2007 Special Sales Award Recognition Section
2007 Special Sales Award Recognition Section
SPECI A L IN SE R T SECTION 2 0 07 To p Pr P ro d u c e r s Platinum Level Achiever Residential Sales Exceeding 300 Units MiChAEl holtoRf Equity brokerage Services MAtt GARRiSon Coldwell banker Residential brokerage lEilA zAMMAttA Magellan Realty llC ArthuR CiRiGnAni CCiM Chicago Realty Partners, ltd. ChRiStoPhER fEuRER Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate RobErt PiCCiARiEllo CPA Prello Realty Group RAlPh olivA Coldwell banker Residential Gold Level Achiever Residential Sales between 180 - 299 Units Art CollAzo Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate MARio GRECo Rubloff Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® RoMAn CiRiGnAni Chicago Realty Partners, ltd. 2 AbE Ayoub RAbAh Great Street Properties, inc. SCott GRAdEn @properties JEffREy lowE Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Platinum Level Achiever Exceeding $100 Million in Sales MiChAEl holtoRf Equity brokerage Services JEffREy lowE Century 21 Sussex & Reilly lEilA zAMMAttA Magellan Realty llC ChRiStoPhER fEuRER Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate MARio GRECo Rubloff RobErt PiCCiARiEllo CPA Prello Realty Group RAlPh olivA Coldwell banker Residential Gold Level Achiever $ 60 - $99 Million in Sales No Photo Available thoMAS wEEKS Related Midwest Sales llC MAtt GARRiSon Coldwell banker Residential brokerage JEnnifER AMES Coldwell banker Residential brokerage SCott bERG berg Properties Art CollAzo Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate 3 ChRiS bRodERiCK Consumers Choice Realty, inc. bARbARA o’ConnoR baird & warner 2007 Sales Recognition Section Silver Level Achiever Residential Sales between 100 - 179 Units ChRiS GAry PAMElA bRodERiCK wEGlARz CiRiGnAni Consumers Choice Realty, inc. Applebrook Realty, inc. SCott bERG SAlly CRAChy GRACE SERGio berg Properties Applebrook Realty, inc. Sergio & banks baird & warner the lake Shore drive Group @properties @properties thoMAS wEEKS KAREn biAzAR MARiAM hARPuR lindA o’donnEll Cindy MolitoR dAn floRiAn AMy SEttiCh KAthlEEn KRiSt-KRuEGER Related Midwest Sales llC north Clybourn Group, inc. new west Realty inc. RE/MAX Signature new west Realty inc. RE/MAX 1st Class Realty new west Realty inc. Krist-Krueger Realty Savills (l&P) inc. bARbARA tiMothy JoE Anthony o’ConnoR bloMquiSt ziMMERMAn MAdoniA No Photo Available dAnA MiChAEl diPASquAlE bERG baird & warner berg Properties Silver Level Achiever $ 40 - $59 Million in Sales JoAnnE liSA nEMERovSKi MAdoniA Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate SCott GRAdEn @properties @properties iRiS AdE MCl Management Corporation dAnA diPASquAlE baird & warner KAREn biAzAR EMily tiMothy KAthlEEn JoE SAChS wonG ShEAhAn KRiSt-KRuEGER ziMMERMAn north Clybourn Koenig & Strey Group, inc. GMAC Real Estate Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Krist-Krueger Realty JAnEt owEn RiChARd KASPER AMy SEttiCh Sudler Sotheby international Realty Century 21 Sussex & Reilly new west Realty inc. No Photo Available ArthuR Anthony CiRiGnAni MAdoniA CCiM @properties Chicago Realty Partners, ltd. ArthuR SlAvEn MiChAEl bERG niCholAS niCholAS PAPPAS ColAGiovAnni Centrum Properties, inc. berg Properties draper & Kramer Residential Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® 4 baird & warner @properties Bronze Level Achiever Residential Sales between 50 - 99 Units No Photo Available No Photo Available tiMothy MAnoJ ShEAhAn MuKKAdA Keller williams Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Realty - west loop AndRE bEnnEtt Royal Crest Realty, inc. JASon vondRAChEK quest Realty Group PAtRiCiA RodRiGuEz dream town Realty todd SiEGEl CPA MlS Connect inc. ArthuR SlAvEn Centrum Properties, inc. bREndA tAbAK Coldwell banker Residential GREGory wilSon Amalgamated Real Estate niCholAS ColAGiovAnni baird & warner Robin w. MinER @properties bARbARA thouvEnEll P.R.S. Associates, inc. niCholAS SiGnoREllo Signorello Realty, inc. JAnEllE dEnniS @properties EdwARd JElinEK Coldwell banker Residential brokerage No Photo Available RiChARd fRAnCESCA KASPER CAwlEy Century 21 Koenig & Strey Sussex & Reilly GMAC Real Estate PAul ChASon JAb Real Estate, inc. JEnnifER AMES Coldwell banker Residential brokerage dAvid wolf @properties GEoRGE vlASiS George vlasis Realty J. KiRK dARlinG MetroPro Curt RAtCliff @properties MARC bulAndR Sociohomes No Photo Available dAnA AlESSAndRA GERStEnSChlAGER hAlliburton GRi @properties MArthA JAnEt fitzPAtRiCK KlEin CRS AbR SRES Koenig & Strey Koenig & Strey halli Enterprises llC GMAC Real Estate GMAC Real Estate hASAni StEElE @properties RonAld bRAnCh Rlb Realty Group, inc. RobErt John AndERSon baird & warner PhilliP buoSCio buoscio brokerage inc. MiChEllE bRownE Rubloff PEtER MEldinA tortoREllo KoRAdziC Koenig & Strey investor Meldina GMAC Real Estate Realty Group Bronze Level Achiever $ 30 - $39 Million in Sales No Photo Available GRACE SERGio Sergio & banks bEth wEXnER @properties fRAnCESCA nAtAShA ChEzi CAwlEy MotEv RAfAEli Coldwell banker Koenig & Strey Koenig & Strey Residential brokerage GMAC Real Estate GMAC Real Estate PAtRiCiA RodRiGuEz dream town Realty ElizAbEth bAlliS AbR CRS GRi Coldwell banker Residential brokerage dAniEl GliCK AbR GRi @properties RobErt MEREdith MAnni MESERow John AndERSon Koenig & Strey baird & warner GMAC Real Estate PAMElA KAthERinE MAnoJ iAn tRiCiA foX nAoMi JERi RuEvE ChEz Keller williams Gold wilKinSon dry MuKKAdA SChwArtz Coldwell banker Keller williams Coldwell banker Coast REAltoRS® Magellan Realty Coldwell banker Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Realty - west loop Residential Residential brokerage Residential brokerage llC Cindy MolitoR new west Realty inc. Robin w. MinER @properties lindA lEvin Jameson Realty Group MARiAM hARPuR new west Realty inc. dAvid wolf @properties KEvin wood Rubloff AbE Ayoub RAbAh Great Street Properties, inc. JEnnifER hEAthER tiMothy nAnCy JoyCE AbR CRS MillS bilAndiC SAlM Koenig & Strey Koenig & Strey Koenig & Strey Century 21 Sussex & Reilly GMAC Real Estate GMAC Real Estate GMAC Real Estate 5 2007 Sales Recognition Section Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume RESIDENTIAL SALES EXCEEDING 40 UNITS Kathleen Ryan Kathleen A. Ryan Realty Siamak Jahangiri Mak Realty Group, inc. Chris Sears Coldwell banker Residential Joanne nemerovski Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Steven Acoba Keller williams lincoln Park Chezi Rafaeli Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Mary bowler @properties Genna hill @properties Richard divito @properties Patrick devereux Coldwell banker Residential Jonathan Strauss Premier Real Estate ventures Colette Connelly Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Jennifer Mills Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Kevin Knepp Keller williams Realty west loop Ryan d’Aprile d’Aprile Realty Aaron Galvin MlS Plus Realty Michael vesole @properties Madelaine Gerbaulet-vanasse MetroPro Stephanie Cutter Coldwell banker Residential Kathryn belongia Jameson Realty Group Edward Enright homesellers Realty norbert Mika ERA Realife Realty Arcenio Salinas Crosstown Realty lisa Madonia @properties Joseph betancourt betancourt Realty larry Anoman Anoman and Associates ian Schwartz Coldwell banker Residential david Mahoney Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Rigoberto Garcia Grinker & Garcia Real Estate brett novack Jameson Realty Group tatiana Rea @properties dan Cvejic Century 21 C.P Realty Elizabeth Goodchild weichert REAltoRS® Goodchild homes Pamela Rueve Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Seth vamos Get Realty nadine ferrata Coldwell banker Residential daryl Russell williamson Realty Jill hare dream town Realty RESIDENTIAL SALES 30 - 39 UNITS Sybil Martin Coldwell banker Residential brokerage wayne Caplan Sheldon Good brokerage, llC beata Gaska Century 21 McMullen daniel Glick AbR GRi @properties Jack Stempien RE/MAX City REAltoRS® Phillip Ciaccio domus Group, llC tom leko Coldwell banker Residential brokerage linda levin Jameson Realty Group Kimberly Jones baird & warner deborah wood Coldwell banker Residential Peter boland @properties Michael Ezgur terrapin Realty, llC Scott whelan Century 21 Sussex & Reilly lisa Maria McMillan frankel, Giles & Associates Karl whittenbarger @properties Chester Jakala telesis Corporation toni herlo herlo Realty inc. Melissa Govedarica Sergio & banks Phyllis Smith Coldwell banker leader Realty ted Mortellaro Keller williams lincoln Park blanche Murges Rubloff Agata bak Chicago town Realty & development Kyle Johnson CCiM Rockford Realty, llC natasha Motev Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate terri Mcauley @properties dennis huyck @properties Margie Smigel MetroPro deborah hess new Chicago Real Estate Erik Sachs Rpv Realty Joseph Paradiso Paradiso Real Estate Services Susan Casty Sudler Sotheby international Realty Maria Castillo Mi Casa Real Estate inc. beth wexner @properties theodore Sveda Jr. American invsco Realty Michael battista Jameson Realty Group Marti Corcoran Century 21 McMullen Ginger bonneau @properties Janet Robertson Century 21 McMullen Santiago Moreno @properties tawnya Mcvicker @properties Chelton blackburn Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Andrea Serban Mox Realty Renata lakomska RE/MAX City REAltoRS® Marianne Piazzi Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Emily Sachs wong Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate nohmee Johannesson Chicago Real Estate ii inc. Susan wooten Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate naomi wilkinson Magellan Realty llC beverly Johnson betts Realty Group, P.C Catherine Steigmann @properties Jeffrey Proctor @properties Kathleen fote @properties Joseph thouvenell P.R.S. Associates, inc. Ann woodward Coldwell banker Residential walter Stunard Rubloff inc. nestor Apreda RE/MAX forest City wendy lee Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Kevin dembinsky Second City Realty iris Ade MCl Management Corporation Karen breen Elia CRS GRi AbR RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Jason Stratton Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Judith Pielet Rubloff Marc Shudnow RE/MAX 1st Class Realty bessie Alvarez @properties Michael Rosenblum Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Scott Sasse quest Realty Group George Schultz @properties Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® brian Grossman @properties Cam benson CRb CRS Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Scott hoskins CMK Realty Elizabeth ballis AbR CRS GRi Coldwell banker Residential brokerage James Kramer Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Jeanine wheeler @properties thomas feddor Keller williams Chicago Properties - Riv 6 John Kubacki RE/MAX Signature vincent Milito @properties Sam Shaffer Chicago Properties, inc. Michael bennett Michael bennett Phil byers Keller williams lincoln Park Jack Guest CPA Century 21 McMullen Richard bloom zip Realty, inc. Mark Miles dream town Realty Continued on page 8 Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Continued from page 6 neil Sy Jameson Realty Group Salvador Gonzalez Mi Casa Real Estate, inc. Robert buhrow Major Enterprises, inc. ivan Mariduena Jennings Realty, inc. RESIDENTIAL SALES 26 - 29 UNITS timothy Salm Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Janice Smith Janice A. Smith & Associates Greg Allen Eldridge @properties oanh vo-liu Keller williams lincoln Park daniel Pape hudson Parker Realty RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $24 Million linda lee tuggle urban Search Chicago Michele Shear AbR @properties beverly bahm dream town Realty nadine ferrata Coldwell banker Residential GeorgeCios north branch Properties inc. Caryn Miller CRS GRi zip Realty, inc. Christian nalls Metropolitan Property brokers Gary weglarz Applebrook Realty, inc. Jefferey dyra itown Realty Rory lemass Century 21 Sussex & Reilly david Kipnis Coldwell banker Residential holly bergren Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Claudia Jones Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Peter tortorello Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Alice tse landmark & Property Group, inc. bill Erdman Century 21 Kmiecik, REAltoRS® Gustavo lopez G & R Realty, inc. Janet fitzpatrick Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate yogev yedlin dream town Realty Pablo Galarza RE/MAX Select dena Rychtanek Exit V o lRealty u m e Gold 17 •Coast June/July ivona Kutermankiewicz Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate tina feldstein Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Paul Gorney Sudler Sotheby international Realty dean Moss Keller williams fox Patrick Ryan @properties Michael Shenfeld Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate treanna Evans 2 0MetroPro 08 Jason vondrachek quest Realty Group brad lippitz brad lippitz Real Estate Group Suzanne Gignilliat Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate John Mcnaughton Prudential Preferred Properties daniel vianna @properties Kiel bisceglia @properties Kathleen Menighan Prudential Preferred Properties Christopher Pagano Coldwell banker Residential Eileen Kravitz baird & warner Robert Keleghan CCiM Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Anne Connolly @properties Kristi Gunther RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Gretchen Spillane buyside Realty, inc. david Camp Keller williams lincoln Park Millie Rosenbloom baird & warner diane Silverman urban Search Chicago daniel Merrion City Point Realty llC Mark Goldberg Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Jennifer vogel Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Craig isacson @properties Sophia Klopas Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Alex zupancic @properties John Robinson Century 21 Sussex & Reilly John Sfickas Moran & Associates debbie Maue AbR CiPS CRS GRi Rubloff lindsey Reisenfeld Keller williams lincoln Park Joseph Schiller Rubloff Julie Anderson GRi RE/MAX Select david nimick Keller williams lincoln Park Edward Schwind Schwind Realty & development Phillip Rossi buyside Realty, inc. Ruksana Kazemzadeh Rubloff lawanda brown lb brokers, inc. Michael Cohen RE/MAX Edge Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® brant booker Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Ken Jungwirth Rubloff Melanie Giglio Sergio & banks Alexis Eldorrado Eldorrado Chicago Real Estate Joseph lee Royal Crest Realty, inc. 8 RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $26 Million lois white GRi lois white Realty thomas Moran Sudler Sotheby international Realty Renata williamson Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate frank Chiappetta Avenue 1 Realty Group, inc. Michael zuker Coldwell banker Residential Martha Klein CRS Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate timothy blomquist the lake Shore drive Group Kimberly Jones baird & warner Marlene Granacki RE/MAX Exclusive Properties todd Siegel CPA MlS Connect inc. RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $25 M illi on Colette Connelly Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Roman Cirignani Chicago Realty Partners, ltd. brad lippitz brad lippitz Real Estate Group Mary bennett Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate brenda tabak Coldwell banker Residential Kathleen fote @properties RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $23 M illion Pamela Cirignani Savills (l&P) inc. laura Rubin baird & warner Janice Smith Janice A. Smith & Associates RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $22 M illion Michael Rosenblum Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Kathleen Ryan Kathleen A. Ryan Realty RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $21 Mi llion Kristi Gunther RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Phillip Ciaccio domus Group, llC donna Shanley AbR CRS Rubloff RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $20 Mi llion Patrick devereux Coldwell banker Residential Carol dorsey Prudential Preferred Prop. CRE Edward Jelinek Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Eric Marcus AbR ESM Realty dan florian RE/MAX 1st Class Realty Susan Miner Premier Relocation, inc. Kelly wong Coldwell banker Residential dana Gerstenschlager GRi @properties Ray Miller Keller williams lincoln Park Judith Pielet Rubloff Cam benson CRb, CRS Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Millie Rosenbloom baird & warner Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $19 M illion ivona Kutermankiewicz Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate brett novack Jameson Realty Group Janelle dennis @properties Paul Chason JAb Real Estate, inc. John Mcnaughton Prudential Preferred Properties RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $18 M illion Eileen brennan CRS GRi Prudential Preferred Prop. Eudice fogel CRS Rubloff linda o'donnell RE/MAX Signature Constance Atterbury GRi CRS Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate verna Stovall baird & warner Mark Goldberg Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Paul Gorney Sudler Sotheby international Realty Curt Ratcliff @properties RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $17 M illion Jason Stratton Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Chris Sears Coldwell banker Residential laura Molk Shelbourne development inc. thomas Moran Sudler Sotheby international Realty Melinda Jakovich Coldwell banker Residential brokerage RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $16 M illion James Kramer Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate theodore Sveda Jr. American invsco Realty Marlene St. George CRS baird & warner Ryan d’Aprile d’Aprile Realty terri Mcauley @properties Rachel Krueger Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Jill hare dream town Realty bruce berry Jameson Realty Group Mary bowler @properties Stephanie Cutter Coldwell banker Residential bob Satawake Sudler Sotheby international Realty Phillip buoscio buoscio brokerage inc. Michael Shenfeld Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate walter Stunard Rubloff inc. RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $15 Million Anton ursini Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Karen Peterson GRi Coldwell banker Residential Azar Katibeh American invsco Realty Richard divito @properties Kathleen Menighan Prudential Preferred Properties nello Gamberdino the fordham Company Jean Jernstedt Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Julie harron Rubloff beverly fishman Rubloff Phyllis Smith Coldwell banker leader Realty Randy McGhee CRS Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate terry Philips GRi CRS Coldwell banker Residential david Camp Keller williams lincoln Park RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $12 Mi llion debra dobbs CCiM Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Craig isacson @properties Kittie dyer Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Maureen Moran Rubloff beth wexler Jameson Realty Group Anne Connolly @properties Greg viti Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate dan Cvejic Century 21 C.P Realty todd bogwill Century 21 Sussex & Reilly diane Silverman urban Search Chicago hillary levy baird & warner Joseph Siciliano @properties Ronda fish Sudler Sotheby international Realty Jill Peet Saponaro Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Marti Corcoran Century 21 McMullen deborah wood Coldwell banker Residential Michael battista Jameson Realty Group Robert Keleghan CCiM Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Marc Cadrot Sudler Sotheby international Realty RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $14 Mi llion dennis huyck @properties Christopher Pagano Coldwell banker Residential bessie Alvarez @properties Kevin Knepp Keller williams Realty west loop Greg Allen Eldridge @properties Steven Acoba Keller williams lincoln Park lora Perlman Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Stephen bognar Jr. Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Sally Crachy Applebrook Realty, inc. Sam Shaffer Chicago Properties, inc. RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $13 Mi llion Kevin dembinsky Second City Realty Cara buffa Sudler Sotheby international Realty nan vaile baird & warner Marianne Piazzi Century 21 Sussex & Reilly tom leko Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Rhonda Shane Sudler Sotheby international Realty norbert Mika ERA Realife Realty Renata williamson Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Kim Kerbis @properties Jonathan Strauss Premier Real Estate ventures Steven Genyk @properties Janet Murphy baird & warner Sybil Martin Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Peter boland @properties helen Jaeger Roth Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Gretchen Spillane buyside Realty, inc. Jeffrey Proctor @properties Jeanine wheeler @properties Karen breen Elia CRS GRi AbR RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Kimberly Gleeson Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Michael vesole @properties Michael Ezgur terrapin Realty, llC Karl whittenbarger @properties linda Shaughnessy baird & warner Patrick Cullen Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Joseph betancourt betancourt Realty linda lee tuggle urban Search Chicago brian Grossman @properties denise wilbur denise wilbur Realty George Schultz @properties Genna hill @properties hasani Steele @properties louise Study GRi Rubloff barbara Kite Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Continued on page 10 9 2007 Sales Recognition Section Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Continued from page 9 wayne Caplan Sheldon Good brokerage, llC George Cios north branch Properties inc. Judy Pettas Premier Properties Chicago, inc. Cynthia bauer Sudler Sotheby international Realty Pat Cohen baird & warner Ann woodward Coldwell banker Residential Edward hester dream town Realty Ruksana Kazemzadeh Rubloff barbara thouvenell P.R.S. Associates, inc. John Sfickas Moran & Associates Michael Cohen RE/MAX Edge Madelaine Gerbaulet-vanasse MetroPro Gregory desmond AbR Rubloff david Mahoney Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate nathalie Ames Coldwell banker Residential david Keller Coldwell banker Residential John Robinson Century 21 Sussex & Reilly tracy dillard Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate lino darchun CRS CRb GRi CiPS Coldwell banker Residential J. Kirk darling MetroPro dawn venit CRS Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Marc bulandr Sociohomes Kelly Mead Coldwell banker Residential debbie Maue AbR CiPS CRS GRi Rubloff Susan Kanter Rubloff brant booker Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Andre bennett Royal Crest Realty, inc. Mariana Knittle @properties Kathryn belongia Jameson Realty Group Michael bennett Michael bennett Marc Shudnow RE/MAX 1st Class Realty Ginger bonneau @properties deborah hess new Chicago Real Estate valeri Mcnulty Prudential Preferred Prop. Steven Samuels bear Kaufman Realty Phil byers Keller williams lincoln Park daniel Merrion City Point Realty llC Joseph Schiller Rubloff Jack Guest CPA Century 21 McMullen Michelle bank Maher Partners llC thomas McCarey Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Scott whelan Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Sheila toomey Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Elizabeth Mallon Coldwell banker Residential James Miller RE/MAX Signature Judy howard Rubloff nancy tassone Jdl brokerage Company Megan brown Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Scott Rife Rubloff Chester Jakala telesis Corporation deborah thomas Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Joseph Clements Exit All Pro Realty RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $11 Million ted Mortellaro Keller williams lincoln Park Jennifer vogel Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Michelle browne Rubloff barbara Pottenger urban Search Chicago Margie Smigel MetroPro RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $10 M illi on Sophia Klopas Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Kenneth dooley Century 21 Sussex & Reilly david nimick Keller williams lincoln Park Scott Sasse quest Realty Group Jim Miller Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Phillip Rossi buyside Realty, inc. Jill buckley Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Maureen Murnane Coldwell banker Residential nancy thomas Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Margaret Carlson GRi Rubloff George vlasis George vlasis Realty lucy Kozlowski Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Sonia Madden Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate letitia windham @properties Patty Cerny baird & warner Michael frank Keller williams lincoln Park linda lyons crs Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate lee Cherney Coldwell banker Residential Radim Mandel Coldwell banker Residential brokerage tatiana Rea @properties tony zaskowski CCiM CiPS Property Consultants Realty, inc. Edward zalezny Chicago brokers Corp. Ken Jungwirth Rubloff oanh vo-liu Keller williams lincoln Park thomas brandt CRS Keller williams Realty Professionals Susan wooten Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Melanie Giglio Sergio & banks Meladee hughes Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Karen Ranquist RCR Realty inc. Alice tse landmark & Property Group, inc. Paula Arnett CRS GRi Rubloff Kimberly fielding the Real Estate Group il llC Clare Spartz Keller williams lincoln Park Scott hoskins CMK Realty Jefferey dyra itown Realty lisa Maria McMillan frankel, Giles & Associates Richard bloom zip Realty, inc. James Konold Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Alan zuber baird & warner Edith Apostal GRi CRS Coldwell banker Residential toni herlo herlo Realty inc. Pam lynch Jameson Realty Group yogev yedlin dream town Realty Meldina Koradzic investors Meldina Realty Group Margaret nagel Sudler Sotheby international Realty Phyllis hall Sudler Sotheby international Realty Susan wagner Rubloff Alex zupancic @properties Janet Robertson Century 21 McMullen Chaz walters Sudler Sotheby international Realty Aaron Galvin MlS Plus Realty Janet Jasmer Jameson Realty Group John Gall Axis Realty, inc. Alexis Eldorrado Eldorrado Chicago Real Estate Julie Rand baird & warner Candi dias north Clybourn Group, inc. Michele Shear AbR @properties david Kipnis Coldwell banker Residential Alex brusha new west Realty, inc. Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® vincent Milito @properties 10 RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $9 Million Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Carol duran GRi Rubloff Eva lakomiec Prudential Preferred Prop. Susan Miller Coldwell banker Residential Catherine boyle Real living helios Realty linda broznowski @properties Elizabeth Goodchild weichert REAltoRS® Goodchild homes Peter Constance @properties Martin winefield @properties Sam Jenkins Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Mary quincannon CRS @properties Catherine Steigmann @properties wendy lee Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Karen Peterson Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Jason Pohlonski @properties Carol dorsey Prudential Preferred Prop. CRE Marie Cabrera baird & warner Ron Meadows, Jr. Sudler Sotheby international Realty neil Sy Jameson Realty Group laura Kirchner Rubloff Mary Jaeger GRi CRS baird & warner thomas Gorman baird & warner Edward Enright homeSellers Realty nicholas Signorello Signorello Realty, inc. Eugene fu @properties Julie Mungovan Equity brokerage Services Karen holt @properties lindsey Reisenfeld Keller williams lincoln Park Monica Gibson Coldwell banker Residential brokerage dawn lynch Jameson Realty Group Michael zuker Coldwell banker Residential Matthew liss Mark Allen Realty Marsha Garlovsky Rubloff, inc. Siamak Jahangiri Mak Realty Group, inc. thomas feddor Keller williams Chicago Properties - River north Santiago Moreno @properties Ann Caron @properties Jennifer South dream town Realty wardia Kando Charles Rutenberg Realty Gregory wilson Amalgamated Real Estate Ro lebedow Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Connie Engel Rubloff leslie Ann bodell Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Garrison benson Garrison Partners Kathie Packer Prudential Preferred Prop. Erik Sachs Rpv Realty Robert Sullivan urban Search Chicago Samantha Porter Premier Properties Chicago, inc. Samuel tarara Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate nicholas Apostal Coldwell banker Residential Mark Miles dream town Realty Joseph harris GRi RE/MAX vision irina diment ilyinsky @properties Seth vamos Get Realty Caryn Miller CRS GRi zip Realty, inc. Susan lynch Monarch brokerage & development Corp. Susie Pearson Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Joe Green Coldwell banker Residential Jane field Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate i.b. weil baird & warner Amanda McMillan Prudential Preferred Properties zoe Carne Prudential Preferred Prop. dena Rychtanek Exit Realty Gold Coast dennis Eng baird & warner Chelton blackburn Coldwell banker Residential brokerage larry Giddings @properties tawnya Mcvicker @properties Alishja ballard Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Jean ward Chicago lakefront Properties Kay Mastandrea Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Joseph Paradiso Paradiso Real Estate Services blanche Murges Rubloff Steven Jurgens Chicago home Estates, inc. Katherine brennan Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Margaret finegan Keller williams fox douglas fox Rubloff Matt Silver CRS GRi AbR CiPS Rubloff Sue weeks GRi Rubloff dean Moss Keller williams fox Arcenio Salinas Crosstown Realty laura Pentecost @properties fran Goldstein CRS Prudential Preferred Prop. Richard Aronson Camelot Realty of America lynn weekley @properties Greg Alvarado AbR Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Eric Marcus AbR ESM Realty Mathew boemmel RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Robert Sikkel @properties tina feldstein Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Ashley Carter GRi Chicago Property Professionals Susan Casty Sudler Sotheby international Realty nancy nugent CRS GRi Prudential Preferred Prop. Peggy quinn Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Philip Soto Jameson Realty Group burt fujishima ltd. Coldwell banker Residential brokerage harris Ali RE/MAX 1st Class Realty Kathleen tannyhill baird & warner Kelly wong Coldwell banker Residential Patrick Ryan @properties Robert Payne best Chicago Properties, llC Ray Miller Keller williams lincoln Park John Mangan northside Properties, llC tony inacay RE/MAX City Penny Shaw Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate frank Maguire baird & warner Masha block baird & warner Jane domurot Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate brent Stack Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Jeff Graves Coldwell banker Residential RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $8 Million Elizabeth Muscare Rooney Realty ltd. bill Altier CRb Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Marc westmeyer Real living helios Realty Rory lemass Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Steve hobbs baird & warner bruce Johnson-Reid Jameson Realty Group Monica Klein GRi CRS baird & warner Rose Green @properties Colleen harper Cacciatore harper Sabina Kontos Coeval heritage Realty ltd. Jena Radnay Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Kristine farra Prudential Preferred Prop. Continued on page 12 11 2007 Sales Recognition Section Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Continued from page 11 Janet Ecker Prudential Preferred Prop. Mike Paonessa @properties Eric newman @properties william Spencer Rubloff Melissa Govedarica Sergio & banks daniel vianna @properties Alessandra halliburton AbR SRES halli Enterprises llC Kathleen Morgan P.R.S. Associates, inc. Kristin Ellwein-Jaman baird & warner Anne victorin @properties Mark Ahmad Coldwell banker leader Realty Arthur Gregg baird & warner Carmen Allen dream town Realty frank Mitrick CRS Real-tek Realty Julie Siragusa Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate daniel otto Sudler Sotheby international Realty willis doebel CRS GRi Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Richard Cohn Richard Cohn brian loomis Coldwell banker Residential brokerage norris Eber Joseph J. freed & Associates Anna busalacchi baird & warner holly bergren Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Christopher Gaggero @properties R. Matt leutheuser Century 21 Sussex & Reilly yitzhok fox iggyshouse.com Realty, inc. tom hartmann Coldwell banker Residential lois Schwarz Coldwell banker Residential Maria Castillo Mi Casa Real Estate inc. Martin Phelan Keller williams Realty west loop daniel Pape hudson Parker Realty Salvatore fragale fee Simple Realty, inc. Grace Gaughan Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Michael dean dream town Realty laura lamendella AbR Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Connie Grunwaldt baird & warner deborah Ryder first Chicago Real Estate, inc. Marcia badillo dream town Realty Ryan Parks @properties James horwath Prudential Preferred Prop. Stuart Schwartz @properties Richard williams American invsco Realty lisa Resek-Peck AbR @properties Ruthann Alexander Keller williams Chicago Properties – River north Michael drommerhausen Prudential Preferred Prop. Arielle turover dream town Realty heidie Maslo Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Craig Easly @properties igor dolgikh Jameson Realty Group RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $7 Million Anna Gutkowska @properties Elizabeth bleeker Prudential Preferred Prop. Carol Collins baird & warner Gregory brooks baird & warner Robin Allotta Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Roberta brennan Rubloff Jeanne Spurlock Century 21 Kennedy Ryan, Et Al Carrie Glista weichert, REAltoRS® first Chicago Matthew Shrake Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Kiel bisceglia @properties Andrew Glatz Crown heights Realty Elizabeth August @properties harvey Schaffner bestbid Realty Gary Richter help-u-Sell lake Shore Realty Sharon o'hara @properties Alex french @properties Pamela Sage baird & warner Ron Knoll Saffron Realty Group, llC quentin Green ii lincoln Park homes, ltd. Chicago REALTOR Magazine Jo Anne Shapiro Rubloff Susan Preston baird & warner linda heinen Coldwell banker Residential ® Mary Mac diarmid Prudential Preferred Properties 12 Mary Ryan Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Arden fowler @properties deborah teuchert dream town Realty Jack Stempien RE/MAX City REAltoRS® Marilyn lissner Rubloff Susan berman Susan berman Kevin Mcintyre Emerald Realty Group James buczynski Real living helios Realty Jennifer liu Atland Realty, llC Jon levey RE/MAX Real Estate Advocates Richard demaria @properties beverly bahm dream town Realty beata Gaska Century 21 McMullen Michael hall baird & warner Cindy Risch @properties Anne Ralston Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Steven Graf @properties Joey Gault Jameson Realty Group nick Kluding baird & warner Kieran fahy Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Colette Cachey Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Amy Petersen Petersen REAltoRS® Janice weiler-orenstein CRS GRi Rubloff vivienne frow Rubloff Robin lemer Coldwell banker Residential brokerage david Plotkin dream town Realty Judi newbold Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Myrna Greenspan Jameson Realty Group bethaine williams Joyce & Kerrigan Real Estate, llC william Karner Keller williams fox Eric Johnstone Jameson Realty Group brian ban Keller williams fox Christine Shepardson Coldwell banker Residential Meta Rose torchia @properties Julie Anderson GRi RE/MAX Select Sung Rosengart Keller williams Realty Chicago Consulting Katherine bishop Jameson Realty Group Stacy Karel Keller williams Chicago Properties – River north Sarah vogel Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Chadwick duda Prudential Preferred Properties tammi vetter dream town Realty Joseph Mcinerney buyer Advantage, inc. Chandra Rose dream town Realty Mary o’Connor Coldwell banker Residential brokerage George Selas dream town Realty laura Gaan @properties Alan Shultz Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Parry Singh American Capital Realty, inc. Marna Spizz Marna Spizz, broker Edward Schwind Schwind Realty & development Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume nohmee Johannesson Chicago Real Estate ii inc. Michelle Martin Jameson Realty Group Janet Joseph Rubloff Robert Macko first Chicago Real Estate, inc. Eileen Kravitz baird & warner Charese david Menard Johnson & Associates Joellen davis @properties Michael Sato Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Michael Kreuser Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Alex till baird & warner Risa weiss Prudential Preferred Properties yvonne Carns RE/MAX northCoast Realty todd Szwajkowski Keller williams lincoln Park diana Peterson PMd Realty, l.l.C. Michael McCallum baird & warner Kimberly wong @properties Cally burkle dream town Realty Kristina Ryan Rubloff tim duquette Rubloff Jeffrey beck baird & warner Kimberly barnett Prudential Preferred Prop. lisa Sanders Koenig & Strey llC Gust vlangos Chicago home Estates, inc. laurie wynn Jacobson Century 21 S.G.R., inc. Kathleen Knorr Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Andrea Serban Mox Realty Carolyn fortman Coldwell banker Residential Jose Campoverde RE/MAX City, REAltoRS® Cristopher Sua Property Consultants Realty, inc. Melissa Edidin @properties Scott foster Keller williams Realty west loop Kathleen Moody @properties Claudia Mendron virginia Properties dorothy zielinski RE/MAX City RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $6 Million Rosalie vitale baird & warner bill Erdman Century 21 Kmiecik, REAltoRS® bryan Eugenio Coldwell banker Residential Mary haight @properties Andrew Sohn Coldwell banker Residential Kristy Mullally Property Consultants Realty, inc. Greg Gibson CnS Real Estate, inc. irene yungerman baird & warner Allen bulmash investment Realty Group Susanne Glink baird & warner billie diamond @properties Charmor brown weichert, REAltoRS® first Chicago donna wilkens Sudler Sotheby international Realty Robert darrow @properties Ronald hollaender Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Elizabeth Ransley Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Michael Stack Keller williams lincoln Park Melanie Glick @properties Suzanne Elkins-Rose Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate lynn Pufpaf baird & warner Karen field Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate heather Schlaffer CMK Realty ted nash Jameson Realty Group Claudia langman Real living infinity Robert Safranski Saffron Realty Group, llC lindsey Schulz @properties larisa Ralko larisa Ralko Regine wright R. hawthorne Group, ltd. Andrea Geller Sudler Sotheby international Realty Chris Mccomas @properties Roz zweig Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Carla farris-benedetti Cathy Epstein & Associates brent J. Rosenbower Sudler Sotheby international Realty Kelly Karls @properties Constance Stewart Constance Stewart Realty Emily Jeffries RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Grazyna Przybysz north Central Realty, inc. david frankel whitney hall Realty, llC Carol Ann Edwards-nasser Rubloff Anya dudzik Century 21 McMullen Christina delgreco Coldwell banker Residential Cathy ivcich Rubloff Kathleen bock Coldwell banker Residential yelena bernshtam Continuum Real Estate brokers Jim humes Coldwell banker Residential barbara burrell burell Realty Cynthia frank Prudential Preferred Prop. victoria Amoroso baird & warner teresa Costantini Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Kristin Giamo Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Stephanie Poulakidas Coldwell banker Residential Ronald branch Rlb Realty Group, inc. Jennifer Piser qSC Prudential Preferred Prop. Joseph Pinto Chicago home Estates, inc. brett huelat @properties Mia wilkinson Rubloff brian berish frankel, Giles & Associates Mark zipperer RE/MAX Edge Janelle Emalfarb Ronald G. Pestine luis Caballero AbR RE/MAX Signature linda Mayer CRS Coldwell banker Residential Mary Ellen Considine Keller williams fox Gina dunning baird & warner Jennifer Johnson @properties Cheryl turchi-bussmann Jameson Realty Group Jill halpern @properties Johnnye Paige Sudler Sotheby international Realty George Koons George Koons & Associates Emily Smart Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Anne Ewasko Rubloff CJ wolff Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Anthony Rouches @properties Pasquale Recchia Coldwell banker Residential Eric Rojas Rubloff beth Ryan CRS GRi Ryan Realty & Associates, inc. Rachael hamilton Mann Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Sandy brown baird & warner Konstantin Shelegeda Realty zone, llC Jill McKee Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Sharon Sweeney GRi Rubloff Ann bauer @properties becky thompson Coldwell banker Residential Maya Maman AMS Realty inc. Elizabeth Keller Gomez Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate howard thomas Prudential Preferred Prop. CRE Maria Sims Pinnacle Realty Group beverly Johnson betts Realty Group, P.C. Continued on page 14 13 2007 Sales Recognition Section Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Continued from page 13 Susan nick Sudler Sotheby international Realty lera wenger woodring Property Consultants Realty, inc. Gary dailey RE/MAX vision Susan Parent Coldwell banker Residential brokerage vanessa Gonzalez lipe Property Company hilary Eldridge @properties Michael Stangel Keller williams Realty Partners deirdre wiener @properties Melissa Mcnally Sudler Sotheby international Realty valdir barion @properties Maria zajczenko-varela zip Realty, inc. Jennifer Stavros Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Paulette Edwards Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Mary lin CRS GRi Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate James holtcamp Streeterville Realty oscar Gil Gil & Gil Group Corp. Joan dim baird & warner victoria Sheil Jameson Realty Group Marion volini lakefront Group Realty Associates Stacey Grossman Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Myrna Skilling @properties Kathleen Patinkin Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Michael Elkow Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate tatiana Perry Sudler Sotheby international Realty frederick Carmean @properties Jane Stahmer Colfax Realty Gregory Eldridge Sudler Sotheby international Realty Pamela tilton @properties Cecilia Kuhlmann Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Scott Gettleman baird & warner Salvador Gonzalez Mi Casa Real Estate inc. Michael loizzi Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Curtis bolden @properties Christian nalls Metropolitan Property brokers therese waldron Coldwell banker Residential brokerage James flanders Alliance Properties Pablo Galarza RE/MAX Select daniel Collins Jameson Realty Group warren Merz Jameson Realty Group nick Patterson Kale Realty Michael Ritchie @properties Clare zaro Rubloff Carolyn lyman Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Sheri Kamikow Coldwell banker Residential Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® 14 Sheldon Salnick Rubloff Elizabeth Cook urban Search Chicago Patrick lynch Prudential Preferred Prop. Rusty Schluchter @properties James Gramata Keller williams lincoln Park Agnieszka zak Century 21 beaulieu Real Estate Kelli Johannesen @properties Mary beth Smith GRi Rubloff Raul hernandez Exciting homes, llC harry Perl Goldberg & Perl, inc. Megan Gamber @properties victoria MacCarthy RE/MAX Exclusive Properties Jeanine Sekera Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Gregory Joubert dream town Realty Phillip McCall AMS Realty, inc. Mary Robbins baird & warner Jeff foster foster & lloyd Private Client yvonne Antonacci Koenig & Strey llC terry Silis baird & warner James faircloth Prudential Preferred Properties Sandra black RE/MAX Signature north tom McGavin GRi Rubloff Jim Kontos RE/MAX 1st Class Realty RESIDENTIAL SALES VOLUME $5 Mi llion heather berhoff heather S. berhoff laura Meier baird & warner Marissa lanzito @properties Mark dickinson baird & warner Maaike hudson Prudential Preferred Prop. Colin hebson @properties laura Rango baird & warner barbara Robertson CRS RE/MAX City leo Kassin baird & warner Jamie Connor Century 21 Sussex & Reilly terri buseman Keller williams Realty west loop Paula Susman @properties James Moser Coldwell banker Residential vicki loevy Prudential Preferred Prop. Ellen webber Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate nikolette Chambers Sergio & banks daniel Kiley hudson Parker Realty dawn wyman Coldwell banker Residential Joseph nudo Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Jerry Ricordati baird & warner Marc Gladstone Marc Gladstone Real Estate Stephen Somogyi Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Courtney welsch baird & warner dorothy Crabb urban Search Chicago Stacey dombar AbR GRi Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Roman yaremchuk Exit Realty Group Jeff Singer Jameson Realty Group derek disera Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Jordan Chalmers baird & warner nita Snider new west Realty, inc. Pamela Pekoc baird & warner Patricia Caulfield baird & warner Alana Golubic Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Kari Richardson GRi baird & warner Julie Pacheco RE/MAX northCoast Realty Shachi Sharma Magellan Realty llC Eddie Christudhas @properties linda Metz Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Evangelos Apostolou @properties Randee Shapiro Simborg Rubloff larry Anoman Anoman and Associates Kevin tatum RE/MAX Edge Stephanie wesson Sudler Sotheby international Realty Kristin Pniak Century 21 Sussex & Reilly david hunt Rubloff ivan Santiago RE/MAX new Stars Realty, inc. nathan Skillicorn baird & warner donald tomaska baird & warner Ronda Abrams Coldwell banker Residential Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Santiago valdez RE/MAX Signature north Caroline druker baird & warner Adam Rodriguez RE/MAX City REAltoRS® John Kubacki RE/MAX Signature Jeffrey Kropp 1st home Group, inc. Jacqueline lafferty baird & warner harriet newdelman Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate John Coleman baird & warner Ryan weitzman Summer Realty Cheryl Reid Rubloff MaryEllen Joyce AbR CRS Rubloff Amy Morro Prudential Preferred Prop. Katrina villadolid Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Julie harrison Rubloff Kenneth Marier Sudler Sotheby international Realty Shelley Stunard Rubloff inc. denise bryar bryton Realty, llC Charna thomas osmundson oz Realty Group Steve McEwen @properties lauren dekosta Keller williams Realty west loop Kevin Conroy @properties Robert Ghislandi @properties Mark nowak nowak Realty Jessica brunt @Properties Stephany oliveros RE/MAX Signature Casey Rybaltowski RE/MAX City laura Rahilly Sudler Sotheby international Realty Erika Chaumontet dream town Realty Chad vanags Keller williams lincoln Park Peter Casey thornton Properties Jennifer leong @properties Martin Gibson urban Search Corp. Kimberley detenber @properties Patricia Emmer Jameson Realty Group Evan Schoenberg @properties Kathy Murphy baird & warner Roy hawthorne R. hawthorne Group, ltd. Renee bennett Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Robert buhrow Major Enterprises, inc. Peter Perlinac Century 21 Kennedy Ryan, Et Al Suzan bramson CRS GRi AbR Rubloff Kay Garvey Rubloff Margaret baczkowski urban Search Corp. fevin Reyes RE/MAX 212 degrees Erin ward Coldwell banker Residential vanessa Moses @properties teresa Spyrka Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Griselda Chaidez Su familia Real Estate Scott Gilbert @properties diane freeman Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate lorraine denham Coldwell banker Residential nancy donley Chicago Property Professionals Jennifer bradley Keller williams lincoln Park Mary-beth balcarcel Century 21 McMullen Sheila Messer Coldwell banker Residential brian brak brak Realty inc. Jay Kuchenbecker Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Kelly Klaff RE/MAX vision Suzanne thomas Rubloff Arlene Skelly CRS Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Mark Paul @properties Jenna Smith dream town Realty Richard Anselmo Jameson Realty Group brian Callahan homefront llC James Meese Real living helios Realty Peter Sterniuk @properties Patrick Santry Coldwell banker Residential louisa M. McPharlin Coldwell banker Residential Steven Paige RE/MAX vision Christopher Mundy Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Patrick duffy @properties Chris vasilakopoulos dream town Realty Rigoberto Garcia Grinker & Garcia Real Estate Gwen hughes Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Randie Shapiro Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Stacy braack Sudler Sotheby international Realty John wyman Coldwell banker Residential Mary Ann Genellie Rubloff Jennifer teadt Prudential Preferred Prop. George Synowiec dream town Realty Carola del Rio Jameson Realty Group Gayle tepper Rubloff waldemar Smolinski Century 21 McMullen Eugene biondi Keller williams Gold Coast REAltoRS® dana Grigalunas Rubloff Karrin Algas baird & warner wesley walker AbR Real living infinity Jane hunter Coldwell banker Residential Susan Gallo Magellan Realty llC thomas hall Rubloff John openshaw Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate tadeusz Krzysztofiak RE/MAX City Ann Conway Rubloff Joseph thouvenell P.R.S. Associates, inc. david van dixhorn CitySpace Realty Phyllis Stellato @properties Kristina vanvorst buyside Realty, inc. Kristin Milito @properties daryl Russell williamson Realty Gene villamiel villa Miel Realty, inc. Shannon Raglin Cecola Coldwell banker Residential valeria Gubenko @properties Susan dvora Exit Realty Gold Coast Sandra Kite Sudler Sotheby international Realty nancy hearon Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Joaquin Calle @properties teri Krieger @properties Jay Koverman Phoenix Realty Misha immormino dream town Realty Scott delevitt AbR Sudler Sotheby international Realty James barclay Prudential Preferred Properties John diederich Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate david Piche Performance Realty Group Krista Rossman dream town Realty Celeste becker baird & warner Jennifer Sanders @properties heidi Anderson dwell inc. James fredian @properties Janet Mwobobia Century 21 Kennedy Ryan, Et Al Angel Martinez Mi Casa Real Estate inc. Anna tabeau Century 21 McMullen Continued on page 16 15 2007 Sales Recognition Section Congratulations Top Producers of 2007 Residential Sales by Units & Total Dollar Volume Continued from page 15 Joseph liberti vision Group Realty Marketing llC daphne Mcdougall baird & warner Regina zak tomas RE/MAX City luminita ispas Century 21 S.G.R., inc. wilma Johnson baird & warner Anne Rodia Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate theressa boyce dream town Realty bridget Carroll @properties Carla walker GRi Prudential Preferred Prop. blythe hammett Rubloff heather hillebrand dream town Realty Ada Acevedo baird & warner Anne Cameron Coldwell banker Residential tiffany webb Premiere ii Properties Randi Palmer @properties Michael hulett Atland Realty, llC Elizabeth latour Keller williams lincoln Park Agata Krolicka Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Mark Cohen Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Julie dorger Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Michael zaparaniuk vintage Realty, inc. Gale Goldstick Coldwell banker Residential Jenifer domenico @properties Kip Karl Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate ifeta faye Redzovic first Gold Realty Morgan Sage Keller williams fox Kathryn Mischka Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Charlotte newberger Rubloff Steven Glick CG Realty Group ltd. Katie Kramer dream town Realty Erin tunney baird & warner tom Reeves dream town Realty Ginny whipple Jameson Realty Group linda hoffmann Century 21 Sussex & Reilly denise dayan Jameson Realty Group Elizabeth whatley Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Craig Knox Palmer baird & warner temenuga Koleva top Realty Group. llC Renata lakomska RE/MAX City REAltoRS® Margaret dralyuk dralyuk Real Estate Amy Maynard Prudential Preferred Prop. Justin brown brown & Element lori bruce Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate Mukaram Khan S K Realty inc. Roger lautt RE/MAX vision Claudia Jones Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Mitchell Kaufman baird & warner Ellen Silverman RE/MAX vision Kimberly Kirincic-yasak dream town Realty Judy Guyaux AbR GRi baird & warner Michael lavorato neuproperties llC Megan burdick Century 21 Sussex & Reilly My quynh Chung vina Realty, inc. bon deremer Sudler Sotheby international Realty teresa Griffith Jameson Realty Group leonard benefico Koenig & Strey llC Agata bak Chicago town Realty & development Patrick Mceneely Property Consultants Realty, inc. bonnie Chappell P.R.S. Associates, inc. Joseph wilcox the wilcox Company Eric vega dream town Realty Kevin williams Coldwell banker Residential Robert Schmidt Sudler Sotheby international Realty david Panozzo Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Michael Emery Chicago Exclusive Properties tadeusz Szmelter Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Jody bartley Rubloff Marie Skopis dumas & Associates, inc. Jennifer lapins baird & warner victor Mitry Century 21 illinois home Karen billups Coldwell banker Residential Grace Martinez RE/MAX 1st Class Realty Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® 16 nancy Claussen Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Carol Ann walls-Sandell Jameson Realty Group Mary Siegan Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Christina Carmody Prudential Preferred Prop. Catherine byrne baird & warner Gary zickel brad lippitz Real Estate Group bernadette Kettwig Prudential Preferred Prop. CRE Susan landsman Coldwell banker Residential George Patrick Exit Realty Group Richard Gardella Century 21 Sussex & Reilly Susan dickman Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate J u n e / J u l y 2 0Sabu 0 8 Achettu Anna PesceRubloff dean Pissios @properties Sylvia Martinez-Johnson RE/MAX Platinum dympna fay-hart Century 21 McMullen V o l ulawrence m e 17 • Susan @Properties treanna Evans MetroPro Joan brennock baird & warner Sarah lagimodiere @properties Jerry Sider Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Atlantic Realty Group, inc. Christopher dwyer Keller williams fox Jean Metzler Century 21 Sussex & Reilly david wong first Key Realty, inc. Christopher thomas MetroPro Kara finnegan dream town Realty Anna zemlinsky baird & warner Sara McCarthy Coldwell banker Residential brokerage Jim Anderson RE/MAX Edge Marla Mason JMM Realty, inc. Rita Kerins @properties Catherine brennan Sudler Sotheby international Realty James Pieczonka thomas James Realty, inc. Rich McEwen GRi CRS Jameson Realty Group Top Producers Neighborhood Dollar Voulme Sold 8001 Siamak Jahangiri Mak Realty Group, inc. 8028 Ralph oliva Coldwell banker Residential 8055 Rigoberto Garcia Grinker & Garcia Real Estate 8002 Phyllis Smith Coldwell banker leader Realty 8029 Miguel lopez Mansion view Real Estate, inc. 8056 Julie Anderson GRi RE/MAX Select 8003 Paul Chason Jab Real Estate, inc. 8030 lourdes Amaya new heritage Realty, inc. 8057 Miguel bermudez Mi Casa Real Estate, inc. 8004 barbara o’Connor baird & warner 8031 Phillip buoscio buoscio brokerage, inc. 8058 Alice tse landmark & Property Group, inc. 8005 Mario Greco Rubloff 8032 leila zammatta Magellan Realty, llC. 8059 tiffany webb Premiere ii Properties 8006 Christopher feurer Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate 8033 Michael holtorf Equity brokerage Services 8060 Patricia Rodriguez dream town Realty 8034 My quynh Chung vina Realty, inc. 8061 nancy hawes Gordon Realty, inc. 8035 Michael holtorf Equity brokerage Services 8062 Maria Castillo Mi Casa Real Estate, inc. 8036 nancy Clark-Mcqueen Associate brokers, inc. 8063 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8037 Catrell dyer ford desired Real Estate, inc. 8064 Julie Anderson GRi RE/MAX Select 8038 Chelton blackburn Coldwell banker Residential 8065 Maria Castillo Mi Casa Real Estate, inc. 8039 Sybil Martin Coldwell banker Residential 8066 Constantin lupancu Remar Realty Group, inc. 8040 Michael Ricketts Patrick Ricketts Realty, ltd. 8067 Abe Ayoub Rabah Great Street Properties, inc. 8041 Robert Keleghan CCiM Century 21 Sussex & Reilly 8068 donna lillybridge lillybridge Management Company 8007 dana dipasquale baird & warner 8008 Michael holtorf Equity brokerage Services 8009 Jack Guest CPA Century 21 McMullen 8010 dorothy zielinski RE/MAX City 8011 Garrison benson Garrison Partners 8012 Cam benson CRb Coldwell banker Residential 8013 dan florian RE/MAX City 1st Class Realty 8014 dan florian RE/MAX City 1st Class Realty 8015 Janet Robertson Century 21 McMullen 8042 J. Kirk darling MetroPro 8043 Christopher thomas MetroPro 8016 barbara o’Connor baird & warner 8044 Phillip tick Phillip tick Real Estate brokerage 8017 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8045 Abe Ayoub Rabah Great Street Properties, inc. 8018 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8019 oscar Gil Gil & Gil Group Corporation 8020 zinovy dralyuk dralyuk Real Estate 8046 dana bolton Paradigm Realty, inc. 8047 david olaoye Coldwell Residential brokerage 8048 E.J. webber dawn-webb & Associates 8021 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8049 Anthony davis davis Realty Group 8022 Kevin wood Rubloff 8023 Sebastian hernandez @properties 8024 Karen biazar north Clyborn Group, inc. 8026 Abe Ayoub Rabah V o l u m e 17 • Great Street Properties, inc. 8027 Jonathan Strauss Premier Real Estate ventures 8071 brian turner turner Realty Group, llC. 8072 Kathleen Morgan P.R.S. Associates, inc. 8073 Gary weglarz Applebrook Realty, inc. 8074 larry Anoman Anoman and Associates 8075 Mary Ellen fitzgerald fitzgerald Real Estate, inc. 8076 Agata bak Chicago town Realty & development 8051 nanchang you nanchang you 8077 wayne Caplan Sperry van ness 8053 Sally Crachy Applebrook Realty, inc. June/July 2008 8054 hattie foster Metroplolitan international Chicago REALTOR Magazine ® 8070 Andrei turcu diverse Realty 8050 dana Gerstenschlager GRi @properties 8052 Rigoberto Garcia Grinker & Garcia Real Estate 8025 Melissa Govedarica Sergio & banks 8069 Marian Ciobanica MetroPro 18 Top Producers Neighborhood Total Units Listed/Sold 8001 Siamak Jahangiri Mak Realty Group 8028 Ralph oliva Coldwell banker Residential 8052 Rigoberto Garcia Grinker & Garcia Real Estate 8002 dan florian RE/MAX 1st Class Realty 8029 Jonathan Strauss Premier Real Estate ventures 8053 Sally Crachy Applebrook Realty, inc. 8003 Paul Chason Jab Realty Group 8030 lourdes Amaya new heritage Realty, inc. 8054 no Clear top Producer 8004 barbara o’Connor baird & warner 8031 Phillip buoscio buoscio brokerage, inc. 8005 Mario Greco Rubloff 8032 leila zammatta Magellan Realty, llC. 8006 Christopher feurer Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate 8033 Mariam harpur new west Realty, inc. 8007 dana dipasquale baird & warner 8008 Michael holtorf Equity brokerage Services 8009 Jack Guest CPA Century 21 McMullen 8034 My quynh Chung vina Realty, inc. 8035 Michael holtorf Equity brokerage Services 8036 tawnya Mcvicker @properties 8037 3-way tie 8055 Rigoberto Garcia Grinker & Garcia Real Estate 8056 Julie Anderson GRi RE/MAX Select 8057 teresa zubricki GRi CRS RE/MAX home Center 8058 Alice tse landmark Realty Group, inc. 8059 James watts the habitat Company 8060 Patricia Rodriguez dream town Realty 8061 nancy hawes Gordon Realty, inc. 8010 barbara Robertson CRS RE/MAX City Sheila Essex CPA nationwide Realty 8062 Maria Castillo Mi Casa Real Estate, inc. 8011 Garrison benson Garrison Partners Catrell dyer ford desired Realty, inc. 8063 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8012 Cam benson CRb Coldwell banker Residential Maria Chavez Mark Allen Realty 8064 Julie Anderson GRi RE/MAX Select 8013 dan florian RE/MAX 1st Class Realty 8038 Michelle browne Rubloff 8065 Maria Castillo Mi Casa Real Estate, inc. 8014 dan florian RE/MAX 1st Class Realty 8039 Sybil Martin Coldwell banker Residential 8066 Constantin lupancu Remar Realty Group, inc. 8015 Steve lukic lukic and Realty 8040 Christian nalls Metropolitan Property brokers 8067 Arthur Cirignani CCiM Chicago Realty Partners, inc. 8016 barbara o’Connor baird & warner 8041 Susan Casty Sudler Sotheby's international 8068 Gary weglarz Applebrook Realty, inc. 8017 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8042 J. Kirk darling MetroPro 8069 Marian Ciobanica MetroPro 8018 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8043 hasani Steele @properties 8070 Andrei turcu diverse Realty 8019 oscar Gil Gil & Gil Group Corporation 8044 Peaches Stewart Peaches & Associates Real Estate 8071 Gregory wilson Amalagated Real Estate 8020 zinovy dralyuk dralyuk Real Estate 8045 Abe Ayoub Rabah Great Street Properties, inc. 8072 Kathleen Morgan P.R.S. Associates, inc. 8021 Grace Sergio Sergio & banks 8046 Arthur Cirignani CCiM Chicago Realty Partners, inc. 8073 Gary weglarz Applebrook Realty, inc. 8022 Scott Graden @Properties 8047 david olaoye Coldwell banker Residential 8074 larry Anoman Anoman and Associates 8023 Sebastian hernandez @Properties 8048 timothy blomquist the lake Shore drive Group 8075 Kathleen Morgan P.R.S. Associates, inc. 8024 Karen biazar north Clyborne Group, inc. 8049 Sally Crachy Applebrook Realty, inc. 8025 Melissa Govedarica Sergio & banks 8050 Gary weglarz Applebrook Realty, inc. 8076 Agata bak Chicago town Realy & development 8026 no Clear top Producer 8051 nanchang you nanchang you 8027 Jonathan Strauss Premier Real Estate ventures V o l u m e 17 • J u n e / J u l y 2 0 0 8 8077 wayne Caplan Sperry van ness 19 2007 Sales Recognition Section
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