May - June 2009 - Charles Darwin University


May - June 2009 - Charles Darwin University
Charles Darwin University
Graduation Program
May - June 2009
May – June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan, AO, presiding
Graduation Courtyard
Thursday 21 May 2009
Friday 22 May 2009
Convention Centre, Alice Springs
Friday 12 June 2009
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
A Message from the Chancellor
As Chancellor of Charles Darwin University it is an honour and a privilege to congratulate
the graduands of 2009.
Based on 50 years of education tradition, Charles Darwin University was formed through
the merger of the Northern Territory University, Centralian College, the Northern Territory
Rural College and the Menzies School of Health Research. This state of the art institution
has grown into a place of learning for an increasing number of Territorians and people from
across our nation and the world.
Charles Darwin University offers a fresh approach to education, with a wide range of study
options, excellent standards of teaching and an engaging learning environment. This is a
university that aims to inspire its students to acquire the skills and knowledge to change
their world for their own good and the good of the community.
As well as being a celebration of knowledge, graduation ceremonies allow students to
share their pride and satisfaction in achieving their goals with their family, friends, and the
University staff who have supported and encouraged them throughout their studies.
Graduation should not be a farewell to Charles Darwin University. We look forward to
welcoming back graduates as members of the Alumni or through continuing formal studies
and to the many symposia, lectures, concerts and events held at the University each year.
Congratulations again to the graduates of 2009. We have no doubt we will be hearing of
your achievements in your work and the community in the future.
Richard Ryan, AO
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
A Message from the Vice-Chancellor
This is a very important evening in your lives as you graduate from Charles Darwin University.
Each of you will have grown in knowledge and understanding during your time as students
at the University and each of you, by making the most of your university experiences will
make a difference not only to your own future and that of your families but importantly to
the Northern Territory and the global community in which you live and work.
You are part of a dynamic and rapidly changing world particularly in the generation of new
knowledge and new approaches to solving complex globally relevant problems – ongoing
change is quite simply part of life. Change also provides opportunities and challenges that I
hope you will embrace and as a result make a real contribution to the adaptive and evolving
society that we live in. Remember Charles Darwin, the namesake of our University once said,
“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, not the most intelligent, but the one most
responsive to change.”
We live in an age where the amount of information on any subject is growing at an everincreasing rate and technology is rapidly changing the way we live, work and enjoy ourselves.
To respond to this changing environment, and to be a successful contributor to it, you must
continue to learn and to strive to apply what you have learned to the challenges you face. I
hope your time at Charles Darwin University has given you a love of life long learning and
that you will be open to new ideas, and to doing things differently and for the better in the
years ahead.
As graduates of Charles Darwin University, you are joining the alumni of a university that sees
its role as providing vibrant learning, life-changing experiences and graduating individuals
with the ability to be excellent thinkers, workers and members of society: a university that
equips its graduates with the generic skills to thrive in a complex world.
I hope you have enjoyed your university experience and that you will continue to learn and,
through your words and actions, contribute to the development and reputation of Charles
Darwin University, a university that aspires to work with its alumni, wherever they may be, to
provide an enriching experience.
This evening is one of celebration; you have achieved a significant milestone and we are proud
of you. All of us in the University join with your family and friends in saying “congratulations”
and best wishes for a bright and rewarding future.
Barney Glover
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Charles Darwin University, Graduation Courtyard
Thursday 21 May 2009 – 6.30pm
Order of Proceedings
The Academic Procession will enter with the Assembly standing
Processional: Gaudeamus Igitur,
(Charles Darwin University Chamber Choir and Musicianship Choir)
The National Anthem
The Assembly will remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem
(Charles Darwin University Chamber Choir and Musicianship Choir)
Welcoming Address
The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan AO
Occasional Address
The Vice Chancellor, Professor Barney Glover
Presentation of Emeritus Professor of the University
Professor Helen Garnett PSM
Musical Presentation
The Conferring of Degrees and Awards
Doctor of Philosophy
Presented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research
Professor Robert Wasson
Law, Business and Arts
Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Arts
Professor Gary Davis
Business and Service Industries Division
Trades Industry Division
Presented by the Director of Vocational Education and Training
Mr Aaron Devine
The University Medal - Higher Education
Ms Sharon Rachael Bridgeman
The Chancellor’s Medal – Higher Education
Mrs Sally Louise Savage
Miss Lauren Nicole Hargreaves
Graduate Response
Mr Nimalan Logeswaran
The Academic Procession will retire with the Assembly standing
Recessional: Rondeau
Please note: There will be a fireworks display at the conclusion of this evening’s ceremony.
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Charles Darwin University, Graduation Courtyard
Friday 22 May 2009 – 6.30pm
Order of Proceedings
The Academic Procession will enter with the Assembly standing
Processional: Gaudeamus Igitur,
(Charles Darwin University Chamber Choir and Musicianship Choir)
The National Anthem
The Assembly will remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem
(Charles Darwin University Chamber Choir and Musicianship Choir)
Welcoming Address
The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan AO
Occasional Address
The Vice Chancellor, Professor Barney Glover
Awarding of the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Education Honoris Causa to
Mr Peter Plummer
Musical Presentation
The Conferring of Degrees and Awards
Doctor of Philosophy
Presented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research
Professor Robert Wasson
Institute of Advanced Studies
Presented by the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies
Professor Robert Wasson
Education, Health and Science
Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Health and Science
Professor Graham Pegg
Languages and Literacy Industries Division
Primary Industries and Community Services Industry Division
Presented by the Director of Vocational Education and Training
Mr Aaron Devine
The University Medal - Higher Education
Mrs Jacinta Letitia Kelly
The University Medal – Vocational and Technical Education
Miss Kirsty Lee Bulluss
The Chancellor’s Medal – Higher Education
Mr Peter David McDowell
Ms Sarah Anne Ireland
The Chancellors Medal – Vocational Education and Training
Mrs Josephine Brine
Graduate Response
Ms Kalinda Elizabeth Griffiths
The Academic Procession will retire with the Assembly standing
Recessional: Rondeau
Please note: There will be a fireworks display at the conclusion of this evening’s ceremony.
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Charles Darwin University, Alice Springs Convention Centre
Friday 12 June 2009 – 7.00pm
Order of Proceedings
The Academic Procession will enter with the Assembly standing
Processional: Tratenimento Per Camera in D
The National Anthem
The Assembly will remain standing for the singing of the National Anthem
Welcoming Address
The Chancellor, Mr Richard Ryan AO
Occasional Address
The Vice Chancellor, Professor Barney Glover
The Conferring of Degrees and Awards
Institute of Advanced Studies
Presented by the Director of the Institute of Advanced Studies
Professor Robert Wasson
Law, Business and Arts
Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Business and Arts
Professor Gary Davis
Education, Health and Science
Presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Health and Science
Professor Graham Pegg
Business and Service Industries Division
Trades Industry Division
Languages and Literacy Industries Division
Primary Industries and Community Services Industry Division
Presented by the Director of Vocational Education and Training
Mr Aaron Devine
Graduate Response
Mrs Jemima Fritts
The Academic Procession will retire with the Assembly standing
Recessional: Rondeau
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Thursday 21 May
Doctor of Philosophy
Caroline Lisbeth Atkinson
Thesis title: The Violence Continuum: Australian
Aboriginal male violence and generational posttraumatic stress
Using both qualitative and quantitative methods
grounded in an Indigenist approach, this research
developed a cross-cultural instrument capable
of measuring traumatic stressors and symptoms
in Aboriginal peoples. This was then employed
to investigate the relationship between violence
and generational post-traumatic stress among 58
Aboriginal males who had been incarcerated for
committing violent crimes.
The research found that over half of the study
population were PTSD symptomatic and that the
endemic nature and normalisation of family violence,
grief and loss, and alcohol and drug misuse were
both symptoms of and causes of traumatic stressors.
Significant increases in traumatic stressors and
dysfunctional behaviours across the generations were
also established.
The results suggest that the high rates of Aboriginal
men incarcerated for crimes of violence could be due
to a history of widespread traumatic stressors that
are being transmitted across the generations, and will
continue to increase across successive generations
without effective intervention.
Daphne Geraldine Cazalet
Thesis title: Water over skin
This thesis explores cultural identity in a context
of mixed race, colour and gender. Daphne Cazalet,
born in India of Anglo-Indian parentage, migrated to
Britain in 1949 during the violent partition of the subcontinent. She discusses the effects of growing up in
a diasporic context and of the heightened feelings of
shame associated with 'difference' in the postcolonial
The thesis consists of an extensive exhibition of
screenprinted work on paper as well as a written
exegesis. The exegesis embraces an interdisciplinary
approach including history, cultural studies and
autobiography. Issues of difference both racial and
cultural form the basis of her research which is
focused around the key themes of shame, hybridity,
race and gender. It explores film theory and literature
and the work of visual artists from non-western and
Indigenous ethnic minorities. Daphne draws upon
personal memory and history to engage in a critical
interrogation of cultural identity from a postcolonial
Silvano Vittorio Jung
Thesis title: Australia's undersea Aerial Armanda: The
Aviation archaeology of World War ll flying boats lying in
Roebuck Bay, Broome, Western Australia.
All objects made by humans have a biography, or
history. This thesis tests whether the application of
an aviation archaeological approach can re-establish
Susan Elizabeth Bandias
links between the people associated with a Japanese
Thesis title: The role of telecommunications in
air raid at Broome in Western Australia on 3 March
sustainable development of urban, rural and remote
1942, and the archaeology that has survived in
communities in the Northern Territory
Broome’s Roebuck Bay. 15 flying boats were sunk, with
the loss of over 100 people, mainly Dutch refugees
This thesis examines the role of telecommunications
in sustainable development of urban, rural and remote fleeing the Japanese invasion of Java.
communities in the Northern Territory (NT) through
Research of the primary and secondary historical
the theoretical lens of social capital. Social capital is
sources relating to the air raid is combined with
a relatively new theoretical construct and it is rapidly
a survey of the wreck sites in order to specifically
gaining interest among policy makers, politicians
identify sites. Of the 15 flying boats lost at Broome,
and researchers as a means to both describe and
ten are argued to have survived, in various states of
understand social and economic development.
Increasingly, the concept of social capital, as opposed preservation.
to the traditional economic indicators, is seen as a
This thesis has provided closure to the air raid
more accurate measure of well-being. Whilst the
survivors by linking them to the flying boats
essence of social capital is quality social relations,
that brought them to Australia 67 years ago.
the concept intersects with telecommunications and
Understanding the wreck site formation processes,
Information Communications Technology (ICT) in a
however, helps to predict where the missing machines
number of ways. The potential of ICT to disseminate
may lie.
information quickly, to reach vast numbers of
people simultaneously and to include the previously
Malcolm Lamont Mackellar
excluded is immense. Consequently, this thesis
Thesis title: Illegal Immigration from Asia
examines the nexus between social relations of
mutual benefit, telecommunications access and the
This thesis is a study of some of the schemes used
sustainable development of urban, rural and remote
by illegal immigrants to circumvent Australia’s visa
communities in the NT.
entry requirements. Its aim was to discover how illegal
immigrants could continue to come to and remain in
Australia, given Australia’s strict visa entry system. The
methodology used in this study included interviews
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Thursday 21 May
with illegal immigrants, a survey of a sample of
refused applications for refugee status, investigations
into various forms of visa misuse, and observations
over a twenty-year period. The research found that
from 1984 to 2004 Australia’s ‘controlled’ immigration
policy was not very well controlled at all, because
its visa entry system consisted of procedures which
could be manipulated, processes which could be
fabricated, and documents which could be forged.
The research conclusion was that with less emphasis
on documentary process and more emphasis on
personal assessment, Australia’s immigration program
could be better controlled.
Ali Ibrahim Rkein
Thesis title: Accrual Accounting and Public Sector
Reform: Northern Territory Experience
From the early 1980s, the process of public sector
reform has started to take a commercial direction
in which governments believed competition plays a
major role in improving organisational performance.
Governments saw that by subjecting organisations
to competition they would become more cost
conscious and results focused, leading to increased
efficiency, effectiveness and accountability. In this
regard, governments in Australia have shifted to
accrual accounting as the traditional cash accounting
system was not capable of providing the additional
financial information that was needed as a result of
the commercial orientation.
The thesis aims to analyse the working of accrual
accounting in a non competitive environment such
as the Northern Territory of Australia. In this regard,
the thesis shows that while accrual accounting was
able to produce the additional information needed,
its use as a management tool to increase efficiency,
effectiveness and accountability was still very limited.
This was mainly because of Government being
driven more by social imperatives than economic
imperatives in the provision of high cost services for a
relatively small and dispersed population.
Peter Damian Williams
Thesis title: The Kokoda campaign, July to November
1942, an analysis
Japanese sources point to a number of important
errors in the traditional Australian account of the
Kokoda campaign. Foremost, in the Japanese advance
towards Port Moresby they did not, as is commonly
believed, outnumber the Australians and Papuans.
It follows that the initial Allied defeats cannot be
explained away by superior enemy numbers. In the
later Australian advance it was they, not the Japanese,
who enjoyed a very large numerical superiority.
The other misunderstandings in the Australian post
war account of the fighting in the Owen Stanley
Range in Papua concern Japanese strategy, military
intelligence and the importance of artillery. The effect
of malaria, weather and air interdiction, have similarly
either been misinterpreted or have not been seriously
examined. This thesis argues that, in the light of these
errors, a considerable revision in the Australian version
of the Kokoda campaign is warranted.
Doctor of Business Administration
Paul Manuell
Jennifer Anne Smith
Allan Van Zyl
Master of Accounting
Maria Helena Bravo
Anjali-Aachal Sharma
Feng Yi
Master of Arts
Allison Patricia Gray
Master of Business Administration
Ivy Jan Aragon
Raul David
Deepak Gautam
Velmurugan Kumar
Mangesh Patel
Kiran Raveendran
Anusha Sankaranarayanan
Skefos Kostantinos Tsoukalis
Dharmarajan Velusamy
Siva Kumar Venkatesan
Master of International Management
Aretha Amos
Maree Hyacinth Bredhauer
Yingshi Chen
Leslie Hodgson
Jon Russell Jenkins
Terance Parnis
Elizabeth Veel
Tammy White
Atichart Yossa
Master of Professional Accounting
Ying Kyaw
Master of Public Governance
Gener Lapina
Graduate Diploma in
Australian Indigenous Knowledges
Prudence Anne Gibson
Graduate Diploma in Business
(Management Innovation)
Velmurugan Kumar
Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Shingirai Bryan Gasura
Graduate Diploma in Information and
Knowledge Management
Vandra May Adderley
Hayley Bawden
Bonnie Heim
Sophie Merle Henderson
Lisa Marie Sampson
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Thursday 21 May
Graduate Diploma in Languages
Katherine Anne Fowden
Graduate Diploma in Leadership and
Change Management
Justin Larkin
Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
Jessica Mary Copley Black
Cynthia-Lee Bravos
Joseph Christoper Buckley
Deevya Bharat Desai
Lia Emele Finocchiaro
Robert William Fletcher
Raelene Karen Fryer
Travis John Holmes
Matthew Aaron Hubber
Joshua Craig Ingrames
Sarah Katyana Jones
Tatiane Ingrid Kelly
Danial Terence Kelly
Allison Jane Land
Lucy Alison Lindbergh-Ostling
Chrissy Jane McConnel
Jacqueline Ann Moore
Shauna Louise Mounsey
Melanie Joy Price
Patricia Margaret Rigby - Christophersen
Arulkumar Thurairetnam Selvaretnam
Francis Stanley Szydlowski
Sulifa Lesieli Tonga
Andrea Christine Videion
Tracey Catherine Wyber-Hughes
Graduate Certificate in Public Governance
Solomon David Thiga Gaturu
Kimberlee Ann McKay
Graduate Certificate in Yolngu Studies
Melissa Sue Kosciuk
Mary Elizabeth McCarthy
Jennifer Anne Robins
Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours
Sally Louise Savage
Bachelor of Arts with Second Class Honours,
Division A
Kellie Lee Pollard
Bachelor of Creative Arts and Industries with
First Class Honours
Rebecca Anne Arbon
Bachelor of Indigenous Cultures and Natural
Resource Management with First Class Honours
Lauren Nicole Hargreaves
Bachelor of Laws with Second Class Honours,
Division A
Lisa Heather Andrews
Melissa Compain
Tina Maree Osbaldeston
Robert Frank Wilson
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Bachelor of Laws with Second Class Honours,
Division B
Carl Damian O'Connor
Donna Irene Lynette Ward
Bachelor of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Studies
Nathan Dale Evans
Possum Tracey Marshall
Bachelor of Accounting
Trenton John Leishman
Erin Jessie Macandrew
Jealous Nesvinga
Bachelor of Arts
Sharon Rachael Bridgeman
Penelope Carroll
Melissa Nita Davy
Sevasti Glynatsis
Nadja Hainke
Elizabeth Ann Hill
Delean Elsa Holtze
Kirsty Hosking
Matthew Lynch
Christine Maas
Theofilos John Mostros
Lachlan Myles Parsons
Prudence Gael Scott
Shuoyin Tu
Julian Valvo
Jeanette Venhoek
Casey Mckella Warner
Bachelor of Business
Bilal Abbas
Tracy Leah Bailey
Emma Louise Bell
Kylee Jane Carter
Tawanda Barrington Chidzumo
Barry Graeme Clarke
Joshua David Crick
Joni Christine Edson
Jodie Ann Louise Giuliani
Jessica Groot
Emmett Paul Hale
Katrina Jane Hancock
James Taban Justo
Nimalan Logeswaran
Katherine Anne Menz
Feancy Kathy Methorst
Brendan James Miller
Geoffrey Paul O'Regan
Lee Aaron Peters
Elena Petroussenko
Scott Andrew Piper
Alison Emma Minot Saunders
Anne Greta Savage
Rhem Forrester Schroeder
Josephine Silipo
Daniel Tan
Shaun Tranthem
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Thursday 21 May
Bachelor of Business in Tourism Management
Ho Yen Law
Thi Nguyen
Larissa Louise Von Gerhardt
Marilyn Coral Wilson
Bachelor of Commerce
Tara Christine Collins
Tarek Hawashin
Mark Terence Huppatz
Susannah Grant McBride
Larnie Rae McClintock
Matthew David Sloan
Bachelor of Communication
Nativity Dunbar
Morgan Pearl McWhirter
Kendall Sue Roberts
Bachelor of Communication and Cultural Studies
Samuel Donato Oketa
Annette Maria Williams
Bachelor of Design
Robert Quoc-Uy Ho
Luke Cameron Ingrames
Anezina Poullas
Stefney Alice Schapel
Bachelor of Governance and
Public Sector Management
Lorraine Barbara Martin
Bachelor of Indigenous Cultures and
Natural Resource Management
Claire Webb
Bachelor of Laws
Natalie Agius
Jarrod Grant Ashcroft
Lisa Ball
Maria Birtsos
Kate Dione Booth
Samuel Joseph Burke
Sandra Mckenzie Burnett
Jason Sam Coluccio
Elizabeth Therese Gardner
Peter William Hales
Jeffery Earl Hartley
Stuart Peter Jackson
Magdalena Jankowska
Corey John Jenkins
Romeo Walter Kouchoo
Stephanie Therese Lambert
Mo Sang Lin
Matthew Lynch
Julia Elizabeth McGrath
Karina Alyce Natt
Anastasia Angeliki Palios
Frances Mary Piggott
Robert Stanley Anderson Pocock
Nestor Sanchez Jnr
Thomas John Saunders
James Christian Sumner
Anna Cherie Swindley
Julian Valvo
Talia Vandyk
Avril Vaughan
Marisa Whitington
Elizabeth Marie Wilson
Bachelor of Library and Information Management
A'Mhara Misty McKey
Michelle Turner
Bachelor of Music
Jonathan Trevor Connell
Richard Charles Hoe
Anthony Edward Mount
Penelope Sue Strachan
Alison Janet Tapper
Teresa Mae Tate
Pamela Ann Tibbits
Merilyn Jean West
Bachelor of Visual Arts
Craig Robson Brown
Shogo Kainai
Shilo McNamee
Anna Christine Reynolds
Ana Christina Sarmento
Advanced Diploma of Design (Graphic Design)
Francis Ysip
Diploma of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Studies
Claudia Luetjens
Diploma in Languages
Philippe Dupuy
Diploma of Music
Indira Jones
Diploma of Music Industry (Technical Production)
Philip William Agar
Certificate IV in Design
Cheryl Louise Martin
Jessica Lee Noonan
Melinda Peta North
Certificate IV in Multimedia
Andrew Charles Reissis
Certificate IV in Visual Arts and
Contemporary Craft
Kyle Douglas Cantrill
Richard Carolin
Lisa-Marie Vassilakoglou
Naronglit Wikkasit
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Thursday 21 May
Certificate III in Music
Julie Anne Andreou
Michael Davenport
Natalya Herzog
Ruben Kai Maher
Bae Karl-Perry
Certificate II in Clothing Production
(Complex or Multiple Processes)
Moana Kirikino
Shaan Marie Wu
Certificate II in Clothing Production (Intermediate)
Kirstie Jade Bryan
Kathleen Lois Castello
Julia Collins
Sophie Dyer
Holly Irene Gibson
Emmanuela Kambouris
Tammy Kathopoulis
Elisha Dewi Narta
Eloise Marie Nicholson
Certificate II in Multimedia
Collum Durilla
James Durilla
Joel Wurramara
Jamison Wurramarrba
Certificate II in Music Industry (Foundation)
Nicole Blankenspoor
Kara Canete
Joe Davey
Brooke Ferris
Brendan Hines
Zaddock Johnson
Katerina Kim
Brian Morton
Michael Anthony Ruger
Amar Tarahija
Leslie Thompson
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Diploma of Business
Leah Joy Edwards
Teri Margaret Nicol
Amibowo Probo Nugroho
Diploma of Business (Frontline Management)
Jan Bary
Hamish John Botting
Dimitrios Jimmy Bouhoris
Andrew John Castle
Naseem Begam Chetty
Austin James Chin
Ruth Leigh Debuque
Janette Fay Heath
Neil Edwin Kime
Colleen Rona McAlpine
Diane Miller
Milton Bruce Miller
Stephen Christopher Roberts
Renae Louise Scott
Michael Francis Snell
Emma Stenton
Toeu Thet
Diploma of Business (Human Resources)
Joanne Maree Brown
Samantha Chung
Emma Coppins
Monique Solange Stewart Dixon
Cassandra Lee Hall
Denise Joan Millington-Flay
Caroline Morrissey
Mandy Mu
Glomarie Ng
Michael Edward Ryan
Danna Chelsea Scoot
Bonnie Taylor
Christina Heather Walker
Cinnamon Lee Chen Wright
Diploma of Business (Marketing)
Jamie Edward Pontifex
Diploma of Government (Workplace Inspection)
Sandra Christine Alp
Johnnie Wayne Hayden
Allan Rex Jeffery
Kenneth Charles Johnson
Donald Arthur Lockley
Frederick James Munro
Patrick James Nolan
Ben Simpson
Robin Leslie Paget Smith
Gary Albert Gordon Staines
David Raymond Stock
Rebecca Sue Trimble
Diploma of Hospitality Management
Valantine Arrey Besong
Ronilda Seco Ferrer
Chandra Bahadur Gurung
Nattiya Kacharak
Sachiko Kashima
Merniati Li
Nicasio I I Manreal
Ria Joyce Say
Monchai Suwannasri
Diploma of Information Technology (Networking)
Muhammet Ali Akdeniz
Beverley Helena Lee
Diploma of Library/Information Services
Mary Patricia Byrne
Rayleen Patricia Dalziel
Kate Verus
Moira Wigley
Diploma of Project Management
Douglas Neil Gillanders
Certificate IV in Beauty Therapy
Nicole Cherie Auliff
Iesha Anika Bisset
Grace Brenton
Samara Rae Broadbridge
Jessi Leigh Brown
Tennielle Jade Burns
Ashlee Clark
Tamie Clark
Jessica Lyn Cox
Celina Anne Littlewood
Kylie Susan Luce
Rebecca Morgan
Jane Kathleen Ramsay
Jessica Anne Saxby
Skye Ann Summers
Belinda Tiliakos
Kate Amber Verity
Certificate IV in Business
Keelin Scott Cameron
Jagdish Chetty
Ronda Faye Fitzgerald
Celeste Iona Fraser
Jana Frey
Miriam Ivy Gardner
Kimitra Amy Jirah
Ali Kansso
Li Qiong Liang
Andresa Malinao
Jahan Ara Mazid
David McClelland
Tracey Fay Reid
Samone Sallik
Jacinta Maree Savage
Sandra Alice Schmal
Rebecca Joyce Athena Sinclair
Nanthana Sinsiri
Judith Snelson
Ying Wang
Kristin Williams
Certificate IV in Business (Human Resources)
Krystle Lea Barclay
Emma Louise Bell
Karen Ann Budds
Michael Raymond Drew
Lesley Jury
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Debbie Margaret Kelly
Meagan Lemm
Lisa Manuel
Catherine Jane P. O'Brien
Certificate IV in Business Administration
Margetta Georgia Avlonitis
John Michael Biona
Celeste Brand
Sharokena Davoud
Lesley Jury
Fiona Anne Kuilboer
Bruce Watson
Certificate IV in Business Management
Julia Alexander
Elizabeth Lycett
Kim Louise Mulholland
Patricia Murray
Suzanne Pauline Porter
Hale Williams
Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting)
Tanya Bennett
Caroline Heather Britton
Louise Burrows
John Adrian De Vos
Certificate IV in Fitness
Jacinta Letitia Kelly
Emma Power
Rebecca Joy Tattingham
Certificate IV in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Arvin Montero Son
Certificate IV in Hospitality (Supervision)
Nanette Narte
Anton Karl Gepperth
Jessica Leah Muir
Francis Pryer
Heike Saalmueller
Romeo Villapana
Certificate IV in Information Technology (General)
Kevin Peter Gray
Wanita Paki
Certificate IV in Information Technology
Michael Tsakrios
Certificate IV in Library/Information Services
Mary Patricia Byrne
Rayleen Patricia Dalziel
Kate Verus
Moira Wigley
Certificate IV in Project Management
Emma Louise Bell
Racheal Bradshaw
Oliver Dimito
Ken Gardner
Frances Mary Gusthart
Rohan James Glynn Langworthy
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Jack Harry Noble
Shirley Elizabeth Prider
Charmaine Louise Reschke
Ronald Noel Spethman
Carol-Ann Elizabeth Todd
Leanne Frances Wheelhouse
Carlo Livio White
Christopher Allen Wilson
Certificate IV in Retail Management
Matthew David Clunne
Anthony Mark Gunther
Leslie John Harris
Karl Johannes Kirgis
Linda Ann Kirgis
David John Patterson
Certificate IV in Sport (Development)
Peter John Rose
Certificate IV in Tourism (Guiding)
Martin Bollmeyer
Christopher Ralph Martin
Julian Strange
Rowan Robet Wilson
Anthony Mckinnon Wilson
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Betty Jane Ah Kit
Katy Susan Allen
Peter John Anderson
Janine Anketell
Allan Applebee
Kathleen Joyce Arbon
Caroline Ashford
Stephen John Balch
Suzanne Maree Barry
Sheridan Gay Bell
Gavin John Bell
Diane Marie Bowman
Jeanette Florence Brooks
Grant Bruce Butler
Sean Byrne
Julie Elizabeth Carlsen
Michael Andrew Chipchase
Calvin Chong
Dorina Christiansen
Louise Anne Clifford
Wendy Helen Coghlan
Nicholas Coutts
Cynthia Ann Coyne
Andrew Scott Crook
John Stephen Cusack
Priscilla Dahlhelm
Mary-Ellen Dalgleish
Shane Peter Davidson
Imelda Palon Davis
Marian Bernadette Davis
Sue Debora Davy
Bharat Ishwarlal Desai
Maree Jeanette Dowling
Jason Elsegood
Luis Enrique Espinoza
Karlene Michelle Feldbauer
Saskia Kate Ford
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Caroline Linda Gallacher
Toby Gorringe
Amy Louise Griesbach
Darren Graeme Habel
Valerie Anne Hall
Mary-Kathleen Halls
Salome Harris
Richard Robert Harvey
Anthony Michael Hawdon
Peter Lawrence Hazelman
Nicole Hoffman
James Arnold Hoppo
Mark David Hutchings
Brenda June Jarratt
Douglas Jenkins
Anthony James Jensen
Lynette Maida Jones
Lesley Jury
Sylvia Mary Kendall
Jo'Anne Jean Kinter
Heather Kaye Kudrenko
Janine Claire Lacey
Anthony Michael Lee
Brian Kimberley Lewis
Anita Louise Marriott
Robert Oliver Marshall
Rhonda June Mazurek
Lynda Merle McCaffery
Duncan W McCallum
Veronica Rose McClintic
Daniel Graham McGaffin
Paul James McKenzie
Dirk Megirian
Colleen Ruth Moerkerken
Krystal Gloria Morrison
Jacqueline Anne Murray
Lazarus Murray
Susan Marie Neal
Shirel Isabell Nomoa
Johanna Louise Norris
Yvonne Dianne Odegaard
Stephen Rodney Oliphant
Gregory John Owens
Phillip Palmer
Darren Parker
Brett Pates
Chris Paulson
Janet Maree Prior
Terence John Radford
Timothy Edward Reilly
Natalee Sabato
Tracy Sariago
Robert Schwerdt
Paul Peter Simonato
Charlie Gilding Smith
Daya Smith
Sean Norman Smith
Christina Spargo
Luke Sprague
Sue Jean Stanton
Linda Carmel Steel
Steven John Stubbings
Stephen Sunk
Graeme Lindsay Sutton
Ira Tate
Audrey Jacqueline Tate
David Robert Juparrula Taylor
Graeme Robert Tierney
Teressa Tooth
Maria Voudouris
Andrew John Ward
Kay Waring
Andrew John Weaver
Jason Wilkes
Alan Edward Williamson
Paul Younger
Certificate III in Beauty Services
Kirstin Pamela-Jayne Pearson
Emma Schubert
Certificate III in Business
Eva Billiris
Tiffany May Brown
Jacklyn Clifford-Dutton
Leah Collins
Kyla Rowena Dalton
Leslie Hunt
Teasade Jabateh
Kathleen Mary Jeans
Marishty Lalim
Andresa Malinao
Zenzelo Mazibuko
Aline Kelly Miller
David John Paech
Jade Anne Peckham
Patricia Louise Robinson
Anne-Marie Walker
Ashton Whimpress
Certificate III in Business (Recordkeeping)
Susan Ann Deveraux
Certificate III in Business Administration
Rebecca Cameirao-Kent
Sharon Clarke
Leah Collins
Jody Hamilton
Marianne Hussie
Jessica Elizabeth Hyde
Nikki Kokles
Sarah Chloe Mitchell
Robyn Gwenneth Pellenat
Rosalyn Faye Walker
Christine Anne Wallace
Certificate III in Financial Services
(Accounts Clerical)
Jacqueline Ainsworth
Michele Ann Bensley
Frances Fen Hua Chen
Mandy Renee Cox
Anne Elizabeth Crossley
Suzanne D'Arcy
Lisa Jane Rose Fairall
Narelle Gilmore
Kanokphat Harvey
Candice Jacqueline Tahenie Hayes
Kate Louise Hicks
Sharon Anne Hindle
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Sivapriya Kannan
Carl Kelly
Irene Kosta
Angela Maree Lee
Rebecca Murnig
Kathleen Phillips
Emma Caroline Ping
Jody Rasheed
Michiyo Thompson
Carolyn Joy Watson
Jidong Zhou
Certificate III in Fitness
Louise Joy Blackadder
Vanessa Jane Broad
Ricardo Javier Carmona-Diaz
Catrina Collins
Jackson Livingstone Curtis
Jennifer Lee Curtis
Michael Joseph Delaney
Alexander Philip Dowie
Nicki Glynatsis
Joshua Higgins
Paula Martin
Rebecca Joy Tattingham
Natalie Tsikouris
Certificate III in Food Processing
(Retail Baking - Bread)
Lee Anthony Hughes
Certificate III in Food Processing
(Retail Baking - Combined)
Filipe Marques Henriques
Aron Nathan Woods
Lee Woong George Woodward
Certificate III in Hairdressing
Keiryn Ann Baily
Samantha Josephine Batchler
Jodie Carolyne Cridland
Tegen Emily-Lyn Gerdes
Sonia Kathleen Lew Fatt
Irene Passas
Marianna Passas
Savannah Louise Smith
Maria Voudouris
Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Javeed Ahmed
Gerwil Brown
Andrew Chan
Rachael Alice Chisholm
Jonathan Timothy Clarke
Ryan Dominic Dcruz
Matthew Sean Delahunty
Aaron Alan Elmy
Thomas Forge
Jayson Germono
Tommy Jong
Kristopher Kalisnik
Murat Kurban
Keith Wallace Moylan
Timothy Nicolson
Tina Nielsen
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Monchai Suwannasri
Umeed Thapa
Amritpal Singh .
Gurpinder Singh
Certificate III in Hospitality (Operations)
Olivier Stephan Alber
Rodney Armstrong
Brett Andrew Aveyard
Lucy May Barlow
Lisa Kathleen Carroll
Tracy Anne Cavanagh
Jack Owen Cheslett
Nicolette Ann D'Santos
Nicholas Mark Jude De Silva
Richard Brendan Deveraux
Santosh Dhital
Luke Erickson
Grace Howard
Megha Nath Khanal
Blake Kruske
Athi Mdingi
Peta Maree Mines
Toni Louise O'Brien
Savan Mangalprasad Patel
Hannah Prestwood
Rebecca Joy Randall
Jean Phyllis Saunders
Julieanne Taipale
Lelep Mukunda Patrick Hope Wighton
Certificate III in Information Technology
Dean John Abbott
David Stewart Auld
Michael John Butler
Reece Dawson
Javier Fernandez
Eric Fielding
Arpad Gal
Aaron Jarrad Griggs
Domenic Mark William Horner
Russell Albert Jelfs
Miodrag Kovacevic
Clarkson Latter
Matthew Ryan Lehmann
Wei Li
Michelle McRae
Brian Richard Prins
Peter Barry Suridge
Sandra Turner
Melinda Williams
Certificate III in Information Technology
(Network Administration)
Aaron Daniel Fleming
Certificate III in Library/Information Services
Robyn Heather Bishop
Ellen Voi Brown
Mary Patricia Byrne
Rayleen Patricia Dalziel
Elisabet Reiten-Griffith
Joan Norma Schiller
Moira Wigley
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Certificate III Meat Processing (Meat Retailing)
Justin Tuomas Aaron Bindle
Vittorio George Small
Certificate III in Meetings and Events
Charleeann Reid
Certificate III in Retail Operations
Ruth Christine Dare
Veronica Piroska Keves
Matika-Marie Mitchell
Certificate III in Retail Supervision
Julissa Jean Allmon
Stephen Allan Cocks
Jamillah Djawas
Melissa Motlap
Elizabeth Rawkins
Odette Smith
Dawn Rhonda Wright
Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
Michael Gugliotta
Clancy John Hurst
Adam Kaine Newby
Tegan Jane Newman
Certificate III in Tourism (Guiding)
Sharon Joyce McLennan
Veronica Cecilia McLennan
Patricia Miller
Andrew Mortimer
Certificate III in Tourism (Operations)
Danielle Alicia Tighe
Certificate II in Business
Lisa Ann Austin
Daniel Banfield
Courtney Megan Brannelly
Tianee Collins
Rebecca Jane Davis
Emily Marie Dienhoff
April Maree Elmer
Jennifer Margaret McConnell
Aline Kelly Miller
Ruth Margaret Rose Newcombe
Pamela Kathleen Noteboom
Richard Peters
Deni Ranasinghe
Amery Sara Reedman
Veronica Maria Van Den Heuvel
Certificate II in Hairdressing
Ashleigh Collins
Donna Maree Harrington
Sarah Jenner
Mariha Savannah Moon
Jade Mary Neaylon
Ruby Patman
Simone Nella Richards
Apryll Robertson
Caitlin Sian Robertson
Haley Sharp
Lenita Soper
Ellee Tilena Yorston
Certificate II in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations)
Roxanne Jane Carbajosa
Cara Lee Fitzgibbon
Nellie Kintharri
Certificate II in Hospitality (Operations)
Natalie Ruth Bird
Cassandra Eccles
Tara McCormick
John Phillip Thurston
Certificate II in Information Technology
Maerlyn George Broadbent
Kiri Cranwell
Matthew Daramos
Garry Enright
Joshua Andrew Donald Farey
Valerie Janice Fisher
Debra Lee Gale
Ferdinand Klesch
Michelle McRae
Ralph Anthony Nganbe
Gregor Renwick
Sandra Turner
Neil Douglas Williams
Certificate II in Information Technology
Carol Ann Jeffries
Certificate II in Library/Information Services
Ellen Voi Brown
Mary Patricia Byrne
Rayleen Patricia Dalziel
Joan Norma Schiller
Fiona Louise Solien
Certificate II in Retail Operations
Peter Aitken
Gayleen Bernice Mere Aitken
Daniel Anderson
Robert Borg
Dennis Ray Bower
Stephen Edward Bryant
Rodney John Carr
Darren John Chawner
Adeline Chong
Andrew Clark
Cheryle Ann-Marie Clark
Stephen Allan Cocks
Beth Marilyn Davies
Richard Michael Davies
Julie Marguerite De Quaine
Katherine M M Deacon
Elizabeth Dreghorn
Troy James Dwyer
Betty May Evans
Barry John Evans
Karlene Michelle Feldbauer
Courtney Leigh Fisher
Paul Travis Fowler
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Peta Fraser
Eileen Janice Gilbert
Adam Daniel Gooley
Melissa Anne Grace
Joseph Neil Grace
Alan James Hampshire
Annerieke Hams
Ronald John Heidke
Peter Maxwell Hunt
Kelvin John Hutchinson
Susan Mary Hutchinson
Roberta Jane Johanson
Andrew James Johanson
Krystal Kent
Andrew James Kilpatrick
Karl Johannes Kirgis
Linda Ann Kirgis
Micah Kupfer
Marilyn Elizabeth Lewis
Brigid McCullough
Kate Emma McIntyre
Jacqueline Rae Napper-Bower
Keisha Palmer
Colin Leslie Pearce
Cynthia Portaminni
Renee Lee Elizabeth Ramm
Jason Dale Ramm
Martina Lea Ramsden
Elizabeth Rawkins
Allan Patrick Rawkins
Clancy Catherine Roulson
Priscilla Margaret Rust
Greta Faye Sims
Clyde Andrew Slattery
Janet Maree Slattery
Odette Smith
James Robert Snee
Margaret Anne Snee
Carolyn Joy Speakman
Robert Peter Speakman
Ian Tidswell
Lynette Mary Trestrail
Helen Jean Turner
Heyden Maxwell Vawser
Andrew Theo Visser
Rebecca Watson
Paul Jomark Williamson
Julie Anne Zurvas
Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
Mitch Patrick Murray
Certificate II in Tourism (Operations)
Lucy Absalom
Megan Adams
Kalvin Alexander
Chloe Jane Eaton
Simone Maree Graves
Curt Maurice Howlett
Rachel Ashley Kennaway
Halei Lopez-Collins
Caitlin Jade Mawby
Tara McCormick
Alyce Shearn
Stephanie Siu
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Kita Molly Taylor
Kimberley Thompson
Chloe Louise Unwin
Christina Narelle Walker
Sabrina Fiona Winwood-Smith
Ainslie Yoffa
Certificate I in Business
Charmaine Brinjin
Shani Alexandria Faye Cooper
Brenda Ann Crafter
Lisa Buduwutpuy Dhurrkay
Veronica Harrington
Marilyn Humbert
Debra Lawrence
Margaret Lindsay
Ronson Ringutja Malibirr
Ruthie Marrwulpul
Penelope Phillips
Maletta Vera Wigness
Samantha Wilson
Benson Wunungmurra
Leanne Bumunya Wunungmurra
Certificate I in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations)
Amanda Elizabeth Adams
Melissa Agnew
Cynthia Ali
Beth Ali
William Bain
Anthony Baird
Chantelle Beckmann
Sandra Fay Bell
Diane Bell
Damien James Birch
Nicole Blankenspoor
Justina Blom
Delwyn Bobby
Jamie Bolton
Deakon Bradley
Daniel Burnell - Jones
Karius Cameron
Jermaine Campbell
Kara Canete
Katrina Carroll
Lee Melissa Carter
Stuart David Carter
Jaime Lee Cavicchioli
Ethan Cooper
Shani Alexandria Faye Cooper
Travis Cooper
Christian Burnett Cornell
John Darrell Croker
Athon Darcy
Caitlin Egan
Bonita Farrell
Brooke Ferris
Lydia Flynn
Clare Freston
Clayton Fry
Dion John Grivell
Tarah Monica Harris
Sueanne Hayes
Eileen Hewitt
Joshua Jackson
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Peta Jackson
Japeth James
Anthony Werner Jarc
Michele Elenor Johnson
Polly Ann Jones
Warren Jones
Glen Robert Joyce
Peter Micheal Kamm
Leanne Nabarlilla Kelly
Jodie Kelly
Roberta Kintharri
Anne Kotz
Neville Gregory Liddy
Richard Lofthouse
Helen Ursula Martin
Timmy Maxwell
Breanna McKelvey
Dion Minggun
Sarah Jane Motley
Bradley John Murdoch
Serita Naborlhborlh
Dakota Nadji
Nahor Namundja
Marcia Neade
Broden Neilson
Dorothy Nelson
Kelly O'Connor
Christine Peterson
Frank Peterson
Lee Pfeifer
Bernard Rankin
Marie Juanita Raynor
Anna Robertson
Austin Jake Rosenow
Tara Rostron
Corey Sandy
Joanne Sandy
Estelle Schinkel
Julian Siebert
Albert John Sikkens
Donna Stewart
Alannah Joy Stow
Antonia Marie Surridge
Owen Swan
Amar Tarahija
Darreline Taylor
Kayla Marie Thompson
Shae Leanne Thompson
Eliza Thomson
Rusty Tisdell
Sherina Ulamari
Simon Francis Vaughan
Ronalda Walker
Rebecca Watt
Irene Weller
Isobelle Cecilia Wesley
Caroline Maria White
Ramond White
Annette Wilden
Warren Charles Williams
Heather Wilson
Rikara Wilson
Arron Robert Winderlich
Beau William Young
Patrick Young
Certificate I in Hospitality (Operations)
Eveline Achola
Louisa Amagula
Antonia Bara
Silas Bara
Hugh Alf James Brocklebank
Mohini Isabella Dewhurst
Roxanne Donohue
Annalise Durilla
Davey Durilla
Jaimee Eaton
Jordan Ashleigh Fleming
Jessie Gilmour
Erika Hawkins
Maicie Lalara
Edmund Mamarika
Kelsey Noonan
Kenny Nunggumajbarr
Nikkita Pearson
Ned Peterkin
Angus Ponto
Peta-Lynne Prior
Jessica Siebert
Kimberley Anne Smith
Rachel Lorrain Whatley
Nicholas Joseph Wong
Karliza Wurrawilya
Certificate I in Information Technology
Vicki Marie Bading
Callum Bateman
Carol May Boland
Claire Brand
Grace Burbidge
Anna Cedervall
Kiri Cranwell
Jamie Geoffrey Finn
Lumduan Marcie Forrest
Debra Lee Gale
Lynette Amelia Green
Gregory Leonard Hester
Allan Ian Kajewski
Margaret Anne Lindsay
Nenita Mainberger
Michelle McRae
Caroline Ngatia
Raymond Sydney Payne
Poruthotage Sulani Perera
Alison Ann Robins
Lorraine Karen Scott
Patrice Ruth Shephard
Allen R Story
Helen Louise Taylor
Sandra Turner
Neil Douglas Williams
Certificate I in Retail Operations
Daniel Anderson
Jacinta Ashley
Rebecca Collins
Ashleigh Collins
Shannon Curtis
Cara Lee Fitzgibbon
Lisa Hendrix
Toni Louise O'Brien
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Thursday 21 May
Courtney Organ
Melissa Jane Ortner
Ruby Patman
Haley Sharp
Hayley Tuttleby
Julie Anne Zurvas
Certificate I in Tourism
(Australian Indigenous Culture)
Gudinygudiny Dhamarrandji
Warrak Ganambarr
Binygurr Ganambarr
Djulamarr Gurruwiwi
Bulbuyunawuy Guyula
Mankawuy Marawili
Yarrakayngu Marawili
Bitharr Puyngu Maymuru
Latjirra Maymuru
Buywarri Mununggurr
Mirikindi Mununggurr
Limbang Munyarryun
Matjimawuy Wirrpanda
Dhumparthun Wirrpanda
Gamalamburr Wunungmurra
Liyawuruku Wunungmurra
Lapurrngu Wurramarrba
Gundjurrumirri Yunupingu
Certificate I in Transport and Distribution
Kate Emily Boyd
Andrew Bravos
Jordan Conrad
Jack Anthony Day
Aaron Lawrence Halliwell
Alisha Elizabeth Jenkins
Karl Kratschmer
Shae Lawrence
Dean Lobley
Taara McLaren
Jacob Gordon Syme
Taren Tunney-Peters
Sita Arya Valadian
Roxanne Sally Willing
Felicity Rae Woods
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Trades Industry Division • Thursday 21 May
Diploma of Building Design and Drafting
Amanda Mereaina Rann
Diploma of Logistics Management
Shane Roocke
Sara Jo Walker
Certificate IV in Building
Michael Hogan
Stephen Paul Mansfield
Kristopher Joel McConnell
Certificate IV in Building Drafting
Mark Ash
Fernando Gonzales Baroro
Rachel Margaret Cawood
Stephen Gregory Ezzy
Maxine Jayne Hughes
Lisa Jeffery
Darron Paul Lyons
Mathew Cooper Milne
Dean Andrew Renshaw
Wayne Dudley Saunders
Certificate IV in Driving Instruction
Brett Cottier
Juanita Howard
Andrew Szauer
Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety
Matthew Trent Dolling
Antonio Fiorenza
Simon Peter Moran
Darren Parker
Robert Dennis Russell
Ronald Sangster
Kim Melissa Storey
Kylie Michelle Williams
Peter John Wood
Certificate IV in Process Plant Technology
Leslie Guy Harrison
Tony Michael Stewart
Certificate IV in Residential Drafting
Sharzha Evelynne Parker
Certificate IV in Transport and Logistics
(Warehousing and Storage)
Roselyn Olive Critchley
Certificate III in Automotive
Craig Brenton Anspach
Simon Spitzbarth
Certificate III in Automotive (Electrical)
Terry Allen Avenell
Paul David Little
Nichlas Charles Christer Livsey
Certificate III in Automotive
(Mechanical - Heavy Vehicle Mobile Equipment,
Plant/Earth Moving/Agricultural)
Karl Oliver Barz
David Bateman
Shayne Chandler
Daniel William Frost
Christopher James Larcombe
Bryce Mason Owston
Ian Pellenat
Luke Robert Pitts
Jacob Purcher
Michael Rogers
Shannon Ryan
Mark Justin Syron
Joshua Michael Szulc
Ryan John Whatley
Certificate III in Automotive
(Mechanical - Heavy Vehicle Road Transport)
James Robert Chiplen
Kyle David Fields
Matthew Alexander Findlay
Thomas Andrew Marr
Scott Anthony Whelan
Certificate III in Automotive
(Mechanical - Light Vehicle)
Eric Hans Barz
Bardi Stone
Kevin Heinrich Hans Kaliebe
Roy Sanchez
Adam Lloyd Thrift
Certificate III in Automotive
(Vehicle Body - Vehicle Painting)
Dwayne Benjamen Beaumont
Kyle John Chin
Fabio Dos Santos
Lindsay David Meynell
Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical
Technology (Heavy Vehicle Mobile Equipment)
Shaun Leigh Ahola
Kerry John Aston
Shane Kevin Johnson
Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical
Technology (Heavy Vehicle Road Transport)
Geoffrey Craig Hallett
Josh Parker
Michael Carl Scholz
Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical
Technology (Light Vehicle)
Travis Campbell Finlayson
Certificate III in Carpentry
Phillip Ahwong
Barry Davis
Daniel John Godfrey
Corey Lambert
Egan Laruffa
Allen James Laughton
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Trades Industry Division • Thursday 21 May
Tennyson Moran
Jaymon Luke Nowland
Brayden James Petrie
Matt Robert Wright
Certificate III in Electrotechnology Refrigeration
and Airconditioning
Mark Clyde Baumann
Matthew James Blackford
Nyell Terry Crocker
Darcy William Cryer
Rex James Dunwell
Glen William Firth
Brad Goodale
Josh Alan Hutchinson
Sam Harrison Steven Jentsch
Jordan Edward Kuhl
Michael MacKie
Pantelis Magoulias
Adrian Paul Parker
Paul Stephen Rivas
Patrick John Roberts
Ian Joel Willshire
Certificate III in Electrotechnology
Systems Electrician
Daniel Robert Cairns
Benjamin Tom Cowie
Aaron Anthony Daff
Joshua Edwards
Samuel Lucas Fuller
Brian Darren Kunde
Matthew Playford
Rhys Gwilym Redenius
Glen Alan Reed
Anthony Eric Reimers
Michael Joseph Reissis
Tasos Roditis
Achilles Griffin Rojo
Erik John Sandstrom
Stuart Robert Williams
Rui Xie
Certificate III in Engineering (Fabrication Trade)
Andy Young Bell
David Anthony Bullen
Andrew Dillon
Michael Cameron Dutch
Cain Ellis
Daniel Frape
Julian Dan Gilbert
Troy Adam Goldfinch
Daniel Luke Joyce
Trevor James Kerslake
Edison Nieva
Leon Peacock
Heath Summerville
Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
(Heavy Fabrication)
Raymond Tudawalli Shields
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Certificate III in Engineering (Mechanical Trade)
David Brian Alp
Nyjel Boehme
Javed Alexander Colling
Justin Brian Farmiloe
Allan Farris
Dale Gregory Flanagan
Lukas Shane Little
Chuck Arthur Norris
Certificate III in Furniture Making (Cabinet Making)
Josh Boyle
Aaron Clark
Zac David Eckermann
Luke Farrows
James Aaron Hamilton
Ilias Koulouriotis
Brock Munro Loder
Christopher Leigh Maloney
Brett Rowbottom
Alexander Walter
Certificate III in General Construction (Carpentry)
James Pearce
Peter Anthony Pizanias
Certificate III in Plumbing
Danilo Jose Araujo
Peter Edward Collins
Brendan Dunne
Lawrence Martin Fletcher
Joseph Samuel Frawley
Samuel Allen Paul Gray
Owen Griggs
Paul Keith Robert Jennings
Daniel Daly Keogh
Christodoulos Laouris
Gerard Lorenzo
Joel Thomas Marshall
Marc Ayrton Mattiazzo
Brenton Medbury
Phat Tuan Ngo
Glenn Francis Smith
Jackson Lee St John
Dain Cameron Stuart
Certificate in Plumbing, Draining and
Gasfitting (Trade)
Scott Andrew Simpson
Certificate III in Process Plant Operations
Ben Biddiscombe
Benjamin John Hickman
James Franklin Lynch
Bruce Craig McKenzie
John McNally
Richard John Rawlings
Shane Frederick Staunton
Tim Tilbury
Jeremy Richard Waddington
Adrian Michael Waddington
Certificate III in Transport and Distribution
Deborah McGuire
Trades Industry Division • Thursday 21 May
Certificate III in Transport and Distribution
(Road Transport)
Chris Adair
Andrew Maguire
John Nassar
Certificate III in Transport and Distribution
(Warehousing and Storage)
Robert Horton
Rowland Monnery
William George Richardson
Mark Ronan
Gerald Roger Tubman
Paul Viner
Michael Warren
Certificate II in Automotive Mechanical
(Air Conditioning)
Kerry John Aston
Karl Oliver Barz
David Bateman
Benjamin David Berry
James Paul Berry
Shane Robert Boots
John Cattalini
Shayne Chandler
James Robert Chiplen
Rhian Kym Davies
Kyle David Fields
Matthew Alexander Findlay
Daniel William Frost
Christopher John Gatt
John Lewis Girle
Christopher Charles Jackson
Mark James Jackson
Benjamin Lionel Jefferies
Christopher James Larcombe
Benjamin James Lewis
Ricky James McCarthy
Jake Vern Meyer
Robert Nelson Miller
Daniel James Morris
Randall James Mullen
Bryce Mason Owston
Stephen John Pearce
Ian Pellenat
Luke Robert Pitts
Jacob Purcher
Andrew Lawrence Reynolds
Kevin Adrian Rowland
Shannon Ryan
Benjamin Luke Scown
Shannon John Allen Smith
Mark Justin Syron
Philip Trouw
Paul Wallace
Scott Anthony Whelan
James Kerry Wilson
Certificate II in Electrotechnology Remote Area
Essential Services
Matthew John Allen
Peter Michael Atwell
Warrick Jerome Campbell
Ronald George Cole
Bret Fishley
Peter Mathew Hermans
Stephen Murray Jackson
Antony Everard Juttner
Anthony Linn
Michael Loman
Peter James Norquay
Adrian Robert O'Toole
Leanne Smith
John Bernard Smith
Russell Norman Starkey
Jeremy Walker
Garry Christopher Warner
Frank West
Sebastian Wunungmurra
Certificate II in Engineering
Edward James Thomas Bagley
Mitchell Bastin
Gavin Corby
Jackson Drew
Hayden Haslett
Mark Andrew Lee
Matthew McKay
Rachel McLean
James Christopher Rickards
Deejay Timney
Brendan Wakefield
Matthew James Walsh
Certificate II in Engineering (Production)
Ronald Campbell
Shane Hartree
Glen Robert Joyce
Michael Naudin
Joshua Poulson
Certificate II in General Construction
James Joseph Hill
Certificate II in Split Systems Air Conditioning
Clinton John Briggs
Jarrod Burns
George Leonard Keith Burns
Tarmon Elliott
Jodi Scott Hanak
Darren John Kretschmann
David Allen Lovett
Russell Norris
Craig Shand
Hendry Wilhelmus Strik
Certificate II in Transport and Distribution
(Road Transport)
Kathryn Margaret Barling
Raighne Ross Hearn-Renshaw
Nicole Mealor
Steven Oliver
Shireen Katherine Pisters
Certificate II in Transport and Distribution
(Warehousing and Storage)
Peter Edward Cummings
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Trades Industry Division • Thursday 21 May
Certificate II in Transport and Logistics
(Warehousing and Storage)
Vanessa Anne Parker
Certificate I in Automotive
Michael Scott Binder
Nuwaniny Marsha Burarrwanga
Jarrod Burarrwanga
David Cox
Lisa Buduwutpuy Dhurrkay
Carlos Dhanyin Gumbula
Nhumunba Frank Gurruwiwi
Alexander Heyworth
Keith Marika
Darren Rrawun Miritjnga Maymuru
Walalu Mununggurr
Bakuriya Mununggurritj
Zachary Daniel Murphy
Frank Wunungmurra
Marrathindi Delvine Yunupingu
Certificate I in General Construction
Norman Ebborn
Aaron Leigh Reid
Samuel Thompson
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Institute of Advanced Studies • Friday 22 May
Doctor of Philosophy
Piers Hugh Barrow
Thesis title: The role of Fire in the Ecology of Leichhardt’s
Grasshopper (Petasida Ephippigera) and its Food Plants
Pityrodia spp
In Papua, Indonesia, vascular function was measured
in adult patients with severe and uncomplicated
malaria. In several adults, L-arginine was infused and
their vascular function assessed before and after
Leichhardt’s grasshopper is one of Australia’s most
spectacular insects. It is found only in the sandstone
escarpment and plateau country of the Northern
Territory, where it feeds exclusively on a few shrubs
within the genus Pityrodia. The aims of this project
were to use mathematical simulation models to
investigate the impacts of different fire regimes on
populations of the grasshoppers. This required field
studies of the habitat and population biology of both
the grasshoppers and their host plants, together with
studies on the nature of fire regimes in the sandstone
country of the Top End. The evidence indicates that
modern fires tend to be larger in area, more intense,
more frequent, and to occur later in the dry season
than those occurring before European settlement. The
modelling results suggest that these changes are not
beneficial to populations of Leichhardt’s grasshopper.
The major findings were significantly impaired
vascular function in adults with severe malaria
compared to those with uncomplicated disease, and
the observation that L-arginine safely and effectively
improved vascular function.
Eva McRae-Williams
Thesis title: Understanding ‘Work’ in Ngukurr: A Remote
Australian Aboriginal Community
This thesis compares the work ideologies inherent
in western culture and those which have developed
within an Australian Aboriginal community, Ngukurr,
in South East Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory
of Australia. It describes the issues and differences
within and between these ideologies and how
they have influenced Aboriginal perspectives and
experiences of employment within this specific
community. The research found that Aboriginal
people in Ngukurr have a ‘work’ ideology that is
distinct from its western counterpart. Shaped by
unique historical, social and cultural phenomena
it is not confined to the sphere of paid or formal
employment. The multidimensional nature of
contemporary Aboriginal ‘work’ ideology in
Ngukurr suggests that overcoming high levels of
unemployment in remote communities may not
simply be about providing more ‘jobs’, training or
Tsin Wen Yeo
Thesis title: The Roles of Endothelial Function and
L-Arginine in the Pathogenesis of Plasmodium
Falciparum Malaria
Malaria infects 500 million people and causes 1-2
million deaths annually. Nitric oxide, a molecule
required for proper vascular function, and its substrate
L-arginine are reduced in malaria; this may contribute
to vascular dysfunction and severe disease.
The aim of the thesis was to assess if nitric oxide
mediated vascular function in individuals with malaria
was dysfunctional, and to examine if L-arginine
supplementation could reverse this.
The significance of this result was the demonstration
that improving vascular function may be a potential
adjunctive treatment of individuals with severe
Master of Midwifery
Keppel William Schafer
Master of Nursing
Judith Ruth Hoskins
Master of Public Health
Elizabeth Ann Barber
Denis James Blackford
Vanessa Olivia Clifford
Elizabeth Joy Dent
Amanda Rochelle Goldsmith
Michelle Louise Harlock
Angeneta Francis Heffey
Gabrielle Britt McCallum
Matthew George Parnaby
Master of Science By Research
Sarwo Handayani
Graduate Diploma in Child and Family Health
Amanda Carmen Harneiss
Sally Ann Grey
Graduate Diploma in Health
Raelene Cochrane
Louise Claire Gazzard
Graduate Diploma in Midwifery
Sara-Ann Veronica Harn
Melissa Jayne Heggie
Jessica Marsh
Olivia Linn Quist
Verity Jane Skeer
Graduate Diploma in Nursing
Nicola Ann Nutsford Eastwood
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Anthony David Kneipp Draper
Alex Paul Kopczynski
Grace Mutoti
Emma Jane Noonan
Kobi Louise Schutz
Neil Donald Spencer
Andrew David Vodic
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Institute of Advanced Studies • Friday 22 May
Graduate Certificate in Public Health
Joanne Marie Bowen
Graduate Certificate in Nursing
Noby James
Katherine Elizabeth Stock
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 22 May
Doctor of Philosophy
Josephine Caffery
Thesis title: Linguistics Training in Indigenous Adult
Education and Its Effects on Endangered Languages
This project explored whether linguistics training
courses, designed for remote Indigenous Adults since
1974, have resulted in people working on language
projects that contribute to the documentation
or maintenance of traditional languages and, if
not, why not. The views expressed are those of 98
participants through interviews in 22 communities
representing 32 Indigenous languages. The study
found that Indigenous Language Researchers come
from different areas across Australia, live a diversity
of lifestyles and have different levels of support
and resources to meet their goals of keeping their
languages strong. These issues interact with training,
community, cultural and governance factors to
mean formal linguistics training has contributed
little to the documentation and maintenance of
Australia’s Indigenous languages. However, this could
be reversed through the recommendations in the
thesis. This study helps to develop targeted, culturally
appropriate and effective training for Indigenous
language researchers, and the vital linguistic support
and policy needed in remote regions of Australia.
Greg Heins
Thesis title: Control methods for smooth operation of
permanent magnet synchronous AC motors
Robotics applications require expensive electric
motors for smooth, quiet operation. A cheap motor
will inevitably be rough and noisy.
My research focused on ways to control the current
into an electric motor to allow quiet operation from
a cheap motor. For these control methods to work,
accurate determination of motor imperfections is
critical. In previous research, the necessary accuracy
had not been achieved.
The contribution of my research was in two areas.
Firstly, I found that the best way of measuring
the imperfections was by measuring the noise. I
came up with a method that split the total motor
noise into separate components, allowing accurate
determination of each motor imperfection. Secondly,
using this accurate information, I compared
several previously published control methods and
demonstrated that the simplest method provided the
best results.
The final outcome was a threefold reduction in
noise when my methods were applied in a practical
poorly documented. This thesis examined the
vegetation dynamics of grass-layer plants (grasses,
sedges and herbs) in savanna, with particular focus
on the effects of fire. Experiments were undertaken
as part of a fire experiment at the Territory Wildlife
Park near Darwin. The research demonstrated the
importance of trees (canopy and litter cover) and
plant-available moisture (rainfall and soil water
content) as determinants of grass-layer plant
abundance over the short-term. Fire had very little
influence on abundance given that 1) seeds avoid
fire-related seed mortality in a dry season soil seed
bank, and 2) dormant perennial tussocks resprout
following fire. The thesis has application in the
management of plant populations elsewhere, because
it has a mechanistic basis rather than being purely
Karla Jean Smith
Thesis title: Language and Decisions: The Iranun of
Sabah, Malaysia
This is a study of the efforts of the Iranun of Sabah to
maintain and revitalise the their indigenous language
as they also feel the need to educate their children in
Malay and English to succeed in the modern world.
It uses a combination of participant observation,
questionnaires, interviews and a special children’s
project to gain understanding of the factors affecting
their language and the decisions they are making
about it. The findings include a progress report on
a project they started to develop their previously
unwritten language and establish an education
program in it, as well as an examination of how
language use is impacted by group identity, language
attitudes and the relationships between leaders and
the community. Of special significance is evidence on
the actual extent to which children are still able to use
Iranun and how this compares with the community’s
perception of their abilities.
Doctor of Teaching
Lynette Sara Austin
Master of Applied Linguistics
Mohamed Al Malazi
Megan Elizabeth Atfield
Kirsty Lea Boath
Amy Katherine Burchett
Jacob Watson Garman
Olivia Jasmine Heslop
Evelyn Kay Jackson
Peter David McDowell
Talo Maria Rooke
Thersia Magdalena Tamelan
Catherine Therese Winfield-Johnston
Charles Chi Lai Yuen
Kenneth Antony Scott
Thesis title: The Distribution and Dynamics of Grass
Layer plants in a long unburnt savanna
Master of Education
Stuart Charles Anderson
Gail Linda Davidson
Neal Halden Maxwell
Despite the regularity of fire in tropical savannas, the
Evaristo Mtitu
impact of different fire regimes on species abundance, Charmain Gai Scoggins
and the role of fire in ecological processes, remains
Glenda Joy Whiting
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 22 May
Master of Engineering
Raghu Ram Vengaldas
Master of Engineering Management
Bijay Bhushal
Ladislav Dubovsky
Deepak Gautam
Damien John Hill
Imad Karim
Pramod Lamichhane
Sivaram Mahalingam
Nicolas Morgan
Sri Vishnu Teja Nedunuri
Prajeev Ramachandra Kurup
Chalermpol Rutaisiriroj
Anusha Sankaranarayanan
Pramod Sharma
Andrew Darmawan Tjiptadi
Sivakumar Varadarajan
Gayika Vasantha Kumari
Raghu Ram Vengaldas
Siva Kumar Venkatesan
Master of Information Technology
Kit Han Michelle Fung
Ka Yee Woo
Master of Information Technology Management
Chandan Kumar Sahu
Master of Science By Research
Hemangi Surti
Master of Tropical Environmental Management
Isabella Amouzandeh
Ranid Peter May
Graduate Diploma in Primary Education
Benjamin Thomas Cram
Rebecca Ann Godden
Emily Louise Healy
Graduate Diploma in Psychology
Lyndon James Baker
Kerstin Hurst
Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education
Anthelia Josephine Bond
Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning
Aristotel Banaga
Suzanne Cecilia Bergin
Samantha Bonser
Emma Louise Boschetti
Georgia Lucas Butters Cain
Penny Lorraine Cameron
Jacqueline Kym Connolly
Heidi Cooper
Rebekkah Joy Crawford
Sally Anne Davies
Michelle Kathryn Dos Santos
Jane Elizabeth Duguid
Jason Craige Dyson
Brett Thompson Eldridge
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Nikolaos Ergos
Angela Maria Facchini
Emily Margaret Ferguson
Fabio Giannini
Belinda Louise Gillie
Jodie Louise Graham
Michelle Joy Hawkins
Mario Aswin Himawan
Michelle Tracy Hobbs
Tamara Jarowyj
Jessica Margaret Karpenko
Jennifer Koning
Belinda Ann Laing
Richard Jason Lay
Charmane Lee
Sam Alexander Lewis
Dean Robert William Liddicoat
Adam Richard Lindavies
Indran Lingam
Kim Frances Luke
Suzanne Elizabeth MacKay
Skye Louise Mead
Sara Jane Menhinnitt
Christopher Lewis Mibus
Caterina Michielli
Georgina Miller
Carly Jayne Mills
Natasha Maria Milzarek
Brian Morgan
Rita Mouchacca
Melissa Beryl Nielsen
Caitlin Elizabeth Noonan
Chelsea Lauren O'Connor
Tatum Puro
Karen Elizabeth Rae
Alicia Jade Read
Lisa Ann Richardson
Charles Harry Robinson
Peter Robson
Michelle Lee Rogers
Nicholas James Rolfs
Leigh Hamish Rothe
Jacob Santillan Beltran
Robert John Schofield
Yoke Chan Sin
Karen Stokes
Jane Ellen Sullivan
Jodi Louise Voute
Harry Glenn Westergren
Claire Lindsey Wharton
Kurt David Wilkinson
Narelle Williams
Joanne Frances Windred
Evelyn Woodley
Jennifer Maree Woolard
Graduate Diploma in
Tropical Environmental Management
Lisa Naomi Farley
Graduate Certificate in Accelerated Literacy
Ingrid Woendi Hampton
Judith Faye Holt
Nadia Cole Mills
Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 22 May
Nuria Munoz
Vivienne Helen Wright
Graduate Certificate in Applied Linguistics
Debra Jane Hannagan
Victoria Yolande Sainsbury
Graduate Certificate in Education
Caroline Anne Davey
Timna Emily Dean
Caroline Helen Derrick
Joanne Coralie Kirkbright
Daniel Frederik Luttig
Clio Jane Marah
Lein Pattison
Bachelor of Behavioural Science with
Second Class Honours, Division A
Cassarndra Louise Hackett
Michelle Anne Hewitt
Kelsey Morgan Johnson
Bachelor of Behavioural Science with
Second Class Honours, Division B
Carolyn Joan Clark
Nicola Lee Coalter
Paul Reynolds Fong
Kellie Laura Head
Jacqui Lynne Kipfer
Glen Russell McDonnell
Roseanne Maria McKenzie
Julian Alexander David Robinson
Zoe Ann Wardill
Bachelor of Engineering with First Class Honours
Daly Rudyard John Kelly
Jacinta Letitia Kelly
Bachelor of Engineering with
Second Class Honours, Division A
Lian Kooi Chee
Jeremy Grosbois
Pei Lleui Tan
Bachelor of Science with First Class Honours
Sarah Anne Ireland
Bachelor of Science with Second Class Honours,
Division A
Kim Adrian Orchard
Bachelor of Social Work with First Class Honours
David Andrew Heath
Bachelor of Social Work with Second Class
Honours, Division A
James Joseph Lucas
Bachelor of Behavioural Science
Carina Abrantes
Kerryn Lisa Gauder
Danielle Aviva Gray
Julian Hunter
David John King
Stefani Korfias
Judith Ann Lawrence
Sarah Alyce McDonald
Daniel Jae Olsen
Ashleigh Oorloff
Marybeth Erica Pereira
Alicia Pamela Reeve
Sharon Christine Reid
Jenny Esther Ward
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Francesca Gagliardo
Kalinda Elizabeth Griffiths
Mirray Kapuya Kaluka
Jason Michael Parker
Shi Peng Wu
Bachelor of Children's Services
Donna Lee Anderson
Lynda Christine Cameron
Lynda Jane Chick
Janet Christine Evans
Casey Leah Harrison
Sharon Poopethi Komarusamy Brander
Denita Joy Little
Amanda Carol Lyons
Louise Sharyn Marootians
Candice Lee Trobbiani
Bachelor of Education
Karen Anne Arthur
Katharine Baker
Narelle Margaret Bell
Courtney Rebecca Blume
Simon Alexander Bragg
Laura Thea Branton
Leanne May Bull
Hayley Jane Butterworth
Olivia Anastasia Byram
Gordon Francis Canning
Penelope Carroll
Jane Marie Caulfield
Marijana Cendo
Kim Michelle Chadwick
Christopher William Scott Charman
Rebecca Joy Cholmondeley
Peta Anne Costello
Rhys Thomas Davie
Melissa Nita Davy
Leigh Russell Dunn
Anthea Lara Eames
Kylie Louise Elliott
Erin Mary Francis
Joanna Louise Glennon
Sevasti Glynatsis
Donna Maree Goodman
Megan Jessica Graham
Cassandra Dannielle Green
Judith Andrea Grills
Tania May Hawkins
Adrian Thomas Herron
Elizabeth Ann Hill
Belinda Jane Hodges
Michelle Ann Holohan
Miriam Rose Honner
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 22 May
Simone Louisa Hopkins
Kirsty-Jane Hosking
Carli Anne Jesson
Helen Mary Johnson
Pamela Johnson
Merran Helen Kamitsis
D'Elise Monique Keitaanpaa
Gemma Lee Kennedy
Maroulla Klidaras
Donna Ann Langdon
Michael James Liebelt
Mark Arturo Mangohig
Renae Moana McGarvie
Elizabeth Mary McIntyre
Samantha Anne Moodie
Kellie Ann O'Shea
Cimarra Jade Oates
Dianna Renee Pickert
Paula Ann Poulton
Kym Ronald Prestwood
Deborah Ann Raiteri
Matthew James Rivas
Tracey Mary-Ann Robson
Patricia Anne Shaw
Karensa Jane Smith
Hayley Jayne Somers
Michelle Rita Taylor
Andree Kathleen Totham
Shuoyin Tu
Casey Paul Veentjer
Jeanette Venhoek
Casey Mckella Warner
Anne Elizabeth Watson
Debra Leigh Wolhuter
Kylie York
Bachelor of Education Secondary
George Cameron Darby
Lauren Maree Duynhoven
Ebonney Anne Teliea Elliott-Bail
Adam Heard
Charlie Maillis
Jane Karen Morgan
Bachelor of Engineering
Joel Edward Chapman
Robert Chrisnadi
Paul Gordan Hanssens
Sean Lindsay Hillman
Samuel Joseph Riley
Bachelor of Environmental Science
Bianca Flora Baldissera
Kellie Ann Carter
Daniel John Kimberley
Dianne McCarthy
John Peter Ross
Alana Lee Smith
Bachelor of Information Technology
Louis Cristiani
Leane Heidi Dabitz
Rana Ali Hassan
Clare Michelle Jobson
Melanie Jade Johnston
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Andrew James Joraslafsky
Robert William John Kidd
Susan Jayne Kulda
Vasilios Magriplis
Michael Millthorn
Alan Conjen Mu
Jose Manuel Nheu
Jessica Erin O'Neill
Nicole Suzane Pinka
Nang Sri Phong Tip
Shaun Tranthem
Bachelor of Nursing
Sandra Joyce Acreman
Juliana Agazzani
Faith Rose Alexander
Kathryn Ema Anich
Chris Jin Young Baker
Danielle Patricia Barton
Cassie Alice Bentley
Yusup Bin Haris
Christine Ethel Black
Ebonie Blake
Holly Jayne Braithwaite
Terri Helen Breen
Josephine Marie Burns
Maria Carmel Buza
Lynda Caddie-Reed
Heather Delrene Campbell
Sharon Maree Campbell
Kelly Marie Carleton
Susan Margaret Chambers
Julie Ann Churchward
Anna Sylvia Cieslak
Perri Anne Clow
Heidi Rebecca Coburn
Stacey Rebekah Collins
Suzanne Petronella Cooper
Sarah Justine Coote
Liza May Davey
Tugba Demirez
Diana Win Devereux
Diane Elizabeth Dixon
Skye Donoghue
Paul Albert Drew
Eugene Anthony Duffy
Yatin Trinoto Bin Dulah Iksan
Mary Therese Edwards
Jill Teresa Egerton-Warburton
Roslyn Dianne Farmer
Lena Gweneth Faulkner
Julie Ann Fava
Amanda Jane Fieldsend
Jennifer Rose Finlayson
Carolyn Mary Finucane
Josephine Fitzgerald
Helen Leah Frayne
Sarah Louise Gallagher
Andrea Dominique Galvan
Sherlita Galvan
Nikole Kaileene Giles-Dickinson
Nicole Marie Goodrick
Sarah Jane Grafton
David James Gregory
Rosie Jane Alexandra Gudonis
Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 22 May
Heike Helga Haines
Jennifer May Hansen
Carmen Marie Harris
Donna Katrina Heyward
Machiko Hirata
Emma Christine Hodgkinson
Leanne Gaye Jeffries
Samantha Leigh Johnston
Anna Louise Joyce
Katherine Suzanne Judd
Renae Laurel Kane
Beverley Fay Kirby
Lesa Pauline Knight
Lynne Kroger
Philippa Jane Kupsch
Bupe Amon Kyelu
Noelene Gaye Larmour
Bridie Lashbrook
Colleen Patricia Maddern
Janet Michelle Mannas
Melissa Joy Martin
Debra Anne Matricardi
Victoria Matthews
Wendy Louise Mauchline
Peter Brian McConnell
Simone Louise McDean
Lisa Anne McGregor
Vivienne Jane McKenzie
Sally Anne McKnight
Rebecca Jane McLellan
Casey Nicole Mogg
Janelle Elizabeth Moyle
Lee-Anne Kaye Muller
Emmah Mulenga Munkombwe
Vanessa Isobel Murray
Karen Bain Newman
Leanne Nuske
Kellie Louise O'Dwyer
Penelope Jane O'Neill
Amanda Olsson
Romaine Vivienne Oorloff
Judith Ann Paton
Casie Melissa Payne
Christine Anne Pedersen
Kathryn-Ann Pollard
Valeriu Popa
Eka Rahayu Pratiwi
Jane Pia Price
Md. Nadim Rahman
Janet Florence Roberts
Deborah Leanne Roberts
Gavin John Rosenzweig
Helena Anne Russell
Jean Valerie Schoeppner
Selviana Serrano
Suzanne Patricia Sharples
Lillian Tamika Sikazwe
Kerrie May Smart
Christine Jane Smoothy
Fauzan Joko Suseno
Anoosheh Taidi
Naomi Tainu Read
Catherine Emma Tasker
Casey Alana Thompson
Rachel Thomson
Karen Thorne
Shirley Maree Thorneloe
Jennifer Allena Vitkus
Karen Jane Vuga
Madeline Bernadette Walsh
Joanne Elizabeth West
Jessica Kate Westphal
Amanda Jane Wood
Bachelor of Pharmacy
Ilinka Cvetanka Bacev
Rebecca Janet Clarke
Skevos Lelekis
Simone Collette Liddy
Marwa Mohamed Abdel Hafiz Osman
Maria Phuong Tran
Bachelor of Science
Nicholas James Blackwell
Courtney Rebecca Blume
Jennifer Rose Finlayson
Rebecca Clare Garrigan
Melissa Anne Haynes
Luke David Heames
Jacinta Letitia Kelly
Maja Lukic
Michelle Joy Martin
Matthew James Rivas
Rebecca Jean Thyne
Casey Paul Veentjer
Bachelor of Social Work
Albert Jc Adakpoku
Kathleen Jean Bobongie
Rebecca Elicia Lowe
Nicole Anne Simmons
Lynn Smith
Julia Simone Elise Wormer
Bachelor of Teaching
Naomi Kim Evans
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
Vicki Kathleen Bourke
Rebecca Clare Garrigan
Melissa Anne Haynes
Delean Elsa Holtze
Sean Joseph Kenny
Christine Maas
Dorah Goitse Molatlhegi
Melissa Anne Scott
Wirda Skeggs
Penelope Sue Strachan
Christine Erna Street
Teresa Mae Tate
Georgia Tsikouris
Anita Maria Walker
Tiffany Barbara Wilks
Bachelor of Welfare Studies
Laura Jane Duffield
Lisa Lynch
Associate Degree in Information Technology
Helmia Binti Ahmad Alkatiri
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Languages and Literacy Industry Division • Friday 22 May
Certificate IV in English Proficiency
Wantana Kunnikorn
Ramlah Lawler
Duan Duan Lin
Yulija Amalia Poulose
Certificate III in General Education for Adults
Ricardo Barros
Afonso Da Costa Maia
Jose Rodrigues Da Cruz
Xisto Da Cruz
Rudolfo Da Silva Amaral
Erminio Dos Santos
Senessi Braima Mansaray
Clifford John O'Brien
Jose Pinto
Joseph Taek
Zacarias Albano Vedigal
Marcelino Ximenes
Certificate III in Spoken and Written English
Rong Jun Cai
Rosimah Clifford
Dirce Maria Das Dores Sarmento Exposto
Ana Duric
Maria Guida
David Hammond
. Kapiamba Tshimbu
Thanyapha Kulatnam
Dominica Liliaty Lamba
Ro Man
Nilani Nantharaj
Annie Nkiere Biongo
Nur Zufriyanti Round
Phairin Saising
Thamina Sultana
Lydie Wangezono
Certificate II in Introductory Vocational Education
Jessica Bovis
Lisa Marie Dunbar
Rebekah Lea Johansen
Kassie Lawrence-Ball
Sarah May Little
Candice McLean
Brenton Sang
Certificate II in Spoken and Written English
Nimade Budiasih Bosshart
Lilybeth Catarroja
Pornthewee Chitlang
M Carmen Del Rocio Diaz
Mohamed Farah Abdi
Camilo Raul Fernandez Chatin
Bi Qing Liu
Kani Man
Thi Tu Linh Mangan
Joseph Ntacobakwimvuna
Cho Lay Nwe
Tarmla Say
Araya Somsakul
Nyoman Sriani
Htoo Bway Tun
Wan Si Yang
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Certificate I in Spoken and Written English
Birkisa Abdurahman
Karen Aihi
Tita Medado Barbajo
Sreypum Chan
Tzu Ching Chou
Maritha Fayia
Verdetika Giri
Karim Hassan Ali
Pasquina Iromo
Sarah Alison Joseph
Mohamed Karim
Mandela Lemi
Jittima Mount
. Nan Oo
Joseph Ntacobakwimvuna
Anh Thi Nguyen
Patchara Noichin
Nonglak Srimat
Phornchanok Sukul
Kasmali Sumaili
Karim Sumaili
Ahmed Adem Wabe
Zaw Myint
Primary Industries and Community Services Industry Division • Friday 22 May
Diploma of Children's Services
Leanne May Bull
Carlie Anne Fox
Kyria Rosemary Gotts
Simone Louisa Hopkins
Laura Louise Horvath
Lourdes Johnstone
Teogena June Orian
Deborah Dawn Parker
Leonor Sohl
Thomas Andrew Waterson
Claire Werrett
Caroline Elizabeth Wright
Diploma of Conservation and Land Management
Matthew John Clarke
Louise Plowman Finch
Elizabeth Anne Hunnam
Sherie Mandy Hunt .
Tomoko Okazaki
Diploma of Disability Work
Rachelle Elise Browne
Carolyn Gregurke
Diploma of Horticulture
Matthew John Clarke
Benjamin Hohnen
Certificate IV in Alcohol and Other Drugs Work
Michele Eileen Clarke
Hope Rigby
Certificate IV in Community Services and Health
(Enrolled Nurse)
Maureen Anne Beattie
Nanthana Browne
Jeanine Helen Cole
Catriona Dawn Condon
Shaun Daniel
Erika Evelyn Davidson
June Victoria Denison
Maxine Kahurangi Edwards
Albina Amal Floriano
Fiona Joanne Gatty
Joanne Beverley Gray
Pasqualina Lattanzio
Ligia Maria Jose Ly
Doreen Catherine Lynch
Lisa Gaye McIntyre
Julie Marie Nicholls
Carol Ann Norris
Sonia Kim Phillips
Carly Jane Phillips
Joanne Narelle Phillips
Claire Jean Reynolds
Nicole Anne Schafer
Kylie-Jane Wells
Certificate IV in Community Services Work
Sladjana Aleksic
Margaret Ann Goldsmith
Stephen James Mathews
Kerryl Frances McIntosh
Nardene Murphy
Michaela Lee-Ann O'Shea
Christine Marie Thompson
Certificate IV in Conservation and
Land Management
Samantha Clarke
Simon Laurence Dent
Lee Ann Humphris
Susan Gillian Lamb
Certificate IV in Disability Work
Josephine Brine
Jongkolnee Hunkin
Mary-Anne Hunt
Anne Marie Prewett
Certificate IV in Education Support
Margaret Ann Chandler
Michelle Fidler
Shelley Elizabeth Forbes
Michelle Hays
Jenny Louise Houseman
Jo-Anne Elizabeth Jenkins
Christopher Thomas Kuhn
Saw Hooi Khim Mills
Jul Sefriana Moulday
Phong Thi Thanh Nguyen
Diana M Nowland
Jodie Marie Reichstein
Amanda Stevenson
Debbie Stringer
Judy Maree Tyne
Kristin Williams
Certificate IV in Youth Work
Sladjana Aleksic
Erin Megan Flynn
Nelson Jones
Stephen James Mathews
Joanne Marie Wicks
Certificate III in Aged Care Work
Susan Elizabeth Glasgow
Catherine Keil
Kerry Lindfield
Sussen Barbara-Anne Mason-Lechmere
Korlu Sao
Ronelle Sheehan
Christopher Lee Stanger
Robyn Strybosch
Benita Zuniga
Certificate III in Agriculture (Beef Production)
Thomas Barnes
Patrick Barrett
Neville Essex
Samantha Fleming
Sarah Elizabeth Gardiner
James Thomas Hull
Shae Larkin
Kylie May McNamara
Lisa Maree Murphy
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Primary Industries and Community Services Industry Division • Friday 22 May
Certificate III in Children's Services
Kasey Ballinger
Bernadette Balzer
Carla Marie Bayetto
Erin Jade Bryant
Kirsten Louise Bullard
Brenton Butler
Narelle Barbara Calma
Caitlin Jayde Chapman
Kantsinee Chorchan
Siobhan Romaine Combe
Leanne Jane Doherty
Kerry-Anne Drechsler
Stephanie Maree Egglestone
Vorada Einam
Christine Lynette Elfenbein
Nicole Ellwood
Emma Louise Fenton
Lynda Marie Franz-Hoobin
Vikki Nicole Gardner
Andrea Jay Gilmour
Emma Mary Goodbun
Kyria Rosemary Gotts
Hannah Maree Green
Rhonda Grey
Lavinia Joan Hampton
Janene Carrol Harman
Janelle Ann Heck
Alyssa Jade Hinds
Lisa Holmes
Ka-Yan Hui
Paula Rae Humes
Deanna Kate Jaeschke
Katrina Yvonne Kadiba
Jannah Catherine Leane
Lisa Ledden
Judy Lonie
Nannette Major
Gemma McDowell
Lisa Marie McKenzie
Kendall Anne Mills
Heather Morris
Sarah Nicole Musgrave
Meliana Novak
Effie Nowlan
Jean O'Connell
Melanie Sara Oliver
Repeta Paoo
Sagarika Perera Jayasuriya
Melissa Jane Phelps
Heidi Katherina Pligl
Grazyna Jolanta Pulczynska
Barbara Dell Riches
Deonne Krystal Riebe
April-Kaye Marie Robinson
Cassandra Ebony Lee Rose
Jane Margaret Rose
Karen Maree Rowe
Elena Irene Sandoval De Rodriguez
Veronica Schulte
Samantha Sheppard
Sarah Louise Spicer
Elizabeth Michelle Stone
Bindumol Thomas
Bronwyn Tranter
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Zira Rochelle Voigt
Kerry Voutsinos
Claire Werrett
Carolyn Kim Wilkinson
Hazel Willingale
Natasha Kim Woodward
Melanie Jane Woodward
Kirsty Yates
Certificate III in Community Services Work
Sladjana Aleksic
Lisa Joyce Henriques
Monique Claire O'Callaghan
Joanne Lesley Pereira
Tiffany Rose Philpott
Certificate III in Conservation and
Land Management
Clinton James Cadell
Julie Margaret Davidson
Sheree Kym Dunbar
Nathan Andrew Garrod
Frank Ger
Alan Lindsey Horton
Joanne Natrice Kaissis
Wade Anthony Kelle
Kristina Lamb
Sonny Malmerin-Fejo
Magnus Malmerin-Fejo
Danielle McGinness
Lindsay John Parsons
Rachel Louise Pearce
Andrew Scott Peckham
Jeanne-Marie Gemma Stevens
Graeme William Sydney Talbot
Certificate III in Disability Work
Brett Anthony Beers
Josephine Brine
Jayne Michelle Cartwright-Steele
Maria Stephen Kenyi Loga
Jean Yatta
Certificate III in Horticulture
Janelle Louise Crowe
Anne Theresa Gleeson
Raylene Amanda Lamonte
Tania Lee Weinert
Certificate III in Pathology
Jose Fernandes
Certificate III in Pathology Specimen Collection
George Borbor Sowood
Certificate III in Seafood Industry (Aquaculture)
Stephanie Boubaris
Mark Donald Brearley
Daniel Ramon Costa
Certificate III in Youth Work
Chester Hood
Deanna Lynn Kennedy
Stephen James Mathews
Primary Industries and Community Services Industry Division • Friday 22 May
Rowan James Pedler
Anton Plummer
Joanne Marie Wicks
Certificate II in Agriculture
Ben Armstrong
Anthony Baker
Terry Barry
Patricia Marie Buckley
Stephanie Anne Calder
Leslie Caldwell
Harry Carter
Timothy Cassegrain
Jason Davey
Donald Dodd
Harley Dohnt
Charles Thomas Easley
Neville Essex
Roxanne Faulke
Sarah Elizabeth Gardiner
Charles Graham
Christopher Howard
Jakobus Thomas A. M. Landman
Raymond Joseph Mawson
Rosemarie Ann McKerlie
Kylie May McNamara
Luke Patrick Mullins
Jasmine Lucy Munro
Lisa Maree Murphy
Nell Kathleen Terry
Certificate II in Animal Studies
Frances Trevor Wilks
Priscilla Lee Willcockson
Certificate II in Community Services Work
David Ryan
Abby Lauritsen
Certificate II in Conservation and
Land Management
Jarrod Benton
Theo Drover
Matthew Grant
Guninyal Gumana
Dean Yalapuru Gumana
Joanne Natrice Kaissis
Barry Mawson
Mark Pedretti
Brentley Plummer
Wendy Margaret Elizabeth Retter
Toni Maree Rouse
Danae Sabina
Shaun Sampson
Certificate II in Horticulture
Yvonne Carrie Cruice
Jamie John Ellis
Shae David Hercelinskyj
Peter Allen Jamieson
Troy Robert Jenkins
Jarell Kunoth
Aaron Talbot
Certificate II in Rural Operations
Derek Draper
Dennis James Garlett
William Graham
Luke Jones
Robert Shane Kelly
Arryn Perner
Jake Robinson
Martin Strachan
Certificate II in Seafood Industry (Aquaculture)
Dean Arthur Cameron
Greg William Howard
Mark Frederick Larking
Anthony Wright
Certificate I in Conservation and
Land Management
Craig Campbell
Daniel Campbell
Peta Alyce Caspani
Corey Hogan
Roseanne Jinjair
Christina Jinjair
Shane Johnston
Marita Longmair
Emmanuel Longmair
Therese Mollinjin
Kathy Anne Namala
Waylon Ward
Allan Ward
Korek Weston
David John Williams
Certificate I in Rural Operations
Delvina Boko
Milidjumbarr Bronson Dhamarrandji
Keelan Fejo
Minydjalurr Mary Garmu
Justin Giumelli
Steele Harrower
Kym Jessi-Ann Henderson
Tenisha Jacobs
Scott Anthony Jenkins
Glen Lindner
Breanna Marchant
Jessica Meek
Gurrangurr Munuggurr
Milkanga Kelvin Mununggurr
Banduwa Ricardo Mununggurr
Djimbalal Ngurruwuthun
Geoffrey Ross
Gerald Ryan
Christine Smith
Reuben John Smith
Robin Tasman
Jamie Wanambi
Mirriny Ted Wanambi
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Institute of Advanced Studies • Friday 12 June
Graduate Diploma in Public Health
Stephen Keith Johns
Emma Claire Kraft
Graduate Diploma in Health
Margaret Joan Fullerton
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts • Friday 12 June
Master of International Management
Morag Monteith McGrath
Bachelor of Arts
Irene Fitness
Bachelor of Business
Nicole Diane Gurney
Heather Michelle Anne Watson
Bachelor of Laws
Milana Crevar
Certificate III in Visual Arts and
Contemporary Craft
Andrew Scott Haynes
Heather Julie Jensen
Certificate II in Multimedia
Jared Joshua Aviet
Jonathan Bird
Kirsten Maree Major
Owen Whiley
Lelep Mukunda Patrick Hope Wighton
Certificate II in Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft
Ernestine Abbott
Marlene Bloomfield
Janie Bloomfield
Michelle Shirley Drover
Patricia Drover
Leanne Entata
Vivienne Entata
Selma Entata
Alicia Entata
Lillian Impu
Tina Malbunka
Donna Mulladad
Valerie Namatjira
Lorraine Ngalaia
Noleen Ratara
Rebecca Rontji
Barbara Tilmouth
Irene Tilmouth
Joanne Tilmouth
Lesley Tilmouth
Margaret Tilmouth
Nancy Tilmouth
Joy Turner
Elizabeth Wehr
Verna Wheeler
Caroline Wheeler
Denise Wheeler
Marjorie Wheeler
Certificate I in Visual Arts and Contemporary Craft
Bianca Clegg
Taralee Duggie
Nikita Mick
Shantaisha Waistcoat
Sherina Williams
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Faculty of Education, Health and Science • Friday 12 June
Master of Education
Peter Ronald Atkinson
Master of Tropical Environmental Management
Amelia Graham
Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning
Susana Fernandez-McKeown
Kristen Gaye Ralph
Graduate Certificate in Education
Roger Sellar
Bachelor of Behavioural Science
Jeannette Green
Bachelor of Children's Services
Vicky Antoniadis
Kathryn Helen Krieger
Bachelor of Education
Veronica Anne Ecenarro
Gemma Heidi O'Brien
Janine Gai Oldfield
Karin Yeaman
Bachelor of Nursing
Denise Patricia Baxter
Marilynn Joy Brent
Nellie Sativa Crawley
Jemima Fritts
Pauline Annina Haden
Felicity Jane Head
Julia Margaret Hogan
Lorraine Anne Membrey
Lynnette Faye Parsonson
Susanne Clare Rockemer
Sarah Kathryn Spry
Tanya Anne Ter Haar
Petrina Jane Turkington
Toni Weir
Julie Christine Werner
Pauline Jeanne Wilson
Bachelor of Teaching and Learning
Jannette Jane McCormack
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Friday 12 June
Certificate IV in Business
Lesleigh Annette Cartwright
Lesley Jury
Heather Kaye Kudrenko
Moyra Jane Mewett
Michael John Mewett
Tamara Loraine Owen
Certificate IV in Business (Human Resources)
Gerard Patrick McKeegan
Joanne Smith
Certificate IV in Business (Marketing)
Michael Raymond Drew
Certificate IV in Business
(Small Business Management)
Kathleen Anne Abbott
Brent Allen Emshwiller
Monty John Erickson
Heather Kaye Kudrenko
Kristina Joy Mackey
Gerard Patrick McKeegan
Michael John Mewett
Simon Nelson
Dianne Squire
Margaret Anne Urban
Benjamin John Ward
Yan Xu
Certificate IV in Business Administration
Robyn Cox
Michael Raymond Drew
Moyra Jane Mewett
Certificate IV in Financial Services (Accounting)
Cherry Pie Basso
Celeste Burnett
Jean Daet
Michael Raymond Drew
Elizabeth Ann Durnin
Susan Gayle Howard
Stewart Mcintyre Inglis
Lesley Jury
Gregory David McIntosh
Skye Louise Merrett
Tatia Thompson
Certificate IV in Hospitality (Supervision)
Ivan Patrick Atkins
Lee Rebecca Daffy
Jonathan Garwood
Tamara Loraine Owen
Kathy Ramsey
Certificate IV in Sport (Development)
Shane Anthony Cross
Certificate IV in Tourism (Operations)
Robyn Cox
Christopher Ralph Martin
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Geoffrey Robert Aitken
Wayne Edward Barbour
Brian Norman Brierley
Richard Charles Brittingham
Gina Diane Broun
Debbie Louise Bruce
Giovanna Valentina Carlesso
Christopher James Clark
Gwenyth Mary Crombie
Gary James Dean
Peter Stanley Dempster
William Roger Dobbie
Kim Maree Donovan
Ursula Judith Hindmarsh
Marita Ella Hope
Paul James Milne
Peter F Murray
Margaret Elizabeth Prow
Christopher Bernard Rothery
Allison Lilian Wheatley
Certificate III in Business
Jaclyn Anne Colman
Jade Louise Cooke
David Colin Curtis
Bianca Maria Erlandson
Frances Samantha Fay Hardy
Wassana Kline
Theresa Nicolussi
Sopee Poolek
Tiffany Jane Proctor
Donna Michelle Solomon
Certificate III in Business Administration
Celeste Brand
Bianca Maria Erlandson
Jakob Klunyk
Raelene Catherine McGinness
Gemma Louise Petras
Anna Towan
Certificate III in Financial Services
(Accounts Clerical)
Colleen Sylvia Campbell
Thi Hung Do
Michael Raymond Drew
Elizabeth Ann Green
Stewart Mcintyre Inglis
Samantha Jo Manning
Deborah Louise McIntyre
Brett Lee Mundy
Ruth Pacupia
Krystine Elizabeth Paice-Brown
Helen-Mae Petrick
Certificate III in Hairdressing
Bridget Dooley-Mcdonnell
Amanda Dawn Kutschki
Certificate III in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery)
Tyson Ian Brown
Timothy Finn
Jason Dieter Rolf Flink
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Business and Service Industries Division • Friday 12 June
Jason Kevin Goodwin
Sean Michael Hill
Elle MacLeod
Ronald John Mitchell
Shekhar Pradhan
Joel Byron Wilkinson
Certificate III in Hospitality (Operations)
Justina Blom
Candice Melissa Chamberlain
Alicia Therese Colombet
Alicia Therese Colombet
Vilma Espinocilla
Eileen Hewitt
Hannah Louise Hughes
Mandy Eileen Kentwell
Gordon Long
Amanda Victoria Majoor
Avis Jade Nolan
Rachel Nicole Penboss
Sally-Anne Peters
Justin Phillip Henry Rogers
Melina Salzone
Jade Nicole Sheehy
Amy Sherrin
Courtney Marie Sneddon
Certificate III in Information Technology
Michael Raymond Drew
Zachari Michael Nethery
Certificate III in Meat Processing (Meat Retailing)
James Christian Carey
Patrick Joseph Carmody
Gary James Charnock
Wayne Gregory Meaney
Shaun Anthony Muir
Samuel John Nelson
Nick Scheidegger
Certificate III in Tourism (Operations)
Reena Vazhayil
Certificate III in Tourism (Retail Travel Sales)
William Ah Chee
Certificate II in Business
Kathryn Lenore Cochrane
Gregory Adrain Cusack
Nalita Ann Ferguson
Sarah Hudson
Melany Matteucci
Certificate II in Hairdressing
Tsun-En Cheng
Toni Louise O'Brien
Melissa Anne Ros
Lauren Marie Wilson
Certificate II in Hospitality (Operations)
Lucy Absalom
James Ansell
Lucy May Barlow
Dale Peter Caust
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Joanne Frances Dickson
Jade Donahoo
Ellen Gunner
Samuel Harding
Dylan Reece Hodge
Rachelle Hughes
Teddy Juan
Shlaghniya Khanna
Rachel Lindner
William Maddocks
Toby Mayell
Rhianon McEwan
Zoe Mure
Christian O'Connor
Sarah Louise Ryan
Claire Dawn Ryan
Melissa Sims
Deanne Van Prooyen
Danielle Wenske
Ainslie Yoffa
Certificate II in Information Technology
Joieanne Manansala
Certificate II in Retail
Jessica Faye Sanderson
Certificate II in Retail Operations
James Ansell
Josephine Mary Buck
Kym Egan
Frances Samantha Fay Hardy
Jo-Anne Therese McIntyre
Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
Samantha Marie Barley
Glen Robert Joyce
Certificate II in Tourism (Operations)
Ellen Gunner
Rachel Lindner
Certificate I in Hospitality (Kitchen Operations)
Leonie Cumaiyi
Pauline Cumaiyi
Theodora Cumaiyi
Certificate I in Hospitality (Operations)
Kiah Sheree Bartholomew
Toni-Clair Braitling
Daisy Alice Burgoyne
Peta Alyce Caspani
Dale Peter Caust
Sophia Claire Costello
Ella Janette Donovan
Amy Kay Douglas
Cindy Drover
Edwina Francis
Angelina Jane Franklin
Bianca Marie Gepperth
Jack Hickey
Dylan Reece Hodge
Ashley Jackson
Akala Janapriya
Business and Service Industries Division • Friday 12 June
Tara McCormick
Rhianon McEwan
Patrina McMasters
Sisilia Nawakota
Ruby Patman
April Riley
Dean Edward Ryan
Emily Michelle Schluter
Erma Suryani
Tara-Lee Talbot
Stephanie Tilmouth
Danielle Trindle-Price
Amy Van Der Schuit
Victoria Eloise Winther
Certificate I in Information Technology
Angeline Bill
Cordelia Katherine Cheng
Gregory Adrain Cusack
David John Hearne
Tova Brie-Ann Howard
Heather Kaye Kudrenko
Joieanne Manansala
Jennah Mary Rose
Joshua Smith
Connor Somerville
Ainslie Yoffa
Certificate I in Retail Operations
Joshua Cawthorne-Crosby
Tsun-En Cheng
Matthew Daniel Cummings
Amy Kay Douglas
Dina Espinocilla
Kimberley Erin Ettridge
Karl James William Fett
Simone Maree Graves
Kinisimere Uanua Hansen
Christie Anne Jones
Tanya Maree Kendall
Morgan Lane
Gracie-Rose Matteucci
Sophie Mavromihalis
Katrina Ann McGrath
Aimee Scott
Casey Lee Turner
Sharni Marie Welch
Lauren Marie Wilson
Carmen Young
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Trades Industry Division • Friday 12 June
Certificate IV in Building
Jeff Gluck
Konstandinos Mastoros
Dimitrios Mpilias
Rodney James Scott
Ian Harold Stewart
Certificate III in Automotive
Danny William Fisher
Certificate III in Automotive
(Mechanical - Light Vehicle)
Daniel Joseph Clifton
Michael James Cope
Brendan Neville Fogarty
Kyle Aaron Henderson
Luke Gary Taylor
Bryce Jarreth Wright
Certificate III in Automotive Mechanical
Technology (Light Vehicle)
John Robert Weymouth
Certificate III in Automotive Specialist
Ronnel Colon
Certificate III in Carpentry
Raymond Mark Brown
Gavin John Cohen
Jeremy Boyd Loudon
Calvin James Pomare
Richard Joseph Schembri
Jay Michael Waters
Certificate III in Electrotechnology
Systems Electrician
Darren Scott Cawthorne-Crosby
Justin Anthony Greenwood
Johannes Martinus Krikke
Matthew Morton
Matthew Richard Jon Tatten
Certificate III in Transport and Distribution
(Warehousing and Storage)
Yolanda Dice
Certificate II in Automotive Mechanical
(Air Conditioning)
Alan William Barnes
Scott Murdoch
Nathan John Sims
Ryan Stephen Workman
Certificate II in Electrotechnology Remote Area
Essential Services
Patrick Wayne Bloomfield
Greggie Campbell
Matt Cronin
Colin Robert Davis
Damien Driffen
Kyle Dunn
Martin Hagan
Raphael Impu
Douglas Larry
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Basil Mick
Glenn Peterson
Andrew Reiff
Raymond Reiff
Damien Williams
Certificate II in Engineering
Darren Gane
Clinton Thomas Ghea
Bradley John Murdoch
Peter Bruce O'Grady
Steve David Taylor
Lachlan Ross Taylor
Certificate II in Engineering (Production)
Thomas Gorey
Certificate II in General Construction
Glen Robert Joyce
Certificate II in Transport and Distribution
(Road Transport)
Kathryn Elaine Ferry
Certificate I in Automotive
Stephen Goodwin
Languages and Literacy Industry Division • Friday 12 June
Certificate III in Spoken and Written English
Suwannee Maloney
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Primary Industries and Community Services Industry Division • Friday 12 June
Diploma of Community Services
(Children's Services)
Sarah Maree McIntyre
Certificate IV in Community Services and Health
(Enrolled Nurse)
Joanne Davis
Shane Robert Eden
Stephen Andrew Eldridge
Evangeline Lawson
Angela Kristine Probin
Ingrid Lee Slattery
Certificate IV in Education Support
Karen Ellen Jones
Amanda Salter
Certificate IV in Horticulture
Wendy Susan Ogden
Certificate IV in Out of School Hours Care
Kelly Elizabeth Giddings
Anthony James Haggett
Angelina Lucia Huddle
Lillian Keong
Richard Truscott
Certificate III in Children's Services
Susan Bayly
Kathryn Joan Brak
Rebecca Kate Brak
Beth Marilyn Cardona
Kirsty Elaine Cody-Mayne
Sonya Joan Haywood
Tiffiny Hogarth
Brooke Klarenbeek
Dianne Marie Linsley
Melanie Patricia Marron
Erica Therese Riley
Matilda Ivy Schoeman
Sharon Smart
Merryl Janine Spears
Jodie Anne Vipond
Certificate II in Community Services Work
Belinda Anstey
Edward Foster
Lionel Hill
Nuwan Janpriya
Peta Maree Mines
Dileena Murphy
Certificate II in Horticulture
Doris Elisabeth Harrison
Certificate I in Conservation and
Land Management
Rhiahnan Forrester
Michayla Holt
Thornton O'Cleary
Gayle Scotchmer
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Certificate I in Horticulture
Lee Anderson
Martin Beasley
Rodney Campbell
Julie Coulthard
Kevin Dixon
Lorraine Doctor
Ross Epenarra
Rosslyn Farrar
Matthew Furber
Colleen Haines
Lance Inkamala
Jeffrey James
Millie James
Colleen Lirriwe
Janet Lirriwe
David Kevin Loader
Leslie Nelson
Rita Rabuntja
Mark Thomas Robertson
Kerry Waistcoat
Ashley Glen Walker
Stephanie Walla
Charmaine Wallace
Kevin Wayne
Mervyn Wilson
Solomon Wilson
Kaye Zimran
Additional Degrees and Awards Conferred
Faculty of Law, Business and Arts
Master of International Management
Andrew Gray
Bachelor of Laws with Second Class Honours,
Division B
Melissa Anne Knapic
Bachelor of Arts
Bree Ruth Susan Johnston
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Alumni Welcome
Congratulations on the completion of your award from Charles Darwin University. I hope
you will never forget your time with us and I encourage you to stay in touch with us as you
continue through your life journey.
I wish you every success in your future endeavours and encourage you to contribute to the
Alumni web site and University publications. We would be delighted if you would share
your experiences of the University, future career achievements and personal triumphs.
Charles Darwin University Alumni has been set up to support and promote the interests of
our graduates, and to foster an environment where members can contribute to the future of
the University. The Alumni also provides a professional and social connection for all people
who have contributed to Charles Darwin University.
Alumni membership is free. Alumni registration can be done online through the Alumni
website at
On behalf of the Alumni and the University, I welcome you into the Alumni family and I look
forward to continuing our relationship with you.
Yours sincerely
Richard Ryan, AO
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Australian Federation of University Women Inc
Northern Territory
The Australian Federation of University Women (Northern Territory) Inc (AFUW-NT) provided
assistance in gowning for the Graduation ceremony this evening.
This is a fund-raising activity providing scholarships for Northern Territory, and now East
Timorese, women students. We offer three $1000 scholarships annually in the Northern
Territory – one each to an undergraduate, a postgraduate and one identified for an Indigenous
woman student. Three scholarships are offered to women studying at the Universidade
Nacional Timor Lorosae, Dili.
The AFUW NT Scholarships are offered in association with the CDU Foundation.
AFUW-NT is a member of the Federal Council of the Australian Federation of University
Women Inc (AFUW Inc). AFUW Inc joined the International Federation of University Women
(IFUW) in 1924. IFUW has NGO status with the United Nations, and is a voice for graduate
women, promoting the advancement of women worldwide and their equal opportunity
through initiatives in education, welfare, friendship, the environment and peace.
Membership in AFUW Inc is open to all women who hold an undergraduate degree or its
equivalent from a University anywhere in the world. Employment in a University or any other
location is not a requirement.
AFUW Inc administers some $400,000 in scholarship funds, and has Standing Committees
on education, youth, international issues, the environment and peace in which AFUW-NT
participates and contributes. AFUW Inc is a member of the four Secretariats established by
the Federal Government to advise on women’s perspectives on rural, economic, human rights
and health issues.
If you would like to know more about AFUW-NT, visit these websites:
AFUW-NT Inc: ; AFUW Inc : ; IFUW:
If you are interested in joining AFUW-NT please talk to us at the Graduation Ceremony, or email
Penny Wurm ([email protected]), Christine Silvester ([email protected])
or Kerin Coulehan ([email protected] ).
May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
U n i v e r s i t y May - June Graduation Ceremonies 2009
Charles Darwin University
Graduation Program
May - June 2008