Content Delivery Network
Content Delivery Network
Content Delivery Network Overview May 25, 2010 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved.VenueNet, vyvxInView and First Video are registered service marks of Level 3 Communications, LLC and/or one of its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. Level 3 and the Level 3 logo are service marks of Level 3 Communications, LLC and/or one of its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries with respect to Level 3's VyVx service offerings. Level 3 services are provided by wholly owned subsidiaries of Level 3 Communications, Inc. Any other service, product or company names recited herein are the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Notices Copyright © 2008 – 2010, Level 3 Communications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, distributed, transcribed, stored in a retrie val system, or translated into any language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, without prior written permission from Level 3 Communications. The technology described herein may be protected by one or more of the following U.S. Patents: 5,978,791, 6,185,598, 6,415,280, 6,275,470, 6,130,890. Additional patents pending worldwide. Published in the United States of America. THIS DOCUMENTATION CONSTITUTES PROPRIETARY, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION OF LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS, AND MAY NOT BE DISCLOSED OR USED EXCEPT AS MAY BE PROVIDED IN THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE LICENSE OR OTHER AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO WHICH YOU HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO USE THE FOOTPRINT PRODUCT OR TO REVIEW THIS DOCUMENT. The Level 3 Communications logo and other marks designated with ® are registered service marks, and those designated with SM are service marks of Level 3 Communications, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries. The Level 3 Enhanced Services logo is a service mark of Level 3 Enhanced Services, LLC in the United States and/or other countries. These marks may be used publicly only with prior permission of Level 3. Fair use of Level 3‘s marks in advertising and promotion of Level 3 services requires proper acknowledgment. All other trademarks and service marks referenced in this Site are the property of their respective owners. All other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Level 3 Communications Level 3 Communications, Inc. 1025 Eldorado Boulevard Broomfield, Colorado 80021 720-888-1000 DOCUMENT revision: 1.0 Edition Date: 5/1/10 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 2 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Table of Contents Notices .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................................. 3 List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 CDN Overview .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 Value-Add Capabilities ................................................................................................................................................. 8 Major Services Overview ................................................................................................................................................ 10 Streaming Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 10 Caching Services Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 11 Intelligent Traffic Management (ITM) Overview ......................................................................................................... 12 Origin Storage Overview ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Major Services Operations ............................................................................................................................................. 18 On-Demand Streaming Operations ............................................................................................................................ 18 Live Streaming Operations ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Caching Operations .................................................................................................................................................... 28 Origin Storage Operations.......................................................................................................................................... 35 Content Freshness Features .......................................................................................................................................... 36 Methods of Freshness Control ................................................................................................................................... 36 Refreshing Content in Cache ..................................................................................................................................... 36 Expiration Policies ...................................................................................................................................................... 36 Cache-Control-Header-Override Mode (CCHOMode) ............................................................................................... 37 Background Refresh (BRefresh) ................................................................................................................................ 39 How Content Freshness Works with BRefresh and CCHOMode .............................................................................. 39 ETAG and If-None-Match Support ............................................................................................................................. 40 Query-String-Handling Mode (QSHMode) ................................................................................................................. 40 On-Demand Invalidation............................................................................................................................................. 41 Security Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 45 Overview..................................................................................................................................................................... 45 Proxy Authentication .................................................................................................................................................. 45 Edge Authentication ................................................................................................................................................... 48 Origin Server Security Features ................................................................................................................................. 54 SWF Verification ......................................................................................................................................................... 54 Order of Authentication Checks ................................................................................................................................. 56 Secure Protocols ........................................................................................................................................................ 56 Request and Response Inspection and Manipulation .................................................................................................... 58 HTTP Header Manipulation ........................................................................................................................................ 58 HTTP Status Code Manipulation ................................................................................................................................ 58 Response Body Manipulation .................................................................................................................................... 58 Redirect on Error ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 3 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Advanced Path Rewriting ........................................................................................................................................... 59 Override Vary Header ................................................................................................................................................ 59 Alternative Range Headers (URL-based Range Requests) ...................................................................................... 59 X-Forwarded-For Manipulation .................................................................................................................................. 60 Geographic Intelligence.............................................................................................................................................. 60 Performance Features .................................................................................................................................................... 61 Compressed Content Encoding ................................................................................................................................. 61 Foreground/Background Traffic ................................................................................................................................. 62 Extended Library Support (CDXL) ............................................................................................................................. 63 Follow Redirect ........................................................................................................................................................... 66 Large File Delivery ..................................................................................................................................................... 67 China In-Country Delivery .......................................................................................................................................... 67 Streaming Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 Dynamic Streaming .................................................................................................................................................... 68 Smooth Streaming...................................................................................................................................................... 68 QuickTime X (iPhone) HTTP Streaming .................................................................................................................... 68 Flash Scrubbing ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 Supported Flash Streaming Protocols ....................................................................................................................... 70 FCSubscribe Support ................................................................................................................................................. 70 Vyvx Broadcast Services ................................................................................................................................................ 71 Level 3 Vyvx Broadcast Services ............................................................................................................................... 71 Terrestrial Service Offerings ...................................................................................................................................... 71 Teleport and Satellite Service Offerings..................................................................................................................... 71 Live Encoding Services .................................................................................................................................................. 72 Key features ............................................................................................................................................................... 72 Management Services .................................................................................................................................................... 74 Level 3 Media Portal................................................................................................................................................... 74 Logging ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75 Download Receipts (Remote Logging) ...................................................................................................................... 76 Professional Services ..................................................................................................................................................... 77 Event Management Services ..................................................................................................................................... 77 Integration Services .................................................................................................................................................... 77 Appendix A: Using ASX Files .................................................................................................................................... 79 Appendix B: Firewall Port Access ............................................................................................................................. 80 Appendix C: Protocol Rollover .................................................................................................................................. 81 Appendix D: Legacy Flex Token Support .................................................................................................................. 83 Appendix E: Perl Self-Generated Token Code Sample for Standard Token ............................................................ 84 Appendix F: Perl Self-Generated Token Code Sample for Standard Token ............................................................ 86 Appendix G: Flex Token Format ............................................................................................................................... 88 Appendix H: Standard Token Format........................................................................................................................ 93 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 4 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix I: Jeroen Wijering (JW) FLV Media Player .............................................................................................. 95 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 5 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA List of Figures Figure 1: Level 3 CDN Services ................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 2: CDN Overview .............................................................................................................................. 8 Figure 3: Example of ITM Routing of Traffic ............................................................................................... 13 Figure 4: ITM Request Flow ....................................................................................................................... 14 Figure 5: Origin Storage Overview ............................................................................................................. 16 Figure 6: How On-Demand Streaming Works ............................................................................................ 18 Figure 7: Windows Media – Live "Pull" Workflow ....................................................................................... 20 Figure 8: One Possible Set Up for Live Flash Media (Multipoint Publishing) .............................................. 21 Figure 9: Flash Media – Live ―Push‖ Workflow ........................................................................................... 22 Figure 10: Extended Aliases ...................................................................................................................... 30 Figure 11: Request Processing – ―5 R‘s‖ Overview .................................................................................... 31 Figure 12: DNS Rendezvous Steps ........................................................................................................... 32 Figure 13: HTTP Cache Control Headers .................................................................................................. 37 Figure 14: Cache-Control Header Directives .............................................................................................. 37 Figure 15: Invalidation Meta-Characters .................................................................................................... 42 Figure 16: Proxy Authentication Using HEAD Requests ............................................................................ 46 Figure 17: Proxy Auth with Alternative Authentication Server..................................................................... 47 Figure 18: How Token Authentication works in Level 3‘s CDN ................................................................... 49 Figure 19: Standard Token Parameters ..................................................................................................... 50 Figure 20: Geo Intelligence Explanation .................................................................................................... 53 Figure 21: SWF Verification Flow ............................................................................................................... 55 Figure 22: Footprint/Secure ....................................................................................................................... 57 Figure 23: Scenario: Content Served from Edge (―Popular‖ Scenario) ....................................................... 64 Figure 24: Object Popularity and Thresholds ............................................................................................. 66 Figure 25: Flash Scrubbing ........................................................................................................................ 70 Figure 26: Broadcast Encoding to Streaming ............................................................................................. 72 Figure 27: Portal Dashboard ...................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 28: Log Processing ......................................................................................................................... 75 Figure 29: Comparison of Flex and Standard Tokens ................................................................................ 83 Figure 30: Excerpt from JW Setup Wizard ................................................................................................. 95 Figure 31: Output of JW Setup Wizard ....................................................................................................... 96 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 6 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA CDN Overview Level 3 is changing the business of content delivery as the first carrier to combine the advantages of an industry-leading Internet backbone with a sophisticated and proven Content Delivery Network (CDN) platform. This unique combination allows Level 3 to connect our customers with the benefits of our highperformance, highly scalable service – and deliver those services in a simplistic way. Our full suite of CDN service offerings also allows our users the unique flexibility of supporting delivery at every step in the content lifecycle, from ingest at the point of generation to delivery to end users. The Level 3 CDN is powered by patented content delivery technology. It has extensive capabilities developed by deploying and operating the world‘s first content delivery network. Our CDN services leverage both the Level 3 IP transport network and our global peering relationships. This allows us to distribute online content easily, rapidly, and reliably to end users from an international network of servers located in strategic locations at the edge of the Internet near them. Level 3‘s full suite of scalable CDN services gives you access to the customizable services you need from a single, trusted provider. Level 3 offers more than a one-size-fits-all solution. By leveraging our CDN services and industry-leading IP backbone, you can avoid costly capital investments and take advantage of cost efficiencies. We can connect you with an end-to-end content delivery solution that supports your unique business needs from content creation to consumption. Vyvx Content Provider g din co En End Users Level 3 Caching and Streaming CDN Level 3 Storage Level 3 Storage Mobile End Users Customer Origin End Users Figure 1: Level 3 CDN Services Why choose the Level 3 Content Delivery Network? • Proactive Scalability Designed for Reduced Delivery Costs: Our CDN services proactively scale edgeserver resources to meet real-time usage demands. This flexible capacity model is engineered to enable greater operational cost-efficiencies and improve website and video delivery performance © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 7 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • Flexible Portfolio: Since we have a comprehensive portfolio of CDN services, we can focus on meeting your needs, not pushing just a single offering. In addition, we give you the flexibility to change your network services as your needs grow • Targeted Solutions: We offer unique solutions that leverage caching, streaming, and storage to address the needs of distinct segments. These solutions enable you to comfortably rely on us to deliver your entire library, including popular and long-tail content, as well as flash traffic events • Network Performance that can help drive content monetization: Utilizing the global reach and connectivity of an industry-leading IP backbone, your end users can receive the high-quality web experience they expect. This can help improve customer loyalty, enhance brand equity, and drive the monetization of your online assets CDN Top Level Architecture CDXL Client Edgeservers Origin Storage or Customer Origin Parent Cache Figure 2: CDN Overview Value-Add Capabilities The Caching and Streaming platform includes several critical features including the following: • Security: Features such as token-based authentication, download receipts, and referrer and IP blocking allow customers to secure their content before it is delivered • Secure Delivery: This approach offloads computationally intensive processes of securing content with SSL certificates to the CDN. Objects are transferred from the customer origin server and delivered, encrypted, to end users. This prevents the display of ―page contains both secured and unsecured items‖ pop-up for end-users. For FMS streaming, Level 3 supports RTMPE streaming of encrypted assets © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 8 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • Targeted Delivery: Delivery support can be targeted based on country, metro and/or network settings of the end-user © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 9 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Major Services Overview Streaming Overview The Level 3SM Media Delivery Platform delivers audio and video content from an expansive global network with edge delivery. It includes the expertise, technology, and applications required to support end-to-end delivery for both live and on-demand streaming as well as ―always on‖ simulcasts. Level 3® Streaming supports the major formats of today. It is an authorized premier partner for Adobe Flash®, Apple QuickTime®, Microsoft Silverlight®, and Microsoft Windows Media. We also provide optimized delivery of the HD-quality, adaptive streaming technology from Move Networks. Both native and HTTP streaming formats are supported. Through its integration with Level 3SM Vyvx® signal acquisition and web encoding solutions, the streaming platform provides a simplified, single source offering for delivery of all types. That delivery includes full reliability through a 100 percent uptime SLA and no single points of failure. Streaming Types Supported The Level 3 Media Delivery Platform includes two primary forms of streaming delivery: • Level 3® Live Online Broadcast Streaming: Delivers high-quality award shows, sporting events or television broadcasts in event or continuous, always-on environments. Primary product components include video delivery via Flash, Smooth Streaming, Windows Media, QuickTime (HTTP), or Move as well as token authentication, geo intelligence, and reporting and management from the Level 3SM Media Portal • Level 3® Video On-Demand Streaming: Delivers the pre-recorded playback of content including digital music, music videos, movie and game trailers, and television programs Multiple Service Options • Live Event: A single live event with SD and HD streaming quality • Live Event Series: A series of live events with multiple days or sessions • Always Live: Continuous streaming of an ongoing broadcast • On-Demand : Pre-recorded content, streamed and available online any time © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 10 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Caching Services Overview The Level 3® Caching and Download Services are built to handle audiences of any size. The Level 3 Caching and Download platform supports multiple, common standards-based models for delivering content. With extensive, global reach and capacity, the platform supports thousands of servers and individual customers. The Level 3 Caching and Download platform guarantees high quality performance and reliability with third party SLA monitoring. The large suite of cacheability features ensures a high origin offload. For maximum customer datacenter offload, customers can use Level 3SM Origin Storage. Supported Caching Services Object Delivery Deliver popular file content, such as video, games, multimedia, patches, and file downloads to large audiences. Objects can be tagged for control over delivery, authentication, and content freshness. Wholesite Delivery Level 3® Wholesite Delivery delivers entire pages as well as each page element, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, collateral downloads, etc. The result is high-performance delivery of the whole website, and maximum protection against flash crowds. No modifications to the origin server are required, and the service can be implemented without rewriting HTML. Level 3® Electronic Software Delivery Software downloads are a subcategory of object delivery for the purposes of sending software drivers, executables, documentation, for example, to end users. Level 3 supports byte range requests to allow large files to be requested efficiently. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 11 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Intelligent Traffic Management (ITM) Overview The Level 3 Communications Intelligent Traffic Management (ITM) is a powerful DNS-based service that enables companies to route wide-area traffic transparently to any publicly accessible IP application, website, or CDN. Routing decisions are made based on an ITM policy (that leverages network data) configured by customers for optimal performance and availability. ITM is a flexible, easy to use service with automatic failover, global load balancing, and geo-intelligence capabilities built-in to the platform. The implementation of ITM is simple and it is controlled by the Level 3 CDN Media Portal for access and security. The service seamlessly interfaces with existing local and global load-balancing solutions, allowing customers to reduce the cost of deploying, operating, and maintaining their own Internet traffic management systems. ITM allows you to maximize your online reliability and performance, as seen by end users, regardless of whether your current Internet presence consists of a single server or a dozen globally distributed data centers, each housing multiple machines behind a virtual IP address. Directing Traffic with ITM With ITM, customers can configure a static ―traffic distribution‖ policy by specifying the percentage of traffic to be directed to each group of application servers. If needed, ―overflow‖ policies can be defined to handle spillover traffic or all traffic in the event of total application failure—all managed from Level 3‘s easy-to-use, secure portal for near-instant implementation. Additionally, users can specify precisely how end-user traffic is directed to applications (HTTP, FTP, etc.) at your data centers and servers. ITM can send a given percentage of traffic to each of your servers (for global load balancing), send end users to the best server for that end user (avoiding unreliable or unreachable servers), and gracefully send traffic to secondary servers or a third party content delivery network (such as the Level 3 CDN) during overwhelming flash crowds. All of these abilities are easily and swiftly configured through a secure, web interface and no hardware is required at your sites - you simply subscribe to the ITM service. Typical DNS configurations provide a static set of five or fewer authoritative name servers returning, for example, two IP addresses in round-robin fashion for your two web servers. ITM provides more reliable and lower latency name resolution than these standard configurations because ITM has many more name servers. The loss of connectivity to any one name server affects fewer end users, and ITM name servers are closer, in a network proximity sense, to end users because of their redundant, global presence – providing better service to end-user at any given time. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 12 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA End User End User End User End User ITM Server ITM Server ITM Server Europe Traffic US Traffic 50% application NY 30% 20% application LA 80% application DC application UK overflow 20% application FR overflow Level 3 CDN Figure 3: Example of ITM Routing of Traffic Typical Flow of a Client URL Request When the client's browser makes a request for a resource, the following sequence of events occurs: 1. The browser first queries its DNS resolver for a subscriber domain name. 2. The DNS resolver queries a nearby ITM name server for the domain name. 3. The ITM name server follows the subscriber‘s specified policies to return the appropriate subscriber IP address to the end user‘s DNS resolver. 4. The DNS resolver passes the information on to the browser. 5. The end user communicates with the best subscriber server, according to the customer-selected policies. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 13 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Figure 4: ITM Request Flow Available ITM Configuration Options Automatic Failover Configuration ITM name resolution decisions are based on the availability of the customer server, as determined independently by the global network of ITM name servers. If any of these servers are unavailable, ITM does not return their associated IP address until the server starts responding again. Meanwhile, traffic is sent to the designated alternate servers. GeoIntelligence Configuration ITM name resolution decisions are based on the IP address of the end user's resolver. The mapping, from IP address to geographic region, allows rules based on the continent, country, US state, or time zone of the resolver IP address. For example, traffic can be split between customer datacenters in North America and Europe, based on the location of the end user. If the end user‘s IP address is within North America, the request may be directed to the North America origin servers (San Jose, for example); otherwise, the request is directed to European origin servers (London, for example). © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 14 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Global Load Balancing Configuration ITM name resolution decisions are based on customer-specified ratios of traffic sent to each server. Typically the ratios are chosen to reflect the capacity at each server. For example, if a server in San Francisco can handle twice the traffic of the San Jose server, ITM can direct two-thirds of the traffic to San Francisco. ITM can dynamically update the ratio by polling the server‘s load at a set location. Customizable Configuration More complex traffic management schemes can be implemented as well. See your sales engineer for a more in-depth discussion. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 15 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Origin Storage Overview Level 3 Origin Storage service is the secure and affordable storage and management solution for your Internet content. And because our storage solution is connected directly to our Content Delivery Network (CDN), you have peace of mind that your content is delivered to your end-users when they request it. We have designed our storage systems to provide the highest level of protection for your content and availability for Level 3 HTTP Delivery or Level 3 Streaming services. Features • Origin Offload: Upload content to Level 3‘s Origin Storage which then feeds the CDN edge delivery network without overloading the customer‘s infrastructure. This option is particularly useful for customers with a set of popular content and an interest in outsourcing their origin infrastructure. By combining multiple, geographically diverse locations with redundant high-speed connectivity to our industry-leading CDN, latency is minimized • In-Depth Reporting: The Level 3 Portal provides access to view daily storage usage and peak storage amounts over time. Depending on the configuration of the customer, the portal can also provide storage usage for ―child accounts‖ so that usage for these accounts can be tracked and billed appropriately End User Customer ITM F1 Content Delivery Level3 Edgeserver Content Management: Level3 Parent Servers Level3 Parent Servers Content Replication (Primary to Secondary) F1 Level3 ―Primary‖ Origin Storage F1 Level 3 ―Secondary‖ Origin Storage Figure 5: Origin Storage Overview Value Add Capabilities The Origin Storage platform is built on several important features including the following: • Engineered for Security and Fault Tolerance: Highly-Availability Hardware, redundant storage servers in every location, RAID, mirroring, redundant network interfaces and paths to the Internet, multiple © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 16 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA power supplies for every piece of hardware, spare disks at every location and the latest firewall technology all combine to provide a 100 percent SLA guarantees on content protection • Massively Scalable Storage Capacity: Over 1 PB of global storage provides the scalability necessary for the largest content libraries today. Level 3 has Origin Storage space ready when you need it • Flexible Asset Management: Standard methods of content upload and management include FTP, Secure FTP, FTP-S, SCP, and RSYNC command sets • Origin Offload with Global Coverage: Our Origin Storage super nodes are strategically positioned around the world and directly attached to dedicated serving clusters and the Level 3 Network through high-speed connections • High Availability Content: Content is automatically copied and stored in multiple locations. As soon as a piece of content is uploaded to a single location, it is available to the CDN © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 17 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Major Services Operations On-Demand Streaming Operations Overview Level 3‘s On-Demand streaming platform also enables content to be pulled into its CDN network from Level 3‘s own internal Origin Storage Platform, as well as any external origin storage sources. Level 3‘s CDN actively pulls the content into its content delivery platform from an origin storage source (such as an HTTP or HTTPS Web server) when content requests are made. 1. The end user requests an On-Demand streaming asset via a customer-specific hostname. End users are directed to the best performing edgeserver on the Level 3 Network for that particular user. 2. The edgeserver determines if it has the content; if it does, it immediately streams the content. If the Level 3 edgeserver does not have the asset requested, the server fetches the content from either the customer‘s web server or the Level 3 Origin Storage repository and populates the edge cache. 3. The Level 3 edgeserver streams the content. End User Request HTTP Get Request Get 3 Customer Web Server 1 2 HTTP Get from Origin Storage Get Level3 Streaming Network Level 3 Origin Storage Figure 6: How On-Demand Streaming Works Delivering Content thru the On-Demand Streaming platform Delivering on-demand content through Level 3‘s CDN requires that end users be provided with the URI path that leads them to the Level 3 edgeservers. Creating URLs for On-Demand Streams On-Demand stream links can be created using a simple construct: Protocol://Hostname/Level 3_SubscriberID/ContentLocation/Filename © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 18 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Protocol is the protocol used in delivering content, which is typically associated with the format type of the content, such as: (1) mms and rtsp for Windows Media; and (2) rtmp, rtmpe, and rtmpt for Flash. Hostname can be an external or generated from a Level 3 sub-domain (e.g., Level 3 assigns two separate hostnames to direct the end user to the best performing edgeserver on the Level 3 Network for that particular user. Level 3_SusbcriberID is a unique billing identifier provided by Level 3 and used for reporting and billing purposes. ContentLocation is location where the file is located on a customer HTTP web server and must be used in the constructed streaming URI as it tells the edgeserver which folder to retrieve the content file from. If the content is located in the root directory, there should not be any path in the streaming URL. Filename is the name of the streaming asset that is to be played. Since any Hostname and ContentLocation can be embedded to access content from an external source, Level 3 may not have the content in its local storage, so a path is needed to get to the content from the external source. It‘s not necessary to embed the origin Hostname in the URL as that information is contained in Level 3‘s streaming configuration. If the edgeserver does not have the content, Level 3 fetches the content from the external origin web server using the DirectoryPath provided in the end-user URL. Windows example rtsp:// Adobe Flash example rtmp:// rtmpe:// NOTE: For Flash On-Demand content, /rtmp and /rtmpe folders should be created within the directory from where the content files are being managed from, as implied above. A vanity Hostname can be used (e.g., via a CNAME delegation: rtsp:// And it might forward to: See the Streaming Features section for more details. Removing Content from the On-Demand Streaming Platform Deleting files from the cache can be accomplished by: • Applying cache control headers as a means to control when content should be expired off of the streaming platform. The edgeservers honor cache control header values as long as they are delineated in seconds. If no cache control header values are present, Level 3 applies a cache control header of 1 week • Submitting a request through Level 3‘s Media Portal to invalidate the CDN of particular content • Submitting a request to Level 3‘s customer support team to delete particular content files from the platform © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 19 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Live Streaming Operations Getting Live broadcasts into the Live Streaming Platform Level 3‘s Live Streaming platform provides support for both Microsoft‘s Windows Media and Adobe Flash formats. Although Level 3 can provide signal acquisition and encoding services through Level 3 Vyvx services as part of a larger holistic solution, the scope of this chapter deals strictly with the CDN live streaming services capability. Windows Media Currently, Live WMS signal acquisition is done only via a pull model from encoders that output live streams supporting the Windows Media format and protocols. This necessitates Level 3 having direct access to the WME machine over the Internet. This includes access through any firewall to actively pull the live stream onto Level 3‘s CDN. In order to foster a secured environment, Level 3 can provide the IP addresses of its publishing points in order to restrict access. How a “pull” of Windows Media live stream works in Level 3’s CDN Level 3 Secondary Publishing Point End User Request Customer Encoder Backup Stream 1 4 2 3 Edgeserver subscribes to live feed Level3 CDN Level 3 Primary Publishing Point Figure 7: Windows Media – Live "Pull" Workflow 1. Level 3 Acquires Live Signal Feed. Level 3 must initiate the live stream pull from the Windows Media Encoder via a publicly accessible IP address by way of a primary Publishing Point server. In the case where a backup stream is used, Level 3 also pulls the stream from an alternate location. Level 3 strongly recommends the use of a backup encoder and stream source to mitigate possible issues with the signal acquisition. Level 3 provides a streaming link where end users are able to access the stream through the CDN. 2. End User Requests Live Stream. When an end user clicks on the Level 3 stream link, the end user is directed to the best performing Level 3 edgeserver for that particular end user to receive that stream. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 20 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA 3. Level 3 Streaming Server Subscribes to Live Feed. If the Level 3 edgeserver is not already subscribed to the live feed, it reaches out to the Level 3 Primary and/or Secondary Publishing Point. 4. Deliver Live Stream. Once the edgeserver has subscribed to the live feed, the edgeserver delivers the stream to the end user via the requested stream protocol. The streaming server automatically cycles through the various protocols until it is able to negotiate a protocol acceptable to the client. Adobe Flash Live FMS signal acquisition can be done via: • ―Pull‖ model in which a live Flash stream is pulled onto Level 3‘s publishing points from an external Flash Media Server • ―Push‖ model in which live Flash streams are push to Level 3‘s publishing points from external encoders that output live streams supporting the Flash media format and protocols “Pull” of a Flash live stream (Multipoint Publishing) Pulling live FMS streams onto Level 3‘s edgeservers from external Flash Media Servers is also known as Multipoint Publishing. Under this scenario, the Flash Media Server is used as a local Flash Publishing Point. For this ―pull‖ model, Level 3 must have direct access to the external Flash Media Server over the Internet. This includes access through any firewall to actively pull the live stream onto Level 3‘s CDN. While specific server-side code cannot be deployed onto the Level 3‘s Flash Media Servers nor data messages injected into an outbound stream, Multipoint Publishing enables custom information to be inserted into a live Flash data feed, such as ads, tracking beacons, or SWF interactivity. How a “pull” of live Flash streams works in Level 3’s CDN Customer or Level3 Backup Flash Media Encoder 1 2 Level 3 Secondary Publishing Point End User Request Customer or Level3 Flash Media Encoder Backup Stream 5 3 4 Level3 CDN 2 Level3 Publishing Point Figure 8: One Possible Set Up for Live Flash Media (Multipoint Publishing) © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 21 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA 1. Live feeds are encoded to Flash format. The live signal feed is encoded by a Flash-based encoder and then directed to Flash Media Servers outside of Level 3‘s CDN. It is highly recommended for customers that a backup encoder also be used. 2. Level 3 Acquires the Live Stream. Level 3‘s Publishing Point Servers acquire the live Flash stream by initiating a pull from the external Flash Media Servers. Where there is a primary and a backup feed, Level 3 uses disparate server locations to ensure diversity. Level 3 provides a URL that can be embedded into a SWF file from which end users retrieve the live stream feed from the Level 3‘s CDN. 3. End User Requests Live Flash Stream. End users are directed to the closest available Level 3 edge Flash streaming server by way of the Level 3 provided stream link. 4. Level 3 Flash Server Subscribes to Live Feed. The Level 3 edgeserver subscribes to the Level 3 FMS Publishing Point server used to acquire the live signal feed. If the edgeserver is already subscribed to the live feed, it does not have to re-subscribe to the live feed. 5. Deliver the Live Flash Stream. Once Level 3‘s Flash edgeservers receive enough information to fill its buffer, it in turn begins playback to the end user through the Flash player on their computer. “Push” of a Flash live stream (Encoder Publishing) Level 3 supports the ability to ―push‖ live streams from a Flash based encoder directly to Level 3 Flash Media Servers (Publishing Points) without the need for external/intermediate Flash Media Servers. In this ―push‖ model – metadata can only be injected in the live Flash streams via the encoder. How a “push” of Flash live streams works in Level 3’s CDN Figure 9: Flash Media – Live “Push” Workflow © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 22 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA 1. The encoded live stream is pushed to Level 3’s Flash Publishing Point. The encoded live stream is pushed from the Flash encoder to a Level 3 Flash Publishing Point. Level 3 provides a URL that can be embedded into the Flash player distributed to end users. 2. End User Requests Live Flash Stream. End users are directed to the closest available Level 3 edge Flash streaming server by way of the provided Level 3 stream link. 3. Level 3 Flash Server Subscribes to Live Feed. The Level 3 edge Flash Media Server subscribes to the Level 3 FMS Publishing Point server used to acquire the live signal feed. If the edgeserver is already subscribed to the live feed, it does not have to re-subscribe to the live feed. 4. Deliver the Live Flash Stream. Once the Level 3 Flash edgeserver receives enough information to fill its buffer, it in turn begins playback to the end user within the Flash player on their computer. Delivering Live broadcasts through the Live Streaming platform Delivering live streams through Level 3‘s CDN requires that end users be provided with the URI path that leads them to the Level 3 media servers. Creating URL’s for Live Streams Live stream links can be created using a simple construct as follows: Protocol://Hostname/Level 3_SubscriberID/StreamFolder/StreamName NOTE: For Flash Live streams, /rtmp and /rtmpe folders should be created within the directory from where these lives streams are being managed from, as indicated above. Protocol is the protocol used in delivering content, which is typically associated with the format type of the content, such as: (1) mms and rtsp for Windows Media; (2) rtmp and rtmpe for Flash; and (3) http for QuickTime and MS-Siliverlight, and so forth. Hostname can be an external or Level 3 generated sub-domain from the domain. When using both Windows Media and Flash, Level 3 will assigns two separate hostnames, which are used to direct end user to the closest streaming media server from which to be served content. Level 3_SusbcriberID is a unique billing identifier provided by Level 3 and used for reporting and billing purposes. StreamFolder is the name of the folder from which live streams are managed. StreamName is the name of the stream carrying a specific live feed. StreamName is typically bound to a specific (ingress) Publishing Point. Windows example mms:// Adobe Flash example rtmp:// rtmpe:// Using URLs for On-Demand and Live Streaming The following description provides an outline of the different popular media technologies that can be used to integrate streaming links within the context of a web (portal) site. Windows Media – Stand Alone Player Windows Media Player can directly play back Level 3 streaming links. Most often, this is achieved using an Advanced Stream Redirector (ASX) file. See Appendix A: for more details on ASX files. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 23 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Using ASX files provides some flexibility in terms of the end user experience. Not only can the media file and location be specified, but also delayed start/end times can be defined as well as the creation of library play lists and banner links. What is the end user experience like? When an end user clicks on an ASX file, it triggers the browser to launch the media player associated with the file extension type. Most often, this is the Windows Media Player. When the stream link is played back with the external media player, end users are not bound to a specific Web page; however, the ability to customize the player experience/appearance is no longer available. Windows Media – Embedding Links Another popular option for using streaming links is to directly embed the mms or rtsp link into an HTML Web page. Using this method of playback requires that end users‘ web browsers be provided with helper code so that the web browser knows what type of media player should be used to play back the file. What is the end user experience like? When an end user clicks on an embedded stream link, the end user‘s browser launches a browser helper object that launches an embedded Windows Media Player. Some implementations prefer using embedded streaming links as it necessitates the end user to stay on a designated web page in order to continue to view the asset. If the end user navigates away from the web page, the stream stops playing, unlike a stream link that is played directly in an external player. Other reasons to embed a stream link are to gain greater control of the end user experience (such as customizing the player skin) and control over what Media Player attributes are available to the end user. Adobe Flash Adobe‘s Flash Media Server works much like other media services, allowing a user to connect and play a video. One key difference is how the end user connects. With services like Windows Media, a player is usually available on the end user's computer (i.e., Windows Media Player); however, for Flash a default player does not exist. To solve this deficiency, companies delivering Flash content to their end users usually provide a player embedded in a web page. This typically requires end users to download a Flash plug-in to allow their web browser to play Flash files, such as content files with the .FLV or .SWF extension. The Adobe's site contains a useful Flash video guide: While Level 3 currently does not provide a default Flash player, several stand-alone players on the market can be utilized to test Flash streams, such as Applian Technologies‘ Applian FLV Player (or the GNU Gnash project (. Level 3 makes no warranties and no endorsement on any specific FLV player technology. Adobe Flash Helper Directives – Format Type Level 3‘s Flash Media service assumes that a streamed Flash file is in some form of an .flv file; therefore, it is not necessary to specify the .flv format type in the stream path if the asset is an .flv file type. However, depending on how a Flash player is developed, the .flv file extension may need to be denoted, but the streaming URL does not need to include an .flv helper directive. When dealing with H.264 encoded (.mp4 and its variants) or .mp3 content, it is necessary tell the Flash Media Server that it is dealing with a content item other than an .flv supported file. Thus, it is necessary to insert a helper file in the URI path immediately before the file asset name. In the case of Multipoint Publishing for Live streaming, the helper file is not considered part of the origin path and is extrapolated at the edge Flash Media Server before any backhand pass to an encoder or a Flash Media Server, so it is not necessary to modify the actual file asset name or directory structure. The helper directives are expressed in any one of the following supported file formats: .flv, .mp3, or .mp4. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 24 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Again, the default format if unspecified is .flv so it‘s not necessary to include the .flv file extension in the URI path. Below are examples of the application of the helper directive inserted before the file name for the streaming URL submitted into the SWF container: On-Demand Streaming Examples rtmp:// rtmp// rtmpe:// Live Streaming Examples rtmp:// rtmp:// rtmp:// It is a best practice to have the file extension and file type directive in the URL. This is to ensure the CDN platform knows which asset to retrieve from the publishing point server for streaming assets with the same name. The request to the publishing point makes use the of file extension listed in the URL. If there is a format type directive listed but no file extension, the edge Flash Media Server assumes that the file extension is that of the helper directive in the URL path. If the format type directive is not present and your content is H.264 encoded or .mp3 encoded, the file may fail to play. Typically, the flash streaming file would be embedded within an Action Script. Below is a basic sample Action Script illustrating how the Level 3 On-Demand Flash stream links would be incorporated into a Flash player. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect("rtmp://"); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc); myVideo.attachVideo(ns);"liveStreamName.flv"); Using an embedded Flash player Another common way to leverage a Flash stream is through an embedded player within an HTML page. Calling the external RTMP stream can be accomplished by leveraging the flashvars parameter where the RTMP link is passed in as a parameter to the SWF player. The following describes how to incorporate a Level 3 Flash streaming link into an embedded player using an embedded object call. Calling an external stream object into an embedded object call requires three key elements: 1. SWF player 2. Location of live .flv file 3. The .flv live stream file name SWF Player Level 3 does not provide a Flash player. The customer must provide their own flash player/container. As the SWF player is an HTTP binary, the delivery of the player is not inherently included in the Level 3 Flash streaming service. If you need assistance in obtaining a Flash player, please contact your Level 3 Sales Engineer. The player can be delivered via the Level 3 caching service under a separate contract. To call the player, the source path must be provided. The URL may be a relative link to the base page, or it may be the fully qualified URL. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 25 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Location of the FLV File The .flv file location is the RTMP link that is comprised of the Level 3 streaming hostname as well as any directory path information leading up to the file. It is not necessary to include the trailing slash in the path parameters. Most SFW players automatically add the trailing slash. FLV File Name The .flv file name is the name of the asset that is to be called by the player. The file name should not include the .flv extension name. Sample Embedded Flash Player Code <html> <head></head> <title>Level 3 RTMP Streaming Test</title> <body> <embed src="" width="320" height="260" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=260&width=320&file=rtmp:// ia/liveStreams&id=liveStreamName"/> </body> </html> In the example above, the three critical components are as follows: src (Flash Player): file (Location): rtmp:// id: liveStreamName The sample embedded Flash code above referencing the JW FLV Media Player is only for demonstration purposes and is neither an endorsement nor should be considered a commercial license to use the Jeroen Wijering player. See Jeroen Wijering (JW) FLV Media Player. Vanity Streaming Hostnames Through ITM and BDS (see below), Level 3 uses DNS to provide global load-balancing across the CDN. These DNS-based systems make real-time decisions on which available streaming server is the best for a particular end user, including the Level 3 streaming hostnames. Because of the DNS CNAME abstraction from using actual IP addresses, Level 3 can efficiency add and remove streaming servers into the platform without the customer having to make any modifications to their streaming links. Some customers may want to obfuscate Level 3‘s delivering their streams. In such instances, customers can create their own vanity streaming hostnames and then CNAME that customer hostname to the Level 3 provided hostname. For example: CNAME 1d When using a vanity hostname, the customer still needs to use the Content_Location directory path when constructing their URIs; however, the double CNAME effectively hides Level 3‘s delivery of the streams. The media player only displays the customer‘s vanity hostname and not display the CNAMEd hostname to * back to the media player. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 26 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA NOTE: if an end user were to query the vanity hostname using DIG, the domain is returned in the answer as the name server chases the CNAME in order to return an answer to the end user. Level 3 recommends that customers using their own vanity hostnames use a TTL in their DNS entry of at least 1 day to minimize DNS lookup times for the end user. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 27 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Caching Operations Caching Basics and Terminology In order to put a website, application, or object-delivering hostname on the Level 3 network, a customer should have: 1. A Supername – The Supername is a special designated customer hostname that the customer uses to direct traffic to the Level 3 CDN, e.g.,, 2. An origin server – The origin server refers to the web servers which host content to be delivered through the CDN. The customer can use his own servers or use Level 3 Origin Storage. Resources are retrieved from the origin using an on-demand pull mechanism by the edgeservers to fill the cache and respond to requests. In order to contact the origin, the CDN needs to know the origin hostname, port, and protocol, e.g., HTTP. 3. A customer account and configuration – The CDN uses the configuration to determine how to deliver the content, how long content is fresh, which origin server to use, etc. Registering the Supername in the system allows the CDN to accept end user requests for content. The customer account must include at least one CDN Property configured on the network. The property is the specific identifier within the Level 3 CDN network. Each property has a unique identifier (Property ID) and specifies: • The hostname of the origin (fully-qualified domain name) • The port number used by the origin • The Host: header value to use when contacting the origin • The protocol used by the origin (HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP) • The Supername(s) used to retrieve the content from the CDN The property is the basic building block for content delivery policy. Content is stored in cache on a per property basis. It is possible to have multiple properties defined for each origin. Doing so allows the same content from the same physical origin servers to be served in different ways, using different configuration settings, and allows real-time reports of bandwidth served on behalf of the origin server to be reported on a more granular level. Configuring Customer Hostnames The Level 3 CDN works through DNS to direct end user requests for customer properties onto its CDN. The CDN uses a method, DNS Rendezvous, to direct these requests to the best content server in the Level 3 CDN network through the use of previously created domain name server (DNS) entries. To provide the optimal response to each end user, DNS Rendezvous uses the Best Distributor Selection (BDS) algorithm to select the best-performing edgeserver for delivery of the customer's content to that specific end user. The Level 3 name server that receives the DNS query weighs in factors such as relative load on the CDN servers, network distance, and overall state of the Internet to determine the best edgeserver to serve a client's request. To implement this, typically, a CDN Supername is configured in a customer's DNS as a CNAME record pointing to a canonical name assigned to the customer in the * namespace controlled by Level 3 name servers. This canonical name is typically referred to simply as the "CNAME‖. The standard CNAME format is cdn.<customer-name> (Other Level 3 subdomains and domains may be used for different services.) This might appear in a dig or nslookup as: 86400 IN © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. CNAME Page 28 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA During normal operations, the use of the CNAME is completely transparent to the end user. The browser only has to use the Supername because the CNAME is hidden. Each Supername must be registered on the network with the appropriate origin server, which enables it to deliver traffic, even if it just points to an existing CNAME. If a customer were to CNAME one of their hostnames to Level 3 (directly or indirectly) without the appropriate configuration, the Level 3 CDN would not be able to deliver the traffic. The CDN is not able to recognize the value of the Host: header on an incoming request as a valid Supername, resulting in a 404 error being sent to the end user. A Supername uniquely identifies a property; however, a property may have multiple CDN Supernames associated with it. When a property has multiple Supernames, one of them carries special meaning and is being referred to as the Primary Alias. All other Supernames are referred to as Secondary Aliases. The most important function of the Primary Alias is being part of the cache key – i.e. resources are stored in cache under the Primary Alias, this prevents double caching. Also, the Primary Alias is used to represent the property in the Media Portal. Customers may select which Supername they want to see as their Primary Alias when the property is being configured. It is not recommended to change the Primary Alias after a property starts delivering production traffic. Any changes to the Primary Alias have the same effect as an invalidation for all cached content for the property because the cache key is built from the Primary Alias. Extended Aliases There are 2 different styles of CDN Supernames: 1. The Simple Alias style Supername is just a FQDN, i.e., a hostname, such as "". 2. The Extended Alias style Supername is a hostname followed by the first directory element of the path of a URL, such as "". With the Extended Alias style, the entire string "" is used to lookup the Property and therefore must be unique across the network. Both Primary and Secondary Aliases can use the Extended Alias style. The benefits of Extended Aliases include: • Facilitation of content retrieval from more than one origin server using the same client-facing hostname. This lets web publishers bypass sandbox security issues with Java and Flash applets that would normally be restricted to a single hostname. By using Extended Aliases, such applications may retrieve data from as many origin servers as required • Allowing multiple organizations, departments, or reseller end-customers to utilize the same domain name but define multiple properties and potentially different CDN configuration profiles (such as different expiration policies) with a single CNAME record in their DNS. This saves time and simplifies integration • Subdividing a site‘s content, so that different divisions, which all post content on the same server, can be considered individual origin servers and provided individual traffic reports When performing a cache fill, the first directory element (part of the Extended Alias) is removed from the incoming URI path on the request before contacting the origin server. Similarly, the URL is logged and reported without that element, for example: Given the Extended Alias: "" The request to the CDN would be: The corresponding request to the origin would be: In order to issue an invalidation, the customer must remember to remove the first directory element (now part of the Extended Alias) from the path and invalidate using the same path used to fill the resource in cache. Extended Aliases Example The following example illustrates how extended aliases work. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 29 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA End User Requests CNAME Configuration Set 1 Primary Alias (Supername) = Origin Hostname = Edge Request: Origin Request: Configuration Set 2 Primary Alias (Supername) = Extended Alias = Origin Hostname = Max-Age: 5 minutes Edge Request: Origin Request: Configuration Set 3 Primary Alias (Supername) = Extended Alias = Origin Hostname = Edge Request: Origin Request: Figure 10: Extended Aliases Here are some examples of the use of Extended Aliases: 1. A request is received for the resource The request‘s Host: header matches the supername, and the directory ―pix” is not an extended alias in any Configuration Set. Therefore, the edgeserver applies Configuration Set 1. 2. The end user makes a similar request to the one above, but the path includes the directory ―dept1‖. Since ―” has been defined as an Extended Alias for Configuration Set 2, the request is sent to the origin defined for this Configuration without the ―/dept1/‖ directory in the path. However, since the Configuration Set definition specifies a Max-age, or Time-To-Live in cache of five minutes before being considered expired, the edgeserver uses this setting for the resource when it is cached. Since the Extended Alias was used, the Configuration Set primary alias, or supername, could be any valid hostname (in this case 3. The end user makes a similar request to the one above, but the path includes the directory ―dept2‖. Since ―” has been defined as an Extended Alias for Configuration Set 3, the request for ―” is sent to the host ―”. Again, any valid hostname could be used as the Primary Alias ( in this case). How Caching Service Works The ―5 R‘s‖ provide an easy-to-remember flow of the CDN processing required to fulfill a client request and are used here to help visualize the procedure. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 30 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Figure 11: Request Processing – “5 R’s” Overview The steps are detailed below and include determination of the optimal Content Delivery Server, routing of the client request to that cache, application of caching and security rules, retrieval of the resource if not cached, and ultimate delivery to the requestor. Rendezvous Request Rules Retrieval Response Client Rendezvous Suppose a client wants to download a resource © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 31 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA 1 Request to resolve BDS Server resolves 2 Level 3 Caching and Streaming CDN Customer Origin Server Figure 12: DNS Rendezvous Steps 1. The browser requests the resource using CDN Supername During implementation, the Supername has been setup in customer‘s DNS to direct requests to Level 3 CDN and points to The Level 3 name servers resolve that CNAME and return the IP address of the most optimal CDN cluster to handle the request. 2. The browser sends the request to the selected CDN cluster where it is assigned to an available server. Rendezvous Request Rules Retrieval Response Client Request When a request is received at the CDN cluster, it is assigned to an appropriate server with available capacity. In order to determine the appropriate processing options, the CDN server examines the value of the Host: header "" on incoming request and determine if it matches a registered Supername that belongs to an active CDN Property. If a direct match cannot be found, the edgeserver proceeds to check if the hostname plus top-level folder combination matches a known Extended Alias style Supername. If no match is found, the edgeserver returns a 404 (Not Found) HTTP status code to the end user. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 32 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Rendezvous Request Rules Retrieval Response Client Configuration Rules Once the Property is found, the edgeserver determines if a usable copy of the resource is present in cache and identifies configured caching and security features. Caching options may be assigned for groups or types of resources, as well as by resource name. Access control may additionally be based upon characteristics like the IP address or country from which the request was received, or value of the HTTP Referer: or an arbitrary request header. Among the most powerful of the CDN functions is the Level 3 RuleBase. This facility provides resourcelevel specification of processing, caching, expiration, header manipulation, security, delivery, and logging options. Options are assigned by matching the resource requested against filters specified for RuleBase flags. Flags are the configuration settings, which control various forms of special resource handling modes. The combination of one or more flags with one or more filters comprises a Rule, which applies the value or attribute of the flag to resources matching the filter. The rules are processed when resource gets filled and revalidated. The list of available RuleBase filters includes Property ID filter, path filters, MIME type filter, HTTP header filters, etc. Certain rules can only be applied after response from the Origin Server is received (for example, MIME type or HTTP Status matching rules). For that reason the RuleBase is divided into two parts: Request RuleBase and Response RuleBase First, CDN server evaluates URI path and HTTP headers from the request and applies the Request portion of the RuleBase, then Retrieval processing is initiated. When a cache-fill is completed, the Response RuleBase is applied. Rendezvous Request Rules Retrieval Response Client Retrieval Prior to contacting the origin, the edgeserver checks if a usable copy of the resource is available from a nearby peer. Local peering is automatically implemented for all caching configurations. This enables filling cached object requests from other CDN servers, which leads to increased cache hit rates and enhanced performance. Cache Hierarchy (Tiered Distribution) is optional and highly dependent upon customer requirements. If the resource is not cached and not available from a peer cache, the complete URL, including any query string and all HTTP request headers received from the client are forwarded to the origin server using the hostname, port, protocol and other attributes specified in the Property definition. Additionally, request headers may be added to the cache fill request via RuleBase. If Pre-Authentication is enabled for the Property, successful validation from an Alternative Authentication Server is required before the cache fill request is sent to the origin server. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 33 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Rendezvous Request Rules Retrieval Response Client Response The edgeserver response to a client request contains the object, if available and authorized, and a status code indicating success, redirection, or the nature of a failure. Normally, the HTTP status code received from the origin server is passed on to the end user; however, it is possible to for the CDN server to generate a different status code to indicate successful delivery from cache, an error generated by a RuleBase flag, or failure of CDN-based authentication, including Geographic Blocking, Referer: Blocking, URL Token Authentication, or Arbitrary Header Blocking. Optionally, arbitrary response headers may be added or customer-specified status codes may be issued for successful resource deliveries or access denials. Downstream cache control headers may also be set or altered by utilizing the CCHOMode feature. (See the Cache-Control-Header-Override Mode (CCHOMode) section.) © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 34 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Origin Storage Operations Uploading Content and Removing Content Each customer is assigned a primary upload site, either in North America (Los Angeles and New York) or in European (London and Frankfurt). This site serves as the upload location and the primary serving origin to the CDN for that customer‘s content. Generally speaking, this location is chosen by the integration team and the customer, based on the geographic location of the customer‘s content library. Once content is uploaded to a Level 3 Origin Storage site, it is automatically replicated to the other site within that region – that is, between New York and Los Angeles, or between Frankfurt and London. Content is not automatically replicated between the regions, however. For customers that require their content to be stored in both Level 3 regions, customers upload their content into one location in each region. As stated above, to achieve added redundancy and performance, all content is replicated automatically to the secondary site in a particular region. If a specific piece of content is not available at a CDN edge location (the content is not already cached), then the request for that particular piece of content is requested from one of the Origin Storage locations. Should the content not be available at the primary origin location, the request is redirected by ITM to the secondary Level 3 origin location within the region before redirecting requests back to the customer‘s origin, depending on the customer‘s specific configuration. Several different methods of uploading files to Origin Storage are supported: • FTP / FTPS – These are interactive TCP-based FTP protocol sessions connecting over ports 20 and 21 for both FTP and FTPS (over SSL). The use of passive FTP is also supported • SFTP – this allows customers to place content using non-interactive SSH-based encryption. Connections are established by placing a shared-key on the Level 3 OSP generated by the customer or by password-based authentication. This rides over port 22 in a non-interactive mode (for customers) • SCP – this mechanism also uses traditional SSH-based file transfer. This is also non-interactive and uses key pairs or password-based authentication • Rsync – customers can also choose to ingest and synchronize their libraries with the OSP by using an rsync client and connecting on periodic intervals to push any new or changed files. The underlying transport protocol is SSH-based and uses both key pair and password-based authentication Content can be removed from Origin Storage via the same methods available for upload, i.e., FTP, SFTP, SCP, Rsync. The customer still needs to change or remove any links in their basepages to the content. Using Origin Storage as Content Origin When a property‘s configuration rules are set up, instead of using a customer hostname for the origin, the Origin Storage hostname should be substituted. As with customer origins, access to Origin Storage can be designated as HTTP or HTTPS only. The Origin Storage uses Level 3‘s midgress servers and edgeservers to deliver the content – end users never access files from Origin Storage directly. End users are restricted from listing storage directories. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 35 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Content Freshness Features Methods of Freshness Control Level 3 CDN was explicitly designed to allow customers the option of controlling and maintaining content freshness without sacrificing end-user performance. Customers can consistently deliver the most accurate and up-to-date content quickly to their end users. Depending on their business needs, customers can update content within the Level 3 CDN network on-demand or at regularly scheduled intervals. Level 3 CDN offers customers two basic mechanisms to control content freshness: • Expiration Policy – determines how long the resource in cache is considered fresh and can be served without revalidation with the origin server • On-Demand Invalidation – provides a real-time method of expiring the resource in cache These mechanisms are not mutually exclusive. They provide complementary ways for the CDN to serve continually fresh content by triggering fills for fresh content when required. As a standard practice, CDN customers often use an expiration policy as a default method of content freshness control while using ondemand invalidation as an occasional override, for example. Refreshing Content in Cache The process for updating content within a cache occurs when a request for a stale resource (i.e., invalidated or past expiration) arrives at a Level 3 edgeserver. Then, a GET If-Modified-Since (GIMS) request for the resource is sent to the customer‘s origin server or to a cache peer or parent, in order to revalidate content. If the resource has not changed, a 304 (Not Modified) response is returned, and the content is again marked as fresh. If the resource has changed, the modified resource is returned in a 200 (OK) response. The new resource replaces the stale resource at the CDN server and is served to the customer's end user. Note: If the resource in cache does not have a valid Last-Modified: header supplied by the origin server, then an unconditional GET request is used for revalidation, which causes the resource to be reloaded in cache. Level 3 CDN also has a Background Refresh feature (also known as BRefresh Mode). This mode allows the existing stale content to be served while triggering an asynchronous revalidation back to the origin server. (There is a limit on how stale the content can be with this mode enabled.) If a refresh attempt fails because of a failure to contact the origin server, the old stale content is served for a short period of time before a further refresh attempt. This is independent of Background-Refresh mode. Expiration Policies Expiration policies can be established and controlled either at the customer‘s origin server or within the CDN itself. Level 3 CDN recognizes standard HTTP cache control headers which can be added to the header of any resource served by a standard HTTP server (e.g., Apache, Netscape, and IIS). When a customer knows that specific content is likely to change at regularly scheduled intervals, cache control headers should be used to expire content within the Level 3 CDN. Origin server policies can also be used if content is known to get updated at a certain time. The Level 3 CDN also provides a Cache Control Header Override Mode (CCHOMode) that enables a resource to be cached for the configurable period of time, regardless of HTTP cache control headers set by the origin server. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 36 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA HTTP Cache Control Headers The HTTP cache control headers that affect content freshness are: Header Value Cache-Control: Specifies directives that must be obeyed by the cache, including assigned TTL values Expires: Date and time after which the resource is no longer considered fresh Last Modified: The date and time the resource was last modified at the origin server Figure 13: HTTP Cache Control Headers The following is a list of attributes of the Cache-Control: header most commonly used: Directive Meaning max-age In seconds, the Time-To-Live (TTL) assigned to the resource in cache. The resource is considered cacheable and TTL determines amount of time the resource can be served straight out of cache after the time it was retrieved from the origin server. no-cache A cache must not use the response to satisfy a subsequent request without successful revalidation with the origin server. The resource is considered cacheable, but must be revalidated on every request. no-store A cache must not store the response. The resource is considered non-cacheable. public The response may be cached by any cache. The resource is considered cacheable. private The response must not be cached by a shared cache, such as Level 3 CDN. Figure 14: Cache-Control Header Directives Note: Level 3 CDN does not support the use of Meta tags within HTML resources. Cache-Control-Header-Override Mode (CCHOMode) The Cache Control Header Override Mode (CCHOMode) feature allows the Level 3 CDN to override cache control headers that otherwise would cause resources to be uncacheable and gives customers control over their content in Level 3 caches. A key component of the CDN‘s performance improvement is due to the storage and delivery of customer content in cache at the edge of the network. When browsers request already cached content, the content can be served immediately. An edgeserver that does not have the requested resource in its cache may find it cached at a peer, so there is often no need to retrieve content from an origin server before it can be served. By default, the CDN honors the expiration policy set by the origin server. This means retention of customer content in CDN caches can be made difficult or impossible by resource headers like Cache-Control:, Expires:, and Pragma: no-cache, which lower resource cache lifetimes or cause resources not to be cached at all. Some customers may have cache control headers set to short durations to prevent retention of stale resource versions at ISP caches over which they have no control. CCHOMode is especially useful during test and evaluation when new customers cannot easily set, remove, or modify cache control headers on the resources. Enabling this mode during trials permits more realistic assessments of Level 3 CDN performance improvements than otherwise would be possible. This mode can also be used in a production environment to ensure resources served by the CDN are always cacheable. CCHOMode can be applied to individual resources or groups of resources using pattern matching. This feature defines the expiration criteria for resources and overrides any existing cache control headers set by the origin server – this is referred to as Internal Expiration Policy, utilized strictly within Level 3 CDN. Optionally, new cache control headers may be set or existing headers altered when the resource is served to a client – this is known as the External Expiration Policy – which should be honored by a browser or down-stream cache. The Internal Expiration Policy and External Expiration Policy can be configured separately. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 37 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA CCHOMode Usage CCHOMode is specified with a Time-To-Live (TTL) time unit (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or a year) or may indicate that the resource is not to be cached (―no-store‖). For internal specifications, a positive number acts as if a max-age value had been supplied in a CacheControl: header and determines the TTL applied to the resource in cache. For optional external specifications, when set to a positive value, a Cache-Control: max-age and/or an Expires: header is added to the resource with header values set appropriately, given the Date: when the resource was served from the cache and the TTL value. When zero, both a Cache-Control: nocache and a Pragma: no-cache (for compatibility) header is added when the resource is served from cache, putting, in effect, an explicit no-cache policy at the end user. The following table explains the various options available with CCHOMode and the corresponding effects on caching the object at the edgeserver (the Internal Policy) and the expiration policies the edgeserver sends to the end user (the External Policy). The Internal Policy specifies the internal caching policy, i.e., how the edgeserver should deal with the resource. The External Policy specifies the external caching policy, i.e., the caching policy on the resource when it is delivered to downstream caches/clients. CCHOMode Value Internal Policy External Policy true or on Ignore cache control headers supplied by the origin server and apply internal expiration policy which defaults to 1 year N/A. Only applies to Internal Policy. false or off Honor cache control headers supplied by the origin server. This is the default behavior N/A. Only applies to Internal Policy. positive number Set internal TTL value to # of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or 1 year. Default is seconds. Set external TTL value to # of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, or 1 year. Default is seconds. A positive number acts as if a max-age value was supplied by the origin server in a CacheControl: header Cache-Control: max-age and/or an Expires: header added when the resource is served to the client Sets an external policy without setting the internal expiration policy Sets an external policy without setting the internal expiration policy The resource is cached, but the next request will trigger revalidation with the origin server Cache-Control: no-cache and Pragma: nocache headers added when the resource is served to the client Prevents the resource from being cached by the CDN as if the origin server set a CacheControl: no-store header Cache-Control: no-store and Pragma: nocache headers added when the resource is served to the client #<s,m,h,d,w,y> negative # or as-is no-cache or 0 no-store Note: External actions are not performed if the resource had a cache control policy served from the origin server unless an optional ―force‖ attribute is specified. When set, cache headers received from the origin server are stripped off and replaced with any headers added by the external CCHOMode. Cache Control Header Precedence By default, if no CCHOMode is in effect, the edgeserver honors standard HTTP cache control headers supplied by the origin server. If multiple cache control headers are present, internal expiration policy is determined by the max-age directive in the Cache-Control: header which takes precedence over any Expires: and Pragma: no-cache headers. This means Expires: header is only considered if there is no valid Cache-Control: max-age header. The cache control headers are stored with the resource in cache and updated when the resource is revalidated with the origin server. If a Cache-Control: header and/or CCHOMode are in effect, the value © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 38 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA of the Expires: header is set or altered to specify the expiration policy based on the date and time that the resource was filled. If both Cache-Control: max-age and Expires: are present on the resource in cache, neither is altered when the resource is served to the client; however, it is possible to adjust the headers based on the time of the request if the cache-control-policy specifies which cache control header value takes precedence. The cache-control-policy is configurable on per property basis. • When set to ―expires‖, the value of max-age in the Cache-Control: header is modified when served, so that, when added to the Date: header value, it matches the value of the Expires: header • When set to ―max-age‖, the value of the Expires: header is modified when served so that it matches the value of the Date: header + max-age from the Cache-Control header • When set to 'off' (the default), neither is altered when the resource is served to the client If no Expires: header was supplied by the origin server, then an Expires: header is always generated by the CDN whenever a Cache-Control: max-age header is present, but the inverse is not true—i.e., the presence of an Expires: header does not lead to creation of a Cache-Control: max-age. As such, any response with only an Expires: header is not affected regardless of the cache-control-policy setting. Background Refresh (BRefresh) Once an edgeserver caches a resource, it serves that object from the cache until it becomes stale. When the object is stale, it has to be revalidated with the origin server before the edgeserver can deliver it to the client. The edgeserver makes a request to the origin server for the resource. If the resource version is still valid, the origin server returns a 304 (Not Modified) response with new TTL information. On the other hand, if the resource version has been superseded, the origin server sends the new version of the file. The resource revalidation process imposes a certain amount of latency on clients who must wait for this update to complete. Under ideal circumstances, revalidation may take a few milliseconds, but this time can dramatically increase if the origin server is unreachable, in which case multiple-second timeouts may need to expire before the refresh attempt is abandoned. Background Refresh (BRefresh) mode provides an alternative resource revalidation method for the Level 3 CDN. If this mode is enabled for a stale resource, the currently cached version is served immediately, while a revalidation of the resource is launched asynchronously in the background, thereby removing the latency traditionally involved with revalidation. There is a limit on how stale the content can be with this mode enabled. By default, content that has been stale for more than four (4) hours is not subject to the Background Refresh policy; however, this setting can be overridden in the customer configuration. BRefresh mode is recommended for frequently changing resources with short TTLs and slow origin servers. BRefresh mode can be applied to individual resources or groups of resources using pattern-matching designations. The interval of time during which the content is subject to BRefresh, the background-refreshstale-limit, is configurable on per property basis—its value is specified in seconds. How Content Freshness Works with BRefresh and CCHOMode When a request is received, the edgeserver determines if a fresh copy of the resource is in the cache. If so, the user will be authenticated (if required), and the resource delivered. If the resource is in cache but is no longer considered fresh (invalidated or past expiration), the edgeserver checks if the resource is configured for Background Refresh. If it is and the acceptable interval for service © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 39 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA has not passed, the user is authenticated (if required), the resource is served, and the background cache fill initiated. If the interval has expired and a cache fill is in progress, the request will wait for the cache fill to complete. If Background Refresh is not configured for the resource or the background-refresh-stale-limit has expired, the request is handled normally. That is: • The edgeserver queries available peers to determine if they have a fresh copy. If a current copy is resident in a peer cache, it is delivered to the requesting edgeserver, cached for subsequent requests, and delivered to the end user • If the resource requires authentication, the peer sends a revalidation request to the authentication server to determine if the user is authorized before returning it to the requesting CDN server • If a usable copy is not available from a peer server, a GET If-Modified-Since (GIMS) request is sent to the origin server. If the user is authorized to receive the resource, a new copy is returned with a 200 (OK) response • Should authentication fail for any reason, the unsuccessful request returns a 401 (Unauthorized) or a 302 (Redirect), usually to a customized error page Note: If no Last-Modified: header was supplied by the origin when resource was loaded into cache, an unconditional GET request rather than the GIMS request is sent to the origin server. Upon completion of a cache fill, the edgeserver determines if CCHOMode is indicated for the resource. If so, internal and external expiration are set accordingly. If not, any cache headers presented by the origin server will determine expiration criteria. If no cache control headers were supplied by the origin server, the resource is considered cacheable for one year from the time it is loaded into cache. ETAG and If-None-Match Support The ETag: is a standard HTTP response header that provides the current value of the entity tag for the resource. If the origin server supplies this header, the edgeserver stores it with the resource in cache and return it to the client when delivering the resource. The client could then use the value of this header to issue a conditional request to the Level 3 CDN. If the client has one or more entities previously obtained for a given resource, it can verify that none of those entities is current by including a list of their associated entity tags in If-None-Match: header. The Level 3 CDN recognizes the If-None-Match: header. Upon receipt of a conditional request with an If-None-Match: header, the edgeserver compares the value of the ETag: header on the resource in cache to the entity tags provided in the If-None-Match: header on the request, and, if any entities at the client are current, the edgeserver responds with a 304 (Not Modified) HTTP status code. Entity tags are also used by the Level 3 CDN when managing variant responses—revalidation requests for such resources always include an If-None-Match: header. For resources that do not vary, an IfNone-Match: header will not be included unless If-None-Match support is configured for the property in which case refresh requests (revalidations) for a resource with a known ETag: will also include an IfNone-Match: header. Query-String-Handling Mode (QSHMode) By default, resources are cached within the Level 3 CDN using their complete URL including the entire query string as the cache key. There may be elements of the query string that make it unique for each end user, such as parameters used for authentication or session tracking, even though the resource is identical for those end users. In those cases, every user‘s request will result in a cache miss, causing sub-optimal performance as each user request for the resources will have to go to the origin server. In order to serve such users from the cached copies, the query string portion of the cache key can be altered to remove the name-value pairs from the query string, thus making the cache key the same for the same resource. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 40 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Query String Handling Mode (QSHMode) is a feature that allows some or all of the name-value pairs of the URL query string to be excluded from the cache key to ensure the cacheability of resources that are only unique due to query string parameters but where the associated content is actually identical. For example, consider the URL: Indicating that QSHMode should eliminate the ―username=‖ and ―userid=‖ parameters from the cache key would allow the edgeserver to access the same cached resource, regardless of the user-specific data, under the resulting cache key: QSHMode may be applied to customer resources in either Selective or Full mode: • Selective Mode indicates which query string parameters should be used and which should be ignored. Parameters selected may be specified by either an inclusion list or an exclusion list. Inclusion means ―only use these parameters‖ while exclusion denotes ―suppress these parameters‖. This option is very flexible in what it can do but can only be specified at the property level, so that it applies to all resources on a particular property. • Full Mode indicates that all query string parameters should be excluded from the cache key and may be set at the resource level. A match suppresses the entire query string from cache processing and overrides any Selective Mode specifications. Regardless of which style is used, the log file entries contain the entire URL as presented by the end user. Also, any cache fills and refresh or revalidation (including authentication revalidations) attempts will use the entire URL, including the full query string. On-Demand Invalidation Purpose of Invalidations The term Invalidation refers to the CDN‘s on-demand content expiration system. Normally, edgeservers retain content for no longer than the amount of time specified in certain HTTP headers, primarily the Cache-Control: and Expires: headers. These headers indicate that a resource is expected to change by a certain time, specified either as an absolute time or as a delta from the time the resource is filled by the cache. When the specified time has arrived, the content in the cache becomes stale, and the next request for it causes the edgeserver to revalidate the content with the origin server. This process is often referred to as Passive Invalidation. If the resource changes sooner than expected, an invalidation request can be initiated with the Level 3 CDN system. As such, this process is often referred to as Active Invalidation. The result of an Active Invalidation is typically the same as a Passive Invalidation. The resource is still in the cache, and the next request for it triggers a revalidation of the resource back to the origin server or to a peer (if the peer is known to have fresh content). These revalidation requests are made in the form of a GIMS (GET with an If-Modified-Since: header) request. The date provided in the If-Modified-Since: header is the value of the LastModified: header received on the response that filled the resource into the cache. If the resource has changed since that time, the new version of it is stored in the cache – if it has not changed, the origin server should be able to respond with a 304 (Not Modified) response, providing an updated cache expiration policy. The Active Invalidation system also provides a way to ―force‖ the reload of a resource. This is useful when the Last-Modified: header generated by the origin server is unreliable and its value has not changed (or has gone backwards in time). In the case of a forced invalidation, the revalidation request made to the origin server is an unconditional GET as opposed to the conditional GIMS. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 41 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Invalidation Request Format The invalidation request specifies the URL or URLs that should be invalidated across the Level 3 CDN network. It is specified as a combination of property and path. The path in an invalidation request is the URI path of the resource on the origin server. This is often the same as the path to the resource on Level 3 CDN unless the CDN Supername is using an Extended Alias (i.e., contains a directory path element) or Alternative Webroot is used (e.g., CDN is configured to fill cache from a designated subdirectory below the actual webroot). A path can be specified as either a complete path (in an abspath style), or it can make use of one or more wildcard specifications. For instance, an invalidation request can specify all the content in a certain subdirectory, or all resources with a common extension. The meta-language used to describe the path is a shell-glob like regular expression. This means that wildcards can be specified using ―*‖, to mean match zero or more characters (this is used for a request to invalidate all resources with a common extension as well as all the content of a directory tree), or some special characters such as ―+‖ (meaning one or more characters, except for the directory separator). The complete set of supported meta-characters available is outlined in the following table: Meta Character Matches * Zero or more characters + One or more, non-directory separator characters ? Any single character including the directory separator . Matches the "." (period) character only \ Matches the directory separator / The directory separator character {n,m} Matches between "n" and "m" characters, where "n" and "m" are integer values [a,x-y] Matches any single character in the set provided. Comma (‗,‘) characters are used to separate individual characters in the set; hyphens (‗-‘) are used to specify ranges (from the ASCII character set) [^a,x-y] Matches any single character not in the defined set Figure 15: Invalidation Meta-Characters If the URL is submitted with a query string, then the system attempts to match the entire URL including the query string, through the QSHMode mechanism. If the URL is submitted without a query string, then the query string is ignored for the purposes of that invalidation. Submitting Invalidation Requests Customers can submit their invalidation requests in two different ways: 1. Media Portal-based Invalidation – The portal‘s web-based tool is used for listing properties, entering invalidation paths, and tracking the status of the invalidations. Media Portal Invalidations are also accessible through the Media Portal API. (See the Media Portal Online Help for more details about the API.) 2. Command Line-based Invalidation – The command line interface allows customers to bypass the Media Portal and inject the invalidations directly into the system using any HTTPS-capable tool (such as CURL or WGET). Requests can be made using the simple GET method. Command Line-based Invalidation Usage To issue a command line-based invalidation, the submit.cgi script is requested providing the account name, password, and URL pattern to be invalidated. The syntax is as follows: © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 42 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Request: = “” “Account=” <account> “&Password=” <password> “&URL=” <URL> “&ID=” <ID> Note that the argument names (and values) are case-sensitive. The <account> and <password> values are assigned by either Level 3‘s CDN Activation or CDN Support teams upon request to enable access to the Command Line-based invalidation feature. They are not the same as the Media Portal login and password. The <URL> can be absolute or abspath. In addition, the value of <URL> in the Command Line style cannot contain any characters marked as ―unsafe‖ or ―reserved‖ in RFC1738, and so those must be encoded (as specified in RFC1738). Most obviously, any ―&‖ (ampersand) characters is interpreted as the end of the URL argument to the submit.cgi process, rather than as part of the URL. Also, any ―%‖ (percent) characters introduced by a previous encoding will need to be themselves encoded as ―%25‖. When using the abspath style, the ―ID=‖ attribute must also be set. Its value is the Property ID. CDN Support can provide the list of Property IDs associated with the account. Note: This additional encoding step is not required for Media Portal-based submission system where the URL entered should match the URL path to the resource on the origin server. If the resource to be invalidated belongs to a property that has a unique hostname, then the absolute style reliably invalidates its content. However, if there are multiple properties that share the same hostname, then the specific Property ID should be used to direct the invalidation against the required property. Invalidation Recommendations Level 3 CDN provides a number of mechanisms to ensure that customers maintain control over the freshness of the content served through the CDN. As can be seen in this section, Level 3 offers an extensive set of configurable features and functions for freshness control. To achieve best results, OnDemand Invalidation should be used in conjunction with other methods. Below is a list of the mechanisms and the order of precedence in which they should be used: 1. Origin Server Policies – Expiration policies set at the origin server are typically respected by the CDN, unless otherwise overridden by CCHOMode. Specific configuration of individual HTTP servers may vary (and are beyond the scope of this document), but most modern, compliant servers should offer the ability to set Expires: and Cache-Control: (max-age, no-cache, no-store, mustrevalidate, etc) headers with varying degrees of flexibility and granularity. These headers cause the CDN caches to expire content according to the policies established at the customer‘s origin, unless explicitly overridden. This is the customer‘s first, best option for explicitly controlling the freshness of content as it is under the customer‘s direct control. 2. CDN Specific Policies – Expiration policies set in the CDN configuration via CCHOMode which override or replace policies established at the origin server. Use this mechanism when it is not technically possible to establish policies at the origin or when different policies are required for the CDN than for downstream (browser/proxy) caches. The CDN utilizes the internal expiration policies and proxy the origin-established policies to downstream clients/proxies. 3. File Renaming – In general, new, unique assets should be given unique naming conventions where possible via direct path/filename naming conventions or via query string tokens or other identifiers in the URL. Unique naming allows the CDN to cache fresh versions of a resource and lets old versions expire naturally. This is not always possible via Content Management or publishing tools or processes, but, where it is an option, it is preferable to other methods. 4. Active Invalidation – Using the Level 3 Invalidation Facility to expire content in near real time. This method provides an ―override‖ when other methods have been used but content requires real-time replacement outside of defined expiration policy. Invalidation System Limitations The Invalidation System consumes resources on the CDN infrastructure. It takes time (CPU, network, etc) © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 43 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA to process the various invalidation messages, propagate them across thousands of distributed servers, provide completion feedback, and many other mechanisms within the system to attempt to guarantee that invalidation messages are not lost or skipped. As such, there are a finite number of Invalidation Events that can be processed by the system as a whole. Invalidation Usage Guidelines Invalidation should not be a primary method of content freshness control. Use invalidation only in conjunction with other means or when other methods are absolutely not available (a rare condition). Use cache control directives at the origin that accommodate the typical, expected interval of updating. In case of an unexpected event, use invalidations for the specific content being changed. Do not use programmatic invalidations every few minutes ―just in case‖ as an alternative to expiration policies. Even the most dynamic of real-time applications can be very tightly controlled using sub-minute expiration policies when needed. It is preferable to have an overly aggressive expiration policy than to become overly dependent on invalidations. Consider the true need for ―real-time‖ expiration. Do monetary, brand perception or legal necessity require replacing content, or will a few extra minutes to allow the content to age out make a material difference? For automated, scripted use of the Invalidation API, the following guidelines apply: • Batch Requests – Use the list-based or file-based form of the interface to submit multiple URLs as a batch. Submit as many URL‘s as possible in as few batches as possible • Use fully qualified URLs – Minimize the use of wildcarding. Reserve wildcarding for the GUI-based interface. Where programmatic access to Invalidations is used, Level 3 would expect that explicit lists of URLs can be constructed by the invoking application • Limit the Invalidation Request Rate – Set it to less than ten (10) per minute. Queue submissions on the client/script side of the interface if the quantity of invalidations would exceed this rate Level 3 reserves the right to limit, throttle, de-prioritize, or potentially restrict access to the Invalidation System for a specific customer if that customer‘s usage patterns place an undue burden on the system. Should this be the case, Level 3 Sales Engineers and CDN Support personnel will work with that customer to find a solution that complies with the above guidelines while meeting the needs of the particular application in question. However, in some cases, creating an appropriate caching/freshness policy might require changes on the customer‘s side. Level 3 cannot guarantee the use of invalidations as a primary means of freshness control for every application. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 44 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Security Features Overview Customers may need to restrict the delivery of resources to end-users by verifying that only authorized users receive that content. The verification may ensure that only known users, direct affiliates, or those that have paid for the content are allowed to download it. In addition, there may be export restrictions that would restrict access from specific countries or requirements to prevent the reuse or modification of URLs. The Level 3 CDN offers a wide range of content security features that allow customers to protect their content from unauthorized access. Content stored within the CDN may be flagged as using one of a set of authentication modes, each of which cause some form of authentication revalidation to be performed for subsequent requests. Authentication modes can be broken into two groups: • Proxy Authentication – Requires that a validation request is sent to a customer‘s authentication server • Edge Authentication – Uses knowledge present within the CDN itself to determine whether a client is authorized When a request for a protected resource is received, the edgeserver performs the appropriate authentication processing and uses the result to determine the response returned to the client. Typically, there are three types of responses—where the user is: • Authenticated and receives the resource with (200) OK response • Not authenticated and receives an Unauthorized (401) response • Not authenticated and receives a Redirect (302) to a specified page, often showing an error or asking the end-user to provide the proper credentials If the requested resource is not in cache, or if it is no longer considered fresh, a cache-fill will need to be performed. Depending on the authentication mode in use, this may occur after the user has been authorized or the authentication may occur as part of the cache-fill. For authentication modes that include some form of authentication credential within the query string portion of the URL, the credentials make the URL unique. This has adverse affects on the cacheability of the content, and QSHMode should be used so that the content may be effectively cached. Proxy Authentication Proxy Authentication relies on a customer-operated authentication server and provides a more flexible solution compare to Edge Authentication but at the cost of the latency added by the extra step of the validation request. As with regular cache fills, all HTTP headers presented by the end-user are provided to the authentication server so that it can make the authorization determination. The client IP address is passed along in the X-Forwarded-For: header. The types of Proxy Authentication are: • Cookie-based – authentication information is attached to the request in a cookie • authentication – authentication information is the user-supplied name/password combination • string-based – authentication information is embedded in the query string portion of the URL (note: QSHMode should be used so that the content may be effectively cached) Restricted resources resident in cache must be revalidated when requested. The revalidation methods are: © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 45 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • HEAD method – A lightweight (HEAD) request is sent to the authentication server along with all headers. This is the most common method of revalidation often referred to as Traditional Authentication • GIMS method – A GET If-Modified-Since request is sent to the origin server along with all headers. If the version at the origin server is more current than the one in cache and the request is authenticated, it will be returned. If a Last-Modified date is not available, the request is changed to an unconditional GET The following diagram illustrates how Proxy Authentication works using the HEAD method for revalidation: End User Request 4 Response header is returned to the edgeserver: 200 = Ok to serve 401 = Don‘t serve 302 = redirect Edgeserver can return origin response code or apply configuration rules to alter the response 3 1 Cookie info, query string, or a custom client that generates custom request headers Level3 Edgeserver Origin Server 2 Edgeserver sends Head request and any required end user information Figure 16: Proxy Authentication Using HEAD Requests The numbered sequence defines the numbered actions in the diagram: 1. End-user requests a protected resource from Level 3 CDN. This request may include cookies, query string, and/or custom HTTP headers generated by custom client. 2. Level 3 CDN server sends HEAD request with any required end-user information to the Origin Server. 3. Origin Server processes the request, makes it authorization decision and responds with HTTP status code telling Level 3 CDN what action to take: • 200 – OK to serve • 401 – Do not serve • 302 – Redirect 4. If authentication succeeded, the Level 3 CDN delivers the resource to the end-user with a 200 OK status code. If not, the Level 3 CDN denies access with an appropriate HTTP status code (401/302) received from the Origin Server. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 46 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Alternative Authentication Server Option By default, revalidation requests are sent to the origin server from which the content is retrieved; however, this behavior can be modified to forward revalidation requests to a different location, referred to as an Alternative Authentication Server. This may reduce the resource requirements at the origin server or facilitate distributed administration of security policies. Additionally, a property may be designated to use Pre-Authentication option. Pre-Authentication causes requests to be validated at the Alternative Authentication Server before a cache-fill request is sent to the origin server. Pre-Authentication allows the authentication server to be the sole owner of the authentication knowledge – the origin server just has to serve the content to the CDN. Depending on the requirements of the application receiving the authentication request at the Alternative Authentication Server, the system can format the request in several different ways. • The request can be directed to a generic hostname or to a specific ―script‖ URL • The system can control whether the URL originally requested is appended to the end of the authentication request or included as a separate HTTP request header Data transmitted to and from an Alternative Authentication Server may be protected by selection of the Secure Authentication option, which causes HTTPS to be used for all such traffic. The following diagram illustrates how Proxy Authentication model works with Alternative Authentication Server assuming Pre-Authentication option is enabled: 5 End User Request 6 Origin Content Server Once the user request is authenticated, the edgeserver can request content, if needed, from the origin server Edgeserver can return origin response code or apply configuration rules to alter the response 4 3 Response header is returned to the edgeserver: 200 = Ok to serve 401 = Don‘t serve 302 = redirect 1 Cookie info, query string, or a custom client that generates custom request headers Level3 Edgeserver 2 Origin Auth Server Edgeserver sends Head request and any required end user information Figure 17: Proxy Auth with Alternative Authentication Server © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 47 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA The numbered sequence defines the numbered actions in the diagram: 1. The end-user requests a protected resource from the Level 3 CDN. This request may include cookies, a query string, and/or custom HTTP headers generated by custom client. 2. The edgeserver sends a HEAD request with any required end-user information to the Alternative Authentication Server. 3. The Alternative Authentication Server processes the request, makes an authorization decision and responds with HTTP status code telling Level 3 CDN what action to take: • 200 – OK to serve • 401 – Do not serve • 302 – Redirect 4. If authentication succeeded, the Level 3 CDN may request the resource from the Origin Server. 5. The origin server returns current copy of the resource to Level 3 CDN. 6. The edgeserver delivers the resource to the end-user with a 200 OK status code. If authentication failed, the edgeserver denies access with the appropriate HTTP status code (401/302) received from the Alternative Authentication Server. Further details regarding Proxy Authentication are available in the CDN Asset Security Technical Brief. Edge Authentication The second group of authentication modes can make the authentication determination without the need to contact an authentication server. They include: • URL Token Authentication – Secure content with embedded encrypted tokens in the query string of the URL • Geographic Intelligence / GeoBlocking – Restrict requests by country of origin with Basic GeoIntelligence or more granular geographic restrictions with Premium GeoIntelligence • Referrer Blocking – Restrict requests to a known set of referrers. Headers other than Referer: may also be utilized for similar types of restriction • IP/CIDR Blocking – Deny requests from designated IP addresses or Classless Inter-Domain Routing Blocks (CIDR) Detailed descriptions of each of these modes can be found in the sections that follow. URL-based Token Authentication URL Token Authentication allows a customer to encode information into a URL, including tokens that provide special instruction to the CDN. This encoded information can then be secured from tampering by appending a security token to the URL that gives the CDN the ability to verify that nothing in the URL has been changed between the time the URL was published and the time the request is received by the CDN. This feature allows the CDN to inspect a set of name-value pairs within the query string element of the URL, using them as valid starting and ending times. The CDN ensures that requests are valid only during the validity window defined by the start and end times. Requests outside of the validity window are rejected using a customer-configurable response code. The URL is ―authenticated‖ through the use of hash encoding of the URL itself. The customer and Level 3 coordinate on which elements of the URL are meaningful and on a shared-secret key. This feature assumes that the customer has implemented code at their origin server that computes a hash value based on the URL (path and designated query string elements) using the shared secret and a common algorithm (MD5 or HMAC-SHA1 hashing, depending on the token type chosen) and appends the generated hash value to the end of the URL prior to publication. This allows the CDN (upon receipt of a request) to compute the same hash using the same components of the URL, the pre-shared secret, and the same © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 48 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA hashing algorithm. The resulting hash code is compared to the hash code on the incoming request. If they match, the CDN is assured that the URL has not been tampered with (the algorithm assures that any change – even a single character – results in a completely different hash code) and that the embedded validity tokens are authentic as published. Level 3‘s Token Authentication can be applied against a list of specific content files or against a folder of content files on the server-side. How Token Authentication works in Level 3’s CDN 1. The end user requests a protected resource. 2. The customer origin generates the resource URL with the token attached and returns the resource URL with the token attached to the end user. 3. The end user requests the resource URL with the attached token from the Level 3 edgeserver. 4. The edgeserver validates the token and processes the business rules. It returns the resource if authorized, else it denies or redirects the request 1 2 Customer Web Server URLs w/ End User Request TOKEN 3 TOKEN 4 Level3 CDN Figure 18: How Token Authentication works in Level 3’s CDN Standard Token Parameters The Standard Token is the token format to be used in all new implementations. Each can be used with both streaming and with caching services. (Level 3 also supports the Flex Token as a legacy implementation. See Appendix D: Legacy Flex Token Support. It also can support both streaming and caching.) © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 49 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Feature/Parameter Standard Token Usage/Definition/Value Hash Algorithm HMAC-SHA1 Hash Contents Take the full URL and remove the protocol, hostname, and unneeded query string parameters Add any desired arbitrary or time validity tokens Time Format yyyymmddHHMMSS in GMT or in epoch-seconds SaltValue/SecretKey ASCII character string of up to 64 bytes No Reserved characters Secret Table Yes, up to 10 active secrets with Validity Times for the secrets Hash / Token Length in URL 20 characters / 21 characters First character designates secret number used, then first 20 characters of calculated hash Token Query String Parameter Name Configurable, for example ―hash=‖ Base64 Encoded No Start/End parameter names Configurable, for example ―stime=‖ and ―etime=‖ If there is no End Time value present, the edgeserver assumes that the token value never expires and always serves the object. If there is no Start Time, the object is considered valid until the End Time value. Figure 19: Standard Token Parameters An Example for Constructing the Token for On-Demand Flash Streaming Start with a URL in the following format Protocol://Hostname/ContentLocation/Resource?QueryString Protocol is the protocol used in delivering content, which is typically associated with the format type of the content, such as: (1) mms and rtsp for Windows Media; and (2) rtmp and rtmpe for Flash. Hostname can be an external or Level 3-generated sub-domain from the domain. ContentLocation is the path to the resources being protected. Resource is the desired resource to be protected or the folder to be protected. Here is the URL to be protected with a token for this example. It is assumed that forced adding of filename extensions is turned off. (See below.) rtmp:// CustomerID=1234&NotUsed=ThisOne Steps to generate the protected URL. 1. Remove the protocol (e.g., rtmp://) and hostname. /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?CustomerID=1234&NotUsed=ThisOne 2. Remove any name-value pairs from the query string that are to be left out of the hash. Leave in any name-value pairs from the query string that should be protected by the hash function. In this example, ―CustomerID‖ is a customer variable that should be protected by the hash, and ―NotUsed‖ is a customer variable that does not need to be protected by the hash. This is set in the property configuration to ensure that the edgeserver protects and ignores the proper variables from the query string. /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?CustomerID=1234 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 50 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA 3. Add a designated name-value pair for the start time of the token validity window to the query string. (Start and Stop times are in UTC/GMT format, for example: yyyymmddHHMMSS). In this example, ―stime‖ was used as the start time variable name and set in the property configuration. /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?CustomerID=1234&stime=20080101120000 4. Add a designated name-value pair for the end time of the token validity window to the query string. (Start and Stop times are in UTC/GMT format, for example: yyyymmddHHMMSS). In this example, ―etime‖ was used as the end time variable name and set in the property configuration. /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?CustomerID=1234&stime=20080101120000& etime=20101231235900 5. Choose the secret number from the Secret Table. Up to ten (10) pre-configured secrets are available at one time. In this example, Secret #0 was chosen which is ―SecretWord‖ (without the quotations). 6. Use the HMAC-SHA1 Hash algorithm on the text message from Step 4 using the secret from Step 5 to produce the hash digest. The first 20 characters are used from the result. dc0f6611f819bc2a632c 7. Take the hash digest and prepend the secret number from Step 5. 0dc0f6611f819bc2a632c 8. Take the original URL (including any desired name-value pairs that were left out of the hash) plus the token validity start and end time name-value pairs and add a designated name-value pair with the token from Step 7. In this case, ―hash‖ was chosen as the token variable name and set in the property configuration. rtmp:// ID=1234&NotUsed=ThisOne&stime=20080101120000&etime=20101231235900&hash=0dc0f 6611f819bc2a632c Self-Generated Tokens Tokens can be self-generated using code samples provided by Level 3. See Appendix D: for sample Perl code that demonstrates how to add the Standard Token to a URL. (See Appendix F: for sample Perl code that demonstrates how to add the Flex Token to a URL.) Customers in need of the Java, ASP, or C++ Token Generator Script should contact their Level 3 Activation Engineer. They are not intended to be used as-is, but rather to generate example URLs, and to serve as an example to guide an implementation. See Appendix G: for details on the format of the tokens. Token and Security Configuration Level 3 Operations sets the configuration parameters for this feature after coordination with the customer to customize the defined set of content, the token type, the shared secret(s), the resulting action to be taken upon an authentication failure, and the identification of the query string name-value pairs to use for the validity window as well as those to be excluded from the hashing function. Further details are available in the CDN Asset Security Technical Brief. Token Authentication and Dynamic/Smooth/Adaptive Streaming The usual tactic to implement token authentication for dynamic streaming is to allow a token to cover either a set of named resources or a directory as defined by the configuration parameters. The directory one is easily implemented – the configuration can be set to ignore the filename when calculating the token for comparison purposes. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 51 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA For multiple discrete resources, a list of valid files can be provided in the query string. The token is then calculated over the entire URL (again, without the filename of the resource being requested). Finally, a check is made to ensure that the filename being requested is one of the ones in that query string list. For FMS, it is possible to perform authentication checks at connect time rather than play time – that potentially means that any stream will be allowed over that connection, so it is also generally configured with the same options outlined above. Example of Token Auth with a Multiple Bit Rate URL All files associated to a common media content that needs to be secured under a single token are included in the query string parameter and delimited with a ―;‖. The files also have to begin with a ―/‖ and are identified as resource= in the query string element. URL Before the Token Is Added rtmp:// ce=/sampleVideo 500k;/sampleVideo800k.mp4;/sampleVideo1500k.mp4 URL After the Token Is Added rtmp:// ce=/sampleVideo500k;/sampleVideo800k.mp4;/sampleVideo1500k.mp4?hash=046787b8 76e7539d78cc9 In the above example, the Flash Media Server looks at the manifest list style URL and is instructed to start on the 500k content and is pre-approved to allow transition changes to the 800k & 1500k files without needing additional tokens. Note that the start and end validity times were not used to simplify the example. However, the codec specification should be removed before the hash is performed. Tokens and FMS If a request for an FLV object does not include the .flv extension on the object name in the URL, the system adds the extension before computing the hash. For example, given a URL of: rtmp:// ID=1234&NotUsed=ThisOne&stime=20080101120000&etime=20101231235900&hash=0dc0f 6611f819bc2a632c Before computing the hash, the token authentication mechanism first adds a .flv extension to the filename, like so: rtmp:// omerID=1234&NotUsed=ThisOne&stime=20080101120000&etime=20101231235900&hash=0 dc0f6611f819bc2a632c When a customer is computing the hash to add to the URL, the extension should be added. The extension can then be removed in the actual published URL. Alternatively, the property can be configured to ignore all file extensions in the computation of the hashes. One caveat is that two files with identical paths and file names except for the extensions, e.g., stream.flv and stream.mp4, could potentially have the same token, depending on what name-value pairs are included in the hash. Playlist Mode In an Adobe Dynamic Streaming implementation, token authentication is best achieved at the ―connect‖ level, combined with a defined list of the stream versions that are contained within the dynamic streaming ―playlist‖ (e.g., 500kbps, 750kbps, and 1500 kbps streams). When the token and its valid time window are verified and access is granted, switching between the versions only requires checking the token without considering the valid time window as long as the persistent connection to the edgeserver continues. With this approach, the verification is essentially done at the ―play‖ level. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 52 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Secure Live Ingest Level 3 ingest token authentication is a method of securing content ingest that protects encoder connections to Level 3 ingest servers for the purpose of live streaming using authentication and expiration. Implementation of this feature involves customers writing a script or application to generate the token. The result is a ―token‖ that is included in the connection process between the encoder and content ingest server, which is validated along with the time window to reject or accept the connection. Ingest token authentication is supported for Adobe Flash RTMP-based live streaming. When using Level 3 edge token authentication and ingest token authentication in combination, you use the same secret key both for ingest and for edge. For ingest, a name-value pair for the publish event should be added to the URL to make the token different than the corresponding hash for the play event. Geographic Location Blocking Level 3‘s geographic restriction includes two distinct operations — the geographic determination where the request originated and the evaluation of rules that specify which geographies may or may not have access to the resource. Level 3‘s CDN incorporates a geographic database that allows end users‘ physical location on the Internet to be anonymously identified based on their IP address location. Level 3‘s implementation does not require the use of cookies or behavioral profiling. Customers can specify that an arbitrary group of content is subject to a GeoBlocking rule. The rule can be set on an entire property, on a group of assets (partial directory, file extension, URL parameters), or on an individual asset. Once enabled and configured, this function causes the edgeserver, upon receiving a request for a GeoBlocked resource, to use the client-provided IP address (either the actual IP address of the client or an IP address in a customer-defined request header) to determine a geo-location. The customer can provide either an allow list (―whitelist‖) or a deny list (―blacklist‖) of geo-locations. If using an allow list, only requests originating in the locations in the list are allowed. If using a deny list, requests from included locations are denied. The customer should also specify a default behavior if no match occurs (i.e., the opposite behavior of the configured list). How Geographic Intelligence works in Level 3’s CDN 1. End user requests an object or stream from the Level 3 network. 2. The Level 3 edgeserver evaluates the request for the resource. The edgeserver determines if the end user is in a geo-location that should be blocked or authorized. 3. If the end user request is authorized, Level 3 delivers the object or stream to the end user. If the end user is not authorized, the edgeserver redirects the end user to an alternate asset or hand back an error or to the end user End User Request 1 3 2 Level3 CDN Figure 20: Geo Intelligence Explanation The customer can specify the behavior of the CDN upon encountering a targeted geo-location. This behavior can be one of the following: © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 53 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • 200 OK – Serve the resource • 403 Unauthorized – Deny the request • 302 Redirect – Send the requestor to an alternate resource/page Level 3‘s CDN support two levels of Geographic Intelligence: • Basic Geo Intelligence: Enables geographic filtering to be applied by Country • Enhanced Geo Intelligence: Enables geographic filtering to be applied by Continent, Country, State / Province, City, MSA, DMA, Zip, Device, and Network. Further details are available in the CDN Asset Security Technical Brief. Referrer Blocking The Referrer Blocking feature allows customers to specify an allow list (―whitelist‖) of hostnames of referrers (such as the customer‘s own website or known syndication partners) that are granted access to content within a property. The list can include explicit hostnames as well as wildcarded hostnames such as * The Referer: header attached to a request for content is compared to this whitelist. If no match is found, then a 403 (Forbidden) status code is returned. Additionally, special handling is available in the case that the Referrer header is missing or blank and for the case where the customer wants to ensure that the Referer: and Host: headers match (i.e., content is referenced only from same host as the referencing page). If a Referer: header contains a relative (non-absolute) URI (i.e., one without http://), the Host: header value is used for the validity check. Specific resources may be exempted from the Referer: header check. This can allow access to an entry point or other resource that may be legitimately linked to from search engines or other external sources. Arbitrary Header Blocking The Arbitrary Header Blocking facility enables headers other than Referer: to be used to restrict access to resources by specifying the header name and its acceptable values. If a request for content does not contain the specified header information, then the 403 (forbidden) status code is returned. IP/CIDR Blocking The IP/CIDR Blocking feature can deny requests from designated IP addresses or Classless Inter-domain Routing (CIDR) blocks. If the IP address associated with the end user matches the IP address(es) or CIDR block designations specified, then the 403 (forbidden) status code is returned. Both whitelists and blacklists are supported. The configuration be can set up to return a different return code, if desired. Origin Server Security Features Custom Request Header for Origin Cache Fills The edgeserver can insert a custom header and value on all origin server requests to assist the origin in identifying the source and validity of the request as coming from the Level 3 CDN. See the section HTTP Header Manipulation. SWF Verification SWF Verification ensures that an On-Demand or Live Flash stream is only played back in authorized Flash players. By ensuring that Flash streams can only play back in authorized players, the customer can better control branding, advertising, and media placement. If an end user were to attempt to stream a Flash © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 54 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA media asset in an unauthorized Flash player whose assets were protected using SWF Validation, the media file will not play. This feature is only available for Flash On-Demand and Live streaming. To use SWF Verification, Level 3 must be given the SWF file(s) to be embedded with a unique signature profile. The files are then deployed throughout Level 3‘s CDN. When an end user makes a request for a stream from Level 3‘s edgeserver, the signature of the end user‘s SWF file is then compared to what is posted on the Level 3 Flash Media Server. If the SWF file signatures do not match, the stream will not play back. How SWF Verification works in Level 3’s CDN 1. Customer transfers the SWF player file to Level 3 OSP. 2. Level 3 distributes the SWF files to the edgeservers. 3. The HTML page with embedded SWF player is delivered. 4. The end user requests the Flash stream from the edgeserver. The Level 3 FMS server determines if the SWF player requesting the stream matches what was uploaded. 5. If the SWF signature matches, the stream plays back to the end user. If the SWF signature does not match, the stream does not play. 3 Customer Web Server End User Request 1 4 5 2 Level3 CDN Level 3 Origin Storage Figure 21: SWF Verification Flow How to use SWF Verification in Level 3’s CDN 1. Level 3‘s Origin Storage service must be used in order to upload SWF files into Level 3‘s CDN. Level 3 provides an Origin Storage account upon activation of SWF Verification. 2. A /SWF subfolder must be created in the directory from where the On-Demand content or Live streams are managed. On-Demand examples rtmp:// © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 55 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA rtmpe:// Live examples rtmp:// rtmpe:// 3. Within the /SWF subfolder, the dirindex.txt file contains the names of the SWF files within the /SWF folder that will be used for verification. The dirindex.txt file should contain: One line per SWF file No pathname is needed as part of the filename — just the filename itself Exclude any SWF files in the /SWF subfolder that should not be considered for verification Order of Authentication Checks The edgeservers can be configured to perform multiple authentication checks on a particular piece of content as multiple methods may be needed for a particular application. For example, a video might require geographic restrictions but also need token authentication. If two or more authentication checks are configured for the same piece of content, the following list shows the order of the authentication checks: 1. Simple Referrer, IP/CIDR Block, and Arbitrary Header Blocking 2. GeoBlocking; Complex Referrer, IP/CIDR Block, and Arbitrary Header Blocking 3. Token Authentication 4. Proxy Authentication Secure Protocols Secure Delivery The delivery of confidential information requires the utilization of secure communications for both sensitive data and supporting content such as images and text. Due to the increased computing power required to process secure traffic, origin server workload reduction along with significant performance gains may be realized by offloading those processes to high-performance CDN edge-servers. The Secure Delivery option includes a dedicated pool of edgeservers configured to cache and deliver secure, shared content using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) and HTTPS. Communications with the customer origin infrastructure can also be secured using HTTPS. Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) is implemented in Level 3‘s CDN through its own Footprint-Secure architecture which enables the delivery of content and sensitive data of secure channels. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 56 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Figure 22: Footprint/Secure Level 3‘s CDN supports two levels of SSL: • Standard SSL – Level 3 provides a general certificate for the customer(s) to use • Premium SSL – Level 3 is provided the certificate to be used Level 3 supports SSL Version 3 and TLS Version 1.2. For detailed information on Asset Security see the CDN Asset Security Technical Brief. Secure Flash Streaming (RTMPE, RTMPTE, RTMPT) Encrypted Real Time Messaging Protocol (RTMPE) is a propriety protocol unique to Adobe Flash, designed to be lightweight and transparent to the end user. RTMPE uses a 128-bit encryption capability that establishes an encrypted connection between the end user client and the Level 3 edgeserver. This feature is only available for Flash On-Demand and Live streaming. To manage RTMPE protected On-Demand content and Live streams, the /rtmpe subfolder must be created within the directory from where the content file and live streams are being managed and the streaming files placed within it. On-Demand examples rtmp:// rtmpe:// Live examples rtmp:// rtmpe:// Note: RTMPS is not supported. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 57 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Request and Response Inspection and Manipulation HTTP Header Manipulation Normally, HTTP request headers received from the client are sent to the origin server on a cache fill request as-is; however, the edgeserver can manipulate the headers before contacting the origin server. Headers can be added, removed, or modified using a request header modification configuration setting. Similarly, HTTP response headers received from the origin can be manipulated before the edgeserver sends the reply to the client using a response header modification configuration setting. In both cases, the value of the header can either be a static pre-configured constant or a dynamic value generated using rich header expression syntax. HTTP Status Code Manipulation The CDN can be configured to return a specified response code for a request matching a RuleBase filter (matching a path segment, file extension, etc.). There are 2 possible scenarios: 1. The edgeserver generates its own static response code instead of contacting the origin server. The HTTP status code returned to the client is pre-configured using a RuleBase ―Error=‖ flag. The body of the response is a generic ―File Not Found‖ message and cannot be customized. 2. The edgeserver contacts the origin server but alters the HTTP status code received from the origin before serving the response to the client. The HTTP status code returned to the client is preconfigured using a RuleBase ―Status=‖ flag which specifies a response code to be returned to the client every time the resource is served but does not affect the retrieval or caching of the content. For either ―Error=‖ or ―Status=‖ flags the value should be an integer 100-599 which is interpreted as an HTTP status code to be returned to the client. If redirection is desired for an ―Error=‖ or ―Status=‖ flag, a 301 or 302 value must be specified with the desired location indicated by an attached Location: header added via the RuleBase response header flag. Response Body Manipulation By default, the edgeserver passes the body of the response received from the origin onto the client and stores it in cache if the response is considered cacheable. The CDN does not have the ability to parse and/or modify the body of the response generated by the origin server; however, it can substitute the original body with a new message body constructed using RuleBase response body flag. The same response body flag can be used in the request manipulation part of the RuleBase to generate a message body without contacting the origin server. The edgeserver-generated body is cached and delivered to the clients with a 200 HTTP status code. Optionally, the edgeserver can change the response code sent to the client. Redirect on Error Normally, when a CDN server receives an HTTP response from the origin server as a result of a cache fill, the response is sent back to the client with minimal additional processing. The Redirect on Error feature allows the CDN server to issue a redirect with a custom-generated Location: header based on the value of the HTTP status code in the origin response. The redirect can be handed out to the client, or it can be followed by the CDN server itself, thus causing it to retry the failed cache fill from an alternate location. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 58 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA This feature can be used to create a simple failover for the origin and to create custom landing pages for various error conditions. Example use cases could include: • Backup Origin – In case the ―primary‖ origin site is unreachable, overloaded, or simply not able to locate the requested resource, an alternate origin location can be retried. This feature could be used in conjunction with the Level 3 Origin Storage • Error Page – In the event of an overload or origin unavailability, including during maintenance periods, the edgeserver directs traffic to an alternate resource, such as an error page, holding queue, or other application with a different class of service. This feature is implemented as a configuration filter and as such can be used to apply redirect on error processing to individual resources or groups of resources. Utilization of this feature is accomplished by constructing RuleBase rules and requires the following to be defined: 1. Error codes to match (for example 404 or 5xx) 2. Location: header specifying desired target of the redirect 3. Action to take, either: Have the edgeserver follow the redirect and retry cache fill from the alternate location without delivering the redirect to the client Have the edgeserver send the redirect to the client which should then follow that redirect to the alternate location Advanced Path Rewriting The Level 3 CDN supports extensive operations to manipulate the path and object name requested by the client prior to its use in setting the cache key and requesting a resource or authentication from the origin. The Advanced Path Rewriting (aka Path Substitute) capability can be used to alter the URI of the incoming request prior to looking for the resource in the cache. This has an effect similar to the Selective Query String Handling Mode, for example, but it operates on the path as well as the query string. The path-substitute configuration setting is applied on per property basis and allows for regexp processing of the incoming URI for find/replace operations. POSIX Extended Regular Expression syntax is supported including up to 9 sub-expressions and back referencing. This feature allows for a wide array of ―content adaptation‖ applications in conjunction with other configuration settings. Override Vary Header This feature, VHOMode, allows the manipulation of a Vary: header received from the origin server. The header may be removed, replaced, or modified by adding or deleting values. May be used to apply consistent Vary processing across groups or types of resources delivered from disparate locations or origin server applications. Alternative Range Headers (URL-based Range Requests) Customer applications may request a portion of a cached resource by specifying the byte-range request in the URL rather than using standard HTTP byte range request headers. The request token may be specified in either of two ways: 1. @<x>-<y>@ coded at the end of the URL 2. x-bits-range=<x>-<y> as the first token of the query string If configured and present, this results in the CDN serving bytes <x> thru <y> (inclusive) of the requested resource. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 59 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA If the resource is subject to authentication, a revalidation request is submitted to the authentication server with the byte-range parameter removed. If the resource is not in cache, a cache-fill request is sent to the origin server. If more than 100KB of the resource (from the beginning or the current fill-point) is required to satisfy the request, a Range: header is attached to the request to the origin. If successful, the origin server returns the requested range with a 206 (Partial Content) response code, the resource is served to the requestor and a full-resource cache-fill is initiated in the background. If a cache-fill is in progress that will satisfy the request, the request waits for the fill to finish. Examples:<1001>-<1999>@ X-Forwarded-For Manipulation The edgeserver has the ability to perform a variety of manipulations on the X-Forwarded-For header which is intended to provide a ―trail‖ of the various clients and proxies from which a request originated or through which it was proxied. This feature allows the origin to see the addresses of only desired proxies and/or the client. If present, the X-Forwarded-For: header contains a comma-separated list of the IP addresses in the chain, with the rightmost address being the most recent. Level 3‘s CDN controls the content of the X-Forwarded-For: header sent to origin servers, so that information about the external client request is in a useful form. The entire header may be supplied or an existing header may be appended to or replaced. This does not affect the headers sent to cache peers which convey forwarding information via a different mechanism. Geographic Intelligence Level 3‘s Geographic Intelligence module is an optional feature for Streaming and Caching Services. Whether your needs call for basic country level policy management or complex delivery policies based on multiple geographic and network attributes simultaneously, Level 3‘s Geo Intelligence module offers customers the capability to seamlessly support their business objectives. If the country of origin of a request is to be used to determine validity, a configuration setting will indicate that the edgeserver should determine the country and attach a country-code header to the request. The header is passed to the origin server or the authentication location with cache fill or revalidation requests. This facility also provides the origin server the ability to deliver a different version of a resource based upon the country code. When used, a Vary: header should be attached so that the edgeserver may properly cache the resource and serve it for subsequent requests from different countries. Level 3‘s CDN support two levels of Geographic Intelligence: • Basic Geo Intelligence – Enables geographic filtering to be applied by Country • Enhanced Geo Intelligence – Enables geographic filtering to be applied by Country, State / Province, City, MSA, DMA, Zip, Device, and Network © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 60 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Performance Features Compressed Content Encoding Modern browsers and media players are capable of accepting compressed content to improve download times and overall performance. Level 3‘s CDN supports several different compression styles and may be configured to perform compression at the edge, offloading varying amounts of overhead from origin servers. Commonly used compression styles are ―gzip‖ and ―compress.‖ The ―identity‖ style indicates no compression. Available options further allow compression to be suppressed or ignore encoding headers. When an Accept-Encoding: header is received, the edgeserver determines which actions are to be taken, based on the configuration for that object. Available options are: • NoConvert – End user Accept-Encoding: headers are passed unchanged to the origin. No conversions are performed at the edge. This is the default value • AllowConvert – Conversion between compression styles (and/or the identity style) is permitted at the edge. The standard Level 3 Accept-Encoding: header is always sent when requesting content from the origin, even if one was present in the end user‘s request • ServeIdentity – The standard Level 3 Accept-Encoding: header is always used when requesting content from the origin server, but the identity style is always returned to the client (the client AcceptEncoding: header is ignored). Conversion between compression styles is permitted at the edge, but only to the identity style • Ignore – No special handling is enabled and no conversion is performed. When requesting content from the origin server an Accept-Encoding: identity header is always used. Any AcceptEncoding: header in the client request is ignored. Any Content-Encoding: header received from the origin server is also ignored, but passed through unchanged to the client © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 61 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Compression Method NoConvert Accept-Encoding Header Sent to Origin End User Object sent by Origin Object sent to End User Uncompressed Uncompressed Compressed Compressed (Error if incompatible compression types) ServeIdentity Level 3 Standard Uncompressed or Compressed Uncompressed Uncompressed Compressed (Uncompressed if browser does not accept compressed encoding) AllowConvert Level 3 Standard Compressed Compressed by compression method requested by browser (Uncompressed if browser does not accept compressed encoding) Ignore Accept-Encoding: identity Uncompressed Uncompressed Compressed Compressed (Error if incompatible compression types) The default Level 3 standard Accept-Encoding: header value is: deflate;q=1.0,gzip;q=.5,identity;q=.2,*;q=0 Foreground/Background Traffic Level 3‘s CDN service is used by many different customers with different application profiles. This feature implements Foreground and Background traffic categories in which Foreground traffic (the default category) receives priority over Background traffic if both are ―competing‖ for capacity. This is not directly a performance ―class of service‖ but more an optimization of capacity allocation, where Background traffic is allowed to fluctuate and consume any available ―spare‖ or idle capacity within the CDN (governed by bindings policies). Example Cases This feature is most directly applicable to applications where the download experience does not have high end-user perception requirements. Typical uses of the Background class of service are for downloads that occur in an automatic or transparent fashion and use a programmatic updater or download manager to facilitate the retrieval of software updates, security updates, media files, etc. Good examples are applications such as: • Automatic Updates – An automatic updater checks with a web service to determine if updates are available/required. If so, it manages the download in the background completely transparently to the end-user. It can accommodate interruptions, throttling of the download based on ―idleness‖ of the connection/computer, even resuming the download if it is interrupted (e.g., the computer is shutdown during a long-running download). When the download is complete, the updates are installed/applied – which is often the first/only indication that a download was actually performed © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 62 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • Antivirus Pattern Updates – All security software, in addition to downloading periodic program updates, perform regular updates of virus pattern files, spyware detection, and other elements due to the frequent emergence of new threats. Again, this experience is typically transparent to the end user, is invoked automatically upon system startup, and runs in the background with perhaps an indication that an update has occurred upon completion • Buy-now/Play-later or time-shifted media delivery – Consider a popular online media delivery model. The user selects from an available programming list and the selected assets are made available within a specified amount of time (i.e., next day, 2 hours, etc). Other emerging applications are nVoD (near Video on Demand), ―TiVo‖-style episodic delivery (always record a certain episode, genre, artist, etc.) Feature Description With this feature, a Property or Configuration Set can now be flagged as using the Background profile (Foreground is the default and the most widely used). This causes the network to allow Background traffic to be shed to other clusters when an individual cluster is approaching its load limit. In this way, Background traffic can be bound to a wider cross section of CDN infrastructure and will automatically ebb and flow based upon traffic requirements of all Foreground traffic. This feature is implemented through enhanced collection of differentiated metrics at each of the traffic serving clusters and integration of those metrics into the traffic management system (BDS/DNS) such that Background traffic can be directed to alternate locations as individual locations become busy. Extended Library Support (CDXL) End users demand a high-quality experience when requesting any Internet content – popular or unpopular. We have combined our massively scalable storage capabilities with the latest caching technologies and intelligent analytics to deliver content precisely to the right place at the right time, every time. Should a piece of content become highly popular, our intelligent algorithms instantly detect a change, and populate the edge caches with the relevant files. Files requested less often are delivered from locations closer to our storage super nodes to help reduce costs while still providing end users the quality experience they demand. Content Delivery for Extended Libraries (or CDXL) is a complimentary service offering within the Caching & Download segment of the CDN Portfolio that combines the Level 3 Storage and Caching & Download solutions together with an Intelligent Popularity-based Redirection Service to effectively support the distribution and delivery of very large libraries of content that often have an extensive ―long tail‖ consumption pattern. The architecture of this capability consists of a standard Caching & Download service implementation in which requests for a customer‘s content get directed using standard Best Distributor Selection (BDS) to appropriate edge caching clusters. For the set of content which is configured as CDXL-enabled, if the content is not currently in the cache, instead of directly making a cache fill request to the configured origin, the caching cluster first contacts the Popularity Service that runs as a distributed web service overlayed across a subset of edgeserver cluster locations. This Popularity Service keeps a running histogram of all requested assets across the configured properties. Based upon a set of pre-defined thresholds, the Popularity service returns a response to the requesting cache which determines where the resource is served from. There are 3 basic types of response: • Serve from Origin – This is the case in which the requested resource has NOT achieved a popularity threshold indicating that it has been requested frequently enough for retrieval into the CDN. This response returns in the form of a standard HTTP redirect which causes the edgeserver to pass the redirect along to the client which will then make a subsequent retrieval request from the designated Origin location. It is important to note that the configured Origin can be any arbitrary host which contains the content. Therefore, the origin could be the Level 3 Storage service or the customer‘s own Origin server. • Serve from Parent – This is the case in which the requested resource has achieved a degree of popularity that is sufficient to warrant caching the resource in a subset of locations that is broader than © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 63 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA the Origin but not as extensive as the Edge footprint. This case assumes that there is the existence of a hierarchy of caches configured as a Parent or mid- tier. It is important to note that this is not necessarily the case and that the threshold parameters can be configured in a variety of ways to support the existence or absence of a Parent tier or hierarchy, depending upon the needs of the application. In this case, the response to the requesting cache, again, takes the form of a redirect issued to the edgeserver which is then issued to the client. In this case, rather than the origin hostname, an alternate hostname configured via ITM policy is issued that directs requests to the Parent hierarchy based on bindings, performance, and load-based policies within the CDN. • Serve from Edge – This is the case in which the requested resource has become sufficiently popular as to warrant retrieval and caching at the edge of the network. In this case, the response to the requesting cache is a redirect with the ―follow‖ flag set (see Follow Redirects feature described below). This causes the edgeserver to follow the redirect to the source of the content rather than issuing the redirect back to the client. The result of following the redirect is that the edgeserver receives and caches the resource. Subsequent requests would then be served directly from cache per normal processing with all normal cache control, aging, and other aspects of the CDN applying. The general operation of the CDXL service is pictured below: Figure 23: Scenario: Content Served from Edge (“Popular” Scenario) 1. The edgeserver receives a request for content that is designated as ―Extended Library‖ using Supername or property configuration rules (i.e., ―Long tail‖ feature is enabled on a per-Property basis). Extended Library content results in a request being generated to the Popularity Service if the resource is not already in cache – implying that it has not yet exceeded the ―edge‖ popularity threshold. 2. The Popularity Service tracks popularity of resources using request histograms. Popularity Thresholds are established at setup to determine whether to serve resources from Edge, Parent, or Storage tier. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 64 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA 3. In this scenario, the resource has achieved ―edge‖ popularity threshold. The Popularity Service issues an HTTP redirect (302) response to the edgeserver. The redirect destination corresponds to the normal cache-fill path configured for the property. 4. The HTTP Redirect is received by the edgeserver that received the original request. The edgeserver follows the redirect itself instead of passing it back to the client. 5. Upon receiving the response from the Parent or Origin, the edgeserver caches the resource per the normal process. At this point, subsequent requests for this resource can be satisfied directly out of this edge cache until the resource expires or is aged out of the cache. 6. The edgeserver serves the requested resource to the end user. Operational Explanation The Popularity Service is a fairly simplistic mechanism whose purpose is to track requests for resources across a period of time, determine whether a given resource has reached one of the pre-defined popularity thresholds, and based upon the threshold achieved, tell the cache making the request how/where to service the request. The popularity service does not itself take into account other metrics like load, network performance, etc. Once the appropriate response (a redirect) has been generated, the edgeserver or client following the redirect will make use of an additional BDS or ITM policy decision about which physical infrastructure will service the subsequent redirected request. The Popularity Service is designed around resource libraries on the order of 100 million resources. Beyond this limit the library would have to be segmented across multiple Properties or Configuration Sets. In order to track popularity across a time domain and provide appropriate aging characteristics, the Popularity Service establishes a per-resource histogram containing some number of buckets, each representing a unit of time. While the number of buckets and time per bucket are configurable per Property, they are established during configuration and are anticipated to be relatively static for the Property. Each bucket tracks the number of requests received within the allocated time. Popularity is determined by the sum of the request counts across all the buckets. The combination of buckets and time intervals is intended to provide a balance between responsiveness (i.e., detecting increasing/decreasing popularity within a suitable amount of time), and data volume (i.e., amount of popularity data to have to store in memory). We configure the Popularity Service to track popularity across some small number of hours or days (e.g., 6 – 48 hours). Further the number of requests in a given unit of time that triggers the various thresholds is anticipated to be reasonably small. Some small number (tens to dozens) of requests in that range of time would be anticipated to be sufficient to move a given resource up the popularity ―stack‖. The following diagram depicts some of the mechanics of the Popularity Service and how popularity histograms and thresholds interact. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 65 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Figure 24: Object Popularity and Thresholds Follow Redirect When an edgeserver receives a redirect from an origin server in response to a cache-fill request, it ordinarily returns the redirect to the client where a new request will be generated and submitted to the new location. The Follow Redirect option allows an additional custom header to be detected that enables special handling of redirects. Utilization of this feature retrieves the resource from the indicated redirect location, serves it to the end user, and stores it in cache as appropriate without the additional overhead required to return the request to the client. The origin server may attach a flag to specify the desired redirection behavior for a response. This feature can be implemented on a property-wide basis or restricted to particular resources via a typical match, such as for a path element or a resource file name extension. The feature has the following options: © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 66 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Option Definition header Inspect the response headers for the presence of an X-WR-Features: header. If present and the header contains the name/value pair follow=true, then the Follow Redirect mode is applied to this response. Otherwise, the redirect is processed normally always Always follow redirects when received for this property or resource unless the X-WR-Features: header is present and contains a follow=false directive never Do not process follow redirects for this property or resource Other Considerations This feature can be used recursively and will follow redirects up to an arbitrary depth (by default 32). This feature can be applied to the various ―flavors‖ of redirection (temporary and permanent) and can be configured to be applied to an arbitrary status code response. Large File Delivery Level 3 can normally support delivery of files up to 7 GB in size. Operations can work with a customer to develop custom configuration settings to deliver files sizes above 7 GB. See your sales engineer for more details. China In-Country Delivery In order to improve the speed and performance of delivery to end user located within China, delivering content from edgeservers located in-country is important. Without this option, all content is delivered to end users located within China from edgeservers outside of China. Level 3 currently supports only non-secure delivery within China with this option. The customer needs to sign a special Level 3 China contract amendment and have their own ICP license. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 67 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Streaming Features Dynamic Streaming Dynamic Streaming is a new feature Adobe has introduced into FMS 3.5. It is a new quality of service monitoring feature that detects any changes in end-users bandwidth and, during playback, automatically switches to a content bit-rate that more appropriately matches the quality of the end user‘s connection. This ensures a high quality, uninterrupted stream. Dynamic Streaming is ActionScript-controlled with newly introduced methods and requires Flash CS4 or Flash Player 10 and above to play the stream. Smooth Streaming Smooth Streaming is a new feature Microsoft has introduced into Silverlight. It adapts the quality of the video stream sent to the player in real-time based on the player‘s bandwidth and CPU load (for video rendering) by changing the stream sent to the player to either a higher or lower bandwidth version if available. The streams are delivered in chunks over HTTP. End users with faster video-processing capabilities and higher bandwidth receive higher quality streams, and those with slower processing or lower bandwidth receive a lower-quality stream that is appropriate for the capabilities and environment of their player. QuickTime X (iPhone) HTTP Streaming Apple has introduced QuickTime X which supports HTTP streaming. As with Smooth Streaming, it adapts the quality of the video stream sent to the player in real-time based on the player‘s bandwidth and CPU load by changing the stream sent to the player to either a higher or lower bandwidth version if available. The streams are delivered in chunks over HTTP along with the manifest. The player has to pull the manifest as it is not included with the chunks. Flash Scrubbing Flash ―scrubbing‖ refers to the use of various navigational elements to jump forward or backward in a media asset during progressive download playback. This is often implemented using various user interface elements on the player presentation such as forward/backward arrows, slider bars, ―chapter‖ indexes/jumppoints, etc. This capability is also sometimes referred to as ―FLV Seek‖. It is important to note that while standard player implementations typically include these functions (at least fwd/rew and play progress bar), these can be disabled via metadata in the media asset or by the customer ―wrapping‖ the core player window within a custom UI by skinning, or embedding on a web page. As such, there is no universal standard for implementing scrubbing or in-play navigation. It is up to each property and indeed the technical approach taken by the site developers. In the end, the effect of enabling in-play navigation is that the player can make a series of ―range requests‖ for portions of the media file. As is typically the case, if the file is being streamed (using the proprietary Flash Media Server) the player and the server have the appropriate interfaces to accomplish this natively. However, as Flash delivery via HTTP progressive download is starting to dominate many segments of the media delivery market, there are some issues that arise: • Range Request – When a scrubbing operation is performed, the player makes an associated ―range request‖ (request for certain bytes of the resource). While HTTP supports a standard range request format via request headers, the Flash player does not support manipulation of standard HTTP headers. This has tended to force developers to use non-standard practices for making range requests for Flash progressive download content. This is usually implemented using parameters or tokens within a query string • Metadata Stitching – When a portion of a media file is requested, the player expects the presence of metadata in the file describing the file, various keyframe indices, and other elements in order to © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 68 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA successfully render the partial ―chunk‖ of the media file. Alignment may also be required to ensure that the requested chunk starts at a keyframe and other factors specific to the Flash codecs, but these considerations are beyond the scope of this feature This feature is designed to deal with both of these pre-conditions to delivering partial content requests for Flash-encoded media content over HTTP. Implementation Flash scrubbing is enabled at the Property / Configuration Set level. The following parameters govern the behavior of this feature: • Scrubbable – a Boolean value that indicates that this feature is either enabled or not for this property (i.e., the feature is ―on‖ or ―off‖). Default is ―off‖ • Scrub_Extensions – specifies appropriate filetypes. The system checks the filetype/extension on the requested URL to ensure that it is one of the affected file types • Scrub_Tokens – identifies the URL ―Range Tokens‖ that will specify the starting and ending range values for the request in the Querystring element of the URL. As with other similar features, we allow the customer to specify the tokens that they use. This avoids creating a syntactic constraint on their publishing system, and better enables us to participate in a multi-vendor implementation scenario by providing flexibility around the format of the URL. The value of the tokens is a string literal that will be matched in the URL. Two possible tokens can be specified: Start – the token that will represent the starting byte of the range request (e.g., ―start‖, ―s‖, ―from‖, etc.) End – the token that will represent the ending byte of the range request (e.g., ―end‖, ―e‖, ―to‖, etc.) The following diagram depicts how Flash Scrubbing is supported by the CDN. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 69 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Figure 25: Flash Scrubbing Supported Flash Streaming Protocols The CDN platform supports RTMP, RTMPE, RTMPT, and RTMPTE. RTMPS is not supported. FCSubscribe Support Level 3 supports the Adobe FCSubscribe client-to-server call syntax that is used to begin sending the live Flash stream to the player and begin buffering and then playing. This call sends a message to the edgeserver to pull the live stream from the ingest server if it is not already being delivered to that edgeserver. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 70 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Vyvx Broadcast Services Level 3 Vyvx Broadcast Services We are America‘s largest provider of integrated video transmissions services, providing customers true end-to-end solutions using our network of fiber switching centers, teleports, and satellites. Level 3 Vyvx offers acquisition and distribution video services that the media industry has relied on for more than 18 years. We support your needs to transport broadcast-quality video content anywhere at any time with our 24 x 7 booking and customer care center, online vyvxInView® system, and Local Interconnectivity Directory (LID), all used to manage your video transmission needs. We offer both occasional and dedicated services, depending on your solution requirements. From our analog services to our digital standard definition (SD) and high definition (HD) offerings, our Level 3 Vyvx services set the pace for the media business by achieving industry-leading SLAs and by maintaining worldwide connectivity. Additional components of the Vyvx offering include: • Award-winning customer service and media industry expertise • Largest terrestrial HD footprint, as well as largest domestic teleport footprint • Fiber connectivity to more than 115 cities in the United States, Canada, UK, Continental Europe, and Japan • Direct connectivity to more than 100 professional sports venues in the United States and Canada • Full-service, 24 x 7 secure facilities staffed with an experienced and responsive team of professionals to provide trouble-free, reliable operations • Accessibility to all major television markets • Continual network investments to support your performance Terrestrial Service Offerings The Level 3 Vyvx portfolio is a suite of offerings to cover all video backhaul needs, from video conferencing and talking-head interviews, to dedicated cable content and live sports events. Also, our First Video Affiliate (FVA) partners are available for ad-hoc, U.S. video transmission and production needs by maintaining fulltime connectivity to our network. This provides end-to-end solutions for all types of media, including postproduction and graphic design services. Terrestrial services include Analog Transport, MPEG, Digital Transport, and HD offerings. Teleport and Satellite Service Offerings The Level 3 Vyvx offerings rely on three strategically located Teleports in Atlanta, Denver, and Los Angeles, which Level 3 owns and operates, in addition to 22 Virtual Teleport cities, which offer analog backhaul to the physical teleport facilities at no additional cost. Our Teleports offer a wide range of dedicated and occasional teleport and transponder services, including analog and digital transmission, encryption, standards conversion, HD encoding, tape playback and record, and colocation. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 71 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Live Encoding Services Level 3SM Encoding Services provides scalable, redundant, and cost-effective encoding as a facilitator for the delivery of IP-based live streaming content in the industry-leading formats. Today these formats are part of media platforms that include Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, and Apple QuickTime. Encoding is the process whereby a video source is converted from the format in which it was captured, usually ―uncompressed‖ (highest quality available) or of much higher quality, into a compatible format, typically ―compressed‖, that is suitable for IP-based delivery. Encoding is accomplished using software and hardware which is licensed as a product or service and ―codecs‖ which are compression algorithms that are used to reduce the size of content while maintaining various levels of quality. In contrast to on-demand encoding or transcoding, live encoding is the conversion of a ―live‖ video signal in one format, typically at broadcast quality, to a format that is suitable for IP-based live streaming delivery. Live encoding is a key component in the digital media workflow required to delivery IP-based live streaming content, which typically consists of the following: • Content creation (camera and production, onsite at the venue) • Signal acquisition (video signal transmission, commonly accomplished using terrestrial means or satellite downlink from the venue, ultimately to the encoding facility) • Live encoding (conversion of the live video signal into compatible formats for delivery online) • Distribution (ingest from the encoding facility into the appropriate networks, including Level 3 CDN) • Consumption (viewing of the content by the end user) • CDN Streaming Vyvx Broadcast Encoding Services Origin Storage Cache/Download Network Figure 26: Broadcast Encoding to Streaming Key features Key features include: • Geographically disperse locations for high availability, flexibility, and redundancy • Support for multiple sources of signal acquisition including: © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 72 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • • Fiber transmission using Vyvx services with SDI (SD and HD quality input signal sources) or ASI (SD only) Satellite downlink using Level 3 Teleport, Virtual Teleport, and consumer grade services Support for dedicated (24/7) and occasional use Multiple output streaming formats including: Microsoft Windows Media (VC1-encoded and H.264-encoded content) Adobe Flash (VP6-encoded and H.264-encoded content) Adaptive streaming Microsoft Smooth Streaming Adobe Dynamic Streaming Apple HTTP streaming for the iPhone* • Archive for on-demand playback* • DVR for rewind* • Site and stream level redundancy Supports the following value-added options: • Conditional access control. Protect (i.e., prevent unwanted possession and use) and target (e.g., serve different quality based on factors such as device) content at the ―link‖ and ―stream‖ levels through token authentication, geographic intelligence, and encryption (protocol and DRM) during and after a live event • Live DVR/PVR. Rewind and pause live streaming content during a live event • Auto-archive. Provide access to live streaming content after a live event is completed through true ondemand, file-based playback • Live content control. Prevent portions in live streaming content from being displayed (in accordance to content owner/publisher demands) automatically with a schedule defined using an Electronic Programming Guide (EPG), and optionally replace this content with a slate • Enhanced monitoring. Assurance that live streaming content is working as intended with automated and ―eyes on glass‖ support. This is above the standard guarantee that live streaming content is active (i.e., services are operating) © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 73 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Management Services Level 3 Media Portal The Level 3 Media Portal is a robust online customer tool, providing fingertip access to information at any time. As a single point of secure access, the portal provides a transparent interface to back-end source systems to offer more efficient resolution of service issues. The Portal also provides access to a broad set of functionality to view and manage service needs. Supported functions include ordering, ticketing, billing, network performance reports, and CDN functions. Viewing permissions are customized based on user-specific requirements. The CDN-based functions include Reporting and Invalidation. Reports may be viewed on-demand or scheduled for email delivery and may include URL-based information (hits, download sizes, errors, etc.), performance, and SLA compliance, as well as Property, regional, and storage usage. The Dashboard provides traffic data, including hits, sizes and times in map, list, and chart formats. Figure 27: Portal Dashboard URL-based data may display only the most popular resources or only those generating the most errors. The CDN Invalidation Portal provides on-demand invalidation of cached resources to assure the freshness of web-based content when automated expiration policies are insufficient. Resource designations may be identified in a web form, submitted from a file, or transmitted using a command line interface. Resources to be invalidated are identified by origin path using expressions with wildcards and flexible match-criteria. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 74 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Invalidations are broadcast to all applicable CDN servers in the network. The status of submitted invalidations may be monitored and reported as pending, in-process, or complete. See the on-line Help in the Media Portal for a complete description of the reporting and configuration features. Logging In addition to the reports available in the Level 3 Media Portal, standard and Remote Logs can be made available for customers to download. Analysis of transaction logs can provide insight into the utilization and performance of web sites, applications, content, and hardware/software resources, as well as being an invaluable tool for analyzing or debugging new or errant functionality. Response times, resource usage, traffic, trending, geographic patterns, errors, and a wealth of available information can be derived from the logs generated by CDN edgeservers. Since the volume of log data generated by a busy server can be extremely high, handling of the sizeable log files produced requires planning and consideration of potential value gained vs. the resources required to retrieve and analyze the data. Log volumes may be reduced by sampling (keeping only every nth entry) but are increased if Cookie:, Referer: or User-agent: (OS/Browser/Media player specifications) headers are needed. Standard log data may be retrieved for analysis and archival with the CDN Advanced Log Retrieval Tool (ALR). Versions are available for installation on Windows or UNIX workstations. Level3 CDN Standard Logs Level3 Log Collection Servers Customer Workstation With ALR Remote Logs / Download Receipts Customer Remote Logging HTTP Server Figure 28: Log Processing CDN Configuration Log generation at the edgeservers may be configured by the specification of options at the Configuration property level or for all properties belonging to a customer. Available options include: • Keep entries for standard log processing • Select entries for Remote Logging © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 75 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • Keep only every nth entry (sampling) • Log Cookie:, Referer:, or User-agent: (Browser/Media player specifications) headers Additionally, a configuration flag may indicate log suppression at the resource level using flexible patternmatching notation (e.g., images/*.jpeg). By default, the log file entries contain the entire URL, including the full query string, as presented by the end-user, even if CDN is configured to ignore query strings for the purpose of caching (QSHMode). Download Receipts (Remote Logging) The Download Receipts feature (Remote Logging) configures the CDN to notify a remote server about certain requests whose responses either served the last byte of the requested resource or resulted in an error. The edgeserver transmits the Download Receipts to the appropriate customer-designated Remote Logging collection server. With this feature enabled, the edgeserver sends data about these events as they occur instead of waiting for the standard log collection and reporting processes. The Download Receipt can include the following for each applicable event – timestamp, resource ID, URL, download size, download time, IP address, status codes, and flags. Current remote log records are collected on a time interval basis and forwarded to a collection point specified by the customer. The customer must host a suitable HTTP server with adequate transaction processing and storage capacity. See the Logging / Log Retrieval Remote Logging Technical Feature Brief for more details. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 76 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Professional Services Event Management Services Level 3 Communications offers an end-to-end, global Event Management service for online event delivery and support. We combine our signal acquisition experience with Level 3 Encoding services and CDN platform and deliver it to you with project management and professional services expertise. Our Event Management offering combines a powerful, end-to-end feature set with centralized project management and operations assistance. We connect you with the technical expertise and day-to-day assistance necessary to deliver mission critical events at the highest levels of performance. Our comprehensive platform reduces the need for multiple vendors to deliver and support both live and ondemand events, to offer you a uniquely qualified offering. Benefits End-to-End Delivery and Support for Online Events Our comprehensive platform reduces the need to work with multiple vendors to deliver and support online events. Tested Event Delivery Experience We combine a 20-year signal acquisition track record with our Encoding Services and CDN platform to bring proven services to online audiences. Combined Technology and Expertise Our powerful, end-to-end feature set is delivered with centralized project management capabilities and operations assistance to help bring high performance to your mission critical events. Service Details • Signal acquisition services (Level 3 Vyvx Services) • Level 3SM Encoding services (using Adobe Flash, Windows Media, Smooth Streaming, Apple QuickTime, and Move Networks technologies) • CDN services including progressive download delivery, streaming support and storage • Content Management System support (EU only) • Self-service provisioning tools • Reporting and analytics • Dedicated project management support • Dedicated technical resource support Integration Services Level 3 offers different levels of standard and custom integration services, depending on customer requirements. Integration services may include the following tasks: • Content delivery optimization • Customer token authentication generation and validation • Geo-blocking and geo-targeting rule set generation • Content ingest mechanism integration © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 77 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA • Video player implementation and integration • Provisioning of streaming mount points • Storage account configuration • Log file delivery automation • Third party CMS/DAM integration Level 3 is able to undertake custom integration services as required for specific customer implementations and projects. Cross-functional teams with appropriate domain expertise across Caching, Streaming, Storage, and ITM can be assembled as required to address specific integration requirements. Application Development Services In addition to Integration Services, Level 3 is able to undertake complex application development projects that leverage our content delivery platform. Specifically, Level 3 Media Delivery services comprise a set of application level components designed to enable management of online content. Media Delivery services provide comprehensive support for content management, protection, and monetization together with a flexible reporting package. Level 3 has extensive experience in the implementation and service management of customized application services. Specific functionality included in past implemented solutions includes: live and ondemand streaming facilities, Digital Rights Management (DRM), Geo-Targeting solutions, EPG (Electronic Program Guide) integration, Auto Archiving of live broadcasts, full reporting capabilities, transaction processing and subscriber management for paid content solutions. Project management methodology for custom application development follows Rational Unified Process (RUP) together with a combination of best practices in project management areas that are not covered by RUP. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 78 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix A: Using ASX Files Level 3‘s Microsoft Windows Media platform has the ability to use Advanced Stream Redirector files also known as ASX files. ASX files allow streaming links to be embedded as an abstraction method rather than directly exposing the streaming links to the media player. The example provided below is only for demonstration. <ASX version = "3.0"> <TITLE>Simple ASX Demo</TITLE> <ENTRY> <TITLE>An Entry in a Simple ASX</TITLE> <AUTHOR>Level 3 Communications</AUTHOR> <COPYRIGHT>(c)2008 Level 3 Communications, LLC</COPYRIGHT> <REF HREF = "mms://Level 3media/testFile.wmv" /> </ENTRY> </ASX> Advanced ASX functionality such as generating dynamic library lists and inserting playback times is beyond the scope of this document. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 79 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix B: Firewall Port Access Some end users have very restrictive firewall policies and do not allow unfettered access to the Internet. It may be necessary to open up specific ports in order to enable streaming media to be played back by the end user. The following is a list of IP ports that should be enabled in order to allow for streaming services: Microsoft Windows Media Application Protocol Protocol Port Number Description MMS UDP/TCP 1755 A proprietary protocol used with earlier versions of the Media Player. Often still used as the default streaming protocol as it assures compatibility with end users. Level 3‘s streaming service is designed to take advantage of rollover capability where Level 3 first attempts to connect to the player using UDP and then rollover to TCP. The MMS protocol was depreciated with version 9 of the Microsoft Media Player; however, it can be used with current Media Players. MMS is only used as a rollover protocol in Windows Media Player 11. MMSU UDP 1755 Forces requests to only use UDP as the protocol HTTP TCP 80 Secure streaming. Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) TCP 554 Streaming RTSP over TCP. Not backwards compatible with older Windows Media Players. RTSPU UDP 5005 Forces the RTSP request over UDP only. Not compatible with older Windows Media Players. Application Protocol Protocol Port Number Description RTMP UDP 1935 Default streaming port RTMPe UDP 443 Secure streaming RTMP UDP 80 Streaming over HTTP RTMPt TCP 80 Tunneling RTMP within HTTP packets Adobe Flash The Level 3 streaming platform will progresses through the various ports in an attempt to connect to the end user. It is recommended that customers specify the protocol to improve startup time and minimize the cycling time that the end user player would otherwise go through as it progresses through the various port options. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 80 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix C: Protocol Rollover Level 3‘s streaming platform supports protocol rollover to help mitigate issues with NAT and firewall devices. If the customer specifies a generic protocol such as RTSP or RTMP, the end user player will attempt various connection options with the edge Level 3 streaming media server until it finds a suitable port/transport method for stream delivery. Windows Media When Windows Media Player 9 Series or later or a player that uses the Windows Media Player 9 Series ActiveX control tries to connect to the server using a Microsoft Media Server (MMS) URL moniker (mms://) in the connection URL to a streaming content, for example: mms://Server_Name/File_Name.wma The server automatically delivers the content by using RTSP. 1. The server will try to deliver the content using RTSP with TCP-based transport (RTSPT). 2. If the Player does not support that protocol, then the server tries to deliver the content using RTSP with UDP-based transport (RTSPU) 3. If that connection is also not successful, the server will try to deliver the content by using the HTTP protocol When an earlier version of the Player, such as Windows Media Player for Windows XP, tries to connect to the server using a URL with an mms:// prefix, the server automatically try to deliver the content by using the HTTP protocol. As mms continues to be used as the default streaming protocol, it has been depreciated by Microsoft. However, the Level 3 streaming platform will auto negotiate to an acceptable port. A specific transport can be forced to use a protocol such as RTSPT, RTSPU, MMSU, or MMST. If a particular protocol is specified and the client player to connect, the Windows Media Server will not attempt to auto negotiate to a different delivery protocol. Adobe Flash The end user client will attempt to auto negotiate its port/protocol differently depending upon which protocol is initially requested. RTMP – Real Time Messaging Protocol 1. If the port is not specified, the server will attempt to connect over port 1935 2. The sever/client will then attempt to negotiate a handshake over port 443 3. Subsequently, the server/client will attempt to connect via RTMPT over port 80 RTMPe – Encrypted Real Time Messaging Protocol (available with Secure Flash Streaming) Requires Flash Player 9,0,115,0 minimum; Adobe AIR; Adobe Media Player 1. If the port is not specified, the server will attempt to connect over port 1935 2. The sever/client will then attempt to negotiate a handshake over port 443 3. Subsequently, the server/client will attempt to connect via RTMPTE over port 80 RTMPt – Real Time Messaging Protocol via TCP (encapsulated RTMP over HTTP) 1. The server/client will attempt to handshake over port 80 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 81 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA RTMPte – Encrypted Real Time Messaging Protocol via TCP (available with Secure Flash Streaming) 1. The server/client will attempt to handshake over port 80 Notes RTMPS and SSL encrypted delivery of RTMP streams is not supported. H.264 playback in Flash Player supports most popular profiles including Base, Main, and HiP (High Profile). The F4V format will be a new format moving forward that is a subset of MPEG-4 ISO 14496-10 and AAC+ (ISO 14496-3). © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 82 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix D: Legacy Flex Token Support Token Types Level 3 supports two different token types. The Flex token is supported as a legacy feature and should only be used when compatibility with existing implementations is required. The Standard token should be used in all new implementations. Each can be used with both streaming and with caching services. Flex Token Standard Token Hash Algorithm MD5 HMAC-SHA1 Hash Contents Take the full URL and remove the protocol, hostname, and unneeded query string parameters Take the full URL and remove the protocol, hostname, and unneeded query string parameters Add start time, end time, #SharedSecret Add any desired arbitrary or time validity tokens Time Format yyyymmddHHmmss in GMT or in epochseconds yyyymmddHHMMSS in GMT or in epochseconds SaltValue/SecretKey The key should be expressed as a string value less than 64 characters and should not include the following Special Reserved Characters: ASCII character string of up to 64 bytes No Reserved characters <>\?%&'#"{}|^[]*~$ Secret Table No Yes, up to 10 active secrets with Validity Times for the secrets Hash / Token Length in URL 32 characters / 120 characters 20 characters / 21 characters Token Query String Parameter Name token Configurable, for example ―hash=‖ Base64 Encoded Yes, start time, end time, and the hash are Base64 encoded to create the token No Start/End parameter names start_time= and end_time= Configurable, for example ―stime=‖ and ―etime=‖ First character designates secret number used, then first 20 characters of calculated hash Figure 29: Comparison of Flex and Standard Tokens © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 83 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix E: Perl Self-Generated Token Code Sample for Standard Token #!/usr/bin/perl # Sample code Copyright (C) 2009, Level 3 Communications LLC # This sample requires perl modules freely available from CPAN. # To obtain the needed modules, use e.g., "cpan -i Digest::HMAC" ## Parameters you would normally obtain from your configuration $gen = "3"; # secret key generation number (0-9) $key = "There's no place like home!"; # secret key ## Process an abspath URI $uri = "/path/to/resource?sessionid=12345"; # the URI to authenticate print "Orig URI: $uri\n"; $hash = ComputeHash($gen, $key, $uri, \$error); # Compute the hash code $uri .= "&misc=abcde"; # Append a non-authenticated element $uri .= "&hash=$hash"; # Append the hash code print $hash ? "New URI: $uri\n" : "$error\n"; print "\n"; # Import the HMAC-SHA1 library use Digest::HMAC_SHA1 qw(hmac_sha1 hmac_sha1_hex); # ComputeHash() - compute the hash authenticator to append to a URI # # Parameters: # IN $gen: A number 0-9 identifying the key generation number # IN $key: A character string key between 20 and 64 bytes long # IN $uri: The URI, less the hash code, to be authenticated # OUT $rerr: Reference to scalar to return any error message # # Returns the hash string value if successful, otherwise returns undef # and an error string via $$rerr sub ComputeHash { © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 84 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA my ($gen, $key, $uri, $rerr) = @_; # Most of this error checking would not be necessary in a production # environment - it is provided for illustration of usage only. $$rerr = "ERROR: Invalid GEN value", return undef unless $gen =~ /^\d$/; $$rerr = "ERROR: Invalid key length", return undef unless length($key) >= 20 && length($key) <= 64; $$rerr = "ERROR: No URI provided", return undef unless $uri; # compute the hash and check to be sure it worked my $hmac = hmac_sha1_hex($uri, $key); $$rerr = "ERROR: Failed to compute hash!", return undef unless defined($hmac); return sprintf "%1.1s%20.20s", $gen, $hmac; } © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 85 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix F: Perl Self-Generated Token Code Sample for Standard Token #!/usr/bin/perl # # Level 3 Communications # October 1, 2008 # generateToken Function # # Creates a base64 token to use with # Level 3 Communications CDN Streaming Token Authentication feature # Server must be using GMT # # Input: String, StreamURL # Output: String, Token (32-character hexadecimal md5 hash) # use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use MIME::Base64; sub generateToken($url) { # CUSTOMER - Change to your Customer Secret Key $key = "secret"; # CUSTOMER - Change to token expiration time (in seconds) $delay = 600; # CUSTOMER - Use debug flag and logfile for troubleshooting $debug = "false"; $logfile = "c:/logs/TokenGenerator.log"; # Set start_time to current time (Format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss) ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime(time); $start_time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); # Set end_time to current time plus delay (Format: YYYYMMDDHHmmss) ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime(time + $delay); $end_time = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec); # Create resource_path from url (remove protocol, hostname, port, queries & fragments) $resource_path = $url; $resource_path =~ s#^.*://([A-Za-z0-9_:\.\-]+){1}/#/#; # remove queries or fragments $resource_path =~ s#[\?\#].*##; # Create message (Format: ResourcePath?start_time=StartTime&end_time=EndTime#SecretKey) © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 86 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA $message = $resource_path."?start_time=".$start_time."&end_time=".$end_time."#".$key; # Create digest by md5 encoding the message $digest = md5_hex($message); # Create token_value (Format: start_time=StartTime&end_time=EndTime&digest=Digest) $token_value = "start_time=".$start_time."&end_time=".$end_time."&digest=".$digest; # Create token by base64 encoding the token_value $token = encode_base64($token_value); # Remove any carriage returns inserted into token by encode function $token =~ s#\n##g; # If debug flag is set, write values to logfile if ($debug eq "true") { open (FD, '>>', $logfile); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = gmtime(time); $date = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $mon+1, $mday, $year+1900, $hour, $min, $sec); print FD "$date - TokenGenerator Debug Output:\r\n ResourcePath-$resource_path\r\n Message-$message\r\n TokenValue-$token_value\r\n Token-$token\r\n"; close (FD); } # Return token return $token; } 1; © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 87 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix G: Flex Token Format Token URL Format Level 3‘s URL that contains a Token follows a simple construct as follows… Protocol://Hostname/Level 3_SubscriberID/ContentLocation/TokenString Protocol is the protocol used in delivering content, which is typically associated with the format type of the content, such as: (1) mms and rtsp for Windows Media; and (2) rtmp and rtmpe for Flash. Hostname can be an external or Level 3-generated sub-domain from the domain. Level 3_SusbcriberID is a unique billing identifier provided by Level 3 and used for reporting and billing purposes. TokenString contains all the necessary attributes for authentication that includes: 1. Delimited list of Files: All files associated to a common media content, that needs to be secured under a single token, are included in the query string (QS) parameter and delimited with a ―;‖. The files also have to begin with a ―/‖ and are identified as resource= in the QS element. Windows Media example Adobe Flash example rtmp:// ource=/sampleVideo 500k;/sampleVideo800k.mp4;/sampleVideo1500k.mp4 In the above example, the Flash Media Server is instructed to start on the 500k content and is preapproved to allow transition changes to the 800k & 1500k files without needing additional tokens. 2. HMAC-SHA1 Hash: The other part of the query string (QS) is the hashed token itself. This is included after the delimited list of resources and identified as token=. Windows Media example Adobe Flash example rtmp:// ource=/sampleVideo500k;/sampleVideo800k.mp4;/sampleVideo1500k.mp4?token=0 46787b876e7539d78cc9 The token itself is made up of: • ―Start Time‖ or ―Not Valid Before‖ • ―Stop Time‖ or ―Not Valid After‖ • ―SaltValue/SecretKey‖ that is then hashed together Start and Stop times are in UTC/GMT format, for example: yyyymmddHHMMSS © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 88 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA SaltValue / SecretKey is an ASCII character string of up to 64 bytes On-Demand Flash .flv Streaming Token Example Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: rtmp:// 00kbps.flv Start Time: 20080101120000 End Time: 20101231235900 Customer Key: secret ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/rtmp/sampleVideo300kbps.flv Message: /xyzmedia/rtmp/sampleVideo300kbps.flv?start_time=20080101120000&end_time=201 01231235900#secret Digest: f06471ef3c5b2795576797463a4f8afb TokenValue: start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231235900&digest=f06471ef3c5b2795576 797463a4f8afb Flex Token: c3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9 ZjA2NDcxZWYzYzViMjc5NTU3Njc5NzQ2M2E0ZjhhZmI= URL: rtmp:// en=c3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc 3Q9ZjA2NDcxZWYzYzViMjc5NTU3Njc5NzQ2M2E0ZjhhZmI= On-Demand Flash .mp4 Streaming Token Example Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: rtmp:// 00kbps.mp4 Start Time: 20080101120000 End Time: 20101231235900 Customer Key: Secret ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/rtmp/sampleVideo300kbps.mp4 Message: /xyzmedia/rtmp/sampleVideo300kbps.mp4?start_time=20080101120000&end_time=201 01231235900#Secret © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 89 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Digest: f06471ef3c5b2795576797463a4f8afb TokenValue: start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231235900&digest=f06471ef3c5b2795576 797463a4f8afb Flex Token: c3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9 ZjA2NDcxZWYzYzViMjc5NTU3Njc5NzQ2M2E0ZjhhZmI= URL: rtmp:// MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9ZjA2NDcxZWYzYzViMjc5 NTU3Njc5NzQ2M2E0ZjhhZmI=/mp4:xyzmedia/sampleVideo300kbps When calling NetStream.Play(), the mp4: prefix must be included in the ‗name‘ parameter to identify the file as an .mp4 file type, as follows: var nc = new NetConnection(); nc.connect("rtmp://host[:port]/app/ins?token=value", ...); ... ... NetStream.Play (“mp4:xyzmedia/sampleVideo300kbps”, ...); On-Demand Windows Media Streaming Token Example Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: rtsp:// wmv Start Time: 20080101120000 End Time: 20101231235900 Customer Key: Secret ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/sample/sampleVideo300kbps.wmv Message: /xyzmedia/sample/sampleVideo300kbps.wmv?start_time=20080101120000&end_time=2 0101231235900#Secret Digest: 4a524c3794615863d54020a272ab2f49 TokenValue: start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231235900&digest=4a524c3794615863d54 020a272ab2f49 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 90 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Flex Token: c3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9 ZmIwYTMwZDg4NDEyMzQ5NDk1NTMyZDZiOGUwZWZiOTY= URL: rtsp:// cnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9ZmIw YTMwZDg4NDEyMzQ5NDk1NTMyZDZiOGUwZWZiOTY= Live Flash Streaming Token Example Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: rtmp:// tream Start Time: 20080101120000 End Time: 20101231235900 Customer Key: Secret ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream Message: /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231 235900#Secret Digest: c5b58df76e212e2db9ec26845ac6fec8 TokenValue: start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231235900&digest=c5b58df76e212e2db9e c26845ac6fec8 Flex Token: c3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9 YzViNThkZjc2ZTIxMmUyZGI5ZWMyNjg0NWFjNmZlYzg= URL: rtmp:// RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9Yz ViNThkZjc2ZTIxMmUyZGI5ZWMyNjg0NWFjNmZlYzg= Live Windows Media Streaming Token Example Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: mms:// Start Time: 20080101120000 End Time: 20101231235900 Customer Key: Secret © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 91 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/liveStreams Message: /xyzmedia/liveStreams?start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231235900#Secr et Digest: d8e3625db57d27e4607ce63215608236 TokenValue: start_time=20080101120000&end_time=20101231235900&digest=d8e3625db57d27e4607 ce63215608236 Flex Token: c3RhcnRfdGltZT0yMDA4MDEwMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9 ZDhlMzYyNWRiNTdkMjdlNDYwN2NlNjMyMTU2MDgyMzY= URL: mms:// wMTEyMDAwMCZlbmRfdGltZT0yMDEwMTIzMTIzNTkwMCZkaWdlc3Q9ZDhlMzYyNWRiNTdkMjdlNDY wN2NlNjMyMTU2MDgyMzY= © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 92 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix H: Standard Token Format Live Flash Streaming Token Example for Player Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: rtmp:// tream Not-valid-before Keyword stime stime: 20080101120000 Not-valid-before Keyword etime etime: 20101231235900 Secret #: 0 Customer Key: SecretWord Token Name hash (Optional) Included Customer Name-Value Pair: CustomerID=1234 ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream Message: /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?CustomerID=1234&stime=20080101120000&etime= 20101231235900 Digest: d80e2320f8e192a7caa7 Standard Token: 0d80e2320f8e192a7caa7 URL: rtmp:// ID=1234&stime=20080101120000&etime=20101231235900&hash=0d80e2320f8e192a7caa7 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 93 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Live Flash Streaming Token Example for Secure Ingest Parameter Example Input Streaming URL: rtmp:// tream Not-valid-before Keyword stime stime: 20080101120000 Not-valid-before Keyword etime etime: 20101231235900 Secret #: 0 Customer Key: SecretWord Token Name hash (Optional) Included Customer Name-Value Pair: CustomerID=1234 Event Keyword: event Event: Publish ResourcePath: /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream Message: /xyzmedia/liveStreams/testStream?CustomerID=1234&stime=20080101120000&etime= 20101231235900&event=Publish Digest: 6c8b1bea1b6d313092f9 Standard Token: 06c8b1bea1b6d313092f9 URL: rtmp:// ID=1234&stime=20080101120000&etime=20101231235900&event=Publish&hash=06c8b1b ea1b6d313092f9 © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 94 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Appendix I: Jeroen Wijering (JW) FLV Media Player The sample embedded Flash code referencing the JW FLV Media Player is only for demonstration purposes and is neither an endorsement nor should be considered a commercial license to use the Jeroen Wijering player. Jeroen Wijering has an easy to use Web-based form that automatically generates the code base and extended functionality using the JW player with a few simple inputs. The following web form can be used to help test the proper syntax to ensure that the Level 3 Flash streaming service is operating. Figure 30: Excerpt from JW Setup Wizard The file name includes the .flv extension. This may not be the case with other Flash players and it may be necessary to remove the extension in order to ensure proper playback. The file extension may be particularly important with stand alone Flash players that need to associate the file MIME type with the player or in the case where the same asset name is available in different formats, e.g., .mp3 and .flv. © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 95 Confidential & Proprietary – Subject to NDA Figure 31: Output of JW Setup Wizard © 2010 Level 3 Communications, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Page 96