2015-16 Fact Book - Washington College
2015-16 Fact Book - Washington College
WASHINGTON COLLEGE FACT BOOK 2015-2016 Washington College Quick Facts, 2015-16 Enrollments Fall 2015 Undergraduates Matriculated Non-Matriculated Total Undergraduates Graduate Students Total Student Headcount TOTAL FULL TIME PART TIME 1386 37 1423 4 1427 1380 20 1400 0 1400 6 17 23 4 27 Undergraduate International Students Matriculated Exchange Total countries represented 136 19 32 Undergraduate Ethnicity Status Native-American Asian-American African-American Hispanic-American More than one race Hawaiian-Pacific Islander White Other / Unknown Non-Resident Alien TOTAL TOTAL 12 31 72 37 26 0 1010 62 136 1386 PCT 0.9% 2.2% 5.2% 2.7% 1.9% 0.0% 72.9% 4.5% 9.8% 100% FULL TIME 12 31 71 37 26 0 1005 62 136 1380 PART TIME 0 0 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 6 178 12.8% 177 1 Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid First-time Freshmen All Full-time Students TOTAL 372 1,265 PCT 95.1% 90.4% Degrees Awarded 2014-15 Bachelor of Arts Bachelor of Science Master's Note: Counts do not include double majors. TOTAL 280 67 15 Washington College Fall 2015 Faculty Total WC Full-Time Faculty Total WC Part-Time Faculty Tenured / Tenure Track with Terminal Degree TOTAL 113 51 98% Total Minorities Note: Counts include matriculated undergraduates only. i Table of Contents I. Introduction Quick Facts Table of Contents Mission Statement Board of Visitors and Governors Senior Staff II. Students Washington College Admissions Statistics Minority and International Admissions Statistics Geographic Distribution of Freshman Class Enrollment by Full/Part-Time Students/Class and Gender International Student Population Retention and Graduation Rates for Freshmen Cohorts Degrees Awarded by Major Dean's List/Honors Awarded Varsity Athletic Participation 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Faculty Faculty Roster Faculty by Rank, Gender, Tenure Status Five-Year Trend in Faculty Tenure Division Chairs, Academic Department Chairs and Program Directors Faculty Sabbatical and Leave Data Undergraduate Student-Faculty Ratios 14 15 16 17 18 19 Finances and Financial Aid Revenues and Expenditures Financial Aid Totals Financial Aid Awards Financial Aid History 20 21 22 24 Facilities On and Off-Campus Housing 25 Advancement Alumni Annual Giving History 26 III. IV. V. VI. VII. College Organization and Governance Organizational Charts ii Page i ii 1 2 3 27 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 MISSION STATEMENT Washington College challenges and inspires emerging citizen leaders to discover lives of purpose and passion. We share these values of our founding patron, George Washington: integrity, determination, curiosity, civility, leadership, and moral courage. We offer academic rigor and self-discovery in a supportive, residential community of well-qualified, diverse, and motivated individuals. We develop in our students habits of analytic thought and clear communication, aesthetic insight, ethical sensitivity, and civic responsibility. Unhurried conversation and close connections with an exceptional faculty and staff complement a broad curriculum of study. A beautiful campus, ready access to exciting cities and the Chesapeake Bay, and engagement with cultures and communities locally and around the world afford our students ample resources and opportunities for personal exploration and shared challenges. We prepare our students for rich and fulfilling lives; for myriad and unpredictable opportunities; for a lifetime of learning, leadership, and productive endeavor. The enduring values of Washington College – critical thinking, effective communication, and moral courage – move the world. 1 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Washington College Board of Visitors and Governors 2015-16 Officers H. Lawrence Culp, Jr. ’85, Chairman Richard L. Creighton ’73, Vice Chairman Lynn L. Bergeson, P’14, Secretary Ann Dorsey Horner ’80, Treasurer Sheila C. Bair, President Members Patrick William Allender P’11 Sheila C. Bair Lynn L. Bergeson, P’14 Norris W. Commodore, Jr. ’73 Jayne T. Conroy, P'12, P'15 Richard L. Creighton ’73 Thomas C. Crouse, Jr. ’59 H. Lawrence Culp, Jr. ’85 Peter D. Davenport Regis de Ramel ’97 John G. Eckenrode, P’08 Daniel Forrester Thomas H. Gale Stephen T. Golding ’72 P’05 Richard B. Grieves ’83 William J. Harvey, P'10 Michael Holtzman Ann Dorsey Horner ’80 Nina Rodale Houghton P’82, GP’11 Marcia Ann Invernizzi ’72 Margaret Goldstein Janney ’76 Kirk B. Johnson Beth Kahn Leaman ’73 Jim Lim, '91 Thomas H. Maddux P’78 Edward P. Nordberg ’82 Bert W. Rein Geoffrey M. Rogers, Sr. ’80 P’06 Dr. Henry F. Sears Ralph Snyderman, ’61 H’04 Daryl L. Swanstrom ’69John H. Timken ’03 Donald C. Tomasso P’98 Deborah Moxley Turner, ’77 Peter Van Dyke Matthew T. Weir ’90 John R. Whitmore Albert J.A. (Jay) Young ’81 Emeritus members Jeannie P. Baliles ’62 Margaret R. Bennett Betty Brown Casey ’47 H’86 Libby Anderson Cater Halaby H’90 Barbara T. Cromwell ’55 Jack S. Griswold P’94 H’07 Christian Havemeyer Sheryl V. Kerr H’04 Charles Lewis Lea, Jr. Craig Lewis P’79 GP’05 Thomas J. Maher P’83 P’85 John A. Moag, Jr. ’77 Zung Nguyen ’77 W. James Price IV, P’80 H’90 John J. Roberts William R. Russell, Jr. ’53 P’80 B. Francis Saul II H’08 L. Clifford Schroeder P’91, P’94, H’01 Mark A. Schulman ’67 Linda J. Spire W. Jackson Stenger ’49 George S. Wills 2 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Washington College Senior Staff Sheila C. Bair President Emily Chamlee-Wright Provost and Dean of the College Mark Hampton Vice President for Finance and Administration Joseph Holt Chief of Staff Satyajit Dattagupta Vice President for Enrollment Management Xavier Cole Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs Andrea Trisciuzzi Vice President of College Advancement Michael O’Connor Associate Vice President for College Relations and Marketing Bryan L. Matthews Director of Athletics and Assistant to the President for Special Projects Patrice DiQuinzio Associate Provost for Academic Services Ruth C. Shoge Dean of Library and Academic Technology Carolyn Burton Director of Human Resources Scott Cowdrey Chief Information Officer 3 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Washington College Admissions Statistics: Fall 2010 through Fall 2015 Fall Term FRESHMEN TRANSFERS TOTAL Applied Accepted % Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled Applied Accepted % Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled Total Applied Total Accepted % Accepted Total Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 3,981 2,962 74% 421 14% 81 44 54% 25 57% 4,062 3,006 74% 446 15% 4,799 2,715 57% 399 15% 117 73 62% 43 59% 4,916 2,788 57% 442 16% 4,484 2,976 66% 400 14% 112 72 64% 30 42% 4,596 3,048 66% 430 14% 4,647 3,088 66% 349 11% 139 97 70% 34 35% 4,786 3,185 67% 383 12% 5,318 2,960 56% 388 13% 150 56 37% 31 55% 5,468 3,016 55% 419 14% 6,847 3,702 54% 391 11% 140 87 62% 36 41% 6,987 3,789 54% 427 11% Washington College Freshmen Admissions Profile: Fall 2010 through Fall 2015 Academic and Demographic Characteristics Mean SAT Verbal Mean SAT Math Mean SAT Total Mean High School GPA Top Tenth Top Quarter Top Half NHS Members Public High School Non-Public High School Maryland Residents Out-Of-State Residents Female Male Fall Term 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 584 577 1161 3.49 40% 65% 92% 41% 68% 32% 54% 46% 57% 43% 592 579 1171 3.56 32% 66% 95% 40% 72% 28% 48% 52% 58% 42% 584 570 1154 3.48 35% 65% 90% 38% 68% 32% 42% 58% 57% 43% 583 579 1162 3.53 33% 62% 88% 38% 71% 29% 47% 53% 58% 42% 583 579 1162 3.56 34% 62% 88% 39% 70% 30% 40% 60% 59% 41% 592 589 1181 3.65 39% 65% 90% 40% 59% 41% 40% 60% 54% 46% Source: Admissions Office 4 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Washington College First-time Freshmen Minority and International Student Statistics Applied Accepted % Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 169 123 73% 10 8% 2010 446 177 40% 21 12% 2010 248 155 63% 19 12% 2011 249 112 45% 4 4% 2011 795 183 23% 15 8% 2011 349 142 41% 14 10% Fall Term 2012 2013 197 370 141 218 71% 59% 4 8 4% 2% 2012 2013 756 782 251 271 33% 35% 10 18 4% 5% 2012 2013 370 417 184 226 50% 54% 23 14 13% 4% Applied Accepted % Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled 2010 90 47 52% 5 11% 2011 140 70 50% 14 20% 2012 161 103 64% 26 25% 2013 30 22 73% 22 6% 2014 40 N/A N/A 31 9% 2015 157 34 22% 34 10% FIRST-YEAR STUDENT TOTALS Minorities International Citizens 2010 12% 1% 2011 8% 4% 2012 9% 6% 2013 11% 6% 2014 16% 9% 2015 20% 10% ASIAN Applied Accepted % Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled BLACK Applied Accepted % Accepted Enrolled % Enrolled HISPANIC INTERNATIONAL 2014 350 260 74% 18 5% 2014 743 372 50% 23 7% 2014 457 299 65% 16 5% 2015 476 318 67% 14 4% 2015 1276 600 47% 35 10% 2015 771 447 58% 21 6% Source: Admissions Office 5 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Geographic Distribution of Freshman Class Total Freshmen Region Mid-Atlantic Maryland Delaware New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Washington DC Total Mid-Atlantic % of Total New England Connecticut Massachusetts Maine New Hampshire Rhode Island Vermont Total New England % of Total South Total South % of Total West /Southwest Total West/Southwest % of Total Mid-west Total Mid-West % of Total U.S. Territories & Foreign Countries Total from region % of Total Source: Office of Institutional Research 6 2010 421 2011 399 Fall Term 2012 2013 400 349 225 24 50 11 45 1 356 85% 192 28 52 19 51 1 343 86% 166 15 58 21 61 0 321 80% 165 8 37 14 47 1 272 78% 156 29 36 17 43 3 284 73% 157 39 32 12 38 2 280 72% 12 8 1 0 0 0 21 5% 8 6 0 1 3 1 19 5% 9 7 0 2 0 1 19 5% 10 6 0 0 2 1 19 5% 15 9 0 0 0 2 26 7% 15 8 0 0 3 0 26 7% 28 7% 17 4% 22 6% 24 7% 24 6% 22 6% 6 1% 6 2% 9 2% 9 3% 8 2% 17 4% 2 0% 3 1% 4 1% 0 0% 2 1% 6 2% 8 2% 11 3% 25 6% 25 7% 44 11% 40 10% 2014 388 2015 391 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Matriculated Undergraduates Enrollment by Full or Part-time Status Enrollment Status 2011 2012 Fall Term 2013 Full-Time Percent 1446 99.5% 1444 99.0% 1410 99.0% 1396 99.1% 1380 99.6% Part-Time Percent 7 0.5% 14 1.0% 14 1.0% 12 0.9% 6 0.4% Total Headcount 1453 1458 1424 1408 1386 1448.3 1448.7 1414.7 1400.0 1382.0 2014 414 175 239 2015 413 196 217 Full-time Equivalent 2014 2015 Matriculated Undergraduates Enrollment by Class Level and Gender Men Women 2011 451 192 259 2012 418 181 237 Fall Term 2013 380 166 214 Men Women 356 149 207 375 164 211 356 163 193 336 149 187 378 166 212 Men Women 323 134 189 353 134 219 349 149 200 317 130 187 298 126 172 Men Women 323 137 186 312 132 180 339 125 214 341 144 197 297 125 172 Total Enrollment Men Women 1453 612 841 1458 611 847 1424 603 821 1408 598 810 1386 613 773 Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Note: Counts above exclude students exclusively auditing classes. Source: Registrar's Office 7 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Undergraduate International Students at Washington College by Country Fall 2015 Country Argentina Austria Bahamas Bangladesh Canada China & Hong Kong Colombia Eritrea Ethiopia Finland France Germany India Italy Indonesia Japan Jordan Morocco Netherlands Nepal Nigeria Norway Saudi Arabia South Korea Spain Sweden Taiwan Thailand Turkey United Kingdom Vietnam Total Matriculated (Visa) Exchange Total 0 1 1 1 2 85 1 2 2 0 1 2 7 0 1 8 4 1 0 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 3 1 0 1 2 137 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 18 1 1 1 1 2 85 1 2 2 2 4 5 7 1 1 10 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 1 1 3 1 1 3 2 155 Note: Counts include students with Nonresident Alien Status and Visiting Exchange classification. Source: Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 8 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Retention and Graduation Rates of First-time, Full-time Cohorts Retention Rates Entering Fall Term Graduation Rates 1st Fall 2nd Fall 3rd Fall 4th Fall Enr 5th Sem within 3 yrs within 4 yrs within 5 yrs within 6 yrs Total 2005 N % retention 343 100.0% 297 86.6% 261 76.1% 249 74.9% 11 3.2% 8 2.3% 248 72.3% 256 74.6% 259 75.5% 260 75.8% 2006 N % retention 312 100.0% 249 79.8% 223 71.5% 212 68.9% 14 4.5% 3 1.0% 202 64.7% 214 68.6% 215 68.9% 217 69.6% 2007 N % retention 324 100.0% 266 82.1% 233 71.9% 222 69.8% 14 4.3% 4 1.2% 208 64.2% 210 64.8% 221 68.2% 224 69.1% 2008 N % retention 415 100.0% 347 83.6% 315 75.9% 298 73.5% 15 3.6% 7 1.7% 289 69.6% 303 73.0% 308 74.2% 308 74.2% 2009 N % retention 378 100.0% 321 84.9% 292 77.2% 279 75.4% 13 3.4% 6 1.6% 269 71.2% 282 74.6% 284 75.1% 2010 N % retention 421 100.0% 343 81.5% 313 74.3% 300 73.4% 12 2.9% 9 2.1% 293 69.6% 306 72.7% 2011 N % retention 399 100.0% 338 84.7% 313 78.4% 308 77.4% 9 2.3% 1 0.3% 293 73.4% 2012 N % retention 397 100.0% 321 80.9% 283 71.3% 269 69.8% 2013 N % retention 349 100.0% 296 84.8% 269 77.1% 2014 N % retention 388 100.0% 320 82.5% 8 2.0% Cohort First-‐year Reten3on and Six-‐year Gradua3on Rates 100 2005 First-year95 Retention 86.6 Six-year Graduation 75.5 90 86.6 Percentage 85 80 75 70 2006 79.8 68.9 79.8 2007 82.1 68.2 2008 83.6 74.2 2009 84.9 75.1 84.9 82.1 83.6 2010 81.5 2011 84.7 2012 80.9 84.8 84.7 81.5 2013 84.8 80.9 2014 82.5 82.5 74.2 75.1 75.5 68.9 68.2 Source: Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 65 60 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 First-‐year Reten8on Six-‐year Gradua8on 9 10 Washington College Undergraduate Degrees Awarded by Major (2011-2015) Bachelor of Arts American Studies Anthropology Art Business Management Computer Science Drama Economics English Environmental Studies French German History Human Development Humanities Intercultural Studies International Studies Mathematics Music Philosophy Political Science Psychology Sociology Spanish - Hisp. Studies Student Designed B.A. Totals Major 2011 Double Major Major 2012 Double Major Total 5 8 11 50 1 5 18 25 15 1 1 12 9 0 0 14 4 2 1 12 13 17 2 2 228 1 0 2 1 0 2 6 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 0 0 21 23 2 0 3 0 28 256 0 0 0 1 1 2 23 Major 2013 Double Major Total Total 6 8 13 51 1 7 24 27 15 1 3 12 9 0 0 14 4 2 3 13 14 18 2 2 249 4 10 8 50 0 8 19 26 17 1 0 27 13 6 1 17 8 1 4 11 26 7 2 1 267 1 3 3 5 1 2 4 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 1 1 3 1 1 0 1 0 33 5 13 11 55 1 10 23 27 17 1 0 30 13 6 1 19 9 2 7 12 27 7 3 1 300 0 7 7 47 6 1 29 24 21 1 0 15 10 2 1 12 10 1 1 13 25 13 1 0 247 0 2 3 2 1 3 6 1 2 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 5 2 1 1 1 3 4 0 42 0 9 10 49 7 4 35 25 23 3 0 16 10 3 1 13 15 3 2 14 26 16 5 0 289 23 2 0 4 1 30 279 38 7 6 7 0 58 325 0 2 0 1 0 3 36 38 9 6 8 0 61 361 30 9 4 5 0 48 295 1 1 0 3 0 5 47 Major 2014 Double Major Total 2 12 7 43 1 8 14 26 16 1 0 14 21 1 0 9 9 5 3 24 37 15 3 0 271 1 7 2 1 0 1 9 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 0 2 1 2 4 1 1 1 4 0 48 3 19 9 44 1 9 23 27 17 5 1 16 22 2 0 11 10 7 7 25 38 16 7 0 319 Major 2015 Double Major Total 3 9 6 70 7 8 19 24 19 2 0 23 9 5 1 14 6 4 3 18 24 5 1 0 280 0 4 4 5 0 1 11 3 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 7 1 6 0 3 2 7 0 62 3 13 10 75 7 9 30 27 23 2 1 24 9 6 1 15 13 5 9 18 27 7 8 0 342 39 12 1 7 8 0 67 347 1 2 0 0 2 0 5 67 40 14 1 7 10 0 72 414 Bachelor of Science Biology Chemistry Environmental Science Physics Psychology Art B.S. Totals Total B.A. & B.S. 31 39 0 39 10 10 1 11 1 0 1 4 3 0 3 8 7 2 9 0 0 0 0 53 60 3 63 342 331 51 382 Source: Office of Institutional Research Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Academic Honors: Dean's List 2010-11 Fall Spring 2011-12 Fall Spring 2012-13 Fall Spring 2013-14 Fall Spring 2014-15 Fall Spring 38 88 25 66 52 90 37 57 34 85 30 58 32 84 22 51 21 60 15 41 43 81 34 76 38 101 41 102 37 63 29 77 37 85 31 66 31 78 28 71 39 101 34 76 39 66 35 70 35 79 34 95 49 69 40 75 27 78 32 52 29 84 49 129 50 119 53 130 40 85 53 101 46 112 63 124 54 98 70 127 149 354 142 347 179 376 166 359 146 312 146 331 164 350 156 316 133 314 145 291 Total Dean's List 503 489 555 525 458 477 514 472 447 436 All Matriculated Undergraduates Dean's List as Percent of Total 1385 1341 1453 1425 1458 1420 1424 1397 1408 1351 36% 36% 38% 37% 31% 34% 36% 34% 32% 32% Freshman Class Men Women Sophomore Class Men Women Junior Class Men Women Senior Class Men Women All Undergraduates Men Women Note: Dean's List in 2011-12 requires a semester GPA of at least 3.5; three or more courses, and no D's or F's. Earlier GPA cutoff was 3.4. Counts include matriculated undergraduates only. Academic Honors: Summa, Magna, and Cum Laude and Major Prize Recipients 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Summa Cum Laude 5 14 8 12 23 Magna Cum Laude 43 35 35 29 27 Cum Laude 20 43 41 31 38 Year George Washington Medal Year Sophie Kerr Prize 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Sarah E. Macht Rachel E. Field James H. Schelberg Kathy Thornton Jeffery D. Sullivan Madelyn N. Zins 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Hailey L. Reissman Lisa B. Jones Kathryn J. Manion Tim Marcin Alexander C. Stinton Alexander R. Vidiani Source: Registrar's Office 11 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Varsity Athletic Participation MEN 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 23 21 45 29 26 12 11 167 150 31 19 51 32 26 13 12 184 150 33 18 46 22 29 13 10 171 150 32 14 50 26 30 16 9 177 35 16 46 32 28 16 9 182 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 10 23 22 23 20 15 14 7 14 148 202 11 20 22 23 24 18 18 8 14 158 11 19 27 21 24 17 17 7 14 157 14 20 27 27 17 20 15 6 10 156 13 24 24 28 22 21 20 12 14 178 CO-ED 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Co-ed Sailing (1997) M6W5 M 10 W 6 M9W6 M7W5 M7W7 331 358 343 333 360 Baseball (1919) Basketball (1947) Lacrosse (1928) Rowing (1974) Soccer (1947) Swimming (1990) Tennis (1947) TOTALS WOMEN Basketball (1993) Field Hockey (1984) Lacrosse (1981) Rowing (1974) Soccer (1998) Softball (1977) Swimming (1985) Tennis (1974) Volleyball (1976) TOTALS Total Participants* Subtotal *Note: Students participating in more than one sport are counted more than once. Source: Washington College Athletic Department 12 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Intentionally Blank 13 14 FALL 2015 UNDERGRADUATE FACULTY ROSTER Tenure-Track Faculty Full Professor Brien, K Chamlee-Wright, E Daigle, D Deckman, M DeProspo, R Gillin, R Hamilton, E Lin, J Lynch, R Moncrief, K Spilich, G Striner, R (L) Wilson, C Associate Professor Amick, A Benson, J Black, T Casado Presa, C Connaughton, M Daniels, L Dubrow, J Ford, R Gibson, C Hall, J Harvey, M Helms, A Kehm, K Kelty, R Kerchner, M Knight, A Tenured Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Full-time = 95 Associate Professor Krochmal, A Lampman, A Littlefield, L Lobo, A Locker, J Marteel-Parrish, A Mayer, A Maynard, K McCabe, M (S) McCollum, J McKillop, K Meehan, S Miller, K Mooney, R Oros, A Pears, P Prud'homme, J Ramsey, S Reynolds, M Schindler, W (L) Schweitzer, K Scott, B Scout, T Seidel, J Shad, T Sherman, L Shoge, R Sidhu, S Sorrentino, J Tsui, A Verville, K Volansky, M Vowels, S Wade, C Weigel, P Tenured Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Non-Tenure Track Assistant Professor Anderson, E Beasley, C Brewster, H Bunten, B (L) Campbell, C Carr, J Case, A Deanda-Camacho, E Durso, J Eanes, R Eckelman, L Fox, B Fox, R Grewling, N Harvey, H Hopper, J Hull, D Leupold, J Lim, K Lipchock, J (L) Markin, J Murphy, T O'Connor, E Poulsen, D Rowsell, J Rydel, C Schwartz, N Sommerfeld, A Thuecks, D Tsai, H Van Meter, R Tenured Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Full-time Assistant Professor Calloway, H Khan, N Kramer, A Moreno, R Walsh, P Williams, L Windelborn, J N=7 Teaching Fellows Kurzen, C N=1 Instructor Ashmore, C N=1 Part-time Assistant Professor Bruce, S Wagner, K N=2 Full-time= 9/ Part-time= 68 Part-time, continued Lecturer Anthony, T Hepler, J Bauer, J Hughes, K Bordeaux, S Johnson, L Boyd, J Kerr, C Brower, M Kesey, R Buckley, M Kesner, L Calloway, D Kibler, M Castro, A Klopcic, P Castro, K Kohl, B Chatellier, D Lessard, K Clark, E Lyons, D Cole, S McCarthy, J Coppage, M McCollum, K Counihan, E McIntire, M Crossen-Richardson, P Migdal, S Daley, L Moyer-Taylor, B Davenport, M Nazdrowicz, N DeArmond, D O'Connor, K DiQuinzio, P Palmer, M Dixon, R Pierson, T Drischler, A Richard, C Ellison, W Shomper, D Ensor, A Sommerfeld, P Ferguson, G Stahl, L Fields, G Stinger-Stein, K Finney, V Strzelec-Noel, A Fithian, C Thuecks, S Fry, A Trinh-Smith, A Goodheart, A VanDerStelt, R Green, J Weibell, N Hammond, W Wharton, K Hardesty, M Wiest, M Hentrich, J Winter, C N=66 % Tenured (Full): 13/13=100% % Tenured (Assoc): 50/51=98% Key: (S) Sabbatical (L) Leave Source: Office of the Provost and Dean of the College and Human Resources % Tenured (Asst): 1/31=3% Washington College Fact Book 2014-15 Fall 2015 - Full-time Faculty Breakdown 1. Full-time Faculty by Rank and Gender Full Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Non-Tenure Track TOTAL Female 4 18 19 8 49 Male 9 28 16 2 55 Total 13 46 35 10 104 2. Full-time Faculty by Rank, Race, and Gender Asian Full Professors Associate Professors Assistant Professors Non-Tenure Track TOTAL F 0 1 1 0 2 98% Black M 1 2 2 0 5 F 0 2 0 0 2 M 0 0 0 1 1 Hispanic F M 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0 White F 4 15 15 4 38 M 8 26 14 1 49 Other/Unknown F M 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 HAVE TERMINAL DEGREES These tables above include tenure track administrators with faculty rank, librarians and those on sabbatical or leave. Sabbatical and leave replacements are not included. Source: Office of the Provost and Dean of the College 15 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Five Year Trend in Faculty Tenure (Fall 2010-2015) Fall 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Tenured (N) 59 62 63 63 64 64 Tenure Track (N) 29 29 30 31 31 31 Tenured and Tenure Track (N) 88 91 93 94 95 95 FTE Faculty (N) 108 119 122 126 129 124 Tenured/FTE Percentage 54.6% 52.0% 51.8% 49.9% 49.7% 51.8% Notes: Table includes all tenure track faculty from roster. Beginning in Fall 2005, the AAUP definition of full-time instructional faculty is used to calculate FTE faculty. Part-time FTE is calculated according to the Common Data Set, where administrators such as the President, Provost, and librarians may be included if they teach one or more credit courses. Source: Office of the Provost and Dean of the College 16 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 2015-16 Division Chairs Chair, Social Sciences Chair, Natural Sci. & Mathematics Chair, Humanities ------- Janet Sorrentino J. Richard Locker Jonathan McCollum Academic Department Chairs and Program Directors American Studies Anthropology Art and Art History Biology Black Studies Business Management Center for Teaching and Learning Chemistry Dance Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics Education English Environmental Science and Studies Gender Studies Global Perspectives (GRW) History Humanities Information Systems International Studies Justice, Law and Society Mathematics and Computer Science Modern Languages Music Philosophy & Religion Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology Theatre Writing Program ----------------------------------------------------------------- Kenneth Miller, Director Aaron Lampman, Chair Aileen Tsui, Chair Martin Connaughton & Mindy Reynolds, Chairs Elena Deanda, Director Susan Vowels, Chair George Spilich, Director Anne Marteel-Parrish, Chair Michele Volansky, Director Karl Kehm, Director Brian Scott, Chair Michele Johnson, Chair Kathryn Moncrief, Chair Leslie Sherman, Director Cristina Casado Presa, Director Aaron Lampman, Director Janet Sorrentino, Chair Richard Gillin, Director Austin Lobo & Susan Vowels, Co-Directors Andrew Oros, Director Matthew McCabe, Director Austin Lobo, Chair Pamela Pears, Chair Kenneth Schweitzer, Chair Matthew McCabe, Chair Thomas Finnegan, Chair Karl Kehm, Chair Melissa Deckman, Chair Cynthia Gibson, Chair Ryan Kelty, Chair Michele Volansky, Chair Sean Meehan, Director 17 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Faculty Sabbatical and Leave Data: 2011-12 through 2015-16 Fall 2011 Lisa Daniels (L) Matthew McCabe (L) Corey Olsen (S) Joseph Prud'homme (Jr. Leave) Mindy Reynolds (Jr. Leave) Ruth Shoge (S) Shawn Stein (Jr. Leave) Spring 2012 Erin Anderson (L) Lisa Daniels (L) Andrew Helms (Jr. Leave) Aaron Krochmal (Jr. Leave) James Martin (S) Tahir Shad (S) Carol Wilson (S) Spring 2014 Benjamin Bellas (2/3 PL) Somasree Dasgupta (L) Rich De Prospo (S) Ryan Kelty (S) James Martin (PL) Kitty Maynard (S) Donald McColl (PL) Kevin McKillop (S) Kate Moncrief (AL) Andrew Oros (S) Jennifer Rowsell (PL) Hui-Ju Tsai (Jr. Leave) Peter Weigel (S) Fall 2014 Benjamin Bellas (Jr. Leave) Bridgit Bunten (Jr. Leave) Fall 2012 Elena Deanda (Jr. Leave) Bridget Bunten (L) Jennifer Hopper (Jr. Leave) Elena Casado Presa (L) Robert Lynch (L) Cristina Deanda Camacho (Jr. Leave) Adi Mayer (PL) Melissa Deckman (L) Robert Mooney (S) Michael Kerchner (S) Aileen Tsui (S) Robert Lynch (S) Christine Wade (S) Corey Olsen (L) Leslie Sherman (S) Spring 2015 Aaron Amick (PL) Bridgit Bunten (Jr. Leave) Spring 2013 Aaron Amick (Jr. Leave) Richard Gillin (S) Kevin Brien (S) Heather Harvey (Jr. Leave) Melissa Deckman (S) Robert Lynch (L) Karl Kehm (S) Tia Murphy (Jr. Leave) Adalbert Mayer (Jr. Leave) Jennifer Roswell (Jr. Leave) Jonathan McCollum (Jr. Leave) Aileen Tsui (S) Mindy Reynolds (L) Fall 2015 Janet Sorrentino (S) George Spilich (S) Bridget Bunten (PL) James Lipchock (JL) William Schindler (L) Fall 2013 Nicole Grewling (Jr. Leave) Richard Striner (Med L) Sean Meehan (S) Lisa Daniels (Med L) Tia Panfile-Murphy (PL) Matt McCabe (S) Pamela Pears (S) Susan Vowels (S) 18 Spring 2016 James Hall (JL) Clayton Black (S) Michelle Volansky (S) Fall 2016 Julie Markin (JL) Tia Murphy (PL) Elena Deanda (PL) Ryan Kelty (L) Ken Schweitzer (S) Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Student-Faculty Ratios Fall 2011 through Fall 2015 Full-time Students Part-time FTE Total FTE Students Fall 2011 1473 14.0 1487 Fall 2012 1469 14.3 1483 Fall 2013 1440 14.3 1454 Fall 2014 1417 22.7 1440 Fall 2015 1400 9.0 1409 FTE Part-time Faculty Full-time Faculty Total FTE Faculty Full-time as % of total FTE Fall 2011 23.3 96 119.3 80.5% Fall 2012 26.7 95 121.7 78.1% Fall 2013 27.3 99 126.3 78.4% Fall 2014 25.0 97 122.0 79.5% Fall 2015 23.7 100 123.7 80.9% Total FTE Students Total FTE Faculty Student/Faculty Ratio Fall 2011 1487.0 119.3 12.5 Fall 2012 1483.3 121.7 12.2 Fall 2013 1454.3 126.3 11.5 Fall 2014 1439.7 122.0 11.8 Fall 2015 1409.0 123.7 11.4 Note: Student figures include degree and non-degree seeking undergraduate students. The AAUP definition of full-time instructional faculty is used to calculate FTE faculty. Part-time FTE is calculated according to the Common Data Set where administrators such as the President, Provost, and librarians may be included if they teach one or more credit courses. Source: Office of Institutional Research and Assessment 19 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Financial Aid Award Amounts by Type of Aid (Est. 2015-16) Need-based $ Non-need-based $ (Include non-need- (Exclude non-needbased aid used to based aid used to meet need.) meet need.) Scholarships/Grants Federal State (i.e., all states, not only the state in which your institution is located) Institutional: Endowed scholarships, annual gifts and tuition funded grants, awarded by the college, excluding athletic aid and tuition waivers (which are reported below). Scholarships/grants from external sources (e.g., Kiwanis, National Merit) not awarded by the college Total Scholarships/Grants Self-Help Student loans from all sources (excluding parent loans) Federal Work-Study State and other (e.g., institutional) work-study/employment (Note: Excludes Federal Work-Study captured above.) Total Self-Help Other Parent Loans Tuition Waivers Reporting is optional. Report tuition waivers in this row if you choose to report them. Do not report tuition waivers elsewhere. Athletic Awards $1,194,744 $0 $1,194,995 $0 $18,259,516 $7,429,371 $675,646 $729,913 $21,324,901 $8,159,284 $3,337,166 $180,900 $5,046,107 $0 $3,518,066 $0 $5,046,107 $0 $5,754,219 $0 $0 $1,141,199 $0 Source: Financial Aid Office (Common Data Set 2015-16) 21 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Number of First-time Freshmen and Full-time Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid (Estimated Fall 2015) First-time Full-time Freshmen a) Number of degree-seeking undergraduate students (CDS Item B1 if reporting on Fall 2008 cohort) b) Number of students in line a who applied for need-based financial aid c) Number of students in line b who were determined to have financial need d) Number of students in line c who were awarded any financial aid e) Number of students in line d who were awarded any need-based scholarship or grant aid f) Number of students in line d who were awarded any need-based self-help aid g) Number of students in line d who were awarded any non-needbased scholarship or grant aid h) Number of students in line d whose need was fully met (exclude PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) i) j) k) l) On average, the percentage of need that was met of students who were awarded any need-based aid. Exclude any aid that was awarded in excess of need as well as any resources that were awarded to replace EFC (PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) The average financial aid package of those in line d. Exclude any resources that were awarded to replace EFC (PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) Average need-based scholarship and grant award of those in line e Average need-based self-help award (excluding PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) of those in line f m) Average need-based loan (excluding PLUS loans, unsubsidized loans, and private alternative loans) of those in line f who were awarded a need-based loan Source: Financial Aid Office (Common Data Set: 2015-16) 22 Full-time Less Than Undergraduate Full-time (Incl. Fresh.) Undergraduate 391 1380 5 308 946 1 266 825 0 266 825 0 266 825 0 202 680 0 58 173 0 74 263 0 91.0% 86.0% 0.0% $ 35,290 $ 31,250 $ - $ 29,630 $ 27,166 $ - $ 3,837 $ 4,723 $ - $ 3,429 $ 4,472 $ - Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Number of First-time Freshmen and Full-time Undergraduates Receiving Financial Aid (Estimated Fall 2015) Enrolled Students Awarded Non-need-based Scholarships and Grants n) Number of students in line a who had no financial need and who were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid (exclude those who were awarded athletic awards and tuition benefits) o) Average dollar amount of institutional non-need-based scholarship and grant aid awarded to students in line n p) Number of students in line a who were awarded an institutional non-need-based athletic scholarship or grant q) Average dollar amount of institutional non-need-based athletic scholarships and grants awarded to students in line p First-time Full-time Freshmen Full-time Undergrad (Incl. Fresh.) Less Than Full-time Undergrad 106 440 0 $ 17,710 $ 16,766 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Source: Financial Aid Office (Common Data Set: 2015-16) 23 Washington College Fact Book 2015-16 Financial Aid History 2010-11 to 2015-16 Academic Year 2012-13 2013-14 2010-11 2011-12 95.0% 93.7% 91.9% 85.0% 88.0% Total Scholarship/ Grant Awards Total Self-Help 19,540,548 Total Financial Aid Percentage of Freshman Class Receiving Aid Percentage of Total Full-time Undergraduates Receiving Aid 2014-15 2015-16 94.6% 94.8% 95.1% 89.7% 93.3% 90.0% 90.4% 23,372,048 25,387,790 28,498,027 29,003,167 29,484,185 8,800,652 9,549,720 9,915,531 9,368,088 8,737,022 8,564,173 28,341,200 32,921,768 35,303,321 37,866,115 37,740,189 38,048,358 Percentages of Freshmen and All Matriculated Undergraduates Receiving Any Financial Aid 100 95 90 85 80 75 2010-11 2011-12 Freshmen 2012-13 2013-14 All Matriculated Undergraduates Source: Financial Aid Office Common Data Sets: 2010-11 to 2015-16 24 2014-15 2015-16 Institution: Washington College (164216) Summary User ID: P1642161 Finance Survey Summary IPEDS collects important information regarding your institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components become available in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated data in various Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the reported data appears specifically for your institution through the College Navigator website and is included in your institution’s Data Feedback Report (DFR). The purpose of this summary is to provide you an opportunity to view some of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control process, will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. College Navigator is updated approximately three months after the data collection period closes and Data Feedback Reports will be available through the Data Center and sent to your institution’s CEO in November 2016. Please review your data for accuracy. If you have questions about the data displayed below after reviewing the data reported on the survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at: 1-877-225-2568 or [email protected]. Core Revenues Revenue Source Reported values Tuition and fees Government grants and contracts Private gifts, grants, and contracts Investment return Other core revenues Percent of total core revenues Core revenues per FTE enrollment $34,471,457 58% $2,677,914 5% $22,283 $1,731 $19,519,687 33% $12,618 $1,316,422 2% $851 $1,489,675 3% $963 Total core revenues $59,475,155 100% $38,445 Total revenues $74,832,489 $48,373 Other core revenues include government appropriations (federal, state, and local), sales and services of educational activities; and other sources. Core revenues exclude revenues from auxiliary enterprises (e.g., bookstores, dormitories), hospitals, and independent operations. For institutions reporting in Full parent/child relationships, core revenues per FTE enrollment amounts will not be allocated to child institutions. Core Expenses Expense function Reported values Instruction Percent of total core expenses Core expenses per FTE enrollment $21,299,678 38% $13,768 Research N/A 0% $0 Public service N/A 0% $0 $4,018,047 7% $2,597 Institutional support $17,650,058 32% $11,409 Student services $11,913,539 21% $7,701 $1,010,059 2% $653 Total core expenses $55,891,381 100% $36,129 Total expenses $67,210,719 Academic support Other core expenses $43,446 Other core expenses include net grant aid to students, net of discounts and allowances, and other expenses. Core expenses exclude expenses from auxiliary enterprises (e.g., bookstores, dormitories), hospitals, and independent operations. For institutions reporting in Full parent/child relationships, core expenses per FTE enrollment amounts will not be allocated to child institutions. Calculated value FTE enrollment 1,547 Washington College Fact Book 2014-15 ALUMNI ANNUAL GIVING 2008-09 through 2014-15 Number of Donors to 1 Year Solicitable Base all funds2 % 2008-09 2009-10 2010-115 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 7,811 8,179 8,267 8,409 8,555 8,672 8,907 1,549 1,470 1,597 1,509 1,479 1,445 1,509 20% 18% 19% 18% 17% 17% 17% Amount 3 877,320 1,296,911 1,016,076 1,222,028 1,061,783 1,061,791 8,376,566 ($) Average Gift 4 ($) 566.38 882.25 636.24 809.83 717.91 734.80 5,551.07 1 Solicitable base is defined as undergraduate alumni who have a good address and are not coded "do not solicit". 2 Using the "Alumni/Undergrad Degree:Donors#" variable as reported to the Voluntary Support of Education Survey (VSE). 3 Using the "Alumni: Total (Using Face Value)" variable as reported to the Voluntary Support of Education Survey (VSE). 4 5 Past Years' Values for Average gift size have been recalculated based on new reporting procedures. Beginning in FY11, the solicitable base is calculated to include active alumni only. Source: College Advancement 26 WASHINGTON COLLEGE SENIOR STAFF 2015 Sheila C. Bair President of the College Emily Chamlee-Wright Provost and Dean of the College Xavier Cole Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs Carolyn Burton Director of Human Resources Satyajit Dattagupta Vice President for Enrollment Management Patrice DiQuinzio Associate Provost for Academic Services Andrea Trisciuzzi Special Assistant to the President for Advancement and Alumni Affairs Mark Hampton Vice President for Finance and Administration Joseph L. Holt Chief of Staff Bryan L. Matthews Director of Athletics and Assistant to the President for Special Projects Michael O’Connor Associate Vice President for College Relations and Marketing Ruth C. Shoge Dean of Library and Academic Technology Scott Cowdrey Chief Information Officer OFFICE OF THE PROVOST AND DEAN Ashley Turlington Registrar Andrea Lange Assistant Dean for Academic Initiatives Patrice DiQuinzio Associate Provost for Academic Services Jennifer Schultz Administrative Assistant, Dean’s Office Laura Johnson Budget Director Sara Smith Academic Budget Analyst Kay King Director of Global Education Victor Sensenig Assistant Provost Institutional Research and Assessment Rachelle Marks Assistant Registrar Matt Golinski Data Specialist John Boyd Director of the Writing Center Matthew Kibler Director of the Office of Quantitative Skills Andrea Vassar Director of the Office of Academic Skills Hilary Chubb Assistant Director, Office of Academic Skills Theresa Capule Assistant Director of Global Education Marcus Dykeman Institutional Research Analyst Alexandra Levy Study Abroad Coordinator Ruth Shoge Dean of Library and Academic Technology Emily Chamlee-Wright Provost and Dean of the College Neisha Green Assistant Director, Writing Center Mary Gedney Executive Assistant to the Provost and Dean Academic Centers Faculty Division Chairs Adam Goodheart Director of the C.V. Starr Center for the Study of the American Experience John Seidel Director of the Center for the Environment and Society Jehanne Dubrow Director of the Rose O’Neill Literary House Department Chairs Rachel Durso Division Chair of Social Sciences Rick Locker Division Chair of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Nicole Grewling Division Chair of Humanities Faculty FINANCE Mark Hampton Vice President for Finance and Administration Penelope Farley Controller Laura Johnson Budget Director Don Stanwick Director of Dining Services Shirley Loller Manager of Conference Services John Moore Accounts Payable Specialist Robyn Moore Staff Accountant Judiann Bianco Accounting Analyst II Debra Bergen Accounts Receivable Manager Carolyn Burton Director of Human Resources Pamela Price Assistant to the Vice President Harriet Olsen Endowment Analyst Kate Laking Benefits Administrator Bryn Kibler Employment and Compensation Coordinator Kristen Holocker Assistant Accounts Receivable Manager Krista Batchelor Human Resources Specialist Tracey Yiannakis Payroll and Grants Manager Marla Thomas Payroll Specialist Leann Petrides Interim Payroll Clerk Reid Raudenbush Director of Physical Plant Shannon Wyble Bookstore Manager Vacant Facilities Maintenance Manager Joseph Case Grounds/ Landscape Manager Scott Cowdrey Chief Information Officer Vacant Associate Chief Information Officer, IT Systems and Infrastructure Dave Barr Director of IT Infrastructure Tammy Morton Lead Housekeeper Michele Jordan Secretary Ken Sutton Director of Administrative Computing CHIEF OF STAFF Annie B. Coleman Executive Assistant To The President Joseph L. Holt Chief Of Staff Laura Johnstone Wilson Director Of Campus Events Patricia V. Smith Recording Secretary To The Board Carol Landis Campus Events Coordinator Gina Ralston Campus Events Coordinator ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT Tim Fields Senior Web Developer Stephan Jordan Assistant Director; Executive Assistant Satyajit Dattagupta Vice President of Enrollment Management James Arnold Director of Visual Arts for Admissions Jason Lee Web Developer Cindy Childs Associate VP for Admissions and Financial Aid Tony Littlefield Senior Associate Director Hannah Hollis Southern Regional Director Barbara Merrill Admissions Office Manager Aundra Weissert Associate Director Betsey Hayes Western Regional Director Kelsey Kemp Assistant Director Brad Booke Director of Special Projects Michael O’Connor Associate VP of College Relations and Marketing Vacant Director of Financial Aid Marcia Landskroener Senior Director of Communications Cailean Leith Associate Director Wendy Clarke Director of Media Relations Natalie Story Associate Director Lindsay Bergman Digital Stretegist Doryann Barnhardt Assistant Director Shane Brill Videographer Jean Sucharewicz Financial Aid Counselor Meghan Livie Staff Writer Jean Berry Smith Administrative Assistant Dainius Jasinevicius Graphic Designer Jonathan Webb Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Sam Shoge Assistant Director Joanna Poole Admissions Counselor Robyn Nesbitt Information Services Specialist Irma Victorius Data Manager Madeline Martin Admissions Representative Britt Weaver Admissions Counselor Todd Cooley Admissions Conuselor Patrick Cahill Admissions Representative Sarah Beresik Admissions Representative Erin Oittinen Communications and Marketing Associate ADVANCEMENT Andrea Trisciuzzi Special Assistant to the President for Advancement and Alumni Affairs Marcus Dykeman Special Assistant Barbara Heck Senior Associate Vice President for College Advancement Christa Blick Administrative Assistant Judie Barroll ’88 M’91 Director of Donor Relations and Stewardship Emily Kate Smith ‘10 Legacy Giving Officer Valerie Stewart Grant Writer Vacant Director, Major Gifts Fannie Shenk ’84 P’15 Major Gift Officer Miles Garrett Major Gift Officer Ken Searles ‘10 Special Projects Coordinator Rebekah Hardy ‘05 Director, Alumni Relations and Leadership Annual Giving John Beck ‘05 Associate Director of Annual Giving Heather Legg 1782 Society Specialist Vacant Assistant Dir. of Alumni Relations & Annual Giving Kate Goldberg Director, Advancement Services Peach Hawn ‘08 Assistant Director of Advancement Services Vacant Associate Director of Communications Jenny Hutton Volunteer Coordinator Lindsay Pollock ‘04 Development Researcher Valerie Bardhi ‘15 Annual Giving Specialist Maria Hynson ‘15 Assistant Director Alumni Programs Paula Blouch Gift and Data Integrity Specialist Christopher McElwee Assistant Director Peer Fundraising Laura Wilks-Simms Development Research and Prospect Coordinator STUDENT AFFAIRS Lisa Jones Assistant to Vice President / Office Manager Xavier A. Cole Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Ursula Herz Associate Dean of Students & Director of Residential Life Sarah Feyerherm Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Miranda Altman Director of Counseling Lauren Gibson Director of Wellness and Prevention Nick Spicer Director of Student Activities Kellyanne Ford Assistant Director of Student Activities Jerry Roderick Director of Public Safety Lisa Marx Director of Health Services Debbie Gootie Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Linda Hallowell Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Dave Reihl Loss Prevention Burton Brown Thomas Knox Patrol Supervisors James Allison Director of Career Development Susan Golinski Operations Supervisor Kimbra Bruce Secretary Vernon Davis Larragh Fitzgerald Tim Renner Brian Rhode Jeffrey Troester Candice Tyrell Keith VanZant Patrol Officers Ahyana King Director of Intercultural Affairs Amy Sine Area Director Zones 1 & 2 David Stuebing Area Director Zones 3 & 4 Ida Dacey Clinical Counselor Vickie Anderson Administrative Assistant Beverly Clark Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner Andrew Ferguson Matthew King Daniel Makas Patrick Shanahan College Physicians Elizabeth Sabastreanski Physician’s Assistant Vicky Sawyer Associate Director of Career Development Nina Burton Office Manager / Event Coordinator Lisa Moody Assistant Director of Employer Outreach Nicolle Gamez Administrative Assistant 33 ATHLETICS Rachel Boyle & Heidi Yetman Student-Athlete Services Aaron Goodman, Alisha Mosley, Roy Dunshee, Lacey Lister, Jamie Leventry, Matt Reynolds, Kerry Smith Game Management Kelsey Kemp, Admissions Liaison Doryann Bernhardt, Financial Aid Liaison Aaron Amick Faculty Athletic Representative Bryan Matthews Director of Athletics/Assistant to the President for Special Projects Susanne Kelly Office Manager Thaddeus L. Moore, Jr. Deputy Athletic Director/ Scheduling Coordinator/ Head Athletic Trainer Jonnie Jenkins Assistant to the Athletic Director for Sports Performance & Campus Recreation Susan M. Brown Sports Turf Manager Jack Davis Sports Turf Assistant Ben Armiger Waterfront Director Schottland Tennis Center Mike Davenport Compliance Coordinator Assistant to the Athletic Director Varsity Athletics Matt Reynolds Baseball Jeff Shirk Lacrosse (M) John Leekley Rowing (M) Roy Dunshee Soccer (M) Kim Lessard Swimming (M) John Leekley Video Coordinator Jason Ringstad Tennis (M) Phillip D. Ticknor Asst. to Athletic Director for Communications and Academic Support Aaron Goodman Basketball (M) Kimberly Lessard Casey Swim Center Senior Woman Administrator Mike Davenport Rowing (W) Kerry Smith Soccer (W) Kim Lessard Swimming (W) Jason Ringstad Tennis (W) Alisha Mosley Basketball (W) Lacey Lister Softball Jamie Leventry Volleyball Jeff Shirk Assistant Athletic Director & Stadium Facility Coordinator Gail Alexander Schmidt Equipment Manager Heidi Yetman Lacrosse (W) Rachel Boyle Field Hockey Max Kurland Sailing (Coed) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Scott Cowdrey Chief Information Officer Dave Barr Director of IT Infrastructure Matt MacDonald Systems Engineer Vacant OIT Office Manager Infrastructure Student Assistants Ken Sutton Director of Administrative Computing Vacant Associate Chief Information Officer, IT Systems and Infrastructure Kevin Clark Lead Programmer/Analyst Jessica Miller (temp) Switchboard Manager Molly Mears Lead Systems Analyst Vacant IT Acquisitions and Accounting Manager Kelly Payne Programmer Jennifer A. Wilson Acquisitions Specialist Mark Brown Network/Telecom Tech Jesse Lamb Systems Engineer Mike Rankin Programmer Michael Lewonick Systems Engineer LIBRARY AND ACADEMIC TECHNOLOGY Brian Palmer Director, Digital Media Services Nancy Cross Director, Educational Technology Adrian Peterson Senior Project Manager Eric Broussard Assistant Director, Digital Media Services Eric Bishop Technical Services Technician Andrea Hearn Video Producer/ Editor Robert Bishop Technical Services Technician (A/V) MPC Students Student Technical Consultants Daniel Booke Technical Services Technician HelpDesk Students Student Technical Consultants Raven Bishop Instructional Technologist Sara Torstenson Acquisitions Clerk (part-time) Cheryl Wolfson Cataloging Specialist
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