5th February - St Mary`s Primary School
5th February - St Mary`s Primary School
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Celebrates One Hundred and Three Years Newsletter - Term 1 Week 2 th 5 February 2016 UPCOMING EVENTS 2016 TERM ONE WEDNESDAY, 10th FEB ASH WEDNESDAY MASS (11.45 A.M.) Foundation Information Evening (7.00 p.m.) YEAR SIX CAMP ANGLESEA To all in our school community Week Two and thankfully the much needed rain that we enjoyed last week dissipated for the arrival of Week Two and our tradi onal Year Six Camp. The purpose of a camp so early in the year is all about leadership for the three days at Anglesea YMCA Recrea onal Camp always proves an ideal ini al learning opportunity to establish our Year Six children as the 2016 student leaders of the school. All ac vi es are based on leadership and the importance of working as a team, communica on and coopera on for these quali es are essen al in the compe ve world in which we live. Fortunately, the weather was near perfect in that we were neither too cold nor too hot, ideal for promo ng our best physical effort. Not only did we enjoy the usual ac vi es of Mountain Bike Riding, Orienteering, and team games, but this year we were introduced to crate climbing as a replacement to the “out of ac on” giant swing. Not only was this a challenging ac vity, it required a skilled mindset to conquer the fear of systema cally climbing one crate at a me. Supported and vocally encouraged by their peers, a number of children succeeded in achieving the maximum of climbing twelve crates. However, for some the highlight was the a ernoon walk to the beach. Here we were able to immerse ourselves in all those wonderful beach games. Some children played beach cricket, others created huge holes by energe cally digging in the sand with the purpose of “burying” themselves. But the most popular was playing in the estuary. Children and water seem to have a natural a rac on. In the evening we were visited by the local Kangaroos, with some children being transfixed by these nonchalant na ves of Australia whilst a er dinner ,a er a quick game of trivia (What was Mr Spence’s car number plate?), we voted for our House Captains and decided on the roles for Student Representa ve Council, Choir, Environmental, Social Jus ce, ICT, Library and Church Captains. Tuesday night we reflected on the happenings of the camp with a circle me. We shared what we enjoyed, and what we found humorous, and complimented those who had assisted us for the three days. And it is in this context that our 2016 Student Leaders of 2016 thanked the staff at yesterday’s Assembly. Sharyn Greedy, Andrew Hook, Anthony D’Amico and Sandra Lind were acknowledged for their support, their care and how they were “the parents” of the fortyfive children for three days. But such a successful camp is also due to the co-opera on of the children, for this allows both the children and the staff to enjoy each others’ company and promote the quali es that will ensure the final year of primary school for these children is a rewarding experience. Returning to school on Wednesday and confron ng the busy diary for the next few weeks there has been a few changes. Tonight I look forward to mee ng you all at the Welcome BYO Picnic in the school yard. Week Three sees the cancella on of the Community Mee ng with the Booklet on Parent par cipa on being sent home on Monday. Wednesday is the Founda on Informa on evening (the other levels are in Week Four) whilst on Thursday (11th) it is the first 2016 School Improvement Commi ee. Friday is a School Closure Day in prepara on for the School Review. My best wishes Take Care Graham PLEASE NOT FOUNDATION 2017. For those families wishing to enrol for Foundation year 2017, please read the St Mary’s Enrolment Policy available on the School Website and if you meet the criteria, download an enrolment form. At present places are only available for children who have been baptised Catholic and reside in St Mary’s Parish. Other applications are placed on a waiting list. On completion of this form, please submit it to the school office with a $70.00 non-refundable THURSDAY, 11th FEB Trials for swimming (Queens Park). 7.00 a.m. School Improvement Committee (7.00 p.m.) FRIDAY, 12th FEB SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY SCHOOL REVIEW SUNDAY, 14th FEB School Student Leaders assist with the 10 30 a.m. Parish Mass. The School Choir will lead the singing. Morning Tea will follow in the School Hall. TUESDAY 16th FEB Incursion “The Body Investigation” Curriculum Information Evening Year One—Five (6.00 p.m.– 7.30 p.m.) WEDNESDAY, 17TH FEB Curriculum Information evening Year Six (6.00 p.m.) Parents and Friends (7.00 p.m.) THURSDAY 18th FEB Parish Advisory Board (7.30 p.m.) TUESDAY, 23RD FEB School Review FRIDAY, 26TH FEB District Swimming Carnival at Queens’ Park Please note for future planning that the NAPLAN Dates for 2016 are at the conclusion of the 2016 Term One Diary. 2016 TERM ONE – WEEK THREE ASH WEDNESDAY Monday, 8th February 8.55 a.m. Tuesday, 9th February th Professional Development – Staff Meeting All Day 11.45 a.m. 3.45 p.m. 7.00 p.m. FOUNDATION REST DAY ASH WEDNESDAY MASS Professional Development – Staff Meeting Foundation Information Evening Thursday, 11th February 7.00 p.m. School Improvement Committee Friday, 12th February SCHOOL CLOSURE DAY SCHOOL REVIEW 2016 Sunday, 14th February 10 30 a.m. Wednesday, 10 February School Assembly School Choir and School Student Leaders assist with the Parish Mass. Morning tea to follow 2016 TERM ONE – WEEK FOUR Monday, 15th February 8.55 a.m. School Assembly Tuesday, 16th February 3.45 6.00 6.30 7.00 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Professional Development - Staff M eeting Year One/Two Information Evening Year Three/Four Information Evening Year Five Information Evening Wednesday, 17th February All Day 3.45 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. FOUNDATION REST DAY Professional Development - Staff M eeting Year Six Information Evening Parents and Friends Meeting Thursday, 18th February 9.00 a.m. 7.30 p.m. School Mass (5JM) Parish Advisory Board Friday 19th February 3.00 p.m. Assembly (6SG) 2016 TERM ONE – WEEK FIVE Monday, 22nd February 8.55 a.m. School Assembly Tuesday, 23rd February All Day 3.45 p.m. School Review Professional Development - Staff M eeting Wednesday, 24th February All Day 3.45 p.m. FOUNDATION REST DAY Professional Development - Staff M eeting Thursday, 25th February 9.00 a.m. School Mass (4KG) Friday 26th February 3.00 p.m. Assembly (5NT) 2 3 YEAR SIXES AT THE SEA: OUR ANGLESEA ADVENTURE! Over the last three days, the Year Sixes went on their YMCA Anglesea Camp. We had lots of fun, great activities and delicious food. Our teachers and the YMCA staff helped us to stay safe and have a great time. We were blessed with lovely weather, with only a slight shower on the last day. During our time at camp we participated in many activities including crate climbing, mountain bike riding and orienteering. We enjoyed other games such as table tennis, volley ball and the Ga Ga Pit. On the last day we completed The Inverlochy Challenge, where we pretended we were a shipwrecked family. One of the highlights was our time at the beach! Some people were buried, others splashed in the water, while many enjoyed a game of cricket. A number of girls did handstands and cartwheels along the sea shore. The weather was perfect. Mr Hook led a great game of Trivia. One of the questions involved Mr Spence’s car number plate, another required us to record the number of stars on the Australian flag. Mr Hook didn’t realise there was a flag on the wall. Ms Lind took a Circle Time session where we had to recall our funny and favourite moments on camp. We finished by giving each other a compliment and found out how good it feels to give positive feedback. Overall camp was an amazing experience. We developed new friendships and had lots of laughs about the Fit Bit Challenge between Mr Spence, Ms Lind and Mr D’Amico. We enjoyed delicious, tasty food especially the apple crumble. Thank you to Mrs Greedy for organising this wonderful camp. By 6 SG 4 WELCOME TO THE 2016 SCHOOL YEAR! COME ALONG TO OUR FIRST MAJOR FUND RAISER EVENT OF 2016. Invitation to the 2016 SMFASS Bare Foot Bowls Night. When: Where: What: Costs: Thursday February 18th - anytime from 6:30 p.m. Moonee Ponds Bowls Club - Queens Park (Opposite Park St) Barefoot Bowls, Sausage Sizzle, Raffle & SMFASS donation $25.00 all inclusive! Register your attendance for catering purposes: https://signup.zone/F8f2zNmACEHigkd62 Turn up anytime from 6:30 p.m. Visit the SMFASS registration table to pay your bowls fees and grab your name tag. We'll allocate you a bowling partner. Visit the bar & relax until it's your turn to bowls. It's a knock out competition with prizes for the winning team. Special events and random competitions will be held during the evening. A great way to meet new Dads of St Mary’s and no bowls experience is necessary. We look forward to seeing you for another great night! Not a member of SMFASS?? Sign up here: h p:// ny.cc/smfass to receive invita ons to our regular events Regards, Phil Poursanidis SMFASS President 0457514738 5 ST MARY’S SPECIALIST TIMETABLE YEAR LEVEL PERFORMING ARTS PHYSED ITALIAN LIBRARY ICT FCC Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday FAV Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1RL Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Monday 1HW Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Monday 2CR Thursday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Monday 2VM Thursday Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Monday 3JK Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday 3JD Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday 4MB Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Monday 4KG Wednesday Wednesday Tuesday Tuesday Monday 5JM Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday 5NT Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday 6AH Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday 6SG Thursday Thursday Tuesday Tuesday With the exception of 3JD, all classes have sports on Friday. 3JD have sports on Thursday. 6 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT SPHERE ST BERNARD’S COLLEGE ESSENDON TOURS of the College for 2016 are as follows: Monday, 15 February 2016 Tuesday, 16 February 2016 Monday, 22 February 2016 Tuesday, 23 February 2016 Tuesday, 1 March 2016 Thursday, 3 March 2016 Tuesday, 8 March 2016 Tuesday, 22 March 2016 Tuesday, 12 April 2016 Thursday, 14 April 2016 Monday, 18 April 2016 Tuesday, 19 April 2016 Thursday, 21 April 2016 Tuesday, 26 April 2016 Friday, 29 April 2016 Tuesday, 3 May 2016 Friday, 6 May 2016 Friday, 13 May 2016 Tuesday, 17 May 2016 Thursday, 19 May 2016 Tuesday, 24 May 2016 Friday, 27 May 2016 Tuesday, 31 May 2016 Thursday, 9 June 2016 Friday, 10 June 2016. Each tour commences at 9.00 a.m., and concludes at 10.45 a.m. Bookings essen al ‐ telephone 9289 1182. Parking is available in the main carpark. Families assemble in the Noel O'Brien Foyer. For further informa on, please contact College Recep onist Jene e Nicholl on 9289 1182 (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). For the most up to date school tour dates available – please refer to the College website www.sbc.vic.edu.au under the link Enrolment. 7 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT SPHERE WE CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING STUDENT LEADERS FOR 2016 SCHOOL CAPTAINS Sophie Boult CAPTAIN Joshua Comerford CAPTAIN Harper Hynes VICE CAPTAIN Mia D’Agostino VICE CAPTAIN Luke Nguyen VICE CAPTAIN Audrey Lumb VICE CAPTAIN STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL YEAR SIX Ned Ryan, David Williamson, Olivia Hug, Claudia Poursanidis and Kate Blackmore GREEN CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Oliver Johnson Sebastian Isolani Lily Bateman Lily Lock GOLD CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Joe Lynch Amy Tran Julia Streat Ryder Rousch BLUE CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Anthony Patamisi Sebastian Vivarelli Ella Palmer Katelyn Salanitri RED CAPTAINS VICE CAPTAINS Fred Fleming Holland Stanway Molly Boyd Fletcher Kinross SOCIAL JUSTICE CAPTAINS 2016 Grace Philemona, Kate Blackmore and Lucia Johnson ASSEMBLY CAPTAINS 2016 Natasha Zarafa, Siana Larkin, Milla McGlynn, Ned Ryan and Bridgette Angelidis ENVIRONMENTAL CAPTAINS 2016 Kyle Doan and Mathew Pham LIBRARY CAPTAINS 2016 Matthew Pham, Gabriel Cardillo, Olivia Hug, William Mebrahtu, Claudia Poursanidis and Phoebe Buckle CHURCH CAPTAINS 2016 Grace Philemona, Xavier Fleming, Rosie Grasso and Semhar Abrham ICT CAPTAINS 2016 Christopher Moger, Jamie Nguyen, Michael Brezing, Jude Nguyen and Joshua Norsetter MUSIC CAPTAINS 2016 Rosie Grasso and Phoebe Buckle 8 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT SPHERE WE CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING STUDENT LEADERS FOR 2016 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL 1RL Anastasia Donovan Finn Collins 1HW Grace Tenabel Jack Collins 2VM Hannah Davis Tyler Ferguson 2CR Rachael Williamson Sol D'Agostino 3JD Angela Lukaitis Alexander Angelidis 3JK Kiara Vilay Ethan O’Dea 4MB Alyssa Caruso Oliver Dijkema 4KG Scarlett Sroka Oliver Kinross 5NT Amelie Gibson Ben McCarthy 5JM Georgia Miles James Dawson 6SG Olivia Hug David Williamson Ned Ryan 6AH Claudia Poursanidis Kate Blackmore BADGES WILL BE PRESENTED AFTER MASS ON THE 9 18TH FEBRUARY. STUDENT WELLBEING SPHERE ANAPHYLAXIS A number of students at St. Mary’s School have allergies to specific foods, in particular peanuts and some other nuts. Some food allergies can be severe and cause an anaphylactic reaction. Anaphylaxis is a generalised allergic reaction, which often involves more than one body system (e.g. skin, respiratory, gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular). A severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis usually occurs within 20 minutes to 2 hours of exposure to the trigger allergen and can rapidly become life threatening. Recognition of the risk and understanding the steps that can be taken to minimise food anaphylaxis by all those responsible for the care of children in schools are the basis of prevention. Avoidance of specific triggers is the basis of anaphylaxis prevention. Appropriate avoidance measures are critically dependant on education of the child, his/her peers and all school personnel. Whilst it is primarily the responsibility of parents that the child is taught to care for him/herself, the school also has a role of implementing a care plan and reinforcing appropriate avoidance and management strategies. As a general principle, it is not recommended that children in schools, preschools or childcare centres with a food allergy be physically isolated from other children. Risk minimisation with regard to particular foods (such as peanuts and tree nuts) can be managed, however the implementation of blanket food bans or attempts to prohibit the entry of food substances into schools are not recommended by the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy Association (ASCIA). St Mary’s follows the following guidelines from ASCIA in the management and risk minimisation of anaphylaxis. There should be no trading and sharing of food, food utensils and food containers. It is ideal that children with severe food allergies should only eat lunches and snacks that have been prepared at home. Bottles, other drinks and lunch boxes provided by the parents for their children should be clearly labelled with the name of the child for whom they are intended. The use of food in crafts, cooking classes and science experiments may need to be restricted depending on the allergies of particular children. Where there are children with severe allergies to nuts (peanuts and tree nuts) a risk minimisation policy for school canteens should be implemented. This involves removal of items with the relevant nut as an ingredient, but does not apply to those foods labelled "may contain traces of nuts". Risk minimisation in schools may also include asking parents of classmates not to send peanut butter on sandwiches if a class member in early primary years (Kindergarten to 7 year old) has a peanut allergy. This is due to the higher risk of person to person contact in younger children. Parents provide a list of ingredients of any food given to the class for celebrations i.e. birthday cakes, biscuits, treats etc. On school camps where there are children with severe nut allergy, it should be requested that foods containing nuts are not taken or supplied, consistent with the nut minimisation policy in the school canteen. Have regular discussions with students about the importance of washing hands, eating their own food and not sharing food. Birthday treats must be given out at the end of the school day and children instructed to take them home. Encourage non-food birthday treats as much as possible. The First Aid measures for anaphylaxis at St Mary’s are: All staff are trained in the administration of first aid and epi-pens should the need arise. Clearly display emergency management plans of children with anaphylaxis in the first aid room with epi-pens / medication clearly labelled with photo identification. Request parents provide epi-pens for school use. The risk of a life threatening anaphylaxis from casual skin contact, even with highly allergenic foods such as peanuts, appears to be very low. On occasions casual skin contact will provoke urticarial reactions (hives). Simple hygiene measures such as hand washing and bench-top washing are considered appropriate. The following classes have children with mild to severe anaphylactic reactions to peanuts or nut products: 2VM, 5JM 3JD Could families of children in those classes please familiarise themselves with the following article regarding anaphylaxis and food allergies which can be downloaded from the following link http://www.allergy.org.au/content/view/31/258/ The information in this article was sourced from the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA) and recommended by the Catholic Education Office. Sandra Lind Student Wellbeing Leader 10 EDUCATION IN FAITH SPHERE Pancake Tuesday – February 9th Pancake Day, also known as Shrove Tuesday, Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras – which is French for ‘Fat Tuesday’ – is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Christians would traditionally eat any left-over rich foods on the day before Lent, when ‘fasting’ began. The most popular way to use up rich foods such as butter, eggs and milk was to make pancakes or omelettes! Today, the Church encourages us to give rather than give up or abstain. Ash Wednesday – February 10th Dear Parents and Friends, You are cordially invited to celebrate the Ash Wednesday Mass with us at 11.45 p.m. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of our Lenten journey of preparation for the most significant celebration in our Church Calendar – the celebration of Jesus’ rising to New Life at Easter. Year 6AH will be helping with the prayers and readings on the day. 11 EDUCATION IN FAITH SPHERE Lenten Activities The children will be learning about: - Pancake / Shrove Tuesday - Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent -Lent, a forty day period prior to Easter - Particular events in the life of Jesus i.e. Jesus’ forty days of fasting and praying in the desert - Related Lenten symbols used by the Church i.e. ashes, the cross and the colour, purple The children will be participating in: -The Ash Wednesday Mass -The three traditional Lenten practices of Prayer, Penance and Almsgiving (giving to the poor) Dear Families, Please note that St. Mary’s School traditionally supports Project Compassion during the Lenten season. All families and classroom teachers will have received a donation box. I ask you to please support Caritas Australia’s major fundraising appeal. Kind Regards, Teresa Lenten Prayer for Children Dear God, Thank-you for giving us this special time of Lent. Thank-you for giving us hands to do good things with. Thank-you for giving us our hearts to love with. Thank-you, God. Amen. 12 LEARNING AND TEACHING SPHERE SPECIALIST AWARDS CLASS HEALTH & P.E ITALIAN Performing Arts Library FAV N/A Luca C Sabine F No Class FCC N/A Rafael R Rafael R No Class 1HW Laura S Jessica V Grace L Jack C 1RL Seth F Anastasia D Oliver Sh Mila L 2CR Erica D Shaye T Isla L Chiara C 2VM Leroy R Mary Grace F Cara G Thomas F 3JD Sienna C Angela L Thomas S Angela L 3JK Will G Lucy C Holly N Scarlett M 4KG Arek A Francesca S Darcie R Will P 4MB Cindy L Isabella F Jasmine D Jesse H 5JM Wesley Y Isabella G Annalise G Georgia M 5NT Amelie G Joshua S Jessica L Grace H 6SG Jamie N No Class Christopher M No Class 6AH Rosie G No Class Claudia P No Class BOOK CLUB February Book Club order forms have been sent home this week. Could ALL orders be sent back to the school NO LATER than TUESDAY 9th FEBRUARY Please make sure that envelopes are CLEARLY labelled with your child's name and class and that the correct money is enclosed. Thank you. PERFORMING ARTS NEEDS NEWSPAPERS! If you are finished with your paper, please send it to school as we will be using them in weeks three and four for years3,4,5 & 6. You can leave them on the stage in the Hall, or on my desk chair in the coordinator’s office. Thank you, Faye Nardella. 13 COMMUNITY SPHERE SCHOOL UNIFORM The long awaited new uniform has arrived ready for purchase as of Monday 11th of April. However, prior orders can be submitted from next week by downloading the new order form from the School website and submitting it to the school office. This uniform includes the general recommendations made by the parent community last year. There is a display in the front foyer showing the new changes to the school dress, tracksuit, sports polo, hat and the introduction of a boys summer shirt and girls sport skirt. No changes have been made to the winter uniform. These new items will be compulsory for Foundation 2017 and for other year levels, it is to be phased in. Please note long and short sleeve polo tops will no longer be available once our stock has run out, as these items have been replaced by long and short sleeve shirts. If you currently prefer the polos, please feel free to stock up while they are still available. Please note, there will be some price increases and decreases in some items. You can be guaranteed the quality is a lot better, as most items are made in Australia. There will be a sale on existing tracksuit pants, tracksuit top, dresses, rugby shorts and sports polo’s. Details to be announced soon. CANTEEN NEWS To All Staff, Parents and Students, Welcome back! Hope everyone had a great break. We look forward to meeting the new parents of St. Mary’s. Feel free to come and introduce yourself to either Tracey or MaryAnne. The Canteen Roster is up now on our Canteen door so please come and put your name down. We would love to see some new faces. The Canteen is fun and your children love it when you are behind the counter. Menu for the Week: Monday: Penne Pasta with a Napoli Sauce served with Parmesan Cheese Chicken Schnitzel Rolls/Wraps Wednesday: Chicken Rice Paper Rolls Beef/Chicken Noodle Cups Chicken Schnitzel Rolls/Wraps Friday: Penne Pasta with a Napoli Sauce served with Parmesan Cheese Also Avocado will not be available until further notice due to increase in price. Thank you for your ongoing support and looking forward to seeing you all again. Tracey and MaryAnne. 14 COMMUNITY SPHERE UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open on Friday morning and afternoon. If you need to purchase uniform and can’t attend on Friday, you will need to fill in an order form and leave it with payment at the office. The ladies will endeavour to have it filled on Friday. Please ask at the office if you have any queries. ATTENTION PLEASE! FOUNDATION PARENTS Have you ANY questions to ask?! Meet us in the staffroom from 9 – 10 a.m. on any Friday in February! Enjoy a coffee and “KICK START” your school year with confidence! BYO WELCOME PICNIC IN THE SCHOOL YARD TONIGHT FRIDAY, 5TH FEBRUARY COMMENCING AT 5.30 P.M. The sun is shining so how about jumping headfirst into our Sensa onal Sports Programme. Not only will you have a great me with your friends, our experienced coaches will help you learn some great new skills. Term 1 will see children experience popular sports and try some new ones as well! They will learn some new games that will improve their hand eye co ordina on. This term we are focusing on Cricket, Crazy games, Soccer and Basketball. Kelly sports is a wonderful opportunity for your child to develop key spor ng skills and inspire them to give sport a go as they improve their catching, throwing, striking, running and jumping. So if you are in Founda on to Year 4, come and see what 40 000 thousand Australian kids do at the end of their school day. You may also be lucky enough that your schools offers our specialist sport programmes or our dance pro‐ grammes. So check out what is on offer for Term 1. So what are you wai ng for! Look out for our fliers and come out and join us. For more informa on call Kelly Sports Essendon on 93842204 or email [email protected] or checkout our website www.kellysports.com.au 15 COMMUNITY SPHERE 16 17 COMMUNITY SPHERE 18 COMMUNITY SPHERE BECOME A FOSTER CARER! All sorts of people make great Foster Carers and offer a home for a vulnerable child. They are tradesmen, nurses, sales reps, shop assistants, teachers etc. They are couples, singles, from different cultural backgrounds, with or without their own children. They are people who have the desire to give a child a safe and welcoming place to stay. To receive an informa on package please call Liesl Trenfield on 93967400 or email liesl.trenfi[email protected] It is easy to become an Anglicare Foster Carer, call us NOW to talk about how You will make all the difference! 19 COMMUNITY SPHERE act, create, communicate Studio Locations: Coburg Essendon Self-development through drama! Boost your child’s creativity, confidence and communication skills. Enrolling now for students aged 5 to 17. Contact the Principal Joanna Melo Howard 0459 160 263 or 1300 OGRADY www.helenogrady.com.au 20 COMMUNITY SPHERE 21 COMMUNITY SPHERE 22 COMMUNITY SPHERE WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Invest in your most precious asset......Your Marriage! Forget life’s tensions and interruptions and rekindle the closeness, intimacy, love and romance that brought you together. Recharge your relationship batteries and explore the precious nature of your marriage, allowing you both to share your feelings, hopes and dreams with each other in ways that normal, daily living tends to inhibit. There is no group sharing. Couples and a priest present the weekend. It is based around Catholic values but couples of all faiths are welcome. 2016 Melbourne weekend dates: 8-10 April, 17-19 June, 19-21 Aug, 11-13 Nov Starts 7 p.m. on Friday. Ends 5 p.m. Sunday. Accommodation and all meals provided. Information/Bookings: PH: Marianne & Marcel (03) 9733 0997 23 Email: [email protected] Website:www.wwme.org.au COMMUNITY SPHERE 24 COMMUNITY SPHERE 25 COMMUNITY SPHERE 26 COMMUNITY SPHERE 27 COMMUNITY SPHERE 28 CONTACT DETAILS SCHOOL 74 Roseberry Street Ascot Vale VIC 3032 P: 03 9370 1194 F: 03 9370 1068 E: [email protected] W: www.smascotvale.catholic.edu.au W: www.s PARISH Parish Priest: Father Justin Ford 123 St Leonards Road Ascot Vale VIC 3032 P: 03 9370 6688 F: 03 9370 9112 E: [email protected] W: www.stmaryschurch.org.au 29