2005 - Fisherrow Yacht Club
2005 - Fisherrow Yacht Club
FISHERROW YACHTCLUB 2OO5YEARBOOK INCSAILING PROGMMME, TIDETABLiS 97 NEWSTREET MUSSELBURGH EASTLOTHIAN EH2I 6DG [*"';-; ' YEARBOOK2(N5 CONTENTS vi; _... ' $ut'y, [, YEARBOOK2@5 FLAGOFFICERSAND COMMITTEE YEARBOOK2NS 2OO5 MEMBERSHIP HONORARY cotitMoDoRE Maureen Councillor Talac conr{toDoRE AlynSmurlhwaite '15Mi hitl Mussdburgh EH217RQ vtcEco MoDoRE DavidPetrie 01315546946 '16CambridgeAvenue [email protected] EdinburghEH6 01316658683 [email protected] REARCOiltrlODORE GENERALSECRETARY EileenHenderson Ystrad,HighStreet Gifiord EtHi 4QU 01620810651 [email protected] HON.TREASURER AlanPeden 21 SioneyhfllTerrac€, EH21 Musselburgh, 6SG 0 t 31 6650970 [email protected] [email protected] EMBERSHIP SECRETARY DavidTollervey 30 EastfiEld Edinbqrgh EHl5 2PN 01316693210 [email protected]. uk colli flTTEE 0131 6651790 l,naBinnie 01312297566 DavidPany t679 CalumJones(JnrRep) 0131661 SAILINGCOMIIITTEE DavidPetde PaulineChristie KeithChdstie AtvnSmu hwaite BARCONVENER GavinMcDo{vall 013',16532412 FISHERROW HARBOUR]IIASTER AlexStewad 3 StoneyhillGIove, Musselb!Eh Edinburgh EH216SE 0131e65s900 I A|TKE ANGUS BAIRD BAI{D BARBER JIM& SHEITA STAN& MAE KENNY JOHN& THELMA PAUL& FIONA BARBOUR JEHANE BINNIE BLAGK GHRISTIE CLARK CRAWFORD IAN& UTA BOB& OLWEN KEITH& PAULINE TOBY GMHAM & ANN Mr DARIUS DONALD DEANS DICK MILLY JAMES& CATHY DOWNS ELPHII{STONE IAIN& MAUREEN NAUTILASS LEISURE 23 01316655496 01315571059 MIRROR 27 MACWESTER 01316200632 PAPILLON MARJIEDE MER SAI-AMANDER WESTERLY PAGEANT QUICKSILVER LASERII LORNRIVAL RIVAL34 HUMDINGER ENTERPRISE LODESTAR WESTERLY WARWICK LARK OUTOFTHE BLUE FERGUSOl{ TOM& NORMA FINDLAYSON ALAN FINDLAYSON RICHARD& SANDRA FAOILINN HARRISON PEGASUS 7OO WESTERLY CENTAUR WESTERLY WARWICK PRIVATEER SCARAS HENDERSOl{ HUGH& SHEILA LAUGHING MATTER COUNTESS LINDACOLVIC 2E, COUNTESS TOPPER, BUZZ GEOFF& JAN INGRAJI INGRAIII JARTIIAN JOHNSTON ROY& BEATRICE KIRSTY ANDREW& SIAN ALAN& LOUISE JONES LARNER LAW TIM& CAROL JO NORRIE& EILEEN suzz AMOS CHARMER MIRROR HUNTER HORTZON 26 IN THE RED SCARISTA 01316657373 01316651790 01316692902 01875Et t745 01314495513 o't31657 1012 0't316536601 01316693449 01316693449 0131663 2424 01316655492 01434607't19 0131il45 3700 013't6572165 HENDERSON EILEEN INGRATII 01506EE2721 WESTERLY CENTAUR 01620810851 01316657866 01506883015 o1a75a53242 0'150688 3015 013'l,{452905 01875815964 013't66t 1679 01316721899 01316656245 PE YEARBOOK2OOs LMNGSTONE IAN& MARGARET LIVINGSTONE TOM& VALERIE LIVINGSTONE SANDY& JOAN LOTIIAS JOHN& IRENE MACDONALD STUART& JANE LENA ilacMlLLAN TONY& CARRIE ITIANCINI MoDO,IIALL mcGHEE I'CHALE MciilA US MILLER GAVIN JIM BARRIE JoHN& FIONA ARCHIE& THEA ]TILLER ]NITCHELL MONAGHAN MUIRHEAD IAN& ALICE ANNE-ROSE DAVID CHRIS& ANGELLA KENNY& SUZY BILL& JANIS 'TUIRHEAD NICOL YEARBOOK2NS RAGDOL TOPPER ODYSSEY CRAFTYLADY SEAWOLF ROCKHOPPER HUNTER REMEDY GRYPHON NICRUTO KINTYRE WESTERLY GRIFFON WESTERLY CENIAUR MIRROR JAGUAR21 et 177 MOZZTG LADYOF ROHAN WESTERLY CENTAUR 01318gl 5087 01316616337 01316692502 0 t31 6658749 01316650884 01316572312 013165324',12 018756t2 091 0r316532280 01875615025 013't4493053 0131552'1590 01316653344 013't6656't3'l 01313432051 0131258109r .0t316657558 STEWART TALAC THOIiISOiI TIERNEY TIERNEY ALEX MAUREEN EUAN& FIONA BRYAN& JAYNE CHRIS 01315655336 01875812343 01312297566 SEAFLY 01316656,+(}l 01316650970 NOUVELLE COBRA FIRST24,LASER 013't5546946 SHAMAL 013't6637668 LASER 01312294600 013'1447 2647 WESTII WEEWITCH ELLAHEZRA CONTENDER 01620860425 01875341717 BRIGHTANGEL SEAHAWK 01316542725 0t316658683 AEOLUS JEANNEAU EOLIA25 013t6655900 COUNTESS 28 01316655046 01316699066 01316541863 SALTYDOG CALYPSO 0'1316602545 GREENSIDEUP LASER TOLLERVEY DAVID& HILLE SIESTA NIOOL CHRIS NIMi,|O JOHN& ANN OAVID PARRY HANNAH PAYNE ALAN& KATHRYN PEDEN DAVID& LINDA PETRIE & JACKIE RUSSELL RAMSAY AUDREY RANKINE ROBERTSON COLIN& STEPHANIE SEAGROATT ALASTAIR NEIL SIMPSON ALEX SMAIL ALYN& ELAINE SMURTHWAITE WESTERLY PAGEANT 01316693210 TOLLERVEY ROBERT& ELLA VAN SYLVIA& JAN BARNEVELD DAVID& CAROLINE VUILXIE SIESTA 0't316693179 01a753r'.1741 THEDAISY GROUPMEI'BERS MUSSELBURGH SEACADETS RICHARDERSKINE BRIANMCCLURE LORETTO SCHOOL WESTERLY PAGEANT JAMESTORRANCE S. LUCAS MtcRo18 0 r3r 6536434 07867763841 01316643882 (w)013'16534i144 Ir .:i. . Ir]';- t! YEARBOOK2MS YEARBOOK2OOS YACHTCLUB WELCOMETO FISHERROW Thankyou for renewingyour membership,or, if you are a new memberthen welcome to our club. The Committeewould like to take this opportunityto let you know of the facilitiesavailableat FYC. Most importantlywe aim to be a friendly,helpful,clubtor our membersand where better to wind do',vnafter a hard week than wilh a refeshing drink at the bar with convivialcompany.The bat is open ftom 8.45 p.m. every Fridayand can also providesoff drinksicr our youngermemberswho havetheir own roomacross the hall. A new season is beginningand I can't wait. We have laid out an excitingsailing programmewith many weekends lefr free for cruising in company. Please try and take parl in Club events,whether they be social or sailing,'as you only get out of any situationas much as you put in". The committeeand myselfwill endeavourlo make this a happyand inclusiveseasonfor membersold and new. In the clubwe have a gamesroom completewith pool table and musicfacilities.There is also a payphoneinstalledfor members'use (0131-665-3155). During the winter with the majorityof our boats out of the water, it is easy to forget that the club can be a useful source of iniormation and camaraderie ior the whole family. The commifteewill be arranginga varietyof entertainingeveningsin additionto the usualannualsocialevents.Pleasecome alongand lendyour supportto theseevents. Notificationof details and dates will be provided in our regular newsletter. Suggestions are alwayswelcome. The club has a power-washeravailableto all members.Unlimileduse of the club dinghies is also available.Full Members and their families may use these boats, howeverwe would ask that if any other memberswish to make use of the dinghies then they make a one-offannualpaymentto mver wear and tear. The clubroomsare availablefor privatefunctionsby anangement. In this increasinglytechnologicalage more and more of our membershave accessto the intemet.We have been makingan effortto compilea list of email addressesfor our members.Althoughnot detailedin the handbookit is our intenlionto issuea list of addresseslaterin the year. Pleasesend an e-mailto the MembershipSecretaryit you change your email address or acquire a new one so we can keep our records up to date. Once we have your addressit will be easy ior us to pass on informationabout club events to you. BonVoyage Alyn Smurthwaite Commodore. TIMESARE15 PLEASENOTETHATFISHERROWTIDE MNUTES(APPROX)EARLIERTHANTHETIMESQUOTED fi;. MlF nm. Mt6 www.fishenowyachtclub.com - The Clubsite,maintainedby ChrisTiemey wwumeto.gov.uk - A good site for the latestweatherinformation www.peyc.org.uk- Port Edgar'swebsite www.pbo.co.uk - The websiteof the magazine'PracticalBoatOwne/ Otficewebsite www.ukho.goy.uk - Th€ Hydrographic www.fyca,org.uk - Forth Yacht Clubs Associationwebsite www.mcagency.org.uk- The Maritimeand CoastguardAgencywebsite 27/03/05 & 29/1o/0s MIF nm. Ml6 lin. ii ?i 17?l[13253ii3 1i8lli:! 93}!l F 1,4!9 5.4 W 1357 5.5 TH 1941 4'€ lu 131a 53 2304 1.0 2m6 i:263i93:i 2lili i.l.|0ffi8ff 183Si F 1410 2,4 SA 1524 5,6 w 1901 5,1 iH 1447 59 23,€ l.a a 2114 02 2gJS 4.2 2053 0,5 i3 3Tf; * 19tri:il27ff.1 fi 11SS F r53:r 6.0 g\ t548 2.4 SU 1600 5,6 1950 a,9 lll 21rt9 0.1 21 4,1 2122 O,5 ?i28$i i:3 20218 48ffi13123ii3 3:3 M 163f 5.6 20 sA 1616 3,0 gu 17sl 2'2 aE 2211 02 2337 4,3 2145 05 lfll i:29 Ug E ftfi ;:;21 5 3# ;: 13 M 13r(| 13 TU 1717 5.5 SU 1656 53 s,d 1609 22 2206 ar8 47 22lo 05 M 1733 5.7 2250 0.9 TU 1254 4.3 l9r2 1,6 W 1759 5.4 p12 1.1 7lfll 3l::i:33l !3i'il l3 15::i: ii 23 W 1336 5,1 Tt| lA{5 5.1 M 1t2r,t 1.3 TU 1a17 5.3 1901 1,2 839;1 il if 243ii3 i3 t6!fi? W t3t 5,0 lN tr13 5.3 TU 13@ 5,3 ' 1947 o,A 2339 1,3 fih. MtG lim. 1939 0€ 84 r5 ltB ntu ltB nrr Mrt 725H 13i 1i * i : 93H;':173:3 : M 1535 5J F 1935 a.3 Eq 1512 5,0 su 1514 23 2119 03 212 11 2054 0.6 Z 26ffi ;:t 2lH :: l(ltrfi 3318i3i9 sA 125A ZO m37 a6 Sll 1553 5'a 2144 o-a M 162a 2.1 457 12 Tu 1617 57 2121 07 3.1 :::11i#;i lgiiE1127SE 3333: sl, 1607 t3 2159 4,5 M t632 5t 2201 0.3 TU 1716 1.3 2354 d5 w 1700 56 2152 O9 4W i.Z1z#i3320$ilil2813[i:i M 1727 l-5 234 13 TU 17lO 55 ,t.'t 211 w 1755 1.5 TH 1746 5',1 2230 1.2 :: i ii21ffi i i 29ffi 5:i:: 1313ffi F 1435 5.2 1.1 W 17,€ 5.2 TH 1256 5.0 oa Y30tr i; 6:fi: ft 14*: ";3223m 5U 1731 1.3 aza aa u.t rG.MtrAd t her Id B.S.\.b.t*ec27n3n5&29/\O/A5 0 2017 0.7 0.4 2311 1.4 Vfith the intemetin mind, pleasetind belowa few helpfulwebsites.Pleasenote that only our own site is maintainedby FYC. AprilTides- GMT MorchTides- GMT U.I IGM.X) Add I how 6018.5.L h.r{en 2if'1 1,5 1332 12 2314 16 ff33i:3 * 30 ?Bli3 22W" 6ffi il53 14 SA 1029 '19 F 1336 52 TH 1a2a .i9 oJ 2301 1,9 1912 03 ii 731ff ::i151tril 2331fi tN t3ao 5.6 2Ot3 0.4 F 13ro {.5 2&6 2.3 SA 1416 5,4 1050 0J 833fi il 16ll::iiz4tr",Zi F 142a 5,A a 2049 03 Sq 2000 a.3 SU 1456 5,6 0 202s 0,6 YEARBOOK2OO5 YEARBOOK200'S Moy Tides- GMT nm. /Vhn lid. MrE lin. Mtrr tim. 21L 09 211f 13 t/trE 2tot 0.a 2ffi ii 10ffi ;i 18t38 ii26H:t ;f M t555 i.6 TU tato 5,4 W 1631 tl tH t6a7 5.6 2154 1:t 2121 1.1 U3 15 21/6 1l a3 w t64! 63 2117 13 TH t7!t A4f i.5 a,A rH 1726 5,t 2210 15 F 1301 13 F 10{E r.a 223! 11 Sq 1254 51 1341 t.l 0,7 a1a a1 1!21 0,9 o.? o 1959 03 irtt nn. ML 21/|6 t.'t B@ Mtrt tin. &6 1.O W 13/tO 55 t9/r5 t3 iB: 2l5r 1.l o r!3! 1.1 1951, i'a tH t31a &2 TH rr*!| igo 2120 L7 , 1,4 26 Ot 8$fl ii 163;f?.;24?::3 3i F 1303 S.2 6t 1429 r.0 SU 1707 5.S r.7 20 TU tro2 55 194? i.i a.6 W i,ls! 5, o 2oa4 1,1 TH i537 uo zEo !r5 - 2it7 N 2rs0 4l Itrn al l93a 1l el 1n o 2026 l, lr 2olB tu 1623 5.4 2131 1.O 15ar 63 2050 1! eu r$! 21la zl a.6 e !3 12 M 16a2 22 22a 13 fih. 21.! 12 233! al ,330 12 n5A 231 4.6 2321 at 2252 12 13 1ll0 1030 i.t 2N 2l w 12'l' lEo' r't zl Im Mrr ntu Mtu 2014 aa a 2005 1! 2131 4A tim. 2110 1,0 2130 1,1 DecemberTides' GMI fim. Mlr. Mh 1 Ti i.26 s.6 a 1go0 11 2151 a.5 z o ri A 1J io 2Lt 5.l 23,a3 a,9 i 15 I su it33 M t306 13 142 1916 12 ig 13 20@ 1,0 5u 1'53 25 2144 ts &$ 61 2113 12 zts 47 a& 52 2217 t3 ."4s 4s 4 1.5 rgoa 1"5 2332 1a lol3 15 3Q Slili:l 3l;:il 22W f;' 6 H ii 14 F 1'02 54 43 w tart 54 TH 1gt t90O 1.3 193t 12 19!2 1.3 ifi: i:: B:31: 31 tri3i:: 23 7 i:S i: 15 sq 144 5s Tlt 1/t31 5.5 F 1213 2l w lsrt 5l o 2{82 1Sl9 a.a 8!ffi :! 16#::3:24Ell 1l TH 1al3 Zt TU 1el4 a.9 su t3a2 6, t.t ru iara s.g 2SO 1.3 7ffi ?:1531S ;i 23$tl ::3 W 1l5a e5 M ta:r 5,t n, 1405 5J 2316 1.6 sa 1549 54 2113 12 frli i:: 21f i: 29Hl i:! 51fli -u rrzr i:13 s.a ru 1255 53 W 1611 43 TH 1312 52 #fi ';322ffi ;i 30 3:g"{: 6 ffit i:63 14 W l3a4 5-4 M 1310 5.6 TU 1A30 r7 1,3 21 50 13 i3 281",!3 l:20$i: 4H1i?r12i:H w 1754 1a v 10@ rJ TU 1?2e 51 i# :f 293# ::l 5 H:: i:i13ffi :i 21 Ill tTaA a.9 Tu 1301 5,2 SA l6a0 6.4 SU 1329 lr{ at42 1.1 F 1,r:! 2tl1 Mltt lin. ft2flT]',:3 l:?19H: 3ffi1il11liB TU 171' 21 i, 135. 52 su rtG 19 su i63a s.e 21al 1,0 1.0 MIE ,vlh3 fim nm i:3 233i1 i:i10ffi lf 18Hfl';:26ii8 M 1fi22 23 r iooo s.o g\ tssa 2,0 su 16?2 53 4ffi $ 20ES i; 28U{ tf i312T:t sq t?37 t.7 M t7l|6 !l F 160? 5r 8u l?12 5.r 2i0t 13 U.I lG.M.TlAddt hM ht 8.s.I b.t*827/031o5 &29/to/05 sa io5o Er ui io 22a0 5.1 1913 l.a $ 19Hfi lf 339?3311:iA :: 271i9 F t642 Z0 SA t63t 53 5U 1m9 2.1 TH 1529 5.6 20a6 r.o 4i giiiifirqff*ii2{:ffiii t916 1,3 23iS i::26ii[ ;: ;i10ffi li 18$fi SA lG27 zra W 1451 53 TH l5:!3 22 F 1605 55 2lErl 45 TU lAZl MtE 4ol Hl 1331311? 7 H :; 15 ffi ;: 23 ii *ul8 *la ;iill * .Eg i:: :: li 231, 13 12 w 1$. e3 i; f,r*li'fl1;il ii'!mi,i2sFi *'?ffii:itgffi i:1+i# ,qffi l; o.a 1r 18lEi: gffi M7$3i ii 25ffi 'n 1415 5,5 W i,l(t 21 tH 15?! 5.6 F 1533 ZB lSal a, M 17?5 25 2413 il5 ;i 8ffi :i il 24!is 16ffi! w la13 5t M i64 53 tU 17a3 i, 2a5r 4,6 tlllf Ell t!56 6t ?153 0t fU 172a 5C 0t W 0,6 November Tides - GMT iI 7& S;:15H:t23frn3131tr;3 OU r6ra a2a a.7 2i'@ fg Hi'IHil tffiii'lffi;.i'effi *ffili'?14 ffi",ffiii ii',efi:i 2249 L1 UT.(c.M.r)AddI hod lor 8.s.I b.tw.n 27/03105 & 29IO/05 2161 'l-' M 164! At 0J 1,6 11# ii ii'lli*ll'silfr ;i $]$l ::268S :: 1tt22 13 i3 241?!i i:l 8l3[:116ffi1 F 131i 5.€ SA 1$a dr 53 fi 1ftA *21 I I H 21tri ll 2gfifi::: lJ 4J m4 MIB nn' 2s?iii101ll! l?18H36'0 s.i tt re26 rr ru 3:l27ff3 ti 31fl?'l11lH i:B193S1 1332 Ar lU 1€54 2J !l' 1947 a.t 2123 0,6 l u tim. tnr[ fim. MiE li@ sr iiii 2050 /r3 o 2649 0J i:i Zffi ff 15fl l:! 231i3i F 1619 52 lx 1g2s 1'6 0l 2ll2 lt 1J i:3 l3 22lil! 13303ffi 6ffi ;t t4Tfi F 1307 6.0 lf 1729 2.O rH 1739 5.5 13 lt 13 22re 1A 2005 03 W i7o0 5,a ns 1.1 lim ftE 1t i:l il 263S1 i: 101f,: "il 18SI 231i9 sl, 1143 6.i M last 2J F 1411 52 SA 1SO a.9 21Oa 1,0 1-1 nm Mt'r tlm ll 29lS 13 3:3 1121W; 13ffi 5ffi1 W 1657 53 Tfi 1631 22 M lsag 5J nJ 1620 at 1.0 4 mn Im 3! 28!if 1l 4ffi31 3:312ffi :: 20tr tU 1615 6,0 It l?Ei( 2'l lssr 23 lf, 1a:o i.3 2O5t 5.O :; 6ffi ii14tr fl 22W;i 30T13 3 a,6 2126 1,0 2059 ,1.6 TU l95r i:13ffi sffi F 15iO 62 SA i23! a 201! 73 :l U ; 15&t li23f if itA03 35U117t|3 r #a2: ; 5'2 F 1324 r.a S !&7 lH 153t 2o!t |it 1t10 214' 1 d, 1517 5,a M 1,1 ?002 52 1; ;: 28S13 4ffi 5.1 1112it$ :: 20ffi 8ll 15(l 26 F i!32 aC 5\ 1500 60 tJ 63 1 3tTlt 4% i222f : F tsz, f i3 i30#::: 6w ffi ia52 5c 20@ It 5.9 $\ t55t 22 a 2010 15 1159 lJ mt.t BA 1aa6 53 a 1150 13 i.:27ffi :i 33ffi i:111i:*il 19#: F lrtl3 5,1 9\ i320 22 w 135i 5,0 TH 1651 5.0 5.3 i: 21ffi i:329"ill 13 5 3l#i:l1311H W t925 4.3 TH 14{15 5J F 14ll 13 TU 1410 5.t 200a 1.! J li if 18s3:i 263??l 2ffi: i:10ffi! F 18 ll w 1!tr 5,r rH t32a 55 trl ir6 4'e 1!@1 2n 4 tr3 i: 12ff ii 208lli i:328Hzit M t32i 6.t TLt 1342 a.9 1335 1.7 ,31f 1.1 63 12 zt 27 3 H: fi 11 ffi: i:l 19E:: i:3 ffi ::: M 1302 5'o n t!{1 5.2 l/{ t2al! to 10a9 1,6 a:|a -13 tf 1.0 I|h. 1920 t' i'l li 25?tr lt;E:i 9S: ?f 17?'# TH 1357 53 w 1039 1i M r&r9 2.1 tu 1732 52 1A 2241 15 a00 .12 lVUn lih. tim. ;: 2!:g 3:3.|0H ?i18lili l:326?!l: SU 1722 5.1 l' tt55 1.7 TU 1ar!t 5.6 su t226 6.0 t€55 lt s{q i725 5t ?216 12 19 U.I GJTLLIAddt hwr ior 8.s1, b.rn6n27/03105& 29nOn5 ti 25?H 2:"1 i317W 13lr?: gffi sa l&1 5.1 so l94l a,5 llt 1$2 no F M3 5,r U.I lGJ,r"IlAddI hoftor B.ST.tod,*6n27l03lo5L29non5 sA 1306 1.? 45 g7 t5 MIE Augusl Tides- GMT &29lon5 1t F laoa It ?251 17 Oclober Tides- GMT September Tides - GMT U.TrGi,LTfAddI h@rtor 8.5.1.b^d..n 27n3M &29lon5 ritu 8ffi 3:; ;:i16813 ? 24i!31 w t55l 52 lH 1542 t.a F l63a a' ll lffi ::3SA9$ll if l7lt$ ?:2sfr33 F 1703 It t6aa t1 3U t650 i.9 M i75A 5.4 2a03 a.3 MtE 23$:3i 7ffi1ff15ffi ff w l/tsi 13 TH l5a3 6t JulyTides- GMT MIE lim. 21t 2102 13 U.T.lc.ldT.lAddI hMtor &5.Tl'&'dnv/o3l05 Im. TH 1@ 52 21?9 ta 11, 1512 a! 20*r .rJ a.9 1513 6t 2052 ot 2030 {3 t3 4.9 M 14@ 5l a 2025 i: 83il 3f16H! i.,.24V# Z:3 M tatp 2,0 tu 3U rasr 53 4 2050 03 rh. 6Ei3i:14m i222ffiff30tr8:i a.t 53r Il||E 53;3i: 131tri: 2t 3;flll 29,,133 lt su i3ai ts55 7ffi ff rsEil 2i 23ffi ii 313# :.3 sq 146 6.3 sl, 184 a,4 tt 1!€7 55 TU 1522 t,a t02o fm. 4 ffil i:63 12 #3 ll 283fr1l.: ffi i: 20 M t30a 53 Tt 132l t.l 5t tt23 a.0 &1 W1 u, lnan 2?l4 &q l25t loll 6li€3 it'141il3 il22A1ii3303fli li F 1317 5.5 sl\ 13{7 a.d SU t3,tt 5,a U t/Oa r.3 l3a5 lir' 2A &\ 13t9 53 An 1.A AU llza l|m. 3F ftdr3: : $ llHr i.:1AU9la15ffill2 7 tffii: i.a 12 3A 1745 {9 i,t tSoo 5r F 1736 55 81 13 str[ i:13ffi:l::21ffi i:29W,ii Tti 1224 5.3 1902 0.t IvlF lffi :f gffi ii r7lil r25fts i: 2:l# ti 10fi:3 il 18ff: il 261ig ;:; I F tTOa 6.0 6 1t27 ii 5r' ra17 5,3 4iffi:ri12::?: ii 20tr :328?ifi ii . w l31o r.0 rih. lN r7o 13 2g|' 6.0 1.1 3tci;i11trs::191it?127ffi Et TU tTtg zlos ,I U.I (G./'^tl Add I hdr td 8.S.l &tv@n 27nA0s &29110/05 l8E :; g$il ;: 17S91i25tr93:3 M t53a s.5 TU t5!a 2,0 w 155! t7 su ra13 lJ 2W 4J I JuneTides- GMT uT. lO.ltTJAddI howfor 8.s.I b.+,.6 2r/@n5 & 2?/1'Orc,S 12 1sa6 4:r * 839i3 l:1163:fi i:i24il* S{ 1313 2J F 1513 55 o iH 132s 2.O 2@5 5.r 2059 1' t 20?2 10 YEARBOOKzws YEARBOOK2OOs TROPHIESFOR2OO5EVENTS R. N. L, l. Stern Chase Shield Heldby DavidWilkie'The Daisy Grace' Joe Wilson MemorialTrophy Held by: Keith Christie: Enterprise Riding of the MarchesQuaich Held by: Stuarl MacDonald "Rockhoppef Stem Chase:- Cruisers Riding of the MarchesTrophy CfhreeShips) Not sailedin 20(M Ladi€s Rose Bowl - Cruisers Heldby: Jane MacDonald'Rockhoppef l€dies Rose Bowl - Dinghies Noi raced in 2004 Junior Cup Held by: Grant Richardson Fisherman'sLog Not raced in 2004 Inshore Series Trophy (Glass Yacht) Not concludedin 2004 Randolph Cup Heldby: StuartMacDonald 'Rockhoppe/ Rob BallantineT.ophy Held by: Stuart MacDonald 'Rockhoppef Open CruiserRace 'CruiserClass'No downwindheadsails Ladies Stem chase Sail 'n' SizzleSternchase Heldby:Alyn smurthwaite 'Aeolus" Stemchase lron Topsail Trophy Nol raced in 2004 Charity BarometerTrophy Heldby DavidWlkie 'The Daisy Grace" Old Codgers Won by DavidWlkie An event underengine. EVENTS FOR2OO5 TROPHIES (contd) 'Maud'Trophy Heldby:StuartMacDonald 'Rockhoppef Stem Chase:- Dinghies Open Cruise Series Ladiesdinghyrace Dinghies i One day competition InchmickeryRace DINGHYHANDICAPSERIESI Held by Alastair Seagroatt 'Ellahezra' DINGHYHANDICAPSERIES2 Held by Alastair Seagroaft 'Ellahezra' QuaysideTrophy Heldby AlastairSeagroatt "Ellahezra" Odyssey ll Plate Held by: Stuari MacDonald 'Rockhoppef 1,075miles Cruiser:-MidweeklnshoreSeries CruiserRaceto Dunbar Stemchase(in 2004) Sport for All Troplry Not sailedin 2003 'A Guid Trie/ Rollo Trophy Yachts:Heldby: lain Elphinstone 'Out of the Blue' Dinghies: Heldby Tim Jones Laser 2 The RankineTrophy Won by: Les Butler- "Summer Thyme" R FYC Awarded to the cabin {with bunks) cruising boat (motor or sailer) which in the opinion of the sailing committeehas done the most extensive, interesting and enterprising cruise during the year. The competitionwill be judged by the ships logbook or record. The closing date for entries is the last day of Seotember and entries should be submitted w(tin the followingweek. Awardedat the RegattaiJr dinghies. Awardedto the club member- iunioror senior- who has accumulatedthe biggestnumberof nautical milesas skipper,crewor passengerin anyvesselor vessels,regardlessof size whilst lravellingundgr sailalong. Awardedfcr a cruiserevenl. Awardgdto the boat which has taken parl in the withoutwinning largestnumberof clubevents/races a clubtrophybut has comeclosestto doingso. lMll be iudgedby tha sailingcommitteeafter sctutinyof results. thessason's F Y C A OverOneTideRace Extendedcruising in Company Cruiser FundraiserStern chase Single.handeddinghy Race for those of mature yeafs. MembeF are encourag€dto arange cruising as convenienl and to submit their logs tor considerationfor the 'Odyssey Plate' and 'Maud' trophy awards. sAIUNG PROGIIAMME2OO5 RESCUE starl Dlndhy F D E CRANE IN 9th 23td o o x 6ar PEclic. Sall {.ll6melte lo Satuftlay) I(rl 7th ah 13tr s€t lollowrd tv BEa RNLIt Je Wlroh St rnch.lo Sun l.dl€. Ro.. Bor ,l Yscht L.dl6 Ro!. B4l OlnChY 1gth sal/ sun 9th 1oth D S€ll t Slztl€ slqnch@ t.3OaE tot Yr.it ldqwllllLggo aDen olr l6t14l Fisherow lmthron challeme Fek.r,/ n@moratinr ab..doule DonlGYBEc Re. S.lllng Frcgr|mn.2005 strrt stacevun&av , AnandaRlchar&on 13th ah,ltu 20th Sun B.r6m.t r shl.ld - .round lrchk lth ot Cr.ld lkch D D /KC "T - Rm Round the Y&ht Marka 2.lll!rh 9th FM 17t nor1€ .d.h.t Sd cd.tr - ?bvl.lon.l 23t.1 1z30Dm / 1,16Dm ! Cr.n6oul & OlnohvSall Old CododE Haodic.Doho Th. nam.d r..cu. T tr o o , r you .n unabl. io und.dal€ yout d.l.gti.d ilD dog, rvotl.l yd Pl.r.. oltlctt l. rolpon.lbl. ory.nl.3 altltnet|v. cov.t lor roctuldng t ct€w mmb.r. . wh . E& e r . a r 6 Ra d n g w€ c|Gn & s.te d uled' lheRcscu!DUiy!hou|d*.har .dow' |her e k ondb€tw !.nl h.1$!nahes | I3ted- i 'e'onep€| !onei Acrry henber 6hould b€ edbH lor..ch day. Thb anangem6ntr^,lllele apply to lh. Reg.t€ w@k6nd I o a (rl Il ll Fleq Ft@ci! il@ ll F!4rE II Pq€ I Fq4!z I I,*" I G;, I l"G" l;ar' t:::-l zz{sl 1r lP€Yc ^!tlmlvhb.tr-_.--_1 ,i"!F!l*6ffi*"-*--.-.-J aE o.rlpcG;"r"#dFii---------J ffil I I T, iljE YEARBOOK2U'5 SOCIAL EVENTS DATE& TIME EVENT DESCRIPTION Saturdayth April Crane-ln Friday15'April 7.30pm Pre-season lrformationwiflbe impartearegadinlGsicbriefing/presentadon.saungruEs and rescuecrewraceofficer responsittlitils. please makelime to Saturday30thApril 7.30pm Sunday7th May 1.00pmstart Commodores Pady 17.50per head. StartttreseasonOyEing sociable$/ilhfellowsailors. RobBallarine Yachtswiltsaila stemcirase,tottor,ved Ova Trophystemchase- BBQ. Pleasebringyourownfood dub Yachts BBO'S available for !r.c OPENDAY Saturday21st May 12.00noon Sunday22ndMay 't2.30pm start. atlrnd RNLIand Joe Wlson slemchas€s Follou€dby BBe thls b.iefind ca.ci^Dt (RNLIEntryFee- e s.OoEiOoar)EcrrG- will race for the RNLItrophyand dinghies tiorthe Joe \Mlson lrophy, followed bv a BBQ. Please bring your own food - dub BBQ'Saveilablefor r!<e Saturday 4th& Sunday FYCREGATTA sth June - briefng llarn/11.30am Starts:12.00/l2.3opm- ENTRYFEEe 10.00for 2-hander,-S3-O for singlehander and€2.50for extraDersons yachtanddinghysaitorsto (foodincluded). sign-inat bdefingsessionto be heldal Sunday1zthJune sef-limed F.YC.AOneTide Race (Yachts) Sunday1gth June '11.30amstart PiratesDay and BBQ 4th- Ah Julv gthJuly Saturday 3.30pmstart Sair in the City ABCare responsible for oEanigng{treOne TideRacein 2005. pleasepadicipate and represent yourclub.A yellowflag/pennanl shouldbellonnfromriggingto indicate parlicipatbn. Freefor attsait(inctudingwaEiEiidnbombardment). Fancydressoptional_ Fun compulsory. Ple€sebringyourownfood_ clubBBQSavailabte icr use. SaUSun30/3tst Juty 9.30amslart Triathlon Chaenge Forthe braveand the dafii & AberdourFeslival 11am BUFFFT eFtua.l .4A' RYA soonsana ..irai .'iliF^ -.,^- ,;ii- JuniorHdm yachts Under18 personsto pair-upwithin(under18) ejeeriencedyachtownerand helmduring lhe race Sat/Sun15th/161h July Aberdour Cruise RandolphCup 8.30pmdai Saturday23dJuty Sail& Sizre Yachts and dinghies stemchase raE3.00pmstaft Stemchase. followed by a BBQ. please bring your own Followedby BBQ. food - dub BBQ'Savailablefor use (coals supplied). YEARBOOK2(N5 Fiday 'lZ'ihAugus,t start7.00pm Old CodgersRace ANdBBQ Sunday20thAugust 'l.30oms{adSaturday27thAugust gamstan lf b€dweather- we will attemplsameon 2Eh Auqust. ChadtyBarometer Race (yachts) ClubPicnicto lnchkeith Over40 yearoldsailorsto racein dinghies, Fo[owedby BBO. Pleasebringyourown food. (Entryfee - e5.00per boat) Rac€rDundlncfikeithor CraioWauoh Yachtswill sailto lnchkeithandanchotor moorinthe harboqr.TheRIBwillaclas € water-taxifor the non-aailors! Sdurday Ah Oc{ober fto be confirmed) Friday14thOclober 7.3opm Friday 28th Ocdober Sdurday1Ah November T-3opm Monday14th NovemberT-30om December tbc FundraisertorRNLI. vadetyof )Gnas cardsand stockingfillerson Sale,as wellas a fine seledionof cheesealo @nsume. FancyDressoptional.Fun& games HalloweenParty orqanisedigr lhe vounq& vounoin hean. PrizeGMngEvening Socialeveningahangedto pFsent the 2005winnersiheir silveruafe. Partyon at the Quayside. dol n io a fab. Live Band. Bufretorovided. ANNUALGENERAL We valueyourinputto lhismeeling.Please comeandair vourviews! MEETING tbc A Chds{masEverf RNLICheese& Wne I FISHERROW YACHT CLUB Tel:01316653{55 ub.com www.fisherrowyachtcl Publilh.d by Fkherow Yacttt club @2004