status update september 20, 2005
status update september 20, 2005
STATUS UPDATE SEPTEMBER 20, 2005 1. Athletic Fields/Lighting Renovations 2. Tennis/Multi-Purpose Court Renovations 3. Wooden Bleacher Replacements 4. Swimming Pool Repairs & Renovations 5. Play Equipment Replacement 6. Master Plans of Facilities 9Swimming Pools (12) 9Murphey Candler Bridge (Upgrade of Filtration System) 9Gresham Pavilion 9Lake and Dam Study 9Tennis Courts/Multi-purpose Courts (62) 9Mason Mill Dog Park 9Playground Improvements (8) 9Bike Trail Development-Arabia Mountain 9Olmstead Park Renovation 9Master Plans Developed (13) 9Murphey Candler Little League Field 9Veteran’s Memorial 9Athletic Fields 9Biffle Park ¾4.3 million estimated cost ¾35 athletic fields impacted ¾Blackburn Park 4 ¾Browns Mill Park 5 ¾Dunwoody Park 1 ¾Exchange Park 6 ¾Medlock Park 4 ¾Midway Park 3 ¾Murphey Candler 5 ¾Redan Park 5 ¾Wade Walker Park (Soccer) 2 ¾Gresham ¾Shoal Creek ¾Murphey Candler ¾Wade Walker (Baseball/Football) BEFORE AFTER Ashford Blackburn Bouldercrest Briarwood Emmie Smith Emory Grove Exchange Glen Emerald Henderson Longdale Lynwood Mason Mill Shoal Creek II Sugar Creek W. D. Thomson Tennis 2 12 2 2 0 2 2 2 4 0 2 9 4 10 2 Multi-Use 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 TOTAL: 55 8 Completed countywide replacement of 92 sets with aluminum bleachers Cost: $225,000 BEFORE Completed: Summer 2003 AFTER ¾ Completed renovation of Tot Pool at Lithonia Park to comply with code requirements ¾ Replaced existing gas chlorination systems with saline purification systems at twelve (12) county pools ¾Assessment of all pools for major renovations (pool tank, mechanical systems, diving boards, decks & bathhouses) Multi-phased renovation process was based on priority & severity of assessment. There was coordination between Facilities Management & Development, the Health Department and Design Consultants. ¾Dearborn ¾DeKalb Memorial ¾LaVista ¾Midway ¾Peters ¾Skyland ¾Shoal Creek ¾Handicapped accessible equipment that serves children 2-12 years of age. ¾Cost: $94,000 ¾Installation Completed: Spring 2003 ¾Standard playground design ¾Age-appropriate play structures to accommodate toddlers, pre-school and school-age children ¾Dramatically increased play value ¾Impact-absorbing playground surface ¾Multi-use trails that accommodate walkers, bikers, joggers, skaters and strollers ¾Accessible to those with disabilities ¾Connectivity to sidewalks ¾More “family friendly” park Assessment of 19 Lakes & Dams (ECOS Environment Design Consultant) Cost: $99,000 Steps Taken: 9Prioritize critical development needs 9Appropriate Funding Completed: Summer 2003 ¾Lake and Dam Study ¾Bouldercrest ¾Constitution Lakes ¾Flat Shoals ¾Mary Scott ¾Parkside ¾Peters ¾Veteran Memorial ¾Biffle ¾Summergate ¾Dresden ¾Wade Walker ¾Oak Creek ¾Montreal ¾Salem ¾Brook Run GOAL Create aesthetically pleasing, multi-functional parks and recreational facilities that are “family-friendly” serving the needs of citizens of all age groups. Wade Walker 2.5 million Summergate 453,000 Brook Run 1.7 million Constitution Lake 246,000 Dresden Park 1.6million Ragdale House Relocation 90,000 Bouldercrest 247,000 Medlock Pool 104,000 Peters Park 353,000 Hidden Acres 94,000 Meadowdale Park 568,000 GRAND TOTAL for work IN PROGRESS $ 7,995,000 Bouldercrest Constitution Lakes Ragsdale Meadowdale Medlock Summergate ¾LaVista ¾Sugar Creek Golf Course ¾Hamilton Park ¾Murphey Candler Softball Field ¾Hidden Acres Projects Completed & Under Construction Future Work Program 9Longdale 9Sugar Creek 9Henderson 9Hugh Howell 9Chapel Hill 9Rock Chapel 9Gresham 9Hidden Acres 9Tobie Grant 9LaVista 9Glen Emerald 9Mary Scott Etc. and many more