offroad - GUTSCHROME
offroad - GUTSCHROME
OFFROAD 128 OFFROAD STREET TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE •The following guide shows all available tires for off-road applications. Tires in this guide are listed in order, sorted by rim diameter (small to large), overall section width/aspect ratio and market application. Simply find the size and market application of tire for your vehicle. The Application corresponds to the following codes: The Application corresponds to the following codes: Dual-Sport – Dual-sport/highway applications Mini – Minicycle Motocross / Off-road applications Motocross – Motocross/off-road applications Sand – Tread and compound for sand applications Trials – Tread and compound for trials competition and trail applications PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE IRC IRC-190 TR-1 Dual-Sport 3.50 - 8 Dual-Sport | Mini 167 Pirelli 0312-0083 Scorpion MXMS 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini Bridgestone BX-2940 M40 2.50 - 139/141 10 Motocross | Mini 154 AMS 0311-0003 Sand Snake 90 100 14 Sand | Mini Dunlop 0312-0136 MX31 2.50 162 - 10 Motocross | Mini 134 Bridgestone BX-0503 M22 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini Dunlop 0312-0142 MX51 153 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 135 Bridgestone 0313-0172 M404 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini IRC 0312-0100 IRC IRC-519 152 iX-Kids Mini 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 164 Bridgestone 0313-0200 M204 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 152 iX-07S Mini 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 164 Dunlop 0313-0233 MX31 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini Kenda 134 K7608 K760 Trak Master II 2.50 - 10 Dual-Sport | Mini 171 Dunlop 0313-0241 MX51 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 135 Maxxis M7304-1 M7304 Maxxcross 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 159 Dunlop 0313-0333 MX71 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 135 Michelin 0312-0239 Starcross MS3 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 145 Duro HF906-51 HF906 Excelerator 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 172 Pirelli 0312-0081 Scorpion MXMS 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 139/141 IRC IRC-516 iX-05H Mini 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 164 Pirelli 0312-0205 MXeXTRa-J 2.50 - 10 Motocross | Mini 140-141 IRC IRC-521 iX-07S Mini 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 164 Bridgestone 0313-0041 M40 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 154 IRC 0313-0285 iX-09W 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 164 Dunlop 0313-0231 MX31 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 134 Kenda K7607 K760 Trak Master II 90 100 14 Dual-Sport | Mini 171 Dunlop 0313-0239 MX51 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 135 Kenda 0313-0277 K775F Washougal 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 170 Maxxis 0313-0038 M7305 Maxxcross 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 159 Kenda 0313-0425 K785 Millville II 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 169 Michelin 0313-0444 Starcross MS3 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 145 Maxxis 0313-0458 M6001 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 158 Michelin 0313-0112 Starcross MH3 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 145 Maxxis M7305-2 M7305 Maxxcross 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 160 Pirelli 0313-0375 MXeXTRa-J 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 140-141 Michelin 0313-0035 Starcross MH3 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 145 Pirelli 0313-0121 Scorpion MXMS 2.75 - 10 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Michelin 0313-0447 Starcross MS3 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 145 IRC IRC-191 TR-1 Dual-Sport 4.00 - 10 Dual-Sport | Mini 167 Pirelli 0313-0377 MXeXTRa-J 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 140-141 IRC 0312-0027 iX-Kids Mini 60 100 10 Motocross | Mini 164 Pirelli 0313-0123 Scorpion MXMS 90 100 14 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Bridgestone 0313-0170 M404 70 100 10 Motocross | Mini 152 IRC IRC-230 M5B 110 80 14 Motocross | Mini 163 IRC 0313-0003 iX-Kids Mini 80 100 10 Motocross | Mini 164 Bridgestone 0317-0021 TW34 Trail Wing 180 80 14 Dual-Sport | Mini 155 Dunlop 0312-0137 MX31 2.50 - 12 Motocross | Mini 134 Bridgestone BS-147237 TW204 Trail Wing 180 80 14 Dual-Sport | Mini 155 Dunlop 0312-0143 MX51 2.50 - 12 Motocross | Mini 135 Bridgestone BS-00054 TW9 Trail Wing 2.50 - 16 155 Maxxis 0312-0171 M7311 Maxxcross SI 2.50 - 12 Motocross | Mini 158 Dual-Sport/ OEM | Mini Michelin 0313-0443 Starcross MS3 2.50 - 12 Motocross | Mini 145 Cheng Shin C75523 C775 2.50 - 16 Motocross | Mini 160 Michelin 0312-0075 Starcross MH3 2.50 - 12 Motocross | Mini 145 IRC IRC-42 Mini-Cross 2.50 - 16 Motocross | Mini 164 IRC IRC-129 Mini-Cross 3.00 - 12 Motocross | Mini 164 Bridgestone BX-0550 M22 3.00 - 16 Motocross | Mini 153 Bridgestone 0312-0110 M403 60 100 12 Motocross | Mini 152 Cheng Shin C7552 C775 3.00 - 16 Motocross | Mini 160 IRC 0312-0106 iX-Kids Mini 60 100 12 Motocross | Mini 164 AMS 0311-0004 Sand Snake 90 100 16 Sand 162 Pirelli 0312-0082 Scorpion MXMS 60 100 12 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Bridgestone 0313-0173 M404 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 152 AMS 0311-0002 Sand Snake 80 100 12 Sand | Mini 162 Bridgestone 0313-0201 M204 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 152 Bridgestone 0313-0171 M404 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 152 CST 0313-0259 Surge I 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 161 Bridgestone 0313-0199 M204 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 152 Dunlop 0313-0234 MX31 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 134 CST 0313-0343 Surge Mini 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 161 Dunlop 0313-0242 MX51 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 135 Dunlop 0313-0232 MX31 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 134 Dunlop 0313-0334 MX71 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 135 Dunlop 0313-0240 MX51 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 135 IRC IRC-518 iX-05H Mini 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 164 IRC 0313-0002 iX-Kids Mini 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 164 IRC 0313-0284 iX-09W 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 164 Kenda K7609 K760 Trak Master II 80 100 12 Dual-Sport | Mini 171 Kenda 0313-0278 K775F Washougal 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 170 Kenda 0313-0276 K775F Washougal 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 170 Kenda 0313-0426 K785 Millville II 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 169 Kenda 0313-0424 K785 Millville II 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 169 Maxxis M7305-3 M7305 Maxxcross 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 160 Maxxis M7305-1 M7305 Maxxcross 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 159 Maxxis 0313-0297 M7312 Maxxcross SI 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 158 Maxxis 0313-0296 M7312 Maxxcross SI 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 158 Michelin 0313-0036 Starcross MH3 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 145 145 Michelin 0313-0448 Starcross MS3 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 145 0313-0378 MXeXTRa-J 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 140-141 Michelin 0313-0113 Starcross MH3 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini PAGE # Michelin 0313-0446 Starcross MS3 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 145 Pirelli Pirelli 0313-0122 Scorpion MXMS 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Pirelli 0313-0124 Scorpion MXMS 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Pirelli 0313-0376 MXeXTRa-J 80 100 12 Motocross | Mini 140-141 Pirelli 0313-0422 Scorpion MXS 90 100 16 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Cheng Shin C183A1 C183A 2.75/3.00 - 12 Motocross | Mini 160 Bridgestone BS-0277 TW40 Trail Wing 120 90 16 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Cheng Shin C183A17 C183A 2.50 - 14 Motocross | Mini 160 IRC IRC-600 TR-1 Dual-Sport 2.75 - 17 Dual-Sport 167 IRC IRC-128 Mini-Cross 2.50 - 14 Motocross | Mini 164 IRC IRC-094 GP-1 3.00 - 17 Dual-Sport 166 TW8 Trail Wing 3.00 - 14 Dual-Sport/ OEM | Mini 155 IRC IRC-098 GP-1 3.50 - 17 Dual-Sport 166 IRC IRC-104 GP-1 4.60 - 17 Dual-Sport 166 Bridgestone BS-0016 IRC-43 Mini-Cross 3.60 - 14 Motocross | Mini 164 IRC IRC-1302 GP-110 4.60 - 17 Dual-Sport 166 Duro HF335-51 HF335 Cross Country 4.10 - 14 Motocross | Mini 172 IRC IRC-157 VE-33 4.60 - 17 Dual-Sport 165 Bridgestone 0312-0111 M403 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 152 Kenda K2703 K270 4.60 - 17 Dual-Sport 171 Bridgestone 0312-0121 M203 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 152 IRC IRC-112 VE-33 5.10 - 17 Dual-Sport 165 0312-0191 Surge 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 161 IRC IRC-1303 GP-110 5.10 - 17 Dual-Sport 166 Dunlop 0312-0138 MX31 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 134 IRC IRC-604 GP-1 5.10 - 17 Dual-Sport 166 Dunlop 0312-0144 MX51 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 135 Kenda K2706 K270 5.10 - 17 Dual-Sport 171 IRC 0312-0002 iX-Kids Mini 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 164 Duro HF335-52 HF335 5.10 - 17 Motocross 172 Kenda 0312-0161 K775F Washougal 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 170 Bridgestone 0312-0112 M403 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 152 Kenda 0312-0232 K785 Millville II 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 169 Bridgestone 0312-0122 M203 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 152 Maxxis M7304-2 M7304 Maxxcross 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 160 Bridgestone BX-0630 M23 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 153 Maxxis 0312-0173 M7311 Maxxcross SI 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 158 Dunlop 0312-0139 MX31 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 134 Michelin 0312-0076 Starcross MH3 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 145 Dunlop 0312-0145 MX51 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 135 Michelin 0313-0445 Starcross MS3 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 145 Dunlop 0312-0187 MX71 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 135 Pirelli 0312-0206 MXeXTRa-J 60 100 14 Motocross | Mini 140-141 Duro HF343-01 HF373 Excelerator 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 172 TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE continued on next page. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX CST CROSS REFERENCE IRC MERCHANDISING MODEL SERVICE TOOLS PART # TUBES & ACCESSORIES BRAND ATV/UTV PAGE # OFFROAD BRAND DRAG SPECIALTIES NOTE: The information provided here is not warranted as to the truth or accuracy by Parts Unlimited or its parent company, LeMans Corporation. The information is collected from the tire manufacturer and published for your reference. Any additional information or questions regarding this information or questions about the fitment and maintenance of the tires should be obtained from the tire manufacturers. 129 OFFROAD MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE (CONT) BRAND PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # BRAND PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # IRC IRC-515 iX-05H Mini 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 164 Pirelli MT60R-3 MT 60-R 160 60R 17 Dual-Sport 144 IRC IRC-520 iX-07S Mini 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 164 Pirelli 0317-0105 Scorpion Trail 160 60R 17 Dual-Sport 143 IRC 0312-0165 iX-09W 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 164 Continental 0317-0223 Trail Attack 2 160 60ZR 17 Dual-Sport 168 Kenda K76011 K760 Trak Master II 70 100 17 Dual-Sport 171 Continental 0317-0184 Twinduro TKC80 170 60B 17 Dual-Sport 167 Kenda 0312-0162 K775F Washougal 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 170 Continental 0317-0168 Trail Attack 2 170 60R 17 Dual-Sport 168 Kenda 0312-0233 K785 Millville II 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 169 Metzeler 0317-0150 Karoo 3 170 60R 17 Dual-Sport 151 Maxxis M7304-3 M7304 Maxxcross 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 160 Metzeler 0317-0154 Tourance Next 170 60R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 151 Michelin 0312-0023 Starcross MH3 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 145 Michelin 0317-0222 Anakee III 170 60R 17 Dual-Sport 147 Michelin 0312-0240 Starcross MS3 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 145 Pirelli 0317-0224 Scorpion Trail 170 60R 17 Dual-Sport 143 Pirelli 0312-0207 MXeXTRa-J 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 140-141 Continental 0317-0178 Trail Attack 2 170 60ZR 17 Dual-Sport 168 Pirelli 0312-0084 Scorpion MXMS 70 100 17 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Continental 0317-0146 Twinduro TKC80 180 55B 17 Dual-Sport 167 IRC IRC-173 VE-33 100 100 17 Dual-Sport 165 Pirelli 0302-0493 Scorpion Trail 180 55R 17 Dual-Sport 143 Maxxis 0313-0037 M7305 Maxxcross 100 100 17 Motocross | Mini 160 Pirelli 0317-0136 Scorpion Trail 180 55R 17 Dual-Sport 143 IRC IRC-176 VE-33 110 100 17 Dual-Sport 165 Continental 0317-0169 Trail Attack 2 180 55ZR 17 Dual-Sport 168 Maxxis 0312-0244 M7302-DTR 120 70 17 Motocross 160 Metzeler 0317-0155 Tourance Next 180 55ZR 17 Dual-Sport 151 Avon AV-703 AM43 Distanzia 120 70R 17 Dual-Sport 162 Pirelli 0302-0393 Scorpion Trail 190 55R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 143 Metzeler 0316-0142 Tourance Next 120 70R 17 Dual-Sport 151 Continental 0317-0170 Trail Attack 2 190 55ZR 17 Dual-Sport 168 Pirelli MT60R-8 MT 60-R 120 70R 17 Dual-Sport 144 Metzeler 0317-0156 Tourance Next 190 55ZR 17 Dual-Sport 151 Pirelli 0301-0236 Scorpion Trail 120 70R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 143 IRC IRC-602 TR-1 Dual-Sport 2.75 - 18 Dual-Sport 167 Continental 0316-0157 Trail Attack 2 120 70ZR 17 Dual Sport 168 IRC IRC-095 GP-1 3.00 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Bridgestone BS-00401 TW42 Trail Wing 120 90 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 IRC IRC-096 GP-1 3.50 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Kenda 0317-0139 K761 120 90 17 Dual-Sport 171 Kenda K2708 K270 3.50 - 18 Dual-Sport 171 Michelin 0317-0164 Anakee III 120 90 17 Dual-Sport 147 Dunlop 0315-0001 D803 4.00 - 18 Trials 137 Pirelli MT21-4 MT 21 120 90 17 Dual-Sport 142 IRC IRC-097 GP-1 4.00 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Pirelli MT90-16 MT 90 A/T 120 90 17 Dual-Sport 144 IRC IRC-196 TR-1 Dual-Sport 4.00 - 18 Dual-Sport 167 Pirelli 0313-0182 Scorpion Trail 120 90 17 Dual-Sport 143 IRC IRC-550 TR-11 Trial Winner 4.00 - 18 Trials 167 Avon AV-145 AM24 Gripster 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 162 IRC IRC-551 TR-11 Trial Winner 4.00 - 18 Trials 167 Avon AV-753 AM44 Distanzia 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 162 Kenda K2709 K270 4.00 - 18 Dual-Sport 171 Bridgestone 0317-0017 TW42 Trail Wing 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 155 Kenda 0317-0130 K335 Ice 4.00 - 18 Ice 169 Bridgestone BS-0589 TW22 Trail Wing 130 80 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Kenda 0317-0131 K335 Ice 4.00 - 18 Ice 169 Continental 248591 Conti Escape 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 168 Metzeler 110-6252 Enduro 3 Sahara 4.00 - 18 Dual-Sport 150 Continental 97394 Twinduro TKC80 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 167 Pirelli 0315-0002 MT 43 4.00 - 18 Trials 142 Kenda 0317-0140 K761 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 171 Michelin TC-04 Trial Competition 4.00R - 18 Trials 147 Metzeler 0317-0006 Enduro 3 Sahara 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 150 IRC IRC-105 GP-1 4.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Metzeler 0317-0011 Enduro 3 Sahara 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 150 IRC IRC-1304 GP-110 4.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Michelin 0317-0034 T63 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 146 Kenda K2701 K270 4.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 171 Pirelli 0313-0184 Scorpion Trail 130 80 17 Dual-Sport 143 Cheng Shin C7556 C775 4.10 - 18 Motocross 160 Kenda 0317-0101 K784 130 80B 17 Dual-Sport 170 Duro HF335-53 HF335 Cross Country 4.10 - 18 Motocross 172 Avon AV750 AM44 Distanzia 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport 162 Kenda K2702 K270 4.50 - 18 Dual-Sport 171 Bridgestone BS-5006 TW152 Trail Wing 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 156 IRC IRC-106 GP-1 4.60 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Continental 0317-0165 Trail Attack 2 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport 168 IRC IRC-1305 GP-110 4.60 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Dunlop 0317-0106 Trailmax TR91 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport 137 Bridgestone BS-00052 TW52 Trail Wing 4.60 - 18 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Metzeler 110-10120 Tourance 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 150 Bridgestone BS-00302 TW302 Trail Wing 4.60 - 18 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Michelin 0317-0159 Anakee III 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport 147 Duro HF335-54 HF335 Cross Country 4.60 - 18 Motocross 172 Michelin 0317-0160 Anakee III 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport 147 Duro HF335-55 HF335 Cross Country 5.10 - 18 Motocross 172 Pirelli 0313-0183 Scorpion Trail 130 80R 17 Dual-Sport 143 IRC IRC-1306 GP-110 5.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Dunlop 32SF-41 D606 130 90 17 Dual-Sport 137 IRC IRC-156 VE-33 5.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 165 Kenda K76012 K760 Trak Master II 130 90 17 Dual-Sport 171 IRC IRC-605 GP-1 5.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 166 Maxxis 0313-0460 M6001 130 90 17 Dual-Sport 158 Kenda K2705 K270 5.10 - 18 Dual-Sport 171 Pirelli MT21-7 MT21 130 90 17 Dual-Sport 142 Duro HF335-56 HF335 Cross Country 5.40 - 18 Motocross 172 Continental 0317-0183 Twinduro TKC80 140 80 17 Dual-Sport 167 CST 0313-0260 Surge I 100 90 18 Motocross 161 Metzeler 0317-0151 Karoo 3 140 80 17 Dual-Sport 151 Kenda 0313-0021 K270 100 90 18 Dual-Sport 171 Avon AV-751 AM44 Distanzia 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 162 Bridgestone 0313-0174 M404 100 100 18 Motocross 152 Bridgestone 0317-0038 BW502 Battle Wing 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 156 Bridgestone 0313-0193 M604 100 100 18 Motocross 153 Continental 0317-0166 Trail Attack 2 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 168 Bridgestone 0313-0202 M204 100 100 18 Motocross 152 Dunlop 0317-0107 Trailmax TR91 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 137 Dunlop 0313-0243 MX51 100 100 18 Motocross 135 Metzeler 110-10121 Tourance 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 150 Duro HF906-52 HF906 Excelerator 100 100 18 Motocross 172 Metzeler 0317-0152 Tourance Next 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 151 IRC IRC-280 VE-40 100 100 18 Dual-Sport 165 Michelin 0317-0161 Anakee III 140 80R 17 Dual-Sport 147 IRC IRC-500 iX05H 100 100 18 Motocross 163 Avon AV-757 AM44 Distanzia 150 60R 17 Dual-Sport 162 IRC IRC-510 iX07S 100 100 18 Motocross 163 Avon AV-758 AM44 Distanzia 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 162 IRC 0313-0385 Volcanduro VE-33 100 100 18 Dual-Sport 165 Pirelli 0317-0103 Scorpion Rally 150 70 17 Dual-Sport 143 Kenda 0313-0164 100 100 18 Motocross 170 Continental 97398 Twinduro TKC80 150 70B 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 167 K775F Washougal Sticky Kenda 0317-0099 K784 150 70B 17 Dual-Sport 170 Kenda 0313-0251 K780 Southwick II 100 100 18 Motocross 169 Avon AV-752 AM44 Distanzia 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 162 Kenda 0313-0279 K775F Washougal 100 100 18 Motocross 170 BW501 Battle Wing 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 156 Kenda K7601 K760 Trak Master II 100 100 18 Dual-Sport 171 156 Maxxis 0313-0459 M6001 100 100 18 Motocross` 158 M7305-4 M7305 Maxxcross 100 100 18 Motocross 160 Bridgestone 0317-0125 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE Bridgestone 0317-0039 130 BW502 Battle Wing 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport Bridgestone BR-147390 TW152 Trail Wing 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 156 Maxxis Continental 0317-0167 Trail Attack 2 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 168 Metzeler 110-9299 MC5 100 100 18 Motocross 148 Dunlop 0317-0108 Trailmax TR91 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 137 Metzeler 110-9669 MC4 100 100 18 Motocross 148 Metzeler 0317-0148 Karoo 3 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 151 Michelin 0313-0007 AC10 100 100 18 Dual-Sport 147 Metzeler 110-11279 Tourance 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 150 Pirelli 0313-0369 MXeXTRa-X 100 100 18 Motocross 140 Metzeler 0317-0097 Tourance EXP 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 151 IRC IRC-236 M5B 110 80 18 Motocross 163 Metzeler 0317-0153 Tourance Next 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 151 IRC 0313-0434 M5B EVO 110 80 18 Motocross 163 Michelin 0317-0162 Anakee III 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda K761 0317-0141 110 80 18 Dual-Sport 171 Michelin 0317-0163 Anakee III 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport 147 Michelin 0317-0035 T63 110 80 18 Dual-Sport 146 Pirelli 0317-0059 Scorpion Trail 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 143 Pirelli MT21-5 MT 21 110 80 18 Dual-Sport 142 Pirelli 0313-0185 Scorpion Trail 150 70R 17 Dual-Sport/OEM 143 Pirelli MT90-13 MT 90 A/T 110 80 18 Dual-Sport 144 Bridgestone 0317-0022 BW502 Battle Wing 150 70ZR 17 Dual-Sport 156 CST 0313-0349 Surge 1 110 90 18 Motocross 161 Avon AM44 Distanzia 160 60R 17 Dual-Sport 162 Dunlop 0313-0451 AT81 110 90 18 Motocross 136 AV-756 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE (CONT) SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # BRAND PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # AT81 RC 110 90 18 Motocross 136 Kenda 0313-0390 K785 Millville II 120 100 18 Motocross 169 Dunlop 0313-0235 MX31 110 90 18 Motocross 134 Maxxis 0313-0291 M7308 Maxxcross SM 120 100 18 Motocross 157 Dunlop 0313-0245 MX51 110 90 18 Motocross 135 Maxxis M7305-6 M7305 Maxxcross 120 100 18 Motocross 160 Dunlop 0313-0335 MX71 110 90 18 Motocross 135 Maxxis 0313-0462 M6001 120 100 18 Motocross 158 Bridgestone 0313-0144 M102 110 100 18 Motocross 154 Maxxis 0313-0061 M7305D Maxxcross IT 120 100 18 Motocross 160 Bridgestone 0313-0175 M404 110 100 18 Motocross 152 Maxxis 0313-0066 M7312 Maxxcross SI 120 100 18 Motocross 158 Bridgestone 0313-0194 M604 110 100 18 Motocross 153 Metzeler 110-9302 MC5 120 100 18 Motocross 148 Bridgestone 0313-0203 M204 110 100 18 Motocross 152 Pirelli 0313-0181 Scorpion XC MS 120 100 18 Motocross 139-140 CST 0313-0299 Surge P 110 100 18 Motocross 161 Pirelli 0313-0187 Scorpion XC MH 120 100 18 Motocross 140 Dunlop 0313-0450 AT81 110 100 18 Motocross 136 Pirelli 0313-0371 MXeXTRa-X 120 100 18 Motocross 140 Dunlop 0313-0453 AT81 RC 110 100 18 Motocross 136 Pirelli 0317-0084 Scorpion Rally 120 100 18 Dual-Sport 143 Dunlop 0313-0244 MX51 110 100 18 Motocross 135 Pirelli MT16-69260 MT16 120 100 18 Motocross 141 Dunlop 32TM-38 D739 AT 110 100 18 Motocross 136 Michelin 0315-0005 Trial Light 120 100R 18 Trials 147 Duro HF906-53 HF906 Excelerator 110 100 18 Motocross 172 Bridgestone 0316-0027 TW31 Trail Wing 130 80 18 Dual-Sport 155 IRC IRC-174 VE-33 110 100 18 Dual-Sport 165 Bridgestone BS-147220 TW203 Trail Wing 130 80 18 Dual-Sport 155 IRC IRC-281 VE-40 110 100 18 Dual-Sport 165 IRC 0313-0436 M5B EVO 130 80 18 Motocross 163 IRC IRC-284 VE-40 110 100 18 Dual-Sport 165 Michelin 0313-0218 S12 XC 130 80 18 Motocross 145 IRC IRC-501 iX05H 110 100 18 Motocross 163 Michelin 0313-0223 M12 XC 130 80 18 Motocross 145 IRC IRC-511 iX07S 110 100 18 Motocross 163 Michelin 0317-0037 T63 130 80 18 Dual-Sport 146 IRC IRC-186 VE-37 110 100 18 Motocross 165 Dunlop 0317-0010 D606 130 90 18 Dual-Sport 137 Kenda K7602 K760 Trak Master II 110 100 18 Dual-Sport 171 Pirelli MT21-8 MT 21 130 90 18 Dual-Sport 142 Kenda 0313-0165 K775F Washougal Sticky 110 100 18 Motocross 170 Continental 97396 Twinduro TKC80 140 80 18 Dual-Sport/OEM 167 Continental 0317-0177 Trail Attack 2 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 168 0313-0252 K780 Southwick II 110 100 18 Motocross 169 Dunlop 0313-0133 D908RR 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 137 Kenda 0313-0280 K775F Washougal 110 100 18 Motocross 170 IRC IRC-233 M5B 140 80 18 Motocross 163 Kenda 0313-0389 K785 Millville 2 110 100 18 Motocross 169 IRC 0313-0437 M5B EVO 140 80 18 Motocross 163 Maxxis 0313-0064 M7312 Maxxcross SI 110 100 18 Motocross 158 Maxxis 0313-0345 M7314 MaxCross EN 140 80 18 Motocross 157 Maxxis 0313-0461 M6001 100 100 18 Motocross 158 Metzeler 0313-0146 140 80 18 Dual-Sport/OEM 149 Maxxis M7305-5 M7305 Maxxcross 110 100 18 Motocross 160 6 Days Extremely Repetitive Maxxis 0313-0060 M7305D Maxxcross Desert IT 110 100 18 Motocross 160 Metzeler 0317-0016 Enduro 3 Sahara 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 150 Metzeler 0317-0147 Karoo 3 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 151 110-9300 MC5 110 100 18 Motocross 148 Michelin 0313-0380 Desert 140 80 18 Desert 146 Metzeler 110-9301 MC 6 110 100 18 Motocross 148 Michelin 0313-0427 M12 XC 140 80 18 Motocross 145 Metzeler 110-9670 MC4 110 100 18 Motocross 148 Michelin 0313-0219 S12 XC 140 80 18 Motocross 145 Michelin 0313-0008 AC10 110 100 18 Dual-Sport 147 Pirelli 0317-0083 Scorpion Rally 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 143 Michelin 0313-0430 Starcross MH3 110 100 18 Motocross 145 Pirelli MT21-10 MT 21 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 142 Michelin 0313-0428 Starcross MS3 110 100 18 Motocross 145 Pirelli MT90-15 MT 90 A/T 140 80 18 Dual-Sport 144 Pirelli 0313-0180 Scorpion XC MS 110 100 18 Motocross 139-140 Pirelli 0313-0010 Scorpion Pro 140 80 18 Pirelli 0313-0257 Scorpion XCMH 110 100 18 Motocross 140 Enduro/Dual Sport/ 142 OEM Pirelli 0313-0370 MXeXTRa-X 110 100 18 Motocross 140 Pirelli 0317-0157 Scorpion Pro 140 80 18 Enduro/Dual-Sport 142 Pirelli MT16-66160 MT16 110 100 18 Motocross 141 Pirelli 0313-0192 Scorpion XC MH 140 80 18 Motocross 140 Avon AV-755 AM44 Distanzia 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 162 Kenda 0317-0102 K784 140 80B 18 Dual-Sport 170 TW302 Trail Wing 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 155 Metzeler 0317-0149 Karoo 3 150 70 18 Dual-Sport 151 Bridgestone 0317-0031 80 18 Dual-Sport 166 Continental 0317-0023 Twinduro TKC80 150 70B 18 Dual-Sport 167 IRC IRC-1307 GP-110 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 166 Kenda 0317-0100 K784 150 70B 18 Dual-Sport 170 IRC IRC-231 M5B 120 80 18 Motocross 163 Continental 0317-0171 Trail Attack 2 150 70R 18 Dual-Sport 168 IRC 0313-0435 M5B EVO 120 80 18 Motocross 163 Pirelli 0317-0004 MT 90 A/T 150 70R 18 Dual-Sport 144 Kenda 0313-0022 K270 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 171 Pirelli 0317-0129 Scorpion Trail 150 70R 18 Dual-Sport 143 Kenda 0317-0142 K761 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 171 Continental 0317-0179 Trail Attack 2 150 70ZR 18 Dual-Sport 168 Metzeler 110-6254 Enduro 3 Sahara 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 150 Maxxis 0312-0245 M7302-DTR 27.0 7.0 19 Race 160 Michelin 0317-0036 T63 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 146 Maxxis 0313-0465 M7302-DTR 27.5 7.5 19 Race 160 Pirelli MT21-9 MT 21 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 142 Maxxis 0313-0466 M7302-DTR 27.5 7.5 19 Race 160 Pirelli MT90-14 MT 90 A/T 120 80 18 Dual-Sport 144 Bridgestone BX-0920 M23 2.50 - 19 Motocross 153 Bridgestone BS-00306 TW42 Trail Wing 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 155 IRC GP-1 2.75 - 19 Dual-Sport 166 Continental 97395 Twinduro TKC80 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 167 Bridgestone 0312-0113 M403 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 152 Dunlop 0313-0452 AT81 120 90 18 Motocross 136 Bridgestone 0312-0123 M203 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 152 Dunlop 0313-0455 AT81 RC 120 90 18 Motocross 136 Dunlop 0312-0140 MX31 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 134 Dunlop 32SF-36 D606 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 137 Dunlop 0312-0146 MX51 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 135 Dunlop 0313-0236 MX31 120 90 18 Motocross 134 CST 0312-0153 Surge I 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 161 Dunlop 0313-0246 MX51 120 90 18 Motocross 135 Dunlop 0312-0188 MX71 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 135 Dunlop 0313-0336 MX71 120 90 18 Motocross 135 IRC IRC-517 iX-05H Mini 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 164 Maxxis 0313-0457 M7314 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 157 IRC 0312-0164 iX-09W 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 164 Metzeler 0313-0147 6 Days Extreme 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 149 Kenda K76015 K760 Trak Master II 70 100 19 Dual-Sport 171 Metzeler 0313-0145 Unicross 120 90 18 Motocross 149 Kenda 0312-0163 K775F Washougal 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 170 Michelin 0313-0188 AC10 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda 0312-0234 K785 Millville II 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 169 Michelin 0313-0429 Starcross MS3 120 90 18 Motocross 145 Maxxis M7304-4 M7304 Maxxcross 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 160 Michelin 0313-0431 Starcross MH3 120 90 18 Motocross 145 Michelin 0312-0024 Starcross MH3 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 145 Michelin 0313-0217 S12 XC 120 90 18 Motocross 145 Michelin 0312-0241 Starcross MS3 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 145 Michelin 0313-0222 M12 XC 120 90 18 Motocross 145 Pirelli 0312-0085 Scorpion MXMS 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 139/141 Pirelli MT21-1 MT 21 120 90 18 Dual-Sport 142 Pirelli 0312-0208 MXeXTRa-J 70 100 19 Motocross | Mini 140-141 Pirelli 0313-0009 Scorpion Pro 120 90 18 Enduro/Dual-Sport/ 142 OEM Bridgestone BS-0840 TW39 Trail Wing 90 100 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Kenda 0317-0132 K335 Ice 4.00 - 19 Ice 169 Pirelli 0317-0158 Scorpion Pro 120 90 18 Enduro/Dual-Sport 142 Kenda 0317-0133 K335 Ice 4.00 - 19 Ice 169 Bridgestone BE-7800 ED78 120 100 18 Dual-Sport 154 Avon AV-701 AM43 Distanzia 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 162 CST 0313-0350 Surge 1 120 100 18 Motocross 161 Bridgestone 0313-0106 M102 100 90 19 Motocross 154 Dunlop 32TM-42 D739 AT 120 100 18 Motocross 136 Bridgestone BS-0954 TW101 Trail Wing 100 90 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 155-156 Kenda K7603 K760 Trak Master II 120 100 18 Dual-Sport 171 Continental 0316-0038 Twinduro TKC80 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 167 Kenda 0313-0166 K775F Washougal Sticky 120 100 18 Motocross 170 Dunlop 0316-0110 Trailmax TR91 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 137 IRC 0313-0432 M5B EVO 100 90 19 Motocross 163 K775F Washougal 120 IRC IRC-177 VE-33 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 165 Kenda 0313-0281 100 18 Motocross 170 IRC-092 TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE continued on next page. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX 120 CROSS REFERENCE GP-22 MERCHANDISING 0317-0172 SERVICE TOOLS IRC TUBES & ACCESSORIES Metzeler ATV/UTV Kenda OFFROAD MODEL 0313-0454 DRAG SPECIALTIES PART # Dunlop STREET BRAND 131 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE (CONT) BRAND PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # BRAND PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # IRC IRC-282 VE-40 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 165 Dunlop 0313-0456 AT81 RC 110 90 19 Motocross 136 Kenda K7604 K760 Trak Master II 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 171 Dunlop 0313-0348 MX11 110 90 19 Motocross 136 Kenda 0313-0386 K785 Millville 2 100 90 19 Motocross 169 Duro 0313-0330 DI1153 110 90 19 Motocross 172 AMS 0311-0007 Sand Snake 100 90 19 Sand 162 Duro 0313-0331 DI1154 110 90 19 Motocross 172 Bridgestone 0313-0176 M404 100 90 19 Motocross 152 Duro HF906-55 HF906 Excelerator 110 90 19 Motocross 172 Bridgestone 0313-0195 M604 100 90 19 Motocross 153 IRC 0313-0433 M5B EVO 110 90 19 Motocross 163 Bridgestone 0313-0204 M204 100 90 19 Motocross 152 IRC IRC-178 VE-33 110 90 19 Dual-Sport 165 CST 0313-0261 Surge I 100 90 19 Motocross 161 IRC IRC-283 VE-40 110 90 19 Dual-Sport 165 CST 0313-0298 Surge P 100 90 19 Motocross 161 IRC 0313-0213 iX-09W 110 90 19 Motocross 164 Dunlop 0313-0247 MX51 100 90 19 Motocross 135 IRC IRC-235 M5B 110 90 19 Motocross 163 Dunlop 0313-0337 MX71 100 90 19 Motocross 135 IRC IRC-503 iX05H 110 90 19 Motocross 163 Duro HF906-54 HF906 Excelerator 100 90 19 Motocross 172 IRC IRC-513 iX07S 110 90 19 Motocross 163 IRC IRC-502 iX05H 100 90 19 Motocross 163 Kenda K7605 K760 Trak Master II 110 90 19 Dual-Sport 171 IRC IRC-512 iX07S 100 90 19 Motocross 163 Kenda 0313-0163 K775F Washougal 110 90 19 Motocross 170 IRC 0313-0212 iX-09W 100 90 19 Motocross 164 Kenda 0313-0168 110 90 19 Motocross 170 Kenda 0317-0143 K761 100 90 19 Motocross 171 K775F Washougal Sticky Kenda 0313-0387 K785 Millville 2 110 90 19 Motocross 169 Maxxis 0313-0344 MASX Maxxcross Dual SX 110 90 19 Motocross 157 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD Kenda 132 0313-0167 K775F Washougal Sticky 100 90 19 Motocross 170 Kenda 0313-0253 K780 Southwick II 100 90 19 Motocross 169 Kenda 0313-0254 K780 Southwick II 100 90 19 Motocross 169 Maxxis 0313-0464 M6001 110 90 19 Motocross 158 Kenda 0313-0282 K775F Washougal 100 90 19 Motocross 170 Maxxis 0313-0065 M7312 Maxxcross SI 110 90 19 Motocross 158 Maxxis M7305-7 M7305 Maxxcross 100 90 19 Motocross 160 Maxxis 0313-0155 M7310 Maxxcross SX 110 90 19 Motocross 158 Maxxis 0313-0463 M6001 100 90 19 Motocross 158 Maxxis 0313-0442 110 90 19 Motocross 160 Maxxis 0313-0063 M7312 Maxxcross SI 100 90 19 Motocross 158 M7305D Maxxcross Desert IT Metzeler 110-9303 MC5 100 90 19 Motocross 148 Maxxis 0313-0117 90 19 Motocross 160 110-9671 MC4 100 90 19 Motocross 148 M7305D Maxxcross Desert IT 110 Metzeler Metzeler 110-10124 Tourance 100 90 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 150 Maxxis M7305-8 M7305 Maxxcross 110 90 19 Motocross 160 Michelin 0316-0149 Anakee 3 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 147 Metzeler 110-9305 MC5 110 90 19 Motocross 148 Michelin 0313-0053 Starcross MH3 100 90 19 Motocross 145 Metzeler 110-9306 MC 6 110 90 19 Motocross 148 Michelin 0313-0051 Starcross MS3 100 90 19 Motocross 145 Metzeler 110-9672 MC4 110 90 19 Motocross 148 Michelin 0313-0110 Starcross Sand 4 100 90 19 Sand 146 Michelin 0313-0381 Starcross HP4 110 90 19 Motocross 146 Michelin 0313-0226 AC10 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 147 Michelin 0313-0054 Starcross MH3 110 90 19 Motocross 145 Pirelli 0316-0032 Scorpion Trail 100 90 19 Dual-Sport 143 Michelin 0313-0052 Starcross MS3 110 90 19 Motocross 145 Pirelli 0313-0372 MXeXTRa-X 100 90 19 Motocross 140 Michelin 0313-0111 Starcross Sand 4 110 90 19 Sand 146 Pirelli 0313-0119 Scorpion MXS 100 90 19 Motocross 139 Michelin 0313-0006 AC10 110 90 19 Dual-Sport 147 Pirelli 0313-0125 Scorpion MXMS 100 90 19 Motocross 139 Pirelli 0313-0379 Scorpion MXMH 554 110 90 19 Motocross 139 Pirelli 0316-0126 Scorpion Trail 100 90 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 143 Pirelli 0313-0120 Scorpion MXS 110 90 19 Motocross 139 Pirelli 0313-0130 Scorpion MXH 100 90 19 Motocross 140 Pirelli 0313-0126 Scorpion MXMS 110 90 19 Motocross 139 Kenda 0316-0106 K784 100 90B 19 Dual-Sport 170 Pirelli 0313-0131 Scorpion MXH 110 90 19 Motocross 140 Continental 0316-0153 Trail Attack 2 100 90R 19 Dual Sport 168 Pirelli 0313-0373 MXeXTRa-X 110 90 19 Motocross 140 Bridgestone 0313-0177 M404 110 80 19 Motocross 152 Pirelli 0313-0332 Scorpion MXMS 110 90 19 Motocross 139 Bridgestone 0313-0196 M604 110 80 19 Motocross 153 IRC 0316-0163 TKC80 120 70B 19 Dual-Sport 167 Dunlop 0313-0237 MX31 110 80 19 Motocross 134 Continental 0316-0155 Trail Attack 2 120 70R 19 Dual Sport 168 Dunlop 0313-0248 MX51 110 80 19 Motocross 135 Metzeler 0316-0139 Karoo 3 120 70R 19 Dual-Sport 151 Dunlop 0313-0338 MX71 110 80 19 Motocross 135 Metzeler 0316-0143 Tourance Next 120 70R 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 151 Kenda 0313-0271 K781 Triple Sticky 110 80 19 Motocross 170 Michelin 0316-0192 Anakee III 120 70R 19 Dual-Sport 147 Maxxis 0313-0207 M7305 Maxxcross 110 80 19 Motocross 160 Pirelli 0316-0194 Scorpion Trail 120 70R 19 Dual-Sport 143 Pirelli 0316-0108 Scorpion Rally 110 80 19 Dual-Sport 143 Continental 0316-0161 Trail Attack 2 120 70ZR 19 Dual-Sport 168 Continental 97388 Twinduro TKC80 110 80B 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 167 Pirelli MT21-6 MT21 120 80 19 Dual-Sport 142 Kenda 0316-0105 K784 110 80B 19 Dual-Sport 170 Bridgestone 0313-0179 M404 120 80 19 Motocross 152 Avon AV-702 AM43 Distanzia 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 162 Bridgestone 0313-0198 M604 120 80 19 Motocross 153 Avon 0316-0025 AM43 Distanzia 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 162 Bridgestone 0313-0206 M204 120 80 19 Motocross 152 Bridgestone 0316-0046 BW501 Battle Wing 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 156 Dunlop 0313-0238 MX31 120 80 19 Motocross 134 Bridgestone 0316-0028 BW501 Battle Wing 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 156 Dunlop 0313-0250 MX51 120 80 19 Motocross 135 Bridgestone 0316-0122 BW502 Battle Wing 110 80R 19 Dual- Sport 156 Dunlop 0313-0340 MX71 120 80 19 Motocross 135 Bridgestone 0303-0029 Trail Wing TW101 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 156 IRC 0313-0286 iX-09W 120 80 19 Motocross 164 Bridgestone 0303-0003 Trail Wing TW101 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 156 Kenda 0313-0272 K781 Triple Sticky 120 80 19 Motocross 170 Bridgestone BR-147373 Trail Wing TW101 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 156 Kenda 0313-0388 K785 Millville 2 120 80 19 Motocross 169 Continental 0316-0154 Trail Attack 2 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 168 Michelin 0313-0220 S12 XC 120 80 19 Motocross 145 Continental 0316-0193 Trail Attack 2 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 168 Michelin 0313-0224 M12 XC 120 80 19 Motocross 145 Dunlop 0316-0111 Trailmax TR91 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 137 Pirelli 0313-0419 Scorpion MXMH 554 120 80 19 Motocross 139 Metzeler 0316-0141 Karoo 3 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 151 Pirelli 0313-0209 Scorpion MXMS 120 80 19 Motocross 139 Metzeler 110-11278 Tourance 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport/OEM 150 Pirelli 0313-0210 Scorpion MXH 120 80 19 Motocross 139 Metzeler 0316-0103 Tourance EXP 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 151 Dunlop 32TM-33 D739 AT 120 90 19 Motocross 136 Metzeler 0316-0144 Tourance Next 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 151 Kenda K76014 K760 Trak Master II 120 90 19 Dual-Sport 171 Michelin 0316-0147 Anakee III 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda 0313-0283 K775 Washougal 120 90 19 Motocross 170 Michelin 0316-0148 Anakee III 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda 0313-0169 120 90 19 Motocross 170 Pirelli 0316-0033 Scorpion Trail 110 80R 19 Dual-Sport 143 K775F Washougal Sticky Pirelli 0313-0417 Scorpion MXMH 554 110 85 19 Motocross 139 Maxxis M7305-9 M7305 Maxxcross 120 90 19 Motocross 160 AMS 0311-0008 Sand Snake 110 90 19 Sand 162 Maxxis 0313-0118 120 90 19 Motocross 160 AMS 0311-0009 Sand Snake 110 90 19 Sand 162 M7305D Maxxcross Desert IT Bridgestone 0313-0178 M404 110 90 19 Motocross 152 Pirelli 0313-0127 Scorpion MXMS 120 90 19 Motocross 139 Bridgestone 0313-0197 M604 110 90 19 Motocross 153 Pirelli 0313-0374 MXeXTRa-X 120 90 19 Motocross 140 Bridgestone 0313-0205 M204 110 90 19 Motocross 152 Michelin 0313-0221 S12 XC 130 70 19 Motocross 145 Bridgestone 0313-0107 M102 110 90 19 Motocross 154 Michelin 0313-0225 M12 XC 130 70 19 Motocross 145 CST 0313-0258 Surge I 110 90 19 Motocross 161 IRC IRC-093 GP-1 2.75 - 21 Dual-Sport 166 CST 0313-0262 Surge P 110 90 19 Motocross 161 Dunlop 0314-0001 D803 2.75 - 21 Trials 137 CST 0313-0441 Legion MX-V 110 90 19 Motocross 160 Pirelli 0314-0007 MT 43 2.75 - 21 Trials 142 Dunlop 0313-0249 MX51 110 90 19 Motocross 135 IRC IRC-552 TR-11 Trial Winner 2.75 - 21 Trials 167 Dunlop 0313-0339 MX71 110 90 19 Motocross 135 Michelin TC-01 Trial Competition 2.75 - 21 Trials 147 IRC IRC-107 GP-1 3.00 - 21 Dual-Sport 166 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD TIRE SIZE APPLICATION GUIDE (CONT) BRAND PART # MODEL SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE PAGE # IRC 0316-0158 GP-21 3.00 - 21 Dual-Sport 166 Pirelli 0312-0087 Scorpion MXMS 80 100 21 Motocross 139 IRC IRC-1301 GP-110 3.00 - 21 Dual-Sport 166 Pirelli 0312-0209 Scorpion MXMH 554 80 100 21 Motocross 139 IRC IRC-199 TR-1 Dual-Sport 3.00 - 21 Dual-Sport 167 Pirelli 0312-0090 Scorpion MXH 80 100 21 Motocross 140 Kenda K2704 K270 3.00 - 21 Dual-Sport 171 Pirelli 0312-0204 MXeXTRa-X 80 100 21 Motocross 140 Bridgestone BS-00303 TW301 Trail Wing 3.00 - 21 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Pirelli 0312-0116 Scorpion XC MS 80 100 21 Motocross 140 Kenda K2707 K270 3.25 - 21 Dual-Sport 171 Pirelli 0312-0117 Scorpion XC MH 80 100 21 Motocross 140 Michelin 0316-0044 T63 80 90 21 Dual-Sport 146 Pirelli MT16-92260 MT16 80 100 21 Motocross 141 Pirelli MT21-11 MT 21 80 90 21 Dual-Sport 142 Avon 0316-0026 AM43 Distanzia 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 162 Pirelli MT90-07 MT 90 A/T 80 90 21 Dual-Sport 144 Avon AV-146 AM24 Gripster 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 162 AMS 0311-0005 Sand Snake MX 80 100 21 Sand 162 Avon 0316-0127 Distanzia 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 162 Bridgestone BE-1166 ED11 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 154 Bridgestone 0316-0047 BW501 Battle Wing 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 156 Bridgestone BE-7700 ED77 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 154 Bridgestone BS-01178 TW21 Trail Wing 90 90 21 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Bridgestone 0316-0040 TW301 Trail Wing 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 155 Bridgestone BS-01188 TW41 Trail Wing 90 90 21 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 Bridgestone BS-00305 TW41 Trail Wing 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 155 Continental 248610 Conti Escape 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 168 Bridgestone 0312-0047 M59 80 100 21 Motocross 153 Continental 97391 Twinduro TKC80 90 90 21 Dual-Sport/OEM 167 Bridgestone 0312-0072 M101 80 100 21 Motocross 154 Dunlop 0312-0242 AT81 90 90 21 Motocross 136 Bridgestone 0312-0114 M403 80 100 21 Motocross 152 Dunlop 0312-0091 D908RR 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 137 Bridgestone 0312-0119 M603 80 100 21 Motocross 153 Dunlop 32SF-21 D606 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 137 Bridgestone 0312-0124 M203 80 100 21 Motocross 152 Dunlop 0316-0109 Trailmax TR91 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 137 CST 0312-0237 Legion MX-V 80 100 21 Motocross 160 Dunlop 0313-0423 MX51 90 90 21 Motocross 135 CST 0312-0152 Surge I 80 100 21 Motocross 161 IRC IRC-237 M1A 90 90 21 Motocross 163 Dunlop 0312-0230 MX11 80 100 21 Motocross 136 Kenda 0316-0134 K761 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 171 Dunlop 0312-0231 MX51 80 100 21 Motocross 135 Maxxis 0312-0193 MaxxCross EN 90 90 21 Motocross 157 Dunlop 0312-0141 MX31 80 100 21 Motocross 134 Metzeler 0312-0186 6 Days Extreme 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 149 Dunlop 0312-0189 MX71 80 100 21 Motocross 135 Metzeler 0316-0006 Enduro 3 Sahara 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 150 Duro 0312-0185 DI1156 80 100 21 Motocross 172 Metzeler 0316-0018 Enduro 3 Sahara 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 150 Duro 0312-0184 DI1155 80 100 21 Motocross 172 Metzeler 110-10126 Tourance 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 150 Duro HF343-02 HF343 Excelerator 80 100 21 Motocross 172 Metzeler 0312-0098 Unicross 90 90 21 Motocross 149 Duro HF905-01 HF905 Cross Country 80 100 21 Motocross 172 Metzeler 0316-0140 Karoo 3 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 151 IRC IRC-123 VE-35 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 165 Metzeler 0316-0145 Tourance Next 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 151 IRC IRC-185 VE-39 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 165 Michelin 0316-0045 T63 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 146 IRC 0312-0129 iX-09W 80 100 21 Motocross 164 Michelin 0312-0133 S12 XC 90 90 21 Motocross 145 IRC IRC-504 iX05H 80 100 21 Motocross 163 Michelin 0312-0134 M12 XC 90 90 21 Motocross 145 IRC IRC-514 iX07S 80 100 21 Motocross 163 Michelin 0312-0235 Desert Race 90 90 21 Desert 146 IRC IRC-121 VE-32 80 100 21 Motocross 165 Michelin 0316-0150 Anakee III 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda K7606 K760 Trak Master II 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 171 Michelin 0316-0151 Anakee III 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda 0312-0064 K775F Washougal 80 100 21 Motocross 170 Michelin 0316-0152 Anakee III 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 147 Kenda 0312-0149 K780 Southwick II 80 100 21 Motocross 169 Pirelli 0316-0004 MT 90 A/T 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 144 Kenda 0312-0212 K785 Millville 2 80 100 21 Motocross 169 Pirelli 0316-0089 Scorpion Rally 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 143 Maxxis 0312-0022 M7311 Maxxcross SI 80 100 21 Motocross 158 Pirelli 0316-0146 Scorpion Pro 90 90 21 Enduro/Dual-Sport 142 Maxxis 0312-0025 M7304 Maxxcross 80 100 21 Motocross 160 Pirelli MT21-2 MT 21 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 142 Maxxis 0312-0065 K775F Washougal Sticky 80 100 21 Motocross 170 Pirelli MT90-06 MT 90 A/T 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 144 Pirelli 0316-0034 Scorpion Trail 90 90 21 Dual-Sport 143 0312-0243 M6001 80 100 21 Motocross 158 Pirelli 0316-0067 Scorpion Trail 90 90 21 Dual-Sport/OEM 143 Maxxis 0312-0107 M7309 Maxxcross SX 80 100 21 Motocross 158 Kenda 0316-0107 K784 90 90B 21 Dual-Sport 170 Maxxis M7304-5 M7304 Maxxcross 80 100 21 Motocross 160 Continental 0316-0156 Trail Attack 2 90 90R 21 Dual Sport 168 Maxxis 0312-0238 M7304D Desert IT 80 100 21 Motocross 160 Bridgestone 0312-0115 M403 90 100 21 Motocross 152 Maxxis M7307-1 M7307 Maxxcross SM 80 100 21 Motocross 157 Bridgestone 0312-0120 M603 90 100 21 Motocross 153 Maxxis 0312-0044 M7304D Maxxcross Desert IT 80 100 21 Motocross 160 Bridgestone 0312-0125 M203 90 100 21 Motocross 152 0312-0190 MX71 90 100 21 Motocross 135 0312-0192 MXCS 80 100 21 Motocross 157 IRC 0312-0166 iX-09W 90 100 21 Motocross 164 110-9307 MC5 80 100 21 Motocross 148 Kenda 0312-0066 K775F Washougal 90 100 21 Motocross 170 Metzeler 110-9308 MC 6 80 100 21 Motocross 148 Kenda 0312-0067 90 100 21 Motocross 170 Metzeler 110-9673 MC4 80 100 21 Motocross 148 K775F Washougal Sticky Michelin 0312-0004 AC10 80 100 21 Dual-Sport 147 Michelin 0312-0211 Starcross HP4 90 100 21 Motocross 146 Michelin 0312-0033 Starcross MS3 80 100 21 Motocross 145 Pirelli 0312-0210 Scorpion MXMH 554 90 100 21 Motocross 139 Michelin 0312-0035 Starcross MH3 80 100 21 Motocross 145 Pirelli 0312-0127 Scorpion MXMS 90 100 21 Motocross 139 Michelin 0314-0008 Trial Light 80 100 21 Trials 147 Pirelli 0312-0128 Scorpion MXH 90 100 21 Motocross 140 Pirelli 0312-0080 Scorpion MXS 80 100 21 Motocross 139 Bridgestone BS-1237 TW9 Trail Wing 3.00 - 23 Dual-Sport/OEM 155 MERCHANDISING Dunlop Maxxis Metzeler SERVICE TOOLS Maxxis TUBES & ACCESSORIES PAGE # ATV/UTV SECTION ASPECT RIM WIDTH RATIO DIA. STYLE OFFROAD MODEL DRAG SPECIALTIES PART # STREET BRAND CROSS REFERENCE INDEX SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG 133 OFFROAD DUNLOP OFFROAD TIRES The entire Geomax line is the product of more than 115 national championships Dunlop has earned in the dirt, including every AMA Supercross and Motocross title in 2012. The Geomax series tires deliver exemplary performance in a variety of specific types of terrain. Dunlop is proud to announce the addition of the new AT81 and AT81RC, offering more all-around performance plus higher levels of ruggedness for off-road racing and recreational riding. Dunlop tires cover it all from high-flying Supercross and the wilds of Baja desert racing to national-champion mini riders and weekend warriors. INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET 134 GEOMAX MX31 COMPETITION SERIES SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Patented “chiseled” shoulder block shape •Limited block surface penetrates soft dirt/sand to contact harder ground for increased traction •Chiseled shoulder block shape improves side traction and makes traversing ruts easier •Tie-bar for increased block stiffness and recess design for improved soft-to-medium terrain performance •Unique “cross-stitch” shoulder block distribution for better traction and grip in soft-to-medium conditions •Enhanced land/sea ratio and a wider tread profile for improved traction •Larger radius block base for strength and increased durability SIZE FRONT 2.50-10 2.50-12 60/100-14 70/100-17 70/100-19 TT/TL PART # TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑0136 0312‑0137 0312‑0138 0312‑0139 0312‑0140 SUG. RETAIL $42.95 45.95 44.95 53.95 60.95 SIZE FRONT (CONT) 80/100-21 REAR 2.75-10 80/100-12 90/100-14 MX31 Front/Rear TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0141 $123.95 TT TT TT 0313‑0231 0313‑0232 0313‑0233 43.95 49.95 61.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 90/100-16 110/90-18 120/90-18 110/80-19 120/80-19 TT/TL PART # TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0234 0313‑0235 0313‑0236 0313‑0237 0313‑0238 SUG. RETAIL $70.95 127.95 130.95 136.95 144.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET GEOMAX MX51 COMPETITION SERIES INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES DRAG SPECIALTIES MX51 Front PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑0142 0312‑0143 0312‑0144 0312‑0145 0312‑0146 0313‑04231 0312‑02311 $36.95 48.95 51.95 59.95 64.95 120.95 117.95 TT TT TT 0313‑0239 0313‑0240 0313‑0241 50.95 56.95 67.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 90/100‑16 100/100‑18 110/90‑18 110/100‑18 120/90‑18 100/90‑19 110/80‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 1 MX51 Rear MX51FA Front TT/TL PART # TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0242 0313‑0243 0313‑0245 0313‑0244 0313‑0246 0313‑0247 0313‑0248 0313‑0249 0313‑0250 SUG. RETAIL $74.95 114.95 114.95 127.95 127.95 130.95 136.95 139.95 144.95 MX51FA TUBES & ACCESSORIES TT/TL ATV/UTV SIZE FRONT 2.50‑10 2.50‑12 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 90/90‑21 80/100‑21 REAR 2.75‑10 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 OFFROAD •Design profile has more volume for excellent cornering grip and improved ride comfort •Recessed biting edge for greater cornering traction and rut performance in a wider range of terrain conditions •New MX51FA fronts, developed in the heat of the 2012 AMA Supercross championship •The lighter, more nimble handling MX51FA enhance stability in hardened terrain and will help riders of all skill levels get the most out of their motocross or off‑road machines •Tie‑bar for increased block stiffness and recess design for improved medium‑to‑harder terrain performance •Unique “cross‑stitch” shoulder block distribution for better traction and grip in medium‑to‑medium‑hard conditions •Larger radius block base for strength and increased durability SERVICE TOOLS GEOMAX MX71 COMPETITION SERIES HARD TERRAIN TIRES PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT 0312‑0187 0312‑0188 0312‑0189 0312‑0190 $59.95 64.95 117.95 120.95 TT TT 0313‑0333 0313‑0334 67.95 74.95 MX71 Front/Rear SIZE REAR (CONT) 110/90‑18 120/90‑18 100/90‑19 110/80‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 TT/TL PART # TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0335 0313‑0336 0313‑0337 0313‑0338 0313‑0339 0313‑0340 SUG. RETAIL $114.95 127.95 130.95 136.95 139.95 144.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX TT/TL CROSS REFERENCE SIZE FRONT 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 MERCHANDISING •Profile design with more tread volume in the shoulder for excellent cornering grip •Directional front tire pattern for improved grip and cornering traction in hard pack conditions •Directional and asymmetrical rear tire pattern for maximum traction and braking •Unique placement of “camber traction blocks” to maximize lean angle traction and grip when exiting corners •Geometric front tire shoulder block shape for increased cornering power, predictable slide control and braking grip •Double tornado wave rear tire block distribution for maximum forward traction at any lean angle •Variable spacing between center tread blocks for enhanced performance in hard‑to‑intermediate conditions •GRP design for improved durability and resistance to block tearing •Recessed biting edges in both front and rear tires yield more traction for greater grip throughout a wide range of terrain conditions 135 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET OFFROAD GEOMAX AT81™ •The newest generation of off‑road tires •Provide more all‑around performance •New formula high wear‑resistance tire compound offers enhance chipping, tearing and wear resistance •Rear tread block shape and distribution plus DIRTuitive Grip Design (DGD) knobs help the tire penetrate through the surface dirt for extra traction •Rear tire carcass has two nylon plies •Lateral grooves on shoulder knobs provide additional biting edges and allow the knobs to be more flexible •Rear center blocks are arranged inline to provide a larger contact patch for maximum traction •”Plush pad” recess design between tread blocks enhances compliance for bump absorption and rider comfort SIZE AT 81 FRONT 90/90‑21 AT 81 REAR 110/90‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 54M TT 0312‑0242 $120.95 61M TT 0313‑0451 114.95 AT81 Front/Rear SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX AT 81 REAR (CONT) 64M 110/100‑18 120/90‑18 65M TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT 0313‑0450 0313‑0452 $127.95 127.95 PART # 0313‑0455 0313‑0456 SUG. RETAIL $139.95 155.95 SIZE 110/90‑18 110/100‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 61M 64M TT/TL TT TT PART # 0313‑0454 0313‑0453 SUG. RETAIL $127.95 149.95 AT81 Rear SIZE 120/90‑18 110/90‑19 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 65M 62M TT/TL TT TT MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV GEOMAX AT81™ RC REAR •Reinforced rear tire carcass features four nylon plies •New formula high wear‑resistance tire compound offers enhance chipping, tearing and wear resistance •Rear tread block shape and distribution plus DIRTuitive Grip Design (DGD) knobs help the tire penetrate through the surface dirt for extra traction •Lateral grooves on shoulder knobs provide additional biting edges and allow the knobs to be more flexible •Rear center blocks are arranged inline to provide a larger contact patch for maximum traction •”Plush pad” recess design between tread blocks enhances compliance for bump absorption and rider comfort MX11 Front/Rear GEOMAX MX11 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE D739 AT Rear 136 D739 AT SAND/MUD TERRAIN TIRE COMPETITION SERIES HEAVY‑DUTY HARD TERRAIN TIRES •Stiffer casing and heavy‑duty construction for most rugged conditions •Rear tire matches D606F front tire for desert riders SIZE REAR 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 120/90‑19 TT/TL PART # TT TT TT 32TM‑38 32TM‑42 32TM‑33 SUG. RETAIL $149.95 160.95 172.95 •Curved tread blocks create a turbine effect to provide enhanced traction and self‑cleaning properties •Recessed flex joints between tread blocks give tire improved compliance for enhanced traction and ride comfort •Tread channels help enhance stability •Curved backside blocks produce enhanced braking stability •Thin profiled blocks help chisel through and penetrate sand surface for increased traction •Center‑cross design tread blocks provide enhanced straight‑line traction, assist with lateral stability and provide block stiffness for strength and enhanced durability REAR FRONT 80/100‑21 TT/TL PART # TT 0312‑0230 SUG. RETAIL $123.95 REAR REAR 110/90‑19 TT/TL PART # TT 0313‑0348 SUG. RETAIL $160.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES D606 Front/Rear D908 Front/Rear •D606 front provides great grip and durability •Features full‑depth tread pattern that gives excellent traction on surfaces ranging from hard fire roads to soft trails •Tread is designed for real off‑road use and aggressive performance •D606F front tire matches with D739AT rear tire for desert racers •DOT approved •R‑rated for speeds up to 106 mph LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 54R TT 32SF‑21 68R 69R 65R TT TT TT 32SF‑41 0317‑0010 32SF‑36 SUG.RETAIL $141.95 145.95 151.95 144.95 •Designed to handle severe racing and cross‑country conditions and provides exceptional durability and grip over rocks, hard ground and pavement •Designed to cope with the speed, horsepower and weight of large‑displacement rally‑type dual‑sport machines •DOT approved •R‑rated for speeds up to 106 mph SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 140/80‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 54R TT 0312‑0091 $202.95 70R TT 0313‑0133 320.95 ATV/UTV SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 130/90‑17 130/90‑18 120/90‑18 D908RR AGGRESSIVE ROAD‑LEGAL DESERT/ENDURO TIRES OFFROAD D606 STREET LEGAL DUAL‑SPORT TIRES TUBES & ACCESSORIES D803 TRIALS SIZE FRONT 2.75‑21 REAR 4.00R18 SERVICE TOOLS •Used by 05‑06 champion Geoff Aaron •Radial rear tire also works great for off‑road trail riding •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 45M TT 0314‑0001 $99.95 64M TT 0315‑0001 146.95 MERCHANDISING D803 Front/Rear TRAILMAX TR91 DUAL‑SPORT/ADVENTURE TOURING TIRES LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 54H 57H 59V TL TL TL 0316‑0109 0316‑0110 0316‑0111 SUG. RETAIL $183.95 194.95 229.95 TR91 Front/Rear SIZE REAR 130/80R17 140/80R17 150/70R17 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 65H 69H 69V TL TL TL 0317‑0106 0317‑0107 0317‑0108 SUG. RETAIL $248.95 254.95 259.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 100/90‑19 110/80R19 CROSS REFERENCE •Dual‑purpose high‑performance adventure touring tire •Silica‑fortified tread compound for enhanced traction and grip while helping to reduce rolling resistance •V‑shaped pattern with crossing grooves pull water quickly and effectively away from the tread contact patch •Enhanced abrasion resistance yields higher mileage in on‑highway usage, while the new tread block design provides enhanced wear resistance in off‑road conditions •Jointless Belt Technology utilizes a continuously wound belt that enables smooth performance at highway speeds, a more consistent contact patch and enhanced shock absorption •H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph or V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph 137 SCORPION MX: 60 WORLD MOTOCROSS CHAMPIONSHIPS MX Soft (MXS) Front/Rear MX Mid Soft Front/Rear MXMH 554 Front/Rear MX SOFT (MXS) MX MID SOFT (MXMS) SCORPION MXMH 554 •Pure-bred competition tire for deep sand and severe mud use •Special directional rear paddle design with bridged tread provides excellent performance •Front slightly wider for more flotation in soft terrain •Soft terrain compounds mated with lightweight PET HMLS carcass •Front tire tread pattern features directional V tread block design for excellent braking and cornering performance and DOT approved •Provides superior straight line traction on a wide range of terrain •Excellent durability with long knob life •Excellent cornering traction and stability with optimum control •Directional front design offers maximum braking, lateral grip in a wide variety of conditions and is DOT approved •Excellent grip and predictability in different terrain •120/80-19 and 90/100-21 sizes for popular 4-stroke applications •XC MS 18” rear is same pattern •MXMS Mud rear provides excellent traction in supersoft conditions and is the perfect soft tire choice when an MXS is a bit too aggressive •New design with tread patterns developed with input from Joe Gibbs Racing MX •Carcass and compound designed for durability and high puncture resistance •Reduced weight and optimized handling for high speed tracks with intermediate to hard terrain •New dimpled knobs and tread pattern is optimized to increase grip and traction •Excellent tire to recommend for riders who use one tire for most track conditions •Reinforced middle and side knobs feature bridges for increased lateral bite INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET OFFROAD 138 MX Hard (MXH) Front/Rear MXeXTra Front/Rear MXeXTRa X/J MEDIUM-SOFT TO HARD TERRAIN MX HARD (MXH) •Special tire designed specifically for hard pack conditions •Special stiff carcass with PET textile cord to provide good damping performance, optimized stability, and improved puncture resistance •Reduced center knob height to prevent knobs from bending under strong acceleration and to have a wider contact area for straight line and cornering grip •Front tire knobs with different stiffness to guarantee strong braking and maximum lateral grip, also DOT approved •Durable design provides traction on a wide range of conditions from medium-soft to hard terrain •X series full-size tires feature new front and rear tread patterns with a reinforced bridged knob pattern for increased lateral bite and stability •Mini sizes (J) keep the same tread pattern with a new sidewall/carcass design for improved performance for mid-soft to mid-hard terrain applications •Wide knob spacing helps improve performance in both gravel and soft terrain •Front tire is DOT approved SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES MXS Front/Rear OFFROAD SCORPION MXS SUPER‑SOFT TERRAIN MX TIRES •Pure‑bred competition tires, designed for muddy and sandy conditions •Special HP (High‑modulus Polyester) carcass for consistent performance under the toughest competition conditions •Paddle‑shaped rear tread design 1 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 51M TT 0312‑00801 $110.95 TB‑6245102 ‑ ‑ ‑ TT TT TT 0313‑0422 0313‑0119 0313‑0120 64.95 122.95 131.95 0350‑00662 TB‑6207102 TB‑6207102 DOT approved. 2 SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # ATV/UTV SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 90/100‑16 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 MXMS Front/Rear SCORPION MXMS Heavy‑duty tube. SOFT TO MID‑HARD TERRAIN MX TIRES SCORPION MXMH 554 1 SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 51M 57M TT TT 0312‑02091 0312‑02101 $110.95 113.95 TB‑6245102 TB‑6245102 ‑ ‑ ‑ TT TT TT 0313‑0417 0313‑0379 0313‑0419 131.95 131.95 136.95 TB‑6207102 TB‑6207102 TB‑6207102 DOT approved. 2 Heavy‑duty tube. SUG. RETAIL 1 Standard‑duty tube. 2 PART # TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑0081 0312‑0082 0312‑0083 0312‑0084 0312‑0085 0312‑00872 0312‑01272 $36.95 44.95 47.95 54.95 59.95 110.95 113.95 TB‑10789101 TB‑10792101 TB‑10850101 TB‑6389101 0350‑00581 TB‑6245104 TB‑6245104 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0121 0313‑0122 0313‑0123 0313‑0124 0313‑0125 0313‑0126 0313‑0209 0313‑0127 42.95 53.95 61.95 67.95 122.95 131.95 136.95 136.95 TB‑10789101 TB‑10792101 TB‑10851101 0350‑00661 TB‑6207104 TB‑6207104 TB‑6207104 TB‑6207104 TT 0313‑03323 131.95 TB‑6207104 TT TT 0313‑0180 0313‑0181 115.95 120.95 TB‑6192104 TB‑6207104 DOT approved. 3 Modified pattern. 4 Heavy‑duty tube. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 110/85‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 TT/TL CROSS REFERENCE •The Scorpion MXMH was a development project with Joe Gibbs Racing MX •The tire is designed for true intermediate conditions •Features a new front and rear tread pattern •Reinforced middle and side knobs feature bridges for increased lateral bite •New dimpled knobs and tread pattern are optimized to increase grip and traction in medium to hard conditions •See TUBES & ACCESSORIES section for Pirelli inner tubes SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # MERCHANDISING INTERMEDIATE TO HARD TERRAIN MX TIRES LOAD/SPEED INDEX SIZE MXMS FRONT 2.50‑10 ‑ 60/100‑12 ‑ 60/100‑14 ‑ 70/100‑17 ‑ 70/100‑19 ‑ 51M 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 57M MXMS REAR 2.75‑10 ‑ 80/100‑12 ‑ 90/100‑14 ‑ 90/100‑16 ‑ 100/90‑19 ‑ 110/90‑19 ‑ ‑ 120/80‑19 ‑ 120/90‑19 MXMS MUD REAR 110/90‑19 ‑ XC MS REAR 110/100‑18 ‑ 120/100‑18 ‑ SERVICE TOOLS MXMH Front/Rear TUBES & ACCESSORIES •Performance tire with excellent durability •Directional front design offers maximum braking performance •Mid‑shoulder lugs for better traction in softer terrain •Offers maximum steering precision, especially on softer terrain •Rear provides superior straight‑line traction on a wide range of terrain •Excellent durability, with long knob life •120/80‑19 and 90/100‑21 sizes for popular 4‑stroke applications •XC MS 18” rear features a similar tread pattern •MXMS Mud rear provides excellent traction in supersoft conditions and is the perfect soft tire choice when an MXS is a bit too aggressive 139 OFFROAD STREET SCORPION MXeXTra‑X MEDIUM‑SOFT TO HARD TERRAIN TIRES MXH Front/Rear SCORPION MXH HARD TERRAIN MX TIRES •Designed for hard‑packed supercross and motocross tracks •Front tire features reversible tread pattern to dial in best performance for intermediate or hard terrain •Twin knobs allow high degree of flexibility while compound keeps their edges sharp •Reinforced sidewall for puncture resistance, yet lightweight due to processing technique •120/80‑19 and 90/100‑21 sizes for popular 4‑stroke applications •Low‑profile design for quick, precise steering SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 1 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # 51M 57M TT TT 0312‑00901 0312‑01281 $110.95 119.95 TB‑6245102 TB‑6245102 ‑ ‑ ‑ TT TT TT 0313‑0130 0313‑0131 0313‑0210 122.95 131.95 136.95 TB‑6207102 TB‑6207102 TB‑6207102 DOT approved. 2 Heavy‑duty tube. LOAD/SPEED SIZE INDEX MXETRA‑J FRONT 2.50‑10 ‑ 60/100‑14 ‑ 70/100‑17 ‑ 70/100‑19 ‑ MXETRA‑X FRONT 80/100‑21 51M MXETRA‑J REAR 2.75‑10 ‑ 80/100‑12 ‑ 90/100‑14 ‑ 90/100‑16 ‑ MXETRA‑X REAR 100/100‑18 ‑ 110/100‑18 ‑ 120/100‑18 ‑ 100/90‑19 ‑ 110/90‑19 ‑ 120/90‑19 ‑ 1 Standard‑duty tube. 2 TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # TT TT TT TT 0312‑0205 0312‑0206 0312‑0207 0312‑0208 $36.95 47.95 54.95 59.95 TB‑10789101 TB‑10851101 TB‑6389101 0350‑00581 TT 0312‑02042 110.95 TB‑6245103 TT TT TT TT 0313‑0375 0313‑0376 0313‑0377 0313‑0378 42.95 53.95 64.95 67.95 TB‑10789101 TB‑10792101 TB‑10851101 0350‑00661 TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0369 0313‑0370 0313‑0371 0313‑0372 0313‑0373 0313‑0374 108.95 109.95 118.95 122.95 131.95 136.95 TB‑6192103 TB‑6192103 TB‑6192103 TB‑6207103 TB‑6207103 TB‑6207103 DOT approved. 3 Heavy‑duty tube. INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES •The X series full‑size tires feature front and rear tread patterns with a reinforced bridged knob pattern for increased lateral bite and stability Scorpion MXeXtra Front/Rear •Mini sizes (J) keep the same tread pattern with a new sidewall/carcass design for improved performance for mid‑soft to mid‑hard terrain applications •Feature high durability and consistent performance •Built with a high module carcass construction that provides maximum bump absorption and feel •Provides traction on a wide range of conditions from hard to medium‑soft terrain •Best tire for any rider looking for a more durable, all‑around tire 140 Scorpion XC MS Front/Rear Scorpion XC MH Front/Rear SCORPION XC MS FRONT/REAR SCORPION XC MH SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES DOT APPROVED INTERMEDIATE TO HARD TERRAIN TIRES •Based on the MT44 front and MT32 rear •The ultimate choice for mid‑soft off‑road use •Special polyester carcass for light weight •Specially designed knob pattern for optimized steering precision and traction •Conquers everything from rocky terrain to deep sand •See TUBES & ACCESSORIES section for Pirelli inner tubes LOAD/SPEED INDEX SIZE XC MS FRONT 80/100‑21 51R XC MS REAR 110/100‑18 ‑ 120/100‑18 ‑ 1 DOT approved. 2 TT/TL PART # TT 0312‑01161 $111.95 TB‑6245102 TT TT 0313‑0180 0313‑0181 115.95 120.95 TB‑6192102 TB‑6192102 Heavy‑duty tube. SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # •DOT approved front and rear •Special polyester carcass for light weight •Specially designed knobs on front tire for optimized steering precision and traction •R and M speed‑rated SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 140/80‑18 1 SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 51R TT 0312‑01171 $111.95 TB‑6245102 64M 68M 70M TT TT TT 0313‑02571 0313‑01871 0313‑0192 109.95 120.95 137.95 TB‑6192102 TB‑6192102 TB‑6192102 Heavy‑duty. 2 SUG. RETAIL Heavy‑duty tube. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES MT 16 ALL TERRAIN MX TIRES SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 DOT approved. 2 SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # TT/TL PART # 51R TT MT16‑922601 $111.95 TB‑6245102 ‑ ‑ TT TT MT16‑66160 MT16‑69260 111.95 120.95 TB‑6192102 TB‑6192102 SUG. RETAIL Heavy‑duty tube. ATV/UTV 1 MT16 Front/Rear LOAD/SPEED INDEX OFFROAD •Designed to provide traction on a wide range of surfaces •Long life makes it a perfect choice for weekend and competition riders TUBES & ACCESSORIES SERVICE TOOLS MXMS Front/Rear MX eXTra Front/Rear MXMS/MX eXTra‑J/MXS MINI CROSS TIRES MERCHANDISING SOFT‑/INTERMEDIATE‑/HARD‑TERRAIN MINI MX TIRES •Popular tires re‑engineered to fit 50cc, 60cc, 80cc and 100cc machines •Tread patterns designed for all conditions, especially a loose top over a hard base •Tread compounds developed for excellent cement start pad traction •2.75‑10 rear designed to handle the needs of modified 50cc racers •Different tread designs for front and rear requirements •MX eXTra‑J features new sidewall/carcass design for improved performance in mid‑soft to mid‑hard conditions •Lightweight polyester fabric casing reduces unsprung weight •See Pirelli inner tubes in TUBES & ACCESSORIES section SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # TB‑10789101 TB‑10792101 TB‑10850101 TB‑6389101 0350‑00581 42.95 53.95 61.95 67.95 TB‑10789101 TB‑10792101 TB‑10851101 0350‑00661 1 36.95 TB‑10789101 SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # $47.95 54.95 59.95 TB‑10851101 TB‑6389101 0350‑00581 42.95 53.95 64.95 67.95 TB‑10789101 TB‑10792101 TB‑10851101 0350‑00661 64.95 0350‑00661 Standard‑duty tube. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX $36.95 44.95 47.95 54.95 59.95 TT/TL PART # SIZE SCORPION MX EXTRA‑J FRONT (CONT) 0312‑0206 60/100‑14 TT 70/100‑17 TT 0312‑0207 70/100‑19 TT 0312‑0208 SCORPION MX EXTRA‑J REAR 2.75‑10 TT 0313‑0375 80/100‑12 TT 0313‑0376 90/100‑14 TT 0313‑0377 TT 0313‑0378 90/100‑16 SCORPION MXS REAR 90/100‑16 TT 0313‑0422 CROSS REFERENCE TT/TL PART # SIZE SCORPION MXMS FRONT 2.50‑10 TT 0312‑0081 60/100‑12 TT 0312‑0082 60/100‑14 TT 0312‑0083 70/100‑17 TT 0312‑0084 70/100‑19 TT 0312‑0085 SCORPION MXMS REAR 2.75‑10 TT 0313‑0121 80/100‑12 TT 0313‑0122 90/100‑14 TT 0313‑0123 90/100‑16 TT 0313‑0124 SCORPION MX EXTRA‑J FRONT 2.50‑10 TT 0312‑0205 141 OFFROAD STREET SCORPION PRO DRAG SPECIALTIES DOT AND F.I.M. APPROVED ENDURO TIRES •Rated best DOT tire by Dirt Bike Magazine •Front and rear tires are competition‑designed with FIM homologation in mind •Front tire designed for soft/intermediate terrain with V‑shaped half‑shoulder knobs for cornering traction •Durable tread compound increases structural stability and better traction •DOT approved front and rear SCORPION PRO OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES OFFROAD FITS MODEL KTM 450/525 EXC 07‑11 ATV/UTV TUBES & ACCESSORIES SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL Rear Rear 140/80‑18 120/90‑18 70M 65M TT TL 0313‑0010 0313‑0009 SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 120/90‑18 140/80‑18 Scorpion Pro Front/Rear LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 54R TT 0316‑0146 $120.95 TB‑6245101 65M 70M TT TT 0317‑0158 0317‑0157 130.95 137.95 TB‑6192101 TB‑6192101 SUG. RETAIL SUGGESTED PIRELLI INNER TUBE PART # Heavy‑duty tubes. MT 43 DOT FRONT/REAR TRIALS TIRES •A new trend for singletrack off‑road riding •Optimum performance on hard, wet and dry terrain; even indoor events •Special bias‑ply carcass to reduce the deformation and maximize the footprint on every type of terrain •Unique bead design provides special bead retention from low pressure use •P‑rated for speeds up to 93 mph MT 43 Front/Rear SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 45P TT 0314‑0007 $107.95 64P TT 0315‑0002 117.95 MERCHANDISING SIZE FRONT 2.75‑21 REAR 4.00‑18 MT 21 DOT DUAL‑SPORT TIRES 90% OFF 10% ON •Provides excellent off‑road performance, even over long distances •Top‑selling dual‑sport tire in the U.S.A. •Designed mainly for off‑road use CROSS REFERENCE INDEX 142 $137.95 131.95 SCORPION PRO GENERAL REPLACEMENT TIRES 1 SERVICE TOOLS POSITION MT 21 Front/Rear SIZE FRONT 80/90‑21 90/90‑21 REAR 120/90‑17 130/90‑17 110/80‑18 120/80‑18 120/90‑18 130/90‑18 140/80‑18 120/80‑19 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 48P 54R TT TT MT21‑11 MT21‑2 $124.95 124.95 64R 68P 58P 62R 65R 69R 70R 63R TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT MT21‑4 MT21‑7 MT21‑5 MT21‑9 MT21‑1 MT21‑8 MT21‑10 MT21‑6 141.95 141.95 131.95 141.95 141.95 141.95 141.95 141.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET SCORPION RALLY DAKAR RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP‑WINNING TIRES – DOT APPROVED 1 Scorpion Rally Front/Rear LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 59R 54R TL TT 0316‑0108 0316‑0089 $176.95 112.95 69R 68R 70R TL TT TT 0317‑0103 0317‑00841 0317‑0083 194.95 130.95 161.95 OFFROAD SIZE FRONT 110/80‑19 90/90‑21 REAR 150/70‑17 120/100‑18 140/80‑18 DRAG SPECIALTIES •Pirelli continues to develop high‑performance, race‑winning tires for the Scorpion family – the Scorpion Rally, which had a two‑year development cycle, captured first and second place in the 2009 Dakar Rally •The front knob layout of the Rally is designed to give directional stability, even during high‑speed riding •The rear knobs provide rotational traction for the most demanding terrains •With an Advanced Mixing Process, the Scorpion Rally resists fatigue and has a long‑life performance •All of these components are complemented by an innovative tire structure that guarantees world‑class performance with a tire that has a high resistance to puncture •DOT‑approved front and rear; R rated for speeds up to 106 mph Has modified tread pattern. ATV/UTV TUBES & ACCESSORIES Scorpion Trail Front/Rear SCORPION TRAIL DOT APPROVED PERFORMANCE TOURING/DUAL‑SPORT TIRES 95% ON 5% OFF TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 58W 60W 57H 57V 59V 54H 54V TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 0301‑0236 0316‑0194 0316‑0032 0316‑0126 0316‑0033 0316‑0034 0316‑0067 $196.95 200.95 184.95 189.95 205.95 173.95 182.95 64S 65H TT TL 0313‑0182 0313‑0183 178.95 196.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 130/80‑17 150/70R17 150/70R17 G 160/60R17 170/60R17 180/55ZR17 180/55ZR17 190/55ZR17 150/70R18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 65S 69V 69V 69W 72W 73W 73W 75W 70V TT TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 0313‑0184 0313‑0185 0317‑0059 0317‑0105 0317‑0224 0302‑0493 0317‑0136 0302‑0393 0317‑0129 $178.95 226.95 238.95 232.95 251.95 250.95 260.95 276.95 226.95 SCORPION TRAIL OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES Front 90/90‑21 Rear 150/70R17 54V 69V ‑ G TL TL 0316‑0067 $182.95 0317‑0059 238.95 DUCATI Multistrada 10‑13 Front 120/70R17 Rear 190/55R17 58W 75W ‑ ‑ TL TL 0301‑0236 0302‑0393 FITS MODEL BMW F800GS 09‑13 SUG. RETAIL 196.95 276.95 FITS MODEL POS. SIZE DUCATI (CONT) Hyperstrada 10‑13 Front 120/70R17 Rear 180/55ZR17 TRIUMPH Tiger 800 11‑13 Front 100/90‑19 Rear 150/70R17 LOAD/SPEED INDEX CODE TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 58W 73W ‑ ‑ TL TL 0301‑0236 $196.95 0317‑0136 260.95 57V 69V ‑ ‑ TL TL 0316‑0126 0313‑0185 189.95 226.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX POS. SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX CODE TT/TL PART # CROSS REFERENCE LOAD/SPEED INDEX MERCHANDISING SIZE FRONT 120/70R17 120/70R19 100/90‑19 100/90‑19 110/80R19 90/90‑21 90/90‑21 REAR 120/90‑17 130/80R17 SERVICE TOOLS •Specially designed for the latest generation of high‑performance dual‑sport motorcycles: BMW GS, Aprilia Capo Nord and Suzuki V‑Strom •OE on the 2010‑12 Ducati Multistrada and the new Triumph Tiger 800 •Replacement tires for various Buell models •Revolutionary tread pattern combines high performance with a very innovative look •Patented 0° steel belt technology on the front and rear offers maximum stability and excellent handling on every kind of terrain •Latest generation of materials and compound for improved grip in all weather conditions •Carcass designed to promote road holding at high speed and maximum comfort in varied terrain •Blackwall •Tubeless (TL) or tube type •S‑rated for speeds up to 113 mph, H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph, V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph or W‑rated for speeds up to 168 mph 143 OFFROAD OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET MT 90 A/T ATV/UTV DOT APPROVED ENDURO/DUAL-SPORT TIRES 70% ON 30% OFF MT 90 A/T Front/Rear •General and OEM replacement tires •Tread pattern with big central knobs for straight riding stability and general V-shape orientation for high adherence in traction and braking •Excellent high-speed stability even when fully loaded thanks to a size-optimized carcass •Superb wet/dry grip due to the Silica tread compound that offers mileage and regular tread wear performance •Blackwall •Tubeless (TL) or tube type (TT) •S-rated for speeds up to 113 mph or V-rated for speeds up to 149 mph TUBES & ACCESSORIES MT 90 A/T GENERAL REPLACEMENT TIRES SIZE FRONT 80/90-21 90/90-21 REAR 120/90-17 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 48S 54S TT TT MT90-07 MT90-06 $94.95 135.95 64S TT MT90-16 176.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 110/80-18 120/80-18 140/80-18 PART # 58S 62S 70S TT TT TT MT90-13 MT90-14 MT90-15 SUG. RETAIL $166.95 173.95 187.95 SERVICE TOOLS SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # Front Rear 90/90-21 150/70R18 54V 70V TL TL 0316-0004 0317-0004 MERCHANDISING POSITION SUG. RETAIL $174.95 200.95 MT 60-R DUAL-SPORT TIRES 60% ON 40% OFF DUAL-SPORT •Corsa radial with maximum grip tread •Superb cornering and straight-line stability; exceptional wet-weather performance •Excellent traction, on- and off-road; provides light, responsive handling •Designed for machines like the KTM Duke •Blackwall •Tubeless (TL) •V-rated for speeds up to 149 mph CROSS REFERENCE INDEX TT/TL MT 90 A/T OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES FITS MODEL KTM 950 Adventure 04-07 , 990 Adventure/S 08-13 144 LOAD/SPEED INDEX MT 60 Front/Rear SIZE FRONT 120/70R17 REAR 160/60R17 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 58V TL MT60R-8 $239.95 69V TL MT60R-3 294.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES S12XC Front/Rear M12XC Front/Rear S12 XC™/M12 XC™ SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE AND INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES SUG. RETAIL FITS TIRE SIZE TL/TT PART # SIZE S12 XC REAR (SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN) (CONT) 120/80‑19 100/90‑19 TT 0313‑0220 $124.95 130/70‑19 110/90‑19 TT 0313‑0221 133.95 M12 XC FRONT (INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN) 90/90‑21 80/100‑21 TT 0312‑0134 116.95 120/90‑18 100/100‑18 TT 0313‑0222 120.95 SUG. RETAIL FITS TIRE SIZE TL/TT PART # SIZE M12 XC FRONT (INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN) (CONT) 130/80‑18 110/100‑18 TT 0313‑0223 $127.95 120/80‑19 100/90‑19 TT 0313‑0224 129.95 139.95 0313‑0225 TT 130/70‑19 110/90‑19 140/80‑18 120/90‑18 TT 0313‑0427 134.95 ATV/UTV SUG. RETAIL FITS TIRE SIZE TL/TT PART # SIZE S12 XC FRONT (SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN) $116.95 0312‑0133 TT 90/90‑21 80/100‑21 S12 XC REAR (SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN) 120/90‑18 100/100‑18 TT 0313‑0217 115.95 130/80‑18 110/100‑18 TT 0313‑0218 116.95 129.95 0313‑0219 TT 140/80‑18 120/90‑18 OFFROAD •Designed to maximize traction •Newer rear rubber mixture improves durability by at least 25‑30% over Michelin’s S12 and M12 tires •Larger‑diameter beads and thicker bead filler area help make sidewalls more rigid than before, which improves feedback •Additional thin casing ply under the tread helps improve traction and feel, and speeds warm‑up time •S12 XC soft to intermediate terrain tires feature tall, narrow knobs for mud penetration; front knobs turned 45° for mud evacuation •M12 XC intermediate tires provide dependable traction and steering in mixed conditions and feature widely spaced knobs to shed mud quickly TUBES & ACCESSORIES MS3 Front/Rear MH3 Front/Rear SERVICE TOOLS STARCROSS® LINEUP SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN AND INTERMEDIATE TO HARD PACK TERRAIN TIRES TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 0312‑02391 0313‑04431 0313‑04451 0312‑02401 0312‑02411 0312‑0033 $45.95 48.95 48.95 56.95 65.95 116.95 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑02391 0313‑04441 0313‑04461 0313‑04471 0313‑04481 0313‑0428 0313‑0429 0313‑0051 0313‑0052 45.95 47.95 52.95 66.95 75.95 114.95 112.95 125.95 133.95 1 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑00751 0312‑00761 0312‑00231 0312‑00241 0312‑0035 $52.95 55.95 63.95 70.95 116.95 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑01121 0313‑01131 0313‑00351 0313‑00361 0313‑0430 0313‑0431 0313‑0053 0313‑0054 55.95 61.95 72.95 80.95 117.95 116.95 129.95 139.95 StarCross Mini; a scaled‑down version of the StarCross line made for junior racers. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX TT TT TT TT TT TT SIZE MH3 FRONT INTERMEDIATE/HARD 2.50‑12 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 MH3 REAR INTERMEDIATE/HARD 2.75‑10 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 110/100‑18 120/90‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 CROSS REFERENCE SIZE MS3 FRONT SOFT/INTERMEDIATE 2.50‑10 2.50‑12 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 MS3 REAR SOFT/INTERMEDIATE 2.50‑10 2.75‑10 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 110/100‑18 120/90‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 MERCHANDISING •Developed especially for serious racers •Reversible tread pattern with a tread‑wear indicator that clearly shows when to reverse the tire on the rim – when the “M” disappears, the tire can be turned around •Mirror‑image knobs provide equal traction in both directions on a wide range of terrain •StarCross® MS3 features an M‑block knob pattern with reinforced scoop‑like knobs that are widely spaced •StarCross® MH3 features massive knobs to resist chunking and reshaped side knobs for better grip •Strong casings incorporate three cross‑woven polyamide plies •Staggered shoulder knobs for superb cornering action •Super stiff sidewalls for high‑impact shock absorption on landings •Flexible tread minimizes rebound on rough tracks and helps keep tire in contact with the ground 145 OFFROAD HP4 Front/Rear STARCROSS HP4 ® HARD PACK TIRES •Developed especially for supercross and very hard‑packed outdoor tracks •Wider front tire provides a larger contact patch that enhances predictability in blue‑groove conditions •Taller, wider front casing provides greater air volume for absorbing hard landings •Closely spaced, reinforced knobs help maximize contact patch and resist tearing and chunking on hard terrain and rocks •Wave‑like knob pattern on the rear enhances grip in dusty, hard‑packed conditions SIZE FRONT 90/100‑21 REAR 110/90‑19 SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT 0312‑0211 $116.95 TT 0313‑0381 138.95 Starcross Sand 4 Rear STARCROSS® SAND 4 SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Rear tire specifically for use on sandy tracks; pair with S12 or Starcross MS3 front tires •Made of rubber mixture which performs well even in cooler temps •Widely spaced scoop‑like knobs evacuate sand and provide traction •Zig‑zag orientation of side knobs aid in cornering grip •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SIZE REAR 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 TT/TL PART # TT TT 0313‑0110 0313‑0111 SUG. RETAIL $130.95 146.95 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET 146 T63 Front/Rear Desert Front/Rear DESERT RACE™ T63 DESERT RACING TIRES DOT DUAL SPORT TIRES •Tire of choice for the winner of the Paris‑Dakar and nearly every major rally in the world •Unbeatable performance, even in the most punishing conditions and on all types of terrain •Resistant to impacts and cuts even at temperatures above 120°F •Desert Race tire tread design delivers improved handling, grip and traction and is also designed for 450cc desert/off‑road bikes •DOT approved •R‑rated for speeds up to 106 mph SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 140/80‑18 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0235 $193.95 TT 0313‑0380 294.95 •Economical knobby tire •Tread pattern inspired by Michelin’s highly successful Desert™ tires •Reinforced knobs resist tearing and abrasion on asphalt •Provide excellent stability, durability and high level of grip •S‑rated for speeds up to 112 mph SIZE FRONT 80/90‑21 90/90‑21 REAR 130/80‑17 110/80‑18 120/80‑18 130/80‑18 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT 0316‑0044 0316‑0045 $103.95 107.95 TT TT TT TT 0317‑0034 0317‑0035 0317‑0036 0317‑0037 107.95 101.95 107.95 112.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES Anakee III Front/Rear AC10® OFF ROAD/DUAL SPORT MX TIRES LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0004 $113.95 59R 64R 65R 57R 62R TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0007 0313‑0008 0313‑0188 0313‑0226 0313‑0006 112.95 111.95 109.95 121.95 126.95 LOAD/SPEED SIZE INDEX FRONT BIAS 100/90‑19 57H 90/90‑21 54S 90/90‑21 54H 54V 90/90‑21 REAR BIAS 120/90‑17 64S FRONT RADIAL 110/80R19 59H 110/80R19 59V 120/70R19 60V SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TL/TT TL/TT TL/TT TL/TT 0316‑0149 $210.95 0316‑0151 180.95 0316‑0150 180.95 0316‑0152 197.95 TT 0317‑0164 235.95 TL/TT 0316‑0147 TL/TT 0316‑0148 TL/TT 0316‑0192 218.95 229.95 226.95 LOAD/SPEED SIZE INDEX REAR RADIAL 130/80R17 65S 130/80R17 65H 140/80R17 69H 150/70R17 69H 150/70R17 69V 170/60R17 72V SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TL/TT TL/TT TL/TT TL/TT TL/TT TL/TT 0317‑0160 $249.95 0317‑0159 249.95 0317‑0161 256.95 0317‑0162 263.95 0317‑0163 276.95 0317‑0222 284.95 TUBES & ACCESSORIES 51R •New silica tread compound yields even more mileage while offering the best balance between grip and durability •innovative tread pattern inhibits irregular wear patterns, while evacuating water, dirt and mud •Tire architecture engineered for easy maneuverability and precise handling •Excellent stability and rider feedback, thanks to a new high‑rigidity casing •Blackwall •Tubeless/tube type •V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph ATV/UTV •Reversible tread pattern with a treadwear indicator that clearly shows when to reverse the tire on the rim; when the “M” disappears the tire can be turned around •Mirror‑image knobs provide equal traction in both directions on a wide range of terrain •Specially formulated rubber mix for durability that resists tearing and chunking even under hard use •DOT approved •R‑rated for speeds up to 106 mph SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 120/90‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 OFFROAD ANAKEE III ADVENTURE TOURING TIRES AC10 Front/Rear SERVICE TOOLS MERCHANDISING TRIAL LIGHT™ •Updated casing design improves lateral stability in corners compared with earlier Michelin trials tires •Trial X Light™ rear is more than a pound lighter than its predecessor, reducing unsprung weight, for improved suspension response and Trail Light Front/Rear maneuverability •Compatible with low air‑pressure settings; recommended pressures for trials use: 6 psi front, 5 psi rear •Redesigned bead area increases sidewall rigidity to reduce tire movement on rim, even at very low air pressure •Maximized Contact Patch casing for better grip on loose surfaces and when cornering •More flexible tread area for better grip on obstacles and rocks •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph •Extraordinary suppleness, grip and strength •Include a stiff bead area and a deformable crown, combined with a very sticky compound •Not legal for highway use •L‑rated for speeds up to 75 mph SIZE TRIAL LIGHT FRONT 80/100‑21 TRIAL X LIGHT REAR RADIAL 120/100R‑18 SIZE X11 FRONT 2.75‑21 bias X11 REAR 4.00R18 radial SUG. RETAIL TT 0314‑0008 $173.95 TL 0315‑0005 283.95 TRIAL COMPETITION™ WORLD CHAMPION TRIALS TIRES TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TC‑01 $171.95 TL TC‑04 282.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX PART # CROSS REFERENCE TL/TT X11 Front/Rear 147 OFFROAD STREET MC 4 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Metzeler’s championship‑winning dirt tires are value‑priced with excellent durability, handling and traction •Designed to excel in soft to medium‑hard conditions with a stable carcass and self‑cleaning knob design •Aggressive center knob pattern delivers excellent straight‑line traction and braking •Low‑weight/high‑strength carcass for stability, bump absorption and puncture resistance •Offset side knobs for increased cornering traction •Puts the power to the ground for great holeshots, straights and solid cornering SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 51R TT 110‑96731 $102.95 ‑ TT 110‑9669 108.95 MC 4 Front/Rear SIZE REAR (CONT) 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV 1 148 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # ‑ ‑ ‑ TT TT TT 110‑9670 110‑9671 110‑9672 SUG. RETAIL $109.95 117.95 123.95 DOT approved. MC 5 INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Metzeler’s championship‑winning dirt tires are value‑priced with excellent durability, handling and traction •MC 5 front features widely spaced center knobs for good braking performance •Tread design uses small knobs that are able to penetrate harder soil, combined with paddle‑type knob position for good traction on loose soil •Reinforced shoulder knobs give excellent grip under full lean •Soft center area of tire provides good damping properties and feedback •Rear tire uses solid center knobs in a row and intersected knobs in shoulder area for good traction on loose soil or sand •Reinforced shoulder knobs allow controllable slides SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 51R TT 110‑9307 $102.95 ‑ ‑ TT TT 110‑9299 110‑9300 108.95 109.95 1 MC5 Front/Rear SIZE REAR (CONT) 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 1 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # ‑ ‑ ‑ TT TT TT 110‑9302 110‑9303 110‑9305 SUG. RETAIL $112.95 117.95 123.95 DOT approved. MC 6 HARD TERRAIN TIRES •Metzeler’s championship‑winning dirt tires are value‑priced with excellent durability, handling and traction •Front tire features intersected knobs that provide grip for hard braking •Widely spaced knobs can gear with track surface so tire won’t slip, even on watered tracks •Uniform knob distribution provides light handling and good feedback •V‑shaped knob orientation provides straight‑line stability and helps tire resist following longitudinal grooves •Rear tire has intersected center knobs for softer starting grip on hard pack •Intersecting knobs in mid‑shoulder area provide extra traction on smooth, hard surfaces •Twin shoulder knobs provide constant grip and good control SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/100‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 51R TT 110‑93081 $102.95 MC6 Front/Rear SIZE REAR (CONT) 110/90‑19 1 ‑ TT 110‑9301 109.95 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # ‑ TT 110‑9306 SUG. RETAIL $123.95 DOT approved. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES OFFROAD UNICROSS DOT ALL TERRAIN CROSS COUNTRY TIRES •High level of traction in all types of terrain, powering out of corners or climbing steep hills with great feedback and control •Both tires are DOT‑approved •Classic Metzeler tread pattern for restoration projects SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 54M TT 0312‑00981 $105.95 Unicross Front/Rear SIZE REAR 120/90‑18 1 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 65M TT 0313‑01451 SUG. RETAIL $126.95 DOT approved. ATV/UTV SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 TUBES & ACCESSORIES SERVICE TOOLS 6 DAYS EXTREME DOT APPROVED FRONT AND REAR OFF‑ROAD MERCHANDISING •OEM fitment on KTM 450/525 EXC models •The ultimate off‑road tire developed with World Champion factory enduro riders for the most extreme conditions •High Resistance Polyester carcass‑material with X‑ply construction for superior structural characteristics and excellent puncture resistance •Knob distribution and geometry designed to offer outstanding grip and traction with high resistance both in dry and wet conditions, from soft/loose terrains to hard •6 Days Extreme Hard front designed for optimal performance in mid‑hard to hard‑/rocky terrain; knob design offers consistent contact patch and reduced treat block movement in hard terrain •Both front and rear tires are DOT approved •Metzeler 6 Day Extreme tires swept the E1, E2 and E3 classes of the 2011 World Enduro Championships •M‑ and R‑speed rated SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 120/90‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 54R TT 0312‑01861, 2 $127.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 140/80‑18 1 65M TT 0313‑01471 137.95 2 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 70M TT 0313‑01461 SUG. RETAIL $143.95 CROSS REFERENCE 6 Days Extreme Front/Rear 6 DAYS EXTREME GENERAL REPLACEMENT TIRES DOT approved. 6 Days Extreme Hard. 6 DAYS EXTREME OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES 1 POSITION SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL Rear 140/80‑18 70M TT 0313‑0146 1 $143.95 DOT approved. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX FITS MODEL KTM 450/525 EXC 07‑11 149 OFFROAD STREET DUAL‑SPORT TIRES 50% ON 50% OFF •Enduro tire with very good on‑road performance dedicated to the globetrotters always looking for fun riding no matter what the terrain •Special tread compound perfectly combining safe cornering grip on the road and good off‑road traction •Tread pattern features knobs with geometry designed for fast self‑ cleaning; this allows the rider stable and precise trajectories without skidding on soft, muddy terrains •Great handling with easy corner entry and stable cornering •Tube type or tubeless (TL) •DOT certified; S‑ rated for speeds up to 112 mph, T‑rated for speeds up to 118 mph or H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph Enduro 3 Sahara Front/Rear ENDURO 3 GENERAL REPLACEMENT TIRES SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 90/90‑21 REAR 130/80‑17 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 54S 54H TT TL 0316‑0006 0316‑0018 $190.95 202.95 65S TT 0317‑0006 226.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 130/80‑17 4.00‑18 120/80‑18 140/80‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 65T 64S 62S 70S TL TT TT TT 0317‑0011 110‑6252 110‑6254 0317‑0016 SUG. RETAIL $230.95 190.95 197.95 210.95 ENDURO 3 MODEL‑SPECIFIC TIRES FITS MODEL BMW F 650 GS Dakar 01‑08 SUG. RETAIL POSITION SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # Front Rear 90/90‑21 130/80‑17 54S 65S TT TT 0316‑0006 0317‑0006 $190.95 226.95 TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES ENDURO 3 SAHARA INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TOURANCE 150 DUAL SPORT TIRES 85% ON 15% OFF •Made for big‑bore dual‑purpose and enduro bikes that spend most of their time on paved roads, but that take the occasional “detour” down a fire road •Developed to deliver the traction, feedback and stability for both kinds of road •Radial tires feature twin‑layer, 4‑ply diagonal tire carcass construction •Tire compound provides long mileage, stable handling and touring comfort on road; tread design also handles light off‑road riding •Radial rear tires feature Metzeler’s 0° steel belt technology •Optimized tread design reduces rolling noise •H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph and and V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph SIZE FRONT 100/90‑19 110/80R19 90/90‑21 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 57H 59V 54H TL TL TL 110‑10124 110‑112781 110‑10126 $204.95 189.95 191.95 Tourance Front/Rear SIZE REAR 130/80R17 140/80R17 150/70R17 1 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 65H 69H 69V TL TL TL 110‑101201 110‑101211 110‑112791 SUG. RETAIL $229.95 249.95 230.95 Radial. TOURANCE OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES FITS MODEL POSITION SIZE APRILIA Capo Nord 02‑07 Front 110/80R19 Rear 150/70R17 BMW F650 GS Single 01‑07 Front 100/90‑19 Rear 130/80R17 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/ TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 59V 69V TL TL 110‑112781 $189.95 110‑112791 230.95 57H 65H TL TL 110‑10124 110‑10120 204.95 229.95 FITS MODEL BMW (CONT) R1100/1150/ 1200 GS 94‑12 TRIUMPH Tiger 95‑05 1 POSITION SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/ TT PART # SUG. RETAIL Front Rear 110/80R19 59V 150/70R17 69V TL TL 110‑112781 $189.95 110‑112791 230.95 Front Rear 110/80R19 59V 150/70R17 69V TL TL 110‑112781 110‑112791 189.95 230.95 Radial. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET TOURANCE EXP DUAL SPORT TIRES 95% ON/5% OFF DRAG SPECIALTIES •The Metzeler patented 0° steel belt radial technology front and rear tire provides great straight-line and braking stability, maximum precision in the corners and excellent bump absorption in fully loaded conditions •Rear tire has increased tread depth for improved mileage •Improved compound for excellent grip on wet and dry surfaces •Tread pattern design engineered to ensure the best on-road performance in wet and dry weather conditions •S-rated for speeds up to 112 mph or V-rated for speeds up to 149 mph Tourance EXP Front/Rear TOURANCE EXP OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES POSITION SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX OEM CODE TL/TT PART # Front Rear 110/80R19 150/70R17 59V 69V C C TL TL 0316-0103 0317-0097 SUG. RETAIL $208.95 241.95 ATV/UTV TOURANCE NEXT DUAL-SPORT/ADVENTURE TOURING TIRES 95% ON 5% OFF LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 58W 59V 60V 54V TL TL TL TL 0316-0142 0316-0144 0316-0143 0316-0145 Tourance Next Front/Rear SUG. RETAIL $200.95 208.95 216.95 197.95 SIZE REAR 140/80R17 150/70R17 170/60R17 180/55ZR-17 190/55ZR-17 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 69V 69V 72V 73W 75W TL TL TL TL TL 0317-0152 0317-0153 0317-0154 0317-0155 0317-0156 SUG. RETAIL $229.95 241.95 251.95 250.95 276.95 POS. SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL F R 120/70R19 170/60R17 60V 72V TL TL 0316-0143 0317-0154 SERVICE TOOLS TOURANCE NEXT OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES FITS MODEL BMW R1250GS 13 TUBES & ACCESSORIES •Improved wet grip and stability •Improved mileage over previous Tourance EXP •Ideal choice for the latest-generation adventure-touring bikes •OE on the new BMW R1250GS •V-rated for speeds up to 149 mph and W-rated for speeds up to 168 mph SIZE FRONT 120/70R17 110/80R19 120/70R19 90/90-21 OFFROAD FITS MODEL YAMAHA XT1200Z Super Tenere 12-13 $216.95 251.95 MERCHANDISING KAROO 3 DUAL-SPORT TIRES LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 59T 65Q 54T TL TT TT 0316-0141 0316-0139 0316-0140 SUG. RETAIL $231.95 240.95 111.95 Karoo 3 Front/Rear SIZE REAR 140/80-17 150/70R17 170/60R17 140/80-18 150/70-18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 69T 69T 72Q 70T 70T TL TL TL TT TL 0317-0151 0317-0148 0317-0150 0317-0147 0317-0149 SUG. RETAIL $270.95 288.95 300.95 129.95 263.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 110/80R19 120/70R19 90/90-21 CROSS REFERENCE •Improved off -road traction and handling •Double the road mileage of the previous Karoo without compromising off-road prowess •Cutting edge tread design lends to improved performance •Suitable for both light and heavy enduro bikes (versatile) •Replaces all previous Karoo models •Q-rated for speeds up to 100 mph or T-rated for speeds up to 118 mph 151 OFFROAD M203 Front/Rear M203 FRONT/M204 REAR SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Revolutionary tire‑design technology provides comfort and bite in a broad range of soft to intermediate terrain applications •M203 (front) increases grip traction, stability and braking power with a directional pattern rotation •M204 (rear) includes tall tread blocks with shoulder steps for stability and durability on a wide range of soil conditions •Improved grip and traction matched with proper sizing adapts to the demands of today’s 4‑stroke engines SIZE M203 FRONT 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑0121 0312‑0122 0312‑0123 0312‑0124 0312‑0125 SUG. RETAIL $76.95 86.95 91.95 115.95 123.95 SIZE M204 REAR 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0199 0313‑0200 0313‑0201 0313‑0202 0313‑0203 SUG. RETAIL $76.95 102.95 103.95 137.95 130.95 SIZE TL/TT M204 REAR (CONT) TT 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 TT 120/80‑19 TT PART # 0313‑0204 0313‑0205 0313‑0206 SUG. RETAIL $135.95 148.95 149.95 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET 152 M403 FRONT/M404 REAR INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Bridgestone’s broadest range of motocross and off‑road tires •Features rubber compounds, tread design patterns and fine‑tuned casing constructions that are race proven •Derived from top factory SX/MX and off‑road racing technologies •The tires are more durable and cover a wider range of soils •Front tires provide improved cornering control and feedback even at full‑lean angles •Rear tires offer added traction and slide control for better acceleration out of corners SIZE FRONT 60/100‑12 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 70/100‑10 80/100‑12 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑0110 0312‑0111 0312‑0112 0312‑0113 0312‑0114 0312‑0115 $70.95 77.95 89.95 96.95 115.95 125.95 TT TT 0313‑0170 0313‑0171 56.95 77.95 M403 Front/Rear SIZE REAR (CONT) 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/80‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0172 0313‑0173 0313‑0174 0313‑0175 0313‑0176 0313‑0177 0313‑0178 0313‑0179 SUG. RETAIL $90.95 98.95 124.95 127.95 136.95 135.95 149.95 155.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES M603 FRONT/M604 REAR INTERMEDIATE TO HARD TERRAIN TIRES SIZE M603 FRONT 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 M604 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT 0312‑0119 0312‑0120 $115.95 118.95 TT TT 0313‑0193 0313‑0194 138.95 151.95 M604 Rear M603 Front SIZE M604 REAR (CONT) 100/90‑19 110/80‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT 0313‑0195 0313‑0196 0313‑0197 0313‑0198 $129.95 133.95 150.95 156.95 OFFROAD •M603 (front) features a mid‑chamber basin that provides flexibility and plant without sacrificing the stiffness of the tread block •Each block will adapt to the ground surface to give an improved balance of lean grip, straight drive stability and light handling •M604 (rear) has a broad‑range pattern which cuts through loose terrain to find traction and grip on a firm base •The improved grip and traction adapts to the high power and torque of current 4‑stroke engines ATV/UTV TUBES & ACCESSORIES M23 FRONT/M22 REAR HARD TERRAIN TIRES SIZE FRONT 70/100‑17 2.50‑19 TL/TT PART # TT TT BX‑0630 BX‑0920 SUG. RETAIL $103.95 84.95 M23 Front SIZE REAR 90/100‑14 3.00‑16 M22 Rear TL/TT PART # TT TT BX‑0503 BX‑0550 SUG. RETAIL $102.95 88.95 SERVICE TOOLS •Innovative tread pattern, specifically designed for hard packed surfaces •Overall increased grip, stability and handling •Excellent for “blue groove” conditions MERCHANDISING CROSS REFERENCE M59 FRONT SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRE •Outstanding performance on soft to intermediate motocross course conditions and cross‑country riding •Specifically designed for varying terrain applications •Larger casing increases contact patch for superior braking and cornering bite •Larger casing allows more bump absorption M59 Front TL/TT PART # TT 0312‑0047 SUG. RETAIL $132.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 153 OFFROAD OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET M102 Front M101 Front M101 FRONT/M102 REAR ATV/UTV SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Front and rear combination designed for deep sand and bottomless mud •Maintains control and traction in adverse conditions •Rear tire paddle‑like pattern for traction in extra‑soft conditions •Front tire spike pattern to hold in soft terrain M40 Front M40 SOFT TERRAIN TIRES TL/TT SIZE FRONT/REAR 2.50‑10 TT REAR TT 2.75‑10 PART # BX‑2940 0313‑0041 SUG. RETAIL $51.95 53.95 SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0072 $112.95 TT TT TT 0313‑0144 0313‑0106 0313‑0107 142.95 125.95 135.95 MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES •Impressive grip and handling ENDURO FRONT AND REAR INDEX CROSS REFERENCE •ED77/ED78 are designed for extreme off‑road, desert and Baja use •Highest Enduro durability compound and casing while remaining lightweight •ED77 front is directional for high‑speed durability and handling •ED78 rear has a special bead seat for added rim protection 154 ED77 Front ED11 Front ED78 Rear SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 80/100‑21 REAR 120/100‑18 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/ TYPE SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # ED77 51M ED11 51M TT TT BE‑7700 $130.95 BE‑1166 114.95 ED78 68M TT BE‑7800 186.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES OFFROAD TW9 TW8 TW39 TW40 TW302 TW21 TW52 TW22 ATV/UTV TUBES & ACCESSORIES TW42 TW203 TW101 TW301 TRAIL WING SERIES GENERAL AND OEM REPLACEMENT DUAL‑SPORT TIRES TW204 TRAIL WING GENERAL REPLACEMENT TIRES SIZE & RATING TW301 FRONT 3.00S‑21 TW302 REAR 4.60P‑18 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 51S TT BS‑00303 $114.95 63P TT BS‑00302 144.95 TRAIL WING OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES FITS MODEL HONDA XL80S 80‑85 XR250L 91‑96 XL500S 79‑81 XL600V 89‑90 NX650 88‑89 XR650L 93‑14 F R F R R F R F R F R F R TW9 TW8 TW39 TW40 TW302 TW9 TW52 TW21 TW22 TW41 TW42 TW301 TW52 36L 40P 55P 63P 63P 56P 63S 54S 65S 54S 64S 51S 63S 2.50‑16 3.00‑14 90/100‑19 120/90‑16 4.60‑18 3.00‑23 4.60‑18 90/90‑21 130/80‑17 90/90‑21 120/90‑17 3.00‑21 4.60‑18 TL/ TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT BS‑00054 BS‑0016 BS‑0840 BS‑0277 BS‑00302 BS‑1237 BS‑00052 BS‑01178 BS‑0589 BS‑01188 BS‑00401 BS‑00303 BS‑00052 $85.95 119.95 119.95 137.95 144.95 114.95 122.95 114.95 143.95 114.95 133.95 114.95 122.95 FITS MODEL SUZUKI DR‑Z400S 00‑13 DR650 90‑13 TRIUMPH Scrambler 06‑13 YAMAHA TW200 87‑14 TW200 87‑14 (replacement) WR250R 08‑14 POS. SIZE CODE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/ TT PART # F R F R 80/100‑21 120/90‑18 90/90‑21 120/90‑17 TW41 TW42 TW41J TW42‑F 51P 65P 54S 64S TT TT TT TT BS‑00305 BS‑00306 BS‑01188 BS‑00401 $114.95 177.95 114.95 133.95 F R 100/90‑19 TW101 130/80‑17 TW42 57H 65H TL TL BS‑0954 0317‑0017 141.95 188.95 F R 130/80‑18 TW31 180/80‑14 TW34 66P 78P TT TT 0316‑0027 0317‑0021 113.95 175.95 F R F R 130/80‑18 180/80‑14 80/100‑21 120/80‑18 66P 78P 51P 62P TT TT TT TT BS‑147220 BS‑147237 0316‑0040 0317‑0031 113.95 175.95 114.95 136.95 TW203 TW204 TW301F TW302F SUG. RETAIL SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX CODE CROSS REFERENCE NX250 88‑90 POS. SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX MERCHANDISING •Four‑ply front/rear combination designed for dual‑sport use •Special dimpled tread pattern means many edges to maximize traction •Provide balanced highway and off‑road performance •Long‑wearing durability •Self‑cleaning tread blocks give a traction edge for muddy and loose terrains •TW301/TW302 50% on/50% off •DOT approved SERVICE TOOLS TW41 155 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET BATTLE WING BW501/BW502 OFFROAD DUAL‑SPORT RADIAL TIRES – 80% ON 20% OFF •Front tire features a high‑grip compound and an updated profile to enhance handling and contact feel •Silica‑enriched compound (rear) offers exceptional level of grip on both wet and dry surfaces •Mono‑Spiral Belt construction (rear) offers high‑speed stability and excellent shock absorption •Tread pattern design minimizes road noise •V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph F800 GS 09‑14 R1200GS 07‑12 SUZUKI DL1000 V‑Strom 02‑12 TRIUMPH Tiger 800 12‑13 Tiger Explorer 1200 12‑13 YAMAHA Super Tenere XT1200 12‑13 BW501 Front BW502 Rear POS. SIZE & RATING LOAD/SPEED INDEX CODE TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL F R F R F R 110/80R‑19 140/80R‑17 90/90‑21 150/70R‑17 110/80R19 150/70ZR17 59V 69V 54V 69V 59V 69V G G G G ‑ ‑ TL TL TL TL TL TL 0316‑0046 0317‑0038 0316‑0047 0317‑0039 0316‑0028 0317‑0022 $161.95 204.95 123.95 201.95 166.95 210.95 F R 110/80R19 150/70ZR17 59V 69V ‑ ‑ TL TL 0316‑0028 0317‑0022 166.95 210.95 F R F R 110/80R19 150/70ZR17 110/80R19 150/70ZR17 59V 69V 59V 69V ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ TL TL TL TL 0316‑0028 0317‑0022 0316‑0028 0317‑0022 166.95 210.95 166.95 210.95 F R 110/80R‑19 150/70R‑17 59V 69V E E TL TL 0316‑0122 0317‑0125 173.95 216.95 CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV FITS MODEL BMW F650 GS 09‑14 TRAIL WING TW101/TW152 DUAL‑SPORT OEM RADIAL TIRES •Radial applications for BMW F650 and R1200GS models, Suzuki DL650 and DL1000 V‑Strom models •Tires are specifically targeted for each model; compounds and constructions will vary to suit the weight, horsepower and handling characteristics of the model for which each tire was designed •H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph, V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph FITS MODEL BMW F650 98‑07 INDEX R1200GS 05‑06 SUZUKI DL650 V‑Strom 04‑13 156 DL1000 V‑Strom 03‑12 TW101 Front TW152 Rear POS. SIZE & TYPE CODE TYPE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL F R F 100/9019 130/80R17 110/80R19 TW101 TW152 TW101‑L Bias Radial Radial 57H 65H 59V TT TT TL BS‑0954 BS‑5006 0303‑0029 $141.95 198.95 170.95 F R F R 110/80R19 150/70R17 110/80R19 150/70R17 TW101‑J TW152‑F TW101‑F TW152‑F Radial Radial Radial Radial 59H 69H 59H 69H TL TL TL TL 0303‑0003 BR‑147390 BR‑147373 BR‑147390 161.95 201.95 161.95 201.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES M7314 Rear M7313/M7314 MAXXCROSS EN MASX MAXXCROSS DUAL SX INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES HARD TERRAIN TIRES TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51M TT 0312‑0192 $139.00 62M TT 0313‑0344 179.00 SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 120/90/18 140/80‑18 SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT 0312‑0193 $109.00 TT TT 0313‑0457 0313‑0345 132.00 129.00 TUBES & ACCESSORIES LOAD/SPEED INDEX •Strong carcass and long‑wearing compound mean lasting performance •Tread pattern features widely spaced, large knobs that bite hard, shed mud and steer quickly •Aggressive shoulder knobs instill rider confidence in corners •Knob sipes enhance grip on hard terrain and rocks by increasing biting edges and knob flex •Maxxcross’ proven performance and quality available for big bore bikes and those seeking a larger footprint ATV/UTV •Groundbreaking, dual‑compound technology integrated into the championship‑proven tread pattern of the Maxxcross SX •Front tire has standard base compound for stability and soft‑compound cap for braking and cornering traction •Rear tire’s shoulder knobs feature standard soft SX compound, while center knobs are even softer, providing unrivaled straightforward traction without losing stability in corners •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/90‑19 OFFROAD M7313 Front Masx Maxxcross Dual SX Front/Rear SERVICE TOOLS MERCHANDISING M7307 Front M7308 Rear SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Computer‑enhanced pattern design ensures optimal traction in sand and mud •Specially formulated silica‑rubber compound and open‑tread pattern provide excellent self‑cleaning tire characteristics •Anti‑flex knob bridges on shoulder reinforce side knobs for increased traction TL/TT PART # TT M7307‑1 TT 0313‑0291 SUG. RETAIL $122.00 143.00 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 120/100‑18 CROSS REFERENCE MAXXCROSS SM M7307/M7308 157 OFFROAD STREET M7311/M7312 MAXXCROSS SI DRAG SPECIALTIES SOFT/INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES OFFROAD •Race‑proven rubber compound delivers excellent traction in soft/ intermediate conditions •Anti‑flex knob bridges on side lugs offer solid straight‑line stability and enhance grip for aggressive cornering •Developed during Grand National Cross Country series M7312 Rear SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT TT TT 0312‑0171 0312‑0173 0312‑0022 $65.00 66.00 127.00 TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0296 0313‑0297 0313‑0064 0313‑0066 0313‑0063 0313‑0065 82.00 95.00 139.00 148.00 140.00 153.00 TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV M7311 Front SIZE M7311 FRONT 2.50‑12 60/100‑14 80/100‑21 M7312 REAR 80/100‑12 90/100‑16 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 M7309/M7310 MAXXCROSS SX SUPERCROSS/HARD TERRAIN TIRES SERVICE TOOLS •Developed and tested for use in Supercross and Arenacross conditions •Features soft rubber compound offering unrivaled traction on intermediate to hard terrain •Lightweight carcass offers strength and greater rider feedback •Optimal pattern design offers increased contact patch and exceptional straight‑line stability M7310 Rear MERCHANDISING M7309 Front TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0107 $129.00 TT 0313‑0155 157.00 M6001 INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Unique knob and groove tread design offers exceptional handling through hard, intermediate and soft conditions •Reinforced bead with extra nylon adds strength and reduces bead breaking •High‑performance rubber compound provides outstanding grip while reducing tread wear and chunking •Double‑curved tread design with deep knobs delivers extraordinary traction for enhanced performance •6‑ply rating increases stability and puncture resistance CROSS REFERENCE INDEX 158 SIZE M7309 FRONT 80/100‑21 M7310 REAR 110/90‑19 M6001 Front/Rear SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 90/100‑14 100/100‑18 REAR 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 120/100‑18 110/90‑19 130/90‑17 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 51M 49M 59M TT TT TT 0312‑0243 0313‑0458 0313‑0459 $73.00 69.00 81.00 64M 57M 68M 62P 68M TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0461 0313‑0463 0313‑0462 0313‑0464 0313‑0460 104.00 106.00 122.00 123.00 123.00 SUG. RETAIL SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES MAXXCROSS IT M7304/M7305 OFFROAD INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Knob design offers precise steering in a wide variety of soil conditions •Specially formulated rubber compound keeps knob edges longer, even with concrete pad starts •Front tire combines with M7305 rear for best overall performance; rear tire combines with M7304 front for best overall performance SUG. RETAIL PART # TT TT TT TT TT TT TT M7304‑1 0312‑0175 M7304‑2 M7304‑3 M7304‑4 M7304‑51 0312‑00252 $52.00 65.00 65.00 68.00 71.00 114.00 114.00 TT TT TT 0313‑0038 M7305‑1 M7305‑2 66.00 77.00 81.00 M7304 Front SIZE M7305 REAR (CONT) 90/100‑16 100/100‑17 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/80‑19 110/90‑19 120/90‑19 1 2 M7305 Rear TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT M7305‑3 0313‑0037 M7305‑4 M7305‑5 M7305‑6 M7305‑7 0313‑0207 M7305‑8 M7305‑9 SUG. RETAIL $87.00 108.00 121.00 129.00 140.00 133.00 162.00 145.00 155.00 Intermediate‑to‑soft terrain. Intermediate‑to‑hard terrain. TUBES & ACCESSORIES TL/TT ATV/UTV SIZE M7304 FRONT 2.50‑10 2.50‑12 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 80/100‑21 M7305 REAR 2.75‑10 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 SERVICE TOOLS MERCHANDISING M7304D Front M7305D Rear MAXXCROSS DESERT IT M7304D/M7305D DESERT/HARD TERRAIN TIRES TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT 0312‑0044 0312‑0238 $114.00 116.00 TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0060 0313‑0061 0313‑0117 0313‑0118 0313‑0442 129.00 140.00 145.00 155.00 138.00 M7302‑DTR •Designed specifically for dirt track racing •Available in multiple compound options •Tread design can be customized to meet each rider’s needs •Provide superb traction and stability on any race track •Not approved for street or highway use SIZE 120/70‑17 27.0x7.0‑19 27.5x7.5‑19 27.5x7.5‑19 1 2 TYPE CD52 CD31 CD31 CD52 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 58V 73H 73H 73H TL/TT TL TT TT TT PART # 0312‑0244 0312‑0245 0313‑0465 0313‑0466 SUG. RETAIL $180.00 222.00 231.00 226.00 Soft compound. Medium compound SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE M7304D FRONT 80/100‑21 80/100‑21 M7305D REAR 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 110/90‑19 120/90‑19 110/90‑19 M7302 Front/Rear CROSS REFERENCE •Specially designed compound increases durability in rocky or desert conditions by reducing chipping and cutting •Stiffer carcass design minimizes flex, reducing the chance of pinched tubes •Tall knob design improves traction 159 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET C183A SAND/SOFT TERRAIN TIRES OFFROAD •Aggressive, open‑tread blocks for soft, loamy conditions •Large paddle‑scoop knobs for maximum hookup PLY TL/TT PART # 4 4 TL TT C183A1 C183A17 SUG. RETAIL $25.00 23.00 C755 SERIES KNOBBIES HARD/INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Compact knob spacing for general off‑road and hard‑track use •Asymmetric knob pattern for maximum rubber contact •Tube‑type C755 Front/Rear SIZE FRONT/REAR 2.50‑16 REAR 3.00‑16 4.10‑18 MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV C183A Front/Rear SIZE FRONT/REAR 2.75/3.00‑12 2.50‑14 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 4 TT C75523 $39.00 4 4 TT TT C7552 C7556 45.00 61.00 LEGION MX‑V INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Features an innovative tread pattern designed for dominance on the motocross battlefield •Long, varied tread pitches ensure that the tire hooks up in the variety of soil conditions found on a typical intermediate MX track •Optimized tire profile provides a smooth transition to the shoulder through turns •Advanced carcass construction virtually eliminates tire roll in corners •Center tread knobs on the rear tire claw forward and clean out •Shoulder knobs provide a stable platform for traction when leaned over •Front shoulder knobs are uniquely shaped, delivering extreme braking traction and control into and around corners CROSS REFERENCE INDEX 160 PLY Legion MX‑V Front/Rear SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/90‑19 SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT 0312‑0237 $71.95 TT 0313‑0441 87.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES Surge I 7210 Rear Surge S C7217 Front SURGE I C7209/C7210 Surge S C7218 Rear SURGE S C7217/C7218 INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES SOFT TERRAIN TIRES PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT 0312‑0153 0312‑0152 $50.95 77.95 TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0259 0313‑0260 0313‑0349 0313‑0350 0313‑0261 0313‑0258 60.95 86.95 90.95 105.95 90.95 98.95 SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 110/90‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0176 $71.95 TT 0313‑0300 91.95 TUBES & ACCESSORIES TL/TT •Designed for trail riding enthusiasts and motocross racing weekend warriors •Tread pattern designed for any soft‑terrain track or trail •Self‑cleaning widely‑spaced knobs grab lots of traction and shed mud •Large center knobs on rear offer predictable traction when accelerating and braking •Rubber compound formulated for maximum durability ATV/UTV •Stable block tread pattern holds tight in corners •Offers predictable grip during acceleration and braking •Strong durable construction makes it the perfect choice for the rider who needs one tire that can do it all – hit the track and venture off into the woods SIZE FRONT 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 REAR 90/100‑16 100/90‑18 110/90‑18 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 OFFROAD Surge I 7209 Front SERVICE TOOLS MERCHANDISING Surge Mini C7223 Front Surge Mini C7223 Rear SURGE MINI C7223/C7224 SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR MINI AND PLAY BIKES Surge P C7220 Front/Rear •Developed for dune‑shredding enthusiasts and casual day‑trippers •Built to perform with eight sand‑slinging, cupped paddles that cross the entire section width •Optimal paddle depth for traction and comfort •Specially‑developed tread compound provides a longer tire life and reduced weight and cooler running temperature •Wide center knobs on rear provide holeshot‑winning, straight‑forward traction •Small front center knobs punch through soft terrain and flex on hard terrain for ultimate traction even when conditions are unpredictable •Long‑wearing compound and durable construction mean lasting performance on track and trail •Tread pattern offers great cornering grip •Compound formulated for any intermediate terrain •Developed for traction and durability SIZE REAR 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 SIZE C7223 FRONT 60/100‑14 C7224 REAR 80/100‑12 PART # TT TT TT 0313‑0299 0313‑0298 0313‑0262 SUG. RETAIL $66.95 56.95 60.95 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0191 $43.95 TT 0313‑0343 50.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX TL/TT CROSS REFERENCE SURGE P C7220 REAR MX SAND PADDLE TIRES 161 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET AM43 Distanzia Front AM44 Distanzia Rear 80% ON‑ROAD, 20% OFF‑ ROAD PERFORMANCE DUAL‑ SPORT TIRES AM24 Front/Rear •Advanced tread pattern designed for on/off road applications •VBD radial rear construction (some sizes) gives excellent straight‑line stability and improved grip in corners; at center of the tread, cables are very closely spaced for maximum stability and high wear resistance and loosely wrapped on the shoulders for a compliant contact patch •S‑rated for speeds up to 112 mph, T‑rated for speeds up to 118 mph, H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph or V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph SIZE AM43 FRONT 120/70R17 110/80R19 110/80R19 100/90‑19 90/90‑21 90/90‑21 AM44 REAR 130/80R17 130/80‑17 140/80R17 150/60R17 150/70R17 150/70R17 160/60R17 120/80‑18 (4.60‑18) 1 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 58H 59H 59V 57H 54V 54T TL TL TL TL TL TL AV‑7031, 2 AV‑7021 0316‑00251, 3 AV‑701 0316‑0127 0316‑0026 65H 65T 69H 66H 69H 69V 69H 62S TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL AV‑7501 AV‑753 AV‑7511 AV‑7571, 2 AV‑7521 AV‑7581, 3 AV‑7561, 2 AV‑755 Radial tire construction. 2 Ideal for Supermoto use. 3 $187.95 175.95 178.95 161.95 156.95 151.95 CROSS REFERENCE INDEX DUAL SPORT TIRES •Performs equally well on highways and cross‑country trails •Deep tread pattern for long life and more grip •Arrowhead tread pattern provides excellent self‑cleaning ability •Three‑ply nylon construction •Available in tubeless design; can also accept tubes •T‑rated for speeds up to 118 mph SIZE AM24 FRONT 90/90‑21 AM24 REAR 130/80‑17 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 54T TL AV146 $138.95 65T TL AV145 173.95 Fits Triumph Tiger. Sand Snake MX Rear SAND SNAKE MX REAR MX SAND PADDLE TIRES Sand Snake MX Front 162 AM24 GRIPSTER 240.95 193.95 250.95 249.95 248.95 248.95 278.95 165.95 MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD AM43/AM44 DISTANZIA SAND SNAKE MX FRONT MX SAND TIRE •Specially designed front knobby pattern for more precise steering and better tire float when riding in sand or soft loam terrain •Arrow‑shaped centerline knob improves steering; inverted cones in the shoulder area improve cornering grip and traction in mixed terrain •Bead‑to‑bead bias‑ply construction for firm control and precise handling •Advanced natural rubber compound runs cooler and has increased abrasion resistance SIZE 80/100‑21 TL/TT TT PART # 0311‑0005 SUG. RETAIL $64.95 •Specially designed paddles provide increased straight‑line traction and stability •Paddles wrap around the shoulder for increased traction and maximum pulling power on steep inclines •Advanced natural rubber compound runs cooler with increased abrasion resistance •Available in six‑, eight‑ and ten‑paddle versions for sand applications only SIZE 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 110/90‑19 PADDLES 6 6 6 6 8 10 TL/TT TT TT TT TT TT TT PART # 0311‑0002 0311‑0003 0311‑0004 0311‑0007 0311‑0008 0311‑0009 SUG. RETAIL $35.95 36.95 42.95 59.95 64.95 69.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES OFFROAD M1A Front M5B Rear M1A FRONT/M5B REAR MOTOCROSS M5B Evo Rear M5B EVO SOFT TERRAIN TIRES LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 54M TT IRC‑237 $92.95 53M 58M 62M 57M 62M TT TT TT TT TT IRC‑230 IRC‑236 IRC‑231 IRC‑233 IRC‑235 94.95 139.95 131.95 165.95 159.95 SIZE REAR 110/80‑18 120/80‑18 130/80‑18 140/80‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 58M 62M 66M 70M 57M 62M TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0434 0313‑0435 0313‑0436 0313‑0437 0313‑0432 0313‑0433 SUG. RETAIL $114.95 116.95 123.95 135.95 117.95 130.95 TUBES & ACCESSORIES SIZE M1A FRONT 90/90‑21 M5B REAR 110/80‑14 110/80‑18 120/80‑18 140/80‑18 110/90‑19 SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Designed for soft loam and muddy tracks •New updated center tread includes an extra groove to offer outstanding self‑cleaning characteristics •High center knobs penetrate loose dirt for super traction offset shoulder knobs maximize control on the turns •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph ATV/UTV •Designed for soft loam and muddy tracks •Self‑cleaning design provides plenty of bite •Extra‑wide pitch between knobs prevents mud buildup; high center knobs penetrate loose dirt for super traction •Offset shoulder knobs maximize control on the turns •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SERVICE TOOLS MERCHANDISING iX07S Front/Rear iX07S MOTOCROSS iX05H Front/Rear iX05H MOTOCROSS •Designed for racing on soft‑to‑intermediate terrain •Front tire has stiff knobs that dig into soft terrain •Rear tire provides predictable cornering plus high performance when braking and exiting corners INTERMEDIATE‑TO‑HARD TERRAIN TIRES •Designed for racing on intermediate‑to‑hard terrain •Provides maximum traction in corners and in braking LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51M TT IRC‑504 $101.95 59M 64M 57M 62M TT TT TT TT IRC‑500 IRC‑501 IRC‑502 IRC‑503 122.95 131.95 143.95 159.95 SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51M TT IRC‑514 $101.95 59M 64M 57M 62M TT TT TT TT IRC‑510 IRC‑511 IRC‑512 IRC‑513 122.95 131.95 143.95 159.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 CROSS REFERENCE SOFT‑TO‑INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES 163 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET iX‑Kids Front/Rear iX‑KIDS MINI MOTOCROSS iX‑09W MOTOCROSS INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN MINI TIRES INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Designed for optimal performance on intermediate terrain and works well on all types of terrain •Delivers impressive grip in tight corners and high‑speed stability •Durable knobs offer a long tire life and exceptional cleaning characteristics •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SIZE FRONT 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 SUG. RETAIL LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 40M 42M 51M 57M TT TT TT TT 0312‑0165 0312‑0164 0312‑0129 0312‑0166 $69.95 76.95 117.95 122.95 49M 52M 57M 62M 63M TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0285 0313‑0284 0313‑0212 0313‑0213 0313‑0286 93.95 99.95 149.95 162.95 152.95 •Next generation tires developed especially for kid‑size motocross bikes •Outstanding traction for starts, cornering and braking under all conditions •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SIZE FRONT 2.50‑10 60/100‑10 60/100‑12 60/100‑14 REAR 80/100‑10 80/100‑12 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL ‑ 32M 36M 30M TT TT TT TT 0312‑0100 0312‑0027 0312‑0106 0312‑0002 $28.95 30.95 34.95 34.95 46M 50M TT TT 0313‑0003 0313‑0002 33.95 39.95 SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD iX‑09W Front/Rear INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING iX05H Front/Rear 164 iX07S Front/Rear iX05H AND iX07S MINI MOTOCROSS INTERMEDIATE‑TO‑HARD TERRAIN MINI TIRES •Race‑proven tread design and Mono‑Flex casing construction •iX05H tires cover hard‑to‑intermediate terrain while iX07S tires are good for soft‑to‑intermediate •J‑rated for speeds up to 62 mph or M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph Mini‑Cross Front/Rear MINI‑CROSS MOTOCROSS INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN MINI TIRES •IRC’s involvement with the major motorcycle manufacturers and extensive testing with motocross bikes led to the development of the MX intermediate terrain series •Provides maximum traction, braking and sure‑footed cornering for a broad range of track conditions •L‑rated for speeds up to 74 mph or P‑rated for speeds up to 93 mph SIZE FRONT 2.50‑14 2.50‑16 REAR 3.00‑12 3.60‑14 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL ‑ 36L TT TT IRC‑128 IRC‑42 $43.95 57.95 ‑ 43P TT TT IRC‑129 IRC‑43 43.95 57.95 HARD‑INTERMEDIATE SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX IX05H FRONT 70/100‑17 40M 70/100‑19 42M IX05H REAR 90/100‑14 49M 90/100‑16 52M SOFT‑INTERMEDIATE SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX IX07S FRONT 70/100‑17 40M IX07S REAR 2.50‑10 33J 90/100‑14 49M TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT IRC‑515 IRC‑517 $57.95 59.95 TT TT IRC‑516 IRC‑518 66.95 68.95 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT IRC‑520 $66.95 TT TT IRC‑519 IRC‑521 33.95 76.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES VE‑32/VE‑37 ENDURO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Developed specifically for cross‑country and enduro racing •VE‑37 rear designed for racing on intermediate‑to‑hard terrain •Provide dynamic driving power, excellent braking power, extra durability and stability on all terrain, including dry, rocky and muddy surfaces •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51M TT IRC‑121 $90.95 SIZE VE‑37 REAR 110/100‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 64M TT IRC‑186 $149.95 OFFROAD SIZE VE‑32 FRONT 80/100‑21 VE‑32 Front/Rear ATV/UTV VOLCANDURO VE‑35/VE‑33 ENDURO LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51M TT IRC‑123 $79.95 ‑ 58M 63M ‑ TT TT TT TT IRC‑157 IRC‑173 IRC‑176 IRC‑112 93.95 93.95 105.95 105.95 LOAD/SPEED INDEX SIZE VE‑33 REAR (CONT) 100/100‑18 ‑ 64M 110/100‑18 5.10‑18 ‑ 57M 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 62M TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0385 IRC‑174 IRC‑156 IRC‑177 IRC‑178 SUG. RETAIL $90.95 117.95 117.95 108.95 128.95 MERCHANDISING VOLCANDURO VE‑39/VE‑40 ENDURO INTERMEDIATE‑TO‑HARD TERRAIN TIRES TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51M TT IRC‑185 $97.95 59M 64M TT TT IRC‑280 IRC‑281 132.95 147.95 SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX VE‑40 REAR (CONT) 110/100‑18 64M 100/90‑19 57M 110/90‑19 62M 1 VE‑40 Rear TL/TT PART # TT TT TT IRC‑2841 IRC‑282 IRC‑283 SUG. RETAIL $154.95 132.95 159.95 Special extra‑durable Baja compound. SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX LOAD/SPEED INDEX VE‑39 Front CROSS REFERENCE •Designed for racing on intermediate‑to‑hard terrain •This tire can take on the most severe conditions with its superior casing construction and tough‑tread compound •Built extra tough for serious riders and their competitive machines •Super‑strong casing resists punctures and cuts over extremely rough surfaces •Special rubber compound matches tire with terrain for sure traction and stopping •Aggressive tread delivers serious performance •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph SIZE VE‑39 FRONT 80/100‑21 VE‑40 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 SERVICE TOOLS SIZE VE‑35 FRONT 80/100‑21 VE‑33 REAR 4.60‑17 100/100‑17 110/100‑17 5.10‑17 VE‑33 Rear VE‑35 Front TUBES & ACCESSORIES INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Developed specifically for cross‑country enduro racing •Provide dynamic driving power, excellent braking power, extra durability and stability on all terrain, including dry, rocky and muddy surfaces •M‑rated for speeds up to 81 mph 165 OFFROAD OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET GP‑1 Front/Rear GP‑110 Front/Rear GP‑1 DUAL SPORT/GP‑110 DUAL SPORT ATV/UTV •Designed to provide the best possible handling and control for both on and off the pavement •Special knobs penetrate loose surfaces for excellent traction, braking and cornering off the road yet won’t wear off as fast as a full knobby when used on the street •L‑rated for speeds up to 74 mph, P‑rated for speeds up to 93 mph or S‑rated for speeds up to 112 mph GP‑1 FRONT DOT – 90% ON – 10% OFFROAD TIRES SIZE 2.75‑19 2.75‑21 3.00‑21 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 43P 45P 51P SIZE 3.00‑17 3.50‑17 4.60‑17 5.10‑17 3.00‑18 3.50‑18 4.00‑18 4.10‑18 4.60‑18 5.10‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 45P 43P 62P 67P 47P 56L 64P 59P 63P 69P SIZE 3.00‑21 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 51S SUG. RETAIL $70.95 73.95 81.95 PART # IRC‑092 IRC‑093 IRC‑107 TL/TT TT TT TT SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES GP‑1 REAR DOT – 90% ON – 10% OFFROAD TIRES TL/TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT PART # IRC‑094 IRC‑098 IRC‑104 IRC‑604 IRC‑095 IRC‑096 IRC‑097 IRC‑105 IRC‑106 IRC‑605 SUG. RETAIL $52.95 95.95 118.95 141.95 75.95 97.95 118.95 75.95 125.95 141.95 GP‑110 FRONT ROAD TIRES – 80% ON – 20% OFF SUG. RETAIL $93.95 PART # IRC‑1301 TL/TT TT LOAD/SPEED INDEX 62S 67S 59S 62S 63S 69S INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING GP‑110 REAR ROAD TIRES – 80% ON – 20% OFF SIZE 4.60‑17 5.10‑17 4.10‑18 120/80‑18 4.60‑18 5.10‑18 166 TL/TT TT TT TT TT TT TT PART # IRC‑1302 IRC‑1303 IRC‑1304 IRC‑1307 IRC‑1305 IRC‑1306 SUG. RETAIL $129.95 144.95 122.95 144.95 137.95 159.95 GP21/GP22 DUAL SPORT 70% ON – 30% OFFROAD DUAL PURPOSE TIRES •Original Equipment on the Honda CRF250L •Excellent on‑ and off‑road capabilities •P‑rated for speeds up to 93 mph GP21 Front GP22 Rear SIZE FRONT 3.00‑21 REAR 120/80‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 51P TT 0316‑0158 $84.95 62P TT 0317‑0172 124.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES TR‑1 DUAL SPORT 50% ON – 50% OFF FRONT/REAR DUAL PURPOSE TIRES •Multidirectional •Sized to fit small to intermediate cc bikes; 3.50‑8 are perfect for Z50 mini trail •J‑rated for speeds up to 62 mph or P‑rated for speeds up to 93 mph TR‑1 Front/Rear LOAD/SPEED INDEX 35J 60J 41P 42P 64P 51P TL/TT TT TT TT TT TT TT PART # IRC‑190 IRC‑191 IRC‑600 IRC‑602 IRC‑196 IRC‑199 SUG. RETAIL $42.95 52.95 55.95 58.95 79.95 58.95 ATV/UTV TRIAL WINNER TR‑11 TRIALS COMPETITION TIRES TUBES & ACCESSORIES •Radial design has a dual‑rubber compound, softer rubber for the tread and harder rubber for stronger sidewalls, giving incredible grip and handling •Tread blocks create a natural wide, flat footprint SIZE & TYPE TR‑11 FRONT 2.75‑21 TR‑11 REAR 4.00‑18 4.00‑18 SUG. RETAIL PART # TL/TT IRC‑552 TT $120.95 IRC‑551 IRC‑550 TT TL 176.95 195.95 TR‑11 Front/Rear SERVICE TOOLS TWINDURO TKC80 DUAL‑SPORT DOT 40% ON‑ROAD, 60% OFF‑ROAD TIRES TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 0316‑0163 $168.95 97388 156.95 0316‑0038 115.95 97391 109.95 TL TL 0317‑0184 97394 200.95 150.95 TL/TT PART # TL TL TL TT TT TT SUG. RETAIL 0317‑0183 $180.95 97398 192.95 0317‑0146 229.95 97395 132.95 97396 131.95 0317‑0023 219.95 Twinduro TKC80 Front/Rear OEM REPLACEMENT TIRES MODEL‑SPECIFIC REPLACEMENT TIRES FITS MODEL BMW F650GS (all) POS. SIZE F R TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 110/80B19 59Q 130/80‑17 65T TL TL 97388 97394 $156.95 150.95 110/80B19 59Q 150/70B17 69Q TL TL 97388 97398 156.95 192.95 90/90‑21 150‑70‑18 TL TT 97391 0317‑0023 109.95 219.95 54S 70Q FITS MODEL BMW R1150GS/R1200 GS Adventure 02‑12 KTM 690 Enduro R POS. SIZE LOAD/ SPEED INDEX PART # SUG. RETAIL F R 110/80B19 59Q 150/70B17 69Q 97388 97398 $156.95 192.95 F R 90/90S‑21 140/80‑18 54S 70R 97391 97396 109.95 131.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX R850GS, R1100GS, R1150GS, R1200GS Adventure 01‑12 F R KTM 690 Enduro (all), 990 Adventure F R LOAD/SPEED INDEX CROSS REFERENCE TL TL TT TL LOAD/SPEED SIZE INDEX TKC80 REAR (CONT) 140/80‑17 69Q 150/70B17 69Q 180/55B17 73Q 120/90‑18 65R 140/80‑18 70R 150‑70B 18 70Q MERCHANDISING •Continental’s dual‑sport tire with a compound and block pattern to optimize street and off‑road performance •Excellent braking and traction on a wide range of surfaces from loose to hard pack LOAD/SPEED SIZE INDEX TKC80 FRONT 120/70B19 60Q 110/80B19 59Q 100/90‑19 57S 90/90S‑21 54S TKC80 REAR 170/60B17 72Q 130/80‑17 65T OFFROAD SIZE 3.50‑8 4.00‑10 2.75‑17 2.75‑18 4.00‑18 3.00‑21 167 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET CONTI ESCAPE ATV/UTV OFFROAD 70% ON/30% OFF-ROAD DUAL-SPORT TIRES •Enduro tire with tread pattern design that looks like an off‑road tire with the riding features of an on‑road tire •Provides predictable handling on wet and dry roads •Positive handling properties with additional mileage performance •Provides high mileage •Tubeless •H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph SIZE FRONT 90/90‑21 REAR 130/80‑17 Conti Escape Front/Rear LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # SUG. RETAIL 54H TL/TT 248610 $116.95 65H TL/TT 248591 132.95 TRAIL ATTACK 2 CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES DUAL-SPORT RADIAL TIRES 90% ON-ROAD/10% OFF-ROAD •Advanced adventure touring/dual‑sport tire for large‑capacity bikes •Engineered to meet the demands of today’s modern powerful, high‑ performance adventure touring/enduro machines •0° steel‑belt construction on the rear tire delivers superior stability and comfort even at high cruising speeds and high loads •Reinforced carcass on the front tire utilizes a newly designed tread pattern to ensure higher precision and optimized wear •Improved touring compound offers high grip in all wet and dry conditions combined with excellent mileage for long trips •Exceptionally quick warm‑up time •Stunning new tread pattern adapted from the Conti‑Attack family •Continuous Compound Technology makes it possible to use a homogeneous grip grading with a single compound thanks to a temperature‑controlled curing of the tire during the production process •–Shoulder area, flexible for better grip •–Zenith area, wear resistant for better mileage •–Continuous transition •Traction Skin provides an extremely safe and short tire break‑in which is possible due to the revolutionary raw tread surface; result of a new mold‑ coating technology which eliminates the need for tire‑release agents •Tubeless •H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph, V‑rated for speeds up to 149 mph, W‑rated for speeds up to 168 mph SIZE FRONT 120/70ZR17 100/90R19 110/80R19 110/80R19 120/70R19 90/90R21 120/70ZR19 REAR 130/80R17 FITS MODEL BMW R1200GS 13 INDEX KTM 1100 Adv 168 1100 Adv R LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL PART # 58W 57H 59V 59V 60V 54V 58W TL TL TL TL TL TL TL 0316-0157 0316-0153 0316-0154 0316-0193 0316-0155 0316-0156 0316-0161 $166.95 87.95 170.95 179.95 162.95 107.95 181.95 TL 0317-0165 193.95 65H SUG. RETAIL Trail Attack 2 Front/Rear SIZE 140/80R17 150/70R17 160/60ZR17 170/60R17 170/60ZR17 180/55ZR17 190/55ZR17 140/80‑18 150/70R18 150/70ZR18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX 69H 69V (69W) 72V 72W 73W 75W 70S 70W 70V TT/TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TL TT TL TL PART # 0317-0166 0317-0167 0317-0223 0317-0168 0317-0178 0317-0169 0317-0170 0317-0177 0317-0171 0317-0179 SUG. RETAIL $202.95 220.95 230.95 235.95 238.95 238.95 244.95 165.95 218.95 218.95 POS. SIZE LOAD/SPEED INDEX TT/TL CODE PART # SUG. RETAIL F R 120/70R19 17060R17 60V 72V TL TL Trail Attack 2 Trail Attack 2 0316-0155 0317-0168 $162.95 235.95 F R F R 120/70ZR19 170/60ZR17 90/90R21 180/55ZR17 58W 72V 54V 73W TL TL TL TL Trail Attack 2 Trail Attack 2 Trail Attack 2 Trail Attack 2 0316-0161 0317-0178 0316-0156 0317-0169 181.95 238.95 107.95 238.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET DRAG SPECIALTIES K335 ICE TIRES •The perfect tire for the northern ice racer •Designed specifically for ice racing •Add studs to fit your preference; studs sold separately •DOT approved for street use PLY TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 4 6 4 6 TT TT TT TT 0317‑0130 0317‑0131 0317‑0132 0317‑0133 $102.95 109.95 109.95 117.95 OFFROAD SIZE REAR 4.00‑18 4.00‑18 4.00‑19 4.00‑19 K335 Rear ATV/UTV K780 SOUTHWICK II TUBES & ACCESSORIES SOFT TERRAIN TIRES •Designed for sand and mud conditions •Front and rear tread patterns offer tall knob depths for deep bite •Large radius support at knob base reduces knob roll in soft areas with hard base •Wide space between rows self‑cleans tread even at slow speed •Standard race compound allows for increased wear durability and also offers quick warm‑up on cement start pads •Lightweight 4‑ply rated casing structure with reinforced sidewalls •DOT approved front tire TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT 0312‑0149 $68.95 TT 0313‑0251 96.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT 0313‑0252 0313‑0253 0313‑0254 $99.95 94.95 97.95 MERCHANDISING K785 MILLVILLE II CROSS REFERENCE SOFT TO INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Next generation to the ever‑popular Millville tire •Designed for soft to intermediate terrain •Unique dual rotation tread pattern •Improved straight line and braking traction due to paddle shape knobs •Improved cornering traction with more biting edges •New tie bar knob support to reduce knob squirm and increase durability TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT 0312‑0232 0312‑0233 0312‑0234 0312‑0212 SUG. RETAIL $43.95 53.95 60.95 72.95 SIZE REAR 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 110/100‑18 Millville II Front/Rear TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT 0313‑0424 0313‑0425 0313‑0426 0313‑0389 SUG. RETAIL $52.95 56.95 62.95 103.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 120/80‑19 TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT 0313‑0390 0313‑0386 0313‑0387 0313‑0388 SUG. RETAIL $108.95 99.95 102.95 106.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 SERVICE TOOLS SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 K780 Front/Rear 169 OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET K775 Front/Rear K775 WASHOUGAL STICKY K775 WASHOUGAL •Same features as standard Washougal •Soft rubber compound formula designed for improved traction on hard‑packed dirt and cement start pads •Low temperature/quick warm‑up feature •Suitable for applying ice studs for winter riding INTERMEDIATE TERRAIN TIRES •Designed to meet the demands of intermediate terrains •Tread pattern for intermediate conditions •Triangular shaped knobs to reduce knob flex on hard base areas •Casing structure includes reinforced sidewalls SIZE FRONT 60/100‑14 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 90/100‑16 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 120/90‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT TT 0312‑0161 0312‑0162 0312‑0163 0312‑0064 0312‑0066 $41.95 50.95 57.95 68.95 70.95 TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0276 0313‑0277 0313‑0278 0313‑0279 0313‑0280 0313‑0281 0313‑0282 0313‑0163 0313‑0283 50.95 53.95 59.95 96.95 99.95 103.95 94.95 97.95 101.95 SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 90/100‑21 REAR 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 120/90‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT 0312‑0065 0312‑0067 $74.95 76.95 TT TT TT TT TT TT 0313‑0164 0313‑0165 0313‑0166 0313‑0167 0313‑0168 0313‑0169 99.95 107.95 108.95 102.95 105.95 110.95 SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV OFFROAD K775 Front/Rear K784 Front/Rear INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING K784 BIG BLOCK 170 DUAL SPORT TIRES •Kenda’s all‑new and true “Adventure” tire combination •Designed specifically to meet the demands of the high powered adventure rider •Features large tread blocks for improved tread wear and high speed handling •High‑impact casing provides a high level of puncture resistance •Includes bias belted casing for improved handling and stability •Rubber compound •Created specifically for wet‑slick and dry‑hard packed terrain •DOT and E‑mark approved •Q‑rated for speeds up to 100 mph K781 Rear K781 TRIPLE STICKY HARD TERRAIN REAR TIRES •Developed and tested in arenacross and supercross races •Low‑profile sidewall for improved cornering stability and cornering traction •Designed for hard‑packed, slippery surfaces •Dimpled knobs allow for quick tire warm‑up and extra traction •Lightweight 4‑ply rated casing structure with reinforced sidewall SIZE 110/80‑19 120/80‑19 TL/TT TT TT PART # 0313‑0271 0313‑0272 SUG. RETAIL $105.95 110.95 SIZE FRONT 100/90B19 110/80B19 90/90B21 REAR 130/80B17 150/70B17 140/80B18 150/70B18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 57Q 59Q 54Q TL TL TL 0316‑0106 0316‑0105 0316‑0107 $132.95 129.95 106.95 65Q 69Q 70Q 70Q TL TL TL TL 0317‑0101 0317‑0099 0317‑0102 0317‑0100 120.95 174.95 127.95 184.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. OFFROAD STREET K760 TRAKMASTER II DRAG SPECIALTIES 20% ON 80% OFF DUAL‑SPORT TIRES •DOT approved •Tall, aggressive knobs enhance dirt performance without compromising street performance •Works best on medium to hard surfaces •Stiff bead and sidewall for better stability and cornering control •Six‑ply SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT TT TT TT K7608 K76011 K760‑15 K7606 TT TT K7609 K7607 $25.95 48.95 58.95 63.95 41.95 47.95 SIZE REAR (CONT) 130/90‑17 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 120/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 120/90‑19 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT TT TT TT TT TT K76012 K7601 K7602 K7603 K7604 K7605 K76014 $87.95 67.95 75.95 86.95 74.95 84.95 93.95 OFFROAD SIZE FRONT 2.50‑10 70/100‑17 70/100‑19 80/100‑21 REAR 80/100‑12 90/100‑14 K760 Front/Rear ATV/UTV TUBES & ACCESSORIES K270 DUAL SPORT 50% ON 50% OFF DUAL‑SPORT TIRES •DOT approved •Designed for today’s high‑performance, dual‑purpose motorcycles •Deep, aggressive knob pattern has rounded profile for more biting edges •Special rubber compound offers great off‑road grip without compromising wear on the street PLY LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 4 4 57P 57P TT TT K2704 K2707 $57.95 59.95 6 6 4 66P 71P 56P TT TT TT K2703 K2706 K2708 62.95 80.95 51.95 SUG. RETAIL SIZE REAR (CONT) 4.00‑18 4.10‑18 4.50‑18 5.10‑18 100/90‑18 120/80‑18 PLY LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 4 4 6 6 4 4 69P 63P 73P 73P 73P 67P TT TT TT TT TT TT K2709 K2701 K2702 K2705 0313‑0021 0313‑0022 SUG. RETAIL $62.95 63.95 73.95 82.95 69.95 75.95 SERVICE TOOLS SIZE FRONT 3.00‑21 3.25‑21 REAR 4.60‑17 5.10‑17 3.50‑18 K270 Front/Rear MERCHANDISING K761 DUAL SPORT CROSS REFERENCE 80% ON 20% OFF DUAL‑SPORT TIRES •DOT approved •Unique combination of street and off‑road grip provides maximum performance •Strong and durable nylon four‑ply construction •The advanced compound design gives better stability, cornering traction and braking control •H‑rated for speeds up to 130 mph or P‑rated for speeds up to 93 mph LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL 64H 66H 54H TL TL TL 0317‑0141 0317‑0143 0316‑0134 $83.95 83.95 70.95 SIZE REAR 120/90‑17 130/80‑17 120/80‑18 LOAD/SPEED INDEX TL/TT PART # 64H 65H 62H TL TL TL 0317‑0139 0317‑0140 0317‑0142 SUG. RETAIL $87.95 91.95 87.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year. 2014 TIRE CATALOG INDEX SIZE FRONT 110/80‑18 100/90‑19 90/90‑21 K761 Dual Sport Front/Rear 171 OFFROAD OFFROAD DRAG SPECIALTIES STREET DI1155 Rear DI1153/DI1155 DI1156 Front HARD COMPOUND TIRES •Casing design allows flexibility while maintaining tread stiffness for better traction •Offers the perfect balance between acceleration and handling; works well on high power applications •Designed for intermediate to hard‑pack terrain SIZE DI1155 FRONT 80/100‑21 DI1153 REAR 110/90‑19 SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT 0312‑0184 $76.95 TT 0313‑0330 99.95 DI1154 Rear DI1154/DI1156 SOFT COMPOUND TIRES •Casing design allows for maximum grip on soft terrain •Increases traction, stability, and braking power on soft to intermediate terrain SIZE DI1156 FRONT 80/100‑21 DI1154 REAR 110/90‑19 SUG. RETAIL TL/TT PART # TT 0312‑0185 $76.95 TT 0313‑0331 99.95 INDEX CROSS REFERENCE MERCHANDISING SERVICE TOOLS TUBES & ACCESSORIES ATV/UTV DI1155 Front 172 HF905 Front HF343 Front HF335 Rear HF335/HF905 CROSS COUNTRY HF906 Rear ALL‑TERRAIN TIRES HF343/906 EXCELERATOR •Great for all types of riding conditions •Large knob blocks are staggered perfectly to handle the worst loam and muck •Popular 5x4 tread is designed for trail‑riding and competition •Carcass is constructed from a higher thread‑count nylon to reduce tears and punctures without adding unsprung weight •Front tire has rimsaver bead to help avoid pinch flats and to protect the rim lip SIZE FRONT 70/100‑17 80/100‑21 REAR 90/100‑14 100/100‑18 110/100‑18 100/90‑19 110/90‑19 SIZE FRONT 80/100‑21 REAR 4.10‑14 5.10‑17 4.10‑18 4.60‑18 5.10‑18 5.40‑18 ALL‑TERRAIN TIRES TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT TT HF343‑01 HF343‑02 $53.95 79.95 TT TT TT TT TT HF906‑51 HF906‑52 HF906‑53 HF906‑54 HF906‑55 61.95 101.95 104.95 98.95 109.95 TL/TT PART # SUG. RETAIL TT HF905‑01 $76.95 TT TT TT TT TT TT HF335‑51 HF335‑52 HF335‑53 HF335‑54 HF335‑55 HF335‑56 56.95 98.95 64.95 79.95 101.95 96.95 SAFETY WARNING: For information on tire care, safety, maintenance, mounting, manufacturer’s warranty and other information consult tire manufacturer’s publication(s) and/or website(s) for complete tire information. The tires used for your application must have a load index and speed rating equal to or greater than the tires fitted as original equipment. 2014 TIRE CATALOG All part numbers in BOLD MAGENTA are new this year.
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