26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE ESCAPE26 12–15 June 2016 Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia Technical Program 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE ESCAPE26 12–15 June 2016 Grand Hotel Bernardin, Portorož, Slovenia Technical Program 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Welcome It is a great honor to organize and chair the 26th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE 26) held in Portorož, Slovenia from the 12th to 15th of June 2016. We welcome you to this prominent symposium dedicated to Computer Aided Process Engineering (CAPE) and Process Systems Engineering. The ESCAPE 26 focuses on themes: Process-product Synthesis, Design and Integration; Modelling, Numerical Analysis, Simulation and Optimization; Process Operations and Control; Green Bioprocess Engineering and Advances in Biomedical Engineering; CAPE/PSE in Environmental Engineering; CAPE/PSE in Sustainable Energy Applications; CAPE Applications; and Education in CAPE/PSE. Out of 406 contributions, prepared by authors from 47 countries (Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and Australia), the ESCAPE 26 International Scientific Committee selected 176 oral presentations, 7 being plenary lectures, 18 keynote lectures, and 230 poster presentations. We beleive that your contributions to the conference will serve as a reference and motivate new ideas, developments and collaborations in the field of computer aided process engineering and beyond. We wish you all to enjoy the conference and nice stay in Portorož. Zdravko Kravanja Conference Chair Miloš Bogataj Conference Secretary 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE International Scientific Committee Conference Chair Zdravko Kravanja, University of Maribor, Slovenia Themes Coordinators Process-product Synthesis, Design and Integration Mariano Martin, University of Salamanca, Spain Modelling, Numerical analysis, Simulation and Optimization Stratos Pistikopoulos, Texas A&M University, USA Process Operations and Control Sebastian Engell, TU Dortmund University, Germany Green Bioprocess Engineering and Advances in Biomedical Engineering David Bogle, University College London, UK CAPE/PSE in Environmental Engineering André Bardow, RWTH Aachen University, Germany CAPE/PSE in Sustainable Energy Applications Petar Varbanov, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary CAPE Applications Flavio Manenti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Education in CAPE/PSE Antonio Espuña, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Members Mariano Martin, University of Salamanca, Spain Thomas Adams, McMaster University, Canada Mario Eden, Auburn University, USA Fengqi You, Northwestern University, USA Michael Fairweather, University of Leeds, UK Antonis Kokossis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Rafiqul Gani, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Andrzej Kraslawski, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland Jose Caballero, University of Alicante, Spain Gonzalo Guillén-Gosalbez, The University of Manchester, UK Stratos Pistikopoulos, Texas A&M University, USA Marianthi Ierapetritou, Rutgers University, USA Andreja Nemet, University of Maribor, Slovenia Ruth Misener, Imperial College London, UK Alexander Mitsos, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Michael Georgiadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Lazaros Papageorgiou, University College London, UK Vivek Dua, University College London, UK Chrysanthos Gounaris, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Pei Liu, Tsinghua University, China Benoit Chachuat, Imperial College London, UK Carl Laird, Purdue University, USA Nikolaos Sahinidis, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Hermann Feise, BASF, Germany Davide Manca, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Moisès Graells, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain Sebastian Engell, TU Dortmund University, Germany Ana Barbosa-Póvoa, Técnico Lisboa, Portugal Luis Puigjaner, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Gintaras Reklaitis, Purdue University, USA Sigurd Skogestad, Norwegian University of Science and technology, Norway David Bogle, University College London, UK Paul Agachi, Kazakh British Technical University, Kazakhstan Andreas Linninger, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA Ioannis Androulakis, Rutgers University, USA Costas Kiparissides, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Francois Marechal, École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, France Tony Kiss, AkzoNobel, The Netherlands Filip Logist, University of Leuven, Belgium Michael Narodoslawsky, Graz University of Technology, Austria André Bardow, RWTH Aachen University, Germany Jiří Klemeš, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary Peter Mizsey, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Fabrizio Bezzo, University of Padova, Italy Ferenc Friedler, University of Pannonia, Hungary Niall Mac Dowell, Imperial College London, UK Petar Varbanov, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary Hon Loong Lam, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, Malaysia Zainuddin A. Manan, University of Technology, Malaysia Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi, University of Technology, Malaysia 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Raymond Girard R. Tan, De la Salle University, Philippines Petro Kapustenko, Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine Igor Bulatov, The University of Manchester, UK Panos Seferlis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Sakis Papadopoulos, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Greece Tomislav Novosel, University of Zagreb, Croatia Franjo Cecelja, University of Surrey, UK Hella Tokos, University of Surrey, UK Niyi Isafiade, University of Cape Town, South Africa Michael Walmsley, The University of Waikato, New Zealand Flavio Manenti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Tilman Barz, Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria Mattia Vallerio, University of Leuven, Belgium Guido Buzzi-Ferraris, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Massimiliano Barolo, The University of Padova, Italy Soledad Diaz, Planta Piloto de Ingeneria Quimica, Argentina Christos Maravelias, University of Wisconsin, USA Alessio Frassoldati, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Chi Wai Hui, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China Rubens Maciel Filho, University of Campinas, Brazil Antonio Espuña, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain Il Moon, Yonsei University, South Korea Henrique Matos, Técnico Lisboa, Portugal Zorka Novak Pintarič, University of Maribor, Slovenia Emilia Kondili, Technological Education Institute of Piraeus, Greece Local Organising Committee Chairman Zdravko Kravanja, University of Maribor, Slovenia Conference Secretary Miloš Bogataj, University of Maribor, Slovenia Members Igor Plazl, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Neven Duić, University of Zagreb, Croatia Zorka Novak Pintarič, University of Maribor, Slovenia Mojca Slemnik, University of Maribor, Slovenia Andreja Nemet, University of Maribor, Slovenia Lidija Čuček, University of Maribor, Slovenia Valentin Plesu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania Iqbal Mujtaba, University of Bradford, UK Elvis Ahmetović, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina Dimitrios Gerogiorgis, The University of Edinburgh, UK Lidija Čuček, University of Maribor, Slovenia Alexandra Elena Bonet-Ruiz, Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania Jordi Bonet-Ruiz, University of Barcelona, Spain Ignacio Grossmann, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Iiro Harjunkoski, ABB Corporate Research, Germany Lorenz Biegler, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Pedro Castro, University of Lisbon, Portugal Carlos Mendez, National University of Litoral, Argentina Cesar de Prada, University of Valladolid, Spain Ton Backx, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands Claudio Scali, University of Pisa, Italy Rajagopalan Srinivasan, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, India Nilay Shah, Imperial College London, UK Peter Singstad, Cybernetica AS, Norway Stefan Kraemer, TU Dortmund University, Germany Igor Plazl, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Xavier Joulia, ENSIACET, France Jean-Marc Le Lann, ENSIACET, France Jan Thullie, Silesian University of Technology, Poland Luis Cisternas, University of Antofagasta, Chile Sauro Pierucci, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Vladimir Mahalec, McMaster University, Canada 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Grand Hotel Bernardin - Congress Center Nearby Hotels Overview 1 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Overview 2 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE TECHNICAL PROGRAM: Overview Sunday, 12th June 10:00 - 12:30 12:30 - 13:30 13:30 - 17:00 CAPE WP Business Meeting CAPE WP Lunch Break CAPE WP Business Meeting REGISTRATION OPENS at 14:00 GET TOGETHER PARTY at 18:00 Monday, 13th June Parallel Sessions A Parallel Sessions B Parallel Sessions C Parallel Sessions D Parallel Sessions E 08:30 OPENING CEREMONY 08:50 08:50 PLENARY LECTURE (Prof. Jirí Jaromír Klemeš) 09:35 09:35 PLENARY LECTURE (Prof. Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa) 10:20 10:20 COFFEE BREAK 10:45 10:45 PLENARY LECTURE (Prof. Nick Sahinidis) 11:30 11:30 EFCE Excellence Award in Recognition of an Outstanding PhD Thesis on CAPE 2016 - Presentation 11:50 11:50 BREAK (10 min) 12:00 THEME 2: Oral THEME 3: Oral THEME 4: Oral THEME 7: Oral 12:00 THEME 1: Keynote lecture 1.1 presentations presentations presentations presentations 12:20 THEME 1: Oral 12:20 THEME 2: Keynote 12:40 Presentations lecture 2.1 12:40 THEME 2: Oral THEME 3: Keynote lecture 3.1 13:00 presentations 13:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:30 THEME 7: Oral 14:30 THEME 1: Oral THEME 2: Oral THEME 3: Oral THEME 4: Keynote lecture 4.1 presentations 14:50 Presentations presentations presentations 14:50 THEME 4: Keynote 15:10 lecture 4.2 15:10 THEME 4: Oral 15:30 presentations 15:30 THEME 7: Keynote 15:50 lecture 7.1 15:50 THEME 7: Keynote lecture 7.2 16:10 THEME 7: Oral 16:10 16:50 presentations 16:50 POSTER SESSION / COFFEE BREAK 18:20 Meetings (Monday, 13th June, 2016) 13:00 -14:30 EURECHA & CACE Business Meeting (Hall Adria) Overview 3 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Tuesday, 14th June 08:30 09:10 09:10 09:30 09:30 09:50 09:50 10:10 10:10 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:00 11:45 11:45 12:30 12:30 14:00 14:00 14:20 14:20 14:40 14:40 15:00 15:00 15:20 15:20 15:40 15:40 16:00 16:00 17:30 17:30 17:50 17:50 18:30 18:30 18:50 18:50 19:30 19:30 - Parallel Sessions A THEME 1: Oral Presentations Parallel Sessions B THEME 2: Oral presentations Parallel Sessions C THEME 3: Oral presentations Parallel Sessions D THEME 6: Oral Presentations Parallel Sessions E THEME 8: Oral presentations THEME 8: Keynote lecture 8.1 THEME 8: Keynote lecture 8.2 THEME 8: Oral presentations THEME 6: Keynote lecture 6.1 COFFEE BREAK PLENARY LECTURE (Prof. Adisa Azapagic) PLENARY LECTURE (Dr. Hermann Feise) LUNCH BREAK THEME 1: Keynote lecture 1.2 THEME 1: Oral Presentations THEME 2: Oral Presentations THEME2: Keynote Lecture 2.2 THEME 2: Oral Presentations THEME 3: Oral presentations THEME 3: Keynote lecture 3.1 THEME 3: Oral presentations THEME 6: Oral Presentations THEME 6: Keynote lecture 6.2 THEME 6: Oral Presentations POSTER SESSION / COFFEE BREAK Parallel Sessions A THEME 1: Oral Presentations Parallel Sessions B THEME 2: Oral Presentations Parallel Sessions C THEME 3: Keynote lecture 3.3 THEME 3: Oral presentations Parallel Sessions D THEME 6: Oral Presentations GALA DINNER (St. Bernardin Square) Meetings (Tuesday, 14th June, 2016) 12:30 -14:00 Advisory Board Meeting of Computers & Chemical Engineering (Hall Adria) 16:30 -17:30 Meeting of the IPC for the PSE-2018 (Hall Adria) Overview 4 THEME 5: Oral presentations THEME 5: Keynote lecture 5.1 THEME 5: Keynote lecture 5.2 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Wednesday, 15th June Parallel Sessions A Parallel Sessions B Parallel Sessions C Parallel Sessions D 08:30 THEME 1: Oral THEME 2: Oral THEME 1: Oral THEME 7: Oral 10:30 Presentations Presentations Presentations presentations 10:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 11:00 THEME 1: Keynote THEME 2: Oral THEME 1: Oral THEME 7: Oral lecture 1.3 11:20 Presentations Presentations presentations 11:20 THEME 1: Oral THEME 2: Oral 13:00 Presentations Presentations 13:00 LUNCH BREAK 14:30 14:30 PLENARY LECTURE (Prof. Jean-Marc Le Lann) 15:15 15:15 PLENARY LECTURE (Prof. Rafiqul Gani) 16:00 16:00 Presentation of ESCAPE 27 16:15 Farewell Workshop (Wednesday, 15th June, 2016) 8:30-10:30 ProcessBuilder workshop – Advanced process modelling and flowsheeting (Hall Adria) Overview 5 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Overview 6 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE 26 ESCAPE Detailed Technical Program 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Sunday, 12th 10:00 to 12:30 12:30 to 13:30 13:30 to 17:00 CAPE WP Business Meeting (Hall Adria) CAPE WP Lunch Break (Sunset Restaurant) CAPE WP Business Meeting (Hall Adria) REGISTRATION OPENS at 14:00 (Hotel Lobby) GET TOGETHER PARTY at 18:00 (Grand Café and Piano Bar & Grand Garden Covered Terrace) Sunday 12th 9 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Sunday 12th 10 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Monday, 13th 08:30 to 08:50 Opening Ceremony (EVROPA - A+C) Prof. Rafiqul Gani, President of EFCE Prof. Jean-Marc Le Lann, Vice-President of EFCE Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, CAPE WP Prof. Slavko Kaučič, President of Slovenian Chemical Society Prof. Zdravko Kravanja, Chair 08:50 to 09:35 Plenary Lecture 1 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Ignacio Grossmann. Process Integration: Pinch Analysis and Mathematical Programming - Directions for Future Development Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Petar Varbanov, Pázmány Péter Catholic University , Hungary 09:35 to 10:20 Plenary Lecture 2 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos. Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Supply Chains Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal 10:20 to 10:45 Coffee break (EVROPA foyer) 10:45 to 11:30 Plenary Lecture 3 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Rafiqul Gani. The ALAMO approach to machine learning Nick Sahinidis, Carnegie Mellon University, United States of America 11:30 to 11:50 EFCE Excellence Award in Recognition of an Outstanding PhD Thesis on CAPE 2016Presentation (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Rafiqul Gani, Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. 11:50 to 12:00 Break (EVROPA foyer & EMERALD foyer) Monday 13th 11 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th,12:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Fengqi You, Ass. Prof. Mariano Martin. In room EVROPA - A+C 12:00 KEYNOTE: Production of Benzene, Toluene, and the Xylenes from Natural Gas via Methanol Alexander Niziolek, Onur Onel, Christodoulos Floudas 12:20 Novel process for direct conversion of CO2 to dimethyl carbonate using catalytic membrane reactors Rik Kuenen, Harro Mengers, Louis van der Ham, Tony Kiss 12:40 Optimization of a sour water stripping plant using surrogate models Natalia Quirante, Jose A. Caballero 13:00 to 14:30 13:00 to 14:30 330 10 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) EURECHA & CACE Business Meeting (Hall Adria) Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 14:30 to 16:50 Chaired by Dr. Thomas Adams II, Prof. Mario R. Eden. In room EVROPA - A+C 14:30 Enhanced Production of Methanol from switchgrass: CO2 to methanol Mariano Martin, Ignacio E. Grossmann 14:50 A feasibility-based algorithm for Computer Aided Molecular and Process Design of solvent-based separation systems Smitha Gopinath, Amparo Galindo, George Jackson, Claire Adjiman 15:10 Techno-economic analysis of the production of epiclorhydrin from glycerol Alberto Almena, Mariano Martin 15:30 Economic risk-based analysis: Effect of technical and market price uncertainties on the production of glycerol-based isobutanol Gürkan Sin, Carina L. Gargalo, Krist V. Gernaey 15:50 Dynamic Behavior Of A Multi-Tasking Reactive Distillation Column For Production Of Silane, Dichlorosilane And Monochlorosilane Cesar Ramírez-Márquez, Juan-Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez, Nelly Ramírez-Corona, Jorge Cervantes-Jauregui, Arturo JIménez 16:10 Multiobjective Optimization Of Membrane Networks For Fractionation Of Protein Hydrolysate From Fish By-Products Ricardo Abejon, Azucena Abejon, Marie Pierre Belleville, Jose Sanchez-Marcano, Aurora Garea, Angel Irabien 16:30 Multi-period Sequential Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks and Utility Systems including storages Alberto Mian, Emanuele Martelli, François Maréchal 16:50 to 18:20 480 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Monday 13th 12 14 28 15 107 103 131 324 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session B, Theme 2: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 12:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Prof. Il Moon. In room EVROPA - B 12:00 Modeling, Simulation and Economic Evaluation of a Hybrid CO2 Capture Process for Oxidative Coupling of Methane Alberto Penteado, Erik Esche, Robert Wilhelm, Hamid Reza Godini, Daniel Salerno, Gregor Tolksdorf, Victor Alejandro Merchan, Günter Wozny 12:20 KEYNOTE: Innovative computational tools and models for the design, optimization and control of carbon capture processes David Miller, Deb Agarwal, Debangsu Bhattacharyya, Joshua Boverhof, Yang Chen, John Eslick, Jim Leek, Jinliang Ma, Priyadarshi Mahapatra, Brenda Ng, Nick Sahinidis, Charles Tong, Stephen E. Zitney 12:40 Multi-level modelling of sustainable chemical production; From CFD to LCA Pratham Arora, Andrew Hoadley, Sanjay Mahajani, Anuradda Ganesh 13:00 to 14:30 13:00 to 14:30 813 161 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) EURECHA & CACE Business Meeting (Hall Adria) Parallel Session B, Theme 2: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 14:30 to 16:50 Chaired by Dr. Ruth Misener, Ass. Prof. Henrique Matos. In room EVROPA - B 14:30 Dynamic optimization of desalination system designs using Aspen Custom Modeler Sidra Malik, Parisa Bahri, Linh Vu 14:50 Solution of Chance-Constrained Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming Problems Erik Esche, David Müller, Sebastian Werk, Ignacio Grossmann, Günter Wozny 15:10 Price Adjustment in Price-based Coordination Using Quadratic Approximation Simon Wenzel, Radoslav Paulen, Stefan Krämer, Benedikt Beisheim, Sebastian Engell 15:30 Testing the Non-Diagonal Quadratic Convex Reformulation Technique Otto Nissfolk, Ray Pörn, Tapio Westerlund 15:50 Automatic Model Reduction of Population Balance Models by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Dmytro Khlopov, Michael Mangold 16:10 Minimizing the complexity of surrogate models for optimization. Julian Straus, Sigurd Skogestad 16:30 Optimal dynamic experiment design for guaranteed parameter estimation Anwesh Reddy Gottu Mukkula, Radoslav Paulen 16:50 to 18:20 412 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Monday 13th 13 517 32 73 110 63 99 252 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session C, Theme 3: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 12:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Sebastian Engell, Prof. Alexander Mitsos. In room EVROPA - D 12:00 Chance constrained dynamic real-time optimization of microgrids with day-ahead commitments for external power exchange Michael Zachar, Prodromos Daoutidis 12:20 Comparison of Continuous-Time Models for Adjustable Robust Optimization in Process Scheduling under Uncertainty Nikolaos H. Lappas, Chrysanthos E. Gounaris 12:40 KEYNOTE: Multi-objective optimization of energy networks under demand uncertainty Edwin Zondervan, Ignacio E. Grossmann 13:00 to 14:30 13:00 to 14:30 126 261 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) EURECHA & CACE Business Meeting (Hall Adria) Parallel Session C, Theme 3: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 14:30 to 16:50 Chaired by Prof. Michail Georgiadis, Dr. Pedro Castro. In room EVROPA - D 14:30 Strategic Energy Planning under Uncertainty: a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Modeling Framework for Large-Scale Energy Systems Stefano Moret, Michel Bierlaire, François Maréchal 14:50 Discrete-Time Mixed-Integer Programming Models for Production Scheduling in Multistage Facilities Andres Merchan, Hojae Lee, Christos Maravelias 15:10 Integrating Uncertainty into Urban Energy System Design Jakob Rager, Stefano Moret, Mathias Pernet, François Maréchal 15:30 Computational experiments on sampling methods for uncertainty propagation, and the implications for simulation-based optimization (SIMOPT) Ismail Fahmi, Selen Cremaschi 15:50 On Optimal Assignment of Cold Standby Components for Multi-Channel Safety Interlocks Chuei-Tin Chang, Yu-Chih Wang 16:10 Optimal Feature Selection for Designing a Fault Diagnosis System Mohammad Hamed Ardakani, Mahdieh Askarian, Ahmed Shokry Abdel Aleem Taha Zied, Gerard Escudero, Moisès Graells, Antonio Espuña 16:30 Framework for assessing social sustainability in supply chains Tamara Popovic, Ana Carvalho, Andrzej Kraslawski, Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa 16:50 to 18:20 34 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Monday 13th 14 656 119 556 614 45 378 699 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session D, Theme 4: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 12:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Costas Kiparissides, Prof. Alajos Mészáros. In room EMERALD-B 12:00 Modelling and model- based control of haemodialysis Thomas Eck, Vivek Dua 12:20 Application of pharmacokinetic modeling to personalized therapies Roberto Andrea Abbiati, Valentina Depetri, Federico Scotti, Davide Manca 12:40 Geometry optimization of a fibrous scaffold based on mathematical modelling and CFD simulation of a dynamic cell culture Tannaz Tajsoleiman, Mohammad J Abdekhodaie, Krist V. Gernaey, Ulrich Krühne 13:00 to 14:30 13:00 to 14:30 545 476 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) EURECHA & CACE Business Meeting (Hall Adria) Parallel Session D, Theme 4: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 14:30 to 15:50 Chaired by Dr. Vivek Dua, Prof. David L. Bogle. In room EMERALD-B 14:30 KEYNOTE: A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic model for individualisation of an oral anticoagulant therapy Luigi Bosa, Riccardo De Luca, Myriam Ferrari, Massimiliano Barolo, Fabrizio Bezzo, Roberto Padrini 14:50 KEYNOTE: Mathematical Modeling of a Raceway Pond System for Biofuels Production Jose Gomez, Kai Höffner, Paul Barton 15:10 Multi-objective optimisation of flavour and processing time in beer fermentation via dynamic simulation Alistair D. Rodman, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 15:30 A Predictive Model for Energy Metabolism and ATP Balance in Mammalian Cells: Towards the Energy-Based Optimization of mAb Production. Ana Quiroga, Maria M Papathanasiou, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos, Athanasios Mantalaris 16:50 to 18:20 319 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Monday 13th 15 225 51 348 533 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session E, Theme 7: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 12:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Soledad Diaz, Prof. Chi Wai Hui. In room EMERALD-A 12:00 Automated data review in secondary pharmaceutical manufacturing by pattern recognition techniques Natascia Meneghetti, Pierantonio Facco, Fabrizio Bezzo, Chrismono Himawan, Simeone Zomer, Massimiliano Barolo 12:20 H2TT – A pinch analysis software tool for refinery hydrogen network management João P. Marques, Henrique Matos, Clemente Pedro Nunes, Nuno M. Oliveira 12:40 First-principles rheological modelling and parameter estimation for nanoparticle-based smart drilling fluids Simon I. Reilly, Zisis Vryzas, Vassilios C. Kelessidis, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 13:00 to 14:30 13:00 to 14:30 297 349 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) EURECHA & CACE Business Meeting (Hall Adria) Parallel Session E, Theme 7: Oral Presentations Monday, 13th, 14:30 to 16:50 Chaired by Asc. Prof. Flavio Manenti, Prof. Massimiliano Barolo. In room EMERALD-A 14:30 Cognitive Engineering for Process Safety: Effective Training for Process Operators using Eye Gaze Patterns Babji Srinivasan, Madhu Kodappully, Rajagopalan Srinivasan 14:50 CFD simulation of boiling flows for nuclear reactor thermal hydraulic applications Marco Colombo, Michael Fairweather 15:10 Investigating the energy-water-carbon nexus of mega-scale chemicals production from Appalachian shale gas Chang He, Fengqi You 15:30 KEYNOTE: Configurable Scheduling Solution using Flexible Heuristics Iiro Harjunkoski, Reinhard Bauer 15:50 KEYNOTE: Systematic Design of the Green Ethylene Glycol Downstream Process under the Generalized Disjunctive Programming Framework Michele Corbetta, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Flavio Manenti, Marco Bernardi, Alessandra Frattini 16:10 Development of soft sensor with neural network and nonlinear variable selection for crude distillation unit process Kai Sun, Shao-hsuan Huang, Jialin Liu, Shi-Shang Jang, David Shan-Hill Wong 16:30 Integration of Energy-Cost Optimization and Production Scheduling using Multiparametric Programming Hubert Hadera, Rachid Labrik, Juha Mäntysaari, Guido Sand, Iiro Harjunkoski, Sebastian Engell 16:50 to 18:20 263 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Monday 13th 16 708 137 294 53 207 114 186 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Tuesday 14th Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 08:30 to 10:30, Chaired by Prof. Antonis Kokossis, Prof. Michael Fairweather. In room EVROPA - A+C 08:30 Optimal Reuse Of Flowback Wastewater In Shale Gas Hydraulic Fracturing Operations Considering Economic And Safety Aspects Luis Fernando Lira-Barragán, Juan Martinez-Gomez, Jose Maria Ponce-Ortega, Medardo Serna-Gonzalez, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi 08:50 Enhanced down-stream processing of biobutanol in the ABE fermentation process Costin Sorin Bildea, Iulian Patrascu, Juan-Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez, Tony Kiss 09:10 Optimization of OSN Membrane Cascades for Separating Organic Mixtures Vincentius Surya Kurnia Adi, Marcus Cook, Ludmila Peeva, Andrew G Livingston, Benoit Chachuat 09:30 Design and comparison of optimal reactor concepts for the hydroformylation of olefins by use of a probabilistic design framework Nicolas Maximilian Kaiser, Robert Flassig, Kai Sundmacher 09:50 Economically optimal multi-actor processing networks: material flows and price assignment of the intermediates using Lagrangian decomposition Ana Inés Torres, Tomasz Bochenski, Jens Ejbye Schmidt, George Stephanopoulos 10:10 Synthesis of Mass Exchange Networks Using Mathematical Programming and Detailed Exchanger Designs Michael Short, Adeniyi Isafiade, Klaus Moller, Zdravko Kravanja 10:30 to 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 to 11:45 Plenary Lecture 4 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. André Bardow. 317 328 122 466 470 645 ESCAPE-ing into a sustainable future: Can we optimise our way to sustainable development? Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain) 11:45 to 12:30 Plenary Lecture 5 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Antonio Espuña. What engineers needs to know - An industrial view of chemical engineering education Hermann Feise, BASF Se, Germany 12:30 to 14:00 12:30 to 14:00 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) Advisory Board Meeting of Computers & Chemical Engineering (Hall Adria) Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 14:00 to 16:00 Chaired by Prof. Rafiqul Gani, Prof. Jose A. Caballero. In room EVROPA - A+C 14:00 KEYNOTE: Integrated Computer-aided Framework for Sustainable Chemical Product design and Evaluation Sawitree Kalakul, Stefano Cignitti, Lei Zhang, Rafiqul Gani 14:20 Computer-Aided Molecular Design by Combining Genetic Algorithms and COSMO-RS Jan Scheffczyk, Lorenz Fleitmann, Annett Schwarz, André Bardow, Kai Leonhard 14:40 Optimal design and synthesis of shale gas processing and NGL recovery processes Jian Gong, Fengqi You 15:00 Predictive Modelling of Phase-Transfer Catalyst Systems for Improved and Innovative Design Amata Anantpinijwatna, Sun Hyung Kim, Mauricio Sales-Cruz, Rafiqul Gani 15:20 Systematic solvent evaluation for artemisinin recovery in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing Hikaru G. Jolliffe, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 15:40 One-stage approach for the integrated design of ORC processes and working fluids using PC-SAFT Johannes Schilling, Matthias Lampe, Joachim Gross, André Bardow 16:00 to 17:30 16:30 to 17:30 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Meeting of the IPC for the PSE-2018 (Hall Adria) Tuesday 14th 17 479 37 175 277 347 443 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 17:30 to 18:50 Chaired by Prof. Tony Kiss, Prof. François Maréchal. In room EVROPA - A+C 17:30 Application of a Simultaneous Approach for Process Scheduling and Water Minimisation in Batch Plants Jui-Yuan Lee, Dominic Foo 17:50 Disjunctive Models for Strategic Midstream Delivery Agreements in Shale Gas Development Markus Drouven, Ignacio Grossmann 18:10 Synthesis of preliminary system designs for offshore oil and gas production Tuong-Van Nguyen, Gürkan Sin, Brian Elmegaard 18:30 Development of advanced computational tools for the intensification of monoclonal antibody production Maria M Papathanasiou, Ana Quiroga, Richard Oberdieck, Athanasios Mantalaris, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos From 19:30 Gala dinner (St. Bernardin Square) Tuesday 14th 18 677 315 478 561 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session B: Theme 2: Oral Presentations Tuesday 14th, 08:30 to 10:30, Chaired by Dr. Benoit Chachuat, Prof. Nuno M. Oliveira. In room EVROPA - B 08:30 Computationally Efficient Steady-State Process Simulation by Applying a Simultaneous Dynamic Method Alexander Zinser, Liisa Rihko-Struckmann, Kai Sundmacher 08:50 Optimal Operating Condition of Fluidized Bed Propellant Incinerator Considering Fluidization Effect and Reaction of the Particles Sunghyun Cho, Chanho Park, Min Oh, Jungsu Park, Hyunsoo Kim, Il Moon 09:10 Simplification of Variable Transitive Relationship for Equation-oriented Models through a Directed Graph Method Fei Zhao, Xi Chen 09:30 Set-valued integration of uncertain dynamic systems with sensitivity analysis capability Nikola D. Peric, Mario E, Villanueva, Benoit Chachuat 09:50 Efficient simulation of heterogeneity and stochasticity in microbial processes Robert Flassig, Dennis Pischel, Kai Sundmacher 10:10 Computational workflow management in the context of model-based design of experiments Sigve Karolius, Mandar Thombre, Heinz A. Preisig 10:30 to 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 to 11:45 Plenary Lecture 4 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. André Bardow. 169 391 325 396 407 637 ESCAPE-ing into a sustainable future: Can we optimise our way to sustainable development? Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain) 11:45 to 12:30 Plenary Lecture 5 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Antonio Espuña. What engineers needs to know - An industrial view of chemical engineering education Hermann Feise, BASF Se, Germany 12:30 to 14:00 12:30 to 14:00 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) Advisory Board Meeting of Computers & Chemical Engineering (Hall Adria) Parallel Session B, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 14:00 to 16:00 Chaired by Prof. Nick Sahinidis, Asc. Prof. Alexandra Elena Bonet Ruiz. In room EVROPA - B 14:00 Optimization Methods for Catalyst Design Jeff Herron, Manos Mavrikakis, Christos Maravelias 14:20 KEYNOTE: Input-Independent Nonlinear Model Order Reduction in Reaction Engineering Jens Bremer, Pawan Goyal, Lihong Feng, Peter Benner, Kai Sundmacher 14:40 Bayesian treed Gaussian process method for process monitoring Hangzhou Wang, Vinícius Veloso de Melo 15:00 On the reduction of the overestimation in verified simulation by model reformulation Carlos Perez-Galvan, I.David L. Bogle 15:20 Constrained Smoothing of Experimental Data in the Identification of Kinetic Models Carolina Vertis, Nuno M. Oliveira, Fernando P. Bernardo 15:40 Model analysis and optimization under uncertainty using highly efficient integration techniques Fernando P. Bernardo 16:00 to 17:30 16:30 to 17:30 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Meeting of the IPC for the PSE-2018 (Hall Adria) Tuesday 14th 19 101 586 611 639 726 738 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session B: Theme 2: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 17:30 to 18:30 Chaired by Prof. Luis Puigjaner, Prof. Paul Barton. In room EVROPA - B 17:30 Modeling and simulation of phase change and nonideality in multistream heat exchangers Harry Watson, Donghoi Kim, Truls Gundersen, Paul Barton 17:50 Optimal Design of an Integrated Radiant Syngas Cooler and Steam Methane Reformer using NLP and Stochastic Algorithms Jaffer Ghouse, Thomas Adams II 18:10 Smart Adaptive Sampling for Surrogate Modelling Sushant Garud, Iftekhar Karimi, Markus Kraft From 19:30 - Gala dinner (St. Bernardin Square) Tuesday 14th 20 163 490 224 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session C, Theme 3: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 08:30 to 10:30 Chaired by Dr. Iiro Harjunkoski, Ass. Prof. Chrysanthos E. Gounaris. In room EVROPA - D 08:30 Parallel multi-parametric programming Richard Oberdieck, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos 08:50 An extended comparison study of large scale data-driven prediction methods based on variable selection, latent variables, penalized regression and machine learning Ricardo Rendall, Ana Pereira, Marco Reis 09:10 Dynamic Multi-Scenario Approach to the Robust and Profitable Online Optimization & Optimal Control of Batch Processes Francesco Rossi, Gintaras Reklaitis, Guido Buzzi-Ferraris, Flavio Manenti 09:30 Extracting Knowledge from Historical Databases for Process Monitoring using Feature Extraction and Data Clustering Michael Thomas, Jose Romagnoli 09:50 Computational tools for the advanced control of periodic processes - Application to a chromatographic separation Maria M Papathanasiou, Richard Oberdieck, Athanasios Mantalaris, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos 10:10 A framework for Simultaneous State Estimation and Robust Hybrid Model Predictive Control in Intravenous Anaesthesia Ioana Nascu, Richard Oberdieck, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos 10:30 to 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 to 11:45 Plenary Lecture 4 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. André Bardow. 64 551 320 293 562 353 ESCAPE-ing into a sustainable future: Can we optimise our way to sustainable development? Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain) 11:45 to 12:30 Plenary Lecture 5 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Antonio Espuña. What engineers needs to know - An industrial view of chemical engineering education Hermann Feise, BASF Se, Germany 12:30 to 14:00 12:30 to 14:00 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) Advisory Board Meeting of Computers & Chemical Engineering (Hall Adria) Parallel Session C, Theme 3: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 14:00 to 16:00 Chaired by Prof. Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa, Prof. Marco Reis. In room EVROPA - D 14:00 Using Transient Measurements in Iterative Steady-State Optimizing Control Weihua Gao, Sebastian Engell 14:20 Optimal Start-Up and Operation Policy for an Ultrafiltration Membrane Unit in Whey Separation Muhammed Bahadir Saltik, Leyla Özkan, Marc Jacobs, Albert van der Padt 14:40 KEYNOTE: Dynamic Real-time Optimization Under Uncertainty Applied on a Hydroformylation Mini-plant David Müller, Erik Esche, Markus Illner, Tobias Pogrzeba, Marcel Schmidt, Reinhard Schomäcker, Lorenz T. Biegler, Günter Wozny 15:00 Application of a multiple time-scale rolling horizon optimization technique for improved load-following of an integrated solid-oxide fuel cell/compressed air energy storage plant with zero emissions Jake Nease, Nina Monteiro, Thomas Adams II 15:20 Sensor Fault Detection and Fault Tolerant Control of a Crude Distillation Unit Sulaiman Lawal, Jie Zhang 15:40 First Steps towards Online Optimal Control of Molecular Weight in Batch and Semibatch Free-Radical Polymerization Reactors Navid Ghadipasha, Aryan Geraili, Jose Romagnoli, Carlos Castor, Wayne Reed 16:00 to 17:30 16:30 to 17:30 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Meeting of the IPC for the PSE-2018 (Hall Adria) Tuesday 14th 21 164 537 43 581 717 385 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session C: Theme 3: Oral Presentations Tuesday,14th, 17:30 to 18:30 Chaired by Prof. Gintaras Reklaitis, Asc. Prof. Selen Cremaschi. In room EVROPA - D 17:30 KEYNOTE: Decision Making Across Different Scales: From Process Control to Supply Chain Management Marianthi Ierapetritou, Nihar Sahay 17:50 Distributed minimum batch time optimization for batch reactors with shared resources Lukas Samuel Maxeiner, Sebastian Engell 18:10 A Framework for Integrated Scheduling and Control using Discrete-Time Empirical Models Cara Touretzky, Iiro Harjunkoski, Michael Baldea 18:30 On–line Approach for Diagnosis and Rectification of Model–Plant Mismatch in Open Reaction Systems using Incremental Framework Darsha Kumar Dhurvas, Shankar Narasimhan, Nirav Bhatt From 19:30 - Gala dinner (St. Bernardin Square) Tuesday 14th 22 815 536 204 668 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session D: Theme 6: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 08:30 to 10:30, Chaired by Dr. Petar Varbanov, Dr. Marianthi Ierapetritou. In room EMERALD-B 08:30 Reliable Integrated Energy Systems Design for Continuous Processes incorporating Renewables Generation Oluwamayowa Amusat, Paul Shearing, Eric Fraga 08:50 Process and Economic Optimisation of a Milk Processing Plant with Integration of Solar Thermal Energy Fabian Bühler, Tuong-Van Nguyen, Brian Elmegaard 09:10 Systematic methodology for selection of the most energetically feasible route for oil extraction from Botryococcus braunii microalgae Sofia Chaudry, Parisa Bahri, Navid Moheimani 09:30 Structure optimization of power-to-chemicals (P2C) networks by linear programming for the economic utilization of renewable surplus energy Dominik Schack, Liisa Rihko-Struckmann, Kai Sundmacher 09:50 Energy Supply Chain Optimisation for Capacity and Investment Planning Christiana Papapostolou, Emilia Kondili, John K. Kaldellis 10:10 KEYNOTE: Optimal design and synthesis of algae processing network under uncertainty based on return over investment Jian Gong, Fengqi You 10:30 to 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 to 11:45 Plenary Lecture 4 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. André Bardow. 147 447 518 519 557 178 ESCAPE-ing into a sustainable future: Can we optimise our way to sustainable development? Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain) 11:45 to 12:30 Plenary Lecture 5 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Antonio Espuña. What engineers needs to know - An industrial view of chemical engineering education Hermann Feise, BASF Se, Germany 12:30 to 14:00 12:30 to 14:00 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) Advisory Board Meeting of Computers & Chemical Engineering (Hall Adria) Parallel Session D: Theme 6: Oral Presentations Tuesday,14th, 14:00 to 16:00 Chaired by Dr. Franjo Cecelja, Dr. Adeniyi Isafiade. In room EMERALD-B 14:00 Co-gasification of torrefied wood biomass and sewage sludge Peter Trop, Marko Agrez, Danijela Urbancl, Darko Goricanec 14:20 Non-intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring for Electric Energy Systems Simulation and Analysis – A case study in India Babji Srinivasan, Nikita Patel, Rajagopalan Srinivasan 14:40 Integrated Biorefinery Design for the Co-production of Premium Quality Liquid Fuels and Propylene Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden 15:00 KEYNOTE: P-Graph Approach to Carbon-Constrained Energy Planning Problems Raymond Tan, Kathleen Aviso, Dominic Foo 15:20 Comparison of different heat exchanger tube designs used in latent heat thermal energy storage systems – a transient numerical study Martin Koller, Anton Beck, Heimo Walter, Michael Hameter 15:40 An integrated unit commitment model incorporating electric vehicles as a flexible and responsive load Nikolaos E. Koltsaklis, Michail Georgiadis 16:00 to 17:30 16:30 to 17:30 Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Meeting of the IPC for the PSE-2018 (Hall Adria) Tuesday 14th 23 777 712 693 772 97 362 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session D, Theme 3: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 17:30 to 18:30 Chaired by Prof. Adisa Azapagic, Prof. Zorka Novak Pintarič. In room EMERALD-B 17:30 Efficient optimization-based design of energetically intensified distillation processes Thomas Waltermann, Mirko Skiborowski 17:50 Residential microgrid design optimisation under uncertain μCHP characteristics Carmen Wouters, Eric Fraga, Adrian M James 18:10 A computer-aided scenario analysis of national and regional energy systems based on feasible technology options Yasunori Kikuchi, Yuichiro Kanematsu, Tatsuya Okubo 18:30 The re-development of Total Site Analysis into a synthesis model to optimize and integrate biorefineries: selection of process portfolios to save energy Konstantinos Pyrgakis, Antonis Kokossis From 19:30 - Gala dinner (St. Bernardin Square) Tuesday 14th 24 197 503 679 714 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session E, Theme 8: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 08:30 to 10:30, Chaired by Prof. Valentin Plesu, Prof. Antonio Espuña. In room EMERALD-A 08:30 A Multivariable Model Predictive Control Simulation Project in a Computer Aided Master's Degree Course Carla Pinheiro 08:50 Quality Education in Romanian Chemical Engineering Higher Education Petrica Iancu, Tiberiu Dinu Danciu, Razvan Onofrei, Valentin Plesu 09:10 KEYNOTE: The Bologna Reform toward Outcomes-Based Education of Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering Zorka Novak Pintarič, Zdravko Kravanja 09:30 KEYNOTE: An Ontological Approach to Chemical Engineering Curriculum Development Madeleine Bussemaker, Nikolaos Trokanas, Franjo Cecelja 09:50 Process simulation integrated with experimental Thermodynamics Lab to Chem. Eng. undergraduate students M. Rosinda C. Ismael, Henrique Matos 10:10 Innovative 3D training platform for recycling of waste coming from Electric and Electronic Devices – RECDEV Peter Glavič, Leonidas Somakos, Konstantinos Aravossis, Nikos Papastamatiou, ThaleiaRozalinta Chasapidi-Mavroeidi, S. Tzovaras, Bohdan Stejskal , Aida Szilahy 10:30 to 11:00 Coffee break 11:00 to 11:45 Plenary Lecture 4 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. André Bardow. 295 749 558 27 723 788 ESCAPE-ing into a sustainable future: Can we optimise our way to sustainable development? Adisa Azapagic, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain) 11:45 to 12:30 Plenary Lecture 5 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Antonio Espuña. What engineers needs to know - An industrial view of chemical engineering education Hermann Feise, Basf Se, Germany 12:30 to 14:00 12:30 to 14:00 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) Advisory Board Meeting of Computers & Chemical Engineering (Hall Adria) Parallel Session E, Theme 5: Oral Presentations Tuesday, 14th, 14:00 to 16:00 Chaired by Prof. André Bardow, Prof. Fabrizio Bezzo. In room EMERALD-A 14:00 A Leader-Follower Game-Based Life Cycle Optimization Framework and Application Jiyao Gao, Fengqi You 14:20 Macro- and Micro-economic Perspectives regarding the Syntheses of Sustainable BioFuels Supply Networks Žan Zore, Lidija Čuček, Zdravko Kravanja 14:40 Incorporating LCA indicators into optimal electric vehicles charging strategies: An integrated modelling approach Gonzalo Bustos-Turu, Miao Guo, Koen H. van Dam, Salvador Acha, Nilay Shah 15:00 Synthesis and Design Strategies of Interplant Water Networks using Water Mains with Quality Specifications Sabla Alnouri, Patrick Linke, Sumit Bishnu, Mahmoud M. El-Halwagi 15:20 KEYNOTE: Integrated Hybrid Life Cycle Optimization Framework with Application to Sustainable Design of A Biofuel Supply Chain Dajun Yue, Fengqi You 15:40 KEYNOTE: Multi-objective Optimisation Approach for the Synthesis of Water Treatment Plants Mariya Koleva, Songsong Liu, Craig Styan, Lazaros Papageorgiou 16:00 to 17:30 16:30 to 17:30 From 19:30 - Poster session (EMERALD foyer) Meeting of the IPC for the PSE-2018 (Hall Adria) Gala dinner (St. Bernardin Square) Tuesday 14th 25 176 782 88 231 156 588 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Tuesday 14th 26 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Wednesday, 15th Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 08:30 to 10:30 Chaired by Prof. Ignacio Grossmann, Prof. George Stephanopoulos. In room EVROPA - A+C 08:30 Multiobjective retrofitting methodology for manufacturing processes of active pharmaceutical ingredients considering environment, health and safety risks Hirokazu Sugiyama, Akiko Segawa, Satoshi Yoshikawa, Takayuki Toyama, Hayao Nakanishi, Emi Kikuchi-Uehara, Masahiko Hirao 08:50 Mineral concentration plants design using rigorous models Edelmira Gálvez, Renato Acosta, Luis Cisternas 09:10 Conceptual Design of an Oil Shale Retorting Process Integrated with Chemical Looping for Hydrogen Production Qingchun Yang, Yu Qian, Siyu Yang 09:30 A Study on the Endogenous Symbiosis of First and Second Generation Biorefineries: Towards a Systematic Methodology Aikaterini Mountraki, Antonis Kokossis, Bouchra Benjelloun- Mlayah 09:50 Data Reconciliation for Energy System Flowsheets Jun Yow Yong, Andreja Nemet, Milos Bogataj, Žan Zore, Petar Varbanov, Zdravko Kravanja, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš 10:10 Enhanced process for methanol production by CO2 hydrogenation Tony Kiss, J. J. Pragt, H. J. Vos, G. Bargeman, M. T. de Groot 8:30 to10:30 10:30 to 11:00 30 497 381 750 799 329 ProcessBuilder workshop – Advanced process modelling and flowsheeting (Hall Adria) Coffee break Parallel Session A, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 11:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Dr. Andreja Nemet. In room EVROPA - A+C 11:00 KEYNOTE: A Convex Hull formulation for the design of optimal mixtures Suela Jonuzaj, Claire Adjiman 11:20 Sustainable Chemical Process Development through an Integrated Systematic Framework Emmanouil Papadakis, Anjan K. Tula, Amata Anantpinijwatna, Deenesh K. Babi, Rafiqul Gani 11:40 Phenomena Based Process Intensification of Toluene Methylation for Sustainable Paraxylene Production Process Nateetorn Anantasarn, Deenesh Babi, Uthaiporn Suriyapraphadilok, Rafiqul Gani 12:00 Reverse Design of Ionic Liquids for the Absorption of CO2 Sarah Davis, Robert H. Herring III, Mario R. Eden 12:20 Techno-Economic Evaluation of an Oxidative Coupling of Methane Process at Industrial Scale Production Daniel Salerno, Hamid-Reza Godini, Alberto Penteado, Erik Esche, Günter Wozny 12:40 A Systematic Approach For The Hydrotreating of Biodiesel and Petroleum-Diesel Blends Eduardo Perez-Cisneros, Mauricio Sales-Cruz, Alberto Ochoa-Tapia, Tomas ViverosGarcia, Ricardo Lobo-Oehmichen 13:00 to 14:30 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) 14:30 to 15:15 Plenary Lecture 6 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Gintaras Reklaitis. 26 287 375 379 615 600 Management of "Systematic Innovation": A kind of quest for the Holy Grail!? Jean-Marc Le Lann, Stéphane Negny, Celine Bryon-Portet, University of Toulouse, INP, France 15:15 to 16:00 Plenary Lecture 7 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. Models and Modelling Tools for Chemical Product and Process Design Rafiqul Gani, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 16:00 to 16:15 Presentation of ESCAPE 27 | Farewell (EVROPA - A+C) Wednesday 15th 27 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session B, Theme 2: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 08:30 to 10:30 Chaired by Dr. Olga Arsenyeva, Prof. Fengqi You. In room EVROPA - B 08:30 Optimization of Economic and Operability Performances of WGSR Membrane Reactor Configurations Shuey Zi Saw, Jobrun Nandong 08:50 Optimal design and operation of semi-batch reactive distillation for Methyl Lactate Synthesis with fixed product demand Dhia Aqar, Nejat Rahmanian, Iqbal Mujtaba 09:10 Merging information from batch and continuous flow experiments for the identification of kinetic models of benzyl alcohol oxidation Federico Galvanin, Noor Al-Rifai, Enhong Cao, Asterios Gavriilidis, Vivek Dua 09:30 Implementation of hybrid DEM-PBM approach to reduce the computational cost of powder mixing modeling Ashutosh Tamrakar, Subhodh Karkala, Nirupaplava Metta, Rohit Ramachandran 09:50 Multi-Scale Modeling of Solid Electrolyte Interface Formation in Lithium-Ion Batteries Fridolin Röder, Richard D. Braatz, Ulrike Krewer 10:10 Equation-based rigorous modelling of the NOx absorption process: model development and process optimization Ines Vilarinho, Nuno M. Oliveira, Belmiro Duarte, Susana Pereira 8:30 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:00 290 303 321 420 62 500 ProcessBuilder workshop – Advanced process modelling and flowsheeting (Hall Adria) Coffee break Paralell Session B, Theme 2: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 11:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Truls Gundersen, Dr. David Miller. In room EVROPA - B 11:00 Calculation of the Optimal Distribution of the Active Metal Site Concentration in a Ziegler-Natta Catalyst to Maximize Polymer Yield in Olefin Polymerizations Mohammed Adel Alkatheri, Apostolos Baltsas, Costas Kiparissides 11:20 Global Optimization for a Continuous Location-Allocation Model for Centralized and Distributed Manufacturing Cristiana Lara, Ignacio Grossmann 11:40 Dynamic Simulation and Optimization of an Industrial Process for Tributyl Citrate Production Juan D. Fonseca , Abderrazak M. Latifi, Alvaro Orjuela, Ivan D. Gil, Gerardo Rodríguez 12:00 A hierarchical coordination approach for the optimal operation of a sugar crystallization process Reinaldo Hernandez, Fawad Shamim, Radoslav Paulen, Sebastian Engell 12:20 Spatial Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Global Optimization of MIQCPs Pedro Castro 12:40 Bayesian Optimisation with Dimension Scheduling Algorithm: Application to Biological Systems Doniyor Ulmasov, Caroline Baroukh, Benoit Chachuat, Marc Deisenroth, Ruth Misener 13:00 to 14:30 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) 14:30 to 15:15 Plenary Lecture 6 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Gintaras Reklaitis. 680 338 389 242 173 352 Management of "Systematic Innovation": A kind of quest for the Holy Grail!? Jean-Marc Le Lann, Stéphane Negny, Celine Bryon-Portet, University of Toulouse, INP, France 15:15 to 16:00 Plenary Lecture 7 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. Models and Modelling Tools for Chemical Product and Process Design Rafiqul Gani, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 16:00 to 16:15 Presentation of ESCAPE 27 | Farewell (EVROPA - A+C) Wednesday 15th 28 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session C, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 08:30 to 10:30, Chaired by Dr. Stanislav Boldyryev, Asc. Prof. Elvis Ahmetović. In room EVROPA - D 08:30 Screening methodology for biorefinery and power to chemicals concepts Emanuela Peduzzi, Guillaume Boissonnet, François Maréchal 08:50 A Hybrid GA-DT Molecular Design Method for Relating Reaction Rate to Reactant/Product Structure while Considering Solvent Influence Shounak Datta, Vikrant A. Dev, Mario R. Eden 09:10 Electricity vs hydrogen: whole-systems optimisation of integrated wind-hydrogenelectricity networks for decarbonising the domestic transport sector in Great Britain Sheila Samsatli, Nouri J. Samsatli, Alfredo Ramos, Mark Matchett, Nigel P. Brandon, Nilay Shah 09:30 Long-term planning and retrofitting of supply and distribution chains with decaying performance Ana Somoza, Carlos Pozo, Gonzalo Guillen Gosalbez, Moisès Graells 09:50 Renewable electricity integration at a regional level: Cantabria case study Antonio Dominguez-Ramos, Sheila Samsatli, Nilay Shah, Angel Irabien 10:10 Optimal Planning Of Distributed Systems Of Refineries And Biorefineries Considering Pollution Trading With Forest Plantations Aurora de Fátima Sánchez-Bautista, José Ezequiel Santibañez-Aguilar, Fengqi You, Jose Maria Ponce-Ortega 8:30 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:00 651 710 140 276 79 376 ProcessBuilder workshop – Advanced process modelling and flowsheeting (Hall Adria) Coffee break Parallel Session C, Theme 1: Oral Presentations Wednesday,15th, 11:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Dr. Lidija Čuček, Dr. Petar Varbanov. In room EVROPA - D 11:00 Optimization of heat exchanger networks involving isothermal and non-isothermal mixing by global and local solvers Zlatan Mujkić, Nidret Ibrić, Milos Bogataj, Zdravko Kravanja, Elvis Ahmetović 11:20 Risk Management of Shale Gas Supply Chain under EUR Uncertainty Jiyao Gao, Fengqi You 11:40 Ammonia supply chains: A new framework for renewable generation with a case study for Minnesota Andrew Allman, Prodromos Daoutidis 12:00 Towards a sustainable hydrogen economy: role of carbon price for achieving GHG emission targets Marta Moreno-Benito, Paolo Agnolucci, Will McDowall, Lazaros Papageorgiou 12:20 Optimization of Lignocellulosic Waste Biorefinery using Multi-Actor Multi-Objective Mathematical Framework Muhammad Tahir Ashraf, Ana Inés Torres, Chuanji Fang, Iwona Cybulska, Mette Hedegaard Thomsen, Jens Ejbye Schmidt, George Stephanopoulos 12:40 Time-series aggregation for synthesis of distributed energy supply systems by bounding error in operational expenditure Björn Bahl, Alexander Kümpel, Matthias Lampe, André Bardow 13:00 to 14:30 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) 14:30 to 15:15 Plenary Lecture 6 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Gintaras Reklaitis. 811 174 472 339 433 262 Management of "Systematic Innovation": A kind of quest for the Holy Grail!? Jean-Marc Le Lann, Stéphane Negny, Celine Bryon-Portet, University of Toulouse, INP, France 15:15 to 16:00 Plenary Lecture 7 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. Models and Modelling Tools for Chemical Product and Process Design Rafiqul Gani, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 16:00 to 16:15 Presentation of ESCAPE 27 | Farewell (EVROPA - A+C) Wednesday 15th 29 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Parallel Session D, Theme 7: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 08:30 to 10:30, Chaired by Ass. Prof. Dimitrios Gerogiorgis, Dr. Tilman Barz. In room EMERALD-A 08:30 Capacity planning for the Air Separation Industry with Rational Markets and Uncertainty Anvitha Kandiraju, Pablo Garcia-Herreros, Pratik Misra, Erdem Arslan, Sanjay Mehta, Ignacio E. Grossmann 08:50 TAEE Sustainable Process Design and Simulation Olivia Ana Perederic, Valentin Plesu, Petrica Iancu, Alexandra Elena Bonet Ruiz, Jordi Bonet Ruiz, Bertram Muchan 09:10 Integrated management of hierarchical levels: towards a CAPE tool Canan Dombayci, Sergio Medina, Moisès Graells, Antonio Espuña 09:30 A generic methodology for superstructure optimization of different processing networks Maria-Ona Bertran, Rebecca Frauzem, Lei Zhang, Rafiqul Gani 09:50 A Holistic Approach to Model Integration Using a Domain Ontology Linsey Koo, Nikolaos Trokanas, Franjo Cecelja 10:10 SolACE: An Open Source Package for Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and State Estimation for (Bio)Chemical Processes Satyajeet Bhonsale, Mattia Vallerio, Dries Telen, Dominique Vercammen, Filip Logist, Jan Van Impe 8:30 to 10:30 10:30 to 11:00 748 757 4 238 248 682 ProcessBuilder workshop – Advanced process modelling and flowsheeting (Hall Adria) Coffee break Parallel Session D: Themes 7 and 2: Oral Presentations Wednesday, 15th, 11:00 to 13:00 Chaired by Prof. Zorka Novak Pintarič, Prof. Fernando P. Bernardo. In room EMERALD-A 11:00 Application of a knowledge management system to a dropwise additive manufacturing system for pharmaceuticals Elcin Icten, Girish Joglekar, Arun Giridhar, Gintaras Reklaitis 11:20 Short-term crude mix and operating conditions optimization for oil refinery operations Pedro Castillo Castillo, Gang Fu, Vladimir Mahalec, (Pedro Castro) 11:40 Projection-based Reformulation and Decomposition Algorithm for A Class of MixedInteger Bilevel Linear Programs Dajun Yue, Fengqi You 12:00 Mo-Mcs: An Efficient Multibojective Optimization Algorithm For The Optimization Of Temperature/pressure Swing Adsorption Cycles Lisa Joss, Federico Capra, Matteo Gazzani, Marco Mazzotti, Emanuele Martelli 12:20 Convergence Rate of McCormick Relaxations in Chemical Engineering Jaromil Najman, Alexander Mitsos 12:40 Global optimization of nonconvex bilevel problems: implementation and computational study of the Branch-and-Sandwich algorithm Remigijus Paulavicius, Polyxeni-M. Kleniati, Claire Adjiman 13:00 to 14:30 Lunch (Sunset Restaurant) 14:30 to 15:15 Plenary Lecture 6 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Gintaras Reklaitis. 218 255 157 498 544 685 Management of "Systematic Innovation": A kind of quest for the Holy Grail!? Jean-Marc Le Lann, Stéphane Negny, Celine Bryon-Portet, University of Toulouse, INP, France 15:15 to 16:00 Plenary Lecture 7 (EVROPA - A+C) Chaired by Prof. Jiří Jaromír Klemeš. Models and Modelling Tools for Chemical Product and Process Design Rafiqul Gani, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark 16:00 to 16:15 Presentation of ESCAPE 27 | Farewell (EVROPA - A+C) Wednesday 15th 30 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Poster session 1 Monday 13, 16:50 to 18:20 In room EMERALD foyer Slot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Title Modelling of a Reactive Distillation in the production process of high purity Cyclohexanone to produce caprolactam. David Lorenzo, Carlos Perez-Galvan, Cristian Triana, Aurora Santos, Arturo Romero, I.David L. Bogle Assessment of chemical looping combustion process by dynamic simulation Ana-Maria Cormos, Dora-Andreea Chisalita Simulation and optimization on the molecular weight distribution of free radical polymerization with non-ideal reactors Chi Zhang, Xi Chen, Chaozhong Xu, Jiajun Wang Security Framework for the Electronic Management System of a Total Site Utility System Oscar Manso Optimization of hydrogen supply chain network design by multi-objective genetic algorithms Jesus Ochoa Robles, Sofia De Leon Almaraz, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel Using Dynamic Simulation for Risk Assessment: Application to Exothermic Reaction Fatine Berdouzi, Nelly Olivier-Maget, Nadine Gabas A Novel Experimental Strategy for Validating Human Failure Probabilities in Risk Assessment Mohd Umair Iqbal, Rajagopalan Srinivasan Synthesis of intensified processes from a superstructure of phenomena building blocks Hanns Kuhlmann, Mirko Skiborowski An Optimal Scheduling of the Heliostat Field in a Solar Tower Power Plant Qian Zhao, Yuhong Zhao Performance Evaluation of Unsteady Processes with Dynamic and Temporal Flexibility Indices Chuei-Tin Chang, Yi-Chung Kuo Optimization and Monte Carlo Simulation for Product Launch Planning and Scheduling under Uncertainty Catarina Marques, Samuel Moniz, Jorge Pinho de Sousa, Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa Mid-term scheduling model based on state-task netwotk for considering plant specific constraints in pharmaceutical manufacturing Gioele Casola, Lukas Eberle, Christian Siegmund, Markus Mattern, Hirokazu Sugiyama Optimization of shale gas supply chain network and operations under uncertain conditions Jorge Chebeir, Aryan Geraili, Jose Romagnoli Material Flow Analysis and Life Cycle Assessment Study for Sustainable Management of Wastes of Metropolitan Electricity Authority (MEA) Ornmanee Yahom, Pomthong Malakul, Ampira Charoensaeng Modelling and optimization framework for the multi-objective design of buildings Joan Carreras, Gonzalo Guillen Gosalbez, Dieter Boer, Carlos Pozo, Jose A. Caballero, Ruben Ruiz-Femenia, Laureano Jiménez Energy integration of a hydrotreating process for the production of biojet fuel Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio, Fernando Israel Gómez-Castro, Araceli G. Romero-Izquierdo, Salvador Hernández A Supercritical Reactive Separation Process to Obtain Biopesticides (phorbol-esters) in the Biodiesel Production from Jatropha curcas Eduardo Perez-Cisneros, Mauricio Sales-Cruz, Verónica Rodríguez-López, Xenia MenaEspino, Tomas viveros-Garcia Process design and integration of various carbon capture approaches into the energy sector and other energy-intensive industrial applications Calin-Cristian Cormos, Letitia Petrescu, Ana-Maria Cormos, Paul-Serban Agachi Utilising Semantics for Improved Decision Making in Bio-refinery Value Chains Nikolaos Trokanas, Madeleine Bussemaker, Franjo Cecelja Using PLS and NIR spectra to model the first-breakage step of a grain milling process Filippo Dal-Pastro, Pierantonio Facco, Fabrizio Bezzo, Massimiliano Barolo, Eliana Zamprogna Heat Exchanger Network Design with Fouling Effects Sawanya Bamrungsab, Kitipat Siemanond Modelling of starch production by microalgal biomass under multi-nutrient limitation Gonzalo Figueroa-Torres, Constantinos Theodoropoulos Solvent Design for Post Combustion Chemical Absorption Process Muhammad Zulhilmi Ahmad, Haslenda Hashim, Nor Alafiza Yunus Modeling SER Biomass Gasification Using Neural Networks Alia Salah, Lutz Hanel, Marcel Beirow, Günter Scheffknecht Biodiesel from Sunflower Oil: Development of Process Model via Lab scale Experiment and Optimisation Elisabetta Mercuri, Davide Manca, Omran Abderazag, Raj Patel, Iqbal Mujtaba Monday 13th - Poster Session 31 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Title Cost-based analysis about a newly designed two-staged reverse osmosis process with draw solute Kiho Park, Do Yeon Kim, Dae Ryook Yang Total Site Resource Efficiency Janez Petek, Peter Glavič, Anja Kostevšek Derivative-Free Chemical Process Synthesis by Memetic Algorithms Coupled to Aspen Plus Process Models Maren Urselmann, Christophe Foussette, Tim Janus, Stephen Tlatlik, Axel Gottschalk, Michael T. M. Emmerich, Thomas Bäck, Sebastian Engell Intensified separation processes for the recovery and dehydration of bio-ethanol from an actual lignocellulosic fermentation broth Carlo Edgar Torres-Ortega, Ben-Guang Rong Optimising biomass-based energy supply chains for sustainable mobility Federico d'Amore, Fabrizio Bezzo Evaluation of the production of lipids for fuels and proteins from microalgae using a twolevel Lagrangian decomposition Tomasz Bochenski, Ana Inés Torres, Muhammad Tahir Ashraf, Jens Ejbye Schmidt, George Stephanopoulos Wastewater Quality Impact on Water Management in Shale Gas Supply Chain Omar Guerra, Andres Calderon, Lazaros Papageorgiou, Gintaras Reklaitis A Comparative Study of Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis for Liquid Transportation Fuels Production from Biomass Pengcheng Li, Zhihong Yuan, Mario R. Eden Hydrogen Sulfide Scavenging Simulation in HYSYS André Young, Fernando Pessoa, Eduardo Queiroz Conceptual Crystallization Process Design for Separation and Purification of Phosphorus from Complex Wastes Yi Liu, Haiyan Qu, Ben-Guang Rong Kinetics of Phycocyanobilin Cleavage from C-Phycocyanin by Methanolysis Chandrakant Malwade, Maria Cinta Roda-Serrat, Knud Villy Christensen, Xavier Fretté, Lars Porskjær Christensen Biosyngas conversion by FT synthesis with high loaded Fe-based catalysts: kinetic parameters regression Alberto Comazzi, Federico Galli, Flavio Manenti, Claudia Bianchi, Carlo Pirola Synthesis and optimization of microalgae biorefineries Melina Psycha, Antonis Kokossis Taylor-Made Modeling and Solution of Novel Process Units by Modular CAPE-OPEN-based Flowsheeting Gregor Tolksdorf, Erik Esche, Jasper van Baten, Günter Wozny Model-based framework for enhanced and controlled operation of a fed-batch bioreactor: xylitol production Héctor Hernández-Escoto, Oscar Andrés Prado-Rubio, Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez Analysis and simulation of catalytic reforming process using a kinetic model for hydrocarbons of 5-10 carbons Elvira Lopez-Sanchez, Arturo Ortíz-Arroyo, Angel Castro-Agüero Multi-parametric statistical analysis of economic data for continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing Brigitta Nagy, Gyorgy J. Marosi, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis Impact of crude unit model accuracy on refinery production planning Gang Fu, Pedro Castillo Castillo, Vladimir Mahalec Systematic framework for design and implementation of advanced plant-wide multilayer sensing and control architecture into continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing plant Ravendra Singh, Fernando J. Muzzio, Marianthi Ierapetritou, Rohit Ramachandran Ionic Liquids Role for in Multifeedstock / Multiproduct Integrated Biorefineries Manuel Rodriguez, Ismael Diaz Robust fault isolation using stable principal component pursuit Zhengbing Yan, Yuan Yao Incremental Learning Fault Detection Algorithm Based on Hyperplane-Distance Mohammad Hamed Ardakani, Gerard Escudero, Moisès Graells, Antonio Espuña Developing a Soft Sensor with Online Variable Selection for Industrial Multi-mode Processes Jialin Liu, Shi-Shang Jang, David Shan-Hill Wong Material Flow Analysis (MFA) and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Study for Sustainable Management of PVC Wastes in Thailand Suriyaphong Nakem, Manit Nithithanakul, Pomthong Malakul Multiscale Simulation of Bubbly Flows Kenneth Asiagbe, Michael Fairweather, Derrick Njobuenwu, Marco Colombo Monday 13th - Poster Session 32 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 Title Integrated modeling of agricultural and industrial processes within life cycle design for environment Kotaro Ouchida, Yasunori Kikuchi, Tatsuya Okubo A Stochastic Programming Approach for the Optimal Placement of Gas Detectors by Application of Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling Tools Jaehoon Cho, Hyunseung Kim, Dongil Shin Anaerobic Bioreactor Modeling Cansu Birgen, Heinz A. Preisig, Alexander Wentzel, Sidsel Markussen, Bernd Wittgens, Ujjaini Sarkar, Anindita Ganguly, Sudeshna Saha, Sibashish Baksi Novel Plant-Wide Process Design of Dichlorohydrin Production by Glycerol Hydrochlorination San-Jang Wang, Siao-Han Huang, David Shan-Hill Wong, Shi-Shang Jang Building semantically-enabled community hubs in biorewables, biorefineries and bioenergy Eirini Siougkrou, Antonis Kokossis Systematic, efficient and consistent LCA calculations for chemical and biochemical processes Kaesinee Petchkaewkul, Pomthong Malakul, Rafiqul Gani Effects of bioethanol pretreatments on the broth concentration and its impacts in the optimal design of product separation and purification processes André Rodrigues Gurgel da Silva, Carlo Edgar Torres-Ortega, Ben-Guang Rong Targeting the hydrogen network and optimal feed using rigorous simulation Wang Dai, Guilian Liu Exergy Analysis of an Ethanol from Syngas Production Plant Júlio C. C. Miranda, Harvey Arellano-Garcia, Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel, Gustavo Ponce Estimation of membrane fouling parameters for concentrating lactose using nanofiltration Ayush Sharma, Martin Jelemenský, Radoslav Paulen, Miroslav Fikar Adjustable Robust Optimization for Scheduling of Batch Processes under Uncertainty Hanyu Shi, Fengqi You An intelligent decision making and notification system based on a knowledge-enabled supervisory monitoring platform Chrysovalantou Ziogou, Stelios Krinidis, Dimosthenis Ioannidis, Simira Papadopoulou, Dimitrios Tzovaras, Spyros Voutetakis Hydrocracking Reaction Model of Petroleum Heavy Cuts Using Molecular Reconstruction Claudia Ximena Ramirez Novoa, Juan Esteban Torres Macias, David de Jesus Perez, Viatcheslav Kafarov, Alexander Guzman Monsalve Modelling of organophilic and hydrophilic pervaporation to compete with distillation Andras Jozsef Toth, Eniko Haaz, Peter Mizsey Population Balance Applied to Microalgae Growth Ergys Pahija, Yingzong Liang, Chi Wai Hui Natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery in the liquified natural gas production Mengyu Wang, Ali Abbas Economical, Environmental and Dynamic Optimization Applied to Hybrid Processes for the Purification of Biobutanol Eduardo Sánchez-Ramírez, Juan José Quiroz-Ramírez, Salvador Hernández, Juan-Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez Group - Interaction Contribution Approach for prediction of Electrochemical Properties of Ionic Liquids Khadra Mokadem, Mourad Korichi Design of a chemical batch plant: a study of dedicated parallel lines with intermediate storage and the plant performance Floor Verbiest, Trijntje Cornelissens, Johan Springael Development of a model for identifying the optimal biogas system design for particular applications in Sub-Saharan Africa Gloria Rupf, Parisa Bahri, Karne de Boer, Mark McHenry Process and heat integrated design of a novel NGL recovery scheme Mohd Shariq Khan, Iftekhar Karimi Design and Control of Azeotropic Dividing Wall Column for Separating Furfural-Water Mixture Xing Qian, Shengkun Jia, Sigurd Skogestad, Xigang Yuan Integrated Transhipment Models for Synchronous Screening of Treatment Technologies and Targeting of Fresh Water and Recycle Flows Athanassios Nikolakopoulos, Dimitrios Faskiotis, Antonis Kokossis Analysis of Operational HEN Flexibility via Interval Arithmetic Pascal Floquet, Gilles Hetreux, Raphaele Thery-Hetreux Optimisation of maintenance planning into the production of biopharmaceuticals with performance decay using a continuous-time formulation Miguel Vieira, Songsong Liu, Tânia Pinto-Varela, Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa, Lazaros Papageorgiou Monday 13th - Poster Session 33 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 93 95 96 97 98 99 100 Title A Comprehensive Kinetic Investigation of the Ring Opening of L,L-Lactide in the Presence of Multifunctional Polyalcohols Prokopis Pladis, Konstantina Karidi, Dimitrios Meimaroglou, Costas Kiparissides Dynamic Impact Milling Model with a Particle-Scale Breakage Kernel Qinglin Su, Zoltant Nagy, Chris Rielly Levelised Value of Electricity - A Systemic Approach to Technology Valuation Clara Heuberger, Iain Staffell, Nilay Shah, Niall Mac Dowell A Generic PAT Software Interface for On-Line Monitoring and Control of Chromatographic Separation Systems Anders Holmqvist, Anton Sellberg Power-to-Heat: Opportunities in Reserve Market Participation for Flexible Chemical Production Christoph Westerwalbesloh, Ganzhou Wang, Alexander Mitsos Multimodal Green Food Supply Chain Design and Planning under Uncertainty Ana Gomes, Tânia Pinto-Varela, Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa Acrolein yield optimization in a propylene oxidation pilot plant Minghai Lei, François Lesage, Serge Tretjak, Abderrazak M. Latifi Sugar extraction by moving-bed diffusers in ethanol production: development of a simulation tool Victor Coelho Geraldo , Edvaldo R. Morais, Eduardo Coselli Vasco de Toledo, Charles Jesus, Antonio Bonomi, Rubens Maciel Filho Optimization of Batch Extractive Distillation with Off-cut Recycle and Varying Feed Composition Laszlo Hegely, Peter Lang Bifurcation analysis of process stability of continuous fluidized bed agglomeration with external product classification Andreas Bück, Maximilian Wegner, Christoph Neugebauer, Stefan Palis, Evangelos Tsotsas A New Technology to Optimize the Use of H2S Scavengers in the Crude Oil Production Ewerton Calixto, Fernando Pessoa, Eduardo Queiroz, André Castro Modeling and simulation of diffusion process in tissue spheroids encaged into microscaffolds (lockyballs) Janaina de Andréa Dernowsek, Rodrigo Alvarenga Rezende, Veronica E. Passamai , Julia A. Nogueira , Viviane F. Lara , Fabio A. Vilalba , Vladimir Mironov , Jorge V.L. da Silva Computer aided design of a process of extraction of heavy and extra heavy crude by injecting solvents in reservoir Yeimmy Peralta-Ruiz Evaluation of the process of production and refining of Colombian crude oil by exergy analysis methodology Karen Cogollo-Herrera, Angel Gonzalez-Delgado, Yeimmy Peralta-Ruiz Computer-aided evaluation of agar production from Gracilaria sp. red algae Yeimmy Peralta-Ruiz, Angel Gonzalez-Delgado An Enhanced Group-Interaction Contribution Method for the Prediction of Normal Boiling and Critical points Khaled Mansour, Mourad Korichi Convex Model for Global Optimization of Water Distribution System Yingzong Liang, Ergys Pahija, Chi Wai Hui Multi-objective optimization for the biotechnological conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to value-added products. Arturo Álvarez del Castillo-Romo, Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez, Alicia Román-Martínez Design of a multiproduct lignocellulosic biorefinery through the process modelling of a feasible superstructure Ségolène Belletante, Ludovic Montastruc, Stéphane Negny, Serge Domenech Modelling of a Post-combustion CO2 Capture Process Using Bootstrap Aggregated Extreme Learning Machines Jie Zhang, Zhongjing Bai, Fei Li, Meihong Wang, Eni Oko, Zhihua Xiong, Dexian Huang Conceptual coal and coke-oven gas to synthetic natural gas process with high efficiency and low emission Yi Man, Siyu Yang, Yu Qian Global sensitivity analysis of reverse osmosis processes Freddy Lucay, Luis Cisternas, Edelmira Gálvez Optimization of amine based carbon capture by genetic algorithm Laszlo Hegely, Ferenc Denes, David Nagy, Peter Lang Model-based monitoring of thermal-hydraulic performance of refinery heat exchangers undergoing fouling Emilio Diaz-Bejarano, Francesco Coletti, Sandro Macchietto Integrated multi-level bioenergy supply chain modelling applied to sugarcane biorefineries in South Africa Florent Delval, Miao Guo, Koen H. van Dam, Jonas Stray, Kate Haigh, Johann Görgens, Nilay Shah Monday 13th - Poster Session 34 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 108 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Title Multi-objective optimization for designing sustainable wastewater treatment networks Juan I. Padrón-Páez, Oscar Andrés Prado-Rubio, Ana Carvalho, Alicia Román-Martínez A Methodology For Linear Modeling Applied To The Scheduling In The Synthesis Of Ethanol From Sugarcane Bagasse Viviana Quintero Dallos, Claudia Valderrama, Roberto Pineda, Liliana Hernandez, Viatcheslav Kafarov Minimum Reflux of Complex Distillation Columns: Adiabatic Flash Method on EnthalpyComposition Diagram José D. Olguín-Ángeles, Arturo Ortíz-Arroyo, Angel Castro-Agüero Conceptual design for the separation of a mixture of isoamyl acetate and isoamyl alcohol Oscar Dario Rojas, Gerardo Rodríguez, Ivan D. Gil Chemical Looping Reforming: Impact on the Performances Due to Carbon Fouling on Catalyst Giuseppe Diglio, Piero Bareschino, Erasmo Mancusi, Francesco Pepe Energy consumption maps for quaternary distillation sequences Fernando Israel Gómez-Castro, Norma E. Ramírez-Vallejo, Juan G. Segovia-Hernández, Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio, Massimiliano Errico, Abel Briones-Ramírez, Jöns Sánchez-Aguilar Modelling Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics In Microsystems Tomaz Urbic, Igor Plazl, Ivan Pribec A New Methodology to Reduce the Exergy Loss of Distillation Columns Using Rigorous Process Simulation Lucas Bonfim Rocha, Thiago Cavali, Laureano Jiménez, Sérgio Faria Coupled Thermo-Chemical-Mechanical modelling of underground coal gasification cavity growth Epameinondas Andrianopoulos, Anna Korre, Sevket Durucan, Guangyao Si, Sebastian Franzsen Study of thermal efficiency in heavy oil reservoirs submitted to steam injection by using numerical simulation Antonio Gurgel, Anthony Diniz, Edson Araujo, Davi Lima, Wilson Mata, Marcos Rodrigues, Tarcilio Dutra Junior Optimal design of water exchanges in eco-industrial parks through a game theory approach Manuel Ramos, Marianne Boix, Didier Aussel, Ludovic Montastruc, Serge Domenech A Novel Approach to Include Limited Equipment Connectivity in State-Task Network Models Mikael Nyberg Development of Neural Network techniques based Renewable Energy Forecasting Framework for Process Industries Soobin Lee, Jun-Hyung Ryu, Bri-Mathias Hodge, In-Beum Lee Analysis of the intermittency of the steam alternating solvent process (SAS) applied to a heavy oil reservoir Davi Lima, Edson Araujo, Antonio Gurgel, Anthony Diniz, Wilson Mata A new energy efficient process retrofit to eliminate back-mixing for absorption and stabilization unit Xuegang Liu, Junjie Chen, Changchun He, Bingjian Zhang, Qinglin Chen Mathematical Modeling-based Energy System Operation Strategy considering Energy Storage Systems Jun-Hyung Ryu, Bri-Mathias Hodge Framework for optimization and scheduling of a copper production plant Olli Suominen, Ville Mörsky, Risto Ritala, Matti Vilkko Water And Energy. Why Not Optimize Them Simultaneously? Elva Arzate, Ignacio Grossmann, Pedro Huitzil, Blanca E. Martínez Empirical modelling to support scale up of primary pharmaceutical processes Melanie Dumarey, Sameer Talwar, Mohammad Yahyah, John Peterson Effect of Thickness Dependent Physical Aging in Process Simulation of O2/ N2 Gas Separation Using Polymeric Membranes Kok Keong Lau, Serene Sow Mun Lock, Azmi Mohd Shariff, Yin Fong Yeong Population Balance Modelling of Liquid-liquid Extraction Columns using the Sectional Quadrature Method Of Moments (SQMOM) Samer Alzyod, Menwer Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, Hans-Joerg Bart CFD Modelling of Bubbly Gas Flow using Coupled OPOSPM-Mixture Flow Model Menwer Attarakih, Abdelmalek Hasseine, Hans-Joerg Bart Multiscale Modeling Concept At The Micro Scale Tomaz Urbic, Igor Plazl, Anže Prasnikar, Filip Strnisa Influence of mill configuration on stability of continuous fluidised bed layering granulation with external product classification Christoph Neugebauer, Stefan Palis, Andreas Bück, Eugen Diez, Stefan Heinrich, Evangelos Tsotsas, Achim Kienle Optimization of a crude oil distillation unit based on total-process simulation Kan Wang, Bingjian Zhang, Qinglin Chen Monday 13th - Poster Session 35 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 126 127 128 Title A General Representation for Modeling of Energy Supply Chains Magdalini A. Kalaitzidou, Michail Georgiadis, Georgios Kopanos Condition-based chemical cleaning of crude oil fouling deposits – a conceptual model Laura Lanchas-Fuentes, Emilio Diaz-Bejarano, Francesco Coletti, Sandro Macchietto Fuzzy Control of a Distillation Column Anna Vasičkaninová, Monika Bakošová, Alajos Mészáros Monday 13th - Poster Session 36 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Poster session 2 Tuesday 14, 16:00 to 17:30 In room EMERALD foyer Slot Title 1 A MILP model for targeting minimum annual operating cost of a heat-integrated resource allocation network with regeneration units Sami Ghazouani, Assaad Zoughaib, Solène Le Bourdiec 2 Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis using a Genetic Algorithms-Particle Swarm Optimization Hybrid Method and Parallel Processing Leandro Pavão, Mauro Ravagnani 3 FI2EPI - A freeware tool for performing Heat Integration based on Pinch Analysis Pedro M. Pereira, Maria Cristina Fernandes, Henrique Matos 4 Optimization of Aeration Power in a Sequential Batch Reactor Jimena Ferreira Quagliata, Adrián Ferrari, Soledad Gutierrez, Argimiro R. Secchi 5 A Mixed Integer Programming Model for Sustainable Water Management in Macroscopic Systems Vicente Rico-Ramirez, Jaime Garibay-Rodriguez, José María Ponce-Ortega 6 Mathematical Optimization of Real-time Waste Incineration Scheduling in the Industry Matteo Abaecherli, Daniel Santos, Elisabet Capón-García , Konrad Hungerbühler 7 Enabling Sulfur-rich Coal Sources for Gassification without Emissions Andrea Bassani, Eva Maria Speelmanns, Flavio Manenti 8 Effect of Solvent Feeding Time on the Start-up Operation of an Extractive Distillation Column Ícaro Cazé Nunes, Marcella Feitosa de Figueirêdo, Karoline Dantas Brito, Romildo Pereira Brito 9 Downstream Petroleum Supply Chains Planning under Uncertainty Leão José Fernandes, Susana Relvas, Douglas Alem, Ana Paula Barbosa-Póvoa 10 Prediction of the solubility in supercritical carbon dioxide: a hybrid thermodynamic/QSPR approach Pavel Gurikov, Igor Lebedev, Andrey Kolnoochenko, Natalia Menshutina, Irina Smirnova 11 Synthesis of Heat Exchangers Network (HEN) and Optimization under Variability and Uncertainty Faysal Al Khulaifi, Eid Al Mutairi 12 Conceptual process design of Boric Acid production from Ulexite: A case study for engineering education Constanza Cruz, Yendery Ramirez, Sebastián Herrera, Luis Cisternas 13 Impact of protein co-production on techno-economic feasibility of microalgal biodiesel Soumyajit Sen Gupta, Yogendra Shastri, Sharad Bhartiya 14 Modeling and analysis of a soybean biorefinery for the production of refined oil, biodiesel and different types of flours Cristine de Pretto, Paulo Tardioli, Caliane Costa 15 Optimization Of Preventive Maintenance Program For Imaging Equipment In Hospitals Danahe Marmolejo-Correa, Rosa Gabriela Juárez-Valdivia, Alejandra Rodríguez-Navarro 16 Unit commitment Scheduling including transmission constraints: a MILP formulation Gonzalo Alvarez, Marian Marcovecchio, Pío Aguirre 17 Enhanced data envelopment analysis for sustainability assessment Ángel Galán-Martín, Gonzalo Guillen Gosalbez 18 Economic Evaluation of Hybrid FO-crystallization-RO Desalination Process Kiho Park, Do Yeon Kim, Dae Ryook Yang 19 Experimental Studies and Model Based Optimisation of Microalgal Production of Fuels and Chemicals Mesut Bekirogullari, Constantinos Theodoropoulos 20 Mechanistic models for process development and optimization of fed-batch fermentation systems Lisa Mears, Stuart M. Stocks, Mads O. Albaek, Gürkan Sin, Krist V. Gernaey 21 Integrated design and operation assessment of an embedded supervisory automation framework for a hybrid hydrogen-enabled power generation system Chrysovalantou Ziogou, Damian Giaouris, Simira Papadopoulou, Spyros Voutetakis 22 Robust multi-objective optimal control of dynamic biological networks Philippe Nimmegeers, Dries Telen, Mickey Beetens, Filip Logist, Jan Van Impe 23 A model-based investigation of genetically modified microalgae strains Andrea Bernardi, Andrea Meneghesso, Giorgio Perin, Tomas Morosinotto, Fabrizio Bezzo 24 Mathematical Programming Approach for the desing of Intensified Thermally Coupled Distitallion Sequences Jose A. Caballero, Juan A. Reyes-Labarta 25 Modelling and Simulation of an Industrial Riser in Fluid Catalytic Cracking Process Yakubu John, Raj Patel, Iqbal Mujtaba 26 Ontology construction for multi-network models Heinz A Preisig, Tobias Arne Elve Tuesday 14th - Poster Session 37 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Title Dynamic Metabolic Modelling of Cupriavidus necator DSM 545 in PHB Production from Glycerol Chenhao Sun, Colin Webb, Constantinos Theodoropoulos Imputation of Missing data with Ordinary Kriging for Enhancing Fault Detection and Diagnosis Mohammad Hamed Ardakani, Ahmed Shokry Abdel Aleem Taha Zied, Ghazal Saki, Gerard Escudero, Moisès Graells, Antonio Espuña Simulation of Turbulent Particulate Flows for Nuclear Waste Management: Agglomeration in vertical flows Derrick Njobuenwu, Michael Fairweather Modelling and optimization of compact subsea separation system Tamal Das, Preben Fürst Tyvold, Johannes Jäschke Modelling and optimization of an activated sludge wastewater treatment process Ioana Nascu, Ioan Nascu Design of sustainable municipal wastewater treatment plants Juan I. Padrón-Páez, Sofía De-León Almaraz, Alicia Román-Martínez MINLP Wastewater Stabilization Ponds Synthesis using Rigorous Models under Different Scenarios María Paz Ochoa, Vanina Estrada, Patricia M. Hoch Is Wood Waste only for burning? A methodology for Best Pathway Identification of waste recovery Gisèle Abi Chahla, Assaad Zoughaib, Cong-Toan Tran, Romain Farel Environmental assessment of biodiesel production topologies from wastewater using computer-aided tools Erika Fernández Conrado, Julis Orozco Marrugo, Angel Gonzalez-Delgado, Yeimmy PeraltaRuiz Quantifying the importance of flow maldistribution in numbered-up microreactors David Fernandes del Pozo, Timothy Van Daele, Daan Van Hauwermeiren, Krist V. Gernaey, Ingmar Nopens Comparison between experimental and simulated data of a continuous distillation column: evaluation of mass-heat balances and trays efficiency Carlo Pirola Structural and economic analysis of Industrial Symbiosis networks: a hybrid approach to assess investment opportunities Georgios Lignos, Simone Stancari, Stelios Bikos, Antonis Kokossis Model Based Engineering of Process Plants using SysML Carlos Hernandez, Manuel Rodriguez, Ismael Diaz, Ricardo Sanz Simultaneous Synthesis of Heat Exchanger Networks and Utility Systems: MINLP model, twostage algorithm, initialization procedure and case study Emanuele Martelli, Cristina Elsido, Alberto Mian, François Maréchal Global sensitivity analysis of computer-aided molecular design problem for the development of novel working fluids for power cycles Jerome Frutiger, Jens Abildskov, Gürkan Sin A Microalgae-based Biorefinery Plant for the Production of Valuable Biochemicals: Design and Economics Giannis Penloglou, Christos Chatzidoukas, Costas Kiparissides Simultaneous Optimization and Heat & Mass Integration of Gas Turbine and Air Separation Unit using Novel Simplified Model Maojian Wang, Chi Wai Hui, Guilian Liu Modeling and optimal control of non-viral siRNA delivery Elnaz Jamili, Vivek Dua Hybrid MILP/Simulation/Heuristic Algorithms to Complex Hoist Scheduling Problems Carlos A. Méndez, Natalia Basán Design and evaluation of a high-density energy storage route with CO2 re-use, water electrolysis and methanol synthesis Grégoire Léonard, Diego Villarreal-Singer, Klaus Lackner Lignocellulosic supply chain MILP model: a Hungarian case study Anna Panteli, Sara Giarola, Nilay Shah Global Optimization of Gasoline Blending Model using Bound Contraction Technique Yolada Ounahasaree, Uthaiporn Suriyapraphadilok, Miguel Bagajewicz Supply chain optimisation of Nipa-based ethanol supply chains in Thailand Remy Nguyen, Miao Guo, Charomgpun Musikavong, Noparat Bamroongrusa, Nilay Shah A framework for modelling investment decisions in gas infrastructures including imperfect foresight of future markets Sara Giarola, Daniel Crow, Adam Hawkes Simulation/Optimization of Carbon dioxide Capture Plant: A case study of AGRU from GSP 5 Wichuda Rachpitak, Kitipat Siemanond, Amr Henni Modeling and simulation of a U-loop Reactor for Single Cell Protein Production Mengzhe Wu, Jakob Kjøbsted Huusom, Krist V. Gernaey, Ulrich Krühne Tuesday 14th - Poster Session 38 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Title Purification of bioethanol from a fermentation process: Alternatives for dehydration Carolina Conde-Mejía, Arturo Jiménez-Gutiérrez, Fernando Israel Gómez-Castro Use of predictor corrector methods for multi-objective optimisation of large-scale systems Tobias Keßler, Michael Mangold, Filip Logist Inclusion of thermodynamic equations for efficient steady-state process optimization Adriana Reyes Lua, Marie Solvik, Sigurd Skogestad Green Approaches to Extract Astaxanthin from Shrimp Waste: Process Design and Economic Evaluation Behnaz Razi Parjikolaei, Rime Bahij El-Houri, Massimiliano Errico, Knud Villy Christensen, Xavier Fretté A new paradign in process synthesis – focus on design of power plants and industrial processes integrated with CO$_2$ capture Rahul Anantharaman, Truls Gundersen Analysis of the Carbon Efficiency of a Hybrid XTL-CSP process Xinying Liu, Bilal Patel, Diane Hildebrandt Enhanced Distillation Based on Feed Impurities Daniel Ortuño-Boter, Valentin Plesu, Alexandra Elena Bonet Ruiz, Jordi Bonet Ruiz, Petrica Iancu, Joan Llorens Computer Aided Molecular Design of Reactants, Products and Solvents for Enhancement of Reaction Kinetics Vikrant A. Dev, Mario R. Eden, Nishanth G. Chemmangattuvalappil Sustainable DME synthesis-design with CO2 utilization Weeranut Prasertsri, Rebecca Frauzem, Uthaiporn Suriyapraphadilok, Rafiqul Gani Design and economic analysis of 1,2-propanediol derived from Crude glycerol Paweena Thammarat, Uthaiporn Suriyapraphadilok, Ampira Charoensaeng Kriging based Fault Detection and Diagnosis Approach for Nonlinear Noisy Dynamic Processes Ahmed Shokry Abdel Aleem Taha Zied, Mohammad Hamed Ardakani, Gerard Escudero, Moisès Graells, Antonio Espuña Automated process flowsheet synthesis for membrane processes using genetic algorithm: role of crossover operators Alireza Shafiee, Mobin Arab, Zhiping Lai, Zongwen Liu, Ali Abbas Distillation Energy Assessment for Ammonia Recovery from Carbon Dioxide Absorption Cristina Mendez-Alvarez, Valentin Plesu, Alexandra Elena Bonet Ruiz, Jordi Bonet Ruiz, Petrica Iancu, Joan Llorens A new scheme for process simulation by optimization Anna Hoffmann, Michael Bortz, Jakob Burger, Hans Hasse, Karl-Heinz Küfer Improving proton exchange membrane efficiency of fuel cell by numerical simulation and optimization Chayanin Jawrungrit, Anuvat Sirivat, Kitipat Siemanond PERKS: Software for Parameter Estimation in Reaction Kinetic Systems Aditya Tulsyan, Paul Barton Influence of the mushy parameter on the numerical simulation of the melting and solidification process of phase change materials Michael Hameter, Heimo Walter Mass and energy integration for the supercritical process for biodiesel production and a bioethanol dehydration train. Fernando Israel Gómez-Castro, Claudia Gutiérrez-Antonio, Araceli G. Romero-Izquierdo, Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez, Juan G. Segovia-Hernández Multi-product reactive distillation for silanes production Nancy Medina-Herrera, Salvador Tututi-Avila, Juan-Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez, Arturo Jiménez-Gutiérrez Evaluation of a calcium looping CO2 capture plant retrofit to a coal-fired power plant Dawid Hanak, Chechet Biliyok, Edwarad Anthony, Vasilije Manovic Heat Exchanger Network Design with Multi-Stream Exchangers using Stage-Wise Superstructure Chanud Boonsup, Kitipat Siemanond An MILP model for the optimization of hybrid renewable energy system Okechukwu Kelechi, Hella Tokos Waste heat utilisation of Croatian cement industry accounting Total Site demands Stanislav Boldyryev, Hrvoje Mikulčić, Goran Krajačić, Neven Duić Appropriate placement of compressors and expanders in sub-ambient heat exchanger networks Chao Fu, Truls Gundersen Optimization of Energy Consumption in a Hydrotreating Process for Green Diesel Production from Palm Oil Paisan Kittisupakorn, Suwisa Sae-Ueng, Ajaree Suwatthikul Optimal design of a styrene monomer plant under market volatility Riccardo Barzaghi, Alberto Conte, Piernico Sepiacci, Davide Manca Tuesday 14th - Poster Session 39 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 Title Process Integration of Heat Utilised from Exhaust Gases Olga Arsenyeva, Jiří Jaromír Klemeš, Lidija Čuček, Petro O. Kapustenko, Yana S. Savchenko Iterative Real-time Optimization of a homogenously catalyzed hydroformylation process Reinaldo Hernandez, Sebastian Engell A Reformulation Strategy for Deterministic Global Optimization of Ideal Multi-component Distillation Processes Nick Mertens, Christian Kunde, Achim Kienle, Dennis Michaels Inventory management during start-up operations of the benchmark chemical plant Hiroya Seki Optimization of dynamic systems with rigorous path constraint satisfaction Johannes M.M. Faust, Jun Fu, Benoit Chachuat, Alexander Mitsos Multi-Stage Adaptive Robust Optimisation over Bioconversion Product and Process Networks with Uncertain Feedstock Price and Biofuel Demand Daniel Garcia, Jian Gong, Fengqi You Multiparametric Metamodels for Model Predictive Control of Chemical Processes Ahmed Shokry Abdel Aleem Taha Zied, Canan Dombayci, Antonio Espuña Multi-objective optimization for regulating the product distribution of two-stage-riser fluidized catalytic pyrolysis process Ping Wang, Zhihong Yuan, Xuemin Tian Control of Extractive Distillation Columns With Thermal Integration Wagner Brandão Ramos, Marcella Feitosa de Figueirêdo, Karoline Dantas Brito, Romildo Pereira Brito Off-line optimisation and control of carbon capture operations Norhuda Abdul Manaf, Abdul Qadir, Ali Abbas Closed-Loop Identification of Nonlinear Hammerstein Models Based on Subspace Identification Approach Jyh-Cheng Jeng, Po-An Chen Process Operability Analysis Of A Generic Model Control Strategy Applied To A Chemical Process Adalício Uzêda, Arianne Barros, José Nilton Silva, Heleno Silva Optimal regional resource utilisation - the St. Margarethen case Stephan Maier, Raphaela Hemma Maier, Christina Pfeifer, Michael Narodoslawsky Managing uncertainty information for improved data-driven modelling Ricardo Rendall, Marco Reis, Swee-Teng Chin, Leo Chiang Moving-horizon State Estimation with Gross-error Detection for a Hydroformylation Mini-plant Christian Hoffmann, Markus Illner, David Müller, Erik Esche, Günter Wozny, Lorenz T. Biegler, Jens-Uwe Repke Simulation, optimization and control of heavy oil upgrading processes: application to a delayed coking unit Nadson Murilo Nascimento Lima, Paula Sbaite, Cesar Batistella, Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel, Lílian Medina, Flavio Manenti, Marcelo Embiruçu Improving the wastewater treatment plant performance through model predictive control strategies Chiara Foscoliano, Stefania Del Vigo, Stefania Tronci, Michela Mulas Practical Implementation of RTO in a Industrial-Scale Vapor Recompression Distillation Process Danilo R.C. Menezes, José Eduardo A. Graciano, Fabio D. S. Liporace, Galo A. C. Le Roux A Cooperative Distributed Model Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems with Automatic Partitioning Luis Oliveira-Lopes, Rosiane Rocha Synthesis of Multi-Period Heat Exchanger Networks Involving Multiple Sources of Utilities Adeniyi Isafiade, Michael Short Optimal Power Sharing Control in Networked Fuel Cell Stacks Resmi Suresh M P, Ganesh Sankaran, Sreeram Joopudi, Suman Roy Choudhury, Shankar Narasimhan, Raghunathan Rengaswamy Effective Sampling, Modeling and Optimization of Constrained Black-box Problems Ishan Bajaj, M M Faruque Hasan Discovering valorisation paths in waste biorefineries using an ontology engineering approach Foteini Barla, Filopoimin Lykokanellos, Antonis Kokossis Multi-Objective Optimization In A Petrochemical Complex with LCA considerations Antonio Gonzalez Castaño, Alberto Bandoni, Soledad Diaz Process evaluation of the ecological performance of food and energy crop production systems René Kollmann, Franz Friebel, Georg Neugebauer, Michael Narodoslawsky Life cycle modelling of a handicraft sector: the anchovy canning industry in Cantabria (Northern Spain) Maria Margallo, Jara Laso, Ruben Aldaco, Cristina Gazulla, Pere Fullana, Angel Irabien Tuesday 14th - Poster Session 40 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Slot 105 106 107 108 109 110 Title PiXAR : Pinch and eXergy for the Analysis and Retrofit design of industrial processes Stephane Gourmelon, Raphaele Thery-Hetreux, Pascal Floquet Development of Hybrid Fuzzy-GMC for MSF Desalination Control System Salih Alsadaie, Mohd Zanil, Azlan Hussain, Iqbal Mujtaba Optimal design of industrial waste-to-energy networks Vasco Bolis, Elisabet Capón-García , Konrad Hungerbühler Hybrid plant-wide Simulation and Modelling using Reference nets and Java Stefan Hubert, Darius Rückert, Antonio Delgado Forest Supply Chain Optimization applying Generalized Disjunctive Programming Maria Analia Rodriguez, Noelia Alasino, Aldo Vecchietti Multi-scale modelling software framework facilitating simulation of interconnected scales using surrogate-models Sigve Karolius, Heinz A. Preisig, Jonas Mairhofer, Henrik Rusche Tuesday 14th - Poster Session 41 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Tuesday 14th - Poster Session 42 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Memo 43 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Memo 44 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Memo 45 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Memo 46 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Memo 47 26 ESCAPE | European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering | 12-15 June 2016 | Portorož, Slovenia | Organized by Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, CAPE Working Party and EFCE Memo 48