PDF of the 2016 Showcase Catalog can be found here


PDF of the 2016 Showcase Catalog can be found here
24th Annual
Poets House Showcase
Exhibition Catalog
|Poets House|10 River Terrace|New York, NY 10282|poetshouse.org|
The 2016 Poets House Showcase is made possible through the generosity of the hundreds
of publishers and authors who have graciously donated their works. We are deeply
grateful to Deborah Saltonstall Pease (1943–2014) for her foundational support. Many
thanks are also due to the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council
on the Arts, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, and the many members of Poets
House for their support of this project.
“Poetry is intimately concerned with the historic process. It tells us what it
feels like to be alive in a given time and place. Words themselves, forever tuned
to the passing show, forever tied to their own roots yet forever changing, are
the most sensitive of recording instruments.”
—Stanley Kunitz, remarks at the opening session of the 3rd Annual New
York/New Jersey Poetry Teachers Conference, November 2nd, 1989
ELCOME to the 2016 Poets House Showcase, the annual, all-inclusive
exhibition of the most recent poetry books, chapbooks, broadsides, artist’s
books, and multimedia works published in the United States and abroad.
This year marks the 24th anniversary of the Poets House Showcase,
featuring over 3,000 books from more than 750 different presses and publishers. Since
its inception, the Showcase has helped to build one of the most extensive collections of
poetry in our nation—a wide-ranging record of the poetry of our time.
Building the Exhibit—and the Poets House Library Collection
Every year, Poets House invites poets and publishers to participate in the annual
Showcase by donating copies of poetry titles released since January of the previous
year. This year’s exhibit highlights poetry titles published in 2015 and the first part of
Poets House aims to provide a comprehensive, inclusive collection of poetry that is free
and open to the public. To this end, the library staff reaches out to as many poetry
communities and producers as it can find. The Poets House Showcase strives to include
every kind of poetry from every type of publisher, whether it is the product of a large
press, university or independent press, an artists’ collective, a micropress, a letterpress
studio, or one of the many poets who self-publish their work. Books are contributed by
the entire poetry community, from the poets and publishers who send on their newest
titles as they’re released, to library visitors carrying a book to donate when they visit us.
Every publication is welcomed and celebrated in the Showcase.
Organization and Scope of the Showcase
The Showcase exhibit is organized alphabetically by publisher, making it a snapshot of
this moment in time for those who wish to understand the changing landscape of poetry
publishing in the United States. It also acts as a valuable resource for poets seeking to
find a good home for their manuscript, or to understand the publishing landscape.
The Poets House Showcase focuses on individual collections of poetry, but it also
includes a wide array of prose and criticism, anthologies, chapbooks, and multilingual
volumes. As in past years, the Showcase includes poetry presented in formats from
traditional broadsides to poetry trading cards, to one-of-a-kind handmade artist’s
books and art objects.
The focus of the Poets House Showcase is on United States presses and publishers, but
the collection is also designed to serve an international community of poets. For this
reason, Poets House includes books from international publishers—particularly
English-language books from Canadian and United Kingdom publishers, but also those
we receive from other countries as well.
Exhibition Dates and Programs
The 2016 Poets House Showcase opens to the public on July 14th, 2016 and remains
open during regular library hours until August 20th, 2016. During these five weeks,
readings will be held in celebration of the Showcase from some of the many authors
whose works are featured in the exhibition, including Cameron Awkward-Rich, Derrick
Austin, Laurel Blossom, Tyehimba Jess, Patricia Spears Jones, Rickey Laurentiis, Janice
Lowe, Wayne Miller, Michael Morse, Anna Moschovakis, Alicia Jo Rabins, Camille
Rankine, Solmaz Sharif, Stacy Szymaszek, Vincent Toro, Simone White, and others.
At the close of the exhibit, Showcase titles move upstairs into the Reed Foundation
Library, where for a year they are shelved separately, so that they remain accessible to
visitors wishing to browse the previous year’s titles. At the time of the next Showcase,
the previous year’s Showcase titles are integrated into our ever-growing 70,000-item
poetry collection.
The Numbers
The 2016 Poets House Showcase includes 3049 titles from 772 publishers and presses.
This includes 359 chapbooks, 136 anthologies, 106 prose works, 43 broadsides, 42
artist’s books, and 10 multimedia works. 104 of the titles are foreign-language,
bilingual, or multilingual, in 39 different languages, from French, Spanish, and German
to Sinhala, Dari, and Anishinaabemowin. Of the 3049 titles, 2,071 were published in
2015 and 978 in 2016. 32 are uncorrected proofs and advance reading copies of books
yet to be published. 2780 books were published by U.S. presses, and 269 were
published by presses based in other countries, from Canada and the UK to Romania and
How to Participate in the Poets House Showcase
Poets House gladly accepts donations for our annual Showcase all year, and all titles
donated to us within a year of their publication will be included in that year’s Showcase.
As the Showcase is an inclusive event, Poets House encourages all publishers and poets
to submit one (1) copy of their most recently published poetry titles to Poets House to
have it featured in our next exhibit.
Please direct your submissions to Amanda Glassman, Librarian and Archivist, and help
spread the word!
Poets House wishes to thank each author, publisher, and poetry lover who contributed
the thousands of books in this exhibition. Without your generosity, the Poets House
Showcase could not exist. Special thanks to Brent Cunningham and the rest of our
friends at Small Press Distribution for contributing many key titles to our exhibition.
Many thanks to the Board of Directors for their unflagging support of our mission.
Thanks to Lee Briccetti, Executive Director, and Jane Preston, Managing Director, for
facilitating and encouraging this endeavor. Thanks to the Poets House staff—Lauren
Clark, Christina Lem, Suzanne Lunden-Metzger, Stephen Motika, Gina Scalise,
Bleuberthol Scott, and Suzanne Wise—for their guidance and aid. The 2016 Showcase is
presented with deepest gratitude to Deborah Saltonstall Pease, whose love of this
program and Poets House was an essential foundation for all of our achievements here.
It’s been my pleasure to work with Reginald Harris, our Director of Library and
Outreach Services, whose steadfast support, sense of humor, and true dedication to
poetry have been invaluable. Special acknowledgement is also due to cataloging
volunteer Carolyn Lee, for her quiet determination and lightning-fast fingers. Thank you
as well to all of the Poets House volunteers and interns, who generously gave their time
to help us catalog, alphabetize, shelve, display, and otherwise keep tabs on over 3,000
books: Matthew Anish, Sarah Barlow-Ochshorn, Lucy Barness, Christian Black, Brian
Carpenter, Nia Cavazos, Nataya Culler, Camilla Fernandez, David Hirsch, Joan Hendrix,
Jade Jarencio, Mirah Kozodoy, Victoria Laboz, Sunny Liu, Delsa Lopez, Daniel Marx,
Leonor Miller, Nadia Oakley, Mikhail Shklyarevsky, Keenan Smith, Marty Strom, Irina
Teveleva, and Kailey Winston.
And a final thank you to the people we’ve built this Showcase for: our readers, visitors,
and Poets House patrons. We hope you find inspiration and beauty in our newest crop
of books, and in each new Showcase for years to come.
Amanda Glassman
Librarian and Archivist
2016 Poets House Showcase Exhibition Catalog – Listings by Publisher
(Great) Indian Poetry Collective
 Aggarwal, Vidhu, The Trouble with Humpadori, 2016.
 Hajratwala, Minal, Bountiful Instructions for Enlightenment, 2015.
 Kombiyil, Ellen, Histories of the Future Perfect, 2015.
[lx] press
 Cartier, Gérard; trans. Genève Chao, Tristran, 2015.
 Tardy, Nicholas; trans. Genève Chao and François Luong, Encrusted on the Living, 2015.
1913 Press
 Gravendyk, Hillary, and Cynthia Arrieu-King, Unlikely Conditions, 2016.
 Haven, Leif, Arcane Rituals from the Future, 2015.
 Iijima, Brenda, Untimely Death Is Driven Out Beyond the Horizon, 2015.
 Riggs, Sarah, Pomme & Granite, 2015.
3: A Taos Press
 Barnes, William S., The Ledgerbook, 2016.
 Golos, Veronica, Rootwork, 2015.
 Hooker, Eva, Godwit, 2016.
3Ring Press
 Bomze, Bracha Nechama, Love Justice, 2015.
42 Miles Press
 Knapp, Tracey, Mouth, 2015.
7th Grade Poetry Foundation
 Williams, Aaron, ed., Poetry on Our Terms: Winners of the 2015 7GP 7th Grade Poetry Contest, 2015.
 Williams, Aaron, ed., Poetry on Our Terms: Winners of the 2016 7GP 7th Grade Poetry Contest, 2016.
 Bertram, Erin M., and Ryan R. Collins, Where the Wind Bends Backwards, 2015.
 Georgiou, Tracy, A Bizarre Sentence, 2015.
Abdul Fattah Ismail
 Ismail, Abdul Fattah, Extended Syllables, 2016.
Abigail Welhouse and Evan Johnston
 Welhouse, Abigail, Memento Mori: A Poem, 2016. Tiny Chapbook.
Able Muse Press
 Baer, William, Times Square and Other Stories, 2015.
 Conelly, William, Uncontested Grounds, 2015.
 Drury, John Philip, Sea Level Rising, 2015.
 Hempel, Elise, Second Rain, 2016.
 Hodge, Jan D., Taking Shape: Carmina Figurata, 2015.
 Leithauser, Emily, The Borrowed World, 2016.
 McGovern, Martin, Bad Fame, 2015.
 Nicol, Alfred, Animal Psalms, 2016.
 Ridland, John, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 2016.
 Shipers, Carrie, Cause for Concern, 2015.
 Videlock, Wendy, Slingshots and Love Plums, 2015.
 White, Gail, Asperity Street, 2015.
ABZ Press
 Davis, Pamela, Lunette, 2015.
Accademia di Brera & Otis Graduate Writing (Italy/U.S.)
 Ronk, Martha, and Chiara Giorgetti, 2 x 2, 2015. Broadside.
 Cranston, Meg, and Vincenzo Ostuni; trans. Paul Vangelisti, 2 x 2, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Accents Publishing
 Beary, Roberta, Deflection, 2015.
 Crisler, Curtis L., Black Achilles, 2015.
 de Bravo, Brandel France, Mother, Loose, 2015.
 Goldberg, Barbara, Kingdom of Speculation, 2015.
Action Books
 Ito, Hiromi; trans. Jeffrey Angles, Wild Grass on the Riverbank, 2015.
 Hyesoon, Kim; trans. Don Mee Choi, Poor Love Machine, 2016.
 Mejer Caso, Valerie; trans. Michelle Gil-Montero, This Blue Novel, 2016. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Negroni, María, Dark Museum, 2015. Prose.
 Pate, Taylor Jacob, Becoming the Virgin, 2016.
 Smith, Abraham, Ashagalomancy, 2015.
 Yideum, Kim; trans. Ji yoon Lee, Don Mee Choi, and Johannes Göransson, Cheer Up Femme Fatale, 2016.
 Zurita, Raúl; trans. Daniel Borzutzky, The Country of Planks / El País de Tablas, 2015.
Adel Souto
 Souto, Adel (Adel 156), Throne Out: An Attempt to Depose Poetry: The Throwaway Poems of Adel 156,
Advent Purple Press
 Garrett, Davidson, Southern Low Protestant Departure: A Funeral Poem, 2015.
After Hours Ltd.
 Feinberg, Daniel, Flowers & Drinks, 2016. Chapbook.
 Lotterman, Wendy, Intense Holiday, 2016. Chapbook.
Rymbu, Galina; trans. Jonathan Brooks Platt, White Bread, 2016. Chapbook.
Warman, Laura, The Cave the Basement the Church the Bedroom the Mall, 2016. Chapbook.
Ahsahta Press
 Apps, Aaron, Dear Herculine, 2015.
 Boyer, Anne, Garments Against Women, 2015.
 Briante, Susan, The Market Wonders, 2016.
 Gudding, Gabriel, Literature for Nonhumans, 2016.
 Hickman, Mary, This Is the Homeland, 2015.
 Holden, Kevin, birch, 2015.
 Liew, Grace Shuyi, PROP, 2016. Chapbook.
 McCarthy, Pattie, x y z & &, 2015.
 Phillips, Lance, Mimer, 2015.
 Teare, Brian, The Empty Form Goes All the Way to Heaven, 2015.
 Tichy, Susan, Trafficke, 2015.
 Toro, Vincent, Stereo. Island. Mosaic., 2016.
Airlie Press
 Akers, Deborah, Partly Fallen, 2015.
 Pagán, Darlene, Setting the Fires, 2015.
Akashic Press
 Dawes, Kwame, ed., Eight New-Generation African Poets: A Chapbook Box Set, 2015.
 Channer, Colin, Providential, 2015.
 Pintado, Carlos; trans. Hilary Vaughn Dobel, Nine Coins / Nueve monedas, 2015.
Albion Books
 Valentine, Jean, Friend, 2015. Artist's Book.
Alfred Gustav Press (Canada)
 McCaslin, Susan, effortful / effortless: after Cezanne, 2015. Chapbook.
 Schellenberg, Angeline, Roads of Stone, 2015. Chapbook.
 Smith, Douglas Burnet, White Corvettes: Winnipeg 1950–1964, 2015. Chapbook.
Alice James Books
 Broek, Michael, Refuge/es, 2015.
 Harris, Francine J., Play Dead, 2016.
 Hofmann, Richie, Second Empire, 2015.
 Joseph, Janine, Driving Without a License, 2016.
 May, Jamaal, The Big Book of Exit Strategies, 2016.
 Mei-en, Lo Kwa, Yearling, 2015.
 Metres, Philip, Sand Opera, 2015.
 Parks, Cecily, O'Nights, 2015.
 Revell, Donald, Drought-Adapted Vine, 2015.
 Williams, Phillip B., Thief in the Interior, 2016.
Allbook Books
 Alexander, Gregory, Call Them Home, 2015.
 Mankh, Drive-Thru Theofascism & the Hero's Journey, 2015.
Alliance for Young Artists & Writers
 Coplen, Michaela, ed., The Best Teen Writing of 2015, 2015. Anthology.
The American Poetry Review
 Rabins, Alicia Jo, Divinity School, 2015.
Ampersand Books
 Vincenz, Marc, Becoming the Sound of Bees, 2015.
 Williams, Caroline Randall, Lucy Negro, Redux, 2015.
Anabiosis Press
 Dubrasky, Danielle Beazer, Ruin and Light, 2015. Chapbook.
Anaphora Literary Press
 Bellerive, Paul, Whispers from the Past, 2015.
 Berkheiser, Jim, In Mercurial Days, 2015.
 Corman, Catherine, Romanticism, 2015.
 Guevara, Ted Bernal, Birds on Elephants, 2015.
 Spitzer, Mark, Glurk!: A Hellbender Odyssey, 2016.
 Waage, Fred, This Mortal Earth: A Year of Beginnings and Ceasings, 2015.
Anhinga Press
 Curbelo, Silvia, Falling Landscape, 2015.
 Leonin, Mia, Chance Born, 2016.
 Morrill, Donald, Awaiting Your Impossibilities, 2015.
 Poreba, Christine, Rough Knowledge, 2016.
 Schaer, Robin Beth, Shipbreaking, 2015.
 Svoboda, Terese, When the Next Big War Blows Down the Valley: Selected and New Poems, 2015.
 Wagenaar, Chelsea, Mercy Spurs the Bone, 2015.
Anne M. Nichandros
 Nichandros, Anne M., Trees for All Seasons: A Book of Poetry, 2015.
Antilever Press
 Biespiel, David, A Long High Whistle: Selected Columns, 2015. Prose.
Antrim House Books
 Altshul, Laura, Searching for the Northern Lights, 2015.
 Altshul, Victor, Singing with Starlings, 2015.
 Axelrod, Emily H., Passerby, 2015.
 Butterworth, Miriam Brooks, My Felonious Friends, 2015.
 Carle, Katherine Redfield, The Uncommon Nativity of Common Things, 2015.
Cervas, Michael, A Wilderness of Chances, 2015.
Dichele, Anne Magee, Ankle Deep and Drowning, 2015.
Ellsworth, Priscilla Wear, Rutted Field of the Heart, 2016.
Fine, Carol Gabrielson, A Tilted World, 2015.
Follansbee, Harper, Jr., In the Aftermath of Grief, 2015.
Fowler, Anne Carroll, The Case of the Restless Redhead, 2015.
Gannon, Tom, Food for a Journey, 2015.
Gigot, Jessica, Flood Patterns, 2015.
Giosa, Nicholas, This Sliding Light of Day: Collected Poems, 2015.
Hogan, Kevin, My Ríastrad, 2015.
Kay, Les, Kilo Co: A Vietnam Memoir, 2015.
Lawrence, Susannah, Just Above the Bone, 2016.
Mandavilli, Srinivas, Gods in the Foyer, 2016.
McQuilkin, Rennie, Going On: New & Collected Poems, 2015.
Orphanides, Lana, Searching for Angels, 2015.
Phelan, Garrett, Outlaw Odes, 2015.
Plaskon, Curt, Life: Still the Greatest Show on Earth, 2015.
Sassi, Maria, Rare Grasses, 2015.
Schneeloch, V. Jane, Turning Over Leaves, 2015.
Schwarcz, Vera, The Physics of Wrinkle Formation, 2015.
Scollan, Paul, Unaccounted For, 2015.
Sundquist, Bernita Woodruff, Across the Divide, 2016.
Towle, Parker, World Spread Out, 2015.
Vara, Theresa C., Through Salt and Time, 2015.
Walz-Michaels, Gerda, Stone Walls, 2015.
Anvil Press (Canada)
 Bull, Melissa, Rue, 2015.
 Compton, W., and R. Sarojini Saklikar, eds., The Revolving City: 51 Poems and the Stories Behind Them,
2015. Anthology.
 Gardiner, Elee Kraljii, Serpentine Loop, 2016.
 Spenst, Kevin, Jabbering with Bing Bong, 2015.
 Steudel, Jeff, Foreign Park, 2015.
 Judkins, Michael B., Interlude to Sentimental Me, 2016.
Apogee Press
 McCarthy, Pattie, Quiet Book, 2016.
 Walker, Laura, story, 2016.
 Xiong, Khaty, Poor Anima, 2015.
Apostrophe Books
 Milazzo, Joe, The Habiliments, 2016.
Apprentice House Press
 Williams, John Sibley, Disinheritance, 2016.
Aquarius Press / Willow Books
 Anderson, T.J., Cairo Workbook, 2015.
 Browne, Mahogany L., Redbone, 2015.
 Excamilla, Rachelle Linda, Imaginary Animal, 2015.
 Gibson, April, Automation, 2015.
 Miller, Denise, Core, 2015.
 Miller, E. Ethelbert; ed. Kirsten Porter, The Collected Poems of E. Ethelbert Miller, 2016.
 Montilla, Yesenia, The Pink Box, 2015.
Aqueduct Press
 LeBlanc, Jean, A Field Guide to the Spirits, 2015.
 Lemberg, Rose, Marginalia to Stone Bird, 2016.
 Couto, Mia, Scholastique Mukasonga, Paulina Chiziane, Cedric Nunn, and David Brookshaw, Imagine
Africa, 2015. Anthology.
 Aridjis, Homero; trans. Chloe Aridjis, The Child Poet, 2016.
 Fortes, Corsino; trans. Daniel Hahn and Sean O'Brien, Selected Poems of Corsino Fortes, 2015.
Argos Books
 Carlson, Emily, Symphony No. 2, 2015. Chapbook.
 Coan, Jaime Shearn, Turn It Over, 2015. Chapbook.
 Farrokhzad, Athena, White Blight, 2015.
 Gray, Stephanie, A Country Road Going Back in Your Direction, 2015. Chapbook.
 Power, Ali, A Poem for Record Keepers, 2016.
 Queen, Khadijah, Fearful Beloved, 2015.
 Ray, Montana, (guns & butter), 2015.
 Sinclair, Safiya, Catacombs, 2015.
 Various, Argos Poetry Calendar #4, 2015. Chapbook.
Argus House Books / Winged City Chapbooks
 Redmond, Treasure Shields, Chop: A Collection of Kwansabas for Fannie Lou Hamer, 2015.
Arrowsmith Press
 Green, Melissa, Magpiety: Selected Poems, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
The Art Cannot Be Damaged
 Tyler, Mike, Black Night, Black Knight, 2016.
Arte Público Press
 Ambroggio, Luis Alberto; trans. Brett Alan Sanders, Todos somos Whitman / We Are All Whitman, 2016.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Zepeda, Angela, Monsters, Zombies and Addicts: Poems, 2015. Children's.
Artemis Press & Horizon Tracts
 Vieira, John, To Listen & To Look: Previously Uncollected and New Work, 2016.
Artifact Press
 Lentine, Genine, archaeopteryx, 2016. Chapbook.
 Matthewson, Melissa, and Andrea Beltran, (un)learning, 2016. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 Pritts, Nate, (from) Life Event, 2015. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
Ashland Poetry Press
 Irwin, Mark, American Urn, 2015.
 Meek, Anna George, The Genome Rhapsodies, 2015.
 Van Prooyen, Laura, Our House Was on Fire, 2015.
Asociación Pro Cultura Hispánica-Puertorriqueña & Lola Books
 Burgos, Iris Consuelo, Papotito: Francisco Burgos Hans: Poemas para honrar a mi padre, 2015.
 de Burgos, Julia; Carmen D. Lucca, ed., El Diario de Julia Y Otras Verdades Sencillas / Julia's Diary and
Other Simple Truths, 2016.
 Pearson, Ted, The Coffin Nail Blues, 2016.
 Wood, Tim, Notched Sunsets, 2016.
Audubon Terrace Press
 Kane, Paul, Welcome Light, 2016.
Augury Books
 McHugh, Carey, American Gramophone, 2015.
 Pan, Joe, Hiccups, 2015.
 Kolm, Ron, Night Shift, 2016.
Autumn House Press
 Akers, Ellery, Practicing the Truth, 2015.
 Bloch, Chana, Swimming in the Rain: New and Selected Poems 1980–2015, 2015.
 Ochester, Ed, Sugar Run Road, 2015.
 Simms, Michael, Giuliana Certo, and Christine Stroud, eds., The Autumn House Anthology of
Contemporary American Poetry, 2015. Third edition. Anthology.
 Swann, Brian, St. Francis and the Flies, 2016.
 Terman, Philip, Our Portion: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
Autumn House Press / Coal Hill Review
 Thorburn, Matthew, A Green River in Spring, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wendel, Monica, English Kills, 2016. Chapbook.
The Backwaters Press
 Brings Plenty, Trevino L., Wakpá Wanáği Ghost River, 2015.
Bamboo Ridge Press
 Passion, Christy, Still out of Place, 2016.
Barbara Henning
 Various, Poems: Poetic Prose and the Prose Poem, A Workshop at Poets House, NYC, Spring 2016, 2016.
Oversized Chapbook Anthology.
Barcelona Custom Books
 Aplon, Roger, Improvisations: Poetic Impressions from Contemporary Music, 2016.
Barrelhouse Books
 Lewis, Erica, Daryl Hall Is My Boyfriend, 2015.
Barrow Street Press
 Anderson, Doug, Horse Medicine, 2015.
 Deulen, Danielle Cadena, Our Emotions Get Carried Away Beyond Us, 2015.
 Georges, Danielle Legros, The Dear Remote Nearness of You, 2016.
 McLellan, Kevin, Tributary, 2015.
 Murphy, Miguel, Detainee, 2016.
 Wheeler, Leslie, Radioland, 2015.
Basic Books
 Rasula, Jed, Destruction Was My Beatrice: Dada and the Unmaking of the Twentieth Century, 2015. Prose.
Baskerville Studio
 Anonymous, A Diminutive Guide to an Alternative Mardi Gras, Numero Tres, 2016. Tiny Chapbook. (On
Special Display)
Bauhan Publishing LLC
 Alvarez, Desirée, Devil's Paintbrush, 2016.
 Braham, Jeanne, Available Light: Philip Booth and the Gift of Place, 2016.
 Gibson, Rebecca Kaiser, Opinel: Poems, 2015.
 Girdner, Shelley, You Were That White Bird, 2016.
 Gorlin, Deborah, Life of the Garment, 2015.
 McEwen, Christian, Sparks from the Anvil: The Smith College Poetry Interviews, 2015. Prose.
 McEwen, Christian, The Tortoise Diaries: Daily Meditations Creativity and Slowing Down, 2015. Prose.
 Seligman, Leaf, A Pocket Book of Prompts, 2015. Anthology.
 Ricciardi, Angelo, A Story in Six Words, 2015. Chapbook.
Beacon Press
 Parini, Jay, New and Collected Poems: 1975–2015, 2016.
 Ludwig, Mark, ed., Liberation: New Works on Freedom from Internationally Renowned Poets, 2015.
 Range, Melissa, Scriptorium, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Bear Star Press
 Dillhunt, Drew, Leaf Is All, 2015.
Beggar Books
 Bierman, Larry, Broken Rain, 2015.
 Browne, Laynie, Amulets and Letters, 2015. Chapbook.
 Browne, Mahogany L., On Self Care, 2016. Chapbook.
 Carr, Julie, Real Life: With Voice and Rights, 2016. Chapbook.
 Currelley, Lorraine, Nzadi Keita, Jacqueline Jones LaMon, and Fakhair Spence, SHIRLEY: Part of a Problem,
2015. Chapbook.
 Diaz, Natalie, The Hand Has Twenty-Seven Bones–: These Hands If Not Gods, 2016. Chapbook.
 Er, Zhang; trans. Chialun Chang and Krystal Languell, The Disappearance of Little Fang Family Lane, 2015.
 Fagin, Betsy, All is Not Yet Lost, 2015.
 Foster, Tonya M., A Swarm of Bees in High Court, 2015.
 Gambito, Sarah, and Edward del Rosario, Power Ballad, 2016. Chapbook.
 Howard, JP, bury your love poems here, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hunt, Erica, Time Slips Right Before Your Eyes, 2015. Chapbook.
 Jones, Patricia Spears, Stardust, Landmines, and Cartoons: Poems from 2006 to 2014, 2015. Chapbook.
 Kaminski, Megan, Providence, 2016. Chapbook.
 Lee, Kyoo, Writing Entanglish: Come in Englysshing with Gertrude Stein, Zhuangzi…, 2015. Chapbook.
 Leong, Michael, Li Po Meets Oulipo, 2015. Chapbook.
 Levitsky, Rachel; collab. Susan Bee, Hopefully, the Island, 2016. Chapbook.
 Lewis, Erica, jammin', 2016. Chapbook.
 Lim, Sandra, Making Space: A Notebook, 2016. Chapbook.
 Lowe, Janice A., SWAM: A Short Play, 2015. Chapbook.
 Luo, Yanyi, Diary, 2016. Chapbook.
 Lyons, Kimberly, Soonest Mended, 2015. Chapbook.
 Murray, Beth, Cancer Angel, 2015.
 Nathanaël, Augustment (Translation Without Language), 2015. Chapbook.
 Olivares, Christina, Interrupt, 2015. Chapbook.
 Paula, Ana, Angela Nichols, Brenna Lee, Julia Tolo, et al., Structural Support: Poems from Belladonna*
Studio Assistants, 2016. Chapbook Anthology.
 Queyras, Sina, The Endurance: Motherhood is a young woman's game, 2015. Chapbook.
 Shah, Purvi, Dark Lip of the Beloved – Sound Your Fiery God-Praise, 2015. Chapbook.
 Sneed, Pamela, GIFT, 2015. Chapbook.
 Tse, Dorothy, Excerpts from Snow and Shadow, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wang, Yu; trans. Chialun Chang and Yu Wang, Relatively Elongated Shore Landscape, 2015. Chapbook.
Bellevue Literary Press
 Charyn, Jerome, A Loaded Gun: Emily Dickinson for the 21st Century, 2015. Prose.
Beneath the Underground
 Frazer, Vernon, Selected Improvisations, 2015.
Biblioasis (Canada)
 McCartney, Sharon, Metanoia, 2016.
 Melançon, Robert; trans. Donald McGrath, Montréal, Before Spring. 2015.
 Oliver, Alexandra, Let the Empire Down, 2016.
 Sarah, Robyn, My Shoes Are Killing Me, 2015.
 Wells, Zacharaiah, Sum, 2015.
Big Lucks Books
 Alexander, Sarah Jean, Wildlives, 2015.
 Crew, Caroline, Pink Museum, 2015.
 Fletcher, Sasha, It Is Going To Be a Good Year, 2016.
 Gilad, Lizi, Hyperion: Forest Notes, 2016. Chapbook.
 Murphy, Carrie, Fat Daisies, 2015.
 Nelson, Matt, An Apology for Apologies, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wessel, Elizabeth Clark, Isn't That You Waving at You, 2015. Chapbook.
Big Table Publishing
 Holder, Doug, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Poseur: Boston 1974–1983, 2015.
Big Wonderful Press
 Jordan, Melissa E., Bain-Marie, 2015.
 Sideris, Hilary, The Inclination to Make Waves, 2016.
Bilingual Review Press
 González, José B., Toys Made of Rock, 2015.
Birch Brook Press
 Jensen, Gwendolyn, As If Toward Beauty, 2015.
 Lee, Lance, Homecomings, 2015.
Birds, LLC
 Amling, Eric, From the Author's Private Collection, 2015.
 McClure, Monica, Tender Data, 2015.
 Pollari, Niina, Dead Horse, 2015.
Bitter Oleander Press
 Espano, Katherine Sánchez, The Sky's Dustbin, 2015.
 Gholson, Christien, All the Beautiful Dead {Along the Side of the Road}, 2016.
 Ives, Rich, Light from a Small Brown Bird, 2015.
 Novo, Salvador; trans. Anthony Seidman and David Shook, Confetti-Ash: Selected Poems, 2015. Bilingual
 Odio, Eunice; trans. Keith Ekiss, Sonia P. Ticas, and Mauricio Espinoza, Territory of Dawn: The Selected
Poems of Eunice Odio, 2016. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Zi, Hai; trans. Ye Chun, Ripened Wheat: Selected Poems of Hai Zi, 2015.
Bk Mk Press
 Aizenberg, Susan, Quiet City, 2015.
 Barker, Wendy, One Blackbird at a Time, 2015.
 Elenbogen, Dina, Drawn From Water: An American Poet, An Ethiopian Family, an Israeli Story, 2015. Prose.
 McAfee, Thomas, There Is Not Fashion to It: Selected Poems, 2015.
Black Lawrence Press
 Alyan, Hala, Four Cities, 2015.
 Animashaun, Abayomi, ed., Others Will Enter the Gates: Immigrant Poets on Poetry, Influences, and
Writing in America, 2015. Anthology.
 Ashley, Renée, The View from the Body: Poems, 2016.
 Becker, Jurgen, trans. Okla Elliott, Blackbirds in September: Selected Shorter Poems of Jurgen Becker,
 Beitelman, TJ, Americana, 2015.
 Biddinger, Mary, Small Enterprise, 2015.
 Buchen, Callista, The Bloody Planet, 2015.
 Clark, Jo Ann, 1001 Facts of Prehistoric Life, 2015.
 Cohen, Bruce, No Soap, Radio!, 2015.
 Curtiss, Caleb, A Taxonomy of the Space Between Us, 2015.
 Drai, Jenny, The New Sorrow Is Less Than the Old Sorrow, 2015.
 Drai, Jenny, Wine Dark, 2016.
 George, Brandi, Gog, 2015.
 Goettel, Diane, and Anneli Matheson, eds., Feast: Poetry and Recipes for a Full Seating at Dinner, 2015.
 Manick, Cynthia, Blue Hallelujahs, 2016.
 McCullough, Laura, Jersey Mercy, 2016.
 Messer, Sarah, Dress Made of Mice, 2015.
 Needle, Chael, and Diane Goettel, eds., Art & Understanding: Literature from the First Twenty Years of
A&U, 2015. Anthology.
 Pence, Charlotte, Many Small Fires, 2015.
 Pilkington, Kevin, Where You Want To Be: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
 Sax, Sam, sad boy / detective, 2015.
 Schaefer, Philip, and Jeff Whitney, Radio Silence, 2016.
 Sulak, Marcela Malek, Decency: Poems, 2015.
 Sullivan, KMA, Necessary Fire, 2015.
 Swensen, Russel, The Magic Kingdom, 2016.
Black Ocean
 Ciccarello, Lisa, At Night, 2015.
 Fomon, Josh, Though We Bled Meticulously, 2016.
 Henry, Brian, Static & Snow, 2015.
 Henriksen, Matthew, The Absence of Knowing, 2016.
 Holmes, S. Whitney, Room Where I Get What I Want, 2015.
 Kim, Kyung Ju; trans. Jake Levine, I Am A Season That Does Not Exist in the World, 2015.
 Šalamun, Tomaž; trans. Michael Thomas Taren, Justice, 2015.
 Schirmann, Kelly, Popular Music, 2016.
Black Radish Books
 Alidio, Kimberly, After Projexts the Resound, 2016.
Billmeyer-Finn, Brittany, the meshes, 2016.
hastain, j/j, Luci: A Forbidden Soteriology, 2015.
Hunter, Carrie, Orphan Machines, 2015.
Lamoureux, Mark, It'll Never Be Over for Me, 2016.
Mangold, Sarah, Electrical Theories of Femininity, 2015.
Miller, David James, CANT, 2015.
Nissim, Jesse, Where they would never be invited, 2016.
Tynes, Jen, Hunter Monies, 2016.
Witte, Valerie, a game of correspondence, 2015.
Black Square
 Larsson, Karl; trans. Jennifer Hayashida, Form/Force, 2015.
 Reverdy, Pierre; trans. Dan Bellm, The Song of the Dead / Les chants des morts, 2016. Bilingual (FrenchEnglish).
 Sánchez Peláez, Juan; trans. Guillermo Parra, Air on the Air, 2016.
 Schwabsky, Barry, Trembling Hand Equilibrium, 2015.
 Yankelevich, Matvei, Some Worlds for Dr. Vogt, 2015.
Black Widow Press
 Bizzini, Chantal; ed. Marilyn Kallet and J. Bradford Anderson; trans. J. Bradford Anderson, Darren Jackson,
and Marilyn Kallet, Disenchanted City / La ville désenchantée, 2015. Bilingual (French-English).
 Cernuda, Luis; trans. Stephen Kessler, Forbidden Pleasure: New Selected Poems [1924–1949], 2015.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Eshleman, Clayton, Clayton Eshleman: The Essential Poetry 1960–2015, 2015.
 Levinson, Heller, Wrack Lariat, 2015.
 Robertson, Mebane, An American Unconscious, 2016.
 Rothenberg, Jerome, and John Bloomberg-Rissman, eds., Barbaric Vast & Wild: A Gathering of Outside
and Subterranean Poetry from Origins to Present, 2015. Anthology.
 Shivani, Anis, Soraya: Sonnets, 2016.
 Vian, Boris; trans. and ed. Julia Older, Boris Vian Invents Boris Vian: A Vian Reader, 2015. Bilingual (FrenchEnglish).
Blackberry Books
 Lawless, Gary, Caribou Planet, 2015.
Blackberry Books & Fondazione Franco Beltramenti
 Beltrametti, Franco; ed. Stefan Hyner, From Almost Everywhere: Selected Poems 1965–1995, 2016.
Blaupause Books (Germany)
 McDonagh, Terry, Echolocation, 2015.
BlazeVOX [books]
 Abramson, Seth, Metamericana, 2015.
 Danon, Ruth, Limitless Tiny Boat, 2015.
 Matthias, John, Six Short Plays, 2016.
 Robinson, Kit, Marine Layer, 2015.
 Siedlecki, Peter, Going with the Flow, 2015.
Stevenson, Wade, Flutes and Tomatoes: A Memoir with Poems, 2015.
Tabios, Eileen R., Against Misanthropy: A Life in Poetry, 2015.
Trinidad, David, Notes on a Past Life, 2016.
Tysh, George, The Slip, 2015.
Veenendahl, Cornelia, An Argument of Roots, 2015.
Bloodaxe Books (UK)
 Forsstrom, Tua; trans. David McDuff, One Evening in October I Rowed Out on the Lake, 2015.
 Lewis, Gwyneth, Quantum Poetics: Newcastle/Bloodaxe Poetry Lectures, 2015.
 Nye, Naomi Shihab, Tender Spot: Selected Poems, 2015.
 Perry, Rebecca, Beauty/Beauty, 2015.
 Tafdrup, Pia, Salamander Sun and Other Poems, 2015.
Bloodaxe Books & Cló Iar-Chonnacht (UK)
 de Paor, Louis, ed., Leabhar na hAthghabhála / Poems of Repossession, 2016. Bilingual (Irish-English).
Bloof Books
 Compton, Shanna, ed., Bound: The First Array, 2015. Chapbook Anthology.
 Conrad, CA, and Jasmine Platt, The Library of Congress Censored Interview: CAConrad Interviewed by
Jasmine Platt, 2016. Chapbook.
 Coyle, Mel, and Jenn Marie Nunes, Hymn: An Ovulation, 2015. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 Eilbert, Natalie, Swan Feast, 2015.
 Knox, Jennifer L., Days of Shame & Failure, 2015.
 Ko, Ginger, Motherlover, 2015.
 Lynee, Alyssa, Knotted., 2015. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 Mesmer, Sharon, Greetings from My Girlie Leisure Place, 2015.
 Queen, Khadijah, Exercises in Painting, 2015. Chapbook.
 Thorson, Maureen, The Woman, the Mirror, the Eye, 2015. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 Wallschlaeger, Nikki, I Hate Telling You How I Really Feel, 2015. Chapbook.
 Tempest, Kate, Brand New Ancients, 2015.
Blue Begonia Press
 Martin, Terry, The Light You Find, 2015.
Blue Horse Press
 Alfier, Jeffrey, The Gathering Light at San Cataldo, 2015.
 Alfier, Tobi, Romance and Rust: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
 Armand, David, The Deep Woods, 2015.
 Byro, Laurie, Gertrude Stein's Salon and Other Legends, 2015.
 Daye, Tyree, What You and the Devil Do To Stay Warm, 2015. Chapbook.
 Shuttleworth, Ciara, Night Holds Its Own, 2016. Chapbook.
 Shuttleworth, Red, Woe to the Land Shadowing, 2015.
 Thomas, David, Fossil Fuel, 2015.
 Thomas, Larry D., The Circus, 2016. Chapbook.
Blue Light Press
 Lang Day, Lucille, Dreaming of Sunflowers: Museum Poems, 2015.
Blue Scarab Press
 Zaimis, G. F., Prometheus Rebound: And Other Mythology, 2015.
Blue Thread Books and Music
 Primack, Gretchen, ed., World to Come: Poems by Forty Finalists from the 2015 Jewish Currents Alexander
and Dora Raynes Poetry Competition, 2015. Anthology.
BOA Editions
 Andrews, Nin, Why God Is a Woman, 2015.
 Austin, Derrick, Trouble the Water, 2016.
 Becker, Devin, Shame | Shame, 2015.
 Bitton, Erez; trans. Tsipi Keller, You Who Cross My Path: Selected Poems by Erez Bitton, 2015. Bilingual
 Brown, Nickole, Fanny Says, 2015.
 Bursky, Rick, I'm No Longer Troubled by the Extravagance, 2015.
 Dabral, Mangalesh; trans. Nirupama Dutt, Sarabjeet Garcha, Robert Hueckstedt, Akhil Katyal, et al., This
Number Does Not Exist, 2016. Bilingual (Hindi-English).
 Debeljak, Ales; trans. Brian Henry, Smugglers, 2015. Bilingual (Slovene-English).
 de la O, Marsha, Antidote for Night, 2015.
 Girmay, Aracelis, The Black Maria, 2016.
 Gonzalez, Ray, Beautiful Wall, 2015.
 Waldrep, G.C., Testament, 2015.
 Volkman, Karen, Whereso, 2016.
 Waters, Michael, Celestial Joyride, 2016.
Bob Dombrowski
 Dombrowski, Bob, An Admission: Resume, [2015]. Tiny Chapbook.
 Dombrowski, Bob, Appalachia Rising: 6 Poets and a Jazz Band, [2015]. CD.
 Dombrowski, Bob, The Approaching of Death, 2016. Chapbook.
 Dombrowski, Bob, Experiments: #1-#13, [2015]. Oversized Chapbook.
 Dombrowski, Bob, A Paradigm Shift, [2015]. Tiny Chapbook.
 Dombrowski, Bob, Public Sculpture, [2015]. Tiny Chapbook.
 Dombrowski, Bob, A Trail a Journey, 2016. Tiny Chapbook.
Bobtimystic Books
 Collier, Quinten, Chem Trails (Collected Poems: 2008–2014), 2015.
BOMB Magazine, Libros Antena Books, & Ugly Duckling Presse
 Fabro, Luis Felipe; trans. John Pluecker, Sor Juana y otros monstuos / Sor Juana & Other Monsters, 2015.
Chapbook. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz; trans. Stalina Emmanuelle Villarreal, Enigmas, 2015. Chapbook. Bilingual
Bon Aire Projects
 Carmody, Teresa, and Vanessa Place, Maison Femme: A Fiction, 2015.
Bone Bouquet Books
 Blitshteyn, Marina, Nothing Personal, 2015. Chapbook.
Bonobos Editores (Mexico)
 Mohr, Bill; trans. José Luis Rico, Pruebas ocultas: Antología poética, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
BookThug (Canada)
 Andreyev, Samuel, The Relativistic Empire, 2015.
 Battler, Lesley, Endangered Hydrocarbons, 2015.
 Christakos, Margaret, Her Paraphernalia: On Motherlines, Sex/Blood/Loss and Selfies, 2016. Prose.
 Dedora, Brian; trans. Martín Rodríguez-Gaona, Lorcation, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Eckhoff, Kevin McPherson, Their Biography: An Organism of Relationships, 2015.
 Gruber, Adrienne, Buoyancy Control, 2016.
 Hall, Phil, Conjugation, 2016.
 Kennedy, Jake, Merz Structure No. 2 Burnt by Children at Play, 2015.
 Levy, Jerrold, and Richard Negro, Poems by Gerard Legro, 2016.
 Maguire, Shannon, Myrmurs: An Exploded Sestina, 2015.
 McInnes, Jimmy, A More Perfect [, 2015.
 Neveu, Chantal; trans. Nathanaël, A Spectacular Influence, 2015.
 Pirie, Pearl, The Pet Radish, Shrunken, 2015.
 Sales, Martí; trans. Elisabet Ràfols and Ona Bantjes Ràfols, Huckleberry Finn, 2015.
 Smith, Steven Ross, Emanations: fluttertongue 6, 2015.
 Turcot, Francois; trans. Erín Moure, My Dinosaur, 2016.
 Worth, Liz, No Work Finished Here: Rewriting Andy Warhol, 2015.
 Zilm, Jennifer, Waiting Room, 2016.
 Handal, Denise, Storm's Affair, 2015.
Bordighera Press
 Amato, Joseph A., My Three Sicilies, 2016.
 Costa, Margherita; ed. Natalia Costa-Zalessow; trans. Joan E. Borrelli, Voice of a Virtuosa and Courtesan:
Selected Poems of Margherita Costa, 2015. Bilingual (Italian-English).
 Guida, George, The Sleeping Gulf, 2015.
 Nicoletti, Joey, Reverse Graffiti, 2015.
 Polizzi, Frank; trans. Chiara Curtoni and Nino Provenzano, A New Life with Bianca, 2015. Trilingual (ItalianSicilian-English).
 Santalucia, Nicole, Because I Did Not Die, 2015.
 Stefanile, Felix, Songs of the Sparrow, 2015.
 Turco, Lewis, The Hero Enkidu, 2015.
 Tusiani, Joseph, A Clarion Call, 2016.
Bottlecap Press
 Welhouse, Abigail, Too Many Humans of New York, 2016. Chapbook.
Bottom Dog Press
 Yarrow, Mike, and Ruth Yarrow, eds., Voices from the Appalachian Coalfields: Found Poems, 2015.
Brent Rosario
 Rosario, Brent, Life Told Me To Sit Down and Shut Up So I Got Up and Screamed Poetry Sucks!, 2016.
Brian Alan Bild
 Bild, Brian Alan, Brian's 60 Original Rhyming Poems: Volume 2, 2015.
Brick Books (Canada)
 Carson, Anne, Short Talks, 2015.
 Cook, Meira, Monologue Dogs, 2015.
 Crummey, Michael, Hard Light, 2015.
 Dempster, Barry, Disturbing the Buddha, 2016.
 Di Nardo, Antony, Roaming Charges, 2015.
 Dumont, Marilyn, A Really Good Brown Girl, 2015.
 Gernes, Ulrikka S.; trans. Per Brask and Patrick Friesen, Frayed Opus for Strings & Wind Instruments, 2015.
 Guttman, Naomi, The Banquet of Donny & Ari: Scenes from the Opera, 2015.
 Lee, Dennis, Riffs, 2015.
 Reid, Monty, Meditatio Placentae, 2016.
 Sinclair, Sue, Heaven's Thieves, 2016.
 Smart, Carolyn, Careen, 2015.
 Souaid, Carolyn Marie, This World We Invented, 2015.
 Steadman, Dean, Après Satie: For Two and Four Hands, 2016.
 Steffler, John, The Grey Islands, 2015.
 Trainor, Kim, Karyotype, 2015.
 Zwicky, Jan, Wittgenstein Elegies, 2015.
Brick Road Poetry Press
 Berlin, Richard M., Practice, 2015.
 Garcia, Albert, A Meal Like That, 2015.
 Jonas, Shannon Tate, Battle Sleep, 2016.
 Stanton, Joseph, Things Seen, 2016.
BrickHouse Books
 Blankenburg, Gary, Above All Things, 2015.
 Coulter, Hope, The Wheel of Light, 2015.
 Fein, Richard J., Not a Separate Surge, 2016.
 Sachs, Brad, Why Am I Telling You This?, 2015.
 Stevens, Elizabeth, American Nocturne, 2015.
 Stevens, Elizabeth, A Green Isle in the Sea, Love, 2015.
 Young, P. Ivan, Smell of Salt, Ghost of Rain, 2015.
BrickHouse Books / Stonewall
 Wolfe, Kathi, The Uppity Blind Girl Poems, 2015.
Bright Hill Press
 McGee, Lynn, Heirloom Bulldog, 2015.
Broadkill River Press
 Gold, Sid, Good with Oranges, 2015.
 Larkin, Mary Ann, On Gannon Street, 2015.
 McAleavey, David, Rock Taught, 2015.
 Rivera, W. M., Noise, 2015.
Broadstone Books
 Brady, Philip, To Banquet with the Ethiopians: A Memoir of Life Before the Alphabet, 2015.
 Greene, Jonathan, Anecdotage: Everyday Epiphanies, 2015. Prose.
 Kerman, Judith, Aleph, Broken: Poems from My Diaspora, 2016.
 Kurowska, Joanna, The Butterfly's Choice, 2015.
 Reich, Joseph D., Taking the Fifth and Running with It: A Psychological Guide for the Hard of Hearing and
Blind, 2015.
 Serea, Claudia, Nothing Important Happened Today, 2016.
Broken Jaw Press (Canada)
 Spencer, Andrew, ?, 2015.
Brooklyn Arts Press
 Besemer, Jay, Chelate, 2016.
 Borzutzky, Daniel, The Performance of Becoming Human, 2016.
 Duplan, Anais, Take This Stallion, 2016.
 Gordon, Noah Eli, The Word Kingdom in the Word Kingdom, 2015.
 Green, Alex, Emergency Anthems, 2015.
 Landman, Seth, Confidence, 2015.
 Xu, Wendy, Naturalism, 2015.
Brooklyn Museum / Sam Gordon
 Henry S. Saunders, 100 Whitman Photographs (Facsimile), 2015. Artist's Book.
Brownstone Poets
 Carragon, Patricia, ed., The Brownstone Poets 2015 Anthology, 2015. Anthology.
 Carragon, Patricia, ed., The Brownstone Poets 2016 Anthology, 2016. Anthology.
Buffalo Ochre Papers
 McPeck, Tim, Stillness Sequence, 2016. Chapbook.
 Melin, Paige, MTL/BFL//Èté/Quinze, 2016. Chapbook.
 Riedy, Patrick, 5ive Points, 2016. Chapbook.
Burning Deck
 Donhauser, Michael; trans. Nick Hoff and Andrew Joron, Of Things, 2015.
 McLaughlin, Lissa, Quit, 2015.
Bushwhack Books
 Nixon, Will, Acrostic Woodstock, 2015.
Button Poetry / Exploding Pinecone Press
 Awkward-Rich, Cameron, Transit, 2015.
 DeMulder, Sierra, We Slept Here, 2015.
 Germain, Jacqui, When the Ghosts Come Ashore, 2016.
 Hilborn, Neil, Our Numbered Days, 2015.
 Smith, Danez, Black Movie, 2015.
 Willis-Abdurraqib, Hanif, The Crown Ain't Worth Much, 2016.
Button Poetry / Exploding Pinecone Press & Penmanship Books
 Browne, Mahogany L., Smudge, 2015.
C&R Press
 Bitting, Michelle, The Couple Who Fell to Earth, 2016.
 Christain, Annie, Tall As You Are Tall Between Them, 2016.
 Reed, John, Free Boat: Collected Lies and Love Poems, 2016.
Cahuenga Press
 Northrup, Harry E., East Hollywood: Memorial to Reason, 2015.
Caitlin Press (Canada)
 Braid, Kate, Rough Ground Revisited, 2015.
 de Leeuw, Sarah, Skeena, 2015.
 Horlick, Lea, For Your Own Good, 2015.
 Kope, Beth, Average Height of Flight, 2015.
 Paré, Arleen, He Leaves His Face in the Funeral Car, 2015.
 Shay, Timothy, The Dirty Knees of Prayer, 2016.
Cambridge University Press
 Uzzi, Jeannine Diddle and Jeffrey Thomson, The Poems of Catullus: An Annotated Translation, 2015.
Canarium Books
 Beer, John, Lucinda: A Poem, 2016.
 Buffam, Suzanne, A Pillow Book, 2016.
 Dennigan, Darcie, Palace of Subatomic Bliss, 2016.
 Klein, Ish, Consolation and Mirth, 2015.
 Morse, Michael, Void and Compensation, 2015.
 Sagawa, Chika, The Collected Poems of Chika Sagawa, 2015.
 Wilson, Emily, The Great Medieval Yellows, 2015.
Candlewick Press
 Cross, Gillian, The Iliad, 2015. Children's.
 Rosen, Michael, A Great Big Cuddle: Poems for the Very Young, 2015. Children's.
Capricious Publishing
 Bellamy, Dodie, More Important Than the Object, 2016. Part of box set.
 Corrigan, Cecilia, Cream, 2016. Part of box set.
 De'Ath, Amy, ON MY LOVE FOR Gender Abolition, 2016. Part of box set.
 Tillman, Lynne, In These Intemperate Times: 9 Frieze Columns, 2016. Part of box set.
 Wang, Jackie, Tiny Spelunker of the Oneiro-Womb, 2016. Part of box set.
Carcanet Press Ltd (UK)
 Tanikawa, Shuntaro; trans. William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura, New Selected Poems, 2015.
Carmine Giordano
 Giordano, Carmine, The Courage of Flowers, 2015.
Carnegie Mellon University Press
 Beer, Nicky, The Octopus Game, 2015.
 Browne, Michael Dennis, The Voices, 2015.
 Charara, Hayan, Something Sinister, 2016.
 Costanzo, Gerald, Martha Paterson, and Sophie Wirt, eds., 12 Women: An Anthology of Poems, 2015.
 Frank, Rebecca Morgan, The Spokes of Venus, 2016.
 Hartley, Heather, Adult Swim, 2016.
 Hoppenthaler, John, Domestic Garden, 2015.
 Katrovas, Richard, Swastika into Lotus, 2016.
 Martin, Jynne Dilling, We Mammals in Hospitable Times, 2015.
 Paloff, Benjamin, And His Orchestra, 2015.
 Pedersen, Lynn, The Nomenclature of Small Things, 2016.
 Peseroff, Joyce, Know Thy Self, 2015.
 Richardson, Rachel, Hundred-Year Wave, 2016.
 Rosenberg, Dan, cadabra, 2015.
 Rutsala, Vern, The Long Haul, 2015.
 Stanford, Eleanor, Bartram's Garden, 2015.
Carolina Wren Press
 Shankar, Ravi, What Else Could It Be: Ekphrastics and Collaborations, 2015.
 Wyatt, Charles, Goldberg-Variations, 2015.
Cat in the Sun Books
 Roskos, Dave, Lyrical Grain, Doggerel Chaff, and Pedestrian Preoccupations, 2016.
CavanKerry Press
 Graham, Loren, Places I Was Dreaming, 2015.
 Castillo, Sandra M., Eating Moors and Christians, 2016.
 Cording, Robert, Only So Far, 2015.
 Newsom, Brent, Love's Labors, 2015.
 Platt, Donald, Tornadoesque, 2016.
 Silbergleid, Robin, The Baby Book, 2015.
 Wormser, Baron, Unidentified Sighing Objects, 2015.
Cayuga Lake Books
 Dougherty, Edward A., Grace Street, 2016.
 Flynn, Nancy, Every Door Recklessly Ajar, 2015.
The Center for Book Arts
 Delgado, Diana Marie, Late-Night Talks with Men I Think I Trust, 2015. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
 Eady, Cornelius, A Short Collection, 2015. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
 Katz, Joy, from White: An Abstract, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Martínez, Pablo Miguel, Deed, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
The Center for Cowboy and Western Poetry
 Various, The BAR-D Roundup: Volume Nine, 2015. CD.
 Various, The BAR-D Roundup: Volume Ten, 2016. CD.
The Center for Literary Publishing
 Lenox, Stephanie, The Business, 2015.
 Nicholson, Andrew S., A Lamp Brighter than Foxfire, 2015.
 Pérez, Emily, House of Sugar, House of Stone, 2016.
 Scenters-Zapico, Natalie, The Verging Cities, 2015.
The Center for the Study of Place / Voices from the American Land
 Kane, Joan Naviyuk, The Straits, 2015. Chapbook.
Červená Barva Press
 Day, Lucille Lang, Becoming an Ancestor, 2015.
 Harrison, David L., Now You See Them, Now You Don't: Poems About Creatures That Hide, 2015.
 Lin, Grace, and Randa T. McKneally, Our Food: A Healthy Serving of Science and Poems, 2016. Children's.
 Marks, Alan, The People of the Town, 2016. Children's Anthology.
 Trapani, Iza, Gabe and Goon, 2016. Children's.
Chax Press
 *Greenwald, Ted, and Charles Bernstein, Short Course, 2016. Chapbook.
 Mac Low, Jackson, The Complete Light Poems 1-60, 2015.
 *McCaffery, Steve, Dark Ladies, 2016.
 *Razvi, Saba Syed, Limerence & Lux, 2016. Chapbook.
 *Rosenthal, Sarah, Lizard, 2016.
 Smith, Jessica, Life-List, 2015.
 *Thackrey, Susan, Andalusia, 2015.
Chelsea Editions
Calogero, Lorezo; trans. John Taylor, An Orchid Shining in the Hand: Selected Poems 1932–1960, 2015.
Bilingual (Italian-English).
Guglielmin, Stefano; trans. Gray Sutherland, Maybe It's Raining: Selected Poems 1985–2014, 2015.
Bilingual (Italian-English).
Linguaglossa, Giorgio; trans. Steven Grieco, Three Stills in the Frame: Selected Poems, 1986–2014, 2015.
Bilingual (Italian-English).
Sagredo, Antonio; ed. and trans. Sean Mark, Poems, 2015. Bilingual (Italian-English).
Cherry Castle Publishing
 Crisler, Curtis L., "This" Ameri-can-ah, 2015.
Chickadee Chaps & Broads
 Swan, Diane, Between the Cabin and the Crow, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
 Walsh, Ryan, Reckoner, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
Chronicle Books
 Soto, Gary, You Kiss by th' Book: New Poems from Shakespeare's Line, 2016.
Cider Press Review
 Ash, Amy, The Open Mouth of the Vase, 2015.
 Estes, Sarah, Field Work, 2015.
 Fasano, Joseph, Vincent, 2015.
 Prine, Alison, Steel, 2016.
Cinco Puntos Press
 Somoza, Joseph, As Far As I Know, 2015.
City Lights Publishers
 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, Pictures of the Gone World: 60th Anniversary Edition, 2015.
 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, ed., City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology: 60th Anniversary Edition, 2015. Anthology.
 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence, and Allen Ginsberg; ed. Bill Morgan, I Greet You at the Beginning of a Great
Career: The Selected Correspondence of Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Allen Ginsberg 1955–1997, 2015. Prose.
 Herrera, Juan Felipe, Notes on the Assemblage, 2015.
 Hodge, Chinaka, Dated Emcees, 2016.
 Kahn, Elaine, Women in Public, 2015.
 Kyger, Joanne, On Time: Poems 2005–2014, 2015.
 Lima, Frank; ed. Garrett Caples and Julien Poirer, Incidents of Travel in Poetry: New and Selected Poems,
 Meltzer, David, Two-Way Mirror: A Poetry Notebook, 2015.
 Pietri, Pedro; ed. Juan Flores and Pedro López Adorno, Pedro Pietri: Selected Poetry, 2015.
 Poirer, Julien, Out of Print, 2016.
 Wieners, John, Stars Seen in Person: Selected Journals of John Wieners, 2015. Prose.
CityLit Project
 Kosk-Kosicka, Danuta E., Oblige the Light, 2015.
 LaFemina, Gerry, and Gregg Wilhelm, eds., Clash by Night: Lo-Fi Poetry, 2015. Anthology.
Civil Coping Mechanisms
 Farmer, Ashley, The Women, 2016.
 Langston, Madison, Remember To Never Get Better, 2016.
 Woods, Sara June, Careful Mountain, 2016.
Cleveland State University Poetry Center
 Fridman, Leora, My Fault, 2016.
 Masannat, Siwar, 50 Water Dreams, 2015.
 Mei-en, Lo Kwa, The Bees Make Money in the Lion, 2016.
 Rock, Martin, Residuum, 2016.
 Rossell, Broc, Festival, 2015.
 Tarkovsky, Arseny, I Burned at the Feast, 2015. Bilingual (Russian-English).
 Upton, Lee, Bottle the Bottles the Bottles the Bottles, 2015.
Cloudbank Books
 Hughes, Henry, Bunch of Animals, 2016.
Coach House Books (Canada)
 Brossard, Nicole; trans. Angela Carr, Ardour, 2015.
 Hajnoczky, Helen, Magyarázni, 2016.
 Holbrook, Susan, Throaty Wipes, 2016.
 Ladouceur, Ben, Otter, 2015.
 Markotić, Nicole, Whelmed, 2016.
 McGimpsey, David, Asbestos Heights, 2015.
 McGuire, Andy, Country Club, 2015.
 Rogers, Damian, Dear Leader, 2015.
 Trotter, Joshua, Mission Creep, 2015.
Coconut Books
 Core, Leopoldine, Veronica Bench, 2015.
 Eilbert, Natalie, Swan Feast, 2015.
 Graham, K. Lorraine, The Rest Is Censored, 2015.
 Greenberg, Arielle, Slice, 2015.
 Kang, Min K., Diary of a K-Drama Villain, 2015.
 Ko, Ginger, Motherlover, 2015.
 Sanders, James, Self Portrait in Plants, 2015.
Coda Crab Books
 Marbrook, Djelloul, Shadow of the Heron, 2016.
Coffee House Press
 Equi, Elaine, Sentences and Rain, 2015.
 Hollo, Anselm, The Tortoise of History, 2016.
 Martin, Chris, The Falling Down Dance, 2015.
 Mathys, Ted, Null Set, 2015.
 Moschovakis, Anna, They and We Will Get Into Trouble for This, 2016.
 Nadelberg, Amanda, Songs from a Mountain, 2016.
Padgett, Ron, Alone and Not Alone, 2015.
Padgett, Ron, How To Be Perfect: An Illustrated Guide, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Waldman, Anne, Voice's Daughter: Of a Heart Yet To Be Born, 2016.
Cofradia de Coyotes (Mexico)
 Bluestone, Stephen; ed.; Roberto Mendoza Ayala; trans., De Neza York a Nueva York / From Neza York to
New York, 2015.
Cold Hub Press (New Zealand)
 Andresen, Sophia de Mello Breyner; trans. Colin Rorrison with Margaret Jull Costa, The Perfect Hour:
Selected Poems by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, 2015. Bilingual (Portuguese-English).
 Artúvertin, Agnar; trans. Matthew Landrum, The Lonesome Savior / Hin Einsami Frelsarin, 2015. Chapbook
Bilingual (Faroese-English).
 Baitov, Nikolai; trans. J. Kates, thirty-nine rooms, 2015. Chapbook Bilingual (Russian-English).
 Bridge, Diana, In the Supplementary Garden: New and Selected Poems, 2016.
 Esenin, Sergei; trans. Charles Brasch and Peter Soskice, Poems by Esenin, 2015. Chapbook Bilingual
 Jackson, Michael, Walking to Pencarrow, 2016.
Columbia University Press
 Golston, Michael, Poetic Machinations: Allegory, Surrealism, and Postmodern Poetic Form, 2015. Prose
Columbia University School of the Arts
 Various, Word for Word / Wort für Wort / Parola per Parola / Paraula per Paraula, 2015. Anthology.
Multilingual (German-Italian-Portuguese-English).
Commune Editions
 Bernes, Jasper, We Are Nothing and So Can You, 2015.
 Clover, Joshua, Red Epic, 2015.
 Clover, Joshua, and Juliana Spahr, #Misanthropocene: 24 Theses, 2015. Chapbook.
 Lo, Cheena Marie, A Series of Un/Natural/Disasters, 2015.
 Nealon, Chris, The Victorious Ones, 2015. Chapbook.
 Spahr, Juliana, That Winter the Wolf Came, 2015.
 Trevino, Wendy, Brazilian Is Not a Race, 2016. Chapbook.
Copper Canyon Press
 Bell, Josh, Alamo Theory, 2016.
 Brown, Jeffrey, The News, 2015.
 Dickman, Michael, Green Migraine, 2015.
 Dubie, Norman, The Quotations of Bone, 2015.
 Harrison, Jim, Dead Man's Float, 2016.
 Hicok, Bob, Sex & Love &, 2016.
 Joudah, Fady, Textu, 2015.
 Landau, Deborah, The Uses of the Body, 2015.
 Neruda, Pablo, Then Come Back: The Lost Neruda Poems, 2016.
 O'Driscoll, Dennis, Update, 2015.
 Perillo, Lucia, Time Will Clean the Carcass Bones: Selected and New Poems, 2016.
Porter, Bill, and Red Pine, Finding Them Gone: Visiting China's Poets of the Past, 2016. Prose.
Rankine, Camille, Incorrect Merciful Impulses, 2016.
Richardson, James, During, 2016.
Ríos, Alberto, A Small Story About the Sky, 2015.
Shaughnessy, Brenda, So Much Synth, 2016.
Siken, Richard, War of the Foxes, 2015.
Stanford, Frank, What About This: Collected Poems of Frank Stanford, 2015.
Valentine, Jean, Shirt in Heaven, 2015.
Vuong, Ocean, Night Sky with Exit Wounds, 2016.
Wright, C. D., The Poet, the Lion, Talking Pictures, El Farolito, a Wedding in St. Roch, the Big Box Store, the
Warp in the Mirror, Spring, Midnights, Fire & All, 2016.
Wright, C. D., ShallCross, 2016.
Young, Dean, Shock by Shock, 2015.
Cordell Caudron
 Caudron, Cordell, January's celebration 2015 / digital film, 2015. DVD.
 Caudron, Cordell, Verdi, Venus & the Moon / digital film, 2015. DVD.
 Caudron, Cordell, Arboreal April: A Film, 2016. DVD.
Counterpath Press
 Dworkin, Craig, Alkali, 2015.
 Ijima, Brenda, Early Linoleum, 2015.
 Šteger, Aleš, Berlin, 2015.
 Tartar, Helen, Shadow Sharp Marsh Grass: Poems 1975–1995, 2015.
 Berry, Wendell, Terrapin: And Other Poems, 2015.
 Bly, Robert, ed., News of the Universe: Poems of Twofold Consciouness, 2015. Anthology.
 Christopher, Nicholas, On Jupiter Place, 2016.
 Gonnerman, Mark, ed., A Sense of the Whole: Reading Gary Snyder's Mountains and Rivers Without End,
2015. Prose.
 Hass, Robert, and Paul Ebenkamp, eds., Modernist Women Poets: An Anthology, 2015. Anthology.
 McClatchy, J. D., Sweet Theft: A Poet's Commonplace Book, 2016. Prose.
 Snyder, Gary, This Present Moment, 2015.
Cowfeather Press
 Medina, Rubén, Nomadic Nation / Nación Nómada, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Cross-Cultural Communications
 Abdullah, Hassanal; trans. Jyotirmoy Datta et al., Under the Thin Layers of Light, 2015. Bilingual (BengaliEnglish).
 Digby, John, and Hong Ai Bai, eds., Passing Memories: A Collection of Chinese Poems on Cold Food Festival,
2016. Anthology. Bilingual (Chinese-English).
 Gregorek, Aniela, and Jerzy Gregorek, ed. and trans., Native Foreigners: Jewish-Polish Poetry Between the
World Wars, 2015. Anthology.
 Halama, Theofil, As Day Breaks, 2015. Children's.
 Lappen, Alyssa A., The Minstrel's Song, 2015.
Cross-Cultural Communications / The Seventh Quarry Press
 Halama, Theofil, The Red of Life: Selected Works, 2015.
The Cultural Society
 Griffin, Whit, We Who Saw Everything, 2015.
 O'Leary, Michael, The Reception, 2016.
 O'Leary, Peter, The Sampo, 2016.
 Piccannini, Douglas, Story Book: A Novella, 2015. Prose.
 Toussaint, Steven, The Bellfounder, 2015.
Cune Press
 Fife, Stephen, The 13th Boy: A Memoir of Education and Abuse, 2015. Prose.
Cuneiform Press
 Browning, Sommer, The Circle Book, 2015.
 Cristofovici, Anca, and Barbara Montefalcone, eds., The Art of Collaboration: Poets, Artists, Books, 2015.
Prose Anthology.
 Dine, Jim, Poems To Work On: The Collected Poems of Jim Dine, 2015.
Cuneiform Press & Granary Books
 Clay, Steve, and Kyle Schlesinger, eds., Threads Talk Series, 2016. Prose Anthology.
CUNY Poetics Document Initiative
 Acker, Kathy; ed. Gabrielle Kappes, Homage to Leroi Jones and Other Early Works, 2015. Chapbook (part
of set).
 Burroughs, William S.; ed. Alex Wermer-Colan, The Travel Agency Is on Fire, 2015. Chapbook (part of set).
 Hughes, Langston; ed. Zohra Saed, Langston Hughes: Poems, Photos & Notebooks from Turkestan, 2015.
Chapbook (part of set).
 Sénac, Jean; ed. and trans. Kai Krienke, The Sun Under the Weapons, Correpondence & Notes from Algeria:
Part I, 2015. Chapbook (part of set).
 Sénac, Jean; ed. and trans. Kai Krienke, The Sun Under the Weapons, Correpondence & Notes from Algeria:
Part II, 2015. Chapbook (part of set).
Cyberwit.net (India)
 LeBlanc, Jean, The Opposite of Bird: Haiku and Haibun, 2015.
Dalkey Archive Press
 Gass, William H., Reading Rilke: Reflections on the Problem of Translation, 2015. Prose.
 Jesih, Milan; trans. Nada Groselji, Selected Poems, 2015.
dancing girl press
 (G)IRL, Girl Talk Triptych, 2016. Chapbook.
 Eleftherion, Melissa, Pigtail Duty, 2015. Chapbook.
 Herschleb, Amy, Judy Paris, Judy Chicago, 2015. Chapbook.
 Welhouse, Abigail, Bad Baby, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wessel, Elizabeth Clark, Amsterdam, 2015. Chapbook.
Williams-Noren, Carolyn, Small Like a Tooth, 2015. Chapbook.
Danielle Susi
 Susi, Danielle, The Month in Which We Are Born, 2015. Chapbook.
David Ellis
 Ellis, David, Life, Sex & Death: A Poetry Collection (Vol 1), 2016.
David R. Godine / Black Sparrow
 Reznikoff, Charles, Testimony: The United States (1885–1915): Recitative, 2015.
DC Books
 Ross, Stuart, A Hamburger in a Gallery, 2015.
De La Salle University & The Seventh Quarry Press
 Norris, Christopher, The Cardinal's Dog and Other Poems, 2015.
Deadly Chaps
 Butson, Denver, The Sum of Uncountable Things, 2015. Chapbook.
 Cappo, Anthony, My Bedside Radio, 2016. Chapbook.
 Nison, Rebecca, If We'd Never Seen the Sea, 2015.
 Quintela, Joseph A. W., ed., SF&D: Summer/Fall 2015, 2015. Anthology.
 Rosenthalis, Niel, Try Me, 2015. Chapbook.
 Starmack, Sophia, The Wild Rabbit, 2015. Chapbook.
 Valente, Joanna C., The Gods Are Dead, 2015. Chapbook.
Deerbrook Editions
 Carson, Teresa, The Congress of Human Oddities, 2015.
 Fogelin, Florence, Once It Stops, 2015.
 Kostelanetz, Richard, Fictionfields: Microscopic Narratives, 2016.
 Potter, Dawn, The Conversation: Learning To Be a Poet, 2015. Prose.
 Seigel, Joan I., A Passing, 2015.
 Solonche, J.R., Beautiful Day: Poems, 2015.
 Steingesser, Martin, Yellow Horses, 2015.
 White, Mimi, The World Disguised As This One: A Year in Tanka, 2015.
 White, Sarah, Wars Don't Happen Anymore: Poems, 2015.
Delete Press
 Rippeon, Andrew, Porches, 2015. Artist's Book.
Delete Press & R&B Press
 *Greenwald, Ted, Later Lately, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Babcock, Heather, Of Being Underground and Moving Backwards, 2015. Chapbook Prose.
Dominick DeJoy Jr.
 DeJoy, Dominick Jr., Bubbles of the Burst, 2015.
Don Moyer
 Moyer, Don, The Chaos Behind It All, [2016].
 Moyer, Don, Playland, 2015.
 Moyer, Don, We're All Just Passing Through, [2016].
 Moyer, Don, Wonderland, [2016].
 Moyer, Don, Don Moyer Box Set, [2015].
Dos Madres Press
 Bartow, Stuart, Einstein's Lawn, 2015.
 Cheetham, Tom, Boundary Violations, 2015.
 Cutrer, Kevin, Lord's Own Anointed, 2015.
 Finkelstein, Norman, The Ratio of Reason to Magic: New & Selected Poems, 2016.
 Grubbs, Gerry, The Palace of Flowers, 2016.
 Hague, Richard, Where Drunk Men Go, 2015.
 Handel, Ruth D., No Border Is Perennial, 2015.
 Hansel, Pauletta, Tangle, 2015.
 Hill, R. Nemo, In No Man's Ear, 2016.
 Hill, W. Nick, Blue Nocturne, 2016.
 Hoffman, Eric, Forms of Life, 2015.
 Hoffmann, Roald, Something That Belongs to You: A Play, 2015.
 Holyoak, Keith, The Gospel According to Judas, 2015.
 Katz, David M., Stanzas on Oz: Poems 2011–2014, 2015.
 Kearns, Sherry, The Magnificence of Ruin, 2015.
 Keyishian, Marjorie Deiter, Ashes and All, 2015.
 Koren, Jill Kelly, The Work of the Body, 2015.
 Lewis, Owen, Best Man: Poems, 2015.
 Mullin, Rick, Stignatz & the User of Vicenza, 2016.
 Olinka, Sharon, Old Ballerina Club, 2016.
 Pines, Paul, Message from the Memoirist, 2015.
 Reiser, Samantha, Tomas Simon and Other Poems, 2015.
 Safir, Natalie, Eyewitness, 2016.
 Schloss, David, Reports from Babylon and Beyond, 2015.
 Tabios, Eileen R., Invent[st]ory: Selected Catalog Poems & New (1996–2015), 2015.
 Tripoulas, John, A Soul Inside Each Stone, 2016.
 Wolinsky, David Almaleck, The Crane Is Flying, 2016.
 Woolf, Geoffrey, Learn To Love Explosives, 2016.
 Zegers, Kip, and the poets of Argus, The Pond in Room 318, 2015. Anthology.
DoubleCross Press
 Dreiblatt, Ian, (Barishonah) ‫בראשונה‬, 2015. Chapbook.
 Firestone, Jennifer, Swimming Pool, 2016. Chapbook.
 Fuller, Katie, Valve, 2016. Artist's Book.
 Kelly, Citron, Pudding Time, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Languell, Krystal, and Robert Allen Wendeborn, Diamonds in the Flesh, 2015. Chapbook.
 Leavitt, Gracie, CATENA, 2015. Chapbook.
 Longabucco, Matt, The Sober Day, 2016. Artist's Book.
Newton, Michael, and Emmalea Russo, Eternal Apprentice, 2016. Chapbook.
Dreaming Big Publications
 Beck, Gary, Resonance: A Poetry Collection, 2016.
Drunken Boat Media
 Nogues, Collier, The Ground I Stand On Is Not My Ground, 2015.
Drunken Boat Media / Anomalous Press
 Hatcher, Ian, The All-New, 2015. Chapbook.
 Deas, Pia, Cargo, 2016.
 Liew, Grace Shuyi, Book of Interludes, 2016.
 Waldrop, Rosmarie, Third Person Singular, 2015. Chapbook.
Dryad Press
 Maley, Saundra Rose, Disappearing Act, 2015.
 Birstein, Yossel, And So Is the Bus: Jerusalem Stories, 2015.
Duc du Clos
 du Clos, Duc, Old Echoes of a New Voice: Original Works, [2015].
Dusie Kollektiv (Switzerland)
 Agrafiotis, Demosthenes; trans. Angelos Sakkis and John Sakkis, Y,ES & DIAERESIS, 2016.
 Cox, Sarah Anne, Super Undone Blue, 2016.
 Higgins, Larkin, comb-ing mine-ings, 2015. Chapbook.
Dusie Kollektiv & BS PS Press
 Blades, Joe, november poems, 2015. Chapbook.
Dzanc Books
 *Fink, Jonathan, The Crossing, 2015.
 *Helms, Joshua R., Machines Like Us, 2016.
Eavesdropping on the Cosmos
 Ziman, Larry, and Madeline Sharples, eds., The Great American Poetry Show: Volume 3, 2015. Anthology.
ECW Press (Canada)
 Best, Ashley-Elizabeth, Slow States of Collapse, 2016.
 Clarke, Laura, Decline of the Animal Kingdom, 2015.
 Dumont, Marilyn, The Pemmican Eaters, 2015.
 Murray, George, Diversion, 2015.
 Sharpe, Jamie, Cut-up Apologetic, 2015.
 Woodcock, Patrick, You Can't Bury Them All, 2016.
Ed Woodham
 Woodham, Ed, Instructions for Public Performances, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
Edge Books
 Fuller, Heather, Dick Cheney's Heart, 2015.
 Walker, Ryan, Long Term Raisin, 2015.
Edric of Great Lakes!
 Edric of Great Lakes, Don't Let's, 2016. Chapbook.
Eggtooth Editions
 Heise, Megan, Quasar #6, 2016.
Elephant Tree House
 Starace, Rosemary, Requitements, 2015.
Elixir Press
 Bickmore, Lisa, Flicker: Poems, 2016.
 Franklin, Jennifer, Looming, 2015.
 Kapur, Kirun, Visiting Indira Gandhi's Palmist, 2015.
 Robbins, Liz, Freaked, 2015.
 Victorine, Jacob, Flammable Matter, 2016.
Elkhound Publications
 Ryan, G.B., Surprised by Gulls, 2015.
Emily Dickinson Press
 Canan, Janine; trans. Peter K. Geiger, Mystisches Glück / Mystic Bliss, 2015. Bilingual (German-English).
Enchanted Lion Books
 Burgess, Matthew, Enormous Smallness: A Story of E. E. Cummings, 2015. Children's.
Encircle Publications
 Ausherman, Steve, Marking the Road, 2015.
 Child, Abigail, Mouth to Mouth, 2016.
 edwards, kari, succubus in my pocket, 2015.
ERT Editions
 Gross, Tina, lighttight: overnumerousness, 2015. Chapbook.
Essay Press
 Dick, Misha Pam, This Is the Fugitive, 2016.
Et Cetera Gallery Books
 Beebe, Galen, and Lauren Clark with Fontaine Capel and John West, King of That Also, 2016.
Ethos Books & Drunken Boat
 Pang, Alvin, and Ravi Shankar, eds., Union: 15 Years of Drunken Boat, 50 Years of Writing from Singapore,
2015. Anthology. Multilingual.
Etruscan Press
 Bond, Bruce, The Other Sky, 2015.
 Hix, H. L., I'm here to learn to dream in your language, 2015.
Euphrosine Publishing
 Vogel, Brad, Broad Meadow Bird, 2015.
Eyewear Publishing (UK)
 Campanello, Kimberly, Hymn to Kālī, 2016.
 Conley, Michael, More Weight, 2016.
 Davio, Kelly, and Todd Swift, eds., The Best New British and Irish Poets 2016, 2016. Anthology.
 Eisenstein, Sam, Trajectories, 2016.
 Holland, Lindsey, The Lanterns, 2016.
 Seidman, Anthony, A Sleepless Man Sits Up in Bed, 2016.
 Singer, Sean, Honey & Smoke, 2015.
 Smith, Elspeth, Keeping Busy: New and Selected Poems, 2016.
Face Press
 Heames, Ian, Arrays, 2015. Artist's Book.
Fact-Simile Editions
 Wong, Jane, Impossible Map, 2015. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
Factory Hollow Press
 *Lawlor, Andrea, Position Papers, 2016. Chapbook.
 *Petrosino, Kiki, Doubloon Oath, 2016. Chapbook.
 Ruseski, Jon, Neon Clouds, 2015. Chapbook.
 *Theoharides, Halie, Into the Leaf Gloom, 2015. Chapbook.
 *Vincent, John Emil, Cheshirization, 2016. Chapbook.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press
 Heller, Michael; ed. Jon Curley and Burt Kimmelman, The Poetry and Poetics of Michael Heller: A Nomad
Memory, 2015. Prose.
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
 Amichai, Yehuda; ed. Robert Alter, The Poetry of Yehuda Amichai, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
 *Berryman, John; ed. Daniel Swift, The Heart Is Strange: Revised Edition, 2016.
 Chai, Eleanor, Standing Water: Poems, 2016.
 Cole, Henri, Nothing to Declare, 2015.
Crawford, Robert, Young Eliot: From St. Louis to The Waste Land, 2015. Prose.
de Andrade, Carlos Drummond; trans. Richard Zenith, Multitudinous Heart: Selected Poems, 2015.
Hinton, David, trans., I Ching: The Book of Change, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
Hughes, Ted; ed. Alice Oswald, A Ted Hughes Bestiary, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Hutchinson, Ishion, House of Lords and Commons, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Johnston, Devin, Far-Fetched, 2015.
Koethe, John, The Swimmer: Poems, 2016.
Komunyakaa, Yusef, The Emperor of Water Clocks, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
Kushner, Alexander; trans. Carol Ueland and Robert Carnevale, Apollo in the Grass: Selected Poems, 2015.
Bilingual (Russian-English).
Lasdun, James., Bluestone: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
Lerner, Ben, The Hatred of Poetry, 2016. Prose.
Logue, Christopher, War Music: An Account of Homer's Iliad, 2016.
*McLane, Maureen N., Mz N: the serial, 2016.
McMichael, James, If You Can Tell, 2016.
Moore, Marianne; ed. Linda Leavell, Observations: Poems, 2016.
Morrissey, Sinéad, Parallax, 2015.
Muldoon, Paul, One Thousand Things Worth Knowing, 2015.
Murray, Les, Waiting for the Past, 2015.
Nadler, Daniel, Lacunae: 100 Imagined Ancient Love Poems, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Phillips, Carl, Reconnaissance, 2015.
Phillips, Rowan Ricardo, Heaven, 2015.
Pinsky, Robert, At the Foundling Hospital, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Seidel, Frederick, Widening Income Inequality, 2016.
Solie, Karen, The Road in Is Not the Same Road Out, 2015.
Virgil; trans. Seamus Heaney, Aeneid Book VI: A New Verse Translation, 2016. Bilingual (Latin-English).
Williams, C.K., Selected Later Poems, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
Wiman, Christian, Hammer Is the Prayer: Selected Poems, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
Fast Books
 Malina, Judith, Having Loved, 2015.
Fell Swoop
 Weigel, Tom, Time Further Out, 2015. Oversized Chapbook.
Fence Books
 Berry, Simeon, Ampersand Revisited, 2015.
 Corless-Smith, Martin, Bitter Green, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
 *Holden, Kevin, Solar, 2015.
 Huffman, Jibade-Khalil, Sleeper Hold, 2015.
 *Legault, Paul, Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror 2, 2016.
 Pavlić, Ed, Let's Let That Are Not Yet: INFERNO, 2015.
 Rankine, Claudia, and Christine Loffreda, eds., The Racial Imaginary: Writers on Race in the Life of the
Mind, 2015. Prose.
 Szymaszek, Stacy, Journal of Ugly Sites & Other Journals, 2016.
 Toscano, Rodrigo, Explosion Rocks Springfield, 2016.
The Feral Press
 Giannini, David, Porous Borders, 2015. Chapbook.
 Mapp, Erica, Crisis in Trinidad & Tobago, 2015. Oversized Chapbook.
 Tarn, Nathaniel, all thse shitty little places in new jersey, 2015. Oversized Chapbook.
The Feral Press & Cross-Cultural Communications
 Wolak, Bill; trans. Silvia Kofler, In the Silence Between Love Songs / In der Stille zwischen Liebesliedern,
2016. Bilingual (German-English).
The Figures
 Gizzi, Michael; ed. Clark Coolidge and Craig Watson, Collected Poems, 2015.
Finishing Line Press
 Anderson, Stephen, Navigating in the Sun, 2015. Chapbook.
 Brown, Marion, The Morning After Summer, 2015. Chapbook.
 Castro, Guillermo Filice, Agua, Fuego, 2015. Chapbook.
 Collins, Michael, Harbor Mandala, 2015. Chapbook.
 Frith, Laverne, The Truth of Seasons, 2016. Chapbook.
 Gallo, Guy, Yearning's End, 2015. Chapbook.
 Geller, Allison, Write Home, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hebald, Carol, Colloquy, 2015. Chapbook.
 Holgerson, John L., Unnecessary Tattoo: & Other Stains on a Stainless Steel Heart, 2016. Chapbook.
 Jordan, LaToya, Thick-Skinned Sugar, 2015. Chapbook.
 McCarthy, Margaret, Notebooks from Mystery School, 2015. Chapbook.
 Portugés, Paul Lobo, Sorrow and Hope, 2016. Chapbook.
 Thomas, Sally, Fallen Water, 2015. Chapbook.
 Yakovlev, Anton, The Ghost of Grant Wood, 2015. Chapbook.
Fithian Press
 Lohmann, Jeanne, In Parallel Light, 2015.
 Lohmann, Jeanne, Autumn in the Fields of Language, 2016.
 Moser, Jack, Who Cares? I Do., 2015.
 Novak, Estelle Gershgoren, Eviction: And Other Poems, 2016.
 Olson, Dean, When I Reach You, 2015.
 Wohl, Jane Elkington, Learning from Old Masters, 2016.
Fitzhenry & Whiteside (Canada)
 Jernigan, Amanda, and Evan Jones, eds., Earth and Heaven: An Anthology of Myth Poetry, 2015.
 Ruthig, Ingrid, This Being: Poems, 2016.
 Winters, Kari-Lynn, Hungry for Math, 2015. Children's.
Five Islands Press (Australia)
 Compton, Jennifer, Now You Shall Know, 2015.
 Nicholas, Louise, The List of Last Remaining, 2016.
 Rowland, Robyn; trans. Mehmet Ali Çelikel, This Intimate War: Gallipoli/Çanakkale 1915/İçli Dışlı Bir
Savaş: Gelibolu/Çanakkale 1915, 2015. Bilingual (Turkish-English).
Russo, Frank, In the Museum of Creation, 2015.
walker, rob, tropeland, 2015.
Yu, Ouyang, Fainting with Freedom, 2015.
Five Oaks Press
 Baker, Jia Oak, Well Enough To Travel, 2015.
 Beck, Christine, Stirred, Not Shaken, 2016.
 Hensley, Julie, Viable, 2015.
 Kann, David, The Language of the Farm, 2016.
 Laws, Kyle, So Bright To Blind, 2015.
 Mangini, Lisa, Ambivalent Nymph, 2016.
 Merkner, Molly Kugel, The Forest of the Suburbs, 2016.
 Mottola, Pat, Under the Red Dress, 2016.
 Murphy, Peter E., The Last Pub on Earth, 2016.
 Nickel, Matthew C., The Route to Cacharel, 2016.
 Orion, Shawnte, Faithful As the Ground, 2016.
 Sadie, Sarah, Do-It-Yourself Paper Airplanes, 2015.
 Sallis, James, Night's Pardons, 2016.
 Solonche, J. R., Heart's Content, 2016.
 Tornes, Elizabeth, Between the Dog and the Wolf, 2016.
 Tugendhat, Michael, What I'm Afraid To Show You, 2016.
 Whipple, Allyson, Come Into the World Like That, 2016.
Fivehundredplaces (UK)
 Ostashevsky, Eugene, Eugene Ostashevsky: Three Librettos for Lucia Ronchetti, 2015.
Flood Editions
 Adamson, Robert, Net Needle, 2015.
 Aeschylus; trans. Joseph Tipton, Seven Against Thebes, 2015.
 Eckermann, Ali Cobby, Ruby Moonlight, 2015.
 Fuller, William, Playtime, 2015.
 Foust, Graham, Time Down to Mind, 2015.
 Macleod, Joseph Gordon, The Ecliptic, 2016.
Flying Guillotine Press
 Various, Breaking the Lines, 2015. Anthology.
Folded Word
 Abel, L. Ward, Little Town Gods, 2016.
 Babcock, Matthew James, Points of Reference, 2016.
 Christie, A. V., And I Began To Entertain Doubts, 2016.
 Hutchison, Joseph, The Earth-Boat, 2015.
 Hutchison, Joseph, The Satire Lounge, 2015.
 Longofono, Katie, and Mary Stone, Honey & Bandages, 2015.
 Mitchell, Mark J., Artifacts & Relics, 2015.
 O'Daly, William, The Road to Isla Negra, 2015.
 Oestreich, David, Cosmophagy, 2016.
Slonimsky, Lee; trans. Elizabeth J. Coleman, Pythagore, Amoureux / Pythagoras in Love, 2015. Bilingual
Warther, Julie, What Was Here, 2015.
FootHills Publishing
 Allardt, Linda, Under Construction, 2016. Chapbook.
 Basinski, Michael, In Buffalo Poems of a Polish-American Boy Poems, 2016.
 Budbill, David, After the Haiku of Yosa Buson, 2015.
 Casline, Alan, 64 Changes, 2015.
 Cellini, Don, Stone Poems, 2016.
 Coffman, Steve, The Window: An Ongoing Reminiscence, 2015.
 Czarnecki, Michael, Morning Mist: A Collection of Haiku, 2015.
 Czarnecki, Michael, Wild Voices Come When They Will: Spontaneous Poems #1, 2015.
 Czury, Craig, Thumb Notes Almanac: Hitching the Marcellus Shade, 2016.
 Dandrea, Carmine, Once in Korea, 2015.
 Dougherty, Edward A., House of Green Water, 2015.
 Franklin, Walt, Earthstars, Chanterelles, Destroying Angels, 2016.
 Gardner, Mary L., When All Danger of Frost Is Past, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hartman, Benjamin, Do You Remember, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hetrick, Jennifer, The Labors of Our Fingertips: Poems from Manufacturing History in Berks County:
Volume One, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hood, Mary A., So As Not To Go Unremembered, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hubbard, Thomas, Poems in a Foreign Language for Our Peoples, 2015. Chapbook.
 jollie, em, Giveaway Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Jospé, Kitty, Golden Smoke, 2015.
 Just Poets, Le Mot Juste: 2015, 2015. Anthology.
 Lewandoski, Stephen, Last Settler in the Finger Lakes, 2015.
 McAllister, Joyce Holmes, Before We Knew, 2016. Chapbook.
 Merrifield, Karla Linn, Bunchberries, More Poems of Canada, 2015.
 Miller, Iris, The Orchards of Cleveland: A Memoir in Poems, 2016.
 Nicotera, Tom, What Better Place To Be Than Here?, 2015.
 Pritts, Nate, and William Heyen, Life Event / About About: Homage to Gertrude Stein, 2016. Chapbook.
 Rossiter, Charles, Lakeside Poems, 2016.
 Rossiter, Charles, Winter Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Searl, Stanford, Homage to the Lady with the Dirty Feet: And Other Vermont Poems, 2016.
 Treichler, Martha, Garden of the Old, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wilcox, Dan, Gloucester Notes, 2015. Chapbook.
 zuckerman, ryki, a bright nowhere, 2015. Chapbook.
For the Love of Words
 Holgerson, John L., Reading from "Broken Borders" and "Unnecessary Tattoo and Other Stains on a
Stainless Steel Heart", 2015. DVD.
Fordham University Press
 Chambers, Ross, An Atmospherics of the City: Baudelaire and the Poetics of Noise, 2015. Prose.
 Chiusano, Terrence, On Generation and Corruption, 2015.
 Frank, Adam, Transferential Poetics, from Poe to Warhol, 2015. Prose.
 Guyer, Sara, Reading with John Clare: Biopoetics, Sovereignty, Romanticism, 2015. Prose.
 Mahrer, Gregory, A Provisional Map of the Lost Continent, 2016.
Pearson, Nancy K., The Whole by Contemplation of a Single Bone, 2016.
Wardrop, Daneen, Cyclorama, 2015.
Wall-Romana, Christophe, Cinepoetry: Imaginary Cinemas in French Poetry, 2015. Prose.
Four Way Books
 Barizo, J. Mae, The Cumulus Effect, 2015.
 Betts, Reginald Dwayne, Bastards of the Reagan Era, 2015.
 Blossom, Laurel, Longevity, 2015.
 Bowman, Catherine, Can I Finish, Please?, 2016.
 Cohen, Andrea, Furs Not Mine, 2015.
 Cruz, Cynthia, How the End Begins, 2016.
 Ford, Stephanie, All Pilgrim, 2015.
 Frank, Patrick Ryan, The Opposite of People, 2015.
 Gray Jr., Elizabeth T., Series | India, 2015.
 Griffiths, Rachel Eliza, Lighting the Shadow, 2015.
 Kalscheur, Josh, Tidal, 2015.
 Lea, Sydney, No Doubt the Nameless, 2016.
 Levine, Mark, Travels of Marco, 2016.
 Mohabir, Rajiv, The Taxidermist's Cut, 2016.
 Okrent, Rebecca, Boys of My Youth, 2015.
 Otremba, Paul, Pax Americana, 2015.
 Pindyck, Maya, Emoticoncert, 2016.
 Reilly, Rebecca, Repetition, 2015.
 Tobin, Daniel, From Nothing, 2016.
 Wells, Jonathan, The Man with Many Pens, 2015.
 Wolff, Daniel, The Names of Birds, 2015.
 Young, C. Dale, The Halo, 2016.
Fourteen Hills Press
 Barron, Phillip, What Comes from a Thing, 2015.
Frances Lincoln (UK)
 Asquith, Ros, Vanishing Trick, 2015. Children's.
 Clements, Jonathan, ed. and trans., Zen Haiku: Illustrated Edition, 2015. Anthology.
 Cooling, Wendy, ed., All the Wild Wonders: Poems of Our Earth, 2015. Children's Anthology.
 Harmer, David, There's a Monster in the Garden, 2015. Children's.
 McGough, Roger, and Michael Rosen, You Tell Me!, 2015. Children's.
 Rumi; trans. Raficq Abdulla, Rumi: Illustrated Edition, 2015.
 Wright, Danielle, ed., My Village: Rhymes from Around the World, 2015. Children's Anthology.
 Stevens, Roger, I Wish I Had a Pirate Hat, 2015. Children's.
Free Verse
 Lilly, Tahara, My Mother Bleeds History, 2015.
Furniture Press
 Colby, Kate, Blue Hole, 2015.
 Savage, Elizabeth, Idylliad, 2015.
FuturArte Poesia (Brazil)
 Innecco, João Pedro, Concreto, 2015.
FutureCycle Press
 Araguz, Jose Angel, Reasons (Not) to Dance, 2015.
 Bavetta, Ruth, Flour, Water, Salt, 2016.
 Boes, Don, Good Luck With That, 2015.
 Carroll-Hackett, Mary, A Little Blood, a Little Rain, 2016.
 Carroll-Hackett, Mary, The Night I Heard Everything, 2015.
 Catlin, Alan, American Odyssey, 2016.
 Chorlton, David, A Field Guide to Fire, 2015.
 Chorlton, David and Robert S. King; eds., Weatherings, 2015. Anthology.
 Colby, Joan, Broke, 2015.
 Coughlin, Steve, Another City, 2015.
 Craft, Ken, The Indifferent World, 2016.
 Crooker, Barbara, Barbara Crooker: Selected Poems, 2015.
 Daley, Tom, House You Cannot Reach, 2015.
 DiMatteo, Anthony, In Defense of Puppets, 2015.
 Frith, Carol, Early Echoes, 2016.
 Glasser, Jane Ellen, Cracks, 2015.
 Henry, Victor, What They Wanted, 2015.
 Hostovsky, Paul, The Bad Guys, 2015.
 Lagier, Jennifer, Where We Grew Up, 2015.
 Lass, Egon, A Lean Against the Wheel, 2015.
 Levy, Robert J., All these restless ghosts, 2015.
 Lewis, Kathleen Brewin, July's Thick Kingdom, 2015.
 Mandell-King, Vicki, Shrinking Into Infinite Sky, 2015.
 Meisel, Ken, The drunken sweetheart at my door, 2015.
 Miller, John N., Back Home Awhile, 2015.
 Miller, Nancy Anne, Star Map, 2016.
 Mitchell, Irene, Minding the Spectrum's Business, 2015.
 Moody, Nancy Carol, The House of Nobody Home, 2016.
 Owens, James, Mortalia, 2015.
 Page, William, In This Maybe Best of All Possible Worlds, 2016.
 Palencia, Elaine Fowler, Going Places, 2015.
 Peckham, Joel, God's Bicycle, 2015.
 Pinckney, Diana, The Beast and the Innocent, 2015.
 Rypma, Judith A., Amber Notes, 2015.
 Saunders, Judith, Lost Partners, 2015.
 Sevick, Leona, Damaged Little Creatures, 2015.
 Stevens, Jeanine, Inheritor, 2016.
 Stout, Robert Joe, Monkey Screams, 2015.
 Swint, Christine, Swimming This, 2015.
 Toruño-Conley, Sara, The Dementia of Language, 2015.
 Trocchia, Michael, Unfounded, 2015.
 Viner, Chloe, What the Rain Said Last Night, 2015.
 Williams, Harold Whit, Lost in the Telling, 2015.
 Willitts, Jr., Martin, How to Be Silent, 2015.
Futurepoem Books
 Buuck, David, Site Cite City: Prose Works 1999–2012, 2015. Prose.
 Kennedy, Evan, The Sissies, 2016.
 Lee, Sueyeun Juliette, Solar Maximum, 2015.
 White, Simone, Of Being Dispersed, 2016.
Garden Oak Press
 Wesick, Jon, Words of Power, Dances of Freedom, 2015.
Gazing Grain Press
 Crawford, Marisa, Big Brown Bag, 2015. Chapbook.
 Czerwiec, Heidi, Sweet/Crude: A Bakken Boom Cycle, 2016. Chapbook.
George Braziller
 Hodgins, Phillip, First Light, 2015.
George F. Thompson Publishing
 Strom, Stephen, Alison Hawthorne Deming, and Rebecca A. Senf, Death Valley: Painted Light, 2016.
Georgetown Review Press
 Lewis, Lisa, The Body Double, 2016.
Ghost City Press
 Begnal, Michael S., The Muddy Banks, 2016. Chapbook.
Ghostbird Press
 Currie, John Reid, Others, 2015.
 Hahn, Kimiko, Resplendent Slug, 2016.
 Mohabir, Rajiv, Acoustic Trauma, 2015.
 Newman, Richard Jeffrey, For My Son, a Kind of Prayer, 2016.
 Virgil; trans. Roger Sederat, Eco-Logic of the Word Lamb, 2016.
Gival Press
 Davis, Teri Ellen Cross, Haint, 2016.
 Nelson, Eric, Some Wonder, 2015.
Glass Lyre Press
 Caspers, Patricia, In the Belly of the Albatross, 2015.
 Colby, Joan, Ribcage, 2015.
 Dancing Bear, J. P., Cephalopodic, 2015.
 Desrosiers, Lori, Inner Sky, 2015.
 Goring, Ruth, Soap Is Political, 2015.
 Gregorio, Renee, Snow Falling on Snow, 2015.
 Hochman, Cindy, Habeas Corpus, 2015.
 Larson, Rustin, The Philosopher Savant, 2015.
 Linsteadt, Stephen, The Beauty of Curved Space, 2015.
Maloney, Dennis, Listening to Tao Yuan Ming, 2016.
Merchant, Megan, Gravel Ghosts, 2016.
Tribble, Jon, Natural State, 2016.
Glen Martin Fitch
 Fitch, Glen Martin, The Devil's Pitchfork, 2015.
Gold Line Press
 brown, drea, dear girl: a reckoning, 2015.
Gold Line Press & Ricochet Editions
 Awkward-Rich, Cameron, Sympathetic Little Monster, 2016.
 Mena, Erica, Featherbone, 2015.
Granary Books
 Padgett, Ron, and Trevor Winkfield, Do the Math, 2015.
Grayson Books
 Pari and Ahmad Aria, trans., Washing the Dust from Our Hearts: Poetry and Prose from Writers of the
Afghan Women's Writing Project, 2015. Anthology. Bilingual (Dari-English).
Graywolf Press
 Bang, Mary Jo, The Last Two Seconds, 2015.
 Burnside, John, Black Cat Bone, 2015.
 Flynn, Nick, My Feelings, 2015.
 Gilbert, Christopher, Turning Into Dwelling, 2015.
 Gioia, Dana, 99 Poems: New & Selected, 2016.
 Goldbarth, Albert, Selfish, 2015.
 Grotz, Jennifer, Window Left Open, 2016.
 Jamie, Kathleen, The Overhaul, 2015.
 Levis, Larry; ed. David St. John, The Darkening Trapeze: Last Poems, 2016.
 Marquette, Gretchen, May Day, 2016.
 McCray, Sjohnna, Rapture, 2016.
 Monson, Ander, Letter to a Future Lover: Marginalia, Errata, Secrets, Inscriptions, and Other Ephemera
Found in Libraries, 2015. Prose.
 Rivard, David, Standoff, 2016.
 Seuss, Diane, Four-Legged Girl, 2015.
 Sharif, Solmaz, Look, 2016.
 Sleigh, Tom, Station Zed, 2015.
 Xia, Liu; trans. Ming Di and Jennifer Stern, Empty Chairs: Selected Poems, 2015. Bilingual (Chinese-English).
great weather for MEDIA
 Bain, Carrina, Debridement, 2015.
 Gibson, Wil, Harvest the Dirt, 2015.
 Ormerod, Jane, Thomas Fucaloro, and David Lawton, eds., Before Passing, 2015. Anthology.
 Trause, John J., Exercises in High Treason, 2016.
Green Integer
 Van Ostaijen, Paul; trans. Theo Hermans et al., The First Book of Schmoll: Selected Poems 1920–1928,
2015. Bilingual (Dutch-English).
Green Lantern Press
 Harrison, Roberto, culebra, 2016.
 Kuras, Christian, and Duncan MacKenzie, Diagrams, 2015.
 Durgin, Patrick, Zenith, 2016. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
Green Writers Press
 Jarrette, Richard, A Hundred Million Years of Nectar Dances, 2015.
 Kinsey, Leland, Galvanized: New and Selected Poems, 2016.
Green Writers Press / Sundog Poetry Center
 Shepard, Neil, Vermont Exit Ramps II, 2015.
Greenhouse Review Press
 Crenshaw, Brad, Genealogies, 2016.
 Keeley, Edmund, Requiem for Mary, 2015.
 Kessler, Stephen, Where Was I?, 2015.
Greying Ghost
 Apollinaire, Guillaume; trans. Julee LaPorte and Ben Kopel, Victory, 2015. Chapbook.
 Altman, Tony, Tender Industrial Fabric, 2016. Artist's Book.
 Chelotti, Dan, Compost, 2015. Chapbook.
 Kwak, Gene, Orphans Burning Orphans, 2015. Chapbook.
 Oen, Leanna, A Strange Community, 2016. Chapbook.
 Reynolds, Chad, drummer, 2015. Chapbook.
The Grolier Club
 Stevens, Wallace; ed. Chris Loker, Catching Tigers in Red Weather: The Grolier Club Twenty-First Annual
Poetry Reading: January 12, 2016, 2016.
Grove Atlantic
 Baraka, Amiri, S O S: Poems 1961–2013, 2015.
 Ginsberg, Allen, Wait Till I'm Dead: Uncollected Poems, 2016.
 Rankine, Claudia, The End of the Alphabet, 2015. Paperback.
 Ryan, Kay, Erratic Facts, 2015.
Guernica Editions (Canada)
 Bashllari, Majlinda, Love is a very long word, 2016.
 Bayrakdar, Faraj; trans. John Mikhail Asfour, Mirrors of Absence, 2015.
 Beissel, Henry, Sightlines, 2016.
 Bernlef; trans. Scott Rollins, A Still Life: Selected Poems 1960–2010, 2016.
 Biello, Tina, A Housecoat Remains, 2015.
 Clarke, Austin, In Your Crib, 2015.
D'Acierno, Pellegrino, The Fat Man Arpeggios, 2015.
de Giacomo, Rocco, Every Night of Our Lives, 2016.
Fagiani, Gil, Logos, 2015.
Gasparini, Len, Collected Poems, 2015.
Huebert, David, we are no longer the smart kids in class, 2015.
Kreuter, Aaron, Arguments for Lawn Chairs, 2016.
Langa, Liana; trans. Margita Gailitis, Deadly Nightshade, 2015.
Layton, Max, In the Garden of I Am, 2015.
Meagher, Steve, Navy Blue, 2016.
Miller, Nancy Anne, Somersault, 2015.
Monahan, Lynda, Verge, 2015.
Mueller, Megan, Colour Theory, 2016.
Norris, Ken, The Weight, 2015.
Orelli, Giorgio; trans. Marco Sonzogni and Ross Woods, Pondering the Weight of Being, 2015. Bilingual
Swan, Dane, A Mingus Lullaby, 2016.
Zan, Bänoo, Songs of Exile, 2016.
 Bludworth de Barrios, Emily, Splendor, 2015.
 Collins, Ryan, A New American Field Guide & Song Book, 2015.
Hachette / Grand Central Publishing
 Alexander, Elizabeth, The Light of the World: A Memoir, 2015. Prose.
The Haiku Foundation
 Bauerly, Donna, Raymond Roseliep: Man of Art Who Loves the Rose, 2015. Prose.
Half-Shell Press
 Tesser, Marjorie, ed., Mom Egg Review 2016 Vol. 14: Change, 2016. Anthology.
Hanging Loose Press
 Brackenbury, Rosalind, Bonnard's Dog, 2015.
 Devaney, Thomas, Runaway Goat Cart, 2015.
 Friedman, Ed, Two Towns, 2015.
 Fuhrman, Joanna, The Year of Yellow Butterflies, 2015.
 Gontarek, Leonard, Take Your Hands Out of My Pocket, Shiva, 2016.
 Hagood, Caroline, Making Maxine's Baby, 2015.
 Jacobs, Hoyt, and Anna Akhmatova, [Translating Requiem]: Poems and Translations, 2015.
 Lally, Michael, Swing Theory, 2015.
 LeFevre, Frances; ed. Lisa Birman, Dearest Annie, You Wanted a Report on Berkson's Class: Letters from
Frances LeFevre to Anne Waldman, 2016. Prose.
 Lewis, Joel, My Shaolin: A Poem of Staten Island, 2016.
 Medina, Pablo, The Island Kingdom, 2015.
 Pawlak, Mark, Reconnaissance: New & Selected Poems & Poetic Journals 2005–2015, 2016.
 Traxler, Patricia, Naming the Fires, 2016.
Harmonia Press
 Gripp, Andreas, Apocrypha: Poems Selected and New Volume 3, 2015.
 Gripp, Andreas, Selected Poems 2000–2015, 2015.
HarperCollins / Collins
 Powers, Margaret Fishback, ed., Footprints 50th Anniversary Treasury: Stories of Compassion, Kindness,
and Courage Inspired by the Beloved Poem, 2015. Prose.
HarperCollins / Ecco
 Ashbery, John, Breezeway, 2015.
 Graham, Jorie, From the New World, 2015.
 Homer; trans. Caroline Alexander, The Iliad: A New Translation, 2015.
 McGrath, Campbell, XX: Poems for the Twentieth Century, 2016.
 Myles, Eileen, Chelsea Girls, 2015. Prose.
 Myles, Eileen, I Must Be Living Twice, 2015.
 Rash, Ron, Poems: New and Selected, 2016.
 Simic, Charles, The Life of Images, 2015. Prose.
 Simic, Charles, The Lunatic, 2015.
 Tate, James, Dome of the Hidden Pavilion, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
HarperCollins / Harper Perennial
 Ginsberg, Allen; ed. Michael Schumacher, The Essential Ginsberg, 2015.
 Poteat, Joshua, The Regret Histories, 2015. Bound manuscript.
 Tamblyn, Amber, Dark Sparkler, 2015.
Harsimus Press
 Henry, Bruce, Rosaire Appel, and Amanda Deutch, Fit to Print, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Henry, Barbara, In the Volatile Regions, 2016. Artist's Book.
Haymarket Books
 Coval, Kevin, Quraysh Ali Lansana, and Nate Marshall, eds., The BreakBeat Poets: New American Poetry in
the Age of Hip-Hop, 2015. Anthology.
 Kanzani, Remi, ed., Before the Next Bomb Drops: Rising Up from Brooklyn to Palestine, 2015. Anthology.
Headmistress Press
 Bocka, Maureen, First name Barbie last name Doll, 2016.
 Dietrich, Dinah, Paper Cranes, 2015.
 Foley, Laura, Night Ringing, 2016.
 Lehrer, Ruth, Tiger Laughs When You Push, 2016.
 Lowell, Amy, Mary Meriam, and Lillian Faderman, Lady of the Moon, 2015.
 Meriam, Mary, The Lillian Trilogy, 2015.
 Meriam, Mary, ed., Lavender Review: Poems from the First Five Years, 2015. Anthology.
 Newman, Lesléa, I Carry My Mother, 2015.
 Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 1, Naomi Replansky Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special
 Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 1, Lesléa Newman Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 1, Amy Lowell Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 1, Lynn Strongin Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 1, Janice Gould Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 1, GL Morrison Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 2, Charlotte Mew Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 2, Shelly L. Hall Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 2, Eloise Klein Healy Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 2, Judy Grahn Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 2, Audre Lorde Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 2, Minnie Bruce Pratt Trading Card, 2015. Broadside. (On Special
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 3, Constance Merritt Trading Card, 2016. Broadside. (On Special
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 3, Wu Tsao Trading Card, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 3, Renée Vivien Trading Card, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 3, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Trading Card, 2016. Broadside. (On Special
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 3, Eileen Myles Trading Card, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Lesbian Poets Trading Cards, Series 3, Robin Becker Trading Card, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Steinmann, Carter, Sticky, 2016.
Strongin, Lynn, The Burn Poems, 2015.
Vivien, Renée; trans. Samantha Pious, A Crown of Violets, 2015.
Young, Abe Louise, Heaven to Me, 2016.
Yun, Carina, On Loving a Saudi Girl, 2015.
Hear the Boat Sing
 Kuepper, Philip Watson, A Sea to Row By, 2015.
Henry Holt / Metropolitan Books
 Yang, Kao Kalia, The Song Poet: A Memoir of My Father, 2016.
Hexagon Press
 Bradley, James, The Cloud of Unknowing: A Translation from the Middle English, 2016. Chapbook.
 Ham, Brittany, Religious Sonnets, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
Hill House New York
 Schorb, E. M., Dates and Dreams: Short Fictions, Prose Poems, Cartoons, 2016.
Hobblebush Books
 Fogel, Alice B., and Sidney Hall, Jr., eds., Poet Showcase: An Anthology of New Hampshire Poets, 2015.
Holland Park Press (UK)
 Vincent, Paul, and John Irons, ed. and trans., 100 Dutch-Language Poems: From the Medieval Period to the
Present Day, 2015. Anthology. Bilingual (Dutch-English).
Hopewell Press
 Moss, Stanley, It's About Time: Poems, 2015.
Horse Less Press
 Brandt, Emily, Sleep Talk or Not at All, 2015. Chapbook.
 Comola, Jessica, Everything We Met Changed Form and Followed the Rest, 2016.
 Estes, Phil, High Life, 2016.
 Hauke, Nathan, Every Living One, 2015.
 Holmes, Anne Cecelia, The Jitters, 2015.
 Maxwell, Kristi, PLAN/K, 2015.
 Peck, Sara, and Jared Joseph, Here You Are, 2015.
 Schapira, Kate, Handbook for Hands That Alter As We Hold Them Out, 2016.
 Wallschlaeger, Nikki, Houses, 2015.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
 Hall, Donald, The Selected Poems of Donald Hall, 2015.
 Santamaria, Abigail, Joy: Poet, Seeker, and the Woman Who Captivated C. S. Lewis, 2015. Prose.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt / HMH Books for Young Readers
 Park, Linda Sue, Tap Dancing on the Roof, 2015. Children's.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt / Mariner
 Gregerson, Linda, Prodigal: New and Selected Poems, 1976–2014, 2015.
 Leonard, Keith, Ramshackle Ode, 2016.
 Lux, Thomas, To the Left of Time, 2016.
 Szymborska, Wislawa; trans. Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh, Map: Collected and Last Poems,
House of Haiku
 Pizzarelli, Alan, Frozen Socks: New & Selected Short Poems, 2015.
House of Lore Publishing
 McDonald, James, The Little Unicorn That Had No Horn, 2015. Children's.
Houts & Home
 Farber, Betty, My New York: City Poems, 2015.
Human Error Publishing
 Croce, C.M., Connect the Dots, 2016.
 Richmond, Paul, You Might Need a Bigger Hammer, 2015.
Hummingbird Press
 Johnston, Emily, Her Animals, 2015. Artist's Book.
Ibbetson Street Press
 Burnham, Jr., Philip E., Winter Dreams, 2015.
 Goodwin, Michael, Water for the Suffering, 2016.
 Munteanu, Alexandra, It Would Be, 2016. Chapbook.
 Shippie, Paige, Human Cycles, 2015.
IF SF Publishing
 Scott, Claire, Waiting To Be Called, 2015.
Inanna Publications (Canada)
 DeRango-Adem, Adebe, Terra Incognita, 2015.
 Driedger, Diane, Red with Living: Poems and Art, 2016.
 Fretwell, Katerina Vaughan, Dancing on a Pin, 2015.
 Martonfi, Ilona, The Snow Kimono, 2015.
 Tihanyi, Eva, The Largeness of Rescue, 2016.
 Valiani, Salimah, Land of the Sky, 2016.
Ink Press Productions
 Dimond, Tracy, I Want Your Tan, 2015. Artist's Book.
 McCormick, Amanda, & the Green, 2015. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
 McCormick, Amanda, AMANDA, 2016. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
Insurance Editions
 Anagnopoulos, Kostas, Night Loop, 2015. Chapbook.
 Anagnopoulos, Kostas, What Works, 2016. Chapbook.
Interactive Press
 Law, Rebecca Kylie, In My Days and in My Sleep, 2015.
 Reiter, David P., Timelord Dreaming, 2015.
International Writing Program, The University of Iowa
 Wang, Laura, ed., Twenty-Five Translations of a Fairy Tale, 2015. Anthology. Multilingual (18 languages).
ISCS Press
 Daly, Dennis, ed., Bagels with the Bards: Bagelbard Anthology #10, 2015. Anthology.
Isolate Flecks
 Young, Geoffrey, Click Here To Forget, 2016. Chapbook.
Ithuriel's Spear
 Robles, Tony, Cool Don't Live Here No More: A Letter to San Francisco, 2015. Prose.
 Tremblay-McGaw, Robin, Dear Reader, 2015.
Jacar Press
 Boyle, Kevin, Astir, 2015.
Byer, Kathryn Stripling, The Vishnu Bird, 2015.
Fincke, Gary, After the Three Moon Era, 2016.
Haskins, Lola, how small, confronting morning, 2016.
Kaufman, Debra, Delicate Thefts, 2015.
Kaufman, Debra, Richard Krawiec, Stephanie Levin, and Alan Michael Parker, eds., Intimacy: Poems, 2015.
Medina, Tony, ed., Resisting Arrest: Poems To Stretch the Sky, 2016. Anthology.
Michels, Kelly, Disquiet, 2015.
Ruark, Gibbons, The Road to Ballyvaughan, 2015.
Suk, Julie, Astonished To Wake, 2016.
Wright, Amy, and William Wright, Creeks of the Upper South, 2016.
JackPine Press (Canada)
 Calder, Alison, Connectomics, 2015. Chapbook.
 Edwards, Katherin, The Sky Was 1950 Blue: Poems from the Clothesline, 2015. Artist's Book. (On Special
 Stefanson, Shonda, Picking Apart the Stitches, 2015. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
 Lamont, Laura, and Jess Dixon, Lost + Found: Signposts for Steering Through the World, 2015. Artist's
 Roy, Zondra M., Homecoming, 2015. Chapbook.
Jamie Stern and Helen Hofling
 Various, Still Against War VI: Poems for Marie Ponsot, 2016. Anthology.
Jamie Stern and Nan Lombardi
 Various, Still Against War V: Poems for Marie Ponsot, 2015. Anthology.
Jamii Publishing
 Peñaredondo, Angela, Maroon, 2015.
 Rinne, Cindy, Spider with Wings, 2015.
 Washington, Romaine, Sirens in Her Belly, 2015.
JB Stillwater Publishing Company
 Muuss, Terri, and M. J. Tenerelli, eds., Grabbing the Apple: An Anthology of New York Women Poets, 2016.
Jennifer S. Kotter
 Janz, Robert, Post No Bills Poems, 2015.
John LeBow
 Caspe, Lynda, Buses Don't Go There, 2015. Chapbook.
John M. Hall
 Hall, John M., and Jeffery Beam, Sacred Spaces: The Home of Anne Spencer, 2015. Prose.
John Most
 Most, John, What Thoughts, 2015.
Johns Hopkins University Press
 Potkay, Adam, Wordsworth's Ethics, 2015. Prose.
 Prunty, Wyatt, Couldn't Prove, Had To Promise, 2015.
Joseph D. C. Ahumibe
 Ahumibe, Joseph D. C., Leaflets of Life (L.O.L.), 2015.
Katherine Hoover
 Hoover, Katherine, This Way About, 2015.
Kattywompus Press
 Burnside, Holly, Laws Regarding Silence, 2015. Chapbook.
 Clinton, Alan, Unsuccessful Love Poems: Or Theatricality of a Brick Wall, 2015. Chapbook.
 Colby, Joan, Ah Clio, 2015. Chapbook.
 Cook, Corey D., White Flag Raised, 2015. Chapbook.
 Cox, Aubrie, Out of Translation, 2015. Chapbook.
 Crisler, Curtis L., Don't Moan So Much (Stevie): A Poetry Musiquarium, 2016.
 de Blas, Bonné, The Rule of Contraction, 2016. Chapbook.
 Eady, Cornelius, Singing While Black, 2015. Chapbook + CD.
 Etzel, Jr., Dennis, My Graphic Novel, 2015. Chapbook.
 Evans, E. J., First Snow Coming, 2015. Chapbook.
 Faulkner, Sandra L., K4, M1: Knit Four, Make One, 2015. Chapbook.
 Fordon, Kelly, The Witness, 2016. Chapbook.
 Garrett, Van G., 49: Wings & Prayers, 2016. Chapbook.
 George, Barry, The One That Flies Back: Tanka, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hess, Ronnie, A Woman in Vegetable, 2015. Chapbook.
 Howey, Christine, Thin Chance, or How To Get a Reputation As a Dick: Featuring the Humorous Poetic
Stylings of Christine Howey, 2015. Chapbook.
 Macdonald, Iain, The Wrecker's Yard, 2015. Chapbook.
 McCurry, Sarah Neal, Speak So It Anchors You, 2016. Chapbook.
 Messing, Robin, Holding Not Having, 2015. Chapbook.
 Percival, Patricia, Bargain with the Speed of Light, 2015. Chapbook.
 Rogow, Zack, Talking with the Radio, 2015.
 Scarff, Kelly, Mother Russia, 2016. Chapbook.
 Schubert, Karen, Black Sand Beach, 2015. Chapbook.
 Schwartz, Deborah, A Girl Could Disappear Like This, 2015. Chapbook.
 Shipman, Christopher, Cat Poems: Wompus Tales & a Play of Despair, 2015.
 Sloboda, Noel, Risk Management Studies, 2015. Chapbook.
 Smith, Rose M., Holes in My Teeth, 2016. Chapbook.
 Stark, Steven D., Physician's Desk Reference, Annotated, 2016. Chapbook.
 Stever, Margo Taft, The Lunatic Ball, 2015. Chapbook.
 Terzi, Judith, If You Spot Your Brother Floating By, 2015. Chapbook.
 Umansky, Leah, Straight Away the Emptied World, 2016. Chapbook.
 Yenser, Jon Kelly, The Disambiguation of Katydids, 2015. Chapbook.
 Zilleruelo, Art, Weird Vocation, 2015. Chapbook.
Kaya Press
 Wong, Nicolas, Crevasse, 2015.
Kelsay Books / Aldrich Press
 Byro, Laurie, Luna, 2015.
 Christophersen, Bill, Two Men Fighting in a Landscape, 2015.
 Houston, Lynn Marie, The Clever Dream of Man, 2015.
 Ortner, C. Toni, Traveling, A Perspective, 2015.
 Venkateswaran, Pramila, Thirteen Days To Let Go, 2015.
Kelsay Books / White Violet Press
 Coe, Terese, Shot Silk, 2015.
 Raphael, Carolyn, Dancing with Bare Feet, 2016.
Kelsey Street Press
 Pilch, Jennifer, Deus Ex Machina: A Melodrama, 2015.
 Yu, Timothy, ed., Nests and Strangers: On Asian American Women Poets, 2015. Anthology.
Kenning Editions
 Dorantes, Dolores; trans. Jen Hofer, Style, 2016. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Kent State University Press
 Bendorf, Oliver, The Spectral Wilderness, 2015.
 Brodeur, Brian, Local Fauna: Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Lueptow, Diana, Little Nest, 2015. Chapbook.
 Minicucci, Matthew, Translation: Poems, 2015.
Bialosky, Jill, The Players, 2015.
Hammer, Langdon, James Merrill: Life and Art, 2015. Prose.
Hirshfield, Jane, The Beauty, 2015.
Hirshfield, Jane, Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World, 2015.
Hughes, Langston, The Weary Blues, 2015.
Hughes, Langston; ed. Arnold Rampersad, David Roessel, and Christa Fratantoro, Selected Letters of
Langston Hughes, 2015. Prose.
Majmudar, Amit, Dothead: Poems, 2016.
Phillips, Patrick, Elegy for a Broken Machine: Poems, 2015.
Piercy, Marge, Made in Detroit, 2015.
Smith, Tracy K., Ordinary Light: A Memoir, 2015. Prose.
Updike, John; ed. Christopher Carduff, Selected Poems, 2015.
Young, Kevin, Blue Laws: Selected & Uncollected Poems 1995–2015, 2016.
Kore Press
 Borsuk, Amaranth, Pomegranate Eater, 2016.
 Browne, Laynie, Scorpyn Odes: Poetry, 2015.
Campbell, Allison, Encyclopédie of the Common and Encompassing, 2016.
Mangold, Sarah, Giraffes of Devotion, 2016.
Moritz, Rachel, Borrowed Wave, 2015.
Morris, Tracie, Handholding: 5 Kinds, 2016.
Ong, Monica, Silent Anatomies, 2015.
Korean Expatriate Literature & Cross-Cultural Communications
 Richards, Kyung-Nyun, Vision Test, 2016. Bilingual (Korean-English).
 Various, Korean Expatriate Literature 2016, 2016. Anthology. Bilingual (Korean-English).
Kórima Press
 *Arellano, Cathy, Salvation on Mission Street, 2016.
 *Rodriguez, Claudia, Everybody's Bread, 2015.
 Buck, Marie, Portrait of Doom, 2015.
 Staiti, Erica, The Undying Present, 2015.
Kurt Boone
 Boone, Kurt, The Skyscraper Shuffle, 2015.
La Presse
 Frémon, Jean; trans. Brian Evenson, Proustiennes, 2016.
 Jamme, Franck André; trans. Norma Cole, To the Secret, 2015.
 Parian, Anne; trans. Anne Parian, Monospace, 2015.
Lamar University Literary Press
 Brennan, Matthew, One Life, 2016.
Lapwing Publications (Ireland)
 Lyons, Alice, Speck: Poems 2002–2006, 2015.
Laverne Frith
 Frith, Laverne, The Evaporating Hours, 2015.
Lavi Press (Israel)
 Meallem, Avril, Dancing with the Wind, 2015.
Leaf Press (Canada)
 Peters, Sheila, The Bathymetry of Lax Kwaxl, 2016. Chapbook.
 Various, Cascadia, 2015. Chapbook Anthology.
Leapfrog Press
 Smelcer, John, Indian Giver, 2016.
Lee & Low Books
 Grimes, Nikki, Poems in the Attic, 2015. Children's.
 Hopkins, Lee Bennett, ed., Amazing Places, 2015. Children's Anthology.
Panzardi, Anthony, Poems for the Lost Millennium, 2015.
Les Figues Press
 Ackerman, Amanda, The Book of Feral Flora, 2015.
 Carmody, Teresa, and Vanessa Place, eds., TrenchArt Monographs: hurry up please its time, 2015.
 Costa, Eduardo; ed. Patrick Greaney; trans. Jen Hofer and John Pluecker, Conceptualism and Other
Fictions: The Collected Writings of Eduardo Costa 1965–2015, 2015.
 Doller, Sandra, Leave Your Body Behind, 2015.
 Uribe, Sara; trans. John Pluecker, Antígona González, 2016. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Weinstein, Adam Tipps, Some Versions of the Ice, 2016.
 Yu, Timothy, 100 Chinese Silences, 2016.
letter [r] press
 Feller, Shelley, TANGLED BANK & daily bugaboo jubilee, 2016. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
 Feller, Shelley, (from) TANGLED BANK & daily bugaboo jubilee, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Magi, Jill, To a Person Who Applies Blueness, 2016. Tiny Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 mclellan, kevin, [box], 2016. Artist's Book.
 Various, (excerpt from) small po[r]tions issue 6, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Witek, Terri, On Gavdos Ferry, 2015. Chapbook.
Letter Machine Editions
 Angle, Renee, WoO, 2016.
 Baik, Christina, and Andy Fitch, eds., The Letter Machine Book of Interviews, 2015. Prose.
 Moten, Fred, The Service Porch, 2016.
 Notley, Alice, Benediction, 2015.
 Shimoda, Brandon, Evening Oracle, 2015.
Lewis B. Sckolnick
 Sckolnick, Lewis B., A Book of Days, 2015.
Lines & Faces
 Bern, Alan, greater distance: and other poems, 2015. Artist's Book.
Lit Fest Press
 Sadie, Sarah, We are traveling through dark at tremendous speeds., 2016.
Litmus Press
 Bee, Susan, and Johanna Drucker, Fabulas Feminae, 2015.
 Cole, Norma, and Marina Adams, Actualities, 2015.
 Duncan, Aja Couchois, Restless Continent, 2016.
Manriquez, Hugo Garcia, Anti-Humboldt: A Reading of the North American Free Trade Agreement, 2015.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Queen, Khadijah, Non-Sequitur, 2015.
Zurawski, Magdalena, Companion Animal, 2015.
Little Bookroom, The
 Rosenthal, Bob, Cleaning Up New York, 2016.
little books press
 Hogan, Wayne, And Convergence: New and Selected Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hogan, Wayne, As Even Sway the Leaves: New & Selected Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
Little Sky Press
 Chelnik, Peter, Hey Girl: Collected Poems 1996–2010, 2015.
little m press
 Goff, Tom, Twenty Two, 2015. Chapbook.
Littlefox Press (Australia)
 Jammes, Francis; trans. Janine Canan, Under the Azure: Poems of Francis Jammes, 2015. Bilingual (FrenchEnglish).
Longleaf Press
 Julian, Jeanne, Blossom and Loss, 2015.
 Weingarten, Richard, The Four Gentlemen and their Footman, 2015.
 Maxwell, Mary, Nine Over Sixes, 2015.
Lost Horse Press
 Baker, Jeff, Whoop & Shush, 2015.
 Carney, Rob, 88 Maps: Poems, 2015.
 Florczyk, Piotr, East & West, 2016.
 Looney, George, Meditations Before the Windows Fail, 2015.
 Pieratti, Danielle, Fugitives, 2016.
 Pyle, Robert Michael, Chinook & Chanterelle, 2016.
 Rossi, Renée, Triage, 2016.
 Wright, Carolyne, M.L. Lyons, and Eugenia Toledo, eds., Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the
Workplace, 2015. Anthology.
Lost Roads Press
 Russo, Linda, Participant, 2016.
 Smith, Abraham, ed., Hick Poetics, 2015. Anthology.
Louisiana State University Press
 Bond, Bruce, For the Lost Cathedral, 2015.
 Delanty, Greg, Book Seventeen, 2015.
 Park, Hannah Sanghee, The Same-Different, 2015.
Lummox Press
 Guth, Ryan, Body and Soul, 2015.
Luna Bisonte Prods
 Argüelles, Ivan, Duo Poemata: Ilion - A Transcription & Altertumwissenschaft, 2015.
 Argüelles, Ivan, Orphic Cantos, 2016.
 Bennett, John M., The Inexplicaciones of the Dreams of Bibiana Padilla Maltos, 2016.
 Bennett, John M., Vertical Sleep, 2015.
 Ganick, Peter, New Poems, 2016.
Luna Bisonte Prods & Gradient Books
 Bennett, John M., la M al, 2015.
Luna Bisonte Prods & Poetry Hotel Press
 Bennett, John M., Select Poems, 2016.
Lunar Chandelier
 Bloomberg-Rissman, John, and Lynn Behrendt, A Picture of Everyone I Love Passes Through Me, 2016.
 Katz, Vincent, Southness, 2016.
MadHat Press
 Lawless, Daniel, ed., The Plume Anthology of Poetry 3, 2015. Anthology.
MadHat Press / Plume Editions
 Gallagher, Tess, and Lawrence Matsuda, Boogie-Woogie Crisscross, 2016.
Magic Helicopter Press
 Krutel, Mike, Fogland, 2015. Chapbook.
 Stempleman, Jordan, Wallop, 2015.
 Hilliard, Kamden, Distress Tolerance, 2016. Chapbook.
Main Street Rag
 Johnson, Jacqueline, A Woman's Season, 2015.
 Owens, Scott, Thinking About the Next Big Bang in the Galaxy at the Edge of Town, 2015.
Make Now Press
 aND, mIEKAL, metabolic GLYPH cannibals: Incantations for the Coming Apocalypse, 2016.
 Kotecha, Shiv, Extrigue, 2015.
 Steck, Ed, Far Rainbow, 2015.
Mammoth Publications, Inc.
 Hill, DaMaris B., \ Vi-zə-bəl \ \ Teks-chərs \, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wagner, Maryfrances, Dioramas, 2015.
Manic D Press
 Herrera, Juan Felipe, The Roots of a Thousand Embraces: Dialogues, 2016.
 Su, Adrienne, Living Quarters, 2015.
Many Voices Press
 Red Elk, Lois, Why I Return to Makoce, 2015.
Marick Press
 Bartoli, Giuseppe, The Fifth Most Wanted Man, 2016.
 Sweeney, Chad, White Martini of the Apocalypse, 2015.
MärkischerVerlag Wilhelmshorst (Germany)
 Grasnick, Charlotte, Poesiealbum 317: Charlotte Granick, 2015.
 Murray, Les, Poesiealbum 318: Les Murray, 2015.
Marsh Hawk Press
 Augustine, Jane, KRAZY: Visual Poems and Performance Scripts, 2015.
 Carlson, Claudia, My Chocolate Sarcophagus, 2015.
 Curley, John, Hybrid Moments, 2015.
 Fink, Thomas, Selected Poems & Poetic Series, 2016.
 McIntosh, Sandy, A Hole in the Ocean: A Hamptons' Apprenticeship & Questions After a History: A
Recapitulation, 2016.
 Miller, Stephen Paul, Any Lie You Tell Will Be the Truth, 2015.
 Morris, Daniel, Hit Play, 2015.
 Olivares, Christina, No Map of the Earth Includes Stars, 2015.
 Pines, Paul, Charlotte Songs, 2015.
 Quasha, George, Things Done for Themselves: Preverbs, 2015.
 Tabios, Eileen R., The Connoisseur of Alleys, 2016.
 Welch, Tana Jean, Latest Volcano, 2016.
Marymark Press
 Sonnenfeld, Mark, The picture is strange, 2015. Chapbook.
Maverick Duck Press
 Bell, Kendall A., How to Disappear, [2015]. Chapbook.
 Copeland, Taylor Emily, Monarch, 2015. Chapbook.
 Fineman, Kelly Ramsdell, The Universe Comes Knocking, 2015. Chapbook.
 Masters, Raina, Cautionary Tales, 2015. Chapbook.
 McCall, Mary, Singing with Sirens, 2015. Chapbook.
 Thomson, Caitlin, Territory Prayer, 2015. Chapbook.
Mayapple Press
 Bottiglieri, Jan, Alloy, 2015.
 Carson, Sarah, Buick City, 2015.
 Ferleger, Doris, Leavened, 2015.
 Gailey, Jeannine Hall, The Robot Scientist's Daughter, 2015.
 Goodfellow, Jessica, Mendeleev's Mandala, 2015.
 Joseph, Allison, Mercurial, 2016.
 Levi, Toni Mergentime, White Food, 2016.
 Moore, Devon, Apology of a Girl Who Is Told She Is Going to Hell, 2015.
 Nordhaus, Jean, Memos from the Broken World, 2016.
 Reverón, Amanda; trans. Don Cellini, El Silencio de las Horas / The Silence of the Hours, 2016. Bilingual
 Ruggieri, Helen, The Kingdom Where No One Keeps Time, 2015.
 Shantiris, Kita, What Snakes Want, 2015.
McFarland & Company
 Harriott, Esther, Writers and Age: Essays on and Interviews with Five Authors, 2015. Prose.
McGill-Queen's University Press (Canada)
 Tolmie, Sarah, Trio, 2015.
 Whiteman, Bruce, Tablature, 2015.
McSweeney’s Publishing
 Carr, Emily, Whosoever Has Let A Minotaur Enter Them, Or a Sonnet—, 2016.
 Castillo, Jesús, Remains, 2016.
 Khalatschi, Daniel, Tradition, 2015.
Mercer University Press
 Dauer, Lesley, Carnival Life, 2016.
 Dickey, James, Death, and the Day’s Light: Poems, 2015.
 Leland, John, Fireflies, 2015.
 Williams, Philip Lee, The Color of All Things: 99 Love Poems, 2015.
 Wright, William, Tree Heresies: Poems, 2015.
Mercury HeartLink
 Shannon, Jeanne, Summoning, 2016.
Meritage Press
 Young, Mark, Hotus Potus, 2015.
Meritage Press & i.e. press
 Allegrezza, William, Step Below: Selected Poems 2000–2015, 2016.
Mho & Mho Works
 Lark, Lolita, ed., The Vivisection Mambo: 125 Poems of the New Neo-Realist School, 2015. Anthology.
Miami University Press
 Lowe, Janice A., Leaving CLE: Poems of Nomadic Dispersal, 2016.
 Quart, Alissa, Monetized, 2015.
 Waldner, Liz, Her Faithfulness, 2016.
Michael B. Judkins
 Judkins, Michael B., Sentimental Me!, 2015.
Michael Truman Soper
 Soper, Michael, Confessions, 2016.
Michigan State University Press
 al-Sboul, Tayseer, Desert Sorrows: Poems by Tayseer al-Sboul, 2015.
 Apol, Laura, Requiem, Rwanda, 2015.
 Davis, Todd, Winterkill, 2016.
 Kezilahabi, Euphrase; ed. and trans. Annmarie Drury, Stray Truths: Selected Poems of Euphrase Kezilahabi,
2015. Bilingual (Swahili-English).
 Rumi; trans. and ed. Nesreen Akhtarkhavari and Anthony A. Lee, Love Is My Savior: The Arabic Poems of
Rumi, 2016. Bilingual (Arabic-English).
 Sénac, Jean; trans. Jack Hirschman, Citizens of Beauty: Poems of Jean Sénac, 2016.
Middle Island Press
 Lowe, Jack Phillips, Jupiter Works on Commission, 2015.
A Midsummer Night's Press / Body Language
 González, Rigoberto, Our Lady of the Crossword, 2015.
A Midsummer Night's Press / Fabula Rasa
 Enszer, Julie R., Lilith's Demons, 2015.
A Midsummer Night's Press / Sapphic Classics & Sinister Wisdom Press
 Dykewomon, Elana, What Can I Ask: New and Selected Poems 1975–2014, 2015.
 Parker, Pat, Strong: Three Poems by Pat Parker, 2015.
A Midsummer Night's Press & Sinister Wisdom Press
 Norman, Rose, Merril Mushroom, and Kate Ellison, eds., Landykes of the South: Women's Land Groups
and Lesbian Communities in the South, 2015. Anthology.
Sáma, Metta, * le animal * & other creatures, 2015. Chapbook.
Milkweed Editions
 Anderson, Karen Leona, Receipt, 2016.
 Clay, Adam, Stranger, 2016.
 Jones, Parneshia, Vessel, 2015.
Keith, Sally, River House, 2015.
Kwasny, Melissa, Pictograph, 2015.
Limón, Ada, Bright Dead Things, 2015.
Lu, Yi; trans. Fiona Sze-Lorrain, Sea Summit: Poems, 2015. Bilingual (Chinese-English).
Miller, Wayne, Post-, 2016.
Pankey, Eric, Crow-Work, 2015.
Reddy, Nancy, Double Jinx, 2015. Advance reader's copy.
Willoughby, Jennifer, Beautiful Zero, 2015.
Mindmade Books
 Anderson, Shane, Soft Passer, 2015. Chapbook.
 Cuadra, Pedro Xavier Solís; trans. Susanne Jill Levine, Tides, 2015. Chapbook. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Minerva Rising Literary Journal
 Nelson, Kelly, Who Was I To Say I Was Alive, 2015.
Minor Arcana Press
 Jensen, Marjorie, ed., Arcana: The Tarot Poetry Anthology, 2015. Anthology.
Minus A Press
 Hillman, Brenda, Joshua Marie Wilkinson, Brett Fletcher Lauer, and Andrew Zawacki, Four Poets, 2015.
Moderato Cantabile
 Young, Geoffrey, and Mark Olshansky, Sixteen Candles & Wool Works, 2016. Chapbook.
Molasses Books
 Olson, Charles, The Maximus Poems, 2015. Broadside.
Mongrel Empire Press
 Bruchac, Joseph, Four Directions: New and Recollected Poems, 2015.
Monk Books
 Gregorian, Alina, Navigational Clouds, 2015. Chapbook.
 Kanowik, Christine Neacole, KING OF PAIN, 2016.
Monster House Press
 Eldridge, Morgan, Pretty Pretty Prison, 2015. Chapbook.
 Gottschlich, Michelle, Void Sets, 2015.
 Payne, James, Things Just Aren't They, 2015.
 Spacek, Wendy Lee, Psychogynecology, 2015.
 Watters, David, Baby, 2016. Artist's Book.
 Wehrenberg, Jr., Richard, Hands, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Wehrenberg, Jr., Richard, Reset North America to Default Settings, 2016. Chapbook.
Moon Pie Press
 McCann, David, Same Bird: Poems New and Selected, 2016.
 Oppenheim, Eva Miodownik, Feasting on Air, 2015.
 Persons, Alice, Fancy Meeting You Here, 2015.
 Persons, Alice, ed., The Wildest Peal: Contemporary Animal Poetry II, 2015. Anthology.
 Plunkett, Daniel Duff, Museum: Poetry About Art and Artists, 2015.
 Robbins, Dana, The Left Side of My Life, 2015.
 Surette, David R., Stable, 2015.
 Taylor, Ellen M., Compass Rose, 2015.
MoonPath Press
 Green, Joseph, What Water Does at a Time Like This, 2015.
Moria Books
 Gwiazda, Piotr, Aspects of Strangers, 2015.
 Tabios, Eileen R., I Forgot Light Burns, 2015.
Morrie Warshawski
 Warshawski, Morrie, This Afternoon, 2015. Artist's Book.
Mountain Bridge Press
 Wasserman, Martin, Martin Buber in a Pentastich Light, 2015.
Mountains & Rivers Press
 Moore, Lenard D., The Open Eye, 2015.
Nate Pritts
 Pritts, Nate, Origin Stories, 2015.
National Poetry Month et al.
 Various, National Poetry Month: April 2016, 2016. Broadside.
National Poetry Review Press
 Wolohan, Emily, Hinge, 2015.
Nauset Press
 Harper-McIntosh, Roberta, The Land & Her Vanity, 2016.
 Meier, Michelle, Famous Geranium, 2015.
 Steinhoff, Carolyn, Under the World, 2015.
Nazar Look (Romania)
 Beck, Gary; trans. Taner Murat, Conditioned Response / Şartlî Ğewap, 2015. Bilingual (Tatar-English).
 Beck, Gary, Conditioned Response, 2015.
Negative Capability Press
 Angus, Kate, So Late to the Party, 2016.
 Darling, Kristina Marie, and Max Avi Kaplan, In love with the ghost., 2016.
 Henning, Barbara, A Day Like Today, 2015.
 Marks, Barry, Dividing by Zero, 2015.
 Matos, Carlo, It's Best Not To Interrupt Her Experiments, 2016.
 Weiland, Shanti, Sister Nun, 2016.
New Academia Publishing
 Bracken, Ann, The Altar of Innocence, 2015.
 James, Sonja, The White Spider in My Hand, 2015.
New Directions
 An-Shih, Wang; trans. David Hinton, The Late Poems of Wang An-Shih, 2015.
 Chiera, Lorenzo; trans. Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Massimiliano Chiamenti, Shards (Fragments of Verses),
2015. Bilingual (Italian-English).
 Gozo, Yoshimasu, Alice Iris Red Horse: Selected Poems, 2016. Advance reader's copy.
 Guilar, Ferreira; trans. Leland Guyer, Dirty Poem, 2015. Chapbook.
 Howe, Susan, The Birth-mark, 2015. Prose.
 Howe, Susan, The Quarry, 2015.
 Kogane, Tynan, ed., French Love Poems, 2016. Bilingual (French-English).
 Lax, Robert, Hermit's Guide to Home Economics, 2015. Chapbook.
 Legris, Sylvia, The Hideous Hidden, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
 Lewinter, Roger, The Attraction of Things, 2016. Advance reader's copy.
 Lewinter, Roger, Story of Love in Solitude, 2016. Advance reader's copy.
 Mackey, Nathaniel, Blue Fasa, 2015.
 Mayer, Bernadette, Works and Days, June 2016.
 Palmer, Michael, The Laughter of the Sphinx, June 2016.
 Pizarnik, Alejandra; trans. Yvette Siegert, Extracting the Stone of Madness: Poems 1962–1972, 2015.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Pound, Ezra, Cathay, 2015.
 Rosselli, Amelia; trans. Deborah Woodward, Roberta Antongnini, and Giuseppe Leporace, Hospital Series,
2015. Chapbook.
 Sarraute, Nathalie, Tropisms, 2015. Advance reader's copy.
 Schwartz, Delmore, Once and For All: The Best of Delmore Schwartz, 2016.
 Smith, Stevie, All the Poems, 2016.
 Vila-Matas, Enrique, Because She Never Asked, 2015. Advance reader's copy.
 Waldrop, Rosmarie, Gap Gardening: Selected Poems, 2016.
 Walser, Robert; trans. Susan Bernofsky, Looking at Pictures, 2015. Advance reader's copy.
 Walser, Robert; trans. Daniele Pantano and James Reidel, Fairy Tales, 2015.
New Formalist Press
 Schorb, E. M., Words in Passing: A Selection of Formal Verse, 2015.
New Issues Poetry & Prose
 Ali, Abdul, Trouble Sleeping, 2015.
 Case, Kristen, Little Arias, 2015.
 Clare, Olivia, The 26-Hour Day, 2015.
Cohen, Bruce, Imminent Disappearances, Impossible Numbers, & Panoramic X-Rays, 2016.
Halme, Kathleen, My Multiverse, 2015.
Hardy, Myronn, Kingdom, 2015.
LeFevre, Adam, A Swindler's Grace, 2016.
Morris, Sawnie, Her, Infinite, 2016.
Sweeney, Jennifer K., Little Spells, 2015.
New Michigan Press
 De Dominic, Nik, Your Daily Horoscope, 2015.
 Franco, James; ed. Sean Lovelace and Mark Neely, Nice Things by James Franco, 2016.
 Hannigan, Catie, What Once Was There Is the Most Beautiful Thing, 2015.
 O'Brien, Colleen, Spool in the Maze, 2015.
 Thon, Melanie Rae, The 7th Man, 2015.
 Walker, Nicole, Micrograms, 2016.
New Native Press
 Crowe, Thomas Rain, ed., A Living Legacy: In Their Own Words, 2015. Prose Anthology.
 Crowe, Thomas Rain, ed., Generations: A Centenary of American Poets (1919–2019), 2015. Anthology.
 Payne, Dorothy, Birthmarks, 2015.
New Native Press / Fern Hill Books
 Crowe, Thomas Rain, Learning To Dance: Selected Love Poems 1975–2015, 2015.
New Star Books (Canada)
 Bowering, George, The World, I Guess, 2015.
 Emerson, Julie, Twenty Seven Stings, 2015.
 morin, gustave, Clean Sails, 2015.
New York Review Books
 Aeschylus; trans. Joel Agee, Prometheus Bound, 2015.
 Apollinaire, Guillaume; trans. Ron Padgett, Zone: Selected Poems, 2015. Bilingual (French-English).
 Fondane, Benjamin; ed. Leonard Schwartz; trans. Mitchell Abidor et al., Cinepoems and Others, 2015.
Bilingual (French-English).
 Amis, Kingsley, Kingsley Amis: Collected Poems 1944–1979, [2015].
 Mandelstam, Osip; trans. Andrew Davis, Voronezh Notebooks, 2016.
 Ocampo, Silvina; trans. Jason Weiss, Silvina Ocampo: Selected Poems, 2015.
 Prynne, J. H., The White Stones, 2016.
 Shang-jen, K'ung; trans. Chen Shih-hsiang, Harold Acton, and Cyril Birch, The Peach Blossom Fan, 2015.
 Whitman, Walt, Drum-taps: The Complete 1865 Edition, 2015.
 Williams, John, ed., English Renaissance Poetry: A Collection of Shorter Poems, 2016. Anthology.
 Willis, Elizabeth, Alive: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
Newcastle Poetry Festival 2015 (UK)
 Various, Poetics of the Archive, 2015. Exhibition Catalog.
NeWest Press (Canada)
 Hildebrandt, Walter, Documentaries, 2016.
Hill, Gerald, Hillsdale Book, 2015.
McGrath, Wendy, A Revision of Forward, 2015.
Nexus Poetry Media
 Love, Sam, Converging Waters, 2015.
Nhà xuất bản Hội Nhà Văn (Vietnam)
 Inrasara; trans. Alec G. Schachner, Lễ tẩy trần tháng tư / The Purification Festival in April, 2015. Bilingual
 Yeniay, Müesser; trans. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Ngan, Nghi lễ hái hoa hồng trong vườn / The Rite of Picking
Roses in the Garden, 2015. Bilingual (Vietnamese-English).
Nightballet Press
 Abbott, Steve, The Incoherent Pull of Want, 2016. Chapbook.
 Borsenik, Dianne, ed., Delirious: A Poetic Celebration of Prince, 2016. Anthology.
 Buck, Chansonette, unfinished litany: incantations for transience, from the cul-de-sac, 2016. Chapbook.
 Burroughs, John, Beat Attitude, 2016. Chapbook.
 Carstens, Wolfgang; ill. Janne Karlsson, Rented Mule, 2015. Chapbook.
 Roberts, Andy, Yeasayer, 2016. Chapbook.
 Shaheed, Margie, Onomatopoeia, 2016. Chapbook.
 Wagner, D. R., The Generation of Forms, 2016. Chapbook.
 Walicki, Robert, The Almost Sound of Snow Falling, 2015. Chapbook.
 Wallace, George, Drugged by Hollywood, 2016. Chapbook.
Nightboat Books
 Adnan, Etel, Night, 2016.
 Bernstein, Felix, Burn Book, 2016.
 Blanchfield, Brian, Proxies: Essays Near Knowing {A Reckoning}, 2016. Prose.
 Borzutzky, Daniel, In the Murmurs of the Rotten Carcass Economy, 2015.
 Britton, Donald, In the Empire of the Air: The Poems of Donald Britton, 2016.
 Buzzeo, Melissa, The Devastation, 2015.
 Grinnell, E. Tracy, Hell Figures, 2016.
 Heller, Michael, Dianoia, 2016.
 Hoang, Lily, and Joshua Marie Wilkinson, eds., The Force of What's Possible: Writers on Accessibility & the
Avant-Garde, 2015. Prose Anthology.
 Iijima, Brenda, Remembering Animals, 2016.
 Javier, Paolo, Court of the Dragon, 2015.
 Kapil, Bhanu, Ban en Banlieue, 2015.
 Katz, Vincent, Swimming Home, 2015.
 Klein, Gabriella, Land Sparing, 2015.
 *Koestenbaum, Wayne, The Pink Trance Notebooks, 2015.
 Kyger, Joanne, The Japan and India Journals, 1960–1964, 2016. Prose.
 Martin, Dawn Lundy, Life in a Box Is a Pretty Life, 2015.
 Nao, Vi Khi, The Old Philosopher, 2016.
 Nathanaël, Asclepias: The Milkweeds, 2015.
 Nathanaël, The Middle Notebookes, 2015.
 Sakkis, John, The Islands, 2015.
 Swensen, Cole, Landscapes on a Train, 2015.
Szymaszek, Stacy, Hart Island, 2015.
White, Orlando, LETTERRS, 2015.
Zaher, Maged, The Consequences of My Body, 2016.
Nightwood Editions (Canada)
 Bird-Wilson, Lisa, The Red Files, 2016.
 Denham, Joe, Regeneration Machine, 2015.
 Fernandes, Raoul, Transmitter and Receiver, 2015.
 Fu, Kim, How Festive the Ambulance, 2016.
 Johnson, Michael, How To Be Eaten by a Lion, 2016.
 Simmers, Bren, Hastings-Sunrise, 2015.
 Thran, Nick, Mayor Snow, 2015.
 Warrener, Sheryda, Floating Is Everything, 2015.
 Wong, Rita, Undercurrent, 2015.
nine muses books
 Waterman, Margareta, denouement, 2015.
Ninety-Six Press
 Taylor, Nancy Dew, Taking Flight, 2015.
Nirala Publications (India)
 Kline, Christi Shannon, Poets in the Woods, 2016.
 Sharma, Yuyutsu, Quaking Cantos: Nepal Earthquake Poems, 2016.
No, Dear / Small Anchor Press
 Campos, Isabel Sobral, Material, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Chang, Chialun, One Day We Become Whites, 2016. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 Cozier, Shanté, Sometimes Angels, [2015]. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
Noemi Press
 Blunt Research Group, Lost Privilege Company: Or the Book of Listening, 2016. Anthology.
 Karl, Steven, Sister, 2016.
 Pluecker, John, Ford Over, 2016
 Vogel, Danielle, Between Grammars, 2015.
 Waldner, Liz, Little House, Big House (Now How I Am an American), 2016.
 Yamaguchi, Ryo, The Refusal of Suitors, 2015.
North Star Press of St. Cloud
 Bjorlie, Carol Pearce, Impossible Brightening, 2015.
 Kusunoki, Stan, 180 Days: Reflections & Observations of a Teacher, 2015.
 Pagnucci, Franco, Breath of the Onion: Italian-American Anecdotes, 2015. Prose.
 Singer, Julia Klatt, Untranslatable, 2015.
 Smith, Ken, and Sharon Chmielarz, Visibility: Ten Miles, 2015.
North Star Publishing
 Anish, Matthew, Starlight, 2015. Chapbook.
Northwestern University Press
 Miranda, Deborah A., Raised by Humans, 2015.
 Slavitt, David R., trans., Mahabharata, 2015.
 Sijzi, Hasan; trans. Rebecca Gould, After Tomorrow the Days Disappear: Ghazals and Other Poems, 2016.
Northwestern University Press / Curbstone Press
 Rodríguez, Luis J., Borrowed Bones: New Poems from the Poet Laureate of Los Angeles, 2016.
 Sealey, Nicole, The Animal After Whom Other Animals Are Named, 2016. Chapbook.
Northwestern University Press / TriQuarterly Books
 Chapman, Danielle, Delinquent Places, 2015.
 Foster, Jeanne, Goodbye, Silver Sister, 2015.
 Francis, Vievee, Forest Primeval, 2016.
 Hadas, Rachel, Questions in the Vestibule, 2016.
 Hagan, Ellen, Hemisphere, 2015.
 Jackson, Angela, It Seems Like a Mighty Long Time, 2015.
 Moody, Jonathan, Olympic Butter Gold, 2015.
 Spriggs, Bianca Lynne, Call Her by Her Name: Poems, 2016.
not for sale editions
 Baker, Jason, Questions About Fire, 2016. Chapbook.
Nowherelandian (Indonesia)
 Pertiwi, Dwiputri, and Andri Nirmala, Visions of Mundane Madness, 2015.
 Carroll, Donald Wayne, Lyrical Verses for the Soul, 2015.
nut wagon press / bottle rockets press
 Forrester, Stanford M., A Senryu by Sekiro, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
 Forrester, Stanford M., Tonight's Dinner, 2015. Tiny Chapbook. (On Special Display)
 Witham, Fran, Under the Maples, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
NYQ Books
 Allegretti, Joel, ed., Rabbit Ears: TV Poems, 2015. Anthology.
 Amen, John, strange theater, 2015.
 Broderick, Richard, Jesus of Walmart, 2016.
 Ferrell, Monique, Attraversiamo, 2016.
 Gelineau, Christine, Crave, 2016.
 Gloeggler, Tony, Until the Last Light Leaves, 2015.
 Harris, Daniel Y., The Underworld of Lesser Degress, 2015.
 Jonathan, Ted, Run, 2016.
 Lerner, Linda, Yes, the Ducks Were Real: Poems, 2015.
Margrave, Clint, Salute the Wreckage, 2016.
Ortolani, Al, Paper Birds Don't Fly, 2016.
Smith, Jared, To the Dark Angels, 2015.
Tuon, Bunkong, Gruel, 2015.
Vogel, Emily, First Words, 2015.
Yannantuono, Fred, and Philippe Petit-Roulet, To Idi Amin, I'm a Idiot and Other Palindromes, 2015.
O, Miami Poetry Festival
 Harjo, Joy, and O, Miami Poetry Festival, O,xySadvil Rhymeagra: Poetry Pill Bottle, [2015]. Artist's Book.
(On Special Display)
 O, Miami Poetry Festival, Poetry Fortune Cookies, [2015]. Artist's Book. (On Special Display)
 Various, O, Miami, [2015]. Anthology.
Oberlin College Press
 Neely, Mark, Dirty Bomb, 2015.
 Potter, Carol, Some Slow Bees, 2015.
Oblio Press
 Starck, Clemens, Old Dogs, New Tricks, 2016.
Octopus Books
 Deweese, Christopher, The Father of the Arrow Is the Thought, 2015.
 Hoy, Dan, The Deathbed Editions, 2016.
 Martinez, Marisol Limon, Via Dissimulata, 2015.
Off the Grid Press
 King, Dicko, Doggerland Ancestral Poems, 2015.
Off the Park Press
 Hennessy, Eileen, Places Where We Have Lived Forever, 2015.
 LaRocco, Claudia, ed., I Don't Poem: An Anthology of Painters, 2015. Anthology.
Ohio University Press
 Carpathios, Neil, ed., Every River on Earth: Writing from Appalachian Ohio, 2015. Anthology.
Oliver Arts & Open Press
 Mor, Barbara, The Victory of Sex and Metal, 2015.
Omnidawn Publishing
 Baker, Andrea, Each Thing Unblurred Is Broken, 2015.
 Beachy-Quick, Dan, Shields & Shards & Stitches & Songs, 2015.
 Eaton, C. Violet, Some Habits, 2015.
 Ekstrand, Eric, Laodicea, 2015.
 Freeman, Barbara Claire, Every Day But Tuesday, 2015.
 Hejinian, Lynn, The Unfollowing, 2016.
 Hume, Angela, Middle Time, 2016.
Keelan, Claudia, trans., Truth of My Songs: Poems of the Trobairitz, 2015. Anthology.
Massey, Joseph, To Keep Time, 2015.
Moore, Richard O., Particulars of Place, 2015.
Pato, Chus; trans. Erín Moure, Flesh of Leviathan, 2016. Bilingual (Galician-English).
Piccinnini, Douglas, Blood Oboe, 2015.
Revell, Donald, Essay: A Critical Memoir, 2015.
Rosenberg, Dan, Thigh's Hollow, 2015.
Ross, Margaret, A Timeshare, 2015.
Savich, Zach, The Orchard Green and Every Color, 2016.
Smith, Cassandra, u&i, 2015.
Stricker, Meredith, Our Animal, 2016.
Terris, Susan, Memos, 2015.
Waldrop, Keith, Selected Poems, 2016.
Open Letter
 Mariani, Lucio; trans. Anthony Molino, Traces of Time, 2015.
The Operating System
 Cheung, Stanford, Any Seam or Needlework, 2016.
 Crowley, Alex, Improper Maps, 2016.
 Cuillier, Joseph, The Sensitive Boy Slumber Party Manifesto, 2015.
 Ferris, Alaina, While Listening, 2016.
 Gurarie, Mark, Everybody's Automat, 2016.
 Howard, JP, Say/Mirror: Poems and Histories, 2015.
 Knittle, Davy, Cyclorama, 2015.
 Longofono, Peter, Chords, 2016.
 Reavey, Amanda Ngoho, Marilyn, 2015.
 Rothenberg, Jerome, Ariel Resnikoff, and Mikhl Likht, Ten Four: Poems, Translations, Variations, 2015.
 Saelaow, Anurak, Schema, 2015.
 Sparrow, How To Survive the Coming Collapse of Civilization: And Other Helpful Hints: A Guide, 2016.
 Yakovlev, Anton, Neptune Court, 2015.
Orchises Press
 Brown, Daniel, What More?, 2015.
 Goetsch, Douglas, Nameless Boy, 2015.
 O'Brien, Peggy, Trusting Ice, 2015.
 Stepanchev, Stephen, River Reveries, 2015.
 Witek, Terri, Body Switch, 2016.
Orison Books
 Brownlee, J. Scott, Requiem for Used Ignition Cap, 2015. Advance reader’s copy.
 Rice, Jordan, Constellarium, 2016.
Other Press
 Kirsch, Adam, Emblems of the Passing World: Poems After Photographs by August Sander, 2015.
Otis Books / Seismicity Editions
 Chao, Geneva, one of us is wave one of us is shore, 2016.
 Cherkovski, Neeli, and Bill Mohr, eds., Cross Strokes: Poetry Between Los Angeles and San Francisco, 2015.
 Erickson, Tim, Egopolis, 2015.
 Rachmuhl, Sophie; trans. Mindy Menjou and George Drury Smith, A Higher Form of Politics: The Rise of a
Poetry Scene, Los Angeles, 1950–1990, 2015. With accompanying disc. Prose.
 Rosenthal, Olivia, We're Not Here To Disappear, 2015.
Outriders Poetry Project
 Baird, Ansie, Ann Goldsmith, David Landrey, and Sam Magavern, Four Buffalo Poets, 2016. Anthology.
 Mesmer, Edric, Of Monodies & Homophony, 2015.
The Overlook Press
 Norris, Pamela, ed., Sound the Deep Waters: Women's Romantic Poetry in the Victorian Age, 2016.
Overpass Books
 Mitsios, Helen, If Black Had a Shadow, 2015. Chapbook.
 Waldman, Anne, Empty Set: A Universe of Discourse, 2016. Chapbook.
Owlfeather Collective
 Ironbiter, Suzanne, How Fish Learn: A Book of Days 2010–2015, 2016.
P & Q Press
 Garrison, Peggy, et al., After Hope: Poetry by Peggy Garrison and Her Poetry Family, 2015. Anthology.
P. K. Boissonnault
 Boissonnault, P. K., 60 Poems, 2015.
Paper Crown Press
 Peckham, Ellen, Arrested Ephemera: Haiga, 2015.
Paper Nautilus Press
 Dugger, Stephanie McCarley, Sterling, 2015.
 Harper, Jonathan, The Monster on the Mountain, 2015.
Parlor Press
 Atkinson, Jennifer, The Thinking Eye, 2016.
 Berlin, Monica, No Shape Bends the River So Long, 2015.
 Cooperman, Matthew, Spool, 2016.
 Funk, Allison, Wonder Rooms, 2015.
 Guillevic; trans. Monique Chefdor and Stella Harvey, Summoned: Requis: Poem 1977–1982, 2016. Bilingual
 Guinzio, Carolyn, Spine: Poems, 2016.
 Klatt, L.S., Sunshine Wound, 2015.
Losada, Jesús, The Magnetic Brackets, 2015.
Magrelli, Valerio; trans. Clarissa Botsford, The Condominium of the Flesh, 2016.
Monk, Geraldine, They Who Saw the Deep, 2016.
Sousa, Sarah, Split the Crow, 2015.
 Wallace, Jennifer, The Want Fire, 2015.
Paul Dry Books
 Mason, Dave, Davey McGravy: Tales to Be Read Aloud to Children and Adult Children, 2015. Children's.
 Zaid, Gabriel, The Selected Poetry of Gabriel Zaid, 2015.
Pavel Mervart (Czech Republic)
 Volková, Bronislava, Být stromem, který zpívá / Being a Tree That Sings, 2016. Bilingual (Czech-English).
Pear Tree Publishing
 Sargent, Lois, What Makes the United States?, 2015. Children's.
Peepal Tree Press (UK)
 Channer, Colin, Providential, 2015.
 Dabydeen, Cyril, God's Spider, 2015.
 Greaves, Stanley, Haiku, 2015.
 Ibrahim, Khadijah, Another Crossing, 2015.
 Laughlin, Nicholas, The Strange Years of My Life, 2015.
 Phillips, Esther, Leaving Atlantis, 2015.
 Shirley, Tanya, The Merchant of Feathers, 2015.
 Yanique, Tiphanie, Wife, 2015.
Penguin Random House / Nancy Paulsen Books
 Kousky, Vern, Otto the Owl Who Loved Poetry, 2015. Children's.
Penguin Random House / Penguin Books
 Gerstler, Amy, Scattered at Sea, 2015.
 Hayes, Terrance, How To Be Drawn, 2015.
 Klink, Joanna, Excerpts from a secret prophecy, 2015. Advance reader’s copy.
 Morgan, Robert, Dark Energy, 2015.
 Vap, Sarah, Viability, 2015.
Penguin Random House / Penguin Books UK (UK)
 Hannah, Sophie, ed., The Poetry of Sex, 2015. Anthology.
Penguin Random House / Penguin Classics
 Chandler, Robert, Boris Dralyuk, and Irina Mashinski, eds., The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry, 2015.
 Frost, Robert; ed. David Orr, The Road Not Taken and Other Poems: 100th Anniversary Edition, 2015.
Herbert, George; ed. John Drury and Victoria Moul; trans. Victoria Moul, George Herbert: The Complete
Poetry, 2015.
Yeats, W.B., When You Are Old: Early Poems, Plays, and Fairy Tales, 2015.
Penguin Random House / Penguin Poets
 Levin, Phillis, Mr. Memory: And Other Poems, 2016.
 Purpura, Lia, It Shouldn’t Have Been Beautiful, 2015.
 Schiff, Robin, A Woman of Property, 2016.
Penguin Random House / Viking Books for Young Readers
 Various, Please Excuse This Poem: 100 New Poets for the Next Generation, 2015. Children's Anthology.
Penmanship Books
 Valentine, Crystal, Not Everything Is a Eulogy, 2015.
Penned in the Margins (UK)
 Van Winkle, Ryan, The Good Dark, 2015.
Pennsylvania Center for the Book
 Conley, Tameka Cage, Losing, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Lin, Michelle, California, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Lonsiger, Dawn, Sundress, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Oresick, Peter, Autumn Evening at the Window with Brushes, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Siegell, Paul, “American stop honking I know what I’m doing”, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Squillante, Sheila, This Weather, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Steinberg, Nicole, My Dark Semitic Wiles, 2016. Broadside. (On Special Display)
 Szybist, Mary, Apology, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Perceval Press
 Wannberg, Scott; ed. S. A. Griffin, The Official Language of Yes, 2015.
Perdika Press (Canada)
 Prince, F.T., In Keats Country, 2015. Chapbook.
 Prince, F.T., Memoirs of Caravaggio, 2015. Chapbook.
Persea Books
 Bradfield, Elizabeth, Once Removed, 2015.
 Grey, Kimberly, The Opposite of Light, 2016.
 McCrae, Shane, The Animal Too Big To Kill, 2015.
 Meek, Sandra, An Ecology of Elsewhere, 2016.
 Macari, Anne Marie, Red Deer, 2015.
 Nevison, Susannah, Teratology, 2015.
 Newman, Amy, On This Day in Poetry History, 2016.
 Rosal, Patrick, Brooklyn Antediluvian, 2016.
 Salcman, Michael, ed., Poetry in Medicine: An Anthology of Verse About Doctors, Patients, Illness, and
Healing, 2015. Anthology.
Wilkinson, Caki, The Wynona Stone Poems, 2015.
Perugia Press
 Lawrence, Jennifer Browne, Grayling, 2015.
Peter John Scarpa
 Scarpa, Peter John, Arches of the Years, 2015.
 Scarpa, Peter John, Ever Returning Spring, 2016.
Phillip Giambri
 Giambri, Phillip, Confessions of a Repeat Offender, 2016.
Pinyon Publishing
 Cordera, Britny, Wingmakers, 2015.
 Entsminger, Gary Lee, Two Miles West, 2015.
 Fontenot, Ken, Just a Trace of Moon: Selected Poems 2006–2013, 2015.
 Hotham, Gary, Stone's Throw, 2016.
 Stuart, Dabney, Only the One Sky, 2016.
 Vreuls, Diane, After Eden, 2015.
Pitbull Imprint
 Dombrowski, Bob, Soundlines, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
 Dombrowski, Bob, A Talisman: Transitions, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
Pleasure Boat Studio
 Clarke, James, The Juried Heart, 2015.
 Coelho, Luisa; trans. Maria do Carmo de Vasconcelos, Kunuar: Poetic Impressions of Angola, 2016.
 Driscoll, Frances, Seaglass Picnic: With a Splash of Post-Traumatic Stress, 2015.
 Phillips, Louis, The Domain of Silence/The Domain of Absence: New and Selected Poems 1963–2015, 2015.
 Skillman, Judith, House of Burnt Offerings, 2015.
 Sund, Robert, Poems from Ish River Country, 2015.
 Weisberg, Saul, Headwaters: Poems & Field Notes, 2015.
Pleiades Press
 Bickham, Katie, The Belle Mar, 2015.
 Davis, Catherine Breese; ed. Martha Collins, Kevin Prufer, and Martin Rock, Catherine Breese Davis: On the
Life & Work of an American Master, 2015.
 Louis, Adrian C., Random Exorcisms, 2016.
 Stone, Bianca, Poetry Comics from the Book of Hours, 2016.
Pleiades Press & Gulf Coast
 Hastings, Beatrice; Benjamin Johnson and Erika Jo Brown, eds., Beatrice Hastings: On the Life and Work of
a Lost Modern Master, 2016.
Poet's Choice Publishing
 Ritchie, Elisavietta, Guy Wires, 2015.
The Poet's Press
 de Weever, Jacqueline, Trailing the Sun's Sweat, 2015.
 Glen, Emilie, The Writings of Emilie Glen 2: Fiction and Prose Poems, 2016.
 Glen, Emilie, The Writings of Emilie Glen 3: Poems from Magazines, 2016.
 Spina, Vincent, Dialogue, 2015.
 Veasey, Jack, The Dance That Begins and Ends: Selected Poems 1973–2013, 2015.
 Washburn, Don, Prayer Beads: A Poem Cycle, 2016.
The Poet's Press / Yogh & Thorn
 Rutherford, Brett, ed., Tales of Terror: The Supernatural Poem Since 1800: Volume I, 2015. Anthology.
 Rutherford, Brett, ed., Tales of Terror: The Supernatural Poem Since 1800: Volume II, 2016. Anthology.
Poetic Matrix Press
 Entrekin, Charles, and Gail Rudd Entrekin, The Art of Healing, 2016.
 Moore, Jr., Leroy Franklin, Black Kripple Delivers Poetry & Lyrics, 2015.
Poetry Mutual Press
 Roberts, Kim, Fortune's Favor, 2015.
Poetry Society of America
 Cloud, Adriana, Instructions for Building a Wind Chime, 2016. Chapbook.
 Hazuka, H.L., True to Life: Cuttings, Mechanics, and Modifications, 2015. Chapbook.
 Ritvo, Max, Aeons, 2015. Chapbook.
 Saavedra, Eva Maria, Thirst, 2015. Chapbook.
 Siskel, Callie, Arctic Revival, 2015. Chapbook.
 Sok, Monica, Year Zero, 2016. Chapbook.
 Trudgeon, Sarah, Dreams of Unhappiness, 2016. Chapbook.
 Turner, Amanda, Of Nectar, 2016. Chapbook.
Poets House
 Various, Emerging Poets 2016 Fellowship, 2016. Chapbook Anthology.
 Various, New York City Poetry Picnic: A Poetry Anthology by Lower Manhattan Students, 2016. Children's
 Various, Poets House Emerging Poets Fellows 2015, 2015. Anthology.
 Various, We Are New York City, 2015. Children's Anthology.
Poets House & Greenwich House
 Various, An Anthology Featuring Members of the Independence Plaza Workshop with Steven Sher: October
15–November 5, 2016, 2015. Oversized Chapbook.
Poets Wear Prada
 Calabrese, Rosalie, Remembering Chris, 2015.
 Kramer, Robert, Wordglass, 2015.
Pond Road Press
 Holmes, Meredith, Familiar at First, Then Strange, 2015.
Salner, David, Blue Morning Light: Poems & Interview, 2016.
Poor Claudia
 Hatcher, Ian, Prosthesis, 2016.
 Purcell, Greg, The Fundamentals, 2015.
Popcorn Press
 Dunn, Robin Wyatt, Poems from the War, 2016.
The Porcupine’s Quill (Canada)
 Coles, Don, A Serious Call, 2015.
 Hine, Daryl; ed. James Pollock, The Essential Daryl Hine, 2015.
 Lane, Travis; ed. Shane Neilson, The Essential Travis Lane, 2015.
 Neilson, Shane, On Shaving Off His Face, 2015.
 Rosenblatt, Joe, The Bird in the Stillness: Forest Devotionals, 2016.
Porkbelly Press
 Boyle, Sarah B., What's Pink & Shiny / What's Dark & Hard, 2015. Chapbook.
 Case, Doug Paul, College Town, 2015. Chapbook.
 Den Bleyker, Ariana D., Strangest Sea, 2015. Chapbook.
 mclennan, rob, Mouth of the Rat, 2015. Chapbook.
Portable Press @ Yo-Yo Labs
 Gray, Stephanie, Shorthand and Electric Language Stars, 2016.
 Sáma, Metta, The Year We Turned Dragon, 2016. Chapbook.
 Stoner, Sara Jane, Experience in the medium of destruction, 2015.
Post-Apollo Press, The
 Makhlouf, Issa; trans. Alicia F. Lam, Mirages, 2015.
 Weaver, Kathleen, Too Much Happens, 2015.
Postfluxpost (Germany)
 Gordon, Coco, and Luc Fierens, Politically correct?, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
PRA Publishing
 Clark, Lucinda J., ed., Poetry Diversified 2015: A Human Experience Anthology, 2015. Anthology.
 Nam, Yong Ho, My Love for You Before I Met You, 2015.
 Tatrallyay, Geza, Cello's Tears: Symphonic Poems, 2015.
Precious Heart Publishing
 Partee, Sabrina Reeves, Words of Wisdom for Women, 2015. Chapbook.
The Prelude Press
 Hosea, Chris, Double Zero, 2016.
Presa Press
 Greinke, Eric, Poets in Review, 2016. Prose.
 Greinke, Eric, and Glenna Luschei, Zen Duende: Collaborative Poems, 2016.
 Kempher, Ruth Moon, retrievals, 2015.
 Lev, Donald, Where I Sit, 2015.
 Metras, Gary, The Moon in the Pool, 2015.
 Splake, T. Kilgore, Winter River Flowing, 2015.
Press 53
 Barbee, Sam, That Rain We Needed, 2016.
 Braucht, Maria Ingram, Red Clay Gypsy, 2015.
 Foust, Rebecca, Paradise Drive, 2015.
 Garcia, Richard, Porridge, 2016.
 Habra, Hedy, Under Brush Strokes, 2015.
 Hickman, Lou Ella, She: Robed and Wordless, 2015.
 Krawiec, Richard, Women Who Loved Me Despite, 2015.
 Lababidi, Yahia, Balancing Acts: New and Selected Poems 1993–2015, 2016.
 McGookey, Kathleen, Stay: Prose Poems, 2015.
 Mills, Joseph, Angels, Thieves, and Winemakers, 2015.
 Mills, Joseph, Exit, Pursued by a Bear, 2016.
 Murchison, Ginger, A Scrap of Linen, a Bone, 2016.
 Nieman, Valerie, Hotel Worthy, 2015.
 Powell, Dannye Romine, Nobody Calls Me Darling Anymore, 2015.
 Rice, Adrian, Hickory Station, 2015.
 Stephenson, Shelby, Elegies for Small Game, 2016.
 Walters, LaWanda, Light Is the Odalisque, 2016.
Press Here
 Welch, Michael Dylan, Becoming a Haiku Poet, 2015. Prose.
 Welch, Michael Dylan, ed., Fire in the Treetops: Celebrating Twenty-Five Years of Haiku North America,
2015. Anthology.
Press Rappel
 Appel, Rosaire, split level pomes, 2015.
 Appel, Rosaire, not-tulips: visual haiku, 2016.
 Crews, Judson., From "Come Curse to the Moon", 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
press-press-pull / alabastine press
 Ball, Nelson, farmer's dell plaza, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
 Ball, Nelson, Two Poems, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
Pressed Wafer
 Barrett, Ed, The Sinatra n, 2016.
 Earnest, Jarrett, and Isabelle Sorrell, eds., For Bill, Anything: Images and Text for Bill Berkson, 2015.
Hershon, Robert, Freeze Frame, 2015. Chapbook.
Lepson, Ruth, ask anyone, 2015.
Mynes, Jess, One Anthem, 2015.
Taylor, Ken, self-portrait as joseph cornell, 2016.
Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (France)
 Brown, Lee Ann, Other Archer, 2015.
 Hollowell, Amy, Here We Are, 2015.
 Lazer, Hank, Poems Hidden in Plain View, 2016.
 Rothenberg, Jerome, A Field on Mars: Divagation & Autovariations, Poems 2000–2015, 2016.
Priestess & Hierophant
 Cole, Alicia, Darkly Told: An Audio Chapbook, 2015. CD.
Princeton University Press
 Auden, W. H.; ed. Edward Mendelson, The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Prose, Volume V, 1963–1968,
2015. Prose.
 Auden, W. H.; ed. Edward Mendelson, The Complete Works of W. H. Auden: Prose, Volume VI, 1969–1973,
2015. Prose.
 Barchiesi, Alessandro; trans. Ilaria Marchesi, Homeric Effects in Vergil's Narrative, 2015. Prose.
 Feinman, Alvin; ed. Deborah Dorfman, Corrupted into Song: The Complete Poems of Alvin Feinman, 2016.
 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; ed. Matthew Bell, The Essential Goethe, 2016.
 Greene, Roland, and Stephen Cushman, The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms: Third Edition, 2016.
 Jollimore, Troy, Syllabus of Errors: Poems, 2016.
 Maxwell, William J., F.B. Eyes: How J. Edgar Hoover's Ghostreaders Framed African American Literature,
2015. Prose.
 Sze-Lorrain, Fiona, The Ruined Elegance: Poems, 2016.
 Tóibín, Colm, On Elizabeth Bishop, 2015. Prose.
 Zuba, Jesse, The First Book: Twentieth-Century Poetic Careers in America, 2016. Prose.
Projective Industries
 Evans, Rowan, Freak Red, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Hume, Angela, Melos, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Moctezuma, José-Luis, Spring Tlaloc Séance, 2016. Artist's Book.
 Pilch, Jennifer, Sequoia Graffiti, 2016. Artist's Book.
 Schapira, Kate, Someone Is Here, 2015. Tiny Chapbook.
 Sulok, Kerin, This to Myself, 2016. Artist's Book.
 Szymaszek, Stacy, Journal Started in August, 2015. Artist's Book.
Prologue Press
 Phillips, Louis, Farthest, 2015.
 Phillips, Louis, Phillips Quarterly #5, 2015.
 Phillips, Louis, Phillips Quarterly #9, 2016.
Publication Studio
 Bradshaw, Joseph, The New York School, 2015.
Publishing Genius Press
 Quimba, Cheryl, Nobody Dancing, 2015.
Quaci Press
 Borello, Nicole, ed., Remembering the Days That Breathed Pink: A Collection of Women's Poems, Prose,
and Lyrics, 2016. Anthology.
Quale Press
 Barone, Dennis, Sound/Hammer, 2015.
Quirk Books
 Didriksen, Erik, Pop Sonnets: Shakespearean Spins on Your Favorite Songs, 2015.
 Doescher, Ian, William Shakespeare's The Clone Army Attacketh, 2015.
 Doescher, Ian, William Shakespeare's The Phantom of Menace, 2015.
 Doescher, Ian, William Shakespeare's Tragedy of the Sith's Revenge, 2015.
Greenwald, Ted, Later Lately, 2015. Broadside.
Rack Press (UK)
 Grubin, Eve, The House of Our First Loving, 2016. Chapbook.
Ra Rays Press
 Ivy, Evie, Living in 12-Tone…and Other Poetic Forms, 2015.
 Ivy, Evie, No, No Nonets: …the Book of Nonets, 2016.
Rain Mountain Press
 Cook, Rob, Diary of Tadpole the Dirtbag, 2016.
 Van De Kamp, Alexandra, Kiss/Hierarchy, 2016.
Rain Taxi
 Tate, James, The Meteor, 2016. Oversized Chapbook.
Rain Taxi / Ohm Editions
 Burt, Stephen, All-Season Stephanie, 2015.
 Den Bleyker, Ariana D, Wayward Lines, 2015.
Raw Dog Screaming Press
 Betts, Matt, Underwater Fistfight, 2016.
 Burkhead, B. E., The Underside of the Rainbow, 2015.
 Lindemann, Till; trans. Ehren Fordyce, On Quiet Nights, 2015.
 Wytovich, Stephanie M., Brothel, 2016.
Wytovich, Stephanie M., An Exorcism of Angels, 2015.
 Raymondo, "I, Grim Reaper", 2015. Broadside.
Rebel Satori Press
 *Xavier, Emanuel, Radiance, 2016.
Rector Press
 Sckolnick, Lewis B., Perspectives, 2016.
 Sckolnick, Lewis B., Yorkville Poems, 2015.
Red Bird Chapbooks
 Beckman, Madeleine, No Road Map, No Brakes, 2015. Chapbook.
 Brink, Jolene, Peregrine, 2015. Chapbook.
 Brorby, Taylor, Ruin: Elegies from the Bakken, 2015. Chapbook.
 Buchanan, Geraldine, Draw Your Horizon Line Low, 2015. Chapbook.
 Cramer, Elinor, Mayflower, 2015. Chapbook.
 Edenfield, Paige, Splinters, 2015. Chapbook.
 Frame, Anthony, To Gain the Day, 2015. Chapbook.
 Gustin, Sandra, This Treasured View, 2015. Chapbook.
 Heiden, Pete, Sean Hill and the Little Town of Vandenberg, 2015. Chapbook.
 Henderson, James C., Chasing Delight, 2015. Chapbook.
 Higgs, Lisa, Unintentional Guide to the Big City, 2015. Chapbook.
 Hove, Eric, Strange Friend, 2015. Chapbook.
 Johanson, Sonja, Trees in Our Dooryards, 2016. Chapbook.
 Kirby, Merie, The Thumbelina Poems, 2016. Chapbook.
 Kirk, Kathleen, ABCs of Women's Work, 2015. Chapbook.
 Lasché, Haley, Where It Leads, 2016. Chapbook.
 Lute, Renee Beauregard, and Susan Solomon, Bat, 2015. Chapbook.
 Lettmann, Vicky, What Can Be Saved, 2015. Chapbook.
 McCann, Janet, The Dancing House, 2016. Chapbook.
 Monroe, Jenn, In Anticipation of Grief, 2015. Chapbook.
 Naganawa, Arlene, The Scarecrow Bride, 2015. Chapbook.
 Oleson, Alice, Where in the World Is Red Bird?, 2016. Chapbook.
 Olson, Christina, Rook and the M.E., 2015. Chapbook.
 Perez, Jason Magabo, Phenomenology of Superhero, 2016. Chapbook.
 Tomasko, Steve, and no spiders were harmed, 2016. Chapbook.
 Vanderberg, Peter, Crossing Pleasant Lake, 2015. Artist's Book.
 Vorreyer, Donna, Encantado, 2015. Chapbook.
Red Dragonfly Press
 Barnstone, Aliki, Winter, with Child, 2015.
 Cohen, Susan, A Different Wakeful Animal, 2016.
 Edwards, Robert, The Big Job: Poems 1978–2004, 2016.
 Gustafson, Mark, The Odin House Harvest: An Analytical Bibliography, 2015. Prose.
 Hanson, Chad, This Human Shape, 2016.
 Issa, Kobayashi, Ken Tennessen, and Scott King, Dragonfly Haiku, 2016. Bilingual (Japanese-English).
Jarvenpa, Diane, …swift, bright, drift…, 2016.
Johnson, Jim, Yoik, 2015.
Maire, Mark, Clear Day in January, 2016.
Manfred, Freya, Speak, Mother, 2015.
Neruda, Pablo; trans. Mary G. Berg and Dennis Maloney, Three Material Songs, 2015. Artist's Book.
Raninqueo, Martín; trans. John Oliver Simon, War Haikus / Haikus de guerra, 2016. Bilingual (SpanishEnglish).
Rezmerski, John Calvin, Cataloging the Flow: Elegy, 2016.
Smith, Thomas R, The Glory, 2015.
Sterle, Francine, What Thread?, 2015.
Sutphen, Joyce, Modern Love & Other Myths, 2015.
Sutter, Bart, Cow Calls in Dalarna, 2016.
Vinz, Mark, Permanent Record & Other Poems, 2015.
Ziedonis, Imants; trans. Bitite Vinklers, Each Day Catches Fire, 2015.
Red Glass Books
 McFarland, JoAnne, Loose Horse in the Valley: A Modern American Lullaby, 2015. Chapbook.
Red Hen Press
 Archila, William, The Gravedigger's Archaeology, 2015.
 Bertram, Lillian-Yvonne, a slice from the cake made of air, 2016.
 Bogen, Laurel Ann, Psychosis in the Produce Department, 2016.
 Brewer, Gaylord, Country of Ghost, 2015.
 Campbell, Erik, The Corpse Pose, 2016.
 Coles, Katharine, Flight, 2016.
 Constantine, Brendan, Dementia, My Darling, 2016.
 Davis, Nicelle, The Walled Wife, 2016.
 Donovan, Gregory, Torn From The Sun, 2015.
 Dop, Gary, Father, Child, Water, 2015.
 Dower, Kim, Last Train to the Missing Planet, 2016.
 Everett, Percival, Trout’s Lie, 2015.
 Freydberg, Peggy, Poems from the Pond, 2015. Artist's Book.
 García, Ramón, The Chronicles, 2015.
 Goodan, Kevin, Let the Voices, 2016.
 Grimm, Teri Youmans, Becoming Lyla Dore, 2016.
 Heywood, Leslie, Abnormal Repetitive Behaviors, 2016.
 Hilberry, Jane, Still the Animals Enter, 2016.
 Inez, Colette, The Luba Poems, 2015.
 Koertge, Ron, Vampire Planet, 2016.
 Kostos, Dean, This Is Not a Skyscraper, 2015.
 Lemons, Gary, Snake: Second Wind, 2016.
 Mason, Holaday, The Red Bowl, 2016.
 O'Neill, Heather Aimee, and Jessica Piazza, Obliterations, 2016.
 Randall, Jessy, Suicide Hotline Hold Music, 2016.
 Saito, Brynn, Power Made Us Swoon, 2016.
 Scarpino, Andrea, What the Willow Said As It Fell, 2016.
 Schneiderman, Jason, Primary Source, 2016.
 Taylor, Tess, Work and Days, 2016.
 Tchakalian, Jacqueline Derner, The Size of Our Bed, 2015.
Tilley, Jim, Lessons from Summer Camp, 2016.
Trowbridge, William, Oldguy: Superhero, 2016. Oversized Chapbook.
Uyematsu, Amy, The Yellow Door, 2015.
Wetzel, Sarah, River Electric with Light, 2015.
Red Hen Press / Arktoi Books
 Gainey, Celeste, The Gaffer, 2015.
Red Hen Press / BorealBooks
 Saulitis, Eva, Prayer in Wind, 2015.
Red Moon Press
 Berry, Ernest J., getting on, 2016.
 Bröker, Ralf, Kreischen der Kreide / the screech of chalk, 2016. Bilingual (German-English).
 Carter, Steven, Our Lady of Cythera: A Steven Carter Miscellany, 2015.
 Carter, Steven, The Sorrows of Amphitrite, 2016.
 Carter, Steven, Urn Burial, 2016.
 Clark, Rick, bug-eyed & bird-brained: small creature haiku, 2016.
 Cooper, Bill, the fingertips of a glassblower, 2016.
 Cooper, Bill, Young Osprey, 2015.
 Forges-Ryan, Sylvia, What Light There Is, 2016.
 Grayson, David, discovering fire, 2016. Prose.
 Johansson, Jörgen, Half way through, 2015.
 Kacian, Jim, ed, Big Data: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2014, 2015. Anthology.
 Kacian, Jim, and the Red Moon Editorial Staff, eds., Galaxy of Dust: The Red Moon Anthology of EnglishLanguage Haiku 2015, 2016. Anthology.
 Kacian, Jim, ed., A New Resonance 9: Emerging Voices in English-Language Haiku, 2015. Anthology.
 Kenney, Bill, the earth pushes back, 2016.
 Kusmiss, Joseph M., end of Summer, 2015.
 Maya, Giselle, Cicada Chant, 2016.
 Newton, Peter, and Kathe L. Palka, A Path of Desire: tan renga, 2015.
 Pruett, Tyler S., A Refutation of Exile: A Haiku Sequence, 2015.
 Rotella, Alexis, Between Waves, 2015.
 Schwerin, Dan, Ors, 2015.
 Stillman, Jeff, Past Due: Haiku, 2015.
 Tauchner, Dietmar, Invisible tracks, 2015.
 Tennison, Michelle, murmuration, 2016.
 Westley, Kurt, Sleeping Bear, 2015.
 Wit, Ernest, black & white, 2016.
Red Mountain Press
 Gardner, Susan, Lifted to the Wind: Poems 1974–2015, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Kirschner, Molly, Hard Proof, 2015.
 Lawless, Gregory, Far Away, 2015.
 Moody, Gary Worth, Occoquan, 2015.
 Praitis, Irena, The Last Stone in the Circle, 2016.
 Thomson, Jeffrey, Fragile: A Memoir, 2015. Prose.
Red Paint Hill Publishing
 Buschi, Mary Lou, Awful Baby, 2015.
 Onusko, Elizabeth, Portrait of the Future with Trapdoor, 2016.
Regent Press
 Canan, Janine, My Millennium: Culture, Spirituality, the Divine Feminine, 2015. Prose.
Rescue Press
 Akant, Sara Deniz, Babette, 2015.
 Devota, Dot, The Division of Labor, 2015.
 Dickey, Melissa, Dragons, 2016.
 Rahe, Mark, On Hours, 2015.
RNB Circle Press
 Milonas, H. M., Tropic Rhapsodies: Poems, 2015.
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation (China)
 Cheng, Matthew, Poems, 2015. Bilingual (Chinese-English).
Ronsdale Press (Canada)
 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von; trans. Graham Good, Goethe's Poems, 2015.
Roof Books
 Brazil, David, Antisocial Patience, 2015.
 Goldberg, Ariel, The Photographer, 2015.
 Giffin, Lawrence, Plato's Closet, 2016.
 Landers, Susan, Franklinstein: Or, the Making of a Modern Neighborhood, 2016.
 McCaffery, Steve, Parsival, 2015.
 Phillips, Patrick R., we plié, 2015.
Rose Metal Press
 Davis, Nicelle, In the Circus of You: An Illustrated Novel-in-Poems, 2015.
Ruth Steinberg
 Steinberg, Ruth, Shadows, Echoes, Memories, 2015.
Ruth Stone Foundation / Monk Books
 Griffiths, Rachel Eliza, Jennif(f)er Tamayo, Cathy Linh Che, and Carolina Ebeid, Ruth Stone House Reader,
2016. Anthology.
S4N Books
 Miller, Tim, To the House of the Sun, 2015.
Sagging Meniscus
 Anstett, Aaron, Moreover, 2016.
 Smullyan, Jacob, Dribble, 2015.
 Tynan, John, Voice Lessons: And Other Poems, 2015.
Saint Julian Press
 David, Jeffrey, Coat Thief, 2016.
 Lamotte, Alfred K., Savor Eternity One Moment at a Time, 2016.
 Lamotte, Alfred K., Wounded Bud, 2016.
 McGrath, Kevin, Windward, 2015.
 Posmer, Britt, The Angel and the Heretic, 2015.
 Smith, David Glen, Variations on a Theme of Desire, 2015.
 Starbuck, Ron, There Is Something About Being an Episcopalian, 2016.
 Tammel, Anne, Endless: A Literate Passion, 2015.
Salmon Poetry (Ireland)
 Accardi, Millicent Borges, Only More So, 2016.
 Barrington, Judith, The Conversation, 2015.
 Beggs, Marck L., Blind Verse, 2015.
 Cardona, Helene; trans. Richard Wilbur, Life in Suspension / La Vie Suspendue, 2016. Bilingual (FrenchEnglish).
 Casey, Paul, Virtual Tides, 2016.
 Cavanagh, David, Straddle, 2015.
 Chapman, Patrick, Slow Clocks of Decay, 2016.
 Derosiers, Lori, Sometimes I Hear the Clock Speak, 2016.
 DuMars, Susan Millar, Bone Fire, 2016.
 Gardiner, David, The Chivalry of Crime, 2015.
 Gloviczki, Peter Joseph, American Paprika, 2016.
 Golden, Frank, The Night Game, 2015.
 Hearon, Todd, No Other Gods, 2015.
 Heffernan, Michael, The Night Watchman's Daughter, 2016.
 Howard, Ben, Firewood and Ashes: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
 *Lendennie, Jessie, ed., Even the Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry, 2016. Anthology.
 Leon, Raina J., sombra: (dis)locate, 2016.
 McGlinchey, Afric, Ghost of the Fisher Cat, 2016.
 Moore, George, Children's Drawings of the Universe, 2015.
 Morgan, John, Archives of the Air, 2015.
 Page, Ivy, Elemental: A Dissection of Parts, 2016.
 Potos, Andrea, An Ink Like Early Twilight, 2015.
 Shepard, Neil, Hominid Up, 2015.
 *Siegel, Scot, The Constellation of Extinct Stars and Other Poems, 2016.
 Wall, Eamonn, Junction City: New and Selected Poems 1990–2015, 2015.
 Wang, Yun, The Book of Totality, 2015.
Sand Paper Press
 Laguna, Fernanda, and Cecilia Pavón; trans. Stuart Krimko, Belleza y Felicidad: Selected Writings, 2015.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Sandy Berrigan
 Berrigan, Sandy, 100 Collages, 2015. Chapbook.
 Berrigan, Sandy, Grasp Bird's Tail, 2015. Chapbook.
Sarabande Books
 Barot, Rick, Chord, 2015.
 Bohince, Paula, Swallows and Waves, 2016.
 Day, Adam, Model of a City in Civil War, 2015.
 Dunn, Stephen, Keeper of Limits: The Mrs. Cavendish Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Homolka, Michael, Antiquity: Poems, 2016.
 Kimbrell, James, Smote: Poems, 2015.
 Martens, Amelia, The Spoons in the Grass Are There To Dig a Moat, 2016.
 Ossip, Kathleen, The Do Over, 2015.
 Tranströmer, Tomas; trans. Patty Crane, Bright Scythe: Selected Poems, 2015. Bilingual (Swedish-English).
 Zandi, Jordan, Solarium: Poems, 2016.
The Satire Project
 Gross, William F., Larry D. Lean, and Lenard D. Moore, The Satire Project: A Collaboration of Art, Music,
and Poetry, 2016.
 Gross, William F., Larry D. Lean, and Lenard D. Moore, The Satire Project: A Collaboration of Art, Music,
and Poetry, 2016. CD.
Saturnalia Books
 Nebel, Jay, Neighbors, 2015.
 Ostrom, Robert, Ritual and Bit, 2016.
 Robins, Michael, In Memory of Brilliance & Value, 2015.
 Simonds, Sandra, Steal It Back, 2015.
 Zuzga, Jason, Heat Wake, 2016.
Scarlet Tanager Books
 Levine, Richard Michael, Catch and Other Poems, 2015.
 Schweigman, Kurt, and Lucille Lang Day, eds., Red Indian Road West: Native American Poetry from
California, 2016. Anthology.
Schaffner Press
 Fogel, Alice B., Interval: Poems Based on Bach's "Goldberg Variations", 2015.
 Lough, James, and Alex Stein, eds., Short Flights: Thirty-Two Modern Writers Share Aphorisms of Insight,
Inspiration, and Wit, 2015. Anthology. Uncorrected proof.
Scrambler Books
 Pavón, Cecilia; trans. Jacob Steinberg, A Hotel With My Name, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Scurfpea Publishing
 Cole, Kevin L., ed., The Scandalous Lives of Butterflies, 2015. Anthology.
 Luden, Charles, Blue Thirsty, 2015.
 Snelling, Sara Amelia, Threadbare, 2015.
Secretary Press
 Burgess, Matthew, ed., Dream Closet: Meditations on Childhood Space, 2015. Anthology.
Serving House Books
 Alger, Derek, Beginnings: How 14 Poets Got Their Start, 2015. Anthology.
 Beckman, Madeleine, Hyacinths from the Wreckage, 2015.
 Kowit, Steve, et al.; ed. Duff Brenna, Walter Cummins, Clare MacQueen, and R. A. Rycraft, Steve Kowit:
This Unspeakably Marvelous Life, 2015. Anthology.
Settlement House
 Partnoy, Alicia; trans. Gail Wronsky, Flowering Fires / Fuegos florales, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Sampson, Dennis, The Lunatic in the Trees, 2015.
 Skipper, Louie, As Sunrise Becomes the World: A Trilogy, 2016.
 Waldor, Peter, The Unattended Harp, 2015.
Seven Kitchens Press
 Fox, Kate, Walking Off the Map, 2015. Chapbook.
 Robacker, Tammy, R, 2016. Chapbook.
 Saunier, Hayden, Field Trip to the Underworld, 2015. Chapbook.
 Shapiro, Gregg, Fifty Degrees, 2016. Chapbook.
 Taverna, Alison, What Hollywood Taught Me, 2016. Chapbook.
 Wimberley, Matthew, Snake Mountain Almanac, 2016. Chapbook.
Shabda Press
 Cook, Nahshon, The Killing Fields and Other Poems, 2015.
 Giver, David, I Still Remember the Last Time You Held My Hand, 2015.
 Jaeger, Lowell, Driving the Back Road Home, 2015.
 Kitakubo, Mariko, Indigo: Tanka Poetry, 2016. Bilingual (Japanese-English).
 Siegel, Joan I., The Fourth River, 2015.
Shambhala / Roost Books
 Benke, Karen, Write Back Soon!: Adventures in Letter Writing, 2015. Prose.
Shearsman Books (UK)
 Bagoo, Andre, Burn, 2015.
 Bugan, Carmen, Releasing the Porcelain Birds: Poems After Surveillance, 2016.
 Cross, Elsa; trans. Anamaría Crowe Serrano, Beyond the Sea, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Deming, Richard, Day for Night, 2016.
 Frank, Edwin, Snake Train: Poems 1984–2013, 2015.
 Jaffin, David, Jewel Sensed, 2015.
 Jaffin, David, Shadowing Images, 2015.
 Jaffin, David, Untouched Silences, 2016.
 Kuhl, Nancy, Pine to Sound, 2015.
 Machado, Antonio; trans. Michael Smith and Luis Ingelmo, Solitudes and Other Early Poems, 2015.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Marrin, Aubrie, Incognitum, 2015.
 O'Brien, Geoffrey, In a Mist, 2015.
Roffé, Mercedes; trans. Anna Deeny, Floating Lanterns, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
Russo, Linda, Meaning To Go to the Origin in Some Way, 2015.
Speaker, Mary Austin, The Bridge, 2016.
Stonecipher, Donna, Model City, 2015.
Weiss, Mark, As Luck Would Have It, 2015.
Sheep Meadow Press
 Agoos, Julie, Echo System, 2015.
 Blair, David, Friends with Dogs, 2016.
 Celan, Paul, and Nina Cassian; trans. Nina Cassian, Romanian Poems and Essays, 2015.
 Codrescu, Andrei, The Art of Forgetting, 2016.
 Cohen, Marc, Unknown Sky: Poems, 2015.
 Dent, Tory, Collected Poems, 2015.
 Hasan, Raza Ali, Sorrows of the Warrior Class, 2015.
 Hollander, Jean, And They Shall Wear Purple: New and Selected Poems, 2016.
 Ladin, Joy, Impersonation: Poems, 2015.
 Lieberman, Laurence, Divemaster: Swimming with the Immortals, 2016.
 Nystrom, Deborah, Night Sky Frequencies: New & Selected Poems, 2016.
 Rosenfeld, Natania, Wild Domestic: Poems, 2015.
 Schmidt, Michael, The Stories of My Life, 2016.
 Sexton, Elaine, Prospect/Refuge, 2015.
 Wilson, Fiona, A Clearance, 2015.
Sibling Rivalry Press
 Atkins, Priscilla, The Cafe of Our Departure, 2015.
 Duhamel, Denise, and Maureen Seaton, Caprice: Collaborations Collected, Uncollected, and New, 2015.
 Hamilton, Ralph, Teaching a Man to Unstick His Tail, 2015.
 Jaeger, Emily, The Evolution of Parasites, 2016.
 Klein, Michael, When I Was a Twin, 2015.
 Laberge, Peter, Hook, 2015. Chapbook.
 Madden, Ed, Ark, 2016.
 Parker, Tina, Mother May I, 2016.
 Price, C. Russell, Tonight, We Fuck the Trailer Park out of Each Other, 2016. Chapbook.
 Rocheteau, Casey, The Dozen, 2016.
 sax, sam, All the Rage, 2016. Chapbook.
 Soto, Christopher, Sad Girl Poems, 2016. Tiny Chapbook.
 Summer, Jane, Erebus, 2015.
 Terry, Daniel Nathan, City of Starlings, 2015.
 Wetlaufer, Valerie, Call Me by My Other Name, 2016.
Sidebrow Books
 Bloch, Julia, Valley Fever, 2015.
 Svalina, Mathias, The Wine-Dark Sea, 2016.
 Wilkinson, Joshua Marie, ed., The Volta Book of Poets, 2015. Anthology.
sight | for | sight books
 Moody, Rodger, History, 2015.
Broodthaers, Marcel; trans. Elizabeth Zuba and Maria Gilissen Broodthaers, My Ogre Book, Shadow
Theater, Midnight, 2016.
Cage, John; ed. Joe Biel and Richard Kraft, Diary: How To Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters
Worse), 2015.
Calle, Sophie, Suite Vénitienne, 2015.
Jay, Ricky, Matthias Buchinger: The Greatest German Living, 2016.
Kraft, Richard, and Danielle Dutton, Here Comes Kitty: A Comic Opera, 2015. Artist's Book.
Pendleton, Adam, Becoming Imperceptible, 2016.
Signature Books
 Caldiero, Alex, Some Love, 2015.
Silver Birch Press
 Farnsworth, Merrill, Kissing My Shadow, 2015.
 Fericano, Paul, The Hollywood Catechism, 2015.
Silverfish Press Review
 Jones, Robert Hunter, Winter Garden, 2016.
 Starck, Clemens, Studying Russian on Company Time, 2016.
 Thomas, Randolph, The Deepest Rooms, 2015.
Simon & Schuster
 Mariani, Paul, The Whole Harmonium: The Life of Wallace Stevens, 2016. Prose.
Simon & Schuster / Atheneum Books for Young Readers
 Donwerth-Chikamatsu, Annie, Somewhere Among, 2016. Children's.
Simon & Schuster / Gallery
 Williams, Saul, US(a.), 2015.
Simon & Schuster / Scribner
 Hirsch, Edward, and David Lehman, eds., The Best American Poetry 2015, 2015. Anthology.
Sixteen Rivers Press
 Beratlis, Stella, Alkali Sink, 2015.
 Lane, Rosa, Tiller North, 2016.
 Lindsay, Nina, Because, 2016.
 Robertson, Erin Lisa, The Orbit of Known Objects, 2015.
 Wickes, Helen, World As You Left It, 2015.
Slapering Hol Press
 Case, Susana H., The Scottish Café, 2015. Chapbook.
 Nilsson, HeidiLynn, The Math of Gifts, 2016. Chapbook.
 Parisio, Richard, The Owl Invites Your Silence, 2015. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
Slate Roof Press
 Pollock, Dennis, Frozen Rope, 2015.
Slipstream Press
 Carpathios, Neil, The Function of Sadness, 2015. Chapbook.
Slope Editions
 Mirov, Ben, ghost machines, 2016.
 Schiller, James, Yes I Understand and Wish to Continue, 2015.
Small Batch Books
 Howard, Mary, Silver Threads, 2015.
Small Doggies Press
 Edwards, Stevie, Humanly, 2015.
Sociosights Press
 Schiesser, Shubh Bala, Sacred River: Poems from India, 2016. Chapbook.
Solid Objects
 Carr, Julie, Think Tank, 2015.
 Mullen, Laura, Complicated Grief, 2015.
Somerset Hall Press
 Karageorge, Penelope, The Neon Suitcase, 2015.
The Song Cave
 Brooks-Motl, Hannah, M, 2015.
 Estes, Ben, Illustrated Games of Patience, 2015.
 Hou, Christine Shan Shan, I'm Sunshine, 2016. Chapbook.
 Hunt, Emily, Dark Green, 2015.
 Ives, Lucy, The Hermit, 2016.
 Liebowitz, Emily Sieu, In Any Map, 2015. Chapbook.
 McNeil, Rangi, Occasional Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Nadelberg, Amanda, The Bartleby Poems, 2015. Chapbook.
 Nicholson, Sara, What the Lyric Is, 2016.
 Schlegel, Christian, Honest James, 2015.
 Zuba, Elizabeth, May Double as a Whistle, 2015. Chapbook.
Southern Illinois University Press
 Brown, Sass, USA-1000, 2015.
 Coutley, Lisa Fay, Errata, 2015.
 Crook, Noel, Salt Moon, 2015.
 Kimbrell, Gregory, The Primitive Observatory, 2016.
 Linehan, Moira, Incarnate Grace, 2015.
 Richter, Jennifer, No Acute Distress, 2016.
Southern Indiana Review Press
 Hinrichsen, Dennis, Skin Music, 2015.
 Notess, Hannah Faith, The Multitude, 2015.
Sow's Ear Poetry Review
 Deulen, Daneille Cadena, American Libretto, 2015. Chapbook.
Spartan Press
 El-Scari, Natasha Ria, Screaming Times, 2015.
SPBH Pamphlet Series
 Nevada Diggs, LaTasha N., Trix are for kids, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
SpringGun Press
 Borsuk, Amaranth, and Brad Bouse, Between Page and Screen, 2016.
 Evans, Kristen, Mammal Room, 2015.
Spuyten Duyvil
 Bellen, Martine, This Amazing Cage of Light, 2015.
 Bherwani, Bhisham, Life in Peacetime, 2015.
 Martin, Richard, Techniques in the Neighborhood of Sleep, 2016.
 McGee, Lynn, Sober Cooking, 2016.
 Moseman, Lori Anderson, Flash Mob, 2016.
 Oisteanu, Valery, Anarchy for a Rainy Day, 2015.
 Wilson, Peter Lamborn, School of Nite, 2016.
Stanford University Press
 Wang, Dorothy, Thinking Its Presence: Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Asian American
Poetry, 2015. Prose.
State University of New York Press / Excelsior Editions
 Chalfi, Raquel; trans. Tsipi Keller, Reality Crumbs, 2015.
 Mason, R.S., Nearer to Never, 2015.
 Toorawa, Shawkat M., ed., The City That Never Sleeps: Poems of New York, 2015. Anthology.
Station Hill Press
 Gorrick, Anne, and Sam Truitt, eds., In|Filtration: An Anthology of Innovative Poetry from the Hudson River
Valley, 2016. Anthology.
 North, Charles, Tony Towle, and Paul Violi; ed. Andrew McCarron, 3 New York Poets: Charles North, Tony
Towle, Paul Violi, 2015.
 Quasha, George, Glossodelia Attract: Preverbs, 2015.
Stephen F. Austin University Press
 Shearin, Faith, Telling the Bees, 2015.
Stockport Flats
 Bishop, Suzette, Hive-Mind, 2015.
 Dymond, Nancy, Sleep Barn, 2015.
 Ehab, John, a shelf topped with books, 2015.
 Moran, Laura E. J., Desire Line, 2015.
Stockport Flats / Lute & Cleat
 Vogler, Brad, i know that this ritual, 2015.
Street Press Productions
 Everett, Graham, Living with Others, 2015.
Subito Press
 Bartlett, Sarah, Sometimes We Walk with Our Nails Out, 2015.
 Kearney, Douglas, Someone Took They Tongues, 2015.
 Russo, Linda, To Think of Her Writing Awash in Light, 2015.
Subpress Collective
 DeGraff, Adam, Wherewithal, 2015.
Sugartown Publishing
 *Coats, Robert, The Harsh Green World, 2015.
 *Coleman, Cheri, Stronger Than I Know: My Story in Poem, 2015.
 *Dana, Catherine Elizabeth, My Dad Believed in Love, 2016.
 *Guillemin, Chantal, Truchas: Closer to Heaven, 2015.
 *Ruth, Deborah Dashow, Joyriding on an Updraft, 2015.
 *Thomas, Bonnie, Sun on the Rind, 2015.
Sundress Publications / Agape Editions
 Razvi, Saba Syed, In the Crocodile Gardens, 2016.
 Chelko, MRB, SONGS & YES, 2015. Chapbook.
 Quimba, Cheryl, Scattered Trees Grow in Some Tundra, 2015. Chapbook.
Swan Isle Press
 Borinsky, Alicia; trans. Regina Galasso, Lost Cities Go to Paradise / Las ciudades perdidas van al paraíso,
2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Hernández, Luis; trans. Anthony Geist, The School of Solitude: Collected Poems, 2015. Bilingual (SpanishEnglish).
Swan Scythe Press
 Oates, David, The Heron Place, 2016.
Swerve Press
 Mathys, Ted, Woodland Pattern, 2015. Chapbook. (On Special Display)
Switchback Books
 Knorr, Alyse, Copper Mother, 2016.
 Nunes, Jenn Marie, And / Or, 2015.
 Parker, Morgan, Other People's Comfort Keeps Me Up at Night, 2015.
T.S. Poetry Press
 Malone, Dave, O: Love Poems from the Ozarks, 2015.
 Willome, Megan, The Joy of Poetry: How to Keep, Save, & Make Your Life With Poems, 2016. Prose.
Talisman House Press
 Quasha, George, The Daimon of the Moment: Preverbs, 2015.
 Sawyer-Lauçanno, Christopher, Remission, 2016.
 Schultz, Susan M., Memory Cards: Thomas Traherne Series, 2016.
 Valente, Peter, Let the Games Begin: Five Roman Writers, 2015.
 Vangelisti, Paul, Border Music, 2016.
 Wellman, Donald, Roman Exercises, 2015.
Talonbooks (Canada)
 Abel, Jordan, Injun, 2016.
 Avasilichioaei, Oana, Limbinal, 2015.
 Bissett, Bill, th book, 2016.
 Bowering, George, Writing the Okanagan, 2015.
 Browne, Colin, The Hatch, 2015.
 Burnham, Clint, Pound @ Guantánamo: 20 Poems, 2005–2014, 2016.
 Chan, Weyman, Human Tissue: a primer for Not Knowing, 2016.
 Del Bucchua, Dina, and Daniel Zomparelli, Rom Com, 2015.
 Fitzgerald, Judith, Impeccable Regret, 2015.
 Kirton, Jonina, page as bone - ink as blood, 2015.
 Kurd, Rahat, Cosmophilia, 2015.
 Morse, Garry Thomas, Prairie Harbour, 2015.
 Murakami, Sachiko, Get Me Out of Here, 2015.
 Peters, Carl, Studies in Description: Reading Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons, 2015. Prose.
 Wah, Fred; ed. Jeff Derksen, Scree: The Collected Earlier Poems, 1962–1991, 2016.
Tan Hinh Thuc Publishing Club
 Iêm, Khế; trans. Do Vinh, Poems, 2015.
Tandem Publishing
 Kusen, Michael P., "When I Don't…No Where To Go", 2016.
Tarpaulin Sky Press
 Apps, Aaron, Intersex: A Memoir, 2015.
 King, Amy, The Missing Museum, 2016.
Tavern Books
 Bolton, Joe, Breckinridge County Suite: To a Young Country Woman, 2015. Chapbook.
 Charters, Ann, and Charles Olson, Evidence of What Is Said: The Correspondence Between Ann Charters
and Charles Olson About History and Herman Melville, 2015. Prose.
 Hitchcock, George, The Wounded Alphabet: Collected Poems, 2015.
 Levad, Megan, Why We Live in the Dark Ages, 2015.
 Madievsky, Ruth, Emergency Brake, 2015.
 McDougall, Jo, The Undiscovered Room, 2015.
 Odio, Eunice; trans. Keith Ekiss, Sonia P. Ticas, and Mauricio Espinoza, The Fire's Journey (Part II: Creation
of Myself), 2015.
 Södergran, Edith; trans. Samuel Charters, We Women, 2015.
 Świrszczyńska, Anna; trans. Piotr Florczyk, Building the Barricade, 2016. Bilingual (Polish-English).
 Wevill, David, Where the Arrow Falls, 2016.
Tebot Bach
 Ebenbach, David, We Were the People Who Moved, 2015.
 ellen, Sacrifices Have To Be Human, 2015.
 Gottesman, Les, The Cases, 2015.
 Gunning, Sean, No Samaritan, 2016.
 *Hartt, Jordan, Leap, 2015.
 Hoben, Sandra, The Letter C, 2016.
 Malone, Erin, Hover, 2015.
 Rosen, Lois, Nice and Loud, 2015.
 Tayyar, Kareem, Magic Carpet Poems, 2015.
 Tennant, Colette, Eden & After, 2015.
 Terris, Susan, ed., Spillway 23, 2015. Anthology.
 Yates, Brenda, Bodily Knowledge, 2015.
 Miller, James, Poetry, 2015.
Temple Street Press
 De Casscza, Coco, A Grammar of Glamour, 2015.
Tender Buttons Press
 Brown, Lee Ann, ed., Tender Omnibus: The First 25 Years of Tender Buttons Press: 1989–2014, 2016.
Terra Nova Books
 Robards, Brooks, Fishing the Desert, 2015.
Texas Review Press
 Birkelbach, Alan, Waking the Bones: New and Selected Works, 2015.
 Brownlee, J. Scott, Ascension, 2015.
 Davis, William Virgil, Dismantlements of Science: Poems Selected and New, 2015.
 Drew, George, Pastoral Habits: New and Selected Poems, 2016.
 Dunkelberg, Kendall, Barrier Island Suite, 2016.
Foerster, Richard, River Road, 2015.
Hart, Gwen, The Empress of Kisses, 2016.
Marion, Linda Parsons, This Shaky Earth, 2016.
Mohney, Sally Stewart, Low Country, High Water, 2016.
morton, karla k, Accidental Origami: New and Selected Works, 2016.
Schroeder, Corinna McClanahan, Inked, 2015.
Texas Tech University Press
 Lack, Bruce, Service: Poems, 2015.
Third Man Books
 Stanford, Frank; ed. Michael Wiegers and Chet Weise, Hidden Water: From the Frank Stanford Archives,
 Stucky, Janaka, The truth is we are perfect, 2015.
Thistlemilk Press
 Barva, Gabe, Winter Demo, 2015. Chapbook.
 Cook, Shelby, Uniporn, 2015. Chapbook.
Three Sheets Press
 Scheele, Roy, The Sledders: Thirty Sonnets, 2016. Chapbook.
Thrush Press
 Cortese, Claudia, Blood Medals, 2015.
 Hardwick, Shannon Elizabeth, Francine in the Garden, 2015. Chapbook.
 Whitney, Jeff, The Tree with Lights in It, 2015.
Tia Chucha Press
 Hérnandez-Linares, Leticia, Mucha Muchacha: Too Much Girl, 2015.
 Miranda, Deborah A., Raised by Humans, 2015.
Tiger Bark Press
 Mnookin, Wendy, Dinner with Emerson, 2016.
Tiger's Eye Press
 Balistreri, Mary Jo, along the way, 2016. Tiny Chapbook.
 Johnson, Caitlin, Boomerang Girl, 2015. Chapbook.
 Jonopulos, Colette, Between, 2015. Chapbook.
 Moody, Nancy Carol, Mermaid, 2016. Chapbook.
Tightrope Books (Canada)
 Bozabalian, Lara, Tourist, 2016.
 Cayer, Lori, Dopamine Blunder, 2016.
 Conn, Jan, Tomorrow's Bright White Light, 2016.
 Downie, Glen, Democratic Beauties, 2015.
 Fernandes, Megan, The Kingdom and After, 2015.
Fraser, Michael, To Greet Yourself Arriving, 2016.
Mooney, Jacob McArthur, Molly Peacock, and Anita Lahey, eds., The Best Canadian Poetry in English,
2015, 2015. Anthology.
Pohl-Weary, Emily, Ghost Sick: A Poetry of Witness, 2015.
Timothy Riordan
 Riordan, Timothy, Observation Point: Poems 2011–2015, 2015.
Tin House Books
 Broder, Melissa, Last Sext, 2016.
Tinfish Press
 Crawford, Jen, Lichen Loves Stone, 2015. Chapbook.
 Dyke, Timothy, Awkward Hugger, 2015. Chapbook.
 Faik, Salah; trans. Maged Zaher, A Winged Horse in a Plane, 2015. Chapbook.
 Han, Joseph, Orphan, 2015. Chapbook.
 Saijo, Albert, Woodrat Flat, 2015.
 Samuels, Lisa, Over Hear: six types of poetry experiment in Aotearoa/New Zealand, 2015. Prose.
 Stalling, Jonathan, Lost Wax: Translation Through the Void, 2015.
 Wolsak, Lissa, Of Beings Alone, 2016.
 Young, Lynn, Where's My Ritspick?, 2015. Artist’s Book.
Toad Press
 Díaz, Karen Wild; trans. Ron Paul Salutsky, Anti-Ferule, 2015. Chapbook.
 Rosenthal, Olivia; trans. Béatrice Mousli, The Tears, 2015. Chapbook.
Trafford Press
 M. Jewel H., Bejeweled Poetry V: Alive, 2016.
Trembling Pillow Press
 Sikkema, Michael, May Apple Deep, 2015.
Trio House Press
 Cramer, Stephen, Bone Music, 2016.
 Hembree, Carolyn, Rigging a Chevy into a Time Machine and Other Ways To Escape a Plague, 2016.
 Longhorn, Sandy, The Alchemy of My Mortal Form, 2015.
 McCord, Kyle, Magpies in the Valley of Oleanders, 2016.
 O'Connell, Annmarie, Your Immaculate Heart, 2016.
 Tice, Bradford, What the Night Numbered, 2015.
Troll Thread
 Snelson, Danny, Epic Lyric Poem: 167121 Songs, 257.8 MB File, 2015.
Truman State University Press
 Miller, Michael, The Different War, 2015.
Bylenok, Laura, Warp, 2015.
St. John, Richard, Each Perfected Name, 2015.
Truth B. Told
 Told, Truth B., Words I Remember…, 2016.
Tupelo Press
 Barnstone, Tony, and Amin Mansouri, Pulp Sonnets, 2015.
 Beachy-Quick, Dan, (gentlessness), 2015.
 Byrnes, James, Everything Broken Up Dances, 2015.
 Camp, Lauren, One Hundred Hungers, 2016.
 Chun, Ye, Lantern Puzzle, 2015.
 Dracius, Suzanne; trans. Nancy Naomi Carlson, Calazaza's Delicious Dereliction, 2015. Trilingual (FrenchCreole-English).
 Flanagan, Deborah, Or, Gone, 2015. Chapbook.
 Guthrie, Annie, THE GOOD DARK, 2015.
 Jipson, Kristina, Halve, 2016.
 Kocher, Ruth Ellen, Third Voice, 2016.
 Kornfield, Myra, and Stephen Massimilla, Cooking with the Muse: A Sumptuous Gathering of Seasonal
Recipes, Culinary Poetry, and Literary Fare, 2016. Anthology.
 Militello, Jennifer, A Camouflage of Specimens and Garments, 2016.
 Nilsson, Kathy, The Infant Scholar, 2015.
 Parmenter, Chad, Weston's Unsent Letters to Modotti, 2015.
 Rabb, Lawrence, Mistaking Each Other for Ghosts, 2015.
 Schweizer, Harold, The Book of Stones and Angels, 2015.
 Smith, Maggie, The Well Speaks of Its Own Poison, 2015.
 Thompson, Gale Marie, Soldier On, 2015.
Turtle Light Press
 Robinson, Chad Lee, The Deep End of the Sky, 2015. Chapbook.
Two Sylvias Press
 An, Jasmine, Naming the No-Name Woman, 2016.
 Penaloza, Michelle, landscape/heartbeak, 2015.
 Schmeltzer, Michael, Blood Song, 2016.
 Silano, Martha, What the Truth Tastes Like, 2015.
 Woloch, Cecilia, Earth, 2015.
Ugly Duckling Presse
 Allison, Leslie, Martha, 2015. Chapbook.
 Baratynsky, Yevgeny; trans. Rawley Grau, A Science Not for the Earth, 2015. Bilingual (Russian-English).
 Colby, Kate, I Mean, 2015.
 Copp, Corina, The Green Ray, 2015.
 Dorantes, Dolores, and Rodrigo Flores Sánchez; trans. Jen Hofer, Intervenir/Intervene, 2015. Bilingual
 Eisenhower, Cathy, Distance Decay, 2015.
 Fama, Ben, Fantasy, 2015.
 Garnett, Callie, Hallelujah, I'm a Bum, 2015. Chapbook.
Goldstein, David B., Object Permanence, 2015. Chapbook.
Halpern, Rob, Common Place, 2015.
Hijikata, Tatsumi; trans. Sawako Nakayasu, Costume en Face, 2015.
Lund, Inger Wold, Leaving Leaving Behind Behind, 2015. Chapbook.
Marinovich, Filip, Wolfman Librarian, 2015.
Mikolowski, Ken, War, 2015. Broadside. (On Special Display)
Muhs, Steve, 221 Acres of Fun, 2015. Chapbook.
Narneeloop, Amy, Hair, 2015. Chapbook.
Nelson, Jennifer, Aim at the Centaur Stealing Your Wife, 2015.
Nguyen, Hoa, Tells of the Crackling, 2015. Chapbook.
Pichler, Michalis, The Ego and Its Own, 2015. German Language.
Platt, Kevin M. F., ed., Hit Parade: The Orbita Group, 2015. Anthology. Bilingual (Russian-English).
Salomão, Waly; trans. Maryam Monalisa Gharavi, Algaravias: Echo Chamber, 2016. Bilingual (PortugueseEnglish).
Scott, Ramsey, The Narco-Imaginary: Essays Under the Influence, 2016. Prose.
Sims, Laura, Staying Alive, 2016.
Sandig, Ulrike Almut; trans. Bradley Schmidt, Missing Witness, 2015. Chapbook.
Various, Emergency Index Vol. 4: An Annual Document of Performance Practice, 2015. Prose.
Warsh, Lewis, Alien Abduction, 2015.
Weiser, Karen, Or, The Ambiguities, 2015.
Ugly Duckling Presse & n+1
 Medvedev, Kirill; trans. Keith Gessen et al., It's No Good, 2016. Prose.
United Artists Books
 Iantosca, Tony, Shut Up, Leaves, 2015.
 Owen, Daniel, Toot Sweet, 2015.
 Rogal, Lisa, Morning Ritual, 2015.
 Wallen, Sarah Anne, Don't Drink Poison, 2015.
United Nations Society of Writers
 Weisbrot, Bhikshuni, Darrel Alejandro Holnes, and Elizabeth Lara, ed., Happiness: The Delight Tree: an
Anthology of Contemporary International Poetry, 2015. Anthology.
University of Akron Press
 Cavallaro, Brittany, Girl King, 2015.
 Metres, Philip, Pictures at an Exhibition: A Petersburg Album, 2016.
 Moore, Jennifer, The Veronica Maneuver, 2015.
 Phillips, Emilia, Groundspeed, 2016.
University of Alabama Press
 Blaser, Robin, et al.; ed. Miriam Nichols, The Astonishment Tapes: Talks on Poetry and Autobiography with
Robin Blaser and Friends, 2015. Prose.
 Carr, Julie, and Jeffrey C. Robinson, eds., Active Romanticism: The Radical Impulse in Nineteenth-Century
and Contemporary Poetic Practice, 2015. Prose.
University of Alaska Press
 Martin, Linda, I Follow in the Dust She Raises, 2015.
 Pataky, Jeremy, Overwinter, 2015.
 Sexton, Tom, A Ladder of Cranes, 2015.
 Tavel, Adam, Plash & Levitation, 2015.
University of Alberta Press (Canada)
 Major, Alice, Standard Candles, 2015.
 Therrien, Richard, Sleeping in Tall Grass, 2016.
University of Arizona Press
 Alarcón, Francisco X., Canto hondo / Deep Song, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Alarcón, Francisco X., and Odilia Galván Rodríguez, eds., Poetry of Resistance: Voices for Social Justice,
2016. Anthology. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Da', Laura, Tributaries, 2015.
 Magrane, Eric, and Christopher Cokinos, eds., The Sonoran Desert: A Literary Field Guide, 2016. Anthology
 Noel, Urayoán, Buzzing Hemisphere / Rumor Hemisférico, 2015. Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Paegle, Julie Sophia, Twelve Clocks, 2015.
 Wood, Karenne, Weaving the Boundary, 2016.
University of Arkansas Press
 Clark, George David, Reveille, 2015.
 Gent, Andrew, [explicit lyrics], 2016.
 Jones, Brock, Cenotaph, 2016.
 Kahf, Mohja, Hagar Poems, 2016.
 McDougall, Jo, In the Home of the Famous Dead, 2015.
 McKee, Laura, See You Soon, 2016.
 Wilkins, Joe, When We Were Birds, 2016.
University of California Press
 Homer; trans. Peter Green, The Iliad: A New Translation, 2016.
 Hughes, Langston; ed. Evelyn Louise Crawford and MaryLouise Patterson, Letters from Langston: From the
Harlem Renaissance to the Red Scare and Beyond, 2016. Prose.
 Schneider, David, Crowded by Beauty: The Life and Zen of Poet Philip Whalen, 2015. Prose.
 Balakian, Peter, Ozone Journal, 2015.
University of Chicago Press
 Balakian, Peter, Vise and Shadow: Essays on Lyric Imagination, Poetry, Art, and Culture, 2015. Prose.
 Dietz, Maggie, That Kind of Happy, 2016.
 Gibbons, Reginald, How Poems Think, 2015. Prose.
 Klug, Nate, Anyone, 2015.
 Mazur, Gail, Forbidden City, 2016.
 Morris, Ian, and Joanne Diaz, eds., The Little Magazine in Contemporary America, 2015. Prose.
 Pack, Robert, Clayfeld Holds On, 2015.
 Pravin, Vanesha, Disorder, 2015.
 Voisine, Connie, Calle Florista, 2015.
University of Georgia Press
 Berry, Simeon, Monograph, 2015.
 Brown, F. Douglas, Zero to Three, 2015.
 Dargan, Kyle, Honest Engine, 2015.
 Kitchen, Judith, What Persists: Selected Essays on Poetry from The Georgia Review, 1988–2014, 2016.
Prose Anthology.
 Major, Clarence, From Now On: New and Selected Poems, 1970–2015, 2015.
 McCullough, Laura, ed., A Sense of Regard: Essays on Poetry and Race, 2015. Prose.
University of Iowa Press
 Blair, John, Playful Song Called Beautiful, 2016.
 Cocola, Jim, Places in the Making: A Cultural Geography of American Poetry, 2016. Prose.
 Eberwein, Jane Donahue, Stephanie Farrar, and Cristanne Miller, eds., Dickinson in Her Own Time: A
Biographical Chronicle of Her Life, Drawn from Recollections, Interviews, and Memoirs by Family, Friends,
and Associates, 2015. Prose.
 Keniston, Ann, Ghostly Figures: Memory and Belatedness in Postwar American Poetry, 2015. Prose.
 Kwiatek, JoEllen, Study for Necessity, 2015.
 Mccullough, Aaron, Rank, 2015.
 Tigue, Lindsay, System of Ghosts, 2016.
University of Massachusetts Press
 Bolaki, Stella, and Sabine Broeck, eds., Audre Lorde's Transnational Legacies, 2015. Prose.
 Kutz-Marks, David, Violin Playing Herself in a Mirror, 2015.
 Meyers, Jeffrey, Robert Lowell in Love, 2015. Prose
 Wagenaar, Mark, The Body Distances (A Hundred Blackbirds Rising), 2016.
University of Michigan Press
 Ali, Kazim, Resident Alien: On Border-Crossing and the Undocumented Divine, 2015. Prose.
 Bond, Bruce, Immanent Distance: Poetry and the Metaphysics of the Near at Hand, 2015. Prose.
 Carruth, Hayden; ed. Shaun T. Griffin, From Sorrow's Well: The Poetry of Hayden Carruth, 2015.
 Ikkyu Sojun; trans. Sarah Messer and Kidder Smith, Having Once Paused: Poems of Zen Master Ikkyu
(1394-1481), 2015. Bilingual (Chinese-English).
 Lowe, Dunstan, Monsters and Monstrosity in Augustan Poetry, 2015. Prose.
 McSweeney, Joyelle, The Necropastoral: Poetry, Media, Occults, 2015. Prose.
 Shurin, Aaron, The Skin of Meaning: Collected Literary Essays and Talks, 2016. Prose.
 Wilkinson, Joshua Marie, ed., Anne Carson: Ecstatic Lyre, 2015. Prose.
University of Nebraska Press
 Osman, Ladan, The Kitchen-Dweller's Testimony, 2015.
 Perrine, Jennifer, No Confession, No Mass, 2015.
 Shiferraw, Mahtem, Fuschia, 2016.
 Wanek, Connie, Rival Gardens: New and Selected Poems, 2016.
University of New Mexico Press
 Dubrow, Jehanne, The Arranged Marriage, 2015.
University of North Texas Press
 Grumbling, Megan, Booker's Point, 2016.
 Windholz, Jordan, Other Psalms, 2015.
University of Notre Dame Press
 Campos, David, Furious Dusk, 2015.
 Hart, Kevin, Wild Track, 2015.
 Ott, Martin, Underdays, 2015.
 Shoptaw, John, Times Beach, 2015.
 Stetkevytch, Jaroslav, The Hunt in Arab Poetry: From Heroic to Lyric to Metapoetic, 2015. Prose.
University of Oklahoma Press
 Anaya, Rudolfo, Poems from the Río Grande, 2015.
 Luo, Ying; trans. Denis Mair, Memories of the Cultural Revolution: Poems, 2015.
University of Pittsburgh Press
 Bachmann, Beth, Do Not Rise, 2015.
 Bakken, Christopher, Eternity & Oranges, 2016.
 Barry, Quan, Loose Strife, 2015.
 Blanco, Richard; trans. Ruth Behar, Matters of the Sea / Cosas del mar, 2015. Chapbook. Bilingual
 Collins, Martha, Admit One: An American Scrapbook, 2016.
 deNiord, Chard, Interstate, 2015.
 Dolin, Sharon, Manual for Living, 2016.
 Emanuel, Lynn, The Nerve of It: Poems New and Selected, 2015.
 Gay, Ross, Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude, 2015.
 Handal, Nathalie, The Republics, 2015.
 Hernandez, David, Dear, Sincerely, 2016.
 Laurentis, Rickey, Boy with Thorn, 2015.
 Lehman, David, ed., The State of the Art: A Chronicle of American Poetry, 1988–2014, 2015. Anthology.
 Maia, Circe; trans. Jesse Lee Kercheval, The Invisible Bridge / El Puente Invisible, 2015. Bilingual (SpanishEnglish).
 Marshall, Nate, Wild Hundreds, 2015.
 McElroy, Colleen J., Blood Memory, 2016.
 Michelson, Richard, More Money than God, 2015.
 Moscaliuc, Mihaela, Immigrant Model, 2015.
 Oresick, Peter, Iconoscope: New and Selected Poems, 2015.
 Rocha, Iliana, Karankawa, 2015.
 Shaheen, Glenn, Energy Corridor, 2016.
 Vogelsang, Arthur, Orbit, 2016.
 Wallace, Ronald, For Dear Life, 2015.
 Webb, Charles Harper, Brain Camp, 2015.
University of Queensland Press (Australia)
 Holland-Blatt, Sarah, The Hazards, 2015.
University of South Carolina Press
 Fleming, Deborah, Towers of Myth and Stone: Yeats' Influence on Robinson Jeffers, 2015. Prose.
Jones, R. Mac, and Ray McManus, eds., Found Anew: Poetry and Prose Inspired by the South Caroliniana
Library Digital Collections, 2015. Anthology.
Merwin, W. S., What Is a Garden?, 2016.
Pineda, Jon, Little Anodynes, 2015.
Turner, Daniel Cross, and William Wright, eds., Hardlines: Rough South Poetry, 2016. Anthology.
University of Utah Press
 McCombs, Davis, Iore, 2016.
 Wallace, Sara, The Rival, 2015.
University of Virginia Press
 Francis, Lesley Lee, You Come Too: My Journey with Robert Frost: A Reflection on Poetry and Family, 2015.
 Helsinger, Elizabeth K., Poetry and the Thought of Song in Nineteenth-Century Britain, 2015. Prose.
 Hicok, Bethany, Elizabeth Bishop's Brazil, 2016. Prose.
 Leighton, Angela, Victorian Women Poets: Writing Against the Heart, 2015. Prose.
 Smith, Courtney Weiss, Empiricist Devotions: Science, Religion, and Poetry in Early Eighteenth-Century
England, 2016. Prose.
 Spaar, Lisa Russ, ed., Monticello in Mind: Fifty Contemporary Poets on Jefferson, 2016. Anthology.
University of Virginia Press & Samovar Press & Meridian
 Smith, Tracy K., and Jazzy Danziger, eds., Best New Poets 2015: 50 Poems from Emerging Writers, 2015.
University of Washington Press
 Witte, John, Disquiet, 2015.
University of Wisconsin Press
 Clewell, David, Almost Nothing To Be Scared Of, 2016.
 Feldman, Alan, Immortality, 2015.
 Reese, Rita Mae, The Book of Hulga, 2016.
 Siegel, Matthew, Blood Work, 2015.
 Stoddard, Christina, Hive, 2015.
 Whitaker, Jennifer, The Blue Hour, 2016.
University of Wisconsin Press / Parallel Press
 Wallace, Ronald, You Can't Be Serious, 2015. Chapbook.
University Press of Colorado / Utah State University Press
 Hutchins, Christina, Tender the Maker, 2016.
University Press of Florida
 Jimoh, A Yęmisi, and Françoise N. Hamlin, These Truly Are the Brave: An Anthology of African American
Writings on War and Citizenship, 2015. Anthology.
 Miller, W. Jason, Origins of the Dream: Hughes' Poetry and King's Rhetoric, 2016. Prose.
Unknown Press
 Kolm, Ron, Duke and Jill, 2015. Prose.
UpSet Press
 Booras, Robert, The New Night of Always, 2016.
 Parsa, Amir, Tractatüus Philosophiká-Poeticüus, 2015.
Uttered Chaos
 Hallett, Quinton, Mrs. Schrödinger's Breakfast, 2015.
Verge Books
 Cohen, Alicia, Coherer, 2015.
 Donahue, Joseph, Dark Church, 2015.
Vir Heroicus Sublimus
 Young, Geoffrey, and Lisa Sylvester, Propitious, 2016. Chapbook.
Virginia Fitzgerald
 Fitzgerald, Virginia, Poetry Dress, 2016. Art object.
Virtual Artists Collective / Purple Flag
 Benevento, Joe, Expecting Songbirds: Selected Poems 1983–2015, 2015.
 Birkelbach, Alan, Meridienne Verte, 2015.
 Brice, Stella, Urged (or, How Sex & Death Lift Up My Granny), 2015.
 Hada, Ken, Persimmon Sunday, 2015.
 Raby, Elizabeth, Beneath Green Rain, 2015.
 Wiggerman, Scott, Leaf and Beak: Sonnets, 2015.
A Vision and a Verse
 McCarthy, Margaret, The energy of cattle, 2015. Broadside.
 McCarthy, Margaret, From New Road, 2015. Broadside.
 McCarthy, Margaret, The Tangible Illumination of Summer, 2015. Broadside.
 McCarthy, Margaret, What the Smell of Boxwood Promised, 2015. Broadside.
 McCarthy, Margaret, Who goes there? Must we, 2015. Broadside.
W.W. Norton & Co.
 Baker, David, Scavenger Loop, 2015.
 Banias, Ari, Anybody, 2016. Advance reader’s copy.
 Beasley, Sandra, Count the Waves, 2015.
 Bernard, April, Brawl & Jag, 2016.
 Boland, Eavan, A Woman Without a Country, 2016.
 Boland, Eavan, A Poet's Dublin, 2016. Advance reader’s copy.
 Cushway, Philip, and Michael Warr, eds., Of Poetry & Protest: From Emmett Hill to Trayvon Martin, 2016.
Advance reader’s copy.
 Doty, Mark, Deep Lane: Poems, 2015.
 Espada, Martín, Vivas to Those Who Have Failed, 2016.
Freeman, Philip, Searching for Sappho: The Lost Songs and World of the First Woman Poet, 2016. Prose.
Fulton, Alice, Barely Composed: Poems, 2015.
Greenlaw, Lavinia, A Double Sorrow: A Version of Troilus and Criseyde, 2015.
Hacker, Marilyn, A Stranger's Mirror: New and Selected Poems 1994–2014, 2015.
Harjo, Joy, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings, 2015.
Jackson, Major, Roll Deep, 2015.
Kacian, Jim, Philip Rowland, and Allan Burns, eds., Haiku in English: The First Hundred Years, 2016.
Anthology. Paperback edition.
Kinsella, John, Firebreaks, 2016.
Marvin, Cate, Oracle, 2015.
O'Riordan, Adam, In the Flesh, 2015.
Pastan, Linda, Insomnia, 2015.
Rich, Adrienne, A Change of World: Poems, 2016. Advance reader’s copy.
Rich, Adrienne, Collected Poems 1950–2012, 2016.
Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz; trans. Edith Grossman, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Selected Works, 2015.
Stern, Gerald, Divine Nothingness: Poems, 2015.
Voigt, Ellen Bryant, Headwaters: Poems, 2015.
W.W. Norton & Co. / Liveright
 Brecht, Bertolt; trans. David Constantine and Tom Kuhn, Love Poems, 2015.
 Ferlinghetti, Lawrence; ed. Giada Diano and Matthew Gleeson, Writing Across the Landscape: Travel
Journals 1960–2010, 2015.
Wake Forest University Press
 Carson, Ciaran, From Elsewhere, 2015.
 McGuckian, Medbh, The Unfixed Horizon: New Selected Poems, 2015.
 Muldoon, Paul, Eiléan Ní Chuilleanáin, David Wheatley, John Montague, et al., The Shack: Irish Poets in the
Foothills and Mountains of the Blue Ridge, 2015. Anthology.
 Ní Chuilleanáin, Eiléan, The Boys of Bluehill, 2015.
 O'Reilly, Caitríona, Geis, 2015.
 Ormsby, Frank, Goat's Milk: New and Selected, 2015.
Walt Whitman Birthplace Association
 Policano, Anthony, ed., A Taste of Poetry, 2015. Prose. Anthology.
Wasteland Press
 Holgerson, John L., Unnecessary Tattoo and Other Stains on a Stainless Steel Heart, 2015. Chapbook.
Watkinson Library at Trinity College
 Plutzik, Hyam, Letter from a Young Poet, 2015. Prose.
Wave Books
 Berrigan, Anselm, Come In Alone, 2016.
 Choi, Don Mee, Hardly War, 2016.
 Fishman, Lisa, 24 Pages and Other Poems, 2015.
 Godfrey, John, The City Keeps: Selected and New Poems 1966–2014, 2016.
 Jess, Tyehimba, Olio, 2016.
Knox, Caroline, To Drink Boiled Snow, 2015.
Kocot, Noelle, Phantom Pains of Madness, 2016.
Mallarmé, Stéphane; trans. Jeff Clark and Robert Bonnono, A Roll of the Dice Will Never Abolish Chance,
Massey, Joseph, Illocality, 2015.
Meister, Ernst; trans. Graham Foust and Samuel Frederick, Of Entirety Say the Sentence, 2015. Bilingual
Rohrer, Matthew, Surrounded by Friends, 2015.
Smith, Rod, Touché, 2015.
Timmons, Susie, Superior Packets: Three Books, 2015.
Wieners, Joe, Supplication: Selected Poems of John Wieners, 2015.
Wolff, Rebecca, One Morning--, 2015.
Wayne State University Press
 Delp, Michael, Lying in the River's Bed: The Confluence of the Deadman and the Mad Angler, 2016.
 Joseph, Zilka, Sharp Blue: Search of Flame, 2016.
 Lauchlan, Michael, Trumbull Ave., 2015.
 Liebler, M. L., I Want To Be Once, 2016.
 Mikolowski, Ken, That That, 2015.
 Noodin, Margaret, Weweni: Poems in Anishinaabemowin and English, 2015. Bilingual (AnishinaabemowinEnglish).
Waywiser Press
 Hills, Jaimee, How To Avoid Speaking, 2015.
Wesleyan University Press
 Armantrout, Rae, Itself, 2015.
 Armantrout, Rae, Partly: New and Selected Poems, 2001–2015, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
 Blake, Sarah, Mr. West, 2015.
 Cage, John; ed. Laura Kuhn, The Selected Letters of John Cage, 2016. Prose.
 Christle, Heather, Heliopause, 2015.
 Doller, Ben, Fauxhawk, 2015.
 Eshleman, Clayton, ed., A Sulfur Anthology, 2015. Anthology.
 Fernandez, Robert, Scarecrow, 2016.
 Gizzi, Peter, Archeophonics, 2016. Uncorrected proof.
 Greenwald, Ted; ed. Miles Champion, The Age of Reasons: Uncollected Poems 1969–1982, 2016.
 Greenwald, Ted, Common Sense, 2016.
 Guest, Barbara; ed. Hadley Haden Guest, The Collected Poems of Barbara Guest, 2016.
 Jeffers, Honoree Fanonne, The glory gets, 2015.
 Kearney, Douglas, Seth Abramson, and Jesse Damiani, BAX: Best American Experimental Writing 2015,
2015. Anthology.
 Mallarmé, Stéphane; trans. Blake Bronson-Bartlett and Robert Fernandez, Azure: Poems and Selections
from the "Livre", 2015.
 McMorris, Mark, The Book of Landings, 2016.
 Moten, Fred, The Little Edges, 2015.
 Philip, M. NourbeSe, She Tries Her Tongue, Her Silence Softly Breaks, 2015.
 Vallejo, César; ed. Joseph Mulligan, Selected Writings of César Vallejo, 2015.
 Vizenor, Gerald, Treaty Shirts: October 2034—A Familiar Treatise on the White Earth Nation, 2016.
West End Press
 Mulligan, Bryce, Take to the Highway: Arabesques for Travelers, 2016.
 Winder, Tanaya, Words Like Love, 2015.
West Mountain Press
 Holland, Phil, The Dance Must Follow: Sixteen Cantos and an Epilogue, 2015.
White Cloud Press
 Macker, Teddy, This World, 2015.
White Jacket Press
 Reed, Jeremy, Furniture, 2015.
White Pine Press
 Alexander, Robert, Eric Braun, and Debra Marquart, eds., Nothing To Declare: A Guide to the Flash
Sentence, 2016. Anthology.
 Arnou-Laujeac, Gabriel; trans. Hélène Cardona, Beyond Elsewhere, 2015.
 Bly, Robert, Like the New Moon, I Will Live My Life, 2015.
 Hansen, Re'Lynn, To Some Women I Have Known, 2015.
 Hauge, Olav H.; trans. Olav Grinde, Luminous Spaces: Selected Poems & Journals, 2016.
 Jacobs, Jessica, Pelvis with Distance, 2015.
 Jones, Patricia Spears, A Lucent Fire: New & Selected Poems, 2015.
 Kovacik, Karen, ed., Scattering the Dark: An Anthology of Polish Women Poets, 2015. Anthology.
 Maranhão, Salgado; trans. Alexis Levitin, Tiger Fur, 2015. Bilingual (Portuguese-English).
 McNally, Janet, Some Girls, 2015.
 Murray, Joan, Swimming for the Ark: New and Selected Poems 1990–2015, 2015.
 Ra, HeeDuk; trans. Daniel Parker and YoungShil Ji, Wild Apple, 2015.
 Someck, Ronny; trans. Hana Inbar and Robert Manaster, The Milk Underground, 2015. Bilingual (HebrewEnglish).
 St. John, David, In the Pines: Lost Poems 1972–1997, 2016.
 Wijnberg, Nachoem M.; trans. David Colmer, Divan of Ghalib, 2016.
 Wright, James, and Robert Bly, The Lion's Tail and Eyes: Poems Written Out of Laziness and Silence, 2015.
White River Press
 Snively, Susan, The Heart Has Many Doors: A Novel of Emily Dickinson, 2015. Prose.
Wild Ocean Press
 Baker, Devreaux, out of the bones of earth, 2015.
 Doubiago, Sharon, The Visit: A Poem, 2015.
 Robbins, Doren, Twin Extra: A Poem in Three Parts, 2015.
Wilfrid Laurier University Press (Canada)
 Dutton, Paul, Sonosyntactics: Selected and New Poetry of Paul Dutton, 2015.
 Hall, Phil, Guthrie Clothing: The Poetry of Phil Hall, a Selected Collage, 2015.
 Queyras, Sina, ed. Erin Wunker, Barking & Biting: The Poetry of Sina Queyras, 2016.
 Vautour, Bart, Erin Wunker, Travis V. Mason, and Christl Verduyn, eds., Public Poetics: Critical Issues in
Canadian Poetry and Poetics, 2015. Prose.
Wings Press
 Barker, Wendy, From the Moon, Earth Is Blue, 2015. Chapbook.
 Barker, Wendy, and Dave Parsons, eds., Far Out: Poems of the '60s, 2016. Anthology.
 Bonazzi, Robert, Outside the Margins: Literary Commentaries, 2015. Prose.
 Cantú, Norma Elia, Transcendental Train Yard: A Collaborative Suite of Serigraphs, 2015. Bilingual
 Dameron, Chip, Drinking from the River: New & Selected Poems, 1975–2015, 2015.
 Hoggard, James, Soon After Rain, 2015.
 Nye, Naomi Shihab, Famous, 2015. Children's.
 Oliphant, Dave, Generations of Texas Poets, 2015. Prose.
 Ortiz, Amalia, Rant. Chant. Chisme., 2015.
 Randall, Margaret, Bodies / Shields, 2015. Chapbook.
 Randall, Margaret, She Becomes Time, 2016.
 Rips, Geoff, The Calculus of Falling Bodies, 2015.
 Schneider, Steven P.; trans. Edna Ochoa, The Magic of Mariachi / La Magia del Mariachi, 2016. Children's.
Bilingual (Spanish-English).
 Sen, Sudeep, Fractals, 2016.
 Uschuk, Pamela, Blood Flower, 2015.
 Villanueva, Alma Luz, Gracias, 2015.
 Walker-Nixon, Donna, Cassy Burleson, Rachel Crawford, and Ashley Palmer, eds., Her Texas: Story, Image,
Poem & Song, 2015. Anthology.
Winter Goose Publishing
 Beck, Gary, Displays, 2015.
 Beck, Gary, Perceptions, 2016.
 Kleinman, Loren, Breakable Things, 2015.
 Kristie, Jessica, Winter Dress, 2015.
 Stevenson, Dominic, The Northern Line, 2015.
 Schroders-Zeeders, Ina, Roads: Book 1, 2015.
Wipf and Stock Publishers / Resource Publications
 Poreba, Elizabeth, Vexed, 2015.
Wolf Ridge Press
 Teter, Vivian, Breath Enough, 2016.
Wolsak and Wynn Publishers / Buckrider Press (Canada)
 Chambers, Chris, Thrillows & Despairos, 2015.
 McMillan, Amber, We Can't Ever Do This Again, 2015.
 Fitterman, Robert, Nevermind, 2016.
 Kaplan, Josef, Poem Without Suffering, 2015.
 Wolf, Uljana; trans. Sophie Seita, i mean i dislike that fate that i was made to where, 2016. Chapbook.
Woodland Pattern Book Center & Friends of Lorine Niedecker / What Region?
 Hayes, Paul G., and Martha Bergland, Increase Lapham & Lorine Niedecker, 2015. Prose Chapbook.
Penberthy, Jenny, Lorine Niedecker's Century 1903–2003, 2015. Prose Chapbook.
Woodland Pattern Book Center / tinder | tender
 Sapigao, Janice Lobo, toxic city, 2015. Oversized Chapbook.
 Schelling, Andrew, Literature Is Not the Longhouse, 2015. Oversized Chapbook.
Word Palace Press
 Chuc, Teresa Mei, How One Loses Notes and Sounds, 2016.
 Lally, Michael, The Village Sonnets: 1959–1962, 2016.
The Word Works
 Ahmad, Kajal; trans. Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse et al., Handful of Salt, 2016.
 Barber, Jennifer, Works on Paper, 2016.
 Bennett, Carrie, The Land Is a Painted Thing, 2016.
 Bradley, John, Love-in-Idleness: The Poetry of Roberto Zingarello, 2015.
 Clarke, Cheryl, By My Precise Haircut, 2016.
 Crabtree, Jamison, Rel[AM]ent, 2015.
 Duffey, Barbara, Simple Machines, 2016.
 Lindsay, Frannie, If Mercy, 2016.
 McCabe, Marilyn, Glass Factory, 2016.
 Pirani, Ayaz, Happy You Are Here, 2016.
 Pfefferle, W.T., My Coolest Shirt, 2015.
 Sewell, Lisa, Impossible Object, 2015.
 Sophocles; trans. Keyne Cheshire, Murder at Jagged Rock, 2015.
 Ungar, Barbara Louise, Immortal Medusa, 2015.
 Zealberg, Joseph, Covalence, 2015.
WordCraft of Oregon
 Grabill, James, Sea-Level Nerve (Book Two): Prose Poems, 2015.
 Harrity, Dave, Our Father in the Year of the Wolf, 2015.
 Shaw, Luci, Sea Glass: New & Selected Poems, 2016.
 Hopkins, Lee, Jumping Off Library Shelves, 2015. Children's.
 Latham, Irene, Fresh Delicious: Poems from the Farmer's Market, 2016. Children's.
WordTech Communications / Cherry Grove Collections
 Alsop, Maureen, Mirror Inside Coffin, 2015.
 Bacharach, Deborah, After I Stop Lying, 2015.
 Bolton, Winston F., Among Ruins, 2015.
 Carpenter, Dan, The Art He'd Sell for Love, 2015.
 Dickson, Brian, All Points Radiant, 2015.
 Dus, Lisken Van Pelt, What We're Made Of, 2016.
 Fleming, Deborah, Into a New Country, 2016.
 Giordano, Gay, Waking from So Rich a Nightmare, 2015.
Hadduck, Kevin, Hymnody of the Blue Heron, 2016.
Huang, Ann Yu, White Sails, 2015.
Keves, Claire, What Diamonds Can Do, 2015.
McKee, Christine, On Shady Lane, 2015.
Orr, Leonard, A Floating Woman, 2015.
Sanders, Bonny Barry, October House, 2016.
Tassi, Nina Carey, Spirit Ascending, 2016.
Teller, Gayl, Hidden in Plainview, 2015.
Wonner, Marjorie, Sparks in the Dark, 2015.
Zeppa, Mary, My Body Tells Its Own Story, 2015.
WordTech Communications / CW Books
 De France, Steve, Mysteries from the Right Hand, 2015.
 Kalamaras, George, The Hermit's Way of Being Human, 2015.
 Leach, Tim, Icarus Flees the Garden of Earthly Delights, 2015.
 Lucas, Terry, In This Room, 2016.
 Olson, Kirby, Christmas at Rockefeller Center, 2015.
 Reiss, James, The Novel, 2015.
 Zaccardi, Joseph, A Wolf Stands Alone in Water, 2015.
WordTech Communications / David Robert Books
 Bullard, Chris, Grand Canyon, 2015.
 Glose, Bill, Personal Geography, 2016.
 Herrington, Neva, Open Season, 2015.
 Kelly, William, Water Tiger, 2015.
 Mandel, Charlotte, and Vincent Covello, Through a Garden Gate, 2015.
 Moffett, Judith, Tarzan in Kentucky, 2015.
 Neese, Tayve, Blood to Fruit, 2015.
 Poliner, Elizabeth, What You Know in Your Hands, 2015.
 Weisert, Hilde, The Scheme of Things, 2015.
 Westburg, Carol, Terra Infirma, 2015.
WordTech Communications / Turning Point
 Carroll, Neil, Fracking Dakota: Poems for a Wounded Land, 2015.
 Chase, Naomi Feigelson, The Journals of Empress Galla Placidia from Her Faithful Servant Lepida, 2016.
 Creighton, Allison, Drawing Down the Moon, 2015.
 Curtis, Mary Pacifico, Between Rooms, 2016.
 Hebald, Carol, Delusion of Grandeur, 2016.
 Kociemba, Alice, Bourne Bridge, 2016.
 Landon, Luann, South Bound, 2016.
 Penko, Christine, Thunderbirds, 2015.
 Rinne, Cindy, Quiet Lantern: A Novel in Verse, 2016.
 Stone, Carole, Late, 2016.
 Sullivan, David Allen, Black Ice, 2015.
 Taylor, Jane Vincent, Pencil Light, 2015.
 Thomas, Gail, Waving Back, 2015.
WordTech Communications / Word Poetry
 Albert, Alan, Fragments of the Natural, 2015.
 Chamberlain, Cara, The Divine Botany, 2015.
 Duffey, Barbara, I Might Be Mistaken, 2015.
 Galef, David, Kanji Poems, 2015.
 Greenway, William, The Accidental Garden, 2015.
 Hadaway, Meredith Davies, At the Narrows, 2015.
 Hall, Martha Deborah, New Haven, 2016.
 Hill-Bjerke, Carolyn, Things I Don't Want To Talk About, 2016.
 LeVasseur, Jeanne, Planetary Nights, 2015.
 Roney-O'Brien, Susan, Legacy of the Last World, 2016.
 Smallwood, Carol, Divining the Prime Meridian, 2015.
 Thompson, Christian, Pure Products of America, 2015.
 Woodcock, Diana, Under the Spell of a Persian Nightingale, 2015.
 Woodside, Martin, This River Goes Two Ways, 2015.
WordTech Communications / WordTech Editions
 Bracker, Jonathan, This Day, 2015.
 Dunkle, Iris Jamahl, There's a Ghost in This Machine of Air, 2016.
 Faye, George, World of Hard Use, 2015.
 Guida, George, Pugilistic, 2015.
 Kumar, Lavinia, The Skin and Under, 2015.
 Leach, Tim, Corncurls for the Medulla Oblongata, 2015.
 O'Dell, Molly, Off the Chart, 2015.
 Porter, Cati, My Skies of Small Horses, 2016.
 Rozga, Margaret, Justice freedom herbs, 2015.
 Schout, Dawn, Wanderlust, 2015.
World Audience
 Phillips, Louis, Rowing to the Silly Islands: New & Selected Verses Light, Humorous, Comic & Nonsensical,
Wrecking Ball Press (UK)
 Doaks, Celeste, Cornrows and Cornfields, 2015.
 Taylor, Keren, ed., Emotional Map of Los Angeles: Creative Voices from WriteGirl, 2015. Anthology.
Write Bloody Publishing
 Gibson, Andrea, Pansy, 2015.
 Mojgani, Anis, The Pocketknife Bible, 2015.
 Verlee, Jeanann, Said the Manic to the Muse, 2015.
Writers Ink Press
 Greco, Leonard, Paris and Other Thoughts, 2016. Chapbook.
Yale University Press
 Elkins, Ansel, Blue Yodel, 2015. Uncorrected proof.
 Millay, Edna St. Vincent; ed. Timothy F. Jackson, Selected Poems of Edna St. Vincent Millay: An Annotated
Edition, 2016.
YBK Publishers
 Verga, Angelo, Long & Short: Including The Street in Your Head, 2016.
Yes Poetry / Slyph Books
 Fucaloro, Thomas, Depression Cupcakes, 2016. Chapbook.
YesYes Books
 Asghar, Fatimah, After, 2015.
 Barnes, Aziza, i be, but i ain't, 2016.
 Courtney, Brandon, Inadequate Grave, 2016. Tiny Chapbook.
 Deshpande, Jay, Love the Stranger, 2015.
 Foreman, Aricka, Dream with a Glass Chamber, 2016.
 Gadson, Jonterri, Blues Triumphant, 2016.
 Gulig, Nicholas, North of Order: A Poem, 2015.
 Mortara, John, Some Planet, 2015.
 O'Neill, Emily, Pelican, 2015.
 Schwilling, Taryn, The Anatomist, 2015.
Ymah Rivera
 Hampden, Yvonne, The Reacquaintance of Love: Love & Selected Poems, 2015.
Zephyr Press
 Komelj, Miklavz; trans. Dan Rosenberg, Hippodrome, 2016. Bilingual (Slovene-English).
 Liu, Waitong; trans. Enoch Yee-Lok Tam et al., Wandering Hong Kong with Spirits, 2016. Bilingual (ChineseEnglish).
 Rózycki, Tomasz; trans. Bill Johnston, Twelve Stations, 2015.
 Xi, Xi; trans. Jennifer Feeley, Not Written Words, 2016. Bilingual (Chinese-English).
 Zeqo, Moikom; trans. Anastas Kapurani and Wayne Miller, Zodiac, 2015. Bilingual (Albanian-English).
Zephyr Press & MCCM Creations
 Thett, Ko Ko, The Burden of Being Burmese, 2015.
 Rayes, Mitch, and Mark Weber, Outskirts of Chaos / Remembering, 2015. Chapbook.
 rodriguez, w r, From the Banks of Brook Avenue, 2015.
Zinc Table Press
 Reiss, Gwen North, Notes on Metals, 2015. Chapbook.
Zone 3
 Kramer, Ashley Seitz, Museum of Distance, 2015.