Currency exchange via Traderoom sectionin Swedbank Internet


Currency exchange via Traderoom sectionin Swedbank Internet
Currency exchange via Traderoom section in
Swedbank Internet banking for Business clients
Traderoom is a section on Swedbank Internet banking for Business clients where you can conclude Spot deals, settle term
deposits, or conclude Forward and Swap transactions.
Exchanging currency in the Traderoom facility requires the following contracts with the customer to be in force:
• Agreement for Financial Market Transactions;
• Agreement on use of the Traderoom system.
The representative of the company wishing to perform transactions in Traderoom needs to have signed Terms of Remote
Banking Services and “transaction” rights must be check-marked in the Agreement on use of the Traderoom system.
1 To exchange currency in Swedbank Internet banking for Business clients, click on Traderoom section at left side.
2 Then, select sub-section “Spot”
Select a
section “SPOT”
The indicative exchange rates are approximate and transactions cannot be carried out using these rates.
3 To perform currency exchange transactions, go to section “Spot”.
Request a
Select “SPOT”
Select the currency to buy and the currency to sell, as well as specifying one of the amounts. Then, click on the “request
transaction offer” button. If the “calculate only” button is clicked, the rate shown cannot be used in carrying out the
transaction if the rate is acceptable to the customer. If you make a new transaction offer request, the offered exchange rate
may differ.
4 When “Request transaction offer” button is clicked, an exchange rate is offered to the customer. If the rate is acceptable
to the customer, transaction must be confirmed within 30 seconds by clicking on “Confirm transaction”.
To conclude the transaction,
it is mandatory to click
“Confirm transaction”
within 30 seconds.
If the transaction is not
confirmed, it is possible to
request a new price and
calculate all the options of
If customer wishes a new price offer, the “Request new price” button must be clicked and a new exchange rate, which will
depend on changes in the currency market, will be offered.
The clicking on “Confirm transaction” button must be followed by notification “Deal is Captured”.
The transaction is concluded
and here you can see the
transaction confirmation. This
transaction will be executed
in your account within
10 minutes. Until execution,
it is possible to view this
transaction in the section
“Spot transaction overview”
by sending a request.
6 If customer wants to save most often used Sport currency pairs as templates, it can be done in submenu “Spot”.
Choose sell and buy currency and select button “Add currency pair to Favorites”. In case it is needed to save more
than one currency pair to favorites, it is needed to repeat above mentioned actions until all required currency pairs are added to Favorites.
In order to save your
templates, select the
currencies and click “Add
currency pair to Favorites”
Next time when customer opens Traderoom
Spot, it is possible to enter deal directly from Favorites submenu.
In submenu Favorites, customer is able to:
• Enter sell or buy amount, request indicative rate;
• Enter sell or buy amount, request deal offer;
• Remove currency pair from Favorites.
Request a
transaction offer
Contact information
Should you have any question or uncertainty concerning the Traderoom facility or conclusion of forward or swap
transactions, please get in touch with the Financial Markets Department employees by phone on 67 444 141.