6 var
6 var
Cu.a:derno belonging to Don Marcos Vidal, year of 1773. What I have supplied to Ynacito [Ignacito] the tailor [amounts to] 6 varas of English shag----------------= I am taking 21 varas of cloth from Ca[s]tile, for clothes for my [own] use. lv 1^ 98 Pesos Cri[s]tobal Chirino charged one pound of chocol.ate------------------------------------- D00l Reales 4 Charged a peso's [worth] of ,piloncillo-------- D001 Charged one pound of choco.late---------------- D001 lE Charged four reales' [worth] of Diloncillo---- D000 4 Charged1 [peso's worth] of piloncillo-------- D001 Charged 4 [reales' worth] of chocolate--------D000 4 Charged 1 and a half charged [sic] 1 [pound] of chocolate that J[ose]ph Mig[u]el Games took---------------------------- -------------- D001 4 Nicolasa Tremino [sic] owes 1 peso, 5 reales. 2 // [pp. 2-2v deleted] Don Fran[cis]co Oran.day Two cuartil.los of ag uardiente--- --------------^03 MS. torn Idem of wine------------ - -------------------- -C7002 ... Idem one cuartillo of aguardiente------------- &01 ... Idem one cuartillo of aguardiente-----=-----=-,^ 1 ... Idem 1/2 half [sic] a cuartillo of wine=------ W00... ... Charged two cuartillos of wine---------------- 3002 Charged half a cuartillo of aguardiente------- 3000 Charged 14 pesos and 4 reales -----------------3014 99 Pesos Charged twelve reales------------------ ---- J-001 Reales ... Charged four reales' [worth] of -piloncillo--^/.000 4 Charged [deleted] ------------- -------------- 49 007 4 Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of aguardiente-------9000 6 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente----------- 2 001 4 Charged 1/2 cuarti[llo] of wine-------------- ^'J000 5 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------- ---- 9002 4 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine----------------- 0 002 1} Charged 1/2 [cu.artil.lo] of aguardiente------- Ib 000 Carried forward on the account, 21 illegible] 2v // 9 46 Charged 2 cuartillos of agu.ardiente----------- B003 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ B00l 4 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001 7 Charged 1/2 [cu.artillol of wine---------------D000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of agu.ardiente---------- D000 6 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ D001 4 Charged 2 [deleted] --------------------------- D002 Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillos].of wine------------ D001 7 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine----- - -------- D001 7 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------- -----D001 4 Charged 1 cuar. tillo of wine-------------------- D001 7 Pesos Reales Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- D000 6 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- DOOl 7 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ D001 4 Charged 4 pesos from the shop----------------- D004 Charged 2.cu.artillos of wine------- --------- --- D002 4 75 0 3 //Lieutenant Cordova. Two pounds of extra-fine sweetmeats [colacion] at 12 reales-------------------- --.0003 ... Item, 2 pairs of shoes------------------------ 0003 ... Item, 2 pounds of bananas---------- ----------- B002 .. Item, 1 pound of fig cake--------------------- 1§004 Item, one pair of shoes----------------------- E0001 4 Item, 1/2 Gu.artillo of aouardiente------------ B001 6 Item, 1/2 cuartillo of a.uardiente------------ B00[l] 6 Item, one and a half cuartillos of wine------- B001 ... Item, 1 1/2 cuartillos and a half [sic] of aguardiente--------------------------Item, one pair of shoes------------------ -----1^001 1.]. Item, half a cuartillo of wine----------------- ^§00 5 Item,.l 1/2 and a half [sic] [arrobas] of flour----------------------- --------------- D003 Cordoba [Rubric] 101 I have supplied Lieutenant Cordoba's wife [with] 6 pesos [and] 3[reales'.worth] of various goods [de etos] which she has requested of me until her husband can repay [me], plus 3 pesos that she asked for in the shop. 3v [The following is] what I have supplied on account of a signed promissory note from the Senor paymaster of the presidio"of Sannantonio de Bogar San Antonio de Bexar] Pesos First, one ieza of fine linen---------------- 12 t..^ Item, 4 varas of brabant at twelve reales----- 6 Item, 1 peso.'s [worth] of munequ.illa thread----------------------------------- - 1 Reales Charged 2 arrobas of flour--------------------D005 Charged 1 arroba of flour---------------------D002 Charged, besides, 1 peso that he asked for in the shop------------------------- ---------- 4 1 Charged, besides, 2 pesos--------------------- D002. [Cross] Nicolas CaxeBagal's [Carbajal!s] cu.rrent accou:nt------------------------ --------------- B00 Che Charged one pound of bananas---------------- 0001 0 Charged one pound of figs------- ------------ -9000 6 Charged four reales' [worth] of soap---------- B00 4 Pesos Reales Charged 2 cuartillos of aEuardiente----------- D003 Charged, besides, 6 reales which he was given in the shop----------------------------- 6 Charges, besides------------------------------- D002 4 Charged 2 pesos [and] 4[reales' worth] of two fanegas of maize----------------------- D002 4 Charged 2 arrobas of flou.r------------------ --D005 Charged 2 pounds of chocolate----------------- D0a3 Charged 1 pound of chocolate------------------D001 4 J[ose]ph Mig[u.]el Gera's [Guerra"s] account. First, 2 pesos' [worth] of piloncillo. 4v //Maestro Dionicio's [Dion.isio's] current account. He owes----------- ---------------------------- D007 Charged, besides------------------------------ D002 Charged,besides------------------------------ D003 3 Charged, besides---- -------------------------- D006 Tomas Gil y Barbo [Ybarbo], 2 pesos, 6 reales. 5 // Don A'Iarcos Ru.ys's [Ruiz's] current account----------------- [List of accounts has been deleted. Pesos Reales First, 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente.and one pound of figs-----------------------------D 6 D A Item, 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ B0O 6 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----------------- 8000 5 Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of:wine--------------- B00 Charged 1. peso's [worth] of piloncillo----- ---8001 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- 8000 Charged 1/2 cu:artillo of wine----------------- 8000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----------------- D000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente----------D000 6 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine-----------------D000 5 Charged 3 reales' [worth] of wine-------------D00 3 Charged 2 1/2 reales' [worth] of mistela------D000 2 1/2 B0010 4 Don Marcos Ruy's [Ru.iz's] balance having been settled, he still owed 1 peso [and] 4 [reales]. 5v // Prudencio I3aron.'s current account-------------D002 Charged 1 cuartillo of cam.y>echana----=--------D001 6 // J[ose]ph Antonio Gu.tier[r]es's current account. First, 2 cuartillos of agu.ardiente------------ 8003 Charged one pair of shoes---- - --------------^1 It Pesos Damasio; half an arroba of .flou.r------- ------- D 1 Reales 2 6v // [Cross] Juan Gose [Joso] B..., flowers--------D000 6 [Cross] Paid--------------and again charged 2r, 6r. My compadre Juan Casanoba [sic]--------------- B001 4 Charged one pair of shoes--------------------- D001 4 Charged 2 1/2 varas and a half [sic] of watered [silk] ribbon from Italy--------------D 2 4 Charged 2 arrobas of flour---------------------- D 1 4 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of soap--------------D 1 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of piloncillo-------- D001 Charged 1 cu.artillo of aguardi,en.te------------ D001 Charged 2 pesos' [worth] of pilonca_llo-------- D002 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of soap-------------- D001 7 // Juan J[ose]ph Cox°doba's current accoun.t--on.Don Marcos decratro's [de Castro's] reckoning, [there are] two fanegas of maize which [the] said Senor is [to] deliver to me. Charged 2 reales'. [worth] of piloncillo------------ 2r. Charged 1 'real' s [worth] of thread---------------- DOO [torn] Charged 1 arroba of flour-------------------- D02 [torn] Charged 1 cuartillo of wine-------------------- DOOlp. Pesos Reales Franci[s]co de la Cerda's current account. Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of wine---------------D000 Charged [deleted]------- ------ ---------------- A001 5 Charged l/2 cuartillo of agu.ardiente---------- B000 6 Chargdd 1/2 cuartillo of a._,uardiente---------- 8000 6 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aSuardiente----------- D000 6 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of soap--------------D003 ?;F Charged. 2 cuartillos of wine------------------ D002 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------------D002 8 // -yz Juan de la. Mosa's current account-One fanega of ma.ize--------------------------- 1^001 Maestro Juari. Manuel's current account--------- D001 Tio Matias de la Ce.rna----------------------- =@003 The current account of Lieutenant Oranday's wife-1 arroba of flou.r----------------------------- D002 By ^=__ //Senor Patricio Villa_ owes. one fanea of maize. 4 Pesos Reales Maestro Pedro de sa [sic] J[ose]ph's current account_. 3 1/2 [cua.rtillos] of a-u.ardiente------------- B0 [deleted] Charged, besides------------------------------D006 6 Charged, besides, 7 1/2 cuartillos of aguardiente Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillos] of aguardiente----- H002 2 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- 8002 2 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- 8 1 7 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of a;u.ardiente------- B002 2 11 106 6 32 1 3P. 2 Maestro Pedro's balance having been settled, he [still] 2 owes me seven pesos and two reales------------ .D007 Charged 2 cuartillos of aLuardiente----------- D003 3 Charged 1 cuartillo of agu.ardiente------------ D001 Charged two pairs of shoes--------------------D003 Carried forward in the account. 9v //The account of the before-mentioned [customer], in the month of January, [on the] 16. Pesos Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente----------D000 0 Charged 2 cuartillos of aguardiente----------- D003 Charged 2 cuartillos of aguardi.ente----------- B003 Charged 5 pesos of petty change from the shop--------------------------------------D005 Charged 2 cuartillos of aguardien:te----------- D003 Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillos] of wine------------ D001 Charged another 7 pesos [and] 4 [reales], which he asked for via the shoemaker Patricio-------------------------------------- D007 Charged another 4 pesos that Ta o Du:ran gave---D 4 Maestro.Antonio owes----------=---------------D007 Charged, besides, 3 pesos which he requested of Tio Duran------------------------ 3 10 //[pp. 10-10v deleted] My compadre Leandro's current account. First, 1/2 cuartillo of agu.ardiente----------- D00 2 cu.artillos of:wine-------------------------- H002 2 cu.artillos of a uardiente-------------------- 1^003 2 pounds of sweetmeats------------------------ P003 1 pound of ban.anas---------------------------- B001 1 pound of raisins----- - ----------------------- p001 1 pound of figs------------------------------- R000 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- R000 Reales 6 Pesos Reales Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----------------- 8000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine-----------------D000 Charged 2 varas of watered [silk] ribbon from Italy------------------------------------ D001 Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillos] of aEu.ardiente----- 8002 2 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----- ------------ B0Q0 5 Charged 1 1/2 [cuarti.llos] of wine------------D001 7 Charged 2 cuartillos of winP------------------ B002 4 Charged 2 cu.artillos of wine------------------ D002 Charged 1 pound of figs------------------------ D00D 4 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of one pound of bananas--------------------------------------- D001 D025 1 Carried forward on the account. lOv // Juan Ynacio's [Ignacio's] current account---------------------------------------- 1^00 6 [Cross] Charged 4 pesos which he got from petty cash in the shop----------------------------------- 4 Charged, besides, three pesos, 3p. 13p. [Cross] Leandro -- 3p. 6rr. Leandro -- 2 cuartillos of wine, today, [the] [Cross] 27 of January. Brought forward------------------------------- D024 0 1 109 Pesos Reales Leandro--one pound of raisins----------------- D001 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine-----------------D000 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001 7 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----------------- B000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- D000 6 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----------------- B000 5 Charged 2 1/2 [cu.artillos] of win,e------------ B001 7 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of a.guardiente----------1^000 6 Charged I 172 0T --- ------------------- -----B:.7 3 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- D00 6 032 4 [cuartillo] of aEuardiente-------- D000 6 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001 7 Charged 1/2 0 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001 Charged 1 straw hat------------------- --------- D005 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aEuarcl.iente-----------D000 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ D001 -Charged 4 pesos from the shop----------------- D004. Felis [sic Ruys's [Ruiz's] current account. One arroba of flou.r--------------------------- B002 0 110 Pesos Reales i Camano's current account. 1 1/2 [cuartillos] of a.guardiente------------- P002 2 Item, one cuartillo and a half of aguardiente------------------------------------ 002 2 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aEuardiente---------- D 6 Charged 2 cuartillo.s; of aguard.iente----------- 8003 8p. 2r. Charged 1.1/2 cuartillos of aguardien.te------- D00... Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aEuardiente---------- D000 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------------D002 4 Charged l 1/2 [cuartillos] of wine------------DOOl 7 Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of aguardi.ente-------- D000 6 Charged 1 cu.artillo of wine------------------- D001 2 Don. Marcos Sepeda's current account. Five gun bores---------------------------- --- Diego Minchanca's [Menchaca's] current account. First, 4 reales' [worth] of garlic------------ D000 4 Charged 1 pound of bananas-------------------- D001 Charged 1 1/2 [pounds], of figs-----------------D000 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente------=---D000 6 Pesos Reales Charged 1/2 cuartillo of a.,u.ardiente---------- D000 6 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ D001 4 Charged 4 cuartillos of campechana------------ D001 4 Charged 2 pesos;'% [worth] of ^ i^ loncillo--------D002 Charged 1... of one pound of chocolate-------D 1. 4 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------D 1 2 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of win.e----------------- D000 5 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine------------ - - D002 7 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------- D000 5 Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillosl of wine------------ DOOl 7 Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of aguardiente-------- D000. 6 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------------D002 4 Charged 1 peso [and] 4 reales °" [worth] of fruit-------------------------------------- DOOI ii 12 Sergeant Pedro Granados's current -----------account----------------- -- -- B002 Juan J[ose]ph Buen,,becau:se of his having bought goods to his satisfaction, owes-------- B00 Charged one peso------------------------------ B001 Charged one pair of shoes---------- - ---------- D001 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of soap-------------- D001 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine---------- -------- D000 Ii2 Diego Diego Mi.nchaca's [sic] balance having been settled and totaled to his satisfaction, he [still] owed me 26 net The account was closed since the last of January pesos. of 1774• 12v //Frenando [sic] de Arocha--------------- ------ D002 Manuel Garban [sic], because.of his having bought [goods].for five soldiers, owes-------- D003 Dona Rosa lia [sic] Flores owes, firstly, 1 peso [and] 2.reales which she took from the shop-- - ------------------------ - ----- D001 2 Charged 4 cuartillos of a^;uardiente----------- D006 Charged one p6und of chocolate---------------- D001 ^I 13 // Senora Dona Josefa [illegible] Denis charged------------ -------- -----------------D00 Mu.su. Bernardo's current account. First, one pair of stockings------------------DO 2 Charged 1 cuartillo of apuardiente------------ D001 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of soap-------------- D001 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of ^iloncillo-------- B001 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001. Charged 5 cuartillos of wine------------------D006 Charged half a pound of chocolate------------- D000 2 Pesos Reales Agamenon's current account. 4 First, one pound of sweetmeats------ ,---------- P001 Charged one pound of bananas------------------1^001 2 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------- D001 Charged 1 fashionable cambric apron----------- P0016 Charged one double silk kerchief, [J^easuring] one square vara------------------- P006 Charged one cuarta and a half of batiste------ D0... Charged 5 1/2 and a half [sic] [varas] of watered [silk] ribbon from Italy-------------- 5 4 2 Charged 2 reales' [worth] of cambric thread---DO 35p 4r. Charged 1/2 cuarti.llo of a^uardiente----------P000 Charged. 2 1/2 cuartillos of agu.ardiente------- P003 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine---- --------------- B002 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------- D00l Charged 3 varas of watered [silk] ribbon from Italy. 3-------------- ^------_------------D003 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------- B001 2 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine----------- - .----P000 5 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------- D001 4 Charged 1 pair of shoes--------- -------------- D001 4 Charged 1 pair of shoes---------- -- ----- - ------ D001 4 114 Pesos Reales 0 Carried forward on the account. .l4 //Agaminon [sic]. Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente----------D000 6 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- D000 Charged 1 peso's [worth] 1 [sic] of agu.ardiente------ - ------------ - --------------- D001 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine---------------- ---D001 2 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of mistela--------------D000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine-----------------D000 5 Charged 5 pesos which he got from petty cash in the shop------------------------------ 5 In my company--------------------------------- B005 Charged 1 peso in reales----- ----------------- D001 Charged half a pound of chocolate------------- D00 6 Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillos] of mistela--------- D002 3 Charged, besides------------------ .------------- D002 Salinas, one cuartillo of aguardiente D001 Charged, besides, 2 pesos Sum total of this account Saving error 075 Pesos Reales Charged 1 pound of raisins-------------------- D001 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine-----------------D000 5 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente----------D000 Charged 4 cuartillos of wine------- - ----- ----- D005 Charged 1 pound of chocolate------------------ D001 4 Charged 1 gourd-cu.p--------------------------- D000 3 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of grape wine-----------D000 5 First, 2 [cu.artillos] of wine----------------- 8002 Charged 1 a;pron-------------------------------- D0016 Charged 1 pair of shoes------------------ =---- D001 4 Charged 4 pesos [and] 4 reales' [worth] of various goods-------------------------- ----D004 4 Agamenon Charged 1 pound of chocolate------------------ D001 Chargedz;w,1 arroba of flour----------- - ---------- D002 Charged one pieza of fine linen:------------.,--D008 Charged 1 pair of women's stockings----------- D006 Charged 1 pair of shoes-----------------------D002 Charged 4 reales' [worth] of thread-----------D000 4 Pesos Reales Charged 1 1/2 and a half [sic] [pounds] of chocolate---------------------------------- D001 4 Charged 1 pair of shoes-----------------------D 1 4 Charged 2 arrobas of flour--------------------D005 15 // [The] current account of Fran[cis]co; [who is acting as substitute] until his paymaster returns. First, 2 pairs of shoes at the price of twelve reales---------------------------------D003 Charged.1 pair of scarlet women's.stockings---D007 Charged 2 pairs of shoes=-one [pair] for a man, the other for a woman--------------------D003 Charged 2 pesos' [worth] of soap--------------D002 15v //Mojaras. Two cuartillos of aFuardiente----------------- 003 Item, one pound of figs--------------------- 000 4 Charged 1 1/2 and a half [sic] [varas of watered [silk] ribbon from Italy------- -------8001 4 Charged 3 pesos' [worth] -of soap-------------- D003 12p. And his wife owes 5 fanegas------------------- 16 // Pesos Reales Don Franci[s]co Gabiel's [sic] curren.t account---------- - ----------------------------- p00l 4 Charged 4 1/2 [cuartillos] of wine------------ H005 5 Charged 1 1/2 [cuartillos] of aguardien.te----- IR 2 2 Charged 5[cuartillos] of wine---'--=-----------D006 2 Charged 1 [cuartillo] of aguardiente----------B001 4 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine--------------- D001 7 Charged 2 [cuartillos] of wine---------------- B002 4 17 //[Page deleted] My companero Mig[u]el Gusman's current account. One arroba of flour---------------------------D002 4 1 pair of shoes-------------------------------D 2 4 1 1/2 cuartillos of a uardiente----_---_------D001 4 Charged four pe-sos and twelve reales' [worth] of soap----- - ------------- - ----------- 4 1 Charged 2 varas of ribbon from Italy---------- B 1 [Cross] Charged 1 pair of men's shoes-----------------D001 4 Charged, besides, 1 peso [and] 2[reales]-----D001 2 Charged, besa.des, 5 pesos which he asked for in the shop-------------------------------D 5 Paid in full. 118 17v Vol Pesos Reales Don Marcos de Castro's current account-------- P002 4 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------------ D002 4 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine------------------- P001 2 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------- BOOl 4 Charged 2 pounds of chocolate----------------- 8003 Charged ?+ 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- 3D005 5 Charged [blurred] cu.artillos of aguardien:te---D006 Charged one arroba of flour-------------------D002 4 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------------D002 4 Charged 3 cuartillos of wine------------------ B003 6 Charged 3 1/2 [cua.rtillosl of aguardiente----- D005 2 Charged 1 cuartillo ofwine------ ------------- D001 2 Charged 2 cuartillos of wine------------------D002 4 Charged 2 cuart3.llos of aguardiente----------- B002 4 Charged 2 cuartillos of campechana-------- --- I- D002 6 Charged 1 cuartillo of wine-------------------D 1 2 Charged four reales' [worth] of soap----------D000 4 Charged 1/2 cuartillo; of wine-----------------D000 5 Charged 5 varas of French Britannias [ la.nen] ; carried forward on the account, [on the] last page------------------------------------- 48 -- 6 Don Simon de A-rocha's current account. 119 Pesos First----------------------------------------- BOOO Charged 2 two [sic] varas of watered [silk] ribbon from Italy----------------------------- Reales 6 4 Charged 2,two [sic] varas of 'black watered [silk] ribbon from Italy---------------------- P 3 Charged 2 cuartillog of wiine-------------- ---- Pp02 4 .Charged 2 cuartillos of wine--------- -------B002 4 Charged.l cuartillo of aguardiente------------D 1 4 Charged 2 cuartillos of agu.ardiente----------- D003 Charged 2 cuartillos of aguardiente-------- - -- B003 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of wine---- -------------- DO00 [C. of h.] Of linen--------------------------Of 279 cuartillos of wine----------25 - 7 Of 7 1/2 yards of sticking-plas.ter-11 - 2 Of 2 arrobas of flour--------------05 - 0 Of fine linen.-------------- - -- - ---- 07 - 4 Of soap and chocolate---------- - -- -0^- 4L 59 18v //[C. of h.) --^ Juan Pomuseno's [sic].cu.rrent account. 5 Pesos [Cross] [Cross] Reales First, 2 cuartillos of wi.ne------------------- B002 4 Charged 4[reales ° worth] of one pound of figs---------------------------------D000 4 Antonio Fequndo's [sic] current account. He charged one pair of stockings at six pesos' and one pair of shoes [at] l peso [and] 4 He left- a gold reliquary as reales. security- - ------ ---------------- - - ------------ D007 C. of h. ] [Cross] Fran[cis]co Billareal [Villarreal] deducts----D00 Charged 4 [reales' worth] of.soap-------------P000 19 //[C. of h.] [Cross] Dona Rosalia Rodriguez [ Cross] Four reales------------------------------- ;-="^ 000 Charged 1 peso's [worth] of ripe bananas------ P001 Charged 1 1/2 and a half [sic] [pounds] of fi.gs------ ----------------------------- ----B000 Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of aguardiente-------- D000 6 Charged half a cuartillo of aguardiente------- D 6 ^Ghargsd 1 cuartillo of agLi.ardiente--------- Manuel the tailor's current account. . 01 4 Pesos 5 1/2 [cuartillosl of wine-------------------- Reales 7 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ D001 4 Charged 3 cuartillos of aguardiente----------- B004 ?+ Charged l cuartillo of wine---------------- - -- B001 2 Charged 1 cuartillo of aguardiente------------ B001 4 Charged 4 cuartillos of wine-------- -- -------- D005 Charged 3 cuaartillos of wine--------- --------- DO03 6 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente---------- D000 Charged, besides, 2 pesos in the shop---------D002 Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001 Juanch.in [Joaqu.in] Cadena B.'s current account. First----------------- ------- - ---------------- B002 Juachin [Joaqu:in] Ruis's [Ruiz's] current . accou.nt--------.-------------------------------D001 Charged 1/2 [cu.artillo] of mistela------------D000 [Cross] J[ose]ph Guadalupe Ragel owes 1 cuartillo of wine which he charged---------- D001 2 Pesos Reales 20 //[MS. torn] Delgado's current account. Two cuartillos of wine------------------------ 8002 [MS. torn] Charged 1 1/2 cuartillos of wine-------------- D001 7 Charged 1/2 [cuartillo] of agua..rdiente-------- D000 6 Charged 1 1/2 [cu.artillos] of wine------------D001 7 Marcos Leandro Charged 3 varas of linen---------------------- 80: Superfine [linen] at the price of twelve reales amounted to---------------------D00... Charged 1 and a cuarta of fine linen, [which] amounted to--------------------------- D002 Charged 1/2 cuartillo of aguardiente----------- D000 l4-, from the other page [f...l ^8-63-- 20v //9 varas of first [quality] 3 [varas of second [quality] 1 pieza of fine linen 3 [varas] of ribbon 6 varas of watered [silk] ribbon 1 pair of stockings 6 1. shirt 2 pairs of understockings One vara and a half of cambric One apron Half an ounce of,silk Thread--------------- 4 Z^ ounces of coral 1 small blue handkerchief One hat