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MATHEMATICAL COMPUTER MODELLING Mathematical PERGAMON and Computer Modelling 37 (2003) 795-828 The Validity of 2D Numerical Simulations of Vertical Structures Around a Bridge Deck L. BRUNO* Department of Structural Engineering Politecnico di Torino Viale Mattioli 39, 10126 Torino, Italy [email protected] S. KHRIS OptiFlow, Consulting Company in Numerical Fluid Mechanics IMT-TechnopBle de Chateau-Gombert, Cedex 20, 13451 Marseille, France (Received February 2002; accepted April 2002) Abstract-This paper deals with a computational study for evaluating the capability of 2D numerical simulation for predicting the vertical structure around a quasibluff bridge deck. The laminar form, a number of BANS equation models, and the LES approach are evaluated. The study was applied to the deck section of the Great Belt East Bridge. The results are compared with wind-tunnel data and previously conducted computational simulations. Sensitivity of the results with regard to the computational approaches applied for each model is discussed. Finally, the study confirms the importance of safety-barrier modelling in the analysis of bridge aerodynamics. @ 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords-Computational wind engineering, Bridge aerodynamics, methods, Turbulence modelling. Vortex shedding, Grid-based 1. INTRODUCTION The study of aerodynamic characteristics plays a prominent role in the design of long-span bridges. In particular, the vortex-induced forces acting on the bridge deck are of great interest from the practical point of view. In fact, this phenomenon occurs at a relatively low range of wind speeds and can markedly affect the durability and serviceability of the structure. Traditionally, these studies are experimentally carried out by means of wind-tunnel tests, which are economically burdensome and in some cases not realistic, owing to the lack of aerodynamic similitude of the model. In order to respect the conditions of aerodynamic similarity without. using cumbersome models, wind-tunnel tests often employ section models in the preliminary bridge design. In fact, rigidly mounted models provide a good description of the complex flows that develop around bluff-shaped cylinders at high Reynolds numbers. The first author wishes to express his appreciation to the Fluent Italia and the Hewlett Packard Italia Corporations *Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. 0895-7177/03/$ - see front matter @ 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: SO895-7177(03)00087-S Typeset by d,@‘IEX L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS 796 A number of fundamental studies, critically reviewed by Buresti [l], have investigated the unsteady flow around basic bluff sections, such as circular, results obtained from such studies represent a useful of industrial fields, such as bridge aerodynamics. Generally speaking, ticity and by massive flows of this kind are characterized separation which involves and in its wake. important content. role in the production of aerodynamic Three-dimensional structures ultimately spite the nominally Both of these phenomena, two-dimensional geometry or rectangular ones. applications motion of the vertical which are strictly The in a number by shear layers presenting unsteady the body square, basis for further marked structures vor- around interconnected, play an forces in terms of mean value and frequency appear in the process of wake formation de- of the body, as a result of the vortex lines being distorted. The case study of the rectangular section best applies to the shape of long-span bridge decks. In regard to these cylindrical bodies, it is widely recognized that their width-depth B/D ratio strongly affects the characteristics of the separated shear layer that is generated at the leading edge [2]. From this point of view, such sections are classified into two categories, namely, the “separated-type” sections cross-sections) latter (compact [3]. The former present more complex cross-sections) are generally phenomena, and B/D = 6 or the double mode and the ‘?eattached-type” prone to Karman-type such as discontinuities in the lift fluctuations sections vortex shedding, in Strouhal the at B/D = 2.8 number due to unsteady (elongated whereas reattachment of the separated shear layer on the side surfaces at 2.0 < B/D < 2.8 [4]. Likewise, most of the bridge decks are quite elongated (B/D z 7) so that occurrence of a reattached shear layer calls for a proper evaluation of other characteristics of the flow, such as the extent of the separation the convection of the vortices along the surfaces of the deck, and the interaction between shed from the windward During the last plementary efficiency tunnel and leeward decade, computational (accuracy-cost tests. ratio) To achieve is ,required to the potential flow (see, for example, Reynolds-averaged A number accuracy time, imposed mensions, markedly The latter Navier-Stokes (RANS) boundary and grid size. inflates (NSEs). numerical memory of numerical equation parameters in grid-based conditions, procedures simplified introduced decks. that a com- An increased as against have been proposed. methods (panel involve may be further (DNS), large-eddy windThese methods) applied numerical solution classified simulation as regards (LES), and models. have to be taken methods: extension On the other category simulation of bridge to be attractive [6]), as well as approaches numerical simulation has gradually analysis approach categories: into direct of other of the into two main equations modelling computers for this this goal, a number classified turbulence of powerful to the aerodynamic can be broadly of the Navier-Stokes edges [5]. the advent approach bubble, vortices into consideration discretization of the computational schemes to increase in both domain space in two or three the and di- hand, 3D analysis and refinement of spatial resolution Murakami [i’] reports that usage and processing time. For instance, LES computation of vortex-shedding flow past a square section requires only 60 hours for the 2D model but more than 42 days for the 3D model on a convex ~240 machine. As may be readily understood, even when possible the extension of 3D simulations to industrial applications characterized by complex geometries and high Reynolds numbers (as in the case of long-span bridge decks) is likely to prove extremely burdensome and excessively time-consuming as compared to wind-tunnel tests. In order to reduce the computational costs, many authors have examined the applicability of the above-mentioned approaches to the 2D simulations of vortex-shedding flow past a square cylinder. According to the authors of the present paper, three main studies obtained the most representative results. Tamura et al. [8] discussed the reliability of two-dimensional direct numerical simulation for They emphasized the importance of the mix unsteady flows around cylinder-type structures. between grid size and discretization an excessive amount of numerical schemes diffusion. of the nonlinear convection term According to the above authors, in order to avoid two-dimensional 797 2D Numerical Simulations calculations cannot in the process limitations properly simulate of 2D direct More recently, square cylinder the three-dimensional Consequently, of wake formation. numerical simulation 50% with respect with the Smagorinsky order to compensate for the limited LES computations with the experimental results, discrepancies. out a wide spectrum square According other mechanism, out a critical sections enables hand, and extended two-dimensional an incompleteness present by 2D computations review the spanwise model number analysis, related this through- R.ANS simula- diffusion sections. process They by an eddy region. On the in the underesti- cross sections. further to such flows is very high respecting using rectangular was detected study of unsteady flows around bridge decks introduces both to physical and to computational aspects. Reynolds cert,ain it is fundamentally even in the high Reynolds-number The related the present mechanism performed lift fluctuations First, as well as with those a close correspondence because to elongated mated in computational of 2D and 3D a 3D phenomenon. of the tests reattached-type b? (Cs = O.lOj in of the 2D LES computations this approach analyses was increased The results using RANS models, of the ensemble-averaged for stationary direction. which is essentially and class of flows. et al., the energy-transfer to Murakami be reproduced appear flow past a two-dimensional Smagorinsky-type subgrid for 2D simulations of the 3D computations the results ultimately used in 3D simulations in the spanwise that the k - E model, which incorporates demonstrated viscosity, whereas et al. [3] carried Shimada tions around generally with those obtained range cannot due to the vortex-stretching constant constant The results which be paid to the reliability for the above-mentioned diffusion were compared from experiments. significant must Murakami et al. [9] predicted the vortex-shedding using large-eddy simulation (LES). The standard model was used, and the value of the Smagorinsky obtained structures attention number involves important difficulties (1.e + 5 < Re < 1.e + 08): particular requirements in spatial discretization. Second, acterized the most widely used deck sections by intermediate currently levels of “bluffness” adopted (elongated sections and leeward). Consequently, the flow around them is generally bubbles and shedding of vertical structures that are extremely Third, the actual finished and crash barriers. bridge According be disregarded. Using itatively showed the influence response of bridge deck carries to various flow visualization decks. of partial Adopting several authors, for long-span bridges and faces inclined windward characterized by small separation variable in frequency and size. items of equipment, such as side railings the effects of such section-model techniques in wind-tunnel streamlining and traffic the same approach, are char- Scanlan tests, barriers details Bienkiewicz cannot [lo] qual- on the vortex-induced et al. [ll] pointed out the criti- cal dependence of bridge-flutter derivatives upon even minor details, such as deck railings They likewise identified a critical component of the experimental approach in terms of accuracy and similitude requirements ers has recently the case of steady To provide present paper. in the modelling been confirmed flow around an example The Great of the section by computational a streamlined Belt East The noticeable performed influence of barri- using RANS models in deck [12]. of such peculiarities, Bridge significant benchmark from the standpoint peculiarities mentioned above fully apply details. simulations we shall introduce (GBEB) the study deck is here considered case adopted in the as a particularly of vortex shedding for three main reasons. First, the to this deck. Second, large vortex-induced oscillat,ions were measured on the main span just after the deck’s completion. Third, the deck has been the subject of various experimental measurements [13] and computational studies, and thus, provides a significant data base to be used for assessing new simulations. Figure 1 is a schematic illustration of the flow pattern around the deck at Re = UoB/u = 1.5e+5 (where B is the deck width) and o = 0” using the computed instantaneous streamlines. The instants tr and tz correspond to a local maximum value and a local minimum value of the lift force, respectively. The three main characteristics may be easily recognized: L. 798 BRUNO AND S. KHRIS vg vortex street behind the barriers v3 vortex shedding v, advected boundary separation vortices v2 lower vortex at the lower side layer point in the deck wake interaction reattachment points vi-2 coalescence Figure (a) the strong 1. interaction vertical between vortices structures around deck. bubble Independently, downstream another of interaction. of the lower sharp recirculation The barriers First, is accelerated. edge and prevent perturbations the flow passing between The side barriers reattach a larger vi e v2 corner, travel separation bubble and in the near across region from forming. on account layer downstream Second, the vortex of the close to corner, of two main of the deck and the lateral shear from the the lower surface vi passes the lower leeward surface the separated and vl, which develop in the near-wake in the flow pattern the upper the vortices; at its lower surface zone (~2) is present seem to enhance between The vortices the lower slope. When the advected procession of vortices coalesces with the vortex 212and is shed in the wake. nomena. of vortices vi, ~2, and ~4, ~5; the deck are located wake. We shall focus on their mechanism separation v4 e 3 Flow pattern around the deck: instantaneous streamlines. (b) the differences in size, intensity, and shedding frequency (c) the flow perturbations induced by the safety barriers. The main between due to the barriers it phe- barriers of the upwind street us behind the trailing barriers seems to interact with the vortex v4 in the deck wake. Table 1 summarizes the wind-tunnel setup and the conditions of computation of the most relevant studies. The results obtained are expressed in terms of the following integral parameters: the mean values of the drag coefficient CD = D/(1/2 pUsB) and lift coefficient C:L = L/(1/2 pUaB), and the Strouhal number St = fc,D/U,,where D is the deck depth. Early section-model tests were conducted by Reinhold et al. [14] on a number of candidate cross-sectional shapes. The 1:80 modei selected, designated as H9.1 and characterized by a width-depth ratio Bf D x 7.2, was tested using equipment fully described in [14]. Steady-state wind-load coefficients were subsequently measured on the same cross section using a 1:300 tautstrip model 1151. The overall agreement between the results obtained from models of different size indicates that Reynolds-number influence on the global aerodynamic effects, even though they are present, do not have a marked behaviour of the deck. The most important discrepancy regards the value of the lift coefficient. In the opinion of the authors of the present study, this 79!l 2D Numerical Simulations Table 1. Outline of published studies-zero Author Reinhold [141 [151 Larose Frandsen Model Method [161 Larsen [17,18] angle-of-attack (cx = 0’). Geom. Re CD CL St 1.e + 5 0.08 + 0.01 0.109 - 0.158 0.10 - 0.08 0.11 - _ 0.08 - 0.15 0.06 + 0.06 0.100 - 0.168 Exp. Section det Exp. Taut-strip det 7.e + 4 Exp. Full scale det 1.7e+7 DVM pot. + w 2Dba.s 1.e + 5 Taylor [191 DVM pot. + w 2Dbas 1.e + 5 0.05 + 0.07 0.16 - 0.18 Frandsen [20] DVM pot. + w 2Dbss 1.6e + 7 0.08 + 0.06 0.09 FEM NSE lam 2Dbas 1.6e + 7 0.06 - 0.09 0.25 FDM NSE lam 2Dba.s 3.e + 5 0.07 - 0.19 0.101 - 0.168 Selvam [22,23] FEM NSE les 2Dba.s l.e+5 0.06 - 0.34 0.168 Jenssen [24] FVM NSE les 3Ddet 4.5e + 4 0.06 + 0.04 0.16 FEM NSE les PDdet 7.e + 4 0.07 + 0.08 0.17 Kuroda [21] Bnevoldsen difference model. [25] may be related to the unachieved In fact, as demonstrated the higher reduced. flow velocity The various and the stronger vortex-shedding the spread frequency content The full-scale measurements of the flow. The results lower bound similitude suction of the barriers along the lower surface. mechanisms in the 1:300 blockage effect of the railings highlighted in Figure involves The lift force is thus 1 probably account for of the lift force that was found experimentally by Reinhold et al. [14]. obtained by Frandsen [16] substantially confirm this characteristic obtained of the range aerodynamic in [12], the most important by Larose [15] seem to indicate has the most important that the Strouhal effects on the structural number response at the of the deck. Most of the computational simulations assume the same Reynolds number used by Reinhold et al. [14]; exceptions are represented by [26,27]. On the other hand, only Enevoldsen et al. [25,28] state that account they include the deck equipment the inflow turbulent Three general conclusions may be drawn the first place, the underestimated the simulations. in the computational level experimentally from an overall prediction This error is certainly model. No author takes into set at It M 7.5%. analysis of the drag coefficient due to the absence of barriers of the results is a common obtained. feature and to the incoming In in all of smooth flow. Second, most of the simulations fail to highlight the spread frequency content of the lift force, indicating only one Strouhal number. This difficulty mainly concerns the approaches that solve the Navier-Stokes equations using grid-based methods. Finally, almost all the simulations are conducted in the 2D computational of the fact that excessively A number 3D simulations burdensome domain. remain for industrial of applications This common scarcely applicable approach in extended provides confirmation parametric studies and applications. are based on the so-called discrete vortex method (DVM), which is comprehensively reviewed in [29]. This approach is widely adopted in bridge aerodynamics (see. for example, [6]) for two main reasons. First, the Lagrangian nature of the method markedly reduces the difficulties encountered in grid-based methods (mesh quality, numerical diffusion, modelling of small details of the deck section). Second, the description of the flow field is obtained by an essentially potential-flow method, so that the computational effort is significantly reduced as compared to the methods involving solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. On the other hand, the above advantages are obtained thanks to a fundamental assumption regarding the physical feature of the flow, namely that “for high Reynolds numbers, viscous effects may not be essential in the development of the wake, as the vorticity that is introduced in the wake from the separation point remains confined to narrow regions and its dynamics is mainly dominated by convection, with viscous diffusion only playing a secondary role” [11. From the numerical point of view, this assumption requires that the amount of vorticity w shed from the separation point (which must be known a priori) be introduced by means of particles of finite core size in each time step. This approach has been applied to the study case by Larsen L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS 800 et al. [17,18], who obtained an impressive agreement between data, even if compared with more complex approaches. all applications of vortex models to unsteady separated have shown that the circulation of the vortices their results and the experimental According to Sarpkaya [29], “practically flows past two-dimensional bluff bodies should be reduced as a function of time and space in ad hoc manner in order to bring the calculated forces, pressure and circulations in close agreement with those measured”. As a result, the evaluation of the performance of this approach and of its suitability of the aforesaid for application numerical the drag coefficient by addition “care must be taken Other approach, of a flat plate when analysing effect is largely authors have predicted using of the barriers. treated these element finite volume as [ . results ] porosity the Great to these are authors. effects are neglected”; the nature e.g., finite difference i.e., of the flow Belt East Bridge by solving methods, value of the side railings According in such a way as to change of discretization In the framework the underestimated Consequently, as a solid geometry. the flow around a number very problematical. and Vezza [19] attribute overestimated Stokes equations method, Taylor to the lack of modelling introduced the blockage completely. to other shapes remains the Navier- method, finite method. Among the various works that neglect turbulence modelling (laminar tained by Kuroda [21] are in good agreement with the wind-tunnel data. form), the results obIt seems that the error in approximating balances turbulence between the convection damping. numerical order to justify diffusion, More recently, obtained paid to boundary-layer damping studies and the scheme that are reported adopted the absence of on the relationship (fifth-order upwinding) in in a 2D simulation. on the mesh-density modelling. a numerical no parametric et al. [27] applied Frandsen study hand, grid resolution, the accuracy case. A parametric term provides On the other the FEM-without-turbulence sensitivity As a result, was initiated shedding-frequency model to the study with particular predictions attention were generally inaccurate even for the most refined grid so that the authors of the paper concluded that “further studies are needed to establish the model requirements”. Subsequently, Frandsen [20] tested the DVM in order to compare other studies. To the knowledge study. Only the two different of the present authors, Lee et al. [30] adopted loading on a fully bluff bridge without law of the wall. approaches deck. RANS a RANS with one another models approach have never for predicting The renormalization The quadratic upwind group interpolation scheme was employed to approximate the convection term. indirectly validated by performing dynamic structural analysis at the bridge any conclusions midspan with the full-scale to be drawn In the last few years, measurements. on the reliability the LES approach been applied to the case the vortex-induced (RNG) of k - E model wind was used for convective kinetics The unsteady and comparing wind loading was the displacements This approach of the statistical has been applied and with the results clearly (QUICK) does not permit approach. to the case study. Selvam [23] dis- cussed the reliability of the 2D simulation, considering the deck section of the Great Belt East Bridge approach span. Both 2D and 3D computational models were used, neglecting the barriers. No parametric studies were performed. The author assumed the value of the Smagorinsky constant without proposed by Murakami any further investigations. drag coefficient with reasonable [9] for the square cylinder (C, = 0.15 in 2D, C, = 0.10 in 3D), According to Selvam, only 3D models are able to capture the accuracy. In a subsequent paper, the same author [22] employed two different levels of grid refinement and two near-wall treatments (i.e., low Reynolds number and law of the wall) in the 2D model of the Great Belt East Bridge main span. The results of the study indicate an impressive sensitivity of the mean flow to the parameters mentioned no (ACD M 50%, ACL M 400%, ASt M 20%). B ecause of the limited number of computations, conclusions were drawn regarding this sensitivit,y. In the case of nonperiodic flows and spread frequency contents of the aerodynamic forces, the integral parameters only provide a partial physical insight into the flow. Figure 2 compares the 2D Numerical upper surface I I I ,, Ic X01 Simulations I I < 0.4 0 0.2 .. 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 _ . + turbulent flow: taut ship model [ 1fl turbulent flow: full-scale [16] x/B 1 Kuroda(fdm) [21] ~ Jenssen (fvm) [24] -----Frandsen (fern) [ 203 - - - - Frandsen (dvm) [To] .-..-. ..... u” -1.0 - I I 1 , I I lower surface Figure distributions a number of the mean of simulations. the computational First, 2. Published pressure minor thus imperfections estimated both on the deck on the deck obtained discrepancies clearly 0 I x/B 5 0.2 the experimental of the leading overestimating may be related Second, coefficient Two main lower surface just downstream They Cp distribution mean appear (a = 0’) in wind-tunnel between tests and in the experimental and distributions. in the range phenomenon, studies: to the high anisotropy of the leading the lengths is restricted simulations. bubbles suction simulations in the forebody model cannot tests on the ignore this are not clear. region [31], but be ruled out a priori. at the lower and upper In the wind-tunnel the range a moderate for this discrepancy of the turbulence edge of the geometrical within reveal All the computational The reasons of the separation in the computational the lower surface point. the pressure. data surfaces are over- the recirculation zone at 0.2 < z/B 5 0.35, and recovery of the pressure rapidly occurs within the range 0.35 5 x/B 5 0.45. Except for the DVM approach, all the other numerical methods predict a pressure recovery in the range 0.6 5 x/B < 0.7 and underestimate the suction peak. It is to be pointed out that the phenomena occurring in this region play a major role in the vortex-formation process, as emerges from Figure 1. Consequently, the lack of accuracy in this region deeply affects the overall reliability of the simulations. The reason for these errors is not clear. However, if it is taken into account that the characteristics of the incoming flow are rather similar, the differences between computations different computational procedures adopted in the studies. The overestimated length of the bubble at the upper surface seem to be related seems to be directly to the related t,o the interference effects of the windward side barrier. These effects have a minor impact on the dynamics of the flow but markedly affect the mean value of the lift force. Jenssen [24] has modelled such details, obtaining the local reattachment of the shear layer. Nevertheless, the 802 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS constant value of the pressure zone that is not experimentally From the present primarily address critical downstream detected. of the railings review of the studies the question of validation suggests published, the presence it follows that of the codes employed. fail to provide any closer insight into the various physical thermore, the effects of various computational parameters of a recirculation most of the researches In many cases, the results mechanisms involved in the flow. Furon the solutions is not systematically clarified. The purpose of the present to verify the suitability To do this, particular parameters to be taken LES approach regards attention so enabling not only effects of the details The incompressible, unsteady, study. in the model models. In particular, but The suitability both to complete the also as of each of model. Finally, the experimental measurements, and deck. computational parameters model. of the aerodynamic setup, and to point up the field. EQUATIONS two-dimensional The nondimensional suitable on the basis of the optimized 2. GOVERNING in the present turbulence to be made with wind-tunnel on the characteristics the most subgrid studies flow past a bluff bridge the above-mentioned is discussed is included comparisons of the previous unsteady in the various as regards of the Smagorinsky to turbulence of the section correct the incompleteness for predicting has been paid to determining parameter approaches the equipment is to reduce into consideration is optimized the free input the various paper of 2D simulations Navier-Stokes instantaneous equations continuity of motion and momentum are solved equations are div u = 0 and dU dt where u, p, and t are, respectively, by the reference The Reynolds velocity number lence-modelling closure Re results vector, pressure, and turbulence are applied. modelling) In the framework a second-order models are the standard (STD) model. The Reynolds-averaged closure model [32] and th e renormalization incompressible E$+U.!L!&-L 3 axj axi approach According to the standard by means nondimensionalized viscosity k - E model u. $+&!p2 equations (p_+g1+2& P turbu- both first- are expressed as C”+ vt) Sij, 3 [32], the turbulent axj approach, are adopted. The first-order closure group (RNG) (331 forms of the Ic - E Navier-Stokes of their transportation LAM and various of the statistical where ut is the isotropic eddy viscosity given as vt = pC,k2/E, and SQ is the mean flow strain rate expressed as follows: rate E are computed and time p, and the kinematic from these variables. (i.e., without approaches models the velocity + & Au, Us, the deck chord B, the air density Both the laminar-state order + u. grad u = -gradp k is the turbulent kinetic energy kinetic energy, k and its dissipation equations [(‘+z)&]+Pk-E and (5) 803 2D Numerical Simulations where Pk is the production constant term of the turbulent are the conventional kinetic energy, and the values of the empirical ones [32]. In order to cope with the well-known excessive production of turbulent kinetic energy model in nonequilibrium situations, the k - E form suggested by the renormalization is also applied. This model introduces a further production term into the transport the dissipation of this group [33] equation of rate E in the form c/J13 (1 - rllrlo) E2 lfP$ X-’ Ii-= (6) where and the constants In order 70, ,0, uE, ok, C,,, to account better CEz, C, are given in [33]. for important Reynolds stresses, diffusive transport the energy transfer mechanisms-F’ranke to the calculation of vortex Abandoning solving the isotropic transport such equations turbulent past a square transport and modelling term of the flow-such as the anisotropy and qbtained the RSM closes the Reynolds assumptions interesting RANS Rij = q. stresses are required. and the pressure-strain of the flow and the mean flow, or the the Reynolds stress model (RSM) cylinder hypothesis, for the individual are unknown, diffusive shedding eddy-viscosity equations aspects between the turbulent and Rodi [31] applied term, equations Several In the present are respectively, results. by terms in study, the expressed by the models proposed by Lien and Leschziner [34] and by Gibson and Launder [35]. Model equations for the large eddy simulation (LES) are expressed in the form and a?!& aii, -- dt+fijFdz where the overline indicates scale model subgrid-scale (8) dXi 3 subgrid d the filtered value of the variable. [36]: ksGs indicates expressed by is employed eddy viscosity USGS = The subgrid-scale tations mixing length PLSGS Ls~s is related component Smagorinsky-type of k, and USGS the 2/2SijSij. 19) to the Smagorinsky constant Cs in 2D compu- by LSGS = min where The standard the subgrid n = 0.42, A is the cell surface, ( ted, C,A1/2 and d the distance > , between (10) the cell and the nearest wall boundary. 2.1. Near- Wall Turbulence Modelling Near-wall modelling wall-bounded flows. A suitable for application However, Franke et al. has a significant impact upon the reliability of numerical simulations of number of works that use various turbulence models render these models throughout the boundary layer by means of the wall-function approach. [31] have demonstrated that “the assumptions of a logarithmic velocity distribution and of local equilibrium of turbulence are violated in separated flows, especially near separation and reattachment regions” [31]. Bearing in mind the purpose of the present study, the low Reynolds number one-equation model (“two-layer model”) has been adopted in the viscosity-affected region (Re, = p&y/v > 200) in 804 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS conjunction with the statistical approach. This approach was successfully applied by Franke and Rodi [31] in the study case of the square cylinder and by Shimada and Ishihara (31 in predicting vortex shedding past rectangular are here calculated cylinders. using the turbulent ut = The length The turbulent kinetic energy viscosity rate E k from the relations k3/2 pc, JiFl,, scales I, and 1, are expressed ut and the dissipation (11) by the following relations: (12) where the values of the constant When strain the LES model in the formulas is applied, are taken from the laminar stress- relationship ii -_=% where u, = (~~/p)‘.~ is the friction PWY Computations method. were carried In the grid-based on fundamental coupling unstructured In particular, out method using PROCEDURES the FLUENT simulation importance. grid type ~5.4 code, of flow around In this study, and structured the mapped LJ' velocity. 3. NUMERICAL takes from Chen and Pate1 [37]. the wall shear stress ru is obtained mesh types based complex the computational by means simulations computations are shown and complies using turbulent in Figure with the mesh requirements models. The computational 3. The size of the domain parametric study reported in [12]. The pressure-velocity coupling is achieved with splitting equation, of operators whilst enforcing the continuity of the total of a parametric and the boundary consistently by means of the pressure-implicit approach study approach SIMPLE fine for in the conditions with the results to advance by grid. in order to achieve of the two-layer domain is adopted [38], using a predictor-corrector are generated of substructuring is used in the near solid boundary volume mesh generation domains resolution of the flow structure in this region. The cell thickness y,,, adjacent to the solid wall forms the subject laminar on the finite geometries, of the algorithm the momentum equation. -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.~.~.~.~.~.-.~.~.~ periodic (LES) I U=l; v=o; I =o I U=l; v=o;I =o periodic (LEb) ,.,.,.,.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.~.~.~.~,~..m.~.~......a 15B Figure 3. Analytical I 30B domain and boundary conditions. 805 2D Numerical Simulations For time discretization, mensional the fully implicit time step in the laminar At* < 2.e- 2 with respect vergence criteria. initial conditions to the expected derivative cept for the nonlinear (second-order terpolation formula Euler and statistical frequency scheme approach content is adopted. The nondi- varies in the range 5.e - 4 < of the phenomenon and to the con- The time advancement in LES undergoes optimization during the study. The are set equal to the inlet boundary conditions (impulsively started simulation). All the spatial schemes second-order approach terms are discretized by the second-order convection terms. The convection terms central difference, second-order upwind kinetics-QUICK [40]) that for convective central are discretized differencing, according [39], and quadratic are generally expressed ex- to threcl upwind according in- to the an d d:,f The weights = -~e.fe for the discretization schemes adopted Table 2. Coefficients I As reviewed of a signal-without diffusive schemes Notwithstanding assertions extent diffusion. have a diffusion the signal the relative of different physical problems and to numerical effects (markedly dispersion effects they On the other hand, it is not and according affecting stabilizes appropriate Scheme to cause phase Second-Order Upwind QUICK universal may vary time-marching schemes, structures errors of convective schemes. I---Central to make performance flow seems to be significantly Leading Term Second-Order the computation. [8]), and computational-domain frequencies). Table 3. Accuracy terms of the above-mentioned since their the small vertical (i.e., it appears (as in content even leading-order to different (see, for example, terms alter the frequency The accuracy of these schemes (i.e., 2D or 3D). The physics of the investigated diffusion IEe effect, which generally grid density I I KP [41]), the odd leading-order in amplitude. performance (see [7,8,42]), ku effects-i.e., is summarized in Table 3. the above general considerations, models to numerical shedding numerical but reducing regarding in the presence turbulent scheme) wiggles have dispersive schemes. I I &Jw (see, for example, schemes) involving (as in the QUICK removing I authors are given in Table 2. of convective Scheme by various the case of second-order Kwfw- Kwwfww - ~p.fp - Effect sensitive around between both the deck) the different 806 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS However, even though a number of studies have been devoted to the evaluation of these schemes, in the present paper a parametric approach. study is performed using both the laminar form and the LES 4. APPLICATION 4.1. Simulations Without Turbulence AND RESULTS Modelling The simulations assume the experimental conditions adopted by Reinhold et al. [14] during the section-model tests (see Table l), except for incoming turbulence intensity It = 0. The angle of incidence of the flow is zero. 4.4.1. Effects of grid spacing and discretization schemes on the flow field The effects of the near-wall cell thickness yw in 2D simulations without turbulence are discussed in this section. characterized To do this, three grid systems are taken into account. by a nondimensional grid spacing adjacent modelling These are to the solid boundary equal to yw = 1.3e - 2, yu, = 2.0e - 3, and yw = 2.2e - 4 (width B = 1) and will be designated in what follows respectively by lam-l, lam-2, and lam-3. The performance of these three systems is first evaluated in conjunction with a second-order upwind scheme for convection terms. cellnumber 1.3~2 2.Oe-3 2.2e-4 45512 28767 25865 0.01 0.001 Y$ o.ooo1 (aI @I Figure 4. Near-wall cell thickness versus total number of cells (a); grid system near the deck (b). The reduction of the first cell width involves an increased number of control volumes in the neighbourhood of the wall. The outer part of the computational domain retains the same grid. Figure 4a shows the evolution of the total number. of cells of the model versus near-wall cell thickness. The close-up view of the grid system near the deck is also shown in the case of the most refined mesh (lam-3 Figure 4b). In order to establish a relationship between the grid spacing and the simulated instantaneous flow pattern, Figure 5 shows the time history of the lift force in the range 25.6 < At < 27.6, where the nondimensional time is expressed as t = TUo/B. A number of instants are selected on the time track, and the instantaneous streamline patterns are plotted for each model. The coarsest mesh provides a steady solution, i.e., without fluctuations of the lift force. The flow remains completely attached to the deck on the side surfaces, as shown by the streamline pattern just below the diagram. The other grid systems enable observation of major fluctuations of the lift force. The time history of the lift coefficient CL related to the medium level of refinement appears very regular, suggesting that just one mechanism plays a dominant role in the vortex-shedding process. The flow-pattern visualizations in the left-hand side column confirm the above hypothesis. The separation bubble at the lower surface is very large, but the level of vorticity in the recirculation region seems too low to involve vortex shedding. Consequently, the vortex does not interact with the vortex developing in the near-wake region. Local maxima in the lift track (t = 26.0 807 2D Numerical Simulations I I I I, 0 I I I r 1 ’ I * 1 r yw=l .3e-2 y,=2.0e3 ---.--y,12&4 ------ CL +0.055 - I m : cL lmed yw = 1.3e - 2 yw = 2.Oe - 3 Yw = 2.2e - 4 0 A t = 26.0 t = 26.2 t = 26.2 t = 26.4 t = 26.4 t = 26.7 t = 26.7 Figure 5. Time history of the lift coefficient and instantaneous and t = 26.4) are regularly observed (t = 26.2 and t = 26.7) are related streamlines. when this vortex is shed in the wake. Conversely, to the maximum development of the vortex the minima close to the wall. The grid spacing lam-3 enables detection of a fundamental feature of the flow, namely the interaction and merging between the vortices travelling along the lower surface and the vortices (t = 25.9) and minimum (t = 26.2) emerging at the downstream edges. The first maximum substantially match those simulated by means of the grid lam-2. But subsequently the lift force in the lam-2 model performs one period of oscillation between the instants t = 26.2 and t = 26.7: whereas the CL~ just covers a half period (local maximum at t = 26.7). The streamlines clearly show the merging bubble of the vortices downstream at that moment. surface and the clockwise in the upper area of the deck wake. However, the role played shedding process does not seem to be of primary importance. by these structures The pressure in Figure of the windward The most refined grid also detects distribution 6. These results edge at the upper on the lower surface confirm the differences at the above-mentioned between the models the separation circulating instants lam-2 flow in the vort,exis presented and lam-3. In the the pressure fluctuations are always separated by the sharp corner at x/B = 0.8 When the finest grid is used, the pressure fluctuations move backward, without interaction. reducing the extent of the separation bubble. Owing to the larger amount of vorticity produced at the separation point, the pressure at x/B = 0.8 does not remain constant, but reaches a deep trough when the vortices at the lower surface pass the edge. It should be noted that as former model L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS 808 1 1 CP CP 0.5 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 4 -1.5 -1 ‘. -1.5 J 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 ?IB 1 t , 0 0.2 Figure 6. Instantaneous surface. approximation with sharp is enlarged, case of semibluff distributions major characterized sections, of the pressure coefficient the model just does not involve corners simulates problems by massive XII3 1 process, thus in the simulation of flow around and large-sized conceals leading Cp on the lower one large eddy on the side surface. separation a coarse mesh completely basis of the vortex-formation 0.8 (b) yw = 2.2e - 4. (a) yU = 2.0e - 3. the grid spacing 0.6 0.4 vortices. error. bluff cylinders Instead, in the structures at the A number of grid the small vertical to a fundamental This points is required both in order to ensure a cell size smaller than the smallest vortex length and to prevent an excessive amount of numerical diffusion related to the discretization scheme adopted for the diffusive terms. In order to extend the discussion treatment of the results the model lam-3. is called for. Figure As may be readily of this sort, as has already very important extent, Figure to the integral for the extraction in time and space, a statistical 7a shows the CD and CL time traces appreciated, been pointed flow parameters the signals out by Taylor of meaningful are completely [19], the extent statistical simulated random. of the sampling parameters. To optimize with In a case window is the sampling the computations run as long as the lower Strouhal number Sti remains constant (see 7b). Generally speaking, a sampling extent of 30 nondimensional time units is found to be required in order to assume stationarity affected by the impulsive initial condition, nondimensional of the signal. Since the first ten units are strongly each simulation was conservatively extended to 50 time units. In what follows, the main statistical parameters of the aerodynamic behaviour of the deck are discussed. ‘D-‘L St cD med 0.00 .211 ‘9. I I St, o -0.20 0 10 20 30 40 t 50 10 30 20 (b) (a) Figure 7. Optimization of the extent of sampling-time. 4o At So 2D Numerical Simulations .085 809 St - y,=2.0e-3 .256 St - y,=2.2e-4 Figure 8. Effects of grid spacing on Strouhal number The power spectral lam-2 and lam-3) number). densities The PSD obtained the higher in number. The corresponding mechanisms that numbers (Stz/Stl that that the physical shown in Figure have 8 versus to frequencies This means flow visualizations of the lift coefficient in Figure been frequency Strouhal numbers above. quite different with the experimental value is indicated by Figure by means of error bars. 5 is qualitatively coefficients results in accordance complete obtained between Even though in the computational deviation the description ,102 t- I : : : : :: - :. are the mean the mean values of the : 2.Oe-3 ,.., +.05 ,,: :: 1.3e-2 : : ,076 simulations around CL 2.2e-4 ,_---J~I_~-L1_~__k___. : “ ‘::: : ,(., :“’ Strouhal x 1.67). with experiments. CD 2.0e-3 1.3e-2 shedding of the flow field provided and refers to a very likely situation, are not in close agreement the main one (St,/%, 9. The standard (i.e.. with the from lam-3 are fewer due to the different the ratio from the experimental in Figure In effect of the first frequency unique are physically (models (i.e., Strouhal by three main peaks. multiples remains However, solutions frequency 5. The mean peaks in the PSD obtained described z 2) remains are integer The mean values of the drag and lift coefficients compared for the unsteady the nondimensional from the model lam-2 is characterized peaks correspond superharmonics). (PSD) are plotted +.Ol : 2.2e-4 1 -3”” .,. I : !i. : ‘, -.08 :‘. _______’ ~_____~--___---,_____--------_--_ ‘.., ,,.. : : .’ -.23 :8% :: ‘. T ..:. :“.’ t -3 I .’ I .-. -.29 ,023 -.43 0.001 yfl 0.0001 0.01 (a) Figure 9. Effects of grid spacing on aerodynamic 0.001 (b) coefficients. Yfi 0.0001 810 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS The mean value of the drag coefficient increases consistently with the shear-layer separation and the vortex shedding around the deck. In particular, the drag component involved in the flow circulation in the near-wake area is generally predominant in such quasibluff geometries. In order to relate the drag value and the characteristics of the wake, Figure 10 presents the effect of grid spacing on the across-wind extent of the wake and on the velocity defect at two locations in the wake (0.005B any recirculation, and 0.5B from the trailing edge). The coarsest grid does not predict so that the deck behaviour is close to the one of a fully streamlined and is characterized are quite similar. by a very low drag value. The profiles predicted using the other models The model lam-3 further reduces the velocity defect in the neighbourhood of y/B = 0 and emphasizes the wake extent in the range -0.2 wider separation < y/B < -0.1 because of the bubble at the lower surface of the deck. It may be noted that the results are in good agreement the & section with the computational value approaches the section-model prediction of Larsen [18] using DVM. Even though result, it remains somewhat underestimated. This is certainly due to the absence of deck equipment in the models. I y,+1.3e_2 =1.3~_2 YB I I .._._ : I ’ ’ +0.150 _ - +0.072 +0.043 I I I I 1 0.9 1 Larsen [ 181 a yw = 1.3e_2 _.._..._.___._.. y,=2.Oe-3 ------yw = 2.2e-4 - 0.0 -0.097 -0.150 0.8 0.9 1 0.0 I I 0.4 0.8 (b) U&Jo - x/B (a) 1.2 OS = 1.005. 0.6 0.7 0.8 (c) I&/U0 - x/B = 1.5. Figure 10. Effects of grid spacing on mean z-velocity defect in the wake. Instead, mesh refinement considerably reduces the lift forces acting on the deck. noted that as the grid spacing becomes smaller, the computed & the measured values, and its standard deviation increases. It may be moves out of the range of Hence, mesh refinement enables a qualitative reproduction of the vortex-shedding process but also appears to reduce accuracy in predicting the mean lift force. The same apparent discrepancy may be noted in other 2D simulations (e.g., [21]; see Table 1). Even though Kuroda assumed the same grid spacing near the wall, the error regarding the lift coefficient is somewhat different from the present results. This difference points t,o the dependence of numerical damping both on grid spacing and on the convective scheme. To clarify this aspect, the levels of performance of the finest grid are evaluated in the case where second-order upwind and QUICK schemes are employed. The distributions obtained for the mean Cp and for the std (Cp) are compared in Figure 11. The agreement between the lift coefficient measured and the lift coefficient obtained from the “Yw zz 1.3e - 2-2nd upw” model is seen to be merely fortuitous. From a comparison of the unsteady solutions it is found that as the mesh becomes more refined and the order scheme is higher, the diffusion effect is progressively reduced and does not overcome the very small viscous diffusion of the flow. Hence, the extent of the separation bubble at the lower surface is shortened, and the separated layer past the upper leading edge is better predicted. Despite the major gain in precision that is obtained, the size of the separation bubbles remains somewhat larger than the measured value. Two main limitations remain in 2D laminar simulations. First, it is clear that further refinements of the near-wall mesh or the adoption of higher-discretization schemes do not represent 2D Numerical Simulations lower surface I ’ +0.6 1 ‘n y+3e-2 upwd - 2nd y,=Z.Oe-3 - 2ndupwd 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 8 smuotbflow: tautship model [I 51 hubulent flow: taut strip model [15] turbulent flow: fidi-scale [I 61 I L ---.-- yw=2.2e-4-2ndupwd ----y,=2.%-4 - quick Kmuda [Zl] - yw=2.0c-4 - 5th upwd - .-. upper smfacc 1 1 1 ’ 811 0 . * -. 0.8 x/B 1 0.2 0 0.4 0.8 0.6 x/B 1 Figure 11. Effects of numerical diffusion on mean Cp and std (Cp) distributions. realistic solutions. thickness In fact, (see Figure nificant improvement. diffusive schemes the stability On the other of the aerodynamic that hand, In particular, mechanism towards further higher near-wall about damping Second, in the spanwise frequencies as a result of vortex in the laminar simulations is retained cell any sig- by the highest 11 “yW = 2.2e - 4-QUICK” seems to be no longer assured. diffusion versus does not bring of numerical (see Figure the well-known coefficients refinement the reduction is such that wiggles appear of the computations effects remains. transfer the evolution 9) seems to indicate model), and the failure to model 3D direction stretching and the energy[7] continue to be neglected. 4.2. Statistical Approach The most refined grid selected paper. in the sequel of the present The grid spacing the two-layer obtained model by applying near the wall complies with the requirements the (wall unit y+ = 1). Table 4 summarizes the standard k - E model (STD), for correct application of main integral parameters the RNG model and the Reynolds stress model (RSM). Both the STD and RNG models fail to predict the unsteadiness of the flow. This error can no longer be chiefly put down to the numerical damping that results from the combined effect of grid size and discretization that the reasons formulation scheme on account for the lack of lift fluctuations of the turbulence models of the previous (std (Cn) optimization. = 0) are to be sought adopted. Table 4. Statistical approach: integral parameters. Model CD CL std(C~) St It follows rather in the 812 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS Recently, Shimada and Ishihara [3] have proposed an interesting explanation of the severe limitations of these models in correctly simulating the fluctuating pressure field around elongated rectangular quantity sections. Franke and Rodi [31] argue that 4 can be separated in vortex-shedding flows an instantaneous into C/.)(t)= G + 6 + Cj’ (14) 9’ Indicating by @’ the total fluctuation value $‘, its variance can be expressed (i.e., periodic as 6 plus stochastic 4’) around the time-mean a& = CT;+ a& In particular, the above equation (15) can be rewritten (15) for the velocity component Vi as follows: depends component of the velocity is evaluated by means of the turbulent kinetic energy k to the turbulent viscosity ut. It follows that the value of the variance strictly on the reliability of one of the weakest and most debatable assumptions of the model, namely, the isotropic pressure is not explicitly The stochastic and then related turbulent viscosity modelled itself. Furthermore, in any RANS model, the stochastic component of the so that and std (CL )RANS < std (CL). The statistical periodic where approach fluctuations the relative yields predominate. contribution good results this case the very small eddies observed the stochastic field by the statistical eddy viscosity around an extent in the case of massively without approach. turbulence modelling As a result, these the deck and in the wake. This may damp as to cause the observed The RSM model furnishes separated flow in which These conditions do not apply to the present application, of the stochastic component becomes noticeable. Moreover, in are probably models assumed yield higher the fluctuating in levels of motion to such lack of unsteadiness. an unsteady solution, even though one characterized by an extremely reduced value of the standard deviation of the lift coefficient and a unique Strouhal number (Figure 12a). This frequency content is due to the single eddy in the wake of the deck (Figure 12b). CL I I I I I RSM +0.036 +0.026 5 I I I I I 5.25 5.5 5.75 6 6.25 ,,‘;_p-, ,,,’ .____ +a010 t (a) Figure 12. MM-time ,/ ,_,’ history of lift coefficient (a) and instantaneous (b) streamlines (b). -- _ tcl;3 2D Numerical Simulations the RSM model As a result, pared to the two-equation Leschziner affords closure. [34] for modelling In fact, the above approach to a case that adopted by Lien and turbulent viscosity term = & Ic (_!$!?J$). is once more based upon the concept and the value of the free constant model due to the formalism the turbulent-diffusion D; diffusion improvement in the simulation of the flow as com- scant This is probably Crk = 0.82 is obtained is rather different of isotropic by applying from the present the generalized one, i.e., a plane it. gradient- homogeneous shear flow. 4.3. The Large The adoption substantial Simulation involved albeit somewhat in simulating burdensome, the turbulent is necessary flow around to overcome the GBEB the deck using the approach. of computational Optimization The effects interval of two computational for time advancement Table 5 summarizes parameters the main integral results by the mesh adopted. required the particular than On the other hand, (-40%) scheme in what that change. The results in At markedly convergence the value At = 1.e - 2 is adopted vortex simulated the number for residuals in the subsequent using the largest directly reduces (threshold the param- obtained It follows that of the smallest the increase to reach namely, terms. the above-mentioned differ from one another. time follows, for the convective by varying parameters the characteristic at each step 5.e - 4). For this reason are investigated obtained les-1 and les-2 do not significantly step is still smaller iterations parameters At and the discretization eters; the bold style highlights the models time Approach of the LES approach, difficulties statistical 4.3.1. Eddy of fixed at simulations. Table 5. Computing conditions and integral parameters. Model At Scheme C, les- 1 les-2 l.e-3 l.e-2 2nd up 2nd up 0.10 0.10 les-3 1.e - QUICK 0.10 les-4 1.e - 2 2nd cnt 0.10 In a way similar 2 to the one adopted ! St CD + 0.067 + 0.066 0.272 - 0.113 + 0.075 0.202 -- 0.101 + 0.071 0.124 - 0.164 0.272 - 0.107 0.197 - 0.292 for simulations without turbulence models, the remaining part of this subsection is devoted to clarifying the performance of various discretization in conjunction with LES and to selecting the most efficient scheme for the ensuing compared to the second-order lift force to be increased upwind scheme, and the mean the experimental data. This trend is clarified and the distribution of its standard deviation The differences least as regards between the QUICK the mean Cp distribution the QUICK computed scheme enables the fluctuations value of the lift force to be brought by the distribution in Figure 13. scheme and the second of the mean pressure central scheme of the closer to coefficient are less marked, at the lower surface of the deck. However, bubble at the upper surface is only detected by the second central remains somewhat underpredicted. Another two characteristics schemes runs. As at the separation scheme, even though the suction of the simulated flow argue in favour of the latter convective scheme. The first is the transverse extension of the wake downstream of the deck (see Figure 14a). The profiles obtained from applying the second upwind scheme and the QUICK scheme do 814 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS upper surface lower surface +0.6 i-I I I +l.O I smoothflow: tautstrip model[lS] turbulent flow: tautstripmodel [15] Znd&ind --.-.-’ stick ----2ndcentral - turbulentflow: full-scale [16] 0 ?? + +O.S 0.0 u” -0.5 0 -1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 La x/B 1 - 0.2 0 Figure 13. Cp and std (Cp) distributions 3 Y/B 0.4 0.6 0.8 X/B 1 on the deck. 0.124 0.164 0.197 St - 2nd cent 2.5 +0.150 1 2 ICE 0.0 2 1.5 1 -0.097 -0.150 OS 0.8 0.9 1 0.8 0.9 uJuo x/B 1 0 0.202 J St _ quick - x&3=1.5 (a) Figure 14. Mean r-velocity @I defect in the wake (a); Strouhal number (b). not, substantially differ from one another. Instead, the second central scheme emphasizes the contribution of the vortices ~1 to the velocity defect. The frequency content of the lift force predicted by means of the second central scheme (see Table 5 and Figure 14b) is spread over a wider range (0.1 < St 2 0.2) than the one predicted by the other schemes. This result is hardly surprising if the dispersive effect of the odd-order leading term is borne in mind. Furthermore, the main Strouhal number in the second central simulation is the lower one (St = 0.124), which is related to merging between the vortices at the lower surface and at the leeward edges. Instead, the upwind schemes attribute most of the energy to the higher shedding frequency (St x 0.2), which is exclusively due to the vertical structures emerging at the leading edge. All the above-mentioned characteristics are due to the smaller numerical diffusivity related to the second-order central scheme, and thus, to its capability for describing the effect of the small vertical structures at the lower surface of the deck. For these reasons, the second-order central 815 2D Numerical Simulations scheme seems to be the most adequate conclusions reached by Breuer [42] concerning the case of flow past a circular 4.3.2. The Effects of the subgrid model namely, the so-called application. the numerical This result effects on large-eddy confirms the simulation in cylinder. Smagorinsky developed constant by Smagorinsky introduces Consequently, only one free input parameter: the arbitrariness of the model as compared to the statistical approach k-E model). However, the Smagorinsky (five semiempirical constants are constant plays a very important Smagorinsky is substantially reduced required in the standard one for the present constant Cs. role in LES because its value may considerably affect the turbulent viscosity. The value of Cs has been optimized by several authors in the case of 3D simulations generally subgrid been set at Cs = 0.1. On the other hand, model Generally spect to direct 2D simulations tuning has not been taken speaking, simulation of a subgrid effects of the vertical of the subgrid structures model and potentially in the case of homogeneous of the free parameter c-s into due consideration the presence numerical it is our opinion generally spanwise and has the optimization of the in 2D simulations. makes enables a substantial application fluctuations. model could enable observed that with re- of the LES approach difference to In particular, reproduction in 3D configurations Mean Streamlines an adequate of the characteristic [S]. In order to verify CL 19 21 23 25 21 I 29 +0.20 Wh, ’ 0.050 p%l -0.192 -OS0 0.075 0.100 0.125 Figure 15. Time histories of CL and mean streamlines. 816 L. BRUNO the advisability of such a procedure, AND S. KHRIS a number of values of the Smagorinsky constant in the range 0.05 I Cs i: 0.2 were tested for the present case study. Figure 15 compares the time histories of the lift coefficient in the range 19 5 t 5 29 and the mean streamlines obtained by applying a selected number of Cs values. The value Cs = 0.1 represents a watershed for the quantities examined. As the value of the Smagorinsky constant exceeds 0.1-0.125, (i) the separation bubble at the lower surface is abruptly reduced (0.125 5 Cs < 0.15); (ii) the merging of the vortices wl and 212(see Figure 1) vanishes; (iii) the mean value of the lift coefficient increases; (iv) the oscillations of the the lift coefficient diminish; and (v) the time history of the lift coefficient approaches a perfect sinusoid (Cs = 0.2). Instead, as the value of the Smagorinsky constant becomes smaller than 0.125-0.1, the evolution previously observed is not altogether respected. In particular, (9 the length of the separation bubble at the lower surface gradually reduces (0.05 < Cs 0.125); (ii) the recirculating zone downstream of the upper windward edge appears; (iii) the mean value of the lift coefficient increases; (iv) the fluctuations of the lift coefficient diminish; and (v) the frequency content of the lift coefficient appears to spread over a larger range in t;he direction of the higher frequencies. To provide a better description of these trends and to clarify the reasons behind them, the step in the variation of the value of Cs is further reduced. 0.10 _________-_____-____---------________-_ 0.09 0.081~ I 0,102 actual computation 0 section model [ 141 ~ tautstrip model [15] ------ Ticks The evolution of the drag and lift +O.l I 3 f T,TT -0.1 -0.3 :ImTl fji -0.5 .050 .075 .lOO ,125 .150 (b) CL. (a) CD. 0 0 0 m:o 0 80 Q ~____________~______-_-_? 0 00 ?? 0.158 • ___~~~~~~~~__ 0 00 _---~_a-a_____---_Q_~-___________-____. 0.109 0 0 .050 .075 .lOO .125 ,150 cs .200 (c) St Figure 16. Effects of CS on the aerodynamic bers. +O.Ol __ ___ _ _ _ _________________________-0.08 coefficients and on the Strouhal num- cs .200 2D Numerical coefficients The and of the Strouhal discontinuities so revealing a significant range increases. the simulated Strouhal numbers positive At the lowest delineate range three variation 16. of Cs the in the global the values coefficients: measured that bound as of thP for Cs > 0.140 in wind-tunnel tests. 17 and 18 makes it possible aerodynamic behaviour to identify of the deck and to for the Cs value. can be observed. the aerodynamic emerging and the interaction confirms in the range 0.075 < Cs < 0.095. main ranges due to the vortices at high frequencies, values out and the upper of the aerodynamic do not at all match is obtained of the pressure lift forces characterize in Figure at Cs z 0.145. The diagram (0.2 5 Cs 5 0.145) the flow is fully attached fluctuations flow is exclusively is more spread on the deck surface in Figures for the aforesaid In the upper content with the diagrams the best agreement schematically no significant parameter. appear the best agreement with the experimental measurements. The is obtained by evaluating the reduced frequencies corresponding the frequency Consistently The mean Cp distribution the reasons to this are plotted clearly peaks in the PSD of the lift force for each simulation. the value of Cs decreases, Once again, constant of CD and CL evolutions case sensitivity present numbers 817 versus the Smagorinsky in the evolutions aerodynamic parameters evolution of the Strouhal to the main numbers Simulations behaviour of the deck. The unsteadiness at the downstream between to the wall of the deck, and Low values of the drag coefficient corners. eddies is restricted The vortices to the upper and of the are shed and lower ones in the near wake. At values of the Smagorinsky constant in the range 0.140 5 Cs < 0.115, the separation bubble at the lower surface is predicted even though its length is largely overestimated. For Cs = 0.140 the value of std (Cp) is very low at x/B = 0.8, which indicates that there is not yet any interaction between the vortices interaction w1 and 212. As the value of the Smagorinsky is set up and increases progressively; however, constant if we examine is further reduced. the Strouhal numbers we find that vortex merging does not yet represent the main mechanism in vortex shedding. The flow at the upper surface still remains attached to the wall. The drops in the pressure distributions, again on the upper surface, can be explained by considerations that regard the upper surface 1 I 1 smooth flow: taut’strip model ‘[15] turbulent flow: taut strip model [15] turbulent flow: full-scale -1.5 I 0 I 0.2 1 I 0.4 Figure 0.6 0.8 xlB 1 17. Cp and std (Cp) distributions I I 0 0.2 on the deck-Q 0.4 2 0.1 0.6 [161 O8 x/B’ 818 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS lowermface uppersurface +O.b 3 i +0.4 +0.2 - , smooth flow: taut stripmodel [151 0 turbulent flow:tautstripmodel[IS] c,=0.050 -.-.-. CszO.065 ---.-C, = 0.075 C,=O.O85 -----c, =0.095 ----c, =O.loo - 0 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.6 xlB ?? turbulent flow: full-scale [lb] 0 1 Figure 18. Cp and std (Cp) distributions energy conservation of the flow. Finally, Cs = 0.05, the suction measurements. subranges of shedding experimental From mind an overall may be identified: 0.05 < Cs < 0.1; the upper analysis constant. the expression Smagorinsky frequencies constant The of the results above of the subgrid-scale increases, results, observed 0.8 I a 5 0.1. constant is reduced it matches past the leading the first range from Cs = 0.1 to the experimental edge. corresponds Three closely main to the range (St x 0.2) remains quite constant as Cs bound of the third range constantly increases it is possible to interpret for Cs > 0.1 are hardly eddy viscosity the subgrid 0.6 so much that the flow is separated one (0.11 < St < 0.16); the second varies in the range as Cs decreases. Smagorinsky surface, diminishes 0.4 on the deck-Cs as the Smagorinsky at the lower surface On the upper 0.2 + uses eddy viscosity the effects surprising (equations (9) and (10)). is progressively of the if we bear in As the overestimated, and its diffusion effect obscures the small-scale eddies at the root of the unsteadiness of the flow. It should be pointed out that the effects of the Smagorinsky constant in this range of values are similar to the effects of the numerical diffusion due to the grid spacing and the discretization schemes investigated above. For Cs < 0.1, the subgrid eddy viscosity is progressively underestimated. As a result, not only the diffusive effects fail to conceal the small eddies but also higher frequency fluctuations are introduced in the 2D simulation. The spectrum of the 2D computations, which is generally confined within a narrow band [7], is artificially extended over a wider band. This obviously leads to the above-mentioned higher Strouhal number, but also affects the energy-transfer mechanism. In fact, in 3D simulations a number of three-dimensional features of the flow (such as, vortex stretching and longitudinal eddies in the wake) play an important role in the energy cascade, subtracting an important amount of energy from the transverse flow. Of course, these energytransfer mechanisms cannot be simulated exactly in 2D analysis, but their overall effects can be replaced by a reduced value of the Smagorinsky constant. On the other hand, this approach introduces into the flow field a number of small-sized high-frequency disturbances (wavelets) clearly revealed by the distribution of the mean pressure coefficient (see Figure 18, in particular for Cs = 0.05). In this sense, the effects of the smallest value of Cs are similar to those involved in the numerical dispersion of certain discretization schemes. 2D Numerical Simulations +0.15 0.0 -0.15 Figure 19. Effects of Cs on the mean velocity defect in the wake x JB = 1.5. The evolution constant of the mean (see Figure maximum amount (Cs < 0.1). of subgrid in 2D simulations hand, a direct here proposed 4.4. the above x/B = 1.5 versus the Smagorinsky explanation. (Cs > 0.1) nor dispersed phenomena The wake reaches is neither in a wider have the same effect on the mean between it follows that for the case study. diffused band its by an spectrum velocity in the the curves. a Cs value in the range However, the simplified 0.65 < Cs < 0.75 is more geometry of the deck does a final verdict to be issued. On the one hand, the small number of nodes obtained by the barriers has made possible a number of extended and useful parametric studies. On the other enable eddy viscosity both obtained in the wake at at Cs = 0.1, i.e., when the flow energy from the correspondence From the results not enable neglecting defect seem to confirm extension In particular, wake, as emerges suitable 19) would across-wind excessive velocity Effects the failure comparison to meet the experimental with the experimental or a clear singling-out of Deck conditions data, for the equipment a complete of the effects of the barriers validation on the physics does not of the approach of the flow. Equipment In order to overcome the above-mentioned difficulties, in what follows the deck equipment is introduced into the model. The close-up view of the mesh generated around the fully equipped section is shown in Figure 20b. The near-wall cell thickness is set at yW = 3.le - 4B. Modelling of the barriers involves an important increase in the number of cells (76564, +68% as compared to the lam-3 grid). To enable an appreciation of the computational resources involved, Figure 20a summarizes the evolution of CPU time versus cell number in LES simulations (HP j6000-1 proc. PA8600 552 MHz, SPECfp2000 l.oetS (4 l.o& 433). The 2D detailed model (11 days for a computer l.cle+7 (b) Figure 20. CPU time versus cell number (a); grid system near the detailed deck (b). run involv- 820 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS turbulentflow: raut stripmodel[IS] turbulent flow: full-scale[16] -1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 xlB 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 x/B I Figure 21. Effects of CS on Cp and std (Cp) distributions on the detailed deck ing 5000 time steps) is certainly more time-consuming than the basic one (six days). It follows that the advisability of introducing deck equipment must be carefully evaluated against the gain in accuracy. On the other hand, the extension of the same grid system in the spanwise direction (3D simulation, spanwise dimension of the computational increases the required computational computational domain set at 1 chord length B) markedly resources (CPU time of 44 years). It is evident that such a commitment is out of the question in the case of parametric studies or industrial applications. The above data confirm the importance of developing computational alternative to 3D simulations in these fields. approaches First of all, the parametric study on the effect of the Smagorinsky constant in 2D-LES computations is applied to the detailed deck in order to detect with a greater degree of precision the optimal Cs value for the case study. The analysis is restrictedly performed on the most suitable values of Cs previously selected in the basic simulations. Figure 21 shows the distribution of the mean pressure coefficient and the distribution of its standard deviation on the deck. The effects of the Smagorinsky constant previously observed in the basic geometry (see Figures 17 and 18) is generally confirmed. However, the results in some crucial areas of the deck indicate that the value Cs = 0.075 is the most suitable one. In fact, at Cs = 0.065 the length of the recirculating area on the lower surface is underestimated, and instabilities increase behind the barriers at the upper surface. The disagreement between the experimental measurements and the computational results remains at the lower surface in the range 0 < x/B < 0.2. If it is borne in mind that the anisotropy of the turbulence in the forebody region is probably the cause of this disagreement, it is hardly surprising that the Smagorinsky subgrid scale model proves its insufficiency. The models that yielded the most satisfactory results in the previous simulations (namely, the laminar approach, the Reynolds stress model, and the large eddy simulation with Cs = 0.075) are applied in what follows to the detailed deck. Table 6 compares the main integral parameters of the flow resulting from models with and without barriers. The results obtained using the RSM model are of less interest than the validation of the computational approach and do not provide a significant physical insight into the flow. Nevertheless, 821 2D Numerical Simulations Table 6. Integral parameters with and without barriers. Figure 22. RSM model: lines (b). they are briefly regarding history commented the weakness upon of the deck. These small-amplitude only It follows that pates the periodic The comparison from barrier equipment phenomena. the hypothesis streamlines by a transient phase shedding the statistical The stochastic induced perturbations (St = 4.68). The final of the leeward side proves its capability for from the ensemble-averaged complex considerably 22a), in the wake solution. downstream approach by small-scale, the eddy viscosity in the near- (see Figure shedding in the stationary formulated 22 shows the time and only the high-frequency remain due to vortex Once again, as the perturbations field. to highlight 22b. vanish, fluctuations stream- 12, Figure view of the instantaneous is characterized progressively = 0.001) in Figure periodic fluctuation-such turbulent fluctuations As in Figure of the lift force are due to vortex of the flow is exclusively as shown detecting fluctuations (std (CL) unsteadiness solution (a) and instantaneous follows in order to confirm approach. and the close-up The computational in which the low-frequency barriers, in what of the statistical of the lift coefficient wake region. time track of lift coefficient eddies-are increases assumed in the and progressively dissi- fluctuation. of the results the differences modelling. obtained related from the laminar to flow modelling, As may be readily on the aerodynamic coefficients and LES approaches as well as the common appreciated from Table may be summarized makes it possible trend 6, the main that results effects of the as follows: (a) rise in the drag force; (b) drop in the mean value of the lift force and its fluctuations; (c) wider band of the lift spectrum (St). A previous work [12] has demonstrated that the contribution of small-sized items of equipment to bridge aerodynamics is primarily due to interference effects between the items of equipment and the deck. In what follows, these interference effects (i.e., regarding the neighbourhood phenomena will be further of the items of equipment) distinguished and global as local effects. As for the mean drag coefficient, the increase in its value due to the barriers is approximately the same in both the laminar and LES approaches (ACD x 30%). Such a major increase cannot be related to the direct contribution due to the details. Instead, we shall focus our attention on the contribution of the base region of the deck. 822 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS Y/B . Larsen [I S] +0.150 +0.072 +0.043 0.0 -0.097 -0.150 Ian-,-b= -.-.-- lam_det les-bas ----les-de.t - -0.300 0.8 0.9 0.0 1 Figure 23. Velocity Figure wake. width 23 shows the mean velocity The details increase of the deck. sense, the presence of the details it is to be pointed approaches leads to rather between drag value, 0.8 0.9 1 UJU, - x/B=l.S the width between the overall the introduction predictions lines at different locations in the of the wake at x/B = 1.005 and the vortices which closely increases out that different 0.7 defect along two straight the distance a higher 0.8 - x/B=1.005 defect in the wake: basic and detailed deck the ratio As a result, the deck experiences Finally, 0.4 UJU, x/B of different matches sign is augmented, the experimental degree of bluffness of the barriers of the abscissa data. and In this of the section. in the laminar of the local maximum and LES defect along the straight line at x/B = 1.5. In the laminar simulations the velocity defect due to the barriers is not diffused along the wake, and the local velocity minimum is aligned with the upper surface. Instead, in LES the modelling and a less regular the same cause of the barriers involves a downturn of the local velocity minimum profile of the mean velocity as the reduction U,. The above phenomenon would appear to have in the lift coefficient and in the lower bound of the Strouhal range. In order to provide the longitudinal a comprehensive component explanation of the velocity of the above results, U, and of the vorticity the mean w along x/B = 0.328 are shown in Figure 24. The profile of the mean longitudinal upper surface (y/B > 0.039) in Figure 24b confirms’that the velocity defect to the barriers, which also shed a certain amount of vorticity in their profiles the straight of line velocity over the in the wake is due wake (Figure 24~). The most surprising results concern the lower side area. On account of the blockage effect of the upwind side barriers, the velocity increases over the lower side of the deck as compared to the case of the basic geometry (see Figure 24d). As the velocity U, outside the outer boundary layer at the separation point increases, the instantaneous flux of vorticity also increases according to the relation where ub is the corresponding velocity from the base to the same point. Hence, the vorticity shed downstream of the separation bubble is higher and more concentrated (see Figure 24e). Consequently, the vorticity, convected along the lower surface of the deck, moves downstream of the maximum velocity defect in the wake. Furthermore, the increased velocity of the flow involves a deeper suction on the lower surface of the deck (see Figure 25) both in the laminar simulation (0.55 < x/B < 0.65) and in the LES simulation (0.2 < x/B < 0.4). The more concentrated vorticity reduces the length of the separation bubble and enables the LES simulation to make Both phenomena are indirectly a correct prediction of the experimental pressure distribution. 823 2D Numerical Simulations j : lesdet les-bas -----+0.072 +0.039 0.0 - I I I I 0 0.1 0.2 I I I 0.328 0.4 0.5 x/B (4 H I 1: ,’ __-’ +0.039 0.0 0.5 1 UJU, - xAM.328 -75 6.1 - (b) 0.0 I ,,I: ‘-,- -0.097 -0.15 r?% /’ : 0.0 +7s x/B=O.328 (c) 0.5 1 I -75 i : : 1, , -0.15 +75 ___4-----___c : ---___ -0.097 ---- -_ --y_ : -\ j 0.0 ,A- . _* .’ I--::1 UJU, - xAkO.328 o - x/B=O.328 (4 (e) Figure 24. Effects of Cs on the aerodynamic coefficients and on the Strouhal numbers. involved by the barriers the barriers in the pressure upwind and contribute edge, distribution. reducing In particular, the pressure std (C,) distribution on the upper the local and the global effects. Finally, numbers. to reducing also have local effects on the upper the upwind fluctuations surface). the value of the lift coefficient. surface, which involve side barrier predicted The mean local maxima reattaches in the basic streamlines the flow past the configuration in Figure Of course, and minima (see the 26a confirm both the barriers also affect the mechanism of the vortex-formation process and the Strouhal Once again it is possible distinguish direct (i.e., local) phenomena and interaction The former effects can be identified in the classical Karman vortex (i.e., global) ph enomena. streets in the wake of the circular barriers. This kind of shedding is probably responsible for the higher frequency content of the lift force (see Figure 26b) in the detailed configuration (St from 0.317 to 0.333). However, somewhat surprisingly the barriers also affect the lower bound of the Strouhal number range, namely, the shedding frequency related to the interaction between the a24 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS +0.6 I I I 1 flow:tautshipmodel StKdl 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 xlB 0 1 Figure 25. Cp and std (Cp) distributions 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 [ 151 0.8 x/B I 1 on the basic and detailed deck les-has .105 .141 ,186 ,211 ,235 ,317 St - h-bps 0.8s b 0.6 1 bl bu les-det B 0.4 0.0 B98.122 .186.211 (a) vr that ,333 St - ksdct (b) Figure 26. Mean streamlines deck. vortices ,260 (a) and frequency content of CL (b): basic and detailed are shed from the separation bubble and the vortices vz that emerge past the leeward edge. As a result of the reduction in the length of the bubble b&.. (see Figure 26a), the vortices ~1 translate along a greater length to reach the leeward edge and to merge into the vortices reduced ~2. Thus, the shedding period becomes longer and the associated Strouhal number from 0.105 2 St < 0.141 (without barriers) to 0.098 2 St < 0.122 (with barriers). 4.5. Flow Around the Deck with is Angle of Attack The goal of the simulations presented herein is to provide a further validation of the proposed 2D approach based upon the modified value of the Smagorinsky constant Cs = 0.075. The aerodynamic behaviour of the GBEB deck has been experimentally angles of attack. The mean pressure distribution on the deck measured by Reinhold et al. [14] is available in the literature 125) for an incidence below). investigated at various in the wind-tunnel tests of 6 degrees (wind from - 2D Numerical 8 2 I, Simulations upper surface 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0 x/B 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 I I x/E I lower surface I -I lower surface (b) (4 Figure 27. Cp and std (Cp) distributions The same setup was assumed the Smagorinsky subgrid by Enevoldsen scale model. on the basic and detailed deck Q = + 6’ et al. [25] in both 2D and 3D LES simulations In the computational simulations, the turbulence using level of the incoming flow was set at zero, and the value of the Smagorinsky constant was set at 0.18. Although Thorbek [28] states that the details were modelled in both 2D and 3D simulations. the local effects of the barriers Figure cannot be found in the pressure 27a). The 3D simulation Figure 27b compares out barriers. substantially the results It follows that of the details-combined improves of the present an adequate study distribution the results obtained scheme constant and a refined surface (see using the 2D model. using 2D models value of the Smagorinsky with a numerical at the upper obtained with and with- and careful grid yielding modelling low dissipation-can overcome the limitations of 2D LES simulation. In particular, the 2D model ensures the same level of accuracy as 3D simulations, while the computational costs are considerably reduced. 5. CONCLUSIONS The aim of the present vertical structures The first around paper has been to discuss a quasi-bluff part was devoted bridge to a critical This was followed by a closer investigation flow around the Great Belt East Bridge the reliability review of currently into the various deck. of 2D numerical simulation of deck. available studies mechanisms The numerical simulations on the topic. involved in the unsteady have shed some light 826 L. BRUNO AND S. KHRIS on the essential Strouhal The third studies, physical numbers of the capacity of a number approach, a reduced speaking, the small-scale, models assume 4.3.1. (vortex cell thickness dependence dissipates the periodic for the convective Moreover, enabling stretching, The overall upon In particular, the case study. model accuracy fluxes in detail. schemes are required to diffusion. do not properly the relevance simulate was confirmed by the parametric of the value of the Smagorinsky vortices) spanwise of using low-diffusive makes it possible that are generally to take into due account Notwithstanding 2D model to fix an optimal the effects of physical observed is comparable effort is considerably reduced. in value for phenomena in the case of 3D separated with the accuracy In principle, the encouraging of 3D sim- a postetiori the method by Diez and Egozcue [43]. Additional properties can be recovered in [44]. the global effects of the barriers to separated-type reported in the subgrid fluctuations. of the optimised the the proposed discretiza- analysis constant Finally, the important role of deck equipment in bridge aerodynamics the increased computational effort, modelling of the barriers is strongly research the In the laminar fluctuations The investigation estimates can be developed exploiting concerning convergence and stability this approach of parametric For each approach, of the turbulence the LES 2D model to take into account while the computational in extending mechanisms. was examined. diffusive numerical models the multiple vortex-shedding by means of a number and high-order approach, the influence longitudinal flows with homogeneous ulations, to simulate the ensemble-averaged scale model was studied this constant, to a clarification, of the computational to the large eddy simulation schemes Section formation. to distinct complex eddies at the root of the vortex-formation process. 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