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS Large Group The Large Group supplies a special setting which enables to meet the greatest number of participants possible. The Large Group offers a transitional space in which participants may share a journey from the familiar small group to the less personal social space. Individuals may be interested to learn how participants feel and behave in this different environment, and the organization may learn from the Large Group something about its own culture. The conductors try to develop a dialogue which may help us to meet the 'other' and the different in a meaningful way. Social Dream Matrix Social Dreaming is a joint endeavor of transformative thinking together on current social and organisation matters, discovering truth by abandoning the attempt to find it, for illuminating the life of societies, cultures, organizations and communities. It has the potential of making manifest the hidden knowledge that is present in systems the ‘unthought known’ (Bollas, 1987) revealing issues that are in-a-way known, but have previously not been able to be thought about. In a Social Dreaming Matrix the focus is on the dream and not the dreamer. In Social Dialogue and Reflection Groups the focus is on thinking about the dreams and what they reveal about the shared context: social, political, organisational, and human. Film session: „The Flat“ Christa Leiendecker and Ingeborg Goebel-Ahnert are presenting a film by Arnon Goldfinger which has been internationally acclaimed and received 15 awards. The film will be followed by a discussion afterwards in which members of the second and third generation of the affected countries as well as of other international EFPP members can share their thoughts. After the death of his grandmother emptying her flat in Tel Aviv, the Israeli film director uncovers an uncanny secret which confronts him with the German-Israeli part of his family story, which is rooted in Berlin. Like in analysis, he thoroughly starts reconstructing the forgotten life history of his grandparents. This films touches indirectly upon psychoanalytic questions of change in several levels: the personal, the familiar, and the inner- and intercultural ones. This is achieved by revealing unspoken, unconcious, opressed and the seemingly denied. Unbearable life facts and emotional experiences as well as psychic attempts to cope with them emerge. 35 ■ INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS Posters In the lobby of the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus you will find posters presented by Paulina Golaska („The Disintegration of a Mind. Complete Plays of Sarah Kane as an Illustration of Psychotic Collapse“), Eva Héderváry-Heller („Attachment Representation of Students of Early Childhood Pedagogy at the Beginning and the End of their Studies“), Maria Karantoni and Eva Evangelopoulou („Creating Meaning our of Chaos in a Family with Diabetes“) and Christiane Ludwig-Koerner („Promoting Parent-Child-Relationship in the Kindergarten“). Best Paper Award for Trainees One of the EFPP's visions is to encourage candidates' participation and creativity and developing their essays writing. For this purpose we have the "Best Paper Price" given on each of our conferences to the best paper - whether theoretical or clinical - written by a trainee. The prize includes the registration fee and the paper will be published either in the EFPP Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Review or in one of the editions of the EFPP book series. The price will be awarded dring the closing ceremony. Dinner Cruise on „MS Mark Brandenburg“ This Saturday night event including Dinner, Drinks and Dancing will take place on the boat "MS Mark Brandenburg" which will take you around Berlin along the river Spree. Tickets are still available for 90 € each and can be bought at the conference office. Departure at: Maerkisches Ufer Admission from 19:30, "Full steam ahed" - the boat starts at 20:30! Recommended connection: From the Conference venue „Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus“ please go to the station „S+U Berlin Hauptbahnhof“ (app. 900 m walking distance) Now you can take the local train (S-Bahn) S5 (direction Strausberg Bhf) or the the local train (S-Bahn) S7 (direction Ahrensfelde Bhf) to the station “S+U Jannowitzbrücke”. You will reach your destination within 8 minutes. The ship reaches its final destination at 22:30 „Jannowitzbrücke“ where the event will close at 1:00. ■ INFORMATION FOR PARTICIPANTS Coffee Coffee is freely available to conference participants during morning and afternoon breaks. Certification (for German participants only) The Berlin Chamber for Psychotherapists will certify the participation with 15 (6/6/3) CMA credit points. Insurance The organizer does not accept liability for any loss of or damage to the personal effects of participants (or their accompanying persons) attending the event. The organizer reserves the right to cancel, defer or modify the event proceedings without prior notice. Sponsors The EFPP would like to acknowledge the kind assistance given by: Dr. Rinner & Partner/ Donau-Versicherung BARMENIA Versicherungen Psychosozial-Verlag, Haland & Wirth Imprint Publisher: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychoanalyse, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Tiefenpsychologie (DGPT) e.V. on behalf of the European Federation for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy EFPP Registered Charity Nr. 1046731 Kurfürstendamm 54/55, D-10707 Berlin Fon: 0049 -30 – 887 163 930; Fax: 0049 – 30 – 887 163 959 E-Mail: [email protected] HP: V.i.S.d.P.: Dr. rer. pol. Felix Hoffmann Book Stalls The following book stalls will be present in the lobby of the Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus: Fundus Antiquariats- und Buchhandelsgesellschaft GmbH Berlin Karnac Psychosozial Verlag 36 Editorial staff: Holger Schildt, Anne-Marie Schlösser and CSi Hamburg GmbH Coverdesign, graphics and layout: Peter Fischer-Piel, Berlin Photograph p. 30 top: by Axel Mauruszat, via Wikimedia Commons Photograph p. 30 bottom: Berlin stock, Creative Commons 37 ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS Sanna Aavaluoma Untamontie 15 B 00610 Helsinki Finland Mail: [email protected] Dorit Barnea 91 Haim Levanon 69345 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Claudia Burkhardt-Mußmann Beethovenplatz 1-3 60325 Frankfurt Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Maria Teresa Diez Grieser Gartenhofstraße 1 8004 Zürich Switzerland Mail: [email protected] Tahar Abbal 125 rue de Stalingrad 93009 Bobigny France Mail: [email protected] Gideon Becker Haodem 14 Street 45350 Hod Hasharon Israel Mail: [email protected] Annette Byford 14 Westbourne Crescent SO17 1EE Southhampton United Kingdom Mail: [email protected] Yael Doron 14 Zvi street Ramat Gan Israel Mail: [email protected] Paola Francesca Acquarone Grimmstraße 11A 10967 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Smadar Ben-Asher Zivony 18 St. 85338 Lehavim Israel Mail: [email protected] Cristina Calarasanu 9, Florin Ciungan, bl. 64, sc. B, ap. 61, sec. 3 031825 Bucharest Romania Mail: [email protected] Dr. Anna Ursula Dreher Sternstraße 6 60318 Frankfurt Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Kathrin Albert Wilhelmshöher Straße 17 12161 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Pierre Benghozi 664 Chemin du Rollier 83210 La Farlede France Mail: [email protected] Tiziana Catta Via Flli Correra, 3 81100 Caserta Italy Mail: [email protected] Philippe Drweski 14 Avenue Marcel Martinié Bâtiment A2 92170 Vanves France Mail: [email protected] Lida Anagnostaki Lampsa 1 11524 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Dr. Miriam Berger 3 Begin Street 56478 Yehud Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Maria Eugenia Cid Alcala 91 28009 Madrid Spain Mail: [email protected] Orit Dudai Shimon Hatarsi 14 6249217 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Julianne Appel-Opper Fröaufstraße 6 12161 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Avi Bermann P.O.B. 1017 Ramat Hasharon Israel Mail: [email protected] Giuseppe Livio Comin Viale Amendola 30 50124 Firenze Italy Mail: [email protected] Ofra Faiman Neveh Zin 30 8499000 Midreshet Ben-Gurion Israel Mail: [email protected] Smadar Ashuach Haoranit 8 40600 Tel Mond Israel Mail: [email protected] Hanni Biran 53 Bialik Street 4720512 Ramat Hasharon Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Thames Cornette-Borges 4 rue Barblé 1210 Luxembourg Luxembourg Mail: [email protected] Dr. Helga Felsberger Windmühlgasse 20/8/67b, 1060 Wien 1060 Wien Austria Mail: [email protected] Dr. Dorit Ashur Harakefet 13/6 Ir-Ganim 96505 Jerusalem Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Beate Blank-Knaut Belforter Straße 1 10405 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Francoise Daune Rue Héger Bordet 1 1000 Bruxelles Belgium Mail: [email protected] Dr. Robi Friedman 20 Hague Street 3498026 Haifa Israel Mail: [email protected] Zehorit Asulin-Simhon Emek-Hahula 2/3 71703 Modiin Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Stefano Bolognini International Psychoanalytical Association Broomhills, Woodside Lane N12 8UD London United Kingdom E-Mail: [email protected] Elisabeth de Verdière Foro Bonaparte 48 20121 Milano Italy Mail: [email protected] Korinna Fritzemeyer Böhmische Straße 14 12055 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Heinrich Deserno Stromstraße 3 10555 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Michael Froese Gutenbergstraße 32 14467 Potsdam Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Irmgard Dettbarn Schützallee 122 14169 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Antonia Fyrigou 17 D. Eginitou Str. 11528 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Dr. Ariela Bairey Ben Ishay Wahat al Salaam\Neve Shalom 155 99761 Doar Na Shimshon Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Rudolf Balmer Martinsgasse 6 4051 Basel Switzerland Mail: [email protected] 38 Dr. Angelo Bonaminio Via Nomentana 256 162 Rome Italy Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Michael B. Buchholz Stromstraße 3 10555 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] 39 ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS Dr. Christine Gerstenfeld Senefelder Straße 10 10437 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Eva Hédervári-Heller Reichensteiner Weg 15 14195 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Harald Kamm Untere Königstraße 26 96052 Bamberg Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Anne Loncan 135 Rue du Roc 81000 Albi France Mail: [email protected] Dr. Mariagrazia Giachin Via San Martino, 28 34123 Trieste Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Bernd Heimerl Roßbachstraße 1 10829 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Enav Karniel Lauer Ben Gurion 95 56209 Yehud Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Daniela Lucarelli Corso Trieste 123 198 Roma Italy Mail: [email protected] Georgios Gkinis Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4 1205 Geneve Switzerland Mail: [email protected] Anne Hollaender H.C. Andersensgade 1 4600 Køge Denmark Mail: [email protected] Inge Kley Nassauische Straße 10 10717 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Christiane Ludwig-Koerner Cimbernstraße 28 14129 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Ingeborg Goebel-Ahnert Myliusstraße 58 60232 Frankfurt Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Earl Hopper 38 Heath Hurst Road NW3 2 RX London United Kingdom Mail: [email protected] Clemens Krauss Argentinische Allee 30 14163 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Terttu Maekinen Kivääritehtaankatu 1 A 21 17130 Vesivehmaa Finland Mail: [email protected] Paulina Golaska Szamarzewskiego 89 60-568 Poznań Poland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Elke Horn Cranachstraße 3 40235 Düsseldorf Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Annemarie Laimboeck Gumppstraße 72 6020 Innsbruck Austria Mail: [email protected] Raffaela Magnoli Via Revere 9 20123 Milano Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Ludovica Grassi Via dei Ramni 46 185 Roma Italy Mail: [email protected] Karla Hoven-Buchholz Schlesierring 60 37085 Göttingen Germany Mail: [email protected] Effie Layiou-Lignos 54, Aimonos Street, Colonos 10442 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Sophie Maley - Régley 97 bd de Port Royal 75014 Paris France Mail: [email protected] Dr. Lori Greenberger 14 Odem St POB 4224 3088900 Caesarea Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Agathe Israel Ernst-Thälmann-Straße 4 10407 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Edith Lecourt 38 rue arthur Rozier 75019 Paris France Mail: [email protected] Dr. Mirja Malmberg Petersgrnden 10 20900 Åbo Finland Mail: [email protected] Margherita Guelfo Via Tasso 480 80127 Napoli Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Grit Jahn-Jokschies Esmarchstraße 19 10407 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Heather Lee Messner New London Road CM20QH Chelmsford United Kingdom Mail: [email protected] Dr. Isaura Manso Neto Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro, nº57 – 1ºDto 1070-061 Lisboa Portugal Mail: [email protected] Fanny Guglielmucci Via Po 14 10123 Turin Italy Mail: [email protected] Rosa Jaitin 24 rue Auguste Comte 69002 Lyon France Mail: [email protected] Christa Leiendecker Alexanderstraße 45 60489 Frankfurt Germany Mail: [email protected] Marlen Maor Johanesburg 25 7843313 Ashkelon Israel Mail: [email protected] Oksana Gulak Zharokov Str. 37-30 050009 Almaty Kazakhstan Mail: [email protected] Siri Johns Gabelsgate 40 0262 Oslo Norway Mail: [email protected] Marja Lindqvist Ehrensvärdintie 1 A 00150 Helsinki Finland Mail: [email protected] Christa Marahrens-Schuerg Elbinger Weg 24 30657 Hannover Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Caesar Hakim Manger St, 153 0 Bethlehem Israel Mail: [email protected] Kairi Kaarento Laaksolahdentie 22 C 02720 Espoo Finland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Pere Llovet Josep Tarradellas, 132 St. 08029 Barcelona Spain Mail: [email protected] Dr. Giuliana Marin Piazza Cornelia Romana 2 34123 Trieste Italy Mail: [email protected] 40 41 ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS Dr. Brian Martindale 5 Tynemouth Terrace, Tynemouth NE30 4BH Newcastle upon Tyne United Kingdom Mail: [email protected] Luc Moyson UPC KU Leuven Campus Kortenberg Leuvensesteenweg 517 3070 Kortenberg Belgium Mail: [email protected] Dr. Ido Peleg Mitzpe Aviv 152 2018799 Misga Israel Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Philippe Robert 71 avenue Edouard Vaillant 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt France Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Rita Marx Sieglindestraße 5 12159 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Karsten Münch Emil-Trinkler-Str. 24 28211 Bremen Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Maria Grazia Pini v. G. Bandi, 3 50137 Firenze Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Mikko Roine Piispanpiha 4 E 8 02200 Espoo Finland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Eugenia Maria Marzano Via della Camilluccia 741 135 Roma Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. May Nilsson Högalidsgatan 48 A 11730 Stockholm Sweden Mail: [email protected] Dr. Peter Potthoff Straßburgerstraße 13 40878 Ratingen Germany Mail: [email protected] Udi Rosenthal 8 lloyd George st’ 9311008 Jerusalem Israel Mail: [email protected] Barbara Mattsson Porintie 2 59 00350 Helsinki Finland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Simona Nissim Via S. Marta, 90 56127 Pisa Italy Mail: [email protected] Michela Adele Pozzi Via Pier Lombardo 6 20135 Milan Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Nitza Roskin 10 Ben-Zvi Street, Train Tower 84896 Beer-Sheva Israel Mail: [email protected] Angela Mauss-Hanke Am Poign 6 82515 Wolfratshausen Germany Mail: [email protected] Dieter Nitzgen Im Kalchen 20 79379 Mülheim Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Jens Preil Undinestraße 18 12203 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Roy Samana 10 Recanati Street 6949410 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Salwa Meier Im Winkel 29 14195 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Silvia Nürnberger Klausova 15 15500 Prague Czech Republic Mail: [email protected] Esa Pursiainen Lumikintie 6 A 20 00820 Helsinki Finland Mail: [email protected] Almudena Sanahuja 30, rue Mégevand 25000 Besançon France Mail: [email protected] Sheila Melzak 6, Manor Gardens N7 6LA London Great Britain Mail: [email protected] Dr. Gila Ofer 9a Meskin Street 69010 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Esther Rapoport 46 Shavei Zion Street 69270 Ramat Hashoron Israel Mail: [email protected] Domenico Scaringi Corso Trieste 52/54 00198 Rome Italy Mail: [email protected] Hansjoerg Messner 142 Ferme Park Road N8 9SE London Great Britain Mail: [email protected] Aydan Özdaglar Insel 16 79098 Freiburg Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Ravit Raufman 199 Abba Khoushy Ave. 3498838 Haifa Israel Mail: [email protected] Dr. Michael Schein Aharonson Street 29 68012 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Peter-Christian Miest Leonhardsstrasse 53 4051 Basel Switzerland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Guiseppe Palladino Via Pietro Castellino 132 80131 Napoli Italy Mail: [email protected] Brigitte Schiller Franz- Rücker-Allee 14 60487 Frankfurt Germany Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Marina Mombelli Via Nirone 15 20100 Milano Italy Mail: [email protected] Maria Papagounou 18 Euxinos Pontos 14575 Stamata Greece Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Jan Philipp Reemtsma Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung Mittelweg 36 20148 Hamburg Germany E-Mail: [email protected] Dr. Marco Morando Via F. Casoni 5/6 16143 Genova Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Giuseppina Parisi Via Giovanni Ansaldo 3/L 00154 Roma Italy Mail: [email protected] 42 Prof. Dr. Günter Reich Humboldtallee 38 37073 Göttingen Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. John Schlapobersky Bloomsbury Psychotherapy Practice Mabledon Place WC1H 9BB London United Kingdom E-Mail: [email protected] Roswita Rensing Parkstraße 83 28209 Bremen Germany Mail: [email protected] Anne-Marie Schlösser Goetheallee 8 37073 Göttingen Germany Mail: [email protected] 43 ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS ■ CHAIRS AND SPEAKERS Louise Schmidt-Honsberg Siebenendenweg 34 14163 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Nikos Stathopoulos Menandrou Street 14561 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Claudine Vivier Vacheret Rue Godefoy 30 69006 Lyon France Mail: [email protected] Dr. Marie-Ange Widdershoven Artemidos 126 Palio Faliro 17562 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Marja Schulman Visakoivuntie 23 A 02130 Espoo Finland Mail: [email protected] Elizabeth Stevenson 30 Charles Road TN 38 0QH St Leonards-on-Sea United Kingdom Mail: [email protected] Antje von Boetticher Humboldtallee 38 37079 Göttingen Germany Mail: [email protected] Robert Wimmer Bundesplatz 15 10715 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schultz- Venrath Johannes-Müller-Straße 61 50735 Köln Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Dragica Stojkovic Rämistraße 5 8001 Zürich Switzerland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Elisabeth von Strachwitz Brachvogelstraße 4 10961 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Christiana Eleonore Winter-Heider Baumgartenstraße 5 34130 Kassel Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Alessia Serra Via Amatore Sciesa 50 00040 Santa Maria delle Mole (RM) Italy Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Annette Streeck-Fischer Herzberger Landstraße 53 37085 Göttingen Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Dorothee von Tippelskirch Stuttgarter Platz 20 10627 Berlin Germany Mail: [email protected] Gisela Zeller-Steinbrich Austrasse 79 4002 Basel Switzerland Mail: [email protected] Dr. Michael Shoshani Emil Zola 22, Apartment 1 6346620 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Gabriela Tavazza Via Damasco Cerquetti 67 00152 Roma Italy Mail: [email protected] Vassiliki Vassilopoulou Goumenitsis Street 6 11523 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Dr. David Zohar Antigonus 7 6266407 Tel Aviv Israel Mail: [email protected] Olympia Sklidi 21, A. Diakou, Street 15233 Athens Greece Mail: [email protected] Eva Trifuoggi Via Tarsia 139 80100 Napoli Italy Mail: [email protected] Dr. Joachim Walter Liliencronstraße 130 22143 Hamburg Germany Mail: [email protected] Hagit Zohn 12 Bar Simantov 56402 Yahod Israel Mail: [email protected] Joanna Skowronska ul. Surowieckiego 4 lokal 1 A 2785 Warszawa Poland Mail: [email protected] Prof. Dr. Anastasia Tsamparli Evangelistrias 2 16674 Glyfada Greece Mail: [email protected] Liat Warhaftig Aran Haitvat Givaaaty 18 43338 Raanana Israel Mail: [email protected] Eileen Katarzyna Skrzypek Złota 9 m 8 00-019 Warzawa Poland Mail: [email protected] Maria Tselika Korae 7 14561 Kifissia Greece Mail: [email protected] Note: Dr. Massomiliano Sommantico Via S. Caterina da Siena 39 80132 Napoli Italy Mail: [email protected] Beate Unruh Pfarrstraße 7 80538 München Germany Mail: [email protected] Dr. Francesco Spadaro Viale Vittorio Veneto 87 95127 Catania Italy Mail: [email protected] Cindy Vicente 2 Allee des Gavroches 93330 Neuilly-Sur-Marne France Mail: [email protected] Michael Stasch Rohrbacher Straße 22 69115 Heidelberg Germany Mail: [email protected] Piret Visnapuu-Bernadt Roo 34-1 10320 Tallin Estonia Mail: [email protected] 44 All information subject to change and provided by the speakers. All related abstracts, incl. Co-Authors, are available within the program survey at 45 ■ SOCIAL PROGRAM Discover modern Berlin and it’s attractive cultural places Friday- and Saturday Afternoon (arranged for you in advance, bookable within the online registration) • walking tour around the historical Jewish Berlin • guided bus tour „On the Traces of Psychoanalysis in Berlin“ • boat tour on the river Spree Further recommendations and suggestions (bookable by self) Exhibitions • Impressionismus – Expressionismus (22 May - 20 September 2015) Alte Nationalgalerie, Bodestraße 3, 10178 Berlin opening hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 - 18.00, Thursday from 10.00 - 20.00 | entry: 12,00 € • West:Berlin - Eine Insel auf der Suche nach Festland / West:Berlin - An island in search of mainland (14 November 2014 - 28 June 2015) Ephraimpalais, Poststraße 16, 10178 Berlin opening hours: Tuesday, Thursday-Sunday from 10.00 - 18.00, Wednesday from 12.00 - 20.00 | entry: 7,00 € ■ SOCIAL PROGRAM • Surreale Welten / Surreal Worlds (22 June 2015 - 31 December 2016) Sammlung Scharf-Gerstenberg, Schlossstraße 70, 14059 Berlin opening hours: Tuesday - Friday from 10.00 - 18.00, Saturday - Sunday from 11.00 - 18.00 | entry: 10,00 € • Antikensammlung im Pergamonmuseum Pergamonmuseum, Am Kupfergraben 5, 10117 Berlin opening hours (all-the-year): Tuesday - Sunday from 10.00 - 18.00, Thursday from 10.00 - 20.00 entry: 12,00 € (guided tours: +49 30 266424242) Opera • Ariadne auf Naxos (22 and 25 June 2015 | 19.30) Schillertheater, Bismarckstraße 110, 10625 Berlin tickets: from 20,00 € · Hotline : +49 30 20354555 • Faust (24 June and 27 June 2015 | 19.30) Deutsche Oper Berlin, Bismarckstraße 35, 10627 Berlin tickets: 27,00 € ·Hotline : +49 30 34384343 Concerts • Wie aus Feinden Freunde wurden / How Enemies Became Friends The Allied Museum’s permanent exhibition (22 June 2015 - 31 December 2016) Allierten-Museum, Clayallee 135, 14195 Berlin opening hours: Tuesday - Friday from 10.00 - 18.00 entry: free (guides tours: +49 30 8181990) • Berliner Philharmoniker (24 June 2015 | 19.00) Philharmonie Berlin Herbert-von Karajan-Straße 1, 10785 Berlin tickets: from 33,00 € (sale starts 08 March 2015) · Hotline : +49 30 254880 • Helmut Newton. Frank Horvat. Simon Brodziak. Museum für Fotografie Jebensstraße 2, 10623 Berlin (S-/U-Bahnhof „Zoologischer Garten“) opening hours: Tuesday - Friday from 10.00 - 18.00, Thursday 10.00 - 20.00 Saturday - Sunday from 11.00 - 18.00 | entry: 10 € / 5 € concessions • Konzerthaus Kammerorchester (25 June 2015 | 20.00) Konzerthaus Berlin (Kleiner Saal), Am Gendarmenmarkt 2, 10117 Berlin tickets: from 16,50 € · Hotline : +49 30 203092101 • Antike Welten – Griechen, Etrusker und Römer im Alten Museum Ancient Worlds. Greeks, Etruscans and Romans (22 June 2015 - 31 December 2016) Altes Museum, Am Lustgarten, 10178 Berlin opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday from 10.00 - 18.00, Thursday 10.00 - 20.00 entry: 10,00 € (guides tours: +49 30 266424242) • Barenboim-Zyklus IV (28 June 2015 | 11.00) Staatsoper im Schillertheater Bismarckstraße 110, 10625 Berlin tickets: from 17,00 € · Hotline : +49 30 20354555 46 47