

When discussing polygons, some like
to refer to the parts, Poly and gon,
stating that this means “many sides”.
??? Sides ???
However, while “many” is fine for
Poly, is “sides” truly correct for gon?
What about “angles”?
??? Angles ???
It is best to check the word origin.
Many ??? Sides ???
Many ??? Angles ???
• From Latin: polygōnum
• From Greek: polýgōnon (noun use of
neuter of polýgōnos)
Meaning “many-angled”
What is Polygon?
What is Polygon?
• A closed shape formed by coplanar
line segments connected end to end
What is Polygon?
• A closed shape formed by coplanar
line segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line
What is Polygon?
• A closed shape formed by coplanar
line segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line
• A closed/bounded (geometric) shape
determined by line segments which
intersect in pairs at endpoints
What is Polygon?
• A closed shape formed by coplanar
line segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line
• A closed/bounded (geometric) shape
determined by line segments which
intersect in pairs at endpoints
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
• A closed shape formed by coplanar line
segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line segments
• A closed/bounded (geometric) shape
determined by line segments which
intersect in pairs at endpoints
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
• A closed shape formed by coplanar line
segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line segments
• A closed/bounded (geometric) shape
determined by line segments which
intersect in pairs at endpoints
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
• A closed shape formed by coplanar line
segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line segments
• A closed/bounded (geometric) shape
determined by line segments which
intersect in pairs at endpoints
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
Polygon or Not a Polygon?
Let us check our definitions …
• A closed shape formed by coplanar line
segments connected end to end
• A closed figure bounded by line segments
• A closed/bounded (geometric) shape
determined by line segments which
intersect in pairs at endpoints
Sides of Polygon
• The line segments
Angles of Polygon
• Formed by pairs of intersecting line
Angles of Polygon
• Formed by pairs of intersecting line
• Formed by the sides of the polygon
Angles of Polygon
• Formed by pairs of intersecting line
• Formed by the sides of the polygon
• Also known as the vertex angles
Vertices of Polygon
• Points at which the endpoints of
line segments (in pairs) intersect
Vertices of Polygon
• Points at which the endpoints of
line segments (in pairs) intersect
• Points at which a pair of sides of a
polygon intersect
Adjacent Sides of Polygon
• Two sides of a polygon that have a
common vertex
Adjacent Vertices of Polygon
• Two vertices that are endpoints of
a side of a polygon
Vertices/Angles of Polygon
• The sides of polygons intersect only
at the endpoints of line segments
for adjacent sides.
Vertices/Angles of Polygon
• A pair of adjacent sides of a
polygon form an angle of the
Vertices/Angles of Polygon
• The point at which a pair of
adjacent sides of a polygon
intersect is a vertex of the
How many sides of a polygon
can intersect at any point?
How many sides of a polygon
can intersect at any point?
• Recall: Two sides of a polygon
intersect at a common vertex.
How many sides of a polygon
can intersect at any point?
• Recall: Two sides of a polygon
intersect at a common vertex.
Not Polygons
Complex Polygons
• The sides of the polygon
cross/intersect one another*
Complex Polygons
• The sides of the polygon
cross/intersect one another*
*Some refer to these a self-intersection polygons while others do
not consider them to be polygons
 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Polygon.html
 http://www.mathopenref.com/polygon.html
 http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SimplePolygon.html
Is this a Polygon???
• Classified/named by the number of
Name/Type of Polygons
Triangle – 3 sides
Quadrilateral – 4 sides
Pentagon – 5 sides
Hexagon – 6 sides
Heptagon – 7 sides
Octagon – 8 sides
Nonagon (enneagon) – 9 sides
Name/Type of Polygons
Decagon – 10 sides
Hendecagon (undecagon) – 11 sides
Dodecagon – 12 sides
tridecagon (triskaidecagon) – 13 sides
tetradecagon (tetrakaidecagon) – 14 sides
pentadecagon (pentakaidecagon) – 15 sides
hexadecagon (hexakaidecagon) – 16 sides
Name/Type of Polygons
• heptadecagon (heptakaidecagon)
– 17 sides
• octadecagon (octakaidecagon) – 18 sides
• enneadecagon (enneakaidecagon)
– 19 sides
• Icosagon - 20 sides
Name/Type of Polygons
triacontagon - 30 sides
tetracontagon - 40 sides
pentacontagon - 50 sides
hexacontagon - 60 sides
heptacontagon 70 sides
octacontagon - 80 sides
enneacontagon - 90 sides
Name/Type of Polygons
Hectagon – 100 sides
Chiliagon – 1,000 sides
Myriagon – 10,000 sides
Megagon – 1,000,000 sides
Googolgon - 10100 sides
Name/Type of Polygons
• n-gon – n sides
gon - figure having (so many) angles
Interior of Polygon
Interior Points of Polygon
• Points in the interior of a polygon
Exterior of Polygon
Exterior Points of Polygon
• Points in the exterior of a polygon
Interior Angles Polygons
Interior Angles Polygons
Exterior Angles Polygons
Exterior Angles Polygons
Exterior Angles Polygons
Naming Polygons
• Polygons are named using the
letters at the vertices connecting
adjacent sides of the polygon
(around the polygon)
Diagonals of Polygon
• Line segments joining/connecting
nonadjacent vertices of a polygon
Some Diagonals for Polygons
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
n is the number of sides
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
Why n – 3 diagonals from one vertex???
n is the number of sides
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
Why n – 3 diagonals from one vertex???
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
No diagonal to
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
No diagonal to
n is the number of vertices
Subtract 1
from count
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
No diagonal to
endpoint of
this side
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
No diagonal to
endpoint of
this side
n is the number of vertices
Subtract 1
from count
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
No diagonal to
endpoint of
other side
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
No diagonal to
endpoint of
other side
n is the number of vertices
Subtract 1
from count
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
There are n vertices but 3
vertices cannot be connected
to another vertex to form a
diagonal within a polygon.
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
There are n - 3 vertices
which can be connected to
another vertex to form a
diagonal within a polygon.
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n is the number of sides
n ( n - 3)
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n ( n - 3 ) for the total number
of diagonals???
n is the number of sides
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n ( n - 3 ) for the total number
of diagonals???
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n is the number of vertices
When counting
diagonals, this
diagonal …
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n is the number of vertices
When counting
diagonals, this
diagonal is
counted as a
diagonal for
this vertex …
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n is the number of vertices
… as well as
this vertex.
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
n is the number of vertices
So, this
diagonal is
counted twice.
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
Each vertex has n - 3 diagonals.
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
There are n vertices, each of
which has n - 3 diagonals.
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
Since the product of n and n - 3
would count each diagonal twice,
we multiply the product, n ( n - 3 ),
by 12 so that each diagonal is
counted only once.
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
n is the number of sides
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
n is the number of sides
Why n – 2 triangles???
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
n is the number of sides
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
Three vertices
are connected
to form a
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
This vertex
alone cannot
form a
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
This vertex
alone cannot
form a
n is the number of vertices
Subtract 1
from count
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
This vertex
alone cannot
form a
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
This vertex
alone cannot
form a
n is the number of vertices
Subtract 1
from count
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
There are n – 2 vertices
which can be connected to
form triangles from one
vertex within a polygon.
n is the number of vertices
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2
There are n – 2 vertices
which can be connected to
form triangles from one
vertex within a polygon.*
n is the number of vertices
*Note: We are counting non- overlapping adjacent triangles.
Diagonals of Polygon
• Number of diagonals from one
vertex: n - 3
• Number of diagonals:
n ( n - 3)
• Number of triangles that can be
created from one vertex: n -2 *
n is the number of sides
*Note: We are counting non- overlapping adjacent triangles.
Convex Polygons
Convex Polygon
• A polygon is called convex if
 All diagonals are in the interior
of the polygon
Convex Polygon
• A polygon is called convex if
 All diagonals are in the interior
of the polygon
Convex Polygon
• A polygon is called convex if
 All diagonals are in the interior
of the polygon,
 All line segments connecting two
interior points of the polygon are
in the interior of the polygon, and
Convex Polygon
• A polygon is called convex if
 All diagonals are in the interior
of the polygon,
 All line segments connecting two
interior points of the polygon are
in the interior of the polygon, and
Convex Polygon
• A polygon is called convex if
 All diagonals are in the interior
of the polygon,
 All line segments connecting two
interior points of the polygon are
in the interior of the polygon, and
 All interior angles of the polygon
have measure less than 180º.
Convex Polygon
• A polygon is called convex if
 All diagonals are in the interior
of the polygon,
 All line segments connecting two
interior points of the polygon are
in the interior of the polygon, and
 All interior angles of the polygon
have measure less than 180º.
Concave Polygons
Concave Polygon
• A polygon is called concave if
 At least one diagonal contains exterior
points of the polygon
Concave Polygon
• A polygon is called concave if
 At least one diagonal contains exterior
points of the polygon
Concave Polygon
• A polygon is called concave if
 At least one diagonal contains exterior
points of the polygon,
 At least one line segment connecting
two interior points of the polygon
contains exterior points of the polygon,
Concave Polygon
• A polygon is called concave if
 At least one diagonal contains exterior
points of the polygon,
 At least one line segment connecting
two interior points of the polygon
contains exterior points of the polygon,
Concave Polygon
• A polygon is called concave if
 At least one diagonal contains exterior
points of the polygon,
 At least one line segment connecting
two interior points of the polygon
contains exterior points of the polygon,
 At least one interior angle of the
polygon has measure greater than
Concave Polygon
• A polygon is called concave if
 At least one diagonal contains exterior
points of the polygon,
 At least one line segment connecting
two interior points of the polygon
contains exterior points of the polygon,
 At least one interior angle of the
polygon has measure greater than
Regular Polygon
• A polygon is called regular if
 all the sides of the polygon have
the same length
 all the interior angles of the
polygon have the same measure.
Regular Polygon
• A polygon is called regular if
 all the sides of the polygon have
the same length
 all the interior angles of the
polygon have the same measure.
This appears
to be a
regular polygon.
Regular Polygon
• A polygon is called regular if
 all the sides of the polygon have
the same length
 all the interior angles of the
polygon have the same measure.
This is not a
regular polygon.
Regular Polygon
• A regular polygon is
 Equiangular
 Equilateral.
Irregular Polygon
• A polygon is called irregular if
 at least one side is longer/shorter
than the other sides of the
 at least one interior angle of the
polygon has a different measure
than the other interior angles.
This does not seem to be
an irregular polygon.
Irregular Polygon
• A polygon is called irregular if
 at least one side is longer/shorter
than the other sides of the
 at least one interior angle of the
polygon has a different measure
than the other interior angles.
This is an irregular polygon.
Irregular Polygon
• A polygon is called irregular if
 at least one side is longer/shorter
than the other sides of the
 at least one interior angle of the
polygon has a different measure
than the other interior angles.
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Measures of interior angles:
180(n -2)
• Measures of exterior angles:
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Measures of interior angles:
360 
 180  degrees
n 
• Measures of exterior angles:
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
360 
Measures of interior angles:  180  degrees
n 
Measures of exterior angles:
Since the interior angle and exterior angle
at any vertex of a polygon form a straight
angle, the sum of the measure of the
interior angle and the measure of the
exterior angle at any vertex is 180 degrees.
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Measures of interior angles: 180(n -2) degrees
Measures of exterior angles:
If we would like to determine the sum of the
measures of the interior angles of a regular polygon
or the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of
a regular polygon, we can multiply each formula above
by n to determine the respective sum.
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Measures of interior angles: 180(n -2) degrees
Measures of exterior angles:
If we would like to determine the sum of the
measures of the interior angles of a regular polygon
or the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of
a regular polygon, we can multiply each formula above
by n to determine the respective sum. That is, …
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Sum of measures of interior angles:
180(n -2) degrees
• Sum of measures of exterior angles:
360 degrees
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Sum of measures of interior angles:
180(n -2) degrees
Notice the factor of n – 2 above???
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Sum of measures of interior angles:
180(n -2) degrees
Notice the factor of n – 2 above???
n – 2 is the number of non- overlapping adjacent
triangles that can be formed using diagonals from
one vertex of a polygon.
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Sum of measures of interior angles:
180(n -2) degrees
Since n – 2 non- overlapping adjacent triangles can be
formed from one vertex of a polygon …
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Sum of measures of interior angles:
180(n -2) degrees
Since n – 2 non- overlapping adjacent triangles can be
formed from one vertex of a polygon and since the
sum of the measures of the interior angles of a
triangle is 180 degrees, …
n is the number of sides
Angles of Regular Polygon
• Sum of measures of interior angles:
180(n -2) degrees
Since n – 2 non- overlapping adjacent triangles can be
formed from one vertex of a polygon and since the
sum of the measures of the interior angles of a
triangle is 180 degrees, the sum of the measures of
the interior angles of a polygon formed by these
triangles is 180(n – 2) degrees.
n is the number of sides

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