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Odebrecht 2015 T R U S T A N D U N I T Y CHILDREN FROM YURIMAGUAS, NORTHERN PERU: THE TOWN IS GROWING AND DEVELOPING THANKS TO THE IIRSA NORTH HIGHWAY, WHICH RUNS THROUGH THE ANDES MOUNTAINS AND LINKS THE PACIFIC AND ATLANTIC OCEANS TRUST AND UNITY PRESENT FOR OVER SEVEN DECADES IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT MARKETS, REGIONS AND COUNTRIES, THE ODEBRECHT GROUP IS A MODEL OF SOLIDITY, WORKING ON THE BASIS OF CONFIDENCE IN PEOPLE AND THE ETHOS OF SERVICE. directly linked to the development of their local countries and regions. teams united by the ethical and moral concepts set forth in the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). TEO is the basis for the work of all Odebrecht Members and lays the foundations for strengthening and consolidating the Group. When times are tough, these clear principles guide and motivate its teams to learn, overcome and pursue constant renewal. Much of what you will read in the following pages of this report reflects new guidelines the Group has adopted due to changes in the domestic and world scenes. Odebrecht adapts its structure to the demands of the most competitive markets, increases its productivity and maintains investments in important projects for improving lives in different parts of the world. Above all, the Group reaffirms its confidence in the development of people and communities and its commitment to the future. Odebrecht 2015 THIS REPORT PRESENTS THE MAIN RESULTS OF THE ODEBRECHT GROUP IN ALL ITS BUSINESSES AND FIELDS OF OPERATION IN 2014. IT CONTAINS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL, SOCIAL, ENVIRONMENTAL, CULTURAL AND SAFETY INDICATORS, AND SHOWCASES THE ORGANIZATION’S MAIN ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THAT PERIOD, INCLUDING UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ON THE GROUP’S MACROSTRUCTURE. THE ODEBRECHT GROUP MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO INDICATORS BUSINESSES INVESTMENTS SUPPORT COMPANIES SOCIAL PROGRAMS EXECUTIVES 4 10 12 22 48 72 75 80 83 O d e b r e c h t 5 2 0 1 5 H O L D I N G C O M PA N Y THE ODEBRECHT GROUP BUSINESSES Construtora Norberto Odebrecht BOARD OF DIRECTORS Odebrecht S.a. ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL AFRICA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AND PORTUGAL FOUNDED IN THE CITY OF SALVADOR, BAHIA, BRAZIL, IN 1944, ODEBRECHT IS NOW A GLOBAL ORGANIZATION WITH OVER 168,000 MEMBERS FROM DIFFERENT NATIONALITIES PRESENT IN BRAZIL AND 27 OTHER COUNTRIES. LATIN AMERICA UNITED STATES INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERINg Odebrecht teams always work closely with their Clients and Communities, meeting their demands with speed and efficiency. As a result, the Group has firmly established itself as a synergistic confederation of small firms. As a non-operational holding company, Odebrecht S.A. focuses on preserving the Group’s organizational culture and maintaining the direction of its Businesses. They, in turn, are run autonomously according to the principles of decentralization and planned delegation established by the Group. ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT FUNDS – Fundo ODEBRECHT BRAsIL – ODEBRECHT AFRICA FUND – ODEBRECHT LATIN FUND ODEBRECHT OIL & GAS SUPPORT COMPANIES – ODEBRECHT Serviços de Exportação – ODEBRECHT Corretora de Seguros odebrecht transPort – ODEBRECHT Previdência – ODEBRECHT Engenharia de Projetos – ODEBRECHT Comercializadora de energia braskem The Business’s growth is based on developing important projects for their communities. Three generations succeeding each other and working together – an integral part of Odebrecht´s entrepreneurial culture – provide growth and development opportunities for its Members and contribute to the Group’s perpetuity. odebrecht latinvest odebrecht agroindustrial ENSEADA SHIPBUILDING Odebrecht Foundation* ODEBRECHT DEFENSE & TECHNOLOGY *The Odebrecht Foundation is maintained by Odebrecht S.A. O d e b r e c h t 7 2 0 1 5 ODEBRECHT ENTREPRENEURIAL TECHNOLOGY (TEO) Firmly grounded on humanist values, TEO is the basis for an entrepreneurial culture centered on action and focused on education and work. Its interconnected Principles, Concepts and Criteria provide Odebrecht Group Members the ethical, moral and conceptual pillars they require to work with unified thinking, a common strategic direction and consistent actions. CODE OF CONDUCT The Group has a Code of Conduct that provides guidelines for all its Members’ internal and external relations, no matter what their roles and responsibilities. Odebrecht also believes that the principles and other guidelines in its Code of Conduct must be applied and disseminated along its entire value chain. The Group’s presence in the global market and its Members’ active participation in several different businesses, geographic regions and cultures require not only transparent standards of conduct but compliance with many different legal systems. The Code of Conduct addresses these requirements. LUCIANA GONZÁLES SANTILLÁN, A PERUVIAN MEMBER OF ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL IN LATIN AMERICA O d e b r e c h t 9 2 0 1 5 United Kingdom Netherlands Germany Luxembourg Presence in the world austria Spain United States Portugal China Cuba Dominican Republic United Arab Emirates Mexico Guatemala Ghana Venezuela Panama Colombia Singapore Ecuador Brazil Peru Mozambique Angola Paraguay South Africa and in other a 27 countries si er ic as –A frica – Eur e op – A rt at ion s – H i g h way tat ni daily po Sa In the agroindustrial sector, Odebrecht supplies Brazilian ethanol to South Korea and exports sugar to 24 countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Croatia, Egypt, India, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Nigeria, Republic of Georgia, Romania, Russia, Spain, Tunisia, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uruguay, Venezuela and Yemen. ic In the petrochemicals field, Braskem serves over 40 countries. Nearly 98% of its exports go to Argentina, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela. s in Brazil Exports people use these services n ra nt Odebrecht is present Urba Argentina ion 20 million Chile Am Brazil Angola Argentina Austria Chile China Colombia Cuba Dominican Republic Ecuador Germany Ghana Guatemala Luxembourg Mexico Mozambique Netherlands Panama Paraguay Peru Portugal Singapore South Africa Spain United Arab Emirates United States United Kingdom Venezuela – Ba s O d e b r e c h t 11 2 0 1 5 T MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD E m í lio O debrecht “This unity, based on shared values and principles, enables the decentralization of our operations, the ongoing development of people through a planned delegation process, the coexistence of generations with partnership between leaders and team members, thereby ensuring the Group’s perpetuity. That is what gives us the strength and confidence to take on challenging times.” he Group’s history is essentially the story of the people who have contributed to the results achieved over the course of more than 70 years. We have confidence in people - in their ability and desire to grow - and seek to propel their development. In this organization, this is done through what we call Education through Work, the process of grooming our Members. Education through Work involves the simultaneous coexistence of different generations within the companies, where each of them passes on their knowledge and experience to the others, who in turn contribute their ability to achieve results. Trust is the basis of this process, as is ensuring delegation and therefore decentralization. We also encourage the ethos of service - to Clients and the community. Our Members seek personal and professional fulfillment, winning over and keeping their Clients satisfied and extending their activities to improve the quality of life of the communities with which they interact. This is not an abstraction – the trust and ethos of service practiced by all of our Members take the form of entrepreneurial decisions and actions that generate wealth shared with Clients, Partners and the community. Therefore, we are now presenting the results our teams obtained in 2014 objectively through summaries, graphs and numbers, which demonstrate that we have an efficient entrepreneurial philosophy that has been thoroughly assimilated and transmitted with alignment between leaders and team members in a wide range of projects in all of the 28 countries where we are present. Based on shared values and principles, this unity enables the decentralization of our operations, the ongoing development of people through a planned delegation process, the coexistence of generations and partnership between leaders and team members, thereby ensuring the Group’s perpetuity. That is what gives us the strength and confidence to take on challenging times. Clearly, over so many decades, those times have not been few. But we have overcome all kinds of adversity of varying degrees of severity. Currently, amid a downturn that has taken hold in several parts of the world, we have made significant progress. We have diversified our operations, created new opportunities and, above all, provided services and supplied key products - sometimes indispensable for the development of regions and countries. In the last three years, however, Brazil’s GDP growth has been decreasing. Currently, in addition to an economic crisis caused in large part by the imbalance of public finances, the country faces a political crisis that hampers interactions between the branches of government, especially at the federal level. The heavy construction industry - the one that has suffered the most damage to its reputation - has a close relationship with the state and public officials because it meets their demand for highly complex projects involving a significant amount of resources. This relationship intensified in the period when the state could finally make the necessary investments in infrastructure. What do we believe? We believe that our relationship with the government is completely legitimate - not only in Brazil but in all the countries where we operate. Historically, Odebrecht has been chosen by public and private Clients due to its proven delivery capability, honoring quality and time commitments. Our projects are carefully detailed to comply with stringent international requirements of sustainability, necessary for obtaining financing. We understand, however, that the problem of corruption merits attention and extreme care and must be combated, and that it is necessary to demonstrate the legality of any activities involving public resources. We believe that relations between the public and private sectors should be fully transparent. Therefore, we have agreed to present all transactions between our companies and government agencies for public examination. And we consider good governance of public resources essential, so they can be invested rationally in initiatives that improve the public’s quality of life and contribute to national development. The current crisis surrounding politics and the reliability of the Brazilian state’s institutions and companies has caused immeasurable economic losses to the country, limiting and inhibiting essential investments in economic growth. It also directly affects the labor market, due to the suspension of many projects. Therefore, it is urgent to clarify the facts and restructure this country on a solid, transparent and reliable basis. Brazil has a unique opportunity to revise standards of political conduct and restore the credibility of its institutions as well as its business class. The interests of the Odebrecht Group and the interests of society are one and the same. Therefore, along with the community - through its most respected and principled representatives we propose to build new foundations for the relationship between the private and public sectors. Maintaining confidence in people as one of the pillars of its entrepreneurial Culture, Odebrecht reaffirms the ethical principles that have driven its development and bolster frank, direct and open dialogue with its Members and families, Clients and shareholders, with the authorities and above all, with the public. The Odebrecht Group will forge ahead alongside the community to ensure a fair and productive future in each of the countries in which we are present. Engineer Emilio Odebrecht began his career as an intern at Construtora Norberto Odebrecht, becoming President and CEO of the company in 1981. He became President and CEO of the holding company, Odebrecht S.A., in 1991 and has been the Chairman of its Board of Directors since 1998. O d e b r e c h t 13 2 0 1 5 O MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT AND CEO M arcelo B ahia O debrecht “We have increased our dialogue with our Members and their families, Clients, Partners, investors and various other stakeholders in order to strengthen mutual trust and unity, make our strategies even more clear and transparent, and help ensure that the current uncertainties are resolved. The Odebrecht Group will continue to respect the ethical legacy of its founder, steadfast in its aim of serving and promoting the development of individuals, communities and countries.” debrecht has been overcoming highly complex challenges for over 70 years. It could not be otherwise when the world is experiencing a period of political and economic instability, with negative impacts and downward trends in various countries. Brazil, our home country, has been the object of special attention, with the necessary fiscal adjustment imposing a period of stagnation, decline in GDP and downturns in the labor market. With the experience, determination and prudence the times require, Odebrecht is keeping to its permanent Course - Survival, Growth and Perpetuity. As the data in this report will show, 2014 was exemplary for our growth. It is worth mentioning the increase, in relation to 2013, of gross revenue (11%) and EBITDA (23.8%), which allows us to maintain a high level of planned investments: BRL 11 billion in 2015 and BRL 34.8 billion in the three-year period between 2015 and 2017. Global solidity, local efficiency Currently the Group has 14 different Business areas in 28 countries, each with clearly defined leadership and their own corporate governance, most of them shared with other Partners. Our culture of decentralization and planned delegation allows each Business to rely on an Entrepreneurial Leader (CEO) or Executive Director who has been groomed and empowered to perform his or her entrepreneurial task and exceed the agreed results. The practice of decentralization sets us apart and gives us a strong competitive edge. We are made up of about 300 small businesses working closely with the Clients and communities that require their products and services. Thus, both in Brazil and other countries, our Engineering & Construction Business has made a significant contribution to improving infrastructure in several countries. In addition to Engineering & Construction, we have played a major role in the expansion and improvement of public services such as water supply and sewage treatment. Currently, Odebrecht Environmental provides these services to the homes of almost 17 million Brazilians. In the field of transport, we serve 3 million users of road, light rail and railway concessions through Odebrecht TransPort. In Chemicals & Petrochemicals, via Braskem we are responsible for the annual production of over 16 million tonnes of basic petrochemicals and thermoplastic resins, which supply the entire chain of plastic products in Brazil and other countries. We have also been steadily diversifying our Businesses, with advances in the sectors of Defense, Retail Distribution and Agribusiness, among others. This is possible because the Group is firmly established, internationally recognized and enjoys solid financial health – a decisive factor during a global economic downturn. In 2014, we strengthened our presence in Latin America, with projects in 10 countries in that region, as well as in Africa, particularly Angola, Mozambique and Ghana. In Mexico, through Braskem, we are investors in the largest private project underway in that country, construction of the Ethylene XXI complex for the production of polyethylene. That year we also worked on major infrastructure projects in the United States, Portugal and the United Arab Emirates. The advantage of our extensive international presence is that more than 70 percent of our revenues are linked to the US dollar, which allows us to obtain better results during a period of fluctuating exchange rates. As a result, Odebrecht companies benefit from the strength of a global organization and the autonomy they need to operate more efficiently at the local level. In line with our policies, each of them enhances its sustainability practices, which is an increasingly imperative commitment for the Group. Regarding the environment, year after year we have seen significant improvements in eco-efficiency indicators. In the social arena, our companies and the Odebrecht Foundation in 2014 carried out 887 programs that benefited about 1.2 million people in nearly 2,770 communities. Culture, our founder’s greatest legacy The Group’s founder, my grandfather Norberto Odebrecht, left us in 2014 at the age of 93. In addition to numerous material achievements, he left us the values and principles of the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology, the basis of the humanistic Culture and ethics practiced by our 170,000 Members. It was this Culture that in 2014 enabled us to reach 70 years of operations in Brazil, 35 in Peru, 30 in Angola and 10 in Mozambique. In 2015 we will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Odebrecht Foundation and 25 years of experience in the United States. Seeking to reaffirm our commitment to our Culture and the best practices of corporate governance, we have increased our dialogue with our Members and their families, Clients, Partners, investors and various other stakeholders in order to strengthen mutual trust and unity, make our strategies even more clear and transparent, and help ensure that the current uncertainties are resolved. In 2014 we achieved the aim of implementing our Code of Conduct in all our business environments as an integral part of our Compliance Program. We consolidated the Ethics Line channel and designated those responsible for following up on and responding to all matters related to this program. We engaged in extensive training of our teams, and all levels of leadership undertook the commitment to follow the provisions of the Code of Conduct. The political crisis facing Brazil is contributing to the economic downturn and a climate of instability. Nevertheless, we are confident that with the necessary clarifications and by restoring the credibility of its institutions, Brazil will gradually regain its stability. The Odebrecht Group will continue to follow the ethical legacy of its founder, steadfast in its aim of serving and promoting the development of individuals, communities and countries. Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht began working at Odebrecht in 1992, shortly after graduating in Engineering. In 2002, after working on several projects in Brazil and other countries, he took the helm of the Engineering & Construction Business. He became President and CEO of Odebrecht S.A. in 2008, and remained in that role until December 2015. This message was written in May 2015. O d e b r e c h t 15 2 0 1 5 Ethylene XXI, The largest petrochemical complex in Latin America, comes into being in Mexico The project, a partnership of Braskem with the Mexican group Idesa, will produce over 1 million tons of polyethylene yearly. It is currently the biggest private investment in Mexico and the largest ever made by a Brazilian company in that country. O d e b r e c h t 17 2 0 1 5 The port of Miami in Florida, one of the largest in the world, was thoroughly upgraded Thanks to the Wharves Reinforcement Program carried out by Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International in the United States the Port of Miami is now able to welcome super freighters sailing to the American West Coast through the new widened Panama Canal. O d e b r e c h t 19 2 0 1 5 Sugar and alcohol plants: ODEBRECHT GROUP operates in many fields and invests in sustainable development With a capacity to process 3.8 million tons of sugar cane, the Costa Rica Unit (MS), one of the nine plants of Odebrecht Agroindustrial, produces about 360 million liters of ethanol and 380 GWh of electric power. O d e b r e c h t Lima electric train, the solution for transit in the metropolitan region of the Peruvian capital Conceived almost 30 years ago, the project was successfully concluded in 2014 by Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International, in Latin America. The train is operated by Odebrecht Latinvest and travels through 12.4 km of overpasses and 10 stations in nine densely populated districts, serving 300 thousand passengers daily. 2 0 1 5 21 I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 23 2 0 1 5 2014 FINANCIAL INDICATORS In 2014 Odebrecht Group reached significant results, such as an increase of 30% in EBITDA and 11% in gross income over 2013. BRL 14,879 USd 6,322 Ebitda (IN MILLIONS) 2013 BRL 11,418 USd 4,874 2012 Ebitda (IN MILLIONS) BRL 14,879 USD 6,322 per Business 37.8% 21.2% 10.7% 8.1% 4.9% 2.8% 2.4% 2.3% 0.6% 9.2% Braskem ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Odebrecht Agroindustrial Odebrecht OIL & GAS Odebrecht ENVIRONMENTAL Odebrecht Transport Odebrecht Latinvest ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS Enseada SHIPBUILDING Other NOTE: Throughout this Report, the average annual value of the US dollar was taken into account (US$1.00 = R$2,3536) for the information on results achieved (Revenue, EBITDA and VAR (Value Added Report). In the historical series of EBITDA the rates of the last day of each of the previous years mentioned (2010,2011,2012 and 2013) were taken into consideration. For the value of assets and net worth of the GroupGroup the rate on December 31 2014 was used (US$1.00 = 2,6562). The figures for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012 (reproduced) are in accordance with the norms of The Committee on Accounting Statements (CPC). 2010 BRL 6,224 USd 3,735 2011 BRL 7,056 USd 3,792 BRL 8,087 USd 3,957 I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 25 2 0 1 5 Value Added Statement FINANCIAL INDICATORS NET PROFIT (IN MILLIONS) BRL 498 USD 211 Odebrecht S.A. Shareholder’s Equity (IN MILLIONS) BRL 17,071 USD 6,427 in thousandsin thousands of BRLof usd Revenue 109,594,013 Revenue from sales and services Other revenue Allowance for loan losses – reversal (provision) 107,678,903 2,002,931 (87,821) Costs of products, goods and services Raw materials, Energy, Outsourced services and Other Recovery (loss) of assets (68,806,422) (7,850,128) 3,431 Gross Value Added 32,940,894 Depreciation and amortization (5,025,641) Net Value Added Produced 27,915,253 Value Added Received from Others (IN MILLIONS) BRL 107,679 USd 45,751 per business 49.3% 30.8% 3.1% 3.1% 2.8% 2.7% 2.6% 2.1% 1.9% 0.1% 1.5% Braskem ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Odebrecht Agroindustrial Odebrecht TransPort Enseada Indústria Naval Odebrecht OIL & GAS Odebrecht ENVIRONMENTAL Odebrecht Latinvest ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS ODEBRECHT DEFENSE & TECHNOLOGY Other 45,750,723 851,007 (37,314) Inputs Purchased from Third Parties GROSS REVENUE 46,564,417 Results of equity Reversal (provision) for loss in investments Financial revenue Other (1,894,352) (81,955) 5,583,010 254,347 TOTAL VALUE ADDED FOR DISTRIBUTION 31,776,303 (29,234,544) (3,335,370) 1,458 13,995,961 (2,135,299) 11,860,661 (804,874) (34,821) 2,372,115 108,067 13,501,148 DISTRIBUTION OF VALUE ADDED People 14,197,133 Direct Remuneration 12,454,528 Benefits 1,204,373 FGTS (Length of Service Guarantee Fund) 538,232 Taxes, tariffs and contributions 3,536,300 Federal 2,540,706 State 485,797 Municipal 455,222 Other 54,575 Return on Third-Party Equity 13,545,311 Interest 12,320,413 Rent 1,126,774 Other 98,124 Return on equity (Shareholders) 497,559 Dividends 102,298 Accrued Profit 663,693 Non-controlling shareholders’ share in income (268,432) DISTRIBUTION OF VALUE ADDED 31,776,303 6,032,092 5,291,692 511,715 228,684 1,502,507 1,079,498 206,406 193,415 23,188 5,755,146 5,234,710 478,745 41,691 211,403 43,464 281,990 (114,052) 13,501,148 I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 27 2 0 1 5 2.4% increase in female participation in relation to the previous year. 2013 People O debrecht G roup Members by gender 2014 2012 286,799 85% 15% 276,224 268,564 Men Women The positive figures achieved in 2014 resulted from the work of diverse and qualified teams, both in terms of gender and of national origin. Members by nationality 64% 36% 181,556 Members 175,031 Members 93,533 Third parties 105,243 Third parties 168,149 Members 108,075 Third parties BRAZILIANS OTHER NATIONALITIES 107,714 Brazilians 14,992 Mexicans 11,715 Angolans 8,757 Peruvians 6,025 Ecuadorians 4,888 Venezuelans 3,993 Colombians 3,150 Panamanians 1,541 Dominicans 1,271 North-Americans 1,184 Argentines 633 Mozambicans 595 Guatemalans 258 Portuguese 149 Haitians 142 Germans 139 Pakistanis 136 Bolivians 119 Indians 113 Paraguayans 112 Philippines 85 Nepalese 49 Sinhalese 43 Cubans 33 Spaniards 32 French 30 Chileans 28 Salvadorans 26 Dutch 21 Croats 21 English 20 Poles 16 Nicaraguans 16 Ghanaians 16 South Africans 15 Uruguayans 14 Libyans 11 Romanians BRAZILIAN ENGINEER JULIA MONTEIRO MARTINS, FROM CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT, RESPONSIBLE FOR SUSTAINABILITY AT MARACANÃ STADIUM 11 Ukranians 9 Italians 9 Canadians 8 Hondurans 7 Belgians 5 Lebanese 5 Turks 4 Australians 4 Japanese 4 Costa Ricans 3 Russians 3 Egyptians 3 Lithuanians 3 Chinese 3 Nigerians 3 Syrians 3 Iraqis 2 Jordanians 2 Austrians 2 Palestinians 2 Principese 2 Vietnamese 2 Irish 2 Norwegians 2 Jamaicans 2 Trinidadians 1 Korean 1 Cape-Verdean 1 Antiguan 1 Arab 1 Singaporean 1 Mauritanian 1 Tunisian 1 Congolese 1 Scot 1 Thai 1 Iranian 1 Puerto Rican I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 29 2 0 1 5 People O debrecht G roup The international operations of Odebrecht Group promotes the integration of families from several cultures in different regions. ASH VIJA YKUMAR, FROM INDIA, AND YUNWEI TONG, FROM CHINA, MEMBERS OF ODEBRECHT Engineering & Construction International IN THE UNITED STATES MEMBERS PER BUSINESS Members by countries Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International 66,799 Construtora Norberto Odebrecht 13,456 ENSEADA SHIPBUILDING 8,126 ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTs 6,518 Odebrecht TransPort 6,165 Odebrecht OIL & GAs Odebrecht DEFENSE & TECHNOLOGY Odebrecht S.A. ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Members by age range 5,816 Odebrecht Latinvest 1,672 37 3,458 566 12,822 1,596 275 8,813 1,587 162 6,077 1,411 59 4,966 638 52 in Peru in Ecuador 2,408 641 14,933 in Angola 7,332 Odebrecht ENVIRONMENTAL 567 in Mexico 8,413 Braskem 3,939 in Brazil 40,776 Odebrecht Agroindustrial 106,087 in Venezuela 14% 40% 25% 18% 4% Under 25 Between 25 and 35 Between 35 and 45 Between 45 and 60 Over 60 in Colombia in Panama in Dominican Republic in United States in Argentina in Guatemala in United Arab Emirates in Mozambique in Ghana in Germany in Portugal in Cuba 141 in other countries I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t People Development Programs 31 2 0 1 5 Investment in institutional programs BRL 64,330,228 USd 24,218,894 The Odebrecht Group develops in direct correlation to the development of each person who is a part of it. Therefore, among the Group leaders’ tasks is Education through Work for those who comprise their teams, devoting their time and attention – whether interns or young partners – and supporting them with their choices and challenges. Education for Work The aim of the Education for Work programs is to provide members with opportunities to increase and perfect their knowledge and skills. They are technical education programs, directed towards those who work in operational areas; and strategic programs to enhance skills and broaden multidisciplinary knowledge. Small Firm Leaders Young Partners/Trainees Interns 1,695 1,722 1,497 1,109 EMILIO ODEBRECHT (FAR LEFT), CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF ODEBRECHT S.A., WITH PARTICIPANTS IN THE PROGRAM FOR DEVELOPING ENTREPRENEURS (PDE) 337 300 2013 2014 Interns taken on: 367 vacancies were available for Young Partners, with 52% filled by former interns. I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 33 2 0 1 5 Acreditar Program Acreditar Junior Program Odebrecht interacts with the local population in each region where it operates, offering opportunities for work and income and improving quality of life. The Acreditar (Believe) Ongoing Professional Education Program was one of the Group’s initiatives to increase the employment of workers from communities surrounding their projects. Literate men and women over the age of 18 have the opportunity to qualify for professions through Acreditar and work in the Group. Highly successful in Brazil, the Program was reproduced in nine countries, directly benefiting more than 100,000 people. Created to support young people between the ages of 14 and 17 for the job market, the Acreditar Junior Program offers preparation to students who are studying at elementary school as a minimum. They have the opportunity to be hired under the terms of the Young Apprentice Law. 4,251 Enrolled 3,034 Hired (OBS: The numbers refer to the figure accumulated since the creation of the program in 2008 until December 2014) Brazil 131,464 Enrolled 55,634 Basic Module 19,494 Technical Module IN ANGOLA, TRAINING OF MEMBERS OF BIOCOM (ODEBRECHT AGROINDUSTRIAL) WITH TECHNICIANS FROM THE BRAZILIAN NATIONAL SERVICE OF INDUSTRIAL APPRENTICESHIP (SENAI) 35,692 Partnerships with Universities and Educational and Research Institutions Hired Number of members on institutional programs Abroad 39 Master of Business Administration (MBA) 62 Program for Developing Entrepreneurs (PDE) in the Service Area 45 PDE in the Industrial Area 51 Entrepreneurship Program (PPE) 49 PPE Master 34 Institute for Accounting, Actuarial and Financial Research Foundation (Fipecafi) T10 38 Fipecafi T11 55,479 34 32,572 Integrated Sustainability Program (PI) 95 Integrated Planning and Budgeting (POI) Enrolled Basic Module 6,172 Technical Module 17,610 Hired (OBS: The numbers refer to the figure accumulated since the creation of the program in 2008 until December 2014) Odebrecht Group companies maintain a partnership with 149 universities and educational and research institutions, with 52 in Brazil and 97 in other countries. I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 35 2 0 1 5 Encouraging Productivity, Creativity and Production and Knowledge Reuse Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development The award encourages college students (undergraduates) to think about Engineering, Architecture and Agronomy from a sustainable perspective and produce knowledge on the subject. In 2014 »» Held in Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the United States and Venezuela. »» 643 projects submitted. »» Involved 1,194 students and 526 professors from 251 universities. Knowledge Communities In addition to promoting the generation, dissemination and knowledge reuse that the Odebrecht Group companies produce, the Knowledge Communities strengthen mainstreaming and encourage innovation and productivity. They bring together 7,624 Members with common interests who are interested in sharing their expertise. In 2014 »» 1,895 new entries »» 1,200 Members trained in meetings of the Communities or in Programs of specific Technical Capacitation deriving from detected gaps in their formation. »» 620 web forums generated 1,443 interactions. WINNERS OF THE 2014 HIGHLIGHT AWARD IN THE INNOVATION CATEGORY: ROBERTA ALVES PEREIRA, RAFAEL DE OLIVEIRA E ADRIANO DO NAZARETH PESSANHA , FROM ODEBRECHT OIL & GAS Communities Contract Management Agribusiness Dams and Power Plants Communication Buildings Real Estate Ventures Environmental Engineering Equipment Subsea Infrastructure User-Client Relations Roadways Engineering Systems Procurement and Logistics Sustainability Information Technology Rail Transportation Highlight Award 2014 Edition Odebrecht teams are encouraged to increase their creativity, productivity and innovation and reuse the knowledge generated through their work experience. Awarded to the Group’s Members annually, the Highlight Award encourages this practice, reinforces the culture of recording and disseminating knowledge, consolidating a unified archive of the Group’s methods, processes and creative solutions. Today this initiative results in an acquis of 4,964 best practices, which is available to all of the Members. 13 countries and all of the Group’s Businesses. »» Categories: Innovation, Young Partners, Environment, Community Relations, Knowledge Reuse and Health and Workplace Safety. »» Participating Countries: Angola, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Mozambique, Panama, Peru, The United States, United Arab Emirates and Venezuela. »» 692 project entries by Members from I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 37 2 0 1 5 Workplace Safety Indicators Health, Workplace Safety and the Environment The Health, Workplace Safety and Environment programs are held in an integrated way and prioritize the protection of life and quality of the work environment. Based on the culture of prevention by controlling risks and impacts, ensuring compliance with legal requirements and alignment with the Group’s Sustainability Policy. In the work environment, the same values and programs guide Members and suppliers. 1 - TFT adds together basic outpatient care with the frequency rates for accidents with or without lost time. The indicator for Braskem does not include basic outpatient care. 2 - TFCA – Lost Time Accident Frequency Rate: relation between the number of with lost time, fatality, partial disability and total disability per 1 million manhours worked (Members + Subcontractors). 3 – Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção consolidates data from Construtora Norberto Odebrecht and from Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International 4 – Period from April 2014 to January 2015 (criteria: harvest year). Total Accident Frequency Rate (TFT)1 17.1 Lost-time Accident Frequency Rate (TFCA)2 13.8 13.1 11.14 9.28 9.49 7.14 6.24 6.33 5.03 4.69 3.15 1.04 2.05 2012 1.58 2013 1.39 2014 0.35 2012 Odebrecht Engineering and Construction3 1.04 0.39 2013 1 0.14 2014 Braskem 2.19 2012 3.69 2013 2.21 2014 Odebrecht Environmental 0.91 2012 0.94 2013 1.4 2014 Odebrecht Agroindustrial4 3.26 2012 2.04 2013 2.09 2014 Odebrecht TransPort 20.9 20.08 19.15 13.62 11.5 9.74 8.67 5.79 4.35 1.16 2012 2013 4.8 Odebrecht Latinvest 5.12 4.07 0.86 2014 6.45 0 2012 2013 1.67 2014 Odebrecht Defense and Technology 0.89 2012 0.49 2013 0.55 2014 Enseada Shipbuilding 0.58 2012 1.96 2013 0.8 2014 Odebrecht Oil & Gas 3.02 2012 5.59 2013 3.5 2014 Odebrecht Real Estate Developments I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 39 2 0 1 5 AT ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT »» Recycled 21.83% (55,916.23 tonnes) of MANAGING GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS »» Conducting the third GHG emission inventory for the 28 ventures under construction and six regional offices, using the GHG Protocol method and ISO Standard 14.064-1. the total amount of waste generated by all ventures, not including waste generated from the soil. »» Used 27,588.17 cubic meters of reused or recycled water, equivalent to 16.5% of the total consumed by all ventures. »» Invested BRL 5.9 million in environmental preservation projects. AT ODEBRECHT DEFENSE AND TECHNOLOGY »» Itaguaí Construções Navais, the Odebrecht Defense and Technology subsidiary that builds submarines for the Brazilian navy, recycled 388.3 tonnes (62%) of the 622.4 tonnes of solid waste generated. Environmental Engineer Diego Santos Cícero de Sá at the nursery of the Teles Pires Hydroelectric Plant Environmental Program being carried out by Construtora Norberto Odebrecht, in Mato Grosso, Brazil Environmental Indicators IN ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Environmental Management MANAGING GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS solid waste generated were reused or recycled. »» 90% of projects implemented waste sorting and solid waste recycling programs. »» 87% of projects carried out environmental education programs. »» 25% of projects adopted rational water use practices, saving 1.5 million cubic meters. »» Inventory of all 69 projects in Brazil and 99 projects in 16 other countries. »» Obtained a Gold Seal in the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program. »» 301,000 of the 572,500 tonnes of 53% of solid waste 168 projects recycled or reused in 2014 inventoried in 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 117 135 164 165 168 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 28% 50% 74% 52% 53% WASTE IS RECYCLED OR REUSED AT ILHA PURA, AN ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS PROJECT IN RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 41 2 0 1 5 AT ODEBRECHT OIL & GAS BRL 2.3 million invested in waste management, environmental monitoring, training, campaigns, consultancy, audits and environmental certifications. MANAGING GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS »» For the first time, the GHG inventory included scope 3, on remissions from sources that are not owned by or controlled by the company. »» Planted saplings and restored three water sources (a total of 2.33 hectares) to offset carbon emissions in 2013. UNIB RS, BRASKEM’S NAPHTHA CRACKER IN TRIUNFO, BRAZIL, INVESTS IN IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY AT BRASKEM ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT BRL 86 million invested in environmental improvement. of which 61% came from Aquapolo, a water recycling project carried out in partnership with Odebrecht Environmental and Sabesp in the ABC region of São Paulo State. This enabled the company to reduce consumption of water from reservoirs by 18.7 billion liters. »» Energy consumption at all Braskem manufacturing plants improved by 0.7% compared with the previous year. »» Waste generation in all of Braskem’s operations was 4.5% higher than the previous year and waste recycling reached 26.8%, representing a 63% improvement in relation to 2013. The savings obtained by recycling totaled approximately BRL 53 million. »» 34% improvement in wastewater generation between 2002 and 2014. MANAGING GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS »» Reduced GHG emissions by 12.5% between 2008 and 2014. »» The Braskem greenhouse gas emissions inventory obtained a Gold classification in the GHG Protocol for the 5th consecutive year. »» It attained a score of 97% for transparency and level “B” for results in the Brazil Carbon Project’s CDP Investor Brazil report. »» Braskem forms part of the ISE (Entrepreneurial Sustainability Index) portfolio for the 10th consecutive year, with a higher than average score in the portfolio and benchmark position in climate change. »» Braskem achieved 28% water reuse, »» Two grades of the Maxio line of plastic resins were launched, enabling Braskem clients to increase their productivity and energy efficiency. Since the launch of that line in 2012, sales are up 27%. »» Braskem was nominated for inclusion in the list of the 50 most innovative companies in the world according to the ranking of Fast Company, a business magazine, in recognition of its research into products with renewable sources, Green Polyethylene. CIDADE DE ITAJAÍ FPSO IN THE SANTOS BASIN, BRAZIL: ODEBRECHT OIL & GAS CONDUCTED ITS FIRST GHG INVENTORY IN 2014 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT »» Recycled 14.75% (645.96 tonnes) of the total amount of solid waste generated by all ventures. »» Recycled 44.3% (1,006,613 liters) of the total oily liquid waste generated by its ventures, except the Cidade de Itajaí FPSO, whose waste management is handled by the Client (Petrobras). I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 43 2 0 1 5 AT ODEBRECHT AGROINDUSTRIAL PRESERVING BIODIVERSITY »» A Diagnosis of Environmentally BRAZILIAN LAB TECHNICIAN NAYARA CARDOSO RAPELO, FROM ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL, ANALYZES WATER QUALITY IN SUMARÉ, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL AT ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL AT ENSEADA SHIPBUILDING Invested BRL 6.4 million in Environmental Protection in 2014. »» Replanted 44 hectares of riparian ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT »» Using 3 million m³ of recycled or reused water in internal processes (41% of internal water consumption). »» Reuse and recycling of 23% of waste generated in the company’s administrative sectors. »» Consumption of 0.25kWh/m³ of treated waste in the Water and Sewage segment. »» Consumption of 0.66 kWh/m³ of water produced in the Utilities segment. »» Emission of 0.92 kg of CO2eq per m³ of treated waste. vegetation, preserving rivers and water that supply the town of Maragojipe, Bahia, Brazil. »» Replanted 14 hectares of Atlantic Forest within Enseada Shipbuilding’s area of activity. »» Built 25 km of fences and a monitoring system in restored Permanent Protection Areas (APP). »» Built three biofactories producing 50,000 native Atlantic Forest plant seedlings and 40,000 native mangrove seedlings. »» More than 90 Environmental Education activities held, with participation by 1,800 people. Protected Areas was carried out at all nine agroindustrial units »» By the 2013-2014 harvest, the company had restored 5,740 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas (APP), 32,025 hectares of Legal Reserves (RL), 20 hectares of ecological corridors and 559 hectares of other areas through Degraded Area Recovery Plans (Prads). »» In the last seven years, more than 1.5 million native tree species were planted in partnership with environmental entities in São Paulo State. »» Restored and connected over 780 hectares of RLs and APPs involving 82 native Atlantic Forest plant species. Thanks to two new corridors, connectivity of forest fragments has reached a total of 295.85 hectares. MANAGING GREENHOUSE GAS (GHG) EMISSIONS »» Conducting the second review of GHG emissions throughout the life cycles of all its products, particularly ethanol, for the 2013-2014 harvest. AT GOIÁS, A PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN ODEBRECHT AGROINDUSTRIAL AND EMAS NATIONAL PARK ENSURES THE PRESERVATION OF132 THOUSAND HECTARES OF THE NATURAL PATRIMONY I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 45 2 0 1 5 Communities 637 98,576 846,018 1,027 32 8,103 12,783 119 Argentina 1 14 40 1 Colombia 3 1,085 3,498 18 Dominican Republic 9 473 7,469 25 Ecuador 11 241 5,005 40 Guatemala 5 57 1,066 28 Mexico 8 1,351 10,337 62 Mozambique 3 42 456 4 Panama 43 1,113 47,202 125 Peru 47 3,621 81,351 285 United Arab Emirates 2 3 656 1 United States 18 202 55,320 13 Venezuela 25 984 6,806 168 844 Programs 14 Countries 1,916 Communities involved 1.1 million Beneficiaries 1,034 Partner Organizations BRL 115.9 million USD 49.2 million Own Investment BRL 86.8 million USD 32.7 million Third-Party Investment GERSON COSTA (STANDING, RIGHT) WITH HIS WIFE CATARINA CONCEIÇÃO AND SON EDILSON DOS SANTOS CLEMENTE: LEADING FIGURES IN THE REFORESTATION OF THE LOWER SOUTH OF BAHIA, BRAZIL, SUPPORTED BY ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Beneficiaries Determined to contribute to the development of regions and countries in which it operates, the Odebrecht Group systematically promotes social and cultural activities. Carried out by companies and the Odebrecht Foundation, the programs focus on the areas of education and health and also seek to promote initiatives that generate work and income opportunities. Investment (in thousands of BRL) Social/Environmental and Cultural Indicators Programs/Initiatives Voluntary Social Investment in Communities Brazil Angola Total 844 115,866 1,078,007 1,916 I n d i c a t o r s 2 0 1 4 O d e b r e c h t 47 2 0 1 5 Cultural Action Odebrecht has sponsored projects which value the cultural heritage of the communities and countries in which it operates for more than fifty years. Allocating resources and appropriate conditions to carry out these cultural projects, the company encourages preservation and advance of memory, contributes to giving dynamism to cultural life and promotes the affirmation of diverse identities and celebration of universal values. Odebrecht Historical Research – Clarival do Prado Valladares Prize Established in 2003, the Odebrecht Historical Research – Clarival do Prado Valladares Prize is awarded annually to a research project which contributes to a greater understanding of Brazilian economic, social and political or artistic education. Aiming to encourage national history writing, Odebrecht fully funds the completion of the chosen project. The knowledge generated is consolidated in a carefully edited and richly illustrated book. »» Book launch for “Luís de Abuquerque – Government and journeys in the Captaincy of Mato Grosso (1771-1791)” by the historians Janaína Amado and Leny Caselli, winners of the 9th edition of the Prize. The book portrays the trajectory – from 1771 to 1791 – of the captain-general, Luís de Albuquerque, who was governor of the Captaincy of Mato Grosso, whose territory included the current states of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondônia. Discovered by the authors at Newberry College Library in Chicago (USA), the young Portuguese soldier gave rise to this detailed research on the region and the historical context of the struggle between Portugal and Spain for the control of Brazilian land in the second half of the 18th century. »» Research began to produce two projects which were winners of the 10th edition of the Odebrecht Historical Research Prize: ”A hinterland among so many others” by the architect, Nathalia Diniz, from Rio Grande do Norte and “Scientific Knowledge of the Portuguese World during the 18th Century” by the historians, Magnus Roberto de Mello Pereira and Ana Lúcia Rocha Barbalho da Cruz, from Paraná. ARGENTINE AUTHOR ALBERTO MANGUEL, AT FRONTIERS OF THINKING SEMINARS 2014 Frontiers of Thinking Other initiatives Seeking to promote debate and analyze current day events from perspectives for the future, Braskem annually sponsors international Frontiers of Thinking seminars, enabling the Brazilian public to come into contact with leading scientists, artists and intellectuals around the world. In 2014, the program’s speakers included the British writer, Salman Rushdie, American philosopher, Michael Sandel, writers Mia Couto from Mozambique and Ricardo Piglia from Argentina, physicists Brian Greene from the United States and Geoffrey West from England, French philosopher, Pascal Bruckner and Norwegian diplomat, Gro Brundtland. Brazil »» Sponsoring the book “The Challenges of Brazilian Sustainable Design” which presents sustainable projects and products created by more than 40 Brazilian professionals from different areas – visual arts, fashion and architecture, among others. »» Publication of the book “Submarines – Defense and Development of Brazil“ on the Brazilian Navy’s Submarine Development Program. »» Braskem’s sponsorship of the sixth edition of the Paulínia Film Festival, showing Brazilian and international films, and including debates and workshops in the town of Paulínia (SP). »» Support for the International Literary Festival in Cachoeira – Flica 2014 (BA). »» Production by Enseada Shipbuilding of a collection of books with stories told in quilombos and the distribution of 7,000 copies in public schools and at quilombo communities. Argentina »» Sponsoring the book “Pure Energy” highlighted in the Mercury Awards, one of the main communication awards around the world, with first place in the Customized Publications category – General Audience - Engineering. Peru »» Launch of the first volume of a collection of art books “Living Route IIRSA North”, with photos and texts displaying the cultural wealth of the cities which skirt the highway. O d e b r e c h t 49 2 0 1 5 BUSINESSES The Odebrecht Group includes several Businesses, Investment Funds and Support Companies. The following pages present specific information about each of them as well as the Odebrecht Foundation, which develops a number of social outreach programs. CONSTRUCTION OF THE CHAGLLA DAM IN PERU, AN IMPORTANT ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL PROJECT IN LATIN AMERICA CONSOLIDATED FIGURES FOR ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION GROSS REVENUE www.odebrecht.com (IN MILLIONS) BRL 33,140 USd 14,081 SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE Ebitda (IN MILLIONS) BRL 3,157 USd 1,341 100% Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção S.A. ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION IS A NON-OPERATING HOLDING COMPANY THAT CONSOLIDATES CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT (ACTIVE IN BRAZIL) AND ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL (ACTIVE IN LATIN AMERICA; THE UNITED STATES; AND AFRICA, THE UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AND PORTUGAL, AS WELL AS SPECIFICALLY IN THE INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING SEGMENT). O d e b r e c h t AWARDS AND RECOGNITION CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT PROVIDES ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES IN BRAZIL THAT BENEFIT THE PUBLIC IN AREAS SUCH AS TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS, ENERGY, SANITATION (WATER & SEWER), URBAN DEVELOPMENT, MINING AND BUILDINGS FOR PUBLIC AND CORPORATE USE. 51 2 0 1 5 “Guaranteeing our Survival, Growth and Perpetuity translates as our ability to deliver our Clients’ dreams on time with quality while always promoting sustainability. To do so, we need to increase productivity and pursue innovation.” »»Most Admired Company in Brazil, for the 10th consecutive year, in the Heavy Construction category, from Carta Capital magazine. »»Best contractor for the 5th consecutive year, from Revista Ferrofiária. »»Ranked among the Best Companies for Communication with Journalists, by Negócios da Comunicação magazine. Benedicto Junior ENTREPRENEURIAL LEADER (CEO) COMPLETED PROJECTS SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 100% Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção S.A. 1 share Odebrecht S.A. HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 Construtora Norberto Odebrecht seeks to promote sustainable development in the regions where it is active. In 2014, it recycled 60% of the solid waste produced at its jobsites, obtained the gold seal for its GHG emissions inventory and supported the implementation of over 50 social outreach programs benefiting 183 communities with over 13,000 members. »» Revitalization of the Barra oceanfront area in Salvador, BA, Brazil »» Petrópolis Group factory, PE, Brazil »» Federal District Administrative Center, Brasilia, DF, Brazil »» Expressway – Atlantic Route, PE, Brazil »» Barra do Furado 2 Logistical and Industrial Complex, RJ, Brazil »» Urban Development near Maracanã Stadium, RJ, Brazil »» Morro da Providência Cable-Car System, RJ, Brazil »» Bairro Novo Terra Nova – Nova Friburgo Housing Units – Phase 2, RJ, Brazil »» Bairro Novo Trio de Ouro – São João de Meriti Housing Units, RJ, Brazil »» Bairro Novo Alemão – Complexo do Alemão Housing Units, RJ, Brazil »» Arco Metropolitano Highway, RJ, Brazil »» Metal Overpasses for Arco Metropolitano, RJ, Brazil »» Maracanã Multimodal Station, RJ, Brazil »» Capivari Water & Sewer Project – Lot 2, SP, Brazil »» Corinthians Arena, SP, Brazil »» Main Hall for Prosub, Shipyard and Naval Base, RJ, Brazil. CONTRACTS AWARDED »» New Joá Elevated Highway, RJ, Brazil »» School Factory, RJ, Brazil »» TransBrasil BRT Corridor, RJ, Brazil »» Guandu Treatment Plant, RJ, Brazil »» Refurbishing and Expansion of Rio de Janeiro International Airport, RJ, Brazil »» Flood Mitigation in North Northwest of Rio de Janeiro State, RJ, Brazil »» Praia Grande Outfall, SP, Brazil »» Itaipaúna Bridge, SP, Brazil »» Line 6 of the São Paulo Metro, SP, Brazil »» Housing Units in São Bernardo do Campo, SP, Brazil »» Erection of Angra III Nuclear Power Plant, RJ, Brazil »» Lauro de Freitas Beltway, BA, Brazil TELES PIRES DAM, A CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT PROJECT ON THE STATE LINE OF PARÁ AND MATO GROSSO, BRAZIL, WILL GENERATE UP TO 1,820 MW O d e b r e c h t AFRICA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES & PORTUGAL 53 2 0 1 5 LATIN AMERICA UNITED STATES INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Engenharia & Construção Internacional ODEBRECHT ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION INTERNATIONAL “We are confident that our teams’ capacity for achievement, allied with the Group’s principles, will be key to growth in Africa, the UAE and Portugal” “Our future in Latin America will be anchored in local Leaders and Members who will identify us more and more with their own values and beliefs and the cultural and ethnic diversity that distinguishes their countries” “Our presence in the United States in the last 25 years has made a positive contribution to the Group and its global image. We will continue building and growing while always practicing sustainable development” “Our priority for 2015 is growing and consolidating our operations outside Brazil. To do so, we will rely on a new generation of entrepreneurs who are adept at cultural adaptation and mobility” Luiz Mameri Euzenando Azevedo Flávio Faria CEO CEO CEO HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 »» Construction of the Laúca Dam, the »» Nine new contracts, including the »» Completion of elevated runway at Fort »» Completion of 60 km of gas pipelines Lobito Refinery and the Cambambe Dam, and the Luanda BRT project (Angola). »» Conclusion of the expansion of the Moatize coal mine and the opening of the Nacala International Airport Terminal (Mozambique). »» Broke ground for the Eastern Corridor Road and signed contracts for the Central Corridor Road and Western Railway Line (Ghana). »» Construction of Abu Dhabi PumpStation (United Arab Emirates0. »» Construction of Baixo Sabor Dam (Portugal). Bocas del Toro Dam (Panama) and gas pipelines: Sur Peruano (Peru) and Los Ramones II Norte (Mexico). »» Completed 12 projects, including the Lima Metro (Peru) and the Port of Mariel (Cuba). »» Continued working on 37 other projects, such as the Punta Catalina Thermal Power Plant (Dominican Republic), the Caracas Metro (Venezuela) and the underground train in Buenos Aires (Argentina). »» 120 social/environmental programs in 517 communities benefiting 106,500 people. Lauderdale International Airport in Florida. »» Finalization of the Wharves Strengthening Program in the Port of Miami, Florida. »» Awarded the contract for the Krome Avenue Expansion project in Miami. »» Projects at Miami International Airport. »» Completion of over 65% of the Grand Parkway in Houston Texas. and compression plant for Cammesa; dismantled the Coke Unit at the La Plata Refinery for YPF (Argentina). »» Conclusion of the Guanare Sugar Complex and contract for Carito Pirital Gas Compression Plant: Phase II for PDVSA Agrícola (Venezuela). Ernesto Baiardi CEO PROVIDES ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES FOR INFRASTRUCTURE AND INDUSTRIAL PROJECTS IN LATIN AMERICA (EXCEPT BRAZIL) IN THE UNITED STATES, AFRICA, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES AND PORTUGAL, SERVING PUBLIC-SECTOR AND PRIVATE-SECTOR CLIENTS. IT CREATES WORK OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE LOCAL COMMUNITIES AND CONTRIBUTES TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF ALL THE REGIONS WHERE IT IS ACTIVE. SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 100% Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção S.A. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION AND ELECTROMECHANICAL INSTALLATION FOR LAÚCA DAM IN ANGOLA CONSTRUCTION OF CHAGLLA DAM IN PERU MODERNIZING THE PORT OF MIAMI, IN THE UNITED STATES AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »»Best Civil Engineering Design for Laúca Dam from FILDA – Feira Internacional de Luanda, in Angola. »»One of the best companies to work for according to the Great Place to Work Institute in Argentina and Mexico. »»Best Company of the Year and Best Company in the Industry, according to Revista Fortuna (Argentina). »»Best engineering and construction company in Colombia, according to The Business Year. »»Awards from ENR (Engineering News-Record) magazine for the Wharves Strengthening Program in the Port of Miami and the Pumping Stations in New Orleans, in the United States. »»Palma de Oro Award from Panama’s National Environmental Agency for GHG emissions inventories. »» Contracts for Sur Peruano Gas Pipeline (Peru) and Punta Catalina Thermal Power Plant (Dominican Republic). CONSTRUCTION OF THE ETHYLENE XXI PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX IN MEXICO O d e b r e c h t ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS www.orealizacoes.com.br GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 2,084 USD 885 Ebitda (in millions) DEVELOPS RESIDENTIAL, CORPORATE, COMMERCIAL AND MIXED-USE VENTURES IN BRAZIL THAT MEET THE NEEDS AND SPECIFICS OF EACH LOCATION AND DIFFERENT AUDIENCES, COMBINING QUALITY AND SUSTAINABILITY. “We face the ongoing challenge of making OR a benchmark for innovation, technology, creativity and efficiency in the service of our Clients’ satisfaction. To achieve that, we rely on Leaders and teams for each project who are committed to developing increasingly sustainable ventures that contribute to urban development” Paul Altit E ntrepreneurial L eader ( C E O ) BRL 349 USD 148 SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 85.5% Odebrecht S.A. 14.5% Gávea Investimentos ILHA PURA, RIO DE JANEIRO – A PLANNED DISTRICT COVERING AN OVER 800,000-M2 AREA 55 2 0 1 5 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 PROJECTS DELIVERED IN 2014 PROJECTS LAUNCHED IN 2014 Reserva do Paiva, Pernambuco, has become one of the most outstanding planned districts in Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with Carvalho Hosken, OR launched Ilha Pura, the first venture to receive the LEED ND green seal in Latin America. »» Terraço Laguna, Reserva do Paiva (PE) »» Hotel Sheraton, Reserva do Paiva »» Novo Mundo Empresarial, Reserva »» Paradiso, Reserva do Paiva »» Aqua Marine, Reserva do Paiva »» Vent, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) »» Ilha Pura, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) »» Gabriele Station, São Paulo (SP) »» Cidade Viva, Santo André (SP) »» Homenagem Jaçanã – Phase 2, do Paiva »» Seletto, Rio de Janeiro (RJ) »» Park One, São Paulo (SP) »» Verde Morumbi, São Paulo (SP) »» Bella Vila Mariana, São Paulo (SP) »» Guaratinguetá Project, Santo André (SP) »» The Blue, Santos (SP) »» Evolution, Alphaville (SP) »» Jardins Mangueiral, São Sebastião (DF) São Paulo (SP) »» RSVP, São Paulo (SP) »» Royal Campinas (Hotel), Campinas (SP) »» LED Corporate, São Paulo (SP) »» Lumine Park 710, Brasília (DF) AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »» “Most Prestigious Companies” from Época Negócios magazine, in the Construction, Development and Location category. »» Prix d’Excellence, from the International Federation of Real Estate Professions (FIABCI) for Villa dos Corais (Reserva do Paiva). »» Ademi Bahia prizes for Hangar Business Park (BA). »» Ademi Rio de Janeiro prizes for the Holiday Inn and Ilha Pura. »» Ademi Pernambuco prize for Terraço Laguna and Novo Mundo Empresarial. »» Real Estate Master prize for Rio Corporate (RJ) and Brisas do Lago (DF). »» Americas Property Awards for Praça São Paulo (SP) and Brisas do Lago (DF). »» Procel Edifica Seal of energy efficiency awarded to Hangar Business Park (BA). O d e b r e c h t HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL »» Water supply and sewage collection www.odebrechtambiental.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 2,828 US$ 1,202 Ebitda (in millions) BRL 722 ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTS IN AND OPERATES PROJECTS IN THREE SEGMENTS: WATER AND SEWAGE, THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS AND PUBLIC WATER AND SEWER CONCESSIONS; UTILITIES – OUTSOURCED UTILITIES PLANTS AND SUPPLYING RECYCLED WATER; AND WASTE – TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND CONSTRUCTION WASTE, AS WELL AS REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED AREAS. FOR THE UTILITIES SEGMENT, ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL HAS A SUB-HOLDING COMPANY, ODEBRECHT UTILITIES. 57 2 0 1 5 “Grooming new generations that become an integral part of the Businesses, consolidating and expanding the practice of TEO to overcome new challenges. The quality of service provided ensures the satisfaction of our Clients and users of our concessions, thereby contributing to the Group’s perpetuity” and treatment for more than 17 million people in 195 municipalities in 12 states from all regions of Brazil. »» Important contribution to the availability of drinking water in the state of São Paulo during the water crisis. Through Aquapolo, guaranteed the supply of industries in the ABC Petrochemical Complex through industrial water reuse. In water and sewage operations in São Paulo, operational efficiency and social mobilization for conscious consumption avoided rationing. »» Awarded water and sewer concessions in Sumaré (SP), Paço do Lumiar and São José do Ribamar (MA), Bom Jesus do Tocantins, Santana do Araguaia, São Domingos do Araguaia and São João do Araguaia (PA), in Brazil, and a water management contract in Benguela (Angola). »» Agreement signed with local companies in Salamanca (Mexico) to develop a water reuse project to supply the Pemex refinery. Fernando Reis E ntrepreneurial L eader ( C E O ) USD 307 ODEBRECHT UTILITIES SUBHOLDING COMPANY SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 70% 82.76% 30% 17.24% Odebrecht S.A. FI-FGTS Odebrecht Environmental Funcef SUMARÉ TREATMENT STATION: ODEBRECHT ENVIRONMENTAL BEGAN OPERATIONS IN SUMARÉ, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »»National Water and Sewer Quality Award (PNQS): Silver Trophy for Mauá Unit; and Bronze trophy for Jaguaribe Unit (BA). »»Third place for Limeira unit in the Water and Sewer Ranking of the Trata Brasil Institute. »»Exame magazine’s Infrastructure Yearly 2014/2015: the Sanitized City project in the Recife Metropolitan Area was voted one of the 15 priority projects for Brazil’s development, according to a study by the KPMG consulting firm. »»Green Seal from the Chico Mendes International institute for Research and Social-Environmental Responsibility for the Cachoeiro de Itapemirim Unit. »»Second Legal Sustainability Prize from the Verde Ghaia consulting firm: 2nd place in the Environment category for the Jeceaba Unit (MG). »»First prize, won by the Aquapolo Unit, in the general category of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and Harvard University Infrastructure 360º Awards. O d e b r e c h t 59 2 0 1 5 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION ODEBRECHT Latinvest www.odebrechtlatinvest.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 2,229 USD 947 ODEBRECHT LATINVEST WAS CREATED IN 2012 TO CONSOLIDATE THE ROAD CONCESSIONS ALREADY AWARDED IN PERU AND COLOMBIA, AS WELL AS IDENTIFYING NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO INVEST IN AND OPERATE TRANSPORTATION AND LOGISTICS SYSTEMS IN LATIN AMERICA (EXCEPT BRAZIL). Ebitda “Odebrecht Latinvest has the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology in its DNA. It is that basis of Principles and Values, together with our capacity for achievement in pursuit of the satisfaction of our Users-Clients, that drives us to pursue increasingly challenging opportunities.” »»Project Finance Deal of the Year award for Rutas de Lima for the complete financing of the project. »»LEED certification from the US Green Building Council: precertification for Rutas de Lima for the Villa Toll Collections Control Center. »»Vias Nuevas de Lima highway was a finalist in the Inter-American Development Bank’s 2014 Infrastructure 360º awards. Jorge Barata (in millions) E x ecutive D irector BRL 352 USD 150 LATINVEST AFFILIATES SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 100% Odebrecht Participações e Investimentos S.A. 1 share Odebrecht S.A. »» Sur Peruano Gas Pipeline – partnership with Enagas of Spain (25%) to build, operate and maintain 1,134 km of pipelines between Cusco and the port of Ilo in southern Peru. »» IIRSA North highway (1,090 km) – the first public-private partnership in road infrastructure in Peru, linking the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and crossing the Andes Mountains and Peruvian Amazon. »» IIRSA South highway (656 km) – maintenance and operation of the South Inter-Oceanic Highway, linking Cusco to Iñapari, on the border with the Brazilian state of Acre. »» Rutas de Lima (115 km) – responsible for upgrading and preserving the Peruvian capital’s three main access routes. »» Ruta del Sol (528 km) – divided highway linking the provinces to the Caribbean coast in Colombia. HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 »» Sur Peruano Gas Pipeline: USD 7.3-billion investment to make redundant the road transportation of oil and natural gas and associated liquids. »» Financing for Rutas de Lima raised entirely in the Peruvian market – the largest bond issue in local currency in Peru. »» Concession of an 86-km section of the Olmos-Lambayeque route, part of IIRSA North, in Peru, with an investment of USD 250 million. SUR PERUANO GAS PIPELINE – 1,134-KM SYSTEM LINKING CUSCO AND THE PORT OF ILO O d e b r e c h t 61 2 0 1 5 ODEBRECHT OIL & GAS www.odebrechtoilgas.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 2,950 USD 1,253 Ebitda DEVELOPS INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS FOR THE UPSTREAM OIL & GAS INDUSTRY IN BRAZIL, ANGOLA, MEXICO AND VENEZUELA IN THE INVESTMENT AND OPERATIONS PHASES (CAPEX AND OPEX). ACTIVE IN THE OFFSHORE DRILLING, SUBSEA CONSTRUCTION, OFFSHORE PRODUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND SERVICES, AND SPECIALIZED WELL SERVICES WITH A FOCUS ON OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE AND ADDED VALUE FOR CLIENTS AND SHAREHOLDERS. (in millions) BRL 1,212 USD 515 “In 2014, we improved our performance indicators, guaranteeing our Clients’ satisfaction. Our operational excellence is the result of a combination of Knowledgeable People, the use of advanced technologies and the constant pursuit of zero accidents, driving us to win over new Clients, provide new Services and Internationalize our operations, prioritizing Mexico and Angola.” Roberto Simões E ntrepreneurial L eader ( C E O ) AWARDS AND RECOGNITION OIL & GAS TEAM OPERATING AN OFFSHORE DRILL RIG SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 81.43% Odebrecht S.A 13.57% Temasek Holding (Atlantic Oilfield) 5% Gávea Investimentos HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 Odebrecht Oil & Gas stood out in 2014 as the Brazilian company with the largest fleet of ultra-deepwater offshore drilling units, ranking seventh in the world. Its entire fleet is comprised of 18 units, including seven offshore drill rigs in operation, five under construction, two FPSOs (Floating Production, Storage and Offloading vessels) in operation, a third under construction, and three PLSVs (Pipe Laying Support Vessels), also in operation. »» Cidade de Itajaí FPSO, Santos Basin, »» ODN Delba III: first rig to drill in the Brazil: uptime (time the unit has been operating or at the Client’s disposal): 99.9%. »» Accumulated oil production: 26.5 MM bbls (Cidade de Itajaí FPSO + North Sea Producer FPSO, in the North Sea). »» Awarded contract for Pioneiro de Libra FPSO, to operate in the Santos Basin, Brazil. »» Began operating three PLSVs. »» Offshore Maintenance and Services: signed UO-RIO II contract and renewed contracts with Statoil and Shell. Pre-Salt oil-for-stock capitalization venture in less than 100 days. »» 51% reportable incidents (down from 5.1 to 2.5). »» Offset 100% of carbon emissions from its operations in partnership with OCT at the Pratigi Environmental Protection Area (Southern Bahia Lowlands, Brazil). PROJECTS UNDERWAY »» Charter and operation of three semisubmersible rigs, four drill ships, two production units and three PLSVs. Construction of drill rigs (Ondina, Boipeba, Pituba, Interlagos, Botina and Pioneiro de Libra FPSO). »» Repairs, installation, modification, maintenance and engineering, management of integrity and inspection of offshore assets for Clients like Shell and Statoil. »»O FPSO Cidade de Itajaí obteve um dos melhores índices de performance em 2014 entre as unidades de produção que operam nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do país. »»Manutenção e Serviços Offshore: recebeu o Reconhecimento pela Melhoria Contínua em Segurança do Cliente Statoil. »»FPSO North Sea Producer: recebeu o Prêmio de Inovação em Segurança da Associação Oil & Gas UK operando para o Cliente ConocoPhillips (Reino Unido). O d e b r e c h t 63 2 0 1 5 Affiliates Urban Mobility »» It moves 1.3 million people daily on Odebrecht Transport www.odebrecht-transport.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 3,368 USD 1,431 Ebitda (in millions) BRL 416 USD 177 Odebrecht TransPort develops, establishes, operates and invests in projects in the sectors of urban mobility, roads, seaports, airports and integrated logistics systems. It makes long-term investments focused on transforming Brazil’s infrastructure. The company helps boost the productivity of Brazilian companies and the nation’s economy. The public service concessions have the chief aim of fulfilling its users’ wishes, offering them new experiences and improving the public’s quality of life. With 20 affiliates by the end of 2014, Odebrecht Transports created, as a subholding, Odebrecht Mobilidade, together with Mitsui & Co. Ltd., from Japan. The company also relies on Odebrecht Rodovias as a subholding. “We are a bridge between the present and the future. As investors and operators of infrastructure companies, we link together two eras: that of the urgent current needs and that of the materialization of the dreams of a developed and just country”. trains (SuperVia-RJ) and subway (Via Quatro Linha 4 – SP). It participates in the construction of Line 6 of the São Paulo subway (Move São Paulo), the Carioca VLT (RJ), and the Goiânia VLT (GO), which will carry 1.1 million passengers daily. It is responsible for the installation of 7.500 bus shelters in the city of São Paulo, through Otima. Highways »» It participates in eight highway concessions for a total of 1.779 km in six states, through which an average 857 thousand equivalent vehicles travel daily. These are: Rota das Bandeiras (SP), Rota do Atlântico (PE), Rota dos Coqueiros (PE), Bahia Norte (BA), Litoral Norte (BA),Rota das Fronteiras (PR), Rota do Oeste (MT) e ViaRio (RJ). It also has a share of ConectCar, a company that operates an electronic system of tolls, parking and fuel. Airport »» Concession holder RIOGaleão is responsible since August 2014 for the expansion, remodeling and operation of Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport, in Rio de Janeiro. Paulo Cesena E x ecutive D irector subholdings Logistics »» It participates in the operation of the container terminal Embraport, in the port of Santos (SP) of Liquiport, a bulk liquid terminal at Vila Velha (ES); and of the Logum ethanol pipeline transportation system. HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 »» Improvement of the railway passenger transportation system in Rio de Janeiro, with 135 new trains in service, increase of 400 thousand new seats daily and a daily record of 680 thousand passengers. »» Western Route (MT): start of work and of operation, with a 30% reduction of fatal accidents. »» Award of the concession of the PR323 Corridor, the Borders Route (PR). »» RIOGaleão: Tom Jobim International Airport: start of management. »» Embraport (SP): one year of operation, with more than 300 ships docked and 570 thousand containers moved. Received ISO 28000 certification of Security in the Logistic Chain, unprecedented in Brazil, and recommendation for ISO 9001 of the Quality Management System. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 59.39% 60% 30% 40% Odebrecht S.A. FI-FGTS Odebrecht TransPort »»Rota das Bandeiras: Quality Award for Services Rendered to Users (Artesp); 3rd best Highway in Brazil (National Transport Confederation). »»SuperVia – Best Passenger Operator (Revista Ferroviária); Best Passenger Information App (Wide magazine). »». Otima – Finalist of Caboré 2015, in the category Media Platform. SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 100% Odebrecht TransPort Mitsui & Co., Ltd. 10.61% BNDESPAR Western Route: recovery, maintenance and improvements in 850 km of BR-163, the main channel for the outflow of the production of grains from the Brazilian Center-West O d e b r e c h t 65 2 0 1 5 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 »» The construction of the project Braskem www.braskem.com.br GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 53,082 USD 22,554 Ebitda (in millions) Braskem is the leading thermoplastic resin producer in the Americas (polyethylene, polypropylene and PVC) and the largest polypropylene producer in the United States. A Company with over 8,000 Members, it owns 36 industrial units: 29 in Brazil, five in the United States and two in Germany, with a total installed capacity of over 16 million metric tons of basic petrochemicals and thermoplastic resins per year. “Our history is made of a sequence of overcome challenges. As in other important stages, I am convinced that we shall be better, stronger and better prepared to keep surviving, growing and perpetuating our principles and our successful performance in petrochemicals”. Carlos Fadigas E ntrepreneurial L eader ( C E O ) BRL 5,620 USD 2,388 Total Equity 38.32% Odebrecht 36.08% Petrobras 25.60% Outros Voting stock 50.11% Odebrecht 47.03% Petrobras 2.86% Other AT THE TRIUNFO PETROCHEMICAL COMPLEX (RS), SCIENTISTS AND TECHNICIANS ENSURE ADVANCES IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT OF SYNTHETIC POLYMERS FOR MORE EFFICIENT PLASTICS in Mexico in partnership with the Mexican group Idesa reached 88% of physical progress at the end of 2014. »» Complementing its portfolio of UTEC (Utra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene) in Brazil, Braskem announced investment in a plant to produce this 100% Brazilian resin in the United States. »» Conclusion of expansion and conversion of one of the producing lines of polyethylene in Bahia, for the production of PEBDL metallocene base. »» Net consolidated revenue reached R$46 billion – an increase of 12% in comparison with 2013. »» EBIITDA rose 17% in relation to 2013. The recovery of petrochemical spreads in the international market, the 9% depreciation of the Real and a gain of R$277 million on the sale of a non-strategic asset stand out. »» The company reached a net profit of R$276 million. »» The leverage measured in dollars through the relation net debt/EBITDA was of 2.58 times, a reduction of 10% relative to the previous year. Exports »» Net revenue of Brazilian operations with the export to more than 40 countries of thermoplastic resins and basic petrochemicals totaled US$ 5.1 billion. »» Net revenue, considering assets abroad, was US$ 8.5 billion. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »»One of the 50 most innovative companies in the world, according to the American Fast Company magazine. »»Transparency Award from the National Association of Finance, Administration and Accounting Executives (Anefac), for the 6th time. »»Included for the tenth consecutive year in the Entrepreneurial Sustainability Index (ISE) of BM&F Bovespa. »»One of the ten best Brazilian companies in leadership formation, by the Hay Group consultants in business management. O d e b r e c h t 67 2 0 1 5 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 ODEBRECHT Agroindustrial www.odebrechtagroindustrial.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 3,328 USD 1,414 Ebitda* (in millions) BRL 1,594 USD 677 Odebrecht Agroindustrial consolidates the production of ethanol, sugar and power, seeking to create value for all stakeholders in the business. Its strategy is based on competitiveness, sustainability and focus on people. The company guarantees the generation of clean, renewable energy, preserves the environment, contributes to the development of its local communities, and offers the best working environment for its members. Located in four Brazilian states (São Paulo, Goiás, Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso), its nine Agroindustrial Units foster local economic and social development. “Odebrecht Agroindustrial was created with the strategic vision that renewable fuel is a promising business for Brazil. Given the Odebrecht Group’s confidence in us, we have focused our work on productivity to reap better results from each harvest.” Luiz de Mendonça E ntrepreneurial L eader ( C E O ) *Includes capital gains from the sale of energy assets to Odebrecht Energia Renovável and of revenues for the farming mark to market. The amount refers to the period January-December 2014 and not to the crop year. SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 99.99% Odebrecht Agroindustrial Investimentos 0.01% Other GOIÁS POLE (RIO CLARO UNIT, BRAZIL) – PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPETITIVENESS IN THE FIELD OF ENERGY FROM SUGAR In a challenging year for the sector of energy from sugar, Odebrecht Agroindustrial improved its operation thanks to a financial contribution by the Odebrecht Group and took the leadership of Bahiamido, a manufacturer of manioc starches grown and supplied by local farmers organized in cooperatives. »» Capitalization: contribution of R$836 million by Odebrecht Group for capital increase and subscription of private debentures for a total of R$2 billion. »» Productivity and competitiveness: the milling of the 2014/2015 crop reached a record 24 million tons. »» New business: structuring Odebrecht Terras. »» Star of production at Biocom, first company in Angola to produce and commercialize sugar, ethanol and electric power from biomass. »» Establishment of sugar cane straw packing at the Costa Rica Unit (MS) with the aim of expanding the availability of straw as fuel for the boilers, thus maximizing power efficiency and the offer of clean energy. Exports »» Sugar – 517.5 thousand tons (US$ 187.8 million) exported to 24 countries. »» Ethanol – 33,3 m3 (US$18.8 million) exported to a single country, Korea. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »»Children’s Friendly Company Seal – awarded by the Abrinq Foundation due to practices related to rejection of child labor in the premises of the Organization and/or the employment of young people in night shifts. »»500 best Agrobusiness Companies – elected best company in the sector of Sugar and Biofuels for the award offered by Dinheiro Rural magazine. »»Exame Sustainability Guide – one of the three featured companies in the Agrobusiness category. O d e b r e c h t 69 2 0 1 5 HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 Enseada SHIPBUILDING www.enseada.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 2,966 USD 1,260 Ebitda Enseada Shipbuilding builds and consolidates offshore platforms, FPSOs and drill rigs, representing a BRL 3.2-billion investment. Located in Maragojipe, Bahia, the Enseada Shipyard, the company’s headquarters is considered one of the largest in Brazil. “2014 was a challenging year and brought the Partial Operation License, the authorization that the company needed to fulfill its contracts ensuring the development of technologies for the country. We are establishing a state of the art shipyard in world shipbuilding”. Among important achievements, Enseada secured in October the Partial Operation License issued by Ibama. This permitted the start of construction of the first stages of the Ondina and Pituba vessels. The conclusion of the three wharves made possible the docking of ships carrying the equipment for the beginning of the industrial stage of the undertaking and of the super crane Goliath, 150 meters tall. Establishment of Paraguaçu shipyard »» 81.5% of the work concluded. »» R$ 2.6 billion in already incurred costs. »» Final stage of conclusion of Wharves 1, 2 and 3. »» Securing of the Operation License. Project Sondas (Bahia) »» 54% of physical progress for the first Probe (Ondina). »» Construction of the hulls of Ondina and Pituba Probes. Project FPSOs Conversion (Rio de Janeiro) »» 83% of the Project concluded. Fernando Barbosa E x ecutive D irector Support Units »» More than 2 thousand people qualified in professional courses in the Recôncavo Baiano. »» Signature of the concession contract for the construction and operation of the Private Use Terminal (TUP). »» Establishment of clean financing structures, without the need for endorsement and guarantees from shareholders. »» Optimization of the Corporate Structure, with a reduction of 16% in expenses in relation to the PA. »» More than 2 thousand patients received at health fairs. »» Replanting of 40 hectares of riparian vegetation in the Area of Direct Influence. (in millions) BRL 88 USD 37 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »»4th Naval Quality and Sustainability Award, promoted by Sinaval (Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Construção e Reparação Naval e Offshore), through the Verde Novo Program. »»National Award of the Council of Public Relations Professionals (POP), with the Navegando Juntos blog. »»Two national and four regional presentations of the Aberje Award (Associação Brasileira de Comunicação Empresarial) for communications activities carried out with communities. SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 70% Enseada Indústria Naval Participações 50% Odebrecht 25% OAS 25% UTC 30% Kawasaki Heavy Industries The Enseada shipyard, one of the largest undertakings of private initiative in Bahia and in Brazilian shipbuilding industry, is 80% concluded O d e b r e c h t 71 2 0 1 5 Odebrecht DEFENSE & TECHNOLOGY www.odebrechtdefesa.com GROSS REVENUE (in millions) BRL 109 USD 46 ODT provides innovative solutions that contribute to Brazil’s technological independence and help meet the Brazilian Armed Forces’ challenge of guaranteeing national sovereignty. The company’s operations focus on the design, development, assimilation, consolidation, management and application of state-of-the-art technologies for the execution of priority defense projects for Brazil. “The year 2015 will be extremely challenging for Odebrechjt Defense & Technology. Nevertheless, I am confident that we will surmount the challenges we face and, together with the Odebrecht Group’s other Businesses, consolidate the foundations for a new cycle of strong growth.” André Amaro E x ecutive D irector SHAREHOLDING STRUCTURE 100% Odebrecht S.A. 1 share Belgrávia Serviços e Participações S.A. Affiliates »» Itaguaí Construções Navais (ICN): for the construction of conventional and nuclear propulsion submarines of the National Program for the Development of Submarines (PROSUB) of the Brazilian Navy. »» Consortium Baia de Sepetiba (CBS): »» Signature of the Memorandum of responsible for planning, coordination, management and administration of the interfaces of PROSUB. »» Mectron: devoted to the development and manufacturing of complex products and systems for military and civilian use, such as missiles, radar, avionics, command, control, communication and intelligence. Understanding with the Swedish company Saab for the participation of the FX-2 Program ( fighter airplanes for FAB). »» Supply of equipment for the satellite CEBRS-4, launched successfully in 2014. »» Finalization of equipment for the Program VLS-40 (Launching Vehicle) and SARA (Sub-orbital Atmospheric Reentry Satellite). »» Successful carrying out of the campaign for the launching of Missile MAA-1 at Canoas. »» Signature of the new contract for Missile MSS 1.2 with the Brazilian Army. »» Successful carrying out of tests for integration of Radar SCP-01 to the AMX aircraft modernized for FAB. »» Gross revenue of R$176million and EBITDA of R$76 million at ICN*. HIGHLIGHTS IN 2014 Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia moved forward in absorption of technology and in the construction by ICN of the PROSUB submarines and developed the Data Link for the Brazilian Air Force and software defined radio for the Brazilian Army. It also formalized contracts with the Brazilian Navy for the development of the IPMS management system for submarines and the National Heavy Torpedo at a reduced scale. AWARDS AND RECOGNITION »»Certification of Odebrecht Defesa e Tecnologia as Strategic Defense Company by the Ministry of Defense of Brazil. »»Mectron Award as Outstanding Company in Export of Services, in the category “Export of Engineering Services”, given by the Foreign Trade Association of Brazil (AEB) in partnership with the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce (MDIC). *Due to the accounting rules used, the consolidation of the financial information of ICN is done through patrimonial equivalence (CPC 19). Metal Structures Manufacturing Unit at Itaguaí, Rio de Janeiro: Odebrecht participates in the program of construction of five new submarines for the Brazilian Navy, including the first one in the country with nuclear propulsion O d e b r e c h t 73 2 0 1 5 Odebrecht Africa Fund Affiliates Develops and entrepreneurs strategic investments that reaffirm Odebrecht’s commitment as a long-term investor in Africa and create crosscutting business opportunities within the Group. present throughout Angola. »» Belas Shopping, Luanda’s mall. »» Sociedade Mineira de Catoca mining company (Angola). »» Concession for Block 16 in Angola’s oil-producing basin. »» NossoSuper supermarket chain, Highlights in 2014 »» Expansion of the NossoSuper supermarket chain, which will grow its total sales outlets by 70% based on the first project financing ever structured in the Angolan market. SANTO ANTÔNIO HYDROPOWER PLANT, UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN MADEIRA RIVER, RONDÔNIA STATE: 3.586 MW FOR DISTRIBUTION THROUGHOUT BRAZIL Investments Fundo Odebrecht Brasil Makes investments in the Brazilian energy sector. Energy assets in Brazil »» Senandes Corridor Wind Power Complex, RS – 108 MW from four wind parks. »» Odebrecht Renewable Energy – 738 MW from nine thermal power plants. Investments »» Santo Antônio Hydropower Plant, Rondônia state – 3,568 MW. »» Teles Pires Hydropower Plant, Mato Grosso/Pará states – 1,820 MW. Highlights Senandes Corridor Wind Power Complex »» Completed Assembly of Aerofoil- »» Began test operations of the Wind Complex. Odebrecht Renewable Energy »» Completed purchase of Odebrecht Agroindustrial’s electricity cogeneration assets, with the transfer of ANEEL grants. »» Implemented energy sales strategy (capturing BRL 96 million in gains). »» Enabling the purchase of 265 metric tons of additional biomass to increase power generation, together with Odebrecht Agroindustrial. Powered Generators for Wind Turbine Complex. »» Operating License Issued for Wind Turbine Complex and its transmission line. NOSSOSUPER SUPERMARKET CHAIN , IN ANGOLA, WILL GROW ITS TOTAL SALES OUTLETS BY 70% O d e b r e c h t 75 2 0 1 5 SUPPORT COMPANIES Odebrecht Serviços de Exportação Odebrecht is one of Brazil’s leading exporters of goods and services, with participation in large international projects. Odebrecht Serviços de Exportação is the company that helps Odebrecht Group Businesses meet the challenges of importing and exporting goods and services, global sourcing, and expatriating Members. Odebrecht Latin Fund Manages investments in the infrastructure sectors in Latin America and consolidates investments that leverage the Group’s engineering & construction projects. Its portfolio is focused on the energy and irrigation segments. ODEBRECHT EXPORTS GENERATED OVER USD 1 MILLION IN FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR BRAZIL Main Assets »» Trasvase Olmos Concession (Peru): 20-year concession for construction and operation of a dam and a 20-km tunnel through the Andes to convey water for irrigation projects and hydroelectric plants. »» H2Olmos Concession Company (Peru): 25-year concession to build and operate the infrastructure used to irrigate 43,500 hectares. »» Chavimochic III Concession Company (Peru): Building water supply infrastructure. »» Navelena Concession Company (Colombia): A project to restore the navigability of the Magdalena River. »» Chaglla Hydropower Complex (Peru): two 225-MW generator units, a 6-MW small hydroelectric plant and a 127-km transmission line. »» Bocas del Toro Hydropower Complex (Panama): a 224 MW unit and a 18-km transmission line. »» Belo Horizonte Hydropower Complex (Peru): a 240 MW unit and a 20-km transmission line. »» Chadin II Hydropower Complex (Peru): installed capacity of 600 MW and a 110-km transmission line. Odebrecht Engineering & Construction companies exports Generated USD 1,059 million in foreign exchange for Brazil through exports of goods and services 211,837 work opportunities 2,783 Brazilian companies that supply goods and services to projects in other countries created directly and indirectly in Brazil OLMOS PROJECT: WATER TRANSPORTATION, IRRIGATION AND ENERGY GENERATION IN PERU Value of goods exported: Highlights in 2014 »» Trasvase Olmos Concession Company (Peru): Began ongoing operations to divert, consolidate and transport water from the Huancabamba River. »» H2Olmos Concession Company: Completed water testing and construction of irrigation infrastructure. »» Chaglla Hydropower Complex (Peru): Construction of the project reached the 90% mark. »» Chavimochic III Concession Company (Peru): Began preliminary works. USD 325 million 48,405 items exported Goods: 510 small firms 766 large firms Services: 1,356 small firms 2,212 expatriates 151 large firms O d e b r e c h t 77 2 0 1 5 Odebrecht Previdência Helps Members plan and lead their lives so they can build up assets they can enjoy during the post-career phase of their lives. It does so by managing supplementary pension plans for Brazilian Members and for non-Brazilian expatriates. It also facilitates plans for local Members in each of the countries where the Group is active. Odebrecht Previdência Indicators Accumulated return in 2014 (per Investment Profile): Number of Participants: Short-term 9.77% Profile for 2020 9.23% 153 Profile for 2025 8.65% Total assets managed: Profile for 2030 8.34% 20,641 Number of pensioners: BRL 1.979 billion USD 745 million Odebrecht Comercializadora de Energia captures synergies with economies of scale for Odebrecht Group Odebrecht Comercializadora de Energia Provides support for Odebrecht Group companies in buying and selling electric energy required and produced by its shareholders, as well as related services, such as market intelligence and regulation and risk management in the electric energy sector in Brazil and other markets. Its mission is to create a unique platform and capture synergies with economies of scale and increased visibility in the energy market, as well as to consolidate institutional representation. Its shareholders, each with equal stakes, are Odebrecht Energy, Odebrecht TransPort, Odebrecht Environmental, Odebrecht Agroindustrial and Braskem. Main Indicators for 2014 19 Generator units 26 Free consumption units Installed generating capacity: 1,762 MW Charge: 626 MW average or 5,484 GW Total value of generation and charge contracts managed by Odebrecht Comercializadora de Energia: BRL 1 billion. YOUNG PARTICIPANTS OF ODEPRECHT PREVIDÊNCIA PLAN: FROM LEFT, RAQUEL PEREIRA (CONSTRUTORA NORBERTO ODEBRECHT). DANIEL NETTO (ODEBRECHT REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENTS) AND FLAVIA RIBEIRO (BRASKEM) O d e b r e c h t 79 2 0 1 5 Odebrecht Corretora de Seguros Odebrecht Engenharia de Projetos Helps Odebrecht Group companies identify and mitigate risks. Develops innovative risk transfer solutions and Brazilian and international insurance and reinsurance coverage. Active in all Odebrecht Group businesses, developing intelligent and innovative Project Engineering solutions. Surety Bonds »» Detailed engineering services for the Highlights in 2014 Mauá Unit Wastewater Treatment System, for Braskem. »» Evaluation of the basic design and help with developing the proposed The surety bonds program works with over 60 partners, including local and multinational insurance and reinsurance companies, and multilateral and export credit agencies. In 2014, the value of Group’s lines of surety bonds grew by nearly USD 1.8 billion. During that period, it issued over 2,000 new surety bonds representing almost USD 2.5 billion in utilized capacity. budget for the Sonaref Project, for Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International – Industrial Engineering and Construction. »» Detailed engineering services for the Pascuales-Cuenca Multipurpose Pipeline’s Storage Terminals and Pumping Stations, for Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International – Latin America. »» Quality control for the STEP (Strategic Tunnel Enhancement Program) project, for Odebrecht Engineering & Construction International – Africa, United Arab Emirates and Portugal. »» Quality Control for the Rio Manso System project, for Construtora Norberto Odebrecht. »» Detailed engineering services and support the proposed budget for the SisGAAz Project (Blue Amazon Management System), for Odebrecht Defense & Technology. Insurance and Bond Indicators Total Insurance Coverage (at December 31, 2014): USD 100.5 billion E&C: USD 41.8 billion Other Businesses*: USD 13.7 billion Assets**: USD 45 billion Total Bond Coverage (at December 31, 2014): USD14.3 billion E&C: USD 12.5 billion Other Businesses*: USD 1.4 billion Assets**: USD 370.3 million PORTO DE CALLAO, PERU: ODEBRECHT CORRETORA DE SEGUROS SUPPORTS ALL PROJECTS OF ODEBRECHT GROUP COMPANIES Life and Health Indicators Members covered by life, health and tenant guarantee insurance: Odebrecht Corretora de Seguros is responsible for managing all Life and Health policies for the Odebrecht Group’s Members, as well as tenant guarantee insurance Health Insurance 241,074 Dental Insurance 129,649 Life Insurance (Group and Optional) 190,870 Tenant Guarantee Insurance *Other Businesses: Enseada Shypbuilding, Odebrecht Defense & Technology, Odebrecht Environmental, Odebrecth TransPort, ** Assets: Odebrecht Agroindustrial, Odebrecht Oil & Gas, Braskem 389 SONAREF REFINERY, UNDER CONSTRUCTION IN ANGOLA, FOR PROCESSING UP TO 200,000 BARRELS OF OIL PER DAY O d e b r e c h t Social Action 81 2 0 1 5 “As the Odebrecht Foundation marks its 50th anniversary, this is the time to evaluate the results achieved and renew our commitment to the present and future of young people and their families. We will carry on building a history of effective social change.” ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION www.fundacaoodebrecht.org.br The Odebrecht Foundation is one of the oldest corporate foundations in Brazil. As it celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2015, it continues to play the role of coordinating specific technologies and consolidating the results of programs that are helping strengthen a community that plays a leading role in and takes responsibility for its own sustainable development. Its mission is “Education for Life through Work on the basis of Values and overcoming Limits.” It is currently coordinating three initiatives: »» Development and Integrated Growth Program with Sustainability for the Southern Bahia Lowlands Environmental Protection Areas Mosaic (PDCIS): fostering the productive development of rural families while bolstering four types of capital human, productive, social and environmental. »» Tribute to the Future: enables Odebrecht Members and Partners to contribute to the education of children and adolescents through donations and/or assignment of income task owed. »» Publishing Program: publication and sale of books on the Odebrecht Entrepreneurial Technology (TEO). Eduardo Odebrecht de Queiroz V ice C hairman of the B oard of T rustees of the O debrecht F oundation Highlights in 2014 »» The Odebrecht Group invested about BRL 40 million in PDCIS projects involving over 350 communities, benefiting 36,000 people directly and 285,000 indirectly. »» About 800 young people graduated or were enrolled in Family Houses and over 650 farm families benefited. »» Over 50 Partners and Social Investors mobilized to support over 15 social institutions. »» Over 10,000 investors took part in the 2014 Tribute to the Future campaign, raising approximately BRL 6 million. »» Agreement signed with the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB) through the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) and the Land Conservation JOVAN DO NASCIMENTO, A RESIDENT OF THE JULIANA COMMUNITY IN THE SOUTHERN BAHIA LOWLANDS, BRAZIL, BENEFITS FROM AN INSTITUTION BACKED BY THE ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Organization (OCT) to invest USD 1 million from the IDB/MIF and USD 1 million from the OCT in projects aimed at increasing farm production and using sustainable practices. The Mitsubishi Corporation was a cofinancier, providing funding of roughly USD 600,000. »» Selected by the Criança Esperança (Child Hope) Program – organized by the Globo Network and UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) – the Presidente Tancredo Neves Family House (CFR-PTN) obtained funding of about BRL 160,000. Awards and Recognition »»Awarded the National and Latin American Prize for Excellence in Education in recognition of the educational programs backed by the Odebrecht Foundation in the Mosaic of Environmental Protection Areas in the Southern Bahia Lowlands. »»Grown by members of the Heartsof-Palm Producers’ Association of the Southern Bahia Lowlands (Coopalm), backed by the Odebrecht Foundation, Cultiverde hearts-of-palm was awarded the Superior Taste Awards seal by the International Taste and Quality Institute (iTQi), a global benchmark in the evaluation and promotion of food and beverages, with judges from 15 countries. O d e b r e c h t 2 0 1 5 Executives of the Odebrecht Group (July 2015) Odebrecht S.A. Odebrecht Engenharia & Construção S.A. Origins and Roots of the Odebrecht Group BOARD OF DIRECTORS Emílio Odebrecht Newton de Souza, Chairman Claudio Melo Filho Daniel Villar Marcela Drehmer Maurício Ferro Mônica Odebrecht Paulo Lacerda Founder of the Odebrecht Group (1st generation) Norberto Odebrecht Board of Directors of Odebrecht S.A. (2nd generation) Emílio A. Odebrecht, Chairman Gilberto Sá Luiz Almeida Luiz Villar Newton de Souza Pedro Mariani Pedro Novis Renato Baiardi Rubens Ricupero Sergio Foguel Executive Directors of Odebrecht S.A. (3rd generation) Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, President and CEO Newton de Souza, Vice President (acting President and CEO) Cláudio Melo Filho Daniel Villar José de Freitas Mascarenhas Marcela Drehmer Paulo Lacerda Bruno Lima and Davlin Santos, Brazilian Members of Odebrecht Transport SENIOR OFFICERS Adriano Chaves Jucá Rolim Antonio Marco Campos Rabello Benedicto Barbosa da Silva Júnior Carlos Hermanny Filho Eduardo Gedeon Oliveira Jayme Gomes da Fonseca Junior Luiz Antonio Mameri O d e b r e c h t ODEBRECHT REALIZAÇÕES IMOBILIÁRIAS E PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. ODEBRECHT AMBIENTAL PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. 2 0 1 5 ODEBRECHT LATINVEST S.A. ODEBRECHT ÓLEO E GÁS S.A. ODEBRECHT TRANSPORT S.A. BRASKEM S.A. Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Odebrecht Representatives Odebrecht Representatives Odebrecht Representatives Odebrecht Representatives Luiz Mameri, Chairman Carlos Alexandre Almeida (alternate) Roberto Ramos, Vice Chairman Paulo Lacerda de Melo (alternate) Daniel Villar Sérgio Leão (alternate) Eduardo Oliveira Gedeon Lilian Porto Bruno (alternate) Jayme Fonseca Rodrigo Nazareth Menck (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Maurício Ferro Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) Paulo Cesena Adriano Maia (alternate) Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, Chairman Cláudio Melo Filho (alternate) Newton de Souza, Vice Chairman Marta Pacheco (alternate) Maurício Ferro Fernando Luiz Ayres da Cunha Santos Reis Benedicto Junior, Chairman Carlos Hermanny Filho (alternate) Maurício Ferro, Vice Chairman Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) Adriano Jucá Luciano Cruz (alternate) Daniel Villar Roberto Ramos (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Jorge Barata Paulo Lacerda (alternate) Minority Shareholders’ Representatives Newton de Souza, Chairman Roberto Ramos (alternate) Alfredo Tellechea Luiz de Mendonça (alternate) Álvaro Cunha Paulo Lacerda de Melo (alternate) Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht Daniel Villar (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Maurício Ferro Luciano Dequech (alternate) Roberto Zurli Machado, representing ODB/BNDES José de Freitas Mascarenhas (alternate) FI - FGTS: 03 members BNDESPAR: 01 members Minority Shareholders’ Representatives Temasek: 02 members GIF – Gávea: 01 member Executive Director Petrobras (*): 04 members Paulo Cesena (*) Post of Vice Chairman appointed by Petrobras Senior Officers Roberto Lopes Pontes Simões Guilherme Pacheco de Brito Heitor Luiz Gioppo Herculano de Almeida Horta Barbosa Jorge Luiz Uchoa Mitidieri José Claudio Breviglieri Grossi Rogério Luis Murat Ibrahim Roberto Prisco Paraíso Ramos Senior Officers Paulo Henyan Yue Cesena – President and CEO Adriano Sá de Seixas Maia Marcelo Felberg Juliana Sá Vieira Baiardi Sinay Neves Michael Machado Senior Officers Carlos José Fadigas de Souza Filho – President Board of Directors Board of Directors Odebrecht Representatives Odebrecht Representatives Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, Chairman Newton de Souza (alternate) Maurício Ferro, Vice Chairman Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) Daniel Villar Carla Barretto (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Paulo Lacerda de Melo Sérgio Leão (alternate) Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, Chairman Cláudio Melo Filho (alternate) Newton de Souza, Vice Chairman Paulo Lacerda de Melo (alternate) Maurício Ferro Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) Daniel Villar Sergio Leão (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Minority Shareholders’ Representatives Minority Shareholders’ Representatives FI - FGTS: 02 members GIF – Gavea: 02 members Senior Officers Paul Elie Altit Ciro Barbosa de Pereira Cardoso Marcelo Britto Sinay Neves Rodrigo José de Pontes Seabra Monteiro Salles Sergio Kertesz Senior Officers Fernando Luiz Ayres da Cunha Santos Reis – (alternate) Daniel Villar Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Paulo Lacerda de Melo Sérgio Leão (alternate) Roberto Ramos Ernesto Baiardi (alternate) Minority Shareholders’ Representatives President and CEO Executive Director Maurício Dantas Bezerra Ticiana Vaz Sampaio Marianetti Emyr Diniz Costa Junior Enio Augusto Pereira e Silva Jorge Barata Senior Officers Jorge Barata Nelson Bulhões Diana Ortiz Javier de Souza Mario Costa Luis Arditi Fernando Ocampo and CEO Mario Augusto da Silva – Investor Relations Director Marcelo Arantes de Carvalho Gustavo Sampaio Valverde Luciano Nitrini Guidolin Marcelo de Oliveira Cerqueira O d e b r e c h t ODEBRECHT AGROINDUSTRIAL S.A. ENSEADA INDÚSTRIA NAVAL S.A. Board of Directors Board of Directors Odebrecht Representatives Odebrecht Representatives Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, Chairman Cláudio Melo Filho (alternate) Newton de Souza, Vice Chairman Otávio Franca (alternate) Carlos Fadigas Luciano Guidolin (alternate) Daniel Villar Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Maurício Ferro Gustavo Valverde (alternate) Paulo Lacerda de Melo Ricardo Simões (alternate) Roberto Ramos Felipe Jens (alternate) Roberto Ramos, Chairman Marta Pacheco (alternate) Cláudio Melo Filho Roberto Simões (alternate) Daniel Villar Paulo Lacerda de Melo (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Maurício Ferro Mônica Odebrecht (alternate) ODEBRECHT DEFESA E TECNOLOGIA S.A. SUPPORT COMPANIES AND ENTITIES ODEBRECHT CORRETORA DE SEGUROS LTDA. Board of Directors ODEBRECHT COMERCIALIZADORA DE ENERGIA S.A. General Director Board of Directors Officers Responsible for Risk Enseada Indústria Naval is a subsidiary of the Enseada Participações S.A. Senior Officers Luiz de Mendonça – President and CEO Alexandre Perazzo de Almeida Luciano Dequech Celso Luiz Tavares Ferreira 2 0 1 5 holding company Board of Directors Odebrecht Representatives Roberto Ramos, Chairman Claudio Melo Filho (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Daniel Villar (alternate) Maurício Ferro Marta Pacheco (alternate) Roberto Ramos, Chairman Claudio Mello Filho (alternate) Daniel Villar Paulo Lacerda de Melo (alternate) Marcela Drehmer Mauro Motta Figueira (alternate) Mônica Odebrecht Marta Pacheco (alternate) Diretor Executivo Minority Shareholders’ Representatives Minority Shareholders’ Representatives Kawasaki: 03 members OAS: 01 member UTC: 01 member OAS: 01 member UTC: 01 member Executive Director Senior Officers Fernando Sampaio Barbosa – President and CEO Guilherme Guaragna – Operations Director Hitoshi Kudo – Technology Director Ricardo Ricardi – Financial Director Marcela Drehmer Odebrecht Representatives Fernando Barbosa Senior Officers Fausto Antônio de Aquino Pedro Ribeiro de Abreu André Amaro da Silveira Senior Officers André Amaro da Silveira – Diretor-Presidente André Luiz Paraná Ferreira Diego Luís Pugliesso Assessment and Insurance Coverage Odebrecht Representatives Kátia Luz – Responsible for Risk Assessment and Paulo Lacerda de Melo, Chairman Marcela Drehmer (alternate) Ailton Reis Adriano Jucá (alternate) Emyr Costa Maurício Bezerra (alternate) Gustavo Dantas Guerra João Gouveia Ferrão Neto (alternate) Jayme Fonseca Eduardo Gedeon (alternate) Marcelo Mancini Luciano Dequech (alternate) Marcelo Cerqueira Gustavo Checcucci (alternate) Rogério Bautista Felipe Jens (alternate) Insurance Coverage for Shipbuilding and Offshore, Defense Senior Officers Ricardo de Maya Gomes Simões Ana Carla Gomes Petti Queiroga Antonio Marco Campos Rabello and Technology, Environmental Engineering, Engineering & Construction, Investments Latin America, Properties, Real Estate Developments, Transport and Logistics. Luis Barretto – Responsible for Risk Assessment and Insurance Coverage for Ethanol & Sugar, Oil & Gas, Chemicals & Petrochemicals, as well as the Surety Bond program. O d e b r e c h t ODEBRECHT PREVIDÊNCIA ODEBRECHT ENGENHARIA DE PROJETOS LTDA. Governing Board Senior Officer Representatives Appointed Flávio Faria by Sponsor Companies Daniel Villar, Chairman Edson Lemos, Representing E&C Mario Augusto da Silva, Representing Braskem ODEBRECHT SERVIÇOS DE EXPORTAÇÃO S.A. Senior Officer Senior Officer Sergio Brinckmann Luiz Mameri The Senior Officer Responsible for the Odebrecht Previdência reports directly to the Senior Officer Responsible for Support for Entrepreneurship of People, Organization and Communication, Daniel Vilar ODEBRECHT FOUNDATION Board of Trustees of the Odebrecht Foundation Emílio A. Odebrecht, Chairman Eduardo Queiroz, Vice Chairman Geraldo Dannemann Gilberto Sá Luiz Almeida Luiz Villar Newton de Souza Pedro Novis Pedro Mariani Renato Baiardi Rubens Ricupero Sergio Foguel 2 0 1 5
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