2013 system solutions
2013 system solutions
2013 SYSTEM SOLUTIONS Extra-large 8” display. Superior one-look convenience. Experience the very best in sight, sound and premium navigation. INe-W947ei 7” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/ bLUETOOTh/AdvANcEd NAvIgATION STATION $1999.00 INE-W947Ei + hcE-c157d REvERSE cAMERA $2199.00 The INE-W947Ei makes every drive more enjoyable, offering fast and easy access to your favourite entertainment and information sources, with features that can be customised to you and your vehicle. It’s ready to playback CD/DVD and the latest music and video stored on iPod/iPhone and USB media via the large, crystal clear 7” WVGA touch screen. And it also features a new easy-to-use interface providing a choice between full screen or split screen, letting you view everything with one-look convenience. Driving has never been easier with the included rear camera, and builtin navigation gives you high quality maps with 3D landmarks, 4WD tracks, and 3 years free map updates. The next generation, smartphone-like interface is fully customisable, so you can set your own ‘favourites’ for quick actions such as direct call, favourite POI search, and much more. Plus, with built-in Bluetooth you can stream music and have hands-free calls with access to phonebook and other functions. n Video: • 7” WVGA TOUCh DISPlAy WITh lED BACklIGhTING • iPod/iPHoNE vidEo Playback • visual EQ & livE coNTRasT • dvd±R/±RW/divX Playback • usb vidEo Playback n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • cd-R/-RW/Wma/mP3/aac Playback • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) • 24-biT dac • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • PREsET EQualisER (10 modEs) • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • mEdiaXPaNdER • HP/lP FilTER • digiTal oPTical ouTPuT FoR PXa-H800 (REQuiREs kWE-610a) • subWooFER coNTRol n NAVigAtioN: • HigH accuRacy NavigaTioN sysTEm builT-iN • HybRid PosiTioNiNg sENsoR sysTEm • suNa™ Tmc livE TRaFFic uPdaTEs • voicE guidaNcE aNd TEXT To sPEEcH (TTs) • HigH REsoluTioN maPs WiTH aNTi-aliasiNg aNd 3d laNdmaRk icoNs • 3d ciTy maPs • ENHaNcEd Poi daTabasE • scHool ZoNEs • FiXEd sPEEd & REd ligHT camERa alERT • 4Wd oFF Road maPs • 3 yEaRs FREE maP uPdaTEs n CoNNeCtiVity: • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-461ivE usb vidEo cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • bluETooTH builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • usb coNNEcTioN (music/vidEo Playback comPaTiblE) • diREcT camERa PoRT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • dvb-T REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl & iR REmoTE REady • 2 auX iNPuTs / 1 auX ouTPuT • dab+ REady WiTH TuE-dab1u • sub disPlay OUTPUT n geNerAl FeAtures: • my FavouRiTEs sETuP • Easy souNd sETuP by caR TyPE • 1.5m usb cablE iNcludEd • 5 colouR WallPaPER • sEcuRiTy codE * Alpine 3 year Vision warranty terms and conditions apply. please ask your dealer for details. 4WD Logo Colour INe-W940ei 6.1” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/ bLUETOOTh/AdvANcEd NAvIgATION STATION 4WD Logo Mono $1599.00 INE-W940Ei WITh dAb + $1799.00 The iNE-W940Ei answers all your entertainment needs with a dvd player, am/Fm radio and iPod/iPhone/usb connection, all via the brilliant 6.1” lEd backlit screen. source selection is easier than ever with quick access buttons on the face, and my Favourites setup allowing you to fully customise the home screen. Even more impressive, Bluetooth provides hands-free operation with access to phonebook and information, plus built-in navigation gives you high quality maps, 4Wd off-road, suNa live traffic and 3 years mapcare. n Video: • 6.1” Wvga ToucH disPlay WiTH lEd backligHTiNg • iPod/iPHoNE vidEo Playback • visual EQ & livE coNTRasT • dvd±R/±RW/ cd-R/RW/divX Playback • usb vidEo Playback n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • cd-R/-RW/mP3/Wma/aac Playback • 3 PREouTs • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • mEdiaXPaNdER™ n NAVigAtioN: • HigH accuRacy NavigaTioN sysTEm builT-iN • suNa™ Tmc livE TRaFFic uPdaTEs • voicE guidaNcE aNd TEXT To sPEEcH (TTs) • HigH REsoluTioN maPs WiTH aNTi-aliasiNg aNd 3d laNdmaRk icoNs • scHool ZoNEs • FiXEd sPEEd & REd ligHT camERa alERT • 4Wd oFF Road maPs • 3 yEaRs FREE maP uPdaTEs • ENHaNcEd Poi daTabasE n CoNNeCtiVity: • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-461ivE usb vidEo cablE iNcludEd) • bluETooTH builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • Rca camERa iNPuT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • 2 auX iNPuTs • dab+ REady WiTH TuE-dab1u • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • my FavouRiTEs sETuP • Easy souNd sETuP by caR TyPE • 1.5m usb cablE iNcludEd • 5 colouR WallPaPER sElEcTioN • sEcuRiTy codE 4WD Logo Colour INe-z928ei 8” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/bLUETOOTh/AdvANcEd NAvIgATION STATION $2499.00 The iNE-Z928Ei makes in-car entertainment an entirely new experience with its 43% larger 8” touch screen. Enjoy stunning playback of cd/dvd, iPod/iPhone video and music, divX video and mP3/Wma/aac from usb devices, plus music files from Nokia. The built-in Bluetooth Plus provides audio streaming and full hands-free operation with access to phonebook and advanced functions. its innovative ‘one-look Navi’ allows a 50/50 split screen mode which displays navigation and the selected source for convenient operation and information at a glance. With its premium navigation you have high-res maps with live traffic updates, text-to-speech, 3d landmarks, fixed speed and red light camera alert, 4Wd off road maps and an enhanced Poi database. For a clean installation it’s ready for an 8” perfect fit dash kit and a steering wheel interface, consult with your Alpine dealer for solutions available. * Alpine 3 year Vision warranty terms and conditions apply. please ask your dealer for details. 43% larger display when compared to 7” display. n Video: • 8” Wvga ToucH disPlay WiTH lEd backligHTiNg • iPod/iPHoNE vidEo Playback • visual EQ & livE coNTRasT • dvd±R/±RW/divX Playback • usb vidEo Playback n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • cd-R/-RW/Wma/mP3/aac Playback • usb music Playback • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) • 24-biT dac • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • PREsET EQ (10 modEs) • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • mEdiaXPaNdER • HP/lP FilTER • subWooFER coNTRol n NAVigAtioN: • HigH accuRacy NavigaTioN sysTEm builT-iN • HybRid PosiTioNiNg sENsoR sysTEm • suNa™ Tmc livE TRaFFic uPdaTEs • voicE guidaNcE aNd TEXT To sPEEcH (TTs) • HigH REsoluTioN maPs WiTH aNTi-aliasiNg & 3d laNdmaRk icoNs • 3d ciTy maP • ENHaNcEd Poi daTabasE • scHool ZoNEs • FiXEd sPEEd & REd ligHT camERa alERT • 4Wd oFF Road maPs • 3 yEaRs FREE maP uPdaTEs n CoNNeCtiVity: • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-461ivE usb vidEo cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • usb coNNEcTioN (music/vidEo Playback) • bluETooTH builT-iN FoR HaNdsFREE PHoNE & audio sTREamiNg • diREcT camERa PoRT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • dab+ REady WiTH TuEdab1u • dvb-T REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • REmoTE REady • 2 auX iNPuTs / 1 auX ouTPuT • sub disPlay OUTPUT n geNerAl FeAtures: • my FavouRiTEs sETuP • Easy souNd sETuP by caR TyPE • 1.5m usb cablE iNcludEd • 5 colouR WallPaPER sElEcTioN • sEcuRiTy codE 4WD Logo Mono N AV I / C D / U S B / B l U e t o o t h / t y p e - S S y S t e m Norm. RRP $2874 Save $475 $2399.00 • iNE-W940Ei advaNcEd Navi sTaTioN/bluETooTH/usb/cd/Wma/mP3/aac REcEivER • mRX-v70 X-PoWER 4 cH + moNo amPliFiER • sPs-610cg TyPE-s 6.5˝ comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPs-610g TyPE-s 6.5˝ coaXial sPEakERs • sWs-12d4 TyPE-s 12˝ subWooFER (SWS-10D4 Type-S 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) *at printing SunaTm live Traffic is available in Sydney, melbourne, S.e. Queensland, perth, adelaide and Canberra. for the latest coverage go to www.sunatraffic.com.au Perfect FIT 8” NAVIGATION. SEAMLESS INTEgRATION. Car Specific solutions. For a factory look with steering wheel control. K I A S PO RTA g E SPORTAgE-Z928E $2599.00 M A Z dA 3 $2599.00 M I TSUb I Sh I A Sx $2599.00 N I SSA N dUA L I S MAZdA3-Z928E $2599.00 8” P ER f Ec T fIT dA S h K ITS integrate the iNE-Z928Ei 8” advanced navi station into your factory dash. v W v Eh Ic L ES v W-Z928E $259900 suits golf, Passat, Jetta, Tiguan, amarok, Polo. SKOd A v Eh Ic L ES v W-Z928E suits superb, Fabia, octavia, yeti. vOL K S WA g E N / S K O d A I N T E g RAT I O N MERcEdES A/b cLASS MERc-Z928E vITO/SPRINTER MERc-Z928E ASx-Z928E $2599.00 maintain the factory look and functions with steering wheel control and multifunction display. $259900 STEERINg WhEEL cONTROL MULTIfUNcTION dISPLAY Have full control of the factory steering wheel audio controls, as well as phonebook, answer and hang up with Alpine’s built-in Bluetooth connectivity. Bluetooth phone information, radio station titles, music titles including artist, song and album is viewable on the factory multifunction display. N I S S A N x - T RA I L xTRAIL-Z928E dUALIS-Z928E $2599.00 OEM quality and finish for a perfect FIT and uncompromised installation. TOYOTA c A M RY cAMRY-Z928E TOYOTA TA RA gO TARAgO-Z928E TOYOTA LA Nd cRUI SER LcRUISER-Z928E $2599.00 T O Y O TA A U RIO N $2599.00 T O Y O TA R Av 4 $2599.00 f O R d MU STANg AURION-Z928E RAv4-Z928E MUSTANg-Z928E All inclusive solutions that offer a simple and seamless upgrade. $2599.00 v E c O MMO dO RE S ER I ES 1 $2599.00 c O LO RAd O $2799.00 hO NdA J AZ Z cOLORAdO-Z928E JAZZ-Z928E vES1-Z928E $2799.00 h Sv E1 /E2 $2599.00 I SU ZU dM Ax $2599.00 h ON dA I N SI gh T vES1-Z928E dMAx-Z928E INSIghT-Z928E $2799.00 $2599.00 $2599.00 World’s first MirrorLink entertainment centre. Experience the best in performance, control and media playback. ICS-X8 7” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/bLUETOOTh/ MIRRORLINK/AdvANcEd INTEgRATEd cLOUd SYSTEM $1099.00 IVe-W535ABti 6.1” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/USb/bLUETOOTh MObILE MEdIA STATION The ics-X8 is a highly advanced mobile information and entertainment centre with a brilliant interface optimised for smartphones and apps. As the world’s first in-car system to support the mirrorlink™ standard with smartphones the ics-X8 lives up to the integrated cloud system name for direct touchscreen control of apps, web content, music, internet radio and navigation on the display. What’s more, gain instant access to all the AV media you choose to use with a built-in DVD/CD player, a USB port for USB music and video playback, and of course you can connect your iPod/iPhone, Samsung or Nokia phone to enjoy your stored music. The fully customisable home screen provides 3D animations and a 3D album scroll function for iPod/iPhone music. Built-in bluetooth gives you audio streaming control and hands-free phone operation with secure pairing of up to 5 phones as well as advanced phone features including phonebook sync, percentage phonebook search, 3 favourite numbers preset and a signal strength indicator. n Video: • 7” Wvga ToucH disPlay WiTH lEd backligHTiNg • iPod/iPHoNE vidEo Playback • dvd±R/±RW/divX Playback • usb vidEo Playback • visual EQ & livE coNTRasT n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • cd-R/RW/mP3/Wma/ AAC PlAyBACk • 24-biT dac • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • HP/lP FilTER • mEdiaXPaNdER • subWooFER coNTRol • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/iPHoNE • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • alPiNE NavigaTioN REady • NavigaTioN voicE guidaNcE iNTERRuPT • diREcT camERa PoRT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • 1 auX iNPuT / ouTPuT • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu461ivE usb vidEo cablE iNcludEd) • Nokia caR modE FoR comPaTiblE Nokia (bEllE os) smaRTPHoNEs • 2 usb coNNEcTioNs (music/vidEo Playback) • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • miRRoRliNk™ cERTiFiEd • iPod covER FloW • 1.5m usb cablE iNcludEd • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • 5 colouR WallPaPER sElEcTioN • mulTi laNguagE mENu disPlay • sEcuRiTy codE • FiRmWaRE uPdaTablE The ivE-W535abTi provides full av media enjoyment with excellent sound quality and wide compatibility. Playback music and video from iPod/iPhone, divX video and music files on usb and dvd video. also, you can adjust sound settings to match your car and enhance the image quality with the selectable four visual EQ modes. With the ‘my Favourites’ function you can customise your screen to include eight frequent actions for fast, user-friendly selection. Plus, you can easily expand the system with a DVB-T tuner and a reversing camera. n Video: • 6.1” Wvga ToucH disPlay WiTH lEd backligHTiNg • iPod/iPHoNE vidEo Playback • dvd±R/±RW/divX/cd-R/-RW Playback • visual EQ n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • cd-R/-RW/Wma/mP3/aac Playback • 24-biT dac • 3 PREouTs • 9 baNd PaRamETRic EQ • PREsET EQualisER (10 modEs) • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • HP/lP FilTER • mEdiaXPaNdER n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH builTiN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-461ivE usb vidEo cablE iNcludEd) • usb coNNEcTioN • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • diREcT camERa PoRT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • dvb-T REady • 2 REaR a/v iNPuT/1 OUTPUT • dab+ REady WiTH TuE-dab1u • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • usb cablE iNcludEd • 5 colouR WallPaPER sElEcTioN • my FavouRiTEs sETuP • mulTi laNguagE mENu disPlay • dETacHablE coNTRol PaNEl IVe-W530ABti 6.1” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/bLUETOOTh MObILE MEdIA STATION Norm. RRP $799 Save $200 $599.00 The ivE-W530abTi will play all your favourite music and videos from iPod/iPhone, cd/dvd and usb devices with divX/mP3/Wma/aac files. you get brilliant video playback from the 6.1” Wvga touch-screen display, and with the built-in bluetooth Plus technology you can easily connect your mobile phone to stream your favourite music, plus handle hands-free calls with access to phonebook and other information. And it’s ready for Parrot Bluetooth updates to support future phones. Also, you can further expand the system with the optional dvb-T tuner, NvE-m300P navigation module and the RuE-4350 to remotely control the system. n Video: • 6.1” Wvga ToucH disPlay • iPod/iPHoNE vidEo Playback • dvd±R/±RW/divX/cd-R/-RW Playback n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • Wma/mP3/aac Playback • 3 PREouTs • HP FilTER • bluETooTH builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • Rca camERa iNPuT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • REaR a/v iNPuT/ouTPuT n CoNNeCtiVity: • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/iPHoNE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-461ivE usb vidEo cablE iNcludEd) • usb coNNEcTioN • FRoNT auX iNPuT • dab+ REady WiTH TuE-dab1u • dvb-T REady • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • usb cablE iNcludEd • 4 colouR WallPaPER sElEcTioN ICS-X7 7” MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/bLUETOOTh/MIRRORLINK/AdvANcEd INTEgRATEd cLOUd SYSTEM $899.00 n Video: • 7” Wvga ToucH disPlay WiTH lEd backligHTiNg • usb vidEo Playback (divX) • visual EQ & livE coNTRasT n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • usb music Playback (mP3/Wma/aac) • 24-biT dac • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • HP/lP FilTER • mEdiaXPaNdER • PREsET EQualisER (10 modEs) • subWooFER coNTRol • 3 PREouTs n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • 1 auX iNPuT • Rca camERa iNPuT (WiTH adJusTablE DISTANCE GUIDES • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (REQuiREs kcu-461ivE) n geNerAl FeAtures: • disc mEcHaNism-lEss dEsigN • 1.5m usb cablE iNcludEd • miRRoRliNk cERTiFiEd • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • Nokia caR modE FoR comPaTiblE Nokia (bEllE os) smaRTPHoNEs • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • iPod covER FloW • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • 5 colouR WallPaPER sElEcTioN • mulTi laNguagE mENu disPlay• sEcuRiTy codE • FiRmWaRE uPdaTablE $799.00 NAVIGAtIoN/CAmeRA IvE-W530AbTi + NvE-M300P + hcE-c115 Norm. RRP $2147 Save $648 $1499.00 This amazing value system solution offers extensive media playback, built-in bluetooth and a reverse camera. The NvE-m300P provides integrated touch screen navigation via the 6.1˝ Wvga display. *at printing SunaTm live Traffic is available in Sydney, melbourne, S.e. Queensland, perth, adelaide and Canberra. for the latest coverage go to www.sunatraffic.com.au Ultra high-end audio visual. IvA-d800E Advanced multi-channel audio processor for high end systems. PXA-H800 pXA-h800 $899.00 AdvANcEd SYSTEM INTEgRATION AUdIO PROcESSOR IVA-D800eBt 7” dvd/cd/MP3/WMA/AAc/dIvx/USb/bLUETOOTh AUdIOPhILE MObILE MEdIA STATION $1999.00 Alpine continues its quest to raise the bar and create the ultimate in-car audio visual experience. Designed to satisfy the most discerning audiophiles and lovers of movies and live concerts, this ultra high quality mobile media station is built with the highest specification components and circuitry design. Play iPod and iPhone, DVD, CD and music on USB devices, and enjoy all your media with superior reproduction. The included hands-free Bluetooth keeps you in touch with hands-free phone operation, full phonebook access and display of user names, with software updates for future phone support. Connect the optional NvE-m300P premium navigation module for fully integrated navigation with touch screen control. most remarkable, connect the PXa-H800 for ultra high resolution multi-channel audio and unrivalled system tuning. n Video: • 7” Wvga ToucH disPlay WiTH lEd backligHTiNg • dvd±R/±RW/cd-R/ RW/divX/vcd Playback • dvd-audio 2cH doWN-miX • llc visual ENHaNcEmENT sysTEm n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • mP3/Wma/aac Playback • basic coNTRol oF PXa-H800 FuNcTioNs • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • HP FilTER• 7-baNd gRaPHic EQ oR 5-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • digiTal am/Fm TuNER • 24-biT dac • Quick sEaRcH n CoNNeCtiVity: • PaRRoT bluETooTH kcE-250bT iNcludEd • usb coNNEcTioN FoR iPod, iPHoNE oR usb sTicks • iPod vidEo coNTENT Playback aNd album aRTWoRk disPlay • 2 PREiNs FoR PXa-H100 • 1 auX iNPuT/1 auX ouTPuT • 3 PREouTs • diREcT camERa PoRT (WiTH adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs) • digiTal oPTical ouTPuT (REQuiREs kWE-610a) • imPRiNT REady • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • dab+ REady WiTH TuE-dab1u • dvb-T REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • coPPER cHassis • audioPHilE-gRadE PaRTs aNd comPoNENTs • 2.0m usb cablE iNcludEd c O P P ER c h A S S I S The iva-d800E employs a copper-plated chassis to protect the internal high-grade components and circuitry from external noise ensuring uncompromised audio reproduction. AUDIophIle CompoNeNtS The iva-d800E employs alpine’s advanced micro dynamics concept with the highest quality components. a specially tuned mosFET Power ic achieves powerful, detailed musical nuances. a copper chassis, as used in the flagship alpineF#1status head unit ensures internal circuits and components are shielded from external noise. moreover, a specially selected op-amp (operational amplifier) and audiophile-grade capacitors and resistors maintain high quality throughout the signal path. h I G h Q U A l I t y m e D I A p l Ay BA C K The iva-d800E is ready to play all your media, so you can enjoy your favourite music on the road, including iPhone and iPod, dvd, cd, usb memory devices and high quality am/Fm radio with alpine’s digital tuner technology. in addition, play video files from your iPod or iPhone. From the easy menus and lists you can select movies, video podcasts or Tv shows. best of all, you’ll get super-sharp images on the 7˝ lEd Wvga high-resolution display. alpine has drawn on decades of technical expertise, engineering excellence and its highly acclaimed alpineF#1status heritage to create the pinnacle of digital audio processors for the in-car environment. designed for premium integrated alpine systems or oEm factory system upgrade applications, the PXa-H800 combines precision software and hardware with sophisticated dsP technology and ultra-high-end audiophile components to achieve the finest in-cabin audio reproduction. Furthermore, its multi-channel capabilities with dolby digital, dTs and Euphony lets you bring all the excitement and thrills of true 5.1 surround sound into your car. No compromise, no limits, the PXa-H800 is the ultimate audio processor. n Audio: • 31-baNd gRaPHic EQ PER cHaNNEl (FRoNT l/R, REaR l/R, cENTRE, subWooFER: 10-baNd), gaiN -12db To + 12db • PaRamETRic EQ (FRoNT l/ R, REaR l/R, cENTRE: 10-baNd, subWooFER: 5-baNd), Q 0,5/1/1,5/2/2,5/3/4/5, gaiN -12db To + 12db • 8 cHaNNEl auTo/maNual digiTal TimE coRREcTioN (0 To 20ms, 0,05ms sTEPs) • mEdiaXPaNdER Plus • X-ovER: digiTal HPF/lPF (sloPE 0/-6/-12/-18/-24/-30/-36, gaiN -24db To 0db) • RoadEQ • imPRiNTEQ • dolby digiTal • dolby PRo logic® ii • dTs® • 32-biT FloaTiNg-PoiNT sHaRc dsP • 4 X WolFsoN 24-biT d/a coNvERTERs • EuPHoNy™ souNd ENHaNcEmENT • basic FuNcTioNs ToucH coNTRol REady WiTH iva-d800E • 6 cHaNNEl Rca iNPuT • 2 X ai-NET iNPuTs • 2 X oPTical iNPuT • 6 cHaNNEl sPEakER lEvEl iNPuT • 8 cHaNNEl coNFiguRablE Rca ouTPuT (4 volTs) • gold-PlaTEd Rca coNNEcToRs • usb PoRT FoR comPuTER sETuP via iNcludEd souNd maNagER soFTWaRE (REQuiREs WiNdoWs® XP/visTa®/7) • RuX-c800 REQuiREd FoR Full oPERaTioN • iNcludEd micRoPHoNE aNd usb cablE • iNcludEs 5.5m ai-NET cablE RUX-C800 $299.00 cONTROLLER fOR PxA-h800 n geNerAl FeAtures: iNcludEs iNsTallaTioN kiT • bioliTE lEd disPlay • dual illumiNaTioN (bluE/REd) SIX SpeAKeR leVel INpUtS With six speaker-level inputs, you can easily connect six channels of sound output from virtually any head unit and other components that do not have preamp outputs. Plus, you can make precise gain adjustments for seamless integration. ADD moRe SoURCeS With two ai-NET connections, two optical digital inputs and six-channel Rca inputs, you’ll have no problem adding components for front and rear seat entertainment, and of course, the sound quality will be of the highest standard. tWo 32BIt ShARC DSps Two 32-bit floating-point sHaRc dsPs are on-board, which precisely reproduce the sound sources with zero degradation. other top quality parts include a 6-layer Pcb and 24-bit a/d converter for high quality Rca input and 114db dynamic range at the device. FoUR WolFSoN 24BIt DACs The PXa-H800 is equipped with four k-grade Wolfson 24-bit d/a (digital-to-analogue) converters. These ultra high-end DAC’s are only found in the very best home audiophile equipment and processors, as well as professional recording systems. They offer ultra high resolution and superlative sound reproduction for rich music detail and harmonics. eUphoNy Euphony makes it possible to enjoy 5.1-channel sound from 2-channel sources. it creates natural surround sound from CD, iPod or other stereo sources with wider soundscapes and harmonics. it specially enhances vocal and instrumental quality, for a superior sound field and no listener fatigue. RoAD eQ sound can be degraded by road noise, wind noise and air conditioner noise. RoadEQ uses a microphone to record the music plus noise inside the vehicle. It compares the original and recorded signals, then creates frequency-specific level adjustments to cancel the noise components. its powerful processor performs this 48,000 times per second. pC FINe tUNING connect your Pc to the PXa-H800 with a usb cable and you have an impressive software suite with easy to use GUI that lets you make detailed audio adjustments and system setup. you can also store numerous settings on the computer, for later selection or even for different vehicles. ImpRINt eQ if you’re serious about upgrading your system, start with the PXa-H800. The PXa-H800 is not only designed for an integrated alpine source system, but also turns any factory head unit into a sophisticated imprintEQ audio system, with sound that is perfectly clear and precisely balanced for the best possible tonal response and imaging in your vehicle. Advanced Drive Assist Camera Systems The fun starts hc E-c 30 5 R right in the car. tmX-310U * 10.2˝ OvERhEAd MONITOR/dIgITAL MEdIA PLAYER This advanced camera not only gives you a clear view to the rear of the vehicle, it alerts you to moving objects. DIStANCe GUIDeS standard reversing: coloured distance guides indicate the distance to any object behind your car. The guides can be adjusted to match your vehicle. mUltIVIeW multi-view allows you to see left and right behind your car. A red warning box and alert sound indicates approaching vehicles and pedestrians. n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds: 190°(HoRiZoNTal), 155°(vERTical) n ViewiNg Modes: • ulTRa-WidE aNglE camERa • mulTi-viEW modE sElEcTioN (REaR viEW, coRNER viEW, gRouNd viEW aNd PaNoRama viEW) n geNerAl FeAtures: • acTivE obsTaclE WaRNiNg sysTEm FoR moviNg obJEcTs/PEdEsTRiaNs/vEHiclEs • visual aNd acousTic WaRNiNg • adJusTablE disTaNcE guidEs • Rca coNNEcTioN • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) eARly WARNING Red arrows and a warning sound indicate an approaching vehicle, bicycle or pedestrian and the direction. IN-VIeW WARNING A second later a pedestrian approaches from the right, as the camera indicated, avoiding an accident. $599.00 AcTIvE-vIEW™ REAR cAMERA SYSTEM $799.00 keep your passengers entertained with your digital sources via this premium overhead monitor. Playback files from all your portable media sources including USB, SD card and hDD, for endless entertainment. Plus, it’s ready for connection of additional sources such as digital Tv or games consoles. What’s more, its ultra-high resolution display and visual EQ brings out the best of any video source. n Video: • 10.2” Wvga scREEN lcd colouR moNiToR (1.15 millioN PiXEls) • Xvid Playback • Plays mosT commoNly usEd vidEo FoRmaTs n Audio: • mP3/Wma/aac Playback n CoNNeCtiVity: • mPEg-1/ 2/ 4/ H.264 (avc) iN Hd aNd sd comPaTiblE • 2 usb PoRTs • sd caRd sloT • 1 a/v ouTPuT aNd 2 a/v iNPuTs (iNcl. 1 gamE PoRT iN moNiToR ENclosuRE) n geNerAl FeAtures: • builT-iN aNaloguE/digiTal iNFRaREd HEadPHoNE TRaNsmiTTER • iNcludEs 2 WiRElEss HEadPHoNEs, cablE HaRNEss aNd iNsTallaTioN kiT • builT-iN domE ligHTs • REmoTE iNcludEd • comPaTiblE WiTH sHs-N215/N115 pKG-2100p * 10.2˝ OvERhEAd MONITOR/dvd PLAYER hc E-c 2 1 0 Rd h cE - c21 2f $499.00 MULTI-vIEW REvERSINg cAMERA n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds:185°(HoRiZoNTal), 144°(vERTical) n ViewiNg Modes: • WidE-viEW camERa • mulTi-viEW modE sElEcTioN (REaR viEW, coRNER viEW, gRouNd viEW aNd PaNoRama viEW) n geNerAl FeAtures: • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • diREcT coNNEcTioN • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds: 185°(HoRiZoNTal), 144° (vERTical) n ViewiNg Modes: • WidE-viEW camERa • mulTi-viEW modE sElEcTioN (coRNER viEW, gRouNd viEW aNd PaNoRama viEW) n geNerAl FeAtures: • ulTRa WidE aNglE camERa WiTH mouNTiNg kiT • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • diREcT coNNEcTioN • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) • iNcludEs coNTRol sWiTcH aNd black boX • black-boX dimENsioNs: W 100mm X H 50mm X d 25mm $899.00 make every journey fun with a wealth of movies and music. This premium monitor has a built-in DVD Player and is ready for other sources such as digital TV or games consoles. What’s more, the DVD auto-play function allows automatic playback of the main movie. pANoRAmA VIeW n Video: • 10.2” Wvga scREEN lcd colouR moNiToR (1.15 millioN PiXEls) • dvd-R/-RW comPaTiblE • divX Playback • auTo dvd Play n Audio: • mP3 Playback • builT-iN Fm modulaToR n CoNNeCtiVity: • 1 a/v ouTPuT / 3 a/v iNPuTs (1 s-vidEo, 1 gamE PoRT iN moNiToR ENclosuRE) n geNerAl FeAtures: • iNcludEs siNglE souRcE WiRElEss HEadPHoNE, cablE HaRNEss aNd iNsTallaTioN kiT WiTH TRim RiNg • comPaTiblE WiTH sHs-N215/N115 hIGheR VISIBIlIty Provides better visibility when coming out of ‘blind’ alleys or around obstructed corners. GRoUND VIeW FRoNt VIeW lets you see right in front of your car to help in parallel parking and other situations. Norm. RRP $998 Save $199 h cE - c21 2P 185° ReAR VIeW $499.00 MULTI-vIEW fRONT cAMERA SYSTEM MULTI-vIEW fRONT cAMERA SYSTEM + MULTI-vIEW REvERSINg cAMERA CoRNeR VIeW $799.00 *alpine 3 year vision Warranty terms and conditions apply, please ask your dealer for details. hc E-c 1 57d Premium Rear Seat Entertainment Systems Norm. $2195 Save $596 5.8˝ SYSTEM PAcKAgE $1599.00 Norm. $2295 Save $596 7˝ SYSTEM PAcKAgE $1699.00 5.8˝ oR 7˝ DUAl WIDeSCReeN moNItoR SyStem keep your rear seat passengers entertained on those long drives with this superior system from Alpine. The two ultra-slim headrest monitors can be installed into most vehicles, and the 6-disc dvd changer provides playback of the latest formats such as divX, mP3, Wma and aac. Plus, passengers can listen with the supplied wireless headphones. • TmE-m680 (5.8 ˝ ) oR TmE-m780 (7˝ ) moNiToRs • dHa-s690 dvd/divX/mP3/Wma/aac cHaNgER • TWo WiRElEss HEadPHoNEs iNcludEd • HEadREsT mouNT kiTs TUE-T150dvA MObILE dIgITAL Tv REcEIvER Digital TV offers superior reception with a sharp picture and high sound quality, this makes it the perfect mobile entertainment source for rear seat monitors. n CoNNeCtiVity: • 1 a/v iNPuT • s-vidEo ouTPuT • REmoTE OUT CABlE n geNerAl FeAtures: • oN scREEN disPlay • auTo sEaRcH • 2-cH aNTENNa divERsiTy sysTEm • REmoTE iNcludEd • builT-iN alPiNE dvd PlayER coNTRols • dual oN-glass amPliFiEd aNTENNas iNcludEd h cE - c1 55 WIdE-vIEW dIREcT REAR cAMERA SYSTEM $349.00 n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds: 19 0°(HoRiZoNTal), 150°(vERTical) n ViewiNg Mode: • ulTRa WidE aNglE, mulTi-viEW camERa WiTH mouNTiNg kiT n geNerAl FeAtures: • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • diREcT coNNEcTioN • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) $699.00 WIdE-vIEW REAR REAR cAMERA SYSTEM 190° 190° CoNVeNtIoNAl ReAR CAmeRA hc E-c 1 17d REAR-vIEW dIREcT cAMERA $349.00 AlpINe WIDe VIeW ReAR CAmeRA h cE - c1 1 5 REAR-vIEW cAMERA $349.00 n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds: 19 0°(HoRiZoNTal), 150°(vERTical) n ViewiNg Mode: • ulTRa WidE aNglE, mulTi-viEW camERa WiTH mouNTiNg kiT n geNerAl FeAtures: • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • Rca coNNEcTioN • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) $349.00 n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds: 127°(HoRiZoNTal), 101°(vERTical) n geNerAl FeAtures: • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • Rca coNNEcTioN • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) • camERa dimENsioNs: W 23.4mm X H 23.4mm X d 19.3mm • black-boX dimENsioNs: W 100mm X H 50mm X d 25mm n ViewiNg ANgle: • aNglE oF FiElds: 127°(HoRiZoNTal), 101°(vERTical) n geNerAl FeAtures: • auTomaTic mETERiNg aNd WHiTE balaNcE adJusTmENT • diREcT coNNEcTioN • miRRoR imagiNg (NTsc) • camERa dimENsioNs: W 23.4mm X H 23.4mm X d 19.3mm 127° 127° All new CD transport engineered for AccURATE SOUNd. Sleek and stylish new look, powerful app control and customisation. CDe-148eBti cd/MP3/WMA/AAc REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/vTUNER/TuneIt/APP cONTROLLER $399.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • mP3/Wma/aac Playback • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • cRossovER SETTINGS n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • TuNEiT aPP REady FoR iPHoNE & aNdRoid • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/ iPHoNE • vTuNER FoR iPHoNE comPaTiblE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-442i usb cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) • REaR usb CONNECTION • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • diREcT iPod/iPHoNE coNTRol • HigH REsoluTioN lCD DISPlAy • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • usb cablE iNcludEd • Quick sEaRcH AlpINe'S tuneIt App* Alpine’s TuneIt application is designed to make smartphone integration a breeze, offering advanced audio tuning, search and download of preset audio parameters and Facebook access with text-to-speech notifications, optimised for on-the-go information. Browse custom tunings based on car type and genre. Tunings can be uploaded and shared with other users for easy access to a large range of tuning setups. Adjust the sound to perfection, with parameters including 9-band parametric EQ, time correction, high pass and low pass filters, and much more. Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some functions may not work properly. App DIReCt moDe* App Direct mode allows passengers to control your music, right from the iPod or iPhone. Third party apps such as Tune in Radio, soundcloud and Pandora can also be used to listen to your favourite tracks. The song, artist, station and album information is even displayed on the head unit matrix display for maximum convenience. CDe-145ei C D A - 1 37 e B t AI-NET cd/MP3/WMA/AAc REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone cONTROLLER BlUetooth plUS Built-in Bluetooth Plus allows you to make and receive phone calls, as well as providing battery, text message and reception icons to keep you informed. Stream your music wirelessly straight from your Bluetooth enabled phone, plus view and navigate through tracks using the information displayed on the large matrix screen. $599.00 cdA-137EbT + PxA-h100M IMPRINT The cda-137EbT high-performance head unit delivers benchmark sound quality thanks to alpine’s all-new cd mechanism, world-leading circuit design and cutting-edge audio engineering. boasting advanced features including mediaXpander technology, digital time correction, 7-band graphic EQ or 5-band parametric EQ and high pass filter enable precise fine-tuning and sound customisation. also, a burr brown 24-bit dac for ultra-high resolution processing and a 4-volt preout stage achieve the best possible audio reproduction. Built-in Bluetooth Plus provides hands-free operation of a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone, and many other convenient functions like adjustable volume and text message alert, as well as audio streaming. It’s also ready for automatic imPRiNT calibration with the PXa-H100 processor for the ultimate in sound clarity and imaging. $799.00 cd/MP3/WMA/AAc REcEIvER/USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/vTUNER/TuneIt/APP cONTROLLER n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • usb music Playback • cd-R/RW/ mP3/Wma/aac Playback • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • 7-baNd gRaPHic EQ / 5-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • HP FilTER • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 24-biT dac • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) n CoNNeCtiVity: • PaRRoT bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • usb coNNEcTioN (iPod/iPHoNE/usb music Playback) • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-442i usb cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • imPRiNT REady WiTH PXa-H800/ H100 • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • bioliTE disPlay • diREcT iPod/iPHoNE coNTRol • ai-NET • 2 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • REmoTE iNcludEd • 2.0m usb cablE aNd 30-PiN iPod / usb adaPTER iNcludEd $299.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • mP3/Wma/aac Playback • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • cRossovER sETTiNgs n CoNNeCtiVity: • TuNEiT aPP REady FoR iPHoNE • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/iPHoNE • vTuNER FoR iPHoNE comPaTiblE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-442i usb cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • REaR usb coNNEcTioN • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • diREcT iPod/iPHoNE coNTRol • HigH REsoluTioN lcd disPlay • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • usb cablE iNcludEd • Quick sEaRcH Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. CDe-136Bti cd/MP3/WMA/AAc dAb+ REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone cONTROLLER $499.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • usb music Playback • cd-R/-RW/Wma/mP3/aac Playback • HP/lP FilTER • 3 baNds PaRamETRic EQ • FacToRy EQ WiTH 10 PREsETs n CoNNeCtiVity: • builT-iN dab+ TuNER • kaE-220da dab+ aNTENNa iNcludEd • PaRRoT bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • usb coNNEcTioN (iPod/iPHoNE/usb music Playback) • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-442i usb cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • FRoNT auX iNPuT • 3 PREouTs • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • REmoTE REady • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • WHiTE lcd disPlay • diREcT iPod/iPHoNE coNTRol • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • Quick sEaRcH Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. FoUR IllUmINAtIoN ColoURS Featuring an all-new design, the stylish fascia is further complemented by the choice of four illumination colours to perfectly match your cars interior. The crystal-clear two line display is easy to read and minimises driver distraction. mADe FoR iphone / WoRKS WIth NoKIA This fully equipped head unit supports both iPhone and Nokia phones. you can listen to the music stored on your phone, with easy control of playback functions and fast song search. The Direct iPod Control mode lets you use the iPhone/iPod interface for direct operation and for viewing information in your desired language. eNjoy vtUNeR INteRNet RADIo* simply connect your iPhone with the installed vTuner for alpine app (available on the iTunes store) and browse through thousands of internet radio stations from all over the world right from your dash. vTuner lets you search online radio stations in every genre, from alternative, ambient, rock, dance, pop, country and much more. you can also listen to all kinds of talk shows and other content like sports broadcasts. *vTuner, Tuneit and any other application used with alpine products requires the use of a compatible smartphone with the downloaded and installed application, charges incurred for the use of the application inclusive of data transfer and consumption are the responsibility of the user, and alpine disclaims all liability for such charges. Internet radio, Facebook and TuneIt. Ultimate app control. Stay connected with advanced and integrated smartphone control. i D e - 178 B t i MP3/WMA/AAc dIgITAL MEdIA REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/ USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/vTUNER/TuneIt/APP cONTROLLER $349.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • mP3/Wma/aac Playback • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 6-cHaNNEl digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • digiTal cRossovER n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • TuNEiT aPP REady WiTH iPHoNE & aNdRoid • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/iPHoNE • vTuNER FoR iPHoNE comPaTiblE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-442i usb cablE iNcludEd) • REaR usb PoRT • REaR auX iNPuT • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady • REmoTE REady • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) n geNerAl FeAtures: • HigH REsoluTioN lcd disPlay • Rds TuNER • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • usb cablE iNcludEd Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. eNjoy vtUNeR INteRNet RADIo* simply connect your iPhone with the installed vTuner for alpine app (available on the iTunes store) and browse through thousands of internet radio stations from all over the world right from your dash. vTuner lets you search online radio stations in every genre, from alternative, ambient, rock, dance, pop, country and much more. you can also listen to all kinds of talk shows and other content like sports broadcasts. AlpINe'S tuneIt App* Alpine’s TuneIt application is designed to make smartphone integration a breeze, offering advanced audio tuning, search and download of preset audio parameters and Facebook access with text-to-speech notifications, optimised for on-the-go information. Browse custom tunings based on car type and genre. Tunings can be uploaded and shared with other users for easy access to a large range of tuning setups. Adjust the sound to perfection, with parameters including 9-band parametric EQ, time correction, high pass and low pass filters, and much more. FoUR IllUmINAtIoN ColoURS Featuring an all-new design, the stylish fascia is further complemented by the choice of four illumination colours to perfectly match your cars interior. The crystal-clear two line display is easy to read and minimises driver distraction. App DIReCt moDe* App Direct mode allows passengers to control your music, right from the iPod or iPhone. Third party apps such as Tune in Radio, soundcloud and Pandora can also be used to listen to your favourite tracks. The song, artist, station and album information is even displayed on the head unit. ipod AND iphone CoNtRolleR C D e - 1 47 B t i cd/MP3/WMA REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/TuneIt/APP cONTROLLER $329.00 The cdE-147bTi is the perfect head unit for smartphone users, supporting media and app control from both android and ios devices. Extremely versatile, it’s ready to connect to iPod, iPhone and Nokia, plus play your mP3/Wma files stored on usb memory devices. Featuring an all-new design, the stylish fascia is further complemented by the choice of four illumination colours to perfectly match the head unit with your car’s dash lighting. Built-in Bluetooth Plus gives you audio streaming from enabled devices and hands-free calling with full phonebook access. What’s more, alpine’s Tuneit app is supported by android and ios, and allows the unit to find, customise and save sound tunings, as well as receive Facebook notifications with text-to-speech. making great sound even better you can set the 9-band parametric EQ, low and high pass filters and subwoofer controls to suit your listening style. n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • mP3/Wma Playback • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 9-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • digiTal TimE coRREcTioN • cRossovER sETTiNgs n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • PaNdoRa* coNTRol FoR aNdRoid aNd iPHoNE • TuNEiT aPP REady FoR iPHoNE & aNdRoid • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/ IPhONE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE (kcu-442i usb cablE iNcludEd) • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • FRoNT auX iNPuT • REaR usb coNNEcTioN • 3 PREouTs (4 volT) • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • diREcT iPod/iPHoNE coNTRol • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • REmoTE iNcludEd • 2.0m usb cablE aNd 30-PiN iPod / usb adaPTER iNcludEd Whether you have an iPhone or Android smartphone, Alpine gives you full control of Pandora straight from your dash. Whether you choose to connect through USB or stream wirelessly, you can enjoy your favourite Pandora channels with Thumbs Up/ Thumbs down buttons directly on the faceplate, Quick search features, and even the ability to create a new Pandora station and bookmark your favourite tunes on the go. MP3/WMA/AAc dIgITAL MEdIA REcEIvER/USb/iPod/iPhone cONTROLLER $399.00 IdA-x305S + KcE-250bT $499.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • mP3/Wma/aac Playback • 24-biT dac n CoNNeCtiVity: • madE FoR iPHoNE aNd iPod (kcu-440i USB CABlE iNcludEd) • REaR usb coNNEcTioN FoR iPod/iPHoNE/usb • 3 PREouTs • imPRiNT REady WiTH PXa-H800/H100 • PaRRoT bluETooTH REady (kcE-250bT) • ai-NET • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady • REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • 2.2” HigH REsoluTioN TFT disPlay • dual acTioN ENcodER • Quick sEaRcH • 2 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • 30-PiN iPod / usb adaPTER + 2.0m usb cablE iNcludEd • cd mEcHaNism-lEss dEsigN Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. type-S poWeR pACK AmplIFIeR SyStem pANDoRA* iDA-X305S Norm. RRP $985 Save $236 $749.00 • cdE-147bTi cd/mP3/Wma/aac/bluETooTH REcEivER • kTP-445a 45W Rms X 4 PoWER Pack amPliFiER • sPs-610cg TyPE-s 6.5” comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPs-610g TyPE-s 6.5” coaXial sPEakERs the UltImAte iphone eXpeRIeNCe IN yoUR CAR. The ida-X305s is the ultimate iPod or iPhone solution for your car. Featuring usb for full iPod and iPhone compatibility you have seamless control of your music. What’s more, the usb digital link and 24-bit dac ensures the best sound from your iPod or iPhone. also, play mP3/Wma/aac music on usb and stay in touch with optional Bluetooth phone connectivity. eNjoy mUSIC FRom USB StICKS The high-speed usb connection lets you playback mP3/aac/Wma music content on your usb thumb drives and portable USB hard disk drives. Songs from USB memory are automatically put in alphabetical order. BRIllIANt tFt DISplAy The high-resolution display is beautiful and bright, delivering ultra-clear text and vivid, full colour images. menus, album artwork, clock and information – everything looks brilliant on this display. Plus, with three different viewing modes you can adjust the display to your preference, or day and night lighting conditions. *pandora, vTuner, Tuneit and any other application used with alpine products requires the use of a compatible smartphone with the downloaded and installed application, charges incurred for the use of the application inclusive of data transfer and consumption are the responsibility of the user, and alpine disclaims all liability for such charges. Astounding features and connectivity. high sound quality. Upgrade your factory head unit. Connect and play all your favourite media. CDe-W235eBt 2-dIN cd/MP3/WMA REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/ fRONT USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone cONTROLLER $299.00 alpine’s ideal 2-diN fit model, the cdE-W235EbT is a high quality cd receiver with special appeal for smartphone users. designed for high visibility and comfortable operation, this 2-diN model lets you enjoy music from iPod, iPhone, Nokia phones and other mP3 and usb devices. The wide 2-line bright display ensures you have a clear view of menus, music information, and permanent clock display. Built-in Bluetooth Plus gives you hands-free operation as well as many other convenient phone functions such as adjustable volume, text message alert and music streaming. Plus the front panel usb and auX input connections allow quick access to all your music sources. n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • cd-R/-RW/Wma/mP3 Playback • 1 PREouT WiTH subWooFER coNTRol • 3-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • FacToRy EQ (10 PREsETs) • HP/lP FilTER n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk)• FRoNT usb/auX iNPuT • usb coNNEcTioN FoR iPHoNE/iPod/usb • REmoTE REady • sTEERiNg WHEEl REmoTE REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • 2-liNE lcd-disPlay • Quick sEaRcH Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. Norm. RRP $906 Save $207 type-S poWeR pACK AmplIFIeR SyStem $699.00 SteeRING Wheel CoNtRol ReADy An in-dash unit that’s easier to see and operate is not only more convenient, it’s also safer to use. The cdE-W235EbT is a perfect example, with its large display and controls. it also offers the convenience of compatibility with your vehicle’s steering wheel remote control system. CDe-143eBt cd/MP3/WMA/AAc REcEIvER/AdvANcEd bLUETOOTh/fRONT USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/APP cONTROLLER • cdE-W235EbT 2-diN cd/mP3/Wma/aac/bluETooTH REcEivER • sPs-610cg TyPE-s 6.5” comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPs-610g TyPE-s 6.5” coaXial sPEakERs • kTP-445u 45W Rms X 4 PoWER Pack amPliFiER $249.00 The cdE-143EbT is a superbly crafted cd receiver equipped with astounding features and connectivity to play and control your digital media via bluetooth or usb, as well as advanced sound tuning for the sound quality alpine is famous for. Play all your favourite mP3/Wma/aac music files on cd or usb storage, connect and play iPod/iPhone via usb, or play virtually any mP3 player via the auX input conveniently located on the front panel. Built-in Bluetooth provides hands-free operation and audio streaming with control functionality. What’s more, the dual Preouts enable the unit to be connected to multiple amplifiers and high power speakers to enhance your listening experience. Plus, 3 band parametric EQ and high pass / low pass filters give you maximum control to tune the sound exactly how you like it. app mode provides functions via a compatible phone with the downloaded alpine application. moreover, the included remote control makes using the cdE-143EbT a breeze for passengers. CD ReCeIVeR / USB CoNtRolleRS n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • cd-R/-RW/mP3/Wma/aac Playback • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 3-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 10-modE PREsET EQ • HP/lP FilTER n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/ IPhONE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE • WoRks WiTH Nokia (REQuiREs kcu-230Nk) • 2 PREouTs • FRoNT usb/auX iNPuT • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • diREcT iPod/iPHoNE coNTRol • 4 colouR illumiNaTioN sElEcTioN • REmoTE iNcludEd Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. Ute-42eBt MP3/WMA/AAc REcEIvER/bLUETOOTh/fRONT USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/APP cONTROLLER $169.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • bT audio sTREamiNg • mP3/Wma Playback • mEdiaXPaNdER™ • 3-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 10-modE PREsET EQ • HP/lP FilTER n CoNNeCtiVity: • bluETooTH Plus builT-iN FoR HaNds-FREE PHoNE aNd audio sTREamiNg • aPP diREcT modE FoR IPOD/IPhONE • madE FoR iPod aNd iPHoNE • 2 PREouTs • FRoNT usb/auX iNPuT • cd mEcHaNism-lEss dEsigN • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • REmoTE iNcludEd Depending on Bluetooth phone specifications, some Bluetooth Plus functions may not work properly. CDe-142e cd/MP3/WMA REcEIvER/fRONT USb ANd NOKIA/iPod/iPhone/APP cONTROLLER $159.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • mP3/Wma Playback • 3-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 10-modE PREsET EQ • HP/lP FilTER • 2 PREouTs n CoNNeCtiVity: • aPP diREcT modE FoR iPod/iPHoNE • FRoNT usb/auX iNPuT • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • REmoTE iNcludEd CDe-140e cd/MP3/WMA REcEIvER/fRONT USb ANd NOKIA cONTROLLER $129.00 n Audio: • 50W X 4 HigH PoWER amP • mP3/Wma Playback • 3-baNd PaRamETRic EQ • 10-modE PREsET EQ • HP/lP FilTER • 2 PREouTs n CoNNeCtiVity: • FRoNT usb/auX iNPuT • kTP-445u PoWER Pack REady n geNerAl FeAtures: • REmoTE iNcludEd Extraordinary sound. ULTIMATE POWER. Pure digital, powerful. Exhilarating x-POWER. p D X D I G I tA l A m p l I F I e R S X - p o W e R D I G I tA l A m p l I F I e R S ULTRAbLU AUdIOPhILE SERIES cLASS-d dIgITAL AMPLIfIERS The PdX audiophile series are the first ever class-d amplifiers to triumph sound purity and power efficiency. X-Power series class-d amplifiers incorporate even further advancement of alpine’s digital technologies used in the top-of-the-line PdX series for greater power and improved sound quality. Whilst ultra-compact, these digital powerhouses are engineered for robust no-shutdown performance and class-leading sound quality at an exceptional price. What’s more, their remote sense turn-on and speaker level input provides easy upgrading of factory systems. With precision design and ultrablu technology PdX deliver unsurpassed definition. Rivalling even the best high-end amplifiers, PdX set the benchmark with a frequency range of 5Hz–400Hz (mono) and 5Hz–100kHz (4ch). unique to PdX, distortion decreases at higher frequencies, resulting in a clean signal where your ear is most sensitive to distortion. -<0.005% THd+N @ 1W, <0.05% THd+N @ rated power. What’s more, PdX are capable of s/N ratios up to 123db s/N at rated power for unprecedented clarity. X-Power amplifiers draw on alpine’s revolutionary PdX digital design that achieves high efficiency with audiophile level audio performance and rivalling signal-to-noise ratio. Plus, their extremely high dampening factor ensures uncompromised power and control of low frequency transients. delivering ultra-low impedance, PdX are highly stable for tight bass and superb sound with a dampening factor rating at >1000 (mono) and >500 (4ch). With tremendous headroom and low distortion, PdX have a high total system efficiency of ~80% (power supply >90%, output stage >90%). n CoMMoN FeAtures: • iNPuT gaiN adJusTmENT 0,2v–4v, • bass EQ • sElEcTablE vaRiablE FilTERs HP & lP (moNo amPs: lP oNly) • sPEakER lEvEl iNPuT • REmoTE SENSE ON • THERmal maNagEmENT PRocEssoR • bass kNob (RuX-kNob) coNTRol REady WiTH moNo amPs aNd mRX-v70 PdX. The new rival in audiophile amplifiers. n CoMMoN FeAtures: • sElEcTablE vaRiablE FilTERs HP & lP (moNo amPs: lP oNly) • sElEcTablE subsoNic FilTERs • sTackiNg caPabiliTy • Quick coNNEcToRs FoR sPEakERs aNd PoWER suPPly • ulTRa WidE FREQuENcy REsPoNsE RaNgE • THERmal aNd loW volTagE PRoTEcTioN • bass kNob (RuX-kNob) coNTRol REady WiTH moNo amPs aNd PdX-v9 mRX -V 70 5/3 chANNEL AMPLIfIER $699.00 • 1200W maX PoWER • 90W x 4 + 350W Rms x 1 [2Ω] • 60W x 4 + 250W Rms x 1 [4Ω] pDX-V9 4 chANNEL + MONO AMPLIfIER $899.00 • 100W Rms x 4 + 500W x 1 [2Ω/4Ω@14.4v] • 200W Rms x 2 + 500W x 1 [4Ω@14.4v] • 116db 4cH. / 121db sub s/N RaTio [aT RaTEd PoWER] • bass kNob coNTRol REady • 5HZ~400HZ p D X- F 4 4/3/2 chANNEL AMPLIfIER $699.00 • 100W Rms x 4 [2Ω/4Ω@14.4v] • 200W Rms x 2 [4Ω@14.4v] • 118db s/N RaTio [aT RaTEd PoWER] • 5HZ~100kHZ pDX-F6 4/3/2 chANNEL AMPLIfIER $899.00 • 150W Rms x 4 [2Ω/4Ω@14.4v] • 300W Rms x 2 [4Ω@14.4v] • 118db s/N RaTio [aT RaTEd PoWER] • 5HZ~100kHZ pDX -m6 MONO AMPLIfIER p DX -m12 $699.00 MONO AMPLIfIER 4/3/2 chANNEL AMPLIfIER $349.00 • 650W maX PoWER • 85W Rms x 4 [2Ω] / 55W Rms x 4 [4Ω] • 170W Rms x 2 [4Ω] m RX-F6 5 4/3/2 chANNEL AMPLIfIER $549.00 • 1200W maX PoWER • 160W Rms x 4 [2Ω] / 110W Rms x 4 [4Ω] • 320W Rms x 2 [4Ω] m RX-m 5 5 MONO AMPLIfIER $399.00 • 1100W maX PoWER • 550W Rms x 1 [2Ω] • 350W Rms x 1 [4Ω] m RX-m 1 1 0 MONO AMPLIfIER $549.00 • 1900W maX PoWER • 1100W Rms x 1 [2Ω] • 650W Rms x 1 [4Ω] m RX-m 2 4 0 MONO AMPLIfIER $799.00 • 4400W maX PoWER • 2400W Rms x 1 [2Ω] • 1500W Rms x 1 [4Ω] $999.00 • 1200W Rms x 1 [2Ω/4Ω@14.4v] • 123db s/N RaTio [aT RaTEd PoWER] • bass kNob coNTRol REady • 5HZ~400HZ • 600W Rms x 1 [2Ω/4Ω@14.4v] • 123db s/N RaTio [aT RaTEd PoWER] • bass kNob coNTRol REady • 5HZ~400HZ mRX-F3 5 V - p o W e R D I G I tA l A m p l I F I e R S cLASS-d dIgITAL AMPLIfIERS pDX/type -X/typ e- R AUdIOPhILE bASS SYSTEM Norm. RRP $2397 Save $398 $1999.00 p D X / ty p e - R ThIN PROfILE SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE SYSTEM Norm. RRP $1498 Save $199 • PdX-v9 4 cH + moNo digiTal amPliFiER • sPX-17PRo comPoNENT sPEakERs • sbR-s12T TyPE-R 12˝ THiN sub ENclosuRE • PdX-m6 moNo digiTal amPliFiER • sbR-s12T TyPE-R 12˝ THiN sub ENclosuRE (10˝ THiN SubWoofer eNCloSure SySTem alSo available) (10˝ THiN SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) $1299.00 V-Power is back and stronger than ever! V-Power amps feature speaker level inputs that connect directly to almost any factory radio, without the need for external converters, so you can keep your factory system and upgrade to Alpine sound. With a non shut-down design, even if you drive your music hard for a long time, these amps won’t shut down. They use a heat thermal management processor to make sure the heat level never gets too high — which means no distortion and no interruptions. n CoMMoN FeAtures: • iNPuT gaiN adJusTmENT 0.2v–4v • bass EQ • sElEcTablE vaRiablE FilTERs HP & lP (moNo amPs: lP oNly) • sPEakER lEvEl iNPuT • THERmal maNagEmENT PRocEssoR • bass kNob (RuX-kNob) coNTRol REady WiTH mRv-m500 m RV-F3 0 0 4/3/2 chANNEL AMPLIfIER $249.00 • 640W maX PoWER • 4 X 75W Rms [2Ω] • 4 X 50W Rms [4Ω] m RV-m5 0 0 MONO AMPLIfIER $249.00 • 1100W maX PoWER • 1 X 500W Rms [2Ω] • 1 X 300W Rms [4Ω] Unprecedented SOUNd cLARITY. Astounding definition, flawless reproduction – the ultimate experience. DDlINeAR SpeAKeRS PREcISION REfERENcE SPEAKER SYSTEMS The next generation DDlinear speakers provide an unprecedented level of sound clarity, producing an audio experience so remarkably clear and accurate, your favourite music will be an entirely new experience. Alpine’s new DDlinear speakers employ the highest level of audiophile-grade components, to deliver a remarkably clear and precise sound. The revolutionary magnetic circuit structure is precisely engineered to enable long excursion and ultra-fast cone movement, enabling unparalleled accuracy and linearity across the entire bandwidth. DlX -z17pRo $1599.00 ddLINEAR PROfESSIONAL 6-1/2˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKER SYSTEM WooFER sPEciFicaTioNs • 200W PEak PoWER • 50W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 28HZ-12kHZ TWEETER sPEciFicaTioNs • 120W PEak PoWER • 40W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 3.5HZ-60kHZ n geNerAl FeAtures: • layEREd HybRid FibRE WooFER coNE • dlX magNETic ciRcuiT • HigH-gRadE sPEcial EdiTioN dEdicaTEd cRossovER NETWoRk • dual EmissioN/dual voicE coil TWEETER The dual voice coil tweeter perfectly reproduces a wide range of frequencies, ensuring the highest level of sound clarity, plus the dedicated high-grade crossover network ensures smooth frequency transition, and enables hundreds of tuning settings to achieve optimum sound in any vehicle. alpine’s award winning Type-X components are the result of fastidious research and development to achieve the most natural, authentic, high-fidelity experience. Type-X speakers are equipped with audiophile grade components, ultra-high-end ring radiator tweeters and a unique cross-cut woofer cone design to deliver outstanding sound performance. Type-X subwoofers deliver an unrivalled synergy of power and accuracy. Their cutting-edge design ensures tight bass with awesome power and clarity. Type-X are a unique pedigree, in every detail they are built to exacting standards to deliver unmatched acoustic reproduction from digital sound sources. SPx-17PRO TYPE-x 6-1/2˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKERS $699.00 • 300W PEak PoWER • 100W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 35HZ-60kHZ Pdx/ T Y PE-x PRO bI-AMP SYSTEM DlX-F177 ddLINEAR fLAgShIP 6-1/2˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKERS $1099.00 PROfESSIONAL bI-AMP SYSTEM • PdX-F4 4/3/2 cHaNNEl digiTal amPliFiER • dlX-Z17PRo comPoNENT sPEakERs ddLINEAR 6-1/2˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKERS $399.00 • 160W PEak PoWER • 40W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 28HZ-90kHZ • 200W PEak PoWER • 50W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 28HZ-60kHZ pDX/DlX DDl -R170S Norm. RRP $2298 Save $199 $2099 .00 pDX/DlX REfERENcE bI-AMP SYSTEM • PdX-F4 4/3/2 cHaNNEl digiTal amPliFiER • dlX-F177 comPoNENT sPEakERs DDl-R170 C ddLINEAR 6-1/2˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $249.00 • PdX-F6 4/3/2 cHaNNEl digiTal amPliFiER • sPX-17PRo comPoNENT sPEakERs SWx - 1 243 d TYPE-x 12˝ dvc 4Ω+4Ω SUbWOOfER $699.00 $1399.00 P d x / TYP E - x TWIN PRO SYSTEM $599.00 TYPE-x 10˝ dvc 4Ω+4Ω SUbWOOfER • 3000W PEak PoWER • 1000W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 22HZ-500HZ • 3000W PEak PoWER • 1000W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 20HZ-500HZ Norm. RRP $1598 Save $199 SWx - 1 043 d Norm. RRP $2297 Save $398 $1899.00 • PdX-F6 4/3/2 cHaNNEl digiTal amPliFiER • sPX-17PRo comPoNENT sPEakERs (x2) Norm. RRP $1698 Save $399 P d x / TYP E - x $1299.00 12˝ bASS SYSTEM • PdX-m12 moNo digiTal amPliFiER • sWX-1243d TyPE-X subWooFER • 160W PEak PoWER • 40W Rms PoWER • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 28HZ-70kHZ Norm. RRP $1798 Save $199 $1599 .00 pDX/ DDl TWIN SPEAKER SYSTEM • PdX-F4 4/3/2 cHaNNEl digiTal amPliFiER • ddl-R170s comPoNENT sPEakERs • ddl-R170c coaXial sPEakERs Norm. RRP $1347 Save $248 $1099.00 pDX/type-X AUdIOPhILE SYSTEM Norm. RRP $3296 Save $697 $2599.00 This is the ultimate Alpine signature high-end sound system, all components are matched to deliver sound quality to astound the most discerning music lover or audiophile enthusiast. • PdX-F6 4/3/2 cHaNNEl digiTal amPliFiER • PdX-m12 moNo digiTal amPliFiER • sPX-17PRo comPoNENT sPEakERs • sWX-1243d TyPE-X 12˝ subWooFER (SWX-1043D Type-X 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) All new design for clarity and powerful bass. Play it loud. Sleek design, high performance sound for any application. The Type-R high performance speakers are designed to deliver prodigious power while maintaining extreme clarity. They are engineered with innovations such as swivel tweeters to improve off-axis response, a wave guide to focus sound and prevent phase distortion, multi-layer hybrid cone, neodymium magnet with linear drive motor and dual gap voice coil for optimum linearity and clarity. Plus, the Type-R subwoofers provide incredible 1000Watt Rms high power handling for higher sPl and low distortion, delivering awesome bass impact with alpine’s exclusive HamR surround. With a comprehensive line-up, Type-R are ready for any application, so no matter the vehicle you’re ready for superior and powerful sound. S pR-60C TYPE-R 6-1/2˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKERS $349.00 SpR-6 0 TYPE-R 6-1/2˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $229.00 S WR-12D4/S WR-12D2 TYPE-R 12˝ dvc SUbWOOfER $399.00 Power, performance and reliability at an amazing price is the hallmark of alpine’s Type-s range. The Type-s speaker series feature a sleek high-tech design and a Hd polymer frame for greater frequency propagation. Highly efficient, Type-s speakers are perfect for head unit systems, but equally their high power handling makes them ready for amplifier systems. The Type-s subwoofers are re-engineered with a stylish aluminium look cone, HamR surround and are more durable and powerful than ever, to deliver awesome bass and punch, plus their shallow footprint allows for versatile enclosure designs. From modest to maximum, there is a Type-s system to suit your application and budget. Sp S -610C G TYPE-S 6-1/2˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKERS $249.00 SpS-510 TYPE-S 5-1/4˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $139.00 SWS-15D4/SWS-15D2 $299.00 TYPE-S 15˝ dvc SUbWOOfER • 330W PEak PoWER • 110W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 65HZ-29kHZ • 300W PEak PoWER • 100W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 65HZ-29kHZ • 3000W PEak PoWER • 1000W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 24HZ-200HZ • 240W PEak PoWER • 80W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 70HZ - 22kHZ • 170W PEak PoWER • 55W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 80HZ - 22kHZ • 1500W PEak PoWER • 500W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 24HZ - 200HZ S pR-50C SpR-5 0 S BR-S 83V Sp S -610G SpS-410 SBS-S12D4 TYPE-R 5-1/4˝ cOMPONENT SPEAKERS $299.00 TYPE-R 5-1/4˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $219.00 TYPE-R 8˝ SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE $299.00 TYPE-S 6-1/2˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $159.00 TYPE-S 4˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $109.00 $299.00 TYPE-S 12˝ SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE • 300W PEak PoWER • 100W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 70HZ-29kHZ • 270W PEak PoWER • 90W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 70HZ-29kHZ • 900W PEak PoWER • 300W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 30HZ-200HZ • 240W PEak PoWER • 80W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 70HZ - 22kHZ • 140W PEak PoWER • 45W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 97HZ - 22kHZ • 1500W PEak PoWER • 500W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 26HZ - 200HZ S pR-69 SWR-8 D4 /SWR-8 D2 S BR-S 12D4 Sp S -619G SWS-10D4/SWS-10D2 SBS-S15D4 TYPE-R 6x9˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $249.00 TYPE-R 8˝ dvc SUbWOOfER $299.00 • 300W PEak PoWER • 100W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 60HZ-29kHZ • 1000W PEak PoWER • 350W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 30HZ-200HZ S pR-68 SWR-1 0 D4 /SWR-1 0 D2 TYPE-R 6x8” (5x7” fIT) cOAxIAL SPEAKERS $229.00 • 300W PEak PoWER • 100W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 63HZ-29kHZ TYPE-R 10˝ dvc SUbWOOfER TYPE-R 12˝ SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE $499.00 • 3000W PEak PoWER • 1000W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 24HZ-200HZ $349.00 $599.00 • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE 26HZ – 200HZ SWR-t10 10˝ ThIN-PROfILE SUbWOOfER S BR-S 12t 12˝ ThIN-PROfILE SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE 26HZ – 200HZ $549.00 SWS-12D4/SWS-12D2 PERfORMANcE SYSTEM $799.00 S BR-S 10t 10˝ ThIN-PROfILE SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE $149.00 • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE 28HZ – 200HZ • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE 28HZ – 200HZ n CoMMoN FeAtures: • 1800W PEak PoWER • 600W Rms • 3.5˝ dEPTH • 50mm PEak To PEak EXcuRsioN • Radial vENTEd vc HEaT siNk & aiRFloW maNagEmENT sysTEm • FEa oPTimiZEd iNJEcTioN moldEd TPE sPidER WiTH PassTHRougH gaP dEsigN • FEa oPTimiZEd HamR suRRouNd n CoMMoN FeAtures: • cusTom sEalEd subWooFER ENclosuRE • sWR-T12 oR sWR-T10 PRE-iNsTallEd • HigH dENsiTy coNsTRucTioN • HEavy gaugE scREW TERmiNals • gRillE WiTH cHRomE badgE iNcludEd • coNcEalEd mouNTiNg FRamE iNcludEd • 12” dimENsioNs: l 52 x W 43 x H 18 cm • 10” dimENsioNs: l 47 x W 40 x H 16 cm Norm. RRP $1326 Save $327 $999.00 • mRX-v70 X-PoWER 5/3 cHaNNEl amPliFiER • sPs-610cg TyPE-s 6.5˝ comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPs-610g TyPE-s 6.5˝ coaXial sPEakERs • sWs12d4 TyPE-s 12˝ subWooFER (SWS-10D4 Type-S 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) $799.00 $189.00 Sp S -517 X-poWeR/t y pe-S maximum bass, minimum space. The Type-R thin-profile series offer a 3.5˝ mount depth and amazing 50mm peak to peak excursion, delivering true subwoofer performance in compact installations. TYPE-S 10˝ dvc SUbWOOfER • 1500W PEak PoWER • 500W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 28HZ - 200HZ • 230W PEak PoWER • 75W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 73HZ - 22kHZ t y p e - R t h I N p R o F I l e S U BW o o F e R S 12˝ ThIN-PROfILE SUbWOOfER $179.00 • 260W PEak PoWER • 85W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 65HZ - 23kHZ TYPE-S 5x7˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS • 3000W PEak PoWER • 1000W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 26HZ-200HZ SWR-t12 TYPE-S 6x9˝ cOAxIAL SPEAKERS TYPE-S 12˝ dvc SUbWOOfER $399.00 TYPE-S 15˝ SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE • 1500W PEak PoWER • 500W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 24HZ - 200HZ $219.00 • 1500W PEak PoWER • 500W Rms • FREQuENcy REsPoNsE: 26HZ - 200HZ X-poWeR/typ e-S SINgLE 12” SUbWOOfER SYSTEM Norm. RRP $618 Save $119 $499.00 X-p oWeR/typ e-S Norm. RRP $1147 Save $248 dUAL 15” SUbWOOfER SYSTEM • mRX-m55 X-PoWER moNo amPliFiER • sWs-12d4 TyPE-s 12” subWooFER • mRX-m110 X-PoWER moNo amPliFiER • sWs-15d2 TyPE-s 15˝ subWooFER (PaiR) (SWS-10D4 Type-S 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) (SWS-12D2 Type-S 12˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) $899.00 Signature SYSTEM SOLUTIONS. Perfectly matched sound solutions – stunning performance. heAD UNIt AND SpeAKeR SyStemS CDe-148eBti bLUETOOTh & v-TUNER / TYPE-R cOMPONENT SYSTEM Norm. RRP $797 Save $148 $649.00 • cdE-148EbTi cd REcEivER/bluETooTH/usb/Nokia/iPod/iPHoNE/vTuNER/TuNEiT/aPP coNTRollER • sPR-60c TyPE-R 6.5" comPoNENT sPEakERs AUDIophIle AUDIo/VISUAl SyStem Alpine components are designed to perform at their best in systems. Alpine’s System Solutions are perfectly matched so you can sit back and enjoy the journey with the highest level of performance, reliability and satisfaction. Connect, experience, drive. With Alpine — it’s a way of life. Norm. RRP $7192 Save $1193 i D e - 178 B t i bLUETOOTh & dIgITAL MEdIA REcEIvER / ddL cOMPONENT SYSTEM Norm. RRP $797 Save $148 $649.00 • idE-178bTi digiTal mEdia REcEivER/bluETooTH/usb/Nokia/iPod/iPHoNE/vTuNER/PaNdoRa/TuNEiT/aPP coNTRollER • ddl-R170s ddliNEaR 6.5" comPoNENT sPEakERs $5999.00 Experience ultra high-end sight and sound, this audiophile multimedia signature system sets the industry benchmark in quality and performance. Play and control virtually every digital media type in your vehicle, from iPod and iPhone, usb, dvd, divX, cd, Wma/mP3/aac and bluetooth connectivity — everything is at fingertip command. What’s more, the ground-breaking technology and high resolution sound delivered by the all-new PXa-H800 processor and PdX audiophile grade amplifiers is truly remarkable. Perfectly matched with the award winning Type-X components, the audio reproduction of this system is extraordinary. • iva-d800E digiTal mEdia sTaTioN WiTH kcE-250bT bluETooTH • PXa-H800 advaNcEd mulTi-cHaNNEl audio PRocEssoR • RuX-c800 coNTRollER • PdX-F6 4/3/2/cH audioPHilE sERiEs digiTal amPliFiER • PdX-m12 audioPHilE sERiEs digiTal moNo amPliFiER • FRoNT/REaR sPX-17PRo TyPE-X 6.5˝ PRo sERiEs comPoNENT sPEakERs • sWX-1243d TyPE-X 12˝ comPETiTioN subWooFER (SySTem alSo available WiTH iNe-W947ei aDvaNCeD Navi STaTioN $6299. Save $1171.00) C D e - 1 47 B t i bLUETOOTh & PANdORA / TYPE-S cOMPONENT SYSTEM A D VA N C e D N AV I S tAt I o N / t y p e - R S y S t e m Norm. RRP $3924 Save $575 $3349.00 This class leading system features the latest technologies and Alpine’s brilliant sound quality. The INE-W947Ei includes DVD, am/Fm radio and iPod/iPhone/usb audio and video connection, plus great features like built-in bluetooth Plus and sound customisation, as well as advanced navigation. The remarkable PdX-v9 5-channel amplifier provides power to the entire system with amazing output, and extreme sound clarity and bass through the Type-R speakers and subwoofer. Norm. RRP $627 Save $128 $499.00 • cdE-147bTi cd REcEivER/bluETooTH/usb/Nokia/iPod/iPHoNE/PaNdoRa/TuNEiT/aPP coNTRollER • sPs-610cg TyPE-s 6.5" comPoNENT sPEakERs CDe-143eBt bLUETOOTh / TYPE-g cOMPONENT SYSTEM Norm. RRP $448 Save $69 $379.00 • cdE-143EbT cd REcEivER/bluETooTH/usb/Nokia/iPod/iPHoNE coNTRollER • sPg-17cs TyPE-g 6.5" comPoNENT sPEakERs CompoNeNt SyStemS • iNE-W947Ei ADVANCED NAVI STATION/bluETooTH/usb/cd/Wma/mP3/aac REcEivER • PdX-v9 4 cH + moNo amPliFiER • sPR-60c TyPE-R 6.5˝ comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPR-60 TyPE-R 6.5˝ coaXial sPEakERs • sWR-12d4 TyPE-R 12˝ subWooFER (SWr-10D4 Type-r 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) CD/USB/BlUetooth/type-S SyStem Norm. RRP $2174 Save $575 Take to the road with your portable music and video to enjoy superb sound and image quality. This high value system gives you built-in Bluetooth for calls and audio streaming, plus ultra-fast connectivity to your iPod or iPhone for audio and video, and usb media with Wma/mP3/aac music and divX video. Paired with digital X-Power amplifiers and high performance Type-S speakers this system delivers remarkable performance at an amazing price. • ivE-W530abTi bluETooTH/usb/cd/Wma/mP3/aac REcEivER • mRX-F35 X-PoWER 4/3/2 cH amPliFiER • mRX-m55 X-PoWER moNo amPliFiER • sPs-610cg TyPE-s 6.5˝ comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPs-610g TyPE-s 6.5˝ coaXial sPEakERs • sWs-12d4 TyPE-s 12˝ subWooFER (SWS-10D4 Type-S 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) $1599.00 X -p o WeR/ typ e-R ULTRA hIgh PERfORMANcE SYSTEM Norm. RRP $2075 Save $376 $1699.00 • mRX-F65 4/3/2 cHaNNEl amPliFiER • mRX-m110 moNo amPliFiER • sPR-60c TyPE-R 6.5˝ comPoNENT sPEakERs • sPR-60 TyPE-R 6.5˝ coaXial sPEakERs • sWR-12d4 TyPE-R 12˝ subWooFER (SWr-10D4 Type-r 10˝ SubWoofer SySTem alSo available) X-poW eR/t ype-R TYPE-R SUbWOOfER ENcLOSURE SYSTEM Norm. RRP $1048 Save $149 • mRX-m110 X-PoWER moNo amPliFiER • sbR-s12d4 TyPE-R 12” subWooFER ENclosuRE $899.00 fOR YOUR NEAREST AUThORISEd ALPINE AUSTRALIA dEALER cALL 1300 ALPINE ALPINE ELECTRONICS OF AUSTRALIA PTY. LIMITED 161–165 PRINCES HIGHWAY HALLAM VICTORIA 3803 ABN: 64 007 444 368 • www.alpine.com.au AUTHORISED ALPINE AUSTRALIA DEALER: All prices, models, design and availability are subject to change without notice. Products may differ in appearance from the pictures appearing in this publication. E & E.O. No liability for printing errors is assumed. The recommended retail price is an indication only and there is no obligation to comply with such price. Offers provided in this brochure are valid from 01.07.2013 to 31.12.2013 or until sold out. Offers are available only through participating Authorised Alpine Australia dealers and stocks are strictly limited. References to savings are based on reductions from the individual recommended price of the various products included in the offer. Savings are based on suppliers recommended retail price. Windows media and the windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporations in the United States and/or other countries. iPhone, iPod, iPod classic, iPod nano and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. “Made for iPod,” and “Made for iPhone,” mean that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod or iPhone respectively, and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards. Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. Please note that the use of this accessory with iPod or iPhone may affect wireless performance. DivX, DivX Certified and associated logos are trademarks of DivX, Inc. and are used under license. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Alpine Electronics, Inc. is under license. The Parrot Trademarks appearing on this document are the sole and exclusive property of Parrot S.A. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved. Nokia and Works with Nokia are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia Corporation. Windows Media and the Windows logo are trademarks, or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporations in the United States and/or other countries. The words “Dolby Digital”, “Pro Logic”, “Dolby”, and the “Double-D” symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. “DTS” and “DTS Digital Surround” are registered trademarks of DTS, Inc. and “DTS 2.0 + Digital Out” is a trademark of DTS, Inc. Audyssey MultEQ is a registered trademark of Audyssey Laboratories Inc. The Innovations Design and Engineering Award is based upon descriptive materials submitted to the judges. CEA did not verify the accuracy of any submission or of any claims made and did not test the item to which the award was given. “Innovations” logo is a registered mark of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA)® all rights reserved. Design, specifications and availability of Alpine products are subject to change without notice. NAVTEQ on board is a registered trademark of NAVTEQ © 2013. SunaTM is a registered trademark of Intelematics Australia Pty. Ltd. MirrorLink™ and the MirrorLink logo are certification marks of the Car Connectivity Consortium LLC. Pandora, vTuner, TuneIt and any other application used with Alpine products requires the use of a compatible smartphone with the downloaded and installed application, charges incurred for the use of the application inclusive of data transfer and consumption are the responsibility of the user, and Alpine disclaims all liability for such charges. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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