Agenda - Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
Agenda - Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group
1 CIVIL DEFENCE AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GROUP JOINT COMMITTEE Notice is hereby given of a meeting of the Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee, to be held in the Council Chamber, Waikato Regional Council Office 401 Grey Street Hamilton East at 1.00 pm on Monday, 8 June 2015 MEMBERS: Waikato Regional Council Cr H Vercoe /alt Cr S Husband Hamilton City Council Representative Cr L Tooman /alt Mayor J Hardaker Hauraki District Council Representative Mayor JP Tregidga /alt Cr M McLean Matamata Piako District Council Representative Cr B Hunter /alt Mayor J Barnes Otorohanga District Council Representative Mayor M Baxter /1st alt Cr R Prescott /2nd alt Cr P Tindle South Waikato District Council Representative Cr T Lee / alt Mayor N Sinclair Taupo District Council Representative Cr A Park /1st alt Cr K Trueman /alt Mayor D Trewavas Thames Coromandel District Council Representative Cr P French /alt Mayor G Leach Waikato District Council Representative Cr J Church / alt Cr D Fulton Waipa District Council Representative Cr J Bannon /alt Mayor J Mylchreest Waitomo District Council Representative Cr A Goddard / alt Mayor B Hanna IN ATTENDANCE Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management S Vowles STAFF: CEG Chair (L Cavers), Group Controller (L Hazlewood), Team Leader GEMO (G Ryan), Democracy Advisor (J Cox) APOLOGIES 1 Confirmation of Agenda 2 Disclosures of Interest Any disclosures of interest relating to the business of this meeting 2 Page (FOR RECOMMENDATION TO WAIKATO CDEM GROUP) 3 Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 2 March 2015 3-9 File: 03 04 18 (Docs 3296770) Minutes of the meeting of the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee held on 2 March 2015 4 Waikato CDEM Group Plan Review 10-12 File: 33 10 01 (Docs 3407980) The purpose of this report is to reacquaint the Joint Committee with the Waikato CDEM Group plan, look back on the progress made with the current version, and look forward to the issues (current and emerging) that the review of this document will need to consider. 5 GEMO Report 13-19 File: 33 10 01 (Docs 3407547) The purpose of this report is to provide a consolidated update on the work the Group Emergency Management Office (GEMO) is undertaking, including key projects and any additional matter for the Joint Committee’s attention. 6 Summarised CEG Minutes 20-38 File: 33 10 01 (Docs 3407615, 3206857 and 3175080)) The purpose of this report is to provide the Joint Committee with a summary of the matters raised and discussed at the last Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) meeting (22 May 2015) 7 MCDEM Work Programme Status Report File: 33 10 01 (Docs 3407667 and 3401234) The purpose of this report is to provide the Joint Committee with an update regarding the work programme undertaken by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM). 8 Items for Next Meeting This verbal report provides information for items for the next meeting. Docs #3410876 39-47 3 WAIKATO CIVIL DEFENCE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT GROUP JOINT COMMITTEE Minutes of the meeting of the Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee, held in the Council Chambers, Waikato Regional Council, 401 Grey Street, Hamilton East at 1.00pm on Monday 2 March 2015. MEMBERS: IN ATTENDANCE Waikato Regional Council Cr H Vercoe Hamilton City Council Representative Cr L Tooman Hauraki District Council Representative Mayor JP Tregidga Matamata Piako District Council Representative Cr B Hunter Otorohanga District Council Representative Cr R Prescott Taupo District Council Representative Cr A Park Thames Coromandel District Council Representative Cr P French Waikato District Council Representative Cr J Church Waipa District Council Representative Cr J Bannon Waitomo District Council Representative Cr A Goddard Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management S Vowles S Stuart-Black S Bayley NZ Fire Service R Breeze STAFF: CEG Chair (L Cavers), Group Controller (L Hazelwood), Team Leader GEMO (G Ryan), Democracy Advisor(J Cox) APOLOGIES Cr T Lee, Mayor Baxter Accepted Confirmation of Agenda (Agenda Item 1) Cr Park moved/ Cr French seconded CD15/01 THAT the agenda of the Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group of 2 March 2015 as circulated be confirmed as the business for the meeting. The motion was put and carried (CD15/01) 4 Report of Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee – 2 March 2015 p2 Disclosures of Interest (Agenda Item 2) There were no disclosures of interest. SCHEDULE A: (FOR RECOMMENDATION TO WAIKATO CDEM GROUP) Minutes of Previous Meeting File: 03 04 18 (Agenda Item 3) Docs # 3224812 Cr Vercoe moved/Cr Hunter seconded CD15/02 THAT the Minutes of the Waikato Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee meeting of 14 November 2014 be received and approved as a true and correct record. The motion was put and carried (CD15/02) MCDEM Report File: 03 04 18 (Agenda Item 4) The Chair introduced and welcomed the new Director for the Ministry of Civil Defence & Emergency Management – Sarah Stuart-Black. Ms Stuart-Black outlined her background in nursing, her education and practical experience with health and disaster management prior to joining the Ministry in 2003 in an Analysis and Planning role. Suzanne Vowles provided a verbal update to the Committee on the work of MCDEM since the last meeting in November 2014. During questions, answers and related discussion, the Committee raised or noted the following matters: Within the three Public Alerting Workshops the community demographics were shared with the various councils – showing how they differed from one area to another. Analysis of the results of the workshops will be reported back to the Committee. A separate nationwide pubic alerting business case being lead by MCDEM has made it through cabinet and is now awaiting funding. Cr Church moved/ Mayor Tregidga seconded RESOLVED CD15/03 THAT the verbal report “MCDEM Report” by Suzanne Vowles be received. The motion was put and carried (CD15/03) 5 Report of Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee – 2 March 2015 p3 Long Service Award Group Controller Lee Hazelwood then introduced to the Committee, Emergency Management Officer, Phil Parker. MCDEM Director Sarah StuartBlack presented to Phil a Plaque and Certificate for 29 years of Service to Civil Defence. Cr Vercoe moved/ Mayor Tregidga seconded RESOLVED CD15/04 THAT the Committee extend their congratulations to Phil Parker on gaining the CDEM Long Service Award for 29 years of dedicated service, the Committee also thanks Phil for his years of service to the Community. The motion was put and carried (CD15/04) Ministerial Awards The Chair then advised the Committee of a recent presentation by Minister of Civil Defence Nikki Kaye to a number of people who have made significant contributions to civil defence emergency management in New Zealand. Of the four total awards presented the Waikato CDEM Group was represented by: Silver Award to Phil Parker, Taupo Emergency Management Officer, Waikato CDEM Group, for sustained, professional contribution to civil defence and emergency management, and Silver Award to Langley Cavers, CE Hauraki District Council and Waikato CDEM Group CEG Chair, for significant contribution to enhancing the Waikato CDEM Group. Cr Vercoe moved/ Cr Park seconded RESOLVED CD15/05 THAT the Committee extend their congratulations to both Phil Parker and Langley Cavers on their Ministerial awards. The motion was put and carried (CD15/05) CDEM Presentation File: 03 04 18(Agenda Item 5) Doc #3301615 Presented by Roy Breeze of the New Zealand Fire Service the report advised the Committee of the New Zealand Fire Service 2020 Vision. During the Presentation (Doc # 3301615) the following points were noted: Vision 2020 has come about as part of the Fire Service Review. Need to consolidate what the fire service do now. “Purple Calls” medical calls attended by fire service mean they are often completing CPR and applying a defibrillator prior to medical services arriving. The Act is out of date and legislation requires updating. Funding will be reviewed. 6 Report of Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee – 2 March 2015 p4 New Vision “Leading integrated fire and emergency services for a safer New Zealand”. Consideration has been given to investment into leadership for professional and personal development. During questions, answers and related discussion, the Committee raised or noted the following matters: When queried whether any consideration had been given to setting up a service that combined Police Ambulance and Fire services to provide support. The Committee were informed that there has been conversation locally to create an All-Hazards which will be the service location for St Johns and the Fire Service and Civil Defence. New Zealand Police have decided at this time not to include their full-time presence in the centre. Negotiations are ongoing for the Fire Service to obtain the Capital expenditure approval to build and with Waikato Regional Council for the amount committed to leasing premises for Civil Defence. Meetings are happening at a national level with Fire Service, Police and MCDEM to ensure the co-location model is reviewed fully. Mayor Tregidga moved/ Cr Tooman seconded RESOLVED CD15/06 THAT the verbal report “CDEM Presentation” by Roy Breeze of New Zealand Fire Service (Doc # 3301615) be received. The motion was put and carried (CD15/06) GEMO Report File: 33 10 01 (Agenda Item 6) Doc # 3291497 Presented by Team Leader GEMO (G Ryan) the report provided a consolidated updated on the work the Group Emergency Management Office (GEMO) is undertaking, including key projects and any additional matters for Joint Committee attention. During questions, answers and related discussion, the Committee raised or noted the following matters: Having recently taken on the Group Welfare Manager role January is showing that CDEM are tracking where they need to be with their targeted Welfare activity. Budgets are on track for the quarter and with the cost of labour down the funds can be reallocated to other projects within CDEM. The purpose of the Metrics provided to the Committee is to provide the Committee oversight of the time and funds spent in specific activity areas, the impacts of emergency responses on the planned work programme and to monitor what level of effort is spent on (administrative/Regional Council) activities that do not support the GEMO work programme directly. It was noted that the average time spent annually on such administrative/ regional council activities was 13%. The Committee were introduced to a new team member the Community Resilience Co-ordinator – Matt Pryor. Matt provided the Committee with his background in communications and Project Management. 7 Report of Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee – 2 March 2015 p5 The Waikato Regional Council has included the work programme from CDEM in the Long Term Plan in its entirety, including the new items of expenditure previously agreed to by the Committee. Cr Hunter moved/Cr Bannon seconded RESOLVED CD15/07 THAT the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee receive the report “GEMO Report” (Doc # 3291497 dated 20 February 2015) for information. The motion was put and carried (CD15/07) Group Controller’s Report File: 33 10 01 (Agenda Item 7) Doc # 3291366 Presented by Group Controller (L Hazelwood) the report provided the Committee with an update on the areas of focus for the Group Controller. During questions, answers and related discussion, the Committee raised or noted the following matters: All Hazards Centre initiative has support of Waikato Regional Council who has approved an additional $100,000 over the current lease contribution in the Long Term Plan (subject to public consultation and final approval). A new location is sought as the current location for the Group Emergency Coordination Centre is not compliant with the requirements for buildings that are critical to emergency response and recovery, and was only a temporary placement resulting from the maintenance work that had to be carried out on the main regional council building last year. Negotiations are in place to support the Fire Service in the location and completion of the All-Hazards centre. However, Waikato Regional Council currently favours a lease only option, as opposed to the capital expenditure approach favoured by the Fire Service. The issue is not insurmountable and discussions are continuing to move this forward. Integrated training framework – the intermediate course should be released within three months. The Waikato CDEM Group has reserve nominations for the next MCDEM Controller Development Programme in April 2015. Two controllers attended the previous course – but this extra space was only due to the unavailability of other members around the country. There are only 3 courses per year and space is limited. Priority is given to new controllers to be on the list for training and then the list of members is prioritised accordingly based on risk. The Group Controller reassured the council that although it will be some time before all Local Controllers can complete the national training, current competency levels within the region are reasonably high. Cr Bannon moved/Cr Park seconded RESOLVED CD15/08 THAT the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee receive this report 8 Report of Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee – 2 March 2015 p6 “Group Controller’s Report” (Doc # 3291366 dated 20 February 2015) be received. The motion was put and carried (CD15/08) Waikato District Council CDEM Coordination File: 33 10 01 (Agenda Item 8) Doc # 3291480 Presented by Group Controller (L Hazelwood) and Waikato District Council General Manager (S Duignan), the report provided the Joint Committee with an overview of the current service level agreement between the Waikato District Council (WDC) and Waikato Regional Council (WRC) for the provision and management of a Local CDEM coordinator. During questions, answers and related discussion, the Committee raised or noted the following matters: The service level agreement between the Waikato District Council and the Group Controller has proved to be an outstanding success. Support to and full integration of the coordinator by the CEO and GM of Waikato District Council has been a key factor in the success. Waikato District Council wishes to continue this arrangement for at least another 5 years and is negotiating with Waikato Regional Council regarding employment matters. MCDEM completed an audit at Waikato District Council and found that everyone spoken with had good knowledge of their responsibilities and roles as a result of this arrangement. The Council is considered to be in a developing stage having started from a green fields capability. However, for them to have progressed so well in only 18 months is a win for GEMO and Waikato District Council. Cr Tooman moved/ Mayor Tregidga seconded RESOLVED CD15/09 THAT the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee receive this report “Waikato District Council CDEM Coordination” (Doc # 3291480 dated 20 February 2015) be received. The motion was put and carried (CD15/09) Mayor Tregidga leaves 2.46pm. Summarised CEG minutes File: 33 10 01 (Agenda Item 9) Doc # 3290451 Presented by CEG Chair (L Cavers) the report provided the Joint Committee with a summary of the matters raised and discussed at the last Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) meeting (13 February 2015). During questions, answers and related discussion, the Committee raised or noted the following matters: 9 Report of Waikato Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group Joint Committee – 2 March 2015 p7 Agreement was sought and received for all of the dates submitted by CEG for planning of 2016 meetings of the CEG Subgroups, CEG and the Joint Committee. The Committee were provided with a draft of the Project Management Plan for the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan. There is a two year time frame for the draft to go through planning, initial consultation and drafting phases prior to a broader public consultation process, which includes feedback from MCDEM. GEMO are on target with the set timeframes. There is no expectation of extra meetings to complete review and drafting of the plan (other than project working group meetings). There will be significant CDEM stakeholder engagement – partner agencies, community and neighbouring civil defence groups. The Team Leader GEMO (G Ryan) advised there will be contractor engaged to support this review process in order for business as usual to continue within his role. The Joint Committee will be the champions for the plan. The committee were provided with a proposed Corrective Action Plan in response to the MCDEM Capability Assessment Report (the content of which was discussed in detail during the previous two committee meetings). Cr Goddard moved/Cr Park seconded RESOLVED CD15/10 THAT the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee: a) Receive this report “Summarised CEG minutes” (Doc # 3290451 dated 20 February 2015) for information. b) Approve the proposed Waikato CDEM Group meeting timetable for 2016. c) Approve the proposed Waikato CDEM Group Plan Review project plan. d) Approve the proposed Corrective Action Plan for submission to MCDEM. The motion was put and carried (CD15/10) Items for next meeting File: 03 04 18 (Agenda Item 10) There were no items discussed for the next meeting. Meeting closed at 3.00pm. Doc # 3296770 10 Report to CDEM Joint Committee File No: 33 10 01 Date: 26 May 2015 To: CDEM Joint Committee Members From: Group Controller (Lee Hazlewood) Subject: Waikato CDEM Group Plan workshop 1 Purpose To reacquaint members with the Waikato CDEM Group Plan, look back on the progress made against the current version, and look forward to the issues (current and emerging) that the review of this document will need to consider. 2 Recommendations: That the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee: (a) ...receive this report “Waikato CDEM Group Plan workshop” (Doc # 3407980, dated 26 May 2015) for information. 3 Review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan 3.1 Introduction The Waikato CDEM Group will be reviewing the Waikato CDEM Group Plan over the next 2 years, with the review process divided into a number of phases: PHASE 0 Planning PHASE 1 Workshops PHASE 2 Risk profile PHASE 3 Drafting PHASE 4 Consultation This workshop is one of many being undertaken as part of phase 1 of the review project, including the Welfare Coordination Group, Lifeline Utilities Group, Controllers and CEG sub-groups. Doc # 3407980 Page 1 11 3.2 Phase 1: Workshops The purpose of this workshop is to provide Joint Committee members with: - An introduction to the Waikato CDEM Group Plan, the power of the plan, the role that the Joint Committee has in preparing and approving the plan, and the requirement for Waikato CDEM Group members to give effect to the plan. An opportunity to look back at the achievements of the Waikato CDEM Group under the current Waikato CDEM Group Plan. A chance to re-visit the goals and objectives of the Group 6 Year Strategic Plan, which is the starting point for the issues that the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan will need to consider. In addition to this, this workshop will provide an opportunity for Joint Committee members to discuss the strategic issues that will need to be considered when reviewing Waikato CDEM Group Plan, including: - Building resilience in our community. Moving the Waikato CDEM Group members and partners forward as one team. The monitoring of activities and outcomes across the Waikato CDEM Group. Finding the most efficient and effective approach to maintaining capability (e.g. the role of Controller). Integrating the concept of risk reduction across all work areas. Another fundamental question for the Joint Committee to consider is whether the Waikato CDEM Group Plan response to these and other issues should focus on being enabling or prescriptive. 4 Additional Matters No additional matters have been identified. 5 Decision Making No decisions requested 6 Significance of Decision No decisions requested 7 Consultation No decisions requested 8 Financial and Resourcing Implications No decisions requested 9 Legal and Legislative Implications No decisions requested 10 Implementation Issues No decisions requested Doc # 3407980 Page 2 12 11 Attachments None. Lee Hazlewood Group Controller Doc # 3407980 Page 3 13 Report to CDEM Joint Committee File No: 33 10 01 Date: 26 May 2015 To: CDEM Joint Committee Members From: Group Controller (Lee Hazlewood) Subject: GEMO Report 1 Purpose To provide a consolidated update on the work the Group Emergency Management Office (GEMO) is undertaking, including key projects and any additional matters for Joint Committee attention. 2 Recommendations: That the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee: (a) ...receive this report “GEMO Report” (Doc # 3407547, dated 26 May 2015) for information. 3 Level of effort across work areas 3.1 General REFER TO ATTACHMENT A A monthly overview of the allocation of GEMO labour time is provided in Attachment A of this report (for the three quarters of the 2014/2015 financial year). The level of effort towards the different work areas that are monitored by this tool is generally as anticipated with the following points noted: - - The level of effort towards CDEM projects has increased during the month of March and is currently tracking higher than initially anticipated. This is due to several significant projects that are currently underway, including the Waikato CDEM Group Plan Review, the Public Alerting Project and the development of the ITF Intermediate Curriculum. A small amount of time was required for GECC response. This is in relation to Cyclone Pam, and the overnight GECC activation occurred due to the potential for this storm to cause widespread damage. It should be noted that this activation has not impacted other GEMO work areas. Doc # 3407547 Page 1 14 3.2 Welfare In addition to the above tracking across the GEMO team as a whole, a tool to track the level of effort towards the welfare work area has now been developed. The purpose of this tool is to demonstrate that the GEMO is meeting the expectations of the Waikato CDEM Group by taking on the Group Welfare Manager role. The tool provides a monthly comparison between the total time commitment that was made by the GEMO when taking on this new role and the actual time being spent by the Group Welfare Manager on the following functions: - WCG Chairperson Welfare project management Group Welfare Manager The current (to March 2015) update of this tool is provided below, and shows that the Group Welfare Manager is now fully transitioned into this role and is meeting the expectations of the Waikato CDEM Group regarding the level of effort towards the welfare work area. It is noted that Te Rehia Papesch remains Chair of the Welfare Coordination Group, and is expected to remain in this role until the revised National CDEM Plan is released in the middle of this calendar year. 3.3 Lifeline Utilities Coordinator In addition to the above tracking across the GEMO team as a whole, a tool to track the level of effort towards the lifeline utility coordination work area has now been developed. The purpose of this tool is to demonstrate that the GEMO is meeting the expectations of the Waikato CDEM Group by taking on the Lifeline Utility Coordination role. The tool provides a monthly comparison between the total time commitment that was made by the GEMO (i.e. 0.5 FTE) when taking on this new role and the actual time being spent by the Lifeline Utility Coordinator. The current (to March 2015) update of this tool is provided below, and shows that the new Lifeline Utilities Coordinator is still transitioning into the role. This transition process needs to include the handing over of a number of community resilience work areas to the newly appointed Community Resilience Coordinator (e.g. community response planning and volunteer management). It is also noted that the Lifeline Utilities Coordinator has also been engaged heavily in the development of the ITF Intermediate curriculum, which has slowed the transition process for this role. It is expected that this transition process will be completed by the end of the 2014/2015 financial year. Doc # 3407547 Page 2 15 4 GEMO financial update (Q3 2014/2015) Reporting on the GEMO expenditure is available for the first three quarters of the 2014/2015 financial year. An overview is provided in the following table. Key to status of GEMO budgets On plan Off plan Expenditure1 Help needed Actual Full year budget1 % spent Forecast Labour (raw) $420,967 $615,986 68 % 95 %2 Direct costs $69,204 $184,4113 38 % 100 %4 Allocated costs $308,479 $428,343 72 % 100 % GEMO TOTAL $798,650 $1,228,740 65 % 98 %2 1. Excludes expenditure associated with Waikato DC CDEM Coordinator. 2. Forecast underspend due to 7 month vacancy that has been reduced by commissioning an additional piece of work to review Waikato CDEM Group website home page and develop a mobile version of the website. Further opportunities to use this underspend have been identified and are currently being evaluated. 3. Approved annual plan ($163,861) plus carry forwards ($20,550). 4. GEMO is expected to request the following budgets be carried forward to the 2015/2016 financial year: - The 2014/2015 budget to review the Waikato CDEM Group Plan is $40,000. Given the start date of this contract (April 2015), it is expected that this budget will only be partially expended, with the remaining expenditure falling in the 2015/2016 financial year. Hence, the GEMO will request that the remaining budget be carried forward to the 2015/2016 financial year to cover this contract. The GEMO budget is generally on plan at this stage in the 2014/2015 financial year, noting that the budget is 65 % expended 75 % into the financial year. 5 GEMO recruitment 5.1 Executive Assistant to the Group Controller The Executive Assistant to the Group Controller (Andrea Taylor) has resigned from her role, with her final day being 27 May 2015. The GEMO has commenced the recruitment process and will provide an update at the next available meeting. Doc # 3407547 Page 3 16 6 GEMO Long Term Plan The GEMO work programme and budget that was recommended by the CEG and approved by the Joint Committee has been included in the Draft Waikato Regional Council Long-term Plan. Sep Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Included are the following new areas of expenditure: - All hazards centre (additional annual lease cost). Public alerting platform (annual subscription, fully subsidised in years 1 and 2 through a drawdown of the GEMO operational reserve). Situational awareness tool (initial capital purchase plus annual maintenance and support costs). The CEG Chair (on behalf of the Waikato CDEM Group) made a submission to the Waikato Regional Council in support of the GEMO work programme and the new areas of expenditure identified and has appeared before the hearing committee to support this submission. 7 Additional Matters No additional matters have been identified. 8 Decision Making No decisions requested 9 Significance of Decision No decisions requested 10 Consultation No decisions requested 11 Financial and Resourcing Implications No decisions requested Doc # 3407547 Jun WRC AP adopted Nov JC approval Aug Waikato Regional Council annual planning process (including release of draft, receipt of submissions, hearings and final decisions). Draft WRC AP released Oct CEG support Jul Drafting of Waikato Regional Council annual plan Initial CEG and JC discussion Development of GEMO work programme with CDEM group members Page 4 17 12 Legal and Legislative Implications No decisions requested 13 Implementation Issues No decisions requested 14 Attachments A. GEMO level of effort (Q3 2014/2015 financial year) Lee Hazlewood Group Controller Doc # 3407547 Page 5 18 Attachment A: Waikato CDEM GEMO activities (Q3 2014/2015) The level of effort by GEMO staff across the different work areas is shown in the chart over the page. A description of these work areas is provided below. Work area Description Response Time required to respond to emergency and developing situations Waikato Lifeline Utilities Group (WLUG) Work completed in support of the WLUG, including project management and meeting facilitation Group Recovery Manager activities Recovery Recovery plan activities GEMO support to Recovery Controller/PIM/PEAC/LUC/EMIS meetings Training development and coordination CDEM Group readiness Exercise design and implementation GECC training and exercise participation GECC facility readiness Duty officer monitoring Project management and oversight CDEM projects Group projects Resilience projects Support to Joint Committee/CEG/Sub-Groups GEMO BAU (business as usual) Advisory group support (5 groups) Liaison Policy/plan review and comment Website Team meetings GEMO/GECC management General management activities Reports Budget/finance/strategic planning Recruitment Administration/WRC activities Training Leave Annual and long-term planning Doc # 3407547 Page 6 19 Doc # 3407547 Page 7 20 Report to CDEM Joint Committee File No: 33 10 01 Date: 26 May 2015 To: CDEM Joint Committee Members From: CEG Chair (Langley Cavers) Subject: Summarised CEG minutes 1 Purpose To provide the Joint Committee with a summary of the matters raised and discussed at the last Coordinating Executive Group (CEG) meeting (22 May 2015). 2 Recommendations That the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee... (a) ...receive this report “Summarised CEG minutes” (document 3407615, dated 26 May 2015) for information. (b) ...adopt the proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan and supporting Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteering Waikato. 3 Meeting summary 3.1 GEMO report 3.1.1 Discussion points The GEMO report provided an update on the nature of the work being undertaken by the GEMO and the financial performance of the GEMO (for the first half of the 2014/2015 financial year). This included a request to approve the 2016 Waikato CDEM Group meeting timetable in order to support planning for the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan review. Further detail is provided in the GEMO report that has been prepared for the Joint Committee. 3.1.2 Resolutions passed by CEG No resolutions were requested from the CEG in relation to the GEMO report (other than the report is received). Doc # 3407615 Page 1 21 3.2 CEG sub-group reports 3.2.1 Management and governance sub-group The following matters were discussed by the CEG Management and Governance Sub-group: - GEMO report (part of this agenda). Sub-group projects, with a focus on the CDEM Group Plan Review. Waikato Regional Council services. Waikato CDEM Group appointments. Sub-group membership. Workshop as part of the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan. The CEG did not request any further detailed information from the sub-group. The sub-group did not request any decisions from the CEG. 3.2.2 Readiness and response sub-group The following matters were discussed by the CEG Readiness and Response Subgroup: - Organisational readiness. Community resilience. Waikato CDEM Group response (Cyclone Pam). Sub-group projects. Sub-group advisory groups (CPVAG and EGG). Workshop as part of the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan. The sub-group provided the CEG with more detailed information on: - Minutes from the last EMIS Governance Group (EGG) meeting. The sub-group requested the following decisions from the CEG: - 3.2.3 The adoption of the Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Management Plan (refer to item in this agenda). Reduction sub-group The following matters were discussed by the CEG Reduction Sub-group: - Risk reduction Lifelines Workshop as part of the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan. The sub-group provided the CEG with more detailed information on: - The minutes from the last Waikato Lifeline Utilities Group (WLUG) meeting. The sub-group did not request any decisions from the CEG. Doc # 3407615 Page 2 22 3.2.4 Recovery sub-group The following matters were discussed by the CEG Recovery Sub-group: - Recovery. Welfare. Workshop as part of the review of the Waikato CDEM Group Plan. The sub-group provided the CEG with more detailed information on: - The minutes from the last Welfare Coordination Group (WCG) meeting. The progress being made on the development of local recovery plans. The sub-group did not request any decisions from the CEG. 3.2.5 Resolutions passed by CEG That the CEG...: 1. ...receive this report. 2. ...recommend that the Joint Committee adopt the proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan and supporting Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteering Waikato (refer to item later in this paper). 3.3 MCDEM work programme update 3.3.1 Discussion points Suzanne Vowles (Waikato CDEM Group Regional Emergency Management Advisor) provided an update to the CEG regarding the MCDEM work programme priorities (refer to item in this agenda). 3.4 Emergency services updates 3.4.1 Discussion points Representatives on the CEG from the New Zealand Fire Service, New Zealand Police, St John and the Waikato District Health Board provided an update to the CEG regarding their respective work priorities. 3.5 Waikato CDEM Group Plan workshop 3.5.1 Discussion points Following the targeted discussion at each CEG sub-group, the full CEG discussed the issues that were identified for further consideration when the Waikato CDEM Group Plan is reviewed. These include issues that have emerged since the development of the Waikato CDEM Group 6 Year Strategic Plan (which is the starting point for the review). Further detail is provided in the Waikato CDEM Group Plan workshop report that has been prepared for the Joint Committee. Doc # 3407615 Page 3 23 4 Decisions requested from the Joint Committee 4.1 Proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan REFER TO ATTACHMENT A The aim of the Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan (refer to attachment A) is to enable the right skills and resources to be allocated to the right communities based on need (in addition to other skills and resources identified by other processes, such as community response planning and marae preparedness planning). If this plan is approved, the Waikato CDEM Group will achieve this aim by firstly identifying those roles that are expected to be required in an emergency; and where resilience is currently low. Importantly, the focus on this work will be on ensuring consistency across the Waikato CDEM Group, so that the skills and resources that are subsequently identified can support all EOCs or the ECC (i.e. interoperability). Once the above roles are identified, the Waikato CDEM Group will work with established constituted groups (e.g. Rotary, Lions and Red Cross) with the aim of matching people and groups with the CDEM roles that have been identified. Where gaps still exist after this matching process, the Waikato CDEM Group will work with Volunteering Waikato to identify what skills are required from the volunteers that will fill these remaining roles. The existing Volunteering Waikato systems for managing volunteers will then be used to build and sustain a database of individuals that have the desired skills. Following the establishment of this approach to volunteer management, a volunteer coordination meeting will be held at least twice a year to bring together CDEM, the established constituted groups and Volunteering Waikato. The approach to volunteer management outlined by the proposed plan will provide a number of benefits to the Waikato CDEM Group, including: - - The majority of public queries, requesting information on how to become a CDEM volunteer, can be directed to Volunteering Waikato, a standardised approach that maximises volunteer opportunities. This proactive approach to volunteer coordination will hopefully reduce the numbers of spontaneous volunteers that come forward during an emergency (and require substantial management), as individuals inclined to respond during a disaster will have already done so through established constituted groups and Volunteering Waikato. If necessary, Volunteering Waikato can provide a volunteer coordinator to assist with the registration and coordination of spontaneous volunteers in the immediate aftermath of an emergency. Volunteering Waikato can, if required, amend their registration process to further meet the needs of the Waikato CDEM Group. Volunteering Waikato will maintain an up-to-date database of volunteers on behalf of the Waikato CDEM Group, resulting in a geographic profile of volunteer skills and resources across the Waikato CDEM Group. Prior to or during an emergency response, Volunteering Waikato can be approached to identify volunteers in the relevant geographic area who have the skills and abilities to address local needs. Volunteering Waikato can deploy a volunteer coordinator to an EOC (or ECC if multiple EOCs are activated) with these individuals having remote access to their databases. Doc # 3407615 Page 4 24 - In addition to the provision of skills and resources during an emergency, Volunteering Waikato will advertise for any specific volunteer roles that are sought outside of an emergency (with the Waikato CDEM Group being responsible for the selection of suitable candidates and training). It is noted that further work is required by the Waikato CDEM Group to identify suitable training or (if existing training is not available) design a curriculum for the training that is necessary. REFER TO ATTACHMENT B Volunteering Waikato is a critical partner in the approach of volunteer management that is contained in this plan. In recognition of this, a Memorandum of Understanding has been secured with the Board of Volunteering Waikato (a member of Volunteering New Zealand), which is also presented to the CEG for adoption (refer to Attachment B). DECISION REQUESTED: Whether or not the Joint Committee adopts the proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan and supporting Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteering Waikato. CEG RECOMMENDATION: That the Joint Committee adopts the proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan and supporting Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteering Waikato. 5 Additional Matters No additional matters have been identified. 6 Decision Making This report requests the following decisions from the Joint Committee: 1. Whether or not to adopt the proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan and supporting Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteering Waikato. 7 Significance of Decision The decision requested by this report is not significant. 8 Consultation The decision requested by this report has been discussed and approved by the CEG as well as the relevant CEG sub-group. 9 Financial and Resourcing Implications There are no financial or resourcing implications associated with the decisions requested by this report. 10 Legal and Legislative Implications There are not legal or legislative implications relevant to the decision requested. Doc # 3407615 Page 5 25 11 Implementation Issues There are no implementation issues associated with the decision requested by this report. 12 Attachments A. Proposed Waikato CDEM Group Volunteer Plan (document 3206857). B. Proposed Memorandum of Understanding with Volunteering Waikato (document 3175080). Langley Cavers CEG Chair Doc # 3407615 Page 6 26 Waikato Group Emergency Management Office Volunteer Coordination Plan 2014 27 Table of Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................... 3 2. Vision .................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Intention .............................................................................................................................. 3 4. Scope and links to other strategies / policies ....................................................................... 5 5. Constituted Groups.............................................................................................................. 5 6. Registered Volunteers ......................................................................................................... 6 7. Other relevant groups .......................................................................................................... 6 8. CDEM trained volunteers ..................................................................................................... 6 9. Coordination of different groups........................................................................................... 7 10. Spontaneous volunteers ...................................................................................................... 7 11. Volunteer Coordination during activation ............................................................................. 7 12. Testing ................................................................................................................................ 8 Page 2 28 1. Introduction When a disaster strikes, it is ordinary members of the public, not emergency services, who will be the first to respond. Experience has shown that help for those in need mostly comes from neighbours, community groups and other voluntary organisations. Self-activation, self sufficiency, self responsibility and self management have been identified as key traits that contributed to individual and community resilience in the days following the Christchurch earthquakes. Part of this self-activation resulted in a large scale, spontaneous, selfmobilisation of volunteers, including groups like the Student Army. If coordinated correctly, the capacity created through the resources, skills and expertise of volunteers will enhance overall CDEM capabilities; and ultimately contribute to community resilience. 2. Vision A resilient Waikato 3. Intention The Group Volunteer Coordination Plan aims to provide a framework for the right, additional, skills and resources to be allocated to the right communities; based on need. This is to be seen as additional to any volunteer response already factored into community response plans and Marae preparedness. Working with established constituted groups and established community volunteer coordination agencies, the aim of the Group Volunteer Coordination Plan is to match people and groups with those CDEM roles / functions that can be reasonably foreseen; allowing a geographic profile of the local skills available during an emergency, through the use of volunteers. Where necessary, there may be a need provide training for volunteers, in roles identified as critical to CDEM needs. By adopting a proactive approach to volunteer coordination, within the readiness phase of CDEM business as usual, it is anticipated that the numbers of potential spontaneous volunteers will reduce. This is as a consequence of the individuals inclined to respond during a disaster, having already been registered as volunteers and / or been identified through established constituted community groups. In addition to identifying critical CDEM roles that require training or specialist skills and experience: the Group Volunteer Coordination Plan will identify roles and functions that require little or no training. These roles will be ring-fenced for spontaneous volunteers and appropriate guidance, for these pre-identified roles, developed for use by the relevant volunteer coordinator. Page 3 29 •E.g. Rotary •Lions •Neighbourhood Support •Not registered and not part of a constituted group: and either offers to assist, or attends a disaster with the intention of assisting Figure 1 Page 4 •Volunteering Waikato •Volunteer Taupo Constituted Community Groups Registered Volunteers: (Skills and Experience known) Spontaneous Volunteers CDEM Trained Volunteers • Identified from registered volunteers and constituted groups •Trained in CDEM roles 30 4. Scope and links to other strategies / policies This volunteer coordination plan is intended for the whole of the Waikato Region. It is only one (1) component of a wider community resilience plan. This volunteer coordination plan is intended to augment any volunteering contingencies that have been pre-identified within community response plans and Marae preparedness. For the purpose of this volunteer coordination plan, volunteers do not include local authority workers, who as part of their job descriptions would augment CDEM staff in the response to a Civil Defence emergency. The volunteer coordination plan has implications for training and exercising strategies across the Waikato; insomuch as there is no currently consistent approach to training volunteers in the Waikato Region. This volunteer coordination plan has potential links to the Waikato Regional Council (WRC) occupational health and safety policy; particularly for those volunteers that are identified, and trained, for roles within the Group Emergency Coordination Centre (GECC). 5. Constituted Groups For the purposes of this plan, a constituted group is defined as a voluntary, not for profit, organisation that has its own management structure and committee. Additionally, the group should have a documented constitution; outlining their overall aims as an organisation. Waikato Civil defence Emergency Management Group (WCDEMG) intends to engage with those constituted groups that have a community focused constitution, which is relevant to meeting community needs before, during and after a significant emergency event. Examples of suitable groups, with appropriately focussed constitutions are below: The International Lions Club has a constitution that includes “to empower volunteers to serve their communities, meet humanitarian needs, encourage peace and promote international understanding ....” The Rotary has a constitution that includes; “Community Service ... comprises varied efforts that members make, sometimes in conjunction with others, to improve the quality of life of those who live within this club’s locality or municipality”. Neighbourhood Support NZ, “aims to make our homes, streets, neighbourhoods and communities safer and more caring places in which to live. Neighbourhood Support works closely with the Police and many other organisations in your community to reduce crime, improve safety and prepare to deal with emergencies and natural disasters”. Page 5 31 6. Registered Volunteers The preferred partner for the identification, recruitment and registration of general Civil Defence volunteers, is Volunteering Waikato. Volunteering Waikato is a member of the Volunteering New Zealand network and has a footprint across the vast majority of the Waikato Region. Volunteering Waikato is a non-employer organisation; meaning it does not pay or provide rewards to its volunteers in return for any work undertaken. As an established, non-employer, volunteering organisation; volunteering Waikato is experienced in managing the general well-being and considering the general duty of care required for the safety of volunteers. This will involve a process whereby volunteers are matched to roles, and risk, that are commensurate with the volunteers declared abilities and limitations. Also, by recruiting and registering volunteers in the readiness phase, safety plans that are appropriate to the kinds of activities volunteers are involved in, can be considered and developed. 7. Other relevant groups There are other organisations in the region, that do not necessarily meet all the criteria of a constituted group, but it would still aide the efficiency and effectiveness of an emergency response, to have constructive dialogue and relationships. Examples include groups that represent student bodies’ at large tertiary institutes. Whilst their constitutions may be student centric in their philosophy; as was seen in the February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake, it is likely the student groups would self-mobilise, in an emergency, for the benefit of the wider community. In such a situation, having established relationships with groups that can coordinate the student bodies will be invaluable to effective and efficient volunteer coordination. 8. CDEM trained volunteers Within the readiness phase of the four ‘R’s, WCDEMG will seek to foresee the likely specialist CDEM roles that will be required in most emergencies. These roles will most likely to be found within Emergency Coordination Centres and Emergency Operations Centres; the roles will be defined by CIMS 2nd Edition. WCDEMG will work with Volunteering Waikato and other groups, to identify registered volunteers or members that have the requisite skills and experience to undertake this specific, specialist, CDEM roles. Once the aforementioned skilled volunteers are identified, the GEMO will provide specific training for the roles. The volunteer, whilst still registered with their respective community group, will be known as a CDEM trained volunteer. It is the responsibility of the GEMO to ensure CDEM trained volunteers are managed in line with WRC policies relating to the employment of volunteers. Page 6 32 This plan recognises that there are a finite number of volunteers across the Waikato region. Community volunteers will be the target audience of numerous pieces of distinct, but interconnected, work. For example, local constituted groups may have already engaged in the development of local community response or Marae Preparedness plans and have agreed roles and responsibilities for their members. One reason for clearly identifying a CDEM trained volunteer is because, if not managed effectively, there is a risk that the skills of some volunteers may be double counted and, unbeknown to each project, the individual volunteer concerned may theoretically feature in differing response plans. 9. Coordination of different groups Regular structured meetings will be scheduled between WCDEMG, Volunteering Waikato and the relevant constituted and community groups. One aim of the meeting will be to get an understanding of the best fit for the likely roles during an emergency, i.e. which group’s membership would be best placed to perform or support the identified roles. We will also seek to identify any overlap of provision provided by the various key groups. Information around CDEM trained volunteers will be shared amongst the relevant constituted and community groups at the meeting, allowing us to reduce the risk of volunteers being double counted. Non-binding memorandums of understanding (MOU’s) will be developed with Volunteering Waikato the other relevant constituted and community groups; outlining the agreements made between WCDEMG and the respective organisation, in relation to roles and responsibilities of each party – before, during and after a significant emergency event. 10. Spontaneous volunteers By adopting a proactive approach to volunteer coordination, within the readiness phase of CDEM business as usual, it is anticipated that the numbers of potential spontaneous volunteers will reduce. This is as a consequence of the individuals inclined to respond during a disaster, having already been registered as volunteers and / or been identified through established constituted and community groups. By identifying and allocating the roles (specialist and generic roles) that can be reasonably foreseen in emergency response, to the best fit groups and individuals; the process will also identify low risk roles and functions that require little or no training. These low risk roles will be ring-fenced for spontaneous volunteers and appropriate guidance, for these pre-identified roles, developed for the volunteer coordinator. 11. Volunteer Coordination during activation Suitably experienced individuals will be pre-identified, from within our existing volunteer groups, to undertake the roles of volunteer coordinators. Each organisation will maintain a database, identifying the geographic footprint of these experienced individuals, to maximise the efficiency of response and deployment of these key individuals. Page 7 33 12. Testing The testing of the identification, availability and deployment of volunteers will be incorporated into local, regional and national exercise schedules. Key performance indicators (KPI’s) will include, but not be limited to: numbers of overall volunteers available; numbers of volunteers with specific skills and the speed of deployment. Each exercise coordinator, will determine their own KPIs. Page 8 34 Waikato Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group and Volunteering Waikato Memorandum of Understanding __________________________________________________ 35 1. Dated [insert day] December 2014 2. Parties 2.1 Waikato Region Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group is a body established pursuant to section 12 of the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act 2002 and operates out of [insert address]. 2.2 Volunteering Waikato is a New Zealand Registered charity (No: CC21648) having its addresses at Level 2, Caro Street, Community Building, Corner Caro and Anglesea Streets, Hamilton 3244. Each a Party and together referred to as the Parties. 3. Introduction 3.1 When a disaster strikes, it is ordinary members of the public, not emergency services, who will be the first to respond. Experience has shown that help for those in need mostly comes from neighbours, community groups and other voluntary organisations. 3.2 Self-activation, self sufficiency, self responsibility and self management have been identified as key traits that contributed to individual and community resilience in the days following the Christchurch earthquakes. An example of this can be seen in the way the student body in Christchurch mobilised, as volunteers, to assist in the emergency and recovery response efforts. 3.3 The Waikato Region Civil Defence and Emergency Management Group (Waikato CDEM Group) is obligated under the Civil Defence and Emergency Management Act 2002 to prepare a plan describing local Civil Defence arrangements. One of the goals outlined in the plan is how the Waikato CDEM Group increases community preparedness. 3.4 The Group Volunteer Coordination Plan (the Volunteer Plan) (which is Community Resilience Strategy) is a key component of the increasing preparedness. The Volunteer Plan is intended to maximise existing motivation for self-activation and self-responsibility, in preparation of an event. part of the community community emergency 3.5 Volunteering Waikato is a member of the Volunteering New Zealand network and has a footprint across the vast majority of the Waikato Region. In the two year period to June 2014, Volunteering Waikato had worked with 4128 registered volunteers. 4. Background: Group Volunteer Coordination Plan 4.1 The Volunteer Plan aims to provide for the right, additional, skills and resources to be allocated to the right communities; based on need. This is to be seen as additional to any volunteer response already factored into community response plans and Marae preparedness. 4.2 Working with established constituted Groups and established community volunteer coordination agencies, the aim of the Volunteer Plan is to match people and groups with those Civil Defence and Emergency Management (CDEM) roles / functions that can be Doc # 3175808/v5 Page 2 36 reasonably foreseen; allowing a geographic profile of the local skills available during an emergency, through volunteers. Where necessary, there may be a need to provide training for volunteers, in roles identified as critical to CDEM needs. 4.3 By adopting a proactive approach to volunteer coordination, within the readiness phase of CDEM business as usual, it is anticipated that the numbers of potential spontaneous volunteers will reduce. This is as a consequence of the individuals inclined to respond during a disaster, having already been registered as volunteers and / or been identified through established constituted community groups. 4.4 In addition to identifying critical CDEM roles that require training or specialist skills and experience: the Volunteer Plan will identify roles and functions that require little or no training. These roles will be ring-fenced for spontaneous volunteers and appropriate guidance, for these pre-identified roles, developed for the volunteer coordinator. 4.5 This Volunteer Plan recognises that there are a finite number of volunteers across the Waikato region. These volunteers will be the target audience of numerous pieces of distinct, but interconnected, work. 4.6 If not managed effectively, there is a risk that the skills of some volunteers may be double counted and, unbeknown to each project, the individual volunteer concerned may theoretically feature in differing CDEM plans; i.e. Community Response Plans and Marae Preparedness. 4.7 The Volunteer Plan recognises that those people in the community most motivated to volunteer are already likely to be volunteering in everyday areas of business, outside CDEM. Therefore, by asking established constituted groups and established community volunteer coordination agencies to take the lead on CDEM volunteer recruitment, we increase efficiency; through the use of established and proven processes and reduce the risk of volunteers being double counted. 5. Purpose 5.1 This document is a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MOU). The purpose of this MOU is to outline the agreement reached between the Waikato CDEM Group and Volunteering Waikato, regarding the recruitment, retention, training and coordination of volunteers, who may be used for CDEM purposes. 5.2 CDEM Group Emergency Management Office (GEMO) will: 5.2.1 Provide a list of, and keep up-to-date, the skills and experience sought by CDEM: (where updates are required to Volunteering Waikato systems for CDEM purposes, the GEMO should contribute to any costs incurred); 5.2.2 Signpost all queries regarding CDEM volunteering opportunities to Volunteering Waikato; 5.2.3 Provide training for any volunteer roles identified as critical to CDEM (to be known as CDEM trained volunteers); 5.2.4 Provide volunteering contracts; including wellbeing and duty of care (health and safety) responsibilities, for CDEM trained volunteers deployed during an emergency event or exercise; Doc # 3175808/v5 Page 3 37 5.2.5 Provide facilities within the Group Emergency Coordination Centre (GECC) during emergency activations or pre-planned exercises; 5.2.6 Work with Volunteering Waikato, providing resources where necessary, in any agreed volunteer recruitment drive; and 5.2.7 Work with Volunteering Waikato to determine which roles can be under-taken by untrained spontaneous volunteers; and to design the appropriate associated guidance 5.3 Volunteering Waikato will: 5.3.1 Incorporate the skills and experience sought by CDEM into their on-line and on-site volunteer registration systems: (where updates are required for CDEM purposes, the GEMO should contribute to any costs incurred); 5.3.2 Through normal business as usual processes, support CDEM in managing the wellbeing and duty of care (health and safety) of volunteers, other than CDEM trained volunteers, who are deployed during an emergency event or exercise. This can be done through matching a volunteer’s declared skills and limitations, to the most relevant CDEM role available. 5.3.3 Assist CDEM in the recruitment of volunteers for any roles identified as critical to CDEM (to be known as CDEM trained volunteers); 5.3.4 Provide professional volunteer coordination services to the GECC during emergency activations or pre-planned exercises; 5.3.5 Provide professional volunteer coordination services to local Emergency Operations Centres across the Waikato during emergency activations or pre-planned exercises; 5.3.6 Maintain an up-to-date list of registered volunteers and volunteer coordinators, that is accessible remotely and which can be filtered by geographic area: skills / experience and any risk of conflict, through other volunteering commitments (reducing risk of volunteer being double-counted); and 5.3.7 Work with CDEM to determine which roles can be under-taken by untrained spontaneous volunteers; and to design the appropriate associated guidance. 6. Management of this MOU 6.1 This MOU will become effective when signed by the representatives of both Volunteering Waikato and the Waikato Region CDEM Group. It will remain in effect until it is terminated by mutual agreement between the Parties. 6.2 This MOU may be reviewed and amended at any time, by mutual and written agreement between the Parties. 6.3 This MOU will be reviewed every twelve (12) months. 6.4 This MOU supersedes and replaces any previous MOU that exists between the Parties or between Volunteering Waikato and the GEMO. Doc # 3175808/v5 Page 4 38 6.5 The Parties agree that this MOU may be published if required. Executed by the Parties as a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding: SIGNED for and on behalf of: Volunteering Waikato By: Signature: (Full Name) Position: Date: Witness Signature: By: Signature: (Full Name) Position: Address SIGNED for and on behalf of: Waikato Region Civil Defence Emergency Management Group By: Signature: (Full Name) Position: Date: Witness Signature: Name: Signature: (Full Name) Position: Doc # 3175808/v5 Address Page 5 39 Report to CDEM Joint Committee File No: 33 10 01 Date: 26 May 2015 To: CDEM Joint Committee Members From: Group Controller (Lee Hazlewood) Subject: MCDEM work programme status update 1 Purpose To provide the Joint Committee members with an update regarding the work programme undertaken by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management (MCDEM). REPORT TO BE PRESENTED BY SUZANNE VOWLES 2 Recommendations: That the Waikato CDEM Group Joint Committee: (a) ...receive this report “MCDEM work programme status report” (Doc # 3407667, dated 26 May 2015) for information. 3 MCDEM work programme status update REFER TO ATTACHMENT A The latest MCDEM work programme status update (up to March 2015) is attached for the information of the Joint Committee. The MCDEM Regional Emergency Management Advisor for the Waikato CDEM Group (Suzanne Vowles) will be available to answer any questions from committee members. 4 Additional Matters No Additional matters have been identified. 5 Decision Making No decisions requested Doc # 3407667 Page 1 40 6 Significance of Decision No decisions requested 7 Consultation No decisions requested 8 Financial and Resourcing Implications No decisions requested 9 Legal and Legislative Implications No decisions requested 10 Implementation Issues No decisions requested 11 Attachments A. MCDEM work programme status report (document 3401234) Lee Hazlewood Group Controller Doc # 3407667 Page 2 41 April 2015 Chairs of Coordinating Executive Groups MCDEM Work Programme Update – March 2015 Since January I have met with nine CDEM Groups – Chatham Islands, Canterbury, Auckland, Hawkes Bay, Waikato, Taranaki, West Coast, Gisborne and Southland. The meetings have been really valuable to establish relationships and to hear about your key issues and priorities as well as challenges, ideas and opportunities. The discussions have been diverse, covering a range of topics including: strengthening resilience, risk reduction, public alerting, tsunami arrangements, public education and ShakeOut, infrastructure and economic development, collaborative approaches for shared practice, engagement with the private sector and business continuity, views on the branding of civil defence vs. emergency management vs. CDEM vs. Disaster Risk Management. I’m looking forward to continuing discussions over the next few months. As part of my role as the Director, MCDEM, I would like to be available to present medals and certificates to all recipients of Long Service awards, however due to a very busy schedule and the travel involved, this is just not practical. I would like recipients to have the option of being presented with their award by a local representative, (e.g. the CEG Chair or the Mayor) or waiting until I’m next visiting the region. Nominators and recipients should be cognisant that they may be waiting several months for the next scheduled Director’s visit and they may prefer to receive their award earlier, in which case a local representative would be more suitable. In March I attended the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in Sendai, Japan. Hon Gerry Brownlee, in his capacity as Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, led a 19-person ‘official delegation’ which included others from MCDEM (Jo Horrocks and Sarah-Jayne McCurrach), senior officials from the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CERA), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), and the Earthquake Commission (EQC), as well as the Mayor of Christchurch City, Lianne Dalziel, and the Deputy Mayor of Wellington City, Justin Lester. The wider New Zealand party numbered an additional 22 people (bringing the total to at least 41 New Zealanders in total) and included representatives from GNS, LINZ, NZ Red Cross, Oxfam NZ, various NZ disaster research centres and universities. The conference was large, with over 8,000 registered delegates, and as many as 40,000 attending side events. The Conference was a significant opportunity to showcase New Zealand’s reputation, experience and expertise in DRR, to learn from other countries about their DRR initiatives, and to participate in the negotiations of the post-2015 global framework for DRR. The new framework, the ‘Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030’, is the successor to the Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-2015. It contains a desired outcome and goal, principles, and priorities for action and was agreed before the conference concluded. We will be doing some work in MCDEM to look at the implications of the new Framework, including actions we need to take forward into our work programmes and our long-term Strategy - more on that a later date. For now, please do have a look at the framework when Page | 1 42 you get a chance, it represents a lot of work globally by a lot of people, and will likely be influential in what we do going forward: Summary of Progress 1. Get Ready Get Thru campaign MCDEM has met the Neighbourhood Support NZ (NSNZ) National Board to explain how the CDEM sector is organised the role of MCDEM and Groups, and what we would want from an MoU with NSNZ. EQC also attended the meeting and NSNZ would like to proceed with MoU involving all three agencies. The MoU would set out how our organisations would work together nationally and create a mechanism for regional and local collaboration between CDEM and NSNZ. NSNZ is a federation of community organisations that aim to make homes, streets, neighbourhoods and communities safer and more caring places in which to live. MCDEM has now been invited to a meeting of NSNZ’s 12 district coordinators in May to continue discussion of the MoU. The National Public Education Reference Group (NPERG) has agreed to a series of monthly themes for MCDEM and Groups to use in their promotional activities. NPERG has listed the resources Groups want to support their activities, and the resources are being produced. The new resources will be digital and also physical items that can be used and given away to the public. The current contract with the Yellow Pages Group has been renegotiated for the rest of its term, ending 31 October 2015. Additional online services have been added at no extra cost. The additional services are Facebook advertising promoted to target audiences (which we will use for New Zealand ShakeOut), advertisements on the Yellow website homepage, and articles on the White Pages homepage. The full-page civil defence ad on the inside front page of each Yellow Pages directory, the 75 per cent discount for Groups to buy their own advertising in the directory, and electronic listings in, and all continue. In the lead up to New Zealand ShakeOut, Get Ready Get Thru television advertisements will have text added to them promoting the earthquake drill, and will be scheduled to best support the drill. Contact: Vince Cholewa (04) 817 8560 [email protected] 2. New Zealand ShakeOut 2015 The Minister of Civil Defence is launching the campaign on April 28, which is also when we released the first of our promotional videos for the campaign. This one features Sir Peter Jackson and Sir Richard Taylor, who very generously gave us their time for free. We want businesses, schools, families, individuals – everyone – to think about what they would do if there was an earthquake at 9:15am, October 15 and then, on the day, Drop, Cover and Hold. In 2012 1.3 million people signed up to take part. This year we are aiming for 1.5 million. This is where you come in, from 28 April we are asking you and all your Page | 2 43 partner agencies including emergency services, government agencies, lifeline utilities, NGOs and private sector organisations, do three things: 1. Sign up 2. Spread the word 3. Do the drill It will be very easy to register for the drill. We also want you to spread the word through your communities, with your stakeholders and encourage your staff to talk to their families and friends – we will provide lots of resources to help you. Then, do the drill. The campaign is supported by a dedicated website . This is where everyone registers as individuals or organisations, and it is the central repository of information, resources and planning documents. Lots more information will be added during the campaign. The website and the drill will be promoted through a multimedia campaign that will use news media, paid advertising, social media and central and local government networks. Contact: Vince Cholewa (04) 817 8560 [email protected] 3. Emergency Management Information System (EMIS) The simplified sites are now operational. Between March and June MCDEM will be visiting CDEM Groups that accepted our invitation to introduce the new sites and/or offer any assistance required with EMIS. Meanwhile we have started the project towards the enhancement of dashboards. The User Group met in February and the Governance Group in March. Contact: David Coetzee (04) 817 8580 [email protected] 4. Review of the National CDEM Plan and Guide Following the close of public consultation on the revised National CDEM Plan on 25 July 2014, the Ministry has collated all submissions, analysed them and agreed necessary amendments in consultation with relevant agencies. Final amendments to the revised Plan have been made in consultation with the Parliamentary Counsel Office (PCO) and a final assessment and proofing process is being carried out by the PCO at present. The final proposed Plan will be submitted to Cabinet for approval and be made as an Order in Council in May 2015. The Ministry has commenced its review of the supporting Guide to the revised National CDEM Plan (the Guide). The intention is to issue the draft revised Guide for external consultation following the making of the final National CDEM Plan. CDEM Groups will be kept informed on the development of the Guide and upcoming consultation. Public consultation is likely to commence in June 2015. Both the revised Plan and Guide will come into effect at the same time on 1 December 2015. Contact: Jenna Rogers (04) 817 8570 [email protected] 5. Review of Arrangements for Delivery of Welfare Services in Emergencies Page | 3 44 Implementation of identified actions in the Review of Arrangements for Delivery of Welfare Services in Emergencies – Corrective Action Plan continues with the following activities: Reviews of the Welfare in an Emergency Director’s Guideline (DGL 11/10), the Guide to the National CDEM Plan and revised National CDEM Plan. The revised Guide to the National CDEM Plan and Welfare in an Emergency Director’s Guideline will be issued for sector consultation in May/June 2015. MCDEM is continuing to engage and meet with national welfare agencies and CDEM Groups on the arrangements for welfare services. Of particular note, monthly workshops are being held with all national agencies listed under Welfare Services in the revised National CDEM Plan to continue to develop the arrangements working towards executing the arrangements in the Plan when it is approved. Multiple workshops have been held to date, on the various welfare service sub-functions. The most recent was on 28 November regarding Needs Assessment. A Group Welfare Manager’s Forum is being held on 21-22 May co-hosted by MCDEM and the Manawatu-Wanganui CDEM Group. The focus of the Forum is on CDEM Group Welfare management and will provide the opportunity for relationship building between Group Welfare Managers, promote greater collaboration, information sharing, and enhance knowledge and capability in the role of Group Welfare Manager. The Forum will also be used as an opportunity for Group Welfare Managers to workshop elements of the revised Welfare in an Emergency Director’s Guideline. Contact: Jenna Rogers (04) 817 8570 [email protected] 6. Capability Development Programme Eighteen participants of the inaugural cohort (14/1) of the CDEM Controllers Development Programme have now entered into the individualised post-course continued development phase. After successful completion of this last phase, participants will be accredited as CDEM Controllers. A second cohort (15/1) has just last week embarked on the initial online phase of the programme and will complete their residential component towards the end of May in Wellington. Nominations are currently being sought from the sector for a third cohort (15/2) who will commence their online phase in June. MCDEM have begun the preliminary work to procure a Learning Management System (LMS) that is hoped to be made available to the CDEM sector in due course. A LMS is a software application which helps automate the management, tracking and reporting of training programmes and provides a platform for content delivery, training materials and evaluation tools. An older LMS version is currently being used for the CDEM Controllers Development Programme. Work is continuing on the development of courses as part of the Integrated Training Framework (ITF). Led by the Waikato CDEM Group, the Coordination Centre Foundation Course has been rolled out with some 1200 attendees to date and has been reviewed to align with CIMS (2nd Edition) material. The next phase, the Coordination Centre Intermediate Course, is currently under development and is scheduled for sign-off in early May 2015. Training at a higher level, the Coordination Centre Advanced suite of courses, is in the concept phase and a Project Manager is being sought. MCDEM have also developed a common foundation course for central government agencies that focusses on developing the basic skills and knowledge required for individuals to Page | 4 45 operate in national-level, single or multiagency, emergency coordination centre. The course material and supporting resources are available on the MCDEM website. EMQUAL, the Industry Training Organisation (ITO) for CDEM, wound up their operations in early April 2015. EMQUAL’s successor, The Skills Organisation, is currently working through the transition arrangements and have commenced engagement with MCDEM and CDEM training providers. A introductory letter to the sector from the new ITO, outlining transition arrangements, training agreements, Targeted Review of Qualifications standing and unit standard review issues, will be forthcoming shortly. Contact: Grant Morris (04) 817 8581 [email protected] 7. Publications - Review, Development and Consultation A number of the Ministry’s publications are currently being reviewed or developed, including: National CDEM Plan: will be finalised and made as an Order in Council in May 2015. The new National CDEM Plan will come into force on 1 December 2015 at the same time as the revised Guide to the National CDEM Plan. Guide to the National CDEM Plan: is being reviewed and will be issued for external consultation in June 2015. The revised Guide to the National CDEM Plan will come into force on 1 December 2015 at the same time as the new National CDEM Plan. CDEM Group Planning: Director’s Guideline. External consultation closed on 29 August 2014. Refinements will be made to the document in response to feedback. The final document will be published in early May 2015. Welfare in an Emergency: Director’s Guideline. Feedback from a stakeholder survey in February 2014 and the CDEM Group Welfare Forum held in March 2014 are informing the redevelopment of the Welfare in an Emergency: Director’s Guideline publication. MCDEM continues to work closely with CDEM welfare subject matter experts and national welfare agencies to clarify and document the revised arrangements for welfare services under the National CDEM Plan. The document will be issued for external consultation in May/June 2015. CDEM Logistics: Director’s Guideline: External consultation closed on 17 October 2014. Refinements have been made to the document in response to feedback, and the document has now been finalised. The document will be published online on MCDEM’s website shortly. Movement Control: Director’s Guideline: Consultation with CDEM Groups ended in February 2015. Significant feedback was received and a contractor was engaged to assist with finalising the document. Due to the extent of further work required we now intend to publish the Guideline by the end of June 2015. Operational Planning: Director’s Guideline: This publication is intended to help CDEM staff develop action plans during response or recovery, as well as re-write procedures for the planning function in an ECC or EOC. The document was issued for external consultation on 4 February - 17 April 2015. Feedback is now being collated and will be analysed and necessary amendments made before being published in mid-2015. Contact: Jenna Rogers (04) 817 8570 [email protected] Page | 5 46 8. Review of the legislation for recovery from an emergency The Minister of Civil Defence is considering a final package of proposals for amending the CDEM Act, before seeking Cabinet approval to have a Bill drafted. We will inform CDEM Groups as soon as we are able of the high-level outcomes of these processes. In addition, we will shortly run a supplementary consultation process on the existing compensation provisions in the CDEM Act, to obtain some evidence and data on how these have been applied to response activities after past emergencies, if at all. An email with more detail will be sent to those on the review’s distribution list. Contact: Geraldine Canham-Harvey (04) 817 8557 [email protected] 9. Recovery Management: Directors Guideline The review of the Recovery Management: Director’s Guideline (DGL 4/05 Recovery Management) and IS 5/05 Focus on Recovery is ongoing and due for publication mid-2016. This timeline has been extended to recognise the importance in aligning the doctrine with the review of the legislative framework for recovery and the transition of CERA into DPMC. The Ministry recognises the need to support CDEM Groups in recovery planning between now and 2016, and will be holding a recovery workshop in May/June 2015. Contact: Sarah-Jayne McCurrach (04) 817 8571 [email protected] 10. Public Alerting The Indicative Business Case was presented to Cabinet in March and approval was obtained to proceed to the Detailed Business Case, which has now commenced and is aimed for June 2015. Contact: David Coetzee (04) 817 8580 [email protected] 11. Monitoring and Evaluation The monitoring and evaluation programme remains on track for completion by the end of the financial year. Findings to date largely demonstrate incremental improvement and Groups that have developed a work programme that is highly aligned to the recommendations from the last assessment showing the greatest improvement. Recovery is clearly an area where further work is required. This will be guided by the redevelopment of legislative framework. Findings from the monitoring and evaluation process go towards the nation-wide capability assessment report. The nation-wide report is scheduled for completion by the end of 2015. Contact: Shane Bayley (04) 817 8578 [email protected] 12. Resilience Fund The 2013-14 CDEM Resilience Fund projects are currently being evaluated ahead of a report requested by the Minister on future opportunities for the Fund. The report is intended Page | 6 47 to outline the benefits the Fund has brought to CDEM Groups in delivering initiatives for community resilience. The projects for the 2015-16 Fund have already been approved and your arrangements should be under way for Groups to start these projects in the new financial year. Applications to the Fund for 2016/2017 close on 31 July and we encourage you to have project proposal developed and approved by the Group prior to this date. I would note that the report to the Minister may result in changes to either process or priorities for the use of the Fund, or both, and these will be reported to Groups as soon as possible. Contact: Shane Bayley (04) 817 8578 [email protected] Yours sincerely Sarah Stuart-Black Director Page | 7