File - British Columbia UMCI
File - British Columbia UMCI
“The Bee Cee’r” BRITISH COLUMBIA’S U.M.C.I NEWSLETTER For the mature (over 40) motorcycle enthusiast March 2012 Editors Rick and Irene Evans, Abbotsford, BC Phone: 604-308-1869 email address: [email protected] Please send articles & ads by the 30th of each month Check out UMCI at or and follow the links to BC UMCI. There you will be able to obtain any forms and flyers that you may need. If you don’t see what you need contact your area rep and they will assist you. LOWER MAINLAND REPORT We suppose a few of you have been out riding already BUT we are still only dreaming of it. Even though there have been the odd days without RAIN it is still a little cool. Our breakfast in Langley was well attended on the 25th and that is great to see, it makes it all worthwhile still holding it in the Langley area as our attendance was dwindling. We held a games night & Pizza at our complex and even though there was not a large turnout, everyone had a good time. One of the games was bowling on the Wii machine and if you haven’t tried it you will have to. It is a blast. If you’re out and about on your bike in these early mornings be careful of ICE as it is still cool in the mornings. Ride Safe. Rick & Irene Evans Lower Mainland Reps Hello Every One! We are having a fairly mild winter up here so far, but, we know that winter is not done with us yet! We are basically the same group that has been meeting once a month for years. We have our Christmas get together, tell stories, and enjoy each other’s company. This year we decided not to do our goofy gift exchange, we brought food to make up a food hamper for a needy family. This email is to remind you that we have changed restaurants again, same address I sent you last year: Connaught Restaurant 1552 Victoria St. Prince George, B.C. Ph - 250-564-8873 or Fax - 250-564-8871 E-Mail - [email protected] Best Wishes To All, UMCI - Prince George Elaine Turner Reduce the risk of theft There is no surefire way to prevent your motorcycle from being stolen. If thieves target your bike they will likely find a way to steal it, despite precautions you might take. Almax Security Chains in the U.K. ( claim to have developed the most robust, theftproof chains available. They've created a series of videos that demonstrate how quickly thieves can snap top selling chains from well-known brands. Kryptonite's beefy Fahgettaboudit chain lasted less than 30 seconds. The best strategy is to think of security in three ways: Where are you storing your motorcycle? If it's in your personal garage, put an alarm on the door and make sure thieves can't see the bike from a window. If it's in an underground garage, try to arrange a spot in view of a security camera. How are you securing the bike? No one defense will turn away a thief, so think in layers: fork lock plus disk lock plus chain plus alarm. Secure your bike to a support beam or pillar. But as a few have discovered, thieves won't hesitate to cut through a pipe. Better yet, install an anchor in the concrete floor, then loop the chain through it. How are you concealing your bike? Put a cover on your bike when you're not riding it. If possible, hide it behind your car or truck. For Sale 2005 Honda 1800 Lehman Trike Loaded lots of extras, reinforced running boards, CB Radio, radio, driving lights, 30200 miles Asking $39999.00 2007 Lees-ure Lite trailer Floor has extra reinforcing, extra wide, pod & underneath storage. Rack on back to carry cooler and makes in to a table. Asking $5600.00 Clothing 1 xxx large heated jacket ,pants & gloves $200.00 (Gerbing) 1 large heated jacket, pants & gloves $200.00 (Gerbing) Contact Dennis & Myrna at 604-853-8038 cell 360-393-8762 or email [email protected] UMCI Lower Mainland - Event- Ride Schedule for 2012 January 08 19-22 28 February 12 18 25 11 24 Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Games Night&Pizza – Rick & Irene’s 6 pm. Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC 08 14 28 13 Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Surrey – Bowling (Dell) & Swiss Chalet Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Mother’s Day Ride – Lytton / Merritt BC Provincial Rally – Nk’Mip, Osoyoos, BC Toad Rock Camping Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC BC 500 - tba Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Canyon Alpine Camping & Kanaka Bar Father’s Day Brunch @ Dennis & Myrna’s RSVP $ Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC UMCI International Rally, Idaho NO BREAKFAST Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Corn Roast Gord& Jeanette’s - Merritt NO BREAKFAST Campout – Canyon Alpine –biker stew Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC BBQ ribs @ Dennis & Myrna’s $ Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC March April May June July August September 18-21 22-23 26 2-3 10 16-17 23 08 17-19 12 18-19 25 1-3 09 15 22 Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Vancouver Motorcycle Show – Tradex – Abbotsford, BC Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC October 07 07 14 21 27 Vancouver Toy Run Day out tba Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC *26th * Fraser Valley Toy Run Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC November 04 11 17 24 Planning Meeting – Rob & Joyce’s 2:00 p.m.& finger food Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Cascade Casino night & dinner Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC December 01 09 22 UMCI Christmas Party Breakfast - Roseland – Abbotsford, BC Breakfast – White Spot, Langley BC Birthdays & Anniversaries for March 2012 2 – Wanda Shearer, Doug Knox 3 – Shirley Haggkvist 7 – Mary Campbell 9 – Kathryn Seymour 12 – Denis Roberts 18 – Maureen Embury 19 – Mary Ann Knox 20 – Barry Pratt 23 – Ken Juelfs 27 – Peter Rantoul 28 – Don Phair 7 – Dave & Joan Degear 11 – Ken & Susan McAndrew 22 – Doug & Mary Ann Knox Stew's Celebration of Life will be Saturday, May 19th. That is the May 24th weekend. It will be in Osoyoos on the patio of NK'Mip Cellars. This is the weekend of the UMCI spring campout. There is a 'motel' nearby where you can reserve rooms. They are very nice, so I hear, and the cost should be around $99 a night. If you want a room I need to know so I can reserve the number we need. After the celebration at NK'Mip we will move to the campground where more refreshments will be available. All is within walking distance. Barb Pomeroy BC PROVINCIAL SPRING RALLY May 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st, 2012 NK’MIP RESORT 8000 – 45th St. Osoyoos, BC Welcome to Nk’mip Resort. Camping overlooking the lake and with good clean washrooms. Camping will be assigned by UMCI Personnel for group camping, no individual sites REGISRATION MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 1st , 2012 All camping and meals must be Pre-registered Friday Saturday May 18th May 19th 5:00 8:00 pm Check-in and set up 8:00 – 9:30 am Check-in 7:30 – 8:30 am Breakfast 10:00 am Fun Run Celebration of life for Stew Pomeroy, by Barb Pomeroy 2.00 pm to 4.00pm on the patio of NK'Mip Cellars. 5:00 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Card Bingo..(3 nickels, 3 dimes, 3 quarters, 1 dollar) Sunday May 20th 7:30 – 8:30am Breakfast 10:00 am Poker Run $5.00 entry fee 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Awards Monday May 21st Pack-up and goodbyes. MEALS Breakfast Saturday ___________ X $5.00 = _______________ Breakfast Sunday ___________ X $5.00 = _______________ Dinner Saturday ___________ X $8.00 = _______________ Burgers & Salad Dinner Sunday ___________ X $10.00 = _______________ Steak MEALS TOTAL _______________ Volunteers are needed and greatly appreciated for preparing meals. __________ Please bring a package of cookies to go with the bottomless coffee. Bring your bathing suit; there is a hot tub and swimming pool. Registration Fee by May 1st $12.00 per person _____ X $12 = ___________ After May 1st $25.00 per person _____ X $25 = ___________ Camping fees are NOT included in the registration fee $11.00 per person per night _____ X $11 X ____ days = _________ TOTAL amount paid _$___________ MOTORHOMES AND RV’S MUST REGISTER BY PHONING THE CAMPGROUND @ 250-495-7279 , YOU WILL BE PLACED IN THE UMCI AREA Rider Name;________________________ age_____ Co-rider ___________________ age __ Address; _______________________________________________________________ Phone; _______________________email _______________________ Traveled ?________km I/We do hereby acknowledge the right of the UNITED MOTOCYCLE CLUB INTERNATIONAL to revoke or refuse admission upon refund of my/our registration fee Signature(s) ________________________________ ____________________________ MAKE OUT CHEQUE OR MONEY ORDER TO: BC UMCI (CANADIAN FUNDS) MAIL TO: ABE PETERS/.UMCI 103-609 TRUSWELL RD. KELOWNA, BC V1W 3Z1 Breakfast Locations LOWER MAINLAND 2nd Sunday @ 8:00 a.m. Roseland Family Restaurant, #12-33550 S Fraser Way, Abbotsford 4th Saturday @ 8:00 a.m. White Spot 19651 Fraser Highway Langley, BC Call: Rick & Irene Evans (604) 308-1869 VANCOUVER ISLAND Comox 2nd Sunday @ 9:30 a.m. Early Bird Cafe 307 Fourth St. / corner of Fourth & Duncan, Courtenay Call: Doug & Mary Ann Knox (250) 334-0201 Nanaimo 1st Sunday of month @ 9:00 a.m. MGM Restaurant 240 Nicol Street, Nanaimo Call: Dave & Joan DeGear 250-753-8447 BC INTERIOR Merritt / Kamloops 1st & 3rd Sunday @ 8:30 a.m. Eastside Mario’s Aberdeen Mall 1320 Trans Canada Hwy #117 Kamloops Contact Gordon Galbraith 250-378-4750 OKANAGAN 2nd and 4th Saturday Rocky J’s Beach Hut Beach Ave and 1st St Peachland Contact John Watts 250-767-2413 PRINCE GEORGE 2nd Sunday @ 9:00 a.m. D’Lanos Family Resaurant 1515 Victoria St, Redwood Square, PG Call: Dennis & Pat Johnson (250) 963-7244 or Dave & Elaine Turner (250) 962-2069 Seattle 2nd Saturday @ 9:00 a.m. Red Dragon Casino (upstairs) 21917 Hwy 99 Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043 Mary Nordby (206) 310-2777 Mount Vernon 1st Saturday @ 9:00 a.m. Emerald City Grill 1912 W State Route 20 Sedro Wooley Duane Wood (360) 766-6603 Okanogan (U.S.) 1st Saturday @ 8:30 a.m. Cariboo Inn 223 Queen St., Okanogan George & Willie Penner (509) 485-1922 Columbia Basin 2nd Sunday @ 8:30 a.m. Golden Correl 930 N. Stratford Rd., Moses Lake Kevin & Kevi Besel (509) 488-3215 Spokane 1st Saturday @ 8:30 a.m. Frontiers West 2121 Division, Spokane WA Charles Crane (509) 238-4677 *Note New Locations*