Term 1, Week 9, 2016 - Gulgong Public School
Term 1, Week 9, 2016 - Gulgong Public School
IN TUNE GULGONG PUBLIC SCHOOL PART OF CUDGEGONG LEARNING COMMUNITY “Learning Today Leading Tomorrow” PO BOX 291, GULGONG, NSW, 2852 Ph: 02 6374 1622 Fax: 02 6374 1608 Email: [email protected] Term 1 – Week 9 Monday, 21 March 2016 Principal’s Message Congratulations To: The Girl’s and Boy’s Cricket Teams who have competed admirably in the NSW PSSA Knockout Competition recently. This Week “Harmony Day” March 21st – “circle of friendly hands” at each room Easter Hat Parade – March 23rd – 11.00am followed by “parent picnic” & P&C BBQ (orders will be sent home soon) Hats will be made at school; all children receive a small egg; noncompetitive. Raffles and prizes. Everyone is welcome. Paparazzi trip to Royal Easter Show March 24th Combined Easter Scrip ture Thursday 9.30 - 10.30 To: Rugby League players selected to represent Cudgegong Zone: 11’s Daine , Jasmine , Joshua West, Oliver, Te’A , Harrison, Blake Open’s Riley, Ethan To: Year 2 students who have been conducting the Infants Weekly Assembly very competently. Well done. To: Students graded in the Dento Ryu Karate Club including Gulgong students Bryant (Shodan Ho) and Renee (7th Ryu Ho yellow belt) Coming Up “Joffas’s Toon School” – Anti-Bullying Thursday March 31st Senior Citizen’s Concert April 5th Disco April 7th “Punk” Theme – proceeds to Stewart House ANZAC Day Monday April 25th – children marching dressed up to commemorate “Women in War” – nurses, ‘land army’ ( some costumes available from school) NAPLAN May 10,11,12 for Years 3 & 5 Henry Lawson Festival June Long Weekend Thank You To: Parents who support our sports teams with vital transport. The students would miss out if not for your invaluable help. “Harmony Day” Monday March 21st is a day set aside to think about tolerance and acceptance of diversity. Students in each class will paint a “circle of friendly hands” to place at the door of their classroom to help make everyone feel valued and welcome. Page 1 Term 1 – Week 9 Monday, 21 March 2016 Paparazzi Team & Ten Dollar Circus News P&C News P&C meets on the first Wednesday each month at 5.30pm in the Staffroom. The next meeting is Wednesday April 6th at 5.30 in the staffroom. The minutes of each P&C Meeting are posted on the school’s website. Gulgong Markets on Easter Saturday 8.30 -12.30 at Coronation Park. Many thanks to all members of the P&C for your ongoing support of the school. The Gulgong Pensioners and Superannuants have booked the circus for Sunday April 10th from 12.00 – 1.00 at the RSL. As this is the first Sunday of the term holidays I will need a firm commitment from students for this one. All parents are welcome to attend P&C meetings and to contact the committee on matters to do with the school. Canteen The Canteen operates on a volunteer basis under Managers Tina Doherty & Maree Papworth. More volunteers are always sought. If you can spare any time to help in the canteen just contact Tina or Maree on 63 741060. You can also just walk in and make yourself known at any time. The Paparazzi have 25 photos entered into this year’s Royal Easter Show and we will be going down for the day to the Show on Thursday March 24th. The Paparazzi Team have been very successful at the Sydney Royal Easter Show for the past few years. Since first entering the Show in 2013 Gulgong Public School Paparazzi Club members have won the following prizes: Madeline Jackson 2nd prize and Highly Commended; Isabelle Davies 1st Prize, 3rd Prize and Highly Commended; Summer McPhail 1st Prize; and Mark Germon 2nd Prize. Phantom news Phantom Softball has finished for this season. Phantom Softball may start up again at the start of Term 4 if there is sufficient interest. All players should hand back the Phantom shirts ASAP please. Now in 2016 Blake Power has won 2nd prize for his photo of a cicada; Mia Smith has won 3rd Prize for her atmospheric “selfie”; and Katie Morrison has been Highly Commended for a photo of lemurs at Taronga Zoo. Please ask non-GPS players for their shirts back too. School Web Site The Gulgong Public School Web Site is at the following address: www.gulgong-p.schools.nsw.edu.au This is an outstanding record of achievement in such a prestigious competition and one of which we are very proud. Well done to everyone who takes photos at Gulgong Public School – you are all contributing to a marvellous tradition. Please feel free to visit the site for information and photos of activities going on in our school for and with your children. There is a wealth of information about programs, policies and activities at the school. SCHOOL NEWS $10 Note Commemorative Photos are still available at any time. Orders may be made to the School Office on 63741622 or at the Gulgong Markets. They are available in 2 sizes – A4 and A3, framed or unframed. Easter Hat Parade BBQ/Picnic Please come along and join us for a BBQ or bring your picnic lunch on Wednesday 23rd March, 2016 commencing at 11.00am. Help is needed with the BBQ on the day. If you are available to help, please phone the school office 6374 1622. Page 2 Term 1 – Week 9 Monday, 21 March 2016 CRUNH N SIP Crunch & Sip is a set break everyday. Please ensure your child has fresh fruit or vegetables (cut ready) to eat each day during this time. You are invited to our Grandparents and seniors’ Celebration On Tuesday, 5th April 2016 in the GPS School Hall Concert and Morning Tea commencing at 10a.m. If you could help on the day from 9.00am - 11.30am it would be greatly appreciated, just call the school office 6374 1622. Easter Egg Raffle Please return all sold/unsold Eater Egg raffle tickets to the school office ASAP. Co Operation What is Co Operation? Cooperation is working together for the good of everyone. It is a willingness to respect others and to follow rules which keep everyone safe and happy. Cooperation is being helpful to one another, sharing the load. It is joining others in order to do something that cannot be done alone. COMMUNITY NEWS AUSSIE HOOPS To register online for aussie hoops Aussiehoops.com.au $85 registration cost includes: Aussie hoops back pack, ball, reversible singlet etc Registration fee, court costs, participation medal. Why Practice It? Without cooperation, people disturb others. They don’t care about the rules, and they don’t seem to care about others. When we work together, we can often accomplish more than each of us could do alone. When we cooperate, we can do great things. How Do You Practice It? Being cooperative is being willing to go along in order to get along. We are respectful of the rules. We consider other people’s needs. We look for ways to be helpful, and we ask for help when we need it. Cooperation helps us bring together the ideas of many so that a new idea can come to light. Working together, we can make any place a safe and happy one. Affirmation I am cooperative. I work and play well with others. I respect the rules. I keep myself and others safe. Page 3 Term 1 – Week 9 Monday, 21 March 2016 SPONSORS WANNA JUMP JUMPING CASTLES Hire a Jumping Castle for your next event. Business Promotions Ph: 0407 745 100 Gulgong Timber and Hardware For all your Building, Plumbing Farming and Gas supplies Ph: (02) 6374 2199 SHAHN’S FAMILY DAY CARE 6 WHITE ST, GULGONG ALMAC HARDWARE & WELDING SUPPLIES PHONE: 0403 187 720 ABN 99 511 302 547 7 INDUSTRIAL AVENUE, GULGONG 2852 FOR MORE INFORMATION Ph: 63741247 Fax: 63741297 Email [email protected] Allan McSweyn Mobile 0428 600 498 RHONDA WATT MUSIC STUDIO A.MUS.A L.MUS.A LTCL Tuition in Piano, Flute, Clarinet, Violin, Theory. STUDIO 9 Beauty Therapist All levels and ages catered for. KELLY’S Facials, Waxing, Massage, Manicures, Body Wraps, Tinting, Pedicures Experienced teachers. 66 Rouse St, Gulgong 2852 Phone: (02)6374 1344 (02) 6374 2445 Tallawang St, Gulgong, NSW, 2852 Page 4