CON TE NT - The Kuala Lumpur Bar
CON TE NT - The Kuala Lumpur Bar
25-30 31-32 33-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-46 47-48 49-51 52-59 60-85 Continuing Legal Education Conveyancing Practice Court Liaison ( Civil) Criminal Practice Environmental Law Information Technology Publications Pupils Welfare Social Sports Young lawyers Legal Aid 86-90 Laporan Pengerusi 91-92 Laporan Sekretariat 93-154 Laporan - Laporan Jawatankuasa Kecil 93-97 98-99 100-102 103-104 105-106 107-108 109-110 111-113 114-115 116-117 118-126 127-154 Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan Amalan Konveyansing Perhubungan Mahkamah (Sivil) Amalan Jenayah Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar Teknologi Maklumat Penerbitan Hal Ehwal Pelatih-Pelatih Dalam Kamar Sosial Sukan Peguam-Peguam Muda Bantuan Guaman 155-166 Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2006 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 CONTENT 1 Agenda 2-17 Minutes of the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar held on 9th March 2006 18-22 Chairman’s Report 23-24 Secretariat Report 25-85 Reports of Sub-Committees Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 15TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Kuala Lumpur Bar to be held on Monday 12th February 2007 at 2:00 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom, Grand Seasons Hotel, Jalan Pahang, Kuala Lumpur. AGENDA 1 To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 14th Annual General Meeting held on 9th March 2006. 2 Matters arising. 3 To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2006/07. 4 To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2006. 5 To fix subscription for the year 2007. 6 To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2007/08. 7 To elect ten (10) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2007/08. 8 To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2007/08. 9 General. R Ravindra Kumar Honorary Secretary A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 AGENDA 14TH ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING KUALA LUMPUR BAR MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING HELD ON 9TH MARCH 2006 AT 2.00 P.M. AT THE GRAND BALLROOM, THE LEGEND HOTEL, KUALA LUMPUR. Lim Chee Wee, as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee, chaired this meeting and called the meeting to order at 2.25 p.m. He then requested all members to rise and observe one-minute silence in memory of the following members who passed away during the year under review: 1 Mok Li Za 2 Kum Chee Mon 3 Mohamad Halim bin Ismail 4 Chitravathy a/p Balasingham 5 KA Karpaya a/l Andiappan 6 Datin Roquaiya Hanim Hussein ITEM 1 OF AGENDA: To confirm and adopt the minutes of the 13th Annual General Meeting held on 10th March 2005 The minutes were confirmed and adopted as proposed by N Sivananthan and seconded by Colin Andrew Pereira subject to the following amendments:- I Page 3, item The first sentence should read “He informed members that in every Committee that he chaired, the Defence of the Malaysian Bar Committee, the Organising Committee of the National Human Rights Training Camp, he had brought in young lawyers.” II Page 3, item 2.1.4, line 6 The word “grevious” should read “serious”. III Page 18, item 3.7.15, line 1 The word “investigation” should read “investigations”. IV Page 18, item 3.7.15, line 2 To add the words “in order” before “to know”. V Page 23, line 15 from the top The words “you were named” should read “you are the senior partner”. M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 ITEM 2 OF AGENDA: Matters arising 2.1 Page 5, item 2.3 - Bahasa Malaysia version of the Annual Report The Chairman said that he would like members to know that the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Annual Report had been included at pages 87 to 128. 2.2 Page 6, item 2.4 - Problems faced by Pupils-in-Chambers The Chairman referred to the problem raised by Low Beng Choo at the last Annual General Meeting that pupils were left in the lurch by their “Movers” on their Call day and said that the Chair of the Social & Pupils Welfare Committee had looked into the problem and from what he had been given to understand the problem had not arisen since then. 2.3 Legal Aid Centre (LAC) On the LAC issue, the Chairman said that an investigation team had been appointed by the Bar Council. The team had completed the investigation and their report is pending finalisation. He was certain that once the report is ready, members would be informed of the outcome of the investigation through the LAC. ITEM 3 OF AGENDA: To consider, and if thought fit, to adopt the Annual Report 2005/06 The Annual Report 2005/06 (pages 31 to 86) was considered and adopted as proposed by Roger Tan and seconded by Baljit Singh. ITEM 4 OF AGENDA: To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Audited Accounts for the year ending 31st December 2005 4.1 GK referred to the income and expenditure account and pointed out that the Committee spent 30% of its income on salaries and bonuses, another 30% on sub-committee expenses. These two expenses could not be avoided. The Committee spent 15% of its income on rental and he felt that perhaps it was time for the KL Bar to consider buying its own premises. Further, a sum of about RM56,000.00 was spent on AGM and something had to be done to reduce this amount. He was not blaming the Committee as these amount of monies had to be spent but he was wondering if these expenses could be brought down. He said those were his concerns. 4.2 The Chairman said that the Committee did consider the possibility of purchasing its own premises. As the Courts were moving to Jalan Duta, the Committee looked at that area but was not able to find a premises that met its needs especially for the want of an auditorium. What the Committee decided then was to approach the Bar Council for office space rental free in either its additional building or new building that it was planning to purchase and the request was made of the Bar Council by Oommen Koshy and him. The Bar Council agreed to it but this was dependent on A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes whether it buys an additional building or a new building to replace the existing building. 4.3 On the issue of AGM expenses, the Chairman said that since the last term, the Committee had taken the initiative of having the first AGM at the RSC to bring down the cost of the first meeting. For the adjourned meeting, the Committee had to cater for about 700 people and therefore it had to be held at a venue with a larger capacity. The Legend Hotel was the cheapest at RM30.00 per head and for 700 people, it came up to RM21,000.00. Perhaps for future meetings, the Committee ought to reduce the numbers as the Committee appeared to have over catered for this meeting. 4.3.1 GK said that he was not questioning why the Committee did this or that. He was sure the Committee had its reasons and there was no necessity to explain to him. He was merely asking the Committee to try and reduce some of the expenses. 4.4 The Chairman noted GK’s concern. He said that the Committee had been working with the office bearers of the Bar Council to push the Attorney General and the Minister of Law to reduce the quorum requirements and would continue to do so. 4.5 The Audited Accounts were approved and passed as proposed by SS Muker and seconded by Roger Tan. ITEM 5 OF AGENDA: To fix subscription for the year 2006 5.1 The Chairman was happy to announce that the Committee was proposing for the subscription to remain at RM100.00 per member. He said at the end of the last financial year, there was a surplus of RM36,014.00 and thus there was an increase in the accumulated funds. However, he would like to forewarn members, as GK had rightly pointed out, that salaries are increasing and that could not be avoided. The Committee intended to continue to have two executive officers and retain a secretariat strength of 10 staff. Expenses therefore would certainly increase and there may come a time in the future that subscriptions may have to be increased but for the moment, it could be kept at RM100.00. The only way to address the issue was to try and increase non-subscription income which had been quite substantial in the last 3 to 4 years. 5.2 The Meeting unanimously agreed that the subscription for the year 2006 remains at RM100.00. ITEM 5A OF AGENDA: To consider the Motion on Continuing Legal Education for the Kuala Lumpur Bar (a) WHEREAS the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“the KLBC”) recognises that continuing legal education is a vital component in the overall professional development of pupils and lawyers. M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 (b) WHEREAS the KLBC notes that continuing legal education schemes for lawyers and pupils are already well established in other jurisdictions (See Appendix 1) and these schemes have promoted high standards of legal skills and have also contributed to the improvement in the delivery of quality legal services. (c) WHEREAS the Kuala Lumpur Bar Continuing Legal Education Sub-Committee (“the Committee”) was established in 2004 by the KLBC to design and implement a comprehensive and structured continuing legal education programme (“the CLE programme”) for all pupils reading in chambers in law firms in Kuala Lumpur (“pupils”) and members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar (“members”) to maintain and enhance the standards of the legal profession. (d) WHEREAS the Committee, having considered the professional requirements and expectations of pupils and members, has in the past two terms (2004/2005 and 2005/2006) put in place the CLE programme and has organised various continuing legal education activities (lectures/seminars/practical workshops) in, inter-alia, fundamental areas of practice (litigation and non-litigation), substantive law topics and extra legal subjects (See Appendix 2 (2004/2005) and Appendix 3 (2005/2006)). (e) WHEREAS the CLE programme has been well received by pupils and members (see Appendix 4) and the Committee has also been able to collate feedback on the programme (see Appendix 5). (f) WHEREAS it is the desire of the KLBC that the CLE programme should be a permanent feature in the KLBC’s annual programme/activities and that the ethos of continuing legal education should continue to be nurtured and cultivated amongst all pupils and members. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT (1) the KLBC puts in place an annual continuing legal education programme from May to March of each term of the KLBC (“the CLE term”) covering, inter-alia, all relevant and necessary areas of legal practice,risk management, practice management, professional conduct and ethics for the benefit of pupils and members (“the KLBC Annual CLE Programme”). (2) the KLBC Annual CLE Programme will cover a minimum of forty (40) hours of continuing legal education activities (lectures/seminars/practical workshops) of at least one (1) hour duration each and in any given month in the CLE term there will be a minimum of four (4) continuing legal education activities (lectures/seminars/practical workshops). (3) the KLBC and the Committee be authorised to take all reasonable and necessary steps towards establishing and implementing the KLBC Annual CLE programme, including :- A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) identifying the relevant topics. identifying competent and/or experienced practitioners and/or trainers. drawing up the full calendar of activities for the CLE term. creating awareness for continuing professional development amongst pupils and members. encouraging participation by pupils and members in the KLBC Annual CLE Programme. promoting excellence, professionalism and competence amongst all pupils and members through the KLBC Annual CLE Programme. (4) the KLBC Annual CLE Programme be principally funded by the KLBC but, if necessary, the KLBC be allowed to impose a minimum attendance/ participation fee for pupils and members to defray actual costs (direct or indirect) incurred by the KLBC in organising the continuing legal education activity. (5) pupils be required to attend a minimum of four (4) continuing legal education activities under the KLBC CLE Programme during their pupillage period. 5A.1 The Chairman said that the Motion was in fact a Motion of the Committee but for formality purposes, Steven Thiru and he had put their names to it as proposer and seconder. He then invited Steven to address the house on the Motion. 5A.2 Steven said that the KLBC’s involvement in a structured CLE began in 2004. The modest programme as shown in appendix 2 to the Motion had mushroomed into a comprehensive professional development scheme as found in appendix 3 to the Motion. The Committee believed that it had now put in place a good foundation for a viable CLE programme in the future. He pointed out that the main objectives that underpinned the programme are as follows and that it is geared towards these needs and expectations of the pupils and members at all levels :1 2 3 To build on the CLE programme (since 1985) of the Malaysian Bar. To establish a permanent and structured CLE programme for the KL Bar, based on the requirements and expectations of members/pupils. To create and imbue a CLE culture and a tradition of life-long learning, in an ever changing domestic and international legal environment. 5A.2.1Steven believed that these objectives had largely been met. However, the Committee accepted that there were more milestones to reach in the future in tandem with the Bar Council’s initiative in professional development. 5A.3 Steven further pointed out that there are a number of challenges that have to be overcome and which the Committee continues to face this day: (1) A change of mind-set (“I am doing it anyway” or “It is not a condition of my practising certificate”) - voluntary participation in a formal CLE programme; (2) Time conscious, cost effect and flexible; (3) “Show me the quality”; and (4) Bridging the chasm - from law M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 school to pupillage to practice. He said these are obstacles faced by almost all CLE programmes the world over. 5A.4 Steven said that the Motion addressed, in particular the 4th challenge-bridging the chasm. Members would appreciate that the Committee’s concern arose out of the absence of a uniform training scheme for pupils in Malaysia. He stressed that this Motion truly was a culmination of the efforts of the KL Bar Committee and in particular the CLE committee. The programme had been fairly well received and the Committee was encouraged by members’ participation in the last year. This, however, was not the time for the Committee to fall back exhausted. CLE or CPD as it is more commonly known is already well rooted in other jurisdictions as could be seen in appendix 1 to the Motion. He felt that the time is right for the Bar to put themselves on par with those jurisdictions as soon as possible. The question was where do we go from here? The Motion before the house is to establish the KLBC Annual CLE Programme whose basic features are: I The main areas: 1 Professional Practice (Litigation and Non-litigation) 2 Practice Management 3 Risk Management 4 Professional Conduct and Ethics 5 Human Rights II A minimum of 40 hours of CLE activities (of at least 1 hour each) in the CLE term. III Funded principally by the KLBC but, if necessary, a minimum attendance/ participation fee to defray actual costs. IV Pupils to attend a minimum of 4 CLE activities under the programme during their pupillage period. 5A.4.1Steven further said that the Committee envisaged an expanded programme with more CLE activities in the CLE term. He explained that the CLE term will run for 10 months from May to March during the term of the Committee. There is no compulsion on members to attend the CLE activities as the Committee believed that a quality programme should attract members’ participation. The Committee however, is proposing in this Motion to require pupils to participate in at least 4 CLE activities during their pupillage period. It was meant to deal with the concern that he had mentioned earlier ie the absence of a uniform training programme for pupils. It was also meant to inculcate in the pupils, the CLE culture which the Committee hoped the pupils would continue to develop in their practice life. 5A.5 Steven felt that the Motion was fairly exhaustive and does not propose to go through it. He said the Motion is a commitment by the Committee to all members and pupils that it would continue with its efforts to improve on the programme and attempt to cater for the professional requirements of all pupils and members. Pupils and A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes members can be rest assured that the Committee would not leave them in the lurch in so far as CLE in KL is concerned. 5A.6 Steven said that with the short introduction, he would like to put the Motion to the house for adoption. 5A.7 The Chairman said that before putting the Motion to vote, he would like to invite views from the floor. 5A.8 GK said that at the last AGM of the Malaysian Bar, he had opposed the compulsory implementation of any educational programme which non-attendance would merit that member to be struck off the Roll or some similar position taken. For this particular Motion, he could see that there is no compulsion on members. He also agreed that pupils must be included in the programme. He pointed out that the judiciary itself had, some years ago, embarked on a training programme for judges and judicial officers and they now have almost a college in Kajang. He believed they run about 50 to 60 programmes a year and their tutors are mostly judges and experienced lawyers. He said that if members of the Bar could go and teach the judges and judicial officers, he saw no reason why they could not teach their own people. He is thus in strong support of the Motion. 5A.9 Sivarasa said that he did not want to sound like a wet blanket but felt the need to point out some technical issues that had to be taken note of. In principle and at the outset, he is totally in support of continuing legal education. He would actually have preferred that the Bar had approved the resolution that was tabled at the last AGM of the Malaysian Bar contrary to what GK’s views were. He certainly is in favour of compulsory continuing legal education. He noted that there is no compulsion in this Motion but he could see that the Committee is trying to make it compulsory for pupils. He was just wondering whether the Committee has the power to do that or was it something that the Committee would then commend to the Bar Council. From his understanding, only the Bar Council has the statutory power to impose conditions on the pupils before they can be called to the Bar. That power does not vest in the Committee which the Committee may want to look at. This therefore would become more of a moral persuasion rather than having a binding effect on anybody especially the pupils. Thus, basically all that is being said is that there would be 40 hours of CLE in a year and in every month there would be 4 hours of programme. He was fine with all that but wondered whether a resolution was needed as that was something the Committee had been doing for some years. He credited the Committee for that and indicated that it was a good thing and should continue. 5A.9.1Sivarasa then referred to para 4 of the Resolution which states that the CLE Programme would be principally funded by the KLBC. He would like to caution the Committee on that. He felt that as long as it is not a compulsory programme, the CLE activities should be organised, as in previous years, on a recovery of cost basis ie to charge members what it would approximately cost to organise the activities but certainly not to make money from the same. He believed that the accounts tabled at this meeting reflected that position. It should not be a case where everybody is M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 funding something for the benefit of a few. That would not be appropriate. Until CLE is made compulsory, the situation pertaining to funding should remain the same. Para (4) therefore must be understood on that basis. It does not open a blank cheque for the KLBC to fund all and sundry to participate in the CLE Programme until such time it becomes compulsory. 5A.10 The Chairman said that he would like to address the 2 issues raised by Sivarasa. Firstly, the Committee does not have the power to make CLE compulsory for the pupils but would encourage them to do it. Secondly, as regards funding, he agreed with Sivarasa that the accounts did reflect that the principle upon which the Committee conducted its CLE programme was one on recovery basis. The income from the CLE programme as compared to the expenses was not that far off each other. 5A.10.1 The Chairman added that the Committee certainly did consider the points raised by Sivarasa. What the Committee hoped to seek through this Resolution was to make CLE a permanent feature of the KLBC for the coming year and future years as well. 5A.11 Steven referred to the question raised by Sivarasa as to why a resolution was needed when the Committee was already doing it. He said the Committee may have put in place a CLE programme but it did not have 40 hours of CLE per year. There were only about 33 CLE events the year before. The Resolution thus seeks to move it up to an average of 4 CLE a month. It is a commitment by the Committee and it wants to put this in place. Further, should the Bar Council put in place a compulsory scheme, members could at least look to the Committee to meet the minimum requirements. He hoped that he had answered Sivarasa’s query on why the Resolution was needed. 5A.12 Jagjit said that in principle, he utterly supports the proposal by the Committee. From what he had just read, apparently the courses that the Committee had organised last year had been successful not only in terms of the attendance but also subject content. What he did not understand and needed a little convincing was why the Committee needs to impose compulsory attendance for the pupils. To start with, he believed that the pupils already have to spend time in legal aid and to spend time with their masters and for them to attend those courses without specifying the courses that they have to attend is truly not being fair to them. What he has in mind was when having courses of this nature, the Committee must certainly have certain courses to target for certain target groups. For example, the Committee would not want to invite Dato’ VC George to attend a course on the fundamental of drafting. That would be ridiculous. If the Committee is going to have fundamentals, it would want to target the younger members. If pupils were made to attend a course on Corporate Litigation, he was not sure if they would understand (with no disrespect to the pupils). He said that the pupils are still “wet behind the ears” and should be given a chance. He had found from the few pupils who read in chambers with him, that pupils need to really spend time with their masters during the 9 months of pupillage to learn the fundamentals of what practice is all about. Let them be admitted to the Bar first and decide which area they would want to practice in and they can then attend whatever lectures or courses that they want pertaining to their field of A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes specialisation. There again, the courses must be designed to cater for members of different years of experience at the Bar. You do not go to a university and target a lecture meant for senior members of the Bar. The law students would certainly not understand it. He hoped the Committee would consider the concerns raised by him. 5A.13 The Chairman said that the Committee would take Jagjit’s concerns into consideration and also noted what he had said about having specific courses for the pupils. He further said that when addressing Sivarasa’s point earlier on, he did indicate that there was no compulsion on the pupils. 5A.14 Puravalen said that he was about to say what Jagjit had already addressed the house on. Basically, he would like to know the basis for the discrimination against pupils. The pupils are already overloaded with the 14-day compulsory legal aid service and the compulsory ethics lecture which he believed they have to sit for an examination. Now, the Committee wants to “hit” them with another 4-hour CLE courses. He wanted to know what made the Committee takes this approach; did the Committee find the pupils lacking? He asked if there was a consultative process with the pupils or was the Committee taking advantage of the most vulnerable section of the legal profession. He further asked if the Committee has any results of its research and feedback. Those were the details he hoped the Committee could brief the house on. 5A.15 Steven said that the Committee did not have that sort of empirical data as to whether or not our pupils fall short of the requirements. It was from the general interaction with the pupils at the monthly introduction sessions with them that the Committee gathered the requirements and expectations of pupils. The Committee would always speak on CLE to the pupils seeking feedback if they would be interested in it. Data and feedback as to their needs were also collated from the participants of the respective CLE activities. He pointed out that the Committee is requiring pupils to attend only 4 CLE activities in their 9 months of pupillage and certainly that is not too much. 5A.16 GK said that he did not like rising and speaking so many times but he wanted to take objection to some of the things that were said. He had written an article called “If you are prepared to learn, I am prepared to teach”. He had mentioned in that article that most masters do not have the time to give an all round education to their pupils. That role is then taken over by the KL Bar and in its CLE programme, the KL Bar tries to make up for what masters cannot do. He gave an example that if he was to run a corporate litigation practice, he certainly could not teach his pupil criminal law and if that is what his pupil wants to do after becoming a member of the Bar, he/she must have some grounding in it. He cannot destroy another person’s career if that is what they want to do. If CLE is going to do it, he is all for the CLE programme. He was upset that the house was quibbling about details. He said there is certainly a need for someone independent to give a very broad range of knowledge to our pupils. 5A.16.1GK further said that he would like to tell the house, many people would not speak about it but he would and is prepared to be condemned for it, the sort of people we have now coming into the Bar come from a wide cross section of the public. They 10 M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 have different level of skills and different level of knowledge. It is at the pupillage stage that we have to make sure that these people come to some modicum of standard so that we can appear during the Call to the Bar and say that this person is fit and proper to be called to the Bar. He believed that this is what the CLE is doing and it must be recognised. He said that naturally there would be imperfections, naturally there are going to be teething problems and various people are going to disagree with this but there must be a neutral stand for education and he is all for it. 5A.17 Roger Tan pointed out that it was mentioned that there is no compulsion on the pupils to attend the CLE programme but if he read para (5) correctly, it states that “pupils be required…”. His understanding of the word “required” is to mean “compulsion” unless it is substituted with “encouraged”. He was concerned that if the Motion was carried, the KL Bar would be taken to Court by the pupils as it does not have the power to introduce such a compulsory programme. 5A.18 The Chairman said that although the word “required” was used, the Committee meant to encourage the pupils to attend. He then referred to the details that GK and Jagjit were talking about earlier on and said that if this Motion was passed, the details could be ironed out later. He then asked for the Motion to be passed first and the details be ironed out later by the Committee. 5A.19 Nahendran Navaratnam said that he was reluctant to pass a resolution in a careless manner. If we meant “encourage” then let the word “encourage” be used. He suggested that the proposer and seconder change the word “required” to “strongly encouraged” and move on with the meeting. 5A.20 The Chairman thanked Nahendran for the suggestion and said that Steven Thiru, the proposer and he, the seconder of the Motion agreed that the word “required” in para (5) of the Motion be amended to read as “strongly encouraged”. 5A.21 GK proposed that the amended Motion be put to vote. 5A.22 The Motion, as amended, was put to vote and was unanimously carried. ITEM 6 OF AGENDA:To elect the Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for 2006/07 Lim Chee Wee was proposed by Raja Aziz Addruse and seconded by GK Ganesan. There being no other nominations, Lim Chee Wee was declared elected as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2006/07. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes 11 ITEM 7 OF AGENDA:To elect six (6) members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2006/07 7.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:- 1 12 Colin Andrew Pereira Proposer : Reggie Wong Seconder : M Moganambal 2 Ivan Wong Proposer : Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Seconder : Colin Andrew Pereira 3 R Ravindra Kumar Proposer : Robert Lazar Seconder : Nahendran Navaratnam 4 Stanley Sinnappen Proposer : Dato’ RR Sethu Seconder : M Puravalen 5 GK Ganesan Proposer : Muralee Menon Seconder : Jagjit Singh 6 N Sivananthan Proposer : Baljit Singh Seconder : Abd Shukor bin Ahmad 7 Anand Ponnudurai Proposer : Christopher Leong Seconder : Ranjit Singh 8 Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos Proposer : Akbar Hussain Seconder : Ragunath Kesavan 9 Abdul Rashid Ismail Proposer : Peter Ling Seconder : Alvin Tang 7.2 Nominations were closed. 7.3 The Chairman invited all the candidates to go up on stage so that members could see them. He then introduced them one by one to the house and invited the new candidates to each say a few words. M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 7.4 Colin said that except for last year, he had served the Committee for 4 years under the Chairmanship of Zainudin Ismail, Ragunath Kesavan and Jerald Gomez. His interest is in the CLE programme and as Steven was not standing for the Committee, he would like an opportunity to implement the CLE programme for members of the KL Bar. There were 3 broad areas of CLE that have been identified which were the basic essentials of practice for the younger members of the Bar, specialist seminars and practice skills and he hoped to implement a comprehensive programme for the benefit of all members. Finally with the passing of the earlier resolution, though it was no longer compulsory for pupils, he would like to draw up a CLE programme specifically structured for the benefit of pupils. He hoped that members would give him one year to serve on the Committee and judge him at the next AGM. 7.5 Sivananthan said that this was his first attempt to get elected to the Committee. For the past 2 years, he had been the Deputy Chairman of the Criminal Practice Committee. Ravindra Kumar handled the Civil section. Essentially whether he is elected to the Committee or not, he foresees himself carrying on doing the same job, either as the Chairman or Deputy Chairman of the Criminal Practice Committee. He then left it to the members to decide. 7.6 GK said that as he walked into the AGM hall this afternoon, he had no idea that he would be nominated. He thus did not prepare a speech. His first concern is legal education and his second concern is about the practice of the law in the Courts. He had proposed on many occasions and he does propose now that the Court should bring back all the retired interpreters and make them lay magistrates. He further believed that the KL Bar has now formed a substantial portion of the Malaysian Bar and felt that having one representative to the Malaysian Bar is not sufficient. The KL Bar needs a proportionate representation and something has to be done to make these suggestions to the Malaysian Bar. In so far as practice is concerned, case management has become such a device to postpone cases, it has become useless and something has to be done about it. Finally, he would be proposing, whether he is elected or not, to write to the Prime Minister that those above 20 to 25 years of standing should be allowed to sit in as judicial commissioners to hear cases so that some of the great burden that now lie squarely on the shoulders of the judiciary could be taken away. He said these are not great claims for an election but they are a start. 7.7 Jahaberdeen said that this was his first attempt at the KLBC. He had been involved in the Human Rights sub-committee of the Bar Council and some members would largely know him from his involvement in the religious freedom issues. He had written some articles on those issues and had been involved in some of the work done on that. Basically that is his area. 7.8 Voting by secret ballot took place. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes 13 ITEM 8 OF AGENDA: To elect one (1) member to represent the Kuala Lumpur Bar on the Bar Council for 2006/07 8.1 The following names were proposed and seconded:1 Oommen Koshy Proposer : Nandah Kumar Seconder : Ambiga Sreenevasan 2 Steven Thiru Proposer : Hendon Hj Mohamed Seconder :Jerald Gomez 8.2 Nominations were closed. 8.3 The Chairman invited the 2 candidates to each say a few words. 8.4 Steven said that he was offering himself as the KL Bar’s representative to the Bar Council. He wanted to say upfront that this challenge was not out of any disrespect for his friend, Oommen Koshy who is an honourable man. Both Oommen and he are servants of the Bar. First and foremost, he is a servant of the Bar and he believes that Oommen feels that way too. In the past 7 years, he had served in various sub-committees and had cut his teeth on those committees; the Human Rights Committee, the Contempt of Court Committee, the Law Reform Committee and more recently, in the Professional Development Committee. In those committees, he had the great pleasure of working with many dedicated unsung heroes of the Bar who had been a great source of inspiration and encouragement to him. In the past 2 terms, he had served as the Chairman of the KL Bar CLE committee. It had been a good experience and he must say that he had been honoured to work with many servants of the Bar, par excellence, at both the KLBC and the CLE committee. He believed that the Bar is not just about practice, it is about service and about the balance between the practice life that one has and one’s service to the Bar. He further believed that in as much as one takes so much out of practice there is a responsibility for one to give that much back to the profession. 8.4.1 Steven further said that it is no secret that his passion is CLE. It had been something that he had worked on with great pleasure for the past 2 years for the KL Bar. The Bar Council is moving a number of important initiatives on CLE and he would truly like to be in the collective decision making process and the setting of policies in CLE. He asked members to place their trust in him and assured members that he would not fail them. He aims, through his service in the Bar Council, to do the KL Bar proud. He thanked God for this opportunity and placed himself in the good hands of the members. 8.5 14 Oommen said that firstly, he was in full agreement with Steven. Steven is a very good friend of his and they are both servants of the Bar offering themselves for members to choose. He then gave a little background of himself. He had served M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 the KL Bar for 6 years in the Bar Committee. He was the Honorary Secretary for 2 years and had served in various sub-committees of both the KL Bar and Bar Council. Primarily, he was involved in the setting up of the LawCare for the benefit of all members of the Bar. In his one year as the State representative to the Bar Council, he was involved in the organisation of the Advocacy Training programme and the 13th Malaysian Law Conference. Currently, he is the Deputy Chair of the Sports and Welfare Committee and Publications Committee of the Bar Council. He added that on a lighter note, the current Chair of the Sports and Welfare Committee, SS Ravichandran from the Selangor Bar, did not seek re-election at the AGM of the Selangor Bar that was held the day before. Since not many elected Council members are sports-minded, he believed he would be needed to chair the Sports and Welfare Committee. 8.5.1 Oommen pointed out that his reason for wanting to be on the Bar Council is to be involved in the decision making process and the policy issues of the Bar; to see the implementation of the 5-year plan, to strive for more transparency and accountability in the running of the Bar. He further wished to improve on the good relationship between the Bench and the Bar and to uphold the cause of justice without fear or favour. 8.5.2 Oommen further said that he had served one year as the elected representative to the Bar Council and is asking to be elected for another year. He asked members to vote for him if they believed that he is a worthy candidate. 8.6 Voting by secret ballot took place. ITEM 9 OF AGENDA: General 9.1 To elect the Chairperson, Secretary and five (5) members to the Kuala Lumpur Bar Young Lawyers Committee (“YLC”) for the year 2006/07 9.1.1 The Chairman said that only members with less than 7 years of practice at the Bar are eligible to stand for election to the YLC. However, members with more than 7 years of standing may nominate and vote. He then invited nominations of names for the election to the position of Chairperson of the YLC. Richard Wee was proposed by Amer Hamzah and seconded by Fahri Azzat. There being no other nominations, Richard Wee was declared elected as the Chair of the YLC for the year 2006/07. 9.1.2 The Chairman called for nominations of names for the election to the position of Secretary of the YLC. Ram was proposed by Dinesh Kanavaji and seconded by Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah. There being no other nominations, Melissa Ram was declared elected as the Secretary of the YLC for the year 2006/07. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes 15 9.1.3 The Chairman called for nominations of names for the election of the five (5) members to the YLC. The following names were proposed and seconded: 1 Dinesh Praveen Nair Proposer : Edmund Bon Seconder : Amer Hamzah 2 Heng Hiang Swee Proposer : Edmund Bon Seconder : Richard Wee 3 Dzaki Ezhar bin Bahar Proposer : Amer Hamzah Seconder : Fahri Azzat 4 HR Dipendra Proposer : Peh Lee Kheng Seconder : Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 5 Vincent Tey Proposer : Edmund Bon Seconder : Richard Wee There being no other nominations, the abovenamed members were declared elected to serve on the YLC for the year 2006/07. 9.2 60th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar The Chairman announced that the 60th Annual General Meeting of the Malaysian Bar is on next Saturday, 18.03.2006 at 10.00 a.m. at the Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur. He urged every member present at this meeting to make a strong attempt to attend the said AGM and also to get their colleagues (who are not present at this meeting) to attend to ensure that the quorum of 2279 is achieved. RESULTS OF THE ELECTION UNDER ITEM 8 OF THE AGENDA The Chairman announced the results as follows:1 Oommen Koshy 2 Steven Thiru Spoilt votes : : : 235 votes 290 votes 3 Steven Thiru was declared elected as the State Bar representative to the Bar Council for the year 2006/07. 16 M inutes A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 RESULTS OF THE ELECTION UNDER ITEM 7 OF THE AGENDA The Chairman announced the results as follows:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R Ravindra Kumar Anand Ponnudurai Colin Andrew Pereira Abdul Rashid Ismail N Sivananthan GK Ganesan Ivan Wong Stanley Sinnappen Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos : : : : : : : : : 374 votes 369 votes 330 votes 322 votes 314 votes 307 votes 293 votes 278 votes 130 votes The following members were declared to serve on the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee for the year 2006/07:1 2 3 4 5 6 R Ravindra Kumar Anand Ponnudurai Colin Andrew Pereira Abdul Rashid Ismail N Sivananthan GK Ganesan The Chairman thanked all the scrutineers for their assistance in counting the ballots. M Moganambal recorded a vote of thanks to the outgoing Committee. The Chairman declared the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Bar closed at 4.05 p.m. R Ravindra Kumar Honorary Secretary Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 M inutes 17 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT A. Introduction I am pleased as Chairman of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee (“KLBC”) to inform members that the KLBC for the term of 2006/7 had a busy and productive term assisted by the hard work and dedication of its Secretariat, members of the various Sub-committees and many other volunteers who sacrificed their time to promote the interests and welfare of the Kuala Lumpur Bar. Lim Chee Wee Chairman Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2006/07 We continued with last term’s principal aims of regular dialogues with the Judiciary and Authorities, maintaining if not increasing non-subscription income, introducing non-professional services to members and continuous improvements to the Secretariat. Special mention must be made of the productivity of the CLE Committee for its almost weekly activities of lectures and workshops, and with it a substantial increase in non-subscription income earned (sufficient to cover the rental for the KL Bar Auditorium amounting to RM50,078.40 p.a.). Our financial position remains in the black with additional financial contributions from our private sector partners through collaborations and advertisements. We enjoyed the strengthening of our relationships with our partners in the administration of justice. With the Judiciary especially the KL High Courts, we continued our regular dialogue with the Heads of the various Divisions to resolve issues which arose since our last meetings, and for this the efforts of the Civil Court Liaison Committee are appreciated. The retired Chief Judge of Malaya was receptive to our views and wherever she was able to assist us, she did. We hope that her successor is equally open-minded. We were happy to have opened a new door of communication with the Attorney General’s Chambers who welcomed our suggestions of improvements in the criminal justice system. We thank the Honourable Attorney General for his co-operation in reducing the draconian quorum requirements for the Malaysian Bar and State Bar Annual General Meetings which will result in substantial reduction in expenditure. We wish Tan Sri Siti Norma Yaakob a happy retirement which no doubt is well deserved. We wish Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Malek Ahmad speedy recovery and Tan Sri has always been very supportive of the Bar by being receptive to our views and attending our Bar functions. The KL Bar extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of Allahyarham Dato’ Abdul Wahab bin Said Ahmad (High Court Judge in Commercial Court No. 8) on his untimely demise. Yang Arif’s polite and measured 18 C hairman ' s R eport A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 judicial temperament, wit and humour will be missed by the Bar. B. Committee Activities (i) Survey by the KLBC In order to understand the needs of our members better, we conducted a survey of the expectations and needs of, and challenges and problems faced by our members. Although we only received 20 completed survey forms from our members, the feedback received was instructive. Although, our members were complimentary of the services provided by the KLBC, the survey revealed that times are tough for our members, the challenges included lack of work, downward pressure on fees, problems in recruitment and training of staff and cashflow difficulties. We are attending to some of this feedback by planning seminars for staff training and raising some of these issues in the Bar Council. (ii) Meetings with the Minister for Legal Affairs, Attorney General, President of the Court of Appeal, Chief Judge of Malaya and the New Court Complex at Jalan Duta 1. We met the Honourable Minister YB Datuk Seri Mohamad Nazri Aziz on 12 September 2006 and requested YB to consider the establishment of a Judicial Appointment Commission, Law Reform Commission, IPCMC, Ombudsman system and Royal Commission into the 1988 Judicial Crisis, allocating more resources for the Judiciary (including a proper e-court system) and to look into re-arrest and the crime rate in the country. We agreed to disagree on some of these issues where the Minister did not share our views. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 2. We met the President of the Court of Appeal on 6 June 2006 and the Chief Judge of Malaya on 15 November 2006. We raised the issues of the quality of judges, backlog of cases, improvements to the system, the new court complex, practice directions and other issues. 3. The KLBC met the Honourable Attorney General for the first time in some years and the meeting was fruitful where we raised the issues of re-arrest, discovery in criminal trials, the state of the Judiciary, establishment of the Judicial Appointment Commission and Law Reform Commission and improvements to the administration of justice system. 4. The KLBC had a working visit to the new Court Complex on 28 November 2006 and the problems we anticipate include inadequate parking bays and lack of public transportation. 5. The KLBC wrote to the Prime Minister, Chief Justice and the Inspector General of Police for a meeting but as at the date of this report, no meeting has been fixed. (iii) Collaboration With LexisNexis The KLBC in collaboration with LexisNexis organised an inaugural LexisNexis-KL Bar Treasure Hunt to raise funds for charity and the KL Bar CLE programme. The event was also to strengthen the relationship with LexisNexis, one of the main information solution providers and a partner of the legal fraternity for a long time. The Treasure Hunt was held on 4 November 2006, from Kuala Lumpur to Genting. 250 participants in 66 cars participated in this event which managed to raise approximately RM18,500.00. C hairman ' s R eport 19 (iv) Fast Track PRO Finance Provided by CIMB Bank Bhd We hope that with the launch of the CIMB Fast Track PRO Finance providing easier access by our members to finance, it would ease some of the cashflow problems faced by some of our practitioners. This Scheme was launched on 17 November 2006. It is a unique, fast approval, hassle-free and cheaper loan package designed to assist professionals in funding their working capital and business expansion, inclusive of equipment financing and renovation of work premises. The maximum loan amount is RM100,000 at a competitive interest rate of as low as BLR + 1.5% per annum. We thank Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Haidar Mohamed Nor for his co-operation and assistance in bringing this project to fruition. (v) Legal Aid Centre - Appeal for More Volunteers and Investigations 1. This term, I wrote, on behalf of the KLBC, to another 918 law firms in Kuala Lumpur appealing for more volunteers to assist in the various projects of the Legal Aid Centre. The appeal has brought about an increase of 76 volunteer lawyers for the Legal Aid Centre. 2. The 3 member Investigation Panel appointed to investigate the various allegations against the KL LAC has submitted its report to the Bar Council and found that these allegations were false. There were other recommendations by the Panel which are being considered by the NLAC and KL LAC 20 C hairman ' s R eport (vi) Committee Meetings As at 31.12.2006, the Committee met 10 times and the attendance of each member was as follows: Lim Chee Wee R Ravindra Kumar Anand Ponnudurai Colin Andrew Pereira Abdul Rashid Ismail N Sivananthan GK Ganesan Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Ravindran Nekoo - - - - - - - - - 10 10 10 10 8 8 9 9 8 Steven Thiru, the representative to the Bar Council, was invited to attend the Committee meetings as observer and also to report to the Bar Council on relevant matters as and when pertinent and necessary. He attended a total of 9 meetings. The Chairperson and Secretary of the Young Lawyers Committee, Richard Wee and Melissa Ram, were invited to attend the Committee meetings as observers. They attended a total of 10 and 7 meetings respectively (vii) Finance, Subscriptions and Non-subscription Income The financial position of the Committee remains stable with a sum of RM640,778.70 in Fixed Deposit and RM271,227.02 in Trust Account with Amanah Raya Berhad. Details of the financial position are set out in the Audited Accounts ending 31.12.2006. The subscription for the year 2006 was fixed at RM100.00 at the last AGM on 09.03.2006. At the closing of the Committee’s financial year on 31.12.2006, 85 members were in arrears of the 2006 subscription. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 This term, we managed to raise a total of RM97,176.72 from sponsorships, website and newsletter adver tisements and CLE lectures. This term, as in the past term, we planned to have a balanced budget so as to return to members their value of subscriptions by way of activities but at the end of the financial year we are again still in the surplus. C. Sub-committee Activities The 12 sub-committees and their heads are: i Continuing Legal Education: Colin Andrew Pereira ii Conveyancing Practice: Colin Andrew Pereira iii Court Liaison (Civil): R Ravindra Kumar iv v Criminal Practice: N Sivananthan Environmental Law: GK Ganesan vi Information Technology: Abdul Rashid Ismail vii Legal Aid: Ravindran Nekoo (Secretary of the KL LAC) viii Publications: Lim Chee Wee ix Pupils Welfare: Abdul Rashid Ismail x Social: van Wong xi Sports: Anand Ponnudurai xii Young Lawyers: Richard Wee The accompanying reports of the various sub-committees are a reflection of the work performed by the sub-committees. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 D. Obituaries We record with deep sorrow the passing of the following members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar during this Committee’s tenure, from March 2006: Anandan Ganesan on 28.06.2006 Phang Ah Hee on 12.07.2006 David Chai Kai Wooi on 11.08.2006 Lim Chor Pee on 05.12.2006 The KLBC is approaching the new Judge of RKK 1 for a date to hold the Reference Proceedings in respect and memory of the abovementioned members and Hira Singh who departed on 12.11.2005. E. Challenges (i) The New Court Complex From the present information made available to us by the Registrar of the High Court of Malaya, we anticipate substantial difficulties with the move to Jalan Duta in terms of inadequate parking, public transportation and moving between the various courts spread out over such a large area. The present KLBC and no doubt the incoming KLBC will do its best to ensure a smoother transition. (ii) The Land Office The Conveyancing Practice Committee had written on numerous occasions to the Wilayah Land Office for an appointment to raise various problems faced by our members but to no avail. As a last resort we held a press conference on 22 November 2006 to highlight this problem through the media. Unfortunately, it did not appear to have been carried by the press. (iii) The Current State of the Bar This term has been a tumultuous term in the Malaysian Bar with the last Extraordinary General Meeting on 16 November 2006 deliberating on a Motion of No Confidence against 6 Council members and the fiasco over the postal ballot elections. The present state of affairs is sad and shameful. However, it has not stopped members from continuing the good work. A reflection of the strong conviction of the members of the KL Bar is the generosity of time of our members in educating others in the CLE programme, in advising and acting C hairman ' s R eport 21 for those who are too poor to afford legal representation and in assisting the activities of the KL Bar Committee. Our members have also been generous with their money in donating to a charity through the highly successful Charity Night organised by the Young Lawyers (it raised RM18,000.00) and donating to CLE funds through the Treasure Hunt, a collaboration with LexisNexis. F. Conclusion (iv) Purchase of Our Own Building I enjoyed my second term of service to the KL Bar and I apologise for any shortcomings which the KLBC may have been guilty of. I can only hope members would appreciate that we can only do so much with the resources which we have. The Secretariat (including the KL Bar Auditorium) currently occupies 5,297.6 square feet with the KL LAC occupying 1.877 square feet, and we pay rental of RM10,595.20 and RM3,754.00 per month respectively. Our initial plan was to move with the Bar Council should it consider purchasing a new or second premises but its search has not been fruitful. We then considered the purchase of our own premises in Solaris Dutamas so as to be nearer to the new Court Complex. However, the purchase price of RM4,959,000.00 for 13,020 square feet (with KL LAC) and RM2,726,000.00 for 7,258 square feet (for Secretariat alone) with maintenance charges of RM3,906.00 and RM2,177.40 per month respectively would require a substantial increase in subscriptions for a number of years. We have considered alternative premises in the Hartamas and Jalan Duta areas and have been unable to find suitable premises which fit our space requirement and financial abilities. We welcome any suggestions from members who are may be better informed of property matters than we may be. 22 C hairman ' s R eport Apart from the persons mentioned earlier, the KLBC acknowledges the co-operation and assistance received from the High Court Judges, Registrar of the High Court, Deputy and Senior Assistant Registrars, Sessions Court Judges and Magistrates. Finally, I am optimistic that at the end of the day goodness and righteousness will prevail and the problems which the Bar faces will see a happy ending with the unity of the Bar shining through. Lim Chee Wee Chairman Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee 2006/07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 secretariat report 2006/07 The staff The Secretariat lost one of its Executive Officers to the legal profession in 2006. Kavitha, who joined the Secretariat on 05.02.2003 left on 01.05.2006 to serve her pupillage and be called to the Bar. We wish her all the best in her new endeavour and are glad that she is still very much a part of us though in a different capacity. Mary Tan Executive Secretary The vacant position was filled by Nazatul Syima, an IT graduate. She however left to join the IT world after a three-month stint with the Secretariat. She was replaced by Melissa Dass, a law graduate, who joined on 07.08.2006. Melissa handles the IT Committee, Publications Committee, Pupils’ Welfare Committee, Social Committee and Young Lawyers Committee whilst the other Executive Officer, Azura, handles the CLE Committee, Conveyancing Practice Committee, Court Liaison Committee, Criminal Practice Committee and Environmental Law Committee. The Sports Committee is handled by Rajan, the Administrative Officer, who also maintains the directory of members besides carrying out other administrative duties. They are supported by the other staff at the Secretariat who each has their own scope of duties. The Organisation Structure with detailed information of the portfolios of each staff member is posted on the KL Bar website Azura Executive Officer In 2006, the Secretariat also lost its general worker/tea lady, Hong, who had decided to call it a day after having served the KLBC for close to nine years. She left on 01.02.2006. No replacement was engaged. Instead, the job was outsourced to Punca Bersih, a professional office maintenance and cleaning company. Rosilawati, our receptionist and redesignated as administrative clerk on 01.01.2006, received her long service award on 22.04.2006. She has served the KLBC for 10 years. The Role and Functions Melissa Dass Executive Officer A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 The year under review was as busy and productive, if not more, as in the past years. A host of projects and activities were undertaken by the 11 Sub-committees which were coordinated and managed by the Secretariat staff, whose strength remained S ecretariat R eport 23 at 9. Full details of the projects and activities are contained in the Chairman’s report and reports of the Sub-committees. Besides coordinating and managing the projects and activities of the KLBC and its Sub-committees, the Secretariat staff also carries out other regular functions such as keeping records of meeting proceedings, processing Petitions for Admission to the Bar, collection of annual subscriptions, BC Box rental, maintaining the accounts, register of members and BC Box system, attending to day-to-day enquiries from members of the Bar, pupils-in-Chambers and members of the public, just to name a few. The Secretariat staff continues to play an active role in the carrying out of the policies and activities of the KLBC and its sub-committees and be the moving force in support of the KLBC and its subcommittees. We are looking at making changes to the organisation and structure of the Secretariat to further improve on the provision of secretarial and administrative support to the KLBC and its subcommittees. We will also be looking into in-house training courses for the staff to enhance performance. Acknowledgement The Secretariat staff would like to express our gratitude to the KLBC Chairman, Mr Lim Chee Wee, Hon Secretary Mr Ravindra Kumar and all the Committee members for their support in ensuring the smooth running of all the projects and activitie. Many thanks too to members of the KL Bar who have assisted and supported us in one way or another in the carrying out of our functions. Feedback / Comments and Serving the KL Bar We will continue to strive to serve the KL Bar better and provide members with a more efficient Secretariat and welcome any feedback and comments from members of the KL Bar on how the Secretariat can improve its service to members and the profession which may be conveyed via e-mail to klbc@klbar. We are certain that together we will be able to contribute towards the betterment of the KL Bar and the legal profession. Mary Tan Executive Secretary 24 Rajan Admin Officer Siti Affaeza Accounts & General Admin Officer Indira Admission Clerk Rosilawati Admin Clerk Masni General Clerk Yazid Despatch Clerk Sulochana General Clerk Thirumahil General Worker S ecretariat R eport A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Continuing legal education committee This year, the Continuing Legal Education Committee organised 46 seminars and workshops which, to date, has attracted close to 3,965 participants and 49 speakers. The programme was divided into the following areas: Module 1: Fundamentals of Practice This covered areas that every practitioner should be familiar with. This category was targeted towards pupils, junior members of the Bar and lawyers who wished to switch from their current areas of practice. Practice areas covered included litigation, alternative modes of dispute resolution, conveyancing and corporate law. Colin Andrew Pereira Chairman Committee members Joanne Long Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Wong Tat Chung Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Noor Arianti Osman Renny Suzanna Zaidi Brendan Navin Siva Ken St. James M. Moganambal Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna Janet Chai Module 2: Specialised Areas This module targeted practitioners who already had a sound grounding in the fundamentals and covered areas such as medical negligence, company disputes, intellectual property and Syariah Family and Estate law. Module 3: Workshops This module covered practical training in criminal advocacy and in legal drafting. Module 4: Practice Management This module covered areas relating to managing a legal practice, such as disclosure requirements, tax planning and risk analysis. Module 5: Pupils’ Programme To give effect to the resolution passed at the last AGM, the committee drew up a programme specifically designed for pupils, covering areas that pupils would most likely encounter during their period of pupillage. The following areas were covered: A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 (i) Criminal/Human Rights Litigation (held on 19.06.2006, 17.10.2006 and 11.01.2007); (ii) Civil Litigation (held on 29.06.2006, 22.09.2006, 04.12.2006 and 19.03.2007); C ontinuing legal education 25 (iii) Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills Probate and the Administration of Estates (held on 14.07.2006, 13.10.2006 and 15.02.2007); (iv) Conveyancing (held on 20.07.2006, 27.09.2006 and 15.11.2006) (v) Pupils’ Advocacy and Professional Ethics/ Discipline (held on 08.01.2007) Full Programme - The full programme for the year is set out below: Date 26 Topic/s Speaker/s Moderator/s 13.04.2006 Mediation, Its Benefits and Possible Use in Malaysia Mr. Paul Emerson Ms. Joanne Long 19.04.2006 Tax Planning For Lawyers - Employees, Sole Proprietors & Equity Partners Assoc. Prof. Choong Kwai Fatt Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 20.05.2006 Minority Shareholders’ Protection and Convening a General Meeting under ss.144, 145 and 150, Companies Act 1965 Mr. Ben Chan Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 29.05.2006 General Concepts of Bankruptcy Law Mr. GK Ganesan Mr. Sanjeev Kumar 10.06.2006 Criminal Advocacy Workshop Dato’ V Sithambaram Mr N Sivananthan Mr Baljit Singh Sidhu Tuan Mohd Aimi Zaini bin Mohd Azhar Mr. Balbir Singh 19.06.2006 Criminal / Human Rights Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Edmund Bon Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 24.06.2006 Conducting a Civil Trial Dato’ Bastian Vendargon Mr. Gunaseelan Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira C ontinuing legal education A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Date Topic/s Speaker/s Moderator/s 29.06.2006 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kuma Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 07.07.2006 Due Diligence: First Principles Mr. Wong Tat Chung Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 12.07.2006 Disclosure Requirements for Joint Accounts and Trust Accounts Ms. Sherilin Mohd Ali Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 14.07.2006 Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ms. Reggie Wong Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 20.07.2006 Conveyancing CLE Pupils’ Programme Ms. Renny Suzanna Zaidi 22.07.2006 Sale-Registration-Finance of Ships Ms. Joanne Long En. Zulkurnain Ayub 15 to 16.09.2006 Criminal Law Training - jointly organised by KL LAC with CLE Committee, Bar Council Criminal Law Committee and LAC, Sgor Mr. Jagjit Singh Mr. Manjeet Singh Dhillon Encik Akber Abdul Kadir Mr. Edmund Bon Mr. Tan Hock Chuan Mr. Mah Meng Kwai Dato’ Kumarendran Mr. Harminder Singh 22.09.2006 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 23.09.2006 Introduction to Section 218 Winding-up Petitions Mr. Alex Chang Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 26.09.2006 Enforcement of Judgments and Execution Proceedings Mr. Paul Subramaniam Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 27.09.2006 Conveyancing CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Jeremiah Gurusamy A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Ms. Joanne Long C ontinuing legal education 27 Date 28 Topic/s Speaker/s Moderator/s 12.10.2006 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Mergers and Acquisition Mr. Lim Kar Han Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 13.10.2006 Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ms. Reggie Wong Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 17.10.2006 Criminal / Human Rights Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Edmund Bon Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 09.11.2006 Schemes of Arrangement (s176)-Practice & Procedure Mr. Lim Chee Wee Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 10.11.2006 Workshop on Modern Legal Writing (Part I) Ms. Jackie Yeoh 11.11.2006 Workshop on Modern Legal Writing (Part II) Ms. Jackie Yeoh 15.11.2006 Conveyancing CLE Pupils’ Programme Ms. Renny Suzanna Zaidi Mr. Jeremiah Gurusamy 18.11.2006 Case Management and Preparation for Trial Mr. Robert Lazar Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 24.11.2006 The Law Relating to Medical Negligence Mr. Sagadaven Thangavelu Mr. Brendan Navin Siva 25.11.2006 Practical Aspects of Registration and Intellectual Property Rights Mr. Michael Soo Ms. Noor Arianti 01.12.2006 Registration and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments and Arbitration Awards Mr. Rabindra Nathan Mr. Brendan Navin Siva 04.12.2006 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 06.12.2006 Intellectual Property: Protection and Enforcement in Malaysia Ms. Chew Kherk Ying Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 12.12.2006 The Law Relating to Injunctions and Other Interlocutory Relief Encik Shahul Hameed Amirudin Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira C ontinuing legal education A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Date Topic/s Speaker/s Moderator/s Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 19.12.2006 Conducting A Trial: Expectations of the Bench Y.A Datuk Abdul Wahab Patail 05.01.2007 2nd Workshop on Modern Legal Writing (Part I) Ms. Jackie Yeoh 06.01.2007 2nd Workshop on Modern Legal Writing (Part II) Ms. Jackie Yeoh 08.01.2007 Pupils’ Advocacy & Professional Ethics / Discipline CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Mah Weng Kwai Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 11.01.2007 Criminal / Human Rights Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Edmund Bon 12.01.2007 Judicial Review – Law & Procedure Mr. Sivarasa Rasiah 15.01.2007 Syariah Family & Estate Law Puan Hajah Shamsuriah Sulaiman Cik Sa’adiah Din 18.01.2007 Conveyancing and Loan Documentation Ms. YP Cheong Mr. Edmund Liew Mr Jeremiah R Gurusamy 22.01.2007 Investigative and Forensic Accounting Mr. T. Gunaseelan Mr. Prabhat Kumar 26.01.2007 Drafting Commercial Agreements Mr. Wong Tat Chung 31.01.2007 Alternative Dispute Resolution MEDIATION Datuk William Lau Ms. Joanne Long 06.02.2007 Winding-up: Law and Procedure Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 15.02.2007 Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Ms. Reggie Wong 28.02.2007 Practice Management Seminar i. Managing A Legal Practice ii. Risk Management for Practitioners Ms. Nallini Pathmanathan Ms. Corrine Wong 19.03.2007 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 22.03.2007 Litigation Drafting – Principles and Method Mr. Nahendran Navaratnam A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 C ontinuing legal education 29 Appreciation The committee would like to thank all speakers, moderators and participants for their contribution in making the programme a success. Clinical Legal Education Attorney / Supervisor Training On 14.06.2006 and 16.06.2006, four of the committee members participated in the First Malaysian Clinical Legal Education Attorney / Supervisor Training jointly organised by the Malaysian Bar, IIUM, UiTM and Open Justice Initiative. International Legal Aid Conference The KLBC sponsored the following lawyers who attended the International Legal Aid Conference held in Kuala Lumpur between 21.07.2006 and 23.07.2006: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) So Chien Hao; Ahmad Ridza bin Mohd Noh Kalaiichelvii Ramesh Lachmanan Jayamurugan Vadivelu. Lawasia Labour Law Conference The KLBC sponsored the following lawyers who attended the Lawasia Labour Law Conference held in Kuala Lumpur between 10.08.2006 and 12.08.2006: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Joanne Long; Chong Chia Chi; Lai Chee Hoe; Stanislaus Cross; Ganasen Karuppiah Acknowledgment The success of the continuing legal education programme was due primarily to the hard work of my committee members and Cik Azura, the executive officer from the secretariat in charge of CLE, and I would like to extend my utmost appreciation to them. Colin Andrew Pereira Chairman Continuing Legal Education Committee 30 C ontinuing legal education A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 CONVEYANCING PRACTICE committee The role of the Conveyancing Practice Committee is to address problems faced by conveyancing practitioners. Wilayah Land Office At the beginning of this committee’s term, a survey was conducted amongst members to ascertain the problems faced in dealing with the Wilayah Land Office. The following were the issues raised by members: Colin Andrew Pereira Chairman Deputy Chair Wong Lu Peen Committee members Cheong Yoke Ping Goh Hoon Huar Kalathevy Sivagnanam Rita Sabrina Wong Chong Yuen Chin Hanani Sidek Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Vasanthi Clement A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Limited numbers given out daily; Various arbitrary requirements being imposed; The length of time in issuance of strata titles; Problems in confirming that quit rent had been paid; Inaccuracy in searches; Insufficient counter staff to process presentations; Discourteous and uncooperative staff. From the feedback received, the committee felt that there was an urgent need to meet the officials at the Wilayah Land Office to discuss the problems faced by members. Towards this end, the committee wrote to the Land Office on a number of occasions to seek a meeting but to no avail. Finally, the committee wrote to the Minister in charge seeking an appointment and we are presently following up on this meeting. Meeting with the Selangor State Legal Advisor The committee, represented by its Chair, together with its counterparts from the Selangor Bar Committee met with the Selangor State Legal Advisor, YB Datin Paduka Hajah Badariah Bt Hasan on 7 June 2006 to discuss the following issues: (i) The requirement by the Shah Alam Land Office that statutory declarations with respect to private caveats needed to be stamped; (ii) The requirement by the Ulu Langat Land Office that statutory declarations with respect to consent applications needed to be stamped; (iii) The requirement by the Gombak Land Office that a donor of a power of attorney needed to be present to affix his / her thumb print on the said power of attorney. C O N V E YA N C I N G P R AC T I C E 31 Subsequent to the meeting, the office of the State Legal Advisor issued a directive to the Shah Alam and Gombak land offices requiring them to revoke the aforesaid requirements. Forum on SRO Enforcement The committee organised an interactive forum entitled SRO EnforcementThe Present Status and Plans for the Future. The forum was held on 22 September 2006 at the KL Bar Auditorium. The panelists for the forum were: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Mr Lim Chee Wee - Chair of the Kuala Lumpur Bar Committee; Mr Roger Tan - Chair of the Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee and SRO Enforcement Committee; Mr Andrew Wong - Deputy Chair, Bar Council Conveyancing Practice Committee; Mr Ong Siew Wan - Deputy Chair, SRO Enforcement Committee. Fraudulent Transfers A member of the committee, Mr Goh Hoon Huar, has volunteered to prepare a memorandum on fraudulent transfers and the problems arising out of the Federal Court decision in Adorna Properties Sdn. Bhd. v. Boonsom Boonyanit. Upon completion of the memorandum, it is envisaged that it will be submitted to the Minister of Environment and Natural Resources for his consideration vis-à-vis possible legislative amendments to protect the rights of victims of fraud. Acknowledgment I would like to thank the members of the committee and Cik Azura, the executive officer from the secretariat in charge of the Conveyancing Practice Committee for their hard work. I would also like to extend a special note of thanks to the Deputy Chair of the committee, Ms Wong Lu Peen for her support and guidance throughout the term. Colin Andrew Pereira Chairman Conveyancing Practice Committee 32 C O N V E YA N C I N G P R AC T I C E A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 COURT LIAISON COMMITTEE (CIVIL) This year I had once again the pleasure of being the Chairman for this sub-committee. At the commencement of the term we sent out a circular inviting members of the KL Bar to address any grievance or concerns they had with regard to the Administration of Justice in the Kuala Lumpur Courts. Having received the feedback from members we sought to address these concerns at the various forums held in the course of the year. Meeting with the Family Court on 30 June 2006 R. Ravindra Kumar Chairman Deputy Chair Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Committee members Andrew Teh Leng Guan Annou A. Xavier Audrey Jacqueline Pillai Chan Kheng Hoe Dipendra Harshad Rai Dato’ Zuraidah Atan Edward Saw Keat Leong Michelles Foo Li Mei Francis Soh Chee Ming Gopi Krishnan Seshadari Reggie Wong Mew Sum Sharmini Thiruchelvam Yap Lai Lian We managed to have our first meeting with the Family Court this term on 30 June 2006. The meeting was very useful and our comments were well received by the Court. Dato’ Aziah Ali was very receptive to our suggestions and agreed to have further meetings with this committee. Arising from this discussion, we were able to procure the cause list for the Family Court. A circular and minutes of this meeting was circulated to members on 13 July 2006. Members may now access the cause list for the Kuala Lumpur High Court Family Court through the KL Bar website, Meeting with the Judicial Officers of the KL Lower Court on 5 July 2006 The meeting was initiated by this committee after Puan Suraya came on board as the Hakim Kanan. Puan Suraya has since been appointed a Judicial Commissioner. We had a good turnout of judicial officers and many issues raised by our members were put forward at this meeting. A copy of the minutes of the meeting was posted to members on 10 August 2006 via e-mail and hardcopy. Proposed Meeting with the Judges of the Appellate & Special Powers Division of the Kuala Lumpur High Court We were not able to have a meeting with the Appellate and Special Powers Division in view of Dato’ Raus’s elevation to the Court of Appeal. We are hoping to have one after the arrival of Datuk KP Gengadharan who we understand will report at RKKI in January 2007. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 COURT LIAISON (CIVIL) 33 Meeting with the Head Judge and Registrars in the Commercial Division of the Kuala Lumpur High Court We had a good meeting with this Division on 7 December 2006.The committee took the liberty to congratulate the Bankruptcy Division in implementing a system to reduce the long waiting time. Various issues were raised and much of our suggestions were accepted. We further highlighted the pressing issues concerning the shortage of car parks at the new Court Complex where parking bays were limited to 450 to be shared by lawyers and the public. We also urged the Courts to be mindful of the problems that our members will face at the new Court Complex at Jalan Duta and proposed for cases not to be struck off pending our members getting used to the Court Complex. Dato’ Vincent Ng and the Registrars were in principle agreeable that there would be teething problems and were open to our suggestion not to strike out cases between 2 to 3 months after the move. We would no doubt have to make further representations to the CJM to ensure that some latitude is given to lawyers in not striking off cases seeing that the move entails housing the Lower Courts as well as the High Courts in the new Court Complex. A copy of the minutes of the meeting has been circulated to all members. Meeting with the Head Judge and Registrars of the Civil Division of the Kuala Lumpur High Court The Committee had a meeting with this Division in late February 2006 and also on 15 December 2006. We had a good meeting with Justice Dato’ Hj Abdul Malik Ishak and his Registrars. Some of the issues that were raised in the February meeting were re-visited and decisions were taken. A copy of the minutes of this meeting was circulated to all members. We had a good meeting and took the opportunity to highlight some of our concerns that our members will face at the new Court Complex. New Court Complex at Jalan Duta Several members of this committee as well as members of the KLBC were invited to view the new Court Complex on 28 November 2006. We were taken aback on the disclosure that there were only 450 parking bays to be shared by lawyers and members of the public. We were told that some underground car parks have been converted to filing rooms. Whilst the Court Complex is huge, we observed that the Magistrates Courts were located at one end and the Sessions Court at the other end. The High Courts are however housed in the middle of the Court Complex. The distance between the Magistrates Court and the Sessions Court is more than 500 meters. It is anticipated that lawyers attending the Lower Courts will have to do a great deal of walking in view of their locations. Hence this committee, as well 34 COURT LIAISON (CIVIL) A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 as members of the KLBC, have made various representations to identify some of these problems. We anticipate that the parking problem will be similar to that of the Shah Alam Courts and hope that some interim measures would be put in place. was made easier with the cooperation of all committee members. KL Bench and Bar Get Together at RSC on 12 January 2007 Finally, I wish to express my appreciation to the Chairman of the KLBC, Mr Lim Chee Wee and to my colleagues at the KL Bar Committee for their untiring involvement in our meetings with the Judiciary. The committee has taken on the task of organising this event once again. Last year we had a good turn out from our members. We have decided to have this event annually to give our members an opportunity to meet members of the Judiciary on a social occasion. The response from the Judiciary is expected to be better this year. The event this year will be special as it also serves as a farewell gathering for YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Siti Norma Yaakob, our CJM who retires on 5 January 2007. My sincere thanks to Mary and Azura who assisted us a great deal with our work. It is necessary for members of the KL Bar to continuously address their concerns, give ideas and suggestions to this committee in order to alleviate any of the shortcomings that exists in our legal practice. R.Ravindra Kumar Chairman Court Liaison Committee Acknowledgement I would like to express my special thanks to Dahlia, Andrew, Annou, Audrey, Li Mei, Lai Lian, Reggie, Gopi and Dipendra for their extra efforts and commitment to this committee. My task in heading this committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 COURT LIAISON (CIVIL) 35 Criminal Practice Committee The Criminal Practice Committee was set up with the principal aim of ensuring the existence of a body focusing specifically on issues with regard to members of the Kuala Lumpur Bar and other bodies involved in the practice of criminal law. This year the Criminal Practice Committee was involved in several activities as follows:- Meeting with the Head of the Prosecution Unit Kuala Lumpur Members of the Criminal Practice Committee attended a meeting with the Head of the Prosecution Unit, Madam Sarala Pillai at the Attorney General’s Chambers on 14 April 2006. This meeting was also attended by several officers from the Criminal Investigation Department IPK Kuala Lumpur, Officers in Charge of the Prosecution Unit at the Kuala Lumpur Subordinate Courts and Deputy Public Prosecutors from the Prosecution Unit Kuala Lumpur. N.Sivananthan Chairman Deputy Chairman Baljit Singh Sidhu Committee members Abd Shukor Bin Ahmad K.A. Ramu Suresh Thanabalasingam Sivanesan Nadarajah Kuldeep Kumar Richard Wee The aim of this meeting was to discuss problems with documents in criminal trials. The issues discussed were, amongst others, the procedure for the application of the First Information Report, Cautioned Statements, Chemical and Autopsy Reports as well as reports under section 399 of the Criminal Procedure Code for offences under section 302 of the Penal Code and section 326 of the Penal Code. Following from discussions during the said meeting, all parties involved reached an agreement on the procedures and rules to be practised in matters involving documents in criminal trials. The minutes of this meeting have been circulated to members of the KL Bar via circular number KLBC 28/06. Meeting on the Evidence of Child Witnesses Bill On the invitation of the Malaysian Attorney General’s Chambers, this committee sent its representative, Mr Abdul Shukor bin Ahmad to attend a Meeting on the Evidence of Child Witnesses Bill on 27 June 2006 at the Main Meeting Room, Enactment Division, Attorney General’s Chambers. This meeting was held to discuss the Draft Evidence of Child Witnesses Bill, before the same is finalised. 36 C riminal P ractice A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Meeting with the Human Rights and Criminal Law Committee of the Selangor Bar On 29 June 2006 a meeting was held between the Criminal Practice Committee of the KL Bar and the Human Rights and Criminal Law Committee of the Selangor Bar at the Kuala Lumpur Bar Secretariat. During the meeting, both committees discussed and exchanged points of view in respect of the Draft Protocol prepared by the Human Rights and Criminal Law Committee of the Selangor Bar, which examined the duties of lawyers and the police in matters such as the arrest process, obtaining information, personal appearance, remand proceedings and when an accused is charged. In addition to discussing the said Draft Protocol, the other purpose of the meeting was to discuss similar issues arising for both parties in practising Criminal law. Through this meeting, the Criminal Practice Committee of the KL Bar and the Human Rights and Criminal Law Committee of the Selangor Bar have forged a close bond through mutual cooperation, where members of both committees would endeavour to exchange information and provide assistance in the event of problems arising whilst working in their respective States, as lawyers from both of these State Bars frequently work in KL as well as Selangor. In relation thereto, we believe that lawyers would benefit from the close bond between the Selangor Bar and the Kuala Lumpur Bar. I would like to express my thanks to Mr Rajpal Singh, as the Chair of the Human Rights and Criminal Law Committee of the Selangor Bar, and its members for their willingness to cooperate with this committee. Media Conference A media conference was held on 29 June 2006 at the Meeting Room of the KL Bar Secretariat. This media conference was held to assert the views of the KL Bar on the incident which occurred at Simpang Renggam, during which detainees released upon an order of Court were re-arrested as soon as they were released. of the KL Bar issued their statements from a lawyer’s point of view whereas the Chairman of the KL Bar Committee stated the Bar’s perspective on the said incident, as well as the Police’s disregard of the Court order. Assistance to members encountering difficulties with the authorities At all times, members of the Criminal Practice Committee are ready to provide and indeed have provided assistance to any member of the KL Bar in need of such assistance. This includes dealing with the Court through discussions held with the Criminal Division, the Kuala Lumpur Subordinate Courts, the police and the Prosecution Division and the Registrar of the Criminal Division of the Kuala Lumpur Subordinate Courts. One of the incidents during which assistance was provided was when a member of the KL Bar was arrested without any reasonable excuse and we immediately met the Deputy Chief of Police of the relevant district who gave his assurance that the member would not be detained and would be released after giving his statement, and this indeed was what was done. Appreciation I would like to express my deepest appreciation to the members of the Criminal Practice Committee for their support and cooperation in ensuring that all activities were successfully carried out. I also would like to thank all parties involved in activities carried out during this term for their cooperation and attention. I sincerely hope that the efforts of this committee would in some way facilitate in bringing about a positive change for practitioners of criminal law. N. Sivananthan Chairman Criminal Practice Committee Representatives from the Criminal Practice Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 C riminal P ractice 37 Environmental Law Committee The Environmental Law Committee (ELC) this year has been concerned to carry on the good work done by its predecessors; for the ELC sees its role as more educational and awareness raising, rather than to function as an event-based committee. The following events will illustrate the ELC’s process-based work. Visit to CETDEM’s Energy-Efficient House The ELC had, on 1 July 2006 organised a visit to the Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia (CETDEM)’s Demonstration & Documentation Centre for Sustainable or better known as Energy-Efficient House or Cool Demo House. GK Ganesan Chairman Committee members Wong Ee Lynn Asmet Nasruddin Nurliza Ramli Shishila Surya Kassim VK Raj The objective of the visit was to create awareness and engage the interest and support of fellow members of the Bar on energy issues by appealing to them as homeowners, vehicle owners, professionals, consumers and rate payers. During the visit, the participants were given a tour session and briefing by the Technical Coordinator of CETDEM on ways to achieve Energy Efficiency, which means using less energy to accomplish the same task, hence reducing energy wastages and preserving the environment. The article on the visit was published in Relevan Issue No. 2/06. Energy Audit Pursuant to the visit to CETDEM, the ELC took the initiative in organising an Energy Audit at the KL Bar Secretariat. The audit will be carried out in January 2007 by the members of ELC with the guidance from the advisor of CETDEM. Meeting with the Government Departments and NGO’s The ELC had also sent its representatives to participate in workshops organised by NGOs and Government Agencies such as the Workshop on National Physical Plan and Workshop on Strategic Planning Management IWRM 2005. ELC members had also participated in the meeting to review the proposed amendments to the Environmental Quality Act 1974. Press Statement on Trans-boundary Haze The ELC had also initiated a press statement on the trans-boundary 38 E nvironmental L aw A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 haze that was published in “The Star” newspaper on 7 Oktober 2006. In its press statement, the ELC emphasised that there was a great need for Malaysia and Indonesia to take effective and long-lasting steps to limit, and over a period of time, eradicate trans-boundary haze. The ELC emphasised in that statement that International law recognises a sovereign state’s right to protect its biosphere, and its duty not to injure another’s. In order to ensure a greater ecological security, both Malaysia and Indonesia, the ELC felt, ought to take their respective obligations under international environmental law more seriously. We suggested that negotiations ought to address fire and haze prevention measures, the latter of which is the source of the recurrent problem of air pollution; and proposed that attention ought to be shifted away from the mere incidental issue of financial reparations. Handing over of the Memorandum on the Local Authority Councillors The Memorandum was initially handed over by the ELC 2004/05 to the Deputy Minister of Housing and Local Government on 4 November 2004. In view of the fact that the committee had not received any feedback from the said Ministry, ELC 2006/07 decided to re-submit the Memorandum to the Prime Minister’s Department.The Memorandum discussed the appointment and responsibilities of Local Authority Councillors within the legal framework of the Local Government Act 1976 and considered the shortcomings associated with Councillors’ discharge of duties. Joint organisation of a Global Water Partnership (GWP) Conference on ‘Intergrated Water Resources Management’ The committee has obtained the approval of the Bar Council to organise the aforesaid Conference with the cooperation of GWP and under the aegis of the Bar Council. The programme was a little complex, and took some time to obtain approval. At the time of this report going to the publishers it is still under preparation; and such progress as is made by this cooperation will accrue to the benefit of the incoming ELC; which is expected to see the Conference to its natural conclusion. Acknowledgement I would like to extend my gratitude to the members of this committee for their contributions and support in ensuring the success of the activities organised for this term. Many thanks goes to all who had given their cooperation and assistance. GK Ganesan Chairman Environmental Law Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 E nvironmental L aw 39 Information Technology Committee 1. The Information Technology Committee’s focus this year was to use information technology to communicate with the pupils about KL Bar activities and to provide online registration and services for the pupillage process. Online Pupillage Registration Abdul Rashid Ismail Chairman Committee members Megat Abdul Munir Zulkifli Tanabalan Ja’far Mohamad Reza Hassan 2. We are pleased to announce that KL Bar will be the first State Bar to introduce online pupillage registration and communication with pupils in Malaysia. 3. The online services which will be introduced include: • • • • • • online registration by the pupils; online communication between KLBC and the pupils; online registration for the pupils introduction sessions; online notification by KLBC to the pupils; online reminders of future events between KLBC and the pupils; automated response from KL Bar secretariat. 4. With the intended online services for the pupils, pupils will be able to view the status of their pupillage process via the website. Needless to say, the whole pupillage registration process would have been revolutionised and automated. 5. The introduction of online services for pupils will inevitably result in substantial savings in costs for KLBC and improvement in efficiency levels. In practice, the paperless environment will reduce the cost of paper, postage and manpower. 6. At the time of this report, many man-hours had been spent towards this project and the online pupillage registration is expected to be implemented soon. The KL Bar Website, E-mail Service and IT Fair 7. 40 The KL Bar Website continues to record good daily hits as more members are using the website and online services. The advertising on the KL Bar Website this year has provided an income of RM25,400.00 compared to a sum of RM19,250.00 in 2005/06 and RM8,600.00 in 2004/05 for KL Bar. I nformation T echnology A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 8. Due to the increase use of e-mails between KLBC and its members, KLBC has upgraded its e-mail services to cater for a higher traffic so that members will enjoy uninterrupted usage. 9. On 12 February 2007 the committee will be organising an IT Fair to enable the members to view the latest Legal IT products available in the market. A Note of Appreciation 10. I would like to extend my gratitude to all the committee members for their participation and input. I would also like to express my appreciation to Melissa, Indira and Rajan of the KL Bar Secretariat for their contribution towards the creation of the pupils’ online registration and services. 11. I hope that the innovations introduced have been of benefit to the members. We welcome suggestions and comments to enable us to continue to serve the members well and efficiently. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Abdul Rashid Ismail Chairman Information Technology Committee I nformation T echnology 41 Publications Committee RELEVAN newsletter 1. Lim Chee Wee Chairman This year RELEVAN only managed to publish one issue in August 2006 which featured an interview with Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. The Editorial was on the Death Penalty and there were some new columns introduced in RELEVAN which were the statistics of the KL Bar, Book Review and also Down Memory Lane which features photographs and excerpts from past events of the KL Bar. Deputy Chair GK Ganesan Committee members Cheng Poh Heng Nicole Wee N Surendran Brendan Navin Siva Rishwant Singh Bernard Francis Edmund Balthazar Jessica Lim YinYin Brent Yap Hon Yean Yudistra Darma Dorai Selvarani Paneerselvam 42 The Publications Committee this year like its predecessors aimed to continue the work of publishing the views and the contributions of our members on various issues. However, there was a struggle to achieve this as there were not adequate contributions from members of the KL Bar for quarterly publication. Other articles that were featured were the continuation of Gender Advocacy contributed by Ms. Jashpal Kaur Bhatt, an article by Mr. David Pannick, QC which was courtesy of The Times and a contribution by the Young Lawyers Committee Chair, Richard Wee, “To YLC or not to YLC, that is the question!”. The Environmental Law Committee’s visit to CETDEM (Centre for Environmental, Technology and Development, Malaysia) in July 2006 was also reported in this issue of RELEVAN courtesy of Wong Ee Lynn. 2. The second issue of RELEVAN is in its final stages and will hopefully be in print at the end of January. The Editorial will be on the Happenings of the Malaysian Bar in 2006 and the featured articles will be Part 3 of Gender Advocacy, and another article by Mr. David Pannick, QC amongst others. 3. Contributions from fellow writers are still low and the Publications Committee hopes that more members of the KL Bar would take advantage of this avenue to air their views on the issues that are affecting them. P ublications A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 4. RELEVAN would not be possible without the dedication and hard work of its committee members and contributors who help to make the newsletter a more interesting read. Hopefully in the coming year, we will see more members of the KL Bar contributing articles and members continue to give their support to RELEVAN. Lim Chee Wee Chairman Publications Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P ublications 43 Pupils Welfare Committee Abdul Rashid Ismail Chairman Committee members Raja Eileen Soraya bt Raja Aman Gopi Krishnan Seshadari Hanie Izawatie bt Ahmad Kamil Razanna bt Raslan Ding Jo-Ann Chua Sook Mun Falah Dizar Khaidizar S Lalithambigai Aziz Ishak Kavitha Thilagar 44 1. It was with great excitement that the Pupils Welfare Committee had our first meeting on 24 April 2006. Ideas were aplenty and the presence of many young members of the Bar in the committee proved to be an asset and the driving force behind the activities planned throughout the year. It was felt that the committee should play an active role in assisting pupils to prepare for legal practice and to look after the pupils’ affairs. We had more than 6 meetings and the fruits of our labour were evident in the events that were executed with enthusiasm during the year. 2. First, we looked at improving the pupillage process. In this regard, the committee worked with the Information Technology Committee to introduce online pupillage registration and services. 3. We also tackled the introductory sessions that were beginning to be seen by many as a mundane call of duty. It was decided that for the session to be meaningful, the pupils should be introduced to the history of the Malaysian Bar. Pupils are now treated to a 20 minute slide presentation, which is accompanied by melancholic music, of the successes and the achievements of the Malaysian Bar since its inception. The response from the pupils has been extremely positive. We must thank the Malaysian Bar Council for providing us the slides. 4. The improvement of the process of Call to Bar was also considered. The contents for the Call briefings were updated and streamlined. In this regard, the committee would like to thank Mark La Brooy and Hanie Izawatie for agreeing to be photographed as models for the Call presentation. Our thanks also go to Tan Yee Boon for photographing the models. Bibs, collars and robes were purchased and are now available in emergency situations for rent to pupils on their Call day after it was brought to our attention that some pupils were not prepared with proper attire for their historical day. 5. Next, we tackled the practical problems faced by pupils undergoing pupillage, The committee introduced a series of seminars called “The Great Expectations”. At these seminars, practitioners who are pupil masters are invited to talk to pupils about their expectations. The pupil masters come from a wide spectrum of law firms; encompassing small, medium and large legal practices. From the feedback conducted so far, the response from the pupils has been overwhelming. Many pupils took the opportunity to ask questions that they would not normally ask their own pupil masters. Our appreciation P upils W elfare A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 goes to Steven Thiru, Karen Wilfred, M. Reza Hassan, Asmet Nasruddin, Maidzuara Mohammed and Gopi Krishnan R Seshadari for giving up their time to do the talks. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 6. Next on the agenda was a social event primarily designed to enable pupils and masters to mingle in a social setting. Hence, the evening function called “The Pupil-Master Trivia Night” held on 16 November 2006. It was with a sigh of relief that the evening turned out to be enjoyable and had an attendance that exceeded our expectation. It was certainly no easy task to convince pupils and masters to spare an evening to socialise together! During the trivia competition, teams competed for various prizes and the Grand Prize which consisted of, inter alia, a hamper of law books worth over RM2,000 went to the team called ‘Kalashnikov”. The committee would like to thank Mark La Brooy and Elaine Daly for sportily agreeing to be the master and mistress of ceremony. Many felt that they made a handsome couple! Our heartfelt thanks also go to the firm of Lee Hishammudin Allen Gledhill and another firm that does not wish to be named for their monetary donations. We would also like to thank Teo Bong Kwang, Nahendran Navaratnam, Alex Chang, GK Ganesan, Gopal Sreenevasan, Ben Chan and Lim Tuck Sun, for generously contributing books authored by them. Our appreciation is also extended to LexisNexis for their goodie bags and the CLE Committee for contributing CLE Vouchers. The entertainment for the evening was delivered in splendid fashion by the “Backbreakers”, consisting of Mohd Izral Khairy, Mark Ho, Gregory Ling, Clarence Chua and Weina Ha who were supported by the singing of Kaushalya, Falah and Dee Wei. Kudos to them! Last but not least, we also thank the pupils of Raja, Darryl & Loh for meticulously preparing the backdrop for the party and to Habizan Habeeb for taking the photographs of the evening. 7. The committee believes in collaborating with other committees who may share common objectives and towards this end, we joined the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee (YLC) to talk to law students about a career in law. Workshops were held at National University Malaysia (UKM) and UiTM. The response from the students was good and we hope that we can continue working with the YLC. 8. Still in the pipeline is the publication of a pupillage handbook. The handbook when completed, is designed to act as a comprehensive guide for persons who intend to apply for and undertake pupillage in Kuala Lumpur. At the time of this report, the committee is in the process of finalising the collation of material and the drafting of the contents of the intended handbook. 9. I would like to extend my gratitude to all the committee members for their participation and input. The members of this P upils W elfare 45 committee showed extreme dedication and commitment and were genuinely interested and concerned about the welfare of the pupils. Each event was a team effort and the success of each programme must be credited to the whole team. 10. On a final note, Mary Tan and Melissa Dass of the KL Bar secretariat both demonstrated excellent organisational capabilities and we must say that we could not have pulled off the events without their assistance and contribution. Abdul Rashid Ismail Chairman Pupils Welfare Committee 46 P upils W elfare A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Social Committee Informal Social Get-together The first event for the term 2006/07 was an informal social get-together held on 26 May 2006 at Cheers in Damansara. Due to heavy downpour, the turnout was small but everyone had an enjoyable evening. Annual Dinner & Dance Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Chairman Committee members Colin Andrew Pereira Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah The Annual Dinner and Dance was held on 2 December 2006 at the Crowne Plaza Mutiara, Kuala Lumpur. Despite a crowded social calendar, more than 480 guests managed to attend the Dinner. A fair number of the guests made an effort to dress up “in theme” as there were attractive prizes in store for the best dressed couple. The dinner was generally well received with free flowing drinks throughout the night and were kept entertained by well known musician Bala. The committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the many firms and individual members for their unwavering support in ensuring that the Annual Dinner remains an enjoyable and important tradition. Visit to the Yayasan Sunbeams Home, an Orphanage A visit to the Yayasan Sunbeams Home was held on 16 July 2006 where the proceeds (amounting to RM5,000.00) from the KL Bar Motor Treasure Hunt that took place on 26 February 2006 and toiletries donated by Body Basics Sdn Bhd were handed over to the Home. A lunch was also hosted for the children. The turnout of members was not encouraging but the children at the Home had an enjoyable time. Blood Donation A blood donation drive was held at the Bar Room at the Lower Courts in Jalan Raja on 17 August 2006 with the assistance of Pusat Darah Negara. A total of 34 units of blood was collected from generous donors. LexisNexis-KL Bar Treasure Hunt The LexisNexis-KL Bar Treasure Hunt took place on 4 November 2006 with an excellent turn out of 66 cars and approximately 250 participants. The Hunt commenced at the Volvo showroom in Jalan Sungai Besi and ended in Genting Highlands Resort where we were treated to a late lunch which was then followed by the announcement of the winners A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 S ocial 47 and prize-giving. We look forward to working with LexisNexis again next year to make the Treasure Hunt an annual affair. All nett proceeds of the Hunt were split between the co-organisers to be channeled towards charitable causes and the KL Bar CLE Programme. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many hunt enthusiasts in our fraternity for their support in making this event a success. Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Chairman Social Committee 48 S ocial A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Sports Committee 1. Committee Members The following convenors were appointed to assist in the organising of the following games :- Anand Ponnudurai Chairman i. Badminton ii. Cricket iii. Golf iv. Hockey v. Netball vi. Soccer vii. Squash viii. Tennis ix. Volleyball : : : : : : : : : A.I. Nathan Alex De Silva Koh Yew Chong K. Vijayaraj Wong Keat Ching Peter Ling Jayne Koe Yeoh Cho Keong Cheow Wee 2. Annual Series 2.1 6th KL/Selangor Bar Games (Lall Singh Muker Challenge Trophy) The 6th series was hosted by the Selangor Bar at various venues on 20 and 21 January 2006. The KL Bar started on a winning note when they beat the Selangor Bar and won the Kandiah Chelliah Trophy for Golf on 20 January 2006 at the Bukit Kemuning Golf course. The KL Bar then went on to compete with the Selangor Bar in hockey, snooker, netball, volleyball, football and badminton on 21 January 2006, wherein the KL Bar triumphed in all except snooker. As such, the KL Bar retained the Lall Singh Muker Challenge Trophy with an overall score of 6-1. The 7th Series will be hosted by the KL Bar on 12 and 13 January 2007. 2.2 17th Sports Carnival – KL Bar vs Royal Selangor Club (Tan Sri Dato’ Harun Hashim Challenge Trophy) The 17th Sports Carnival was scheduled to be held and co-hosted during the week beginning 20 November 2006 with various games being played culminating in the field games such as soccer, netball, cricket and hockey being played at their Kiara Sports Annexe on 25 November 2006 and followed by dinner/prize-presentation. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 S ports 49 The KL Bar started strongly when its badminton team defeated the RSC badminton team 5-0 at the Kuen Cheng badminton courts on the night of 20 November 2006. However, the KL Bar received a call from the RSC Sports Chairman on 22 November 2006 with a request that the games be deferred because of the very bad condition of their ground in Kiara, due to incessant rain which caused the ground to be closed. Rather than to proceed with the indoor games and postpone the field games to a future date, it was jointly decided that the entire 17th Series and dinner be postponed. It is likely that the 17th Series will be held in February or March 2007. 3. Inter-State Bar Tournament 3.1. An Inter-State Bar Tournament was organised by the Bar Council and hosted by the Kedah Bar in Alor Setar on 18 and 19 November 2006. The games that were played were badminton, golf, netball, soccer and volleyball and the KL Bar sent teams to compete in all events. 3.2. The KL Bar teams emerged champions in soccer, netball and volleyball at the games. 3.3. In golf and badminton, the KL Bar emerged as runner-up after losing very narrowly to the Selangor Bar. 3.4. The final dinner and prize-presentation was held at the Revolving Restaurant in the Alor Setar Telekom Tower and was very well attended by all participants. 3.5. Special thanks to the Kedah Bar for a very well organised tournament and to the respective convenors from the KL Bar who led their teams to splendid performances in Alor Setar. 3.6. Apparently, the Kelantan Bar has agreed to host the next Inter-State Tournament next year which KL Bar will no doubt participate in with the hope of repeating (maybe improving) this year’s performance. 4. Soccer The 18th Thayalan Memorial Cup 7-A-Side Football Tournament for the Challenge Trophy donated by Messrs Skrine was held on 4 March 2006 at the UNITEN ground in Bangi. The tournament was keenly contested with participation from various teams from all over the country. A band of lawyers who called themselves “Feng Tau FC” emerged champions with “Chocolate Bar” as runners up. The 19th Annual Tournament will be held in March 2007. 50 S ports A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 5. General Members of the KL Bar regularly meet to play various sports which include volleyball and badminton. The KL Bar has a fixed booking initially at the SBA Hall in Kampung Attap and now at KLBA Hall in Cheras every Wednesday evening for badminton and bookings for volleyball at the Bangsar Sport Complex on Sunday evenings and there is active participation from both members and pupils at these sessions. 6. Note of Thanks I wish to place on record my thanks to all convenors for sacrificing their time and effort in organising their respective games. The committee also wishes to thank all donors for the trophies and sponsorship in various forms in the past years which greatly contributed towards the success of the various sports activities. Last but not least, the committee thanks all “sporting members” who have participated and supported the various activities of the Sport Committee over the past year. Whilst participation has increased and is encouraging in general, it is hoped that more members in particular the younger lawyers, will participate in the coming years’ activities. Anand Ponnudurai Chairman Sports Committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 S ports 51 Young lawyers Committee YLC Chairman’s report This term, YLC continued to engage with the younger members, and relay their views and comments to the KLBC. Projects from last term were carried on into this term, and new projects were also initiated. Without wanting to sound repetitious (since the specific reports of each sub-committee are set out below), listed here are some significant projects/activities we have carried out this term:1. Involvement in the drafting and distribution of the RED BOOK, launched on 20 April 2006. A project initiated by a group of concerned lawyers called “TANGKAP” (some YLC members are part of TANGKAP), this was a carry-forward project from last term’s YLC. The 2nd edition of the RED BOOK will be out soon. 2. Organising visits to our local Universities with legal fraternities, namely UM, UKM & UiTM to conduct workshops with LLB undergraduates. We have received positive feedback from all the participating Universities and this lends further support for us to possibly making this a permanent feature in YLC’s calendar for years to come. 3. Charity Nite 2006 - the 2nd instalment of this event. It was more successful than last year’s inaugural Nite, and there are plans to hold similar Charity Nites at Melaka and Perak. 4. Visit to the DBKL Magistrate’s Court to attend the ‘KLCCkissing-couple’case. YLC was also part of the entourage of lawyers who marched to Bukit Aman on 7 June 2006, in protest of the arrest of a lawyer who wanted to meet his client at a Police Station. 5. Attended the Young Lawyers Forum at the President of Law Association [POLA] Conference in Singapore from 25 to 27 August 2006. More than 15 members of KL YLC represented Malaysia at the event. Other YLC members from other states were also part of the Malaysian contingent. We attended the conference under the NYLC umbrella, and the conference certainly cements the close relations with our Singapore counterparts. 6. Our YLC member, Lai Chee Hoe attended the “Mechanisms and Richard Wee T.S. Chairman Secretary Melissa Ram Committee members Vincent Tey Dipendra Harshad Rai Dinesh Praveen Nair D’zaki Ezhar Bahar Janet Chai Lai Chee Hoe Lee Shih Lee Chooi Peng 52 Y oung lawyers A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Legislation to Promote and Protect Gender Equality” at Petaling Jaya, from 28 to 30 August 2006, representing the Bar Council and also KL YLC. The Conference, jointly organised by Penangbased Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) and the international solidarity network of Women Living Under Muslim Laws, is a meeting of international experts to compare and discuss gender equality legislation and mechanisms. 7. Some YLC members were also part of the Bar Council’s team of solicitors in the ‘Bloody Sunday’ Inquiry of SUHAKAM. 8. Production of a video documentary of KL Legal Aid Centre (LAC). This short documentary is meant to be shown to the younger members to reflect the history and importance of the LAC. Ravi Nekoo [Secretary of KL LAC] was instrumental in ensuring the commencement of this project. 9. Career Advancement Fair - The Career Advancement Sub-committee [Internal] will organise the said Fair, inviting prominent Universities and Colleges to conduct an Education Fair to expose younger lawyers to the potential of furthering their education. YLC had also contacted some prominent Scholarship Trust Funds who have indicated their willingness to offer scholarships to qualified lawyers. This report is not complete without mention of the most significant change in YLC policies, i.e. the abolishment of limb (a) of Section 46A of the Legal Profession Act 1976. With this abolishment it now means that younger lawyers are no longer prohibited or restrained to offer themselves as candidates in Bar Council or State Bar Committees elections. A struggle starting in 1978 finally culminated in its abolishment on 2 October 2006 when the Amendment Act abolishing that limb was gazetted. When the Bill was first introduced at Dewan Rakyat in July 2006, some YLC members were present at Parliament to meet Datuk Seri Nazri and a few other legally qualified Members of Parliament to show support in the abolishment of the restrictive section. YLC is also represented at the National Young Lawyers Committee of the Bar Council [NYLC]. Being the YLC which represents the largest group of young lawyers, we undertook to ensure the interests of our members were constantly amplified at NYLC meetings. We were also involved in the many projects of NYLC. At this juncture, I must express my appreciation to each and every member of YLC for their assistance in our various projects this term. The office bearers of YLC must be applauded for leading by example and remaining focused on representing the views and needs of the younger members of the KL Bar. I also wish to thank the Secretary of YLC, Melissa Ram, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes for the benefit of YLC. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Y oung lawyers 53 The KL Bar Secretariat staff, namely Mary, Melissa Dass and former Executive Officers [Kavitha and Nazatul] were instrumental in ensuring that our projects took off and for that, YLC is grateful to them. The KL Bar Committee members were also very supportive of YLC’s cause. Melissa and I have been and continue to be beneficiaries of their guidance, encouragement and assistance throughout our term. Lastly, we appreciate the encouragement of KL Bar members and hope you will continue to support future YLC activities. The YLC will continue to be around, as the committee is not merely an Anti S46A Committee, but (to borrow the phrase from the great Abraham Lincoln in his Gettysburg address) is a “committee of young lawyers, by young lawyers and for young lawyers”. Richard Wee T.S. Chairman Young Lawyers Committee Human Rights Sub-committee Members: Dinesh Nair [Chair] Sharifah Thaherah Ng Yueng May Ranjeeta Kaur Ravi The Human Rights Sub-committee of the YLC had an eventful and fruitful tenure this year wherein we had undertaken several activities as part of our continuous effort to promote human rights awareness among lawyers, especially young lawyers in general. The following are the activities that we have undertaken and/or participated in: 54 a) attended the DBKL Magistrate’s Court on two occasions for the hearing of the ‘KLCC-kissing-couple’ case; b) was part of the “march” to Bukit Aman on 7 June 2006, in protest of the Royal Malaysian Police’s arrest and manhandling of a lawyer who wanted to meet his client at the Petaling Jaya Police Station; c) had proposed and prepared a draft statement to be issued either by the YLC or KLBC in protest of the Royal Malaysian Police’s abuse of a detainee in custody following the airing of the same by TV3’s “Buletin Utama” on 26 August 2006; Y oung lawyers A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 d) attended the Malaysian Human Rights Day 2006 Conference organised by the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) on 9 September 2006 at Renaissance Hotel, K.L; e) continuing to liaise with Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, the Minister of Women, Family and Community Development with regard to inviting the Minister for a forum to deliver an address of the Malaysian Government’s perspective of the Islamic Family (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2005. Attempts thus far to convene the said forum have been unsuccessful as the Minister is understandably inundated with numerous engagements. In sum, we believe that the above activities have exposed many lawyers (especially young lawyers) to a greater awareness of human rights and its related issues. That said, we hasten to add that we are extremely optimistic in participating in many other activities to further the cause of human rights in Malaysia. Dinesh Nair Chair Human Rights Sub-committee Career Advancement Sub-committee [CAC] For this term, this sub-committee is further divided into 2 units of External and Internal Units. Whilst the External Unit deals with works outside KLBC’s jurisdiction, the Internal Unit aims to improve the career prospects of the younger members of the KL Bar. Members: Janet Chai [Co-Chair – Internal Unit] Lai Chee Hoe [Co-Chair – External Unit] Lee Shih Alan Teoh Wilson Agnes Chow Sumitha Ng Chian Huey Benjamin Yong Hui Athena Ang Vivian Tan Chew Liitsan Khor Tze Ming Lee Chooi Peng Azrina Hanie Razanna External unit The CAC, this term, continued the workshop project with LL.B undergraduates at local universities which was initiated by the last committee. What prompted the CAC to keep the program running is because CAC sees the need to manage the Law A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Y oung lawyers 55 students’ expectations. This is especially so when the mainstream education in Universities do not provide the students details of the practical aspects in practising law and the core competencies needed to excel or even to merely survive in the ever competitive legal market. Hence, we believe in nurturing and equipping all the lawyers-to-be with the skills and attitude to face the stiffer competition, especially when globalisation creeps in to the profession where foreign lawyers are allowed to practise in Malaysian jurisdiction. We have conducted in total 3 workshops ie. University Malaya (“UM”), University Kebangsaan Malaysia (“UKM”) and University Institute Technology Mara (“UiTM”). We started the project by holding a workshop in UM on 22 July 2006. There were about 100 final year students present on that day and the feedback from the volunteer lawyers and the final year students was encouraging, which some has suggested that the workshop should be set to be a permanent feature in the UM’s diary. In view of the success of the UM workshop, CAC decided to expand its reach to universities around the State of Selangor. After obtaining approval from Selangor Bar, we conducted the 2nd workshop at UKM on 5 August 2006. The UKM students were enthusiastic and excited. They posed many questions and the volunteer lawyers were more than pleased to provide an insight into their daily working life. The 3rd workshop was conducted in UiTM on 23 September 2006 which also marked the conclusion of the projects undertaken by the CAC 2006/2007. This workshop has attracted the presence of Haji Sulaiman Abdullah, Lim Chee Wee, Edmund Bon and young volunteer lawyers from the Selangor and Perak Bar. The students from UiTM had the opportunity to gain insight into the reality checklist and core competencies a lawyer should possess. The full evaluation of these workshops is indeed positive and the workshops were favourably received by the students and volunteer lawyers. We believe there is a need for repeating the workshops in the upcoming year to continue managing the students’ expectations. Lai Chee Hoe Chair [External Unit] CAC Internal unit This sub-committee has, in addition to the various visits to local universities as outlined above, organised a talk on Anti-Money Laundering Act (“Act”) which was held on 1 August 2006. The talk was held in view of the recent amendments to the Act whereby the reporting obligations under the Act was extended to lawyers who now has a duty to report suspicious transactions encountered in his work. Feedback from attendees, which includes pupils and members of the legal profession and also non-members like accountants and office managers of law firms, was extremely good. This sub-committee also targets to start year 2007 with a career advancement fair on postgraduate courses for pupils and members of the legal profession who aim for betterment of their knowledge and who has no time to sieve through massive information from the various local universities and colleges for options on their courses available. Janet Chai Chair [Internal Unit] CAC 56 Y oung lawyers A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Sports Sub-committee Members: Dipendra [Chair] Farez Jinnah This year the Sports Sub-committee had originally planned to jointly organise a Sports Carnival with the KL Bar Sports Committee. The said Sports Carnival was planned for in November or December 2006. However, in view of the large number of events organised and planned for during this period, the Sports Subcommittee decided to defer the Sports Carnival to January or February 2007 (depending on availability and suitability). The Sports Sub-committee is also looking into alternative events like paintball tournaments and/or futsal tournaments. As Chair of this sub-committee I also sit in the KL Bar Sports Committee led by Anand Ponnudurai, where the views of the younger members are shared and conveyed to that Committee. It must be noted that members of the Sports Sub-committee had also actively contributed to the successful organising of events like the Charity Nite 2006. Members of the Sports Sub-committee also participated in the Young Lawyers Forum at the President of Law Association [POLA] Conference in Singapore from 25 to 27 August 2006. H R Dipendra Chair Sport Sub-committee Welfare Sub-committee Members: D’zaki [Chair] Lee Chooi Peng [Deputy Chair] Melissa Ram Hoong May Yin Benjamin This year the Welfare Sub-committee had jointly organised a Charity Nite with the Social Sub-committee on 27 July 2006 to raise funds for Taman Megah Handicapped and Disabled Children’s Home (“the Home”). We visited the Home on 27 May 2006 and were touched by the needs of the ‘special children’ in the Home. The Home which serves almost 130 children has a monthly expenditure of RM32,164-00. Therefore, we decided to organise another Charity Nite, following the overwhelming response to last year’s event, to help these ‘special children’. To attract more donations, we conducted a singing contest during the Charity Nite where the winner is decided by the amount of donations collected from his/her performance. The singing contest successfully raised funds of RM 6,185.15 for the Home and also jazzed up the atmosphere of the event. We sold 418 tickets for the Charity Nite and generous donations from individuals and law firms had raised funds of RM 12,702.06 for the ‘special children’. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Y oung lawyers 57 This year, we have not just raised funds of almost RM20,000.00 for Taman Megah Handicapped and Disabled Children’s Home but also managed to get a sponsor to donate 2 computers to the Home. Lee Chooi Peng Deputy Chair Welfare Sub-committee Social Sub-committee Members: Vincent Tey [Chair] Lee Shih [Deputy Chair] Dinesh Kana Tiffany Heah Vivian Tan Alan Teoh The highlight of the year for the Young Lawyers’ Social Sub-committee was the 2006 Charity Nite which was held at CoChine Restaurant along Jalan Doraisamy. This event was jointly organised with the Welfare Sub-committee on 27 July 2006. Due to the overwhelming support from lawyers who attended and/or contributed to this event, a sum of almost RM20,000.00 was raised for the Taman Megah Handicapped and Disabled Children’s Home (“the Home”). At risk of repetition, particulars of the 2006 Charity Nite as stated in the Welfare Committee’s 2006 Report are referred to and adopted herein. The Social Sub-committee would like to extend its utmost gratitude to everyone who has made this event possible and a successful one. Whilst raising funds was the main agenda of the night, the event itself provided a perfect arena for lawyers to chill out and also discuss current legal issues, not to mention making a few friends along the way. The success of this event again reflects the concern and sensitivity of lawyers to the needs of the less fortunate in our society. Through this event, we have taken another step in the right direction. The Social Sub-committee has also assisted in organising a Majlis Berbuka Puasa on 13 October 2006. The dinner was held in great Malaysian Muhibbah spirit. We had participants of all races in attendance. We aim to attract more participation next year. The KL YLC is currently discussing the possibility of holding a year-end party to be co-organised with the KL Bar Social Committee. We look forward to a huge turnout should this event be confirmed. We will keep you posted. Once again, on behalf of the Social Sub-committee, I would like to thank everyone of you for your belief and untiring support in making this a memorable year for the KL Bar Young Lawyers Committee. I look forward to your continued support next year!! Vincent Tey Chair Social Sub-committee KL Bar Idol The idea for a KL Bar Idol competition crystallised sometime in May 2006, as the Young Lawyers Committee brain-stormed on ideas for this year’s Charity Nite. The idea developed into the novel concept whereby the audience members would vote for their favourite idol, by donating money into the boxes we provided. The Idol 58 Y oung lawyers A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 with the highest sum raised would be crowned KL Bar Idol, and all proceeds would be donated to charity. With e-mails flying to and fro, and with even more meetings, the format and the rules of the competition were put in place. The Qualifying Round for the KL Bar Idol competition was held on a Saturday 8 July 2006, at the KL Bar Conference Room. At the earlier stage of organising the competition, we were worried that we would not have enough participants. We had limited the number of participants to 10, but that limit was very quickly breached, and in the end, we allowed 13 participants to take part in the Qualifying Round, and we had to turn the other enthusiastic late entries away. As the 13 participants each entered the “competition arena” which was the Conference Room, what greeted them was a scene right out of a press conference. The room was packed with supporters, bright lights, a photographer snapping away, two video cameras running, and amidst all of that, each participant had to sing and impress the panel of 5 judges. Each participant could sing a maximum of 2 songs, either in Bahasa Malaysia or in English. 4 finalists were eventually selected to go on to the Finals to be held on the Charity Nite. They were: 1. 2. 3. 4. Falah, of Oon & Partners Dee Wei, of Skrine Brendan, of Susie See, Norbaya & Cheah Kaushalya, of Shafee & Co But, many congratulations to the other participants: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jamal, of Othman Hashim & Co. Steven, of Shook Lin & Bok Esther, of Badri Kuhan Yeoh & Ghandi CW Lim, of Paul Cheah & Associates YS Kho, of Lim Kian Leong & Co. Sheryl, of Wong & Partners Melody, of Shearn Delamore & Co. Nancy, of NC Yew & Partners ‘A Shy Guy’ In the lead-up to the Charity Nite, the 4 finalists had many rehearsals with the all-lawyer band, led by Izral and Mark Ho and the other band members, Chua, Chee Hoe, Greg Ling and guest singer, Melody. 27 July 2006. Charity Nite ’06 was upon us. With every square inch of CoChine Restaurant at Asian Heritage Row packed with lawyers and other supporters, the KL Bar Idol competition kicked off. Each Finalist had to sing two songs, while backed up by the band, and the crowd cheered at the end of each of their songs. The audience enthusiastically placed their donations into the specially created donation boxes, appreciative of the quality of the performance of each of the KL Bar Idol Finalists. After the Finalists had completed their songs, the all-lawyer band continued to entertain the cheering crowd, even as members of the KL YLC frantically started to count all the donations. The results of the KL Bar Idol competition was then announced, with Kaushalya being crowned as KL Bar Idol 2006. At the end of an exhausting night, the members of the KL YLC took pride in the fact that everyone had thoroughly enjoyed the night and that more importantly, we had raised a record-breaking sum of around RM20,000.00 for charity. Lee Shih Deputy Chair Social Sub-committee A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Y oung lawyers 59 Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) The Panel Chairperson M. Puravalen Honorary Secretary Ravi Nekoo Assistant Honorary Secretary Alexis Diana Treasurer N. Surendran Members K.M Nachammai Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof N. Sivanesan Renuka T. Balasubramaniam M. Moganambal Pushpa Ratnam Sunil Vijayan K.A. Ramu Sivarasa Rasiah Anni Santhiago Meera Samanther Sharmini Thiruchelvam So Chien Hao Ramesh Lachmanan Kalaiichelvii Preetam Kaur Baljit Singh Sidhu Stanley Sinnappen A. REPORT OF THE MANAGEMENT PANEL Report submitted by Ravi Nekoo (Honorary Secretary) Introduction The Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) assisted 10062 clients. We continued to serve the remand prisoners, migrant workers and also rendered our services to clients seeking assistance in domestic violence issues and matrimonial disputes. This year, we were also involved in several public interest litigation in matters concerning housing rights for settlers who have been living in urban Kuala Lumpur for about 40 years. We are representing about 108 of them from Kampung Semarak. The Centre is also assisting a coalition of NGO’s interested in animal welfare. There were a group of lawyers who have shown keen interest in this area of work and are working with the NGOs. In overcoming the shortage of volunteer lawyers in handling criminal files, we organised a Criminal Law Training Programme spearheaded by Mr Jagjit Singh. We have since trained about 63 number of lawyers. Further, a 3-day advanced leadership training programme was held in Selesa Hill Homes to create new leaders for the Centre. The participants were the pupils who have served at our Centre. As you would recall in 2005 there were several allegations of financial and managerial improprieties and staff indiscipline levelled at the Centre. The Bar Council saw it fit to establish an Investigation Committee to investigate these allegations. The investigation committee have completed their investigations and submitted the report to the Bar Council. It is the finding of the Investigation Committee that there is no evidence of the allegations that have been levelled against the Centre. This year the Centre saw an increase in the number of participation from volunteer lawyers. Though the increase is still short of the requisite number that we require to serve at the Centre, nevertheless the increase in the number is encouraging. The various reports from the various sub-committees would show that 60 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 the activities that were undertaken this year. These sub-committes have identified several areas of weakness that still exist in some of the programmes and have given recommendations to overcome them. We recognise the fact that there still remains a lot to be done to serve our clients better. We are constantly looking at ways to enhance the performance of the centre in serving its clients. We take this opportunity to thank all the volunteer lawyers, our NGO partners, project heads, staff and pupils who have given us their support and assisted us in fulfilling our statutory obligations to our client B. A. STATISTIC CLIENT STATISTICS: Summary - 2006 Clinic/Programme Clients 2004 Clients 2005 Clients 2006 1 Sungai Buloh Prison: •Malaysian clients •Migrant clients 1298 (860) (438) 1294 (876) (418) 1285 (1010) (275) 2 Kajang Women Prison 236 181 200 3 Kajang Women Migrant Prison 473 153 84 4 Juvenile Remand Home 107 121 77 5 Dock Brief 5100 5216 4714 6 LAC/Syariah Clinic 1691 1898 1808 7 SIS 707 523 568 8 AWAM 542 571 493 9 PTF 10 87 82 10 WAO 5 102 166 11 Tenaganita 1121 998 585 11290 11144 10062 Total B. FILES: OPENED, ASSIGNED & UNASSIGNED - 2006 2005 Category 2006 Opened Assigned Unssigned Opened Assigned Unssigned 1 Criminal •LAC Clinic •Prisons Program 141 123 96 114 45 9 154 119 102 115 52 4 2 Employment 28 28 - 31 29 2 3 Family 64 64 - 67 67 - 4 Syariah 24 20 4 38 37 1 5 Others 4 5 7 6 4 3 6 6 2 1 - 9 7 9 8 6 9 1 1 - 402 341 61 434 373 61 •SOCSO •Public Interest Litigation •H/Tenancy •Misc Total A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 61 C. BAIL APPLICATIONS: 2006 D. C. 1. 2005 2006 17 36 ACTIVE VOLUNTEER LAWYERS (VL): 2006 2005 2006 2005 Total VL NEW VL TOTAL NEW VL TOTAL 365 44 409 76 485 COMMITTEE REPORTS LEGAL AID CENTRE CLINIC Report submitted by: LAC Committee Committee Members Nachammai Kumarappan Alexis Diana Ahmad Ridza Jayaletchumi Rajaretnam Ramesh Lachmanan Kalaiichelvii Molly Gomez-Kerisnan Loh Mei Fun Devika Sothinathan Andrew Teh Mohd Hafiizh Ghazali Introduction The Legal Aid Centre Clinic (“LAC Clinic”) has been operating since 1983 at the secretariat to cater for members of public who walk-in to the LAC Clinic. The Clinic provides free legal advice for those qualified under the means test, legal awareness, render legal representation and legal intervention. The LAC Clinic is supervised and managed by a group of volunteer lawyers under the LAC Clinic committee. The LAC Committee met 4 times and ironed out some administrative problems faced by the LAC Clinic. The LAC Clinic operates from Mondays to Fridays based at Legal Aid Centre, (KL) from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm. The Clientele (walk-in clients) comparison between 2005 and 2006 are as follows:- NO 1 2 YEAR 2005 2006 NO OF CLIENTS 1643 (as at 30/12/05) 1586 (as at 8/12/06) The Clientele (legal representation rendered) comparison between 2005 and 2006 are as follows:- NO 1 2 62 YEAR 2005 2006 L egal A id NO OF CLIENTS 249 (as at 30/12/05) 244 (as at 8/12/06) A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 The Committee/Volunteer Lawyers/Pupils On behalf of the Committee and secretariat, we would like to render our sincere appreciation and hats off to all the members of the Committee and not forgetting the bulwarks of the LAC Clinic, the pupils, without whom the Clinic could not be able to cater to the public. The lack of lawyers walking in to the Clinic and supervising the pupils made the committee’s objective of providing verified legal advice lacking. This lead to situations where pupils gave advise without consulting supervising lawyers which puts the LAC Clinic in circumstances whereby the LAC could be sued for dispensing wrong advise. However, thus far our ably qualified LAC Clinic staff has been monitoring the pupils and has been successful in averting any untoward incidents/suits. We appeal to all volunteer lawyers to drop by at the secretariat whenever possible to supervise the pupils and also to take the added burden of monitoring legal advise given by pupils off the shoulders of the LAC Clinic staff. Further, there has been a rising trend amongst the public trying their luck to obtain free legal advise/ representation when they know they do not qualify for legal aid under the means test administered by the LAC Clinic. Our very limited resources are wasted attending to such applicants. There have been instances where such people have turned unpleasant and rebuked and terrorised the pupils and staff of the LAC Clinic. Most times we have observed that having volunteer lawyers taking an active part in facing such applicants acts as a deterrent to and as a buffer against attempts to bully and terrorise staff and pupils. The Legal Intervention This year saw a greater increase/demand in cases involving legal intervention where our pupils and the Dock Brief pupils joined hand-in-hand in assisting clients who were being sidelined by authorities based on their status or gender. Pupils were required to escort such clients to aid them in asserting their rights. We saw a major difference when our pupils escorted such clients. The pupils who participated in the legal intervention process were very enthusiastic as they had a chance to have various ‘hands-on’ experiences in situations where members of the public faced difficulties with authorities/ government departments at ground level. Unfortunately, we have had situations where to date no action or reply have been provided to us on matters where legal interventions have been conducted. The pupils have expressed their dissatisfaction and frustration with certain government departments. The committee found that the lack of funding and supervision by volunteer lawyers have been stumbling blocks to the legal intervention process for both the pupils and the secretariat. A comparison on legal intervention rendered between 2005 to 2006 as follows: NO YEAR TOTAL NUMBERS NO OF PUPILS PARTICIPATED 1 2005 11 cases 12 pupils 2 2006 51 cases 80 pupils AREAS VISITED Police, Commissioner of Oath, Family Court, Ampang/KL Court, JPN Police, MPJ, Labour Dept, Asrama Sentul, JKM, Industrial Relations Dept, Magistrate/ Session/Traffic/Denmark Ct, Banks, Tanah Selangor, Amanah Raya The Pupils Training The committee reformatted the pupils training program whereby we had inserted more role-plays and participatory method with group dynamics. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 63 Through this process, we saw that pupils’ interest and grasp of the law was better as compared to being given lectures. To test the pupils understanding we conducted role-plays acted out by our staff, pupils and volunteer lawyers. The pupils advised the “clients” and their oversights/mistakes were spotted by our volunteer lawyers and rectified. We also implemented a notebook on basic guidelines on family, criminal and employment issues which we came up with based on questionnaires and findings, which we put into practice in 2005 and 2006 and found it useful and effective during interviewing clients. We also did an informal survey on Dock Brief pupils who did not attend our training and based on the guidelines they managed to conduct better interviews for the LAC Clinic. The committee members conducted most of the talks and facilitated them. We are indebted to our volunteer lawyers such as Mr Muhendaran Suppiah, Mr Satgurunathan, Mr Yong Kum Lam, Mr Ravindran Ramanujam and Mr Ravi Nekoo who so graciously gave up their precious spare time for the Clinic and came in to train our pupils. The Outreach Clinic The committee for year 2006 decided not to hold any outreach clinic for communities since we are overwhelmed with the School Program. 1a REPORT ON LAC CLINIC SCHOOL PROJECT Report prepared by: LAC Clinic Committee The Objectives The Legal Aid Centre Clinic (“LAC Clinic”) had been handling walk-in clients on daily basis from Monday till Friday, from 10.00 am till 4.30 pm at Wisma Kraftangan, Kuala Lumpur. The Clinic had been catering for members of public especially juvenile who are still schooling charged for crime (statutory rape, theft, extortion, illegal racing, etc) and comes in via social related issues such as cohabiting, teenage pregnancies, unwed couple etc). Hearing or handling cases sadden our heart and the Committee decided to target the schools and provide the basic legal information, implication, complication, consequences and prevention since that age group is vulnerable. As such, the target group is Secondary school students. The Theory The formation or ideal solution of the school program was to ensure that in long run, the LAC Clinic would receive less students being caught for petty or serious crimes and being victims of social ills. The Content In recent years the LAC Clinic managed to enhance the program by adding social concept as per the request by the schoolteachers, upon inserting the social matters such as teenage pregnancies, youth delinquency, sharing real life problems, sports personalities and motivational talks to accommodate and capture the students’ attention. The Government Support The LAC Clinic received the approval letter from the Education Ministry (Wilayah Persekutuan) for the past 3 years for this project. It was indeed an encouragement for the committee to conduct the sessions in schools, which carry a lot of influence when we approach the schools on individual basis since most of the teachers’ fears that their school is being branded as high in discipline problems. This myth was changed after the teachers saw the students’ participation and the various relevant question posed by them to the speakers. 64 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 The Groups/Individuals Who Care for the Students- Hand in Hand Came Forward In line with legal awareness and to attract the students, the committee managed to impart vital information and great involvement of other NGO and social groups, which deals with youth development. The LAC Clinic had managed to obtain groups/organisation such as the Attorney General Chambers (AG), Police Diraja Malaysia, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Positive Malaysia Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG), Pink Triangle Foundation, All Women Action Society (AWAM), Women and Health Association of Kuala Lumpur (WAKE), Persatuan Karate, Pusat Kebahagian Wanita & Remaja (KEWAJA), Ex Students from respective schools, sharing real life problems to trigger social awareness among the students. Together with our valued LAC volunteer lawyers who spared their valuable time and effort in making this project a success as per the evaluation forms which we received from the students themselves with their teachers’ comments. The students rated 90% beneficial to them the content of the seminar, which we conducted for them and said that this talks in an eye opener for them. The Support from Committee/Staffs/Students Contribution The LAC staff usually trains the school kids and conducts short role-play on the day of the program or prior to the seminar. The staff also uses simple mechanism that made the students to act out the real problems, which they face during school days. The committee assisted the project reviewed the process and said that students gets excited when seeing their peers doing the role-play and most of them rated 85% for the role-play. Though, it was difficult when we are faced with students who are not interested hence more persuasion is required and we observed that our staff made a real impact in that. The committee members worked hand in hand with the teachers and enhanced the network with the respective principals. The Funding The committees’ lack of funding this year made our trips and the supports staff travel allowances unclaimable though they made the effort to drive to locate the school prior to the event and on the day. The committee could not claim the materials provided to the students and some resource kits. However, for 2007 we had been funded for this project and we hope we could reach out to more schools. Overview On the whole the project was a success however some speakers needed to relate to the kids with the lively presentation. Some speakers’ strength in telling stories and sharing experiences indeed acquired the attention of the kids. The teachers also sought to organize such a program earlier during the year so as to reduce the truancy and assist the “teaching” of the students to respect and accept potential problems, which ought to be faced during their teenage life. However, we believe that more volunteer lawyers are needed which would enable us to cater for the need of the various schools effectively when the demand had since increased for this year. The committee had invited the Police Diraja Malaysia to join and share their experiences in a friendlier manner so that the students would not fear the Police and shy away from them. The Police officers also came in despite their hectic scheduled and conduct the session mannerly and shared their concerns on teenage being involved in crime. The Appreciation We would like to extend our gratitude to all the PEOPLE WHO DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY INVOLVED in this project and their efforts are appreciated. The below are the highlights of the personalities assisted the school programs:- A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 65 The Highlights The Attorney General Chambers (AG) namely YB Dato’ Mohd Yusof bin Haji Zainal Abiden (Head of Prosecution) for supporting this program, Puan Noorin Badaruddin (DPP) for her continues contribution in the program and her informal approach in capturing the students attention despite her tight work schedule. The Police Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) officers ranks from the ASP, Chief Inspectors and Inspectors post came in from the Sentul Station, Setapak Station, Puchong Station and Cheras Station hence presented their sessions in a friendly manner and made students to talk freely to them. The students also made inquiries in becoming a police officer and posed questions in relation to crime prevention. The Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Wilayah Persekutuan (JKM) officer, En Raymund Jagan who also joined in hand and did their part for this program via discussing the Child provision and the Juvenile Remand Home as well as becoming a Welfare officer. The slot was introduced for 2 schools and we feel the JKM’s input is also vital in crime and social ills prevention amongst the students. The NGO representatives who came all the way to assist in the program though they are extremely busy with their office workloads and some of the NGO representatives made very lively presentation and captured the students’ attention and they also conducted group dynamics (games) with the assistance from our volunteer lawyer and staff. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pertubuhan Wanita & Kesihatan (WAKE) (Pn Catherine Arunayagam (deceased), Cik Erin, Cik Rina All Women Action Society (AWAM) (Pn Manohary, Puan Haslinah, Pn Vanitha Veriah (deceased) Pusat Kebahagian Wanita & Remaja (KEWAJA) (En Yahya Yusoff) Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF) (Mr Hisham Huseein, Pn Fathimah, Mr Benedict Moterou) Harapan Komuniti (Mr Marhalem Mansor) and MTAAG (Mr Marhalem Mansor) The next vital listing goes to our Mother and a full time housewife who without fail came to most of the programs and contributed her thoughts under the topic “Amalan Hidup Membawa Kebahagian, Testimoni Ibu Yang Berjaya” is Madam Amarjit Kaur who managed to network with the students on her motherly aspects. She was a star in our program and we hope she will continue rendering her service to the projects. We also managed to obtained ex-students from respective schools (Cik Selfi Mualamah & Ex-SMK Puteri Titiwangsa student) to share and appear on behalf of the program where they were well accepted and the bonding was established. The students’ achievements and the guidance they received during their school days were spoken, the current students were amazed that their school had created potential leaders and personalities and that place some respect for the school. Last not least, the sports personalities, Mr Arivalagan Ponniyah (National Karate Coach & Ex-La-Salle Boy, Sentul) and Mr Thiagu Ponniyah (Ex-National Champion) spared their time personally and also send their best students to share their lifestyle prior becoming a champion as part of their social obligation to the society. The sports session made an impact in leading disciplined and healthy life style for our school students. The organizers as well as the teachers were stunned to see their students listen attentively to the speech from the sports persons and making inquires in developing their self in sports and endure healthy lifestyle for life long. While handling the school program, we personally saw a good bonding developed between some schools namely the Sekolah Menengah Perempuan, Jalan Ipoh who are inviting us yearly without fail and some of their students wanted to help the KLLAC to fold pamphlets and in general work. We also render our deepest gratitude to LAC Clinic Committee, LAC Staffs and all of the volunteer lawyers such as Ramlah Begum and Satgurunathan and others who had made this project a success. 66 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 The saying goes “PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN THE CURE” and that is our Motto, which we are trying to achieve to our level best. The Statistics on School Program year 2006 Data for 2006 NO DATE SCHOOLS INVITED GUESTS / VOLUNTEERS 1 3 APRIL 2006 SMP JALAN IPOH (2 sessions) MS RAMLAH (VL), MS NACHAMMAI (VL), MDM AMARJIT KAUR (HOUSEWIFE), PN FATHIMAH, CIK RINA, CIK ERIN (WAKE) 2 13 APRIL 2006 SMK SETAPAK INDAH MS ALEXIS (VL), MS KALAIICHELVII (VL), C/I BALASUBRAMANIAM (SETAPAK STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), MDM AMARJIT (HOUSEWIFE), MR NELSON THOMAS (KARATE), EN YAHYA YUSOF (KEWAJA), MS SULASTRI (PTF) 3 28 APRIL 2006 SMP JALAN IPOH MS NACHAMMAI (VL), INSP. ZURITA AHMAD (SENTUL STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), PN FATHIMAH (WAKE), CIK SELFI MUALAMAH (KARATE), MDM AMARJIT (HOUSEWIFE) 4 15 JUNE 2006 SMK WANGSA MAJU, SEK 5 MR AHMAD RIDZA (VL), MR SATGURUNATHAN (VL), ASP TEH BOON ANG (SENTUL STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), EN YAHYA YUSOF (KEWAJA), MR NELSON THOMAS (KARATE), MR MARHALEM (HARAPAN KOMUNITI) 5 13 JULY 2006 SMK BATU 8, MS KALAIICHELVII (VL), MS NACHAMMAI (VL), ASP AHMAD PUCHONG, SELANGOR DZAFFIR (PUCHONG STATION), MR BENEDICT (PTF), MR (KLLAC WAS INVITED) NELSON THOMAS (KARATE) 6 15 SEPTEMBER SMK PUTERI 2006 TITIWANGSA (2 sessions) MS NACHAMMAI (VL), PN HASLINAH (AWAM), CIK SELFI MUALAMAH (EX-STUDENT), MS NACHAMMAI (VL), PN HASLINAH (AWAM), CIK SELFI MUALAMAH (EX-STUDENT) 7 20 SEPTEMBER SMK LA SALLE 2006 SENTUL MS NACHAMMAI (VL), MS KALAIICHELVII (VL), C/I AZAMUDDIN AHMAD (SENTUL STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), MR ARIVALAGAN PONNIYAH (NATIONAL COACH-KARATE & EX-STUDENT), MDM AMARJIT (HOUSEWIFE) 8 13 OCTOBER 2006 SMK CONVENT BUKIT PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), MS MOLLY (VL), CIK NENAS KOGILA VAANY (EX-NATIONAL KARATE CHAMPS), MDM AMARJIT KAUR (HOUSEWIFE), PUAN FATHIMAH (PTF) 9 17 OCTOBER 2006 SMK SETAPAK INDAH EN AHMD RIDZA (VL), ASP YAHYA (SETAPAK STATION), MR RAYMUND JAGAN (JKM COUNSELOR), MR NELSON THOMAS (KARATE), EN MARHALEM (HARAPAN KOMUNITI) 10 19 OCTOBER 2006 SMK TAMAN CONNOUGHT MR RAMESH (VL), C/I JAAFAR NOAH (CHERAS STATION), MR RAYMUND JAGAN (JKM COUNSELOR), CIK VASANTHA MARIAH (NATIONAL KARATE ATHLETE), MR BENEDICT (PTF) GRAND TOTAL 10 SESSIONS includes (4 in same schools) A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 67 2. SYARIAH CLINIC Report prepared by Committee Project Head Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof Committee Members Sabrina Ali Mohamad Ashfar Arham Diyana Abdullah Mohd Hafiizh Mohd @ Ghazali Ellysyeliza Mohd Desa Nur Azlin @ Azliana Arifin Introduction The Syariah Clinic operates from the Secretariat and is opened to members of public from Monday to Friday from 10.00 am - 4.30 pm. This clinic is manned by pupils who are supervised by experienced Syariah Lawyers. Objectives The primary objective of this clinic is to provide free legal advise and representation to deserving members of public especially on matters pertaining to Syariah laws. It further creates awareness and educates the public on their rights and obligations under syariah law. The pupils are given a half-day training which focus on law and procedures pertaining to Syariah Civil and Criminal Law. Pupils are also required to undergo a one-day training with Legal Aid Clinic which provides basic training on interviewing techniques, means test as well as discussions on criminal, employment and family law. Activities • Talk on syariah family law to workers and students of German Malaysian Institute (GMI) on 17 August 2006 Strengths • • • Increasing demand from the public Improves legal knowledge, interviewing and advisory skills via exposure on laws e.g. criminal, family, employment, immigration and syariah law Helps to enlighten muslims on their rights and obligations under syariah law Weaknesses • • • • Lack of volunteer lawyers to handle files or to supervise pupils at the Centre Not enough skilled trainers to conduct trainings Attitude of pupils who do not take their duties seriously Not enough publicity to the public on this clinic Recommendations • To recruit more volunteers • To have good working relationship with Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Syariah Courts • To organize more outreach session to create awareness amongst the public on syariah law 68 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 3. DOCK BRIEF PROGRAMME Report prepared by Committee Project Head Baljit Singh Sidhu Committee Member Mary Song Tuan Hanif Hashim Tuan Kamarul Zaman Suresh Thanabalasingam Mohd Irwan Nizam Selvarani Thiyagarajah Introduction The programme offers free legal advice, representation and assistance to unrepresented persons in the Magistrate Courts in Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur. Pupils offer assistance in terms of remand hearings, bail applications and mitigation of sentences. This programme needs at least about 60 pupils in which 12 pupils are required per day to cover 7 Courts. As time pass by, we are now covering more than 7 courts including the Traffic Court, Juvenile Court & Magistrate Court 8 in KL. Strengths • • • • • • Providing legal access to those in need of assistance Assistance to families of those in remand Helping to reduce time in remand/prison and the remand population in prison A popular programme with pupils providing practical court skills Increase number in bail application Increase number in representing clients for remand hearings Weakness • • • Lack of confidence and initiative on the part of pupils Need for cooperation between the Prosecution, Judiciary and LAC Lack of supervisors to assist pupils in court Recommendations for the year 2007 • To have more talks and seminars on legal matters such as UNHCR workshop on refugees and asylum seekers • Systematic training and briefing for pupils especially by senior practitioners • Meetings with Judiciary to facilitate the process of representation • To build a team of legal supervisors to assist pupils in courts • To come up with plans and strategies to decrease the remand population Last but not least we would like to thank all our Volunteer Lawyers, Supervisors, our speakers for training; Mr Jagjit Singh and Mr Akbardin, Court Staff, POs and most importantly Tuan Azman & Other Magistrates and Session Court Judges for their kind effort in making this programme a successful one. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 69 4. ANNUAL REPORT ON SG BULOH AND KAJANG WOMEN PRISON CLINIC, MIGRANT CLINIC AND JUVENILE REMAND HOME CLINIC Report prepared by Committee Project Head, Sg. Buloh & Kajang Women Prison Sivanesan Nadarajah Project Head, Sg. Buloh & Kajang Women Migrant Prison Renuka T.Balasubramaniam Project Head, Juvenile Remand Home Clinic M. Moganambal Committee Members Ramesh Lachmanan Tan Hui Chuan Samynathan M Kamalam Andy Yong Kim Seng Letchemanan Benard Francis Introduction The Legal Aid Centre (“LAC”) operates the: • Sungai Buloh Prison Clinic (SBP); • Sungai Buloh Migrant Prison Clinic (SBMP); • Kajang Women Prison Clinic (KWP); • Kajang Women Migrant Prison Clinic (KWMP); and • Juvenile Remand Home Clinic (JRH). Initially, each Clinic was run independently. However, in early March 2005, the various programmes were merged to enable better effective coordination and use of resources and costs under a single programme. The LAC also collaborates with the Selangor Legal Aid Centre (Selangor LAC) by inviting pupils from the Selangor LAC to participate in the SBP. The objectives of the Clinic include, amongst others: • To ensure detainees have access to legal advice and representation • To provide legal services to persons under remand, including advice and information on mitigation, bail, possible punishments for offences committeed and/or other options available to them as well as to provide moral support and encouragement to detainees; • To provide an opportunity to chambering students to experience and learn about the criminal legal system and to offer services to clients who would not otherwise have legal representation; • To ensure that there is a sufficient pool of volunteer lawyers to provide legal advice; and • To ensure that an effective follow-up mechanism is in place at prisons to monitor the progress of matters handled by the clinic. Summary of the programme Every three months, approximately 27 pupils from Kuala Lumpur and about 6 to 10 pupils from the Selangor LAC participate in the Clinic. Teams of pupils, with one or two supervisor visit the various prisons and the JRH to interview persons under remand. The pupils are given training and manuals containing essential information, including information on the criminal process and common offences. The pupils also come into the Legal Aid Centre for followed-up action, which consists of: 70 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 • • • Contacting family members on matters related to bail and legal representation; Referring relevant cases to the dock brief programme, the respective state legal aid centre or for capital offences cases, to the court assigned counsel scheme; and Liaising with volunteer lawyers on the status of files. The Centre also contacts the respective Embassies to notify them of the presence of the foreign remand prisoners of their respective countries at the prison for their necessary action. The Centre also refers cases involving inmates from other states to the respective Bar Council Legal Aid Centres to enable them to do the relevant follow up. Strengths • • • • • • The Clinic provides some comfort to remand prisoners and the opportunity to seek advice on the likely outcome of their situation. The Clinic has reached out to many remand prisoners as the first point of contact with these clients of the LAC, form which they may go on to receive further assistance in the form of legal representation. Other cases are referred to the Dock Brief Programme for mitigation and bail application. The main strength of the Clinic is the working together of the parties involved namely the Legal Aid Centre in running the Clinic especially the supervisors, the pupils and the Prison’s Authorities. The Parties have worked together to provide legal assistance to the inmates of the prison whom otherwise would be unrepresented and are not given an opportunity to see that justice is being done. As we operate under one programme a revised interview sheet format has been introduced in 2005. There was a meeting between BCLAC (KL) and Tuan Haji Darussalam the Sungai Buloh Prison’s Director to discuss the various matters for the year Weaknesses • • • • • • • Out of the persons interviewed only a few files are assigned to volunteer lawyers to represent the accused in the court. For the other state LACS only advice is given to the remaining clients. Lack of feedback on the cases referred to the other state Legal Aid Centres. The Clinics does, however face some setback in achieving its objectives: Pupils inability to extract proper relevant fact from the detainees, fact not being in order and inadequately filled Interview Sheets; Pupil’s inability to give adequate advice to the detainees; The Centre’s lack of capacity to secure sufficient volunteer lawyers to cope with the increasing number of cases assigned for court representation. Recommendation To improve the success of the Prisons Clinic, the following steps are recommended: • Where necessary, to have an interpreter available for remand prisoners who are not conversant in English or Malay; • To reduce the number of remand prisoners among the lower income segment of society; • To ensure that remand prisoners do not remain in remand for more than 3 months; • To ensure that remand prisoners obtain proper advice to enable them to make an informed decision as to their next course of action; • To increase liaisons and cooperation with the authorities; • To have more exposure and training to be given to the pupils; • To recruit more volunteer lawyer to assists in handling of the cases and supervision of the duty pupils; • To have (LAC) posters in Prisons and Juvenile Home to enable member of public and family members to contact us; • Advocacy skills need to be improved; • Discipline and punctuality must be strictly observed; • A merger of the Prison Clinic Programme and Dock Brief Programme; A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 71 • • • • • • 5. To have a short review session at Legal Aid Centre after the interview to provide an opportunity to pupils to voice out any problems faced and solutions. At the same time, pupils also can learn from others experience. This might improve pupils’ interview skill and knowledge which will be beneficial and informative to all those concerned; To have multi-racial pupils for interviews in order to overcome any language problems as some of the remand prisoners are not conversant in English and Malay; To organize similar Prison Clinic Programmes at other state’s legal aid centre; To visit all the prison cells to have a better understanding on the life of remand prisoners. This might improve communication with the prisoners; To encourage pupils to assist the volunteer lawyer handling the cases in order to experience and learn about the criminal legal system; and To encourage pupils to handle criminal cases visits interviewed by them during prison visits and also preferably conduct the mitigation under the Dock Brief Programme. LAC/AWAM LEGAL INFORMATION SERVICE CLINIC Report prepared by: AWAM Committee AWAM Representative Betty Yeoh Wong Lai Cheng Committee Members Sharmini Thiruchelvam Stefeny David Foo Li Mei, Michelles Vasanthi Clement Mary Manickam Hanita Naliane Raymond Tan The Clinic The clinic is run in co-operation with a voluntary, non-profit and non-government women’s organization, All Women’s Action Society (AWAM). AWAM established the TELENITA phone counseling service in 1990. Partly as a result of AWAM success in raising public awareness about violence against women issues, AWAM began to receive a growing number of calls in relation to women and children who had been abused/violated. Demand for this service continued to rise, and AWAM later expanded services assistance to include face-to-face counseling and legal information services as well. The clinic has been going on since September 1994 as many women whom have contacted TELENITA wanted legal advice but did not know how to get the information and were even not aware of their legal rights. It was from here that the idea to hold weekly legal clinic begun. The clinic provides legal advice and assistance on family matters both civil and Syarie, domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual abuse and other matters relating to women. The clinic is open from every Mondays to Saturdays from 10.00 am to 4.30pm at the AWAM Centre in Petaling Jaya. In this clinic, pupils are required to fulfill their duty at AWAM as part of the legal aid program for the period of 3 months. 72 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Joint Training Programme This year joint training program for the pupils was extended to two days. The first day training is on gender sensitization by the Joint Action Group (JAG) of AWAM/WAO/SIS. The training program has been revamped to include feminist and gender equality concept. The main objective of these new concepts is to sensitize young lawyers on gender equality and feminist law. Role-plays have been implemented in order to improve pupil’s communication skills, as pupils are not allowed to provide counseling service to clients, as they are not trained counselors. On the day two the training is on civil family law and domestic violence procedure conducted by LAC/AWAM Committee volunteer lawyers. During the family law training and domestic violence talks, the pupils participate in the role-plays and case presentation, which is supervised and facilitated by the speakers. These sessions will ensure that pupils would be able to apply the relevant law after hearing the theory and they are placed in a situation of applying the law. The amended program gives pupils a better and clearer understanding of issues and perspectives. Beside that, pupils also realize that there are loopholes in law. For the past year, the Clinic had been also participated by male pupils, an encouragement for the development for both sexes to work hand in hand in ending violence against women and also in partnership with the Legal Aid Centre Selangor. Legal Intervention Pupils are needed in this clinic to provide advice, assistance and legal intervention to women via phone or face to face. During the cause of legal intervention, the pupils shared with us the hurdles the clients face inorder to obtain their basic fundamental rights. The pupils also provide women with information on their legal rights and the legal process but in the long term it equips and sensitizes pupils towards issues faced by women in general in Malaysia. Through this process, the pupils increase their knowledge on the various ways to handle government authorities. Lawyers On Duty Thru Phone This program began since year 2005. Pupils at AWAM are advised to seek clarification or consult the panel lawyers when pupils are in doubt on legal matters before they advise clients. The panel lawyers are the committee members, who are willingly to be on stand by to assist the clinic. The panel lawyers on duty will also come in and check the interview sheets. This is to ensure the smooth running of the clinic. Outreach Clinic Primary objective of the outreach clinic is to create awareness to the communities on the legal and social issues. This year the committee has managed to obtain a contact person at Sri Sabah Flat that is under the banner of Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur and have a formal letter has been sent to be out and now we are waiting for a appointment date for meeting. Awam Clinic- Pupils Sharings Pupil 1 “The AWAM/Legal Aid Clinic has proved to be a meaningful and informative experience for most of us. Besides preparing us for the everyday concerns of women’s rights and issues, the Clinic had helped to instill greater understand and awareness of the actual happenings around us. Overall, my stint at AWAM has been a very enlightening mind opener. It as provided me with a much clearer and broader outlook on life as it really is. Pupil 2 “Throughout my chambering students period with AWAM, I have gained experiences that one can’t get in a law firm. The lesson that I have learned is invaluable as it deals with situations and realities in life that people A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 73 don’t usually expect to see. AWAM has taught me to be more patient and sensitive towards others as well as to listen more. Statistics- Cases From Jan To Nov 2006 TYPE OF CASES Divorce (Civil) TOTAL 212 Maintenance (Civil) 18 Custody (Civil) 20 Maintenance and Custody (Civil) 6 Judicial Separation 5 Annulment 3 Divorce (Syariah) 32 Maintenance (Syariah) 2 Custody (Syariah) 4 Maintenance and Custody (Syariah) 1 Domestic Violence 84 Sexual Assault 6 Sexual Harassment 7 Child Abuse 1 Conversion 4 Employment 2 Adoption 1 Harassment 3 Others 76 GRAND TOTAL 6. 487 BCLACKL/PTF LEGAL INFORMATION SERVICE CLINIC 2006 Report submitted by: PTF Committee Committee Members Pink Triangle Foundations representatives BCLACKL representatives So Chien Hao Hisham Hussein (PTF Chair) Preetam Kaur Sulastri Ariffin Wong Ee Lynn Loh Wei Leong Lim Ka-Tsung Lee Choo Suat, Tevina Introduction The Bar Council Legal Aid Centre Kuala Lumpur (BCLACKL) jointly with Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF) has been conducting the legal clinic for the six (6) recognized marginalized communities which is the drug users, sex 74 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 workers, people living with HIV/AIDS, transsexuals and homosexual men and women. At present, we are still maintaining 2 pupils who work in pairs to attend to the PT Clinic every Thursday afternoon from 2.00 pm till 4.30 pm at PTF premises in Chow Kit. During the morning session, the pupils usually assist in the LAC Clinic or attend to clients at LAC Clinic. The PTF representatives for the year 2006 have been single handedly running the PT Clinic. Only recently the PTF office has managed to obtain their funding from Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) and now they have support staff to run their Drop in Centre. Our pupils managed to attend to 4 clients’ dealing mainly with issues involving Identity Cards, Birth Certificate, Foreign Women Visa and Breach of Police Bail cases, which are never ending issues faced by the communities. We have in past year conducted 4 pupils trainings program where we had to sensitize the pupils on the pertinent issues faced by the communities. Some of the pupils on their own initiative have volunteered and networked with PTF. This year we also managed to translate the “Arrest & Bail” pamphlets into the Chinese and Tamil language, which was done by our pupils. The Chinese draft had been completed and is now awaiting verifications. This was done completely on our pupils’ own initiative. The pupils had also voluntarily participated for the PTF Red Ribbon Campaign at Sungai Wang Plaza. The activities by the LAC/PTF Clinic which has been conducted and our on going projects for the year 2006 are as follows: A) Pupils Program- Legal Information Clinic at PTF Both So Chien Hao and Preetam Kaur handled the pupils training in rotation. In total we had 8 pupils for the year 2006 assigned to the PTF Clinic. B) Dialogue Session with the Police Diraja Malaysia The dialogue sessions was mooted by the LACKL as a first step to build a working relationship with the KL Police force since we realized that such networking was necessary as we needed to ensure that the Police have a better understanding of the problems and the issues faced by the Legal Aid Centre when dealing with PTF clients who are HIV + and drug users who are constantly harassed and arrested during raids and “operasi”. We sent a letter to Dang Wangi and surprisingly Tuan Kamal Pasha immediately responded and fixed an appointment for a dialogue session, which was attended by his team of officers including the chief inspectors of all the police station under his jurisdiction, 2 special branch officers and some officers from the drug and crime team. Here we would like to take the opportunity to extend our sincere appreciation to Tuan Kamal Pasha and his team of officers for accepting our invitation for a dialogue session. The Committee hopes in the long run such networking will sensitize and enhance a greater understanding from the Police force when handling any cases involving the six communities and they would comply with human rights regulations upon any arrest done. Tuan Kamal Pasha also stated that the LACKL could call them for any further discussions and the force would assist us and work together especially in preventing HIV/AIDS to increase. i) Inaugural Dialogue Session with Tuan Kamal Pasha (Head, Dang Wangi Police Station) with 13 Head of Departments The meeting was attended by the OCPD of Dang Wangi, Tuan Kamal Pasha, his Deputy, Information Chief, Chief CIDs and a few Chief Inspectors of the Police Station in the Klang Valley (Hang Tuah, Dang Wangi, H S Lee etc). So Chien Hao, Preetam Kaur and Chitrah represented the LACKL. Joe Selvaratnam and Eric represented the Malaysian Aids Council (MAC) and Mr. Hisham represented the PTF. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 75 During this session, we briefly highlighted issues such as police arresting the drug users (DU), loosing their IC and licenses during detention etc. We also highlighted the various raids conducted at spas or places frequented by gay men where the police have seized the condom machines. Tuan Kamal Pasha assured us that such practices will be looked into and any human rights violation could be forwarded to him directly for him to take stern action against the officers involved. Tuan Kamal Pasha also stressed to us that raids which are conducted within his jurisdiction could not be discontinued, since it is the duty of the police to maintain law and order and to ensure public safety and are usually done based on peoples’ complaints and during operasi/raid time. Once Mr. Hisham pointed out that the PTF and MAC’s main objectives is to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS infections where 75% of HIV/AIDS are drug users and the remaining 25% is largely made of heterosexuals, Tuan Kamal Pasha was shocked. In knowing this statistics, Tuan Kamal Pasha agreed to assist PTF and MAC to reduce the infections, with the first step of reducing the arrest of anyone carrying condoms, with the assumption that prostitution or homosexuality was the reason for the carrying of the condoms. Tuan Kamal Pasha also stated that detainees who suffer from illness especially HIV would be provided medical attention however if they are not given such attention when requested, the detainees could make a report against such incidents. Tuan Kamal even requested us to obtain the OCS mobile number if we needed to speak directly to them on any complaints received. ii) Dialogue Session with Dang Wangi Police Station at Ikhlas Drop In Centre, Chow Kit The joint meeting session was attended by Police representatives from the Narcotics, Lock Up, Deputy Timbalan OCPD etc (DSP Wan Ahmad, DSP Ding Teow Hing, Chief Insp. Chua Poh Teik, Chief Insp. Abdul Hadi, Tuan Yahya), Malaysian Aids Council (MAC), Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF) (Hisham Hussein and Rafique) representatives and Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) representatives (So Chien Hao, Preetam Kaur and Chitrah). Initially when the Police officers walked into the Ikhlas Drop In Centre (which caters to the Drug Users (DU) and People Living with HIV/AIDS community) at Lorong Haji Taib, it was difficult to get the session going as most participants were ill prepared to face the police in an amicable session. Only later, the session took off with good participation from both sides and the police officers were patient and willing to answer most questions raised although some were irrelevant. Mr. Hisham raised several issue and complaints, which has been collected and documented from the Drug Users during raids. The loss of Identity Cards and licenses in the lock up was raised by one of the DU. Tuan Yahya advised us that when a person is arrested and is later released, the detainee has to sign a Borang 59 stating all his belongings has been returned to him, but in most cases the detainees will sign the form and later complain that he has lost certain items. When this happens, it will be difficult to investigate as a certain period of time would have passed and the things cannot be traced. We hope that from the session held the Police officers have understood the reality of the situation, which is faced by the DU community during detention. iii) The Mass Arrest by OPERASI/RAIDS on Transsexuals and Sex Workers by Brickfields Police Station The LACKL for the 1st time conducted a mass legal intervention for about 40 detainees arrested, being mainly Transsexuals and Sex Workers along with Malaysian Aids Council (MAC), Women & Health (WAKE), Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF), Sutheswary (Volunteer Lawyer), James Loh (PTF Pupil) and Zaitun Kassim (SUARAM). The LACKL would here like to mention our utmost sincere appreciation to Ms Dolly Fernando (Administrator, WAKE) for allowing us to utilized their secretariat as our working station. 76 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 During this intervention by LACKL, most of the detainees were released without being charged in court. Thereafter some of those that were arrested called LAC and thanked us for the assistance given and have indicated that they would like us to conduct some dialogue sessions with them. Most of them are from Klang, so we are now looking into the logistics of having a session with them and as whether to get the Selangor Bar involved. 7. LAC/WAO LEGAL AID CLINIC Report prepared by: WAO Project Head Meera Samanther WAO Representatives Jessie Ang. Shoba Aiyar The objective of the clinic is • To provide free legal services to our telephone and shelter clients. • To expose the chambering students the various problems faced by clients coming to WAO, in the hope that they have the skills and empathy to deal with other such clients upon graduation and entering the legal practice. • To instill in the students some advocacy skills for legal reform. • To volunteer their time efforts upon entering practice freely. WAO is a non profit organisation with a policy that states no one deserves to be abused and in particular, chose to work with women and children. She opened her shelter twenty four years ago, primarily in giving refuge to women and their children who were abused physically, psychologically, sexually, financially and socially. Just giving physical and psychological help was not enough and the management went on to lobby with other women’s groups and legal associations for legal reforms and remedy in the form of the Domestic Violence Act, the Guardianship Act and the Child Act, to name a few. The activities are mostly carried out by paid workers at the Shelter. However, with demands at work and complexities of cases, we explored the assistance of chambering students complementing the social workers in pursuit of educating women of their rights in a marriage, choice of legal remedies, seeking fair treatment and protection. The joint cooperation with Legal Aid Centre started four years ago formally. It started with just one student once a week to two; one on a Monday and the other on a Friday. Recently, just about the time the chambering students joined us, we have been receiving diverse kinds of cases; predominately domestic violence, single pregnant women, Muslim women having problems with their husbands, polygamy, trafficked women, abused migrant domestic workers, refugees, women facing sexual harassment at their work place, labor and employment matters, debt and financial matters and also women who have to deal with husbands changing their faiths. The work has been overwhelming emotionally for the workers and having the chambering students has helped the workers look at situations rationally and in the face of law and practicality. We are happy that at times the students not work in the ambit of their training but also are willing to take out their shoes and spend time with the women and their children in the various rooms of the shelter; budding them, chatting with them, playing and singing with them. The chambering student starts her work with her attending the LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS training, over one day. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 77 The syllabus includes family law, syariah law, gender issues, violence’s against women issues, feminism and practicing listening and helping skills. Upon arrival at the Shelter, the student has to read the manuals and past reports to have a ‘feel’ of the work. Usually the student from the previous batch is there to ‘orientate’ and give pointers to the new student. Then she is put in the deep end-so to speak- to handle the cases as they come. This year, we have had 9 students who have handled telephone counseling, face to face interviews, recording documentation of cases, research on the law, accompanying women to the courts, police stations and hospitals. 8. LAC/SIS CLINIC Report prepared by SIS The overall objectives of the Legal Clinic are: • To provide free legal services to the public • Obtain data for reform to access to justice and legal reform advocacy LAC, AWAM and WAO provide similar legal advice service to the public but SIS is the only organization which identifiably provides assistance to Muslim women pertaining to Malaysian Shariah Law. As such, many cases get referred to us. SIS has been providing the service since 2003 and has received around 1720 clients since its inception. The Clinic has served clients through face-to-face appointments, telephone and e-mail on Islamic Family Law matters. Please see attached sheet for case statistic of 2006. This year alone, as at 8 December, 581 people approached Sisters In Islam’s Legal Clinic to seek pro bono legal aid. SIS member and employee Razlina Razali runs the clinic with the help of in-house trainees who assist as part of their compulsory practical training. With the help of Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (the Kuala Lumpur and Selangor Legal Aid Centre), SIS’s Legal Clinic is open on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 10am to 5pm. Each person presents various problems and issues that often inter-related, especially in the case of divorce. Normally, the most common issues that arise are about the financial rights of a wife upon divorce, such as nafkah, iddah, mut’ah, and harta sepencarian. Among the frequent questions asked are whether they have a right to harta sepencarian if they were not working or employed prior to the divorce. They were also frequently confused by threats made by the husband that they would stand to lose all their rights if they were the ones who filed for divorced. This made them afraid to ask for divorce even if, in most cases, they had very strong grounds for divorce from the perspective of religious law. The issue of harta sepencarian also arise in the context of administering inheritance. Women should be made more aware of the administration of inheritance so that they can claim their rights to harta sepencarian accordingly from the deceased husband’s property. Going by the kinds of complaints we receive, and the issues that these women want resolved, we are heartened that women today are more aware of their rights and more courageous in demanding for them. LAC/NGOs Training SIS, AWAM and WAO have started a new syllabus with the objectives not only to promote gender sensitivity, but also to acknowledge that the law is not always just, into the training. The training sessions comprise of subjects on Sex and Gender, Violence vs Women, Feminism, Feminism and the Law and in the afternoon session, it is 78 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 exclusively dedicated to the Listening Skill. In this session is where the practical ability of the pupils is tested. e-Lawyers This program began in October, 2006. SIS receives a high volume of email queries from women requiring information and advice, in particular on Islamic Family Laws and procedures. Our lack of human resources to cope with the volume has prompted us to explore ways in which we can work with other groups and organisations to ensure women continue to receive vital information that they need in order to exercise their rights. The e-lawyers system is not geographically bound which makes it possible to recruit lawyers who are not based in the KL/Selangor area. Initially we had tried to get an agreement going with the Penang Bar Shariah Committee (from as far back as March 2006) but it kept getting stalled. So, we needed a change in strategy – we then set up the e-Lawyers group, where we get a group of volunteer lawyers to take turns to respond to e-mails from the public. Currently we have 5 lawyers on file. Erza makes sure the emails go the the lawyers, and we maintain quality control by having Raz ensure that the answers are in line with SIS perspectives. These volunteers are mainly ex-pupils of SIS. They are (the pupils) Farah Abd Rahim, Zarina Nadzmuddin, and Mohd Saufi bin Shafiee. Recently, however, the Penang Bar Shariah Committee has begun to be more responsive. So we are still monitoring this. Problems/Difficulties There was a time when SIS faced difficulties in getting enough pupils to assist due to the fact that not many pupils volunteer to be in this program. But for the final batch for the year 2006, SIS had 4 pupils for the Clinic. In view of this, the LAC has recently initiated an attachment program with the law faculties of several universities, the objective of this program being to develop interest amongst students to be involved in NGOs. These students visit SIS, AWAM and WAO to get to know what each NGO is about. LAC admits that it has had problems in developing a panel of lawyers which can be consulted when our students are in doubt – because Syariah lawyers are apparently less interested in doing volunteer work. Through the years, SIS has created its own pool of lawyers, mostly comprising personal friends and previous pupils who are willing to help. LAC however, has promised to work on this so that we have a reliable panel of lawyers. List of Cases for the Year 2006 Jan-Nov TYPE OF CASES Registration Of Marriage/Marriage Procedure TOTAL 58 Wali/Wali Hakim 13 Marriage Conditions/Additional Marriage Condition 7 Polygamy 28 Divorce Procedure 232 Alimony, Compensation & Matrimonial Assets 53 Caveat on Matrimonial Property 0 Wife Maintenance 23 Custody (Hadhanah) 51 Children’s maintenance 37 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 79 Wife Disobedience (Nusyuz) 6 Domestic Violence 8 Reconciliation (Ruju’) 11 Illegitimate Children 11 Adoption Of Children 1 Division Of Property (Faraid) 46 Will (Wasiat) 4 Gifts (Hibah) 3 Syariah Criminal Offences 5 Conversion Procedure 9 Sexual Assault 0 Sexual harassment 2 Complaints on Shariah Court 2 Complaints on Prosecution Department 0 Appointment of lawyer 3 Complaints about lawyer 2 Procedure to Change Lawyer 0 Court Order/Enforcement of Order 3 Counselling 9 Miscellanous 42 Wakaf 1 As of November, we received 568 clients with various problems identified as in the Table. The total of cases does not represent the number of clients as one client faced various problems. 9. LAC/TENAGANITA MIGRANT WORKERS CLINIC Report prepared by Tenaganita Project Head Anni Santhiago Tenaganita Representative Aegile Fernandez Florida The Migrant Rights Program handles cases of migrants from different countries and from the 5 sectors working in Malaysia comprising of both documented and undocumented workers including refugees. Today we receive migrant workers from 12 countries. It also handles cases of arrest, domestic violence. Divorce, statelessness and advise sought by employers and agents. Our objective is to promote and increase the migrant workers protection of their rights. In doing this, the desk, besides helping the migrant workers in solving their cases, empowers them to face their challenges in protecting their rights. Migrant Workers Clinic in partnership with Legal Aid Centre of the KL BAR has worked together in asserting 80 L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Migrant Workers Protection. The dedication of Young Pupils in the case management has contributed greatly in achieving our objective. In 2006, a total of 50 pupils have participated in the Migrant Workers Clinic which is based at Tenaganita. The pupils gained considerable practical skills when delivering their legal services to the migrant workers. They are confronted with real life situation of the various legal gaps in the protection of migrant workers in Malaysia. While most pupils are exposed to a theoretical education system, pupils at the Migrant Clinic learn and apply their knowledge, as well as identifying the gaps in law and policies in practical circumstances. The Migrant Workers Clinic begins with 2 days compulsory training. Any pupil not attending the 2 days training will be barred from the program. In 2006, 2 pupils have been barred from the program as they did not attend the 1st day training. It is crucial as the organization deals with government agencies and the court daily. 1st day of training begins with an introduction of the organization, our objectives and our mission. The pupils are then taken through an overview on the historical patterns of migration, tracing back to the 18th century and the development in the 21st century in the light of Industrialization and Globalization. The pattern of migration in Asia and most importantly they are given an in-depth look into migration in Malaysia, The session continues on enhancing their skills on listening, communication and negotiation. The session ends with current laws and policies related to migration, Labour laws, Family laws, arrest and detention conducted in line with International laws and various UN Conventions and Instruments by Ms Anni Santhiago. The 2nd day training begins with the out going pupils sharing and exchanging their views, expectation, experiences and mistakes learned with the new batch of pupils. The second half of the program focus on practical training of documentation skills, discussion and workshop of case studies on issues, who are the stakeholders, laws and policies applicable and the remedies are discussed. The training ends with the do’s and dont’s and in- house rules that must be adhered strictly when on duty. Each file handled are supervised and the pupils must report back. Pupils are required to write a brief report on each file they handle. Their task and responsibilities are as follows:Tasks and responsibilities • Documentation of new cases which normally takes about 2 to 3 hours. A challenging task with different languages and thus strengthens the skills in obtaining facts for the next course of action. • Drafting of letters to various government authorities, Embassies, employers and assisting complainants in drafting and filing police report. Follow – up on police investigation. • Assisting in negotiations with employers (companies) and recruiting agents for a speedier settlement to save time and cost. • Follow-up of cases with various government agencies, court and embassies • Visit to detention camps and prisons for repatriation and documentation • Accompanying migrant workers to hospitals/ clinic for medical treatment and as a go- between with doctors. Each time a pupil handles a file at the various government departments they are faced with many challenges dealing with bureaucracy brush off, delays and long waits. As most government departments have now moved to Putrajaya, the pupils are advised to travel early so that they may return early and not be caught in the evening traffic. However, despite measures taken, delays are sometime unavoidable due to the number of cases being handled. According to the pupils the most difficult government agency they have dealt with is the Immigration Department. Pupils are challenged on their negotiation skill as well. For every negotiation the position we take is only to facilitate for an amicable settlement. We will not take sides or be judgmental but only argue for our client’s best interest based on the facts available. Negotiation and early settlement are always encouraged as Immigration policies are not protective of migrant workers right. Justice delayed is justice denied. Migrant workers with long pending cases are required to pay RM100 each per month for a Special Pass and at the same time they are not A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 81 allowed to work. Special pass are allowed to be renewed for 3 months only after which they fall into the illegal status. Outstanding Issues • Renewal of special pass to migrant workers pending court cases are delayed or most of the times refused by Immigration Department • Right to work denied for migrant workers pending court cases • Withholding of passport by Employers or agents and lack of enforcement by Immigration Department in retrieving the passport • Cheated recruitment by agent in promise of legal employment • Increase in Industrial Accidents • Outsourcing worker – Issues in determining who is responsible, employer or agencies? • Absence of employment contract What the pupil says … The biggest hurdle for me was the Immigration Enforcement Department at Putrajaya. Even request for renewal of special pass was made so difficult when the reason was so obvious. The whole experience taught me that whoever the people are, no matter how different they are from us, what they wanted was just the same like anyone else, to have a better life, to be respected for what they do and to be recognized for their hard work. It doesn’t matter that we speak different languages. What matter is we understand the same word, “right and wrong” … Zudy Zharrelyn Andrew 2006 One of the most important thing I have gained from my experience at the clinic in Tenaganita is the analyzing and strategizing involved. Many foreign workers who enter into the clinic have little education or money and it is not surprising that when they seek help at the clinic, they lack empowerment. They do not understand what their avenues for help are. Part of my task was to evaluate their situation and consider what the most effective solution to their problem is. This is done by familiarizing myself with the relevant legislations such as the Immigration Act 1959 and understanding from a practical view point the legal implication of their situation. …Sean Tan 2006 10. LEGAL AWARENESS PROGRAM (ORIENTATION) Report prepared by Committee Project Head Sivarasa Rasiah Committee Members Rajen Devaraj (Bar Council) Charles Hector N Surendran Sunil Vijayan Sukvinder Kaur Latheefa Koya 82 Harleen Kaur Kavitha Rajan Parames K K. Arumugam L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Introduction This program intends to give pupils a “real dimension” as to what is required from them in their 14-day compulsory Legal Aid duty and to introduce them to the various clinics and programs conducted by Legal Aid Centre. Objectives • • To assist pupils to discover their role and responsibility as lawyers in society, and to develop a sense of social obligation and a concern for human rights, rule of law and justice To introduce pupils to new ideas, and to instill and develop long term commitment towards legal aid and access to justice, beyond the compulsory Legal Aid duty The sessions (about 4 ½ hours each), uses a participative methodology, with group dynamics and general discussions. The structure is new, and is being modified and developed according to pupils’ evaluations. Activities Throughout the year the committee has conducted and introduced the following programs/sessions: • Eight (8) orientation sessions were held and have trained approximately 520 pupils. • The committee also has opened up the orientation session for pupils from other states. To date the committee had trained approximately 25 pupils from Selangor Legal Aid. • Introduced an Exit Evaluation Session for all pupils involved in the various LAC programs to appreciate their contribution to the public and LAC. Three (3) sessions were held and approximately 300 pupils have participated in the sessions and shared their experience in the various programs which they have served as part of their legal aid duty. Pupils from Selangor Legal Aid also participated in this session. • Conducted a pilot “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers” program at Selesa Health Farm Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Bentong Pahang on 3rd to 5th November 2006 to encourage pupils/ young lawyers to continue their involvement in the Legal Aid Centre (LAC) on a long term basis. The session was held mainly due to the fact that to date, pupils have not been encouraged to volunteer their service and be involved in the LAC after completion of their duties under the various LAC programs. The main objectives of this program are (i) to motivate and encourage pupils/young lawyers to be more involved in the LAC; (ii) to introduce soft skills essential for leadership; and (iii) to enhance their knowledge in specific areas/issues. Pupils from Selangor and Kedah also have participated in this training Proposed Activities for the future: • Besides the normal programs, the Committee suggested having training for new trainers to focus on orientation facilitating skills for the coming year. Strengths • • • • Committee members who are committed and their ability to come up with ideas to further im prove the program and implement new programs Motivation of pupils on the need to serve the needy and marginalized Education of pupils on human rights and instills in them a sense of justice Committee members who are committed and their ability to come up with ideas to further improve the program and implement new programs Weaknesses • • Time, Human Resources / Volunteers with the appropriate skills or those open to undergoing training Budget constraints and Follow-Up Actions. Recommendations • To be able to organize more awareness and human rights sessions for lawyers and/or even A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 83 • 11. the public To organize training and formation sessions for lawyers involved in Legal Aid/Human Rights work at the Legal Aid & Human Rights Centres of the Bar Council. SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME Report prepared by Committee Committee Members K A Ramu Ravi Nekoo Mary Manickam Pushpa Ratnam Parames K Kavitha Rajan Sukhvinder Kaur Tamil Selvi Krishnaraj Sreekant Pillai Agnes Chow Thineswary M Vilashini Menon Kurien Ray Joseph Jayamurugan Vadivelu Doreen Wan Andiappan Arumugam A. Balakisnan Introduction This Program aims to develop/enhance skills and increase motivation amongst all pupils, NGO partners and volunteer lawyers in order to improve the quality of service delivered to the clients. Objectives: • • • • Activities i) - - - - ii) - - - 84 Organizing/evolving training programs for current and future volunteers lawyers and paralegals to meet the needs of LACKL Assisting with training programs for pupils Reviewing the training programs making recommendations for improvements, as appropriate Training of trainers. Training Workshop on “How to Handle Conversion Cases” (20 May 2006) This training was mooted due to the fact that there is a dearth of practitioners volunteering to take up cases in view of the tremendous increase of LAC clients requiring advice on conversion matters. The training session was held with particular emphasis to provide guidance to lawyers on the various legal and procedural aspects of conversion cases. 128 participants – which include the existing pool of LAC volunteers, new lawyers, NGO partners and pupils attended this training session. Out of 128 participants, a total of 33 representatives from other State Bar and State Legal Aid Centre, namely Malacca, Penang, Negeri Sembilan, Kedah, Perak, Kelantan and Johore also attended this training. The training included various issues concerning the conversion matters and the dual legal system practiced in Malaysia especially in cases where on of two non-Muslim spouse decides to convert to Islam and cases involving renunciation of Islam. Criminal Law Training (15 & 16 September 2006) This training was jointly organized with Bar Council’s Criminal Law Committee, KL Bar CLE Committee and the Selangor Legal Aid. This training session was held with particular emphasis on the preparation and enhancing the skills of defence lawyers in criminal trials. The aim of the training was twofold, firstly to create a ready pool of able lawyers who would acquire advocacy skills in conducting criminal trials competently. Secondly, having acquired these skills, L egal A id A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 - - - these lawyers would then be expected and requested, from time to time, to assist the poor and marginalized members of our society who seek legal representation from the Bar Council Legal Aid Centre (Kuala Lumpur) and the other various State Legal Aid Centres. A total of 63 practising lawyers and 36 pupils together with 120 final year law students of University Malaya and 13 UKM law students participated in the training. Lawyers from Selangor, Malacca, Johore, Kedah and Terengganu also attended this training. The training was conducted by Mr Jagjit Singh, Mr Manjeet Singh Dhillon,, Encik Akberdin Abdul Kadir, Mr Edmund Bon, Mr Tan Hock Chuan, Mr Mah Weng Kwai, Dato’ Kumarendran and Mr Harminder Singh. For continuity in the training and to bolster the confidence of lawyers to handle criminal files, a “Buddy System” was introduced, for experienced criminal defence lawyers to guide new criminal law practitioners. Proposed Activities for the future: The Committee had planned the following training sessions for the coming year: • Criminal Law • Family Law • Employment Law • Syariah Law and • Staff Training on Team Building for all State LAC Staff. Strengths • • • Enhances the legal skills, knowledge and confidence of participants, to equip and encouraged them to handle files and carry out Legal Aid work. Facilitates and complements existing LACKL programs Committed Committee members and their ability to come up with ideas to implement and further improve the training session. Weaknesses • Budget constraints. Recommendations • Duration - Most participants prefer shorter hours and for the program to be conducted over a few days as opposed to the long hours now. • Crowd Capacity- Sessions should be conducted in smaller groups to be more effective • Concise - Topics covered should be more focused. The reading materials should be more well organized and in a compact form. • To extend invitation to senior lawyers as trainers. • Videotape training sessions, for future sessions and to incorporate into training materials for pupils A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L egal A id 85 LAporan Pengerusi A. Pengenalan Ia adalah satu kebanggaan bagi saya selaku Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur (JPKL) untuk melaporkan kepada ahliahli bahawa penggal 2006/07 merupakan penggal yang sibuk dan produktif hasil kerja keras dan dedikasi Sekretariat, ahli-ahli pelbagai jawatankuasa kecil dan para sukarelawan yang mengorbankan masa mereka dalam meningkatkan kepentingan dan kebajikan Bar Kuala Lumpur. Di dalam penggal ini, kami meneruskan lagi matlamat utama penggal lepas, iaitu mengadakan dialog yang kerap dengan Badan Kehakiman serta pihak berkuasa, meningkatkan ataupun setidaktidaknya mengekalkan pendapatan daripada sumber bukan yuran ahli, memperkenalkan khidmat bukan profesional kepada ahli-ahli serta pembaikan yang berterusan ke atas Sekretariat. Perlu disebutkan disini berkenaan produktiviti Jawatankuasa Pendidikan UndangUndang Lanjutan yang mana aktiviti syarahan dan bengkel yang dijalankannya hampir setiap minggu, telah menyumbang kepada peningkatan besar di dalam pendapatan daripada sumber bukan yuran ahli yang diperolehi (mencukupi bagi menampung sewa Auditorium Bar KL yang berjumlah RM50,078.40 setahun). Kedudukan kewangan kami adalah stabil dengan penambahan sumbangan kewangan daripada rakan kongsi sektor swasta melalui usahasama dan juga pengiklanan. Kami amat berbesar hati dengan pengukuhan hubungan dengan rakan kami di dalam pentadbiran undang-undang. Kami telah terusmenerus menjalankan dialog yang lazim diadakan dengan Badan Kehakiman serta Ketua pelbagai Bahagian, untuk menyelesaikan isuisu berbangkit sejak mesyuarat yang lepas. Sehubungan dengan itu, usaha yang dijalankan oleh Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah amatlah dihargai. Hakim Besar Malaya yang telah bersara amat reseptif terhadap pandangan kami dan telah memberikan bantuan yang termampu oleh beliau. Kami berharap bahawa pengganti Tan Sri Dato’ Siti Norma Yaakob juga seorang yang berfikiran terbuka seperti beliau. Kami juga gembira kerana dapat membuka ruang baru komunikasi dengan Pejabat Peguam Negara, dimana cadangan kami dalam memperbaiki sistem undang-undang jenayah adalah dialu-alukan. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada yang Yang Berhormat Peguam Negara di atas kerjasama beliau di dalam mengurangkan 86 L aporan P engerusi A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 keperluan “draconian” kuorum untuk Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan Bar Malaysia dan Bar Negeri, yang telah menyebabkan pengurangan yang besar di dalam perbelanjaan. Ucapan selamat bersara kami tujukan kepada Tan Sri Dato’ Siti Norma Yaakob dan berharap beliau menjalani persaraan yang menggembirakan. Kami juga mengucapkan selamat sembuh kepada Tan Sri Dato’ Abdul Malek Ahmad. Beliau merupakan seorang banyak memberi sokongan kepada Bar melalui dengan sikap reseptif beliau terhadap pandangan kami serta pernyertaan beliau di dalam acara-acara Bar. Bar KL ingin meyampaikan ucapan takziah kepada keluarga Yang Arif Dato’ Abdul Wahab bin Said Ahmad di atas pemergiannya yang tidak disangkakan. Budi bahasa dan pembawaan kehakiman yang berhemat (measured judicial temperament), jenaka pintar dan kelucuan Yang Arif akan dikenang oleh ahli-ahli Bar. B. Aktiviti Jawatankuasa (i) Survey oleh JPKL Untuk lebih memahami keperluan ahli–ahli, satu survey telah diadakan mengenai cabaran dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahli-ahli. Walaupun kami hanya menerima 20 borang survey yang dilengkapkan, maklumbalas yang diterima daripada ahli-ahli adalah instruktif. Meskipun para ahli memberi pujian keatas perkhidmatan JPKL, survey tersebut memperlihatkan bahawa ahli-ahli menghadapi masa yang sukar, berhadapan dengan cabaran seperti kekurangan tugasan, tekanan b a g i m enurunkan bayaran perkhidmatan, masalah merekruit dan melatih kakitangan dan kesulitan dalam aliran kewangan. Daripada maklumbalas yang diterima kami telah merancang mengadakan seminar bagi melatih kakitangan dan juga membangkitkan isu-isu tersebut di dalam Majlis Peguam. (ii) Mesyuarat dengan Menteri Hal-Ehwal UndangUndang, Peguam Negara, Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan, Hakim Besar Malaya dan Berkenaan Kompleks Mahkamah Baru di Jalan Duta 1. Kami telah bertemu Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri Mohamad Nazri Aziz pada 12 September 2006, dan memohon supaya beliau mempertimbangkan penubuhan Suruhanjaya Perlantikan Hakim, Suruhanjaya Reform Undang-Undang, IPCMC, A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 sistem Ombudsman dan Suruhanjaya DiRaja bagi Krisis Kehakiman 1988, memperuntukkan sumber yang lebih bagi Kehakiman (termasuklah sistem e-Mahkamah yang sewajarnya) serta melihat kepada penahanan semula dan kadar jenayah di dalam negara. Kami telah bersepakat untuk tidak bersetuju dalam sesetengah isu dimana Menteri tersebut tidak berkongsi pandangan kami. 2. Kami telah menemui Presiden Mahkamah Rayuan pada 6 Jun 2006 dan Hakim Besar Malaya pada 15 November 2006. Kami membangkitkan isu berkenaan kualiti para Hakim, tunggakan kes, pembaikan ke atas sistem, kompleks baru Mahkamah, arahan amalan dan lain-lain isu. 3. JPKL telah bertemu dengan Peguam Negara buat pertama kalinya, setelah beberapa tahun, dan ia merupakan per temuan yang membuahkan hasil yang baik dimana kami dapat mengutarakan isu penahanan semula, penemuan di dalam perbicaraan jenayah, keadaan Kehakiman, penubuhan Suruhanjaya Perlantikan Hakim dan Suruhanjaya Reform UndangUndang, serta pembaikan di dalam sistem pentadbiran undang-undang. 4. JPKL telah mengadakan lawatan kerja ke kompleks baru Mahkamah pada 28 November 2006 dan masalah yang kami jangka akan berlaku adalah kekurangan tempat letak kereta serta pengangkutan awam. 5. JPKL telah menulis kepada Perdana Menteri,Ketua Hakim Negara dan Ketua Polis Negara, bagi memohon mesyuarat diadakan. Namun begitu, sehingga tarikh laporan ini disediakan, masih tiada sebarang mesyuarat ditetapkan. (iii) Usahasama dengan LexisNexis JPKL dengan usahasama LexisNexis telah mengadakan perasmian Pencarian Harta Karun LexisNexis-Bar KL bagi mengutip dana untuk kebajikan dan program Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan Bar KL. Acara ini juga diadakan bagi mengukuhkan perhubungan dengan LexisNexis, salah satu pembekal utama bagi penyelesaian maklumat (information solution) dan rakan kongsi lama bagi golongan peguam. Pencarian Harta Karun tersebut diadakan pada 4 November 2006, dari Kuala Lumpur ke Genting. 250 orang perserta di dalam 66 buah kereta telah mengambil bahagian di dalam acara ini, yang telah berjaya mengumpul lebih kurang RM18,500.00 L aporan P engerusi 87 (iv) Fast Track PRO Finance oleh CIMB Bank Bhd Kami berharap dengan pelancaran CIMB Fast Track PRO Finance yang menyediakan kemudahan pembiayaan bagi ahli-ahli, dapat mengurangkan masalah aliran kewangan yang dihadapi sebahagian daripada para peguam. Skim ini dilancarkan pada 17 November 2006. Ia adalah unik, kelulusan diperolehi dengan pantas, mudah dan pakej pinjaman yang murah disediakan khusus untuk membantu membiayai para professional di dalam mengembangkan modal kerja dan perniagaan, termasuklah pembiayaan peralatan dan pengubahsuaian premis kerja. Pinjaman maksimum berjumlah RM100,000.00 pada kadar bunga yang kompetatif, serendah BLR + 1.5% setahun Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Haidar Mohamed Nor di atas kerjasama beliau dalam menghasilkan projek ini. (v) Pusat Bantuan Guaman - Rayuan untuk Lebih Ramai Sukarelawan dan Siasatan 1. Untuk penggal ini, saya bagi pihak JPKL telah menulis kepada 918 firma guaman di Kuala Lumpur merayu agar lebih ramai memberi bantuan dengan sukarela di dalam pelbagai projek Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Rayuan tersebut telah membawa peningkatan sebanyak 76 sukarelawan peguam untuk Pusat Bantuan Guaman. 2. 3 ahli Panel Siasatan yang dilantik untuk menyiasat pelbagai tuduhan ke atas Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL telah menyerahkan laporan kepada Majlis Peguam dan mendapati bahawa tuduhan-tuduhan yang dibuat adalah tidak benar. Terdapat cadangan dibuat oleh Panel tersebut dan ia dipertimbangkan oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman Nasional dan Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL. (vi) Mesyuarat-mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Sehingga 31.12.2006, Jawatankuasa telah berjumpa sebanyak 10 kali dan kehadiran setiap ahli adalah seperti berikut: Lim Chee Wee R Ravindra Kumar Anand Ponnudurai 88 - - - Colin Andrew Pereira Abdul Rashid Ismail N Sivananthan GK Ganesan Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Ravindran Nekoo - - - - - - 10 8 8 9 9 8 Steven Thiru, wakil ke Majlis Peguam dijemput untuk menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat Jawatankuasa sebagai pemerhati dan juga untuk melapor ke Majlis Peguam mengenai perkara-perkara yang berkaitan apakala penting dan diperlukan. Beliau telah menghadiri 9 mesyuarat kesemuanya. Pengerusi dan Setiausaha Peguam Muda, Richard Wee dan Melissa Ram, dijemput untuk menghadiri mesyuarat-mesyuarat Jawatankuasa sebagai pemerhati. Mereka menghadiri sejumlah 10 dan 7 mesyuarat masing-masing. (vii) Kewangan, Yuran dan Pendapatan Bukan Yuran Kedudukan kewangan Jawatankuasa kekal stabil dengan jumlah wang sebanyak RM640,778.70 di Deposit Tetap dan RM271,227.02 di dalam Akaun Amanah dengan Amanah Raya Berhad. Perincian bagi kedudukan kewangan adalah sepertimana yang dibentangkan di dalam Akaun Teraudit berakhir pada 31.12.2006. Yuran bagi tahun 2006 dikekalkan pada RM100.00 di Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan pada 09.03.2006. Pada akhir tahun kewangan bagi Jawatankuasa pada 31.12.2006, 85 ahli-ahli masih belum menjelaskan yuran bagi tahun 2006. Kami dapat memungut sejumlah RM97,176.72 dari tajaan-tajaan, pengiklanan di laman web dan surat berita dan syarahan Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan. Seperti penggal yang lepas, kami membuat sasaran untuk mendapatkan belanjawan yang seimbang supaya nilai yuran dapat dimanfaatkan kepada ahli-ahli dengan cara mengadakan aktiviti-aktiviti. Namun, setelah aktivitiaktiviti diadakan, kami mendapati masih terdapat lebihan kewangan pada akhir tahun kewangan 10 10 10 L aporan P engerusi A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 C. Aktiviti-aktiviti Jawatankuasa Kecil 12 Jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa Kecil dan pengerusipengerusi mereka adalah: D. Obituari-obituari Kami merekod dengan dukacitanya kematian ahliahli Bar Kuala Lumpur berikut sepanjang penggal Jawatankuasa ini, dari Mac 2006: Anandan Ganesan pada 28.06.2006 Phang Ah Hee pada 12.07.2006 David Chai Kai Wooi pada 11.08.2006 Lim Chor Pee pada 05.12.2006 i Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan: Colin Andrew Pereira ii Amalan Konveyansing Colin Andrew Pereira iii Perhubungan Mahkamah (Sivil) R Ravindra Kumar iv Amalan Jenayah: N Sivananthan v Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar: GK Ganesan vi Teknologi Maklumat: Abdul Rashid Ismail vii Bantuan Guaman: Ravindran Nekoo (Setiausaha Bantuan Guaman) viii Penerbitan: Lim Chee Wee ix Hal Ehwal Pelatih-pelatih Dalam Kamar: Daripada maklumat yang diperolehi daripada Pendaftar Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya buat masa ini, kami menjangkakan masalah yang agak besar akan timbul berikutan dengan pemindahan MahkamahMahkamah ke Jalan Duta, dimana terdapat kekurangan tempat letak kereta, pengangkutan awam dan jarak diantara pelbagai Mahkamah merangkumi ruang yang amat luas. JPKL sekarang dan semestinya JPKL bagi penggal yang akan datang akan mencuba sedaya upaya memastikan peralihan tersebut berjalan dengan licin. Abdul Rashid Ismail (ii) x Sosial: Ivan Wong xi Sukan: Anand Ponnudurai xii Peguam Muda: Richard Wee Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing telah beberapa kali menulis kepada Pejabat Tanah Wilayah, memohon supaya diadakan satu temujanji bertujuan membincangkan masalah yang dihadapi oleh ahliahli kita. Namun begitu, tiada sebarang maklum balas diperolehi. Sebagai penyelesaian terakhir, kami telah mengadakan satu sidang media pada 22.11.2006 untuk mengutarakan masalah ini. Walaubagaimanpun, tiada sebarang liputan dibuat oleh akhbar. Laporan pelbagai jawatankuasa Kecil yang diser takan, memperlihatkan kerja-kerja yang telah diusahakan oleh jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa Kecil. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JPKL akan menemui Hakim RKK1 yang baru bagi mendapatkan tarikh bagi mengadakan Istiadat “Reference” untuk menghormati dan mengingati ahli-ahli Bar yang tersebut diatas dan Hira Singh yang meninggal dunia pada 12.11.2005. E. Cabaran (i) (iii) Kompleks Baru Mahkamah Pejabat Tanah Keadaan Semasa Bar Penggal ini merupakan penggal berlakunya pergolakan, dimana Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa pada 16 November 2006 telah mempertimbangkan Usul Tidak Percaya terhadap 6 ahli Majlis Peguam serta L aporan P engerusi 89 berlaku kekecohan (fiasco) berkenaan undi pos pilihanraya. Keadaan sekarang ini adalah amat menyedihkan dan memalukan. Namun begitu, ia tidak menghalang para ahli daripada menjalankan tugas mulia mereka. Gambaran keyakinan para ahli boleh dilihat dengan pengelibatan ahli-ahli Bar yang telah bermurah hati menyumbangkan masa mereka mendidik ahli-ahli lain melalui program Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan serta memberi khidmat nasihat dan mewakili mereka yang tidak berkemampuan bagi menampung kos guaman, dan juga terlibat dalam membantu program-program Jawatankuasa Peguam KL. Ahli-ahli kita juga telah bermurah hati mendermakan wang mereka untuk kebajikan melalui Malam Kebajikan yang berlangsung dengan jayanya. Acara tersebut diaturkan oleh Peguam Muda (ia berjaya mengutip RM18,000.00) dan derma kepada Dana Pendidikan Lanjutan Undang-Undang melalui acara Pencarian Harta Karun, satu usahasama dengan LexisNexis. (iv) Pembelian Bangunan Sendiri Sekretariat (termasuk Auditorium Bar KL) buat masa ini menduduki 5,297.6 kaki persegi manakala Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL menduduki 1,877 kaki persegi. Kami membayar sewa masing-masing, berjumlah RM10,595.20 dan RM3,754.00 sebulan. Perancangan asal kami adalah untuk turut berpindah bersama Majlis Peguam sekiranya ia mempertimbangkan untuk membeli premis baru ataupun premis kedua. Namun begitu, pencariannya tidak berhasil. Kemudian, kami bercadang untuk membeli premis kami sendiri di Solaris Dutamas supaya lebih hampir dengan Kompleks Mahkamah baru. Bagaimanapun, harga belian pada RM4,959,000.00 untuk 13,020 kaki persegi (termasuk Pusat Bantuan Guaman KL) dan RM2,726,000.00 untuk 7,258 kaki persegi (untuk Sekretariat sahaja) dengan caj penyelenggaraan masing-masing pada RM3,906.00 dan RM2,177.40 sebulan, memerlukan kenaikan yang tinggi bagi yuran untuk beberapa tahun. Kami juga mempertimbangkan premis alternatif di 90 L aporan P engerusi kawasan Hartamas dan Jalan Duta. Namun begitu, kami gagal mendapatkan premis yang bersesuaian dengan kehendak dari segi ruang dan juga kemampuan kewangan. Kami mengalu-alukan cadangan daripada ahli-ahli yang mungkin mempunyai lebih maklumat daripada kami, di dalam hal-hal hartanah. F. Kesimpulan Selain daripada individu yang disebutkan pada awal tadi, JPKL menghargai kerjasama dan bantuan yang diberikan oleh Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi, Timbalan dan Penolong Kanan Pendaftar serta HakimHakim Mahkamah Sesyen dan Majistret-Majistret. Saya gembira menjalankan khidmat saya di dalam penggal yang kedua ini, dan memohon maaf di atas kekurangan yang mana mungkin disebabkan oleh kesilapan JPKL. Saya berharap agar ahli-ahli menghargai apa yang dilakukan oleh kami hanyalah setakat mana yang termampu, dengan sumbersumber yang kami ada. Akhir sekali, saya optimistik bahawa, kebaikan dan kebenaran akan terserlah juga di pengakhirannya, dan masalah yang dihadapi oleh Bar akan berakhir dengan penyatuan Bar. Lim Chee Wee Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur 2006/07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 LAporan Sekretariat 2006/07 Kakitangan Di dalam tahun 2006, Sekretariat telah kehilangan salah seorang daripada Pegawai Eksekutifnya, Kavitha, kepada profesion perundangan. Beliau yang menyertai Sekretariat pada 05.02.2003 dan pada 01.05.2006 telah menamatkan perkhidmatannya untuk menjalani latihan di dalam kamar dan seterusnya diterima masuk ke Bar. Kami di Sekretariat mengucapkan agar kejayaan sentiasa bersama beliau di dalam bidang yang baru diceburinya. Kami gembira bahawa beliau masih lagi sebahagian daripada kami sungguhpun dalam kapasiti yang berlainan. Kekosongan jawatan tersebut kemudiannya diisi oleh Nazatul Syima, seorang graduan Teknologi Maklumat. Beliau bagaimanapun mengambil keputusan untuk beralih ke lapangan Teknologi Maklumat, setelah 3 bulan berkhidmat dengan Sekretariat. Tempat beliau digantikan oleh Melissa Dass, graduan Undang-Undang yang menyertai Sekretariat pada 07.08.2006. Melissa mengendalikan Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat, Jawatankuasa Penerbitan, Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih, Jawatankuasa Sosial dan Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda manakala seorang lagi Pegawai Eksekutif, Azura, mengendalikan Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan, Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing, Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah, Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah dan Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar. Jawatankuasa Sukan dikendalikan oleh Rajan, Pegawai Pentadbiran yang juga selain daripada menyelenggarakan direktori ahli, menjalankan pelbagai tugas pentadbiran. Mereka ini dibantu oleh kakitangan lain yang mempunyai skop tugas tersendiri. Struktur Organisasi dengan maklumat terperinci bagi setiap portfolio dimuatkan di dalam laman web Bar KL Di dalam tahun 2006 juga, Sekretariat telah kehilangan Hong, seorang pekerja am yang telah berkhidmat untuk Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur (JPKL) selama hampir 9 tahun. Beliau menamatkan perkhidmatannya pada 01.02.2006. Tiada gantian dibuat bagi jawatan tersebut, tetapi tugas itu disalurkan kepada Punca Bersih, sebuah syarikat profesional dalam penyelenggaraan dan pembersihan pejabat. Rosilawati, penyambut tetamu di Sekretariat dan yang telah dilantik sebagai kerani pentadbiran mulai 01.01.2006, menerima anugerah A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 L aporan S ekretariat 91 perkhidmatan jangka panjangnya pada 22.04.2006. Rosilawati telah berkhidmat untuk JPKL selama 10 tahun. Peranan dan Fungsi Tahun ini adalah sibuk dan produktif seperti tahuntahun yang lepas, jika tidakpun lebih lagi. Pelbagai projek dan aktiviti dijalankan oleh 11 jawatankuasa kecil yang diseliakan dan diuruskan oleh kakitangan Sekretariat, yang mana tenaga kerjanya masih kekal seramai 9 orang. Perincian berkenaan projek dan aktiviti yang dijalankan terkandung di dalam laporan Pengerusi dan laporan-laporan jawatankuasajawatankuasa kecil. Selain daripada menyelaras dan mengurus projek dan aktiviti JPKL dan jawatankuasajawatankuasa kecilnya, kakitangan Sekretariat juga menjalankan fungsi-fungsi lazim antaranya seperti merekod prosiding mesyuarat, memproses Petisyen Kemasukan ke Bar, pungutan yuran tahunan, sewa Peti Dokumen (B.C. Box), penyelengaraan akaun, pendaftaran ahli dan sistem B.C. Box, melayani pertanyaan daripada ahli-ahli Bar, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan juga masyarakat awam. Kakitangan Sekretariat terus memainkan peranan aktif di dalam melaksanakan polisi-polisi dan aktivitiaktiviti JPKL dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecilnya, serta menjadi daya penggerak dalam menyokong JPKL dan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecilnya. Kami berhasrat membawa perubahan terhadap organisasi dan struktur Sekretariat bagi memperbaiki lagi peruntukan sokongan kesetiausahaan dan tadbir kepada JPKL dan juga jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa kecilnya. Kami juga akan melihat kepada latihan dalaman untuk kakitangan bagi meninggikan prestasi. 92 Penghargaan Kakitangan Sekretariat ingin menyampaikan penghargaan kami kepada Pengerusi JPKL, Encik Lim Chee Wee, Setiausaha Kehormat Encik Ravindra Kumar dan semua ahli jawatankuasa di atas sokongan mereka dalam memastikan kelancaran perjalanan projek-projek dan aktiviti-aktiviti. Ucapan terima kasih juga ditujukan kepada ahli-ahli Bar KL yang telah memberikan bantuan dan sokongan secara langsung atau tidak langsung di dalam perlaksanaan fungsi-fungsi kami. Maklumbalas/Komen dan Khidmat Bar KL Kami akan terus berusaha untuk memberikan khidmat yang lebih baik untuk Bar KL dan menyediakan Sekretriat yang lebih efisyen untuk para ahli. Sebarang maklumbalas dan komen dari para ahli Bar KL berkenaan cara bagi Sekretariat memperbaiki perkhidmatannya kepada ahli adalah dialu-alukan. Maklumbalas atau komen boleh diajukan melalui e-mail kepada [email protected]. Kami amat pasti bahawa sumbangan dalam memperbaiki lagi Bar KL dan profesion perundangan akan dapat sama-sama dicapai. L aporan S ekretariat Mary Tan Executive Secretary A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JAWATANKUASA PENDIDIKAN UNDANG-UNDANG LANJUTAN Pengerusi Colin Andrew Pereira Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa Joanne Long Jeremiah R. Gurusamy Wong Tat Chung Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Noor Arianti Osman Renny Suzanna Zaidi Brendan Navin Siva Ken St. James M. Moganambal Sumitha Shaanthinni Kishna Janet Chai Pada tahun ini, Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan telah mengadakan 46 seminar dan bengkel dimana, sehingga kini telah menarik hampir 3,965 orang peserta dan 49 orang pensyarah. Program ini telah dibahagikan kepada lapangan yang berikut. Modul 1: Asas Amalan Ia merangkumi bidang-bidang yang menjadi keperluan bagi setiap pengamal untuk menguasainya. Sasaran bagi kategori ini adalah para pelatih dalam kamar, peguam muda dan peguam yang ingin menukar bidang amalan mereka. Bidang-bidang amalan merangkumi litigasi, kaedah alternatif resolusi pertikaian, konveyansing dan undangundang korporat. Modul 2: Bidang Khusus Modul ini disasarkan kepada pengamal yang telah mempunyai penguasaan yang kukuh di dalam bidang asas. Modul ini merangkumi bidang seperti kecuaian perubatan, pertikaian syarikat, harta intelek serta undang-undang Syariah Keluarga dan Harta Pusaka. Modul 3: Bengkel Modul ini merangkumi latihan praktikal di dalam kepeguaman jenayah dan penggubalan undang-undang. Modul 4: Pengurusan Amalan Modul ini meliputi bidang berkaitan pengurusan amalan guaman, seperti keperluan penzahiran (disclosure requirements), perancangan cukai dan analisis risiko. Modul 5: Program Pelatih dalam Kamar Bagi melaksanakan resolusi yang diluluskan di dalam Mesyuarat Agung Tahunan yang lepas, jawatankuasa ini telah merangka satu program khusus bagi para pelatih dalam kamar. Program ini merangkumi bidang yang mempunyai kemungkinan tinggi untuk dihadapi oleh para pelatih ketika menjalani latihan dalam kamar. Berikut merupakan bidang-bidang yang dirangkumi di dalam program ini: A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P endidikan U ndang - U ndang L anjutan 93 (i) Litigasi Jenayah/Hak Asasi Manusia (diadakan pada 19.06.2006, 17.10.2006 dan 11.01.2007); (ii) Litigasi Sivil (diadakan pada 29.06.2006, 22.09.2006, 04.12.2006 dan 19.03.2007); (iii) Prosiding Bankrapsi/Wasiat Probet dan Pentadbiran Estet (diadakan pada 14.07.2006, 13.10.2006 dan 15.02.2007); (iv) Konveyansing (diadakan pada 20.07.2006, 27.09.2006 dan 15.11.2006) (v) Kepeguaman dan Etika Professional / Disiplin Pelatih dalam Kamar (diadakan pada 08.01.2007) Program Keseluruhan - Berikut merupakan program keseluruhan untuk tahun ini: Tarikh 94 Tajuk Penceramah Moderator 13.04.2006 Mediation, Its Benefits and Possible Use in Malaysia En. Paul Emerson Cik Joanne Long 19.04.2006 Tax Planning For Lawyers - Employees, Sole Proprietors & Equity Partners Assoc. Prof. Choong Kwai Fatt En. Colin Andrew Pereira 20.05.2006 Minority Shareholders’ Protection and Convening a General Meeting under ss.144, 145 and 150, Companies Act 1965 En. Ben Chan En. Colin Andrew Pereira 29.05.2006 General Concepts of Bankruptcy Law En. GK Ganesan En. Sanjeev Kumar 10.06.2006 Criminal Advocacy Workshop Dato’ V Sithambaram En. N Sivananthan En. Baljit Singh Sidhu Tuan Mohd Aimi Zaini bin Mohd Azhar En. Balbir Singh 19.06.2006 Criminal / Human Rights Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Edmund Bon En. Colin Andrew Pereira 24.06.2006 Conducting a Civil Trial Dato’ Bastian Vendargon En. Gunaseelan En. Colin Andrew Pereira P endidikan U ndang - U ndang L anjutan A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Tarikh Tajuk Penceramah Moderator 29.06.2006 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Sanjeev Kuma Rasiah En. Colin Andrew Pereira 07.07.2006 Due Diligence: First Principles En. Wong Tat Chung En. Colin Andrew Pereira 12.07.2006 Disclosure Requirements for Joint Accounts and Trust Accounts Cik Sherilin Mohd Ali En. Colin Andrew Pereira 14.07.2006 Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates CLE Pupils’ Programme Encik Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Cik Reggie Wong En. Colin Andrew Pereira 20.07.2006 Conveyancing CLE Pupils’ Programme Cik Renny Suzanna Zaidi 22.07.2006 Sale-Registration-Finance of Ships Cik Joanne Long En. Zulkurnain Ayub 15 to 16.09.2006 Criminal Law Training - jointly organised by KL LAC with CLE Committee, Bar Council Criminal Law Committee and LAC, Sgor En. Jagjit Singh En. Manjeet Singh Dhillon Encik Akber Abdul Kadir En. Edmund Bon En. Tan Hock Chuan En. Mah Meng Kwai Dato’ Kumarendran En. Harminder Singh 22.09.2006 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 23.09.2006 Introduction to Section 218 Winding-up Petitions En. Alex Chang En. Colin Andrew Pereira 26.09.2006 Enforcement of Judgments and Execution Proceedings En. Paul Subramaniam En. Colin Andrew Pereira 27.09.2006 Conveyancing CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Jeremiah Gurusamy 12.10.2006 Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Mergers and Acquisition En. Lim Kar Han En. Colin Andrew Pereira 13.10.2006 Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Cik Reggie Wong En. Colin Andrew Pereira 17.10.2006 Criminal / Human Rights Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Edmund Bon En. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah 09.11.2006 Schemes of Arrangement (s176)-Practice & Procedure En. Lim Chee Wee En. Colin Andrew Pereira 10.11.2006 Workshop on Modern Legal Writing (Part I) Cik Jackie Yeoh 11.11.2006 Workshop on Modern Legal Writing (Part II) Cik Jackie Yeoh A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Cik Joanne Long P endidikan U ndang - U ndang L anjutan 95 Tarikh 96 Tajuk Penceramah Moderator 15.11.2006 Conveyancing CLE Pupils’ Programme Cik Renny Suzanna Zaidi En.Jeremiah Gurusamy 18.11.2006 Case Management and Preparation for Trial En. Robert Lazar 24.11.2006 The Law Relating to Medical Negligence En. Sagadaven Thangavelu En. Brendan Navin Siva 25.11.2006 Practical Aspects of Registration and Intellectual Property Rights Cik Noor Arianti 01.12.2006 Registration and Enforcement of Foreign En. Rabindra Nathan Judgments and Arbitration Awards 04.12.2006 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Mr. Colin Andrew Pereira 06.12.2006 Intellectual Property: Protection and Enforcement in Malaysia Cik Chew Kherk Ying En. Colin Andrew Pereira 12.12.2006 The Law Relating to Injunctions and Other Interlocutory Relief En. Shahul Hameed Amirudin En. Colin Andrew Pereira 19.12.2006 Conducting A Trial: Expectations of the Bench Y.A Datuk Abdul Wahab Patail En. Colin Andrew Pereira 05.01.2007 2nd Workshop on Modern Legal Writing Cik Jackie Yeoh (Part I) 06.01.2007 2nd Workshop on Modern Legal Writing Cik Jackie Yeoh (Part II) 08.01.2007 Pupils’ Advocacy & Professional Ethics / Discipline CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Mah Weng Kwai En. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah En.Colin Andrew Pereira 11.01.2007 Criminal / Human Rights Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Edmund Bon 12.01.2007 Judicial Review – Law & Procedure En. Sivarasa Rasiah 15.01.2007 Syariah Family & Estate Law Puan Hajah Shamsuriah Sulaiman 18.01.2007 Conveyancing and Loan Documentation En. YP Cheong En. Edmund Liew 22.01.2007 Investigative and Forensic Accounting En. T. Gunaseelan En. Prabhat Kumar 26.01.2007 Drafting Commercial Agreements En. Wong Tat Chung 31.01.2007 Alternative Dispute Resolution MEDIATION Datuk William Lau Cik Joanne Long 06.02.2007 Winding-up: Law and Procedure En. Colin Andrew Pereira 15.02.2007 Bankruptcy Proceedings/Wills, Probate and the Administration of Estates CLE Pupils’ Programme En.Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah CikReggie Wong En. Colin Andrew Pereira En. Michael Soo P endidikan U ndang - U ndang L anjutan En. Brendan Navin Siva Cik Sa’adiah Din En. Jeremiah Gurusamy A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Tarikh Tajuk Penceramah 28.02.2007 Practice Management Seminar i. Managing A Legal Practice ii. Risk Management for Practitioners Cik Nallini Pathmanathan Ms. Corrine Wong 19.03.2007 Civil Litigation CLE Pupils’ Programme En. Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah En. Colin Andrew Pereira 22.03.2007 Litigation Drafting – Principles and Method En. Nahendran Navaratnam Moderator Ucapan Terima Kasih Jawatankuasa ini mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada para penceramah, moderator dan peserta diatas sumbangan yang diberikan di dalam menjayakan program ini. Latihan Klinikal Peguam / Penyelia Pendidikan Undang-Undang Pada 14.06.2006 dan 16.06.2006, empat orang ahli jawatankuasa ini telah menyertai Latihan Klinikal Peguam / Penyelia Pendidikan Undang-Undang (First Malaysian Clinical Legal Education Attorney / Supervisor Training) yang dianjurkan bersama oleh Bar Malaysia, UIAM, UiTM dan Open Justice Initiative. Persidangan Bantuan Guaman Antarabangsa Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menaja para peguam berikut menghadiri Persidangan Bantuan Guaman Antarabangsa (International Legal Aid Conference) yang diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada 21.07.2006 hingga 23.07.2006: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) So Chien Hao; Ahmad Ridza bin Mohd Noh Kalaiichelvii Ramesh Lachmanan Jayamurugan Vadivelu. Persidangan Undang-Undang Buruh Lawasia Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah menaja para peguam berikut menghadiri Persidangan UndangUndang Buruh Lawasia (Lawasia Labour Law Conference) yang diadakan di Kuala Lumpur pada 10.08.2006 hingga 12.08.2006: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) Joanne Long; Chong Chia Chi; Lai Chee Hoe; Stanislaus Cross; Ganasen Karuppiah Penghargaan Kejayaan program pendidikan undang-undang lanjutan adalah hasil daripada kerja keras para ahli jawatankuasa dan Cik Azura, pegawai eksekutif dari sekretariat yang bertanggungjawab bagi program pendidikan undang-undang lanjutan. Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan saya tujukan kepada mereka. Colin Andrew Pereira Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Undang-Undang Lanjutan A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P endidikan U ndang - U ndang L anjutan 97 JAWATANKUASA AMALAN KONVEYANSING Peranan yang dimainkan oleh Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing adalah untuk mengutarakan masalah yang dialami oleh para pengamal konveyansing. Pengerusi Colin Andrew Pereira Pejabat Tanah Wilayah Naib Pengerusi Wong Lu Peen Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa Cheong Yoke Ping Goh Hoon Huar Kalathevy Sivagnanam Rita Sabrina Wong Chong Yuen Chin Hanani Sidek Jeremiah R. GurusamyV a s a n thi Clement Pada awal penggal ini, satu survey telah dijalankan dikalangan para ahli bagi mengenalpasti masalah yang dihadapi ketika berurusan dengan Pejabat Tanah Wilayah. Berikut adalah antara isu-isu yang dibangkitkan: (i) Nombor giliran yang dikeluarkan adalah terhad; (ii) Pelbagai syarat dikenakan dengan sewenang-wenangnya; (iii) Jangkamasa pengeluaran hakmilik strata; (iv) Masalah untuk mengesahkan cukai tanah telah dijelaskan; (v) Carian tidak tepat; (vi) Kekurangan kakitangan untuk memproses serahan; (vii) Kakitangan tidak beradab dan tidak memberi kerjasama. Daripada maklum balas yang diterima, jawatankuasa ini berpendapat perlunya diadakan satu perjumpaan dengan para pegawai Pejabat Tanah Wilayah, bagi membincangkan masalah yang berbangkit. Oleh yang demikian, jawatankuasa ini telah beberapa kali menulis kepada Pejabat Tanah Wilayah, untuk memohon supaya perjumpaan dapat diadakan. Namun begitu, kami tidak mendapat sebarang maklum balas. Kemudian, jawatankuasa ini telah menulis kepada Menteri yang bertanggungjawab, untuk memohon satu perjumpaan diadakan. Buat masa ini kami masih membuat susulan keatas perjumpaan tersebut. Mesyuarat Dengan Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Selangor Jawatankuasa ini diwakili oleh Pengerusinya, dan disertai oleh rakan sejawat daripada Bar Selangor telah bertemu Penasihat UndangUndang Negeri Selangor, YB Datin Paduka Hajah Badariah Bt Hasan pada 7 Jun 2006 untuk membincangkan isu-isu berikut: 98 (i) Keperluan yang ditetapkan oleh Pejabat Tanah Shah Alam yang mana akuan statutori berkenaan kaveat persendirian perlu distemkan; (ii) Keperluan yang ditetapkan oleh Pejabat Tanah Ulu Langat yang mana akuan statutori berkenaan permohonan keizinan perlu distemkan; A malan K onveyansing A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 (iii) Keperluan yang ditetapkan oleh Pejabat Tanah Gombak yang mana pemberi surat kuasa wakil mesti hadir untuk menurunkan cap jari dalam surat kuasa wakil. Berikutan daripada pertemuan tersebut, pejabat Penasihat Undang-Undang Negeri Selangor telah mengeluarkan arahan kepada Pejabat Tanah Shah Alam dan Gombak untuk membatalkan keperluan yang tersebut diatas. Forum Penguatkuasaan Perintah Saraan Peguamcara Jawatankuasa ini telah mengaturkan satu forum interaktif bertajuk Penguatkuasaan Perintah Saraan Peguamcara – Status Semasa dan Perancangan Masa Depan (SRO Enforcement - The Present Status and Plans for the Future). Forum ini diadakan pada 22 September 2006 bertempat di Auditorium Bar KL. Panelis bagi forum ini adalah: (i) Encik Lim Chee Wee - Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur; (ii) Encik Roger Tan - Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing dan Jawatankuasa Penguatkuasaan Perintah Saraan Peguamcara Majlis Peguam; (iii) Encik Andrew Wong - Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing Majlis Peguam; (iv) Encik Ong Siew Wan - Naib Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penguatkuasaan Perintah Saraan Peguamcara Majlis Peguam A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Pindahmilik Palsu Salah seorang daripada ahli jawatankuasa, Encik Goh Hoon Huar, bersukarela untuk menyediakan memorandum berkenaan pindahmilik palsu dan masalah yang berbangkit daripada keputusan Mahkamah Persekutuan dalam kes Adorna Properties Sdn. Bhd. lwn. Boonsom Boonyanit. Apabila siapnya memorandum ini, kami menjangka ia akan diserahkan kepada Menteri Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar bagi pertimbangan beliau dengan kemungkinan adanya pindaan legislatif bagi melindungi hak mangsa penipuan. Penghargaan Saya ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada para ahli jawatankuasa dan Cik Azura, pegawai eksekutif dari sekretariat yang bertanggungjawab untuk Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing diatas usaha dan kerja keras yang dilakukan oleh mereka. Saya juga ingin menyampaikan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Naib Pengerusi jawatankuasa ini, Puan Wong Lu Peen diatas sokongan dan bimbingan beliau disepanjang penggal ini. Colin Andrew Pereira Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Konveyansing A malan K onveyansing 99 JAWATANKUASA perhubungan Mahkamah (sivil) Pengerusi R. Ravindra Kumar Naib Pengerusi Dahlia Lee Wooi Mien Ahli-Ahli Jawatankuasa Andrew Teh Leng Guan Annou A. Xavier Audrey Jacqueline Pillai Chan Kheng Hoe Dipendra Harshad Rai Dato’ Zuraidah Atan Edward Saw Keat Leong Michelles Foo Li Mei Francis Soh Chee Ming Gopi Krishnan Seshadari Reggie Wong Mew Sum Sharmini Thiruchelvam Yap Lai Lian Tahun ini saya diberi penghormatan untuk mempengerusikan jawatankuasa kecil ini sekali lagi. Pada permulaan penggal kami telah mengeluarkan satu pekeliling dan menjemput ahli-ahli Bar KL untuk mengutarakan sebarang kilanan atau kebimbangan mengenai pengurusan keadilan di Mahkamah Kuala Lumpur. Kami didorong oleh maklum balas yang diperoleh daripada ahli-ahli dan telah cuba untuk mengutarakan kebimbangan-kebimbangan ini di forum-forum yang diadakan sepanjang tahun ini. Mesyuarat dengan Mahkamah Keluarga pada 30 Jun 2006 Kami telah berjaya mengadakan mesyuarat pertama dengan Mahkamah Keluarga pada penggal ini pada 30 Jun 2006. Mesyuarat ini adalah amat bermanfaat dan ulasan-ulasan kami telah disambut dengan baik oleh Mahkamah. Dato’ Aziah Ali adalah terbuka kepada cadangan-cadangan kami dan telah bersetuju untuk mengadakan mesyuarat-mesyuarat selanjutnya dengan jawatankuasa ini. Melalui perbincangan ini kami telah berjaya mendapatkan senarai kausa Mahkamah Keluarga. Satu pekeliling dan minit mesyuarat ini telah diedarkan kepada ahli-ahli pada 13 Julai 2006. Ahli-ahli Bar kini boleh mengakses senarai Bahagian Keluarga Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur melalui laman web Bar KL, Mesyuarat dengan Pegawai-pegawai Kehakiman Mahkamah-mahkamah Rendah pada 5 Julai 2006 Mesyuarat ini telah berjaya diadakan atas inisiatif jawatankuasa ini dengan perlantikan Puan Suraya sebagai Hakim Kanan. Puan Suraya telah, sejak dari masa itu, dilantik sebagai Pesuruhjaya Kehakiman. Kami telah mendapat sambutan yang baik daripada pegawaipegawai kehakiman dan banyak isu-isu yang dibangkitkan oleh ahliahli telah diutarakan di mesyuarat ini. Sesalinan minit mesyuarat telah diposkan kepada ahli-ahli pada 10 Ogos 2006 melalui e-mel dan salinan cetak. 100 P erhubungan M ahkamah A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Cadangan Mesyuarat dengan Hakim-hakim Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Kami tidak dapat mengadakan satu mesyuarat dengan Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas memandangkan kenaikan Dato’ Raus ke Mahkamah Rayuan. Kami berharap untuk mengadakan satu mesyuarat selepas ketibaan Datuk KP Gengadharan yang kami difahamkan akan melaporkan diri di RKK1 dalam bulan Januari 2007. Mesyuarat dengan Ketua Hakim dan Pendaftar-pendaftar Bahagian Dagang Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Kami telah mengadakan satu mesyuarat yang lancar dengan Bahagian ini pada 7 Disember 2006. Jawatankuasa telah mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan tahniah kepada Bahagian Bankrupsi yang telah mengimplementasikan satu sistem untuk mengurangkan masa menunggu yang lama. Pelbagai isu-isu telah dibangkitkan dan banyak cadangan-cadangan telah diterima. Kami seterusnya menekankan isuisu mengenai kekurangan tempat letak kereta di Kompleks Mahkamah baru di mana terdapat hanya 450 tempat letak kereta untuk dikongsikan sesama peguam-peguam dan orang awam. Kami juga mendorong Mahkamah-mahkamah untuk memberi pertimbangan ke atas kesukaran yang akan dialami oleh ahli-ahli di Kompleks Mahkamah baru di Jalan Duta dan mencadangkan supaya kes-kes tidak dibatalkan sementara ahli-ahli membiasakan diri dengan Kompleks Mahkamah. Dato’ Vincent Ng dan Pendaftar-pendaftar bersetuju bahawa akan terdapat masalah awal dan mereka adalah terbuka terhadap cadangan kami untuk tidak membatalkan kes-kes antara 2 hingga 3 bulan selepas pemindahan. Kami akan membuat representasi selanjutnya kepada Hakim Besar Malaya untuk memastikan sedikit kelonggaran diberikan kepada peguam-peguam dalam tidak membatalkan kes-kes memandangkan pemindahan melibatkan penempatan Mahkamah-mahkamah Rendah dan juga Mahkamah-mahkamah Tinggi di dalam Kompleks Mahkamah baru. Sesalinan minit mesyuarat telah diedarkan kepada semua ahli. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Mesyuarat dengan Ketua Hakim dan Pendaftar-pendaftar Bahagian Sivil Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur Jawatankuasa telah bermesyuarat dengan Bahagian ini pada akhir bulan Februari 2006 dan juga pada 15 Disember 2006. Kami telah memjalani satu mesyuarat yang lancar dengan Yang Arif Hakim Dato’ Hj Abdul Malik Ishak dan Pendaftar-pendaftarnya. Sesetengah isu-isu yang dibangkitkan dalam mesyuarat pada bulan Februari telah dibangkitkan semula dan keputusankeputusan telah diambil. Sesalinan minit mesyuarat telah diedarkan kepada semua ahli-ahli. Kami telah menjalani satu mesyuarat yang lancar dan telah mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengetengahkan beberapa kebimbangan-kebimbangan yang ahli-ahli akan hadapi di Kompleks Mahkamah baru. Kompleks Mahkamah Baru di Jalan Duta Beberapa ahli jawatankuasa ini dan juga ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur (JPKL) telah dijemput untuk melihat Kompleks Mahkamah Baru pada 28 November 2006. Kami terkejut atas pendedahan bahawa hanya terdapat 450 tempat letak kereta untuk dikongsikan antara peguam-peguam dan orang-orang awam. Kami telah diberitahu bahawa sebahagian tempat letak kereta bawah tanah telah diubahsuaikan untuk menjadi bilik fail. Sementara Kompleks Mahkamah amat besar, kami telah memerhatikan bahawa Mahkamah-mahkamah Majistret bertempat pada satu hujung manakala Mahkamahmahkamah Sesyen bertempat pada hujung yang lain. Mahkamah-mahkamah Tinggi ditempatkan di tengah-tengah Kompleks Mahkamah. Jarak antara Mahkamah-mahkamah Majistret dan Sesyen adalah lebih daripada 500 meter. Adalah dijangkakan bahawa peguam-peguam yang menghadiri Mahkamahmahkamah Rendah terpaksa berjalan jauh memandangkan lokasi Mahkamah-mahkamah tersebut. Oleh itu, jawatankuasa serta ahli-ahli JPKL telah membuat pelbagai representasi untuk mengenalpasti beberapa masalah-masalah ini. Kami jangka bahawa masalah letak kereta hampir sama dengan masalah letak kereta di Mahkamah Shah Alam dan berharap bahawa langkah-langkah interim dapat dilaksanakan. P erhubungan M ahkamah 101 Perjumpaan Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan Badan Kehakiman di RSC pada 12 Januari 2007 Jawatankuasa ini telah ditugaskan untuk menganjurkan perjumpaan ini sekali lagi. Pada tahun yang lepas, kami telah mendapat sambutan yang baik daripada ahli-ahli kami. Kami telah memutuskan untuk menganjurkan perjumpaan ini setiap tahun untuk memberi peluang kepada ahli-ahli kami untuk berjumpa dengan ahli-ahli Badan Kehakiman di majlis sosial. Respons daripada Badan Kehakiman dijangka akan lebih baik tahun ini. Acara pada tahun ini adalah istimewa memandangkan ia juga berfungsi sebagai majlis perpisahan untuk YAA Tan Sri Dato’ Siti Norma Yaakob yang akan bersara pada 5 Januari 2007. mengetuai jawatankuasa ini telah dimudahkan dengan kerjasama semua ahli-ahli jawatankuasa. Ucapan terima kasih yang tulus dan ikhlas ditujukan kepada Mary dan Azura yang telah banyak membantu dalam kerja kami. Akhir sekali, saya ingin mengucapkan penghargaan saya kepada Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam KL, Encik Lim Chee Wee dan kepada rakan-rakan sekerja saya di Jawatankuasa Peguam KL atas penglibatan yang tidak mengenal penat dalam mesyuaratmesyuarat kami dengan Badan Kehakiman. Ahli-ahli Bar KL perlu terus menujukan kebimbangankebimbangan, memberi idea-idea dan cadangancadangan kepada jawatankuasa ini bagi mengurangkan kelemahan-kelemahan yang wujud dalam amalan undang-undang kita. Penghargaan Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih, khas kepada Dahlia, Andrew, Annou, Audrey, Li Mei, Lai Lian, Reggie, Gopi dan Dipendra atas usaha-usaha dan komitmen mereka kepada jawatankuasa ini. Tugas saya dalam 102 P erhubungan M ahkamah R.Ravindra Kumar Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Perhubungan Mahkamah A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JAWATANKUASA AMALAN Jenayah Pengerusi N.Sivananthan Naib Pengerusi Baljit Singh Sidhu Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Abd Shukor Bin Ahmad K.A. Ramu Suresh Thanabalasingam Sivanesan Nadarajah Kuldeep Kumar Richard Wee Tujuan utama bagi penubuhan Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah adalah bagi memastikan bahawa terdapatnya satu badan yang secara khususnya menumpukan perhatian terhadap isu-isu berkenaan ahli-ahli Bar dan badan-badan lain yang terlibat di dalam amalan undang-undang jenayah. Pada tahun ini, Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah telah terlibat didalam beberapa aktiviti seperti berikut: Mesyuarat dengan Ketua Unit Pendakwaan Kuala Lumpur Para ahli Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah telah meghadiri suatu mesyuarat bersama Ketua Unit Pendakwaan, Puan Sarala Pillai bertempat di Jabatan Peguam Negara pada 14 April 2006. Mesyuarat ini juga telah dihadiri oleh beberapa pegawai dari Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah IPK Kuala Lumpur, Pegawai Bertugas Unit Pendakwaan Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur dan Timbalan Pendakwaraya dari Unit Pendakwaan Kuala Lumpur. Tujuan mesyuarat ini diadakan adalah bagi membincangkan permasalahan berkaitan dengan dokumen-dokumen di dalam perbicaraan jenayah. Antara isu-isu yang dibincangkan adalah seperti prosedur permohonan keatas Laporan Maklumat Pertama (FIR), Percakapan Beramaran, Laporan Kimia dan Bedah Siasat, serta laporan dibawah seksyen 399 Kanun Acara Jenayah untuk kesalahan dibawah seksyen 302 Kanun Keseksaan dan seksyen 326 Kanun Keseksaan. Hasil daripada perbincangan di dalam mesyuarat ini, kesemua pihak yang terlibat telah mencapai persetujuan mengenai prosedur dan peraturan yang diamalkan didalam urusan membabitkan dokumen didalam perbicaraan jenayah. Minit bagi mesyuarat ini telah diedarkan kepada para ahli Bar KL melalui pekeliling bernombor KLBC 28/06. Mesyuarat Rang Undang-Undang Keterangan Saksi Kanak-Kanak Diatas jemputan Jabatan Peguam Negara Malaysia, Jawatankuasa ini telah menghantar wakilnya, Encik Abdul Shukor bin Ahmad bagi menghadiri Mesyuarat Rang Undang-Undang Keterangan Saksi Kanak-Kanak pada 27 Jun 2006, bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat Utama, Bahagian Gubalan, Jabatan Peguam Negara. Mesyuarat ini adalah bertujuan bagi membincangkan Draf Rang Undang-Undang Keterangan Saksi Kanak-Kanak, sebelum ia dimuktamadkan. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A M A L A N J enayah 103 Mesyuarat dengan Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia dan Undang-Undang Jenayah Bar Selangor Pada 29 Jun 2006, telah berlangsung satu mesyuarat diantara Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Bar KL dan juga Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia dan UndangUndang Jenayah Bar Selangor, bertempat di Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur. Di dalam mesyuarat ini, kedua-dua jawatankuasa telah berbincang dan bertukar-tukar pandangan tentang Draf Protokol yang disediakan oleh Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia dan Undang-Undang Jenayah Bar Selangor, yang mengupas tentang tugas peguam dan tugas polis didalam perkara-perkara seperti proses penahanan, mendapatkan maklumat kehadiran peribadi, prosiding reman dan apabila yang tertuduh didakwa. Selain dari membincangkan Draf Protokol tersebut, tujuan lain mesyuarat ini diadakan adalah bagi membincangkan isu-isu persamaan yang berbangkit bagi kedua-dua pihak didalam mengamalkan undangundang Jenayah. Melalui mesyuarat ini, Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Bar KL dan juga Jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia dan Undang-Undang Jenayah Bar Selangor telah menjalinkan ikatan yang erat dengan membentuk kerjasama, dimana para ahli bagi keduadua jawatankuasa akan berusaha bertukar-tukar maklumat dan memberikan bantuan jika terdapat sebarang permasalahan ketika bertugas di negeri masingmasing, memandangkan para peguam dari kedua-dua Bar negeri sering bertugas di KL dan juga Selangor. Sehubungan dengan itu, kami percaya bahawa para peguam akan beroleh manfaat dengan adanya hubungan erat diantara kedua-dua Bar negeri Selangor dan Kuala Lumpur. Ucapan terima kasih saya tujukan kepada Encik Rajpal Singh, selaku pengerusi jawatankuasa Hak Asasi Manusia dan Undang-Undang Jenayah Bar Selangor, dan para ahli-ahlinya diatas kesudian untuk berkerjasama dengan jawatankuasa ini. Sidang Media Satu sidang media telah berlangsung pada 29 Jun 2006, bertempat di Bilik Mesyuarat Sekretariat Bar KL. Sidang media ini diadakan bagi menyatakan pandangan Bar KL keatas insiden yang berlaku di 104 A M A L A N J enayah Simpang Renggam, dimana tahanan yang dibebaskan dengan perintah Mahkamah telah di tangkap semula sebaik sahaja mereka dibebaskan. Wakil Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah Bar KL telah mengeluarkan kenyataaan mereka dari sudut pandangan peguam, manakala Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam KL menyatakan perspektif Bar mengenai insiden tersebut, serta sikap tidak hormat pihak Polis terhadap perintah Mahkamah. Bantuan kepada ahli-ahli yang mempunyai masalah dengan pihak berkuasa. Pada setiap masa, ahli-ahli JawatankuasaAmalan Jenayah telah bersedia dan telah menghulurkan bantuan kepada mana-mana ahli Bar KL yang memerlukannya. Ini termasuk berurusan dengan pihak Mahkamah melalui perbincangan yang diadakan dengan Bahagian Jenayah, Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur, pihak Polis dan Bahagian Pendakwaan dan Pendaftar Jenayah Mahkamah Rendah Kuala Lumpur. Salah satu insiden dimana bantuan telah diberi adalah apabila seorang ahli Bar KL telah ditangkap tanpa apa-apa alasan yang munasabah. Pihak kami telah terus berjumpa dengan Timbalan Ketua Polis Daerah berkenaan yang telah memberi jaminan bahawa ahli tersebut tidak akan ditahan dan akan dibebaskan setelah memberi penyataannya dan jaminan ini memang telah dilaksanakan. Penghargaan Setinggi-tinggi penghargaan saya tujukan kepada ahliahli Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah diatas sokongan dan kerjasama yang diberikan bagi memastikan segala aktiviti dapat dilaksanakan dengan jayanya. Ucapan terima kasih juga saya tujukan bagi semua pihak yang terlibat di dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan sepanjang penggal ini diatas kerjasama dan perhatian yang diberikan. Adalah menjadi harapan saya, bahawa usaha yang dilakukan oleh Jawatankuasa ini dapat sedikit sebanyak membantu membawa perubahan positif kepada para pengamal undang-undang jenayah. N. Sivananthan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Amalan Jenayah A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JAWATANKUASA Undang- Undang Alam sekitar Pengerusi GK Ganesan Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Wong Ee Lynn Asmet Nasruddin Nurliza Ramli Shishila Surya Kassim VK Raj Pada tahun ini, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar berusaha meneruskan kerja-kerja yang telah dimulakan oleh jawatankuasa yang lalu; dimana Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar melihat peranannya lebih cenderung kearah meningkatkan kesedaran dan pengetahuan daripada berfungsi sebagai jawatankuasa yang berasaskan acara semata-mata. Berikut merupakan aktiviti yang mengambarkan kerja-kerja yang berasaskan proses, yang dijalankan oleh jawatankuasa ini. Lawatan ke CETDEM’s Energy-Efficient House Pada 1 Julai 2006, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah menganjurkan satu lawatan ke Pusat Demonstrasi dan Dokumentasi bagi Pusat Alam Sekitar, Teknologi dan Pembangunan Malaysia (Centre for Environment, Technology and Development Malaysia (CETDEM)) atau lebih dikenali sebagai Rumah Efisyen-Tenaga atau Cool Demo House. Objektif lawatan ini adalah bagi membina kesedaran dan menarik minat serta sokongan dari ahli Bar terhadap isu berkenaan tenaga, dengan memberi pendedahan berkait dengan peranan mereka sebagai pemilik rumah dan kenderaan, individu professional, pengguna dan pembayar bil. Semasa lawatan ini, para peserta juga diberikan taklimat oleh Penyelia Teknikal CETDEM mengenai cara mencapai pengunaan tenaga yang efisyen, iaitu pengunaan tenaga yang lebih rendah untuk mengendalikan tugasan yang sama dan seterusnya mengurangkan pembaziran tenaga dan memelihara alam sekitar. Artikel mengenai lawatan ini diterbitkan di dalam Relevan keluaran No. 2/06. Audit Tenaga Turutan daripada lawatan ke Rumah Efisyen-Tenaga atau Cool Demo House CETDEM, Jawatankuasa ini telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menjalankan Audit Tenaga di Sekretariat Bar KL. Audit tersebut akan dilakukan pada January 2007, dengan bantuan penasihat daripada CETDEM. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 U ndang - U ndang A lam S ekitar 105 Mesyuarat bersama Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) dan Ajensi Kerajaan Jawatankuasa ini juga telah menghantar wakilnya untuk mengambil bahagian di dalam mesyuarat yang dianjurkan oleh beberapa Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) dan Ajensi Kerajaan. Antaranya adalah seperti Bengkel Pelan Fiskal Kebangsaan dan Bengkel Perancangan Pengurusan Strategik IWRM 2005. Ahli jawatankuasa ini turut terlibat di dalam mesyuarat bagi mengkaji cadangan pindaan Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974. Kenyataan Akhbar berkenaan Jerebu Berikutan daripada peristiwa jerebu yang telah melanda negara ini, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar telah menyediakan satu kenyataan akhbar yang disiarkan di dalam akhbar “The Star” pada 7 Oktober 2006. Di dalam kenyataan akhbar tersebut, jawatankuasa ini telah menekankan keperluan bagi Malaysia dan Indonesia mengambil langkah efektif dan berpanjangan untuk menyekat dan seterusnya menghapuskan masalah jerebu trans-sempadan ini. Di dalam kenyataan akhbar tersebut, jawatankuasa ini juga menekankan bahawa undang-undang antarabangsa mengiktiraf hak negara berdaulat untuk melindungi biosferanya dan juga tanggungjawabnya untuk tidak merosakkan biosfera milik negara lain. Dalam memastikan keselamatan ekologi yang lebih baik bagi Malaysia dan Indonesia, jawatankuasa ini merasakan bahawa kedua-dua Negara terbabit perlu mengambil serius obligasi masing-masing di bawah undang-undang alam sekitar antarabangsa. Kami mencadangkan bahawa perlu diadakan rundingan mengenai tindakan pencegahan kebakaran dan jerebu, yang mana menjadi punca pengulangan masalah pencemaran udara. Selain itu, kami juga mencadangkan perhatian sepatutnya dialihkan daripada isu gantirugi kewangan semata-mata. Penyerahan Memorandum Berkenaan Ahli Majlis Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan pada 4 November 2004 oleh Jawatankuasa UndangUndang Alam Sekitar bagi penggal 2004/05. Oleh kerana tiada sebarang tindakbalas diterima daripada Kementerian tersebut, Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar bagi penggal ini mengambil keputusan untuk menyerahkannya kepada Jabatan Perdana Menteri. Memorandum ini mengupas mengenai perlantikan dan tanggungjawab Penasihat Kerajaan Tempatan di dalam rangka Akta Kerajaan Tempatan 1976, dan mempertimbangkan kepincangan berkait dengan perlaksanaan tugas Penasihat Kerajaan Tempatan. Kerjasama dengan Global Water Partnership (GWP) untuk mengadakan Persidangan Pengurusan Sumber Air Bersepadu (Intergrated Water Resources Management) Jawatankuasa ini telah memperolehi persetujuan Majlis Peguam untuk mengadakan Persidangan Pengurusan Sumber Air Bersepadu dengan kerjasama Global Water Partnership, dibawah naungan Majlis Peguam. Program ini adalah agak kompleks, dan memerlukan masa bagi mendapatkan kebenaran. Pada masa laporan ini dicetak, persediaan masih lagi dibuat. Sebarang perkembangan di dalam kerjasama ini, akan diteruskan lagi oleh Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar bagi penggal akan datang, sehinggalah Persidangan ini berjaya dilaksanakan. Penghargaan Saya ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada para ahli jawatankuasa ini yang telah banyak memberikan sumbangan dan sokongan di dalam menjayakan segala aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar bagi penggal ini. Ucapan terima kasih juga saya tujukan kepada semua pihak yang terlibat di atas segala bentuk kerjasama dan bantuan yang disumbangkan. GK Ganesan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Undang-Undang Alam Sekitar Memorandum ini pada awalnya diserahkan kepada Timbalan Menteri Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan 106 U ndang - U ndang A lam S ekitar A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JAWATANKUASA Teknologi Maklumat Pengerusi Abdul Rashid Ismail 1. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Megat Abdul Munir Zulkifli Tanabalan Ja’far Mohamad Reza Hassan Fokus Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat pada tahun ini adalah untuk menggunakan teknologi maklumat untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar berkenaan dengan aktiviti-aktiviti Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan untuk menyediakan sistem pendaftaran dan perkhidmatanperkhidmatan melalui laman web untuk proses-proses latihan dalam kamar. Pendaftaran Latihan Dalam Kamar Melalui Laman Web 2. Kami amat berbesar hati untuk mengumumkan bahawa Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur akan menjadi Jawatankuasa negeri pertama yang memperkenalkan pendaftaran latihan dalam kamar dan komunikasi melalui laman web dengan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar di Malaysia. 3. Perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan laman web yang akan diperkenalkan termasuk: • • • • • • A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 pendaftaran melalui laman web oleh pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar; komunikasi melalui laman web di antara Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar; pendaftaran melalui laman web untuk sesi-sesi pengenalan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar; notifikasi melalui laman web oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar; peringatan-peringatan melalui laman web bagi acaraacara pada masa hadapan di antara Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar; respon-respon automatik dari sekretariat Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. 4. Dengan pengenalan perkhidmatan- perkhidmatan melalui laman web untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar akan dapat melihat status proses latihan dalam kamar mereka melalui laman web. Apa yang jelas adalah bahawa keseluruhan proses pendaftaran latihan dalam kamar akan direvolusikan dan diautomatikkan. 5. Dengan pengenalan perkhidmatan- perkhidmatan melalui laman web pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar akan menghasilkan penjimatan T eknologi M aklumat 1 07 kos yang besar kepada Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan mempertingkatkan tahap kecekapannya. Apabila diamalkan, suasana tanpa kertas boleh mengurangkan kos-kos kertas, pengeposan dan tenaga manusia. 6. Setakat pada masa penulisan repot ini, banyak tenaga manusia telah digunakan untuk projek ini dan pendaftaran pelatih dalam kamar melalui laman web dijangkakan akan dilaksanakan tidak lama lagi. ahli-ahli akan dapat menikmati penggunaannya tanpa gangguan. 9. Nota Penghargaan 10. Saya ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih saya kepada semua ahli-ahli jawatankuasa ini untuk penglibatan dan input yang mereka berikan. Saya juga ingin menyuarakan penghargaan saya kepada Melissa, Indira dan Rajan dari Sekretariat Bar KL di atas sumbangan mereka di dalam penciptaan sistem pendaftaran dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar melalui laman web. 11. Saya berharap inovasi yang telah diperkenalkan ini akan dapat memberi faedah kepada ahliahli. Kami mengalu-alukan cadangancadangan dan komen-komen untuk membolehkan kami terus memberikan perkhidmatan yang baik dan efektif kepada ahli-ahli. Laman Web, Perkhidmatan E-mel dan Pesta IT 7. 8. 108 Laman web Bar Kuala Lumpur masih terus me r e ko d k a n pencapaian-penca p a i a n penggunaan harian yang baik kerana semakin ramai ahli-ahli menggunakan laman web dan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan melalui laman web. Pengiklanan di dalam laman web Bar Kuala Lumpur tahun ini telah menghasilkan pendapatan sebanyak RM25,400.00 berbanding sejumlah RM19,250.00 pada 2005/06 dan RM8,600.00 pada tahun 2004/05 untuk Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur. Pada 12 Februari 2007 jawatankuasa akan menganjurkan satu Pesta IT untuk membolehkan ahli-ahlinya melihat sendiri produk-produk terkini Undang-undang IT yang ada di pasaran. Disebabkan oleh peningkatan penggunaan e-mel di antara Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur dengan ahli-ahlinya, Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur telah mempertingkatkan perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan e-melnya bagi memenuhi trafik yang lebih tinggi dan supaya T eknologi M aklumat Abdul Rashid Ismail Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JAWATANKUASA penerbitan Pengerusi Lim Chee Wee Naib Pengerusi GK Ganesan Surat berita RELEVAN 1. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Cheng Poh Heng Nicole Wee N Surendran Brendan Navin Siva Rishwant Singh Bernard Francis Edmund Balthazar Jessica Lim YinYin Brent Yap Hon Yean Yudistra Darma Dorai Selvarani Paneerselvam A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Jawatankuasa Penerbitan pada tahun ini meletakkan matlamatnya sama seperti jawatankuasa terdahulu iaitu untuk meneruskan tugasnya dengan menerbitkan hasil-hasil penulisan dan pandangan dari kalangan ahli-ahli kita. Walaubagaimanapun, terdapat kesukaran untuk mencapai matlamat ini, disebabkan oleh kekurangan sumbangan penulisan daripada ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur untuk keluaran suku tahunan. Pada tahun ini, RELEVAN hanya dapat menerbitkan satu isu di bulan Ogos 2006 yang telah menampilkan temuduga dengan Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Editorial dalam isu ini adalah “Death Penalty” dan kolum baru juga diperkenalkan dalam isu RELEVAN iaitu “Statistics of the KL Bar”, “Book Review” dan juga “Down Memory Lane” yang menampilkan gambar-gambar dan petikan dari peristiwa-peristiwa Bar KL yang lalu. Artikel-artikel yang lain yang ditampilkan adalah sambungan “Gender Advocacy” yang disumbangkan oleh Cik Jashpal Kaur Bhatt, artikel oleh Encik David Pannick, QC yang disumbangkan oleh “The Times” dan sumbangan dari Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda, Richard Wee, “To YLC or not to YLC, that is the question!”. Laporan lawatan ke Pusat Demonstrasi dan Dokumentasi bagi Pusat Alam Sekitar, Teknologi dan Pembangunan Malaysia (Centre for Environmental, Technology and Development, Malaysia) (CETDEM) dalam bulan Julai 2006 oleh Jawatankuasa Undang-undang Alam Sekitar juga dimuatkan dalam isu RELEVAN ini yang disumbangkan oleh Wong Ee Lynn. 2. Isu RELEVAN kedua berada dalam peringkat terakhir dan dijangka akan diterbitkan pada akhir bulan Januari 2007. Editorial kali ini adalah “Happenings of the Malaysian Bar in 2006” dan artikel-artikel dalam isu ini antara lain adalah bahagian 3 “Gender Advocacy” dan satu lagi artikel oleh Encik David Pannick, QC. 3. Sumbangan dari para penulis masih kurang dan Jawatankuasa Penerbitan berharap agar lebih ramai ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur mengambil kesempatan menerusi penerbitan ini untuk memberi pandangan mereka mengenai isu-isu yang melibatkan mereka. P enerbitan 109 4. RELEVAN tidak mungkin wujud jikalau tiada dedikasi dan kerja keras oleh ahli jawatankuasanya dan penyumbangpenyumbangnya yang menolong menjadikan surat berita ini lebih menarik. Adalah diharapkan pada tahun yang akan datang, kita akan melihat lebih penulisan daripada ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur dan akan terus menyokong penerbitan RELEVAN. Lim Chee Wee Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Penerbitan 110 P enerbitan A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 JAWATANKUASA Hal Ehwal Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar Pengerusi Abdul Rashid Ismail Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa Raja Eileen Soraya bt Raja Aman Gopi Krishnan Seshadari Hanie Izawatie bt Ahmad Kamil Razanna bt Raslan Ding Jo-Ann Chua Sook Mun Falah Dizar Khaidizar S Lalithambigai Aziz Ishak Kavitha Thilagar A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 1. Dengan penuh rasa sukacita Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-pelatih Dalam Kamar telah mengadakan mesyuarat pertamanya pada 24 April 2006. Pelbagai idea-idea telah diberikan dan kehadiran ramai ahli-ahli muda Badan Peguam di dalam jawatankuasa ini terbukti adalah satu aset dan daya kuasa kepada pelbagai aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dirancang untuk sepanjang tahun. Adalah dirasakan bahawa jawatankuasa harus memainkan peranan yang aktif di dalam membantu pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar bersedia untuk amalan guaman dan untuk menjaga hal ehwal pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar. Kami telah mengadakan lebih dari 6 perjumpaan dan hasil usaha kami dapat dilihat melalui acara-acara yang telah dijalankan dengan penuh kesungguhan di sepanjang tahun. 2. Pertama sekali, kami melihat untuk memperbaiki proses latihan dalam kamar. Dalam hal ini, jawatankuasa telah berkerjasama dengan Jawatankuasa Teknologi Maklumat untuk memperkenalkan sistem pendaftaran dan perkhidmatanperkhidmatan melalui laman web. 3. Kami juga telah berhadapan dengan sesi-sesi pengenalan yang telah mula dianggap sebagai satu sesi yang biasa. Satu persetujuan telah dicapai di mana untuk menjadikan sesi ini lebih bermakna, pelatih-pelatih akan diperkenalkan dengan sejarah Bar Malaysia. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar kini dihiburkan dengan 20 minit persembahan slaid diiringi muzik yang sayu, mengenai kejayaan-kejayaan dan pencapaianpencapaian Bar Malaysia sejak dari penubuhannya. Responrespon daripada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar adalah amat positif. Ucapan terima kasih ditujukan kepada Majlis Peguam Malaysia yang telah memberikan slaid-slaid tersebut. 4. Pembaikkan proses “Call to Bar” juga telah dipertimbangkan. Kandungan-kandungan taklimat “Call to Bar” telah dikemaskini dan diperkemaskan. Dalam hal ini, jawatankuasa berterima kasih kepada Mark La Brooy dan Hanie Izawatie kerana bersetuju untuk gambar mereka diambil sebagai model-model bagi contoh pakaian untuk “Call to Bar”. Ucapan terima kasih kami juga buat Tan Yee Boon kerana mengambil gambar model-model ini. Bip-bip, kolar-kolar dan jubah-jubah juga telah dibeli dan sudah tersedia untuk disewakan kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar ketika situasi-situasi kecemasan di hari “Call to Bar” mereka setelah ianya dibawa kepengetahuan kami bahawa ada sesetengah pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang tidak bersedia dengan pemakaian yang betul pada hari bersejarah mereka. H al E hwal P elatih - pelatih dalam kamar 111 5. Seterusnya, kami juga telah berhadapan dengan masalah-masalah praktikal yang dihadapi oleh pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang sedang menjalani latihan dalam kamar. Jawatankuasa telah memperkenalkan satu siri seminar yang dikenali sebagai “The Great Expectations”. Pada seminar ini, pengamalpengamal yang merupakan pengajarpengajar telah dijemput untuk berucap kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar berkenaan dengan jangkaan mereka. Pengajar-pengajar ini datang dari pelbagai spektrum firma guaman; merangkumi firma-firma guaman kecil, sederhana dan besar. Daripada maklum balas yang diterima setakat ini, respon-respon daripada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar adalah amat memberangsangkan. Sebilangan besar pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar mengambil peluang ini untuk bertanyakan soalan-soalan yang mereka secara normalnya tidak akan bertanya kepada pengajar-pengajar mereka. Penghargaan kami buat Steven Thiru, Karen Wilfred, M. Reza Hassan, Asmet Nasruddin, Maidzuara Mohammed dan Gopi Krishnan R Seshadari kerana sanggup meluangkan masa mereka untuk berucap. 6. Agenda seterusnya, adalah satu acara sosial yang diadakan terutamanya untuk membolehkan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan pengajarpengajar mereka bergaul di dalam satu suasana sosial. Dengan itu, Majlis malam yang dikenali sebagai “The Pupil-Master Trivia Night” ini telah diadakan pada 16 November 2006. Kami berasa sungguh lega apabila malam tersebut menjadi satu malam yang menyeronokkan dengan kehadiran yang melebihi daripada apa yang dijangkakan. Sesungguhnya ia bukan satu tugas mudah untuk meyakinkan pelatih-pelatih dan pengajar-pengajar untuk meluangkan satu malam untuk bersosial bersama-sama! Ketika pertandingan “trivia” tersebut, pasukan-pasukan telah bertanding merebut pelbagai hadiah dan Hadiah Utama yang mengandungi, inter alia, satu hamper buku undang-undang bernilai lebih RM2,000.00 telah dimenangi oleh pasukan yang memanggil diri mereka sebagai “Kalashnikov”. Jawatankuasa ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Mark La Brooy dan Elaine Daly kerana telah bersetuju dengan “sportingly” untuk menjadi pengacarapengacara majlis. Ramai yang merasakan 112 mereka adalah satu pasangan yang sangat sepadan! Rasa terima kasih yang tidak terhingga juga ditujukan kepada firma Lee Hishamuddin Allen Gledhill dan satu firma lain yang tidak mahu nama mereka disebutkan untuk dermaderma kewangan mereka. Kami juga ingin mengucapkan rasa berterima kasih kami kepada Teo Bong Kwang, Nahendren Navaratnam, Alex Chang, GK Ganesan, Gopal Sreenevasan, Ben Chan dan Lim Tuck Sun kerana telah bermurah hati menyumbangkan buku-buku yang ditulis mereka. Rasa penghargaan kami juga ditujukan kepada LexisNexis untuk begbeg barangan mereka dan Jawatankuasa Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan kerana telah menyumbangkan baucar-baucar Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan. Hiburan pada malam itu telah diberikan di dalam gaya yang sangat hebat oleh “Backbreakers”, yang terdiri daripada Mohd Izral Khairy, Mark Ho, Gregory Ling, Clarence Chua dan Weina Ha yang telah disokong dengan nyanyian Kaushalya, Falah dan Dee Wei. Tahniah buat mereka. Akhir sekali, kami juga berterima kasih kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dari Raja Darryl & Loh kerana telah dengan sangat teliti menyediakan latar belakang (backdrop) untuk pesta itu dan kepada Habizan Habeeb yang telah mengambil gambar pada malam itu 7. Jawatankuasa percaya kepada usahasama dengan jawatankuasa-jawatankuasa lain yang mungkin berkongsi objektif yang sama dan atas niat ini, kami telah menyertai Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kuala Lumpur (YLC) untuk berucap kepada pelajar-pelajar undang-undang berkenaan dengan kerjaya di dalam bidang perundangan. Bengkel -bengkel ini telah diadakan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan di UiTM. Respon-respon dari pelajar-pelajar adalah sangat baik dan kami berharap agar kerjasama ini dapat diteruskan. 8. Masih lagi di dalam proses penyiapan adalah penerbitan buku panduan latihan dalam kamar. Buku panduan ini apabila siap, telah direka bentuk untuk bertindak sebagai satu panduan yang padat bagi mereka yang berniat untuk memohon dan menjalani tempoh latihan dalam kamar. Pada masa laporan ini, jawatankuasa adalah di dalam proses untuk menyelesaikan pengumpulsemakan material H al E hwal P elatih - pelatih dalam kamar A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 dan penderafan kandungan-kandungan buku panduan tersebut. 9. Saya ingin menyampaikan rasa terima kasih saya kepada semua ahli-ahli jawatankuasa untuk penglibatan dan input yang diberikan. Ahli-ahli jawatankuasa ini telah menunjukkan dedikasi dan komitmen sepenuhnya dan adalah benar-benar berminat dan mengambil berat terhadap hal ehwal pelatih-pelatih. Setiap acara adalah hasil usaha sepasukan dan pujian ke atas kejayaan setiap program adalah milik keseluruhan pasukan. 10. Akhir sekali, buat kedua-dua Mary Tan dan Melissa Dass dari Sekretariat Bar KL yang telah menunjukkan keupayaan organisasi yang mantap dan sesungguhnya acara-acara tersebut tidak akan dapat kami jalankan tanpa pertolongan dan sumbangan dari mereka. Abdul Rashid Ismail Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Hal Ehwal Pelatih-pelatih Dalam Kamar A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 H al E hwal P elatih - pelatih dalam kamar 113 JAWATANKUASA SOSIAL Pengerusi Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Colin Andrew Pereira Sanjeev Kumar Rasiah Pertemuan Sosial Informal Acara pertama bagi penggal 2006/07 adalah satu pertemuan sosial informal yang diadakan pada 26 Mei 2006 di Cheers di Damansara. Walaupun tidak ramai yang datang disebabkan hujan lebat, ia tetap menyeronokkan bagi yang hadir di pertemuan ini. Majlis Makan Malam & Tari-Menari Tahunan Majlis Makan Malam & Tari-Menari Tahunan telah dilangsungkan pada 2 Disember 2006 di Hotel Crowne Plaza Mutiara, Kuala Lumpur. Walaupunramai yang sibuk dengan aktiviti-aktiviti sosial masing- masing, seramai lebih daripada 480 orang tetamu telah menghadiri Majlis tersebut. Sejumlah tetamu juga turut tampil berpakaian mengikut tema Majlis serta hadiah-hadiah menarik disediakan untuk dimenangi oleh pasangan yang berpakaian paling menarik. Majlis tersebut telah mendapat sambutan baik daripada para tetamu yang disajikan dengan pelbagai hidangan serta minuman sepanjang malam dan juga hiburan oleh Bala, seorang pemuzik terkenal. Ahli jawatankuasa ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada firma-firma dan pihak individu yang telah memberikan sokongan penuh bagi memastikan Majlis Tahunan ini kekal menjadi suatu tradisi penting yang menyeronokkan. Lawatan ke Rumah Yayasan Sunbeams, Rumah Anak Yatim Satu lawatan ke Rumah Yayasan Sunbeams telah diadakan pada 16 Julai 2006 dimana hasil kutipan (berjumlah RM5,000.00) daripada acara Pencarian Harta Karun Motor Bar KL yang berlangsung pada 26 Februari 2006 dan kelengkapan dandanan diri sumbangan Body Basics Sdn Bhd telah diserahkan kepada Rumah Anak Yatim tersebut. Makan tengahari juga diadakan untuk kanak-kanak Rumah Anak Yatim itu. Kehadiran ahli-ahli Bar adalah tidak menggalakkan, namun begitu kesemua kanak-kanak terbabit menikmati hari yang menyeronokkan. Derma Darah Kempen menderma darah telah diadakan di Bar Room, Mahkamahmahkmah Rendah, Jalan Raja pada 17 Ogos 2006 dengan bantuan Pusat Darah Negara. Sejumlah 34 unit darah telah berjaya dikumpul daripada penderma-penderma yang murah hati. 114 S osial A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Pencarian Harta Karun LexisNexis-Bar KL Acara Pencarian Harta Karun LexisNexis-Bar KL yang berlangsung pada 4 November 2006 telah mendapat sambutan hangat dengan kehadiran 66 buah kereta serta 250 orang peserta. Acara ini bermula dari pusat pameran Volvo di Jalan Sungai Besi dan berakhir di Genting Highlands Resort di mana peserta-peserta telah disajikan dengan makanan lewat tengah hari dan diikuti dengan pengumuman namanama pemenang serta upacara pemberian hadiah. Kami berharap agar dapat bekerjasama dengan LexisNexis lagi tahun hadapan agar acara Pencarian Harta Karun ini dapat dijadikan sebagai acara tahunan. Semua hasil bersih yang diperolehi daripada acara ini dibahagi sama rata di antara penganjur-penganjur untuk disalurkan bagi tujuan-tujuan kebajikan dan Program Pendidikan Undang-undang Lanjutan Bar KL. Kami juga ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada penggemar-penggemar Pencarian Harta Karun di kalangan “fraternity” kami atas sokongan mereka bagi menjayakan acara ini. Ivan Wong Ee-Vern Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sosial A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 S osial 115 JAWATANKUASA Sukan 1. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Pengerusi: Anand Ponnudurai Ahli-ahli berikut telah dilantik sebagai konvenor-konvenor bagi membantu dalam organisasi untuk sukan tersebut :i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Badminton Kriket Golf Hoki Bola Jaring Bola Sepak Squask Tenis Bola Tampar : : : : : : : : : A.I. Nathan Alex De Silva Koh Yew Chong K. Vijayaraj Wong Keat Ching Peter Ling Jayne Koe Yeoh Cho Keong Cheow Wee 2. Siri Tahunan 2.1 Sukan Bar KL/Selangor Yang Ke-6 (Piala Pusingan Lall Singh Muker) Sukan Bar KL/Selangor Yang Ke-6 telah dianjurkan oleh Bar Selangor dipelbagai tempat pada 20 dan 21 Januari 2006. Bar KL telah memenangi permainan pertama dengan mengalahkan Bar Selangor dan telah memenangi Piala Kandiah Chelliah untuk permainan golf pada 20 Januari 2006 di Bukit Kemuning Golf Course. Bar KL telah menandingi Bar Selangor dalam permainan hoki, snooker, bola jaring, bola tampar, bola sepak dan badminton pada 21 Januari 2006, dimana Bar KL telah menjuarai kesemua permainan kecuali snooker. Dengan demikian, Bar KL telah memegang semula Piala Pusingan Lall Singh Muker dengan markah keseluruhannya 6-1. Bar KL akan menjadi tuan rumah bagi Siri Yang Ke-7 pada 12 dan 13 Januari 2007. 2.2 Karnival Sukan Yang Ke-17 - Bar KL lwn Kelab DiRaja Selangor (RSC) (Piala Pusingan Tan Sri Dato’ Harun Hashim) Karnival Sukan Yang Ke-17 telah dijadualkan di adakan bermula minggu 20 November 2006 dengan beberapa permainan dimainkan dengan bola sepak, bola jaring, kriket dan hoki pada penghujung 116 S ukan A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 yang akan diadakan di Kiara Sports Annexe pada 25 November 2006 yang diikuti dengan jamuan makan malam / penyampaian hadiah. Bar KL telah menguasai permainan badminton dengan mengalahkan RSC dalam badminton 5-0 digelanggang badminton Kuen Cheng pada malam 20 November 2006. Walaubagaimanapun, pada 22 November 2006, Bar KL telah menerima panggilan daripada Pengerusi Sukan RSC dengan satu permintaan bahawa Siri ini ditangguhkan memandangkan keadaan padang mereka yang tidak memuaskan akibat daripada hujan yang berterusan yang menyebabkan padang tersebut terpaksa ditutup. Semua pihak telah bersetuju untuk menangguhkan Siri Yang Ke-17 ini dan juga makan malam sehingga pada Februari atau March 2007. 3. Kejohanan Bar Diantara NegeriNegeri 3.1. Satu pertandingan Kejohanan Bar antara negerinegeri telah diaturkan oleh Majlis Peguam Malaysia dan dianjurkan oleh Bar Kedah di Alor Setar pada 18 dan 19 November 2006. Sukan yang dipertandingkan adalah badminton, golf, bola jaring, bola sepak dan juga bola tampar dan Bar KL telah menghantar pasukan untuk menyertai semua pertandingan tersebut. 3.2. Pasukan Bar KL telah muncul juara didalam pertandingan bola sepak, bola jaring dan bola tampar. 3.3. Bar KL telah muncul naib juara didalam permainan golf dan badminton apabila telah kalah dengan tipis kepada Bar Selangor. 3.4. Jamuan makan malam dan juga penyampaian hadiah telah diadakan di Revolving Restaurant di Alor Setar Telekom Tower dan dihadiri oleh semua pesertapeserta. 3.5. Ucapan terima kasih ditujukan kepada Bar Kedah kerana menganjurkan sukan tersebut dengan sempurnanya dan kepada semua peserta-peserta dari Bar KL untuk persembahan yang mengagumkan. 3.6. Bar Kelantan kelihatan seperti telah bersetuju untuk menjadi tuan rumah bagi sukan bagi negerinegeri tahun depan dimana Bar KL akan menyertai dengan harapan mengulangi (mungkin mempertingkatkan) persembahan tahun ini. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 4. Bola Sepak Pertandingan Bola Sepak 7-Sebelah yang Ke-18 Piala Memorial Thayalan untuk Piala Pusingan yang diderma oleh Tetuan Skrine telah diadakan pada 4 Mac 2006 di UNITEN Bangi. Pertandingan ini disertai oleh beberapa pasukan yang berminat dari seluruh negara. Sekumpulan peguam-peguam yang bernama “Feng Tau FC” muncul sebagai juara dengan “Chocolate Bar” sebagai naib juara. Pertandingan yang Ke-19 akan berlangsung pada bulan March 2007. 5. AM Ahli-ahli Bar KL sering bertemu untuk permainan bola tampar, dan badminton serta sukan-sukan lain. Bar KL telah menempah dewan yang pada mulanya di SBA di Kampung Attap dan sekarang di KLBA di Cheras setiap petang Rabu untuk badminton dan menempah Bangsar Sport Komplex pada setiap petang hari Ahad untuk bola tampar dimana terdapat penyertaan aktif oleh peguam-peguam dan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar didalam sesi-sesi tersebut. 6. Ucapan terima kasih Saya dengan ini ingin berterima kasih kepada semua konvenor-konvenor untuk masa dan usaha mereka dalam mengendalikan permainan-permainan tersebut. Jawatankuasa juga berterima kasih kepada pendermapenderma atas sumbangan-sumbangan hadiah, pialapiala dan berbagai penajaan dalam tahun-tahun terdahulu untuk menjayakan pelbagai aktiviti sukan. Akhir sekali, jawatankuasa berterima kasih kepada semua ahli-ahli yang mengambil bahagian dan memberi sokongan dalam pelbagai aktiviti Jawatankuasa Sukan dalam beberapa tahun ini. Walaupun penglibatan ahli-ahli telah bertambah dan secara umumnya amat menggalakkan, adalah diharapkan lebih ramai ahli terutama peguam-peguam muda akan mengambil bahagian dalam aktiviti-aktiviti dalam tahun-tahun yang akan datang. Anand Ponnudurai Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Sukan S ukan 1 17 JAWATANKUASA pEGUAM-PEGUAM MUDA Pengerusi Richard Wee T.S. Laporan Pengerusi Setiausaha Melissa Ram Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Vincent Tey Dipendra Harshad Rai Dinesh Praveen Nair D’zaki Ezhar Bahar Janet Chai Lai Chee Hoe Lee Shih Lee Chooi Peng 118 Untuk tahun ini, Jawatankuasa Peguam-peguam Muda (JPM) terus berhubung dengan ahli-ahli muda dan menyampaikan pandangan dan komen mereka kepada Jawatankuasa Peguam Kuala Lumpur (JPKL). Projek dari penggal lepas telah dibawa ke penggal ini dan projek baru juga telah dimulakan. Tanpa cuba mengulangi laporan-laporan jawatankuasa kecil yang lain, berikut adalah projek-projek/aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah kami jalankan :1. Terlibat dalam merangka dan pengagihan BUKU MERAH (“RED BOOK”) yang telah dilancarkan pada 20 April 2006. Projek ini telah dimulakan oleh sekumpulan peguam yang dikenali sebagai TANGKAP (terdapat ahli JPM terlibat di sini). Projek ini adalah usaha berterusan dari JPM penggal yang lepas. Edisi kedua BUKU MERAH akan diterbitkan dan diedarkan tidak lama lagi. 2. Lawatan ke Universiti-universiti; terutama sekali Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) dan Universiti Institute Teknologi Mara (UiTM), untuk menjalankan kem-kem bersama pra-siswazah Ijazah Sarjana Muda Undang-undang. Kami telah menerima maklum balas yang positif dari semua universiti-universiti yang telah menyertai kem-kem ini. Dengan sambutan seperti ini, ada kemungkinan besar JPM akan meneruskan aktiviti ini di masa-masa akan datang. 3. Malam Amal 2006 - untuk kali kedua. Malam Amal pada kali ini telah mendapat sambutan yang lebih memberangsangkan jika dibandingkan dengan Malam Amal tahun 2005. Negerinegeri Melaka dan Perak juga merancang untuk mengadakan Malam Amal yang hampir sama dengan Malam Amal di Kuala Lumpur. 4. Lawatan ke Mahkamah Majistret Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL) bagi menghadiri kes pasangan berkelakuan sumbang di KLCC “KLCC-kissing-couple”. JPM juga telah bergabung tenaga bersama sekumpulan peguam yang telah berarak ke Bukit Aman pada 7 Jun 2006 bagi memprotes penangkapan peguam yang hendak berjumpa dengan anakguamnya di stesen polis. P eguam - P eguam M U D A A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 5. Forum Peguam-peguam Muda yang berlangsung dari 25 sehingga 27 Ogos 2006 di Persidangan President of Law Association [POLA] di Singapura telah dihadiri oleh lebih daripada 15 orang ahli dari JPM Kuala Lumpur (JPM KL). Ahli-ahli JPM dari negeri lain juga turut serta mewakili Malaysia di Persidangan tersebut. Kami menghadiri Persidangan tersebut dibawah payung Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Nasional (JPMN), dan Persidangan ini tentu mengeratkan perhubungan yang rapat dengan rakan sejawat kami dari Singapura. 6. Ahli JPM, Lai Chee Hoe telah menghadiri Konferens “Mechanism and Legislation to Promote and Protect Gender Equality” yang diadakan dari 28 hingga 30 Ogos 2006, bagi mewakili Majlis Peguam dan juga JPM KL. Konferens ini yang telah dianjurkan bersama oleh Women’s Centre for Change (WCC) dari Pulau Pinang dan international solidarity network of Women Living Under Muslim Laws, adalah satu mesyuarat dengan hasrat untuk membandingkan dan berbincang tentang undang-undang saksama dan mekanisma untuk isu “gender”. 7. Sebahagian ahli JPM juga telah mengambil bahagian bersama kumpulan peguam-peguam Majlis Peguam dalam program Persoalan “Bloody Sunday” bersama SUHAKAM. 8. Produksi video dokumentari mengenai Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur. Dokumentari pendek ini bertujuan untuk memberi gambaran kepada ahli-ahli muda mengenai sejarah dan kepentingan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur. Setiausaha Pusat Bantuan Guaman ini, Ravi Nekoo, telah memastikan projek ini dijayakan dengan lancar. 9. Pameran Kemajuan Kerjaya-Jawatankuasa Kemajuan Kerjaya [Dalaman] akan mengaturkan Pameran tersebut dengan menjemput Universiti-universiti dan Kolej-kolej terkemuka untuk mengadakan Expo Pendidikan bagi mendedahkan kepada peguam-peguam muda potensi melanjutkan pengajian mereka. JPM juga telah menghubungi Tabung Amanah Biasiswa terkemuka yang sanggup menawarkan biasiswa kepada peguam yang berkelayakan. Laporan ini tidak lengkap sekiranya tidak menyebut berkenaan perubahan yang paling ketara di dalam polisi JPM - iaitu pemansuhan bahagian (a) dalam Seksyen 46A Akta Profesion Undang-undang 1976. Pemansuhan tersebut memberi makna peguam-peguam muda tidak lagi dihalang atau dikawal daripada menawarkan diri sebagai calon dalam Majlis Peguam atau Jawatankuasa Bar Negeri. Perjuangan menentang Seksyen 46A (a) ini telah bermula sejak 1978 dan akhirnya dimansuhkan pada 2 Oktober 2006 dimana ianya telah diwartakan. Ketika Bill untuk Akta tersebut mula-mula dibentangkan di Dewan Rakyat pada bulan Julai 2006, beberapa ahli JPM hadir di Parlimen untuk berjumpa Datuk Seri Nazri dan beberapa Ahli Parlimen lain yang berlatarbelakang perundangan untuk menunjukkan sokongan keatas pemansuhan seksyen yang menyekat ini. JPM juga diwakili di JPMN di Majlis Peguam Malaysia. Sebagai JPM yang mewakili peguam-peguam muda yang terbesar, JPM telah memastikan kepentingan ahli-ahli kami sentiasa diprihatinkan di mesyuarat-mesyuarat JPMN. Kami juga terlibat dalam banyak projek-projek JPMN. Di sini saya ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada setiap seorang ahli JPM untuk bantuan yang telah mereka hulurkan. Ketua-ketua jawatankuasa juga seharusnya diberi pujian atas contoh teladan mereka dan kerana sentiasa prihatin tentang kehendak ahli-ahli muda Bar Kuala Lumpur. Saya juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Setiausaha JPM, Melissa Ram, yang telah berkerja tanpa mengira penat di belakang tabir demi untuk faedah JPM. Saya amat berterima kasih dan terhutang budi kepada Sekretariat Bar Kuala Lumpur, terutama sekali Mary dan Melissa Dass dan bekas Pegawai-pegawai Eksekutif [Kavitha dan Nazatul] yang telah memastikan projek-projek JPM berjalan lancar. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P eguam - P eguam M U D A 119 Saya juga mesti merakamkan terima kasih kepada JPKL atas sokongan mereka. Saya dan Melissa banyak beruntung daripada dorongan dan pertolongan mereka sepanjang waktu kami berada di bawah JPKL. Akhir sekali, kami menghargai galakkan ahli-ahli Bar Kuala Lumpur dan berharap sokongan yang padu terhadap aktiviti-aktiviti JPM akan berterusan. JPM akan terus beroperasi kerana jawatankuasa ini bukanlah semata-mata jawatankuasa Anti Seksyen 46A tetapi (seperti dipetik dan dipinjam dari ucapan Abraham Lincoln di Gettysburg) “a committee of young lawyers, by young lawyers and for young lawyers”. Richard Wee T.S. Pengerusi JPM Jawatankuasa Kecil Hak Asasi Manusia Ketua: Dinesh Nair Ahli-ahli: Sharifah Thaherah Ng Yueng May Simrin Ranjeeta Kaur Ravi Jawatankuasa kecil Hak Asasi Manusia telah mengadakan beberapa aktiviti-aktiviti sebagai meneruskan usaha mempromosikan kesedaran hak-hak asasi manusia di kalangan peguam-peguam terutama sekali peguam-peguam muda secara amnya. Berikut adalah aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah diadakan dan/atau disertai : a) telah menghadiri sebanyak dua kali ke perbicaraan pasangan-berkelakuan-sumbang KLCC atau “KLCC-kissing-couple” di Mahkamah Majistret Dewan Bahasa Kuala Lumpur; b) mengambil bahagian dalam perarakan ke Bukit Aman pada 7 Jun 2006, bagi memprotes penangkapan yang dibuat oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia terhadap peguam yang mahu berjumpa dengan anakguamnya di Balai Polis Petaling Jaya; c) telah mencadangkan dan menyediakan penyataan deraf untuk diisukan oleh JPM atau JPKL bagi memprotes penganiyaan oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia terhadap orang yang ditahan berikutan dengan siaran oleh Bulletin Utama TV3 pada 26 Ogos 2006; d) menghadiri Persidangan Hari Hak-hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia 2006 yang dianjurkan oleh Suruhanjaya Hak-hak Asasi Manusia pada 9 September 2006 di Hotel Renaissance, Kuala Lumpur; e) meneruskan perhubungan bersama Dato’ Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Menteri Kemajuan Wanita, Keluarga dan Komuniti berkenaan dengan jemputan Kementerian ke forum bagi menyampaikan perspektif Kerajaan Malaysia terhadap Islamic Family (Federal Territories) (Amendment) Bill 2005. Percubaan menyampaikan 120 P eguam - P eguam M U D A A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 forum tersebut selama ini tidak dapat dijayakan kerana Menteri terlampau sibuk dengan perkara-perkara penting yang perlukan perhatian utama. Secara keseluruhannya, kami percaya bahawa aktiviti-aktiviti di atas telah memberi pendedahan kepada ramai peguam (terutamanya peguam-peguam muda) kesedaran mengenai hak-hak asasi manusia dan isu-isu yang berkait rapat dengannya. Dengan itu, kami tidak teragak untuk mengatakan di sini bahawa kami berasa sungguh optimis dalam mengambil bahagian aktiviti-aktiviti lain untuk membawa lebih jauh hak-hak asasi manusia di Malaysia. Dinesh Nair Ketua Jawatankuasa Kecil Hak Asasi Manusia Jawatankuasa Kecil Kemajuan Kerjaya [JKK] Untuk penggal 2006/07, jawatankuasa kecil ini dibahagikan kepada 2 unit kecil iaitu Unit Eksternal dan Unit Internal. Unit Eksternal ditanggungjawabkan untuk projek-projek di luar bidang kuasa JPKL, dan Unit Internal pula bertanggungjawab atas kerjaya peguam-peguam muda Bar KL. Ketua-Unit Internal Janet Chai Ketua-Unit Eksternal Lai Chee Hoe Ahli-ahli: Lee Shih Alan Teoh Wilson Agnes Chow Sumitha Ng Chian Huey Benjamin Yong Hui Athena Ang Vivian Tan Chew Liitsan Khor Tze Ming Lee Chooi Peng Azrina Hanie Razanna Unit Eksternal JKK pada penggal ini, telah meneruskan projek workshop bersama siswa LL.B di universiti-universiti tempatan, yang dimulakan oleh jawatankuasa penggal lepas. Apa yang telah menyebabkan JKK untuk menyambungkan program ini adalah kerana JKK melihat keperluan dan kepentingan untuk mengendalikan ekspektasi pelajar-pelajar fakulti undang-undang. Terutamanya aliran utama pendidikan di kebanyakan universiti tidak memberi aspek aspek pratikal semasa mengamal undang-undang dan teras kecekapan (core competencies) yang diperlukan untuk berjaya atau untuk hidup sahaja dalam pasaran undang-undang yang mempunyai banyak persaingan. Sebab itu, kami percaya bahawa mendidik dan melengkapi peguam-peguam akan datang dengan kemahiran dan sikap yang betul untuk menentang persaingan, terutamanya globalisasi yang akan dimunculi di profesion undang-undang di mana peguam luar negara adalah diberikan peluang untuk mengamalkan undang-undang di Malaysia. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P eguam - P eguam M U D A 1 21 Kami telah mengadakan 3 workshop iaitu di University Malaya (“UM”), University Kebangsaan Malaysia (“UKM”) dan University Institut Teknologi Mara (“UiTM”). Kami memulakan projet tersebut di UM pada 22 Julai 2006. Workshop tersebut mempunyai kira-kira 100 pelajar dalam tahun terakhir dan maklum balas daripada peguam sukarela dan pelajar-pelajar adalah memberangsangkan, dan ada yang mencadangkan workshop tersebut dijadikan rencana tetap di UM. Memandangkan kejayaan workshop tersebut, kami memutus untuk meluaskan sentuhan kami kepada universiti di negeri Selangor. Setelah mendapati kelulusan daripada Bar Selangor, kami telah mengadakan Workshop kedua di UKM pada 5 Ogos 2006. Pelajar-pelajar di UKM adalah ghairah dan gembira. Mereka menanya banyak soalan dan peguam sukarela juga memberikan jawapan tentang kehidupan seharian semasa bekerja. Workshop ketiga diadakan di UiTM pada 23 September 2006 dan ia juga merupakan workshop terakhir dalam projek JKK 2006/07. Projek ini telah menarik kehadiran Haji Sulaiman Abdullah, Lim Chee Wee, Edmund Bon dan peguam muda dari Bar Selangor dan Perak. Pelajar-pelajar UiTM mempunyai peluang untuk memperlajari “reality checklist” dan teras kecekapan yang diperlukan oleh seorang peguam. Penilaian keseluruhan adalah positif dan workshop-workshop tersebut telah disambut baik oleh pelajar-pelajar dan peguam-peguam sukarela. Kami percaya workshop-workshop ini harus diulangi pada tahun yang akan datang untuk mengendalikan ekspektasi pelajar-pelajar. Lai Chee Hoe Ketua [Eksternal] Jawatankuasa Kecil Kemajuan Kerjaya [JKK] Unit Internal Jawatankuasa kecil ini telah, sebagai tambahan kepada beberapa lawatan ke universiti-universiti tempatan sepertimana yang digariskan di atas, menganjurkan suatu ceramah berkenaan dengan Akta Pencegahan Pengubahan Wang Haram (“Akta”) yang telah diadakan pada 1 Ogos 2006. Ceramah tersebut telah diadakan memandangkan pindaan-pindaan yang telah dibuat baru-baru ini kepada Akta tersebut yang mana tanggungjawab pelaporan di bawah Akta tersebut telah menjangkau kepada pihak peguam yang kini mempunyai tanggungjawab untuk melaporkan apa-apa jua transaksi yang mencurigakan yang mungkin dialami dalam kerja mereka. Tindak balas daripada para peserta, yang adalah termasuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan ahli-ahli profesion undangundang dan juga bukan ahli seperti para akauntan dan pengurus syarikat dalam firma guaman, adalah amat memberangsangkan. Jawatankuasa kecil ini juga bercadang untuk memulakan tahun yang akan datang ini dengan mengadakan suatu bengkel mempertingkatkan kerjaya berkenaan dengan kursus-kursus lepas ijazah untuk pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan ahli-ahli profesion undang-undang yang ingin mempertingkatkan lagi pengetahuan mereka dan yang tidak dapat meluangkan masa untuk meneliti maklumat yang terlalu banyak daripada universiti-universiti dan kolej-kolej tempatan untuk membuat pilihan dalam kursus-kursus yang sedia-ada. Janet Chai Ketua [Internal] Jawatankuasa Kecil Kemajuan Kerjaya [JKK] 122 P eguam - P eguam M U D A A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Jawatankuasa Kecil Sukan Ketua: Dipendra Ahli-ahli: Farez Jinnah Tahun ini, pada mulanya Jawatankuasa kecil Sukan telah berancang untuk berganding bahu bersama Jawatankuasa Sukan Bar Kuala Lumpur mengadakan Carnival Sukan. Ini telah dirancang sekitar di dalam bulan November atau Disember 2006. Walaubagaimanapun, memandangkan terdapat pelbagai acara-acara lain yang telah dirancang dalam jangka masa tersebut, Jawatankuasa kecil Sukan membuat keputusan untuk menunda Karnival Sukan ke bulan Januari atau Februari 2007 (bergantung kepada kesesuaian dan keadaan peda masa tersebut). Jawatankuasa kecil Sukan juga mengharapkan kepada acara-acara alternatif lain seperti pertandingan paintball dan/atau pertandingan futsal. Sebagai Ketua Jawatankuasa kecil ini, saya juga adalah ahli di Jawatankuasa Sukan Bar KL yang diketuai oleh Anand Ponnudurai, dimana pandangan ahli-ahli muda dikongsi dan diberitahu kepada jawatankuasa tersebut. Perlu juga diberi perhatian bahawa terdapat ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa kecil Sukan yang menyumbang secara aktif dan telah menjayakan Malam Amal 2006. Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa kecil Sukan juga telah mengambil bahagian dalam Forum Peguam-peguam Muda yang diadakan di Persidangan President of Law Association [POLA] di Singapura dari 25 hingga 27 Ogos 2006. H R Dipendra Ketua Jawankuasa Kecil Sukan Jawatankuasa Kecil Kebajikan Ketua: D’zaki Naib Ketua: Lee Chooi Peng Ahli-ahli: Melissa Ram Hoong May Yin Benjamin Pada tahun ini Jawatankuasa Kecil Kebajikan telah menganjurkan suatu Malam Amal [Charity Nite] bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial pada 27 Julai 2006 untuk mengumpul dana bagi Pusat Penjagaan KanakKanak Cacat Taman Megah (“Rumah Kebajikan tersebut”). Kami telah melawat Rumah Kebajikan tersebut pada 27 Mei 2006 dan amat terharu dengan keperluan ‘kanakkanak istimewa’ dalam Rumah Kebajikan tersebut. Rumah Kebajikan tersebut menjaga lebih kurang 130 kanak-kanak dan mempunyai perbelanjaan bulanan sebanyak RM32,164.00 tiap-tiap bulan. Oleh itu, kami A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P eguam - P eguam M U D A 123 memutuskan untuk menganjurkan suatu malam amal lagi, berikutan dengan sambutan hangat dari tahun lepas, untuk menghulurkan bantuan kepada ‘kanak-kanak istimewa’ ini. Untuk menarik lebih banyak dermaan, kami juga telah mengadakan pertandingan nyanyian pada Malam Amal dimana pemenang pertandingan nyanyian tersebut adalah diputuskan berdasarkan jumlah derma yang dapat dikutip oleh peserta-peserta dari persembahan mereka. Pertandingan nyanyian tersebut bukan sahaja berjaya mengutip derma sebanyak RM 6,185.15 untuk Rumah Kebajikan tersebut tetapi juga telah menceriakan lagi suasana Malam Amal tersebut. Pada Malam Amal tersebut, kami telah berjaya menjual 418 tiket dan juga mengutip derma sebanyak RM12,702.06 dari individu-individu dan firma-firma untuk ‘kanak-kanak istimewa’ tersebut . Pada tahun ini, kami bukan sahaja berjaya mengutip derma hampir RM20,000.00 untuk Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-Kanak Cacat Taman Megah tetapi juga berjaya mendapatkan penganjur untuk menderma 2 buah komputer kepada Rumah Kebajikan tersebut. Lee Chooi Peng Naib Ketua Jawatankuasa Kecil Kebajikan Jawatankuasa kecil Sosial Ketua: Vincent Tey Naib Ketua: Lee Shih Ahli-ahli: Dinesh Kana Tiffany Heah Vivian Tan Alan Teoh Acara kemuncak tahun ini bagi Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial Peguam Muda adalah Malam Amal 2006 yang telah diadakan di CoChine Restaurant yang terletak di Jalan Doraisamy. Acara ini telah dianjurkan bersama dengan Jawatankuasa Kebajikan pada 27 Julai 2006. Disebabkan sambutan besar-besaran oleh peguam-peguam yang menghadiri dan/atau menyumbang kepada acara ini, sejumlah hampir RM20,000.00 telah dikutip untuk Taman Megah Handicapped and Disabled Children’s Home. Untuk mengelakkan pengulangan, butirbutir Malam Amal 2006 seperti yang dinyatakan di dalam Laporan Jawatankuasa Kecil Kebajikan 2006 adalah dirujuk dan diterimapakai di sini. Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial ingin menyatakan setinggi-tinggi hutang budinya kepada semua yang telah menjadikan acara ini suatu realiti dan yang berjaya. Sungguhpun agenda utama malam tersebut adalah untuk mendapatkan sumbangan wang, acara tersebut secara sendirinya telah menjadi suatu pentas yang sempurna untuk membolehkan peguam-peguam bersantai dan membincangkan isu-isu undang-undang semasa, dan juga berkawan baru pada masa yang sama. Kejayaan acara ini sekali lagi mencerminkan keperihatinan dan kepekaan peguam-peguam kepada keperluan golongan yang kurang bernasib baik di dalam masyarakat kita. Melalui acara ini, kami telah mengambil suatu langkah di dalam arah yang betul. 1 24 P eguam - P eguam M U D A A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial juga telah membantu di dalam penganjuran Majlis Berbuka Puasa pada 13 Oktober 2006. Makan malam telah diadakan dengan meriahnya dalam semangat muhibbah Malaysia. Terdapat kehadiran dari semua kaum di acara tersebut. Kami berharap dapat menarik lebih ramai hadirin tahun depan. Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda KL kini dalam proses perbincangan untuk mengadakan suatu majlis akhir tahun untuk dianjurkan bersama Jawatankuasa Sosial Bar Kuala Lumpur. Kami mengharapkan penyertaan besar-besaran sekiranya acara ini disahkan. Kami akan memberikan maklumat terkini. Sekali lagi, bagi pihak Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada anda semua atas kepercayaan dan sumbangan anda yang tidak kenal penat dalam membuat tahun ini suatu tahun yang tidak dapat dilupakan oleh Jawatankuasa Peguam Muda Kuala Lumpur. Saya tidak sabar-sabar mendapatkan sokongan anda tahun depan!! Vincent Tey Ketua Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial Idol Bar KL Idea untuk pertandingan Idol Bar KL yang diperjelaskan sekitar dalam Mei 2006, sebagai ilham jawatankuasa peguam-peguam muda mengenai idea-idea untuk Malam Amal tahun ini. Idea tersebut dikembangkan ke dalam konsep yang baru yang dengannya penonton-penonton akan mengundi untuk idol kegemaran mereka, dengan menderma wang ke dalam kotak-kotak yang kami sediakan. Idol yang mempunyai jumlah wang dikutip yang tertinggi akan memahkotai sebagai Idol Bar KL, dan semua hasil kutipan akan didermakan kepada pertubuhan amal. Dengan e-mel yang dihantarkan ke merata-rata tempat, dan juga dengan banyak mesyuarat, format dan peraturan-peraturan pertandingan ditetapkan. Pusingan Kelayakan untuk pertandingan Idol Bar KL diadakan pada hari Sabtu, 8 Julai 2006, di Bilik Persidangan Bar KL. Pada peringkat awal penganjuran pertandingan tersebut, kami berasa khuatir bahawa kami tidak akan mempunyai peserta yang cukup. Kami telah mengehadkan jumlah peserta kepada 10 orang, tetapi dengan amat cepatnya had tersebut dilebihi, dan akhirnya, kami membenarkan 13 orang peserta untuk mengambil bahagian dalam Pusingan Kelayakan, dan kami telah menolak kemasukan peserta yang lewat. Sebaik sahaja 13 orang peserta ini masing masing memasuki “competition arena” di Bilik Persidangan, mereka disambut oleh satu keadaan seperti suatu sidang akhbar. Bilik tersebut dipenuhi dengan penyokong-penyokong, lampu yang berkilau-kilau, seorang jurugambar yang menangkap gambar, dua kamera video yang sedang dijalankan, dan di tengah-tengah kesemua itu, setiap peserta dikehendaki menyanyi dan menarik hati 5 orang pengadil. Setiap peserta boleh menyanyi dengan maksimum 2 lagu, sama ada dalam Bahasa Malaysia atau Bahasa Inggeris. Akhirnya, 4 orang peserta akhir telah dipilih untuk memasuki Pusingan Akhir yang diadakan pada Malam Amal. Mereka adalah: 1. 2. 3. 4. Falah, dari Oon & Partners Dee Wei, dari Skrine Brendan, dari Susie See, Norbaya & Cheah Kaushalya, dari Shafee & Co A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 P eguam - P eguam M U D A 125 Dan, ribuan tahniah kepada peserta-peserta yang lain:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Jamal, dari Othman Hashim & Co. Steven, dari Shook Lin & Bok Esther, dari Badri Kuhan Yeoh & Ghandi CW Lim, dari Paul Cheah & Associates YS Kho, dari Lim Kian Leong & Co. Sheryl, dari Wong & Partners Melody, dari Shearn Delamore & Co. Nancy, dari NC Yew & Partners ‘A Shy Guy’ Sebagai persediaan untuk Malam Amal, 4 orang peserta akhir telah menjalankan banyak latihan dengan band semua peguam, yang diketuai oleh Izral dan Mark Ho dan ahli-ahli band yang lain, Chua, Chee Hoe, Greg Ling dan penyanyi undangan, Melody. 27 Julai 2006. Malam Amal 2006 telah menjelang tiba. Setiap sudut CoChine Restaurant di Asian Heritage Row dipenuhi dengan peguam-peguam dan penyokong-penyokong yang lain, pertandingan Idol Bar KL dimulakan. Setiap peserta akhir dikehendaki menyanyi dua lagu, sambil diiringi oleh band, dan ramai orang bersorak apabila tamatnya lagu-lagu mereka. Penonton-penonton dengan penuh ghairah meletakkan dermaan mereka ke dalam kotak-kotak dermaan yang khas disediakan, menunjukkan penghargaan bagi persembahan setiap Peserta Akhir Idol Bar KL. Selepas Peserta Akhir telah selesai menyanyikan lagu mereka, band semua peguam terus menghiburkan orang ramai yang bersorak semasa ahli-ahli JPM KL mula mengira dengan cepatnya kesemua dermaan. Keputusan bagi pertandingan Idol Bar KL diumumkan kemudian, dengan Kaushalya yang dimahkotai sebagai Idol Bar KL 2006. Semasa tamatnya malam yang riah itu, ahli-ahli JPM KL berasa bangga dengan hakikat bahawa semua orang benar-benar telah menikmati keseronokan malam tersebut dan yang lebih penting lagi, kami telah mengutip dermaan dengan jumlah yang memecah rekod di sekitar RM20,000.00 untuk pertubuhan amal. Lee Shih Naib Ketua Jawatankuasa Kecil Sosial 126 P eguam - P eguam M U D A A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Bantuan Guaman (Kuala Lumpur) Ahli Panel A. LAPORAN PANEL PENGURUSAN 2006 Laporan disediakan oleh Ravi Nekoo (Setiausaha Kehormat) Pengerusi M. Puravalen Setiausaha Kehormat Ravi Nekoo Pengenalan Penolong Setiausaha Kehormat Alexis Diana Bendahari N. Surendran Ahli-Ahli K.M Nachammai Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof N. Sivanesan Renuka T. Balasubramaniam M. Moganambal Pushpa Ratnam Sunil Vijayan K.A. Ramu Sivarasa Rasiah Anni Santhiago Meera Samanther Sharmini Thiruchelvam So Chien Hao Ramesh Lachmanan Kalaiichelvii Preetam Kaur Baljit Singh Sidhu Stanley Sinnappen Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur telah membantu 10062 klien. Kami memberi perkhidmatan kepada tahanan reman, pekerja asing dan mereka yang memerlukan pertolongan dalam masalah keganasan rumah tangga serta mengalami masalah dalam perkahwinan. Pada tahun ini, kami juga terlibat dalam beberapa kes yang melibatkan kepentingan awam seperti berkenaan hak-hak penduduk setinggan yang telah mendiami kediaman mereka di Kuala Lumpur selama 40 tahun. Kami telah mewakili lebih kurang 108 penduduk dari Kampung Semarak. Pusat ini juga membantu gabungan Badan-Badan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) yang berkepentingan dalam kebajikan haiwan. Terdapat sekumpulan peguam yang menunjukkan minat mendalam dalam bidang ini dan bersedia bekerjasama dengan Badan-Badan Bukan Kerajaan tersebut. Dalam menangani kekurangan peguam sukarela yang mengendalikan kes jenayah, kami telah menganjurkan Program Latihan Undang-undang Jenayah yang diterajui oleh En. Jagjit Singh. Setakat ini kami telah melatih 63 orang peguam. Selain itu kami telah mengadakan Program Latihan Kepimpinan selama 3 hari di Selesa Hill Homes, Bentong untuk melahirkan pemimpin baru bagi pusat ini. Para peserta program ini terdiri daripada pelatih dalam kamar yang pernah membuat tugasan di Pusat ini. Sepertimana yang diketahui, pada tahun 2005 terdapat pelbagai tuduhan mengenai salah laku pengurusan dan kewangan serta masalah disiplin pekerja yang telah dilemparkan pada Pusat ini. Majlis Peguam merasakan adalah perlu untuk menubuhkan Jawtankkuasa Siasatan untuk menyiasat dakwaan-dakwaan tersebut. Jawatankuasa tersebut telah menyiapkan laporan dan menyerahkan laporan tersebut kepada Majlis peguam. Jawatankuasa tersebut mendapati bahawa tiada bukti untuk menyokong dakwaan-dakwaan tersebut. Tahun ini, Pusat ini mendapati terdapat pertambahan dari segi bilangan peguam sukarela. Walaupun pertambahan ini masih tidak mencukupi, namun peningkatan ini tetap menggalakkan. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 1 27 Laporan daripada pelbagai Jawatankkuasa Kecil akan menunjukkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang telah dijalankan pada tahun ini. Jawatankuasa tersebut telah mengenalpasti beberapa kelemahan yang wujud dalam program tersebut dan mengesyorkan beberapa cadangan bagi mengatasinya. Kami mengakui bahawa masih banyak perkara yang perlu dilakukan untuk kepentingan klien. Oleh itu, kami sentiasa melihat kepada langkah-langkah untuk memperbaiki prestasi Pusat ini dalam memberi khidmat kepada klien. Kami mengambil kesempatan ini untuk merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua peguam sukarela, rakan-rakan dari badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO0, ketua-ketua projek, kakitangan serta pelatih dalam kamar yang telah memebri sikingan dan membantu kami dalam menjalankan tanggungjawab undang-undang kepada klien. B. A. STATISTIk STATISTIK Klien: Ringkasan - 2006 Klinik/Program Klien 2004 Klien 2005 Klien 2006 1 Sungai Buloh Prison: •Klien Malaysia •Klien Migran 1298 (860) (438) 1294 (876) (418) 1285 (1010) (275) 2 Penjara Wanita Kajang 236 181 200 3 Penjara Wanita Kajang (Migran) 473 153 84 4 Rumah Tahanan Juvana 107 121 77 5 Dock Brief 5100 5216 4714 6 Klinik LAC/Syariah 1691 1898 1808 7 SIS 707 523 568 8 AWAM 542 571 493 9 PTF 10 87 82 10 WAO - *N/A 5 102 166 11 Tenaganita 1121 998 585 11290 11144 10062 Jumlah B. File: Dibuka, Ada Peguam & Tiada Peguam - 2006 2005 Kategori Buka Ada Peguam Tiada Peguam Buka Ada Peguam Tiada Peguam 1 Jenayah •Klinik LAC •Program Penjara 141 123 96 114 45 9 154 119 102 115 52 4 2 Pekerjaan 28 28 - 31 29 2 3 Keluarga 64 64 - 67 67 - 4 Syariah 24 20 4 38 37 1 5 Lain 4 5 7 6 4 3 6 6 2 1 - 9 7 9 8 6 9 1 1 - 402 341 61 434 373 61 Jumlah 128 2006 •SOCSO •Litigation Hak-hak awam •Perumahan/Penyewaan •Pelbagai B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 C. D. PERMOHONAN JAMINAN: 2006 2005 2006 17 36 PEGUAM SUKARELA (VL): 2006 2005 2006 2005 Jumlah VL Baru VL JUMLAH Baru VL JUMLAH 365 44 409 76 485 C. LAPORAN JAWATANKUASA 1 KLINIK BANTUAN GUAMAN Disediakan oleh: Ahli Jawatankuasa Klinik Bantuan Guaman Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa: Nachammai Kumarappan Alexis Diana Jayaletchumi Rajaretnam Ramesh Lachmanan Kalaiichelvii Mohd Hafiizh Ghazali Molly Gomez-Kerisnan Ahmad Ridza Andrew Teh Devika Sothinathan Loh Mei Fun Pengenalan Klinik Bantuan Guaman (“LAC Clinic”) telah pun dikendalikan dari 1983 di sekretariat bagi memberikan khidmat kepada orang awam yang datang ke Bantuan Guaman. Klinik ini juga menyediakan khidmat nasihat percuma kepada mereka yang layak berdasarkan Ujian Kelayakan, kesedaran undang-undang, perwakilan undangundang dan campurtangan undang-undang. Klinik ini juga menyelia dan menguruskan sekumpulan peguam sukarela di bawah Klinik Bantuan Guaman yang mana mengadakan perjumpaan 4 kali dan memperbaiki masalah pentadbiran yang dihadapi oleh Klinik. Klinik ini beroperasi dari Isnin hingga Jumaat berpusat di Bantuan Guaman (KL) dari 10 pagi hingga 4.30 petang. Perbandingan klien (Mengunjungi Sekretariat) antara tahun 2005 dan 2006 adalah seperti berikut:- NO 1 2 TAHUN 2005 2006 BILANGAN KLIEN 1643 (Hingga 30/12/05) 1586 (Hingga 8/12/06) Perbandingan (Perwakilan Peguam yang diberi) antara tahun 2005 dan 2006 adalah seperti berikut: NO 1 2 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 TAHUN 2005 2006 BILANGAN KLIEN 249 (Hingga 30/12/05) 244 (Hingga 8/12/06) B antuan G uaman 129 Jawatankuasa/ Peguam Sukarela / Pelatih dalam Kamar Bagi pihak Jawatankuasa dan Sekretariat, penghargaan ikhlas kami berikan kepada ahli jawatankuasa dan tidak lupa juga kepada nadi/tunjang kepada Klinik LAC, Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar di mana tanpa mereka, Klinik ini tidak mampu untuk memberi khidmat yang diperlukan kepada orang awam. Kekurangan peguam yang menyertai Klinik ini dan menyelia pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar menyebabkan objektif jawatankuasa untuk memberikan nasihat perundangan tidak tercapai objektifnya. Secara tidak langsung, ia membawa kepada situasi di mana pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar memberikan nasihat tanpa diselia oleh peguam dan meletakkan Klinik LAC dalam kemungkinan yang ia boleh disaman kerana memberikan nasihat yang salah. Walaubagaimanapun, dengan pengawasan oleh kakitangan Klinik LAC yang berkelayakan terhadap pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar ini telah berjaya menggelakkan dari sebarang kemungkinan atau tindakan undang-undang ke atasnya. Kami memohon kepada peguam-peguam sukarela untuk datang ke sekretariat ini pada bila-bila masa yang mereka rasakan sesuai dan terluang untuk menyelia pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar ketika mereka memberikan nasihat undangundang kepada orang awam. Tambahan pula, terdapat peningkatan tren ketika ini di kalangan orang awam yang mencuba nasib untuk mendapatkan nasihat atau wakil guaman secara percuma walaupun mereka mengetahui bahawa mereka tidak layak untuk menerima bantuan guaman tersebut di bawah “means tests” yang dilaksanakan oleh Klinik LAC. Ini menyebabkan sumber kami yang terhad telah dibazirkan kepada permohonan- permohonan seperti itu. Malahan, berlaku beberapa kejadian apabila pemohon-pemohon bantuan ini berkelakuan buruk dan cuba untuk mengugut pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan kakitangan-kakitangan Klinik LAC. Kebiasannya, kami perhatikan bahawa dengan penglibatan secara aktif peguam-peguam sukarela ini ketika berdepan dengan pemohon-pemohon sedemikian, ianya secara tidak langsung dapat mencegah sebarang percubaan untuk membuli dan mengugut kakitangan-kakitangan Klinik LAC itu sendiri. Campurtangan Perundangan Pada tahun ini telah menunjukkan pertambahan atau permintaan yang tinggi bagi kelas campurtangan perundangan di mana pelatih dalam kamar dan pelatih dalam kamar (Dock-brief) bergabung tenaga bagi membantu klien-klien yang telah diketepikan oleh pihak berkuasa kerana status dan jantina. Pelatih dalam kamar juga dikehendaki untuk mengiringi klien-klien menegakkan hak asasi mereka. Kami dapat melihat jurang yang besar apabila klien-klien diiringi oleh pelatih dalam kamar. Pelatih dalam kamar yang terlibat di dalam proses ini adalah amat teruja kerana mereka berpeluang untuk didedahkan kepada pelbagai situasi sebenar di mana orang awam menghadapi masalah dengan pihak berkuasa/ jabatan kerajaan pada akar umbi. Malangnya, kami juga menghadapi situasi yang mana sehingga ke hari ini masih belum ada jawapan atau tindakan susulan diberikan kepada kami apabila perkara-perkara yang melibatkan atau berkaitan campurtangan perundangan dilaksanakan. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar juga ada menyatakan rasa tidak puas hati dan kecewa mereka terhadap beberapa Jabatan Kerajaan. Jawatankuasa ini juga mendapati kekurangan sumber kewangan dan penyeliaan oleh peguam-peguam sukarela telah menyekat campurtangan perundangan oleh Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan sekretariat. 130 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Perbandingan Campurtangan yang telah dilakukan pada tahun 2005 dam 2006 adalah seperti berikut:NO TAHUN JUMLAH BILANGAN BILANGAN PELATIH DALAM KAMAR YANG TERLIBAT KAWASAN YANG DILAWAT 1 2005 11 kes 12 Pelatih dalam kamar Polis, Pesuruhjaya sumpah, Mahkamah Keluarga, Mahkamah Ampang/KL, JPN 2 2006 51 kes 80 Pelatih dalam kamar Police, MPJ, Jabatan Buruh, Asrama Sentul, JKM, Jabatan Perhubungan Industri, Majistret, Sesyen, Trafik, Mahkamah Denmark, Bank, Tanah Selangor, Amanah Raya Latihan Pelatih dalam Kamar Komiti telah memperbaharui program latihan pelatih dalam kamar di mana kami telah memasukkan lebih banyak “role-play” dan penyertaan langsung dengan kumpulan dinamik. Melalui proses ini, kami melihat minat tertimbul dan pemahaman undang-undang oleh pelatih dalam kamar dengan lebih baik berbanding dengan pemberian kuliah. Ujian yang kami jalankan iaitu “role-play” adalah dilakoni oleh kakitangan kami, pelatih dalam kamar dan peguam sukarela. Pelatih dalam kamar boleh menasihati “klien” dan ketinggalan mereka boleh ditegur oleh peguam sukarela. Kami juga melaksanakan satu buku panduan asas dengan soalan-soalan ringkas mengenai undang-undang keluarga, jenayah, pekerjaan di mana kami telah mempraktik buku ini untuk tahun 2005 dan 2006 dan keputusannya adalah ia adalah efektif dan berguna semasa menemu duga klien. Ahli komiti mengadakan hampir semua ceramah dan mengajar mereka. Kami adalah berbangga dalam mempunyai peguam sukarela kami seperti Mr. Satgurunathan, Mr. Yong Kum Lam, Mr. Ravindran Ramanujam, Mr. Ravi Nekoo dan Mr. Muhendaran Suppiah untuk meluangkan masa berharga mereka untuk klinik dan melatih pelatih dalam kamar. Klinik Luaran Jawatankuasa bagi tahun 2006 juga telah memutuskan untuk tidak menganjurkan sebaran Klinik Luaran kepada orang ramai memandangkan kami mempunyai aktiviti yang padat dengan program sekolah. 1a LAPORAN PROJEK SEKOLAH KLINIK LAC Laporan disediakan oleh: Ahlijawatankuasa Klinik LAC Objektif Klinik LAC di Pusat Bantuan Guaman menyediakan khidmat kepada klien yang berkunjung setiap hari dari jam 10.00 pagi hingga 4.30 petang di Wisma Kraftangan, Kuala Lumpur. Klinik ini telah membantu segenap lapisan masyarakat terutamanya bagi kes-kes juvana yang masih bersekolah, yang melibatkan tuduhan-tuduhan jenayah (rogol statutori, curi, ugutan, lumba haram dan lain-lain) Selain daripada itu, Klinik LAC juga memberi khidmat dalam isu-isu sosial seperti bersekedudukan, kehamilan dikalangan remaja, hubungan tanpa ikatan perkahwinan dan lain-lain. Oleh yang demikian, Pusat Bantuan Guaman memutuskan untuk memberikan maklumat asas, implikasi, kesan-kesan dan juga pencegahan yang perlu terutamanya kepada pelajar-pelajar di Sekolah Menengah memandangkan usia mereka yang masih muda dan terdedah dengan pelbagai masalah social. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 1 31 Teori Pembentukan atau penyelesaian yang ideal untuk memastikan dalam jangka masa yang panjang, bilangan pelajar-pelajar yang ditangkap kerana kesalahan jenayah yang serius mahupun kecil dan menghalang mereka daripada menjadi mangsa masalah social. Kandungan Sejak sekian lama, Klinik LAC telah berjaya mengendalikan program ini seperti yang diminta oleh guru-guru dengan menyelitkan maklumat berkenaan dengan isu-isu social seperti kehamilan kalangan remaja. Kerosakan akhlak, perkongsian masalah hidup dan juga ceramah-ceramah motivasi bagi memenuhi kehendak dan perhatian pelajar-pelajar. Sokongan Kerajaan Klinik LAC telah menerima surat persetujuan daripada Kementerian Pendidikan (Wilayah Persekutuan) sejak 3 tahun yang lalu. Ianya merupakan satu dorongan kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman untuk terus mengendalikan program-program sedemikian di sekolah-sekolah. Pusat Bantuan Guaman percaya program-program seperti itu mampu menarik perhatian setiap individu pelajar memandangkan ramai guru-guru khuatir pelajar-pelajar mereka terlibat dalam masalah disiplin. Kumpulan/Individu yang mengambil berat kebaikan pelajar-pelajar Sejajar dengan kesedaran undang-undang dan untuk menarik minat pelajar-pelajar, Pusat Bantuan Guaman telah berjaya mendapat maklumat penting dengan penglibatan bersama NGO, pertubuhan-pertubuhan social berkenaan dengan perkembangan remaja. Klinik LAC juga berjaya menarik perhatian pertubuhan/organisasi seperti Pejabat Peguam Negara, Polis Diraja Malaysia, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat, Positive M’sia Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG), Pink Triangle Foundation, All Women Action Society (AWAM), Persatuan Karate, Pusat Kebahagian Wanita dan Remaja (KEWAJA), pelajar-pelajar lama daripada sekolah masing-masing, berkongsi masalah reality kehidupan untuk mewujudkan kesedaran di kalangan pelajar-pelajar. Bersamasama dengan peguam-peguam sukarela yang telah sanggup mengorbankan masa dan tenaga bagi menjayakan program ini dimana guru-guru telah memberikan penilaian yang positif terhadap program tersebut. 90% pelajarpelajar mendapati kandungan program ini sangat berfaedah dan telah membuka mata mereka berkenaan dengan isu-isu social. Sokongan daripada Ahlijawatankuasa Klinik LAC/Kakitangan/Sumbangan Pelajar-pelajar Kakitangan-kakitangan di Klinik LAC telah dilatih untuk mengendalikan pelajar-pelajar serta memainkan peranan yang sewajarnya semasa program dijalankan . Mereka juga menggunakan mekanisme-mekanisme yang mudah tetapi efektif untuk membolehkan pelajar-pelajar bertindak dengan betul jika ditimpa sebarang masalah. Terdapat juga sedikit lakonan pendek daripada kakitangan bertujuan untuk menonjolkan cara-cara menghadapi masalah terutamanya ketika waktu persekolahan. 85% dikalangan pelajar sangat teruja dengan lakonan pendek tersebut. Walaubagaimanapun, Klinik LAC turut menghadapi kesukaran terutamanya ketika berhadapan dengan pelajarpelajar yang tidak berminat dengan program seperti ini. Langkah-langkah yang sepatutnya telah diambil dalam usaha untuk memujuk pelajar-pelajar berkenaan agar berminat untuk menyertai program tersebut. Kakitangan di Klinik LAC telah berganding bahu bersama-sama dengan guru-guru dan pengetua-pengetua bagi menjayakan program tersebut. Pembiayaan Kekurangan pembiayaan kewangan pada tahun ini menyebabkan kakitangan tidak memperolehi elaun pejalanan meskipun mereka telah pergi ke sekolah-sekolah yang berkenaan pada hari dan waktu yang tertentu. Mereka juga tidak memperolehi pembiayaan bagi menyediakan material kepada pelajar-pelajar. Walaubagaimanapun 132 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 pada tahun 2007, kami telah menerima seperti ini di lebih banyak sekolah. Kesimpulan Keseluruhan projek boleh dianggap sebagai berjaya tetapi pelajar-pelajar perlu didedahkan dengan presentasipresentasi berkesan. Sesetengah penceramah menceritakan dan berkongsi pengalaman mereka untuk menarik perhatian pelajar-pelajar. Guru-guru juga cuba menganjurkan satu program seperti ini pada awal tahun untuk mengurangkan kes-kes seperti ponteng dan membantu mengajar pelajar-pelajar untuk menghormati dan menerima masalah-masalah yang mungkin berbangkit ketika usia remaja mereka. Walaubagaimanapun, kami percaya lebih ramai peguam-peguam sukarela diperlukan untuk membolehkan kami memenuhi keperluan sekolah-sekolah secara efektif memandangkan permintaan telah meningkat pada tahun ini. Jawatankuasa telah menjemput PDRM untuk menyertai dan berkongsi pengalaman mereka dalam cara yang lebih mesra agar pelajar-pelajar tidak merasa takut dan malu. Pegawai-pegawai berkenaan tetap hadir disebalik jadual mereka yang sangat ketat dan telah menjalankan program tersebut dengan baik dimana mereka telah berkongsi dan memberi tunjuk ajar kepada pelajar-pelajar tersebut berkenaan dengan kes-kes jenayah. Penghargaan Dengan hormatnya, kami ingin mengucapkan setinggi-tinggi ucapan terima kasih kepada mereka yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung dalam projek ini dan usaha-usaha mereka amat kami hargai. Pejabat Peguam Negara iaitu YB Dato’ Mohd Yusof Bin Haji Zainal Abidin (Ketua Pendakwa) yang menyokong program ini, Puan Noorin Badarudin (Timbalan Pendakwaraya) diatas sumbangannya yang berterusan di dalam program ini dan pendekatan secara tidak langsung dalam menarik perhatian pelajar-pelajar walaupun beliau mempunyai jadual yang ketat. Pegawai-pegawai Polis Diraja Malaysia yang bermula dari Jawatan ASP, Ketua Inspektor dan Inspektor dari Balai Polis Sentul, Balai Polis Setapak, Balai Polis Puchong dan Balai Polis Cheras telah menyampaikan sesi ucapan mereka dengan cara berhemah dan menyebabkan pelajar-pelajar berkomunikasi dengan mereka secara terbuka. Pelajar-pelajar juga membuat pertanyaan untuk menjadi pegawai polis dan mengemukakan soalan yang berkaitan dengan pencegahan jenayah. Pegawai Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat Wilayah Persekutuan, Encik Raymond Jagan yang juga terlibat sama dan mengambil bahagian dalam program ini melalui perbincangan proviso kanak-kanak dan Rumah Tahanan Juvana yang mana beliau juga merupakan Pegawai Kebajikan. Slot ini telah diperkenalkan kepada 2 buah sekolah dan kami merasakan input JKM penting dalam membenteras jenayah dan masalah social dikalangan pelajar. Wakil-wakil NGO telah datang membantu dalam program ini walaupun mereka sangat sibuk dengan kerja pejabat dan beberapa Wakil NGO telah membuat satu pembentangan yang berkesan dan telah menarik perhatian pelajar-pelajar dan mereka juga telah menjalankan permainan yang dinamik secara berkumpulan dengan bantuan daripada pekerja-pekerja dan peguam-peguam sukarela kami. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pertubuhan Wanita & Kesihatan (WAKE) All Women Action Society (AWAM) (Pn Manohary, Pn Haslinah, Pn Vanitha Veriah (deceased) Pusat Kebahagian Wanita & Remaja (KEWAJA) (EN Yahya Yusoff) Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF) (En Hisham Hussein, Pn Fathimah, En Benedict Moterou, Pn Sulastri) Harapan Komuniti (EN Marhalem Mansor) and MTAAG (MR Marhalem Mansor) A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 133 Senarai Penting seterusnya ialah ibu kita dan seorang suri rumah sepenuh masa yang tidak pernah gagal untuk menghadiri program dan menyumbangkan pandangannya di bawah tajuk ‘Amalan Hidup Membawa Kejayaan’ , ‘Testimoni Ibu Yang Berjaya’ ialah Puan Amanjit Kaur yang berjaya mendekati pelajar dengan sifat keibuannya. Beliau adalah bintang dalam program kami dan kami berharap beliau akan menyumbangkan khidmat beliau dalam projek-projek kami yang seterusnya. Kami juga berjaya mendapatkan bekas-bekas pelajar dari sekolah masing-masing (Cik Selfi Mualanah & bekas pelajar SMK Puteri Titiwangsa) untuk berkongsi dan mewakili bagi pihak program di mana mereka telah diterima dengan baik dan ikatan telah dapat diwujudkan. Pencapaian pelajar-pelajar dan bimbingan yang telah mereka terima semasa mereka bersekolah dahulu menyebabkan pelajar-pelajar masa sekarang berasa kagum yang sekolah mereka telah melahirkan pemimpinpemimpin dan personaliti yang berpotensi dan mereka lebih menghormati sekolah. Akhirnya, personaliti sukan Mr. Arivalagan Ponniyah (Jurulatih Karate Kebangsaan & Ex-Salle-Boy Sentul) dan Mr. Thiagu Ponniyah (Bekas Juara Kebangsaan) menghabiskan masa peribadinya dan juga menghantar pelajarpelajar terbaik mereka untuk berkongsi cara hidup mereka sebelum menjadi juara sebagai salah satu daripada kewajipan mereka kepada masyarakat. Sesi sukan ini memberi kesan dalam membina disiplin dan cara hidup sihat untuk pelajar-pelajar sekolah. Pihak penganjur dan juga guru-guru sangat teruja melihat pelajar mereka menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepada ucapan daripada ahli sukan dan mengemukakan pertanyaan dalam membentuk diri mereka dalam sukan dan mengekalkan cara hidup sihat untuk jangka masa panjang. Semasa mengendalikan program sekolah secara peribadinya, kami lihat hubungan baik antara beberapa buah sekolah terbentuk di antaranya Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Jalan Ipoh, yang tanpa gagal telah menjemput kami pada setiap tahun dan di kalangan pelajarnya yang mahu menolong KLLAC untuk menyediakan risalah dan kerja-kerja lain. Kami juga mengucapkan terima kasih kepada ahli jawatankuasa klinik LAC, pekerja-pekerja LAC dan semua peguam sukareal seperti Ramlah Begum dari Satgurunathan dan semua mereka yang menjayakan program ini. Kata-kata berikut “MENCEGAH LEBIH BAIK DARIPADA MENGUBATI” merupakan moto kami yang mana kami akan cuba mencapainya ke tahap yang terbaik. Statistik Program Sekolah 2006 Data untuk 2006 No 134 Tarikh Sekolah Tetamu Jemputan/Peguam 1 3 APRIL 2006 SMP JALAN IPOH (2 sesi) MS RAMLAH (VL), MS NACHAMMAI (VL), MDM AMARJIT KAUR (HOUSEWIFE), PN FATHIMAH, CIK RINA, CIK ERIN (WAKE) 2 13 APRIL 2006 SMK SETAPAK INDAH MS ALEXIS (VL), MS KALAIICHELVII (VL), C/I BALASUBRAMANIAM (SETAPAK STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), MDM AMARJIT (HOUSEWIFE), MR NELSON THOMAS (KARATE), EN YAHYA YUSOF (KEWAJA), MS SULASTRI (PTF) 3 28 APRIL 2006 SMP JALAN IPOH MS NACHAMMAI (VL), INSP. ZURITA AHMAD (SENTUL STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), PN FATHIMAH (WAKE), CIK SELFI MUALAMAH (KARATE), MDM AMARJIT (HOUSEWIFE) B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 4 15 JUNE 2006 SMK WANGSA MAJU, SEK 5 5 13 JULY 2006 SMK BATU 8, MS KALAIICHELVII (VL), MS NACHAMMAI (VL), ASP AHMAD PUCHONG, SELANGOR DZAFFIR (PUCHONG STATION), MR BENEDICT (PTF), MR (KLLAC WAS INVITED) NELSON THOMAS (KARATE) 6 15 SEPTEMBER SMK PUTERI 2006 TITIWANGSA (2 sesi) MS NACHAMMAI (VL), PN HASLINAH (AWAM), CIK SELFI MUALAMAH (EX-STUDENT), MS NACHAMMAI (VL), PN HASLINAH (AWAM), CIK SELFI MUALAMAH (EX-STUDENT) 7 20 SEPTEMBER SMK LA SALLE 2006 SENTUL MS NACHAMMAI (VL), MS KALAIICHELVII (VL), C/I AZAMUDDIN AHMAD (SENTUL STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), MR ARIVALAGAN PONNIYAH (NATIONAL COACH-KARATE & EX-STUDENT), MDM AMARJIT (HOUSEWIFE) 8 13 OCTOBER 2006 SMK CONVENT BUKIT PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), MS MOLLY (VL), CIK NENAS KOGILA VAANY (EX-NATIONAL KARATE CHAMPS), MDM AMARJIT KAUR (HOUSEWIFE), PUAN FATHIMAH (PTF) 9 17 OCTOBER 2006 SMK SETAPAK INDAH EN AHMD RIDZA (VL), ASP YAHYA (SETAPAK STATION), MR RAYMUND JAGAN (JKM COUNSELOR), MR NELSON THOMAS (KARATE), EN MARHALEM (HARAPAN KOMUNITI) 10 19 OCTOBER 2006 SMK TAMAN CONNOUGHT MR RAMESH (VL), C/I JAAFAR NOAH (CHERAS STATION), MR RAYMUND JAGAN (JKM COUNSELOR), CIK VASANTHA MARIAH (NATIONAL KARATE ATHLETE), MR BENEDICT (PTF) GRAND TOTAL 2. MR AHMAD RIDZA (VL), MR SATGURUNATHAN (VL), ASP TEH BOON ANG (SENTUL STATION), PN NOORIN BADARUDDIN (AG’S), EN YAHYA YUSOF (KEWAJA), MR NELSON THOMAS (KARATE), MR MARHALEM (HARAPAN KOMUNITI) Temasuk 10 SESI (4 sekolah sama) KLINIK SYARIAH Laporan disediakan oleh Ketua Projek, Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof Ahli Jawatankuasa Nik Nurul Atiqah Nik Yusof Arham Diyana Abdullah Ellysyeliza Mohd Desa Sabrina Ali Mohamad Ashfar Mohd Hafiizh Mohd @ Ghazali Nur Azlin @ Azliana Arifin Pengenalan Klinik Syariah beroperasi di Sekretariat dan dibuka kepada orang awam dari hari Isnin hingga Jumaat dari pukul 10 pagi hingga 4.30 petang. Klinik ini dikendalikan oleh pelatih dalam kamar yang diselia oleh peguam syariah yang berpengalaman sebagai penyelia. Objektif Objektif utama klinik ini adalah menyediakan perkhidmatan nasihat guaman percuma dan perwakilan peguam sukarela untuk kes-kes syariah terutamanya kepada golongan yang tidak berkemampuan. Secara tidak langsung ia memberi kesedaran dan pengetahuan kepada orang awam tentang hak-hak dan tanggungjawab mereka di bawah undang-undang syariah. Pelatih dalam kamar diberi latihan selama setengah hari dari pukul 9 pagi hingga 1 petang yang memfokuskan kepada undang-undang syariah sivil dan jenayah serta prosedur mahkamah syariah. Mereka juga perlu mengikuti A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 135 latihan selama satu hari dengan Klinik Bantuan Guaman yang mana mereka dilatih tentang teknik menemuduga klien, status kelayakan serta perbincangan tentang undang-undang jenayah, pekerjaan dan keluarga. Aktiviti Seminar tentang undang-undang keluarga syariah kepada pekerja dan pelajar-pelajar Institut German-Malaysia (GMI) pada 17 Ogos 2006. Kelebihan • Permintaan tinggi daripada orang awam • Meningkatkan pengetahuan undang-undang, teknik menemuduga dan memberi nasihat melalui pendedahan terhadap undang-undang jenayah, keluarga, pekerjaan, imigresen dan syariah. • Menolong menyedarkan masyarakat islam terhadap hak dan tanggungjawab mereka dibawah undang undang syariah Kelemahan • Kekurangan peguam syarie yang mengendalikan fail-fail dan menyelia pelatih di sekretariat • Kekurangan pelatih berpengalaman untuk memberi latihan kepada pelatih dalam kamar • Kelakuan pelatih dalam kamar yang menjalankan tugas dengan tidak serius • Tidak cukup publisiti tentang klinik ini kepada orang awam Cadangan • Menambahkan lebih ramai peguam sukarela • Mengadakan hubungan kerja yang baik dengan Mahkamah Syariah Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor • Menganjurkan lebih banyak sessi-sessi luaran untuk memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat tentang undang-undang syariah 3. PROGRAM DOCK BRIEF Laporan disediakan oleh: En Baljit Singh Sidhu (Ketua Projek) Ketua Projek: Baljit Singh Sidhu Ahli Jawatankuasa: Mary Song Suresh Thanabalasingam Tuan Hanif Hashim Mohd Irwan Nizam Tuan Kamarul Zaman Selvarani Thiyagarajah Pengenalan Program ini menawarkan nasihat perundangan secara percuma, perwakilan dan bantuan kepada pihak yang tidak diwakili di Mahkamah Majistret di Jalan Raja, Kuala Lumpur. Pelatih dalam kamar menawarkan bantuan dalam bentuk perbicaraan reman, permohonan ikat jamin dan mitigasi hukuman. Program ini memerlukan sekurangkurangnya 60 pelatih dalam kamar dimana 12 pelatih dalam kamar dikehendaki menyelia di 7 Mahkamah setiap hari. Setelah beberapa jangka masa, kami kini berjaya membuat penyeliaan di lebih 7 Mahkamah termasuk Mahkamah Trafik, Mahkamah Juvana dan Mahkamah Majistret 8 di Kuala Lumpur. Kelebihan • Menyediakan akses perundangan kepada pihak yang memerlukan bantuan • Bantuan kepada keluarga mereka yang berada dalam reman • Membantu mengurangkan masa dalam reman/penjara dan populasi tahanan remandi dalam penjara 136 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 • • • Satu program popular yang mana pelatih dalam kamar menyediakan kemahiran praktikal di dalam Mahkamah Penambahan bilangan permohonan ikat jamin Mahkamah Penambahan bilangan perwakilan klien dalam perbicaraan reman Kelemahan • Kekurangan keyakinan dan inisiatif bagi pihak pelatih dalam kamar • Keperluan untuk bekerjasama di kalangan Badan Pendakwa, Kehakiman dan Bantuan Guaman • Kekurangan dari segi penyeliaan bagi membantu pelatih dalam kamar di dalam Mahkamah Cadangan untuk tahun 2007 • Mengadakan lebih banyak ceramah dan seminar mengenai hal-hal perundangan seperti bengkel UNHCR berkaitan pelarian dan pencari perlindungan • Penerangan dan latihan sistematik untuk pelatih dalam kamar terutamanya daripada pelatih senior • Mengadakan lebih banyak perjumpaan dengan Badan Kehakiman untuk membantu proses perwakilan • Membentuk satu kumpulan penyelia undang-undang untuk membantu pelatih dalam kamar di Mahkamah • Memberikan rancangan dan strategi untuk mengurangkan populasi reman Akhir kata kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada semua Peguam Sukarela, Penyelia-Penyelia, speaker latihan; En Jagjit Singh dan En Akbardin, Kakitangan Mahkamah, Timbalan-Timbalan Pendakwa dan terutamanya Tuan Azman dan Majistret-Majistret lain & Hakim-Hakim Mahkamah Sesyen bagi usaha murni mereka dalam menjayakan program ini. 4. LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2006 KLINIK PENJARA SUNGAI BULOH DAN PENJARA WANITA KAJANG, KLINIK MIGRANT DAN KLINIK RUMAH TAHANAN JUVENIL Laporan dibuat oleh Jawatankuasa Sivanesan Nadarajah (Ketua Projek, Penjara Sungai Buloh dan Penjara Wanita Kajang) Renuka T.Balasubramaniam (Ketua Projek, Penjara Sungai Buloh dan Penjara Migran Wanita Kajang) M. Moganambal (Ketua Projek, Klinik Rumah Tahanan Juvana) Ahli-ahli Jawantankuasa Mr.Ramesh Lachmanan Mr.Benard Francis Mr.Tan Hui Chuan Mr.Samynathan Ms.M Kamalam Mr.Letchemanan Mr.Andy Yong Kim Seng Pengenalan Pusat Bantuan Guaman menguruskan: • Klinik Penjara Sungai Buloh • Klinik Penjara Migrant Sungai Buloh • Klinik Penjara Wanita Kajang • Klinik Penjara Migrant Wanita Kajang; dan • Klinik Rumah Tahanan Juvenil Pada mulanya, setiap Klinik diuruskan secara berasingan. Akan tetapi, pada awal Mac 2005, pelbagai program telah digabungkan untuk membolehkan koordinasi yang lebih efektif dan penggunaan sumber dan kos dibawah satu program. Pusat Bantuan Guaman juga berkerjasama dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor dengan mempelawa pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dari Pusat Bantuan Guaman Selangor untuk turut serta dalam Klinik Penjara Sungai Buloh. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 1 37 Objektif-objektif Klinik ini antara lainnya termasuk:• Untuk memastikan para tahanan mempunyai peluang untuk diwakili dan mendapat bantuan guaman • Untuk memberi khidmat guaman kepada para tahanan reman, termasuk nasihat guaman dan maklumat berkenaan dengan mitigasi, jaminan, hukuman-hukuman yang mungkin dikenakan dan/atau lain-lain pilihan yang mereka ada di samping memberi sokongan moral dan dorongan kepada para tahanan • Untuk memberi peluang kepada pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar untuk menimba pengalaman dan mempelajari sistem undang-undang jenayah dan menawarkan khidmat kepada klien yang tidak mempunyai wakil guaman • Untuk memastikan peguam sukarela yang cukup untuk memberi bantuan guaman • Untuk memastikan mekanisma “follow-up” yang efektif wujud di penjara-penjara untuk memantau perkembangan hal-hal yang dikendalikan oleh klinik Ringkasan Program Setiap tiga bulan, lebih kurang 27 pelatih dalam kamar dari Kuala Lumpur dan kira-kira 6 hingga 10 pelatih dalam kamar dari Selangor mengambil bahagian dalam Klinik. Kumpulan-kumpulan pelatih dalam kamar, bersama satu atau dua penyelia melawat penjara-penjara dan Klinik Rumah Tahanan Juvana untuk menemuduga para tahanan. Para pelatih dalam kamar diberi latihan dan risalah yang mengandungi maklumat penting, termasuk maklumat berkenaan dengan proses jenayah dan kesalahan umum. Para pelatih dalam kamar juga datang ke Pusat Bantuan Guaman untuk membuat “follow-up”, termasuk:• • • Menghubungi ahli keluarga berkenaan hal-hal yang berkaitan jaminan dan wakil guaman Membuat rujukan terhadap kes-kes yang relevan terhadap Program ‘Dock Brief’, Pusat Bantuan Guaman Negeri atau untuk kesalahan yang membawa hukuman mati, kepada “Court Assigned Counsel Scheme”; dan Bekerjasama dengan peguam-peguam sukarela berkenaan status fail. Pusat Bantuan Guaman juga menghubungi Kedutaan yang berkaitan untuk memaklumkan kepada mereka mengenai kewujudan tahanan asing yang berasal dari negara mereka di penjara untuk tindakan selanjutnya. Pusat Bantuan Guaman juga merujuk kes-kes yang melibatkan tahanan dari negeri lain kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman negeri yang berkaitan bagi membolehkan mereka mengambil tindakan relevan yang selanjutnya. Kekuatan • Klinik ini memberi keselesaan kepada tahanan dan memberi peluang kepada mereka untuk memperolehi nasihat berkenaan dengan kesudahan situasi mereka. • Klinik ini telah menghubungi ramai tahanan sebagai klien-klien pertama untuk Klinik Bantuan Guaman, di mana mereka memperolehi bantuan selanjutnya dalam bentuk wakil guaman. • Kes-kes lain yang dirujuk kepada program ‘Dock Brief’ untuk mitigasi dan permohonan jaminan. • Kekuatan utama Klinik ini adalah kerjasama pihak-pihak yang terlibat, iaitu Pusat Bantuan Guaman dalam mengendalikan Klinik, terutama sekali para penyelia pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dan pihak penjara. Mereka telah bekerjasama untuk memberi bantuan guaman kepada para tahanan penjara yang tidak diwakili dan tidak diberi peluang untuk melihat bahawa keadilan ditegakkan. • Oleh kerana kami beroperasi di bawah satu program, satu format temuduga yang sudah disemak telah diperkenalkan pada tahun 2005. • Satu mesyuarat telah diadakan di antara Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (KL) dan Pengarah Penjara Sungai Buloh Tuan Haji Darussalam untuk membincangkan pelbagai isu untuk tahun tersebut. Kelemahan • Di antara para tahanan yang ditemuduga, hanya beberapa fail diberi kepada peguam sukarela untuk mewakili tertuduh dalam mahkamah. • Bagi Pusat Bantuan Guaman negeri yang lain, hanya nasihat diberi kepada klien. • Kekurangan maklum balas berkenaan dengan kes-kes yang dirujuk kepada Pusat Bantuan Guaman negeri yang lain. • Walaubagaimanapun, Klinik ini mempunyai “setback” untuk mencapai objektifnya: a. Ketidakupayaan para pelatih dalam kamar untuk memperolehi fakta-fakta yang relevan 138 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 b. c. daripada para tahanan, fakta tidak tersusun dan Kertas Temuduga yang diisi dengan lengkap. Ketidakupayaan para pelatih dalam kamar untuk memberi nasihat yang secukupnya kepada para tahanan Kekurangan kapasiti Pusat Bantuan Guaman untuk mendapatkan peguampeguam sukarela untuk mengatasi peningkatan bilangan kes-kes yang diperuntukkan kepada wakil mahkamah. Cadangan Untuk memajukan Klinik Penjara, langkah-langkah berikut adalah dicadangkan:• bila diperlukan, memberi khidmat penterjemah kepada para tahanan yang tidak fasih bahasa Inggeris dan bahasa Melayu; • untuk mengurangkan bilangan tahanan di kalangan golongan berpendapatan rendah dalam masyarakat; • untuk memastikan para tahanan tidak direman lebih daripada tiga bulan; • untuk memastikan para tahanan memperolehi nasihat yang betul untuk membolehkan mereka membuat keputusan berkenaan dengan tindakan mereka yang selanjutnya; • untuk meningkatkan kerjasama dengan pihak berkuasa; • untuk memperolehi pendedahan dan latihan yang lebih untuk diberikan kepada para pelatih dalam kamar; • untuk mempelawa lebih ramai peguam sukarela untuk membantu dalam mengendalikan kes-kes dan menyelia tugasan pelatih dalam kamar; • untuk memastikan poster-poster Pusat Bantuan Guaman ditampal di Penjara dan Rumah Tahanan Juvenil bagi membolehkan ahli-ahli keluarga menhubungi kami • kemahiran “advocacy” harus ditingkatkan; • disiplin dan ketepatan masa haruslah diambil-berat secara serius; • mengabungkan program Klinik Penjara dan Program Dock Brief; • untuk mewujudkan sesi semakan singkat di Pusat Bantuan Guaman selepas temuduga untuk memberi peluang kepada pelatih dalam kamar menyuarakan sebarang masalah yang dihadapi dan cara-cara menyelesaikannya. Pada masa yang sama, para pelatih dalam kamar juga boleh berkongsi pengalaman sesama mereka. Ini akan meningkatkan kemahiran menemuduga dan pengetahuan para pelatih dalam kamar dan ini memberi faedah dan maklumat yang berguna kepada mereka; • untuk melibatkan para pelatih dalam kamar yang berbilang bangsa dalam temuduga untuk menyelesaikan sebarang masalah bahasa kerana terdapat sesetengah tahanan yang tidak fasih berbahasa Inggeris atau Melayu; • untuk mengendalikan Program Klinik Penjara di Pusat Bantuan Guaman negeri lain; • untuk melawat penjara bagi memahami kehidupan para tahanan. Ini boleh meningkatkan komunikasi dengan para tahanan; • untuk mendorong para pelatih dalam kamar untuk membantu peguam sukarela yang mengendalikan kes-kes bagi mempelajari sistem undang-undang jenayah; dan • untuk mendorong para pelatih dalam kamar mengendalikan temuduga semasa mengunjungi penjara dan juga, jika boleh, mengendalikan mitigasi dalam program Dock Brief. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 139 5. LAC/AWAM LEGAL INFORMATION SERVIS KLINIK Laporan disediakan oleh: Jawatankuasa AWAM Ahli Jawatankuasa Sharmini Thiruchelvam Stefeny David Mary Manickam Foo Li Mei, Michelles Vasanthi Clement Raymond Tan Hanita Naliena Wong Lai Cheng (Wakil AWAM) Betty Yeoh (Wakil AWAM) Klinik Klinik ini dikendalikan dengan sukarela tanpa sebarang keuntungan dan sebuah organisasi Wanita-wanita Bukan Kerajaan (NGO), Persatuan Tindakan Wanita (AWAM). AWAM telah menubuhkan perkhidmatan kaunseling melalui telefon iaitu (TELENITA) pada tahun 1990. Sebahagian daripada perncapaian unggul AWAM dalam meningkatkan kesedaran AWAM mengenai isu-isukeganasan terhadap wanita, AWAM telah menambahkan peningkatan panggilan berkenaan isu-isu wanita dan kanak-kanak yang didera/ditindas. Permintaan terhadap perkhidmatan ini telahterus meningkat dan AWAM kemudiannya telah meluaskan perkhidmatan bantuan guaman yang merangkumi kaunseling secara langsung (face to face) dan maklumat berkenaan dengan perkhidmatan perundangan. Klinik ini telah bermula sejak September 1994 berikutan ramai wanita yang menghubungi TELENITA memerlukan nasihat guaman akan tetapi tidak mengetahui cara untuk memperolehi maklumat dan tidak sedar hak-hak mereka yang dilindungi Klinik undang-undang secara mingguan. Klinik ini bertujuan membekalkan nasihat guaman dan bantuan mengenai hak ehwal keluarga bagi kedua-dua sivil dan syarie, keganasan rumahtangga, gangguan seksual, penderaan seksual dll perkara berhubung dengan wanita. Klinik ini beroperasi dari Isnin hingga Sabtu daripada pukul 10 pagi sehingga pukul 4.30 petang di Pusat AWAM di Petaling Jaya. Dalam Klinik ini Pelatih Dalam Kamar diwajibkan untuk melaksanakan tugas mereka di AWAM sebagai sebahagian daripada Program Bantuan Guaman untuk 3 bulan. Program Latihan Bersama Pada tahun ini, program latihan bersama telah dilanjutkan kepada Pelatih Dalam Kamar untuk selama 2 hari. Latihan hari pertama adalah berkenaan dengan sensitivity Gender yang dikendalikan oleh Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama (JAG) daripada AWAM/WAO/SIS. Program latihan ini dikaji semula dengan konsep feminis dan kesamarataan Gender. Objektif utama konsep baruini adalah untuk memberi pendedahan kepada peguampeguam muda berkenaan isu-isu kesamarataan Gender dan Kesedaran Undang-Undang feminis. Peranan ini telah dilaksanakan untuk meningkat komunikasi Pelatih Dalam Kamar, berikutan pelatih dalam kamar tidak dibenarkan untuk memberikan sebarang perkhidmatan kaunseling kepada anak-anak guam, kerana pelatihpelatih dalam kamar bukan merupakan kaunselor yang terlatih. Pada hari kedua program, latihan berkenaan undang-undang keluarga sivil dan prosedur keganasan rumahtangga dikendalikan oleh kumpulan peguampeguam sukarela daripada LAC/AWAM. Semasa latihan berkenaan undang-undang dan seminar berkenaan keganasan rumahtangga, pelatih dalam kamar telah memainkan peranan penting dan membuat pembentangan kes yang yang mana diselia/diawasi oleh facilitator berkenan. Sesi ini akan memastikan bahawa pelatih dalam kamar mampu untuk mengaplikasikan undang-undang yang relevan selepas mendengar teori dan pelatih dalam kamar akan diletakkan dalam situasi untuk mengapikasikan undang-undang dengan tepat. Program pindaan ini, memberikan pelatih dalam kamar satu kefahaman yang baik dan jelas berkenaan isu-isu dan perspektifnya. Di samping itu, pelatih dalam kamar juga boleh sedar berkenaan kekurangan (loop holes) dalam undang-undang. Pada tahun kebelakangan ini pelatih dalam kamarlelaki juga melibatkan diri dalam Klinik ini, dimana is merupakansatu cara untuk memajukan kedua-dua jantina dalam bekerjasama mengatasi keganasan terhadap wanita dan juga mewujudkan persefahaman dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. 140 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Intervensi Perundangan Pelatih dalam Kamar didalam Klinik ini diperlukan untuk memberikan khidmat nasihat dan maklumat perundangan kepada wanita menerusi telefon atau secara bersemuka (face to face). Semasa memberikan maklumat perundangan pelatih dalam kamar akan berkongsi masalah yang dihadapi oleh anak guam dalam usaha menegakkan hak masing-masing. Pelatih dalam kamar juga memberi maklumat kepada wanita berkenaan hak-hak, proses serta prosedur undang-undang yang secara langsung akan melengkapkan dan menyedarkan pelatih dalam kamar dengan isu-isu yang timbul dikalangan wanita-wanita di Malaysia. Menerusi, proses ini pelatih dalam kamar akan meningkatkan kefahaman mereka dengan pelbagai cara untuk mereka berurusan dengan pihak berkuasa kerajaan. Peranan Peguam Sukarela Program ini bermula sejak tahun 2005. Pelatih dalam Kamar di AWAM adalah dinasihatkan untuk mendapatkan penjelasan/nasihat peguam-peguam panel apabila Pelatih dalam Kamar mempunyai sebarang keraguan mengenai isu undang-undang sebelum mereka menasihatkan anak guaman. Peguam panel adalah ahli jawatankuasa klini ini. Peguam panel yang bertugas juga memeriksa kertas temuduga. Ini untuk memastikan perjalanan licin klinik ini. Klinik Outreach Tujuan utama Klinik ini adalah untuk memberikan kesedaran komuniti terhadap isu-isu undang-undang dan social. Pada tahun ini, jawatankuasa peguam telah berjaya menghubungi penduduk Sri Sabah Flat yang diberikan penyeliaan DBKL dan telah menghantar surat secara rasmi untuk mengadakan mesyuarat. Pendapat Pelatih Dalam Kamar Pelatih dalam Kamar 1 AWAM/LAC telah terbukti bermakna dan satu pengalaman dengan informasi. Disamping itu ia juga menyediakan kita menitik beratkan hak-hak dan isu-isu wanita, klinik ini telah membantu dalam menyemai persefahaman dan kesedaran mengenai kejadian benar yang berlaku disekeliling kita. Secara keseluruhan, AWAM merupakan satu kegemilangan dan membuka minda masyarakat. Ianya telah menyediakan saya dengan realiti kehidupan yang jelas dan benar. Pelatih dalam Kamar 2 Sepanjang saya menjadi Pelatih dalam Kamar dengan AWAM, saya telah memperolehi pengalaman yang tidak boleh diperolehi difirma guaman saya dan pengajaran yang dapati adalah sangat bernilai memandangkan ianya lebih mengendalikan keadaan sebenar dan realiti hidup. AWAM telah mengajar saya untuk lebih bersabar dan sensitif terhadap keperluan orang lain serta untuk lebih mendengar masalah orang ramai. Statistik- Kes-kes Dari Jan Hingga Nov 2006 JENIS KES JUMLAH Penceraian (Sivil) 212 Nafkah (Sivil) 18 Hak Penjagaan (Sivil) 20 Nafkah dan Hak Penjagaany (Sivil) 6 Perpisahan Kehakiman 5 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 1 41 Pembubaran 3 Penceraian (Syariah) 32 Nafkah (Syariah) 2 Hak Penjagaan (Syariah) 4 Nafkah dan Hak Penjagaan (Syariah) 1 Keganasan Rumah Tangga 84 Keganasan Seksual 6 Gangguan Seksual 7 Penderaan Kanak-Kanak 1 Pertukaran Agama 4 Pekerjaan 2 Pengangkatan 1 Gangguan 3 Lain-Lain 76 Jumlah Keseluruhan 487 Dari Januari hingga November 2006, Klinik ini menerima 487 kes dengan pelbagai kes yang dikategori seperti dalam rajah diatas. 6. KLINIK LAC/PTF Laporan disediakan oleh: Jawatankuasa PTF Ahli Jawatankuasa Wakil PBG: So Chien Hao Preetam Kaur Wong Ee Lynn Loh Wei Leong Lim Ka-Tsung Lee Choo Suat, Tevina Wakil PTF: Hisham Hussein (Pengerusi, PTF) Sulastri Ariffin Pengenalan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam Kuala Lumpur bersama dengan Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF) telah mengadakan Klinik guaman bagi 6 komuniti yang disingkirkan iaitu penagih dadah, pekerja seks, orang yang hidup dengan HIV/AIDS, Transsexual dan lelaki dan perempuan homoseksual. Kini, kami masih mengekalkan 2 pelatih dalam kamar yang bertugas secara berpasangan untuk menghadiri PT Klinik pada setiap hari petang Khamis dari 2.00 tengahari hingga 4.30 petang di premis PTF di Chow Kit. Pada sesi pagi, Pelatih Dalam Kamar biasanya membantu dalam Klinik LAC atau berjumpa klien di LAC Klinik. Wakil-wakil PTF bagi tahun 2006 telah menguruskan PT Klinik dengan sendirinya. Hanya baru-baru ini pejabat PTF telah berjaya mendapatkan pembiayaan dari Majlis Aids Malaysia (MAC) dan kini mereka mempunyai staf sokongan untuk menguruskan Drop In Centre. Pelatih Dalam Kamar telah berjaya melayani urusan-urusan dan klien terutamanya berkenaan dengan isu berkait dengan kad pengenalan diri, sijil kelahiran, visa wanita asing, kes-kes pelanggaran jaminan polis yang merupakan isu-isu yang sentiasa dihadapi oleh kominiti-komuniti ini. 142 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Kami telah mengadakan program latihan Pelatih Dalam Kamar (PDK) di mana kami perlu membantu PDK supaya lebih peka terhadap isu-isu yang berkenaan yang dihadapi oleh komuniti-komuniti tersebut. Sesetenganh PDK telah mengambil inisiatif bekerja secara sukarela dan telah berkerjasama dengan PTF. Pada tahun ini, kami juga telah berjaya menterjemah risalah-risalah “Tangkapan dan jaminan” ke dalam bahasa Cina dan Tamil yang telah dibuat oleh PDK kami. Draf dalam bahasa Cina telah lengkap dan sedang menunggu pengesahan. Secara keseluruhan, ini telah dilakukan oleh PDK atas inisiatif mereka sendiri. PDK juga dengan sukarela mengambil bahagian dalam kempen Riben Merah PTF di Sg Wang Plaza. Aktiviti-aktiviti oleh LAC/PTF Klinik yang telah diadakan & projek-projek yang sedang dijalankan bagi tahun 2006 adalah seperti berikut:a) Program PDK- Klinik Maklumat Guaman di PTF So Chien Hao dan Preetam Kaur kedua-duanya mengendalikan latihan PDK secara bergilir-gilir. Secara keseluruhannya kami mempunyai 8 PDK untuk tahun 2006 yang telah ditugaskan kepada Klinik PTF. b) Dialog Bersama Polis DiRaja Malaysia Sesi dialog telah diutarakan oleh LACKL sebagai langkah pertama untuk membina kerjasama dengan Pasukan Polis Kuala Lumpur sejak kami menyedari bahawa kerjasama seperti ini sangat penting kerana kami perlu memastikan bahawa Polis mempunyai kefahaman yang lebih baik mengenai masalah-masalah dan isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh Pusat Bantuan Guaman semasa berurusan dengan klien PTF yang menghidapi HIV + dan penagih dadah yang selalu diganggu dan ditahan semasa serbuan dan “operasi’ Kami telah menghantar surat ke IPD Dang Wangi dan mengejutkan Tuan Kamal Pasha yang dengan serta merta telah memberi respon dan menetapkan temujanji untuk satu sesi dialog yang dihadiri oleh pegawai-pegawainya termasuk Ketua-ketua Inspektor semua balai-balai Polis dibawah bidang Kuasanya, 2 Pegawai Cawangan khas dan beberapa Pegawai dari Pasukan Dadah dan Jenayah. Di sini kamiingin mengambil kesempatan untuk memberi penghargaan ikhlas kepada Tuan Kamal Pasha dan Pegawai-pegawainya kerana menerima jemputan kami. Jawatankuasa berharap untuk satu perkongsian yang lama dan kerjasama ini akan berterusan dan mengukuhkan kefahaman dari Pasukan Polis semasa mengendalikan kes yang melibatkan 6 komuniti tersebut. Bahawa mereka akan mematuhi hak-hak kemanusian semasa penahanan di buat. Tuan Kamal Pasha juga menyatakan bahawa LACKL boleh menghubungi mereka untuk apa-apa perbincangan selanjutnya dan pasukan Polis akan membantu kami dan bekrjasama terutamanya dalam mencegah peningkatan HIV/AIDS. c) Sesi Dialog Julung kalinya Bersama Tuan Kamal Pasha (Head, Dang Wangi Police Station)dengan 13 Ketua Bahagiannya Mesyuarat ini dihadiri oleh OCPD Dang Wangi, Tuan Kamal Pasha, Timbalannya, Ketua Penerangan, Ketua CID dan beberapa Ketua Inspektor Balai Polis di Lembah Kelang (Hang Tuah, Dang Wangi, H S Lee dan dll). Turut dihadiri oleh So Chien Hao, Preetam Kaur dan Chitrah yang mewakili Biro Bantuan Guaman KL. Joe Selvaratnam dan Eric. Mewakili Majlis Aids Malaysia (MAC) dan Encik Hisham Hussein (PTF). Dalam sesi ini, kami menerangkan secara umum isu-isu seperti penahanan Polis keatas penagih dadah, orang yang kehilangan kad pengenalan dan kesannya ketika ditahan dll. Kami juga menerangkan berbagai operasi yang dilakukan di tempat yang kerap dikunjungi golongan gay dimana pihak Polis telah merampas mesin kondom. Tuan Kamal Pasha telah menyakinkan kami bahawa tindakan tersebut akan dipantau dan sebarang penindasan hak asasi manusia akan diketengahkan kepada keluarga secara langsung untuk diambil tindakan terhadap pegawai-pegawai yang terlibat. Beliau juga menegaskan kepada kami bahawa operasi serbuan yang dilakukan adalah dibawah bidang kuasa beliau, tidak dapat diteruskan kerana ia adalah didalam bidang kuasa Polis untuk menegakkan undang-undang dan perintah serta untuk menjaga keselamatan awam dimana secara A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 143 lazimnya dilaksanakan berdasarkan aduan daripada orang awam dan ketika waktu operasi. Sejurus selepas itu, Hisham menutarakan objektif utama PTF dan MAC adalah untuk memberikan kesedaran tentang jangkitan HIV/AIDS dimana 75% daripada penghidap HIV/AIDS telah daripada penghidap dadah dan 25% selebihnya adalah pengamal seks bebas, Tuan Kamal Pasha amat terkejut, selepas mengetahui stastitik tersebut. Tyan Kama Kamal Pasha terus bersetuju untuk membantu PTR dan MAR untuk mengurangkan penahanan terhadap sesiapa yang membawa kondom-kondom dengan anggapan bahawa pelacuran atau kegiatan homoseksual adalah sebab utama mereka membawa kondon-kondon tersebut. Tuan Kamal Pasha juga menyatakan bahawa tahanan-tahanan yang dijangkiti penyakit terutama HIV akan disediakan kemudahan perubatan. Walau bagaimanapun, sekiranya mereka tidak dibekalkan dengan kemudahan teresebut apabila diminta, mereka boleh melaporkan hal tersebut. Tuan Kamal juga meminta kami mendapatkan nombor telefon OS sekiranta kami hendak bercakap secara terus dengan mereka di atas aduan-aduan yang diberikan. d) Sesi dialog bersama Ketua Polis Dang Wangi di Ikhlas Drop In Centre, Chow Kit Sesi mesyuarat ini telah dihadiri oleh wakil-wakil polis daripada Narkotik, Lokap, Timbalan OCPD dan lain-lain (DSP Wan Ahmad, DSP Ding Teow Hing, Ketua Inspektor Chan Poh Teik, Ketua Inspektor Abd Hadi, Tuan Yahya ), Malaysian AIDS Council (MAC), Pink Triangle Foundation (PTF), wakil-wakil (Hisham Hussein & Rafique dan wakil-wakil Bar Council LAC, KL yang dihadiri oleh So Chien Hao, Pree Tam Kau dan Chitrah. Pada mulanya, apabila pegawai-pegawai polis masuk ke dalam Ikhlas Drop In Cemtre (yang dihuni oleh penagih dadah and mereka yang hidup bersama dengan penghidap HIV /AIDS) di Lorong Haji Taib, ia amat sukar untuk meneruskan sesi tersebut kerana kebanyakan peserta-peserta keberatan untuk bersemuka dengan pegawai polis di dalam sesi tersebut. Namun ia kembali lancar dan mendapat sambutan daripada kedua-dua belah pihak kemudiannya dan pegawai-pegawai polis bersabar dan bersedia untuk menjawab setiap soalan yang diutarakan walaupun terdapat soalan yang tidak relevan. Encik Hisham telah mengutarakan bebrapa isu dan aduan yang telah dikumpulkan dan didokumentasikan daripada penagih dadah ketika operasi. Isu kehilangan kad pengenalan dan lesen di dalam lokap telah diutarakan oleh salah seorang penagih dadah. Tuan Yahya menasihati kami bahawa apabila seseorang itu ditahan dan dibebaskan, tahanan tersebut harus menandatangani Borang 59 yang menyenaraikan semua barang-barang milik mereka telah dipulangkan kepada mereka. Namun, dalam kebanyakan kejadian, tahanan-tahanan akan menandatangani borang tersebut dan kemudiannya membuat aduan bahawa mereka telah kehilangan beberapa barang. Apabila hal ini terjadi, ia amat sukar untuk disiasat kerana masa ynag lama tel;ah berlalu dan barang-barang tersebut gagal dikesan. Kami berharap agar daripada sesi ini, pegawai-pegawai polis dapat memahami realiti sebenar yang berlaku yang harus dihadapi oleh penagih dadah ketika penahanan. e) Penahanan beramai-ramai dalam OPERASI/RAIDS terhadap Transeksual dan Pekerja-Pekerja Seks oleh Balai Polis Brickfields. Buat kali pertama, LAC KL telah menganjurkan Campurtangan Undang-Undang besar-besaran terhadap 40 tahanan yang kebanyakannya adalah transeksual dan pekerja –pekerja seksual yang dilakukan bersama-sama MAC, Woman & Health (WAKE), PTF, Sutheswary(Peguam sukarela), James Loh (PTF Pupil) dan Zaiton Kasim (SUARAM). Di sini LAC KL ingin merakamkan setinggi-tinggi penghargaan kepada Miss Dolly Fernando (Pentadbir WAKE) kerana membenarkan kami menggunakan secretariat mereka sebagai bilik gerakan kami. Semasa campurtangan LAC KL ini, kebanyakan daripada tahanan-tahanan telah dilepaskan tanpa didakwa di 14 4 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 mahkamah. Selepas itu, sebahagian daripada mereka yang telah ditangkap sebelum ini telah menghubungi LAC dan mengucapkan terima kasih di atas bantuan yang diberikan mengharapkan satu sesi dialog bersama-sama mereka. Kebanyakan daripada mereka berasal dari Klang, maka kami sedang mencari tempat yang sesuai untuk mengajurkan sesi berikut dan sama ada ingin mengundang Selangor Bar bersama-sama dalam sesi ini. 7. LAC/WAO KLINIK BANTUAN GUAMAN 2006 Laporan Disediakan oleh: WAO Ketua Projek Meera Samanther Wakil-wakil WOA Jessie Ang Shoba Aiyar Objektif Klinik adalah : 1. 2. 3. 4. Menyediakan khidmat guaman percuma kepada pelanggan melalui telefon dan rumah perlindungan. Memberi pendedahan kepada Pelatih Dalam Kamar kepada pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh pelanggan yang hadir di WAO, dengan harapan mereka akan memperolehi skil dan empati untuk berurusan dengan pelanggan-pelanggan yang lain selepas diterima masuk sebagai peguambela dan peguamcara dan melangkah masuk ke dunia perundangan. Untuk menerapkan skil-skil pembelaan kepada Pelatih/Pelajar demi pembaharuan undang-undang. Agar mereka meluangkan masa secara sukarela selepas melangkah masuk ke duniaperundangan. WAO ialah sebuah organisasi yang tidak berteraskan keuntungan dengan polisi bahawa tiada sesiapa pun berhak didera dan oleh itu, WAO memilih untuk bekerja dengan wanita dan kanak-kanak. WAO membuka rumah perlindungan dua puluh empat tahun yang lalu, dalam usaha memberi perlindungan kepada wanita dan anak-anak mereka yang didera secara fizikal, psikologi, seksual, kewangan dan social tidak memadai dan pihak pengurusan turun padang bersama-sama dengan kumpulan-kumpulan wanita dan persatuan undang-undang untuk pembaharuan perundangan dan remedi untuk Akta Keganasan Rumahtangga, Akta Penjagaan dan Akta Kanak-kanak dan sebagainya. Kebanyakkan aktiviti dijalankan oleh pekerja-pekerja yang dibayar gaji di rumah perlindungan. Namun, dengan tuntutan kerja dan komplikasi kes, kami dedahkan Pelatih Dalam Kamar untuk membantu pekerja-pekerja social dengan matlamat untuk memberi pendidikan kepada wanita-wanita mengenai hak mereka di dalam perkahwinan, pilihan-pilihan remedi, mencari pemulihan yang adil dan perlindungan. Secara rasminya, usahasama dengan Pusat Bantuan Guaman bermula empat tahun lalu. Ia bermula dengan seorang Pelatih/Pelajar seminggu sekali ataupun dua, seorang untuk hari Isnin dan seorang lagi pada hari Jumaat. Baru-baru ini, pada masa Pelatih Dalam Kamar menyertai WAO, kami telah menerima pelbagai jenis kes, Akta Keganasan Rumahtangga terutamanya, wanita yang tidak berkahwin tetapi mengandung, wanita Islam yang mempunyai masalah dengan suami, poligami, wanita yang diperdagang, pekerja domestik asing yang didera, pelarian, wanita yang menghadapi masalah gangguan seksual ditempat kerja. Buruh dan hal-hal pekerjaan, hutang dan masalah kewangan dan juga wanita yang terpaksa berhadapan dengan suami yang bertukar pegangan/kepercayaan. Pekerjaan ini telah menyebabkan pekerja menghadapi emosi yang keterlaluan dan dengan adanya Pelatih Dalam Kamar, ia banyak membantu pekerja untuk melihat situasi ini secara rasional dan praktikal dalam prospek undang-undang. Kami gembira walaupun bukan bidang yang dipelajari dan di dalam lingkungan latihan, Pelatih/Pelajar sanggup menanggalkan kasut dan meluangkan masa bersama-sama dengan wanita-wanita A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 145 dan anak-anak mereka di bilik-bilik yang terdapat di rumah perlindungan, menemankan mereka, berbual, bermain dan menyanyi bersama. Pelatih Dalam Kamar memulakan tugas dengan menghadiri latihan LAC/AWAM/WAO/SIS selam 1 hari. Sukatan Pelajaran merangkumi Undang-undang Keluarga, Undang-undang Syariah, isu jantina, isu keganasan terhadap wanita, feminisme dan latihan mendengar dan skil untuk memberi pertolongan. Sebaik tiba di rumah perlindungan , Pelatih Dalam Kamar harus membaca manual dan laporan yang terdahulu untuk mendapat ‘rasa’ mengenai tugas ini. Selalunya, Pelatih/Pelajar dari kumpulan yang terdahulu akan hadir untuk memberi orientasi dan poin kepada Pelatih/Pelajar baru. Seterusnya, mereka akan belajar sendiri untuk menghadapi kes secara semulajadi apabila mengendalikan kes tersebut. Tahun ini, kami mempunyai 9 Pelatih/Pelajar yang mengendalikan kaunseling melalui telefon, temuduga secara bersemuka, merekod dokumen-dokumen yang berkaitan dengan kes, penyelidikan undang-undang, menemankan wanita-wanita ke Mahkamah, Balai polis dan hospital. 8. Klinik LAC/SIS (SISTERS IN ISLAM) Laporan disediakan oleh Sisters In Islam Objektif Keseluruhan Klinik Perundangan ialah:i) Untuk menyediakan khidmat perundangan secara percuma kepada orang ramai ii) Memperolehi data untuk pemulihan terhadap akses keadilan dan reformasi perundangan guaman Pusat Bantuan Guaman, AWAM dan WAO menyediakan khidmat nasihat perundangan yang sama kepada orang awam tetapi SIS merupakan satu-satunya organisasi yang dikenalpasti menyediakan bantuan kepada wanita Muslim berhubung perkara berkaitan undang-undang Shariah Islam di Malaysia. Oleh itu, banyak kes telah dirujuk kepada kami. SIS telah menyediakan khidmat ini sejak tahun 2003 dan telah menerima lebih kurang 1720 klien (pelanggan) sejak penubuhannya. Klinik ini telah memberi khidmat kepada pelanggan-pelanggan melalui pertemuan dua hala, telefon dan e-mail mengenai perkara yang melibatkan undang-undang keluarga Islam. Sila rujuk lampiran statistik kes pada tahun 2006. Pada tahun ini sahaja, iaitu pada 8 Disember, seramai 581 orang telah datang ke Klinik Perundangan Sisters In Islam untuk mendapatkan bantuan guaman “pro bono”. Ahli SIS dan seorang kekitangan, Raslina Razali menguruskan Klinik ini dengan bantuan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang membantu sebagai salah satu latihan amali wajib mereka. Dengan bantuan daripada Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Klinik SIS dibuka pada hari Isnin, Khamis dan Jumaat dari 10 pagi hingga 5 petang. Setiap individu yang hadir mengemukkan pelbagai masalah dan isu yang biasanya saling berkaitan terutamanya dalam kes perceraian. Kebiasaanya, isu yang paling banyak dibangkitkan ialah mengenai hak kewangan isteri semasa perceraian, seperti nafkah, iddah, mut’ah dan harta sepencarian. Antara soalan yang sering dikemukan ialah samaada mereka (isteri) mempunyai hak keatas harta sepencarian sekiranya mereka tidak bekerja sebelum berlaku perceraian. Mereka juga biasanya keliru dengan ancaman yang dibuat suami yang menyatakan bahawa si isteri akan hilang hak mereka sekiranya si isteri memfailkan perceraian. Ini menyebabkan mereka takut untuk meminta cerai dari suami walaupun mereka ini mempunyai alasan atau sebab yang kukuh untuk bercerai berdasarkan perspektif undang-undang keagamaan. Isu harta sepencarian juga dibangkitkan dalam konteks mentadbirkan perwarisan. Wanita-wanita sepatutnya diberikan pendedahan mengenai pentadbiran warisan supaya mereka ini boleh menuntut hak mereka ke atas harta sepencarian daripada harta suami (si mati). 146 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Berdasarkan pelbagai aduan yang diterima dan isu-isu yang ingin diselesaikan, kami gembira wanita hari ini sedar akan hak-hak mereka dan lebih bersemangat dalam mengemukan permintaan mereka. Latihan Pusat Bantuan Guaman (LAC)/Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan (NGO) SIS, AWAM dan WAO telah memulakan satu sukatan baru dengan objektif bukan sahaja untuk membangkitkan isu sensitiviti jantina tetapi juga untuk memperjelas undang-undang yang tidak selalunya adil di dalam latihan ini. Sesi latihan termasuklah berkenaan dengan subjek “Seks dan Jantina”, Keganasan vs Wanita”, “Feminism”, Undang-undang dan Feminisme”. Pada sesi sebelah petang, ianya didedikasikan secara khususnya untuk Kemahiran Mendengar”. Dalam sesi ini, kebolehan praktikal pelatih dalam kamar diuji. e-Peguam Program ini telah pun bermula dalam bulan Oktober 2006. SIS menerima sejumlah pertanyaan melalui emel daripada wanita yang memerlukan maklumat dan nasihat terutamanya dalam hal-hal berkaitan Undang-undang Keluarga Islam dan Prosedur. Kekurangan dari segi sumber manusia untuk membendung masalah-masalah yang diajukan telah menarik kami untuk mencari jalan yang mana kami boleh bekerjasama dengan pihak ataupun organisasi kami demi memastikan wanita menrima maklumat-maklumat penting yang diperlukan oleh mereka untuk mempergunakan hak mereka secara berterusan. Sistem e-peguam tidak terikat secara geografi yang menjadikannya merekrut peguam-peguam yang tidak ditempatkan di kawasan Kuala Lumpur atau Selangor. Pada mulanya, kami telah cuba memastikan perjanjian dengan Jawatankuasa Shariah Pulau Pinang, namun begitu, ianya tergendala. Jadi kami perlu mengubah strategi. Kami kemudian telah menubuhkan “e-Peguam’ dimana kami mendapatkan satu kumpulan peguam sukarela untuk bergilir-gilir membalas emails dari orang ramai. Pada masa ini, kami mempunyai 5 orang peguam yang terlibat dengan kes. Erza akan memastikan semua email akan diserahkan kepada peguam. Kami juga mengekalkan kawalan kualiti yang mana tugas ini dipertangungjawabkan kepada Raz. Semua jawapan atau penyelesaian yang diberikan mestilah selari dengan matlamat SIS. Sukarelawan disini kebanyaknnya bekas pelatih dalam kamar SIS. Mereka ialah Farah Abd Rahim, Zarina Nadzmuddin dan Mohd Saufi bin Shafice. Walaubagaimanapun, baru-baru ini, Jawatankuasa Guaman Shariah Pulau Pinang telahpun mula untuk memberi respon kepada kami. Oleh yang demikian, kami masih dalam proses menyelia perkara ini. Masalah-masalah/Kesukaran Terdapat satu masa di mana SIS menghadapi kesukaran mendapatkan pelatih yang mencukupi untuk membantu kerana tidak ramai pelatih yang menawarkan diri untuk program ini. Akan tetapi untuk kumpulan terakhir bagi tahun 2006, SIS mempunyai 4 pelatih untuk Klinik ini. Selaras dengan itu, PBG baru-baru ini telah menganjurkan program “attachment” dengan beberapa fakulti undangundang dengan objektif untuk mengembangkan minat di antara para pelajar untuk melibatkan diri dengan pertubuhan-pertubuhan bukan kerajaan para pelajar berikut melawat SIS, AWAM & WAO untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai Pertubuhan Bukan Kerajaan. LAC mengakui bahawa terdapat masalah-masalah dalam mengembangkan panel-panel program yang boleh dijadikan rujukan ketika pelajar-pelajar dalam keraguan kerana peguam shariah tidak berminat dengan kerjakerja amal. Sepanjang masa ini, SIS telah mengumpul rangkaian peguam-peguam sendiri yang yang terdiri daripada kawa-kawan atau petalih-pelatih terdahulu menawarkan diri. Walaubagaimana pun, LAC berjanji untuk mencari panel peguam yang lebihberkelayakan. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 1 47 Senarai Kes-kes Untuk Tahun 2006 Jan-Nov JENIS-JENIS CASE Pendaftaran Perkahwinan/Prosedur Perkahwinan JUMLAH 58 Wali/Wali Hakim 13 Syarat Perkahwinan/Syarat Tambahan Perkahwinan 7 Poligami 28 Prosedur Perceraian 232 Alimoni, Pampasan, Aset Perkahwinan 53 Kaveat keatas Aset Perkahwinan 0 Nafkah Isteri 23 Hak Penjagaan (Hadhanah) 51 Nafkah Anak 37 Keingkaran Isteri (Nusyuz) 6 Keganasan Rumahtangga 8 Rujukan (Ruju’) 11 Anak Luar Nikah 11 Anak Angkat 1 Pembahagian Harta (Faraid) 46 Wasiat 4 Hadiah (Hibah) 3 Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah 5 Prosedure Penukaran 9 Kekerasan Seksual 0 Gangguan Seksual 2 Aduan Terhadap Mahkamah Shariah 2 Aduan terhadap Jabatan Pendakwaan 0 Perlantikan Peguam 3 Aduan terhadap Peguam 2 Prosedure Menukar Peguam 0 Perintah Mahkamah/Perlaksanaan perintah 3 Kaunseling 9 Lain-lain Isu 42 Wakaf 1 Pada bulan Nov, kami telah menrima 586 klien dengan pelbagai jenis masalah seperti yang tertera diatas. Jumlah kes-kes tidak mencerminkan jumlah klien kerana seorang klien mempunyai pelbagai jenis masalah. 148 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 9. LAC/KLINIK PEKERJA MIGRAN TENAGANITA Laporan disediakan oleh: Tenaganita Representasi Tenaganita Aegile Fernandez Florida Ahli Jawatankuasa Anni Santhiago Program Hak Migran mengendalikan kes dari kebanyakkan negara dan dari 5 sektor pekerjaan Malaysia melingkungi pekerja-pekerja berdokumen dan tidak berdokumen termasuk pelarian. Sehingga hari ini kami menerima pekerja-pekerja migran dari 12 negara. Program ini juga mengendalikan kes seperti penangkapan, keganasan domestik, perceraian, ketiadaan kewarganegaraan dan nasihat juga diminta oleh majikan dan ejen pekerja migran. Objektif kami adalah untuk mempromosi dan meningkatkan pengetahuan hak-hak mereka sebagai pekerjapekerja migran. Program ini selain daripada menolong pekerja-pekerja migran mengendalikan kes mereka ia juga memberi mereka keberanian untuk menghadapi rintangan dalam melindungi hak mereka. Klinik Pekerja Migran bersama-sama dengan Pusat BAntuan Guaman telah bekerjasama dalam menegaskan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran. Dedikasi pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dalam pentadbiran kes telah menyumbang dalam mencapai objektif. Pada tahun 2006, sejumlah 50 pelatih dalam kamar telah menyertai Klinik Pekerja Migran di pejabat Tenaganita. Pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar telah mempelajari sedikit sebanyak latihan praktikal apabila memberikan nasihat perundangan kepada pekerja migran. Mereka dihadapkan dengan situasi kehidupan sebenar dan pelbagai kelonggaraan dalam melindungi pekerja-pekerja migran di Malaysia. Sambil pelatih-pelatih kamar yang lain didedahkan kepada sistem pelajaran teori, pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar dalam Klinik Migrant belajar dan mengaplikasikan pengetahun, dalam masa yang sama mereka juga mengenalpasti kelonggaran perundangan dan polisi dalam situasi yang practikal. Klinik Pekerja Migran bermula dengan latihan selama 2 hari. Sesiapa pelatih dalam kamar yang tidak menghadiri latihan akan ditegah daripada program ini. Dalam tahun 2006, 2 orang pelatih dalam kamar telah ditegah daripada menghadiri program ini disebabkan mereka tidak hadir latihan pada hari pertama. Ianya penting kerana organisasi ini bekerjasama dengan Agensi Kerajaan dan Mahkamah setiap hari. Latihan pada hari pertama bermula dengan pengenalan keada organisasi, objektif dan misi kami. Pelatihpelatih dalam kamar kemudiannya dikenalkan sejarah keseluruhan migrasi, kembai ke zaman 18an dan perkembangan abad ke-21 dalam kearah global dan perindustrian.percorakkan migrasi di Asia dan yang paling penting adalah mereka diberi suatu pengetahuan dalam migrasi di Malaysia. Sesi ini disambung dengan mempelajari skil dalam pendengaran, percakapan/perbualan dan perundingan. Sesi ini tamat dengan undag-undang masa kini dan polisi berkenaan dengan migrasi, perundangan pekerjaan dan kekeluargaan, penangkapan dan penahanan diadakan bersama dengan Perundangan Antarabangsa dan “berbagai Konvensyen Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu” oleh Cik Anni Santhiago. Latihan pada hari kedua bermula dengan pelatih-pelatih dalam kamar yang lama berkongsi dan bertukar pengalaman yang telah dipelajari dengan pelatih dalam kamar yang baru. Program untuk sesi kedua memfokuskan latihan praktikal dalam kemahiran dokumentasi, perbincangan dan bengkel dalam isu kajian kes, siapakah yang akan menjadi “stakeholder”, polisi dan undang-undang yang terpakai serta remedi juga telah dibincangkan. Latihan telah berakhir dengan menerangkan kepada kumpulan tersebut peraturan dalaman yang harus dipatuhi semasa bertugas. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 149 Setiap fail yang dikendalikan adalah diselia dan pelatih dalam kamar perlu membuat laporan. Pelatih dalam kamar dikehendaki menulis laporan ringkas bagi setiap fail yang dikendalikan. Tugas dan tanggungjawab mereka adalah seperti berikut: Tugas dan Tanggungjawab: • dokumentasi kes-kes baru yang biasanya mengambil masa 2 hingga 3 jam. Tugas yang mencabar dengan bahasa yang berbeza dan dengan itu mengasah kemahiran dalam mendapatkan fakta untuk tindakan yang seterusnya • menderaf surat untuk dihantar ke pelbaga badan kerajaan, kedutaan, majikan dan membantu pengadu dalam menderaf serta memfailkan laporan polis. Melakukan tindakan susulan ke atas susulan polis. • Membantu dalam perundingan dengan pihak majikan(syarikat) dan melantik ejen untuk proses penyelesaian yang lebih cepat bagi menjimatkan masa dan kos. • Melakukan tindakan susulan keatas kes-kes yang membabitkan agensi-agensi kerajaan, mahkamah dan pihak kedutaan • Melawat kem tahanan dan penjara untuk penghantaran pulang dokumentasi • Membawa pekerja asing ke hospital/klinik untuk rawatan perubatan dan sebagai pengantara dengan doktor. Seitap kali pelatih dalam kamar mengendalikan kes di jabatn-jabatan mereka berhadapan dengan pelbagai cabaran seperti karenah birokrasi, kelewatan dan perlu menunggu lama. Oleh kerana kebanyakkan jabatan kerajaan telah berpindah ke putrajaya, pelatih dalam kamar dinasihatkan untuk bertolak awal supaya mereka dapat pulang awal dan tidak terperangkap dalam sesakkan jalan raya. Meskipun pelbagai langkh telah diambil kelewatan kadang-kala tidak dapat dielakkan disebabkan bilangan kes-kes yang dikendalikan. Menurut pelatihpelatih dalam kamar, agensi kerajaan yang paling sukar untuk berurusan adalah jabatan imigresen Pelatih dalam kamar juga menghadapi cabaran dari segi kemahira perundingan. Bagi setiap perundingan yang diadakan kedudukan yang perlu kita ambil hanyalah untuk memudahkan dan membantu mendapatkan jalan penyelesaian. kita tidak berpihak kepada sesiapa tetapi hanya berhujah untuk kepentigan klien berdasarkan fakta yang sedia ada. Perundingan dan penyelesaian awal adalah amat digalakkan oleh sebb polisi pihak immegresen yang tidak begitu melindungi hak-hak pekerja migran. Keadilan yang dilengahkan adalh keadilan yang dinafikan. Pekerja migran dengan kes keadilan yang dinafikan. Pekerja migran dengna kes yang telah lama tertunda dikehendaki membayar rm100 setiap bulan untuk “pas istimewa” dan pada masa yang sama mereka idak dibenarkan bekerja. Pas istimewa dibenarkan untuk diperbaharui untuk tempoh 3 bulan sahaja dimana selepas itu mereka akan dikategorikan sebagai pendatang haram. Isu-isu yang ketara • proses pembaharuan pas khas bagi pekerja migran yang kesnya tertangguh adalah lewat dan seringkali ditolak jabatan imigresen • hak untuk bekerja dinafikan bagi pekerja migran yang kesnya tertangguh • penahanan paspot oleh majikan atau ejen dan kurang penguatkuasaan oleh jabatan imigresen dalam pengambilan semula paspot teresebut • ditipu oleh ejen pengambilan pekerja yang menjanjikan pekerjaan yang sah • peningkatan dalam kemalangan industi • pengambilan tenaga kerja luar. isu menentukan siapakah yang bertanggungjawab, majikan atau ejen? • Ketidakwujudan kontrak pekerjaan 150 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 Apa kata pelatih dalam kamar…… Halangan yang terbesar bagi saya adalah daripada jabatna penguatkuasaan imgresen di Putrajaya. Perkara seperti pembaharuan pas khas adalah amat sukar. Pengalaman tersebut telah mengajar saya bahawa walau sesiapa pun seseorang itu walaupun berlainan daripada kita apa yang mereka mahu ialah apa yang kita mahu; kehidupan yang lebh baik, dihormati untuk apa yang mereka lakukan dan kerajinan mereka diiktiraf. Perbezaan bahasa bukanlah satu perkara utama. Apa yang lebih utama adalah kita memahami makna “betul dan salah” … Zudy Zharelyn Andrew 2006 Satu perkara yang paling penting yang telah saya perolehi daripada pegalaman di Tenaganita adalah kemahiran menganalisa dan menyusun strategi. Kebanyakkan pekerja migrant yang datang ke klinik tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang banyak atau tidak mempunyai wang malah adalah tidak hairan apabila mereka meminta bantuan di klinik, mereka dalam keadaa yang tidak berupaya. Mereka tidak mengetahui wujudnya prasarana bagi menyelesaikan persalahan/masalah mereka. Salah satu daripada tugas saya adalah untuk menganalisis keadaan mereka lantas mengenal pasti jalan penyelesaian yang paling bekesan untuk menangani masalah mereka. Ini dilakukan dengan membiasakan diri saya dengan akta-akta yang relevan seperti Akta Imigresen 1959 dan memahami dari sudut praktikal implikasi perundangan dalam situasi mereka. … Sean Tan 2006 10. PROGRAM KESEDARAN PERUNDANGAN (ORIENTASI) Laporan Disediakan oleh Sekretariat Ketua Projek Sivarasa Rasiah Ahli Jawatankuasa Rajen Devaraj (Majlis Peguam) Charles Hector N Surendran Sunil Vijayan Parames K Sukvinder Kaur Latheefa Koya Harleen Kaur Kavitha Rajan K. Arumugam Pengenalan Program ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan Pelatih Dalam Kamar kepada situasi sebenar yang dihadapi dalam program wajib 14 hari di Biro Bantuan Guaman dan untuk memperkenalkan mereka kepada pelbagai klinik dan program- program yang dikelolakan oleh Biro Bantuan Guaman. Objektif- Objektif • Membimbing Pelatih Dalam Kamar dalam mengenalpasti tanggungjawab dan tugas- tugas sebagai Peguam dalam masyarakat serta mempertingkatkan rasa tanggungjawab sosial dan mengambil berat tentang hak asasi manusia, kedaulatan undang- undang, dan keadilan. • Memperkenalkan Pelatih Dalam Kamar kepada idea-idea baru, menyemai dan mempertingkatkan komitmen jangka panjang terhadap Bantuan Guaman dan kearah keadilan selain daripada tugas wajib bantuan guaman. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 1 51 Setiap sessi mengambil masa kira- kira 4 1/2 jam yang menggunakan kaedah penglibatan bersama dengan kumpulan yang dinamik dan perbincangan umum. Memandangkan struktur sessi ini masih baru, ia telah diperbaharui dan diperkembangkan mengikut penilaian Pelatih Dalam Kamar. Aktiviti- Aktiviti Sepanjang tahun ini, Jawatankuasa ini telah memperkenalkan dan mengendalikan program/ sessi berikut: • Sebanyak 8 sessi suai kenal telah diadakan dan memberi latihan kepada 520 Pelatih Dalam Kamar • Jawatankuasa juga telah membuka penyertaan kepada Pelatih Dalam Kamar dari negeri- negeri lain untuk mengikuti sessi tersebut. Sehingga hari ini Jawatankuasa telah mengatur lebih kurang 25 orang Pelatih Dalam Kamar dari Biro Bantuan Guaman Selangor. • Memperkenalkan “Exit Evaluation Session” bagi Pelatih Dalam Kamar yang menyertai pelbagai program Biro Bantuan Guaman untuk menghargai sumbangan mereka kepada orang awam dan Biro Bantuan Guaman. 3 Sessi telah diadakan dan kira- kira 300 Pelatih Dalam Kamar telah menyertai sessi ini, dan telah berkongsi pengalaman dalam pelbagai program yang mereka sertai. Sessi ini juga telah disertai oleh Pelatih Dalam Kamar dari Biro Bantuan Guaman Selangor. • Mengendalikan program “Legal Awareness and Leadership for Lawyers” di Selesa Health Farm Resort, Bukit Tinggi, Bentong, Pahang pada 3- 5 November 2006 untuk menggalakkan Pelatih Dalam Kamar dan peguam- peguam muda untuk meneruskan penglibatan dalam Pusat Biro Bantuan Guaman (LAC) untuk jangkamasa panjang. Sessi ini telah diadakan kerana pada hakikatnya tidak ada galakan diberi kepada Pelatih Dalam Kamar untuk menyumbangkan tenaga dan melibatkan diri secara sukarela selepas tamatnya program LAC wajib selama 14 hari tersebut. Objektif utama program ini adalah • Untuk menggalakkan dan memotivasikan Pelatih Dalam Kamar dan peguam muda untuk melibatkan diri dalam Biro Bantuan Guaman • Memperkenalkan kemahiran kepimpinan dan; • Menambah pengetahuan dalam isu dan bidang- bidang tertentu. • Pelatih Dalam Kamar dari Selangor dan Kedah juga menyertai latihan ini. Cadangan/Proposal Bagi Aktiviti- Aktiviti Yang Akan Datang Selain daripada program- program yang ada, pihak jawatankuasa telah mencadangkan untuk mengadakan latihan bagi pelatih- pelatih baru untuk menumoukan dalam kemahiran membantu dalam sessi orientasi bagi tahun yang akan datang. Kelebihan • Ahli- ahli Jawatankuasa yang komited dan kebolehan mereka di dalam mengutar akan idea- idea baru perlu bagi memperbaiki program ini pada masa akan datang. • Memberi motivasi kepada pelajar tentang pentingnya membantu golongan yang memerlukan. • Mendidik Pelatih Dalam Kamar tentang hak- hak asasi manusia dan memupukkan dalam diri mereka tentang nilai- nilai keadilan. Kelemahan • Kekurangan sukarelawan yang mempunyai kemahiran, masa atau sukarelawan yang ingin menyertai latihan ini. • Tiada peruntukan dan tindakan susulan. Cadangan- Cadangan • Menganjurkan sessi kesedaran dan hak- hak asasi manusia bagi peguam- peguam dan/atau orang awam. • Menganjurkan sessi latihan untuk peguam- peguam yang melibatkan diri dalam Pusat Bantuan Guaman atau kerja- kerja yang melibatkan hak- hak asasi manusia dalam Pusat Bantuan Guaman dan Pusat Hak Asasi Manusia di Majlis Peguam. 152 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 11. PROGRAM PENINGKATAN KEMAHIRAN Laporan Disediakan oleh K.A Ramu-Ketua Projek Ahli JawatanKuasa K A Ramu Ravi Nekoo Mary Manickam Pushpa Ratnam Parames K Kavitha Rajan Agnes Chow Sukhvinder Kaur Tamil Selvi Krishnaraj Sreekant Pillai A. Balakisnan Andiappan Arumugam Doreen Wan Jayamurugan Vadivelu Kurien Ray Joseph Vilashini Menon Thineswary M Pengenalan Tujuan program ini adalah untuk meningkatkan, memperkembangkan dan memperbaiki kemahiran dan juga mempertingkatkan motivasi Pelatih Dalam Kamar, Badan-Badan Bukan Kerajaan dan peguam-peguam sukarela untuk memperbaiki kualiti perkhidmatan kepada pelanggan. Objektif • Menganjurkan program-program latihan untuk peguam sukarela yang sedia ada dan bakal-bakal peguam sukarela untuk memenuhi keperluan Pusat Bantuan Guaman Majlis Peguam (Kuala Lumpur). • Membantu program-program latihan bagi Pelatih Dalam Kamar • Mengkaji semula program-program latihan, untuk memberi cadangan-cadangan bagi peningkatan program ini jika perlu • Sebagai satu latihan untuk pelatih Aktiviti-Aktiviti i) Bengkel Latihan “ How To Handle Conversion Cases” • • • Latihan ini telah dianjurkan disebabkan terdapat kekurangan peguam-peguam yang mengambil kes-kes secara sukarela berikutan terdapat peningkatan yang tinggi dalam bilangan pelanggan PusatBiro Bantuan Guaman yang memerlukan nasihat berkenaan dengan penukaran agama. Sesi latihan ini telah diadakan khususnya untuk menyediakan bimbingan kepada peguam-peguam terhadap pelbagai aspek perundangan dan prosedur berkenaan kes penukaran agama. Seramai 128 orang peserta termasuk sukarelawan-sukarelawan sedia ada, Badan-Badan Bukan Kerajaan dan Pelatih Dalam Kamar telah menyertai sesi ini. Ini termasuk juga penyertaan seramai 33 orang wakil daripada Jawatankuasa Peguam Negeri dan dari Pusat Bantuan Guaman Negeri iaitu Melaka, Pulau Pinang, Negeri Sembilan, Kedah, Perak, Kelantan dan Johor. Latihan tersebut melibatkan pelbagai isu-isu berkenaan dengan hal-hal penukaran agama dan sistem perundangan dual yang dipraktikkan di Malaysia terutama yang melibatkan kes pasangan yang bukan beragama Islam di mana salah seorang memilih untuk memeluk agama Islam dan melibatkan kes-kes murtad. ii) Latihan Undang-undang Jenayah (15 & 16 September 2006) • Latihan ini telah dianjurkan besama oleh ahli Jawatankuasa Undang-undang Jenayah dari Majlis Peguam, Jawatankuasa CLE Majlis Peguam Kuala Lumpur dan Biro Bantuan Guaman Selangor. • Latihan dikendalikan khususnya dalam persediaan dan peningkatkan kemahiran peguambela dalam perbicaraan kes jenayah. A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 B antuan G uaman 153 • • • • • • Dua (2) tujuan latihan tersebut:menyediakan peguam-peguam yang mempunyai kemahiran pembelaan dalam mengendalikan kes-kes jenayah. Setelah menguasai kemahiran tersebut, peguambela berkenaan akan dijangka dan dituntut dari masa ke semasa untuk membantu golongan yang memerlukan dan sesiapa yang memerlukan khidmat guaman dari Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur dan Pusat Bantuan Guaman negerinegeri lain. Seramai 63 orang peguam termasuk peguam dari Johor, Kedah dan Terengganu,13 orang Pelatih dalam Kamar bersama 120 pelajar perundangan tahun akhir dari Universiti Malaya dan 13 orang dari Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia telah menyertai latihan ini. Latihan ini telah dikendalikan oleh Encik Jagjit Singh, Encik Manjeet Singh Dhillon, Encik Akhbar Din Abdul Kadir, Encik Edmund Bon, Encik Tan Hock Chuan, Encik Mah Weng Kwai, Dato’Kumarendran dan Encik Harminder Singh. Bagi latihan yang berterusan dan untuk meningkatkan keyakinan peguam-peguam untuk mengendalikan kes-kes jenayah, “Buddy System” telah diperkenalkan di mana peguam bela berpengalaman boleh membantu dalam membimbing peguam-peguam jenayah yang baru. Cadangan Bagi Aktiviti-Aktiviti Akan Datang Jawatankuasa telah merancang program-program berikut untuk sesi akan datang: • Undang-undang Jenayah • Undang-undang Keluarga • Undang-undang Pekerjaan • Undang-undang Syariah • “Staff Training On Team Building: bagi semua kakitangan Pusat Bantuan Guaman. Kelebihan • Mempertingkatkan dan melengkapkan kemahiran perundangan, pengetahuan dan keyakinan para peserta dan menggalakkan mereka mengendalikan kes-kes “Bantuan Guaman”. • Membantu dan melengkapkan program-program Pusat Bantuan Guaman Kuala Lumpur yang sedia ada. • Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa yang komited dan berkebolehan digalakkan untuk memberi idea bagi melaksanakan dan memperbaiki program sesi latihan. Kelemahan • Kekurangan Bajet Cadangan • Tempoh-Kebanyakan Peserta-Peserta telah memilih tempoh masa yang singkat untuk program ini diadakan dalam masa beberapa hari berbanding satu tempoh masa yang panjang yang diadakan dalam masa sehari. • Bilangan ahli dalam kumpulan- Sesi dikendalikan dalam kumpulan yang lebih kecil agar lebih efektif. • Ringkas- Topik-topik yang disentuh hendaklah diberi tumpuan yang penuh dan mendalam. • Bahan- bahan bacaan seharusnya lebih tersusun dalam bentuk yang lebih padat. • Menjemput peguam- peguam yang berpengalaman sebagai pelatih dan merakamkan sesi latihan untuk kegunaan dalam sesi yang akan datang dan disertakan dalam bahan- bahan latihan bagi Pelatih Dalam Kamar 154 B antuan G uaman A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 AUDITED ACCOUNTS KUALA LUMPUR BAR COMMITTEE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2006 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A udited A ccounts 155 156 A udited A ccounts A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A udited A ccounts 157 158 A udited A ccounts A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A udited A ccounts 159 160 A udited A ccounts A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A udited A ccounts 161 162 A udited A ccounts A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A udited A ccounts 163 16 4 A udited A ccounts A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07 A udited A ccounts 165 166 A udited A ccounts A N N U A L R E P O R T 0 6 | 07