Salzburg Quality from Tradition
Salzburg Quality from Tradition
Tradition is alive in the city of Salzburg Salzburg has so much more to offer than just a stunning backdrop. Behind the walls of numerous charming townhouses there are plenty of long-established shops, small-scale manufacturers and family businesses. Craftsmanship and quality are alive and well in the city of Mozart – and are greatly appreciated. In Salzburg there are several businesses that have survived and thrived down the years, whose traditional skills have been handed from generation to generation. The people of Salzburg care about the preservation of this legacy. Salzburg Quality from Tradition 2 2 N Pet ers bru nns tra ße nta ler on gg a Erhard sse gas se er nb on A (City Bus) Richard-K ‹ 4› Bo rro mä um str aß e raß e str aß e Kü n ha stle ga us- rss e ARGEkultur Salzburg st Good to know 28, 12, Terminal Nonntal n h Tavern restaurants in the surroundings69 ba nn A ‹ 5,20,25 › Finanzämter Danreiterg. Ka No roline ›3,5,6,7,8,10, nntal n-/ er 12 Brü ,14,25, cke 28,84 0› Lan hau dsg. S Stie eb.f-G . rg ls tei n Var Dr.nsc h G. ein- Brodg . Mo za steg rtKrotachg. h straße Ste lzh am ers tr. ‹ 2› ig s t r a ß e Ga Frit sch gas se ße tr a rs A Sta brü atscke Klam pfererg. Sigm .- H affn er-G . Wr.- N ber g ac ‹ 3,8, R a in Kajetanerplatz Sc ‹20› Am 41 se e ss ga Ernst-Sompek-Straße Bu ckl reu th straße Unters- Rob in Pauern ‹21› Par ace lsu sst r. Lin zer Ga Ste ss fan e -Zw We e g ig- se We ise rstr aße Ha ydnstraß e ‹22› Ra ine rst raß e J Hu .-F.m St mel r. - Mak artsteg Sterng. Phil ha -G. rm. bergstr. brunnstr. Fürsten- ›21,22› alz ‹ 3,8 Anlegestelle Hellbrunn Re ff e i Re Leopoldskron straße Plainstraße Elisabethkai Franz-Jose f-Kai ‹ 7› › 7,2 8 Lin dh ofs tra ‹20, 21, ße 2 Koch-Sternfe ld-G. Riedenburger S traß e M ölc kh of - ‹21,22› Kajetanerkirche Justizgebäude 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 fel Hö K ai g a s e straße A Rudolfsplatz Ign Hermann-Bahraz- Promenade Rie de r-K Volksgarten ai S 42gsAlter Fuchs tra ße 43 Andreas Hofer Weinstube 44Bärenwirt ‹ 6,7,10,12› 45Krimpelstätter Mayr r. - Karl-B ö Melnhof-G. Eisarena 46 Pauli FreibadStubm Kunsteisbahn Volksgarten im Volksgarten 47Weiserhof Lilli-Lehmann48 Zum Zirkelwirt Gasse 49 Zum Wilden Mann 50Zwettler‘s 66 straße Krankenhaus d. Barmh. Brüder ert-Kleinerb Weg -H Stupa Tiefgarage Barmherzige Brüder ,12 Künstlerhaus ,14 Bierjo Herren Fra ,28 gass e Nonnbergstiege dlg. h Katakomben a ,84 n nz zlg. 46 F e s tu n 0 -H › g sgasse Stift Hoher Weg int erh Nonnberg FestungsBahn olz He Karl-Weiser-Platz erl l b Katz Ka r e u ß n i ners ra Jos eftst t r 542 m p Oskar Schartentor a ße u -KokoschkaTiefgarage a P H r eisUnipark Weg Alle Erhardplatz Nonntal e B 150 St. Erhardkirche Festung Hypo-Garage Hohensalzburg Dr. g 15 Chiemseeg. rg 64 65 65 Stöckl 26 Kapitelschwemme 48 Dr.-Wilfr.Haslauer-Pl. be Tavern restaurantsGais . -W hm 0› i us Pa D ‹ 1,1 39Schranne 40Grünmarkt Borromäum e Organic Farm Produce Market Kajetanerplatz 41 ng r Kapitelplatz Kapitelgasse Erzabtei St. Peter Karolinenhöhe g Panorama Museum rg. ife Pfe ClemensHolzmeister- Toscaninihof Stiege r 506 m Basteig asse Dom Domplatz 54 56 57 58 59 60 be en Ar e Moos straße Bastei- INNERE STADT Steing a sse A Fr zisMuseum kaan ner der Moderne g. Rupertinum Mauracher straße 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 ÄUSSERER Markets62 STEIN eg W Giselak ai 34 Café Fürst 35 Café Bazar 36 Café Tomaselli 37 Confectionery Schatz 38 Café Wernbacher Stadtaussicht Stefa n-Zw eig -W eg Kapuzinerkloster Imberg- Hettwer Bastei stiege Coffee shops Bayer. Aussicht Stefan Zweig Villa traß gger-S e -Fu Platzl g. Gold e ss ga all fst Ho A AltstadtGaragen B W serähau g- P r Dr.-Ludwi reas Bachmayr Franziskischlössl 636 m eg Bastei-W 6 E b e rha r d a ße stra as rg Fürbe ng cke Glo ä .-H tr blerstr. Ign S 25 R. F. Azwanger 26 Stiftsbäckerei St. Peter Doblerweg 27 Sporer Liqueur & Punch Manufacturer 28Kaslöchl afn-Gr 29Kleines Feinkost Kölbl Delicatessen Anto ße Stra Theater 30Balkan-Grill Rockhouse 31 Josef Holzermayr Confectionery Fürbe rgstr 32 Fisch Krieg aße 33 Bio Butcher Erlach Canavalstraße ‹ 4,151› Culinary42 rtl- e r b e r g z i n u p 24 Steingasse F.-Hanusch-Platz 424 m ner-Straße Dr.-Karl-Ren C.-ReitsamerPlatz 2 E.- G. lerKof aße ptstr r Hau e s oo allm Sch Linzer Gasse K se gas erg. Leder 32 sgasse R.rMay G. 1› ‹ 4,15 O S e iderstraß Vogelwe 1 35 24,28 Anton-NeumayrPlatz Grie 16 altig Dreifeitsg. k rg. ate The 18 29 . ße ausg sterh Prie A Makartplatz e traß ers par z Grill e traß h-S tric Die rVie 12 e ss ga no Ar e ss ga gil Vir e traß ef-S Jos nzFra lfWo tr. ers Fab tr. lers tha ‹ 2,12› B1 ertRup . ertg Rup ße stra erg rsp Aue str. tr. dns Hay er Fab A A b 200 m Dreifaltigkeitskirche aß e amerstr Bayerh raße erst Fab r. erst Rain ße A Landestheater ‹2 7› 8 Bergstra rrge . Bü italg sp 100 Rot-KreuzHaus Parkplatz der Natur g. Münz 0 a str arz R a i n b e r g Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr! Stand: 6/2015 Las ser str aße 42 Paris-Lodron-Straße Universität Mozarteum Mozarteum Museumsplatz Synagoge N W B 150 ße Sterneckstra St. Sebastianskirche Marionettentheater Klausentor Str. onodr Loretokirche L is Par Terminal Mirabellgarten A (City Bus),151 Ursulinenplatz Markuskirche Hildmannplatz Ra inb erg Joh.- Wolf-Straße str aß e 510 m ße i bs t ra MirabellAltkatholische Congress-Garage Kirche We itm str. oser- ‹12› 1› 2,15 21,2 ›2,4, Wilhelmsederstr. feindstr. Privatklinik Wehrle-Diakonissen 2,1 21,2 ‹2,4, Dr.-Hans-LechnerPark Weiserhof 300 m Las ser str . JuliusRaab-Platz Schloss Mirabell Siegmundstor Steinbruchstr. hu Sanatorium Salzburg c ‹ 1,10,22› 4› Neutorstraße Sinn 47 ber ger str aße sse Imbergstr. ‹ 21 3,5,6 ZENTRUM 43 Hagenauer,7,8, 10,1 Rathaus pl. 28 49 9 Gilbert-Schuchter4 Baderg. ,20,2 Imbergstraße 5,28 Arenbergstraße Stiege Bürgerspitalplatz St. Blasius 23 Schloss R , 20 840 ‹ udo Getreidegasse 11 10 lfs Arenberg 4 RathausSpielzeug Museum Gis Jude kai pl. Kranzlm. I m 25 e 27 be 30 nga laka Alter Unfallkrankenhaus rgs Information 22 37 h Stadtalm i Herbert-v.- UniversitätsMarkt 31 Dölle tra platz 40 33 rerg Mozartplatz ße . s Pferdeschwemme 2› Karajan-Pl. 19 Kollegienkirche ›3,5,6 14 Ch36 Dr.-FranzWaagpl. ur34 W.2 , , 7,8, 0 fürstg Bürgerwehr 1 FurtwänglerRehrl-Platz , 1 Mozart- Salzburg 0,14 . 13 ‹ 6,7, Garten 7 ,20, ‹1,4 platz Museum 10, 25,2 Altstadt-Garagen A 17 Bü 12› 8,84 Pfe 3 Residenzplatz 0 Residenz Bü ife › Festspielrg. rgls häuser tein str. Franziskanerk. 50 Papagenopl. 5 A Max-Reinh.-Pl. ‹ 4‹ R eichenhaller Stra ße RIEDENBURG w Sch ‹21‹ Stiegl-Brauwelt a thk abe Elis Hübnergasse 34 Sporthalle Riedenburg ›21,22› n MarketenderSchlössl 36 37 38 39 ‹ 1,140 0› 4› 41 Evangelische Christuskirche RaiffeisenGarage MönchsbergAufzug ö ‹ 1,2,3, 5, 6,14,25, 840› ‹27› Museum der Moderne Mönchsberg M Humboldtstr. g .We Bernh gartnerFr.- her- Pa um c a GehmStr. sse nga ätte Gst 28 29 30 31 32 WIFI-Garage A ai ef-K Jos nz- 27,28› , Fra ,24 0,21 ‹ 7,8,2 e ss ga München, Linz, Wien ach Pallottinerkloster ‹ 0,7 km 26 ‹ 4,21 4,0 km HumboldtTerrasse Augustinergasse 19 The Prince-Archbishoprical ‘Alte Hofapotheke’ 20 Pharmacy ‘Zum Goldenen Bieber’ Ba ye 21 Medicinal Chemists rn str . 22 Mayreder Health Foods 23Knopferlmayer 24 ‘Zur Küchenfee’ – The Kitchen Fairy Müllner Schanze nerMüll steg Johannesschlössl Str.› 4,21› rtnermga Bau Ed.- Healthy & Practical Müllner Kirche Schloss Mönchstein Kleienmayrng. 14 Höllrigl book store 15 ‘Dombuchhandlung’ book store 16 Rupertus book store 17 Music House Katholnigg 18 ‘Mayrische Musikalienhandlung’ Music Shop e ss ga er n i st gu Au 44 aße tstr up Ha ho Aigl Books & Music . ‹ 27 ›20 er 20 Mülln 21 22 MÜLLN 23 24 Zillnerstraße ‹21› tr. ker-S ehac - B ße Ant. fstra ‹ 4 › 9 Wieber Locksmith’s Shop 10 Weiss Carpet Weavers tr. ins ls t e e t 11 Kirchtag – umbrellas, luggage, leather goods r Wa 8 ‹ ‹ 20,2 12 Nagy Gingerbread & Candle Manufacturer 13 Glass Craftsmanship › 3 n üll M 18 Augustinerbräu Augustinerkloster und Bräu ße Stra Gab els- aße n-Str ße t-Thu Max-Ott-Pl. Stra AuerspergErnes straße su k i t it S kus Adolf-KolpingMar 38 sef -Straße Platz e o traß J s z g ‹21,22 er SALZBURG Fran rsp › Aue CONGRESS - Gasse t r e b tleru H Kurhaus Parkgarage Sat se Hallenbad Auersperg gas Mirabellplatz nen St. Andräkirche n a Kurgarten chr 39 51‹ S brücke Musikum hg. Salzac Bäreng 45 Landeskrankenhaus Salzburg Craftsmanship Eisenbahn- Salzburg Mülln-Altstadt Gebirgsjägerplatz Heizkraftwerk V.-Kaplan-Str. Mitte Prodinger Hans- Salz 10 11 12 13 14 15 Kirche St. Johannes 16 17 sse erkga 4› Gasw ‹ 7,8,2 Schliesselberger Leather Goods Schliesselberger Belt Makers Haderer Custom-Made Shoes Jeweller Koppenwallner Salzburger Heimatwerk Lanz Tracht Fashions Jahn-Markl Tracht Fashions Hanna Tracht Fashions 8 Kreuzbründlg. Tracht & Fashion & Accessories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Strubergasse Paracelsus ‹8› Medizinische Privatuniversität se Wallnergas Strubergasse ‹8› Literaturhaus Salzburg Hauptbahnhof Fr.-Neum.Str. KieselGarage Lessingstr. Fürbergstr. Robert-JungkPlatz H.C.ArtmannPlatz A.Schmiedbauer-Str. uscels Para str. Chr.-Doppler-Str. Inge-MorathPlatz ‹27› 3,8 km Casino Salzburg 4,2 km Outlet Center Privatkrankenhaus Della Scala ns tei ng . Nes selth Joh alerg .-Fil asse zerStra ße 70 66 Tracht & Fashion & Accessories In 1997 the UNESCO added the historical part of the city of Salzburg to the list of World Cultural Heritage sites, thus confirming the extraordinary and highly impressive cultural and artistic history of a city also known as the home of Mozart. Discover a fascinating and time-honoured world of customs and traditions. This document only contains a small selection of the businesses in the old town and shows how tradition and modernity, old and new harmonise so well. A look up and down the streets of Salzburg reveals just how much Tracht clothing is a part of everyday life. The affinity to traditional clothing can partly be explained by the fact that some of the manufacturers have been around for centuries. Unrivalled enthusiasm is invested in the creation of Dirndl dresses and Lederhosen, shoes and jewellery in Salzburg. A stroll around the town soon shows how popular and multifaceted Tracht clothing is! Stroll around, explore, discover and enjoy hours of shopping! 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tracht & Fashion & Accessories 1 SCHLIESSELBERGER LEATHER GOODS Since 1820 Since 1422, Lederergasse 5 has been the home of tanners and leather processing workshops, and was once the official base for the city’s leather workers. The guild hall can still be visited and features magnificent frescos. It also houses the guild chest with its seal and coat of arms. The history of the Schliesselberger family business here began in 1820. Today, Moritz Schliesselberger represents the seventh generation of the family at this address. The family traditions are evident in items all over the sales rooms: The old till is still used for small sums and the original safe is still kept in the office. Nowadays, there is a broad range of bags and the business mainly specialises in travel luggage. However, there is also an unusually large range of shoelaces. One of the team’s key strengths is providing customers with detailed and intimate service, and in taking the time to respond to special questions and requests. No wonder some customers have been loyal to the business for generations. 2 SCHLIESSELBERGER BELT MAKERS Since 1820 The history of the Schliesselberger family in the leatherworking sector can be traced back to 1820. For decades the family offered everything from tanning to manufacturing. Wolfgang Schliesselberger’s father began manufacturing Tracht bags and belts at no. 4 Dreifaltigkeitsgasse. These rooms belonged to the sacristy of the former St. Andrä church. From the diminutive ground-level shop exhibiting a range of bags and belts, there’s a winding marble staircase up to the first floor where the aromas of leather are all-pervading. This is where Wolfgang Schliesselberger is truly at home with his sales rooms and workshop. It’s the perfect business for such a venerable room with wooden floorboards. There are a number of old items of furniture, tools and devices that betray the traditions of the site. Since the early 1990s the company has specialised in belt manufacturing. They still use the 200 year-old guillotine shears. 400 types of leather in a whole variety of colours ensure there are plenty of ways of achieving a unique result. Product range: Bags, small leather items, business satchels, rucksacks, school bags, travel luggage, skins, leather, accessories Special features: Free home deliveries, repair service Worth seeing: Vault with frescos, stucco ceiling featuring the eye of God, historical guild chest with coat of arms and seal Up to € 12: Fold-up bags Parking: Parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ (Glockengasse) Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 8:30am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 1:00pm Product range: Belts from adult bovine and calf’s leather, hip and chain belts, belt buckles, selected women’s classical line handbags, belt bags Special features: Tailor-made belts with customised designs and personalised accoutrements Worth seeing: Large municipal marble slab in a privately owned building. Parking: Parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ (Glockengasse) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 3:00pm LEDERHAUS SCHLIESSELBERGER | Moritz Schliesselberger Lederergasse 5, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 873182 Fax 882280-4, [email protected], GÜRTELMACHER SCHLIESSELBERGER GmbH | Wolfgang Schliesselberger Dreifaltigkeitsgasse 4, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 882280 Fax 882280-4, [email protected], 10 11 Tracht & Fashion & Accessories 3 HADERER CUSTOM-MADE SHOES Since1900 In 1900 Florian Haderer founded this now time-honoured business offering custom-made shoes. The current owner, Herbert Haderer, represents the 3rd generation to run the business. The workshop is located in Grossgmain near Salzburg. The shop in the Pfeifergasse is small and unimposing and only opens for business on Wednesdays. Almost everything the shop sells is produced in the company workshop, is unique and custommade. The product range is completed with a fine selection of sophisticated footwear and accessories from highly reputable shoemakers. One very special product sold here is the handsewn double-seam ‘Haferlschuhe’ manufactured in the Haderer family’s workshop. ‘Hand-sewn double-seam’ means the leather lining, leather uppers and the sole are all sewn together with one thread – twice. ‘Schuhe Haderer’ became well-known in the 1950s when Rudolf Haderer, father of the present owner, developed a new ski boot with Toni Sailer, who won three Olympic gold medals in 1956. Around 30 years previously, Florian Haderer had produced custom-made climbing boots for the members of a German Himalayas expedition. 4 ANTON KOPPENWALLNER Since 1884 The oldest jeweller’s shop in the city can look back on 130 years in business. These decades of experience as goldsmiths have defined the family-owned business for generations. Old techniques are still cultivated to this day. In-house creations and bespoke orders rely on the mastery of these techniques and are rounded off with suitable contemporary elements. This skilled craftsmanship is greatly appreciated by regular local customers and international guests alike. The long-established gold and silversmith’s business has a broad portfolio and offers new and antique jewellery as well as silver services and a large selection of silver accessories. Product range: Handmade men’s and women’s shoes Special features: Hand hand-sewn double-seam Tracht ‘Haferl’ shoes Up to € 12: Leather shoelaces, horn shoehorns Product range: Gold jewellery, silver jewellery, antique jewellery, Tracht jewellery, wedding rings, silver cutlery, silver accessories Special features: Unique bespoke items Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Wed. 10:00am –6:00pm Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:30am – 1:00pm HADERER – WERKSTÄTTE FÜR FEINE MASS-SCHUHE Herbert Haderer, Pfeifergasse 3, 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 841473, [email protected] ANTON KOPPENWALLNER Klampferergasse 2, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 841298 Fax 8412984, [email protected] 12 13 Tracht & Fashion & Accessories 5 SALZBURGER HEIMATWERK Since 1946 The historical vault of the ‘New Residence’ – built between 1584 and 1601 – has been home for the Salzburger Heimatwerk since 1946. The Heimatwerk is a trading operation and an organiser of cultural events, its main aim being to encourage traditional folk customs to flourish in the region. In particular, this involves the maintenance, cultivation and development of traditions handed down via regional Tracht clothing, customs and creative artisanry. Mastery of the skills and crafts that reflect respect for tradition and modernity can be seen in the Heimatwerk workshop, in the Dirndl dresses and Tracht clothing produced according to the wishes and requirements of customers. At the Heimatwerk store customers can purchase noble, hand-printed and finely hand-woven fabrics, silk, course linen and exquisite designer goods, and leather clothing. The historical cellar vault hosts numerous limited period exhibitions, and is always worth a visit. Salzburger Heimatwerk is also responsible for organising the ‘Salzburger Adventsingen’ in the large festival hall. It is one of the most important events displaying traditional culture in the whole of the alpine region. 6 LANZ TRACHT FASHIONS Since 1922 It’s no coincidence that the Salzburg Festival and Trachtenmodenhaus Lanz were established in the same year – 1922. This also marked the beginning of the development of Austrian Tracht fashion, which was referred to as the ‘Austrian Look’, and gained worldwide popularity as the preferred attire of numerous festival guests. Neither festival artists nor visitors to Salzburg were able to resist the charms of this Salzburg fashion and, by wearing it, they became worldwide ambassadors of the new style. The fact this clothing has been worn by numerous celebrities such as Marlene Dietrich, Franklin Roosevelt, Herbert von Karajan, Elizabeth Taylor, Billy Wilder, the royal families of Sweden, England and Monaco, Karl Lagerfeld and Tommy Hilfiger, has contributed in no small measure to the worldwide fame of Lanz Tracht fashions. Lanz collections manufactured in Salzburg are as popular as ever. Supreme tailoring, respect for tradition and perfect craftsmanship ensure a comprehensive range of highly wearable garments, adapted to modern requirements. Perhaps the greatest sign of appreciation for this clothing was the creation of the English adjective ‘Lanzy’ to describe the fashionable blend of tradition and innovation. Product range: Typical Salzburg handicrafts, Tracht clothing, gifts, house and home interior design, literature, CD shop, regional typical culinary specialities Special features: Ticket office for the famous Salzburg ‘Adventsingen’ performances Up to €12: Children’s books, home-made herb spirits mixtures, hand-scooped chocolate, hand-painted pottery Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 5:00pm Product range: Tracht clothing for men, women and children made in the company workshop (coats, skirts, Dirndl dresses, blouses, trousers, jackets, waistcoats ...) Special features: Gentleman farmers’ handwoven old linen jackets Stores: custom tailoring shop – Imbergstrasse 5, children’s clothing store – Rathausplatz Square; in VIenna – Kärntnerstrasse 10, in St. Gilgen – Kirchenplatz 1 SALZBURGER HEIMATWERK | Neue Residenz, 5010 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 844110, Fax 844110-44, [email protected], TRACHTENMODEN LANZ | Familie Lanz Schwarzstrasse 4, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 874272 Fax 874272-20, [email protected], 14 Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 5:00pm 15 Tracht & Fashion & Accessories 7 JAHN-MARKL TRACHT FASHIONS Since 1408 What is probably Salzburg’s oldest tanning operation was founded over 600 years ago. Over the centuries the ownership and name of the business changed several times, until in 1890 the only daughter of Georg Edelhard married the great grandfather of the current owner, the leather tailor and master glove maker Johann Nepomuk Jahn. Initially the company produced uniforms and items for military use. Later there was demand for hunting apparel and English leather sporting items. So today ‘Jahn-Markl’ stands for exclusive leather and Tracht clothing, particularly handembroidered items and the leather colour ‘altschwarz’. The company is rich in tradition and the shop bears the guild coat of arms for tanners, leather tailors and glove makers. The workshop produces suede clothing, gloves, house slippers, belts, hats, linen and loden Tracht clothing, blouses and shirts, thick hand-knitted socks, jackets and coats, and even goat leather clothing, the shop also sells bags and scarves from highly reputable manufacturers. Product range: Game and goat leather clothing, linen and loden clothing, bags, belts, leather cushions, cloths, scarves, blouses, shirts Special features: Hand-knitted socks and jackets, shammy leather underwear Up to € 12: Salzburg Tracht cloths in a range of colours Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:30am – 3:00pm JAHN-MARKL | Gabriele Jenner Residenzplatz 3, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 842610 Fax 842610-15, [email protected], 16 8 HANNA TRACHT FASHIONS Since 1952 Originally, the rooms in the Linzer Gasse belonged to the Salzburg archdiocese. After having studied fashion in Vienna, this is where Johanna Kurz opened her own business in 1952. Her creativity and versatility corresponded with the ‘Zeitgeist’ of the age. Her son Johannes, also a master tailor and a graduate of the Tracht classes at the Annahof school, took over the business in 2007. His daughter Constanze Kurz has also found her way into the traditional family business and is helping to continue the lifework of her grandmother. ‘Hanna Trachten’ is best known for its own fabric prints such as the Papageno print, and for the excellent fit of their Dirndl dresses. The creations are designed and tailored in the atelier ‘Bruderhof’ and items can be tailor made on request. The shops, one in the Linzer Gasse and the other since 2011 in the Goldgasse, offer complete Tracht outfits for men, women and children. Their own collection features colourful and fascinating combinations, and accessories include everything from knitted items of jewellery to woollen cloths and scarves. Expert advice and provision for special customer requests are the great strengths of the company. Product range: Dirndl dress collection made with in-house pattern prints, aprons, blouses, accessories, Tracht for kids, Lederhosen, shirts, waistcoats, scarves, hats, blazers, jackets, suits, knitted jackets Special features: Shoes that go perfectly with Dirndl dresses Up to € 12: Scarves, Tracht jewellery Parking: Parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ (Glockengasse) and parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 10:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 10:00am – 5:00pm HANNA TRACHTEN | Karin Kurz Linzer Gasse 41, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 872293 Goldgasse 6, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 840630 [email protected], 17 6 Craftsmanship 4 Intriguing occupational titles such as carpet weaver, umbrella maker, wax chandler, honey and gingerbread makers, increase curiosity about these historically rooted businesses. Not only did these craftsmen work in skilled trades – they were also artists, philosophers and story tellers. A visit to these workshops is like a trip back in time, and a chance to discover some very special and individual gifts! 18 19 Craftsmanship 9 WIEBER LOCKSMITH’S SHOP Since 1415 This traditional locksmith’s metalworking operation is concealed behind the unimposing entrance to no. 28 Getreidegasse, far from the purpose-built facilities of practical modern workshops, in a venerable historical vault room with a glass-roofed inner courtyard and marble paving. This has been the home of the locksmith’s trade since 1415, a legacy to which Christian and Regina Wieber do great justice. Although modern-day orders are the main source of income for the Wiebers, they are known for their knowledge of historical skills and techniques, some of the ‘fruit’ of which is exhibited in the passageway to the inner courtyard. Even small items are attended to here and the workshop repairs everything from lamp shades and kitchen devices to graveyard decorations. The needs of the old part of Salzburg for metalwork and locksmithery are in the best of hands. Wieber guarantees the careful restoration of existing items, manufactures tasteful new ones that fit perfectly with the image of the city, and is also responsible for the production of guild signage. Product range: Wide range of bespoke manufacture, guild signs, outdoor lamps, portals, guard bars, railing, keys, old locks etc. Special features: All kinds of locks repaired, restoration 10 WEISS CARPET WEAVERS Since 1843 The great grandfather of the current owner, Rupert Weiss, was a weaver of carpets and linen goods with a workshop in the Getreidegasse. Back then there was no shop, until one was eventually opened by Rupert’s father around 60 years ago. The shop and workshop are still here today with old weaving looms capable of producing carpets up to 400 cm wide. The interior of the enchanting shop has an extremely homely atmosphere. Eye-catchers include the old weaving loom and the magnificent rustic rural furniture. There is a wide range of beautiful hand-woven carpets. One very special product is the fishbone carpet. Single-colour sheep’s wool carpets woven in fishbone are available in a variety of colours. A special technique is also used to make exclusive, extra-thick carpets in single or multiple colours. Linen hand towels, aprons, cushions and padded rag rug slippers with felt soles are also very popular items. Product range: Hand-woven carpets made from cotton, linen, sheep wool, traditional colourful rag rugs Special features: Bespoke carpet manufacture, workshop can be viewed at any time Up to € 17: Kitchen aprons, garden and barbecue, linen towels Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 7:30am – 5:30pm Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 12:00pm SCHLOSSEREI WIEBER | Familie Wieber Getreidegasse 28, 5020 Salzburg Tel. and Fax +43/ 662 / 845410, [email protected] TEPPICHWEBEREI WEISS | Rupert Weiss Getreidegasse 18a, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. and Fax +43/ 662 / 845487 [email protected], 20 21 Craftsmanship 11 KIRCHTAG Since 1903 1903 saw the official opening of ‘Alois Kirchtag’s Parasol and Umbrella Shop’ in the heart of the Getreidegasse, as it was promoted in the original newspaper ad. The shop first moved down Salzburg’s best known lane from number 50 to number 45, until in 1942 it settled at Getreidegasse 22, where the shop and workshop remain to this day. The main products in the company’s portfolio are top quality handmade umbrellas. One exclusive product is the limited edition (200) Porsche Design umbrella. The demand for one-offs is also satisfied with pleasure with brollies made to match a particular tie, or featuring golden bonnet embroidery or wedding umbrellas. The product portfolio ranges from a great selection of garden umbrellas and sun shades – for private households and for restaurant gardens – leather goods, cases, bags and gloves, to walking sticks used either as walking aids or as dapper accessories to elegant outfits. 12 NAGY Gingerbread & candle manufacturer Since 1879 Ludwig Nagy was born in Hungary. In 1879 he opened a gingerbread and candle shop in the Linzer Gasse (now situated in Sterneckstrasse 22), which remains under family ownership to this day. The business has continued to expand into the whole of Austria, neighbouring parts of Bavaria and northern Italy. As has always been the case, the majority of the products are made purely by hand. In fact, drawing and pouring candles, and dipping them into a whole range of colours, is very work-intensive – as is the subsequent decoration with a range of wax motifs or the painting of the wax reliefs. Specialities include the Salzburg wax ‘Jesukinderl’, hand-painted wax models and candles designed according to old motifs, as well as individually lettered candles for Christenings and weddings – and of course all kinds of special requests are fulfilled. The temptation is great to try out some or all of the 40 heavenly kinds of honey gingerbread, all produced according to old recipes. Product range: Umbrellas made in-house, leather goods, cases, bags, sticks, gloves Special feature: Repair workshop Worth seeing: Uncovered section of 1000-year-old wall in the shop Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 5:00pm KIRCHTAG GmbH | Fam. Alois Kirchtag Getreidegasse 22, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 841310 Fax 841310-14, [email protected], 22 Product range: In-house manufacture of candles for all occasions: Christenings, weddings, funerals & decorative, wax infant Jesus, honey gingerbread. Accessory candlesticks and stands, frankincense, gifts Special features: Tailor-made products, lettering etc. available on request Parking: In front of the company Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 1:00pm NAGY Lebkuchen- & Kerzenmanufaktur GmbH&CoKG Familie Svoboda-Nagy, Sterneckstrasse 22, 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 874740, Fax 874740-4,[email protected], 23 Craftsmanship 13 GLASS CRAFTSMANSHIP Since 1971 Fritz Kreis has been fascinated by the artistry of glass craftsmanship for over 40 years. His love of this skilful craft was first sparked in the glass specialists’ school in Kramsach. After gaining work experience with Lobmeyer in Vienna he decided to found his own business. In 1971 he opened a workshop and outlet in the Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse. The year was engraved into the massive cross beam. ‘Cheutzleins Haus’ is the site of his large vaulted room and its existence was first documented in 1365. The current construction of the building dates back to the end of the 16th century. Fritz Kreis is a skilled craftsman, an artist and a philosopher. Conversations with Fritz automatically fly from one theme to another. ‘I love old things’, he says on the subject of his work – something he continues to pursue equally passionately ‘in retirement’. Not only in regard of glass art, is his detailed knowledge of historical minutiae vast, and this has an obvious influence on his work. The engraving on tankards and mugs, glasses and bottles, boasts a heritage that can be traced back to traditional folk culture. When farmers require special shapes for schnapps bottles, he blows them himself. „Wimmer schneidert Lebensfreude“ Product range: Schnapps bottles and glasses; wedding, christening and friendship mugs; drinking glass sets with carafes; vases, paperweights, modern dishes and plates, glass objects. Special features: Customised engraving, display of the work of befriended European glass artists Up to € 12: Small and colourful glass objects Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 12:30pm and 2:00pm – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:30am – 1:00pm; Easter, Summer Festival and December open all day HANDWERKSKUNST IN GLAS | Fritz a. Monika Kreis, Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 14 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 841323, Fax 841323 [email protected], 24 Haus der Meister Salzburg Rochusgasse 6 5020 Salzburg Tel: +43 (0) 662 82 40 80 Stammhaus Schleedorf Dorf 96 5205 Schleedorf Tel: +43 (0) 6216 6562 25 Books & Music Where else but here? Salzburg is Austria’s capital city of music. It is home to numerous cultural events – such as the Salzburg Festival, the Culture Days and ‘Adventsingen’ choir concerts. The city of Mozart also allows guests plenty of opportunities to browse around the music shops and book stores. In fact, the list of conductors, composers, men of letters and authors who spent at least part of their lives in Salzburg is a long one. 4 6 26 27 Books & Music 14 HÖLLRIGL BOOK STORE Since 1594 Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse runs parallel to the Getreidegasse and is home to Austria’s oldest book shop, the second oldest in all of the German-speaking regions. At the end of the 16th century Archbishop Wolf Dietrich played a significant role in redesigning and planning the new baroque city. In this shop he is commemorated by a portrait featuring his coat of arms, and his image can be found on the price tags. A magnificent original vaulted room and artistic ceiling frescos on the first floor, accessed via a spiral staircase, give the store its own very special nostalgic flair. General literature is joined by a large range of Salzburgrelated books. Students at the surrounding universities all receive excellent advice. There is one room devoted to travel literature and there is plenty of room for themes like the natural sciences, garden, music, health and art. It’s also well worth taking a look at the selection of audio books, and the books for children of all ages in the expansive ground floor department. Product range: Many Salzburg-themed books, key subjects for students (history, languages, law), English language books, travel section, audio books, general literature Special features: Comprehensive selection of special offers in the ‘Höllrigl Restseller’ branch of the shop right next door Up to € 12: Salzburg and area cycle path maps and special offers (rest-sellers) Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: 15 ‘DOMBUCHHANDLUNG’ BOOK STORE Since 1948 The ‘Kapitelschwemme’ is a 17th century horse bath, rebuilt in 1732, behind which there is a wonderful haven of peace and quiet. The place where the Anton Strasser’s steam bakery was originally located is a perfect place to surround oneself with books. The interiors of the large and bright rooms are the work of the Thonet workshop and were designed by expert interior designers. The venue’s close proximity to the nearby catholic church is reflected in the literature: Spiritual and theological literature make up a significant proportion of the books on offer. Religions of the world, history and art history are also well-represented themes; and the portfolio is just as comprehensive in the reference book section. Particular attention is paid to books for children of all ages. The dedicated team is always ready to provide sound advice, and ensure that every book required is ordered. The second room has a vaulted ceiling and houses the ‘books for life store’ – a forwardthinking project covering every event in our lives, from births, christenings and weddings to illness, death and grieving. Product range: Catholic literature, theology, spirituality, counselling, fiction, pocket books, biographies, books for children of all ages, pamphlets, ecclesiastical art and devotional objects, art tickets Special features: Expert advice, readings and discussions Up to € 12: EZA chocolate, guardian angel cards, worry stones Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:30pm, Sat. 9:00am – 6:00pm Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 10:00am – 4:00pm BUCHHANDLUNG HÖLLRIGL GmbH Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 10, 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 841146, Fax 841146-20, [email protected] DOMBUCHHANDLUNG | Buchzentrale Ges.m.b.H., Kapitelplatz 6 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 842148, Fax 842148-75 [email protected], 28 29 Books & Music 16 RUPERTUS BOOK STORE Since 1937 This well-renowned book store was established by Augustin Weis in 1937 and remained under family ownership until 2005. Initially it was located in the Linzer Gasse, until it moved to the corner building next to Dreifaltigkeitskirche (Church of the Holy Trinity). It is a part of the complex belonging to the archdiocese seminary, and – like the church – was built by Fischer von Erlach around 1700. Today the Rupertus book store is a cultural hub in Salzburg with the aim of making literature visible in a general cultural context, in cooperation with the ‘Literaturhaus’ and at the Salzburg Literature Festival. There are all kinds of literature represented at the store, from novels to poetry, the main emphasis being on contemporary works. However, a large space is also taken up by the reference section, featuring books on topics such as languages, psychology, philosophy and theology. A full range of literature is covered in four rooms and customers can always rely on the expertise of the staff. 17 MUSIC HOUSE KATHOLNIGG Since 1847 The building of Salzburg’s largest ‘Palais’ was ordered by Prince-Archbishop Matthäus Lang in 1544. Since 1847 it has housed a very special store for music lovers. Initially the company built pianos. At the turn of the century gramophones and shellac recordings were introduced to the portfolio, and replaced in the 1920s by newer materials. At present the focus is on CDs, DVDs and good old vinyl records, and the styles range from classics to sophisticated jazz sounds, chansons from many countries, real folk music, golden oldies, and there are lots of musical surprises in store. The framework is provided by a magnificent vault room with a wonderful stone floor. The special decorative set-ups and constantly changing presentations of the goods have always been very popular. Every year, during the summer festival, there are discussions with various artists followed by autograph sessions. Product range: Catholic literature, theology, spirituality, counselling, fiction, pocket books, biographies, books for children of all ages, pamphlets, ecclesiastical art and devotional objects, art tickets Special features: Expert advice, readings and discussions Up to € 12: EZA chocolate, guardian angel cards, worry stones Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: Product range: CDs, DVDs, BD and vinyl, books mostly on classical music, other sophisticated types of music New: Top quality gift paper and cards to match. Gifts wrapped on request. Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:30pm, Sat. 9:00am – 5:00pm Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 6:00pm (Easter, summer and Christmas – open all day) Sat. 9:30am – 5:00pm RUPTERTUS BUCHHANDLUNG | Klaus Seufer-Wasserthal Dreifaltigkeitsgasse 12, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 878733 Fax 871661, [email protected], MUSIKHAUS KATHOLNIGG | Astrid Rothauer, Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 16 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 841451, Fax 841451-4 [email protected], 30 31 Books & Music 18 MUSIC SHOP ‘MAYRISCHE MUSIKALIENHANDLUNG’ Since 1937 ‘I too requested one of the first copies of the biography (= Mozart biography by von Nissen) be sent to me by the Mayrische Buchhandlung as soon as possible’, wrote Constanze Mozart in her diary on 27th September 1828. The history of this extraordinary music store goes back even further. Opened at the end of the 16th century, the company is now considered one of the largest businesses for sheet music, scores and music books in Salzburg, and as one of the best-stocked music shops in the whole of the German-speaking areas. The broad portfolio of sheet music, books, CDs – and lots more – includes instrumental literature (classical through to modern for all instruments), pedagogical literature, scores, songs and choral works, and on to folk music, rock, pop and jazz. Since 1994, the Mayrische Musikalienhandlung store has belonged to Universal Edition Wien, and has a wide range of carefully selected ‘Universal Edition’ publications and the ‘Wiener Urtext Editions’ in stock. People – Salzburger Land english/german 978-3-7025-0746-6, EUR 34,– The Trapp Cookbook 978-3-7025-0676-6, EUR 19,– Hohensalzburg – Spying out the Fortress 978-3-7025-0717-6, EUR 23,– Austria’s finest City Squares 978-3-7025-0800-5, EUR 34,– Product range: Sheet music and books, CDs for all tastes; large stockroom, worldwide shipping on request Special features: Scores and sheet music from the ‘Universal Edition’ and the Vienna ‘Urtext’ edition Up to € 12: E.g. Mozart’s piano sonata in C-major, KV 545 Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 5:00pm MAYRISCHE MUSIKALIENHANDLUNG | Mag. Christof Subklew Theatergasse, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. and Fax +43/ 662 / 873596 [email protected], 32 Location Salzburg english/german 978-3-7025-0695-7, EUR 25,– Salzburg – City between Tradition and Progress english/german 978-3-7025-0642-1, EUR 25,– Next to Mozart 978-3-7025-0645-2, EUR 19,95 33 Healthy & Practical 4 One part of Paracelsus’s legacy seems to be Salzburg’s active interest health and cures. What is now the city’s oldest apothecary was opened back in 1591. Teas, balsams, natural cosmetics and homeopathic substances, some produced by the shops themselves, can be found in many of the chemist’s, drug stores and health food shops around Salzburg. 6 34 35 Healthy & Practical 19 THE PRINCE-ARCHBISHOPRICAL ‘ALTE HOFAPOTHEKE’ Since 1591 Established in 1591, the ‘Alte Hofapotheke’ is the oldest apothecary still in existence in Salzburg and has been at no. 6 Alter Markt since 1903. The rococo furnishing dates back to 1777, and was obviously designed for the previous location in the neighbouring building, since it only just has enough room in today’s flat-ceiling setting. In 1923, the grandfather of the current owner, Marina Gaertner (Mag. pharm.), purchased shares in the Hofapotheke. Since 1936 it has been under the sole ownership of the family that has been involved in running apothecaries for nine generations. The shop’s original porcelain jars can still be seen on the reseda green and hollyhock mallow pink painted shelves of the apothecary display. Some of them are still in use for items such as soft soap. Specialities of the house include suger-coated pills, special teas, marigold balsam and all kinds of drops, tinctures, syrups, balsams and creams. Product range: Teas, pastilles and creams produced in-house, frankincense capsules, Salzburg stomach tonic, Swedish bitter, homeopathy, Schüssler salts, and cosmetics Worth seeing: The old mixing table with pestle, mortar and jars from the 18th century, painted window shutters Special features: Original recipe Spanish herbal digestive tea Up to € 12: Sage throat pastilles produced in-house Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: 20 Pharmacy ‘zum GOLDEnen Biber’ Since 1608 One of Austria’s oldest chemist’s shops, the ‘Apotheke zum Goldenen Biber’, has been located in the Getreidegasse since 1608. Until 1764 it was one of only three in the entire province of Salzburg. In 1713 it was already under family ownership, and in 1900 it was rebuilt in the classic art nouveau style; an eye-catcher then and now. The poppy flower symbolism can be seen in the carvings in the furniture, in pictures and stained glass windows. In the rear section is an old font, as can often be found around the town. Reinhard Hanel represents the tenth generation to run the ‘Biber’ apothecary and has become accustomed to life in this magnificent interior, even though it’s not always very practical. However, preserving the features within is important to him. It’s part of the family tradition and the shop’s identity. The extraordinary surroundings are now home to a combination of the best of both worlds – of ancient and modern-day herbal remedies. Many items, such as capsules and balsams, are made in the apothecary, while the old recipes are adapted to the results of the latest research. Product range: Tea blends, capsules and creams produced in-house, plus all the usual chemists’ products Special features: Real marigold cream made with blossoms Up to € 12: Lip cream for weddings in small pots Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 8:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 8:00am – 12:00pm Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 8:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 8:00am – 12:00pm ALTE FÜRST-ERZBISCHÖFL. HOFAPOTHEKE | Mag. pharm. Marina Gaertner Alter Markt 6, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 843623, Fax 843623-75 [email protected], APOTHEKE ZUM GOLDENEN BIBER | Mag. Reinhard Handel Getreidegasse 4, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 843134 Fax 843149, [email protected], 36 37 Healthy & Practical 21 MEDICINAL CHEMISTS Since 1979 Anne-Marie and Dieter Wörndl’s chemist’s shop has been around since 1979, and was originally based in Elsbethen. In 1999 they moved to this venerable vaulted room in the Griesgasse, that runs parallel with the old city wall and was originally known as ‘Unterer Gries’. In 1949 the ‘Nonstop’ cinema opened at no. 19 and remained in operation until the end of the 1970s. Today, the fragrance of herbs and essences descends upon everyone who enters the store. The chemists, Mr. and Mrs. Wörndl, can provide well-informed answers to every question concerning healthy living. Most of the elixirs and medicines on offer are old household treatments and herbal remedies, which nevertheless are adapted to the latest findings in the fields of naturopathy and herbalism. Traditional European medical cures are also strongly featured, such as phytotherapeutics, medicinal clay, all kinds of natural cosmetics and the speciality of the house – the shop’s self-made herbal teas. The detailed advice provided reveals an immense wealth of expertise and experience. Product range: Herbal teas, mineral mixtures, mother tinctures, aromatherapy, cosmetics without additives, natural remedies Special features: Curative mud drink treatments, medicinal herbs, Bach flower advice Tea blends to suit every type of patient and every diagnosis Up to € 12: Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 5:00pm MEDIZINAL DROGERIE WÖRNDL OHG | Familie Wörndl, Griesgasse 19 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 849305, [email protected] 38 22 MAYREDER HEALTH FOODS The ‘organics’ boom of the past few decades was still way beyond the horizon when Fritz Mayreder opened his health foods shop. Nevertheless, ‘naturally pure foods’, as written above the front door, were always a central theme. The building in which the shop is housed was built in 1380 on University Square. In 1857 this became a market place. The interiors still date back to the early years of the building, although the range of products on offer has grown immensely. One of the newer elements is the large counter displaying a unique range of dried fruit and nuts. Among them are specialities such as lightly coloured walnut halves, roasted hazelnuts, herbs and spices for bread, and dried mangos without added sugar. Alongside, vegetable juices are served; and many customers come into the city especially to enjoy the carrot juice with sea buckthorn syrup. The shop offers a conventional range of products that have always been expected of a health food shop, and recently a number of new additions have enhanced the portfolio. Well-informed advice ensures that customers find whatever they desire, despite the presence of so much variety. Product range: Teas, blends of herbs, juices, Hildegard von Bingen products, comprehensive range of dried products, oils, gluten-free products, full grain products, jams and marmalades, natural cosmetics, natural hair colours Special features: Juice bar, dried fruit and nut specialities Up to € 12: Essential oils Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 3:00pm MAYREDER-WINZER REFORMHAUS | Universitätsplatz 13 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 843129, Fax 843129-13 39 Healthy & Practical 23 KNOPFERLMAYER Since 1758 Without doubt, the brittle charm of the shop windows in Rathausplatz square does little to betray the extraordinary treasure trove hidden within. For over 250 years the Mayer family has ruled over an empire of handicraft tools, lace frill borders, and buttons – the latter being important for the business in far more than name. Countless minutiously separated and sorted boxes contain a vast variety of buttons very probably unique far beyond the borders of Austria. Every wish comes true here, whether you’re looking for bed linen or clothing for children, for Tracht fashions or the latest trendy apparel, for items of elegance or decoration. Despite the incredibly immense range of buttons, the friendly ladies in the shop always know where to find exactly the right buttons for the job. By the time the customer reaches the checkout desk there’s no denying the feeling of having travelled back in time. Product range: Immense range of buttons, fashion goods, accessories for sewing, embroidery and knitting Special features: All kinds of lacework Up to € 12: Buttons, lace, braiding and lots more Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 9:00am – 4:30pm KNOPFERLMAYER | Fam. Mayer Rathausplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 842263 40 24 ‘ZUR KÜCHENFEE’ THE KITCHEN FAIRY Since 1929 The ‘Bürgerhaus’ at no. 56 Linzer Gasse is referred to as ‘Das französische Hutterhaus’ and is a listed building. The ‘Küchenfee’ (kitchen fairy) shop has been here since 1929. Erhard Rothbart has run this traditional business since 2006 and offers all kinds of kitchen appliances. Some of the shop’s oldest customers even came here with their mothers when they were schoolgirls. The shop jovially claims to ‘... have almost everything’, and the ‘Küchenfee’ really is a treasure trove of everyday practical aids, or items believed lost forever, such as spray bottles for ironing, or anti-draft door stoppers. There is a rich variety of items on 4 floors – from cooking pots and iron pans, and fine porcelain to meat mincers, poppy seed mills and all kinds of accessories for producing fruit and vegetable preserves. Many customers turn to the ladies in the shop – the ‘good fairies’ – for assistance; knowing their search will probably be successful. Many suppliers ensure the storeroom is always well-stocked. If required, items can be shipped right around the globe. Product range: Swedish cast iron pots and pans, pressure cookers, Lilien porcelain, cutlery, household aids, baking accessories, Riess enamel crockery, decorative items from Goebel (e.g. cats from Rosina Wachtmeister) Special features: Pressure cooker repairs, knife sharpening Up to € 12: Tin and top openers, carbonators, bottle brushes, sink inserts Parking: Parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ (Glockengasse) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 12:30pm and 1:30pm – 6:00pm, Sat. 10:00am – 1:00pm ZUR KÜCHENFEE | Linzer Gasse 56, 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 884552, Fax 908558 [email protected], 41 4 Culinary 6 42 Any visitor to Salzburg will tell you that there are plenty of culinary attractions in the city. It’s the perfect place to purchase bread, cheese, fish and schnapps. One special highlight is Stiftsbäckerei St. Peter dating back to the 12th century, where deliciously aromatic bread and light, fluffy brioches are still baked in a wood-fired oven. Furthermore, the flour is freshly ground! After all, there’s nothing as good as great food for winning someone over! 43 Culinary 25 R. F. AZWANGER Since 1656 The oldest delicatessen store in the festival city of Salzburg has been in operation since its establishment as a colonial goods trader in the Getreidegasse over 350 years ago. The lovingly maintained antique shelves guarantee a sense of nostalgia. Four generations of the Kopp family have now run the business since 1919. The product range of the ‘colonial goods trader for wine and delicatessen’ encompasses a carefully chosen selection of quality spirits (Rochelt, Guglhof etc.) and Austrian wines (such as Bründlmayr and Prickler), hand-scooped chocolates (Berger, Fenkart, Frucht & Sinne), Staud’s enticing jams, Neber honey, selected vinegars and lots more. Then there are exquisite alcoholic beverages, such as 10 to 30 year-old whiskeys, old Madeiras, premium champagnes and cognacs, and top wines such as Sassicaia from Italy or Château Petrus from France. 26 STIFTSBÄCKEREI ST. PETER Since the 12th century The first documentary evidence of the existence of Salzburg’s oldest bakery on Kapitelplatz (square) dates back to the 12th century. Back then a tunnel for the ‘Almkanal’ watercourse was knocked through Mönchsberg hill to supply the city with water. The monastery built a flour mill at the point where the water flows out of the hill, which then also accommodated the bakery. Stiftsbäckerei St. Peter has remained there to this day. The bakery and its historical vaulted hall are relics of a long gone age. An original wood-fired oven is still used to bake the pure, natural sour-dough bread so popular with regular customers. The bread stays fresh a long time and tastes great with butter and jam and with cheese and ham. Petersfriedhof is the name of the adjacent cemetery, one of the oldest and most atmospheric burial grounds in the whole of Europe. Visitors are fascinated by the artfully designed wrought iron crosses and the solid, centuries-old gravestones. Product range: Spirits, wine, special vinegars, jams, hand-scooped chocolate and lots more Special features: Sassicaia, Château Petrus, Remy Martin Louis XIII, Roederer Crystall, old Madeiras etc. Up to € 12: Hand-scooped chocolate, jam specialities Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Product range: Worth seeing: Original St. Peter wood-fired oven loaves, variety of bread cakes In 2006 the old water mill wheel was faithfully reconstructed right next to the entrance to the bakery. Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 10:00am – 6:00pm, Sat., Sun. and public holidays 10:00am – 4:00pm Opening times: Mon. & Tue. 8:00am – 5:30pm, Thu. & Fri. 7:00am – 5:30pm, Sat. 7:00am – 1:00pm, closed on Wednesdays R. F. AZWANGER | Fam. Kopp Getreidegasse 15, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 843394, Fax 843394-20, [email protected],, STIFTSBÄCKEREI ST. PETER Kapitelplatz 8, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. and Fax +43/ 662 / 847898, [email protected], 44 45 Culinary 27 SPORER LIQUEUR & PUNCH MANUFACTURER Since 1903 The narrowest house in the Getreidegasse was built in 1407 and is home to Sporer’s wine and spirits store, now being run by the fourth generation of the family since it was established in 1903. In what was originally the dram shop of his great grandfather, Michael Sporer offers a comprehensive selection of fine spirits in wooden barrels that are over 100 years old. He also offers 34 products manufactured by the company itself, including 18 different liqueurs. House classics include the ‘Hausmischung’ made according to an old family recipe, a fine herbal liqueur, and their famous orange punch - made to their grandmother’s original recipe from 1927. All of the spirits and a fine selection of top Austrian wines can be sampled in the main shop vault and in the cosy back room. 28 KASLÖCHL Since 1892 Mouth-watering cheese tasting sessions in front of the glorious old wood facade of the ‘Kaslöchl’ store are by no means a rare sight. Just one bite and there’s no way you’ll want to miss out on a look around this tiny shop. The tight space is home to a rich blend of aromas, some very powerful indeed. The Soukup family and their team are there to provide excellent advice, whatever the question. Depending upon the time of year there can be a fantastic selection of anywhere between 120 and 150 types of cheese, many of which are organically produced. Foreign visitors in particular should seize this opportunity to find out about the wide range of flavours and types of Austrian cheese specialities that have long since earned a place on the menu in top international restaurants. Product range: Wines from over 50 top Austrian wine makers, Austrian distillates, international spirits (whiskey, rum, cognac etc.) Special features: Own brand products (18 different liqueurs, semi-sweet herbal ‘Kräuterbitter’, original Sporer orange punch, spicy Salzburg Christmas punch, schnapps-pickled liqueurs (walnut, pine etc.) Up to € 12: 0.25 l own brand »Kräuterbitter«, 0.25 l original orange punch, 0.25 l apricot liqueur Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 7:00pm, Sat. 8:30am – 5:00pm Sporer Likör & Punschmanufaktur | Fam. Sporer Getreidegasse 39, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 845431 Fax +43/ 662 / 845431, [email protected], 46 Product range: 120 – 150 types of cheese from Austria, France, Italy and Spain, cold-pressed farmers’ olive oil, Italian chocolate, organic jams, marmalades and preserves, sugar-free fruit spreads, Mostarda from South Tyrol, Mangalitsa pork salami Special features: Vorarlberg High Alpine Cheese – matured for 9 – 18 months, locally produced organic cheese, organic Parma ham, and various types of pasta Up to € 12: Pinzgauer Schottenkegel, Vorarlberger Hochalpkäse, Ettenauer goat’s cheese in a glass Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 8:00am – 1:00pm KASLÖCHL | Fam. Soukup Hagenauerplatz 2, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 844100 [email protected], 47 Culinary 29 FEINKOST KÖLBL DELICATESSEN Since 1884 In Mozart’s subsequent family home in Theatergasse there is one of the last delicatessen stores in the city of Salzburg. The Kölbl family’s exquisite shop looks back on an eventful past and was already considered one of the top locations for culinary enjoyment way back in 1892. In 1994 the house was completely rebuilt according to original plans, having been destroyed in the Second World War. The two years of building work have enabled the shop to look fresh and attractive, without ever losing its original historical aura. The lovingly decorated delicatessen counter entices guests with tough choices to make between superior quality specialities, such as Italian anti pasti dishes, spreads and terrines, prosciutto, salami, ham, cheese and plenty more. The product range is rounded off with typical snacks like richly topped and filled bread cakes, fresh-from-the-oven roast beef and roast pork, in-house delicatessen salads and freshly squeezed fruit juices. 30 BALKAN-GRILL Since 1950 One type of sausage began its triumphal march to culinary recognition in Salzburg. It has been an Austrian classic for many years now, although it originated in Bulgaria. The ‘Bosna’ is a kind of hot dog made with grilled pork sausages, onions and fresh parsley – and a highly confidential blend of spices placed in a long split white bread roll. It arrived in Salzburg almost 60 years ago, was given immediate Austrian citizenship and an Austrian name, since nobody could remember the original Bulgarian name. Nowadays, the tiny onewindow takeaway in a passageway between Getreidegasse and the Pferdeschwemme horse bath has achieved cult status, attracting praise from the respected catering expert, Christoph Wagner, and from many other people. The Balkan Grill attracts a colourful group of customers and even draws in large crowds of foreign customers, due to having been strongly recommended in a number of Middle and Far Eastern travel guides. Product range: Large delicatessen counter including Italian and Austrian specialities; chocolate, a range of international wines, teas from all over the world, fruit, fresh fruit juices, coffee, jams and marmalades, preserves, honey, oils, vinegars, gelees, rice, lentils, truffles (in season). Up to € 12: Food and drinks to be consumed immediately at standing tables, speciality jams, marmalades and preserves, handmade chocolate and marzipan ‘Mozartkugeln’, Styrian pumpkin seed oil, organic honey and lots more. Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 8:30am – 12:30pm Product range: Various servings of Bosna sausages (original: onions, parsley, spices or onions, ketchup, spices or mustard, spices etc.) Up to € 12: Cheque-format gift vouchers FEINKOST KÖLBL | Fam. Kölbl Theatergasse 2, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 872423, Fax 873884 [email protected], BALKAN-GRILL Getreidegasse 33 (Durchhaus), 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 841483 48 Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 11:00am – 7:00pm, Sat. 11:00am – 5:00pm, July – December Sun. 4:00pm – 8:00pm 49 Culinary 31 JOSEF HOLZERMAYR confectionery Since 1865 Josef Holzermayr from Werfen was already thrilling lovers of speciality confectionery of all ages at church consecration ceremonies and farming markets 150 years ago. Their enthusiasm was shared by Archduke Franz Ferdinand, who appointed Holzermayr official purveyor of confectioneries to the imperial court. Thus, Holzermayr was regularly seen pushing a wheelbarrow loaded with sweets and treats up to the castle in Hohenwerfen. ‘Chocolates to savour’ was his slogan. In 1913, in addition to his gingerbread and confectionery shop in Werfen, he subsequently opened a small store on Alter Markt square in Salzburg, which is now being run by the fourth generation of the family. The interior of the shop is housed in the old sugar vault with display cases and sweet stands for the various chocolates and confectioneries, encouraging a strong sense of nostalgia. Kids’ corner guarantees sparkling children’s eyes everywhere by offering plenty of sweet and heavenly treats. Specialities created by Josef Holzermayr include ‘Genuine Salzburg Mozartkugels’ dating back to 1890, and there is also the finest nougat, pistachio marzipan and dark chocolate to look forward to. Product range: Large range of fresh cream chocolates, sweets jars, fresh chocolates and bonbons (such as boiled sugar sweets, almond cracknel, French caramels) Special features: Workshop-made ‘Real Salzburg Mozartkugeln’ (chocolates), Online Shop:, Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Sat. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sun. 10:00am – 5:00pm SCHOKOLADEN- UND CONFISERIEFACHGESCHÄFT JOSEF HOLZERMAYR Gabriele Truschner, Alter Markt 7, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. and Fax +43/ 662 / 842365, [email protected], 50 32 FISCH KRIEG Since 1935 This listed building on the left bank of the Salzach was built by Salzburg’s town council in 1926 and rented out to two fish traders. In 1935, Hans Krieg took over one of the businesses, and in 1941 the other. He then proceeded to convert the building into one single locale. In 1995 the building was restored and modernised. Today, the business is run by Friedrich Hutzinger, the grandson of the founder of the business. The days when fish were sold from large ice-filled tubs are long gone. However, the supreme quality the family expects of the goods has never been compromised. Most of the fresh sea fish come from the north-eastern Atlantic, some types of fish are sourced from the Mediterranean. The freshwater fish come from Austrian lakes and rivers. Good business is done with plenty of regular customers, and with knowledgeable tourists, both of whom appreciate the quality of the fish. As well as the fish counter, the restaurant section at Fisch Krieg has also become an important part of the business. The owner’s sister ensures all foods are freshly made – and only with fresh fish. Product range: Cod, coal fish, halibut, salmon, angler monkfish, bass, trout, char, carp, pikeperch, smoked fish, pickled fish, homemade herring salad, fish aspic On sale: Fish soup, fried and roasted fish, fish on a stick, fish patties, fish skewers, paella, grilled and barbecued fish, squids, variety of salads Special features: Supreme quality traditional potato salad Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Parking: Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 8:30am – 6:30pm, Sat. 8:30am – 1:00pm FISCH KRIEG OHG Ferdinand-Hanusch-Platz 4, 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 843732, [email protected], 51 Culinary 33 BIO BUTCHER ERLACH Since 1931 Hans and Paula Erlach founded this butcher’s shop in 1931, and since 1983 it has been run by the third generation, Wolfgang and Eva Erlach. Wolfgang’s mother, Elisabeth, still actively supports her son in the management of one of the city’s most highly respected destinations for lovers of good food. Since 1995 it has been located in an old townhouse, the basic structure of which dates back to the 13th century. Erlach’s reputation is based on the excellent quality of their meat. All of their sausage products and cooked meats are manufactured according to old recipes, such as the fine liver pate, roast beef aspic and fine-ground meat loaf. The range of products has increasingly moved towards delicious dishes ready to take away: goulash, venison ragout, roast beef, veal burgers, milt slices and liver dumplings are just a fraction of the exquisite products on offer. Flaky pastry spinach pouches and vegetable lasagne are also available for vegetarians. And for those who just can’t wait, the Erlachs also have room to seat a few guests and serve up small dishes in the shop. Product range: A full range of beef cuts, pork, veal, lamb and game, sausage and cooked meats, homemade ready-meals, salads, spreads, veal stock, beef and seasonal lamb, game Special features: hand-cut cooked ham Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Sat. 8:00am – 6:00pm, Sun. 8:00am – 12:00pm ERLACH GMBH | Fam. Wolfgang Erlach Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 8, 5020 Salzburg Tel. +43/ 662 / 843355 52 53 4 6 54 Coffee shops Austrians love coffee, and the associated customs and traditions. A cup of coffee, whether it’s a filtre coffee, an espresso with whipped cream or a small mocca with creamy milk, accompanied by a sweet pastry – is the Austrian way to relax. Even if it’s only to try the original Mozartkugels, nobody can pass Café Fürst without looking in; and Café Tomaselli is believed to be the oldest coffee house in Austria. The waiters in smoking jackets and kitchen maids in uniforms take guests on a trip back in time. 55 Coffee shops 34 CAFÉ FÜRST Since 1884 At the Paris exhibition in 1905, a whole 15 years after he invented the Salzburg Mozartkugel, the confectioner Paul Fürst won the gold medal in appreciation of his invention. The name of his nougat-pistachio temptation was chosen to honour a ‘son of Salzburg’ who was not quite as popular as he is today. In the 21st century, Martin Fürst, Paul’s great grandson, is still producing the sweet and delicious hand-made ‘Original Salzburg Mozartkugels’ using the same complex procedures and the same recipe, and also offers a large range of chocolates and truffle specialities, delicious sweet pastries and classic coffee creations. The main shop at the top of Brodgasse on Alter Markt square has a garden for guests and was opened in 1884. There is another coffee house at no. 5 Mirabellplatz, and it is also possible to purchase these chocolates and confectionery at no. 47 Getreidegasse, and in the Ritzerbogen/Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse passageway. Specialities: Traditional Austrian coffee culture, traditional Austrian cakes and tarts, such as the Sachertorte chocolate cake, Dobos cake, Esterhazy cake Up to € 12: Workshop manufactured chocolates suit as ‘Original Salzburg Mozartkugels’, Bach cubes, Wolf-Dietrich block, Doppler-Kon(Ef)fekt, millennium truffles, Salzburger Schillings, Paris-Lodron truffles, Fürst truffles Parking: Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: workdays 8:00am – 8:00pm, Sun. & hol. 9:00am – 8:00pm CAFÉ-KONDITOREI FÜRST | Fam. Fürst Brodgasse 13, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 843759-0, Fax 843759- 12 [email protected], 56 35 CAFÉ BAZAR Since 1882 Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Stefan Zweig and Max Reinhardt loved spending time in this homely old Viennese style café next to the Salzach, just down from Staatsbrücke bridge. The building was erected in 1882 and a coffee house was planned from the beginning. The old wooden wall panelling, chandeliers and marble tables with cast iron legs all contribute to its wonderfully nostalgic atmosphere. The clientele is as varied as the range of daily newspapers available. The citizens of Salzburg meet up to chat and enjoy an extended breakfast, business partners come to hold excited discussions and tourists love to soak up the elegant and yet uncomplicated atmosphere. On top of the in-house coffee specialities and a great selection of sweet pastries, there are also well-made small savoury dishes to bridge the hunger gap: homemade gnocchis, au gratin ham and pasta or salad with grilled mushrooms. In front of the old cafe there is a pretty patio for beautiful summer days with a view over the Salzach to the old part of town, Mönchsberg hill and Fortress Hohensalzburg. Specialities: Bazar melange (filtre coffee with milk and whipped cream), Maria Theresia coffee (with Grand Marnier), a hot ginger drink, milk cream strudel with vanilla sauce, orange and truffle tart, poppy seed cake etc. Dishes of the day (hot meals until 11:00pm, or 12:00midnight during the festival) different lunch dishes every day, sausage scrambled eggs, buffalo mozzarella, carpaccio … Opening times: Mon. – Sat. 7:30am – 7:30pm, Sun. & hol. 9:00am – 6:00pm, July and August: daily 7:30am – midnight CAFÉ BAZAR | Fam. Brandstätter Schwarzstrasse 3, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 874278 [email protected], 57 Coffee shops 36 CAFÉ TOMASELLI Since 1705 Café Tomaselli is situated at the heart of the old city of Salzburg and is one of the most highly reputed coffee houses in Europe. No other Austrian café can boast such a long history. The business is still under family ownership and stylishly stands for over 300 years of Austrian coffee house tradition. Salzburg families that have been here for many generations, business people, students, artists and tourists can all be seen here, as can actors during the festival period, opera stars and international festival celebrities. Over the years the café has been a favourite haunt for people like Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hugo von Hofmannsthal, Max Reinhardt and Herbert von Karajan. Magnificent wooden panelling with intarsias, marble table tops, silver trays, traditional newspaper stands, waiters in smoking jackets and uniformed waitresses take guests right back to the good old days. 37 confectionery SCHATZ Since 1850 In a passageway between Getreidegasse and Grünmarkt, very close to the house in which Mozart was born, is one of the most enchanting and indeed one of the smallest confectioners in the town. The interior with a gothic vault is reminiscent of a doll’s house against a fitting background of classical music, mostly the late baroque creations of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The delicacies produced here can be sampled at a few tables in the shop, accompanied by a cup of one of the many coffees available. Alternatively, customers can have them packed to take home. In 1983 a master confectioner, Erich Winkler, together with his wife Helene, took over the confectionery business founded by Karl Schatz in 1850, and soon won over the hearts of customers everywhere with his sweet and heavenly creations, such as the fluffy raspberry soufflé, the soft and succulent chocolate and poppy seed cake and his fruity cherry rolls, mini puff pastries and Schatz’s own chocolate and marzipan Mozartkugeln chocolates. Specialities: ‘Einspänner’ cream-topped mocca, melange, Tomaselliums coffee, Biedermeier coffee, mugs of coffee and Italian coffee specialities, around 40 sweet pastries and cakes every day, such as Sachertorte cake, Linzer, Esterhazy and Dobos cakes; apple, curd cheese and berry strudel, strawberry bowl, walnut-filled croissants with sugar and rum icing. Dishes of the day (hot meals until 8:00pm, or 10:00pm during the festival), various scrambled egg dishes, ham, salami, sausages Opening times: Mon. – Sat. 7:00am – 8:00pm, Sun. & hol. 8:00am – 8:00pm, during the Festival always until 10:00pm CAFÉ TOMASELLI | Elisabeth Aigner, Univ.-Doz. Dr. Florian Tomaselli Alter Markt 9, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 844488, Fax 844488-13 [email protected], 58 Specialities: Parking: Papageno cakes, Traunkirchner cakes, raspberry soufflés, cherry rolls, Schatz vanilla slices, Rigo-Jancsi cake, apple, cheese curd and cherry strudel, a fine selection of Danish pastries Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 9:00am – 6:00pm, Sat. 8:00am – 5:00pm KONDITOREI SCHATZ | Fam. Winkler Getreidegasse 3, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. and Fax +43/ 662 / 842792 [email protected], 59 Coffee shops 38 CAFÉ WERNBACHER Since 1952 Originally, this was the home of a typical old Viennese style coffee house with marble table tops, known as the ‘Grossglockner’. In 1952 Café Wernbacher opened for business and soon became a resounding success as a modern combination of a coffee house – equipped with the city’s very first espresso machine – and an American-style bar. The ‘Wernbacher’ established its role as one of the coolest bars in town, especially once the back rooms of the cafe were opened for the ‘Scotch Club’, one of the first nightclubs of the period. The original furnishing from the 1950s has survived to this day. The style has remained consistent as the furniture was attentively renovated, as were the reception area, the bar and the eye-catching mosaic in the toilet. The overall feel is still of a Viennese coffee house with numerous vintage items. This cult coffee house has maintained its status as a meeting place for artists, intellectuals and lovers of this particular retro atmosphere. The cakes and pastries comes from the pastry shop ‘Der Tortenmacher’ in Nonntal, and the in-house kitchen ensures there are plenty of lunch meals, options for vegetarians and a selection of classic coffee house dishes. Specialities: Cakes, tarts, lunch meals with vegetarian alternatives, traditional down-to-earth Austrian cuisine, wine recommendations Special features: Range of newspapers, readings, exhibitions, Sunday brunch ‘n’ buffet, movie matinées Parking: Parking garage ‘Mirabell’, Parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ (Glockengasse) – with reductions Opening times: Mon. – Sat. 9:00am – midnight, Sun. 9:00am – 6:00pm CAFÉ WERNBACHER | Bernhard Huemer Franz-Josef-Strasse 5, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 881099 [email protected], 60 61 Markets Lovers of good food and drink will find plenty of exquisite culinary specialities around Salzburg’s markets. It’s all local, organic produce – fruit and vegetables, meat, fowl, cheese, fish, cakes, sweet pastries and fresh bread! Every Thursday morning the people of Salzburg meet up at the ‘Schranne’ market in front of the Andräkirche. This popular regional farm produce market has taken place since 1906. Come and discover the wide range of delicious items on offer! 4 6 62 63 Markets 39 SCHRANNE 40 Grünmarkt Since 1906 Since 1857 The weekly market for regional produce, the ‘Schrannenmarkt’, is a Salzburg institution. It has been held in front of St. Andräkirche every Thursday since 1906. It is one of Austria’s largest markets, along with the Naschmarkt and Brunnenmarkt in Vienna, and offers regional produce and local specialities at a fair price from 5:00am. The Grünmarkt has been held at Universitätsplatz in the shade of the university church at the heart of the pedestrianised zone since 1857, and since 1984 for the whole day. Locals and tourists come here to find fresh goods and souvenirs. On Saturdays the market spreads into Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse. The people of Salzburg love the relaxed atmosphere at the market, and it’s also a popular meeting place for young and old, particularly on Saturdays. Depending on the time of year the around 190-stall market also offers Advent wreaths or catkin bouquets. The stall holders all come from Salzburg, Upper Austria and areas of Bavaria just over the border, so top quality, fresh produce can be guaranteed. The name ‘Schranne’ dates back to the municipal grain depot housed in the Schrannen buildings on Mirabell square since 1788. In 1906 Salzburg’s town council made the Schranne an official weekly market. In the 1920s direct sales of regional farm produce began to flourish. The importance of the market is reflected by the 10-year waiting list for farmers applying for a stall. Specialities: Parking: Loaves, bread cakes and pastries, meat, fruit and vegetables, spirits Parking garage ‘Altstadt’ (Mönchsberg) Opening times: Mon. – Fri. 7:00am – 7:00pm, Sat. 6:00am – 3:00pm, Advent Saturdays 6:00am – 7:00pm 41 Organic farm produce market Kajetanerplatz Since approx. 1980 For over 20 years one of Salzburg’s organic farm produce markets was held at Papagenoplatz square, before it moved to the traffic-free Kajetanerplatz. It’s an ideal meeting place for lovers of organic foods and beverages – featuring organic cheese, baking ingredients, vegetables and meat – and ensures the Kaiviertel quarter is a busy place on Fridays. Specialities: Parking: Farm produce, fish soup, stall with fresh deep fried chicken and sausages – typical Salzburg snacks Parking garage ‘Mirabell’, Parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ (Glockengasse) Opening times: Every Thu. 5:00am – 1:00pm, if there’s a public holiday on Thursday, the market is held on Wednesday. 64 Specialities: Organic farm butcher and organic produce: cheese, vegetables and bread Special feature: Salzburg’s first organic farm produce market Parking: Parking garage at the Barmherzigen Brüder hospital Opening times: Every Fri. 8:00am – 12:30pm 65 Tavern restaurants The traditional tavern and guest house restaurants in Salzburg provide very important insights into the lives, lifestyles and identity of the region – and the people who live here. There are lots of Austrian favourites on the menu, such as schnitzel, or beef soup with savoury crepe strips. Most restaurants have fairly rustic interiors and stucco ceilings, tiled stoves and wooden panelling exude a typically relaxed Austrian atmosphere. Would you like to try one of these restaurants? For more info: 66 67 Tavern restaurants TAVERN RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY TAVERN RESTAURANTS in the area 42 Alter fuchs The city tavern restaurant – traditional and different. Linzer Gasse 47-49, Tel. +43/ 662 / 882022, KERNEI’S MOSTHEURIGER Bahnhofstrasse 11, 5102 Anthering Tel. +43/ 6223 / 3385, 43 ANDREAS HOFER Weinstube The experience of tradition for over 100 years. Steingasse 65, Tel. +43/ 662 / 872769, MARIA PLAIN, Hotel Gasthof Plainbergweg 41-43, 5101 Bergheim Tel. +43/ 662 / 4507010 , 44 Bärenwirt ‘Bratl & Soul’ – tradition since 1663. Müllner Hauptstrasse 8, Tel. +43/ 662 / 422404, 45 KRIMPELSTÄTTER ‘Beer needs a home’ – A tradition cultivated since 1548. Müllner Hauptstrasse 31, Tel. +43/ 662 / 432274, 46 pauli stubm A cult bar and restaurant with a strong personality. Herrengasse 16, Tel. +43/ 662 / 843220, 47 weiserhof Meals and delicious dishes with a long history. Weiserhofstrasse 4, Tel. +43/ 662 / 872267, 48 ZUM Zirkelwirt Existence first documented in 1647. Pfeifergasse 14, Tel. +43/ 662 / 842796, 49 ZUM WILDEn MANN 140 year old rustic restaurant in the old town. Getreidegasse 20, Tel. +43/ 662 / 841787, 50 zwettler’s As good as at home. Kaigasse 3, Tel. +43/ 662 / 844199, 68 GMACHL, Romantikhotel Dorfstrasse 14, 5161 Elixhausen, Tel. +43/ 662 / 480212-111, ERENTRUDIS-ALM Gfalls 9, 5061 Elsbethen, Tel. +43/ 662 / 622498, HOLZNERWIRT Dorf 4, 5301 Eugendorf, Tel. +43/ 6225 / 8205, SCHORN, Gasthof Sankt Leonhard Strasse 1, 5083 St. Leonhard, Tel. +43/ 6246 / 72334, STEINERWIRT Salzburgerstrasse 25, 5084 Grossgmain, Tel. +43/ 6247 / 7311, KIRCHBICHL, Gasthof-Gut Dorfstrasse 41, 5300 Hallwang, Tel. +43/ 662 / 665900, GRÜNAUERHOF, Gasthof Hotel Grünauer Strasse 90, 5071 Wals, Tel. +43/ 662 / 850464, 69 Good to know SALZBURG INFO Information & Bookings Tel. +43/ (0)662 / 88987-0, [email protected], Salzburg Packages: MOZARTPLATZ INFORMATION Mozartplatz 5, Tel. +43/ (0)662 / 88987-330, all year round INFORMATION – MAIN TRAIN STATION Südtiroler Platz 1, Tel. +43/ (0)662 / 88987-340, all year round SALZBURG SURROUNDINGS Villages and towns outside the city, Tel. +43/ (0)6246 / 73570, Fax +43/ (0)6246 / 74795, [email protected], SALZBURG CARD The most important card for your visit to Salzburg Free one-time admission to all the sights and museums, free rides on the fortress funicular and the Untersberg cable car, the Salzach boat tour (tour 1) and free use of public transport. Salzburg Card holders are also entitled to numerous reductions for concert and theatre tickets, and trips in the surrounding area. Can be purchased at the reception desk of your hotel, at all tourist information desks and offices in and around the city, in ticket offices and at the airport. For more information – go to: PARKING IN THE OLD TOWN Take this opportunity to enjoy discount parking in the Mönchsberg. Your car park ticket can be punched in shops and restaurants bearing the orange parking sticker around the old part of the town. The fee for underground parking at the Barmherzigen Brüder hospital is reduced for guests having eaten at participating restaurants. If you enter the car park from 4:00pm onwards, there is a reduction in the parking fee for visitors entering a punched ticket. There is also reduced price parking in the parking garage ‘Linzer Gasse’ for hotel guests, and for visitors shopping in various old town stores and restaurants on the right bank of the Salzach. 70 TOP EVENTS • • • • • • • • • • • Mozart week: 3rd + 4th week in January Easter Festival: Sat. before Palm Sun. – Easter Mon. Salzburg Whitsuntide Festival: Fri. – Whit-Mon. Sommerszene: June/July Salzburg Festival: last week of July – end of August Salzburg Culture Days: mid – end of October Jazz & The City: second half of October Salzburg Christkindlmarkt: approx. mid Nov. – 26th Dec. Advent singing: end of November – mid December Winterfest in the Volksgarten: end of Nov. – Jan. 6th New Year’s Eve/Day in the old town: Dec. 30th – Jan. 1st TOURS WITH A TRADITION Many Salzburg tour guides make organised stops during their tours to visit specified businesses with a long tradition – giving visitors a chance to look at, select and try goods. Since many of these businesses are very small, group sizes must be limited. For more information, contact the Tourismus Salzburg GmbH Service Centre or TRADITION TRIPS AND VISITS • • • • • • • • • Untersbergbahn cable car, Untersberg museum Grödig, Maria Plain pilgrimage church, Bergheim, Die Bachschmiede, Wals, Local museum Elsbethen, Sonnenmoor Anthering, Celtic museum Hallein, Salt worlds & Celtic village Hallein, Salzburg Top-Sehenswürdigkeiten, SOuVENIRS Anyone visiting a place like Salzburg wants to give friends and relatives an impression of the area. Some of the best souvenirs include typical handicrafts, like loden and Tracht fabrics and materials, as well as Tracht clothing, dresses, scarves, cravats and coats. Reverse paintings on glass, dried flowers, the world famous Mozartkugel and items of painted farmhouse furniture are a joy for many years! 71 Cultural events and accommodation can be booked at: Here are all the details and information on the topic of long-established businesses in Salzburg. Are you a big Salzburg fan? If so, join our Facebook fan page. CITY OF SALZBURG TOURISMUS Salzburg GmbH Tel. +43/ 662 / 88987-0 [email protected] SALZBURG SURROUNDINGS Tel. +43/ 6246 / 73570 [email protected] Publisher: Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Auerspergstr. 6, 5020 Salzburg, Tel. +43/ 662 / 889 87-0, [email protected],; Print: Druckerei WALLIG, 8962 Gröbming; Graphics: Nindl Grafik,; Photos: Tourismus Salzburg GmbH, Günter Breitegger, Works pictures of the businesses. Company editors: ART Redaktions Team GesmbH, Dr. Wolfgang Neuhuber,; Authors: Angelika Deutsch, Andreas Neuhuber; Last update: Aug. 2015; We do not claim this information is absolutely comprehensive. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Despite having taken the greatest care we cannot guarantee there are no printing errors. 72