Bengal Mingle Newsletter - Henry County Public Schools
Bengal Mingle Newsletter - Henry County Public Schools
June 2016 Vol. 1 Ed. 6 Principal’s Message As the principal of Bassett High School, I would like to thank each and every student for making this year a great one! I hope all of you have a wonderful and safe summer. We have calculated our SOL data, and we have achieved great accomplishments during the past year. However, BHS is more than just our test scores, and we are preparing our students to be college and career ready in our classrooms. Our goal is to make our students 21st century learners who will be able to thrive in today’s world. When thinking about preparing our students, we are excited to start our new Bengal Tech Academy next year. Students will have the opportunity to learn through project-based learning by taking part in student centered activities and using real world problems to achieve a deeper knowledge and understanding of concepts. It will take all of our great students, parents, and teachers working together and striving for excellence to continue the high standards we have established at Bassett High School. Have a restful summer, be sure to follow us on Twitter (@bhtwtr), and check our website and Facebook page for information and updates. Go Bengals! John Gibbs Bassett High School Summer Hours Student Schedules for 2016-2017 The summer work schedule for Henry County Schools is 7:30 am-5:00 pm Monday through Thursday. This schedule begins the week of June 6 and the last Friday employees will not be in the building is Friday, July 29, 2016. Beginning Monday, August 1st, the work hours will be from 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday through Friday. Student schedules will be mailed the week of July 11th, 2016. When received, please review schedules carefully, and, if there is an error, please contact the Guidance Department. A copy of schedules will be provided to each student in first block on the first day of school. Congratulations BHS had so many outstanding accomplishments this year! The volleyball team, baseball team, and boys’ soccer team secured the #1 seed in the Conference 24 Tournament; 400+ students received a BHS Academic Letter award; Mrs. Hope Perry was named BHS Teacher of the Year; and BHS was recognized as a Silver Medal recipient by U.S. News & World Report’s ranking of America’s Best High Schools for the third year in a row; the BHS Beta club had a member elected to the State Secretary position; art students won numerous awards at the JEB Stuart Art Show and the Piedmont Arts Expressions exhibit; and many athletes signed letters of intent to play college sports at various institutions. We will also welcome the new Bengal Tech Academy of Global Studies next year! Way to go Bengals! 1 Fall Sports Tryout Information Tryouts for fall sports begin prior to the start of school, and the first official tryout date for each sport is listed below along with the name of the head coach for each sport. Students MUST have a sports physical and insurance information on file at the school prior to trying out for any sport. Sport Football Competition Cheer Volleyball Cross Country Cross Country Golf Date July 28 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Aug 1 Coach Jay Gilbert Katie Elliot Julie Firebaugh Kevin Underwood (boys) Annette Carter (girls) Mark Jones Coach’s email [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Physicals BHS Dress Code Athletic physicals were held on May 21st for this upcoming school year. If any additional dates for physicals are added, they will be posted on our Facebook page, Twitter account, and in the Martinsville Bulletin. The cost is $10.00, Cash Only. Please refer to last year’s previous dress code at the Bassett High School website before purchasing school clothes over the summer. More information will follow in the next Bengal Mingle in July. Counselors Follow Us Check the following locations for Bengal updates and information. Twitter: Bassett High School: @bhtwtr Bengal Tech Academy:@BengalTechAcad The Counseling Department is as follows: Sue Cardwell Carrie Metzger Valerie Hughes Elizabeth Ellis Ally Clement A-F G-Ma Mc-S T-Z College Advisor Facebook: Website: Summer Reading Welcome to Pre-AP/AP English at Bassett High School! Your summer reading is an essential component to start the year right in this class. For this assignment, you will actively read selected texts before the first week of school. All books listed on the website have been selected to best prepare you for success in the Pre-AP/AP class. Our summer reading program exists to introduce students to themes, ideas, and skills that will be built upon during the school year. Your first graded assignment(s) in English class will be related to summer reading. Because you are taking a Pre-AP/AP class, you will be expected to take initiative to get your novel. You may go to a public library and check out the book, go to a book store and purchase a copy, go to News Den in Collinsville and order a copy, or download the book on your eReader. 2 Dress Code Henry County Public School Dress Standard for Middle and High School Students It is the desire of Henry County Public Schools to establish a safe and effective learning environment free from unnecessary risks and distractions. It is the responsibility of every student to dress in a manner that expresses his/her desire to strive for success at school. To ensure that students dress appropriately for school, the following dress standard will be enforced: • All shirts/tops must be of sufficient length to cover skin exposed at the waistline at all times. Tank tops are not allowed nor are those that reveal undergarments or inappropriate body parts. If worn, all sleeveless tops must come to the edge of the shoulder. • Shirts and dresses should not have a low-cut neckline or expose the back. • Clothing with logos that express obscenities, convey messages of a sexual nature, or advertise or condone drugs, alcohol, or cigarette products will not be permitted. • Clothing that is racially offensive or deemed a distraction to the educational process will not be permitted. • Mesh or see-through shirts are not permitted (males and females) unless a solid fabric shirt is worn underneath. *All pants, shorts, and skirts must be worn over the hips. Waistlines that sag and expose one’s undergarments or under layer of clothing is not acceptable. • No pants with holes or rips/tears are permitted unless another layer of clothing is worn under them. • Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be no higher than 5” above the knee. • Slits on skirts or dresses must be no higher than 5” above the knee. • Tight fittings pants, including but not limited to: leggings, jeggings, tights, biker shorts, spandex, etc… are not stand alone garments. They must be covered with a shirt or garment that is no shorter than 5” above the knee. • The outer garment of clothing worn must always be in compliance with the dress code. • No pajama-type pants/pajama pants are to be worn to school. • No wearing of bedroom shoes will be permitted. • Shoes should be appropriate for travel within the building; “heely” shoes (shoes with built-in wheels) are not permitted. • Hats, bandanas, headscarves, hoods, and/or any other head coverings may not be worn in school. (Exceptions are made for religious observances.) Combs and picks may not be worn in hair. • Wallet chains/chains hanging from clothing or spiked jewelry are not permitted. • Items not previously mentioned, but deemed inappropriate by the administration, will not be permitted. • If an extenuating circumstance arises, modifications to the dress standard may be granted by the administration. Consequences for violation of dress standards: First offense: Students who come to school dressed inappropriately as deemed by a faculty member or the administration will be asked to change or call home. Students will not be permitted to go to class until a correction in the attire has been made. Second offense: Students who come to school for the second time dressed inappropriately as deemed by a faculty member or administration will be asked to serve internal suspension or after-school detention. Third offense: Students who come to school for the third time dressed inappropriately as deemed by a faculty member or administration will receive an out of school suspension. 3 Attendance Policy Henry County Public School Attendance for Middle and High School Students Students are expected to arrive at school and all classes on time every day. It is the legal responsibility of parents or guardians to ensure that students are in regular daily attendance for the entire school day. Parents or guardians are encouraged to contact the school if their child is going to be absent from school. When a student is going to be absent for extended periods of illness, a parent or guardian must seek homebound instruction for a child. A student who is absent from school for an entire day, or for one or more class periods, must bring a note written and signed by a parent or guardian upon returning to school. The note shall contain the reason(s) for and the date(s) of the absence(s). The principal will be the judge of the validity of any excuses. Students are considered present when participating in field trips and other functions sanctioned by the school. Middle and high school students who are not physically present for at least fifty percent (50%) of a class period will be deemed absent and must provide an excuse for the absence. When a student in grades K-8 accumulates the equivalent of twenty (20) absences not attributable to a death in the immediate family, a subpoenaed court appearance, a verified chronic medical condition, school sponsored activities, or prearranged absences with the principal or designee, the principal or designee shall convene the attendance review panel. The student may not be eligible for credit or promotion if the equivalent of twenty unexcused (20) absences accumulate. When a student in grades 9-12 accumulates the equivalent of ten (10) absences not attributable to a death in the immediate family, a subpoenaed court appearance, a verified chronic medical condition, school sponsored activities, or prearranged absences with the principal or designee, the principal or designee shall convene the attendance review panel. The student may not be eligible for credit or promotion if the equivalent of ten unexcused (10) absences accumulate. In addition to Policy JED, Henry County Public Schools expectation for secondary students is that cumulative individual class absences in excess of two (2) days every thirty (30) days of instruction / six (6) weeks grading period shall also result in loss of credit. An appeal may be made in writing to the building principal if the absences in excess of two days were for extenuating circumstances. Responsibility for make-up work lies with the student. Arrangements for make-up work must be completed within three (3) days after returning to school. Students who skip a class may be required to makeup work; however, the student may not receive full credit for the completion of such work. This will not apply to assignments such as unit tests, term papers, or other long-term projects which extend beyond the day(s) the student skipped class. Students are expected to attend all assigned classes every day. Students are not to leave the building without permission. Students who leave the school grounds during the school day before their usual dismissal time must first have parental permission and approval from the administration. Students who are ill or injured must report to the office before leaving the building unless the nature of the illness or injury prohibits this. Complete attendance guidelines can be found in the Henry County Code of Conduct. 4