TAbLe of conTenTs
TAbLe of conTenTs
Table of Contents Anhydrous Ammonia Liquid Manifolds and Splitters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Chemical Transfer Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Impellicone Manifolds Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Liquid Fertilizer Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Raven NH3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pump Skids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Raven Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 N-Ject LF by Capstan Ag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Capstan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Dickey-John NH3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Dickey-John Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 GRANULAR Manual Meters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Simonsen Spreaders & Tenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Flo-Max Breakaway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Willmar Spreaders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Air Drill Kit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Granular Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 NH3 Tanks & Wagons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Layco Systems by Yargus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 NH3 Hose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Speed King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 NH3 Hose Clamps & Hose Couplers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ACME Fittings & Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Steel Fittings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Service Storage Tank Components. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Storage Tank & Safety. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Service Department. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Certifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Air Actuators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 TDU Air Shutdown System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 BaseStation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 NH3 Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 LC Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 notes: Terms and Conditions Payment DyTerra accepts cash, Visa and MasterCard. Visa and MasterCard payments are due upon receipt of invoice. Sales to approved charge accounts are due net 30 days from date of invoice and must be paid by cash, cheque or Interac. If charge account payment is received by Visa or MasterCard, a 2% service charge recovery fee will be added to the invoice. A service charge of 2% per month will be charged on all overdue accounts. Shipping We ship by standard courier and trucking companies. We do not ship via Parcel Post. We will do our best to ship orders received by 1:00 PM on the day the order was placed. Our shipments are carefully packed and inspected by the freight company prior to shipping. It is the receiver's responsibility to check all shipments immediately for damage or shortages. It is the receiver's responsibility to report any damage or any shortages to the freight company and DyTerra within 24 hours of receipt. Pricing All prices are subject to change without notice. Applicable taxes are extra. Quotations are made for immediate acceptance unless otherwise stated. Please phone to verify pricing as foreign exchange and volatile raw material costs may change product pricing. Returns Returns are only accepted within 30 days. Returns will not be accepted for any reason without prior approval and a valid Returned Goods Authorization (RGA) number issued from a DyTerra employee. If you receive authorization for a return, an applicable restocking charge will apply to recover the entire cost of the return. Item must be returned freight prepaid and a copy of the original invoice must accompany the shipment. Special orders are not returnable. Warranty All products sold by DyTerra are covered by the warranties expressed by individual manufacturers. DyTerra offers no warranty beyond the manufacturers and assumes no liability for consequential damages. Purchaser accepts these terms and warranty limitations before using any products. Manifolds and Splitters anhydrous ammonia Impellicone Manifold The Impellicone can be used for all NH3 applications at high or low rates, while also offering the flexibility to plug unused outlets without sacrificing accuracy. The Impellicone's superior accuracy allows better control of targeted rates without comprimising distribution accuracy, which greatly reduces the over application of NH3. Available in 13-port and 18-port models, the Impellicone is the recommended manifold when considering section shutoff and variable rate application. PARTDESCRIPTION JBIP1300 Manifold 13-Port Impellicone JBIP1800 Manifold 18-Port Impellicone CTA-1138 Hosebarb ½" Hose x ¼" MNPT CTA-1132Hosebarb 3 ⁄ 8" Hose x ¼" MNPT FT04PF Plug ¼" FS FT16N96XH Nipple, 1" x 6" Continental MVD Manifold PARTDESCRIPTION CTA-MVD-16B120 MVD Manifold Assembly Body and 16-Port Ring CTA-MVD Body Only MVD Manifold CTMVD-R-16U120 Ring Only, 16 Port MIMS24 Manifold Stand MIUB4SQ U-Bolt for Stand (One Req) CTA-6135Plug 1 ⁄ 8" CTA-MVD-RK Repair Kit MVD Manifold Impellicone Accessories PARTDESCRIPTION PGA604L PGA604 MIMSIMP MIUB4SQ Gauge Liquid 0-60 PSI Dry Gauge 0-60 PSI Impellicone Stand U Bolt for Stand (2 Req.) CDS-John Blue Impellicone Splitter Squibb Taylor Equa-Flo Splitter Continental Splitter PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION JBIPS2-4 JBIPS2-6 STA-SVD-3 STA-SVD-4 STA-SVD-5 MISS4 MIUB4SQ CTA-SVD-6 CTA-SVD-7 MISS4 MIUB4SQ ft12k12s Splitter 4-Way Impellicone Splitter 6-Way Impellicone 1¼" Inlet x 1" Outlet Outlets are pluggable Splitter 3-Way Squibb Splitter 4-Way Squibb Splitter 5-Way Squibb Stand Manifold/Splitter U-Bolt Square 3 ⁄ 8" x 4" x 5" Splitter 6-Way Continental Splitter 7-Way Continental Splitter Stand U-Bolt Square 3 ⁄ 8" x 4" x 5" King Nipple ¾" MPT x ¾" Hose Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 3 Impellicone Manifold Kits - Section Control CDS-John Blue Impellicone NH3 Kits PARTDESCRIPTION anhydrous ammonia KTIMP-2-26SC KTIMP-2-36SC KTIMP-3-39SC KTIMP-3-54SC KTIMP-4-52SC KTIMP-4-72SC KTIMP-5-65SC KTIMP-5-90SC KTIMP-6-78SC KTIMP-6-108SC KTIMP-7-91SC KTIMP-8-104SC 2-Way Impellicone Kit 2-Way Impellicone Kit 3-Way Impellicone Kit 3-Way Impellicone Kit 4-Way Impellicone Kit 4-Way Impellicone Kit 5-Way Impellicone Kit 5-Way Impellicone Kit 6-Way Impellicone Kit 6-Way Impellicone Kit 7-Way Impellicone Kit 8-Way Impellicone Kit KIT #OF MANIFOLDS SECTION CONTROL KT IMP -4- 52 SC 3/8 IMPELLICONE #OF RUNS HOSE SIZE Impellicone Manifolds are available in 13 Port and 18 Port Models EVA Hose from Manifolds to Shanks is available in ½", 3 ⁄ 8" & ¼" KIT INCLUDES: Manifolds with Mounting Hardware and Hosebarbs Splitter with Mounting Hardware Flomax Breakaway Coupler with E-Z Bracket 1¼" NH3 Hose from Breakaway to Cooler / Cooler to Splitter Pressure Gauge Reusable Hose Clamps Raven On/Off Valves Extension Harnesses for Raven On/Off Valves Thread Tape / Pipe Sealant All Required Pipe Fittings and Plugs DOES NOT INCLUDE: High Pressure 3/4" Nylon Braid NH3 Hose from Splitter to Manifolds (order exact lengths once kit is installed) Knives, Shanks, NH3 Tubes or Clips FOR MAXIMUM ROW TO ROW ACCURACY: KEEP HOSES BETWEEN THE SPLITTER AND MANIFOLDS THE SAME LENGTH KEEP HOSES FROM THE MANIFOLDS TO THE SHANKS THE SAME LENGTH 4 [email protected] Impellicone Manifold Kits - Standard CDS-John Blue Impellicone NH3 Kits PARTDESCRIPTION 2-Way Impellicone Kit 2-Way Impellicone Kit 3-Way Impellicone Kit 3-Way Impellicone Kit 4-Way Impellicone Kit 4-Way Impellicone Kit 5-Way Impellicone Kit 5-Way Impellicone Kit 6-Way Impellicone Kit 6-Way Impellicone Kit 7-Way Impellicone Kit 8-Way Impellicone Kit KIT #OF MANIFOLDS anhydrous ammonia KTIMP-2-26 KTIMP-2-36 KTIMP-3-39 KTIMP-3-54 KTIMP-4-52 KTIMP-4-72 KTIMP-5-65 KTIMP-5-90 KTIMP-6-78 KTIMP-6-108 KTIMP-7-91 KTIMP-8-104 HOSE SIZE KT IMP -3- 39 3/8 IMPELLICONE #OF RUNS Impellicone Manifolds are available in 13 Port and 18 Port Models EVA Hose from Manifolds to Shanks is available in ½", 3 ⁄ 8" & ¼" KIT INCLUDES: Manifolds with Mounting Hardware Splitter with Mounting Hardware Flomax Breakaway Coupler with E-Z Bracket 1¼" NH3 Hose from Breakaway to Cooler EVA Hose from Cooler to Splitter / Splitter to Manifolds EVA Hose from Manifolds to Shanks Pressure Gauge Reusable Hose Clamps Thread Tape / Pipe Sealant All Required Pipe Fittings DOES NOT INCLUDE: Knives, Shanks, NH3 Tubes, Clips, etc. FOR MAXIMUM ROW TO ROW ACCURACY: KEEP HOSES BETWEEN THE SPLITTER AND MANIFOLDS THE SAME LENGTH KEEP HOSES FROM THE MANIFOLDS TO THE SHANKS THE SAME LENGTH Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 5 Raven AccuFlow™ Vortex Cooler Capacity · Increased Rated at 50GPM, the Raven Vortex outperforms even dual cooler setups. Footprint · Smaller Requires half the space required for a dual cooler setup on the toolbar. anhydrous ammonia Safety · Increased Improved bleed-off system allows for safer bleed downs in half the time than a standard AccuFlow. Servicability · Increased Redesigned flow meter with Gruv-Lok connections can be changed in 10 minutes. ·ISObus Compatible Dual Inlet shown. Single Inlet also available. Raven Vortex ISO Cabling PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RVI-117-0171-574 RVI-117-0171-591 RVI-334-0002-005 RVI-063-0173-618 RVI-117-0171-590 RVI-063-0173-062 RVI-333-0006-032 RVI-116-0159-743 RVI-417-0001-031 RVI-417-0001-030 RVI-422-0000-090 RVI-063-0173-668 RVI-063-0173-665 RVI-063-0173-667 RVI-063-0173-664 RVI-117-5300-001 RVI-117-5300-002 Raven Vortex 2-Valve System, 1¼" valves Seal Hardware Kit Relief Valve RFM 60SG Flow Meter RFM 60SG Internal Replacement Parts Kit Flow Meter Sensor Assembly w/Nut 2" x 1½" Gruv-Lok Coupling w/Gasket 1½" SS Gauge Tree Manifiold 0-250 PSI Pressure Gauge -40F - 120F Temperature Gauge 0-250 PSI Pressure Transducer 1½" On/Off Valve Assembly On/Off Motor Assembly 1½" Standard Control Valve Standard Control Valve Assembly Kit Includes: Pre-assembled Vortex Cooler 1½" Standard Port Valves Stainless Steel 1½" Flow Meter with Gruv-Lok Connections Liquid-filled Pressure Gauge Sealed Temperature Gauge Vapour Tube Kit Ball Valve Strainer For RAVEN troubleshooting, turn to page 11 6 [email protected] 3 Section Can Control Node Kit 6 Section Can Control Node Kit Raven AccuFlow Cooler with Raven Valves PARTDESCRIPTION KTRV30NH3-2 AccuFlow System 2-Valve C/W Raven SCS 440 KTRV30NH3-2LC AccuFlow System 2-Valve (Less Console) Recommended for rates up to 6500#/HR 30 GPM Kit Includes: Raven AccuFlow Cooler 1¼" On/Off Valve 1¼" Control Valve Raven Flow meter All Required Wiring Harnesses SCS 440 Console (if required) anhydrous ammonia Raven NH3 Cooler Kits Continental Super Flow Cooler with Raven Valves The Continental Super Flow mounts upright, taking up less space on the toolbar. This kit is available less the cooler for a producer wishing to upgrade their existing Super Flow. PARTDESCRIPTION Strainer & Fittings Ball Valve Pressure Gauge Temperature Gauge Vapour Tube Kit nh3 facts KTRVS-2 KTRVSF-2LSF Continental Super Flow Kit with 2 Raven Valves Continental Super Flow Kit with 2 Raven Valves (Less Cooler) Recommended for rates up to 6500#/HR (if required) Kit Includes: Continental Super Flow Cooler 1¼" On/Off Valve 1¼" Control Valve Raven Flow meter All Required Wiring Harnesses SCS 440 Console (if required) Strainer & Fittings Ball Valve Vapour Tube Kit (if required) Total Pounds Actual Nitrogen Per Hour: Desired Lbs x Implement Width (ft.) x Speed (MPH) x 0.1212 Total Pounds Per Minute: Lbs. Per Hour / 60 Gallons Per Minute: Pounds nitrogen per hour x 0.004 Total Pounds of N Per Manifold Outlet Per Hour: Lbs Actual Per Hour / Number of Runs NH3 Vapour Pressure Approximate Temperature °F °CPressure PSIG -20.0-28.9 3 0.0-17.8 15 10.0-12.2 23 20.0-6.7 33 30.0-1.1 45 40.04.4 58 50.010.0 74 60.015.6 92 70.021.1 114 90.032.2 165 For RAVEN troubleshooting, turn to page 11 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 7 Raven SCS 440 AccuFlow Single Section Main Raven Harnesses PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-115-0171-085 RV1-115-0159-857 RV1-115-0171-800 Console Cable Extension Harness 24ft Flow Cable anhydrous ammonia Raven Valves PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-063-0172-977 RV1-063-0172-978 RV1-063-0173-202 RV1-063-0173-203 8 Control Valve 1" On/Off Valve 1" (Boom Control Valve) Control Valve 1¼" On/Off Valve 1¼" (Not for Boom Control) [email protected] Raven SCS 440 Two Valve Multi-Section 3 Section Raven Harnesses On/Off Valve Extension Harnesses PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-115-0171-085 RV1-115-0171-857 RV1-115-0171-836 RV1-115-0171-837 RV1-115-0171-832 RV1-115-0171-833 RV1-115-0171-834 Console Cable Extension Harness 24ft Flow Cable 3 Section Flow Cable 3 Section, Plugs into J.D.R.C. On/Off Valve Extension 6ft On/Off Valve Extension 12ft On/Off Valve Extension 24ft anhydrous ammonia 6 Section Raven Harnesses PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-115-0171-085 RV1-115-0171-841 RV1-115-0171-844 RV1-115-0171-838 RV1-115-0171-839 Console Cable Extension Harness 24ft Power Cable (Required for 4 or more Sections) Flow Cable 6 Section Flow Cable 6 Section, Plugs into J.D.R.C. Raven Valves PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-063-0172-977 RV1-063-0172-978 RV1-063-0173-202 RV1-063-0173-203 Control Valve 1" On/Off Valve 1" (Boom Control Valve only) Control Valve 1¼" On/Off Valve 1¼" (Not for Boom Control) Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 9 Raven NH3 Speed Control anhydrous ammonia PARTDESCRIPTION Raven SCS Console PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-063-0171-183 RV1-063-0171-220 Raven SCS 440 Console Kit 3 Boom Raven SCS 450 Console 6 Boom RV1-117-0171-165 RV1-117-0159-822 RV1-115-0159-709 RV1-115-0171-304 RV1-115-0159-700 Raven Phoenix 10 GPS Speed Sensor Raven Radar Kit Y Cable - Radar (Ford, Versitile) Y Cable - Radar (Case MX, STX) Y Cable - Radar (John Deere 8000/9000) Raven Replacement Parts PARTDESCRIPTION Raven On/Off Valves PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-063-0172-977 RV1-063-0172-978 RV1-117-0159-410 RV1-063-0172-979 RV1-063-0173-202 RV1-063-0173-203 RV1-115-0171-807 RV1-115-0171-808 1" Control Valve 1" On/Off Valve Repair Kit 1" Raven Valve Fast Valve 1¼" Control Valve 1¼" On/Off Valve Cable Adapter Fast Valve & Control Valve Cable Adapter On/Off Valve Raven Valve Repair Kits PARTDESCRIPTION RV1-117-0159-410 RV1-117-0171-355 Repair Kit, 1" Raven Valve Repair Kit, 1¼" Raven Valve 3 10 [email protected] RV1-063-0171-666 RV1-063-0171-669 RV1-117-0171-410 RV1-063-0173-030 RV1-417-0001-009 RV1-417-0001-008 Raven Stainless Steel Flow Meter RFM60S 1" Raven Flow meter Sensor Raven Vapour Tube Kit ½" Raven Back Check Valve 1¼" Temperature Gauge Pressure Gauge Raven Flow Meter Breakdown ITEMPART DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Body, RFM 60s Flow meter Rotor/Magnet Assembly Hub/Bearing Assy, Upstream Hub/Bearing Assy, Downstream Ring, Retaining, Internal Stud Bearing Sensor Assembly RVI-107-0171-246 RVI-063-0171-673 RVI-063-0171-674 RVI-063-0171-769 RVI-335-0000-278 RVI-063-0173-062 RVI-063-0171-669 raven TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Problem Probable Cause & Corrective Action 1. Rate display is inaccurate or unstable. 1. Check to see if your strainer is plugged. 2. Verify that there is product being discharged from each of the vapour tubes – If not, disassemble and clean out your supercooler with compressed air. 3. Unplug, Check and reconnect all wiring harnesses – Just one corroded pin or loose connection could cause the system to malfunction. 4. Test Your Flow Cable – (See Fig. 2 on next page) Ensure that power is actually getting to your flow meter by testing for the required voltages. If no power can be found, check connections or replace your flow cable. If there is power at your flow cable, replace your flow sensor. 5. Replace your flow sensor – The black wire connected to your flow meter is called the flow sensor. Remove the old sensor and thread in the new sensor, making sure to follow the installation instructions. No calibration changes are required. 6. Replace your flow meter – If you are still having issues after replacing the flow sensor, the turbine inside your Flow meter may have burnt out. Flow meter replacement parts are on page 10. 2. Rate does not change in either manual or automatic control modes. 1. Check the control valve cabling for wear or breaks. 2. Check and clean cable connections. 3. Check the voltage at the control valve: (see Fig. 1) 4. Power on the console. 5. Set the master switch on the console to “On”. 6. Set the console to “Manual” mode. Troubleshooting 7. Hold the Increase/Decrease switch while testing voltage at the flow cable. 8. If voltage is found, plug the control valve back in. 9. If the valve will not turn while holding the Increase/Decrease Switch, replace the valve. 3. Are you still having issues? The flow of NH3 through your metering system is solely controlled by tank pressure. When applying in colder temperatures, tank pressure will drop. If tank pressure drops too low, your cooler will be starved for product, which causes rates to fluctuate. Your options are to slow down or try the following: 1. Increase plumbing size from tank. 2. Upgrade to a high flow breakaway. 3. Use a larger nurse tank with a high-flow withdrawal. 4. Upgrade to a higher capacity supercooler. Fig. 1 On/Off Valve Connection - Tractor Side control Valve Connection - Tractor Side Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 11 Fig. 2 procedure to test flow meter cables: 1. Disconnect cable from flow sensor. 2. Hold flow sensor cable so that the keyway is pointing to the 12 o’clock position: KEYWAY 10 O'CLOCK 2 O'CLOCK 6 O'CLOCK Pin Designations 2 o’clock socket location is ground. 10 o’clocksocket loaction is power. 6 o’clock socket loaction is signal. Voltage Readings a) 2 o’clock socket to 6 o’clock socket = +5 VDC b) 2 o’clock socket to 10 o’clock socket = +5 VDC Troubleshooting procedure to test flow cable: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enter a meter cal number of 1 in the key labelled METER CAL. Depress key labelled TOTAL VOLUME. Place boom switches to ON. With a small jumper wire, short between the 2 o’clock and 6 o’clock sockets with a “Short, No Short” motion. Each time a contact is made, the TOTAL VOLUME should increase by increments of 1 or more counts. If TOTAL VOLUME does not increase, remove the section of cable and repeat test at the connector next closest to the console. Replace defective cables as required. Perform the above voltage checks. If all cables test properly, replace the flow sensor. Note: After testing is complete, re-enter correct METER CAL numbers before application. 12 [email protected] Capstan N-Ject As the most advanced and reliable NH3 application system available on the market, the N-Ject NH3 system provides precise row-by-row uniformity with less than six percent distribution error. N-Ject Installation Parts itempart DESCRIPTION part description 1 1A 2 3 4 5 6 7 Coil Assy, 7-Watt, Overmolded Coil Assy, 12W, OM Plunger Assy, Teflon O-Ring, 015 BUNA N Pressure Sensor, 50 PSI Non-vented Pressure Sensor, 250 PSI Non-vented Pressure Gauge, 0-400 PSI Pressure Gauge, 0-60 PSI K TNJPP CA116189-111 CA625147-011 CA716190-001 CA621022-204 CA620162-050 CA620120-250 CA620125-001 CA620-124-001 anhydrous ammonia N-Ject Manifold Parts N-Ject Installation Parts Package Kit Includes: Hoseclamps Mounting Hardware Ball Valves Breakaway w/Bracket Required Fittings HOW N-JECT NH3 WORKS Warm NH3 liquid and vapour enter from the tank, pass through the screen, and enter the inlet chamber. NH3 leaves the outlet tube and is routed to the knife for application to field. NH3 liquid vapourizes in the outlet passage causing the cooling tubes to get very cold. The nozzle-valve pulses open to allow the correct amount of NH3 into the outlet passage. Gravity helps to separate vapour from liquid. NH3 passes between cooling tubes to condense vapour into liquid. Super cooled NH3 liquid enters the rail passage ready for metering. Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 13 Dickey-John Wiring Land Manager 1 LM1 Cables PARTDESCRIPTION DJ466391003S1 DJ466391090S1 DJ466391030S1 anhydrous ammonia J2 RS 232 Connector Connects to PC/Printer J1 Ground Wire (Connected to Mounting Bracket Screw) Yellow Second battery cable supplies actuator power Harness, Main LM1, J1 (Long) Harness Power LM1, J2 Harness, Implement LM1 External Alarm Master Switch Module Gnd Speed Sensor Radar Ground Speed Sensor Radar connector for alternate location on Tractor Harness 46639-1030 (Not on Truck harness 46639-1081) Battery Sensor Junct Actuator Valve Actuator FQ Sensor Analog Sensor Flow meter Digital 1 Sensor PQ Sensor Digital 2 Sensor Implement Switch CCS100 and CMS100 DJCCS100 Console DJ46429-0140 CCS 100 Cables PARTDESCRIPTION DJCMS100 Console DJ457901892 DJ457901891S1 DJ45790 2770S1 6' Cable + 12 Volts Switched from Ignition Red Boom Section Shutoff Input Y Cable Main Harness DJ45790-1892 Switch Module Radar II Ground Speed Sensor 12V Battery Optional Lift Switch To Implement Harness For DICKEY-JOHN troubleshooting, turn to page 16 14 [email protected] Control Valve Implement Harness Harness, Main for CCS & LMSE Harness Implement - CCS & LMSE Harness Main Extension DJ45790-1891S1 Not Used Optional Vapour Detector Dickey-John NH3 PART PART PART CTA-SF-3000 Continental Super Flow Cooler DJ467095060 Dickey-John Actuator DJ457901570AS1 Flow Sensor Module CTA-BVT 1¼" Continental BVT Valve Recommended for rates up to 6500 #N/HR Required when upgrading to a CTA-BVT valve REPAIR KIT: CTA-SF-RK HARDWARE KIT: KZEH4HDW Requires D5457904000 to connect to BVT valve anhydrous ammonia PART REPAIR KIT: CTA-BVT-RK PART PART PART PART DJ467831000S9 Dickey-John Radar Kit DJ466050030 Module Switch, LM1 DJ457901610S1 Flow Meter (Complete) RVI-117-0171-165 Raven Phoenix 10 GPS RVSSDJ Cable, Raven Speed Sensor to DJ Harness Dickey-John CCS 100 The Dickey-John CCS 100 has been discontinued, but can be replaced with a Land Manager Upgrade Kit. If you have this you need this Common CCS 100 Replacement Parts PARTDESCRIPTION DJLM/CCSRETRO DJ457902320S1 CCS to LM1 Upgrade Kit Flush Switch, CCS PART DJ466390025S1 Console, Land Manager 1 CCS 100 LM1 For DICKEY-JOHN troubleshooting, turn to page 16 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 15 dickey-john TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Problem Probable Cause & Corrective Action 1. Rate display is inaccurate or unstable. This is a Dickey-John Flow Sensor. (Fig.1) Usually a faulty flow sensor is responsible for this issue, but before replacing the flow sensor, try the following: 1.Check to see if your strainer is plugged. (Fig. 2) 2.Check the opening on your Continental cooler. There is a small 3/8” hosebarb in the elbow after your control valve. Remove the barb and make sure it’s not plugged. (Fig.3) 3.Verify that there is product being discharged from each of the vapour tubes – If not, disassemble and clean out your supercooler with compressed air. 4.Unplug, check and reconnect all wiring harnesses – just one corroded pin, or loose connection could cause the system to malfunction. 5.Check the voltage on the tractor side of the flow sensor connection. Voltage should read 12V across red and black 9V across black and green (Fig.4) Power at flow sensor: Black + Red 12V Black + Green 9V 6. If there is no voltage, you have a faulty cable or connection. Check or replace implement harness. 7. If there is voltage, remove the flow sensor and check to see that the paddle wheel inside the flow meter is spinning freely. If the paddle wheel spins freely inside the flow meter, replace the flow sensor. Troubleshooting 2. Control Valve will not operate in auto. Does the Valve Operate in Flush? If it does, check your speed cable connections. If it doesn’t, test the voltage on the tractor side of the control valve connection (Fig. 5) Power at Actuator Connection: Red + Black 12V Always Black + White 12V Flush Switch Off Black + Brown 12V Flush Switch On 3. Are you still having issues? The flow of NH3 through your metering system is solely controlled by tank pressure. When applying in colder temperatures, tank pressure will drop. If tank pressure drops too low, your cooler will be starved for product, which causes rates to fluctuate. Your options are to slow down or try the following: 1. Increase plumbing size from tank. 2. Upgrade to a high flow breakaway. 3. Use a larger nurse tank with a high-flow withdrawal. 4. Upgrade to a higher capacity supercooler. Fig. 1 16 [email protected] Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Manual Meters Use this calculation to determine which meter is best for your applicator: DESIRED #N X WIDTH IN FEET X MPH X .1212 = # ACTUAL N PER HOUR Recommended for rates up to 2800 #N/HR B9500 Manual Meter Kit C4100 Manual Meter Kit includes: 1¼" Coupling, 1¼" x 1" Reducer, Meter Stand w/ U-Bolt PARTDESCRIPTION KTB-9500-B Meter Kit B9500 Hydraulic S/O KTB-9500-ESO Meter Kit B9500 Electric S/O CTA-RTS-16A Remote S/O Switch B9500 Electric S/O REPAIR KIT: CTB-9500-RS anhydrous ammonia Recommended for rates up to 4500 #N/HR Kit includes: 1" Nipple Ring, 1¼" x 1" Reducer, Meter Stand with U-Bolt PARTDESCRIPTION KTCTC4103-6572 Meter C4103 C/W HYD. Shut-off METER REPAIR KIT: CTA-4125-RS SHUTOFF REPAIR KIT: CTR-6572-RK Hydraulic Shutoff PARTDESCRIPTION CTR-9590 Shutoff Hydraulic In-Line 1" REPAIR KIT: CTR-9590RK Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 17 Flo-Max Breakaway 1¼" Flo-Max Kit 1½" Flo-Max Kit PARTdescription PARTdescription STFM126K STFM150K Flo-Max Breakaway Kit 1¼" (Less Bracket) Kit Includes: Kit Includes: anhydrous ammonia Breakaway 2 x ¼" Bleeders 1 x Hydrostat 1 x Acme Adaptor 1 x Reducer Bushing 1 x Acme Cap 1 x Hydrostat Breakaway 1½" E-Z Bracket 1 x Acme Adaptor 2 x ¼" Bleeders 1 x Acme Cap 1¼" Flo-Max E-Z Bracket Only 1½" Flo-Max E-Z Bracket Only PARTdescription PARTdescription STFM126-1500 STFM150-1001 E-Z Bracket 1¼" E-Z Bracket 1½" 1¼" Flo-Max Female Half 1½" Flo-Max Female Half PARTdescription PARTdescription STFM126-1100 STFM150-1100 Female Half Female Half 1¼" Flo-Max Male Half 1½" Flo-Max Male Half PARTdescription PARTdescription STFM126-1200 STFM150-1200 Male Half Male Half 1¼" Flo-Max Male Insert 1½" Flo-Max Male Insert PARTdescription PARTdescription STFM125-5003 STFMQR STFM108-2003 STFM150-5003 STP5-304-RO ST110-2003 Flo-Max Male Insert (Less O-Rings) Quad Ring - Male Tip O-Ring - Male Tip Flo-Max Male Insert (Less O-Rings) Quad Ring, Male Tip 1½" O-Ring, Male Tip 1½" 1¼" Flo-Max Repair Kit 1½" Flo-Max Repair Kit PARTdescription PARTdescription STFM125-0022 STFM125-0024 STFM150-0022 Repair Kit Flo-Max c/w Tool Assembly STFM150-0024 Repair Kit (O-Rings only) Repair Kit Flo-Max c/w Tool Assembly Repair Kit (O-Rings only) reminder: Change O-Rings Annually RB Breakaway Repair Kits PARTDESCRIPTION STRB1-0024 STRBOK-1 STRBOK-125 STRB1.25-0024 18 Flo-Max Breakaway Kit (C/W Bracket) Repair Kit 1" RB (OEM) O-Ring Kit 1" RB Coupling O Ring Kit 1¼" RB Coupling Repair Kit, 1¼" RB (OEM) [email protected] RB Breakaway (Discontinued) Air Drill Kit & Cushion hitches anhydrous ammonia Existing Breakaway KTASK20 1¼" Air Drill Kit Includes: 1¼" Flo-Max Breakaway, 1¼" Hose Clamp, 1¼" x 13 ⁄4" ACME Hose Coupler Note: used for tow behind air drill carts. Existing Breakaway KTASK24 1½" Air Drill Kit Includes: 1½" Flo-Max Breakaway, 1½" Hose Clamp, 1¼" x 2¼" ACME Hose Coupler KTASK kits do not include hose. DyTerra can supply a custom length for your drill. An inline ball valve at the back of your applicator will allow you to change NH3 tanks in the field without having to bleed down your entire system. Optional Equipment Schuck Cushion Hitch PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION BVSS203 FT20N32XH BVSS24 FT24N32XH MI750RTR M1750RT MISK17006 1¼" nipple 1¼" x 2" nipple 1½" ball valve 1½" x 2" nipple Receiver Cushion Hitch High-Rider 3½" Drop Receiver Cushion Hitch Low-Rider 5½" Drop Spring Set SS Cushion Hitch (set of 2) Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 19 NH3 Tanks & Wagons Call DyTerra Today to Request a Quote anhydrous ammonia DyTerra Twin 2000 Gallon with Extreme Flow Package FEATURES: n n n n 1½" Centre Withdrawal 1¼" Centre and Front Withdrawal Heavy Duty Scraper Style Gooseneck Duo-Lift LB4400 Lowboy Wagon n n n n 1¼" Rear Fill 1¼" Centre and Front Withdrawal 1¼" Fill Valves 1¼" and 1½" Plumbing Packages Available DyTerra 8100 Gallon Delivery Unit FEATURES: n n n n n 20 Made in Canada to Transport Canada Specifications 3” Base Mount Pump with Delivery Rates at well over 100 GPM Completely Self-Contained with Fuel Injected Gas Engine & Electric Clutch Drive 2” Flanged Mass Flow Meter or 3” LC Meter for High Speed Delivery 74” Diameter for Low Centre of Gravity [email protected] NH3 Tanks & Wagons Call DyTerra Today to Request a Quote anhydrous ammonia DyTerra 2000 Gallon with Extreme Flow Package FEATURES: n n n 1½" Center Withdrawal 1¼" Center and Front Withdrawal 1¼" Rear Fill n n Rocking Front Bolster Suspension Duo-Lift M21000C Wagon with Offset Wheel Tracking DyTerra 2400 Gallon with Extreme Flow Package FEATURES: n n n n 2" Center Withdrawal 1½" Center Withdrawal 1½" Center Spray Fill with 2" Standpipe for faster filling 1¼" Front Withdrawal n n n n 1¼" Rear Fill Rocking Front Bolster Suspension Duo-Lift M2400C Wagon with Offset Wheel Tracking, 90" Front x 120" Rear Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 21 DyTerra Extreme Flow Package DyTerra's Extreme Flow cold weather application package delivers more product to the field for higher speeds and higher rates, especially at lower temperatures. anhydrous ammonia 1¼" Hose End Valve 1½" Hose End Valve PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STA1527 KTVG24STO STA1529 KTVG24STO Valve/Speedy Coupler 1¼" x 2¼" Valve Guard STA1527, STA1529 C/W U-Bolt 1¼" Hose and Reusable Hose Clamps 1½" Hose and Reusable Hose Clamps PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ME3162-20 Reusable Hose Clamp 1¼" x 1¼" ME3162-2020S Clamp 2¼" F ACME x 1¼" Hose HSN259520 Hose NH3 1¼" Stainless Steel Braid (8 Year) ME3162-24 ME3162-24S HSN259524 1¼" Withdrawal Valve 1½" Withdrawal Valve PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STA484N-45 STA482N-60 Valve Withdrawal Top/Bottom 1¼" Reusable Hose Clamp 1¼" x 1½" Clamp 2¼" F ACME x 1½" Hose Hose NH3 1½" Stainless Steel Braid (8 Year) Valve Withdrawal Top/Bottom 1½" 1¼" x 2¼" Hardware 1½" x 2¼" Hardware PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STA2060S STA2077 Adapter 1¼" MNPT x 2¼" M ACME Withdrawal Valve [email protected] Adapter 1½" MNPT x 2¼" M ACME Hose End Valve & Valveguard Hardware & Hose 22 Valve/Speedy Coupler 1½" x 2¼" Valve Guard STA1527, STA1529 C/W U-Bolt NH3 Hose ALL HOSE MEASURED BY INNER DIAMETER One of the most important considerations for a proper installation is the withdrawal line plumbing from the nurse tank to the cooler or pump. Consider the following to ensure you are achieving optimal flow rates: n n n n n Use ISC valves or high flow withdrawal valves in nurse tank outlet Use minimum 1¼" hose in place of 1" hose 1¼" hose has 56% more capacity than 1" hose 1½" hose has two-times the capacity of 1¼" hose Ensure inlet plumbing from the nurse tank is as short as possible Stainless Steel Anhydrous Hose (Grey Stripe) Nylon Braided Anhydrous Hose (Green Stripe) PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION HSN144608 HSN259512 HSN259516 HSN259520 HSN259524 HSN259532 HSN144648 Hose NH3 ½" SS Braid Hose NH3 ¾" SS Braid Hose NH3 1" SS Braid Hose NH3 1¼" SS Braid Hose NH3 1½" SS Braid Hose NH3 2" SS Braid Hose NH3 3" SS Braid 10 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 10 Year HSN200008 HSN200012 HSN200016 HSN200020 HSN200024 Hose NH3 ½" SS Braid Hose NH3 ¾" SS Braid Hose NH3 1" SS Braid Hose NH3 1¼" SS Braid Hose NH3 1½" SS Braid anhydrous ammonia 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year 6 Year EVA Tubing A flexible ethyl vinyl tubing is used for applying NH3, aqua ammonia, herbicides and all liquid fertilizers. The addition of carbon black as a UV stabilizer greatly increases life expectancy and lets you check for frosting quickly and easily. PARTDESCRIPTION HSEVA04250 HSEVA06250 HSEVA08250 HSEVA1225 HSEVA12100 HSEVA16R50 EVA Tubing ¼" - 250' Roll EVA Tubing 3 ⁄ 8" - 250' Roll EVA Tubing ½" - 250' Roll EVA Tubing ¾" - 25' Roll EVA Tubing ¾" - 100' Roll EVA Tubing 1" - 50' Roll (Reinforced) Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 23 Knives, Tubes & Shanks anhydrous ammonia Shanks Ray Mac Tubes PARTDESCRIPTION MICP08 MICP06 Applicator Tube ½" Pipe Applicator Tube 3 ⁄ 8" Pipe PARTDESCRIPTION MIKSC-95 MIKSC-96 Coil-Shank 6" Bar Coil-Shank 4" Bar Accessories PARTDESCRIPTION MIKSC-384ILollipop MIKSC-TP96 Top Plate 6" MIKSC-TP64 Top Plate 4" Side Mount Knives PARTDESCRIPTION 1" MIA50UVX204X Knife Side Mount c/w ½" Tube MIA50UVX1104 Knife Side Mount c/w 3 ⁄ 8" Tube ¾" 30˚ 25¼" ½" 1½" KSC-95 REF 12 3 4 Dimensions 13" 20" 4½"2¾" Hose Clips PARTDESCRIPTION MICPB-2-4-08 MICPB-2-4-06 Hose Clip ½" Hose Clip 3 ⁄ 8" 1" ¾" 30˚ 23¼" Chisel Plow Knife 24 1½" KSC-96 PARTDESCRIPTION REF 1 MICP7025 Dimensions 11¼" 20" Knife, Chisel Plow ½" [email protected] 2 3 4 4½" 2¾" NH3 Hose clamps & Hose Couplers Hose clamps PART PART PART PART ME3162-08 Clamp, Reusable ½" MNPT x ½" Hose ME3162-12 Clamp, Reusable ¾"MNPT x ¾" Hose ME3162-16 Clamp, Reusable 1" MNPT x 1" Hose ME3162-20 Clamp, Reusable 1¼" MNPT x 1¼" Hose ME3162-24 Clamp, Reusable 1½" MNPT x 1½" Hose PART ME3162-32 Clamp, Reusable 2" MNPT x 2" Hose PART PART PART ME3162-48 Clamp, Reusable 3" MNPT x 3" Hose ME3162-1216 Clamp, Reusable 1" MNPT x ¾" Hose ME3162-2016 Clamp, Reusable 1" MNPT x 1¼" Hose anhydrous ammonia PART Hose Couplers PART PART PART ME3162-12S Clamp, Reusable ¾"Hose X 1¾"F ACME ME3162-16S Clamp, Reusable 1"Hose X 1¾"F ACME ME3162-2018S Clamp, Reusable 1¼" Hose X 1¾"F ACME PART PART PART ME3162-2020S Clamp, Reusable 1¼"Hose X 2¼"F ACME ME3162-24S Clamp, Reusable 1½"Hose X 2¼"F ACME ME3162-32S Clamp, Reusable 2"Hose X 3¼"F ACME Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 25 ACME Fittings & Couplers anhydrous ammonia PART PART PART PART STA2002 Adapter 1"MPT x 1¾" M ACME STA2003S Adapter 1¼"MPT x 1¾" M ACME STA2060S Adapter 1¼"MPT x 2¼" M ACME STA2063S Adapter 2"MPT x 3¼" M ACME PART PART PART PART ME502S-16/10 Adapter 2" MPT x 2¼" M ACME CTA-586 ME611S ME612S Adapter 1¾" F ACME x 2¼"M ACME Adapter 1¾" M ACME x 2¼"F ACME Adapter 1¾" M ACME x 3¼"F ACME PART PART PART PART STA1151F STA1156FS STA1157FS STA1131F Coupling, Fill 1¾" F ACME x 1" MPT Coupling, Fill 2¼" F ACME x 1¼" MPT Coupling, Fill 3¼" F ACME x 2" MPT Coupler, Speedy 1¾" F ACME x 1" MPT PART PART STA1132F STA2013S Coupler, Speedy 2¼" F ACME x 1¼" MPT Adapter 1¾" M ACME x 1" FPT 26 [email protected] PART PART STA2005S STA2007S Adapter 1¾" M ACME x 1¾"M ACME Adapter 2¼" M ACME x 2¼"M ACME ACME Caps & Gaskets PART PART PART STA2014B Parking Plug 1¾" ACME STA2024 Parking Plug 2¼" ACME STAL109 Hose Swivel 1" STAL111 Hose Swivel 1¼" Repair Kit: ST109-0022 Repair Kit: ST111-0022 PART PART STA2080C Cap, Plastic 1¾" ST1177 Cap, Plastic 2¼" PART PART PART STA1152C Cap, Steel 1¾" STA1175CS Cap, Steel 2¼" STA1176CS Cap, Steel 3¼" 1¾" ST1102A16 2¼" 3¼" ST1E8126 ST1E8128 anhydrous ammonia PART ACME Gaskets PARTDESCRIPTION ST1102A16 ST1E8126 ST1E8128 Gasket 1¾" ACME Gasket 2¼" ACME Gasket 3¼" ACME *All gaskets shown are actual size Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 27 Bleeders, Gauges & Strainers anhydrous ammonia PART PART PART PART STA1911 Valve, Bleeder, ¼" Knurled STA1912 Valve, Bleeder ¼" T-Handle STA1910S Valve, Bleeder ¼" C/W Tube MEJ415 Valve, Liquid Level ¾" PART PART PART PART PGA400 Gauge 0-400 Dry PGA400L Gauge 0-400 Liquid PGA604 Gauge 0-60 Dry PGA604L Gauge 0-60 Liquid Certified Test Gauges are available on request. Contact DyTerra to place an order. PART PART MIPAGET16-40 MIPAGET20-40 MIPAGET24-40 MIPAGET32-40 28 [email protected] Strainer 1" 40 Mesh Strainer 1¼" 40 Mesh Strainer 1½" 40 Mesh Strainer 2" 40 Mesh MIPAGETS16 MIPAGETS20 MIPAGETS24 MIPAGETS32 MIPAGETS48 MIPAGETS20-100 MIPAGETS24-100 MIPAGETS32-100 Strainer 1" 40 Mesh Strainer 1¼" 40 Mesh Strainer 1½" 40 Mesh Strainer 2" 40 Mesh Strainer 3" 40 Mesh Strainer 1¼" 100 Mesh Strainer 1½" 100 Mesh Strainer 3" 100 Mesh Relief Valves PART PART PART CTA-402-250 Valve Relief ¾" 250 PSI CTA-402-265 Valve Relief ¾" 265 PSI STA1310A Valve Relief 1¼" 250 PSI STA1310B Valve Relief 1¼" 265 PSI PART PART PART PART MEV200FIR/265 Valve, Internal Relief 2" 265PSI MEV300FIR/265 Valve, Internal Relief 3" 265PSI For use with: NH3, LPG For use with: NH3, LPG RGA8434G Valve, Internal Relief, 2" 250 PSI RGA8434N Valve, Internal Relief, 2" 265 PSI RGA8436G Valve, Internal Relief, 3" 250PSI RGA8436N Valve, Internal Relief, 3" 265 PSI For use with: NH3, LPG For use with: NH3, LPG anhydrous ammonia PART PART CTA-400-C Hydrostat, ¼" 350PSI NH3 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 29 Steel Fittings Schedule 80 Forged Steel - Threaded Size Fitting anhydrous ammonia 1/4" 1/2" 1" Coupling FT04C04F FT08C08F FT16C16F Elbow (90 Deg) FT04E90F FT08E90F Elbow (45 Deg) N/A N/A 1¼" 1½" 2" 3" FT20C20F FT24C24F FT32C32F FT48C48F FT16E90F FT20E90F FT24E90F FT32E90F FT48E90F FT16E45F FT20E45F FT24E45F FT32E45F FT48E45F Street Elbow (90) FT04L90F FT08L90F FT16L90F FT20L90F FT24L90F FT32L90F N/A Reducer Bushing N/A FT08B04F FT16B12F FT20B16F FT24B20F FT32B20F FT48B32F Reducer Coupling N/A N/A FT16C12F FT20C16F FT24C20F FT32C20F FT48C32F Tee FT04TF FT08TF FT16TF FT20TF FT24TF FT32TF FT48TF Nipple - Short FT04NSPXH FT08NSPXH FT16N32XH FT20N32XH FT24N32XH FT32NSPXH N/A Nipple - 3" FT04N48XH FT08N48XH FT16N48XH FT20N48XH FT24N48XH FT32N48XH FT48N48XH Nipple - 6" FT04N96XH FT08N96XH FT16N96XH FT20N96XH FT24N96XH FT32N96XH FT48N96XH Plug FT04PF N/A FT16PF FT20PF FT24PF FT32PF FT48PF Schedule 40 Steel Fittings - Welded Size Fitting1¼" 2" 3" 4" Elbow (90 Deg) FT20E90BW40 FT32E90BW40 FT48E90BW40 FT64E90BW40 Elbow (45 Deg) FT20E45BW40 FT32E45BW40 FT48E45BW40 FT64E45BW40 Tee FT20T40 FT32T40 FT48T40 FT64T40 King Nipple FT20K40 FT32K40 FT48K40 FT64K40 Cap FT20CPBW40 FT32CPBW40 FT48CPBW40 FT64CPBW40 Schedule 80 Steel Fittings - Welded Fitting Size 1¼" 2" 3" 4" Elbow (90 Deg) FT20E90BW80 FT32E90BW80 FT48E90BW80 FT64E90BW80 Elbow (45 Deg) FT20E45BW80 FT32E45BW80 FT48E45BW80 FT64E45BW80 Tee FT20T80 FT32T80 FT48T80 FT64T80 King Nipple FT20K80 FT32K80 FT48K80 FT64K80 Cap FT20CPBW80 FT32CPBW80 FT48CPBW80 FT64CPBW80 Steel Flanges 150# & (300)# Fitting 30 Size 1¼" 2" FT48B150 (300) 4" Blind FT20B150 (300) Weldneck FT20FWN150 (300) FT32FWN150 (300) FT48FWN150 (300) FT64FWN150 (300) Threaded FT20FT150 (300) FT32FT150 (300) FT48FT150 (300) FT64FT150 (300) Slip-On FT20FS150 (300) FT32FS150 (300) FT48FS150 (300) FT64FS150 (300) [email protected] FT32B150 (300) 3" FT64B150 (300) Storage Tank components PART PART PART ST4607 Master Storage Tank Dial 10" STA1310-20 Pipeaway Adapter 1¼" STA1416 Manifold, Relief Valve 1¼" ST5520R Dial Only, Flow Indicator anhydrous ammonia PART PACKING KIT: ST1415-7 PART PART MIVS32AL CTA-400-C Vent Stack, 40" Aluminum c/w Cap Valve, Hydrostatic ¼" PART PART ME875S-16 STA1310A Valve, Relief 250 PSI 1¼" Backcheck 2" FNPT X 2" FNPT OLD STYLE MOUNT NEW STYLE MOUNT Master Float Gauge PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STME3650B ST5520-2 Flow Indicator Assembly, 2" ST5520-2F Flapper Only, 2" ST5520-3 Flow Indicator Assembly, 3" ST5520-3F Flapper Only, 3" Master Float Gauge Assembly 108" Diameter gasket - sti30040 For DECALS, turn to pages 48 & 49 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 31 Storage Tank & Safety anhydrous ammonia PART PART PART PART KTVG16GO Valveguard 1" Globe Valve KTVGV16AO Valveguard 1" Angle Valve DYVG2032O Valveguard 1¼" and 2" Globe KTVG24STO Valveguard 1¼" HF Globe Valveguard 1½" HF Globe Valveguard 1¼"-1½" HF Globe PART PART PART PART MIG5290300B Goggles Non-Vented MIPH75650 Safety Container MIPH76411 Water Container Side-Mount MINORT1441WG Gloves Neoprene 14" PART PART PART PART MIPH76410 Water Container Top-Mount HSCVT10 Hose, Clear Vinyl 5 ⁄ 8" - 100ft Roll MEP120B Spanner Wrench MEP120C Spanner Wrench, New Style PART PART PART PART MILB2 Lock Box, 2 Hose MILB3 Lock Box, 3 Hose MI0P9011EY Shutoff, Cable, 1 Compartment MI0P9002EY Shutoff, Cable, 2 Compartment MIN1572 Needle Valve ¼" Angle Hosebarbs: CTA-1132 3 ⁄ 8"Hose x ¼" MPT CTA-1138 ½"Hose x ¼" MPT MIN1532 Needle Valve ¼" Straight Hosebarbs: CTA-1132 3 ⁄ 8"Hose x ¼" MPT CTA-1138 ½"Hose x ¼" MPT For DECALS, turn to pages 48 & 49 32 [email protected] Valves PARTdescription PARTdescription PARTdescription STAL310P STAL311P STAL312P STAL313P Valve, Globe 1" Valve, Angle 1" Valve, Globe 1¼" Valve, Angle 1¼" REPAIR KIT: ST310-22 REPAIR KIT: ST310-22 REPAIR KIT: ST312-22 REPAIR KIT: ST312-22 PARTdescription PARTdescription PARTdescription PARTdescription STAL316P STAL317P ME810-8 ME820-8 Valve, Globe 2" REPAIR KIT: ST316-22 Valve, Angle 2" REPAIR KIT: ST316-22 Valve, Quick Acting 1"X1" Angle REPAIR KIT: ME810BRK anhydrous ammonia PARTdescription Valve, Quick Acting 1"X1" Straight REPAIR KIT: me810brk High Flow Valves PARTdescription PARTDescription PARTdescription PARTdescription ME825-10 ME825-12 ME825P-16 Valve, Globe 2" ME815-10 Valve, Angle 1¼" REPAIR KIT: ME815-10SRK STA331 Valve, Globe 1¼" Squibb Taylor REPAIR KIT: ST330-22 Valve, Globe 1¼" Valve, Globe 1½" REPAIR KIT: ME815-10SRK REPAIR KIT: ME815-16SRK ME815P-16 Valve, Angle 2" REPAIR KIT: ME815-16SRK CTA-2525-H Valve, Globe 1¼" Continental REPAIR KIT: CTA-25H-RK Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 33 tank Valves anhydrous ammonia PARTdescription PARTdescription STA521P STA525P Valve Withdrawal 1¼" x 1" REPAIR KIT: ST310-22 Valve Fill/Vapour 1¼" REPAIR KIT: ST310-22 High Flow TANK Valves PARTdescription PARTdescription PARTdescription STA484 N-45 STA482 N-60 STA335 CTA-1406-FBW Valve Withdrawal 1¼" Bottom Mount Valve, Withdrawal 1¼" Valve, Withdrawal 1½" REPAIR KIT: ST480-22 PARTdescription STA1527 34 Valve/Speedy Coupler Assembly 1¼" x 2¼" ACME, Includes Bleeder REPAIR KIT: ST330-22 STA1529 Valve/Speedy Coupler Assembly 1½" x 2¼" ACME, Includes Bleeder REPAIR KIT: ST333-22 [email protected] Valve, 1¼" x 1¼" Less Excess Flow REPAIR KIT: ST310-22 ISC Valves PART RGA3209D050 Valve, 1¼" ISC Straight REPAIR KIT: RGA3209R-50 PART REGO RGA3209DT050 Valve, 1¼" ISC 90 Deg REPAIR KIT: RGA3209R-50 PART RGA3212R250 Valve 2" ISC Straight REGO RGA3212RT250 Valve 2" ISC 90 Deg PART PART REGO ME990-10-85 MARSHALL ME992-10-85 MARSHALL Valve, 1¼" ISC Straight Valve, 1¼" ISC 90 Deg REPAIR KIT: ME990-10-VRK REPAIR KIT: ME990-10-VRK PART PART REGO ME990-16-260 Valve 2" ISC Straight MARSHALL ME992-16-500 Valve 2" ISC 90 Deg MARSHALL REPAIR KIT: RGA3212A-50 REPAIR KIT: RGA3212A-50 REPAIR KIT: ME990-16-VRK REPAIR KIT: ME990-16-VRK PART PART PART PART FRC477-16-25 Valve 2" ISC Straight REPAIR KIT: FRRC400-16 FISHER FRC471-16-25 Valve 2" ISC 90 Deg REPAIR KIT: FRRC400-16 anhydrous ammonia PART FISHER FRC484-24-40 FISHER ME990S-3DF FISHER ISC, 3" X 300# Single Flange ISC, 3" Double Flange, 500GPM REPAIR KIT: FRRC40424T012 REPAIR KIT: ME990-24-VRK Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 35 ISC Accessories anhydrous ammonia 36 PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RGA3209TL FRT20377000A2 Gland Assembly - Fisher ISC 2" FRT20430000A2 Grand Assembly - Fisher ISC 3" Thermal Latch - Rego ISC 1¼" PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION FRP134 ME990-10-85 Link, Fusible Thermal Latch - Marshall ISC 1¼" PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ME990-10-PGA Grand Assembly Marshall ISC 1¼" ME990-PGA [email protected] Grand Assembly - Marshall ISC 2" & 3" Emergency Shutoff Valves PARTDESCRIPTION RGAA6010 RGA6016 ESV, 1¼" Rego ESV, 2" Rego REPAIR KIT: RGAA6010-50 Thermal Latch: RG6010TF REPAIR KIT: RGAA6016-50 Thermal Latch: RG6016TF PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ME980-10 ME980-16 ESV, 1¼" Marshall ESV, 2" Marshall REPAIR KIT: ME980-10SRK Thermal Latch: ME980-905 REPAIR KIT: ME980-16-SRK Thermal Latch: me980-905 PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION FRN550-10 FRN550-16 ESV, 1¼" Fisher Snappy Joe REPAIR KIT: FRT13090-T0012 Thermal Latch: frt12963t0012 anhydrous ammonia PARTDESCRIPTION ESV, 1¼" Fisher Snappy Joe REPAIR KIT: FRT13090-T0012 Thermal Latch: frt12963t0012 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 37 Air Actuators for ISC's & ESV's ISC VALVE ROTARY ACTUATOR Rego 1¼" not available STROKE ACTUATOR anhydrous ammonia RGA3209PAF Marshall & Fisher 1¼" ME225 ME205 RGA3212RA RGA3213PA ME226 ME206 ROTARY ACTUATOR STROKE ACTUATOR RG6016RA RG6016-60C Rego 2" Fisher 2" & 3" ESV Rego 1¼" Marshall & Fisher 1¼" ME552 ME551 RG6016RA RG6016-60C ME552 ME551 Rego 2" Fisher 2" & 3" 38 [email protected] Combination Rotary Actuators & ISC Valves anhydrous ammonia PART PART ME990AR-10-85 ISC/Rotary Actuator Combo 1¼" MARSHALL PART ME990AR-16-250 ISC/Rotary Actuator Combo 2" MARSHALL PART ME980AR-10 ESV/Rotary Actuator Combo 1¼" MARSHALL ME980AR-16 ESV/Rotary Actuator Combo 2" MARSHALL PART ME990SAR3DF-500 MARSHALL Double Flange ISC/Rotary Actuator 3" 500GPM Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 39 TDU Air Shutdown System anhydrous ammonia ISC 40 ISC PART PART PART PART HDKN90555397 Valve, Pressure Protection 85 PSI MI111-3002-P Regulator Pre-Set 50 PSI Primary Pressure 125 PSI HDKN20001 Shutoff/Dump Valve DYESOSB Bracket, Shutoff Valve PART PART PART PART BEAIR1000 Air Valve Protection 150 PSI HDKN32005 Air Valve, Quick Release HS1J-223-07 Hose, ¼" Blue Nylon, DOT 100 ft. Roll MID6520-04-02 Elbow, Air ¼" X 1 ⁄ 8" MPT DOT PART PART PART PART MID6520-04-04 Elbow, Air ¼" X ¼" MPT DOT MID6520-04-06 Elbow, Air ¼" X 3 ⁄ 8" MPT DOT MID6580-04-00 Union, Air ¼" x ¼" DOT MID6540-04-00 Tee, Air ¼" x ¼" x ¼" DOT [email protected] baseSTATION oN BOARD TRUCK COMPUTER BASE Engineering's BASEstation is an on-board computer designed specifically for petroleum delivery fleets. Our truck mounted computer and back-office connection were designed and built by people with 33 years experience in fuel delivery automation and control. DAS System Keypad Pro Control II - Handheld BESTN1000-Verizon BEDAS1000R BEDSSDAX 900-ID DSSD Antenna RFID Tags BEANT6001 BETAG1000 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 anhydrous ammonia BASE Station OBC 41 Off Truck Emergency Shutdowns BASE ASKW "D" Series Remote Shutdown anhydrous ammonia Developed specifically for delivery truck applications requiring intrinsically safe, explosion proof handhelds. Systems can be specified for Fisher or Rego internal valves and any type of truck engine. PARTDESCRIPTION BEASKD200Q-ECS Delivery Truck Remote Shutdown, Cable ISC Transmitters & Accessories PARTDESCRIPTION BEASK300TX BEASK200TX BEASK400TX BEANT1000 BEASK200TX BEASK300TX BEASK400TX BECAS1000 2 Function Transmitter - Query, Emergency Stop 3 Function Transmitter - PTO, Throttle, Emergency Stop 4 Function Transmitter - PTO, Throttle, Query, Emergency Stop Leather Case for ASK/RVC Style Transmitter BECAS1000 BECOAXT-15 (30) Miscellaneous Parts Antennas & Coax Cables PARTDESCRIPTION BESOL1000 PARTDESCRIPTION BEANT1000 BECOAXT-15 BECOAXT-30 BEREL1100 42 Internal Air Solenoid Replacement Antenna for ASK/RVC Systems 15 ft. Coaxial Cable 30 ft. Coaxial Cable BEREL2000 BEWIRASM1000 Relays & Accessories Squibb RSD Remote PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION BEWIRASM1000 BEREL1100 BEREL2000 STRSD-T2 Diode Replacement Kit for Reversing Relays Prestolite Relay for Hose Reel Circuits Ignition Kill Relay [email protected] Handheld RSD Transmitter - 2 Function Excess Flow ValveS These valves are designed to close when liquid flow exceeds the valve's setting. They are intended to prevent large discharges of NH3 to the atmosphere due to a break in the hose or piping system. Caution: Excess flow valves close only when restrictions down-stream of the valve do not exceed the flow rating of the valve. anhydrous ammonia REGO PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RGA1519A4 Valve, Excess Flow 2"F x 2"F, 100GPM RGA1519B4 Valve, Excess Flow 2"F x 2"F, 133GPM RGA3282C PARTDESCRIPTION Valve, Excess Flow RGA3292C 1¼"F x 1¼"F, 50GPM Valve, Excess Flow 2"M x 2"F, 110GPM SQUIBB taylor PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STA1705 STA1706 STA1708 Valve, Excess Flow 1¼"F x 1¼"F, 50GPM Valve, Excess Flow 1¼"M x 1¼"M, 50GPM Valve, Excess Flow 2"M x 1¼"M, 95GPM PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STA1711 Valve, Excess Flow 2"M x 2"M x 1¼"M, 95GPM STA1713 Valve, Excess Flow 3"M x 3"M x 2"F, 165GPM STA1715 Valve, Excess Flow 3"MPT x 2"MPT, 165GPM Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 43 Back Check Valves FISHER anhydrous ammonia PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION FRG104 FRG105 FRG106 FRG107 Valve, Back Check 3"M x 3"F Valve, Back Check 2"M x 2"M x 1¼"F Valve, Back Check 3"F x 2"M Valve, Back Check 3"M x 3"M MARSHALL (HIGH FLOW BACK CHECK) PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ME87OS-10 Valve, Back Check 1¼"F x 1¼"M ME87OS-16 Valve, Back Check 2"F x 2"M ME87OS-24 Valve, Back Check 3"F x 3"M PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RGA3176 RGA3186 Valve, Back Check 2"M x 2"F RGA3196 Valve, Back Check 3"M x 3"F PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION STA1727 STA1728 STA1729 REGO Valve, Back Check 1¼"M x 1¼"F sQUIBB 44 [email protected] Valve, Back Check 1¼"M x 1¼"F Valve, Back Check 2"M x 2"F Valve, Back Check 3"M x 3"F Replacement Dials & Float Gauge Gaskets PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ST4607 ST5553 ME930-905 Replacement Dial 4" Glow in the Dark Master Storage Tank Dial 10" Replacement Dial 4" 5-95% PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RC5-40 RC5-2 ST130018 Dial, JR Head Dial, SR Head anhydrous ammonia PARTDESCRIPTION Dial, Drop In 2208CV ST130122 ST130121 PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ST130121 ST130122 Gasket, JR Float Gauge (Actual Size) Gasket, SR Float Gauge (Actual Size) Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 45 NH3 Float Gauges delivery units anhydrous ammonia Installation Tool Marshall Trans-Max Float Gauge Accu-Max Float Gauge Designed to replace rotary style gauges in tanks with fluid capacities greater than 2300 gallons. Suitable for use in bobtail, transport and bulk storage applications. Mounts to all standard 1" NPT tank coupling adapters and is suitable for NH3 or LPG. Custom lengths available upon request. DRIPTION Measure liquid levels within horizontal DOT and Stationary ASME Tanks with fluid capacities above 2,300 gallons. Suitable for use in bobtail, transport, railcar and bulk storage applications. PARTDESCRIPTION Available for order in a variety of different lengths. Must specify tank diameter. ME930WG MEP930WG Float Gauge, Trans-Max C/W Glow Dial Installation Tool - Trans Max Float Gauge PARTDESCRIPTION ME930 Float Gauge, Trans-Max C/W Glow Dial Tool is Required for Installation Available for order in a variety of different lengths. Must specify tank diameter. nurse tanks SR Tank Float Gauges JR Tank Float Gauges PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION RC6280-41 RC6283-41 RC6280-46 RC6283-46 RC6283-49 RC6281-41 RC6284-41 RC6281-46 RC6284-46 41" Tank Diameter, Top Mounting, SR Head 41" Tank Diameter, End Mounting, SR Head 46" Tank Diameter, Top Mounting, SR Head 46" Tank Diameter, End Mounting, SR Head 49" Tank Diameter, End Mounting, SR Head * Call for storage tank gauge requirements REPLACEMENT BOLTS: MIFGBSR 46 [email protected] 41" Tank Diameter, Top Mounting, JR Head 41" Tank Diameter, End Mounting, JR Head 46" Tank Diameter, Top Mounting, JR Head 46" Tank Diameter, End Mounting, JR Head * Call for storage tank gauge requirements REPLACEMENT BOLTS: MIFGBJR Truck Accessories anhydrous ammonia Wheel Chock Bracket Designed to provide a durable and convenient receptacle to store wheel chocks during over the road transit. Durable aluminum construction and molded inserts prevent damage to wheel chocks. Hose End Valve Holster Safely and effectively secures delivery hose end valves during transport. PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION ME200BK MEP801 Bracket, Wheel Chock comes with Chocks Holster, Hose End Valve Universal Spring Loaded Utility Bracket Provides a safe and secure method to mount and retain hand tools such as shovels, picks, brooms or other equipment during transit. Back-up Alarm PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION MEP082 MIABU Universal Spring Loaded Utility Bracket Back Up Alarm (12V) Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 47 NH3 Decals anhydrous ammonia Sold in Sheets of 6 PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION DECAU DEANH DEAMM DEINH DEHAZ DEFLLG DEVY2 DEESO DELO2 DESF2Y Decal – Caution Green 4" Decal – Anhydrous Green 4" Decal – Ammonia Green 4" Decal – Inhalation Black 4" Decal – Hazard Black 4" Sold in Sheets of 10 PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION DECAUCD DEAMMCD Decal – Ammonia Curved Down DEAMMCU Decal – Ammonia Curved Up PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION DEMAX 3X14 Decal - Maximum Speed 40 km/h DE1005W Decal - 1005 White DE1005WP Decal - 1005 White Plastic DE1005H Holder 1005WP DESMV DESMVM Decal – Caution Curved Down Don't see what you need? We can supply custom decals. Call 1-866-885-8260 for details. 48 Decal – Fixed Liquid Level Gauge Decal – Vapour Yellow Decal – Emergency Shut Off, Blue Decal – Liquid Orange Decal – Spray Fill [email protected] Decal - Slow Moving Vehicle Decal - Slow Moving Vehicle Metal NH3 Decals PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION DENTSP DESPHA DEWTVS Decal - Nurse Tank Safety Decal - Ammonia Handling Decal - Warning Vehicle Stops PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION DETFDS DETFST DEEMTDU Decal – Transfer TDU to Storage Decal – Transfer Storage to TDU Decal – Emergency Procedures TDU PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION DEUNAA DERC10 DESKR Decal - NH3 UN 1005 (WHIMIS) Decal Red Cross 10" anhydrous ammonia PARTDESCRIPTION Decal Safety Kit Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 49 Blackmer LGLD3F & LGLD3E Pump anhydrous ammonia BKLGLD3F REFPART DESCRIPTION QTY 4 BK415113 Cover-Relief Valve 1 5BK920331Capscrews 6 8BK475135Spring 1 9 BK455129 Relief Valve 1 9 BK455100 Relief Valve (Nickel Plated) 1 10BK701925*O-Ring 1 12BK015127 Casing 1 13 BK265148 Rotor and Shaft 1 14BK095131*Duravane 6 20BK035128 Head 2 21BK920369 Capscrews 40 24 BK903172* Ball Bearing 2 24ABK903523 Locknut 2 24BBK903524* Lockwasher 2 REFPART DESCRIPTION 26 BK385125* Gasket Bearing Cover 27 BK041815 Bearing Cover (Inboard) 27A BK041817 Bearing Cover (Outboard) 28BK920285 Capscrews 35BK909130*Key-Shaft 41BK185111 Liner 42 BK655112 Flange Threaded 42 BK655102 Flange Welded 42A BK702002* 0-Ring Flange 42B BK920547 Capscrew Threaded Flange 42B BK920510 Capscrew Welded Flange 71BK065112*Disc 72 BK702041* 0-Ring Head 73 BK908198 Gauge Plug Blackmer Bypass item number DESCRIPTION BK893080 BK893980 BKBV2-W Valve, Bypass 1¼" Valve, Bypass 2" Valve, Bypass c/w WN Flanges BKBV2-W 50 [email protected] QTY 2 1 1 12 1 1 2 2 2 8 8 2 2 2 REFPART DESCRIPTION 74 76 76A 77 104 153 186 BK185191 BK317815 BK701992 BK125105* BK331908* BK335225* BK341801 Key Liner Grease Fitting Grease Relief Fitting Push Rod Seal Grease Seal Mechanical Shaft Protector BK898981 Repair Kit * Items included in repair kit QTY 1 2 2 3 1 2 1 Blackmer TLGLF3C Pump anhydrous ammonia LOCKNUT TOOL BKTLGLF3C REFPART DESCRIPTION 4 BK415108 5 BK920331 8 BK471428 9 BK451417 9A BK455100 10 BK701919 12BK015128 13 BK265147 14 BK095132* 20BK035132 21 BK920351 24 BK903156* 24A BK903521 24B BK903522* Cover-Relief Valve (R/V) 1 Capscrew - R/V Cover 6 Spring - R/V 1 Valve - R/V 1 Relief Valve (Nickel Plated) 1 O-Ring R/V Cover 1 Casing 1 Rotor and Shaft 1 Vane - Duravane 6 Head 2 Capscrews - Head 36 Ball Bearing 2 Locknut - Bearing 2 Lockwasher - Bearing 2 QTY REFPART DESCRIPTION QTY 26 BK383940* Gasket Bearing Cover 2 27 BK041431 Bearing Cover 2 28 BK920285 Capscrews Bearing Cover 8 35BK909130*Key-Shaft 1 41BK185101 Liner 1 42 BK652010 Flange 2" NPT 1-2 42 BK652024 Flange Welded 1-2 42 BK655100 Flanged Elbow - 2"NPT 1-2 42 BK655109 Flanged Elbow - 2" Weld 1-2 42 BK652036 Blank Flange - Aux Inlet 1-2 42A BK702004* 0-Ring Flange (Current) 2 42A BK701919* O-Ring Flange (Older Pumps) 2 42B BK920491 Capscrew Flanges 8 71BK065121*Disc 2 REFPART DESCRIPTION QTY 72 73 74 76 76A 77 104 123 186 --- 153 BK711923* O-Ring - Head 2 BK908198 Gauge Plug 2 BK185193 Key - Liner 1 BK317815 Grease Fitting 2 BK701992 Grease Relief Fitting 2 BK121607* Push Rod 3 BK331918* Seal Grease 2 BK701480* Dirt Shield 2 BK341601 Shaft Protector 1 BK903091 Tool - Locknut -- BK334439* Mechanical Seal 2 * Items included in repair kit REPAIR KIT: BK898980 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 51 Corken 1021 & 1022 Pumps Torque 25 ft lb Corken Bypass partDESCRIPTION CK1787-XA CKT166 CKZV200 CKZV200BAFF anhydrous ammonia Direction of rotation Valve, Bypass 1" Valve, Bypass 1¼" Valve, Bypass 2" Threaded Valve, Bypass 2" WN Flange CKT166 Torque 15 ft lb Torque 25 ft lb CK1021 and CK1022 REFPART DESCRIPTION QTY 1CK1201-2Cam 1 2CK2841 Case 1 3CK1206-3Flange 2 4 CK2-245A* O-Ring Flange 2 5 CK2-112A* Adjusting Screw O-Ring 1 6 CK2590 Flush Seal Plug 1 ⁄ 8"1 7 C2252 Relief Valve Adjusting Screw 1 8 CK1207 Valve Cap 1 9 CK1227 Relief Valve Spring and Guide 1 10 CK2-228A* Relief Valve Cap O-Ring 1 11 CK1224 Relief Valve 1 12 CK1226 Relief Valve 1 13 CK1309 Cam Key 1 52 [email protected] REFPART DESCRIPTION 14CK1308-9* 15 CK1208-1X1R 16 CK1358* 17 CK1164-1 18 CK2158 19 CK1769 20 CK1343 21 CK1769-XRA* 22CK1209-1* 23CK1205-4 24 CK2754-X* 25 CK2760-244 26 CK1343 Vane 10 Rotor and Shaft 1 Seal – Grease 2 Bearing Cap 2 Grease Zerk 1 ⁄ 8"2 Housing Bearing 2 Fitting Relief 2 Seal Mechanical 2 Sideplate 2 Head 2 Bearing Assy – Complete 2 Retainer Ring 2 Fitting Relief 2 QTY REFPART DESCRIPTION 27 28 29 30 31 39 CK2-128A CK1882 CK2-240A CK2-268A* CK2270 CK2-227A Shaft O-Ring Seat Adapter Plate Adapter Plate O-Ring O-Ring Casing Key ¼" Seal Seat O-Ring CK2906-X2 Repair Kit *Items included in repair kit QTY 2 2 2 2 2 2 Corken Z3500 Pump anhydrous ammonia CKZ3500 REFPART DESCRIPTION 1CK2-228* 2CK2-245 3CK2-259 4CK2-268 5 CK1206-4 6 CK1207-2 7 CK1208-1X6R 8 CK1224 9 CK1309 10 CK1343 11 CK1359 12 CK2158 13 CK2159 O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring O-Ring Inlet Flange - 3"MNPT Relief Valve Cap Rotor Shaft Assembly Relief Valve Cam Key Grease Relief Fitting Lubrication Plate Grease Zerk Lubricap QTY 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 REFPART DESCRIPTION 14 CK2270* 15 CK2649 16 CK2754* 17 CK2760-244 18 CK3253 19 CK3442 20CK3935 21CK3936* 22 CK4248 23 CK4417 24 CK4432* 25 CK4435* 26 CK4438 Shaft Key - ¼" Name Plate Outer Bearing Retainer Ring Cam Key Pin Pipe Plug - ¼"NPT Sideplate Vane Relief Warning Tag Bearing Cap Thrust Bearing Assembly Thrust Bearing Mount Ring Grease Seal QTY 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 6 1 2 2 2 2 REFPART DESCRIPTION 27 CK4439* 28 CK4439-1* 29 CK4439-2* 30 CK4441* 31 CK4431-X2 32 CK4985 33CK5534 34CK5537 35CK5539 36 CK5538 37CK5548 38 CK5554-X* Bearing Cap Shim - .002" Bearing Cap Shim - .010" Bearing Cap Shim - .020" Grease Seal Mechanical Seal Coro-Vane Shaft Cover Head Case Cam Outlet Flange 3"NPT Spring Vane Driver QTY 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 CK3195-X2 Repair Kit *Items included in repair kit Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 53 Spindles, Hubs, Tires & Rims anhydrous ammonia PARTDESCRIPTION MIH614WP mih821wp mih881wp mih886wp mih5500wp tw215161sgt tw231268tL tw30532DT Hub, 6 bolt comes with bearings and seals, 5000# rating Hub, 8 bolt comes with bearings and seals, 5790# rating Hub, 8 bolt comes with bearings and seals, 8000# rating Hub, 8 bolt comes with bearings and seals, 8000# rating Hub, 8 bolt comes with bearings and seals, 5000# rating Tire, 21.5 x 16.1 lug style on 8-bolt rim Tire, 23.1 x 26 lug style on 8-bolt rim Tire, 30.5 x 32 lug style on 10-bolt rim wagon Duolift M1450 Duolift M1750 Duolift M2000 Duolift M2100 Duolift M2400 Hub M1H614WP M1H821PMIH821PM1H821PM1H821P Spindle M1S614-32X224M1S821-40X288M1S821-40X288M1S821-40X288M1S821-40X288 Tires TW215161SGTTW215161SGTTW215161SGTTW215161SGTTW215161SGT Leaf Spring Assembly DLE5115 DLE5115 N/A N/A N/A Leaf Spring U-Bolt DLE245DLE245DLE245N/A N/A 54 wagon Duolift lb2900 Hub Spindle Tires Leaf Spring Assembly Leaf Spring U-Bolt MIH886WPM1H886WP M1S886-50X256M1S886-50X256 TW215161SGTTW231268TL N/A N/A N/A N/A [email protected] Duolift LB4400 (fRONT) Duolift lb4400 (rEAR) jOHNSON WELDING 2000 M1H881WP M1S885-72X288 TW30532DT N/A N/A M1H5500WP M1S5500-40X256 TW215161SGT N/A N/A LC Meters Liquid Controls meters are positive displacement meters, designed for liquid measurement in both custody transfer and process control applications. They can be installed in pump or gravity flow systems. Because of their simple design, they are easy to maintain and easy to adapt to a variety of systems. LC meters are available for order with or without temperature compensation. Certified MA7 Meters DESCRIPTION LCMA7NH3-NTC LCMA7NH3-WTC LCMA7CLI10 w/LCR2 Meter 2" NH3, LCRII No Temp. Compensation Meter 2" NH3 LCRII With Temp. Compensation Meter 2” LPG LCRII With Temp. Compensation Certified MA15 Meters pART DESCRIPTION LCMA15NH3-NTC LCMA15NH3-WTC Meter 3" NH3 LCRII No Temp. Compensation Meter 3" NH3 LCRII With Temp. Compensation LCR-II™ Electronic Register anhydrous ammonia pART W&M Seal Wires Air Eliminator Solenoid Activated Differential Pressure Valve Positive Displacement Flow Meter Strainer W&M Thermometer Well Optional Temp. Probe (RTD) LectroCount LCR-II Liquid Controls produces among the most reliable and accurate metering systems available worldwide. For truck-mounted or fixed-site custody transfer applications requiring Weights & Measures-approved accuracy, LC products deliver consistent, error-free, dependable service. MA7 Meter Parts ITEMpART DESCRIPTION 1 LC06850 O-Ring, Front/Rear Cover MA7 Meter 2 LC06854 O-Ring, Round MA7 Meter 2A LC40430 O-Ring, Flanges, Square MA7 Meter 3 LC49403 Adjuster Assembly 4 Packing Gland - see Fig.1 5 LC06856 O-Ring Packing Gland 6 LC48287 Shaft, Adjuster, Old Style 7 LC41786 Bushing, Drive Shaft, set of 2 8 LC02188 Retaining Ring, Drive Shaft 9 LC40122Gear LC81513040 Printer Cable, LCR2 LC825001 Cable Power Printer, 12-24 Volt Fig. 1 Packing Glands - NH3 Packing Glands - LPG PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION LC49588 Fork Style (New) LC49541 Blade Style (Pre '91) LC49561 Fork Style (New) LC49567 Blade Style (Pre '91) Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 55 LC Meters anhydrous ammonia Mechanical Vapour Eliminator Liquid Controls mechanical air and vapour eliminators remove air and vapour from metering systems. This increases the accuracy of the meter by allowing only liquid to pass through the meter for measurement. ITEMPART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DESCRIPTION LC48239 Cover, Air Eliminator Outlet LC42823 Gasket, Air Eliminator Cover Vapour Plate - see Fig. 1 LC501024 Float Assembly LC501040 Float & Reed Assembly LC48571 Reed Valve LC09335 Seal, Vapour Eliminator Base Fig. 1 Vapour Plates - NH3 Vapour Plates - LPG PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION LC501103 No Weep Hole LC45823 With Weep Hole LC42822 No Weep Hole LC45824 With Weep Hole Note:Parts for the Vapour Eliminator and the Differential Valve are interchangeable between MA7 and MA15 configurations. Differential Valve Differential Valves are spring loaded valves on the outlet side of the meter. Most Liquid Controls meter systems with a vapour eliminator also have a differential valve. Vapour eliminators and differential valves work in conjunction to stop the flow of product through the meter until the vapour is eliminated from the system. In order to do this, the vapour eliminator and the differential valve are piped together at installation. Differential Valve - NH3 Parts ITEMpART DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 5A O-Ring, Plate Valve NH3 Diaphragm Neoprene NH3 O-Ring, Valve Piston NH3 Piston, Valve NH3 O-Ring, Flange Valve NH3 Gasket, Square, Valve LC9425 LC501555 LC9423 LC501554 LC9425 LC40430 Differential Valve - LPG Parts 56 ITEMpART DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 5A O-Ring, Plate, Differential Valve LPG Diaphragm, Differential Valve LPG O-Ring, Differential Valve Piston LPG Piston, Differential Valve LPG O-Ring, Flange, Differential Valve LPG Gasket, Square, Differential Valve LC07900 LC47306 LC06856 LC49947 LC07838 LC40430 [email protected] LC Meters anhydrous ammonia Strainer Assembly Strainers help to protect meters from serious damage caused by burrs dislodged from new piping, pipe scale or foreign material. The strainer’s initial cost is good insurance against the cost of down time and replacement parts incurred from a damaged meter. MA7 Configuration MA15 Configuration ITEMPART DESCRIPTION ITEMPART DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Seal Ring (Square) Strainer Gasket, Strainer D-Shape (not shown) O-Ring, Lower-Strainer O-Ring, Strainer Cover Gasket, Flange (Square) Basket, Strainer 100 Mesh Rod, Magnet Holder (not shown) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Seal Ring (Square) Strainer Gasket, Strainer D-Shape (not shown) O-Ring, Lower-Strainer O-Ring, Strainer Cover Gasket, Flange (Square) Basket, Strainer 100 Mesh Rod, Magnet Holder (not shown) LC6844 LC43639 LC6854 LC09338 LC40430 lca2432 LC501401 LC09201 N/A LC4474 LC09335 N/A lc4474 LC501401 Fork or Blade Drive Pod Pulsar The Liquid Controls Pulse Output Device (POD) converts the rotary motion of Liquid Controls Positive Displacement Flow Meters into electronic pulses that equal the volumetric measurements of the meter. This allows for remote installation of the meter register. ITEMpart DESCRIPTION 1 2 Pulse Output Device Assembly O-Ring, Packing Gland LCP0DI LC06856 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 57 Chemical Transfer Pumps Liquid ShurFlo AgRunner ShurFlo's AgRunner features a durable glass-filled polypropylene housing mounted in a rugged steel frame. Capable of flow rates of up to 10 GPM, the AgRunner comes with a 1" in-line flow meter along with suction and discharge hoses. PARTDESCRIPTION SF1100PTSI SF1100PTS100 SF-1100-110V AgRunner Chemical Pump with Meter AgRunner Chemical Pump without Meter Pump, 110 V PARTDESCRIPTION SFFM1100I SF94-732-00 58 AgRunner Meter Only Electronic Assembly Kit FM1100 Meter [email protected] vertiflo Liquid Fertilizer Pumps Shaft Size 1¼" Liquid Vertiflo 1424 Pump Vertiflo 1434 Pump Typically 350 GPM at 1800 RPM with 3 phase 20 HP electric motor. Typically 500 GPM at 1800 RPM with 3 phase 30 HP electric motor. PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION VL1424-4x3x10 Pump 4" Inlet x 3" Outlet, 10" Impeller VL1424-6x4x12 Pump 6" Inlet x 4" Outlet, 12" Impeller Vertiflo 1424 Replacement Pump Parts Vertiflo 1434 Replacement Pump Parts itempart DESCRIPTION PartDESCRIPTION 1 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 14A 15 16 Shaft Thrust Bearing Radial Bearing Lip Seal Shaft Snap Ring Cap Snap Ring Lip Seal Slinger Seal Spacer Sleeve Mechnaical Seal Case Gasket Stuffing Box Gasket VLSJ-2134-SI-00 Mechanical Seal 1434 VL50-5449-01-60 Casing Gasket 1434 VL22-2403-04-23 VLBD-5122-22-00 VLBD-5125-01-00 VLSL-3420-01-00 VLRE-2220-01-00 VLRE-5056-01-00 VLSL-3425-01-00 VLSG-4200-01-62 VL32-2824-09-20 VLSJ-2124-S1-00 VL50-4441-01-60 VL50-2217-01-60 6" inlet x 4" outlet 4" inlet x 3" outlet Note: Piping size and configuration determines actual pump flow. Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 59 CDS-John Blue Liquid Fertilizer Pumps JBSP-3320-P Pump 3" Pedestal (self-priming) Typically 250 GPM at 3500 RPM with 3 phase 10 or 15 HP electric motor SP-3320 Pump Parts Liquid ITEMPART 1 2 3 4 5 6 DESCRIPTION JB43005 Mech. Double Seal JB102037-01Impeller JBS-3638 Gasket Seal (2) JBS-3641 Housing Cover Gasket JBS-3654 Suction Flange Gasket JBS-3646 Impeller Shaft 3" inlet x 3" outlet Shaft Size 1 1/8" JBS-3320-P Pump 3" Pedestal Typically 275 GPM at 3500 RPM with 3 phase 15 HP electric motor S-3320 Pump Parts ITEMpart 1 2 3 4 5 DESCRIPTION JB43005 Mech. Double Seal JB102037-01Impeller JBS-3638 Gasket Seal (2) JBS-3656 Flange Gasket (2) JBS-3646 Impeller Shaft 3" inlet x 3" outlet 60 [email protected] Shaft Size 1 1/8" Liquid FeRtilizer Pump Skid At DyTerra, we manufacture modular liquid fertilizer pumping skids, custom built with high flow plumbing to match your specific requirements. Available Options: Vertiflo 1424 Pump CDS-John Blue 3320 Pump KZ Actuators Ultraflo Butterfly Valves 3” Micro Motion Mass Flow Meter · · · · · · Thompson Strainer · Custom Control Panel, Built by LV Control · Complete Control Shed · DyCrete Liquid Fertilizer Containment System Liquid partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION MI7SX1-¼ MI7SX1-1 ⁄ 8 MI7SX1-7⁄ 16 MI7SX1-3 ⁄ 8 MI7SX1-5 ⁄ 8 MI7JE KZVA24V KZ Actuator 24V 3" Butterfly Valve KZEH4HDW Hardware Kit KZ208-0016 Stem Coupler KZ100255 Mounting Disc Bracket KZ24VDCEH5-4 KZEH4HDW KZ208-0007 KZ105-0002 Shur Flex Hub 1¼" Shur Flex Hub 11 ⁄ 8" Shur Flex Hub 17⁄ 16" Shur Flex Hub 13 ⁄ 8" Shur Flex Hub 15 ⁄ 8" Insert Shur-Flex KZ Actuator 12/24V 4" Butterfly Valve Hardware Kit Stem Coupler Mounting Bracket PUMPSHAFT SIZEHUB REQUIRED Vertiflo 1424 CDS-John Blue 3320 1¼" MI7SX1 - ¼ 11/8" MI7SX1 - 1/8 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 61 Liquid FeRtilizer Pump Skid 150lb Flange Hardware Flange Size Studs Qty. Nuts Qty. 2” MIB710X56 4 MI2H10 8 3” MIB710X56 4 MI2H10 8 4” MIB710X56 8 MI2H1016 6” MIB712X50 8 MI2H1216 150lb Flange Hardware with KZ Actuator partDESCRIPTION MI2H10 MI2H12 Nut 2H 5 ⁄ 8" Nut 2H ¾" Valve Size Studs Qty. 3” MIB710X96 4 partDESCRIPTION MIB710X56 Stud, B7 5 ⁄ 8" X 3½" MIB712X52 Stud, B7 ¾" X 4¼" Nuts MI2H10 Qty. 8 4” MIB710X96 8 MI2H10 16 Liquid 62 partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION HSEPDM48XH Hose, 3" Enforcer High PSI HSEPDM64XH Hose, 4" Enforcer High PSI MITMU295 Printer, Slip Ticket MITMU295PS Power Supply, TMU 295 printer MIG32150 MIG48150 MIG64150 UF400-3C Butterfly Valve 3" Handle Kit: UF400237-2310L UF400-4C Butterfly Valve 4" Handle Kit: UF400237-4610L UF400-6C Butterfly Valve 6" Wafer SS partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION MI90555397 Strainer 4"Body with 3"Flanges MI1002-30 MIHCTSS343 Clamp, T-Bolt, 3" MIHCTSS456 Clamp T-Bolt, 4" PG160L partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION MI2924201 Shaft Guard MI11AV BVSS203 [email protected] Check Valve 3" PVC Air Release ¾" x ½" SS Gasket Flange 2" x 150# Gasket Flange 3" x 150# Gasket Flange 4" x 150# Ball Valve Threaded 1¼" Gauge 0-160 PSI ¼" Liquid Filled liquid partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION BVSS04 Ball Valve, Threaded ¼" SS BVSS163 Ball Valve, 3 piece, 1" SS BVSS16SL Ball Valve, Springloaded, 1" SS BVSS203 partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION BVSS32 Ball Valve, 2" SS BVSS323 Ball Valve, 3 piece, 2" SS BVSS483 Ball Valve 3 piece, 3" SS BVSS643 Ball Valve 3 piece, 4" SS partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION BVSS48150 Ball Valve 150#FLGSS, 3" BVSS64150 Ball Valve 150#FLGSS, 4" UF393-3CL Valve, Butterfly 3" Cast, Lug, SS Stem & Disc UF393-4CL Valve, Butterfly 4" Cast, Lug, SS Stem & Disc partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION partDESCRIPTION FT12KSS King Nipple, ¾" SS FT16KSS King Nipple, 1" SS FT48KSS King Nipple, 3" SS FT64KSS King Nipple, 4" SS Ball Valve 3 piece, 1¼" SS Liquid Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 63 N-Ject® LF by Capstan Ag Systems Pulse Width Modulation Creates a True Variable Orifice The secret of achieving a large range of application rates is unlocked using Pulse Width Modulation technology to make a single oriface perfom like multiple orifices. With a set pressure and a targeted field speed, the operator has a 25:1 range of rate control without changing an orifice. Now any toolbar can easily be adapted to automatically apply a greater range of rates than previously thought possible. Liquid What to Expect from N-Ject® LF · Expanded rate application range over conventional spray technology · Individual boom section "on/off" control · No more orifice changing · On-the-go monitoring of product flow through individual tubes · Potential input cost management with map-driven variable rate applications · Enhance fertilizer applications in no till, tidge till and minimum till ground · Double up with variable rate dry production control · Double up with PMW technology on a chemical sprayer 64 [email protected] Simonsen Spreaders & Tenders SMC Pull Spreaders SMC2064S - Spreader, 6 Ton Stainless · Available in 5, 6 and 8-ton capacities · Walking-tandem suspension for better weight distribution · Stainless steel in critical corrosion areas · Heavy gauge 7" wide apron chain · Distributor fan powered by a gearbox · Stainless steel input and output shafts in fan gearbox · Simple chain-and-sprocket ground wheel drive system · Accurate application rate up to 640 lb./acre · 12" wide heavy duty stainless steel conveyor Granular SMC2584S - Spreader, 8 Ton Stainless Available options: · 409 stainless steel hopper (standard) · Fitted tarp with ridgepole · Simonsen roll tarp with SS endcaps · Shur-Lok roll tarp (manual crank) · Hydraulic actuation of ground drive · D.O.T. light package Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 65 Simonsen SMC Spreader Granular 66 [email protected] Simonsen SMC Spreader Granular Simonsen SMC Spreader REFDESCRIPTION SMC1754 1Sprocket 2Chain 3 Block, Chain Tightener 4A Long Shaft SI1700-20 SI1700-20 SI1700-10 SI1700-12 SI1700-75 SI1700-75 SMC2064 (Early Units With Two Separate Hubs) SI643-10SI643-10 4B Short Shaft (Present Units With Welded Dual Sprockets) 5 Bearing 1" Flange SI973-20 SI973-20 6Shaft SI1033-10 SI1033-11 7Arm SI1700-70 SI1700-70 8 Wheel Drive Yoke SI1209-10 SI1209-11 9Shaft SI1175-10 SI1175-11 10Spacer SI9341-26 SI9341-26 11 Hub and Rim SI1377-00 SI1377-00 12Tire SI1376-00 SI1376-00 13 Tire and Rim Assembly SI1376-00 SI1376-00 15Sprocket SI1700-30 SI1700-30 16 Carriage Bolt SI3907-10 SI9707-10 17 Tightener Block Chain SI1700-80 SI1700-80 18Chain SI1249-10 SI1249-10 19Sprocket SI1248-03 SI1248-03 SI1170-10SI1170-10 20 Handle Nut 3 ⁄ 8 21Sprocket SI240-00 SI240-00 REFDESCRIPTION SMC1754 SMC2064 22Sprocket 23 Screw Take-Up SS 24 Screw Take-Up Nut 25 Bearing-Take Up 1" 26 Splice Pin 7" Stainless Steel 27 Bearing 1” Pillow Block 28 Apron Chain 7” 29 Front Roller 30 Tractor Half 31 PTO Shaft (540 RPM) 32 Trailer Half 33Shaft 34Pulley 35Pulley 36Spacer 37Belt 38Shaft 39 Bearing Wooden Insert 40 Spinner Disc c/w Blades 41 Blade, Spinner Disc 4 per Disc 42Bushing 43 U-Joint Assembly 44Gearbox SI530-0 SI188-00 SI189-00 SI187-10 SI1700-01 SI705-00 SI1700-00 SI591-10 SI616-27 SI616-50 SI616-26 SI578-10 SI780-10 SI1400-10 SI1700-50 SI779-10 SI1589-10 SI1390-00 SI575-01 SI556-02 SI580-02 SI1042-00 SI1900-00 SI530-00 SI188-00 SI189-00 SI187-10 SI1700-01 SI705-00 SI1700-00 SI591-10 SI616-27 SI616-50 SI616-26 SI578-10 SI780-10 SI1400-10 SI1700-50 SI779-10 SI1589-11 SI1390-00 SI575-01 SI556-02 SI580-02 SI1042-00 SI1900-00 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 67 Simonsen "N" Series Spreaders Granular Simonsen "N" Series Spreaders REFDESCRIPTION N44J N54J N64J QTY 1 Bearing 1" Pillow Block SI157-00 SI157-00 SI157-00 4 2 Bearing 1½" Pillow Block SI170-00 SI170-00 SI170-00 2 3 Sprocket 1” SI532-00 SI532-00 SI530-00 1 4 Sprocket 1” SI782-00 SI782-00 SI533-00 1 5 Spinner Blade SI556-02 SI556-02 SI556-02 4 6 Metering Door Slide LH SI568-00 SI568-00 SI568-00 1 7 Metering Door Slide RH SI569-00 SI569-00 SI569-00 1 SI571-00 SI571-00SI571-001 8 Flange Bearing 5 ⁄ 8” 9 Spinner Disc c/w Blades SI575-01 SI575-01 SI575-01 1 10Bushing SI580-02 SI580-02 SI580-02 1 11 Apron Chain 12” SS SI586-00 SI586-00 SI586-00 1 12 Splice Pin SI587-00 SI587-00 SI587-00 1 13 Metering Gate Decal (Silver) SI614-00 SI614-00 SI614-00 1 14 Rear Apron Drive Gear Box SI624-30 SI624-30 SI624-30 1 15 Screw, Crank and Brg Assembly SI634-02 SI634-02 SI634-02 1 16 Screw and Crank SI634-00 SI634-00 SI634-00 1 17 Metering Gate Screw SI634-01 SI634-01 SI634-01 1 18 Metering Door SI635-00 SI635-00 SI635-00 1 19 Metering Door Bracket SI642-00 SI642-00 SI642-00 1 68 [email protected] REFDESCRIPTION N44J 20 Rear Apron Drive Roller 21Tire 22 ACME Nut 23 Wheel Drive Yoke 24 Wheel Drive Linkage 25 Handle Nut 26Shaft 27 Shaft 1" x 9½" 28Spindle 29Sprocket 30U-Joint 7⁄ 8" SQ x 1" Round 31 Slip Joint 7⁄ 8" SQ x 1" Round 32 Square Shaft 33 Dual Sprocket 34 SS Chain #50 35 Wheel Drive Tire 36 Wheel Drive Assembly 37 Gearbox Spinner Disc 38 Gearbox Bracket SI643-00 SI643-00 SI643-00 1 SI1133-01 SI758-25 SI1023-00 4 SI1050-00 SI1050-00 SI1050-00 1 N/A N/A SI1162-00 1 N/A N/A SI1167-00 1 SI1170-00 SI1170-00 SI1170-00 1 SI1033-01 SI1033-01SI1173-00 1 SI1175-00 SI1175-00 SI1175-00 1 SI1152-00 SI1152-00 SI1191-00 4 SI1200-00 SI1200-00SI1200-00 2 SI1202-00 SI1202-00 SI1202-00 2 SI1203-00 SI1203-00 SI1203-00 1 SI1212-01 SI1212-01 SI1212-00 1 SI1248-02 SI1248-01 SI1248-00 1 MIRC50SS MIRC50SS MIRC50SS SI1376-00 SI1376-00 SI1376-00 1 N/A N/A SI1407-00 1 SI1900-00 SI1900-00 SI1900-00 1 SI1585-00 SI1585-00 SI1585-00 1 N54J N64J QTY Simonsen "N" Series Spreaders Granular Front and Left Side View REFDESCRIPTION N44J 1 Bearing 1" Pillow Block SI157-00 2 Spring Take-Up N/A 3 Bearing Take-Up 1" SI187-00 4 Screw Take-Up SS SI188-00 5 Take Up Screw Nut SI189-00 6 Spinner Blade SI556-02 7 Spinner Disc c/w Blades SI575-01 8Bushing SI280-00 9 Front Apron Gear Box SI623-50 10 Rear Apron Gear Box SI624-30 11 Hitch Pin SI1013-00 12 Setting Guide Top SI1024-00 13 Gate Setting Guide Bottom SI1026-00 14 Top and Bottom Assembly SI1027-02 15 Slip Joint 1" x 1" SI1037-00 16 Safety Chain and Hook SI1154-00 17 Outer Race SI610-03 18 Outer Cup SI610-06 19 Wheel Bolt SI1151-05 20Dustcap SI610-04 21 Wheel Drive Yoke SI1592-00 22Wheel SI1140-00 23 Wheel Drive Linkage N/A 24 Tie Bolt SI1168-00 25 Hub c/w Races SI1150-00 26Spindle SI1152-00 N54J N64J QTY SI157-00 N/A SI187-00 SI188-00 SI189-00 SI556-02 SI575-01 SI580-00 SI623-50 SI624-30 SI1013-00 SI1024-00 SI1026-00 SI1027-02 SI1037-00 SI1154-00 SI610-03 SI610-06 SI1151-05 SI610-04 SI1592-00 SI758-10 N/A SI1168-00 SI1150-00 SI1152-10 SI157-00 4 SI173-00 1 SI187-00 2 SI188-00 2 SI189-00 2 SI556-02 4 SI575-01 1 SI580-021 SI623-50 1 SI624-30 1 SI1013-00 1 SI1024-00 1 SI1026-00 1 SI1027-02 1 SI1037-00 1 SI11154-00 2 SI1161-01 4 SI1161-03 4 SI1161-06 2 SI1161-07 4 SI1162-00 1 SI1165-00 4 SI1167-00 1 SI1168-00 2 SI1190-00 4 SI1191-00 4 REFDESCRIPTION N44J N54J N64J QTY 27Seal 28 Inner Race 29 Inner Cup 30U-Joint 7⁄ 8" SQ x 1" Round 31 Slip Joint 7⁄ 8" SQ x 1" Round 32 7⁄ 8" SQ Shaft 33 Cast Hitch 34 Wheel Drive Tire 35 Wheel Drive Rim 36 Tire and Rim Assembly 37 Bearing Wooden Insert 38 Wheel Drive Handle 39 Gear Box Bracket 40 Drive Shaft 43 Idler Roller 44 Tumbling Rod 48 Jack Handle 49 Tongue Jack c/w Bracket 50 Spindle Nut 51 Spindle Washer SI1151-01 SI1151-02 SI1151-03 SI1202-00 SI1293-00 SI974-10 SI1214-00 SI1376-00 SI1377-00 SI1377-01 SI1390-00 N/A SI1585-00 SI552-110 SI1591-00 SI616-00 SI1394-03 SI1484-00 SI1152-02 SI1152-01 SI1151-01 SI1151-02 SI1151-03 SI1202-00 SI1293-00 SI974-10 SI1214-00 SI1376-00 SI1377-00 SI1377-01 SI1390-00 N/A SI1585-00 SI1589-01 SI1591-00 SI616-00 SI1394-03 SI1484-00 SI1152-02 SI1152-01 SI1192-01 4 SI1192-02 4 SI1192-03 4 SI1202-00 1 SI1293-00 1 SI1213-00 1 SI1214-00 1 SI1376-00 1 SI1377-00 1 SI1377-01 1 SI1390-00 2 SI1407-00 1 SI1585-00 1 SI1589-00 1 SI1591-00 1 SI616-00 1 SI1394-03 1 SI1484-00 1 SI1191-02 4 SI1191-01 4 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 69 simonsen smc4816 tender Granular Simonsen SMC4816 Tender itemPARTDESCRIPTION 1 SI306-02 2 SI410-01 3 SI496-01 4 SI541-01 5 SI1336-01 6 SI1373-01 7 SI1544-02 8 SI1544-03 9 SI1544-05 10 SI1545-02 11 SI1545-30 12 SI1545-35 13 SI1545-37 14 SI51545-31 15 SI1545-41 16 SI1548-32 17 SI4768-00 18 SI9120-16 70 [email protected] 1½" Set Collar with 25 ⁄ 8" O.D. Flat Washer 1¼" Flange Bearing (two bolt mounting) Drive Shaft for Delivery Auger (used with grease chamber) Round Bolt-on End for Delivery Auger (used with grease chamber) Tail Shaft for Delivery Auger (8" Long) U-Joint (1¼" Round x 1¼" Round) Flighting for Delivery Auger (9" Dia. Full Pitch) (Less Shafts) Stainless Steel 15' - 10½' Long Stainless Steel 17' - 10½' Long Stainless Steel 19' - 10½' Long Tube and Hopper Assembly for delivery auger (less extension for hopper and all other bolt on parts) (includes clean out door) Stainless Steel 16' - 5¾" Long (length of tube and hopper) Stainless Steel 18' - 5¾" Long (length of tube and hopper) Stainless Steel 20' - 5¾" Long (length of tube and hopper) Extension for Hopper (Bolt-on) Support Shaft for Delivery Auger (1¼" Dia. x 16" Long) Grease Chamber Hydraulic Motor for Delivery (two 11 ⁄ 16" O-Ring Ports) Clean Out Door Willmar Spreader Granular Willmar Spreader REFDESCRIPTION S600-800 S500 REFDESCRIPTION S600-800 S500 1 PTO Support 10 Tarp with Shock Cord 14 Rear Gate 21 Rear End 24Bushing-Hardwood 26Divider 29 Spindle 35 Rear Belt Shield 36 U-Bolt 38 Shackle Arm 39 Main Leaf Spring c/w Item 39 39A Complete Leaf Spring 40 Spring Bolt 42 Clip Plate 45 Grease Seal 46 Inner Bearing Cone WI15152 WI17469 WI21193 WI16080 WI16548 WI16133 N/A WI15232 WI16717 WI15162 WI15445 WI16718 WI15129 WI16716 WI15433 WI15434 WI15152 WI17471 WI21193 WI16080 WI16548 WI16133 WI15066 WI15232 WI15058 WI15504 WI20611 WI20538 WI15506 WI15059 WI15487 WI15488 47 48 49 50 51 52 56 57 58 59 60 62 64 66 67 WI15442 WI10681 WI15265 WI15435 WI15441 WI15436 WI15348 WI15435 WI15130 WI15154 WI14341 WI15443 WI10828 WI22432 WI15503 WI15494 WI10680 WI14875 WI19123 WI15493 WI15490 WI15491 WI19122 WI15129 WI15500 WI15503 WI19125 WI10827 WI22432 WI25415 Inner Bearing Cone Sprocket Ring-27 Tooth Ground Drive Hub and Sprocket Hub-Brake w Bearing Cups Outer Bearing Cup Outer Bearing Cone Hub Cap Hub-Plain w/Bearing Cups Equalizer Bolt Equalizer Arm w/Bushings Bushing (c/w item 59) Wheel Nut Wheel Jack Assembly Bushing Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 71 Willmar Spreader Granular Spinner Drive and Conveyor REF DESCRIPTION S600-800 S500 REF DESCRIPTION 3 9 10 11 14 19 21 22 26 31 35 WI10636 WI10454 WI10487P WI10460 WI10464 WI10645 WI16584 WI15226 WI16583 WI16595 WI10513 WI10511 WI10636 WI10454 WI10487P WI10460 WI10464 WI10645 WI16584 WI15226 WI16583 WI16595 WI10513 WI10506 36 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 47 49 Bearing 1" PB Sheave, 8" V-Belt Sheave, 6" V-Idler Sheave, 6½" Bearing, 3 Hole Flange Distributor Fan Fan Blade Kit Distributor Blade-Right Distributor Blade-Left Splice Pin Conveyor Chain S600-800 Rear Line Shaft WI21540 Front Line Shaft WI21540 Take-Up Bearing WI10652 Front Roller WI15195 Conveyor Drive Chain WI19129 Connector Link WI10633 Rear End Sprocket WI12363 Rear Drive Roller and Shaft WI16597 Set Collar WI21533 Bearing 1" PB WI10636 PTO Assembly (Not Shown) WI22001 S500 WI21539 WI114805 WI10652 WI15195 WI10630 WI10633 WI12363 WI16597 WI21533 WI10636 WI22001 Ground Drive Decals 72 REF DESCRIPTION S600-800 S500 Application Rate Decal (11 L x 15 Tires) Application Rate Decal (12.5 L x 15 Tires) Dial Decal-Green WI19503 WI19501 WI17395 WI19498 WI19501 WI17395 [email protected] REF DESCRIPTION S600-800 S500 51 Sheave, 4½" 52 Connector Link 53 Gnd. Drive Engaging Arm 54 Engaging Lever 55 Bushing, Nylon 56 Ground Drive Linkage 57 Bearing 1" PB 58 Drive Sprocket 59 Spring 60 Ground Drive Jack Shaft 61 Slip Clutch Assembly 62 Slip Clutch Nut 63 Slip Clutch Spring 64 Shield 65 Slip Clutch Floating Jaw 66 Slip Clutch Hub 67 Sprocket 68 Ground Drive Chain WI10461 WI10575 WI15246 WI15251 WI22547 WI15095 WI10636 WI12368 WI16617 WI15245 WI10663 WI10668 WI10669 WI15244 WI10513 WI10664 WI1066 WI19128 WI10461 WI10575 WO14878 WI15251 WI22547 WI15095 WO10636 WI12368 WI16617 WI15093 WI10663 WI10668 WI10669 WI15244 WI10513 WI10664 WI10666 WI19130 GRANULAR ACCESSORIES Bin Gate Air Cylinders Norgren Valves PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION MIDW316-2 MIMP-31 MI318-DXP MIK71DA00KS6KV2 Valve Air Single Solenoid 120V MIK71DA00K32K32 Valve Air Double Solenoid 1 MIK71DA00KS124VDC Valve Air Single ¼" Port Cylinder Air 6" Stroke (Less Clevis) Clevis for DW316-2 Cylinder Air 8" Stroke ¼" Ports Buckets PARTDESCRIPTION PARTDESCRIPTION MI5012-DXP MIBKT9X6 MIBKT10X6 Cylinder Air 12" Stroke Airline Fittings PARTDESCRIPTION MI12-020-0600 MI12-040-0600 MI12-060-0600 MI12-425-0628 MI12-425-0638 MG12-447-0628 MG12-447-0638 Fitting Air Joiner ¼" Fitting Air Elbow Joiner Fitting Air Tee 3 ⁄ 8" Fitting Air MPT Straight ¼" Fitting Air MPT Straight 3 ⁄ 8" Fitting Air MPT Elbow ¼" Fitting Air MPT Elbow 3 ⁄ 8" Granular Blender Air Cylinder Bucket Poly 9" x 6" CCHD Bucket Poly 10" x 6" CCHD Belting PARTDESCRIPTION MIBCV12 MIBCV16 MIBCV24 Belt PVC Low Temp 12" Belt PVC Low Temp 16" Belt PVC Low Temp 24" *Also available in smooth and crescent top Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 73 Layco Systems by Yargus Declining Weight Blend System If your fertilizer needs require a faster, more accurate blend system, your best choice is the Layco Declining Weight Blend System. This system is superior to other multi-feed Blender Systems because it features stainless steel rotary valves to meter the product and the PLC computer to control your NPKs, resulting in a better fertilizer blend. Once the blend formulation is entered into the electronic keypad, the PLC computer sends the rate information to the proper rotors, then continuously monitors the RPMs to ensure accurate blends. Use of the rotary valve makes the Layco Declining Weight Blend System easy to clean and service. Declining Weight Blend System 2 to 10 Hopper Design. 120 to 300 Tons per Hour Capacity Granular Vertical Single-Unit Blender 6,8,10 and 13 Ton Batch Availability Tower Blend System 150 to 200 Ton Storage 74 [email protected] Super Flow Rotary Blend System 5,6,8 and 10 Ton Batch Availability granular construction department From CAD Design to Completion At DyTerra, we can take an idea and make it a reality. On-site engineers and our experienced road crews work hand in hand to complete projects efficiently and on time. Call us today. Granular Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 75 Speed King Granular Granular Blending Equipment For nearly fifty years Speed King has been serving the dry chemical fertilizer industry with quality fertilizer handling products. Their leading components are the environmentally friendly vertical screw blending system, bucket elevators, the original tube conveyor as well as various trough-roller conveyors for in-plant use. Speed King’s components are the trusted line for blending chemical fertilizer and other bulk materials throughout North America. 76 [email protected] Speed King Tube Conveyor Tube Conveyor with 1" Shaft and Roller in Head Section PART 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 SK82269200 SK82796400 SK61686200 SK61687000 SK03001500 SK88107800 SK10409100 Varies SK60196300 SK82264300 SK10319210 SK62153200 SK89763700 SK14969000 SK14970800 SK14971600 SK14972400 SK14973200 SK17678400 SK17679200 SK13816400 SK10317600 MS Discharge Spout SS Discharge Spout MS Headframe Assembly SS Headframe Assembly 1" Bearing 6" x 12" Roller – Lagged 1" x 21½" Shaft MS or SS Tube - 12" PVC Return Idler Return Idler Bracket 10" Half Band MS Tail Frame Assembly SS Tail Frame Assembly Guide Stiffener L SS Guide Stiffener R SS Front Panel SS Strap SS Back Panel SS Right Hopper Side Left Hopper Side Material Guide Back Wiper QTY 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 Varies Varies Varies Varies 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Tube Conveyor with 15 ⁄ 16" Shaft and Roller in Head Section The difference is only in the head section. REFDESCRIPTION PART 315 ⁄ 16" Bearing 4 6" Lagged Roller 5 Shaft 15 ⁄ 16" x 21" SK03018900 SK61685400 SK14979900 QTY 2 1 1 Granular REFDESCRIPTION 8" and 10" Electrical Drive REF DESCRIPTION SMALL ELECTRIC 8"LARGE ELECTRIC 10" QTY 21 Square Nut SS SK01561000 22 1" Bearing SK03001500 - 2315 ⁄ 16" Bearing 24 Sprocket D48T x 15 ⁄ 16"- 25 Sprocket D20T x 1" - 26 #50 - 2 x 76 Pitch Chain - 27 Take Up Bracket SS SK10330900 28 1" x 28½" Shaft - 29 1" x 16" SK11888500 30 Shaft 1" x 23½" SK10001600 - 15 ⁄ 16" x 23¾" 31 Bearing Slide SS SK81610800 32 Take Up Bolt SK83106500 33 3½" Lagged Roller SK88001300 34 Lagged Roller SK88040100 20 Belt Guard Bracket SS - SK01561000 SK03001500 SK03018900 SK04513800 SK04514600 SK05222500 SK10330900 SK11697000 SK11888500 - SK11891900 SK81610800 SK83106500 SK88001300 SK88011200 SK16801300 2 4 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 77 Speed King Trough Roller Conveyor Granular Trough Roller Outload Conveyor 78 REFDESCRIPTION 16” 24” REFDESCRIPTION 16” 24” 4 Bearing Slide, Top 5 Bearing Slide, Bottom 6 Take Up ½" x 14" 7 ½" SS Square Nut 8Bearing 9ARoller 9BShaft 10 Strap, Back 11 Back Skirt 12 Side Skirt 13 Strap, Side 14 Load Hopper 17 Return Roller BRKT 18 Return Roller 21 Carrier Roller 23Sprocket 24Sprocket 25 Chain SK16076200 SK16075400 SK83106500 SK01561000 SK03018900 SK88186200 SK16088700 SK16053100 SK16068900 SK16069700 SK16070500 SK83163600 SK13019500 SK60194800 SK60191400 SK04502100 SK04501300 MIRC60MS SK16076200 SK16075400 SK83106500 SK01561000 SK03033800 SK60355500 SK18640300 SK18639500 SK18656900 SK18622100 SK83934000 SK13019500 SK60195500 SK60192200 - 26 Chain Guard 27 Take Up Bolt 30 Discharge Spout 31 Belt PVC Low Temp 33 Lagged Roller 34Shaft 35Shaft 36Bearing 37Sheave 38Sheave 39Hub 40V-Belt 41 Tail Cap 42 Guard Body 43 Guard End Plate SK89215800 SK83104000 SK83166900 MGBCV16 SK88826300 SK16088700 SK12217600 SK03001500 SK04259800 SK04293700 SK04388500 MIB51 SK83081000 SK15911100 SK15910300 SK83104000 SK83911800 MGBCV24 SK60197100 SK18636100 SK04285300 SK04406500 MIB73 SK8318000 SK18624700 - [email protected] Speed King 6' Tripper Granular Speed King 6' Tripper REFDESCRIPTION 24" 2 Lagged Roller 3 Flange Bearing 1" 4 Shaft 1" x 23" 5 Belt Spliced Both Ends 6 Bearing Mount 7 Take Up Bracket 8 Take Up Bolt 3 ⁄ 8" 9Nut 3 ⁄ 8" Square 10 Shaft 1" x 21" 11 Flange Bearing 12 Lagged Roller 3½" X 16" 13Shaft 15 ⁄ 16" X 25" SK88558200 SK88558200 SK03001500 SK03001500 SK10001600 SK10001600 11' 10" 11' 10" SK13379300 SK13379300 SK16186900 SK16186900 SK83103200SK83103200 SK01560200 SK01560200 SK19603000 SK19603000 SK03018900 SK03018900 SK88186200 SK88186200 SK14230700 SK14230700 16" REFDESCRIPTION 24" 14Roller SK81181000 15 Shaft 1" x 27" SK16187700 17 V-Groove Wheel SK65080400 21V-Belt MIB60 22Sheave SK04255600 23 Belt Guard SK16203200 24 Belt Guard Bracket (front) SK16801300 25 Belt Guard Bracket SK15745300 26 Roller Assembly SK72035900 27Cover SK83211300 28 Take Up Bolt ½" SK83106500 29 Nut ½" Square SK01561000 16" SK81181000 SK16187700 SK65080400 MIB83 SK04255600 SK16204000 SK16801300 SK15745300 SK72035900 SK83211300 SK83106500 SK01561000 Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 79 Speed King Trough Roller S-Wrap Granular 16" Trough Roller 12" Trough Roller ref Part Description SK60305000 1 SK19536200 2 SK19533900 3 SK19532100 4 SK19673300 5 SK60392800 6 SK80011000 SK19603000 7 SK03018900 8 SK03001500 12" S-Wrap Assembly S-Wrap Frame Material Guide RH Material Guide LH Mounting Angle Lagged Roller 3.5" x 12.5" Roller 3.5" x 12.5" Shaft 1" Bearing 1.313" 2B Flange Bearing 1" 2B Flange QTY 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 1 4 2 24" Trough Roller 80 ref Part Description SK60305000 1 SK19537000 2 SK19533900 3 SK19532100 4 SK19673300 5 SK60355500 6 SK81574600 7 SK03018900 8 SK03001500 24" S-Wrap Assembly 1 S-Wrap Frame 1 Material Guide RH 1 Material Guide LH 1 Mounting Angle 4 Lagged Roller 3.5" x 24" w/ 1.313" Shaft 2 Roller 3.5" x 24" w/ 1.313 Shaft 1 1 Bearing 1.313" 2B Flange 4 Bearing 1" 2B Flange 2 [email protected] QTY ref Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 SK60393600 SK19531300 SK19533900 SK19532100 SK19673300 SK60560000 SK80682800 SK03018900 SK03018900 Description 16" S-Wrap Assembly S-Wrap Frame Material Guide RH Material Guide LH Mounting Angle Lagged Roller 3.5" x 12.5" Roller 3.5" x 16" w/ 1.313" Shaft Bearing 1.313" 2B Flange Bearing 1.313" 2B Flange QTY 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 4 2 service department Transport Canada 1 and 5 year Inspections - NH3, LPG and Fuel ·TDUs · Nurse Tanks · Single Barrel Bobtails (with man-way) · NH3 and LPG Tankers · Mini Fuel Tanker (ON) · Fuel Truck (ON) · Fuel Truck (ON) Maintenance & Repairs · Hose Testing · Pump Rebuilds, Replacement & Repair · Plumbing Upgrades · Safety Shutdown Troubleshooting & Repair Meters · 2" & 3" Meter Calibrations · Gravametric Meter Inspections · Volumetric Meter Inspections · Measurement Canada Device Certifications · Measurement Canada Broken Seal Reports Mobile NH3 Prover Mobile Service Unit Mobile Propane Prover Headingley, MB: 204-885-8260 Saskatoon, SK: 306-244-4448 Calgary, AB: 403-236-3378 Ayr, ON: 519-740-7188 Service Internal Crack Repair 81 CERTIFICATIONS R R AgencyCertificationDescription of the Certification Transport Canada Transport Canada, Certificate of Registration National Board of Pressure Vessel Inspectors (USA) R-Stamp, Certificate of Authorization CWB CWB, Certification to CSA (Canadian Welding Bureau) Standard W47.1 - Division 2 COR Certificate of Recognition ISNetworld ISN Members of ISN Measurement Canada Certificate of Designation Department of Transport Ministerial Authorization Service Provincial Certificate Quality Program of Authorization Certificate of Authorization Quality Control Program Certificate of Registration 82 [email protected] Manufacture, Modification, Assembly, Repair, Test, Retest, or Inspection of Highway Tanks and Portable tanks in accordance with CSA Standard B620. Shop and Field Metallic Repairs and/or Alterations. Shop and Field Certification of companies for Fusion Welding of Steel. Manufacture, repair, welding and fabrication of fertilizer distribution facilities. Approved Safety Program Approved Safety Program Authorized ASP for retail and bulk certification of petroleum and LPG Meters. (Registration Certificate R-414) Authorization to apply the NSM (National Safety Mark) The assembly, alteration and repair of pressure vessels, highway, portable vessels and related piping and components. (Shop and Field) Repair and Alteration of Pressure Vessels and Construct, Repair and alteration of Process Piping (Shop and Field)
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