What Works Now - Practical E-Records
What Works Now - Practical E-Records
!"#$%$#&'())"*#$+,-'.*'/&,$."*01$' 2,$*"3-4'5+#.'5*"6-'7*8! "#$%&'(!#)!*+&,%$-.!*,$/%0%1'1!2#.)&,&.$&! *3431'!567!5899! :(-;!2/%$-4#!:#'&<! 2/%$-4#7!=>!! 2/,%1'#?/&,!@A!B,#+7!B/C! *11%1'-.'!D.%0&,1%'(!*,$/%0%1'!-.E!*11#$%-'&!B,#)&11#,! D.%0&,1%'(!#)!=<<%.#%1!-'!D,F-.-G2/-+?-%4.! ?,#+H%<<%.#%1A&E3! /;?IJJ&G,&$#,E1A$/,%1?,#+A$#+! K-,'.&,!:(?&!2($<&! •! /;?IJJLLLA4-,'.&,A$#+J'&$/.#<#4(J ,&1&-,$/J+&'/#E#<#4%&1J/(?&G$($<&AM1?! N(!O3<F,%4/'JPGQ&$#,E1!2($<&!! Ready to roll: Broughty Ferry, August 2009 N(!O3<F,%4/'JPGQ&$#,E1!2($<&!! Near Tongue, NW Highlands, August 2009 R*="!Q&)&,&.$&!N#E&<! N(!O3<F,%4/'JPGQ&$#,E1!2($<&!! Dec 21, 2009: Sunrise: 8:45 AM Sunset: 3:35 PM Hours of light: 6h 50m 22s Broughty Ferry and Firth of Tay, 15:33 GMT Dec 23, 2009T N(!O3<F,%4/'JPGQ&$#,E1!2($<&!! Near the Old Man of Stoer, Skye N(!O3<F,%4/'JPGQ&$#,E1!2($<&!! Atop the Quairang, Skye 2#<<-F#,-S0&!>&-E&,1/%?! /;?IJJ&G,&$#,E1A$/,%1?,#+A$#+JT?U958V! John McDonald, Composer & Pianist D o n o r C o nve r s a t i o n r e Hybrid Collections, i . e . p hy s i c a l a n d e l e c t ro n i c m a te r i a l s ( i n d i v i d u a l s ) Susanne Belovari, Arch. for Ref. & Collections HTTP://E-RECORDS.CHRISPROM.COM/?P=2267 SOME LITERATURE PARADIGM www.paradigm.ac.uk/ AIMS www2.lib.virginia.edu/aims/ CATHERINE MARSHALL www.csdl.tamu.edu/~marshall/ DIGITAL LIVES RESEARCH PROJECT www.bl.uk/digital-lives/index.html PROM’S PRACTICAL E-RECORDS http://e-records.chrisprom.com/ HTTP://E-REC ORDS .C H RIS P ROM.C OM/? P=2267 GENERAL QUESTIONS AND INFORMATION !!primary or core identities !!documented by which materials and formats DONOR LIST OF IMPORTANT MATERIALS, E.G. !! Photographs: digital photographs (1998-2011) – mostly jpg photographs 1980-2007 !!Art: !!E-mail: weaving samplers (1976-2011) – mostly organic material, some nylon pine (2009-2011) HTTP://E-REC ORDS .C H RIS P ROM.C OM/? P=2267 HTTP://E-REC ORDS .C H RIS P ROM.C OM/? P=2267 OTHER ISSUES, E.G. !!sensitive materials !!weeding !!virtual death and will !!transfer of materials ORGANIZING AND MAINTAINING YOUR INFORMATION, E.G. !!naming conventions (physical/digital) !! storage and backup (physical/digital) !! structuring, naming and dating materials !! software /date range (e.g. Open Office 2010 odt/odg) !!computers, hand-held devices, cloud computing applications etc. !!migration of files !!overlap between physical/digital material *EM&$S0&1!L&!.&0&,!L-.'! 31&E!'#!E&1$,%F&!-,$/%0&1I! D.E&,$#3.'&E! D.E&,+-.-4&E! =.-$$&11%F<&! W-1%$!Q&X3%,&+&.'1! •! B&,)#,+!-!0%,31G$/&$Y! •! 2-?'3,&!E&1$,%?S0&!+&'-E-'-!-F#3'!Z<&1!-.E! )#<E&,1! •! 2-?'3,&!E-'-!-F#3'!Z<&!)#,+-'1! •! 2-?'3,&!$/&$Y13+1!)#,!&0&,(!Z<&! •! W&4%.!E#$3+&.'-S#.!'/-'!,&$#,E1!'/&! +-.-4&+&.'!-.E!?,&1&,0-S#.!-$S#.1!'-Y&.! #0&,!S+&! [/-'!='!>##Y1!>%Y&!%.!B,-$S$&! [/-'!='!>##Y1!>%Y&!%.!B,-$S$&! *,,-.4&+&.'7!C&1$,%?S#.7!-.E! *$$&11!-'!=<<%.#%1I!R=O!2-1&!"'3E(! !"#$%%&'(&#)$*' O%,&\(!"$-.!Q&13<'1! ],&&"%^&!B,#!Q&13<'1! *,$/#.!2#.',#<!2-,E! "%+?<&!PGQ&$#,E1!_%&L&,! ],&&"%^&!B,#!Q&13<'1! *,$/#.!2#.',#<!2-,E! Arranging and Describing Born-digital Archives: The Salman Rushdie Papers at Emory University Laura L. Carroll (former) Manuscript Archivist Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library Salman Rushdie papers: Born digital component •! •! •! •! •! Macintosh Performa 5400/180 Macintosh PowerBook 5300c Macintosh PowerBook G3 QT9250B5G03 Macintosh PowerBook G3 QT9386CEEY8 SmartDisk FWFL60 FireLite 60GB 2.5” FireWire Portable Hard Drive “Verdict” "! "! "! "! AS IS - can be released as is for both the emulation environment and the database REDACTION – will need to be redacted for access; will not be available for emulation environment, but will be for database RESTRICTED - no access in either environment EMULATION ONLY - will only appear in the virtual environment and not go into the database (e.g. files named "Format," but that have no actual content once you open them up). Database Description Thank you! [email protected] Bibliography: http://tinyurl.com/2behr7n Practical Approaches to Born-Digital Archives: Access SAA 2011 Session 302 Seth Shaw How can my repository provide access to our born-digital electronic records in a practical manner? It Depends... 3 Questions 1.!What are you providing access to? 2.!What do your users need or expect? 3.!What can you actually do? Fast, cheap, and good: pick two. Web-archiving Example Options Capture Mechanism Access Mechanism Verdict Adobe Acrobat PDFs not good (usually lousy)* HTTrack Local copy of the site & a browser not good (but not bad) HTTrack Local copy of the site in a virtual machine w/ contemporary operating system, browser, and plug-ins. not fast Heritrix Open Source Wayback & Nutchwax not fast/easy Archive-It or WAS Service provided portal not cheap (well, not free) *Authors own opinion using previous version (Acrobat 8 Pro); conduct your own tests as results may have improved. "My Documents" Email Local Media Local Computer Station Webserver Existing Document Management Systems 3rd Party Systems Restricted Access … depends on how much you trust people & systems. !"#$%$#&'())"*#$+,-'.*'/&,$."*01$' 2,$*"3-4'5+#.'5*"6-'7*8! "#$%&'(!#)!*+&,%$-.!*,$/%0%1'1!2#.)&,&.$&! *3431'!567!5899! :(-;!2/%$-4#!:#'&<! 2/%$-4#7!=>!! 2/,%1!B,#+!!`!!?,#+H%<<%.#%1A&E3! "31-..&!W&<#0-,%!`!!"31-..&AW&<#0-,%H'3a1A&E3!! W&.M-+%.!N!K#<E+-.!!`!!F4#<E+-VH3L(#A&E3!! N&<%11-!"-<,%.!!`!!1-<,%.H%<<%.#%1A&E3! >-3,-!2-,,#<<!!`!!<-3,-<&%4/-..H4+-%<A$#+!! "&'/!"/-L!!`!!1&'/A1/-LHE3Y&A&E3!
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