\$id.$tiskkltb}*dilii&;MYMlslt$d$is&Mtsailst i*g,qdf#M.$tr MinisterulEducaliei,Gercet5rii,Tineretului9i sportului Ministryof Education,Research,Youth and Sports AutoritateaNalionali PentruCercetare$tiinlificd NationalAuthorityfor ScientificResearch Asocialia pentru Gercetare Multidisciplinari din ZonaVest a Romdniei Associationfor Multidisciplinary Research of the West Zone of Romania Universitatea PolitehnicaTimigoara Universitatea de Vest ,,VasileGoldig" Arad Politehnica UniversitY Timisoara West University "Vasile Goldig" of Arad AI Xll-leaSimpozion Internalional ,,TtNERll$l GERCETAREAMULTIDISCIPLII;4RA" TheXIfh International SYmqosium ,,YOUNGPEOPLEAND MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH" REZUMATE - ABSTRAGTS 11 - 12 Noiembrie2010 1'l - 12 November2010 - Agriculture,Zoocutlure B - Biologie,Agricultur[,Zootehnie/Biology, Sec,tiunea/Section GeneticDiversityof Brown Hare (LepusEuropaeus)Populationsfrom Vojvodina NevenaVEUCKOVIc,tuinallaDJAN, DraganaOBREHT,Ljiljana VAPA Depaftmentof Biotogyand Ecology,Facultyof Sciences,Universityof Novi Sad, Trg Dositeia Obradovica2, 21000Novi Sad Seltra ln the last decade severalstudies on nuclear gene pool diversitywithin and among brown hare of genetic populationsfrom Vojvodinawere performed(Vapa et al. 2002,2007). First determination were done by Djan (2008). variabilityin brownhare populationsfrom Vojvodinausing microsatellites Optimal three-yearmonitoringperiod for brown hare populationswas recommended,in order to The aim of this paperwas microsatellite performadequatepopulationmanagementand conservation. Vojvodina during hunting season 2008/09 and genetic from hares in brown diversity of analysis comparisonof level of geneticdiversitywith the resultsobtainedby Djan (2008).Total numberof 60 individualswas analyzed from Backa, Banat and Srem populations.Three commonly used microsateflite markers:Saf2, Saf5 and Sat12 were included.New alleleswere detectedat all three at loci Saf2 and Saf5 were significantlyhigher loci. ln Srem brown hare population,heterozygosity than in previousanalyses,but some new samplesites from this particularregionwere included,so of this fact. Sincethe samplesize in thesefindingsas Wellas new allelesfoundmightbe consequence remainedat both researcheswas not statisticallydifferent,it could be concludedthat heterozygosity in the pastthree-yearperiod. same levelfor thesepopulations Greatingof Syllabusfor lnformationTechnologyin Agriculture ChavdarVEZIROV,Miroslav MIHAYLOV,Atanas ATANASOV,Petya RADEVA [email protected] [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], The aim of the paperis to presentan approachand principlesfor creatingof syllabusfor the course unit INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYlN is part of the main courseAgricultural Engineeringfor B.Sc. Some formal requirementsto a syllabusare discussed,also possibilitiesto prepareit in a commonacceptedform.Firstproblemappearswhen it is neededto avoidduplicationof informationand at the same time to connectthe new informationwith the previousone in the past modules.The otherproblemis whichadditionalsourcesof informationto includein suchway that the studentsto be readyfor successfulwork in next at leastten years. As criterionsare proposedstudents to have readabilityfor independent and teamwork in the area of informationtechnologyin agriculture, skillsto discoveredproblemsin farmingand to suggestas more as bettersolutionseventuallyusing modern methods,software,computers,and communicationtools. One example of syllabus for studentsof Universityof Rusebasedon suchapproachis shown. ,,Provocariale dezvoltariilocalein comunitatileafectatede inundatiile din 2005" SvetlanaMariaVRGOVIGI e-maiI: svetlanavrgovici@yah Lucrareade fald urmdregtesd analizezeimpactulinundaliilordin 2005 din judelul Timigin raportcu conceptuldezvoltirii durabile.ln prima parte a articoluluise prezintd procesulde definitivarea conceptuluide dezvoltaredurabild,fiind urmatd de prezentareaefectelorinunda{iilorgi a cdtorva concluzii. 19
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