Page 1 2001 AQHA Bay Stallion IRHA MATURITY OPEN
Page 1 2001 AQHA Bay Stallion IRHA MATURITY OPEN
2001 AQHA Bay Stallion { Surprise Enterprise Diamond Ms Topsail { PERFORMANCE RECORD ARC MAGIC ENTERPRISE is the earner of $50.443,00: 2004 NRHA Oklahoma Futurity Limited Non‐Pro Champion, NRHA Intermediate Non‐Pro & Non‐Pro finalist, 2005 Oklahoma Novice Horse Open Champion, IRHA Maturity Non‐Pro finalist, 2006 IRHA Derby Open 1st Go Round Leader (224,5), IRHA Derby Open Co‐Reserve Champion, IRHA Maturity Open 3rd, IRHA Maturity 1st Go Round Leader, 23 Classic Open Top Five, Manerbio Novice Horse Open Champion, 2007 Manerbio Open Champion, 23 Classic Open Top Five, IRHA Maturity Open Champion, NRHA Manerbio Open Champion (score 76), NRHA Maturity Open Champion (score 225), 2008 NRHA 23 Classic Open 3rd, NRHA World Champion Team Italy, NRHA Silver Medal Individual World Champion, 2009 Manerbio NRHA Non Pro 4th. MALE LINE ARC MAGIC ENTERPRISE is a son of SURPRISE ENTERPRISE, NRHA Open World Champion, AQHA World Champion Senior Reining Horse $44.873 in Reining and Sire Award and 25 AQHA points, NRHA Open Super Stakes Champion, NRHA Open Derby 3rd, NRHA Open Futurity 6th. Equi‐Stat Leading Reining Sire 1995 /1999 and Currently on the NRHA’s All‐ Time Leading Sire List, siring SAIL ON SURPRISE ($51.883 NRHA Open Futurity 3rd, Carolina Open Derby 3rd); ARC SPARKLE SURPRISE ($33.950: 1997 ANCR Pre‐futurity Open Reserve Champion, 1999 Uset Reining Championship finalist, Top Ten, tying for third in the Uset qualifing class at the 1999 AQHA World Championship Show in Senior Reining 3rd, NRBC and is only 6 points from his AQHA Superior Reining Award, earning 44 Reining Points, 2000 Open Saddlesmith Champion at NRHA Derby, Open Champion at NRBC, Gordyville Breeders Cup and Fort Worth Stock Show, AQHA Open Champion at Fort Worth Stock Show. Also, he has placed Reserve Champion in Open Saddlesmith at the Rocky Montain Summer Slide and Reserve Champion in Open at the Texas Classic, 2002 Uset Qualified), JERRY LEES SURPRISE ($44.599: NRHA Open Derby Champion, NRHA Open Futurity Finalist, AQHA World Championship Junior Reining 3rd), SUPRPISES JAC EXCLUSIVE AGENT FOR EUROPE: Jimmys Valentine { Roper’s Jimmy { Joe Cody Topsail Cody Diamond Ms Sparkle { Enterprise Lady Poco Matis Doc Bar Linda Mr Diamond Dude Pollyanna Rose [COWBOY] ($42.620: NRHA Limited Open Derby Champion, NRHA Limited Open Reserve World Champion), NIC NAC ENTERPRISE JR [SM ENTERPRISE JR] ($19.368: NRHA Non‐Pro and Open Saddlesmith Top Ten, Congress AQHA Senior Reining Champion and NRHA Intermediate Non‐Pro reserve Champion), ATA SURPRIZE (468 AQHA points, AQHA Reserve High‐Point Junior All‐Around Champion, High‐ Point Junior Heading Champion, Reserve High Point Junior Working Cow‐Horse Champion), ARC OAK ENTERPRISE $90,000,($59,514 in 2004): NRHA European Congress Bronze Trophy Open Champion, WOC European Congress Open Champion, Top Ten NRHA Money earner, NRHA Open's Champion, 2002 NRHA Open's Champion, 2003 NRHA World Championship Reserve Champion, 2004 NRHA Mooslargue World Reining Trophy Champion, NRHA Kreuth The Challenge Open Champion, NRHA Augsburg Americana Open Champion, NRHA Open World Champion); SURPRISE ENTERTAINER ($9.530 and 49 AQHA points, Novice Open Reserve Champion at the Canadian Supreme), NATURAL ENTERPRISE ($8.637: AQHA Register Of Merit and Top Ten Finalist in 1996 AQHA World Championship Junior Reining, Southwest Open Reining Futurity Champion, Novice Open Reserve Champion at the Southwest Futurity, Forth Worth NRHA Open Reserve Champion and Carolina Open Derby 4th), ARC PLAY WITH PRISES (Futurity Open 5th , Challenge Futurity Open 3rd , AICH Futurity Non‐Pro Champion, AICH Challenge Futurity Non‐Pro Champion, AICH Derby Non‐Pro Reserve Champion, AICH Open Reserve Champion, AICH Maturity Open Champion, Champion, AICH Maturity Open Reserve Champion, European Championship Non‐Pro Champion, 2003 Register Of Merit AQHA,2004 Register Of Merit NCHA). ARC BE AECH TOPSAIL ($3,579: 2006 IRHA Limited Open Reserve Champion, 2007 IRHA Derby Limited Open Champion); SURPRISE TOPSAIL ($3,376. 2002 IRHA Futurity Intermediate Non‐Pro finalist). FEMALE LINE 1st Dam Diamonds Ms Topsail by Topsail Cody, 1990 Solid Gold Reining Futurity 3‐Year‐Old Open Finalist, dam of offspring with earnings in excess of $77,000; including: ARC SPARKLE SURPRISE (Surprise Enterprise) $45,648: AQHA Open and Amateur Register Of Merit, Superior Reining, Regional Experience Senior Reining Champion and Reining Reserve Champion, NRHA Open World Champion, 2002 Gordyville Breeders Cup USEF Champion, 2003 NRBC USEF Champion, USEF Championship Open Champion, sire of offspring with earnings in excess of $90,900; ARC MAGIC ENTERPRISE (Surprise Enterprise), $50.443,00: REFERENCE; ARC BE AECH TOPSAIL (Surprise Enterprise), $3,579: 2006 IRHA Limited Open Reserve Champion, 2007 IRHA Derby Limited Open Champion; SURPRISE TOPSAIL (Surprise Enterprise), $3,376: 2002 IRHA Futurity Intermediate Non Pro finalist; ARC ROPERS SPARKLE (Surprise Enterprise), 2010 IRHA – NRHA Derby Intermediate Open finalist; ARC YELLOW DIAMONDS ( Surprise Enterprise), AQHA Points Earner; ARC ROPE THE DIAMOND (Doctor In Diamonds), 2007 NRHA Breeders Germany Futurity Snaffle Bit Non‐Pro Reserve Champion; 2nd Dam Diamonds Ms Sparkle by Mr Diamond Dude, $6,742. AQHA ROM, 1984 AQHA World Show Senior Reining Reserve Champion, dam of: DIAMOND MS TOPSAIL by Topsail Cody: above; ARC DIAMOND SURPRISE by Surprise Enterprise, NRHA Money Earner; ARC SPARK SURPRISE by Surprise Enterprise, dam of Tobia ($2,944 NRHA Money Earner); DIAMONDS MS LARK by Rugged Lark, AQHA Performer; ARC SPARKLIN LENA by Smart Little Lena, AQHA Performer Owned by: Andrea Castrucci 2011 Breeding Fee: € 1,500 Foals eligible for: IRHBA | NRHA SSP Germany STALLION & BROODMARE CENTER: 35016 Piazzola sul Brenta (PD) ‐ Via dell’Orto, 58 ‐ ITALY BROODMARE CENTER: 36040 Montegaldella (VI) ‐ Via Ghizzole, 7 – ITALY Luca Vescovi (Italian) +39 335 8391874 Dr. Marco Brunetti (Italian/English) +39 335 6050869 | [email protected] Squaw Leo { ARC Magic Enterprise IRHA MATURITY OPEN CHAMPION NRHA WORLD CHAMPION TEAM ITALY EARNER OF $50.443,00 Be Aech Enterprise KN Reining Resort Strada dei Puntoni, 11 – Capalbio (GR) – ITALY Phone +39 335 5690452
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