Volume 1, Issue 3 April 2013 ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND San Antonio, Texas Welcome Nobles all! Thanks for visiting the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band Newsletter. The main goal of this simple newsletter is to provide you with news and events concerning our Alzafar Oriental Band. So lets get going! Thanks The Musette Newsletter William “Bill” Nanes President/Music Director Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band San Antonio, Texas 210-520-0768 Home 210-827-3596 Cell ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND Our band is gearing up for the TSA compe on in Wichita Falls, Texas. Our horns are warming up our new mouth pieces and the percussions are seasoning their skins and metal. We plan to enter as a small band this year. It all depends on the health of the members and their families. We have some me yet to decide. I hope to meet some Nobles from other areas at Mid‐Winter and later in Wichita Falls. We have been busy during our Monday night band prac ces. But be er yet the func ons we have been tasked for the support of our Shrine. This year, 2013, we had the Interna onal IHOP Day. Our Band were tasked in manning the Bandera Road and Loop 1604 loca on. We had the honor of having the Illustrious Sir Past Potentate Steve Molnar (at right) an Oriental Band percussionist member come by and contribute his me to the fund collec on. The Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band President and Music Director, Bill Nanes, is pictured on his right. Also suppor ng the cause was Nobel and Musset horn musician Dr. Charles “Doc” Beckmann, MD (re red) si ng on the right of Brother Steve Molnar. These Nobles you will need to meet and chat with. World of knowledge and a lot of laughs! Other band members who a ended were Rich Thomson and Robert “Dusty” Gonzalez, both percussionist. Also visi ng was Art Loera, Alzafar Shrine photographer (pictured at le center). Pictured the le is Bill Nanes, “Da Pres” and Music director. Right of Art is Robert “Dusty” Gonzalez, one of our percussionist. ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND The purpose of the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band is to have fun doing what we do best; playing and marching. However, while we are thoroughly enjoying the activities, we are always mindful of your most important goal of perpetuating the programs of our Temple and the Children’s Hospitals. William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter The Musette Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3, April 2013 The Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band had the honor of performing the opening act in receiving and installing our new Potentate 2013, Illustrious Sir, Tom Young and his lady Rita. This was a great event. It gave the Oriental Band exposure to our visi ng guests but most important was the opportunity to demonstrate our support to our new Potentate and our Shrine. Here are some pictures of that event. The Band setting up for our performance at the Potentate 2013 installation. ‘Tut and tat’ Here we go! What fun it is to perform with the ‘Oriental Band!!” With the Texas Oil theme in the background, the Oriental Band performs for our Potentate and guests. Then there was the Laredo Texas George Washington Parade on February 23rd, 2013. One of our best parades during the year. Many Alzafar Shrine Units were there to support our Shrine. The hospitality room, Brotherhood and family members all had a good me in Laredo. The Laredo Shrine Club is an important part of this event and presented their contribu on for the IHOP event for their community. And what a contribu on it was … over $3000.00! Great job Laredo! Here are some pics of the Laredo events and parade. The Alzafar Oriental Band art the parade staging area. Ready to Go! The Laredo Shrine Club contribution for the IHOP event. What a crowd it was! THIS JUST IN ! I just returned from Mid‐Winter 2013 held in Houston, Texas. What an event! The Arabia Shrine was the host and they really did a fantas c job. The TASOB president, Nobel John Barron, and the rest of the TASOB officers did well in organizing the mee ngs and events. Special thanks goes to the Ladies of the Arabia Shrine who prepared and served the meals throughout the event. Every Noble and their guests who a ended Mid‐Winter demonstrated what Brethren, Nobles and families of the Shrine are made off. Just a big family who care for children that look upon us for help. Here are a few pictures of the different events. TASOB 2013 annual meeting in session with TASOB president John Barron at the helm. Nobel Mike Hartup details the importance of the Ladder of Smiles donations. Mike is the Chairman for Ladder of Smiles, Director of the Midian Shrine OB in Witchita Kansas and Past President of the ASOB. Alzafar Oriental Band President, Bill Nanes, Ladder of Smiles Mike Hartup, and ASOB David McCarthy. David is, at this photo shoot, the 2nd VP of the ASOB and the editor of the Moslah OB newsletter. He also holds other titles such as Past President of TASOB. Gathering for the great meal in the Arabia Prairie room. Arabia’s own Chief, Matt Bell and his crew. Great theme meal! Thanks Matt and the assistant cooks. Now here is a handsome bunch! Guest speaker, Imperial Sir Jerry Gantt Job well done Nobel John! Page 2 Our next TASOB fearless leader, Khiva Shrine member, John Meyer and his lady. Here pictured is Nobel Moe Rahmeh (second from right), the upcoming 1st VP of TASOB. And when it is all said and done, some relaxation and time for a social gathering at pool side. T H E M U S E T T E N E W S L E T T ER Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band William Nanes, Publisher and Editor, The Musette Newsletter The Musette Newsletter, Volume 1, Issue 3, April 2013 ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND 2013 PARADE SCHEDULE DATE PARADE LOCATION LINE-UP SAT. 23 Feb Washington Birthday Laredo, Texas 7:00 a.m. SAT. 13 Apr Strawberry Festival Poteet, Texas 8.00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. SAT. 27 Apr Fiesta Flambeau San Antonio, Texas 5:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. SAT. 04 May Cornyval Helotes, Texas 7:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. SAT. 04 May Hobo Fest (optional) Kirby, Texas 9:00 a.m. 10.:00 a.m. SAT. 11 May Bluebonnet Festival La Vernia, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. SAT. 25 May Memorial Day Bandera, Texas 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. SAT. 15 Jun. Berges Fest Boerne, Texas 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. th START 9:00 a.m. Done THUR. 04 July July 4 Jubliee (optional) Schertz, Texas 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. FRI. 23 Aug Gillespie Cty Fair (optional) Fredericksburg, Texas 8:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 31 Aug Kendall County Fair Boerne, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10.00 a.m. SAT. 21 Sep Medina County Fair Hondo, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 12 Oct Peanut Festival Floresville, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 19 Oct Fiesta de Amistad Del Rio, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 26 Oct Kerr County Fair Kerrville, Texas 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. SAT. 09 Nov Veteran’s Day San Antonio, Texas 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon SAT. 14 Dec Christmas Parade Sattler, Texas 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. ALZAFAR SHRINE ORIENTAL BAND BRIEF HISTORY The original Alzafar Band was formed in 1940. However it was not formed in San Antonio but at a Shrine club in the valley of Texas which was part of the Alzafar Shrine in San Antonio, Texas. At a Flambeau parade in San Antonio years later a Nobel of the Alzafar Shrine asked for and received permission to form an Oriental Band. It was announced in the Alzafar ARCHBAR publication and drew five Nobles. A meeting was held on November 7, 1977 and the new Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band was formed. In January 1978 at an official stated meeting, Potentate Floyd O. Schneider officially announced the new unit. At that instance the stage curtains opened and the Nobles where treated with “Hoochie Kooch” played by the newly formed Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band. The very first Texas All State competition for the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band was in Houston, Texas in 1978. What is funny is that the band won this competition but was soon disqualified because someone noticed that the new band played the wrong contest song. The tune announced during Mid-Winter in El Paso, Texas was for the following year. The Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band did win at Austin Texas in 1980. The rest is history. Today the Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band enjoys playing in parades and competitions. Although most of our members are aging, they are strong as a camel. Our Musettes have been around for the longest time. No one knows for sure. Nevertheless, they produce their unique sound at the helm of their musicians. Our percussion players are going strong as well. So that’s it in a nut shell. This information was taken in part from member handbook written back in 1993 and again in 1997. William “Bill” Nanes, Alzafar Shrine Oriental Band, President/Music Director, 2012/2013 Page 3 T H E M U S E T T E N E W S L E T T ER
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