
Proiect Phare „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri dezavantajate”
Programul „A doua ºansã”
Modulul 1
Receptarea mesajelor
orale ºi scrise
Ghidul profesorului
Aceastã primã ediþie (pilot) este finanþatã de Uniunea Europeanã.
Aceste materiale – publicate în cadrul Proiectului Phare „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri
dezavantajate” 2003 – au fost realizate de o echipã de experþi ai Ministerului Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii,
pentru a fi folosite în primul an de aplicare experimentalã a programului educaþional revizuit
„A doua ºansã” – învãþãmânt secundar inferior.
Membrii echipei care a elaborat materialele sunt:
Lucia Copoeru, coordonatoarea componentei „A doua ºansã”– învãþãmânt secundar inferior
Dorina Kudor, autoare „Limba ºi literatura românã”
Carmen Costina, autoare „Limba englezã”
Ariana-Stanca Vãcãreþu, autoare „Matematicã”
Nicolae Pellegrini, autor „Matematicã”
Luminiþa Chicinaº, autoare „ªtiinþe”
Ioana Mihacea, autoare „ªtiinþe”
Mihai Stamatescu, autor „Istorie”
dr. Horaþiu Popa-Bota, autor „Geografie”
dr. Doina-Olga ªtefãnescu, autoare „Culturã civicã”
Paul Vermeulen, expert U.E., componenta „Elaborare curriculum ºi materiale educaþionale”
Coordonator editorial: Laura Codreanu
Design copertã, layout: Elemér Könczey
Design ºi dtp: András Tánczos
Ilustraþii: Levente Szekeres
Aceastã publicaþie face parte din Programul Phare 2003 „Acces la educaþie pentru grupuri
dezavantajate”, componenta „A doua ºansã”.
Editorul materialului: Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii
Data publicãrii: februarie 2006
Conþinutul acestui material nu reprezintã în mod necesar poziþia oficialã a Uniunii Europene.
© Ministerul Educaþiei ºi Cercetãrii
Stimatã colegã,
Stimate coleg,
About this course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
Passport to English . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1. Hello! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2. Can I call you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
3. Family matters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
4. Describing people . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Homes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
1. Welcome to our home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
2. This is my room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
3. Who does what? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
4. What time do you…? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Travelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
1. Journey planner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
2. Means of transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
3. Out and about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
4. Shopping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34
Assessment guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Class performance observation grid . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Oral assessment grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Ne bucurãm cã suntem
împreunã în marea echipã a
programului „A doua ºansã”.
Ordinele M.Ed.C. nr.
5333/25.10.2005 ºi nr.
5375/29.12.2005 privind
Metodologia aplicãrii
programului ºi programele
ºcolare pentru educaþia de
bazã sunt documentele care
stau la baza programului
„A doua ºansã” – învãþãmânt
secundar inferior.
Ghidul de faþã face parte
dintr-o serie de materiale
educaþionale (ghidurile
elevului, ghid de evaluare)
elaborate, sau în curs de
elaborare care vor fi utilizate
în cadrul programului
„A doua ºansã” – învãþãmânt
secundar inferior.
Prin realizarea ghidurilor,
am dorit sã vã sprijinim
ºi sã vã oferim materiale
perfectibile, dar utile Dvs.
atât în cadrul programului,
cât ºi în întreaga activitate
Sugestiile pe care ni le veþi
oferi vor contribui la
revizuirea materialelor în
anul de pilotare, astfel încât
programul sã se poatã
extinde la nivel naþional,
începând cu anul ºcolar
Datoritã Dvs., pentru tinerii
din program, viitorul poate
arãta altfel.
Vã dorim succes ºi vã
mulþumim cã aþi ales sã fiþi
alãturi de noi.
Lucia Copoeru
„A doua ºansã” – învãþãmânt
secundar inferior
About this course
This is a general English course for the adults
and young adults included in the “Second
Chance” educational programme, lower
secondary education, implemented by the
Romanian Ministery of Education.
The course is based on the Second Chance
English Syllabus for lower secondary level,
approved by Ministerial Order nr. 5735 of
29.12.2005. It consists of a Student’s Book and a
Teacher’s Guide.
This course uses the functional communicative
approach to teaching English, placing more
emphasis on skills development and learning of
new language than on grammar. We suggest using
the constructivist approach to learning, first
allowing students to check what they know,
using their previous knowledge or experience as
a starting point, then helping them to work out
the rules for themselves through analyzing
examples of semi-authentic communicative
situations, and finally applying what they have
learned in various situations. Since the course is
aimed at adults and young adults, self-reflection
upon the learning process is emphasized
throughout the course.
Structure of the course
The Student’s Book begins with an introductory
lesson, “Passport to English.” As well as raising
students’ awareness about the importance of
studying English, the lesson could also be used
to help students reflect about different learning
styles and abilities.
The main body of the course consists of three
thematic units, each containing four two-hour
lessons. At the end of each unit there is a “Check
Your Progress” page, meant to help students
reinforce what they have learned and prepare for
final assessment.
The course ends with some practical advice on
assessment. It would be useful for your students
if you could go through it together.
Finally, there is a vocabulary section at the end
of the Student’s Book, covering most of the
words used in the Student’s lessons (about 250).
Lesson development
Each lesson is introduced by a “Can you…?”
section, aimed at identifying students’ needs,
bringing out their previous knowledge, if any.
This is followed by asking a thinking question –
“Think about it!” Students can express their
opinions on topics related to the theme of the
unit. It is advisable to guide the discussion to
various situations in which they might need to
use the language in the lesson. The discussion
can be conducted in Romanian or the students’
mother tongue, but some of the students might
want to try and use English.
New language is introduced in the “Useful
language” section and the “Remember!” box on
the right side. Please note that these are mere
suggestions and teachers should adapt the
language content to the needs of their students,
within the main topic of the unit. The teaching
notes for each lesson offer suggestions as to
methods of introducing new vocabulary, but the
general guideline is to let students discover for
themselves as much as they can, using what they
already know, the vocabulary at the end of the
Student’s Book, dictionaries, or even the texts in
the “Let’s learn” section. As they progress
through the book, students will probably need
less and less support with this.
Sometimes, basic grammar rules are outlined in
the “Do you know?” box and there are some
pronunciation tips in each “Sound wise!” box.
In the “Let’s learn” section, the new language is
integrated into meaningful contexts. Encourage
students to constantly make notes in their
Learning Diary about what they have learned,
what they would like to learn and also about
personal contexts in which they have used or
might need to use the new language.
“Your turn” provides students with opportunities
to use the new language in guided contexts.
Some of the activities are based on drilling
structures and functions, but most of them will
require students to interact with each other using
the new language.
“Check this!” is a self-assessment section
consisting of a few “I can do” statements, based
on the guidelines of the Common European
Framework for Foreign Languages and the
official syllabus for the “Second Chance”
programme. As students go through these
statements, either individually or in pairs, they
reflect on what they have learned and decide
which areas they still need to improve. The
activities in the previous section can serve as a
basis for self-assessment; alternatively, students
might want to devise new exercises themselves,
for self or peer assessment.
“Use it!” invites students to use the new
language in a freer and more integrated way. The
assignments in this section are again to be
regarded as mere suggestions. Students should be
encouraged to think of other ways they could
transfer the language they have learned to
relevant contexts for themselves. Possible ideas
might be writing introductory letters to a similar
class in another town or country, choosing a
piece of music they like and teaching the lyrics
to the rest of the class, drawing up a
conversation guide (English-Romanian or mother
tongue) on a certain topic, etc. These are good
opportunities for group work.
Teaching mixed ability classes
Some of the students in the programme might
already have some abilities in English, while
others might be complete beginners. Also, some
students might make progress at a very fast pace,
while others will need more time and support to
make some progress. Here are a few suggestions
for dealing with mixed ability classes:
– Set the working pace to that of the average
– Allow time for students to check their
answers in pairs or groups before checking
with the whole class;
– Grade the difficulty of questions you aim at
students of different level (easier questions for
weaker students);
– As you get to know your students better, mix
stronger with weaker students in pair or group
work, but pair up similar level students in
freer speaking activities;
– When monitoring pair or group work, go to
the weaker students first to check if they have
understood the instructions and are doing the
activity correctly;
– Always keep some extra activities at hand to
give early finishers to do.
Passport to English
The aim of the introductory lesson
is to raise students’ awareness
about the importance of studying
English and to develop their
motivation to study.
Start the lesson by greeting the
students in English and encouraging
them to respond in the same way.
Use an ice-breaking activity in
Romanian or mother tongue to
build some trust and comfort. For
instance, you could throw a soft ball
from one person to another, or a ball
of string. When each person gets the
ball, they will introduce themselves
and speak about their previous
experiences with English (be it
attending formal courses, meeting
foreigners, having to fill in a form in
English, reading instructions about
how to use some equipment,
working abroad, etc.) You can vary
the activity by asking students to
speak about how they felt during
the experience, about their
expectations for this course, etc.
Did you know?
Ask some preliminary questions
about how widely English is used
around the world, then let
students discover some basic facts
about it, reading the text in the
book. As students work in pairs,
encourage them to use the pictures
and numbers in the text as clues to
its meaning and then report their
findings to the class.
English around you
Go through the questions with the
whole class. Be flexible about
students’ answers. Ask them to
give plenty of examples.
International words
Look at the examples in the list
with students. Invite them to read
the words as they normally would
(perhaps with a Romanian pronunciation or accent). Then, model
the correct pronunciation in English and ask them to repeat. Ask
students if they can sense a big difference. The discussion about
international words could go on with speaking about the reasons
why so many words from English are included in all languages.
(Possible answers: English as an international language, the
English origin of the industrial and technological boom, etc.)
Learning Diary
Introduce the learning diary to the students. Explain this will
be a useful tool for them to organize and keep track of their
own learning.
Invite students to reflect on their needs or reasons for studying
English. Then, set some questions about the different ways in
which different people can learn a foreign language. After you
conduct a whole class discussion on this, encourage students to
write down their own feelings about it.
When the students finish studying this unit,
they will be able to:
introduce themselves and their friends;
greet people;
speak on the telephone;
describe people’s appearance;
speak about what they / other people like doing.
Introduction / Review
Start by greeting the class and
introducing yourself in English.
Use gestures to make sure
everybody understands. Invite
some of the students to copy what
you are doing.
Can you…
Explain that what you have been
doing is greeting and introducing
yourself. Ask students to answer
the questions. Point out that some
of them can already introduce
themselves in English. Explain
‚spell your name’ and ask students
why they think this is necessary
(when dictating information to a
foreigner, for instance.)
Think about it!
To answer these questions, students
can use Romanian. But some of
them might want to try English, so
encourage them to do it, in very
simple sentences. Possible answers:
You need to state your identity at an
interview (for a job, visa, etc.), when
you want to make a reservation/
appointment, on the telephone,
when you meet new persons, etc.
For ex. 5: small pieces of paper
with English names (first and
family names) – 1/student.
Useful language! / Remember
– Explain students that they need
to know the letters of the
alphabet and how they sound in
order to spell their names. Draw
their attention to the difference
between letters and sounds. (If
necessary, use the model of the
Romanian alphabet: A is /a/, but
B is /be/, etc.)
– Read the whole alphabet (pause
after each letter, making sure that
students can follow); read all the
letters again and have students
repeat each letter as you go;
– Ask students to read a few letters each (individually, begin
with the more confident ones);
– Focus students on the vocabulary in ‘Remember’ and spell a
few short words (name / greet). Ask them to find those
words in the box.
– Introduce the rest of the vocabulary.
Do you know…?
Let students read the information and try to guess what it
means by looking at the clues (the hours, different letter types,
etc.) If necessary, help them by showing time on a clock. Ask
students to walk about in the classroom and greet each other as
they pass by. Clap your hands to change the time of the day.
(e.g. now it’s after 6 p.m.! Good evening!)
Sound wise!
Write your first name on the board and spell it to the class.
Invite a couple of students to do the same. Then give them
some time to work out how to
spell the acronyms in pairs.
Finally, ask some of the pairs to
read the acronyms aloud.
Let’s learn!
Focus students on the pictures.
Explain that you will read two
dialogues while they will have to
figure out the situation in each of
them. Read the dialogue clearly,
then discuss the two situations in
Romanian (Sophie Bowen, British,
is making a reservation for a hotel
room; Alin Mocan, Romanian, is
booking a flight for London.). Read
the dialogue again, and ask
students to identify the words and
expressions they already know.
Allow some time for any questions
about other vocabulary in the text.
Your turn
1. Ask a pair of students to
model reading the dialogue for
the class. Then monitor the
pairs as they read together.
Tip! Correct their
pronunciation only when it
hinders understanding.
2. Explain students that when
we speak we perform different
functions, e.g. we say Hello! to
greet somebody. This exercise
will help students be aware of
why they use certain words or
3. Students can think of any
other English expressions they
might know, and put them
down in the list. Alternatively, they can think of how these functions are performed in other
languages that they know, or their own.
4. Advise your students to use capital letters as they write the names that you spell. Repeat each
5. This exercise could be done with the students’ real names if they don’t know each other yet. But
if they do, give them some slips of paper with a new identity, to make it purposeful. Insist that
students write down the names they hear and ask their partners to spell them.
6. Pair work: Using all the information they know, students will make up short/simple dialogues in
which they practise greeting, introducing and spelling. When all pairs have finished, ask some of
them to act out their dialogue.
Check this!
This is the first time students use this kind of self-assessment. Start by discussing the importance of
reflecting on what has been learned. Read the list of ‘I can do’ statements and ask students to tick
them based on how they feel about their ability at this point.
Use it!
Ask the students to think about more ideas to help them improve their spelling skill.
Can I call you?
Start the lesson with a brisk
revision of what students learned
in the previuos lesson. Suggestion:
hold up cards with a selection of
words taken from the current
lesson’s new vocabulary, e.g.
speak, good, hear, phone, again.
Ask students to spell each
individual word.
Can you…
Go through the questions with your
students. Create opportunities for
them to share their previous
knowledge. Praise them for what
they already know; invite them to
express wishes about what else they
would like to learn. If some can
count to three, maybe they’d like to
count to ten, if others can count to
ten, they might want to learn how
to pronounce the numbers correctly.
Think about it!
Let students express their views on
using telephones as they wish,
even if in Romanian.
Useful language! / Remember
– Introduce the digits. If any of
the students can pronounce the
numbers, let them do it rather
than doing it yourself. Ask the
other students to repeat each
number a few times, until they
get the pronunciation right.
Keep practising with individual
numbers randomly, until students can recognize each digit.
– Pretend you are dialling a
telephone number and introduce
yourself on the telephone. Focus
students on the new language in
“Remember!” Use it in your
pretend call, so that students
can guess what the new words
and expressions mean. Check if
they understand correctly. Some
of the students could now act
simple phone conversations
using the new expressions.
Do you know…?
– Start by analyzing the way people say addresses and phone
numbers in Romanian. Then compare it to the English way.
– Ask individual students to write on a piece of paper their
address and a phone number (their own or an imaginary
one). Have them read the address the Romanian style, then
the English way. Do the same with phone numbers.
Sound wise!
– As students try to read their phone numbers, focus them on
the special sound in three. Model the correct pronunciation
and allow students some time to practise in pairs.
– Then focus them on the different sound in this. Do the same.
– Finally, read the words in the list and ask students to listen
for the different th sounds. Students copy them in their
copybooks as you read them. (Suggestion: organize some
oral practice before writing the words.) Check the correct
Let’s learn!
– Focus students on the pictures.
Invite them to make predictions
about who the persons are, then
focus them on the task: listen to
the conversation to find out
who the two persons are (two
girls, probably good friends,
very happy to see each other
after some years, etc.). Let
students know they don’t have
to worry about understanding
every little detail at this point.
– Let students go through the text
again in pairs and try to analyze
which words they know, which
they may guess from the context
and ask questions about those
that they don’t understand.
For ex. 4: sets of small pieces of
paper with fictitious data: names,
phone numbers and addresses.
Each group gets one set, so that
every student has one piece of
paper with a person’s name.
e.g. Nicoleta, 543 319,
5. Bacãu Street,
[email protected]
Your turn
1. Explain students that they will
practise listening for specific
information, with their books
closed. As you read the
dialogue again they will have
to listen for Andra’s phone
number and address and write
them down. Students compare
their answers in pairs, then check them using the books. (They will also practise reading for
specific information.)
2. Reinforce reading phone numbers in English.
3. Make sure all the students understand each sentence before deciding which are true/false.
Answers: a. F; b. T; c. T; d. F; e. T.
4. Do this exercise in groups. Hand out pieces of paper with fictitious personal information. Explain
students that they are not to show their piece to the group, but answer the questions when they
are asked. Students conduct simple dialogues to find out the names. Organize the groups so that
each student gets a chance to ask and answer.
Check this!
Ask students to base their self-assessment on how well they did in exercise 4. Where it’s not relevant
enough, ask them to conduct similar short conversations and assess each other.
Use it!
Collecting real information about colleagues will contribute to the relevance of the acquired
competences, as well as to the cohesion of the new group.
Family matters
Funny activity to revise reading
phone numbers and having short
phone conversations: use the
pieces of paper with names,
addresses and phone numbers
from the previous lesson:
– Each student gets one piece of
paper and copies/remembers
the information.
– Get all the papers back, put
them in a box and ask a few
students to pick one.
– In turns, they will then “dial”
the number they drew (by
reading the number loudly and
clearly) and somebody in the
class will “pick up” the phone
– if they paid attention!
Can you…
In each lesson these questions are
meant to create an opportunity for
identifying students’ needs and
praising any knowledge they might
already have acquired.
Think about it!
If they understand the definition
correctly, students will probably
have plenty of examples to
illustrate what a stereotype is. You
might want to start by telling a
joke, or a real story, etc.
Photos of your own family could
be useful if you’d like to
demonstrate how to build a family
Useful language! / Remember
– You may start by introducing
your real family (bring pictures)
or an imaginary one (draw
pictures on the board) to your
students. Introduce the words
in the language box as you do
this, and write a number for
each person’s age next to their
picture. E.g. This is my mother.
She’s 65.
– Then, ask students to repeat some of the information: Who is
this? Your mother. How old is she? 65.
– Introduce numbers. Invite students to look at the numbers
list, listen to you read it, read it for themselves, then try to
look for patterns which might help them remember all the
numbers more easily.
Do you know…?
Stereotype examples: Girls learn faster than boys, women are
not good managers, men don’t cook, etc,
Sound wise!
Focus on the th sound in mother, brother, father, etc. Model the
correct pronunciation and let students practise it.
Let’s learn!
– Introduce and explain the task before reading the dialogue.
Then read the dialogue, with short breaks, to make sure
everyone follows. Encourage
students to point to the right
picture as you read each
Your turn
1. Introduce the new task. Ask
students to read the text in
pairs, find the necessary
information, fill in the grid,
then exchange copybooks with
another pair to compare the
2. Read the pairs of numbers.
Emphasize the stress pattern
in thirty/thirteen as you read,
then ask students to compare
them. Continue practising
until they can get the
pronunciation right. For even
more practice, introduce the
question “How old are you?”
and teach students how to
reply in a complete sentence:
“I’m 16.”
3. Start asking questions about
Andra’s family members. Use
their names in the beginning,
then the personal pronoun
(he/she). Model the correct
answer “She’s.. years old. /
He’s … years old.”
4. Before doing the exercise, make sure the students have worked out the family tree structure. They
do the exercise in pairs, then check all the answers together.
Answers: a. sister; b. husband; c. son; d. grandfather; e. mother; f. wife; g. niece; h. father.
5. Some more oral practice in asking/answering questions about people’s ages.
Check this!
Students tick the statements by themselves. You could ask them where they feel the need for more
practice and start the next lesson by reviewing that particular area.
Use it!
Students could make posters of their own family tree. Motivate the students to do the projects. They
will be included in their portfolios, which will be assessed at the end of the module.
For next lesson
Ask students to bring cuts from old newspapers or magazines with famous people.
Describing people
If any students did their family
trees, you could use their
presentations as an opportunity to
revise the previous lesson’s
Can you…
Ask students if they could describe
some of the persons in the
presentations. What kind of
language would they need to
describe a person? Students can
draw up lists of words they would
like to learn in this lesson.
Think about it!
Discuss the importance of the way
people look, hair dying, plastic
surgery. More able students might
be able to say a few sentences in
English, if so, help them by
providing some useful structures: I
think that people
Useful language! / Remember
– Brainstorm words they already
know, write them on the board
using a concept map: e.g. words
to describe size (tall, short,
thin.etc), age, hair, beard,
moustache, glasses, etc.
– Pair work: students look up the
new words from the Remember!
box in the vocabulary section at
the end of their book. Model
the correct pronunciation of
each word.
– Focus students on the verb
structures and encourage them
to make some simple sentences
about themselves. I’m tall. I’ve
got short hair. etc.
Do you know…?
Draw students attention on word
order when using adjectives. Study
the examples in the book, then ask
students to create more examples
of their own.
Let’s learn!
– Focus students on the picture. Can they recognize whose
family this is? Ask them to figure out in what situation
Sophie would make such a presentation about her family.
(Maybe she’s showing a picture of her family to somebody,
maybe she had to do a project for school, etc)
– Read the text, while students follow in their books, trying to
find each person in the picture. You might want to stop
after each character and make sure the students are
following. If necessary, repeat each description and
encourage students not to give up even if it might feel
difficult to them.
Your turn
1. Explain students that an information grid is useful when
you want to make a lot of information manageable.
Students work in pairs to design the column headings, then
fill in the information in their copybooks. Sugestions:
name, age, hair, size, favourite
activity; or more simple:
name, appearance, favourite
2. Before this exercise, students
might need to understand the
question words: Who? What?
They can answer the questions
in pairs. Decide according to
the level of the class whether
they should write the answers
in complete sentences or give
just the basic information.
a. Brown / Sophie’s got
brown hair.
b. Long, blond / Ann’s got
long blond hair.
c. Terry / Terry likes skiing.
d. Repairing things / Tom
likes repairing things.
e. Sophie / Sophie does. /
Sophie likes reading
f. Terry / Terry’s got short
black hair.
3. Oral practice: students look at
the pictures and describe the
people in the family. One of
the more able students should
begin, to set an example for
the others. Extension: guessing
the character! One student
describes one of the persons,
while the others have to guess
who it is.
4. Students can now transfer
what they have learned to a
different context. Invite
students to look at the pictures
and describe the persons without reading Andra’s introductions. They then work in pairs to fill in
the sentences.
Answers: a. He’s, got, likes; b. likes, got, she’s; c. years, likes; d. She’s, likes.
5. Make a “famous people poster” by pasting all the pictures brought by students on a blank sheet of
paper. Put the poster in front of the class and start a guessing game: One student describes one
person, the others have to guess who it is.
6. Each student writes a short introduction of himself/herself, using a code name. All the pieces of
paper are put together and mixed, then each student draws one and tries to guess the code name
of that person.
Check this!
Exercises 5 and 6 can be used by students to self assess their abilities to describe a person’s
appearance and speak about their favourite activities.
Use it!
Set this activity as a non-compulsory homework, begin next class by asking who would like to read it
to the class or show it to you at the end of the class, for feed-back.
When the students finish studying this unit,
they will be able to:
• describe homes and activities they do at home;
• describe their room;
• tell the time in English;
• ask and answer about daily programmes.
Welcome to our home
Ask students to think about all the
competences they have acquired in
the previous unit. Tip! Ask
questions in terms of what they
can do now, rather than what they
Can you…
The picture of a house / block of
flats could be placed on the board.
Invite students to describe it. /
What words do they need to learn
in order to be able to do it?
(Students write down lists in their
Think about it!
Discuss the difference between
living in a house and living in a
flat. Be aware that some of your
students might be sensitive about
the topic. Conduct the discussion
in Romanian, but praise those
efforts to bring in some English
Useful language! / Remember
– To introduce new language,
draw a simple plan of a home
on the board (similar to the one
in the Student’s Book).
Introduce the name of each
room, in turns. (This is my
home. There is a kitchen. You
can cook in the kitchen. There
is a bedroom. You can sleep in
the bedroom, etc.) Use gestures
with the explanations, so that
students can guess the meaning
of each room’s name. As you
introduce each new room, write
the word for it in the plan.
– When all the rooms have been
introduced, reinforce them by
asking questions: Where can
you cook? –Ss: In the kitchen,
– Introduce the interrogative form
in the end, to help reinforce
vocabulary: Is there a kitchen? / Is there a bathroom?; How
many rooms are there?
– Tip! Students might guess some of the words by making
connections between the pictures in the book and the words
in the Remember! box.
Do you know?
Explain that it is usual to say more than just yes /no when
answering a simple question in English; but also demonstrate
that what you add to the answer depends on the verb in the
question: Are you a student? / Yes, I am; Is there a kitchen? /
Yes, there is.
Sound wise!
Focus students on the sound in kitchen. Provide some
examples of more words with the same sound.
Let’s learn!
Explain the context: Sophie is
visiting Andra’s family. Students
look at the picture (a plan of
Andra’s flat) as they listen to the
dialogue and point to each room as
it is mentioned. Go through the
dialogue again several times, if
Your turn
1. Students work in pairs, after
you model doing the exercise
on the board.
Answers: B, A, B, B, B, B.
Ask students to check their
answers together, then check
with the whole class.
2. Students read the dialogue in
pairs. After they finish once,
ask them to change partners
and read the text again.
Extension: more able students
could then act out the
dialogue by looking at the
plan of the flat, without
reading the text.
3. Students do the exercise in
pairs and copy the answers in
their copybooks. Answers:
bedroom, kitchen, bathroom,
living room, dining room. If
necessary, let the students do
some pairwork, practising this
structure a little more: S1:
bedroom / S2: You can sleep
in the bedroom.
4. Students draw the plan of their home (either real or imaginary). Ask them to write a few
sentences to describe it. Go round to the weaker students first and check they have got the grips
of what they need to do.
5. Picture dictation: this activity could be lots of fun, but also very frustrating if it doesn’t work. Tip!
Ask students to sit back-to-back as they ‘dictate’ their plan to the other colleague.
Check this!
Students tick the “can do” statements, as usual.
Tip! Remind students to make notes in their learning diary at the end of each lesson.
Use it!
Set this activity as a non-compulsory homework. Next class, students who did it can pin the
plan/picture of their ideal home on the board and let colleagues describe it.
This is my room
Revise reading numbers. To make
the activity more motivating, play
Noughts and Crosses: Draw a 3x3
grid on the board and fill it in with
different numbers, as in the model
above. Divide the class into two
teams: O and X. Each team takes it
in turns to read the numbers in the
grid. Whenever they do it correctly,
you mark a nought or a cross in that
square. The winner is the team with
the first line of noughts or crosses in
any direction (horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally).
Can you…
Ask students to imagine they are
looking for a house / room to rent
in another town. How would they
describe the kind of room they
would like? Make a concept map
on the board and write in the
words or expressions students
believe they might need when
describing a room.
Think about it!
Students share information about
their home. They might find the
concept map on the board useful
to speak about the place where
they live / would like to live.
Useful language! / Remember
– Use the pictures in this section
and the words in the
Remember box to introduce the
new vocabulary. Challenge
students to make guesses about
what each word means – orally.
Students can use some
strategies for this purpose: e.g.
they might start with the easiest
words: TV, maybe sofa; or they
might make the connection
between cooker and She likes
cooking, etc.
Do you know?
Use some of the words in the new language section to practise
forming the plural form for regular nouns. According to the
students’ interests, create a scenario in which they have to use
the plural. (e.g. In my room there are four chairs, two
armchairs, etc.)
Sound wise!
As students use the plural form of various nouns, draw their
attention to the pronunciation of the last sound: /s/, /z/ or /iz/.
Let’s learn!
– Explain the setting: Sophie is going to stay in Romania for a
while, so she needs a place to live. She’d like to rent a room.
While students listen to her conversation with the landlady,
their first listening task is to find out how long Sophie
intends to stay in Romania. (one year, maybe longer).
– The text could be read again,
with a different listening task:
for instance, ask students to
draw an empty rectangle to
represent the room, then – as
they listen to the conversation –
fill it in with chairs, bed, etc.,
Your turn
1. The aim of the exercise is to
reinforce vocabulary and
practise asking and answering
simple questions;
2. Working with numbers.
Students work in pairs to ask
and answer about the number
of objects. The exercise is
based on the pictures in the
Useful Language section
(considering the number
accompanying each object
represents the number of
objects: 3 beds, 7 chairs, etc.)
3. Caution! Some students might
find this exercise (and the
previous one, for that matter)
irrelevant (11 tables!?, 12
wardrobes!?) but lay stress on
the skills they aim at: asking
and answering about numbers.
It also develops observation
and good memory.
4. Make sure that while reading the text (in pairs, 2-3 times), students bear the final task in mind:
acting out the dialogue without looking in the book. Explain that they don’t have to use the exact
words, but should reproduce the basic course of the conversation. Alternatively, some of the
students might want to recreate the conversation, alter it completely, etc.
5. Use the picture representations of prepositions: in/on/near/between, etc. to do this exercise. Tip!
After doing the exercise about Andra’s room, students could transfer their new skill to locate
various objects in their classroom.
6. Guide the activity according to the class level and students’ interest: write some basic structures
on the board for them to use while describing their ideal room, or focus them on using numbers
and plurals correctly, students can either describe their ‘fantastic’ room to their partner or answer
their questions about it, etc.
Check this!
Students tick these statements according to how they felt while doing the exercises (especially 5 and 6).
Use it!
Students might find it helpful to see some real ads from newspapers; if the school has Internet access
you can find some examples in English. (
Who does what?
Revise some of the vocabulary in
Unit I, Lesson 4 (favourite
activities). She likes reading, he
likes watching TV.
Can you…
Focus students on the aim of this
lesson. As usual, use this as an
opportunity to check what they
already know and let students
express what they would like to
Think about it!
Moderate a discussion about
responsibilities at home. (If
necessary, use the pictures in the
next section for ideas.) Encourage
students to introduce English
words/simple sentences in the
conversation whenever possible.
Useful language! / Remember
– Focus students on the new
language. Use the pictures or
gestures to introduce the names
of activities, encourage students
to repeat each name as many
times as needed until they get
the pronunciation right.
Do you know?
Explain the use of the -s/-es ending
for verbs in the third person
singular. (They have already used
this in Unit I, Lesson 4.)
Sound wise!
Students should be aware that the
wrong pronunciation of the two
sounds can sometimes produce
confusion between two words.
Let’s learn!
– Students listen to the text and
focus on the house chores they
have just learned. According to
the class level, you can set
different listening tasks: ask
students to listen for: a) one
thing that Andra does; b)
Andra’s responsibilities; c) one responsibility of each family
member, etc.
– Invite students to read the text in pairs: as one student
reads, the other one points to the correct picture illustrating
each activity, then take turns.
Your turn
1. Before students do the pairwork, model asking questions
about each of the activities. Monitor students as they work
in pairs and help when necessary. Always make students
aware of the purpose of the exercise. (Learning a foreign
language involves a lot of practising).
2. More able students could start by looking at each picture in
turns, naming the activity, and making a correct sentence
about it. Only then do they try to find the matching sentence
in exercise 2. Weaker students might find it easier to look at
the sentence first and then try finding the matching picture
for each sentence. Either way, students should practise
reading the sentences aloud.
Finish the exercise by asking
students to look at each picture
and say the correct sentences
by themselves.
Answers: c. d. a. e. i. g. h. b. f.
3. Remind students of the
information in the Do you
know box before starting this
activity. After they do the
exercise, again they should
practise reading the sentences
aloud. Doing it in pairs will
give everybody more time for
practising, (students should be
made aware they are
responsible for their own
learning); at the end of the
activity, individual students
could read each sentence
aloud for the class.
4. Focus students on Andra’s
family again. Remind them on
the rule for short answers in
English and explain how the
words do/does are used to ask
questions. According to the
class level, you may want to
mention only DOES for this
exercise and introduce Do
you.. questions at the
beginning of ex. 5. Students
then do the exercise in pairs.
5. Students can use the pictures in the useful language box in their dialogues; some of the more
able students might want to ask more questions – and probably inquire about more vocabulary;
encourage them to do it in English e.g. How do you say ….. in English?
6. Free practice: students speak about their families using language they have learned in the
previous lessons as well. After they do the exercise in pairs, you could have a few pairs doing a
dialogue in front of the class; alternatively you can ask individual students to report on their
partner. (e.g. He does the shopping, his mother does the …)
Check this!
Students tick these statements according to how they felt while doing the exercises (especially 5 and 6).
Use it!
This activity can be quickly done at the end of the class or set as homework.
What time do you…?
Remind students of the different
greetings, according to the time of
the day: in the morning/in the
afternoon/etc. Revise numbers as
Can you…
After students try to answer these
questions, set targets together for
what they would really like to
learn – maybe they feel like
“understanding people when they
speak about their daily
programme” is more useful than
“asking people about their daily
programme”. Later during the
lesson you may consider their
options when pairing students for
pair work.
Think about it!
Students speak about their daily
programmes. Try to build a
supportive atmosphere in the
Useful language! / Remember
– Introduce telling the time.
Explain half and quarter first,
then past and to. Use visual
aids, such as a real large clock,
or drawings on the board.
– Introduce the names of daily
activities in the remember box.
Bear in mind that this is not
compulsory vocabulary, so the
list can be modified to suit your
students’ real lifestyles and
Do you know?
Before explaining the meaning of
a.m./p.m. ask students whether
they have come across them while
reading something in English.
Sound wise!
Make students awareof the /e/
sounds in English. Exemplify with
some minimal pairs: man/men,
Let’s learn!
This is a conversation between Sophie and Andra.
The listening task may be difficult for some of the students. If
you think it’s necessary, set a different one, for instance: listen
to the text to find something that Andra does in the evening.
Before going on to the exercises, read the text with the students
and make sure they understand the new words.
Your turn
1. Students work in pairs to order the pictures, reading the
text as many times as needed. When they finish, they
should try to make simple sentences about Andra, e.g. She
gets up at 6 o’clock, she has (!) breakfast, etc. Start this as
an oral exercise, then ask students to write sentences about
Andra’s programme in their copybooks.
2. Students read the complete
text before starting to fill it in.
Encourage them to ask any
questions. Students work in
pairs to do this exercise. It
might be easier for them to
find the suitable verbs first,
and only then put them in the
correct form to finish the
3. Start the exercise as an oral
conversation. To make it more
lively and interesting for the
students, you could start by
having one of the students ask
you the questions. Answer in
simple sentences, then invite
all the students to do the
same. Finish by allowing
students enough time to write
the answers.
4. Do this exercise only if the
level of your students allows,
otherwise the previous
exercise will do.
5. Students check their partner’s
exercise (3 or 4) for mistakes
and give feedback. Monitor
the activity as it goes on,
encourage students to ask
questions when they are not
sure about the correct form.
Tip! Emphasize that error correction is not meant to criticize but to help everybody improve their
6. Students speak about their partner’s programme in the third person singular. Invite students to
read the corrected work of their partner again, bearing in mind the aim of the task: they will have
to speak about it in the third person singular.
Check this!
Ask students which of the exercises they did in class could help them assess each of the abilities in
the statements and tick them accordingly.
Use it!
You may bring to class some pictures of young adults from other parts of the world as a visual starter
for the activity (even if it will be done as homework). Tip! Check the UNICEF site ( to
find some suitable pictures.
When the students finish studying this unit,
they will be able to:
read and speak about timetables;
describe and compare different means of transport;
ask for directions / follow directions;
ask for things in a shop.
Journey planner
Revise numbers and telling the
time. Students will need to use
thousands in this lesson, so
introduce it now.
Can you…
Students answer the questions,
maybe after discussing the topic in
Think about it!
Think about it!
Conduct a free discussion about
travelling long distances (not
necessarily abroad). Encourage
students to appreciate every point
of view, there are no right or
wrong answers. Discuss travelling
by plane as oppposed to travelling
by car/train/coach.
Useful language! / Remember
– Introduce new vocabulary.
– Stress the correct way of asking
questions beginning with HOW
MUCH (price) / HOW LONG
(time or distance).
Do you know?
Future tense will be needed in this
lesson. Ask students some
questions about their plans for the
future. Speak about yours to
demonstrate the use of future
Sound wise!
Students listen to the list of words
and circle the ones with the /dj/
sound. They then look at the
different spellings for the same
Let’s learn!
Read the introduction about the
school trip to England. Note! The
timetable is authentic material.
Allow students some time to figure
out how to look for information in
the table, ask guiding questions if
necessary (Where can you find the
times? departure place? dates?
etc.) Use the table to ask simple questions about departing and
arriving times/places, travel fares.
Your turn
1. Students read the complete text before starting filling in the
correct words. Encourage students to pay attention to
various cues in the text as to what kind of information they
need to fill in: e.g. at requires a time, RON – an amount of
money, etc.
Use the completed text for more practice (reading
Answers: 10 (a.m.); 11:30; 3 and a half; 1,257; 5:30, 22:30,
30, 930.
2. Students can fill in the basic information in the Student’s
Book, then write the answers in complete sentences in
their copybooks.
Next, they could use the dialogue for oral practice.
a. 1,257 RON / It costs
1,257 RON.
b. 930 RON / It costs 930
RON (to go by coach).
c. 3 hours and a half / It
takes three hours and a
half (to fly from B to L).
d. 30 hours / It takes thirty
hours to travel by coach.
e. 12:30 / The plane leaves
London at 12:30
f. 14:30 / The coach leaves
London at 14:30.
3. Use this exercise for oral
practice. Tip! You could
introduce ordinal numbers if
you think your students need
them: “What time is the first
coach? The first coach leaves
at ….”
4. Students discuss in class what
kind of information they could
write, give some oral
examples, then they wite
sentences working in pairs.
Possible answers: They will
take the (second) coach. They
will leave at 14.25 from
London. The journey will take
about 3 hours. They will
arrive in Liverpool at 17:28
(half past five in the
Check this!
You could bring a train/coach timetable to class and have students practise working out times and
durations using it. Tip! Information leaflets from tourist travel agencies could also be useful.
Use it!
Community opportunity! This activity could turn into a good group project to last several lessons.
Discuss a plan for the project with your students.
Possible idea
Groups of students make plans for the future of their town/village. Each group is responsible for one
particular issue: roads, homes, schools, hospitals, shops, etc. They will make a poster and give an oral
presentation to explain their plans to the community.
Means of transport
Start the lesson with a quick
review of the language taught in
the previous lesson. Students
could write down basic details of
an imaginary trip, like this:
Departure: 12.30
Arrival: 15.25
Round trip fare: 30 RON
Then they will ask and answer
questions about each other’s trip:
What time is the departure? How
much is the ticket/fare?
Optional: stronger students could
then compare their journeys: My
journey is longer/cheaper than
Can you...
Focus students on the aim of this
lesson: they are going to learn how
to describe and compare different
means of transport in a city.
Think about it!
Allow students to use Romanian
as they speak about the means of
transport they use in their home
place. Ask whether they use
different means of transport in
order to get to different places and
why (faster/cheaper/more
convenient, etc). Some of the
students might be able to use
English words to name the means
of transport in their home place.
Useful language
Use the pictures to introduce the
names of transport means. Then
use simple sentences in order to
teach the rest of the vocabulary.
Example: In the morning, when
people go to work, and in the
afternoon, when they come from
work, there are very many cars
and buses in the street. It’s rush
Do you know…?
Let students read the information in the box and find the
answer to the question by themselves.
Sound wise!
Help students differentiate between the sounds in transport and
men. Demonstrate how to pronounce both sounds correctly,
then use the list of words to help them practise. Students could
either raise their hands when they hear the same sound as in
transport, or underline those words in the book.
Let’s learn!
– Read the text. Ask students to follow the text in their books
and underline the words they do not understand. Then,
allow some time for them to discuss the possible meanings
of the new words, or look them up in the vocabulary section
at the end of the book. In the end, ask quick questions to
check they have got the right meanings.
– Ask individual students to read
the text aloud.
Your turn!
1. Students work in pairs. Before
they start working, model how
the exercise should be done:
‘Who would like to find a
tourist information centre?’
‘Adriana.’ ‘Why?’ „To get
advice on the best way to travel
around London.’
2. Students work in pairs to make
sentences about each person,
following the model. More able
students should be encouraged
to connect the sentences about
each person, like this: Adriana
would like to find a tourist
information centre in order to
get advice on the best …
3. Focus students on the questions
first. Make sure they
understand what kind of
information they need to look
for. Explain that they do not
need to carefully read the
whole text, but skim it (read
quickly in order to find a
particular point).
a. Three means of transport:
buses, tubes, taxis
b. Taxis are the most expensive.
c. Travel cards can be used on
tubes and buses.
d. You get at your destination on
e. If you use a travelcard you save
money; you can jump on and
off buses and tubes.
Ex. 1.
To find a
To get advice
on the best
way to travel
To go on To travel by
To travel
by bus;
To enjoy
To see the
To see
underground; things;
Check this!
Students tick the “can do”
statements. They could work in
pairs to assess one another’s
Use it!
Set this activity as a noncompulsory homework. Next class
you can ask some of the students
to make an oral presentation of
their poster.
Out and about
Revise means of transport.
Students could present their
posters about the means of
transport available in their local
area. Alternatively, they can
practise asking /answering
questions about available means of
transport: “Excuse me, how can I
get to the.. from here? / You can go
there by bus, on foot, etc.,”
Can you…
As students go through the
questions, they could write words
or expressions they would like to
learn in order to be able to perform
these language functions.
Think about it!
Discuss what the possible options
are for finding your way when
you’re in an unfamiliar place.
Students recall any situations in
which they had to give directions
to someone not from their area /
they had to ask for directions
when visiting a new place.
Useful language! / Remember
Introduce the new language. Using
the pictures and the vocabulary
box, students should try to figure
out for themselves what each of
the indications means. Even if they
do need some input from the
teacher, motivate them to discover
as much as they can for
themselves: e.g. if teacher explains
(gestures) left/right, students will
find out the meaning of the
directions turn left / turn right; if
teacher explains crossroads, then
students could figure out the
meaning of “go past the
Do you know?
Act out some situations in which
one of the two expressions can be
used: you want to ask the time in the street, you bumped into
somebody by mistake, etc.
Let’s learn!
– Introduce the setting: ask students to remember why Andra
and her friends are in London. Remind them that London is
not their final destination, but they would like to visit the
city. Focus students on the map of London. Engage them in
a conversation about what are interesting places to see when
in a big city. Ask students if there are any famous places
around the world that they would like to visit.
– Before reading the text, focus students on the sights of
London that are mentioned in the text. Read the name of one
place and ask students to find it on the map, then
pronounce it themselves. Do the same with the names of the
streets connecting those places, so they can recognize them
when they listen to the text.
Your turn
1. Students find the places on
the map and name them.
2. While listening to the text
again, students try to follow
the route on the map.
3. Students practise reading the
text in pairs. Model the correct
intonation for the useful
expressions that they will
need to remember: “Excuse
me, Can you tell me the way,
Thank you, etc,” Monitor the
4. Students do the exercise in
pairs and write the directions
in the book:
Answers: g. d. e. a. f. c. h. b.
5. Students do the exercise in
pairs. Adjust the level of
support you need to give them
to the level of the group.
Weaker students may need
you to read the whole
conversation before doing the
exercise and work out the
answers with your support,
stronger students could work
on their own and check the
answers with you.
Check this!
Ask students to act out some situations, pretending they are in a new place. They can work in pairs,
one of them being a local person, the other a visitor. They then change roles and tick the ‘I can do’
statements accordingly.
Use it!
Group work. Students work in groups to make a plan of their town/village centre. They have to
decide together on the important places to visit and place them on the map.
Start the lesson by revising the
poster of interesting places in the
local area. Students can do some
short dialogues in which they ask
for/give directions.
Can you…
Go through the questions with the
students. They set their own
targets for learning.
Think about it!
Students talk about the kinds of
souvenirs people buy when they
visit their local area / Romania. If
any of the students have visited
other countries, ask them to speak
about what kind of things they had
bought, or souvenirs that most
people wanted to buy there.
Useful language! / Remember
– Introduce the new vocabulary.
Use the phrases in the boxes,
but also the phrases that
students wrote down in their
learning diaries as learning
targets for themselves.
Do you know?
Read the piece of information
about the history of money,
possibly followed by a discussion
about the idea of exchange.
Sound wise!
Act out very short conversations
offering things and
accepting/refusing them using
correct intonation. E.g. Would you
like a glass of water? / Yes, please
/ No, thank you.
Let’s learn!
Introduce the context and setting:
Andra is buying things in a
souvenir shop. Maybe have a short
discussion about why people buy
souvenirs from the places they
visit, the value of souvenirs, etc.
Focus students on the pictures, then read the dialogue. Ask
comprehension questions.
a. Where is Andra?
b. What would she like to buy?
c. Who are the gifts for?
d. How much is the T-shirt?
e. Who will she buy it for?
Your turn
1. Ask a pair of students (volunteers) to continue the
conversation in front of the class. They should use the
same structure as in the lesson. Then, the whole class work
in pairs to write down one more conversation. Monitor the
2. Students act out the dialogue in the book and the one they
have created. If they need more practice, they could make
up new conversations, imagining other souvenirs to buy, or
imagining the situation of a
foreign tourist buying things
in a Romanian souvenir shop.
3. Students do the exercise in
pairs. Before they start, make
sure they understand all the
words. After writing the
dialogues in their copybooks,
students practise them orally.
– Can I help you?
Yes, please. I’d like a Tshirt.
– How much is it?
It’s £ 3.50.
– Where is the cash desk?
It’s over there.
– Could I get a plastic bag?
Certainly, here you are.
– Anything else?
That’s all, thank you.
4. Explain students that this
exercise is meant to develop
their listening skill. They
could circle the price tag as
you read the prices aloud. Ask
them to concentrate on the
numbers while listening to the
prices rather than reading the
5. Student could work individually to work out the replies, then check their answers in pairs.
Possible answers:
Yes, please.
That’s £6.00.
It’s over there.
No, thank you.
Check this!
Students read the ‘I can do statements’ and tick them according to how they felt while doing the
Use it!
Students could make drawings of things people would normally buy as souvenirs in their local area,
attach price tags to them and act out shopping dialogues (tourists/local people) using those pictures.
Assessment guidelines
Formative assessment
– Self-assessment. The Guide for Users of the
Common European Framework for Foreign
Languages suggests that “for learning
purposes, the best assessment is always selfassessment.” The student’s book is consistent
with this recommendation, as students have
to tick self-assessment checklists (“I can do”
statements) at the end of each lesson. Discuss
the checklists with your students. You might
want to ask them where the difficulty lies,
what they think they should do in order to
improve their result, etc. As they become
more familiar with this type of selfassessment, students could also think of ways
to demonstrate their own abilities (or their
partner’s) and express their abilities not only
in terms of what they can do but also in terms
of how well they can do it.
– The learning diary should be used regularly,
after each lesson, unit or week. It will help
students reflect on their own learning and
keep track of their progress. As they become
more aware of their own learning, they might
start to set their own realistic targets.
– The “Check your progress” worksheets at the
end of each unit are more similar to the final
assessment tests and they can be used as
such, or can be adapted to suit your learner’s
needs. Always allow some time for test
correction together with the students and
invite them to reflect on their achievements as
well as on the difficulties they had.
– The student’s portfolio may contain the
presentations they have made during the
course (possibly using the suggestions in the
“Use it” section), worksheets, etc.
– Regular teacher observations. It is very useful
to keep regular observations on each
individual student’s skills. Such observations
will help you keep track of the areas where
your students have improved and where they
still need help. Also, by looking at the
observations you have made, you will be able
to prevent quieter students from being
overlooked and more able students from
taking over too much of the lesson’s time.
Summative assessment
The final evaluation at the end of each module
will have to be compliant with the evaluation
guidelines set in the professional standards for
Key Competency “Communication in Modern
Language Level 1.” It will therefore consist of:
– A written test, in which the student will
demonstrate the ability to understand written
messages, to extract essential information, to
use words and expressions in simple
communicative situations, etc.
– An oral test, in which the student will
demonstrate the ability to react adequately to
oral messages, to produce short verbal
messages, to exchange personal information in
simple conversations with an interlocutor.
The final tests will be devised by teachers,
possibly using the model set in the student’s
book (“Check your progress” worksheets). The
tests should assess the degree to which the
competences in the syllabus for the first module
are met, based on the language content that has
been studied in class (Please note that it may
slightly differ from those in the Student’s Book,
according to students’ need, interests,
professional qualification, etc.).
Bear in mind that the students in the “Second
Chance” programme might be quite apprehensive
about assessment, but we believe that a friendly
environment and transparent assessment
priciples will help them cope with it efficiently.
Useful Bibliography
1. “The Common European Framework of
Reference for Foreign Languages: learning,
teaching, assessment:
2. English Language Portfolio,
3. “Good assessment practice in modern foreign
languages,” Ofsted, HMI 1478, © Crown
copyright 2003
4. “Teaching English”
Class performance
observation grid
Oral assessment grid
Student’s name
* insert a comment on the degree of competence attainment

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