Gary Stearman interviews Arch Bonnema - Spirit


Gary Stearman interviews Arch Bonnema - Spirit
June 2010
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Gary Stearman interviews Arch Bonnema
Has Noah’s Ark Been Found At Last? . . . . . . 3
Gary Stearman interviews Arch Bonnema about his artifacts retrieved from the 13,126-foot level atop Mount Suleiman in Iran.
He talked about his climb and showed samples of petrified wood,
salt-water barnacles, and sea anemone embedded in the petrified
wood at the site; but most important of all, he showed a piece of
animal waste containing butterfly wings, hair from tigers and lions,
and animal DNA from several species of animals who live on every
continent in the world! How did they all get together in one place?
Modern Sacrifices to Evil Gods . . . . . 8
Cattle mutilations have increased over the years. American
ranchers have lost cattle to these mysterious predators, who drain
the animal of every drop of blood and cut out organs with a technology that does not exist on this planet, including removing brains
without opening the skull. Now, English shepherds are losing their
sheep. Many groups have set up teams to watch over their flocks,
and report seeing UFOs sweeping down over the herd and snatching sheep. Gary Stearman writes about this phenomenon and suggests that the ancient gods of mythology are returning to Earth.
The Madness of Moral Blindness . . . . . . 15
Why does it seem that every decision made in Washington
D.C., is “crazy”? In this Prophetic Mini-Study, Gary Stearman
lays out the problem from the Scriptures. When men deliberately
turn from God, they are plagued by the madness of moral blindness. Common sense is no longer sought. II Timothy 3:1 predicted an age when “perilous times shall come.” We are there.
America and the world have reached the “last days” where the
meaning of “perilous times” is revealed — “ragingly insane.”
Bob’s Corner . . . . . . 17
Bob Ulrich reviews a new Christian movie: The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry. It will make you feel like a kid again. Better yet,
it has a timeless message that will never go out of style. Three
12-year-old boys have their lives changed as they meet to study
the Bible in Jonathan’s Sperry’s home.
Eschatology 101 (Chapter Six) . . . . . . 33
This chapter covers the subject: “The Doctrine of the Great
Sabbath.” J. R. Church comments on the “Millennial Day” concept taught in Hosea; shows how Jesus announced His Advent in
a Synagogue on the Sabbath; healed people on the Sabbath; was
transfigured “after six days” — all pointing toward the establishment of heaven’s kingdom in the seventh millennium.
Pravda Quotes Scripture . . . . . . 37
Shortly after the eruption of Iceland’s volcano, an acidic cloud
of ash swept eastward across Europe. As the winds of the jet
stream drove it ever farther toward northern Europe and Russia, many expressed their fear that this natural disaster displayed
almost biblical proportions. Furthermore, they expressed deep
dread that a companion volcano, named Katla, might also erupt,
spewing ten times more gas and ash than the eruption in progress. Most surprisingly, a culture known for its atheistic tendencies was caught expressing its fear in terms of Bible prophecy!
2 Prophecy in the News
P. O. Box 7000
Oklahoma City, OK 73153
Dr. J. R. Church, Editor
Gary Stearman, Associate Editor
Volume 30 • Number 6 • June 2010
U. S.: $34.95 - 1 year
Toll-Free Telephone: 1-800-475-1111
Fax: (405) 636-1054
Find Prophecy in the News on the Worldwide Web!
Page 3 . . .
Has Noah’s Ark Been Found At Last?
Edited by J. R. Church
Page 8 . . .
Modern Sacrifices to Evil Gods
By Gary Stearman
Page 15 . . .
The Madness of Moral Blindness
By Gary Stearman
Page 17 . . .
Bob’s Corner
By Bob Ulrich
Page 33 . . .
Eschatology 101 (Chapter Six)
By J. R. Church
Page 37 . . .
Pravda Quotes Scripture
By Gary Stearman
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The Evidence Is Overwhelming!
Has Noah’s Ark Been
Found At Last?
Edited by J. R. Church
What you are about to read will thrill you
beyond measure. At last, a Texan offers a
fascinating explanation for the location
of Noah’s Ark. Mr. Arch Bonnema, from
McKinney, Texas, brought back samples of
petrified wood from the 13,126-foot level
atop Mount Suleiman
(Solomon — said to
be the only mountain
in Iran with a Jewish
name), located about
50 miles north of Teheran. Arch Bonnema
sent his samples to
five prestigious laboratories for analysis
and had the scientists all abuzz over what
they found. Gary Stearman interviewed
Arch Bonnema for our television program
(airing in June) and we offer his interview
as our cover story, along with pictures of
petrified wood — and especially a piece
of animal waste that contains butterfly
wings, hair from tigers who live in India,
lions who live in Africa, and DNA from
several animals that currently live all over
the world. How did these animals all get
together in one place? The evidence is astounding.
Arch Bonnema explains the rock containing animal DNA to J. R. and Gary on the set
of Prophecy in the News television program. Animal waste dropped to the bottom hull
of the ship, then became petrified rock. Hairs, feathers, etc., were embedded in it.
Gary Stearman and Arch Bonnema
Gary Stearman: Welcome to Prophecy
in the News, Arch.
Arch Bonnema: Thank you Gary. It’s
great to be here.
Gary: We’re going to first ask you about
the latest news item — Noah’s Ark discovered in Turkey on Mt. Ararat. What do you
think about that?
Arch: Interesting, isn’t it? Everybody
says no one is interested in hearing about
God anymore, and yet it made worldwide
news when they found it. Unfortunately
for them, within three days it was proven
to be a fraud. A group of five Kurdish men
found a very old building by the Black
Sea, took pictures inside that building,
The pile of rocks seen in the center of this picture is believed to have slid down
the mountain from the 15,000-foot level during the earthquake that occurred here
in the year 2000. Inset: Man-made planks of wood became petrified.
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Prophecy in the News 3
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and then raised money under the pretense
that this building was on Mt. Ararat, and
carried the boards up the mountain, assembled them in a cave and took pictures.
Then they offered to show it to a Chinese
group for a huge sum of money. Well, the
funny thing is, the first pictures you look at
before they took it apart had cobwebs. At
13,000 feet, there should be no cobwebs!
It should have been the first sign. Dr. Randall Price has a pretty interesting story at
“” He invested several thousand dollars towards the expedition before he found out that it was a hoax.
On his website, he gives the evidence on
the fact that it was a fake. But, what I think
what is interesting is that so many people
continue to go to Mt. Ararat in Turkey,
because the Bible is very clear on where
Noah’s Ark is, and Turkey doesn’t fit that
model at all.
Gary: We’ve had astronauts climbing
Mt. Ararat, and we’ve had satellite photos.
The world’s attention has been focused
on that particular mountain, which, by the
way, stands all by itself right out in the
middle of a plain.
Arch: Genesis 8:4 says, “And the ark
rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.” And it’s true if you look
on a globe or map it shows Mt. Ararat in
Turkey. What it doesn’t show is that it
wasn’t named Mt. Ararat until 4000 years
after the flood. According to “Wikipedia.
com,” in the 11th century the Armenians
started calling it “Noah’s mountain.” But in
the 13th century, Marco Polo was travelling
across Turkey on his way to China when
someone said, “This is Noah’s mountain
and Noah’s Ark is on this mountain.” He
said, “Well, then that must be Mt. Ararat.”
And he wrote “Ararat” on the map in his
book and that was the first time that it was
called Mt. Ararat. The Bible says that it
landed in the mountains of Ararat, but it
doesn’t say Turkey. It says “mountains”
plural. And except for Mt. Ararat, with
little Ararat being right alongside it, that’s
the only thing that there is for mountains
out there. And the next verse is even more
specific. “… on the first day of the month,
were the tops of the mountains seen.” We
used to have military bases there, and I’ve
had pilots email me, write me, and call me
saying, “We flew around Mt. Ararat and
you couldn’t see anything for hundreds
of miles.” I flew across it at 38,000 feet
and the pilot said, “Look out the right side
of the plane. You’ll see Mt. Ararat.” And
sure enough, but as far as you could see at
38,000 feet, there were no other mountains
that could be seen.
in the
the News
4 Prophecy in
Sand stuck
to asphalt
Sand stuck
to asphalt
The seams or cracks between these boards are filled with asphalt pitch. It looks
like sand, but when the team scratched the sand away, they found black asphalt
pitch sealing the petrified wood. The reason this looks like a pile and not a ship is
because the ship slid 2,000 feet down the mountain, piling up here.
Gary: So what you’re saying is that the
recent claim was a hoax.
Arch: In 1616, Sir Walter Scott wrote
that it was impossible for Mt. Ararat to
be in Turkey because of Genesis 11:2,
which says, “And it came to pass, as they
journeyed from the east, that they found a
plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt
there.” Well, if you’re travelling from the
east, you’re headed west. Here’s the problem: Mt. Ararat in Turkey is northwest. So
when the NIV was edited, someone looked
at the map and said, “Uh oh, the Bible was
written wrong,” they changed the NIV to
read, “Noah’s sons traveled eastward,” instead of “from the east.” The problem is
the Greek says, “from the east.” The King
James says, “from the east.” The Hebrew
text says, “from the east.” But the NIV
changed it. However, in 2008, after I had
given this talk many times, I got a Bible in
the mail from the NIV publishers saying,
“Please don’t say that we’re saying it anymore. We’ve changed the NIV Bible.” So
from 2008 forward, the NIV now says that
Noah’s sons travelled “from the east.”
Gary: So, if you go from the traditional
site of Mt. Ararat in Turkey, you have to
go back toward the east.
Arch: Yes, if we go to Shinar and proceed toward the east, we will find a range
of mountains that, for more than 2000
years, was called the region of Ararat. And
there are four maps dating from A.D. 900
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The Case for the Discovery of Noah’s Ark
With Arch Bonnema
Arch Bonnema brought back samples of petrified wood, soaked in an asphalt pitch, with barnacles and sea
anemones encrusted together; causing five U. S. laboratories to conclude that the pile of petrified wood discovered at the 13,100-foot level near the top of Mount Suleiman, some 50 miles northwest of Tehran, Iran, came
from an ancient ship that floated in salt water for several months. But even more telling among the artifacts, was
a petrified sample that contains animal waste collected on the bottom floor of the ship. Found in the sample
was hair from tigers that live in India and lions that live in Africa. It also contains butterfly wings from butterflies
that are native to South America, feathers from several species of birds, and DNA from several more animals
from every continent in the world. This is the most compelling proof that the ship carried a cargo of animals.
Watch Gary’s interview about the animal waste. These two DVDs contain two lectures by Arch Bonnema on
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- approximately 2 hours) These four programs (a $30.00 value) are being offered to you for a donation of any
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Prophecy in the News 5
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all the way back to 600 B.C. that show one
mountain that has Noah’s Ark on it — from
different explorers over a 1,700-year time
span. Four explorers claim to have found
Noah’s Ark. And that mount is Mt. Suleiman (Solomon), the only mountain in the
entire Middle East with a Hebrew name.
The 2006 Expedition
Gary: Now we get to the interesting
part of the story. Arch Bonnema has actually travelled to the “mountains of Ararat”
mentioned in the Bible. This is what you
believe you’ve done, and you have actually climbed one of those mountains. Tell
us how that happened, how you came to
climb that particular mountain, and what
you saw.
Arch: There was a group of 14 of us
that went there in June 2006, just a few
years ago. We climbed the mountain and
got to our base camp. We had five mountain guides (a grandfather in his 70s, his
two sons in their 40s, and two grandsons
in their 20s). When the grandfather approached us he said, “Why are you at my
mountain? You’re the second group of
white people I’ve ever seen. The first ones
were Germans 35 years ago.” Well, before we left it looked like the war between
Israel and Iran was breaking out, so we
weren’t going to be talking about Noah’s
Ark, so we just said that we’re looking for
an object. He lit up. He said, “You want to
see Noah’s Ark?” We said, “Okay, why do
you ask?” “Because it’s on my mountain.”
He said, “I haven’t seen it for more than
50 years, but each year now the ice keeps
melting.” And he said, “This is the first
time we can see it in more than 50 years.”
And that, of course, extraordinarily raised
our anticipation and adrenaline level.
Gary: What did you see as you came
upon this scene, which he claimed to be
Noah’s Ark?
Arch: At 13,126 feet, we found the petrified remains of an ancient ship. We took
more than 1,000 pictures as a group. We
brought back sixteen pieces of it. We sent
five of the pieces to five different labs. All
the labs came back with the same answer.
They said, “You have the petrified remains
of an ancient ship,” based on three things.
First of all, it was petrified wood; secondly,
two of the pieces had saltwater creatures
that had burrowed deep into the wood and
became petrified with it; and finally, some
of the pieces were soaked with pitch. The
only reason to soak wood with pitch is to
make a ship. Now the question is, which
ship is it?
Gary: Yes?
Arch: We looked all over for a plaque
6 Prophecy in the News
Look closely at the petrified wood sample above and observe several varieties of
sea anemones embedded in the piece. This proves that the ship was in salt water
for several months. Examples of anemones are shown in the two photos beneath.
that said S.S. Noah, but there wasn’t any.
The scientists, however, gave us three
options. They knew we had a ship, but
how could you get a ship at 13,000 feet
up the side of a mountain? Of course, the
lab technicians were right up front: they
weren’t Christians; didn’t believe the story
of Noah’s flood; didn’t believe the Bible;
but they said, “Let’s just say one option
is Noah’s Ark. The second option is there
are more than 70 religions that have the
story of a worldwide flood with someone
saving them from it. So it could be a different ship, different religion, different
time. But actually, the most probable thing
was that the ship got beamed up there by
space aliens, maybe the ones that built the
pyramids.” Those are the options that they
gave us!
The Samples
Gary: Modern mythology. Well, Arch,
you’ve brought some samples, and I’m
holding one here, which is a barnacle. Now,
everybody’s heard of barnacles. They are
the plague of the U.S. Navy, because they
attach themselves to the outside of a ship’s
hull and they grow a shell. Eventually, you
can become so barnacle encrusted that your
ship begins to lose speed because of the
drag. And it takes a while for a barnacle to
attach itself and grow there, and when you
found this petrified wooden ship, it had
saltwater barnacles attached to it.
Arch: There was a big article in Iran’s
national newspaper, The Persian Times,
within two weeks after we got back, claiming these people as Texans, which I was,
and because that’s where our President
was from. These Texans claim to have
found a ship on a mountain. Now, at that
time, we never claimed how big it was. We
just showed small pieces. They said, “We
looked at their small pieces on the internet, and if that really turns out to be wood,
it’s probably remains of a sheepherder’s
cabin.” How did a sheepherder’s cabin get
barnacles all over it?
Gary: The next item we have here is
a piece of the petrified material that you
say has a sea anemone and, by the way,
it’s beautifully clear here. A sea anemone
grows in saltwater.
Arch: Yes, and it has seashells, all on
this same piece. We actually came back
with many pieces that the scientists all
agree contained saltwater sea anemones
and saltwater seashells.
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Asphalt Pitch
Gary: Now, you may hear claims that
somebody found Noah’s Ark. It came
through the news. All those photographs
of a wooden cabin that somebody said was
up on top of Mt. Ararat was a hoax. On the
other hand, to find the petrified remains of
a wooden ship at 13,000 feet — how did
it get up there? And here’s an interesting
thing. Between the timbers of this ship you
found a material that looked like sand at
first. Tell us about that.
Arch: Where the seams of the boards
came together, you can see sand in all the
seams. But, if you brush away the sand, it’s
all pitch — just like an asphalt road. You’ve
seen tar on a road where crews have put
seals in; that’s exactly what it looked like.
So, it was obviously remains of a ship.
Bingo! Animal DNA!
Gary: Now, this brings us to something
else. I’m looking at a piece of animal
waste. We need to talk about this for quite
a while. This is a petrified something, and
it has wood grain on one side. This piece
appears to be a curved piece of petrified
wood. And when you brought this back,
you said that’s what you thought it was.
Arch: Actually, this is a piece that we almost didn’t carry off the mountain, because
everything we took off we had to smuggle
through customs. We had this one big piece,
but I just couldn’t put it down. We brought
about 30 pieces off the mountain and decided that we were going to bring half of
them back. So I ended up taking this piece.
It looks like a chunk of wood.
Gary: It has a slight curve on it, meaning that it came from a very large round
log-like chunk. Except it didn’t come from
a log. Tell us what it really is.
Arch: This was among the second batch
that we sent to the labs, because we thought
it wasn’t that important. We sent the first
batch of artifacts to five labs. To hear the
results, we had the scientists in a conference call on the phone from all five labs,
with all of our fourteen climbers listening,
while they told us what we had. And while
they were, on one hand, making fun of us
because we thought we had Noah’s Ark,
on the other hand they were saying, “This
stuff is really interesting. We’d like to look
at more.” They charged us a lot of money
the first time, but they said, “If you have
any more pieces, we won’t charge you.
We just want to look at them.” And that’s
when we sent in this piece containing animal DNA. And here’s the interesting thing.
You can see they cut off one corner of it.
Out of this, they took it apart particle by
The barnacle (above) attached itself to the hull of the ship, proving that this petrified
pile of wood found at 13,125 feet above sea level atop Mount Suleiman, northwest
of Tehran, was once a ship that floated on a saltwater ocean for several months.
Here is the most incredible proof that the ship carried animals from all over the
world. Five U. S. labs examined the piece — all saying that it is petrified animal
waste that contains hairs, feathers, DNA, etc., from animals of every continent on
the planet — hair from tigers that roam the jungles of India, hair from lions that only
live in Africa; and butterflies that live in South America, just to name a few.
particle. They found that this is petrified
animal waste from the bottom of the ship.
Well, this is all packed into a wedge that
was taken out of the log and it took on the
characteristics of the log; and that’s why it
looks like a piece of wood. But it’s not. If
you cut it open, there’s nothing in here but
solid material, and it is all animal waste.
Gary: You might call it originally sort
of a muck that precipitated down to the
bottom of the hold; and then hardened after it dried out; and then it became petrified. So, what is in that muck?
Arch: Well first of all, we have cat hairs
of four different types of large cats. Many
people don’t understand that tigers are in
India and Southeast China; lions are in
Africa; they don’t normally live together.
We found bird feathers that only exist in
Africa. We found pieces of butterfly wings
from butterflies that only live in South
America. And we found pieces of plant
material that only grows in the Southern
Pacific islands. And this is in northern Iran,
all in the same piece of rock. So, these animals were not only in the same ship, but
there’s an enormous amount of DNA there
from many different animals.
Gary: Now, let’s face it. You find a petri-
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Continued on Page 38
Prophecy in the News 7
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Continued From Page 7
fied something that’s made of timbers that
are coated with pitch. You find it at 13,000
feet on Mount Suleiman, and then you find
a piece of petrified muck that is the combined waste of many different animals from
many different climatic zones, and pretty
soon you begin to draw conclusions.
Arch: Here’s the interesting thing.
From Mt. Suleiman, you can go fifty miles
in any direction and find the climate for
any animal, because there’s a desert in one
direction, there’s a tropical rain forest in
another direction, there’s a plains area in
another section — so every type of animal
in the world could live within 50 miles of
Mt. Suleiman.
Gary: Is it too early to make the assumption that this is a petrified piece of
Noah’s Ark, or dare we say that?
Arch: We have petrified pieces of an
ancient ship!
Gary: Of an ancient ship at 13,126 feet
in Iran, and it has animal waste from many
different types of animals that come from
many different types of climatic zones,
plus vegetation that’s not native to Iran?
Arch: After we had the first samples
done, and because we had to send the
five samples to all the different labs to go
through it; a year later, we set up a conference phone call. All of the climbers were
on the phone, as well as all five labs. It
was supposed to be a fifteen-minute phone
call. An hour and fifteen minutes later, as
they were describing everything that they
found, they kept getting more excited.
Remember, these are the guys who said,
“We’re not Christians; we’re scientists.”
Finally, after an hour and fifteen minutes,
I said, “Okay guys, what is it that we did
find?” And it went silent on the other end.
And then one of the guys, I don’t know
who, said, “Mr. Bonnema, we’ve been
talking about this for months and we don’t
see how it can be anything but Noah’s Ark,
but don’t use our names.”
Gary: Now this is a commercial lab,
I take it a very reputable lab? People
who know what they’re doing? And they
weren’t Christians?
Arch: Here’s another interesting thing.
We had a call from Cambridge University’s DNA lab. And the call went, “Mr.
Bonnema, this is Dr. So-and-So from
Cambridge University DNA lab. I’m not a
Christian. I don’t believe the Bible. I don’t
believe the story of Noah’s flood. However, we just finished a DNA research of
grapes. And the oldest grape vines in the
world come from the same area where you
found that ship.” In Genesis 9, Noah came
off the Ark; he built an altar; we found the
38 Prophecy in the News
altar; made a sacrifice; and the rainbow appeared. In verse 20, he planted a vineyard.
Now, all of a sudden, Cambridge University is saying, “Hey, that’s where the oldest
grapevines are in the world — the same
place that the Bible says that Noah planted
a vineyard.”
Gary: The mother of all vineyards!
Arch: Ten days later we got a call from
the U.S. DNA lab. These people were
searching us out. “This is Dr. So-and-So
from the U.S. DNA lab, and just thought
you might find it interesting. I’m not a
Bible believer; don’t believe in the story
of Noah’s flood. However, we traced the
DNA of horses, and the oldest horses in
the world come from that same area in
northern Iran where you found that ship.”
Gary: So they must have come off that
ark. Wait a minute; we’re getting ready to
say it here. Tell me what you told me earlier, because I think this is interesting. You
go to public schools and you make this
presentation and you can do it because of
the way you present all this.
Arch: Well, obviously, we cannot make
a claim that we have found Noah’s Ark.
We don’t know. We have scientific proof
that we found an enormous petrified ship
at 13,126 feet up that mountain that has
DNA from animals all over the world. So,
when I give the talk I say, “Let me give
you the evidence that we have, and then
you decide what ship it is.” That way, I’m
not making it a religious talk; it’s a scientific talk. School systems, even in the U.S.,
have allowed me to come speak because
it’s not a religious talk.
Gary: Arch, let’s talk more about your
experience. Now, you’re up there; you’re
collecting these samples. You told me you
actually saw what Noah must have seen.
This is an interesting story to me because
the Bible talks about the waters receding
and Noah witnessing a particular phenomenon.
Arch: In Genesis 8:5, it says, “As the
waters receded, the tops of the mountains
all came into view.” We’ve already discussed that from Mt. Ararat in Turkey,
there aren’t any other mountains. As we
climbed this mountain (Mt. Suleiman), we
went through a snowstorm. As we were setting up our camp; as the clouds started going down — now if you’ve ever flown in a
jet where all the clouds are even — they’re
level. They’re not like cumulous clouds all
piled up, they’re just level. That’s what
the flood would have looked like. As the
clouds went down the mountain, the tops
of all these mountains came to view. In
fact, we counted 16 peaks over 14,000 feet
that can be seen from Mt. Suleiman.
Gary: The “mountains” — plural — of
Ararat. Now folks, let me just take a moment here and say that’s why it’s important
to believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired word of God, because the ‘s’ on the
end of a word makes all the difference. A
“mountain” is different from “mountains”
plural. And the Bible says that the mountains appeared to Noah. I can just picture
this in my mind. As the cloud receded, you
can first see one peak, then another, then
two more. It must have been phenomenal.
Arch: And we all commented about the
same time as we’re watching this. “Look
out here! This must be what Noah saw,”
and I think God provided that for us to see.
Gary: That’s amazing. Now, what else
would you like to tell us? To me, a saltwater barnacle in a petrified wreck at 13,000
feet is fairly convincing. What else did
you see that really struck you? The pitch,
this material that you brought back — did
you find any metal artifacts or anything
that looked man made?
Arch: Well, the whole ship looked man
made. I also want to say that we do not
believe that Noah’s Ark had a V- shaped
bottom, because the only purpose is to
travel fast. To carry a lot of weight, Noah
would have built it in the shape of a barge.
The Bible’s statistics would make the ark
approximately 450 feet long, approximately 75 feet wide, and approximately 45 feet high. And if it was a barge in
shape, it would easily hold all the animals
mentioned in the Bible. It is no longer in
that shape today. According to the Iranian
guide, the ship originally landed 2,000 feet
further up — at 15,000 feet; because that’s
where he saw it 50 years ago. Three of our
guys went up the mountain and found the
altar. In the year 2000, there was an enormous earthquake that killed 64,000 people
in that region. That is when the ship slid
down the mountain. It hit solid rock and
started piling up on top of each other. So,
today, it just looks like an enormous pile of
debris. But all those huge sections of wall
were obviously man made.
Arch: Recently, as I was coming through
the Dubai airport, I saw an English speaking Arab newspaper. On the front page was
a big article that said, “We have just found
the great Muslim prophet Noah’s ship.”
Guess where? Same place we found this
one. Only now, it wasn’t the biblical Noah’s Ark. It was the Muslim Noah’s Ark!
They believe that it’s Noah’s Ark also, but
that Noah was a Muslim.
Gary: Thanks for sharing your adventure with us at Prophecy in the News. u
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